’% _ _fiI@TPIBfi.A W A VVh~erein the Iudgcment 4 of % T H E % V A A. N D _ . ‘ Protefiant Divines, is fhewed, . .3451; \ , an 0!‘. ‘ V ‘ ' 37"": ‘ ' '*. .'.q~ . M a ‘ ‘ "3': “ ‘II Concerning EAC By chefs who are not %OrdaiAncd #- ‘ ‘ *1. n ‘ .lV..‘.“ W-» :1 "~. ~”'”s‘» q\-”“"arV~”“’*‘~:¢~A*‘“é- W *m‘.,,~.,3?«...~« "'4: ‘ ‘.‘: ";9yf§‘_;‘3Tf9i:“i1)rf‘:‘-“;v'_4»._*_‘jf ' “C X London, Printed kor Wter Cole, "and are to be % fold at his ihopat the fign of the Pripung-Pr”efs in Cornhil,necr the Royal Em‘/Jaflge, 1647.. ‘ ‘xx . 1 -95 ‘ A “ ~ _ . ml 99"..‘ ‘ ' " ‘ . ' ‘ H. lrl‘ ." - ' ‘ ‘1...;a‘ U 7*"-A . - -, % ._ 3 ,, H \ ‘ ,1.‘ .. --,. . ‘:; . 3!)‘ ~ , _» .1 F .A V * ‘ -‘ . , “ - ‘ s‘ V" 1 ,”-6 " ' ’u'.'-.4‘ 5* ("in ‘ ' V q‘L!.s!I‘ ‘ ‘ " ': . ‘ ,» 'A‘°-'3 no , ‘ . 1‘ .4‘?-"‘ .~ on , " .. ‘ Ii “ ' V "40 5. ‘ ‘ . fl , ' - ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ “-\ I'M ' A \ *. ".?.V -, > n . ' . , . . _ A B0 . ‘ . ‘ ‘Q . fl‘ ‘ H v . .' . ‘ ' ‘ I 44‘-. _‘;-5. ‘ ' .- . n‘ . z_"_ 2} ~ . w gg % i . % a- .. ‘. ., ‘ ‘ - . ' “lg ' ék‘ 3' fr» p- ‘ 'v “ 1% 4 if ‘I B M‘ g...‘ ¥..§ ‘ ' CO v ‘ I 9 . H - _ ‘ = in ,.._. ........... .......... ..... ..... .. ...._......... ..... ._..._._ ..... —-w-”"' . -. ‘M W» l ' - ' I .1 ‘ ‘ _ \ N _ V‘ M . ..1 ...~. . A ' x_ ‘. - v - I -n ‘V ’V‘.“‘ >‘ I ‘ ‘ ,. V ._ ‘ .. M ' _ ' _., \ >V‘ '4" ' “'o \. ‘ V‘: ‘M nf " E _ ‘W ' " ' a ‘ ‘Cr’ tr 0 * v 3' v C -C ‘ far‘? ‘ A ~‘ 1 ‘ ” '.,_‘.' ‘A ._ an.‘ ,_ ,7 ,,u,..( .y_ N ,. .. ' l \"'."~' .' ~_‘ -_ v-3, ‘ 4. .‘ ‘ 5.. l _ ' 4 ,~.~:~. ‘ l4;,'}'2:\‘«_«.,." _ 4,,«;;"_;.‘,,v.‘ Concerning Preaching by thofc who are notb0rd:.lincd Minifiérs. b Mall may lawfully lbPl*cacho me Word, who isllol: called to boa‘ A Miniffcr. Fol; __ 1. H: mayPreach whois films; But 0116 may be fen: who is not fem: l l l A Minificrially as an OH-leer", as ap- ears.bRam. IO. 14, 15. How mat/zeyapreacll except; they be /Em: i’ (five. The finding, is not aMiniPccrial,, Ecclefiafiical fending, for’ than none couldbean V infimmcnl: to convert another but a Minifler -,-A For its faid,”*Nwle can belzevve barb 5} bearing 4 Preacberfiant. And again in the I 8. Vérfc, The [ending is cxprcfl fed by the going out of the Sun , as appears by Pfal. 19. 