g22s§2§&2§a§§a22%§a%%%£% Die Mercurii 2.$.Febr. I 64, 3; A A T if £1313‘ day Orcfereciéy 2/be‘ Cammom Haujé cf Pm‘/iament , Tim‘ Mr. Rous doe flaw tlgiy A Hmfc give t/Mnfl mm Mafia" Baylic, far me great gains: be twk in the Swman /be prcagbedgtkiy day fit £156 imrmty af t/bi: Houfle _., at St. Margarets Wcflminfler, it éeing tbs day ofpuéii/{c Ht¢mzl’m«- mn: flnaf W a’e_/ire Mm to Prim /sis Sermm. and be is‘ to ism the like pri'vi[eclgcz'n Printing of i1“,,a$ mflers in like kinds nfim/ly bmaekad. H-Elfyngc CIer.Pari.D£om; M§P0_5l1t 3;A%M~u E1: GEL L w RA ND? m Punt thzs Sermon. R 0 B E m T B A v m mg REPAR§TI©N O A Asit was cieared in a Sermon to the By R 0 3 ER 7‘ A 3 A TL IE , Miniiter at Glafgow. A rzg/areawfizcfli. $3 % kg ,;»;’ T H E Leader in chief to all who refifi T H E A Honourable Houfe of Ccmmzmzs at their late folemn Fafi, Feér. 28. 164.3. Pal:/zf/Jed by Order of the HozLfi7fCan2mo;;5. A A r — Micah 6. 9. and 7..8,9. The Lord: mice crjretla mm the Cit], and the man afwgfdamaf/M1! % A _ fee My mama, iamre ya the rod, and win .6;-zzb gppaimed it. A Rejoice not again]? we, 0 min: miémj 9 when I fali, flflmll art]? 3, A wire» I fit 2'» dazrkvejfé, #6: Lord {M1 59 allggbt awzta me. I will ‘émre tbe mdggmtian of the Lo9*d,éecamfL° I 19422:” /firmed _ r£gm}g,fi" 19-'7m;M?!?i'1'1¢/06’ pitmd my mz¢fc,m¢d exemte jwdgmmt for me: /ac wi/Zémg we fart/a to the light, and Jflmll behold 6:‘: j A Lomdax, Printed for SA Mu E L G :2 1: I; I 2 RA N 1;» , at mhe J: A --K-ww-nun ‘ Brafen Serpent in‘I’.z;z»:§’§4Church»yard, 164.3. 4w-W-vvvuilvi .‘ ‘ .“ 1 «‘ For the Right VV'orfl1ipFu1l,, his % much honoured friend , I‘.:i’I. R_9_%u as .5 One of the Members cf the Ho1101:ra~ blcf-Ioufie Of C 0 M M O M 3.. Right W0rfl1ipfL:ll, V A " Hefie late time: law: predated mam grew; " A and fenfibl: changes in mzmy,6ot/9 matters ms! perflms .- I rguflw ackmawlcafzc jbc pogggr of gime ., }l2_4_t 7g_¢__.{gb_{y changefing, mun-mud?‘ over my mimic alfia. Some our cg: Tggnc a great: ¢g_q, it wax my ___:__a32jb , amgf wry pa siggggte . defigg, tbmpuéfigely exfgezfed , t:_i__ bags 5,411’! that fagaztr vfyw bvfioraééafivwfia N 'fl’€a,,lz#aWi.a2J£¢ét4g9;,d.és”66 -' Natzgggfig/%;g,3gdimg, t&_§Mgz;fi&g3;_day , xv/am, in téeir Hofiazm Name, yqg dg_d_qlj"§f__{QWggg£1_l3_4t fimgular caurt: 26 , /am ¢;nwi‘{___l.{g_ag {fig to mtgrtain it, my om5§7Ezrt dc:/2 know ff‘ 117 5 W’ M: imfi~"i'M§%m..r:§z.9m%W連2:wE2z;t.r:e e. %Ve.r.i.1)’ :. aw 2 WE. W grg5__tgLg;1_Vg2mggg~ggzj preferzt to keepfilezace , wben I aw r}&figz4i- .11 £14{{4_i"fl’ ’W’*1€&*451€ 4?‘ J#a{g;;g§£gg§fl§W43,rgfl:iq1 working , fin wégflggr entfigzgy, in 9 great 4 Name , iJq§{}%?c¢fii§g§eJMvzg1mg _fiac:§.7F[ awe:/gjng, I..££§&i’_.i¢é4:c{§%%2?i/56% #24:;wb4z%.2/z%zvz,,%%1az.4sr I aid, fi?.ig/fit /’:“W' P4)?‘ may wi:!ze;:a.anyfdrt1z§:V.mike -' Belt. émgir P3” I_ac'2’em:Aum:at , yaw; 2:/:}}zt“$n7/Mt rtlJe:;x mm fjzokm flnmld zéfiigz gm" 4i&ro4c1,cficeming it #2279: to dzfjmre any of your (mm- M A A LA’ mafia’; 1‘ ‘ :1 »‘«,_ K M. ~~-:.m,.,_, ,» ~‘ r" " W. W . . A The Epifi:Ieec‘?[ w/52':/3 it bad in yam‘ Mrs at tizefirff ivearifig. Th¢%rm €05 % 9* I lrmwv t/ae matter zitfilf 23: 452012: my jz~s[§cam‘em;22*., E{33_mg‘_E1_1“- fir it 22;‘ mt warm, but t/7: Spirit of God’.v, [,z'2e;z£’z‘mg to M: %Cimrc12e5 .- -‘T/mt of V it mm» ée[w_gg;et»v’v 2'0 me, Me mam»:- gmg qf tézgfe dz”:-me Trzztlzs, and ¢2€zcz'r %_/1‘p;2l;iczzz:z'b.v:a "ta the azxditar, I [cvzkve am #56 éenzgne w.z¢flr:zc'?z'v;4 of erzmjy Rea»- der : intre;1ti22g_6a36e1Zef., it mm: myfiizyere imtezation, wit/zffigrear fimpficity andclearflefl? .4»: I mm ;xzHe_.T o»~/freak a zvomzlm e.zf9;¢ to.erz1er_y [ml , To !ezawrf}"am%;1/r’}éfi2za;a~ 345225 afScrz}>t:4re _t/ye flrmms cg.’ carzfialaziaza M rise and part/2tgz*oz=md , Ta fivml dazvnfiaw $195 L;zmp; qf Z‘/J3 Wlzwi tire Raye: eff dz'72i;7.e Lig/;'2,«: , for dz'recT:‘/M 2}? we/e M (Lari? and mzfly days .- By 2*/aeterrmrs qf rive Larg1“ra,.»,m’r~ Lffiiade» flame ,4‘ Tafmite wit“)? the rm’ ,, Awiwthe %Sword A05“ the Spirit , $12.2 jéczzre ficwfs‘ hf ow ;71°epi;,gg'~_vfi*z'efid3$”, m am:/km tréem ; and 0f Mr wawzztclafzzt/2’ enemies,’ ta puff mm wiz‘;5.fiw ( £w‘ya’z"wz'té all compafiam) mt 0,/Yfilae fmsre of Satan, zarbermz mm 112:} /z‘eaee;¢ 41!, er 4: lfdfl my mm: pzugw/3:, whale" frajqofed ta tlaeirflmows, and preflea’ what am C‘mfi°a’:rz:- yiaaz , av/bit/J mm, fizrfbot/9, ea” fiemme ,5: trzvmli Md mm. mamin the mast/fly’ awry am,“ that it [cemetb ta 5.: mm % in tl 2e4./Jeart, am! rm/2' afmmy 3 lgwygggwgrz thefc extra- ordiz;§g1'y a13w“§;,AL:nex‘peW§:ga;d diglgc ys offigggigg ugjxe « ?.G0V€12nm hi$V.H.QLzfc. 4 % The firbfimgarq Q i”§"”W"”3?"2?E%ing_of tbs Sgyzre and Ifingdam, [mm flewfllzry ”L?§§T5:3?<'{;'= foeruer~%, ought 1701‘ toprm=a’e t/ye flet.Zmg' of Me Cézwcif; f:§%"::;?Hge€ k In this, t/:v.ei71ter.£_=f? of Gun’ , 2'72 that, :66 ifitereffi‘ bf mm! &h‘e‘C”§§§#§}1- :35 t?5i£fifl'.' If my ccmlol lvefa impiom .4»: to .«zww*téez':*= % pa/£pa;v2i;¢g qf Goff! f0%tl.:e2va:*/a1‘, yet they manila’ da Warzif ta lee fll wzfl: minor to marre their azvmemcii, éy t/as-m%;far« A der of their praccedmgs. Except we Lara'ém[a' ‘Me r90!&[‘." wf 4-I:‘z'2egdam,M N96 inzitaflry qf I/96 xvi/E]? men zkjfbr /im'6° pkwpa/E .- And /).é2vj7m/I At/as Lord coyzmrrd zv..5z/9 mm in ém‘/dmg their _ flare 3 zvézen mm are flo 6'.'t?"£’Z£’fl::’ of 5;}: Honour and Service- , /54" mt ta M515! 6;’; Clwrck .9 N‘£:h&—- miah [aidmt 4/29“ in znéawgz/I of;/'73 Ci£y,zmti/Z Ze1‘L1b- % babel 1a;¢;zpmg Cuzpfloige 03¢ Z5513 null of r/J3 flmple. Itggynat n2.z't‘29a‘:.s: My .év‘m’gfiyezz’, t/35:; tI2e‘gggg£{4g_vaz4r5- .fW:w/25%“ s Hwefrmvf é~z:W 9W J grea2:§9A‘?i5i’35 %4”V%P*1?3i4m:?%f: ¢verr¢Vz2zzrs:,% I/5;; I/Vo;v,’é~ zg_5z yetm§’gM;:w2jVM44z2 .9355’ , it %m,»~§fi be imzpmied are m7 :2;§er5, 25,33- 2/oer tlzéia to t/gehzaa. L AA A V ‘ _' » "77&.z£,?fi=ifl R-€"_z;z.§«::e:m1'., Lwz.a.m’,V mi Péaw Afitggabiy of Divigggs ., cw wbofi /7m:Za’er the am» af'Re!ig2gLgg . I «us-_-m-mw an 7.. 6! __, :,,,,,,,H_“.......,..:.,‘, ~A ,. .,. ‘,,.,W”_:~w,I _ l P"f’”£f2*‘ I r“?.s?.f"‘”; = 9‘!€fl‘=f€é’颣;24rged wgié m:g1r’c7 af%N9’%é€z¢M&e?:€zm»V.- Tliey 4726/?) mmy, czéwlfiv A. mméle zv§}f§aeg’§5V%Wv4f tlwir dggéy zind.:yf4j{g;gaé!e Lg;_é0w~5;’ ,5/mgw ‘ 220 /aomflmwmé wzfl 6:3 591%’ tafiflw the /wz_/l_/l;z%3.»3’er oft/§és'« A fimalz z.rp,a_ntbc’m.%[4 M The Epi{HeDt2diCatofy. Hm: W pd/fes A 2% Lard5a;§_§}zM?§33:'/?2azg‘{_gimove wit/2 [b'fl0wzz pm: .9 Tlyzlr % it which dll~t12'egarlZyw fawn mac? 2/2eer,j,.9.’o vefyémefitly defire and he tzzkezé in tin‘ ma/Z feriaw ‘tbawgbzx of evgzy Rejggiagx x Mm2é.¢r%ef ¢1:§!~:%er law” - {€= /Z5‘/f"’%”a I and @125-awgry corzgggggn zgzagzfigfw/iaz2g:i,';'ggg, tgjgz‘ zxgyqgg we trgqcgndfull " cfiggfi, am’ 2‘/J: of this grq4gm§vi/!,%. xvhereqf, WW0r!.€{€€€??24%{€8v=M1>2f;z;4f!a:i?2.z,t/96 M W’ fl:«*?/fiév ‘flir- By t»’%<é§~1?€s¢ri@z?_W'v€:4jZ:i;2%:1zzen 2&0 ma?‘ r»’ve~.pifi*i»?!é;¢e of Gwqgfi“ t/s2.rzt"fq tize Lmw 0f the Guflael wig/It £22; really Tlge bittce execute; it comet/a to paffe, that mi/[ism of mm a71a'v170—3 f‘“‘‘‘ ‘*5 ‘hm Amem, li?z1em‘z'/.743}: Zzfl,-z';a Blafphemy and Dnmkcnneffe, w C(ham%bering a:m7VVantonne{Tc, %Strifc and Envy, Ignerance‘ and Impiecicj , wiggézgwtzI2eA%co:a;graA[{af my J56,-irigxggcz/Z cafirecfjam. A A Befidq Z“/)€[(6‘)h0‘}?€7?“g.(:(::_*€5, which like aflaod wit/arm: t/98 iappofltiafl of am Bzxiwnrkeg wry doum‘ to £23/Y [Mb amzd- ‘ 2‘mw!eAof fozzlxg tzfiére :25 worker more fiwézti/14 olewicq of Satan w/améyi daily mmy z‘bwg[?md5 are deflroyer! : % I-1.~:’r§'— figs, zzzad Sclxifmgs, tmgier Mt/Je calozw qf:VVTrz_zg/9, :m‘d ibéam 39%;: M0rr1i;2zzry~a’eruatz'a;¢, eat lake 4 GMgreem,~A}z;m'l Czmker 3 arm: Vliée 4 Pefl, from» City to City, to 2798‘ «fiver-/§bVreadz'fl‘Q‘ ' iqf the mimic Lzmr!-, zvit/Jozxizz/1’ ;>of5z'é».i!itie of remedy) [4 - [mg M’ Cbrz'fl‘:’.D.ffic*z'/zvliivze :3 /2oZ4;’e;2 on; at dagrs; A % How 1:”;m”z'z‘ 6:‘, 19:21“ Me lag? affla -mmzy t:'a¢mfizm!:V,% fig { ramfiy mi/./mm of poor fmly, w/9z'c/5 proplnlzzme/]% zmd e.r-4 mw, daily dork deffrqy , j7§.m[a’ not cry to 'H*c*aw;¢fw‘+ jmigememt azgzzmfi~z‘}Jcm, be m/av t/my will, 1:12/,-vohfor w;mz* ' rcf[15eéI%’fierz.~xer3 we rcmrders, or but fm: promawr: af tfag" A Lam’; 0ralmaz¢c'e ., ¢/ae one!)/.[j2fritrm~z’1’ , t/as Mel} p:ds1§ér~' mamedyof 4/ltfieféirezz-vy evils ,9 A _ K >. ' iIberc.éeIfqm.e ml» mre far z¢om»z3f1fézefe ibiwgsfi ,g£{2.»:~‘ ‘“"‘ W "34 ‘ lbfféff A my/9 aaetbezeemefl skin of tizeie carnal! faeartvs“ Letfieeb; 7' in tbefiate by the mzeltimelee efHe‘1‘eti_cal1_emei xnaticallpeeple, bz1léZ.fZ.$c1fL’fiIé’_J‘V long eezeflemei;e.at/eeirmaye: _ Tm song con- a fultaeian is very4_dang::- tons; a fie Tahefipifile Dedicatery; ale ee effimle, the fiearzjbiag efSatam I<'z'ezgelom,,§ Itlie deglzag of Céeeflsecr-feweem flee elzefl teem/vet/7 not fia eaaze/gags éewar tleejrfeehzetfiaeeeer me they expeéi, flee eeiwifl e'e2ce:_e've7eie,=eee,a white ea Meme aiem £5 cmefieleralrle . sf tkatmazfterwezereof we fibeak.‘ Fer mlzae I prayfbeuld e ~l2.er2a’ere:ea:ee[7ers of our peeple roetea’ we preaplagmenefj" e ze_poez_ eeeafiaez, t/eey were eee-/gated, re e2’efl2zftet,5e Caafief Re-: legion, amifiele with the eeéemy fer ezar.xm'7ze .- Can eme- fla-aey éeeereazeely expeéfed , emfyere pietyite eaelyéaztezéie _ eameetebe foam’. A/fe xv/Jae dzflariveeneeei may éee wreeegk;._ ef errear 3 It 1:.’ an ef.-fieceelt matter fer wifle mesa 7ee_/i"z'cate_., w/we eitéerfremflery er exjeeriexzee, are avg/elee;42g;iI§w3e= wet/9 1/9e em’z':eary eezerfe ef ézzzraezee ajfizzee. T/J fie and maeey other the like lamemable (lei 1)! difcoesrfe to many, éwt of ‘great fadseeffe and l’aea«z2_y¥- aeefle of /Jean, to tireaee/Jilelrere 0;’ God .- A /1 remedy ef t/ae”m._h _ none e/etla exgzefi, eat 0]‘ Hearz1e2e,A]‘Peeee any évat Me Vwzfedcem aaeed zeal of 1/eeer’§z'g/e Ceem‘. tvifiéele Impedeeneeete, w/aerelg: tbemetioze of all paélzke gene! Weeks afe M ea retarded , it fe§2_g¢_§;i{_/9 a peggigie, t!gg_!t repaeaeienef eézlr C/9a2:qé_ /7JeaZa’ ice [0 lezeg z'r2}W_§£,2ea re__e_g : ~e[1l>eez'a7{y .w/Bees 2*/Bey eeezfiefer t at n77’reee/faat Ceeeerefite day, dedeverflay if}: loaf of t/we time ire yzergieeg z‘/xeevbele Bed): efRe'Z:’gie;e,ei;e. Dgfl2Z';gg":I/VgrIf])'jf}, Dzfezflefe ania/I, .«.eet/ezfe Lam! bath already /]2em‘. 5;: fame poe°_;_e__zj; af .Q_gfi'z';2Zz';ee aiege. Ir feemetb z/yey"E':”eeg' £73..” ee:n;.efie5a?.'wet/zeea: many, and greazj.aé]j§«;#[m54;;g Meg, ‘ ' ‘- ~ — ee'Ez'e;¢,, fraz'e‘5 of ‘tee we [eagfAnarchy of this Church ., are amatter{ef'f ‘Te zfbefleaa/5e»/Eawe mexjzereeeeee ef me many flreag §7¢~ I hé‘Epif7c1€D€dicatory. -a?Z7§0fl3. 4/: me are 2'73 mm‘ .