4- M ,,r I ' ' - "'$-vvh ‘ ll pr ' 3 gas‘ ‘ ‘ ' ,:, V. ‘_ HE ; . M M» M 01) RATE A N swv E R To thefe two QVE ST IONS 1.\Y/hcther thclf be fufficicnt Ground in Scripture t_o warrant the Confcicnce of a Chriflian to prcfent his Infants (0 the Sacrament ofBaptiFm. 2.\'X/hethcr it bc not finfull for a Chriflian to tccgiy M the Sacrament in a mixt Affcmbly. Trepared for the (Rsfilution ofa Friend, V % And now ; ‘ ” Pretémed to the publick view of all , for the A fatisfaélion of them who dcfirc to walk in t:heAnc:icnt and ‘ long-approved way of Truth and I-Iolincfs. % I513) AT.B. €8.73. r4) ~..—-.-— """"'|an A -» Er I-L4. V 3 n-1.2.3.. 9 % I t/aerforcgt/ac 1?rifiw6'7‘ oftbc Lord, 5¢°fi:*c'c/J){a:¢ t‘/mtyre walk wartfiy. oft/2e Vacatiorz 1$'7}J6‘?"2?7it/SI_)'6’ are called :_w“z';k all L 0 W L 1 N ES’ A and/MEEK]VES,w%z't/9 long-fu]f:’ring,foréeArin one another in ‘ L 0 ,E,md¢frz7/amring to heap the Z! I T T o the .S'pz'7*z't,%ir1 the Ba2zdaf%P E A C E. ——-- .——r A_ A *%LONDom A u*%M~_M . _Printed by LN». for Ah! Roper, at the fignc ofchc Sunne ovcx’ % A=*Vg=#in*%*A S;-Dwazvz C*!9§¢hinF1¢¢‘:‘*F°°‘» I 64 5: ‘ J, W fm. .§ :s.4e;"a.a!w»~" H M ‘ , " ‘xi’ . ‘ “mm 1% ‘ } V 4 VW ««¢m+y ,'*“J:,,' V" r: ‘ Ax «««A*4m* ?w AWA V " W‘ ‘ ' .7 “‘.‘*,‘: . “‘,«yTV “fl:Vyf'm ‘"‘w“ " I fly»: H‘ -< ‘ M ‘ W p % ‘HM \ ,1 1* 4. , 1 A % H » V A M . A -u(§%«"V Q " - 42.9» r A‘, A ‘ R \ . k W”? r Sforthe firfl, I ‘1’ 32- 3 ., - iniontteucbinég thgfi may m-~. 5 _ r.€Vhether‘ there be fufhcient Ground r in the Scripture to warrant the coniisience of a Chrifiian to preienthislnfants to the -’ e- * Sacrament of Baptif, with anextpeaaci. on of Benefit that may accrew unto them by it *2 " i I 2 Whether it be not finfullfor a Chriflzian to receive the Sacramentin a mixt Affembly? I [kill endeavour togive /1:2/éer to them both for the V/Zztisfiting of your conjcience; So tl:mt3'¢m tum not Confcience into WWI : and Iudgemenf into Aflaion. The meek (yea only the meek) will the Lorchguid in judgement, and IA teach his Way. The fecret of the Lord is with thetngychat; i fear him, he will fhew them his Covenant, ‘Pfil.z5. The Anfwtr to the Qgzeflion. - anfwer aflirmativcly : These” is fufiicienty Groundin Scripture to warrant the confeience of a ChriPc'iani to prcfent his “ Infants to the Sacrament 0fBapt4ii‘n‘I: with an expcétation of Benefit that may accrew unto themby it : whereihl obferve two ,pa[tiCLIi3AI‘S. I .Whcthcr the Patent 16 doing 1na.y"betexcufetiFrom firming through an unwarrantablc ufe and Application of ~God$ Ordinance ? in 2.Whcther he may in the uf: thereof expeft any Benefit ia=c:- erewing to the Infant P Thcfe two are different in their own Nature, and require either of them litvetall Grounds of Satisfirétiotm. For tho. ifitbe {infull for the a Parent: to bring his Infants to Baptifnn he-can expeét no good for them by it: A In as much as no man mayexpeét good to comeifrom what is civilly yet thb itbe notfillf I hold the Afhtmntive part ofBnth to be the Truth of God. ye ~ T/acfirfl Argument. This I build upon ‘the words of out tbiefitd S avjour 3; little children, aérdfaréid them no; taco . i. . A .1 3 33 T13 ! ull inthe Patent, it will not followthat Good may be cxypcéiedhyeitt at A A :1 yM4:.t:9V.r4. Sufsr mt wzta me -”----~ Children. Ihe ichildrcny r A :2 I ‘ L4 Moderate An/‘war to the Qaeflinm. » . ' here mentioned were Infants, fuch as men dohold in their :1.I.‘mS2 The text faith we figépn,» that He took:/gem up in his ;:rm:,(§'c.Where we fee that our Saviour was highly difpieafed with his Difciples, who had rebuked the Parents ' For bringing; their children to Chrifl. Hence I argue Chriils juflification of what is done doth prefuppofe the lawfulnefleof the thing,It was(therfore)lawfiill for the Paterits to bring their children to Chrifl to rcceiv his Bleflitijt if lawfiill for‘t'hem, lo alio for others, for all. Coniequently even for us there is afufiicieiit warrant to prefent one Infants to Chrifi, that they may receiv his blefling. You will reply : That, tho - it be lawfiill to preient Infants to Chriii to receiv his bleiiing, yet not C th€rf01’€ ) lawfiilito prefent them to Baptiiintl admit your reply but rejoin-t hus..Ifl:iwf‘ull to preient them to Chrifl',f'or his blefiingz Then lawfull to preient them to him in his Ordinances in which that blefiing is to be exipe&ed'. This I ftippollfe will fiand good : T1l]iat’wh1§ifoevermightbe welcom to ChriPt in his peirfo-n, were he ~ ere upon ear: X ma it e admittedto his Ordinances in which he is reient b the owei: oFhisSpirit.y For who do_ubteth but that he hath at up hig Ordindhccs the Church ‘for this end ;* that in them he might meet thoie of his who deiirc to draw neer unto Him t and by thefe Ordinances as by a Mean appointed For that end convey to them that BlCiiil]'g'_2Ll1d. Grace, which were he ptcfint with. us in the flyfe{h,yhe would bellow upon them. This being laid down for :1 Ground : I7 build upon it thus : but ther is none other ofChrifls Ordinances, in Which, and by which a..fCiiI'lijti&1] can preienthis I nfants to Chrifl, with expefiation of his Bleiling excepting this of Baptiiiii : Confequently, either by Baptiliii they may be pirefcnted fo Chrili For his bleiling, or not at all : If not at all : Either Chrii’ts I'€fCl1(?.€.lI’l his Ordinances is not equivalent tothis Cotporall prcfeiice, or foine prohibition hath in a fpeciall nianer pi:it.in ay Barr to keep them off from his Or» dinanccs which not Iteep them of: from him when here‘ upon earth .- IF any fiich therebe,l_et it be named .: ifrtot : Then is ther a {iiflicient ground to warrant the Parents bringing their children to Chrili in his Ordinances, and Particularly in B~I1PE1fflhti‘l3.tti1Clf-ll‘! they may expeft the Benefit ofchriiis Benedifiion. I know What hath been olijeéied : viz. That ther is a Barr to hinder Infailts implyed in thei texts : 1114:/1.28.19. M4r.I6.t 6. A618. "*6. from whence this Argument is framed : withoutFaith none may be baptifed: Infants Want Faith, and (therfore) They may irotbe baptifed : And then, To what pm-pom fliould they be prefented to that Sacrament. To which I anfwcr : That granting the Al?» yiiimption go be.true,§ tho ifa imn deny it as foriie do, Vida Greg. D:ereml,lzb'. 3. flcap:g‘,.I9ye~ A M aptofma essays: cfii.-flu, I {Ere not how it can be Frosted) : But I fay, let it be granted that Infants have not Faith : The Propofition is utterly fall": ‘was. witliliout Falticli n-onfc may beflyaptifed : For neither do the texts prove it 5 and ; ‘A 1 es,_t er is-goo ‘tea on a am it. i ' JB_g-flfhfilt-¢Xt5 Prqvgit not :g1.Not /Hrtt.28.I9. Ihis indeed-n fhcweth What the . n . . .. _ A. A. V . ’V yyMinmcry Tfnazcivizzg Iafahtr Eaptzfm; ’ 3 Miniliery mufldo: Not what the People : The Miniliery. ninli teach all Natie ons 5 But defitittli nothing. whether they may not be baptifed before they have learned, or before they do beleev : much lefs doth it fay, None but beleevers may be baptized. 2.Nor /14.17.16. This textfheweth, what is the iflire ofBeleeving, and being Baptiled,e:iz:. That (inch {hall be liaved : and contrarily, He that belee- veth not {hall be damned: Bntfiaith not, That none may be baptifed who be- I leeveth not. 0é.But the Order of the Word‘s doth inferr it.’ B-eleeving let before Baptifing: Sal. Ireply : That Do9trines colleéied from the order of words are not alway found: not liich Arguments acontlufive :‘ £a3f_gr. 1144:. 3,6. the} were éaptifi.-d,confi=/fing their/2':-mr, And fa/2. 3., 5. Born again afmzrer, mad of 2/1: Spirit : Here is Bapttfid before C anfifling : and Water before Shirt’: :_y<:t donbtlcli; they did confelis their lint; before they were baptiled : And‘ who know- eth not, that the Spirit doth fometime prevent the Water of Baptifin. 3.Nor yet AEZ.8.36 . This indeed proveth the alhrmative,t2iz.. That He who belceveth may be baptiled. But from thence to conclude the Negative, That He who beleeveth nor, may not be baptifcd, is againfl all Rules of reafoning : which will yet more plainly appear by this : Pk:/z'p faith: If than 6c/in/e wit/.: t/J} whole» heart, than mczifl ;Will any man thence conclude, That wholb beleeveth not with /51‘: whole} heart, my not be baptifed P And fo takelibeerty tobarre all fuch as prelimting themfelves, and profefiing their faith, may yet perhaps julily be iiifpeéictl of Fiffionand Diflimulation ?‘ You fee then, thetexts do not prove the Propofiti... on. N ay,{uppol'e that not by inRérence,bnt in direétterms, time of’ thefe texts lhould fay, He that belecveth not, {hall not be baptilitd : ought we not to under- {iand it as true only in thofe perlons of whom the text fpeaketh? viz. Of them that have been taught , and yet tlofrowardly refulit, and profefs a tlilliko and misbeleefof what hath been taught them P And {'0 it will be too weak an Argument, to prove that univerfall Propofition ,l and much lela to draw on the tiefired eonclulion,Without faith none may be baptifed, None, Ergo, NotIn- fants : ex. gr;That text of Mark faith : He that ‘be-leewtla not jaw/I be damned; g. d. Without Faith none'{hall be faved :iWill any man nnder[ia.nd this in i that ‘A Univerfaliry as to include Infants 1‘ Vvillhe afliime Infants belleevc not, have no faith-(tllcrfofe) They {hall not be favcd? God forbid : The Propofition hathit"s latitude of Truth; beyond which it may not be extended. So thengithyefe texts do {hew what is required of the Apofiles and their l:'uccefl‘ors : What of the Nations and Beads of',theFamilies in the Nations,,perlons that are Sui «yurzig not undt-tat the command of another :Butidetermineth nothing of infcriours, and much lei? concludeth againfl Infants Baptilin. 2. Good reafon againfi it. For why .9 Fit-fl, aliaprofeliion of Faith is enough to l entitle men to Baptifm: Tho there be no ‘foundnefi and lincerity in the heart at all: Witnefs theadmiflion of Simonfwgw. True indeecl, exccptthete be A » i i A 3 A‘ "l l i foundnesl I r A fllocimrtie Anfwer ta the Qgeflzbn, founclnts in the heart, God rnayJnPrly.deny man the Benefit which nthervvirlé he might expefi. But. if he make profeiiiion topbeleeve in Chrifl~, who {hall dare C0“ deny him the Sacrament. 2.Thatwh1Ch is prefiippofed to atfiiert the necelsitie of Faith (underflanding it of the grace it felfjis doubtfiil,'viz..That without Faith no man hath wher_-with-all to rcceiv the Benefit of.Baptil'm.