4. bWhcrc the fame words are Now the courf-V: of the {Sun is» natural and by providclncc; Yea lafily, fwhercasthc Apoflles fcope istobltakbé lawayl doubting from mail ,‘ as appears by Verfi: 6, 8: 7, Say pm in thy Zreart,“ wba'_[lmfl dfizegd, (9% 2' He had by this laid the greatefc groundof doubting thal:.cbouId‘b*e',-l for c.Veryf_o ‘man muff d-éubtwhflthffl behave Faith olf no, and whether he fllmbe favcd or no by that Faith, till he be furc his Faith was Wrought in him by a Minifler lawfl111ylWch_ll‘cd intci a awe (and that lembcanllotl be,unlei’s fieflbcbfilrc that madchirn Minifier wgslawfully callcd,8zC.) A 4' 2 l V Fox .l,_ ,l,r:l, . ‘. “ ,’.‘'g‘'» ‘ «cs» “Ll. ll .» l. l ‘ )3 ":3! ‘“’ W ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘f£:;;§l‘ "‘|‘M*" ‘ A A.s;:!.‘ ‘_-‘Z ‘A-»_A'~‘ F: ii , A :54. (5 ,. ‘,.q_ E 3 S 9' 14:3; :2, ‘es *5 , ' _, - A.--.71;-gl~_:.«. , For faith the Text, ‘Jim: émqt firming Faith gm-5V“ ta-7iIe;;’7za:£y. /iéz¢r£ézgAV_I3fo2%: fmzf; T71: %”'rc-1‘r]i ai—ti‘s% tr151er§*fof"¢; ' t1i$°t't}h¢ AA:pofl1e,£pcaksofAprovuia;/e;atia1fimaImg5; by: giving men gifts, and Working Wuh them in their ufe,:andEm'cife. 4 \ . . x it A’V“Th”c APr;0pi’i$t;sfQ ”rhiVg}i:: preach; I; C*:2'<}*2% 47. 3. “:4 ., ‘ But they were neither finch as wTerc‘"immediatc1y in-A fpircd Witlu predifiion, for Womcnthat were {oin- fpi;r€dmigb£:dc1iver their Pwph€fie* in~th¢VChUrc4h,;4 A bug gfizgrc ;Wfmcn,ar.c ._ forbidden t0~fpeak:; Véxffe Nor were ihdfc Prophets Minifcersa, forA‘%Vcr{7e= g3, zt6.~he {peaks of Prophecy as a gift iii a11A.o:r~ gnpfiwofnthe memberk of the C 11.u1‘ch, and f0:?bidms it, A comane bultwomen, Vctrfe 31:. Léffly, =9T19fof”e’h % g.i%féjs.V1v;%hi;ch%arl:_ irequiircd in 52: P rophet, Vcrfew 3 __2 5., are fuch as men. or‘dmar1fy may atcazn by mdufiry, Church..1.4 H % and fiudy,,_V~érf¢ L. and [do atzaiimunto 'inL~zh<.r: T 3 . _B;.u1ing Ei'r3?c:."s% may preach¥(whLo% 32:: no2:~a‘c- V c_.<1un:edMinif’ccrs‘) T/967 mufi, 1 Tim. 3. 2. 63 apt’ ¢ aw .tezzcl£2.4 Tomake this out to be%.%meam: of Ru... :l_i;ng %%E1d,ersA : . 'CAonfi.der,,that..V eizher th0{fcAqua1ific-a.- :ions%%n1c‘m:ionedin that. Chapzergare tVhcV.q3i1ali£i¢a— t.i9’ns‘%%éfw Rulingkfildcrs-, orjx«1ot.f Il€*.nO-C3 thérmis t%h‘erc%:~anJoffic.c of Ru1it2gEld4cr appointed5wi:hoL1t fl-1Ac w_ing;Qw~hat a. onahc fhould be, whicI1is%no£liks,; lygfécingthe*qua1iticsof the Deacon w(an'" inferier Qfficgr toh-im)arc pjméiually fa: down there,V.