*‘. 1 Tim/9:5: do} 0rdoroo’6} 2/so Common: {appoint ‘Benjamin Allen to print my Sermon. o/fem ole on 7’or[iomoot,té»ot Sir Pe- ter Vventworth doe fiom 3/oi: ‘I?Joz:3/é give than/is onto M" Greenhill /792* too” great Mines /aoe too/fie in t/ao Sermon /oee proocbodot/air do}, at 3/sointreoty cf tbio f17otJe,éoforo at/yo Common: at S‘*M$ar- gate ts, in too Chic oj‘ VVef’cminfier, (lwin 4 day of ‘poo/ioue éonzi/iotioo) and t at be defiro /aim to Tfint /oi: .5Mor-~ moo. @1 no’ it is Ordered t/oat no man prtjflsme toprint bis‘ Sermon , out whom the /kid J11 ajler Grcenhill /79 all no; tboriqe under /9 is /ozrmd 33?rt‘tl‘flga{ J H. Elijmg. Cler; Par1.D:. Gomfi turf “ W.(3REENHILL2 mazaeezaaéeteteieéezeaemetexeerezéete2¢«m¢=m¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢am¢¢¢¢¢«mmm¢¢:m¢¢mg 9 . ...;.-_. The V H I fa. «sf ' Pm chad before the Hmmurabic Houlé of C o M M 0 N S A, at their . Publikc Fafl, Aprz'Z_2.6.%164;. By’ W?//iatmq green/ail/. f MATH-1.3.13. New aye the Axe is laid unto the root of tlmreex, 2}’: erg- fore every tree which rfrrirzgetlgv matfortb goadfmzt , 1-? lmvezz dams, and ca]! into zbefire. A 4 -L0"N1.>oN, % é 4A %* V printed by R.0,L&; 6.1), for Bmjamév Allen, and are to be 3 A A fold in Popes~headVAllcy» 1543-» we W WW4“¢°%5¢°§°%5%i5§b§5W%a¥9t9E9§9f:9§=%¢=¥9¥%54°*‘%@W’%%mggqoaxagoagaagsgaagagwggaqage.-=;cqa¢e;a¢gs¢;§ ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢§¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢+¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ ~4 ‘ » cg ‘ . ‘ ,_~. . " ‘ ‘..-: *4...’ ‘ ‘ v. '-u» . “ Vv *- . .‘ ‘t . .3: --0. .,g'_“.. '- . . ‘ ,~ ,_ ‘. 9 3 L i .. n.‘ u .r " 1‘ ‘_ - u ‘ s 3; , I’ .4 ' - ‘ ,9 ~ « '0 .. . 4 ‘ _‘ V _" ‘ r w 2 nu: « . . - - ,3 W mt . . #1 ‘ E - ‘ 3 “'5‘:.f “ .-2 M M .” v ‘ it . Mr W *3 .‘ ‘-1 N1, 3.‘ «am . ‘4 3,. V - ‘ ‘ I 3 . I 9.‘ J v ~57!‘ ft _ ii ¢ ‘ 475' ' \ ""N ,, I 1 ;~*..e~ -"‘ .,‘*" . x " '9 -#3‘ “ :4 ‘ "war? ‘ ‘ Ev " v. ‘mm M -W‘ - ‘In ' -v ~-4 ‘ n .. 1- -r’ . H _‘ §"'!.- \-nu. “ -n‘— mumbled m M. in iA¥da;ms,flume, Q0223 Nfacwrfd A f . W/Mn %Ca«nawn w dean xw fiance Ifrael%., Ii?-1&”1'3;6¥la ii ~éii]7r4”&ed,2dnd % /Jar fiv>undm*i0m of%cmf;,fc;, He »;/mtb raysid WP you, A ;»I,g'w0r___ % Ofom" M33561 1 M ~‘0~m})ai?‘e b.¢'r.M.'ezza/J~agrA.V, am! fWfl6% /767’ ¢f0**W’Wi0n3 ma «makvwmsigv :ma ~ifififlit€::§v~gW¢I}'wf79wi to Amifi ma Aup aw fmvb a tpimtcwnd flar fiwbévlaaflgmsé; JIi‘?sgmat:ba1rdwvrk f;tQ«;j4§“n.gg;%;Ki4:gz‘g6Z0m}e:V%.* eéutfivnauméle, rm“§aw,ar A M would not /hilw domfisg A%.*¢?%-Am? *m0re7wm*~tly . in to lz'~‘)7a%z'n ie,'¢tlA:m 112.}: Man fe&ka~.M/15 da_fi’ru:§Z%i~ imp fbereafi Wick ad. mm Vmill ~*vmtum.%;¢l1 tog-at rW”5%V%Ki’%€¢?mE3.$a~~4nd/ball fla0$'g00Z!”WM7;7L.')?;?%w €73”? 4”'~'WQWW~»VKi”gdmm:;? .rHadmw$b*u£~ M QUE O M M %0}“N W a “Han the World -"mm Af/mime by ‘V v" M15 I t If ' on | » ,., 7, ""g ' “ _ 'Z.."« V‘ " '‘ ‘ ' O .4 '1 ’ ’ " ..~ ‘ W. ‘. _,,N,.. V ‘ ‘ ‘ _.__ M ‘ A , ‘ ~. . . . I «e 1' ~Pmmz» 5:0 V 7/wizmg W Ir hf" -w I ‘-V W ‘ ‘ « ‘ u‘- -‘ I " M. on’ Mon " «;»,;l-y;m¢‘¢rIL)I;_'__ % The EPI$TML¢E.. % A _ %Zi¢qué_f}Jii“it5 2:19;}! ‘Wanda’ doe it.’ I-Zmmns£2za've fa minded tkepwZ7lz"qm, as that may £r:z<*'zraw%fc9rgo§ ¢b,«;~mfi;lw5., A4 Publius Decius the Romaw Army Eeizvzg érazgg-/at /ow, %z1u_,@zf4i¢zro‘t/ya mid/i of;/ye mea- A 13":n’~6r:mnxin¢. . 1, 5,.,_5;3. mzes, demanded fafctyflzé /523; Country,DeaLth fir himf?-Me; amdfivw ocmfionedgn mzfex gec%'.d f'Z,’i'£Eg.. \ ry. Luvs. Alvanius./Mr W l’feran:rZ Cbildrm‘, éeing 1 idem, MI» in the 7/"Wagon, efczzpixrg fér their live: in :5 com... 5" N” man Calamity‘; comwiamds them dawmymd mk és up the :5/Zzzll-"%'ZJi7gz'n:, ‘wba/mdk 2:/as care their baljl; tbimgs L be magi proprior ptiblipag quam privates charitaii ,‘ tlak Pubnlig_z¢_enefl2 A bi: jjsirit caygd a6o‘§?é° prifimzfrg intafkfig. V VI/*V';€ii.¢mefiirifi4:§ a«re~?igb:~%A?4e% flsjlfi:%%i: inzggfa gazftém. . 7;’: “a’cmia-flz"c‘}’: ~7éaJ~b%’f])i?it;393*j.JéYfi/Z7§i%éT , A M», ‘$131155/Bist/.78 great [at m Armies, R%ezzgz'a~m;4nd Kz'mgdame:wvgq0d~. A Efiher 1224.5“ fm', i£IpeA:i61a%I:perith,/13¢ *@u>a»»icz%z;%m*r‘2 f§#;i‘bé~ 9.. Qmgwpwl2Iigzw,m¢dfir bér1Gad, T33 **‘Radbbi”fi§ H anew‘ /aw 4 goofllqflon fir 5.7/I6‘?! puwiqna é””P?0:w:é¢;a;¢z¢2; memratas res» « ‘ 5 .. A W A N E :>;§»12g{m -bma '1'.’/.7>qy.mw_/1 doe tbezr% "work a proptcr Dcum; {Then "L 1 -F; 4. A .a- V 1 3- "_1'<.{ .3 : Ff V’. "7; 'f¥,§r.“_M»¢_~»‘;,,"‘ f flfilifbfif“ d7ffi'*cuZt*ze é::0_]€13?0?’k‘t?5"f:f’€lI-?fl'9?_pff?0?~ff¢ mjefit‘i:vz an ‘flaw: mm rvenzgzor ingmt§tude«i:iPéoj>Zé, £173 % A Gamel. 2523 agar,‘ 3%,,-0 fizkizs ofi-m'n;;%Tliengzat/9i7}gfi2il{35e flékémfégéikfl 5d.?if~P»'1W%V“W-.A%~tl2e%?%Kingdom.~:?of€I3r3fl;é§9*iaz’éméAbfti;z§~t:Z',%ér 4 L A baruV:of€vnfiiéncz%;r*‘4:I; p2z%B7égi¢e»@W‘u'z% ‘ ‘._ _‘...n-u...‘ .‘TIiw E mMs-r we % mew; t/Ware Eb%aa1s,%VRu1ingiightss *—‘ff“‘‘ 2 andQlvi/5t/2W‘wiZ1baII%bofl1e%th5mwfof A A % /Jr Axe 23: tat“?/96 root MOW‘ 7"?) W“ /54”” j§.r’m are fly’fifl[é?l'Di_fl73d,tI96lf7fl0W5~637"g' - /oopeyow . I A A % % _ . " dV%%¢all£ ,,wwV¢mpwblzque; Publzquenafffi Of angers for pzzwza/tsena/feoffpzrwsa 5*”W”‘~’9’ “J” ; A % - M . ,I,}[“ . % VVV/mt Igerufalem *fi;W 3 A ’ 1 “d lrelancwifé ‘ ‘ ifaYm.79.8.fEngaI31 9 ~ P76755510“) ‘ . d I 3- /0% broug/mm», the AFaPhW’° 9” “W ‘W 0’ , « ' A ' be illjjbiritsaw A re’1vantzon.Tlm*a .. Zlfiébrff-g;d£;§yg~¢u% 41vbicbcaflm%mt0f796 5?” § * “ma wmr: ' — ,; MM 32 i % mt/me Mam‘ Sm/mezn ye « 9. e and water #0 deflw’ W? Go/ivezz mm mafiy, 514 aflers ifiw W W ‘W 'zi;mg1m~x»acamfia/€*iow@*n the Kivgémfiém W _ A A ¢ . A j % bmg‘m,yAfiz've oz Kingm bM;keapb»ckvno,r 5 _ dgmg, bgljjfl éy wages ordzmzty, and 97 ‘W496i ex ,1‘ You are * Rulers and our wine *Efj%3fz;ff:* t?fl0I_" ,lflt?l7"_.)7‘i» V % %% ~ % V % _ A . gm; 2 E1 -- 5 ~ 20» nemmc A 4;; under WW /"‘”""vV0twW Rgfiflwfi % recardia vi . %- - ~ % /5» 111345 contradicentc, 5.53% 3 '7 %‘31“3‘mm mlucrepugncm’ 63:36’; W" rzn}*i'tbi5/55:11 bayou? ImPf¢fl¢: H06 Regnum “P” /W ”“fi""” 1 . ." mrerfl We ¢ Vere veflrium. Tea other Klfigdome’/My cwmflgiiztverii 54l"V , . V ‘ «Kz"n'- 5”" WW PMW; §”$§ffg§iZ”§/i§”Zi:Cmi, W doms&69’0¢*V”"’” ‘ 3 ¢ /9 ml undue 24:5 T/Jinks ant/Em * Rabbie-‘s ’1"<<1W5”"”‘“ _.fi/,5 0 _ é 0 V _ % an 2'i’IPtf1/J0 % mrdsalittle altered Dies brews, OPUS multumfiw” C“P"' " merccs IW“"’- E5 Efi M; '1‘ E1; mermfi »Vma: , P”a"uren,Eatzr»xi%I?i%‘a»s%l11a'gen% epemrij mg; % 'z1vzeVza‘/at dmrIE_.,»2:‘ j——*z7v.