.L.. if . use {M3 . ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ , » ‘ .5... _-mmuuqn: ,, . . .1... . . oi . . ‘ \ m . . .w...;1.€..... .,.,.x._.+.... . . ‘ . 3.? up ....£..V ..m..u.wL . . . . 2: .7: 2... ... . . . . . . . . n _......,....,. . . . . ,wM_.:.,.5# cxfi. . . , ...o../.e..... .2 1.... . o p ; c .1 twin“. . /rw» % \//Z, .:,. we _ M, «W m§.§\\m /f . ‘ V j . ‘ « ,_ ‘ .:v.‘ 4 % T H E .‘,“_, 4 . A4 V. A ? AGom*ewi»fg't’v?%C*£r4vg¢AL4:tf ~ . ~ i % 11+” " *1 1 '7' ' F“)'/§$”' ' '- " «ml _ V {:J*..";£.‘»-v"=‘-""~=.-%i'.C.-" ' M M. .. 1?ifint¢dV%f'0r% R=R0 FY 3 ‘rs 0 r3I’;4,A=1t%;tIi¢ Angdf ‘ ‘ if?-y§.A}IVVi°‘1an¢"61 1:6 49: t at» >ei?ix ac? x~nt*"Tfi— ‘:6 =4’? ‘”>t >F7"5iit _ _ % a ‘ -x. _A -x at -1! -3: ~K ’K‘;(.7)<>‘.:)(;§.d)<){.iK)(-r">(a.,‘J¢-‘X361.-’(2€.l X'x'iJ.l-i X >6 . tetra; K a<+:<~~xa<~x ~x+'« kt it '-xf"‘K_ 7“ For M”.e/{/ex. Hendezfim V W-wv am: A955 TIE.$'fi:;fl P4p.er._ Mr. Hmderfim, i M t t i A A Knotv very well whatagreat dill i V advantage it is for Me, to maintairi ' ‘ an Argument of Divinity withifc) \ ~ ‘ able and learned a man as your «V 7 fclf, it being yQltJ1'2fI'l0fi My pro- feHion;, which really was the cauf: that made‘ Me dcfite to hear fome Iearnedjman argue My Opinion with you, ofwhofeabilitics Imight V be confident, that Iihould not be led into an Etront, ifnrwant Ofhaving allwhich could be faidsi*1ay'6d.0pen unto Me: For indeed,‘ My humiéur is 1' nth, that I am flfill partiall for that :; §ide,i%iwhic11 I imagine fufiers for the weaknefle ,t.’~t:’§ftI1ofe that tnaintainc it; aliwayes thinking I “that squall ‘Ci13.Ifl.piiQflS..-WOUldwC3,fl5 the bal-- 7 Jiance on the other paint; Yet fincet that yolili“ (thinking that it w‘1t11t”ratv“etimc) defire to got: another way,«IiLfl1a11~ notiicontefl: with youin V it, but treating ybnashlgllyPI1yifitian,gixzcA ’ ‘ M, W -" 9:.‘ i-. ‘ ,,\ -, . “ ‘ i ' . _ ‘ .n,,..‘“ 3 HQ MA} as ‘r I E s firfi {Paper} leave to take your own way of cure; onely I a thought fit to warne you, left if you, (not I ) flaould be miftaken in thlfip r you would be faine A (inamanner) to begin anew. . i , .. . ‘Then know that from My Infaney.I was i bleft with the King My Fathers love,’ which; I thank God, was an unvaluable ha pi'nefl"ef to Me, all his dayes, and among all is cares’ for My education, his chief was, to fettle Me i right in Religion, in the true Knowledge of which, he made himfelffo eminent to all the World, that, I am fute, none can call in que- fiion the brightneife of his Fame in that parti- cular, without fhewing their own ignorant ba fe Malice : He it was,who laid in Me the Grounds ofChrifiianity, which to this day I have been COflfial‘llIlI'l5 {'0 that Whether the tvorthinefli: A of My Inf’t“tu]]‘e the Polemiekehetweeh the Papifls and 4 ~ A m, and hmwg ourfeleves, ahoeet the matter now in hand, thefe memy yeere: pefl. _e 2. Sir_.,Whm I eohfider yaeer1:1zzjeflz'e:,'ea':ecezte'm a under the hand: qffhrehda Father, the length of time wherehz year dvmje/Zy heath htehfeiledm A %e A your l'6 A M.A4A1.nx: Ha rm 1: 1=gspN‘s firfi Paper‘; yourfrioeoiples ofClzorob-Go'velr}omenf :, tloe Ari” V gotmeflts which heme oontimoofly " zozdpriwote and Iaoolique, efieciolly of late at Oxfor ‘, jifledyoor (.714 4}‘ eflze: eore: for the Divine rzgbtt/oereof"; yam; Corozeetiozd ootla 3 and dlwers State-reezfom wbicbyoor Mojefly dot}: not mention 3 I oloe not xaiooeoleogzoor tloinee it anyflrowogel t/Jz’og,‘téet your Lmojejly‘ bot}; zzototeflr/Z given place to 4 eon- ltmry impreffiofi. I oememlaer elm‘ tbefemeozee Joannes Picus Mirandula proruetb 6} irrefro- getlvle Reaflm: ( w/aiechno rational! more willooow trodioi ; Tlmt no mam/mob fo rntooltpor-oer over In; lonme unelerifemding, ‘etc! to mo/ee loimfelfe £ve—- liew nfiloot /oe will, or toltloin/ee that to be two wheel: be reafor: tellet/2 him isfolfe 5 mzoelo lefl: ‘:3’ itftflzoleflr em mom to have 6125 reofooteoma Fmozzdeei by the will, or at tlae pleofoore ofzmo- t/Ber. " A [ A 2. Itlrk 4 tmeflzying‘ oftloe Sohooleme:n,:VOIun~ tlas imperat intelleétui quoacficxercitium, non. “ equoad fpccificationcm, Mimlowne will, or tloe will of emotloer may oommemel me to tloiieke zojzon a matter; boot no will or oomrmzozl om ooze roioe me to determine otloerwife zfben myrezzfolz‘ too- claetb me. Tet Sir, I lit??? yozer; Lmojeflywill eeknowleolgre, (lforyome Paper proflefletbno leffe) elm: ooooroling to toe flying of Ambrofc, Non A ’efi‘pudlQr ad meliora. tranfirca It 1?: neitloerfioezee 1 razor [lmme to change to the better : Symmachus 2» one of lozlrfipflles ‘(I think: to the Emperoor 4 » %¢ ThC0d©j M. An Ex:HE~M 13 1! at slows firfi Piper.” 3y? e Thcoddfi us tmd Va1?entinie.n)ab’edget/J o-ll tbofi moti-vex, from edtteetioo, fr9fl3’[97¢?fl‘7'1‘}7tl0fi of A time, from worldly profierity, ooieltbefi'o;tt“ifi2- itig condition of tbe ‘R0_?71d5'3 Empire, amifrom tbe Lowe: eftbe Loml, toeperfivoole tleem to ooze» fieoey in tbe eziteieot Pagan profeffion oftbefloa m.¢2o':,l ogoini? tbe imbmeietg of tbe Cbrifliett Feitb. Tbe like reezfom were ttfeol by tbe {fewer for Mofes ezgtziotfi Chrifl .3, emtlmety be tjeelbotb o for Popery otoolflor tbe iv Popoey it flelfe, agoizoff tbe neforrioetiote offleligiotz moo’ Cbttreb-Gorvemw e merit"; and tbercfore mo btwe too more /lteogtb etgoitofi‘ It Cbzmge now, tbtm lbey boil itoforeoeer times. ’ V V A A A .. 