¢¢%¢¢¢¢&¢¢¢&¢¢¢¢§§§¢fi§¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢w¢¢¢¢¢ %mGs~MJSTI ' 1 I ‘ In m» 1 f " 955;, -1;‘ ‘ , %‘%'% Honourable Commifioners Concerning fC11urch~fg0Vernn1ent, u-n-‘ww- w-no ‘ Publylyed by Authority. ‘ --~35: F . .« ..,.. \ z«=:€».~.w?%93"%§‘§"%’§“$’%%‘§°‘§9°3?‘}%%%‘§%*‘§’%%"IF%$%‘*'§‘§‘i?‘$’§‘3"9§?‘%‘§"§§‘%$¢€’%9}? ‘ I J.” was aorflvr % ‘£39’ 4%‘ -*3? -o% % .2? Printed by E. G/"rzfifn, for T . Henaer, 12 Ofcober. I6A,8.*%* 'M'°¥*""¥"’¥"’¥°"$' °I°‘N“"3° ‘W "i"$“’39,?‘?”W"i°"i“"5“‘°1°"i"°¥"3"‘53""¥°‘?>""3“’3°"W°¢'J£"”¥"“5“‘N""$*"$“@ % e%%e¢¢¢é%¢¢¢%¢ “"“ I»Ol‘sIDON, A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%#¢¢%%%%%#%%%%%é%%¢¢%%%%%%%%%¢¢¢% *7 Divincs attending theParliaments A = 7 % Comniiiiiofiers, A % 'coni‘?erni2z;::@:%‘»M~*1 Gv¢évi"’W”*%»4 M V :,.,@__ Is Majefiy upon perufall ofyourAn'" * ' 4 fwénto his Paper of the fficondof uoéfolzer I643. A findeth that youacw ,‘ 4 knowledge‘ the feverall Scriptures cited in theVMarginh't0 prove the Authorxty der1ved from them , and the Angels‘ of the: 53-) P!‘ " ‘ ,_ * ‘ ‘ 1, * A ‘ ‘ V -‘ ‘ “ ' '55:} X5’ ' ~ »*j} ‘I M -L “ °‘ . ' " v .281‘ + % VA thing for which they are cited, A z:z';=:._*, ‘ V Chlirchks had power of Ch"urch~governmwc1it, and %didV,r% A might a5’ru%°i%11y¢m*$=i~fvv thflhfame in%¢¢a11‘Wth.:«,¢hr¢¢ fiwfirall ‘branches%ir1’Fthi*s(i‘Papdrvf°peci4fied:3 .Ar1d fo in» effeéic yaw T A grant a*1l« ‘hthai: gis ~dcfire"d :»For i:h¢,Bifhops Vchallgenge no more or;% 2 501x:hAcr power tovbelon unto thcminrefpeffc of their Epifcopall Of'fic;es,as it is ifiinét fromLA‘*that ofPr¢17-3: ‘2 byters A ‘hm %aiiwiwgsgV3;iv%mg4Enulwfia and ~ V fiat 4 %%%rEfmi1-v «iafm W the W {hops {"5 byters _._ M ;whatvpy1fQperlyL falleth w%u114d¢jr.i:0m¢§3fth%efe Vr ~afC1mfJ”a: T ’ have been W A *1¢p‘ItfC1:::paIT1,G%0f’%*€:r‘nm.¢n;:In £i1,{;,_;§% m.;:%fw_ di fmm P're;sbyter:s» y%0'm;<«. the veryfame thingyou %h23d V¢befo*reg‘J"%'§5’nt¥€Nf F‘ Abcopall Government in that fenfe—‘being nothing "elfebut ’ thTe G osv ersnmamt/ g;f.the C ;m'r:cAhes wqthin “a ?%c@;1‘té"z*a.i_r1weAA <;_,i-flat ~(cox:5m«m1y ‘E7“a1 led” a Wicceflaéj ¢c0mm~i~tt¢d:’to..%%’v:5An‘Ae fingle perfon, withfufficientya utlxority ov¢rA4the~AA Presby- ters aAndupeople of thofe %Chi11fches for “that end gfince the ‘fi‘1bPmnAceA* c)Afthe thing it felfc i11aH the three f0rementio- A n“edpa1*tic11I:{rVs found; inthe Scriptures} unleffe you will {hive about namAe.