T HE IVDGEMENT 0 F D0C”r0R%7{2§:[c;.9\gQL2)5 Concerning »E P IS c 01> A CY, Whether it be G 0 ns Ordinance. ‘ 4 Exprcffcc-I in a Letter to Sir FRANCIS KNovvLs; Conmrning Doétor. Bzmcrofts Sermon at‘ Paul»- M 7% ACIOEC: theninthw of .F§6r:»m_ry, I 53 3, In the Parlidrnient tame. nLONDON,n A A nPrin;cd. by Thomas Wirte; n F‘ > V ‘ i :. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . - . . ,....,,- ,__, H , _ WW m_,___‘“'”m_m‘_” W‘ ‘ ‘ <) V‘ M '0!» A V E?!’ #1:’ w ‘ll ' W M‘ H‘ H ““m‘."" ‘.4-""-.- ;T‘ ' . . - I " I "” W...’ ‘J. ‘K In - -- ‘.4 . 6 ' n_o' .u ._ ,‘ ,‘, > ‘ l‘ ‘$1! 7 )& R1.’ . if M ‘V . . ‘ “ ' '3 * .7 to , {A if. I’ "" I" H 0 at v o~ It It 9' ~ on -v~ If‘ 3: p " ‘I " 1‘ ,‘,¢,;;”,_ii' J: ,7 ‘ "5 , J‘ 4» o 9 u. no ‘ = pr "" ‘V; _f; 1) '(. fix b‘“g DOCTOR :fl\ as I C; Np L to .9 W H I s A ” {Letter to Sir F1uNCi s KNOVVLS , A; tiiconcctningbboffor Bancroft: Sermon at Y“ Pdfilx-Crofli 9. Febru: 1588.111 the PARLIAMENT tim¢’.. 1 ‘m .-:1 Lbeit(Right Honorable ) I take grea- - ter comfort in labouring to difcovet and overthrow the .87”’‘‘’’’‘ if 1cfm't:.: . and Tapijfx, (enemies of Religion ) than of the Minifizets of C hriflsyet fee-— ing it hath pleafed youtl-lonout to re- : ~ 2 II a. qu1retne,to {hew mine opinion offom things,“/hich certain" of t hefe men maintain and fland in, I thought it my duty, by the example * of Lezxie, whafzid I Dcut-so of his‘ Fat/oer , and/1/father, I regard they» not, nor‘ac»’Q4ow- [edged In bi: Eretbrengto declare the ttutmwithout Lfefpeét; ofperfons.W I W 4 _ i Of the CWO pOin.£Sltl1CECf()1i'a‘i11e fflbflqr ‘flgwcraffl Set»- mom which your Honor imentiqnetlh; one is, concern- ing that he feemeth to avouch, The f#£¢V50Vit5€ ll’/W9 $’i- flag’); have ama7gg,m_;qem-,tb: ‘clergie, ‘go 6* God; tqwgzai Ordi... nmc:“;*thot1ghnDClby e¥pr¢£Fei:wmtds , ymby neccffary cofifequen<:e- ;. Imtliet. l_1¢tafii1'1:~nc,nlhA their op-1hi.on,e who oppugne that fupetioritlca to be Hercfic..Wl1e.re1n,Imufl: conf'efl'e, he hath cohflmitted an overfight, in my judge- mc~nt,:md.h1mfelfe, ( I thinke) if he be advert1fedt;hete—f V‘ V ' oftwill acknowledge it. For having 3’ firfi fetid, that Awe lvpag- ah rim affirmcth , that there was no difirrcnea by it/ac word of i G ad betwixt as Priefl and 4 ‘Bi/bop, nd aftetward,that Afar; tin and his eompapions; doc nfaintaine this opinion of t ufcrim; he addeth that ‘ eflcrifié perfiflifig fbfiftifl. W4: cpng. :9. corzdémncolfor an‘ /aeretilqf 6}:/Jc general! canflwt of the wing]: Church, and likcwife “ that Martiinx,-and all /212: {aompmviam dP,g,"5,, opinion hat/.9 herein Am condemned for bc-'rejI:_ A V ' ii « , ' L ‘I Touching Martin, if any man behave himfclfc other- wayest than in difcretion and charxtic he ought: let the A | A A 2 A blame it in» _ .3=’!P%v _ ‘nummg;* 3 A61‘. 