‘ This I fay may well be doubted, ifnot denyed: efpecially ifwe inteiéld to ,Comprehende~InFants and little children : They have a paflive capacity, which is enough to receive that" Grace and Benefit which we conceiv is reached forth to them in that Sacrament: And what is tliat? Not {Lela a Fulnefs of Grace, or the Habits ther-—of, as may be ex peéied by them who have Formerl y been prepared by the D.iifcipliiie’and infor-- «mation of the Word: But rather initiafland /emi2mll'Gmce, that feed of God, vvhér-of the Scripture fpeaketh, Per. 1 .23. I fa/9.3 .9. The which doth not pre- ffuppofe Grace in the Heart, but is it {elf the feed and root of Faith, and all other afiuallGraces wliatfoever. To men and womenconvcrted by the Word", and then coming to Bap-ti{in,'w'z.. To Crz'_/par, Cornelius, Lfdzmdéc. we tbeleev that ,‘Baptil'm doth (as to AémlmmaCircumcifion did ) convey a ”fnp'er-addition of further Grace, to what they hadformerly received in and by the W01‘d 3 But I0 their children, Baptifln conveyeth ( as did Circumcifionto ffaac ) the beginning and firfl feeds of Grace; And confequently calleth For :no previous difpofitions and preparations in the Recipient : only a paffive capacitymor crols~barrcd* with robfiinacy and infidelity. Itis the property of prwcntzisg Grace, to ‘be ihe firlit mover in the Heart, and to make way for it's own Reception : Is this acknow- ledgcd to be done-in the miniliry of the Word upon the Parents" ( as iris laid of 7 ~Carm-lim and Lydia) and {ball it feena unreafbnable to grant, it to be done by this firfl Sacrament in their children A? For why {Did we eonceiv thespirit Cvvlio is the ch ief Agent and eflicient working in and by the tniniliry of the ‘Word and ‘Sacraments, and with-outwhofe operation and afliiiance, they are but as empty ,vefl'ols and edglelis tools )irherSpirir Iifity did we conceiv him workindg only as 2. i ‘A I Agent,to Rand at thedoor and knock, as only ready and?’ willing to __ en»- gteri edopor be opened ; to proffer Grace, if man will receiv it ; Then were it hcafonfimeed to require Faith in Children no leli: than in their Parents : But it is motfbzi Q the conceiv him in the Baptifing of Infants working as: a Natutall, or iiimhe-ras fuper-tmtxmll Agent. 7222:. opening the door and entring, pnttitig l:uJmlcein,;the Heart, and working it in the Will, conferring, upon them finch a' “ asfiortlierpreient they are capable ogcvm, :im't£.1!l, and femittgrdl. as before “ ‘ this alfo ;: That in the Baptifing oflnfimrs, thcr is not Baptifin altogether ; isprefuppofed the Faith of the‘Parcnt; And this fufliceth ‘lllfitflltfor Baptifm, yea,for the Grace and Benefit. of..tl1atSacra.. '_ W-hat.istheiBenTefit ofBaptifm‘? Is it not Remilizion of {in and Vpirituall ii V i' ‘i "i Regeneration? ‘bm'lbz'ng fnfvmw Bazptifmf .- Regeneration E’ To the obtaining of which, why maynot the Faith of the Parent: {uffice P In the child» as yet corruption of Nature which he brought into the world is not aflive :” it hath produced neither thoughtsnuords, nor deeds a gziinli: the law : and therfore calleth for no perfcnall A5’: of Grace to remove the Guilt ther-of. Guilty he iaand polluted, but guilty orily by inputation, and pollutec?,. not b an con ent o is own, t b t the afi o ano- i ‘ ti1Cl's‘21'.€.. h’f'hisParents * : Is iiwanyy Wonder that the *~"l"‘{71”‘j”“355_!”0l9’7’¢l’5"30?1 im'Pl1tation ofiiinothcrs Faith, {hould Procu re for him dfbit "‘f“’”=.‘1’” :"’“7"\"”"”“ .1 . e . M nzbzl pemwt, mfi good 15-- Remifsion and removall of‘ that which cometh. by the c,md,,m Adam cmialm, M imputation ofanothers aéi .7‘ That as he finned in ano- rm : qzti adremiflam pgmzg- th"er,l'oi he may be {aid to belcev in another’? Here is then ¥{47?{ d€65P1V-’fld~W"70{«' W0 4* the ‘equity of God 3 proceedings; that what Malady and mrflchref was con.itrac9ced”w1.thout his Will, {hall be cured M P,_.mm_ CyPrim_ E__ andremedyed without him-, andany aétofhisy: It 18 by pla. 39. i t. l the ordinance and inliitution of God that the guilt of Adam: tranfgreliion is imputed to the Infant, and the Corruption of N am re pron .pag_atecl : and it (is by the fgrdinance ol'd(Z{i_od[3 that thie Elllltdogthfit {gar is rectinit--i tedgiatrpd a eme a min. that Native i ea e provit e :* an or t eve are ” one ~ in and upon the Itiifatgit, without any concurrence of his own will. And aS"by*tl‘l'€': aft ofthe Parents, corruption of Nature is propagated C their 24.8: it is», tho not _ voluntary in them ) So by the aét of the Parents ( in this it is a voluntary air) by Faii:tli layingblifild uplon the Promiie of Godfih that Sacralnentrrf obtaitged FE: the In ant; and e owe u on him the Grace 0 Rcvenerationi.- iis to e t ‘he rob: and fpring of (Future hiilines and rightcou (hes, acithe other was the root and Ipaun of wickednes and profanelin 06.. It is faid, Thatevery man mull live by his own_Faith,not by anothers. Sal.By 1:3: fair/2,iudeed it is faicl that the juj} jhgzfiyy Iioe,H.szé..2.4". It is not Eiid, Noté} mmtbcrr, this is not in the text of the Prophet N or doththe text fpeakfimply of the ‘Benefit itfelf gained by Faith, but pf the Pre-affurance ther-yof:*Noypreeaflhrainee of'*Salvati'on but by Faith“ : But~“r?hi:: doth not prov‘e;That”by his faith the Parent may not obtain for his¢;hiltl'Vth_is benefit ofBaplti_,(in', the Remedy’ for that‘Maladye We read in the ‘Gofpeillflfhat the woman of ”Cxmmm obtained mercy for her daughter : The main fo r? Inna-r» tick fonn-,.the Centurion forhise fC'1‘V8flC>[hC'fI'iC’ndS and neighboiurs-“Fort‘he_%P:tl{ie~«. lick man. Whicl1i11flances‘hav¢ beenal~legecl by .Divines to muriilielt this pfioint-l :1 in .hand,22t‘z. TheBenefit of Baptiim obtained for the ynwflmfidsa/m.k6‘ifiamiwj child by the Faith of the Parents. That note ofRe-mi-i etE¢;,¢,.,,,,mi,y,m l,_-£,,;,m,’ is worththe noting. She faith non!-Iclp my daugh~ "iSierm;1;i'i A 3 A i‘ " ter, but help mammi /mm mm} on me .- and lo flJ47'.9-' ; 7fl'm§g5M50n 3"-1 2! -The father ofthe Lunatick faith, If time can]? do any a lc“""l”’H“’”"Wi°fl*7"; tétng have campaffian an m..rmdbcrlp me He puts ixnf/clpt" in as; 3; yyC¢,PmF~e 1; ‘$9,, l i i ‘v M l l ,1‘5«i A 6 TA’ [Moderate Airfiveat to the gee/lion,‘ his childs milery, Say the fame here .. It ia a mercy to the Father that he can pteai vailforhis child ; who if he do rightly underliand hitnlelffL}l’feretl'i in his child .1 a yea,not only by the way of compallion; but as feeling the {mart and puni{h--- anent of hitnfelf: And therfore hath need to fue unto God for the Removinv of that punifhment which lyeth upon himfelf,in his child. Yea, he hath this realon to challenge it at the hand of God by the prayer of Faith, that fo he may obtain thefulnes ofthe Promife made to the faithful in th-e Covenant of’ Grace. Infants are part of their Parents ; So that the promife of G race mentioned in the Cove-» Iiantiibetwixt God and the Faithfull, Gt-22.1 7. is not ratified to the whole Parent, except alfoit do extend to his Infants.Sothen,it is the Faith of the'Parent laying hold on the Proinife which qualilieth his Infant for the Grace and good effeéit of Ba tift .— . lilay yet more ;- This texton which the Argument was grounded, /Want 9. cometh yet neerer to the point ; For firfi, the blelling of Chrilt whichythe Parents fought and found for their children ,was not terminated in an externall and cor- porall Benefit, as per-adventure it might be replycd touching thofe former In-- A flances : Doubtlefs the Blefling of Chiifi extended to the good of their fouls ; and a yet procured by the Faith of the Parents without any concurrence of Faith in the Infants-_ I will not per-emptorily affirm it : But probableenough it is, that thele 1 Parents having been by fab»: Baptilin direéied to Chrift, when they knew him, brought their children to Him to receiv a further blefling from him, even that which _7a/an told them he could not give, but tlaty mull expefl it from another, even from Chrifl; Next it may be worth the noting : That our Saviour faith, *'~S;tfiEr little children to came unto me. To come, not, To be brought ; The 36%” of the Parent is reputed the aft of the child :That none may deride the faying of the Ancient, Credit in alia flcutipeccavit in 41:29, He beleeveth and cometh to Chrifl “ in and by his Parent; its formerly he had finnedin the loins of another. alCoroIlary : To conclude this fitfl Argument,Sincc by that text of out Blelfcd Saviour, we have ground to bcliev, That Infants prefznted to him are acct.-p» ited;Since, what perfons mightbe brought to him, may be prefented to his Ordinance; There being no barr putin by any word of if Chrifl to keep them «of» Nay more, Since the Faith of the Parent doth lay hold upon the promife of Grace not only for himfelf, but for hislnfants ; yea ther is ground to believ the imputation of the Parents faith to the Infant; I conclude ther is fufficieut ground in Scripture to warrant Parents to prefent their Infants to this Ordi- nancesantl, that with expeftation to obtain the Grace and Benefit of the ifamta ’ I t W l T « M T Tl» 3 . Teaching Infimnt Eapri/”m.i The jécand Argument. v T T-lis“I ground upon the words ofour Saviour,/E{4t.'28.o 7.‘A’cha‘r”ge* given to C the A poiiles to inliruéi the Nations,vvhom they {hould convert to the Faith, to infirufi them ( I lay) in the obfcrvation of all fuch Ordinances asChrt{i hat! commended to them. This Ohfervation enjoyned hath fpecliall reference to mate ters o'FDifcipIine for th-e right Ordering and Government of the Churches and Alliemblies ofchriliia-n$_.~ in which he inflrufied his Apofiles no lefli: than in matters of F aith and Dofiritieil as it is evident out oi-“A53. b 2. where is mention imade offomc Commandements Which Chrifi gave to his Apoiiles touching things pertaining to the kingdom of God. And it is no leis evident by fome pai- fages in the New Teiiament, ex-.gr.Car.1 1.2. 2 T/acffz. I 5. 8c 2 Tn'm.2.2. that fome things were delivered to the Churches, and particularly to the Minifiers ii’ ther-of which were not then committed to writing. but delivered from Hand to H a‘nld,called therForeTmditian:.Thefe were not matters ofDoé’crine,ei'pecia1Iy not Articles oFFaith ( None fuch do weaclmowledge but what are delivered and lift down infthe writings of the Holy Apofiles and ‘E vangelifis) But matters oF~Dil'- cipline, and Rules of good order in the Church. Theii: Ordinances fett up and prarS’rifed'by th’appointment of the Apofiles, are equivalent in Authority to what Chriii himfelf hath immediatly ordained. Hence that of ‘ St.P»ml, Car.x4. 37.. Conf:-quentliy at Ground on w*hichConlE:ience may build, and therby may aiiitre it {elf that ther-in it doth not {inn againii God. i OF theyvvhich wecannot doubt,’ C if reading that of Corr! 1 .1 6. we note what is the C.LueIiion, and what is the Re-» folutiori. The Chiefiion is. Whether iciwere itidiffcrent for men and women to be covered or not covered in the Church-ail'emblies as they liiied : on S‘t.yP-ml faith No, it is not: but the Menm ufi do fo, and the Wotnehiyifo : Now faith he, Ifan) man be contention: q.-de: if he will preii:tnptuoii‘fly_ contend againiiyall reafon that the thing is iindiyff'erent5i‘and lb hemay {in this nii: his own rliliertyl What tchein ii‘ why faith he, We have no fuck Cuflamegnor Htbayclmrc/5:: of God: qzd: The Cm. Home of the Churchwhich‘ is e{’cabli{ht mufl overs--rule mens froward fancies; y and Hand for a law to quiet the coniizience of him thatis willing to * be" fatisfied. ‘So then the Cuflomesof the Church ordained by the * Apoiilcsr aft: ‘:1 Criroundrdf flitisfaétiong Nor are they therfore infthemfeives lcfs authentically bteaufe they are not mentioned in the text of Scripture,as”prefcribed by the APOfl'lC.5:lf yet‘ it may appear that from them they fetch their firfi Opriginalilt It is not the wri-" ting that giveth things their Authority, but the twor‘t”hi 5” Hagzééri‘a’.'»§er'cfiz{zit24&N C and credit of}-Iiiri that delivereth thetnnhoi but by ‘Word " Pdlityfiit I i;fi-r?.g4,p4g-44*; pie kt‘ things have by writing, but not” more Authority in l ir’y“{."iiet;‘??i‘ andlively voice lonely; More Certainty to bus}-ward FM’ on th¢‘C1';urCh,_tWt» themii:1ves,~'e§r.