I N D u A T I o A R E The great Sim and the great judgemcntx of the Time. Preached in a _ ,‘.“ ‘ N 9' . ' , wsfI;" ‘i ' '§=‘'‘‘ :5‘ "vim V‘ " “ " M , E. “ft; W W"; W.» t,_ “ at 39.‘. ~ ., \ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ~‘ ~ ‘ ...' no‘: 45”‘ ‘-2 ‘ V" - u ““ v 14 . ‘‘‘f ‘ IR ":13 " ‘ <7‘ ' ‘ ' V ‘ J ‘ - W, 1 . z . % up % ' V C11‘, ' % % 4* . M ¢~‘:r.~» V F A ~ ~ ‘ Béfore the Right Honurable Hotlfcc of P 12: E R 5 , in the Abbey»- Church set W:/fmimfler, July "10. I 645. . tlm day the ‘£\/.i0na3th1§' Fafi: : ‘K*"! I By R. 0 B E 1%., T B A Y L I E, Iwiinificr at Gfazfgow. 2. 1”h&flI :2... la, xx, xx.» Bccm:fc- they Tmcivczl not t/M710-ve t/7.2 Tm:/J, t/mt % zivzfy mzfgbt be [mad 5 God fluall /émii tbcmz fl‘r.cs71g rlcluficam that tiny /bonld believe :4 1;yc 5, xbzzz: they all mzgbzr be :1 L-zmz=zc,! wba bcliemd mm: the .I“}~utb. Matth. 7. 1 5. Beware of fiszlfé: .Pra;:%/Jam, which came to you inflyeepx clothing? bzm'7zwm1!}' may cm: mvczziwzg wolmr. Ntatth. I)'.gI4\.. Let zrbam zzlomz, tfaey be Zzlizzxfr Leaders of we Blimzlc .r «find 2?] tin: Biirzofe lm! the Bliude, barb l%azlljMl into the Dita‘/J» ¢ ' xi! Landau , Primtcééd by R.Rammrtk, for Sammy! Gellibmnd, at _ M the B7:Wfl'21-*Scrp»::ut irlfrmlx Churclv-yard. 1645.. . P’”5W51M/1:é0th‘fi22:‘andhm%rirwaft/wk time dndploécr. 4 4 ‘ A MédfiW The Equitable READER ‘ Owfacmr I have not udzzcumrcalta afar mm: the Right Hommrathle H org/5' affcerx my D on dicaztarie Epziffle ,, 1 having mkgn up alrmdie fin much of their premium time , in their panicne ‘ “ A -‘ A h ,3“ ‘andfawaumhle audience afm] (pralix cmmgh) V A h “ h 7 Smmm : Tcth prefumihg upon thy ‘cottmg/z‘c, ha alt he willing to reads the f uhféqzwnzf N m: qfl-‘hat which we their Honour: Wm preached, wirhcmt may -zmriaticm ; I been: made hold to fjvwzlg in thy care: (44 tha mfiam: :3) fame word: qf . A P%r¢’fm',. , \ V Jr «tha i2:f;‘m:t faf my callihgto thzérhfi-r-hhica , the ward: qf ~ my Text mr¢ mjl hate my minds, Whcrc’ ‘ yrrmaincd without my leaf?" £r:¢;l£7mt£on toward: an? other, ti’ H had dclimrcdfrom W/Mtflz/laWeth.h h ,1 hmzm mmfar 4 («mg rim: in «t/wopinianh, that ‘Errhaxzr Md Inditratiori a:zre,alh:it not the o72ly,yat nngzmgth: %H4?*d- _ :30 ‘W1? J’ N r ,p!‘'‘',/ 1 “I . 4,, 4,, ‘ 3 “J {.9 ct«~*““*vh»...,¢ M 5,?/}w*' The fitifuinefs Ham./mf]°s of/~mrt zér em?‘ ezfime, émrt tlsm mafifizefm’/, 2w'am 91 maul‘ 331011‘ moflwzafiwjfizsyzélam wax there; Wm mtima ta mvecpg‘/oi: mt»: $7 W‘ itg; mbmxat %a%a{2fZy the 792az¢%t!J» afgrbe Lomlfrarn bi; Ward ‘ix-rafiizégfg. ¢ l3:z3*- l.9};z_md .al]m0f}‘"0r9¢ the Hrmven 72:‘ a’raz2a9in‘g am tag it. He 1}: :2 % j?.~:~£<évéerza¢ cbi[.r1,f>irit: qfmem. My 1%Jeaz1Q:';m’m;u&f»:3ac -fd1*»:3w.zrd:‘tl9.ér great C%rc’,m;¢fl ée f}'m't!cfi',' till 1212: ham!r»a&_e“tb2*app!z'mtio:2‘fafMveféprafifiptianxv, which I wi,-ti: z:z[£ _t5¢fditbfl:[ncfl'a mad mare I Wm‘ aéle fay? the tz';m,JM /9:2‘;/3 A :v:*0zi1n§'?3.7:”az§'r2g1l}‘r jaz¢t_~of;*/3‘: é‘a01f/Qdfébk aw}: mctIdlad‘QFPky - wwno kg-6 AA /1: A fear“ t/'aA .e‘ %até:er a*w'fZ affirajazar 5; ' £2: lam/9 éecnf the /;¢,;d5e and g;,qW{u;1,;Ahen gararfigaf/2afz2«2e bare mdielfew/yer: ta extemmte tliafirzfizlmflé them- ‘ wage. H qffi _ krmd tamrii-‘is? Haa‘co;:fZ'i'mcc aft:/Z z"/may cemléi pcrflvade,,.¢zga£nf&¢ ¢tba__[é’;af/é c.2fk't:~£v$za:'t”la::¢ 5 45; t/52: w;«;f/Zfictaca qz:4gI4f%'%:o% himpeneag ggrazélc’ am!fic'w~Ef'ww all Wa.a=z:m’: wéiir:/5 *v£c'e:zz;¢d_flejb1yZ;4fz‘: daze . {wt Em‘ 5:Zi¢fv¢,%rroz.4r%?In53_‘Vice me»: We}! wcigk-3 M 532 the ‘$31/ldficc qftifif S.¢znf-Mgzria , tzfiazztgla )?z7fl }mt ta vice the grafl?/?k4ggrzz'vatia2z.r,1:;>/aeraéy the pazflanx aftheftml, and affiom % .9mf_firt'ae évpfie mazlqq Aitjgflly Jzlvamimzéle ; yet zfygm will allaw ta rramf I'M: ibe "gmi;-1.: ofit: ardiizzziéié-airmmflezmagw e/jiecivzfly that anziafogrmzg flndzfzrativn, j it‘: 21:.-off‘ familiar camfixmioz ’ . iii“ will '!=e:_flwnd to have fig:/rd Weight afmalégrxitia’, that bee-4 Zzf‘.3:;fz’,:rt the 3320,43} ~i1&z:gxmlz'ty danppegr-;., the /?nfmlne.[[E'% of tha- Z;2J‘§‘¥wiLi‘przei-pdmdar.‘ ‘ A . A 312:; inromicatim ‘ejftlac _/jvirizr cf. the mizda aymmname mf w.Errvm;,r_A Eerone, on we neneh eonernrie to ehe Divine Nnenre emu!»-M11, ie \ ‘ or any neeneher ofz*he~ hedie with Whetfleener nice, A ore-more hoeifly c - -. o . . - v- — . 1, Jr . .. e . V — on Iur—' - ' ’ ‘ ‘ .k 4......- en nenoh hntefnll go the Spirit ofiight nnderrnth, enelneenidently ' dnmnehl e, on the oormption ofthe will, nnoe’infirz'onr nfi'eEE:7on:,e teem greflon. ».I hope .I have proeoeel thee hy pinoee%of SF7£pt#7‘€ A _- eznen/Vwerahleg _ h o o h W .Whence "£2:-neoefl'nrz'!y_;%/[owerha thee it :3: neore, en: :le.ofl no -242» etnimnfzell for oz-vChrz'fz‘z'em State-eto give any lihertie or tolerneion to Erronne , "then to fee esp ‘in every .Ce'ez'e enol Peznzfh of their Donoinione, Bordele ferhh'Unele.enneJ’fi=, Stage: for Plnye: , and Liffefor Dnele. Thee n lihertieeferfirronre an no lefl? hniefiefi re god, no leffe hnrtfnfll to men, then as freeelonoe withont any pee-=‘-~ nifhznent , Withonz any difiroeemgeneent, for ell men, when eznef Tolerazicm. of vous fine. . wherefoener they plea/ed, to kill, toflenl, to roh, to eonnnit Adel» eery, or to do any of they/enmi,’ehiefe, which are repngnnntvze the Ciwl/Mnw, and define Eeive ofhnrnnnefloeierie. 4 .1)’:/et that Whichmy Text point: an: in Erronre, noefiv neneh Th m f‘ . . . . . C EEYUKHS G theerfinfnlnejfe, he thezrjndgement; Thee Gee! an hoe wreath head A (“mime 3P__ given over that people to erronr. If ever the plegne' of erring Pemsto be'e;,;;;.., flow the .wezyee of tenth wonfirntnpon ex lend, iefeems thee day to ediciall, ‘ ly eenpon on. The Finger of God in this one judgement, en demon» flrnhle hy dinere Chnrnélere, imprinted npon rhefezce efanr pre- ~ feni Erronnr, ethane all that in eordinnrie (and not jeeofiein/Z Er» tonne) nfirth to appear. 1 point at fonrh eminent _/Engnleritie: in them: '31‘-’b€i7.‘ nnniozee emnltiplicityflheir pnlpehle evidence, ‘Their? _ ‘ incredihleninerenfie , onefin the ofnninerflell complaint: nu gninfi thene,A tom/Z negiefl oftbeir cnre. ‘ I e Firff, their variety zér proehigione 3 I eemnoefny thntez/1 which fiend in 'the ancient HerrfiolegiexyofPhilafhfius, Epiphanius, or Augufltine, eon hefonnd among mi ?er enema we tohefonnez' npon :Ee:neh in any one nge.: Bnt thee may V heeonfidently «wee»-4 red, Then? more E rronro hezvefetnp 1.‘+he§r’heno{, eznelf/Bereedtheir fieipen eonntennnoee Alntely here, ehenin nnyonhe piece ofthe A world ~the$.s' day ezre known. n '1 ndde,othezt‘ there :Zs'h*n‘ot"ni1jHErro‘et7¥e fP€?E37¢ afin thehhplneee neoff infennemfor that enifl, ‘whether Am?" 1” @€{C!%\§I1,0f?_EQle, or TI§_ahfi1Vania,,end yoneplenfe to jejnnllbthe“ “ M 7 AA .44 2 t ree x. By their riety. \..—~., errours, a grie-we n -ll ¢Lm,egAz'vs ¢?22~.m,A wévzata n11w‘areAam¢as»:g #4, am! die/er:mara,% t/am in may A pf :19;-A place“: mentioned mw war beard af. ’ A A 2. Bvdw-, A T1:e£r:“ew'a'mce £71 tbér tafime/éemxparipaélc.’ ;A that bbweveraw» V g.ro£11:ue11‘e. t}J£=£rf firfz‘ appagzraénzvei they did wk:/‘gm %2zgre.ezt'rx'pcfZ‘;zr£an, 5): rim}-* ‘ fizira promiféx ofNeW-Light, of Nazv-fixnd-Truths, of Na-w—V The n€W- ways: [mdiwgta extraardinafy pietie : yet afiar at l:'2‘2"ls:‘"i;2fl:erf}'E~ *¢1‘5%h‘<-“£3” °“"' on and commerce to rm.-z'r: aged mm’ 21% pr¢jz¢d£c}:zte minim , {Iggy In_nov3.tcers is nochin but , . _ , % A Om dargkngflg, I-Lsrefic: mm’ SE/ag/5939:, Aw/91c/9 éy tkebappze Zzaéaggry gf $5.5 Rcfarmed Diwiazes in #115,: and at/swe1~C.5.{V1xrcI':w, "lay égricd is: their grmve of aélivian and aéaminazia»‘,%ti1?t£.wir late izafozmsfir Vtffiézrrfiffian. ' % % ‘ 30% 55“?-the A Tim; new Cmterémi4s1~»Prar:flmvtfl°ma which the athar day» C .,. :1 V , V‘ _ . ‘ ‘ 4 “W315” “*7” fiymm/4 éewztclsmd the Cow: and Cwmtry, 14 naw%_[;-m yam igzre f0.wad¢a [16 mo aflwsr , M2‘ the ‘very firm: dead karmfi: af old A have éeen. not/ai:¢i;,g 13521.; A ~ jTb¢fi'< fif:f6z am% agaml‘ napwlar Jwefiizaes agaiwff‘ z",r¢m*g.% _ ii$1~*.:g,,~ ~ .. iagwl Pcrfis*;;f;g;j;Haz2AV%% ;‘At/JgflplzzzxfiéilcI17ozr»z:;gxzA~‘:fz2r pa 1i5.¢rf7;' g,,5,,[‘?._MA reg e.'mm£qa~e ,3?-‘itbamt prerjm}di6é", W541 film; pr-npamd ;w7a’art/933$ mama of A D¢iv"ingrrx.t“/9 Awlizixt/9£r%,%~%.a$%1;2§i“”, £mtJJz"}: ybyfiflzfrflyfi ng#lritxmfe;A Wi9aA eficqm tIaemf3*lw.r n’rZffi;2£I;1g.t§9d. r9¢z9§?%.raz”t£oé:*f%*ll%%% Aiméfn A A‘ Hwzmf thy} ‘,77fltf0}7:a‘}¢i751;’ifl 35¢‘/ac of our flréaggg-f f PARHCIICOH flfh _; ¢;¢?J:?":?!»¢51)l'L"l')P'\xr17_[,7:£’r1‘i;;vV;:;:' ' “ xi éf nzifiiwe Frdedm fqr Tmirks .~. _]€W65 ..;Pfl.g;al“3$ 3 1Papi{tsA;” ,gm1;?. V if there he may Werfé Religion: , nae meely to live ih’4ZZ qm'et- h mffe among an , but to he permitted, without any I):flae;..e mgement ,‘ to foilew their Cam/Eiehce: ; A mzdfb to employ them-_ ;1ve.:ydm'ly,x in the mefl advewtegiam plaice.