A Attendingthef-Ionomblc A4 4 A A A go M M 155 1 ONE 115 ..g..» W“ ,.“.'m. 4‘! ‘. W ‘ ‘P "‘ .1 M, . ‘ . O1 u‘,i_ ‘ K ‘ ’ - ,:z. ‘ up . “I "‘ ‘ ’ 1"‘ an “ ‘ . ‘ "‘ J ‘ ‘ . Q‘ as. -- n ‘H ‘ . I ‘ ;‘ ‘‘ . , ME , . A O ‘ “ ». 3 ‘ ‘ | ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ 1» ‘ T 611$, At the TREA TY%acNewpm the Ifla?‘ of A WV! 0 H T; % A 4% To the,1’£$co11Vd. Papa; dalivered «to them: ‘ ‘% by his M«A ‘] 735 T Y, 0V¢%5.6wa VI 648;. A Epzféopall %G0‘z.1ernment.. 4 “Delivered to hisMéjVA«w-~y&% 0Aé}’ob¢gMrW1',x A V ‘p V V .Mppo1nt;Abwl Rwpgf‘. to PrxI1m;hwCcrpx*e, entxt11Ied.Tfi52,o Hm,W% M: Q»/flmfwar aftiiafliwivm, 8:63 » A A A " i ‘Richard Vinea, “ Imawdm,T9rix1tcd for aufl>e1%Raper_._ at that Ezlignr: 01’ the Sqmng; A mam f1g:8;.in~{’£S.,‘D#mflzm,r.Chm‘Chin Ef.ectw£§:Areeca¢1648m . A A & _ % V W ‘ W “W ~ %”»”cI&é»%®« humble ANSW E R of theDi'z2iI2e.s? attending the Honorable Commzf-7» A 4” fionery of PAR. L I AM ENT1 at the Treaty A atNez22portin tha Ifle of W zglat, T6‘ the fecond Paper delivered to them by »hi§MA= IE 5 T‘ Y, 0505. 6., 1 6'4 8. A Deliveredto his M A1 1228 '1‘; ‘Y, O»3b6.V I7... V May it plcafe your Majefiys A A V A 4' ,V ‘ mvfwer ta«A&’yom% M»a‘je%’fl&«cs4 o+fA06fo~ " % W‘! 7--A A ;2.%%§ Sc4r'i:p%_t:u1*:es =cited “in the M%a11gin Anf ‘I IWMW//z?}.’M.4. yomarimper do move, V$**'t%h'a“£%%4 the j A- p'bfilesinth&»*eirmowne =per’ifo11sg 'I?Aha~r“4AAAEI*i7::otl:y~and Tim ~*~;jw3 and *:'h"eAnge1s of she £AChm'ches:had‘¢epwwer re» fi‘p>e*€ri;VeI}%,t;~o1do*thofE: thin»gsAw‘hich%*ar*e in thofapmw '<:es_of S%cript§:1refpec'::fied.;, But as then, f0n0W»a1f'0» A we£humbly»do«V.Adany:,uhat=any%9E*A§he pefifqng W015-* ‘¢¢i‘s ?Afore~mention;ed were ~B41£l1~ops as dxfiamék from» A A A 2.; ~ _ P%x"esby%,teK% A M-is %i;rmur¢Pap%er of oéfober the third,3 w: Vber me fecnd :5 r We A’-d~id 5 It) now A fiVaga‘in%‘e "w‘e=d*o acknowledge, =mh%at«zhe A v?Pr,e§bycgx§s,ory did exercifc yI‘~;p“il2:opda1l% Government in Vyythatfenccg “-Or that thisywas in ytheleafi: meafureap‘ro- avedby.the.all¢yadgcdyséifipturcésyand them-f0*€0ur~Ne~ .gé:tizgewnot being to the fame ;poin4t,Vo1”of {fate of the écgxefiion" .which was afirmed‘; Wehu mby co!r~1?‘c,eive A V ¢~thatTwcifhou1d not be inté:fpret‘e,d,;tO yhave..oin,;4eifeéh. - deoyed the very flame . thing, wh'ich ywehad before « granted, or xo haycy acknowledged that thefeverall _.Sc~riptures do prove the thing, for ywhich they are Aci- ted,by~ your Maje-fly‘; And, if thagwhich we grant-- ' ed were all, that, by the Scriptures ciredin your Mar-4 ging, your Majefty intended AA to prove 3 - It will follow, That nochinghachyyet beene proved on your Maje- flies part, to make upthatconclufion which is {pie-~ A tended.’ A ‘ y As“ thenywe flood ifpoonheNegative to that afl?3r- * A 4 t‘ion,fo we nowacrave leave to reprefeor to your Ma- V jefiy; that'you“r reply doth not infirmethe Evidyfince A given in maintenancethereofi. The Ryéaf-On given by your Méjefiy inthis Papér, étoyyfupport. your afl"er- rion :That~ ythepyerfansthatexerciyféd the poweryyaforen AA % '{»§i.d~ were Bflhopsin difiintfflénce, is taken from a de-» A ‘ "—{Eription of Epifitopall Government; A“ which is (33 “your Maj:-fly ~£aitb)“ nothing‘ e1fe_.,but th€;GOVe1‘n-- “men: of the yChurchesr"éwithitilayy%C€yfCa31*1€P1‘€" ’ w*‘cin€ty(commonly called a DIocefTe)yyCommi‘tt§d‘ to “Tone fingle perfon, with fufficient" A authority oyoovyer M “the Presbyters, and ‘people ofythofe Churches.yforA "‘ thuat <5;-nd 5, which Government {'0 defcribed, ueiyng ‘9forofub{.taoce ofthe tyh§ng’i: felfe in all thethree ¢‘yy»Forementioned parricu¥‘ars,~ ( ordaining, giving ruies c¢ofooDifZ:ipo{ine," andcenfures) found in Scriptures, A °“? except :(5) ’f'‘‘ expept we w7illAAcontendabousnamessc lwords;A_mu&:il “gbe acknAowl.edged in the Aienileaforefhid aAe+beAfi1ffi¢i— ‘A “ientlyApro.vAe:d fmmg 'Scriptmesl.:i and Ayarir Majefhy l f“" faith further, that cheBilThcl.;ls do not challengmoxe, A “ mother powerm belong Am sthem, :i§1.ref pet’: of their A A f“ Epiltopal 0flice,Aas_ 1tl~iseed.iflin& lrom.t'haI_: .of=PresAby-~ T" ..‘l‘:tersA,-.then w.hatApreperly falsunderone af Athofe A“‘three.A‘: A ll We defire ‘to {peak hofh A'tO"fhe Bifhopsl Mdlleizgez, .iandAAto your M ajefiies~— defcription ofAEpz]bopal g0vem- FA l~r:beat:i<' And fitfit;toAtAheir .Challenge 5 Abecaufefl: is AAa~firPcA eicprefi in yAouArMaje"Iiies reply.A A A AA A A The~Challc-nge we nnclAertakeAiAn two refpe&s‘: A I... A A In rcfpefi: of the .Po-werAchallenged5“ 2, Ihrefjneéilof A wthmgroumej, Apr Tenure upon Awhich tne claim is laid. A The Power challenged confifts of three particulars; »,0rdai§2iI2g~i, giving R1116: or‘ Difcilpline, and Gergfurex. A A A A 0 more, no otherfin refbeél: of their Epilfiopal oflice. A AAW¢,feenor, A by what watrant thisA W rip of partition is ..taken fmthg by which the Apofiolical Aoflice 15 thus A iiharedl or divided 5, The Gaverm'rzgApartinto the Bi- Afhdpsh handy; the ATe1clbing,Aji{ahd rm’r):ié:z‘“ffrir zg $acra- lments, intothei PreSbyteArs. A For befides that rhe"Scr‘[i - l .~pture makesnro fuch inclofare; or partition wall; itlapa A .peares, the challenge is grown to 4 lmcn-e ‘then Was pre- A tended unto in che timAesc3fAgroWne Epiliopacie. , jaw A «raw:-2, andCl27y.{b_flo}2zeAfd<§ both acknowlfidge E31‘ their time, thatthe"Bzflmpat1dA Presbyter diferedl only in < A the matter or Ordination hr. and Arleamed Doélor Bilfozz I A-makes {Tome AabaAtemAemtAin the claim of~t/2re.e , faying, I the things propertoBAi£h‘ops,whiChmight nocbecom-« A A A ~mon§o AI_’re_sbyters.,.are>fingularly lof Succeeding, am! Afuperxoriry m0rda1ning, ‘T’ l A % )1 ,3r"gi‘”oiifid xsarhich%zhe c1aimAisVma£¢ is £§pbf%6‘1icaI, v%é*hi&:hvvi:rh4%i1s is all one xvith Dizamé «flmachisf, as4we11ave1eam"ed, mm. A apeem gé¢2e2‘4AI1y%avojw¢d in chm §3fE)zg_l:31;I&’; ~£:it1h‘¢1fir1;€ti:fpr1;r":~ csf1?opV“c~15y, or 0fth“e, A A A fiififleformatieang ~ a£1d’whcnf’o‘ev€rcheufiretcn iron hAa:1;% sea. fhadé; it ‘v‘;«as zfibt ‘witi1diié.tli~ewntrzzdiétidn of14eVaf%. med azgd godiy Airnm. The zbettorsofthze ch‘a11enge,;th£1c,- éit,1.f%ifi2‘fii‘l§f<3 the ?5cr§:tizre,Adid chuih thew mdofiwfiplaqfibje w:2fyofafce%ndidgby 4che fciialew of swam->»~ ca‘ 10% ggbingxup they Rivér to find the FE! ééd but. when theyflcgme to $§ripiur€§;8£ f0u'hd% Ait1?§»k€‘th€m head df'Nil€<- ‘A (which téi7£n’bt Be fbiirid) ; théy fhfowded 7it:%under the aVE1jdc0m‘1ténaVf1Ce Of the Hug;/i of the «%CI3zm't/.iéIr',‘ étifl Tfibrew thai Wcmld carry it ~1i‘i%“gheAxf, f.endeax%our¥e%d¢v r,;o imp: it im:cj> thewpofiaV/icml;= ;.;fe,4 and {oar lat’: called icyaVDi4vine1wfii¢ut2on, iiorih «Q ” !Orc"¢ of%:1r;yie.a%cprefle precept, but ijvzplibité pmflzfi OE d;¢V Ap'p&ge § and {oche xpojviolik$zrlofli%ceV ( except» Vihg the gifts“-’0r cnahlemegxts cohféfi only »#‘ex*r»raordi~+. ‘na;~y );# fé4%broi1’g:"h4't’Hov§rhViki:be ‘I;‘pz'fcopa‘¢»i, aha the «Epifcm-.: raifiédA fApo_/falic22l4.‘% VVh€”reupC>nit Follows, " thét fht:%Ali’ig/aééfffmckérs "the Church are «put imo a 7:523:91 bib‘; M%an¢‘ex*$‘MoMi}:*a§fjtxflice ~Vt”unr%ned%inro:“a*n fa“r&2’i-.. gzd‘i'}d{'fii12é?‘0fi9§2e, conkFduhded"wi%th that which fiinrfie "“SC1:ip*tu‘rc is ‘7zatfiu_z¢d'g a :VteiIi'pora¢jI.$%afid an extiké?-10ffi%CeaV f;€E\,?iV§d; 4%Ar 1d'vind’ee_difthé &defi‘niti<5’ns Fof {both be rightly made, they Aarefo imcoié:paf£filé'%tWOthe f'aAme fubm "i?e€t,_“tb?at hethatwitltakefioth fmizft 4163!’: éheotzew: me: A tiie ‘AppfllesA,4‘tHqugh th¢y."dfdV%Ancit:in many ‘thi7fig"S in gzzw, yet they *a&edaliwa&2‘imeé;~ @azia‘:2:;z:2ere%, ch:;sn., % ‘Pxaes%by:ars:%% + ~;Per%sb?§mx>r Biflawé if rm’ ins-fled N "fd%it%ivuétf9nfeg+ch¢n¢iris?not 11,354 ul1vt9gi° 3‘-”9b—9»¥1F opMr¢v.eEpi¥%9pa1g~ov£rr!m€nt‘OFTDi¥i%h%Ae%;inf’?iti1i:i¢iI5 wlzops, am! th€§r+4gavV6mtn9r:= r¢n¢x1y §p31?=i<>;ri1é’1“ih .0 h€:C9»;.9{? ~rh“ey pxéfiiihd its %~b¥1»t‘.;t0 Next %é¥-7Pi’w¢‘,1"¢15’7a A ;;ha;,Q;h;iQ' j?ufi._ic%u;;d§t immedxately fmthem." A A %% ,; ..-_ 1‘ uflwr ,v- - » aw « M fifigr y€pu’r%AMaj§fiies 3 #',z1: f. g0Vern;:- %m‘3I1=;ta 1513 19§XrFfafi7€ , AV $1i9u=%9fjtb¢%Biflwpsfiffiarerdate; 4 fhéfi S C;,rij,E}tnur.¢ timesfinddflth not {'utero.xhat Meridi- «an«un<36rwhich there w€r%e%niorefBifhopS th§fi:Cfi=%ifi«a 4 FFT$P7neé;i%nfit%or 5 audit is» as ftéllii c*9I1:PeTfei1r ‘tab .