Preached before the?-Ionourable Houfe of C O M M ON 5, at thw‘ late folcnmc Fafi, fiecemlv. z8...»ffn.m 164% in S.M4rgczret’5 Church at Wefimemflem En. Conn ETT, feZ1e%vFcyVM ERTQN Col./edgein Oxford. J Pubfifhcd by Order ofthc {aid Hufco LONDON, Printed by Tim Badgenfor Rafim Ba§iock,dweXIing in Paid’: Church-m V yard, at the fignc ofthc King’s he-zada I 6 4 2. M "4 $&%$$$%@ 9. f. ‘ _-6/;;. ~ V1"-'-‘-E’ .. ' ‘ Aw q" R _ ‘V . I. am ' M fii fr’. <-.. . - , ' ' 2-. _, k. ‘ ‘,3 , . -v » . ‘ ‘ I " % '4" - V ~ ~ V % 3% % .,. _" % j , , qzow v '¢'‘:-‘*: 13-3 -*2 . ‘ ‘I. " u»‘‘‘ 1‘: ' -:9 9‘ * ‘ . — . ~ , ’/,"' . ‘ ‘ ‘ V «V N‘ \,“V .- _ T“, I‘ I V. ‘..,_ ‘ , f_.',f'~‘v _ , ’ ‘ V V‘ i"!/' ' .¢' \: V '. ‘ ’ M’/‘V 3; ; V " V"* $3" V‘ W"? 5-4 .~-.-.~ V .% . \- an -- V % I _ =2‘ ., ..- ma . w '* —' ‘ r _ > ' M‘ {I ''~ “: -~ ‘—«“ ~. in — ~ ‘ 1 Mn 1?. u 4'‘ ‘ - . ‘ — ‘ . , 73.. flfb the H0n0ura%b1eH0u feofif W CO tMS)I)OVVafl€l]1b]ed~ I.nPARL1A ME N T. 34,. ‘ ,”" I‘ .",’)./, fig 2'2, €245": *2‘."—'€w zt :;5to]2t/:5/z//,2 zt,Ob§d1ence to thxs H 0»- ;‘/ ;/0?}/') .. ’r ,. lc Houfe: zvfiic/9 clz“d:/3enm2fiav6rz19‘%0/é di/C :1: 4A3‘: ' ' V _y~. -*7 " -- ~ "' dfltktfi fiaqa- ‘$3.43: _ J A flame reafl922*1a2/'32’:/5 fiiflmowd meg ta ' undertake t/9&312202’/{,.:n¢z!{e.r~znenowflzcb as “ Vcauraging argmnen 1.‘; of my great i1"11perfec'tioV11s,, Lthewtanrof‘ my Pcudyr, my little acquaintance 4- A in pra~er, and eichey, er: a’ wijdoeez, and all thihgx. eh?" hdflzre/ye this ezrgzam em“ de/ewe: thefe» firezeflfludy, the mofl holy hs.-./WW edzmtiahs of even: chi/cf efl ‘dd. mm 4' therefore cmmoz.‘ he ezsewelaome e Zea great Counsel of wife Senators, 1_e£2o;he‘:i‘e e received 4 Jzzrge mehtflzre, afzz/Z cup of‘Di§2i;ehee:?Vre» ‘me/ence,4ezcfiezfl2zght efiflo/eze conheimtefitceesfeell. he A which dfcoezrfe [proceed as Mmuche as my memory wofluldgive /ewe hy example, and matter offlzéi‘, ‘which hrirzgs the Ceezclezflzm to our “ho/eme: , and is‘ hmee worhingthaez flbeculeztion. The um/Q'lfu/rze.r A gferhe pen Ihopewill not the/Qe oflfeom the gamer cf the fub,i€c°c, the rude clothing cmznatemore oflend ehee_ye than the hpretious body hzegy ejf'eE2‘the hhezmf. fee which az__ (#47163 J“ remhieze * A Your h11n.W0rthy'fi:fvéem:@ 7 EDW. Con B n 2 TT. V Pcrsries of Salxration. is above the Art: (if h1xmancMm.w.: Q0515 Troaxitaferzm ' £2 Sermon preached at the bra Fafi, before tlim A Honourable Houfh 0f Commons. V V 1.Cor;x.27. Wwfiadlkatb mfi» gm _flm1x'[I: :/mg,.— ¢5f”ti5: world fa cazfiw \ the 2371]}. » —»'. An we noothcr light but that of Nature, and rm. 1, other wriringsbuttl1c book of thc wo;—1d,w¢ m 1011;, T635 3 60d imd {€13 hisPr0vidcncc: But to figd 2%“ 5€‘~V’30U1Bf0k‘n0*wa Gofpcll _., to undczrfiamd the my? lcamingfihc fpirit ofGod mufi be ourTutor ~tI1crcix1,h.andg;h¢ :r7.c’a~IoIw Ho1yScriptL-ms ozflv canteacla and give us fuch ha leflbn: For §,};3',I.,,,;¢g God hath hid tI1o{E:" fczcrets from the Scribes and great 1311310. j‘%rb,5'.39.. fophéycs of the earth, he hath cafi amy the undcrfianding of the M‘“b"“"’ Pgudent as the Apofile fpezzks. And hath chofcn the foo1i{ zmfis ofth; worldto confound the wife. A A ytext1s of that Nature gas will not eafily admit a Divfiion, 1 fhallthcrcforcxnfifi upon thrcrc Propofitions , whichl concciva A do namraflyhariéffi, and which I hope will givc the: fifll fcnfc and fCQp_CQf:t1j¢WordS. I % 1:’-1:3; "'5"‘V‘*'-'5“7? hath Ch0fP1'13 ;h;ih.f7 choiccathd % A : A B ‘Counccfl gods Pmr't235d:"nce.F Cnncefl ofhis will, his Providence by which he rules and gown terns all things, and thetefote thence I {ha}! take this for my I...‘ Ptopofition,f A 1' t 19 3; 0 ;1=:r.Y 1; ;GM7.t niill7qfafix;alZInflitem:e¢g>0n 4!? % A » ' H A _ z—r;’fe_j A_Cft:ea:tzm'.t., Secondly , Mote? 7% W74-§ the foolifltnefie of the world: that which in the Iudgement of tworldly men is vaineond fooliflt ‘by Gods power is of great value and vetttae : whence Itaife this at. Propofition. P R o P. 2. Fnali/72 fixings in tire $z.4::lgen2c22t of 1/26 nn9r!c2.’,zn°(a into n great efleeme with am" nvzjfle God’. Thitdiy, ?<%7w!x5W to confound or make afhn med : That which is weak, and fooiifh and nothing regarded by carnal! Eyes , eon- forunds many times the gffifltffi power and wifdom 3 and by the "hand of Providence brings mine and {home upon that which wordly-men molt gloty and confide in: whence I fl1a11”inff:1‘.my* 3. Propofition. R 0 P . 3. V Godcm grt"4tAmdgZuriw«s ;lefigz4e5A,:é_ywg4)§f A A ' and zmpifaéaé-In mmnest. A t " A Evety propofition would afiord abundant mtttet.fo1*~n».t~%t€3;in6t Sermon.