. MW‘ T :9 " H ‘ W A .4‘. +1 _ 5/ ’ ,‘fi,;.,"..«.w~*- ~ an Ul£Il.WM.H “J34 1”. ‘W ‘, M’ ‘,, ‘ ‘ DR; % A 4 %%%%%%%¢%%%é MM %% %¢¢¢ nets \ ‘ f ‘ ,‘ ' ‘ ‘ D- ‘ A ‘wg, ‘ "3 ;' . I V‘. .‘,."r “ . TeliVe1'€d to theC0mmi1“si0-it V “ AA f ‘:4: 6 A 4% 8, 1 A; §?99Ye~§f¢9M€°z¢9§57°‘7’¢9?2§fe92‘99Ye%?¢afi!9Iea.7E»a$e:?eatat»ate»M» I-I IS A J E s T 1 E s ¢Conce-ming rscrm./I613. x PA RI. 1"AdM_n N T. the firflof «=:%%aem%¢a%;:g¢g§%g;*% jI?:~ixma fox: 22 %é%%%~%$%i§%%‘%%%%%%%%% %%%%3§5%%~% LONDOM Widrd 5'6’/1‘, dwellin % gate. I 648. 321:: Grayeség-Irma A fiv- -fir fir ‘$23. £4» "I 4)’ =2? "36- ‘w A 4' $3 I 23* 1‘ 5'3’ :2 ~3i.+ -3% A (*9 «as flis Majellies Final! Anfvver con.-E‘ $_ccrningVEpi1Eopacy, Na’p.nnbegj uh; ‘ 1 ii firH,I643,» A i ” Hatyou have oflbred by way of Reply to His W Majclhcs Second Paper, cf Ofiobcr 6. in .' U. 1‘ E \v' u g, » publxlgcly read by you,mt}1 dxixgcntz attention, 9, \\m\.§‘\m and bath {ince (fo far as his Iexfurc would per- , AA.i¢\ ' fl x‘ V] “ . , . 5; yogrs ofO&ob.17. m Ordcr to the further =i ‘" , “ o~ tiu_sFa&1opofh1sConfcxcnm in the pomcof’ : A Eplfcopacxc,H1sMajefly‘h¢atd, whom it was *‘ " A , A“ A micj;akcn;hc~1‘imc intohis private and-t'£2xi-— ‘ 01134 Confidcxrationswhercin hisMajcfly not onely iacknowlcdgczh 4 your great paincs and Ehdciavonrs ; to infonn*“ihi9”]ndg¢1ncnta oélc-. cmfding to Inch pcrfvnfions as your fclvcs have: in the matter in dcban-:,Bm: alfo takcth fpcciall N oticc of thcfliivilicy of your up- plicatious to him both in the Body and Conclufion of your Reply: ' A ycnhcc cannot but, obt"crvcwithia1l,that ix; vcryfmamy things you either miitakeixismaanino and purpofein than Paper, or: atlcatt come not up Full‘ " ugh t‘hcrcuntoin’thi's Rcply. Whichtoohavc {hcwcn,wAi1I{ cicntly reinonflnmyour pttfcnc Rcplyto bcrun-A fatisfacfior in that bcbalfcmizhout making, a particular Anfwer :9 every P age in it.whi~ch co_aPapcrAof that lcngth would require more time: than his oMij’cfiy can think ‘fit. aimiidli thci;-prefmn weighty tffiixcx jf toallowo unto a debate of this~N2turc, Etiwcciab- ‘lyfincc his Haj: A y hath ofieti Found mutual! rczurns yofiong Am- ‘vicrsgaud Rcplycmo have rather multiplycd idifputcs by (Earning ucw Qutfiom, thauiinformcd the Conftic-race: bytrcmoving For... A i A Alf» iii f Xcripttrrr «Moi» tbtjllkcrgin ‘of b{:i1I{4j:f}u'.ifi:?]}iP4;:r§« Repafi’; l£§bcM?gg1j3h£¢dbyA yomthacithofe Scripturcé did prom the Aopcr-o*$.¢é‘c..I;'z;,,o. \V . V A A «A 2 A ma-s; i ‘ flies, ami others being fizigle Peitfofié to have exercifed refpefifively A xheIi;vcraIlVpoir:csim;l1¢APapex‘fpecified, "N,hic:hp0Waers( by:y0ur A pw.n~t0nf~::?ffio1:s ‘i11ftli1isw‘R%~V?pl“y') Sc&.%7’-)%;:%a‘% ‘finiglelg perfon‘ who is but meet%4§Pr:e.sIiy;4res~4[ha;t‘h%zrrcx=:,§;e§Ahtno «r::x¢rcif¢;vjxndfiipbéeing ‘M1,- 2111 evident, thata Bifhop in t:he&Ecc‘Iefiafliwc:a1l fence;a".1idi a“sAdifliMn& fmrn% a 1>:eAsbyt:r:r&$A1ayeth clzrirh; to 1:19 fnoxc tha4n.tE) ‘afpeculiax xmht in”th'e e:>:erc‘:i%f<: Of‘ i”d%:*idé,“or all ‘;;heA'%‘ faid'”*P0Lvvefs, ’s,vh’1ch a m*ecr d. I’r€Sbytct;£1‘é.£{1 %;h;e,g2¢nclufion feén'3erhf natufall%a 11Ld evident, that i%2c:'n afl I5%0\v<:rVo%F Churcfi-%Gbv%crfifnewn‘tMa§3#v~}€é%hfifilly call E. * A p’f&:op31i. is fufiiciencly prfielrqd By .1:hQfg“.A$C;1?i‘ptures.* A 2:. A *4: M the Bif/yap: Glmllmge. Pirfl, when you fpeak of a Wrifof I373-fEitiOI1’_., you‘I7éem to takehis Majefiies %Woirds;I{»as if hehad {ha.. ""’“5~ 3~S-wed,am4d_cant;gi1‘:db;1cthe %Ep;ifqoflpa1IV,4w0t?1icc,% Qnepart to the Big. fl1Qp8wVV"a1@.l3€:~:4%An0their 1*» 1116 ?.f.¢¢$:t?,Y;9€fS «8,1P9r‘3, “Anti y%ou:«fitII¢ upon the: 1‘ awne-::;a, gain‘ afi:¢Vrw%arda4A% A(A:{S;e5fAVa6a)y.Wh4¢r4€aS hi“sA MajVePcie§;@mban.~ ingwas} and by%11AVis%wor%ds dft>peare%th,fp,to fiavebeén,Mthat.%aofi1éV‘*pa;éc % of‘; the %Oi}ic:c “T2194: of ado/:u'Iag,c§"c.) was to be common‘ to both «a‘Iik1cV;%E§f1¢£:.dthefpg;tL;(,T[:atof Afiawirxiazg Churches) ‘péculiar sothe»B%i£hg>mL9~;ie:.:%:~ »- % A A ~ %~ :3. “ B;ak:<2m»c1l3ti~mafarré frfin; I§?1a?;i;c1?ries4w prds, That the Big 3» fiioWp4sA (3haILe1i;azAe%1appear*¢:h IQA be ;J%}?A3§I>‘¥§eA% than M3 fbr-*6? 5, 9 merfy prétencieid ;_to‘.% 4; Wh%i%ch~infexenq¢ his -Maj ‘% words by you trt11y'"ci:4x ‘irfA rightIy’AundcrI1ooAd,% will AHOI; bV€%*€- 4‘F°?r having provfid ;Fr%om”"Svcraiptur;c%the;:pfawer Churcf'L_1 G0Y€1f1'i“IIiiéi1t;‘¢%77$5$13 all . mm-,ft&%r%¢s.5 ima 6d*;?;Ran:E%i§Cfl%fi§5:; ?1fl3m‘§"5‘}«?3.§‘?°«.§3§£CiI¢d~ ~55’ ‘Pb r €!.A?' pbt%1es«,v%dwa:a«1%o:raJmssv;;i1i:s:Iy¢~ais£iai<;=Afa@,id3amsh:is :qri¢1a%%VT;hat th¢ % A B41":-‘ham ?c11a1!engi¢amd mi?a,%dxr%§h%H79&V¢17»E0-A%b¢191%%v}93?F§:aWm; 4 ,, in xerpestof E~pi~fcppa11A ‘OM96, % than Q; ~vhar¢p4r0p§r1y» falleth 5.. under C3%IT;€3~.Q'FEh@£b —thgéc: worsls ar¢3t£u¢4:5:*0¥~h€¢ Wt 13¢"?- k iitévpmanhey ch a.I‘l:«:;mg+e*;, nan A,r1;Ji§a1m1a‘%”§%Y W,» ‘*3 §Y ‘?’1:‘“.;3W’$rT’e iri%aJ;th%ar Ibci I‘w'—+ 2:er of %Ordina;ioi1 is mofi ihfiflied Omas the TIIOPC ‘C01 aI%£»;,€¥1dI1fi9VM%,% mi¢%¢ia:~dz:fi¢em&aat¢A£a&¢ae:%czm Warmsma3:tmg@sbxn@sS;2A-A defpgrfic»? 311? “ '1 er rib: Times of mi Vh«?a,m£g%y by §?%°*=13?-3?<~?1a414IA:I"Ig3 ,_-0%cA[;,yfi./(gm; and Hiarflma cakéch :0 be thefame» yo'u“€a141~;»t.%m rim of GmwnE.pi1’2:opacy. Butfhis Majci’cy fee:l1"mVb1aece1T§cy,chatthct Bifhops challenge tothe: %power of _Iu::ifdi&ionIhouldtlaee atall times aswlarge as :hc%Exerci%fe thereot appearethuar {omc A times :20 hkmbeen ; the exgfcife z:h¢rc;oF b"eing‘%;. v-m:iablAe%. according » t:0,f.1h6”.' v§;ig;Aoug%% conud“ i»%o1a.*of~ ch ey hutch i1a’id?i;ffi:Ee&1nt 47 tirmzs. A LA nu :th€x fbre his .M‘:ij’ef¥y~%dGg:hn04t¥beIi¢ve‘r:hiackthc Bi%fl10%ps u11:leVt~CI1riHir:-mt A Princes doVchaIIenge+{uch an amplitude of ]urit"di5tion LO%b€1Qfl_Eg. u'm;o chem in reFp;=,~::t* of Iihfiilf wEpifc:op3.I1% Otficc: %p%réci1&:1y, as vvara é3ct:reif&d:»in i;h’cP;:imirive times by Bifhops before“ the Mdaycs*c~£ C1m_/Ehntirwé.’ The rea~1‘bn of thiés» difi-‘§rcn;cc*neing% evident, That gitzx V é’hot2e%»t"ormértAimés'*Lmder Pagan Pi.-h1c.c:As"th€: Chiurch wasV?a,dir-_r fiin..‘?cB®dy ofit felt} dividedfrom the Comman-wealth. and for was to°bc governed by its own Ruies, and Rulers. T he Biihops theref"o:':e of chofe :in;es,rhqugh thcyqhadno% outward coercive) p0wer'o vie: mans perfoi1s,%o"r EHa‘t&As5,% y;:-’%t%%:iAna{1rds S%uVp;>i::‘r, Et1ioyn1~11g“Penn‘anééS*upbn them: c%a.P:1*mg uhemAom: j of the Church, Receiving therh agziin upon their Rc%p*ex1ttan§ce,8m‘*. 4 4{\11da_I%h:his,th¢y@,e:<,;2rci1E:d as we1vI oyer Piresbyt_ers%% as others: ; afi:@f'”£*ha‘t_ ¢theA C+111rc_E':m L1£~FJd;Zt:f:* (3l*1~r1f{ha*z:1‘ Prxnces began to bc: V 1z3ct3rp‘0rated41mto* rzlief Wmmmaoxae W%¢a!cfa‘;%~vhc-meupnm 13l*1:ta.+c%‘:AI*iau{%w:: <3? nc*céH'ié3}f”c>JWv*'a éo%n;51ia=m,<25«@ sorztxave rcivi1:r~m «Ec¢1g:aa&ica%11A»; Iégxygrg, A:t%1"1g: ]u:i:’cl*i§1%ioAn ‘tit’ I?5=i1”}1®p§V(’¢ Aim the H outw aid : em:rVd%i Q2 «of V ij; wasfi15Qrd1na£eunto,+*é‘!f14dAlixm-1t‘Eb1e:L‘by'wthe 'Su«pr*eme Cirvili , pwer, aficl Ah‘aiih*bet215,A“*}4x§d ' iWs~‘aift:t3Hi‘isT‘A?» 31*, «_ib‘;ack1abwL1e»dgL7fi?wn»h:e%VEutemmsf;;> by ‘Ch1’i-H01’ his .»5.P01°cIesA:. : Nevertheles a1rhou_,c__;hHis M'éjk£%yAf¢¢”Q‘ _€é’.f‘!Iin;g,‘aud ifchere beanyozhet or'.Iik¢*Atcafqg}‘A A: t Faurchfyefbxm the Oman: :0 a‘jiu:'9i’ttI#¥fl' .