1'«§.;:.'= A ellllifiléglllll $..El; 4. ae. A ‘fi A A “clifizourfe of . .335: n ‘ V ‘ ’ ‘¢fi__i0 ‘$ '3 A la. = Llberty of Con clence, «:9 l l V figs’ L A »*l A “ l $5’ Wherxn the arguments on both fides are fo equally laid together in the ballance, , e‘$%"e A A that the indifferent Reader may with»- out diffieulty judge whither ficle A weighes the heavier. A ~ .~ ~ . ' . l 317 ByYbonz4:]/I//azt]%ld, Mm1f’ter ofthe A Gofpell. A -Bfim ‘ _ V . . l . V . A .. K. 5" §;.j§_§Pro.‘!.../\~3'° mus‘.-5v__m£~ .||IIla.y' ‘fir’ Difcourié of Liberty of Confcicncc. Arguments proving that Liberty of Con fcience ought tobc granted to all, and that nomrlnr {ht ujld be punifhed for mattérsroof Cotrfcicnceo A t ’ 4- t God alone be therLord of thc corrfE:i~ Avg. 1:; '2 .43’ " ~encc,randto him onely it belongs to make 4 lawes to bindc confciencc; then it belongs 2; it to no man either tO=make»laAw¢'3 , to bindg: if.;;, confciencc orto force a man to do that '=» “'2? which is contrary to the diétatc ofrhis con... A ;. r ”] tx.r«;‘fcie~ncrc,( for by doing thiszhc fhould tlfilrpc power Wiitxthority which properly belongs to God) tttl1eref0rc~evrc:ry+ man rnufl be rlfiftr to the liberty of his =Ac:on-- fcience. A IFitbe%&WfuIl»Forany man to g0c‘argainft~thc diftate of his Avg: 2? Ah confci=cnce,, and doe that which his comfcience condemns (for V * _w/fiat e2hJ}{:rtixtw2ot~rofFai2b, ix fim) then not man ought to enioyne horenforchte him to do this 3 for no man ought to enforcer M anothertor chomm-itfin ; thcrcforemrgry man mufl.‘ be left at li-- » rt berry to dotthrattvwh-ich his Confcitenoét *¢'l1s* himhe fhould doc. A2 If Aigg 3.‘ 1 “gig” 43 .21-rg. 5. _ vert men to God.A The Apdfiles never made uié of force: or A ~ violence, but only of I nformations, iIn{’truc';9tions, perfwafions Ab t to draw men to the obedience ofchriii, A * A A It is not in the power of the M agiitrate, by his zguthotrltytt or A V Jrg. 0 Ah I ~C2) i » V Iflthe Magifitatc fhoulici iptmiih a-Any yymauit {my ygioing that y which is gohodfthis is atihciwtiyontt ibutit is igooid (ma mm to follow the diéicate otiihisiown Confcietnceg He thctefére that {ball inflifi punifl1n1ent=f0,r’this, exercifétth per£"ecutiQn,}?and is to be accounted abperfecutor. A “ f by V 3 Ah1i.terrr:rs are dcfet‘3:s in a mansjudgc§mc_nt_., at-ifing from the darkenefl'e,of his tmderftanding: the way tofheilpe theft is, tightly to informs his iudgement, by pteifcraitiinyg cleave Light and Strength amazon for that purpAo§cfi;;::;ttat;i,A" %7fln‘0‘ttt to of- IV if-ct vioiencc to his will studaf‘I’递tionsAby"'C§i‘ufiii§“Ato .i*L1H‘C&“ Y that which is trouble.-fame to him. It a man be dim~fight¢d by having a. pinnkmd web or} other diieaie in his. eyes, the way to cttret him, is not tptythate himtbut by'aypp1yyingt {ume- dicinesto his eyesgast arefi; torclearc his fight.~A iSo"%fort Aawnan by vvhofctzndcrftandingisfo Fatrt; clmvded that he cannotyfte y the ttuthtoftia deity or the truth of the Scgiypture, a priu fon, of ftripes will not rtducefuch an o_nc, but better-i»nfox~ mation may do ~ ~ ; f 4 A “ I f the yMagi{h~’ate may ufia coercivctPower~f-in tmatters of Re» Iigion, then jaws and Turkesw may be “forced by the fame; A t6 the faith of Chrifi, whereas tPreachi.ngs and Perfwafiohs A and not Priibns and Fines, are the way and mcttnes to cohe- V any forcible meanes that he can lift?» to bring ofi’ rnens minds from any error, to make them be-Iceve any truth, ,or wiIli_ng- A }y to pctforme any duty 5 Nqw all the CVi.”~*.'Whi‘Ch a man-fha.lIA furbearc, hr goat! duties which he: (hall. perfonne, if he « doth not this out of inward principles, but becatryed toit byifaxtei and violence, by feare or favour or any other’ ouztwa rd induce- AA i mcnt,,he doth but herein play the hyApoc:'itc,» and: diflhmbles ‘ withiGod and mcn_.,{o that all the force and tviorlence which the Magifttate {hall ufeto naakc men do i any thing‘ tag2ti;nfi:.itheir Confcicnces though never fa good,orifo1-bear any cvil},'t‘hot1gh new (0 ‘bad; fervts A but to malte them play the hypocrites, ’ A It A (3) It is theVMagifiraAmsA d'L>1t3A7AtbAA c,Ah;erifl1,ALen.c!-ct A,confE:ievncAcs 11% Arg, 7m to a~fl'Z.11:AlAAthem$ T}-‘_leA_pQfiI$?{aiAth§A¢£’;§§A£?Aé Aifiau/£1AAr'4*/9€rA¢4t”0AA fiefly while i/Je W14 fim’ tbérz ogmd bsswegge Em/agi-,” 1 cm'm8,: 13. NOW this 35 W33 grcagaefl °flAA’3”9e*‘h3«tV ¢‘A‘A‘3: ‘5'A9rv°.’3~fe% that bath a weak}: cc:;r1{?’c‘ie;1g:c,. fitb AAbeA f'orcé“;ciy_A_.AtA5AA5c§9¢AAAA§Ii&atA whiiqh, is againffi his ConfcAA'encé.%AAPis ‘for infianCAeA¢;AA?Afoi'_’21}ijrAfifian t;oj be» forced t0 gog to the publike,CongrcgatAiQn 5 Aand,i0yneA«in" them": of publike VOrdizA1aAn<_:ies _., _when his C0nAfcieAzzVceVrgoesr agmmc. A A , “ - This will be a} hmdrance tAo%?tAhAAé% difiztaévery bf ‘many_%¢xce1e Iént tmths,;md the b.AAe skiing Aforth of fuch 116W 1§ghA1:a$ «‘A_;hAAaAthA Arg. 3., A notwyet becne féema: for if mm may not be fmc Afb-ArAA theifA judgexncnts and cxpinions, and have-Jiberty no dec1:.2re«and,, ex- A preife Lhct11’f¢1v¢’:gin kanyncw thing»VVh?A(:h phey havedifiidver-i ed,¢it vgilldifcoL1Ara;g¢t‘heAni fr,A ‘ Tc is Chrifls PM 3, that 2¢A1'r>’}2;i’i z§0éi=AvAk5u1d¢tb4tnze2}fl;az,a;121Ardag,; tr) ;J'.,g At/99 likf‘ we flvonld do toAtbe% 2; :Abt1t,AfA10 manwcypxld tviI1ihg1Ajz§~bc;£6r. \ céd to do that Wh§ch"is Va”g{aihfl4h' _iL1dgeaA1:gnc, *§@nfCi6flC~$~_5 ;~A v I ;thA==re*70t“‘@h4e d1ufi*hotAAdo~mis to “c>'the:%s‘. V A ‘ i ,I‘hc Apmi-Ie faith that shere muflc be Herefics, I car. 11%. 