-r; private or peeh. 1; ea, with fa much em and diligenee~m they Ace»: fife, re draw ezil theworld toward their Wicked Pfefisflfane ? And net’ to rem amt upon all the ref? of em‘ old rem-wedy The ]'ng¢Pm_; Erroeere , that /33 mezch-«extolled Jndependeney, wherein ?7¢;3.'r&'}7 dents. Religiam pet: for the time 610 Wander, which is the chief hezmi that epemd at ,eme1 keepeth open to the}: egey the door. to alleeytheether Efrem: that plezgeze ea : yWhezt em‘: emf: hex: 4 Limit, or mthen, the lez7rge""he:1f of the Body ef old Bryew-- Apologet. Nay. ‘ ezifm“? eta‘ it: haivn Peztrmg: cenfljfe, es middle Way hetwixtrhe Reformed Churche: and the Bremeifl: 3 the fezme Way win‘:-5 h Morfilliusw yfeeheeed by the Dutch Awzheptifle ) eeelie11e-z- y hear to eh;-iieg into F R A N C Er gyhm‘ hy Beza medSadacl1,y in two Genem/I e A_[Té’mhhlie: , it WM fa fee/ly cm?-fh'ted;_, thmrh to thie day‘ all the Chxerche: there db eletefi‘ it : Tet Bolton mm’ Brown Waeelel heed: hrihg it into E N G L A N D. A ,_ Thefiitwonre the known Father; of Eixglifh Jndepemlenw ey ; “men whafifl In';'e:¢tiem mime: he “imech loved, for their mbm__{e1 A t i e fiefite bbiferve, 51:32, fhefihéindifian of the Chflrchtk mafi dvfierete _:4fi7bia earth, than :3 the dqyamd hour of her certain W.’-‘t--_» hvfrfeiygydtafiiflten a'._’]?_, bath we jim cams,“ iidefirtediof éiférhheiit el£’edeép:3t “ féf? \9eIq$t‘47Iane"r&.}?eer§'}as:fiizwy f2‘e;¢’tlgo+;;f.a7;d:, 451: to draw In In the day af it/at Ileralsatxgger we to all the anemic: of the .ii V Clmrcb. When the Lord begins ti) trample them in theWine- The third“ *" prefie of his Indign_at,io_n; iftherewere no more but the dalhu ing oftheirbodies in pieces, the watering of the ground with their blood, and the Raining of the garments of their killers therewith ;_ if no more Followed, it were well to them : But they mull drink after death in the Cilup of the feverlaflitig {my ,0? the Almighty, as ?a/an commeatsit", Rate. 14.10. 114:; /ta/Z the tormmted with fire and briwfianefar eater and war. a In the third part of the Dialogue from the feventh l verfe, The Subdiviflal‘ ,the:Church finding’ her Deliverance {enfiybly it begun , but not of tbetliiml .... accomplilhed ( For though Edam was deltroyediyet .Bé'-Z6571 Pm‘ » was fitting like a (Qeen over theNations, an-tl molt‘. over the tubbilla of defolate fa-rufialem ) {he turns her {elf to her prefent Redeemer, and moltyhutnbly fupplicates him to per. ~:fe& what he had begun ,, To deliver her fully fromgthe great «lined by Chrifl: in the6§ Chapter, thorow the whole; burdens both of fin and mifery that yet lay upon her. This Prayer is fer down in the remnant of this Chapter; and all the next ; whereunto a large and gracious Anfwer is retur-in The tfirlt part taf the Prayer is Thankfgiving, yfrotnthyc Itiliffimemfieta. feventh to the fifteenth. i , t A t it To preparetheir hearts for petitioning , theylay out blefore the Lord the great gooclnefle which he of old had bellowed; on thehoufe of Jfiaaeli, his tttWOIT1Cl,ers in_Egypt , this glorious 3 Works at the Red Sea and in the Wilderneffe, thelgtonftancyytof A * this kindneffe , notwithltanding their Rebellion and Vexirig of his Spirit : Thoughfometime he punifhed them For their fins, yet he never left them , for the glory ofyhis Name , and the i Multitude of his mercies : A Notonely Ma/E; Ia;2s«sIaepIam1, but t/ae/Inrqelmaf be Prefixes went before thicrril ;; He WM afliiéieai in all their 13 ; .£Elz'a’m' ; he hare them, and cerricdyekam in hair 't§I"m«£ fall thefe days of old thorow that howling Wildernelle. This is the Churches Preface to her fubfequent Prayer. t i Hence 0bfCr1fe,firll,,‘Ii'})a;ak1'u_girving1315: naettc_'fl‘ttf£7tr Which if’ D05 \ it ‘- B t A 0 A .A Sermhaephreeebed befare the Eight Hmazmxhic E'hefm:m$'.: ‘ ifhethirei‘ ‘ e ’PetitiAamr can hewhhta [the Tbrane of Grace. Praiyfe petfumee “the lips of a Supplieant ;, ’ it'fwe%eten5, it feftens, it opem the "(heart-‘of a Seeker, end‘fit3tit~Afirsgulatr1y to~~te:ehe1=vié talk tts defiree ~"TAfi*e111ttGed.tt e A A” ‘ h A AA A V The kgwenejfeh of Gad in ehe efzzyx ofof'c'~.r,mm” the ma]? mzcime eimer, 2%: the Chzzrchmlnheréretnee to tf9e\ha7"lcir g‘%du‘ All the ‘favo.u1j1sfof Ged tegifired in Sefipture ; all the gracious exw tpetitnents Cf the Saints iti anytimeghn any pLace,A-are our P.=s;—_ mrnouy , A ferving as ruled Cafes, to Rremgthen ourt Faith, Hope and Patience in the days of our Aadverfity. he Thefim of mm z zerf2r;¢.e=, removefarar zhafmatwr of Gaaffrom .. W» ”€5t’5-z‘tv~t‘N;et£e;¢.t ‘There is no in»terrt2ptienA of7=theAte0Aut{'et0h” tmercyl tqware§fseattttPreop1et;t by the defituflion of‘ many par»- ’ The [eCo__miA member. i The matter of W .1 5 wife. ’t;icu1:.-gt petih:>Ans.- i Great Vengeance may. be upon Thohiandsg, the eareafesf Ten theufandst may famn the Wilderneffeg, ew- ven of /Mqfe: h»im{elf'_., andmeny oh the ShepherdsA both caf :ttChurc:ha“nd Statet; and yet the Lord may gracioufly match en befcate‘A his Beopleg till he have »fet'1ed them and ins Arkm» peace en - his holy mountain... 4 V The 1°>A‘rayer*confi{’t-S of Pteritiens ,, Com plaihts , Confeffhwe A «tonsicif fin,j.PmfeH’1ons of faith; t inteirtexed one with another, ‘ as the holy paflions of the Supplieants hearts do mix them» In the fifteenth verfe, there is a»Petitione backed with 34* Complaint. The Eord for a long time had’ leftt his Peotple to thehutrages‘ of their Enemies», he ~had.t.asittwerekefttthe earth , gone up to the‘hea_vejn, anti’ t*mia»kentea11 that» the Enemy had done to his Peo«p1~e ?:~Now‘therefore theytmtitionh that hemighthbe pleafehd-to lctokdown upon them fi'omA his hou- Aly and glorious Thronehin the heaven. For this is the Pcrange faith ofthe Clmurchp, 'F«ha;.= {he isAper[Waded”*fi:> A A far of the power anc1*Ageodet‘2e{i"e of ~ her CL? ed,Ans,; the calling of the %ncs ' at both,Was the fame ;,blJt the forms wasmuch different : The Y «talking at an innocent man, and at eatman condemned by God,.oand all [firael ; the oneform makes-thefioningeofttflamA éwtla anAA>a&*of' unjulttnultder, the other form AAmake§t t‘hev~t‘tfi0"‘v thing of ~/fa-han,A an alét of ju-G:lpunAifhm"eAnt.x. l A V The 2&5,‘ not of Gods will A and d trees 5.. fort. fuch*l=con~A-3-vym .,,g;~q,.A K,fa~.~ tern not the Words in htindl, but Aof A his aétualil providence Gadt'efiAfltwwA' ubout the matter and form of ;i . are ‘many :5: Thefl mo&‘PI'0W1‘¥¢fl0”5WA“ “eoAn£iutat1'- ’ one will not Rand long at_Church-Government; -butthe worldewill be confirmed in that topinion whichtfomc wife h menloengtago have given oug, Tha"t~»~tIndependency was A nigt _ . _ to l‘ l 3 e % '. at and of M. Ar--M _ UNI’). A A A-Sermanyreacbed hefiarie the Right Hamiumhie in math laved for it lelf, as for fijmwlzat elfe ,.,A libertty, without cenlute , to vent fuch Dotittines as the confciencetaf Otthadox Divines will never he able to hear. with patience... Butin thisl will notsenter : The ze‘alof' the» Whole Aflizimn Hereties of that infamous Boek ,, cloth. quiet. and {acute out i t V Why doth the. Church com- tpiflifi ofthefa ' atts of God , about her fins E-. bly and both the}-lamentable Heufea againft the blafphem.ouset mincles herein; a, _ A I The fourth word to be exponed‘p=‘,i is the Intettagation andi CotIif5laint':, W/9}. haft than maaietuta err: Bi The Church: being I1OVWt.lD6l“OI’C God;,,..a.ndi laying l'1old'V0Ie1 his fatherly comp'afl:ions~;,,.pours ioput before him the troubles of her heart. That which tteubled them.mofl:.., was theit.fins~ and iobfiinacic in Rehellion ,,Vthich they complain to the Lord. had beFallan’l them in his great wrath ,< thrdugh his deferting of them ,.A and giving them over to be led», away by. their; own ltutts, and Sat-ans tentations.y This part of Gods wrath upon them, in punilhing their fins with:mare.b1indne{le, aha making; them erre farther from his Ways ,. was their gteattlh mifery,thc true caufe of alltheir outward plagues, and a gteaw -t ter plague than all the reft ;: ‘as we may fee in the {bath oh thia Rropheciq, where the Lord , for cotatem pt of the T Prophets Miniltety, doth«puni{h~-the body of that people ‘W'.1'.!:i'1.Spl1‘ltt1-=i all jiudgements ,, and makes their heart fatter , their mimic hlincler then hefore :2 And from thistspirituall evil, he makes all their Temporall; defolatian to How, it as out of its ptopw Fountain» Of this mifery thepeople here complain ta Gad, not to lay their fins éff themfelves ,..on the Lotti abut to A the Lord withttheitmileties,t butto fprleaclthem out ibefore V ' The? D an-. write. The godly. " pour out alla: theirtcom-t gsxlaints in it ffiaoda .«i30l.Omsa. p .fl.},, withetiei their deep fenfe of'thcm,aa camingon themthrough Gods full deferttiionwanda dlefetved judgement: Not to upbraiol, his feet, as their anclyi» hope fitam. whafettiand ,alon,e .they.te:t--2 ppcéted a teme-dy.,,. it A I i Etom thawaurds thua expaneci,obf§rve, firft; The claildrm i God, in their Warfiitqffgat-e, arafiafamiliar liait/at/Mir heavenly». Father 3. .45 to paiirpoutzin I923: éafirm the.-complaint: Whatever’ V miflrr}!.lie.r.r.upeM t/mm. «ht this time, . as appears by the wcsrda .i0§1Ethfii~9¥€a‘$¢li“i,i€r?a¥i1¢P?0Ba1E$iF%?17*€i3F39£! was cxceedina -o... .i!‘:lrra‘i2~- A « gbe‘Henfe.g’fLard:,‘_ July 30; 1645*; H i have nzkezz M awe]. T/ms /am‘? /iid 1*/9}‘ face frnm»m= 5 and cm... fmmdm ,,é:cM¢j& of mr ihiqwitiey. His zeal, firength and metciiull bowels feemed to be relitaineel towards them ;»:yet they come befere him : and that which trqublecl them molt, their~wandt.ing.From his ways , they: V preedi-t out before his gieet, asthe matter of their ch.icfe&cotnpla1nt.