-gr. Thatfaying ofour Saviournot mentionctiibyitihe Evangeliiifla V , L4" zmderatz-tAn[w'er'ta'tlae Qgeflion; l % yet now ll.’.(‘l of Jyxllice Ihc Mag_i,Pctate,. tho.heo.fight not with the {word ofthe Spirit; VV _p ~ asking filnfarztx Bapti/5-2;; A _p Spirit. 30 then, what was the fhce of Ala her? and what oijflhrifi ? The Oflicew Jlaftofctpwas to fettle the Com on-wealth. and the Nati.onail Church of Ifrael 2 The Oflice of Chrifi was to make Reconciliation betwixt God and man,to work» out the Redemption of Mankind."“*~-rI.t;v_v_as fitt that ./i4'o_(Er {hoult {erred-own-parties sularlaws for the Common-wealth, a.nd Ordinances for the Ch.urchr Neither of I thefe did pertain to the Ofhce of'Chi' ii; yet by his Apoflles and their ruccerrars in feverall Ages doth he provide vsihaifoever is neceiiary For the welfareand good: order of the Church of the New Tefiatnent : But in his own perfon, and by him.-« felf he eflablifhed the Covenant of Grace, ordained" the Seals ther-oflifett upa Miniflet-y,gave to“ them theword of life and falvation, and pointed to them a; pattern for good Order and Government, and {ti was . faiithfulliitt r-his houfe asa- Sonn, and worthy of more honour than Ma/er. This flat the Major; I .2f‘ To the Minor :.iWe grant, That neither Precept not-,. Pattern formall “ and explicite is to be Foundtin the books of the New'TePtament For Infants haptifing, ale. There is no Precept thatfaith, Goand baptife Infants ; no more is the: any Precept to baptifc Women ; nor to obferv the Lords day as a Chriliian Sabbath: e .'I"her is no text that faith» The-Children and Infants of this or.that man were * ba tifed ; Nor is ther any text that faith, Such a woman was adrhittcd to the Ta-— ble of the Lord. But we fay, that both Pret':ept.antl Pattern virtual and implicit ;n;3,y found to warrant it: The which if Found. is not to be negleéteda». . I I , , Precept Virtual! and implicit-. I Here we pitch upbn the continuation of the Cuflome in Ifrael to prefent their Infants-to the Sacrament of‘ initiation, and we frame the Argument thus. What was inflituted in the Old Teflament, and not repealed in the New, norfis any a way incompatible with the Hare of the Church in the New Tibflamentg that is underflood to be continued, and commended to the praciife of the Cliriftilian Church But that Infants {hould [be initiated and aclmittediinto the Covenant of I" lGrace by ab Sacramennwas commanded in the Old Téfiament, neither isiit rea- pealed in the New, not incompatible with the Gate of the New Te{iament(ther-p- fore.) That it is not repealed is thence confirmed» Becaufe.in the“ SubflitI1fl0n ‘Of that new Sacrament of Initiation, therliisno particular exception takerhagainfi: Infants, ( as before was noted in the firfl Argument; ' That it is not in*compati'- bit: with the flateof the Church in the New Teflarnent is thus further confirmed; . I I .The Infants ofChriPtians are as capable of prefent incorporation’ into IChrifl; and.of'adtnii3fi-tan into the Covenant of'Gi-ace, as, were the infants of‘ 1" the as Jews .- And if F0_:gWh0fl1alI barr them C whom God hapthinot barred) from theSeal' of the Covenant. 2. The Infants of C hriflians have as much need of~»thc_pComtnu-I-p nionand Participation in the Covenant of Grace as had the Infants of the Jews : : .And.their Parents as much ’nec_d ofa Ground of Comfort» astoucbing the Remedy I A _, W31‘ ‘‘ if its i ii . Moderate Qdnfwer to the Qacfliong id‘ that which nlaltetli them Hand in need of the Covenant ofGraC€ and Elm B63 nefits therof" as the Parents of Iewilh Infants. If To P who {hall think that God hath not provided for them fo well as For the other. If he hath not, how hath Grace ahounded in the New Teliament, when in this particular it is much to-~ sfizteined both to Beleevets; and to their Infants : But if. he hath, Wholhall forbid them that, which God hath providiediforl thdtn? A r A i I . That the Infant; ofChtiflians are as capable: is ptovedby that of C ar.'7.l4 . ‘They are 190/} : And what is that P Ther be who glols upon the text and fay,Th-at «children are Holy indeed, but how .9 As the wife not othervvife, -m‘z.. As the is fanéiified to the ufe of her Htisband, fo the children to the ufe of their Parents: r But they falfific the text :Fot itht text faith not of the wife, She is fanflified to her husband’, butié} her Husband; iv 2-£3 aa'PJ‘el; Not of the children it is litid as of ‘I116 Wife-'53/54905925! /91?!-57ij‘z'e-d, but they are ail?/zoo, H09, which is more full, and more emphaticall. Others lhiftit ofwith this : That the children are {aid to be H oly, becaufea Notwlthflanding the difference offlcligion in the Parents, yet: the children are legitimate. This is fiztthcriof than the f'<§r;net' ;_ Nor can it fiand, ex- cept this be lp:efuppofed,That all the children of Heathens are illegitimate : No more than the former can {land without this being prel'uppol'ed5 "I hat neither i wife, nor children of Pagans are fanéiified to their ufe; Wherfore, ther is now- thing lCf“t,i but that they are Faid to be Hal}, by the Holines of the Covenant, and fanétlffied with a. federall fanfiification : The which is {o much the more mani- hfeflahhjecaulé it appeareth thecontext. That the pretence of them, who did ta»- pudiatc their ‘wives for their infidelity, was alfear, lefl the infidelity _oF the wife lhould deprive the Husband of his intercfi in the Covenant of Grace which hue had imbracedl: ajiid that his a conjuttftion with her fhould rend hini of as did the Sum of:Fornication5cap. 6.1 5.) from Communion with Chrili-. St. Paul denyeth thisgand {heweth that rather the Faith of the Beleevers {hould {'0 far: preponderate and prevail as to draw the other parties alfo after 3. fort within the Covenant, So that the unbelceving wife is fiznétified and accounted i as one in-- rllterteffed in theCovcnant by the Husband: His reafon is, becaufe otherwife the A fchildtcn of ifitch lhould be accounted Vircleazg or altogether barred from the Co- , fvenant, where-as now they are Holy, fie. Heirs of the Covenant, and admitted ' V to the Seals thet-Cofé,’ Adanim-J, I fay, For this is worthy out o.bferVat'ion : That ’_1'utg.,* any of thl¢,oCorinths would have been lb‘ wilfiJlI to doubt ofthisll/lctliurn, 7 . thhhtfittment ofSt;Paul .~ whatis. ther to conv‘ince“the Gainliayet, but llra&\iI%ofiIftaelcontinfied the Chrlflian Chutchcs,'w‘z.. That the iwf'4_sVrenoflipneheleeiving Parent a"rc‘" admitted to the Seals of the Covenant. l r's»frviu'iflhu:oF Neceflityobeu prefuppoléd, elfe doth the Argument fall to theground fi%f";~syE5i§e;th,rovvit,¢{cl£, ollhy,_VTh,at it refletht upon the Authority of th'A pofiles jg ifufiici§n~t’:_in as ‘much ashe doth‘ not politivcly IE: it down ass. i thing » I Taxséing Infant: Baptifian thing to be learned, C as he had done the former point, The wife is fan Stified ) bui: brings it in ass Reafonto confirm that former point: And we know, that the: Reaibn of a Pofition is alway prefuppoied, as a thing already yeeldcd and con- feffed. ~ r I I it 2. That the Infants of Cllrifiians have as much need of partaking in the Co»- venant of Grace, as had the Jewifh Infants, is thence confirmed : Becaufe. That: which 1}: éorn aftb: Fl:/5, zéficf/9- Natutall corruption is common“ to all. VVh)f was Circumcifion otdained,but that ether-by the llncircumciliony of the Heart might be taken away : thatthe Corruptionof Nature might bee cured, and the Guilt of that firl} finn cut off from the Iftael of God : That Abraham by Faithl- apprehending the promife of God might ther-in have a Ground of comfort to himfelf in refpeét of his Sonn,z{iz.. That tho he had begotten him in his own like- nefs, and had been a mean to convey unto him the i_Guilt and Filth of Originall finn : yet now by the mercy of God, he was provided of a Remedy for that Ma»- lady of his child, and ufing that Sacrament in Faith,he might comfortably affore- himfelf that the Remedy fhould prevail againfl the Malady : And is not this Ground of comfort needfull allb for Chriliians? Surely they are deceived, who either deny the propagation of originall (inn to Infants ; or dream of any univet-- fall Demolition of it by the Death of Chrifl without the particular Application. of his Blood by the Sacrament of the Gofpell. If there be no {itch M slady, no fuch Guilt in our Infants, how cometh it to pal} thatthe dy ii‘ Is tllC1:a,I§l,i_',laC¢ for Deathin Mankind, whet ther is no fmn at all P If th Beafis decay (fig by reafon of their naturally mortality, yet we know that {inn it vt'as;”‘, iJy; yich brought Death upon /Iddmand his Pofierity. Where ther is no Finn" inliétent, Death can claim no llltfircilfiitl” that party : Wher Deaithlt ‘feizeth upon xnanaivwe mull’: not deny finn, fame fin ther mufi be : Al&il1idliI;itlitcr.is none in thefe I nfamts, Not yethave they finned after the Similimda of ddam: trMf_grcflz'an,viz.. I )1 in flening to the Tentation of Satan ; 'and therfore it isOriginal.l Guilt andcor -v tion which is in them If the Difeiatle in their Nature; Is ther not “neod__of' ya Remedy ? A Had the Infants of the Jews a Remedy, and is their none provided for the Infants of Chriflians? Is theta Remedy pyrovidedl or thzem," 3 «hydra gtvmmdt of‘ comfort fbr their Parents, and {ball it be denyed, and they debarr‘ed?e . I‘ I if 0b_je£h'on~, The force of this Atgtzmcntflome tlhinkto ‘elude dtenying;,Cir by vcumeifion to be a Seal of the Covenant ofG race, and 'oonfe:qtten¢iy iihi A. tagainfi that originall Miala:d‘y.whler~ofwe fpeak“: Wei opp@f€"lbail,i‘l=lU110u;}:b5i“f¢’. Eiogie of i't,‘Rm.4.t1.ThetApqIEt1;e ttefimctlit it,“ Seal of t Faith -‘v They anfwcr, it was a foal of A§l5PM£W~iFaith,ii «5fe~l0?vf ill? '. Meffi-ah, and the Covenant of Grace, bntin the pvtomife all I : fpring. Tim laeflm-rid bathe Fatbar qf man} Noam-. Tibia? W “C 5*‘? A at yP‘ this oft; numerous of?-— dit§tJ1‘hhEAtgo icm 4r¥2lir!t«4iW5’+%I?1- é2>ring,was by Faith received as a‘ fruit of that A»i?nmté«ocre at “M ‘ ‘ . it . - A °”°”Af fim “‘M§°fl~’m’~ Ann; Nay more, That Protntliv of 3, Numerous of?‘- A vincluqeblzz in gvdtid :4 optic;-, ~{'pt'ii1g,that he {hould bAeAthAe Father of many ‘Na-T» it A _ A ‘A v ‘ only, or inthe 'children of the Protnifie alibi‘ And A‘how€came he to be the Fatherof Athofeichiid ten, but by AFa,ith in the Covenant of A «Grace ? A A A A i A ”Conef1ude (thcr‘efore)That Circumcifion wasa Scaliof the Covenant of Grace; Avother : And being Hal} by ‘virtue of their A Remedy of that Dif~ea,‘fe whichAis-derivcdfrom Father to Sonn by Propagan- tion. Vvhich beingin thcP~oQerityof BelecvingChriPcia‘ns noiefs than in the Pofierityof Bcleeving Jewes :It-I foliowcth that thcfe have asjrnuch need as the Parentsiintcrefl in the Covenant, the as -capable of this Benefit as the other were. Conficquently that the implantation id?’/956‘/9‘ 155i?iFdiz%.