%A%rc;hiepiVfco.1and%P2itriaré:ha1=govezrmenrs asVEp‘iiIE:o%— Spa. %w The partsofthis de4fiifitioI§.a& wémialli and M45: flmflfb £(9.Ifi.£i¢jq‘r#idi maybefouna in Scripture-’% The z§;p9it,l¢Ws:2‘zmI£nayand 77513:, Wbre finalfi §’¢¥f°H5sb‘1T pot :LimiV:¢d~m :P§¢cinét The %gB¢1Y iv%firaMerao, to Presbyw ts-f:rs untilI afiertimés. ByV%§hi§4th8t Ahathbcen faid; itgis _ma.nif¢{£ enpugh that iwc contend not’fiajMe;gami21e:.a~ Vho%ut%thaenam¢ vséf 4;%EpifcopaI1%G9V€fnmcnt=4which yet (though % . ' I‘, I‘? ,, «W V; . cgchougrs Mme: re‘rvefm~ dz/z1:n¢2m)1s« not ca11cd%‘om§- V fling.,1ifl1n¢9f Offi‘ce*s¢ f‘0»110wesVtVhA€m1P€>r7e: = ’ jf'I’o%‘that4.Whi.ch your Majcfly <;onC::1V¢s5tl:i;1rzh-emoffi * A N ‘ w A o. that défitibfi pr<:5Véd'fr~0m .2111; Or =¢‘~*‘1)?*~“A<%>Ft1‘:<>F<:' Placts‘ bi? % A tzs‘a1Ie3dg¢CWf0 P“-’VC_1'h§it‘th€ Natncw Qflice, zm%d*&Wo»rl& A pf: ,3i%fl1gp;s:A :%";1nd'¢wPi:c:sbyt»‘.::mi“ iS§pm2 .flfid :he%mmein»"4*a11 A . i-h:i;hgfjs;,’ V‘je4_1dd'*% not, an the: 41eafl:¥i‘dime.:gz.1i{}1:c;j~ “Is amcshe . Wxi§voird LB?‘fli4o‘p%is uftd in thm?c1fignific4 a~Prc:sbyrer;,. A “°;§ai1d’chat confc (1_g1et1::lyV 'the'Ofii§: 5 ; and work *Inent~ior2r- fidtf A S (9) “ ed 'it1‘lfhel'el‘pl:z‘ceslas tlmelcjfficeandlworke o'FaBiill1lop, “* are the Oflicfifl Pt¢lSvbyt€r; Whicthlils ~conféiIE:*d 0:51 “ all (ides; , *‘\/Ve mlaklc tlhilsl humble »rctu«1:n.el, s»t?laa:t“ though there be nofuppofitionfo much zié impl;5eé:l,thatl the llolfllicle of a Bilhopl and a‘ Prcsfbyrer, are clillinéf in a4- my thing (~f'orlthe"t1:i1n<:s are mutuallly r<=:lclip7rocalll.;, ) ya: we take yom:lMaj efllics -conceflion ,» tlhatlin thefe times of the C huvch, and places of'Sc1fipu‘zr‘e, A lrlherewas moldi- flinéc Ofi‘.i‘<;c offiitlmpsalnd Presbyzers .;,;ancl confcquent- lly that the idet;t‘i~tyloftl1eOflic: mutt flancl, Llhtill ‘there %%r.:.:;_n bf: folund :1 cl lelréd iffinéfion ordivifioqinrhe lSc”rip;.. A tL12'z5’t*s :xnd~1fWlcl”had zarguédl the identity of” Funtftin oils from the wcowmzmity Ofnames ,- 4m2’_f§me par} of this work, tllé Alrgument mighthave been jilfilyterlmeda A lfiz//m:y,%bL1tWe proved %tl‘1em zhc: faznc Ollice” ’fi‘0mt~l1c flame Worlce, ‘per Qmmkzl‘, A being allowed fo to do by the fulnelfi of‘tl1o’"el two wordsgufed"i’n the’ Aé?:lamd.y,Sr. ‘P618733/air Epzflle «wszggzpar andAV§;:wy.o-mi’; g1nde”r thleforccolf whichworcls the Billnops lclaimc thc:irf»vl1ole power of lGovernme1:1t and Jurxfdlcftiozm ,’ andiwe found no little we¢igl1t‘a“dded? rd our A Argurncnt fromthar A in vh'eAé1’s, Vwhcretll*1e‘Apo&lé‘dééatfinlgllfrcmlthe lEplaefizm Preméjm _ ‘ rm orlhjbopm, as gamma fiqzbeirfizres ?marq,cr3mmits)(_as V V by 214 finalllcmharge ) the: Government A‘ ofzzhat Cl1m*cl=1, both over particula;Pfirsbytersl and peoplc-;l not to Ti»? 4‘ -mo:/Q} who cnczxlltood at hiscIb”m2v.* lbw: to rh<:lPre::;b‘ye- téfs.l:;unld%ér*z‘he namr: 0fB1Ihop‘s, V _ mnz;rz'e= “by tée lflqly Gbcfl-gt A wlholmllwelré-ad tQ" l'l3VC'l {Etinajy Biflmps o‘srEt out Cl1u1‘ch;’ not lori;c,‘DVE:f either olneor many; and llzthell A pol-4: ‘ ___.fi.1*efs arguing seem the lame qualification ofa 1 P xmbyter B land Q, _ as “J ' i.~~%a.~a» » .- ' ‘ aw‘ W , o in Orclertoordinatiofi or putting him»in- % jg: A fully proves t%hem%.m’ be two%namcs of the gfae AorAdcr%?r funficion-:1 A %Eh:¢ A diwaflf fardcm ; of Pref? H ;by::er% and Deacon, "being divexfly ‘Ch3f35°f~er—ifed . " A upon thefi:grcmuds44(:we.;hopev without «failacie 3 we 7;;«¢c«nceive it j4&u{tiyp.roved, that a Bsflwy and ,2; % Pmebyier [4 ere.whnlty_ thefame. Thar Tz'mat1a_+y and ATim%%w*ere%4fiun-. A .%g1;eperfbns%, haviflgfiuchorizy of 00x‘ exnmepr, we ac:-V V ” «k1_;3‘Qwle4dgeVfAgvbut~de’ny,zbatAfromwhence any arg:ume m. N C‘ tmto [i;;g1e%¢or A=1r’Lr'e.v&_'}+£er%%.: , for _*(€i+§,t13¢Y.¢V3l1iI)VfI?%Y=V‘ % _ A ~_S2cmmen'ts';;‘ yetby Vtmt.cxamp~1e»e~£é::he4 Prs;:l¢yterir4,‘__¢ A ¢”¢',¢? b? A W P°W'~°?;°f his Qrdér thewprd-and difpenfé the A gthfefi’ L¢)(ifi;§;;0a,??f%‘7}%§!fly¢1J,$¢ andifhar RU1€~df’Te1ligtg_ : ¢/3I¢rc1a%.A3n4%5;m:;t‘e¥n;»a:€ffi:anda»l;‘ ;f;Jin»f .manifePc, phat A ~srd;i3iit>nI‘a;;1‘”C¢nfurres a{r“e- n0r4t@AbeAexerci1£‘e%d lay?-. aw %fl’%§le PrWiz4r*%;§ 1m=ii’her bath Maiefiy himerto Aw’€d%€ifi11<€r"th53Mass 0‘f’Bi£hQ;;2S%andPfi&sbytt%rs,or ifib¢:yfUf35fi=0naA’%fI656 i4n*dthfffi¥ac€siofj%5€fiP‘f¢ure all: A difiingui ngw%whoM§# ‘thanorice. é1tw¢;der(irk:“rome% ,\ -.‘ V w:“ ~ ha‘ » uv ‘ii’ %kind%%¢0A Gavernment in-»A%xhe~A ’ 03}: AThat&rhe sum.” 3171?)? /Mfiour A 4 ¢ &§:0l11d#p1;t”fJ%‘tiiis7i qgun%m¢n% A us4~i::Awob;a%bv1ej.[ Coacem*m~gA re (iAg”n%fi~cztio%:i~ of A woArd~ Epifwpaa, impmtiAn*g A*v"éffe%Ver , ha‘£h*a chuge cdxfim*i:ée*e1 tb,Abi5tr Fafiflfiéfiifié efwazxching .a ~eado13Av,brA;£eep.i;z2gflea]2gV44 atid*v the awn ..,cti(?aivd chat is? fign%He§d1f::>‘V‘d éeepero‘ 5, * j H m 5-: La151¥icFa*l“F“é‘,bec2?i1‘f’é¢5¢dA A mew t1%ra%t4%v‘v1qit:h‘~is~=afl5rAmed»B~y*Vym Nfm*eI%y,w% eh ’\ Awmmzgaw awae:j~ ramiyoa or sanaoms cuurchu%ge:% “W3rWéWf%A~aW‘tfi# YWUHA Wfiitfié cm»ii§vy.ar.w1:ryapp2~ied<.cb%%Presb;$cer§2e, »w:a-t V “*G4h-mm »-@ta'+sre‘~rri*m;*1*x%§ h?a"cf men afioffiéf ;~"i‘r1éAoF %g‘rea£~ *9 AtHA“Aev%ni%defl%i-ie:~tbA rhfiat dMpofilé&5uhti1A mane; V =%*~m;-amen: a%t?:1i“e*faur*%;114&e"s ¢am'e= ihtti‘ V we Ii2u'1’dsA cf “*thWt'TfieV%tW5@$ivvférW5*%5¢bti%ifi%3~fi “%Ece1efiaA¢ ~om+é; TFia%4‘éWiw: A‘;'i*%r3‘tiiv5A*AA_t“.”!‘.i;é”* 4 ; %“4*'0rfl«iAflMA§? A w AI*fii»yAA;:f§&ribe;~v :y?6&¥;iM‘a§"é ‘ "Fp1eaa?fed4rb ma-kb‘€Viffi0dW‘ dem“ A 4 eficljiprgfé ~.calls*P1jesb”y:ers, f?Aand14I5aftorw"§fiAd* A A fihfwcfiéffifiof ‘Feéaifig¥~afia5ih~®éfli PM A‘ to A A 4 A a,§'*v”¢%‘é‘h‘a’vé*’ vedgm A Wi%h6fit%¥* % ‘%&:%figfdi*”4tfiéA: » 1 ;heViFa;thexs.L have "Ac@ncéi\?cd%rh"c j fiction that Bifliiops; A wereca11ed.&Aport1es;:11rmenam¢s%o£1>res5,rerand5;... A " pi[bopa;‘b;:cam%e appropriamg. which is.e'rtbc1:_an allufion. we: M1or%~con*¢€ip.§%,§WithautEvidence ofSc1fi-p‘rure ;, For;,;wh.i%1e» A the! Fufnfiion WV:1s4A:oiae;V the names! were. not diyideVd‘;, vs=Inen+:he Funaion was dis.%ided,. ‘the name was divi-A. %Azs1ib,and iAndeed4 im-prdpriawrc 5, :I:$%utvWe ~tha.t_lo0I'c for ‘%¥ft£i‘arI<:e*.var"taI€1t. fo.r:hcdiVifi—0n» ofan Ofimaas for the 3s'If6eb§daret (O£1COf thg Fathers ofthxs.conceiaaflirms, , %whofi*4faYing£Wh€fiitifié runwof the P316 05 3Crip~ ture §im%e,.w‘¢ ;ga;_1j1;1o filrthcxjj follow ifromhwlaich-‘preg-1 ;;nifes% Iaidg alstogqéher,» we d1d Aconcl‘ude% the cleernes of’ . our amnion, _fh§?ih theScrgvtrtrex-0ft5£N€w*Tcjfl4r/zent, afiiihop diF¥iAnéfff0m%%a PresbyrerinaQaal0%atim,.ordz-» :r:4tz'm.,’0fii'ce%ar-Ldggnity is nocéfiyund ‘tfiecontrary where» A % of; thdugI3)y:b$lJ r Mfi§j,C%fljzfaith,¥tha; Vy%du%hvai2je%AI7eene c(;#)ti;..% namedf firmcdbygrearxiaricty éfércéiible§Téfiimbn>t. yerwe» .bWe1'ieve thoferet}imon1esV *"ar_c>ré.th’er‘&r*bngin;aHE3r;ing3; rhegjin. demonznraring:hescripmres%Qr1giVna11.o£am». i:>nfii.tiiti%Or14%”,- %%¢’3¥nAnQ;§;ffifld% Vith:1i1fl1’iS4- gppropriation ot H “Vh¢AWhj¢§A%Vis'dec1an;-d againft by aycloilid of Wirr1efl%s,: “iw M VIéum+énd~4o£4ourfoqner %An{We,;_i, unfm. which%w¢%flioti1drefctiifmarterofright%werenorpropc~r~ tryable by $4c:ipturc,,;i%§§%:fiatce;VV%" ‘Of Fa§&§'“.§i$; "I‘e{t4i.;.A 4 “€325: %and%¢4ATAA‘ «; ‘ higheff ¢t“s7 ?51’*%%*théV1§‘A hilt-i?17;i ?54f%th€'Y‘%W€I7€ vxH‘a0rdi«~A J an other =V%=h€ir4G0v¢cr1imcnr% wasT»AnotE1e»*fi:o,94!4buts 4ozgfloz?cfzlZ.5_ ‘tot whxch Anfwcr, ‘ your %§Maj;%sffy~ beings no; fatxsfyed doth» o‘ppofc' certaine afi”cr~ri*o$nsF%~,A 4 9%-That AClh1:i& I1imfc1fe”an%d% tl1cAApORIe:s ‘rck:’c3ved~w AA thieir Authority by Miffion, their” AE11i:y“15y?¢UAun¢:;Q;j5%, “ That the Miffiofl =he%Apomes and A‘ ‘f‘ A to coyntinue cothe endof the World A but :1ueUn&i%A-. ' A 4‘ ongirherby cheymre enzibwledm 9 tozboth Offices 8: Fun- ‘* 8c idns,Teaching andGoverningwas indeed excraordj,» A ‘3‘ ry, Thatin men; Unfiion they virerc not necc{IEzriVI*y“ " ‘i‘¢.L'c”>. have fucceflburs, but Vnecefliarily ifit11€i%1‘:"MiHionAo: ‘f‘ Oflice ofTc:ach»mg and Governxng, That in sthefsf: two J “ *ordinary0 flic;es‘,thein ordinary fiiéceffomts arePresby; ‘i‘Vtc:rs and ,B§ifi10ps,,TharrAPresby1e:% q,ua;Pre:sbyt€s,d0i1n~v m¢adiatic1§7fu.cceed them imhe 0~ific&e3MffI’eL?;ching; ‘Aa”nd%~ A ‘°‘B,i.