:m:~urii; 26;~Of‘Zo.l2rzk. M T i~s~t.hiLs% day I Orvderédg, V By the Hioufe of? Commons That Wi%”IW%B?6reto72, ~do.returne thankafromw th1s Houfe, toMr. . Thorium‘. Cdfa, fer: the great= pains hee took in theSe_rmon he preached% alt thcintreatyt 1.? of the faid Houfe 5 at» 8‘; Margaret: in the ‘City of&T47eV4%mz'zzfler, this prefént day (Eff ytlblikc Humiliatio~1.1;,.. Andthat hee bee“ defiredto Print-hisVSermon. And it: is Orde-.»- . 1€f€dV5%LtAhat~np~man fl12;¢lIv~ prefume tgar Prim tita fbuthee who fhallbe authorized under+the;‘3 faid" M1‘. T120; Cafeg, hi5%hand—w-riting; Elfyng,€ler§Parl; D.Com.w _..__4.. m.;(;;Serma3. The} Cafe: ° L._lz?fttt/aori+{e%I.L:11ke Eawne, to%7’rir2i$i: —-1‘ H h ,5 P15 TL Eh i hood, as Providence had bequeathed you, truzgahndthe exhaufcing of ro par 21 zm2;,- in your Countrey and Kingdomes ifer...4 iviceganda long attendance here, you {hall riot return foo -zzccomplzjht, as miht anfwer L yourmeritm, or the exp.e5¥cztio2z of thofe AL agzzllztizt fiairity which have accompanied, and ofervediyou i11thisDefigne. V i But: let it not diflmzrtezz you, you re'turn not Without the ‘ampleft expreffion of the .1’arlz'cz71zeIzt.r dfefiion, and Citiem qieem, that «thefe draining thnesi, can poflibly reach to: A11dIet—~mei»teII you this 3 your fécozzd Expo.- ditian, cannot be fo zmballzffi of fecond cau- fes, as your Was‘; which yet you may ¢sam.?:7.n.. Chriften, as Samuel did his Vifiory overthe Philifiinesg E 3 E N-E z E R,lJz't/aerto hath Gad 4 ~>I)el_ped.t I‘ A A 4 " A “ A .a,W,”:_ fomewhat like that, ofthat i"j gzzllzzrzt Komarrz, "" ii A \ Who taken przjbrzer by :thAe_4tl9ez2iam',4and e tr11f’cedupony his; bozzoureto go to exam, and pro elite 2.2 p‘eczce,i betiwe en t the Remakes‘ {and $573772, or ‘telfe to return to his iimjrrifiazzmezztg i upofltthe failing. of that defi gne,fcorn’d life andliberty, in refpeiagiiofhist‘3ho7w1?zr, refo1=- ‘xring to1:et1uI'I1itto dearth and ftorture at .»4t‘1ae7z.r, A :; I Inuit confefl'e Sir, ‘your adventure feelnst rather T 3:%atheg1*V“thIe11’%tOam-élirzzehis bmm awtxm; % -“A” ' é ._%Iunaun1nn W M M V...» ‘ " -\ " ‘uL‘~v“"‘ DH" .4.y..wfl‘r . . u ‘ A r mm, ‘H . . . - w u . mu W’ w——. » .. . ‘ _ “ W" ‘l ' ‘~ 4‘ ‘ “' ‘W" '‘ flu r ‘ ' M "H [M w 4», ‘h I “ .. ‘..'Vx ‘ ‘ “‘L:Ll5c-**-i- ~-—— '1 . ’~ 3." ..' V‘ 1‘ ",. ’"‘;.g;'L* E 5 A 2* % 1:21 2. A [ tn? Stir,, ._ the mogmA%ypu: bkfimrd the-%' % g“L7a’ter”i‘S\ YOM Iwzzozzr. VVhe;t‘1 PoAcz2ert)’:»A ?am7:’ A % ‘ gbfi:urity;, cxpofeth it {elf tor a .do~ubtfuiI« danger, for%zz f%ty, itr is InoT’:grea4t ta ter 5 . wzzyktdriage it felfi. to A3.” AdefpE»raAte Cémdié tion is the We of ifs mifery 3 What is it for ’ lepers, hun get-fiarved %1epe¢y, tO”adV€I'1‘t1=l1“€ - % A on theenemties they A m,w.ee]Z»4.IJ but zfiini-:3 73"4~w W die, 2)” we‘5fit i7ere~, die,‘ '297é.e}?2’t9e1*%i72-4 to the City, weflaall die %.12y«fim2ine 5% This is11ot (rem./?9l1¢tio»3£AVAbut 12ecAe,:[]§t.y ; but fO”1‘70I1’€ 'wi%tl;Io:u»t %A th€@Ve4rge-~0fAdimgér, to i11te1'€-I9: and hazzard hi1nfe»lf,wTin 2; publike refcue ~ofRe1igi0n,#and~ A *7 %[~=o11n«t1fey,A isa Vchar-afier oftwze ortimde.-A » ‘Methinkggl hC1arvth0fe‘hMeedi¢zg Coamtie.r, Eric unto you,‘ as on Cethe Gz’béorzit~é.r to jam A flvzm 5M Slack not )1 hand, comedown gptickgly 1°11" "M": mad fm~ve%s":f and 41+ know there is a :7gflmab~ J lZ'1é§:"’fifiVt“.;"‘ 1)%(73th4 iof v.cvmpiafl3on,’,WV and ‘z5'2zl.9z"£r“ beatinginiyoVur ve1nes.% Itawas :1 19¢ --—é2re.:ztIa‘ng Mom, which the: V Ifi*aeliteJr4 gave to God in their If/arrx. joyni11gA;;4;;battélI 7withtheV anemic, cncourae- b A Amnw 2:Jn"2F1s1=:-::m:7 fin A “% lJo4Vamong‘tbe g ac£rio~ lilggurzto thee, 7e-- :E>ra1.%ss;a.;;t%» horzmb Whilethcir Soulcliery, before their A {zgzcdw % Ve:~.-A,f‘, 35, VerC.3 6; *;'i3io£E;%£m?. ; V A fiareri flying Atimw A A _ —-.-...., I’ A A The Cbgrcb tyffiomdi Agumeggthas R/Ezlmis thefame with the 6o.Pj2z1m)SoT'aY1":). Rrophaticaily he dothb celebrate the happineflb and glory of the _ Evmgggjm/JC19nrbk, under the government of thCLa:»~d jg./.%_ V €_3/arzfl, rifing % frbmbthe d_ea_d, fpoy_l'ing the Kingdom of fin and Satan, and leadxrag captivity captive 3:. for uponthat triumph doth the Abpofilc expound fome paifagesof tbis~ Pfizlm , in. .Epkc*f.4»8- A A A The Pfllmifl begins his Song withbthe Words which Mofi»; A’ .A’m1/ii“ cmm to pzzflé wk¢;a-tIaaAAAAArk/E't-forward, that Zlfofék _/"aid; 16;:/é A * :¢=,v,gLard, and Zn“ thine anemia be f6vttter"o"l, m2d=JeMbam4t1mt kzztev» téme, flee éefim: tlaec. find when it reffed, befizid, Re'tzm¢,0 Lor5{,b;%;T jzmzg rlgg many thaw};/Zznds of : Which words Maflx leaving ‘A A as a madafl of prayer, and a prop of faith to all fucceeding abbe- ufecl, mizen the Ark fet fm:w.,ard , N»m2é»,A1o.b 35, 36. ra.tions,__Were mofi;-, proger Fe}: David: gurgofa, in érifigifig laame the;\fam¢eb4.ArJn.bmtamEs.rtlhng placm. ‘’ A / Andéhe Aufeth theft words by way of pmyéranii ;;—;;;;;¢pe;b pm. A tition and tbankrgiving ; ' bwherein isAcon:ained finch choife provifipn, had IAski1lA;fboA difh it cutunto you,asf tfioughd it be a fafigag da7,%Wou1d prtsfent ypub-xvj:_I1a-fj2£r£.t;M/1 fqoxfi for fou1,repwafi:. b A V I2; snuff ‘not mud «to “ alyfe the,.P/}zlAm‘,A {bat %whibEh‘Abentef. Aiains us at the very threfho1d,beir1g of fuch fuitiefié, and vaIi"éty,, f “ aAs,tAhe {hairs into which the diflcrafiions of this day dothcafl: 1‘l$,..Win hardly fu5er»to take abftafté of every pbarti;cu1ar.' , ‘ A ‘ J?Ther»:=: offer thexnfelvcs to ourfwew,» thféfi fix;,€9=b1afZ‘?/'A*zI;2tia.i¢$ 'froAm»the wo-rds~.~ ; A A A A A A A ; 1 A , Firfig ,T/is c/amlmf V acfewer labd, amd‘*\3hz°ll hrzzmbenemiek and A b Iazztvrxb :-“For againfb .£hé{é,doth the Pfizlmifi“-arm himfe1f.2ndA..the ACI'1burch,:witbh ‘this Pm_yer.b ‘ A SeCQnd~fy, _;T/aeAA1CIm%rcld£: ‘zwmaias m'abGbzl;re:¢gmi§?.r;;Abtkéf}.*1a4¢t : lgare tine Chfirtfi, /*d2?zt¢%bAAGoal. 