¢rfe 8'; *, T,~;m_3, ,A#s[2j2ma:byuc,ou1d notxcll how to.A%l5ch"ave himfelt id .34: the LC hutch;ab0ut;V:othcrbFfifiers ,t1nlefs it had bcenfec §iQwn,.x3vharV%I{indc Ofptrfoms they fl1ouI»d beghe c.o;uld not,fnipc.I1 le{$c‘an :61} how to behave Aour elves ;n...chc C..hLirch ‘of G.°0d abma: them, wmhraua 2?’.1,zci1c*i2~» “/ reern;“‘ CerfainIy‘reReIirn«g Eldérsjr are fics’t“*o E;Cl?1Tr"ifl;f'? L un7AA1‘eefs:t“they.be?‘Vde?féribed ndefc.ri~b¢d-"they a’re‘i ‘hog: tgmle-{'5WheretheTeaching“Eider’isr—~defcribed: If’ they be defcried. there, they mt-1?: be 4;): tr: Teach: J theétttisg .beable‘byfou‘n*d*Do A r’ Preach, and yet one may Preach to V-‘getarn Oflicetz 4 ti-Iaththletinterrtiom of beiLngaMiniPcer begotten this-» X power, as fire makesethe~wood fmoi<‘ebeforVe ice fl?-fifiet N0 a W!‘ rh€»tifif¢fi%tk>n~r4tis ebutcondticienal, if he Preach" w‘eI:1,t: Y-ea andnotonly f0,),b7uti1C' he 1 be otheVrwife.fitted.A Asa Miniffer is to nece.fl”a'ryVtor 4 the Sac-rarnent of Baptifm, becaufe its an 38: of * V 0fl‘ice,r that2th’ough the crhilde fhould dye without , a fB*apti£m,»yet it maynothavtet it witfiout2iMiniPtert; :1 VM uponrthe fiime rteafon none may Preachin order to‘ rt the§Miniftery,,eif'to Preachgbe an aétof O’fHC€,~Wh;1£tj- V ioevermay be pretended Wforitr. A M A It is alfo granted, thiate men tfiat are not in in V; therMtini{’tery% may Write tG’ommetttaries on the Scripture on any Text or Book‘, and write more 0024- t A t ifz'w:a4totio,fermorawi1e. Ifthey may Preach bytheir .‘ “ A Pen,they mayby their Tong’trealfo.tA‘ A V A A to #6. Of thieminde arethe ReformedChurefi'esr. ~ ». Not ..on1y_ePrOp)het§M%rin7Ordetfs, bmthe Cmnnmn A tpeopiert .3 _,..-o. p:e9p’:1:c:g Vwhmin ~:heia' fcats,;% Amay%%Vl:awfu11yéfpeak ' Non 1*-omfetvthatoVf:%che*&wmdV05 GVo;d ii: at-he"Church,«i:~which:.%.1:hc:% ordinem Pare- 'I’CV?Cé‘sI~€d EOL H xahccisfled W1“ ifthat cufiome {ha»d%never:been~laid.downg -there had %c in fubfelliis edentibusr in‘ rzavcr «b;ce¢;;a fo many aarawzs $pm»ught in§coa% the hA bcgms the Wm- mnnia me: in It Wasnot foflom the b;egm1ng,4 bmonc read 2 place ‘°‘3""‘.’~= °*'‘’-*=~ 1*" of Scripnu1%e",% aQ%0:\hc£‘ji%nc3er§Jréred;, anc§zi1cf%gaVe% his" gm, xnterpret;z- . P3:flpi£inthcPlace mfa Prophet, muf’ci>c»coxmred% A M,’ ,.ev.