Wu‘. pm.‘ ‘ F‘ \ . ‘V ( ,, . ' “, . . “ m “ {V ‘ , \ , ‘ , ‘ V -. 4‘ ‘, aw I .....v ., so ea " \ #3.: ' ‘. " M M ;, ‘*3! ‘ '2 L 9 ur anona “‘ ~fi0ufwfLC0“mmons in Pfirfii *AMBNTa Bsy,..J4w0s rt x-r' rssv L late Preéic11e;*‘**~ta§iIié‘ Ho- ,,——._r yfberefirc :};&eii&~%22‘a;§&,;~«%M 1/0;: and their year; in ‘ ” ‘Wm ‘ 9 M ‘ " V’ ‘ ., {y ‘u m‘.’.: ' " ‘ » , ‘ " v M‘ 5‘ ‘ ~ . to-..,‘, , H .9, ‘,.V . ‘* ’ ., , ‘ .. ‘ ~ 7% w “L J ‘ '= _‘ yr 4 v u. -,‘ ‘ ‘ L W f“ ‘ 9»: a ' W " . . M V ».A ~ ' R I m ‘ r ‘ a » .‘ M It . I \ as ‘ ;_ 13 _ ‘ 5 ' H 1.-'1 .»vé?f*a?5%**i‘f13n1cnt‘%: ‘ Jw ‘ .n ».... ~~- --‘.,... V V 3 t .., ClM,ea1:-ed 7 in a E: R M VOWN» the VH0... at; *:1${fzr~_g'4rqts I/I«V’§:;f27&7‘I%it1?3;3"i‘.er,V 1ipon‘4Ache‘%¢8‘“1.% bf.%May; ‘A ”x?~64:5"'. being the Day ofT‘chci1;VI~’¢ub1"i!~1“€.i«Piifl:fi,. . r1ourable Society %ofr+Lz':%zcal;¢z.¢‘¥f2z;w; How Pa~< E Pam: at {Magnm glcxiar this Bridge, %Lando;n.". L f A . ‘ , 5 A L 73_ MVemM3;z1J»3A~3* % A - For all this they finned flill, and éeleewd not fir his Wandfiam awarlgr. ' " : i A tr-oulwle. ~aALW:O N.%AD;o.N, ” mu Printed by a.z»rzz%a$:L?£a*r, e2zas~c.gg1e;er_;, 31:, mg Black-fpreada ,6 1 J % Eag1e~ at are Wei’: em): 2»gs,2a,< *é..xL. v. [_ ____4u_ _.......u.._._ [-34 %“3mt;6.A§%.d%~é ajjias: at ‘ ?%ii;c1e»fed by the ¥C0mm01»as aIfem*¢% Sir Kgéert leg? find Sir Tater lJ{'eA22%t4T pm tliéjftbblz” ii: Aseflhans they %—“§%Ae‘a Ch edii thiéi \ . I. the um-,*p % 1,iati9n.%).%%%1?A§¢ C9: a*i: tghel intr¢eAa1§*yg%o f A % er (:it”b éiifigitihé ad L "H231 M A dcfirew them to_ Print ih.éir dz ‘they % t’o Ii‘ave; n[pr%in%ting%ofchem,% A as others 11:1, _&tI;1eli«1é'.;:‘e »4wl:iI_1C%}.&A ufualiy have» 1* ‘ A ‘ I “ 4;. ;[vm~%ZV. }Com -unn--.-... VLapigtxnc;-4651:: VC%gIw&;-t%‘ :9 prmtthisfi Sermonfi. __ A % % ;'ay‘}p/9 C’:¢r_y!;+ in } P.A;_R LI A M" 5 N’ 'r,% fith at; 4 I- .: 9 I-—« em "74? mi“ ii‘ E1, M ‘ "V w 1 E1 :3: Hiono ugms . Ha?ufe%o{ C Csmn*1?oI23: A4fi‘én*nbIm3_i11PA:_R[L:4AVM4EN‘r,4.A. % v-w 4 ‘ ‘ . ¢ 5 F ".H’énI‘3*$2Maz:a~ .¢azzm* £+;;> you::Voit7etn ‘ = A pregm*a t~his%SEzmon_.&% }z»zAzr‘zz_fi‘2zirs ., A "risei5m2**£.sW0g§""‘"*2?¢;c.*4{%.’5vs:?za§3%2‘/9:fla<:t2. Hiis “*2; W: .5 A A (ibefivlés 2'5""/M eflo 5é3‘*"[41fl‘if.?g z1[c’f?»:21ficflé L A W ‘ oft/:v;3fi4I2)‘A:3;5%) *;v.:wm2ejfima2[i¢n0‘~ thve lemfing mg m Jlrioiif Text? x‘g§edirat2Aoigs 5 rm‘ ~s>pIaowa.é’i+ 'abm.:zdI:;v ’y‘s»z;r ‘amam andA¢:»::%br¢é;~;m2:b aa- mzgzgiézggfwcca 6’.$‘f:‘WbiC}J l;::a1;..e,t:‘E:w¢ Gem’ mjfim Vzagg-g',%u%nbc§ief; 4.5 41:19 $r€>’.¢§£” (pafu ‘ u fij be quickb per.ccjz"xA»cd $f9.zz? *z2,€3~;:€z£e.”5}¥.:ds" gm” gmg af 1913;; -;«pl;2;ZcAA%+*wc%:Acz’z,=1 mifizztfp§r:€z1’e~vrfa$ ~ A V *s‘»m~‘€ We “£s§%2{é3«t[;3».:/,; M Warm W1) w’9z*'¢‘«+ Se%rmau/J¢¢¢¢1fW’ ( Fb*‘0M£’J M 5’¢W*¥§) $4 192257}! if-? é1g5if’I,~g 01¢ fiber: mm’. W/;v.~2;/4 ms ‘a‘>a.">w:;2r2.;ras¢c‘:’:rad» 1 . wwwvsu --yr '\V"V‘ mucé rvrertuerisgwfi 0&Wfi’0m Cr/fM3r:5fi;§i'V?”g“r9rW 1436-» is c&qn*rr’e;e:abr‘ rbaréd;‘7stii’79“‘r”@é}$ié1v*érzg“Hrzz1éen, is narore’glu»ria!2.arz~bé:«za ‘tboufand by an mrtbly 6 rm,? iA9yn4coge¢hcr. a?ificI%V‘113i,qg1e their fbrtcé f and _co1mfeM1Ns~ tQ; §nx;ade»_A ‘?!_{6{¢b,:'. who hejld-forththe 't‘rui2 Worflnpof God. Whcnqcgqte, A w.‘ > , " Uh‘, ' A Sermon preached at a late Eafi, iwét/2a1>é:gé;¢e7m"e.g;, 1 ag4z¢zfir¢A A ‘z.,éaZaw4;zdf4izbfuE ' '.’v. 4. d r‘ate*‘*Withf“1-?;2»6"azb='%'z,""%““15%bf€:7 ”%1ib”értVihé‘%Protefcants mixt with Papifts_,againPc thofie are clofe-covenantingfind ,clofc-waligigg I’Arot:_¢fca.:1ts.['Ai% Anwd ;_th§1f§ ig a,,c1c:a.;: rcafon ~ ,;h,¢c3g;itsft‘?C1;ii$31€iriCa1&vx5i_Qéfeg‘;2.,ndL‘Lhex.cfore _ ipxa%A,gy:z;g;aaf;mga:Vxéz2g:p,a:;: ~ % v’§r”f1I’i:"‘é;fiVe£4”joyn with zhogfe who are4dmqre,,1Ao%ofe, Ljhen with % thozfélivhdaré m<>re’£’t;ri%s’33: th;en~th°emfé1ves: Afcents and impravggmapg iz1%,¢hc3Ai*ineflI3.~ pitich com;1pition -.;.%’»*namre had ’ 1‘€i.th€1“gO bg_.&gigw§agd;,;hc‘n;congaVom‘i,fi**inV_§;:¢1igicimand thinks We have gone Izfimndja;11;%rcpro:>f,,jfi Iificp pace with our fore-%fm:l1ers,andtrea.é1in their flaps. «~éS,W'4 z3¢Mfi4’frare wirhfifimiifi: Q Thisgreééfi beifigbroughr :0 AW MW=A~Kinz%i*0f»frM“~‘?5>% /¢£5'~~}fi‘re2i¢*t‘%w;.r5*é7.’aa«vezz’; and the mm aflmk pet}2lé,' tlw may of t/32” waadare moved wit}! the mimic. W6 areuraady liq imij» tatega<°5?jthe;‘fi'f1~fé1'1l7mftionsfo ‘the pa‘ifib_:iS c§FPjrinces; Vwhen. Ma;gi£Erate$""an?d 1 Lead-ers; ‘3.re“afi:a_id,) pffeqple. Iéldome E.’.»1~k(ac‘éuf'a1EI:.“§HA‘;/yeztrt2ai;w”‘7¢2a%»é.{J*é«:£,422% ;;r,l}é“'l§;a'f2zrt aflais pea; “A1i1A=Jésd;¢‘E~{1_a 1keS“’fi*o‘:n V head £,Oif0ot,théy fl13.k<.é w:icl1inV 935: walilf as'withgy“"u:, t/aéir beart;%brgeVreV;ym.p@:{§{~ 4 "Tbs? +he<“%‘~’F(?~5 Afii*0Ii0<fliei*9,%t¢,11 115 Of the h%i8Lh¢@f..fPh€f€a) ’i$ th§.P?i???#W“L m0é2'la3_fth§‘%“Lfiffl*éWe1‘,wfi4ofé”moi'io:n tums .911 the f pl‘-1e”ra$” n fcffiéx *'igv"df£'l‘d (ma). “AIF‘t11eA4h7eé.fft Abs‘ 111Wo\;7e,,c1’§ xmfcn f‘&9”£~§t*;'*:,;jfl;ll¢‘i‘:;‘.1'a‘:i ménf1b“ers dfthc moye 'withAwFem; A heart ‘Ywith joy, a11}:he’ members of*:h,e; bady with jéjrvi: This’ morve5z'—lae;¢r;_ oppofedl [toa?4%fi.mfd§% &£’{t2ffi~C? i"9&I‘.~"i"%i2w.7;)bé.¢ heart 13 fixeaf T116 heart 1S&i1keqmlck-:1 » ‘H, aw’ a'1m’’@5°~ 1% % . fiJ'«£rér;~ ?%2€y¢¢;;%qg%;%fixcrmyouhave fixedau 5 if§hat:flec,,; ’ éefifeibé - n 4!“ M ‘H 1 ,n ‘ ‘ h W %¢ufiofcommom. W “ fl ‘ ‘_ ' ; W " ‘H ‘ I‘ ‘ 3* " ~ ‘:1 n . .» ‘ . . -m 1 . *~ ‘ » ‘ . .‘ X ‘ , y ya. . .\ ‘ ‘K -‘,5 '. .-M‘ “ n, 3'»; , .. .. , a ,g' H, ¢:,,, * .u . X ' Hm; A T~ ‘ _ I ;,.~‘ ‘ .. 1 fl 5, 3 w‘ y _g“ ~ ‘ “ -, W ~15 --~ -u«_ _-«._. 7 ,3; A_~‘.,.‘.-,ra,.. Linfi. E LW‘ ‘~11 ‘M M m. '- 3:. - 2;‘!/’ «§".;..~$," ‘“ 4 is - . av -J V‘-v “X. “ 1 M-4‘ 4.‘ ‘M-"4»..'_ vx 3' L. r ;, .~ W A z»5« mt war mart)» 472 t e~ am‘ 0 .2»! J 6....» ~ ;‘ .‘ 1'-".457-"‘: . w r w r "‘ " ‘ “. “:7 ;” "P '. " ‘It 5 -'-M.’ ‘ \ ‘V “ ‘t ' ‘I ‘ A ‘ ' Willi‘ . '. ;.l.‘.:n W ‘ w , 33; - .0 .. - ‘W’ I M‘ (WV : W -' 7.‘. ‘. ‘:.5'‘ K... 1"? V4 '3!” mt» in mm‘ ;.“ “~ “ flaw .7» ‘mm ‘ :1 W90 ‘ ..:« ,‘,u. {-1 .w -an.“ J ' ¢1‘TdWhen<:h’éy were :rhi‘fs and fewer ca”"f’v{*Féa;*i*_;, "*atthe vVe1~y‘-Aheagt,~be:ho1%d the~g,0odnefl‘é}ao:f Gog! (kzger, 3a:.“} V%‘2*/’mz « aid t/96‘~:g§3i9r;‘9.§’ zgyzta aifirzzkzfi/3, 77 :_;’cv’2»tb%§wnzfi' gm ?%2_§€' 'it‘?»"“‘"§4Q*‘I'E;6z5p"}".".«?,, I .;g;n4{§‘4%Va *[;2%;~¢9:a Img, *??7"?;w%‘e' k¢edfi*4§m’ée—ijwie::3 ‘t11in»gs»I»‘Wi11n0tefr0m‘this,ih:p3:fTagVe». 3*”? ‘T Q *~ VFir{’c,» T7ijat%1%%G0d= %isacquaxnted‘,'»n. ‘ w~it»h>Ciu%r ~‘(¥‘mt§« % ‘samd diVfi~ra&i£ms =az1dwtr%ou‘b;"its, ébutw;v%it~11ovL1r»i~néwaArd fcaré ’ m3I»percux%b agficfizqs ‘kale having if your‘r1iea’:é:fs «:10 *'~‘p9.n‘t:+4‘atFV?“ai1%37 &a<:1;;g?¢r, i?‘I;*é1*d4 013- ferves it. AfiVd9{11%en.7' k s .% " a ¢ % M 3- A Secm;1d;13T7, *11f11<«§.t%i a:s ‘foG'n~as~ me; Lcibrd ;fees‘a.-—ymun;d inthé fpir%itsVo{'»h’is pNe4;)pie?§He 3?p“r§fe3ntlf3r%«‘pr;”0vii::?esjég3r£ié:;ié;n;&g%2d '{7:nds« a‘*p1é.§Pt‘tft:‘é1"i5»g§z1“; §.$~®V":€1*éitf3%V";§;§{’@§fI:§5;tHé§:r* Ah9ea.1?t‘s we1;e'moVe,d3— “God 1'ai‘{'et’~1mp%11¥s;‘3P1'£’gV=c0:i'ifi3fii§d14}'thefn{ElvesV; -they are Vbuti: bkra.nds% ems; 4 and Av:1ieyA~a;eL fmmking %‘r’atherVwt%hen "*burffing.# *i:jhaE phtztibin t11e“G’0fpeI , /moaking‘fZax,n0tes the Vldweffi ciegréé otgrace Which" Jefus CT11fi‘fi ‘wi171*noAt équencyh" §>r*pgjt ”‘fi”ut; § fo iliere, fmmkizagv _,fir“elrr4V?zd5, note-A th e" leaf’: degree“0f re-maifiing Agpovm.-;%»» orimalicfe almofiz Iibexif‘ andgoit¥§*ofiftg' B W2. A A AA not y 4 l .._l.A~ semonpreacbaayaa 1.»; zmzafi, \» A noi ind r¢gar.d» of clefixm: but 3b:3li!5i¢S F0 dd mzrcmefi l\ Aga'i?fi‘;ll’5sVsl"th‘e° Lofd tzheitt" power,‘ fo neer ex-— »1;i:n€c_—thl9.t» they could dornoy great hurt-, -lfo he clecla.1'es ; hisowrl wxll that they fl10u1d not, wrf. 7. liar r/9:4: _fl4z't/: the Lard, It"~[}Mk'l rmfy fiazrta’-v, neither [be]! it came M }»4f]?., l y,Th€.~r’lsa no reafou ,we_e lhoulld run fer fear, ll’\'JrVheX’l:B, we are aflhred the cbunfels of our enermes {hall no::..fi:lancll: They are confeclera2e,but they fllallbebmken : they have l taken. counfel, but it y flm/Z 710;‘ flared, -neither /I24/1 it some to Mae. T/2e;ou‘nf_t:l3 cflwmfieaml ozrfallat tbcpleaflzre efcgd, A " frhe oppoficion of all creatures cannot hinderone of his eounfels, and all their endeavours cannot produce one of A their own. Though aconcllave of Acbitopbel: (every one an Qfracley) lhould lay aiydefign, yet ix: isac the will0fGod l l , whether it {hall fucceed. ; NT/sey politic 0fmzz2z- :3: no mambfor GM .- thusfaith the Lord", it(7m1l not.s'i‘2md. Not Pcanél ll why 2’ wholis able to tl1r0w it downs.’ by ywhofe’ hand {hall it fall Syria and E12/zrdzm» are mig ‘£?in‘l.;po1Ver3as Wfiill as deep in politic, lhalltelueiircougfes be made—vQicle«f_ The Prophet Amos knowing the weakneffe ofrmlv, eque- fiions (c/7419.7. 2 . )_ l By whom ~/ball jlacalw .m'_{:,for be zgfmallf, A And the Pr0pheny»)'fl¢ig;l7,knO&vinge the ffrengzh ofSyrz'4 gzncl l -1 yfip/br4im,y, might que£lion,gBy whom; {hall thefe fall, fm; A ‘ they are great: 5’ A Yesgfaizhy Goal, a{fure~yeu eyh”o‘wlyygrea;fq ever they »are,,_t.he’y A {ball none-llfiand 3, I, ca,n;yreckon‘up,the , giseatefi oftlaeir flrength, and the top of their confedefan ¢i¢$:T}1¢1~?4’4“"%f5)’V*54(thati9:9h¢'¢hi¢fP°We1‘.9+F1d fhwgth . ofSyri4*9fi3'7mD4mafl?;1a_(£heym0tl1er"City) am! the /7c4§daf'Da- mafizfl 13.. Reziazfitlhe King ofsyrixza) am/in t/arecfcore-am! five yam. /72411. E 12-lmzim be érakeiz Mitt it 62420: a_peaple.