7"/&£z2;e:Aen1e1I1ies;the1n th:1tbAhateA;t/m=b... A AThirdI3',.4Gcwljomctimeficm: to Afleep, or Ziéfiill, and let tlacff éwmiax and hm-cr:Ab do wbm they Willfw wtfirajbn :“ this:a1forisim- A p1’ir:d; He to whomwefay, Ar£]2’,iSCi§he1‘V ag/lgc?p,” or.Zi:.r_/}z’l2’b.4:.A AAAAAbAFt3urA:h1;%; Ti:rc*r6’A trvillmi/2°. - A b§bbFififi1Ya.Gvdr‘r5fi”£ 155%: At/at WW5fi“’f?’5?“.§ ?5Ws1fl33 % Sixthlyg r, . Sixhhly, It :29 the duty of God: peaplel,tta pray himflp, Whwhe hath Enemies, amrlflatem 3 h jhcmna hen clown, mtdto exalt him in their prhifés when haedotht " 5 l art]? to their reflme and redemption; For thefe words are both a A prayer and a m'umph,aB theyare ufed both by Mae: and David. A A , to You fee, I have prepared more work, A then I {hall bee able to efinifh, in the time allotted me for this fervice. ' A I Qive me leavetherefore to preface but a little upon the three former V;,~And I will {it down upon the three latter in the A A "‘ main body of my difcourfe. A‘ l e The Church of God hath 13 nemiex, Haters» hen (‘he was in her Infmzcy, and in {o narrow aAcompaIl'e5 Dafirin. I. _ that the twa firfl Parents of the World, had yet but two fizmtelg, (of whom the Scripture takes notice) one was the echmech, the other an enemy ; the one 3! Setiflf, the other a maligmzntlg a-nha: ‘3 30%‘-3-I35 ter, that hated him even to fraztricide. % l “ Al % As the C/mm:-/a multiplied, her enemies multiplied alfo ; yea fo over--multiplied her,tl-lat in the 74.P/Ezlm,-aw. 19. it is but am poor Tmntle-A-dwe, uagainft a multitmh of wicked; enemies, haters. A o lo, yonder you may fee hmpes of them ‘gathered together; u Pfizfl. 83. 6,7, 8. The Tazhcremcleuaffidorer, and I fhmmzlites, of Maah, med the Hagarenx, Gehal, and flmmon, at-zdflmdleclg, the Phil»;/finer, with the lfrzhezhmmrt of Tyre, Aw, emdthee childreh af Lat. Evill Bealhs enough, one would think,» to ha%vetdevou~v red onepoor Turtle-dove. A J” A .Ino.ur Saviours Atxme they were grown xutola hlwharla’—f:4lleof A A A ememies,l7oh..1-5.19. Thcwarldhatcth yon. A If zmylhould demand with Pilate, Why, when will hathithe G""”"""‘“z’ Church dome ~.?’ She may anfwer With Der-zzid ; They hrtteme pf‘31.59_4’ aavithazdt at cmafl’, It is a Uflflfileflh enmity ancl=‘hatrecl,t-he V Lordknows. ‘ But if you willhavea caufe , Hee fhall give it you tI1atbte£tRMflm" knew what it was, Chrifl hilxnfelfat Bemufiyaharehatlaf ‘the J0th_I5,,9Q we:»*lci,A hm“ Ithezw’ chafiw yomohtloftheuhhewarld, themfare.thewar[d ' hmrla you. Therelstauufecret malignancie in thehlmeu of the worlhcl asfthere was in Ca£;a)t tofee others chq/Eh, and helowd qf Chri/Aanld themfelves rejeé’ced.‘A4~Lh A “ j _ g A If you would dig to the root ofgthistlyenemous ehatefulle ” I 3% “ h t ' Weed: Rmfan. in ' I w__,. H 2. In‘ ' " AA“‘~-W“ ;&_‘_... TM CburcEes..Exemie.g. ‘ti 1-Q0 3‘: D052‘. 2. Pfalax. 8.. 1 .. hate‘:/nae have 12?)"; Becquféyaul /yaw‘ let go mt qfyazir band: A peapl:W}:am..J *;64zxé, appointed taldeffru Elia» ; Taxsr Kingdomcflzall go for tlaeirt K£ngdame,mm'ycwrfifvexfbr" t/Mr liwxt Ncawthe Lord awa- ken tour: Spirits to a timely prevention offuch a damn, anal. -divert it from us. A A Lil Come to’ the fizcond D aE}’rz’m.,‘ ATM Clmrbhtt nemiext are Glad: pmple,/mte God kimfifil ‘ A A A _There is hardly any language more Frequent in Séripturcg , t Pfézl. 21.8. “thine hand {hall fir-ude out all thine Erxemiex, V thy right hand fl1allfincle_out tAho‘fe that hate thee; A A A l A'EP1%,l_ 85;..2. Law Maine Enemies mag; A mmylt, ml t/aofi t/Mt gym» /;mdl,; Why , wherein did ~iEmm£t:, they _t7'Mt batél God; A litthemfielves the'l‘lEnemies and haters ofGod-?It followesgrer. the t.l1ird:T_ég:y lmw mkgw cmfry caunfé/ll ;zg._¢zinjZ*..t£ay p:ap[e,e-fif caztfizlt. ed.d‘g>’d1A7;:!f}t/fly tHia’dm am.-h mrdflzid, lCome [at at Ctttt/dcm offiam ll Mag m.;**N.arz'a;g, 63%.’ Their Malignant Counfels againll Gotflr V lP:ap[é,l A %W3S£AlO1hin A A A g elfe bum jmrap/draft} of their malice againfl: AGadh£mfi5lfi,For fa yetit Followesmore expteH?:‘ly*,verf. the fiéftht ‘ ‘ They wnfltlt tagfatézgrzmit/9 one canfixrt; they arelscanfiedcmte againfi G'2~om2a'.r; 0 A mother, _/M5zfl¢r,ltand Servant, AAI7'at/jar ?and Children, A which this mfltflal relation £8 ll ‘ thainterefi that Godstpeople havei The Eytg »Ztech.72.~:8._ \ [’A.Z'¢?et/9¢Zt»lt01£C}JL?té1 ya”,metalr/ae,zpp1e4af% ~ What ' they canon be Enerniesto A is done tathe tlaeczk. tb55.."a\nd tfaimf,It/ae:1z3:alll1s:llttt%/1:4: gait: handrrin hand. A A‘1"heGr;a:2}é2l:‘»oFthislmvay be; [ tFirfir, the mama/Zintercfi. that GM! and .1193}? peapla kabzrtzelane in A Hwzségznd and Member; , thefc: arc the ufuall titles by” éxpreflilin lscriptureg, ( and-among all the members of the bodythe tendeteflzis chofen ta cxprcffa in his lcompafllion :Aznd'~love_, aricl £1;=ad min: eye. .- l ‘A fall: tlviblence .Wlll,Ofi7c'ndA that mlember-gt fiyegprefently V-is atxthe Hmrtl: Wicked men i,1at¢godspeople,~l but »God muflr. needs AA ca:-anlot bt very fenfible mf’it;~ A Godhimfélfz Efpec'ia1~1YtAifinca they aresfound by oursaviourttnot A aptly tqhate Atlhclmrfin 7'é‘l&Zt‘£0)‘iA;l';‘i A A A butfar» lre[ntz'm;v;,’l not ontlyl éaixg [tlre“y.S’;:rzuzz¢t: and C/::'la’:_~m they fhtw » them, but theymuft be Enemies ml‘ and 45’pat¢fl, 'aIA1d flleméer: ll V gfe.fu.5 fQhr1[t5:i but bmmfé ttbey; Aarcflzt ;. beccmfetye are i Ana;1*0ftahé:A Gad} Eaemzh; h 7 __ , .,;‘;«a..,...u.:"u‘wit w0,,1,1,A 5,; ti , 1: AeFlaa*0é»7chof2'rz Ayah Mi t‘ of . At/aeiwarldt; .t/71>eréB=fE>2éc wow! Iehn 15219; Imtetla you :5 Beam;/E3 that is crtmeg enough, thAaAt: they Mam fa ?£efmeC/mfl. AA A ‘h AA A V A Secondtly, The Qzizarre/I .-~ wh?ete1nrGod%,1s as A deeply ~ihte—- A I 29 1-eitcd as hisvpeoplez That; givcrza banner to them that fear h I/sae,t.t/amhit may 12: dz;/fiafiyed éemfe hofthe Tmth,A'P[a1. 