PRELATES PRIDE; A OR t was MAINHIIFESTA-‘I’! ow, T H A T TH E BISHOPS LORDLY Government from the originaltl infljtution, isnottDe4Iure dirvino , by divine right; but mcerely humane andcontrary both to the ./Joly ward of G ad, the pmffzfe aft/ac Apfilex, mdof the primitive ' Churches in the purtfl: M times. W‘ t:wt:wmt ’ Wm I s in B D E D 1“ H raj Bilhop 09 Linea/rte: tPmphccic concctging I the Prclates, ' Printed in the Yqatrcg at), no, xttg K» J”,-r er; 1» ‘ m ,.‘ I"""”"'\ 1mIu~I*¢ .‘ Ah‘ ‘J . as-M 9 ‘. M! A ' 3%” _ , ‘ - ‘. V: "J -v " ‘ M A K ' ' Av , N, , ‘ M 1].‘, + ‘ - ., 4 3 ~ H M *4! J . .‘ ~ ,.. A ,w . = g 4 « % .r . 2 I..'-*. ' - % . | Map‘ . .. _‘ A ‘ ‘ . ‘ .9 - n ‘ . _ r I r W %..«-"J.-~ """' " ‘ /I u “ H Y”, ‘ V 4‘ ‘V ‘M r "W7 :y'.. . I ' I " “I .;..H‘ “ ‘ ’ ‘ H y . N 4 mg-5 ¢ " L £5 mm¢(§g‘p. 7@¢3%&Whfl??=> N-02 amfi To the Biflxofss or ,E«,_H,9 LAN £> H, that your fvifzmls were "Uz2mzis£~egg mm; A yaw mt}/eA$*~mz'g/2.t? ée dz'fro*ver»ad,* that We 4 = flatemz:gbtfeeyaur*zzimegrlaerezts zzomii ogmucla dzffaréefita rave" tarfifza’ »ou1.“;-yomr» feéluce. meV22tA.s‘. .5} ca22jeE7£zzi'e3v I‘ ‘Now you we agyekitc zz‘a’"Uzzi2;-L germ bf3tb”£; lm z'z;g ,hzy€;:@31n:e,.a;2d éy ma’ 5) acmz of om‘~: Cbza7'cb, 5.4725! 1'22‘ dzflhultz zmcl zzzzfett/ea’ t»2712c.;;¢’ égatapiwt éa~t/2, (ma! jfazadozzt for 22:1’:/mi». gflzzglfiére, R:=oinéfc;z.we dare tm/iyozg, 16]} you will .i20t-lg;/m,I?¢:A us 3-(H1251, we we _f"e.ezz*efu/l,&-lefl)/01¢ will ta '1'/9€i?Z; yozimowfl cmf c7z'ei¢ces:,cai2 'tefl*z'j1'e t/9423392; zaflc-ff A Zot/9, yet m ‘eAyaVu e'I'z‘rtz'9z§«t yoame 47': why }J 9~rZ2':1»2fl«'¢ Fl? 07755.(?j’é§ dfld‘0fl',jROn]efi§ Haiti? -séfm. ak1wr~..3“Gg=wlm15* )0" m WW5//fl?~iz’d A % aMMl*- t4£z<%2*‘t»¢t1’¢g;m:%%efvlMz'M3%% W4? 04!? ‘W3 IWF of A It/.1%e%Wi;zdomesw afaux ACkz4rKhes5tin:?sWhare*af~Rom¢: "tlmt lint/J tfms at’!-U2'icL‘zl h—er'~prz'oz"e,é.’ é&éwz'tv/éedjau, % 1'"; t]1 ez'y: «;zzae;z»(*c*4 . not p/zzi/z/y to usg ytiztr wards arzeraize ttbiizg am! our aimg« 4920 t/Jer... Me<~tbi(¢.é«w V1'_/22¢ your ji 115/266. with 4; &1uj.b~‘tga_nfmqr ‘this. ;t‘oI3jeEi5t;z'a~,. zzréfitbvrtéyyazc A I grz4i¢t,e(l, this ta éevthe. czmf.'e.?v1re%you ‘bffeJ2clea1.3Ivzzm V g_7jie%e¢%a}% yo4wVomm%: ftda-6:1/iad pme :3 Z7b3z';2£te; )I'0#”;ra.1 fiizdz.» mm»: 315,3». in mm, tben ,',,.a 4 C.bzgft_hf£»*,% A Am,~/2412:: p7w0baFz'f£ .laéokz"r~~ aw ” ~ U tbm fvrWW°%*‘¢Mwe “*'>firWv?92’:%rts* ‘vm Wy%w»vd NM- ~‘%"fJ'W W!:*éevrw4*vr :~19ée‘*Bax; ‘nabaS"?‘*1’?4u1 7“A:5?*?”°‘ *0 f"‘.W** fifrxifiu fl; i1;W:"?“=‘¢“‘=*‘A- 9 ”’"f“ ‘W“€’5¢?”J%%v¢i‘v>#22l‘a2'9¢é’z?' L6 e]l';.;aa’:[fmt?zom» M wjefi ";6t;7m"€';‘}3¢'.""0"Zl"}m.'_"“g'j1v""g?‘ “ ‘.’f'R0¥“e to 539 f'“’7%W7%" %VdwMgV;9fl‘wbom are fevemll.’ /at¢i2cZ;="e(Z$~‘:‘C‘p;*3!?jjvz;riyti'§}”%'*5m%?;gg_5z- 53,.“ V yo“ rfzozzgb M61’? 'Dz_°fle»?&£4‘59i25 ‘ire fmgzfiergg 5} ;,',g’,',, fwétlefies‘ 3 have l¢0£)'Q1l_Vl$t{ri2ed Mam tofig/at tr‘/55/Z Within dgofes, ziiiffinlti-ti-‘riot:/'k,i 1.vb9iZ‘b 2- xewdg ’ fiegttiz f5v“zzje.»* in the fie :13 .5'm'e{y thambreyou [.¢[?0W‘ for tkeirpoliciga, the :more_yoz¢ M22229? with them z'Iztam:zi2t of‘ Peace)‘ 4;;,[ :a3‘f'y0u 56¢ 3201‘? 51-W€?~1?4”?i¢[/:0” ikcrmulam, yak: rimzy. eugfiév percezma the 77ZI:fl";Jl'qf;:» of’t[,gz’r few.“ I) zfiwemes. Willyou Rule t/Je*C/Jzzrc/mloiz%e.? 41,14-I iyozvfuil iaj[}¢ck male! 0f{ca7¢trztdz'€tz'o7¢"m2d p'm*pafe”.'€‘ repzzgmzizt to Chrifl: /Jar head I Alfycm alone‘ Izzy ‘ xx‘/ztime to tl2e~Cl9zW"5’ t¢5*)*0t4rS5 why doe W cbida with /m~ lzeft meméersgé’. dzflurée tlaemgnvgj doe you wzflwonz <3; 0 D‘; indeed much pomge, and “glow Hoxnes C/Jurcz5e5fb12m?s' receive, éut it is éettér to 4 .-,"3£’ mozzrezzt nvitb wlmt t.j,‘fataI1rif{ £equ%e4th%§-rtbjm ’£?bzirc/9%. III/ifl your mt/yer /at your Scale, ;z;2é{%t/9: ,.»1»'‘ qfalljorsr Flacées’ zawzt tbeirfo4acl,tbe/'2jou 6e* z.z£ven_fromyor4r Palace: 43 15 £10:/Jiizg worth your rte/‘ W flneil Mt ezzrtbévpezzcez But “yag4 lav%e%-~your’pé;zce» ~wr=t’c::loru’1'i° Wvéy *WJW.€‘€ ”°‘.’W€" ifs We ‘ A ‘“ A A 7”“? .-.—o - '--- -V ra;h¢;Byrho;ps%9€fi@shaa4~ % yqg¢r,,;qgp;aAqz2dVpampeVtofe #75 14 /9 > .