23,. 3. I.” blame be laid WhCfC.hJchC fattlt i$;.,_L.c1cfcnd him 11013 5 but If by..tt11cA?jway;'hc utter a"t1'lIth", n1‘1t'1g1¢'d-W{1Eh.,hWhfltf0CV¢’3' elfé; it is not rcztfon tI1atthatt~wh1qch1s of G961, *fl10lI1dbc coztdtmntctitfot that whtch titshof man no _tnor,t: tl'1a11$!;f1_r.‘ do€t‘r”ittt:,ofti1c &rcVCtt1'1;C€1'ionA fl1Ou_1d_bCVI'C1Q17"1V€d: bCC21:11{c ° it wat3ht"na.int2tinctih;;1nc1 held by ‘the l’htflV1{€5*W hC1'C'f91'C 1‘«3movir1gt“hc bdi‘C)t1S t1n1i1é*hé5F/ltflirritz 2 f1"'0tm that Which infir1C€fiCiC‘flIkHGV”C is toibc dhea1t*witth, 1t appcztrcth, by the afotcfaid wortis OFD". Yfgwcwft ; that hC 3V0UC11€th the Su¢»c1*ifL>titié whichBiihops h2ivctttovtzr.?tthE‘ C1c:rgict';O A ,1 be cf ‘Gods ow-net iordjnancq; For=hc__: “i1i1prp;.VctIt~thg tm.. pu.«::nc1‘:, om; as holdmg"w'1tI1‘ xferlm 3 that;thC1‘c 18 no diH‘c1‘cn.cc by the word of God betwixt a Prirfl and a Z>’z'-V /72op,Whitch ht: con-Id’ nothdohcwith‘ Bcfhf(3n;lInIc{:Yt:' h_cfhim- fclfe ztpprovcd the ~Biflwps fi1pct‘io’m:ic“, at; ;vM€~Q¥Qt1:.)}»1ll?fei‘d~by Gods Word:andI1chaddethg that tl1”%ci‘rh‘0‘piz"';iESi?thtt>hho”gdin- fay it; is Hm-flc,'wI1crtcof‘ it finfixcth, I1ct11mk‘s~itc0nt1‘aty T to Gods word -, fith h"ew§fie* is an error rcpthtgn-ant to the f I Tm-2.5. 3. Tim 3. IO. 2’Pcr. t. 19.» 67‘ 11.. g The defence ' of the A pology part ,1. 307. divifiotn. 2.. Anfwcr to the Rheum. 3?’ not 3. I o. bpag. I8, " z p. I9. & 69. 1; Tom a. com, 5. 1,1131% '2-.»s.*ttx;s~; trutfiofthc Word of God, as ( according to “ the Scr1p- c¥irtcst) om: owne Church 8 doth-ttcachfus. A V 4 M wow the Arguments which hg bringcth tmprovc it ar'1“~’hci*c.lic’h, h ‘arc’: partly oitcrwcifkttrg A pttttly ttntruc .ovcr- wéake, that 11 he bcginntth with: out ofEpip'/mnim ;. un—-; Y crime, that ht: " hadjoyx1ctht=ohf'thc cnéralltconftnt cvufthcv Church. For though Epifbgtniw‘ oc—_fay*, that tflemim bait £:g’{f§e*r‘«riohn- fa/15V’f?f"/“€75 ,~yet’*he" ‘difprOW:th:'not* thd reafon. wh"1c'I1 f_t§)o’d on;-*6Ut7df'8cr1;it1.treswr;* nay ;hc:: t dé:%1bth’R'*3in"fc&king to difbrove tit; that B:/Zm~mim3 the, ]e‘fititéa" thdtigh.dc1_itdus to make the belt of Epi/r?/am/im,, whofct;)‘pi11*ion hctftcxn hetn1a1nta1ncth;aga1n{t E‘1’1Ct‘l;’rOtt.’r;. fl‘:Itn[3§,jféL*71S€f()fC.