‘ E can therefore only point atfome g'enemflTteaecis,and, as A ’itw—ere9giveyoua1itt1e map of this great Country , taking my pftopofitionsin that otdetwhich I have mentioned. : A I . God; will hzt,/5 am qfecfimil Izzflzoeme upon 45’ the Cmmzrét. A A Ngtpete and Ctondition of Gods will 5 A 6A-"t~«ions“¥ond~*dtffienlttes dtfputed amongft the fchoo t rwigct the xirminians and CAAo\x.';fr¢z~.flArr72z'22z'.czA2¢.t,are eithet~toAo ‘high for hjnttjane t3;1d‘etftandiingtot‘each 5 or elfe” areépioufly -refolved by V A A A A learnefi there di%nin+A tmfifla and 55¢? » oorsprovrdeeéei A is iearned pens airesdy. Hhaii only touch uponrhe ower one perm 13» TWW .-D z4I7I£’;'7l!.5°.. videnee ti‘1€1‘€0i:, info fir as may conduce to the quieting of 01}1‘C‘zf,,_9,.0,z thoughts in thef e ciiih‘aé‘ced times,and to give us patience & com- If do More»- forr in the rniddeit ofail afhiétiorss. And to this purpofer Dsrzrzrrki ' nfiizres ns,thar our God is in heaven, he doth Wi1atiOCVC1'h€ wiil, xi). *1 5'“ non S. Prmi that God worherh all things according to the court» 5i_f4f- !~ Y T» feii ofhis own will: And Lsylin Martyr, with Saint L/[ that Gods will is the cnufe of aii tiiings. What eoniuiion cannot he at/ogmarrmt. orders’ what wifdom cannot he frufirater’ what wenhneiie cannot figtfiefg he enabler’ Nothing fo [sigh that is above his commnncl, nothing‘ in Emir. to low that is beneath his Providence. If the Potter have power 965-. , of the fame lumpe to make one vefieli to honour, and another to difhonour, and to preferve or break in pieces what’ he hath man’ ea terms. when as the veffeli depends upon the earth V of which it coniiiisi,~ 5’:,”§§“‘* of the water by which it was tempered, of the wheeie which fr» fa ° M“ fhioned it, and ofrhe fire which baked and hardened all .- How much more {hall the God Alrnighfie who giverh to every crea- rnre matter and forme,vertue and aétivity and ~beau‘tie,exer;cifet his _ Wiii upon them =3 How much more {hail he build up and pull down, fave and deflroy, and difpofe them as feem eth good ‘unto himt’ Nezzhm‘/aoriorrezsor ( one of the greateii and proudefi. Kings that ever was) will confefle as much. Dm¢.4. 32. according to his will he worlcerh in the Army of heaven, and in the inhabitants. of the earth, and none can flay his hand or fay unto him what ddfl: thouc‘ the Armies of heaven cio acknowledge God in sh their V Wayes, Legions ofAngelIs who excel} in ftrength , who areas full of power as of g1ory,3nd know no Law hut their imsirers pififlt fare: The inhabitants ofrhe earth, Menancifliveiis ., wiiarfoever the Sun hathiookeci upon,«~orthe creation hath raifed front no- my rhing,have this ne ceihity upon them,to obey the Ahnighries wiih ,,f,:§:“ and svhiie they rufh againfi his Counfehflro fulfiii it, which may «fit We Jim’ %_ . i ° - ‘ ~ _,,_~ A, M _ _ i r progztefiey nppezue more cirihnétly by confidering three pameuiars. ; V W .;.,g},fl,_M Every Crerzrrm’ depends on God“ smh:°i§$;ritt s 'or.°!:mt.r£ew’: Every creature is the effect of Godfecrrmdrm efi”e,effentiaiiyi&e- fir. 4 genes npon him, or as Scorer {peaks is ciependancer it i‘eif:h or“ ne- W~t.v2~- / V 2 t L cefiiry V . ‘gods Piovidex/ca: '"” ‘ com then they {band in need ofGods perpetual! help, the haxfl’ which made mufi: fupport , and the power which raifed fiom nothing mufk {till preferve from nothing. Which chrie confirmese 339/m. 5. :7. My Fdtber market}; maria zzml I mark; and Saint Paul eH:=£r. I. 3. He ézearaté up zzfz’ thing: xvii}: /m“ mi /2z‘z'e We. «.12.. w9m':He beareth up all t}1in:,trs,z.S:s/Zizzenzfo as pillar 8: {me oun- §f;;*;_°:a;t° dation upon which they Rand. 2.'I2gflé4e;25?e as :1 efiuuntaine from mega. which they derive all their vemze and opemtions . 3.Co;y?rifigm« 333- ’- 2» do as a foveraign bor.d='by which the parts of a§1‘thin.§.zs hoid eo- . 7] ,1 c; , .. . 1 , .. ‘ . 9 9 gether and are preferved as water 111 21 'vefi*"eh ffrom mffohzetaou and mnnxng into n0th:mg,and he be-areth up 2.1} t§‘1ir'3,gS without any 13- bour or difficultynéf 5;-'qu.cc77 only by his plezfifutfe, his wimby the 956-33 6 fame word,and breath , by 1x.=L1;1ich they were firfi made. The . creature cannot fiend“ one momem: without Gods acfituall fuppcw» A A tancc.-, Ali things would mm into conhflion without his power- fimll ihflucnceewho created all things. For the frame of the World, is not like aHpuf:: which will Rand it {elf :1fi‘e3: the Carpenter hath raifcd it,“ but receives continuall fubfifience from the Au- thor, mufi be A rcfcrved in being 8: xvorking or e1 fe w.1llfuddain» f,m,,m, break and fa Iin pccce.s.