66; 4,A_,; \ AA'*»Bmm.er isthe Embleme of Viffary, Vifforie implies j:BAdtt£’//, 7 but Whatewtas the flgarrcli .? The truth ;% The truth of De»- E’n~£m; The truth of'Rc-ligion ; The truth oF~Dz"f2z'pl~irsé, The truth of Gavcrnmmt, in all thefe God is as much or more concerned.»-i then his people; Trm/éAti.==, the Trmhaf Goagand GodAAAis the God ’ afTrz¢th; and thefore they thattare En;6II117r::‘S:~to €3ods peqpfe fer th.e»A—AArmthe:fiz£;’, are Enemies to God himfeltg theythat hate them For thC€~trz¢t/axg/§:2;@ hate God alfo whe,~fetruth Ait this,AA1ook into» allthe tE¢ztz~ellx ofthe Church finceCh1-‘ifts time toe thin. - day, and yeoutfhall findethe * mzrrall to have been tbme~whaAt A abtout Cbz~;iffhin1 Elf: While C?I11‘it9£"VVfl8.'§7€t uponthe Eatth;~~th7e A Ogarre-11 was about the Em/aof C/ariflf: in the next ages the. tyarrell was about the Pjcrfim of Cbmfi, in the fucceeo1ihgAAA‘ge, ceoncerning :1aeNmm cf C’brz]z‘,the4t‘1 abeut the h0fi3WA0f omjt, And now. in out dayeee about the Alzfc hand G“atm~nme;7t of In a word; the fit[t«bahtte11*hthat ever was fc~ught,A~ Wasinhea- A ven, Between Minimal and his Angtlx, and ~«the:DM‘gan andhis A ‘ {tend the b1a1"phemous1ahgu-age gf fin; }?ottjg§(eu1_*dttgt{ufFeh~it tAnggalx.Ae And Iotakwhat theOgarrellW2t9hthere,tAhefame you ~ ~ T V’ {hall findeit ('2VE1‘ffinC€ ; though Atbt1g7ht:,.: in; it Aim-r gramzah A and A tha=tis,t.Whai/hall£reAGodt? f t g AA A A" A A ” I ~Awi11:‘heAG0dgftiAd the A‘ rm! £2-frwgel,1ny throne fl1at11‘heAAabtovet _ I the Throne e>fGod;A!r1t« th;9fo"tfa«ith Amtichtifththunte this day,Ih will ‘t he God, tisihis very CA11araé’cer,_i;11 2; Theflz.4A.AHaappofitkmde1xe-eA alter}: laimfirlf above; all tlapzt A13: called God, 0;» Aytlaat -ix'‘War/75£ppm’, ; A_/E2 trim be M Goa’ A/z"_t‘t«:th zn~t1mATemptazqfcm;yeexwmg 4lfli7i¢_/Eylijnfhbtiif ./M :2: Goa’; A1‘1d.:thi3' this the language ofievery wicked tman 5» he A that vfaith I. will nmwhen Godfttith &laA,l:e that faithI1wi1l,When A God hfhitheAAdeAtAmtat;h. 0/ride not hthh}i4‘a!2o712£5¢azc9h[eehthii4g 3:/finite JAA/sate he fitith by _it‘1t£:1‘prEt£itI:'01] Iuwi/Ma Gfodhett‘ 1tdidyouA"buthhU11d€ftAA A ;- _ A Gadjfimmies, M M : A y .__......n.. w _.__....p-- ——w A -n--—--— A grgflgghgm hither amciflay tbemlzeforeymc. H M Surely this day ‘of vengeance :2; in C;J7't:flJ'_l1€‘7dT7'£‘, "and‘*theit yA}¢Jt{:I0fi_' mine Enemiex that wmlcl not A/same me reignawer Askew, I-“Re 59°35 iudgement [l;mérctb*nat, is not~the found ofité feet at the very e dores? _ _ _ V Theyythink theyare\wfeax1d trufhn their help. Rm 6:: m.3m; ‘ A 5, wgfé and will éring ce2.i!Z,cz*x2a1\§7i/lwzat ml! backlazk mam’, ‘ext? 2225/! y Mifi flgagfifi 2'/dc bmfle oftkc will deer: and pzgeinff the help qftézcm y A ;¢p07zG'odfar t/aeir dcjfruffion; a mighty advantage in prayer. that wa7f@’niqr:z'ty.+ e )( g e Thirdly, The more Warrant made»-caz4rzzgement have We to fir: e J/3,.‘ 3; There is a quefiion, Whether wemay pray for the defieruftion 'ef our Enemies or no 3‘ This Doftrine will refolvee it. When they are am» I? mmiery onely, and {in Ignamntly, fledmtedly, t/yen, Father forgive them they know not What they do :- A Lug; 23, 34_ j « And,eLord% layzzot t/713' fin tatljeir c/merge. y M . A&_7_6o. [ Then, Lon! open the eye: oft/acfe mcmwith the prophet, that is, 1:. Kingm. 17 Lord canvince them , Lord com/err them,is becomming langvage for; Chriftians : — A A e A A «But when they dfifcaver their/Em as Sodom, when theymake A it apparent to all the world, that if there be :7: God, eyinheaven, AA the;¢,e’2e;¢at merczfitllyytae them, to? themyythat fin ~0fwma1iCi0uS they hate him, ifa C/my} and a Gq/jar.-Z, they are fiwmey irrecon- czl./eazé le Enemies ta lmt/9, and that they fin x9edm‘ingly, and out of malicious wiclqsdnefle ; . Then, y % % y A 0 LordyG'ad qf /aqfhtfae Gad Ifiwel awake toe wiflfnll jtiae Hen-_%pfa1_59_5.~ A wic4ked:1efl'éa ?71azJ,;g*t}JeirLZVe5!e: like Orebmad Z;eeb,yy‘ my ‘all téeir pfaL33__ W ‘Prime: 4.! Zfeba mi zalmurma. W/90fi?id,1¢tymtakq te;ye¢;rfZ’1fz{e: A Wiflde ; 11; the éaafiafiir af,Goc1yiflP0fl:?/flail. % myGod: make tbemyy/the 63 ‘\3’}a:eZ,emd the flee}/c [njfare :3. J1: t/aefirc étmjzetb t/at Wflfldaflfldfil tbcfigzmefittetla t/svdmamt-3 ye mine.mnfir:.1 , , , A, '- A A y e V V ‘M’ S0ype£7fl’€#t¢;e"?7?¢'H#yywit19N9] °tcmpefl,y andmm ytkem$ afiwzid ' 15; with thy ff-arm. ‘e A A‘ j “ . : ~ A y A ' iffy! their face with Jfiydmeytfaat tb:y_m;1y? fink tia] A Name A em " ex A than ‘at " J not Iitze tamzatlger. t Gedt 'cann.ot endtlre a Rim! in his KiL1g~ % AGvdfi€msftmetiW;é“¢- A A AA 13 _......s.... ---—---up-—. fiions, you may with an humble confidence, Aexp_eé?c that God will take it wellat ycgmr hands, and take {ugh qtdert witht you: e_ner?I]1,ics,AAast {hall make for your feeurityg andrthet a:dvaIA1Ace1neAntt (SE his own Soveraignty gt Gad tebeing Axnorp A jealous, and m’orAe t rjghteoufly , of his crown ‘and dignity, -thenany 0f the Mo.- natzchs ofthe Earth can be of theirs, who arehut his~Deputies-; hear him elfe ; I azmhhtéze Lord; that it my Name,rmal my glory will Ha an 8 dam e. A But I have Pcaid t,oo~1ong upon this, I muff hafien f'QtA- Ward, to the third Deaf?“-Nine. Gad font fm/Em, /my fiamctimwttcjzzz/,4mI flcep; DM 3' A This is the occafion of:111..tAhofe awaltening cries, WhichGods people make in his ears. . , PM q Awakg, tvhyflccpefl than .3 atrfl’ cat}? :4; not If f??‘ r«"'Ut7‘.t A "”"‘3fi Asrzfi’, 0 Lard, Mnottmazzt prewzi/.. A‘ V % -at A Pfal. 9.19. Arzfl", 0 Lord, flwe me, 0 myAGad .- . A A t : PM A V And mézfl, 0 Lord,‘p[md t/aim own camfi. V t Pfa1:734:’;'za So here, Let Gadrzrifi~',C§'~('. A A A _‘ A ‘A Thefe Xexpreflitms bee fo frequent m.the P_/}zlm:,.and..E1{e» where, that tlaeyhneeclfno Qgotatipm. _The Church comes to God, as the Difciples once came to Chrift, when he Wasafleep in the (hip. V A A t_/j\3p;zh;’-]W~At«?_/B'1$’T',7«)?](1)'fl6’t"P£:[I-1 t/om, mrefl they mt rim: hue Mark 4.33;: GcydAhathAh1stEnd:;1nt1t, and thefema-y bee fame ofthem, briefly. V M A A A * V M R6’:f£fiI775‘.