3f Bot yottr Mtzjefly may perbepejlzynfbot tbtit to perino principii, ‘anal tootbixog elfle bot tbe begging of tbe ,,Q5te/lion; tmol I eorofefle it were fa, tbere eon be too Reojoto: brougbt flor 4 Re- formeztioii or Clotmgee, your Moje y rervermees t/at Recformettion of {be Cbttreb o f England , to: i being done legally and oiderly, hotel by tbofle zobo boil tbe Reforming Power .~l 4tm’.I tloe not o'eoy,y but itwere to be zoi/lei, tbett Religiote tobere tbere as need, were IllW£tl£.€ Reformeel in tbet motetier, , ~ and by ftteb power, and tbtzt it were root commit- “tee! to tbe Preleztt, oobo borve gretttefl oteetl to be reformed tbemfilwes, not left to tbemoltitoele, to/oom lGoel_/lirretb top tobett Prime: ore ;oegli-- gent : Time eliel Jacob reform: bio owtie Femi- ly, Moles defiroyed the golden Colfe, tbegoool A ° A eftngs _ 3 A Me».-A L EX; H1; AND Hg B. so efirfl: Papcri ~ tjm.e__,- at that fath Reformation hath; heezt per: h fg,;'2‘g I eazzteot admit. wAfa toohe away Idolatry, hat heir Refot'tetattett was toot page-at; forjcho-V lfaphatoeetoaoezzeel the high Plates, yet was“ not hi! geformatioh pezfeét, for it was Hezekiah that hrahe the ehrafleoe Serpent, cmel Jofiah dtflroyeel ' the Ielol-.Tem]2les who therefote heareth their E»- Iogie, That hke unto .hei;r;i7‘*hthcrc tvas no’King before him. It :2: toawefll kttotwoelothat the tee.- fbrmatiozt of K. H611: 8. war moft ttteperfeéfifl the E fleatials of Doctrine, Worjhep, aael G'or't{e;ret- meat; And although it proceeded hy flame ele- lKz';2eg: gfjudah rej”ormea’ the eChtmrh lea theft J grees aft‘m:vara’;, yet the Government‘ who I26"ZJ6’r“ reformea’__, the heaa’ WM changed, Dominus non Dominium 5 area’ the whole ltmhs of the A;ett— ohrzfliaoz Hierarchy retained, apart whatfaaret and temptations offlvartoe and oflmhition, the...» great Enohaotters (ft/ze Clergy, I zaeea’ ‘hot e'x; prefe. A It war a hard faytag ofR“omanorum Mal1cusGrofied ofLincolne, That Reformat-— tiott was not to he ex_pel't‘eol,nifi in ore gladii cm-‘ A V hecntandi :' A yet this I mayfizy, that the La_oa’z'eea;2 la/htwarmmfflfle of reforteeatiote here, hath heme matter ofooezttetottetl eooelplatnt: to mate)! of ‘the; A A greater purity ofreformatiota. ‘I he glee} ofthol‘ Goal )1, ea title‘ Kingdom .-, oetafloa ofmore fohtfote wand flepaotatioet thetaertxer mar heard of in may o- .ther C hearth 5 and ofmtfleakahlegtieféeforrozv A a to other Chttrolzes, which God did hleffe with g?"€tl$' M. Amsi: Héhtwaj ER sosks A firfl: mper; 9* A works? we /an e zlcirer awed Nor; “Mr J!/;“/zzy-. 3 4 P J’ je by, that to”.yam'; comfirt Md iewerlbjiizggfbme 1 pmzfi qfgodly Jofiah may be m'zm’ei~ybzm ; .;g9l7I‘€/ayet will be m dzfixmzfia’ ta your myafl Fa-3 tber; 19;‘ Edward 6. or my at/yer relzgibm Priifl-P ce:i‘?b”eforc‘fyozt 5 °7m¢e of tbem bbrvi2¢‘g'f:2_fz¢z'm2 rm oppoftimjity mm by tbefinpreme prawdcigbe put ifltoyzittrliayall bands. My fbzzle trembletb to tbirzkgz23za!w*forefisae,n:/mt mbyyv:b”€tbc event, 2:;‘tbb':f'bppo7i"tg22zity be ;2¢gle6fea{.'" I ‘“a;2”i[1h;Mz'tber zifleitbé wordy. bf M01'deCay,hE'fi h.4; I4. mr nébat Savanarol:1.tala{;znotber Charles, bemufel bope A liettebf tbingi fram yam» Mdfbfly. A’ 4. Ta tbe pgrgzamezat brbztgbt by y‘ottrMd- jefly (wbicb I ibelietve none efyazzr JD‘0E?ar.r, bad tbcy been all zzbbxzt ynza, timid A ‘mire briefly Mb! yetflafw/ly mzdffrongly bzwe expreflwl ) [That ‘nothingwas retained in this Church»butac1‘- cording as it was deduced from the Apoflies ‘tho the confltant univerfall praéfife of t,h§,P1'i~ b tjnitixze Church 5 and that it was of fuch ci5n- fsq uénce,as by the alteration ofir, WC fhould deprive D1111‘ fclves of the lawfuineife of Pricifl- hook!” ( I tbimée your Mqzjcfly meme: 4 /awful! Mimzflry) and then how ‘theyy Sacraments canhbc V adiminiihcd, is eafic to judgc.] I bumblybflér tbefl? *cabfia’mzftiom .-f- Fizfljwbbt rm: iwt in tbe y . zimescftbe U1’ pofllex, 6'aI7¢J20fb££’ deduced from tbem 7.°‘Wefiy M Scotlandjt czlmzat b'é"b?70££gb7l, ' A tbzzt is bot tbere ban 5 bat ( wvtijo ibfifi‘ 770W.i77, A 4 to M.ALEJ{~t‘HE Nn1.=.nsoN’s firfl Paper} % aL12tea'rgy, andthihg: of that kind there wee ztefiteh Hierarchy, mfaeh deference hetwixt e A t Btjhep attda Preshyter its the times of the LA. patties, and therefore it eazertot theme he deda- A eed 3 fer I eeneeteve it to hem cleare as it it were writtett with a flea-heame, that Preehyter and Be’,/730}: are te the udpeftlee we and the fame.) _ thzwg-, ea majerity, tee iteeqetality er dgfereteee ef effiee, pewer, or degree hetwixe the one and the A ether, het a meeee identity ie all. 2?. That’ the U!" eftles ieteedieg to flet dettme the Ofihees and . Of. tee: of the Chztreh, and/Iheahiegfiw Ofiefi ef them, and of their gzft: and duties, and that, not ape” eeeafieze, hat effe-tiarpaje 5 due neither ex- . 1;:t”:*:”’::t:e,!:; B2/’ePef‘“* wr we r inf‘) 4 nag et eree that they have deflimftly azedpartiezdarl ex rejh ’ A . ‘ . J’ P the ef]%'e,‘gtfte, and dams ef the meamfl 0/fi-‘ eere,fttehaeDeaeen5. _ 3.. Thatiit the Ming/fiery ef the New Teflengent there :2: a camel}, heaatzi fall, and dirertzee order and faherdzetatioitg one ‘kind ev]‘”c.