-'.an'd therby is ‘fignified the Benefit of bréia-’0H!cEh-' on Beleeverrs for their ]ufii”ficattior1':wei rfl Grace beflowccI""oh Him,vwiz.. His Adopti- A A i tions ; ‘Was itfulfilled in the children of’. the fleih -Aoflnfantsi intother\My.flicaIl Body oi°1CihriPc byfia Sacrament isnot incompatiblee A -fyvith Rate of the Church in the New Tefiatnenti §n'd if not (0.: Since itie I103: V ‘ 9 M ‘ _ 1 , _ 4 i7’o!tZ'/Iiqg Infnzhfflaphffii. to ll be, , i _ _ not repealed by Chtiii and his Apolilesi: we conclude, Th:ttethet is at Precept trittuall and implicit : And tho itbc not (aid in diteéi tctms,Ggo and batptile Be-_-j leavers and their Children, yet in that it is find ,Circun1cifet thetn, thflit, Baptifin A Ti‘ ' , V 7.’ la, ‘_ is included :: {'0 much the more :Becauf'eitV§IiIl appear that thclciisialfo for the l lfiztptifing of Infants. 1 e " v Pattern ezirtxm/1’ and Implicit. A This is in the Baptiling ofiwhole Faniilies upon tltcconvetfiota of the Mallets I i ther-of, The whole I-Ioufhold; of‘if£.}dz4,' Crzfpu:,cCar::cl2Y(g, and.othe;siwcm bapu tifed : To fay, that in thenither might be no children , becaiufe none are mentio- ned, is to fpeak againli all fenfe and reafon. As well may it be -fetid their were no fervants, and fo make up a Familyl of I know not how few. Whatfiy we to thofe three thonfizrzd fatal: mentioned, A5}: 2.”;vql1lchtwere added tothe Church in one day l: is it probable that they were all prefent at the Settnon‘ and converted to thetFaith by th:ttSermon, itbeing in a private ‘HoufcP It it not more proba.-- b1e,that‘"the Men beingptefent and converted, they brought alfo their Families 1 tobe tl53ptil'ed,wl1ichl they might» well do, becaufc they heatd St.Pmr fay: The Pmrmj/e is madelto you and to your oézaiaitf-eh So that the totall fumme of men. women and children rnight be gooo. fouls : Some fuch thing; doubtlelé is inti- mated in that phrztfe.3ooo;fonls:an{'werable tothat in the fiery of gen.45,tr;r.27 ‘A524-.14. All that mm: down ‘into Egipt with jacoé were 7ofoxal:. Souls, zit». W perfons, men’, women, and children. Anal here doubtlcfs the courle and ptaéiice ' of the Converts ttrasmtfwerable to that ill Gt!.lmt7.A No lbonct. is_;thelt_,Covcnant made with Abraham, but he citcumcifeth all the Malta in his houle both tyoung, and old: So doubtleis, No foonet is the Covenant ofG,;a.ce iratified betwixt " V Chi-iii and thi:iBcle"eving Parehts by B: tifin, lutxttltcfiotxlluoldis nlfo accoun-— A ted Hal) and re baptifetl. Dotxbtlefsa what St.PtI:r_i‘aidto them in 9/!5}.'2. The j:1’rbmifa 12: magic to yen and mjazzr c/aildr-ml; The {mic Sttftdrtwll pica ch to the }_l(3entiltls when they were converted, tthnttheyt mtightwknoivsi the large elbountyi of ‘I >“H”God to them andtheirs in the Covenant oi Grncee : Attdiltdwllhouldt they con- firmthis to them but by brltitifing theirtichildteln 2‘ Take away this, and you leav i “"'op(’.liM;l wide gnpp to an Objeéiion ;which is not enfiily anfwetetd : For they might « “objefi : What tell you usrofthe Graceitof God in Chri(’r,oF the l'upe'r~abt1nd.tn'ce oFl?th:tt‘Grace : Do we not fee the contrary P This isnothing anfwetable to titan, offléfabqm and Ifrael Ir‘ They by their Faith receiveda Benefitfot tbeirchild reg; “yea. their ‘fervants. Notio here: We out {elves pet-aduenture may be the 4 better «wifor out Falith‘ll“i:*:tBut our chi1drcnt~ret~nain liill as they were litangcts itot__ittInt,e i§?bvc~l~ hlflwfitii‘ jlflulitnagixlclfihcyfigpolile to reply .:‘tN”;ty_li, lbuttht: mProm;il'eii$ to you i filial‘ybllifchilcirefiisfitH1311:WIJCII theytcome to bcleetr, they étlio mityi be atiA”tti.ttcd; * HoWf1J',nfilV fiiigilfti'l6”()bjC~9C*0_1'vICj0ll1t2 vvhat great ptiviledgc i‘$itA;this? «Bot may vhryi-fieathcll, aile‘tl1at;fi1‘¢ afar): of: lWi1Cl'l,hL'i') ey beltev :% If this all A Eimt we! ; ‘giants . i Q»! Mofirfler Hefner re the Qucfliav; gain ; Our children, notwithflanding our Faith arein no better condition than, the Heathen the:-nfelves, Nothing l fo good as theichiltdren of the jews : And {'0 the great boafl of"fuper-~abund‘a'nt Grace falls to the ground. Thus we fee good Reafon to acknowledge thisrCufiomerofbaptifing Infants to‘ be warranted both by Precept and Pattern, tho not formall and explicite ; yet vittuall and implicit ; And that with {o great light and evidence from Scripture. that greater in that kind eatinotrihe expeéted. v r at a a i t i c 4 A i i Before I proceed to an other Argument : Let me improve this further 3 That C trfiome and I’ra€tii'e of the Church may well be preiumed to be Apoflo-» Iicall, which is {o confonant to the text ofscriptu re. that it doth readilyiilluflrate the text‘: and openeth a door of light to underfitand the fame : Such is the Cu l’c‘omc of Infiints Baptifed therfore. That which ‘being granted giveth light : and which being denyed doth’le1avethe text under fuch a cloud of obfCu1'ity,»that it is not ealily underiiood how it may pafs For Truth : This mufl be Oranted to open a door of light to underfland the text of Scripture. Now them uppofi: this A8: of‘ the Apeol-Hes baptiiing Infants : we eafily fee how gooo. fouls may be added to the Church in one tlay,_fno"twithflandin/g the Sermon were in a privat houfe: We fee how St.Peter might confirm their Bcleef in this, 779: Pramifi it made to jazz, dmiro yam children .- even the ‘Promife of a{itper-albundant Grace : Vve fee how St.Paa_rl might urge thissjour 0/Jilaiten are Holy: But take away the 1' uppe- fition of this Cuflome. and noneroftlicfc texts are {'0 eafie to be underflood. Con- fequently : it is more than probabl-e, that even thiscuflome ofBaptifing Infants was indicated and ordained in the Churches by th’Apofiles : and that according to thecommaudement of Chrifl. Smtnm in ‘Me 1,. 4, mm 6.0% V6 Acid:ut1C0 all their l{1_1tb beeniaydtythat ofSt.Am- fimm-afilvmrg ydmms, N4; W.‘ rq/e .y whotttst . e e two as paralell : thelaw of reimrm fiterit - - .. .- rm jitcrazijfimé God, touching Circumcifion , ‘T54,-flml who it not in h‘ge_fim_'rtt _Pr‘¢‘Wft“m) W MM‘ cirmmcifeafi [ball be we off'ram_/air people : and the Sanétion of our Saviour: Except): man 6:: am fM___ Ambmflapmai. Ad Dem‘? again of: water, and oft/re Spam, he cameo: enter 2»- trindem,p.] 3 1, tube Qugdameof‘ god. That this text 18 to be un- derflood oFtBaptii'm,as a mean and caufe o{Rcge- neration, Not fo principall has the Spirit: yetfo infirutnentall to the Spirit, that whet it may behad, Wee have no groundyof Faith to beleev that the Spirit will work without it : This is I lay the conflaot and confcnricnt judgement of all the Ancients, and moi} of ' our modern Divincs ; Some few only excepted, who to avoid the Popifh Tenet, touching the ablblute neceflity of Baptifm; did fly to a. ‘Metaphor. n And it may be confirmed for Truth. out of the Text it {elf : if we note well, To whom, and upon what occafion the words were fpoken : viz. To «Nicademtffs upon occafion of his timcrouiinesi : A Difciple of Chrili, he was ~ A‘ A V I i ' i A i ' i i willing A _ y W , 7'.tv!l€*1sair1g Infant: ~'E4ptij'm: y A I 7 wil ling to be, but ioth to ptofefs it openly by being baptifiedt To him is the com- mination direétcd : and therfore the words mu{’t be underflood ofBaptifn :N ow then confider well, whether their be any ground fuflicient to keep of Infants fiom this Ordinance P «Any ground ( I lay) which may ficure the confcitncc of not having finned againlt thefouls of our Infants, if byour def'aul.rthey dy without this feal of the Covenant, and fo loof the Benefit ther-of? Have hot iinfants need of Chrili, and the Application of his Blood for the wafhing their fouls from finn? Is ther any Hope of Salvation without_Chrifl? Is ther any other way re- vealed .~by whichany mayhave part in Qhrifl, by his Ordinances i‘ Is thet any other Ordinance by which Iinfants maybe made partaltertof Chrifl and the Covenant of Grace except Baptifm? Is that any text of Scripture that hath pew remptorily barred their Admittance? Orlis thét ar1y.tly'__ng‘, required of them that mufl be baptifed, thewant whet-of may be a barr to Infants? Thou doubteft, ybecauferher isnotextthatnnentionetheither l’receptor P;atrern,‘andy with-out a text, thou darefl not venture: "fis well {But when ther is a fearful] lhntencefi that runns in {rich generallterms asdoth comprehendlnfa nts alfio : and the Dan-— get of Omifiion is {o great 2 Why art thou not more cautelous on the fafer fide? Why ‘doii than not as well call for a di;re€i: text to barr them P or a direft Reafon from Scripture, which maybe equivalent? Isthet any text that faith, None may be baptifcd, that do notBeleev~? or that faith Irrfitnts for want of Afiuall ‘faith may not be baptifed P Doefl thou not fee Infants Circumcifed yea by command- ment P Doefi thou not hear the text that faith, C/azldrcn are Hal]! And are ther fo many Probabilitiies that hyth'A—poflles themfelves Infants’ were baptifed 2‘ And wilt thou rather hazard the foulrof thy child, than layhold upon the Cove- nant for thy Feed, nayfor thy felt’? andthat only upon a fear, and a doubttofiun-or “law Fulnes; yea fuch a doubt that hath no furer ground either in Scripture or Rea- l ion to countenance it; than the contrary tefolution ? H etc is then rheCaf'c : if? thefc Grounds formerly mentioned prove good at ther is great probability : Then thou prei'cnting‘thine Infant to ’Baptifrn build«- iug upon thefe grounds, thou halt raved thy {elf at1d~'tl1ine‘InFarnt .- but forbear- ing and keeping him of, tho*u{innePc againflthiue own foul and his ialfo : Again, “if thofe grounds {houldnot prove good: yet hafl thou not wronged thine In-« “Cod, and theiGooid~loF the Infant. ' T.hoiu'h'afi not rtranfgrreffed againfl any» fant, nor thine own {elf : Becaufe, upon {itch probabilities as are “next door to an EvidentDemonf’rrationa thou hafl done that which is intendedtfor theGlory.‘of Yr rd- tept: no not an y light of lRea‘{'onwhich might j um y with-hold thee Ifrou1l:.feek- ting the Good of thine Infant at the Hands of~ChriPt in this Ordinance. I conclude tlierfore, That ther is fuflicient Groundiin Scripture to warrant the _ Confcience ofa §hriPria’n to bringhis Infants to this iS;‘ac-ra~ment of Baptif V _ 1 L4 J/ladgrdte A}xfavéri'rb"rbe Q___m»f)’z°bm i_ 4 at with 5 Cimfideht cicpeétatiott to receiv Benefit by thefiunc. Nay more‘: There is Ground enough to Warrant the Accufation of Hitntthat upon fuch uncer- tain Reafons hfha11'if‘orbear to prefent his Infant to this Sacrament of I'ni:ita.. don, [115 Accufation I fay of Him, aswone that finncth agttinfl the Ordinance of ‘God’, artdiytr»efpaffethyagainPr the Sotdoif his Infant, yea of Hnnfclf. ‘S-o mtich for the fiirfi CLuePtion. V A ‘éi:=t»=ti«rt~r=trtteefiertrreretrti \ THE SECOND QVBJSTI on T (miéffi, Whether it be not /inful§1,for 4 MC/mflian to reach? the _ Sztcramentina mixt./if1’em6ly.i i .1 Mix: Affembly is that, wherein good and badd are mingled toga-A ther, and make up one Congregation 5 what‘! the preview are not _ t ;‘ _ fevercdftom the 'm'lc,. nor any difference put between the H01} and “'3 Prop/Mne. Now theft: good and badd, thefeprccious and vilc, are t ' not to be reckoned in refpcftrof their fpirituall cflatc toward God, i.e. as they are Bled‘: or Reprob-ate, Sincere or Hypocriticall : but in rcfpt-P: of theirEcc1efiafiicall\flatc ‘in the ey and judgementofMcn, as they are in their eouri'es;.and converfations, in their Calling and Profefiiony holy or profane. ‘7}‘he£E»; bad, and vile, are again to be confidered part: ante, or part: pqfiviz, Either fuch as yetprofefé not themfeives in Covenant with God, by joining thciniélves to the Aflicmbly of his fervants: Or (itch, who having formerly had ” afianding in the Church,do afterward runout into exorbitant courfes to the ifizandall of ReIigion,and fo defcrv to be tgpamted from thcxfiocicty ofthc Saints, 1 and by the Sentence ofEx¢oini11iunyieation cut of from the Aifcmbly- So tiizit the miefltioll is, Whether if either of theft: be Found in the Congregation and com»- pany of them, that draw near to the Table of the Lord to partake of theft holy Myflcriesg either tho{Z=:,vvho as yet have not beenadmitted, or thofcthat by the » laws o'FChrifl»ought robe {butt outakndy fequcflrcd. whether their prefcncc do make it unlavvfull in point of confcienccfor aye Chriflian to rcceiv the Slacmrnenc amongthem,{'o that if he do, hcis ea atomizer, therby defiled, and become para... Ker of their firm. ; Whcreyatlfo forthc betrernniderflianditngof the_.Anfwer to this Qyefiion, We r ‘arcco note. what is granted : and whetié qttcfliqncd and demanded. t ‘Things , Toaching Mix: Cornmunianr.