‘ AA after the tnajrmer bf men ), The Maflzei‘ fometimeS~tma1.:x; pepzccg M tbiés/{ Ere 1:2: altogether A,-like them/Elwr. : .Bm%/fiee_Wi/l % reprom’ them, med _/et%%t1aeir firznefitfix order% éafire their eyes : Ande fxrelyv in that order, there willtbee nothingfilfe but Atcanfagfion: I A Andthismaybethe meaning ofthofie words tofsimc-on to I Luke 33;, t ‘try ; Wwflfiadllpaflet tlvrdzeghet/nine own _Vf&fll,'t/mt At/91¢: t/aazetg/at: A H°fi.:-we A rm cfmmy, mjbe that is,Goc{wou1d1eave hi; own “fit 464% Sara; ineAthe%tpowert4o£’ [tn en,“ and rtiakje asiff hee were afleep, , eandfidid 11Ott{ee;A'tetAhatifo me: bypoimj/Ea, ~ and atlaeffime, and V A‘-piolmnyrtthatt,Wa§tiz1t mens t~fpiritse1, mfght fizllydifcoverit felt"; A M; ThatA’stthefir[tAReafem. ~ A A ’ A tASeccmdly,Goddoththisgtlfif/?6e9#4y~fi-ewwearbxgpteaplen%£[1a7a~,A t gm 4n4:'~return taA’7:9»pl;w%e,# rill" t/3:]1teaek_nowIed‘ge* their fwvwa we I win A.» - I “ ;¢u.........n. . vflwm-an v V G'vd;¢J1§ifi;)g‘%Ati}ne. AA < H 9 "'17 A Aii"fhggt wheAnAhfe feems”to‘A4vfleep3ybuiflioizld corp: and;WAA%awwieenA»biz:z, A ‘ ‘ and givehimTmt£ae*VofMth?: ¢pprbm:b.~af the :37¢%?£1s fur 4which;A ~purp4ofe7A~ ; A \ -look=A%WhatfohvA€1::thi.s rp1amfi:AdDAAtIi iinp.&irt?"AAaI;130A£3g£’£%iWé7z_m,,Aycjuflzpll A A AfinAde in Scripture th?e:fat;neAtliingsare'aftrimtedAwdtkzAG0d§a1:1¢14 ;AA A = ,*&Wv?’?r*fl‘vr?29 Maw ?€@?”’.fi‘fAWhei‘:‘)he d9E13é§i{§f9§E!1e¢d=1iV¢~ ‘ '~ V‘ ranca .A‘A‘.v~ ' E “ ‘,6, mt Dan-'49-37I'l at psaxm. Ezc.'2.3. 6.9: - Ig‘,zfl_ fit thy bear; AM the /mart Géd , Aévehéhl , 1%/:a'rcfm~a,%,i [M “ ‘will,’ ér£xzgfiran_gmfw=% zxpar: t1aea,A andthey /5:1/Z Adrmaz rim fwaml A ’ .%1;r}ai;¢fl%tlaee,V A-thy “£wzi4.ctyA .»;zmdAt1ajzwifa’ameV Jim/l:d6*pm»r‘,V i Andvin A» v"é%r£~9.% 1'eers the Tyrant thus ,1 Wiltt/am yctfizy éqfm him A rm: jlnyetlatlm , I zzmG‘ad? Em tlmar 1541: ée «:2! mm, and mr GM «Ar. 9g ‘V.-' Ion PfiI.14;;.i: mg. v wr «c;aa:» ri/ingzizéw Atime,they willnet acknowledge him to by God, bfiti think ta carry ant withan arfn‘eo‘Fomn1p%oten;c:e, nil God comes" upon A A them, in a terriflrz manner, and cm: A t/aeirfjiiriAt:,; and layes themfar dead at his feet ‘; that they may know tlmt~tla.e muff high » God mlét/a z'7¢ the Ifingdom of mm. The Church was glad of fuph an oportunity tovziwaken Godup to her aid 5* ;A'rz'fe 0 Law; timt? tA!5Jra¢{!m*l:aa¢ %may kaaaxaz t/ac*mfE*['z/6: ftaéé lmtmm, as if he flmuld have faid,Lord,thefe proud I:-Ieatheni{hTyr"ants think * tI1eyé.re_fla.Wmamygad;; the}£kn0WrzaG0a3,but their ”oumg/ireéegtla, %a?nd”thAeiraa:am%nzg/Zlbmq, But Lord do than azAr'zf*,% and maké : them know that they are but dying mm, and that thou onelyart tzhe livixg ‘AG 021.“ ’“;A*I*1_,c! fo e“1fe\5vei*e,A‘GAod in tAhi':§ ‘cafe ( fdmfible of this affmnt) how emphatically and angerly he fpdakes to tthat ; proud P:-imre of Tjrm ; When his heart b”c=gan% to {well ‘above the thoughts of a man, A How flzit/9 -the Lord A God, becM¢fl*%%t/10;: £nth¢‘1ganalafA%kz22¢;tIqm4 fl;:yetJa%%rlaae~<.3;AA:AAuwhcn the: {word of the %Exééu€ione4rs4of:4‘mAy ve»nAgea11‘ceis:inAAthyAbowe1s,.vwilt thou fay‘ and God? will make-thee changethy vdicc‘AbEfbre~I have dorm; than fl1aV1tAdie a3 rbafa and ignqminious,death,“the deé.jth*'Aofth%e un-A-4; will make . %theeV know ’:I ainGod, and thou but man, ‘ when A circ%ut§m:ifed;‘*A~A 4A:himr.¢N¢w%4is, th”é;padp1 e‘ ofi fladhwa p¢;¢tutadV%.fi§r~ “ (;’ad.:fi:z{Qs , _% yvhenffad zrzztband 7R-Jggioia is; the onely quan- «j‘rel1;‘a7ud fhls AArgument “doi‘tTh the %Chu1*ch p1ead {mm her felfe, or:tla)i_fiab¢mre% We?k§lZcda[l% the dp1y:»la44g, Wem-as camcdé AAa:.¢/Imp A _fi&>7_é«rheflWgktaig;as1.iFthey={héuldha$re;faid~;7if is »mue;Lmrd,we A ‘vod!Jvawe~}%»q#l”é¥%;%Vbut%m1yAAAathe .Ex;ean%i*w*?i‘do::a&s%¢p»e‘i:_ {ecutéus J@iec4Mfi‘Aw«§‘armj”a écm¢£f&'n:iear£ Mvfim-/&:: A:?:Thc% _ fiqL111jr€}I‘%‘y*is , That mi " thAine“% :11-ze.i:3"”b‘zI.I*y.’ %tIaevAZ73i‘gkt;y,«" depart from m, A far wbe defire nbt tbe?V1Q¢o\17led‘gc of. ‘_:~¢_by z:my:s*.r%%«..- And if they Hcfannot endure Gods prefcnce, as a =Zfe.4zc/9c=:v:, how Wi%11_they;endure his P;-efence as a judge .3 I F they cannot abide Alnis pre-fence, as a%Vfin-repromfng (}od,,.hoVW WiA1L_ they abide -it: as: 9. fiv¢~;¢.c*aza7¢g,-i7:g4~‘G¢aa1 ? 'Sm‘.€1y"thatA»A%.prafi°nce of ” God is fo zmfnpparmbla, that you_ma§zA»%hear. them willing to ex.» V -vC'h3.MI1g£‘ifv-*f'OI:‘ the burden 0E remand maxmmim, (Revel. 6. 16.5: A éwy /azia;£*ta% we Maxntain: «mad vRa¢r:k._5‘, fall on mm’ bide IIJA fxamfnca of him‘ that fittet/7“ on the thranc‘, ,,and from that ‘ wrath ¢ftbe Lamér. w.And% as theycryfito Gad, Depart {ram Aus,fo, ‘ G0d:%%Wh€11:h€ afifitthaii; he anfwers them inMtheir‘o;Awr1AA1a13guage, and fpeaks to them in hisAAw~rath ; D.eparr3‘romm¢e rand this is : their *mife_ry,thcy* “hav;e_~«the A firffl Word, A but VAAGod will ha we then ‘ . 1%};-=par¢3 fmm may yafe ;\?x7arI§er.r of iniquity. U%nhappyAAA_c:aitiV6‘$ V that ever hewas bbrn, umto whoxn%.mhatA»%Afha11;bee §he‘1aft~Vv@1‘p1;A wil1%fa5z;,,iAD$qmrr A Ygu Wim’fiy=EP.€fhaP$3»_ that%A«isVin%th‘eAd.2z_jr af7»kdgméntgAA3Nhen A A 5“ ch B: ...M u... A The Emmie:_[;4tterii§gtinéeA. . V A Vh 2'9 ghveanceon them that d0hn0t‘1*k11dWflhiI“1‘l5 &c:.uA A I T1~u¢1y,“thefi‘: Rifing Ewe: ~of@fAtoa , when God drfitb,» cotxewfcti-3 Ae CA€1rez1i2)e.t, to take Gods Apart‘ agairift them, andA*that=*i?n~a A , V aw déubleI;efere11ce- A A A A AA A A M A A A 4 ~ A A t _ .F1rPcA,;InA reference to them pezyfénx;Acot1fciehce4Awi11~tar1ie,' L ee:W~h¢n§3odAarxfeth »t°ft¢‘11£1?¢mt1!at~,A~tb¢7 «arten0n¢~9fAG@d%=38A 'Cht1{tA comes to; reveal ~h1mfe1f 1l1~-Afldmtwgtti {irAe,Arencir1%ngeVv“en- §_Thefl~_i_,/,’3g_ V bftlie Ct€174flflfiI:I-‘£35,; filo/Zv. 2%. 