__-,-, And the lam’ cffikmim ‘3:54P%4fi4 < I can lrell Y°“133i¢‘Vil5 What fisrength 'E.£hr“§i”3'"h«alth3; and who the fir0ne¢f**P=;'}f0n~ 2 . ‘” ll A ’ l ere: éqfaaiiaiiibeiiflanewablejfloufi afcammom. i L ithege). Thee head I of hS4ixé;ria :3‘ Remalielzr I e:ii1:1—i.'foon- eicaftiupgxllchegpowerof youyenemies,*I~ Congo to the very A head ofiti, it is b%;mn,D;m:é"a]x::J&,_. and Rezin,‘ and Samaria, "ia;ndRcrmli4£::.fonne, this is” the outfide of their firength... is ,eWe may quickly fee an end. ofal1.wo1°Iidly perfeéiions, both in power and policie. Now;-hac.which is fecijetly‘ ‘implied and cohched in this contemptuous account of A Eplzmims and Syria; {’t1'engt;h,is,that Ittdd/9 had itch a head, as they were not able to reach, fuch forces as they were A not able to tell ovexgmuch Ieffe to triumph over. It is as if is he had fa.-id, You fee the head of Syria, and the head of E}:/Jinxim, but the head of [Mela is&Icr§zflilem, and the head oflcrufizlem is Jefus Chrifi: \ Who is able to reach the I head 0§fIud4£2,Whic11is jemflelem, while that hath Jeius. ChtiPc for the head ofis: 1’ A whois Resin, O1“R€;’?m1f_db5 fon, 7 put into the balance with jefus Chrifi :3 The Prophet having brought them this mefTage,not to fe.'a.r,_a.nd Pcreng£henedi:.,.Wit1ja thefe reafons, concludes Vb’ allwith an Epiphonemav, in the words of thetexL,.Ifye ml! ’?2otéeleeere,ftm'ly y6’i/M11110! 5: irjlaéliflzcd : As if he-had faid,I ‘ha.~vebroughc you as good newes, as you can defire, fhould the Lord ha;ve~i {ant you down a blank. from Heau. is «ten, "andibidyouwrire the wifhesof your‘ownI1ez:rtsinr . this condition, and eng2.g’d his own faithfullneffe and allw fuificiency to performe them, what could you have re» A qixeiied thael have not oiifered 2’ could you frameA any: moire fumble mercies, as your cafe Pcandgitihein thefi:<;'that A yourenen1iesfl‘13.11fa11,that eheircounfelsflmll riot {tench ‘that their projects fl18.1lee110t‘.COm€iit0 paifer.’ yeolet metefl 37011,. ye may obfirugif thefe. b1e£iings,.a.nd deprive you-:1 ~ “ felves? of this promifed de.11veranee;,y.our' L1ni:«e1iefn1ay”i V jweakeni" the arm, 0fy1QuI.fa1V?lti0n, audio reeinkind 1e thefe i 7 ' A B 3 “ fmoeking y , WW (5 V A g,:¢mm j;~>reac.betia# az ‘law-Fafl, A ' fmoaékiing brands ~i;1to~‘:A3;*c<§dfi:»inin4»g 7=fla.A;f‘t12e*; J imay fl1a~keA yam k.i~n?gdOtfi[é’, more Affé?wresA§h’a-ve A ..hi£hAe1'tO ’fha«1~:r; ymxr%h~¢arts;1fye»éezwyewaaoz [72;z_?{‘a%at mg/}4g1g]7ygd.A — A 4 The wv0rd~sar'e (ii/wTrAf:Iy yeaci: T116 znargifi Csf‘<5u“f7Bi§3ieS V g»ix’eSA%£11e§f1‘AtAhuS-C>t1t°o‘f7’AtA?2~e H‘e‘d1*ciKr’.;¢ “Du?! ye 233% %!eé~ue7‘? it is»;-‘fig-'cmfle’ ya gm: 27~et;_{§‘a&iZe %AsAif‘?f;¥‘éfh®?At1f1d fay ;A "l;229g%1f'l :fifC%€1‘.th€1‘A€pjG1“’£ ofbhefe graciogis. promifes, A’dAo yeApe1‘fifl“i11« “yous: ffiagr {M1 2’ are yam yet in yQAurt1'embIi mg fit :5 37¢ a.Ar»fer éunbfleleeving ff*£3re»,_a.,:f1‘ciA therc3f"ox'e ye are ~Lmfia~b;1¢9;. T4 ‘A11 ‘nix- bcieeving heart, inufi needsbe (WhenA put :o%%1c‘)%%a:rem« ibling h%ear£.A- A ’ A A A * A The AAASep%:uag iAntgiVe't1s m1c:—t};*:.e1' Aiénfe -, Ifye /zeleemré 30:, ‘ Aye {Mil mt zmderfimd a'cC01*xf§ing no W1:‘2icAhV;u:anflatiOn, the .;t:e§«:t iAs0!‘tencit‘eAd by the .L£§.}|\xI(:ie§~£tS’9 ta p‘1’C4V€v'Chflt_‘§he»-»fCW’3§‘S did riot: %€11ez*ef0re A undfirfiaiid 121%: SCV1‘§’p£LI‘1‘C5'bCC&L1f§ they did no“:be1ee4v;-:-. : A faithf;1s»the1zAg‘nt,asTwe§l as the f’creAngt11 A iofthe fi,)u1:,a.i1d they'X3V6§1‘104 are”flmt upin unblief, are ufi1a1—- 11y Afhugup inignorante: Ou"rreadi11g fi1teS%4AA t}1E:AProp11ets ineflfige, and '~bea;Ars fai'r"%v'izh the Gras:nmatic;aH4confcru-», tftion 0fAt11e text, Ifyz: will fiat éeleew, fiméz yeV{!2zzw!1,zzot 56 ¢7;’Ezzé[z'/7aea’.- though ye ‘hawie A11ea.rd*c:f muchgood, you % ~fl1a.11 nctfltafte adrop of its, though “God ha:h‘¢AiAnflni£e M mpksz Jrm % wreriigiirwfig-fir, in :2;fpZ:al,;f§‘a»% bi!e,- flamm M efi. N"? A CfT3N. *2 «wizgzgzgw Q7 Pctrength ~f'Or1y“0uw,,?yet he W ill next: pL1tAfO1T1TAfbE ‘I€§£fl:AAdf%$if, except ye beleeve. °TAh€-re* is VarV1“e*1eg:m1:u Paxranomafia A in the Qrigixmllz «Their word Wh'ich'in ‘the aé5’civeAA’C0nj1iA-%- ga:ion%iign%ifies to beleeve, figmfies tobe e{’ca;b1:fl1ed i1_1thVc PfMT1xre%.~V* — A ” A A ’ A A A A A‘ Jgfye éeleeqfie mj Uribeliefis oftwo Vforts-.t;.A :ei”ther,“firi‘t,% A an impotencjeor i:f14a.1:~i1it:y to Ab€1€A€V€:, orfcfizondlv, Haw msookedneffe or perVer[<¥2ne{Te of difpoficion againft" the A A A means of beleeving: umlerfiandthis text oftheA1a.Atter. A Againg A ‘xi A ‘i“‘5fl?€5%WV%"‘ei‘¢héfi%%i%*#‘%€=:9zerajlI=. in re» V fe“rems€e:*%-r that-whole’. rfieveabed 1:£ec:gnd1,y5 ' Wuwr - [‘3?98,Ii‘«V'i:fi°<§'1LT:"1‘~g1?'59.’~A-"1‘v’_:,‘*ih—%V§éf-‘:IEf1§G€*i;§E0!{‘iC£%fI»IC .i‘fpe“2;iallg mAanifeflagi%on.Vo£ itézf"TI?‘H¢5:f5v¢és5«é%0*~Whmm ‘th¢Vp%het:A~hen¢i£ » ks,_we1-e3_1];;: .1 b‘e1ee«Ve»rs inthe‘rmm:*n0tion,;bum ef»uh%eVmVPmVed; ¢ unbiVe’1éeve;j§~in. the 1“a.tC€f+ 51 eve r1;a.s* on A ch,-em 0t.her% ha.:nd%, tlw W Ni7%?£?if?5§&’4; WhO~ ‘\V€"f€‘5'Uf1“b€1€fiVEF3g xvefpfific? 0f the; ge-; neralt ‘"Wor‘«d, proved.-‘A be1’eevers;. in: regarckof =1:ha,1;i_; fpecjafl-, reve1~a~u%ior1bythéI?ré>phet%‘Ia2é;ab;A. ~ , % % F %55zt%.efZ)ijIé .:?fl0$‘é6'€%.;~.*ib[%flJ€’5£~.7 T{1at'i53ye;in yygm-; 1it_i%I«:e*gap.»x<:ity5 3.8 3-9-J‘Ki,if§1%gf2i¢0%L‘:ni3~ and"C3.0ziim0n:§m2eaIth5Jfl1al}; npt «V V »TW:Q M A ’bAin%t:Vs ’a1'lifei. 'frdm;.fUhe» warcis: the :firii?crI' =1h3l1}bAut; MA PrVoz9e~;i[é5V~of 2§¢rercyLfi”am.~Goaz7:‘ imlad 7 many aim; ~4 % A "’”'A%é’cs«~‘0;{’—f .iriuua}li1‘%di1t ;.mdA;%:a%E3:s “of scan oral‘ : A i A V. 5 - ‘ P 31? ~ .% If?€1?i%V¢1"&31C‘€w" €1“=’1d¥»<€‘~9C&b1iihment'are promifed: E\AC)~‘;I"“’x1‘I1'+g<2tI:“})¢;lA»".”» a;n:dh.1s pecgpim», ibg,u: they ‘cannot enjoy1e;:, %£}h‘i‘Yi»«€’»1“#Ced}’7‘ "1’%%‘%“3V%3’ b51e.e7V'¢‘~5 T11®%L-01?d‘T19-d“>~z%“10ri0us pm»- Itii'fe”*s;fOr'~t1f1eivreéfi-au»r;£t;@,n» of Jjgvaehaand; c~onc1_udes€u~‘n.t:rf1 ah?! wiéha za)E*mi;f5; ;:;24£%1,m'.Z£;7 €%&Ez}¢'k«;»*g«¢265.. 3g6i;??):§1e»vr»?;1?-c‘1it: only‘ fit: [oun- hemg %'W0f1§ W b€1¢;6V€{;* &3r1»C_11~”g_rasy; g buniwe %mufi;._fi2t..o1m hands‘awork5coV1abm.1;mnrdo;%g » V * 4 4 - I2t;j’o_5 was Lt1jm{e141win"gto Pmizzy-mzm; fh%g%L¥0g¢1Ta -Ap1§ars,'t5o4Ahifi§ ,i:n %a~ w5:ifiL:>r§ gm Bet/;fl.._ Vand thug encourages; A hm: B:eboZd;‘Iam wI£12mbee,,g¢rstim:ll keel: rm/yce in: ;li?4ms'¢' m V ‘ ; e;4Sérm0i£pr:acbed‘at'nIate FaflI,eA4 , " ” Fear nat,Pnu!,‘t}2au&m;¢}¥ fie” firaaglst ééfarc Cafe; 10,604! _ ...-an.‘ A whither t/yaugaefifidnzfwill firing tbeeeagmiflerihto tlrtklgzhafl-.5 A 1: will not leave At/Me, Ltzll, bzwedam: «Milt/14:1/2;;we_@oken tit ‘thee Gen.:28.1§ A i.Aedewhene;upen_-t»he difcomceeus us "‘ {age of his” uncle. eLzzbm,*='he medrtated adepartmfe. frqm .1 him 3 the Lordgives him .hiseeP9;fl’e«—po1't (:77, 3 1 ..zf )j_R~ct:4r2z were :55’ land of t/ayfiztberx, .cmd'I wi!l£:e«wi!2é tbe,;_.;.4 Hpw V might 1'4wé>.*at the appearance Of; any danger -11a,y¢‘mp1'¢geAf f cied sthefe p1*o-xni{‘eseZ,;: and refi2ed._u%ndeAr chew-)1 -fl]a_d‘Qw'.‘.\ :e ofthern for‘ proteélion *.’e Lord," I h3.ve thy word, V furer then the »fo"”undations of Heaven and earth , for my fafeci ;, unleffe thy truth, or thy pow-er fail, I %can--« not mi carry; let Efim threaten anAd*mufier« a1l Uhis - forces agaienft me, let earth and hellf enter league and affociate themfelves againfi H365, here I fit under the banner of thofe gracious promifes which thou hail dif- played over me -.5 I will not trouble my IE-elf, Loxgid, fh<_)u' fiandeft charg’d to keep me fibm afljaneyance. “ MBut~~d0th Igzjoé make this ufe of the promife =3 Nothigg 1eiTe. He be- leeves, but he is not carelefle; he t11u‘Pcs.1n God, but he * _ neglerfts not himfelf; though God ha.dfa.id, I emfill lqqep A; time mbzt/Jcrfloezferet/yaugaefl, yetqhe lebtgurs to keep jhiijm.-.-W felfe, read, how upon the approach ofh1s bloudv brother, ’ heefendsprefents to appeafe him.,hoW he diVide§_;hi§flAo§k5v ‘ and family, no rnake refiftance pr efizapehima. ';fiI‘ha.t~of Paul (A67: :7.) is eminent to this purpofe -5 ewheregwigh his weather—beaten companionse in that voyage, heaving been in’ great firefle at fea, hefiedps forth ( vvcrgzz. ) to re- vive their fainting fpirics, with a comfortable n1wefl‘?e;e Be afgood 1:/weer, for time [ball 56* fivaltfléw of _,-mjz:3A¢.o‘1<;ed :forAvCz&i¢¢éaz;z,%' bucco Cmmz they cauld not come 3 AA »they lookedfar a f€t~1€d’C0ndIttOn,butGOd,k€pt thém upe- xm uz1ice%rAtaint*ie:.s‘.3“they went toyhng about the wxldemeffe 1:-0; flack a ;pa~ffage out) yet «moist ofthem found Lnone, but rug the doorAof:hc‘g1:avcA: this .was thefpendring ofth’eir%yea‘rs % A §.n/vani;ty 54 and they fpfint chem thus, bwecaufi: "Qf~ 't“heir ’unbe1ief.~. The landy of Camzw was {'0 much ;prom§... ;fedV"t+o»t~1*xeI{i~m=:1ietes, that it, was “ca%11éd+the1and.0fpro. A mi{«:e, yet unbelief kept-them out fourty yea1*s.¢,A «Thai Ap.ofiIae»is as Vplain (Hehg .19.) ‘%Sa?wefie,t/Qty cmldmr enter 4 éiméeaazzflramzéeliq’ TAhcir’+L1nVbe]ief built: a Wallbecwem them and Gamma; it, locked up the paffages fa faft, ‘that M 1;heycoAL1ld notpemzcr am. And as Lt b1ackt,up,thew:1y 3.‘-:'_ ~_ ~ gainftme 4unbe1¢:eevii1gIfi*ae1'ims,% foagainfc M.ofrr;th*e¢%C.2t;u. mm zZi¢&ilC0flf{.’£'(%0f"qfIf5”dBl : he mlifé d’c1iver%uphis$lma'ing..~.- ‘ and 1*efi.gn» his Cammzéfliam to his fervam Iqfljzag, ~% '11e. % a_;1uLfl;;di:a0n this A;f1d°e%Iora’2;:a :' The reafon is giVvex1(aNzmzfi5_ 20. I 2; ) and the Lew! /fzaké zmto Mzflzs ‘Mal, Aarmflzyingm Befimzafe yé.6’e'1éerzxe%Vmr:_Amvt,;“tafiz¢a}é*ig‘ie me in%ti9eeie:Vvf the.» A Mildrefigvfffirael, tberqflore ye /1141! V natéwrmg tl,1.i5VV.