‘ V i lg n _ t y Thin.gsrgrainted are thele. A l » y 1 , S o-me ¢¢7£77(?t to 5: admitted to 2}.7e’.7’¢I5/6' ofrb: Lord. This is evident enough. No tmcircumcifed perfon might eat of the Palliover : Not any petion unbaptiled be admitted to the Lords Supper, how morally righteous foever he bee. The Rea- fon her-ofis, Becaule, Npne may be received into the Communion and fellow-» efhip of the Church, till he haVe1.proFefl‘ed thitnlielf one of them that dcfire to lay hold on the Hope oFEtemall life by the Mean and Mediation ofChril’t,in whom alone is founded the Covenant of Grace. Now this Profeliion is by ‘_-fllbllllitlllg himfelf to the Sacrament of Baptifin. Hence it is that our Bleffed Saviour hath joined thefe two together, He that éelcwet/9 and 1254 zifisal. As none unbapti- i led: So notall that are baptifed. Children fo loon as they be able to learn mnfi be taught, and by teaching be fitted to dz’/tern the Lord: Bod} before they be ad- mitted to it .- Of old, Ilrael mufi inliruft their children in the Rites of the Pallover : In imitation whet-oFChril’tians receiv a charge touch- ing their children, to’ bring them up in the knowledge and pracftife of _1z:,_-atl x2. 16 6013.14. 1 their holy Profclfion. Yea, and by an Apofiolicall Ordinance C as it is probable from that of‘, Heb.6.a.) The Pafiours ofthe Church in all ages according to the truPr‘com"m1tted_ro them, have taken an account of what the Parents have done “in this Education of their children, examining them in the Articles of their Be- leefiaxid the points of the Catechifm, And ther-upon have approved thole whom they found Proficients, and by their Benediftion have confirmed and comforted them in thefe their happy Beginnings. This Order of folemn Confirmation is acknowledged by the Godly learned to be of merveilous good ufi: in the Church. And reafon giveth it {o to be : That lo, when children are come to a pcrfeéi Age, and in fome tnealiire able to underliantl the matters of Religion, l and to give an account of their Faith, they may then make an open profefiion of’ their, Beleef, and an open promife of their Obedience to the laws of God ; and fo ther-upon in a folemn nianerybeardlnittied to the holy Communion. And till they 'flb“c‘ thus confirmed, I {hould yeeld it altogether unfitting ("at leaf} for Ordcrgyfzrke ) that any be admitted to the Table‘ of the Lord.i A i A A A _ I it I- i 2. S 07226 are to 6e_/Ymttraut andfiqakefired. No doubt of this Adamwaie rthrufi out of Paradife, that he might not tafi of the Tree oflife, and feed himfelf‘ with apvain hope of immortality. The Leprouswere to be fhutjoyut of theycampy: it-Theythat were unclean by a dead body, Nam. 9.6. could not keep, the = Paflover on the day. _ThcRcfi‘a&ary and Obliinate is «to be accounted as anlflcatlten. i Mat.i8.I7. The inceliuous perf'on,mnPtbe delivered toSatan_,i and Scandalous , l,yChrifiians excluded From ciivi/I, much more from jarred Communion. C0225... Such order mufl be taken alfo with Qine-ordinate walkers, zlT}2cf:, 3. and with unrcformable Heretilts. ‘Tit. 3.10. It anv man love not the Lord Jelixs Chrili, i.e. , if any walk in amanifeli Ptofcflion ofbiflike and Dctcfiation, of Chrifiyand A $3 for" A A ‘ Qlwlloaarate Anfwer to the Q_t1cft’g'an; i this Gofpe1;sHle.muf’:be pronounced Anathema : This is the Dileiyline of the s 7ChLirCh‘: and good is the Reafoh theta-of, I . In rcfpeél aft/at i‘Pcrfim: Delinquent .- tT‘h,at’_:bytlie deliruéiion ofithe Flcih the Spirit may be faved -: This was an rtNl1ol1?3ii1e~fevcrilty, a Church-puuilhnient, infliéied as a means appointed of _;G'fod‘to7réd‘utce and reclaim thofe who were not defperately given upto a repro- '..hater‘lenie,.lt ha‘: lit rt-fizefi‘ the Congregation, that others might hear and fear: :['Il*2,atf.ot~hsets might fl-iun familiarity wiah them For Fear of infeétion by them. :“‘»3.l1[#*}‘¢_[,;& (f4 tiljcmtbatare without the C/aura/.a .- That the name of the Lord n niight'no’ti be .blai'phemed by them : but that they mEght fee and know, that as the ‘Proi’eiiionl,'*fo=«thepra5’tifeeof ehe Church is a eonPtant care of holincs. Nor will ” itltftr C hurrah o_f7God ’it1tlt%1te?i“tsthat any oftheit Society (hall fay one thing and do i ;:al30';i1€I‘«_,-f;lll(i-i’iOiilI’1‘(;‘SQ’:ii‘i.d’l‘lV'C profanely : If any do Forget hitnfelf. and Contbrm to the Men oftheWoildin':e3Eotbita11tcourfcs. he {hall be {hutt out from among }tl')ic’t1_151:1in__di cttt’ofi7‘f'ron1ltylieii.r‘.Communion : that (0 the whol Aflenibly may even in the eyt or -thcwiorld found in {nine meafute conf7ortnable to the Holinefs of ~*-'(:ii‘riii»tlfiéir»3l‘*I’c5ahi.¥i~~For‘eltéiiiketliolls fome are to be {hurt out and 1equel’tred.. A':”5Tl1€ fitlitland {eeond"Reiaii'on$iiite spetpetuall, and ptefs the Execution of this point. _y;{oFfliDifci’plitne at :illtin:1es;:T'«li“he third was more urgent in the times of the "firfi ‘“"PlaI1'r;atiol1of‘thc~¥Churi2l1—: And in thatrefpeéi: it was ( aslconceivj that the ~PrimitiveiChutches weyte'[{Z>yl»ifeevere and rigidgeven to an over-great meafure of lexttemity tilllexipetienceitanghti them the Neceliitye of fome more tnildnes and ‘moderation . But yet alwaayther isvuie of this point ooFDiicipline, to fepetate and A ~cutoflifcandaloius pet-foiis :ltha‘t?l'o the members of the Church may be fecured r it v..; ~7fr£3i11iihF€t§liUl15 and the'Jwhol Body from feandal and imputation. ~ *' y.'V"7t'/.veZVc.g[e£"L‘ af:tIJ¢tliiiC79znét'b~0fliccr1 in doing their dm],.1;s‘ a /Em: that may ex-i 120; the? iftétli (‘on_graga_tio_n‘ to Me jndgament: of god .- Their Ofiiccit is to watch ov‘ert«he. Holy thingsof‘God. that they be not “laid open to contexnpt, either by illadxiiiltting ihemthat are not fitted, or by not fequeflring them that ought to be feq-ueflted : Anti-‘thieir Negligence is a provoking {inn .: was itnot upon this _~g1'0§ll3Cl:?t,i'lalZ the Congregation doth finart in the cafe of Ache» ? The Elders and "ioliicetsiwefre not fo cat-ef'ull aethey fhouldt l.'l:l;VC‘l)C(2I1. ~To’whicli if tlhcr» be added Kalfti? ’NtgIe& ofinferiotiteperfons in doing ~wha‘t they ought { itis their part to in V ’bc”eys‘ ahd en’rs'?tE> e’the»GoVCrhot1rs, informing them of whatisamife :yea,and in I *‘*a iduityiifiill Wayto aedmoniflilthiem of their duty , and intreat their diligent circum- lt.:;p¢a;ion, which if/theyldiofinot. much more if they do anproveof their flacknefs. andlilte of them the bet‘ter§;ibeeaufe they are not {o oliicious.) Vvhat wontict if Neglefi of the Goveniour prove the dCfl1‘ll&iOl1'Oi?Cil1CWliol Congregation : wn_yndctfla.nd thisin te{’p1e6i;i:oifi'ytemporall judgements : God to {hew his jufl indig- iiyiiation agaainflifin and toteaich all and every one to have a care of others, both, jtogteevfor thénifind ;tho;ady;i(jL1iil1'tl1Cm;i- doth for the {in of form one, 'efpcCiall);_ yzvw M“ “,,.‘ ,a‘h‘ ‘V ” Taflvéifig Mix: C ommrmiomi 21% ifan eminent perforr,_caule thewhol to {mart under the Rodd of Tome coymmnonv Calamity. Thisal{‘o not denyed. i it ‘ A y Thefe things being premifed,as things granted, and not at all queliioned.‘ i The SCl‘UPl.¢ doth Iy in this one particular. Whether the {inn of the unworthyf'v~ and wicked perlbt-1, intruding himfelf into the company of them that draw nee’: to the Table of the Lord :and the [inn of the Church-ofiicqers who {honld ( but do not) exclude him, whether this {inn of theirs defile the Ciotifeierice of Him ( 3 private Chriliian ) who hath no Further communion withvthem, fave only A that he is in theircompany, and they in his, when he goeth up to the Table of" the Lords: He neither approveth of them, my is greeved For the dif-order ; Whey-V theris he defilcd? t . . t . To this I anfwtrNegatively :It is not C alway ) finfull for a private Chrilii-. an to receivv the Sacrament in the company of them that are unworthy Cqmlllllv nicants, nay worthy of Eitcot-nmunication. Not dlwdj, I fay, Becaufe I lili not to plead the caufe ofthem, who For fome private relpeéis do voluntarily cliufc. the Society of fome wicked perfons, when it is in their liberty to make at better» V choice, But where it is not : As it is notin the choice of Parifhionersp to yrefule their Pa-rilh Church to which by the jufl law of the Magillrate they are bound for Order l'ake:Now thatin this cafe iris not finfull .- I prove by theft Argu,-: laments. . W1 - T/9: fir]? z!rgumcnt- » V V Hat no text of Scripture hath manilefled to be Ul1‘i‘flW‘fl.lNli1tll3t is not (in; full : Fm-in as much as ;S‘z'm'.rt/.v: Tranfjgreflian of :19: law, fwhat is not unlawfull, that is not {infull : And if the text of Scripture doth not manif-tit a thing unlawfiill, who lhall dare to .do it. That no text of Scripture hath mani- fefied it unlawfull For a private Chriliian in this cafe to come in the company of‘ the unworthy, it is evidenced by this.