ie Mercurfi. 27 Scptembs. E 6 4, 3, ‘M’ ‘r “‘ ,5 I ’z'¢.:;m’o I-‘i.mtl1ony BLn*ge:5 far 3% gwswt fmimeyé J E?" 55$ 25555‘ day Ordareaf 6}? the How,/E3 0}‘ Cam.» c»2v:~;a,:~m.‘ . 1% \ % » ms % Wrfim . ‘1 . WM '53 Hm , w ,».fl, «uh .. WI <~m§4 3, 3%. my 4%-+~""'-. % ‘I “" av W «. ; h g_ 1 T?§’V9¢%Ua‘§'Wflgthm§_ fmii§§;$*g and 934?»! N 2;‘ 2 ram :33» cyxpmx nu, kg? ‘w‘.‘.;w my 523.:-3‘ a*;w= . .,;;,, «mm mm FM? Mmfiig Fermw fimzm Eefiggfi flew; fi€J77""‘ flu few» % which flm112reP4retb1 ~41 5eI”°*'«=?AtA’=W~A was f % “ .--A ‘WI ‘"2; @ M- “fig: v ‘ '1,-. .,,y_»V , ‘ . . ; f 1,, ‘ ‘ , __ ‘L . ‘ -=.- ‘ -» ,-‘ « 1 «'1! V. v" o ‘ .‘ kg ‘ u V ‘ ‘> " N’ 4 ' ‘V ' " ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ~‘ I’ " i‘ ‘M 3 . . . . " ‘ ..\ x W . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ . - a . '- * ‘ N ‘- , .. . A “ u .“ ‘ \ ,3 1 ‘. , ‘ s A A h ‘_ , M ‘ .. ‘. » ‘ ‘ , - " ‘ v ‘ . VV ' .‘ H ' I‘ ' ‘ "~ .~ ‘- ‘ ‘ ‘ « \‘ . A ' ~ ‘ \ ,3 »‘.« V H . % J"‘€M‘ J 6 L “E 01%“ " ‘ ~ ’ . ,» -.‘ ‘--~ w. ‘ cu ‘ M W " ‘ _ v ‘ . ‘ ‘y " - “ ‘ V ‘. : . _,,. .» v - -‘ n x -w - u ., ~ r H ~ . “ Y M. ' “ ‘ ma 4: ‘ .. V _, ‘ . ‘ » W ‘ 1 ‘_ ‘ ‘ .« ‘. ‘ ‘ . “ ~ ‘H. . . x ' as H " ‘ ‘ ‘ _ , _, , A . ,. ‘ . ‘ . , ‘ - ‘ W ‘ \ 1'” .. ,1" ‘u , . , A W . u \‘ 4 ' .. .. w-I ‘ ‘.- L . ‘ ‘ . ..-oi . . " , _ ‘ x. , . .. ,, 4 ~ , Am ‘ ‘_ .. u 4 '_' " ‘ “ , “ ‘Io ‘ r ‘ . "'4 " ‘ \ ‘ 1‘ 3 ¢ '“ n _\ . M, “ ‘. K . ~ in ‘ . ,9. A my Am‘ ‘. .. ‘ ‘ .- o. ‘ . n r x ' I u 0 . ~ 4 ‘ . , V V . If .2; ‘ v ‘ v . ‘A \ ‘ ‘ n ,, 4» ‘ ‘ n u- * 4‘ w . K‘ ‘ “ ‘V ‘ ‘ " ‘ “‘ o v _ an . W“. F” 1 w, ., . “__v ‘ W ‘ . ,.. .‘ . . ‘ L ; g ~ ' . . J ‘ - -» ‘..: ‘ e A " '1! M ‘H W ‘ \ .. 3:‘!-»t I -v 19:3,... W %g .5954? t: ' 3.2“ C ‘ . , .‘. ‘w|‘w.«.vvl"“ .. O .311. .»»..“.u.._. ,% , ‘ V. H ' ‘ " ¢ .. ‘ . ' R ‘ 'A_ " F ‘ “ ‘ N“ w-'' N ~~~ “ W % «A R femaw f. 15 vrzrmz in tI22:_;I’ ropbezx, “fiébfldr ‘?"’4e fame afevze; Wiezg inbe.wi!derm,(}§e'",«r?:rqpm g.J¢:¥?1€ flax a;ftbe£%or4’,»ma£e~bis p,»;sfiraégl2t.«;. .; ~ _ “Will notfbegizjfmy W Sem1%;t;&Asnhat%~cannoz handled righdy,un1 effc %':»‘~%..:;;::; , 1 vltakein Itheforrtier words, ‘Ike éegimnvingafirbv 53W" T: j‘.'?7=‘ «L ‘ G45fp?[qfl9fm.Ckfq’fii 7t$’aa San»? 0_fGi?d4" R71’ 'i*13113h\¢3 ;c<:2'i:ite7m1;:rc:.A of‘tHei?:vvdrds, ylou hévea propofition ;3;§>”“be *con-4» fiI?.me‘d,;~azid 7tbeA%%argu:pen'fi,opnfif1nix3“g,i;r:§‘7jI4ca11‘it‘aiprop0fi~i?i®m B A ‘ “ 110$‘; = 1-;+ 3ters doe Vtheif~B+€5oks _€rv~i€h«1E>me%fiourifl1. or:gau“dy H‘ A “ A‘ V ~ A Sermm Pmzcbed were {Ire A % % [hoe ame ore preface, fueh as that is, rife Revs/Man ef 105%; ” end indoing thus I borrow gold of the Egyp;12n,(.Imean) fetehmy jintererefation-he from a” Pppiefh ‘Cemmehtatoxf, who had muchhleerwi hing, a1§d"m7<3rehmalice ; 22323 that this isfnore pgiobable, cohfider ghee Mahfanet, uie of the word éumfyf-.2.:a;», Gafpcfl,jwh1<§h Eign_1fi€th 1173 the. Scrxg-5 who hath h7mre—fometixhes any joyfizll xmjtter that 19%. puhhfhed, fomeurnes lfl itfxom 0- ea1't'i.m1ar, the I)o&.rine ofChriP: ; gndlaflly, for the preaching of ‘?h"”°~ h ehi_s'_.,“yvhich“his freqfxient ufe of the AWOFC1; andras for the fenié OF taking Eua::Fy€At5?A‘, for the Booke and Hifiory ofthrifi, that is not a_ Bible-fenfe , but an Ecclefiafiicall ;even as Emngelzj? in the Scrip- turedothnot fignifie one that made the Hiflory ofCh1-if’: , as wee call the fours Evangelifiswgbixt oncgwho accompanied theefipoflles in - A preaching ;he,“wC'gé:Q,1,if>fel: efo1thachhGaf;»here as mimh as preaching go and whenii£~¥bIl5VV€tl1,¢43c 9' sfpel of Ic'_/51.51 eCbmfl, he Iefas Chnfi: is not the matt€r_,-but the author; fo that the fexiie is, The beginning of ‘ ChTiGS.'Rf€3Chi1'lg was. as it waseforetold by the Prophets. Thisbe-« ihg explained; you-haveefirfi:~:he,.manner ofproving, which is by 13--. V fiimony , and althoughrhat be the weakefl” eerguznexat in humane: , things,yet«it ishthe firongefi in divine 5 and iecondly , there is the. ” matter or proofe it felfe. :andv1'n the clearing of all this, we might. enter intemtwo di.§?ets§hz;I_s Yindicatin the hmthorfiom Pe¢YV¢1“?- hhtimng-d1:ex1;:aning.ahde1Eope ofepg, as the ‘ewes would perfivadc us 3 2, In anfivering the doubts; a_bout.the. diverfe readings, whether in iéhholgld be t,f«1,eeiiI’xa,9;1'9¢3‘»{§._e§3;>”i' ohély, Which eB::-rm contendsfor es the tme ljeadizhg , faigci 'hthis~ ‘is. made To v_ great a difl3c1iIty b . Ieramég that hé.1hi‘th‘ he $j7Vi31‘Ereeve pa Lidonhfor‘his1.eignor:mce, as;ifcheh~ we came zi’ot+ em fliouid 5:ae;::e‘:hee at zaxeei; you: an would {by I have a Pcone or ferg;2em1~hf"eonti1;dver§ie9,"whet!youwaekté A for the hrea of nouriflarrnent ; ' this therefore take. briefly for the: ®x:P13h&Ei.@fi¢"E;E1?£>ih€@fd& ifl;E1?£fT‘€3fl3*:)W0fi*I}i&lhfi1idh'i11 Efirj 4o‘. ; . (for~ jtaw W fiheeiémt-phrpofe) and a::ehjnoth has be un- g giiehiailw as §hMe:1eWe”wv€@1hl.d hesze ofaxx exhortation W 137.3 I1§13?w€=1*.i makeexeady and iprepagre for their retume ~2’-e" ‘ 0 h m£@Pm‘V15Y?h§hh;h33Q9:€5 "0:Th€f5*..0fi€KY} 3;1.3-Z3. prophefie offahn B.V-4» ture is light ~efi"eEz‘it/e’ as well as fi:rmal¢’rEr,appeates by the addi’tloln,. _gi?w'mg undnjflafidikg to thhjimpla. Befides , to be a lightin it fejlfcg, but I1dt~'q#M'dt#a.r,iS akindof conttadiéficion, feeing théfightlit hath % is. for us. It is tme irrdeecl, "A there his a. two-fold obfeurity , lone Of matter, whzch fometxmes 18 lo ezxcellentand perfect, that our'tin“delb-§ V {landings cannot 1-eachit, and F0 in this fehfeitis {aid , the mtmmfl mat? pcrceigtwetla mt the thing: of god: .-.ILoy¢x3§'1agy;1“p. amturall man, % tmetheet doth aaqwlm mmm“, l‘x:zchVas*7,{§rg;I?atle and Tail} _; but this blame 18 £0 be”.ca‘Pc? upon our ‘u1icierl’ca.nding,l M not the Scripture, for as we fey, So£'¢§i‘mm~ime vifiéilii, “C5” Dem afi maxim: £nt:Il:'g:£vil£.r, the A Sunne is moi’: vihblegmd Godmolt eafie to belmowrlg becaufe the one hath the greatefl motiveloffeeing which is light: ;. and the other A full B-W3, 5%.. A }?ap1iflssf’<'%;5w41y,V,:?:2:c~=.g;r hQ3_.C1‘if poifitfile to {L115}: thelaw, but not to 1m.» » '”6‘erP:-azxd It gforfwhcn we 11 4 coizciude them“, the-h olyficriptures are the holy L M Vwslimbe up?11to;‘r1eavc1z, and know Godsmeanmg ,fi_g£dM.o.35 % ‘,;«m».preacIaed éeférc W %Qffight;Vif0uru11de1:f3ra1iding$ M we;re opened. Th? fécond obfcmity £3.05 the phrafe,and than 12,56‘$C1”3.PU11‘€}?$th1‘!.0fiH?"£h.i33g$£fi.éDtia11 Wt%b3"ah7atib1d,"%2néJ C<§mrho1n1y.’»vlaat is olficurely is cE_«.