<..: and words ( which tendeth not to pmu M1"it,,but mthe puzzeliing ant} fubverting ofthbfe 4thht_fieek% ‘ 3%-fmr4 !;3*1:£t‘1Ilx).~ mu a41147o a*ck1?MJ%W1¢’Eig"e that Epmifi PM A AG*£3A\%‘f.€VrI1%n:{¢%:nt£ férnfe *afmEa"i‘fi mA2ryb¢VAfufl5Cicr1‘tly pmved fram ;Scr.i*p“ture. ‘ Tim: 1; 5 7. In "that: Wbiichyciu firy nmzt, fair roofe‘therAeQ;f%in~ -«Mr 2 0:17-A fi,P%£VuepmAn three fevera11Te::ts,, *Ma;»efly com:_eives{as 18f. V ta th§e_.pref%eTm 'WGthatthp; that C8#I1\B:€ provtgd 1?"? 5'f'2'*f;0%m4%;alI O3‘; Aansy mefthfe p*}:35flE$_,"'§VS"thiS5 ‘A ‘That; ¢esi;aa{zhe Qffiee am Awm:ke4eVfaki£hp;awea: Bifhrapy xi‘? ?4V§;}i£r€A%4A‘“ufed; t fignific Rmab-yter, ? an'tiV‘t‘I1;:é1tE§‘c<:S1i1¥~ feqxmfinly fthe c and WQr?I1e»imae7‘Vmt4iomséd’% thfe Zpla.-- w:Qur%@eH Lamb my .3‘ WhA"Ich%4i$ ¢mn£e.& 0:12:11 fidm, A A isnQtft51're:»§hat* Irhe—.;pmafe&*ivvil@ fas ‘ hv§?S‘j.e f¥y;§‘hmH*fiOtrAye’ffou:md * by/any th%ing1*epréVfent€d l1lT'lf( )7".}'1’i'I.1'1 by y:o“u_or Qtheri fr01rg?tI1e1%Scr1pt11re', Adthat 521 finig«I'6s ErAefb¢yt%e1'*»ever%“had aw- §I~a®%.§‘1%y;'it’QA perform ~w=J:1éi«cb; snough §tz“<>: prc$ve":thm: - :13 a- { &gr:i‘i:m,*+»“~»?ia:1 f?‘c3a%rrz<¢f31%ar:es,,"§3pQfiwix*hmem*diqg ” tl¢ij1*@7~’&mmirtt§dMé4;vmmt;¢w thewh+1.:=»ix1:£pWavuMé%m~:;gyamaabmh .Bi~flhfo’ps« an AFtE«sbyners?hmve.,im'fwmefmm;:¢but V %':difiFe%mé:e%‘ *tih?:2.«1:: me we P;;rrxeah3-yr €".t"S;.;I“§§3 y?.-Aépi g:”Wg:sT¢£g Qnilayr" rheyhm 1 W5’r!{@-”§fi:bQfh Edim <3 0V?Ffi£%ht’ Of the fl0€k€iA 4 j 4ing; i8ac;..» Tbu12*{Bé%i “ "f‘iw[iA»tY1ih%M: -‘their; fie5cr1a¢x—*a.«llsw.is’m“ ” Vs :w%a;;4ofmzsvewAxi:£Itz& t:a>’%’fQtrJint?f1w “”%s€;1daf£WIifiifi;rerfiy;.%o?£’ *£m.,¢ %ab%uIm2:~ §h7:un&amd*mim~ifl_1 » «ma, .« -lbw” -, 4* » A $3 ,‘ w- H W wVm*mw:~f£fi”% & * % 2: ; , % ; e v% gr’ % Q %m;mner%%V q$taistV¢~ %aI:ong%«y%ourwha1eAmfwer bm»it am» ti1ev¢;%umm:;¢?mf’ mam may:uia;t§%:£m§a:%1§g»&smy mm jiisv‘ ~Chmm:¢H+» gav¢n the Tcfiament £h:r:wVdrn1nentr%,0f f:Ch~L1;vi"§hf2S c;1z_n€{‘imto;:th¢ A3 Aufua,gef ;Cwhic11Ais Vt-he, be;l.+m;1{1t{vc;r fwords); LA:;.v¢r:y,v foone 1 A ‘:;p}irp.tiéz1fed.; -:11*i?€:§ ;*E§p%zI.(;o1g§z{r E9 ._th§‘-" » Ecc1&Q=aifl:i¢a’lA1 G._overnme%n*£ oAir%:..