fl . - -u- ,.'. M __...—— .$:£§\&§§‘ :1 __ t“:r‘t11”'sT_‘FZ1JL'£I_’:s.‘."—.?r’. fDie Mercurii 2 4.. S eptemb. 1645. ; by the fommom af- fembled in ‘13m*lidme;¢t, That: r Sjmonds 4d’: Evey, and M” Hollis, % doe from this Home give Thanks to M” fan and D‘ Temple for tI"1el great pames they took in the Set.»- mons th ey preaela ed this day at the A intreatieof this I-Iotife at S‘ M4rga~ rets Wefimizg/fer, it being theday of Publique Humiliation, andlto den t A fire them to print their “S«ermonts. A And it is Ordered, that none Ihall‘ prefume to print them , without being authorized under their hand at A ~ A I-appoint _7olmHa7zcocl’ to print my Sermoil writing. it 4 A Henry Elfynge Clcra Purl. De €013; 9 f A.Mu1=-I» G‘3.w~ §§§én'%2:i1gi2§§:m%s¢9a=:;%;§a§s&&;§a3z;h'§i£§§a z;!2£%%§§i msgggggggggg ¢?;‘?fL95'f§?¥?F§*3??é?.%'? TI-IE% ,g: gflfigéaéia THE AUTHORS} ANDFMENTQRS OF CIVILL VVARRES. As it was delivefdin aSer.mon be-— fore the Honourable Houfc «bf Commons in Lfl«Iargdret5—Church Wq{imzZnj£er‘, Sept. 24. being the Mo hly Fafl: day , fit; apart: for p ‘ck I-Iumiliatiozl. % Eiéfiiéi u 452%; r e .' E Iezgg/2 in Rutlama’; novv Miniflcr «uf Gods Word at /Margaret: W£.f{iminfler,Pra tempore 5 and one of the Aflémbly of Divines. % A A DEUL32. 35'. “ A To me éelaiz etb ‘vengeance, mzdrecampence, ‘I will repay; tloeirfaate flm/lflide in due time 5 fbr the day aftIm"r ca-— ” lamity is at /Jaim’,e§’t/we things that flmllcome upon them make baffe. V, A % ' A % L V iiéfié 3 f .41 it — A LONDON, Printed by M. S. for john Hancock, and are ta " be {old at his Shop in I’ope.r-vhead Alley. % % % 1'6 4. 5. % ‘ % I www--vu-w 255 g; g I’ g; g‘ Q t g/'y~SAM: 11350 N, Paflor offBm*—- A § r v‘-‘"*- ' 5: :3. ~ -rm \- ~ r -L, \ ‘M’ , -‘L fl..“~ ’ ” ‘ . '4 ' V . 4 _ - ,— H . M ~ W , r..,,, a Md, .. ‘ . Q _ 1 A -._.. wt. ’,\‘ "’~"‘ "'0! Y 3 J «-~.“-N‘ I/I’ Aer.--%A A « < w ‘ ‘ : ~~‘i‘\- ' \ U‘ '4 T M «E7 ®COl\/ID/1 OvN¢S,;. “A m“émb1ec1ia%IJ%A.m. I~AVM E N —.:.% %I~{f>-2 M E =%S%E N A ‘no ¢ A , A ~ 7'; ;Hm A former]; 1‘ 12:: we been ‘ r?20Wd5y2frie2¢dr~t0preacIa% 196f0f€yoz4 at we M0mbly:%~ V aflg, I]?d1?£fC‘6ll?3?6{)J6S:d6Cli«-.'r« f1J1»t0~»2W,zt4r;1’\ufOFliUS%7?0C€“tcfaf%i7z%zzn0t/96ffV% czzje, Nonh¢abeo:ingenfu»m;;A1»/We not» A L , M0f€W Werédthe 0rd»N0n film m:/?¥?I-’ 7373/3359; “ faCL1flé- ‘x, . ‘ ,, ‘V «v .. M,‘ 1.‘ . ‘J )5 11: AH‘ ~-A3: ~» A ' ‘ ¢“ aw ”“.“ ‘W ‘: " i\(~i)IORABWLE r»¢d£i?€m wvtfoma/ea £156 Inatikwzwsifi ¢?ii¢;!§7€4* % % ' 0 Efi’qIi§um The Epmeoedizatry. Aracundus Q I am¢2zotel0qvtmt ; for 1 mévér “1“1?0%gbtmyratory 7370?:/9)‘/azc/o am Au—- % %£to:~y%:‘ but when czleczrmed 11/Iemlaerof yomflozzfecdme to me iizyozzr name ,4 mm’ A flgmfiedyour 7271? to 194176 it/0, Icozxgld 720$ weir e1z‘e]qyg;z.r t/mt Poet did , Caefarfed jufsit, mama Ia’: h abebo, as if be /Md wit at%commam15but ‘ fine f§'¢bdza- % }m¢sz'ora. 14?‘? EP do 43 ')27¢5’flfl«.£’ Icdiflbit/9 Gods 4/Jiflamce. mm <6" ‘time S enatejewding, I rc=fi2l.“ved,I mp: jl obqy, ’ New /arrvizzg i7zol9edie;¢ceto‘y0t¢rOrder, ~ bot/:2 preac/oed 4;¢d‘printiedt77»3pl4i’€ momIéefeec7vw%ta/ure VVcPcminf’ecr,O£¥oé.3o. A A V A I 6 4 5, A ‘ ffgirituall Servants, A "5 A2” GAI B _S¢<5%N.". e can-—.--._.-out-an-v Iv I3<3 g*=4.A‘liI¥?¢ Sm ee¢av:.eauéAEzra'u.d.e Icmourn ts41-'rs- fa? J %bd#gIi":cz§ €nougb51_ir;qA;_4, {gagged}? _ . A lll-u ~ glorified. e gasfifé .._ . T "J. .9: _%'- ‘KEN’ " "i Wm % _.- _ ‘E . i::.,.,._* ‘W SER VON P A befo A V “?,p1$l;; ,1. u ‘ \ ‘ \ ‘ _‘ . . V. w . v ‘ I . u v We a , publick Fafi; ASeprem6V.t24V.4 For 421;: Lord datermiaédé :a*~4e,rea: the gaa;1AVACag;,;i afAhithoph.cl~A,4zbatbe age: bring cvili upon’ .AbfaI*om.* P ,9 I . -1.. ,._I;/',, - ‘ w I ‘ ‘ 0 " " “ J ; affif}: them 1;: t%l1¢:G(overnmentAo£ % g wVthmrK1:1g49msA4;1n P¢camA xa:1d,war.4 .« 4? Ié4W9zz? f¢;1£ aw-I€in?gA" WT % 7% ‘whélp . A M ‘ Firafka fqr #313/:aV;Vh3i A ” 1»V“k.‘ rt?x§*Ii§hfi§ 1%fl*!%§%;:Lwxds4hxz$ " ‘P 91%‘? $0 :After >_;f.A.«.%.’~i” W . .. 1 % .. V %. .* fl4L4twVJRe31I.z¢éisa£7rg§%;1¢1 D%':‘3€4’¥%s§gY*10¢‘ifi& «g .1§m§Qa¢’["111m,; TF5 Ea di’d%;bE§§é$r;§_rsefigg,£é;;:.;t:,'W:mj'h,¢nfihwms ’*3;fi1;ILgR : “ ‘H‘ w -4 M!’ ‘»«»«'.‘»:,F\‘‘ “ % % % *2 A M .. VVC W Wu‘ \‘ and take awayhis life 5 and ghis his counfcll was w'ell ' In: to: Fort}- Iztdizzix. flaé£m,«‘&lid1tlaat .4 ' rlafisip A ngieglthw V \m»....... ‘.».......o--v -W ll v.-A’ Sermwz 1*re;w!:7ec[ at the L}!/loizerla/yfgz tipuefigll with llim e/1/9it{90[?fI¢l' began firfll Lailld Clclivea 4» 3 ifliOI1;%ll‘O.f1?2Wllill fiflldhisilcom rpa filyfiflhat .._——..—-...._ welrcllwéakéand lveaglyl,l;a>ndlh¢.;0a*ers to goel.agziln!t him! kwél houfarxd mlengand to furprizellhim; 1ikledatth<= fillrfhbutl::1f‘rer *4”1't"?"P”€’1h3:,i‘ _ ’ i T “ M f A 1 weak as hellthsoughtz, bultllmighty and;.inwrarh, Wllichl. is th€lWh€f'f‘%’~c¢r,«G%0d:pug f;;_ff;_?;,f§'_ A1c{ntQhi4s%4h¢a{tdtoVéerfutifie;V&tl?e’9vzefe4cy€zk¢4LorgI5’75¢ ,¥€ifig$*.fw?t its tbe%1z4?2Vt¥%t/7edL%?W. 7?;é7»!m:0f M évaéer 12¢ tzsme%rI2V it wivbié/1€??f0€W¢V l2e§evvil~’~1the4rcafo:”i is, .‘%?€C?111fe’kas¢ 0d. 210116 mad@~al1"t~he%W@rlda I0 ha{ §iri1L % be abfolute Mafier'0ver.