- ~ A A l ‘hard..W'a are my m: an unclean tl1ing“;_ our iniqaitiesm t/at wirmh, ‘ The truth ofthe ¢De&~rine may he feen, Lfiflfo 1.‘ Re. The Proagi meméer,» 0 Lard, what 23.: come upon at»: .5 .. canfider and behold am‘ bfiffofiy —ti-aproazcla; Ineall the Chapter, and the Whole B00l{,»tl1t":I‘t: is a familiar complaining tothe Bord efvalli their»mi»lEties.% Ma— fexand Aarm in ail their tribula‘ti'w; rti-n to thedoor of the _ ,Taberinac1e..t 74605, at the {icleof the Foesrcl feééu/Q, in his i “great Frayfer Efim',..t beteek himfelf to weep and pray. Dm- «avid, in his pretent-d»aeger of ftonin ‘by his own men», cam» lbrtedehimfelti in God. Hezefiala pread out before thelonl ; 1, the telling of eltazé//aalgla ;_ and , “ after his! dcfpetate ficknelle; turned himfelf to the vva.~1lto pout 0LIt'=hiS'l‘l@€H-‘t the God. The - examples of this prgélcice are innumerable. i The fleafdn of it is ,‘ T/ye Sainttt-interelfl in god The their Fathers» Poor children in dilireffei, whither lfhallthey gm, but to their father P Neither {in nor mifery Willa-nnull that moregthennaturallre1a.tion,that fupernaturall Paterhim - ty and Filiation. Though-. Goclclothe himieli with a cloud _ in his anger ;, yetfaith will make the fou1,iw~i»th MM:-4, run A W thorexw the fire and darkne{Te‘tO ihim. * A The Pmdigall, in the mi»cll't of his mifery, refolves to return to-this father. . The Spirit of Adoytion, in our har_del’c times .. will make us cry, xiiélw, Father. Thisrcafon is ufeel in-the fame place,fver.xe6=. . %Dm5tZee that; art our F at/acr, though Aérabamibe ignarazm‘ of i aw. Vetflm. Wearctbine; ltbmnmvcr bum-cfl ml: m2ervthrm.= it The next Chapter,~vc.rf. 8.» Bmmaw, Oliérd, than art~-~mr;F;:w » ~ it/gar; £ael1old,fea, we laefieec/4 Atlaee, we are alletlay people._ ” t A i- The Ufe is Fm: our Encouragement to cqntihue .th'is”“'pra- T)':e"§;;9c'2»,. t aflice with all eat-nel‘c:nefl"e and ; perfeverance. If there be Vany; ¥“¢%‘35E9 draw dewn 3 blefline gem the Ravens on aldllirfift K5’4f’fl5f"7 1 . ’ 1.§,fl»":«Lw . i """"'7": LA Sormooe pieoobed oefom the Right Honourable Thefécond was ‘ 1 e:ffrz'ne.o Sins e are heavier ~then afii&i- Tide Proof: ; We Keejlvng X!‘ e means, or none elfe, will they be gotten overcame : e failed him: :, Daniel 6‘. 9._ A the Fountain of aofi‘-lifiionse dawflg xgfootfilofiringeth not oootof t/oogroundo: Sin is the root ‘ A A - o ‘ of V {cdNation, iris the prayer of theSaints.; This is the oh2I{éa that hathdrawn up this {inking Lend fmm the pit of mine 5 % that hath let our feet on that Roekef fafety, whet-eon new we (tend. Whatever difficulties are yet before us, by this ‘Vail other ihould give over this holy exereife of Fafiing and Praying, or turn it iqaoefinfull and provofxing formality 5 yet A W it behoves us to keep 1: on Foot, remembrmg both the exprefle command of the Lord , ‘Call on me in the day of thy trouble» ejjlmll deliver tlooo, Pfal. 567. Lam. 2.19. x$’mfi=, cry out ie the .;«;i‘ghz‘.-, ioaootlJe‘t’7a‘ginrJi7:-‘g of the watches pom ooze your heart: like motor, [2g‘ore t/ocfaoe of the Lora’; Loft: we yam‘ lo.-.zoz:§‘.s' towards lam. And your own vifible expeeienceozo As no peeple have A fawn: me-re plemifully this preeious feed 3; f0 none have aim ‘read-y reaped moreevidcnt fi:uir;s thereof: Be mat weary of this geodowork, until! all our defines be aecomplilhed. o In the next‘ place Czbjferve, That the chief part of the ‘Saints cemp1aintetoGod, is of their wandrings from his wayee. eT/oeir fins are heavier Ate mam, am all their afili-5 fiiom. ’ , ’ 7 A ” Thisi's p-s:ov"ed1 from divers Scriptures, P/£21.33. When the Prophets trougble was great, Notbiflg flamed in lmefio/5 , 7533 Arrow: af t/oo L07‘&1./;l'6‘»l{;5:o‘g iii /.7o.i'ae, Gm’: Imzod proflng him fora; yet the chief burden whereof he complains, was his e:fim‘S,oVerfe 4» Mine iniqzoitios are gone amr my hood one an Iooqwy éomiom they are too koozwjfor mo. Pfa1.4e. 12?, Immmer. otézlo evil: have compzgeol mo aéooot, éoormine iniéruities woe ‘tdkaffi 073 me 5 E01.’ thfllll he! W33 Fiat atélgota lbpkafita heart cclrmpleins ef theheavy wrath and curfeitliat was pea weed out ono§loro;fozla=;o¢1, and of’ {o great af. Ffliflions as had befaln to no Natianeunder Heaven ; yet the; o fiffi, and longefl part of Complaint is, of that fins Of their Kings, ef their «Princes, Land. 4 A ’ A A - )Th'e9reaI'm’mfo the Doéhine, %.9im :2: the gram-jz‘ oz/iii, its Ajfliéilione comet/oe not oootof I/M’ Though A of their Priefts, and Whole - L u iii!‘-iii’-.JF°10fi£[éefLlafd:, July 30. V i645,‘ V 15A up-u?— ....__. at‘ it. Alfo {in is mofi contrary to the nature of God: Wrath andetreuhle, even the greatelt, the very terments of Hell, are ” tact fo 5 let they are according to l31S]uilZ1C€_. The godly thete-- ‘ tore, who Weigh things aright in the juflt ballanee of the Se.n6’tu_aty, efteem their fine much heavier, and more grievous: evil:-31, then tmytthey can futfer fer them. A t " , Thetnfe is for Ourfillllrfiéhiton :Let our complaints be tightly The with A erdeted,,and ur ‘fottows tightly placed :.-Beware to {pend the ‘ melt, or» belt of thy fenfe, on thy fuPt‘erings:A Beware toil pour out the vehemency of thy paflion, the bitterellt of thy lbrtews on calamities, either: private or publike, A The fitll: fruits, the Flower, the fi~t:ft-hotn of thy gtiefimult be tefirrvedr‘ for the ehiefievill. The naturall and” I-‘lindtely Achildreh of God,‘ will have more forrow at their heart for the fine of the Land, then for the defolations thereof: Whatever pmvettyr, difgtace, pain, can befall their perfon, the very wmth of? O God, fuppofe the tortnents of HellA~, w1illn.c>tibeA lb heavy-, fol bitter, fo troublefeme to them, asttheir lithe, the caufe ofall thefe evils. »A A A ii i A 7 ‘ The thirel,obf'ervtation , Gadsepmziflzing and jmlicice/I hated :?'herbirti?Z:?a:-5? in our _/Em, if their aggravation, and imcrmfe of their é:7ttAern.:fl} ..A 5?rine._' Gods: 'l3orwtihis+-Aist the head of the Churches complaint, .ThetGecl ;‘."~"d1n°W hedtcsmfecl them toerre from his Wayes. A A ‘ It istrue,. the Saints in Scripture draw comfort from An Ob§egm,;Ie in i {came 3&3 of‘;God3.,mE1‘.'cytab0ut fin, 51% From. his gracious anfweredot direélsirugof its a<fl: A dam: in omméfjtimg of “C/awflh. .tt’fucthtt.aéh$8w0fi'§30d& m'etcyr A A 16 A Sermm preached hefitre the “Right mawraéle A about out fine, we {peak n%ot,A be they temporall, be they Etet-‘w nail ; but of the arfts of his juitice am Wrath; punifhing fin byfin. Ptom theft aétione of GOL Wecam draw» no comm fort 5 ‘but they aggravate the Weight of out fine, ahdiincreafe L out gtiefi t Q A _ The mifcatriage of Aéfialm, his teheilmn and lncefl, cauid not but grieve Davide; but tea ineteafe histgriefi, 2 Sam. 2. I03 Godtelis him ‘, I iW£k' doe-t/abs" thing hcjfare all Jfmel, andhrzfare the Smt, in thatAterrib1c vifion, I fhi. :6. the Lord, C0 demon-in t Ittttte his wrath againft that people, {endeth terthem a- mefiige full 0f anger , Make the heart of t/92' yeaple fat, and their ears‘ beam.‘ Their exceecation was in it ft-if a grievous evill ; but it was mre grievous,“ when it came as a plague: {mm an angry t God. fake .12. 39. Gods blinding of their eyes, that they mule! mt beleeve Chtifts-AWord,is breught as arraggravatien hf theirsfin, tune of the anger of Chrifi againfl them, {Q fans, as he went fromvthem, and thidkhimfelfi. e i We .P:*0gf1A AI m’,,%1=;m];,,,, ~ The reafen of this is, That thefe a&s t=.>f“God proccedh from wrath and jufiice, punifhing formerfins. Again, they rm at-tcA-thetneans to make fin more tfinfull, the pcrfon being gia- h even over to be-carried headlong by his own lufis, and Satans ' tentatihns. Thirdly, The punifhment dfrifin in this degree; is much forcr, then if it had been a-fimeple fin , as in the fixthe of Ifziah, and clfcwhere it appears. No tnarvell therefore, that men ~of' awakened confciences make it a chief part hf” their complaint and grief, The: God land Cflflféithfiflttfl we 2 This being a figne of wrath, and increafeiiof guiltincfle, and a fbterunner of greater punifhment. he ' A An-«we gbrcau. A The uf&is_fir&*for-Cautien, Tobewztre of that dangerous than. » ‘etmur (hf taking comfort and encouragement from Gods 3'ud1ctal1.hand. miour fins, that 18, tvglor-.y tn our flrtame, and to joy -for what we ihould he fad. It is-to cafl; off our felt‘ the butdeta Eof eaur fin, to whom alhne ittbelonge, on God,’ e 4 Wltcfi eyes are pm-er, than ta &ebpld_iniqz¢ity. 1 “ A n f mtg;/E for -Secondly, It eferves for Councell, ttzs make’ it hut chief gttounfel. Q grief in ourmcturning, That we have-faln under {in heavy A ' A difpleafure, asto»be fcourged WithLthe Worfi; of Gods heed-5:: the Hmfcof Lords, July 30. 