- Camfder “:22/zen Aw? wt”//3 "Ger" V, H-,‘>.av mafjy ar Fggglce, Scotlaga II firmde ::J gzaéflgzfids af their n7;:refi:yer zzmi §éze_.gzi"wer,'»4 far 4/fl/5/};e§g_§“f}bL, ma’ t/zqhir qgpafirs , lvbfféfjfi ye fjvggk aaf -Pi*izQc,e5 ar C/gzgy; or %NA;=é.’s’e5, ar‘P_qqple, w“e?;ggg__are azcrfd ’~mg‘rr: pafggwt tbegmggwrs» £l5Ii.gj_a;7zz3z : ffawgjyer, wefigfig‘ little mfg» to pgfetend di]fim!t‘i€5 frzm; azgy of tizefe qgzagters réy Me mgrgywrfge/E2 tgjgé gage yegis , rzeigéer Pzince, war Papifi, nor Prelate, mar-am; apex 3Ia{;'§rv_4nt have ibm1% Zévlejrfl t/be leaf/fiiietgree, %t/ye AA Refl(_{iw. ‘ ‘i;23Z2z4f4ti0;¢W:c3':trigfg técmmed tégwe, czzgggmt ‘:éeA Ac/aargrd -a1vmzg;ay af Mam .- what ever may ée fizzdqf M992}; will 5 yet fzéé‘/{cad band’ of am G ad lzzzt/7 circzmgferi-J éed Z/Mir perm‘ mg’:/72"?!/3 marrow /zlzm, that for any refifb ;2mcc‘of theirs, our imgds, ti: /mm fat git: xv‘/mt’ ever Cézm/7-politic we /and _;'.s{w2.g{&z9ze_et€jz‘, 2"m£~e V A mafl, zimdlzffl part; af tbeffmgdgm. % - ‘ AI dz? tvcw"[;y‘tévi79k,, any C/mrcb i'F¢Wtr,5!c’HV;V0r[a’u_5,ad z’zzl='c.é:z‘0zar prcfcrzt tggssr/"3, r»9c:y%.//20:;/a_’%;Mé-vmve fnmdizf exceed; mg /9W.’, 6W’ W WW %-4Wfi?A€4’ z‘«9€»f{?’ W1 -° “.,;1f ,Engl:3_:_1d, ez‘?7§_E_gf__ M or Eliza%1$%?étAh§%”cJ§y£: % .- - %S30§£@nd. €ir?1’€%?*4%r/56533;/77/? =?ffi6W?:3tfi"m4f?0m; Zim-’ J"z;,@e;;¢;a.’a;r!o*L':éfl2*W;/:7”/'1waif?1t”iy{«gq’om5 tééfexcrciféka ¢1V;;*yV.m».. J’r2*7'I:+z£fr~’-02?; ‘I31:/"*5‘5?*'*"")"§"“_’,VFT’*3m9W?€.’;5"’f 1’44駢w4Sdm!mi— mam 5 “@4534; ¥’???5VVf’§‘€J:“‘€é‘é’ °ii"t§2:1Wz;é‘fl'~*;-’3'@.5-7;)’: ti/ljmzry Di/4 I 0'r:’€?d47W%w3 W’ made to Mafia//, A34???/“very _ Jmz,g:;c_g‘_te9_;’ ev¢gyProggfiti0m, mm W V Vddiéfiwa /J25’ * h_1_g_9_iz‘,i, I22"; 1%;-*“,§,¢z°;¢,/,;', Z225 e[gq'2:mace_., rm; 4.6/c ta fur7g,7’fl7f2fm ,- ’ 1;- V _-[;*’€fi2€§fémd]>j?"47:A€*?fif}" 2“’I5x2'._2."?btf:,(’/h€ z*ecz’2*:hz)1.%3%%;i’céiEZ}zjI:€“4Ezzflw them fe,*€r;'wa dwlfiww fia§../?W€§*?f~¢T?*€ 4éi%Jaflt§g6i’fv five enter» ;W€§;__€5 of their acizzrve adwrflzries , M ea/fly they K124535557? f““‘»’»‘?;iI’..E?‘°*">~ «W1 defigmexM%%f€?‘?W9¢4&W7: 5&2? /9'45? % €37_t{:*r3 _ 'TheEpiPcIe Dfifiicatory. V emleellmlf their eeeefieltetieezs, erfl: mack ee‘5egzm"f{5eir ]9m”é2‘:‘fe;“A /Ind mbelmeweet/5 Meet all their preelierell‘ ex.- tpeeeefieezeie/jefnning we oj‘pm*z'e:e5 4md’ire‘ecevereZ!e eime; mezypeeeleeee. M ‘ _ ~ » ~ e A Cermggly, the wetland ef ggeeeeeeéingi, een~ggeg%w6ei§g zee '-wMW“""‘ W um . to eerie,/5 2:‘ ea. If tee eeefer-ref Gveeeefleete of‘ Woe/Mp, ef Dqgggigze, nébiele yet are éeflvre mg, be /wee/lee! ere tkefl time are emeee, 2e;€vz'g_g_§_z'n tf:_»_§;j_e,_“2/Elcves arefer veeW5‘333?£§éée.eew efeiéifiateeer ~‘ If 0% PWTCW ygiet, M 0.5.1" Be?» 10 zgply, to e3"ge_Z2e, to tzgple bekggggeggeees (eel ,jee{*‘;::e:”;1J_@'e zv/afly it ?i?‘*f.:fZ1£*?.€.5¢fl’» if Ieeeeeereeem’ eee.€e+i15!eeeee»*€€a A W 91£?’Y§?ie§f‘g_L:j_l;_‘}¢5t0 came, be ef A [mgr/ap:eepeee%%{gggegébZe je z‘/eefe me... We ea? P41?» )7’/7:‘?! ¢ee:frr»1[e.y, if W??t~?%f5???aI1.x,i’ =7”: 64%- eee? he field éfegfizieeg ef ezer Sweees more thee A week A ef yeg_2;5;"V%%*vZewvweefiefleggeje cm [.4]? zzfzeee/2 eeezee 1’f"e}eJ2-- e/ehgeze af clef zefldieeg. " em: I we /voldfir eeezem eedeezafeefie/y»ee3:_}?ee he rem éejxqed t/ee laemmk Tezee eegefmemeége er-‘~ ” Mrmmwmmnk dingy me teet/Jet Zeégffee =, If :3 etzr eom]%et;1v.e’een?}'i»5e?"; Wt/we e22eeeiie’}e%e4e! er my at/yer ieecozm “ vzzezeieme e'>eg.5ez.s' te dzfieeerege ees, 2‘/we 604: pm; 1:37 that fapreregeé Cezert, megs} (ff ‘yezerflgpjejtefz W/[E;2Z5ee3, eree{§.~cperi-- ezgge 3 5}: xv/Jefe zieep P;-;;7»}3“ee mzzea’ indeeffgieees A5350” , av/eeteatew feeem defierem, Cam qzeieémfiwégwgegggdied fa At/ae V fie/Zjfztekfizffiem efe/1'-, we/eefekelmefeeffeezdizeg, and /I e&‘_z'- emperzmt tfkeeee tee%.éeee»z1om’2Ze of rmfm. Time Pre1_yi77g Ged tee AM? every mm ef" year mimee mm’ temper’ *,‘f Vt/Jggfé “ efflefied C/were/7 ma’ ,”_Sfgf.;z___%te,% may coz7g,;mfggWGo(l5 "d;;.: tfiggggje :1 fine? we/eeee1=ree.éles«~e, I ref} A 1 2’eze-2* Woeflaips re ée ceme9m;ee2.’ed,e % s ‘ROBE R 2r‘ Bee I.*I.w ; A ;e/fmlhefhewadme Iaflnmhht/9: /nigh Trififlg W Treat/aedbghre The Honourable Houfe A OF A V C M Q Sr At‘ the puhlique F A s T, FeZ2r.z3. I 643. __. __,.. 1 _§ Z1;'c,1-IARAIAH Vg.Y61‘f-.I‘,’ 2. % J 7 _ V flarzdingfl éefbrc the Angel oft/ac Lard , and Satan flandingat his right hand to him. ‘ A V V ; V . 1 ~ e find the Lardfizid zmto .S'.¢nw,hTbe Lord reéalg the-e,'0 Satan, even the Lord that /oath cbafin Ierzafczlam, reéttkg tbcef : I: not tbé 4 érmzdplzzckt out aft/Jefircf . e “ e he e ‘ V ..:a;:..q He wife Preacher obferves well that there his Tb‘.f”m""‘“ 1072’. , 1‘ -‘ hno_new thing under ‘the Sun, that.1;hereisno-V 7 ,¢j_ thxngwhereof truly n: can he fa1d,1te§sa_It:oge-,—;ogcommt 4 —~ A ether:-new: but the moPc Pcrange acadents ofchazour pre... g.’ A" Out‘ dayes" /Mm éeénatlreazdy ofaldtime W/sic/7 kn‘ 1303516‘ ‘ ‘ " “ wow 5€fl??’6¢:és'. This wife obTerv*ation was one is?” “W efthe Pillars whereupon Salomon fetfed his fpirit when it was mg" B much It is a matter I cslefll.9.1o. : ¢iilKi)Ii13EeaZdefaree“t much ve:if.IfraeI, many in the neigh- ' bouring Coun:1*ies,many in the Court of 1-_he.pKihg .0? ‘32°c4~fz'a 3, but the Ladder of all thefewas a malignant fpirit, a powerful‘! Deviell”, fo malapert ahd impudentf as toxoppofe lafhm before theface-ef Chrifl himielfe. Yet eneuzher men nerde.vi11sp ‘were their .prjncipa11 enemies ; the great fins that notwit hihnding all their “troubles the people flill did commit .-. were the V l firengthgof the ‘Devill , whereby he Pcoptmofip the program: fix? the fceond ef the =grea;t and gracious work in =:hei.r hand. As'f0r the iecondpart, the Flame’:/all af all t§ée«fidmad9£- V fimftim-, this was imzhe flavour of God, fierfixin reéwhjag pt/he D.:rw‘ll:th.at was‘=unfé1«tiable in malice ; who not content with all the hfiereeof tribulation wherein that poor Church and K‘i1qg- dam was already made like a Charcoa1e,a Brand,a Burnthflieck eakenout ofthe 5fiIie*§ +~ici-f'a1vrnher aifay mburne them es, eand‘w:ithom eitygwent about me defikroy them iai+};1 mcehrly, : 3. Tphatfirron%heId.eoef Saramthe fi'1m€S«0f*the Priejfximd Pm- pink éralqen dmwze-; the mercy of the Lord fieely ‘pardons 3911 their 1:ranf'greHi ons. ’Neithergthihs onIy,but a third bleffng -is granted 3 I/4'¢."‘g.7".¢2'£'¢*.'I.t‘.q7“ the Spirit are poured -oat-~#p;o5¢ thexrzfor ‘ f.§'a7¢5}1ffic4tio2z ; i'The pfoule garments are pulled wofii and change ofxnevv nglorioue garments is put 011- in ‘the fourth «place ,e 4 graciamflaruemm vi: hmamle with Jofkmz for two things ,he I . ‘His '4.conti:1manceeinh‘feztvice kbefbre God inaihe temple while he lived , I36-X51’. fora place whenjhe died among the Angels who flzand in ‘heavenbefore the‘th1'0n€OfG. pp . A V hlnthis is chegrea: comfort of the repairers .OF'3iGfl,' of all the fincere friendshof fimfklam, That alheirfor a time they havefirong and damgereus W1'af"cT1ings with men‘ and?Devei11-9, ~ they ‘beat? vexed -‘W-pith” the eguii,t_ ofiby -Dene trazqfgreflionsfi with the hfirengtheeof prefeht hC01?Lj-qprtiofls 5 -with vthe {we fof ieumre heme-»aecidems?in hfe, in eIeathe:—,ye=t~a~t la£f.z.n ail wrhefiie they I 2/2.: .Hoz2ozaraésl:aVHoufé of Commons. A they become more then Coisquerours" , the Devil! by the mouth of Chrifi ischafed away from fi1fth€rH101EP(iflgth€II'1e the {pots of finne are wafhed of? 5» as if they never had been on , the firength of corruption is abated; they are clothed andpmade Beautifull wischthe graces of the Spirit, they are afiured of perfeverance and Gods aceeptation of Cm-ati11iuaI»1 fervice at their hand 3 they have the Lords Proteflatioia that after all tzheir labours for his honoumhie welfare of his Church ag_1d their mother countrie ;. they {hall he tranflared to am A J’ 7 ;nge1ic_k felicifieito figmd before the celiei-Hall thr0n,e,i11j.Oy - iiing the face of God and all «the fizlisefle ofjoy thence flowing: jwhexs others ,i the oppofirs of the worke of God , the retarders.-of the building of the Temple and C1§ie,_ {hall he rebuked with‘Sa1;an their leader, and cafi with him into that miter darkiaeffe where there is weeping and gmafhmg of Jzeerh. « = A The true procuirer of all thefe favours was Ch rift the Mqf» Of the third“. ' g/Ear to come, fpokeh of in the thirdparr from the eight: verfe has the end. i s ' is V i Jaflma and his companions were wondred at as mad fools, The M1 dc rs who W?ouldvei1tu1‘e their peaceahle and quiet eflate in 3:25:21 0; 5.3%,, am with the hazardof a long and dangerous voyage to the defo~—- wonders.‘ late Land offudm.-s and when they came there would not i ~1?.€{)C§.13-Caffl 3 but without feare of provokirzg the great King of’ .Pe:yia,wiithouit regard of plottings within by falie friends, .QfOp,€’.1‘J armes Widthmlt hy profeff ed foes, not confidering their downs weakraefii-i:;11or the greamefle of the interprize of buildsm oiiflgzz temple, of fortifyihga City, went on with courage : Um byfofhe was derided, by others wondred at : yet them» p{,3g,9g,7;,, félives u~ndeaIflood‘svery Well what they were doing?‘ /3:? Lard of 15 [:21 i 1 mg, fiaflfiowsaxswit/a tlaew, tlmir laelp aw. m the mama a f the Lam’. A A i ~CJ_7W1iC£7atc/.st'i}'€ir 1’rim;e was a miedjatour {or theme at the Chrifidie. ehroxuesof God 5 though yet he Was not home , yet in his b‘”“‘2“h°* ;d1V,menaru1“e‘he.ididd;c§€ecm:e the ofl-ice" of an interceffor fox? as V sh:-:mwisthrhesFather, and the time did draw neere when Mfilwiihin -I116 Vaile of heaven as a more under the grouxsds he was tobe brought forth as a émazcla .- then he did Iurke azad 3’ C3.“ , 3 it ‘w _4..‘.'tre”r=mro;atPreacIaeal éefire A A yea the flock Ofslefl whence he was to take Flefh’ Q was a withered tree in a dry Land : 1| yet he was to fpring out of it as a branch which from. a fmalltwigg was to become aigreayt boulke, wht rein all the plants'ofGod-behoved to be grail-"ed, that by his fatlleflelthey mzglatfionriflain tlae Court: of the Lord Alia he is the and firing fbrr/9 t/.v:z'rfrm't in dm'fé'azfim.l ?’,‘;"’f‘.l P‘°”¢ This érmrcb was that Hone which Iajlmau did lay in the £3’ 0 cw‘ foundation of the iecond temple : for Chtilt is the rock whet- npon the Church is builded lo firmely that the Ports of hell may well afTault,bnt {hall not prevaile againPc it ; he is a_;/Ede: with fl:-we em . not a dead, blinde Prone , but livingiand ieeing, filled with the Spirit of providenceable to for-elee with a multitude, with a great and perfect number of eyes, all the dangers which can befall that Houfegand every living Prone’ therein which is builded upon him ; he is at carved and V ingraven Prone poliihed and adorned by the hand of the Fa- 1 that with all the perleétion of divine beautie : in which the A carvings of his flefh by the wounds of his crofle, the agonies *2?