€.d ti) &:(>h~£*'c£To;tl'tat Epip/adnimi‘ his mmflww i$T1.f3tSt1It3tfA’thc“wifeflZ> mommy waypan th‘<~:.Tc)tt. A v “ “ 1\$‘fC§~1j~tthC_ gctncmll ccmfcmt of the who}lc'Chu1‘ch, Wh'?ch' D’ mé«g‘r tIa1Eh,C()1‘ldc:11’1nic‘dIl1£wOpIIf11?C11],’0f‘ ttzslet. A rjixa: for,;irfrV.>c~1*<%,5v.t tmd hiI1)f€iYC"1::()13.3'1]l7t'7'tbfik’?“'fCC3l;lfi3(hG‘t at m in Epubad Titum «,1. 8.5 Eptft. 8;. ml fpéfilfifi-fitfdl in ii;gt,h;1t is akirgc fpccchfbut What roofs hath Hl3‘7H’1;1ttfTl€ wlttjict Church did ‘ftai It a'pp'earct *‘I”1‘€?f:»1.it:h»i1‘l ’ c‘‘p5;J/Ww'r=£4‘. 113. 40111 1110! ,. and the A (;<)nEr;:1f)[ :tppcat'ctI’1by' '*5>j* 5*/3’Wm<’s8é4‘fiI;'1dr3* c>:1t1,t*rs“.'xtv:ho 1¥1véd",f'orI1c:in thciiamo fi:1*5:1"3{'."h%:a fri>zt1E3h"tattctEpip/iikwigw, t:vcn.S“x1zgjiin hitnlhifm. ,h A 4 (er) , h though D" Bdncfqfl‘ citd1ma'.m;+as;ebcan1ng W—I:tn¢fl: :s‘3‘!$(EP95r; A -1 «A ‘ V ‘ - I %likcwiifc;I gran;S'°«4‘zz§?i;¢his*rkofherc lcspfl ti-V-~:”dC‘P' 53¢ bCt['1thleS to Acr'»'w,for onc’,ti1:1t_heeefa1qd;,~Pr%§:6y}‘§r:¢meaé_§-J; ‘A ' yifcnpo nu/[:1 h’ifc’rc*ntioz da:‘ée7'i '-di/C;§7;13§- bl1t—_i C i§ Om: thlng f€1}7-at-;357”i$"d104f{§(}JZ'” M 12¢; 32:: 6:/i]jv"?'ffs¢?¢04’:li*{i¥’W7:F ’”?:;o..h;1*‘?11h rim {dying condemned the Ch1ht¢?~[%G8:”O.¥.. i3r»**Y¢3e¥¥?3'dC«d§¥g; 3 fcluifme thefein; and fo is ccnfu—£C.d byfidhsi45%/Zio”»C0LI1}§hii1§ . itanherefie, as oin Epip/aaniffifhfi toolmt :ecordcd,him~ p In Argu_Pm;‘~ felfe5.asi°hc wit11edffeth,notk11owi‘ng how farre the name fiX- 1.3- Tom.z. of»He1'efie Ihould be firetched) c:1,1_f1<;),t,_f1}E‘_1‘~ phing 99 fayxhggt I’ D“ “V917 ad iijutl/Je “ward.afGad rkm nocdifikrenccjfietwixt t/;em,“b_Vu‘;hy 31":;"§r‘l"‘l: 3.3”‘ the order and cufiomeof tI1C_ChufC11§ WhiCh}4u§'££g1mOne¢ P C 3" ‘I fayth in eFf‘e8c himfelfe, fo fat was he froxpwgtnegfixug q Epifi. :9. this to beherefic by thegencrall confencd of the .whfioled, 'e Chu1‘cl1.', 'WhichuntrLith,choW wrongfifllv if1i§. f31,U,1ce$§d1'£3C1e§ on hmmand onofpiplvmkirli W119"YCV79-‘C-311~ih9,W_1i§}§;fif;§« ’ “kw that D”Bmm‘0fi hath produced for the Pr00f¢“h¢r¢9,s 0: can for oug,i,h't that I know ) itmay appeage by “this, _thae our learned Country man C of godly cmcmory)_Id51fl10: Ah ,, Dcfcof tic c ” 715*’?/1,» When H4m'5”£ ‘°h"°°“Vm‘3° ‘h‘3« farm‘? °P1¥11°‘? .°f.;Apo1.'parr. llerefiegalleaged the {amt cwicneI¥cs,1ie Citlilg; F0 §h¢4h?"’?*'; €a¢9- divifit. trary.e.‘o[/927;/bflome, I tram, A flin, angd Amlrrofiyknlt up 1}-IS V Page! 93-_ anfwcr Withvthefe;wo1*ds : rflfl: thtfisflfldfrber "W I907)’ 194'-;lf {“F”‘F° 1‘r’.7t'1'¢3:,"togct/oerWit/sf/9: A qflle S‘ Pau1,fm* 1‘/91'55‘/’3)’1‘?T1‘§:’é)'. C’::}1‘r‘f§f)g‘f‘ Hézrdm. ‘mu,’-M, be £614 for bcrctid.'