91? rcurij 25;. fanzmr. mpg. I?“ is this day Ordered by the Com, 3m-ons Hozzfe of Parliamezm that My: So1.icitor do give thanks to Mr.” flrrom fmizr/9 for the great pains he took this day in the Sermon he preached at the pub... V . s. a; _ _ "E"".€".‘f:r .- v‘, ¢_:-..,._.‘.-;;s W:-3:‘ .- ‘. \ o_a 3" -._ 1&0‘. “ 5. ''‘..r' ‘a: ‘Q m lique Fafi at St c.Wfmgz:zret5ain the City 4 of VVefl:minfler, at the imreane of the ‘fetid Houfe aezfind it is defired that he do print his Sermon. And it is Ordered, A that no man {hall prefume to print his Sermon, but Whom he {hall authorize sagfler his hand-wwriting. k Bljyng : Ger. ‘Parl. 3D. Cams 1 figpoim §amual Man to Prim my Scrmoms A * ' " % flbns drrawjfmitfig ( . s E R M "'a°‘..e} M . M ~ ; ‘ ‘ V . » 373:. . TV. j gun BRANDISHED: INA ~ Ju J ' Before the Honorable Houfe M At: =.:.h_cir late lolctnnc Fafi, fan. :5. By felon e/[rrcmfmit/9. B. D; Preachewof" the “G-ofpcl at lfifncgs-Liam; in Norflvlke. T ‘Pub1ij72ed by Order of tlmt Hat:/é. Mann. 10. 34. ’ I came not in fiend Peacejmt A: .Smora£. Paaem hzécre debet rvalxmmr, BcA’um»%.necef3'it»z:. Augujl. LONDON: Primed for S A M u E L MAN,dwclling at the figne % ofchcSwa_nn in CPau~l: Churchyard. 1 6 4. 3;... ‘ w . ‘ ‘ F V“."“ “ ‘ ,1. ’ Lu 1 V e V S E % G F M- M 0 NS A S S E M B L E D IN wAKp2e~ emgt V ‘ His Vzbzeyard vvhemfGo& had‘: mafle * ' you keepers: camwt but fee that no- thing is wanting on your pare For A you have endeavoured mfeme it by a fetled Militia, re gather out Malignant; as flozzesg to4pZmzt.ér with men of pictie and rrufl as cizaéce mizeeg to builfi the tower ef aepowerfull Z\/fini/Zery in the midit ofie » and we to makea wizzegrefie theeein foezhe Iqfzeezing 0%‘ Delinquents. Gofi forbédthaeieleeed ef the yepes of thazzakfull ac“ kmowledgemcmsfi any fiwufld bring fbreh vb-iide grapes of cenfilres anfi obioquies. Your ca re MM Paws formerly taken for the eeconciling of Scot... . 1 1and,as aim fax the red ueing of Ereland, anfi re- M % % 4 fmmiflg ’“ " "-\._ .5- ma‘ Ken; 1.2.3. Pfal. 2.. 12.. ll Cam. 1.. In ' fe>t:'mieg~ .:‘.‘,.\r; .—=e l‘: J» a‘ H‘ \ 1 [re Decltcatoityt. ~Vl7v“ 1-» ——....‘,.. ever Ghee have been (0 thatt in applying to your Wi{eat‘:t'rl ls: .. ltHDi‘3tJr3l3le Senate that compteeatioh we read of .f tn the Prophet feremy, The Lead blefle thee, 0 befi- l taticm offifltce and mmmtairz efHoZ:'rtefle,l {hall but publifh,cr1'er»like, the votes of all well-e&'e<§tecl tin Chrillettclome. You are now engaged in a Way of lL1Cl‘1 h eroick defignes as pefletitie cannot chufe but let the {lamp ofnever-dying Honour upon. 0 kiflé t/261$‘ 022,22/Z be be at-ngrie, mm‘ ye peri/b V tn the we}. Rifle, and you {hall be tefaluted: {ome tneafiite cf that bleffing of hleflings petitioned for in the Song of Songs, Let him kzfle me mitb the /ale: cf /2:’: mozztiafctr t/qy love is better than ‘Mite, {hall undouhtedl befall you. ./rtalmqus a Cour- tier received from King Qzres a cup ofgold; at the fame time Clazgfanstazt the beloved Favourite received a luv’cl.). Hrvmz is It tz'7.2t,.tocget}2er 112it.l': ws, this whole (itycome: to 5:: tvrlya-1enu!zcler]’?3ot this‘ fix:/2% of May, . Alana Dalm, :s'5z7.l Soldlmgerous is it For Officc-- l bcarszrs to da.;~gelL1er,;aLol,-,fo1f luch 33 'managc the pubhqu§.+ '"}‘739 56* @€n?z5¢§"n£n%"*:y, Apublique afiaérn nf Chnrch c>3:“nS:.:.n:n:*n_, not an (pend their grea:ePc intention ngnn the grnax things af A God. A Ifthispoore difcnurfcnnofminn may cmwtnbute thcicafl min: towards the quickning of ynut hearts in the Way everlafiing, I have m0ugh.Thc-2 world no &oubz VW“ parnn my being Teen in Print when it fees an Order for it. But if" your own judicious eyes fhall new diflike What your cares lately appmvcd ( the fame thing fcidomc appearing the {a me in a tmnficnc viewnand a per..- mamnt reviialijif this Scrmnns nigiitwdrsfln have rendred it fomewhat: too homciy for the n light of £2: knowing an Age; be plfeafed to con; fidcr that the Sworfi , the Covenanmvcnging A Sword, a [harp theme, 1nqniresrazhc.r kecnncflia than fmoothneffe of flilaf; but chiefly that my ayme was to preach not my Inf, bu: % Chrifl Iefus the Lord, and myfelf % é Y“aarf;»m2£:fir man,‘ & éR?~§W§i4I'm%§ “"". . ‘ '-mu '2" ‘,7 ‘ ‘ ~ ‘.3 I," W: _‘\7 “U; “ .1 Wm, «M w, ’ é H3‘ _, 3’ 3 *‘|“.I“‘ "I "‘“4v‘-u-3-5‘ '7 ‘ ‘ 7'31‘ “ wk ‘ ‘ ""' u ‘, “ V: “_ , ‘J’ “‘:v“R"‘.-1“, "1"" U I. D “ V” w ‘W’ ‘'x,‘_ w ; 3 ‘ .A L 3 '7' £ p RE A % LATEEAsT M % Before the Honourable Houié W A of C0 MMU ms. —--nu ZEvIT.36.a5¢ bring. fl Sward upon you, my 153]] mmnge 1&6 gzmrre/1afm_y Covenant. A & A ‘c",. "‘ 2 v w ‘ ‘- ' an ‘: 7mtl7ema'.rs, the two mounts ‘Ger-ma zzw and E541 meet in this Chapter. ' ;,,,. La. . .4. ‘ 1 { ‘ w ‘ w\'. ‘ ' udf". ...~ "‘ ‘ . .v -‘ . _, u “ ‘ 1-9‘ ‘M. V,‘ ‘ ' ‘ , u y! ‘ . ‘, ’ ‘ ., :1 w u .. ‘ ‘ o ‘4 "‘ ' I . . ‘ H ‘I fit ..J Ereis a mixture of Ha_a/‘mm’: and A- F ive blesfings are promified in cafe 5“ of 0b€diCflC€, from the thud to the . fouretéemh verfe; from thence to thfl fortzerh, no Ieflfithen foure ? mazes fiveiu;¢igem¢nr§.rI1r§3»tned in café of rebellion, as A ‘Pi/“W” 1‘€C=i0f75 Up 223 ms Analyfe. Smith is the courfe of Dwme providence : where Iniqgitie breakes ‘fafc 3 Calamirie will be gzrc £0 dine 5 to {up when-% % A W ig /2 Serman [2mzcbeda_t_z'/96 zate”E;p .r..——. V-— it Vdénesg and $0 léfldgfi Where it fwppes. jufiice rea- quhres that the crie efefinne flrzeeald be anfwered with an eeeho of wkratih : wiernefie ‘the Wnrdsbe'fi3re,my Tezitg If jrenvil not lzerefurmed by t/.7ingJee-‘mt wil1néal&_qa~y¢ty-5;. r} zznro matfaen mi/1%I;j’o zvazlé rgxetrqzyr uyrzfajyopzd 6» mfg} pung”/Eryonfetféa-2:072 fifi2e!_fe*r}akr .VVf.‘.‘:.I’d§ that we}-3 defervea giraffe,‘ and ‘wiwtéa ear ieave fhali have it; Ifjer will not be refbrfizedlyy t»‘?:@s’E i/Jing.r,,}.'0 wit, Ehfi fore-men ... .M M w,,,,_; tiomed plagues. The e1’}d«C9ifM‘Ge,‘;rv¢73s firiking irssflto ~refi21rm;§ pit zzrcmemiet, the end“crfhi‘s reforming, m fizfve. He§«x1ab‘m,~e;»g me Q}-$3.... 