A %% He Anfwcr“af%rl9¢ D1‘-m'm*.s', 8Z6. The humble ASVVR Of the Attending »rh'c Honourable‘ 4 com 13310 N ERS P arlnarmnt, At the T R E AT Y at: Newport ; 1n the If]: of W I HT. V ?To the fecon4d Papei: delivered to them by his w%MA¢J_ E s T Y, om. js. I548. AEpzfc0pal‘l Go=z2ernmgnt_ % Delivered to his ‘Majefly , Offobtr. I7. I a?ppoAim: %;Abe1V1§ap.~r to%Print this Copygntituléa “T/ac Hmrrgf Ric hard Vi\ncs,A% ‘ A VA VLam’o;a, Printed for cfilael Ra1i:er,’at: the Signé of die ‘.EH’1i‘1v*..c‘ V L over againfl AS. Dgmjhm: Church in I-”°1cct4Vflh~:’er. 1660;. ' ‘ , r o .-n—--——— . T,“ ‘ T ‘ ‘ ‘ _ “ ,, if“! W. fw "E ‘ ,. ‘T A 1 é, , V iill“l‘ll—ltl%!Itllllllflfl e llllI«lllIl£l1IflflIIlM.'lI « I » . ,- ~ -1‘ 'r- -' ‘/"'. ow. 6- 1642. 3“ ’ *5? I'."‘V'\‘ % nnnnwuqpnznju 4.». «afar A 4»..~-; % ‘I .' r__ ‘ ’/‘'',r' ’',r‘ -- V - "/“I” '1‘ ‘,7 “J:/‘ v -. . » , «pl - Iw .~m«.’d' :5,‘-v' ‘I ‘ /--,~ ,»'- . r ’.."r" '1 '«J.«.-/ r// V’ . ‘as, ~-«L,/;;,~‘ 2.:/' * r"'~ % ‘Q; ~ I‘'''‘'''' I» % - %... % ‘ r’/;“r.,I ~'.-‘x' 1' ' “ «am .45”, A cw. V ,:«..: " l U‘ ‘-4 ‘ ' 13;‘ “ in‘ ‘J *4:/;;* F , ‘ ‘ _ L‘. » V» x. » Nactenazng theHnourab1exJcomig;mer;“ OFPARL IAMENT at the Treaty. at A A¢hcIfleWigbr- hehumble Amway. *ofth%eDz‘.w'ng§% Tothe fecondPap§r delivcrédwo thenqaby Nis9Majefly; 15eIiveredt~;3 hi§Majie~fly,tM.I7J « Mayitplczlc your Majeficy, “ M igam‘¢~.A%;m¢*%do% acknowlcdgg, thatwhe Scriptur%es%‘761“t A the +%paa1e V Sin our” Paper ofofizaber ghe A third 2 ; 1 V in Af ertoyour Mai_f%LASVcf1ptur<:fpecifiéd 5 But as %then ,‘i’0 now =!1If3 ‘ W‘5hUmb1y&~d A detiy, that any A of the pAe“1*f0ns%0r%Qfi5+ , CEe1‘5‘:**f'01'€;4 mentioned 4 were "Bi ops , A gig dgfiinfl: from, A CPresbytcrsA M‘) 1 Presbyters, or diW¢le§:érci{é‘Epiicopa,Il%Gpv§§rn%mcnt_iI1 A A th3ff¢“C¢,5A‘A A.thAAAt%th1s_wa%s*1n«ch<:A le2.flAmeafurepro¢-A A yea byche Aalledgcd scriptures ,ar_1d :herA¢fore%our W Ne... A g4¢1¢ze 110C”? béinVgitQA“chc “fame ‘fpglnt -A;orAvfl:afcf7c: ,0f7thC*‘ A Qgefiion which was affirmed We humbly A conceive that we‘ »{houIdAnoc Abeginceyrpreted 5 A to have incfl‘eé?c, denyed the very fame» thing 3, which; we" hafibefpret gganvcéix 4c?"3WA1ed%¢d ‘fiat fe*?'=ra}1“ 8 fiPfdre%9¥b prov? ‘*1? §h,Ings% for %Wh1Cb theyyare Amd “if Athac‘ W1fich~we'grar"1t— q;:tha:;;byf‘the” Scriptures ~cired in your Mar- giri, your 1\rIajfd7Ify.'intende_iib to prove§;sI%t v'villA follow A That nothing hath yet beei-I proved on your Majefiic; dad. ' W A A -~ % A A , ~ A 4 _s‘thc'nwe"&ood‘ upon’;heNcAgativ;e tdthat ai‘4Y%';:r-&-My ¢. Ation, Y0 We now cxjavstiIca;ve #r0jffeg>r§fe nf to Smut Mefi-A jefiy , that y.our%rep1ydothw%xiQ”tLminfirme the°EVideMnce ‘given . in mainceuancei?‘théreofia The rc:afong‘iven& A Lbyyour Majéfiy in chisA'Pa§p;¢r%;%m~fupporfirfAAyoh§§iTér. tiopjg hA;;Ap+fi;h¢ perf mat ex,$crc.i_fec__iy thcpowcr aforé f3§d’¢¥€§€§.fB*fl@¢P$ dif?c~i9¢°qfcn4§c:+;isA¢taken from ade- part cb;.make;;4whichA is*Apret<“cn+AA Fc£i49¢A§9naQF.Epifc9m:l1§over¢nmen:ys% which¢is;V( A PS5 fignergtg «Off the -ChurchcsvA wi;hia%V A AA A > “f'ont: Afimg .€:Ap§13.fon&'“ W ; with fuflicxérgt autAhor1Aty».Q‘ver“ ~ A ._ “‘: thAePrésbyccxsi,;w I@'c§f§1§:of;ho{e,*Cburche§ for ‘f;thah*¢i1d;%Wfiféhz~G¢ye%%rnm€‘nrfoV%éefcribed, béin “‘,.fm:f* %v%fubflargce[o£” the thgng vfelfc‘ in all the three l “AfAc>reAr}1~‘3Iiric:ned% parc:iculais ,(0rd¢ining, giving,mles&% ~ “.9fD1f¢1phne »*an4%C¢~nfi!r=s Jw found :S?cr;Mipmi%res A ‘ A A A “€XCe_p1: A ¢‘ént1,y%Aproved ;:frVth acknowltrdge for th‘eir: %ti%1neA,t1a;a’t;tb¢ Biflzap and %P~f”esbyte%r differed only the manner of Ordinatiom and%élearned‘r;. ‘ A "Bz‘lfim* +We;a¢£ir;é%:o¢kpeak*b¢:ri$Zco[ the Bit1x¢;$s«Ac/Q’;/i¢;}igre,~ you; Majevflys defaripmnof Epifcopall *gmJarn v amt. And;fir&tothéirVChé11£D }?a%b€<-W {*3 i:ti-ififvfi fix’ % Pfizfl &i€“i¢$4r€P1‘¥%;¥” 5 ‘ 9 " ‘ .% ~ %The Gtia+lJeAnge we »uAu@£ake~;n%j,t:wo refpeéts :4 411.‘ 1n‘refp'e<§’c;’Of‘»4the4 fiamr ”CHalIenM“ged ;“?:2f*:*;M§”iii9tfp‘t*:€t of*‘% that ground mot ffémtre upon" which the claim”.;is* laid %Th¢APoAvVc%~1: %}chall$cngcdA _i COIl:fi {ts A of threc%pa.rtic4ullars ;§ Qrdmi¢%if_¢?g%VA.a«~g%i?42di1z§%d%£w~1méfzéi*fcip1ifl¢amdC¢”[fire5:%d pal; office... 'Nof[more5 no,other; i~n:refof*tbéi§E;pj{ We fce;ng$t,b.y:wIm"*“warramtachis VVri::.of Vf)ar[’1ition4 is: 'ta_ke.n;forth~wh1~ch bythe Apofiolxcal ofhce is ‘thus& ; fhared~}or‘divi-dad 3 T he: VGarveming". 'p&f§ rimtoo the BE... the Teaching, and 2m’mim'/I"rir2g~ S.acra»—g A mcnts“;A%,;§m;q;gh¢&Iirebyters.r %EorVbefi’des ,tbg; ;theeScri,:;-~* A A ” ' ‘A & 9 Vn1%.¢%jpamzinin..ewali;5~;~aitAaa%p-~ L%'mmethe%h was pre-» pture ma;VkAé$:4m;f A maVkeSfC>Iim°=abanemen:ingthe Cliiim o£tbr¢e"[,~ fayin§g;,,. the ch1ngs%prc$pertp;B1‘fl?~Iops, which might nozbe mon f0P1‘€§by:,tei's , 2aré»finguIa;:icy»of%%Snmgceeding,and,4 fmriorltyln Ordatnwg % ‘Hm (69 The teniimé or ground upon “Awbich the 'clai’m is" made A is .A;1i:cal ; Awhich.wich=us is all Aom=:A with Az'w£na§ .A1nfiitutim. ~vAnd€this as fariés wehavc leaxned , hath” notcan'4ndimzty,4apmly,&4vorgmemléi avoww in “-this A Church of ’z;»g1m2,eithcrin%rime ofPc;p€~ry, 0.1-;o£th‘e_ fix-It Reformation, and:whcn.foever ttgepretenfigbn-hath 1 been VmAadeAJ,ic%4wasA not Awmmug: the cantxzadiA&ionAToflear—-3 M Md» and godly men-The4abbctt0Ars <3.frhe* challenge, :tha:4;t.theAAj’z*m6 2:; t~1:ard*i~N = <7) _ 1g:esbyi*m’s; "or AB'ifh%4opsA do} and if they *4wéréisndéed1'*‘ A vBVii‘l1e:>ps%,and their wg@_v”ern"rne"n’t prperly%VEpif@opal in M difiinéf fcnfe, then It 15 not need%ful1A‘t9 ; 0 for faraboun % V‘ to§4prove Efcopal government of A ivine. inflir.u— riorigbecafufe praéfifed it; bu to "aiTé§ttV'egx7gv‘f:£IE:} , ¢*%*%tbatChrii’c iufiituted iVtFiri1m'ediatEily%in 3'; FOfryour%‘Majeflicfs A gfiefinitiaiz of piicop‘aI Vgoverna -— V m¢m;i4tis%extra&¢d% outofthe Bifhops fifkittfi’-r date“, thtn Scrip-tfure4”times, and dad: not fuse[4to_ that M€fid’If - an, unVdcr%W.hich:I1erevVere Amwe Bifl1op%sthe‘none‘ in a .‘ [3«recin&,or.Chur ch;an_d it is as fully co‘m*pe:t¢en:cto. ’ Ar¢h»icj( amid Patria%rcha& gomvern%meht , as Epif-- A c9 «aak V flan: (_)fthfi:s{ ide’fin~itiqm‘_A,%:mater2¢a1Iy,”arSd alv I ¢ 5?raEHy confidcreyd, may be few" 1nA?Si:Tipt"me.%‘A%” The = 4 A Aipc4>fi1es,A%1‘imot/2} aVnc1:::Tz'z:;a, were fingle perfons; but « noaav1«Vf;%imedzoA~Aa Prcc%in,é’c.' 7 A ~'1?h.:b4 gvrmment ;of the V'x$ngd;was1ir‘iritcdVteaPrecinééah %n76gm i»”1ng1c*%p:ri*;d fans; In fcvera1~cifi‘ic%es,,‘not~tobe cot1fo“tihde4c¥,»;Vt’t1st? paw. of this%w"dcfinition maybe fcund; but &tAhe'»:iggregaario.n%.A “ @fthe.m* together into oxie ordinwry'V \€)_fli~cNer cannot: b”;Efound.