= :vX/M?c%4;5)z commczmfie PW-= PI&flJtizfiar,’2¥’?r*ef;,%.s*,v£ipzaa’~” mos; Vé7€emgv;€>Va r/.a}a;¢~;z¢r;4€z;r;:/_g%;;} fic‘cep¢-fiféwfigui 2W0f )§wW‘ Q»w»me%~p0fw%%aw,V.¢m’-" 51%: fl’é~a!*‘ tbs: Lorafifow AA “w/ma yam /Siww: mg V/Ekamw yoga; #1 mu iris; bgmwJ"“wfiwt n0wpr¢fam~te4d*%wmba«yM. 1‘be¢£oM. iam~la yaw; avd¢pe1=fe&a1II4 yfgm irasemi awzi um erca=kins,i:»icl5: ‘a:«:*ej%2¢tf“f.? sA*#p¢zV£veZi¢"qzaaeg¢9d:; ‘ T/9eL0?‘iuWit&?j90%,% I5 @»;w/;7s2@%')9e2gg%9w», your with £953‘ Spz?rit5;Proj]12ew)aou%A, A1lV'}a0wrs,mczF’zzagr com‘pliJ‘Z11ycEgW4tert/ariwgfsl{yTbz«g% Sb P7197163- ‘ A A mofl‘ VnWonrIiy~% Savamvgasnaii % Vmeancfljrr the work: oft“/nazgfl. E E L 1 AM 6:». E BN3 1 E. E2» W or A PREACHED — Before the Honourable Houferof A d C 0 M M 0 N 5. attheirpublique ‘FAST. c/!pr‘z126. 1643,. r V NIATTH. 3.19. Now fife the Axe is laid emu I/98 root of tbetrees, there.- «:w’Hw.»=m*' we words are part of a penitentiall ‘ ” Sermon, lab» Bapnfl, the greatefl Pro- .r ‘ om ,— ' _ leflzthathad todo with Chrif’c,Mer. 7 "W-.‘, 3, tI- Preaching repentance to the eoplee. 2. multitudes flocked Lto “5"*“"'5~. '1 fieare him upon that fubjeétgamongfc . 3 . ; I’/,;’-’cd5a,'., .3;_‘ others tI1enP1mriflm and ’SMdzwm which were none of the hgitcdame to heare_.;and thefe he exhorts alfo to bring foren fruit meet for repentance srnany arguments he 1:- fed to prefle on that duty, and thxs Text 13 e/ffrgflymemum A eageaxfr. Pcrong” argument unto it: Befide the Arguments, to of the Kingdom‘: of God %:ing at hand, v. 2. and that there -“‘ for: every tree which brizzgetb natfortbgoodfruit , 2': . w bearer; daze)», and mfl into ;/gefim _ 2 *1” Ehet borne of a woman, yet the hun1- . B. M oN hpreetbee’ before the A there is wrath to come,”-7. he faith , New elfiv 5: :15: rfxe lme’ to the rear af tI3e,Tfee,1t‘ theKitngdome will not draw‘ I yousnor the featttof math after thts lhife drive you yet let. to V the~pt'e17ent Axehthatfi laitdeotot the rooto-f’ thetree both- ” draw and drave you to repentance. In the Words you have adefcriptione of divine feve- ritie And firit in the preparation to it, '77-"? M? if 145:1’ M . A the‘ metof rlswrea. Secondly, 1m‘he execution of it.-. t4'1'-e wery.W.~:er£mr ‘firings:/9 eerfertlb gaedfmzet, 2‘: /sewer: dame , and h V Cpzfihnlflftfl tkeflrc; ' Firit, Iihall open to you the twords , and tthen draw forth fixch tru'ths,:md~Obte‘tvat»ions,as the words do new 1 turaily £31‘-0I11,_D‘t ountot youawithout any ftraining , ‘- or for... Ching of blooch A ~t ‘ A ‘ W By Axe we underfland not ChtiPt.eas Gregerya 1101? the Gofpell, as ofome would have it 5% “but any judgentent . that God uieth; to cut down a finful people by.The Ke- V “mu: forces, under Veflverj-rm and 'i~’irrr-'~r, were Gods Axe, ti: ‘Rgfémé 0.1. t the’eete; cut down the Nation of the IWN» by made upon them by the thetdifpertionffollowed I will ealitttle fluevv you thereienatblances between them-. andhazgi Axe: Btecauie Gods judgements are calglged A:>f¢s.t Firth an Axe is a_ Ihoarpe andt.ertibIe thinggfoare. Gods fudgements, Pfel. 45. 5 Thine amowes are fharpe tn the *1eertof the K*ingS“€n€1hi€SL Gods ' notonely hietruths, butalfo his judgenwnts ,’and they are fl1arpeeta:t:;otd1Pcax1ce; butef _% ecialily tztpon the entrance.; when they comewintoetheo I§)‘earts”of3*Chrifts enexnies, the Wound H ea! ed Godstebatte31~A*Xe, and thatyout know isatterrilnle the vverre they farmne atttended that warmand; I1iItrument;tG od: by :Beé}1mt*e<3idetbreak; and terrific Ki’r1g;.;flj domes; h-eedeaIt~fl1arp1y, earzrd roum:}1fy* with the1n,"a%n’d hiej 4 .B’;eé}'lW‘ wAereevery‘dreadfi‘11I;t A P/elsehhl Ivz).-120%‘. Zkfjefie/B»t2*cmM:tb*ferfiazr:teafe téxemaedl h A "fldgemeetxa ‘Dewieiehthat was not afi-"raioct of » 4 of the.Lyo11;11oi;1ftt'of‘ Go/me; yettxvas afltaéd A354 ‘ 4 A A. -A ~ v;o*g,.« _It1dge111entse executed by ejf5':i.i~e' ‘of thy it, they were utterly cuttdeownel Arrowes are ~..— and thatdreadfully, (er. st. 20;. Beléylanis, % W Hoyatdrwld Hfiwfe afC (JAM NS. fl A k .........n -4-an-Ir"":-non--n-uuuunuua-asap.“-...a\oa.... m.,“‘“ (30.13 Jgxdgsments If the giving af t-ht: I._avvmadc Mm- fii and the przopifi quake 2» Heév. 1 2. 20, A21. filrely Gmda Juciglenxerats which a1°cW‘ vwtmzm, the egxercution of the Law“, will make K.1ngdo1?{16S 1:0 trcmb1e.4At: th¢ entrance cafthc law Mouz1tAb‘:m c-11d fn1oak,and whcnGodA.fha.l1a-. VCn7g§ the breach Of the Law 3 Mount Siam will bui-11c, ,% Lamgar. 4. I g . A % A A When Ammsand 5&¢P’»‘iWm\/erefn1itten, great feare " A fall fapon all the Church, and all others t;hat%hea.rd of 1:, _ %1711.1I'on1uch that 110113 of “ them durft joins thcniiblvea w;7thfithcm,~ 446%: 5. 1 1. I 3. So you {$6 Goals Judge1ncnts are {harps and dreadfull. A A A A A M I ‘“ " ‘ V. “ A Secondly , an Axe as its terrible fo its fcrong and 4 Wexghtya a;r2dG ods judgmfflts have firength and Weight" in $115111, 774/; 90,1 1. Who knowcs thcpower of thine a11get?the1;e is power and Pcrength in the wrath ofG0dV, let him pi}: the: leaf} creature to cxecu its his judgexmnts, and‘ there is flrength enougl1 in that creature to ruinc an ;1y;thc ramczisa vsvcakc tl_11'n,g, but if G ocl will ufe rains as‘ “Ta. Judgme11f» it is firong enough to drown awor1d' foé. 37. 6 ; It is callcdé the great rains of his fcrengtlb God can A up thatflcrength into a c1oud,,%into a few dro ' 3 ¢if=1:ai11&e=t gat they ihall: conquer any oppofitc. PQW€1‘5t ~ cs _ wmfnxs eat: up l‘Tw‘0d, «=W»°i‘i— I 2.A__hun1orin‘theAfcc:t%tu111- v”P€’“{'W1 b1esmdLow11 flfa, 2V6’/arm. 16. a diicafc in thcbowells com ’ ;"’/"Vf’j";"’ . I fu::1¢§F[¢b%aram§% 2 C’la.rem..j 2;; . AAm,dL Stories tell us, fnmll ;”f;“‘;;‘ i ‘fhiflgfi hava 0MVC:1‘thrQWI1¢, men ofgmt rcllownaa grape ,3;‘3)§;;;,,§,f“** flzontgg 3. fiyeJ7oIn.e Pcztty thing 2A ed, can arms r11e“we.a- zarz/;:m"a Sf‘ kefl crqat;mq1;‘c4V\avigtwh thatfcrcngtlu, that no{111anis%ab1e to we c/.mr.cv’y. flaxid. againfi it» nQtth.e 1?rinccs,o£ the €a;rt11¢ PM!» 76- Crm 2 i ;_ AHcg.: Mcujgsy off’ the fpiritg of Prin‘ccs,.