- 1!: depends upomche Alfzenightie as the dmrflz» urc ofa Scaleimprintcd upon. the waiter, which being With». M‘ the Imprcflion is infcantly. defi1ce.d ., or as the light in the Aq“ix%“‘ , 0 . ' .. {am am. are which upon the Suns remova11e19ep1‘efent1y exetxendie. Vpxm 9" r‘ which grounds thcfchool-men affirme that prefervatien 553 com ,,o;g_,,,,_' mmed C-reat1on,thatevery thmg is as it were new! y borne, new- in Met.‘ a produced; And 21th ough in them f‘ elves pemmient yet in ref?-I “”"‘3““"’ pea offiodme grog/iin_;'?eri:thcv are as it were under theehammer", no 31»-. 51.73. V firoxmirzz. 1 e areina » mall force aiid de‘ end;mce¢.. J ’ A V r P R e — - -'-95* eeflndasour Nature, 30 are our aéhona; we cannot utter one % 5.53.1 7.23. Qvzzrtade j . am word, thinlce onethe» ht, turn our Eye, or move 3; finger,w.ith~ M A ninnman outthe concurrence 1115 power who gmsth life and ’bre:tth.,, and gflfifw :11} t};‘irrg5gmuch}efi'e can we of our feives performe any, thing. mi" e» in 1.1. which is,good,dire<£°c a w.iIh,or tread one fiep to ds heaven.As WW P€- ehefixc is in the hand! ofhim that heweth‘, withd whofe elem-43%e if ‘ 5 w. 0 .v- . n I u _ g’W’”’ mm mzexther cuts nor finks XDTO the amber , fo are we all m the han:c1;of_£hat,b/lafleex builder offrleav-en and earth , we are dead ."m~$'&£.33‘ eigfelefjc. §90}es witheng ,};;_is Znflzzeneeg who giveth as weiei the 4 QM: ’Pr0‘via’e9m. o A V VT5 iwiiias t11C‘WOIi<;: and in whom we live and xnove ‘Imveem 3”-;7°;?9¢ being. Heavy bodies cannot finke in the water, no;-‘the fire bum ff‘ ° W A that which is moi’: combufcible, if the God of Ifrael {peak the mn.;¢a=y word; the Watry Ocean becomes a dry pavement and the hard -"""“’;’fb‘fif rock a fpringing vvcll at the pleafure ofthe Almightie: the Sun of? ' i ' Heziven.refrefl1ed as a Giant to run his courfe, muff Rand fiifl un-~ inf-W» W till the God of heaven concur ‘to the motion , the confidieration 33;: M 'wiie1'eofm:1de Saiiat/1mémg;’ib1'ea1< out intro this language“ ,, Non mz'mM cmferamre zezzmdimez qsmsza .:7'.ezzre,it is as great awork to H“ pi-refervic the worid as to crezzte it : and Saint C_£m‘_~/f%fl. gJ.»i?§‘o:rA if is a greater work: As it is more labour and Pcrength to fupporr 2 bL11‘dcnl0ngin the airegthen an fi7:'ii: to1‘3.ife it from time earth, ‘ ‘which may tezieh US: A To depyAo131‘feivc=s ,, to yield up" and i‘eii;_;:§neicmr To-uics unto «me Gods difpofizig Pi‘ovidc'nce , Every one pro{7e1iix1gnwiti1 David” z.saoi% here am I, iemhe Lord cieaie with me as i'eern<:*‘th goodunto 3”‘ him. Forependcncy is very humble and: refioeéiive , A it fiudies“ contentment and care to Compiy,‘it‘comrma11dis the foulea hoigr filence, and in all affiicfi-ionsi keeps under the1ueaPti‘ifingoiEour‘ hearts againfi the AIn‘iighti~e:- It makes us~i». Gaaf3"7?2*a‘;r§;§e2xzcea ‘fihatfoevezc WEEK be or be, he fccth 2n*"h;:*r.*%{ is t"o’be4{e mci wh.3tfo<:vr::' is not to be {acne} he rules :,m<'§ gavcmsand coma mzm%ds.4} he di.%:e<:"tsm his awn gfory xnrms f;zf‘*:. Phiiofaw phy wi;1Etc3ch~ us that Angels can: a'ii?:0vm: bad thoughts , by” wicked a'é°ci0n3, andjudge ofthc foul by the tcim peer ofthe body: \ 1» But :0 {ac us fi'ot11evc:Ia£’cin~,<;, am‘ to {Eat us in our zmtive; fowie-a Hefi. 1.2.2.: - jfllgaifialyo and innacencc and jingle heart ncfl?:anddefE>rn1ity,t0 know our zzhoqghts before: they were ané ” fo bug BCEOYC thcy_v&rc:1'c toldifpefe oftheanm his Own cndéétlaisz is that altitude 0fWhidfx"SaiVnt F.~z;r;zH‘§c*a1c.s,i:’at0 which the fimhezc wt: d€fC€:nd,%thc lowcrwc 1n3yVVfir;.E«;, and the more WC l éefpiffid t§1c:Aflrun@ for the A joy which was fet efore him , ::md% ihtisfietiuy fouie with 9%.: 1uefo1;1tion,bc11,0I& " now my w1tncfltfl1.s m Heaven, and an}? .r.r:*corv,b Gods mercyand Mi'“7‘@ his laft Sermon wasreducedt to the Catholic beliefe. ‘We ali i w M! (ix.-['.. aplaad Sm. know that Aagaflaa made the generallitaxc to enrich his own i"“*"f°"3‘ eofiers, but God ufed itas 22 rneanesw to fulfill the Prophefie of A " Chrifis birth at Eezbla;9em{Nay”God is‘ the "caufe why things are not, why a wifeaCounceil of State—-Phyfirians cannot enre A the woundsofa bleeding Kingdom,Why a peace defirejd betwixt two aeontrary Armies finds no fuccefie, Why the Enemies which were it round abut the People Jofljimi could not ciefire their Land‘, the amt; 4, men ebeing abfent thrice every yeare, andnone but women to op-«V Mes‘ pofe them. It 13 God who hinders ma ;»3i1V€‘S way to every ‘VVO1‘ig. nothing is independant on him who depends on nothing. Indeed Ticiéa-BMr}2,and Kepler two farnonss Marheznariciansi, feeme to Crofie this doétrine, 3tt1‘ibt1tii7tgf much to the inflttenees ofithe Starrs,and to that greateconjunétion o3iS.atra'r'.aza ztndfifizrpjtera . ' -V :‘ From whofe pens fome in the its times give out nanny ominous “* A eonjecfituresr and in truth few can‘ he ignorant them the heavenly W fl ‘ hodiet have great power over inferior Creatures and arethe par-.4 ' ” A tiaa11i'canfes»ofmanyalterationsherehelowgt Bnte{uc1'z,~c~roffe acci- M 4 _ dents" ac frequentlythappien in the Matter on whicll they VVQI‘iiI3» efpeéiaily inrhe bodie and afiions T. of ’ men which are iwaydar bye ~reafo‘“n and echication ma Religion. And God doth To tontroii-5 anti: check his pieaiureg that ~ oarfinns <€fl”€..m0r€ft0 be. Ends Wrbvideniel ~ $33 ieoteid thet: the Starts, and nothing tettaihe my be eohtl12.ded j'm:o;a;' from theitztlpecfts , but that they vvoxk ‘fogethex fotthe hefiito them that love the Lord, They m.1=.lfi::1on with Dlz-z'i4;~C0z1ft‘f7fi0tn. Pfizl'.4<:e.t A=v.«5. O;L0rd my God thou heft lllficlfitllyWOI”3Lln“L‘IllUll woliltslhv many that nonewcanttcotmtmoreler thy thougltts Atowzttcls us? I H would declare and fpeztlc of them, but they are moreAthet)I2t11t able toexprefl"e. A l ;P;~R:0 9 a 2. Feel:/la 2?/Megs in the fifzzdgeeycnx elf’;/égtwgrldmeg £92 grass: cfheeme zv.»f't;'2 aw wzfi Gem’. How much the heztthens ofolel clicl ecmtertm the Iews for Chw eumcifion that feale of the covenzmt in the Aflelh, Poets and pro- fane wr;ite«rs do ll:-fl‘icientAl.y .m:2.nilefi; And 21lt'l10Ugl‘l the S0ci« nians of later times dqtmt plttinly deride Btattptillfme the Sztetamtent Qflclhrififiiailiity and new hl.1“£,‘l"l., yet they place it among{’c utmecell A weed. fary 'C€‘1‘CI1‘1()Hl€§, ancl account it 1‘;‘1tl1€‘l‘£1 mzzltwr of forme and cu» fi0mC3)t’l‘1€nOllllllézmd power. \7Vh:2t WlClm of da1'knefl"e3, to en»- .deere their name and credit to yythe world, I refer you! to three books, the one 1nt1tuled A’rmmx ffiefiaitarum, theothex‘, weyflcria‘ fa,/§*4ituzzr:ar;¢,iitl1e third .Hzflw*izz 3-‘ejféairartm. Proceed in iitrileifmither and take hotice ofthoie leiier , but no we pernicious works of ; Sacinzws, Valkalmv, and fome other petue pnmer tr:.2éi's oi their ad- herents: theirratxomii difcourfiss wouid mvite anti ieaii any rmrzn who is not nourifhed with Grace and difcipiizfd by Sm:ip:::m'e, theirimooth and 1nfiz1Lzat1hgi;:ngu3ge Wouid cieeewe ii it were ‘I . . ‘ a " . gofliole the very Eieéi: So that if we flzouid Jocige our caufe and to ,ye1igion by the face and eyehof mm ., if mike or Poiieie or ex» .;.c‘e1*naii 9,1orye were the only migtismemzs of Tmth ., and €.‘i13.r:1c5i:4;*fS A » ioftheC:ofpe11,our iiaee were eiei'pex'.:zte,:.mci as the Apofiie {peaks A inianotliex“ cefei, we W’€i1‘€i0i:2iii men mof%1nifi:.'1"3bie. " y$aintC/..vryfivflame in his t.i1ix‘d Harm on the 1 tothe Cahcomiparu . o 4 ing Qndr Proeeicleoees A i "ii? ii’ngl‘iPm:Z and Pim ‘together prefers the Heathen hefoee the As} pofile in point ofreafon and in thelmowledge of Nature , nor-‘ SW;-3;j'fr Withllancling gives the vifcoryto Saint PAM grid lays the l3hiln-- fopher in the dnihiflnd I heleeve ii we examine the whole Cam mi. logue of Martyrs, and mice an esracft View of rhofe good lbnles who did pm: on the whole armour of C0d,& have wrefiled with 6 ehe rulers ofdarlcneilegnnd fpirituall Wiclcednefle Weihall find rhe Se iinlearneohutreligious rradfernen profefling Chrifi , lané enter» my W§,«g raining death when the Scribe and difpurcr have renouncedtlieir Wfriffgf: faith, and forfool; their colours, We {hall find the wifdom of the ,‘;5‘j;,;;'f wife cieilroyd and fillie women aml -children putting their_cm' hands into thole flames which the Doéiors refufeel. An Ignorant f’;w}% laieh at the Councell of Nice confounded and nonpluii many igfiiggimi = Seholers. ‘And how many of Chriils Apofiles were fifher-men; W igfzis A learrieo only in gooclneiie,& better read in iinceririe then hooks? 0;; 3:” rvhaeczin be more plaine then that ofsainr Pam! , not many wife Somme men after the flelh, not many mightie,not many nohle are called.» ’i"“-hl‘f"W*e . . ‘ .i . - . ear . ~ And Saint: C/Jryfliflome willgwe us the reafon , beeaufe rhe great, 3'.2‘().V‘.§9 nndfludied Scholler hleiiing himfelf for the mofi part inirhe 16» proud fwellings of his cleepe learning, {lands upon his powni ilrengrh and excellen%cy,an<;l will do nothing without a reai'on::< H when tl1C‘ill.ittc1‘at?