¢B&i«&iop%Tofa:%Diocefih, innd that of Prefbyr '. m-to th¢ o%rdinary% Miriifiersflr P_rief . ,; iAs.VMivjefky' hath’ -?c.:i11fé %W0t1C1¢r,A;A Thfa tgugon ruck; :;p?r"e”’x1*ii§C’€é‘$, yF0u%i.fhiou1d vyfithfi foginuch coz1jVfid¢ncAAeAAasAA if thc;piAntwe¢re rendred fimaff cIec;r<_=: to t?h€ Jud g¢Am'm,tVoAf %m»ofl:‘ dmen.; .botfirAn§iént=mdr;Qf1fitt:CI‘ times, ¥.That% thcre is ?noA fuch Aoificer ftoa» béV foundA in the J,S<:ri”1?3.tI:1res of the New Te fiaA¢1nemt;i gas “jf.a.«Bi{hOp*difii{1&;f¥Ofl1 .3 . P1'¢fl3’Y.t6}r, whmsaé:his%viM=1i:éfi37 Jrfimefilhrcth ; faene cited, by "* fuch4%.%Aia4Vth;otrs3as A;hie.:‘~ ;;pjqA*r¢afon;to1{ufpge§t yb1:A..bQth'\_fl‘1m‘ A F ttfthe n»ciet1t1~;Fathers andA»»:CoiL1nAeells,;,M_ om pffundry A, A 4mod*erne ,VwVr1z;er_s 5 .*cvc?n; .pfth%éfe Refqrmed (~3huArehcs%, hat: AMwa,nt~A ;’B;i~.flmps »VVAgrcamaricty»ofeF;imoni@$;¢t&Q [the A Contrflfiyz‘ V ; ; V AA “ 7 His Maleff Is Vnotfat“1s%fyed“wi:Ia your :A.nfW€1'.w c%OrI%* C¢rnin’gthé f’ip0fl1es:.4eic¢;rcife:dof«Epi,feopa1lgovernment; 4 1 WhichyQu.TWOuId~" piufcr : by:ref¢rringit’Vjt£> their €xft»ra-- € crdiI=1a11}rrcallingjgfour:Sm¢'iour&h.i.mfelfeAwas theVfi1.’fl‘ f3,;11.§d ' \’ Mflfiqp heV~réceiv°c1 Atithor»i;y' :_., Ilnéticn abilitigs fifi Q chi[éf¢%VV%?Ap§ofi1eV.=;, r~j*AAAAA;_A A ilsiflmp iof S;9t:x1¢a, fem: mu? Father; amdnflmoynted %b,yt%he*h01» ,Gho:fi3A:4%t_o be both ghe; and l;h!: 1G0'.V¢1‘.I1({)1*11‘[,~ A O. M V : ‘«%BY,37h€“3 A M for A :f;m+;.thef¢w§r};es’4wh‘i'c1;hefi.;;*p¢;;form§d InI11s%..o.wn?p¢r%fdfi%* V;Whi1ehe4l»41‘V§d tz=p0%1jghf:heJefirth,efamjheieft d;’,' A aha: t11We'*;.ChMuur;: h'"gfmi4‘Yg?hti» in am¢;:AA mIfd::;: %v4Ae;r§4: "§ii~n~g;t—}d ch¢»A:worIAdss ’1%.;e:gchaé;?I§eV:tce%?icat:aii1aaRei?;fonsmph - *'Wh0m»%«h€ Béth 5”t€hT~e!fEr% er -:w‘h%re A L "bEdaime‘al4fo poflles%andj*Binfliups r1?ia~k§ing* tfliem {geri- I-Atakérsi 1l%bcf>:th pf his A3Mifii;;on b%ef”0r;e::.?%5ais~A faTenti;onE% ix: %%:z¢Jjj.' .| fi:&%~2%Vi£%a;r;:,fI7é‘2zri%re~gt4:~e;1‘ f‘aa~ri€;3 qf ;hAisfll116ti?cz11’tL-13h:iétlyfiafner‘ Ghofbiwmé1wtP$e;::ico I}. 4» The Miffi$~t1'J?€4 {end ;Voft5he§wQrI (:1 ;(,Mm‘i/J5‘. 2:.8;...~*1. 8‘. f1§fé“1fé£b§i:fésfi*eE1€fl7flr*TiA ‘ ~e€sm3£1ii7:énd§7a nd Be byctfi fem L1ir.‘c5efl§drs;‘ But1;he unfiién whereby theyi‘“wéi€e"maBI¢éi both fr- flees qr Furxffions, by théiefftlfion of the Holy Ghofi‘, in ifiéhgiaé pI'e7m‘i%¢):u§ ‘E1in ea.l‘7u‘ri=:fofkihowlhd é 'l.?Ongzu.c§S1;M%ira~ ~’@3Es»;“i ph"efy311 gsvugxVH.ca4l*-i11g;§ ;. i;1.ity4 (§fDOCfijime3 **&if@erni%x§gAif o¢%%ffpiri?cs.ai1'd :'m«f‘t1;C’Pr.‘;l‘i}.