-mm his in. of his Spirit: 9 wherewith it pleafed the Father to bruile him], are *?0‘“~’~’* are not of the leafl: CQ11lid€I:..'3.t;.l0n»3 for from thefe chiefly flow the two great bleliings, Pardon and l°mcc’, wherewith the ‘ " E ‘ "' Chapter is clofed. The Father for the fake of the paflion Tag-geI,13,g, of ( '/arz_'/2" put mm] ta’ac_/Erma: of the Land , and tied: in .4»: dz} .- Hsbr J0 4- forthe lacrifice of the Lamb flain from the beginning aftlae ‘ H~bi'~I0-4- war/diam af omat/yer nature from t/9e_/E wider the Law ; theft: 2‘/Joag/9 caarimaa[_[y ofcrc-cl,caz¢!.al new-r rmzhet/as comma: t/acrera P87:f:’EZ' , but he by one offering hath perleéted For ever them that are fanStified.Hence flowes a full and perfect peace, they who had been long vexed with acruell and bloody war, by the a Prince of peace are reconciled with God , for their finnes in Phi1.4.7. one day being removed by that one ii-1crifice,the wrath of the Father was latisfied : Peace with God brings inward peace or’ Pi-ov.;6._-. coniizience at/mt paflisrii mzderffanding ; and alfo peace with a men lb much as thel.0I.‘ci findeth expedie11t,w:'oe22 4 mm: ways; E_g‘3:Y,1_}I.5_ ' Pfmfirfig the Lord he mafith lazir var}: anemia: ta 6: at pcmsle with /Jim .- The branch that lpranfi from the fiern of jelie males: the w:a!_fe and t.é2,e Lame £0 dwell together“ , the Lcapard M N the H 0i20!1."v‘dé/eiuff azafe afdammmre, A * ‘ “ W . [jg dawn iyzpemre with the Qd , Me» A [2031 to emtrflmxerv F‘ rhfrbhhh 3&8‘ axe,rtbefi1c@z'ngc/oi/drrto play? we the/Mle "aft/33 Aflm, the mm» ed:/ailrie to 14} /9255 bmedfizfelj on the cacfiafrire driver.‘ eind theié men who have »bee.n fporled-rofall, and bamfhed from trheir hi- birarions, roretzurne to their homes, and quickly {o to proiher rhere,rhat they can call theirnneighbourgas c)_f'o1d,h_:orei7eA.-;Pca1:7c’- of mm "mm" - dzmexr. The former,-{-for memory and order, may be divided into three 5 Firiht/be infarmmzarz Ofizt,/Jeflaewed were we : This Ti’crong oppofition which Satan made to the work was fecret, till God by his Angel opened the eyes ofthe Prophet zm... rigs]: -to behold it. Secondly, 534* time when fofhrza we; flm2d- jug lzefiare the ryfngcl oft/9": Lard. Thirdly, it: mnzicrfi; Sarah ‘ flood an 1922: riglat /mmita re/if? /aim. Confider theie threein or;e1er:frh§i§fg:nfeé): rhe Doérrines ariflng from them; and the lleso I; ee or rmes. ~ e 3 In 1353 fielfiathfefi things mufl be underfloodr T5: In érmef; The “”P°5*‘i“ ‘. T/M W41)’ if fiififmdtiafl 3 And the perfiminfarmeal. Thi§ /ye ‘"1 °f ‘he 5”?‘- who informs , by the moi’: ancient Greek and Latine Inter- 17”‘; V PT€U31‘S~i3 expreflbdby W’ L-W‘d,hburr our Tranflators adhere to who is this th€~-Origifla11:.aHdiuflfly omit that addition ‘to the Hebrew infarming Am-M £.‘_Ie'.eJ:::_~t ;, I§>rbgr?dfs‘t§ asV~.z;g‘%;e In theOrigina1l, Hemade ma few It was in thee Anxghtatas 1S.Cl€aI€, from the efitit Chapter verfe 8. I flawhéy ~mg~/My M51-(2:/aaM:ehTl1e eyesof his body were clofedh, but his §t1I3»;{‘$giI1;fltt101;1\‘v?aSO§€1‘1:,% foft:he Aug-el fpokg? in 5;»: , asitis in theOriginaI1,not to him,in audible founds to hiseare; The Azagelt framed the fimk: (as they are eal1ed)- of thefe t~hin'gs_, %vYhfl¢l1Var€7".‘Eh& tebjeéihs tof'heari1'.1g er feeing ,_or any outvvard ‘ fénfetmthitzabthtef _,I?r__O1211e.tS',in1éOil3a'tiO13$ This was an ordina»- ry way how Gad of oidtdid eom1'nuniz:ate himfelfe to the . 1?t§0i3h‘§ISW, /7]flee-¢wt$;t~ttemdhWifi70w , Nyméew: 5,12. f<5me~ A ‘times, tin-media-tely thimielfe aloxae ; fometimes alib; o the 1=rxi;;1émi.i7tAry of Atlgek? -31" by this” etmeanes»t a blinde man 5 ex fleepmg; true-11., l7£13»y.£S€;; Sb ewbmfme, though in at V ' % deep gee-~x1ot, but1ye_ the Haméuméle Hmufé'~ofCommaz¢:. J A ,, «deep flee_p,is léid to lee and hea-re; Peter in ii atttrzmee fetv Afis Io 1;. the fheet fulhof beafis; Pml,r though blind,did fee Amen. 9~x-§=*«.« Though G'oda1one,w/aoflmrche: the bmrtymaal the ream: _, hath power to worke immediately on :the~u11detll2*nding, yet Angels, both goodand evill,when God either permits A or direé°cs them, have power to W‘0r'k5:1nmediately “Oil the i inward fenfes both ofmen and healfls,as well fleepitig-as we»- lting, and to print upon their fancie all theleohjeéts, which yufe to be traniinitted Rom any of the outward ienfes. As for the third «word, the pa-rflm infiarmad .[/Meg] it is -What zmm,._,,,. the Prophet zm-lam. There be many Zakc/Jazrie:il11:”Sicrip~ is this, “ii ;ture_., and which is iconfiderahle; there be two who are cal- led the fonnes offiarm-Iymla; the omiofwhom Cehrifl Taies, M,,,_,_3,3g,5 that he was flazim: between the Poets}: mid the Miter, the to rfonne offilaajada the high Priefgcalled ,a1fo~ fakgnmz and r~Bl¢zr.ac/Jrkzb Another Z ac/nary the {On of Bazmc/nigh is our Prophet, llrilled a young man,the gran ds childtiofldda ; that he vvasnot flaine betlvvixlt the Porch at1dtheAltar,'many «reaions doe prove, which :fot£hor.t.=ne£l'e I‘ Omit : This isshe t who by another name is called , (.9!/l'anla.rz7. I 2“. flrcm} tic: Prophet ; except youellwillpread that. place of ‘llfl/[cite ‘ thew, with the rsyriack» Tranflatour ,w1thout the word j’:r:m},fforiit isphard to admit the corruptxonl offlie Orti- ginall Textgby the negligence of the A‘ ‘Tetanfcribers; ~miff'- ‘ taking the coiitraéted word“ for IE§""g;as;.,,.. sledgment: Who hath di-{covered to us the manifold moi’: rnifchievous defignes of the enemy, thefe molt {ecret and deeply contrived counfels, for the overthrow of onr“Re1i-— .gien,« the dePrruc‘?tion ofour Parliarnents , the i nflavirag of our perfons andcpofieritie? who harh brought out thefe I works -before the eyes of the World 9 N one but that God 3 who here why his Angel doth demonptrate to theeyesof his Prophet, the molflecret rpradtifes of the Divell him-' yfelfagai11Pc Icmfizlcm. A catalogne of'thefe.dilEovered plots A would be printed on the Table of our hea~rts,r for the ‘conti- nuall praife of the merciful! 5‘ difcoverer. y A fecond nfegis forlfaithfulrdependencesawedknow not what ‘F36 f6’59i/‘£4 y ouradverlarres this very hour are Worktngunder ground : ‘‘ this we know,tha~t they are relilefs in their contrivings,like the Sea whofe motion is perpetuallf, not asthe heavens for carrying about of light unto theworld , but for defilin ' ‘of the earth by cafiing up always upon it new dirt sing tangle likesatan their leader whoszcannot fit fiillrbut goes i ever to amdfra an the e4rtb,féeég'xg nzivam /ac may 'al:*zJaztr; beginning eve-r fome new plot where. an oldone ends; In is -good for us to have our 1‘€C()U1‘f-€'.by' faith to‘ him, to i . have our dependance upon him whois-acq uainted with all ryrheir confiiltations : when they drggernnch deeper then‘ r t_ue.ea11 .arccach them 3‘ were It to the very hell ;_.,< our Goclmits Ci. 3 I there; M The thiI‘d,i The fonrth. J Sermlon Prezarbed lvefare ' there to fee and hear allthat is arnongfi them: we woula Ptill be praying that he would briiyng out their vvorksofdarlw is neffe , that by him we may be aved from their fnares, and earried by their pits,that by his providence we may always A efcapethe nets of thefe fbwlers. l l A third ufe is for advertifement of all ,‘ to be Very warie of letter contrivances againli that caule which they have fworne to maintain : let all rernemberthat the {even i eyes of the Lord are ever upon them in the darkelt of all their vvayes ; they {peak not the word,they write not the letter in their moi’: fecret chambers, whichthe Lordlcan-» '31‘-Jot bring abroad to the ears of the whole lfle For their pet» Arpetuall fhame rthe mifcariage of others fhoulcl be thy in- Pcruéfion gwilt thou go on a Way of thine ownfor the ‘hurt of thofe who are ingaged againl-‘c the enemies of Re- ligion andjuflice? wilt thou alfo correliaond in a blind and fecret way to undermine npon never io faire pretexts this by poore diiireffed State? God {hall find thee out,and as many already have made themlelves infamous, thy fhame like- Wiie {hall be M 1PE0Gia?ifl‘‘teGiWEf3v~t~i’1i3‘ai‘}d~~-&i‘-E€f‘'‘'"%I‘£§’',€$ , rfo much the greater as the evident judgements of God ‘upon many, have not diverted thee from running on to «thy ‘own ruine. Some like Brzlmm, though an Angel from heaven would dif- eharge them from joyning with .Maaé againli fjhzel , yet {upon the deceiving hopes 01CW€a1ti‘ltal‘lCi preferrnent will ;gOTD1'r1 though they fhould lole in the end both their life: and falvatian. l r ; l A l The lafl ufe is for wife diligence to have that iabolilh-ed, which yet in Gods mercy is covered from the eyes or the world : not to lheake of publilte tnifcariages agarinfi the Church or State, whereofpoflibly forne,of whom there is no lfulhicion, it may beas guilty as others who publikely are rmucified with delerved infamy : But tohold upon periia11—- fémlts, thou knoweli not how foon the Lord may bring forth not only to the light of his ow-nrrcountenance, but to the eyes of‘ -the world." thy fecret uwickednelie. This is a day wheran then mayefigget ai:rcloakc*to«tover thy :naked<- nefle _ the H 0”9”W51€ H’ tmfe of Cammamf. 1 5 nef‘fe,ti'l&t‘thY lihatne maytenever he feen :judge they {em and‘; “ thou fhallmnotll be judged 3 cotfefle with heartie forrow, and the2Lored {hall he jut’: to forgive; lay hold on that 15;- crifice whofehlood wafhes awaythe fpotsof finne ;hunger V :a41”3dith:irPt for that grace _2l11d.5p1r_1t,0fChrif’c, that morti~ fieth cotruptions = 1&3 11" aftfil‘ 1_Ih_19dayes repentance, finne reigne A in thee» {even tvork fptrits enter into thee, and the Lord bring forth not only before this worldghutii which is much worfe hefoternan and angels~ in the great: congre- gation for thytevetlafcing (heme; all the works» of thefe devilsin thee which now he hid to the eyes; of men. A , . l So much for the firfi parmhe infotmatiotn and difeoveryl: The cxpoiition thetlmatterdifcoxtered followes , and firfi the time or aétiotn of the tfecend: wherein Iaflma was imployed When Satan did:refi£’c him, he Par" was Handing before the Angel of the Lorci : for the CXp0""_,. ftiontof thefe words confider3fi+rl’c,wh.o»was this Iafbm the > high Priefi 3lecond1y,vvho~tltts Angeli; thirdly ,what this A .fl'a1‘.lCii1'}g-T. Forthe firlhthts mahfwas faflefid or‘ Icfiu the fort: I0!/fin:-tltc of Jajfedcclq the highlPttiei?c,wlno retutuee with the captives from Bmétel, who let up the 2?:l*t:a'1‘u=-p033 thiethaleehefote the Temple was bL'lii.dCdi:.. vvhodtd j-Gym“ with Zerm9*é~a2r9ei the Prince and fupreame Magtflrate of the Jewes in found-»-A A ing and petfeéiing the temple : thefe mo wage the two; ‘t AA gtcgieof lM0fiWlVVO!£lid.ih3tlUp.~12h£:“ jfiiflt-i¢hl‘i£fi;ia£L.'13:lCTifiCE: of” _ olive treemwhicht did contribute thegolclenoil. of all Ihflri gifts which God bellowed‘ on them, in adivaneitng the work of thelord 8.