164.5. A - I7 ‘Oi allthe Arrows in Gods Qgiver, this is the moi’: vene- xmousg To be given over by God to fin; this comes from a fpeciall wrath, and is a prefage of very great miferyfo11ow- ing. When Gods fpirit flirted up David to number the " people, it came from his anger againfi: jfiwzel, and was a fore- e runner of the deftroying Angeli : The blinding of the pea» yples eyes, mam/a 6. and felon 12. is made an antecedent of a i i are fingizlarly azfefied with their jmiiciall erramir , AS here the national}. ruine. When ever we feel this to be our condition, it fhould be the matter of our mofi mournfull com- plaint. ‘ W h A The fourth obfervation will clear the third; it is this , ‘I’/:ef'aurthDo« The godly whee their eyes are opened tafée their mtndringr, they 5WI':€- 311:“ hi C211 CLTOU . . . {H -- - Church mourning and praying to God , for fin and mxfery, fifgnrfailef " begins herycomplaint for thefe errours, into which, by y Gods anger and judgement, {he had faln. ‘ Old I/Sm! by Gods judgement, ‘h‘ad*fa1n in the grievous me grog; errour of civill difcord, which coit in two dayes, the eleven W Tribes, theli-ves of fourty thoufand men; and in the third, proceeded very near to the extirpation of the twelfth Tribe. When the hand of God was lifted off them, and they began to look back upon t their afiions, fudge: 21. z. they weeped fore before the Lord, and complained to him of the great miil . chief wherein they had tam : Though the injuficice and ob... iiinacy of Benjamin had been the immediate caufe of: the dif.. fention ; yet they pittied their Brethren, feeing it was the” Lords judgement upon them all, that had made that breach V in Ifmel, Verfe I5. Ephraim in his pride would needs rebell againft the houfe of David, and have aKing among them-‘-y ifelvesi, and Alters of their own making at Dam and Berlael ; o God in juftice gave themover to theft: fins 0!? continua11fedi— tion and idolatry, till they were totally ruined ;. I-Iegavc‘ A them a number of Kings in his anger: Haf. 8. rr.— Bgmmfi: Ephraim hath made mam] e/Jltars tafin, Altar: [hall 6: mm him to fin. But when the Lord gave repentance to Ephraim, no fee how much they are grieved, afhamed, and cemfoundetg " iorwtheit madneiie, wherein by the judgement; of God, they " WCEQ A mag preached before :I}e.m‘gb: Hamezge The R eafimx. ‘Nag 'Z.{/Z’. were made long to go on, fare. 31. 1 8. I have heard Epbzeiw . égmaanizzg laimfelf etbm ; Surely, after I \%7:zJ.tze.w'ned, I repewted; and after 1 WM inflrzzéiedol [mote tap on my t/azglag, I WM flfififififd, e 3,-M, wen confozmdwl, éemz.~.'fe I [rare the reprcmcla of my yguwb. Thee ?c~2=.:2: were p1agL1ed of God with am horrible b1indnefl”e, emf minds, and obfiinacy of heart, fo that they reiefied the Geafpeb crucified the Lord of Life, and remain in Rebellion to rA2;i,:»“.~e'd;ay :. But when the Lord {hall take ofi” the Vail of e their eyes, and they begin to fee their Ajudiciall errours, their madneffe againfi: Chrifi and the Gofpel , xyherewith God in jufiice did piague,them 5 then‘ grlef font W111 he extract»- eiinary, as it is fet down, Zach. 12. 10. They jfml! Iaokan him wiaam they have peirced, and they j7m/1 mozmafar /aim, mane A mamnctbfer I023 mclyfsm 5 mad [FM]! 17:: in éittermffefar him, We azewlf in Efiitterneflé for 7913.9 firfl-bum. 2T/ac:/I 2. ‘ The ChIJ«I‘C“h,€8‘ " V of the Gemtilex are in Gods ;'uftice',_V many of therdgiven over to ftrong delufions, to beleeve Antxchriftian Lyes ; but when God begins to opentheir eyes tq fee thefe delufions, their grief and indignation for them_ 13 fo great , Ravel. 17. I6. ‘IT/mt they hate the whore, who did feduceand bewitch them ; They mafia bar dcfivlaze, and mszlggd : They eat laerflcflz, mzdéwrn‘ “Iver with fire. % The Reafons of this Doflrine, aretlae fame which of the former,.efpecia11y the fecond; The fingular and extraordinary guiltinefle, that is in thafejudiciall erroure, the blindedfoul fees them not, ‘ while God in mercy remove theecloud, and fend in his light; but ghen the lightned foul beholding the horrible waycsewherein It hath been wandring , fuch Wham. in it would never have walked , had it not been led by a powerfi1l1Divel1 , let: on by the peremiflion and coznmiflion off‘ a juft Gode ; Seeing in thefe: fins 2; jufl: God, a wicked Dim: well, and a. heart fiirred up by extraordinary temptations; by this horrible back-fight is aifiighted and amazed,etil1 Faith in the infinite erjnercies of God, doth calm and fax:-g tie it. A A M e The Ufe is for ad mcmition”: Beware of judicial! errcmrs 5,; _very oftenthey are never pardtbned ;- but briengon dcfikrueétion V V ” A W e V “ V both tours ; How great ” with his plague , the Heufe of Lord‘: , July 30. 164.5. both temporalland eternally: 2 Thkfi 2.1:. They to whom 139* God {ends {trong clelulions, are damned : 1f:zz'.p6. 11.. When , l «God [hut the peoples eyes, and made their heart fat, the Cities were walked , andthe Land made defolate: Before Ephrotim and fade recovered themfhelveefrorn thatnnfnare ofl}, rebellion, and came to the repentance fpolten of , How many hundred thoufands and millions of them did perilhboth temporally and eternally? i And thefe fliw Whom the Lord bringeth to fee, and mourn for their judieialler... is their grief ? How much do they wifh to have feen in time their madnelie, that theymight not lb much have been plagued therewith ? i ‘ But what are thefe jucliciallerronrs which wewouldl beware of? Search the Scriptures, they will make you wife a in this very neceflitry point of knowledge. . For your ul‘e,pI f-hall point at fome : Pirlt, Civil! Di,/"card is a fin, and :1 great judgement; a, fin tothe authors and Fo- menters ; a judgement to all, as well the innocent as nocent a God punilheth the {ins of the Egyptian; party. Iflai. 19. 2.. I will flat the Egyptian: again;-efi the Egyptimdr Civill clifcord a Judiciall errant. mad they flmllfight every one again ti‘ lhzls hrathar, and every one ngaihfl hit neighhour ; Cityagaihfl City, and K ingdam againfh Itfingdamg and theflairit cf .Egyptnfhall_failirl1 the mid/3 hherenf; and I will defray the coamflal thereof. The lfame Pislthe judge- ment of Ifmel, Z€Ch.:; 1.6. I will he were pity the inhnhitmzt: tf the Land, her I will aleliroerpthamm comfy one into hzlmeighu them: hands, and inta the hand: afhzl9 Kimg~, and they ffmll fmite the Land : madaait 01' their hand I will not deliver them; a This I is the great judgement that long hath lien upon us; the re» movall whereof", hath been olnelchief end of all our late Hu- miliations: The longer itliethlon ,«1t1sthe heavier ; and all «good men have the more reafon to cry , l with hhmr to glcmh, upon a lelle occalion ;. Shall theiSwarddeem1arfar war s"ICmmf—- cf}! than natlithat it will he hizterntfle in the lam‘ and 5" Haw long [hail it he an them him.’ the peaple return fiamfafiowiqg their thro- them? i l “ I t l A‘ l « ~ @1111 Malignant tienetnies. the one1y.autho1:sxof- our prefent D 2 l Dlfcord, ” 90 A Sermon preached hcfire the Right Hhnauméie Reaflanx why Peace is to be wifhcd. A feethe Whale Weflcern Kingdomsin a ifwallowed up with the great Turkifh Leviathan , then they- Difcord , have to this-day denied us Peaceiin any full: and fafii ‘terms. I if obfiinntely they will go on in their refufall , we I$1'}1JiipY'OC€Cdlin our neceflnryydefcnce, and crave from the God 9? Peace, that which rhefe children of Difcord do deny fur1to< us ; and expeét, from the heaven finch an Blefiing upon nut’ Armies, as may force them to permit us to live in quletnelie, when they are noymore able to canfe troubles. In the mean time, all flnonld continue their prayers to God [0 to frame’ ii the hearts of all men, that the Weary and fainting Kingdoms may be delivered, fo foon as is poflihle , from our del-ieroying Difcords. r /I A d i The efiate of the world abroad, doth much call as to thefe thoughts. TheiDefolationsrof Gmmmy , farther from any appearance at‘ remedy this hour then Six: and twenty . yeers ago, (hould be exemplary unto us, If our 'mi~ndes be In large as to look Io Far nhroad, we greater danger to be have been at any by--gone time : We know hishead this day is bent towards Chri{’cendom.y The Bulwarks which were wont to keep him out on. both hands , upon our Eal’c in (farm mm and Hm2gm"y«, upcmonr Southin Imly. and»: Spain ,‘ am {'0 much brangled with Inteftine andirreconcileable Divi{i- onsy, that we have juff ground to Fear what this his Wt;-Pcern Enterprife may produce. A England nfitimes hath Felt the heavier Broke of the Canflmatinapalizwv Arms , _ when they were in much. weaker andfar leflh terrible hands then at thin day they are. A A 7 A ' it i _ i If thefe {eem far~fctch~ed‘Fears_.,look over tG'tl1E“C0f1ClitiOn of? our neerelt Nei as awakened, alien adeilroying our felven, the French King» hathzingroflied algreater and more formidable power then any i of his nneellors for fomehundred*yeers did ‘ enjoy. . No wife rnan ofth1§ Ifle will clofe his eyes» at the extraordinary.alnd- difproportxonate encreafe ofithat 'Efl:3t5é M IF thefts were no other reafonrly _., mnnihzatwnnmxght be drawn from the prefsgg eflate or rvhel rw510l‘>r ' '- hbours. tWhile we are fleeping, and fa fcaonw i I believe convincing De-H réefloztflz ofzords, July go; tt645»t i A world abroad , why. We Fhoulcl continue utoimeke it. one «bf it moutfpeciall prayers in all theft meetings ,. Thai: we might be fo happie as Cjliicltly to fee in all thcthree Kingdoms ajtifi: and well-gtcmncled Peace. Butif" the fatallobllinacy of out A enemies will force us to fight it out r 5. with all cheatfulnelle let 113 go on,dtill thev be brought fo low, aenotl to be willing A _ A anymore to tejte6’c the equitable Offers of both l?arliaments.t V Onely let this‘ jucliciall Difcotd be extended to as narrow MOI’: of all; bounds as is pofiible :. Let all our Diviifionsube with the ene.