é1~V},,and: f0”ruIc§andVoi?err1j] ¢-5 Ila??? ifijfllé-.f.H she poWc,t.0fm¢*n~, 1“DCV%fl$ to C£9fI€;h ':inAiaMt&:y%;!;\h:£n4gsib.I;rwt :hi$:vvi11~f fhallphfiir doneanch nj0£‘:¥L\.;e,i"f;5-$*$;i.a#>iidf counfe*1»1 ifl:2a11«f~%afnth¢r t~11%isV 6! not‘iak¢4 e‘ C70d£Q€32iJt*1~I,QI «§;%;'%vg§I ::fiVBsr*y»_; 3 ;€i,s»;nt o~1:.dwe¢ and thatétkalvvaym a »1:ig7htec$i1s% .%“Way %;.he c~omwflijn+?a;inaétl’r ‘ nomfito dead; zE9ViA;*21sE2uWef’éi'2iifIet1?T manygmhe 4%wirhhe”1:«1. Ggxltkzci an —4éz'222eIecbV%than aIhox¢1d:non« sagainA& hirnaglxe; k£%€p¢th~t%VVdV.V+11iss;£@‘rvanIs‘”£1:omV%~prey!uiI1pti1ous 17fi.r€%fli;:ain’d;?of¢pfg§ %1arethraen;wlwn they wpulcl have» 5f"wifdom;é A Zifinde but-5: the :t;fl1:th-,4 a,,t3A ; %o¢} »:_IuI?cic‘eV i.n.w.,a1;re itfis ncceffary 5 %§he¢9i@zr:§..‘;:»v5@40men fiaith %v;¢W~'f¢11 W41’: "’W’*?5 ‘far wifdamc is 6m‘er‘_‘*tbr§2z]frengé/7. «/1 poor; man by hisdwifi W Deni. I, 13.; PIOJ3. jrcthg andfall tI1a~t’==l1*E-are both Hndc, than one taljfi: is "1 Kins» 3§.:'”f*' I King. ii.“ Pro. 20. 18. "1’-.fa.l.~: I I 9« 34» mp A\ 2. Sam. :2.o._x 6., 12:. & £a“f¢.w. 195 8? 9+ ‘ 93» 3'f:I.%1-9-_ f1 4-2 V ‘V % M %AaRVrefi£he%d.:f4$. t.~h~;;.» Ac~.Mwa22e.¢:b1y fafi »d§zmedelivaradrtbeA C£$.zk. ,e/£—Vn2ana4ggf.a;1fi2;>g5;y~kar mifdomeg W Brut ~i~f12he :feare of3G=.od;;be wanting in ;than his enemies. V 5f:,condly, Thxs maykeepe us fiom {care of out: ,advcr.t‘a1'-ies, in régard of the*ir?wit, and policy, .:;~I‘11a:’¥ wcoun fall againft =us«.: he wzfdame aftbei-w zrifé ¢men[Im1z % per,-iflt, andtbeunderfiandinjg éf'tbez'rpradeIztVmeJa» Ibafll‘ % ée /aid. A rm VLo¢d1m3nge%t6 fiiewmzfellvof the ‘heathen wk. ,z?2;a_mglJt be Mma‘ket7b tb ewdervifks of the ” peap‘le= afno % efibfi. Aisha didzto Abitbopbel, .170 he will droe@to thofe th‘at« I are like unto him ,4, their policy {hall turn to folly; 9 ‘ ¢ A ThirdIy,Therefor%c fuch as are not-\ to be too much‘- % Vafiecmcd‘=or"fo11owcd,gwhatever abi*1itiC.S the have, 2: ‘cor; 1-V I4; q.sfl;- ‘v n L’ ‘ ‘ Ira “ ~ ‘ V - W M" A havanotethecapacxtxe,4the&yarebeyom*1: emgithe ecialIy.yinthihg$ pé..r.taining4AtoV.G4odw1&his; A hm-¢hA. amid? Omdinanccs, ha"v;ingA no =p0wer=()f “?Iodlinéefl'e them.‘ Meet PoIiticiakhs4are not good A f Scripture, though they have ':read1V-the “S‘cz=1pturcs,._ V nor they.%fit*]udges ii: fpiriruai1:%attcrs5 4., ~ wear nut. tbexbings; of&:tlae.‘*.25'1zirit,;wjt aafnihofi M thnm 5; V the} ‘perre»'me;«nati‘tfae.4tbingWfi%Bn£S' the cannotshavc, right hearts ;to4éC4hrii’a»?%%ar1Wuo4 his Mini» fran twofiniéi ' Qaifldid» hearfersg ‘ ~ A ficrs,f % ~mtht:. pu*1teuO’m&d~1’man;c?¢§s;.;'%*GivéV B‘ fa Nu, . a’ ' K ‘ ) ' ' ‘ K ‘ ‘if V ' H ‘ 5 #4‘ KM nterpretem 2. ' ' w y -w M T A~;5e"$I1anvuraHe4I§Iauj2tgf*Cammom+% *'1"I’he*FrVenrbVA~ha%vé~‘aProverb,» "thwtzg rjktzzzzg mrlbauld Mob T;iatbing;£izt%tbé Sar~iptmée.‘ ¢VVcl1,lct that beAf1;+ec" ;§$t;ous~t1o kriow~th:1t,' andwm tench that;-in one th;in.gas ;w€e“11‘ aVsAiri~‘ %ziiiO't5hé'1‘,and ;prve all thi,ngs,and?V hoyl d :t11a1; <4: T~*Yie4%?c?>B'f‘ervat"idh5~§is«this,»~=tha1? SaP4am!%vmassas%;muxih «fcbr the civil1A‘Magif&fmte as ainyrmatrs ~I*%’”’51l;»V.?fai:I:fi*‘h’e, atlmt pm_yer£~ and fiqpp litatiomg fl‘?i%F/3~%«%#.ll47i;€*ef§i‘Z/iizggxgn69 \,mude~fivr4 ax’! mm;,fm*» Kings, andfaf Iall%%‘in:"; mat A aritie 1212- :;a'er»tI'9e:r22 Iandf, 4 ‘~_/‘fltllfé be fubjeéi tot trbe z£7tg%87‘ J_ pbwgrk afl;d,*Put§ ’i1¢4re11*g¢"em5fi’ra22c"¢$, tbgzt they 6: fz2é- jeéffto pri ' cipaliticsflm?dpamez?s; zwad that they oéqy Ma. ‘lgltfimtes .“b1‘1't“vvi?!z"}~_1’?1“1;,f*@h;~a ;_Qq1gn,q§;II%ea, % -€£1zgm?9 is‘ “a pparqfrniafiédt=¥:Qa:Q;11F:5eW?%,f1 C09g~regaticms wxifi-ou;ghouAt thbzd £15, ofv»,tI1e%'ApQ3£1§S%hi5%aI1dgeirhcr e»v:i].uPc:ice ‘~.L0r“" tlme h01€‘4 TB€nCh:;¥>?*.§V¢TvC111€d tbé mm;-_f2im;tbc%.;Scriptur¢e4 cQg1g_g3§{g_,e,{ a;1dtawIk‘<:'s11eedt%t I10We*eth’ey ileane "to the wifdrneof n§l§§1t~rat'U »II1¢F1a;;VV.:h‘att pantstfd ever they Iitavge=Tintehie1?;%S_:eofra.t~1:etrt1:ea.nken to tthoie ,;,;.gw§M.....A=m . . -n A .. _ . t .. V» M ,. ‘rf.haE.§r¢ F .».Wt1tfG5e.:e%fl€1J~utd1c10ust, and confcz- ehtious 5 fot4%C:l1_r‘1{t fhallthave firs ti~gh%t,,a.n:d the civiell Ngagtifitate fhalgl I1afive;%nMmvron?g, but tpower andyho- r1pu1j,.t11ougl1witihmlt txge netI.1}Air:2ge utpon the Chur”c“he s» M ” fight,-a_x1d Gtpfidl b€‘:Q,g:*19fified§t trefpafi"er”$~ allBébmugh.teto*repentance,,* and :t~heirC‘fpir1ts fa-~ yeti iii the dayt1jxeLQ1fd4t_}5eft1§5.wI1iCh w21sthaet~‘ ivhiAchet11e.1101y. Apo{’cleVaymedt2t infall Church:-cetn~ f L1i‘€tS,;1nd,vv1:;%iCh ‘F"€*t0Ughf:<%?U. 109 A3. ynle Eeat:,7* in7th:e Afeaeret of G.O’d"...7And thus“ much t0uC1";i4st*:g the a"°’“i”P”iY3¢t*1111?f1?3¢#: in-ing, ‘but houeft icuntxingg for it was in at good caufe, atld for the puhlkick good it was to fave Davide and the godly pattiewith hitz1?,ia~ii’d11C?fhewet1t.fiideiIityrick; A L friend that confided in him. ’;Lett“thete be a fitirc A "intetp retation of his words, and a favourable judge- % Hal. tog. 15.4. A ’3PI'::I.~t3.4,; t ,4 P*ra1.;4»- Am. A Pfel. Ieff-‘iI~4si mentt given of his doings, andthat wlhichi Huflmi did,‘ «‘1i3rati1€’f~i.