€ Countrymamthe poore fnnkeabhors himf'eEf,i is contemptzble in his own eyes, and with all humilirie and fears _V W calls hinifiilf ‘down at the Almighriesfeet. Saint Paul goes fur~r.1Wi~8-flea rher,andtel1s us tl‘l1iL1ttl.1€V‘.7lil‘ClO111 of the flefh is death, % is emnirie 7" againfi God, neither is orcan he fiibjeéi to the Law of God‘.Rgm.lR0m-9-We 8. Alllwliich isto ibeunderfcoocl lof wifdomiiancl"knowledge fol‘ long as they C0nt.innCC:31'n:1ll, ‘carried away "vvithi pride, and Jl'elf3»i fuificiencie; For we inxiifikiimverlmt” m:inyl of Gods deareii chil. dren have been and iiill are as L1l)lCf¢l10ll€fS,3S glorious 1ights,an& A as eminent in every ontwnrcl excellency as any iinlthe world; who , ever more eloquent then Efliy 2' l'II3‘l‘€rva~ tiwcinsggihollgh.Wc7b¢lli;YiI1g libgaricsgl mid :.haive11o Religliou , wrel, a;;g;; _;?““ ~c"a13d;.P;upid,l am]: ftgoglcs. in my tftur: knmvlleclgc ., the fl@w¢1:;aTnd {pfiricl.ot:al1§0u;;lw,ifd;£am;islbw:1:-gamed f0ll§ff:,l3ncl‘bEa}1-al tifi1l;llfin3pl1kcrmg, Eerltclilmlca. O tlnbul mlgl1t1€_Mafl ofknc:gwl¢dge,A and 5’ mil c;an1gf1e:ug;on.:hc Q5;;‘Ol;h€fS.;-Witlll§OI”1liiC*t13‘p1:1$‘ G;1?d:£ Pteoviaaimce. wig A and alft the Oracle offiodttin th€tQffiC§m€"($fM€n~C3flflilypqficlfi hogamowio teliit the Divelle tot findouttithe wiles tandtdevrifesof ~the.o'l,d 5% ii“ pent, who is well read in all the Am and adovantages C)5ffll€'Cl‘t1iti’l;9 and i3 as full of knowledge asiofmalicetf Can thy wotldly wildottt prefetve thy life one motttent longer them eat hath decteede tot he ean it eottduét thee the way to Heaven 2? t ptefetve thy ioule i from Hells’ that pretious louleg which Saint 34,5! ealls t/at at'eZ.«g/‘at owafthe Jlmzgbtie, and Saint Aagzafi. the miracle ofmmzclcs, that Dir» A vine, fpirituall,etetn;all foule, I tremble toipealcit ., mt" flmlct are et-mm/Z: when we have continued as many yeares, ‘has there are ‘drops in the Sea, we have not continued one moment in C01”1"lp;l::e taifon of Etemitieg, were all the world a Mountaine of {and ,= and every tltoulimd yeares one of thofe fzmdts removed that ~l\/i01lll-:=-- \ vtaine would hztvean end, but Etemitie vfoiuldbe no lefler; After: all the ages which Men or Angelstan tuittiher or conceive, Eteta " ttitie doth but begin, it doth ‘jalwayes begin ., and is nothing but ~.whatpx*ofitis it to gaine the whole world and to lofe our C1617-.M“’ heginning. And now let the eye ofreafon judge betwixt aChild ', of God,& 3. mm of the world.,betwixt the providence ofheaven, ~ and the Wifdom of the flefhz whatleatning is it , to know all the feetets,and to be a very fool in the my ileties of;Gracet? What Policie is it to have a cleere fight into all the Kingdomes of the earth, and to be ftarlc blinde in the Kingdom of Heaveoe ‘d M6,. r__e 53 mu mll foules =3 All the A ztdmitahle knowledge l and lvertues of the A Heathen are but gloriam zzbemimztiotts in the judgement of Saint Aflug. and Niicademm one ofthe hell of the Phzzrilees , at Ruler of the lews and a profeil Doétot itttheL:tw is llztupid and childilh in the principles offjht-iliietnitiee, ifout Saviour tttllt to him of being tu¥tM;"‘ home agztitte, he prefently thinks of entring into his Mothers wombe, the mztzmz/{Mm the Man endowed with all the excel» .S'p(e;1da‘i£.? ,tttz.‘.:z£.t«s 5 A lencies of which the ionic is naturztllv cztpeahle, perceiverb net the I-CW Meta thing: oft1aef,i2»*’rit0fGod, »hath neither Wildom to rnetlte 3. tight: choice of the bell. end ., not ttndetllanding to find out the true meanese, Nay he efieems them fbali/Ianflt, and fo chztngeth the greatefi bleliingintoafeatfull curfe; Sm Pam’ will give usthe ' tealon ofall éemzfi they ateflbiritttalfi dfiem” dat hey require fingle e eyeew £5 h GM: Proewidehee: 7 d€d.é73 Iamlfi ’ e_ was mil Fogh heme, ah& humhfie thouights, they require a fanfiti-5» “ A fy.%‘;:5zg §”§vioriee;"E°he wifdom of Heavemproceeds oniy from the God? of Heevezg moi :1 erefore, A A 1 % T I . D9 mm mmmfle My Wm/é érotiwa. God can mife his thoughts; or oirefi his fohie to a happie eeeh 5 he can make him an Inflrunaeht ofgiorie, who is how a {uh}:-it ofweahheflfeg and em ‘Mike 3‘ firefight ihoake with 21 crooked "flick, Let us rememherthat We our {elves in times pafi we1"e uh-» wifefiifobediengdeceived,ferving lufisyand divers pleafures,tZh.:1e we Continue clay of the fame Iumpe, branches of the fame root}, A § and the fame Grace which fupports one-gmay wife anorher: For 51;“, whomade usto diflfex-E or what have we that we have not recei- E”f»~u”’-M—- We “vedé? Although the Iews hehiow a éy» word eamongfl tluelueatheng, and have lien long under Captivitie:A1though they are broken o-fin mm mm. from the Rock , yet°God is able to graff them in againe and to he A .,.£1£’b°.