— _P"“‘5"‘ ?~m°fl8~§ m y ; among our {elves let the bond oi" brotherly Union cone Svfufivgs k A A tinue and encteafen. All that are for God,a.nel the welfare of with c;,_,:_’ exit’ the Kingdoms in the three Nations , are iuntitgeid together by V the Covenant andlBatadi of God. ,AlliAgesf}1allica1lthem Cutfedi, who, for any imaginable advantage, private or piulz-— ,lilphet~~ ‘fcrremyl amazecl, jlcre; -The Py'a.;,;~,:~*”;:.el‘.§ 5-3. 0 Lara’, them heft‘ fl?5Ul(ei§—th6m, hm? they have not grieved g V Ihcm ha]? cmfumed them, hm“ they haweswefrefecl to receive com. 2'e:EZiam.; they~hzz72en;¢ede theirfiwzr: harder ‘than m'acl’-<5 godlies great? l The Reafon wellylthisi comditiomvlllletof a people is moi’: lawelmefiifl RMfi.m;;,fl m'etitahle,t is fir£’c,, It is ahprefage of ldel’crt1<§l:§¥0-n= tWhen Hzeokes; humble not a people,am:lioft:en '411c”wttl1eit*theart_’t0v» ‘ l jehefeer ancl aebedience of God, thenit comethto this , Why E ./bem’al;£ Thefécond _ ._ _ ; Reajbn. eternall perjdttron after temporall rume. Ram, 2, 5. Afi€r- rag thirdfiéae . _ fan. i though nexther eternal! nor tternporalla wrath followed on it :: 0 ~ L/I Sermon preached éaefora ti/aeiltzg/at Hhmmrable refufed, then cometh rejeflion. 21 I(i:ag: 17. 1 8. God is very aggry with the ten Tribes, and removes them out of his fight; the great caufewe have, Verfle 14. The} hardnea’ their ‘ mackr, like the neck: of their fatherx, that did not éelewe in that Lord the£riGod. Thisfame was the caufe of the mine of ?em- V /glam, fare. I9. I 5 . I wail! Ming apart thév City all the wifl that I have prcmaamcad again]? it, émmfé «rag»; harzie hardned i their nechg, time t/any might not hear my words. Jere. 26. 29.. The Lord hath rejcffed grmdfarfnkm the generationeqf /913' wrath, becaufe they /ma! /mrdned their necks, maddid worfi: than their (fit/7375» , h. . f Another Reafon. This is {uch an evill. as draweth on thyerhardnaglt am! impmitrmt A/mirth, t/ma itraafirrafi tap to [by my wrath azgainfi the day if wrath. There 18 a rrtreafure: and heap of everlafling wrath from this hardneflh Hcé. 3. 7. ' Ta ~ day if ye will hear I923 vaira, /mrdm mat yaazr heart: do’ in the pra- azaczariaza : V Wherefore I Wm“ griéwed with that _Cj'em=mtim , and at fware in my wrath , The-y [ME mt enter into my rqfz‘ : Meaning fuch grief and anger in God againfi this evil, as holds out of heaven. l l M l , H Thirdly. This fin hath extraordinary malignancy in it,’ iThe hand of an angrylGnd, of a ‘Working devil, and high degree of corruption, are into it : in its prodwu&ion,al1the{'e ’ three have place. Before any be hardned in fin,arad become oh- fiinate, the corruption of the heart mill’: be great, and highly . advancech : .Alfo Satans hand is in the blinding of the eyes, i and {Eating with the hm-iron, in Rupifying and making {enf- lefie the confcience of the hardned perfon : and God, as a 1' ufl: A judge, putting on theexecutiner , muff be alfo about this a aflion. Son that this harclning is very ofit the figne of a Re.» _ e probateito Whormfiodihews nomercy : W/Jamlaa will he 4 * ilahmlaaa: , gndjhfiwfit/9 mercy m Wham he wi/infirm’ mercy ; alibrifite xtslnptever fo, aSifl)0lJI' Text and~elfewhere.; :God»harden.$ the hearts of fomcafor a time ,l whom thereafterrhe {oftens,, and flyafildjfl Iwflriclzennmymara. After correfiion is obflinaggl i M‘ 520 nth , to mourn For thfi (ins and \ at id confcientioue eye will ilemnrriflmniliationt, when vhardenelie t ltl1eHmfi:afLard:,ejtilygo; 1645. and to them fheweth mercy : Yetioft , bein the cafe of’ Re.- prohates, and ever very like to it,andi in it {cl a degree to that Wflfilll condition ; it affrighteth the godly, when they fee it in themfelves or others ’- anal becometh a great part of their complaint tofiod. i A i v The Ufe is for Exhortation , That we be carefnllto grieve and complain to the Lord for this great evil , wherever we fee it , in our felves. or others. Not onely the moi’: faith- full of Gods Watch-men in all the three Kiingdornt, but alfo thofé of the people who by the anointing of God have the eyes of their minele opened to fee the Spirituall eiiate of their own or their neighbours fouls ,: bear witneflh with an unanimotxst vtefiimony‘, that notwithftanding all the judge--» ments which lie on the Land ._. yet this harolnefie of heart is. l greater and more univerfall then ever they have {em it. This cannot be but the hand of God, adding this Spiritualli Plague , as the Worli andgreatellc of all our evils : For this we have great reafon toe nzourn, itiabove all onrWoes. l v and intreat theivrernovall of‘ I7.7e"'Z)J{“o- g‘ Weotives to the Duty we need no other , then the Reafonsi ‘ of the Doftrine. V t ~ If thou fincle thisevil crept in thy heart ’< as I doubt not but it loclgeth. fenfibly in fome hearts that hear me or" ~ though the rLorcl*had»iblefiedeitheee Wi‘tl1‘"ith€-3 tender heart of calamities that are already, ehd to tremble for what further.“is coming ) this Mifchief proclaiming it felt‘ sin thetcountienences ever he will look , even in the nifhed « fitttheilzrawey ;: i this evil, fay, {elf or others, {houldbeecornplainetl of‘*to God : For the-.-~ vinot in it {o much of aniaiigry God,_a bufie dev»ilt,v\anclo*F at high degree jiudgenxentvs theniyet we haviefeeni , j albeit“ we i have teen i ; yet if thou feet and*: lives of themofi: of thy neighbours , as trttely an obfcrving*: remark too mutzh of it , where» days and places of moi’: fo-» 1 of heart fliiould be ltszt-»~ wherever found ,. in thy. M of huimane corruption l ;_ it being alfo atpreiage onelcertein forerunner, if not remediecl, of; greaterTernporal“ anrigg hear. 2. at A Semen preached hefhrc the Right Haaaaraéle i heard at’ as much W0 aaour fathers in thefe Kingdoms have felt foreibme hundred beers , that! hail their fufierine s were pat f0g‘£f'ii1EI‘ .: Yet the hardnelie at our hearts, if it centi- t ntae,wiii make ail we have fufiered but the beginning ofevils ; A ihtierings witha curfed quality. Ptiiiiettce, Wounds, fpoia A yea, this hardnefie of heart potions and envenothe all our “iing of goods, death, are all fanétified and fweetraed to a tbftu med heart; but to a hardned heart they are the fitii a&s of a wofeil Tragedie 5 there a treafure of wrath, and lake of fire and brimflzone at thehiend attending them.» i If We were able, on thefe days fet apart for this -end, above all other, to attain the.bh-zfling of a {oft heart , and the judge... ment ofaheart hardned by (3od:rem oved , we would quickiy be fecure of damnatiomwe would becom certain ofthe rem 0- “ A veil of all thefe Judgements which have very long fo heavily he vils that for the time were om,or hereafter might befall us. Let t he firth c__ute V of hardnefle is, The embra- cing of the b word by faith. lien both ontthe Church andstate, and on the backs , if not of oar.perfens,»yet of many in whom ourintereit is great: - We hhould be afihred of heavenly cenfolations agaieft all e- it.th‘eref'ore be our earneft endeavour to finale this bleflihg by the Word, by the Sacraments, by publike by private Prayer, he by Reading, by »Confere'nce , by Meditaitaion“. t A At this time It will point at fomeScriptura11 -helps towards it. Piril, believe the Wordrof the Lord. Gods Word is the means that foftneth e the heart, like the Sun that melteth the wax , ilikethe Hammer that breaketh the Rome, theliire that“ foftneth the Iton,the warty cloud that moiitneth the dry and parched ground. With all care and confcience, fet thy heart under the beams of that Sun, the Ptroke of that Hammer, t befofe the heat of that fire , under the droppings of that cloud. The contempt, the neglecft, the misbelief of this ho-I 1y.i1,1[trument of the Spirit, is a great cauflr or all the hardneffe a 7 of heart We {peak fiHeé‘. 3. To day ye will hear his waive, harabn met your /a'em*t.T.ake bead tlmie he not in any ofym an evil Iaeartti of nziaétliaf. Who will not hear the '_voice,or doth hear, A but with an evil heart ef‘ rniabelief, theyharden their heart. tf1‘heYJZ9td: ahish titanic! tacit F?!