€‘: i wasi;Linc$éed 6: xvAt1r.aéAr~ idi1ia1*y4%’inthc%m*, zinc! in Ib:mc.fetv 0At4I1Ak:.1:9A thfflughryin an?"in- %fe3§iour.1:t1jc;fl"u re, as ; God fawit.need;f1111f0r‘:'the plantiém of the Churches, andpropagation of thc.G.0fpe1inAthAo"fe :,PrimativeAtimesa and in this which wasindecgd eictraor.-+ ~—<&inafy+4in A«A’ihé§m§d t:»hAeyw%:rVe<;ntnh~cefI‘ziri1y r«“1a“have..VSuc~ Aécfforsg‘ s? A But‘ it tfeemes very“ A%Aunreafoi1abAl_gto;rAt»t11hutaé tthé:c:x ercife of that Power, whether T%eachAin.g“or;.€3o-- ra¥~ern:ing“‘% to gm éxtrsaorc1finAa.a;:.%_m«4*t,a~I1ing,, %‘which4b;ein4ggfm“e4~ A j¢eIfary1andsconuixmlrufcimhe rah: mutt $"”hferefb.:1'E ,-Q£’neceffiMty be the fwcirké of :1; fun&ion$“b€eardina#1jyand jaerpetuall ufeg wherefore the Afis .ofGQVernin‘gofth‘c Ghmjch ,*Awere no moren0r=Qtherjw1fe1n thqfipfilcs, “ % 4 A than “A j *1¥h”e°A¢4;~Ac?tvsf%of mchimg:¢;M:the ,; ‘ureh Werfa .that;is At _fi1§x,~th% :mtm}1*dinar5é” the manner ofpfirformancei, ~ 1 "‘V¢e&;a:of7::;et1ie’im';~mbm 1-t~hm;md1nary A‘abism:iesv for flag ‘W if mm M” ' 4: 2 ‘ 1%, am a bmztah mrdimiaaryfi0I‘4fih€f11bfian~ce Qf,;t11c £- fitwes thémibliresg ‘smz;d%&the wdrkes W e peLr~forméd'thV¢m~ vim; ifxfi ' tfiwfe txfvo A»0%rdiI1afr§z «A *«::es3 their 0rqi~im;ai=y ‘M "‘Suc:cVe“{Tm'Vs;4 ainez P refbsyvtersag :M1d~V? BA41fi1Qpf5_,§ :7 Preibyz, texts ‘gIzE2;p‘.f€.‘ifhy£fi‘€T$.; ai1n‘e£dia§’ce1y: V‘i7u<:;c’"e-edi'n t_hem~i'n,1;he oflicc ‘nifteachwing E;-i.f-Iuzrps‘ ;~qu4~%Bi:1fh09s ,1me(i1fat:elyin% thg A ofGoverriing.A ; tTh1e'i«nf’(tanc;e;s ofrmm: and Tim-, §rn:1%1~i¥{ie8:vife ¢~md§4.':f7~ mum 1 1-.o1"avo»_yd ¥by%t1wap‘4m:imuone$m»aorAd:1na;rAy sca1hng;.% Etna A :imtkxié; :amiWeér‘mh7€:mfufii¢:3°§n¢y"tF1€1‘€0f(if ..%4.a1l%%thm-"is? Tzrid thavein siouldnbégprovedflgg Ma} afiy «eth Very litt1ef?‘&f‘a%t;iwsfa1on._% ” p v A A F*ir:Ef;you4 iw:o.¢}:6_y% and 1"itt.4m'1:*:~;* e A ,ficc)¥» »Evange1i!fh=; .5 xk°L7h3’ereasA 2? : Vthe*«.;Sitr:,ri.pt1JrM5e~A;::i§o AWhem:A imiiesanyr fi1ch%th.ing at7a1!}_.,.; ~r1:iI2e_.,« :1m:ho*Lrit§y without Scri't:vAm'c wAiI:, bgegctA(if:1£ha;~t;) but Ava svhumamz faith, *nei%ther d‘oth:thc Tam c1*¢<:r1y$:px0ve:tha;t ‘ “ 4;‘ Tifllflt»/{W ‘wasrffii. W qr“? , ¢ , ) . :1; m;i*%‘IfAAJSeViting ;afi‘d;e»me2a:s Jcnjcftureis \ (wh.i¢hea:£tn:i*b::x§ ‘ ‘ - , ‘ ; ‘.1 V , ‘ ‘ '~ : ’ ,, M _ fin :‘aAn"“ humane £ai t:11j »nfi3!ent1y afl3Vr£n§i-,4 h%atT;:;gtzt‘ aslivangelifisg 3% not‘0n%ly d€I]i€dajb11.tC}€M€1'~_I-$ A are 5%%Ayea ’évén%v7it‘h (as Mafljffly isinfc3"nnVed) fame