e$e%%%eeee%%%e%e h V Die Mermjij 14th. Fchrriarij; 1646.. e by the Commons Affcmblcd *4 L u h o . u M ‘ I 1nPar11amen_t, That S1rRob6rt Harlqy this Houfegivc thankes unto Maflzcr gmem, for the great paincs he tooke in his Sermon ‘preached on this day hh*”§t Mzzrgm w ret:~We§1minfferbcfore the I-Ioufc ohfhCommons5A and that he do dcfire him toprint his~Sermn'§ A wherein, hec is to have the like privi1edgcAi;n7;; printing of it, as others inthe like have had. he ' W us A M if; Eyfnggcler. Paetrlg D. 4 A ‘I deeV4a”ppoi-nth Philemon Set@6én:{to hprint f e » A my Sermon. ” T » ~ 3? 0h=-HN am E‘E~N.1E';.‘ eeeeew-eeeweeeee inaSEnMow y‘: F 1;. ~ w ’ I?’ .n J ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ » ' ‘ ‘ “ '1 ‘ g ., K ‘ 1 , - . w v ,,.V. ‘ ‘J ‘: no WA %A{fc1nbI«e%d%i%di1 1>ar1iaLnem .: 2,, Hgrg momma}: more t5=fiM3c‘/éihv M“/W* tia émrrz-« I I j ‘ . I my! /r J/"4 . ‘ , ‘ '4 “ “ F . ‘ “ 1!‘ ,1 . —/I . ~ /.50: ‘ fig-gt. Ti“ ,v A in um Swim nfle&‘iorz.-‘upon if medimion,Vzjf/eriazsg:Jnomny%:mv»mwgw £@"tl?z;M3?¢Zj,~t/98% the 4 canermag emf wag» /94:11 bin to my what fi:W@e»m Q04]; A A 1:." Eat our receivin£from»éi;im:;wM$ e mm returns? unto l2imA.*«\4avid inm pi lm A E 1% “'5 . sf‘ 5» calletbupbi5- :4/at/airduéyy, LrdV V fou1e»,a11%%f%rgetA: %:g1t"'..31%1@A hisbenefits; immortéékar on/é¢itms12éit/9%‘? %%*4iWi % g . % prewlencie topra~"v0&emt'o cm; W” A J1e¢4HVet:i:m 1%-IQA3 jel/e, /Jowlae may (ice in, W 5—at~ {hal‘fl‘~l%m€i<1l4- ’k*‘W’~* ded?"unt0the Lord;1wfZor»é§}l;."hi:s%iibé“4ne%fits , A V VV ilmik & iipiflzle % le.aza’irzgu«.eb the my untogt/oiimduoz Firfc; 527/745!‘/5169’ are mutual to ml» fltberj. wlwwter WM rec€i1’€%t/9fi*0:nz.%r/W4 W. infnégzzffzring, i:}%étur'netb in great ri... ‘very; w/mt 'm1'2‘ourmnd ex/on larjon: t/Bece» lefi’izzlZ bodies draw up from t/:»eeA.mla,2§‘/ye} find6/own‘"*(t/9o4ug79fl)metimeJ inflarmx) yetorc/izmril) in refiq/bingidgawx % mit.-x " fad/km». Secondly, Bmmzzbwre to-mrtn4-dot/anottlve 111‘¢yard 4 3 C01'.9 9 7- yee1d'usfr11it.? Theflo%CI<%e\a?eé%Fé1efi¢1éA % a~fFo1:d.. us milke if 4/2¢.%g.roflnfi%A “ W bread tothe. eater Tbirdly%, I15.» . ., % “ 33. and tz~ll,g1ve ¢feead~cotheT:f’o 613:? Van, ,,,-a,_,,_ what I/2:)’ are thc Vhea;-“-— 1- vensd¢ola1~e‘%:h’e%g1or OFGC1: 610155 A ’;h3;8.11055l’4“9’£’iC/9‘m-4)’/€3W'”m0A. unWJ,Vfi¥orw W new Jaw. 4 a»yirzg%7Toft/mt hm:/éezzi T/9ilaAop/M 219..-az*. Epilfietu s, admirfng~»tbe Z_fl gl.fi,2'0~ Mfr’/%.r,.,” r1\r;.,z.+fl_%A%% u...._u.._ ‘ area/r2noé/e creamré; //9411?‘ ootpmifo om! /megoazms/mjzarzbn.wberinbe/moo; A m.eo..?j Urigcn conooinzoth that one. of too o foulofl and/Edmfu/ofl tbingxat/9ot'tl2e orooz» M otimér /6411 o 14} to .man,r»c/mrge ott/J9 do} of jtidgmokenti igtbot all oi/562 oroo zureoflooz Mo/yo. Creation have goo-no ooodientto god writ/rout t/be-lo;afl—dt’gro[s*ion5 only mom flzr » A4 Vin:/Fwtpfoéflérvioeol/¢e.§/emode) /not/9 foiloo’ }1i/9om%.£2eplea/eutb 5 and Heflringingnt/zq20n% y6{tv£rpi0t£;\9‘c;bnfzIl§} tmions" mzd¥n*;%‘ o'lution,gzzre z:tn%c{j7a¢zllb"e{t'/Je :$corz/hznt com‘i‘~2?1 pram-N A g . 4 tlietxnwdrthieft ofthofc devoted A A ; 1:0;;Yourfc*rviccW ,4 ‘ Smne fcw fatih5%Imve%i::;fcapcd in tshefiutluorsabfenk:«e:;w4hich%;may”be thus A " _ W‘ corrc€ced. Tlm;1gh‘fcw ¢f*themVwi%ll int€1‘rl,1pttheR.€adc1'. ‘~f V [.31 9;.=*m;;l i cc; o:{.:z.“6.H«I3eu.5?*z;;4.gI.:r2,g;;;VIo—h;,w;fi.5p..§i" him, (5%. the paths _aretwe%,r though M4]z’w» upb‘ntvIre,piace of A fafiwla ofiers tbhring ¢ S_ci>b places inthe Old Tetra- ment, wherein fearre and fervice“ oFGed are all __OflC 3 W V rolead you xnrorhe feadddh A ‘Imne difcovery wnereogrmaxxconeder, h (nth, TheDutyinjdyn€d,’5é5‘vérr/76Lord» 1 Secondly, The Cdn‘diti’fis ,th1'hSe férvic1fe‘eg‘ahd threfettweg threvoiie refpeéiing the hfincerityhof our fervice, bee. (‘Ir rmb; gtfhher>~t~hehcompIere. 01? 07 D; to this théwordseriead chiefly d~riVe,ebe» however I {hall balke the firfi, andendeavour We 4 ;1efl?e7of lit, and t»1'1icA~;’FOW, I am My fiallaw [ex- A Yet A4more, xvhat is it that Wcc»f¢rv:efor sf Aisit nm‘. Aegprefl by th,atwh1ch,15 mofl: honQu£abL.649nca.Fth .5? WA Cxqgzag, 4314164: imcorrtépiiéle, 4 Kizagdémc, 4134‘-M Aaqrzmtéae mamwg “an , «w,hichvm%uchA iAncr§af§§hit:bis honomr. it istha; whichthcpamrefl Saint‘: capablg cf.» and the Apofllc vmuld havc fp¢cia1lnQtic¢fa- AA1<;¢.£1 0_Afi£, Hmrkeza my £2Aeler cmr pmfiAAr,A andthm lam fi1ret;heAAL9fd “M11 ' have our :f¢:x~vi¢Ac2,A and en1:»£@lMes; t~hat»profi@5 'wbic1fi V Wifgmana 5 ma is v... M... . A.......... .. 4, ‘.‘..,..“ »..W_,_, A A To Me Hofiaz:ra5le‘HMf黧af C02Am%22on;s'.{ “: A A _-74 ~ ..x.—._..... A '.;1”fihé‘Vf*e‘rvAices inthé‘ W or1cI W%i%l%lAAnC)faffo1=d. 4 In #311 of“h=<':%'r, t1+iou’gh forxie ajy comecotmferfiu r-A ~ yam, yet the chiefe&A gr%:iine%Ais Mam-:r% A-,;Ain;GoVd much arc)” dAo'fomefma11 c':ha1‘cs'A (as was call 'fh€fI‘i*) Wifh'#‘ out li:5%éI<*i“ri‘g%for ady yfiay; fibif fo m Gods few1¢e,was it not {aid to him 't‘h£it Had 1mprovedA’the on:-pounAd« A A Eémm~itfed f?o'hini1 *3 jwlf than good fEr=z2am!31i’ecaz¢fé*tIant& Luke 19.17. Ina/i b”ée7¥é” fziitbfidl in 4 {very little, /mm rim; aéltirarzfi our mzA4citie:«.;, accIc:f;itanAcVe*A~foun"d t”/dd pvm-VVV?a!a%d M, 3. dame: mac mites? and what reward promifed to m'+up%‘icafMa:¢h;Am.4z." A A cold water gisveiz to oneof.tlJqfiAlzttle Me: irHIJémtm‘é'~of’ A alizfcjplef M J m V V V A ” 1Th1rd1y~,» Defire W68 't1h£it Tervice WBiE11hafh':iH.. 32 V the comforts and iirccuraigerrienw that‘ bee deu. %fired"Aar found in anyAAfer¢viAce formzmy fkrvices may “A promifc gmuch -gains, yet fowrcd with *fL%Ch‘%preféfit %A%?flaverie%:md hardflaip, a“sBct:ter.1oofehopcs A of Vprcsfit, 4 then%unéic1~goe4¢the Bittéffiéifeanddtoylfidfffidferviéeg V A A *At1iu*sit isndt’%‘itit‘t1é fer‘fv1cdof‘God4;A4 4 A ‘ 4 “ “ Would wee firit ha: geAtAHi$‘yigg9;1ragex1h:;é”ti€, iofée 1; ¢ A mm‘? A fureoFhelp,t and fuch asmay inable us to doc :11; W { gt i ii A AflSormor1at‘tbéMontb[y Fo/Zoo Feb.24;.16o.7. ii _ worlgrequired, which we i. cannot doe by our owneli A Pcreyngfh it know then there is no work which G ocire-~ . _ quirethof his,"but he helpeth the-m.to~*doethework required 5 to inltance only in that of ~ Prayer ; doth. A pmm,l,o., 5-. ii God COIntnand collopooo me in the day of trooolo 5 we L Rotnans 26- ate in ttoubleyof co-nfcience, dejeétionof fpirit, it may be in fome fpirituall defertion, or otluetdifirefie, i A and would willin Iy pray, but can too truly faywithy the Apofile, we now not how roomy on we ought 5 heare an; ,yincouragement,ltTbo fizirit botpetlz our oofirmjzie: 3 who would not ifervefuch a mafienthat willnevcr put ghis fetvants uponany work, whereunto he vviillf notput his helping hand '.’ The * Church aclcnoyvw ledgethof God, row Lord ho}? wrought yo/ly oor 'Ifa.z.5".2.x.< E work:yz'2zw,,faith~the Text afar wflaithythemyargent. 2; V’ y A Secondly, Would wee have this incouoragement,’ Romnnst 7.19. thatthlough in many th1,ngsweofi'en_d_ — ..ani.i:mt_tfl;; fay with the Apofile, The gooditljoti Iihnrooldgf Joel iooot,l mo! do: evil! that I moyld nor, toot do. : vire would; A yet hope that our unwillingfailingsl {hall bee yl for~5- Maiw ,7; git/ens’ hearethe Lord by the Prophet, I will A are A him oo 4 man jjmretlo 12:3 anme fbmze I/mt flerwtb im ,-, that of the Pfalmift I conceive looltes this way; How yjoycefbe fozoleuof toy fir‘-v4nt;.,for tbou Lord arty good om! roadytoforgivo 3 A that wherein thy fervants weaknelle A scaufeth him to faile, thy goocinefli: moves thee readli-A-. ll~yto,forgive. A l l A ‘ Q N “ “‘ (Y 1 it A thopesofcomfottyandproteétioneéy and nothing dothlyi ignore expofe tothcniailjceof men and devilis»: then 3 ;_fI7hirdl~ , ‘Would wee iin.titneys¢of danger have to to L the ietaviceofi God 5 heare the Lora bythCP1‘.0plE1cg: A “ e _‘ ..__ A To-At/Je Honooreéle Hmfi-.;;“' +CammomA. A A 9" A:MiirftV4tA1ire:‘4.tniAng.;, flvercffore moo member you to the H-3. 3“AiA__A;”_,3A, V _fpm}', om’ ye ,flm!loow Aelonme to the floog7oover,n Ioeeoofe M, A V A agylyaoo oz://eolA ye dm’-not emfsver 5.‘W]9€}’r' I Wke‘ye»oIz'd not ' zloeere, out Aoiedewi/1 loefore Amimeeeyees, Aoooolwoieboofie time . . e.,,,1,m,<,, .1 .de.[igbtea' not : tl9nere_fiereA1A/71.//5 flziit/J t/oe Lord ' AA ” .504, A $3/;ola’Amy ?”4”t3o;..Jba7l»eote,‘o~é11t ye: /he/1 ire loom- A A AAAgr_y; my firvooeto {ball olriooke, We yee flmll bee thirfiy; W .;'6’ Gad, t/Mt’Anve=‘m4y»j>lmj?a /»;i»m_”°' (~as"th‘eaGem=zJgz readsit) and‘ hav@i%nrerePc~ in :tho*{'e H ’p17iAviledgcs of his fervants; take vve»noticeof*the‘~con— chtions‘ rcqwred II10Ll1?— fe1*v1cc;, it mwfl we: 1-. 1;: firmly; ” 32%. V7/2':/.7. all‘ ow» /aearth: in truth-% ‘Without ' Ewypocrifie , . V with an our heart, without partialitie-~:‘ God look- eth thatahisl fer‘v:mts,Afl1ou1d‘%be truly his,.4;1nd wholly ‘ A hiS51'C‘qUIl'CS'bOth the mward ma n3anc1:‘thc_ Who16;§m3m~ T $ % .4_VVhat; it‘ is tofcrve God inmmé, will a’pTpea4r‘e”by ” that wherew-1th%1t»A IS joyncdvw, and that in this very du-.- V 3_ o£b;24 :4. my, Eeare the Lam’, ,4na'truely apply that of -Chrifh. The /amrqvcommetb_mm’ now :3‘, when the {me V ,,,0,/],,'fl,g;¢;flu:/l%»n:ar/bl}; the father 2'7; f1birit‘4ndtrum5_3 « fiar five F4:/aerfieketfi final: to%wor_/biphim. ‘For inquiry ‘what is to bee done, thatallour fer- ‘vicgcs rmy b¢4.pA€1?f0Itned«.zfi fmt/2 .2 for thzs two things are requxred, .¥F.ir~fl5that we do all bfira right~ru1e,whic11"isoriiy that , 'VVo1‘d,wl1i.c.h(as we have heard) is theword of fritth, or as thcNAng.e11~%ca]1d‘ir, the Scripture of Truth»; hem” .MQfC$, 13755.,/Jig:/Z oéfrrrve to do 4/: the Lomlymzr-Go2.*l~cof;2— % ."'mztrm’ed .y“ou,, yzéuflm/Z fiat Mme zzfideto tlaewigbtt/wander ‘to we ‘left, that is, as Umzfim upon gfoflum. 1. '7. * =-fobferves out of R. Lervi-5 Mqfe: cxplaines himfelfc, “Wl;mA tb,i;%z‘_g~[«§e«z2er command you, dbfirvc to doe it, you/ht/I not aa'de.tbsmmz‘o, -nor alimin}/71fi*0m it. 1% f«zz4z'22e ( faith C H av. 13 T )vdoe they worjbip me, tedc/ring for ;:lazf?¢'.a'zszJe'%: xtére cammmdemzmtx‘ of men; hence the A ; ApoPé~lc-cxhortingjzw girve up war ,boz:lz'c: diving firm!--6 ~. John 4.. "z 3»; ‘ A "Vfé I»; 13 ~ Dana 10 o Nlatth. ;%‘5.A:x9g A A flee? Z707}, 1 Md acaeptalrlc to G0“ D , ; ivlyicla z's»oztr;rgzJ&na*-er Rom, 1-,; if; 52;; ‘Able flaw:/2'56 ackicth, iprorvc, wlmt is-tlzegood and Accep- A Qalvlewiil of G 0.2:). A 7 A A A ¢%Sécond1y., our férvicé naufl: be éidné ’tc>4a'tig'11t-endg w}'1at.t11aitis,, the Apofilehathtoldus, W/azzrfiwmrye %doe“, -doea/ltoV~tb2glary‘of God. Truth in=ev‘ery fexvicc I cyethGQd;hyp~ocri-fic may ‘lookea fquintatG:<:>wA;za, butdi1‘€6?c1y atfelfecndsywand fe1dotrmorncver10o1<~ ‘ 2: 1 Car. 10. -3*!» ffh at G on i‘n_;'1-myflervice,,Ibu~tthroughfpetfiaclesqf =¥ ielfc-.-‘love : fuch aMZ¢%alore was gfebu, ;f¢1‘v~ing G hm % A 0%. fhis own:-ends; w; hcnccAWh§é4 ‘ um-uiwv ‘ nvhn 1——..-. 12 A‘ A 1/1% Sermon at tbe5MMtbly+F4fiah%Feb} 24;. 1647. '2, Kings 10 16' % L43 103 % I I1- Ect.:§{- - 43 1 ~ _;4g_u5?J J:!i’ is 4 Eng 2'2: A fAevem1lAI’cations ) in~'I’r~ut=I1:’*Iet theznas they beenand“ are to» [carve G‘ or caufe and gfory in their pIVacesA, M‘ariée48--:34?’ I.4,_,2-‘O . A A;gmuAr4 A Hr-acl&’;:4 yef'WA:giivt$-mac léave to fuggcff, , j thVatVtherc - 441A;a;m3{,atmoAA4%grand ‘ whomwwfifarfi fit {he trod-Qut;, accord~i """"""‘|I-av he braggesfiof as./.—’Au;r @4135 4 G0 ».tI1i-catens toavengewv ‘aw Hzezfim t2‘batA lbs1Jetb.» murcher %: fucmh was Epkramz, M trg4é.i£.‘0”£' htfia AAAGvma;, not th at 036131 labfour, an ahcrefore {he will owne; turne rnwig caring to plow, becaufe no prefent fe-lfe-adAvantageA A,. gflmlt ms mum-l:— tfi: Come. Such‘ werc% th*~ofcA teacldm, tli4t-caafe¢lD2’q2i/z‘om-arm? M éygaodmard: zmJ~fltirc4 » fim;-1?, which fe*1r=veA ST, éwf Mei?! owner‘ Diflinfiam. lhthc Church, and‘ flléfifibes deceive we bems of tlaA’e am owArLmdT sm 0 HAARAI é¢lAlyA;:% that is, fa=iAth Aqwéfiw», K. aitné at the glory of CA game. ~ A V A A Vvouldthen PAa.rliameni‘*men§. it‘ersAA haw affiw-a4nceAAA that they doe nof in t:hci:r preach-~ H 11.. I s '1': , but their own: Magiitx-aAces,AJ3{IAiniv% .1}; their h¢art:s,.. at their ends,Ahav'_c:-W n, to advance 1115- what rule they have aéied by, wh fcxvct thcmfelvcs 4: A If ffiid, W/9qfie'v¢x~ willra ma’ ¢r§fl€7‘~' me, let /dim defly 55777‘-A*~ fégfi-5. and certainel y wee {ha1‘1*-never with 04165 5... * A - fbl1mzz~ GT'A«‘D'fitlly,4 whim‘ §f%@1‘fe A f’é*a%nd~s A in: the way :3 4‘ V " he Ic.ingdo4me; in Cht%‘1rch~~~a%nd Smte hath fufFered*« A imuch by %difafFexSted;¢ Malignants-; %j_%a»nd~% m¢A anas have*A»A A,bt1:cn'? AandA?Aare:%u»fed~ to» difaover!-}thAemA,Aw, and IA: Awiflm ~ t.heyVAwcrc: all fdundé; om: that-* are the A troublf¢ .r~s4 of Aworke in than wherein has A ; t fevvcdg by feeding on the com%. mg to that} in the Law, 72291;.