*i30ut‘ti1e“ State and Chlllicil of Ifreel. Sundry of the Ancients will l'1ave; this Icfm to bet.c1mtt - our Saviour; but this is aconceitlo I111-fIO1T1f1PE(‘Z1’1C\c‘\l~l£!LiTl i“E:ri'p¥»-~ A ture andmany r€afO1"‘iS“that' it needs no confutation. I A , ” This fofbwz was a Ptiefhfotthefoare t”hC'f cleath of Chtifi . the fpecia-ll iitnployment of Gtod&iln1i11iflet‘ls W asitotoffen’ tape t- thofe facrifices, which were icypes and figures. of th at green I ohlation~of' the Larriht.of"God;.i11 3.7 true ptopitiatorie :B:titt: A wVhenethe_body came the i. fhadowest removed ; whofoevert A would have the Minifietsl oi: the Chrifiiatatvcltutrcht tothev truefly I‘=’t:iePcs,would by that mieanesr bring backe the’ pede- the A l\.i"gi'1 P 1 4 »- lg. =1-iomw Chr-iii: an Angel. s D&m.t 0.5-1- Revel. t;,7. ‘ Helm 2. I6. Ex:'0d.33.I4- anneal. Hebuizfizzo Sermonprearhecl ‘hefbret shed Mafle, denying in deed; as the Apofile oft reafons, that Chrifi is «yet come,or hath offered at fufhcient hcrifice for- out redemption. laflimz was the high Ptieli, Chrili is the. Lord-of hisown houfe , to order It every day according to? his pleafurezinthe new TePtarnent he hath appointed all his, Minif-lersito b€i_4b1‘€th’I‘€n and equall , ‘none to be high or a PI'i1v‘1CC-3;‘i3OV€i theleof hisorder: but In the old Teliatnent the policie is diverfe, forthere by=tl1eeexpre{l'e command of V g Godxwaentyfour Princes the headsor the fiarnillies of Aaron t are iet over the rel’: of the Plrielis to rule and govern them, and over them all one great and high Prieit the tchiefe of the houfe of Aaron was a type of Clirifl. This Angel ofthe Lord is Chrilt the Son of God, the Patrone of the Church againli Satan , he who in the firlt chapter {ends out ‘a number of Angels as his fervants, t l Michael the Prince who Ptands for thechildten oflfmal, that Pri1ice»of' Angels , who with his /Izzgelr fights‘ agaiafl the fDmga:«¢ and hi: Angelxfiiled by Jude the Archangel. Chrifl is called an an gel,not for his -natureifor he tau/=\n'at up - at him the WW‘€?f «flegsltisiéttst!oe£ssel.,¢nf.aflérabamtt;bucfor his ofiice ;itheF$:ithei""'fe1*1=t him asiameflenger to be a mediator of the new tCovenant,./1(a.{a.;.r .7‘ hi: Lordwhamyeflsehfhza/I fisddmlf came into htér temple, com the Angel of the C aw-s mm‘, Called "by Mafi: the Angel afrhe Lard: pre_/Z-rice, the face of 9'od,.the xfngcl in whom Gad; mzmctdid dwellzhe it was s who Wtelizled with larch, who dwelt in the Bulk, he that appeared to lolhna with a drawn fword; this great Angel is the Qreator of all the Angels, and hein whom they have their lubfifience, Cal. 1.t5. he is the Prince and head of the Angels, even as Mediator : not for redeeming them from any finne, which they never had, but for ‘confirming them in grace, which they might haveioli as their compa- nions did, who left their rirlt habitation: forto confirtne them in their created happinelie , he has gput them in that body whereof he is head, and let thetnin one locietyt with the Saints, making them fellowmitizensi of the ‘fiatne Je- rnlélezrnwith féithfizll ment»; for WW came, to tha.cg;mpa‘2y of . _ tztmxamc:- ,. .1«:-.-e~s~.a,.,... the H azzawméle Haafie ofcammom. at A 17 iagnameraéle mzgclr, énta tbsjpiritsgsfrggbtcam awn mad»: perfifi. This Angel in the firfi Chapter,appears as a man I‘1d1ng17po'1] aliorlegand oft tirneselfewhere 111 a humane fhape , for Im- A _ _ 1’ravs$.'*ri; i delicg/0t‘ WM alwlaye: wit}: the c/azlalrm of mm. And for his 3 s i more familiar couverfmg with men often he put on the lil~;e-- 1-rare of that nature, which in the fulneffe of time he was to t8.l{€O1‘l,,1‘1€‘l/‘E1’ rnoreto belairl downe : ‘the body wherein he y appeared before the Incaruati on,fomet1me_s w__as reall , created for the performance of lush 4 art humane aehora, and armi- hilate at that aélious end; fometxrnes onely apparent , as here vv here all is but a vifion in thenight time,Which yet Cloth 110-» thing hinder the truth of the prophefie.” _ _ r _’7’a].lm his Pcarrcling W as the geltn re of l'llS Worfhip at_'_:drpray- What is the er. The Priefis and Levites when they offered their iacrifices fiamhflg 53* at the Altar, or prayed publikely for the people , common—- 5°” fl‘*"'”‘p""‘7”" A 13‘; they flood, Dean‘. I 8.3., The Lord /maria chafing t/as Tréefl ta €61. flgrmi to mimfler éefare the Lord, Ii 1' 35. :2 . Te r/Jaztfimml its the: /aaasfe oftbe Laml,Na,bem.9.2. They Pcood and coiafeiied their Iinnes, and 5. ver‘le,Staad zap and 5/efl? H5: Lord. Hence Elijah 1~I(z'ag.c 17. 1'. and others elfewhere who did molt iirequeritly wot {hip the Lord, are this phrale, The Lord fife- fare whom I/hand. We take them thrsflanding of Xofhzm , tor the gefiure ol-‘his worfl11p,prayer and iacrifice for him lelfe and the people in thele times ofdefolation. Some take it of’ his fianding,as a Criminall before the Tribunal! ofGod,Where Sa- tan did accufe him of his finnes; this is not incongruous, Ihough it be needfull to talreit firli of his worfhip,forthat was his end to approach unto God, and being in this a&ion, Satan comes on him to oppofeand accufe. At this time the Temple was not built , the Altar of In» ‘ cenfewasnot ereé.’cecI, the Arke of God before which the it is (aid, Hsérgx .6. Let. alltbe Angel: sffiad Warg/kip him. high Ptieli wont to fiand,was no more to be found,yet fajhm had let up the Altar of burnt offerings before it he might Pcand, as alto in all other his publicke or private devotions. . 4- ~H~isifla11ding before the Angel was not Ido1atry,for this An» gelvvas /l/fickael, Ow lake god, ever equall to the Father, the Angel of Go ds face and prefence ;, the objeél of adoration, ah well as the Father and Holy Ghoflc.-this is the Angel ofwhom “ From e:E8 The E-Irfi du- ‘ofhcirze fin tithe oflvuhlilze can 3:~.£‘.n3_z¥:§;:s:!:3:1‘:? child rm. ()5: «Gm§ are in :1 prizyimg P0-A flux-e, ”E.he‘fivfi h'@,s’Z~7.z . B’ Same-en Prehehed éeféwfe’ “ ' F tom?‘ this Portfroneehéhus exposed. hwerdhferve f°0re‘D0<9c1'i1'1e;. M Firth the p‘oHu're Gods children in the time Qfpxghleick dam’-e gers and mi'I'er1ese:zhey Rand before theLorcL fuppiezcating for Sionswelfetre, as 7o[7azm does’ in this place: The Tempfe yvaseh lying defokate , Ierufalem was an eheape of ruhbifh , [heir faire hopes of Refermatiorr were hlaficedghe Enemies of their Church and State were fo peo-temwith the great King, that by allworldiy’appeearance, they could ueverbe ahie to wrafhee through their prefmt miferi es. In this caie good Iq//7mV’viH12o*t% de fpai1'e_ghe hetakes himfelfto his God ‘, and Hands before him, prayihgeaezted waiting from his_homn‘ipoeem; hand for helpe and afiEi’rance to carry on, againfi the ioppofition Qfmen azad devils, eha“t'wo"rkWl1ich atGods direfiion theyhad he Gun, but izaconu} hem; had found to exceed by much their Prflfngth tOp€1'iE(9:. For thisduty there aremany reafons; . fire: , it has alwayey hhin the praehie ofthe Saints, Daniel Chap.» 9 for thedefolati—-* hens of Sion liesinfackcioth and a{hes,cryingi11 the 163 1 7.ver-A fee, 0 Lamfl zéefwc/9 rim tlmtth} .«:5?fg€7" $245! fee} may 5: tzzr-e enema’ .:.=1éwz)'fr07i¢ tlm Cir)’ fem Mew, and Ctmfiff’ tigyflce ta /Yams are zlsj Smfiwmy that is edefilme for the Lam’: fe&e.EzeI{.9. 55. While the? were flhzjifig-~*fi1§-fir?-eaetvi~-1’-~w~zw» iefr,» Ifell on mjfczce” J mg! ¢'r}»;é;2h £1: bwei Gad ,w&Z.tt£Iwt daflhcgr all the refldm of" lfi-azeim Haj pamzng emf thy fer} em Iemfelem? let. 1 8. rm, Rememécr I fined éefvré thee in fizeaésggobdfir t/hem, ahdhza wm2_,:mn:zy thy wmtl*J fim them. Jezwdlxa the mldfi ofhls pm» e Vere 2goh:es;I’5GzZ. 33. forgets liotethf: puhlick? Do gem! in thy E.\0d.32..1I. e:::sd.;7.x;,h V ifikefioarzd re»:-4 feiz. % hp ;~n';%1"§§§'e ma 4.3“z'zm , ézzilci zazp the 2Iwz !a= of Zcr.:=.jpe[em, Ma» fax hes at the feeteoi’ God and Wraflles by prayer to dwertr wrath from the Camp ‘oflfmel, A he holds up his hands on the meme unto“ God for the people when théy were in fight with flee: need _fm- Ierzefzslems “ fake, I will that 7*2efi‘,?27z‘Z i*‘.hé :>'z'g[otme{[74e_/jre I.»’;1es*e;:fj1”,:rz»*£'-J9 e:émg1o::¢efl1~, and the fie!‘-mtiarz thereof as at flzemp rm: .6.rn~e:e2w’3; When Sibn is under a cloud of trouble, wh"e1?1’ the derkzzefifehof afHi€:io11 over-e-ihadowes Ierufélexn, ‘the godiy cannot refi.-;. they cannot keep filence,hutimpor-— i;m3”:~:'*‘; theii: Godfbr theiightw ofa glorious delivera13ce. mefqg av‘~.=.‘l'45"\.’-€{_:, {fag 521., Pm» Siam-fi;!n, this duty hath the prQ_tmt‘e of a bgefiqng hoth puhiigk and p;tiV.'a~t€,. '5Ul”1tOAth€ Elders and Priefts while they are Aafl€tnbl;¢d,f0€1 :3. F01‘ faititigalld prayer isAlaid out not onely the goodneffe of.God m tgenerafl that he is cg~;.~m~,~- ,0?/Z5‘fiZ3’"J‘§i‘W¢(?rU1ffM[Z_../Z0139 zit? anger Aazzzci ¢9fgr£’éa?£ kififéifififu/]fi£2"7€p:i2thi;g&g' bite afrflm my ; ?;hu‘t parfticularly in _the t8 .~t11e§rat:eat?7u_t-ed he willheate their prayeAr ,, and anfwer it,13r€\V*1—1H?aV*e ptty ttpogn ;rhA€ afimtft ions oftl1isApeop1e,a1ad be zealous “b%tf their deiivergznce. Be{iAdes the publick benefit, the carefiztfl pra@tife of this dtt~ T!-A"--—.:'~ ti:='é'r‘d /072. ' ty prccures much private good : Wltela the fialvatiota of Ieru... A IalemAhrfea’keth forth as at Lamp _, every Ihhahitarxt {hall 110:: the pflartaltetr ofher joy. Sundry {hall feeitandnot tafietofit, has -that Prince of Samaria: when it fluall be well with the Ch-.LlrC.h _., it may be ill with them. As ravtenous beafis and thenight at their pleafitte, when the morninglight dot! strife, they taketthetnto their dens and caves wheArei_;n oft they are ttAhtuhAtttedrr:to Atheist data th. Hcwvever thefewthottow fland ~moutt~_ “ning for f5“:‘;iOl'1 , flua‘1lre;7oyce;in her joyes ;1whe;n thteycorne, ;th.Aey {hall eat the fruit of their prefent htbouts ,h=the teares they new row in ibrtow , {hall then be reaped “illftby. See” a11ex-~ cellent promife of this;wIft.5e6.t1to.VRejqycefor joy ws'rA£> )1emf‘A4t- lam, éZ![)’6’ that mazmzzfiar her, that ye army./Tacks mad é:f‘atiJfl¢*g':£ with the ;érm_’/i‘.r of/oer canjblattiom, that ye mg}! milk: out and ' V6.9 dalzglated with we gaéamzdaztcc of Alma glory .- Te/hall be c‘.am- tamed 1'22 Jam a1em,mm’wbm<=2 e eettlvif, ~oAwr,£7AAmrt «all rfiqyce, 7 J’ J 1 and jam‘ £va>zc:j79az!lflaz¢rz_’fl7Zai@¢’.m2lac-rée. Somettirnes itpleafeth 110E?-«»{GOd to relent his anger towards the publtcke , yet 1t goes well tn prtvate wxth the praétifers ofthts dutv A: the mourners for Iet'uA1a1em,tEz;el¢.9. are mat. kedby tthe‘A1agelAa11dtfat'ed in the day of (i;€f)[mC9EiO1].s Noah ‘ and Lot who ‘vexed their righteous fouls for what they heard and fawattaong ‘their Wicked neighbours; get tbemfelves and t;he1r famtlxes Apreierved in theday of -ve1::gea%nce“: Lamentiug A A t .1) .2 A t 2 I{z'.':.7g.t~=7 .212 wé:heeves'at'7terhtheir roving up and downe in the darkhefl2=: of t 2/Pet, 2. .7,8.; fieremiaht A A 26 i lrEs.