£Iill:f3.i);iC than wcuipableyand may be done in the like cafe without offence to God; and it may he did, as his 216% and deed 5 had any ferv’d Dmbidgs Ha. flsrzszi dideAéfalom,it had been wicked: the wicked may not doe that to the righteous, which the tiglmfeous A may do to them : the righteousmay pray againfl the wickechfo may not the wiicked againft the righteous: obfervedinzthe text, that God owned that which he . thefrighteousmayi and cm ht to defpife the wicked, h but the wicked not «efpife ‘the righteous :uth‘c” A righteous mayvhaite the ’wi~cked,a=si® avid did’, but the A A wicked ‘cannot hate the r?ighteoust”witho'utffin :it+;is_ {aid , they that ffate the righteous [ball 59 géiefrjlate iit%”‘ii‘§“’ : never faidg A the} that Imtq we wi«t:1re4flJ?all~:é:tfv‘a'ejblzzte: :2; charge is ‘giventto Kingsmt tiqafih his iimointedwferéiu mitts‘, the worke’r,”aAnd oftlm worktt. 7‘ A A A A I*“?mig4hth%enCVe deliver,.Th:1tAGaz{ nvilifureefyy !3rz'ng‘ A 4,9.e«vz'll upon tfio/G that doewill, but-then I fhould entcr« "4 simzoa large field ,anc_lAnovv~‘I hiave-notvtime t0Aexpg.~"~ A I‘ X.’ ‘-:0» .\ "‘"‘W In " W‘ ‘ v"‘- ‘V . _ . ‘ .‘ _ ‘V ‘ I'M ‘ ‘ v .-", n. no ‘ V ‘ ‘ “J9 i .~£€_]~4€0fi’€,=l‘5'8:l7£h?J1£§t37‘izi;'é't7£2 Hm}e‘~q£cammazs; i='z;:.ezaVk’z‘:, an"z1ta‘=oioe}Ji5Pi¥a}i’I7ets 72aA64‘rme‘,1afiz~d be reprarved 1Cz'72§s for tlafeir flakes: he that toucheth the rightéous, ram etla we app [:2 ofbis eye: to thofe that I peak will of’ , them, it isthxfcatned that they {hall give accountjar «zinc lday ofijudgement. God ‘w ould have them know = %th'athe“putsaT "ifferenccbetween theexflgyptiam and Jfmel, and he would have all to know that he putteth» Aa difikrcnccbetween the righteous and th€VViCk6d5 .15” % Zach. 2. 8.; x$Pec.%4. 5'. A EX0d->134 M A‘VM31."3~ I5: 370 . ,;therefore we are to judge the beft ofthatc-Aw%11ich H22» A flaari did fortihe righteous againfi the Fwicked, and ga- ' «mher jufiifie it, thancondemne it. I come now tothe“endV for which the Lorddefeaé :m=:dA the cou1A1fe1VlOf .Ahz'tbopbel, that is, Atlmt he might %éri;2gA¢«v£/lapkan Aéfalam , whiAcI1Avvas both Vthemnd of «triatiz. f0much”;,- I*fhza.l1 tl1erefore‘keépe1ne tc) that which is puné‘cua1ly~pertin*ent%to t«h“eT‘ext*,%and tothe: Firzia 0/2erarzv3~U tz'1,and fimy. op:-N5. . pre{entoc,cafi~On zand thépointris this {That gaa?" ~mz:llfizzde%a.time zzmlwa_y to%‘ér‘£ng~evill upon tbofe that” :*rij7eJap«agMinfl tbe_7ig?Eteqm;,%:zl_72*dm«ve tin Vautbors zmdflr-V mwtot: ]%_c2fam aw, «fizz! tb‘zzt;2m?tI9'az¢t4 refpefi oflp er» f ftmsV4. Alrfalam For bir~th,4 waé the {on of a. King, a‘ncl=- — Cone of t~hcA~bei‘fl Kings that ever rcign’d; for perfdn,» -;.f€i1eidfh’i3§ fbUf,¢x;en7Iot13e»C1*6Vii?nc'.0”f7hisaheadgchere fiwdsmo b?ile‘m]ifi1 ;;f01fhi§fléfrén5;2nce; it Was‘ “»Peiincé4Iik¢;hé IwéH.’iéfré&*i6ts fiffiy m;en ‘T’ A€;**for?rfa;x C?a;tr1‘aIge:"afrd vsT&rrn1ng‘bé~ . "he w;3:siextraprdi«n‘a all 1174:: 7th ePeW‘a*s nneto a ' $61‘ fin«;‘2:i*~5‘@d%v'a1s‘ 2§%éTai(d7a¢.*f'o4rL'Jbeaut3¢‘“;‘A from the 2 Sam a4..z£«:;. . ¢ havioura % 1.5% I ” at am» Pvréadmiét tIae_UT!on2:tb1jfaJ’£ A _ ‘zhhzwhioezre i.,e he ezéceeededi othe-“rePi*if;eces1,h1hhto ’ingratiate “ ‘ h~1fiID.-&‘_1f¥E’iC'i1°§i"1€3 p'fi{:*’p1€3,f‘_O2S‘:1I€ was theFav0u~fite 502 Ifrael .:«buAt :,:u"pirin”gheto belxmg before his time, hand I0 drive his w1§i<;e_e:§ defi ghe,raifing- an unjuflwar ;_in I God‘ A detetfnined IQ ghxjing evi1_I>huhpe»on.him5~ gamgihdid~eit5,com4ingVfort h to%b’att1eh‘ againfi Dwvid A in his own pehridn, God To orde19ingit,e that riding un... der an Oke, his head %light within a thick; bqughe, Yb ~ as he could E201’ get if: our agaimand rhehheafl: he rode on going my ., helhung he’t'w'€en heaven andhhezirthh, nu Da-aids’ fervantscjame and {mote him hdeadr;eBe- hold the judgement of God upon hxm for his wickv ‘ _ ..hcdnefTe 5 the tree; caught him, A the Mule V 1eft]h¢im,h 130.25 ‘darted him, theyqutjg men flew ‘him, the com-» pany earth’: him,én"d there lay A 5[r1[0m,t79£}'0zmg mm hxsiéjézlmn, hisHigI1ncf"§beautifui1hh Am/am, ,in' a deep 4 pit, with a great hea p offi0"nes7‘cafl; upon it._ A£2z'z&o— p/rel was his ‘COIJI1fC110!'., and"fomen”te“d ChC:‘,',W"‘3I', to make waye for 1:haht¢vhich= heintended againft Aqu- /o%m_5 eGhOd'defE-ated I1is.cdunfe}l, which Abithapbei ft} fimok to A hearg, that the;-eupon he "went , home ‘and e .hanged~ him Telf, amdthere.1ay.Akitlyapbel, with a hal. ter abqutw hisiwneck. The If¢faM&¢lzfteshtl1attOOk part with % giéfalom were routed and fla,ine,an?cl there ‘Faye 2 o o o o ’ V -»eof'themhe.hdeadheorpfes. :M the hfvvord devoured them, and the wood devoured mO1’C than thei.gvord;'h.hhand A Ihéugh +4m4f4¢‘C3PA€d~h in the battglls-31$Wh§1$»3fi5C1' A ,p1ared=throu.gh Da=m;dsec1¢mepcy,jyct he was, foone 1 Cut-éifr theedeadly hand: Of 3046, who‘ hf mote ehim Ilnderthe fifthriba and flied eh0iithiS»hb0We1s on «the? ground. and rhergel lgaythch General!-he 'alfe:afeer €1?i5;13¢i‘1ghf€43‘i9h%_ah~§fi¢1f¢b¢11i9%i?