% ‘And if that word‘ 5. % awlimfiy 5.4 and fl¢fiWwg?% A A Z %m,; had been made the g¢e>2min your” Maje- ‘fiics as it ought“ robe ) We fl1ou1dv"craw%« fleave ['0 faeyfit :;7 i»%f.F;grmt:$r diam * _.,= 4 A1104! * ‘ AA principtii for the “rpm” wlffrhkfd parts; together inLa~‘Bifhop,~whLo h1§i%ei‘%bo1%%r?o+Véi Id %o%ffApaflwles;; E§mngcli#sand“ wngels, .1 the! matter of Eoverninga ;: xjdaini1,1g‘,~a?t1d Alfefitx t A mtherof Teachiim 3&Crame»ncs4 and ciealixig 011617; imrfmrjd iwe 7 A Vt»%:P1-c§—‘ pytersyi1gm§;114afr¢m1mes; cm; 'rtiaa"“%*%:VathAvb¢¢én ;f:«~id*itI3 f Jmflfl1f¢?f¥§ern§5ugh t*%har:wa a¢nzmV*%%nnwfi:w% W V‘4%;;;.% % éfnun she. To£:~EsIgfi'FPP%*%'1.3;§iA9i?§1§nm§n%;f& yd: 1.. (.8 W 7 A g{ghé"ugb=;mmt£* ,1':A;él‘\?€A r,z{zflint?iA:2))2)iswn at ca lied; ordi} fiVi;§_gii1if1iEéd tha t,n§trr1zeiAn;:Sripcure. A Norzfecpmily Ade A Aap:rr:f .§bQA1ft kc; Whc“ther$tbe%Worke of%Gqvcrn~ iz:;xg‘,c“ar§eri‘flAg¢g;'prcactx§ng A “be: L3f:¢on%tiz11ian‘cc in the ctaurch,A4»whxchwec4lcamIyac1;now1edg¢ Bu: tMm'~4A_ l3‘»\_d;.mmz:rc,A about the "Oflice,fic bein g a great fallab :»t6" ‘aA1*gij€'-$ Thanh: A7p0fi1cA.s*Tdid thsA:{a"mcA.fwoi:kf%whic M ¢Bi'- A fhc;p‘sbrP1iE5byters aretofdo in ordinaAry.i. “l7fheri:fore4 they were; Ofthp fameoffice for“as”ift1s,efa1d of’t:hélil* A VbieA*ra1l.,:€ifldA1¢31’n%c?<3 7Arts Aone%%and%~cheV:fah'rrfVe?‘t::h”ing 'masyfBfé A Ah%§Vnd91€d indiverk ofthcm',.and% yet the fa 5ArtAs%ar7é d%'i%ffl‘inéi guiiht bythe farrmzlzk mm of handling of them 5 J1_:o w my %of,Offices 5,” A th ey are diflingu.i{ht.by:‘hcii‘ ca-lliij and,“ Com miflion 5;, A th.q;1gh,mAo;t B}; A .the; %vxro‘rke;Af4%és*a \ ‘.th‘.oi~e m¢fif3"m‘¢d;4i(Ephg4.“I )A/flr5;Prn'pké_i;¢’;E3£, ¢)JizgeIif,l5, *P.*zflpr: ma T345/¢err,'aredcVfign‘e”dvm’orwa“% thAe17ame general! and %comtnon.;wojrl;"c: Tke.%Tw‘ork‘.12ft/:5 Mini/frj,vct» I 2; And yet tbeyarcj not1thércfojna'@a:lAAlw oug; {#5)}; its f&.1C5§it:% *o‘“me.$I?r,oph%@ts;, 7 T T A A1ifimA,andA_fai7a!fe4 Paflors and Teachers ;‘J€iié?4ata§»5’i%n* Altahée and ’21AnAA0fdinar;%A‘% Tribune ’% Ma exi hndt%he.fub6rM‘di9 , 4 , % % 3 “ _ % \ .nar=e:,‘governprs‘oAfw1fi»4el, The courmf1>m»1imm2a*nd 0F\‘t.hC1(fiFg'I;5Bt”2,%:)aHn wpzyize A and a Pré:éy¢_erori.Dc;2c@;*é may Aagree m fomxe comm Qnworkc = ,A and «y A;!:;; wgili-3 w MHQHW Ci, OffiC¢Csg, followes there u¢%f)(m]. Ejwmé A. ‘A é,_E'l1_21IC wh1c»by+our Ma»14eft}ccomceWc §‘?,ghat the moflf A t“bat“cénbc_prd%ved from all{,T"or*ai1Ay of :horeA»p1aces,by » us aIIeadged;(‘ to prov‘e.tha{t the Name,9OVflicc;andVwwo141b1.lG}50%fl; t who we‘ *read tothasrg the At many hbithopsovct A one Chutchgtot one over vettheronc or mn:ny,and théA«POP files argmnh from thttiame =qua1ification ofaPresbyt’cr A gmdof aBit ~ Pi4n_OlfdE1‘D0aUI7dilIati0[[tO1f“ Vputtinghhim into 7Ofli€c, flully tprovcstham ‘htohbetwo namtsv of t h A * VB ' “fame? ( Io) " i rameoracr or f'un'&ion’$ the diverfi onzm of Prefe bytetand Deaconft, being divetfly characficrifedt‘, upon thefegrounds (we hopewithout fallacie) we A conceive it juftly ; proved, that a‘ Bijlwpenda Presévyter arewhollyt thet‘fame.tThat.Timot/ay and Titmvtwcret fine gIe~pcr.fons,‘having authontty of ; Government, “ AweAtt “ac+ knowledge 3 butdeny, that from thence 3fly"31'gqI1_’1¢Df A can «be made ‘untohhoeithetfingle hBzfl'wp orePméym~ -A for; though a fingle Presbyterhyathte powerrob hisOrd,er? A (as they: call it) may preachthe WordTénd difpentfe the * Sacraments gyetbysthat exainple of the %Pres£vytery, theireLayz'22g an of /Jami: , and that Rule of ‘Telling Attbe ”CbHrob in matter of {caudal , it fetetns trnamfeft‘ ,; tthat. Ordiiiation a_ntdCemfu‘test are rfot t be tfxetci fed by to at ‘flngI:*1?re:6ytcr 5 nwzher hath youth M3]EflY'.t‘hlCh€f[0 " proved, either the namcs‘of Bifhops ‘and Presbyters, or? the fun&ion,to’be in A other places '-oftscripture at all th diftinguilhed 5"You‘ha§ving cw holly ~ ‘waved ttheenotice or anfwcr of wacwe didaflert (an*dd"o yet defireh fomé demonftrattion ofthe contrary) -zIiz..* A ~«Theat:“thc Scrip- V ture idoth Ah “not afford us the leafl notice ofany qzialifie c4t$ianh*t,¢any ordinatim ,*an y work ox-duty :a;fly /aozmar peculiarly belongingto a Bifhop edtfiinét fromna »1?ref—:» byter 5 the afiignment of which , or any of A 1 ahi.fl1op,by the SCI.'EPIUI‘C§..'VV0u1—d,‘jPUtt‘h1SVql.ICai0Il near roan 1»ffuc;.; T hat God flmuldi mtend adxflinét . ‘and highefl of r0fiicer fir ~Govcrmi1en‘t A in “the ‘Church , and yet 4hnot§xprcI1"e at~nyqualificati9n, wor"lt, or 4 unto us impr-obab1e.L Concerning the fignification to .5thetwordtEpifc'apm‘, aimportingtan -Overfcer , or oge“ thathatha charge commi/ttcdhtoth1m,u foriingiance ’of nflttuting wand Qrdaining ofthimfi fee-mes» :4 If; I "J ofwg3:Ach‘ing a Be4a%c9n;+o~r kfifpiflgfbcep , and the Aapplie-‘~ canon of the name to fuchoperfons’ as h3V“Co1.nfp¢A3.f,fiwon of the Churchesof Chrift committcgdgico chem infjrirz} t:a4~1i'bz:): : 7\/V6: A alfo givc DUI’ fi1fl?1A‘3og§.‘_ but not_At¢Q that difiin¢*f0""°f E/”f""I"“«§'*‘f«?*'~° . andfipircapwrafloxam 5‘both*bccaufc [C513 i;ra ;;g;w\3Mg;,0V.",OfPQifit in 7» qutflicfioso and 3”‘) b?C3“f¢Y°UfA M3363? A having A fig? nified othar EPifi‘0PW.1mP°T€S 3 ’“”P"’ ta’/W. WY“ you I hav-c%not>faidV that in fignifics Valfo a kaeperoof‘/Yaeapbgrdy, Asto7thatwbichis~ affir§r:ed byyour Majeay,,hm;1e “peculiar ofthc«fu‘né‘t1on of Bxfhopsis cm-cn—go¢ S‘ vexnmientgwandthatothe rcafon why the Aword,%AE[,i;.:_ v«JPwisufu311yAap.p1iedt9o:Pr¢bytriat‘:»,which is §=;p11u[i’onAA A orco4n"cezp;:,w1chAoucoEvxdcnce ofscmptureg for the VFx1Hn6tEonwa“s one, the names werc4no:div;id¢d was dividedao tbs Bz,n“ Jed perly trYub1¢by5°riPr°r=.aSmmm r 11> 2c¥(0,ind¢eAd Impropriate; but we that Ioo4k%for.. A the faméwarrant , for the divifion =o«f¢_an %AOfli::e,; asTAfor cheCot~1£ticurion.cann~ot find e*h~at thgs aappropriauoan e+fnamc$,w4as'made% til1l{after\var‘ds , or In pAro(:cj£I'e%wof: time, :!s'Ai%‘1.76e,adarAe44(one of the Ru-Ftfilfirs» oAFzh»1sc‘onceir)af—AA% A ~ firmgwhofe fayirgg,1w'henit Elm 0l1t_%0f'5btlZ)CiA%p3l_¢‘(§TE A Scripture time‘, we ‘can #10 f3*¢h¢r%*-WOW; from whim 3l’EOg¢th.ACI",VV‘C dld, Acontlud the c1earnc%sof=‘ v eur afl‘enion,:ha: i_t1AAthAcAScr‘iA mwesafz/nwemereflwmut, a Bifhop dAiRin& ftom”’a pres y;t’cAr»in QqI4Iifi«c4tian,;Q}«di. A A 1ution,,Abffiéur digazity is}nd~t found ,the* contraryA whA¢n..