¢Co;agrega~A:A ‘f #63 mt» wt"/a‘e>.-1amim»’aicl1 I ,l2;we giwefi .t/a.em..A ' '4' r ‘ M, *6 ... N h curfe The Prophet ‘IrE;’,’te1’V]3i,l:.4 lJ-:,‘.'(_¢bflfiflI-:?.5_' ), gfonounceth 3.: AM A 561?3reAtbe.Hon~aWa£leAv Houjé ofcommom; % if A A Aeu1*fe,.fi§Aen the ;man, that trufletk m;i0w1am,Aa;gdw4kez'/éflg/I5 A arm, m¢dm}2f:2f:Ahe.4rt dcpartetla flaw t}7eA Lard. The Apg... V “i’:‘1eeexpo)1”mc£swshofeheartthatis ( £155.; ; I2. )1 Take Aljeed A t/Jere :56 z'e':.my afym mew’! hem afmnéeli;»y’,.?imAAda;ezz£ng V flow the [mirage Gad. A7nAuebe1Aeeving hem, is an heart dc? eming freme the living God. The amtithefis in the Pree _ pheet (*zMr.7t.). eenfixrmes that expofision; Bkjfm’ 5.4: tame A mzztxé that Afr»:/2‘Aez;’ae.zT:2t£.'e Lem’, ‘a.2.rad:a2/xofé [rope ‘et£2eLam' V Hope and t:rAuf’c are-A»the contfaries to unbe1ieflA Bun what jg A“ Atheporcionof this uAnbe1eeVienAg”heart 2*’ No good‘ warv rent you. The fixth verfeea.{1"ures’u¥s fo, Heflm/Z ée 1m~e:;:e ixeatli in tbedefm, and flmll mu fee wr’9mgoodcd77m¢et§€r. AS lmbelief locks finne upon our fouls, forrows andjuclgea AA ements upon our bodies, fo it locks A our fouls om; ofeter-7 n.a.11,an.Ad our bOd1€S out of temporall felvation." Anunbe- A leeve1;fl1a11Arxot fee when good comethj tha.tAis.,heTfl1a11 not mfteer enjoygoodwhen 12: commeth. A So E12‘/Im told” that A unbeleeving Lord, when in the name of thelord hehad promifed plenty in Szzmmkz -.3, Be/aola’,e t/maflmltjee it wit/.1 thine eiex,[mt.flm[t izateazzhereafim I{in'gA.7.2. A A A " That ‘text of we A,’pofiA1e Ac a4n.becaul'e he is gulltlefle oi‘ ho-» 7 l,y{;._l3ut.tl1at he may be guxltlell-‘e and holy: He doth not? jufime any man bccaufe he 15 free—-from finne, but that be may be free from finne. Thus the mercy“ of vocation: A w preVentsAonrfa1.th, and the mercy of; ulhfication prevents % ace: Godja,/féfiex z:/mmgaafl *4’ Z}. Bat” 111;gw1;ngthel.maelrey ofialxtatwn, whetherit be, A temporall or etemall falvatlon, G0d:loolts upon a'pec,p1¢-;r or a.~pet~fon_beleev1ng; and therelfore makes ptomiles lb: eur rig-hteeufi1.¢fi‘e and obedle faith to4ataVétlupon, that we may be fayed, that-we may be e.{tablifi1ed..;, , * f”peechto£Cl1ri{_’c,a, in the clofe of the Pamblcl ofche um? ufi; Ledge. and the xmportunate Widow, Ewhere aflizring his. A 1'53 335} a Wm: 51‘ Y “i150-him night-and day,that he will avenge _ ‘ theme A A fecondobjeétion rifes againft this point, from that A M A” A A bqfQF6V'f/Zewlfonvwrable H0zgfleVafCommon5a A A $ :3 8;11emfpe€di1y,“iihc ‘adds,ANerUert/?zelefi“e,' zaéberz we Somme af m4m'ommetb,fla4lMefim1e fair!» on the cart}: EA thaciS,heAflm1AI 4 x A i nc‘>’tA finde faith on the carth:and yet then he comes 1: pon at , grajcious defi_gn,, t11eAde1iyeranAceAof his eleéhlt ieems than that unbelief or want of.fa_itl1,dothA nA<:>: hinder rmsrcy, for this grew; mercy {hall be given in, when faith {hall not be %f0Lu1d;Ato beleeye it: 8,66 here a.Ap3emifu11harve{% of com- fort, mdyetat t,hEAfa111eAti%m€aVd<3zmhA off'a.£t*h; nonem be .f0u1’1dl{1pGI1,i‘:h€ earAr:hA.. A A A ~ /A; ..,,,;. A U A M : A AA rtoniya great declining A A Ianfwe1‘,fi1*i?c, Thmvordsi~n1p,q£ m0AFfait1iiz1 thofe times, newt :.1toba§;Idx.—:~Ca;t‘of £41.. A % A A , —Ser;o11dl.y5%A The inrencJoftI1:;ife wo’rds1%is%Ax1ot to bring ~ A ,fL1,Wnb€1iefim:o%£myA~C1‘e«iiit,_ A bl1t3”,}fi"1)7 ; LO: fii prpL01*!:and Che-1*i1'h the Faith of form: few 1., 1.11% tl1<:jAV"'&a;ppea1'i'ng 105 111-;,.1c,h Vunbclgef and defpo.ndex1ci¢ inothers }E?~‘or in h:u*dAtin1es we lzeem frequentlyfigchcomplaintsasthefe: Dz? yeno:fi?cA,bomtr§ve .l7e47'ts of’"m¢;zf4;7l,% V/320212 %t/Griz" /[Writs we ;2’mv;¢, _b,9n,7 ;,«.f;A,g7 gj«Ug~ % up&2z/Z {Ear 4/057‘; .3 'F»z£':A‘»5i Ivar ?7ewrf.rLr:;1a:.z2 4:-A5:z2i0w,; A4~m’t/§w~efl.m: fim2j_l_y_ we muff /bortéy .56’ 1:223:62’ tf¢.(}l?}31£7i?‘dr¢vrg7,At/j.‘;5 %]2;n9W.;il"z';2°__{;" rzzzgn of rm§:!2cJ‘4ma;:gg ms, 2:»; zzflwl argz12;zc%w*zAt t",a':e;:z; gm]; flm:/1 m,{gmo.-verwt0a*.~ mm.zf£2eAx€2e4rz*A;vr;;’/gives. A % is To relgevve (£1511, 0urAALord CAE“z1ii_fl1?Liah, 4.Zve*«ver-we/c/]2+, H ‘cw/7:12 M6 Samie 722422 (029265,/‘E24:/I£',€=;.? fim,’¢§f4z¢A,!y §‘&g.£,1}'1*}}:,_3 % As ifhe had faid,t;11oz:gAh4 a..1A~1 0L1gl1tAAtra «311<.:»1f<:2anf'e zm<:1IZtx'eng«~z ’ ;*._hen faith in d arkefl: ti+:nes,bQt1é1in E13C'lT1[C‘I"\3’C’$f :‘;7.:~§!d wthc1A's,; 3A'€I:._1,€t 1.10 Amatz§it*fp&ir,. bfifiatzffi f0133.E‘mi*:1V1az1y.AAd0nAon4be;‘ 'leev'e*“': for as ti%2eir%uI11>e1ief7Afl1ai1,x1<3g:% ‘.jU.1ak:i@;;_thé f?.Lith:. (1;haAt ;,is,.the faitiafixllneffe o1*f:=.aith—we3rd} 0563-0d= withowzw A I fiflcfifi ( 1?(e.m.3i.3.2), f0 r1eAitherAfl1aAll it,:fl1£1I-{E -tlzézifliiztln 090»-*=A §:fiéi'A’rf14té%n'v»/i,thoL1Vt Aei”:‘&7e<5‘t. 4 Yea,,i:1thi;s fgsnfe, z/MA l.<.f(efizjz:,{;; A 321126 marebajne; ‘W_hemA y%0u’fee the {piArics0fnnA0fi dhrocaping, their‘ ftiefh gzemblixzg, an4d%,,tl1ein, lmnds l1anAgi;;gr4%doxrJzL; M C; 3 % * f Th,islA. 3 -T" 14 ' V ~% % Sgyggflganpreag/§ed.4£l 4 l'eThis,llo0lr_re_and; “ ” flopoflglleflings."Thisappears; ~ V A e I Fix-fie, Erolm: the" greatnellel ofuhe fiizzle ofunb'el’1'ef; E.“- verylfinne, xnlthe na:ureof.1t, as lallbarre m the way of ~I11€1‘Cy, Av. bef§r¢[~t&e;AHénaurable. ~AGvm%mom. ’ no.3... rcygyiéz .".?r£?2?'£7"“.‘1i?¢2;--q5£2"tZ.6”Ji;'£fl’bfEf.""t§1'3?'flW’([J12*!Z}'7 t?Z2é[;*;;; 1151373155,’ Iéziwl Qmzm ]? izmfs .~}Jt2?z«'£3f wzzilxi/ialdezégaqa’zAbiwg;fipm yam q Butunb€1‘1€f1rS ahuige ;m0uVnta.1~n, find when A~d:_~;ce we have mmoved} che,Am'aunAta1n I of uinbelxief, all oth-er I'fl”_0U’:Tltfi‘ifl’S‘ wi1IV?&}ui§:k1y%;becwom"e p1écin;s_an *vr1fl:ie$ Abefore » u?:;; % '1 great wickedneifm Thgre is much di‘fputej among the % ie‘ezwrned,_ A_Wl7;1ath‘er,: unbzehef '»x;'ere .xw1:~theAAfi~1éfl-%fir§>1aye,wthatf» A w‘h;ich?opcned 1:he;fidI01*fE£> 1>r:%t?ix1eve1*yVfi%ni5aeé? “ I.4b*eie“e«Ve‘~ 2 we%fl‘.1a1ln'bt Wrong mmtbeliefi giving: it «prec:edencie,or inc . V afiirming, that as unbe1‘ie1:%new;flmts"Athe%do0r,a’nd keeps V ori_"e:l%l.?’ *..H€flTC€‘;L1!3L3v€.1i6fiS:C9;u€d (1})?‘i9’Z{fl£’z$l‘2@47fi¢ To 133. Qro-voiced,‘ is» moxe*thven:r.to be :difp1eaifi~‘:d‘ :. Provocarion-= .. notesitjhe highcfi 9;6‘cA0fcii.f‘p1*eafurc,and t.hereforeA%th»&t finne ;_: w.hich is a’provoca;ion}, is ox%1eVoAff the highefi: flames. A A day of? 4unbe1=&;+ef3isf 3; :day i0V£?pnovcocati0n,% 112%. 3.3 fl}zwle;z_ matyerur :=f3?t4!217*7i‘;f,i.¢'ar;A §’z'7¢* t"l2r*éprg:r*z;*vmti29;«z,A M %tI9e; aézy aj‘tzmr4tia;zA in " ; *4 Me: wi1derncf]%.V New A-xwfmjnavas z:”I*2e p1‘0V‘0catiOn of t:hat~= da.y;:'~ at by what did thei people provcmke God atr'1.1at m;~ime+.? wash: the 1m:-Iszing of axfimolten Calf, andfa;11~ing~* ; down bfefore wit: the joynin’gT the%1n»fel5J7~es‘ unto Bzmi-:- V ‘;z?c,dr,%,9;ndA eatiiag-twhe %o1%r;ings (3;£71:%1mt,.: dead. *3 a:du1cery'=~ 0r%uncl;_enene{1”ea&ed“inthedayofthatprovocatianxzf A11‘ 1 fihefe a;re%provoIEing*;thei1* uribelief : Theyover-fun " ‘afldflfiight the x%zo”rdofGo:d5t‘11ep:"omifeo£God,tehe5€o, veenant of God,the Oath of God ,a.Il tbeworks V theeewofia ders, marvels and miracies Of Goof,-,, is not this:a:41narve1Q lous fit1n€<~WhiCh‘b1‘€akSe thomw allthefe 2’ A Lafisiy .«un~.. ;be1iefiSraVery great fin, for,‘ is the ;fi1fU€)th€T.AO.fITlOfi?:AfiflSi, A and the fvveetnerof every fume 5,; fna.nyfizines‘;hadA never V feenetlxe light, and all finne womdebe ga1ieeax1ed.aworme»- Wood; bimtemeife in 121'}: aéfizag, did man beleeve it would be as: it Willbc +4‘) bittemeffeein; the end Uenbfelie-f gilds ever’, that poif0ii0m‘s~pi11, éind; Wfzlpfieit up in fi1gar_;, hfid" fo man takes it down as ‘a fweetf bit, as pleafent bread, with . &ea.t11_.,a.nd hell and ail. A i ehen e a g[rea.t finnee be a barre to »b1efl'mgs, unbelief A mafigwhich wasein order the Erik finne," which is: in kinda a fgirituai1fi.n1ie, in degree one ofthe greateft fitmes, ae aproéokinge firme,9. marvellous finr:e,a mother finne, a pro» A N mopereof fihne- A e A g_gSee10nd1y,e ufl€1ief:is.a* flopintheew3;y‘Ofb1eHienm—and~; % A eftablifhment, beceaufe it edivertse us From the fountazinn .0? M bleffings, £10111 "him who onlycan efiablifln, from him ‘ who bears up the pillars offiiengdoems when the {bake andtottergi Ifnotgthfin,W/aere¢’;1724{;wba,"zZ£ lre..E{ (519 «:g.z"4.)‘ filew me the cr‘¢atur€,~n1an or; Anelge that can do thefe things: "Time Apofile qdef:”’ri~bes Llnbeleief to be adeepa.r- A 19!?ffQi11eG0d(Hc’5.3»-I2.) That which Carrieizh us away fr0“me,thee.f0L1x1zain, ceearries us from the Waters ,tha.t~Which‘ ‘“€:€l;1‘;Ti4€-the¥i$fefY0I11ethe Surme? .mufi neees carry us fmmthee If than utmelxcefe carry 1,%aVsfaye§rom»God’w11o;;5 QUE 2 A A A;Sr:rmo~npfAeacbz:£Aazmla te«Fa{2; 18 W E A A ;foAl;1ntaiAr1, Whfl. is A cahr lSAut{1riéA5 A Awho AallA»~‘g0Aad5A;;a;,:§& ‘who hath all good,- how, or where, on by whom ll13.ll=W¢A sbeettherlAcomforcecl orAllefiahhlhed Is 1~etAtpofiiAb1emrgaAin by defertmg hlm, who.1s~Aour.trea.fure‘=: lupoAn= wha:;Ac0afi5 fl1Aa.lli:we trade t0AAfra.ught c>ui1tlvell?:lls,when WC? have leafed Aancllet’ fa-yl Afrom Heaven 2‘ As. mace Dil'cipleAfaldAuAnm Chrift5l7v72.AA6;6i8:.A when he quAefl;:ioned tihemA~,Al I/1-e"¢'!l;A:3;,.;-l’,z[_Af_g \ ..g:Mw&4yA Go &wa.y;faitl"x Peter; Lard, to:zrv.19Aam ffi¢li.mg;gAo Ag A /Mfl; t/fie.:w0rd.v of ctemkzlllzfiz .- Wlhere Aflqaljliggvg 0urlfelvestl:’At .whl1ercAAlfl1a1ll,wle: have life, ifwe go.»