=:a:<2in.223o:th§€r4 ; W,a*z:;d%" {1;3,1lz1o»t,th airfare i:11d€3I;nE3 A A A C Spirit05~G0dWhicl1 giMVeth’a irgV2nc1% e:»:p’refi7.<;ms unto area be cgfearc‘? See the; rgc: thaj: p1:;£ce,f@mt. 3412,32. TIM I/Verdi! mt [;;.i,2fgg'g'£§f‘}5f§92£!d3V2k1*'7:?cf_,,_.¢3fi5;¢;? :5; 2‘; 4z.ge27mf§%*’9’ W-"3‘»; Oh; my thcgy, this is :9 b‘éu1iderfiood%Lbft1defulfiliimg“<5fthe’Law;nbtvthe I2in.” .:‘Th6 infallibility of it is vvirxaefied ;i1;oi‘@;piac§:;s jW_,1§1M‘eIi€; Woid is%%%wm}m:«%ed%ta Gafdfizwzwimes :g%@fg;§3d_, §1_z;d‘W}_:‘: V&j::e%wiwt.i$ ihééd, 4.Hcm;e;2 med 6:123}: flmll fivonerpajfl away, fljan am? fox; or titile, (41). And 121.44. t/by tcsflimaniexare [wt 3 By all thisit appeareth, that the Word of God as a—fixed~C,anon , it can- n_ot,be.wrcfied_an_d wycr~—draw1f3 , Io as to appro'»*e one thing to day, an”éI"EF1é étfintrary E0 ”ri2”or,*-r’o'w :1: is hellifh bl ¢ A V I1a1tereth,fo mufirh¢.$¢fIPIur¢3!I@Is ,\ $Z?W*¥£#?¢Z2f3§FiP1W¥W?'» Gd .fl1a:11 not befiod um 1§fi?eiz2i=fa32; 1ffy::i;%g%fa;y;."£ha: :hc.Apofi1e PL-m~‘1*;5¢aI{Pt int'efn dég:l; by 7;th ofe»:s=o1‘ds : That is invaria‘rfle.a:1d can- $19’; Jbié a_ vR1,e<-id fl3.§R:;n_4 1-*§?fit:If:f ‘¢‘§’€W",w'Vind.%V.of .i1m:-Iprétation, and bag mHV5f¢7i3§:§u€§;%%S§5ofu$1d §c§}c11é: %\*»ords;:dez2yi’1“gth€ i7ence,;h1éré:- fQi‘<‘»’ hfiih film. Church“ 0f:.(3.O<;1-f3€€I1 conflr 113641? tp ufe11qje:vv?‘n{ords%to Pare He1'etIqu4cS to we ai11‘j”;:gu1m”,:1mm'isy. .1;;me;;;do:hA fWe11%ct>,m 33‘~’l3‘f? H)7¢1?é»7‘53‘7 finiffiiffs the Shfipheérds v'<1yc«:a Awand Jo by that I%d%:i<-ieftli thefihacp imo dc::f*:u¢?ic:1-L: AN9w~<«,4d1i$:i1:.féHibiLi*c:3x ?Qf.f1‘3;<‘5% W¢}fijjSAfQ %g3:<'~:&a‘1:_,,th,é13;”—°ev}1§3i:.,Afo2r,¢,; as .§’wZ a1a;dA”Uz.wig, hagm rations“ might give “them a gene againa‘ii;'as.i£ ’ m.deed%fa“ircT and pi Q A V %t”heir4fp“e§:iaIlcO i?{id.€ P1‘ 0'I$;CAtio13, which were a;,rg,;fib1e,Aytit+d3ey were fa?‘ mely puxaimed by God« .+ «3:.Ir5s g2z¢;s;;g;gz4%in 1fega:dp0f':in': fer down in Qnc p1,ace _ _ afphemy to compare it. zp a Hoff: 0fVV3¥3 and to flay that 11:45 to be Jlltfifprfitfidfimfldflm « gmrcmrcmflgtgw tfgféfllzgi-ashthlfi cfc>nditi(3n_ of the Churc rme. tbatpf Terrxglléagza, A A _ A %1 % ” é,p;12ce,a1:zdpcrfoxasfo§_zbag%1ge¢;.is.. tltg 5?;-!i€_a;1&;g%podCagholr%ae” tha; lgeepg 10% thzs Cagholxlgé rule.Th“eWor& . A A % 4 A 4 was . » counceu ;A y A Hamazzméf/6 Hemfie afCommam. - W A ‘ £W5f;’ was ever 3 ruifisto declare umto the: Churthanv thin hbef-ides; thatevvéi’ A have I‘€C€1V.€d> ”“7.7?“47”‘A1f£’—6’f9”;‘¢&’f#4ffl,‘[i&'i4£f,fi}5t?é‘qfi.$ lice£§'mV‘}«ec. Ly’. Hem:eA in the Old Ieflaznenet ,_ Efgy 3». 250;. A—Ta,st/_a¢-;L.«;m2 m1;:g W96’ 7c»fl:'mmy _.; ‘if,z:hey‘1j5eaE; ehi:s;,; iris bee-aufe ghereé is no light in themA : Hence 31123 the good»AKir:gs Heeekgab 313:3 1'6»-4- fa’/3 W61? guided by £hi8hpi1.¥a.r offire when‘: they fetfupon Refoxma-=— t~iOn-AV -A IEAWES 81 H116 in the New Teflamezwt :, therefore our Saviour Of‘tC1'1JA~»,hA I535 26M._‘I:zTaw Armdqfl I/sou 5’ avid érawvvislhise wrz'rtm ?. "V Pm! whexa. he would vreforrnee the 'abu1’eshhcrept- hi the Church?- Aeof Carmtér aboutdthe Sacrament, gcpeph to the firi} inflinution, and! A as it was deliveredfirom Chrifi ; And if ew.ee4Acon17u1-t With theAFaA-A-~ A .thers, we {hall finds that; this ScriptureA was tghe» brook, 0utA»0f‘.\»V11ich»e.A 4 they gathered chofe Pcones which they 'flung in the ferehead ofthofe e Galz;z:E.v th at opprefled thf: truth 3? " T herefwas never any errour, A 2 it went up and down,1ike Cain, from one place tohanotlaer, fearing M1 river)’ Place Of 3C17iPCuA1‘€AIh3t met in, .wo’u1d 1Arma11A1f21acc»9s ashthe 5AvnAi:1 the 5Im3-1I1€I11i3 elighrforethe Wh91eWAW0r'1_d;j not for thig Ki;3gdon_ne;only, or that, but ripis for N3“ t;;i,o11s, 3 {bf is Gods MS/Vord a rule to c%_zgl.znd,to scogzmd, to Rama, toy? (- all where i1:.i.s‘p1jomplged. A La13c1y,;Aih:h_is ulmaiyerfall V to alAljperIbns,.for A aise the Piélmifi 1'aAi;hQfthe._ ;S1g1411qeg.:_;t{2er4f{;hjf{¢mtlaing fraifibihe /am t»§:rAeof _-,A {o no perfo1*1eo1'p;_e;gi§:11s are Ohliga--~ A mien ofmhe Word 3» there iS‘flO11CA«T.Q€§ greé have his faith anal life. A connjofled by : . M it 2'; afléiltwtg make’ :19: mm affiad to fife wz£an,;1 e'Tz'm.M ;. 17. And not oricly a Minifler, but “an whole, fl Wa,IhiSfiS“& rule thatbjndsKings%ean:1 Parliaments, We mufi allfiobp t~oehis.Wo;Id;. .» w M ‘ e A A A A A 4,; In is1m:v:/We .-A When we eya rule is indivifi ’ Ifigthe niehaf-~« ning i3: ‘that A110t§1ing may be added to hit; or .detrarS’ced from it, and this the Scripxgre jn -the clofe ofalb A2 2, chaflengeth to;it‘.fe1f;A; h.ow great a bre-,a:ch of ghis igruth hari14.hee11I;1a;;§ie whey: ghe %Apo<:ry- - phai; flock *,.,;a1ad many ozhere ;ra.«t¥iAtii*fB..e1igi011,nuaimtbis t‘ny~_Compa{fe t0faiieby,W hat; fay 4 , Pi_,rPc,I‘he Word of God is the ciriélyiinzlei In Popgry Lhe~yfh7arer \iYEt%m&.‘GQd'in evexjy thing ; to grace they joyne. fiecwfllii, to Chrifis ~ m€¥i1i5:i;¥h@iriiQWi.W:::iQ God:.A, H615“ and‘ Saints; to the S33F~1:Ptl11'¢;ifi1I" others,a11d:what%isrghecuffome ;;but, What féith Gods Ward? Are : $30!: p0i_iAtiqu.€ gzonfi deratioins 2. ruietognfany ‘Ir’ is not cuflomg amle‘ 1:63) i» many ?iI/A tiéiflragmm mrarz3s.1mm.cmi, gm}: Mi rfififitt 3’ WW 30 ¢5¢«‘¢ a 5 * “* .t£7{¢z¢;raT7€¢§i¢I{‘0f€£&3'}L£?i5¢£*,wJ?§?/9QI.i¢‘ ;;zé_le tamcfifltbw ? mci'y"e1;h e/§L#f1’i¥6 IE is ‘ I mgifthis be received, «herci~m11appAeaiircimzac1; meaty, much fingu}a- V 4 i i I _ "”51£)’a'» V fly‘. .3 0'}. 5 4 ‘ ’ xffirmam Prmcbefd éefvffi +158 A my, hcrézhufi be loud ctb foraRef'onnation,which the world doth Mfg much oppugne ; The ‘world’ is ndt able to beam: this exhortav t1c»n,Lw‘ txéaiword Gad mleyow ,[c£ the zrf~ azrd afghd rcfégvrévmgraza. % 2. ‘When we fayirsamle, it mufi be extended to that and for which itisa rule; foras the Scripture is not a rule to Phyficians or Mathematicians in their props: arts ,* [0 H5153? &0‘ih 1? PamC‘113~r1Y tendto _this-,0}: ma; ixzcfifiduali a&E‘cion,for all cflhntials it 13 a rule ; and ;a ge1aera11“ru1Ve-fbrtirtumPrantia1s.V Nor! doth“ ”thi$':d€tr3¢9c. fit;-m the "nu ' tperieflicn ofcbe %scEip;qre,4:hat it doth? mt c;o£fim;$nd4eV€ry' %circum-J % A £%ance,Bec;au1'eith~ena thingfisimperfé<€’;,when it vvamsfome? iperféa»; don that isdue to it; It i§I10t an im’per{'e&icj>x;i in the body ,1that its not every where, becaufé :hiéii§'hot requificeto this-body, ‘lib neither 1: 1: to be~eXpe&_€:d fidm the Scfiptfirég thatélIc1:.‘c'ur%hPta11.