% I-Ice dealcs witlx [Mm-'+-'5 W 1’ri11§¢SAa$l1‘§1¢nd¢a%l6Witha Vine »A an Axe is mo flrzozag 1’ %‘fP”W fbrfia. cluflcr of Grapes,‘ or a‘ fpri‘ of a Vine , it ¢a?fiI5I -%/]?f“l“:z””5'[’ @‘I-.¢1,.t..84%% theta 0&3 19% God» by a J7uge.111ent eafily cuts 01? Q:;”,,?},f'’; ”“ the {pirit of “ Pr incesQ , they art: not ablc tofiand again1%‘%m,¢7,g,.,,,,, 'Jdg€1116nt405 .5 WhC13 h%3:PUVt5 fi1'611S¢h%in» %G1'i}2z/3022,‘ tmaaigfi; Wqxincs» Qt any ot11qr~A¢:rA¢aturc; 'theyfa1Vl. V A Izws cy"E’rnm I 2. V Thirdly, _per0m‘5... (/5! SEE. M OAN piieaciaed éefote the Thirdly, an Axe is an inil-rument to hew with, Wood and '.(’tonestl1ey hewed with Axes, Ejk. IO. 1 a, 5104!! the axe éaozff itjelf: egeznfl /aim rim-st /sewetk tlherewitis .? Gad His Judgements hewes Nations and Kxngdonies. He 1wWed,1]raeZ by forraigne Nations, when Jfmel was un-. derthes Judges, the Philifiiines, and others were Gods t Axe to hew them . After the had ehofen them a Kinv - , Y s \‘ or y n :2 the Lord allo hewed tht-‘I11, oz 1 W-as 1i“~1?hli¢=€>i¢€1l1¢d a11Ne~ ;+;;m,¢;a;zm.. tions pmtzzzal 6'7.‘ Relrjgiwe . ‘fo vve excelled themtall m M tzz:;2§Ezfligi:mz plenty; andwhen the 1" Rfonians Went out to Wgxrre. p6m*22§¢. theyfirll took care rd call the Gddsl out of that City‘ a WWPVDF; a;1dlTQWn3Wl}ich they went againfl.-and pronuiled them §§lf,;§Zi§’?£‘f’ bettereetertelnlnegtat gem thf1‘3”§¥°‘g1€rP1a°€e *?;*'I’e :*;i:eaI:;‘:el):°;1:;r:o:;:i 2:; teeyesseezd semi J’"MWwM’ '4 "ble while the had theirlPallad1'um - but the lea? Nzmm?am.. them, and to 1o0.1<.t0G0d.$ vyord- ‘‘ Hafie 3: 3- I» W’-WV Film /z»m';;,_' Ephraim@lake,t%rer¢2é1rmg,,; he e.mzZtedl bimfelfg mffieel , ‘R/'S;'hcn am: 'R§zrz;znerz’£ I.;#a:a:;F»a4¢;2efeltelup e_Cal,ves,e V at Dew and 3391241, and W1;lI’d the A *‘“;afW"?R9~ pedplétohlworflwlp there» Pretending It was too farrcra .P‘.“’¥’” "f‘lZ‘£"‘~ gee to 1e:rwfalm:,ltl1efe were {hotter "1 ourn eyes, and the "15 1’?/m“"°”” worfhip as warrantable they fpake tremblino What ‘ €94 1:.‘ V “ ‘ V; - _ l V‘ 3 w \' w .- * ‘, _ 3. . B‘ _ 4 {hall weleave our God,fl1e.ll we gwe way to Ido atry and f%J§§gg§§’i’§: wlorflrlip k®Wn<>t What P Wllenrhex I'Paketr¢111+ ,m,,, 5” f;,‘‘';:_ bllngtl1ey exal.tedltl1em{elves; butwhen_ he oflended m 99lm‘1rit,r4$ pen. 3 {?f§1:~tAl1_€n he d1ed,; wmhen {eroéoam prevazled by his pol- dm“ Wm 1ic‘7can<1P0W6rahndh brought them ts": itathcn they dyed; ;'§§If0,;2€*”0 f1§”th6'V;’10¥1l‘iP0’5Gh¢d‘ pr¢f¢rVedI orcorrUpted;'foKing«-f V V ‘*=’‘?”” mines oueri A l ” A if” ‘:i’’’‘ ‘W uirdlya fhc ro€>,t of’ K£f1g&"or1-.1/c\ in Civili . em w P°‘g€r» when thatleevheid “§:1“%d°m? flow» tamer ea /3.» fhalt but wvhen that lfi Wounded or d6f’fW5?hd: the Kxng-. ius e/W: we d”c>rlr.1,.<=‘ isblaficdland withméahtthc foot. e . Gav.~49+elxol.l" fisdis_é»s~m2« Prlomifel wlaétll-1‘at the Sceptei: lfh:ou1.df" not depart froni" flf£??E2.W’:‘:Z‘ e V . A l A A ll ‘ l Jiéaistezwzx, Lw.§l;a?nt, deIrac,1 2,; EMe:ra{2,i2zSgtz4rn.I.g.c.._9; ffsanchius iuLec:m:s, e l l he ll ;;.. A w l :1 :1 arfem)* attributles A the felicitieafimpire and Tryumph of l ll°??lV?i:¢l1€f$ll 1? ¢‘l’°’?‘*“i=h2=’v- I I Ifib”vgJ?.‘II'V.lIIq\ j W w‘Ma!W;'!I.‘ . -up .s_ .. l i “"""" Hwzémaze 3;: o M N 7 Iadalh ‘all Si:illé!a,l«cd111le; till Chhfts commlng the ivil Power wfhoulcl not be lrem0lv"d.lTf Ther(‘: yislai Qqcflionl among great 01168, how this can bé made good ? ‘ But I wlil..l%not clilpute tliat;lo11ly talcéif tlms : lumlol the day” of xmgujftaz (3 céfwthc power rcnxainatlizz thé Sltatc of thel A Jewes; he thenwith the’ll_Senafc‘fook" the power from chmasplaced it in%Hr-W «fkeiaulszaland fetlhin-1 up, and .3 My .. mm .‘.,..‘,_.,‘,_,_ ‘,,...(.,,, H3 .‘ _‘,.M‘h” ‘;,V,, ‘W l. - , . . tlfefl tllié ShC?éP‘5érldeparte frioxn lzédwiris dThe Sar1eclr1'n1 %dl Wm; A ll W€re~‘l'1*11i§1llC3lif'1i*0t of tl1€ Tribe of akdaiy, andhad the Mcm:rL1s A mprexnel Authority , they called Herod’ to CQ.ye£l'io11f'or Lapide. his contu1nacie'~,_.;~ and lmdalnxoflz ftaken away his” lilfé; which Héfad lfa«k;1‘z1-gltq l1caq'~1§t§3ro*oted 01"!-txtllfil 8a1;¢dr’1'n1,% reig:iedabfo1u::e1y oxngrlltllgejewgs : amydid what: he lilled agabinil thezn’, azicl 01ielyllféar’d toillldilfpleaflellthef goxnanss llciicvvas tl1eAxb at” the root, tllwirl Civill “owcrlwlas ta7*l3enllaWétl'l A. » l V A A ' ” V Fourthlys tlie“ R040? Was“ t:heG0dly partieylamottjg tliel Iewesg Tl1ey,x¥yli%ét1i'xc;f Magifirafies? &rv1i:1ifie1~sl;~: db l’eb.‘.ll ple‘, La*r‘e tl1e~i’ti*e‘§ngtl1lo‘f ‘al"K111lgdc’>;11c;. V ;E19’/7Ml/iand 5:29.;/5 7 were the lCl1~V£zlr1olts anclflorfnmn of /fl 4;/,tliey' were tlnélil jk/;lm1«z’oftl1latlKmgdotiilegl Pfiz1.7!“5‘.'g. ‘ihith Dlzz‘vid;l 1 5é‘?%7*?' wp'vrba'Pé&’c'rr Ills}-‘l¢#a'?*t5-‘Il li6111e1liI1ta1‘i1”)~’d tl1€1"'I"l‘_l Igawesgf andltl71»el~~l7a*iltli£lhll , fhcfi: wcm the ;l’i1lllal*s ofltl1e‘" Ealrtl1.land»l1is eye W'a‘S*l‘L1p"0n the°llfi{itl1fL1l'l, Pf&fl;’lre_ak qftlie l A branches“, yet: thelll1Fefa11d fubflance lrenlmxnes ,; , icrlierc the holyfeecl Ilmlfbe the fubfiandelllolf 1t’. let‘ l1\Tgé:m:/a;zzf;2 9gé'&."z;‘¢?'?TAllClQ11ié;l3l0WgafiC*l break off ‘V tl1e”’l leaves-"anal bran; ehefsl of »thlis~l Vin:e‘l, «thr~o*W‘ll tl1ei11:#intd th*ejlfurn’acel of A Babylon, and 111€£k€fffawl%l~$ al deadiaplefle thinonyet t:he* holyléed¥fl1albeth;:"'1ubffa11clc thlellrof; anjclllWh‘en’cl1ey-A m:*urn'e“agalil11eg it {hall fpfhsédlinl the Kingdcxxxegand baa“ great; Treé,~ andltllmeltolplperealch :oheaven,l and over $111‘ 4 l A ‘ ~ ye‘ .. Mat‘ ' "4 ‘meet; éefbrc the ftaneeand root would gtow and multiply; when godly Miniltets, Magiflcrates and People be itruck ina King...’ i\(;».I.?i /:‘fi1-dydlilclg then the Axe is laid to the Root of the Tree, T-1¢0?1e?’J?'fi!'1?-71 Now they were perfecuted and thrufc from their place; }2«9j’ierfi‘«1-W/’?