(hop.5 gm Bifhopsimmediatelg} izfihcé Dffice ofG'o. ‘Warning Th§::.4d€mon{’:ration of‘ which lat’; aIor‘1e,,- would ‘have 4 carVrywed*]in it wmore.comAi_&i"on then. all theft: Aifertions put%.together.;,’ Oflicefsaré4diflinguifl1ed " that wherebythey are~Aco,n{‘tiituted,theirC~0mmifIion, which: ‘ 7bc2ing' produccd,V,:Sign:~':d%4by one place .0FS€rip-— A turé«giv€s%fur6r¢vid€ M ‘ A by fuch%*ra~fW£¢{ déflW?vm%= *ff1esahd7Bi~» c rsw Afierebychrrfihis Méflivfl 4r4fl/W’ =1%b,e <:wor1£M<‘: iV€'d‘[%aI‘s 0t'a"?in;r*1y Aa§Arh€*1r[ ?M:fl?o;¢‘"1s1EIid§O bets: A wca-pprchend AyourAM3je{i~y to mean, t‘hZ1‘t”th?f;‘“O fie:-: Ar.‘ bf puma ffimnopg was AAtvWiane7dtV{}r4 1 con*‘tai‘;1%eti' V A V“Cbrifls’otTice‘,¢ as. the oficeafAa B"J2fl1o.pwa’sew7*z¢eytz} W A“c(Jntg“ii1ed.in dziat GPA po_rfl-l¢eihip¢;VV bur tben*ceL ft’WiI I L hAA_qtffcfrffowtEati3]‘érivr¢AoAffIi::€sVVBefi1g C0*nm‘ifl £56. A VA A fiperiarewiaefirly, Aare? ChVereFOre eLXfi¥em.=in%VVirfi5r~walZy5; Io;%,beqau1%-hilbaa¢;,p:44z2Ja‘ig~a{iti2;a~~arefem§mnr1y_mm-2; ta%inedjnja::r*M4jef?y‘, "'W0t1*‘1Adit cherefares fiJE1ioWt’h*at Mbjqfiy -iSforzmAtfly and*'~a’;:[i%'72c‘3‘lj** a“ 1?*a2~2;~:2[ of we Reflm , A as 5:1: aflértgdg atfuefig pr7f”e2%es~ ram‘ 'h"3§7'é 'BiCbQp‘s.i*nV'dfl’tin}A€’t4&Afém E2; A: zmmefetsftéwflfiéze ‘and t0‘AAB:'!’F';tj?, .vv*eC3n'#* noVt.conf“en£r;:A fin“befides%t.'1a1*t?h%e“b»rea*t»hing o.F(Ehri'I’£V€A A. A {Ei~pfe;é?f§yAi’hg;; ;‘1?ete£ve%Vye4 ‘t/:26 Haljafioff ,; A refer rm. WeH+ as%urzé?i¢a:w~;~" we mr3~ceiVéf‘ 7‘A1)5“AA~i¥3‘*’§§i1€AwC!p&i*fi¢?2&’i#:?imgrof§&7£:a»gx5Or :ofher4 tH [fia:ura11*%uFé.:and?t:'fl?é&:%ofltfiexqyléb :I1“e“A bad Aw -wmidaw -*uf¢fjoE"iE“4A t¥i*eV§ihaL1gu_1;at174 “W»asnotL'f<3 ' ?~,;. mas»: ,th W W -"i‘-§;.1=‘6VI33t:i3E?fl“.t€:?"' FE at :un?*&1iémuf,4iAaisj wefié as -4. « .. _ at Prophets‘ : amoin ~ e i A %;m*d?Vi-w«hat'%¢ tinfécohld :e m re-4; ... on « A M." ‘ ‘ HAMI- Ah‘; 0 Aoffanpimi:;%g W0fbéx$‘,:rdbm AA, Acfxaq nfi»by; AA A V QHfl”‘@+ C AA:VT%4AM3i:?ffi€“3 €3PH¢3fi¢¥n;-?4%% .f ” % “$b‘%eAr?$j'-' " %££r§1+dvc%Vé}fe4“~5“"‘~ cm ~ya0fii«és was 0r:di_Anary%,_ and their wm6Ef*:i‘zin4on1y%.iexV£ré":§ -A crrdinary: That inmv wfiich there is flzcteflion, was %ordinary 5., T hat Aiilww .*Whic‘I1= Atbe“reA ‘i9 no fiztccefiiorj (fox: , fuccc {fi=On% is not‘ unto H?bi1iti~es~ %.Oe1= ‘gi“Fcsj) _~T%%e2Xtra% mdinary»:, A and {babe A peflilfs %wereordinaAry nfficersi -ink alt ‘Awhereumo; rhere% is properly: any fucceflinn ,% and :hVatAisofi€¢e. %They, difibred fr0mw.B.i~{F1ops in-that wherein one pof’tle+ m4%ficer -0? the ur4dex%%:% AmAigh%tAVd&fl’-M €%from another,% ‘to wifiin abilities and” meafuAre4.pf .,a5pi‘rit. ,» but not 'infArh=a$t wh*cire~irr one“ ordergoffofficers‘«isV:ah~ox7e«V% another 4wby5”"th‘efiAr? “office Tu wh‘ichwAe% eanrtm g¥‘i;v;e confengjfor Afincé no mama V de.nomi%n.§;g§fi.d an%0fli;;‘%ei*i1’roti*1 hismeer“ab‘ffi%tiwesAofgifrszg u fa neither Ac-an me % VA~p~s:>mes< be calféd X em-at: 1'd~ifia-“-~— my tzfiicersg» +be,c3ufe;:of extraordinary ;gi=fi:s ," but: 4 that rhe;_A;po}£%fc~s milfiaon» and offite (as w*eI.Ias‘ their A M ihe A Churn: $3338 W :abi1:i:ihe9;)% was em:mordei«nary~¢and‘4 t’etnporay,* doth+ apApeare Aimzhat¢ic:_V%:W3S_%.by¥mmediate Ebmmiifiérn ~ fi:'mm* C§h§;1riftV~Avs;ric»houeVM% ziny» imervenrion;A of men’, Aci- mher in EleAé’tiQr1’¢ or Qmli;n»avnioin: fdrvpl-aming an an- I Z ah orimétiwved g€W.fl¢tI1ifl,g1fi MB um*chess*=“:hrough ache * W A A %‘:’=’ ficerg; V*4Wh%t~faeVé1ntl1ei'ef’ore:‘i‘“¢‘1%et11es~'%. A m AAAusAA \zeryrun4;‘r4;r~zafonaBle* thaws: ~the~—VA Week atM%hadfhown usfinmew Record out Ao%f*4Scripture3,Vwarygggin:4 the1%divi,fio%n of fthefi u office df 4teéChitfg gpvgérning into two hands,» A and the ;gppropriazionAofteaching to Presbycers,‘ A <_)fAgbV%¢rnfiing4 toBi{h<;>p§, the, quefiion had been ” determinecgAo;h¢:wi£: we _1:nu{°c% look upon -me d?H01ving;of the)‘ ApAbfiQ1ic aHm@Office, and diPcri‘bu£-‘A .:t'io'11}of4§tinto‘ thefé:.hénds,%.as t:hek~Adié3careVof WhOf,have%<&‘a m‘inde ,. by «fuch a precariolis, Argdmen Vtochallenge: to%ther1jfe1ves the Kc-yer . vf4~¢b?i*«€9'~g*¢ Mandle,a~ve%;the War? tothe PresbY~#A% . a£ae'r+SO”V on A A ' In ourrarrfwer. to thei infiances ,o}"Tiwa%by and T2112: (A.whLich Dofiol‘ 3i_1f.3?I'Z ficknovsfrlredgeth A to be the rrrairic e;:.g.;£},ibnc of VEpifcopallrpowerfifitheproofes c‘ofthcirb;e— r or iogfiiihorpsgdoe fiand ,, or fubverfioqjftheanfwenhat thEy_W€1‘€ EVang€1iP€8 be good) Y0_‘-11‘rM‘ajef’cy -finds var ryA~1ittbefatisfa&-ion though all that 13 {aid therein could bcproved. or ' A ; ; A A A '” Firfiabecaufcthe Seriptutesnoc where" implycth oanyfi fuch things at ail that Titu: was an Ewngelzfi, neither . doth thctext clcerly prove thatTiw0.tb}»Was‘ fo. A .1 .The name: offiiflaopr the 5’01:ipf1lJ‘8 7zez7tr’Jer exprgfly 11:02? — A by implicéotiongiver to ~eit/aerothe ;WorkbWhich they are it»- joyned to do is commonoto Apof’cIe£‘:,EVange1ifls,Paftors & T %eache1‘s,and cairnoot of it felfmakefacharaéter ofone f A difiinfi and proper oflice, but that there was fuch an or»- der. ofofiberr inthe VcChurchesEz1angel{fi: reckoned :1- A mongfi the cxtrabomliézarfand temporaryooflicles [ and V that Time:/yrwas one A ofthat Ordergfand that b0th_Tz'- A math} “and A T171 mfwe-re not oordaincd to one particular A church , but were ”companionsand fellow Labourers. with the«Apofl1eAs,Afu1t abroad to fcvcrall Churclrcsbas _ A occaf-ionfl did require, it 1sasWe(hr1mb1y conceivejclrear enough inoSpriptrI1rc, and notd€noyecAi7.ob'by the learned dc- V ofcridbers of Epifcopabll Government nor (as weorcmem; rbcr ) by ;s'cultet:;a'A himfclfc during t1A1etigncA of their A A 2. Toothatwgaichctir MajePcyi‘éccnAdIy‘fai:h, Thar; A wccannoto make it appeare by 'ar1yTcxt of Scripture _ that the Oflice ofEAlvangeIifi.is fuch as we have di!'eribed:; _ hi3‘Workew{eerAI1ing,o 2Tiflz.b2.45‘3;ro-t0“‘beAnothimgfclfo A but diligericein preaching the word.;, 'notwithflanding all/impediments and oppofitions, we.hurmb1yAnfwer3r c Thatregcmif defi'mftiam oftVhef'eor other Church, ;of.. A V ficcrs“arc hard to beefound in any Text ofcSAcriptxirc but by compaAr:ng'on¢ place of?Scnpture w1th:mother,- A% itmayAAbee-~prmfed%4;;3.fw&I11whfit?Ehkjflwétégas‘what%th¢gAe-; A payilgqya ad Frwégfieryfi:i5fttip%1dns”I3ijf 1197 ‘ b.s§;.mgV ja.«:€hara€fer %yi1~fW\5y ”e'ralIee2'2':m«tof~ scrxpmres; “ from‘VAVh1%ah>Mr.;~H~aokeg-i doithnotmxxch va1‘*y,‘ A fay Ingthaf ‘~ A Emrzgelgfty ~1=.¢£3reM%Frea‘1i;I@?€r;*;"z;f_f3?%*iz2ripgillfiéf A ' ' ;’§a?;x£p gfi 1¢f‘.$‘ fiw 25 .4'.!¢3"Z:uz zsfi;*a1"r ‘i;;2:.x.v‘?;‘e;=r”t I Ecfile/zlzfli ’j_E¢.”C.=’e.? 01 .:".75.5 “ A Mi! .»{fi‘A}zi:‘€:',zv..~§s:r:<3j'§7e£-‘er tin}; [Q1222 136352’: A§1d,4§h3t~P4f/i(}‘i’f.8{_ A ’i"eaVa,2ez*3;gve-rgge.4%: ttIei4n em:-geand tberhy A (3 ifi13r&d- §1'(a_n1%¥E:wmge1it? w;xv12‘uAfe: A 4 nothing» bm;1di1%7gen¢&:.irrpreztthii§gig1r3~f%z%r:;;w%’}fi723$:-AEiiZ$.*?—‘ckjm‘né'Q»iiA"4J to pafiifis, «»E3»€;z:r:ge;!i£%s;; fl Pa'i‘fi?i&¥1?s‘** e.~‘?*:~eé?:f?s;§ cfi '1’ 25 A A A not qdi‘fi:iH&i§'fiQ1£¥Arh%}£“-3£Tt§;f§}L1§§7;3:es‘t‘§? tr3§“'3;?33; cieiécyl Awbbvz A A -A that.':.:e.sAAwth€ ApoiHé§ sd@aiA:v§heo;Ep§rcc;~s:a12 A a;;dA_go&o1ica11, *:?{0\7ThirS 2:17} s‘%*tio‘1E3{c*éi%a?i‘dE<3a.iAn? 4* ‘A A p::Jdv«2éndV%E1*ange1icaliy%"% O1%di_in%fidenti:§%%f‘d6dfi§r; iii: ;.%s;~ _“iscvflfifmedbyfhakion%‘f&flfi£*fi%t@{Eigfi fin ‘ . “"'$tyw,, recm*ded~by4 Ier¢wé~'.&&aaféf£e tfié-i%~‘ Bfihkopsf ' ‘ ‘CA>f_1’ 411/’ .5‘ ordination};uzcknozvlcfiged y verji‘ :11an%y*Fa%fVdAI3i3” ‘ A “stigma, mad;-thatia‘Carabgaé r;sf%~27fp§%‘i7}“Ep£wefux “lin&a1Iyflfi1CCw&i11gfro1I&$i¢;Mfil7y¥ov§t’% cfmwgcyoa ‘ “is vou¢h§d%&eby~.Vr%.fley;éo%!a‘Lr= améi”5= (:sTt¥f;t‘ei*A Wri 1: A 4 ‘A usar con%fidence;;(:as4Your Majefcy i.§=A1éIé£i*f¢8 ’tbjcal1%‘_i;)V H '1 0' E was tineur Aafwerexprefi i;1»AAthefewb1*ds; Afiiéé 1*‘ A % that '1‘ zmatlv} and {Trim were%B:fhiVdps1nthé'%fefifé Ybur ' .A Maje1}}t,bAutextrzza@~.5722: ;:%agfi?cer;e%*or£'§2;;z;‘:gg%7“z'fl:;in wfhiizh I: A oyinion wewere.th%€nAc1Ve;ng;1éwfit cr‘i~?;:%%totaIli'gnoraiiéé: A3 A . ,M,‘;..‘ v» ~ ‘O "1 BE :hQfeIM‘.¢_fl1$1?