18., A A A A * A 3 % A It \ flrg. 13,... A Iciyinvainéhfihencfore ’tbfir1ve”.againfl: that hwhxch mufi and wiA11‘b‘c,h.an%dAco,Afc¢ke‘to‘hind¢rhthat whi~c1;‘cannoc be higxdred. TI1Ac§:I’ezg;'§gh‘cWpArinEipaII1.arAguméntsforfhe affirrnative part: AA x5tfh'iéha%reI5r9tighthto‘_ prove that, '”I7hatall men ought 120 have . l‘iberty“ofconfcien’cc. Beforehtheargumhenhtsfcirr thencgativeh part beafwroponndedg L A it Willjbe ncceflI'1ryt‘h.athfom¢: “few pofitions be pzemifii-d% cha; we may ‘the better underflqnd in what fenfe, and‘”"‘wich what 11... mit“aht_ionstoIcrauon‘for liberty ofConfc1ence is denyed: which are thef-Ac. "A A A ‘ A A I; It i: granted, That lighter andAlefl‘er errar: may he tolerated andhhame nvith, when grqflje AE1'?‘01'J' am?!’ Hxrefiex, yea Bl.-zjjabemiex h , arena: to “he fixfirered. The Afpafile did hem-Ae with the errour of the ‘I'he1Iai0'zzizzn.r,hnrh0 thozzght“tha:t“thehdqy Chrifi maxhnemm at band. a;Thef. 2. I... But he would not endure thé heréjj nf Hymehneug anJI7’bi“letvuh3A,“ 2219120 held that the refurreffian mu already Apazff, and tAAh"art ihere[nm.r zz0n2a‘ta%cm1;¢é'. z_ ‘Tina. 2,»iA8».hAhut Jé1iWéred'themH‘ zap fohSA§s1fhaAAn.hh A .; A 4 "h A A A V A “ 2,4 That tender _Gonfl:z°er2ce.r ought to he tenderfy uféd; AA hm t'hafi A c2mA hard!) he ihmght to he truebi-terzder, which can takg lihertj H to Atgae again]! cleare ‘and: ‘ezziciezzth lighhth qAf‘Scrz"flpture;Ah M *3. ’That‘th«m!gh men ho/“ii grqflé % dnd,d:zz:gerou: :errorJf, jet Twhile they hancéalrthern @1722“! 1Le¢pe.them to theazhfélvei 2:: their maze private ppiniank,’ they may h&A‘hAomAe with d1l;AA hut i}"hrhey%[é¢/{g to, fpreadhthem *ahronéi, ,;:0‘i7lf6:¢ff‘Abth”ehfJA‘”’W5ihf them; Amid Adraw apart] zgfierh - them, they ought not try hehhezzdured, but to he jézaerelj cmfixr-ed. h 4. flihzzt whmjuch 4.!‘ the‘/7: are cepftred, their pmzfjhment he 11¢?‘ “hcbrVdi2zg‘ta' thir«fiat1gre4%ar‘ :gzt‘;»;lg§gy vafthe ojfezzce, in fhme ' other: ~ -Agrmrér 5“di2d’ih§2 gr¢4té'fi=h2z2fzAZi.highe_[}Apu2x;§{.hrngnt nezzér to he‘ inflificd, V hflfiflrr 0flAw§ef"i1ffh8Ahi:ghefl izéitfire, nmnélyflzch Hcrefie: PM are ac- wovzpavziedwirbslarpberm. h V *5 f1'hzz£i*hi:Abe21o2zéA4ifter %ma‘72jA infhrmatianr, admanitiow, and O . 1., ufl:-~"of4Ilfi:tz'%:gmiekzazévsgfizrrcclqmigzg A4-.-ad reducing them from thezr M 4: ' .‘ A That (5) s . vnmva I u —-——---—--u-- b That ( underfianding itwith thelb Cautions) A °liberty ofConfcilenCe oughtnot to be granted A A I to‘all,lis proved by thefé Arguments» A A following. l l A F the Cenfciences of all naturall men beldefiledr, if fometbe tfearedgt than the Conlfcicncel of thefctis -not tojbe the rule and meafure by wbichthel Malgiflratc is to bef guided in the Atadmi. lniflratidn of Juflice, wh etben ; by {paring or punifhing, but he mull have; fome other rules thefireaflm its, tbecaufe he mull be guided-Abby a lull andfiraight’rule,%t not by a crookedl perverfc rule, filth ,j¢a.s,,.atll clcfilcd and iiearcdt C011l"ciencte$‘atrle. A ' 447$} 19 A A A But théi: thcflonfcietnces of all naturall men are dcfiled, of fometare feared, is Evident by the Scripture. The ’ ApofiIAelfaith . that, To the pure all thing: arejmre, but to the mzbelewimg nothing 5: pure, but even their mindej and confidence! are ldefiled, l‘I"it~. 135 . A tyeat, form are To llealred by cufiomc, and a continued courfct of {inning againfit Confcience, that they havellloll all fence and l Afeeling of finnlela the Apbftlc fpcakes of filch whofe Confcien-- ces mereféared with an bot Iran, I Tim. 4. 2. when the fiefh of at t mans body, or the finewes are {cared witha ‘hob lIron5‘l.AthAe, fence and feeling islofl in that paft. Hence helfpcakes offbme who being pa]? atllféeling, gawethrqmjélwex fotwantonngflé, L107 cémfizit all uncleanneflé xvii/9'greedinel[]72,A Eph. 4. 19, There is feuine light A V Q of Confcience left in every man by nature; but -when th~e?pra~ A vity ofa Corrupt will fo farm prcvailes againfi this light, tllmc 2.9. man goes on in a continuccl nowifc agaiaflil ir,wiAthI holdtihgtlfis lrruth in unrighteoufnefle, tlllm tltmugh thetiull ]ud'gemctlt‘t5f—! A God) he comes to lofe this:ligh;t, it‘ comes by degrees, to be ‘cxtinguilhcd and ,quite%put out. Hencc the B~pdlllTefalitl1 ofchie ‘A Gentila, that bgéaufc when imam God? tbcjyf? didtlzzot him) as" God,-, bell gm tglztm gap, to zgi—le-.afi%&im,a m: 310%» flying!‘ 434- - were Wagglflfl. the light qfnamrt, chlavz lhe" nswmzgat it]; A *uftl:3eA "A jzrongan, and [fumed in Alufi anatrmandamatlaegwgw Arm: wi~tb“5ihm-t-cm» A . A mining 3'“ {”'5"55figfi+5t7?i?¥3_[73'v5.Vand i%thAe%%%%‘Wox11anVV did; zi1%e..-1ike,% Ram. If. 21.; 26,27: Then at mar1s.I‘ig:;htis excinguiflied and 1::'>i¥, when his A Qox1§»¢iet2¢§ W&11»”’a11p§vs,g 1ifi3z§1dAt‘oyc£:%oe~»ati>?%th%"z1k?» A 65% CW1!" Arg. 2., A rupAt%;%mi1-ides infflsw things arealtolgether contra ry to‘ it. * thigfigs 31%~°»“'é1;I“¢%V4i10"It”f«?;ein‘1l3’W%at dAs.%ihci ”5{R041l1c.Af;3cak‘c%%s» “ 4Ram% “-1 23-A ) and canwe t.f’11'7irf1"I{":cw: Co11(‘ciiefi*§éj.éié{%;i1i»iS»cQ%%bE::é%fic4%i‘uIe for V the Magifirate t'(5*b,é guided’ by, for his procéedfmgs in the ad-4 A minifirgtion of Iufiice 2» A ~« . I? thé Wqrdflrnufl be the rule cf a%_II "men: a A :the% M;1gifira“¢es,%4 then: [ :nc)tf otlmr“ mans‘ Gfigifisiénces 35 the rt’-3;f0%1T is, beCauV(}:’thc‘VCon{'ciencejs of ign0ra11¢f‘me%n,~%av11d‘%rf1eh of ct§n'- things agree with,_ Lhe 'Wc)».:d,$ ya in fame 1 Thin: 1:he:I,Wo:rd {is to A be ‘the? rule of every ~r~n.ins a&i0ns is Afieviis ;§dent3f«the: Apnfilc f1ith,t v the *xvbale scripture gjweh of"Gz2d,; M2: ix prqfltilvle inflrufifan Cir: rigbfeaflfitgeflfrg 6,, AV “ IFi1: be % % jprcgfirable and ‘ficted‘Af0r‘rthis purpof-‘e %t< )‘;%?