.j:_ Afld.¢MzC}Jc/lo cap. .: ,¢?!»1;~q’£z2ac,%';1 man oflgteat account in thc«.‘Cot1x_1cc;:1l_co£‘ Trait} ‘“ r Inz,2ji;>”zic“ ;. A A‘ more a irmgemous herein ~.tc%ha1;1 many“ Othff-~PfiP1fiS:d,afiiI- ” 1". EP1fl»ead .7 rneth, noconely the farther 21flCi_CI1_Cd\Ki’1'A1tC1'3: alledgcdby‘: & C A Bhl‘fl10p‘I€'W,¢"1 but alfo an othef ferom ,‘T14¢0d0i’¢? J’ 7‘5W¢fi_“4 2:: 1,-_,_°Ca; 5, 3g‘; Sedulimuadhd Tbeopkilaff were of the fame 1ncindu,touchu_1g c,j,c,‘ '2 A‘ ehis matter with Aerim. With whom =l~E~.,’fC‘¢h d11k€"V11€ J’p.‘§%1’i€=1r.1il».z.ve "S. oeczm-m'm,o and x1:;{e»1mm~ Archb; of C»r2gwMryc,¢ and Tin I 9-&_ .22; gig‘;-1(7h,[h(-3;; ',j;gfi[;¢g “Land 3' "Gregory.-and Z mtmn, and aiter 3 themrhow ma1"iy?Ix: being once throlled 1n [ht Canon law 11 mi; din?‘ L for folundzdeand cathohque dor9trmc_-,o aqd thereupon p11_b—— .2“ Author gfofil hike1y;i:a11ghrby?*1earned mm 3.1“-1 W111? 11 <10‘: @331‘? WJE? irm-di 9‘:‘i*?Fi» neffe againfi 'B’m>zc'r0fr,OfthC poym: 11'.1’ql1€flZ101'3sth‘E1E rt M/zis not condemned for an /grsrtfiv by Ch‘? %C“€Y311,CC11f€UF Ci 1' 1; am‘ Dug, of the whole Church = For 1% he fhould reply, that .,thefe ,:,_.,,,a¢{;1cra‘c"¢.; 7% later wimefles did volive th0u.f-md yea]-res aft€L";C111‘iP‘> «£1:-7hr3i~§»n;ief‘§s 111?» A A * M‘ A g h V A 3 . _ fifidd l:“‘cl‘1x‘P"Q‘Aw‘7".‘t;l1Sm whaof 5 fai.d: it‘W33 .co11dcm-t‘ l "necll.lfdlllir“ft.’ll1c time dfflwfiflifls andlo£°8pip/mnitmthlfl mcrfl 1’ l flourrlhino time of she Church that cvqr happened fincc thcEyApo' yes d3yCS3 clrhcr in rcfpcélc of ‘l_ca.rni1jg, or of zeéilc gfirfl fhcyll whbmI~namcd;thou7gh l1v1n.g In a latter tithes’ yét.§1€rt£,w~i’snefl‘ farmer. " \. ;l0é‘c:iri2a;¢ix1&‘lf"hc ,(;r'eél< *Sc*hU~li.1ft treading in the flaps A _ofthc old grcck F2tl'i§F3s1tmld 111$ two AW/mwawith Gm ; géryland Gmtian,‘ expteflmg Svlrramex fcnncncc word by Wbrcl». Befidcs tl1atl;perhépsyicisynolt very likely that An.» félplzti; bf C4nte’rém~} lhduld have been canonizccl by the * Iifipe "of Rammand wélrfliipped for a Saint 3:113: the otlm‘ Gregyorjufliotild have fiich place in the Pope’: Libfdflfi aflclilvc“ cflccmcd of as they are ; that Gmtiam works lhotilél be allowed fd long; time by [0 II13I1y_T0p!.r - for the olden foundatiofi (if the Canon law, if thxy had t_afightl‘t at‘ lorlcathlolikemld found, which by thtt grano- rdll conyfznr bf the whole C hUfCh:lfl the mall: flourilhing thzu; lever ,yhaplpen‘ed fincc: Elm’ Apofllcs daycs, was 1 cgngfggnnga Fm; /9lrr!9’fiv.