«A0n—1es.Wh1ch;m1g1:;t1- AeiMed*gI€»d~”aga'1' {rig % % 5135t4f170fif3 trim$3_c3k:;airgun16nts&x mud‘: +bv‘”@§fi%;i§fé%23 bhr A ,t11f.1In tm;bqfix@d«:a% At? ré;éff"1the -mzipwéaézte#%n1a1:Ae%d%vi17tm<§i*i0n*"E%wg€*i¥1*%“‘€rn4d "Paf*01*€~2.~ 7 A bfggt fl9;ygz§_fg2~j{{fimaflqgvkanTélawWE%r€-*4*b0t'h5Wf€‘CanHi)t g;i's;:;:4;;f(T%cgx:;;1_1,:%:lTsn,i 3.: p»::e1e~nt:._A‘:Vf,a{rc01;1n4:~% 6‘c1£lz‘éif4'r md _ .7E;,z,e_;z,‘.,I2;;1hz‘j_Q€;;:g<§,s:g!%11¢;-:<:,g1,k:rV}q with gre;_.;4te1*~ ~}%£‘v'1‘v‘e%ri-g;rh% rfb Lm—:- t‘h“m 3?P,i¥1i9¥1‘3Wi firm theivbefiirig «%2Brf17r>p5*:; mt: 1T0m€«-m§}“eA€1*~‘*=‘t;~}3isaof rhc-2.1 r .4 m A m;1:@:,,Wmw&an¢zvgg»e;:[hough% we Lxxidervalme "thrsm hcvt, yet YO11Ij‘i\/1_;_‘;1j6_&§{ wmbe p_§€aLf€'d t(m1ip;V.\§ mi 2’“1“‘:fV5"§~1«,{:?5;%Mfi'£Ul1:‘T Fu%éa {L31}, fo Fa1*a3 not rm: rs if an % Aofliéégip h?u:g:l3;.;\4,lmv%hich is"? .11 ot x:f(31II'1Ci1~iifl"S~C‘fipZ'jI1£'(§‘3 " ;gmcgm[l WA Vlfitjwmf‘-Ab:%r»zitJeI.¢»a‘Tmd«2zllgzfi‘p;%:‘$frequen-. %% A‘ tI%ji‘f55g1nd:4wi%n »_1§;1§,lg§+u31:§U4'i1§f85rw."'fifp€Gi3*lI-Y Whénkhwey.‘ 1:91:-}:1 kc wuilgarlyV ; I1(3M'.fi$,%‘!£‘Q%-:1'p0;i“Im'i3V!£1= debhtea for“¢v‘«emA’;W2%:.asz2:: A - who as ifoxig: ezjrtfly faith dmh Recoz*df4‘th:.u: ATi;;2;:'.é;y n and im: were made Biflmpraand thatwoflfit." ,P¢zzil: 0rdi- 11;3¢‘;i011”ad%£?£b:.W’%Ah€z3 13,Aer‘$3pieakémomhV4‘e fpo§%?mt¥4~b‘ét4A:&f%é‘:1 Your 4 rixjézi 'U_f1*f7tfif f&:M}isfi'afiz22zV¢r;,f:0rCatzrlogzmf th€ircr<:ditrefl's -up%;¢;n thtii‘ firfi wjgncfiE3sf1'r.>m»vho~m they ‘arajc repcrted by I tz;2;:1,z' i gmz fxgqug Wh an<:i;.t c>4h‘a11m11:; .«WhVké)fe fix-'1_*~itii7M1/g%:~;‘V4‘z1 re A;::3%3tii,=’%A ?zpVpaflrTtioz1.; duéiztw;%(:1i7lI1@téx!?,wi5bE:Hdftsthat the!”-E: A c~¢«;r;,;zf&?%;;a:4¢;~d<3Vrfifulve »rh€nife41vW¢sA‘Air:tAo%fc>me Apq’/ileor 2:- A "£1~’:1?!b§j'€!2_"/ZflaSth€? firfi: Biflaopb ‘asthec:.1ta10guc0f[¢é;m5flzle:;*w 4 Mg}egifiy.¢;;1}d;us,givSe%tA’hfit», Bi*£ho¢p7é to V;unVder'fEa’nd the t ”thej.=' 317:3: pexfxqxfs, to PTé5§b;}*t4f:1‘Sco:2j4z€itw{i72e%.w2zgi.c% qm~:.w 13.9-4 ‘ (20,) A into the Afmflle Jzzkrzex, that oofAm‘7'ocl3 into Peter, A that of Iiorzzeirito Peter and Paul, Athzltoof Alexandr.‘into Markea that ‘offiplrefm into Tiwatla , which Apofiles and Evan. gelifis can neitherthemfelves be degraded by being made _ "fiifhopgnor be fucceed edin theirpro'perca11ing or office-_., M A M audit is eafy for us. to ‘proceed thefame Wayand to finde V many antient rites and cufioms genefally receivedinothe ‘ Church (eountedgby the am:ients' dpaflolicall tmalitimzs) A as neer the Apofiles times as Bifhops, A whichA yet: arecon - , A feffedly not ofDi-virzg inflitéxtiong and further; iffimotby and the ref’: " that are firfl In ehe fatalogue were Biihops V withfuch {ole Power of Ordmatxon and Cenfuresfias is afTerted,how came their pretended fucccfiA"ors,wh‘o {were but Prinzi Prex[a;zteriorzm3(a.s the Fathersthemfe1'vesAca11 4 them) to 1o~fe.fo1nu_cheEp1f'copall power as was in their A Predecefl"ors,L and a.s~was‘not recorded in goo years?and A thereforewe cannot upon any thin g yet Eiid 5 “reoide from {mg is was not V‘. » that.0f0ur saviour,,4b _i¢zitz'o1za7z ffiitfic, fromthe begin» “dt Weea$r;mc%but upon ve- A °‘?'Your Mzijefcy f'aith,;t A’f“A‘ ry‘weak proofes, that they owere frotn Epbefz/«:4 and "' Crete removed to~Oth€r places, I the contrary “Where... “"' oo11flt0h3%oCh§ been £i§‘I110nftrated‘”by flame, e who have A 7°‘? exaéilyoutofosctipmreg compared A. the times; ’, A and ~ “ ~0Td€T0ffh€‘3=V€Y3115‘m1'I1fi’Y¢SeAaoe=ifidflatms 0? 1’W «“‘Aa~nd Timothy; ” “ o ‘A A A AA A » ,1: is,orconfefl‘ed that:oAeAO13r.a'{Tcrtion., W thaté room, A~ A . :r¥t:x4~ovi¢r¢Eez)angeli o::lics with’ Tome fireffc upon AA Pt-Eiis, that tho€Yorem.zrv¢d1from piace ta pl;é“ce5 asethey 1 4 were ofim‘ or :¢ecc0::2pmie4d’AthAe& oVApofiI4eesw%, the 5 j proofe ‘i.1*hereéo—foo%appeaQes t'o“[uAs ,, zobee of e ogreater A Pcrength then‘ ozakcnofi‘ by eh -c(5)1:nP3rj {gm . V A‘ tszhiochyotfar Méjeff”y,Ve4Nm«akes0feth;e‘Di?z:i72é34voftIoeVAjEx¢— ¢it%’oeP37£?fl*I7M}¢fl€?‘;1 With‘ the »‘Fr.w;zile_’4~A of o A eTiz2zot,{:yeA -‘ xM(,2I_)I' ‘4 % A % “T i1}-aVat/3} %,4 as%W,é findeth%%wem Wind%order mcvo1'dEd inrhri: V %Sc'ripture~ places clted m the Margm, and we-fit fig r: 1; V from(a) Beam, where we finds Tiwatig/3 men nex1:*5ajt4 g izio4A5afteWard having bc*én i11 12xfg;%ceais;z_éa,,“ l1cj<:am<: :5 C ,1 Thfig (I2) Atbema f'rOmwhenAcéPa:mlfenids him t0(1::) Tl2efl§af!qw~ V : ‘A % V V V ‘ F"n»'*~.E%s :1-1.34-b-A ‘t 0_Pzml at (d)Cofint}.I, andgaftér thafhe iAswi;h1?czz:lat»»;E- m; A. plaef and thencefcnt him into(e}Mz:cec£mi;z, Awheu (1 :::§'?-'8 I3-.%5- ‘ é J ‘ H x ‘ V" c‘ .fl'S I9. 22. A that APaulWent”a&fter%4him, and Wasby VTiwazf/ny accom-A« f» A—m0_4_§, ;_ paniedintd Aflag, whowaswith himm-('g)Tmz»s and 5h. 3;. A (la) " Miletw , A to W whichf flaCeA S2%iiv1'1t% Paul fent fair’ the Prgrbyterx of thcChurc;h.in Ephef;;2r,anVd,gavethcm that ' folemne charge to take heede ‘ gznto Atbemflalzrey , arid to A all thefiack, c’ive”r which the ho1yGh0flhath xnaéile them % 3 :§//yap; , not fpeaking»a”W%o1‘dVofreccmmendationmf A “ that Church to Timothy ,A or of him to theEIde.rs. And’ % A if Timothywas Biflo"op of Epbefm, he mufibcc fowhcn thefirfl Epzflle was fcntto, hiI13, in.Whi(;h he is‘ prcftenu-V ” decl to receive the‘ ch‘argei:)f exercifing his E4p2j¢¥z9p.?zfi’AA poW‘e1rii1~ Ordination and government; but itis :mani+ feflr thatafter ghis Epifile fént‘ tca him, ~A he was in A Conti-_ nualliourncves, or abf€11Iff0m4$A«Epéefwtt F..0r PM lsft 4 himat B'Pb€fi¢J' Whéfi LiixtO;;ZIMJ‘}zce4l;é%2z;i;:m, and 3 :A‘1“imAA. 1.‘ gr. ‘helcft him ::he1-etc‘, exercifé.1hifs”A.Offi§ce_.;in“ r’c’gu1'é.§in'g‘;xn~d ; A ordering that AChu“1%'c:hk andinfordainingg but it was: af; A 1:61: this time that Timothy is found with Pm! at A for after Paul had%been_ at Miletm%,Vh§A*w;:nt,Vtojerzvgiz-7 A lem_., Wheréhewas fen: prxfcmer» to%'1iowe, ._, a1°aAd.4 nevmi Came more intO.M4zcéalam'aM,an%dat( Iir7);2e,w~e1find%%iTi~7,q_§cb H M3; murky 2: prifo1¢er%w%ith him, and thefe EpiI3:1esxzsrhich,1}m_1. ;. :._ Paul wrote while he v§vas prl {bneratflome n~am.e1r,' the if‘\1‘;‘l‘*’¢‘«“*?—. "CT 1- Epxfile to the P272212 ppzamato Plazleman, to the CF01?‘/f[3a€?£53A«H¢b. I! 1 an * totheffiebrewéxa ‘doemaI{e~1tr1€nAtion of~Timotly/xas h_is~ _companion at theft: times,” n%ordot=: we ever findé hinj :;v.A--- gaine at Epbrafiuz, for Wdfinde that aft emllt/’;v*ia', towards A the end of Saint P,1m'xAlife,afterI1is fiViif‘tan"fweringb&fore‘ " " ¢.~%1’i;11._4-u6- 19, 1.1. 12.15. togpmi. if yeuwuvgany gsxeaéa; ‘{¥2): Nemand i}vh"en% he am his di*¢pai:ti n“g at hmd , L fem for Tiriuotby to no;;:¢,mt ii; that‘Pi:z2otI:}r was not there bjecaufe Mzi4:g1s%:na4»otlaerpl¢2ce:A;pv }xAich‘yo¢11i* fty takes no notice t2f;m.é.1yV féémé"toVcoxidludeVimsjreg, and’ ; thefe are i Tim. 2:. L; 3; Tmz: i%..Tg. A»: {I bwefifzzglvrtbee tom 2:5 _.,-A a ‘ %. I miiY¢5‘fi0fl*1"*1‘i*3iI1315*? <3FT%i!§?%i‘3‘: je‘rufa%IeI#Béfofé?he"c2'i"Ifie ft’) ‘“€‘7*éte4 f’r0m1 xvhvn céj“ hé?:% i”§ ~ «r .~= ~ — ~"1¢*‘.1~“ ¢ 3*’ 'v '*" “9‘«:‘~- V‘ '7' ' "'5 ”' W 5" . 75? 3 ‘3 A-r 1,2 A Afene%fox~ toc1g9z~mpozz$«A=,8§%afrérthat‘ §e%:sf*fi,§s;t9”é:?m?et frt>niA»wh*’eiicé*1i”éis éiépefiedata (cg. '1“m2:w, a““:1 *rz‘iEf%'»"V*-I"Vi%¢t;‘1i Pzml ifi(d9M?¢eWWsW5¢fi¢¢‘i%¢iS‘JVV§?iit¢ ri7ttI;v&_~.,a~t;idf‘afft”té‘r‘;r1;! 4thisH:1s& 11166:: th¢‘t1Ame‘of1’zz’y?Zig%‘cjIjé;gJ”t4}iiT§f;3 Rz>me3fr"" ‘? “ h“ ‘” a and lb We*ho}5c”y6ur’M§jé“fl bfdeflill at Ep?5r2_f¢w,f03't'fJi3%crz2:fia1é:f”tAHhee%irzACVrééfe , i;~;"A¢ ~ bmh% .pglr;a;zti3;L1fi&dWei*’tHis”is‘not%h‘E21i8”bii‘iri A % A prodL1cin'g%,€Vi4de&‘1CCagain <23; 7 both. Which fpfi€ifec1%:,%-tha«..occ.sgfia»n4l{”imploywcnt ,',f0r~ which th9Y~ mad6“fia5iV%in th0AfE»»plac6S»VV~‘andthe exprefli-A A omufcd, Ilmfozzgbiz :“1mw ¢ gtu ” abideflill at4Epkz;fiu:5 I Ieft- A t/9}2AAe in (:1*'€.”t3::d€.)fi nut§§';f:s’@;‘g:1d>‘1iIf:.AeWc$rdsA40f° ‘fxzjimllwrzént of A A A! '21 mzmzntmx ’i$31*§:m;::a;+3ckV 3% btxtofan ‘i22te2zaLwwt%Ito call them awayagalnfindth€¢fi.rfiand;1afiAbe putwtogethera“ A 7 his §¢5i‘i¢;zll rz3*z2o;catio}:zA ofrhaem; bfitbxfi the imtirzzatiokz ofhis intenticn, Vdthat¢:they%,fl1mi1d n.d;fiay_%Athera4Afom¢ntinu- arj ccéah d the reafiim .pfhi.s.b’efeechi.ng{tAAhje-oneio ffésr, 38¢: ofiVhi3q1€aVVin Ihfif other btfhind yl'1Ai1;;:.;Aivt0v.f'1'1*t:h,A was 'f0~m:e ~ ’ 1 pr£f€n:V def A ,gg;x1d_di.fiempersi«nf1%¢~th‘cafe*ACh;urches. T-hay ~ ,pfi’tfaire"t0A pi"o‘:zeTthat"thé %;Ap;0ft1eA i)z,te.