3:39;: “’?;’f;z_‘, tures as wxth Aleaes E9 wean us from the"m,::md give em‘ &;,-P,.,. ’ ' fouis occafion offeekmg E0 ~:£'2oA{éfu11brea&e%o&=:he Lord? jefus, which doe "even eke %"-f3r% want oi7dra:wipg;,, and rum moi’: fieely when they are mai} heartily fuekc. Far men, to conrmue unreformed mm«virh'fland‘ir;g time thing; is 4 a befiiafl ,yea di3.b€3I_iC.'€1“ pm. Vmleiflmzdfe lvxmrzfla among ilfié peoplegbe that c/Jafirfis‘/2 the beatbcnrfiall mt be carved??? . 1 Pfal. 94,-. 8‘. -10. Zwee may rayfeit a téwte higher and flay,“ Vndeerfiandaye d'2v~ellifl'1 among tfic people; for ta «be 31.». w%a;§e:we.sA?i<{uff¢ifit-1_g,,emevereeepeehting, as the p1foperry'o‘feein$ ** fi'l‘i‘I‘i‘€t1i §§JiI”iT$~E%::'t wz'Z2' walk earztrmf;/. awztn me; New wife he czmfiz mar: paflé p:m3te:zditm~;The plea isgrhat men can- IIQE, but the !;‘.3&“i.:?t§1 13 they willenot do otherwife, being. mm 9,25. ersewieriwweeirezéndws Coloflruz z. A The Way ofimpeu nirezice is Czfconrrariéty re; Gad: wh (jfe“h(";:]7 A Law "%.-:1. s. w ,; - = - .. M . ,_ 31” 5°’ 17 the rebel! CFMS behind ms back. To }ez’"ua.€hr1fir;;they ee-_ ifi*¢,;_?,'ef7‘é%>’m‘%i”%'<‘3 enemies tohis Propheticell chaire, that hate. ta/be ‘re *E‘m’m*ed‘% , mhis Priefily Cmife, that miénd earzh... _j*2ha!.;.;-3-,r9;. Iy’ gm his Kein»g1y4eT:3mne§ may Weg11:e;;gmg‘hwe- . %' fI"‘ké1%17_, hi~:73?:, e-’eig;ne~0verti1em ‘: fig alfo to che Hgjy Gm-3{};5_ Epbef.q., go, §7i§;*’§‘}1,e/£_”37£7:”.I2f!.}C"'L‘1 mu=reIésed'o not comely grieve, bu-4:_vcxe Sand. V e '33” £0n_ . ;:%~rm:£.5, :9Wefife-WwjwffliehafIfigwarre agamfc you by my mdgeu-L es you have fang?-1tAag2:inf‘e me by your fin-3. eras 4444444 % ' A the ,,w'’ éefire the HonamaEleIEez:jeef:CwmaexL A Q A T A the natureofconrrariesfe to” d0e:Frigm:1a ptegazalvcmt eel;-4 e'ie,heme:ete,{z°eeid', heate and cold, moyfirure and draught am! ;,gm_,,,7, » expel“! each when Ifmen W111 needs be drmrag God our ‘ V mftheir thoughts, fpeeches, lives, no wonder ifG<::d BE-in peilthé outoftheir hcahh, efiates5peace:Nor.hing more inf}: then fuch kinds of reetaliarioms which the Scrip:-are a%b0unds~wich ; {Fee it proporti@nin“gjea1oufie to jealou- fie, and provecation to prmmcation, Dwet. 322.2 I. A The; f bame waved we tajeefonfie mi if: that which 7'»: net Geog they imam prezaeked wee to anger wit!) t/.1-sir zxamftiee 3 czrzdl we'll meme/new toejeelozyie with t/Sufi that are not apeoplggzf will prez.-eke them to anger with .»:__fIeol.%¢_'/7; N atian. umber‘ in number, 13/21.65. I I 5 I 2. T e are they t/2 etfurmflr the drinén L0 eringte If/9‘ atrzuméer, t/Jerefavre will I numberyezeta tfse fwrd. Choifé to choifif, Iflé 6.. 3,4,. T lacy /zuwe c/.m_/Em tbeir ‘-emu weycs,I willaljb cbzyé their delz.fim:.r.Devifl: my devifé, V Mz'x2.2.I%,g ; W 0 to them that dewg'[33 iniguitie, t/aerefivre t/.;w;r faith the Lord,beFJeld,agai1zfl tb:i.rf§z2:2il; de I dezxsfi an em‘!/?. Frowardneflé to frowardrgeffce , Pflzl. I 8. 26. Wit/Iatfde were téozxf/Jaltfibezzv t/JyfeQ'e pilwgend with the frowaral time wilt Ifiesv ti} fzlfefroward : 31117:’ as contrariety“ here to comm trariety. And willpunfiyezejetféven tz’we.rfEn~ yeéerjiazx 3 1 gm” 5% eBy17::ven~L1nderfiand many times , as w_he131eis~; mad 3‘ the pm 364% 5], ” L‘-llfé: to followmds, and yokes of iron to be put on afce-r K; V I ' e % V 1 4 mg. 9% :- Jer: ~8:x2.’.‘z‘32 barrenhethborme {even ‘and that in aeedéflemblers hegrt % A ; _ there are fizven abominatims : yet {even times, to wir,o- V vet‘ 8:. above what they fuffered befo teen, fiver} times. more. as it is here, verfl 18 .and'2 I. It being the Lords ‘manner ofdeaiing to affliét iightly at firft, bupmore geievoufiy e afeerwards: where plaifierswill net {ewe the cum, Ian» I, , ~ e A cingmay1belo,okedf‘ar, ifmt difmembréng, Scerpions my 9’ « yoke:-3 of wood. A ‘ _ Hitherto ofjjudgmeentsin general}, which the c_o1'_;e— ~ erencc hinted us :0» e Come we now to that—-particular in " V " B 3 the A A .4 ermem [7rracb%edatAAzf;e/ate the-text‘:AIAwi/15:ri%Ig afwgrignpanjatn A, ibaiJ¢Ja1iaA§7e,§A2‘geA . ibeF«1uarrAel1afmj Caz/erzant. A A A or the fa!) unprovemem: of which claufe _., may it pleafc this Hcsnourable and Chrifiian Afi"emb1y§::o1midA A the attentive patient ear-as till Ihave opened and apply- ed chef: three propofitions. A A A A A A A 1 . Warre is a judgment 050’-ads own bringing.1 w%z'l£' brimgafword. A A ' ’ A A A I A 2. The {word is anmftrumenr o£vengeance:A fwAordA "$bdiflmI[M‘J€7:?g€’. A A « A ‘ * A A A A 3A That which the fword comes to avenge, is fame quarrellofGods Covenant : am-rage the gswzrrell of ‘ AA r:ayACer72enarzt. A A % A A A A I To the firflr of thefé, Scrip-ruregives freqpentrcftia A monie : Te /mvefimred I/ye fword, arid! milllzring afwvrd AA;;pc2njoz¢ , flsif/3 t/be Lw*dAGoal. Ezech.n. 8. I’-IeeitAi»s that command: tbefnzord, Amos 9.4. thatfaith unto it, Swam? ga t/arcmg lsfztcb as Lana’, Em": k. I 4. I 7. Its charge and com- ‘million comes frqm him; 0 témufwcardof taéealorgtl, how lmg AAi=J19iI*l it bee ere thaw bee gniet .9 }>zxtA up t/J}fé;:fé'Air!f0fa5€ % fiabéerd , rqfl awdbeflill. %Haz:v*'cAm it 5: qz;iAet , féez'r2gjtI1cA A A Lard éath given it acinzrgeagairgfl Axkeion , andkgainfl W-Aum -W ~ the Sezz flaare .9 2‘/acre /mt}: bemppaizztedit, Jer...c;7.e”r1dA. To 'vf:W~ =mm A fome itmay perhaps fseme that Saint 3‘ame.r AdAetermine'sA fj; W oAtherwi2%:~ by what he hath left upon record, Cbapr. 4.A 3 , A im-exam: ex from :v;{ve::ce camelmzrrer am‘dfi‘g£1tingxVawomgyc=2; .4’ come fl~’?‘='-'A‘3’V"V’~“A W 5“ -A’ '*mtAi3erzce ewe:-M marl: ” NBA AA 7:»: A ‘ ' 2 mfiwrm mu. l'r€_’)V_r A A f} _ zfi: at war: ymrr mam-Iéerx, A ff?mi&¢!I£ A ,-,2 And was it*iA~'~.A. that the next: caufes ofmofi warm are the Im¢”i5"‘..l’A5“"“”~'s's» 1211755 mfnxen. C577/2:fl0.v:e fpeakimg of theAChurc:h Apo- fzolzcail, and czimmnmry ofizgooda therein, Ahathflthas rm. .,sr:aA~_,€;;igzA- g;,A_~::’,~;,,¢_ m'§rk.;a§:wI€ pgflége {T[vesfi' twafriwiiams Award: ( fi1th.heeA) Ag t31“';:»"?