9:362‘. * 31¢. ASA.Vomc;t1m%esL,A A paaplz, fair mwlaa /won, ‘ch 1 416% -inf A fp«irit :; % fo” 4 that he th8t:.iv5V%'W6%k_a%l1’!0£11Eg:th€m;é is 3.9» -41-: A Q V-§zfda%%z3»VAh0«flc:w the Liamfiand {the IBM mud 711E~t;hfiAt:i3~A§a.S §bem1m es like A:the gdngvl out Amd flew an huI:1:~_- - : alarad =f"ur1boreA:and éAgfiV€3 V;4thoufand ;irimne4niht;» SumLy,4:W%h@n- -A Spirit~qf;AGedA cczmcéupwhis pfiqple, Aa‘nLd Lcgiorxs -um ...,.,,, ,...._.....—_»:;-- . um.-_-_,“~A _ ‘ v~ AA A T E}aemie:_fiAattAe'fi2#g&timé';% I And makcs%his4cnemiea, pergeivehigs:a15p%rc:#&;ch52% A [Fame z'n%wa«rd¢imWfl$b’m ialpen theirfiliritsy A Secondly, he rna\kes«them perceive ityéy flwmmmwzrd Vdemq;;~$-Hfafw‘ 2" «=. _[§%§wio2éAs, lyable to »thc:ir very*4fen‘fes _ [ ‘ . A _ ‘ H‘ 1; 531 Flaeflwpendiam «E3:-»qf/a%;k%po\37‘cr ¢mdj5raw'dmce,wh1Ch Godputs Forthrfiar his people, before their cyes ;,,as the diWidi:‘zg.) gf tlaé%A.Red-'~+fim, and clartiiag of time \W”r,er : of ?ora’am,.C’9"6.% SE6 ‘O ._ A n . ‘ m what tremblinos and {baking terrors, this caufed inthg: hearts % % 2,-_% fame amigo»: farermmer: -of wrm up0n‘th»‘: enemies, f0mcti3,*nes mazfingtbem talmzr the am:/5° of multitude: cf laarfés A mm’ c1:mrio”t;,as hce didth:e Syrians, 2?-ICingx 7. 6. %Some%timc-:3» mkgmg; 4,7 Ttbcir wheel: , azed%traz¢é1iz¢%@ their /aaezfl, as he+deja1t»witI1 A the Egyptimzr in $116 Hfidéffifl At?©thCr%t.i111e9,% mixing the em-. mic; with élindncjfc amd Mada mad; z2zc~l.,~.~:m‘. ’ ejfe, as the sa;zame;%%, and t%hrea1:A- éy Vjmtting "zz mszjeffy and V¢£7reaz;tlf:¢l22c:[fi="a22 A Cam. 6; 10.» Who 12¢ [565 that laafit/2 ' faffb as tba~%marning, ‘clear 44? Mthe Stsmm, . am’ terriéle 5:4‘ anfizrmy with émzm¢er.r.. If fhce bee‘ fo,%whcn fhc: 1'1SiEl~.h€r-imptidi/[V hm- éjpg, her bridais attire 5..WhaI, When in her .1’!/Dzrtiwzll avcawtreg. % wants. There were they in gram‘ fEm2~,,évec¢zMfe ‘Gadlis imtk£Ag¢A/25+ mriamf the riyateom ...G<:>cl% letout Ibme beamAofAglm'y upop J ms Peopl_e,&-151d p.re£em1yA::heeAnemy fiella ::emb1*mg.4 % V A By firming it/oer’ rz2ery~ iimnimatc 44cmz%txm~s agaimfl them ; Sula, Moon, and Stars5 fire, h@i1,£harm.s, .t:empE:fl, earth; Water,3 the v¥shQ_1fi .£]:éa1t_-iiflflb .,a;11preQ:.t0 figh,tthebatte11VsoF t1:ge Lqrd of A By mizfizfg ‘flicf .;§l7imZ':t%Ir" i¢n;1A;;0*tMr.34I?g6 .?f5tat%@y7£¢' f5¢°m"* ens‘, 1:9; 1,1911-«11k€. %Ang£l-lxke proweffe, andA.unconquer&ab1£-~ rGfvArmi¢8‘areA%4§:mt a-blfi ta fiandv befbrejmeixls 5% Y9¢1f1’{WAf€€ V§¢eplarah{_,V%»g£dam .&4mfw:,:Dmid, %AAandA;4ot«h£r‘;ath@ Wn;r:ch1asAVofAtbn aw./i ‘Apgd ofP'Ioafks3they_crY.i ;L:t u&fiaa,Afor;Iqc. Lq§dAIfimi I ‘.,,A_‘ mfigu. PfalA.‘I44:-54% ‘I A "1 a Ar" A "'3 an ~......_,_.., :44, A V" A G&d;‘Rifi;¢gz2mé, “ if they had been God, tahen ujtjofl them to threaten the poor be... fieged peopole 05Ctod’*W1th;Etcrm£/lfirc .5’ Who yet within few hfoutes after , as the P~fa1:tn1f_’c fyeakz=,.dicd1ike at 1nan‘t;e,-;{1ain, as it A is con1'e<5tutrecL*by the hamd of 3. c19£! de:'~. % A A e ‘T/Jim’/y, Butth-ird1y,e,are not thefe enemies and haters of GOD}; gr-aim to zzflrmrtge med zm{a.w*cf1 afbeigfat afemelty.’ Sm*e1y,the very meme: oft/cafe wickgd mm 4;» crfee/Z. Plundetinge and firings,and; "down-right mutdersd, Mare metctes wtththis Generation (of mm {hall I fay Be or ismzrrrmte D.iml: .? Oh when the Pcottics ofrehgfé Warm in [;»~¢1»,,m.;i and Ezgfizfid {hall be reported; to the World, poPterityJh»al1read ar1CU<©0k pale , and betafl-oniflaed and ready Ate give up the Gholt for angu1{hofbfpi1‘it 3 Yea T,:mi~e3- and 15:2. fig./:l.r flmalltbem and be :2/Immed ‘C0 fee them (elves: Io am“-éizf in. cruelty,_by them that call themfelves CzhmEj‘?£az2¢:,. and that one A upon axaothert. ’I?he1and before them is as the Gizrdm of Gm’,g,_f teittzd btihinde them like 4 defolmfle W'z‘ldm¢ej]'e, A ptoudefbvofethemfloop ;,Yea,haversot.fome, hhofeethem lately, as .e A _Fayr_[},7[)#, Aandwhatistheyh,;,€_7~z_gazrre!Z al1tithis—whi1e,I‘s it not 4 %Religiam andttheTmtb oFf]God P The truth of D 0E?7*ine_.,_the truth A »0fD2§fc'ipli:'ze_, “the truth 0HV0?fl2£p ?:* May t11otthetParlz'eatmcnr,r eeundtthe Pzzrziaamnm f3:.iend$,crie toGod; For t19y_mzme.s‘fa:/gr, 0 - elm-a’,,4reXiaagfil/edkzlitrt/ae7d&;y;:Z@ng .?hSurely had not the (}'qfpcl,,, A fa-ndthe Govcrizment-Ofjefus/AQhtipc been hp1‘€Chi_()l18in.th€ir eyes, I ;»they mightthave ccjtnpouneledffor their civilllibetteties upon in-. finitely. ch~eap;et=ttf:ift11e_s theti i~tt~{f%hateI1t' cAoPc them already}, and yet] ‘the Lord “kilo urs”Vvhat.it*.ma§i ec>?Pc “them more E; but Whatever it A ie,ormay.be, ‘eeHappy‘te£ngle2n-dattdthappy Haey in Eflgl:wZ74d;thaCC3H‘. fay, For r£wyfiz.éee,v0§{t are ‘hjx¢:>hl;e5ki!las1 all the day [amgt't ‘Woe to ~ A-ethem towheJ1nmGod-;jwill‘tfay, : when (they; ly gafping of their ‘ W®11nds,,,;H22fl thtlmxt 5&0; prfiéjured hht‘/aa_,%’&_ tlaingtwmtn t/ay 5’ A a.d'd At A and and Iqmgfibj ‘;¢s‘ft’}'0fl7“e fcizlatmir; and % maclgtwfaan year few“ .P;1'(."a‘jf*«.I.'2tv"..6.-. €0mw,_%_‘% A4 -% ‘ t M A FifiIal)Q‘_;Bi;tfifl the next p-lHaJce,Ware=ntot theft: Enemies, and he» V tet8hefGo«C1;ae’SBZazg’;2lacmwhea% .again{‘c~' Gad, , as theyare om:rgg;am.? V ;‘h1fi‘AGhunCbn\-dnd.‘thc ftu9¢n4dii0us%de££ru&ionsAuse ‘A V ” M B A Vm c;s:xm;Ay;.qu.%:%:n1a:y;c<2:i1%é%»to;Vl:2cie4 aCHi:a_intedw;itht%he «-And%:by~$h1s bW«Aa°£iuVainteaAwi¢th ff?-1€?¢iSw:l0:z:=t :_1nV;.:§he «wfWs4zzdpr4ycr:« %% A Wherefore, Wl1ercfore,l » all fad thllng, that after fo lIWord,and worlrieslit% hath been crowned many clear difcoverlies offiod, in his; A fhould not :0 this day, lam/efaiz/9 e;¢a24gh.~ A tdbee tol-Eel up and and fi:nlced\CiAticAs.A let youvrfaithbee Fat.-A A dverfaries. Do but fludy.and ob{ervc*:.% Withall in all Ages;.,ancl your hands {hall be Ptrong : Gm’ crowns l fizit/7, bficallffifaiit"/9 c;»»awm’- God... God loves faith a'bovc: all oth‘ez'~‘ lGrac:;:;s, becaufe if God pumcraxém upon it, the modclly 0ff‘a_ith' Vat ‘rmtea pix, M0 M3, mt zmta m,!mt to thy Nflfifit girue the pmib/E‘. lWh % flxquld your r Itlllisan awakeningword, van remember it, Ilbeféechlyou a... As for fifod/1554 way is pcrfelé? bee in: Zuzclglezf to a.’