*f?.1i%s A ,1inAgiodeé1}ne.both:hcTerr:i1e‘A(asbeingby rcifpn of this different 7 a-ccarpfion ofir fnbjeft to mifconflmfiion) cA§1eA‘ difiauge A whgthggf ' Y A ,H0rCanfc to diflikctheiropineionwhoderivetheAfipifcopaflepoviéxp... riginafly fromechrifl }iiH1f¢1f€2.WiIf1()flt whofewarranr the Apofllcu , wcuid noncither have exercifedit 1hcmI'clves,~ or.Adcriv}'ed it too. ;-her.s;..YetAfi9r that the pra&ic,c in them is {o cleaxe, ind cviaem “ the warrant firomhxm Acxprefl but lfl¢e:8¢11cxjaIleAT§:nns:(As my.AF:+A “ -Ihcrfenfimc, 1'0 {end I youxand the like) His cfmfi A {:15 cnbershavedone) to fix: the claimte: oAf‘utI;Ae_, power upon than prafii cc, as the more esgidcntiall way, :2}: an "u§CI3{t.hC warAr1nr,prghi :11 by.rcafon of egencr5.Iiryof~ expxeffieon would? beaxc more df.~*;‘.'... A A ..»:i'.: 1; III! .D:fin4‘1M qfEp:fv:o;4:j. ’;+F1Arfi, whereas you a.;.‘ “ gain~&Jic,.fb.r —th.11‘.1iI. -:.iSf*CeOil;3PE:I»€I1t to Archicpifcopall and Pazriw areba11Governmer:AtAas we11%a:seeEpif¢0pa}1, Hi! Hzjefiy Lhinketjhe” ycmmi«ght_ A7h«avie excepxedmore iulily agfanfi it it had been Tether». A. V Sccon;ily~ A A A A A A named ;1‘T‘mvtb],7‘im.v., and Ath‘e‘AngAel’.ls) the definition in all the parts of iris to be found: Yi1'¢Th2.tA they had each their “fever.-al‘ pecan. li‘1rCharges..;" and that Ni A thin their 1'cveralIprAec_i~1i&As, they had authority over Pxcsb tars afwe-A11 as others. AV A 4 " NeithcreThi.xfd1y;A 'othh'seMajefly think it ncetffimll that‘ any word beeadda-:deetoV:h?c in the definition, Or, that the Scxip-‘ A 1ure5FhouIdany% wherefgput-e all the parts of thedefinition A cog:--f vzher A; It would bcaehard matter to give fixch a definition of ag1;AAA-A pflfllfis or A2; Prophet, or an‘Eva.n»ge1ii'%, ox-La P:-esbAy.ccr, or a um.-on;,ee or;in%c!Aeed, A A A ;found in afiy placeof Scripture pm: a"1:ogc:h:er,e A e;¢Fourrh13£,::Hisamajeefiy confcnteth winheyou, : Afixéyifisz the Name or Awoxke mccrly, but the Offi'¢\e,V and that‘-.it -V A eweteua:Bge§e?a;cy to ‘argue a par_:iculA2u: ”Offiee, from Gencfall, on efiuzteilxdgfiihefivisthzll ir¢an'b=;n° eFa11=wr£°ar~ A §:~azP a;:im1a&;01fi¢efmqAruch a work: aSe“le,S;p,cCIl1AA1‘31AfetAQA;fHiK‘f0»£;: “ xx ??I*i=.2"1:.'!%;‘.‘!I!;C.€.*.££:i§h°§¥:‘~=fi.%5;z indi%enhe9iféf0Lrc Hi’: Maiefly belicveth that even in the perfians A almdtofthingaeas that the W113 t!i¢t¢0f?Afl1on1d be 4 fiat :heA.peint inAif..: falféey !“i-om a wprk done by a ii11g£e;5erfofl,which’a fizaglepresbyteif hash’ m xi-gi1t Lo doe, to infierreeean Aoffice 1:-um: perfon dieflin¢E% from? tl1BQfliC€.0f~aP1‘.€Sb_YE€;l'-V |‘ A _" Q _ A. ' A éjjqu "biz"; Tit. I. Afls 20.”; :2; Peter y. 4". , % 3 go the Scripmrawited » Firli when:yAc:»u my you ‘take hxs MajcfliesConceHion,T1m: in more Reply times <;esf:heeChu’rc%h}a:1d places or’ Sceeriibtureegthere was °no7di(iin-:5} VS OHicc»oF Bifhops and Pre.5sbyters,W If you take it {o ,» ‘truly you take it gratIs,(HisMaje£%ie nev’er«g,=Aweic you :)and you mi-Hake A iezemognore yvayes than one, for £0 tiiweake properly, His »' Ma jeeflyr; made no Concemoxu at ail. It was rather a I’rc:er¢ini‘cm inworder to the prelim: bufzneffe, and to: avoxde uneneceifary ..difpL1t€S5 which ' §oug»hte'1aottobeinterpreted as an acknofi-vyledgement of z:heTru»ch Qfyouxr EXpOf1tl0nSO“fthOi”C p1a‘ces.%Fo1:% his own exprelfcee words ,._,« are,”A1chough his Majefly be 1101; rm that the Pmofwiil reach {(39 far in eacheof r.h01”eePL1ces,vv11ich,~words plainly cvidenceflzat which youvcall his Majcfiiees Conceflion to be indeed no Concetfionabnzc so A have beenemeam; according t0t;.ha.r: Formie of speeche very ufuail in J A _ dil})m:acio11s,?D4la, um canccflh B*eu1:~~in1:hateConcelTi;o11, fizch eas: it is, M3 Maicfly is npet .-#i)ImI :£O;‘ine1a§;i11cr*‘V”Vh£i2: yam could finAdeewI‘1e‘reone 1:0)" 5, ground thofzW0rds:,That»~iV11etflcfcmiexncseeeOfltheeeChurch:£bcm~eeewa§ e ‘ ,, no dittiné ;8ce..;zhere beeiugnot any thing in the whole paffage that carrieclu the leaf’: founde that wayeor tha; Inch relation to ‘any? pam- gicular times of the Church. Ncierheer is EhjC’rC0flC€'.1HOl‘1e 1”uc!e1aseymcm take%it»,asi1: relateth to :thoi'e pIae_c:es.e o1~‘scr;p:um.e W'h;a~t his " Ma-'- J7t-:'Pcy1?zid:.i%Secon{"elI‘ed on allefidcse ( which are A ihcxvnrdse you take for a Colaceffion)WaH3ut3tI1iS,"‘ T,hat fuppofin_:—.2;(buc mm: graxxting) ' the word ,Bi{11op.:;o;be ufedin all chofe pfgées to tignifie .3 Preesbyter. 7 ~the«’.)lx'3ceea1ar;i W'orke in there places men cicvned as tfme ‘Oflice anii . eworekeeeofa‘BifI’:oyp‘Teare(upo11a:l3ate¢iJppof'aAI1) the Othce andwork cpfaeee Presbyt<:r,ewhic'hV isfo mamF;:~Pce ah Tfuth, that no V man W'it}‘3C7>_u~£ admitting ‘Centradiéheons caneray the contrary. Em how vwzde A or ; {hon uI1aciAshfl'om;wl1a: youmake cc: be his Ma jx3£'LI:gs~Co11ceiTi0x1_, your; {elves by crjmparizag 4 H m eBu~tiyoei:rei*e1ves alimzleeeeasfceremalfiea~Come!T{on,which{us Maje?2'i y _ (»va:_ng;-d%by4y()ur E:xra.tnp1eih?c>wA:f00z1ceanothertse memxng, 1*xx.ay= laws: . tfaniflaketa wheenxshies wxdrdspaerd 3;}t}‘."'i'fiA.r=* any greatdi(Ticu1ty,hecotnAceivéd anihzering it ;”hu.At being i}%4dhiEa* A routs to CO11'fI%.&hiS anfiver,hand knowing to what Fraiitiesm A firgug menmdrawn ftcm Namcs'2md‘W'ords 21 ’:d C on jefiurhai E§«;pt02;t10ns? Scripture are fuhjt-:&,he paflédh by fucfa things as he detznegrl to A b€,Of.1"Ca-IfC:O1‘Hid€1'a[Ai‘DDhinAOld-62.1‘ to the end of‘ the: hwhoha. df:ba"tC”;- ,=:*<*V AAjt01wi.t: the f21tisFa;‘?ti0x1 69* his 3‘udgemcn: and cozsrcienccA m we main huflncffe. (xhterwifehis M a may <‘:hou1td' have then 1 told yen, A That thcrfe; ate; iwhoby‘thhz:g1ike Conjefizzres, grouhdcd as hfeemeth. : tci them) upon {omje ptoh4bilitiesix:_rI1e T€X‘!:;-iIj!t€3r'prfi‘tt rhofe pla-; ct:sAin the .4521 and in St. Pmrtof‘Bzfl1ops* properly (0 called and AA in”ttI1etei%r«ain=ed Ecclefiaflcical{"ence,ta,;hett'hthanofOrd‘inary«tPres;.§é«- ‘ A by re-rs ;- Th at Tiupp ofing the-hm both .n’1C‘ant of’ =c)rdA£ nary h:tPresh}=A-tars; the twords mzmwé?’ 1* 8: h§7NmoWi”!vt‘Csvhic£2 fignifictto fired 8: to o=ver{ce)* ' Af might: not Lxnfitly be applyed to them asAinf’es:iour Paflot-.5, in r<=:1a...t “ tion to their Flohckst under their charge.ahd over {§ght(the F1o<:k»be- ing in both the placesexprcfly mentioned ) which hinderetht hnot; b.ut:H‘1‘€'fam€\YOrdS may In amore peculxwart manm:-tr: he appropria- tx:edttto.BifladpsAi‘nt refpeft (if that Authority. andoverfight they have: A Vevtcn over‘ Pneshytérsf the-mfelvcs aIfo‘ ;.Tha:: £1513 grantiéngttyour Own”? imerprctatitm ofthe wurhd Bifhohp in that place tVot7'z‘tzu_, it can proveno more than that the two names in that tplériet arch give-r’Tj no the fi1meA1"3L1n.i9rio1a ;. That fromh aI1,thehptremi{'cs in your Paper zthereh layzcd together, am:1%%hhhfuppo{€ad7tArL1c, his Maitm-‘Y hd0tf‘1? hat ‘ conceives-T i2hthju~H’IyAprjoved, That ht-h§hOfi'1'c:c ofa}BiFhop and’P1ve5{;3.