‘A; Mme mid témze 33:Z7zcI7:t /Ema /mveAocc4f?o7¢Aedfb fi¢.:£?f_)' Wiarrexy =A .-34:7 A -» A _ A _ AA __ AA , A [N flfé mm and fa oftmfet me zavafld lg} tbemre: roger/Mira. were baazrflrgf _ A A. ‘ ' A AA f szzazmfuna. écfire the fiwaaraeéie‘Hez¢flevofCommo72y;‘ H my: bf Afl’e{%;_}2;Z:;{}r5C/;rrif§iany H322; lirved zzpmz earth We ufig .4;zgV:II; 5I0\:i7§ee,_e_/9€14§»'.€‘?Z,Afl.Ot edifagreezng among them... feives. Y'ec 3311 thus enotwxthfiandmg ,, fuc1»1.eeiAs the ‘ firoke whe-ieh Divkienefflmvidénce.haAah Aén ordering the hearts of «men 5 “the: ;,Go,d himAfeifeeA¥s:;;zmAly{aid :oVeb.ring the Sword ‘Awfhich is d rewn their crreupriems 5 yea to tend an evil! fpi!'~i=_t of comen»tion~bet,weeAzi them, as once betweeene A- lviwilccffi and the men 0fSecbem, ]t1dbm‘I§ed imHcamm, Ifa, 3.4,; 5+ e‘onfiderau~0n very 2366212311-%%Afi°<0&‘A efiabiing A A3 . M A V?;;;A§k . égffvre Ilse Hmzvmaéle Hcmfe afC’a772mai93‘. A 7 afpatience to have its~pe rfe& work in blcnody times, in- clénmg tjhe{auA1to41Z1y Wiiih 10:55 afzez-“he had re:%ceived%ir1~ reliigence «Lfwhar h—wc%=Ck was made amsmg his flsrvan rs A _% _. and €£3tE€:’U by 3~J3i€‘~.%fl and Cmldfiaflbeinds; T/.~:eLord E " ”“ ‘7°-' A gmve, .«zncl;tx'3eL6.Tci;/oat/9 W/(€73 6!w.rl}.,./Jlcfld be Me Name of Qzgz'd% «am . . haiii %a£r€:fr1%r3f“ ,?"'*i-an *3 adhis . e M _ 5’/?~‘°"°F'~’P'9ititI’?3 ti?” Lord % “P” ‘ % P“ L % ey &'fl“u‘PO’n -wlrturiba: qua‘ he:g;Ven.\.a,'haZ€V€f hima. * -’Y€‘3.‘€V6I.'Zl a,mongPh.i30-~ c1,,g;§«,,,,, D”: . fmpherafihough Ihey?w;rmgzin*g. the knowledge ofCh;~§fi wmutem gaze-3 maid-11aveA mo41‘1?s£i‘:re bvuiE~4thfifha ¢:1o«w«;r;>f grace) the mag };’;;' "ff”§;9 n-axed i'é?€’c4 for ;.:a,..ienC6 W35 that Ofthc Stoicks , who a- “Ca2:tic:..,. ‘ fcribéf]d4'aliA to fa!7c?«yu; _ g f « % 4 A _ 4 The .f‘eg:»w-nd bifervat_i%onAfol‘1ows, wits. A A V That thfi fwozjd is an 'in{‘c;%u:men%t of vengeancfe. God. never4%draws_hi%s;4%fWQrd%btneirz AaI1g€r&g%- Witn.sffeScripx,ur¢A and e'xpsrimc€, wt_3:am~ ;;4!»,4. :1. AIfI13?%&’2et my g1;‘::erm,g, % fxi?ard[hndAmme band take =A£w;!a£ owmjrxdgwent, 1 mi1irma’er wéng&é22:«zm:Mtz:*#zimeAe‘?¢%es:yz;ie.r;,.«~am.¢J%wiwZ zQe«n?¢z%xd the 312 that inzte m;e;I.%wil=z:§ake ,r¢ri¢¢£:.:4ar:wzcgza:v,~;AAdravz2!(A wit 1: l2lorxd«.7€§~ _:x.g)r_f27crrd A fl7Jl1dcw*b(iuk»fl:;/;{x)and we blood af“tb¢:fla;m H of A time cap tm::r,fi~amz‘/w; Iéeggigmzmg af ¢rez2m‘g‘ing upon the e... m;emie,Ier.4~.6.1 'O.AT/#33‘ the da;y’Aaf%t£:e L0m'Gz»d e:_-fbgji,-3 3;. day of vengeance that be 132:2}; m'1e~rzgc /32%»: ofbrér gzdg/erfari.9;:.. A ; m¢d%tbefwa»rdfl;a:l‘Z deé.vom'e,amd igzfjlmll lye flztzyzte @“ made A A4 A drankwité their {bloom If ymfi Lgrok, atwarre4in~ger;er.:s:l;I, ; yam {h=.fll%&ndit%@al1ed eviil,‘ 1&7‘ my-«ra,m;‘u,1fa, 4_5~,~\%7_%: ‘ 1‘! will rxwigz peace andcreate will them I: is, W9;.T;.aS the "ppm 4 .fi"£i;=1~z1cieariy fl3;ew:?~.Sin, Satan, and warm have all one A name -. Ev-Wis the br-:fi0f:hem%,“ The befic of {in is defore- mitie, me heft of$amr-1 enn1i:ie%.,%[%a.~h& bcfi cf warrxfia, %mifé:~ i fie. Hmtfixll fwordmppyreafinggflvarci;,%:?1ef?‘e are 6;,-ifthites Pm Y4‘; w k given it by the hnijy Ghmfk; , H e.:m3 if2::»whe:'deFcribes an 3ex..g.5,m Amzies earjngupaii rhac:IieAsAAim mm Vvmy, Ker. 5.. 16, 17* A Wzeir qmwer ia‘an%-opezzfiemzibxfirc, 1.3%‘ A ¢??8”»iiZ?;_§i§,;:1/ ‘ zm;:::_;_ , - A A m2.d» f 7 ' _A 2‘»:z~’.2:«:z'm. C22‘:-».: fem" sand tiprdwugeivtarx owldeat :.t'be;f/ml! eatzgp iigyfloclg“ A .«.2mz!t£>i:2e /J€i’dJ3$r{7€yjZ?.;-ill mtzxp My vim: éncl‘tzéjfig~free:; A tlJe;vf£>al5i;.vpa‘;Jer;*j7;v t/J} fiancee! Citie: wberirx than tmfleafi 8 % A Sermanfreacbedgtt1ae"lateE‘}zfi AV U % arézd tifaejzjigalledte up tbyrirarvefz’ , and fly Mead w/Biclb mm}: the Szvw-£4. AA See when a lively pi&ure~h;éc drawas of A A dead%1y warr& by‘tAhe&"{a&-We Prophets hand, me. 50. g 5,“ 3 6,, 3 fwoivd awn; an the ClmlcIea72.rflziti6Atb“c *Lara’,a:m” A acporrt/:6 im£vabitanAtx of~Bab}l0n,— am! awpom .6£’1"AP]fifl£'€.%‘3¢i?!£ W012 /yer’ tv2fi' mm 3* 2tfr¢wro¢I irupontbe {;r2zr:_.,arzdti:grfbaE% date afwarrlicr pan r’:neirv22’g}5 zy¢men,«md Mdyfbail be dgfln 2*;:z4'yed.fl fwrdfi upon tiaeir /Jarjéx, mdrtpoit their c/.mri0;¢': A and’ Vapor: 5:53 :56 mingled people ‘t.64tareV_in the fiiiafi oflzeir. tlicj (M1 bswmt womerzmfward :29 super: /Jar treafire: .5) MA and t/oevjfimll/be raébed. Whar4Paradi1E: isAthere under: a"““~”°"° *6 M heaven; which“a1‘a‘ftifig warrmvvill notvezmIyturn.in£o'Va was urbiam jun: am; qmxpugg wi1dem,efi‘e ‘? Is‘ not every fiege ‘the frmerall ofa City M’ *9‘ ”W"“ every pitched battle 3 maflhcre s.‘*w:*\*cry army*:an~armed<~ ta_mie:»2ce ; quot ugmiua mt rm: furgv *2 Na Samuel hew .g_/':fg0gi”n pieces” , an aunt inA«~; via‘/?u:pliciasV the hmt csf wane fwa‘ cutting Ammonites withf?aw”c‘s, ‘-"""” ""’""‘ 9' and axes, and haArro‘w‘s e7f~:.rAon ° 5 aaidearz tea%ch.A:hc men carer-we sober: A » . AA A..,A A A r m av 41-iecmx r:xfS:Icc.*2rAh w::;hVbnMers andthornes “«; what can be ex-- fi**'i* “WW5” pefied frowm an Ha?z:d*d‘0fiC€‘ifl armesi my dgrfiffam C7‘ % Iyomiwm an"... , bufitfécting fire .0117 ftrong haldsfiay ingyoung amen with the (word, dafh-» V mm. _ ing mm: infants brains, 1and&ripping upjrihe women} with - 1” ’‘’‘‘”’‘‘‘‘ "3 child ‘P What from a Duke »D‘A'Alva*" but roaming of fame A A at b iii’ .. I % » A 5} elitera to death; {tarvmg ofothersmzd that even afier gamer if A A flying, Tlmwgii beprm:2f/Edm givz"t 1$ew their li¥z;ex,I3e did mm‘ W33’ not prmaf/"e fa fikde *z"Jae2r~z meat "2 A’%-Tis hardly poffibie f701‘“‘ 6 1C£1mn. 20. 3 :3L;§$-'3;8‘x‘; A wzarkzs of 9. b3rb3.ro-us fculdiers hanAfds...A Hears aAgm:—1rr'i3i§ 7- “...lflgt ; 0 V the conga sf a%fE:denraryScholIer t0 fer forth the horrid ‘I. g G, 2-331253‘ ,_.,é4,=_A man fpeak, Lem: the twelfth King of Fra1'1ee,w§m> is re- .‘ '-M‘ Nether. pnrredta have {aid} Rwxflicorpafiua 5:5/7éVr:2z'.»’z'mm, miiitey ‘”‘*""“"’ V“*"""' p.gfl::¢:z- eyfé d.ewom:w :1 am '1@a£h-%r0VEflgiii%3 i7‘3§'k3l‘fh 3% ., flag’? 