- am , when» MBA‘ tr3.4(5l3 tb' 锢. I 35¢ ‘ A ’”th‘eix*" orby their p 1agcsf0:~ A 15: Ignowne What Chm’:-011664 nag‘. % nu---u-— :T¢tAbeHMaI4ra&le Houfe of Commm-AA; " A A :3 130‘- fak:C»d’u%C,fl0tiG€ of, or tooinfilinéblév V 339 favour, under which t_hc C9mp1a_int is that the Ifingdolflfifi dothyet fuffc~r, mthatf they havetoo much: influence upon Committees: and" V‘Otes -.;,»A I mcam felfe and alter Aegp _., A0111: oAwAneA1ntercfls, and. favour’-A ffriAcL17:':-A’ A A AA _ But: that I may moi: Forget my fc1fe*,A and? how? V farm the time is already fpcAm,A Iprocecd to the fa- gond condition requircd’inV~ our fcrvice of GA 0 D -,-.AA It beAAWz'tb= alltbe I2e.«trt': by hear~f,A we are norm m1nd"erf’cand’ that fleflmly partin our%n:ttL1ral;l“bodies,A A but the fp=iritual‘l part, :0ux:f0u1es, often joyncd? Aandi: &requ%ircd;‘ thi5AAAdl1WA0f f€‘!‘Viflg A0 13*AaA€h§4Ala€t¢if‘ AA A A (asconeeiv%eA:)‘éxpl%ainingthe fo1‘~meAr,A iruihat of M0-- Dcut_I\O%_;'zn flue, Wzatdét/atlae I;%0+1% DV*reqzaire of thee, mta‘ flame ,1, ;,AA all!/79’: fmléi foA~i'an~thc:Afo11owing chapter 5,.nfiavt‘lr'i‘§‘z,}.w,'3-t,!~l..T At2bc4 ONE D‘t5y= 6' D” wit/5 A 411 %t5yA; bemt, dfid With‘ A all the faculties of the foule, thfiVnAd6rFCa£1diAng~t11A€%* “““ M eyc of V the foul: ,, the M‘e;m01*y% the fogxles 1~ccm2-.AA der, the af£c3&ions,AA theAA% fcetc. of the fouls, with»alj£§ _ A mh%c%refl:?.AA A‘ A A A A A AA %Andthis G onrequireth, A Firf’c;._.A becaufé the foulcof an, Rwfi mi 4 4re;fid=Acnce, and (as Imay fay ) chaircof flateis~inA-1:Ah:cé .‘ é heam «tho:ugh inc1‘ofcAd&4Vin Athe” body asa prifon, yet: ** ; itis Athere,A%asA fr‘ [5 in thc Kings prifon xnEgypt,King;VA ‘ x mm (faith Summon) gwidétb /ix’; mzmb; way: A me heart’ fwayethy; that: way; gocsA tongue.-»A than-* A as it: Wm: in-that prifonsg. havingi as 3. %Sow.=AraigAncthc‘ coAmmwandA? of Ath;c~ whole man :. ¢TI've l2e4nAt~* of‘ wzfi * A M A ai Interpr;¢tc3?:*V of Atlie; A heart ;A when‘ _A %G.ods1cau£eAhath,A. the heart» it {ha1A1Aj.A havc"th¢fvflma%' f % « P‘59.§ 15 -33‘-Q; A I4 i V 1:? 5cr;m:v;‘a;tI.2e Mfiffiitnblfyi Pkg? (m»Fcb.i 2.4 “ 91647. L A My ‘job. M Pet; 3. 4. i i Reafbfl I’f:i1. 5. 9.‘ » Prov; A2 4‘. 2. 1 Pia]. 5; 83. 2,. ‘ i A‘. 341.4,; . A i Ring iithiat AIi'1%éE ‘fliould notirefraincevillaéfioins irilife, A .4uiniefTei~111s heart~1‘efira1ned from evil! inclinations. A Rezzflaia 1-Iofea6.%4. Lula. 8%. is‘. 784: 3370 I cotiied-givei“you other p1aces,7Hwhe1‘c tihiciéyc ._, the éiar€,*t&hé."féet; difpofed andcommandcd byit‘h’e=heart; " {O Elz'p£uz,2i;% of the whole 4 in fan, KW/2} dot/2% Z‘lJZ'?i76'.ib£’47'$ mm‘-e télfflfiflwfly is’ ih‘cnc€¢i1o"bfervc,i that‘ fthcfipofltie calls thé heart, the mim, ii:1ri*h“atexprefii{fsn, t/Be /éjdderz A-man ef the bezzrt; becaL1feiit*wdifp0feth of the whole * man , mew cwjnfizzsg eff ewzfqrta, evcxy imainmjg as ‘h1S?fl1iI}%Ci IS Gd D th‘Tere?fore'in“'l1is’*f:fl:Vice rfleqiuiieth the heart "for thati ‘lairougiir cm 1; itliké iihc m.a{‘cci~_ 3 ‘iwheclei Lin aiciock, fwiil tumc anti. bring on zill in n'izm.ii A AA ill ’ God have the heart, ind ifgopc emf “n:aI1go0d- A ne£fe— in any Vpart elfc 5 ‘If’/me two: a fm ivéra’ in their 7mattt;’7,2ra?itZIii7 they arekueify.carmptio;:;0ir:as 0ti1.:‘rr;a read; t/aéiri i&e4r‘t is =vmfm,a vain:-3 heart h21§hiai}7ingtongue : A iagaimei 4tlJez'~r berm: imagifietb clcffz‘i~za¢'?iiafi, and their 11125 A i fpealeg mzfibirzfis ’: where malice withVin,.i mi'fi:hiefe without; 1 {O in another 1%-aime, fy 66 imzggineimifc/Eiefe ‘in your /ae:zrtsi,=yozari/zazml:iexemteioiueltje,iiiiiiii,mriifc?hiecimus *__ thoughts " -have bloudy ’ defigncs, ..iiwi*2atcv“ill tiic ‘heart vcontrives, the. Thand 1S*1‘c‘.'£3dy to 5‘thercfo:*c: Dmyid praycth, émline mt 7¢¢y'/2caz'ttomzyewllzbisag,£01274» . wickedwork: witfa Mani tilmt ivwarfkeiiiiqziity,‘ imply-A A ‘W=hVat‘~fhcwiof beginning of gooéindfefecmes to be iin»aniy,i that colmmexhznot from the *h¢arr., will like " ’I1-*a5fi*45 imomizzg Clam’ mt cdrly;demv, go: away and not A .icontinue,w‘hat-cauied the word likcthe feed foweniiin i thoféth=rc;e fc;rtsii<;>f groundcome t0‘“not_hin;gi «if it was. A bécallfe notiraceirvzciiirztaiagoad Md. /.2036}? heart ;,wh£11: occzifioncd that utifetledfieffe ‘and réiirdlti *5 tfl/.zcfy‘?a1m?eii2¢ot % A fledfifi 19% iizovmam, t/geir bedrrzmr not rig/at $172/I , . A4 .. A A G0 »Ta%t/5eAH0nuaA.'méle Hoagfe of Cammomu AAA AA A A @m;_. ggthe Apofilcs cavéag Atnkehecd, 1%/E x/am Aéw Hag A3A.AiA:..»., A j¢‘_,¢, AA Any ofyom an evil! /Mart twlepartfifom we Irving Gm’ 5 A ‘ A AAanAevi114 heart my feena to-hold with GodAf0rAatime, cannot hold 1m*:g,colou-r-5,. if the gmrund*asithey " call ix:-‘motgood, %areaptto~c’xecay%3 Hypocrzfie n3o£t.a- . IyA€nds,inAIp0fiafie. A A4 9” I~fha11 touch upon the o*t11%es;Abm.nch of“*thAisAcond1r+ A izion requiring not onlythe heart in (3AOd‘sf<:rvice,V"b4L1:t AA »Chee1‘fu1n€fl’c of A't11*AeAhear“c*. :21} the lueam. Wh~ich*ta1%es AVi%nbot11.thAe inti1';en€fl"e:a11d.;,_ A For Vfirfi, ‘God cannVot*enAc:I~u\re avlirviaiéa’/aA2’ari3 Atlmr 4 1'3‘ _ AICCANAZI A halting Eetweenetzvo opinions, orVast11eM'argcnt,-Atwo 1K1.ngS18‘m‘_ tzhoughts, Imtxvixt Gad am1°Bzmlg 1i1<<-:A*‘thrcA.AARive1*,He~a érz.»/xii in /inizaiidg ‘that runs foflowlyg as;1mrd1%y Tdifteru. AAned:~which Way itruns; a fiaggering*m:mVis cafifjr _tz4mm’A Mt At/:eA way :, Whc':An your Tlzams inits flow A »eomess to; a‘ A fiandirig wwater, “ the ME"bbA..p4ref=:nr1yAfo1~ om fivll'yA.. Ely mo1ie_t'_han. it‘ felfm; noAt*etA1“tertaAine i%O1‘£"A‘ thrown down ;;t110§iC_f;?6frv:9i0/5:178 /mltimg-are azprto like Heb‘ my 13;. A Iovvcs-5 LiAndiPfi:-rexlcic in R;e1igiQnA isA»th<:'. next Pceptot V g A AA A A Apoftatizing from Relxgxon. % A % A ~ Thche_art:gxv&ntot11e fervicewof God,flA1onIdt}1is ‘A be 1ikeA*t11e H:zlw'm.mefl~, Whichthey fayg, cannofhold A fervcany crc:at.ure tothe prejudice or diffcrvice ofthté‘ A enouglu, when Awelove or~fervrAe any thing'with==God, I C mater. '5-f01‘ c:mrtaiAn1ywe neitshcr Iov-eAnAarAAfe1‘ve¢ G 0dA w~hichAAA%we%doe notloveand ferve for Gosh A A 4 A Nor Secondly; wAi11*GQd accept0rAdc§1ight"intthAatA; ‘ A 2;: A few-iceAJw%hicI1Ais damegrudgikgly,andasitwere‘~vfi2se~5Az czgr. 7. 5;? r M aefiz'tyA~.-,-,when- Awc_earerkeAp1;4inA G0ds'~fcr%vIce, Aasumflxly-. ‘A P‘~’*~‘- 5f *9‘ A beafls i.n~aPaf’c“L1re,.AAéy.A;an~;f£»ea’ge44of7 rla2ar;¢e.:_.;the herds-HofeaA.2..6.. own: c::=p;rc.