£1a_1s« mufi: , , eunde: the name ofc%ircumr+iaz:'ee~*s% {he dbth not:7*bri;11g ii: W®r{hi‘p,Which" har‘h been'e%ah'vay1es»;:hie Vfubdlnyof Satan. %% -Thus A1tar—wor{hip,”and‘ Image-w'dffhip‘w*eré iI;i3a§CI°c7V’7b‘::z¢t= bircumfifinces % inf maps Vbookes by diriiixcifiiotm théir p:EaT&jiffje fasVAzfifi.1c;h-as Gods ‘ovvijz'e_ A—inPgi.tuted’ W Offil 1p; Be ii2reV to gifié éfi’dught0'Vth€' SCr1pt1_1rC.‘«§ ' "JcMééofZe.9f«z2fldi-' mm Scriprzms, I aglorg the Scriptures fuix;cffe,faxth Tm‘. As Ba:’mwmta fiicgifhc wetg to értahe would rmaér erré in gi_vj7n?g‘4tom12gfitp -grace phen:.«csit-ac:-w%:i11*eg;gA43;a dc)‘-3?~’t§"f>.2:,i"i;1”*?g~i?1s‘«*"z‘iig%tb,0 4 "th:‘éf scri.p:u‘re, 1rach_c r‘th@ii£O?1§:t€*I §rhifls, L ¢et”a man ‘b§_1dckfi i¢n_a4 H-"L1‘V(ii,V3 !»"9j%itVh aé Bib1e,»v?h’at~g vii_il1ih‘c ‘get flu": ,? if . he ca1*:not5I‘éade.? as Ef becaufcwwkr fay+‘i!r§ 2 rule, theirefore é7«tfierAn11'n!‘i-=4 Vfl'er§31l‘h€1pcS wer‘enC::‘alfo necefihry. The PaPcorsan’d Teachers havg: indeed a fig}: 2:, yet as God when he crfiated the We:$rId;WC0fl‘v'€)‘€d thexvhole ‘light; of zhewor1dvin'to"j;he hodybfphé S%7;71r;ne,V 150 that -though the ‘Moose i:mrer- V " ‘ v V - v- This rule doth exrehdfirfhroernatterhs offaitlw. _ A found fart}: rs the fouie ofRe.hgion,its1ike the Surme m the fir» mag:r1e11t,e1ike,tI1e eyem the »body;g11_ad c0n1rnAon1y‘rrér’ mazz'e trait-W» 1z‘é2imecéemee2z*v£rrrr, Anifl faith and ill life gee together : ‘ [I-Ieme. Hjmmve-ea: and ‘.7’/sailcrmgawzs theyrhadejfl1ipwracke’ot'rheir faith , V150 ‘ rhe3rrdid,aIib«ofa good coxnfcience ,r .1 Tim. A 2. 71% 7. There 15 no hu11f- A ding ofanyeonfefiions of faith, but the rnahterials muff; he “ferchtv Afram thiS«mOu11tai-Up Errour azzdflerefie I'1ave l‘10¥{uCh- en'e1'ny::r$ the Striptur<~:- J'1°h€h01y Fathers VV@r€*Af‘Crupli10uSiiliifihg the Wohrd‘%‘h a,,¢.,:;m;ar1dr Trigzzky , and all bebaufefrhey vver-e*11ote?Se1'ipture_ ‘Words 3; Heengcefleretiqufis 3%‘ ificafege Scr§, Owles that’ca1111otein-~h‘ dare the1_ighr:there:fbre Linda» the Papifi was not afharned to fay, flfhar étlaazdéeeme éetterfar 2*/we ‘,C£2:mvh- {fbéene ‘land 59:12 M ‘Scriptmw h e hr affiérgr 0221:}? Trzditiqfiig New the “Sr:ri‘pti:z«re beingrth”egrdu1;d,féirh;. though we be never £0 orthodox,yet nfiit be not hecauie ofscripture, e irtsjbtit ah humane f'a1rhw As Amenrmay’h‘ave anhumane repehrance (when their hearts are rr0z._1b1éd)meer1yrupo11 humane ce-nfideratiom W51i:ChiS;f‘arhre horn -godly iorrow : S‘oihe1*nay hare an hu:1ha1_1ef'aithy* meerly Ahecaufeivo: ~eech;cat1o11rA;a11d yhuhmalje cAuPc0me,hr1d all this eorpeseférre fhort of divine faith. 4 A 4 y re A AA hsecondly, to worffhrp and diieiplihe; "An 0-rthofiox Chmh w"i;:h-;- ' QutgoQd,dfl;ip1J:1‘l€ andpureeworfliipg; islikeafield of Come wirl «-~ our hedgehewhat ~a comelyhChureh fliouldrvve have 515 scrAip:u"r*e or» derswerelpokr too? ,Inworfl1ip,A all that ifi done Without Goa; Word, is doing we know not whaglabn 4.22‘. 2"owA1varj79{'p}du gnaw rrot.wbat;.AI1d by what g1'OI11'€)Z\ receive ‘one voluntary worfhip, they mighrreeerve mrore." The" I?c>pe:cahee_re»iE>1\zed rthar"hewithhl1is M‘ v \ , 3; F WW .w.'A~u.-M Ca1‘di1;_3}Sr_*Afl1O£11dl aita ie;tet.imerihde~m3. .MTes;pére}yA»~tofl7e»v their h£tA%§ milky). a1id;P;%‘rtly to imiraneAChrifis5riding on ‘an»-P£iTe‘to ‘Ie”ru£é1erh*;A But the Cardinals rehmledrr as too abfurd , yet they might on the no igrxue ground have received th at as 3 cuhi?tomre,r as all their other rah- A hie Of',Wor{hip.' So f0rdi1E:iphn‘eAand order , A ,.:-2 ‘prophane man flnouldhe as;Arareeei11AtAthe Churchgas hlhazingflarrer {fan} gm 5: me r1dozm;~,‘z rmiler, am mrra mzrwir/2; fircb mama, I Car. 5 . 1% I .. hare‘; ..r;z§:,ame, er A ;§§fi~A;a’:cs)ro,~§<¢€pPa:1iamenr:;arn~z;:ed;,;e;s ;; br 3% cendcrgzboutrscripw é M 4 V :1“.-.::1=—_:, _,»/"Va % f fl ;§'amz.9n% Pr5m‘Z:’:‘0.7§£fi»*ret[58 A a%géi%1'73e_V, a§‘1:m;v W#~i@' d{fi2rz;!m§(, iv-it/Edi-'°:zw framfiath am “am. 71 3mbw' d~if¥are:1§Vjudgements improve thefe places so d1fFex'ent opmxons, but I ~p1'efl7e that wIfzi.cha11 agree 4313; I acknawledge that A go verxzoum a%;*<:jV ~ more Lobe incouraged in tins work, becaufc the 1gnor.mcea11d pro-~ phanemefié ofpeopIeCam3otQiz1dzi1'e to fee a brazen fizrpsnt broken d?owz;v:.$ You warthy PaI;‘:'.‘§0tS,, you have mfdeavoured to bury Mafis his Eodyflefi it{hou1ciwo1'fl;ipped;aI;dhow kioth the Devil! wfih-1 Stand you A A‘ T1m*diy,‘%to om: outward coxaverfiztioxzg Pfkl. 1 E} t/ham t('9y JG?» ' Ar.-,wm‘.v fommrmd 3 The Scripture is the Antidote agaiz-JP: flame, Pfkl, 2 1 9.9. A young man may deanliz his wayes by them : in the former a Ki-figs in 1:1; e,latter_a young;man.V Where there are the greau rel} tempm;_ti011Ls5Laevemzhere Gads Word v.lvi11 prevent. Now this ufe offthe Sc:i%pt1!m::A menace“ not confider , they not have any ‘ogher Faith,f::he11A the Sgripture propoundmret they dare live another 1i£‘e,% 1?’arénVi5cr:pmr-manfiwt%tegpndagéd miwmdm As therefore ‘you beleeye as it 1.9 wyrmzen», fcnhve and fears and herefie P .: ” : ~Fou:th1y,totf%1e hvear,tandconfE:ience ofma1i:andhcrei_n it diffem . fiom4a11'oth§r~ Rug1€5%11d.L‘3W§$a.:, Ltfiey bind ‘omaly rhe.outward:;nan, but “W-'16;maheartand=wmI&zencc,tEaw-71 ‘fig i**J”5}5i~ % rimallfit dcth comiincg eivfensa Teh‘E‘:~adIIiiring Phafiiiee ; when this Suxme--light £bi13ed1,itdifcovereth all the hidden thoughts of the Etjeamall ch-ofe moates, that =o1:herw iii: would not be feene , £2) LVHe£«, 4.. 1 2. Irm t;va.e4’g¢4’fivord,¢a_. The czloquence and “wit of mem dgph pa: awe and wter:ifieth%e% ao1*1fcfex2ce,but.:he Word 056061 doth, xhat makes the héflrt; C£f}7*2€?ut, axn'overcome God makga‘ ufe ofhumyanfl eIoq~u_e1::ce, a”“m’z't Pmum pifiazoram, dvdi: £*§‘ C;»prz'm;«m Rberomm-;\bz:;‘r¢aI1%m*u£’t be fubordifiazge to the V} Ward :4 figs Godjsrhe ;F,a«3:hcr..ofijiairitgfo the fWo'1:d~ is we; word no? fE5ifi1§35.‘“’¥f¢h§WQ1‘f1gQ;1}f0l:tfiCh0i‘£gh ‘all the xvorfmlrbre?aréh,*the'h{:art M Hp; .21? 7ft°;1f»..€;r3I1d iO71f'thaf Arhreafcmas, me heart ms; d1fCOfl~.“~ bc arer.h Of? A!» 0f*‘?—:X.h<51‘Eati‘O335 CO,f'3t upthis rule. A ~*:'~”’ "*’14'*‘* f 5730??! «ff g06i,'fl’1?’¢l/t#;f£;)';';?fi£, {anew that in-37ouz'%%reforf1m~:- % $,ic V3I15_»: as ¥..h¢A‘7Wifemea did ;I:he;Pre1r1:e : yw. aArr3ficarc<:fi::ii :(a%sI. Ma?~ % joy «as it iSWI‘itt€*n: % A c;~;*;3fi% thoui %pro§/eA%._% t;byA.4%-dmnkennefle :lawfi:x11 , more than thy Jovercomew. its tmie ;,- r A }’~:§a2reze'$";r./fife Hezrfi 0_fCa1¢>zm:mg_e, A ‘\ mrerprivi1;ed'ges,_rhis isyour fpirihtuai flfarézrm c2:wm :V,?The:: Wm God fee you up m the cqmereraces or men, wher:'rheyfl1a§Hee then; you are asferreufl ye hem to };eep»G0.a-hrrghrt 2.3 year‘ owh. Efiry 1:4. I I ‘rg‘:er£i::a5e£r£ Bearer pwple .exg}.