33;}. M lvefbre the Honourable Harfe offommamxw W" W W o f p€€Ch:N either would I he mifiakett fortone that thinks it unlawfuii to- take up” armes upon a goodicali in a good caufegas for the jufi defence ofRe‘ligion,LaLvs,& Liber... ties, the Aria about which all the Tribes oflfraei ihouid e‘n(7§3.mp for the fafetie thereof: or for one that be-ares tr. ‘ fpieetae againfl military men;G od forhid..I know the te- r yea ail itagenuous Souidiers ahhorre,to wit,biood-thir-- cond batte-ii we read of in Scripture was fought by the G"““ W fatiier oftheifaithfui ,that he was 21 Centurion who recei-~ ved that ample tefiimonie fro our Saviours own mouth, Veriég I fig tmtayau, I /Jame natfazrndfit gmztfltité, no mt Matth.-8., 8% in Ifira:/. That Dwain’ the man after Gods heart, and 550- 1°- flm the great type of Jefus, were both {'0 renowned for rnartiaii proweffe, as {iii} to be reckoned among the nine Wot'thies of the world gthat the primitive Chriflciaos made no more feruple of being Souldiers then of being Merchants; of going to warre, then of going to Sea or A to plough,as maybe gathered from Tertzrllmn. Onely I Nevvigczmm cannot hutdeclaitne againfi that which all good men: (9-‘ms »u9br*r'-3 A cum (er nuli. . V _ % . _ tomes, @"ra..., fimes and rapme. W6); wzlt t/mt fiwzllam up we m/Jerztmrce fiicammr (yr after: Lam’ (['a1d_ the wotnein ofdlrel to $046 ) Arrdifyfoa 3,” arzfwered‘ and find, Far 6: zzyfzzr ée ztfrm me that I/bzmld ca, 4,2,, [mblaw up or a’eft'roy. 2. ..Sam.2o.19.,2o. Mounfieur Bayard aFrem:h Commander when his Souidiers found fault W1thi1iS paying forwhat he took in a place by him coo... quieted, faytng, that money was loft, atiiwered , Sir: I - A - , .1’ 543,572. holy do what: I ought; Goa’ barb not put me mto the world ta have Con;-:,p,m_;.,; zrpafi mpmc. And Sir Téamm Raarefwaad :21 ]ufiice in Irea-it P2‘ 19- d V ‘ ‘ £2 b . I . . % Difcovery o5 ian was worn: to fay, T at 46227014 4’ eat 2:»: warden dtjber, the em.» of he mawldpay for his meat gala’ xmdfilvver. A 1rc/a7m',p1‘irt::- A Ifin particular you be pleafed to cafe your eyes upon °‘i_j"”"* ‘°‘ 3- 0 . . . . v o r P3 ‘"84 that which we call Cwzll, but which 1n_-deed is the mofl éeréaraw warre; when fhibetrifes up againit Tribe, ‘ brother so i fl3efmen.xpreacbed aitbelate Pd/t P!in.l.8.c. x 2.. Pam;1'i.[/mbo. brother againfi brother 3 Marta eadéntfuéitn per m-mi -wlnerao fmtresg you wiii hardly beabie to_ioven-c any exprefiioni fierce enough to delineate that. I have thought of Plz'm'c’s Dragoofucking Out the Elephants biood, riii the dying Elephant by his fail crufh the Dita» got; to death. Of?/:':z'1zp Duke of Burgundy his Embiem, Piiiie and ii-eei beating one upon another, tiii both be waiiecig aiiozding no other itfue but fire. Of yjeremigg eartineflo bottles deriiled one againfc another tili all be ‘broken, as you haV€iL'inthatitC‘1‘ribi€ paifage not to be read With drie eyes by fuch as ciueiy refleoi upon the - iiate of things here among our (elves, fer. 1 3. 1 2, I3, 14; Every émle flm/I éefllled wit/9 wine, 6* C. Tbw ’[az'té :53 MM», Behold, I willfill 4!! ti): in/éalvitafits of t/2&5 Z.:z;¢d,~e3vm we .K'ing:th. , _ _, _ dim-o. Emfi ‘ “ waregthy Counties be careful to efloezare themlelves. Adeg. ’ A “It wasnnwant oi’ tbisfi as is well informed by Tacétm-) 1'” ””°"‘?/ll" “" “ rhetfiril betrayedBs‘ittaine into the Romanes.hands- _;.l Sutton, C a n then decem Mam’. l .-.g..__.._ A‘ Sermarzpremrlatd at tbeilate Fa]? t it i Net aliud rte!- -uerfm vali- dijfiinzztgenrtt P7-0 mabzls uti- Jms quam good in cammzme man can ztlunt. Rare: dzmbzis‘ tmbz-zs we cioi- Mtibut adpro- _p.:/ftzif.-115272 £‘0m?11.'J?’I£’ pert» io wlzma lamen- tzzs. Im dam fingtzli pzzg... amnt anirverji -tzinzrzmtur. Tacit. in vita 3°'z1!. Agric. fl. Oetob 2;. - n “ their not confulting, not combining Citie with Citie “’ to oppofe a common danger. Ita dzimfieguii pugzmnt “ mzitzerji vzjinczmtar. So,lait_h he, while they foughtone’ “ by one all were conquered 5A faire warning for thee. A “ Rome hath not done with Brittairze yet. When i come “ iider that blood of thine lately fpilt at Edgehill on the " fame day of the moneth ‘” in which the rebellion broke “out berethe yeer before-gyea and upon the {elf fame‘ ii “ day (ii-‘toy intelligence be true) in which that bloody “ battell was fought neer Lezffick in Germanic; this eon- “ junéiiure is to me afad ptellaget God almtightie avert “the: omen ) but to me it prefageth Englasnds being to “ drink deep in Germanies and Irelands eup. Father it V “ tie thy. mi/15 let czsppafléfrom M. - In the fecond place, if the {word comeswith avengeaneewhere ever it comes‘, Wonder not ( 0 ye Worthies of 4.3.1!‘ Ifrael) if your eares and eyes bepliecl with daily Fupplications for Peace. ‘While hull bands are afrai;l to behold the forcing of their wives, wives the murdering of their husban cls before their faces; parents to fee their child ten fprawling upon pikes, Chile- gCla‘€n.th€il‘ parents weltriog in blood: while fome fear tavifhing, others P-iLlQdI'il.'1g5__fO!C1‘l€ aflprifon, others at. grave-,,all the vengeance of a {word 5 wonder not, if, hai- ving lo faire an opportunitie, Iwtake the boldnefie this. day to prelentyouwith an humble Petition in the name olall well tempe_t’d fpirits thtoughoutthe Land ( as for,- fuclhas have a mind to fell. God for peace my foul enters, noiis’ into their Fecrets) _a Petition for a fweet coniunélion of accommodation and refor.mation. They profelle thetnf elves undone ifeither be wanting. Our houfe,they fay, without Reformation will have no windows to let A in light 5 without accommodation no walls to combine . _ .. Ag mag befuch. an engine as, V "ii i deflate tlaefionaourable Haafi of iftimazazisv. M H H i i; the foundation and roofs that they fall not af under : Ac-~ commodation like the veines would convey a cheating blood 5 Reformation like the arteries Carrie afupply of fpitits all over the hodie. They fear nothing_mote then cutting an attetie while you are tampering with a veine. Without fome accomtt odationthey know that refer... mation cannot proceed, and that an Accommodation ought” not to go on withoutit. You are all, I beleeve, as far from delighting in this Wat as you were from pro» n curing it : all ofhis mind that laid, A plough-fhate {blues with much more beautie then a {word , a fork then a feate. Iron is much better employed in plowing up of Pufcbriflf W; fallow grounds , then in mowing down of men. And therefore no doubt but you lludie for wayes of charm- tiinsqaainia. ing the Sword into a feabherd. ’ 0 turn otter, It heleech JJC: "WW you, turn over allyour State~dtf‘penl”atortes, and ttie if ,,g,§,.'f",;f'_,‘,’,'f,‘;‘:,f there may not a cotdiall be found firong enough to kill fizmim 4arr’- calzmzm pm... a the tnalignitie of the times without letting more blood. fcifldynmr A That»o*fSoloman, Prov. 29. 