‘C~llllCfl3(l hm matter offilch wci A ht 3 aiidmomenegcol the‘Pc5{ié9‘lij1lpi'c't11ac5r;wl1ich as they on clétifri1‘coVerall I3‘ifI2apJb‘y the ordinance ofGocl, fo muff J they allow to Bifhops ovetlkicffs by E116 fame ordzmncc H ¢SeH.3 9 C‘. C:m.6. *7. 5 f Minot‘ 'm'arg. ad c1p.lcgimus diR.4g'. 7 5 Tom.x.éon.~.. tro. 7 .li b. Leap.” h Aentar $21.. -vim biflo. Ha- M-m.c‘ap.3 5. 8: Pighflicrarch Bcclcf.l.1.c.I o i Ddcnf, pacisl 31ft 2. cap. t 5'. -~'I'bo. W alder: .'Doc.fidci Tom I .Iib.z.cap.6a. &.Tam.:.c.17. Llama: Silo?-A A niece gitm. as they {aw atlengcli 2 and thcrelore have not onelyl ,'dd- creycd it now «in-thc ‘ Coumfcll of Trent , but alfo in ‘ the y new edityionllldf th<=;lr*7Can‘or1 law have {ct dowzi this fmtc, ” Vthatgon Hr‘¢ght:'Glofl‘c allowed by the Archdeacon (fay-- , , ix‘”1g,*t/m,t Bi/bop: lbdwe drfrrcdfiom Priejfxl alwayaxcm the} , doe‘ new in G7aver;7;;§?n:,a*fid"Pfc=ldt_/bipgmd Officm-,and .$’m‘ru-— r%r:e72fJ*,bz:tll;*:.rr' in the mime Amdtirleof Biflaap, av/xiv/p» “mm: cam. l mm t'o\‘Hdem' both ) muff 6: bald /alcreafterfor Stjmrozns mean- ing : at leaf? for the mcaningbof the C anon taken out of St 7mm, though This wot s “e Hat and plainc againft this “lolfc.-. as Belldrnzine 5 himfelfe confcITcth.W hcrcno may 4 2ddCdaCl‘lilC they alfo who have laboured aboutthc rc- fortnihg of the Church tl1efcyy3‘oo ycamhavc taught that all Pafiors, be they mtitulcd Bilhops, or Pricils, have c- quall authorltic andpower by Gods wo1'd.F1'r{l chc*'W4l-4 denfu, ncxv Mdrfllim Pdtmrinm : than '= Wirflzfa and his fithollcrs; afterward lHufl}', and the Haflim :llal'll ofal] A y _ A '* Lat/wr; (7) In Luther, Iw Alvin, ° ~B”re»tim, PB:dJ£fl@*,* ..., and‘ orhar, wlmmight xzcckoncd pa rticulads’ 1,11 g1‘mt~Dmmb_€rIa. fifll‘ V‘ A “here Wifli -us ‘bq)1:jh3“‘%B-ifl:pa',%*and the‘ firtjene; ¥ -’PI'Qfp'flO1’5 o£D1.v1-L nicic in our ’U>»i«mfir1£¢:,“4-at_1d‘ otl1cr;lcarwmcd@ men doc cQ11fe11t_ ther6inA: R3 in fdr-rcinc N~at10ns?a1~lxWhQm I have mad c1fc:a,t1ng%ot this mattcr,and_m.any m06a(n0 doubt) Whom I113“ %”°‘.”‘3d- lifting‘ A‘ and=~%-examir1?i31gof" the Trwzt ;6‘aw»2.c¢Il hath% been “'und%2rr$2k~én‘by_ oncly At\tr~o,Wliic"11 iI’%=Inav.crfc;W’1” 11°‘ 7?-Y‘11*’¥fl chcfcdmvc approved that as found} 8cAc‘hn1fi1a«n d@E11n€:W' -Vib’ h A c1°;iTl * onfcnt ofmthe whol¢C*hu»rch,tm §1m0fi—ffl0m'ifl1" 4,{gtti§,g¢§:$va5 C{,cd¢m;1ed»£or /aerefit’-{I ‘hopcrhc w.1~1l acknowlcdg, hat hcwas Overfcéene ,~im:I1at ‘he avot».