¢£¥3 at the he ‘stem 4 Wax, A $131!??? A A at cg’ flefb. Let thiswor V weiampiaf Lords Jury go. ms. t iiardnorh th,em,e asethe Sun doth Clay : that Word which to V the believer is the loud voice of A the Trumpetof God,t0 was hen them when fleeping , to quicken them when dead»; be. i comes , to their unbrliever and‘ careltlie heater , the efong of a. V pleafant xcoicetno {ing them af1ee"p,i and to keep them Sleeping. To fuch, the moft poW'erf7ull~ Minifiiery of a Prophet , of an Apofilegof Chrilthimfelf , {erveth to make the heart more hard, andfat, and ‘dead than it was*before; as from, the fixth of Ifiai. and twelhth of 7914:: it [is manifeli. That which to the Faithful! is a qnickning Spirit, to the misbeliever is a kil-~‘ l ling letter a: What to the one is theepower of God to ‘falvati- on, to the other is but as founding Beralfe and a wrinkling Cymn ‘hall, Let it therefore be your earnefi: endeavour, in all holy cxrrcifes about the Word, private or pu‘olike,be it preaching, or reading, or conference, to embrace it with an honelli heart," with all iattentlion, reverence and faith. a Parmzolarly, embrace and lay up: of a fofi: heart, as it is fat down, ry of the Lord was fo far kindled againflzthemifor their fine, that theg were (:29: out of their Larilcl,ft/Jay Vvereifwallaweda tap mezzeryfide, as it is in thethird verfe : Theyweretn/{gm flpiii the lipryaf‘ talker: . they were an infamy of the people A, and the reproach of the Nations , and for all that were not refor- med, but continuedlzt profane thcName of God, and to en» tteafe their provocationspin tho. midftiof all their judgea-e manta“ : Yet, even then , the Lord doth promife, Fur mjmx Naamaxfikg, notfor yaarjizlge, W517 I do t/air : I git:/ayaza, umda mm fiiirit Will I put Within yaw : I WU! take away the /my hmrt we Sf }a!4rflejZ:,.a1ad .wi1ln,.g£;zw you am heart was apickle of good feed ,_be laid up in the heart, it will in time break upgto good fruit. This is a part of the new Covenant , as appeareth from far. Em/g. 36. 26. thizre the peo- nthy heart the prornife Efpcciallk of 6 ple of God were in-a Worfe condition than we yet I The fi1- f° ehearri - 3. A new lamrtnwill a and 32. and Heb. 8; which .belongs to us , also tonanyw‘0-‘tV‘:hflrDi i A fecondnhelitoinfoftnetlh oFFheair‘t, will he a gataloguefiof pu.4‘ i whicghwe wouldembracc,hurnbly;wai‘ting tillethelaord per-‘-_ i 3 e romi _ fin. .. ,,,‘.,V.....«.,‘-V; » ~ -Ir-«',;‘ ‘- A A V A Sefimn preaclj,edjyef‘fsr¢%éZ:£.QRig5t?Ha#a¢b%m5Ze& A A A- ha: fécond -; Gare of hatch . c'ir:ar fight: of fi711%s;’f<)it.'vwhLic%h Afiughtftd fmemn: "; For»’-fb:€tneITe»4«EoE ;:i1eiirt;;ié either the. ‘fa-me t:hi“1‘*;:g 4; nit ‘proceeds, in a?%%gréat17arz“fr:-o%m grief mid grow fiat Fm ;w%w%'8.$‘L"}1“:1t’(Z{i‘1‘€’£fl~t3?-Of-.f héa,rt.5 and. fmpenitency are the; fame , M or .agc;a1wa§7s .comz3yned,~ = Tb§w“1‘?from" wry «laézaéalneffwr impmifimf 5e*:’2tg~‘~t..%~ ?j%-?v* T1161T?€fld€'“fn€‘{?3-afld‘lmelti mg gf’ ' 613,-/§‘,3},5V_l1eaft%., A “was his mOu‘rn’ihg‘ fi:i>r+ fhe~‘%Lands}fin ": « The fofcl} ‘ Lningof. the flaws heart fmm their lémg Plague '0? iI§C[,L1fati0i}; A .535 when they are r.weeping'and in? éittertzejfefor théir fins , av: mgrgfar 59¢}: firfl-éarn. Theuclear “fight-of finvrbeing alimlpto M grief, furrow and:repenta‘nc%e , Amuftbe fbtowards theifofita Vneffeof heart.* The fpesciziH¢en%d%~0f~thefe folemn I-i'umi1iati4’- ms is forregiflrating, in clear and-legible letters, in the hearw M of the god1y,tI1e»-fins both of the Lamd,and‘~ 95 their own per-s fans. The Tables 4050131‘ c‘on{cie;ncc have been‘{o »oft. Aim-‘- 44pr,e£>1?:d«with thcfe %'I3yp;r:s~, that I /need.-~ fnoA%more'~@bu:4%A;$"w remit V/Vfifit are the , fins of the ligand, A c1¢ann. e[¥é",;..l»i.ke:a¢;flomd;did overfloWthc%Land.. In thcfe vem» . every one to the books of their breflrs : There you ‘may rem iri capitall-1etters-theA caufc pf‘ our Woes , the matter of our; Mourning. V A A » . A A w A % Whilfl the Lords Cozmflc dz'a'fl':z';ga amirozar hm’; % and We Wang} fiedaurflcpw in &mrt¢r%; wn 4P2ipi&£“. " -’ Of “them who? prof?:ITéd.-%thc -Truth, how Ifiany were altdgether void of»knowledge,.void* of Fear, without any confcience of God PW: Th»: met’: did pol-6 iltiffl the Service and Church’ bf Gqdwwith *manifo1d super- Rit*ions¢, :andA1?re1a;ica11Tytanmy= , V perfscuting allw who had M the leafi zeal to oppofi their Gormptions : Trugc Piety? was» mrgickech The Sabbath, by publike zfgutharity, profaned C0- wetéufiicflé, Pride, Opprcffima, Pampering of the flefh , Un- A fy times ,~ %wh€ntha~.Lords patience is broken off; and be from‘ mayen[isircv.ea1ing w1:ath&ag§inPcvnur%.;%wickedneflE 5 yet A where is our Repentance i’ How many have wear to héitrll ?9~?..0z@A4,Wha§§bedP¢:éf9§£"F59d§V %%9§iG¢-WefPéaka%§h99A:what ‘ ":2 11" .13” .,t 5.... M. , "Hurt"! fill tlJe1lIa:Ifl:afLarah',]nly go. ‘J1-64:5. .' A _ 3 his lformer «Favours P How many Pnpifla end Prelaticall fpiritshaye yet mourned far.‘ their old Ways -3’ How many upon confcience have left .any»ol the named abnminatilonsaé How great an addition have We made to oureol-d heap of fin 4? A How much have weiplutto nurnld_.treafure nf Vwrgath-15“ Ra-a e thew thento be reclaxmed from thexr Ways , Hath not a great part run to theSwe1‘d, and «severed the Land with more in. A noccnt blood, more Rapinesancl Ravilhmentslthen this Ifle “did fee for many Ages tegethen? I ’” « he Many whnrn Gods mercy hath feparateeto ‘tl18rlgl1t1l'lan'(:l,'Epifcopzcy ‘ Hiowdo theyllill provoke theLord,continuing Without grief M?-nd Indepené I‘ fer their old ways?Anel fundry ofthemvwho profellcmnfi Pi.»dWY 30W A _ AA A ety_.,aclvancing the old nnhappie way oFthis”Land,an affsfiati- bmh mml 3”‘-e-‘ on offingularity and difference‘ from all thelieformed : The bitterPetions of Gods Judgements, have not yet purged nut: * this very evil humourofemanyllflnmacks. 3‘ he vain fpirirsof « xhis Land made thattheapeculiar glory lofEn.gl;md,which was truely her peculiar infamy , and proper unhappineffe , anal he the fpeciallgrief of‘ the mall: godly in the Land: The gloriau ~.tion of "tyhefealight fpirits Was, ‘That England did excell all other Refnrmed Churches in their Epifcopacy and Service»- book : alfe , That the mecleration of their King and Prelats foungaiflfi . -was fuch,lthat: Rmnane fiatholikcs might enjoy a fober libel:-. Ly amongxhcm , wzthout all hazard oflperfecutien. Is this hum our diminilhed to this day i‘ 0:: ,*with a ‘little change, A -‘flath it not prcclomineyet in many. ? Wemuflc [till excel} all other Churches incur Government. la In placeol’ Epifcopag, ‘cie , We will have a new Popularity l: Juli: the loldlfirow--V " he ‘ nifm ofethe rigldy Separatifls , covered with the new name .of Indepenydency ‘V’: For yafter triallit will be found,‘ that this lnyewland fl«1iddlc~ my 1-‘(:‘a$ ‘\it is. lcalledgis freallyxthe, ex--W _ _ tremityl of the molt rigid Seperationl= ;Téhat.‘it is not :af~mi,l hut afizfgui-Separationl e Tha_’t~~for the lfmallerlcrotchets of‘ xnaepenaenggj _ e the Bxnwnifts which they lay flfiClG,"th,CyaddC.In0I'CC1'1'0lTlS, is not afem_i.; inf yea woxle lia{I;}?.WhiCh"-.l1¢D1d Sfiparatifis werejwont xnuch b‘j“ a _/5f3“’“.1‘*!”$_lll; ";K.:D’fl“et&&.', 4 v l’~“-'1"~.ltl*%_‘t 4 ._,B_-u§~:§glel{weetenyour" néw i¢;1i1inen{cylabevelnthet Egelefiantc, he \ '-qua. -u-I I 36 -1' M V VI Serreeen preached before the Right Hammrxlvle e 4 _.‘4- it muft be mixed with 3» Lieerty bf‘ Csmflcience; not that, far which the King, Court and Bifixops ewere lately fo rhuch- A V cryed out upon , Theetoleration onely of Papifis, greany one falfiz Religion 5 but a fulland Catholike Liberty for all imagine “ nable Qkindes offalfs ~Rel;igion;muchmorexhen to this day was. e ever required, either in zilmfierderm. 01?~Pe01’1; Or Tmnfilmm£a‘,e or any where elfe where” the licentioufneffe of en-ring , in the greatwrath of God , hath been permitted to dwell. U pone ' thefe {kings the godly weuldilook , “not as upon a iixbjeft of " talking, cnfan incentiveof wrath andeindignationagainff the hpcrforas of ;agy ‘; but to be matter of heartggrmief, and Amourgg. A — ning to the Lord in our fecret places. A finite Cure ef harc¥ne{’fc is Motives to. fear. Judgemmgs For the firfl:,wc would of’t%ere”meember% the exam ple5'.giveenus{ an cathers. ‘I In the end of this Catalogge of publike fins, thou wouldfle have annexed ai Regifler of thy perfonall provocatiensw: When thouwhafi brought etheCand1e»of Godseword and pi-- rit within thy ovvnhoufee, and within the Cabinet offehy own breft e;.; doubtle-ff: thouwilt behold fo many abomeinatiu A ans, both fleflaly and fpirituall, that will be juft caufe of wa- tering thy Couch with thy tears, and pouring out thy heart before the férce of the Lord, if thou wer able, in tears M é A third help to {meme of heart, is Motives m Fear - For 3 this hardneffc of heart proceedeth ash-om misbelief and im-A penitency gfoealfoefrbmefccurity :9 Wherefore in our Text it is oppofite to‘ fear“: Wk. em rim; /mrdmd our lm2ar:;r<, frees-4 ” rlayfear I And foflab , fo form as tendernerfeof heart caxne. ‘upon him , began “to fear and tremble. A So Motives to fear,. are helps toefofhneffe , and cures forehardneffe of heart : YE thefe, Ipnintfhortly but ateethree The judgements of God« on uthers : His eMercieesi‘eitoMus A1h:1d,if~e eetl}eieafFc6i:not5 The Wratheyeetrdcomeeecn us. A M by God *: Wehoeevere“thou “art _., thou hafl thy paternrfiiom A Gad thou ea.eChurch-gxnan ya ~CZietizen‘,‘ a La Kt1ight,eean" Earl, ~ a eDuke, a Prince; how hath the Lord fcourgeddijvers of thy §3oat.1,ate1y beférethy cyers?“ waunded,eeki11ed, :impoverifhed»,e ‘ difgraced. r‘____,p—fl J ,5 4 I tight ihtiz"tl*xf3AjA(fMmI7'ln‘1‘¥(iIl écaufe far, better then Awe, havet been ehtgwen o ~joyn * th ttheefim/29]’ Lords, Julygca. 164.5. A ' 37 dw-imfgraced =~manAyt,and puttathers‘ te Pcand this day on the brink h A ofmine and worldly mifery E? Weretetlaey eetbegrmtefl finncrs on whom the Towterhbf Silzmmfizll L? mingled with their Sacrifice I Pei?