}’i/Iieeiffers hath erdieeary and extraer—- dinary heieg plated in degree and dzgnity me he- fere azeather, he the Jpzyfles the _Ereaage- lzfl.c,Pafl"ez»s._,1)ae'i‘ers, drc.» in their ezame ranks .- hztt we temeet find in Ofiieee efthefitme kind, A that we hath majority power)’, or giriority cgf he degree hefere aemthers, tee Apzfllea A we other ’ Apefllee ('.:e.e!eflTe 2'22 metal! re/fleets) 7ze”fEvua7zge-+ lg/t eZhfl‘TU6’ ether Ewaegeli 55 61;’ Deaeezt dh!:?‘Ie'-6 etheej A A M.AL1=.x:‘Hm§manson’s firfi Paper; It other Deaoom 2, why then a Paflor ahoweother Paflor: 2’ I22 all otherfort: of Miteifter: orelittary area’ extraorelmary a parity in their owae hind,» oaly ia the ofiiee tfPaflor an inequality. 4.‘That A the wholepower and all the part: of the Mimi-__ flry, which are eommoalyealled the power of A order and jurifdiétion, V arehy the Magoo/ile: ele- elareol to he common to the Preehyter anal Bzfhop .-. Ariel that Mat. i 5 .16, 17. the gradation in aoate ter of Dzfeiplihe or Chttroh-oetzfttres, .12: from ozte, to two, or more 3 atttl heflaall teegleéi them, tell it to the Chareh; he faztheoot, tell it to the Bi/hop ; there it no plate left to a retrogradatiotz A from more to orze, werehe rterverfo eminent. theft eortfieleratiote: tlo-e not fitti5fie,ryoar Majefi} % may have more, or the fame farther eleareol. 5. Seoorzelly, I do htmohly ole/ire Tear tfleajefly to take notice of the faflaey of that /Irgttmetzt, h from the prafiiee of the Primitive Chttreh, and the emit/erftzll eoteflmt of the Fathers; It isthe Argazeeezot of the Papifl: for faeh traa'ltlott5.aa' too orthodox Diwiae will admit. T he Lam and A ’T¢irttoteyr rattii‘ hethe Rttle. We can hafue no eertaiae htzowletlgeof the praelioe tmifuerfallof the Chareh forerzaayeyeares, A Eufisbius the prime Hijloriaa eotofeffethfo mach, The learhetljo fe- \ phus.Scae1igcr to/lifieth, that from the em’ of the A Aéts of the Ape/ile: tmtil.’ ‘ a good time after, he eertaitoty can he haelfromfioelefiajiioa/l Aathor: ahoat ~ Charth matters, It :3‘ true, Diotrephcs fought h M1; fii'.h‘BX:~HrEN‘D*EB.S'0N"‘3 firfi Paper. 4 T A flmght the ‘prehemineme in the Apeftles times, and the 773 fiery iniquity did then hegih te werh; mt no dottht imtfler-time: fleme pufléd up with Amhitieh, and ether: overtaken with weahneflé , etttlemuaztml alteertztieh of Church ‘V Gewernmeht, httt thttt all the tleameii melgedly of thefetimet tarzfihtetl tefitch ext chtmge M is talked efeflerwerds, will rteever he p7‘0*‘U66l. 6; Thirdly, I will never think that Your Me» ' fuel?) will deity the lewfttlmjfe ofzt Ming/Zery, and the dart: eelmingflmtzeh qfthe Semtmeets in the Refemtetl Churches, which have he Dieeefm B21- flmpt, fith it 113' not homely metzifefl hy Scripture, httt 4 greetmtmy of the flrahgefi Chempiemfar 1:“ptf:'eptzey, eleeterzfefje, that Preshytters may er-— V dame other Preshytersg and that Behttfme tzel-. 4 mimflred 6} a private perflah, wanting a pzthlieh Ceflieg, or h} 4 Midwife, and hy ti Preshyteqel-— that: h mt ~ere1e*ivmdhy 4 Bi/hep, «are mt we and the heme thing. V , ‘ 7. Concerning the other Argument tehettfrem fettr Maje/lie: Coronation 04th .3 he I eonfl:/]7:, that i 0 ~ tree! 4 thing :2: it, ftttdfa high "ti peiht ofRelt'gz'en) hmttehl tettelerttcfl e zit reqttlteel .- tmd fttrre he it A f}’t3m1t’t’3 when tlefire to ahferwe ettr:ozv‘t¢‘e Selemtze Ottthg te preflh our Mtzjefty with the ertielatieh [V hath in the tehitzg and keeping ef an Oath (fef:z- . hflffottrf. Tet Sir, I will creme _y02‘M‘l€d'ZJ€3_i7¢ all A hztmhlenefie tmdfincerlty ta lay hefore Your Man- jaytiet eyes thtlrme thing, (which perhaps might require Air-.nx:I-In ounxalsowsh-fir&Paper.‘ _ 13 a to require alarhger alieoarfi) that although no hits- ‘ matte authority can ali/feafe with aahaath, Q_uia Rcligio juramcmzit pertinct ad hfiarum Divi.-. -' nume, yet iotfome cafe: it cannot he denied hat the Wohlzgation of an Oath eeafltth .9 A5 when we fvear homage aitd oheolieaee to our Lord andsa-e peofioar, who afterward: eeaféth to he our Lord anal Sttperioar‘ 5 for then the formal! eaafi if the Oath is taken away, and therefore the ohligatioa, Sublata caufarollitur GfFC&US; fublato relaro, tollitur Correlatum. or when any oath hath a fieoiafl reference to theheaefit of thofle to whom I make the pr-omiflg, if we have their defire or eoafvtt, the ohlzgatioa eeafith; heeaat;/7: ahlfaeh Oathofrom the nature of the thittg, A oe] iholaele a oo)oa’itioa. When the Parliamemoof hothKinga domes, have eozieaaroteol for the aholzflaizog or M altering of a Law, Tour Maj efliee oath doth not hiaele Tea, or Tear Cozofoienee to the ohjerrving of tt; otherwife no Laure: could he altereol hy the Legfflatiwe Power. 5.Thi.c I eoaeeirve hath heett the groom! o]’remo”wiagaEpifi'o,oall Government in Scotland, azodo removing the Btfloopo out of the Parliameato England. xlml I aflare my 4 felfe, that Tear Majejty aliolozot intend at the tau- hitog of T ottr oath, that although hoth—Hoafl:.c of Parliament [l:oala' find an alteration neecflhry, although (which Goal Almighty avert) Toot/72 oalol lofle Tour Selfe, ahelyottr P.o/ierit], anal Crotott, that Toa woalel never eottfettt to the aholi/hing of ‘ o " B ~ A faeh 5;; i M. A‘i"‘z¥iit§:'E Hu"§”5fi:§oi:=~§_ firfi payee; [itch a Law. 1_’fTo:cr Maj fiyfiill ohjefi, that the r A matter :2’ the oathic oteoeflary'a::d immtttahlci; that dot not helortg. to this, hat to the former _Ar- gument. A A A 8.