%%%% » bf, though "your AAM2iefly {'aith,thatfyeu {rave fecn can -“ firmed bygreai: variety of credible ‘Te(hmony,_vct we VA bclicvc: tbofc4tcfiimo‘m'cs arerath-ct &rongAinVAafl"ertin ,~_; then in démonfira cmgche A3c1“iptnrc*s Ogiginawl %of*AaA B1-- A fl1op;wbich’isdecl.aredfgainfiby abcloud of; witncflcs,‘ namefl in mg latter end ofour ‘former Anfwcr, umo 3 ‘which we thould refer if4ma‘tter ofright'wcrcno1: pro»? f * afi Tc-V-@» A AWc1‘faidtbat4%thc Apofiles wcre*A theahighe{t% order“ of%0fficAeVrs of th5t_Cb’urch,‘ tb4i*th'cy\ ‘Vwere»~ ex~craorAdi..A nary, thcywerc Adifiinguifht 44ftoAmA4a.Il other 0111. acts, and 1724: theitCovcr,nmcnrr was not Eptifirafzzxl“, but ~ paflbliaalI3AAto which" Anfwcr, your Maj¢flAy“£*b:ein:g” non: ,1 doth Vbppofe c’crt‘aine“Aafl'crtions ,’ "" thexrfiutb A tyA*b ifliongheirr b1lityb't1dEt-iota; *"T1Iatth=W!fi0n<3Ftb=°AP0fi1°5W5501'inariigand‘ ~ ‘L‘1o‘cAo‘ptitpm¢%to thfgrcnd uf}th4c_ world 3 but the l1n6’cig- 4“ on , yfibcreby they ‘wére%enabledAwto both Ofli_ces+ andi»% 4 « V V mfelfe an4dd%*°APpoflIcs received? ._ iqns5Tfli:bingahd Governing, wasi.ndccdex;.~ A §f‘!raordi- (i3)« wt cradrdiinaryffhat in meixunazon thcywere no:;:i¢.: W %cefl'amily t( ) havefliCCw.efl’ors, but neccII‘afr‘ily;inA ‘ their“ asd1»'d;imfyAas their Mzwon is ‘ A A be ta» ofli , ut we apprehend yomy AA of Apofllc and Bifhc"ip, A .*was. mizmttly .V contained in? A Chrifls 9flicc~,A2sA1he,ofliCe of a Biihopwas tfminmtl ‘»cbmaincd in than of Aipdflleflmi : ; _ but .thenc¢ i£'_]VViI __Lnotfo14l5aw that finfdrivur ufiiccs ing‘n’his; ifciplessg faying, Refceivlt ycvv.AJlm:Holy qiflyz ,‘ dmb re;ferto4 mifiionAAA% sass w*eAlle.A*%a;s*frmrf?_;_zon*,%.§ Acon cc:xvc% . chm in th*<;!~p1¢ohper.zinainAtingcfizzgsf aozr ~ ot%h3m‘OVflicer;s, me natmu'uaEi3_i1&ite§ 3 .: wcAM‘e;.AhAWAA 3ArCA %VAKi,@g‘v§% xjjcj o.r="“ P1‘oph¢ts?w{a.1:;d4.A tr;1Agb;eman%Q1%:f§m CfCd,”.f-'w.w»«AQ'd at ggoog; fen17eA:%*eo1i1“§:! MA/mAa‘*dAe; i A cX@r*¢«fl?;0mA,»A;k(i ~§cc&A:p§dg;:¢%A,,A *2 " ’*a%Ano”th‘,£3r”s2ié§l‘T6f‘fiicers:‘ w {is 'f.§;a %:'15mv’e”;A_ iAI1=mth:erA %_by” fthqir, officge, To cam: Vg1vc'wnfent5' forfince np: L“ man ish A A A A A dAe_ 4évcd?:&rcu m:Ao; nhbreAy is: pmpfirl-%y §dx:?7cAeffiv::»n ,% % , A afhdW}&at~s1's “ xvflgrfiingne A % % (155) nominated" anA 01fi.CC,1T'f‘.»£Y49*hiS~‘~m,G61;~flbi1i§i§§ 9:;._gi%{g I0 fltélthey: ;(;an M the A flpwflffllfi‘ CallfidxS¥*FYQ9}*§}111,%1"X %,oificea~s 11,: b€C'auf;e .<'>$ x%tfaVér%dAinAa»»ry gifts. , 4,, gut; glafag %rheApofl,1«i:s ;;tA;:iI‘fiQn44::an%d:rs :;1;a»i‘;:%4»3a‘:.;qi1,i:,:g“s;. V.Mwas CX9II'}1V0fdifl1~3__‘F}“‘ -and u:a:rigp'org1 ry doiih g"pp€ar§ that. was_>g- by imm.ed:iateV_4 Gmyrxiyificmq from M A ‘7C;hrift% With0u«wr% »'%nytAerv;en":ion%« 7%m€4I3Vci%% the-X; in :E1€&,1:{Q.Il 0_,;;’(or;11¢nVa4t1on ;,iorWp%1aant1ngA ax; %%a.*”:‘1-[ thbdcatiwze. g%overning~A0F L 311% }§Ch}1TC*?§$» &At~h{9fi$;1§A Ihié MVV01”1dA 5! ““»°mPreh¢fld*i“3‘ xi“ of theCht;1rch AwhWacfo:ver% and .ther¢%for¢ isfifécmes to us %ver§yunreafonablesrhat A Office and ‘a$u“":tbLOr;i"' “gy ofthe AVpoflle;svfl16u1dA..AE3e;~dr4avy;;§ gimirn nary “DH thereby to make it: as%;it¢4Wer¢§ 2} tfl0¢7%}0:‘ ‘. to which A the Vordingry of I31fl 10p may 1 be A grafted; “;0l'j* d0tb~.V flu: of %Tc2%c§3Aang and %Governmgdit1 _ tf)¢4vA.Cb11®r‘¢h4» 'mQf¢ Arjtfidsr, ' thfi .QffiCC__0f teaching and;«&gQver{1iO3‘%{iI) §h¢V': an ~ordim1ryAi40fiiCc%%, %th=*¥1 ¥:hrésZytersw af'primip4l fufficzkwcy -‘whom %Ilu’" 4§°j)0fileS‘ ['gg¢t;aé_ra.id and ufed MAgen{§ifl"Ecclefiafllt_al A fl_[fzzi¢:g¢5z2éI9eref'a€-1167'Ibc_y]a23?jZ¢e4l&/.V And that Paftgr:%an»d " A Tem:‘be’x_s‘, w?er4ere:1ed in form I ccr7tain~ charge} a:1nTd~tl7ereéy‘ difi’et4ed from Evangglzfls, whéfe work that it”fhould_ be nbthing :bu”/t§ diligence In preaching,7e’9‘c.which is4»c6fi1mon tbApo{’c1e§, Eiv4angeIifis, Pafiors ‘and TcachAer$_,and fo not .A% dgitgnctive V! di[tin&ive of*m1Tisbpa.rti~cu1ar Officegarguoeth touisb ,5 on that I asmthc Apames Oflicc ’Wi35 diVi€16.d iflt0~~Epi’IcopaI oandc Apofio1icaoI,bfon thisbal-Io is to bbbedividcdintoEpifcopa1 L andEVanbgelicaL,_ Ordinationbancl” Cenfures belonging go Timothy as -ca Bi£hop,“oand diligence in preaching only be. .. ing left tcxkoghb Evmgélifis,» which djvifion (as we hum‘.bn1y ‘ . ¢gnceiv¢:)¥‘i,s nocwarranxed the Scziiptu_reb.n. A 1 « ' Th»ird1y,“fYour M A jcftyfaf 11, that th [t which wofo no‘? confidently affirmn0fT£irgotlaj~"agnd7fitas:,v; vchcir -'=N5§ing as 4 ¢ 5 E~vangc1ifts is by fame; dmyed 8z~refuIed,y*C.a€Ven. wxth tr, {gum orejgékcé by f ome?"’rig"id P.fes=bytcrians, andwcthat » “ which we A {o confidently denygthgt they were Bifhops ‘Fis confirmed by the confcmicnt tefiimony ofwall antiqui- -A “ mrecordcdo by ferome himfelfchat their W€reBif1nops “ ofnrzmls or;dinaotinsaolmwkdgtd bycvfiry m&ny;1ateDi-1 "c“jvjn'es,'facnd thaita Catalogue of 27 B”z'flaapsn~of\ Ep/aefm Ii-c. “ ncallyfuccecding from Timotlry out of good Record is cfF’n%vouch\fafcd by Dr; Reynolds and other Writers. A 0ur_con;fidonc;e (a,s yomn caicfiy i~s, pleafcdotobcallicocc) A wasin Anrwemcprefiin shefewords, are cam: fay that Timatbybbandn Tztm wcrcoB1{hops In the fenfcof Your N no V Majéfiy,bouteoctraordinarymofficers ar.cVEv4ngelz'f%s,in which A opinionwc cW«e1'cth~»€fl.CIearb,. not out of a total ignorance of tbofeTeflimoniesi whichmight be a]1cdgedoagaTinfi”i:, ‘A but from imrinfick arguments out ofo$Criptu1;¢,Lb»fromno ‘ Whieh‘YIirMajef’cy hath not pxoduced any one I to the con.iii*a,ry [ moxisom confidenceweakned byfuch replyes 1 ‘ as théfe,the Scripturenever calschcm B~ifl1ops,but the me; 71 33¢ haw rbcftltctl Maud rejeétcedoit with Il;ter5d0,:.hCf Scriptorenfials Timotbyoan Evazigelifi 5 {mm of V _ _ _ V M A COI'n5th€“‘S£rz;p;—- relaucé th£1r,m»nr‘1ons»from»Church to Church,‘ the to bi: fixed 3tE[)b€fM« and Cre¢tV,21nc;; Scripture U9) 5criptzgre‘makes diflinftion of Evangc-lil’ts- and Pafiors,” , but flame fay that imatlsy and Tiruswcre bmh,we cannot‘ ' give Your"Majefly *3 .;pfrefent account pf Smltrtz[m~é“nd 6'laemr\d: Argumentsgbutdobclieuithat Mt.?