+ter is t§,ho'.; % Iythe fame,butai: the mofl, that the Offiteshtwhcre not‘inA‘ thozk-’ph1ah~# A v ceshhdiifixwguiflaed by thofe Names. A A ‘ A h A ‘ A F A rhirmg, if t11eAfl3gnement of any hPatticuIar MQ‘bua1ific:2ttiotii_ works ortduty, uhnto 9. ’Bifl“§‘0P,diflinét;hfrom a Phrmbyterh, fb?Vf;l:i}‘1~(?:t' Sgr1ptu:re,wou1d. (as you fay) put this guefiion hear to‘ a.;1t"i'm2e;‘ A .H1,5 M 31 EH?-flmutld vvel have hhped. that icniiighht tfotonetbh brc.u;gh£ . ‘Cw wt _Jitfit;r;~*%1‘1fl1~t:h8tv=%=fl*@fn~ th<: Acvidcn czcf-?dfF the: %E~}vif”rI’¢smA~eTy of ‘V V ASamAE;.AI.: A1-,9 TifiI0ta'§,?7,WhéA!£Ii1%VQ5“1'1(;.;p£iI'.tiA£.7lf1A12,}U1y-¢§;pr§f§6FhAfh€ Chfajig’ A . fica4t1_0r1,W01‘1<§111<1 d‘-W31 @513 17¢ 31iW¥I€17=;4:;1t.ci D;.€<-moms, tl1a3:A v'l"I2_7’»’$?l‘e{Z}?’- might: k11QW7Wha:t peribxaawcre 51: to; 13¢? Qrfi&il1gdf"m mo thofe ,Soimk.1%c M ¢_1i,i*céA’cio:,«1sgivcn_ to "2?7ma,z%/or t1n*gughoxz%c tI1Qfi3—Ep§fl]é5,_ he A1i,xfi%'qi¢11nlAycf1Ag- ” fice, as ‘gzvell in o1'daAining as in GOV€£l.‘1‘3i1‘!gEhC Church; %% ti0x1~thCreo1§.and‘th¢ application of-it to‘ChL1rchV Officers, yen acknoiwg-A fénbgthché.Q1a1ifiC3eI1i011, "Wotk,_mA1d jduly cs1*'a Afiifliop, that ,Tm]zq:/;2 AA A might know how to bfihave hxzI11é}fi11Ath¢ tzxerqiié ofhis E%}>,ifi:;0}?a1I£« V % A As to chefig:1ificAa:iOn of the word Epifco xx, the pxi1na1yfi%gz2ifiCa;~ R V [5~ 4 “ A 612;. lcdga :1 and that the fmne was aft err by EAcclc;f{,iafiic~a1 ufage appropriated cc}, A 3;, to Bxfhops you c1eny~1;ot,*%ABuc«chc: difii;1£9tio11 of Epzzfiajzm Gvrc;g%;é.g,AA;:;§» E5 .Pif{¢apm A Paffarzzm, you db Laomllaw ._ If ;oL"1difa"l.1ow. it for the unfite ,, ncffc ofthe word a;s«-may 12'-2cm bythat‘ pa aggwherc you fay Tlmt His ’ 5,’ Majefiy hath {aid ‘th21...t"Epzflro”ppu figriifieth £1 Kceplrr of 'Shepl1etd§; ” His Majcfiy thiukmzh ydu rnightz very ‘well have f'paA.rc;d that excc‘ptic$n,A A For‘ ifthere by: 21 pcrfo11 At1}_at'hath thc%ove1Afight of ¢ many*Sh.ephc1'ds u1A1;-.-A“ dC1fl1i1T1,‘I.'h@1‘€i3 110m’01‘cV itnpropricty in gwingfu%cl1 a perfon thcfli1c;L af Epz_/2‘apm' Pug/2‘omm,tl1a11 there is in ufing of the woxzd‘ ac3,>xbxu:;ab;5v‘;%oa? i.n*«C}a’lling Daaglfthcfld g§:)fS4:¢l.r He{:dA1'I1c1A1‘: And H): the thing it jclf; it cannotA be dcn_1cd, but tha1:’%theA A;po{t1cs,m1d ‘flmorbj and “‘]"izA‘#.r (by w'hacc1§111;§>rd1mary, orh:xt1*2A:Aordu1a1y, as=to”‘tl1ctprcf'ent bufines 11: 1n:1t—”-j tersnot. ’h% Mth%c¢oIvcrfig » an % authority ovén ~ many ?"PaP:ors, and were’? therefore» tmlyvand xmtlly E}iifi;~opi Paflomm; I ' % \ Q ’ T111e‘.approp1'ia;tioz1‘of'the.11:u11cAsof Epzfiap'u: :11’ad:‘Pre:é}m~ tothcfézr difl~=i~1=.uSfAb ’Officcs 9% Acoufidering that it was done fo ca1'ly,a11drreccived7 fa univc1'F:Ilyi1i?the Church as b the wr—i:i1wsVof' C [swans Igmat‘iz¢5' c -V A -» r , the Cfixaomgs cci1nmon1y%~,c;_v1»1ed oftge Apozfl:T1cs_,f 2:t)nd1A>orl1czf a11cicm:» cviden: "ces»»§1*onh:ippe,at';A .H%is:Ma9c1’ry11atiIa( (meat _r.ca£c:S1z»»to V believe .~I:ha~t ;it was; awe byAcomCem: the ¢:PrAi1n1ti.ve% ops, 1n@cArIy‘.Ai11 honour of thcv.A»m p0fi‘»1CS,«'0ut ofsthcazr xc€Tpcé‘c and 1:e\zere1=1ceA-to«\2vho1c A pcrfons, %a11d pcrfo:-=*¢A A mull Pgcrogafives xhcy»cAhoi?: mo 1% xA:a;H“ thcmxfitlvcs Biflaops 1-”aA:1m~% than A-.:. V 't}_1c1iixa»A,4:1aic;~u:V:A1;<>'weaaxpom Aac3cca“{71b1=1%~4t1‘rg;% em-maw iéxpme;-4 me me! .:z°;p“m{¥a:1vica*1l;i:1:*+eu1;xat {@3685 ofiail uwhgch%A:js~»to4&49c*!aec;:tflA I B . , % A The r O ‘A hh’}"}I1’>c{:Téffi11ib11iés;r$f{'o:'m“a11yWxfxzzcrs; anciciiri ifnodérn, ha:-1: havchhhdh h %hec11}produce<"i 503'.the305i}W1'€-origixlall of Bifhops, His‘ Majefiy can-»M 9 '€€iV°(?t:h to be ofhib great ixnporzzcmcke in a. qhuefiion ‘of this natm-e,h.r.hath I ‘V he:h§n1<é:hhimfclfbcmmd borhhiu Ch21i'icvVa11d Reazfoiz tohbclieve, that fd . % - mzmv n1hc11~offi1C.hhqt1a§ity‘wo}.z1d noc,h:Cve 3fl&‘1'i:€d.th¢'i21111€,.‘Wi£h ”;n;uch cofnfide13cc_bun.upo11ivajshxfy mod gr:4)u11d.h. V The :r;cn M 1’d}‘c6'’ci;vc1y % 5 of high c{°cix11f.atimf1hszmdhrcveren authority h in *thé Ch.u2’1'ch¢,5 worchxfiy :5:--h 10135,, , rcxgowncd for their Learninghhand Pxcfy, ofmoderfaté and em; Elaf .91-‘0;::hodpx Iaciiéf; hfundty ofirlxem u111L3tcrefiEd‘i11 the Q;§.axre1l;V’h:andh ‘ V C‘ hiohme of Llama: 01 later tizjzcs by iizierefimaizdhedL1"c3;tiéj3ii bvafléd r;a.'~:hei’7, .thc 'o::_her ‘vv21y.V; .'1‘hcir ‘czflertionsh pgfitivfg}Z€rE‘1T1pI01‘y‘3l1d"'fiJHOf afluraxa-«A A-gas (C07{/29¢» WW0 igi%azezt4,, it is clear, none can «be xgnommfi :51m3.”o—-7 ~~ thér mch hke ex}rrefl§o11s,) Namely that Ch1‘ifluCO1‘IP£itUtCd %B:flmhps fin that h qAp0fl1cs, That it was :founded upon a. divine Law, ‘Thar; Ejsiicogtmcvh as J2a'¢¢h.?;:;h3”a%‘ Thi:.OLfdi11:ii1<5e«of 7’ God, That ii: ihemcd goodhtoh the-ho1'y_ Eihcfic fin tohordcr it,h"gg'-2,7-Izafbzzaxzclm as they :—1.CC0lI{111’x?Cl..'./§.c?s*2;!>t! an Hare-“ tiqu ex fo::h«ho1di12g‘A theContrary3And:rliishthéii: judge111"e11tW they cieiivcredash led: there..mtio by divi11c*evihdc;.1cc Of’”‘SCI'iP3Zl1fC’T(39?~§5:57*A5'i":(Q§J}3’a'&l“I5,_f;f,.hGOd?5 vvhofdhteaclgcth it, zzpertgs S crz'12:.44r[r:=t;9fz‘i722o;¢iix. ithappc:»u'cth by pl,-zgirx htc-- flziznoxfiies of Scr.iptL11'c,al;]i-zmm, e;m£:‘oc 10co,‘I31‘oIn\ this‘ p1}_u;éw¢1earx3_._, and the like) which c<_ePci1nQ11ics~flmu1H they bec11cc3L1ntared (as His Ma- h A dotzh not yet belxevethcyczm ba) Vwithha cloud ofCVVimeH'cs to the. Csixutrary,-. fornumhhber, and in every other rcfpc<5’c equal f'th€.t‘Cunto_, Yéft, {hould not the Authonty of‘ their evidcncein 1-caibix be znuch Icfléxncd thereby: inafmuch as o11e%w1tnc{Tefo1'%the* hAfl'irfnatii§?e ougluito be of that is not,inhtcrrjeH3:d, th}a11 ofa11 ht111d1'ed that arc. mom Jvaluct than ten fbr theNcga:ive';h ;and'the"tcflizno11y. of o11c;V:pcrfqn A d whercas you {cam in this QL1e{’rion to decline; this” kind of trial},- Mb:-caufé xnatter.-of right is p1:op¢r1y%t,1'ia.b1c:4 by Scripture 5a His Majcfiy conceiveth this preiémt Chiefiion, in What tcrrpcs fbcvar propofed , to be yet 121 the: true Hatinghofvii and in the 13.1’: Rciolution, clcmly a hQ¢je[’ci- on of Fzuft and not of ARiz_.,ht For what‘1figl1tfocvci' the Bffhops have, or pretend to havegmufi-hhbe derived from tlwfaét of Chrifl, ox 115$ A- A pofllcs. Which matter ofTFa;1'ccl ir;,no1' could be ‘:11 Gcne1'all.» Counccl to ellablilh it, to have introduced lI1(:h“é1 Form of Cvovcm-» mm: lb lixddenly and quietly; into all Cl1rill'iaz1Chu1'chcs, and not “thc~ ‘Spirit ofany onel Presbyter for OL1ght'l:ha't :1ppc:u'cth,for: above three lhuxl l ;:dyca1's,tohlavc been provoked cithér through zeal, mnhitiolu or other zzaotivcg to ll’c:u1‘ci up in the jul’: dcfirncc of‘ their own aizld “clam Chuxfcheslibcrty againfilizch an ufixrpauion -, His .MajcPcy hcllcveth thin:-A. whoibcvcr lhal1'=con{idé1* the p1lcmil’Ers,l together with the Scripture-cvié denccs that are brought for that G0\*et'11'lijl1cnht,wwilIll“ cc rcalon enough to « conclude‘ the fame to have fomcching ofdivine ilafliuxtion in it, notvvithn=- flmdinglalltlxc cvalionsv and "objcé:’cions.l that the lubtil Wit of ..111?.m can devifc to pertwado thccomrary. ’ And thcreforcgflisi} Majea llliylthinketh it fit, plainly to roll you,_ that (‘nah Conjoéfiurall Im- terpretations oflscripcure, as he hath yet met vvifrh in this Argu-~ mcnt, how handlornel foevex: fen: ollyarc no:=Engines of fircngth enough l to Vremovc him , ‘from’ that %}udgemcm:-whcrcin~ hr: lhalch been faded fromhis Childhood, a11dllfix1derhl~' Io confomnn to ma Judgemcnt oFAnt1quity,andto the conl’can:jlp;a::°ciceA of: the Chrié llian Gihurch for (0 many I oo Aye-a1‘s*_;~ which A in} a ‘n1-atter of chi? 4 natureoughr to weigh more thangmecre Con jeélur all Infcrezuceéa llfrom<*S cvripmrcffextsl that are n‘¢t1{0 a¢;tel’:ed.l *Whicll1 having n%ovs} oncelwlld youl,hi5hMajeAfly thinkerh lhiinfcrlfe dilcharged from A th?’:; .A ncgccihty pfmaking Io large and particular an_Anlwc: to every Aff... ~ lcgguon mrhe fr;-qucill of you: Reply as hither he hallthjdonc; T ‘ ‘l B. 3%, f. U: V"»'Z?