&h.4_; . ' the day of his gloly fluineforth upon them. Nay God wiflrew member his _COVh€nant with Abm/mm and $4605 , his calling is Without change , No‘ {in can frufirate his" 1-£1663:-j()f}o”" Thofc Wino me Enemies to the Comznonweakh of'Ifim.»Z5 and are darkneffe it felf, maybe enliglvrened by thefuhne ofrigheeohhefle: Goo gmayVhave Children amongf‘cTur1t thendevotion weal< 1363,01‘ zeale l'Qll:l,7,l'3Ill{ I10t~tl1C‘I'l’1 in the Kztlendet of fooles who prefer Salvation he-» fore the WO.I‘ld».,‘al?€.l hya hold z‘1lT€1‘tlQI‘l of the Ttttth,Egh.t for Mar... tyrcl0m.‘God is'n7tver more honoured then when the Kizttqdottt 0vfHeaven"fufi'"e1‘S 1' uch violence: The Chutcll tzever {he weclino1'e wifclorn than when her zeztle flztmed l1i,g-heft. It was tan ancient CO1n}7l3lflt0f§fi!t‘.fi‘li?2 Mmyr in the hehalfi: 01° the primitive Chrl-— «‘1P0?»=’--PW lti.:;tr':s,tl*s::t‘ they were condemned tmtl put to dC3th3.:ir\‘:'c!,‘ .:p";,l:}J*-“7”:6l'i7et!.£'f 5 9'” rrpon2nil-l tetwtwt, and i M «:6 Emu ‘for the Name of Chtriflian, ;g~,_,;..,,,;, attdgxeaa 5pc?@_‘,“* ml for the proftflion of goodnc He : And -in this MW- kinszdom there was a time "s7v‘l'1ff[m»/gzttid Sttmt Paul was tmde the filth ettthe wtzatlel atzd the officourrirg ofall th_irgs.- i V 12.. D 3 T"‘;l-~t“‘ .-. H _ '. ,, vt. -m.t<.v ‘ "' Gads =:tPro“niderncet e r .Tahe’i1eedr:the.refore of-rtafh ’..mCi»t1flgOdiy cettfures in matter of Sec W,.1.,, iitirgien, rwitich teqt:ires.oui1‘ prayers, Ernti t’PfltVE€m'C€|? arr ciééatitie, mm‘-csizrra abhorres t‘€’~pi‘O:tCi1CS: Thou i1’1:3yiif1.ti)z;;.;i:..“‘2t rsctmrr with the Na rte mm“ $59‘ of fi1é7.z0t2:, and under th€~C3iU1"tmiC Oi‘i?r.iTt3't’vI1ii3E ccmdetrme :1 Saint: $5230.!-3 oi ‘ .?9J<;§t'z£.t 5; M»Stil’U£'lt2;U.W oughtta be the hufineflerofour who‘-.e iife: We cannot be more {tudious to pteferve our fbtries their the sbiveil is to de- ih-oxy them, we cannot be we caret ttli about that work, inwhich eutgreatefc care is not enough 2. ' —D@ fltii t!fl6l,€V‘ZJ¢‘Z[Z£E Gfldf 0.4"‘d.-.r”.i’r7!i'%’6'¢'.’.$'. h“rD7ivineiIt1{titution adds 22 price ., and hoiy regardto every work: The time, the place, the I'flatTCr.)thC‘ manner, every circum» fiance receives weight from Gods cornmzmd, and he whois not careful! to ‘Obie:-ve the legit, doth not ohe Gad when he per» tfmmesthe greztref’t:If Naamm wil be clean ed ,he nrmflzwaflu {even -times in the water ofifardam , fix times 'w;r{hing will not remove the Leprofie: whofoevet wiil be cured mutt enter, Fir2?iint.;:p the . Poole after the Angeihathtrouhled the water-, he that comes «afier {hall have no benefit :. Gods «order mtrit be obferved’, his wgnumber regard’d-contempt in any errcfiflzmce mines 3ii£i‘1C‘WO:'i{;, Iris not juftexcufe to prefer fame before others when all ought to ; be done, it is not the Dutie Qfa Servant to chufe his V$7.0:.i< , and rather to difpute his Matters will, then obey ‘it. Let the Ordr- e .'*‘ 1 . 5 S E 3‘.ts455aV3m'. ‘ V i E K. nances off-Ieztven he never fo meme, to poore in 1‘eg:u‘d of their «outward condition;They are worthy or§’pretious account, of how nourahie efteeme,ofcarefiti1c>hfervtttrce., in 1'r;"ip.":(9tZ of their Au» that, and thofe {acted ends for which they were injoyn’d: Com- tmon bread becomes the food of life in thersatctitment of the ~ Lords iitpper , and water ,A in Vl'1ig:3_1‘ and COrt“t.Tpt;bi~f.‘-Eitmfnffi Sfieaiesin Baptifmethe remiiiien of fines: Thewvery Iltmewords = of Man which pitiie as tvindand oniy beate the Arte , C(.‘tfQ1T1ii"‘.g with Gods Authority and blieifing fhaii melt at heart 0-XCPH!-‘it.,fl1:.‘i.1i profperiitt the Work for which they were feat ., are iharpet theta V anv two edged fword,‘ are lively andrrrti,€’£i1tiein operation If the iiqvuor be ecirdiail, what matteriif the veifeii the earthen =3 Ifghe \ » C13 . Qozfs ’Fif0in’e22ce.“ 3:3 T Tabe.rna.c3~e be aHgo1d.within , what though the covering keno? badgers skin? A Schofler will notjudge a book by the bulke ;2nd~ one»-fide, but by the contents: A Souldier will not chufe a (word 2 - by the lnfler ofrhe hilt, but by the goodnefle of the blade. The Author legitimates the work ., the will and end is All in everyaw-A flion. Cra/Z314 wlaip’d his M~affone,becaufew he fenthim a. finer Mafia 64 GM £22.?‘ H n. .. "”“. ‘ - o - ‘ .3 - iorhrs fervzce, butnot the fame he required: and Mmfzm be» F,,f.W‘h M heade.dr11isfonne-becaufe eontraryenro command he gavoe barrel to e. x... the enemy 8: obtained the vie1o1‘y..rA‘nd will God end ure difobeé dience atthe hands of finfnl1~Mencf Is he lefle jealous of hie hog: now: then the Creatures’ flrall he command,and threaten, and be; feechc’ Shall be bring felvarion to our doores_.,to our boI‘omes,and fihall we defpife ire’ Take h€_ed,curfes attend rcoAntempt,Famin fol. ‘mm 33,, ‘lows abufe offulnefie, and euntlmnkfuineffe in Pam (§" knmmledgc, ’ A bringg warand. ignorance. Our Saviour only rcafled }'°o/an and M.zc£».a,,m,.