8. Stamfivll mm bring-4 City Pyreaa. flrtte- " into afmtre, éutt wife mm mm away wmtb .~ malt es a deep ’"’‘=’‘'’‘'-’’‘- X4 impreflion in me. It is too apparent who they be that have brought out Kingdome into the fnate of eivill warte. A generation of {com full men, that laughat out builders as Saaéafmand his complices did at Nee-emiab Neltem.z. :93. and hisfaying, What is this thingthat ye do t’ will ye tebell againfi the King «.' A generation which can neither find in their hearts toafford a good word ofadvife toouta dread and deate Soveraigue, not of approbation to his great and fait»hfulil Councell : that o having divided theg King from his Parliatnent, go alfo about to divide be- tweene the people and themgendeavouring to make poo:-e Englandas lick of her Phyfitians as {he was ofhet difeafesbtfote. In.fe.w.w-ords, a generation that bath in Ca 3_ i " theme , . . ..l,,,.l.—_.7*.r,v—_~~, ..._.._. . . w m . y 4!‘ W.__ V‘ ........, 7", ,. .. V 1 V7 ,. w_.—_mv,.... - $4.. » ¢ ./ISernzon preached at‘ tbeiate Fdfl,@"C.\ them much ofthe Jefuine, little of Jefus 5 that cloth To here to be reformed, as they cannot endure {'0 much as the name of Reformation 5 like Lem? the eleventh, who PM W,;,,_ fearingroclie, gave command that none fhoulcl dare to A ll name Death Withioyhis Court. o i A l l But is there no bnlme in your Gilead: is there no Phy- L fitianlleréf if noigwhere , 0 where {hall we find men iwife enough to turn away wrath 2:’ There is yet hopein A Ifrael concerning this thing , beeaule there is yet a God in heaven, and a Parliament in England. So long as you % $h H « do not turn awaryfrom following the Lox-cl,we hope he .1 will make you ableto turn awaywrath from pnrfuing ,»us. Vince: alaqunnda pertimx émimss the way to over. come evill is tobe refolute in good. I am confident you i « neverdreamt of reforminga Church and State with eale. Holy Mekmfi/Bani being himfelf newly converted thoughrizirnpollible For his heaters to withlland the ‘ . evidenceof the Gofpel gbut effect he had bee-na Prea- cher in while , {is faid helcomplained that old Adam am we bardfivr yezmg Melalzzfiéorz. You experienced Senna- tours,haven‘o: 1'0 learned the world, as not to know lthlat when you flaall move every {lone for a Kingdoms good, you omit ofnecellitie meet with fome that have long hrio’*Snnkesi lyinguncler charm which will be lure to not out their iisings when iheyeo-me to be {timed . Be inereeeed therefore to remember that of David to Sale- znmz, Befircmgzwd efgend cm,wr.4ge,zmd do it. iFe.4r]2wt, ~ we ée a’zfvmyea’,far I/Ere LordGad.,e*ven my God, wifi’ fie nvit/3 ziéeeg, ée eii1irznt_fleé[ zéee;-W fizrflikelteéce, M21271! Men ;lvn/ifi- of/723d eff we weréfar téefizrrzzzlzje qftfiew éaefiv aftée Lord. A II .Ghron. 2 3%. 20. together with tlml‘ ofeouragiom Ln, A fiber, collie fiiend Seln.e;.fl,m lightinto the nature of the thing, It fignifies to chuie -inter qua: er and to eate. Firfl, to chufe, forthat in covenanting choice :§;:f3‘;ff}:;C, A is made of the parties with whom, and the termes. upon gm fazdzt/s which; Now choice, ye know, is an a& of the will .-, no A tm’W- 31”“ "- wilffirfree as that of God 5 no aéi: of his will more free 3 - M‘ then béfilre the fffifiaurable Hozlfe qfformmoni. :7 l W l l .. l A A ll lTha,t0f A - M hufigcr cocnter fucha .Covcn8fl€~ ghcn (21115 of C :9 . .. D l V - ‘ 3 go l lIII3[}¥ $0 b::~*:::;2; *ifi::; 332:5: 55:}: Ly kmde W33 10, dam lL;haL9;d upon a new treatic with us? own Will con. .pu1Jt1lii hgvfi [0 much am thought of {ugh whfigcifiahgilflfigfed to takcfl nay would knot have {Gum aw v A A A - d dlke blafphcmicafor Adam immediately afréf his I 6 I A_ A h A ll of God was rmealed to ham: 9% w“§f°:§ 21$ Lot C‘ ‘J ur gaturc to keep the"-.: Law which we have fame ‘°tM§§'e the dezlth which we have defcrvfd; Lfit b1:0ke§g:nnesxlCov°nant made becvvecn thee and us F0 : €156 , " A o o be5f:£3e,:1d‘l§ltlll<;!lncsal;t:sl:f.)‘OTt:ey were wont of old at the 1; gofcovenants to offer facrificc, the Cove-nanltees * ma ID l R A ~ 19 and then [0 feafl: u «- Paging b“,V-Vficgiltffapfiltltlil lratifichation of thcgr on lthmgstf qffie Covenant we fpcak ofwas not cila- ag’.rEc[3€n,- {mm 3 fagfificg A’ even that of Iefus Chrifi, lbmhhe olmt ” h [hmemg11°Spir‘ic offered himI'eIflwith- who thmugcod at. who hath alfo in further conformi- §?ml:c§Pt‘l)1:2tc(l1fiome ’of theft‘: Eafizctnc: parts ordained the 16 M ' A A’ Lords SuPl"cra 3 {ml of this Covenant, as 2 feafl: upon I .fiC( that by eating and drinking at his Table 3' u M n ‘ H é .. :5 bay a fzicrgd ft:-deralll rirc we mxght pr0f€1T€ 0111-‘ h-‘3Vme‘Z 4€fltr€(.lli§T1?C0l33gue with the mofi hlgh C’ 1 R A femmd qmgrg may be this, what the terms quarrcll hem imparts A;3fi«v\SJQ{nej1;‘[1QVI'El than ordinary provo- . ,;,~hlfC enant- CEfUCh is Cgtionérgvggffggdbgcug hg flovglleile tc;a}If1S‘3‘7»s~ that ‘?°"“- ’,.h. .75’ Wary fig makes no: a.4qu,mell . Pfal. 78,. 37, 38 M :1 Inapinrzbiie Srzcmmentum redezirprionir, qmzm /3 qziix pofiu/aret cm- l reqzzam mam‘... jé/fczretmr £20» min-ibws boa . rzétodo qaojéa-Ha eff , prece: blafllbemire . crederentzzrfi jpe: infizmz :e- merimyvozzame jkcrilcga ‘vs- ntaa, opium z'z72pictd5. 