%ini9cz*§*:A<€’c~' men inihe L l.1§:e:d%,tQ;¥1is end. W’/aereVna’t,¥2 ‘right. vxzayg, and given of Godt fz3rt%hisvcrye11d~,¥ ttgemn it mufi bin ,L;¢:vc:ryVmaLxl1‘tnuffthke hécd td the 4 \7\[jQr€:I% *’FO*r :théfr‘i"g}1§:’otdeIfing V «hof his *wa¢yA;: .:ym.:rghis is given incharjgé i:~n”*"a.*7 PéC‘?i(1“' mariner to A ?VPI‘inccsM and Governours, %- Th ;r.t:1tht:7 B Qrjokdj pi? tb,é" We 3 V‘ *«2;13nd that th=e‘y = méa?:aéré‘;ad?;~b¢}’&i}_’2 Wafeflayex nf‘ rhea» V ‘tbK1¥‘;‘iIbl§)’:A'f7It4?}' 1e1xne{:a.femgbé45Lurd; (§fg§21gja1§eep alli/.511 2:5}-2*; I;:_4Ib?',. ’z‘z72d /ai: ardi:z;¢77z7c€,‘"t ‘i*(:°H(_jfe'%‘t./7[%en2",' I7; 19. ” V ” " 4 f;%, :%%,The%Magifirate kmilgfl h~a%=v<: ’a clea re and certainc %ruIc%%t”cH « »“fl频fl by in the asdxniniffi*aciOnA$of uPcice,; ;;cq;nPc_ant; alvfvay onba nd‘ thefamc ; 1 &M%¢f¢i§epVcJ¢s¢cahVno4betwu1a,v.%A:!wc~z&%A« ~fév‘er;gIAI Cout&;Aie:zccgarc% of ;%"fcy§1?a1Lrw£izes~ 3 Iaui Fmw .gh:s” ‘ a§FIdwffij~‘ haéfrgy 3 -i % I1 d yea-filczh a r‘l,lI€'V as: 1%: therefore other mer-ls Con-A “ .l:h&1;;; which anot:herdi;£’a1IbWEs’”;“5 7 F@rfl9e1tVi§fi€s%‘ ffémdwin 3 p0iI1ts?d'ire_5’cl y A ogipofiwbfifioa 5 ¢5C1k§: A t;§M»fie~7f’.>b é§~r»fifiY kiiwlgdj Fa me A % A € €dz g‘<;‘n"e:sm%ga%ifrfl’€ ' hearts AA9f% all; l1nrcgen‘e~rate%%;%%%;m»E‘h %Lb*c*i*r*igTLi*l1 iof'“Hypocrifie5 21413 4 A A - ‘ V Adeceir. Etions, they-$1 of ‘ % % V % % flmlg gt }'oxp'zg_m.z1gz clegnjé/,’2iJ,m§y Iglkéflgkkafi t3Exerég&"m:c;ording%»tugtlay &:v:furd,—'Rfi;I: ‘I’ "19. 9 t*‘ {is fpokem ofi» i‘%V;:youVng mam“bE1071gs’%*4»%.€é;éver§,? ’r’1:12m5 thergfdrve ~ .V%%wnd:mér;hi4ghIy arr- : rovlngfqthagw. +NwAl*1wh amo=c>hé: 9&b‘*h*’o" i‘3r"e”s§jfi 3~*déep1yf’~de~te(’c s; r 3 ’ n‘t*ci%;a4éee;V fdeceicfu1I_ah0ve all :hiAnga,“they may eafily pretend that fuch or fuch things are againit their” Confcience, when indeed it is not their Confctiexxce, but their corrupt wills andeAaFfe&ions there {hmd inoppofitibn again{tAAthem.A* , N A _ . , The Magifirateis the Minifier of God, and God hathspfut _, , theASwT0rde into his hz’m.d, to the end to take ve7zgea2éce,and ¢ execute mratb upm ti9em,tb.z:dr)eewiI1; therefore he mun: not to-~ A ‘ie1‘.iAt€fL'lCh,‘R0m. 13. 4, A A A -A A M A e Thaeeteetpdh‘o1d and nmintaine greffierrors and herefies is E 9w -1-‘. » qgvili, aphpeares , A 1 Becemfe fAa1fetea.hChers are called ez2;'Zlz*vorI{§zrx,PhiI. 3. 2. and thofe who bid finch God Afpeed, peerage of I/o_eir“e7Jill deedi, 2 Job. 11%.‘ therefore their deeds in holding and fpre:-.idAing fueh%edo€*crines,are evfisi deeds; and the Chmch mfAEplae_fw his A I ce)mmAe11ded for not bearing width t/mt are will, Rev. 2, 72.» A ( fpeakizzg eff-‘alfe teacherzék ) 2 Hall the truthsof Gad be g0od( efpecially ftmdamentall m1Lhs)_then it iishan ‘eVil‘1,.¢fi;iiI‘g to econtradei<.‘?c and oppofe 1:hem.qgVVh0can deny it t«:;«ee’be an evill thing to fpe;;1keagain1A’r, and,-feeke towoverthrowe .themc>{’c cleare and evident‘ truthe of hoIyeSmiptuhre?§ x A y r V“ A V. M _% p 4;; Sinne being atx*a:r1fgreffionAof the Law, allr tranfgreffions u. e of theL.-v.W are evilla fimies againfi the firPc%’Tab.1e, as Well as a,ga‘.infi:heAfecox1de; i11iurieseagain{?cGod, as Well as wrongs to our dnheighebourg Now it is an injury to;God,e to deny any of the truths pf h is“ho1y Whoed 5% ea great imuryfto Chrifi, to deny ei... ~theAr his NARtLlf€S3,.OmCCS3 orfany of his~eeA&iox1s which he hath done for the gm-od of man; therefore_the deniall of thefe thin gs C which Here-ticks are Wont to doe) being dire8c breve- A (~:he$~aga7iI1{’r thfi firi’ceTabIe, are evills cobe pLmifl1ed”by the M;agiflx“atc, as well as Ache breaches of the fecond Table.-,,other-. ¥Wife A1'1C:“dOth not difcharge his duty _.,e and performs the %Office ¥andAAworke charged upon; him byhGod hinafelfe, I namely, execute Wrath, and take vengeance upon‘ them chaise doedevill. ~ e “ A A e AAA j The-: Magifiratc gmglltnot to grant‘fi1chAa toleeation as is"Arg;.;5.AMA deP:ru&ive‘to the n1o£’cAefTenti,ag worke of the Magifiracc, and’ A A A A W A A the A1 Tim. 2; I ‘$.29 ‘ M M I A. A A A:o=be%Aof0rzeAA mi‘ A i } a%gif{rates5 Ab{1tto3the ..%AngeIs¢AA%<§f theChwmches%. A AA A A AA A T;me,.then lzhere was‘Ano.,Ch}ifliaVn Magifl}at.es,and:.here—~ fbre it could notbe Fpoken to tb,cmA; but} this did concerneé the A ,CI;:rifiEanA MagiPcz'ate,AAa:1d%A zAher¢ForeA%was%tO“ Atake; Ap1Aa‘CcAAA Awhen thcAAChu:‘c%h ‘came,tolmve fuch, whenAG¢»ver:1ogrsA:AVcame A A1 A11. Becaufi: Athé NIag%iflrate.VVougfi!:s l'1btyl‘tO‘,y".y coleiiate Vfifixch Wham the Church~:Ajufily%cex3furcs, .A to fi1fl'"erA fuch evills in the Church for which mar: are}u{fly C3.‘fiS..Q!.1t of »thgAAA_Church, audAdeli{mx*ed11p to Sat”hanA 5 for how then is» AheA~a. nurfingfa-—4 'cher toxhe CAh’u;*c AA hpwi thfen are thofe two great Qrdizxmces M gi{’craci¢andlVT1'nf1°crymutualiy helpful}, ax3d~iub~15m*vie11£ each cc: othersias they s*;3ugh4tA%to be. ' A A A A A A A 2AT&I~Iow%then isf AtAhc:%.I\/I3~Az‘§ii1z'accAA czzfiox u:x2u,gA«me ..t;zb)§Le ?% Ahlovfi clpfe ye‘/V211,, a;1dA tauking Aorder tha?t pE:9ple» mayA {under¢ him in “afi1 Igod1in¥AeflI=:V wand hAone1iy( as fore was fheAwVc;d*A) if heAfi1f% AfcI.‘sMthefu15pIanteus and underminers of 5111 Agodmxcffe ~m.A«~;doe A 3 If the%Magifl%z"at;c;Afhc)uId tolefaté .fu<;h 'as;V%'""tl;1e AChy'u.x*ch"is;s bound to; c0ndqmm:4ax1d ’c2.Pco ut, fl1iS.WOI.'1Id caufe perpemall jarrcs aAn_d»di{‘corc1 betwixt ChurcAl1and%Sta.t¢, Cixiill and Ec-A-A cIcfiaf’tAiqu;: G0vermrmn|;A_,Abetweexxe which" AtI;e;jcAQ1JgIu; mbe rs. 3. Afwggg harmony A and agree%n1e&%n%t,A ‘mutually A£°uppA_o,rting and firengghcxfixxg eaeh othcrg, AA A A AA A A IftHo“fi;AthAat troub1,e the Churn A AA A A_o£F, _1:henA thszy, opghyz ;no1:% wbgtoleraced ,=,;buc‘the Apoflle A prayes h by 1-'a»H 'e dbcfirtim 0Ligi%1t%»t0¢~be’ grafies .th.’a”t.mI?u4cl1; migIi.t§ be Qffi %I‘»%"W&wA1dnhgr:::3f’W"”’€?fi~”.1E7E*€”*““ t:;éoz;Mb%_¢'¢_}zon3,.;C3;a§l. ;5%.;, 2 gfpeakit1g;dffa%l%fewteaC%) 6‘ES%%V)‘fF«Wh‘«'€'h€~f4i “this r:t1t;ti11g~0if7_b;c by.