(}iIélzfpi’%and +4 Rm?berfar£i%are able wichgreawr Pcbength to refute .;_th*at opinion of Timot/{y and am their being Biflaops 51 théIl~ they~do(if they do) {corn r+ejeé’tAAt~hi9 of t"hei1‘ being ”Ew22gelz'{?; 5“ As fowz”tefi‘¢iw‘I0ni¢:%aml4c2ttzzlogues% thdtigh fuinderva uerhem not,yctYourMajeflywi1j be”A-p1:ea4fcd A to allolw us7th&e ufegfvour Reafon, fo far%%as'not*to ereéi: an i ofliceinche AChurt:h,; which is not found in Scr1pturc,up..4 O11 general ezppelZatWia1¢s%4%Aor titles and allufians frequently Fatihcfsgefpeciafly Wlienthcypcal vzdgar~ ly, and heir as toa paint: in debate, forV even %$mm Wfio as Your Majcf’cy “faith , do“th Record that ‘Tz'ma+tby and §7'1.1£- rm wart-mafia: Bijhops, and that of St. Pauls, Ordination , %*doth whenhe fpeaks ro%che= pdmtfietween “Your MAAaj*¢fiy : and us, givethe ifl1ops:?td%ui1derfi€1 wih%a~t+¢%thEyarc In-A A ~ geriour to Presbycers czmfueyudine magi: gmzm “*Z)omi‘72z'm Q N rvzritzztis dzfpafitiane *5‘ for aatalagws their credit reftsupon ‘théwfirfi wimeffes from whom they are reported by midi. {Him hand to hand, whofe writings are many times z§wé£am4or not wcumt, .bcfidcs that Lthefeczb T ézlagzrgs r A¢s:w*é"¢4t”hcmfelves im:o:fome Jfofl‘ 8222:»- gtlifl as the Vfi'.r.I{F ‘*4 , 1bg"ue‘5?bffiterufalém jntqwthe. Apoflle gfames, 1§1f1:itofA>2tia'cIa into Pater , that if 1@amein:o*patcr and Paul,that Vof‘ Alexandria 1n£o=M'g;rk , ¢;*i$‘pWsimv¢Timo?/JJA. which Ap°f*1esaI1d$AVEw*?av*g=- A W9%tamwié11Erth*emfc1<"<=9“b“E deigr€*dE<14v©“?.*>e%I*§ ¢ma%d== : B‘fH1op$;”fi0f b?eAfLr”ctieRer3:dinVA ih&;"1rTprbp'€’r jcallxngorqf-V &“fi~c*:e, its i§Aeaf1iefor us’ 'rg;$%fo¢éedth*c fame Jiwayand tojfinel :1;ariyantien‘t rim 8§:%_c:uI¥dmes ‘generaliy tfi::cc1ved Cz in (20 > in thc~Chutch (tolintecl by the ancieilts Apafialiml .,f7'4§ ditiqrzsj ash: near the tApofHr:-5 times ha§B1Ifhops,t-whichhyct : 3f€3C-Qflffiflfifidly, not of? Divifie tiitffiziiutiqrz “and futthetgif !Ti}§1at}J} hand the ref’: thatatsfirj inttht-:4 ca%r4Ia4gu¢ wére BL- flaéps“ xvitfi fuwch fclhe Pcwer of‘ Otdihatioxwnd Cmfutes; 4. as f1s"g1fl'<:tt¢td,Vho\-jv cam:-*: thtfirh pretended jfuhccefforsg who t;«vyherctbut~primi praséyterarum ( ashg:-he Eathetstlnemfelves I! cal themyto ’1of¢H fo m1ichEpifc¢paf: power aS,.V/V33t1Hi.thCM_If V ~%Prehhdet:)c5fl'orshh, T anhdfas was not t“c*covet‘edit'4 goo tyefiats t’ 5 thc%r¢f'o“'”tctwe» tcahnbt upon Aha tthinhgytet .fa§id , reeéde from‘thhatttofhhour Satvxour, 4'5 iizitiozgaiz fuif flaw, fromttbe beginning _itwas__11otfo. ‘V F‘ YourMaj‘cfly faith, that we affirm but upon_ very “ weak proofs , that they were from ~Epl7efig.4 ar_1dPCree£§ ‘cttrenjpvedttoother,p1aCC5,hthc contrary whercunto hath ‘been zdemofifiratedby ;f°tne 3 who have exaéilyout _f_‘t"‘ QfhSct1ptur¢, cpmparkgd the times, A and Ol‘d€1‘~0f. the _t"‘:fcveraI Journeyes , and flat1or1sttt of Paul hand. Timm- 5 It isctonfemidt that cufhheiiyfrériion , that Timothy and Tz'~ ms? w}:teEv;¢ngeli/fig, lies; with A fame flhréfleh upon M this, that they 7em‘aUea'1framI11)lAc£ to plate,’ ttasathcy were few: 151*9?4“'0'”P€"’i“’*hettAP9m¢5i: tthet proof whermf’ fihntappgats to us _., tdhbehhof grcatgerh fitéfigth then; fmkéntt toifh by_h the comparifon _ ‘which yum; gfi51ak:,s Ofi the Divine: h aft .1178 t A A mt hfiifefihmiizflér. Vvflf begin with ,.tI;e trdvai lesfhh of {.II‘z'motl2y;hhh, “A as wctgfind V jthemh in .otder_1t¢cord~edhhh in rthahsctiptutc-placesci- V “*5” ‘7-14' tfidiflihfi Margin ,7 -‘Mid WW6 fit forflah Fromhf(taC) Bereag, A ms- <2 I Thettflwhcxewetfind twinmb ‘D“‘Vtl:;V]cVI)~I~1e*X"t"a‘t mtxr/gens , %: In t*f?”iJ*?:h€“%‘5€% P+4?é’~.f*‘-Wis tblmto <6 J T”’[r4l071i‘4~: ahfterwarsi ‘t»A&“ A134 A havlng beenf“1.ntM4c:don,i4,he tcamctto Paul atg(d¢) Cqrizzflg, A and A ‘ r M .:;(r2x ) hand» after that_;, he is; hwirh Pmlrath E12/2::j'w5, handhtheznce : fentby, him: AA into ( e ) 'M&686i0flI'd, Awhitherr Pimlh ~.venr,;,a‘f'— c Aéks I 9‘.zz.h «finer him.~..a_nd was byTz'matbyh auto? hhhranied Aimo (fi):IJf/1.42) 9 Aam Mg 5 ‘who was wixhhim at ) raasfland ( In letm ,7 «co 5 1, M, [which ;PlaceAS;. Pamlfent; for the ~ Preséjrers of the Church ‘ ‘ M%inEpbe[m,Ar and hgavmc: Atfhemrthar {olemnr charge «to Hike rheetdfunto tl9¢mfelves,}r%andh%toAallfther flack-V, oveh which Holy Ghoftrrhétth m%adAe~t'hem”Bz'[beps%, not peaking -‘=1 Wfird oF‘.recornmendarion of thar;Chu_rch tbTi)notl27, _urrofh§1_nto th6EldCrS. AndifTimotky*was'rhBifloopJ Ep/Jefiw, hfihmufihbfifo Whenrthe fir]? Epz;/fle wahsfezxr to him; which~he*is_ Apretended to grcccive the charge of A eXf:i‘Cifin=g hisr Epzflopval rpoAVVcrr'irn rrdinarion {and‘ G 0- A verxtmengg, ‘but it is» rnanifefi thatrafterrrhhi&ArEpiI11Vc:r" 7 Wfcxlr-to him, hcwas incontinualJoumcycsr, or rabfent rfrum Epbefm. For PzmMl(lcft»_I1im , an Epbefm when be A Went into ; (i)AMac;damZa,,>Ahand hcrlcfthhimr there ro;i 33371111. r..3.,. ;¢X‘31'CifB hi.§OfiiC¢r in regularity‘andTord¢ring~r chm " _%Church and in o'rcla'iningr5 but it A was érffrcrh this time A ‘that Timotbyis found with Paul at Miletm, for after Pm "Ah ad been at“ Miletg«b5,h€ wenrro 3‘:-r*u/2zle}n,whencAc he was {fem hpriform;r'to. Rama-,r~ and never came more into Ala-Ar aceklama, ;aAn'glat H 'R.0€m A we find» Timothy 4 priforer 1,_.Heb_“_z3 with him, fl.fld“Eh.C{Q>aEk_pi&1€;5\WhiCh rPml;rrrwrz0terw,hii‘l?:.1>h11 :. xi“ ~ 7heArwa;s prifonrerat»Anamely,ArthciE“pir{t1c :to the 1”‘“‘=“‘* '*’- 1*" h '0‘ L I! ?Pbz"Alippi4m', htoPbilerrmrm, to the f Colofl iaI¢s,i to thc:;_He- Heb.,.3.Az3‘,_ hf/ervs,*dAomake mention of r.Tz'mo_tby‘ash his companion ~ gar th;efe timesh,.r not do we ever 3 find him again Aar A h:€p?7€f1¢4:;,¢;_h for We find that after» rAal1rtlzis:,. ;§0Wfl,rd‘SrrthC'Arr€vfld of S§.%APapAls1%ifcA, %~after his firfl anfwering rAbéfore 1~{erri,A A A A an vyhcnrhe%;,£aidh.hr' A departing w “ arr hand , A Tim. 4-6:: A for Timatkygm Row: ,A not .from Epbcf 144] far,it feems «“’=‘‘ ‘=‘‘?‘‘‘" A than. 3,7 CO_fQV8,6Mov 0 2. C05-L413, Ci $.69 i__Z'-T11114-.104. into d.ix{erspar V V PIyefm.AV N*o%w< if your Majefty it , to C39: ~ %upAit*1copne total‘ th;at.which,,is faml, We fevgral jourheys anftjations of Tz'm_%qtIay 3 ixhehoirdcr of th‘em,fithc time’ V f em %in;.them,tl1c nature ofhisempI%oyment to igego‘-5 _tzzzrie#tlaé1§% 2?¢fl&ir¢s§;af% CAbri{i‘ «-ii: A ml (iaurcbes % jgmd pidaev, < fiwzce fthie$criP¢m:esg9;:s%eouci“ii§1g;his b€iHg4B&iith°P pfany one Church V,ycjuV v§riI1_acknbWIédge*t:hat{uch a man wa;snJort a ?Bi?1h*op xcadto one Church A01“ PrtecinE’c , ‘andda Awcrehiom Epbefm and Crew.“ xjerrio-irecl»'t}®»”‘ M A the fif; exteption V your ~ ic1-.i:.h¢y ;; (22 > %_*«fiAh~at~Timo4¢bj was not there,,¢.bef:auf§ Paul giving f17z?rsvatby” % fence dfltnofi %% ;h‘;1s.ico‘mpanions ~ an A account: of % he fai;h,Tyacbimsh*ave {lent to 8.. 