¢rzirr af :33;-W Geri? Herrera: Nation feehs em the arnhirious frorn his great ones, the Papifc fiom the Popes c:har‘rehrj;andfba11not w'eh:orr1' God? It was a complamt ofan A»- wa.-xggmzra his Ep-We to Crzlwlw ; (we hoperhrough rhehlefhng hf‘ , ’G0d~’5rh5iS’m Parlianieht will take 312.. away ) he this man writing out of Ewgldard to Calwie concerning the di{or'ders in our rDifcip}ine and ‘Church way, fiairh, “" We goe to the Nobiies and great men to rev: r“rdrefi."e rhis ahuiéz, they ray Ezhe Bifihops rr:u£’r look to it 3 when we <°goe ro".rhe‘Bi{ho*ps, ‘they: anfwer, they canrzor doe any thing unleflie flrhere r"were:apuhIi1r1 V30‘? the Eeaimef for it :'y Bur: 43 when that publike Senate is‘csi1ed, there are fo rnahy .civi11hu§— 1 4‘ fierzeflhs to: bee hand1ed,"rhat; the caufe of Chrifc is alwayes neg» 4". lefied. Therefore we rher.MiniPters of Gods Worchare like flrbir hE.¢}7t{'/?,4 iveice‘ crying Lou tr :0? you, am-9-pmye “#3: Way’ faeyehhsrha Lard; r and hrharfby his Word. Irwes rhid “bf the geople ref w,Ifi'ae1;,;; That there W as an ounce or that calfer they ma er in: every puniflrrnenr that fell them. And may arorfive 12137, rhat the general} neg- KecSi:.Qfi1'eip1ihe hath had a great {hare in all our firmer and pmaiihw mem;sh?r 0 yee Ihlefled Fathers, who were“ efraied era; ufe rtheeworrd Tr'3nity_.e, and t1ri’e"‘r1“iI«;e, becaufe it »va§_ not in" Sc1*iprrz1fer~how rqaulfi you‘ e1ie;’,Pcil1 in your graves fc:}r there wares‘ pair, and not rather haum: rusas ghoPcs,who had fa znnchfoifdoéicrizre and QfVVO1‘fl1;lp-that had-no Scripture forthem! ' Ti’ « _ A re ; r V r! W jNo_wrhere;are“orher"rules fer; up hymen. ‘W _ err Amiquiry: This is theGorg<:an§ head that a}1fuperfl:iri<_>tzs _ men held up, thinking :0 filence all menimmediately , whereas mm M deed-rihey dealehas the Gihemfires did, who came wirrh‘theri:mouldyi A bread"a12d old fhooes which they had newly got, as i.fthey heard-err joycd thn;. For fuch as , -thoje rule:9;ate,;i’i,1ch will he be : The -Seripturese ate calied holygzot t eheiy hetaufeth,emah’tter-effihexn‘ its ‘htfly; and the ‘eflficilem; Azithor of‘ them. ..‘ ) % Hanauméfc Hmfe of C .m:smm3'.‘ - them boiy , Eat becaufe the and and efi"e& of them is to m§1~;é y o H o . *- 11_5 h0{Y5 They W111 not onely make oswchodoxzmudgmexzt, but {fight _1n afi'e..§no_ns and Acomerfauons aflfo ,-, Hence 3: as that t.hem 13 as 1113316 holmefle m the 11:68 of the PE;p%3*Afls,A&s_‘the1*e is i'o:1:.x1c§W_ A 1 faith in their judgements: and how can it be ozheiwife, fécing the Church of Rama hath dealt with the people of God, asif‘ it man woui1d.commir a Ship into. the Sea without Piioc, Compaife, 0? 53i1€S»andA2f'o1.'ent-areitintotheozcean?Andthis S,<:ripu,1reho1iA~ ‘ ne':fl”e doth as titre furpaflh ?chat"%whichP£0p1eAca1l piety , as the Sun doth thfi glow-worrne. ’ A A ~ 3 3- Thiswifl Erirzg peace andfecur'it~ym him, and to the Kingdoms‘: that retceivesit: A: mm} as wail/gmfcordimg ta tézlr rule, pemm mam t/56?”: Gal. 6. 16. I.gmrax1t a>nd;p.rophax::e people cry out ,1r.i5t=h3..s% crying for Scripmre ii:>.T1*r2.zu<~.:i:z,,;t:bat makes‘ all. this trouble ; but ,f.‘:€ the contrary; :2. ['hrom5.g5.%,W:6mt1aerewM\:m ta;:zc}2£ng‘2"ri:s‘?, mpr the V Law mt!,'tlJm slam» my trméle £0 biné .3194‘: went in «and went wt: Agam, 2 flilzran. :_7.9.; m. what: Iehoflmplmt Refonned according; \ to God, than all Wa=S«1qui€t;,d_MdfiM‘T§ fx.“1l%upo%mm4'l.tlJe: Natéamx ream A wzéarnft; V The bring,i:1gi2a%ofGo:ds Word, sand 3.“S.CI‘1PCL1i’€.R€.1COl'IIJa9- c. H. «K tiony is like the bringing in pfthc Axzkto 0ée~diiE;:'om: lioufe, it car-— ‘ rimmuch bleflingwirhit. %. . ¢ “ A 4-. This Scrifipwzre mam Willbee accoumefl nice and fixupulousn If you regard hisc0ni?:-ience, whiqh att€{11d$'“GOd$ Word only, it mufi needs be nice and iixupulous in the Worlds account ,; Than as they wmdcrjw rmme mat ima time fame c.x‘mj]}.of riat“ with tlzwm _, . fo alib. that you cannot ufe all gfuch Worfhirpand receive” allfuch Tra-% - ditions as they doe :4 A t€£’1dEr;confii:tt1tiO.11 f¢€1fi:s\t11evieafi‘b1ai¥ of ” ?w~mg5 fo.31";iToAc1oxhA3 ce;]1der%heart ; Leak upon the Carriage 05011: Sa-A» viours not wafhing his hands, icwas but a civil}. thing, he knew how . fi1P€:fl*itiQ»ufly fearefixll 3 I9 agaixnehszerwiil bax2c:fan.ho1yfr;=ar<: of %cc;~nicience , where: others are defperately M boid 3 never thcln let % Reformers Pfarrie at this, to Ibee thoL1ght more fififl than \ A 5uHe‘wi11bc§udgéd fiiznguiar from O3Z1‘i£':‘:1'S:i'I‘}.'1..;‘SA‘E"t'1’}.§°:1;’L'l from the 0» A :’he1f7; for fa:-*eia::g his confizietacg is {:9 tender, thence am» his life will bets: ? 5tifa g%reeixag to «£16 mofi, .:~m1':c%"ApQfl£cs m1¢,Ro+m. 5 2 0:2 .Nar‘tafafl9z'w:a= “M " mush mhe negle& of this W ould prejudice him _«. and)A’etVhcwould1ao%t v doe it. _ For as he will whgve a Jlibewrtv of coinfcmzcc whc-are fame are A ,;-1',» W3” . 0 I've: may éw acqxaimcd 2222':/9 it, {M U: ., my:-m:w :%“.._ Eaeavénly “eye cazA1di1"cerhe an ;é.pr.oph2me Tipxrztzn %zm'.m, who findmrx -;O.d€S ;, /fwfi ~ A "Sermon Predcked »«56g/0V6 A 1‘ I36 e$wF_{E~[e«e: arrardiag to“ 2122;: 12297251 ; and lb 343:. I .‘37§ P519’? Raiigiofi £3 ta kggp awrfilvéx :¢.j:fi2;2rte2ifiam {I}; wqrld : it is [me On th€0rh€ri"3'(*§e, if M '3; ~there beemy irregu1arity,itism nzhcmofl mien §>frh_e W’Or1d‘th€£_tthey. — .%,e<.;~.mforn1eM-not unto the Word of God which is the R116: ‘A5015’. A as in .a pafhzre where a flock -offl1eepis~,$if’aIlbut t\}vo or three break the hedgesamd rumaa Mime the godly doe as_theyfh0u1d doe ; the high-wayes,wh0 are W9.nd1erers P: th€~mVuititud€A”? 110; fh7Of6A two afthree that abide ihtiaepafiures. ‘ % 7 A _A q AA W A 6. I t will make him*be_;:ome hatcdw and abhorredvoi’ all; Tm ,6;’<;z!! «Eve /Mimi of at‘? mm fly‘ my Mme: f2zl(.e4V: HcnceVthe¢P_apiPcs, Tbs-flcaufe We would have all decided by €cfiptu1'e,they call" us 5'c?’_z}?tz¢.(zrz°o:,‘a11d mramentrariax Tlaeaiagas , Inky Divines ; ax1d='to» be a‘Bib3eAbeariz1gA ‘P uritan was matter of’ fcof’fe: How ’v{ro’u1d"the firé oféhyfaflm have kilndied againfi" z:heféAwrerches;Lvvho upon that pirate; Let t/aemraé’ % : qfgad dIVtl[p1c'fiI{f#[1]ih]0fl,63?f. 3 . I 6. cryeth out, cigéausg 5; g,,.,.m;3 “Hearken all you tra<,iefinen,.. get: Bibles; this undoethwyou, ‘that, you think it Vbelongsonely to lame 1peciaIl' mew-n to read thefiscripture «: And how canit be but that the wommufl theme‘: A this :“1eeing”‘thereA :isi.