-I u‘m¥y‘lls 3’°¥4r_"f§fe(% .., t£.)6A _Ch%x€&‘¢?‘v'3. *f:eei*eV War ‘gang in ;mé1e,,A{eekePemand .f0.'5ZQW '1.‘ mb,...1% __.; I _ “L ‘‘’.'‘7. 4,'I“~ -v"j,."._; w R‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ' , . .4724 fol/022? VC H I s 'r_: A. % “ “ '&:?)g_;é17t)’0Zl:J37..Z.[[’7'{5»t]_7€_1"VAd6itZ'€‘Z7?_ h.;mz;Ia{y1»azé2petI3ei2comé; A 1.9 Yours. ifyou czm, Hmr. .;wt%»if%itm4Me Pm:v.t%Jaa% sf Ifm low e.p;4.%t,éV; ,;refi~s4:th€i?% W€€”f4€. for V 10359:?‘ ‘ I % O V . % Q . J ‘ .‘ » K N ~ r- 'v - ’ "W I , ......w 37.» ‘ V “H I, _'—"' Ln-. .‘ “ ‘ ! P l “ ‘ - “r , ‘ . ‘ ,‘ 3 “ ‘ ' -Y n v -w. A A ' VT ‘Bi?‘% flwpsL°rd1¥»g°vcrhmbnt. Vrbrn thcj p .originaIli11f’citutioh is; dajmfa V A4 A 4ivimb¥Vd[win9righ_r, fiuc. ,mccr1y? L 7Mf%*73f;4 W1‘ they 2222‘/I fm*Ueilaem_{Ze'lz/es to"5;e M;/{ed 5); we ;2,m¢f' cy‘_3£_m;¢;{s,fi;ith ,Eufi:bii1s, izjz 7%.£ao£’a.of*Pie[24m§ . 7 Fle‘LordjlyAin]fitz7¢tz'az2ofxilbops no; fropit A V ve!irv;ia¢e%r::gbrI:,;6ittmeerefiibumqm-.{ I The Argument A Hat infiitution which is fromnagn, and TheAFgumc’ng_: l % notfrom the VV'ord of God, A is not of 4 V A A divine right-,bu1; humane.But the-i_1‘1ftit»u-~ tion of'Lo.rd1y Bifhops —is not fromGfbd,b’ut OFC . I F me115tl1ercfore {uchLord1y«predominancy 0‘f'the“‘”‘ °“‘ ” ‘°“’-' 4 B A Bifhops <1») BiI110I5S$is%¥i<$t deimfi1=” by ScriPt11r§:=a%i1d:AA1éX tin?‘ Ages-> s \| .‘ ’ A*I‘~.?RcA>:z1fb11 _1t fc_Ife*1A§“ fQrCC¢1¢§.0.V‘,'5Q11f‘€:fl‘C.Atlqatfixcfl W,‘ ’ Ain11ituti0n’s,.2is4tl1cre is“Af1<5«Wéit‘1'h11ff%fC5r "iii 'G’ S A Wétdabufi %1r,e_o41..q1v%%fo;‘ ed by the: inventions of n1éAn,Cax1%nc$_¢wa,y¢_s *bcIE1i A $0 be from AC1Od5{E€ifl_';_7.§ the‘W0.rd 0‘ God eXp;rcflEtIA1notVtl1e 1Efnne,exCept we wilfgoe about to’ maktr llumane ‘n1'orAtals ‘di-— vj4ne,orVexalt%tl1¢mAQ§fGbdsp or elfe adds’ to thof‘e= thingswVhichGod_ l1étl1‘W1~itten,and fo brihg 1:hof'c~ heavje plagues 11 ion us,Rev£l,zz . I 8. thatwhich’ is'*from‘.;G0d xs 1 Vivinc, but ,Whz.i1't”. xs onely fronl mangmufi n"ecds;bc1iumarie;,“’ » u .%4W~A41»£r11eg1ory Ofall the wireaomes in me’ \a;6£1d;* wcreinone affcmbly A ,A and Vvfhoulcl concludé A of f¢;)mA'<: partxctilar I101: exprcfl: mlholy vvrit,fuch in#= flitntion, 1:houg‘:1 n¢Avcr— fo appr_OV€d by men, yet is it nots.vit11Pc:.1nd¢ing humane, bccdufe inihtutcdg: by menonely,-a%nd%l1;1ving no w:a;tra11t4 fi*ori1AGods. A holy vvordh H II_oI y Scripmre {'6 'exp1‘c Hetll it *5 wAIii*£:h,' as the Prepl1et%Ie%em_z1¢b fm:h,isva11ity,‘ t.;ofPegz£’e i/96 %‘=>%fiW‘$0f4 Wm owe heart: 4:26! nomut of I/16*“ 7?2.0wi'«<»J"1f/9? L0'id~ ’er-zs- 16- i 4 ’C3') - i 33-~:St‘.’.y_Iii4’4r‘2nl%1itla;g:hatthc tradition oflmannn man on mm» .1 9. , takgn away (;fairl1l1e)ifonr h" it is «Gl1t11n'a*ne. - M G 'i-3l11?C§1)&,l3,yiltl1is time: “I hope anyrea fdhableman ,-1"f13Y.n bbivfnfiilnfatisfied_cb11cer11ing-Athe firlt propo- ~ ;l41.§iQn,fori.: tlic eyesL0fa11y may i liere “ behold haw fC1?€‘91‘-C this _islaidicl0w’ne,l=1nd prov_ecl,that lfuch _iH~.':- :fi1FUti01135; iSnff0m.1nen5and n%otfi:0m"1:l1e Word :0? G9d,is not of divine tight? ,; but meercly. hi‘:-_ mane. II. That inflgitutioiiollely which is ffi:0n1 the Wolfd -ofG;od,tl1at alone is ofdlviné 1fig.11t,and11oj: ‘the in f’cil511”tiO‘D§‘Or.i“aflts ofthe invéntions of aftjle-1: "Ages, A being from thcmfelvesl alone. .Do'tl1iithc‘ fcripturc confirmcl it,i then it mull; necdesbc di-‘- fvineslsl oncly from Oh foii1diAge,»vi1c thou maintain¢ {itch things as divine,‘ %wl1ichi the holywrit doth not: thén may many Caterpillars more plead free privilcdges in Gods garden, and many wolves nefi: themfclvcs amongfl: Gods ‘fheepe.*Havc not fame preferred playes before the Word of God, who have prote{te‘clthatn the fpirit of G O D hath more wrought upon their A he‘-arts at the conceit of fame fhadowcd'Tragcdy,,‘ then beingprefent at a Sermon? The Vfurer can plcade that God is llonoured byhis doing good. The Papifiscan pretend their Zealc beforef their Croffes, and _Crucifixes,and all tl1efc,and many more can claime Aértiquitya and plead? ,.¢-w .1 . "- 1" "'1 " " ‘W ‘M ‘ . 