-. Thatcher is neither any text of Prohibiti-» on to forbid it, not anyjtext of Reprehcnlion that hath blamed tholit that have done it: Confequent-ly it is not byitext of Scripture manyifefled to be unlawfiill, and therfore not linfull. A As we conclude that lavvfiill, that by text is either com- manded or commtndcd.So that,unlawful1,that is either prohibititd orzrcprovcdo ’ iI.No text of Scripture hath Forbidden it. e A ’ Not that of Car. 5.: I. No not in that new tranflation. which lbme put in capi-sf tall letters, as if ther were fome great myllery in it: N 0 T T O B E MIXT T O lGET,H E R. Truth it is, theris :1 Prohibition dircéicd to the Churich at-‘ Carin:/1,andit pertaineth to all the membersthcr-of: The Prohibition istothem, Not to keep company with {candalous Chriflians, no not to eat with liich a ones But it is manifefl that this Prohibition is not touching S acred but hioill Society Thar.company-keeping is in the Cittymot in the Church :~Th2t eating is at their own Table, not at the Iable of tl1C_ Lord. Th'Apoli1e had written to them a. s r A - ‘ ‘V 7 I "V i in A i'ormcr i"i2i"‘i M .71/[oderdte Zlnfiveit to the ‘flit:/iiott,‘ f'orn1ierEpi,llls, Not to keep ‘company with Fornicators and othertleahdalous perfons: Failithe would that Chriftians fhould not only.forheat fuch finfull eourfes, but even the company of them that were therwith-all deliled : This his yE‘pll.ll€€.1l1(lil1l'S charge in it, he doth now interpret. fhevving, That hedid not in. tendto forbidthem allcompany or fociety with thofe of that ill~»na1ne which _. were not of the‘Church ; This hadibeen to have {hut them up in a cloilier, to b’ani{h‘ed‘ thernyoutiof the"v'vor1d {to have impaled upon them an impollibi- lity; slid St.fi'/aigfoflome you mull feel: anotherlworld to live in, feeing the y ‘cafe ofGods people in this world; is as of Roles among thorns, they cannot but live among thelvvieked : Butgthat, if ther were any profefled Chriflihns, that yet ha.d11ot§t1‘€f9rIIlcd _thoCet:vil1,<:ouriE:s, but Pull lived in the ufuall praeiife of them, . iwitli l‘Ll'.Cl‘l a oneithey {null have no f'amiliariity,t1V.ainat.ta eatwit/9 t/mix. So then, 1 The eating forbidden is {itch as is not forbidden in Relation to men of the world: . Now with the men of theworld they never had any company at the Tableof the Lord -' Con‘le_quent-ly, the text doth not re{'peE‘c that facred Communion,» 1101‘ their ioining with theil'&at1dalotisl'li’11 that {acted Aétion. This phrali: But not with/9im,iis‘tihie li1meineH'e5’t with that of aj’o/1.19. Renew him not into jam" H"”.7l’ -‘ Icvvas altogether unlawfitll For the Corinth-W0 lflVi!€ fulfill 8 l*&a!1d310U3 Brother to their houfes, or to {hew him any courtefie ; yea, I fuppole the phtafe A doth reach further, even to refufe his invitation, q. (1. Neither invite him to eat with «you; not accept of any invitation to eat“ with him; that To all lhew of Familiarity betwixt him and you may be avoided,» Add this ; It cannot be un... A derliood of that holy Society which is among Chrifiians at the Lords Table, be- lcaule that ‘whit a‘u12ec31.'t4V, No not to Mt, intimateth the leall familiarity that may be i; For fois the Argument, pa‘: mm.,_,,,,t.sa; wt wrntr-31'Ur, Not to keep company, no not to eat : But in that Holy {ocicty which Chriflians have one with another "in the H oulé of V God," this nieuzavt-31'e!r‘. To eat together is the greatefl : Whence it is that the aggravation of the Ptlttifhntellt of ohliinate perfons doth won in a contrary ycourfc 7 A M mmae/av , pea ar.wct.1ep.:}w'c3'nq ; they are firli llllllf out from the Table ofthe Lord, and afterward From the Houlits and Tables of Chriliians. lSo.then, this text of Car. 5. not rel"pcsf’cing the familiarity and company of them that come tothc Lords Table, Cannot be alledged to prove it unlawfull, and {im- full for a Chriliian to he found in company, and to go along with the wicked to 'theTablc of the Lord. 4 - N or that of 2 T/aef:.g.I4. The“words are thele-. may man 05:2} not our word 5y that Epifllc,Note'tI'mt 7r2an.zz2:zl /9472: nazrampzmywit/J him, t/mt /ac mayée an i ‘ flmméd. Here it is forbidden tohave companywith a brother that walketh dill orderly : So in *ocrfl6.'w'z.. He {pea Rs of them that were idle and bufiwlarxglyes, wrfa I . The Ch riflians of 7'/oejfalonica were moi} of them Avrtifans and Labor:- rers; and for theft to live idly, otttof aCalling was a clif-orderly walking: and tho i e Toirciiihg Mixt Communion.‘ V| I thofe the Apofile would have to be punilhed : The punilhment islet down,wr,5.;p lc'£MIo9'dJ : To Wl_[lIdra.W'thCt‘n{ClVCS from him ; and vwarapuyrfifix. To keep no com. I ipany with him :Now this company Cannot be underliood of the holy Communi-1, on, becaufe it is fubjoined to the verb u,uem;.3v,l Note that mmgwhich Cd,wn.pBcv’ I by divers Godly and Learned is interpreted the .A(9.' of Excommu- Bu/linger: nication.q.d; Excommunicate him, and have no" company with W¢V’0W- Him : Put him out of the Church : yea, out of all Civill fhmiliarity : Neither in’-we Vite him to houfe-,nor willingly be yee Found in his company. Which is yeg more inanif'ePc5iE we conlidet, that this a'mmJo3v,lS to fetfuch a note upon Him as may make him afhamed : Now that could not be by forbearing to communi-I care in his company. In very deed who fhould forbear P Is not the Precept tli- refied to the Whol Church .7’ Should they all Forbear the Communion, and leav- e him alone atit? Kidicnlam. No, they mufi all perform their duty, each in his place: The Church-ofiicets muli fet anote upon him :z'.e. Denounce him as an unworthy member of the Church, unfit to be admitted, not only to the Table of the LOrd: but even unfit to be admitted to any familiarity and lbciety with them: The Church-members muli do accordingly, ‘tie. Forbear all commerce and com- munion with him ; they muPt {hunhitn as a Pei’: and a Plague-fbre. So then; neither ofthefe two texts relating properly and direétl y to the Tableol’ the Lord can be utiderliood, as prohibiting private Chtil’tians to communicate in the com- pany of them thatought not to be admitted. Sliéldtnffld‘/E170‘ qmeflianix, to//tw-~ mr év azccidcntia. Much leis thofe other tcxtswhich are by fume added ex aémz-« diivzti to fill up room rather then to confirm that eaule,er£z. A62. 2 .40. Epb. 5.1 1.. T/Jefi. 5.12. @' 2 ‘Tz’m,3.2. 5'. For why 2‘ When St.Perer faith, ‘Save your filer: from 2192;: untoward generation. Doth he {peak of misbehaviout’d Chriliians P ‘or rather of misbeleevingjews P And is ita work of Darknefs? Is it an Apr- pmmnce ofwill to attend on Gods ordinance? If it benot for ‘Well performed by their: Wicked ones as it ought; yet is it not to be accounted evill. Surely it is . ra- ther a work of light, and an Appearance ofgood, how- lbeverto the wicked and unprepared nothing profitable,is ther no difihrence betwixt what is will in the Sublliaiice of the Ac}, and What is lo only by Accidelntxvie. through fotne dcfcti: of the A<9tor~ From facéarmnaway (faiththe Apofile.) What then Pi Muli I tiherfore turn away i‘i‘om the Communion if‘ they come to it .? No: but in the coutfe oF my convetlation I mufl have nothing to do with them: Nay moreuthac text doth not iieceliarily prove that I mufl turn away inch from the Holy Com- - munion ,- much left doth it prove that I mull’: turn awaymylfeli V becaufelofthem. I None ofthole texts do fpealt home to the point, leali of all that of} I 2 Car.6. I7. This text doth indeed call For feparation : but From whom? Col- ieft this onto? the Coherence.‘ In 1/er.14.tBe not ( faith he ) amreqmtlly }0l{_edW5t/J wag étlecvcm Natjohed /c. in fociety and partnc1'll1i p of the (hop and flock : in I I D ‘ Cohabitav '54 A )4 Moderate Anfwer to the Quefliana Cohabitation and company of the Bed and Bord .- Thus to be joined in fociety with Infidels he counteth a yoke, an unequal! yoke ; and wlould have them take heeciof it. His Argument is taken from the unequall condition ofthcm :To do this is to couple Righteoulhes with Llnrighteoufnes , Light with Datltgiefs; Chrili with Bclial:the Temple of God with Idols : things that can have no commerce together, not communion : And then inferreth, Wiée/(fire came amtfromt among them, and 5: jce /épnrate (faith the Lord 3 andtom/J not the ‘nucleon thing, éc. The Church of Carin:/9 lived in the midli of Infidel s : No wonder therfore if the Apolile call upon them to leparate from lluch, to take heed of cotmnunion with them, efpecially in thatwhich he had taxed under the name of Idolatry» and here underthat phra (e, T own not the unclean tbingr; /c. their prefence at the Idolatrous fealis, This in ipeciall would he have them fotbear 3 Now I pray, whatt is this to the prefence of the worthy receiver in the company of unworth_y A Communicantslat the Table of the Lord? Is not he blind that feeth not a large difference, and that the one doth not draw on the other to be unlawfull 9 Will it follow, that becaufe the Corinthians who were prefcnt with Idolatcrs at their Idol-ieafls, are {aid to have communion with Idolaters, that therfore he who is in the company of wicked men in their approaching E0‘ the Table oF the Lord, doth partake with them in their wickednes? Iffo: Then as the Corinths by fo doingtare (aid to tomclot/we tmclcvm thing : So alfo theiit Receivers of whom wee fpeak, by To doing do alio touch the unclean thing. And {hall we call the Table of the Lord an unclean thing P 13 it alfo an Idol? Ther is a text in Ht£gg.2-.rver- I-2'-—I4'.'WhiCh had wont to be alledgcd to prove that wicked men dclilé: the Ordinaiicesiof God. s But if fo, it is but to thctniielves not to-others :~As wholtfom; mcatreccived intoa. corrupted fiomack turns intonoxious humours : and, the. fame word that is to fame the favour oflifcs isito others ( in whom it. is not mixed with Faith) the Favour oFDeath-; to tlieflnbut not to others in their compa-- ny : Ther is an errour in chef: mens undcr»Pcanding : V They conceiv, that mecrly. to be in company with the WlCkCd9lS to communicate with them in their w.ickcd-- nels :They are deceived : To communicatein wickedncls, is to join fellowfhip inthe pur--l“uit‘of' wicked intentions :-ex. r. When wicked men take in hand a wicked putpofe -(~to.honour~an, Idol, toigt upiprofanefs ; to ac“?tin the works of darkness murthet, adultery, the-every, per;ur.y,€é'c; Then to join fociety with them hwittingI_y,is to communicate with them in wickednes. W'1tt1'ngly, I fay : For thofe zoo. that inthefimplicity of their heart went along ‘ with /15/'¢lam.to\ H;-éron,.did not communiicfatei with him in his treafon tho they went. in com- pany. But now,‘WilI any man of wit or: reafon fay,7That theiic Wicked men; and theft: fcandalous B'rethren,..iwh’o come to the Table of the Lord un-wotthily, thatthcygo abouta wicked purpole and intuition? furely, what faultines {'3- ever is in them, by which they hart thcmfelvcs from the Benefit of the Lords T.:1l)lC 5 , y Tom:-/:»z‘ng /lfzxt ['ommunion:Q Table _; yet the thing that they go about, in it fclfe is good, aduty enjoined, yea fo acknowledged by them, in which refpeft it is that they addrefs Il1Cm‘[ClVCS'lmt0* it : And therfore they that go with them to thisgdo communicate with them in Good 3 becaufe they do willingly join their company in the profecution oftihofc: good intentions. So then none of thefe texts do {peak toihe point. Oéjefi. But it will be replyed z-That tho theletter of thetext doth only look upon civill foeiety prohibiting that as unlawfull : yet by confequence it will fol» Iow 3t That if the one, yea that which is the lefs be unlawfiill, then the other, l yea much more that that is the greater is unlawfull 3 If no Civi/I, much lef: any feared Society. True: but then, you muff prefuppofe the i'ame power of Admitting and feparating : If I may not admithirn to minehoufe, much leis may I admit him to the Table of the Lord : fuppofing me to have the power of Admitting. I grant, that For them that have power to keep him out,the Argument holdeth. The Churchwoflicers of Corinth and Tbefllzlanica were bound to make that infiaretice upon the text of St.I’aaZ ; And if they did not, I acknowledge them to have fin-.