{{i0n,, AA1b?m~e inc omzc1*AieAn’ccw0u1d‘cc>a::fseAfoA.: A A A “ A % our.‘ A A it 16 ‘ r our fclvres sitimay be lbofl"ero ourrefiaresr, if *wee~fhoui& r A A Sergiéafi at the Monthly Faffon Feb. 24. 1647. A r defert the ‘fervice; but let the hedge'*be troddcn dowa, or fome gap made in rt, the ibeafis,brea‘~l< out 3. let the - t ‘caufe ‘wee formerly adhered to, be in fome »difrefpe¢’c, ’ « or not adva~n.cing our private rdefignes, or a wayopen to avoid the incon-veniencies that ‘hedged us ,i'n_;, ifome it may be, whofe marc’h before was in the fa,me~ca ufe, has Jaime: ;, their pace as Hamel: light rafffaoteaia zl wilfi ‘ A‘ it. Kings 9.2.0.‘ 1. Sam. $.18. ZExod.I 4.z 5'. :1. Kings 1 9,16. Maxims’. 3. «take 14,. 23. AV]? 2.’ Eph. 5.x9..b 601-3 . I 6: i Ezech. 53.302 3 3- a Sain.1.r 3. Matth. 15.8. if? ago Rae, i now ?l.i=k-re the C/axzriotiaazlyeclas oft/are Egyfztiama-5 they -drive ZI€d"Z/fly; are as lame as Mqabiéo/bet/2, or like ‘the ‘bed-rid Palfie man, come not till brought on by 0-}- thers, or as the unwilling gue~fls,not;a2mc in, tillin 4 manmraampeld. , r at V = “ , ‘ a t \ Take ‘twoor 3. fl1o§t“uTFes of both thefe branches «.5 Firm,‘ doth ‘God in every fervice require the heart 1' then know, that no fervice {hall find acceptance with e A God , unleffe God in that fervice doc find the heart 5 am melody tome Lard infinging Pfltlmcs, -unleife we jing r with grace in our heart: ;“1Godi%sn*ot“fatisfiedthzrthis word hath the care, when the "heart is gone after the world»: that prayer will not reach heaven, at not finde ‘ acceffe at the throne of Grace, unleffe with Hanna/z,i there .64: a [peaking in the lmzrt, thofe are by Chrift re- jeéied as Hypocrites, that draw mm to Godbmitlirlreir t c moat/oer, W/am? yet t.b€’1-'2" heart: are firr firom /aim. A Leanne the true caufc why-the outward man 1s {'0 unwilling to ‘yreelde sumo God ., "s the feetfo hardly brought torread in his Courts, the cares fo_efinerafalrea-dy~wrzz‘er .- ‘Will open theeare, if “9 Lydia’: opened heart wroughtan attentive eare:,lwill‘fpeeél 86.. 12.. "I116 feet; I will rgm Mae w.¢y»of tlgtcommandcmenta, lwém A flraz; jlaalf-enlarge hey Zeart. _ ii i e = Nor ikwill the heart Qnly'l1ring"tl1“e‘Wl10le man to ‘God, ‘but will alfo held him iclofe to -God gl when iDa‘w'dha(‘l A prayed, mo-7.» me‘ 1/2} way 0 L0 R 19, promifed obecli- .to.inforce the fervice of "him, takethat 5ofMafc:,=*lzv ” ienceg Ilwill walk My truth, he ad deth as a Fpeciall meanfi to “lceepe ‘him unto this, unite mybem toAfeaz‘r.'e My mum"; 1&0 part will willingly fall off from God ,, Awhilfi the heart remziines 7 lmit «unto God ~; no bands ormifigs fciefcu faft andfure, asthofe ofthe-heart. _ A _ A I have élene -with the Duty and "co‘nld’ition*s.'requAircel:;,~cle¥l ‘fire ‘to borroAw more both of your patie-nceaind time, for fprlelfingA A the reafon ufed by Sazmzmltoin‘f0rcetl1Céluty, fir)’ .eo22_{ialer wI34tgre.4t't%:ing: be lmt/air/one fir ‘yva. H A A 4 % The Wo1‘dtranflated confide1i.,,?is in the Hebrew,Vz'alete, Bgxglfil ”See,A applyed fol well to theeyee of the mind _., as*of the be»; . I ° gdy; ‘ar1d¢ilmiplyet.h,thata.ll Gods wo17ksToFmerc'y§ {hould A be fo carefully afid Continually rememlf>fed*ofL1s, asrholze A A things are, which we ihavefiilliineourleye, A : *1 = A That‘: the {erious confideratAionA of G:0d7S m3eirel€9$yax%gitve‘u[g your éajies 4%lirz2ing&%fir;rifite; /9121]; A qqgzgtaé/3 God, wfizzc/9 zxyazzr rcafinaéleflrwifie .- agaiyé;- _H€‘f;3_,‘”_zg& nz/7afe}3gfl2re< — 1,376-2=€6‘&i‘U~i2fig a kiragdiame tézzit cannot éaamomzed, letw \ A 32;; have grace; nziverelvy. we may gzgxerzce zwdgadljr fevzre. fi?7*U£I_G0d»'d£t£gtd5{y g;w':r5re-- . E,,;,,;,,e l,a,§..; [That th¢«r€aFo.n.i4nAthc Text may rczichusg ¢»icu1ars’-'» theft foureparri-culars. ‘I. .' r _‘ 7 I 3; \ E3€C~5'«2 I6. A A A at»gr¢attl1ings%havefibE:énT% dam for * 2; hat afl thefc g»rieaft:~ things have bin§done—A ‘ by the Lord». 3;...” That »thefe"great things fli<5uA1’d'%’Vnot be foxt- V gottc%n5:but-Vfiill i‘[]"jO‘i,-If!‘ eye‘. -4». What the gxf¢att11VipgS,tf_ha£ %h3Y;¢iAbifi:;J%d£mc_ :;fo1?hiI*5mIfl3_é>U» '7 ’ 31lNVVVd05 V Amgm thgmnamext 1=rm=« 7 ‘ 5? A " A ’ " V ’I?h a?:; great-things have4—biAn dwbne form, ih our coun{EI‘1§,'. incur. war-s.;by% Land; by Sea; many fincdcfignes blafied; dangerous plots dAifcovcred:; great expq6tafi;ons¢fl.u£hja;éd ,_ graegt Armi§5«% d‘7Efi:ated‘;. g‘1‘ca‘t€ %v{ié'f§:)!1‘i"c:s ‘0b*tain%ed%°;" gi:cat~ gafbmzb after a »bri€'fe% rchearfallyofxall, aIfif’c'ancc‘5 ‘fi:o»ri*~1;'our% B:'ret&hrcn-of? Smtlzmd, great fa§rhful-- npife 4and*fVvcouV1'age in VCommandersand~Souldiers~;, great: IWag2z2doz¢3.;},andwi%,athefs w¢1I:«afl‘e5&edfi; V iew‘;¢ta and zaeymz ~tfi£,i1+'.~- V fiawegzgl %?V%merc1es% %¢1n»..keepi~ng‘Athc d'ev’our%ing«% fw.ord* ,C 3 fuppIies..fromM.t«he4 cnownedandV%we1l:defervingCitieAoE‘% - Q39 #3‘ % V A “ %%\ft§$;i1:;Vogar hzj.bitation~s itl.t§H€fE *parrs,f13eathing the fword of ~ ~ the PcfiNi1en%ce:%; ihopcsrof‘ rcveming»'the em’/Z-arrow offit-~ mint; prciervingthe-;u‘n:ion_;betwixt‘ thc=«two 7.N’3‘;fViOn*s5who~ r ac1’j’ AiCiummom;’?i‘A %:;f A 4 I94“ 4 A =qucfiiAonab1e;I=fl1al.lA~on1y%tou£:h uponthc Lo1*ds’A‘ifia’niagifigi 4 -A ” '}ofi,our Armies‘ fciattered in the Nortih" and ‘wéflfdid not PM Imi the Lord begin to rememéerw, when me? were iiziaxlow 4 23, gflate, and the Ifpirits of many folaw as"fthc*i-t coihkilitiimn A?» » :,% 1 Sccondlyi, in r<:4iA.‘a12:ion to ourienémics, Wasfinot when their hope anti 5:o.mfid<:n»ce at the highcfit’ as fgyerall of “the Kingsiletters witnefléa little bcfo1*c.N4»z.e/by fig-hti: Sc- i *C0iUi(Ii1yi,4t:hE timewherin thcfe great things ddnc‘, wcfiehotii ’mi‘m&' of donewithAin.ithe:compafl”é of *a*y<:*é1’ré,< and that Without thc: loffe of Amuch b‘l‘<:md:' Iymmnm rvifiarzle; when thc':“L0rci beganitfo worke, ~~d~.idnothew%ork a iquick A workAxn our Land 6' Dzmmes TemAp1;ai: Epbefim, above iiIoh,,;~.w1; A gm. yei.t{1*esAir1buii1din’g ‘Mimic Temple at;§fieruféle’7ééV46. but - "to ‘make a woridi-i116. daAyeS,mufl be the”~wdr'ka1nc oA‘fia‘r~1 the Lord uft-;1di;fbr wor1s1:hoVfe«3~o%o.A-ifeleéit men in:Gideom Army Were, 11: may begbygthoife that werciidlfmifled, atm']g}2gti~e¢zery~m42zAtnv; A‘ ‘A AA A - '1 R 3- -AA Than: there Aigreati~thifigswi1ich théi Lora iil’1atiiiiiii<;J1i't¢ A 7 flaouldnotbe iforg_3ott?en,a11ithe‘Monuments Qfflodsiiigreat ’ works A recorded ;m_$_criptu;c mgy Ie!1‘<)j%11%}1si;AAt:ifx_<:i:ii1=1‘[tiivi‘fi—4 A. I A H ble Mgrcat-Vimorkw that ever~GodVdidv, the Creatidniof the worldT,,app_@*1nted to bev"rem’”embredA‘ode daymfcvcn, by 21¢} % %A Serma;¢~xzt.'t%bé)11%§'o}é;bZ3‘v %én.Peb. 24.; I 647.» W anncxingic asa fpccialigreafomfor the @bfe—rvauionA«o«fchat ~ A ‘ V _ hdétyg-i;;*’I3ahc. Pfiélmiflt’. mifldfiing us o£[_;Go?ds: great wr":>rk«sAe._,. K>IaI.u;I.;s would have gskiaow, that the Lord 1543/} made 2:11 his wow ; .m,’s,%_% *4“Adqzfigg{’14yark§ gafijr3r€W6m5red§ Vandwint axfor-men: Pfal-me cal» ‘ % ’ lath upon us,‘t0A+doc ltfg Rememéez”-bu marvellous may-k;5 I/W-~ Jae hit/1 dam. And fiI"%“:d‘Oubt U051fl¥‘«3‘.3Svh€1’€E0fOi'C you v‘vrerc:' -«I A‘ A mind‘e,dby«Qneo~f your~rcmcmb_ranc,crs, careis takcnV,tha? V M 1,‘ 5., M_ A they. Am 3)? 