- . .zmrr, and they without tnarrying lcfi:thei.r flxib and their Father, and fo1"1owed .hirn:Parents, and Forznnegandv Lives give plaeelm Godscrommandg we mnfl: difprove nothingwwhich he approves; . nor likeanyr thing which he..diflike.s. Forwearernot our own,and i therefore.we .xnufl-s not f€t.Up our own wd1};.s,noree jnd ge by our.o.w;n_. . reafon , nor :w.orkffor our own ends : but we rnnfl facrificren our fe1ve.storGod, our willsxo his will, our 1*5f‘&1TQIl to his knowledgee our.whoIe»endeav.ours to his Glory. It is enough for usrhathge .. would have. it fog H13 ..naz?Il.:2¢ wgfdqzyger .423ci,§,n;rd p0maz‘,4ndrt.en~‘ fin, ml.../1 t/2i2rg$.—~ ‘ * ~ " A 3.: ‘God am gféfi gforiowee defigner £y’4nzezz£'A2¢d.i}z2_pra5AHe‘§; . A manner . "Whaf "cannot’ti1eGod of Heaven compaffe to fer forth‘ hie‘ W own glory. and to advance his fervants goods.’ flit; andfrogsvandg W‘?- .Zi...£¢.‘et11e~xre1'y. corruption and dnngof the firong for N:.z.m.9/2.,a potent Prince: thefe vileand loathfo meCreatu.res .fl1‘aH ' conq,ne1* ea ..,o£a1-med. Men. When. all zfigfypr and'iezrryr ground upon whichdman ./1? gyptizm ’orea:;h_’dA did%5fwnerm.wvith,,F[i;;;§o.m' . the ‘°mder05rGre/72crz. :1 1it*l¢-feet ofcarth. and.ir1rr.e§h?.middefi thgc 1 7 A r A ‘ Countréey .4 Mr Qeds Pr0ezA.§&.~.*«2eeo‘ e » Counfireyeéwfas not mokefeed with :2.m7:Noé with FM: which ofaifi. Creaeexres are mofic pzaffezabie and ieafieeo be refifled: VV.a11s and e}?;ivers,e and Armies cannot oppofe their motion ._, denie them en-« eeamee: ‘And yet thefe aé’civ'e i1‘1‘}l':iOfl9.H Creatures did not touch upan (IQ/bars when they were round about it , they did know the peopie ofGod, and diflcinguiih i3e::wix=.: his Efiezsda and Enemies, Mien A i Reszzci the 2.. Cap. of fiael, how a grreat and might:?.e people were prepared for hm‘-e3, before whom the Land vms as .22 garden of "Edam, and behinde whom a defame wfldemefife. V.3..They fljsfl ‘come as the110ife0fa. flame 0:‘ fire.,:2me: devome men he ftubbieg “I/“.5 .they flmll mareh like fixemg met; go f0rw;;m:Ea if: their way Without refifiance-5 147, they flmli fi11iV::p5n the {word and not be wounded.V.8..The earth £31311 t1*e:-table Lmre them we the Hex- vens (bake. V . xo. Amd yeaf ehis powerf1'dite1*ribIe Army , in the 5“*7""‘;’“ 25; V confifis only of Gmflmzepperg and Cater pillars, viie defpij-— fizz Imam. fed Wormes, which are {bong to execute the word oF%G0a‘J/. 1 1.. A 56 are invincible Souidiers w7hen the Lord of Hofisis Generali. % eWhat more com.-rary to goat! ehan mi/1:‘ or what more oppof:-th - -2%-so-W» kappiniflé thanfirrmef ‘Yet the evifl of 5l7of,>ph’.r brethren, V God dif- pofed to good, and the grezztefi firme that ever was, t/be Crxaczfirmg‘Lo,m’qf life by theeDivinee Counfell produced the greatefi: blefling. Nay, the bitter xvaters final! be made {weer byfalt, and 3,,K;,;M the {acrifiee flaail bume when=w:ater"is powred upon 12:: our very 8 3.%&ims‘as 0ver1m{’ce1‘ed and m1’dby~ God have this injfun€c1on . I”? . - V. “ - 1: :35’: E " upon them to further our f3lva:te1on:Our wounds arcremedzegeana Providence. Reafons may be thefe.‘ ‘“ L J\’02.v2czz2°:’eszz3’e}1’je/pg’: fa GM, ‘The*LOrd 'oFHofi5' c...:;m Conquer Without an Armyfzewié. 4.6a lither by power nore:1ng}.1t;‘E>:;t by has fpmt he Ac:-an {7.2bdue eu- thofe who contradiflc the pzecepts of the Ahnightie Qbey his‘ every ‘Mbuntainee-ofoppofi€$icm"3 emd bzfimgr about ‘wvhatfoeirere he N A e§1athejd*ete:‘mined.Irecieedieamet 01‘c§is_121?.‘},r eom:feCof Provieieneeg ‘ feeomd ewfes dc.» ceneem emu‘ de-r1x’e to ex-eery efa feét aperoapeer vertue; Yet here zufo the 510$; of Pmvxdence kxagzh i e ~ me‘ 9. God isnot like the Children of Men ., who can do nothing Q04’: Prorvidence. "V-:5 the goverhingpowerg he‘ is the Author ‘of all the good which isil pro uccd, and may be laid to work himfelf though with other meanes: For all the world of Creatures are but In ftruments at the molt fuch as contribute no afiiftance to the Almightie God; A it ‘ they depend upon him for their Being , they work by his Conti- nuall influence, and receive their ends from his eternall Order. Tltelfame reafons which moved God , to make the Creatures, move him Frill to ufe them, not necc-{fitie or want of power, but love «Sc goodnelle. Did he caft out Divels with his finger ,Lake 1., and can he not beazre down Men with his hand? Did he make the world‘ when there was no help , and can he not rule the world without any help? Is his arme fhortned who is omnipotent 2’ or his Providence decayd who is wifdom it felt? The lhadow; of: i l Pete?