‘ Iharee hot one more! more corocerrtizog Your V Pitt} to TOM'_.R0yctll Father, arid teacher of happy Memory, with which Tour ‘Map;/iy doe: conclude. Tom‘ Majefly krtotves that King James newer atla- mittea’ Epifcopacy apart Diwihe Right 5 That ~ Hi; efitajefly did foeare arm’ ftthfcrihe to they Dofirine, Woajhip, am! Difl:i12lirte of the Church of Scotland“; that in the Preface of the latter A 4 Edition ef"Bafilicon Daron, H12: Majeftye iruc: aa honoarahle tefiimorzy to thof e that loved etter the fiaorplicity of the Goflael, than the pomp and ceremonies of the Charch of England, and that he coztceivveclthe Prelats to flwcvar the Pope’/h Hierarchy, aadthat (could hie Ghoit new fiveahe to your Maje. ) He would not ddfvlfé your Ma.- je/fy to two itch ha{arc1.rfor thofit 813 who will chafl rather to pull down: your Throne with their at more rairxe, tharo that they perzfl: alone. 7' he Lorol givueyotcr Majefly a trifle aria’ clzfcerrtirrg Spirit to chofi that in ctime which 13 right: tee; -, 3% to? ,eaaaaeeaeaaaaeaaaaaaaaeaaeeaat For t Mf.fllex: Elena/ezj/‘E272, W A Reply to his Anfvvet to My firfi: Paper; 27514»: 6. 1646. it E S T I E St fl*m2dPa;2:r.. .‘ . i A Mr. Hmdwflvia, F it had been the Honour of the Caufe which I looked after, I would not have " undertakene to putPcn to Paper, or fingly to have maintained this Argument againiit you (whofe Anfwct to my former Paper is fuffi-» cient, Without other proofs,to juflifiié My opi-”~ nion of your abilities ) but, it being tneerly (as; you know) for my particular fatisfaétion, I affute you that a A Difpntation of well chofen Divines, would be molt effcéitlallg and, I béo lieve you cannot but grant, that I muff belt know," how My felfe may be hot‘: fatisfied, for certainly My Tafie cannot be guided by arrow thers Mans Palate, and indeed I will fay}, that when it comes (as it mull) to Probati0ns,;- I t mult have either Per;/has or Booker to cleate the Allen ations, or it will be impoflible to give ME! {atisl‘a&iori; jfhe fore~feeingofwl1ieh9 omatie ._-. _,-%___ ‘-11 ,. _, 33% gr _. t Mg we . ..a 15 Hp’; MAj£'r'rI1.=.s fecoe2elPezper.7 Me at firfl ( for the faving ofTime) defire that fome ofthofe Divines, which I gave you in a A Lil}, might be fem; for. - E 2. Concerning your fecond Section, I I were ‘ rnuehtoo blame, if I {hould not fubmit to that faying of S.t,.«1mlzrefl: which you mention, for I would be unwilling to be Found leffe ingenu- ous then you fhevv your felfe to be in the for-I mer part of it 5 wherefore my Reply is, that as Iihall not be aihamed to change for tie: (wetter, fo I mull: fee that it is better before I clumge, otherwife inconfiancy in this were both finnc and fhameg and remember (what your felfc hath learnedly enforced) that no man: Reefer: eerie he commanded by metleer mam Will. I 3.‘ Your third begins,but I cannot fay that it goes on, with that Ingenuity, which the other did 3 for I ‘doenot underfland, how thofe Ex.-or ample: cited out of the Old Tcfiament do any way prove that the way of Reformation, which I commend, hath not been the molt petfeé}, or, that any other is lawfull, thofe having been I all by the Regal! L/Itttlaerity 3 and becaufe Henry tl:IeiEz'gl9t3 Refermatioze was not perfect, willitprovethat of K. Edward and CLElz1{_4- A beef: to beunperfeét ‘:'_ I believe a new mead: andfigure mutt be found out to forme a Syl1o.- gzfmey. whereby to prove that: but however, * " you are tniftaken 5 for, no man who truely un- * derftandsi the Eagle:/72 Rczfermetieee, will derive " it 4 Hr} MA j as 'r I 2 sfEcohn’7?uper. 17 it from Henry the Egg/it; for he onely gave the occafion -.; it was his Same who began, and Q. Elzzgéctb that perfeétedit-, nor didlever aver-re, that the beginning of any Humane A- i Brion was ‘perfect, no more then you can prove that God hath evergivcn apfrobdtion ita Melti- mde: to Rcfarme t/ac Negligence if Prime: .- For, you know, there is much Dii-l'e1'ence be- tween Perrmfiion, and App-oluttim .- But all this time, I find no Reafom (according to your Promife) for a Refarmatiozgor Change (I mean fince Q Elqabetlar time.) As for your Rama- l norm (.2/tazllws his faying :, it is well you come ofit,‘ with [yet this I may fry] for it {items to imply’, as ifyouneither ought not would~*ju{H— He that blond} ungodly flzyz'ng.:-i and for your comparing our Reformation here to the Landi- cean lukenmrmemjfle, proved by Complaints, Grz'e=vz'ng5,é'c. all that doth, and but unhand- fornely, Petere prixcipium-, nor can Gencralls fatisfie Me; for, you muft firfl: prove, that thofe Men had reafon toscomplaine, . thofe Churches to be Grievcd, and how we were truely the Caufers of this fchifme and l'epa,ra- tion: as for thoie words which you will not tuft, I will not anfwer. t :4. Here indeed you truly repeat the firll of My two maine Arguments ;, but by your fa-i your, you take (as I conceive) a wronggway to ‘ l convince 5 It is I muff make good the Af- B3 A A firmxtive, ' H22: MA j’ gm 3 T I E sfeeonel Tape»; firmetiwe, for Ibclieve ab Negative .cann0’t be? proved; Inftead of which, if you had madcw I appear: the Prefiiee of the ePre:b}terian ‘Go- eyereewent in the Primitive times, you had done much 5‘ for I doe averre, that this Government was never Praéfifcd before I Celvz2i;2’:.l time 5 the -gqffirmaeirye of which, Ileavcyou to prove; My taslcc, being to thew the lewfelneffiz, and A feeeeflzflen afflpz‘ e:{mey,ar1d,asIbelieVc, the #8-.