s; Gil/cfpee, Rz2t£verfo”}~d,f»“8S”t;?2£24l: y%01*dina~ ti0n)fjA:iAf1d“§=4aVCI{fioWledged by very m amxlate *Divrir1€st : *bt:1t by out ofjgood1records',* is imttche A dhyfiiewvldr by~otherwriters A A L ~ A frém Eplocfw and c2*cet1*emovVedtb%bthq1*p1aces.Some t=_hat have exafily out of Scripture cpm parcgi Ehg fishes and < fiations of I’a:¢l and i25ir;zot£yz,;Ah3Tve d?‘emonfiratéd*C the con V“ 5 W11 teas you fay it is jmaiwlifefli »fro1’1i thé%—:z"Ti;;¢. apdA Ting; 1,9»? A~ATh*a't;thAey.%wwere4célJ1¢d&‘away from thefe plain-*-’ ces-5 it doth‘ho"more:;2:oncIudeg,‘that Vtheywcre not Bifho ¢,_Apr that they rmght as well b;:calleE1A; Bj,flmps”bfoth “ “ ‘ A ccaéfl A A 1 : ofthe Aflémbly heir feverall ;<-’pa1*ifl1es.% ‘ ~ V « A are not Parfons «or Vxdars of t ‘W Y: fgréat. é1n tiqui§;j,ai1d thercforef __ k he. g:’;l¢;.6 th¢re appeareys no fir¢n”g4i‘=vIdwc Wew fifl t A "4 '5 ¢‘s3°“g‘hm0tt¥> be '% J1 lflcxther doth this My “any weight “at A gory y denyachat2wmz6,y anmz» iy filccaeding AA proofs _.; Th7mh%ey 4.4.9.» P54 AA ‘ A A3“ attendance‘ 4 they f°r«*1*e P°i*fcri..Im5 We Evifilessrhough i= has in qu%c?~ A A 6/to vhfly rej€6f'¢d;4* A j V; :3 T’ %% a1l+upO1‘1 ‘thfl Alléa ‘ MyfleryV,q£'d AAth€Ardefi0mmwt1n% the gnexét pmnt c<>fi¢cfni::iVgVthe :Ange1é¢f the Vchurch»Aas ydu mifiaimim A f3f‘Fi3f3€Ci0T1433.:in";‘;t1i€§13=* y’Qi;1r‘wVanfv.iv¢A1j thfieugn; whjepe_in'i.. is iefiy jfinds7as*41*ifi.v}'é ‘f(?.3‘ _1;1;t‘:*ff%1i%3, _;the ~An%eIs12ufthei {even ‘ %W¢reP6*fléM?fifi3#14r£¢a andfilch .%a:s*.jhad aPreIa~ A CyaswM¢11:w{mrer%Pai”*I%<9:1*sV~a$4;P¢:0p”1e&Wifhi#n their :Cf1ur*'¢ I10 ¢3*wl'¢eflforsi7i €Wé’?¥'¢b?fi grad:/W, in“ réfpe? ‘of théfe .aswna1neI,y the V A w A A J the extent of their chafge, the in-~ 1 .f1mbi1itY wV0f;§I3¢:1.1‘; fo called ),th.ey having feene *Chrifl:A in“the‘flefH.4BFuf in thefe ,;th3'ngs that Awerc not extrabrdinary» Cmgdy {ugh thofe things are up be judged whiéhare neceffirie forthe fervice of the Chumh i¢Iw1:1tim€SaaS the Qflice of,Tea¢bi%ng;and th¢=p0W- Er w0F~<3;0¥emitIg th¢x%;W~m¢ tO€1lWfi*..fiJ~1£5 hold Sw- cAeHbrsaA%nd Athfireforfi” .¢L¢aztn;ed4% andtwsfibdly JFat V ¢and C0fi;i¢é1l%}f“o1d4¢times,id ¢4%ufi1a1ly ~fii1e; Eifhops .5V1f1¢¢€fi'0fsA%0F th¢§!,fiP€l111€5: f Jwitheut ;_J%a1:1yoA A %fup1ing Ghumh:v4;aI:th0ugh /Um .“=V¢4And "asmh”é‘ “andin "'~0‘mcw, V is-'1thcp1a¢¢Vbyyou%%cite ,+V»Pb?’I-~I:r:A;% A lid mc»~*1tionvofVBii110ps4as:.