émTie51 rm‘ to? A efi;ab1i*fl1:them Bifhopsofthoffea p1aces,~and%therefdA1'e r1z'd7 A nq}. 4 Ferghg Pcfifivh-ipt.,;::; beciaufefydur ulayes m %~ greéz: weight upon tlgemg {hall not ibd 1fdI»«i<:1i%tous~ in V¥’1,§:fl'€1T€T;f?iflA‘3 fna€tér’%of£a; V A zva:3a1‘;:;cii*nyour efiies judAg¢mema my "lcmg? 12 A ft.:theAn:%;t;i4@ug¢h"¢they idoe béarv " ; Vi1n»;‘»(:i1;ir;(3,p1«s11¢d11 ;m3jAwA.é:=1— - t/my were Al2ame,iand%M fo=we,cor1Acludefithisidif¢m3Vrf ,6 A‘T.*;1b<3ut;‘ 4 % Timo%tb}7%‘an‘dm.m with this obfcfrv;ati0n,that'~irf?thefame » vefly. Epi file ;ofPa;1ZI fo Timovtbmbut oflwhixzh ymirj 6;.» V‘ PcyAhathmendeaVoured4 to prwitwhauthéW§;ra~*§7aA‘Bi%fh1§5AAA‘-Azind 7; did: c>‘:”erciTe.A Ep4iféOpa114VGUvér1{ment.,+ there 1A~is clfieare E1” ; 4 vidfin-ce~4bothV4fi:)r Prgasbyters impofing l2'm;dr,%1n»ord1naAt1V-A% ‘ u ‘onfiind for their1fWi?2.§. “ ~ Churches, thou gh ybur Majefi M A the next flpoinnconcerninig ~thAe%4vAngeJ«sAbf_%;the %% ‘weight uponthe A/{agar} or Myfierfe ofthe denominatia . 'on5yet you afl‘ert:, that wt%hepnerfons bear1Ang thaws ~nameW . Were%pe2fi9n.:e_fingu!are:,‘8: 111 ad word*V:BVijba:;>::;wAh0yetare ~ % never {'0 called in Scripture,& théialliégoricwail den omina-% A A ' tion of*AVnge1S or Stargwhichinthekjudgement A?of%AanciA»4 A AV ; entjand fn0derne‘Writ¢rs4~<;1dth belong to AtheAfaithfu11 _M_inifi:ers and Preachers of the Word in general}, is ap-g 4 A pr0pxiat4e Qsiswe may fofay to thfi 3/1)’ W‘ 3Afld ’Y.C"€i4fi¢”* \ aifh 5% thatyou ‘lay no A . fi“fi»%A ’ C24> n V figfl-23 , andfooppofed to many expreffe nteefiimonies of Sc_1?ipV:uren5 ‘And if your Majefty had been particular in 4» L that; wherein you faythe firength of ytzur ienfiance lies; A f V V@'§;:;,;‘th¢Judg€fl1€flt0faIlaD’Ciéflta&OEthf3;bCfiIH:(§d€fIl'C~ W'r§ters,and man}? probabilitiesin theteext itnfelfeswe c n‘ h ape to have made it apparentathat many»a'ncientSz emi- A nent Writersamany probabilities out ofthe textn it felfdo T but thefe fin gular perfonsW€reBifhops in difiinéf fences, ’ wh ether we brought any thing ofxinoment to infirm “this give evidenceto the ‘contrary; To that which is aflerted-;_., V we humblyVfubi;n‘it to Your Ma jeflriese judgementi, and A {hall only reprefent to you that in Your‘*R;ep1y you have V not tak en notice of that whichin ouranfwer {éems to us neofznomen-tfivhich is 't«his,thatn in Myfieriam 8: prapbe'tz’cI:_V 2';:riting:n~or ~vifion4ll, repreflantatiam ~ ( fuch as this Ofthe A -Ram aendgo1denCannd1efiicks is A‘ ) a nzmber oftbmg; or perfiazu is ufiwally exprefl mfiugularr ,and this in vifions is nthe%ufi1a1IWay Qffleprefi-?ntat.ion of things, 1:: t/mzflmcl A pe"2~fm: making {one~.C~’_hurcli ,7 is reprefentede by one Cagzdig ,iic1;5enManyVMi1ziflwef: makingnup one Prexbjteijy , by onief?Ange11. becaufe- Your ‘Majefiyfeemes "to call upon us to be particu1ar,thou~gh we cannot name the An?- geixgnor arefatisfied iI10111‘kjl1dg€In€nt3 that thofe Whom’ fomedoundertaketo. name wege mtendedby the name ‘ Angells in %th%ofe“ Epiftlesgyetnwegflry, Firflgtehnat thofe V V Ejpifiles Werefent nnfo _theChunrch eégand that under the e A ex prefiionof t/1%‘ t/;aazzd0fl,0r tbik‘ t/aozzbafl, andflye like, A theg]m:~cZwe:a»re refp¢€’cively,intended, fortheh/frz rep‘1jo— M j _ &*z.:e::i3 ntheefiepentamre comwzaezzlec/,the pnflif,/imzerztx t/Jrezzt-A rzedaare go‘-begnreferredtQj;th§C.hurche»s an dnnot ._to t'heei{in3g_ . gu"1a1*jAngeUsonely_, afildyet wee rdo n-ot;thin=k*e thatrim. } Sa[‘;:r';;1fi;zr'v did‘ ifltfifldfi i101‘ (Se \\ WEE‘, ‘ thm::ienA f0rmaIlned'e€fé_e-; e . noazgmatlon th;§...%,4mg;?l/x« andincamllzsfizrfcllgr are the 1 V se=cond1Ys*en’e 1 i (254) “ V Sci condly -, Thee/Iatgeltof the{eCht1Sches»orR2w [art were that Ca!la‘i':"r)e body-. which“ twee enAdeavout:edi to prove by fuchProhaihilitAiesr as youreeyii/Iatjefly ta,l yet that ootywithfianding (they might neither be Bifhops, not.yet_"perp:tua1l Moderators. For the fe- A yoverall opinions fpecifitdin youtAMyajeflies‘ Papetgtbree A of them,Aby eafie ‘andyy faite accomodation (” as wee decliat/ed before) hatch foot: reduced and united a. “F6 .. ‘ ‘‘~«~ in an I " C k (25?) Akfeflé fiamj tE1‘]3“t‘i?e:cé:éii"v*’c:d ;Iudgem~:..-:13" or thé Cisriflizm Chmch; byfucfigas are Far fmni merititiy; tfiac='Afper«.-. £i;or&.,w§1i%c£1 is ‘cafi jsupan rm: Vkafifimefl‘ Dz‘-514:3, by pg; pamwrizcrs, thattheyhavc dlivided chemremsfi-om theCommon,andi r‘ec¢ivcd* Iudgmeniz of rtfic ~Cbrif!G’m Givfiish’ which §AIthpmfatiofi, wee ho;7)é,} H was not in y0ur1_M8jcfii7¢ 5imfcntiongt lay upon us, mm‘/I it bee» mad; clezlxje that it is t’rI?e‘cornn;1;§'r1 and received‘ Iudgc: - of this C>9ris?2'az2nnc'l:~z;rv2€z "th=a'c mm fie, Or ‘of 1-hat if}; fi:f2*w:g'*2£gé«:',t.%j;ar tAh‘e¢A An“gcfi‘*s of .'tf§Tf.‘ hfarrclfizs w::re: mas, ”1aavit3g Pre1as::y as &v::11 aver Pafiofs as *I’ca~ Epic Wichifi ttieii-i*ChAu~rm¢s».A % A I fi‘t11”e foI,l‘6Wing DZ?fcourfc%4 ‘w«:=d‘ic.;! ciIc*nj§‘,that the Apofilesfwarecofhaxfe any succerrorsia thcir‘Officc, awd1*afi5tméfl%Aof~ri>:iv fa;va#w»0rd:r:V%o£*«ordz;my«am standing flfi?:er;fin?V ‘t‘Hc‘ Church, vvz‘:z:t..[ -'Pre:E«~iter:fa‘ri*~’%DAAeyzn:2m. C0f1"cernih‘g%1:htj former of which~. yo~urM;aje1’cy ,:,*€"« L1'e1‘s«tk:)‘vvhéxt:~3?Ou?hE1dfiha:1r't4aIr*c:3d’y;d1:cIar¢d= “ T hm: ‘.E:'+'r;.“ii1?1* thdfethings w!1ich,%W::re~éx6r3ring;-y» in the A- \ Fl‘ ;pc)ffIc’s'_,**‘$$A aame1y5,«: his my-c 0fthe¢;,;.@;fi‘«53%V@*.¢. V ” 5*’ Gfiée §’°o%f 5 "":‘A Th'cyH%h3d"no LSm":eViTo‘1’*s *4axsc§‘m6-ebb; graalzzmr 5 Thu: in which ‘Wéfib u.0t7€‘x?:r21ord4iiaary,»fa5 the ~e ‘*P¢OWé«r% *o?f‘% 7°G<$v'erning %%‘t»ram1f@4“’thin?V % ::§i%e%' was scimcewof the‘ *?‘V :CVhur§h “ In *3}! A [rxmés v) tl”1cryr4wefe~ tbfi. have am-,3 “Q 5‘-:1CC€fTG}+1rS 1‘. 1 “your jcfty ;";d?‘¢1i~% «' A A _ ‘[%%t:«c:s%‘::2;s;. A jN“.'ir11eIfy;. %:h;zr%srhe "A339- V Sued V “imrb V4*baffim,V»n”t fimo4V«xheix ma. 9. 3 ‘g 3 . gr _ ‘ 5, ‘ *1} iii 3 W ~ 9 ' ' ‘ tn. “ , ‘ 3: «mm: cm» L fmfmszv 9* H or Pafts, but mfo his Roomcand‘ Funétioq , w%ee%V%icgt1e ceivt-,4 that the Office Apofigolicallwas cxtraordipggyA% in W/vo16»4b*?¢aU1%¢*h€i1‘A»1*1i/fimanédCvmmfiivii was f0; and: he fc*wfice:or%. ‘work of _'I’c-aching and VGé)vc~rnjing-4 being’ to conti.nue'%%in ai1VAtimc~sdo&thnot rérydér their C)t;_-e *5 cc‘40Min4ryA‘;L% with»: cc? of A Mafé} was ‘ Ii :12: readied 1 Ordinary; bc*ca*L1f::ma:jy w0rkcs% of Gcwvvermngént %::g;,- H ‘i€YCi4€d by .%h'it.-ng W(i‘ T€ rc..c0m :2 gimijd tofchc ffapdmg 5;.“ %.:lm%o’f Iféwelz And ifrhcy have $“uccéfT0rs,it _be% . either fntothcir. whit’ 0}:fiC€,, _;I‘iNn‘»‘?0 fomfc pgfls :.T11éiif %SL1ccefl.'ofix"s xntc) the 227/9:,'2:leV( Imwever %difh;1r4ingMf_gom[u them in Ineaftrreof Giftsandpec;11iar4 ‘Q_Ji3liffiwc\atiAQ’Q.5§ \m%VL1{i«bc4c;alled ¢‘Apv§i‘le_.r,ft11e%flz2r2se Officfl gidvgs the - jDmamimt7'an,V and t}'!(f“fl WC fllal conféflc t_h;t§ ‘if £1153’ ht?‘ Iqhfiir Succcfl M5313 $il>%ffiCi:An«:iccdAthcyjswr m1ledby%£oin¢mf th¢ ar“*c?’jcnr ,Far1-;er%s,* Arrerwte; Qrigm, uAHz:r9me;and:g~ thcrs‘ A.-‘V W here-as imrmh she Apofl1«¢s_hg,y,-g ng§cwp;;gf‘.% A ‘;%per1=3' S1¥ccr9*%i%r%3r3'% %01fiC€E5' by. jlVew4am:r:4z2tA =.C<>ww»smiffion acmrding to the mlcsof Qrdizzazzazsmfd ~ “ fcaflirig %in_.thc»‘%Wo1'd, ;W;hg1¢,h Jiflz Q Ma Pr0*-Wfid for ~*11imfe1fc5-; rid $Vith;cmf wvhiqh» I;rc%canmbc A. %A%AtVchaV1lcn£<€v%iH:=P0n the ?.¢P¢F3n<311%U£1NC fipmhcs u- am A A A_fcd[fbyxiv:1;Fa*tbVc:s;qvithomifcrgplg. ' _4 " Andw~hcma5‘yqurgkwfifiy13 4 b§rsLt11aex,z;m; % of fimhc-iv pm‘;m§pngfi,.r§hrQfé fl;h3in¢54j;}£7;h.iChWsCFe§€e?€!}’4&f“* A ?,,,dp¢arg/ myghc A.%pQPcIes5 wvccoulé Wxfla that you had dc... d D 2 c1mfcclI" A (2% c_l’a1‘ecllwl1etl1e:'w'1t"l7“elrmsz to their ZS-2'z'j?m o1‘Z{:zo‘7}o;:§ La ' for we llurnblyconceiurelghzzt t‘?-seirllAm'homtive Power 1 {*0 cl0tl1ei"1' VVo1"l"k-ln;1// plgms 05 the W01 ld did p'fOp~f:l'-F belong to theire A11]/”,~a.»2, and conleqzxenz-ly tlm: t.l*:ei:~' 0, l;’ce,3s wel as l‘tl:eirl lAé.i[izir5’xvas {EX-’.'1‘;201‘«_‘l ilrmy ,1 Tlcl 1'?) by your M.»zjc=3S~.‘z'e5 mm ragmf/.?