.,F.ol1ow Gad inthe way ofllhigprae mand prw£c1erzL”e,anVd you {hall filfxcle no crfiokgdllfiwrfiifil in: it Pfal'.l.II~5*.1*.v l _ .PfaI.:8.3®~?' ffdinl 0n?€lEI1d“tlb alnc3l:h%er;Ayou lhalr1otfi~ndelGar1llleppingona faat ‘ “ l vzwrylmg xT/as ward af t/.15’ «Lardégf tried;..thereVb€.mil1lOU8 *.0fS31I'1li5 that have tried it in all ages, *andwm be. reacly,te=bringil1‘z ltheirz hlofit _,; ;H£e.z'a' ez bncfler tan]! tbawfle I-lee hath been Armam ofproafto an 3 that" at Mair rm}? in him 3,; tho :2 A that have trullied Lin I1isMprote&ion,-Vwhichlhathlrendrml ; V them mwuzmrglaze, ~t‘}¢?‘j£1Anqiblg_.,I agajlnfizallthe G.un-lhfot an1d?Ar- canvfay, I Iawzzzelrrgijfezl in ; lwid, .Tbm new fail:/2 '1-gm z-Zn./zt'f2e.eh wee. "mm fummc is thus jmuph ; j, Tam ml}; trz¢fl'God£fi ya}: Willl mm} fie fizfir 5 not, fécmve l a .Tliere is um. man to1,b6I'£f011Dd'that . fldfind béelldméivedll mt ; l 110“ faithlD :2» ~» 1>lral;g.;ml.~. 3 . awaite f0rourAfa£:I9~, and Aéyurbumilfinrian, a%n«;I qur%V::Arc.¢ll4wvJ?qfim- 4 A A A ;;A‘ir.r,~VAA»%De1*mranc¢ Afi1m;1d* n@*At tarry an hourA%1dnAger. { Itet us not111ake.r:aw~.:=Alaaflc»stat6FAddz£:ra%tr0%u‘;31e$,,- A A ~-¢hcngoad'(peezl$;« but%;remember w.h«:>hath% faid, }%r:z;s§oa¢y[4V:éz.ozr;cz Larfww A ' ' -3‘ no ,y;gg;g'jl;o:¢laL 59¢‘/9 bapr, M461’ q;¢£ctlyL\3Mi.t“far ' the-Auféilvés-t4£0:¢%‘afA$t,’g;Ae _ Lard,~If‘fies% goad for a man, and it iS«gq0d_Afi3r%4a .’Z%Vm*ia2z,AAi%t.i%Sff'~1:' tht:T1fa1v%ati.o,n Qf',thc‘Lo3:d gifo ‘did’ A till his ve'1'yd7ing day, on I922: a&m:J:~eéea.f he cou1d~:fa3r, 1 la‘2w*2we*i-4 :ftc~'+dfor%r{qy /2zl22;2t%io:a, 0 Lord, ,W'€3« fay It 1'8» gaad to 56’ dc'l£mr1é'd,A it is good to ‘;J4Z’£/¢“$P£iZ£'é' ; ic%we1mi:c,1t;1Sgoo:i;to ézmrf/ea‘ 70%, . fit i‘s'gAoo::l ta; pm‘ om=":%mowzb iré t19=5’.6.+’!{;,/2" -éeytbcrg may Viva Jofm: A * A W A ° ‘ AA ~A Gene.49. x8. A Iris fo inde<:=,d., ‘ and a gaps! reagfzm isgiven oEit,;J?\r’¢rf4 A2-2-5, A. The Lord £rgaot1%t.0 At/arm 113.21: Wsrzit fay“ him, to H9: I/Jatfic/Q: A «riffs /2;i»z,AIh%at Ais,T11e Lard iS.better,tofI;1chapt-zoplq t1x~cf;jx:§viéZox]:;, The Lordgis bct_ter then peaéa ;. The ALord:.?i/S» 1;5ettez:,»then gd£wg,&C; The Lord is*betterA rd fL1:h.aAfc>u1 .thc1fx st. m[rc%,;-:if_ .t%hc€y A}b:;:{:i<:1< ; Them cw1.~z;~g.emmt, ifin prifgn 5 ,then>aR mzfi{mc°,'1fin the: LI‘37¢c'7s2ie:/mml ;, bett:¢:1~,thr3n.a ; Da1ivaM‘11€¢Aa be 31¢}? A,U1T1d€11‘ :W~’<«““i' gffii,4$E.£a:;¢= :fi;eW—.»:w~g0%m. Jfriemts: »»tI3at “ ycau Aif*l3¢%YA;;1«his 7!; that you igmm~m~parimem!{y%.%tI1isAwAVA~trmhd;;~lg~ §sfiyre reme1n%berAM:thatAcéu1ifi*3;1'w¢ff§h§j.#iP@§t1x?: Tam»!-4? A A %Atimc&A%«hm;:;::kaw% *%Vi%,h¥:1%€Wi§ pa;fii€I1»Cfl,*5A%3”d A A A A ;t*hwere ~isAja?i;m»fe.:S24mvo3~1g; fia;_stm‘A=f%%;r».and% wai%£Ae:m,%yc§r§mr _ 4 :f7!11fir1!}trri*;a*1s1§,;¢iI1d»’g1:€a§ A A ;Lfi£w%s aii 7{wam?i:3cnfiap¥.A§dr;iann7*i5:bIn;t;m; tWhe;g;~aau.rlA2%.nr12r1§;y%nIac1 W .Aiea*AA.:m : A A’ mi! §of £;m*w&fi:k*he%cani¢,AA‘ Aa~Tri’d:»bri‘ngA':WiftA 3. and ‘S‘a‘1!v‘ati¢xJ;Pra.H;‘ "AfOI‘;¢3i1dA'V§7:51iIfld‘?f1’§.$hi”$ A A Am _ 9 33: @0351‘ _”f % «‘~ g %ChWap.5~'&7,8: %A * V‘Géd§"Rijing ii}}¢e; hm PfiiIl27.M}’I€. 51- “'7§vor'k ~a'I‘*1iif 3 7 % perfi:fi‘« Xivark %0fp.étimC:r’- V The l0rd g A V M me "135; this‘ , wa*r1'd4 it! % Will: be ‘t?~h<~:+; greattfl ‘Ak1~ndr1A¢{I:‘:3f‘V~that. Qgd». gag; dOwFD§r:t]S_%_.% % ‘ . % M ~ A , AWe1],w Pcudy it, pray forit;-that~asAt~he :z?i;z!J._- l11a11{ m'fi°,,fg:>%our A ” %‘;:m£e:¢ceV%11zf‘ay‘ am/"e alfo; Bet !.1S»b€'»(>fi:€I1 renewmg Dmzidx charge upon our *fc‘mlc:s. A %PVazit?it#2ama.w./51¢4Lard,Aé»e afgaadcawragc mg /26 % fl_j*¢;2t-.é$.;'-°n }I /§mzrz'5_._ W425 1" 5 07')’ J.‘ /96 ’]L_637'd.'. A A A Pu*i~~£:3i»n your patience» I A W % Sex/enthly, 12% in ymr mzmsm/Z law we tmz>';azr,cz’;;n.;:z;vz%az%{&»¢=r 52» Ggei 5 ..»i:3j%Ri{3n upzzgpzin_fi¢-a_,;;r Enm1i€.r,fha1'l%W6 7‘%1;f3' ttpubmc flgaiyfl Gals, 15"., . 4%;;~AAu«au:%¢¢ WW-% ?«'iphcfA;.~g, 5,6. A tIsm.?~~ C3oei*‘forbid Hm: the A%peaR1e5; ; % If}-E &ite“z:znd~dc*z»am~i%pm mzar/my take l:2eac:s'7ye4.b:%_:¢‘at m¢ ,,_,m¢;g one ‘ofmapr/Ear. Truly ft‘iends,it% were better th%eACamz1me: ,€:’g.mz’;={ h;1v,«fi‘ray m,*the13;ev@r it fhould be reported, iabrcad in kthle “world, that ‘prafyiwg wC19rI'fi’in'22.r ;fdz'-a’ drflroywy and dc"v¢mr7 »a;z.».= ztrmt/akr : fimnwdei/Z and rt’p??0".s¢6_';J'v¢.0: Cljrg/‘i“‘%az:z¢o15(%~ /Jzk "T Fa7‘ tlnz*?&1i*é»i]Zé§é4} ~0f'3Rb'M53:’fl~‘ VVtIJ*£‘re%% are grmztr rlgbugéifx afJ;zw rz:;_5 V F01‘ ~t¢he%1%di*d#Fifia»¢;VLof% %Lamflorr,%%2ind .tIae%'Mini[E¢r:% Vand%-*VVpraf¢;_[]‘0‘m., in “jflmém, .a;r,”g”a elfewhere, arAeAggreat flwarxilairzgr‘ safbmm: ; :I pr:of<:fl2.=:m “y‘6tin.S:fi"$*Q“‘I i fi:;§t1*5:t~I1fc1‘z=&41I1:’:r:)t?“w€«g,: fhe;;1 ,1::%,dm an nhéxppmrer a‘nd p($licire bf fhje bg1g_i’*{p’h¢%%1nbfluSs Vfihem 1‘e‘4:;‘%% ‘_1’e ar,; :know*xthey hup%.rpm1%1e?’cI§em‘:; *{E.*1ves‘Amér@fra¢¢&:‘dwr _c1i'z.»£fiam"._ 3;’ V-ithhl they;;dc>fmm Am/J tlmeixb» gym imm!az'm¢£m:.; ~¢I.et""us Pcudyzfbefeech youVtodiifapp¢oi11Lt~‘ i:Vand“ bafi fie‘th€ii?*fiXP‘€§fawtiQI§$, % To tha!;*€nd"hc§ar the ApO&IE%nio1"c%% path-€~ 1 n W My no mj‘u7q2~i4{éf ; 4‘::¢:]’:‘}¢ifF¢)'?Ef'c’77l’i?\3L§/Iii};-.'zi0_]‘35?‘ff/fie; ffmfrfr, ;fl72'}9 5g\);:...:£._. V a,.§:>z;az r¢a‘ijr§z}é'.r ? ;;_: Fgrtwy y,:tl$mj;,:'ya {fix} % mingled, ;b;;zryi;:{; % tloe~f%z;m=%V‘lWJ@;i~léaimg»'&f &]zae% . accaxd, of am miml;-;% If .V:you%aCa11I‘-M5: %l11txtm“b“e of (me mindw, M yet I b€f:‘.@chfy0L1' '1£’Lb0ur:$Q:;bé,§ u£;:.ag.gg . ‘ » .: ‘C “I as‘ tx ,.‘ ‘- ‘ *% o:aa?;1:&a9;:%dne pifit; an¢.:H?a;v5e, ;,:mmFdiz=b,‘zoAne%;%Lm~;1,”w om.» e§;5’wprAsfMa,pfl@ (§wé:1’g4dn€mP3zz‘ti:ag<'“0f7ai1g»wVhc1%;1%s::4;év;a«vcsLn%1l; %tln~*a:¢g¥J ?5a«1l*5¢jé”i#:t1i %7Kafi”Wt?fiiA“s:piéefe;x1t ‘Gm?nommbm»aAn»:i-ehrifiuain \ %Em1&fiii¢?