%dii?ci$n€c"from Fresbrterss butof A“$:5‘;’A;%M@:E¢1$:1S W9;9rd¢r§:mm1MAQ€xBiV ; * brwfiém mzagfansa % whmhat. 40f*’;B1fh0Ps V % ’ 131 '= "’i.nW; * b 1fa§r5,{n.1anif¢fl‘h . : gnebeéaufeiflthe Churches which ft inthe¢ir?0fl‘i;C.eaA and aflifimc 3- Vt h¢reA% be m§lB£eV;s;by-tfirsV a*nd%?A*v¢a~ ra: Aaae:e%ap ~ he4ApoPd€s. them; V W felvc f‘eIvés~*~p1aht@d, théyphée o“z%- A , M " r€:sb;wté~:5suz3aer ;“m~fo:';:1:¢ Ofhce ofteachmg, and woke upon themfelves Afhe%:%;c.flr 'e V_1‘eferv_€:d7i‘tj théir owne; hainds the power of Govern-{ A ingof thefe:Cljt3rc}1Tes3« jfoma-Iongex‘ or fh6rter‘t1m:€‘a'a~s they i'sexpedAi¢§ht&"fo1j the propagating of _the G0fpeH', ?’be,.. W fore they fet-§’3~ilfl1ops;%V'ove1rthe1n:, and fo it may be prcjba- ble, thatthe_1'e was as: yet noEi£§1op fert c_)ver the “Chm-rch of V P};i%%l§pj2”i,VyvLhAeh»«Saint VV1?zzz::~i writ h1sEpifl:!e to them.'1"he othézzr ’ B‘”e‘é”a»jufe the rEp;fi1%es to Tiygzqwlyand ‘Fimg the perform Ate) \ «gg,r1iom4 he vvrkrfife being themfelves Bifliops, tglere Was% no need to>wr_.it any thing concerning the Chflyce or qualifil %eati;‘ J” W10 ‘z2ef‘d,§'?'c*w»’%‘?“: dbfisfhfidfisd in $116 inide‘afied'dtimie~‘acki10WIedgimg the right of Church Gdiférhw men: to béin the Bifhops alonemand t1_ot*indth¢c dl{3resbyter3i5 aédailfoic may be pr0ducedAeitherAfrdOAm4thdverydfagne Wri~ te1:.s,:@r{fi'om dthersdcfadds good authority or credit, A tf’éfli«» iridniesidboth for mu mlber and cleerneffe farre hie bnddthdfa. 1d.fndewntd:ionedf t.oAA aflért. the three‘ 1‘ difi'ei'¢nt1Adegrees.0r «Eiders C call‘ them w‘hEth”ér you 'wi1l._; of dEcc1efiafifi§cal1 Fun- éfibns, (i‘m;z.. ') the ,,Bifl1op,& the" Presbyter, and” t}i‘e Deacon‘. ‘As to that which you A dlaAfid1y,%conce1jnigg the diffe- i*Aen%ceddbet:Weei:1“primitive Epi fc0pacy.anddthéipref:nt Hie- :;tarcAhy‘,da1db%eit his Majefiydoth conceiité that dthc accczfl-i~ A 07113;, or additions granted bythe favour of hisfioyall Pdivo-9 ;g£nitAofs,dA~fordth¢ ednlargingdf the‘ ppwer or. priviledges of Biflxops, hadvemade,“ or indeed can make the Govergxment and fubfiawhtially to diffi‘"er»%from what formerly it Was, ni;:§’%dinorde then the addition of Armes, or omaments can make a." body really and fubfiaTm‘ia1lytAo% difiérd from it felfe A :i1akedd30r?de-veftedAofthefimea; nor can thinkewit either n€;¢eiTary«+or~yetVexpedient »that the eleflions of the Biihbps and*Afome 0th*¢i:AfAddcircumfiantialls touching