{'uch a. ‘comrariery. mtwee~zAa a Scripture‘ 1iéi:,‘anAd the l_ifE=: of‘ V icamafl men ? A Scripture convrerfiatiomarid a“Scripture reformation . V canbe no moreindured by the world t:hen«Daw'd byi5’.zul_, ‘»%4becaufc theA“pu1iinAg down»mffwne;»is»:the*c1‘Fabiifir1*fi1gzoifizzhé tiwtrher i”=Scmpa;_~ V n{z?e:»:2z i7wz'rti¢3 forrkfidolafa cflg ’1m m;¢fi:3*érert$ae%%ms‘@: l;;i?‘7z‘—t}Jm*7nrar:r: V Jr;/fifrazéd. % A « ** 4 A IV 5 x B ut how may weget gqod by this Efiie P. T 3: ‘Wee Arnufi be frcquemj iniit: feéfhatiAGa1.”‘3;_AL€’i2¢ V’ yam, Ayciu muff %lmo'vv>i::, anwbee“fa~z11i1ia1i‘ with’ it as yourlown Eaouiés : and zjbhz plaxtgfixlgz, that is,both 'forA‘the% objcék and fixbjefig the oé/eff, not this or "t:h2.At parcellwpif thefl‘Wbrd (if God, bi1t¢tl'2c: xx,/i1ol<2 Scripture; and rhezi for th efm'5je&,in sill. A the parts tbftlie foul, the unde.rBar:di11g,thé wiflgaxzd the afi°e;é%‘io11Sv;iimu£’c befiike eflmwrf »0y1eru12ning down from the heaéi to the feet hé.1*2z:e' Go‘r3 Xzvaasid 334'Ua'"tl3¢e' K1ng%F.»z7mfalfc faA%w‘ri:cf”I9'i: ward: wiré bi: mm Imfiyd , tifmt ma’ rzglé accardi:z‘gzy,Dr¢zt%. I 7. = Only a rituafl m_'1d«:‘1‘flazf2dimg and 31*: cxcellmty in the Scriptuxje ;, it argued iéid there wés more in one of than 211 Davzds Pfsimeswg Em Dmiza’-praym. A A V gkay 3 Pray for underflandizug Hmzmmé/e Haztfe-af Caztzmatztft that GM wowd apex: 19:4} gist, may bee might fitetiie tvenderfefl thingy in §0d-4' lam’-» AH truth: is fiveet,"but the S.cripture‘truth~ above all; men may reade the Scripture, W rite Comments on it, ‘fifimii ma-mew imrtfiziges, ma’/’:7 prim ‘pflfllaf jfrzrimm éméiézris, unleife (‘zed give thee the heaveniy {pit-it of Pm! , thou wilt never mm detfiaxad the he:-zvenly meaming of Patel. A L . A 3 Be humble and meek, fubmittitag to the fimplicity coetaitzeti therein; :3‘ be kemzéle /see ‘MI! rem-in bx: may. It is a great matter te ftoop to the Scripture ; A54/£5» complaineth of this , that liremrxmt. A zfypbo rm:et'a’:¢s, fizvelling with pride of humane leartaing, hee did jtrefine the fimplicity or’ Scriptures :Bmdwm'e=lz7:¢e {peaking ofhitrt-; feife;Abeforet he felt the powerof" gtaee upon his heartflaith that hee was much ofl°<-znded, when hee heard Ptwleread in the Chutchfl hem» eaufe hee had 1 not meta;/ijfimm éegemimfix .~ Thus proud meta tam dome ever come to know the truth, God hideth thefe things from. the pmdentand wife of theworld-. ~ A A ‘ « 4 Get love IZOGOCIS truth ; A And this is the-reafotx ofall Ah.» ti-chrifis errours ) and beleeving fueh lies as they doe», hecaufe theytreeeive not Gods Word in the love of it 3 They loathed this LFE/fpztemtw, and therefore God makes a famine among them ; mad tht.1.'C is no more terrible progttofiique of Gods deliveritag up he peop.‘e-to hlitadneffe and hardtteife, then their tejefiing of 4 the" 'Word. Take we heedthen how we reje&;God ref’2:>rmi‘hg, f‘ 1ePn oiiciflz. I A ; "A A 1 ' ‘ A ‘ 2;‘ ;Cat«5d:"1i2ing ;"Tiais Wauici (.‘:0f:.g«i‘-;~Qd«AE0th“ tqM5nifieram&‘p;;>Qa “f§.“~.3eN 21116" Aminiiiery in me ‘:51:FcpL.:¢r::; AA=MAcm0ra‘ fl‘:agAx: :.wi:;id=:. C§:¢'mm1:zmre3at€sofléis Maiier ¢;:'@» ::«%aez.«a,, that whenhc maéwveg / , x diveL*s AL;tho1's,AAAamd de\‘0ur€dmanyAVo!1zmcs, he i7et».hii111é:-fife m fl §;~rovAe theCatechiiiica13_poi1ats' of Divinity by Scriptmc 5 am€_2?fi fl he ibund hi‘%m1E1fe%%%i:n a rzcw worid,Ahe wasxnm able to Md»o"‘e:2z:., As ib}: %y (MM izv2i1'ic%r,fo,m%uch'more for thcpcoplc-Vx~ ho «.~vm g,;':m us:m»;«.wacp ~ 7 .;rim¢s% of teams for the ..gc1:2erafl Aggnoz-21écc.:in ;ai1% Par31hes;Aar.d% ” C(>.ngrc§g:2ti<.21:ss ‘P £’:A£!armA:‘m~ fiizh that faith may be; Adefinadabztter by ig11or:a23Cc‘,f then knowledge ;_This is amt, tbat.the. faith «of me , mrrgznonrpemplc {£::zch:asA1t 1s)»may bee:£E)‘cis:;*Eam:;i :_z Heéfp aim? ;x_§:Ae; ;Ch;ur<:hAAof God, 0 you Wbtthits in {him :*Inc0uz'ag§x3g Ic&1‘ni1:*g, mad the 1-:novvIedge of'A.z:E1e nomgmesgi- fbr howfover.zganfla tions mayA~ba,igoad, yea; A in. regaxd Tgf the ampkmig A V4 ofitheA0rigi+na§1,‘Iwc:mayAi'é.yA'as%AAthe e-;'Iaae£mAmA so1z=mm,tim A whi£h~flm':*e heartiwatfi izbthixigvro -rhcgI’ogy:.fl:Ae.41Iaw..A, Then camtc =53: grrourAancZ%1igp&e;£{%iA_ri0g}, w'hmi—mva»s&Hercfie , or at, ieafi fu:p§:i01:« .501? A 5¥aI0’=?U$1d€1‘fi8nd %G1‘€€kT~8£_dlA%H€br€W.e A ADi\,’1".m; Aougi1tA.tobEe%Athat which was fiidof 1'V¢2’z¢:flmm¢m¢ , g3g,.£m»»» . :01‘: Diviniry¢;_ A % % «-2?-_A £aamag_;ém,¢ 3} Aam%; Qcgeany A 7V..5i=74B_§¢. %COI5fla:>;11B~vV ‘t0%A t%:}1eATefiimbny its fe1Fé,,‘1’ra;wm:°yw Ar..5;a;w;gy ~ fifl/M‘ 50% 69¢. Awhich dnth A=con~:Vai12e.*the efikfi mffa/m-;AV.Mini1‘%eryg 1 Li «as%Aa1f0 theVdu~ty ofhis he-ax‘e1‘s,%wh0were.fallen i12toAa»~cQrmpt‘ALime, ,.“.;;;;;,,_%%Efwhen thefl-13%;" ?W*"i’%$C§=fi12ed4up all the Web‘ti3¢Eharifi:eAs8¢iIScrib%c:s A Cfirnlxigtedthe W'ord;%0f5.God.byfa1fc inn-3rprerario11s‘A: "The Avvmd M W“ °’5¢W‘*W»%’59 W51 Frfiwmeewd é-.=-w,{m,,vr:;{:7:r'e)=mare taken from the A ~cufi:cn*:€ 01’g‘r6atAOAI:€:s-;A* ‘»~w&hoA ufcAtoAha«ve 'W’AE3yf:3f3a’(fg:_{bA[.than‘; 0: as .{3th€f§=a %-MEGAN «gram:~Cc=n2.mamder$..were.%to% lead an Army; they ,‘;.;Ai€.1.”4'tb€ibl‘fi?:'Vfi30'%'EI€, cailcci 24m,-,w’,A that did%ccy‘rpIanAazc .. A 313,3‘m9~3'~9;@V7fi31*F3'T€ ‘W33’; a13d*d?;@'.%%H€4br€\‘¢. Word is A€mpha%ticai1»; ’ ‘?‘rh%-WE 53g‘A§I*“::fi€1%h¢AA£ifzcI2% 3 zi<;“m°:>‘va11of§3,i3,of§"ma.£3a:q:%thix§gs_, 't;:%'*;::~_t, tbs _ . V ‘CiC€;‘.‘_ 4 ’ -—~ . V ‘ M_ . W” I Y h h Mr M ' 1 £f'_af”ai*,2«;e><§.w‘:;.~:=*/*;¢x§»..4~:»*°* :¢..-A a,Z=*r§;?~;2:@;z,.zs:ms§w A -»=-«--«-v—~¢ 'm: longer %ch»oi& flzcm 2 and t%m:a,¢: Wm; @;’::~:2E-:2:.*m :‘!%;*3~.§:':‘~aa*e.e’=M M M» g:v;n.{EVa:iicn%s‘ in 5224.3‘ 'wa;,»* ib €+£”jE%1;‘iEi'. mu: %c0m%a., 9 ‘sci w%’?;“§2 t:he:m- zfwr fa ~:%1eA%»-’I’«:'3;e:m'.:s1rr&za~t%*z :t:,f'.ii:§1€3':E.‘ f.§;z:~.ré:r3;:i3.>% m m;‘l~:~:~‘:AAs:**«*c":%:.*j,r~V ‘s:§2i.m§; way that srzrmy flap n":«:i.r £'f:,~:.m2§y z~mz:*m:-Frmm E.e.*:“l;:a:’.»s»sm:~.»z* tW§m:i§;r, “whim: %fl1z:,:w.'i&% r.2;pp~:»£'-1;“: rim. £'p§.::§z:m3.EE r»€*.:373;;;m:.1:.”.:.2%r,i~:>x*a mkhc +{3.£2w:a::h 3» 5:7?" fihii Ms2£3Ea;;';:A;% and fa pf0?§0:£ftiGfl;l:%?!Ifa’:’%‘«’§.‘i&t§:O§V€E1‘E*;%OL113i£%7;§1‘i€ ozmag; may be in :§he'Wa§,r ,, v~.z;"2ee:'je; Chrifi iscanmainga fis tiara-y ::E*:r«::=:tx.v menus in t%":ewa.j5,s', ‘mi with mz.1c:i‘a ac<:13nuatiomcArye_i.. H2agfi=:i¢»=m., M;’1”: iéa-4%: {fiat caswmzeria in mizm mwwza we Lard 3 {O am We wfiflia aii m*rmefi1:aefi<:— emf afl:c¢hom_,mm°x,v_, Blefled be fir};-at Rcfomm:%xo2zV,wi%1mh fiortameth ix¢2~t%i3c%A-*nan1e%of7 rhe:fl"Lo1*d;» Thimlfo the PI£E11a1"1i1’t; «;t5_§,*a;~t6i%%g, ug- "fit 33 fl“1«'f»*.