-p “ee/fity ofit: For oing whereof, I muff have ~ inch Books bias I {hall call for 3 which poflibly upon pcrufall,may, one way or othckxjg, give Mo » fatisfaétiong but I cannot abfolutely promife _it,Without the Afliftancc offomo learned Man, whom Ican trufi, to find out all fuch Clt3II* onss as I have ufe of: wherefore blame Me not, if time be unneceffarily loft. y 5. Now for the fallapieufznflir of My Jr‘ Iy2eem‘( to My knowledge )it was never My pm.- ¢"_fiee,y nor doc I confc{Tc to have begun now; For if the Preéfiee of the Primitive C/were/7, and the zmirz/eefezfl ,ee;2fle;et 0/‘ time Fetbers _,be not _;a convincing Argument, when the Inter rem- giezeof Sgripieere is doubtful}, I know not ing; I :F01‘,ifthi$ be not, than of neeefiity them- ferpretettifaiz Qf ritwzte Spirit: muff “be ad- I gnittcd: thc_wl icl1i~contraldi;&s SaintPeter, P,€t1-~-I- 29+ 15 the L/’Vl~o.t6er of all Sefis, and W-'. will (‘if not prevented) bring ethcfc King-I Ante eeefigfiee And to ray, that an Ar..- gumcntg Hh MA‘ 1' 7E§'¥?n"sfieo}u175ap:r. mt éuméfit is ill, bccaufe the P)t_p:i§?: ufe it, or,. that fuch a thing is good, becaufe: it is the Cu- L ftorne offlvme of the Reformed Churches 5 can- not weigh with ‘Me, “untill you prove, thefe to be izzfeflihle, or that to maintains he Truth : And how Diatrephe: amhitian (who direétly oppofedthe ./Ipefile .S'.§"ohh) can be an Argu-V ment againfi Epifeoptey, I doe not tmdcrftand.’ 6. When eIt am made a §5zm’ge over the Re- femged Cherehet, then, and not before, will I cconfitrc their dfiiflfltg as you mufl: prove, be-_' fore I Confcfle it, that Preshyter: without 4 Bi- jhtepamay lewfiellyeordeih other Preshyters : And as for the Adminiftration of Beptifme, as I thinks none[wilI fay, that a Woman can . law- fully, or Duly adminifier it , though when done, it be -valid; fo none ought to doe it, but a,laWfiI1l1Pre:hyter ; whom you cannot deny, but to be abfolutcly ncceffary for the Secmg mmtof the Euehmfl. A ~7‘.h You make a «learned fuccinét difcoutfl: oftoathex in gcnerall, and their fCVc1‘2tll omega. tithe, to‘ whiehitully agree 5? intending, it'1'~tht: V particuiar now in qucfiion, to be guidedby your own: Imle, which is [when any oath hath A at /]2e.ez'4lI reference to the Benefit of thofe tewhom A I make theProzmfle, we have their elefire, or eonfezetgthe Ohligeltiofi ceefeth] Now,it mufl: be t kt-10’WnC,t0 whem this Oath hath reference, and to whofe Benefit :1’ the Anfwer is clcarc, oncly A h A B 4. A A to ' -$0 Hzis MA jun sun 9 _/Z-ca:¢d— Paper?’ A ' to the C/mr6b0fEn,glatm1; as hy the Recent’ will be plain! made appears; andyou much mail? take in a leaging that the two Houfle: offlarlia... meat (efpecially as they are now confiitutcdt) can have this 1)z.fl7£Iligztt0ryP0t19£r,‘_f-O1‘, tbefidfis that they are notnamed 1.-l1"it)I am confident to A make it clearly appear to you, that this Clmrch never did fubmignor was fubordinatc to them; and that it was "onely the Kifig and Clergy,who made the Reformatiw, the Parliqment mcerly flerving to help to give the aCim'l1 Snzgéiion .- all this being proved ( of which I make no que- flion ‘~7it muff neceflarily follow,th_at it is onelry V the C‘/mrcla afEn_gl4m;z’ Kill whofc favour Itook this Oath‘:that'can1‘e1eafe me from it .';Wh€f€" A fore when the Church of England (being law-V “ fully Aflembled 2 _fl1all declare that I am ‘free, Ehen, and notbc;fore,Ifl1all efteetnef My felfe .0. ~t - n ~ » To our Ia{’c-, concerning thcKz'ng m 1’4f5¢’r, 0. happy and famous Memory, bot for his Pitt and Learning; I mutt tell you, that Ihad t e happineffe, to know him much better then you.-, ‘wherefore I defirc you, not at to he tooeonfident, in the knowledge of his Opinions; For, Idare fay, fhould his.G/1¢yVl A mm pea/ea, he would tell you,that a Blotm_'y Re- a f0I’m4ti072 was nevherlawfull, asanotwarranted by GM’-9 word, and that fracas 65- lacfzrymagfiazat flrma Ef!f.l?-’fio?,t* A ‘ A ' 99 To A , HQMA 1' E s ":1 A: s fiqanJP4_pef3 A2‘: A 9. To conclude, having replied to all your lPa'1pcr,lI cannot but obfc-rvclto you, that you ~ have given Mc no Anfwcr to My lafl: Qmerc 5 it may be you are ( as Clmucer {ayes )’ llilkc the l People afE22glama',l what they not lake, they newer l may be ufcfull for other things. V Nemiaflle, uzzderflwd : but in camel}, that ‘Qgefizlon is fo pertinglnt to the Purpofc in hand, that it will much fcrvc for My fatisfafiiong and bcfidcs it A gym: 6. 15469 A For .33 xxxkxxxxxaexxxxxxxrkxxxxkxexxxxxxxxxwxxkx eeeeeeeeeeee&eeeee&$e$ l%rIfltfl£fiq%at I....au-In-$ - M1‘.Ale:e.-Hettdetfm’s fccond Paper. I A ‘ 31 R, lation to the fatteflh, (whiehtlhhowfmlall I they are, year Maj well /memes.