‘ many 0. mayefh fear an thee for thy ]udg‘ément to at ijh. The late judge F thy ‘quality, d tremble ; 3136 Again ~,t Remember udgements ‘was , {That except We mentst wh the greatt mete: Or they W/msfe Head Pilate The Lords remark on thefe A repent, We/ht/1 all likewffi: . i ich God hath infliéfed on loud Words to thee ,2 that thott that thy heart mayhmelt Within fins, lefit the Lord ma he hereswluo by the miferies of not betaughteto repent. ‘ A e ke thee a fpeflaclc of others wouldft I €33‘ ‘J 2.” Mercfegg therezk mercy Wit/9 Gad , that be my 6:: _fcam*a’.t The fpeciall 01945-A V means whereby 1Nmlmn foft1:1edAAthe heart of D-avid, after it- had been long hardned in ii logue of Gods mercies tow the: out cf the gem theehtlay mefier: how}? ; I Wozelaltkaezegiwn thee mare : mandmemt 3’ The ointment gracioustheatt, have aRegif’cer 0 perfon. Cmlfidet all Church and Kingdeam. ( as once they were toe in (".2 hutch at1cl=A‘Statefhndshieenwdabliihe hf the gtacttvus party! in the A tlwuld have come upon us a hath heard out Prayers, an A geeettthxnégs forfis at tn any and f()#?‘ way to have b M andjuflzice ,: That forrottr their awn hearts , to difgra<:eAandt‘Wtae1tL That .heartA~¢fitait,;§El%:he1den?thee~bhAhfiW ;Jt»‘Ef~1dl9)p~Sfl#tl 3 when it grow F Godstavot1ts‘bethA t that the Lord hath tdeheA‘hAlate1yt'ftot the IF Athet51\/Ialignaentr partyehad prevailech. liketo have dohe) if their Tyranny St h Ch{1rChhaTh~‘1 e perform -5 ti 3 Q nwtth Batlaflgeémz , was a Catawh ardfi him , 2 Su2m;%zvehI dA:'Zz7'm-red I madetthee King war Jfiwl ;htI’ Ham‘ sheen tat? tlfitle , W {fly H ba'3fl:* them defiv i/fed {my Cam- of mercy 13 moflz foftmng. of at eth into hardtttefie :: Its good ta? othe publikehand ~ thy, A emdif dtby the everthtow“ whole teflelf «;§ fwmtt wbfulli A~days. rid the pe[teri‘ty Thhfihthe Lhijd‘ d» from the heavenihath tdone fh» A That weate in It» fahe at dttatefetled aceerdinfg ‘tab ‘1?ruth» Ewe A havebeetn egarided :lmtwhe.n fomany gteater;wi"-’~ Q war to the eounfcls of’? e A enemy‘ ,;.]fOAr theirh ,bwtt: t- td ‘ fhohld; hahe gkfept-* my tide.=?§$rthete1ntWase}uft1ec;hM U P 3 t'1Iruthm_ 3;. Greatct "_§m3go::n’sent5 % yet: coming. ’xb1‘0ught;on Va xnifetable Vfininer in '1 vw A Sermon; preached .€ve_fivre.4Vt/acMR.~£g+%irt ézsazméaié M M Truth, and the bleffing of‘ God : Tha,tv¢ix1th‘:m:%party.x*he Lcardw hAath% taken any fervzice atthy hand , when many 3, mt mre able, and as vJilling, have been unferviceable ‘: That thy life , thy U limba, thy cfifate, a:;c,pre{ét.xIed , _ when this fczrvicse hath: coik mam; tizeirklifc-3, %{omeMtheir limbs, form their cftates. Thefe “ and thfilikfi favours would Wbe tcmembred , M for thegfoftning T of our heart. %% Inthfi thirdplace, if neither judgementson others; net mtérrcies on thy felf, will move; Mconfider what rerxgedileifis e;vei1s‘may .£hort1ybe the reward of In great a_contempt. When Nfléalx heart grew like a Pcone Within hm: , thehancal of God did in alittle time cuthim nfl‘ by deada. vWhen nei- A ther judgements nor mercies bring a heart to fear , ‘the Lord _ ufualiy pours out the fu11‘ Via1s of his heaviePcvwrath. It is a feurfull thing to Fall intmhe hand of thatAconfi1m,ing fire; We would do ‘Well ta be lifting up our eyes to that invifibla is hand guis- Sgirit Whomthe world ca rmot fee; To behold h chug all thewhcels of publike and private affairs. Were our State much betterflatled thenyet for a.?IoVng time it can be -3 if he be miskent , he can cafl downin a moment more then . men can b.ui1d in many years. 4 If he bane: feared andfifought to, he Willis) [croffe andponfouncithe; guides of Church and State , % that whcnthey are at the, end of the Wildemeflé , on t-hpjvfiry borders of Cammn , he can bring them Back to toil _ in tfi€\VVi’1d€1‘l’1E’fl2‘: ti1l‘theyVdic , without Io much as .a fight: of tha‘tLC'am:mn,V thou it. _ Albeit the publikcdid profper , yet thefcarfull wrath of God, fomhy flax-dneffe of heart ,% may light an fhy perfom 44¢/wmmay%b¢&on¢d-«to death in the valley of Ac/oar, in the midfi of [/Mal: triumph. A» The misbelieving Prince in S4» mzzria may {ee..the P1cntyw,Ab11tbe crulhcd , before“ he tafffi» !;.hereef.. TI3yha1’dncWfl_‘eeof,hcart, if it ~remain ,‘ will ruinc A thtfe :1 . »What the « fury and curfe of ..an angry ‘God hath ever, fat &0rtIy it may be tbyAp4m't&on . ; and ,; which is infinitely Worffia the¢Whole,tregtfu1:es of athawrath to come ,, a greater %~.€*1;1.€r3 ¢!‘f1iE§'-‘Y thy Vi5npcn§§¢9cy«é¢ 11§rdn66[ gaf u...- yghgomce they had cqmcwry near um:oA V this life,‘ think upon Vit; 1... un--w _..._._._I at: *thee;e AAA he 7% hhh¢hhhM‘h”e.mmhwW_he .e,, A, _% A ~'EAhe1afi’he1 I to ens’, is— EAarneB:E*ra en. ‘ Som t‘ A A A. an the formic? he§psPwil1e.n0t.Ad;a:.it 5; gm.-.; 55, M3,, gefiff fifififigh §.%:*_€eA 7ra;t}.°ly5-11"5E/{o9d,A, and ihnctedihlymhard likeh tI1aetef«Lev£Aaet!um, Pxaygéfie »¢ fob. 41;. 24; Idkkiaeazrt Azafirmh zpshh oz flame , .,«.r,:.Imd .11»! the meglm. * . Vmi[§%m'.A ~When we finde it thus, fllallwe give ova-win dfiu. (pair? Not {Q '4; Pen: there is yet ’mercyA and power in God ‘ eomakeahheereékere1ew.Ad‘eumi.,%he.to me1t;eetheinountai:'ns",‘ to~ A 4 diflblve the Adamant-&honeh3;.h There isaA- W.arrant,ANch. 9e once and again peo1mfi1ed,. Feréthe peopleof God to lay hold on Godswmercyh and p.o«w'er in thee111id£¥ch: of their greatefl: A Rebelliomhand 1~ndura.mtion,«z2ar,{&‘I 6; Owrfizthers deal: prowl. , mid /arardrzhed their -7¢‘¢’ck_5,.h mzdlacarlqzed not to thyhflommanda ‘ mimts : But than .mmAhG»od' §"e'o'£cIlg,'_ta pnrclaih, gracfiamdvsd mag»-,... ~’ Ah€3iI"t" ,' ‘ if t£1“imé1i‘e111a~in?a5x~ho1i are 3 cannonbm fall A is c£fis£:' 5 than forfizhlqg/}=e*~t/deem mt. Alfo i'nIth<‘;* 29':Veff§,‘ :r].;gy dealt proudly , 5 am! withdrew the jhopdder , ¢Z?1dfm?dnedt}Je;Er ‘A neclg, and would not hear. Yet in the 31 Verf: , MheNehvert/aeiqfc that; didfiwotferflzleq ~thc~m.§[. farhthozmr*t.r: grandam gnde.mgmf.. A fit/lhGad.= A e 2 A A V * _' he AA : ‘ W What heart can be more hardhhandblindé the11‘Pm¢l:e,' [when he made havmck of the‘Church ? yet the Lord made . the fcales to fall from his eyes; and7put"in his h1:ef"t_,. .iAnAplace ‘ of teheficnfe, a muff gracieus, feft and fpirituallepieee ef flefh; he I‘ ‘ The fpeéfacleqfh theAgreaze[tt1'nduration , the ?::7w»s~e,,’ when‘ A theispirit comes on“them« , .thei'.tf mafia obduredA:heaArts fell to the gxgeateflz mouming ,hZccla.A1 2,\~ Let it therefore be our care, it‘: our greateft hardnefle, to at the Throne ofGrace,, . to cry on (E11 for~tAh1s mercyhVo£ a {oft heharht '3‘ W~hoAA~l{11QWe3th “ hdw f00I_1“tfiEAA‘«L03”£‘€h‘fr¥&y hhfan. and anfweré PA A‘ When I10t11'mgf:A A h ‘ e1feAcerrAl1e1pAL1sg=,‘ iFe*ehe:5h“imhfe1EAcmmegownWellwilhyeeldn 4‘ h A td his ‘power... When ‘the Kingbf G}.<:§ryc£:2mmeSte.a{fau1th$the ~mo& Pciff andibeficlofed-a.hear.t:A;. a1lgdoors%4*aree caibazspefn to ;, :hPf;zl._;2 4£9‘;A I _I‘1t?h‘[71:t?2¥]{fit‘]7" this gate:AA‘af:eh&prn;[f”.ei,;.»o1ndf2ja£te;!a :h&hel«a+i:h‘ofhh~im 1:3?‘7_/'%h14:9$":,"73Bf3L;iflT7d 16. fqlwahenh:11efp1i{;s~¢his ‘ A -hfirigeié inhfllfé Iiblethedpor;.the;bowe}.s.of?£hfifeéureSeyblslffl A will flmmtly hbe*mmred;;fm‘! hhimh, ;,_C'~aK’?‘71‘.a.75'. 4; Alt; mu£i,b.G OW . M A V gang“ A 39 ...-,.......... A 46 A Sermpri prezic/aed ivefmt/we Right Htmoaraéle li"I'Mhic left part 1 of the verfe ’ ittxpontd. continua1l1prayeri,. that the Lotti would comeeto put away the haf-rtlneffe of our heart, toenltghten it withfaith, to rhelt it with repentance, tobreak It with fear; that {o it may be e. fitted Santtuary for his perpetuall tnhabitation. A it 4 * If time Were not pAaB:t,,e there are in the fecond part of the A +1-ext, thg.A@hutCh€$ petition for the Lords return , fundry things ufefull for the prefentoccafion. Look In a little upon the meaning of the W()rd‘s.A A A ” A A A Thetreturning. at’ the Lord, is:aAmetaphor'tal{en from finite .creatures, that go andIcomeA?:‘ But properly the Lord cannet move from place to place 3 for his Eiience is infinite; he is Aefiiantially amninpreient ; God is every wheregin the heaven” in the earth,in the Sea. Pfizl. r 39. If I efirmd up were heetaeww ‘ it A than an tberegifl me1<6tmy,éedAin lgell, tlaoit art there; neither to «onelyA,hut he fills the heaven and the earith,§’:r. z 3 A. 24.. Do net‘ I fill the hm:-item and the edrthfeitb the Lord .3 But not fo, as if ' A when he filled all things. he could be Within the czirclelof’ the " Sgflo ‘T he meal of the Court of nglandagainfi Jlorjiim here- iiee. “ A ‘ Kingandthetery Prelats, waegireat, nottonely to keep He- A highefi: heavens :1 Kin : 3.27. Belaald, the bmzzenr, and the “ hawvenaf Immem, owl not tanmin thee. oWe have the reafon in jab At I .8. The perfcftion of God is fuch , that it is at high Aw: heetJen,‘deeptr thtri" he/1, lcmger than the earth, and (wander time t But beware to conceive of this infinite and immenfe Efl. fence of God, which isin all places, and without all laces, Aae ofa bodily fuhftenee ; for God is a Spirit,and that ofritn in-' finite fimplicity 2 take heed of all groffe imaginations of him, lei’: thou turn him to an idol of thine own making. it Not long ago, Varflim and fame Aofthe Arminians in Hal» land , began firiizto brangle with their Problems , and there... after, to deny with their pofitive aflertione , thefeVgroAund. Ptoncs of Religion. ifilt that time, the zeal iOfEnglAnJ brake , out,‘to the joy of all the ‘Churches At Then the care of the refiee, as hellifhvapours, out of iEn‘glemAi.; but to have them " ‘fuippreiiied among‘ their neighhoursin Ho1land,iwithallfp€¢ti3. = hope .titi{hal1;never he itAold, to p0fl2C1‘i',_lyi,f;gthimthfl zeeltof,A this Barliament yva,el.cfloi again£tA:~Ettongs.A.gthome , then’ the A\ A A 4‘ ' V‘ Courts ‘ the HIu[g,f+[,arah'~,]uly gt). 