¢— Hem! put by the 1 Afainoiiceans , and ihfiered none .of’; them to en J oy the Prielthood . eflene: wee let up, and b Cezptm who according to his name, vomtted out ma-9 cem’0:z':mz l canamittere :Ifg§:- lice againlt Chtifc 5 end btefore theirfull cutting down, ' ' the Voice was heard,,‘1teP€1/elm» got: to ‘F6/14, the godly 30"? W ere removed, and then they were deftroyed. mg, Qeeflzrm. Wasnot the Axe laid to the root of the 5’: name Tree beforethis time? wasit notat th¢R§30t»_ when theytenllribes were cut off? Whyythen 1311: End, Now it when .fi.te [teed 1:24 the mat aftlae Tree ? A The At1fWei* is, :it’s triiethe Lord did lay the Axe to the root ofit befotethis time , and that heavily , in the difpe-iiling:ofthe'tei1 Trtbes gtherfore its {aid ‘1\{_ow elfa : A but he did not fo lay the Axe unto the root ofthe tree, ll ,. as that it was wholly deltroyed; often times they vvererA hewedlwitli the Judgements of God , yet alwayes there j was flame, a feed left : and when they came out ofB.,«aéy.. A lee there was a glor.ious Church 1 and God delighted in A E’ €CC¢1... l l 1 ,,4.,,,,(/in PCW-_ them : but now the Axe was fo layd to the Root, that Jg,mm,,,,m;f__l they 5 were utterly cut down, and made no People. flm; ;~4;{2;;;m Now the Lord did unconvenant them,uncl1utch them, A ' cg/t, Pfifttgyzts unpower them tunfitint them; now; the Lord cal’: them fiatz¢SIU6"[7cry ofi-'; they ltiad no Root left, no god for tlleir God» but , I4fi151>9’J7I!'€*’I were made a reproach and curfe among all Nations. A “‘l”’1”m""- A Secondly, N we the Arte irleidsl becauie the Lord hath ("°”‘“‘ 1“ an People tograft :lI1_.;l)€f.OI'Gl.1€ took no care of the would take this wild Olive, and graft it intothe Root : thetfore liuth Chrifi: lab» 9-‘ 2 9+1 aw: wwefw fedgemear, to cut off the Jewes by the Root, and to graft int the A Gentiles, that I may try them, at and fee whether they will beare better fruit then the Jewes have done: riff: ‘W 13.4.6. l l A M‘ l- the berders ofthe Land; the holy feed being the fub-g C.:e:;;tltilesA. but left them to per-ifh in their way; now he I ‘3<_”43‘_":Ji!< é\‘;‘.'<‘.Cl,‘¢‘V€«:'./§'~‘E §.E!l"V{_ —- « Honourable Hvufe of C3,o.M;Mo N s. V 9 M.‘ in. F/Qpelnixjgqf the words;i,iNo{zeIeo1ne to giveyou thofe Ohfervations whicheir e.doe-naturally; flow vtronm the word.t A A A A i. A we Plnd firffohfervca that Gad-émrarlazg with 4 finfull pea... 0!5fer.I. pl: : N our z3'.ltbeaxe1rg_'drot/aieraotof the trees I have borne i along time, been patientrhut now Income with the axe. .and”doe’ lay it to the root of tl-1e,tr.ee. God is ahpatient God toward his people ,;and toward the World. a‘ God that hearts with fin and finners beyond our expeélation: three ye-ares God bore with the Fig-e-tree .~. Lee I _::-.7. I ' ,c4m¢ r/Jefe t/one yearn and }.M'U6' formal not fiwite Fourty i_.ycarcs God bare with them in the Wilderneile,Heé 3.9;. . A ahundred Ayeares Godlhare With alinner , Efvt-65.2o. an hundred and tw entxyeares with the old world. Gm. 6.;.“and after New was {hut into the Arke, God bare {even dayes . to fee if they would repent and turne , as ;fon1ecol1e8cfron1 Gen.7.4. God goes furtlier then this, he bare three hundred and ninety years with the idoIa- trous pahilages of 1fmcl,,_ Ez.:§_.4.5. three ‘ hundred and » ninety dayes taken for eares, that God had borne with V _then1.” Foure hundre yeares did God bearewith the V iiwmgrirex, Gem: 5 1 6 . God hath home with Antichrifl: Above this I zoenyeares Y: God bare with the Gentiles be- ‘A fore Chrifi came, more then 2000. yeares , 0-/16}: 1 7 30.‘ V ¢_God1's’-3-.6‘; t7z:»+a_u,aw7c;, as God of penance, Ram%.15.5. lq#7g..fi¢f:. f.-m;gA, Era J.34.6 . hedoth heare, andforbeare with fini- AAeers, and Kin vdomes ,and a world full, of Wickedneilei ‘ olanditvaniita 513.4244-faith God there , I held my peace, wyea Ihel my peace 51 longtime, and wazfilexr and refivziucd: A God heldhis peace. laid nothing to Kxngdomesmothin g i ,to Fainilies;notl1ini to particular periornrst so he, held his hahid’ zilfo; did not rike a long, ti1ne»,:; God is patient, and with-hold:s..foi"Iongi, as (patmzm Deir~wre5er ipm) the Saintsiare troubled atGodspatiencee. itmaltes them to A A E f Cry.Hm lwg; how long. bow/avg {hall the wieked triumph, utter and i'pcak.ehard the vs I it's thriee Arepeated,,‘Pjal.94. V te3_i4.theeSaints are troubled thcest» God doth not stoning .i 4 A A A ” A A an .. IO ,‘ ..x J , 8 er. M *o'N..preac‘bedblfarejzbe _.__’... aneldefiroylthe vvicked :1aw‘1;d not [onelythe Saints on» ear thatbutt the Saints in heaven, ReWa6*".‘li—?’O . they cry; H gr» a’e:2_g,%19aw [mg ml: not than avenge oar file;-.*d_ .’ ‘We haVe~bec=11.. H flaineby C'm'm*,eby Pétewzekx,‘ Tx[iwrodit,lby' Heradgltflow Géfinz . ‘./avg, Iowan long. Lard will tflfiiillfltall’ avenge o:»Ir«!71oz¢d.l Not. oqeg -ly the Saints: bu t the finniels of wxckecl n~1en,: they cry for vengeance gthe fi1anc?S'»0f5aa’om. Cryed for vengeance ‘ae- gainfllseadam Not lonely fin , but the whole Creation, fheav.en and earth groanes; Rom.8. The Land mournes. for oaths , and other iniquities , _7tv".23—.1o. Sat.-an , the accufer oftheebrethrenpryes ; G eds] ulhce cryes,.all lllls Atltrxbutesecty, tog dlefixtoy finners, to defiroy the whole world ;-_yet God leexnes deaf}: , and will not heare ;_yet he is patient, and helds his hands : What fhould the pa-A-V tienlce of Gad produce 9 The Apbflle tells us Rome Knvawafl t/Jase mt ‘that the lmg..fi¢_feréxg mi gaodncfl} ef Gad jléaxzld lead’ (the Worrlé is a’r:“w:w)V7 Hm to“ rcpceztmreef the patience of leGog1tl:tlflxoL1ld Cenfilraine us tolr re'pentance.. Whats flwall God hold the Candle of our lives in his hand, and we {in againfi him .> there is much in Gods patience to.conPtraine~ us to-«r4epent,its patiencelbeares wiirh all ‘ourlfirines ; it-"Gods paet1‘ence ewerelatan end;;finf would be heavie; it’spa=tie1"1c‘e that llenggthens out our» lives‘, Igdm. 3.22. it's divine patience that keepes usflouvt of At hell; 1t’s thatkeepes open the dooreof co1mi1on and L c~hoicef1netc1'es A the doors qf grace % and’ falvationn been fl1ut'longfiI3Ctja 1f Gods patietiee had ceafed, 2-A "Pet. 3. 9,: 5 . G od 13 wxlling we flaould all come to repentance, letues reach to it this day ,4 and make his long»-fuffering; fa_lvation tons. A Of}: we have grieved’ his Spiritby fine mug andwabufe of htlspatience, once let us tejoxceitby l repentance, the itnproven1entof patiene,e.~ t Againe, olfiferve that great '“fc‘U£1"tt}* gaze 4!o::g withtlf: grmrefl? wars}. The Gofpel iethe greatcft mere 4 that ever came into the W orld, and“ there is the greate {eve- ttity W1"th:tl1e Gofpel *, that ever came ‘with any rrgercy gate the world; #23:! {gl 1rI:~_c%§ grgcf-:_1_’»gi;4.» whengthe Go£P€1IS- mmmillfie “‘,n~ >.‘ ‘.‘W»;. .._ , ,‘..‘“., _.—.