é‘g4ifiefih?D4'vi4 A they M. ‘ % éaéfm? th’e4l2b2z4azém6sle~‘Ha;4fé ¢y‘TComm022&» my £11:-y% foycme £001; from him his headi ,; aix1d4ca1bitVover the wall. Saul rxiing up agajuft h1m.unjuftlyA, when 11ew_as hia ferjvant, and puriumg him wit‘.hout ‘c:a.ufe, he&Vcam;:-to an 111 end, and%fDoeg$aAnVd :;.:4€Dt11+&rAAofkhism;ene» A mieémhat incenfédsaul a.%Again£t°%h%iri1%~; and Sazi1s5fhou’{e T 4ft¢r,wa”rr_ing againfi him, God cut them offaffo, ‘(me aftm‘ a11otAher,;Iflvé01be%tb andA%%AAénm,4V&c*. r .; A Non roA1‘pcak-of %I1cart%hen.Kings Aau.:cl%h°£rmics4% that warmed again 1} fmw/,.V1ancl feIi?bemre%4th’em,V of ‘ye-‘e may read f1~c:quentI»yA m t11e%%Scr:1p§ure4,‘, It came =1:hustt0 th0fve4thaAt caufcd»c1v1ll;warres 1u::Ifmel.a¢1da~ V ,m'j4£r cxam1;tix1%_gI1irr11?:*AlWf,ato pz.:evc\r1%;*t%»Sa/amo:z2,VitVw:2;s: ta ;V1%q*dn _‘ ll» h"l..l.‘la-Ihlgl $1‘ Dfllta 3 33.0 1‘ V fife. Fl2z'l.de cm. A tl1at«f()llciw’c:lWthe Ewes greatlwlitlli --nu V ;? .S‘mm22lt« Predbbéd at the omzb/yfap oun ‘»and.yc:t he wfastf lwntlenr, but would be grezter violence; 5And;a‘snQ_lS0nha~d a more indulgent Fa-s thew T0 pénplselhasd‘ zi v»~better* Kging ithafi ‘lihztvipil; He fed them acrardihglital the llzfitlegz/-itz'e zgf"'liJli5' belz"/*t,l and gu~1':é{£él(]t_l9&772"Wlt?tl7'thE skiffulruzfle “cf b~z3' ’/9:1./"Std: 5 and tfml-3;; A fore it wlas'l'l”e’ll1rz;ecrable5 1wr1gratitu~dcl in them all to rifé ' ‘up againlflr him,‘ and they; were wbrrhly “col lfuffer all they llfufFe~red;Il£nd lmorel; a nd? ache zrsgtzhat ml-ze tIitl:".l fvvordlwi.thout_lM“al jufla can fe a‘ndca1’1ing. ll A l Swe-(jonldalyg The Laaml /omté ltb e'rz;gIateo¢»zgg and‘ is e in; A gaglcdlto; t_hem,"":mdi?belinllg ‘udgeglxclllwillf favourthcjr r,j::l~a*te‘i1s e'aufe;:.amrdlrdde juflzice upon%»tlhfe*¥th”atA~mo; ll »l' “ ‘ ~17 I ~' “v u ‘ 1, 4- f F‘ /. QLJ ‘ ,;: l ;,T.h§lrdly;«. ,2 ,,7a;rfisl pf all evilsil l of»-‘tl1bisL”lifc the gram. Etfhg Eh'€,lfi£RUf tholfé fours jucllggrittalentsl lm1énltaib_n’d' £l°I‘B “Uh l alndgtphld l;t£z2'll:;ch:el%rali up iO“f tl15€*.‘““‘ 5 ram: Kingd §>t1i“‘e ljlgliilca wcalllé e;“Tgre&a2f?" 3-‘U271! ".*?' “c x pfirieficfl’ *' le\}Vl-at lll ghagein til:,m;g:.Dlf~vxr€i£‘1'5l»If0i1‘{'e!.# flljld-l.'l.(’i)W mes and *fifé-J” a.ncl+j‘i{jt1a7i1;w :p(‘.:EfénSi~ jlmd ’£almilie‘s~A impoweri1'hed;l=a~mjf-L m1*dm;1c;::1ri«cz£fiaé‘h:itie”?szdefolfl tr:dl¥'§ iatl”;1?dgthér'efdreat!-:6? afifhfilrs mndc“fom1emx%‘ns‘l0*£lailvill‘l w’a1‘":;emEé afilfilll 3:;.Wlb@X.lS%afld;‘im rm? Wl®rI%,lanct“fi:o fnent is todmflcfi W _®§~g“§Eb@fltfil _ W3: ; l&m£&l'1a;an:’tl:: t:l%f?Wu6ii‘o“i1*i‘“s%« fuil+tF1i°i”l'qd xayfillsa oF:mhe~l woms;*tfiatr“t2I1llupmwaa" imthfiiramromble , lvwhollwwillfirifé i”nj'«fdlaé7§ ‘f~:€;”af0k‘lfl)‘gl‘ ‘W A A» 1%‘ '3'‘ 5‘ vi‘ ~ ll "‘ A 3 ‘»_ylg .. ~ .a )*‘.& .,.btfi;w»ham:; zexr éa I‘ ya mfilmwngérandil pg-;§qBg:r¢'1:s;;~;@fz%4E_hé}...ll = A ‘félzmévagimnfiyi A ./3;‘ tuemfil agéifi fl:%heit‘eln¢mf¢-:sza—l; 4;; la aim l * * *2. % W orthy% ‘ di :l,tha,tAfuccou“r’d lnm;but44w11o;goet11 Tab4outrtc3*take 1:hcy%wi1I,with0ut any ,.or man. ;AhWhereasA 4i=‘*r1nc<:;*s and Rulers h;2£v~.€; _rec§wed , PA AA _= hjfivre the laonomcaéle Houfé ofCommms.4 W 4 “ ‘ '*- ~‘ I I ‘ ‘ ‘ H I wter,-% that there Vwere ;n,ev;~;- rs; ?c1V:1ll) *W;ars;A%1nAA:Emglanag but thclbt of‘triif~ Eormne .L.:4i@zh<: exprc,ffct11it)z :11 pan the autlnors and fombnt”m:s ofgthe vv’ar1§~c :. and V ‘f‘*G0d.is the fame that ?be wasgV%anAdA;=1ovetl1A righ:::.eo11"I‘+- ;n:.cffé$}5 candv hatcth a imquiiié as; mud) gas ever _I1<: did}; ‘l1{e=‘i$s% the Lrdi:40f%*h(i.{‘ts5’ and.\thé;“‘GOd*:£Q%wA A gean cé: b4e;lAo'=nget:h,‘and%41ié Mslrl giaygatafadw 1:i*::r11clea:JiintA0 ,a$l1men‘Aaccc'n-dingto the+irVvwork;es;—V;A ; Thc;_ad4vweXr’ fary;par~ty~ fay, they are . I-a*nfwc:r,. If any ould doe tOj;thé4 fbéiéigay azvoé did’ ta; D zzsvid, that; would h7aV©.%fl"a him~,~he Iwei-e 3 to be comnxcndcdg t%that wotild as fbai ;away%“*t§h_e’Kingslife? A% ‘I Secondly, IfanybeVtfo'r»theK1bg 1:1 a“W‘ayAVfor;,.h;is A good, and the goodofthegliingddmeg itAV$’\?ére+”pfaife+ for AA 1. Sam.zx.m.% worthy in them ;, “but many areflfor the King witluout H % V Wit,iand honefly zwithout wit,that~makewKimgsmore than; mengandr in a; manner deifie the-:m’,i as if t h(c;y4»;l1”aVd abfo*IufcA”;30weVr ovcrtheir S“ub>je€tst Acémamdg ::»jsr1:1a.t limitation by any laws of Goal G0ds:tQ rulic undgr. over him,‘ anti; anAd4;A%f<:2f?%4 im,n0ta'l;m1? fand. to A be ‘bbey7d after hirhi, and 110C 4‘besff'0fiE=T~*~[h:itfi1-W out f“h'O“ne{%y‘)I‘ 35A 7:’W t4hat:i«ncmf¢d4,«:-mlagdimt poéver :md»d0mini0yn.0.f ~hV'®I1:@% ‘ V‘ A mfin ffi { EO.d:d@ M3"5ifflls'flJC Q. %:a.mrd 1f aa;mggivbh Qt)" T;15lmdAri«flgae%3€§f~qresrc the Kingm;*the~AHawke?ferv¢th»the V ;.in g’’let;1C>Dfmfl;e£V11.”"?EA4t ,@ E;O‘?V2:1z¢§T;.3 mrrggwi», A RVA *' %. V 2 .. WWKW amt‘; ‘ B.z'lj?m of perpet. Gov. .4,‘ A1 Sam,:».z.x8. ¢ Famk fl§?b.£t¥?1:94£t;bfi§r ‘ r?1?I.1¥%1'§1§2,¢!!AF ‘ L ...._.._. :,tC_hra.!%6. 9.» 3' CARD. X90" 3: t P{32_m7},I4'Io 1-" . ,___m___ ‘L W _,.‘..“ .,‘ . “«v;.f‘ ‘;« t;he=w<2f:1‘;e <;ou1*d Intdt*trAn£ixed mi’ a friwc" E a t Wtxis fi1i’tM1€rtfaid*,that:heifiattgood King,+but tfmy not I t- y mt¢mesI*Whercof§;‘tmémy tggcmernt ‘V ~ ~fca%fl:et,tlwatt“b@- to as g? totdo ufiwifely .