¢,m0,_ jzxdgemcnt, another prayédb’ another S§.zngT.,,an’othex: ms Pr0fet'r:do- fi1id;4.W27_;, arid the likr. Fund by thiS mfiansynomati ;;;¢§g%;;:;;*;; in the affembly was me. exordirur. Olim non ica,fec}a1ius Iegebat locum Scripturaz, a1i.us.interp1'etabamr, aliud addebér fimm judicium, aims preces habcbar, alias cancbht, alias Lacclamabat Amen, 8?: fimilig. Sic nenxovidebatux otiofus in zone c«::=;:u. A rctim in 1 6‘ar.x4.:6.A. Ané “.‘ -N . ,,;» vw%% *%otfo1d%..flrh.e ‘duty df%¥44tNc{ae:h1ng Iayr upons maqy A'tP1’c Ail’: mb1ics,and one did not do a1I,4as%“w%eA~d:o£c no f§;d<fi§i1’§€°~ 'it1cubuifi'é, néc’e:iin‘af12‘n11$:e:§mi:i p1‘aefi:£ba-t ur ‘I11 'z:’er§g8. ' F’; ‘ ‘ Q as V ¢mr uwmyr%,%A who ms lent for to%he1p.<::irhc “fI?g¢fOff1ja:ié*3,r§ ;ix 1 th»eV«[ti}xa}e of Ki‘ng2fa*ma>%d1me ‘upcga thofé wows C jzmmay aZ»’p5%a;»z3évy am 46} o:a+e1%*VW%hen "he faith he fetms to. [exclude n%Qt1eA% o£Vzh¢ Cum ‘Ma common fort ofChri{1‘iaz1s«;,.But.be¢auf¢IQme;thi‘nI< omnes, Nut-« rim dfis b¢1°*?8S‘ A ’駣Z.nf‘i§f think that us both’ abfurd and%%kc0nrra;'yhV, tmhc deturcxclude-' judgementofx:heA7Facherstoiéfer tfhis tcI)th%:“ Cgm‘; re. sea guz-.3. pucanr obhqux monfort ofChrifiians,J it will be worth thV¢;v§r”hilé,Im_tammaa to hear Amévrofe, a1.1dj,‘Vwh%atA‘V in thy; place he d€CC1C;- mmsin this cafe ~tI1r‘ee §;:::“‘§ SE3}; whf04arc m cheAChumIi1. Some fit: m h:g[.h¢Mrn0sd{dmusad ‘féats,‘an%d thofe ‘are-%Elders5,S%omc %onM%f"cass inm Piebemquoq; lowerplace’ * Some fit on‘ x:Vh*fayWjas’%3n%;VancxmtvCufiome%»aVarfi0ngfi the Iewes which hem ’ cod and {audible the A‘%0fl:1AeLA%eerum%A uifunt‘ 2 % 3 V V _ 9 P .A Q . “cm . o'rd*ir1err’.r % RF L;Vif1j‘AhEccI%e4iia‘%‘%f::;.. A éeigtrpdflt “f11"B'Q2f14i'3"f‘infi‘£1"f€§‘i0’f'1‘7£’Q¢O”%if;-fi§f1£»”;%}§Qff§'§t}‘En1o‘;%qiii fe§1é.£¥i1i:'j gav,imexgca ‘fL1p’Cr ~T%4atms*-* V i*e;x:efi1:{:*i-i~i4;’%Fuéifiiig. 3&1 d’i:{é"§?;f‘f%»1%‘?,?§31.$"s“ ncm*c::ii:x*:fi §{¢fpicé'n§1‘i mm mm. »2*I*1we'rV.‘f!B1*a{c*£:_»‘11‘34*c$z*”fs‘;“‘}if3}5€;ght.ii?;”§"“ :Et“'fx3,‘1$;1;:;?1 §§;V‘;*£i:%‘5.;%¢i£¥*‘Aifei~;:»;%2:gi“2e Jjqsmr::,t*i%o;;e::x a»fi’cArr'e,‘ fiC1it.. E**‘*f*?F“ 5% {ilfifiifiis.¢fifVt44%mrv©T9c°-¢ 15 fiat! mid? *"“‘?""“*’*‘*‘W“‘ ’-W9 3iA7~~ ~ 8: ahfurdum ‘ ““t'u“a:.‘~ \Tri“pIx"_«- _ \‘ ~%Vdi?fd*a~inis‘£t0£ €20 «~bri#zg:n¢.:2§the C:hu?rc;~,c.f «. é%iE,éi§ig a§.l€g~a1" flY 5; but ~€o;ndficing" the .B~efdr%ma:icm* ;oVf%%;t.Jh:;e ;,Ch—urc!