—-;~—— ,__...... - Homamble Haflfif..0f-'94fO:_C1vI3=rN-C5 "S A fitfr ‘ ' :;corr.1n1‘i.ng%. VPué¢ca~{u:‘ ob1?rv'cis7 ‘ithafi jfibfi B¢gan‘”.hi‘s”:Mini~ .-flzery in: ‘the: fiffieeaxth yearaof 1fzéariu:,AAag‘nflu,ydied ;the%twent1eth,of flflgfiff, 7'i:5:riu:A fi{1¢c'ecded%»VVhirfi:~whofe meigne is reckonedfi‘omat;I%1Iat‘of Aug»/$, affld.,.11:0€V;;ff"(jf11.i7 5¥u ::-mar]; on the firfl: offieptoméarg Which‘ WaStheifeafi*Of Vffrumpets, and on which day was the promulgation‘ of ;;th’“x-_Aycarc of Jubilc 5? than was *thcV voice ofthe~ -Cryer éirfiheard 2: A:Lth.1Ts.tiW1:n»a*‘,Aw%hit:Ii was very =feft;iva11v,‘A%1a26u :preaCh’d and Iaxd, Now’ t/vefzzéttc n-'z;¢ed&a t5gLra¢: af. tr/af¢#zree, at the lyeakre of ]ub.1Ic,afld conmming 6f t'h%c«GAofp'el it's ‘%done. Here was the acceptable years; and the day of E/21,5”, ;>vengicancc ;toge,ther 3'; the! acceptable% ye”a‘re Aof'Chr1ii’cs *aacon1nu'ng{.~%and the day of vengeancé ‘mffza a.x~a;: 1a;dra 110: ram 0')" r/ms rm. To W giva ‘1:1re* Mghé ‘2xiz1d:%:flife1ia%gth ‘tzé «llzhism point , bc;p1eafE:d to ~‘tak4j:7i‘fito your‘ thou hts thcfe ‘~ypafl'ages‘*1'n the Goipel , tfifgrk 1 6 ,1 Guy (fair ,pr:a2:Ia r/av Goflral, lac tfmt’ he-lm)a.r“fla“a~IJ fie1,9zé:dVVv,=.(§e«r/aatzézégg [eirtwx mg/bu It Jéc-T zdoimrrwl : on. »flQh'-1[}eI’k-gjvéffig°.pf:efgf1f-fy is damnation entailed -Wm 3.1 84% :5»%a.»zeamm%«;»az:za- ' Q‘-£’and:mm:d&a£lread)'. L}!/[kttl7,r"oV.i—4.Szvtégofl?tI5e_‘_d:#fl&afj’bgr Vac; again]? IIJM‘ Cay mad Tma1e'¢rlm;* datl: .nz2r ~f:de'£'v:”}“dz3*;- K55/.)d:Q£afl~‘T/9e~'4a“’?g]} vf symrfm 4ga!awfi%:Vbéem5v.(tbgz* fbggl ga.;,.;;g ,,¢ % kafiieaaéqzg jggniwfl 95;! {Mil fégi f&r%A..4‘Sadm'uf44razi fimamzb in zmrflflsgyg rbexaizfamixmzg ?I4n*ma,;f11*:M»~I€ivfq‘y3t/J4iz'f;Paa;- ' fpie,.tl'£tazt. Clariyfiairz , "aim-I Jtfuféftb;ti9£'5ifli‘WfifiIdfgh1&‘é5 4%-dixbé IE di¢d>‘7Wi‘e1%ut~' marks» a*E‘:defpifce¥e7£1amLaws fGaa‘fieZyyfGb ?Isno1z hex-V3 t-hc<*jgwpei'tefif..I'everffiy; with the neii11to bloud, ;*wh1ch ‘notes efonre dfeadfull judge- moors, that fl1ou1d.dark‘en and iinbitter their heft com- forts {The lilcexnay we fe-arc; ifwe refufe any truths of‘ 1 Chriit. “ and pl un‘c1erTowns without ‘ giving the leaf: notice bun oznci .;~ ' lffhirdly, obfervle,thatGo;d doth pre11ronifh’b€fore.helf 3, dbtleifpuzajfli-. tNa“w t_/alt ‘z;fl‘.'»:e"% /:1ilZi1rV¢;3t/Obi ‘ran afitfl/:r‘:fZ"re-e, f;obnte1'l$oth’eni, there_vva¢slaneeAxelaid, the nevves off the ' Axes comniking ‘was; heatd before the noife of its cuttinu.‘ V The Lord -tellsDelit1q11ents*b‘eforehe Pcrikes them , Tct; flreldezeemd Nineveh /W 5’? Wrvjee; 1‘/ierxarc cIo1?%»‘camem 121:1 tl'1"‘eir defi 'gln.es“a1’*.e underneath; they of t flotnicg furpri zrle,“ pg/1 en1[prc... -mm when Godfintendél judge merits; he feuds» his Heralds to 1>el_ Iiegni W2I4\h‘ \ l'|‘Cuu»¢-u-~I'* ‘ ._.h-1 ' n ' Hqnaa-mbz;tlHaalfi~"ofc‘ot”MM“-M:5,» e ,3 A watr1eKing'don1e”s and Nations. Hath not God eive11W9”¢‘m P0?‘-' Warning to all Notions ? hath he not iwithin‘ thefe l11‘fi_-‘le"”’1“"}’t’" A “ drcd ycares.. givexjrus roo.wernings_? havenot rlmeel-ifeea-:"“l’;” ‘*1/1?“ vens fi:e111ed'on fire.>have not there Bintoureor-fiire lzilée zini Star's ?Herlz"eiu: Smrgpzralm/I: held that itlicg inflm§nCC~ ,1, Ge rig, oft e Comet 1 6:8 ..upon theochrifilian world j would gngg "/_.~_., .g_ ' t0?.he.tween mo 8: 3 oi-Y¢3”932Wliich‘is already VC1‘ifiCcl9,a’e Edilzerdal All C 3_i it A a£.Martyret. 14 % atfilafi is b1az’dy over E~',g14*{a’ and Ckpircgl 5 A_incimating thafi Englaflti fliould take ‘War111_n: g; by A. i1t‘;Bei1de§_ tI1efe,have We not Ahad Earthequakesif gre“;1tAA‘fro£’cs;de’ep1n.owes,4un«: amenable w‘}eath'cr. 2:md“‘lis‘ it.%,tiot'% frefli Ain‘y0ur%‘m¢h15Qrieff h%owGod;had aquarelwitlmyour SteeRles,a£1d Churchesff for the corruptions and Innov_ationsV1t1then1,when d1'.n‘_V vs:-sofA%th:<: tx%’"‘were“1'n1‘it%t€n, br;c>kcn burntby *thuLn_f.% d¢r%az;1d%lig}:mihg onely b %_ pr odxgibs ha tI1%Gédi%4~? Weirhc-:d Lijsglfiit by h1sP“r”op"h43'ts a £0 Ezei-3 3.g.they have “ b‘inAt%e11ingyou f Judgenzenc, cfpc¢VialIyawhct1%w,e%;a're mt ir1‘%a‘ A u. Axgqgzof rcfpentancc : jA1_f 1“ Wt? .g1ft¢e%?”gT55W”’T?3”s %‘*?t1, m1)g.%/54§I“d;,£4l{,¢£%. £’0[¢lW9]? /udg,m#%'; 1! xvii! Are¥t2:lé~rA’.%;2>¢>;;g*m2;: mi5rtti2i7"5*'¢:g48dné?»lZ mak§4mi»&:eé%+*!*rroim: h4ra»k&*wtfi*“fimd; A .mH%"ziay_ ::%Sn:ard» [B411 %"a’a—uoureAfi%e/E"’,% @"a. V‘ ‘D‘mt”.7 4iI.g4’1.w; ,Wh_enGod”whct4s%his1SworcI,»and%flioetsI1fsarrAowa=:s, ha‘1'f A wiAITw-make thcxm €’7‘at:tr,e¢-(;’\ fl%e§1fia:1d‘~drinkc b1dod'T, yea“ Bcjfilidi withblood,~and‘grbw°fat wgth fatncs; Efa. A‘g4.6-‘E31303’ A _ 0 to Ifonozardrlzle H oztfe of C 0 MMO ls. .l A hath givena Comtnifsionto the Sword to eAatA Englifla flelh, and drinkey Englifh blood 3 and I_ feare the Swor“d havingbin fiarved along time , willy norw eateto A pnrpole; it comes hungry, and 13 like to eate much flefh, it comes dry, and 1S.lll(B to drinke much blood, before it be putup again: Let us therefore meet God in t‘l1i~, wajr with ltghs and teares, "let us take warning in timed. pieiuizé. zeiti pr;emgAm'n‘, men that are forewarned Yhould be foi~“eA. arn1ed.In thefe times men are arnfd to goe to battle with men, but are you arm’cl to meet God? have you on the girdle of veritie? the Breafiplate of A righteo uli1e1le? are youlhodwith‘ the .prepa1*at1lon of the Gofpel~l of A peace 2 the helmetiof falvation on your l1ead$?1'$'tahe A A fhxelcl of Faith on yourlheatts, and the lw‘orcl“oftl1el'pi-7 sit in your n1outhes.?1f you he thus armrd youtmay meet. (J‘:0Cl_A.111arCl11.~»I1f’.iI_1 flanges ofafire , and thatA Wit.l1out prej- judxce; Tl1ey iord of y Hofts is come; if we a bee ,n?oyt prepared wee Can'1_f10t.~P(aI1_(l 1n the evill day A, read aEg,;@ 32. >14 a but the loul that takes warning {hall deliver it felfm End; 3 3. ylet us all then, lay it to heart, that the {word-is drawn, hath dranke the bloodof our friends, may drinlte ours. The A-xe it laid to Me roar 0f toe tree, andalthreatens the downfall ol Church and Stattsifwe do ~ take warning and meet Godthe right vyay , we may dew- ltiver our owne fouls, the fouls of thole that belong un... tons; and robably the whole [and . A . A Fourth y, God begins ‘with le1lE:rjndge111ents,and .q§;‘.. tervvard with greater‘ 1» New tire .3/.? are 22: lm'd'yta tke‘"rgeo; of the Tm. Firft’ there -was falter p=amzar:‘::z4—la the ptntzingi hooke.