> good King Alf}: ' :21" (2)1175 frat? good’ g !:2»vet»t l:3thf.emm2ie$', with that; And rnatytnot a good Kingtbelpmezm Odéf, “:tfmI"h4tttt%be% Lord .3 Good King leéafkaa ;2fi2attwa%sa@hargt“E:d that by a Prophet otfthe Lord;-; *m‘a;y nbté. ‘god King be led to {bed intnon ’tce§11t:.loud??vThet‘good Em r€1’OU1' ‘Tbeadofim did {(1, waétizealouflyifireprove for it by Amérofe, and kept from teceivin“ of the Sacrament for that fa<5’c; *2'?be%adla‘fifu:*11kcd ' never. thg W01‘ fcf for "titt, bu tr: V fifbfefied ‘he iikpd? zirguekztem mzzgir qzmm" 4dnl42ztem,_ ' ‘him thatitmptovted him ‘better than him that »flattcr'd- *h‘-imm;a“s tdidtDa~w'd.; Be1'oved,wccare ail for the King, ‘ Loirelfe twfidifltémbtletewith God , and the world ‘for tnfottthe AP?a1i1eiam"etn%t bourniall t1"1~eVKin‘g"s fulijééts Qenant, ;to,: ptefervc the Kings tP.e11‘-,-.- w@ E A Va?‘ m V at 4t%fisiiEit?wem rim "rem F,_ ‘ I w . hunvuw-—¢I"' is ttharggd with :that; and.Lii1%b‘madert~term:es than I; . Vausam. I91 5." V ‘ 2;¢zzzalbzzt?e2fm?_f’ri:en¢‘SL?." Gbcbtd King D maid was Charged‘ ‘:t ‘tthith, for the pre{e:rvati0>1.1wfhist‘bdy, @1117foitthe.{étlvationof ‘his foul: : He is prayd ;fOr«¥ Wififlantly in outa Churchcasand families_.,and irrborjh A @u=f37;s@fPdrl.iam¢nt: Yea we pray Afar him «a nd Ah : mii‘t foam (2 tfhieim“ “at'e’titht us;,am:1 aducated Filéingis*t‘l1“iiuli-én‘t',“*and f‘I=i?V%ket Godktt cfiiidrén. And ”,}?éfid&"@; teftifiee that vhe‘y«% haw na thoughttor in-- 1. 4 its pmwetand <'% A ‘If hov”‘v fmn ft‘h:a{rethfey Tow ht “p»ea6e._- _ ?”’~’:1*;lA’i“c1:h1i§”’ R’ct§itfi'e7“ "Bari: owjgéfédg gthair fine)’ hat ca/tin, A ,_..—n-u-"IOU-»_,_ ‘ *6:-fqwze‘ Vtb.e‘lé‘a22oa!rsa?éleIIoufieV+b‘}7’ cmmm-.V A [21 m‘lum’,5in*an};r%C2i‘fe5t7tiGu%gI3Tit1bcfi?%Hq%7.adand9. 37w: what did David whml fi1ewa1sf.‘:a’fi1bjm61:,;mdgsmlxfought .+;hi%‘. li%f3e%A%..>4 though al godly tnax1;Aand;*aPro)h‘c%t,.: am % fun-Ii=n-l“aw,gto which hr: had prefcrd him who ;theit?*e 715 0 1:56- rbwne5uhadE%it gdhe a7cc«orc5im»g~ to tI3e"c01}‘rfc of: a-’- wrc, he was‘ forhim, and fpd§m‘*thc¢"(3omst1 adafzgmfj wa%sNi§owards ism,uitér1?§ri‘dE£I?’i;kfi‘n3g pr_mefii:a*‘ im£:'g?z$4i1‘1fl: 4 '5 ri%;a?jz; w:1?1%a12fa$yy;oi14tii:)f Swat himf&l ~5r‘.ar,eh thathith; fuel: hpowc1“.in~ their h and 5:, doe. mare =tiI1’an one man, of w hatrank fo cvhr? And what if they fend forth to fixpprcflé mfurrcfixons, and to purfue De'Iinquents,that.flythe ju fiigc Qfthat high our: ? Dorh it notperta intq them to do 1t,<~:_vcn e,ac0_z‘:j‘z'cia..3 «And whatif the great CO?sIDCC‘.1lh«Of the Kingdom: feektho remove wicked hC0uhufelIcrs from the King, that ufurpé their '0ffi<:e to themfc-':lves 9 He was 3. Ki1"xg,az1cl‘ the‘ wifefl: of Kings, and upmn a panélerous i‘c;1fon, much concemingthe good and honourofh evcfy King, that faith._,TaK*e away the witkedflom éagfore Vithe K 2? mg, A and his tbraize flca/I {we effaélifkea’ 1:2 ‘rig/ateouf.~. V mfle. A Muf} thehstate and thofehthlxaht hold with th<*m, learne 0fD..eIinquents that I1'z1v6dC{‘erVCd déat11,h”ow to be for the K1ng?0r of pcrfichous L0vcnahnt~hhrea‘k+ era, thb whoni an oath of God is no more iéthan ‘a col- lar to} :1 Monkey, tl1ac~aI1ecan flip at pic-afure P or of -~Mmp1Ci0U,rS.hCGUtti€1"S, ‘and. their V Public +n-OfHc.'e“rs3 y »t:haf; would exaét upon the fubje&,han:d*hh11we norm- ;Igf3§;rne;n,t, chgth they might never he quc Pcio:1’d for any 1“hir‘rgtl1~ey doe Ah? Mufl: they~l€arne ohfdammc—farear,. ,c.gr~_;., hzzhat ,f3lUili;ar'l"y fwearethemfelvas into hclhlha ox; whoarc plmfed fphlqng ashthhl KingIehr- m~th}f:Iweihr*ht»u met, butwoulhdgblwhjaim upwérla pmév; % §&flffQ.iV;Ei"tb:€y I1€.~"Efhi'0,1Jld” cxjcxcutc the Iawhhes ‘as. ga $1: «ofthe wildaal ‘ C_:>t1ii?*I‘l Igfiflz mm. C %firik~»~ck&i%Ll4 gr .1m:mdr:E:ahd¢;qI1:;{a?.;xd%h A * A A Kmgs hgbhehehié-w7Zl. ~:And-was ithh1awffull‘h for.;hDavi4i;Awhen he ma; . ahfubjeft, andbutoneh” man, to take hharmcs-. tofavc his. W » A éefbyeé tbé /Jbzzahmraé/e Houjé fammoizri ~Kin%g's Pratejizmtgfubj-efis in {fa/Md,» and etihethl crime and offer their fem-vice to him in England, with a de-¥ H -fireto do as much here, if they can? All thefe would teach Schtutor theirbet ters in this matter 5 but thofe hthnarehvvife W111 learns rather of hD:z*vz'r1,h and A541»); man, and other Prbphets and good men what to do 5 the judgement and way of fuchis much to be eI’:Aeem- A . I Goa’,tlm;2 toeegzjqy the p/eafzmes offizz forVAzzA§fe«:1fa22. Generally the ungodlieflz of the Clergic ran to 0 xfmi w hen thehwarre began ; the befl of the Mini- 1h:y~ out of all Counties throughout theKingdon-me, ’”da»meeéi:0‘hthc Parliarfxents quarters for pTOtC(§fiOflA; ifany of be‘:/-; rerhnotAehwrr,Honjour;ib1e SeriatAors,that the h‘ear%”s‘ V ~a§1r1’d;p7”r§21y«€ISf0f'h~fuChe: A1‘?men:“aere foi-you, ‘and thatfvee h§§.'«V~&:%;h‘é pzwyfirhthebe.{’é'a»ffe3é’£ed«h1 Sraiwzdaeifogg anxzt¥..,;iri£;1;AlAl’ RefoI1*m«edeCehurches S ueh as w em: forAD 2:..- «;g'd,Aare‘h?