‘. ' a€*‘w~i-"{:).:«{yO fr;mE‘i.' ' (5 to V “ to the 1’iZ1tof’cIcs~ M1fl3qn and Succc£¥A§wdn,%ET~'c3’11Ha'Iwhc1‘eb5I¢%%&thejz wcxc fiu.jthe1f_.Wa1'ra11ted;;;;*to V th§ii" A OfHcc_, " and VV0i'Vke"',’_W€f1‘eyCt ;t_o Wait?" ‘.>fbr‘ifhatA prozn%‘i{"¢_d%sziloyiltingy Lzskg 24.4.9.-“; 445%.: 1.4.) the ip-%cia1i%’*‘cfi‘ca€‘c whereof‘ was the; enduing % ‘them with Gifts of the Holy ‘C1101’: , for the’bc‘:tcr”and more effefituail %% . }':Q}_*fb1'1nii3g.Of that Lhfiif W'o1'I{c and Office. Notxwas it %His%Maje‘fiics, meczuing‘ to reflminzc the‘EXtm0rdinzu:ies4 111 the A}1o{{o1ica11Ofl3ce 4‘ta tho1”<~.~~.G?u%f3;s"o11Iy :% {fbr4HiSMa;jcf°cy afizfmrwiirds in % thefanqe ‘3ap€1f 111c11-‘- titfaxltth 02116:; Ext1*:.ordina1'ié:s Mb , as§'bflf3:1:<:iS iizid) «but? only to_i11£-g fiaxxce in thofe%G1f‘ts ,* as cm: H fbrt of E‘Ktrz10rdi11Aa1'ie9, whercixu the Apo« flies xrxgcm to havc no Sttcceffors, His %M:.=. jcfiics fi‘i’1’l% 111éa11Lx11g4%W'as_., that die -WhoIc7 %AapoPcoiica%fl " Officic (fcratillg A afitde a117a1:-.d only w1—m; W213: ' perfonztll, zmdvc:5bt:rao1'di«11:iry.m thcm)cor1fiflcd in the Wo1k of Teafirhh 3i”11g.~:an»d Governing .,%% w,hi%ch being both ruf neccfl‘ary4 _zmd‘};cn"pecu all A ainmhc Churclz to the "VV01fId3?C1*"1d,T the Ofiicxé .'s:he1'c1'b1"é xvzis alfo to co11t‘i~‘-' ”~ »nuc.; :2,11cicq1:n€Equm1tly, V%tl1e%;%<3r1‘E:>11s hf rthre ";4£POfi1€S‘bCi11g m%ofta.1l;t<) ~It1'211'1fini‘tt€dWand-d€1'iV,ffd!EO Qthc1:5A in R: cc d‘fi’E<>:11 And mm: tliefiortiiimzify “ V~St1cccfi”oxfs of the Apo£Hes11:n1nediatiy_.;, anti into the who1¢‘AOfF«:c ‘.;10f“ Teaching’ and Govexzni1g,.a1'e properly the Bxfhops the Prcgbvtcfés flscccefii :gV:‘.1cna a1fo;: but .&n part, and into‘ the Officc af Tcadhiéhg Einly, .a:n«dtI1aL mcdiacly aw1V1d;iuborcIi11‘.:xt4iv ro”"tl*1c Bifiuopg by"whom they are £0 be ’OI*d;£‘i1‘1Cd axiii aLtth'0figf\Tfd th@i'éL!%n;‘éd, whi?~chi%sI-Iis VMaje{’cy:%taIKcth411dt_4' :10 be, em yQL:A~caH it, 21»dVi4'%§§713\?i§1§,7%of'1:11€ :Ap<:afl0Iic£U Ofiicn. % V w 4; _Now¢— tI1cé:‘3TLfO}.1»-11$}. c—fW11€I>t His‘: M21 <;*P:ywt‘1atl1 fitidtcmncmiixag thc?max1s-.” Q 11:2: ai" Suc%ccfl?o;n m the ;ApcL>ftk~s, * tlug: aéy %:A+~;y.~px2';a%;1**<:4 :11og‘: tohhfwvc 1:zic".1%;;3f:*.,z«*;r;.a-5 ags t1‘1.iS%A , % Thc¢thi1)g<; yv;l1ic%%h%4£%l*1;§;.-4 ScripmLtx£3%1vccaz*d to 1mvc bmfn .?dc‘m<:‘7l:$j}flTh4:}:ii1;,,offilns“ ¢A;P0H1CS_,;~0-1’ I3_v%ot:}_74c_c1'§ at ._;;%I~i«t:”iz: am3'¢1m,ncn;t’ me‘ V §t.h1‘C¢1'\’;W' AAA-V%fi$+1‘¥‘=¢I‘1Y +%§~¥«Atm0%*di11a1o»&4réTr";A A bu~toF,11et¢fl?.1 and 4§:cm==tz1,.:zI1 I » .~erhcx1’mmc:»1ai%Jy, k%a11d,yho_f:9 lmf 4.?I‘”.dd t1@ar~th<= Anoflwa‘ ” cinrrmnitncdsto@the1's5-as;12.:ix1L;g1y go %Clfk'a;¢»;2r»{*2}®..a11d - ‘£1 "film, 1§h'63»—p0V$’€1?d both 1 _*' mf ,Tm1;cl1dix;g and ;G.Cf>V¢?§rni1g t11cfi(;l1urg11c;s; <5A;;d cc;>1n1nq11%dRcafom,d fl arxclu ~ Prudcn:cwc;di6‘;tp.tin ‘co L}.$,jth&1_3_;itdi$_gOQd~-;gf.Qf,th¢~(’:({if.yi11g of thLeAC11urch, ; dm::.thm*n‘flaouJd“ d_amu1y:1Z§a9h.¢rs;isvdithixag 31,9°mP¢5¢11FdiPr?FW95,*Ahm? n£2tflfo~th2it1:h€15'-‘«.n\d1Ild be1nanyGovcrnors, Anddthé difference of"1£i;-y,‘ 9‘ f:ho}4‘s*a11d"T’rcsEg__vters %to%%thc4purpo1é;~sA:a.f’o1'cI'aid,V h”;xvi11g been by, A com;i..., _ nmawll ulhgc received,-a11d‘pre1E:rvc.d in fit11§;;Chtii]§_i;L‘1f1 w(3hL4;:c4l1,%% %%dvO{;mK fi-C,m . rl1cApo1tl¢sco the pmkéuc times :, A H,.is% Mmbfly V %%As:o;2c~¢ivsrth ;,thC~' \ mm A c¢fT1on~of Bifhops tog:th;<=f Apofilas linto ,1";-0“ n1LrchA0f,+Ath%:irOR-iéc as%v\ras(o,1'dina.ry,%and j3€g;pctL1 .1ll,*v- and fi;cih%‘a%diBc%i1a&iQn of Biflio Ms gm: :Prcsbytc1-s% asrHi~s §Majc£fcy hath %%f'or1n:ir1y exp::¢Hi*:dV, M neec1cA;l1I no f}:ir:herA “ ~ Confir1n:zt:io11%fi'oAm 'SC17i]DCu}:C_ (1;ofuc11%$a,~;Aaxe willingtoV%_nf1;11f0o"fE:,% H13 Ma— 1045' t11ouc.;l1tfit4$to adn1jo11i{hLyou,A»1;11‘at% ih ybur ‘Ar1?f'vvc1;i Vymju ““ta»1 b%cwdenycd,; 5ydti '~;C6t%1%ld,~%~c‘IEdrIv jjrové frtnhi «Sc:-iptiixlfc aloxic, M without calling in {he hclpcof 9 other VVi:'ité‘1:s ‘to zittcfl it, ‘as in»ym11'Rc-,w p1y‘ym‘j,havc now done N£‘£1fl.‘CIf: ea/gg7~:~,~ ‘Nci*therA hTav7c “you” %i11d=g:cd b;’ouglu%» an % thing" in this 7Re‘p1y ‘out 9 Qf_ ’SC1‘ipfl31'Cf} t0 pmfveV‘VciJV%i the’"f’dc}>f ‘félfficitllhtni convinmi yxrexfaibf ya 7¢c01irm~y Inn. ». -; 1,11’ ,; I ;j_ gf, A ' ‘ W T % V M A Scc§1;<:Uy A ‘SecondIy,%yoVu feem (Sear. I 2.) to miflakee thatA"Whic7T1 w;1s=A the ¢, . ~ third"Po1'm:‘e inAl that parteof I-IisMaje"&ies Paper, whi*c1iAvsrAaéiig)t%A "W11 echter‘ Timatlaj and Titm were Evangelif%s,'or no ;~e (congcernh A ingwhich, E-IiAsA Meijefiy neitlmer did, nor dothecontend) But whe... ther‘inAAtVheeCihurch~Gqvemm,en;t tIA1eyeexercifed,* they afled eas_E--V f,vangeliPcs (a‘sby0LA1_affi‘rme) aAnd“efo onely as extraordinary Officers; A or.Ani)et P ZningAliwv’A{V_haevingfaidA1:hatthe Name of "a BiCh0ApAaAn_§:lA eyfivangelifieis the fame thing): proveth it from 2 rzm;e4. a_ndcAonA-‘- ~ A 1eCl’VL1dA6ChA,;[’or{/fatidemfxziflqeeofifcium utriufg, pand EAVange- A iliPc.the fame ifice .bothe.w qermrd Iiaietb, the word=eEw2;¢gel.z* in a that place is taken gen“em11;r,~ and no; in the {pecial {enfe e.;e.i_eth}€1t is A etofayfieeforea Miuifler of the Gofpel at large A( and AtheeAContexte 7 theme indeed feeAmeth« to" import to m%o"x‘e)A A and not for an Evange-- ljfi by peculiar Office. ‘ And Scultetm not eoncly atfirmeth, That VS. ‘Paw! a p poifited Timothy and Tire: to Epbtf/Kw and Crete,“ not V A as EvangAeliRs,% but ase(”3hL1rch4GoverAnorse5* but faith fiwther,AeTha«te etheWAEApi1tles wrfi*ttenA to them ebdth do Aeviiuee;it,l andealfo bringeth Reafons I:oeproAve;ir; Upon wehat pzufticnlar Reeafbhs Gillefb , &c.e erejeft theeconeeit of “their aflinge as Evange1ifls,A his Maje{{y cer- Atainlyknoxvsnot: But if this ebebne of their Arguments ( as to e e'*er~their»b,efl“reem embAraneeee fromA.Avxrh«oAAm*e.eI~Iise Maiefiy had rheATnfo~r£i§ ¢ mation it is) That 222/azzrféé-z/wee 22:1 :2//mgeZiAfram ”r/9e:Scriptmke- fa’ ‘have éeefl a’am-4.9} tide ,.elpa§2‘le:,eam;2’ 7 Ai"1m:otl;y and T1 tus, z';¢ paz'nt Ordinéztioiz, “‘:D{fciplz'72e mrzd (:?0*:2¢=m27m2)‘,‘= may 55 eluded 5] t/air, . t/mt tire)! azfied tbermcz zz»; extmordz'r:my Ofiicerzr, Temm/1 fie M A mo ytouxj moPc A fober though ts ;j:oeeconfideer',j e Fiffl, how thiseccm ceu: eprobf zzt‘ 4/lfrém Scriptmee af mm} puvarer [3 t in may ordiiuzrj (‘lurch :0jfim- to tA/aI?