30. 134/Eb, Diet. rembcrg. dc Marat in .S‘pir, erg‘ ‘verit. 1.4, 6.3; b Icr, ;4.'.x8.‘} 0 Exod.34. 1 L” 41' Hebxzg $5.?‘ 6 See this fully and learn edlyx cleared by Q in a late Difcourfecoxlql cerning the? true not10n'”of' Ehc Lords ‘\ bllppclfi: % oiled” W”, W, ,.,'gl;; wit/2 /’2im,,7:ez't}).er were they jledfaff in V M .l A ‘ “ - " A [19 jam 4 xiaza orgavetbfir my %C'a7/cmnt. Bat /7€_¢'zz:g_f':¢ P f if A migmtyfi vu - | -u-I;-M!” A ,19— June 13 He Sexmongzreacliled et tlaelate Pafl A ' iniqzzity, Md defirejedtéem wt 5 yea many 4 ltirézle turned be 17:}: wager away, and did mtflir up 412*» /M3‘ wrath; %ABuc% if people {hall proceed from unPc“edfaf’mell'el inrhis Cove» olaccordmgtotharg E-Iof. 6. 7.they We mm A/awe ltrmsfl mat to rranfgrefiing it in a way of treacherous de.aling,. gflgcffedlt/ye Cwvcmm‘ ; Mere aézzmez they dealt treat/aermfljt» l againfl me. Or as glfzmiw and ~Treime[Zz'z:«: read it, not my- _e V A dos; they tranlgreflecl iclilce the Coven “ .4 A‘ e made no more ofbrealcingit then as if they l71adhad-to] A dowith dull and aflaes like rlzseznfelves , not with {hf} » qzmw£emi2i£5,'l3L1t, raegmm kamizzé; trmfgresfi fimt foe- ant ofla man, great and dreadfull God of heaven and earth. In fir-ch a calf e we LOJf.d‘.5;:fcop£i"e, and on his dwellizeg place .~ in: they macked tfzemflirz er: qfG'ad, and dqfiwd 5:3 weed: , and gm ; until! Me wratb of the Lard.rof£: A ooforotbe Honourable Houfio] Commons. ’ 2 ;l. Worooglot zopon Mom tine King of"tbe% Coooflees, moo flew their yozooog morzwit/o zhofmord,€§"¢.}c:r. 13 18;: 3. Tom fizzfi May, Come, moo! Zoo :46 ,a’or;2zfi* dewfis agmfi zferemiobka Como om’ loo mfmite /Eim wit/o 2/Be tongue. ‘Z’/moforo o7olz'- ' war up their o/2z‘r.’o'rm to tb},?~fom2ne,ooo’_pooro out témfr Mood by t/Jo force ofAt/oefmordgfro. A o . A o 4. F orfioéiog tho“Commmt. Which is done by ape» flafie: fm-mGod,and idolatrie wirhthe creatures; fal- dome butavcnged by the fword.; Sec foroothis, Jucig. 5," 8 ,T}oey cbofiz new God: 5 than moo wojjjre in ti/oogoooo. Pfal. 78. 58. 59. 62.. T/oey provoked Mm vzomoger mi:/5. moo hogé places‘, and mosvoo! om to jeoloufie zvitlotbeir gawveoo \ z‘mo‘ges. o Wlmo Goo’ board I/5:15, /Zzcomo rvmroo/9, 42741 grootly 46... /oorred Ifioel. Hcgavc foo: peoploooveraolfo zgoto Mo fgvora’. fir. 2 2 . 7, 8, 9. ,1 willproporc doffroyorsogoinfl-t/2%eo, every oooeuwitlo./ooirwoopon 54174156)’ flmllmt .::fow;o't%hy o/ooooe Ce- don; and oofl o/gem into tloe fire. a/food mam}: Nations /7241! o4!I"e»’»ot’»'r?5Cito: .4od*5’vo/7’411flomoo mo to ooo»«ez;go- éom-,W&erefore /mo tI7eoLoroldoroe tom moro tbzirgroot City 3 % T/ow t/Jeyfboll amfweof, éecoofé they“ bovefozfézkezo 277$ Carve-I omit of the Lord their God, mo? worjbippodothor Gods, zmd fefrftico’ them. V o 5. Doolmg fislfloly 2’.-vi the C‘o*zmoomo._ Thatyphrofe oowe mectwith in Pfal. 44. :7.whercbyis mea.n_tA,, as good Interprcms conceive, mingling our own inventions with Gods Inftiturions, not fqL1mng.outour{ervice and wor£h‘ip_ by the {ble m%e.0f his Word, but following . our ownocounfels therein. For w hich fee the (‘won-cl threat- ned, HOV. I I. 6 .4 The fvord flmll—o52'de ooo/1:25 Cities, hood flmll confiama foio ororooées mddevozarc tbem,6eoaoofE of Meir ozzm comofizh. A A A 6. Ewing ogozozfl too my Co?oemmt,fis Antfiooém Epzi.-. gtizozmis {aid cohavc beam, Doro. 1 1. 2 8. go. by ream‘: of A4 D 3 his Boxer £9-= Pifa. moo in locum A A Sermorzpreacbeddt the am F4/2 fi1;j;i£rarz°os¢, 'quazrrcH~breEde}'s, a”%n§*-d Tth?c*:f°ir refidencfe» with his‘ takinggaway holy orm;an;cc:s5 by namcchac of the daily £1crific€,%%Dm¢ 8. 11, I'zAA;and'dc1h'oving the holy people, in verfl z4..~ofthe famc Chapter; 'I’hc‘Idume-ans and Babyloniansfiwere both grand enemies torhc peopic A of Gods Covenant ;, thcre»fo1*ewasthes:e as fwom’ Erik A 6:5-f wed in /:e.z=vm,and from thence fiat dawv upon Idzsmm M -the peaple cf/7:3‘ mi-fie to judgemem, in a time which the Lord was pleafcd to make we day afivzk wezégeame, and . the year efrecampemegfar Ma ca;zmmrfie of Sz'm_. I {‘a. 34_,~ 5, 6, 7, 8. Thcre’CaAm'£ Ifikc-‘wife upan game of we Lard Mr Gm’, ever? #73 vezzgeaym afézxls’ Tam... pic. 36:. so. 23... It isngc for men we nbs:*‘pc':r:c4mp?torie in afiigningth_ecaufe of divine di&Fp£nFarions%,xv“hich%am.g£“. ten hidrhougll alwayes wjufi but pcfrhaps if"fl*16"rc'pr>€~ {enta%t—iva3;bVe>&iyAoflrefazuihad not been bronghf to de- clare it fefl againft the Cawfzkzrzterqhof*ScnrLzand , z:‘n;c fwofd had not now triumphcdkamohg them as it doth‘. » '1'.haAtw*hich hath hitAhm*rms b1Vee%tr if aid*“Aof this miryd :0[bg..' Babyfion,“ we «aim... fervarion, E’cms ‘I2:-e»»’vsf‘ha’tc’Lauf3 God hath % to‘ bring 3W.§1*rAe uwp{%in%(us in the EM pIa*ceL; 3: din the feébtld, [what «need we-have to make peace w&:h4God.%~ 4 ~ 4 * * * ‘ A Whofo%ever@takes afluortreview of the forementioneda perceive that God ham had grmt carafe to fay ,f 564/! I A mt vzfizfir tbefe I/2'i¢¢g‘5? ‘f/ml! 1' net if ‘arvezzgeafj Vcyen am: 3“ A geé by the fw'ord,Ve’mfitcfi xi Nafiwz M tézérc" TO the wofuli €ntermi;nment% which’"i:his‘fir1fufl3iand hathgiven to }c--? I {us (3‘hi:i{_%zh ci M¢diatou,t ofthe Cmwnant .’ jTh’isis r*hc.