4ch”<:-Anby afl‘um%ing4:ha%tTimarlayw3si%1;ch a mam, youfwifl conclude tha t he was not Bi’fl1op!of£ efma; g A The like conclufian n1§.y’b@ii%1itorGéd fwmV:he preu mi(1"cs5 fraqm ?I:AWe.4~£:n¢ vI7*i¢4a§;*W ht{>m*’we at 4:( 4 V) A j‘emf2ilwn15éV€z>*r&AhT?e. came Ato'A%(‘wet,‘Frorn1whence}h¢ iéfenr l2%‘fric. 3A. :2». ; for to (1/2) Nimpolis, and after t1hai:the7"§'s‘w.{enc‘to Carintla, V from‘J%w’hence H6515 expe&e:d “at (Q) ’__I7w*aM}, and met : vvith <1wl (d) mmacgdanémJa«hmc§~4h¢i%A¢%fi&tma%gaVinw :23 »( A rik¢b,and'3Fte,rd a}~1‘*f*H%is is**neh&r¢t:H*e$:i‘tfiwf‘*I?m”‘2ls dcmh at mime, mm whence he wenV%c%nLsI:%iw1%tAe»4r;’«A%‘»wm, ut um, (f) \ »iD«almatg'&,2nd 2’ft f1.‘ t'hifs i§sAn"oAc~ »h;c?'“a%rfl ‘,51:i1 “Ehe ,Scriprure~: y*outMajé&yautfi cofiécive, that A=a'1-5.; 2*2“n:» anfwcir‘ A H ‘ A A firm not upon ‘wry .»;m praofeer-;,v thatfimatby A M’ M» ”Sm 1 _ * ,2 “."‘ “V ' Aw “ " ‘ "I ’ I two: 6f %cma s A A %*?iis,%.top+rovga A *mi1ch &f%i7l1é‘ifi%{%eJdves pla*ce73'= ~ my 1». 1%. 3;;{Titz;«5 1 5. I ;évfa:z;qIat:tIaae% takes ‘m;I%1at¢%Ithey ¢ ~ great, % mics no name of} Fe concliue mom, wfl3i1%~th=é , , % ¢ ( 23 ) azfipbefmms f°<>r%t/vi: mufi2‘Al¢fAt Imhemirx Crew : in ‘both A which A15: =fP€‘Cifi€d Ofifiwfiioézszl mplaymezzt, A £QrAwhieh~ # th'eAyA‘tifl;1a4dcfiayAinAt1‘I<2(e plages, : and ch}¢“Ae:11t1AdA1ik;: “ words Org A 13!} 4lmez2tTAA~:A0f aw Ainco . a. ABfi1T;1F’P’?:i‘3k .3 but 9Af43¢flA inter: mmt to ca;I1AA : away Aflagagm, Vand.ALf the and lafi be pug togAe;her, his A451“; re;4oc4tia2zAof chem-bathgthc, in£imatia;¢\of his A intention, A thétthey fhrould l1QtAAfEa3: there far coz1cinua11;;e,AA' and ' Ath Q reafazz gffhis bCf€eAchi11;g'tEl).f=As;>ne :2» Pay, agnd of his 1ea,A..._; ving che‘%c);ther behindwhlm, which was fomepprefcnt dc--A Afeéts &ifi;eme1;si{x thofe Churches Jl they will put: fair? A to“ p1fov*¢=thaAvt Ap0?cA1cA:im*¢zm’ad?zzatA to eIA’¢abliAfh% ] themfiiihopsof txhofe places ,"and. .thercforexwdid4&;zatv;, For the Pofifmfpts : becaufe your%MAajcfi:y layes A no great A weAightupontheAm,. Wc%1hall¢-notbe foflicicous in pro- Aducing evidence againPcthem,~4thAough they dubear wip- nAefl‘e? in a mat:-AcrA of A fa&_.,iwhich in our AopinionAA;;eAvgrAmm-, % g and iI1yourMajAeP£ies ]Tudg€ment wM long éefamt/a;ey ‘me £ar'72,an'd {owe conclude this difcwourfe about Timothy and Titmwith this obf.erv,ation_,that A mfithcz fame Avery E pifile A A o~f'P444ltoTimqtby, out of which your Majefly hath A A e,ndeavou1*cd!;op1”;ov"e thathe was a Bifhqp,and: didAAAex_‘ bothfor; Presbyte1:s$ A their Ruiing.-% A = thcreA i:s.c1c~ari cvidenw A,theMneAxtA_ApAomt C0IM1CC1h'l1il’lg‘fl_IhC Atlgels of .theA A ‘T‘% Chunches, ~tho11gh'your Majcfiy faith,thacyou“ 1ayInoA “ Weighhtuponthqlegpwyfir Myflcrie of th"n%d6non)in:ar- “ AIiOfl_-',’Y'Q*fiyGl.1flflf€1‘|:5th3tEhft pcrfqns bearing that name- A ‘wAere~perfome%fi?2gulargs;8c ma word B;y%iAag9,whb ycgare A ;n¢verfo4 calIedm,AScr1ptuAr~e,8: thg allegmucal dcnomxnwr j A A » » . ‘ tion; itnA&ti:c:z;nA_,Aand A for; (24) L tion of ngnls <5; Stars, which in thehhjudgemeniof anci; gem; modcfn titers. I0 Ihfi -n h nifiers and Preachers of rhc Word in general, is apprm h h P1-iagc as wjémay ifo fay‘) tn) the cflditér and Crofier-fiafe,” and fo oppbfed zb lmany cxprefs teftimonies of Scripture; And if our’Ma«jef’£y hadnbcen A particular in tnhat,hw_hnere; M h in you % y thennhfirength of your inftance lies , viz. the V Judgernént of 3Ht*&nCi€l_:fl‘,,,3.fl_d0f the bei’f,modernWri- tags, and many probabilities 1n the Text_ 1: fc1f_,~weI:l'1Qpe ‘ ronhavc made in appgrentnzhhat many ancrent and emincntng Writcr§,h;nn%many}5rohab’i1izi;fs out “bf the Text in felfdown giveevidence to the contrary. Toathat which is afl};:rt<‘:d,h nThatnchefc Wfingulariperfons vvereBifhops in diftinét fc::nfe,~ V wherherwc brought any thing of A moment to infirm this7 we-humbly fi%1bmichto~ y~our~M5e1j¢f’cics ]udg€ment,& {half oniy prefencnto youthat in Your R(ipI%y%you [have not ‘taw- kennntice of that wh1ch in our anfwer {Genus hm us of nxfnonubnr, which is this , that A inhfllyfieriazn 3~x1c1n”prop/:etAz'c1:n wrzzgwor wijiozgdl repzrefltifldtfaizsh (fuch as thisfo:t"ch 65’ flats ~ and}: gplhcien Céndlefliéksis ) 3 mméer” of things and pm- faizi‘ is uhfuhllynexpreft in fizzgalarsgand nthhiéh in ”vifion"s is the ufual ‘wayfiof Repre{;e.ntatién of things, A 4 tlahaufzzndperfonsh makidgup hone_%VChurch,;isrcprefcnted by one Cazzdleffipkgn» filmy Mzkziflersmiaking up one ‘Prc:é}terz'e by one“ Angelnn.'n And~;becau{é Your Ma:j§fly fecmsn t_c>‘n"ca1l~n~n;p;oyr1:a be» A particular, though wwennnganxjot name-the Angels nor are fat1sfihedhin our j;1dge_*ment“, than "tIhB'f€)?W,.hh0m nfomre do ;undertankc4t’o nnamcnnwcre inrcfidcdnh V by, the name of»: _geIs‘in .thQ1:ChEpif’e1€S’3‘n _y"e;wefay,nnn2?7irfl,.thatn;rhefeEpi- files ward fgntnmnntn the Churchesgandnhant”nnd;1e¢rthe:cxg;& prc-ffion of;‘t/aist/iaziwhblaflh,” or rlaisitlaoka /aqfhandnntlze flike,. =t?he>‘ ,.c’nb;::r_c/oak are N refpcfiivelyixlrennd edh , for then waned, the .< 25) the Repmtance comma.1m'ea{W,Vthc puizzflgméiztt t/areatizeai’ 3 A Aw bé %r¢A€¢rred WA. the Churches and new rhefizagufiszazz? MAnge1s?.vn1y,A andyetwfi donor thinkthar Sdlmaflm «lid: iim,-ndV', not dq we, tharin formaldenomination}-the A gels and flanzilefiickéWé.rethc%fame.. ‘ ‘A A A Se%condIy%, _ The (Angel: of thefe %Ch‘urc.jwheS Q1; % ’ V were a (0l,l6’&iU£’é06L’_y,"j which weAendea«vourcd;A¢q pgme fizch ptbbhbilities asyour Majefiy takes no nogjcg gf, A namely the inPcanceVofthe Church’ ofi$EpIaej‘m Jvwhege thercwere many Biflaaps, towhorxm the charge of that %& Church vvasfiby 5;. —Pa;23l at his%fimz«l "departure: from’ them. i:on1mitt:ed,a5 alfo by that expreflion Rev./‘eAl,;2.2 4.; Toygg, and co the refi iz21T/9z'atjrzz%:;fA Which diflinéfim; makes 3, A v,c-ry probab1<:-,thatAthe e/Inge] is AevxpIaincd%A11f1der that \ plm~4l£z:y%,ta_yAou 3, the liketo w_hich many expreffions may be found 11ithe{e.iEpifilcs,4 wh1cIj1WtoA.incerpret according to thfiC°flfé‘W‘5“§EqVid¢‘1¢5%Of°d1“‘1‘;A3C1‘iP‘uT€?