¢!c«M-Is«:.9 Tl] C {0l.1l'[h 0 E n Refit-1$._ A Semzon preached htfare A Immaaa, and for his caufeihislllfervant Baruch, and friend i Iflhadmieleci-h are well intreated by the hand of the molt cruell rEnerny;yea,when the wrath of God is greatell , when Noah, I05, and iD.am':l gate not able to fave either {on or daugh ter,yet they {hall deliver thernfelvesjsa have their own foul for a prey. Another Realon, the negleét of this duty is a dangerous provocatiomwhen the glory of God goes from the Cherub to s. the threfhold of the Temple,’ and from thence to the midi”: of -the City, and from thence to the mountaine, when the Lord goes to his place that he may be fought after early, and in his going makes frequent Ptands, looking back if any will follow and layhold upon him that he may returne ; iffo be that none takenotice or care of his removall, it much encreafeth his an- ger :' This is one of the complaints of Ifazzlth, 1./22.6 4.7- There as name that mlleth are thj mzmcgthatt flirreth up himfélfe to lay holds» thee .- This: made a great caufe of the publike calami- ty, Ez.;k..a,2. Ifrughtfor at man tafiaaml ix the gap for the land, hat Ifbtattd haze, therefbre haw [powreal am‘ my iedigwztiaez tap» ‘ oer them, I have conftamedthenz with the fire of tea} wrath : and X however God Chould be =«_g~Od--~E@vilEh~€l pllbllkfls, yet it {hall not tigoewell with the private contemnersof this duty , be they more or f'ewer,be they high or low. PL1blik€m€11,Wh0lt‘: pe-- culiar duty is to meet the Lord, and {land in the ‘gap, when they fee the floods of his wrath comming downe to over- Whfilfllfi the people of their charge, if they run away like Foxes ‘ 503133? h01€9;l3eing careful for nothing but to provide for their A ow13,headS,wvoe and vengeance from God is denounced againft them, Each! . 0 }:fi*¢a.e[,thy Tmphttr are [the the faxes in the §.*i€f{:‘7'f,l2vih0 have mtgaa: zap to the hedge, Heft-/‘Off made tap the gaprflar the haagfie af1f/itaeltaflaadin the hazttell in the day! of the i I herd : Therefore in the third verfe,l Woe Mirlm thsm,a1'1Cl in the , ninth, theyjhafl mt he in the .a}72mh{y of ??$j’}7€0!0/€,l'i¢€it/Jerfl/{[1 r the} he writtemaz the writing ofthe haze]? of Ifirael». What ex.- treme woe is ittobe blotted out of the book oflife, to be de; lewd out of the Catalogue ofthe people of God.Neither one-, ly publike men, but the meatieltoflthe people are plagued for The neglect‘! lhlsdll 73)’ 9 /jh’-2&2. 1 25 [#2 that day! the ‘Lard did trail to waepmg and mmrttzhg, hm‘ hehelal joy .ahdgt'adt2efl2»,th_e flayiag afa.tm, the églltag qffh:ey,tzatl~dri;2@:g'af3t7étte gpthzir z’m‘—~:..t \ ~ l l i e ‘l gait} _,__‘ ___________ _. ,,,,,,, ,., ...... .,... ‘‘‘‘ _... ..... ...._... ..... .,....... ..... ....t....«........m... ............... 'V A theflonauraélefloufe oftcammzms. at qmy flmllefloti £,&,.p,¢rged frontjaw tzlllyau alye_,fiz£t.’a tin» Lot'aI.o I‘ W The Ufe ofthtsDoe?t_r111e 13 for your encouragement, to go u_ on with all diligence tn the prefent work of humble im_:>p1tca- I agemcm I 0 tion: You fee God is we1l»pl_eafed wtth thrslabours 1t hath g5"on'in [ha been the exerciie ofall the Satnts on the like QCC;-15011; iris the prcf¢I1~t excru- Lordsfiaecietll comtnand, he hath arattezted to 1t moi’: co1nfor- Gift WM‘ '5111’--* table ptomifes, and to the negleetof rt very featfitil threats: §»€"~;‘.‘:§:m“ may let thework be done vvxth dthgence and conuaxrcre ; to [ma W dog the work of the Lord neghgently procures acurre : Where zfm‘ ,,,~, V fore this day when thou Prandefi before the A_'nge1_, tn all the bent faile of thy‘-fpirit, otter to «God a the facrxfice of thy con-t-at triteand broken heart; Letvt/nine eye: run dawm 232:’:/'9 mare: flight Md ,igg},hfor tlaagrmt éreach msdgraez/om 5/ow xv/aerentztév V ;~},»e'»m'rgin daughter afrlaj people 1: already 5To/@:e;that1‘10tW1th- fianding the rivers of blood already fined;/re anger of the Lord :2; mp tgtrmed mam], éwxt bar band irflrrtfbed out [fill ; that as yet there is noappearance of any cancelhng ofthatt '(.:Ot.'I]1’r}1ffiO1‘t‘«1*= ’ which theI. ord hath given to the fiwotchto bathe 1t ielf tn the blood ofrnen, without nu-tnber,ofa1l ranks and eflates. Thefe ; , judgments outward and vrfible, are the cauies of great mourn- ing 3, but the finnes oftheland, that have dI‘€t\‘V1‘1€rth€InfrOrI~1 t thehand of God, are more lamentable; yet the greatefi caufe both of lamentat-ion andfeare, is that» great itnpenitencytand . eontempt ofrepentancc which atppeares in thetmoft ofmetn :- ( Though the —Ido1atries, the Adu1ter1es,thetB1ood{hed ,.the Rapinegthe Ignorance of God, the prof’anet_c:ontempt~ 0f‘the : Gofpeh and many other ‘crying, crimes of thtsLand ,be ev»1- dent to the eye ofall 3 though. the -great wrath of God be re": “vealed from heaven , in his moi’: heavie jttdgments upon the % 4 tn-idzt, andtall the corners of thispoote countrey ; yet too few. doe {trike upon their thigh, to be grieved for what theyhavéttm-,;= t, 1% done ; not to fiaeaki ofthe madneffe of our tenemiegwhofe '' ’ " heart is plagued with induratiouytheir Court , their Clergy; their mif-—Ied~ people, running on in their wonted Vvayes_,as. t the horietot the battell. If We Wiilt look upon our felves, we {hall find that hardneife ofheart, t that carnall andfiupid 12-zcu-« rity, doth lye upon the fpirits of too ttmany. Itwere veryagoodv for the people‘ of Godto fetbefore their minds thetcauieaof thataheavie gwrath, whigth ‘long. has. rlyen, upon thefe Domini:-.. - r r- ’ D5‘, dons“. 22 And with con» fizmcy. L 54743.; .t 44. - Lama; .49. Ne!::em.7.-;3,s'. Pfalm; . 7. lLtm.2. I$,t9, ; %which.: this day are vifible upon the eltates, upon the bot} A eSe3**m.em Pltmthedl éqflvre. A " t.~ ons, efpeciallv to fearch out the gtoulids Ofprovqcatioiél which molt neerly eoncetne themfelves, to rr3a.l«:e»a dillgent enuiry of thole finnes which have bin committed w.ithin theitdoors: with the Lamp of the Word, and the greater lightof the Sepi- tit 3 to goe through all the corners ofth;r«ow13¢ COMEJIEIECE; and what ever beau:-‘es ofwrath thou findelt there ,, to lay them all out in an humble Cotafefliota, eamefltly lbpplicating for mercy in Chrifis blood, for amendment bylthe po»vettol'tl1elEa11t}i- fying Spirit, deptecating wtath.,and thefe featfhll efl’e..€ls iofit, Les, upon the fouies, ofmany thou.£én<:ls of people. ' This duty alfo would be per§’or1nle.d with CO*1‘J:;{-)€s3;-171C)’ and pet- :l'everance.-. thou malt Hand in this pollute of Prayer , till that . cloud be pierced and diffolvedt wherein G od long has wrappetl himfelf, thatour Prayers {hould I‘1C>~t:p;1fi‘e through it gtabéwe cjfa trickle oiawzze and mat ceafé, tzvftbaort imtermz;/.rz'an', waif! 1.-be Lard look dawn and éciaald fiwom heaven, The n1ot1r1:i17ga11d fepatation of the fifth and feventh tnoneth muff coxaltipule all the yeares of’ Sions captivity; when the Lord brings it back, then, and not before , can fizcoé tejoite & and Ifiml be glad ; when lthelotd fl:1al1=beegood:to t$t;ioIM.li1C:1 build up the Walk of Iemfalem,thelnmtay we fit clown A11r.td;@iE“Oi;1’r Vine and Piggev tree, to eat of the fat, and drink oi‘ the fiweiet : But t1Hth€1],v teates fluould -run down like a river day a.:odtn~ight, we lhould give our {elves no tell, the apple of our eye fluould not ceale ; Werfhould atttfe and cry out in the etnxtght, tn the lbegmnmg of A the Watches ourth.eattts {lnouldlbe powfiid out éfifikfi water before 1 the face of the Lord, zmdlour hamtls lifted up to hitn for the :life ofoutchtildren, out Husbands, out Fathers, ourBrethten, out moflclbeloved Fr;-ehdgwho all ‘very quxc-kiy may be m hazard, if the handlol’ the Lord be Pcretched out Pceifli. to A A l The l«i'C9.f~Of} httcot‘. ‘ E Very one would be tarefizll cotafcieiatioufly to use this means, for hereby the mezmefi may profita le to the dil?t1'ei«ledt and la11guiihingpubli~ke. When Monies are VVa1‘1tl1]g33,110n€ are able to tlbpplybut the Rich 3 when Errors and Schiltns are to the beaten : in pieces by the ;hamme»t* of the :t;ruth of God, nozzle can be tfervieeable but the Leamed ;t:whe;t11l State lcliv.ifi-e ons “;.El'I{3 to be tCu=tetI;,‘ none can help but the Wile ; when latitels are to-be fought,‘ none eat1la:lppeare to %purpofe-but l A A V the Maodof fafiw 19» at m=:r.422 mm! /£m;r;g12vrz}v,E7w. fly o. :50, l the Hlwmouméle lflazefia of Commons. the lcoizragiozxs a11lld.;l%ron§;.::B11t lfof tho duty in hand , which i1".?E!.l‘£("3S more for ythe clxring o;l’our p1'e;’ent evills, them all that e?therV%.?Vcalth;or Vvit, or Learzaixjg, or St1'c11gtlai,s abloc; by it, IItC?ly;tl'l€l«E1T§3y donotable {"er»*ice who livavlca vcrl'yli1'2allor_11o portionin any v*il;l7legil5:;m*c13 poor fimple Lmlearrzed Wc":”*ald11cS ofour God, who when man by the fall was ba11i’flzedl‘rom his prelénce and 33 A fcrond doc”t:'mc. lm all our pm~},*m'sjw. C: we, 142% Irnylo)’ mifi. lg», limit: 2. . The lid’: r:c'm-- ion.. could have no more irnmediare £7:-llowfhip with hi1"f1,hath appoim? l ted a mid -man for recoxaciliation to Handl)€tWi:$<:t~hi1n3£fI3£i11,tb2t tl1€fI1E11Clfl11plVl11Ch coulnot immédiatly be kept; mi gliit be 1'6”-ll newéid az contumecil by luch a mczdiarion: 1 T_in1.2.4. 2‘ lame 2‘: am God endows mediator éetwém Goal mam! svzzmx, tuéaa /efizx; ~ Ife=25.E$ . 6. $2729 in" the mezmfi.-rztar qfaz évttéi’ C£9’<’;!¢”;;ml3:5a‘£‘l2.w{?iz:‘}9 mm: aflo- 1’H'§I'77mrl zrpm éerytarprozmy/£»x. ll-lowevrar we have pl'c>oai.i?;:s Ella: 9211 ml‘ 56* am‘ Gacialnd W111 recafivc us as iazér p.:m,w'c~‘_ a".~_wz¢ 1.79 will nswmz- éer awrfin: no wznr.:g_rImt be zaéiligiva my my e:e~w.w!z' iwbvritwmcv; yct L m him only it is that wchave any right to my of”thefe pronaffcs, X ll‘ be 0111;}! is the medzbzrorqf t/am»? Cavemmt, 9', I 5 _ , A feciond reafon,wl1en we coméz alone to our lGod we cgmxjot be yvelconae, we are lb clefiled with the guilt of by~gom?: fifinlcs,‘ wlnle weo livefimezawel in M .- an betwixt t we holy pure eyes of _C§od , and our finfulxaefib, vtl‘l’(:‘1‘C is lbgreat a contfarietic, tllalt if thfiffif EWO fl10u1d 111661: lwliuhout fome int€1‘p0fiti'0n,tl‘)e full. vi ice . lilac fszcomi. on M- The thilitl. E';‘CbsI3-*«"‘ 45' A 2.‘P-'.3tl..t.a. Phi.iaZ!I‘i~- Iohn I5‘. 5' . The fitfi Life hiatth. 3.17. A sfecotzd mics o A .S’erm cm Preacphed éefbre“ f oF‘"Go& would he Aconfnmincgp fire to u5o‘Whe'11 ever thetfote we are hold to draw neer to him, it is necefliarysto have this Angel ’ Pcandingbetwixt us , to acover»ou:: finnes, to divert wrath’: by the factifice oft his foul forlinne to purchafe friendfhip, by the lprinkling oi‘ his blood to extsinguilh the flames of wrath. t A third realon,vvho.evet will liand before God who is to {peak to thatMaJ§ef{y ,who is to walk or have any fellovvfhip with him, mufi in ionic meafitte be like hitnsholy as heis holy,for witkam. ~.aoza-mg; rroazecmz fee Ion-fizce .