%4. T«h'a: a Cufiomfi g¢:>guc$,E %.a:~'P¢ar3 by ‘Stow. 0? i1i¢A -¢EV%ng¢1if’w , ¢‘Wh4e.i'€%f% Cghrifi bemg Yet a ~Ch11§e;;: no A*h»e%ar.%thé1D%o&ors%, %%zoAas;Ié 9+u€fi%ions: at to an fwer : j ‘wherkqbyfi ybufl "fee" that m_%i%t4hef was he? “réieficd f°rhA1$;a§.3iés being yang; nofA“f<>r‘ hi5$”¢0h% 1 4. I; ‘$11109, ,%VA12~'%-’!.%" ¢‘sf1;a¢;<:¢s>.un;i¢:¢i Cait»9Té}nteVrs% fern. And af-} 1 ~ }; ; ‘tc;jwa“r3$‘:9;‘jJ’ xiyhén; 7 ”w%asA %é'l‘de r7 ,_ “there” was «a? ,. flock“giv¢n' him‘“i'n the ”Sy"nag0g:u“e% toA‘r€zéd% and ‘i1fdi*f’5€r5% 5:0’? ‘:This PémfM;zrtyr difiinguifiaes from the L/!22}¢5;»z; fizz/.f¢:» ~thus%,. Th»ér the Ana1?apufis gm ail wave to vi? &vi5:h"%QL23t A_'maJking}a“nyf%di’Ef¢rem:e,§ and thfifij? ‘ AM ‘W ?~? ** ” .3%k:khOM‘w§€”ydgé4nc5"ordér of %%I‘s/Iinifterg in the Churchf; ff “ 1 WhAe‘mrea$ the Apoffle 'on‘ly,d<>ch not lay this only on V M "t1T¢rII;-.V J4'3VAiE*£’%f7%?%¢rm K iféfith A1183’ ;?7?4)*@€’4I5f Li» Ar./2eP«i"2'+ * 4 7%“d?%?‘€?ifi; 3%M£5A~ié?5£”??W’6,%5°W6 #5€W1v3W,%fé* V % J fierfwéchfte Life thiwoaVzaozydays, 3.n%%a#comp%1~ai*‘ns.or phc Churches 1-as Min;;ochavin.g ‘Ibid. ff i:.‘” A ’ Ciiizvefitxffaf CW7? j4c?m'zz i 42:32- ; T11cV%Synods“»0¢f ?Wpner_m;r ;;o;:x_,n:ed;:;%1\z1ini#kf§A;~iAfed trim po&o‘:es.“8‘:i:I?.ia:i6ni§aé:%%1r:2s;a.Aaeb?11ffiLf }.ydi<-‘£9: 1 bi I?3~‘1t ¢l1i?;; %f¥T%§%..:S'~3iAt1f-3&1 CW1"? "Vp3rtcs "vices ‘fg1as"e§:p1evcrir,§; ;1i§¥;:5’iIqf %V",ii§];,"é3u‘i:fi1?5fs:Ififs_ eL 1n1 M£x,g3t”1‘gL1§n3 vifi;_;:_:1 Fr-it: 831' icfire %‘it1¢df;3d “¢£‘%i;5¢3?%i+0¥§€.i¥1uP?*?¥i;iii?95?- A ~ him ;?£9:§.¢i.9¥?A?A.3*?—‘+‘%° éujus %«_:f;ij_v.:qvr_1,r”%p:zi:tAes"£1‘:";zae’:iis‘“cigiidacim’Hm"'nibni2i"Sy?zovf.V’Belg"%E,.‘cEzj:. ;,‘ 33 9; ; din?-T ~ I dingMb:nappeinytymeni of ‘ghis qompyany.d0‘b&IOng ntvon1y,Minii’cers, bu; Y > _ ‘ \ \ y ‘ ‘ ..“. y 1’ e V‘ ‘ ‘ , , 1, W ,,v3'_“‘,‘ V‘: ‘M, Z ‘ I ‘H ‘V ‘. ‘.~._ fiDO‘&o‘m$y,j:_‘fanA‘d”‘0u1t of the Elders andDeacons, yea bf ;ghm_e_enecpmmonIortof Chriflians, thofegwho have recdved aeyyifc1fe1:0rt1» ~the»~Lox'd,&¢wil bettowy it to the cnnnrnon%benefic of the Church’: Yer foes they be efirfi gryed;ybyi-thejudgement of the Minifters and A and otheyxs‘. And‘ when he hath done hisnparc to whcm it beIongeth,iytyfl1all be-ylaewfuly for them who M finetrirneninth€irnfcats'g0ec2nafrerhim Cifit be thought good) to_ addeyyanyicching which mayedifie. And ah: lafig yhee” havjng prayed by conceived prayer, IQ whomyit belongs , the rneeting, is to be ended. . This algfo was the praéfice ofthe (3hu1*ch ,c},m.