&On1A:thee*7* whohaaAA the words of Aeterne.ll;l17Afe‘:"l sotmray, ,3 whom fhallvve go, when at cly-ingd ift1~e{:I’edAK:jAngdQmA 1133 A upQnAQlurAAtthands 2.’ A .where {hall we get help, or fl1‘CI1gthA3 log dAeli*§rera;1€te,A if3WeAl departfrom God,A ; theeAl=ivingAGod, A the « God W110 givesmzd preferves the llfeboth ofpcxfoi-13% and V nations 2' A “ A V I1 TAAhirdly,T‘l1e«fiabilit)t of‘-a, people i“sAfoth:1cleltl upcm‘ ‘pl;-0.; znifes, but unbclief A attempts to lhake theApromlfes5l‘a"n&-T’ more,t~omake them of noneeffeét. Though We have Am... V cious p;:omifes, ladenhazlxdemilcht with blelliings, yet W5, A can do nothing with them, not make ally earnlingslvout of A them._, except we let: faith to work upon them Nothing cgm fetch out theAtfweeAtneAfl"e~oAfa .promAife,hutfaitAh ,m,,,,;;,AA he t-hing AAAcaAn,fuckA thofe _l:>1'efts,l%or draw Awatctfi 1Ol1C.»Qf‘:(;h0f—3. wels of faAlvation,but Faith AfaAitAhAA ttmalces a’ living out of; 3, Ward. ofpromitfeg bummbeliefjwill let us die andaarvctv A §c"£ljt_'h3A@'A t1:%1«iA~dfl: ‘an tlfljohg ofalil the proflmifiés 5 A yea, u»nbélie‘f37A iaswéusgdefiroyeth the promifes, amd»A cuts: the finewsA Aof” A ehem, A foA«Ael'mt they. Cannat £’ci1~relh9.ndArlor«fcmtt to help us“ A Yet: furtAhe1<, Uflbéllief as muAchA as in it ;1iegA3) gumeg all A 9A A pmmifes: into; »f'a;lla;”clesA, AA and Tthe truth of God iz1toA tAaAliAfe4A:»l A F;1aAi£IhA? feeds. upém thee goodneflé ofthelpromifesg and tin»? \ F“ A A A Al bdkf W iefiréebvlflmatréflefiwfitcof Cameioheg W. 'mun'annm '~4|'W‘““"""“ "‘ M n‘ helie£devutslithellttult-hlofthein “smelly v‘tl:f’eyl7hall‘—1=%xeve"t* l V Areceixiellthegood l~of a.Aprom«1fe, denyst and 2:leiPc‘rey:the<" truth etrat.prom&lfe. 4 O .. mercies, ~~thetefore certainly ‘l1t1lJ€l’l6’fWjll'"l 'l1:irttlet ftitui"”e"ltA Amlercies: by unbelief ‘God was la4l=:lf the favours he lhtttllhl “ E. bellowed lupcm use; A when jwe heleeve -not what is to be”? A \ due, weunbe=1eeye all that G‘o“d shatli dome. -He thé.t? 113.V=l11g .;l3l€ehllalrd‘()needA his ’ fintte, l~et10tl“l§)?el*eeVel thatle he God ‘will tpatdonahtintk ftill, unh:eleeve‘s ‘that he was et"reir7l l pardoned; Itis fointhe cafeloflteempotals : Andean we A think AheAwi1lhel’cow new favours, lwherell heehhth lofil‘ thefehe hath bellowed 5.’ - God will never trullthat-which? -ldifirulls him. V The fever: 4 lean _kin"e of«Plmraé/2, eat up the A fat kine; though we have hadlfeven fat kine, and fi1?lI~eats A ofcorn 5 though God hath given us {even fulllmerciesblétle ‘ ‘vent great deliverances,’ yet unheliefwill {wallow thetn all ate :bit(as it wereyand yetfbe as lean and _etnp"ty‘ea5?befoi*e:” We fee it clearly in that paflizge of the people ofifi-4cl,= A Exoa’.14.t1. God‘ had wrought a great deliverance for A fhCInl,.AjA;:hfilh&dAA;b1'0Ught them out 0fEgypt«.With a. ftrong handl, a;ndlA4theyeAeha‘.d-feenwthe Wonders of God tenltimes‘ there -.-,l but as foon as ever they came <‘ to the red fea,unbe- A lief feizecl upon them : Oh, they fltould never overcome that difficulty,never get paft that danger : W hat doth this A their unbel‘ief«:Aeve11.what,I have faidtefifidevouredall fet- mer mercies: NAa;y5llAit‘n~ot only took away former mete-“ cies," but turned them into afHiélinit1slahwV»: ._ W76 feewhat We ihavebrought our fe1%w%es%to,AL Q ynhét we;1«1a§i- fL:fi”ered any xhing, mher% th6fl¥Wl1atW€%% 4 Uz1be1ie"f «robs God ufihis Ahonour :4‘ and] _tha.t"& mgvhich takes_g1ory—fi~an1 GOCL5 mufi needsshmdefr mercy‘: .from}man :« ynre can never enrich our fe1ve3»by% robbing God; mzéeliefzls as G'ad~m9£>é»in_g*fir2ne -.;, and it robbes God of tha.tLVvyhich is moft prezsious to him: unbelief is 7a¢.bold3* fim1e;§:.goes into Gods‘ Cabins-game} takes mvayf his cfiiefig cf’: jewell, it takqs,avv;a.y than which he faith h*e.=wi~ll,¢AAnot’ giv.eaxxz;Ly,£zz;r_gIo7jy. f1'he glory of.God,isnothinfg..¢I{é but that reputation which he hath in£heWor1d,(I.fpeak not of»? h _§.s.eiE1atia11 glory, which he bath from a1l‘;ctem»ity,. and: max: 11a.'2re,w*.rhecher men Abeleeveworj nb, but I:fpeak» of his eg§I3 _fa;§$l;%% "god r41+;ii12ifei1—fvbiitgai-hsf a'Ago'<:Sd‘A repoft amang “Vz1a¢:$ain§s% N“a.n1Aé Aifs ~'greac’. among t‘1iofe“w:ho . are -_V<>i& A;g.mia;«vfi.a1z11:%;Gqds ‘N9mé~is~ UP, ;Whe:,1J,,. ops; X lmjazgts ‘age; up‘-1“’ii1:§£bé‘Ieq\ri:3g and” his‘ V 'Nfam‘e fivs ’7dO‘W_h3.« mg A»:iau;w.hea»rxs3?‘*a;vre cityma Am~ib1é:—d=' Raf} :H“eAAAArh2it 441*ec'Aeiv*eu.7..t1 «t:he4~;tefi1>‘im”Gny4@fJG(id; '£%¢s tc5Ahi;-: ]oh:§.ng3.;lA {cal that Gi§d.iAS__1:ru€;,A but 1:VéwLt1:;m.»»vi11Anom;+eceive~cI:e¢ce«% {’cai‘1noM11 fi of ‘God; he (.?a.s3‘ igwuélg 21.sAAA1+:«;e g'*..::m ) hath fa: m 1;, 1.3: ,f&1E*j)%%%a4;1q.a;u gs ; :’;IsFt116 A0.~Afi1‘c <11: :b:*1‘i«.%: 3,; Aim” 333A’; A'W#Mfi~ifflv%zeA‘.wlz“d,"w?m &AfiZ@8‘-*z“»’é~”§_ >«/Mi?vzée2w%z4;iéaf£¢j‘4:ém/céa A 1-1; f.4z:%4t«/aaf Gbzfwvjtlfiozat l7?HisA%"*denyAiri~g'qL1efi:ii-(in im-. plies, fha.t4thi‘s was thef§u:fempt% bmnbeiief, even?u:ugV}:1% 2111th§Wr§2'1‘dVVfl1oL1I.%{;fi ~ pmve AA<1im~*s £{|.t1AAd A%%11nbie1eevcé2*s.i*::«:]§*3aL:1::m:$ thamis to =1*1»”fiBe;3ief"-g3 vthar. Would: pL1ti%t'}1’ehig4h¢ePc. dmA1m:;oum::pqn d1,j“cwe:la :3,1ac¢ ofVfa1fé11b0dAtohismévnward, and“uni?é.it11i'*'L1%11néi’fe tohiAs*‘ . people.- 4 %Ccmfider% this? _ cm .~we.h~thriN'e 13y Ve_11c§a*I11£;ging~; G‘mic1.d, ;0‘i+ is it .probiabJ1ez God ..WiI'1 »einca:‘r:a»{e,V Gaga‘ coxxxfortsy wni1e:we m*“c~: decoi5Hx;‘gVat1d ;xvaAfi.inA-g:his7h0:t10ur*!s*A e AA "54 % Ezqmfiall chefeg0nfidcrauic3:1s,4»ru'!n«3}7Qim2%iscrleax*1y déaé” ~ A I A 1323.; VA A An1onftra.ced;.} ‘K 3 prgmdeap Afl%jfl$€AfFflfl;3‘ Lmonfiimteda isrthe flopo;f;1quEI—ike'bIéf1§ngs_; A A and therefoArceIGOflCh1d¢‘frethtvtrufih afar, y?Ihat%W¢~fi’IW45 6e£ecvingt£rere_mnA~6e m A ; A Hence y1eaAzn,hfi:ft, how. ::ex;cellenty*and :ufefti1a1Aaracey faith is fsome ~£hi:1:k 1it£lehe.off em Tloying fafthm any_ybu-L" e fineife beyond the 1i[neyorfht2he~§Auf1i*» AAcaai.cm ofa {.in¢ni‘er .: MA »(as the Saincsofe=1dA) afo we may eke other i~prove- A meats ref For 3-5..;§6_y;.1.'fif"3.‘t,»,£ taéeymfly of minke ewerc- flmken and fellydown ( H 652. 3? xy.3o.)' F0 6)» :‘12l;f5.1‘aé€ hmll3A._o5f fcmflzlem may be Afe~1:Ied ayymd;raiyfed up. Vs éyfairb ychofe ancient eworchies fia&daedA’éngdom:.~fo fair/hat this day, we may qfldélzjb _Kizzgdom:. 7’ We mu not H only ygoyyto. prayfeAr by fétith, bAutAtQy;:Qu1:Ie11byfaich, .andtO Warre by faith 5 by this~»grace» we may wax walidwtinyy figbt_,L zmafw ewmz tofiigbtt/2;‘ <./Jrmies of;/ye alie:2:,v,er.,34. When 35320.-.»» jbaplmts» Armieswent forth to battell, his military Orae _ V itionyhad but th1s flower of holy rhhetorxquegn it-,B~:elec=z»: in 1/}: Lordyw4"rVGa;z’, fla /7241: you he ejiaélifbed '5 éeleerue 1.4913: Pro- ylaets, fiv fl.1alJyauprcg72er, 2 yChron.2o.zo.» The profpersicy; ofyouyryy W0rlAdly afi'"airs, as Well as of our heavenly, de- pyends.upon,e.nd fipwes from the afiings of our faith. V A In the next p1ace,e Give me 1ea.veA( ‘Honourablej and be-~; " 1oved)y :0 be an informer thisday againflc the*Kinhgd0msere greatefi enemy,yyand £116hind€1f€I‘.;0f0Ur:N&Ei0fla1 sea. A A ’blifl1ment.. It was the cufloxfie oftyhe fem (asfomeof V‘ 'mzZl : }pVr1.z)a~e17r,:~ Vbec£a.u4fe% “chefs % brea.1s:aA forth .~. and ”:opc«ra’»te:*itt:. g.1o;ri@:us:‘:¢fi?éAé}:;s$ Io =7?A£1nbjel%ief ;my.be ca11ed..;¢fi7a6tua~Ykunxbe¥*iefi,”..becIm;f¢~iAc$24?7*I§*s f’o1”*‘tfi and ope.ra.tesi~n.: 1amenta»b1eveffeék»s..« VPmd~':Aw%1i’atfoever is, 0r,c9.n be Alonkt uw%pon+~as~a. vcaufe:o£?::“ou:r;.g;ontinfled trmrbiésr % and fha.kh;1g&s%, is wi;chczu1;=a:ny?:sfbra:'m 0r1fié.I:i~dm* reduéivhlcito A l1tIb€1»1i€f,~ am/the =»cauife%Aof‘~tl1dafes daLfiTes;3%;.4?asixaE4* tlmfiféffire ’:h*c l cauifeioftho-{”e%€fi?eéi:sw.: M A A I A jEi1:fc,;,V S’o;m;c {@YsfWe*are .not4%*e»fiab1ifi1ed%;, bccaufe we are~ _ 4 fb;%c1iygigj¢d. And Vfl fF€::f¥O13"OU1’diVifi§C$I1S“'Eh€‘ffllit ofour mg:-.3. E:¢IiQtf:'3 g ~r.{Mt;¢; fi«ottf9y12eaé~in%fairlakm GM; VA j?ay7ag,v_A4vr*¢%izIt:A V fim:lyA 1jay?fIA5 maize ¢A:AizIéaz*lz.z;;c:V #2:» flaw: f;ihay.t%1aui: gofofifromz V l“;§4lSefm0n:frle};ci7ed 22 we E42,. f 5 h A A féldomel<ée‘p cl;-lofe nd:l,one.ar1vother, F4ii‘éfiI6~t l l _% f0 unifefcnmeld,‘ fifme .ia;lz>0l1nd T3Gd”Q-3+ 1* ,§e‘jw_ery»aét»ofl un*l:stelileéfin5:u lSec«;mdly,i If£t'fbclfald,%l—lwc are notM‘;e[l:a;bli«{he<;ll,becapfcl A V A 55 fiilll, and)i»l’?§l:»ér’3efo1'c?? .trouble~abl0tmd§Tlfii:ll51 grar‘rt:it Brut whence iS7it”."t”ha£l-finne"" lb ozulzxds 1’ l muff fen time alfo upanathc-2 head ? of It is unbelifif. which p1'ote;;‘Tts firme, amil lkfilfipsllt alive, ln.o3:-*- m,;;';;;.;¢,rf{;2z.t1dirjg~tlmé.fent¢nc~e0fvldcatal1 :“hat'7hf gone éizlffo z:$z‘téti77" againll: it: Though it hath {Q osfizm i ' lying s:lutiesV0fpf:a.yer and fa~{’cmg ;) been: carxied outta exe-— cutim. Sinne laughs at all our daies of forrowl and ‘hi:-3 miliationag ouglfafis .at1dl,pra;yersL,l..Whileunbelilef léaclcs fizazxdé $0 lt::“i*“P0f as faz'zv§_z :13? 4' ,{I1ieJa£ in t/ae»2¢£w»i?¢4r¢,wi&icl1 qzsmméex All we fiekyfllmfts of’ Dew’! Wéveligj’ :3‘): Weld gm theaililf*?7?4,l£.l»~“5?1'vbic/:4qwenc/7:: all the 601}: “dmftf ofikéz Spirilt. uclrl mo:-Fe its helafizfi till falala lists in naked 110 the Pciroaksl vvord- l l l l % l : A ‘A r A Thirdly, Tfit rbc laid, Surely we are nozlell‘cabllifl1ecl,‘be-9 eagle’ Mwe.;a[g:e, a growngfol lcareleffe, {'0 lcolcl and’ f"ormal'l*in n;hofi;-W 52¢‘-g7g%b}7;s«::5'?x¢£vZi '7a’mia:,f§fz‘z'z¢g zmalpmyer.'I Many‘ A ne’gll4:C3l;¢.;I¢miTlbrthé /mgiflgldvwrzllvftfivir 5644:)??? Addy .:~ This negleék to keep falls, antillnieg-ligem~‘”ke¢p4l ing efcllem, is fQ;:g"f0fl'e llland no:orious;that4Litmakes mae- ny hearts go; bleedyvlhile t:hey1:hinkwofit..