=;§1Ahu:hd:tii?c%ei1furés, or!ho'W:ever’i.tA%b!E;5§~5€‘ , M E. e“3”cclMa.n;l4Aes a1¥1\Lcq1‘cna,iti‘QI1 a~nd= %a11o‘wanc¢A bf ~t'i.1‘c’:h. jg: , Ljsfigh e1;dm.y,df ; %alII% CLO I999 xlfq t_7j1«lt{J~: C.[tC)7l1fi1%A:£1;uw:n1€«3.i16SI Arg. mg:qb§‘::a%im1gaav11%d;’pnglgxvhin V)._z*zm:1‘ %z1at_ta%fe£lit5:;,P.irov: .=2~v...* gsgaief; my wine V izatl9i2zg,:2gaz.i7zfl.gfrggtbg fiift/2:? ¢zrza,rI2;.:%2‘~.;Cox~;;yhutifithm % Magitfréitfs fha1I~giVe%Iibc;:1*~::_y t0"‘eV6“[“y man §;hat..W§fl,‘tb-»._j?¢5Pf£ poifi. c:0ntwr~ad%i&,:%a}t:d~c;ry £io.m1Ve;cIea;ra~Mand evident tmthsffof N i-3«:.'ri_pu.11,:, e, %t%i1§,;dg>3z3g Qfthjezis n%Qt:¥%for the z:mt.h_.,A but a gain1Pc=Ai%t.;é :;+h i,g ;fis%?nQt,;:.r't % buyi in g;:V1bmr;;a Jifiii mg, a A-wgrl tmtary It t*cing:%%AV‘Agrcm“» offi . ; If:~it%%»b*e%?unI;iwfuH£:51' g2§‘w‘.M ¢1 hate Ihis.rbVr()‘dA1m*§=L}%it“$34 Arg, Lg; l1-l1}“&Wfil‘11fQP him~wt0 1?"l;1ffl:rw.1.§;r.€1;a?:nl: 2» ufpcm 4him5r~f'or% Atim?£E:*%%tWo%‘a%z'e ~ j=c;yx1V‘cd%ccj>'g:e%ti1er asAcompanior1.s,4‘ or the, %0m: bcingnas aneffeé} A 0fth;e%otI1e'z‘;,7?l9.m[Imilt:.?zotA /Jxrazt/,}{9mt£7em tfay. 7'1mz;%r,, bm re--4 (2Mi_nzrpMinI,y,%¢au.¢;Z, eagfiifigfikrsyfzzrzc ujgm him, Lcvvwg u1;9w:7;,;> ‘or hot! fufihf him t‘<>,1:i1*1,rrew( .5194 ciié gld T‘1_%.I1{17fii i~.:»;m 1‘f:’a“'k21Sjt.g:"+)J %HeVtyha‘ 1:3?» A , dath neithe "it; 'Ag-rants ;a' *t‘oIer:ici0nA V to %h%i;m;?c<)La,d~<:ze xh*anM/g1a%eréby ~heW13nnes,$4¢h‘e”‘ *fl:“ffe%rs4. fu ch angonwé A “ I302; fi.n_;2’m , filffens ,fimneA~%Aupo11*%$him:;5 %y%ea,«he %fuffe1*s%‘fitn««:hA :ndcA?%or1~Af¥ V \ ly tofinne hinlefelfcg but to d;raw%vz;;cliem:A~%to%;1rrhc?elikeA»fixxine;.:11-Ie-iii? r¢fie being1¢ike at Cankc~;t'%tIiac% cafes ‘in; and fpread-mit~f%‘Ife¢ from (me pm t ofxhe body at) =anoth¢er;,%%2;.?~im.A 17. Howdothw A “ the Magimate tal£c%«carc;of the weI%Vfa%:1e’o'f%%4theOlrzxrch, rWhe~'ri='i hfi f3Jfi‘1:*»i%5 it to; be Qvwe fp1ffit:.,'4'c1%«;3%£.?szi.n%hv{i;Ichx'Err0ufis: &hd%°??~Heme1§¢$§73 _ U1 34: A at V1‘ikm Ghnkem %and -4~G2i'ix1Vgr*ém1¢s.;:; as%~'%%dafli?ui&iW fail» -thfi »i%a1ficety*and W€§U.;’B6il1g of >i»r,rVé%%a*afi:the{eéA“fie «t0*t:h’é ”;’11*e'aii:Ii<*” ‘ am}: WeI Fa1*e% 0f%th,e ,~b0d;3’wP‘ 2 - ' %IV4Vmkewhzzt%Lis tl1eAdiIcy%§0f%gwoodBarents andAM;g‘flcrs iI'i_t'he’Arg~ I I A = rig;E1cgove1~11i11giof their F an1ilA§e.s!,4¢.;is; «m cfggliiiyn of z:;h%éA%:ChiEii?i:m§v “ ‘M a%gWF&.v€ $4 ; in .1 7g0Wc%%rnin% gztfbe: %:%%mm£’i%1(im ~§=;Waai#Mi%Va 5*" ibibit ii AW and; Ma:.fierss*dughc ta l&eep.€r:3:Aheir.:»@ W;dAi#crn:*n.3§em'xi‘m85fr'®fl§l being puyfonc-d% with daingc mus**Ea l"0tlI‘S gfaindf‘ =Herefle§5 .‘{"a%sA« b€‘*‘l'ik’¢ to »C;1nk"e1fs»,a"ndA ' Gan-grehesg 'tfi;‘B1*éfore%:: gc,_h.é ‘M,a":é§~ fizratcfmught ikcxN»ife?A4to?§:Ia .axihc.é%.»'f'aime5tI1.i;n%g"me?:fi;a,fét§y zof cm» ‘ M ” “ B3 A »ChurchgV! 1 l me ~ flleerebe’ancll.Gomlmon-wealth: elm. Pfalmslfl profefleth, that . no aleeeizfwlljcvegfim flymld dwlelll in lair baufé, ehec he who telletb Iyexjbmld 1'10? ¢31?iaW?9 liiffig/at, Pfal. In 1.7. falfe teachere are called by the Apallle deceitfuzfi .~:m2r1z\eru-,‘ 2 Cor. II. I3, and fucb are called alfo 5:-army, Revel. 2. 2, yea, they are the lworll kinde c-zzfhllyare that ‘diere contm~dei&._and opofey yea leelsze to cmafuee andloverelemw tbe mall ale-are and evident tmtlae bl Scripture“ « A be fl>'?g- M» It is the duty‘ Ofelia Magfllrate ta follow fetch‘ Precepte anal Paetemee as are bem {arch in holy Scripture ; but the Scrip» ture holds {arch many precepts and pattemes for punifhing fimlee againfi the fixtll Table, as well as the fec:on&.;, therefwre the Magillrace ougbe m follow tbcfe. Thee the Scripture holds furtb commawfle and examples for punli-hing Trazafw A grefibrs of tl1efiell:'l‘abele,, ( and in particular of fzalfe Pmw plxets ) is evident by many places. The L0 r& commands three falfe Proplzmblfbould be put to death» Demmrzomy 13. 4., 5“ Biwfilbemerr, Levie. 24,. 15. Idalaterx, De:-m._17».4, 5. .S'alb,et/an breafierx, Exod. 31. 15.. l Ajh, j%/aoflmplaar, Hezelglzb fofiab, exercifed their authority. in puniihing abufes in the Woirllllp of God, and letting chinge arlght in matters of fiellgion, a».n& are conamemded form 2Cl)rom I4.o4.3.S, I7. 6, 7.. 39; 3.. to 10» 33. 2,3. 3.3.. ;7_;,if 4. ’ N43“-=!3~2I Nebefiziab pemifhed fuch as bmlte the Sabbath 5 and in the fuurtl-I Command the Lard gives charge, that the llmngere within our gates lbould not be fufiered to breake the Sab--» beach; which charge muff needs belong to Magim~atc:s- By all which it appeares, that Magifirates are boundl to take care there be non violation of the precepts of the firfl Table as well as of the fecord; therefore not to tolerate all manner of Er- roars and Herefiee, which are violations of the firfl precept in the firll Table in a high degree. A ' Againfl this Argument fame Exceptions are brought, which therefore it will be needfull to anfwer, for vindicating 0f the math and firength of it. 1., The Commands for punifhing falfe Proplaetsg and othere of like kinda were branchce af the judicial! Law, which be-» A A bélongéd ;t§cm>* the A for punifxhing théAfeAis perpetual]. do1a.ms,and;erormgdaburesind VA wk ‘ ctcd that thefe Kings Wbre typegs of ‘ typical!’ g an»d*rhernfore%=én1oyneAnot imitgtidty, Jews only,%Aj1m:: (if ‘the morall, which bglgixgs A Although she 3circum%nt%ial«sAVoFA_th¢”’judiciaII law ( as,;ma.n--- net; Akifid, place J0F—puniIh”rh¢enAt andfuchlikc) were proper to the ]ews,ycc4che fubfcancqe and commozji equity bf chem belongs to aII:,for,; A A ” A A % An . x%A'n1c ruAbnanc4eo£:11ena isceynfimeci by Chfifiafid hiSA~ poiflesg, as Wfiien ChTfif}~*faith% 5. It z'.r mritterz in your jL41¢r‘.,~; tI9.zt'.tEe iefirimozzy oftwo -zév£tr2e_flI:ufiiJ true; fab; 98; HI and when the Apo-~ %fiIeAfa%itAh, Tboraf/oaltwrzot rizzmzell t/oz mmt_la of the Oxe, that treczd¢- etb amtlaecbme, -1 Tim. 5. 18. :upp1y'ing this to the maintee mace ofTeacheArs-‘ A A % ‘ V ‘ “ :2 The punifhmcnt; fo%rb1Aa(P%hwen1AyWas?to .infli&:d;,;%%‘no%At only upon the Jews, but nhofe Aalfo of‘ other Nations. A; well :Abaflra71!erAa:% l9etImA'£i.r borne A572 t/:2e¢Laud A 3. Where thc‘cau£A‘cs and grounds ofany precept are perpctpgg A ~ all, Vthene the thingit felfcia perpecuaIl5but»tbc%car..zfes of ti-L nifhingblafphemy, “ I_do1atry, 81¢; namdy Gbdsjunicem V 13011,. neffis,gIory,ancl0tharIikc”are%pcrp¢tfiall; §b§Arefore the rule 4. %Th¢ reafon which GodHhimfi:1fe gives, why trangreffora _ V AA % ‘L 3% 22215232 be blajfibemetb, f ‘V fl2AallI2e pmlto deatb. Law.» 24.. SO f01‘IdoIatr§f. Lew. 20. 1 . of tl1e«fi:fitablc ought to be punifhed,-, namely becgm (Tegalfie Pro-5 A plow turned men away, fiom follawihg the %Larc1At/J,ez'r » em:. 13, A . . A/174rd: b~at_Aotber.r might beare andfigrga gzgd dog flu: more fuch % ~ wickkdtieflfh. xic-":1-:feA.% 1 Ai is of the fameif”or4ce now asA‘i%tAwas%then,- therefore thepreceptmufl: bcof 1he fan1e force 5 1'0 that though‘ A the :.;%cc¢:fl'oryes of this‘ or othgr like commandsma M bmbro~ * fa g&a‘tAed*, yet th@77fi;1b{fal1C§‘ hA*9IHs ~fiiIlA%in yfqrqeg, 1n“ame1‘y,“ W%t”h”a%,1z{7x:11g Magmrate Vaughn rdA~4pu»WMuc Offenders as was %cha;A their punilhment be agccmrdinfg J 4 At”bihe13_a%it11;:fé and dfzlgreq; gfr f-the - I 0 . . . Agaiwz1fitl1e&exa{nj1pV}esQfthofg oodrfimgfi Ex¢eP,_m 't AA *6 woriffligof. Gad, is sm- »ar::dth?eir7afiions A Though f:1’e2se/Q12/aatid}'0fiw/2imight b‘etypés _.; M how =~ Ex¢ept.3A: Mm. 5 A :‘:‘3l‘C?11 AA 3 ~wm%@;:¢ A ‘ W “M-"AA m,) W A % Kings AAA ‘ A‘ A$AAAAAAA AAAAA A AAAA‘ ‘AAA AAA AAA Aa~mpA‘ 51?‘ AAAAAA AA AM AA I ‘ 0 H _ A A V rt g . yettfmfc are co.rpmended f AA ,. ,,;. ‘ A;A1I1,‘-KS are . {V ‘ &::_. LTMW A0 ii;zAIa”A_;f;*A“21ndc:iA:§;he14 . ‘ ‘ 3M0 ‘ , y -M ‘ “ “ ‘ ' U . ‘ :34 ‘ A ,, - ‘ , .44 , w n ‘ ’ “A ‘ 2 7;,’ ‘A A z A . A AA . _ V‘ -. MI)? \ ‘ ,9 " , ./wt 4 L. V we J 9, v “ H ‘ H «W W ‘ 3''" '”u‘ ‘ ‘ , ” ‘ . " “ y -' “"' Vt My “ 02$‘ 4?‘ ’ »‘+. ' '1‘ ‘ éuA:esAAin Atlhg oIdTAePcaniAcI1ta A‘A5A%fi%f ‘ A ¢wm%m , %they Mffifin om T‘r1éisV‘§b¢v“pér£o;smethe 1ike,a axons. “ I AAAAA AAA A AA A AA AA A MA ‘A A A A A A AA A v ,- ‘A .,,. ‘_._ ""' V ,.,. V i F ‘ %$,‘1I'iAA1.,,f,h. fiI};I}€3»fl4gA3.I11£?¢~“thfi Iab%»leupn Jt;hei¢.,g;ruI1ds o, V W M A AA¢=‘§A3 Ak1{‘€5{!3AfIAéj.A’ §1b¢Aw ivvich, Dapid ‘ %t(_)A r2~;f]2efI' “via 41! Gad: 0mm4"dmA@4»tr4A*And Kings cQmmanqd% 17to+ mA A 17%‘: ‘*fA§54“f114£’;g411 tbadaggqr by .«, £1‘ 1.4% V '1’ M “ : ‘ .P “ k ‘ at 4 N fgyéh hfiA‘miTAit&;§*M\ {wf1e,w%0%:gnyV;er morall; duty 5 M yea. w%“.;“W’«‘. Aw‘ ,:‘ .g‘,,,; ’ .15.’ u M-« M‘ ‘ ‘ > a 4&3? ,t1}};§ %r$&&[91% » 4% L i f A A A A’ A W A AWI'£It‘t‘él14 M as», A i “Y A . éztlowlf re A ‘W A. ‘A, ;_. Wm,‘ A”A" AA -euF> ~'iw$ \_§uu~—= ‘\Wtn“w‘r ‘ W M . ‘ ‘ .. AHA 5%; N», .r&w Hy.‘ H‘ ‘ I ,‘ M» M‘. ‘ g; ‘ gw . ,* ‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘ «E 9, A AA M: 33‘ MA "AA ~ A ' A M An‘ A’ 4 “ ‘ ‘ n \ AA , AAA A! V. as 1 “ 9* A ‘ »ir ~ ‘ . w-, ‘ « C 3”.‘ \,.»,\ Mk‘ ‘ ‘ 4, mu A~ ‘WA ' '“ 1'‘ w 2;’ ‘,,- ‘ ~. , , . V; ‘ '27, ‘ N ‘ I ‘ . 3.7;‘ 0, 9 , , I .. ‘I . ‘e ‘wwv Y ‘ ' 79-., ilé E‘ 7'3‘ A A ‘ tr ,5 ,, « WA " 1!» , E >. M v ‘. he:WAQr% mp? AyfA%t'liTé4v%céIves M A an and Beghm ” » 7 V V V7@imvow,e;x A % - 4 W 4 bemiah; - H ‘ U113 Of “ H A .~ <18 %th€n Chri,PciapA‘magi{fraces are bmmd 1.A’1A5I1f7£h_é like ; A 3}-fichrifilan magxflrates mufl: pun1fhw7fit1§gaga1nfi;he_4fe:c0n<% %b1§%9Wr°£19¥? £0!God,%dand&Az¢aIe?f0r mu they A A d« itbe ; 33113 WY ?‘1!%A§%!J1$Vdu%£ies «Wqt1ired* in A;;.A§!3FiPf£§”Ac of thej%»AoId~V -**‘h;“‘, w»trsfAyin%g‘%».amTwers* %c%o.r{A_ hgis g1V0f”Y :5fi w!;:V11.<‘:;fr1A they A n rtxagiflratcs mm} puni 4 y%%nuti{‘€A7r9uAiiiFr: V finn’4esi§'4azi3infi the firfl 4. Table upém tiié¢fi=m‘0U1*ds %‘a1To,E$’eca"uE:tHeya”re."wicAh¢ADavid to *h»av’é’%%Ar:.~;fi:3e';S§~%¢@ ;g,¢lAl AGc:ds ”Cumnz.:m¢Irnyezz_At.r.And“ Kings ,a.re~ cqmmandqd to Ar¢adA inptbe baakg,of’;G?dr%14w 1aA4W9e 4968! of their life» t1Mtf"9<9a;mw} kaeré .411 ~ r;B3I' "‘i,?iF§**s‘“¥’i1 t1i¢i,i‘«~‘~?*?r~'Tr1I21r:e*1¢,, I19Ht’b%n%da%%fIgs»i%ra Pun-iflv zng fifl11V€$$i"gi1I,1fi,th:;'fecM1:1d%Tg1ble5_AA a&iio‘4n»§»*‘: Qf I ‘prayer, hi1V:niI:it%1t.io_11 fok~Afi1‘=:r1a%,AA0yAAgnyAQthgrrmorall duty 5 yea Except.3'3 55423 ‘ A74‘Wo ih’*aA tyfpi‘Ca‘I'Im§Larid~ this[waY all the duties.4r€‘qtIired%4in i‘§pFi;pm”“T‘c.. Ace c be T¢1*d“W¢I1FdnwighA W» WéI’¢ftXP¢”84s%dAVt»F}e§tAA’W&A;‘e,giw; ;9;%qr4;.;V%r;P3ca1%1 ApéQp1€a*w%-;a‘nd. AAwri;xe‘n ’ 1! r K E: W n A5tiqn§4m%ectIy4At acw;l%Vare m1y.ana fimP1Y%reIa'ted w'i5h0iit addition pf %Vcomn1c:17:d‘aticm4 o1f7repreh€mfi0fi ‘afi A “theifc‘h‘rL;%. “ ‘A M -~ :4; ‘ : :1 :4 * 3* :4. ma Ex; % % “'“7*‘, > ‘ M. ctiia m A,, A . A !;~7im€S,.?%th¢&j“ Old .',I‘¢{hl,-9 " $5. RH %«?