§I£}me"fi}:2»; 4e:aal*;,.a:*~mw5t«~»her;:=%_0.g}m¢hmugh% tyé :i‘x£E +13% mammasgritnem@ifiberJ~é¢afad:m&1aApléim @g1;¢1;;gufi£m,:%m£+%gh¢ 'I£3;f{xv1‘.1i’z§mj,=;a1a:».iV;:éc3§31'i:s:ti*ms_:;y;:En& mzeare fb.1uralmp~py‘:; ;2s:vst:‘o%;A4rev%i%4:i,tA 2: ;. *~‘1';Jae If1£r"at”7?w’:é.”(Zfi[:151;£h? 1.16,)“ /?££“f£fc‘+1?2;m‘2¢;)t-gaé17.§,;§%kz1ZdfdxW’tGsaafii,‘ Aland mlty‘*w¢“o4i;agtéfy»oug:, Ifwwrc. -heAa:«y¢cvmfa1¢a:ia;;iingcbmi»gf A eh The Chair:/her tz'me.h‘ e h h Ah p7ncgmr,Ahha:11dAeomhim their efirveneie zgndimperthL1nity.e«eI wiih h e from my fDu1‘)‘th1S may not be the fun: of the Viftm-ies Vvhigh A GaclI1atI1”1ate-lygivenuseixaclae/hire; ‘in the Nari/95 in the 1'7/éfl, A e-&h?e. whereas-Clhri{’cians fhould then double their in*3portunity, 4 and with their Saviour, pmy. yermaraférwenrly. The behaviour ~ ofthe Saints in this Kinde is very obferveable, it awards the end A ofthe 7ex..yeeres Capri-vigyixl Bzfzhylwe, whhenehone whoulid have 5 thought that the firength cbftlae Spam: afproplasj/Ea that began then - to Pcir in more times would have ahlimrec! the Iewes ahone (mt: ohtho e tlzzrvliw-hhand p£zfigc:,VVi_thOLIt the help of prayer, yet even the11dGth:D:i;7icl;and ft: the Sh_poufeein“the A ~R'evelations»,t=Ixhe mvmr her .Bridegrdame hwas,the mom pathetically R€3.v€1.2.z.m,» {he importunes his domiw;/{g.,..1 some qzgricw’-{ly {ayes the e grooehe ;'_yea and to putit out of d-oubt,‘ he 7f‘e‘ESfhfS"h»fi*uai1 chit, A A A fwrely I..come quickly ah Yet not content w'vitf7h_ fhhthieejgfitilze Sfpoufe ecchoe’s this pramifi back agqin with the Lv<;>“ie<:e$ ofan holy ream: impatience ef:;mye'de1ayh, Ezim fl2rica‘mcLLar_d Ver1A".m..e “ A And it is no xnmfe then is »co1n=iz*i1h4nhdhedh~~hall «be1e'ev:e*ref’; ~ A A Lmweg fie: ml Waving W W “ Wming ’ef’»t*7:e Y«“'?"’9'5.”flA‘G5"’;:‘i= 2. Pet. 3. 1;... the Aqfieekaereads it7.;_, vhafizeneieng; thehciominh }.;&e.» hLe,tAt1?s*¢AA1esahrI1 mugwmg .,;m,* ethisholyim patiemhceeflh importeunicy, in bat xuxhngthe conhirigdf vrrteuafidra &'c- . ‘A .thiSAd¢sy of Gad, F01‘ Englandf_f%Z1,haV‘11ed peé«fiw&'hsDaZiz'erzzazeé and A}’r”P€747‘$c"“dj;§f‘ A .R.efar7aama%a; f"i’o1;ethat arewthhe: Lords remehzh~bff~a.h;cers,ar‘ifesand 'i’1E_’f’g’”é 4 A _g‘t.~‘i’J’6"l\7;.7l5' Lard no’ rc]Z“Aht:'1!h:9ee¢?/hrzévlz;/75 and mmhéthishout?é>9uj3wWm»5h j J‘ ”" *9“ ’ A ejirgfefiiv/«#2 z?n»t1:«:*mid[} l'.'}_fTt[7(5\5'.4 rr[3.‘m.«A‘-_ . {fie rt ‘ ’ eh _ j Thhishfhcmld have been tsllejeefirfieh-b'r’mcl1oftheA5i§:th"eDdh' me, » . he usmake &::ec;uze dhailyw-.i.-TfieeTex¢igeveeL3im;i;MA4 e * A :C5era"ethiét+ie9i1 *ga~g&in*fl%:;whieheh”We +pyay>*, ~ ‘afeencale '*‘ A3 : I A , “ A A &oneVyhAA Q A 43 J A A A A ‘ God: Rifirggtime,A ......q.__._, A “tX9lr1tVh6fltg.\.b£7;’0‘ AA "i A A A A A_ A A A A A Sccorzd!y,They are alreadie Deomfliand Dizmnedrm dg‘ftr;;Aé1-{gang A Tiny” [be/J be flflettered ; Tkeyif£:.4zz'! fiieifi eAT'heyA f/‘mi/if fig A A driven aalimj A; V ‘T/ac}, [will melt, ‘=2’/.7:5‘}' flm/I perzfi. A V sffiairdly, All this may beeafily done; it is but God iR:flngE‘ ‘ there needs no ’m01‘€ but Gods, az/;pe;zmnce,1et GodAbi'u; wfhew himfelf in the field, and they are all but dead men. A ~ A I‘ A . WiAth ihefe arguimems Pcrengthen your week Mead: ahd fec&z’e *k?1£’£’J’,-A to wfreitle withAGod, as Marriners, the Aneerer the Amer comes into the {hip the harder flag pull, the lowder they cry ;; Se, do — ye with the Arzcbor of Hope, now drawing neer,&cA; \ 4 There is certainly ozfpirit qfPr'op/ye/it, Pcirring in ghefe times, and leéauring to“At‘he éirtb; -Oh now if theifpirit of prayer come 1 sin to AtAheA‘17Amrve1Zande.ibeftir it {elf mightily, I am humbly con--9 fidentAitw_i11‘ net be long etc the Clmrcla of God in thefe King- domes, be delivered of a (Z72-clqilcfe, the birth wfaereaf, Wm ~;makeA uSAAA~farget all our laémr madfiarraw. A e "AI Tentbm, AInterAiAm_1et us Rifle in Am A Pmif: and itiJ¢;£n£'z_._c'~ «£5TVi”f5g.»'?‘:".i 3;] “ _ ii A » A A 2 i ~ A‘ A A‘ God x;c..Rz7 Aen,and hatheedcmegreat things For us ailreadfiwhere. ‘of”A*Weveg1ad.; ‘and for which weihavc great caufe to Refi in aurTl.1¢mkfMlee[]}. i A A i ii A i » A Thi6+a1foAiAs a. duty in the Text ,: thewords being fpoken by ;wayi‘oE'"pm;£fi*iias wAel1:asofpmycr.i The Whole hpfétlme is no» tAhinge1fe but a1‘T rizmplafor thebringing home of the Ar@ and AtheA£ettingofi;11pin hisAAp1aceA, as alfo For the celebration of ;t~I1oie‘iin1any eiflbrics and S.e"l~z/atiam'WhiCh'G0d had vouehfa. he theChurch under mead; Goverinment: And [0 th-isflmuld M ‘;;h:we:b¢¢nAa. Afecendi b1emehA,in the Seventh Do é?rim,einjAAthe% . h;1AtefA;1etiiuSii11iaAl[;1],55,;7,; h wit!a,myei»mam'h and /we ham: cxtaolled Wit/9 evmyvetowgm ; If We have cr£w_lhto_ him with our mamas, and he hath heard,:md an»-5 fweredgxt 13 but our duty Vwe fihfould exto/Z him with ow « temgz/e .5 and We may fay fo Wee hzwe m/Zed, am! /aw hath w. G J ‘ ' In ezmjwercdg Mihazwe crzcd, and he lmrbfimi, here I am. hYea,,,rAt th. ~ behold, whilethifs day Wee havebeen‘ prefenting our .fup-— mental’: 111°’ phcations unto him he hath fent 111 a /f])am’y and oa_rz'c!a 1fe«;- ;,(,,,,,,W;}m,;L,;.:_ turn of prayer, in vouchfafing ah wonderull axideflmpendious fentupto me ‘ VDcflivmmce and I/ifiorie, to our .Z\f0é!e_ Gmcmll ,, and thejin the pulpit ~Farmr with him yonder at Edg.--Hi/1, the certainty hhandothe firfi reIa- fomeh prticularsoej whereof at this i1"rP£aITL‘ God ~hz_1thofent me hi-»'“.°“ Ofthe tgher‘, bya1u?FHoz¢ahuméZe‘bmml:e God herein having odonehimh~e»‘£§t°73£I?f1e 1“e1f;and us that honomf time he did V to znamz eDan.h;-9;Vh.2o;.h;w1.§fh gm I gilt t”/ac éeginneingaftky ‘ flzpplimtionh the rommamd o gfizmeohfm-k. ~—read,to the ' }Y¢§L,b€fOY€ We were prcparing some ‘prayer: , God h,ath,1'J.€€n.great fatif— e Apwreparzhg 6ma;;4_fw8?5’fU11OfW0Wd€? and mmvy.‘ By te7~rié1¢;tl;g;g-£5 faéfioza apd ;Ri‘gbreoyzfmffa hafi t/sat; a.nfWeredhm’,e 0 God ofemr /Mm.