- fuch ofour [elves vveare n'ot,vveare like to our Father old /.76iazm,tlll we become ingraffed in at new frock, till Chrifi become to us a head , it is he that lends down into us as living members the influence of his Sp_irit,-which be» gins,continues,and incteafeth in us that life,that l1ght,that love which makes us like our heavenly Father 8: partakgr: aftbe divine mzmre .-' 0foa:r_/Elva: we Cflflfiélf I'aiS'_.i?2rI’\ri good thought, It 2': has/M1: zvorfi :7» m‘ to will and to do 5 without /iaém we can do taint./aiag: out of him we are but lifelefle, faple1Te_,wi~thereti branches,fit for no- thing but the E re, but in him we are t/:26 trees of rz'glateo,afize/fa,‘ bringing forth all manner offruit in due fealon. _ o The me of this doehitie is,fitli , for our information of the true caufe wh y much of “our” devotion is fruitles: ofi: times we ldtavvneer to God but have no acceffegwe cry and call at the door of he-aven,but there is no heating.-no opening , no anfwet : The reafonism/e have miliaken our way,we have gone to the wrong door; we have run ever alone, in the vehemencie of our ovvne {pirit , in the fervour ofour naturall deli res : we hav*efo1-gotten our Mediator, and gone to the Father without the Son ; orifwe have begun to take him with us, at once, as fooliih children we have run before our guide. No wonder then we be difciplined for that error, that Chtiii permitting us to aflay how much we can do ofout {elves without him, we feel out labours loli, our pfavers in vain ; no rnarvell there cornmeth no voiceno meilage, nofire from heaven on out facrifice, to give us any t3.flMilI"c"!1'lC€ ofout accep- tation ; God will not fhew himflelfwell pleafed with us for an thirig We do, when we F-Ome Without the Son, in whom at/one tic-" 2": wellplaaftd. v A j r s s i Afecond life isior diretfiioti A: Hold an to Chriii in all thy wayes, efpecially in thy approaches to God ,tmo1iio£ all in thy fo- lemne Prayers on fuch a day as this : Set Chtiflc betwixt thee 31'.lCi God the ffiazzauméle Hazefe ofcamimohsf Goal’ let alllbe olfered up hy his hand _., he is thy only‘Priel"c : may man was pezmitted under the Law, to olier his own facriifice, all was put in the Priells hand, who laid all upon the Altar:Chril?t is the true Altar which fahelifietlu and rnalteth acceptable all that islaié on him. When We draw neete to God by him, he cove-~ teeth all our lllfiflliiti-E35 he filpplyeth all our det”e&s,hey enahleth-all who leek their life in him to do every duty in inch 2: way as is well-pleafitig in the light ofGot:l ; he taketh all our delires anti prayers in h1s hand_,put'teth them in his golden cenfet , he kind»-» leth them with his own fire, and perfiimeth them with the incenfe othis own metitsthat fo drelled, they may have a fweet {avout in the holitils ofthe. Father. A A A A third ule is for caution : in our magnifying of Chrilhhewvare A rhifl ul°c “fat V‘“""!. $4 V -of an old trick of the devillnvvhich of late he hath reformed, and by ‘“”‘i°“ag“i"% y it done more milhhiefe then ever; Grace and watttotmnelfe in f,’§§,f;“‘“‘“°* th emfelvqatemol-t oppofiteyet Satan lhiveth to eonjoyn them, 17“ 0 mm the grace q_fGat1:'m~a wmatanmflé .- It is no new thing to Mde aw adore hrilt in fl1CVV.: while you buffet him in truth. There M~’eW'7~3t3t is a generation of people who under the colour of magnify» ting the free grace ofGod,. ofletting C hrili in his Throne, of ads Vaneing a Gofpel vvay,ot' crying down nature, and legall tightew omiaelle zwith thefe glorious flnows, and pleafam: words they are milled by a fpirit ofdelufioti to patroni zeerofénity, l to grieve avnél * exting”u1fh the 5p1fltOfgfaC€, to lizoffe at repentance and forrow for finne .-, to ufolier the fruitsyofthe flefhi to bring in the h.ighel’c degree of all W1Cl{ edneilie, a dedolerrce_or"tt_1indee, a refprohatioh of fpirit _.; when a than has committed all wickedhelie with _gree§ e upon thatinfamous flIOI1€o- _ g.p,That hotriblepwickedneffe of the 50659254.’?! , denyingtthefl A11geloFon1‘Text to be Chrift,becanfe he hadlno being before this conception; denying his Incarnation , ahollfhing his divine natutc,hlaf'phem1ng the Trinity: A wonder that Yo foul a lpirit: lhould everhave gotten entrance in any. famous DiV1ne,or other man of note in thislle , except this were an houre otdark11'efl‘e,,n , l w.her'eir1 allforts ofdevils are crept out of their clens,a_nd walk fo «familiarly with men,that,they beéome bold new to {peak ofpe- titioning authority for a tolerationgzhat {'0 this poor kin dome, 4 not onely in thefe times of confufioii, but for ever fhou cl be to them all a place of quiet habitation“ iagainfwopiflz l A f'qnrth oftheféwvho ptelle on,.us the ofiice of a properP1iiefl, Pritfls. toviofierinp ‘l in a facrificeniupon the Altar‘ the prefent body of Cnrilt, not caring to bring back with open face into our Church that groileli ah,ommation of Poperyathe unbloudy vfactifice of ltthemafle. a M I\ no er evaiiilhed: Firr , that ldolatry of l the Papilts,i_n their Ptandin _bef'ote Angels and Saints for inte tn .ceflion,hefore images for a orationzfurther no Papift ever went,‘ ould yet . ‘A €3.11 he faid with any colour of tfiuthmthat more hurtdidlevet V i a A , t eome the Hamiziméle Hozefe of Comment. 27 M Tire fifthiioftthefe, who from the high Priei’t of the eoeldifella-. egainit I-35.. merit wot1ld;infeer1'e a Poitteifgand an hcclcfiafiick Prince in the {hope ncwfoy this means not onel y bringing back the types and figures of Aat'or5._the pedagogic of Mofes 5 btttealfo vvit_i_1thePaipiits (the 2M'1E?l101'S ofthts atgtutoettt) re-Aeirtducing 3. Di_'ocele;;me remap, and aP’atriarch above him,with 9. Pope above all,as Ast1'oo was above the other PriePcs- H0iVVfat*treethis is agaiufi the gt'ou11ds. of" the Gofpel,may be fecn by the moi’: fimple in thefer three plétit1ee1‘ea_.. fons. F1rfi,€hriPchath,im§eiie”i'é1‘llllliithe oHitc¢rsith‘of thehlNevV Teflon nient, who are of the fame ordct,to be eqtmllgall to be B tethren, none to be a P\e_rit1ce,‘tor in any degree iof'i‘uperio;rity above his fellorvslhise is not co ntrovettedii in the three extraordinary oiii-9 cers, no fipoflle above an Apolllc, no high Evangelillt above aelovv one,no Prophet fupetior to a Prophet. This-_ is alfo gran- ted in 3 of i the iordlinaery officers, no eacon above a Deaconynot» Elder above an Elder,no Doétor above a D oéitor. That the like is in the feventh officer , That no Papt or is a high and at great one above a finall and a low P:if’cor _; the rulc.of' propon- t1“on,tandthe analogie of’ things in the famel(i11d,Vvil1makeit L colt-are. Secogqlly,the natureand efienee of Epifcopacy,puts the power ordi11ation_ir1 the hand ofone xn:tn,e~xp1'efly againPc the Apofile, I FI"11n..ir’“*‘“d=3d- work ofsions reparation, Satan is at his right hand to croiie all his i defignes Three words here are to he expounded: who is is this Satan ; what is his Handing on Ioflazm his right hand ; and how he A refifis. him. j r 4 r it e_ i ' EM’-’ ea Sataig Oifshes11%¥f¥§S§>iFr,t11ari grea£r,s.rA11g¢i Who left lviffirfl Ijeéitetéarsfl, byiinning againfi his Creator, and therefore with 0- ,; _ ther Arigels his followers M as cat’: down from the heaven to the ‘I’rt.:~..4s Iowa; world to be refirtzmi in ckairzaf of dazrégrefle to the day: of M to I jmigameat, when he is to be bound Ptraiter and to be cat’: into the A '2'5~’7 ' fire‘ p;+*c»p.eVed far [him and 19:3‘ flrzge'ls.r In the meane while hf? has fome libertie in his chaine and prifon , he goes aivvayes to .1051.-,v. A mzdfra mad walker in the ear;/a,_fi’e/{ring wilaami he may deomre; he 993- 5'3‘ flies in the aire fpying his prey , ever intent to affauit mankind, ” and above all, the mofl godly : for his oppoiirion and hatred ( which gives him the name of Satan ) is mofi againii God,and for his caufe, againfi his children ,» efpecia1lyChirifl:, w hole law]: 19:4 érmriflrd‘ in his temptations and croflier : this is he who in the Raver’. I17. S.i:'c‘azZlcd that ragan,rbe aid Serpent, the deouiil and Sazrrm who with 192': flngcl: did agmfl Michael and /9:3‘ e..«4ageZ.cr.- this was the Wicked fpirit who tempted Bomb, who vexed 1'05 , who flirted up David to number the people , who ‘ emred into Iadegazid here iets upon Iqflamz. ’ The Befizre the boaearahle Haafé if Camwaml‘ r 3 g A The next point is his fiandingvupon ?o_//aim’; rigbrhaad .2 A W A I will pails a number of Allegoties, which fundry of‘ the Ancients bring upon this phrafe, it feems without any Mi»- ilery to imply an oppofition open, but cautelous : I fay open, tot Satan lurks not ,_ he ltandeth not behinde fafhua his back, but comes up to his iide, and there appears a profeiied and avowed enemy; yet cautelous, for he choofes the place of advantage; the right hand is the inihtument of Acftion, it ‘ manages the Sword, and every Weapon : fo, who ftanda upon the right hand, hath the place of advantage. The third word is to vrfifl him; This was the end why Satan Ptood in {itch a place, the more eafily to crolle and teiih all the good deiigns of fa/ham , that what ever he did or faicl, to God orlman for advancing; the Work of the Temple, or a any part of the Churches welfare , he by his craft and might did aiiity to eountercarve it, and make it fruitleile. V That which here A is brought by fome of Satan his acctta iing of fofbzaa, we do not deny it as one of the means where- by heidid croile the high Ptielt : For he is liiled a Devill, an Accufer, a Calumniator, Who is ever accafiag the Ba*et/treat to Rm..¢g‘ £2 him; God, as he did 7.95, fometimes falily, andibmetimes truely; but ever caltmohioufly, becaufe ever upon malice. The ’ par- ticular accufation isynot expteiled in the Text , yet the Chalclte Paraphraits put that in their targzam on this place, which is moiiz likely a That Satan pleaded againlt fofléaa , as amatt who ought not to be heard of God, or receive anyafiihcance from him for thehuilcling of Sim, fince, he and the rel’: of the people were clothed with the foul Garments of fin , e- - fpecially that one, of fttfiering his Children to marry fttange Wotheiu. The marrying with Idolaters was fo grievous and Ez.ra9 3-‘T dangerous a fin, that it made Ezma lament very heavily be i fore God : fa//mahis tolerating of this Fault in his children, was a matter of a juli accuiation, and might have hindeted the fi*uit;of his Prayersgand all hisendeavouts for Sim.“ t For Dofttine ohfetve, Thatthc great and chief of of! 222/90 oppafi the Rtjbrmars of a Church or State, :25 the @“‘l‘W« Deeifl, ~ : y y y A, A , y y t l t . ’[’efl:m-: leader Thefiifi mot; M i ipof: the Re- i34_ ‘ %i‘3”emw.ez .W1c‘a£eii'ieefei Saeaniis the A ‘ Mme mid Zeemééméell in i‘3fI»hTi.’.‘§l.‘rl.i;'£’-t'.’§?7”«’.’x.i‘£"‘i;EZ.§%?BF iei-ie ruinesbf k’-'=“;i"' ‘W5 theiCh7mrsch and Kiingciiezm «emf Jjiiwi”, iiimei eippoiites of m:an§r ‘°° “’ ° W‘ kindes flI"létli‘€»01‘1iCi-‘1t1{*9£1S., Ham 1. At the {Erie Foiiziding {bf t’-i'3e gormmgm, .35 ai,iTemp1e¢,t’11ere appeared ‘~..