-)* the . T He fmaller the etteottragemettt: he, itt re- mare apparent, and, I ho]2e,t will my ehzeeliettee he, in that which in all ttmility I nawgo aheat,at year]!/Iajeftiese Command .- get while I eatafider, that the may I of man imet himflalfe 5 nor is it its man that walheth, to direét this anme _/hep: ,-, am’ when I rememher how many fappelieatiotmawith flreag crating and teares, have hem elzvettly arid ittflttret ofierealttp in our c/"1/[cu e more acte tahlu I jieftie: hehalfe, meta God that hearet prayer, I I have 140 reafett to tlefiaire ofa hlcjfealfttttefl. I 1.“ I have heen aéverfe, fromadtfiatatiett ‘ Diviaet, I . Farjarvittg eftime ;whith the pre- fetzt exigettte ét extremity afafairs, mahe mere theta ordinarily pretietta «.5 While Archimedes at Syracuf: wart drawing hislfzgttreszfiv Circling: iit _ thefatzt!,Marcc11us iaterafted his demonjtratioa. ‘ g: Eecaaje MA 1’. Ex.-Hr’ N152 h'1§h's‘o'u"'s fccond Paper: / E3. 3. B66‘ fit the common rtfult of'.Dzfl~utt.«: of this‘ ’ hiutlo, oufworohlo to the prejutliouto opiutouxztf the Purtios, oi: ruthtr Vifiory thou Verity 5 while _ tanquam .tcntativi ialcétici, theyjtudy more to? ovvoroomolthozr utlwetfl: Purty, than to he over- tom; Truth, although this he the mo/l glorious’ _Vl670rj'. 3. When 1 ant: commanded to come hither 5 too futh thiug WM propofletl to 7726', ouor oxpleétod lay tote. I uewr judgoolfo tuouuly of the Cuofo, uor o highly oftuyfolfe, or to «tau» turo it upoufuth”wouhutfl”e. Muoh more mtght ho ' fiohou to this purpofo ; hut I fotheuro. 7 A 2. I will not further trouhlo your Mojcfly with that which :2: toutuiued in the fiztoud Soétiou, hoping that your Mojosfly willtto more l21fl_/ll u on Educatian, prefcription of Time, 85C. to ioh ureoieut to frrewttt Aolmirutioza, hut (which your Mu ‘oi-'t’y oohuomlodgot) mu]? give place to Jteufoto, uud ore uofuro ground ofrefolutiou of our Faith, in 412} point to he holiervotl .- although it he truth that the mo/l port ofmen mm theft 0'“ the lihe, ‘to. he the grouuoluttd rule ofthotr Faith: un Evidtuot, thut their Faith to wt 4 hlbivviue _fdith,.httt uu humuuho Credulity. A l u 3. Couoeruiug Rcformatian of Religion in the third Seition 5 I had hood of u Profuoe to fit thortty so Thoume, uoyour Mujefiy hath hrought me upon; "I. For the Reforming power; tttk oouooi-veal, when 4 General! Dofiezft'z'ou, like to do,- lugt, hath gozzerodthe wholofuto tho Church, _[o A 34 MA r;:x:Hz rm 2 a~so1t’s lfirconld Paper?‘ fir tlzotjeereely to: tape, of -the Meontaz'm*doe ,4;--* genre, as Geotemll econmeefl it zoeocjflzryg beef, oe- eexofle tlmt eetalloardlly be ol7toitzed,je-verafi K lng-=- V James A ( ivlrielo we fee were done, at tlre time oft/ye Reformetiozt) to reform: tloemflalveg and elm: by the Aetloority oftbeitfrizzce, and Megz°- flrette: .- 2f'tloe Primfe ~ or f§lf7'€m8:(fi/tdgilffrdfd l l&etor1‘ftviEz'og,‘tlteIt mat the inferior Mogl/lrote, woltbe People, being gefore riglotly informed its tée trotted: ofRtele'gz'o1t,lo:efelly Reforme, wz'tlo--. out eir owvte Sylxere 3 and the lzglrtflyiee topaz; 4%, or tlve major pert, they may, after all other meenesfgfltyed, male: 4 Pzelaliqtoe Reformation. rte, be ore tin? time, I never wrote or /poke 5, yet the Maintainer: of their DoEt’rz'r:~e, eonoeirve tlodt they are able to make it good. But, Sir, were*I= 4 mortby tog-five advice to Your cmojetty, or to tire King: wdfitprcme Power: on Eertlo, my humble epiniors would 6:, time they flaoulo’ drew the.) ‘minds, tongues, mo’ pen: of the learneelj to pate elzottt other matter, they the power or Prero- gative qfI(i7tg.r and Prime: 5 and in too’: Irina’, your Majefly hotbfefleredoed lay} more,tlmt will eofily be rejlored to yottr flalfe or our Pofierit], for 4 longtime. It notelemed at theprimcz Rcformmgpower, :55 in Kiegsengi Brim-5;, Q\ui... A jbUS"*'dCfiCi€fl_IibU'S, it eome:»to“tlJei1_oferio2* M4- gzjtrote, Quibus Dcficicntibus,, italeflsenoletlz to the Body oftlze People; fitppojing tbot t/Bore» it 4 zeeeeffzty offieformotioita orzoltlrot by no 22e_*eozoe.r‘it t can M.iAx. sx:H£ up 5 R s on’: fecond Paper.‘ 55 can he -ohtained oj"their Snperiort. It 1;: trne that [itch a Reformation, ientore imperfeffi. in refiefs‘ I of the In‘/trattttnt:,anein"aanner ofProeeahere 5 yet for the we part, more pnre«andperfE-it in rela-» tion to the andprodnéi. And for the’: end W did I cite the 1:" xatnple: if old of Refitrtnation oh] Regafl Authority 3 ofw ieh none teaefetfeti‘, in the feeond may ofjrerfeétion, except that of_Io- fiah. w Concerning the flying of Groflead, whom the Cardihnals at Romc eonfézfl to heathen...» Godly man, than any ofthetnjé -vet; it were he}: Complaint; and Predifiion ofwhat tvae likely to enfue, not hh deflre, or Eleeftion, Refivrmation could have heen ehtaineel, in the ordinary way; 4! Bilfon, hoth fernom Englzjh Bi opt, to protveh might hring two nnpartiall PVitt?fi.r,]cwcIl and A that the tnntalt: and tronhlet mi ed in Scotland, at the time of Reformation, were to he intpntedto the Papi/he oypofing of the Reff'ormatien, hoth of Dofirine and Dzfetpline, 46‘ an Heretieall Inno- vation ;, and not to he 2:/Erihezl to the Nohiliq, or People, who tinder G o A , were the Inflrntnent: of it; intending andfeehing nothing, hit the pier?