“"-Hencegfome have lzlgQug§1lmAit:lmo&lllfafe,>’?w.‘.m0Ve‘fm*:t?hle1l11plei*fegiea;ting‘ gfshclléldutieszs, “ifflai-‘ifig thawuch 1%’e*t1}ed-f%!.I“c=1s»l will bucl:=fit~2:1*é; 3 ; « " A I unfectc lfmzifi him 3+ cement aw » unbeliefi’ n tlnefé lfini-mcrti;= < A The wordcarlnot wound alfinnerywlailelheis armed with l ' unb$,l~iel“. Simn67W1ll ‘fave*1ts.sAk;nne,«.:rml llla"ra?d;l:fn1itings ofthe“ _ s1’3J"’V‘e?b” H°”"“"4”19HW3‘0fC0mmon:r. 25 unfettle the ,Kingdom.,~ and rather prdvokethte I;ord,; then A “ pacific. hitri toWards;;;usa.tt ¢.:Reaafon.s»may sbegiiven fdrjthe A i laying dowiniof thefe,Monethly,a andwthe keeping bnl bf‘ occafiosnall ifaffis :;~ though in toheifenfe jo’tir*~*m0i1et~hIy afts f are occafionall, the greatogccafionawhy they he‘gan,cOn- A’ tinuing to this day. But how fad is it, to confide: that this ihould be given as areafon, That we have laid down " thefe fafts,‘ becaufetwe are weary» keeping them, crate gmwn F0;-rtnafl; in keeping. of; them. To bteakstoflaifrbm inch a duty, upon thefe‘ term s,is a lam.entation,and will be one : What «:’ have We fafied away the tendetneffetofourt A hearts, and our fenfib1e‘he:{Te~of Gods hand: have we prayed away ourzeal forGod, and our love to commu-4-=“ mom with him fttwthis‘ is dreadfuzlh. 4 A ~ But how dreadful} foever it iS5.Ihi5 (which "Godfor—- bid )if it be fo, muft be charged upon unbelief. ‘Why dos any ~negle& fafis *3 it isfibecaufethey dc; not beleeve it wiliquitcoft tojojbferve theme», tlmeybeleeve more gairxis * to be got by working in their callings, and more com-9 fort will come in by letting the-mfelves outin p1eafi.1res:& therefore they will I'1(.3Ci aforbear theirlaboursg 01: abridge the.mie1vesafqrha.1eday oftheix: pleafitres. A No man will afa- fiiéi: his body ( as sinfuch daiea he muff ) much Iefie his I0ui—( as inafhch daies he ought.) unleffe faith fhew him a 'benefit,which will beat his charge, and comforts,which will {wallow up hisf01*rows.,in doing them. _ by . H: , - it And whence’ is it ," that many who appear,outWatdly in the-lfe duties, are i {<3 fbrmallg rather perfonating the faftet and petitionegthen being fafiers and petitioners *1’ is it not frbm unbelief 2’ They who haveflight thotaghts ofa duty, mttitneedsiaétit flightly. V A ‘ yr %_ And whence ’iS;it,th3.€ prayer and fafiing are at anytirne fuccefielefie . ,,, F Aosemzov M‘.-be4a¢% .2 IateFéj£»,e o A fucceflelefle “‘ai‘lC§ ineffeétualleoe is not this from unbeliefe.’ Pmyinge without beleevmg, as a taking of Code Name in A “ vaingeaond (in regard of any fruit ’) a vain help for man, Prayer Wifihmlt faith, is nothi“n1goeebut veaionoiefe vofwords, weer bkéliwg.-4 ~itis,;but fpeekihgnot prayi*ngL.reIr1 e%etIhe fixth of ‘Matthew; Chriff reproves thofe, who t-houghteeo be I heard fox‘ their mm‘/5 fl2e.azki:r2g.e We {hall furely be hea41"d%if' We pmybut a. little, but We {hall never be heard how much foewrerwe/jreeh Am iffaith be mixt in the my, h‘ow~ long foeve1* we continue (peaking, how manywmrds, yea. repetimons foever -we ufe in 12:, Chrxft W111 not call 1: new/5» (pm1emg,bL1t mm/9 pmyixag ;- Though he reproved mm!) ffreyzz/€1ing, yet he neither did, not ever mm reprove mm}; W Jonzyiego: Now unbelief makes that which is commonly called praying,11ow1huch foever it is,to be but mac}: flvezzk-« mg And for that .( becaufe Chrif’; is not inic )-neither man nor nation fhall be heard.weThe2efl:ab1ifl1ing ofan unfetled Kingdom, calls (a; foreetehe highefteeand pureft motions of reafon in counfe11ing5fo)Vfor the holieft an&1 mofi: fpirituall mocior1s.offaith in praying: But as unbelief darkens the light ofreafon, that it cannot fee, or holds it in unrighteouinefle 5 fo it clips the wings ofprayer,thac it: cannot afcendjor returns it anfwerlefle. A ' A- A Fourtzhly, Should it be fwd, Infimrwent: liaweéeen me--A fizz”!/afzall, they have njoz? aéfed up to the l9igbe§?,e£tl:er%a:rft;’7£ir AA aéilitiesgar oftbeir duties, aim’ t£7er£j€2refiareZ_'y we are met efla... A élzflaed .- Then,I mufl mama unbeliefas guiity ofthis un- faithfullneifc; Want of faith is the caufe ofall the uh» faichfuollnefie that ever wasin the worlfl 5 the very root of “ apoflafie both from God and man. Faith keeps the heat A fieaidy, and will fee us die, rather then.~offer a thoughtof exitlxdrawing from aoknown duty : Fair}; Hzgfis all temptiflg oizjeifs 5, A _;§Zi‘flg. r . . lééfing crux dm‘ h ” ~ % % ~~ A 34313-M Ch<3:.w0£Ld can thr«:atenu“ ' ” ‘” % ¢“§%#W§ mewmA%%ygreaae; gm: ‘ ‘ii. , f " it 3,7 ihewing» us ‘gawk evil in V Adaingor wmrfxin ~ 7' A % guptmnea«WLh¢fi;p,m;;£,e. - A. mus Ofhisflga 4_[g,z¢z7;g;¢ Q A A,‘ % -3173. wmpwrj hag: temfite; .6-12% _ tixemaflfangar’-rfeturnfid brim in bad ‘ ‘ ‘ naII1§_1_Y¢,“ that their faxtfiwasgn l1ge§rt, a:1§”§f§§]§§";,Jfi"‘?,b*‘ ‘A AA rm '1-'9 P4m[.m.w mwfarted - he knew as10no‘% " chcy would fiand aagainfi alftgmPt§tiO;§h%réf¥:fi§1fiCg0da . ~ ‘urn them» lggffiQif1t0i;i-1£heWOf1d5'$Eh€y W0u1d take no h A A AA um ‘:be‘%1ieev4i%:x%;i§3:heig.;%@‘at€:ftf'conquerer ATM is the rviéi 5 4! A oryzr 4: a?verwmmct}1* t/7:2 wr,ld,% away, ;;,,,;.A _m;)% . ‘ 1 \ 4£ha;twvv»hich hetrayesusintof thé hgfnd bfgefxg:-ah. 5 ' 4')“ ?‘nd ,is;ux2be1‘iaf:: It r1'mkes% men a&VVba[éiy and gear}: i0tai11:1o11¢ MV55 Rfifméfifi mi @Véf§?g/Pr0mif§.;c:f~pxeferment, or hcpe ’ A ufgrflfitfiji‘ Wcliy "Vhi7f‘B¢riI1g:t‘11r~ea;;:afdan er ~ (1 f 10%. peigmgb it “em: of “*7 “mam him¢?f *=‘i*=h¢r makeéhintx ?a§5n MPOc'rz':: t 4‘e mm’ hew=ss%ormww_fa¥f»ejt:1%cI;s, makes thefpirit poor and "'1’iV:M3.1hZE‘*:,**4 it «c0'm= ° ., . - % “ ‘ . A ‘ ,,¢f;Wl£h~va1l A 2 and adV1f€S~tO;fG3H.W,w11Qm;h»e(reh1::1;ll(€1);:.1'5¢\ of.it:. " F;m5»sggchargggurtgggigme mam: 4 . E2 ‘, 1% iufiice of ann1i:1cierca1singg ‘ but M the%wfuccJefl"es; or advantages \-—---nu... 5 .aA-omom«A u. A.» ‘4|\V'!" ‘. run H.‘ ~ 1" mp/ v 1 f,*%%*1~_'heAfe'A.2zl[£(t?VV(’AI I_ée?‘:b'y“theifAc(5mpE§xi飧:};§Q«e A ; the cazzmn ojfzmbelzef forArA11a.t1szc,wh1ch,caufe;.l1f 3,: Aman 359 A: like: &"mt3AteOfAAfiI1A* the ayr,A bgtweein AA3H€AflV€flfi and seF‘arc.h;;%nosaknowAin4gs Away £91“ m0,VeA.AA hey A who 1mv;e::§H:tIe’"'"’??"Afa;V;ic%,A“;haxres ’mt1§4h f€afAAfi%'ifld“ they W119’ have v:Lg;;3:.faizh;a¢r¢A4Ai:1f‘éz reaineffe to! be ”a11Afea.Ar,?‘A to AbeA!fl[ain by fart:A*: ‘ I’/fA'2¢5elz'AL:ft ma/c'7e.rA A 7?é'A}¢“..¢;fi',{¢ia’ difjvleaflng ;.,my emf, but "God .- It fpAeakes Aasrthe “meffexigexgw Mimialy, I ?KingA.V%z 2 “.1 3\.A3AAAA %AL‘etAt‘Iay%4[wvfd 5é7lzAk"e:t)71e oft12 cv2;,V4.&nd be Honozgrafile Hang} ofeomnéom. at _ Médbiresahd the Ammanite: madeA%warree upon hiWrI1:.he 9 % prays thus (clmp.2o.12.) 0 am‘ God, wilt Mow not jmlgge them .9 for we lm-ve ma migkt agamfi tlwls grew company that A comma:/9 againfl am, neither know we what to da, 5%: W319 e_ye:e are upon t/see. What, had he nomighge knew he mg when to do, when he had nécooo‘ men in the field 1’ No, not he : He had no eye to fee thefe or any thine? but God; and therefore faith, our eyes are (mm. “Em on our -Armies, but‘) upon tines. 1 In this faitheof the cgga... mres nothingneife, and the all-e-fufliciencie of God, he pre- vailed over then/Immanites, as Afa had done before over. Zem/9 the E2‘/'a:0}7i47z. ‘We then receive moft by humane * helps, when we expeék leafc 2, unbelief either takes. our hearts offfrom God, or ( which is as dangero11s)»di~ vides them. upon the c1*eatu1'e;for‘ when we lean upon tvvomo ofvvhich one is inffirrn, we £119.11 not fiend by the: which is firong, but fell by that which is weeic : faith mes use ufe means, and unbelief bids us trufi it And though faidz f %wi11trufl; fome means,in regard AA of their‘faithfi.11lneflTe, yet; . A "it will trufi none._,in fegard ofefiefiualneffe. As God calls. for all oureobedience, fofoxf a*11 our confidence:-, confi» dence in man is A ever ‘eaccompanie.d._owith*» jealoufies upon. God; fuehaconfidencese Godverejefis, em therefore we: have not,we Cannes profper in them. A V A Should this% inquifition be en1arg’d, and the lot. cafi to» 4 »fin“de out every accuifed thingmrhich hat11£3b1‘c1ti16’£eed the «influences of Heaven, from making this Land a quiet he-— bitation, I might: with likeeeeefe and ‘ cleemeffe z*:efo1ve‘o them; all into Uflbfilififg and therefore I'leavém‘z‘oe1iefun-»A der the guilt of this gram’ charge; . ‘fix: I{'z7ege’a2a¢s czeeasm . V time we/1» vzmpamr which “continue; this we [mg Cé;=z.;*sh- A -q#4i€€,a??ZiSfAf£-egfidkfig opintheword o£et11ete:at,:?*£2e ‘fiepew % % L*€€£;' vfmr efiaélijlaoecnh A — "I-—v_...__ 32,‘ A l 4 r Aserinonpreatbegi at 4lare‘Fafi3 r .. ... A‘-4.T.IKL&M"n. ‘___J....