566 wrz'tmz. fizr t/ae.~gmm:tiom to come; andthat Mil. man. not onelyj %Aine.ou1*Aowne,bLm-in rliz-2: langFuagc, as it may béa A 4% *8‘ {aid Cjf poffible) in all the Kingdoms ofthg eartlu, as im}. M 1-353,, following P-fakn ,1‘ /ac =I»o2fd ./mzér dong gxcatfiimgy _fvr 11722922,: A ’ But what fl1ou1d.thofc;g1'eatt~h1~ngs}wh1ch Codhath; E‘; doncfor usworkc: mzus. 5." firfi togwe all %t11ic:+gloryAtoz ?:fil,;”I5.I God;-,2 N0! tW*0< M0 1319774; Wt Wtam, 5;W>-:=mo t/5y,%Nnma~ “ gjweglary .-_A $24/iig2ia;a%ais {aid to%;have madca iE«aw,, that no.» maflCr.%;_4Workman»fl=1o11Id put-**L1p:his-name4wit11inti1e»bAody; of that‘~bui1d.ifig, Vwlaichheg Amang % cfifia ~0UrV0xvne Hiflorifis W11 US, that when Wvciviéamtlzem Chaplains toV1~:dw.4 A was by him made o%verfcer of, the» H A we: kfor A1'Cp&iC¢.lO£-FWWWW C4313, tl1zit%tI1o{e.t11r¢c }word~s: V which hec, caufcdm bé infgribcd. upon: me gmaf;Towcr,; A hop. fecitwiclebam, this made I/Vickbm, Ah:zdA1=roi2.h{:e Con». .{3c,rped,%. tl:1emianorhe=1*way., “had ~10 him the Kings favour 5 ~ . ~ heart; ‘the. l?.fal.rr;.i{iizrcbling,thisV%charge.%uponVIhofcwhafa: grcatncffie makech them tQD~»apt;f0¢~:take~ 1tO€#1mu«ch%unt0: thdmfcl V1625“ ;, ‘ give mrta M6'ILc"?rd 0 ye mfg/azfy, give um t/73*» Lorfdglary andflrengthgivc zmzo tfize Lard-tbegloxy ‘a’m:& ta;/913 ;p;a;;;,_m.1\I4gi:e‘4¢: Mlmplying that g_1featpcrfons inA.£h¢*‘h~ing$ Of” Goal? ‘ 5 A ould caxjry themfclvcs .l1,ke., thcmfclvcs ,3. g@’e~:;%t1=rrougI*.i‘a.-; A withwhatgth:y,und.c1;takc ;4.. whcn.7«they««b@g~ifl ta-give unf- A 4 :9. God, %nex}vcr+ gi.ve*4%ovcr.Agivinggill gheyhavc guixgen tog ‘M-7'-~ r or “ A; e 4*‘~C1.9=>m= A ~ 9“! has 27} u i A Sermonthe23¢/or9tfilyiP}tfzi~’or¢‘Felbi‘g4. 164i7(.: I an that ‘WM€ €Xpt‘&,e and whereof the Church and State 39. 4:3. fiand in need :_,< many aShip whenlitsharh‘ colme neer the haVen.,l1ath by Ftormslbin clriven into the rnainqand there perifhed : fo me have bin caft away neer“th€lfl1—orei, as that r l in the Azft’: 5 If we expeéteel no more, then what is arlready done, we might makethe bolder with God .- but there be _ ingmnch yet for the Lord todo, fetling the Chnrch~go«- irernment in the Kingdome, the fuppreflion of e1'rotnrsl,the turningof the Kings heargthe refcue of Irelaml,and(which is hoped, Wil not_ in due timebe forgotten) the recovery of the iPal.cztimztes; it will be our wifd om not to faile Gad, leafl: ' ‘hereafiter he faile us: and turn thathand which hathhi- 63.91. to. - t ted, wherein God fightethnagtairnfia people. 25'. v ; t 1 V 7. 8;? "” \ -deemed them, and therto bin for us, againfi us 5 to think we that in the Pro- phet, In all their ajj/izificmst laee1vaseaffl;?£Z‘ed.h lmditbel Angelil flwedwtbem, in 12}: law and he his pitie be re.- /ae bare them amimried zrlfizem all the dayraf old ;, but they rcéellea’ and «vexed his laaly S pirity t5e2{:2far_e he i /7&3 preflmce met: trarnedto ée their memie, andfong-kt 4g:5i,m"f tlaem, -1 prefnme wee are iatisfied &:nV""t:l::1‘&-5¢.’;"'r,:th@¢.I i~ti§fbettet~t to haverall the Nations of the earth our eenemtesgthen God to be our enerme 5 often fpfeeches etherehavfe been of forces from other parts, and Malignants in all parts hope (if they durftfpealc out) for daygbut ifonr ill requitall of 'God,and the fins yet amongfl: us, make not God our ene-~~ mic or we need feare no power or combxnanonl ofall -enemies in the world; that warre alone is truly to be infea- " \« V 71! T he Egyptians never fp:-Ike of flyinvgtgtillnthey “God againft them 3 let mflee fizftheyflam tbefizce loflfirzzml :4 the Egyptians. The P/2”?- l 4 Glvdappeared for themi:,Tbe Pbiliflimr wereiafraiddfndféid, A % WOT!!! 5andag'ain,“wve mm W l t!!$.,l.iI17‘}J0fl7A[l2d£l.5‘lIW’fl-{ rut qftlaeihand-cfthfefi: mighty God: i firaedfigbteth for I/new again]? ;.l:y£i2mi,feared notto fight with six? imoatbetcamp, " mm: an A eeefiourtlulyeethe L0rd%~;b3ebIe1T1ibg;yeu‘1jeomifells andfo-tees“ A '1» ‘tr To ;lIeHo;¢a}4r46leHo:4fi: of Commam. J V % e 2 3 A% v-—.——.... , eThird1y,ha‘rh;Geod done.grea_jt things for use:'‘’e:2ppea*ree » 3.- we a“*ccorde.inge to; our place and power flar Gt2deinetI1eAfamee Icindiewherin he hath“ appearedfer us; fifftf‘ he hath brought‘ iti, and united the hea1'es.‘and hands ofthe»beffeafl?eé%ed in the Kingdome; lethim inanyt.hing»conce1:ens hisegloerye n have oureordialfhelpeandfur1:herance;,; ‘ A A A Gpd'1‘1‘ath{fubdued theqneecks ofour enemxes unto us 5 be 2; not we unwillingto fubmit ours to,hxs yoke, to come Aun- L der his government; we may read the doome ofthofe Luc.x9.2.7.. that f:—1id,.me m'i1l.notelvzwetléiymaiétorezgifle over 255-; /safe mine e22emies,w£r2’z:b would not 1/74! I‘ /Iamla‘ rezgne over them, pm A;-,9. ériflghit/yer AM flay them before me, And take Weeeheed; L ' Clnjifi Nhathaerad of from to breake them-in pieces, that will not come undereehis Scept/er. AA A A V» e you(Hono.m'ediWerthies)theLord hathput povsfi 5:...‘ A es: inte you~hands,to reform— and* fettlethe Agoverment of A uh;e"Chm-33'-I 1» imakexgoodthat ofrhe Apoftle, he (pezikes of A:thA€hE.t‘C- “x; ., micksdf axhofe eti*m%es,-~tL/Myjimll ‘proreedflo fiarnber, fir Meir Amadntflégf0-»fhc=»oGme'tM; and the*‘Greék ::IA“yom ‘will beam jt) *1‘-Tim-3 ‘-9-’. .._/72411 be made manifi;/loounto dllmm. A A V v Fifth1¥,Hath God appeared in'his‘Wifdoni,‘Goodnes and Power iioingevgreatthings for us Met not ourpower and parts be-wamin 5 i~n=:d~oingwhat we can for-God. The Zaccdcmanians ethe flame of 0112?, their God df A vwxfdome w1the'foure cares, and fouree andsmro {haw that A ewifdomeihould ‘bemuch 1nrhearing- what {he ought to doe -.;,i andemuch in aéting, what {he knew-was to be done; ocnddthc rather 1ec»t*'us ufeAA~wehafAwe~ have from God, -for 4 Fir&,‘be¢aufc%weAhavcallfromehoimouponan .2AccoArnpAt.; 4,: A one day to be made untohim”; and fiche meane ,A time ‘Votes aod‘Spqcches ammo: morertruly reAgifircdA il1”j.Qi”l.I"fl‘f‘ e:Wems§h9e~e§cfisncs Qfalls as ‘not I9nsifinc¢°ut*6f A ‘ ‘ . =%11b°°k5» =hcn~tAh6v re 3950395 Whof ethoewhatfeare M:.oat.Az_r,- i P1521. 