1* , I, ‘ A é;s~mugh:£or:hé[nir¢1ves%fms.V;rxy %12£eara£é%"§*~*bu$u an 1:11is wsl1i~Ie they aré. but? Huma‘ne,and:[ »perm~ifitedb*y' :*Ine11,'a§the% Prclatgés are ‘:5 “.thcy. are not ‘permitted 7 V by; Qdskljglyxvord : BQf§.’lj€) fuch _Va1ne £1*1"venti'- ‘ Jiom,-,xvIjiChV;:C2»mIhdholy x‘,_1;zz1.2z~al}?Q;t@k§i1j3«‘t1ji$“~rer :lm&‘.e5f2;ztb :£Ie,“;14ll?8e'i»1fl.'Uef2t~z‘o72*S‘5 _ do: I %love.%P/ale I 1 A 1’! *3;W[A11d tI1ouo'h’*our% the LordsBi1"hopsftom divine right,yet lct’4Eh¢I'n W but confider that f%ing of St. A Ausr IN: foras inhis4"9trca.g. -% % % 7- V. . % _ A‘ ”‘; ans Sn I0hn. m“«Ch(f3‘‘h 119335 1‘-1?1f‘»&«1?‘."‘~F1v“. “Qt arc‘‘‘‘‘‘l1‘?‘%i?1‘° 1“ ‘I °+fl?§€¥1%>‘%‘§47§h"€2uA W t<=f*i1339s:1”KA 0f*=%11<= am- 4 i11;e,s,§Ij{at'fl)i§C'11%V. A _ ¢%:of:g1§en ‘Iiatl1[n{)f {'0 late I -III’. ‘To prove‘ _«“th2it t11e“ ‘. ‘» ‘. .‘ f‘ ‘ ‘yliwj ‘ ‘I w‘ l ‘ , . Lo:-dly 'Bi{hoPé ‘wou1,$'M3rmk7e?% i;t11eri*ijfbl>ves «*6 fillings,’ who darVe‘g[beAfo"‘yai11cCf:fé§f}xam0n%_ftAt1s£,%. ri:;1§sarc"aI%“rrn‘es.w ic’1%1“t1is,rd },o1‘dTy ’ govér11t11er1t % b€B9iffI¢9'FS*is%fxoti1m<;:n mid 110.: frotll‘ God» ant! ii:1.i’a_t 1 mcnés <3: fc:C(>nCf1y I5 ,%a7'bricfé 2faIdgu§§ofToxnc ‘L 1sl*b»§Hi;rt*fz,-‘¢;.:i:{%;;%¢I3ric;f£“¢‘fu£veyv4 %q£¢111%&o;y % hfi hey hi1ve?rcé<_:cif'vcd nfixgutxon; from p;1_rt“i(;u’1ar,pIaces Q Scripturkzfg in cfv(=_:1gy booke % f11roLigh plate vvl_1O1¢;BjI3:I¢,, ; r ,o C113}: the ;,1_rc—:% worm ad, (5 Iv ( V . péyj; ‘:‘1;ted £11115 V‘fc5a1’c:1fid-f by ~ ,1». TO] A *o‘v‘,¢»:vi3 ~aim,és..‘A z¢§‘ima:b;;4i.‘~2:IA; % g % AA . I4‘%thUfe@i;51fYé5 9;1T0 W213; 01eme»2t4%BiLfFrO _ yiofim Eurcbiusg Azmiegmid théitéxt f Sc1*iptureb A St‘. P2m‘&alls h1fMm‘n:c)4~L o1§cr:.a~L'¢>rdBi1hdp"§vasaA .:~;1;i1 e*I‘”ari§1i§’éfé~‘~' v‘§r~i*t«1'1 j1in1‘ 5‘ Iio;‘it mwa$_ fi1J:t11’f1fi;_1-L yoake f§lQvir,'1t W313" cianzemaxaa other4felloxsb-‘Iab%oiiEérs,wzith t11e*r'¢,r:‘ o'F%Ffé P*1%each<:.~rso€ the Gjcaf‘ 611 , TVc1:erex*vér‘¢i4rhe Vim o£waé*mihme}g*;¢%%a£¢&r M*%t1a¢'%“;Apé&1es= ‘en " £’*t0111«;:',aSitTis. Pbz'[z'p.4.3, Y ‘-1?1‘V11"c?’i;e Were"tf11e11 aIFdma‘nj% %C”I11*i"fiéianVp1*éa¢héf§=-fiiezzzztib, is NI F ‘ ' V" C L. I1i~*M¥u{{'é"fé¢g&$ 4a4aa»:2;:,% gr;-;zJj,r,;m2;e,p 2zb1;z;:;ua*;«« tI1€féV':ifid"'€:tI1c1: Bifliops i:a*:1a61@L dizycgs, ‘wee Arm‘: r‘e’d‘dé“*iA£j‘f'atiy oft1jeh,1 t11at* vvéré’ , made Lords = for“ that vvprc exam! t0%'te11i4‘6ra11 A disr11itiE’s§,’ ;’e§cdéf5fi” MEN E’e_;‘n435,'i’ W150‘ féllw iii (f:vvt:~’,” i11cfc‘(tC{“W‘ith t fie ”101*y%'bft11e \v6fIii3c‘1[g%é l1avcA C}fbr‘;$ymA;3"§g§;:§£'5‘ ‘géd ¢n2*ep»y,ri&wrAtIiei4rm ’bP;§:’f1§0we»b11rfi1‘rt:Y B» ‘are 's'7c-ry fodlxfli-mird%4 ridiCu‘,1ou4s¢ I§1‘cé,”;1s t1fi:ii‘1””*Wjt;d1¢i<:3£1§R‘Eaw<1er§juH ‘ e ; A‘; f:‘o"“to11- rasc1~+arerI1<=~§o1sr Cm>;roAb*c in en*cr4~‘g1érre.. Tm?!“ $3W‘?" .A 411°" ”3C,¢i1f‘3‘€* W11 ;Ch90f¢T5iS xi owxxraag-gseéj‘ A f % &zmjr;n§1ye-remeg1c+2s,Vma11 ~ A’fidk:f101:;1i’c‘LéH§£::in111?‘i1" Emxd” M A § 111‘1tiI1'[fhe fixrzé can}? wéifé Iicéréi thé:'V’ ‘ P:{“trfi2i1~c}i*Q,F Et1£;aIés,4!‘t'I1i$ is b11t%‘a‘.m€5Ckifig&0Ff%I1c A “(3V%hurifI”i"5YT§‘i5”ii,”fb‘éftrib1ife{uth fvKfeI*1ifig‘pfid€, - fucli nnaccuftomed formes of judicaturc , fuclx" ‘V B A 3 A ffiflfi _.< 6 5 H feiacinggami '5 arciing ofu11righfieo’u_’stmen~a§ain{t’; .. juftdelerve punifhmentwvlnch being falfl For-4 ged u n the fat11ei's5were5withbutall don t,‘ 2:1-A,’ togeti Aer unkmwne unto tIv1e1n in t11ofe d;tyes._‘ V And ('0 alfo {Dime dectetall Epifiwles jalctjibedi unto P'a/ztiaizzugas Paiztizzimsfzmfhe rvzzzivefrfgglzk EcclefioeiEpz'j2opm, ¢_/93¢. how “palpable doth thiéj feeme to be falfe and ‘forged,for fuch magnificent 'rom;;;conci1.7{tiles as thefe were netas yet in .L1fe. » And after: fwatds. when they crept into the Ckhurcli , they fiwere onely at the firfl: afcfibed to them by Inch ~ A ' ”as admited the vertues of fome fin u1a;raudtare men,fuch as Cyprian 55 Athamfiw, in: no church man .0fany degree whatf0€V91T>did in choke timttsi ufurpefuch proud and arrogant titles iofdi nity SYN-3 -“cm-of in his owne writings direazed t0otherCkrzfi£anr,' 5' wind ther.efor.e the learned re jeélt this E pi {tie , as icomflpofediby fomeIa‘te unleatned, and flatteting T fC:11iOW.