}as2 not 1:0 1:»: filcceed izn-A tOl‘wyth€*Bi{l1c»p3. A A e “ Oftle3el%tnéo l0‘m’£r5 cmly ofB/'fl2:Jp: orPrPféi!rr:3wd Dem- cm, “Yet it i$lnor’tl‘re2'e~by pmvad cm there is not otluer l~ flanding Office imhe Churchbefidegvvluicll we l1um‘- bly conceive is ;iuIlly ; proved ,* notjonlylbeczmfe there _ As tothe O1‘de1*s50ffiancling O fl"1‘cers of tlzel Clmrell‘ » ‘.yloui"lVlaje{ly cl 0:11 lrepl y, “‘Tl1a1t:1lEl101{~,g ll Win the pl ;'1C'C‘S « "“ * i:ited~,= P/Bil. IQI7.‘ I Tim. g.l?8.‘ there be no mention ‘baa: A arenalotlhern3med,but l5ec.zufe there is no rule of Or!» » deyningangg third,‘ no Warrant or my ofMzfl?afi,and fol thc%w1‘\l‘;‘2ulmenc is asgoode, as can be m:zde,«z mm c4::sfL.4v-/1 l fir mm qfcfizamg for we do rgot yet apprehend that the Bi-~ fliopslpretcndingto the Apo f‘fol,icl< Office do alfc» pre- tendtothefame;manher~of"eMfiian, nozfdo we know ~ hat thofe very rntzny Divine-s that have alferted two or. A 362*: om:ly,ll12rvc: concluded it from any other grounds then i.‘heeScriprure~3 cited. 4 There appearslas your Maycfiyl faith)twe ether nm-Q nifefllreafons why the 0 fficc of Biifhops might not bee Io propergto be mentioned 1' n thofe places. Anclwee A humblyconceive thC_1‘C 15 la thi ‘d more manifefl then ighofeltwo, -zzzl-z;;_l A beczmle, I; my mt. ' A “l‘-l 5 The onewrcafun given by your Maicfiy ,i's becauf: if in the Chu”rchc?s whir:-h the Appomcs memrclvcs ‘‘ planted, they placedlPre:6irers underthem forthcl ll,» 4 Qfllce of 25:4:/zizxg, but _rel'erved in their ow}: lzanils l 3tl‘1e l rizig” “ ‘the: i’(3\Vc'1‘«Of G0m'er;z£rig ti‘20{'cCImrci=:c:'S 501‘ 3 ‘’6'’—’'3’§f’?‘:,i ‘“ 01"/immrt:'nm‘b::‘forei thtsy {st Biflaops ’0‘~5*€’i‘ith<3m- i .iVVi1iChiiVLHf!Liti‘yOm‘ M aiitfiiiies favour is mr fo Anwuch 3 reafon vvhy B;j7mp.v are Mt mentifbzmil to bee‘ in thofe pi:1L‘?€'S:1S‘ii"1€if =.:i1:"yi:1dced werciinoti; ti1*:3\{:12'i:?tj_§é'i of 1'éafi‘m3 ( may we fay orconjéflurcs ) rendrcrd why. Biflmpswcre not ftfup at as n:1_mc*1y bec3uf“e__fit" mm ciflouiid not be? fofoon found out, which is Epip&afii~i ‘ my his" reaforj; 01'? for remedy uf -Stéiffize, v.'hich’ 13% gfkrawcs reafcargor bsczzufe the Apoflles faw. it mt ex: pediwzt, which* is your Majefiics reafcm = Ci{)ti‘a {haw that this C3L1fCiab'OL1rS~l1I1dif:1‘a m:mifePc .xm~aknci’fe:, fog “fi~weAp:»ftles referving intheir ovmhzmds ti_’1*:pO'Wfii<;*ow:~mimg A g«w;.«::,. in Orc‘in;21'y“)ix1i1isown11‘anci5:;, A Vvi.\i10ii'-t:05‘,i§i£713’!/27* .’[:fWz;9 Zmzrucaf zbez-2»? "M i2m1‘£'r'fz‘0 fee t/mix‘ .;:cfc:'sm.9M.i AS that part c>f't1i1‘c i power of iGovernment,ii which for di- Ihnélion fiiififi may be callcd ;Lcgi:~L4tive;,arid which IS ione ofthe thrczc:fore-mcntio'ncd ?things“c11a1i.ei%~gcd by 4 A thr:%Bi{i';ops, *z2.r'i::;i giving Ezrle.s‘,the1fe{crx7ing of it in the "4 A . , but ‘ n3P:,, A »<3o»> A A Apomes hafld_ShiI‘ldI‘ €'d"U01?'}fbU}I that in—Ayou§1r1\/Iajeflies » Imgmem :Z*z'zs~2otl:‘y;zm:¥ ;Tz*m:"~%w,e1'cAI3V'fl1ops of Epbflw %azjd %Cree_te, to whcem thgt wApVo{fies%givc'~s Rule: for,0r1de- A ring and'Ga‘-uernirzg cf me ‘C.’/mrc/9 .2 Noris there an I mofe rca{o:1,thar&thc: Apqfilcs rsfexvipg thatpartofthc. Pcvkrcr4of1AGmvc-rninoxv?é'1it:h is Called Exccntia/ein fuch ¢% C;1fes.,and1:pQn _CL?ChV0C(”£ifi-ODS “as they thtwght meeztc? Tf ;I3ou!dhiz'3dr:.rt1:=e?ertin:;n:%offfiifho f%lcs firff, ir. the (?3§%nzrc:4!"m by~»t”i“:-cm. “ p%fintw:::-%d,& and ‘that %wi 11 *%P0%.-vet pf (;:'0w:r;r§1i":,s_,jf,'**a$was pmvc: by Re; 3 pt%L:~Ac*,.Jy . - -. fl V H _c1r Ord1nat10n,ot1fi‘fpe&ion, Awmfch W€‘1‘E . Preséyrers i1ndDmc%o2s:4only, and no Bifhops; A Theformer reafdn why twobnly -Orders a1re:men.tion.e.d ' «iii the Epmclfi 130 t13€P‘»5ilipz'm::_, was, beta ufzt there was yéz A12b%{§i(?:ap5 this 1aAttc'r. reafon why the fa-xmx.-we o%ne1y;1rc:A V V-fiiéntiofied in theifc E7g§if’c1es,is4 ‘z~eca:ufcVtherc was no Bi/Imp A 10 5},-.Voz2rafizim"al awe’ mighfown the reafon for good if that ré‘ bee fbuntd any ru1c“£orth*c Ordination dfthc ‘other A 0‘Ard'AeA1* 0f7Bifl10fps~i5u {'0arIw.e0ther placcof Scripture, but if “the *0r2£iin::zr~i:mz —“zjzm:wt‘%-ée fwma’, 1:-Jo N fhould we find M25’ ,0r....~ Aw‘? ? a’nd.4ir Airs rEafori1?31:cVto:t13i11kgthat tht A'pQ{tIe in the A%AAC3h~aptct "F0 rmérly aI‘1V¢adged, x?T’im.3.w.1m.-src he Vpaffcs im- nwdiatly from thAe=Bxfl1;tq %th<':Dc:accan,VxvoLm1d have «:.£i{;fi:..mf%- ly expz'cPc, 01' at Ierzfl hmred ‘What fix: of Bifhop heA'me:.mt A xvV11it11er.t}3€BJWp %vwr Przr5*6;*rz~r.:,.or*thc~ Prr515itc*r~1>’:5,/73 ,7» mo AL A havcavoyd'¢c:1the confazfiori of tfrzeiuaxne, and to lmvt: Fe: #33 7wéA1‘c:;*i“f01n%c:“ diffnéren -Se ‘in thus_Efi:1£m*19zm0f“t11c A ’sHitz:*r*~ A i;i£'fl‘1.fi1'C' 11:16: ”‘bin:[0:m"e .0the,r«I5ifl1;:apuAa£:ig~ "%Vz~;lw:a. e.w*A‘.Ps:mHwwhe1=assyour M z»1j.fai4th‘thexrr.¥:w2zs no med £1‘-'3) “ 'W1‘*i«f:'ito”‘ themA i‘ibm1At% ?*a%Bifl1.in% :1-=di{%i1"t&£cncc+,;wA11o belonged mm zh§:§1*‘~O:*dinacion and infpe6’cion«; \2V..c%.c.anc¢i!£m:°t1a»n‘t | iAn?'y~0ur Ma}e{’c£c%s iudgmen:t., 7Bifl1OpS‘fl‘)’iE,'._.§11t"iAA1‘£fE‘T}A?h3“Vfi~a‘E» A A ideimd "Biflmps th€{Id{Tc1'Vc:.s 5'fmitl1¢1*eW$:mfthez1“no §C'2z—- Ayzzmfzarbiding one finglfi -Biflz . to ‘ordzm1.anot‘h erof {'11 5 0w 1} ' %1aania5a'nd:tl1c1*Vbeing~m.»myCities in Crecfc;T'tw%%1nighI Emma 'A'f0un1d"itk:‘Xp€difiI1t ( .:mthT‘<>!I‘r:* ancient F;2t11:ens.t;hm.1%him V A 1 Arch-—-B»ifl‘mAp““th.i4nkAbx: d'id):to hav c.‘~f¢t**11p i4:mfmm:T A ‘wthbfe AC>iries 2 So that rhrs‘rr:afcv1mfiw1x~ts4*ag:;aan{°k¢the zprm»-A i*(~ti‘;3l%é*5,of'"‘4itfiC)“fe»t4h.m:h01d1‘Zéw2m{9y:m A ‘Him to‘h;%vc:bcen ~~~?BVAiffia&;ps,*A f@r%om$.pf32e*hFIz9x¢,’ej‘of ~GM’,e vvhich 55 fhfi 409375 3 and ‘ttlle-refb“: e if thete ,h;2d hheemany proper Chararfter 01‘ % .*l;fication»(>F3 ‘Eifl'2t>p’hdii‘flin£t fittm 3 P1'éshytc~t,‘ ifany 0r- Ah ~ tliyation or Ofiiw, We th‘t§nkt"tl1e: A,‘pbfHe wouldhavte figni» vfied it, butbeczsufe he ‘did not,we ctntcluderand the more :. firongly from hthe *infufi'ici’ency of your Ma}t:fi3CSh'tW0 reaibnsfi am: there 31'eo‘mly mm Order: of ofiicerx, and com vfequeatly titat 3 Bifhop’ is not fupericjutto a'Ptesbytet;A~f0r tt~~w:e find norms we {aid in out A nfwer ) that one 0 fficet «is fuperiour téaanothexgwtho is of the, fame orden A A % h e _ C3l7($'€7'i@I°flg"fr{74'3 Agesfitcfeeding the }4p0fl/¢‘5- ‘ A‘; tit Yt>urMajefty havihtgin your firPcPaperfaid,that yott ‘F-‘ecould notint Confcience content to Abolifh Epifcopall’ ‘‘ Governmentgbecaufe yoa did conceive it to,bc of ‘Apojla-4 A “ licallbzflizmion, Prafixfivde by the A pofiles thctnfclves, and “bythem camitm/and deri'z!edt0hrpatt1'7ct1I31' perfons as their M ‘-‘Sz¢cc¢fia}~5,ahc{ have ever fincetil thef e lafl times bin exerci- ‘fedeby Bifhops in :21 the Clmvchs of Chrift: We thought it ,t1ecc{Taty.inJoutAn{wer,to fubjoytté to that we hadfaid tour of the Scrxpturesi the Iudgment: ofdxvers ancient "s"7'rz'-V 3 tar: and Fathers, by whom Bifhepsuefre not aCkn'0wI‘ed* A tgede as a Divine; but as an EailcfiafltimllIrzjlimtiozgas that I ~ whichrmght very muchhcondutce both to theteafingeof your MajeflicsfcrupIe,to'eonfider that howfbever Epitico- h A .pa1Govetnmcnt.was generally currant,yetthe fuper[crip- :3 tion was notjugded Divine,t hyfome of thofe that either were themfelvcs Bifhopspr lived underhthatGovcrnment; A 65:0 thf.‘VlndlCaIiOI1,0fthC.Ofiifllofl which we h_old,tfrom “ thf P1‘€i1Idice~ 0fNvwllzfme, or of erccefihftom the Iudge- V nxent9fgl1Antiquity, ewe & ‘A a$n~.‘1y%g!cev%c (M t:0m‘atmw€' faifiy »tfi;at A VAE-firyjbflomc 2md,V_A::_/I125 wefe Bi,/lmp:%, as th2.t; Ar:'12M!e;Waé a, P/az'hfapber,¢% Ciirgra an mater; thqugh wee:-.~ mama mine: 1 £311,011! Fai£h+3fl€¥5513313%thereofc¢rmim»,-Ain mamer of A A upon humane Tefiimfinies uncontroudied, than infa/(We, ~ rerpea vof&3the4’§‘efiimc3niesA% themMfeI;ves. But Awlmreczs your A 4Maje{’eie% faith, *5‘ That the darkneflé of t1acAHi&oria@f % the Church, in the time Afueccading the Aflicss, is a A” “ Fzron Ar ument far ico..m'e,svhi€:h_n::wi~t:hfizandin4g VI g . F‘ that Vdazgkneffe hath f01m:l fa full proo‘;fe by%r¢zsq:zcf't'z‘o:¢e%£’ ‘F’ Camlaguex, as _fc:arce any other mattgr Gf hgth fmmé ‘“ thelike humbly cnceivegthattl1ofe*£0re~mene~ A tinned timas Aware dark: ta thc: Gamingr;eima$%%er-gwlm mu:& vi "derive the[7zrie;s' of Su«¢c§j5?0%fi fmm, and th‘r0t%g'h:-t1w\f<:A %H;i- fioricall darkneflés , andxf make up tbei‘r‘Gm‘-Maiogrnes very mt ch Afi-om "Tradm'an%and imparts, which can give no gfe :‘%Egi§ence4;becaufe;thcy agree not amongft _‘th3emI7cM1ves: an that w.l2:ic‘h1is;rhe g;z.