=: . cA0n¢de:1‘:a<;1zWi0'£1* t'rra*r ligI1t is come into, and? hat h long . C0mim1ed~ in En‘g?a*r“2d,,h ym: fhfi mofi fix}! love darkens ra» ther than light. éllfhrifk isbozh preached and primed 2 mo:r;gu*s‘? (% fih o%ugh~ "Vba;:>tl%1<4‘§Al3m;::=:i:: and Pr*e*£T: be too rpa- ring; zhatway) imti prized =:mdclofed4‘tvith byfaitfi. A ~ What u5,wiH foon befiaretbe Honourable Houjéh] Grvmmons. hucas the Northern Provcrbe hath ir,l vale»: A . What ‘through ignomnce, David bids leg'[e"lt/be Some, P{“l"’””’.:..w,..h what through pr:-'judi~ce while; men thmk that do fucizh L dhclight is to he muml in listing under his fhadlovsgno luch fwreetnefié lnhis fruit as indeedvthlere ‘iss wlmt tlhrough £’::lvifhnelTe,which incllineslto the cflahli"lhihg' ofour mvn righteoufneffc, and hinderspzyr t"uhmim-ifng E0 the rig-litleoufnellh of God; what through wmldlincffe, while mffls WlV€’S1&fNl3~Cl7fLlr{}TlS,a—I}d oxen dlraw them quite what throngh”’i~ndulgence’ hafé ~ lufls, which areloved too well to be parched With, thou.g:h éthe upon mmes of falvatlolnfl gtihrough f!m_E“,;or«lone, or all ‘f thefh it lcowmes "é.lT€",1l7tl*1‘Iit* ‘%;1ifh'qv%,‘ll 21-véélryw févvg xfcclxzi-i—”ve Chxfill Jefus tl’1lgIlbrd~,als?1the3-7‘ é'>u§g,l1r*,~’:i:1d—lwalkin‘*ihirn“as ‘they ~ha*v*e received ‘Ahim.lWhere the Word which in the beginning was God, is no rfiorefet bymo marvel} ii-"the revealed Iwordgrhe book"ofthi_s' Covl§'Tnan‘t,bel lhamefully ~fleight- V ed 5 if Bibles ‘lielmcmlelihgihlcomersl , = while lalciviolus flories and play:-holoks’( thew Devils bell catec.hill”mcs,. A out of which his chlldrenhllearnl Satanicall principles) . are even worne out with over-diligem; pcrufall. T’isl at M . fad ccimpl-aim which Reverend Mmlin makes ofilhis A Cant 1.3“ Rom. w. 3» alnolthér way~,arld7lh_s€=ep xhemtlfroml referring to Cl'1I‘l*ll3 “ Colhfi zléa Countreymfen the French Protefia”ntsl, While they burned‘ fiioulim Tm: ' aw (faith he)for reading:/§e‘Ssriptures, we éumt with zeal to 56 reading afthem : now” with Mr liécrtielzk fired zzlfla neg. lligem:e4and~dz'fi:fle¢me ofGaa’s' Ward." But thisis not all. Lggi pafl2z;§t_Scripturze efiltamm laaegfigi‘ 3 If our judge-» 9mentsll~dolno_tllclofe with"Scripture-truthcssaurlives be ‘ 4 not led l-“Y Scripture-rules,’ we are; though ’perufersly;ef9- A. _1“iegle&€'f$‘Ofltl1is bleifed Blebkl. And”that’sour cafe. * A The doéirine of Gods frcegrace in C.hi°ifl:’iS the onely . plaiflcr ofWounecledl%fpilgLits";.l Scrip_turc_ the were; of i this l '*'”aP~ 9'? 3,», 24 A Sermo};zl ;)re;tc/Jed at t/éelatteiFa[% P W A l thofizethelafi. A IE1. 53.1} Alicztfl lo Eucyc/0}: MDle22za:¢i4eu: patim qzmm oiflamizmw , ;fl1al_l not. There ishar :2 San-1; 107.5; Z Col’. 70209 "fol to do till {uch as offer . firange to fee how, notion vabl:-to fetch out the deep fieineo , lwh “ A libertie which, where itiwas ea muchmore and better lfervice done free grace: irony foul lgbrleelds I0 thiokho hlaih been poyfoned by.Popi'lh,Arminia interpretations. The hol ourhearts and lives flioul conformity thereunzo 6‘ ing, w boring, «tip ling breaking :' and yet W this? plaziller n, and Sociniao y Biloleis that mould in which cl be caflczbut vv.here,alas, is our will this Book authorize fweare , pppreliing, libeliling, Sabbath-» pm/a pudor ! it hash been {aid to an»- ll the mitre and fope of Logick and: Rhetorigk that hath been elufed t;m:hatlV,enc;l,~lwill never be ich was conttaéieci by teaching men to violate the fourth Commandment; to 64:7 the Seééatb 4 delzglzt, not in the Prophet Ifizia/2’s Fenfeg but by turning the Lords day i into a _play.day. kenas freely as gg;y,eg, might juflly occafionrhe irenewall of What L/14/zellm once {aid concerning theGermanes:, that if the day liiould benamed according to their obfervarion of it, M irW,0ugl1t not ‘[0 be 5 b€Cau{'eASaAran had him loin it: .tl13nfthe eakof that difiefpeéis e faithfollMefi?:ngers nigh eaflithe Kingdom overt‘? I ally any placein Europe that doth no; {peak of it ;yC3 the called the Lordsbut theDevils da Lord jef us had. ‘Shall! I need tofp which hathbeen cafiupon figmidri ofxheo Covenant well confidered the injuriebly themelone :9 his Embalfadors. We are E méaflédmrs for eC»9r.‘!fl,"i*fai£hSt.: £4141; of f;:,ichfu1%]p ' Miniflersg lam afe3id%.o§lthatfor labufes offered tofuch this land yet flinkes before,tl1ei Lord, and will continue eclehem bf! chaflifed. flt Was filywmeni of Place . bulc bold Apparipoxs Awouidjoerow over old Divines 5. liow nears M Imlies ring ofrhis. It modethe l landlof theAmmonices flinke before Davie’, when be A they. defore the Honoureéle Hon/eiofCon;man:. A 25 they were to becomingallzcrificeirhac refiil‘ed to bow A A to an Altar. _B£3_lt {me from me to dbeare one lrwirnefle A againfl a whole Nation 51 will not, I dare not charge it with the guilt of forfaking the Covenant. But God , and V fume mens conlibiiences know What was intended. For there wanted not fome to hold Ancichrifls flirrup'5a‘nd help him up; He was mounted and on his way; for Enge- land... :BleH'ed be God, that kept him from entring; and we hope hath turned him back. Sure I am, our dealin ; liilfely in the Covenant cannot be hidi as a lepdrofiefiill appearing in onrforeheads. How readie were people €0- Adance after every Innovators pipe l "how forward were Tome of our Chulrchmento play before them «l l {hall do finch men nowrong in applying to them what 5/fa/322 Hm {aid of old to his Bohemizzns concerning the Prelares N and Priefleof that age; Malta qua ilk‘ ardirzcm dime: 3."””i”’ “"33” 7 omnizzxé: rernm in Cfirzfiirznzjfma wnfnfiozsem }2erz':a2s;“.: Many rW’m°PA'i9i' Ming: w/Erick téey pretend order and decemyfir, drew’ me- » figfiarz in E‘bfi.3fd#ifi£5 well if not in Chrillendome too- As for our being againfi the holy Covenanr, it will fad» A mit of no apologie. If vrntioném were lb forrtaking awaythe daily facrifice, what flzall we fayof them that 2 endeavoured the taking away of many %Leé7’cures, after- noon Sermons, and all ufe of conceived prayer in the Congregations.‘ If perfecuting, the poore Jews made him fr.) in Gods account, howare they innocent that have forced fo many poore Saints to flee rheircounrreyg . and opprefl fomany others at home 2.’ A New England and the Netherlands, befides our 9 Courts and prifons here,bx'.ing in large Bils of Indifi--V meat: for that fin, to which howimpoflible is it for us of this Land to plead not guilrie 2' ‘ Certainly, if we duely confider rhcfelthinge one by, A E one, . 