-; Plintjn dam. some have bin {'0 boldgnot onely to attribute re A 13i1=!1ib;.r°nr«,- Cajm the a7{.B—ifho of Rame,the conftitution of “"5” thefe Eccle fiaitical orders, but to attribute it c- gven to the Apoftle s theinfelves, but ‘I fay, éezztm gut’ non credmthey father the in flcittltion ofthefi: degrees upon tl1e1n,:»: fir[f to ée 0flim*iu«5,7..ta éea LieE£ar.,3.~ E .acarcz'ffa, 4. Acolutlzm, 5. Subdidcazzm, 6 .1)iacan;m,7.I’r¢s&etor,8 . Epzfcopm, but happy is he whobeleeves not fuch Iyes. As for Cajm the time wherin he Iivedwvas a time ofperfecutié 86 5313 ==~"~ °f_eCajm,I1ei.was Fain to hide himfelfa 10?; time in a [ Cave. Had this bin attributed t0B:0_m' acim.tl1e8. W " i 1 rqgargx e T (:47) Gvegdkylthe yaor to441é»>.and’- V government of the Well, all thefe honours, the 3§cra. lib_ 3,; % Emperaursl fiicCe{T0urs' to (;‘o.>2flzmtme polI'ell'Cd_:c;';;fi¥f“'4~’"l and‘ not the B‘ifbap5,— for ma.ny=hundred Yeareslaf-_, A 4 I61‘. .. l V’ ' Lilct us view the déiyes of 72222068/‘fitzlmf the 1 w 3;” lfihd we {hall A finde tllat at his firfi beginning, a~}l;:_cz'pria.w. ljfonttthe yeare of our Lord ,4oo. About: the raigrr ofTl2eaa'ofim fi“Emperoi1r,Who figl1tingw~i.thEu~ _% gwfiz4.4 the tyra11t,.was fo miraculoufly delivered, w,hb:having_» God byprayer, his cau.f-:1 l‘ L 'l l L V A e A alfol.being;; .; ‘~fiumn- 115:2... . Sacra. Illa c 8) being he1yet;in:t‘l1e bzittell bjrei*tempeflrl‘ef.wihd§“’ GF *D.iiearin~9; l‘1iS§: ff)”dfl?€H”£eCO11rfe?fUfihifi‘1 by? prayer, in the hattellitl1eL©rd fent a wind“ which ‘ cap,i7 bleivfo vehemently, that A the i dalrtstvirere turned . back “by the violence of the wihd, i1nth‘e,faces- OF. the "Iw’yrants.lArmy, of Whom * the P.Uet»tCl21fliz'lM'~; Co:?u“’;m0,’,_3i . -i ;_.S'mef G ad doth ‘lam tlaerwt-!l—,‘frbtm% heaven tloflmd ‘A )r filgfls vautr4g£az1fly,itr fora: doth’ lend “I'll IlhaflpfdjcfiiG0l2l11£.d?fdJ'»,fie7‘I{‘$ 37§7}d1.§’ ‘it; that repgiregnfi The power which the Bifhop OF Rome nowj t Amlnros 3‘! C5,; priau. A -.'.l'hcodo,,lib,5 ch, 1 0. polTefl'eth, did appertaine to the Einperour, yet neverthele He in 1:l1isBifh<) ps time,at the Emperors » deaatli were playes and enterludes prac5l;ifed,8cma- iozom-lib-3: my vain things invented, 386 t,l1i$ mam alfo btquglitt °h“—‘8' ambition tbl the Cl1aire oflkomegvvlio fvvellinlg int ‘ _pride;ufi11fped j111'ilZiié?ci011 over othet Churches: sms. oan.ofi_butVtl1iiC greater he grew inLordlypredominancy,i 3* - 4 themore’ ignoramzly were thofe. C1lfuingEmp(:r‘QV£ led to their owne mifery, and the Saints of God cruelly perfecuted. g i H “A A - ‘Pope Ba2¢.'f2wz'us comming into the Chairc of I Rongej,,abo11t the {pace of a yeé11fe.afterj‘m¢ace,t,tizes prevailed with the Emperamf fP/Jacml ii, » {in wlmfe «dayes Arztivbrzfl fp1~ang,a11d flouriihed ir1__ reater abuiidance, thefe A were the dayes for whit 1a.pra~; Weré was ufetl long time at.fice1-‘,I;2.yi‘11g, the Wave of 1’[)bc’tl$jIz?.15 the mlzzmzty fifth/ye Rjamaxge l§j_7z‘per);m«',' ehfzg. but vvherewas tlatewgre:2tlBiil1loptoihelpehiiii half-— ll f‘€I‘&V£1i‘Cl$_-,VVll1C?11 his Head,Feete, and fecret Mem- bers were cut off’, and burnt 9 Oh the imi-- i In}: tempeflfart/2ine'jem£,Fo3-fi*am‘tab? Afr: » 55 ”¢ifiiT5r¥ that 1’ 1’in<’~‘~’'5@> Churches» 394% doméé ’§%e%b1nbrou4gl1tM§o‘ bytlgc u;i”t3l}‘p;fl2_gtyr njzing 41>r?e1ates,Whb g-l0ry*/tn their ufurpcd ominioné. T he Couneiil 'The"Bifl1ops of Rome are then fuccefI'0rs'*y _Qu ofscrdica. ~AfE2et‘vc>%I?2I2o6_ér2tim 54 who for ,the I great Seq hgvg no warraht from* and fltand upon no ‘better ‘grmm-’nc‘IsAA~then on‘fiVterr1:pora1‘l,- and perf0naIl:%£1(Sf § -mcgrel A humane. N V‘ , , V "4 Anjxvllajr hath beéne the praélice , of other *i)*reli1‘t€s fih'C‘é ”t*hV,is" I1Turpati‘Oh Offhé »s;e;eof~12am;, what‘ doe an "0therLofrdyIy%Bi{ho de» grees even» as they ar‘e"abI¢ ‘tread t c: *fame~” {fps A 4 aréthey not 2 néfi of ambitious Prela.tes%,;I1[t1n_t”ir1g A V ;\ 6: for the fixprcmacic fprc--told of An_tiCh.ri’fi,r lab. _ _ 2 312.6’ 4.3 .mm;. 