‘ig£!,i5‘p1‘-F92 them (at ‘CLi1€‘5b€g1I1111‘1}i,"{Ci‘Cf€’ti-= Churchmr 1§7,.aflEi‘ti‘i€'1flC3@r~Ma1ignant InPm.1meint$,e by name the Prion» ‘”.i"hegns-area piifietefie. NaM!‘i4eiisiR»egifired to her perpetzzalli. inFamy , For pier cgfihe _ her correfpoindeneeiiwitihtheene .£y3.~in prejudice of the good. ‘?=i'W"""‘e""i ‘W’ Wiark in hand. ei@;amm,ee A i odi3:i.aim»Liii1n*ake tihéinfa-illt in'.:heiz:i1ai>our, when the building. ‘ _ fly . A ‘M ;__ Wg5g;.. VManyispi1otisi»i were fer on fact to» difcourageiethe people <;§£7?~ jwa-s nger an_end= ;% but one was méoik likeij; toprevail, fa; ffriend1y'*trz:-a.t1§progoumde4d, by Scméwliar to Nehemiah pre-~ [;end4i;L‘1gans1Jlfl«.10I.'1 oat Couxufells, and awn«accqm1nodation; but igntend11;g'toAVk111:Nchcxgmlo, ~tha-t the reparation of femfa[.»:*m,« whereinhcwas thepVr11x1cAgex1t, flacmld be interrupted by his death, and qxxite given over. This plot was afihyed ome, twi=,Ce,thriC€, four, times, but wiwchcmt fucceffe; forit xxm-5_VNchem. 6.4,. the wifedome of Nckmiéli '60 dififllpf #16111, and -never fart any perfwafion, For any terroumo anger mm cotafercnce with the1m;,%xvh&lutheMWa1lwas QvL1C@=pC1.'f'l?.~'Cd;, a:_1d then the: mi-’ verfariesjperccivingt yv1thm;tEu1'tl}er hatfitatxon, the hand of $«0&‘inltha Wonk chcy*0.pp0—fed mV~ {am down in dc:-fp3.ir,A and «raw: ever thair. cmc:rprif:s. ‘ A All thcfeuppofirions from (0 nmny elivars {Q‘1‘tS'G€ per- fons, were clear to the eye of all; yet Whcm Cvod wifli dife cmtczt tmhe eye of the Propv»het,% the great and xnam krmderer { of the ‘NQ:El{"i«L1\h3¢f1d%;J he fet‘s aikother afide,_ :mdApoints at. Satma1c2r1e,’fl:a11cii¢ngWcm;thc:«right hand of tI1e%chic&7 wsorlcers, to croffe mcl rcfiPc_th€m..% It is £;1ce:r then, time in all the 0p— ' pofigiqn. we flees}; to;the;we1%Fare , «tithe-:1: of Church. or State:, SAat:m,4i«.s% he on who11mhc::y4es ef the godly wifc VVOUM prim-% cipally b€ ' fiXC?&L A hewfieafclzmof thisDo€tri_nr:, is this, Szut:m.iAc9th@l1ead',% Thefirflzrea. the V?.prince,, the father, the gmd ©fa11'~ ‘L The ravenous birds Wait upon .Aeml:am om-‘sly at his Saeri- Mm “ ‘M’ flees; the fowls go out with the fewer to pick up the good Seed , to make the Word and the Worihip tmpsofitable. Our heart of it {eff is very earthly, earhall, dead, a-ndovain; yet befides all its imvatd“ M aiignitie, Satan by his teotations, Prrives to infpire it atthefla hoiy times With fo much of his fupernaturail Wi.eh:edne{i"e, as he is able. It fhould adde to our grief, when out fenfible tnifcartiage in fo holy an exercife demonfirateth, not onely the prefehce of a devill with us, butfalfo hisprevalehce over us for our great hurt : Alfo it is a matter of fingular comfort when We get grace to chfeharge out {elves of thefe ibiemn fetvices, in fome meafute accepta- bly : When With a Spirit enlightned, ehiivened, enfiamed , melted from above, we get out fouls poured out before God, for the pubiihe tins, and pubiilte dif7ttt.-ties :. When with an _ “ holy, an honeft, and vigwous bet1t—-fail of fpirit , we have begged mercy , and what eife We conceive needfull for our {elves and others: When in an attentive and faithfullheart, ; we receive the heavenly Seed of the Word , and Feel our £7;-ives thereby (treogthned to Walk in the wayes of God, to mouth for,, and fight agaitiit the cotruptions of our heart, and life. This is a matter of joy for this caufe among others, that hereby we obtain a fenfible viftory over that [trough fpirit, who hath not been abie, as ofttat other times, to C1tfpl‘iVE—u3 of the comfort and fruit of the Worfhip. Chrift who at futha time maketh thee clearly vietorious over Satan, fhall fhottly make thee to triumphs, and treadhim under thy A feet. A _a th-':r& Do- A third Obfervation might here aifo be pointed at if time §*:j“°" I: Eatsm did not (trait; Satan his fpeeiall malice is agaihitt fofhzzzethfl : high Priefi; his fP€C1a11t’fI'i1IJlEl€1SM8g&11‘1&_th€iéfvaflt-S offiods fig Gmafihcufm Hbufe; the Mefienger of Satan btifieteth Pas! ; it was i ‘A Peter lift as Wheat. Before the hanaalrahle mafia of Cammamfi '4: l “Pam-"and the Apollles that Satan {ought to Winnow, and 2» Cmtz 7.7 t ' Luée 2.2..gt. The Reafon is {They are the Paliors of Gods {lock 3 The Rcafbac when the Shepheard is ltricken, the flock willbe fcattered; y_ a They are the Stewards of Gods Houfe; If the Steward be» tome unfaithfull, the children of the family will be in danger ofllzarving: They are the Officers of Gods Army _; if the Leadera and Standard-Bearers Fall, the Souldiers will foon be put to the Eight : They are the light of the World , if the Lamps be extinguifhed , the Houfe fitteth in darltnefie, and the fhadow of death : They are the Salt of the Earth , if they become unfavoury, the people are in danger to be- come a pollutedyandunfavoury Sacrifice. i ll Great care would be had for theafliflance and comfort The Ufa» i of the fervants of Gods Houfe ;the people would beat them in their hearts beforeGod,and pray for the abundance of the S pi. tit-ofgrace upon them : the grace of God on the Paltors,turn- eth to the benefit of the people; the oynttnent poured on the a head of‘ Aaron dropped down to his Feet, anddrenched the lowefi borders of his garment 2 When the Lord clothes his Priefis with Righteoufnefle and Salvation , then do all the Saints {hour aloud for joy : the people not onely by their prayers to God would aflili and hold up the Weary hands bolt” My their Pafiors, as An.-rm: and Hunt did the hands of Mefii ; but alfo, by theiryloying countenance, their liberall maintenance, their ready obedience , would give them all encouragement ; He!9.I 3. I7. They watch for yam-fowl 5 obey them therefarc, that they may do their work withjay , and not with grie , far that :25 mzprafimhlefor yaw. When mofl of the day, and much of the ‘night they have been with God on the Mount for your welfare ; when much of their time hath been {pent in corn.-‘ baring with Satan For the fafety of your foul , Ls it meet that theyfhould be grieved , or their hands Weakned by your neg-~ lecft of them , or mifcarriage towards them P t g;E§_;;::f~;:”'* Dotibtlefle it will be the fpeciall care of this religious and went‘; {cc ,0 wife Senate, to eltablifh fuch Orders in all this Land for the the encouraaei Houfe of God, that his Minillers {hall be encouragedto iiztlmw W504‘ pp G them_ fetvantn A ‘ A “ Setmeo‘ Frezttfimf thietnfelves with‘a11 cheettuinetie abotit the ifiivatioen of’ the people-s‘fou13:i Your Honors wil [0 provide itgthat the Paitors mall have nothing to do but with God and with fouls, and with deviis,to hold off by their Spiritual! Weapons thefe toa-e ing Lionsiftom their flocks: queitionies your Pieties will pro--e A cute fa much tine tefpeéi, and fo honotabie a maintenance for every ‘fervent tof7‘iGod in this 1and,that without ti ifquietnes of inindegor folicittide For the things of this world, theyniay, ‘itfaitt Wholly on their Spit‘itt1aiiCi?1Eti‘g(:‘S': The Pagan Ptincee of old, the Tnti<.ifh this day, the ancient Popiih Parliaments, and thelate Pte1atieaii,he.ve detnonfitate their care for ‘ti”t3‘i."” which they efteetned the fervice of their God : it Wiil be very far from thisnnoft hopefttil of all Parliaments, for which the Lord hath already done to many and to great thin.gs,Whicht aifo for time to some hath {on much need of the fpeciali aiiiitanee, and fitiguirit help of God, that they ihouid in this fo natuttiil , fo teafonabie 5 to Chtiiiian a Duty towards the fervants of God , be any Ways i*—.1Ci~'lit”3g. Mott wifeiyfi anti with all teafon, navetiiey procured the Latnpe of the Houfe V of Got! to beiiet in tech poiimfe , as their light may beit I-hine V to fi’1$UifiCO1f" men:iS=tarres, though othetwiie great, and foil , otiiight, if they move in toohigh at Sipheat, become eithet in» »» ixifinie, or of an obfirute and bad iig:»;ht,e for little nie to men below upon earth: The PstiiZOI'S oi’ Gods Home , when they i fiend too high in tvoridiy poziip efoowze the people , theit iigitt in fo great a diftance vanifineti ,gf:l1}Eii'iC£3.f{3t? is vifibie to’ men fo ii'5L1‘i3€iOVV them. Yetit would iL‘t3,£€tt? e fol~‘:nt,.God lamg/atria mt/ocm,far he fécrk their day caming ; the day. of their vengeance,.the yeer ofrecompencesghe morning, the hour of their calamity. Allof us wouldconfider the Rate of our foul“, the abomi. nations which confcience tclleth us we are guilty of,:. think themnot forgotten with God , though he keep filence , and permit us-to go-on in the ways of our’ own heart , without trouble ; or if he reprove , it is but by his Word ;. Now and then in the puhlilte Minillery chopping ‘upon the flip- peryandihalf dead heart :. You fee in this place he dealetl-to no otherwife with the very devil ;. but be perfwaeied there‘ i is a time coming for a more fevere reckoning. The £22.; venth of Ez,ekz'el- is often to be read by a. fecure people, the- fixth verle , A72 end 13 came ,. the and 22: some , it Watch»- ctb fin" ti/ace ;.:éclaoZd,, it 19.: wrm,.t/ac marning év tome azpn rlaee , the‘ time came, the day aftirouble £5 memamd not t1ae_fozgndi2a g aft“/rre mamétains .~ Inthatoane verfe the coming of thevday of ven-- geanee is mg: iii: times. proclaimed 5; Happy are thelie;-it 45 A Q A ‘Seemepeeacbed who make ufe of the day of theirtmetciFuI1‘Vifitationt .: The Lord hhathebeen Wozzdtafully good to us ; the Ware hath ta-== ken away the eitzttes of many thoufands, (the Sword hath The-~ teaved tnzzny of their lives, we are yetfgfe ; but can wetell how Long? A manage well this happy day of“ grace , humble your foul before the Lord, make peace with him without fur- thet‘ydeiaoyy.t; mouth for your known Faults 3 {er your {elves to amend the evil of your doings , that you may be {pared in the fl-arfixll day of the Lords wrath, when the {word of the fie1d,thef£1m1'neand pcfiilence of the City , may tnake the.» ' to -voei-: of people Without number; B1ei?{I:>d are they. who aftetr fo many warnings from the mouth ofGod in his Vvordftoxn the hand of God in his \:Vorl«;5?, have learned at 121% to be wife fot;thcir own great good. t y The fiacmad pom the Reptoof, ohferve firft, The onely way to remove Obfervab‘-on, all tmpedimetxts and toppofitéons to the reparation of at ;C“"‘“*“ ‘?b“k' Church andtState , is~Chtii‘t h£s‘itntett;efi“ion with the ‘Eathezr “?e“":”*e"‘?‘ mine the cwtt W» 1 6 t I- 31- ~ ' ‘W F» - wt '» wuvfln buns: 3 - u ; . .1 -«L '*»fl..{. 3 £1n.CiLfxG f.._,../zit-.4’ db .25:/Z25-W us to a v;,3O,3; -54:99! to Ismid the yTc1'npIe_, to fortxfie ferza elem, was that over. :2I1oure- affive fpxrit , whtch move-e1 and {titted up all the malignant Wfiffifi ihfttuments that appeared ageixxfttlaetn : The jews till this tune were never able to overcome their enemies; but behold, f o foon as Chrifl: taketh thetwotlt in honed , 12> {ooh as he .re- buketil and t'dttamet.h Satan the principal} enemy , inconti- nent all the ihferiotzt ihfcrtutzh ents O11tC‘z1ftI'.