§A[)A;=24A7‘}210_/tA3’lFe‘.nfl7’7£’fiZ1!Ad;.“' His Is/Iajefly then recomm endenh ‘ ‘ of ;:che%ie1*7TaE¥:ing>_,: as e1;rrat2rdiIjaery«Mini(°rers*one1y, tends wthe {uh-A-é ‘\ A verfion of Aa;lIMm1i’£ers, as Awellqas of the .B1i7no%4ps (Imce euponetehis Avery groL1nAd, efpecialfy the Socinian:denyaIIMiHion and Ordi~?~ A A:nA-Mien vc;AfeA%Mir1iPcerseix1 the Church. )[ hAndefe.c0nd1y, eIFj tliecona. eaecmry be .perd,v.'eedby~CZi//efi}, &q; A t*by;good* Argtxments. Tha (IA they ~;ac€%jed¥ea»s ve:*nimg;&the Churclxes asfinglc perfonsein ordimry Of» V A fice) theneeither they or you are wifling to acknowledge. vnfl Third}}fl\J‘.A1#:{i5.‘Maje.fiy‘~ thinketh it a grearee,1iber_Aty . which ea}-fit ¢ NRC _ VKI6)“ take; in ‘renc{ring'.thet fehfe of his "R€tpIy,h,aasoyo11have done; viz, “h§Z"1ateoScriptm'e.w2e*zzer cat;/1 them’ B1]/yapx, "/mt the Fat/gay-y_ Ada 7-; Whereastif you had followed his fenfeinotohat Pa.per“, you might ~ rather have delive1'ed*'thus,h The Scripture defcribeth them as B,i{ho“ps,;and _theEathe1fs:~c;aUA them fo, For that of yours , 5"‘ The I ‘F5cript:¢re’ m!{xot;Timto£hoy gm Ewmgelz?fl;fi9me oflatteelawz/e refuted A ‘ “..it, mi rrje.fied« it with f&_0;m : t;;Yio=.1fl1ouId have {aid rather, The Scripmre dothAnot anyhhwhere affirm of Titm, nor clearly prove ‘ Ti:¢2o%;b}t,tthat they were (bypecttliatr Office) Evangelifis; - but that itngoverning ;thee.Churc_hes they ftelzedgash Evange1,ifls,tA or :CJQt1ftast>xftd;i“nary Officets, iosFbytfundry;AIate (the Evafioxn it {elf «havitagj beejnbut,of la:te5minted)t refuted ahdi tejeétecl‘.o V For Ehfittoof tyyoltrs , f"‘ The 'Scrip=m:re m=l:zt‘Ae.r their motion fra2§zt.eC/aawcb ‘?‘z*ai. Cimrc/5:; beliefl)mE;oZfii2”I2$tt/a€7?£"toM fie fimqdooet Epbefm mad in “+1? Crate;-: It {hoitld -hétfve been, Neither adoth their motion from A 1 eCh§urcA;h to Chilfch hinder, but that they? .mighc afterward7js be fixed A aEt€p/Jeflm and in C;rem:Neither doth thCit':A‘b€i»ng Bi£11opsoft($’p/new A _/1;¢J'**aifld"‘C'7'€1”€hiflder, but they might afterwards, for propagatiton A of the tGOfipCl,, be! bythe Apoflles eappoiotrhent Qftfillvimployfid otheArtwhere.o 1;30*rtthate of yours,“ The Scripture makes dzfli-mS2‘z'oz¢ ‘~‘ of 7E'u.»zzzgelz'f}».r mi I’4flor.r, étflfor/’1e.@y,t/9.44;? Timothy amd1Iitus_ “ Weméatla .- -V It -fhoulid have been, The*Sc:rAipture makethno fixch 4 diffi-nétitonoffivaehgelifis and Pefioors, but that the fame perfons A - might not Onely fdcceffively be tboth; but even at the farzrxe time eolfo be called by both Names. » A Fourthly, though.yo*utfay,oTou do 7¢0£_m7filc‘»?fZM11rxte the Teflimamles and Catalogue: mentimedt, yet you “endeavor ( which cometh not 7 far {hort oftmdervaluing) to leflenohtthe reputation of both but too , A much; OF theofe TePcimonies,byhhhptxttingthemtoflfiasif when th;ey~ V report: Timothy and Tim and others to have been Biflnops, they fpeak but;vAulga1=Iy,‘orby wgyttof ahufion, and not exarftly astto the A. A point in ebate. But of hflierom, upon whom you chieflytrelie e ; thise Caufe, the contrétry iS<€ViC1"tf1‘lf,A who this Catalogue of e {Eu- tclefiaffical Weriters, wherein thewas todeliver things. £54; Hflfo-_~ rage; andto Adefctibfe the pterfons. of fuch as are RegiPcred in that Catalogue by, htheirogemzopeote and known odifiimétive . Titles an-o ”' Stiles, he exprefly Ptileth £morhy,AAoTizw, ‘flier/Q3 Paljmrp and oga theAts,AéBifho.Qsto£, fi:ch.ha1A1d*fue,I1_ Rlaces .5 'a1A1dt fuchjton L; the Aoth»er,fide_A RAS.’ as were but» meet Preshyters Eilcle/ice Q/{iflstyaZ’€Mt8_,O'r-4[¢n~z7l"3:%g(i!?"£§;?Tf..7‘ Presbyter; &:c.‘obfervmg the difference {'0 confizgntly and exeleery A throughout lthlerwholefiook, that: n.‘othingTcaAn be moA~re c~le:a,r, then thatilielltinderliood the tweed 6’pifl:*apzz:Ahootherwife5 t:heriih.th.eV r ordinary Ecclefiafiical‘ri fenfe, rand’ a Bilhop isrdiliihcit fmml “as A " Fresbyter. A As forthaet” pafliige you alleage ourfof him;rby‘l»ctil?:t5t11r”i in the judgement of learned men, he rrm1‘tl mearrlthepratftieeof A A the Apoitolick times; and by €Z9ominz'm dz’f]2afi'tz'o, the expreife Precept of Chrilh lunlefs you willhave him eonlttadiéi what hi'm*:.- \‘ felf hathlwrirten A in fundry other plates ,3,’ where ’T€Ri[§10»niC$_in-v ' the behalf of ‘EpilTtopal Superiority, are [0 clear and frequent in his Writings, that (although he of all the Ancients be leall: fuw-VA fpeflecl to favor ethiatllitiraléiion overmuch) yet the Bilhopéwouldl " not Arefufe to_makeA“hirnA A»rbitra1;oAr in the whole ;Br1finefs:»lA.s for theCatalogues§, Jtshe1*e w7il1'be more convenient plate tofpealt of them after-vva1j<;ls..e A ‘ f AA A A” A V Fifthly, your long ‘Difcourfejconceming the federal ilationsr e i and lremdves of Timothy and Tim: ( 13 ,14A_.) and their beingcalw A led away from Epkefiu and Crete ( I 5;.) His Majeliy "neither hath timemexamrilnAe,»not théimketh 13Elm‘*Ll‘Cjh“fl+CCd;_fl]l (in refpetfi of iivlwat, he hath faicl already) 'f0“t0lAdo.;AA "It ism ‘*j'eienitl te mam I-Iise1Maje-45 fly at lleafi {if pend his Aflent toiyotzr conjeEiuresA and inferences ; Firlt, that hesfi-mdeth other learned, from the like cbnjeéiuriesr to have made other inferences; as namely, That Timothy and Tim‘; having accompanied Pm! in many joAurneAys,r‘:Paflm imam, were by him rconfiituted Biihops of A Epbcfw and Crez‘e_.'l Seclorrdfily, that fi1pprofing.trheylA Were, aFt:erAthe times of the feveral AEpil’cles writeteheto them, fentby the Apofiles to Qther.placesA,lo1' did 'at- ” compzmy them in fame of their journeys, even for along time to- gether, it cannohbe concluderlthence, tharthey were AAnotther1 Bifhops of thofee Churches, ‘Oxgthat the Government elf” thofej’ Churclies was rmtA~commitvted to theirpecrxlizufchargee: it he 4 I‘ ‘ fuppofed withal (which is not reafimable) that their a»blence»Was_ A commanded by the "Apo,file,A and that they left their ;Chrr1tChes£AAe new mime ree»eArremli.*AAll lThir*d?ly,l ethatthe placeslwhichl eypu preléf A again of I” Tim; In 3%. A *Tir; ‘I; 5.» To lig:Atle to~theliepeur_poAIlel ih tended by y°o2.1,e:vAenA iflA‘y0llrh oifivnljr1rlgementse;(*fo*riycou my anely; _ V 2 e A T/cry pm flair to pram? it t*ha*t’~y0uAvcann0t t’.?f[?€(ClZt‘h(jyi{l1OU1VL'lll’.‘l C 2 A e _ weigh fen: thither as“’Bifh0Vps :% (x9) A vfieighfo nauch in>his,j as to nccfd Etny further Anfwer ; fav7eonVeiy, I,‘.l1a2 His Majcfty knowetzh not what_Ag1‘cat need‘ or ufe “therg_ Afhouldbe of Ieavifig Timatb) A_a%tA~Epl:e;fm-,A4orATitm in Crete, for erdaining Prfssbyteré and Deaconsgiwith fi1chA%'pa_r~ticular4direfitions; M aVndAadmonitio‘ns.to them for tiiei"r careAthercin;;if:wthcy were not A byfers in thbi’e places sbfiforg A,Atheii' comirAig,, thither, ‘ orthere were“ not ;A if there werc,#ia€ndA than flush Colledges Thadj power to ordain Présbyters Aand D%éa%Cbn§ wiAthoupAa”Bifl1Op,A] Then was: thénéi;AA!