-. and when that would do no goodthen comes‘[the Axe, Gods Judgements are egraduall ynot ltmetlatiave the firfc u"po1:lK1'ngdomes and,fa111jilies “‘1S0dqm""“’a$lfirfi plundered by the fours Kings 1 after thaterelcnedlby A3‘;-y-~ 67¢’6"m’a3I1d;létiI1]St€‘“:# q-*w»Gw. 14, 15,1 6. Tl1ilS;llTdg€~- 1 ment doing little goodmhey were fntitten Wltll ~bl1’nclAnesy Gem 9. A and when that did no good t11eneamefire.an::l B‘gi,n1fioone,eand confunied them from before theface of? A A A ‘ » ~ A the: IS‘ _ ____“,.......__.-.5.-.w-I,-|‘V""I —--can "““""|'II1...... :5 y A s E 9.. M preached Mo;-etbe ~ &lmHr~~ -My Ina-maov. v~.....,~_|_m"_."“"_,,,,. % the Lord. h:.l;l~1c‘Rer9:¢z::; had their Fefiexz and their Sue: M rial, hrPcthe1r Fafmca111e, and thenthe1r Semnn God ..hatl1'l1diSF1fiI€5:l1i37Q96lJ’b&lbI'C«hlS Smsrisgelrrs Axe;,1£ t leiler judgements lwxllaprevail, the Axe flaall never come, H of. 5'. I 2. 14. there is mention of a moath, rottenneile. and a Lyon, firlt the Moath a leifer fretting judgement. then comes rottenefle, a foarer jud ement, the word for rottenefle flgnifiesa Worme alfo t at eates intoffrees, la and cats feth rotteneife. God would {end iuch judgments as ihould car into the heart of the Jewifh State . and af- ter that he would beas 21 Ijonatearyin pieces and devyoure g%,,,,g,,5,f;P,,__ th'3m,'. ‘ l l, A i 1 w , . A " W40 6, W,__t my Thts flaewes that God 113 not t_w1ll1ngt0 C3fl?DE:.a1’1d doe tdeflzroya people that have bmh1s,'Haf. 1'1 . 65758. a .How ” {hall I give thee up E,»/ormm? how fluall I deliver thee 1/3. mo/.> how {hall I make thee as tddmah? how» ihall I fee” thee as Z e5aim?8cc— The Sword was to abide u‘ on their rCities«.their goodlybranches were robe loppe off, they followed their owne A Councellsa wen; badcward fiionl God, they were c:all’d to by Prophets and Judgements, to exalt God, but would not. yet faith ‘God , how fhall I give thee up» «See. There was a contention betxfvéreeti mereie and jufiice, the one leaded as much forethem at the otheragainft them. Ju gmentis tvpm dlieWm;God§ flrange worke, mercy comes out fweetly, but jt1dgen1ent confiraincdly (as a ftingfrotn a Bee :) the,Woman con-A firained they unjufc Iudgeto doeher Iuftice, fo wicked men confirame God to deflroy them. If the Sadamm: A would have amended upon the firfc or fecond Judge- ‘$‘.:[‘1>f.»m.. n1ent,G od would have flayed the Plague gbut zpfz‘ ex- y tatfifiwt fit ‘fittirwt , they Conftrained God to defitroy e them*;iShalel God beunwillihg todefcroy us, and ihallwe dtefiroydtohr {elves ? Let not fuch aperverfe lpirit he in -its. ;Gotd~is"’ loath to caftmenl into hell. and yet they deu- fir‘e,G_od toedamneythem and fweare themfelves many rhiles‘intolhelI. O horrible vvickednefle! many aman is ready t7make;away hin1felife,when God fieps1'r1,and“ «prevents ‘.«hn‘*-'--— , ':prc.vcnts the nlitchicfa. A ~Gédsi 4's ‘w.1llin‘g%cr htioi skéope many A ’1’”3?’”"'W4' jmsffiiiéf“ COTIMOA 3- otit §b£ H611 thénthey fare fi1§I11fel‘.ves; i s;13i*&;1y;iGaazha:‘h sovemignesssaaudwricyoveranIcing- dgmes, ’Ngtv iist/sac‘ Ax? [did HM?) £9712: Kaiatiaftérc Trtflthiis axe W;as_the Roman States this Tfeé was the Iewifh State. s 5&3 hiafhsfhfi Asuthorsity Of;?£1liiin[ his hand; hes” ictsi one A Kingd01he“‘*-mainfio ant>t1i“¢1f; issoabyI‘oiono‘mufi ruines Sion :' sTW~”'J and 'Vé335d3“ 56?. aré‘fii1~‘d up by 2. Gad to ‘cut: down and defiroy theilesssrifla Nation : gm hath Sover- 'aigm:y OW!‘ 311 Kin_gd0111CS;:Tf@1. to I 9. and scan imply tghom toexgacute his judgements. «5i:s2oaci$”¢Ys¢_9.‘g7gfia‘_s his axe, 5143 so; .15.: to cut: downs ‘Nations, } ‘Gwss1akcson*e*i A . K1I‘igd0n1¢’”af1 Axe so ‘how doWnca,notheI3ohec" n1aIAxv, feels the firoake ofGad.: hand;wherc Gods long 112391 A fr:1*i11g'ends, there his fi2rybagim¢.« and hen will defile lie- .vere1y vyitll Kindgdoxneds; a11d.xvith: particular PerfOn’s- A This 1.ev¢ri:yappa*ar_es in tlir¢c part1cu1ars : Eirft, in Athat;1'tis an Axe, is u1cd.%S¢Conc!ly, it isthe Roqft it’S %*1aid too. Thirdlydn thein1partiaIn¢1.Tc, }th(%:t.‘0Qt: ofcvery A Tree.‘ Pirfc, it,is an Axe not Cmlrmaparnrorwag apru- 1; ning knife. that will out down fame little Branches, and V no more ; it isnot Falx a Bill or Hooks, to chop off fon1e Armcs or Bowes, butflmurix, ax; Axe, foam fharp. fcrong, hcwirng, dcftroying Judgcnwzat. Secondly. It's Iayd cothe Root, not to the branches bwcs. not to the 4 great A..rn1¢s ; pot to the t'Q:=PE€*s- mm: to th¢ T_m1ack,, « but to the Root oi: th::Tree is the Axe laid... God W111. Admle V roundly withthem .Now »thcLord would un-covenant them. lmw-church thcénm, umpowcr thcrmand un.-fiamt V «ire tar rib Rm of n The 6r Qtefl. 2» them .4 Here it’~s inquirablc. % A [P1?j/94;,nm;£;g;,6'0d%%z¢ /:2} t/1: Ktwgdowc? . ~ .arM%thingAsV1mke the Gardener; and 170 God. -4#fW- L N lay thc Axe ta tlw Rmmt;of~ a Trce.,A Firft,Deadmefl'c. Smondly, R.1Qtt§1."lI'1 42116. A Th1r»dIy.. Barr¢nmcfl¢., Fourth»- Iyaflvillfruitfiiineifm r A A é = _ . 1VFirfi,;*Dc.;adn€!1'c :,= ]Whm1 the Tree 1:5: dyingcm dead.» st11cAGardc,ner1ayVcShisAxcm xh¢.Root pfit, and God when it Stmis dyimgm jdmad. laycs his ]udgcme$nt‘s to tlw fit. 1 3 {fried x - _N1=:p&mm fimmd in 1:411! ~ , J 3 t cm ,1“; V A *StI-2 5t&;M.0eN’ prm2tIssd‘ttbtfare satin-A 9 H E then he dieds sEphAr¢iim: death being pronounc’d, Gods Axe waspre£entl;y prepared, v. tgfi.-7; /Jcteforetlagjfbaltée-4: , tl9emarm‘ngClmd, :8cc..;:.Gnoti“.woul»*c1 featt“-er thenn: as Clouds, A ' .ChafFe,“?8moake, and. dry: the‘j1I1‘up as; taewte“. or-SA'ar?di1~7 one Hifimt ulzi... mi_/frwgtt/M5 nzoribzmzée Iibermtls, 2. %’ t».othcmRoot ofa Kingddmcg M113 I-yflkya. { game‘ and fanmd , oftthet 7‘.fChurchess in dfias had» at name to live %!bt-‘ii: was s~deeadt,rRw.3.s1£. ‘What faith the Lord to Sardrrtf ~?{«,-- pggmégr what they be-xfl _rw:tzm-d aizdlseara‘ /Jaldfa/21,, rrpenr, nw4“;cl:§ra elf: I twxll came— an t/atgwu at-:12.-iefei-n t/aemig/st, 9. 3, ;%.r1;hat;:§is,V1{uddenIya~nd:cutf‘thee don/ne»:‘ and you know thatfiad fd1c-1 lay waftvthat and the other Churchest not long after _.