- ging out of Erroar, and jétling of the Trnth. 2. Concerning thefieforntation of the Chttroh of England, I eoneeivve, whether it time hegan or not, in K. Henry the 8. time, it were not finflhed la} Elizabeth: the Father flirted the humor: of the dzfeafed Chnreh; hut neither the Same nor the Daughter (although we em great rea«— fhn f'-55 ‘ M.AI.‘Ex:Hfi ND1?.1w;soN’s fctond Paper} fan to We Gedfor bath) didpeerge them out peril .- Thai: 1’erfe6lz'en :2: yet refer'U6‘t'+’f0r your ’ at/tejefly : Where it isfeiel, that all this time d bring nomzafzms, for a further Change the M feerth See”lz'en,ofmy lafi Paper, hath many Ahefnts A a Red en: 4 einjll Epifcopall Government, glth emfqflér r§’mere, or eleezriteg eefthefl: 5b which your cfl/[ajefiy herb not thought fit to tahenetice If. A-And learned men, have e-bferwd many De- fecfir in that Refermetien : A: that the Ga-mm- meeet of the Chm-cbefEngland, (far ebeet their :2; the Qemeen mm) is not beilded upon thefoem datieu of Chrlfl and the ulpq/lle: .3 which the}, at ltdfi eezmeet deny , who prefsfl? C’ h1treh- Ga- werzemmt to be Mutable and Ambulatory; and fieeh were the greater part of vjrehbzjb ops and ops in England 5 eeeetentize themflelsve: with the ‘Cweftitutien:eof*the Chan‘ , etml the 451141609 rity and Mtenlfleenee effrinees, till ofleteg that fomefew have pleaded it to he Jurc Divino That, theflnglijh Reformation hath teat pezfefily purged out the Roman Le4«-um; which zit. Zmge fof thefleefmngthet heme girverz ground, to the cam." faring of the: Church, to the lchxereb of Lao. dicaea, 46‘ being neither hot tear cold, neither Pow» e pzjb nor bfiezfermed, but of 4 lukewarm: temper, betwixt the two :- That it hath depraved the Dijifipline of the Cheetah, ~ by conforming ofit te ' the Civil! e Peliez : jTh.4t it hath added many Emil? 019%‘ ‘ iebet W ‘em. em rbvflr 2”»- A ' ' ‘ A _[limted be ' M.A1.£x:Hn 2'¢1;> iebhsows fecond »Pap'cr.I 55* flitated hy thetSoame qfGod-,», which :2: 4: tmlam. fgfl 5; 1;; mice may officcs warranted lg the Di» -vine In_/himtim .~ And other the like, w ich haw V mmygdfiame, to apply thzkflryizaggta the Church of England ; M ulti ad perfcéfioncrm pcrvenircnr, nifi jam fc pcrvcniffc crcderent. 4 A be A 4. In my Anfwer to the firfi‘ of year Majeflies A many Arguments, I hrzmght 4 Brewiatc affome Reefer: ta pram, that a Bifhop and Prcsbytcr, are oneand the fame in Scripture :: from which, hj azecefllzry '6'0fif€qfi€fi66', Ididinferrc the ncga-R tivc 5 Therefore, no dmference in Scripture he- twecn éz B23’/hop and 4 Preshytcrg the arse mam.» fignifiing, Induftriam Curae Paflzoralis -,», the...» other,Sapicntiae Matu1*itatcm,f4ith Bcda. Am! mhcrmr year .M4j'¢.-fly amrrzr, A that Prcsbyteri» an Government was never praélifcd, before Calvin’s time 3 your Majefly kreomegthe common ahjeflion qf the Papf/is, againft the Reformed Churches; whercrvwyour Churrh, yaur Refer»- mmm, year De rim, hcfore Luthcr’s time? one par-tafthc common Ahfrver :24, that it was from the beginning, and is to be found in Sari» V pture :% The flame I affirme of Pr£$hjterian~G0- «mmment .- Amdforhprowing of thzk, the Affcme , bly of Divincs at Weflminflcr, have madema-» mfiff, that the PrimitivcChri£’cian Church at Jcrufalcrn was governed by a Presbytery : whiletheyjhem, I. That the Church bfjcrufa- fflflfified’ qf more Congregation: the» W4’, .» *~ ‘ '"" r" '" from "£8 I. nx.~I-In N n n R’: cm’ s fecond Paper." fiom the multitude of Belz'e«z'oert,” from the man V Ulpo let, and other Preacher: in that Chztrch; and ‘row the diwerfity of Lahgaage: among the" Ifeliervers. 2. That all theft Congregations, were ~ omelet? one Preshyteriall Gorvernmeentghecaafle they were, for Government, we Charch, AC-its I I. f 22, 26; And hecattfe that Chart]? wasgowermcl hy Elclerr, Afis II. 30. which were Elders of that Church, avmlclzfelymeet together for g/15.!‘ of Government .~ And the c./Ipo/llet themjlelrvet, 1'}! that meetz'ttg,A$0N’8 third Paper} 5:’ 5... That itt: not 4 matter-fa iztcredihle, at im- pcflihle, ttcfome hwcttlclhtttue it eppecre to he; for the .Primitt'vt.re Chttrch to have me.» efttclden de- fettiehfrom the Apeftclicztll parity .- T he people cflfracl, in the jhort time cf Mofcs htk chfetece (W the Mctmt, ttmtea’ ejide .qm'ckly, tmclfefi’ ttttc herrihle, tIcleltttry,EXOd. 3 2 . fame after the death qfjofuah, creel the Elder: that heelfeeta the greet works, which the Lord hctcl clcztefer I fracl, there ercfl: hflmcther Getterctictt after them, which a’z'd evtllitt the fight of the Lem’, Judge. 2.8: 7. fame after’ the hzt.ilclt'ttg cf the T emple, and feeling of Relzgicn hy David tmcl Salomon, the wet]/rip cf Gael W44’ defileclhwith Iclcltttry : when Rehoboam , heel e/ltthlzflaeel the Ktngdeme, he forfltch the Letter If the Lard, . we all Ifracl with him, 2. Chron. I 2.‘: . fled the flpcflle fltyct to the Geletieztc, Gal. 1. 