-iA::Ie 1356?! Of f€hdi'1fIg;Tim0t/9} 3»fl_;d Tim: {O 133‘-l%€rI"1:I*li15'7%\th’ith'erraboi1t the work ;A if %y%t;herTe.weredn%one, AAtAhen had Timur/.4} and MT-z'tm p*owe~r of ('01:: 0r:dir:Aation,A;“butAAthatintfiefc§rmerfvery‘many of» thélatine A FAg)rA‘ei;her»Ather€ Were Colledges of Pref-. ‘A 1f?a}tAh~¢er~sA ef pegia1Iy,‘aqdV,fupd;ry later W‘ri;Aers,as Calvin and brhAVers,%‘ r¢fe;j'th,ewm:d» q;,,ggMa3£»‘*z~;~§»ias to tHéAAAAremot%er SL1Bfi:antive¢(l3race or Gif:,an_d: not to that of ‘Ira piofitxon of hands ; and fo underfiand % it as-meant ofthe; Oifice ofxPrcsbyitk:ry,Aor..as we were worn: to call A it7If1%TEnVg!ifh,%by¢ derivfationfrom that Greek vwfAord;ofPric=fi‘/Bond in % A _:j?£m££.b:}igiihAfélf,and‘V1{9t%Ofa*Co1l¢d“ge~or pany Aof Presbyters ¢ _ édiiegfizively_‘iin'pOfin%g7¢h11hd?s%d“i1A%hi%m :. And that the. Greek Fathers, I % whowtake the xvordcolileéfivelyi, dd «yet’underPcanAd by r&yo«2a';€r3’7{g>:ozI A ghere, gcompany Ao_f..Apo&les*0r Bifhops—-Awhlo Raid hands on iTimoA:fl:jin.AMhi5 Ordiniiti4on A%wtovthe O1fice of a Eifhop (as was A i>rdii*narily dM0nc th~rée“ -joyning in that .aé’c in the Primirikre and fucc¢ed£ng gimes)‘ andnot of;a C01'ledgeo%$fimeér4PrAesbyte1's.V A AAAndA that inphe latter. particular, to writs, thacrof Ruling, TheA;.pIacc V Xwhereon I-1%iWsLI\/Ia jefiy c%onceive£hV y,ou}.f Obfervation robe ground-% j ¢d5,hath Vbeenjby} the Adverfaries of Epifcopal Goygémm ent gene.-A ral*A1y%AaAnd mainly infifled u pon, agthc o11MAc3ly%$cl¢;uj»% proof ‘ for tA_hc.' cfiablifhing f .RzzlingéLAa3(~Elde;¢:, flwhich *int%e1j;pretation His Ma-.% A jeficy knowethnot how faAriy0z1wi1.lAadm”i%r of. A 5 A A . f0m€:a0rherirefPefisa ‘-i(\» Majefcyiinever rdreatrit of nae Four;-footed Similirrrde) yet, ie_fper.;ie ‘(I9)r" ~i. e man age angel; arm C’/amrc/arr, 5 AIS Majefiiiespr ii f.zfh'eient,ly_declared in his fecond , required no more to he gamed forrhe proving ofiewhiaarhe iintended,bnt,thefe rwioithings only”: firfl,; Thatethey We1f€iP€rfo:¢.e_/Zn‘gpz[:a;?er 5 and thenzhait they‘ V headia Superioriryeeninr their refpeflrive Churches, afvsfel over PI'CSbyv-r evarrr." irpoie ofnaminigethefc Angels in his firfli Papei~,ARepZj,rr5irir cers as others, whichtwo being ther7?:ripi,'qmfi.r'o1'defineirionxofa A A A I M Bifliop,His Majeey conceived in w9r11dfo1lbwV§of‘it ieIi",Tharirhey i i were Bifhops: That rhe”EpiPc1es' idiereélsedeerio them iinithesrefpe- étive Reproofs ,i Precepts, Thireatnings and other the fconfenrs 1 thereof, did concern their fellow ePresbyjrersalfo,ri'and indeed rhe A Whole Churches (w,hich in your laffyou again rememb‘er), His r Majefly did then and doth fiilibelieve, A A toithe tenor,oft;her eEpii’c1esrthemfeIivies, M V A A . A judgementofilnterpreters. OnlyHis Majefly {aid and ftilldoth, A finding it agreeable both and to the confentient '.I'hat'ithac1hindreih not , but that the-.AngeIs to whorni theEpi-L files were direeéied , were per/aaa fimgalare: Frill : This His Ma»: r jeflry illufrrated by a SimiIitL2de,which thohgh it donor hold in and namely thoife by you obferveld.(f0reI-Iis enough, to that rhereneederhno more robe {aid about it. ~ f e ~-Thzmwhich yorriihfifi uponto proi/e.tI1eeeonitr;1ry from Revel. r 2.34.. Em I fizjito joins (J;A?V,VpiL}i‘E1i.ly) mad t0.NJBi7.1,€/lZ_5i?$7~/Jjdfirfl, ,. i is plainly of no forcegif thofe Copiiiesiihiiwhich thecopnlzxtiive con» jrlnéiion is Wanting, be true; for then the Reading ivonld be this, 11 Bar Ifiz] toyoaaraawz iniT/gyaztirnrz But folloiwingthe ordinary A i Copifihefrehe difficulty isnor germ; ruchmanrerior Aapoflropheé by . .fe5’tlyiIlL1{’rrates the thing it was then ” infenndedf for, as is evident 4 changing ethe number; or‘t11rnin§,r theefpeech to airrotherpefrfon, ’ being very nfhal-both in Prdpherique Wrici:-gs, fueh asflthris Book ',0f_RL"ZlE[fiZ1'I-.052 1rs,iand in Eipifclesof this nature written [to one, but with reference toiemany oethers th erein conrfern ed. Bear: expound- A A eth ir,z.f,u’i’v to jam; (that is ,rh~eiAngel a1sPrefident,fand This col» ” A ifiaglms the other Presbyters) and to than/;,“:ha: is, to the whole flock or peop}e;rifWhich.—maner or‘ ffieakirig “might be“r11;i£%med by e iheilikeforrns of if peeeh to be ufed ina Letter written an Cor»-A porarriion, wherein thefih/Iajor and Aldermen €f"p€iC1a11y,e;bLn:’y€t » (20 ‘A “the Whole Town generally were concerned, -but dlrreéted to the llMajor alone _.-,l or from a Lord, containing fame Orders for his ‘ A ntvn lhonlhold efpehially, and generally forthe whole Townfhip, rrthut by thealnfcrtiptien direrfted to his Steward onely,0r the like. A The confentlofancient and 1a‘terlVV‘riters«ewas produced by His“ l rMaj‘ePcy for the proof of the two things ‘before narn ed onely, but efpeeiallye of the firft, ~'viz..=Tha%t therflangels were Perf&me‘fz‘n as. at ~ a me: .~ (For the latter, 32252;.‘ That they were fitperior totPres y... tierslalfo,lphad been confefled by yelurfelves.-in your firfc Grant be. ‘ fore) but was not tproducecltol prove the Conelufiojn it felfimmea “ diately, vie. That they werefiilhepslin tdimna fence, although fundry of their Teflimonies come up even to that alfor But to the firft point, That they were Single perfons, the concurrence is {'0 general, that His Majelty remembreth not to have ‘heard of any onefingleInterpretenbefore firighrmm, that ever expounded them otherwife: And yet the fame manavs I-Iis7MajePecy is inform-— ed) in his whole Commentary uponthe Revelation, dethtfcarce,-if \' at all, any where elfe, fave in thefe Seven Epil-‘tles, expound the word «wage! co1lens;fo VAb.yVth€m%:a.p;.. .pQin ted, to Afixch pecuhar charges, did exencife the Vp%o,w.trs of Or.-A dinaA::ion‘, a_nt!A otheri:?AGovemrd¢n.t, uAnd%erA."the: A;pdPc:1és%,W an arc ; “ ghereforc m aythic Ghurcih A AVSt%_o‘r~11‘es,A*%£iAcaL:1ieda% :Ei:fl1ops%;%;dE ._tAhcrf'e ::pIaAc£s vifil;a;%A dAi}9cin& fegiéyza, 1: ;: iAnfo'me iplag:‘ie~.s wzhére ifhkz pofiles tfictfi1%elves4mdre»frzequdntfly ¢:onverfaA‘nt,. Bhfiy did for ‘fame whik: govern the Cii£1fchVes%immediait*b15r byAt:hez:ri%fe1‘vé$, before; they fat 1 Bifhops t:Iie1‘e ; %a_nd?*%thatMAa:f:er the Apomes firhes, Biihops onely wcm the ord:“inAa ry‘ c>v*ex?nio}rs(*. bf iéihfi. (3hLm:hes:A'of A (3hriflA -.~A Anci His%Maji§[ty brc~‘li'eve%th;, iA#;mannofi:Abe. proved 7eithek; frdm clean evii... 'den”ceA};of Scripture, 1lAA fibly the Apomes had mt asryet Yet Mahygwfiiihops om:=r%tha1%E Lhurch; which fE4~Ii5 Majefcy did. not pArbpoAféV«"asA the o%1ael$y,no,AAn’or yet as the A mcyflfi p%%r(§15a!3Ie“c0nji2fi'L1re (£'1in* fwhich cauiE:»I%i@ deliV~'m'c’d_it 1?3.A~: c:u1-:- tiaufly‘, fiaying =c;incI;j,7,iV 1111: \:m‘igh‘7t: b"eA pxfohable) A \\ s4\{‘1 t’ ,as%t’112u: whidiwfoi‘ mhe“p‘re&-Atritfcame Ai‘1'rfiAAintVo%%his thoxwgmts, amiwas fi*:tHc§cnAc fawn: his *pt1rp0;{%%,A%%xnrit11oL1c %t;hie%%1z3:.d% m.ea:aimg; 1:l%u21‘Aeby%£0: p1*ejz‘uiicc 0LAhm.: inAtc2rprAA<:‘c:1‘z:i(;vi';$7;}. Ma%sArn;1«n*:<3ly,r.§«;1»%f thmifé Expn«ficm:s' who Vt:~zLé«;r: :31“ !NO%i?d?s¢ ?