$»‘?fthe New Tefianzienc _i, is not_ Safe only ,bu£ Solid and [MEviden;ia1; A A Thirdly, Thefe‘ Writings are direéted asVEpiPc’o1a1_-y, Letters, to ('al[t&z'-U: _Badiesf, ufually are (that: is) to 022:, A buf iAnt‘en"dedAto the Baa’ 5 which your Maj¢fiyViUu(h-atech by your fcndinga Me age to 4yoAu%,r Two Houfcs, A and di... A A “teéting iffothe Speaker aft/J: Haufe of Peer: 5 whichas it doth not hinder (We confefs )but that thcSl;;a,ém_i5 one “ fiflgle1Wf0i2;foitAdoAtAhnor p;oveTa:a11,:ha:thespcgaker ..isalmaye-sAtIa: fameflgerfofz 5;.or%1f ‘he were , that therefore bccaufe your Mé age, 18 dlreéfed to» him he is the Gafczm-A vzaworkulér cf the,Tw0?H%dlif<-‘:SAin %thclcafi,A3»UdV.f0 A0113; V Ma jg-ayA% hath‘ given ‘clear 'infianccA,thatthough mere eg- tars bedi;e&edtoAthe A2:%¢lsA, yet that, nqtwithfisanding °PS:'n°r~7et12=rPeW4lMade¢4~ they mig4h;jn¢ishA¢r 593} 4 A p1nA,lLOns« Vfpecificd“ in %wyp;,ut Majej-A a rm. 4 B¢r‘irha,Afé:§z‘er§‘1%qi flies Paperst/3ree%¢49f¥h¢Am;A ffafié ar191.fairacs:bmm°¢!5- "don . 4. “A~AA€té4VA cfiritaiyg tfid mté of Téac13ir:ig° anc,_14PaWe‘r“ bf"; ‘ A (25) d*eé1’af“¢f*d5béFdre)}ar¢f°°nr6dtiC¢¢1?éI1&'JIfifi~ edéewmongiEuhemre1;%vcs43andmaybe hzslden. without am. ~éaj]&%”fwm1£hc_* recei*w& ]u':‘d*gevm¢Ant ‘ of .the%Chri%Ptiaf1 cehuéchfiy Far fromtnericingchac Afpexfiou, which ‘is cafi CFPOII tffe*VKq”armed415ivines”, by Popifh A {Erhm*1*,;3é~?rétieivedflrdgcment o"f‘:hecIn«z’fiim C/male; A r?itéir‘s,£hat”t}“rey~ .ha*ve*‘ divid~eci_ themTc;Ives from the _ rmpu-won» weh“i.'*”;a!% ; hat t%the‘ ‘p*ofi9f:fé“aIl;:*¢ra“s‘%;,ef‘4 1 Fathers with out fcruple. (27) T5, and the fervkicehbr work‘ of ,(T¢aChi11g and Qovgruing b‘cing1';oUconEii11iein ‘all Ltitnes ddth Anogt te1;gr%c1jgir[Qf, ‘ fiw Ordinatr s as the ‘OM 9* Mafia: wa%s%ms Vxpndxpd Ord1nax:y,becaufe Amany w0»~r1<¢s.o~f G\ovemen;£’éxcm;;%4 . fed by him,~werc..re ~com_m1t1:ed up the ’ A " f’4?%¢?i'?g-%~$‘lé?er5i;i°f 1frael:And% if ‘they%hav¢<’=: SuCCéflCfS§iE7II1u[Hj;$,ei;he1:,i1:£tq_ 1 their mbqle 0 z'cc,or intd f0me1mrts:Thf:irSuccefl7oxs-+,i4m-4. T0 the Whole ‘ *hoW¢V:E4r dif‘f¢f.ing from themw in m,eafure,of "G1fcs.andLpecu11at 1 A 4 A V ” P”fi1f”o.th¢f“M5 0ff14‘”41vesrthc:F+4m6 Uewminaziizz , and A than we{ha%ll.confeffc: mat ABifl1%o[ps , ,if they be uh egg sag. %C@fl‘9rS%41fl0FfiC¢= are 95 1?wi2¢_e Mfi1‘z4ti022,¢becau»fe1;heAg; ‘ % pofiolical Office w4sfb;1f.thc1r Succe;fl'qxscgme% inpqpax: of their Ofliccidnlyztkme +‘1°re5éytk"r5maAym»as W€?1I7bcg.a1:1¢. Hieronw, Aa»n.d.m:her's: W~hercas4ix1tru4rh _ttgc Appttfllcs have not properly,Suc<:efl'orsfin2tOn0ffiC§:, but AthQ\\Q:rd{§]:g, nary Powcrof Teaching and Governing ( Which_ j¢5,?{¢;%,V led in the Church forcuntmuance)1sin£h:uta~:d%andfen; ‘led in the hands of ordinary Officers by «gt _Nemxmr4g;t and Commilfion according to the rules of 0rclimztz';o;2§8c A Iengc it upon the general al And whereas your majc A A A work amongfi thofe things whmh were extraqmlfiimawiy (gga tficfgp aftles gwe cou%}d‘wi.fi1,thatyou had d%c~clatéd4 \ AA thertia belong to the1r?~M;'fs'zan&ot lméizajz for4._wc 11u:;ph1¥= A A conceive ,that che1rAut?harmt1vc Pbwcr to do gk3m'%gA fty nulnbers Athe,A4ex.te;2twofAth§cir% Q;L1a‘1ificaAti¢ns%i>%AvVmu£tbe cauem,% % «th@;i1‘"S.m ctflbrs, as cheflflhops, and {<54 indeed “called by f0m€a1)ft*hC ancxgmr. :Farh%ers ,1rmm: _,,o;c;;ge;;,_ % cgalling iqcheworci, which the Bifligp hath notygr. %Vp;-m..+“ Cluccdfor himfflf, Vandwith;0J-it; Wh1Ch ht‘ , Cam1%woj.t Aacha,1-;“ 11ifiV939@ec¢h%csufcd~by Work inall plum ofichc wlorld didproperly belong ya their M ifl’i022%;and.coI!f equéntly»t11atgth¢,i§Qfl”éc:,aVs Awwgll vasachci 4 .A6ilitiesWa.s4e;x %ordi11a4r5z_.,& fpjbyyourMaj;efiigs “ A «D 2 h A A own { V t r¢9) ’t‘fa$9Jitb}§tefiibh not t oh“betf1icceededi;f;1g0 by the Bifhdps ' 7 As to--the Orders offtanding Officers of the Church" your Maje{’ry* doth rehply, “That although‘ in the places“ “citetd,¢_ Phil§teIee;ert; reeeTim;3 .'8.there’ be naqmentiont but of ‘*5 the morders 0711}; of BifbopsdarrPrcféytfifrfsidfid Dearozar, “Yheth it 1s_no: thereby provedtha t the re ie no orhehrfiarjd- %‘t°"t ingflffice iitthe Church befides A W'h1chr we humbly cornceivc is jufily tp%1'oVed,11_ote«On1y’hecaufe there arefto Q... I tjherntam-ed, but becaure thereaisenohrulerof tordeyhnin afiytbird, no arréint 9:: may af Mij?it0fig*afl~dttf"b the Ar; ~ gument his as gohodr, as can-he made,a 72072 tzmf (1 ad 22022 of; feffmngfor we dotnbtyet apprehentd that the-Bifhops pre... tendieng to the Apofiqlick Offi..C€ do alfo pretend to the W fame emanner ofiiht z'_(‘;*;'a72 .;,et1or=? do ‘We kndw that there very _ma’nyDivines that haveeha1T"erted4tw.bar2:z’ér3'D72y,hav¢ cm. eludedfit from any groundsthen the ‘Scriptures cited. ‘ _ 4 A There appear (as yourMajefiy {arch ) uivot other math nifeft reatfonswhy:heOflic:etof Blfheops mlghtnot be lb» % ptopertohe mentidneedinthde pl2i_ces.Az_1dx§ve hnimbl y t ‘conceive there 13 a thrrdmorernanilfeft‘ then’-thofe two, V ' €w'z.t. becaufe, It emu"-:z2at.A A A A “ The one: reafon given by you1_cM~ajePty,is hecaufe hirr “ the Ghurchehs which the Appofilees' themfelves p_Iam;. “ ed, th£eyhh. placedhweséyters under them for the Offic~e A V “A ofTe4cIaing,but referved; in rhteir anmba72drthe‘h Power j 4 ‘+"'- of Gavernihg ; éhofe Churches for 9:1 longer , 'or;fbarter A “ time before they: [etBi~ihops how: if them; Which uhd er your hMajei’t-ies favour is not fo mucha reaffont‘ why? Biflaopse are ziatmentiafled to be inthofe pr~Iace;;as*tha't ;t_hey~ ‘ indee‘d~ were inotthght ? the vatdetty of feaforas ( may? it we fay 901: conje6:tuhi'esth)1‘rendred* Why‘Bifho”ps~ were 119:" fer up ~ 4: firfty 5 ;a'sr A namely becaufe fit‘ men A could not by [0 foon founch bout ~ which is Epipbmiw his f reafdn or. -for remedy Szibifme,whic~h 175- 9°.mme;~ 1:29)’ F ' whieh‘%i”s;7‘yoAutMajefiies reafon :« doth thew that “this” caufe la”Bour's under a,mta11ifcf_tweakenefTe: for the A... poftléfs referving intheir own hands the tpowetof Go.» A verning We grand: ,‘ theycouhldo no mo»te"dtc;vef’t:hthe1n}¥- ’ fe1»»ets of power,ofGoverningt,then }(*as ‘Dtr,tBz‘lj‘oz¢’faith‘t)t f they-could loohfe Wthfiig h_Apof’t1heIhip Ahead” they ‘let’ no- Bjfhops inall Churches, they had no more parted with Zhtheit power of “Governing then they did inwfetting up the Presbyters; for we have proved that Presbyters being calleedtnkalersj Gq~nernour:,'eB_zfl3op:, had the power ofGo.