=e.;atA l=;dc'mifluA of their Ewxdence is,~, th:1At ~ the zaemr t1=1ey~cc;3r=I=1e*%A>to {he pogftles ti_r—:aes~(vvh£r<+:-“in they % ‘% Vflwuld bemofi ofa1l;c1eare,t0 afh.~b1j%¢fl1wthVe fuccefi1im1firm%. A ‘and clears at firfl) the more dam6t_fu#5uncerta:ine4,and in»- deed canmdiflarie to oneanot§:mr%,'.arctihe Tefkimfainiwesg ‘ _A Some fay, that Ciemem wasfirflV32:/bapJV0%f2E0mt;é;f;ér Peter; .'fog;ne fay, the -téirza’ .- and the in;t:riz:ac%ies abaut tlzxsorderof % Sucafon, sira LVi2m«s, Azmletm, Clemem, and another called VVC1m44»V(as‘; fomc afifirme) areincxtricable. Some fay, that ? Wtmwas B2:/My ofctgtv 5 {came i21y,ArcAb~é;]bap; and fame, “Bzflaapof D4/fimtia: Semefay, that Time:/rywas Bzjlmja Of‘ ' “ Epbefws at-adffmc fay, that Iabrz was Btjbop of Eplw-fw*a.n Vthe fame time : Same f3-1y,that kpolyaw-wwas%firfiBijbo; ~ A '0fS?79jvr:-M .- anorh"er‘fairh,Athatr =hefucceedcd% oneABa«m!mA; and amber, ‘fiaat meawas fir-f’:; same fa)’: that Alexmg c = M4 hadbut one Bgflwp, andarhercities two; andothexs, Q that thcreWas%but we Biflwp e:fVazat%vCiticatV the fiimé timfia And ¢how%%fhou1d% thofe Catalogues Jam -unqueftionatble,, ‘ ~ " A & E “ “ A A ¢Whic1¢% w;I-fish muft beqmae up out of T efhmemes that figh!:?one- with another 9 VVee confeffe ,~ that the Ancient Fathers; Ter:tzl£zm¢,eeIrtmem,r 855. made ufe c%)fSucce,ffiQn, astan Ar-j gutrtentrrrizigain ft £ItcretiIe'e5,“é3rI.1f;novat0ts ,to prove -thatthey had thetradutes-t Apaflaliei fimimk, and that the Godly and rthedox Fathersvwere on their fide. But that which we r now havg in hand, i3‘St£t6'tf6:Kt'”0fl iflflfficé -,“’which5acCrdting t@xrthet~Catalqgues, refolves it felfe i=nt=o fome/fpafl-la, Q1‘ .E~v4;ggelifi,ras the;fi+rfl;Ezfl2op of fuch a. Citz'e,orPl;zt‘e, who (as we c®nt:eive)c0u1d,n0t be Brifloa/75 0»f' tth0{e placer, being czfitan highe»-r';0ffi£'€3 tlzouglyaccordingm the language of after~—ti‘mes , they might by theznh that drew up the cm- *Ia_guer,be fee called, becaufe they planted 4m£faunded5«.ortw;¢~. zendthefe Churchesto whichtheyrarehemtituled, andfiacl H tlucir grtatcfl rtfidmce in them»: Or elfa the Catztlag 545531-3 drawn: from fotne eminent men rhatwhere of great war. he ‘ .ratianrai1drwére:tce inthetimcs and1p1aces~ wh“’e-re they eliaxied , and Prefidwtsror —*LMadem/Jar: Qf r.the~ Preséyterieg whereef themfehtes. were Members : from whom ,° to V pretend thehsucceffitm of afEcr~Bifl>op5 , isas ifit fhoul-d be faid, that Cdfi7'*W35 St¢oceffar.t0 the tflomncmffilsa. And We humbly conceive, that thereare "-fame ~ Rim mid-_ Gare... mmztx ufed:contrinuallyin the Church tafold , which are « —’a{Tertedtt0 be found in the %Apo&o1:icfal1and Primitive fhrtimes _., and yet have no colourx of Divine. I.n{titntvican‘5 rand ,_r which is.Arguri1ient .above tall ether 5 t5¢-‘F211/very 3; ;w§‘lmfeh Names vvee»ex11ibited to your Majefiie in our Atr- ; Lac; beof Ecrzefia/Zfca/I II9fliMlti0fi~.-. ; fi*ver,e were: dtaeubtleifii racquaintedr with the Catalogue: of Bzflaapk who had beene before them,rrandyet7dird»t held them A And Iefi~yQun.Majeflt’emight rep1y,'~Th2ztw hmteverthe A ’ hTeftimortiese.and«Catalogues may varie,.or berm-iftaken; fiend 0f—t,ftttt ttzfens *5 tea sheehtthttt<=1:€«;1ir:o£»«the in the order,@rrti’mes,ot ‘names of thofe perfons that rue» A eeeded the Apofi1es,,yet all agteepthat therewasa Succefl Cara}, Catalues» bc infirmmflyctthct thing Infflflafid 15 Wfimed l thereby ; We ]grant, that a sacccyfim of mien to feed and , govemethofc Chui'che:s_.,while they continued Churt:h.es, cannot be idenyt-d¢, hand‘ that the Apajlles and _E"’U¢'N5:’.§"£'[iLfl5',' that planted and watercdh‘itl1ol'e Churchest (lthough esttra... A ordinarie and te_mporatie ‘Offi<:c-rs) were by Elcclotialiicalil A Writers, in comfljance tin’:/7 the Langmzge mad :;[gg:_aftbeir A . mm: times, called 2-Bzfbops 5 and fo wcteother eminent men, of clrief: note, prefiding in the Preiivyteriexoflthe Cities on? " Churches,called by‘ fuel: Writers aswirotelafter the diflflhl flan orafiflinflianoflothe names} of Pméyterr, and Bzflmpy ; . A But that tholia fir/foand amimteflPrexdyterxwicrc Biz./Twp; in it proper fznceficcording to your M-ajcflies dofcription, in-4, A vlcflediwith power over Prgséyterx and people ,7 tO"lvi?hom“ (as diitinét from Pm6yter:4)lldidlbelong the power of Ordai-A ning,g:?zIi:ag Rnleslangli Cczzfims 5 Awcflc humbly conceive can never j proved tkbyiimttltcntike pt Alcompctent Tel’cim0- nics.t‘ And granting , thlatiyour Majelliefhouldt prove the V Succcfiioniioif Bifhops from the“ Primitive times fcriatims yet i fwthel"e““fi-om whom you draw, and through whomyou derive it, be found eithor mm 4:/am Bifhops, as Apofllcs, 3114 ¢:tt%r%aoid,ipwa;ri<; petfefisg f oral/c ptiztn Bi li1opts,as»fl meerly filflpm 5yter:,T1év‘1ing not one 0 the térrjerflézvtials to 4 ‘£6104/Z Government (mentioned by your Maiéflie) iii, their A A ownehand; it will follovnthatlalil that yoorlMajeB:ie hath proved by this Succefiiomis the H (3m.M],771]~21[1d~BqlJ~i.V9Cail ‘ l alccfeptationloflthe t5v0rdEp{fl'a]Jm;l - A For Clemens l ‘s ’Fefilim0nie,’ which your-Maiefiie con- ceivctlu to be} E1‘l2ld6' ulfe on A as our old fallacie , “ from the pramzféaom ufe of thcwords toi imferre the indiflincfiion of the things 5 Wee re ferreoujt fclv”es,r0 bimfi/fl‘ in his_Ep£~ flit, now in all mans hands, whofcTefiimonié wee thilnkc A catinot beoluded, butby the old Artifice, ofléwidingltlzc it Bxflaopd imderitbe Prexéytcrsflame : fottheythé1tht1ve‘rehd his wholiepiflle1,<1lancl hztveconfidercd, thatfihim{elfel~is 1 E 2 ~ called ‘V (2.: f@@aIIec17a Tifhbp ,’.% Amiyiidéuét aafclemwi dpinionT,l, toiiéeii min his Vdi%£%ini@to7ffiz:cs f"Bi ps and Pméyter: or we I-herV2m.dauétofit, ifoncly his one Epi-{He , maybeima-i A ;paneId't3p%on :I1e~Inq11ePn Concéming Igmttim ‘411i9%E’pi-5-E Afilcs, your Majeffy is plea fed to ufe fame adrmcjincflé dfzrx-4 A greflzam, chairg%ir1g_fome.of lam, with<:>utany retgaxjd of?” ',::§gem;ity.01:.tratb 0ut:0E.;.:;hei41: Aparrriall éifaffeflivpn tow B*i‘fl10ps”, tohave cndea;;vouredt04Atiifcredit his 4vxiriting§.4 ne ofithofe cited by ;us.5.A.»c2nno: (as we cflonceivvej be .2’ £144- Ipeéhfél 0~fa’z’fafi§*Efmm to Baifl3aps«5‘and tllejre are great Argue « Ine.nts%-d‘rawn”'0ut»ofchefs Epiftles t"b:mj%lw::.., fivtrayirzgw V theirvinfikcerizy,z:Vac:ha.IterateV mixtures.~, an<2l'%‘A iixterpalmiom *5“ So I thatVIg:;m~tim~—AcanntAA be difEit16’c.ly% -known in Igrmziw; A And‘if WeJtakeVl1imAingra_flé ,]we make him‘: the Patrwz A A(~~as%3mv.am‘gm ,A.A,and- thewrefkaf the Pbpiflnvrirersdo) of vfuch rim anc1~:4obVfcrvati®ms«, asrhg Church-in his time carmom ba t‘VI1ouc,__ght»to %~h%aw: armed. A He dmth mdecdgive te- £3;iNmoniet% the %Prelac_~;.», of a Biflaapabovea Preséyeri, tluatwhich may juflly render fui'p4eé":ecfl , is thatheg gifv‘(5—~»MJ muab Hangar (faith he) t:b»:B;'flgaps as Geds high Priefis , and afirer “Mm *~youVmu{’e -honour 3thCKz'7¢g. He was "indeed a holy Maityr , A and his writings have fuffired % Mxrtyrdam afwell ashes Carrmp%tio~n3 comldmzga mrrzmtfi Wt" :4/mkr M»; crmfiit afwart/ay~~Name:.~ f A W That which your Majefiy faith ;i*nAYourf‘m1rth ‘Parso- ‘ ;g;éap1~15T‘hat we miht 11ave=added; (ifwe ma pIeafed*)TbatA Lzmek, Timazf/5}, Tit.-mg éwr, Vwere conflituted and ordained _ thefurementioncd places refpeéitively ._.and ma: mthe Biflmps--ofathof7c tinaes, were repmm’ fuccefi'c>rsA % if rim A int/Mr Afipifbgpalfafiite :3 We culd m0t«hfaV e= A .3d»d§’.?d" it without prejudice ms Awehumblyconceive) :0 {he truth 3? f‘04r»thé%A$p0fl‘Ies did not Qrdeinamyof tbemfelws 3 Bgflmprg flmt.c0u%Id% they do‘ it ,% frarfieven by ym;-w M%ajef'f¢ies% <%:oncefl3‘én,";hey were4Bijffiops-6zy9r:,w2{;V"aws‘ they Were»f!pa~V ‘‘ fié£rs%Vnor1m!dVayA;A?¢%1e"12av¢%1éVis% emf W*W Regien _ Rag-xwior f’11T‘aCeA tof 1~f€3{€l'C’1f€» 11 15 fun&10n* mv , whxicfi “I13 A 4 p1ea;f::»d" render him ,a‘Bi(ha_ ,, : any a :?n0re«% then%1’am'% sm Bifhap of$the%A;4Gm::ie!a;r PVem4«éof“t13eA i’ACmu:é2r»?fi'4fl‘; N*Ei— t&1Aer%.g:1id4J~Lthi:' PPfl5€I~w ‘ordain Aw ‘“t*ha%xLA15xJzz72g?