§ut3?“@§” ipemgaie m:'s::w.¢>m ail &i£1‘§cm?.t§m‘a::c§;:%4;w mwraz 4% .L;fi~ wpyaw" i.7~e.mcfr yeegare: , amt aha Kimgwfwgfwj may‘ mime" mu. %$;“r*ia %%%% A _W’e 'wiMfitiH”hc*»v wimt. [hC"i1'Up‘3&iI'l'3€1'.mS:5 the hilisiami ¥7&.i."“ ;?i@y§:9;.thaz hinder Chrifis comming: nae reigns. §.n;his,Chu1'ch.. 3; -:.:mrupr }udgemem,as if there: wfem.no1‘n£c::f*Zity:of‘prep;;ra» z£fim;z1a,.x:zf' Reibrmation.; That. wézs I;,wdmm’s»cafc ,' ‘flaw ah augh 2; hm‘ §5aifVE::m A W3 1 8%g%T'hmti1~e C%mr<;hofRam: is in L-Mlcijoerate diiéaih, hecéufz1’}w.::t« z%.l;zA%;:;%2t:i«;;$ fliae <:e2m1;oM)e1E.cIs:,fl1e cannotcmzz Thus all Ref0%rmafi-an £5 (1 ,2‘ ‘ 51.1%-:.1<\... %;mi;h?2e§;3 Iéarxiefig if thegr hadl mt ‘conceited’ they xmrare £92» ;; fmxnamgv éjlmrgglzcza had meme more paw ad; refbrmed , Lt they: hm mm: ‘a ilxmuglit E¥2ez11iI;.=:E\m mfiJrmed%enoughiandt£1e£cfi2re as fmzra pa:'aicu- 3..*m:A gg:.;:n‘i7oI1,‘FwssZ: :mh3Mm marégrzawmflm2ze%,1:M;¢attkwL¢mwfi£d,;E’””ba# m"a£s;’.;%:fl§i; ib7a1i*o :.'z1aay:;a%{3%zurci1%i.%:.y,6 I i1ad‘m:01n’E¢nowst:a this M3» @335: . aigmé, m‘t1n£§%de£‘;za:i«:m ;them:a,rc mm}? mm :’hatA can placa wheilr comézi.-~ mztzsffi. as %Dg‘agmw §.3:‘aggad be cmzid doefus Tubmrhzch wayess; m.:~::V«f:.r ”“ aim W jygd biexy‘, E1ec0z.Mi turns the mouth. ofhis ba EICEH ritom it.%’"I‘he:rfc gm: mrm112eApe+opIeipokazn Min fi«ory,tham.vorFh1p no fem hm; ¥;»l.1e:.:: zfizgifi thing; Icimy met xvith, Hm» ma Izapiter mfla, errm miifi" tmsrw 1‘ aéxmr. 7e.'«~é‘.s':.,. T0 day” ?,.§2i.$s flufli be good Div inky: to marrow ezsror, ‘E0 «3.5;;:§; gthig, §fi‘};m.»i he ;:a z:&s?<,;a.'am2sm;e::z3%, . m marrow ttxrbulancxe. Tins carnal} $13.. , 7, C:5i‘a*;«’é'::‘7w;¢'#3 W‘ n czzamzed)raecdieifiiemrhac ynecd xv_;c* anyfmmez‘ dfme? As he i21i.d%,nf1{a;I?rry »‘":~t 3 QM’ .0 vi 4. fpaait %.=;. ta iwadiimzac mzxzazay _,_ PM my Aflpzfiapmm Rm.¢m%r;z4m;9 awe clivided,lédth the l"al1"e mother; Purge out the Q.k.:11€I3V7€I3,:;:x${95-'3"a!f§Ig7'75§ \ Hf/alyfaffome ponders that, hee doth not fay ;@~:»Su/gem 9 but ex, a.—.~y» «, ‘ */J/A §em1:zm"2 Prmxrhezz’ éefare the ;:',Zjr,j/?;‘;z2g.w,z11al:cellemt temper? to thank ‘God hohacl any thing - ‘What is ehe goodwe Wo12ld,: doe_., . he fomerly in their luflsand their firmes ; eo lolefor Ch1‘i{%sl{al«:e.l W l~ 5“ A fifth 111}p~:dz1IleI‘1t to reformation is prophlanenelfe am licence on wxcl-aednelle; Thzs 19 1hatwhi'c:h troubles men loffh ey lhall not _ but this lhould comfort; 3I0u,- Qhrill mdured the contradiéeionl offinners, this comfogtedthe Chfxftlams h’ereEo.§?o4re as Tcrmllimn notes 3 Who are they that lioeak agamfi 11$ 5- out the Ale-houfes and Brothel-houlE:s?‘”yo‘z:. may ask 3, that {he moozhes oftzhe bald are lo l ogem, make way for Chriles c?omming‘P he at am times It is azmeg i'!1W€I.'e,_a, hap;;i121ei.f'eii_,-12;; M ' % D 3 ».efit;‘3’F$~ “alum-va Homurafleflaufi af Cammmr. ' - eecaufepheaie and I'hE’i['e1ufi”S may fland together, but. when :Ch1:i£’c CC'rnE_S: then they rage, cryzng, flee us break ¥?IS:bOI1&S.- It is 5: I0?» zmem UOWiCk€£?;ipir1IS',that they cannotbe wicked,as they have Been, Mfifa 8-» e 9. W/3’ cert 5/aw came to mrmm: MI 5efarc3,mret:mae ; w hat tonrxemecouldthat be to the Devillgto be cafi out oft-he poifefied bodies? yes greatfiaecaufe theymuld ng: vex and edei’croyf as b€f‘OI‘§:_:* £0 a Rezormauoncomes eandfl mrnj:em:s$ pxoeud ;Cehurcb—,Gover;1our§,.e and Why {D P becauie eh ey eaamot oppreffe and rage as theyufe to» doe, 5.. The generalloppofing‘ anddiflikinge of it byepeople This is a great flop in the way,Wha:£hou1d1.bmefew Pzirre for and againfflp e the current ofmemdefi re? efp.e:;ia1§1y if'many@great,ax1dmany$ lee; rnegi bpen? Heme it is {barman arepatient “under a1lP6pifl1 burthensg. V W .2 R. rife up againfi in ;f and this aw/o¢r confefi was no litt1e:temptation* to him, Trim falm_fiep¢':?twme"e erwmt zwivcrfi ?.%Art; thoti onely xvifeg, are all others in an errom? But if ehgsiwerem be regarded . then‘ neither Prophets, not Chrifi, nor Lw}:ar,’_nor Calm, fhould have {ex upon any Reformation: for th€’?WOIf1d_¢CQu1d not beaxe them. Alw ayes Refoimatiem hajive been Wjudgedfimfipoflfiblé %tHi:ags ;” ea}; eeltwmm déc,M{fi:rere A»2o_flri,£";1irh he re Lv:rhar,’goeTa11dP1'éye iii thy Cell, for thou art mot likely to doe-any thi1:sg-gbyfiirring ; fo ?’jk[.2«v W/J7 doetbepeapla rage and mfzg caamfefltagat/bar that Ch1‘ii3a may mx_;ebeexahe&1 am his 1Zhr»one;Ae_;Bu_._t Ll:_.hiS‘;Wi1l‘ x1otexg1:u:ef,' beecer ‘in £37 to endure zheerage0f"peop1e:thenetheeanger caf _-; bet1::er~haweethe~ “ A worldfrown Onyou, then God Eowiion yeti; ’ A 7. The feeming new~nefi"e thét~i'sAi A " fore erromc _; itis for our fimaesexhat truth isnew ;} k_arguerh our deep Apofiafie and revolting, .a:h;at theoIs;§€is~and."way*'es of Chriflc flnould be new : That prophane eperfons fb.<>u.1d lift up their heads {O high among Ci‘wifi:ianse,w.as11oe fo’f:o;r;thebegi13nixjg ; anoxjeli thing to be er~roa1e;,?;hy%breaki«ng%of&h§: $’aV"vb%‘:J§'IEE-‘El thy neglefic ofpiety, fiéhefé: are 1’41V€’:_'\3j‘J.1‘§Ehi.§3gS.:,.‘ 2‘g11h€iit.‘i$ fcfisafige to comfi ‘dfir.-. howeedocjzag men are-eofthe;o1<5iwayes :he;y’1:aa:c Lived iiwgchougfi never taken up‘ at fine upon any Scripture Cozafideraticn: éndiee me 11: ; Edr Vxnfleedi, tfuflth iseE’%e‘;«~%‘~ eorrup£iQns?ofme11sehearts, new efafhio2as~are admired, fiaperfifcitiouse 5~’@i“313§_“€‘V>i5 f‘3i€¢°€€d"- ~ e e I A“ V‘ 8.. J: he.chv1fi~ons~that feem to ae;3fe.bye~1:, and ;€:‘fIO7;1;L1‘eSIh'I‘l;LIh;F13;£).1.)'111$ in xzamxre mon- iilovatioaas were,genem11y receiv,eé,e but zrmh an:1.difcip1ime aha: is % ‘I «L3» \=~é 9 . - \ Ff)“ J7‘ :9‘? I“ ‘ A .. A. “ ,. - -\ -n ,. A.. - ‘L4 .-n...-—.._ ‘J _3_;”.p»V_ ...A I_m.e;~ ‘:4 r'A‘fl ;4\o¢-:¢;4|.W74‘@£e;;l‘"» I 1- am I r,r¢.1 L‘? g “H; 53' f}".?«‘§é‘-»f~ A‘ 4? u.-évw A37 3 A W a :..-‘a.:« in’ 3%i‘~%‘A»“é='+V?.%‘€?'.¥i%‘>Af2' ='f1“’~".’r?g C a” mbVnf’§&é:{farr:oI: %:A’é?;m ;‘m.'zr*“:f«‘*:A_¥ 3'21 {:r>§’«« “ $1._?;7T?e{_Ti,?T:fi%I7C)‘I,7£'“7'€l°X;”"?E31'1”&'.'§ €0'tflC§£E10f‘E3t3f?§?E ~.»E‘.§.='."m'A'3x:~: §“ §‘.*Ai.‘i‘;,‘7£+%%‘A£*"2.‘:“'&‘.’?"‘§”I7:'i;'"§ff3z’Z -A 1- v I! -1 I "W ‘\ 5. V ‘J - J ‘ . ‘ “E. W “ L- ‘ “Mr ~. T I ‘ ' 2'.’ mt ;1A:.m~:~;%:..:=t«=.. A3; E~’1@‘£°€.IfI& mszf at %:*'}*2eA Tmmpr: *=.—’~.-W3 22 ‘A;_:;,;#r~:;: <7}; =~':»::cz- :;:?%rr'm.~ -a " 5" ‘ A fir“ #1 ‘A A W» ‘.‘ I‘ - I - - an 5 ‘M: fv"‘ V*- 1. ‘ 5 flw tang; 0; r?::=.e.t Churc%m,z1d* S r:;.2r.e,{&>~ 2.1% re-rIc:m:z*eA.