§f%!f?;@%‘VGMsy;ww§A 4 4% A H‘ A Nd? ’fcW$‘V‘f‘<‘3rwt,he w6rfl1i‘ of chi-"cafilves ‘ W flu , ‘ ‘A ‘ -‘ ;";“ *’“'-‘{"‘§ ;AA“§5 V 1“ ' W u,‘ » m m - «X be1,tIi am and Bet m taking 9f ?1EPé1ng"eA Wi%¥¢$a5 .:=tAhf¢:,V.b1fe,,1ch ~:the% :SaAbb~ath, Ayeaw the ; V Wh01*¢"¢0venAant, C;%m€A#l3#Adar~ith¢rea9hof4@h¢irp0W¢1‘and 10" «fH3fi§Y$i 43:3; V3PP€3lF¢§g,i¥} the ,@:;ampI¢¢dd®fi VE-‘Wag AsNe/vwzia/7» fiflza _’?‘77"/;’]7W* I and ’0thCtS tliéfe AL exceptions: A tI1Aerc4f0re zjfeeme rather to bp u M _Arglu:nen$$tV. A A A A A F Wthefi: aI‘¢%%~A4Cd”:rpmended fdcfcroyiug aw lwrgx ” when fAhAifcs,»gh¢An "fatisfyiag AanAfwers% co». the fore-goinlg A rs t It is ifnprintcdxxpon men by natut'e,tthat there is a God, that this God ‘is t he vvorfhipped and honoured.‘ Hence all 4493- I 333 “ Nations have worfhipped fome God or other, and embraced ‘ fometl-¥;elirgi=on or other. 1N either would they fuffer the God which they worlhippeed,.to lbe:b“1a.1@ohetI-red,and the Religion whichthey obfizrvecl to be fpoken againflfite beingabhorring to nature,8Caga‘in{’t the law-of nature,that this lhould be to- V It-rated.Hence heathens t,ha,ve punifhed Atbeifl: and lblafphe... Miners of their Gods. Socrate:5Theadoru: andfome others were tptit to death for {peaking fomething againfl the Godesshall heathenebe fen carefull to maintaine the honour ofttheix: falfe A Gods 5 and fhall Chtiftians filffirt wrong to be done to the tmeeGod ?That his name.” fhouldlubc blafphemed, hie wot-~ {hip derided, his molt {achredlandl holy truths, which in his wordhe hath revealed, to be contradlifiedland cryed down, _ and this tolerated, and the Aétore ofthcfe eville to gotcha- V pvay unpunifhed? Shall the foules of many people beliudanw gated, byllbeineg poyfoncd with damnable A errours, and n“~o- thing done tOhind6[‘ it? may we fee thofe who are nearefl: to us, drawne into the way‘ of etefrnall deflrulfiion, and" fraud Bydand lotdkeon P (faflith l\/Ir“. Burreugbe: Iran. 1?. 24, ) " Théfe are the prlnclpall Argumentsbroughteforh the neg» l ative part, namely thateliberty "of Confciencc ought ‘A not to to be granted to all 5 {'0 as ‘in matters of» Religion, every man may hold and maintains 5 yea hold fotth to ochmj what he~pl.eafet-hr A ” M A The indifferentfieader they now ‘judge tVl7}1¢thcf[5art,na;n.. ly thofe for the affirmative or negative, carry thc.gre;u:e{l l weight with them. And the latter feemitig to fway the baI-- Iance, it followes to be confidéred, whether ‘ there may not l he a fatisfying anfwer given tothe former, Anrwer (I6). oavcu-4- ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ "' _ " _ _ . . .- 1 A vw-nu A Azzfzver A to _h the .}:trg;mze2zt.r — for 1 the afi ’ A ‘. ifEm24ti=ve_ pzzrah _ A A e O the firB:arhgt1m.e&mt that itbeiongs to God aloncto Aflfm :1 ttnaeke Ia'wes'to bin'de‘Co11fcience8te. the anfweris, ’ Q: 9 ‘ .. ‘ That the MagiPcra.tedoth make no Iawesto 'biTndeCont- . -fcience, but only enjoynes men to doe that which the law of * God requires, and reftraiues them from doing that Awhich the law and wordof God forbids, and this is his duty to doe, namely,-, topuniflt finneg alldfinne and bfeachesh of .- ‘Gods_ Law, whether it be in [ matters of ,Do&xine ‘ or Praéhfe; do 1 A A " A , ‘ T0'the fifcond, fthatmit is a finne, for any man to do that ‘Which is againfi his cAAonfcience, and therefore ‘that the Ma» A gifrrate fhlztll make ehimfin, .2_'aw.-.7 ' A I A. Anfw. 2. ~Th.e anfwen is, ‘That in the aft of him that hath an er: roncous Confcicnce, two thiiigearc to be confidered. I; The doing offueh a thing as the law and word of God : requires; ‘ A _ A _ A 1‘ V . ‘2 The doing of thieagainfir.h'is‘Confcience; , Thetfirft of theflehis good, and this onely the. madgiflrate A enioynesg the other hc_dot7h neither enjoyne not intend. Of the firfl, heis care/Ezperjé, ‘a true and proper caufe : ofthe fe-”-3 c0nd,‘heisAor1_e1yea:ufa}*2ee”‘1'accidem, an accidentall Cau{°e,*_it_A being,praeter.fi:ope_:m Aefiicientir, befides thefcope and. intent of ‘ the magifirate, that the manhin doing a good’ -thing fhould A doeitagainfi his Confcience; and thercfom: hirflfelfe one» ~ Iy, andnot the *‘magifira~te“ is bla.mewort.hj7 in‘ this aétibn. This may be further cleared by an infiance or two : Sup- pofe the magifirate hfhould enjoyne a Fuperfiitious Papiftto takethe, Image which ufually he prayes before, and breake A itin pieces or cat’: it into the fire, this would Vgoe againfl the A t~Don5i'ciente ofthe Papfft, but it would he no finne in the ~ “ A A ‘~ ‘ A Magiflratcg ' L 17 ‘I t i j . AMagi(h*ate ;“h"ecaofe iris the comrnand of God, ihhat’in't«i- ’ agesobeing infiruments of Idolatry fhould ‘he’ deflzroyed :' and this is the onely thing ‘which the Magifiraote comrhands, " i and not the doing of it egainfi his confcience, that is "his gowne fault only: Who ought to have he Confcience better i‘ infotrmedyand not to thinke good , evil}; i Take another Inftancc 5' God enioynes men to prayand call upon him : and this is the duty ofeveryman,’ it being is a part of that homage and honoutwhich ‘ he owes to God 5. A yet when 21 Wicked man prayes, he finnesgfor the Sacrifice of the Wicltged it an alaominatim to the Lord, Prov. 1:3-8.” Shall we V faythen that God is the caufe ofhis finne 2 he is indeed the proper ohufe of the aétion, becaufe he’ commands it, but onely an accidentallocaufe of the finfulneffe of it, that refit ohnelyin the wicked man himfelfeg. becaufe. though heebe bound to pray, yet for want of faith and other graces, when ever he does itg, he does it finfully abuts this is not Gods fault who commads him to doe it, but his om, :who.wants grace to doe it in the rightmanner. .: So it isgwith the Me» gifirateg when he commands a men