4Zach.2..g. AA A Serman preagc/Jeni" aththbe late Fa/E me, and all together ,4 theLord our God hath eaufe enough to bring Warreupon uS»_',bU€‘[10ttI10r€ then we @ have need to make peace wxth him. A lmtlehofthat, and fo an end. _ A A A Honourable and beloved, fluouldcthe Lord gohoento‘ profecutethe ave-aging chefe quarrels of hisC0venanr, and to poure out his furie upon us in blood, as he hath begun to do, what a byword would England become, and an hiflfing to thofe very Nations unto whichic hath formerly been either a terrour or an help 4:’ whereas if God beat peace with us,and we at peace among our {elves (which would follow upon the other) we need‘ not ' fear all the Nations of the earth :-and that becaufe God alone is a defence all~fufliceienr.W"hich will eafily eleare c it {elf :20 the underflandingof hall fuchas {hall take the pairzes to perufe a few Texts of Scripture, wherein they 7 _ ihail find ehe Lord compared to whatever is requifizze for the defence and ftrengch of a hCirie. Would youhave walls :1, faith the Lord, will 5: two? gférufidlg-mAA4mzZ[““bfe fz'xeArwmci mm: : not of"f’eone,not. of brafie , bute of 51-35 A fuch as travellers througha wilderneffe ufe to make to fecute themfelves fromwilde heafis. Vvould you have Forts «: The Lordismj rack, and my fizrtrefléfimjfireegzzv, gm! my big/'7 tower. Pf'a1. 18. 2. Wou1dA youjhave a broad river begirringa Citie fo walled and fortified 2’ finch alfo is God, lfa. 33.2 1 . T/Ereglarims Lord milléve zmfa wee piece 4 qféraadrivers mzdjfreams. WantA you armeea’ He is in Read ofall weapons, both ofl"en{ive as zhefworde 1, and A A ” defenfive as the fhieId,Deut. 33,. 131}. H4[vpj.Aaxt% film: 0 Ifiacl, wee z'.s{lz'£’e unto thee, 0 people! A fizvedhey 2.‘/7e ~Lmwltée ' " thy help, 4362.’ W50 2?: 158‘ [word ¢9ft£?yc,1:5g[[g;g§j;, Want youSeenriee1s =3 God mu beth w.::.h:h amzi wgerd. 1112,27. 3. I the Lardda fee}: 2:, I will mm‘ it every ma- meet, \-..__ . éefsrre the iirfzoairaivleiflafl/é ofCwiinon:. 1. . .4. . w .I 3 Ga .. moat, Icy? may Mr! it, I will keep it nigbt Md’ day ;; fpcakizizg i of his vineyard -the‘~Ch:u»rch. Wain: you Souidicrse’ T/:3 Lard :3 #3 75%}? ofmrrc, t/be Lardzir his name. Exod. 1 3 . 3; ’ yea the Lord alone is awhoie armie of men 5V..;m and Reare both. Ma. 52. 1.2;. 779: Lam’ willga éefare you, and 4 V we Gad of Iflaei will ficywar rerewmh Wherefore, to ufe * the Prophet Am: exhortation,Prepare ta meet My 64:40 Englaod.. He is now upon his march, as Da-mid was a... gairifi 1\I35d[_&n(7i his i"amilie:i prepare to meet him as A61’... gail did with confcflions, petitions, deprecations 5311 in a. way offuch humilitioas becomes the addrieflésioffiefli and blood. We fhould alwayes /mméle our {Elves under weomig-btze /mxdaf God 5, mofl of all when tbcreis in it a “ fword, a drawn fwmd, as now there is.. 302: of mm,‘ firm. pbefie Md fizzy, I"l;m.rfiit/1 the Lorafifxy a from’, 4 [mid 1:? flzmrprseci mm’ alfa _.fZ2zzr6z]bvd5 it is /Zmrgmed to make w fire flawg/Emf, ztizlcfmréaiwveci that it may glitter :j7:vauMme Mm: ommkc mirth? Ezek. 2109, Io. No ;i:n:u: than we {houid make ifour boii1;cH1:~ toimake our psrace. » A — A i ii Amos 4.! 30 £.. x.fPe:.og.5. A Noviviirht rocziie to this fo defireablepeace with the 4 Lord our Godi Mi any fhould miflakc his way, lies through the fields of faith,praycr, ard new ob;:i~iidien«:o. Vvcmiufl firifi belecvé, for éeimgjaflzjiedéyfaitb, or 154721: ~.,. y pe4~rcm't.b Gadthrawgb Mr Laid 3&1: C’/arzfls. Rom. 5. 1, He is the oncly peace.makerf.,the gréat reconciler of God to us by his blood ,A and of us to God by his Sp-irit..: Where faith iives,it will breathein cievoziom So God‘ 1 woufd ihave it, I f a. 2 7. 5. Let him take timid afmyflrmgté A #124: iacmay make peace mini me. wdhc/ball make pmmwzm me, That expreflion impiyes a. wrcfiiiing in praying if you compare it with Ifa. 64. 7.. Tberei: mm: that caiimi upon My Name, that fiirret/a zap éimfi/f to mice imld of time: and that in Exod. 32. m, where Gocji faith to praying 1 E 2 ‘ Mofcs: W” 28 V A ' .4 Sermon preached at the late Faflfiyec. Mefi: as to one that had taken hold of his fire:-zgth, and heidhis hands 1 Let me :t!0fie',,t}9.et I may eaefiame them we Certaialy never more need of devotion then now. Vvheu our Saviour wasie be agorsie {wearing water and Lue.2»2»44- bleed, the Evangelili tells us .63 prayed were earmffly. V T he Church of Chrifl is now in her agonie, {weaning blend in great abundance zwherefore pray in the holy ___M_,, Ghoii, 0 all ye that have received the Spirit of grace and {application in any meai'ure,and again I Pay pray in the holy Ghofl. Vim: Theedmm {peaking ofrhe prayers Lmréer made in reference to a Diet at Aushurgmvherein Ape-dMelcb.. matters were like no go againfl the Protefiants, wrote #5:’? 53,3?" thus,Non daéita gain illizas peace: magrmm momentum ad m,,_ 34;, defpcratam /mm: we/Em Cnmitierem fiat allmme : A He . doubted not but Letégrx devotion would go near return the flreame. Were the emf}: Camitiarum the Parliaments and Kingdomes caufei much more defperate thee. it isjand in a more deadiyfwouneipnarier is offorce eoi fetch it again, and no reeeflaee an out-cafi people in theii emu: of God.»iBu5c then fuch as have this hope, mull: purifie them- fclves, and follow Elipbemhis advife, ]ob 2 3 ,2 1 ,¢,4'cqmi;:zr new :12} f.E={f‘ wit/9 /aim; endée at peace: otherwife as ficbuiifaidgfifbetlpeace /22 [mg as the wb'ere.e’ame; ofrlay mother «mfg many .? would we be- he 3{ing.g.&2-. gggggegand eimo mzeew Gad. a‘si;.“em/aorola and mm chd , he would quickly put amend tohis Wlkeg eamrary unto us. Mr. Foxoh- ferves, than in King _.Ea'm:zrd the fixth time the Eng1ifl1 put to Mes 2:-aic_l IEAE-~ flight their Enemies in Mufcleborgugh-field the felt fame day 3:3; 2% 3 3. andhome Wherexqthe RCfOI.‘m££t10l1 emoyned by Parliament ' ‘ ' ’ 9° was pugc m exeeumon at London 9 by burning of idolatrous %% Viemges. Suchadepehdancel hath our fucccfle uponlour obe- filflnct; I conclude With that of the Prophet, Jfe. 3 ,1 9,30. If): fie wills? end oéedsmt, ye‘ flail eat the gaod afriae Lend : We ifye re» ’ ff‘/‘:4’ W 9'95”/1 2 J’? /545 fie deezmredwieiv tbeifwardg for the mom}? sf »t}Je Lard/aetlafjvoifimie, l ‘* " I’ r'1NI.s:.