2.3m oh hmvhatiu this fu- §;]'{§'{*f’~4'“= prexnaciecver V’ .9c11jc.,aa«nC1c.nt primi- tive Churches 5 who with Gregm'e4 have beene ~compelled,to.cryioutas wc11 a,sA Wee .> 011 times I 011‘ nmannersfl .l;:ehoIc1‘_i-I1 all the parts of Emopa," a11‘th_in;gs.cry under them. ATo,wnes;~are _de{’:r_Joy;-: cA Ca.fik1€s;ar€ overtmovwnea Parovinces are fpo>'- 1ed,beCaufethe,PrieR§ who fhould j:l‘Y¢_€;im afhcs upon the Ground Vvcepi11g,_;L1ey } are A {eckiVug~%un- *tOTh€mf¢V«€*S =na1mts bfvanitymzid they doe glo ill p,1'&I1C-fl5i1EiSo; % ‘A :‘.7 % ' ~ % Truly, faiith C141-'«¢61~I7“1«5 7’J#Vim°Iafis,11ee s.is1'1ot:~t0 fl” "*PW- be c011n;wdflamAa+pofiQ1iga—11«bi1hop,wI19 ;fist;t=e_tl1:in W’ achairc ofg1.orysAvbmw%%;%1me A wh*e~£u1fi*11cx%h m As; pofioliclw afiica. -Oh it%.isa «mi érablethiug-:t~@*r heare oE~thofe4inormTitieSa and ;. ufias 5 A4<:o1?miaI1~r tied and Cornmimcd by? gthc P;7é1aresfr04mstime4m t_i«me, as the number of their holidayes , ancilfil ' H A u s 1- HCl£f6b€V'| ‘U45 P 724; 5 ‘lug M- ‘i‘°:> ‘ % P1;;)fA%VV1J_§t;C3](‘.c3.I11‘m1£3fl‘C ,a§cordMi11g to thefayin of totes, and v11augl1ty:Wqmm , who .11aye raga V Agedt mat they have getinecl" rrumore in; one fueh day, Vhenoein-5 0- other d-ayes, and alfo then‘ tdlene ‘ :2, And vn_j<:o1t1e1j{ behgviourt proceeding ftoxnthenp, ow,1i,o havefo defiled Qthé_1‘hlnE11S hAoufes,.th_at the R,i111” 3%00d iM.iT1~iflzCf‘ H135’ ' 1n1aIrd Bifijaqp, but Icould never ‘W11qa1~e:ofa‘i*bad ’iMii1i1?€€¥in.~tl1at W354 ”1‘.fl?1d<3. a good by filth isadivancee-~ ~ . 7in_e11t yet they Mlla-vC'a1fo to their efldeavaoilr 1a— a'boi“1~red to advance their S.ees,as tinifiisaiidiiépore xnnity vvould permit*the111.‘e e * ' Bviiifdt £145, a man borne in A E flglaiza’ not fatten V’ . from Exeteigbe was familiarlyiacquainited within!’ ‘§’“3°”"" ' Q83! 3.. ‘Z4!- five Popes; and by th‘€¥r¥l'1,_l1c.Wa$.. advancecfto ima- ybarimfteghdg n_y honours;as«1:oibe>the”%PoTpes Legate jinaE22g.. m. a land,» Germzmy and Fmz2ce,i»anciiafterv’{v;a;1tds»ArCh:+ bifhop of M w1«“%=and all his t_~raY‘¢11si:.wvas:wnib zing " thofé Nations to fubjeétion undetfthe; Bgirflop of Rome, who by his treachery; to the King of Pmzzce (then raigning called C bila’e.ricu$~, caufed himgp dififthropecil aI,:1d"‘t1]r.11ft Qutaand another io9fei5'iia1 the end he [vvasjfifii- ilyirewarded and flaine by «the 1’ fig 4’?! for his Ia: bour. A ~ 4 . » 3 But when Rbotanlas Bifhop of«5"0l:{‘Mwas commanded by H 4g{g¢i4g2_ the __B1,fhop of Rpzzzeg to eicommunicate the King OE»; .F7ff4?1C§“;‘i~}§iS;_%~-§f@_)§@1 raigne Lord Q hee denyeds and? ‘refuifi ngifi 3a_f‘0~:~it0 doe , returned an,a advifing" him tobee 6 circuinf A _a 8: ,i be and not rafh, in pronouncing fen- tence, ofixeonnmunicatiqxx M; This Bifhopjsvas a very proud man 5 and yer.y- _f_f_Aeriq)ps, vinquir W C-onceming‘e I titles ”of%Ia11d ', and -ot11€1‘.‘T]3‘l1- €;\ CfMr,C'1Iw: goralla aifaires of the Kngdome ;-. butithé .. .1 Qfwthqt 'J1"€£1‘OV€d f0r,it5"aI1dn . rd A "A izipwasa o rarlge-o 3/!?%¢€“1*°ai I i ' ea . .. ‘as. (:1 3 ‘)- % sym. ;o%m: n1’”ed1:1iihg;t11at‘a Bifhop n1ou1d%ea¢kezupbn1mn;% pf B. robe judge in a C onttoverfie of civill affaires, oxrabout titles and rights of Kit} ddmesg beczufc » (as they told him) 11;: Cmlld not V both a 4and a4Iudge.. M A M M M ‘ A A‘ A . 1,, M, 300;“ IWcan1_1ot l;eere—ovcr-pafl‘e 1:11:13: defence ofum —?3¢feafi2rp¢ci:s:fili2m5 P%zztwz,'¢'/2mr,.conce1*ning Bxfhops. - _ M 5 maye=1V~T:h21ra7iA A ‘ Aifhop iHa%tlA1‘ i10'ti2u‘1thority% cvér V" :1tnii- Ii;-‘.mat~t<¥rs. f x A % A A H *Bilhbps‘~fl10u1dFufijcéftb t1*1C" A "W That the head ofthé Chij.1_fChVis Chriflgzmd that he never app0intVc.*d'e1i1yt*Biihop170 beVicka~r;.. H '. .., i.\..‘ r 'é..: .1 ‘V X @VerAA?f11é»*vi1iv&t‘fa11C‘hu1‘CI1;~7” A *1 M ‘ [ A. ‘ 5 hat MBA1fl1ogs;ough1; robe chofeu by tI1ei1:” (Mvne Cl1%ur<-:hahdk.}er icy A V ‘ i5"~That-tI‘1éW C?le11gy‘a}tcr_%Romer i11f”3:itt1t%ior1,afc: L ‘aALd6;£r“ne heeifes; A ?o~r_ow¢d:BkcauVfeir1eades%ro erernau death. « +“+B311t"t0 cdme ‘ifb Iatter%A=tIrh‘e’s: tét" us Iockc a“ Iit--’~ 1 mom Mr...Wz‘cklifi”a,» ;y Dlvixmi infti-_ tution, uhtb hrifl: in tl1c.mi.1itant"Ch111:£:11%.