2. 36‘. — this place, all ~t/aing-.c». are naked and opened ‘zmtolt/3:: eye, 3,8; is A . A Sermon drtffe Mlmtfilylfiafi Feb. 24.‘ Izim.mitb‘;w.éhm awe /mus to doe gs ‘ _ Wlhat} accompt t--henvvill they give up ,*fhat either liaye done. ncthing for God; or it ’ A may be whatthey can to binder and retard his works A 1 Tiheireis no fuchlway.ltol—makewhat God hathgiveh mg, l ul'efull..toiourfelves,as by ufing it for God -and“ his c-laufe >S~it1 reflrayning and hvrepreflhflg ; acmrding is to - our power and V 4 places, whatfqeyer is againff‘Gqdffh-isiG¢lo1fyl:am:l Tmths 1;f.;d%;“8i;i;:"xvlhen the P/2zlz,_,/Zzm: thought to have“ fixrpr-ufed Swzgzpfljnihop law? of: zm./1j]%, mberavitbbeflenz has tlmziflmdmen 5 ~afte‘r the viélorie and his praifing » God for it“ be) my fire atlzirfi *, and called on t.besLaxc},i‘ 47¢6u'ifl1Zifiltli70Mhh}}4flg7i‘ZI‘€}¢ t/a,z‘:lgr¢a£.a'g;. slzjverafiaeei into M6 54?“! Qirw)’ f¢”"’U~’mt,l xzmlzzowfbn/1fdie'for v. &h'c.fudden,._tl1e..°be{t Aweapcmthaf hie fmmd~*iwas /zjmw jm. A jzl2£r]i:.’i*hSeie how the Lordl~sdéalr VVith*hit11l‘:in ‘lthis eixtrelé i mity 5 Godlclzrzzeem 60/lam pldrre _z‘~Z2i2ztK z?mz.g.zzr2sl,t/72 jsawmdteberei i came mzter.tr,’7ereoht 5 andwben /ye ~/Md cfrézanefi ; /J‘.7'.€i.§’;)z‘7‘2"'t‘»:‘2i1;*'/‘ire again, and be rervrued 3 God ufed that for fupplyi0f'l1is'~pm«_ f<:>nalsl’iwhants _., which l1e11ads11l"eiic{l fox; h(;Q;Ci.;l»3g€li:fl'ff_7fh§_~¢en“e%~ Sixthly, hath God cionelgresie-th~ihgs i‘orl‘esle ivlllet -us take hjeed, that we Qe_not hurndoe thofe great things , and h*a~:-4‘ zard the undoing of three K1ngdomes,byi doing’g1‘eai:~ things againfl them,,and our felvesgwe may by our divifilw V 0115 undoe all in a few..monthes, W*h;lCi1 the Lord imtii bin d,oingifor,us in fome yeares ., when vvewere hofcme heart; A and WC1TrC.3b:0uttheiiiWOrk“¥ as one man: and the enemies greafefi hope is by dividing to Weaken and fuhdueuis. A A A It is {aid ,that there is a fionein Scym: , ti]a'!: floatethe ¢,ih7l_h M .i abovethe water being whole: buthroken in pieceslfiiiks foil VthC;;botome.;i_In that hcohflfifi «betwixt: thofe i fix »bre-4“ th‘re“n who ‘are Called tiles, Hiftorian ~tergejmIi;2z'fiwtre5;i £9?-mg“ ;.theiHarzttij”i~’zind i77fhe~ Cm?izztz’j=~ i had the 'tl1ree: Worundecifii .§«'‘» ‘:3’ I». wu- F s §?f{7é?f?*iJs¥!9§§i¥§§§Ell1}§F¥¥i?iX§$5 b}3S1?+€1d.t°e?th€1*ag§«ilnft l st11€m.Y ‘V ihat onééhh urvivingVofthe-*Homtij?, they “had not zr"V" T A ”%-hT0st/Jefiviivvrdble H0flfé0fCommom-V 29 _.._...._._‘._.-an . ‘ 7‘ day, i:hc;i1*l£’!'e$;their hhCountr‘iesh1ibier"1:y. 4 “ 4‘ ~ f A * And to prevent? this divifiom gtvc metme to mind;-E M ‘..usha1l., ofthe*tw.o1afl:»f“h1'an‘chc’s‘of the We fl’1*f’c“2r11*tic1c°shoh-E -«the Covenant,’ ncernin~g*_our~ endevohurshforhhutxifbrxniry f'inhhF.:e1igi:ons;‘ the viridéfthbr&~a¢‘hes‘in* ajff’eé};hibn»1htbo5hhhOftchr1A Iiifing from dhihfl"erén;c"es in hprofeffion 3 the? wax betwixt thé :TurkeandPerfi4n both u'Ma/aometmzs , r;{::ifwec]andhfomc*t1-2:. med from their differing praly ram! 15%: A from. We gzmal zhwguigm ma tlayzr e2>~=i‘>hz?zm{;~, .S‘aZ03¢é01é fuming sdivifionshin.Re1igion»,;. “hp.u,hii11ed- vv‘it—h c11iv«»ifidn oFtheh~Kihg- 13- 20+» 2 A «dome in his fomfid iys; Salézéz-ah”t61¢ratEd?h th: woi'fhiLpV of K pffhlfc Gods‘; .hat}d~‘Ee‘l2vba;gm~ ifowi-m7c1:_t¢1a‘»T.1*i!;:és ijevholringg, ., » " ScVenth‘l—y;Dc.)e We Cdnfidé’rhh‘Wh‘.atg’rea't thhihgs‘ Gbbl hath -I M A hdone for us A? then I prefumeit will notbe thought unm: ; fomableg th"atithofe beéconfidergzd Whomffthue Lorolh:.'1th.? ufedhihash mf{ru’ments' workmgthcvfe great things fetus; ~"t1‘1”c A Commanders, OfiC€fSWflfld"S()ll1d"iél‘Sa ~ Ihope thé" ébhhie A V plaihizsharcanot fo<~tM1*uheha%sfamercportsthiem,hfl ‘thatfmany A which have jcopardedhthhehuf lwes in this fervhiceahhjforjwhant ofpayg: afehhahrcgllyh ashle foLfuppo1:—t the 1ivcs'hdE~*thmiivfélveg . A A and”fami1ics,,f:Vviheniihe Chronicle‘ Wdshhhread. Motif; %_ hvA:I1/7:2/7zm.erw.,%hc.asked.;gl;atlaommramidigzzity bath/2‘:£§e§Im’a)é¢' r _,_‘ N c.i A dieur'sA, by wh0j1'c valour and faithfulneifc the I;ord4*ha»£h To efpewciaily for the poorc and maimed ; I % 4great Thpufcs in iondan thffl ax: ‘. .grcar':thingsft:firAV.)7du*w? and A that in a fl1ortAtimeAA!A thcn I trufl Honoured Wmrthics Pa» * to'him%fe1fc;‘ /2enwitI:«!a:laI f4i1e,iZ’ben let mine armefa/I flaw %my~_[bcmIJlcr- £iI4a'!e,and mine .4rme6c woken‘ flow theme 3 for a*’r:T Am“: A A ftgmmr to me, Jbhn 523. M 4: 57* The VP3f1i3muents of Efigldmi are Looked ,u.poniand“rcfor»- fed unto Vqschat Paola qffletéafddinfemflzlem, that law! ever»: A “me to make-xx?/vole all tlnztfleppedimo ¢'t,A qf wbatfremr dzféafi: they had; I hope {hall have »ca-ufc to Acompliainc, as that pnqxc impocent man to %C.hriI?c 3'1 hzwchad an infin- gnitty of many ycarcsommtinuance, yetis~itc1xrable,"if *1 4 nrlma the mm: M": tmuélcd to pm: me ifitwbe A flu?/mldmavmwviwga A ~ = .1W!11b¢"%%fi% h@tnQu”t,« ;and~‘ rthc mrmefi pwayé waif Afi11‘t11‘¢ % I % ” Emir!-«=44:-h cquld, 4gct6"in%tox:h1',s.Plag; % N ‘% A _' 4atld»3[% cometo it for cure, hfiavcgewaatcd long; 4 year‘ where, ismy =mifc:xy,'S4ir, ‘M4-ve~na¢ Ifaolc, anméaerflepigew wficyfore me. ‘ ;.t1aat :we, 7'12: @%"Ali”‘W5 A y;1'a~y «Of Par‘!iamcmE,as thcy 63: rcayim afbzkl1igI1m£fléI8*oiIl&€not§md1m. m or Acmfid the eye: of *1/11" Wiafiw to dwfixhae bméitmomf" Igfliced f V Achatén g.},lA:.Gommicrccs andgm-% A , % ~ -flcccdings .. " A To=tl2¢\fa‘d“sa.aatkr.¢la¢l::J Hamfi:-of Cmm flflf. 31 ‘A fi;;dings»«may be found that in anorheer-Rroyahcf, jmig— Amos 5. A fizmlsmn déavmMwMers,u.and rigfitentefizcx Vm:'g/atyflrtmms 4* AA W» Eat iumce* as wafers» have its cirmmxsyv mmfc; mzwiw ms» A proper C1%1%ar’mc1:lA,; mo» fioppage by. dmlaycsa I?’1:imi*I2c'<5»g¢i xzefcmnéce -to -jruflz débfis -.;»&I1C”€lS~ ix beof“ fuclw Wary. thm»: 1:i~Ifrc“atm»efFe~ wAh:aM'oever 3 if it be: aariigh:t”c';‘f<;3*t‘Is“ caufct, 'l;ei:* it carry a;ga'in&%h@wvagrea;t.