« Let me then awhile callin the help warm, as tlll; inobleft expedient for the cure of all our evilst’ It is faicl (?el2.7..3 7. ) that, I22 t/re Zafl aézy oftbeféufl, flyefzwflaad mzxfcriedfagrizzgg I-Ie'tlr;:t£2elee»z1et/9 on me, autafbzsrévefly /lm/Z \ flmirrivers af[r*ui;¢g"water Weill it not ha: feafouable, in this great day of yourgwzfl and folemu hurrriliation, to lifi: upa voice forfaithfinclrcry outfaying, If ye beleerue,fuérely‘ /1 ye {hall 5: efiaéli/had .9‘ Set faith awork, in every Work, letit be an ingredient in all your counlels, in all your 3,- étions. Ye afi butas men, not as the people of God, asa, Roman, not as a. Chrifiian Senate, without faith... As 1;) 4 faith Alva! offered God a better facrifice then Cainhis br0- ' ther;, for by faith, one offers the Clmrc/7, the flare, better advice then hisneighlaour. When you prepare arrnes and Armies, arme your fie1Ves~ with tbzirfbield. faith 1 is the éheft weapon, It will quenc/dtbefiery dazrtryafmezz, 44 ‘walla: i pt/as fiery ‘dart: of t/ye Delzzzllw, if your Armies were-weak, faith would recruit and fitengtllefi them; now they are ’ flcrongjarth Wrllcontmue and eucreafe them: when your A :afFa,irs are at a. f’cand,fa.itl1 will put them in motion, faith is a friend at ardead lift. If there be but alittle meal win your barrelly land a little oyl in your cruze, faith will lead you into the florehoufes of Heaven, and thew you allthe tree.»- fures and riches which areklaid up there. As Hezekia/7 led f the Amballadors of Baéylor: from chamber totcharnlberal, A and fhewed themall the riches anal provifions ofhis ro A .. all houfe,both forpeace and Warre 5 f0 will Faiith (hut'up'...” i you better principles ) take you by the hand, and lead you from oneattributeyof God to another, and Ihew you all fullneffe of allthings, there unfearchable riches of mere , A 4 here Lrnchyangeable faithfullnefle, there infinitefi and here purefi exaéteft Wlf€(:l0m~tQimpfOVC and its rength, A A manage A Iéeferc tbaHrmoumble H01) fie of Cammem. thatwillifinde out helpe for us, when fenfeean fee not-new when reafonand pohcie can projeét none.;. f A V T A ., If Informatten be defired, how or whenweyaéitt by faith towardspublike efiab1i{hment,take=itthus.=. r ' A Firft, Faith aéts in the ftrength, upon the truth and: goodmeffe of a promife. Promifes arethe aire and“e1e.. meet :11 WhlCi‘l faith breathes and hves.~ Falfihlanguifhesy V tmieflie fed’ and dieted by divine engagements; it yteliflmes noufare, b_ut of Gods own providing 5 it mufthave apto. T mife in; the Word, or apfomife in‘ theworks ofGt')d!toi teft upon. The works ofGod have a promife.in them,as well asythe word ofG0d, and are therefore the oéjefff of fazitlz, not only as faith notes the beleeving of whatis , dene, but alfo as it notes the beleeving of whatis to be done-, In which {enfe we areto underitand that reproof .0fthe Jews, Pfal.73.32..- Tbs} beleevea’ not link womfrom tiiorlex. They didbe1eeve.,thehifi.ory ofhiawotks, A name»- T‘ lygthat fuch things as are there recorded ,Were done 5 They could not but beleeve that God had W rough: Wonders for them in AA Egypt, that he had» drowned irbmob in, and brought them fife thorow,the A ted {ea they fawtethefe: thingsgheir fen flesjwere witneffes-,but yet they did not best leeve the praplzecie or pramft, which was vertually in thofe works,< namely that God Woulddo more wondersefota ;1iem,ti11_he had finifht and accomplifht their de1iVeram:e“a:» Tihat hifioty (Sf their ht-ing«ing thorow the red fea, had‘ . ‘ ghisyproph-ecie in,it,i that they fhould be brought fafe to V V A "ca;:aaniy5 but they did A not beleeve the voice of thigh prophecie: When. God gave them water out oftherociga this work yptomifed, that hewould give them meattyoutoft A W theftIt>ttds,yii'£theyneeded it-5, bu; this :hefi"he1eevedinot:~ the *I{ence 23: it 5 We can never be at a loife iarhile we canibeleeve, for A u‘ ' I ' ‘g ‘ E h ‘ ,-.m.v . ___.._..__._ __ »ai''—\ A Ssrmon %praacbéc{ at» .4: lame dfi,” ~ _ ‘ Hmcé éhefime Pfalme L’ rep arts their "mbel]iei£;A ~ tinder i ;~1~1;igs.neocion3 ruex.A1$9,.2o. 7‘/My jjmke ~%a‘gwi}1_/fGaal,‘%t/aeyfltid, A Cam God fzmzzflz .a::t;rMe% iz¢‘tl2e{w£l;Jez'm;[3"e .3 Behold, ./aefmote rI+v“e~ ram, " %z~m< -?wmm’5 gt4»flm" aw, and :5: fi¢ea*mé*arz;er~ ‘flawed; Cm: éwefad azzfiz Q3 :_"CAm~~lje prwideV‘%4flEfB zzlfb A ‘ far V/via? ;mnple% .9’ “ Wham: 5%/Eye Lard-‘ ‘beard £1113‘ (7l~&ngua.ge of % unbe1:ief)l.ia:mm:: mam:/at; A A Then «faith mcwes»-fin £he%%h«i’gh[efl:M%f A riQn‘:A®£,E1o1ineHE, mm it fees%a1If~to~be “G113; iwwhat 4 isd%t>’Iie3 :w11;e:n1reéd3s“%meat‘promifed” Watersit given 15% "W and conquers%aiG:olia}2 intlaeconquefiz of a‘LioAn¥ W_hen=~a 9 V , J/&ai:fwV~Le¢>iat£v4zaz3’itsfi2ovi in the w%il2ierz%fl?*;'. And thusAthe ‘ Lard d1re‘r1Tt1p:¢»A%yjLemyefi"érd€lY Ptdt:”ej5ifis,é1}é1 iv 1 fu*cmflc’s; fvifloxies, A fl1Icvu~Ida_I}‘J‘~‘be ;fcirved‘up» ‘t;(;3«’e311é-‘£¥fa§§‘ @161£y~our»h<:a11:s,',ffor faéi?IihV to“ feedupg. add “"ijc)fIéi‘1“i'iWié A 1“ A holy. con fid%%ence5 T54: M ‘wba wEzt}5v~=dé{i4~arerea5; | no gm; flzggrmt. 4de4t}1,amMotlydeli*ve}r?..wi1lyét*delj-W5? yvm; .fl7.ai%t#I'1z.eaw~1kr"i.a=Ai}m5zgiwgn_6y mV4l!Aia%z[;t£’w3 Mal}. A ~ i u ‘M; ¢ AA mp ‘. ,,.z, man A tijou/Imlr iml9meV M fjtmzmive afiaid aft/gem, éu#j7242‘~t well rememéqr‘ .w/7211’, A zumfiord 1%,} %%éowiA did zmto P/ymwir,‘ and umtaallflgyy t,8m A thefireafibn why the pe.op1e»ef Ifraelptovdfed ” a1:=:%I:h&.reci few by their fears” and murm'u#rin~gs5 is ths fiflfal; .106. ) They reweméred , wt tba‘4«,m#ltitm‘e4 thy, .. I . . A %5??*"“3"9.§3’*”%" ””35’?30§'5‘§i"4‘ gmmiflg, wlwaiesst l(y‘t1;cjufim 4xdT‘72alinc‘fi.g?:%mzh.~ ‘ i:gfbrg.tbe Honourable Houfeafcammokiz. man canhét that by "faith, 'which is either unlawfull :6 be A _doln,ie,or is done unlawfully. Faith aéts inche eye of God, ) ln1"aylc<5me ofit, iifo neither will it" do good that evil may cV0mé5~oif;it,l fuch a. private’ perfonall » goqd; imay A cmié “0f it,‘ as is over~—b‘a.laiic”d ~ Twith publike igeneifall Evils; 1”“ Fdiibi mltverii drive: ~A»¢l7tr.Me~( lmawingly ) for if '_lwithm‘rb”1¢g1t0tzéeiaommanflack. A l V ii A A M A‘ A A ‘i“FOur*fhly, Fait]h* carriesxlvith it cliéerfullneffeloppofite i r*o ’”wolr'ld1yl”“ilforrow; 7 éourage oppofité 5 to‘ worldly fear, ;re{'olved»nefTe oppofite ‘col iba“.1fc neutmliitry, izealvoppofite °co~ lazie lufkewarmieneife, lboldnelle oppofite to finfull moglefly, and alfober iponfidencc of fucceffeg or anafl’u- ‘ i*Tanée*' that but laboiur A fl1a11imtb“e in vain,‘ i cjppofimrm all iheiart-linking’ doubtsgand defpondencies offpiirit. ' “ ” _ S Thus hedothfirvholactsb ‘ faith 5 and all this,faith will do yet; rid: evttry*faiih;+3 ,iTlrue'Ali;iith willdo the li former V three; ‘~ bu£tli;:‘fo1::i;th iéii-atasltfor*fl1'<3>ngfaiths._;I1: waging Apofiles cauckm, Rom.‘x‘4i.I . Himlltlmt :3 weak in tbefltitb receive, but wt to daubtfwll dz;/jwtatiom‘. The work: of Gold 4 put :1: mr Imrolqmjiiom .1»: 1213' word. V The difputcgs ‘ofproe l vildenciei arebfteii very hard difputcsr A weak faith may A room be l»~m~ma:c"h by:hemi.iBuc whe1*e“i’aith» is flrong ~ andvigorous,it will unty all thoféknbts, refolve all rhofe W ‘lclcibubts, rurrthorow all that worigwith eafé. That muff V % nl颢l;isl'k¢§%p‘"’*oiur"fpuls “.if’ceaL_dy5V3.Vr1dlri12cll;e~us unweaifiied in thew W0rk6f=heliLolr6,*Whichlfetches"1nlc°nfiam fupvliesaand fleegls, 011%. laingwich 011 ‘as fall‘ iasiitlfpends, which wipes A Ffi F2 “ ~ V andtherefore mufi: ab} holily. Faith tellshsiithat God hath W A ll noixeed ofour fins,:o promotehis caufe.,and that we?muf£ 4 " notly_eforGod.. A iii “ 9 ' T"hirdlji,Hethat 3&5 by faith, will look that his end be ‘ ” asigood asihisirule. As faith will not do evil that good A A muff, ubegsaufe _amonegf;thciin 1' faith fiti e gA;AS6fm0fiPF&?Z€b5dv§W dldté’ F??[3,. A ‘of?f';eem»f:.veear, and Cafiffithe us tomftixrl hi5.fl5:,r.en8et:h;e‘ who A <":'.:.tc%u.-¢"'&_0%il thingsa e e f # V V A ;%_egeBut ewereeit net»-betterco fear alwaies, ethep Ltobe fa eighflown inefaith‘-’. Wereit.n0?-better;oeprepa1-eefouhe worfi times,then to be confident ofgood,Qrbet;er;::eV,%M ; VA , 6 ‘Aldo not cou11fel1%any to flacken the1:rpr¢paratieo;;Lfor evil afld W0ff€f tim€5aWhi1¢. I.I’cir1:eup your mirldes to be? -e1;ee,veenc1'waite forthe befh Sit. down as oft as you pleageae ‘av;-1d prepare for deatlajfor fword, for famine and for%fpoil-- gag; Sit down,, and commuqe with your own hearts up-A on Ayougre beds about thefe thxngg. :, P,ut.ethe;ca_f¢% to.—you_r f‘e1ves,and 32.6% the pa;rt” offuffererse under hardeft preffures: ffiluink What to due if the {word were at; your brefls, ‘afid the firein&yog,1rI10ufes. Butin the midftof your preparaa efiens for ‘e.vei1,e.take heed oEcaf¥~ing#a4way the hopes of good» um evil W wnévliefi e /mjezaz was 15¢w,il:tlzzt”f4Ifiae1;emie11raeforthey hadanffimy behind themi, the fee. V before the-m,"‘and the mouneainse on...eic1:_m;- Lfide, {Q thaxthe enemyfaid, I ztzifl pwfie, I wi1Za¢ggi;.¢kz,e~ A Iiari,/1dzfviclee*t/’2ejfiaile, my113%../7:?al1eéej?ttz3_fica’#péfi15:57:,, I w2xzmy;rwd,e win? 724%/bell dé’/frvyezézem Exam 5... 9.),eyet thexeunbelxef 15 taxed as a provocation. ,Neruer V finale e{ofth6.grMW1f§evf dwgér e’¢’1*”f’)*”‘ faith ~' For dan- gers are the element of faxthegee among them faith lives? es moflii P?'omif'es. 7 When_ \ A IA2ej(}re1:I2ei< Hanéurable Houfeaafélammom. iwhmw¢h;,V¢‘i1¢afi{}bfi1:he wor1d';a.b"o“utius; ; we have moi’: A . : figmiy jbefliiizfbr 1116222 ta Iligm i0rfl2__4!l, tlve cihg word a.b”out; Ausxa xandwhcn WeA have i m-iofixof -the world againfl us,jw,e have; more, of the wordmbr us.; Faith ihath belt food in fa.mii1e,.the fuliefl taibile in: awilderncifei 1! Faith C like a;.he:H0rfe (906 39.19. ) rejiayet/2 izzvifsflrezfigtlig, ‘ ( far. it is tlzefirengtlwf Gad,)~_ andgoetb out tomes: I/you j arvzedfncn; Fait/3 market}: 4tfMr,i and :35 Mt’ aflivig/2ted,ami-» I/zer turmt/9 545/3 flow;/76 fwflflfl A ' A 4 n V know God is abfe (be chei"idifHc:uItiesncVer"fo great) todc- 'iiver.,but we are. not acquainted with his;w1ii: Howithen can-we a.