“ ,3dm11‘5“?10fl chrimms, ‘G-odoyou fee is ;Rifenh hehéth harem z;,:,g~;o+y, §,;,“n%;‘;g;;°gg r‘ Tofthewhola 7 let mavalgour e_Gla2*yh,‘ our .temgm-ototrumeepetforthfhis prax- tw.5.9ebeiflg,; ; {E.+9.““ Awake my Ed )1, awakef Pfalterifihand eH47‘P§ Imyfilf wi/I fl1edf9,-J'0y.h fiwfikq right M231} 5% ‘Beholdffiodehathtuxznd hourdzzty Hmili- Pfa1.65.5. Ah V 4,50,, MM MM M M M M V MA M MM sA:oA A A we cm-ca wag mg AA" PM A V man, dikjl afT§1a»zuQ4;gZjwimg, ancifoe h_;a:hA£ti1fiL1edA:1£;a:‘A:pmg. A A 3 1*” 5*A5A°A~ A A mt-fe,,Tk€yAz‘19m3fZ1‘w £ntjmr:,flm{lre¢zpJoya@eq¢‘Wc:.thatfgAw;.».~ A ‘ eAdA%-inA%tem~:sA, in the marnirgu. dws 1‘6ap*1A*n*V1oy4A1I1 tA:h1s~Aour evening ;; » w--- A:~quicAk return A.-.; ASA-halah not Wee for this, go on with the Pfiu1..%MMM M "M M M Pfal,’ 9,m,=._mifl:‘«-Arefelutiqll ~IWi/1 pmfl like“: , 0 Lord, ézmoiag Az‘A}JM¢9 Mye:*op[c?,_ M A 11. . A A J ,AWiA[z.’ flng to time aémaaxg: the zmi:z’aAm :A For tiny mmy great xmm A $315? hem2:z4.r,~A~ WEI thy tmtb zmm 1:145 ctl~az¢dm :. B eat that: €.?mlt:a’,M GA; . M dd/,;.A.4zéar:;e the lamwm,,Aomd thy gléry 4350726‘ 4/1 the ez:zrt}.2.. O that the father: W0uIAdbe‘teIli11gtAhfiir ‘Vcl.7£Mrc'é«;r, a11d‘Aon'eA~:A~ A @.hri£°ciau be m aking overthe report unto another, ofthe righ... teous; Afts of theALm:d ;,._;0h thatgtgwthe parpermzxing ofthée me.» wary of -€3odAs1oving ki.ndencIT3,. Wee Wou1Ad afl: put our fe1vesA IAi”a..¢~13_,M-;;,v';’_ under the Pmphet Iflziahx .EM7«zg¢z emmr 5;; I wih‘ mention .rba la. Ea/izég kgbdnr Ag the Lord,., azméi t./at’ pmyfés oftbe Lord,, m:car::lz'ng A to all t}mt;t c-A _£;jaAm’AAlmtb laeflowcz:lMm_a M, andtke great gaadmjfe MA... A gm;»g!;A tlgg/gag/E-Ac}? ,[fmel*,‘M.MWhicb has /9atAla%éwffo\3!?e¢;al onAtkem,Am:‘cAar- ding MM his merc£c.rA,.A,MmzMd7 mcord£ngV~ ta» the mfl[Z‘i1'2'»!dc3’ afi laz&..laving% M M M J 35-» M _A V, AA A MM A“ M H * ‘X M _ \ I PM-71-IM5’«= A M AndM2]LMgait1,A.. thatAMAAoAf MM7theMAMPfa1miPc ; My%‘ mouth /zmzz jiééwforrh M##mbEr.tAtbaAreqfi.A A AA A A A T A V % A M’, A AA ‘Rejaycc in 13116‘M.L9?6I9AM0MA%‘y»£AP£gI9P£’0W!, A far-i~:pmife 1925* cornéélyfor A_ }?.aI;.33.1:.b. rbeflprégbt, \‘ A A; A A A A A by r£gb%reanfaeMe,AA.}:nd W/ably fl:zZ:¢&mtianAwall the: d.4y.,far MIA/ggzaxkr mt zf/:veA Tia'z‘m’[yA,.;and1afiIy, Let us exalMzf’q‘oa1i2¢a.érr zz—m.Ta;;eMA1aAccA1,AAA MI-AA’l3efcecMh you,oF karsatrrizag God inbur dat£e3,AA an¢&Adz)%onéurixgg 4 of; him slug our M12072’:/d*rfi*£tz7a7¢:,V of exalting 05 hm} with our;-A~ A Atonggem, and caAffinghimAAAdown in our li«zm~:A T his were to imi-3A V tatmhofe Vwremhed 12%,. Who Acarried up our? Saviour to the tapAaft.be~ Mawm, that they AmightA throwhim dwzbwnthepm-AA. A % cipiwA,%aA3nMdA 5"/ca/Q /Jzérmclg: Let nototur Alimxeglve the: li¢A'AAL%to3M0ur A dwias. A alk becbmmingly to yAour1MnAercies, Vand” be¢.:ommiAAng- A V M ly t9AAym1ArAMduAties;A Bet an h7o1y,A fweet, ~graciousA,,cnve4*fati¢n'AAbe a? we Pazmplamflr of but? dutAies, and A9: Cammenrupon%o?ur %dayVesbE’,f A‘ MM'I*Iu~mxA;%t;i1iat’io1.1,and {»Than~kfgivir1g: I ~wi1.Al~ conclude with thin: AM MM 7 ears ~A~Abéfimrarim,andobteftation oMfAAt«heAApofl:~1e.-. AA A ‘M A I Of _ A A % _yWArrfl?*#tV7W Miér living wmfifivy My?=s 4trr>vrrvrs:~fA- ‘ A AA =5}*Al£*}t#wGoiwl,A;Wbi€¥:~%?4 yawvtr+rMf04fluHc;-%6r*z/icc.A%% A M A AIt" l-nun-0‘ AA ‘ A ,‘ m. ‘-‘,, mm ‘_,, ,‘ ..., ., ‘ 1 . _ H ‘ ’ V “ “ ‘ “(J ) “ “ , ‘. ‘ ‘H ‘ ., , ‘ _ , “ ‘ V r “ " ‘ M-my» .‘ V ‘ ... .. ». .» “ H. n. .s.. M41...“ , , > M. ,‘.,.,, .. ‘flfl { . ‘W, ‘.‘_,,.,,,f«.,...,,W,,...,,!,,w.,,,,W ,‘.. ‘W x _ W W ‘.‘ _,,¢\,M3,,,,...,‘M,,‘,‘,W,“ W" _‘,,mM,_'“W‘".J_£_W,,M,m”“ ‘y‘_ __§_,_“ ,w,_;; W_\W”,A H I I _ , T ‘ ‘ ' ' I Nfivémécr I7.L T ‘*(5%&or%Burgéfl"e,]eéf.V' 5o.5.%7p { g A 1640 L{DMaPcc*r Mar{1ia¥l;2'Chron.15*.A 23 W A Before tlaé reciewing aft"/as Sécramént.‘ “ Nwemé. 29.----~Mr;4Gauden,Zach. A 7 A ‘ A 4; /firm «haglggiwing afthé 7Jkia}¢,EetWixtEpg1anJ ‘ and Sco.t%1and.V * .S.’c]7tc’mé er AA7.Marflxa11; .Pif€*‘1~.T%2‘4-5, 9 i 1641 A Mr. Burroughs, Ifai. 66.10. “ A 7&7‘ g . I c;vem1M'. e 5 . urgeffe, % ’ % Dccez1¢6..42z.~=--- Mr%.’Ca1amy,]erem.$I~8.7, 8., ; ~ % V 164: Mr,Mar,fl1a1l,2 Kings 23.25,,2§;%'y; f ' A.Feér:;pxry”~‘--A-23, W Mr.,CaIamy. AEzek,;36.%3V2.,f% . 164: 7 M1j.Marfl1a1_1;]udg. 5. , ‘ ‘ 4» 1642M ; -Mgr. Afl1,¢P(a1m49-9+~~ “April! 27. 2 A 9‘ 'EhomasAG,oodwyn,.Za¢ch.A,.§,;7,“3§..LA A A May 25'. 1642M. 13 T, %M1'-#.Ca“'_3’ua RCW1-g 2-7'23“ ,_ - ;M1':,.Hanris5 Luke%1‘8.V6,7;.3- 1642 ; Mr.Ob.' Sedg§wi;ché.]crem.j fbfme Dr.Go1jge, Nehem. 5. 19. .1642. ””""” M¥:Wi!1§a£:a‘§edgx&i913~Ifaiahfii-7?? W My ~-W: A _? 7:4!) ‘M1-..v Reynaiféis, Hofca xf.‘3‘.' J ‘ ‘"3393 %% % 164.2. V VM\r.HiI1,%Pfoverb$%23;23.~ A A }é;'»gzzj? 3:. ---9 D1‘.§DoWning,n01'Pr£ntéd, »a.'I‘hfe‘£g.z%.: ; 164,2 - Mr; Carter, judges m.26,27«.~23-_‘ A Scptemé; A 23., Mn Hodges, Mzlm I 5A,6-A» V A 1642.4 ; MrV.VVi1fon, Hebrews11.3o_. ~0E'r'o5er :16. D11. Temple, Pfalm 2gf6.i * % V _I6A,z.~‘ %Mr.VCa1E3-Pfalm=A63$.x. _ « g ‘5 ' v;2\?’a7J:(ga5; 5;“ M.~=4Nevvjcomen,:Nchem. 4-I19; W" Néwmbngfi. ---—--A Mr. Herle; Z§tch ary3-4»19- A flD:cem.l7. L8. A 7164i W “Vines, Numb. M. 24». A A A Mr. Valentine, Zepha; 3.3. , * ‘ M642 K7’ ‘Comet, TI; Corinthians 1.. ‘27. A » A:mw{§nitfi,Lwi§icu‘s 2f6.<2“5'a. . Mr.Wh1tta‘ker, ¥Hagg¢13-7- :1 1 Lmmry A F"5'“'M"7 Mrnmeidgcs, 2'Sam-I9 5:36:73-."°’ A 1~i64§. A ~13Mia;Micah 5.5. AA A A» 4 37/fvzrcfla ~29.~------% % Mr, Gibonwi: £Tr£ntw!.,, A AA I-644}; A4 Mr.w5Li ghtvf'oot,I.uke'I.'14.6 "Jpr§‘%l».*:z~6~--, % Lwaiere-m» 4. 11.”. “ ac=hews- V’ A ,;¥rein~¢11s ;Za'chary»a-" 74 5’ )1 iihankfz ¥?%»erIf5.2%9'.*-‘--:4 'Mr.MeW, Ifiiah 43*~A34:25"-“Q M 7‘ % * x1643 _ M Mr‘. Bridge, Zach. I.AI8,I;9,2‘g_V6,2¢I_&Z‘%%74‘ A %% A 7 A _ J 4" %.and€hap.Jz.I. A A Zdt the F zme;ml1 af “Mr. Pym; , ¢,%%D¢::méer, 15., A Mr. MarIha11,}»/Iich.7.xL,2,§ LA Decevéé. :2.7,-—¢-4‘3- 1§/Irgf-Iend