~fdf yho1iAu;1j iaayeshQfAtIfa}gil<§Ifgiwi;nhg; ag1d'~:the»;aA’t~Ateh may be p £01: 0zttétf1“‘;:~:p1t;1’c ‘iet“‘-e1s%;*e7t}*1]wtz A d‘l;'eh hAl'-’é:t‘»5'§'r‘&<5th§ * that? j »fi'anE%‘afi “ *+Ain‘*@b‘!1%e* fi ihftjrthéhifie 7 ‘ :nmgenrehtf3ta‘I2a9et%1%¢f£K.4£,1 ‘ 35; W ... ‘Q--=r‘ 4»"v.“:-a, y MAI‘? w...“ as am a r. - " Aw ea h0P5$7‘€§“”‘§i%6hrfFh’ A A - nourable. 2- 3 A . ed‘ 5“. andjéezter It zsAzofz¢j]'23r aw/*verfltz'e with we peep la qf Heb. :2. 2n M” ft). ad; V 19¢ I 30 ’I-Iof“. 6. 6, ;P'1:ov. :1 :3. WE4Jfl:~WM ” ;:::our;;B»1LAr:4 (§3ez:£tlc: r:§e:2,:1:15_'k:011ragenot thcégodlyv pay; nty,%quem:l1 not any degree ofthc1r.zc-mic fmr~you,“’by ASezé5é7hzc¢a;2,Pr*Vezzc,/ieggvltzztt/acU!/loner/q@fi;fi V A ;fufi‘.ér_ingA anyf‘0fficex:s.in Commifl'i0nVunder you to Afixvouxj'M3Iignams,% ‘andto opp reffe your fmenc~is,by _neg-Aleetofwidows, that are i:>rought to that rad 6011- A dition,l1aviz1gIoFt their husbaniiis-i'i14}?he ParI~1amen'ts ='fervice, by rejieéting jufi and Iamentaib1e«complai"n rs, .0, by {ending away {ad Pctitiqners , cry~ing one af; Ber another. The 61.2 friég-:afhim that was remfy .1'( )Perifl; came upoig me, {‘2Iith%'j"oé, a'.i2a.’4.1 made the widawe5V¢/§Ae;cWt to % fiiggfbr jay. Fafts dc) well, éut-vrI wilffazzrzze mercy azizdzzat ‘facri/ice, fait11;‘the"Lord. rm’ to do ememr azzdju- AA flice is more acceptzaég/e;to I/Je am’ tn/am2»f:zz'm'fz'c%e‘. " 'fian4diin_need of-mercy, .pra,f‘1~ f w ~* ‘ § §.() 3 “§é3t§;'§‘; h§§~§:§ §“:}§Z§1§g;1:’:{’»»£:h§ Ab £3; 32% 11 Q E: §r. {$3 W3; y 35§§Z“*§i§.s§§§§3§ A i ‘ e . ; rQ§qQl1z§5o:é9l3 $3‘ V _ it1'®QE()\dN1;3.Q\y Pohfitxgi 1*‘ HQW1 V ‘()1 “I3 A" Q ihl W Sn bq zqs 1% 13% Fe 5 th 6%: QIZQ At}! A Q «Q &Q 1. \ ~'’ {Vt Q5 Pigghees C) H e G ;:‘!“gE:“Ql§ ansdz‘ (lb .el°(;f[1n§ A Vvfifitlli ‘K 1:§\’Q ‘) 150% 1)‘ hafi‘ Qtaq VQQCIMQFQ Q§;.c?y¢v1l S11} ta ‘t-.“‘:!“*i1 ‘%A °r§‘h ‘tn Q1, 52 3% ?§§:;i£:Ir]z3:§‘Q$‘hI:‘£1{:1%}$tQ§:%rq;1§*§Q“q t,rkQ(:"atV°l1w"Qy11§l1“1Witi*1 rs N%t11 M * , At 1~~ 3,.‘ A »h t 11 § “ “‘(?’€“§§*?e *§"s“§§1§‘t:3i1W?§§§‘?‘i§:1§i§?u°§‘l§3:*}%»d Q“ tgw * § Ag Q I1, M at ‘ §~q A §§.§®*QQ\4 § ‘ya '5) t :5 Q '%Q 1} Q1) 1‘ «S .¢ ab? q§§l1:Q“é11~:§ nhgtfifir kgtfighiis :.}:,Qq% go; Quid '"- Q liq txbfig t~°1‘~ Qfifi % Q, up‘ 11» Q ex 5 1: “~‘1:s N ‘N £33 A Q‘? t A M I‘§ ’~‘-i~7‘1\q‘°& tl1q§{113~%1~‘1i‘ Ex‘\§~_ ‘in EIQL é pefixh“ A 1% Q1?‘ 1~:*s(:”°1: h§h}§:§§: ‘avg; §g§:“;4x;9g ”%§.“§x§‘ V as Mi Bil]5rzpe2j2et. G0'L'.Wit}.702£t C rqflé and $:2rj;vZeflE'. e/I 3'ez'mo22%Ptzreecl2eecz’o at z&a:h¢;/‘a«zan.a:I:o.{,»;r;;/z ' W V d‘a11c;e,3if~.theyhad "a=nh:1ind t,of;it ,~efa.hd ptopllane '3 great pan: oEhthe'.:day. Here wastrench he upeon e—Go*dPrte1~ogat7ivee: God» mwufi {tend to their courpe- :1:-1e,how;1;1uchr*of»orl1e‘ clay heeeIf1u£’£‘havei :;;b‘::z;;1%lAg‘tgmj§q£A ééem “ A ft??? t?'%fPwiidmeflttaFmeétbmfl/éflaeeGom?7?4i2.e?’éfi2ez2t. thatt.~we”re £or*er1a?e bofokeeheoff ports , wou1d‘eh1j1othinfdu"1-é t he name 54554:/:;.t ~ As for the Sacxfaments, tyee have them ‘ftitll revetently-eperform’d= without the and :th2.to is ”theo;1d‘lway ;;ee,th?aCA~W,l1,iCh tlzeytecalwl tI1ef}f1ew way,is the Voldrvxtay"; for two hundred yeares after ‘ ..Chrifi,they had no {er ‘forms of prayer 5 they buried without the book, and baptized, and adminifireti the Lorgzls Supper, and praydand gaeve__than,kResttwithofig 1 it .;=’eefor.as7the*a1tera.tions are j for the _bett_er,- é1ndh1V10.n¢ havejufcicéufe to clarnoragainflg them, much leffe to 4 fight. t PQL I. ‘' ‘Thought therehe leffet pain tin'g,there isemo.re light; to tluougliee» there be Ieffee ceremtony,_fl1ere‘ is more. {ub- flC3I1C€tA;. thoughethere» be ‘leffe fuperflzition, there is more‘Religion 57 though there be Ieffe piping, there ismore p1feaching.;,though there be leflieetof man,there 1hsemo»1'e~ of God, and,. of Chrifl, 4 anode of the Atspirjtg thereforehbe patient ande.conht:€1‘1t. Beloved, it it; ;D¢.._f vids. R1eli§i‘on.that we contendfor, /8: ‘Do4widg“L4_qrd, even the“ 7 0rd’ Jefus, the Son’ ofl) mid thathemay M haye his throne amongft us, and rule by the.tScepter fword: and to Iaeerkcn F0P?0pofitio.tis fo‘r;1? A I7“ A are IWord eeigeweeézire for Chrift and £022, to they are] fot‘”Ant1cI1rxfl.and Baéylan that are againft us, there: fdre fide not with them, but rather help the Lore! ag-W geixifi therm1ghtie.tAnde1et thowfeeetlmt ;?+1‘¢3l§0“I~ehi$T Majeflie, if they love him; .=per£ wedfithinxettfi H ii i iéiefore the /:l'0}2i*'0:it1';i:Ii5V[t?A ffaafe qf"C‘brmV7m¢5. i 4..-..._ ‘ andnto ret1_1r1‘u:,t0d his 4ParIia.Vment;, dandifit there in xoyan Majefiie With h1s.Peeres, as he hath done. iThere_ was at good Mottowritten over; the gates at Tarke, at King fzmzes I115 fitft entrance,- into that Cli- tie,Szz:irz;i1}s'=z1z'Eforizz,V amorpqopuli, t1‘:ejd {We.et;’V'i&Qry is V the love of tile; "penopnle .3 to win tbatjthen comet and wAeIc0zr:e,the foonemthe better. life, King will comg like aliiing, with royal! attmdance, he. will be re- ceiv’d withall love and Joy, andmhonom‘ will bedone iinto himnbye all foitts 5 but if ’t'hcyperfWad6>arz‘2z‘d% iaid, “0% L am’, I pray tla ee, bithopbeli ikztafaalifhnefleg and aecoxdding to his dcs Afirelic %def’ea’ted_% his .cC)unfell.;WThe{ point 11‘erIce‘is’»this, «That pray-fef *in:%itIa‘ this afar of’t;beVmezm5,isprewz’mmge:inA : fldafe th«at,rz:/Zwtap zzgdinfl‘%tb*e rz'g/ateims. Dzzrvva’ us’d the-V memes, M a'ndA neg.1~e&ed it not 5 He fcnpotit-atri %ar...1, tire %Arm‘y, undczxjtlirec-id‘ C alptains,arrd that fpeedily ;_ A «thatvwas Alexandm way, andby rhatmeanes he vvas: Vvifiorious, and won mI1ch~ by mak ing Vno%d’eIay,"b1it: purfumg his conquefls ; anclflthcreby revailccl %m”ightily;, as-we fr-:c, anAdVob-9 t-ain’cIof¢Go agrcafimatter."Thfee cir-curb [kVan‘c%es.