-a :3 s_s=.+r.~¢_e.m~1:~» 25%: 3; C%;Am::~; , 'W‘”“3.. "2 3' . - .4}, ,3 , . A ~ 1.26 N.%2y1:mz.z*zs mzflse thatI3‘A;;;r:1mLm.n 2:1 u;;zzwaroz,zA9 En‘1.:‘b\.:'!i‘:‘BF‘ w.?*:<,m;» ’:",“a N ' i ’ ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ , ‘ IV?‘ . v u If ‘ 3, U ‘ V ti>’im‘:f‘.z+ perfi 313%‘ an m»Arz»m::»‘féaa~‘ m t§lf,‘m"3 mam: :«*:,rm§EA«=.%=~v,b tézva-yv §;,=@;h<:z::z:~?vzaé:: A W.!2«2;a“Ic' one d1‘z&a-re» 1th;~.,~a=_y~ Hurt5%%‘an0th‘erAvm3r 3? bus: .31 g=,w:»z'a A W» »3«:':§'mw;.'Tai Refbfz‘né:i90l1“ §‘3<§t% ?t-"%*1eéE:;. ii-fir: sis: rzsfis z:§;:°am113r0f’CE21:fch Ciificers-;7¢F2a1;41I'2a’4’3:€2 di77J~ifi%§:*“:~$‘ Lima: €’f'f¥m=.s':°»;::“~; g 3: %v«:*:“1€‘eé:‘*b}* I7"C:§3a!r‘?L7a%r, Awiha‘ exC0mm£m§%:ami~¢th& C§1mz'25=:¢ saivmfl‘ 3 trgfixzgfir bnfimeflk“ Year hawre maz§§;'*A_£Fy7 :f:m.§:" 0§:’fi’2*:3 vmws féf:r:$’rs' tljymz. aria‘ Afiférr A‘ Efixifiyct At¥*ieF_§a**&1Aa“v'er.;+ ¥f»&a§s2=é»sti%t:g»i:Qf73» £§"F'€£s§Z smzrcaffiéw Ofi€&‘_tf1§m?3 1‘£’FrE‘f‘ flddes iv; e5'.:::a;]?+é,»zag«A«-"A/.%;3.-x¢.;>~wk“W mwrimmg‘ i*t§s‘tP13a* c;:}1Auf¢, as iépajratiqn t?‘1at“ma»km 3; §;e;‘V§1EfE~m~:r§L;:§:+; 2 Thfsf Ilath C1{.1_Waj;‘€;S'“%5én AAA::I*re$fla'nd“cr’7 cawupmmi%@:§f5!:m;ati7V0m ;7mf«m wiafxzz-;g;f,~'%E'-;,m:§22V e{iz¢’,7fOA;manj9'“ 17:)» many «sis gvgb-'s»iAET'i & Lgwz:*£w;w méfifvfflc %I51e*'im:_awfizAr:!:€: A;tf.7;'m'~»mrz:~.2z¢ mg? v.{=j3;.;:g;1*¢{3??é3 waft 0f::CAV £‘*tHé£Tef5EefE1e 4cTa%7-1A1sA a~dVe;v:fi% z"mA;;A:.a;az3;£a,‘A:,»:A.s2,e*:{,A,;A*-gg Q M.-mg Tmimfléf ;- Eay‘%tHen 2fiisjb1ameAnm: mpan gm e::m<2%§;~" canAremzove-iifiéhiihfmgsg hm‘ upiim ghoiér. win» wAe:m £316: Eariaera -%.~@«:x;’ ~zi*r’~:fefienrs- % [4 _ 53%..‘ fi,"‘*A‘"= -I s%;C5:1nm{_5tiom that dbie gccfognpgny :~VVAh%_d ée't"m%3nIg;,r re:%§‘a‘@;f&? IW -{Em I wagmf R¢1'orrn,a:;on%9a§VMéwzf2ae:cérkafiézhaé fiapr; a§._§“:ime “ ] , gags 3, but ‘zhfs om’. Savior fm-ero1=d,’»*AA;-am wfiwflw mm’ A£Jfi;;ww2“::£;«$;A:.~5g M? ct: %F¢¥rbew~z ..:sw % % ,. ,, “.3” % /MM .¢:,”’9” , . ‘A ‘94Ié’ffE03R tF1é5 m??3ir¥731rt%l~; ‘IE: fi‘3l%1§*é‘*d’i‘a2§1{% '7f0F7thi"3 A7F_r:2¥11pA.;.‘ Therefbm (3233 Hm- mm, whm has ::I«:':m:6e Wi?z3Med’A€1'“ii‘{”>"t1s’ mfpzfiflasfi i§:.m:c‘e,£Am: «;m“mxl:;A' sr:-3% {ii Q. - w . V ' . K V frfi} 6" “pk | ‘ "W ..:‘+"~f)e‘,.:2:u.~1:;=,;%¢m-;.;:;s*.{eJ ftmtzzj zffif ;.., $¥'§?A#°/gfiflafe . A 5 _:z:;‘2a amipiazaks oI£m>1%&Aam~m:hm~»bcmem f§h§ps* th駧;i1e:yz1;’}3~5:‘é? "£:H2::t§§:3:0;1x+r:§; TLoeV%%(£%1irh§'z4c) fl‘2%Lz3mhse ,peQpf%e w'il1.c§}oe ‘C0 th%:aAia27tcr% % mw u£h&.%£hy3fe1*vjce.-Aszd f0 &X'ljOE§1fi?i‘ Heanhm ¢02:::p1a§m:cZ,.~v«E2@ % . 3/om }:$§.iH~fi}t.atim1, CW9; .53; 5 i£z§*a-idémfizaw wmzsqwzrm, émwfkktigj frmggaf, .v.'1’5“_['1ria% cogia, M .w':.;1:L‘La % a:.:’m:"r;'i'a-v~-;-’»?3.»-..-*.»a 2.2.2 mwimfijflm f;vw;*f4%rjJ7£nf,w:e % qr¢§;£vi£pa:i#:&Ew;*wm qmam W % ;f?:«,3:j‘%sv‘.:z;¢;9» mymafw £fi:?m{m:v~cm ; .§‘¢id~2»*5£ cpgz_f':;‘.a;tz'o72:e5 fl'Iml‘~.'&z?fliJ; .W§1€:E% ‘- I IE.-c z:.h.’s (f§1qgratit:2&cé),AI%¢:a1nfc».+ z;§1I:.e’sAL%..§>”{<>V1tawA£a11uiI. u§§3+E’&§3c. _ . . A A V 2 6 .F "Tbcrg is;%.n0thix;yg;more.€>di«Q1mm;14to4 him than v corrupxiaxas» $12: E;ii3~:ChIllfCh: V what»det.€Prab1e2mames«rdath die; Scsriipkwffi‘F?-it:x::pc~n,I-» «M3213. T5 %%a;11_1r21j:,t»im_3’”a.§:f7e »I?rqphe::ia\ca}1ednh.e pails. ;,a;nd cm: 5 a1:iou;.§w iagaa ~. YW%‘$‘\I":|:YI.‘!r"§:‘;' i7.a~:*%. $2,;-asto purge out we c:om*uptiomfrm1‘ his ‘T&1np1e,V.}'2”¢pga;.¢z&_a,wgg. A’ Md »a;r.ém%.r rifle pea!/;m:aw.r. mrpafi Pu:a.ngt: 'way it.%.vQasj Lhutbcreby 3*: W Quid {}:;cw,hoW o4dious%~fuch% m~’r&re to. him, mfen *a:;.~xf:> manytiogs . :E';is&>%r€£&r;ce;; C§01t:fideg°,d3.g;tfsczccifi E9159? M M AFMJEW QM ark M11’; ? a» F 9 3 J’ J’ %. , 0 3'+“"?-7‘~‘~ 3%’!’c*¥‘!*“.W°,‘i4’ f.:3"5?"it m-mi z;~m£1: 1%’ fi m!;<59,s firclfi, Wh1q}:_1'aIg.3iCth‘ 7 7* ‘A Mil ;. W m,l the inlhirowrre way, eherelore our Saviour tells the Pharifees, that, {bar zavlaizly rm: /mg/:1} eflcemkd amszgr? them as grea}: pxety and devotron, it was aroma.-.,**2n abomination before God: oh their lotus not any abominable things. l d A l A 9 a “ e a .. 5 5;. A third motive is, whatfoever oarhall Srarrlls rhmlgyer domg the will ofrhe Lord in this; we are fore ofhlellingsz Remember rhofe mo places quoted before (for we defire they may alwayes flick upon your hearts) how ill ir was, when there was no lam nor no preaclrirag Prielli, and then how vvlellir: was when is/aoferwlmr for up rhofe rhat taught the good knowledge ol"God.-. It is rr-oe,T we m2:;y he a long while irrrhe Wilderraeffe, and God lbr the finrres ofhils owhe ‘people ‘ may fufer the enemies ro prevaile, but we are ahvayes; to remerr:.her rho endrol‘:h;e Lord; mark the ends ofall Reformariorr, and you all findthem robe peace 3 X Andes we fay ofrhe lorrowes and fad11e.hl€. of a particular godly mahai-r_ is not his godlinelle that makes him lo, bur A becaufe he harh not godlineffe enough; fo ofa Church or State, it is not a;\Reformat:ion that makes woe and rnrlery, hut hecaule weare not reformed enoughzwe arenot willing f'olrthls.r M r _ 4} Cohfiderlhow rnuchlmerrlveorure, to prepare waycs for arrriw chrilharrd to make his paths Iheighr ; Dodnormen venture rhelr eflareg, and lrheirr lives, that lithe roan offinne may become a man of glory? fandM_fhal1r‘:not“Weidoelaslrnhch for Chrifi B will not the pri-e ihnh 2nd,mil'erieé’”whereih they fufl"er'ed; ‘witnelle againfr 0§_11‘ _d3., .Pcard1ine‘lTe?Dz'd mrlllz/3: prop}: émg td/fieir em~s.v~z'eg: to make rig:-gal» dew carlféf Did hot the Corinthian: fr/.efl7sr rbeflzife flpofiler ra dofi-r theme andfwite rlnm P lhall there be Marry rs forerroor, and hot for Truth hi’ As that good old Pawn»: weptlwhenfi hefaw af Srrumper ycuhnizrglyl drelfing herlfclfe to pleale her Lover, becaufé he could not take as much pains to pleafe God; lo do thoumrhe1‘r rhorzrllwearell ofthe Pgpifisarad Inch adverléries, making rhemlelves poore, and rvenmring rheirdlives, that errour r11ay“fh;e aclvahcged; why doll rhou ‘hot léumble tlrydfelflrbecaulé thou art not To forward;,*o1' felf—deravi12g for the rrtrthl? _' l ; * l’ “ “ 4 A ll * ’" l ' ” Ufi» af E.9.'6ort4¢tz'ar¢. Thar now we would prepare the wav fore Clnrifi rd God willlreforrhe h is Church by other memes i:«i’we doe not promote 1' t ; rake heed, lei’: while we are negligenr,hecome dowoe; ~=h{mfel:'e as i: were, and‘ lizourge out all prophaneneflhffiorrz his “fem- Vplel me 32; you lofe hoth your reward and comfort 3 “ coohcler‘, rhae " V as A " Ha;e»aW:a%éz”a Vfimfié bf amAm.r.m3*~.; V as it isvourr ciangerm prepaéq Chrifis xvayes; fan-~is“*t‘h’e ~g'rcarc{% homué that God didever put upon you 2 How «many t;hou‘iands;;_that am} filldfi-Eh5i.3b€fl€*fit7E1flC1 fweetnefié Of’ drinkizig thfiz pu%:es4fireJames% offlods rdmances; W1H~thtntb.h2fi”e Gad for ya: P 3:31 ti:m‘£e4m2.