é£z:/is’ :Bifhops* t=hQ{éAP'Iaces unto which they fem: t11<:’m7»r; Nor Were;thc.~ Biops o£rha1%#:zmesAAany moret1aena.s yam‘ Mkajjefiyw faith, repuml fl‘4,L'L‘affl.'2‘9z£1-"5‘_ to the flpofilesg in thEir.E?ifC€J- pal.-1%'0fi’iVce5}they A¢am After jthéf 1:90 £’s’Ics in the hm‘-Ch€_S"“ t=hem?*6pIfat1:cd,&“fo 1night*%Pre5:by¢er:db 5 but thats not pro-' 1 pm-ly fme_[$’ioz2A, at leaf’: not futrcqefiion ma .r.fi'zce,éndVthis% we faywith :2 .m!wt0JAodr% hfifertion, that inthofe timestAhcm~ A Wdere nQ,fubh4 B»i£hops'dift*in6t% from APresbyz:c'§r s . Neither: Vd@;iwAe underfiand , V whmthm”: themrds- E;ai{£~opaE[ ‘in = this VSeétién,%‘1réfer rothjc B»ifl:iop5 ‘Aorjwj Apw/e:.; for,.1'nA refcr«- _ rencé to A)_9aflIes%,» it infinuates a difl:ir16i:i04nbfLthe Ape? i'?:'!cs4 ofliceA;intoAr«1pa§?b1im/l‘and1 Epifi-ape:/Z , or "that. the aifice Apa&o14iaa%IIA, was wha%{y*1E pifco~pa1l,~71mto5rmithcr of ' whiich wre c3n4give‘%oufreconfentfar reaAf0”nsAfc:reri1e«ntiof1ed. To the re flt°imGni"c‘s% by "us 7récAited in A pr! 05 {ma amufi: on A ders, Your Majefcy anfwers firfiz , that the pramzfl-mam raj? V of the Mme: of Bi/Bap; and Preséytersj ‘is A imparted, vThat * .w};1i«chy@4ur4N£aj6&Wy.44néwc:V1*@ngag »ca1~IedV a:ma1a’,_fi:lZa:y,A _ is new uranfwerionely Withtlnuisfi :~r.em¢: ‘We under" V M pramwaom. name: hold‘ thefim; afflce Your jefiy tm- derpramifcuam Harms fiigppofes two, which if as:it1's0f'ren~ :3t'£*rmin4ta1df thisf ccmtroverfié.» Secdiy, rfia.tAA they regs; A‘ ‘1ateto ia“$éI**10c?>:l+ point , ova nicety mrmm 4Epifcép.4¢:mfi¢4* : “ 0740- ~'U6’1gMdws bath {ides of the queflyionifizs or? ?difpu4A aflérted, we 5‘ shut? Ono: prawd; %‘VVe%(hou1ei“4take4 it for a A “Atants in themeam time acknowledging the right% 0f-47' ‘F~Ch‘urch-government in the Bi(‘B«1<>)7p7si~al_on%e;’»It is co-no-1-»~ fefl byus , thatzthat qucflion as itfis f’catcdby” 4Pbpi[7w.£w~-% “than, is.amrx'am binary, %towhichAWehavén0cye01:re-- A ference afar though the fameoflicers may a’:ifl% iiomand‘ txgcfl g§l}‘¢z§%4f;§1;¢ fqmgwdcr %in gifls at %qu&alifi:3c;1tic>t1s 15: TM ‘l Yd: the afica .litAf?:lj",. :15“ 0m:l.a~ncll the $fxm:! ,{ without dgfigrgngg .orlAA*degrlm , (as, one Apa-(lie. or Presbytet A; is‘ not llipeti-“ ow, to another in ’ ldegreeof oflfice ;— they that: are of the ~ Famlelolrélet are of _cjl3e~f1Ame degree”, in rcfpcét ofAof:':a= , «as ‘ laavingl~Pc)werllanclAAutbority to chef-zme Acfts, lNorldothA;A‘ A theaScrip:ure_warram: car allow , A any fuperiority of one .— aver lxmot/.vcr ofltluefmm ardflrs »andTt4bercf0re the pro» ving aftwa order: Alazsclfy in the Churcll , is 2. Ademzmjiratiw, AA 4 thatlAPresbytersand» Biflaops «arc: the A fame- In which A point,” the Scripture will counter-ba4llance the teflsimow , nics ofthofe that aflert t.6re”elde_gree: orordcw , though law; A for me. But fer eafing of your Majefiy of the trouble of producing teftlitr;0n.ies againfl t&hof:lcitedlllbyll us“, We, ‘ Lmalce this éwmézlc motion ,A that the Rcgimwtson both fidcsl A may be: difcharged out of rlhefleld, and the point clifpu- red by .Dint bf? /an/y Striprgm, MwrumL qwadprimum. A Having pa{Te:el rhroughlAt*he4Argmnentative parts Qfyour \' Majcflies Reply, whcrin We fhouldlaccount it 21 great hapw W pineffc ,_ to have given you r Mkajefly any fim2vf4é}‘:'am,in~ 91-... den wl":er¢unlto You plcafcd ‘l'QIh0l30uI" gs withrhis im--2 ploy mént, A Well {ha1,;l~jlcontlra6’c A ejur fclvlesl in the remain- ~. A dear, craving youth/Iajeflicsl p.a1:don5.ifYoul flaallcon- ceive us to have blecn: we WW4?"/7f1l1 the folrrncr, andtao little Ainlthat wlhiclz f0ll0W_s.ll VR/ehoncaur the Pious intenrioné and munificcncc ofomlRoyalH’r0genitors, and db ac-~ " knmvledgeA thfat armwcma/I accc {lions Agra nred« to the Pets A {on ,A,”dol not.maAk::2my Tubf€:1flAt:1allAAlA»?Cl‘1angiiInEhC0fl3Wl3 the l rea1I differenbe i lbcmveen t:hat:lAl : E pifcopal 1%» Govern menrg whicl1fir{7éAAobtaincdAlin;the.;Chl1I‘Ch A: laridl tl1cprej?1?7tHie—-l ’ A fzzrc/4] 3 " :‘lCDfll‘il°£s5’7 ipf-'7A*¢'gimim é“ W4’? Wgiiivifitf :. A Wlhiclz » Cdnnotbc cleaTly~,deu1QDllitilted in ;pa4rrlicularsa% I until! ‘fit be agreed on both (ides, What thalt E91 {co pacylrm t/zen, ‘and what the Hierarchytimdflh éndtla‘en~it Wduld appear. l *~Wl1EE:l‘.€'I‘l thel‘e9tl1rcc forementioncd leflntia//5 of Ep.i”fi:O9 A‘ ' l pail Govern merit, werjc the fame in borhl» A:1 For thcpawtr llndm; (“aw V under C»lvriffi42zePrinces, and under Pzganl; isotie and the A game _._ though t,l-ueexernffeée am. And wcfhumbly receive. your Majefties‘ Pious aclvertifement, (not unlike that of Ganfémtine:)tflirtingust up also, menxunhyafled with pri'- A vateinterefis, to finely the neerefi accammadarian and 6:]! 4 rafemélgnce tome Apaflalicdll and Primitive times. But h for your Majeflies smzatlro the 1 Bifhops fale Pervert, ofor. diszmafi and Ierzfdilfiian, Jandthat d»flz'fic7I0!3 of Oraizmtiarz, A «A m.%orit’;ztitxe titntlthe tfllrflgap, 2lT{’1d‘Cit9}?6'0}73I1c*1}?3‘ in the Pref? hyreryt, which You feemi to fluma’ u pen trhefe two Texts, ” ‘ 2 'Izm,;,6,l 1 Ti}-71.4.14; and which istlfeciby D.',Bi[[Z2;g«5 3ndlOtl"I€~1‘d€l€nCl€I:S*Of«E pifcopacy ,’ in fexplicatfotx oflthét Caution of «the fourth: zcaumc»/{of Cart/Jqgre, ttzbialrezvjayrzvs we joymt iggepafitian of: the: B7i{hopsa~ and Ptesbyters? A lhands, ‘vvefimlll:iveyoureMajef’cy an accompt, whmweefhall be mice to the clifquitfitien thereof 5 Albeit ‘that we do not for: the prefent lllee: dhut that itltis Promflv of yaw%~M4‘Te-.- §2‘y,otenders ouraccotnnlodation to the Apoilolicallmlczl V Pritmittivel titnhfes (Wheote unto You did exhort us) unfef~ V lfihle. We notwitltftanditzggvdol fully profeflet out ao- '* know-ledgemtent 0f_ffl&§Irdm»tti0Z‘.$Of the mtnwd cxercife of Ixrzfdiifim, to the Sovereign Ralwerl, atn”d'otz:r%ttaccompt:1¥~ A A blleneill.-élltothe Lamrtfof:tt'he Lend; ;As+for your Majefiies ’ threegm;/liaaraslof;gteatimportance , Wketéer there be a certain form of Government lefthy C hull; or hiis Apo-. flles, to be ohferved by all Chrifiian Churches; W/2:. -« A war it blade perpetutallyt,» or be upooloccafiont alteralv/e A in whole, or in patt;. h‘W[7?il7£f'th£1t~CC‘17t;€lilIl form of’Go-‘- A vernment , be the Eplljltapltif, Prcshyteriav,” eeorllllfome 0» I tbcr, differing from them both .1 The wholcimlamaof V ECClefiafiiCallP0liry, is containedin" them; and we hope A that neither your Majeflylexpelsfitcd of us a particulaf. an- t {wet to them atthis ;time‘_.," not will take offence ;it<=u§ , “if % we hold enely to that which ts the quefiion , in order to t tlzefiillef :r.Wi‘i0"5 fer Eeebly prefcflewrl readi- % e.zaA@&mz§¢mMa;cfi% ianfnzmimg 1 Q’£1~‘:‘ffl i0flS , A ¢wi:Ih.in% Qu2:‘A%4%pmp,er% cvgnigguw .3: amfirdfimg w the propm4:tionofsou~m mea%mj;«aMi4itie$. A 0 iyu M.a§§.i:&;i£‘s“: mmifccnnipng Lmi it€ayxaI1fafiAmg us; the liherty;a11dAVhomur e»x,a.m1tiir';g Your lzM?'»’9~¢d+R_m ly, ¢'£W17m‘in fuclamxwlierrvj of W1’-£e', A a4m.4for%»~Y0ut“ exceed ixjzg . cafldmsr , flc1eWed*tofuCfi men as *wcfareA; {and ?%f0r%the am. ceptation. mfaur humb1e~:dut:y,A we render t y@‘uz;,_Majef%y Vmmkfl Abnméle tabarkkx, %:»md {hail pray ,LThat fucIm,.~a“ pm in ma hand of fuchabilities , may everbei4mp10ycd inia fub-s jcfig worthAy,ofi::.V ' A * A‘ 4 A your Majefiy wefild plefifé t%con Vfi&er-, tbatifi; ,this‘ poimfiunder d¢bate,fr¢ccefi’:ozaAis notathe Vbefialewg anfl mafk«¢ert4im, .and;mdy way to finder ouAr“%Lt_he O}'{'g'imz/1§* for ;.togothac way, isto goth: fu:che1":'iway about ,. yea, V raga fimckwaxdjs’a~néw1‘1c;ri*Y0u ate at the fl2ring5wm.fAAt,%he&¢r£~ ymrc it Elf, f:‘5{0u.g0 ‘ tczzthc riwcugerm’, tha::Yu tma)l Eek *rl1c_,¢rivg- 4 » % 4 § F . we Ancithat -tviaerlord*wduld~guid¢%your -Nlajezflry _.,_ C3,/17% tim " A» two :a,1;1c“ufc.es A: af %Pa:1-1 iamcmt D‘ ; by A the rigrbt liwd of A Ms * Cciuncell ;. and {1ievfu~Ym1 tfa. Aha;3.py‘wa3r~@Ehcarlingour4u%%m~ * {happy difih-rcnces% ,Vand of {:Ctt3ing..'th€‘C'a”1’?7'9”""'n’¢nhbQ£ :a}?e;fu$Ch&ri[¥:w, which iéthc tfiburcéwifo aafall t£1e.mem~ : bemhenwf; may (2 und7erJYAi%n % all Gmdv1i%nefl%, ;Peacc3 A and Hanaflcy. ‘ A ‘J rimfzturlac. Cranfdxd... j % % nob‘. 1'6 4 4 J" Ifiqw %