‘ {hall heale multitudes of all difeafes,e/162.5. And the letter s;«!.¢‘*'f» 7» its’-‘p-_r Tbzm upon the foreheads ofhispeople {hall preferve them;E.zec/1.i E‘-”‘b'49""; without their Tooles; he can work above meanes , and he can work againfi: meanesdbmetime he difableth the greatell: nneanesg and fometimes he ufeth no meancs ‘at all; i i it . l C it ~ 1‘ a . Gad can help the memes. A He that can wort: withoutrneanes , can improve and advance“l:‘ W the wealtelt meanes, can rail‘ e and quicken every temper, and dif- po fe little occafions to great purpol'es.L:m9er an obfcur: Fryer,did lhake the whole Kmgdom or Hell and A:.1tichrifi,by whom God i gave Trutfl1' a re furreé‘tion,<:. 82 aconqueili‘ over he1'efie‘. The whole ' nzarld again{’c Af};'AtI?A‘f2‘m,?;fi!1cll Ar/mmzfim againli its b1lfapthu:rgdred"HaoE.pEcd4 fl.e{1 lasvzgznzge ofafcw mrelejfe fid/45/(.’5:,AI1d'\VlliCl‘. is more to «he ad ofyezares {pent indouibtfull trialhwliich of the two in theefendepim (“ti -woupltd prevaileahetfide which had all, orthat‘ part which had no 4 ° Ffififidibut GM’ D£:1t£'.t .rAod‘,to come-Ta little mater home,- and it W0ru1d rbczfilfaiflge ~inng§1.‘atitt;de iu»thi1sfplace..,l to “ forget that I general deliverancie vé'hic‘h this whole land obtainid by tlaedouba §;:£,;h_§,h ‘sldauxgdrzsa rmredg. h when the ‘vault was ready, the powder laid ," the traiyn ‘path: ‘I 0011!‘? 33 made,the match prepared, the Executionets ofiallstbloudii in re-tum W“ E A olutionisp burnt» / % 375' _ @iia51'iPrmridenwl. ffilufilfiiianintl°ie1‘ageoft~l1e'ir Fury. Then the hand OFGOCI ,f,,_33_ made aflsrip afflapcr to fimflratc all the work,'and to vanquifh; l2.I{i72g 2.0. Eamekand Hell it felf: we all know that Ezec/iriaasle being fick unto 7_ H W F _ Figmfimp death, was cured with abuneh of Txggs , vvhichhavmg a pew . e 33 ,2,,,,,,,., lixeNat;m7e to drie Vlgcers, in time would lilmre Matured the B031; Pvflimtzws butéthe fucldaine cure wasthe hand of Gold-,V if the Iron be bluntfi "3’ Gad puts more -fl1’€;’I,’I;filroye’dl the Eyes, them mhave ~re{lored the fight. Vvhen Goci {peaks terrr, 300; Mm {hill vanqL1ifl1ami'g1.rtie Ha.vz_fl-9 and mpm 101212 9. jaitelvem fhall affiright an A1°my~ as much as {raring Ci};/mom: N ay 3 “"5 7' bzlaft, a*rumor.,a. Faraway, {hall overthrow the g1‘e~atef’c power on C§¥[1Th5.ThC Maaéiteiliild a” Fancy that they fawl the élomal‘ Qf tlféiflf :3,;;,,“,,,E7¢emie5, when they {aw nothing butthe pm /binizag 7'74 flyew mam: And yet this Fancy was their overthrowgz . King. 3 . 22 So eafy it is for God to raife Fcrength out of xveaknefle ._,l to pull down the pride offlefh and blond, and to Inalcc a flmdow , 21 trifle the In- fiizruznent Qlg1*eat'Deii\re1*ance . Am! zfzmfare, ’ ’ ‘ 4 V I . Tmfl wt in Mezmes. 7The Wayletorliave any thing taken from us, and mat ldlefi ', is ta WM M.trL1fl:ini~xi.}am:ldependtoo muchuponit:”I”l1eiPro1o£ver ispo-‘-"4 ‘ fii:ive~l1erein, cuffed be the Man whoitrufis in Man-ie,;l and who makezzh fi'”=‘..'fl1—ehis A1’I1_1€‘. The reafon followeith, and which edrzuvél-A eth his heart from: God: For whenlwe make Fleflz oi}: Aarme 3 *_a=c%— munt it our fuppoert‘aind'lfirengtl1g r aifldr 1‘ellie:13:pdn‘ lllitiiifor *~g1ei~ive1: ram; Our heiéxrts are v.rirlicif:w1vn‘alnd elepa1‘tetil fiom-~the»il~ivMing Gad, we Dzifié the Creature andas much as in us iiesi we 12226031’. 5 EhatC1":cator. ThellLord hi1nlelfin;efFe&, fpeal:/2 Hifi. the Darts oi Engenim his Annie into their own faces for the ‘vi- 6 H P 6 6” a u , 7 - aftory loff/aeodefiz».o:.A nmnber oflittle ii {hes will eo me to feeclthe , 1% ,8 3 v Ito;--Millers ina hat'dfiege.Jl1o4{:» and -47:n.7'71‘i0fi13—tl]€ Enemies of 3514- 1.6; bnzw-. 3.19. dash, fh;1lldef’tr0y one another. So m.;;g~»9t.5e 22>‘ 6055 in power 3 and ex«» M __3 3 re!le;2t~mworking.l Say that our fins are many and our trar1fgtef- ’ W '”t fions great, yet Gods metcys are more , and his glory will be greater in parcloning. No fat-1lts, damme up the enclles good- nefle ofthe Almightie, we cannot ofiiend F0 tnuchas he can par» cionv Say that our enemies are many, ;mcl‘mig~h‘tie=, and ‘ cruell, my, and 32 Kings With him.-. The Divell is fironger by Mans l wickednefle than by his own power. Say what we l can ;, and fay‘ . the vvorftlwe can,th:zt Er{Q[And1s' fore Wounded, and poore Ire» land is giving up the Gl1of’c-,Yet remetnbeti that Repentance pre-. I ferv’d“ Ninive which in 40 days was to be deflttoy’cl ., that Fayth fit!-'3; delivered Daniel out of the Lions mouth. Thzzt he_.,who will raife m“”‘ ‘‘ l our bodies, can mend our wovrft .condition. Wzzsv‘ ‘Al2r2t/Mm deceia ved, who trufted in God for 21 Some againft the comic of Na- tures’ or .Dr!.