1645; Eourts wont to be againfi that evilabroad. And however for the prefent there be nothing {o {acted in the Divine Na. tureand Perfons, which the boldltneflh of I-Ieretikes among a us, arifingonely from impunity, ‘tare not wickedlyipro- fame ; yet erelong we txpeét aretnedy to this and many - more evils. t « at . The Returning whereof out Text fpeakuth , is not to be i t n underftood of the Divine Efienciei, Nature; Subftauce, nor of the Lords common Operations ; but of his gracious Works, of his Mercy and Compailiomasiwe have itexprefly, Zecht. I6. Iam returned to jtmfhlem with mercy : And fer. t_1. 55 .- . i I Wifl return madhaw rampaflizm on them, lAs”la man In hi: i anger turns his“ back; andgoeth his way ;. but when recon- ciled, he cometh back a So the Lord, when grievoufly pro-t voked with the {ins of his people,for'a time departeth to his place, hideth his face, withdtaweth the fignes of his favour : d but thereafter , when appeafed , the makethhis face to {hint-,, l and by his Spirit works gracioufly in the {educed and obdu-« red heart :- For this the Churchihere petitions ,. That the Lord would return, and make. himfelf feinfibly prefcnt to V her ,.and by tht gracious work of hisspirit, reclaim her A ti on thefe etrouts, and. that hatdneffe of heart whereinto by’ hisiabfenceihe had Fallen. ‘ The Ground Whereupottthe Petition" is huilded, is , Gods-" Relation to them ‘, and their Intereft in God t They‘ were his fervants, he their Lord and Mafiet ;« asit is in the lafl: vttfc t We are thin: ; thou never hare/ilrule attzertlmn : they were newer called by thy Name. Since. the I:ord= had taken; them to be his people to ferve him , this was a ground toe them, Thathe would not fully nor finally cait them off a but, Forihis intereft in them ,i wouldreturn. This is cleared" in thelalt words, his returning to them was not for any good was in them , but becaufe they were p‘1’Iac‘1’;9-iévcxlof hit 7 eIn/aerimwce : Amongall‘ the inhabitants of the earth, he had or chofen for his portion the Tribes of finch, as the word figui-‘ 7' fies the Rods or Branches that fprang out of the Root i-«=05 a» £n:~.his Pcsyliat P9§¢mg‘ 12_!?!_r: 31;». §.-. ?"”";'M""‘~ _ N pp, ‘tr. 4.1 .—..... m___._. 05;/'é'rv. 1} ......a4. A S¢rzr§énpre;wZie2? f€%ig;5iA&Ha}2au%rgfi£e% T ' . "‘"“""~i ' kig5;;diw1idcdtaAt£~aVA7»3tia:¢; Jt5:mz'r Imr-mritaance 3, Wqm {fig " ~ I 32Am,,.,5 the 14.; Aof /1:§s‘_’iri;7a.rf2-vitikazzflea Out Aof7t:E2.:~: Whole "We;]d$ he ci'iofeA ,ZQ’%;zaZ fogr hAis;pec:Au1iar Aportian 5 as it i:s.in Away ., ‘Imp a‘;1.“I;] /a;a'.:Ie I Iimwavz, 0f A;t.’2't_!3.,é_f;m«::i[£c%AxAof tée ms-2/sr. Nag for any gcod in them,“ but alone f'or%his own love and gma W|i-i_‘1A“3“La$ 1'; is, D5mt.7.:48.A ~ A % % - A A _VVe;f¢;_1'1%at ‘Iggy {3“i.m%(-1* Wt‘ have €DIa1',ged thefg O7.;>f:rxc:atioVr2s: V A A A % Eirfi , :17l:mpMpar, tbefizzarezgn, flat omly ~C:m~ of mg gm-;,;g AASAc.=.conci1y , Wlnm I/96 Land upon %:ntnag1zfj%/mtiacame into rim % kazrdzmllaékzrt, zEs?tM/acpr_c_’f¢#1c‘t, ~1-43: rctflrfip 7tbegr/zeiam [mart , m.«.vd.ézegz'z;z,: ta énligévtcze azadfifrmit ; he would be enter.’ twg:‘ned%%wit9 mrltc‘/:°L1£7'z/6,; fmmil£t_y,4fiwr , Amre. All in the heart that may Agri€\vc»hish”oly ¢ye,'wA0u1d befWepto:mA,1c['t3 if " again ‘hit Vdcpartin Alanger A,%4t1_ae 121?: Acflate be worfe then the ,Third1y, —r1L4nd%wbarein%t laAv]}:ir£t uf Emmr Mal J2m’m~4.. Arim dark pmdomivzea Ammzat wjay téagrariaw pr:/Ema: of the Sp.i:+27t% pf jh‘;1'rztt:/1. 12 Car. 6, A What Wmmwzian /mt}: light W;5t.h dd?“”fl§fl.€ .? What f01$Clr6l¢/3At]$1ClS‘T1:j%fl?!.fI9B‘€lifll.? Tourtl:-aly , flair.’ win: plmdfir a Liécrty of /méifdtion to ¢'»'v';':... niamfiziritx ix tbz§:%%L4wd “ rcqnire, in plain Erzzglijha Liécrty, fa far as ;'Air.¢ tlfim, to V5.4n.i/Z? Gm’ wt of England. N ' 1, PAi‘F¢;I;x}7y}, 9WIz:zéAA.é7 t.’<2.¢i.jA‘z¢V.dgcmmt eff (}ad~t/acflyirit of Emvaur V /mitlmagngd Va 1;g;:.ei,A ft/mac xiv rzagmttizzg of bim%fmt,%%%%:éx4t%£y Goa’: own; Arm 5-, ‘gr lac 9'; agram{1dmlj}ran‘g¢rtls:a max. VZcc:h.1 .2. 1;. %1sgnhe L~pl:d ,.wAh.omkcshtmu moaufi rlaefpzlfi», 1>A,-,,-.l«,:m%_., ” n#4tb¢‘«M1a4%*I705>*ft*that lfifldasthcm, to pafi out of the Iuwd; ’ J Y A %$+i=¢?€¥11¥a. Té'a#g%v the fmigwwvwtwof -c'3*Vivzg nnd“7"1Jnd.ar.at£on~ r.4maorA béA§-nrgdéwir éyit/at ratmm af tie Lard ; though the _'/$1"... qf flaw /]2£r.z:'r c;y’~E2~raiqr flfldfoéfliflflvitéé :12: vbrkaf God: 1%” Ag 44%»; Aacwdivg to /W3 _P1‘“‘¢dndcAlJin»g '4,l2a72¢fA,4A’;,Até¢ aélemf Aa*LAmm’, A amp! the Hagfi; ,§f pm-[;_,,,m.;,,: C: Q gt/9:£{* Wkéle fircggw to bglp t1a:,.Lord A afgainfl that A .5 - ~ ‘ flravg ‘P‘:é,':V{,'§."t".;';’fif‘£:. Ag; qm af ;A.gr$dav.&¢;; the Lqryds par-tzem Ame:-.r l.::mp.mpl..«~A, M3,‘; ? u.'~m..~., »r-:l my way «,4-. a‘Il4Hand.. %B¢d"f%’cien’ce‘J of ;a d*e.—{im% t’<*:> t‘er’ve:.*he Ii%o‘rd;,“V.i$%aGround** of - tropein»om*haFrd‘cA{E“%conditi1*»::hé t*’*£_areefde£xF;" Lee %€3h1*i£t?”aid‘tie '(“*b”y“hi§~‘“bw§v+n Ea“W*‘$* fii:$*bWfiAAOFEWS1$%fi&’%.AB?is“9Wn’Courfs)hm the Ml‘Sps,ir«icuai1?aqg1’E*cc1%fizgflm:.%kG"csvern:§:ent’ qfhis C hurg hes: A The ‘t?a°kifig*fOfj ti1%1s§fvFxo“m*h1;n,~may~fJi:bi1“%;L1s*%QF%hi*s: proAc“c&4ion»: A Yi’h¢f;n*V',x}I1e’n%*tE21f; *mt:Pc4’ c:1Wfi*r1%l to -vi:udi'é;1te:t{1ie‘L;rigfit‘ of” afié ‘m:{°c%%1ze_ W A A f:~Lmdation of Chnfls Favour audpmte&ion t"o“c}jae*Sm:e “hm the? W CW as the °¥==1>I_K_i9ss¥+ér%¢%a9¢Ma&¢r‘ :af"fI‘fE"CIii11‘"tfIi“;$4h Niqghly , Canédgg gégxgraflféle éenigmj qf Gad,‘ 1\ A M ‘ g: “ A 4 1 V' am. We té§npt"A’God , v.,{he‘n~ \_nre*.neg1¢&‘ fa uféy the ~me‘aI'm For dbingof *that i Wark whérbl he‘ ha4th~:theAA Vprinci»-- seam» M %¢%:hey~1ay%;a4 V clzflfivg: hi I A Sermtn prt;i;Ah¢id:3he_fareith#tfl?lj‘ght Hmwrahlc 1% iv‘ 1:: lchw 1! out “amen the children cf finfull and mifrrahlc mm,f§;g ”ta.hf:.I:§4‘awn£nhe§itnnct : Thftt the Infinite and All-filfficicnt God,who hath need of nothmg , and tnwhom all creatures can eaddc no perfec‘-Hon ;in all Ages flmulcl delight to have .a poffeflion and inheritance among men, as his peculiar trea- lové to men. A A Tenthlv, rGaa'.:% Inheritance , hi: peculiar Purple , hxlv dmrrfl fure, theyto behis, and he ‘to be theirs; its a wonderfull nChildr:n,£f they will venture an /in, they]/Ball he [are qf Plague: ' hath Spiritual! and Tempargsll, rather than any gthtr paaple of th: world : A Pet their fins are greateflr, berngragaxnfi la molt loving father : It concerns him in honour and glory not to let them go with their fcandalous trefpaflizs A: He would be blafpht-~ med , if they went unpuniflned. Thee anal] have I /Qmwz of all thefngmliat of the mirth, thtrrfqrc I will ptmifh thft for all thy .trAn/greflianx. v i t V Elevcnthly, The Spirit of Adoption , under great f£n;%', MA “#9-ievuam ptmi/hmwt: thtrcfare, mow: the children of God my lg haldhoh their pr£vilcdge:,f?2r the melting afthclr heart, and hrihgg in them to Rt 4'nt4nct.n _ F ~ V inallyl, T e f rwetefz‘ extrci/E of a Chrtflidn , :3: the iimpray-5 wing of‘, the priviledgt hand, The makingu/E da1'l]f0f‘Mth:;r mg, mall Relation, 37:: are G ad: Inheritance, 4mJGod it our Portion. A foultruely religious , mult give it {elf up fully to be polTe;fl: and filled by God , to be replenifhcd in minde rwill, aflkfiiu-he A i one, memery, bonfcience, and every faculty, ‘With the whole . fiilntfli of God, at an inhabitant, as a due, prhperand Aoncly heritor : On the other part , it Will: claim anwdhlaynhold by r faith, on the power, the glory,thc ttnthg thcmercy , Ma'nd‘ia11 that is in God, has its own peculiar portion , as the oncly beg ritagc whxcheither in earth or heaven it defireth to cnjo . % _ But being cut off by tune ftotn enlarging thefethings , I cdnimendnthem and the refhtoymir mCdi§3ti9p; and t_h_cfblcf-_h fing of God. z=“zNi:.il l he b““"" . «:9 a ' . e ,. 3 _ ' < .. 1. ‘it; ‘4 % \ — ts;-32‘ ‘IW~ ‘ “-' ' . . ,, _ '‘j* '_ i i " r W In‘ .v“’:,,..r em v 4.5”” “v ‘V “ V jb‘ V» ..;:.,;"“ "" nu‘ '50 "iv...-‘:4" " “ N‘-'I'j1'_,’4 I -“ :,1 ‘~ ._ 4' n In "wt e ' * .'~.>w aw’ ~ mm‘ "W ‘t\..~’ “' V ““' er’ivi,°'~. 52*.‘ ’ 7‘, ‘iv '« ,"wi‘t. /5!'1i‘*~. /§\~ " . f‘ A Die jawiv, 3 I fffllii, I ’ Rdesfedhy the Lords in Pare ’ V A That Mafler 384353, who preached yefterday before the Lords of Parliament in the Ab» bey’--Church We/lminfler , it being 32“ an 3 re {'3 3* the day of the Publike Faft , is hereby th anked for the great pains he took in his Sermon , and defii-» red to print and publifh the fame ; whxch is to be printed by none but fuch as {hall be authorized by the 1hidMafler B4Jlie._ « 7ob.Bro?um, Clerfaerliamcntaruml ROSIE r B4‘: 1.11;, _ I dad appoint $amuc1Gc.1librandtapriumy 4 Scimm:.n .