‘or htawimwzay fowerm flamdi '3g&i-HR * A 4 A A A Iaanfidered jiritbthe Rremxbm, all!’ ‘the apprtjfisriam Atlwfi Mei E3,-cl, 4..-A dame; zmder t}/M and £1:/«.10ld»“tI1N?d~?‘e$ of fmolw was mew N‘ 391 opprzflw, ‘Md. they had Vzwi comforter ; ‘ the wm‘du1:amflrated:%% ‘Mates ,1 is» wclit obferved M) be: imhe Hebm‘\&w,%L¢o/vrymng A mfezzwe 3, I3: beeVciuI1cr’to-fla‘@vv~A elm mm: fl»3m1l’d. bm for : much wmpafliom toawawdsmhmaEH&éi2ed,as»Von¢m4fi»mg1:e%M tecme ~ 0rwthc‘firf’cflceareVthat thCy"fl1.€d* fl1@iul=a£winnw‘e‘m1iefc,A& om as mac” mbfervatth ta {haw the mg1Ae€t:ofA pity in’ thm~fc..t1m’ hi;;'Wc{Afmffeffidtfl1i1f:.()@p1’£€fl&?d§€D%Wa‘ifiZ€I&I1’d‘W€€.’p”€:‘§0"fngfffl? « crave:-:11c1p; .yet4-ii’&<1*l,; de1a;yec1', asmeyfl cr;mI"d'-"w“ccp movrmoxseg “ had onAc1§rfbAutoAnetca-re1¢ft;,.gmdeit;camc fromluencc, be-~ cauf: the oppreffcd had no comforter to relieve t»h*em=,the 4 opprAfl'ed;h~ad*:friendat-0 fupgport them, an‘d~-k.eep;.o[fE~T: hear». ings amex&ecu;:1on of‘ j.uMC€;..~i A A A ‘. % But however itmay bec4thomgh’c,;A that t1“wrfcars:wI1VichV= fa.1l§froxn the delayed and: oppreflk-dAfafl»to*thc:grUundr,ye.‘t.:- A let*cauFers~AQf?t2h£E¢.kmmv,th~au tI~hci1:«fe#ars aufcvz:n::fQ"4' highas hcamcngam t:h‘fl~c.tuv1‘zned«int0*‘fldflh@S%@flightningand thugm-«~ d€Yb01\tS>,jand;.W~i11 caxmctiownsinvengeance:-5,.the:Lord; by? M Mafi:5aifi1ret‘h'=%_it,% TeJhal15nar~z§fj2i££A:2y =W’MaW“0P'f3€“}IW1Bflé%‘*Exod.2.z2 cbzld -5 iffiouraflliéi them.‘ “in=4;¢y¥vvw4ifi:.;.,; .(cit1icr by?'not%4d0ing“F’= 232*-43» jufbicc orr~die1é..3rimg it) Fwd I/MjW2“y5 rm aflAumta~me;Iw=m2‘11%.figre~ A l1y?*lué*z1m tlzeir cry;-.;,~ anaflrny,» wrathA/iaall~amax;vlaotm, and V A “ ~ y0fl‘»Wi£*/77?thefivvrdg»4fld ;j9zwWiwsfl,M11s&é,midvwwg4* ; A .\ " Obfcrvee 32 hg:grmo,;4;wgMwW;.~4zo,¢ Feb.24Ax647, Obfcrvrchow dangerous 1t. 15 nhotfmhczirfhhi‘:c1‘yofthéaf':*= A 105 _‘ L A84 fii&ed;h‘?“E‘liZIu f2iithhtIh1athh€‘:1‘€b L Mybnwfetbg (ryhaf t/9é';Pm‘);'.E% 0313.21 ' M ‘ ‘ W .h .- - _ 1.;o__c:9m£J.unta~G'a.cz’,zmgfl ahehblrearet the cry‘ «of t/zeafflzéfedg, and“ _ - their ¢ryw1l1ib1'1ngdowncwr:2th_,,eventh:1~t of thh€«{WOTd;'."- and furcly we may jufizly fea1'c,thatVt:he partia'1“fway'ing the ~ V fwoxfl of Iufixcmnh this kingdom,%was’n0tthe leaf’: of thofel fins that prov.oked‘tf1c~hL'ord rohdraw out his 1' ward cifvcn-» geancc gland further, the not hearingthe cry (if the affliéi-h ed, may not only find a deafceare in God in times of di- A fh*c:fl‘<-:’; WIwfi2 f Woppetb bis eamhzzt the cry of t/aepoare, ‘/aewalfiah _ 13"°*""i.i35’hj72all‘cry /72'-mféi/C3’ aminotilwe h’/2eard3"but fll'=£01I113y"ké€pEOfF mcrcy from theirs; It is one of the arguments that thé: h Preachcr‘ufeth to {hr up unto <.wor*1 widflhowfifi afihfld » A AA facherlefih A V A ~ _ - Iris a received rule, hefhat doth nothinder or rc'flra1n= afin or injury, when it is in his power; makcthwhem his“ own and asfir is {aid inh"referencc~t‘oAa1hmes, ‘a poem! man is ready I Pcarve, thou hart ablehto relieve him.., and doeft at Ie1ot,h“hl1e &iethh,ht'h7m1ha1‘t~hhis dfeathhsh ‘man, >1 mm p.:wz'fi‘z', atria» A A Ambnyfg. 4 dzflih. ;,~ {oh hc is ‘:‘w1fo'nge"d byifomc great pcrfon 5thCy-t“1’1£1th ihave; poi,vher&n~hhtheir handS‘t01‘ight him‘, and doitnot, the 7‘ A * . whrongdonchamcometlnthcirs,%and they fl131_anfW€I'b¢fpfC. ~<*~G;odshtribunzill~fdr;lWronginghhim.~ 4 1: . « And fcahrhphhmphaemrh.forth that mhayhhflye to this h13a“1'«Ihiamenthhhh' M3’ 29 '13’ fl1€:lt£’r,~Ivct.mc,c0mm'cfid.‘ftl1at.praé%i{'e%0f $054, I deliwereal. ‘ , f£7.£fl§0r€...,l‘5dfh6'7”2;€d; .m2’.tI3eh 19::/ml:/776 and /aim that hbddmfie A ta /éefpe 5 the é/rzfiifig of /Jim I/J/If was ready “to 1262277: came“: [j A A T0‘t}.2e'F}o}¢eur2z£vle Hon‘/E*0fl C‘ami7zlafls;a r t A A <.—....—......,_ » flPg;g.;7¢g,g'4}édItdllffdib6”W1lddl9W€5~£'£’fl7t”{U fing for j0y.r“’lft:” maybe‘ Tome are fled to this high and‘+'Honourablle Cot1"rt5 that in their eflfate*anld hopes are ready to p::*r»i#lh through V V H long and chargeable attendance; V there is a hlefiing to bee A haclin relieving thefle petilhhtg ones 5* ohthatrthete might a he a godly ""fit‘ife,.l’t*'who flrould flepin, and -by appeatmg for them get t‘his"blelT1n‘g. l r A A 4 lltllsl Sblamam achf C, - Open t/:y"moa%tell2j%rlf}l:e fllflméj fuch - L as either cannot, or rnayinot fpealce for them felves.-, ancla—” P1'°~3 3-:l3« gainevpm ‘iizyvnoazlz, judge rig/Jteoaflyz; mdpleadrbe caufé 9'‘ “ ft?/epaare mm’ 22ee;zy.fIt' is an honourable memoryxhat fumes V the 5th. King of Scot: hath left behind‘hi‘m (as*‘KingTzmm ppore emans'Parllanfnent, to right and relieve thofe that ”ha‘venolé'other1~meanestortghtand rehe~ve~t‘hemfelves, but I-lying to this fhelter. l his grantlchild rrelateth in his lB4fi~ln°an alarms) that he was called lthelpoo~re mans‘~King. ‘It will not be the leafl; honor: to this “fPatliament,vif amongfl other thofegreat things Bone‘ by bit, renowned" it may be to lpofierity for being the \- ’lt’hatl1 be en a great ’ honour to be the‘ Kings Attorney, 4 S6‘llicitor,,~or Serjeant; is it not fargreater to be thefeunto A ‘lClhri{ll-." who ’w11‘l=one*day fay, A ’Ym’§fmu‘¢“b «1.rye=‘»94oe~ dwzeitat Mat 15 W far. a o2:e‘of' tbefélittle>mes,yc“/Jaw dam: ét'to~m:. t ] '"Great'=perfons are in Scripture ~e‘r:prelled‘*by‘ the Sunne-_., 7Wl1lCh aflortl eth‘ his inlfluen'ce fowell to the lowefts fhrub, as tl1e'*taleTt*°"Ce'dar.,fl1ines as comfortable uponthe pooreft V l -cottage, as the Pcatellell palace. And I_ could’ “Wlfhthat as ~ great ones talce fomeeontent in having theirpiftures re. alfemblingrtlteml(as‘*-they ‘fa'y)to ethetlife, To in this they *Woullclrefetfible~rhelir pilélures, which -if drawne asthey A efl1ould;;w'il eyes-and look: towards the poorefl and mealnefl:.»rl? ape don that loolces upon“ them gfladalflrm 'Hn6_florrrgim2fee-rre» r ijnglomerlr of”his guard fput byvfome poore‘perfohsthat ggveter tommin;gr~towatdsl him,%was:tmuch difpleafedbchargw l l V as .-N. aw-ma. At~flfeMbfiM0 an 2,,;i.s4—, W the%m~ fiii¥'é§thc pmrcfi ; to havwgt accef{'cJAVunE):” A A A / 11us€lctthcfe- 4 rimzsAV%confi;d@ration hereef warlm: inom‘ {wits a fwd and! d‘éepvhu=miliaftion as for our other fi‘ns,fo-for doing fO'—Iitt1f:; far Goémhat wehave our p1ac¢s,¢.a%bi1itics,V r AafldA'%0p%pOi‘W11§ti¢$fofqr (3sQd3 aI1d%-ihia [cams 115% wee %dug4hc‘ might hAaVC&L0:nc gafld WhOb CCat1ffi cftthlis not ju£?g1yAL1ay his hand on his heart, jand[with Pb42'm£z.