$:~ ~ tersof G:0&“co1:{E11r, not with flleflx and blood; ‘remanber was he is 1ngagcdfoz' has truth mom than you ;f;ox.2 indeed have your iivesansri cfiates xolofej but God hath *hi$Homur,% ancH1is.Trmch*to lof-3:, which%ai§;m0re% thenal1=the:' W0rldg4:A How Wili y»:>*u"ever' an£%w'e£°% r ‘it; i‘r~G'(:V31;rat the day Of‘ILIdg€5.‘fl€flt fl1a11i"ay,h;2 pm: an opportunity imo yam bands, and you have not improved is; when the ’u’i0odof other me1usibu1e.s maybe requir:ed at you%r hemds PA Take heed that a;cyour‘.dea.;h_-bedsfl*2ers==: be na%vAth‘e Lordalwaxes keep your Covenant andzrefolutlom: s alive in your hearts. “Now that you‘may 11,ot be as theft: w.-yhrq Built: the Ark ‘for Naeziz, A’ but W€r&f'df0VNI1Ed’th3f‘mfiE1V€S'»3% or as Hiram-,»’1::hat4%4 iclzitmatcrxals-ta Emiid :-33. '1”emp1cA1o that GOdV,xvhon1A“‘iafe did 1:m>;kn0w,‘wtba%t;yoL1 rnszy h.:-‘:_v_:~ ccmi%arL.a11dbe£1&ffitiI1‘.ai1ffl‘3Va3tiS dome, ‘ ‘ ‘ J 7 1. if . 3i1_§ E, I fl Seeiean Precrcioeci élefom rhel~ rt; Humhleiyour fouls forall your faiiirigs, ahfi fimies ; one mike earriagemay imhitter many mercies, ¢2 Sam. 6m When Dmd was"-.-. with great. pomp and Ch earfulhellie bringing hat}: the Ark, on a fudau den Godmariifelreth his tiifplealhre agairilt Uzzmia , mot aslfomev i think, becauie he toucht the Arl<,feeing hewas a.l_evit€ahut hecaufe. , A A itwas puton a C&rI:,Wh€1‘€£:S it ought to heicarried o11»tnrer1slfl1oulei ders; lee whatafad ohltacle was put inthe way, Wm/id hereupoze leaveth the Ark, and will carry it no: further. Take the advantage therefore oiitliefe dayes, that all thefimaes which Rand upon your.‘ account may be.wipecl;0fF. V on M 2. Labour for a lpirituall,-heart, tobe firth as car) delight in the {pi}-. V 1-gmaliworfluip of God; thatcanv account fpirituall ti'3iUgS“g10i‘iOus.-. things: menithatiare afieéied with outward glorious pomp in the. fervice of God, it is afigne they have no lpirituall things to rejoyee wet-e X‘lOtif0,b€al1Eifi€d_,lbutlile Church fplendent with heaveiily» 2. in,-; the wornanthat hath no clzildremo play with , flue can delight in» dogs, and other ocreatures? H.zg.2. there 13 pr«.;mrfe,« that God. iwouldlmaketheiglory of the fecond. Temple far above thatilof‘ 1:116: ‘ former,-and how w aslthis true, butibecalufe _ofChrilisi {pi1‘t.i[L"l&ii prearzf ehmgahd prelenee there 0 _V I earmot but name a pallage.out oflfidbre .P£lufir2M,lz’5 .2. eptfl. 245. becaufe IE8 to parallel 'vV'1th our tunesalateg and IWou1dalli%wereilli0f; his» judgement : , There was one Ez¢fe&i,e;_;_ a; l l Bilhop, that did car’: out and revile the good people, and in the — ’ time, was very de:vo.utirr_huildiz3g and adorning the Chou rehes ; now‘. faith Ifidore , c£.«2.B .3931‘): £:=}€..!€.2\1€!0‘I"a&, ma &m«;:Jp;a;:,. theChurch is» one thing, the place of the Church another; the one confifls of un hlameahle men,-t;heiother ofvvood and Rome: which if the_B5fl10p-: did corifidergehe would ht any longer overthrow the “one, and adorn ! it the other- At:dein.:the.Apofi1es times’, when; the Church didahouradi with {pirituall gracesand holiraefle oflifeg they had mo.Temples 3 but A inaour time the Temples are more adorned then is .lfitting', if «N, 554.”-l ~;‘«g},:gg';i:zlr;4;53{,¢(aJ§1'1y,;, but the Chureh is _lE:or.n’—d and rnockt; If I might- have my..w.1{'h_., Ihadrather be "111 thofe, times wherein the T emplea graces, then in thefe our times, wherein the Temples are very glo riohg, hat the Churchenhptyiof graces. A e 3.‘ Get fiheere 311';ihOiY. airnes, even in doing Gocigscornmands :, left there 330?. be Pmrlr complaint; 0/YA’ flak‘:/9cir’ow-me , and wot the thing: ,affefi§.r ['£wl.~»...,;‘ .Be.wi11in.g tohe even Axiatliema that the V “- ' 0 I Hattaaraé/e Haifa ’ofCa.mmam‘. ' - the Church mayprofper. lt was ahohle reiblutiorrof Tafifliefi, Me émrmartaliraremz qzzidem contra! rempaélimm ampere-m, he would not hate immortality It lelfto theprejuclice of the Common-wealth -: You have a notable milahce for this in fake, how did he reform ac:- _2.7 6 cording to all that was in Gods heart? and yet he loll the reward ; r nay, Haf. 1 3. God threatens to he retenged on him ; and why is all. this, hut becaufe his heart was not right to God? «Doe not thou aime at glory, and at fame, hut at Gods own glory and honour. 4. Reforrne your ovvrie lives and cot-averfations 5 for how reafo-w table is it that you who malte lawes that othersdoe not iiyearey. you your {elves lhould not? how fit is it that you who hind others to the keeping of theaSahhath_, you your {elves lhould fatiéltifie it? And this againe did undoe Ia/mu, that although he .pulle«:l downs Baal, yet he did not reform hiihlélfe from Icraémam: lll‘ll]€S : Zcjgehafiariam. .1 E‘ hefiat kifforia, reade the hiltory oflaba, lei’: thou thy felfe be made lhrzh an hillory to others. Oh therefore let it be true of thee, that lince thou hail been labouring in this puhlike Reformation , thou hall heenmore holy, thou haft been more pure : Thou that hall env- deavoured to tnakeway for Chrill in. the.Church and State , halt much more made way for him in thy owne Family : What will it \' profit to have holy Ol.'C.'illJ&I‘1Cfi$3 holy Worlhip, ifwee our lelves hill. remaihe unholy? Vfe 2 .. O f Inllruétioti unto people not to mutter under thefe fad} calamities, ifheteby. §ChriI.’r_rrzay come and reign in his Church. Com- fideta H y A I-. That a Reforthatiorrdothnor make thefe trouhles,but Emacs. Do notrmurmur under Gods providence. asis forbidden, 3 ( The Iewes , they murmured under M012: and Aaron , how many ofthem did God deftroy ? fo again, . the Corinthians , hecaufe Paar. A did urge Erie‘: Dif:iplineabot1t thetincefiuous perfon, and other dif«-. orders, therefore they were hrone to murmur : Anti thus people thmk that this Reformatron IS the caule ofall this evill, anti that Re--. formers are the troublers of England. : but fure rt 1-S our limes amil atiurtwillingnefi" bee fuhjeéledto Chrill: that works us a all this woe ; and ifwe had more truth, we {hould have more peace‘... 2, Howjflowly we prepare and fit our {elves hot mercies; V Its: . true, {peed is a great advantage in -‘pubiilifi works ; The heavenly.. hodies cozwmgh their i:vV€CEinflu€1’1CB,t2'o:2 gag calzfdet fad gee