to doe that which God icoinmands, though hedoes it finfully, for want of a right- ly informed Confciegncet, and herein appeares the mifery of him that hath an erroneous ConfciAence, which way foever A he 7i:urn‘e$ himfelfe, he is Catt into at finfoll {hate 5 if he neg- leéizstthe duty which God requires, he finnes againfi ‘Gods if he doth it, hefi-ns a'gainf.’t his Confcienceg. but it is his ownefault that he hath fuch a Confcience. ‘ 7 A A To the third Argomenjt, That it is petfizcution to put»- V ifh"men'f01f not doing that which is againfl their Con-V fcience. ~A A \ ‘ A A A A A A The anfwer isias before, that the Magifirate doth not A”f”"+ 39 puniih any man for following the diéiate of his Confcience (this not being the thing which he fctikcs at ) but for fol? lowing wicked opinions and pra8cifes,for oppofing neceffa-go try truths, for maintaining hereticall dofirines, ieeking to fptead theft: abroadyand caufe ‘others to be infefted with t J A C 2 A “ A them, (I33 them.Whien;hccetick s fuffer puniihment foftheir dange~rouAs‘ and damnAabIe opinions, they do not filffer for righ'«'€0"fi1¢3 fake, Athey doe.Vnm: iuffer foriwell doing, but for evill: do-* Aing ;( hence: Hex=eticf{sA am calledAA eA"vill% workers ) and there-— fore icAi5Aa~n a‘& of juifice and ArAi:gh»tcouAfn€fl“e in the Magi-"A'~ firatc to infliéi puni«fl1mg:m:on fiz<:hA as thefbg!" Yandit 5-Sh“ duty f0%tQ»Avd.0€ (Fm? heis t/aa%%%mimEfler nf God A mi q:xecute: Wrzzf/fa; ._4;72dt*zaI§g werzgAe_*;mae~~ an» 2-/Jewstbuzt a.’ae% eviaflg E.oAm_IAiA3AA-' 44-)Afld 1t he fiwouldgmtz am this hefl1ouAi=d neglefii hi9AdL3EYa3113d bA€€1'3Y aheAtnuAfi cozmnitted cAo*hfim. A % I A A ’ A A I A A A A This tEA1erefore%bein;gvaun 3.48: of r:ig~hteo*uAfn»efl%to puAni{h . avi11éAdoers5 Whoever dams it; pa:'rf%cw:ion:,A cazlmgoodfi e‘vivl:1, and light dwaarkncflé, and‘ b‘ringsA~himf?eIfeAWit=hfn thfereach A of that woe whichris demJun7ccd‘%agaAi.nAfi tAhemActhac:Ad*o'e 170, A no. Theewes %andwMurd:ercrsc mAay» aA%s»%»We1:Icry out of A perfecL’1cionA,% as grAofl‘e Hereti<&cks aAndJ S&d‘lICeT$,- when the fwandof the Magifiratc is esizexzcifecf a gai:n2flH:hcmg the 0:;m“%fm‘-'kiIIgA tor mm; ef A their gocsdpg, the other of t*he«eiAc? graces, of Acheirffaith‘ and: Icivescoi the AtmtI1=A 5AA ehc one offerd A V\Aric2I*e:nce” to chcQ1.»if.7e- of bodies, the other enAd%mgAerA ( if not defiroy} the life of“ their f;=>u1es~. Many in thefe ci%meaA A a:Aa-HA ea.;rne(’cI§ap for «he exccutzion of jufficd up0n~fuAch as havabecnc pri.t17i ingredient of‘ their d'i£iem..' poor." Hereiticizsiare for £iion10iipa~rt men of the fharwpefii Wirfi, and 1-’mongef’t%piarts» ( Satiban being Wife: enough to ' n1iaakeAchoyc’oi of the abiieft iulimments to doe bisworikc ) Hence, being vviife in their owne conceit, they thinkc {come to be o.va.nqub~ifhcdi by -their owne .weapons_., to be overcome by firemvgth of reafon‘ and ability in arguing i (wlm-rein;i they. ufually excefll.) As it is pride that Iicada, them imzo new opinions (becamfé they would {came to i know more than others) {'0 it makesithenzi texiaciotls“ in _ holding them fafi, Icafl (though they be n1iflaken)tbeyi Ibouilid: {came to»! befo, which will not fiaind with a proud . fpiritiaii A tihez*eForei» iifnformaitionsi or pprfwafionsii Wiilii dot: ‘ little good upon {och as thefm. Arim and Felagiw in forgo mar Vtimes )ian‘di mzmy laeamned Papiffs ‘at‘ti_fiSday*,«Aha~Ve _ w.am:od‘ fiIiT’fiCi€n1ti mea?m*s>v of i~nforma>ti0I1' ahd cOlTVif5’Ci0I1si’ but all t0iIit‘fl:1e“ purpoib. A V i'Se<:ondIy, P1=ic.ie‘amd‘ per-vextfencflb boiiwg t5ixc%p1*iincipa‘II* (ii-f*:;a*fc of fiicreniaks, ioutwiard‘i ipi»1j~n~ikfhimiex1ns axixcicienfureog Cwhacnhen Mif7ono+;or other~wa~yes~o)¢7 are; I~ikfe‘ no doe nxqre’ p good upon them than any izd~Formémio~:7i«s~i 0-If iiiififrtr/¢5’tionois*,* wfiicclria x:hiey‘am+e,wont to»ca1‘e[ofi~“ iiwic.l1ii1i‘corm¢:V but tin‘-: mac; ( flhrou*glns ii Gods A bieflifinegy may 3; .,n1em:1¢3’~~?i W * ihflm’bi€tf;;i; memge, wind» t‘hem*iwii1&m:g am ‘regavrci C .3 Viausifore l l % I 30 l l _ 6, h before they flightede. VA Prifon dic)l more good to Mme» A to then .all thepreach§n,c:,*of‘ the Prophetslcould doe. God e to B/lanalleh and /92; people lay the Prop/9et.r, but Ike} re... % gardedyzot, 2gKing, 21.10. 2.lChro. 33.10. but when he fent the.I-loalt of the tA[‘Ijrz'aé2r, who tookelhim and bound « him in chafimes, and carried him to Balbell, When he may in tribulation be j/azembledr/aimjelfe greatly befirrre the Laml5 2 Ch to. 3; '11, 12: Admonitions and other Chfirch_ Cenfures have been efFe8tual‘lfor Praying the fpreacling of Herefies; Fo nmy the cenfures of Magiftrates-be when Wifely and l?.~al"o- ' nebly "applyed, and other meanes will take no efi*e€t.' He that bath a Pin and Web, or other Weaknefleim his fight, A though beating will not makehimlfee better, yet ifhe wilfully [hots his eyes,” and will not receive any meclicine, beating maytaure him oftthis, and make him Willing to _ receive fuch reemeanes of cure as {hell be fit for recovery of his fight. It is not the weaknefle of means judgements, which clouds their Ltnderfirandings {'0 as they cannot {kg-_ the trtitheloftwa Deity, or the truth of the Scriptures, but the wickedmefle of ttheirlwflls, which fit correftions and C6El* t fures may be a meancs to cure. A Thirdly, If Prifons or other ‘penalties candoe“ no good for curingof Hereticks themfelvemyct theymay; be a mean es 0; good to others by rellcraining Seducers from liberty and opportunity of {preading their errours, and infeélring others with them 1 (whichltheey are alwey molt indultri-; outs toedoe, there being an itching.’ appetite in them to fcatterl their fl1’ncies~a,sFarreas%the‘y can )__»aned may be ea V meanes ofd eterring and difcouraging others from ready en--A tcrtaining their novelties, whenthey’ fee they are not like to bring them any applaufe or advantage, but rather dif-‘ grace and danger./ill I jlwel f/mll bears mzdflmre, Deut..:t 3. 1 -I . faith the Lord id the like cafe. ' Tothefifth Argument, Thaeteiflthel Magiflrate mayufe t coercive power in matters of Religion, then]ew.es and l T urkes may be forced by the {word to the faith 3 of Chrifi. Them A and not Prifons or Fines, be fit meanes to convert Iewesa The a,nf'wer.is; Thathalth-ough preaching and perfwafionsa Aflfm. 5. AA ‘Pétgansgo-r any fuch as are yet fhrangersto the truth; yet they may be fitter neceflhrymeanesfefbre refiraining Here- ticks and Apo[%atesA, who have been bred in the Chutch_.',_ from doing mifchiefe and harm: to others, by dra’wingA them into the fame-did not paflfe % “ ..anVyjudicjalI{é:ntence againfi her, becaufie‘ whenrhe wamon; A ea rth he did not 2=1<& l:hE1’pant.=Qf a‘-:Ci¥i‘1!l -Magiihatc, Et%1t<:af1aA‘ A Mirxifferg yea~~of¢%a fuffiaren; 2 When the c'iv~ill#3 Magifi izam dMothAex¢cuw‘ :1 juPoi¢ewumm»~ A tranfgrcffqrs of ghe firfi Table_., efpc\ciaIIy& rum obI?cin,asm;.. _ I*iVercci:;ks%:4a~nc1<« Apofiatesa 3 ‘he; doth not kil‘«l‘;Ame1rfor?thcir A religivmh but fox%%%irébe1fi»o%1:1; ag4ai:mi3:%th$e %LaweVs:, for Av 7thai<1% im-A _pie‘ty1,*obflina.cy, and mcked» endeavours: to undermine and ’ove;rthrow¥’a~I?1figroundsof R;e1ig»ion,M byithcyiyn damriable %b}af'phemies» 34 Pp WlixflVenhe%y éomje m%nhis.A l1_cigh t: of wickeedgm ,. ne1Té}the;%i:wordA 0f“nhe~mig~gi4&¥mte Tismaizn firfl1;ChGd:Y:f01:tIi«t~0# . tfiéhigfibfiwdbgrec-0i?‘punifl1mc.qGi V % A v w 4 % %V Trorfhetentha1%g;1n1et1t«: Thaafiiere is nmwIm3«i1a%faIVIi>bIe—~ judge to 'detérIi1ine~A«wli¥m:'~is;:~ h;er¢fie4i“orb1afphcngy: the anfwm ‘ a 48‘ ,. .3 , ' M mfw. 10. 1“ ‘mm WéA%~3h;avfae the fa“r1je%xinfial-lxibIe"4iA1udgeg, that =t!t*oi2: had tO*%VwhOm4'the Apoii1eswWhot§5*wh'm {tbey»«badel ~th9em?»l t-t1r_yyt.H.¢: A A " A - 4 A pirim ”C26) "r,;s1rira;‘vi%h*e:;h%e;%:1aey ‘vfetef or God 01- mt; x 309.4. *1. ‘:22 try» film! ‘ibiéi-gxg 22% Vt/a§:tw79 i’cb‘waJ gbéd. 14 Thef. Rriél “to ~~¢¢;4e*a a5z”7,v‘é?e%§gize3 L “mar bhce yr rum aamanzzim. Tin, f 10, ; ‘A1tVhti:ig”1j1 ‘EA}§“e'Apo&1es :h;em1‘e1yes iar:;cre;%i:1£2;1%3.ib1“e%i::‘gm;pm. bf tfié f1’<5ly_Scm"ri ptl1r'esV_., thcvrfeh to vfilidm §ugo§;c 'n¢C’):f;‘itWif‘ajV1ib1e in their Jtidgément, no: in Ehégl: pi'“éI?:x1”r, V A ifiiucij Iéffe in future ages. é This Axgumf n‘cgmache:h not thofé poiim ofmcn ¢g1m- Ksén bc44qertai¢:2&1$v knwvémes ffiér touching there; t%her:é‘ii;;é¢;c!s: ‘rfo "iVi1fa»11'1b1*6 ”1"id€.¢-" BUWFE: ;itfi.”*i'?n:: no points % of A faith that rim M be cerLainly k13owneZ914'V3f{.'é%)%§'bi5ctI1‘¢n rave the ScriVpttirés§%? %‘Caini”At: iioizl be mainly I-moxéxrhé, that there is a God," that 1% this God i§%’C5I5I¢:%t1i8Ait he-‘is fnofihfloly, Wifégjufi, Véternéil, in» ¢ Hni‘t”e ? T%hé.t thhrc are threie pcr‘fons‘i.n% thcGc§d.lae%aVd%,] ¢ jerus4cm~ir%‘#gs‘:h¢roxmeoreod, ,qr théfai19r:2e‘i§fi"é;1§:E§;=€rith use Fatheié héidyeda rssre a%game? and V;aaa11 rm judgethé qdiék ayzga dead? than ca repmabli :mc1.n4% fpééke 52if‘€1y40F%A ithél rm? Gods I5!‘ éiiibf thé tpciffiiréé is Blaffifiénii? came’: 2:main1;; kn .1é1<9a *nV9fe%*.of.yvax iIiA%=:t3'«t'.1I*:I,1*3’!'n”t<>4 agtiwy fafli%ion4accdtdifigAtsJaiI1¢zi§17f3!1«‘E3£%;? : ‘.1 v>\“' ». 1-. Oth n0tffi¢51<¢ tfiém Ag rr3IPe3=f.é:@=%M11.41%»u~K§tij1%é§éfi%;A%%fu§ II A ”ibFé(1t3e’ddr%”an”d d%b’nb Li1I”flil”e;‘ is 3. CH“I‘i1 ian muff ‘fog-nething all“: to guide him in ,mat:rers of faith, Bdiideé Or V A A Jflbéfter then the Scripture. D 2 A In ."01’9.d Anfnr.,~ declared:theirjudgeménts about them,» A A A ‘fit all thing’ ‘negzdfull to falvation, the tScr‘ipture is plaine » ‘Aamd cleare enough : whence itfis compared to awligbt ar lamp, which may cafily be feene, Pfal. I I 9. 101.. to a ligbtflyining . in 4 dark; place. 2 Pet. I . 197.]! is {aidtq gig): underflanding to to tbcfimple P131. 119; VI3Q. P1‘ov.A 1.. 4. and‘ [Qzawledgq it Jaeafic to him that will zmderflmzd. Pa-"av. 14., 6; d F or other things that are laid downe in darke obfcurc parts of Scripture on» A ly,and not in phinc places, iftwe.bd}eAig_noranc of them, cm A mittakéu in them, the dam get is notfgreat, pcithcr fha*1I"t_hiAs ~ I ignorance be .pt‘ciudi'ci.2ll’ to ourfiilvation, wficn it is onely ta fit“np1e,Aand no afl"e&ed ignorance. ' A d 3 For fuch‘ things as the Scripture holds forthmore dark; t ly and doubtfully, ‘if we cannot Gatisfie our (‘elves by ‘fuch meanes asourdfelvcsare able to ufie; the fur¢f’t Way is to re» . A ccive fiatisfaétion from diuch A as Godhath bcfi fitted for this » purpofc; namely fronikfuch as“ are godly, lcagrncd, and heft A aible toiudge ofthe true fence o£Sc‘ripturc 5 cfpecially when thcfe (being convened in lawftzlffynodt and ttalfemblics ) A have debated thefe things according to Scripture rules, and 2 ‘ , 3‘ U M tthisistotpm‘ on {aim upon other. mengfléevts. . M N 0 it iswfnot; for 1 thefe thfings.thustdoubtéd,:1re notfundée ~ mcntals offafith. A A A A A ” 2%Evcry manisz-«flilI= Ieft fr<:'-die; 1:6. iudge of 'thE':mdbjrd..thc Sgtfiptures. I"u_.t‘bcttcrundd¢:rflandii1g of this,fwc are to take ~ tnoticde ‘of aAAtW0f01d Judgement, that is to be madeufe of in “mg ttetrsd of controvcrfie. % ‘ There isjudiciznm diféretionir, fiyjxdicinm dc terminzttianix. A 1% Thergiéaikidgtmcnt of difccrning or difcretion, and t]M3iis*b