( ‘*vv%§:‘€Ehethwe% I?»i£1uAAr9;as ared%t%’§;”j§E;‘;;zt{::'ii4s}“ a§%Ai«[%:n'1013gizwg*,£Q thcfr p€£’§}- IAi3m_§i§flVL1tiiAi*}§'§“f§1_I1 mum to {5<+:mi:>r2s fab-.::tedT' ; ms? thisA’*££2i2:cr:*1’A;:z:%;?J A anctI?Y‘m¢o2~/m£;¢A4‘%thé fi:"frvzi*ntS u:2«f*]7c?fi1s%VChrii'1‘, “'with;tht-: Bii‘r10ps,ain:l % ,lDreamiAf2§A,» tori i at .")’>.~’::zilzI};u£, -.&c..~ ; or :.s:):f Athafcz vA\§h0?* :2 ffirm, a1j‘cT?A'€hat4 .§.iz*@:m %§iif%f£b*aiif -;Mi“t1ifE~ers; {;t:1i13sl'.~f;t1};}.€yA do: 1;? eadevifedly, and Ordain ‘none buctmcah asAar¢f.:’meet1yequahfied‘ fcm+ee;ethe:eeServAi*ce of ache e__Church 5"‘! which .Direcf’cions ean?d»Admoneitei0h3¢; His MajePcy_‘ebt:¢ ¢ A lievech for the fubfimce to: belting to all. A-Beifhops o;f;afteereeti‘1IieAs, eafw,e1: fas. Lmtoutheeme :. eeEm:e,A;eeHis:_~Majefiy vfeexh no necelfity why J A in thdfe ; E.p.i1’des;..A theree efh0:,:!1d: eeebc any} efmerticuelaer *I).i;Arec‘3tio7::1%s 4 given. co*nceeming thee}O.rd1nan1(mAe 0f~B1fl10pse,A;ac% e1eaf’c;eL1n1efiseir. I COL1l‘d;b€ emadewappeaer,e .Thar: they we~r.e to ordain. fomcirfucb inMtheo»f‘e»p1aces, A n.orAperhapsi%f chmiould be nflaedf,t.0_.'app.t?.11j,.in as V mxlchjas e:in; thofE:.Ep1»fll€‘S*» there isho: the leafij‘ figni-fication of any V edififerezmece a1*1:betweenAAPi-esbyremand Dheamns in the manerof ' their Ordinatjion, both being to be perfurmedr bythefliflaop, and by,Impofitmi0nQf_H4ands, and 4:0 both com prehended underethat gen.erale:’Rule; e(LAay lmmd:.fi«:dalen1A} an no mm) but onely, and At'h:.=m every “little, and fcarce eecenfiderabelee (‘as to. the making of difliméh y(§)fi?ices)*in%ethe qualification of their) p"erAfons.. g V] L A A The Ordqinationetlmereforevof B’ fho.ps,1’resbyt<:rs.and Deacons, 9 beizjag» robe perform ed 111 thefame maner; and the fame qgalificar tions a«FcerA a for: ,_faving Ffuch edifferen-ces as the .im_porta‘nce of} <35 120 Time!/23%? €{f1dTitItI, A the Apofilee dhiffififififi zheie fevclia-la O:”ric¢sgemea1;Aeee: 4¢;w;hi%ch uis: meeoxe in thtf d=e~gree then in U tizetehingsjbeing r£qL1ir'edin;:be:Q.’:%h,eit.ehaid been fgigficiénc if in that}: A ;EpiPtIes therephad“ been ’Adire be no other Oificerse’jne:erhee Churchj ee0f~%‘P7¢efz~*~,~biJtPresbytmiandD€aC°n5.°“AE1Y=bficaufefi-‘M4/~si«. .'££:é§;hA:n0.Zl§{_(‘§::fl:iQn5 to :§f.«i72zgr}yr;conc.crn1ng anyeoth_er.., M ~ A . 4:115“ _ % I M l uj{:”tetkeAge:fw¢*ceediza_g the Apafllex, M % V V X .(:0n.cerning th-ej,udgem—entl of Ecclefiaflical Writelrsabout the ARepLj', Divine Rightof Epiltoipacy, His lMajefiy fconceiveth thielea3,a7. . A difference to be more in their Exprefliionts then in their Meaning, it fome calling it €23?-zkizée, others Apafloliml, an-dllfome'(bt1tnotltna« my} Ecclefia/?icazl;b~L1t that the Superiority of Bilhops above Prefix ? V byte-rsbegan in the~Apollles times, and had its founeliation in the Y Infilitntion e'ithern0fChriPc”him felfor of his Aplolilies, His Majeliy ha-th hot heard cfiaéizu excepted) that any till thefe latterAges haveidlcnyeel. ’ ‘A A A A A ” * For that which youtouch upon concerning the word Infii/liéZe,- His Majeliy fnppofethn you knew hisimeaning,’and it heiideli‘ghtetl1il* motto contend about words. ' ; ‘ i A 1 A at A A W ' As for the Cam/og#eJ,“f0meuI‘1C€t“tainlfié5lin*:41 few (3. frailty which all hnmaneiHil’cories are fizhjeét to) His Majelfy tlakleth to e. infufficiehti to adifcreldit. allildifferenees thfiit‘-C‘ are in HiPcori‘ogra~ e pheis, in reeitling the SL1cC6lTiO11_()f=the'“f3izéj!oinitZzv, ‘Perfiam,‘ anti» 2?l~1’azcea1a;2i£.z2zlKin§.?;s, and of the Swan iKiings in Englozezcl : And we v finde fat‘ mo:te‘inexltrical2le intrieaciles in the Fa-flit canfa/ms, the iCatal0gn4es of the Roman Qonfulls he (notwithflanding their great gate in keeping tihe_pjubliqne Recoeds, and the exaeiiuefs of the [Ca- mm I-iilior-ice) then:lar*e to be found inlEpiil"i:o.pail Catalogner»=,thofei efpeceially bf the “chliefelii: Ciitiies, as ‘7"‘e7~a:fiz[ez:e,Ramc i,l gdntioclyg fllexzziadfiai, Epbefm-i;ill8cc.l yet as all men believe there wereKings inthofelCeuntreys, and Cenfnls inflame in thofe times, f0({1S ‘ you might we’lffore7l'ee would be anfwered )the difcgrediting oflthe Catalogues ofBiihopls, in Iiefpeiéhoffnm e nneerftaiinties ‘i‘(althongrliit His, 18/1ajel’cy donbtethinot, but imanyiofltéhe»diffeirencesyou in».- Pcance in,may befairly reeonciled)tendeth rather to the confirm ing of thething it Felf. i » ‘ i A . V ’”lihatl which you fay in Anfvivet hereunto, That the Ecclefialli-« _ iealwritelrs ealleditheimiBifl1%oapsi, Tin cotnplyaneeto the Language a .Qf*theirownt;imles,~ afterlthiet "names ofPi%eiebiyfersi‘lanid lBil11ops _% were difiin.§gni:11ed,llibL1t that‘they»Were*npsii*11 the pifopet fenceinow in Qxeftion : His M€lj€l’cy“wh0 believeth the di-« Pcinafhon ofthofe narlnes, to have begun prefent,ly"aftelr ‘thee_Apo¢~ fties 't".m'1€S j(ifn0t rather whslefi fame of them wetee living) doth V a i D 2 V A con- 2'? , ‘26 4 % as they We1*e%caI1~3d, {'0 they were in cYee& ‘;'-imce.% It appeareth by Jgmzzim his E0flféql16flt}y§€3H2.‘3V€f¢,_ Bifhops m tm§:% ‘ 4‘; évcmzy ?W»i!C1€% the 3 diPfereI‘1C<'-‘§ Was‘ :imA. “hié time xrvemzg gs, :::«a;z:f1';,4<:ei,” §1:?s.*é.*:s%my?%te:":%hAIi" Eieram only andi! {came 1 %li"é:E£eV 2:16, hmi Aappliyéd the % mme Exiflmp to per-4 {om E§hE1—~§: iivficgimmze&‘a&gg€sz‘%ba.fa;are ‘ahemg tA%?z3m'%eAm1gh-t ham’: been Ehfl nuforc £3Z}~1;01fée3.' m,_haj‘s?;e IA-.£El7ib11E€‘d‘ it} in {iz~c"h.£ a co'mp—ly_:.a.nc”e% as green 1”?p¢;;§w§f;i,;y.1f;f§h,a,t A‘r«?cei\;»:<:g;iA §."ra::;>$i1~*t1§aefmxme imd the t_mth“0EV t%h%~€:*~ir %z*e7.::£'i0ns4~%f:mn% mi; Maz£é?5:mm;aE;1e'”fefi*im%£?miAes and RAé:%cOrds A . , .. .» M. 1 3" 1~¥. is}~;’£a,.jfc1°c%y t‘h§,:3i«;£:tI3 it xmybe Lnzndfr gyzzod by mzrzny inPmn'ces W ?a."3a::A1*c§:a:1zp'3e, to iaf:f%ar_1Ce in one Oncflgr, £’a.{;-cwzrpfiéilmp of S7?¢_}’7"-4 am, ‘xrv§':.*04% i%sTth0L1%g?nt w‘53et%;h€ Angci (def th:.1t%%C.£".'1L2'i‘Ch~ in’ the Z23... “£4542:-ff.ci;¢.;‘-5 ‘Ic«g;;z;<:ti:;s,f W§1‘p wwase jC013mn'1p0z“.:u.'y:.with him ;,_ wrohé; «me E%piiL%tieyj'to him,‘ and feuds falumtiond to Man in Aarxother as Biflmp of .$:w'¢)‘?~;z.ezj; ¢M:my ‘yEa1‘s £51231.‘ .I:r£~;m/my BiC:a{5p01°’?~1E§La-yzy _ in 5“}F;~i;zg2ce, (whofe W1*itiflgs4\&‘ere 1'1‘f3‘i’€1' yet: cailisci in qmfcion by aztayjy not omzly %z1V1*Em3s him to .iTi‘3.Yv?€§j3€€i‘1 c«)nfli~tv.wc:d ’ Biihoep of'$ 45???5f,"If?"§95tT3~vt?YV%%137I1€ A«pQ»fl”~1€$,% .{?»f*:“=‘£.?%;j1;A.‘cii.%t%%I1,‘;% Tm-t j W-1.297 l3i;7¢j/£ééZ}‘W:«’a%ex=¢‘f9e »'2aw.c :4 .é;a_}'+3 i£9§wl_;%_c2z%/aim an ?E9&;:5:T ‘m.V¢m‘;%%% §Z:‘c=m¢/Z’ vnext, Aa V{:.*if1y ancient V'V1‘ii;»;':s;, afii“i1‘n1ét%I*a, Tm l;%¢:°W;:2;t .5»’2{/T?mpAq;‘ ‘5’:ra*:{,;7:+‘;¢z¢z, rim~c plmzcepl by S11‘. f‘az‘E:»,=.2. Pxfmr c<)m€t;h E W7~hOi11.hiS Ecclefica%flical H;i'fioA-4! xiv amt; 0z1,él%;,7%% I%~I%i£;fo1*i§c:atI%iy %1‘c:pmits:.'t%h 0f his b:eing Bifl+zc>p charm J ; ~zg§,=,~;i1g:~ci%:3ni1%%40f% .€1Eh€17 F»i¢fi1£;ps%%;? bu-1: ¢.i%£eth:a1¢i1f0~f0«rit'th e *1“t2.i“timo;rs A n1%i%m:;%3s3*£h «’i»£q:an;;14 1;+{:I‘mm:.«z,;. CWh%1ch*By t~Ah€1NaLyVggvrj;thg0od= gg:m4:ii~;=.‘1:§3M jg":25z(;§¢:f;e%V; }h;»a3‘E%%p:£%Ies £’00..