é‘r=_faiti1:*i1owi can we be “confideht: as you would A haw; »ug,.;; Goci Aanot oour-gomfled powéei-;*A A Thatit was Ara, is fcetxg clearly:by‘.th¢j3»a;flTv€ferthat God Amakaes; .wr.»:A3 A Jaw ootlre%%Lardf&MIoW£hAoMq/ésg ‘*‘I5AV i79Ae”"L0rd$’L band waxed fljm‘ A’? -~Tbfl4?%]33-fil{%_fi!g_?fl€W'%151757617761?‘ wardfbafiflabmeta ‘no e’\-th*’fiti7t. The hand ofGod is the poWé‘1“0f’ GA0d§Afin<:ftlié‘1}1orc~ °:of‘;oh:is .hanci5 sthe »fl1Aor€ninlg% ~oo0F* His A »p4ow~érT. ~ Is” Gods P0.w.(¢1‘Afl1'0rotfléd: Ar.’ AMqfi’.v"hi‘As qLx”e{’ci0n intimated that it wé.é=: ;.So' Ifz; 5:9 . I . vf:T/ye Lordso £IAi¢d*l3‘o m5t~/harmed _ tbdt he cannot a?’U£\ffA.’ Now: AaM,;AsAA'ino CAommon¢AweAalth»s, A good LAa=wsAfl1ev<,r .*:i11;1I1Aa;hneré(Afo>r>Lawsare Amédi’ci2?1es,applied by warem; A __gifh3~ac“es5”~ to’ cuoroothoe»&fev‘era11“8iPcefi*1pers of aApeop1cA) ro good coA-gnfitls and : proofs fheW:7the evil which is ointhc A heart ofmaon,-A Woheon God askcs the que{tion,I:,g2ry&AlzA4}éd flvarméd?o~4AoWh*ionf i<‘1o1faLith,4%aJy; 19212421 zéfirotflflaorfzzezzflwe moay ga- ther,‘ AMqflsf.r ahd itthejéws 4 hadaL17appreoh'enfion itliat Gods " A ohand was {hortnedA.,I ‘that h1sgower”~was4 not fogrcat as" he ohadreported; V A o A ~ A A A A A A ‘_ AAAAgiain,IfA1t_ be‘~no;¢ doubtixig A‘:of:”&}«;e pow¢1j4»ofG0d {W11 do we b-”i1‘i‘§ "this dii’ficijzAlt§%y, that V‘ dd o A »was4;abIeo,noth1_ng flood in MS way,Rrm'2.4.419,2o.f‘ "Being mt weak in fititb; be ca"n_fider:donot~érz2: mm 6qdyA#om dead, A2m"=- -«Mar ye; t/‘B; dgwidflqfli mt fvrumzfe of“GédAAthroug}1 ” ” " 7% A his vvillg “A P -v befgum peémzanaurabzgaaajga:gmm }vro¥r£*éfe4&,&?i$d!Ai“«§:‘da1931€fl*1f‘6i?L r§t1‘1fe§j7axmts;,:%{ ifdfi/cg “he” W V fa,y»t:hat%~4 Abraham waiswfullyzzpgrfwadfidGqcwims wi.11,ingM~ to perform‘: wV1r;:2LtA lzada pmmxfed» !.=,4émlz’4m:A faithrm.‘ &ei‘iz:1: ».nt1'0{’c,- toufifure ax1?id:A"fett:l2e tih"iw:i1Gdd7 was fa'LBl“:e“ :6 A perFd1'm«e : And asvfadn "iazs hci @<>:>ds leeving him all-éfixfficient, fidirh %‘I1a3&¢nVo:A fwp. % holy Ghofi expreffeth the '©‘th&e1§*.?g’1feat~ri1*ia:11A?o>f‘his fa.itI:~§”?4‘ ( Heir. 1? x.%1.%9.%.A)= jw was c4a.1.1éc;i%%‘tV facrificja» his fonneg herwas in :%ai;5g1fAe:‘.=.%tiV.£’c1%a’Lit;";, was I1”a7S14fa?~ich Amdfif:% trifiidz Ir? :was< %4a‘b»<1utA%%?t1Hfe% A p*0‘We’r: of?€3o‘:d ;-,* m:~i»fédAhiAmAA fié {or1n~e:A,f;_ and 1t1%uhar;A fonne mc«4b1e*{fin%g. Eb?» Iii111f’e1Af‘a.nd 3:11 Natif‘0ns;=,» wN"0W5t§*h€’teXt A ai>v:1—17n0t',»mau4he’J, doubted n.q:0fche:wj.1l: 0566*, j'%:‘£*zz%*2.£¢e‘%acaatmmi‘ m;¢"gg4f‘ V aam M16» z%Aam'fé ‘bimwp we flaw mm~ar4zj¢% /mdremrvcd /aim z71M§figure$ vflflfzcn Hewwabéi fe!"%t¢I1%‘ec¥?i.‘2-T tha3f,h e. nwe.-mrer Pcaid» atVthe? afieirin qgjup héi=s=«f0;n4r71e%;% ‘And, if wé f5¢:a.1*c§h% M our‘ Iieaxts“ to: the bonmm fl12&l1/ fi=n‘%deiVr1*1a.r;c¢ux% dOfl‘E>t;..},_ imgs re flAe0c%AA’1:=1107fl:~;ti=I1 we ’pg¢W@r1‘0:f WW. 3 lfiis l1ax1dg»:f:11o:L1A‘g1?1: \ve4%c‘é3»ti<1 K 1 v 1an~fwAérVf¢c%nd%1’y, 7w7t«“I%;.:Aw*aI1e?€->fii«é‘%K%§wg*‘%( :2: J . mm-7.)» HE1!j>;,m)»%LVaw§¢‘>07*K'£%kE*§*"g ‘ King“ "o4%f1 fi?"J-'€1’7'€&4I1IV*W1"’9~i @I.‘§,“g ma Lard?!» 1yez;;~me£»;4 ,¢2a:»6‘em [$321137 max; i;aaa~r » éww»fl#or,4 air out of’ftlJe"z7a'¢r2*q+1iwg/§’é+‘.» % A~s»ifV he had? . 4 V . d A Th*e'r<$.?§*nfihimg in ehe§bewm>é5 n”@7_:jhing’i&1V~thej wik~xe~:p're‘H3; md'Ecmno%:mmke.cormem5i " % W’ 5% W 3~1€vnr¢m11é%wf*= wan.cmavlwehiswvdriiaém. 1 @xpej@,: #4 aw ‘ m~......~..‘... -V 0_.,,V-..»“ ..._-».~« -» “ .-- 4Q J ‘C’ V ‘N’ em-.,,o,, W».-bed W 13412‘, A cgeéf fdritber srwwhefe powéris am: an end, ‘ faith is ‘at an _ .eadi 1200 : B u: fleeing thepower of God is never at an end, ” ,.:1ji¢‘refore on-rfaith imzomming to himneeds not. V ...Third1y,God h‘a.thicxpre‘fl: hirrxlielfin S:criptute,as much, A . ...._.-Q yea emore,f0er hisiiiwiilinginefieg then1:fc>~r.:hisipowexito help ;, thereforeewejneedho: imakehour uricertainty of his will the:reafo‘nA Ofiiiiour unbehefi, A when we fay ., We are affixred A" of 4 his power: Godiihathi faid, He is Almigbtya, 8wcc¢L. but there i a;»re..r1;ot onely words ixziporting '-{hate-God is~ewi11ing to help his people ,butpromi{es and oaths that he will( Pflgg, " i 1 5.)C4/1’ upon mama’ I mill dcliverhtlme, Heme. 3 3 .13. A; Iliam A « fltit/1 tlxe Lord’ God,I /yaw mplmflrre in the death-aftbc wicked - Czhatlplace ismeant primarily “of a civille death., A a death in A _ trouble) éwt that tbeiwickm’ mm mm bi: way iandilive. Yea, God hath manifefted AA 21 wi1Al1ngneflE: to help \ a. people, i which his power hath not feconded 5 hut hehnever mange; ‘ fefied his pqwer, Wh¢nh1SeW1u didnot icnncurre :- that A , mofl paflionate exclamation, o Iemflzlcm, Iemflxlemv, How after!‘ would I have gathered time: ! dvc. Tmplies 51 gene rial! A wiliingneife in Chrifi toigatherjerufalem, yet Chrifl did A not afihis divine powereffeflually for their gathering. Laftly, Ijfizy tofuch,ithoughAweee may not argue that God will doa thing becaufewhewhath power 5 yet We may ‘ i argue from the power of God,that atbing fhallibe dpxgqajf A A A hehath already exprefled ariy ewillingneffe to do iii: ,and A made any offers“ or A affayes towards theicioi-ng of it; The A A Apofile iwouldhave the weak rothe-rireceived ( 1tom.:4;', T ‘I;)uponthis ground 5 He /ballbe boldm up. ,('u*cr_fl4. ) H3 aflirmeseconfidently, chat‘ Heflm/1&6 laalden u_p;‘w11at doth i W «he ground thisrconfidence upon 5’ upon the wil1Qf_'God » "No, upon hisepowegefarg Gad nkfable to mzkee /5imjE4m{ But how scoukiche Apoftleargue wthus»pe1*cmptoxily fmm . the .....‘.na 8 *~ crux, g A objeetion is thus railed: You will have us be» 1eev'e“t_hat we ihallhe efcablifhed, but Ipray fllewusa . I the Horrourable Houflrv0fCoezmm. the of God that the thing fl1ould,be done? He egaveymtxmatloh before of the willingnefie of God, for he hadfifaid in] the cloie of the third verfe Gadh/mté re’- “Icyeiwhd him; Ifee God hath favouredathis rhan ‘though he be Weak, therefore becaufel fee he is one, on avhohr God hath befrowed. fome mercy already, I will therefore ara gue conf.dent1y.,that mercy fhallbe perfeéredge he {hm fl:and,hecaufe God is ablefto make him Rand; far he /rurzt/5 A received 51%.. ‘eW'e may argue thus for the pubjikg. yyygy; yI(z'7¢ga’am flykzll éelaoldm upghfor Goa/:3‘ ewe to mgkgygyflfimj ;. ‘How fos.’Gad Ivar}: ereceived 2:; : Do yee perceive no"breaI{.... A ings forth of the love of God to his people in this King- dome 2’ I-"lath he done nothing whith intimates 1;: /‘mm re- ceiezedtbérpeaple .? Surely, he hath, therefore we may 211*. 116 3 God xiriawle to make (M fined; therefore we/ball be /2014... fizr God /mt!) received ms‘. A M “ a A ‘word for our faith :'Car1 you give us any promiie «.' Jflizzb herehrought a‘ promifie immediatly from Heaven, he told the eople fijomthe mouth of God, that they fhould be "eftay lif}-red; carryoh dofotoo I.’ A Faith is awifefgarace» Faith loves not tohuild upon the fend, much Ieffe to bum? eaftles in the ayr-5 Faith muft have a fare foundation and nothing will ferve, faiths turne,but the Word of God "It will not buildyupon thehareword of all the Preachers in the world -5 A As the great Mathematician {aid 5; Slmv me’ ya Z461: where I/hall /er mine erzgirze, mac! I will’ /‘bake 4/! the.) ~ earth 5 f0 faith faith, Give me but a fure word whereupon rmayex my foot,”I will carry any thing; but where is ~ that Word’ toybe found *3 what: the t€xt,6}JaPter and .-yg;:fj&__j: y A 1124: Englamljlm/1 be effabliflaed .? or haveyou any excmogr... dinary revelationgzhat it {hall :3 G "ms A VIWE or 15;} am N " A A A ‘ A Mr; if” G if 6! afms jfxéc. _SAec®nd1y,,% PgQm1f¢5wA:%fljc%A 5 ’ " A '7 ,””; .§'”"’f“1“9;Are;>cnza;ace, lam, anéz/A1;?u¢aAA A£2e4rt,&c. Thxrdiy, Promif=:sA amt-:0 gr-4cc,m that %weé.: fiASetmonAPW0’wdAat 3I%::“eFa]£,‘ Eerves faiths turn fufliciently ;, and (0 much as amounts to, Aaparticular promife. I nmyfay, Tberfezl/; gamgggg-,M,,d i2zScrz'ptttref4arfazit/Lato éwélda ,~ g, ‘ A AA A Wear I/M dzflrvfléd Kzngdfmfé’ 4.Z,.’Zl;ZCZ”if }’i}%”;1ff‘j; bad £222 S6ri,_;2mrc L9 belmve /2:25 Aetérnail fig!-v4m»;g AA1 Clear it rAhus:,f1SuppoIE'~:A we comrning to} :1 man lyincr in the flats af ~nature,‘an‘_'d under troule of ccnfcience for hisfinné . A A A A: M Via flioukl offer himAChrAiflc, and pardon, and hefhould fay. ,§hewAa. promiiEA:% which belongs to me; what plnmii-Ae_ c‘ou1“c1wetAeAnde4xf1Ain As: 21:! AA “Ab ‘ A -A Iiserally in_itA4:' décil a§}??