6. I marvcll that you are‘ {'0 foone re» A moved unto another Gofpel: why thetxjhttll we thizthe ttflrenge, thatitt the matter cfDtfi‘t'—- plirze, there flmttlet’ he cl fttclclett clefectichae/jtecte/t’]‘ \ it heihg begun in the time ef the Apeftle: *3 I Imam it ‘I23’ 4 Wcommcte Opinion, hm. Ihelie<‘Uetther.e ‘he he flrattgreefch: fer it, that the Chttrch which t wee ttettre/t’ the time: of the /fpcjlle: rm: the hzcfl _ pttte zmcl perfect Church. A ' A 6- That it is impqfithle to come to thethztenw leclge ef the 1/lteirueefafl Cchfettt attd Pt‘;zét’ic'e of the Primitive Church : for many of the Feathers: aerate nothing at all, meet} qf their tvritthgs ere V t D 4. A ; perzflzecl, 2; Ma A mxelrlhfl N D 22 it 59 m third Paper. ya-r~ij7:£d,(it mayhh he that hoth;ofthcfi haw a’flr:- A tedfram the rcj[f)hhm4z.1y fifth! Writings which we l;4«z)gh under their Ifdr/365 4refx1ppafititim,g§*caun- * mfcmft, eflveaihlfyhhoat Eprfmpacy which mm the flzzmdhtiw of P4124/I Primacy Thar Rhlg hqfAu-A ’ hgufiinc afaremehtiwapl dath m zmwrh fmwnr crmditiam, and 12¢ not to“ h 4dmitted, withwt Marian: and exceptiam._ A W Mzzhy the [the Cazafideratiam may he hadded ; hht thefe may .56‘/.té_jf‘]9&’I76’iit ta prmre, t/Mt the mm» zzémmscohfiht afthe Fathers, and the amimr-,« figllfrazfizbe ofthfe Primitive Chzorchfi IM»t&r6...) gramzd 0f.-4&3¢th’t$’fitZ'L‘fl/1iflffiffretdtidfl of Scrip» mre. I remhmhex pf a grave Dzkvim in Scot- Ian d , with hwarmfd h} It’. Iamhcsh of _ha;2p} ma- mmary, who did wen» prof?/fa that he did learns mfl1’£"€f6?.fi£’ Page 0/"John hCalvin,thm;gf4%mholc A 1‘rez2r‘gv'fis' of Augufltinch : can there he any gum’ rmfim, V .(’i’7iM71j*th.6’2?e'5,€‘ hgainfht ) why» the _/12m7mt.fj7J 0fiZd ht: flrfhm: preflrrcd the Ma»- dmw Doéfors hafthc R‘¢eformedChmrche.g4n-a’ the am ih 4 mzzhmrh Def V m’, and the other. ¢vz'lz'j?ed : It :2: hut 41 poor Rm 0131/M'tfl?1.?F6’gi‘Z/6, Fama mi;-— A ratrix feniohris xvi, aha’ ahtzmlantly anfzzmd hy the Apglhgzflfar Divine» g?rarvzdez2ce.. yarn- gvhjgjly he fir"/I zmflztzxkficd ¢"0flh'4!?jIZ2:l9g' the It/:.le',,M 1 man: not 10‘. wh4thp¢zr}>afir~ Iflshulh’ ffpgaed pg: ggrohhleyaug any h‘mn_;rc;«,r V A V —,N¢’I1’<€z??4,‘.lZ/[Q :3, I§4.é, lnlmclcméax-lclc+c+ca<+;_l- ‘ture is the farrc 124% Interpreter of it felfc, to I fee nothing in this, negatively proved, to exte elude any other, notwith~{tan«ding your pofia tiveafhrmarion. " A 3. Not in the next, for hope you will not be thefirft to condemne your felfe, ‘Me, and ~ t ‘ tn- F£éeMA ji E$»'1‘I.1‘e,$ fift Tmpereli A 5;» A OIIICESJWEIQ hay;-g not tyed nhe.m_m{e1vresi to this R.u1le.; 4. if in thi$;y0‘L1.' onely 1—ntend%to»prove~,:. that iflrrcm Wcire alvvagics éreedzfvzg in the Glmreb, I {hall not deny it, yet‘ that makes little A (as I conceivelm yoiur purpofe; but ifyour' meaning be, to aiccufee the Mmwevfiazll Eraiiiae qf tbu C/imrch iwith Braver, Imuft fay it: is a vcryi bold A underra~king_ ;, and‘, ( if you cain;pQegw)§ uflfifie yams: felefc byeclearei piliaces’ in Scrip ~ ref’ ‘ much to be biaimed, wherein you muff not a11eage,r.hat to be univerfally reéeived, which was not, as I dag: fay, that the Centrawcrfie abraat Free will, was never yet ciecidcd, ibye oemmemimll, or: General! Camcefl’; nor maul’: you prcfumcito Callehati an Emmi -—Whieh: really the Cat/zaliqm C/1¢£rel7*rr1%a:itaii£1C;:di (as in Rim of Edptzffmcn » Farmer of Prayer ,, olzferrvwtim Feafl’: , Faflx, 85¢.) except you can pnovc it: {o by the Word of God. 5 and in not en.<:»ughato~i‘a.y‘, that fL1Cf].'lw3i thing. was 1101:; wairramed by the A- pqffles, but you meueft: prime by their Dofirirm, A A that fuich a. Izhingr was mlamfm/Aer elfe thevfm- A Efiec of the céwmb is wztrraut enough for Me —i to folioww and obey that Cuitome, whatfoevcr V it be, and thinkcit good, and {hail believe-that the x,/Ijwjlles Creed wasmadc by them, (fuch Keverencel ibeare to the Cbarcértx Tradition)’ untill other Authors be certainly found out. 5. Iwas taught that ale. M7: 44' ejfewas no A xiii ~ good ‘$8 I 'HzJ:'MAj’12s°r’Iasfifr ‘Paper; v good Argument ; and indeed to Me it is increl I edible, that any mffome oft/ye Catiaoliqzoe C/azmb was erron<:ous,which was not conttyadiéteehby Orthodox; learned Men, in the times of their fir{’c,.Pra€ticc, as is- eafily perceived that all thofe Defeffiom were, (fame of them may be juftlyecalled R.eI2elIz'om3 whichyou mention.d, 6... I deny it is z'mp(._vKible,t (though! confefle itdzfifcult) to come to the knowledge of the uniruerfa/Z Confem, and afrafiice oftlae Pr:'mz'- I flexed C/surely, therefore I confeffe a Man ought ‘to be mref:¢lz’.hoW to believe things of this nature ; wherefore I conceive this to be oncly an Argumentfor Caution. t 1 My Conclufion is, that albeit I never eftee- med any Azttlaority equall to the Scripture: -.5‘ yet I doe thinke the unammom Cwzfmt aft/:2: Fathers, and the uzzirverflz/1PrtzEi*'ice oft/ye Pm?- mitiw Clmrcla, toéve the beff mad mzyfAzttbénti- ml! Interpreters ofaads word,and confequently the fitteft Judges between Me and you, when we differ, ‘untill you {hall find Me better: For example, I thinke you for the prefent, the befl: Pmzc/Jere in N em-Caflle, yet I believe you may 'erre, and pofiibly a better Preacher may come, but till thergmuefi retainc.My Opinion. In Nc1ve2zf}Ie,, I be -3731] to, 1546., _ I hh THEEND. I we zxxaym PAg. 9.1. 2 9.& 30. read, It cannot 6: Zéroug-£zt.' But tlutt is not tire Em; p.1 I .l.4.r.rmely in tbe_ p. 29. 1.28. 1‘. ever]