~i ned. But the cafe is otherwife in this matter : This dothnot prove, that every particular Chrillian in either ofthofe Churches did {inn in comming to the Ta- ble of the Lord while thefc were not removed, if not they, then neither is it {inn inany oFourChurch~members to ptefc-tit him {elf at theHoly T'ablC.to partake of thofe holy Mylleries in the company of them that are unworthy. For why P The Table isthclords : it is he that maketh the feafl, that inviteth the guelis, and bids them welcome: Shall any that is invilted and prepared yet abliain becauliz of anothers unpreparednes? Tell met: I pray you : Did that text of the Apoiile C ar.5.1 Lforbid any Chriflian to eat: at another mans table, filppofing that this other man hath alfo invited a fcandalous Chriflian ? “I crow not. By vertue of that text I may not ( as before was laid ) invite the fcandalous brother, I may not accept of his invitation : But if a third man invite us both, this text doth not” bind me to refufe my friends euttetie becaufe of {nah company. If not fo : much leis to refnfe the invitation of God calling me to feafl at his holy Table. Did any of thofe gueiis in the Parable Ulwlataa. turn backiwhen they faw the Man who_ had not on his vteddi_ng garment, and c‘opf7cquently in the (‘rate of myanyifefi lun- worthi-nes and unpreparednes? Did they I fay turn back? or is tiny of them checked for coming in his company ? ‘Which brings on the fecond‘partoF the firfl Argutneiityoiz. That asthis cafe is not prohibited, to neither is it reprehcnded. 2.N0-text of Scripture hath teprehended it. Not that in Car. 5'.Il.2. Thet indeed he taxeth the Church ofarintlv, th at they A fuftered the incefluous perfon Frill toremain in “Communion with them»- He blameth them that~they were pzzfii.-d up,i.e. they fought to hide and excutfe the fauloglorying in theexcellencylof the mans ‘gifts foryir. is conceivetl that her was a Teacher among them,andthatifortheeminency of hisgifts, they were un- D i 2 _ willing A LA’ 174' admit: Anfwer ta the Q5/eflion, A willing to feparate him from the Congregation. ) This he chargeth upon them it and that they had not mourned : "What is meant by this mourning is noi eafilyto determine: That is not tobe doubted which fome layit/iz. That ther is good teafon whywe lhould mourn for the [in of others C as did tholi: in Ezcl§9.4. who are ther-upon marked in the Forehead to be preferved from the common de- Ptruéiion ) good reafon, I fay, both becaule hereby there groweth a fcandall upon the Congregation; as alfo,hecaufe the {inns of others do indanger ns C except we mourn fior them )ll-11'Cl"pC& of temporall things both goodsand lite, and all: This I fay is not doubted, yet I rather lean to the opinifm of them who under» “ Hand this mourning, of the indiéting a folemn dayiof Faliing and mourning for the excommunication of that inceliuous perfon : The culiom then was to de- nounce the fentence of Excommunication in a folemn maner, with the generall mourning and Iamentatiou of the wholallfembly invited ther-unto by appoint- ing a time for that Aéition, So much the learned do obfitrv out of this text, C0715 . 3. 8: 2 Cor.I 2.0 . And this is that that I conceiv the Apollle meaneth in laying, To’: have mt mourned, that he might he put away from nmazzgym. And was this the Duty of every particular perihn in the Congregation?The Epilile indeed is written to the vvhol Church oFC'arz‘n:h,8t refpefteth every particular perfon in the Congregation : But I {uppofc that St.Pa;zl doth not intend to accufe every par- ticular member either of being puffed, or of not mourning: much leh to in join every man to put on that folemn maner of mourning by indifiion of the day, i and denouncing the flentence of Excommunication againfl him. To beleev that whatfoever is fpolten to the whol Congregation may be ext»- euted» by every particular member thereof} is in efl"'e€t to “take away dil‘lin¢"ti- on of Orders and oflicers in the Church and Common-wealth : When God faith Dmtd 3. That irmji-r.t to jdolntry mafl he flayed ta deaths 5 Doth he intend to put every man in Authority to lite the execution done immediately ; Nay, in cafe the Magilirate negleét his office-,doth this warrantife every man to put the law inexecution P Doth not thislaw of God rather intend that execution pals on legally by the hand of the Officers deputecl to hear and determin of fuch mat-at tets? Wlien St'.P.cwl writing to the Colloliians, Cal.4.1 7. putteth in this exhor- tation, And, _/21} to Archijvpm, Tale: head to the Minéflry which thou he/E received in the Lord,‘ that than fulfill it ; Dorh he hereby authorilé every Collollian to lay this charge upon the Minilier? Or is it not rather to be prefented to him by the hands of them that were in place and authority 2‘ So neither in Cans. He that was not puffed up, was not guilty of communicaringin that (in. And liippolir that the Church-officers had not done their du in removing the incefiuous'per-- {on (as perhaps they did not remove fome oth r flzandalous brethren from the '(',‘hurch-fociety )‘,ther isnothing in the text to lead us to beleev that St.P:mlin-- tendsdaregtoof to themithat were not pnfl’:d,but indeed fizanrnedyprivately in i *4 A. [hm Teaching Mixt Communibxx.‘ ~ p 7 their devotions to lee {itch diforder, a reproof I fay to them, fine that theydid not | i ~ with-draw~\themfelves from the Communion of the Church in their dpproa ching y to the Table of the Lord. a. C or. I 0. He reprehendeththem who held Communion with Idolaters in their Idol-fealis: and in Car. I I . them who profaned the Table of the Lord by their utireverentcarriageand behaviour at it : uling many a Arguments to pdifwade» them from that evill, and to perfwade them to a reformation : yet doth he not,ei-- ther mention this as a motive,.that they did bring (in upon others, or adtnonifh others to forbear communion with them till theft: rhinos were reformed, leaflty ther-by their confcience lhould be deliled, and the ordinazhce of God become un- profitable to them. Yet this had been a very powerfirli Argurnexit of perfizafion both to theione 8: to the other,and doubtlels had ther been truth in it, St.Pmdf would not have forgotten it. The unworthy receiver ( faith the Apoflle) entezht t and drinkgth damnation to hzmfelf: He faith not,.to hirplélf and others: I grant; it doth not follow from the filence of the Apolile, that his fin cannot hurt" another belide himlelf : But this doth follow ; That if to him that hath prepared» himlelfther had been any danger at all from the prefbnce of others who are un- vvorthy, this had been a fit placefor St.P¢wl to have mentioned it. Which line: he hath not,we conclude, that he who hath examined himfitlf, hath done enough to lizcure him from the dangertof eating and drinking damnation to himfelF,When the Apolile doth fer down the caufes of that plague that was among the Cotinths doth he mention any finch thing as their prelience with the wicked in the Duty of Receiving P Or doth the text any whet at all imply it P We End in E.t..cl;.7-‘.5 2.26. a complaint of the Priefis thatthey had 'U1'0l»1t6’6h_}al1(7I offered violence to the law : that they had profimed the Holy thing: of God: that they pm no diffhrence hetween the H01] and Profane, norfhewed diflilrcncc herniate- the Clean and unclean, And infer; I 5.9. the Lord by lhewing the Prophet what, he would have him to doe, intimateth :1 Reprehenlion of the Fall"-‘-prophets who had not do11e‘theirduty,'w'«'t.. To fipnratc the pretiamfrom the vile. But if We *— look upon the places and weigh them well, we may obferv that both texts have reference to the Duty of'Teachers and Olheers in the Church : They mull indeed put a difference betwixt things holy and profane, they mufileparttte the precious from the vile, proriotznciziginetcy to the one,denouncing j ndgement to theother : admitting the one to the Holy things,k_eeping of the other:This mufi the clo,and if not, they deferve a reproof. But What is this to the caufe in han P Doth , this countenance the courle of lhch who condemn thofe that do not put them- R-lves fromthe Holy things of God; becaufe tholi: be admitted which ought not 2* Is not this rather to make {ad the Heart of the righteous? That of life} 65. I1 .‘ Tee are they that farfleke the Lord that prepare an Tahlcfhr the Troupsand ftzrmfh 4- drinlg afcring for th: m¢mher.yThis I fay hath been alledged to tax the negligence . 0» I8 ‘ A A /Moderate Anfwer to the Qxflg/hon, of them who admit the promifcuous multitude to the Table of the Lord: Asif the Prophet had blamed Ifrael for the like careleliuefs in their» Palibver. and Peace» offerings .7 wheras the text doth blame their Idolatry, not their profanefs: Idola- try in 1‘;;c;jfi;ing{m japimr and /Ifermry : to the Holi of Heaven. But adi-nit i it as a tax of negligence and lproiianclls, yet mull it not fall upon every particular perfon: Apply it to the Church -oflicers and {pare not: but blame notthem, who becaufe the promilcuous multitude are not turn’d away, do not turn away them- felves from the Table ofthe Lord. And lo tnuchfot the fitii Argument, 657:. D “D7”/2: ficand Argument. D Oman may .negle&,.either the Duty thathe oweth to -God; or the Bent» fit which God reacheth forth to Him upon pretence that another man doth not perfortn his Duty, or is not fitted to receive the Benefit with Him. Shall not the Husband pray, or Heat and Receiv, becaufe the wife. of his Bolomc is paflio- nate and irreconciliabler? Shall not Lot make l1{1l'l.'0l.1C0fS0tl'0m6’, becauli: his fon- ini-laws do not prepare to go with him 2’ That it is a Duty to receiv the Sacra~ ment is plain enough by that precept, Do this in Remcmémnca of mice .- That that is atBen~efit reached forth to us in it, is as evident by thatwotd of our Saviour, Tbz‘: i: my $04}, T121}: it my Blood He that mm/9 _flt-[79, and drizz/get}; my élaaafi, lmt/.2 etzerlafling life. Nay more: This Benefitcannot be had .without this duty : Exceptyce eat?/ac flefla cf the So): of mat», and drink; 6:’: élood,_yec have no life in‘ -yon, ]oh.6..53. You will perhaps reply: That Duties mufi be p'erFotmed in a right manner, otlierwile we may provoke God : Ifrael muli eat the Pa{ToVcr,yet not in their uttcleaniicfls, not with the unclean, fay the fame of Chriliians. I grant the Propofition for found and good : The inflance of‘ I fraeldoth not reach home to ytheypoint in hand. It»-doth not appear by any text of Scripture That if the Mal‘rer‘of'th¢ Familiedidaineglefi to CXCllldC$_{uCl1liaS were unclea rt, that ther-- upon the children or fervants did, or might lawfiill y forbear the Paflbvcr. Add this alfo, To bring home the A1-gtimciit more particularly to the cattle in hand where a prepared Heart may complywith the principall end of Receiving the Sacrament,therought he not to al:>l'ent himfelf For want of the fccondary, Reafongivctli it, Tl13tAiW.l1Cf»t.l1CflS at Duty to bcdolles at l'3€I1£‘5ft to bc‘ Cxpcéicclt If ther be divers Ends ofdoing that duty, tome more , fome lefs principal! : No realbn to negtleft that by which the Principa-ll end may be obtained, l>ecau{é: Wecannot Ol:)EClll1y[l1Cli~t’COIlCl3ryo Now then,As God hath appointed and or- daincd this Sacrament; t.To hold tbtth the Benefit oFCltrifl's death to the _W0r'-- thy Receiver, that by partaking of .Chril.’ts flefla and blood thc~Chriflian may be more neerly united to~ChtiPt himl'elf‘inlthei firliplace, and then to the members OF Chri{’r.