¢}, A iiJ1_f3:itMt1ti0nof' VPAIIHZ; To .y e Scotland. 4A: that time we had no pub1iqueMini— Scotland- flers of the Word, onely did cercazn.?zee§1ous men Hiaoryfoe (amyongfiyvhomr wasthe Laird of Dam, yDm2z'n’ For» R‘*f°*m='~“°” A M refii Mr.71{al9crt lyafikbdfyte, Mr. Rab. H4mi?to}z,, Wz'!- gff 1i4m-.HnrZnw,[and others) exhorc theirfirethren, ace red, 1644. in ecorfiizzgtothe gifts ‘and graces granted untoc11em‘.4‘1‘b"‘P“”‘“e And peg. 130. gheymake this particular-demandof f ‘:h§:e€n3 That if i'5_fl1aIl”h3PP€”4 in Ourefaid Mm» e ings,“-any hardgplace of Scripzure to be * read, of e «which Without:~eXplax1ateion,,.hai‘dly can arife any ptofig;etothe.hearers,% thafltyit; {hall be lawfitl many quaI_ified‘=perfons in knowledge A being p'refi:nc to in- tegpreey and ppenfup-.4 thefifaid hard y,Lplaces,y to‘; A Gods g1ory;yya’ndythe'nprofi::...i.o£Vy the auditory.. And if ’any ~ y;h1inl;,W tkhgtghis libergyvy fhouldn be occafiAon_y,ynfCm«-A‘ V A ., fzyfipzg, Dychzte Qrflmfic , we are co1ncent:;hac”icebe A ‘ f, ;pr<2vi‘ci¢d;:~theI:%$h¢fetid ifl¢¢fP1'¢t3Fi0¥1e.{ha1:1 undérly y A , B ’ , the: %%t1~§é'.iifdiIienc Ci? ]%fh¢ _ W in ’tbisARea1m at ~At‘h1$"=~‘Vttme:. A1*'1d"7IE is %coV"-be‘ ob.;§' V r%g¢d1yaay&é¢nw:j;1eameaIAwith: frmzcé‘ t'hat t*'h‘~i~s was A-afi:ei:‘ P-am!“ at/:1&é:i2Aa11&d 4 A 57%: %'Wilcw%; g Minsi”ft~ers-A 5 were come «no Aéhem -Cartwr. in 1 Cor. 14.fe&. 5. p. agamfl % ‘ % Rhemifis.‘ J ad%mVi:t%cd%4to*fpeak, almough %t‘hey‘hadotherwife no 7 A trained up ro fhe Mi4n§fitry of the ??C”hu:rch, »4heaa.g dcth outof 24555.13.-15." ]Th%at't1h2c‘RulAcr5 QF I:=h¢S~y-V ” b The Apomc «L; A .1%%Ij2."]}. ~31} ffigch . % _ “% V '_ A Cartwrigét, Notwichffanvdin»g theufe of extraefl drinary gifts in tongues and Revelationof things to *coAm¢”"‘-be ccafed: %Y¢t t*herexerci£E7'of co~n*fer_enceovf :heii:g'ifis*whom Lama >h_a’”v:h b*efio~wed '%1:UChAkflGW&' lcdgeof; as may iéfxrerrto edifyipgg c x1§or’catitan and Acomfdrt of the Church., remamcth%fi11l,i for thofc ‘g~ifc~s rtsmain ye: ’ chi¢vcd,&C.’ , 1: in %féemé$ thAey';4 ycgwantcd mrew ( fpeaking 5in the %p1u‘ral% and_ na0t “in the fin%VguI.af, as Ram. 11. where he fpecifieth the Vo"%rdinary:MIni- fierslhc feemeth to inc%L1ué3‘eL their exercifé alfo ‘xévhich bdngjudgcd firto ‘~-handle rhé Ward, were Pméliqéue Fztzsfiian in the ¢Chur4ch., And ‘having fpaken of this % excrcifc by AA thofc who have :~be7e1€1 ¢ nagbgué, vofl"c:rAin‘g~~%after +%rcad’ing of t7hcA4A*L Law ,' '5“ AANQ1; onely thofc who are to be Mini:-% ~§fl:E1'§.' 4 %V %}Eefz2z‘m~~0”r~P.viflimrda_in~eiI for theapubfiquc‘ “umo Pam! and Afizzrrmlwx to fpca?1k (whom 1:?hey:kncw *not.,Qno’1:.r.~i mcigfimct iimis nit cuili-bet a... % = _; U d%C1iai'€Cundum“ % 4 mgnft1§i'$JAAnAiUéAm%dQ;1o1'um% quam acccpit. “Omnes Difciguli% Euangelizabana Sermesncm Def. 8.4. Beilarm. _Ezzé2j.%Tb27z_.z%. _ no §Aim2g;cth ag_a?ivxfi'+Bev5FMmz'é2e ,, 4:A1;?4?i‘:s?m pimibn »rheM__ P1.fo2c~fl:am_sfl_. s.A1:ha~-givcvs but he might in rAh;m.rgh: were‘ private Vmzm Cafe of Confi *Pr:x~:dicare alin AA uo mode ex, - A re-qauircdw: TAcac7hV.4%Aamd* Preacéh 4gm‘pe1 uAup0»nV~occa"~ W4‘ "“P' 4- "““ I)3:vp»’;-34‘-o~ “A chef: mafoms :1 *I.. .~€A”C21r%u«fE £:£s:‘th;c duty 935 ad“? hw- flii3n5Aas:*«mu%cha$?1‘n,rhacm_lies, wépramotmhje RZ‘ing ’- dam M an»: chcxfcfo re 1: teac.h; a’nhe»r.. B}. 2; A A 2,.ASOm%e:~ e Sometimesicsenecefihrythat menbc corgvinecca oftheir error, and inf£ru&ed¢in the.’ Jtru§_h,ee becfore 2 A e eallizpgcan beorde1*1Vy+tgo.rte{3.e,; 3..4SoAmtim;:Vs thepéo-.~a‘ ' gple wanra Minifie1°.*‘ And far.re11er,e he fajfth, that'0nf’e ‘ may? not only Preach privately,ebucVpgbIiquelyV5 A Withcutafpccial or particular cafl_in_g, and :ha‘tn”eoez In Ecclefia in;-. 0116137 in a Church Ref9Z'mZ.}:2g'.5.f but Lflefarmedg, -an& f*»iW¢n‘3‘?: :i“’ thisetends to edification ifeoraernbeerobfervcd, thoilgfi Ecclefia. etxam e ‘ ' ‘ ’ - e mnfiim; none’maytake,the Minfiery onizhem wichout:‘é paf-2-I " ‘ V ticular”ca11in‘g. W , C A A V A % ‘" Oéjeéllfit l2e”[31z'ci',%tehaey: Ae6t.~8".4.*T/mfia w£zo1?re4cl5»' A A ca’ t/5e wfid were .0ffi'o'ers , bemufizeits mt éareiy e/Me ’ k j H ,1 Ey¢7;eA;:6‘Luro;»Ib€y “P7'€46'Z7£’d, ¢ ém f;évcyePreac'{vecZ tlve 1Word; A A :~ who/7:3 apecwliaz fleet/aof Vtbofi: min are in ofl9ce.; % “.AfifWh. I.Leamed.Ame.c ta'1,4x, And Eva’/migeeg iggmd 4 _mayebc.efaid of fuch afis as are noteaazs of .eOffice.,e as A v A «appears Rm. 10.15. Aéi. 3. 35. andefpecially A e e inch: Septuagint { which Lrzkeisob1Erv"ed byiDi- ¢ A N ‘. 