% - N i11~ufirétc43t?he Fvvork (if God men:1on*d in me Text‘. 4 Tjimagt W V £105. 1 I ,0 I 3 To 3 policy. = « Fiffifly Thabhe defeated .A/aitbopbe/& fam~ousj;¢1I2iAtI2o.;.; pi/it/,;%_”tthat*wasf0 xenownedforhis A A A j A Ai AA \. AA Sccbncfly, hevdcfeatedgthcjgoadztotmfill f_ Jffiitbapbel, his %z“vz‘fia mztnfell. AA Tllirdly, T:'hat?»he~didA it byVhis..Woj:d,4of1e1ycou1, % manded,‘ and it was done. A o]2e§ Acrjingato Itbé La‘rd5 the Ifiwélftek vapion of. God; *f:fifz'wg tqbi £zz_Zsf* ;/:5~xti2cis;_2z‘2“2dpr4_yin ,5 -d—-a~.J tame «Ila: tozmfell of 'but;witha1l, D avid %pray’d,; A hérfareVent/ineeeboizozzrgtéhle Haajazf 2 9 e um IfmelitesAprefvweéfilw"hgd¥Wflh.[Mmz2721?;"W5hene arbou- —‘fhn'd*thC:u1aAhndev€a1fie agaififi ‘andVhis penople; he newlywed Tto; tke_4.I.ord,éznd tbenL0rdfm0teeet/9: e/13 tbiop izms fie- forehidfae, eandéefareeyedab ,nm,1 tbe;neAEtk-iopians fled, hen'emuh1eitudes came agztinflc jebofbapbat, In-feared and fet~:hi’i*nfe7fto. fi3é£'eetVbeheL afll, .a’72*;d ]2roc*lzzz'm’d afzzfi‘e:. “As aemanhe feared, as a; godly man he fought the 4 ;Lord,nasia godly ’ King he pVrocIaim’d a fafl , and his enemies were xpiraculonfly overthrow ne. When ‘the mightie Hofteof S maker» came again R j’emfzz- A lem,inh.’Hez?ékia»bsh timeghe lent to the Prophet: Jfflrzzffzzb, “'1'-'0 lift -up aprayer, aenhd he prayed and made his {u pp1i- ‘catiflontoethc Lord, and in the morning foqrefcore and five thouff'an7d were ’a1li*dead cm.-pres, hein g fmie-- 1:-en‘ by «an Angel of ‘the Lord.e~eeThus~”thhehh righteous prayer twoiGo”d.h A have p fevailed hrniightilhyh ageinfi their enemies by A A henreafoneig; the Lord is; their , ‘and "th eye are deahre V.unto_~hii1ie 5 ‘an'dh?‘5hheh ‘haith? 1Lmdertak4en their‘ prote&iQn,~and robe1an,'enerny%huht:oee their enemies, and he hatli fee them e~"this;; ee‘hc0t1:rfe ‘to: Canllupon him,; and hero}-feek his ‘face ‘in their trouble, and it is "an com‘- fmafiélément with promire :nanan~1:eeha:1: ranzd,‘ are xvii?“ mbtfa?!3tbeiéz;«z2%6i*y‘3+fzke i-n:an1er~eheae:-- et-Ii memgeebecaure ?they4§heatéh‘ A iihglorifie him: ’t:hat_he*~dO’th*h fo‘rnt1u“en1;being t_en‘fib1e+on£hfisee and*0fe‘*ii<*rir ow uii?v©tthin¢fi‘e+ " n *T 1* ?I’hiie:5fl;eweth hchenlmhpl ;e:prMIede"hhet1ia:.tlaceerign=- téotléée have gahbdvch dfh”efs My ef‘~ofItEhéem;q6te0m V arvailetb mzicbgf/“Zééferthéntg‘fyeagjtbeeprdyer Qftb8_flPé "§'°*s“ ise;’»'seeTJe?t‘.:~’vt.e r ‘=‘ishfrih<>«t‘ ‘\‘W£t’h, Wicked: vfv en they% may and cry'%te?God,§h*e Igorfdeis ernfmme A3! * ghe. 2 Chro. I4. 90 z’vhChr0-1°43» . 2. Kinga 9.45.5’ Zach 1. 8:: Exod. 2.3, zez...-._ Pfal. 50.: y., Heb. I 3. W V ]ohn 8, 47.- Pfal. 2'40. 6,. vfi. A james 5'. 13'.’ Pm; I f.‘ 8; R . Pro. 15'. 19»; A. :1.51a1. x 2; M; Z31-ch. ~_;'s.V~~1 E, get. $4,, 1 2,. E5311. I 7‘ €70 E0 1' Saan.z;, 27. : .- the W?~iC-k¢1d1**«Dfl‘Ui‘3'$1€1n’diufW Fh%%L19xd, and,§nL3d¢ himw his ftlgemznfidf his A111ac11Ano power to do im ’ hurt 5 , whenhe 1 was rieere unté 11irri,7and ready “1to“fu1rprize hi"m1,«b.é£ w451tmn of ,1:11:h:r0u1gh thcr prvviidencfi 10f1G~0d,1"by* mvesthatt‘he«~1?f0£»f4}iimS1iflVad§<3I116 I<31nda;.1ar%d ti1rne“cE!11frorn7} “pur1'uif1g after 1.12 zwid'., ‘W hen izféfalom pr¢p2r¢d1a:gmt~1Arm%y againffhimahea prayed and prevai1¢d- Afiir/:0z25e11<901%¢d1u»p0n ?>4W’5 compa: a._s;:é «.«..~ea1; cpxgpapyy, Va:;d1undertakcth ‘with twelve 1,t1io:1fa;ricLt<> Nanquifil »him*13’bm:.~t111€Hi-31n1t11ar11W3S; (0 PM cfi ‘Dem Wfidofié 5’? ” ,&:brifide11]t;5écai11‘é‘c$fthc*.£’crerigtI1 ofthc e11em}f,,a[;d the weakheffe of ziaroianéver thought ‘mt power D4‘vidh2CWithQrfi=h,¢ lightaloffh horfe, 21nd.knée1e% d9§§?9e%an”d.1f%idé1?*f”€r¢i5 £5¢.‘i°4’0f17‘l7t'b- ‘*-1... '1... ‘ Atageof £1131; CHER]1€S;t1hOug11Mt11€i_ff outward 1:eng.t.h1 1 ‘1?/ai W *£efa§»e’: the nu"r'aé£e%r£.£duf m6j€ 610 V H 3_:.A ndfia fteaf,;t?hé‘;t his'%*;eni3fr31%f% fr:?lv1M’rbcfc)f& {him 5 his}, pmyet was .:fho:.jt:.,.,; .bu'n ".few?a.n t 3. and‘ ;1.j';faith£u:llM. 17bis~mékcch~mucl1forth; comfort; andgmcourage-‘ 1'}I1i€§C1t:0f;3fl’1btrh¢;}I-«O1'dS‘f€fV3fi1I~'3;;§5’;th;3C%‘¢IE1 the1e.timcs% dVefen"Ce‘:ai1d(ofFenCc;% :Thcre~i* s the mo,rei comfort A f“Q1«1¢;zw_~4 ASZJaraJizi$‘way. :5 if vva:)z:;:ive1:2y.. M4p:r’c:?x?aIent ::f(j£ . the‘prefén~t;e*xample; becéufé.'he**p3‘gyd fped ~thus,; A 4 after-The *"ha.€l sfilémxttcéd zan %i”tr0‘c1usj {i u 1n"tI‘“1;c matte Of” W545 :“;t‘he fafi wfiaé¢.?fOu:Ic,” Aarrd;.1:A1§i;e:= aggra5vatioAn. of in may be taken‘frQnjithe%:Pa.