% “ ¢ 3 That whatfoevcr %Ath‘e».B~ifl1ops‘ command, which’ cannot be dédugcd clearcly out ” Oféthe. .$£21‘iPF“r¢S.%& i?sA%;tQ ,3C:CM®Lln1;§§1F%:_I{erE:t;i§;all 3 and Vnouo%be‘obey“ed. j 4 * % % the Empérours,.and fecuIar“I.O1'ds, 21‘e$ym.r5;cen.:9EM feduced,who fo;extoI.l t11e'Pjre1a.te$;,.V—wl1ic;h woctkc 3%‘ {'0 much iniquity atnongfi; them Sitfnony, C ovetoufncffes W11oring»%; and .;.P1‘i.;‘§1=_¢.-> .549» A +:yec~ pretend rcformat io¥nVin*the Chux-c% A Howjdid the eC>p1eCry outjthus in”the_daycs. of 10622 He, or w'orking;f_o ;1}3.I¢h.iniquity av» mon fit119mz-3r.1d+bei“g;3CC‘ 1%€0r9;tl1!¢«Ki11g V for uch thé”fr”*”ifi*iE‘§£é‘cIhé*”i1'e;“]"§;x;ércféverallypuv - Such aI{' c;j;1{’co11i1'<:,_ ni{hed.. AV 4 A 44 _ x, , . All Eccle fiafiiicall perfdns ould in the, places- ofcure offoulcs, vfeto; tj.1_1eir4gw1;1e finely A the {word ofthe 1‘ pirit_by. 'c;gefiQ1jtat,iop5 r&p1*&.)oef¢*, 1 direékiono cqnfoxarim, by‘faith£1ii1 *preaching; and inijlruéling , %_ which, are the 0fficés— oftzlxc Cllfxrcli, and to Vleaivethc ' Tétmppyall, _{VY_O1‘d to th©E€II!,£,10F?:l."~.l Maaifiratea \v11iWh,w3s*%d1m¥ rulcpf Eh” A"p0fY1<*-S3 and t,he,ia: fiiccefforss #8. is. .?n{E’.7§.l‘Z”daW1'"" In the 1;. Ck J-ii v111Kin§‘:Wr) the 4» §tW11ii% ‘F13¢~P0wl3iflV’“?’° °*‘ W prelates fdllowingfitfic éxample o‘ft11c t1'1a11.%of”“"*'*""A ' ' 4 A htaix1ed9a5~Vfi9gW:,9sAa andéhafiwathout L} 1, FA écgo n:.;>JF:1ue, fuBje.€tssby,::%Whi¢h fiatixtc wheya A In :1:cmcird tIieW ?g105EtI1e“”l“eii1 ora%lISword%’int6"théi;t‘ 3? shetoncre‘ ~ ;.tI1at.'fi1ch a caélfling {Q “'37 M 8 ‘ H , 4 :whereoFg’véé 7ve*ay"at*a to :1ookc"t“o,~ah3 6§;;§M.Dove; A fee fb ings éotggfytw-zii¢£1fbz¢;la?.$-%~ A . ama*ci~bub1¢i bwi or 1z'!a'er.of’2z C7Jy7'8/J,‘7"11’L"‘ XC 14?’) an jBia€(é:fi.xj1ce*&?'fe5 *bof11*'at‘6nce,toV‘gI1e iqicf % ‘ Mes ¢t';%11av:¢ ‘they"dffen%g'c»né dboutto prove; théir cg’11mg to bti ~~de jm zlzbiifio, wvljerea; ‘ycpu fee jtisfro1n1nar1s *in%ItitA11~ticpn,”ai1cf; not f'rc5fnthe I;:ord; " M Lordly ‘ove1°nm(:nt from Gdd,’é1iid’{”{‘fi2Ict‘i’:if’i’s411b’i: warranta 16 byAfhé‘JAI‘1o*?Iy nvb°r¢1~f&) t<5 be lifted vp, 5§Bi*,1wp is not. .¢/€,'f*’:""e €*"‘~ i dBy”?tlic way, I L5 allgivc you :1" bricfé ¢“feIa"t’:Io1;1 concerning the A namé Bifhop, A the A fignification A 11 fa ‘ VI;o1-c(IIy‘ ‘predomi- ‘OY€1"fi‘T'€1‘ 4w11_ich’hatl:ga, cl1arg¢ tl1tzsiif'n1a.yfi§>,‘tiifie. ‘ V * “ nancygit? figni fies I i0m4t4bat is afurwycr tafize andprarpida things '22ewfla2fy,fi2r the‘ lg'f'e a)"mz£f2,‘ 1t rM5 41? t/1.8 firffgi- wen ta‘ Olartks-ofthg Market, w/atirfe 'o_fizce was to / 2 One that 133' z'1_/}2z'rit2¢:zzlIo%"Ue1'_f'eer,zL72 Iilzfrzgfifér, a22c1t/mt bath?» cbdrge =a'zJer]‘az¢les,¢’u 4itz?t *‘ W €E”s% fifovg '< 3 7P‘4]for teacher, The Médiatgrfbtp qfC%Wz'fl, in tbéfazygyiazg V¢f'%tI2e’]‘ou!es ¢:}‘7:4i:WM'e£-1', 1 Pete; 3; Lg/l‘_.$‘% A’ biflaop t‘ % 'Hav'j 0115 bands; A mginm nmwéd«yw%t1nrrhefia;éé£* cy~can—1ay no right: ikto _t_heVir1n'fhtut:— 4 4 7 "("15"*) 4 ‘ensbf ' Prelacy, fo neither have thefr any éxfimi pie from th§3% ;{\P0fi1€S to allow the infiitution ther‘eof,;fortt1ttt1t1sVj contraryv’tot the Aippflilcs pr-aai-1 fesasmfiYaPP¢é¥€- 1 77)? tflfpofilés ttvette i7tt.e]]eJ2+g‘er$%of:G§tl for“ tbt: good oft‘/J9 IC’7tm‘~./J; Phil; 2. 2.82. A4224 4., I 8. mad z Car. 8. Rom;-:6. 7. the Prel4terfmd‘=m“efle2{gers to hurt the Church. H L t V 4 ” I ' ta 3'1”/7": tApaflles~ ’pr‘eadzed the .¥G0fi7_.Ql[iCO12Lfi472-fl)". Mzitgh. IO. 1 . Mutth..tz8t. I9...G3.I..F. tt...the Prer- lztres pleaolmore taget to, tmée2;zfqlvé$tL tbeglaflrgy aftbe " world, t/zeizpreazrb to t6 ez'w-flqcfc;. : .4 E 3 The tApa_fllesprezzcbecl the truthfrom‘tbe-grace cf God, Rom Q1 . 5. the Prelate: ple:zdfbr_Rami]b Ceremoniea,aizdfuperffitiazzst. A ,, ; ’ 4. The» }?0ffled8’»~lzzéAo‘t2t'e’alf'or-’t%e7eririclaiizg oft/3g Cb arch, and Cozzgregatiozz of G ads _St11'7tf-t5, a;C01‘*- 6. 10. but tbe~Prel2?ttes~ lktéoarfar themfelves. " A 5 «The Apqflles fuflerecl reéake, and crofles pa; tientlj , A t:1tC,o*r. 71 o. and 2 Cor. 6;. and 2 con 1 1 .