- A nvcfningin 0rdimzry,comm1ttedo»t0 them,as Well as the {flee ofhhT§:’2zc/oizzg“‘h,,an»%:‘._ that Zaot/aflae Kgyes(a§ they are cal- led) being by our Saviour committed mto anelagmqkwere. A not by the Apofiles div%idedi22%to two: Nor do‘ we {ee,how he the Apoflr. could ,teaTonab1y commit the Government of n to the ChnrchttotthePreséyter:af1Ef2/yéfu.g»hA£?:tt2o; andyet 1-eferve the power“ of Governingf _=z/1.42.. in Ordinaryt )*in' his own hands,who took his f olenw leave oft/acm,as never to flee‘tb@ehz'r faces nzomh As‘ that part of the power of Govern-=e«. me¢nt,which for cliftinétion lake nnay be" called Legit-,La-~ tz't2e,andwhich is one of the three fore-mentioned thingsee challengedebytheBifhoeps—,rUiz.giving Rules, the refetv-. be ing of it in the Apjoftles hallhdsnhifldredt not , but he thé1te/.A1we: A ¢B'y~jTt*Alfii;é Ha»feafAGm£,A>whic.hA is t e clmrcb 3 émd é&ée44%A forfe ff::h«<:~r‘¢- hadbeen‘any4p§oy$er¢v€hm&e; ¢A«u:;1i%fi%e:a., tiotwf a”Bifl1of)fl?ifii«fi“ frbma mescet,ifanyroMnzz£aaz2. Lfi£%ae3Vwe:hinkt% eApo{’cIewou1A,ihéf‘szcV figniAfiedm;Adi%c.;% V M fie id9‘n~¢t.Wecbn¢¥.fid¢faI% *Vth“’“°£F* V WE’? 4t[her4eA< are ‘ ~“c1%fi A % A ' L % A a‘ Bifha. %<»32 > %.f3"Bi{h¢p is 1]QtAflJ.p,&U:0UI" t0 a Pr¢sbyter5fo7r_we fizid not(as .;we faid in our Anfwfif) that 0116-Officer is ihperiour vt¢oAan-‘- mhergwho is_ of thcfams A Order. M , A . ' 0 " V Ca;%-g7V‘721_72€. the Agesfiwbeedzizg tla£ ¢/{j2offle_s}, A . I ‘F You; Ma jefiy having in your”firi’tPaper[aid,_rhat kécould not in Cpnfcience confent to Abohth; Epifcopall; ‘_‘EeGoverzlmfingbécauffi you dici .C0I1C€iV€ it to be 0f:A1[)ofio;. 5“ lical 1nflimtiaiz,Praé%if6d by the Hp9fi1Ves Ltbc~mf<;:Ive‘s,and . ‘Fby them cfimitted S'c“dm'-‘Uedmpgxjcxcular perfons a¢s't,hc.ir “Suc;eflgrs , and¢Aha§h ‘ever fincc 1:111 th€f¢%laPc cimcs,.bcen ; _‘V‘r2¢€rc1f:d by Bifhops 1n all the Churches ‘of Chxift A\/V57 j thatwhizdi mig W A thought-it neceffary in our 3HfW€1‘, I0 fi1bj03’11 to tharwe, ‘hadfaid our of the Scriptures,the]i1dgmentkofdivers-an- ~ cient Writers and Fat/J¢"N;bY4 Whom Bifhops were not as. knowlédged as ;s11);i"vinc;but as an£::lefiafz‘z'ml Izzffitutiomas A ~tw"cry Amuchz Conduct both to the eafing -_of your Ma. jeflies-fC1'UP1¢>t0, C9955“-’1‘ 'tVh3t¢ h0WFoe%ve.r;E.‘ pifcopal G over"n1_11en_tAwas gengrglly Acurrantg yet Athe fix":- pcrfcription Wasdnot J%:udg¢dD1v4n¢,byfvmetof thofe that V‘ H eithcr.were- themfelve%si“Bifl:o' psV,or 1ived"undg1- that GO; vgrnmencjfiz‘ tqthe, vindicationwof the 49pinion% whA‘igv:h4 we ~.ho1;d;from th€%préiurdiC€ ~0fN0'Ue1/ifW30r of reccjfc, from . the ;I%udgemcmt@f all Anfiquitye Q V We do as fininely beleeve A(V as tohmatter offaé’c):1ja; 4CI9r}fa;§?ome4, and Auffiiz were Bz'jbo12S%% , as thgit Vdrifiotlgw was Aa<.PhilvflWr,CiW9%aI}.0Mt0rsflhoughaWéfhculsi rather *7*c1a1Ioi1rAFa1th%Aa.nd%b:11efth¢n¢9f,.Acggmzgzw%%111Tmatter jof faéiz,’ uponAhurziane Tefi;imon’ies unc0ntrou1da_.thcn izzfazzzwlegin re1peé?:ofthe_Ti:i’timonies tbemfelves. But yvhereasyoup Maj.cfliefaith,. A‘9§That fhc darkeneflé o'f' th¢i Hiflorje-of “7 the“Chu4rch,7 in fthexime fuCceed1iAng‘%th‘e Apc2Pa«Ics, »“flrfiflgJ5\:fgumen: forfipifrozwya which n°FWith1}a"n‘ws¢ ~ A »f?$°h%=%AA%d.a;r15u¢1T¢.h!Fhf°un<1 .f° fu!1iPro°fby% igguefizonéd x % AA V 7 " AA ataloguqe;,wM fl cc r 31) “ Catalogues,‘ as fciatcc any other matte‘roftfa“&_t hath "1' ‘ the lilgel: AWC humblyconheivc";.«that_, tthofcf, Afot_c§"m§;n..;, tiottedtttt-times were dame the C4talagti¢»mak¢rs;;.w_I1oMimufifl derive!th‘efcri:: ofSm:c"{[];im from attdt; thrflough-. th.0f.C flmicatll datkeneifest‘, and {o make up their Cqtglpgzmttycty much from Traditions andt Report: which .€antgivenqgttcsttt% tEvidetn,qe,biecaufe they agree: notamongfi themfélvesztagidg A thVat”W11"ifchis:thefl gticat blcmifh of ttthcir; E»viad§ettC¢;is;f them§arert11eycouie to the: ApoItlesAtimcs:(fwhctein they, AA fhould be moft of "all cIear_,to ‘e£’tablifl1:t~l3cAAfujcgeffién andc1eatezttfir{t§)thc more vdazotfull. uncertain , find in; A deed <:ontMdI30?"y tt) one ‘another ;f,‘f a£c:;the Tgfiimoniésg Some fay; t”h3tA~tGlemf7?S wtasfimflzlhoptoflfiame,af:¢r 1?¢;ters tfome fay, the : third : and intrieé Ciclswt abtiuit the; A Sucteifion, in Linm,Amz¢letm, tCletmem,*AanAdtAanothctgaalled A Clem<"( as fome aifit‘mAc ) are inextricfllble. S.omefay«..~that Titust was Bijbapiof Crete;;_fqmc;;J A V A A Bijho ; of‘,D2ztlmat1’a5*“S0ti1c fay,A,°'tha;t:A.Tzmhot/ay‘W&5~Bi op of A A Ep/ac M 5Aand’fdrnefay*,athat VIahnwastBifbap of E1gb¢fm.‘at' the Aiafne time.Someafay, that *Pa(yc4rpz¢54 W355 fitft Bifbop 1! c_/vrbijlzojzg and%fomMe,; A of Smjrmt: another faith, that hc~{uccAccwded one Bucqlm 5, and anotherrgthat ufrifia was firfi.“ SOII1“€'f3y,thaC’44,1?fl5§’d73§f Hiiatdha but? am: Bijbpptg, and other Cities» W9 5 Aand Othgtrsi “thatthere Wastbut Aqua Biflagtoftom itiatat ttblfit «And how fhbutld thofé A tflwtwt 53 tsliwflqufifiionable 3* tvhich mufi be made up out AofTeflimo,nies that ‘fight OI1_C vvi»thali0gth€tA‘ :3 We confcfs,that the Ancient Fathers,tT;r- I A£tm,Iforur “Mm: %:ImfHtttt"1on; and; , Vwlqfch 1é?A?rghment 4"ab;o]v4ei%~a‘I»l cwhér 3;%the4Fufims”’5?whofc Na%d@;g,- Wc&‘%’¥H§Hi:éd %*&éfir*M63¢Wemi mzfl » gcwwx-gmnkar 1“ C%§WiflfBVd¢%4Wi!§%“fh3 Gm? ” ’ bééhwffifékhéms aI1d~’ Wthoy ” ”eiiWc%2r£=2*2é 5tI%Ibio~2T2.* » 4 I v % r A zK5"gii”es*V ifl Wary wwdfr zba _ % A _ Dfthofb A A "ésiétcewrilhigrw ¢* A % ” V *@fiZiIo6'¥‘fie§=b@ '*“ ‘7?% riyt-2’: 5 % int. %¢i¢;$mpw eraée rim; M 4 ~ “ fi0Ffi€¢'i4*€Wersh¥%::;E¢a4 % :5“ a. \ 5.. W A3 ,“ :‘flw L“ ‘ " .;~ .-M W 7 ‘ion i 9 Gf %Em(leIA . ‘ »yWii‘3r1¥&§ 14 A¢*’€..m}):Iv)§,h§»vS'§ve1gtt)g;:' mzs ~ '71, xi ‘ _l 1 ; ‘ J V EM V ~ AA ~ ' w K’ " ' X fig ‘ . rs; A yen ifrhefe from; w~hom%,you draw," aAnjd%tVhrough;;wlwV % /Ihfljfl mm tirzzesgcalled Bzflaopst 3° and fo wBre.ouh‘e£ fimlflfizflis of cbqzfenote, prefiding in the Presbyteries fttw Cities mt : Churchwespallcd by"fi1ch%Wricersas4 Wrote aftG,r.&t1¥1ewaJ&a!iI9r2’?- A fim or di[i»t}7&iafl~~ ofyrhe namres of Prewytwg ,4 a:jdA Bi; 4 4; But; thatthofé ‘and 4fi'C f£72tefi§ Pre5&}tax:we;rc.4 B, z:Ih‘a1;5a 1;fi pro.pe1§ Afcmcc,a%ccording to your%MajCfl:iesi defcrfption ,im-V A veflztd 'w;17t:h p0>vw3 9afe£VPm§;éyters %andpeopI:%5 to. whbm as .dI£kin6j:_%l%Afrbmé Praséytm ) did? belolfag nc v.cr be: provea M .awMuth6ntfick; or competent .Tee1h'mo+ n1cs:.A And gmn~t1x3g A,vha:V.yourMajefly{hou&d upwve the - . ‘ wdéim izzg ,g;w22g &%Rule:,&;nd %Ce>2fz_W,s , weA'hfumb1y~ conczeim earn ~ Stu ccéffian of Bifihopsz *fi'Om”tl1€ 7 V gimes ; : ‘ %% ma ’ Gf‘e1fii*x¢é'it be ifoufnd; einhfir mamtben» ifhcieps‘ ,* iasx ‘A A V ’eS:%, atri cx€fiabrdifm~‘ar%yimrfwnfi: %%let/Wwifli ~ 1 fir/t“~rw:£y~¢ai*s:;lwlfigAW‘?5%Wheftbrm "nt?w‘~ma.a5%AéEpv31 ao;{allAGower;ment~V(w by yAyour’* in what awcfpration softhe word EpzfcapVmi;% 3 1%1j%Cl\dA4[l‘dj§’ice@-L%iAx*i wnhisseétiori,referto:xthe 131fl10l’r'?A9¥+VAP0fil‘:‘?5A far A%ref%e4r-; > _rcr}1;ccito%% pa/t1i::'"4%,» i;r4:"ianfii1u4a‘tf}€;.;8 d»§fi;71j4&i*qn cf 7* A ¢fl1es;,offiC4ei.