4 - » * vines ,, f *to*ariybonc; ’ ‘ I V Fvinesdtbdhffollofir mQ£7tin.his3ph‘rafe”and fpceéh,h‘ye'a*’to firaightcn bimfe‘1yf”tokeep their wdrddsfory the rGe'n—y-6 lH€’S"ff&kC,f'b ywh¢n"as he Couldb have fh'OthcfyWifEy' ~u1:‘tercdd V A izhings in bemfr tcrmsythen?~thcydidr) has as oxmobuysb E;-f.;',,?“ Ah :_ ‘ might adde unreal} th"efi:, yltdelatazqffzéoifig‘ who faith, " * ‘ Thofcrhat arednot adpzsélicum mam ~vm:<4z2,"i,haJ{rc an ‘ . exprcfs grant to write or reach, by the Apofile, fay»- ’ihg,;To_a may all i2:tcryret,I Cor. 14.451 lammgand th€I'_C—- fore excufes them who doit from running before A they be feat. d A _D:m’1eyFe;zmr faith, The Prophets are xhc chief A ofcheB:rcchrcn appointed by the Eiders to reach or‘ cxhort according to zhhcirgifks :“ find he;-; di{tinguifh- cch ,thcmfrombtl3ofe who intended the Miniftcry, Tbealog. 1.7. c. 7.p.hbrb"5h‘6, I57.‘ _ W 7 d 6 The farm: opinion he alfo dcfcndczh againft Be: my Bridge:y,pag.yI 29.; V _ “ _ ' WA mighcalfoyquotc Mr. B4te:,p.I3g.Mufl;mZw,&'a.h A V A A A Ilhall adde inyche lafi: place Vaetim,who in defence Voyecgus A ; y of the Belgick Churches againft _-‘fanfeniw, who it 1;,“’_§‘fi°” °£ A feems laiydfuch mans preaching to their charge, fays am’ I d this: Somey few .‘W‘ho' before mthcy had any calling by the Church, did any place, by writings, diffe Paucialiq‘-uoh puranons, cxhortationys,» lcéiures, yeaand by pr:é- q$1iW‘=°{“*' ware Prmclxingxkck to rccal men from theirerror by and fin, did not ufurgp to themfelves and Eccle{ia{ti- fiigam alicubi 7 tationibugmd-c « ‘M=i*t1ftery,'burd‘id chamnly which}"4é¢fcwi:¢: 5¢”y‘P‘i$=‘“‘”P”“ “ fflftfiitim Eancedit. dfbefi. muflz Pay. p:zg.7 x. ' grants i5 lawful mefloy. hortationibus, I ; _ _ d y _ V _ y I = le&oribut,irnd ' % y 8: prmdxcatombus prxvaus, bommesab errore 8: peccatq revocarc fiuduerunrz, non ufur~ parunci fibi, minifieriunri Ecclefiaftioum fed tantum illud cgcruntaquod omnibus liccm BY W, 1.. «'4» ' By» an aéppea:sa§41‘¢%a men zca:1‘us*orA Rcfiotmaxim and’ I?r:esbyccri«ailv vemmm£:m re C h%u1'.c¢h= I f ag'eeth:.i£:%j41aWfu;l+f0r\%pri« N3 H-1 " ‘ Q vat: men %%Aco»”o1;r:,n uh: Sx:vip%tmms*- publiqmciyrg, " % that it will be nomefaus oF.Errar,Cm4fufim:o:x+¢ Hmfie ‘(as it’s: flan daze dzyof ‘Ed.z'fi£4t*2onand Prvflrmzaiiazz , efrhacimm A ‘ M :' A‘ 533 a éd