‘'z_;. Mt f Rrelattet cmitot wdure toggee media “with. t t“ V ‘. 6 T em Apaflle: -mére.fatz:‘sfiedtvitbV t4,?»i)'.VcI22ae!/z%'12(gs t;t mt ‘item!.4‘§»t:al1,afldt¢tthey tnpkegareat 17.z!«ii7‘.~‘i5~.1da£*0t‘z'29g wztbitlietir bands, 1 con; 4. 11 . A6125“ 2’0'.:t zj;.t»:and 1 Thg£,2‘5 9, 2 T?hcf.2_.8 .ét ttt t%%be‘Pxelztt:.:tbottgb tbéj dttell i22tbeir‘firttelyP alltzce;.,w6l...’5f%‘6 m’Wely,arzd ‘Iaéom: 22:}: at kaléttexcept it may. 55130? ??%?0.0?‘ titre? femtom‘. it? 4 temat 67- .105»??? E/”Jtt Mift . M ,mtA. (:6) 1 W q~;,¢;:po;21e,; izever d«z,f.»;4z%:o$%fi¢_ iz.¢V"’<:om:.,,; ‘»%‘?,1fudz';4£«twre,:flJ?9V W, dwrga Aw~49g£*veIzAI1wa%ta M pg"g@g_gkr-, (hey medigd 7:7? F%yW1W%’jfflt€«5.: m:4t?ar{95tW)Vvé»1¢% % fled nap” tbgmfelves with flick V femlar imploymeizgtg ‘Matth. 4.}1V8'.Matt11.9.A 9. Markedo. 28. Rom. I 17. A Aéfis 113.‘: “Ba.-tiflva V1’rela.t¢£" intrude them- feel:zze;,£12¢o,f’zivlJ wfliws, mizzi -a”~fi2P1p_"9Lt:/sr emf efivesmqm; ew?zz>¢§fla¢’gx eias (Jfaart“?ne)rtf:.€?2 J?$7qj«d06 A232 z‘}Jez'rfl"u'a’z'e5mofl of’t/Jew, zf'J2at%.zzl!.’ ‘ V A ' 8; “.Tsbcrefmere flozzeamozzgfi. them that /Jfad cl'0mz'- m'af&,om:a.'ver‘Aa7io13i2erg&ut‘~7zverzé %u1Jwyunzgu: ” ' Mév/etlar-ei2;,? Mist-tEt‘*I1.‘2ot*. 1'5 "Luke. 12; “:15; 2 Cor. I. 24. I If But ~Lardly A1’re[¢te& «me; fmwmes war all the weft cf In a wqrd our Lordlyfiifliops =€o1l'ow not the “ukpafflés id-their rhumblc fince1*e, andypure lives, ’fbutinaA 4prbuH,’*fimfi”111,’L%A%aI1*d~ contrary «courfe of life , “to the mifery ofall wthofe ‘ovyat whomthey T11eirLo:rd1ypredomimncie is direéfly C61-rary ‘to the word of God; as‘ may appearein divers places of the Sqipturc, GM-2.7. Exadm M %.L+aerz2i.¢*.% go 1; :N “5 .D:,mtr. % 1138.1 Jofu . 3 .. Auagg-‘es 2 .%7;'_1’* S umws 1.34m. 5 .‘>27A- ‘ 1 Kizags 5 A A Kz'flg%'Iaé.I3 ‘.1. Clara». ;4”.*5'.; 3 Cram. 39.; ”6“.“E;z1v A g4._Nabem,‘ 13.%%z9..';E/fey:3.6...Iaé.36. 9 . %1>fiz:Z. 13 . Pram». us, 5. ’V£ccle_f.%¢.8.mmz.3.-6; ‘ ‘st, Efwyf. 14- '13 ax .Lame2¢t»‘:.£ .: A 1;.4..% Ezek; 34'-A2‘. ;Dm;“5~';~z7;fi‘ “ea'4.%Ama::s:. saga. .0,éax£. 2, 102244/7.‘-21A. Mic _3..;1.’Na/mm. 3..i28. . .. , __ 4H4hm 07 ;ir‘\'?"“§";i*%-5*.Z?t”?5%~3-A-=i1#?£’£év-a 'Z'4¢’?W-ii3-3- fin M V ‘K -~ ._ » map i11mn1;;;VtQV my ¥V3§'1'3_IK. in the ‘?V°fdi0fG0d f0~F"L0iF¢31¥i§1‘€d0m1‘}%111fdl)( Prcé late, %*that ht: ll gloriedflm beingafcrvant t‘o*p1-each l.I.gfu5 Cbr'z_'/has it is “z Co‘:/'.~,.1..~ 5; izfilfa neverexpeifl-(Z to receirveltitles oftempordlljzonakir, bums Mme: 'CBP;7d6’; iandif Iébflg l*l'~‘t»l1e ri__ handot’fe1~1mw-mip witlrtllc ref’£‘.Gtt/-M9-E}? 9-6-21. V _ A T And thofc Bifhops and Deacons, lwlaicla were amongft the Saints at; I’/2z'lz]Ipi, as"it is Phil. 1. 1; ; there were no prelafic:~anf1on9;llltl1i:ml, “bccaufc oftl1e'fellowfl1ip~wl1iclr cne~y?11ad in the Gorpe"11, verfe 5.001.: . t.Tlaef. 3";‘i. “Oh ! how great: and qrecvous an finncl is it for the Minificrs ot'tl1t:lCl1u‘i'ch~o3FGod , to“ {it i=*i*1 ‘. glory as Lordsoftltc Temple 0{G0d!% 231'/yef..z.l4. x l In all the whole Bible We can findno lwarrantl for.» rclafic, Or Lorcllyllgoverxlznetut for Paftors <%t~1c2Cl111+xrcl1 to lay clai1nc~to,o11cly :1 Bxfhop or l?aftor,or "l Elder, wllich you will,for tlxéy are all o11e,:_u1d a Deacon, the next degree i11‘1mcdi;ztc:ly after them , and thatonclyifiordimtio11,_. &c. NotiniLomdly~p1'edo21iir1afie;.1 7“z'm».3}zl._ A H aThey t (:9) A A _Ai1d$vhentl1eret—vvex;ej any fuch amongfi tlxeni,‘ '§1S"h;l1adlb€tal<§il1[tllemfelvesto vvorlclly l;1oi10i1r,and gloryi,tl1e;Ap<3llIes did reckon t:hem- fotl‘aken,.a 1. _Tz°272.4,,;;. V — A " V J». ‘>1: ” find W WYTO plainly in th*atiP1?C¢:~Wl1er¢St- A “,1?.rml writes. t 0 Tztm concerning the ordaming] of .Eldhets,las‘.l1elllfirl¥ caIls.t11em,Titm . I .5 fo,_8c . ";“(]l1}1'l~ifiCd5hhC gives the réalfon. o£itV the .l 72. l.f§_);.g 1;zi.c1ahhc,.a Bithop muPcibe unreproveable, I01 4 at ti _ fame whicli A4 he fix-It calleth Elcler,he, laite1‘,vards Calleth B-ifhop,-as it is {plainehatobe up;-_ iletltood in that place. i A VA N V V ‘ A A ,ete_ all brethren,_there,were none ofthem far: up or ap.pointe.d by them to Lord it over the- refigisthe Prelatesover.theairePcof*the C ler.,- 1 egie,but taught as” bret11ren.Ph.ilemo22 'Ui»1-Nay the ’me11,fi-ohm caufes of A highways: A 3% $ B) H 3 E?