¢ 1am1er% fiéxm 41!; 1-» fay»,M I ftmemhr myf£¢y1ts«,tbzs»¢ay«; ; xA&nd.TI;1xfi1y4 had¢:4 am: AmAQrc‘Ecau [E tc5%A7ha:v;$f0~rmcr~ daicfi Qfi hmni1ia.ti0nto%%c1‘av¢ of »?G0;d;thc doing»ofgreat,4Vthin~gsd‘ fm‘;~us,“wth€n:W¢AhaV¢ nawto bc humbled that we have: c1QL1c:_i;‘e>11t'e1efor 0d;,hC31'lIh(3 Lord‘by the »P17£;>phct,,W_I‘mil;{ VA A 7**emM¢ékr~%my4%¢@%wn4z3p% gwit;/I I;/J c’e.,,:,ati¢d. :,w4ta% ,;§ f§,° 432:: evxfirlafizfig cawnzzrzta-r5_t£2m Mata [Imlt rerzg@méex¢4%iVr@;V;waye& ' and ééajlmmealg but whatwerc fhofc *wi1;I be fun inthéeformer verfe, tam bafl waA¢t£2}AzEn.Al2i:caK¥jng trfve cawfwmbt; I”kept m%y%Mc0v¢n:an1: wi:124%tl:eC;V% .thcr6fO1*€ 13¢‘ A afim¢med% fiwhm %Athe>uAx¢aa11*e4mb1?c(¥‘how, Athou hall brokené “ ‘with me. It hathbeeniiaj3zn;;:d%‘thate the;ccnzcnzmt fl1Qu1c{4 56-1’@:3.C1f‘13:@V1164€fld‘.w40f‘5h¢»13fl3%S€1?m@fmP9“0utAdi3i¢5C’fhE‘9. mAi11aE:ion,,A%and:wpiticizzflmuld e;:om‘1;ttcd;;-4% that ifnothmg 1:1, I V % A th§.Se»mQm%,:y¢t Q1JI!hWa£2h°Qf A_cs3v¢-man: n1igh*t ,hL1:;xbl4¢¢ us, amfqn”dmsV«Va;way W=u’:+h&b1£¢d:xmg:hear1;s..§ ~ ‘A Iflthm%la{?cpIace,hath MC-Zrm’d one great th 5 fxif us¢,«:3; baing t;?u;{y..hum191c3d4‘fqrformerfailings, ;,mdAreo1ved; A m db; innmr" p1acc:sac£Aording,.;%to our utmofl:~' power, what§~ «thcfisreat .nh%i4ngs%Aca1lm~f,or ateu.x:%Ahands,Jb¢¢ im'0uré3g'¢d%%4+‘% f@:«g0»@mmi&h@ut -fa4%i;z,aAt~ir:g+i;1%%61M5:‘A4% andV'fhe~ kingdms ca‘.ufev,,;. , with all%%:con§£tVa%my.wand4f&:heerfuI%nciT¢a %n0tWith&amd-Eng all — i1i‘i’cu1§i:sAthat mwfccmc _ my 4 wfoo A great a gloamousav A_ V_ A % 4 great and never» fuFfi~c1ently:adm1rcd Aframe and fabrickA of; A Word and theyWerc%mad¢.4...A Ilnlnulhnn-ya... bPcrL16%AthcAway;,thé dV%ueMConfidcrati<)n cf air%1'xc%fc[n5r‘r1e1:A pafifszgefiof G‘a4o1s%providencc~Aand1 apperance, may much _ A f?crAengthenour fmth 1n and depcndancc up_on hi:m fo1*Atha.~ A .time toAc0me.A A A I have fometimts tfwughf, whatmightb€fe;therc3fom5A rance of God”sAheIp¢for his Church,‘ uponwthc Lords mak- V ing heaven and eartrh ;, 5 our 1762]? zkiflt/73 mime of me Lord, mzlaic/éA hath made ézeazrvm a2¢d‘ez:rz;’95 why did; not. tbs‘: Cl.mE%ch% V why the PI'a1mi{tA in i:‘wo%Pfa1mes dmh ground11is'afTu«-.A A PE=.1.'tz2..z..f:'. 12-v;A{..8. . ‘ é build their confidence rather upon particular c3Arperien4ces_, A .:2s~oVn~th;:1t God which broughtsus outofflgypt, opened a %paffagc for us through the red‘ASc2a, fo m~iAracuIQt1fl*yled¢ and, fed us in the Wilderneffe 5 dravc out t:heAN'ati.c:ms be- f<:>1*c us in C2‘maam,A by Gravfheppcrs fixbdued Gya’ntsA, (fife... 1"‘ conceivait was; to fupport the Chu1*cAh“againfiVth‘0fév tiifée Iufuall grounds ofdifh‘ufi-,either the Work to be-*dor1e» A A is A teat far~AbeyondV our power 1‘, or 4S‘eCond1y,our 'wAi”fcfo1_n~ ”‘%weéV‘w“"¢Vf{n feenapr-obable meanes to expcc‘3:Ait5A- cm} ird"1y,it may require folonga time,a‘s we mayfiy with ANumb. 34;. A 23. Th Zxhzlziam, alas wléa /7922]! live w/be» Gad dot!» t/oz}: 6 ' The relying on~tI-iat: God fwho made will help ~againft‘*‘a1l4tl"fe{'e;~ Firth A A he worke greats” confiwden, was? th.%e”rc.:evérfoi ifibleAworkAdone,v as the making, ofthisv O Heaven a11d"earth.,AAwith all‘ creatures in bath 5* 1.vhiAAch 2 yct;AtheA Laird:-A made by a vérord fpcakingj».;, he fpakc thcf.: hcaven and eartiy A A Second]. 5arcA we.brought%Atjofu"cI1 flVrai%f's-and" iexircmities , A [ that the-Awifdomef anc1é’C0unfe11Aev¢n~of%the ablbfl aréatA' 4 afizind; and*no huxixanepmbablc *Way‘;toIbr'ifng.0Iif Ad éfittfi A A A A and*’de“fi"gneAs‘_ tA pafl'é" A Confikfer A, was tlicreAe*vcr L any ” Amoge Aun1ik‘eIy« M meant-5 to ~produ:c%e~fuch4a worId4 OFWQIH A dAeArsiAinrhe7varietxAAandAAwccllwcsrofrhccrcawres¢= then; "’ A ‘A V,‘ “ ‘ ‘ A ‘ A.4 “K V “ A ,4“ V\ ‘V A A, . AA \ fix, s I ‘ A A A c ‘z A v Q... "Wont ofihar confL1fcrd'%Cr;ma.r:.’ Can hat Almig%hAty C:cacm{AwAA ‘,.£,,.m,,‘,i W %Mm55,; AFg,;;¢IA647’ which »madeA.a1l% things of nothing, xvm meanstobrvi-pg t0~paA{Tc%in_11caaicn and earth whatibcvcrhr: p1AeaAfetI1'A'r A 4 ' Thirdly,AAr<-:- there fomany great tbingg.1:Q4b%e done, as w¢Amay“?notoniy fay W1thE.2:m,'neiMrr is this zzAAAA2;z¢W.%e ifi"‘A“°AAA*AA bf 41 day 07' two , but rather withafaél, in-a anorhcrcafc, A ~_a; Ioéza z. 2.. worktl1atVm;.;y h,oldro 1/23 year: afm¢z;;ygweratiom, A. A W . fame fpiritofpcrver{en¢fl% fhould be found m fucceeding A ages]; as in the ptfcfcnt, w hereof Wcmay toatruly com; A Ie1~.3,§_ 9; Aplaine, as t:bc?L0rd‘byithe Prophet,wawagzldhzvebealezi KS. 1 . A 3.» u ~ . AA Bnlg/lan,£m/72¢ imatbcalcd; andVyAAet which is worAIAe,v%and makes the wound ih..a manner atfppcfcnt A.incu1'abIcA,.itAm « A Afwflet/no .63 healed? ‘ % A A A ; A AA A % A Yet confider, however the Lord Ais Aflowto wrafly and may belong in deffroying; as that finfull Iericbadevotcd ta dcfirucfition, not deflroycd in Alcfliathcn 7.. Adayfics co me A ;:Aa.*11’{iA1A1g=,A but for‘ vvoArlcs of mercy, A the Lord ;j;A1acfIcAa clam;-x A pm, my pleats world in fix daycs gwhcn tlzge time t.af4-voiir mdéailfl A up zmak mm, that.fh:1U. be made good in 'tAhcTI?ropI3cca;;-~V~ I\2'zm’.a1a,~I t/2e..LAam’ willha/feta it in half time. “ A A A 4 A A A A ‘A A A I copldtum you to fcverall p1;;ccs5whcre th4eProphcgs Ifimiizél. .a;nd% Aleremje raife; argnxmcnts of: c.onfidc:ncc- in God Icr_;-;,.g7,-4~frdm_tAhcC1‘¢at.ion;.as1flz.44,24.25,2.6.A._45. 17, 18; .I' . A littlemc Aflm/I éwome ztAVtlza:¢fi¢274{,A4Agzgza¢l3_4; A Willmfiance onlAy in that of Ieremy,AAb=‘Lord Gad, tboubdff A w.cza’e~~tbeA moan aflazit/:eA earth .6};/ay great power and flretclrecl mt nrmg, Adfid Mare .13.? nvtZzing.A.taa .k4m.(fivr t/ace. Will W C than '1 ref? on GodAAAforfiniflmingevcry work mf. ,Mcx:cy"._, whichhc hath -begutgand that from the confidération of what great¢ “ things he Ahath already don»:-, 1ctme..for.ourbettAcrAincoxi-«A 1"mhnxA, 5'a.'11&gK3m€n£ACl0fC% up all with that ofChrifi1:o; Natbaniel, Bea A A ; mwfe... I” fazzzma thee, I fiz2:AvLtAbw. undcrAVt/aenfiggj-.tree, Me-era,ef£ ~‘ am 5'’ that; flmltfee greater t£Iing5».tbAe72 i‘/2Aeflr .4 Ihatéwc mA.aAyv % % = have this *faith% and tArufi4 in God, and find:thAis..g%raC¢AAan4A % mercy Fm-n’God_, "Arcturnc weAAwi’thAour prayers arid;fV*prai{:c~$§ aunm thém ,L\I.I~S,