-,- when Chutches or K-n1'11ge1o1nes are dying or dead, therAx;eis9notfarfro1n the Root ofthem. t I-Iathnot ourlfingdombin languiihing and ciyingma. ny yeares ‘ ttogether; —' you lgnovv What gvasthiard at a1 Corn» mencement £=ome yeares~11nce,~our Church and State li- berties lay a dying: fome reviving through the xneanes." -bleifedt bethe Lord we have had, but ‘our i’a:intiza,g~ and‘ % feares are not over, E»gL=z>:«q='i 1s 111 a coniunung nlyzng eon- ditionaand the Axe is at“ out root. S‘eeond1y, R otten... nefle O1'F01‘rL1Pti0flathéUZ' ntakes the Axe to he laid tothe A Root of the Tree ; the Gardner cannot endure to fee a A Tree rotten at the hearts though the bovves‘ be greene, V and it bear-e fomefinall fruit. yet ifrottenhe wil down wjtlx it, 6 . can 1-: ex! llflafla tlmt»/3 oérrfiptcdtbair we}, and the ' and hofallaés some écfofe me , I have looked upon all fisfb, and finde that grmt~ and f mall Iaazzccarrupted tloezr way, and there- fore the and of all is com écfiore meg 74 I “am refizltied to fiend as Plead ta drawn: 2?/9: Worldmvd its wr»rttptt‘am' together. It was not fome particular ‘corruption among them, but an unfverfal 1' one. There was corruption in faith and life, in their Religion, Worflaip. and manners. and when a State is generally corrupt «in thoie, the Heavens grow black, and enzher a flood or fire comes, a flood to the old "two;-1d—, a~fim to.soam. Trees natural! orflpoliticall be.- ing rotten, call for the Axe. and God ha ens it to the Root. Thirdly, Barrenneifernakes the Axe to he laid ?‘@ “‘*|Iu-nun-uni! r~ts.l i ”" V teanaarabzeuomfcom __..__.--.—..-._-r nth: Reheat oft/at tree? . _ded with the Nobles, and faid; «S4564:/9 dag]. the Lord of A Sabbaths might {land for and by them . 1 Eu land is not innocent in this thing The B“oolte“of‘é‘ ma firm, mtiit down win; mmbretlw it the grnumi: A {ham A r Tree culxnbers the ground. Some obiervle, that A it‘ the Fig-tree bearenot fruit in three yeares, ttwill never ~% hearhe from and therefore it’s faid, this 3.y‘eeres Icome i,eek1t1g_efru1teand finder none, cut‘ it downe; A Baiziren Tree muff be cut down; god waited longron them When’ under thesjudgesg under the Kingsgwhcn under the A High_,Prie1’ts after. their captivity, in U7l’!af:: dayes; in §t.h__e Prophets, in Chrifls, and {till they were barren, therefore ndowne they I’I1.L1flZ. Fourthly, Fruitfulneflepe A but‘ its aniil1.fruitfulnefl[e. Hvfil 0.1 . Ifiaclis am mp!) ‘vim-A, /5éi5Ti’»g! féril? 1%“ "“/°""’f’?1/‘E? 5. Emptie and yet fruitfull’, it feemes to‘be a co.ntradiC?t1on. but God accounts that 4-" no fruit, isefruit to our felv.es.~; Berienneile and balenefle ‘ is all one with God, ‘When our. fruit is not for God and the publxque, itfslelviflm, and tends to mine. Suchfr'ui't ffiw/I Tree was full of, and if a barren tree cumb er the , ground, Whatdoth a tree loaden with curfed fruit. Its de mand ed, Wlaat lfi m: was ir, we loicla érougbr zlaes jfxe ro .Q3s.e..~/A Erophanation of the Sabbath, farm. 17, 24, 25', 27. If t ey- made confcience of Gocls“Sabbath: hee would take careof their City : If? they would hollow thatday with pious dunes. he would hon” ur them with choice ‘Princes; but if they wou1d'idefi*7e:l1isday, here 1754» would fire their Citie, . and that wi..h unquenchablefire. This xnadetmbemm/a lo nzealous for thesahbatli, efter the returne from Babylon;N¢l:.. I 3]. 1 7, 1 o. heel conten- je d0e,¢2?!d_pr0p1MnetI.7l 5' It/75-iIt"13% day? «did natjaur F21!/oer: time, and did not aim Gad briggg all In’: email}: ripen us, m2%a':4;p~m this (Ety .? Jetjeelbring more wrest/2 ape» Ifieell, 5] prop/Jsmivzg V the ' A A He knew that {in had 'forn1'er1y laidthem waft, and woul'c1'therefjore ftandfor the Sabbath; that Heathen and Idolatrous King-+~ Sports (at Monfier that A " 4 33 I:l’l7d‘tl'e'UI1Jt/aizeg ist/5:3‘ the t? domes, zffifw. . 1 .223: A A A S E. to M 0 N pfrae*hetl§efwe2be ___. ...p--qr-~ -"*- ‘- ldonieenevet produleed)that' OP“-lgdla .d 001‘€l’t0 pro. ~ phane thellleords day. hath klnclleelt a hre’m 0131' llavndla \ which is not likettohe extinél't1ll%:that Bolokc he ‘burm; by publique Authority". t ll ' Ielolatry, th§:1te_1s a Kingdonxe deflrloyingfinnle. ' jarobmm; two Calves eat up the ro4Tribes; and tiwfmttefcx ‘Iclolsdevourecl Juda, H0{- 1 3 _T-oWh¢11 Ephraim finned in B22411 then l1e¢di‘ed5.o 4 Idolatry 15 that cleatli of a‘Land,;; it divideS'bethvt:?eene- (3 od and Kingdorhes, it * brealfes *tl1~e lCovelnant, and caufesmGod to vivella Bill ofD1'v‘orcet,l and that lfsnot all, A it calls forth (sods fume upon ~ a Land; e£%z.:,’~’l(jod_,* t/alramgb tin.-flreetx of Iemfalem, Mdfee new awikvaw, 4”-*3 fttkg‘ in I/3: éraadplacex t’}Jfl't9f, g'f}m cgmfimi at mam if 117:7’: Iv: my time exccumb judg:ment,_ HM: /Efkcrb I/M trlutb, Md 1’ ml! peraiarn it. I)oubt1efl'e there was lome godly man in Jerulhlern, but there was none ofa publique.S_pirit:, that did execute Judgement in the broad places, nelther Kin gl Councel-- ‘lots, Priefis or Prophets chd execute Judgement; and therefore hee could not ‘pardon ; when noxfxel appeare to cutdovvn fin, «God will appeare to cut down hnnlerfi. Ifiz, 5'. 7. 1 leaked fbr jacégemcket: Judah was his pleafafm plant, he had hedg*d» digfd,du_ng’d, watclredl.-, flain ed up; lon them, and loofkecl for }u'dgement, but there was none, "therefore God would ‘brealke downetlttlzethétlgeg anfdlay them wwafl. 4 I"fGod couldt have found to righteous pert, ions in Sadtlam he wouldhave fivaredit. You 'ta;lce theworcl righteous notonely, f"ot**.godly1nen; lmt for men executingltudgemlentatheere,Wlcr~€=1:to.ne“fitclh :9 ' La»: Could have no ;Ilull’cicef”l'oii1lt‘l1'e1t1s r4at1&‘\that£f1fwfip~~d Gold to etxecutejfuilxcehlon them. ll ’ “ A “ M \ 1%. i ll * ’* h ‘All 4; Blood. op refiion, 1incleannefl’e.-yhatrecl%A of truth and {itch like‘ llich I put toogetjhero hecaufe I cannot ins- larget upon all particulars, Hafczz. 4.1.“ 3.‘By fwefrings - . e ‘ ‘ ying, -um.‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1% 23 ,. _ V%#’2’o2z;.W”i1:5’l?.1A‘1%0?¥fé’0f fC<5MM 0" g, ki1flAin«é%. fafld A cqxnmittifig adultcry, the v breaks ci>xi.r;,%a1;x‘c1 blégi toi1c_:heth"bIdocI 5% Thcrefizire 11133 1 A‘ the La1;9d':i1ou‘rn%e, \?s'iI1 defl_1foy becaufe of thcfiz fi-nnes, E_zf¢_ . 3"6,:_18.: hep‘1:he%BmM€WfzallcdAinthe- Sm” fiche pAeths~=;n1Aasa1nfi them-validP-%*»GodWAho hath pqwer fiver g;Ki<‘:l"ci11eLs and*pe_op1e., 11.;;1d c;thc;“I;1 . A333 to ":3;n?l d%¢ffl1<>y¢»:th»c ‘3”~€€;Wf‘s fim th.