‘ § :3 cm FP rem!P0mi1matt6rs§&-hare01"“ dained for men,onI in things pertaihihg::toGod,, He&.5,i.Andthen urely for fuch as profefle thé-9 {elves to bee the Minifiers of Cbrifl, they ouvhta not to be made temporall Lords,and to {it in p 2;- cc; of 1utlioatu‘rr5and‘t0‘jt1dg€lO’l:f3“iVi‘lT‘matte1‘$, 1 but -theiir-office is todraw nigh to G‘od,1'am.4.8 . 1 P:t.1.xV:.; P‘et.~1 .z1~,.1 1ob.4.3..: 1oh.”U..2.3I079o. 4 '11.! I .1 udwu. I ..what {hall I l'ay~morc,i-fcau-r lord» !'ly»§Bi{hops will not take examples from: the A-~ pofiles,let them take examples from the Angell,.. who would not fufl'er lob» tofall dovvne before- him,no (faith he)=I‘amthy‘ felloxv-—fe"r'va11t,and of" thy brethren the Pro l1ets,Re-'Uel.2z.9- A (xé)‘” ' ‘I‘hus.yqu‘1Zethar'iFcur Lordlyfiifhops fiand ugébon-_the%ir guard to clefendfi‘. pifcopaull predomiv-~ na<:ie,they" can neither father it upon %God4,(')r;a’1W ntle of his holy worclmor, upon tl1eProphéts,”n0r Apofeles of GO D", not upon pure‘ txmes, whp tlioughflxey wrong tfié fat.‘11ers.0f thé % Vfiifimiwtivc C11Lu‘ch,t0I'ay'tIiat theyhad thé fi?me4hc§nc'>ur,yet v you.‘{'ee it is not fo,no,no, alas fhou_1d the: godly , ?,."£~H°”"‘v"' luumblq, poofrct,unlordIy“Bifl10ps‘0fthe Q‘riA1 i1i-» " rive; hL11'ChCS,(Wh0 had I10“ filth wjordlik ’ho1iO112*, "offices, Rate» "éfid fiéé1i1A£1{t'pdwer,%as'AAAours now enjoy) arifc out of their gfaves; “and behold *thc do111i;iion§,‘;wea It%h,“ habit, ar_1dimp1oymcnt bf ,o1;rV~p,refet1,t$ “P re1afcs,they. vvould*'l*,atl1<;r decme '%fhem,M6nfic1‘83.tl1cn"Miniflérs,PiPa‘tés}t%h€nPrai- % tlatés,'Lucifcrs, then Preébhci-S, 'fy:uh'rs, t1ie“x1~o— "verfecrs_bfC11rifl;s’fl0ck,yca. PtinC€$af,3ther then »B%i.fl19,Ps<>fdiviI*¢iri¥*.i=ti§i<'éII~4 * m~saatw~s %€=&~% Egg ‘w . Vt- '« ‘i ‘ . " -“h .9 ,. 1 v :- - rfhy‘ u " W.» ‘ .4-wt ‘ h .. , ‘« -ti "; 1;1“~fi ta. . h '5 :$'x«»th % 7 . h up qt. 9 Cfajfire 4 ;, t Bkflsop iifktalwteéonaenfihg the , 117}; it reported of the B z']hap a/"Ih.i11CoIné: that he aulclprophq/iegthat Chmfch jha./I not he a'e-_.h lz’Uerea'fi"am l',Jé'f6'r’E3it~tt6l€ ofEgyp1:,h:tt hf vi; % olezzce amlforcc, and with the hlaody /‘award, and al.- heit their government he efieemefd hat a li ht mat’- ter, yet fhartly moregreat, aadgreevaas thzizgs fliall he fee». H ow hapizeth it _'thfIathe_r Latimer) that we have haclfb ma A [ htcfnmfly vflprcathiag Pre- late5,L ardl} Laftfggfig, " a1gd;;;;d{e M 1'/ziflers : ‘Thy’; land 13‘ i2ot({2;itI1 l1e)fbr*me” to pldiugh, z'tjt3' to float}, too theme}, too hardfar mg. to pita .h.,. The} bait‘: fa man} tfiflgsgthhatt mghefog‘ i 0, many things to War r e~%~1?«lvv::a~r;wt.t.ithistL t toploagh the‘7’7z. jhathwiahhtxay m e[L'e:,lq2zg Caflomes, Cerer72an';et, dad aatharz't},lplacz'z‘gg in Parlz'ameat,a22d ~1:hirfSs more,aad earemeeh thia Land is natyet ri _;j th e ¢fa]z'ag z's,z't laches wit ‘vfing, this'Lami lathe: wt’- 'therz'i2g,at leafl zvayes it is rxotfbr mefbr to plough 5 for what [hall I laohefor among thames,hutprirl?iIz aaadjtratthiag, what amozzgftflones, hat flamhliiggr, t " D 3 (I W A giveahe team: A e e plaa'_g_hea',_fbr“as the V (1 bad 412210]? fzzid) mm ambnh A Serpents, $11: a 0 ‘ ‘gm ” u ‘ fizWg;' 5"?’/*6” "’“fi”"..%f ¢%Wf4flT 2%? L diiem V“;%r-oJrerze2;e.’3,;4e% Wé%v .‘%AP2.~wv A gone dame, contmfy fa £3729 Ape lei £12729“: ’J=re2zcl2ec1, Lordegz 2201?, Mt 7202» they Lardaizd Prezwlrzzotz : fin: t”b‘eJy;tfi,¢t6,a ofds, illggqr ta _ pldbgb gm 2§‘¥'lbe " é‘Iaagb:mea% £22 :92: %qom2m~y, were 4; Vnegligezzt z'22stl2ez'r~0jfz'cé,as* Prelafes 5:: 313935 Iboaldrzoe (Mg fwaflr 14¢/?étv“fwJ?Wzv€: “ 1 ‘M V , ‘ V gr : . ““ ‘. In “I ‘V: ‘ ' ‘ w ._ . ‘L “ Mani-. ‘ .:' ~»-<...‘=»— : , ;-- W '2 ~ - 5“ t..-‘‘. W4 ‘AV- ‘Q, + ~ ‘. . A: I‘ u , “' ’i (~ , A‘ . -W ‘ » I A‘ I A ‘ \ ‘ “ 4;‘ ‘u, _ V I “ ‘ ,' f“ . 4' ‘ ' ’ f V 1 1. V « Iv!‘ ‘ ‘ ’ V H ‘ ‘ ‘