thcirPe:rfons or Ofiiced fhould Be‘ in all 1:cfp"<'é&s the fame uqder Chriftian dPri11ce‘sd,as it; was when . Qhrifiians ‘X livedaamAong% Pagans, a@ddd%Wd“P¢fT€€ut*°“ ‘5 37¢‘ h1SdM31,¢fiYdf° farré%daP9F°+Y¢th ryom-“M-£wefi4in:ha¢tbe1m1£e3rhac%he fthinketh it wen Worthy the%’flmdies ai1d <¢*nd;eavOu?rS gs of‘bo>th0pVi- V: nions, layixigafide elnulatidn and ~private imsetefis, to A re?-” dlibe Elf iiéopacy and A Presbytery 4 intd fughka Well p1fo~por-- ‘ « tionedforine offuperi“ority4and fi1bo1'diri'ation.,, asmay befc A refemble the Apiofiolicall" and ~primitiv4e times, fofarre‘ conréguently of forth as the" iffére-nt conditionjdf A A the fimes 7, A and “the exigems4of’aIlTconfidera1e4piVrcumfl2;nces will admit, fjo as the power of Church : eGpvernm~entin%M the" particular ordl-. ; nation whi<_:hVis4meer1y fpiritjuall, may reméine authorime-‘ A Vti*v*e%i14‘1A«.Ar'?tl1‘e" B1fhop,, but that power to be exercxfedw without the ccncurrence or :* flifiance of his Presbyt‘cjry,$as Timorlvywas ordaiAned*”*by theauthority of Sr. Pzml, Tim. ‘% 1 but withthe«c%oncx:1rrence orafli1’canc¢_of thv: Presby-. % terygi Tim. 14.44 ‘Other powers ofGo9ver’n‘mentAj Whiicthi“ belong 1:6 jurifdiétion ( thoughthey are in ‘the Bifluops, as», A before is&exprtfi%) ‘yet the cmtWard' ezgercifg them be ordelied ;”£mAd¢ difpmfed, or limited ‘ by fhe‘ Sovexaignw ‘p0w"e~r—to which by the ‘Lawsthe plncegarid the a‘ckn0W-L lcdgement of the“ Clergy they are fLtbo1j6iat1at4e{§,I_)1utA‘his,vV A Majefiy doubteflu wheghef it bcvinyouxV&p<_f)»wer t}(52‘gi\%éhin1; any pa rfaéiz affiamnce, tmth€1n both. a AA A A v And where “s inwthe‘ congxuaozi yu bereech his Méjefcy e tolooke rather to ‘ the eorigirgalle?ofBifl1opsethemto j gheir Succeflion, %V11_~isMaiefly”thinkes itneedfiflélftoi1~ooE£e“;1teb§:)th,% A e“f"pecia1Iy'fi4ncé their SucccHion_ is the beflf clue, the moft c'ert2'une and ready Way to fifldeout then‘ Qrxginail. ~ His Majefry hzwingretuzned youthismrwer, dam pro-~ A feife, that xvhatever is A of waightfin yoursg; {hall hm in- fluencein him 5 for »e hedoubts‘ net but £bmewhat’may ap; 4 yeare’ to you eixiil-lis44which%»wasweAnot fo eclefere to you : before;, and if this debate may have this end; fth"’at it: difpofeothers to _the temper ‘of accepting“ reafon, as it . {hall ~hirh of endeavourigg etc) ive fatisfa&i0n iile§1IIehee4can m the two hath notniifpent his time. ' 1Vez~vport,eOé‘r'ob.6. NI