-fable Of7\Lcz.t/m;é,‘~ and the fefitemsse ‘that r0c’eede"d"0ut of4themOuthrof 1>aw'd,v hi%mfeJ1f againit himfe1%f,V_Iitt“lc:w thinking. then that he had: bed.n:;[thIe mat; ;;;thj:t_« ha4dA 7c1onc*f0.\rv:ickedI.§n ‘againfb 'f0.ml1‘7®Lnef{:‘a fer;va~n.A,tA ’asV:V % killing thaVttArna.n,itV Aputteth into my m.indAs’e>cmders.% 1;i_11fng of calzflbemesgand of his w0rds;to:on%e that V ma0=ingellig¢f1C€i of a. grebatovcrghrow giv:etn% co. 0/‘itfv_"—.9fl8‘,GOd did great things for ouxrbrcthrcn of that Naxion_,whcre0fwc: have caufe to rejoyce ; thcy arc: our brethren and con federatcs of the &fan1eLfaithb with us,andbl1ave %defc.r%ved our” prayelfs and g(f)C}d,-\ebn~f'&;‘ deavours fortI1emm, by their prayers for usbin our trouble, and the great fervice they have d0nCA_v'bt_O‘;{th£.$‘ A ’ Iiingdomg and to tl1cC11urc11bbof G<:>d amoi1g"ftbus—;b they flwxvéd bzcaic and “cout8g¢a.b. %:i*1ien;Wee in a manbn6rbhad»:b1oi1 b011r~bfe1V<‘-S, §m:dbitbh;<=re; was littleblifc in us fgb they havebeenb 1I1fiI‘1;1m¢.flt8 to, promote the Reformation WhiCh AVWCC %h3V¢r..5; that‘, b Cbhurchb was;bfamousbin;thcb Refborme<¥b_§313uw1:*ch;e:s» fabbrb: doéirinea W01"b_bip:.gOY¢tflm¢flfs€md~d1fC1P1%fl€aVVh¢n.: ours was in anill naméb for Corruptiésg that Church had tb c honour tobcin thew Amityipe to P /9174616/1?/1i4,b t.1];,ei*,.bA«e~[}f of ’t‘1*1]Q‘f-C Churches of Aifia, "II;wh§n.fOur§« maflei :11cAntityp¢to Iyzog!icbea.»;hc ,; éfifthfirffifr ‘fie’-1}; andthey fihave hadthbe h21pineflTeLe.t0.keep their; b3~I’1ld; <1uickcn’dbbbus;b . Brigbtmm in «poo-capfi C11ur~chWithoutbgwlucrefieaorvbbfe6’cari¢swf9r abme fifty A yeaxrés s.;~andgre4tcr law A btbenibtk batbnmdvabb,tb4??b,bt¢ 14];‘f§?@Wfl§f/;‘«§§:'z%sfé’?bgb‘f?”£9’€4'ab3n‘d%.FhW?;fl?@%h§%i{¢73d£119’, E um ‘ M3 w atbnpow. 1st§:§;vg.ar£nbeabb rxxighatbhave" fit bhad it »n$3%=ér " A 1 Elm tmh 31?@£d*£h¢1r£3Y¢:¥§§9°..{*°“¥.§" 3Cor.I-1'. V’ 3w;;x.x4.u, é3‘539fh3YWei?é:39 “ A * ehgy will "BfE**IiF:Ve¥—)15;{ufv~m;t0 aA1—1a[ir,a%s~Irxaa§j‘y{gy,a£fe- NA F 1; {bi-% , beflé tihAe1’*“é;T*%?iA§ “ I W: Seféaén‘-aP%t¢aabeéz'~wr nlaMJI»to2¢‘et"I:l)_? :1%'c:V.e¢m% r2*i& :ouIrvaa§y¢u1§~rarie§’~,Wztmthey PW wo,gn*cI= wlw» may‘ not they» be hea»rIcl as well as were 4? A V W V‘éItri~s*tx~1:2*‘e,they pray,fomc of themjtoour Lo%rd‘,4,4 Ibme Aw o’ui1= Lady,» as they can [bar : {ome fayy, Om‘ F£tfJe‘7*‘,~%_’fOm€5 I"dte“fnafl?e7',%% and zllaria, .fomeJmake1‘ ufeof their Beads and Crucifixes when thwgy p1“-aly ; ah”d% many rev_iIeand cu~rfe the‘ godly pa;-.. my, yea they (:1-irfc thembttterly that have come out to4;helf5the Lord agéiinfl 1;hem4ightie :th’c generalitie of them réa*~d‘fomew hatina book, but how many of‘ fir’ay' in Spirit? Certainly, there is great‘ diffeg"e‘fl(febetvrfecn their pray1ng.,and the praying on thi§L~vfidfé;’T%étid there is great difference% between the " A%pcrVfUrmé praye£Aonbo:Ah fi%des, and more théy fo%“r%:an wqre théirp mying in” form re{'pe6i':V better thzafi it £3-théir caufe is nought, and their A:-9 r"i1“~iesa1‘é‘“i:;éi)lV~il§e4tI1e A6fizlamaim~AAtmy Ed promi‘per;,, fife‘ up agéit1iffJthé "righteous, ‘and he!‘ p ithc" ly %éoVd*e moy godly méngand arebloudy.-¢ni;id~ being like: theminVothe1?vAicc”$, lbng harm h*eAaia;:.A,n¢£:egardin%g w1;a¢A¢s=%mw faith; ffiatii 3%: fwd vim »fwea.««e Ylabzg 5“ A mama mm;aera:he+r fiAtm 4 it ion» .7 In :hvm¢mrp§Va§ bf tum; worfefthan am $45.; * ‘ may M-11% um hm-e ¢ cw. ohm . am A zaaaa we aaagsamag Hcmje o_fg‘am%aa§: andLawes,. and Libertiies, and Oftilflffi fiéattd;; fat.’ them, and wee have {eerie that Geigdii hath heard ow: prayers,‘aind profpe rd our Arhmaties inaaIlp*artsavoft he King-dome : ‘Wee’ have had great incouragement c i from hea.~ven,an<:1 what ifwehavenot obtainedyet a ‘ ceflation of the ywarre, no more did Darvzdv inqthet war between thehoufe of SM! and him Pthough he prayd at firlt and confiantly, yet there was /angwarre éetween the baufe ofsmul await/aeboufe of D a—*uz'd 5 but he i obtained,that he grew Peronger and fl:ronger,a-nd the, houfe of Saulweaker and weaker 5 and the Iikewee \ have Obtained to our comfort, through Gods great mercy, notwithftanding our finnes. One circum- fiance morewe are to take notice of,and that is, that as David prevailed fo with the Lord by his prayer, after that he had finned againft him , fo it was after his repentance,8z humbleconfeffion of it unto Go :5; A after that he was inflate qua with him, upon as good « A itermes as ever, and had mercy upon mercy to his dy- A ing day. Beloved, Repentance obtaineth audience and pardon, that maketh every fin veniall, that fa:-_ veth the foule, and that faveth a;Nationi from ruine- and de{h'u6t.ien; Re pentance caufeth God to repent, 8: maketh him better than his word, when he threat- neth evill, as both the Ifmelites and Minivites found him 5 therefore to conechide, repent, and pray, and Waite, and yee [hall fiiil fee the fa1vationv0fiGod. P I mg 1 .5: 3-. Sam. 3. 2 Sam! 2., 13.; Pfal. 5;. IChr.I.:9.:a; Iames. 5. 1!: ]er. I 8. 7. judggla. 13. i 8‘e- Ionah 3. 10;. i, That very day the falvation of God was * fem wonder» a fully by Wqfia cbefleir.Se?t, ' 134. ~