°-,-Edi theft m alignamt men and women chd fitilanci fuecumb , they were no more a1:1ette*ogtfoub1e Gods peoplteinetheir work, i t y y The opptfi-31's t This isthce ground ofoor hope and comfort, in them‘idPc of zfiégeoléegolgn-.4f0 dnheulttes as this day (3.1)? all fxdts be-fie: us , haw fly;-Q1 Chmho ec:ar_$1on he goetezt bu:.1oed_? when yaelooh to the oppofers, V t A theze ittength 1:3 exeeedmg great, he mtghtty feet-jgm of dgjciared P3£“3';3 a_atg§eat tzttznbcr of e§E‘pi{eopal1 Clergie, and peopie openly yoynmo w1thP:tpifl:s agaitefi: hue, and both zazvowedlv ihpported by Sovereign Authority : .9. zimlttitude df“ t 'S“§$§.§a...£¥».§3.3§3t3PW353s, -Ai’1U‘~%7§?,‘1}y¥‘_€i13S 5 setpatmee others, V p1lflfl€dQl‘hi‘3=}’ :1 eiehzded cot'zic1.ehee , ‘to oppofe with al} their t«*§s§vii1L:Rt.t1eth hell tot1e1t‘,:11'11g.htt, ell folio RefOtril”1atiOfl: hefiée an ' ' ~ the ;?g‘E>re 2‘/3'6 émezmzéle Heizyfi of Gowazmom. A vibe Former i,i a great number in all ranks and efieties , bproiime and ioofe perfons, exceeding UI3VV4iiii§}_.JQ%1;fQ1es, &11d§‘Q.V.€¢ mi‘iiié3i"'rf:i;ii'iix;1:».t1.*:sir:z*it3?it 1&1‘? = th1s.ef%§‘+_10%1 of 1;Lj:-1;";fTY'e€»:IT}i"'vE’~‘Qb:'fiWi.i‘%'t” is alfe fupported wit%1i.thi¢ii¢19We{marge afford : mid , WhiCf1iiiii§ei5379r¢itiwiiailliietizeiniéd= Mai teiiiibletheza all fi:*ih , weihave toido wvith.Primi~ paliiiiiiieéiabdiiPbV§fers,wi1QVaebgi: guiede, with all the craft ami fbrcéitiiey are able, our Ema; zme ad vcrfaries:A‘mi,wbic.b is yet the greatefi {itrength oi:‘ai1,t1fig ger'ieVgL1‘§ vfiiise of theLflmi,w11ieh A provoke the Lord God to be on tbefide bf our e11em1cs_,i‘nen A V 4% .an<:i devils, to firengthen their :m11.ag.aii‘i& us. The fight of Tiiifiiflti‘11"1DU.I.]i'Ci.iH«SOf lmpeciiinebts Woulci iiiii Guy Comfore courage the Bcomfl: iieart, ii’ above .tiiit‘11i’é'ii1i\«*J€' did not fee -‘-*e;=;=”nfi b°‘h°” @L!f11?1€fCiiii'£iii1igi1 Pi‘iLbiZ imrezuing the Father for the rC“‘1‘11iiii~=- ~ on of our fii1s,for the I‘{fi3~!.1i{i1')g of Satcm, with all vebemen- Cy : the fivotir we know the San hzirh with the Father, will make bim obtain v.i1i1isda:iiriee. Smreiy , when thefeare ob- mined, wbrgrn the fins oi" the L:u'1ci are 1‘ernimvd,:md Swan re» iicraiiieei, ail other impediments will {ban be removed : when the foul is feparate frbzn the body, the members 13 nguiih, zzmi cannot morefcizr :. when Chrii} iiarii confbunded Szitsm, meri A bibs i:iikrLii‘i1emt.s vviii quieidy ds ;; if the houfe wherein thoust att locked? be-burnt, how fhallthy lifelb"ehfavled.‘ as An eighth.» From the firlt Reafim the choolfinglof ?£’7"Mfl1[é?fi_Ob'{i?I'V€gf _ ’ That Eleéllotn is a princiallgroundelaf cemfbrtt againhc all 7 ' Satans telntations; True, the diflcerencee his wide betwixt av nationall and pterfzmall Eleéfifon, betwixt the choice of 1?.».=‘":»»,~»:.-- fazma, or anyatoth-er place to be the leatand --habitation of the flhurch ;: and beta.Wi-marble Elefiiont of performs te grace and? -.glc0Iyesl.. This l.mtag»vaot fltaml tohtcleet, .onelyt“ltt~iveto* make; A Em” e {What hath gotten of his {pirit for a real! and fincete beginning. At ‘Refine the /imtzzmwe Hm/9)” Commms. A A but petibnall Bleftiota fure ;; f' that catzdemnethr I: 23* tC!m£j} timt dyed. One of the fweetefi ptivateftuitseof fueh a dayet exetcife, is tea get out c'a1hng,; and sent Eleétion fealed : Vetily , a penitent; foul who ehtoughly hath mottmee! for fin, and fled to Chtift for mercy; of at through Sanétification, and amendment in every thihge,-« which either Within or without hath been amifle: A foul. this Fartre pmceeded in Grace, ufeth to receive the [tamp of: the Spirit; Theinwatd unétion and. witnefle, that they ate». the Sons of G0&, Eleét, and called who {hall be glorified ,:p\0m 3. me after they ha;vefi1Ffet'ed a while, to fetch an entrance uieth to‘. 2. Pet. L It. A be tnitniftted abotmdatltly into the everlafiitagthittgdom of V 7Fre»m the {aft Reafon take but {ome flew brief notetr; ,- T e , 3 % V‘ _ ‘ . \ ,.A.t2 math. §7erz«.efllc=m the Cnutehof Cmd, and jiaflme the chief Member; of ttfi-at the tfime, wetelikea Stieekhalf burnt m the ‘fire of the B.czéy'Zam'fI2 Capttvitie : Out of that fire they were pulledv in Gods mercy, to be twefetved" againft all the malicious kaf--‘ faults of Satan, and his inftmmems. From hence you fee the W be-it beloved people of Ged, by the Devil]. and xvicked 1I1z’:‘I‘I3~ tt1eyt=be brought t€XC€€diDg1OWg and fo 1'!€tZ‘1‘ to utter defttu-» E;t,io.m, as at {tick burningin the fire, is to Afhes: So it was with 11%;»! in Egypt, in Babel, and oft elfewhere. We thetfefere in ear mofl: defpetate cafes, muft not defpait 5 "‘17:5:re‘Exod 3 2,,‘ éttmitzg Eta/25 will war he canfuméal , God hath prormifed to be lfziatz 1*» ’ Mhhwith u5,.in fireand water : One like the Son of man Walk- 93”“ 3' W- etil initthe fiery Yurmtce with the three Children. ‘VVhen to the_teye of thewcatld otttetmdxtion its moit defperate, when fence mahethtua cry out , Z1/Iyflretzgth em’ myhbope ‘.155 perijh.'-wt’ Lam, 3, 18.:'g%§- from the Lord, AT/my /4&Z‘U6‘ wt of my life in the dtmgerm, 42:/edit» efiettetrmpantmettl; yet-f;t1th~‘VV1HqL1iCh1}{COI‘r€(?Cfriflce, and A W e H 2. I make in A C §3l'aL68, I g. Thetemh. Mal. 1 1'9. 8; ‘Hal. 2.2. Is. E‘-lfal 33 4. The eleventh. 9A 'SE?’m‘6W Preached ” C‘ ~ malte us fulojoyri; it is a good fort a ttiari to have hope, anti quietly to Wait for falVat101‘t of the Lord ; and when we-are [yj_y,-g'¢;ma1ag- the Polar, C0 Walt for tllllo, when we M the Wings of the Dam, cam-red Wzthfiltm-,l mad/15;» Featbgrg Withytllawgold. ‘ i C ‘ ~ C - l i ~ » Secondly , Coflfidfif the exceeding great terrour of God; ‘when he is angry, his wrath lnutneth like fire ,-, It maketh the green tree to be l1l.{€ a burnt lhclt, what will it do to the city; It malteth the molt godly to become like ozétattle in tlaa-fmaméig It dryeth up their ltrength like a’Potllteard ; It turneth their maifbzrc into the drazaght of Srxzmrtzer ,‘ knowing the torrent OF: tl1€‘L0rd.lDC perfwaded to make peace with him in time; verb-=~" titre not on his hot difpleafure. The rafting of the forbidden’ Aple will col’: thee wonclerfull dear , Though ( which yet in e the after fin, without madneile cannotlbfle fuppofed) thoui lhould be certain to efcape Hell. Thirdly , The Church here is a Brand pulled out of the ' fire , a fire-brand to burn her enemies to Allies , it is exceed- ing unhappy to he an inllrument otthe Churchee trouble. Though God be angry with his people, and he be very jufi in ~ cafting them in the fiery Furnace of his Wrath, yet woe to all thefe who are Bellows, or Fevvell to that fire, ’who. do: V4 vex the Church in any Way.» Out Prophet Zachary }oh. i a. 3. in histwelfth Chapter fheweth, That to all thefe who hacl‘ \- taken up 7%-rzxfizlem and the people of Goal, to Cali them a-' way from’ their habitation, as a Prone out of a fling. To all thele, I fay, farofizlem became a heavy, and a bttrdenfome ltone, to cut and to crufh them inrpieces, I-let Neiglihotirsl ‘ thought‘ to have fwallowed her down quicl<,anel to have Zth. rt. 2» Etch, t 2.. 6:» C t _ V Ntéat/wzal-:-ynromrx lmiage , when the little llotie did’ fall? i « I “pm; i A come a torch tlrunlt her off as a potion of fweet Wine; hut {lie hecometh to them at Carp af mmétmg, a draught of poyfon, Whitth trxalteth them tremble, Pcagget, and Fall without rifing ; and Which is the Metaphor of our ‘Text , The people of God he..." of fire in at Shmfi’, to aletzamtaz/1 their etxcmirs romeo’? wheat, on the right I51/Z?¢al’t«2}¢&Z'07Z_t;J6’ left; '4 is V i lei Before the t':be7aamnl»Ze afleefirafficazfimanr," ll 45 ii »nponits*feet; was not onelybroken all to pieces, but al-far‘ Dm»2t2"i-n " gmacie like thetzhaff, and was cartyed away fo violently by ii A the winde , that no place was found For any part thereof 2 All the petfecuters of the Saints have mifcarryed for this i caufeg above any other: The greatell: Monarchies and Kiangm ed-otns that have been upon the earth-, are vaniflaedyand no re... W likes of them appear this day. None who are wife will tonchthe people of the Lord, for they are the apple of God: e eye, the hurt whereof he cannot but avenge. It is extreme dangerous to be employed by God hiinfelf in the challtifing of his children 5 For ufnally when the Lord; returneth in mer- cy to embrace his cha(l:ifedchilde, the rods of his anger _., ancl flares of his indignation are caft in the fire, till they be burnt mt. 1(3),?-K§,,' it to afhes. a 1?"? Laitly, confider the mercifull reafoning of the Angel : fa- Thciafia mfelem is a brand well» near confntned in the fire of Gods Wrath, and therefore ought to be pitied, and freed from fitt- ther trouble. Howtextremely contrary is this to Satans 10-. A gick, and his in(’trnments conclufions 3' they adde afiliétioit. to the molt airlifted ; they prefle root}: the godly, when they 1‘-inde them Weakelt, and on the brink of mine 3 wetlhavemtheir language in the 71 P/22.1 1. God /mtbforfpz/age him, perfemte and V re/<2 hire, for there 135 name to clelzeer /aim : It is then when they PM 33% _%_-,g fay , Come, mallet 1214 wt theme of from being 4 N zztiaez , that the mime of Jfiwzel he no more in r:-memimamce. Long fufferitlgs, and extreme nufery are to Satan and wicked men provoca-— tions of further perfeeution ; but to God they be argnrnente of favour and deliverance: Hence it is, that-the godly lay out h before theface of God in their mourning their ltzflferings to the filll, as molt pregnant incitements to coinpaflion ‘ac. Br» /aoldmadfle there he enyflarraw like mate my férrozv rvlaic/J it alone were me , whercnzirh the Lord hast}: efiiitfted W in the idejfhf lmfierce anger ; under the whale laemvm her}: not been drmc M her/a éveeia alone upon flerzzfizlem. The Lord alloweth us to fpread out before him all the matter of’ our prefent grief; and of our I.arn.r,xe§» V t_jt-future fears, herebyzfisit were, to ltir up theycoinpaflionate H 3 t bowells A ll Dang}. Iffiln I ‘£2 )4 Semm pmcw % ~ i:~oWe§.Z;:-3 0? M23 mercy : we weak! be crying to h§‘n1,m40:w1j§£i§=* to puli the tree ofaur Church and Stats: Gut. ofthat fire which ; hath airearciy bumt up very many Eranchss, and is i'§.Ev:..;:1:i beearneflr fiat that burnt {’ci>ck~ , ‘when it is p:.z1L‘d% out ef =t’fi1re flame, that the dews of heaven ,, and the Sun-—fhirm% mi’ divi11efavourA, may Fail (0 pientifuily upon it, that it may giet agai11f%0a::‘£{h, amid’? bring fbrth Fruits better .2mo{ more abouxaxiw ::mtthé*x.“1evr‘:r, and it may become :2 pL;=a’fi"mt and fruitfuil 7 T’%.~.r"im:*, undiE=:‘ whoié fltzaaiow We rmav aii lie dmvm in peacéyerzes» gezayang rim bififfizzgg 0§GcJci,amc§ i3:1gim: with :1 Eoud voym hifi p=.:':»:a.af:3§ fm“ war e.*§<;%~i1':/«:;':':2%n€t: fmm my p%:ei_?!%;im Vi I fag: