giertaine A'3$chtio11alI.“- REASONS hh TQthQfepre{E11tedi11 h h 1A L E T E R By the N I 5 T E as of [..m1a’0moth€: Afl7.:111hly of D I V I N E s at W («/32 " " min[fer; 1 14:21.16 4 5. Of likeipower and force againfl the mTOLERAT. IO N h 0 F I.7\[’D E7’EJ\(:?)8;?\CCT Together with fomc taken out of the Letter it félfc (of rhofe Miniflers in which their Rcafons are encloficd) which lay couched fomcwhat: obfcurcly. Quas paderc ‘Unit ----demmmt. _ 2 Tim. 3. 9.Tbc] flaallpraceed nofurtlaardut tlqeirfbll} {ball 6: mad: momffifl td all men, 4: t/m’r.r4 nlfo mu. M I{a.4z.x 9. Who is‘ élindt, 614: m} firmtnt? or deaf;-,4: in} mcfl7:}:»— gtr that Ifimt? % E A Ioh.r.:I.48. If wcplatbim that alone, all mm wfll éelmve rm /Jim; and that Rhmam ‘will mm, CW. m A I A Ioh. I9. I z. If than let this mangagvt/you art not C cflm‘ “friend. M 1_ Pet. I 5. Accaymt that the Tolemtian of the Lord 2': _[:.:lv4zti0n. La;m4,3 . Even tfiefiwmanflers draw amt/ac ércajflthcy give flack tohtbeiryaxwg am: A: the daughter of us} people it écmmc cmell, like tbe 0_/iric/ye: in the wz'ld:rm;[/re. .................._._—......._...._ _,_ Lomim, Printédhh for 9271:: Calézerr , at‘ the black fpread-Egg; the Wet’: end of Pm-41:, I 6 4 3, . L‘h"‘h i <2) , “i He. Rea fans‘ .u”ndcr.l t‘hlc.firl’c ii ead,J ‘lJzz,.‘ That tl:e _ .l g‘;’g‘{§;3g5 gndgapgurg af [b6 1fll1,C{)6HLg{672t.J' fl)?" 4.. ., i”7?/emtien , are at itbis time exitreum/y zmflmfa~ “ "7145/64 lien?! prepraperow. A A I . The gap is non wide enough For the enemy to break in upon» us, T/aerefore it i: eat ti/air tmie t.x':tr'4”r1a'el]l xtnfiaflomzélfé and preprepe-%_ ~ ram‘ , to mxkejt up.5}ende47/caring at Talemtian of Independemy. 2.Thc Independent: grcac fcrvicc and faithfiill afliiianccinl the refcuc ofthc Kingdom: near loll, is now Frcfh in every ones eye, Tlyerefareet/M defiree andjflefitdeavourr of ‘(lye Indcpendcmslfor 4 ‘Talemtiarx are 4: tin‘: time extredmly mfeaflmezéle end frelpraglereue. L 3. The State for the prefi:4nt .l'l3Il'l glean need of rht ccimtinuancci of their aflifiance, T/nerefare tbeir de/ire: to rise Statefor 4 Tolerpv.-,e avian are at t/J}: time exfreame2'; dnflrafiédle and pwpraperaue. i . The Independent: have hopcsfqr the confidcracions ritcntioa... ncd,:hat if new they movc,lthcir dclirés and ci1c?e’:w"ours mayffpcrd. for a Tolcration, ‘Tberefbre it it extredmeij mvfe.2_[?»Méle awdprepra» Jaeram for them [9 to due. i % . 5. The Parliament have appointed a Commitrccrto find out a.e way of Accommodation and Agreement between the Prexéfieri- em: and Independentx, and out ofmr large experience of}auriZmlel of Gadeglaly and care be’: afiliéled ClmreIa,nm1 ewrmjfl. endmvzzerere to promote the eompleeti Kefbramtion afit, and ofyaur refld] camar- rence wit/9 m to improve am} meme: time may éefomxd eamlucié/e rm elm eizd; We are pcrfwadcdi through ygull it will come to 110- ~ thing ; Therefore it ii:-T extreametjr amfeafonaéle and proproperom fare/ale A I“ndcpcndcn‘”:s’ to defirei and endeavour el Taleratimz. V 6. The Independent: will not be pcrfwadcd tojoyn with us as ferric ofchc City did in Pc"titioni-ing the Pnrliammnit to alter i,thcire- rule that we might be invcficd with full owcr,and .lhco»iimrufluusl with their Liberty, ‘T-Iyerefirei ztiie’ at rt": me éwtreamel} mafia; ,‘ ,; fomzéle and prepraperamfor tbelndcpunclcms wdcfirei:Md~endea7/pun .4 Yalemtian. . V H ‘ . ‘ lRea;{on‘s under clue fécond head, whirch is, »2‘bdt :£;e2r,1.,~fi}e:_.}»¢zl exelemzzazerrezfrer. Talemtian were mzneeajipxafi/e and unequal! iflldiv-3; i were regzrdr, A A i it e i l M» We arcfitjhc Mejcr mtméer and have the Major parciin they ‘ King; ‘Kingdom aldhcrling to us,even rhea: that have no Religion, T/new-a Qfir: t/1:4,‘:/izfes and:,ndm§zo;::r: ofilae Independents far iaVTolqr.sqtz'on Var? uacqmtll. A ‘ V " A A 7 2. Thcrclis in clxcceding grcatwant ofgodlyl and learned Mi—- 7ni{’c'crs to inflruélthc people in the knowledge of Icfus Chrifl, {'0 that many parts ofthis K«iugdomc mull be lef; dcfiituyc except the 1‘ Ihdapckdentx gbhc itnploygd , fI'_./J¢r,c_fb_re_t,/.7”¢:'ir dcfirc: and cndeqruaurr far Talcmtiénara an:---cafanaélc and zmeqmzll. _ V V ‘I 3.lA Tol_ctatlQl1 ‘flmuld Legimn the lndcpcndcncs witboz4tv4:kz'ng in confidcration ofchcir good férvicc (above fpccificd) if no more, T/9e'ICir2gftt'd wlmt bath buzz dpzzeta Mordccalyfbr tin’: , the Kings’ f:rvmzt.r pad, There is notljing damfor him, Hell. 63. Therefore Mt/3eVInd¢p¢t1de_nts deflru and endeavour: for Tolcmtim an unrea- fozméle and unequal]. ,4..-'I‘hc fndepcnderm are perfvvaded in their confcicnccs;tl1at the ‘Order , Difciplinc and *Govcrnmcm, they hold fgzrth, is ofllcfus Chrillvt , 7/alerefar: t/9¢~ir dc-fire: and endeavour: for Tolcmtizm are ;m2reaf5_n4fiI: and urlcqtmll, ; . V l _ 5. Wm: doe ackzmwlcdge ch»; Inalapandergtt , goal!) and learned Brctln-m,_and finch as Gad1mrhnrccswd,Ram. :;‘4.3.Thcrcforc do ‘judge it unrcafinhblc andumcquaaf HZ) hear: from them of dwelling in;,. unitywwlth ghcm by a l‘1"”lcVv!lc*n2ma:»¢. l l Anldlcliis appcanjss further fmxn thO‘l.C\SCl'lPl'l11'CS, Ramgx 5,1. P/Jil. gm 5,,16.C§‘ G‘./21.6. 1: bqarc one anlolhcrslburthcns,Thcrcfivrr: la Talcrcmbn ix imreafoméle and rtmqml. A Alfo that Mat 9.! g.Guc ycc: and learn: whatthat: mcancs, I Willhavg mercy and not facrifi cc , Therefore the dc/ire: and endea- “ivanrs aflmdqpcndcntsfar Tblmztian , and mercy in the d,ifl.F«:rcr1t n;a;311cr‘olfl'a‘crl'fitc or outward worfhip is unreafarmévlc amz'm2equ.r2l, A d‘zhat’Script»urc, Ram. I 3. 10. Low 13.: the fmfi/Zing of the L4_1v;whicli we preach all ofus againfi the Antz':zamt';.