<1011cd«thC ‘5l1P€11i01‘if5Y M A‘V°%"% ‘V ?fl1"1>s ‘lzavci us o\i€.fth€*‘Clergy W56 °f*G°d5*°W“‘°“ “Ldinicc‘:At1d~thus*fai?of theF0rm8I~*P@if1°9fDr*’3“""""“9fi"45‘“'m5° A ’”Thc"lattcr ifiaqonccrmflg thathe Va4i’firm€“k1»-that5‘I”’“”71;‘ith* ma Me Calvin Ifecmeclxbh his~r¢po.rn* ta>60fif<=fl"¢ that B‘fl10P5 % ‘have hat¢_1‘tfhc* faiclffq pcA1*§p1*ity «evét {mere 39116 Vim‘? of S‘ ‘M “be W}E«vangchft.4 ‘ fthcwl1tch4*P0Yflt ilrhink as of the former -,*.fitI'1 % her mm4 aftil fdnei-thér‘defh« Ca1%vin%:«fc-zcmnc to confaffc It W-5onF‘l1’is rt: ort‘For “‘B%0PJ“3m‘fJ1T W5: bfifiacs 0”dCi”i”gfi“.”? lafy‘ «M ‘ ‘;"‘ ‘ .~ ‘ ‘V’ "4 ' V" .. ‘. H‘ ‘H‘" A 1.. quot i1and5,n4m3Yd°°Vfim. W %0‘‘h¢1‘h‘‘'ig5’Wh’C 1” we 4‘ * ‘If’ccrs,% or P1‘1’éPts;(;_1s I3j“¥3W€‘V?f F 't_€fl§13¥3‘ 1 “Em ‘+*-mu 3 :Ierom.a“fccrm€nt1o11*of‘t11€ fupcrxormc(a110W=dA‘°t 1di°P5 ‘%"~{mcc~SlilmI;v lookewhatis the Confuls dutie in the Senateito propofe mztttersgto ask their opinions, to direc9c others by giving them adv1fe,by:t_dmoni{h- ing. by :CXi101'ting,.tO uidethe Whole aéftion byhis authority, _i and fee that performe which tW£1S‘i1 reed uponby theircom- mom eonfent, that char e had the fiilhop i11theiiiI1”einbly_iof Minifiers. And havin ~ cclarcd, that S‘ 1erom{hewe”tl1 this to have been brought in y the confent» of men upon the firftof ,Titm, he addeth that the fame AS‘ Icrom,0thgp;,WhCrC1hCW§th, how aneient an order ofthe Cl1t1rch,ittWas,evcri from 8: time to Hm-614:, and ‘Dianyfzar at 21le.xaflofi”i4. ,,In which "words of Calvin, feeing that the order of the Churchhc'”men:;io1ieth, hath evident relation tothat before deferibed, A in the defcribing ofitg he had faida thcBifhop Was nottio above the reit in honor,thatfhe had rule over them : It fol1ovt}e’thithiat’M¥ C'a?ll.’Uiz¢ doth notifo much as feetne to content‘ ofilemmxrcpbtt, that ever fince Sr» efifarks time Bifhops have had :1 ruling fupc. V irioritie over the Clergie .i Wherefore to ufe ntotihiore tproofestin thing tnanifeft, which elfe might eafily be proved iiimoreiiht large out of St It-ram and M‘ Calvin hothzltisecertaine,ti1;1tnei~ therofthem doth afiinne. that Biihops fo long tiineihatzei Had fu,ch fuperiority as D” Wvmcrofr feemeth to father tipontt them; Thus have Ifignified mine opinion of the points th it your Honor fpecificd in D‘ ‘B-w€rofi“s_Sermo11.d'Which yet if eor:.a- ny doe romthat Ighavfe erred in,or take him o'therwif: than I 011% his fhaill bevel)’ willing ‘by G055 §'riC¢ to cad;-3f£éit:iremcm~ hing tht Apofllcs 1P.iT§‘1}e>Cti?;3"‘77 .95./Qiffiiivf *”t7”bB’3“IiW?fviér 165* to it‘/2ei?°.zr:t. ;e:r?21w,e;;;~t; :.s{9-.“~S§§13‘EJ€n1.7};ti;1i.549:3. ; .1 ‘ »= £ ._ 1 1+ I 4 4,