¢, .:i:ntQ“VAR?(zdziA54/[:_a;n‘d Ep:‘fwg;4il,*:A4 ;go§?74§fl&afmt@e mfice %Ap%ofio1i~cal1;-. Bpifcomll?».Vun¢9%nVneich€:Af~¢ y£zhich§wccan%gA1:ve AourA_confcn*t&forf rcafons‘f9rerhentioned A orbs te;£fLmanm: L;.F§,.C1e;£f¢?fd,; §1PA’¢*BA1‘9°f of twa o2;l)"gMk;@r- ,der~s‘;Your:s /.—E:}?:Yat'%hF{P?p%VqfiQgfc,' #175; of uh": naAm¢§?;%“4i‘i7Ef’P:‘. aI1df1i逢s12y~t«&;t?£«>¢§“is¢1mP9§t¢AdfT«h»a«c ,;£VhiQh youpj 1»c1fl,y;~ not long agojc;a1’lAed “our 4913 Vfallicyr, ;5xnqav%Y9ur anfwcr g only this,-¢{{fi‘I:rcme ,%w eV%u.n%d"er I jmoméfcfilfli: film?‘ hold thtfame %zfiic{: Yourj 3;/M[A;1]'fc4It’4)*; un4-.- 4 d‘€r;;P1".I%Wfi'fl0W.?M?”€5;;fi1PP°f¢Sfl3’0.-.7 which if§sicis‘A%ofvqn aflsrted at waswc; ” A 1!W!¢1:s4;A¢~ £3??? ~ datermirwimoftzhis LCfl§1Yé4Athar 'th5~§3 ‘F~.1“ate;d1c%I‘o Aa FSchioo1—po‘inc%,;OI anicegygl “ % “ atrm Epiféop2=~téivi{fit? ""7 orda%*’w1Vgrad#4s;othfides» of thew<1nefti0nifis:0r~~d1£pu-, “rants :tivmVwe....a+¢‘1V:'1*i:d gin3iL%t?19 Hi‘ 3‘ feft:b5;n°t5—:a% v%%:hav"ahavwq»u¢fii9n as A§#at»¢d kw W tlvori-W? wiw&‘.-maety .am“4which&i héfré xiocye o1:Jre~ L6.'«>¢4=cll%rIaer£in rhe%d€at6C°f%°%¢¢ d€h%eV»t%ha%tA mi>t elm 1’am*e order aw ofthé fam€‘;a’egvee;, in refpce»s_S’e: of“ qffi%ce, Mag.-, ’ *ha:'vi4ng povvgr ’apdIA?uthbri%qy»%to'%Athe11-14m’e« Ag +?N;or‘do:h the Scripture warram ail-rlc>V,7w,A 3 my rioxity oneflom anotherd A7th¥c‘ ],§zmea2fa'eVr‘~5 < ant} j’=th eretore the pirovmg“ of ‘ Chumh,~&V1sJaa%% E3 arts It ‘$- 3.‘ mm M %% _ ~(gwnflra~fio{afhatPfef;$ L¥BifE¥3p§ arefiie ffime- 3f ;In;wh1¢h»fiom:,zhescni;% pgufgkwi} ¢¢qi;;;geME;;b~éx11an~ce~ céfiimonies pf ":;hofe*‘¢ha;t afl?rt%\"‘tbreé”Hegrq¢s 6rbrtler$,V «though ‘Vim for em But’, or cafinggf’you1-“M:gj¢Qgyf'o~f the _troL~1bl{e- of pgoducing tefii;. monies 3 ainft tho’f§: cvite_d 'lby* jus, W?e Am‘a%k€Ah thig /JIIMHB ma:£an,:haIcAw:h:e R&¢gi»aa2¢Ats;oWbgot!1 fi<3mé.ma~y be»d11{ch4adr1ed gm fiéfid;“and*&§»;$ e;péi%~m~d;§f%puew *b3iW&tofhoIy.$afir L ‘ «aw-a 1 / w”[’:“ »F"‘T““ ‘W ' W M _ b M -m7:.; z&+r,m,um. ‘*I””."”-4%"”‘.* J4 Vaj¢mcs‘Re Iy, ¢wherbih% fh%>u1”d;=m:outat«-ita» p.g2ine,f$;;'ro V 1 aw:giV¢i!**3t5ii*?‘N1'W@f’f9W?*5f“.f4fi£fi0Win~Or-- ¢ M ‘ , W “ - H , 9» ‘ ‘f ‘ ‘If’ 3; ‘If «; ‘ *~= - *‘ g .1‘ ‘- "- ' .» ‘N W ~ ‘- _ -db: P1‘? €~°“%f‘°“"*°*?°‘1rV~A4‘!’5Whth4sVImp1o>*: irient; A fha1l_ contr§a& :ou;~ rsemagmder 4crayingVypu:Maj¢4mcs~par It . ¢%5Vh;;*fvgvf1,fé¢;fi‘%i¢q;;;éz}i»;‘ E: ,{‘-nan! too lz'z*«rle% in_.Vt‘ha»t ,w1-uch foflowes, We ghqnour thg’: p19usWs1nte»pt1ons*an } mndgfigcfigg Vof Réoya1~' l3»ro’g‘∋ors zm>d“’w*a‘r3“ Ir; arnayggegéthz’ %aAcceK:mi§ .4Agmm:¢‘d“w% Per:*Lfn; dono _ A A A % .¢1;Adg “%higq;Ep1rgwa1m wemmcm which fi *4 Jfitfifuefléirfi fi¢he“VA‘;;i“4«¢V% ” a;pr»%ef;entV ‘Amamsg be cad; an +béihfidés$ »W,1m. r MW Emfcopacy W them 4% «he 4Hicra£¢:hy iii ;§ai:&,‘a~fId;w,r A 1:~~wc}uId% :a"pp%€fal"1.", ’ A A A whether AVI*1a%x}ing4”Apaf{‘edthtéughtheWArgw:I1cmaAtAiveparts 6f your % d”g&nl,;“ Yeti ifl1a‘éll»% conceive us A %¢fiyJ%wrubfian¢igi1W4chasngeam affim the re; A 9 whether thefe thre¢.forcm¢nt3 oned; gflézztials of Epifco; € pi1.G0Vcrfl4m%€m WeVre%thcT=rh'é in bath “ A fiat the Imdfir Clmfiiafl. %1’fi15¢f%$;§¢*i1d #1?» 135% [find fame: rwhoufih ‘¢h#v%€x¢¢¢iT€5¢moAt; And w¢‘”l11imb1yf€Cjéive” your Maieftics ;9io9sVadvfr:tif¢in:cti§g ind: “5uim1iVketdj Caiafiaifliflvf ft1rr;ng%uSuPd as In?“ unbyafid 4 Avate V interefis, {to Rudy the n§aréfl;az;ém2izoda‘t2'an and re/?:m&lme*¢ to the 4v1pofi°1i~c4l%43*1d4P"imitZ%c2e timer. tit 12.:yourMaisflk-sMsaluoA~r€a'=h<=BiI1w ”$'gf5l¢‘*I5bzi:er, ofvr-»~ di;;a>fia2z«flI‘ld §‘urzfdié?iam3 *~Aafndthat ,in3£a"n“‘ofVA»0r;z?;m;z‘a;;;,: Autlgaritatizzc inth¢fB%iv %;4%and €"an%co77iita*72rV\ t‘I1é; [-'>re"f..* bycerm which4%yoti%A1?een;z~;t@@féund411P~>h .§h¢T:"tW9 i‘Texcs;, =1ni~oth¢r Adefcnd"¢mof ” Epdcgmcys,in'"expIxéa?;§,ij", 4;: ‘ ... ‘ M »camor%;he row: cw um: 1 at ¢%cz2:;;age iwfjma " .- my “ : ' A t:be%Vja,wt gimpcyfition of thc= 1’fl’s5yier$%AhafidS5» be caI1e«;3vf9 ~,=l3eAI5;qy11fitI9FI;thet~¢m33 .A A V K ¢ , ‘ \ . VbéTf%¢‘1»A‘t4h”é+§;“"4616% fiy7..‘$render«5ouf:éaccomm9dad0nm%t¢ ,,}2'T6ft91iéé1%3a.”fi<'=1’ primi";ivct”i1nes (when-:unto' you dtd é'*'x‘h"oi‘t ljnfpfiw £ibLé;%r;%4V V¥*eVmtwivhfianding:','A04fully;prQf:=fs¢¥ oIirV%wa”c+ téI2r!emgwfii~ofis V91? great i1nVpbrt%\nk3e~5'AI ’ Ans1es,cobeéb{ervedf4 4 * icy Abi-mi per;_):*£L1a[Ily:or be A upon .0CCafi0I]-~-..fllt6’7'fl£ia‘f.i*&i\ V knowiéd flfliiardimtzaniof597-4Wéa‘flré?I?§.e2mz” of »v~»~- ~ ~ % W M , r « M» «- 3“ W V13 - ~A ._ % u‘ . ,«, Mr aw “L K ijfib, % 9ur¢ac9°rn§p54b”1¢~[ ..l .4. mflac%o~ the4LZWfés:5?V4~4iV% A Lg‘, ¢_%er:;ai1a;«~fcrm;4’Qffiov 3t;'m¢mt,1c:y£t b,y§zChr Rand hrs" .“ . 54“ mé ‘ r whole» or 1‘? part a %W}"’?}?¢§U‘%Vtl?g‘t4“9c“aimf9rml ve1*nm::m_;, be thc:,MJ5pz:/'capaI , Prasgéjmmah?‘;.o1;,fox5'ie*otber; A %+c1eaamca1May, ismraiiaed i:1Vth~‘=ms %¢dit‘i’€ringi%frormhem both .-A A T hé Wh‘oIé%V:7VoIu“vfé of "_aI1c!; we hope- A that y a1¢1*%Cmm;aa* chums , 4 ‘ ‘(A323 ) thathueithef iyéur Maiefiy ==f1d fionlycofxhat whrchms the :quefi1on,%%1n%<;rderrq the . Biiljdf; 2z*&a1z‘r;;,;¢ ; Vforwe1%1nm:b;y;pro£erre%%‘ our r"eadAin%c-ifs: t°Te“r~*é%%Ay¢fit%Mai€fiy:éfiffkriflg I1?€f°%“°r*ahy % whet que-r’ A A ;9p;jop?eVr;ag72zzame,a@:cord~1ngtutheproa-7 flaions, within,ou A AA AA A A porriém Mablltwcsg f » Fox; you iajeihegsViconfij¢{C¢fl‘5‘013§!nWllfihffifilflg Usthe“ vk - %Iib’ef”rcy 8: h¢nourVd+tféxa:m1ihihg d’7fod%r¥Zéarz¢-d Reply ’c"l¢azIm.’ i%n‘4'fuAch em-ll;n.cyLoffiyle5 and fbArY014f €XcA¢edingczmdmr.V~« tb fuchmen as we ‘arc and for the accepcarionf out%\humblEVdu4ry3;Wé 41:ender;to~yt:ur Majc&y' moft Jmméale A than/¢g;aWndnaa11‘%my; That man 4 pén; ch-e ha~nd iof fu%c%k;i' ai%éiliti¢s3m3Y€V€¥ b?¢VI1£ Mlaviefiyiwofiid P16“? *0 Confiders thatin A this ”p36iflF7 debate, rz»«:«eIsionis nor the be“-clcmand‘ V % :;‘1jo{1;f¢éj&~z_‘a_izz;"and4 ready Wa y”to findout the g0rigz''mAl»f5vVfor *0 %g9;th?£t ‘Ways is ‘@340 *1“ f9r‘h¢‘* W-'1)’ ab°%“%¢ s*Y¢€sr%t0 go éWMrd= .a1n42evhim fi»ri».e*%.%~ vizv~=h&scr%22+ taréir ten; Yougo to the ?vwW4 that you Vreek AA A A 7” And A that he Lord would gu1,,deyour%Majcfiy,y and the 4 Cbfincel "anifhew Yvu ”a happy Way of healing |;‘‘«‘!« I " ha1El?y3”ifFerencés» and 6f fettling rh=*¢Commw%*Wé4l of V ]¢1éUSChri‘R3 which isthe Clmrqbg fa all the members A £he~r‘c*bf Smayg undcr‘_%Y*o1A1 inf?a1lV”Godlincfs,A 4Peace?;!an»d 0&oég;;,x9;; 16¢. 4