>) Then» I+2’iero;¢z<.ra%fFoA and 0tAh€rs. v%l:*§tu;:i;*‘gc;ph«;ze‘w‘ V in; ca;uino~tAiA.be;d+oub%red, bu: Erzzfi?“‘£?"ia?;§ 2-1:731 C£‘:fia2~c§2whad;iAn t%h”f:iir%%timés the‘1£4kTé cwftcrin 'ITe£?zi11mnies‘a;nd.A, ;“ fin: A¥i>:t1:x%<:::s; wvh'0m th€¥.»L1*V¢P0rE% W WW6 4b‘w=11j. A 7V'~é3t1i,€i3i1l:i4¥:: 0%zvrhanzds. . fl§§e*€130413$ifi’3: 2 and :~B;€C01‘d5,7‘t1r)€VnO£ 23; Fur the T&f%iff1:>z1i'c*sof (;:’!2_.¥r%¢a;2.<~ arid, Igmatii2xi,M%LA.HisAMaajefty;' H £1ith,, 13%imri’:,; Th:-.1; Lhp::g&};?i; be“ mot; Am21f”0>11aabic t:71:\atift%li c Ta-:Pcim[ony A Qf mic E;;g21?c;4lH;c: wfl;ao%L1Id%%%be {'0 ma,gdé:he aideqiiate c;meafm%;%0f*’44 fijleggjgeggs Qp§ni;{;;§1:«,;a‘$ EQ} efi;iC%1;-i:I:dea:%1:1f Afltmtr. pL::0.m°s; from his EX-I-A , ampm:mf,o§~herwai13:15: . .M%aj§£’r:y;%; finds, zm-my iwas firfi: 1::azrr;c:dby'%yut},%v1and%the1v3:=igh::of the~:rm;in ,(3aL1fE:?%liét%11z:éot.much'’‘ ; zxpcm ;co;;:::%tmt%A a‘1f§A fcjfthflt mat :6: _::o ‘1‘C‘f€t_‘him,fC.lf 1:03 that‘ A ;E.’i.p%i{3ti<:-... Sec0;1§1i3IaT%ha;t Hi5W%Maje'fiyVwcoixidgnot %tb11t%%1m:fome eam m:f’m€iZ;} 11&:0Vm‘ie,1:oi % % 4 (57) . 7hef’cne£'"s of exprefiion in the caufe of ]:gz2:zz':£»zx4*aVgaxni’c fame Wm’ have rejefted’ the whole volumn of his Epifiies, bury upon rum % ArgL1%men,ts~as have more leiilmed. the mpuEz1fi:3n of their own Leax*ning,t11en~thcAaxrhority of tzhofs i'E-}‘.%;.:e§;:i3E1£:s, in the2¢3pi11iQ11 of ‘ mo%d€1“ate and judicious Illfiffll :% Arid %§,r62t13’1an;zcZe/£’.m;, 3. ve1*yle2I.1‘1i3e«;i rnan, though he rc:*je<‘.‘% thofe Epi;f3:i€s, c0::uf22i1E.=th n0twiVti1{‘tandi:2g theAnc=ient Fathers gave fig}! C1*cdez'sca* timz'eL1nto. T ; - ‘ V /46 /Jpq/flex, y%01,1{ay, oizkzi mt .:»mI.««.:m tlocm;/'c*~%lrzz.+7.sj ‘32E_,'?‘Zvo1mVaf .-mgr: partimA.z':~- ]2!.4zz:*w 5. ;r:z~z;!}ct z‘/98 .e‘3*zf€3apx& qfi/’wm% pafrrimzlazr plazas: are reporter»! in $196 C mz'w!a_g"zz«cJ ta iéccn Sz«.;cc‘:=fl"om' ta w'_[;r;<'c:'/~'2 % 0f the Apofllcnr, (E31561 mmz[2*;§.:-c°% .7¢1:.’7:;:2r;Iz=..v‘% 07,”./2-.w’) .412? ,v‘1r,y’s’"z.’m V are :?€:§?‘f'?‘«:*s?.«*!' ‘ z'm”o at;-'98 C4»2m!s9Lv:§:;'c.¢ : T0 this?11s’I?~a'f.:;:j6ifiy' f:z.iiE‘a,, '1;h:;:.:-.:%%r¥':%%§*i“:*n;': A xvexfe A £0 rmaiw Baflnoggza : by 4 w:=rz::.*2c éai: £?;':c:iz~% 1\.;},.:. 1.2 -:'f.m “ M warn as mch been Z?;.3\E’C;“1uC‘E}7C‘i*C€lz12‘€’¢C1,f F.>v.:~=;c:§s':*;§%*2:=%r+:*' ?::w§“e;mfi%;am‘ nor cmaid be cn"%d.:air:e<:i Fray 0t?m3:*:::, I~3ii"§'a0ps 95;" i?.1:."%§*a 01'."11(.&:Ia'.3t§?1§J;?g;_Z’ti#;ILIé~ la1‘Citi€£s%: wAEtE'z0ugh 1%; }~;=fm~s,=<,r4:r€3 mirm‘, ban: t't:V”a:;é<..*:%1:a‘g;> ,% azizd by mutual c0m'Z;*1fn', t1i":».:~:l‘:;'::vA¢:M’;»}~u:~‘;“~ C-E )thi?1’$mtt vim: £:hc~ one to tlafmiiirs:unfza;%'i{2Icm, c:»*:1‘:u;:~1' E0 the €3§32:*n:i{r:5 : EL}: fizchA21pp0%rti4<:Tmm«:nts c{i4;l%ru:)t c:?xf:m:I£:* thtzm to b£:%p1*0per1y%c:1Ii€%d 1?3§;£;1z+xps0i‘ 1:110 3%:-« p;zu:cs,_;::nh:£% £i11»jy’ 0»f' 'tht3£“n £§“y M3114 .t\gm2r::n“u3z1x:A ci*idfi=~‘E fi'lCC€€.di1f3g. timeszz, furmmAi0n~: colreduce this whole D-ifptlltfito Sitriptu-realcfine, Awex'c the more reafouable,‘i€ themattcr in qtuefiion were pro‘per.— ly a point: of Faith“: And yet even in pointswpf Faith(asl the Do-A _ éhrinc oftheTrini1:y,tdhciCanon of Scripture, and flmdrylothelr) 3 l A theuniformfl judgement of the Church hath been ever helld of very A \co11hdem%blc regaz*d.; lbut.belng«ama.l:ter of Paét, "as befo;-ed was 7‘ faid,Awh1chche Ascriptures do not deliver entirely and perfpillcna A tc1*prt:taions,:=md uncertain dprobabillitil3s,nor.aflhre any certain di- V oully in any one place togetl1€1*,bu£ 0hf:urely,and by partsgfo that tl1eAunde::flanding thex‘eot’dependeth meerly upon conjecfhlral In.» flingL1ifhinglCha.raEtcrs, whereby to diltcrn what therein is extra- ordin‘ary,what Prudential, and what of neceflhry and perpetual _ Obligation , thczre feemeth to his Majeflyl to hen neceflity ofad-e XILA L. P AM/Jr, mitcing~th¢fuhfeqL1ent ]udgerhc:n't and Praélice of the Chrillicm Churches into the *A”l"ryal.f = A l V l A » LA’: to the t/orée flQz¢eflia2a5’ pafed éj Majdefléyd, % ;' Is Majefiy refléth very much tmfatisfied, That you lhavehmv $5. again wholly declined the anfwering of tholb th1'eed%C§~_L§elll4 .0115 (0 clearly lpmpofed by him, which your {elves alfo confefis to he cfgrezxt imlportance, upon this onely preclencg Tlmt rlaéflwlalodleé ‘A malzlwn of Ecclefiaafliml Policy 2%; canmimad in tbfim : lWhe1:t:as His Majelly didneitzher expectnor require fromyyouanylargc or Pohsmical DlfCOL1ff€COflC€fDlI}g‘llhflféml E_;sh'r 1 o N s ;hut l yetdidl comceiveymlwcrc ‘(in ordfir E01 His Satisfaction and 3/Gilt "ownUndertakihg.;‘)ll in fame lbrt: obliged to have declared Ainddfew »wordAs "W’hEIlC yolzrlljzzdgm cm: was th€ri'n,with thelgrouxuds thereof; thafit fo I-lis I~w;[aj«:{’cyA might have taken EhC fame into I-Iisfurther ‘confidemtion, th€n“whAich nochmg could have 1Tll0I'(=3COndLl(’3ClEO_ the infdtrmlingof his jtldgehmfiqft, and Anhedfdfatisfafizion ofhis;Con- dd fCl€1'1C€;-Whiclh‘HiSlMflj€_l.tyA alfo fnrl:her lconceivqrs yloty migh;%h;av;;7 done, with EN: lzenth par; of that p‘£1lI'1'S-y(_)1l havel1i1:hcrtobe- . fiowad to 0!2h(‘i1" purpofe, and therein havelhgiven full] asmuch. ;fatisFac’lion to His dcéfir<:s; as he expeéhadll, and in all likelihood A ' bet:-rer fatlsfaAé’til<;:lnl to l~lisA.AAjudgcmen~.t then hfi yet A fifldflfh, or .dclaAnT hopeto findelfmdm you, folong as you i~h®1d ofl‘lfrornAl declaring A A l ii’ 23 ) d FL1n&i0n,vlrlllCl'1’tl'l€ Apofiles ; as ordinary (29) your opinions concerning‘ thole‘ Cgxeliions : For eertléiin-ly until? ii in one of thefe three thimgsican be clearly €VlCl€1'lC€‘d unto}-lit Maje-- on A A l fty(w'z..,) Either that thereis no certain form of Church Govern- ment at all preylkribed in the Word, or if there be, that the A Civil power may chlngethe fame as they fee canfe5or-1f it be unchange- M able , tl1atAA=i‘twa2; not Ep.ifi:opall, but fume other, His Majeftyi AAAA,iAthinhslhtin~ifelfietciifeable inithejndgenwent of all reafnna-ble imx:-‘n, t if he cannot as yet be induced to givehis confent to the utter Aa I A bolition of that’Government in the Church‘, which h~eifounAd here fettlecl to his hands, which hath continnecl allover the A l ;Cl-wiftian world, from the times of the Apoftles, until thisllailt" i age,\and in this Realm ever lince the firft l?’lan‘tation of iChri’fiti» ‘anity, as well fince the Refotmationlas before, which hath been confirmed by fo many Arfts of Parliament, approved as confo... nant to the holy Word of God, in the Articles of out Religioxw, and by all the Minifters ole” tote Church of En'g!,:z7zcl,i—:1s well by their perfonstl fitbfcriptione, as otherwife, fo attefted and cletlated, A and which himfelf in his judgement ancl confcienee, hath fortheie many years been, and yet is perftvaded to be at leaft of Apoftow lie:tl*l .'l n ltityutionihandy.A.iA.,.l1;?z.z:a,é1iAci€AAy;;y“ llAi'1f1"lt{tljy', His’ Majefty cannot but won‘tlet whntlllaotildllbe the 1-eaten of your great fhynellktand un- willingnefs to clifcover your fl1l1‘1~Cl€S"ll'la matter of {o great 8: no- c(—;-flzftryC