>ro1:§fé r£{;egai3%:"Yil§:~ 111.15 “ail? Wi’=6* $05”: d0At/W A5¢16evé,and I/9w6j7mltAAA6£h fgvegee is no f.A1ch Wo1+d}£or{t11e falvation (if any man Them 3; A A A A A A re ApromifesA of: three forts inscripture. Firfl PA I of fr,eegmAo'AAA5x that Gadwi~ll jafijfig _tfi¢ ,,”ggdly;’4”§;g:>i:: %1em.em2dAr;£pe2ét, we /7m[1bA~e 41) A V '4 A A A A " " ed. Prom F A A f01A‘At5g, Aam all we hawe to bfiild ourAfa.itI1111ei)(:)1£ f1‘:h(-if? mrgg faA1W‘ti°“V"5A3”d thfiffi W3‘: 01’ ‘WY Other Ngtioncgflfitgmgli A A A A A A A a.t1su;m..AA . demglze famecondition, hath tobuild affufanceup Af A imam oAra11fa1Vat‘ T A 4 A A P 10:: There axiefprcamflcs r2j‘fle¢gr4ce;Q Nat.ions,that Gczdfiw i11A deI%ivéra.nd favé them for’! ‘ A A A A :a1s~::saAxm- .A~NaAmesfa1ac ' fuch a - A A A AA‘ A P10I;mfewAehaA A A AofEng14.wlA AA~bAen0E expraffed in it Rfiggégoiiglghfi Mama, A L A A A A ‘ ~49 A” A8-AreprO~., mares ofgrace to Natiot1sA :19‘ A A A A A A A A . AA AA A A 1. AA4t~GadwzAllpmre mm] A A A 1WzAtA$af rapazztmaceand /mm.i1i4tio;2.wpm.tbem,4nd caufle tbgm M. AA AA A Lafilya W6 have Aprom}fbsAunto grace that ap A :r1géA““:;1°‘”“ A A AA A W A A: A AA Meop‘_@¢'AAAA% 3390“ @051. r€§6n£—and mm ?theirAeviA1wa.ies ‘A i:‘IAi7e*j7 _ "f A A 511311 A’Ti5gA1'é1nAt€d Wfihave no fuch rcvAI ' ‘A Abrought to A54:-5 and his people 3;, but wee1g.:V0e;S1:: xfirflgfité l A a r before tbeflanoumlale Houfl: of Covaamem. .43 . rflmll be clelivered, Ifmygpeagle w/ricllaerecalledéy my 1\Ir.czm:, do humble tbenpflelvzmg andfiek my face, Mdpra}, amftum» ’ mm am, I will hear in H em/eta ;mddcl£4ver,&C. ‘zCZiro.7.I4. ' Thefe promiles were made not only to t£+epaa;>l&‘qf'1fi';zc!, but to allpeople who are tbeiljiaei ofGaa’. Say not then, this flops your faith, ye cannot beleeve eftablifhrnent, becaufe ye Want a promilé ofeltabliflrmenc 5 thefe promi-u 4 {es are ours,as well asthis was ferafizlemr. V Thefe objeéiions and flumblaing-blocks being thus ( I hope ) lanlfwered and removed out ofrhe way oflairh : let: a your faith gird up her loynes, and rejoyce like a giantto run her race. l ~ Afifaithr For the liingelomgasyou would for your own a A fools. Is itnot a duty, to beleeve when you pray and {eelc God about temporals (in their degree and kind e) as well as when about fpirituals andeternals in theirs 2’ Hath not God given his people fometimres as clear evidence's,as lfirong aflurances that their prayers have been heard ‘about: V ternporals, as about eternals 2’ ”What~if we fhould not be W ‘under the influences ofthofe ~prornif'es which arefmade rm- 1 av grater, to a repentirng,«reforming people : yetrfaith hath e"‘foot=in“g enough inrchofe 7W~hi(:’l=1 are ade ofgmce, tzogivc l giverepentance and reformatron to a »peop1le,a~ncl an thole ” offree-grace, tlmt G ad willflme for /2135 Name fltke, though apeoplearegenerally inrpenirent and unr-eformled. A .dpra- fialvilit vrewziliza , 12:’ all xafifvientgrazmd aw/2 hurl m in A an zzzadfiegcgégfi ' .l ‘THE Prophet fuel (’é‘h¢]7.r2. I4 )j;e1{lw%.'de€ r A that aFHli6°ce peopleto fail and play (inthat he perfwaded ”then1to beleeve ) uf;oontl1is ofler only, W120 kmwetlr zflve "ivi”ll”ret#rri'472a’rc'pent L? N.z'2‘2e-zze"isrca1*1'ied up to beleeve A or the fame argument ( 7oza3.9.) W/Jo czmtell, ifG*aa'n2illr:- ’ wrzz ?~ A‘?peradvenrure‘from God, is better then anrabfo- _ 4 ~ , . * l G 2 lute V :ASerman#h% preached at at late ifaflgv . —v-v-an-uv--"""‘ ___.._..__._. Ifluté pxqomife from a1ny‘c%i*ea.-tu‘rcg So lbngz, as ‘God hathnot Qagid, 1564? , M fl0,€,%ti1ougI1%A hcée Ahat11~_1i0tfaid .. /gee‘ ‘: v 2:'!LC 16*:313%s*~’¢fl%E1‘§:a.%"§ G«@d Mia yet: fox"i>idd¢t1%praye1', E>%Utrat&1:er b€{PQ1i¢i1it{iI1 the %11¢a1‘ts of his Pe0P1€A=4 God hath Anbt yet Vde_cla1*ed,by a.ny~wo.1‘k of 'p1'ovidence4%a~ A gaix*zfi'VEr2g1md,gasheciid a?..§.:3.in 1‘: {Main}: bvtimis wma ( yer. 15,1 ,2; ) laotzglx %.,2%«;z'afar, S4mm2l.flmd'&c_fi2rc 972.9, yet my m2mc’e‘cou1a’ mat 6"c’~tt2 Wz:~';5z’: My 1z'wc'a;>{e;,~ mfftlaem c_wt ofmy fight, rand [ct trCva;¢zegofi9rt,€7, fiat/9 mm cfczzwév to almt/7,&c. .No,be hathra.the1' declared his wil1ingneffe,ifnot his re- iblgredneffe to deIiver,to'fave,t0 fettlento effablifla us : ‘ His heai‘t feemsto Work toward us, let our faith Work to: Wa.rdhin1;,’ yea,Iet our faith have 2:. pex‘fe<.?c worlganwd theri , (‘I C’u:>ubt not) but God will pex'feé‘c all our vjJo1'1o2¢de2m7esabroad» 4 ¢.‘and_%y0uAr camzfiels at home,would,or muff all bring in their fl5'fé'!di-wers, and flay, Strmgtb :2: wt in ms, in 1;»: eflalrlfllum ; *"f"%”""-’fl"1‘ if ziatta lzefazma’. VVhcre is it then 2’ the text anfwers, 1743519 55 fitwflrezfigtlz, eflV4élzfl2z';¢g i: by éeleewinq : Belccamty 4) are ¢:':7zt£:[.{'/72ers‘. % A A ‘L A And if they be Io ufefull, let them be as acceptable: It 15 _% Almfm-'e the Hono4ura’lv1e Haifa ¢y¢¢gm.7m_ is ;but.equa1I5 that they }xv110%gib&ih§;w% { ~1riuc1_3 ;go¢dA’" flmuid meceive good from the pubhkc :_I‘aAgn} ,_fu1;eitisAnot fé.fe to let mam be difcouraged, b}TWhCII1;OU_r{afiEtyi5 3.... ftab1iflaed,, muc1i1efi7cALisitfafbAto let th¢m%fa}I, Whbm A (?*A’i‘%:1 their .c‘:apacity,)A %Kingdo111_s ”f’ca1f1d3 iVorW tq cafi,-V jzghefn down, who ( by the mic: 0fDivinep01iticks)a1'e[}ate4up¢ /mKtz'er5.Szc;:];2w2’isa»d€fC1‘ibC~d (Ac§?.‘6.8.) A man fall offlét/z am’ cfp0rver(w1‘:e;'eww% faith Ia~s,p0wr::'ris44r_1( )tA fa;*1'e;_o-flfiyezghjg 1m1nAi*WaS% fi0n€fd (VSf5**%A#:)A;%;-1‘*I1"03&’{RC1 3» {per5i:ac1¢»was it 1:0 féea man fionedto deatI1,W11ofe IiF.°:m*as( li!:e%jafdunda- tion or come1'»f’:c>r2e}efla?:»1i{h1ne11-ttothe w.h0Ie h‘ui1ding. A05‘ BL1T.1137&f1}7p3.'€tCI"2d faizh, W110 have x1oc;o:1fcie_x1cc3. M Izuinno4a.dvo<:a:;eforiuch,fo1'~t1:ci%rf2;i;11isvaini, asndthey £t1“<:”: yet in their fins, A1~1d4yct ,(VI;;conceive in is better for a _{%:ppof?df4i¢«’J5 {M56 :0 fpare fame, who (in the iffue) wiil be foundto have noIc0n{'cienc<3, then fcfr confbiexuce fake to a€fii€tVar1y, wl'1vc>-(_ intlatr iffue {ha.114be found to have A :rm1£fz:iz&/9%. it is our Loxtd-434%wa1*x1ing»%j:o& all», and it is 21 d1’eadfi1].l one (Mam 8.6.)‘ I/V/;o_,’b_/Ymll o]j"2:;a;[¢9;¢e sgft/aefelittlzr mm, 1/Mt !5clce«z.re;é;a me, it were éetm-/fozf Am, rlmtw mil-/E0:-zcV:::7cr¢b.4??€‘¢’t’113902zz‘lzmzcck, mad that /svemérc A drowrzed intlae a’c;pz/wf t£2g2fl:4,;..1 J littgleione b§e:1,e§;v1ng, gr one beleevxng thouggh butgalnztle KI znean Ixntle, 1:1 x‘ega1'd A of the dcgreemot ofthe objc:-Ct) (I fayfuclx alittlc (me be... - A 1eeving):s a. great Gm: 111 the eye of C111*1{t-,anAofl’enwcc given tofixcgh fCVa1'C<-: difi?Ch1'iAfttak;e at has il1,w11ena4l}ttZe4a22é bcleevifig in him is of-‘fi:nded,V will he not take it \x.rorf"::,V when a*gre4t V me, my AA5m£2)m2,a Steplmfia %P.rzuZ in beleevixig is 0fYended~:’ ‘Where there is greatsft fé.ith,- thcrés gre:1tef’:Vw<.11*nI_1,; and .mxde1'eft cndmrments 1:0 jcfuss Clurifl. 'WI1cn We fee GA 3, AA A. » faith %4s»V “..,.—-w ‘ out and flourifluing in ‘and generous fruirsofholineife, when faith hath fo purified the heart, “ . .. I “ . 'e..;:~,‘,~v,‘.« c«s«“~«;zw.‘-I-w - 2 ,5.-. T Q». T ”-do-S‘érmo:¢Prmabea! as allV“°"F“fl‘l§m ll ....-Q thar it keeps l1anda.nd life pure, and ails Vlfiblyg” furely a trill-{lone 15 not heavy? enot;1gh,he fhallhave amounrain of mi1»fiones firming rogerhe , for hilslneck, who knowingly and willingly ofiends fuch a‘ one. ll 05. But whérfoever their faifthisgthey differ in opinion,. A and will notrneetr us in the fame prziéiice. A A or Mfl Hoxylommue and willbea1~m11ch,evhelrewirlees holy faith. mam, (faith the Apome, I Am. 13.7. )W as... llaeee: all thiqqsg Iam fure it beleeves this“, There?/7:3! wlw l ifideadétleevem Goal, Mme: continue to 63 /2zmy’a!1%ta. any fe- V rietjafmm. = And though I nothing doubt_,,buc rim: 2: good men llmayl do very ill,ancl may very‘ jlufily fuffer for it too :5, yet of how narrow a ufi: are thofe excellent graces of love, . of meelcnegofhlumility, ofpatiencepffell?-denielljfthey A ‘are not (afnongl other lufe-s” ) to be laid out and befloweclin ah brdtherlyr, hearty, graciousgamicable compliance with, bearin of, and condefcention unto t-hole, w/an having 95-» miner! A ike precious faith with ta, do ye: differ in fome thifigs which concerne order, they maintaining order 3.- rnongillthemfelvesfind peace with others 1* V I hope there is a good {lock of rcharity yet: amongus, 4 none of which _ {hall be laviflut out in fymbolizing with the ignorant and profarie, “or admitting chem to a lpagrtici-~ l pation in fpeciall gofpelwprivileelges ; nor will it all (I am perfwaded )be laid ourlozhlou h~ that is like to be cofily to ~charicy) in “admitting thofe o -competent knowledge, and A lmlblamealzgle carriage in their lives,who yet evidence little % ”( if any thing) of the life offaith ll: Bu'c(when the former charge is tleiflhyed) charity will~have afairelremainder in A baztke for chofe (to rwhom it is vieryidue) who a;rnelunque- A " A. A A ~ flionably W 47 4 things they be found; t0d¥ff$3re1I25.udg¢menmx peraéiices there0ndcp¢ndihge- A 1’ . As to bear all difietencese Wmsid > ~¢iamty:e:b1&nd¢a fo not re; bea7r’fC::me her more/th J’ Jame. I know ( Ha2::.oz;m6.!é bS¢é¢4iutz,nr yaurr cafily be finde and difcerne the limit-;fl,va;¢,4 &betw;e_en;liberty,andli- éertzmfme, between the, /g;g¢yg20z¢gf;4%m:;¢, ma!’ tlzezr aw--» fi':7em'e.v.. '4 e A ‘ A A How defireableis it, that fill the Churches flmutd have, M as one rninde, {b one way, that they fhould all minde and do the fame thing c‘ How pleafant, how blefled afight were it, to behold not only zwzityaffjvirit, but unzformitye " “cf ‘prnfiice in all wb«oeca~1~1en the Name orfthee Lord jea- bfus Cbrifc, both their Lord and ours 2’ But how wofull A a fight W 111 n;be,,(1f ever 1.: {hould be feenythat wxth whom V We agree m every d0<5h'111e fvmtéhb, 111 the fubfizance of A worihip and governxnemzfahdmibn xnaxiy formes; that from: V them we muPc‘irreconciIeablybreak, till we can be uni. forme 2’ What: a wofull desuth of Gofpelslove willbe found a1nong{tus, “if aftexf all ourformerfi1fferingsto~ gether, our prayingeand fafling togetzher, W6"{h0u1d~b I upon thefi; termes fall a. vexing one another: 1’ A I f after we, A A have poured forth our cries, out groanes, our fighs, our > V tears together, in private cha.mbers, and folemn a.ffem—-~ blies before the Lord 5‘ if after -we %ha.v:e;poured out-our bloud together int»heh:ighbp1;ices Ovffthe field A before the; enemy -.;, if( Ifayb)‘a.“Fter;ae1I1this5 ‘We"fl1a11e on theie termes, A (I {aye nogcruellye p*0u>re.out bthe blond of one anether ,but ‘ {'0 much as)unkindlye movea cry,e gvolarga figh,,or draw a.»..~.; A tear’fromone.anot11er, whace.a