“ 2, To call For and caufe in the Society of the faithfull it publiclc Tefiification of their mutual! love and charity one to another ‘as members of the ' ** D it i D fame . Toflclaiwg Mix: C ommuniom.’ ,. :29 fame myflrcall body. So, the prineipall end of-Receiving. is to continue the Unis on and Communion with Chrifhatid all good Chriflians ( the living members of‘ Chrifi) which vvaslbegun in Baptifin : And the fecondary is to make prolticfliorl of it by joining with this and that Afiembly oFChriPtians. Now then, fince the S primary end of Receiving is our Union with Chtilt : and out union with Chri--' flians is but the fetzondary C For we are not united to Chrifi by being “received S‘ into the Cong:-egation, but indeed received into the Congregation becaufe firfl. united to Chrili.) Nay fince, the primary end, is Llnion: and our Profefiion orv Tel’rificatiot'1-~thei't>f is but the fecond‘ ( or third end of Receiving. Therfore where the Primary end may be obteined, why fhould the want of the l"econd“’ or perhaps the third jbeaccounted any jut’: barr to keep us off; Now,how-it foevcrt El’1CIDi'XEm'C of bad with the good, or the fcandalous courfes or overt-many intheAlTeml)ly might feem 22 juli bar: to our Profeliion of Communi'on and‘ Fellowfhip withithis or that Congregation, yet fince it cannot hinder us in ob- tait1ing,pt.:r defire of Union with Chrifl, and his 1nyIiiq_all»Body, why fhould this mixture be :1 ny ban: to the Dtttyen joined P In very deed if that Profeflion of our lelves to be of the Number of them who hold of Chrifl andhisChurch,t if this ( I lay) were the principall end oFReceivingtthe Sacrament , Then were there fame {hew of Reafon to forbear joining with a mixtt Afi-embly : But now» it is otherwife. It were indeed to be wilhcd that the whole Congregation were» {rich as that we might affeeiionatly defire to continue in Communion and Fel- lowlhip with them : But iF_it fall out otherwife through the fault of other men : Can that be a firliicient realon to hinder us from the Sacrament 5 The prime fruit and Benefit whet-of l we may partake of; even in the mixt Allembly ? Add this alfo :That it is charitably fuppofed, ther be fome Saints in the Congregation ; and in our add rclistotlic Sacrament we do profetfs our defire ‘of71i‘inion and (Eon)- mnnion with them :if others intrude themfelvcs, we came not thither to meet’ with them. Nowthe Q‘-llCfllOl1iS3Wl1<":tl1Ct‘~Wc tnayt1cg»let’9cthc good and godly Cl’11‘l~l.llal‘tS,, and that Duty which we ow to God in rel'pe& of them, becaufe S of? the bad and wictked, whom finding their, we have not power to remove.» a ; T175’ t/rird ‘Jrgumcntt 7 i .~ That Opinion which in the bcB:»Ages of thc«Church hath- been condetnncdt n of errour : And that which_nece{Tarily caPte~th ChriPtians_upor1" inextricable difiicnlty’s and: difizornforts, s in all probability erroneous and thertorertnot; to be embraced‘: Such is thcopinioh of ’ them who hold it finfitlls for a Chrilhan (7 tho well;~prepartd'f'or_thc holy Sacrament by felf-examination according to the Dofirine of the Apoltle ) to draw neer to the Table of theLord in the-»com.. pany of them that are uujufilyi permitted to Come to that ho1yOrdmancc. That it hathtbcen condemned as erroneotts in the belt agcseof the Church, 1% evidtrt . ~ No; 72022 camztzmzicare peccatis zzliomm ergo Cd Moderate Anfwr to the Qaejtéan, _ 7 H .cvident'by':rthe‘Ptory of the Novatians firfl, and the Donatills afterward, who , A ainfilawc Dmmmg dmh St uyon fuch grounds made a‘" Feparation fiontthc ydrtzguflin diiputc, as did St.cyp,,-W’, (..hutch 0f(..'10(l, and {er up fi2lefl: Conga-egat1.ons bet-gm him againfi the Novamns, of their own ; utterly condemning thole Char» Notcherc,tl1at0ftC11 in his books ches and Afliemblies, who admitted of any {itch .‘?§f€fé?/:I7.{’?t:.C(:;7’2':[2;:zz Izltindtiffaa €’:'f50;1(‘7[Z to the Communion of the Church whom they I . » l . . . . . s St‘AMfl;n dman Agthofiity out of accounted fit to he fufpended from the Sacra- ¢fl,.,.,-y,,,,, M, 43 MM,’ to Pro“ E1.,9.y ment, and the fociety of the faithfull. .» conclulion that we ha“. in hand‘. That it doth neceflarily cal’t many Chriflians ‘ __ _ upon inextricable difliculties and difcomforts is ""”'l”.7fi 6”” ””'7’ 5“”“’”‘”’”"”” mm‘ evident in this :That if it be unlawfull to receiv ‘r'71/J/113726 mslflfflmllf. . . » . the Sacrament in a mixt Allembly ; Then it may fall out that fome Chrillians may for ever be deprived of that Ordinance, and lb want that comfort both in life afl(.lCicL1tl1:WhlCl‘1thCy might have by it. For why P fome have not liberty nor means of feparation, and feeking ellewl1ere,ex.yr. Wives, children, fervants whichare under the Covert and command of their Husbands,Parents, Mallets : Some again are {hut up in prifon ; others banilhed or confined to fueh a place where this Doflrinc is not beleeved, not is that Sacra» ment any where to he had, but in the Parochiall Aflemblies of that Place and People. Now for all {itch to be deprived of the Sacrament, and of the comfort which cometh by it, is a matter of fuch inconvenience, that it cannot iii any pro- ;bability,be allowed as an Order, and Appointment of Chrill. Confequently I conclude 5 That the O inion vvhichdenyeth it lawfiill For a C hriPtia.n to commuv- nicate in a mix: Aflém ly, is in all probability erroneous and not to be received. This alfo may be cal’: in to make up Full weightand mealhre : That we find in the Gofpel our Blelfed Saviour not excluding ladder from the Pallover, even when he knew that he had confhired with the Priefls to betray him. Nor do any of the Difciples, when our Saviour told them, Tee are not all elm», One of you flmll Astra} me, not any of them do call upon Chtilt to turn out the Traitotur.-. no not when by the Sopp given to 71144:, Chrill had manifelled him to be the man- VVl1€1‘-in if the Apollles were to blame ( fo itmay he thcfe men may think) as notfufilicieiutly ( at that time) carefull to have an Holy Communion by f2:pata- tiingthve ptetiousffomi the vile : yet certainly our blelled Saviour did not at all tranfgrefs the Rule oFHoline{§,’Nori would he have permitted fade: to {it To neery them, if any of them might therby Fail of Receiving the Benefit that might upon {elf-preparation be juflly ex peéted from that Sacrament. Nordo I know what: can be excepted againfl this, unlels any would deny the N eccllity of morall elearmefs to tliéiatepar-itig and fitting of the jews for the worthy receiving oftlte Palfovcr, or boldly avouch that nothing more wasrequired -of them but a {dark r r V of l Touching Mlxt Comritunionc . AA 31 A of7Ccremoniall purity,.'ahdlegallpurificatious of the Flefh zowhich Ifuppofc is anopinion F5 grofi and abfurd, that none of underllanding would ownlit and avouch it. We read Hezekiah urging the Preparation of the Heart, as an Argument to prevail with God to. pardon the neglcft of Ceremoniall purifica- tion :. which had been of no force at all, if Athofe Purificqtiolis had not been required only in the way of figtiification and corntnonefat9cion to put thcmiin mind of that fpirituall and morall duty, the Preparation of Heart, If God took any pleafure in walhing the hands ,and fcouring the Hefh, why doth our Saviour blame the Pharifees who were but too diligeim and oblervant of their Ceremonies :No, no :Evident it is, that Sacrifices and Cerem‘onies, were ac- ceptable only as Inflitutions, :111d.Admoniti011s of Morall Duties : As at other .A times; Som their Preparation of themtelves to the Holy Sacrament ; Nor was it enough for [radar that he was clean ( asfarr as the water could reach ) no not enough that his feet were vvafhcd C ifwalhed they were) by Chrifl .- Since the Heart was full of covetoufnes and divelifh intentions. Whofe un- e clea.nl}r:l's» might itbe anihinderzmcc to the Refidue in reccivingA the Bencl'it of A l the S-acrament, Can we with reafhn beleev, that our Saviour wciuld not have ’ {hurt him out, and {'0 have taught them ( uponfiich an occafion )A_.;he Nccefli- ty of what theft miA:nAcall for with fo much importunity 2'? <1 clofe up all in a word : Since neither Scrifnture not Reafon do conclude it unlawfull. Nay fince Cthc Scribttire bclllgfillfinti in the caufeg. neither prohibiting nor. reprehcnding Reafon doth draw us toconclude againfi: the opinionofrhefi: men :» I conclude, It is not jinfull for aiChrt‘[han to re- céiv tI1:':Sacram:ntina mix: eflflembly. r A A 1 “ t .~ew¢e::r.Jt'€~~ % Appendix. ’ C l r c t ~ l c Eqctraffed am of A Refpanflgry ‘Loner. ‘ 6 % » t A A H‘ To your two Qtiaeliiohs propouncled inthe clof: of the I.ettc1' lrcturn l thisbreef Anfwer foryour ‘lb-Clsfiélland A it To th?'=n; Flrligvie. Whether it be not“ 6A {inn in t/:e‘M3niflAer to deliver _t/9:, Sacra-» men: to /izmgtlazu t3'fi‘mgdalo:2:;' i.e.ltoLhim who eh aving been lurch, hath not as A yet reconciled himfelfto God and the Church by publik evidences of his R e- w _ to bringthetfit8"the'. “gggilication of their Regentance. z.Whcre it is: Cvidcmi e A A pentance. ‘lcanuot _3,Cll11it.tl'lC Aflirmative For at Truth,m'z.._ It is (in in him eit- ceptwith thele Alimitzttions. t ~ A ll " A 1..Whcn~therisAA power in the H and oofthe Minilicr to keep finch rnenroffg and * ” gzrz/adiiéizig kmfiaem rfiaiaqmefiam, “ ii tothe Miiiiflcr, thatthc man g-gm;h‘notit4ctox1ci1cd h'unf:lFto% God add‘ tht Cont- owant of a chariitabic uit: of T Comtiiu1‘1i_on : Not the othr:-zu gregation; '3.Vvh¢n tiietmanfikindced fczmdaioius £,e. ,tj1pM havcgivcnoffcncc. Buttthcihiéis ocherwifc; Miniflct ‘bath ,4 E * ufly known i tqi not power in his hand :0: whmhe is not c¢4:tgg,iaV;;i*’ii wfiifaizsi Non»-Rcpcn--y tanccagnd Noz1vRec<3nci1ia;tionit: Or M-d1‘y,'whh "the4iwmém is not indeed. iEanAd;zlous. i‘Ifay,Na:ind:é‘)éflj'BccauiZ: fome men acgountV"foznc% things to be fcandalous which indeed arcinot. Thtri.iS,;igg,fi;aintl1aItoa weak brother in the hr~ifl~i;xh Lihctrémg Thar iisia fcandai to then} that Iy that f?:andé1I”~that dcfcrvcth V rcpuilic" from the are without : This ‘latter is A A‘ To the iécond "m'z-,,Wbat her it éaam «fin» £2: (5: Pgagilah to communicate with flfiyfztc/.r.:ri«:, To rccciv the: Communion in the Society of (Each :1 Minifltr, '.1UdfilCh a frzandalous Brother. I Fay as before: I cannot aflimn itfinfull _; ex» Ccpc with chttfe Hz'nlt£tti0I1Si.4 I.Whcr1 it is evident to the Chriflimthat fuch a. perfon is indeed f'c:md:ilous,a.nd hath not reconciled him{c1F.. 2.Whcn it is in 4 the liberty ofthc Com'muniCan’titoiChniE or rcfufc fuch“ company. But the cafl: . is otherwiiltgi when it is inot evident to hing that the other hath not rccroncilcd himi'e1f°:'or when iciiionotiini thciiberty of thcoComLnnicdiht to refufc. Now at W it is not in the liberty cafthc Chriiflian (Ewing theD_uty that he owcth to Goad) I to abflciin édcogcther fxomtbciisacramciit: So ncithtriis it in his liberty (fziving o AA his dutythathc qwcthtowthu Magiflrat) coiabflain from that Coligrcgation whet-ofiby vcrtueioffihéioshouiéandHagbitarion he is knowrttoi be in i ‘Mcnibcr.*? «Atth¢5rC6m’u1union of thcifick pcradvci1m~rghcma‘yi forbcarhfromjoiningihtiniodifltywith fuch. if they fhould? v i V o iCong’rcgatib1‘1.- A Impflrzmaatur, CHARLWHERLE,4