¢x fame : i0Y%n¢dWit11t11€i1T fldV6ri3fi€4?%€W3 E?1.f“’%’;‘ -‘F %terv%0f%%‘3"3”‘:’“3W':4 who inrevengeflirjd‘A1zpthe%Mvaré:,:’;f,'§.’3./}f"i' ihtheI;_1 thewayAto get5zW,W. Awh1chVth.eyoénQU€* lffff ' radAand'poflefl: above 6690; AAyearcsA. At: the Con~quePc by N;W,,;;:’F " 91¢g§*/1ng10?.€.I®£. And. he relates in that Chapter WI1‘.<2Lt flzm/hm told him? Quid 5224 {Ma pm mortwz fiwris, mi gfiviruflifld re §7zu?21,nan defvfiicztr pcccamm igrzominio /22 mm- .% A ;r§:%%£u_ae, weyggckzfim 1:>irQZt¢nMuz integficeruzzt c0?1fiIm%illit4: negmm,p72f}’i irmlto _!/$1;-2gm'22e*» % z«zwg'[cfrarzmz% A2'a):i2:c?a4:’i;»;zy2z%,¢gr% 1:em',:n_tfl¢pw gaézmzzz ??1f1 ld:,f%¢'?lM mm pa;/fz cjf ex \ : g:'z; a% ifligfizi AA «'2'; 15/"y::“4§iwi¢‘t3tenz]}usji¢’lttEl. % . t Hire ~CD“eml I A .4 s iiioa 12reackréel:i£Ief'0i?‘?e'tI1e " e Wthe Narmavztheifinnes wereprophanefle ignorance, ur1"- : .: ..'. nub?’ clcannefle, neglect of Juifticel anal‘ Religionai the peoplef were a’ prey to the N obles, vvhichmadeEdw: ‘th‘e‘C'm;~r:f. .. for-clay before his death, that Englanamould be given in- * to thehands ofDiVills and Wicked Spirits. You ieewhat ~e fins made the great changes in this Kingdome, fies not lJlI1l.t1.l(€_“tl'lC 4mm.e.t,’which from eléa'm.el1il8; Dmr. a efr : 2. Teccatz: exiti. alga bumame Ofllfe, the onely bands of humane Societies; and when j6ciem_imax~~t11efe finnes of theirs were full. * God cuts them ofh for 53"? /7’l‘’-’*l PM when finnesa tbecome"cljefi*ru€9Eivel to Socfietiles, they whet Alogiid. in Gem i are conceivedto be Idolatry,‘ opprefsiotr land fillihlncifet which are deitrofiive ofR‘elig1on, Jufcrceand holyneile Gods Axeteeankilvhatilrenittoethcromota and ri_1oW.you have?‘ - L i heard what arethe<fin%nee’brmg~thE:KXe 1§h1th€I‘- Itfo"l-- » » lowes that It fhew you the third thing fetaout the fevreri--I tietofGod.and that is,ThirdIy, the impartialneiie ofGod” it} the WOrl{£: ,4 23:; erg) t7?m that hexgetb * not fortlagaadfiuit /newt.-we dawn‘ Ame! 'c"43fI‘az'2¢tot»€2é¥-_'fi'ra; let an or a Bramblaa F1’ gtree or a Vinetno exceptiong,excufe,ce" vafiontpretencmor priviledge or plea ‘is acl1Iutted,but~the axe is laid to theroot of every one, it refetreg tothat in Dem. 2 0. 20. The tree: tafvau knows? he mtfbr meat t/3 bulflmlt ' t alt/lrajafuch trees mufi not be {pared though‘great’andr goodly : cleerly : Looke atKiugs, they are tall Cedars,‘Z7«ém.4;z4. Hem alawmv lilac Tree : Ntbucbadmemzar I1imfclfeiemufl: In particulars you may lee this truth more down e, Herlad, Plm-Lula. Bel/bazaar were cut off by the root. Gotlsaxe neither feares nor f ares» the proudefi; 1’./“L76-_ I2-N0tP1'9Pl1€tS534/fldmis aeaineb theswordg 1}‘7#m:.3x..8.Not%iPr1e1ts, 1 Kim: 8. Not Nob es.Z¢‘miand .La..~.;é: are runne through, Nam. 25. NoteApofl1¢-5, In; data falls headlong. and burfls in pieces, 416%. 1. :8. No: “Statifts and great (_Ioun£‘e1lors, Ivllaitapbcl» is fmittgng V 354:». I7. Not'”Tr1bes, Iudg. 2.1. g. A_ Tribe was lack- i 1115 111 W461, afterwards ten were wanting. Not Cities; 5'40"!» "'“f4’e_m 3451/0», are layd waft. Not a World. x Pit. 3. no. That is drown’d.; no prrvilcdge will advane utage Heeaeeeiiei “if C: oer it o N .. “Aim/_mm fee d,Chi1dren ofthe Kingdomeiere eefl: out, Marga.-8» I 2. e be plate tecuree; law is taken at the A hornes of the Altarfingels inheaven are thrown down, 3 Per. 2. 4.‘the Figtree in the Garden is not ii>ared,L#l:_e 1 3. 6.. That ofc-WW5’ isemoft obiervable , It-rem. 2 ea 2 4. :T}Jc1I¢£/J C’e72:'ela 5: at rbcfignettazz my rzgiat 1.7%?-fi&€,_) at wamiat plecklaim zlrumeez though /965:’ mm ..-flamed em’ aver} deem‘, ‘asS1gnetson Princes hands are; yet it flialinot privi-9 ledge him; you may thinke his nearneiie and my afl» feétion to him may preierve him in his place , her as not d:¢:‘e1'ZJe'd,m‘ I /iwfeirfo t/ac Lard I wtllpleakobzmttlbmw-.Thus r you fee the feverity of God in his impartiallnefle to. wards every tree. Now I cometo make application of the point. I might here firft ihew you that all Kingdomesihavc Vfi I their Periodse, andlearnediwriiters tell us, tnatthere are no Kingdomes {'0 great. fit) glorious, fo powerfull, that 4 extend their duration above soo. or 6oo- yeares atmofi:, but areeither ruinated and fall to afhest, or elfe fififer tome great change. The Jewifh State from Egypt to the Temple, was 48o. yeares, from Sum! their firft King, to ‘fztdekw/9 the laPc of 7:44/9.-, were 48¢. eares , and then the ‘Were led into CaPtiVitiCs and a ter their returne ”Wit1in 5'00. yeares. they were cut off by V: pefien ‘and Tim, the Axe in in Text. and are nota rec to this day, And the ten Tri es after their divifion 26o yeares ywcrg can-fed awa_y:the A rim, P:rfi2m,Grccmn,andKameu eMonarchies, had their Periodnand were ‘cut ‘downe by one Judgement or another,-,A the Brimitm afterisoo years Hglui[;4_g~ rwere quitof the Kama»: tyranny inEr:g1rwd . angl ether Sfgidmz fromthfe rim of its Monarchy V, to the time of its ;De-K. Speed, emo,cracyhad 49o.}’eai*es. The L ocedemaeieer fiouriamd 5 '49 I “. yearee Thei.vS;zxam had to do here 46 9. years The _ things to conic, all feafons are in the hand of Godot, but ‘Dame: 2.42. And then. there wasan end of'them.and it is known to all of‘C?'ou_..howlongwe havebeen fince the V tconqueihbut I toe not defire to prophefite, and foretell E 1 its 26 l 31?. R Mlo N freac/and before Ah’.-7: its thought we are upon the Tr.opick_s ,’ if vye be not rui}. tned altogether , certainely there Will. be tome great 'aL... terat1.on1n~th'e Kingdoxneau t e . i «' Secondly,‘ Doth Godllfiy the Axoto tKingciiome$?*are‘ they l yable to clell:'ru(il;~ion P then ‘take couniell tl11sday,t let every one provide for 21 Kingdom’ that cannot be thaw e kCIls111E:‘1l€Cll11‘C ofthat Kingdom wluich no Axe can cut, n1ol~:efure of eternity for your foules. I t is not long be- fore We n1ul’t-becut clowne all by death. you know that ‘ night and day , are Ages confiantly hewingo at the root of your Trees, beitdes othtr caiuaglties wlliehmay take away your lives . if’ you have nolotl1ereKingdon1e ; but this Kingdotne to lxelge you ., yo“u«_will droppe into ._;;£,b_ TL 7. %a% ‘K-__1ng_do41ne of'cl_arl;g of teeth for e?! earn‘, ‘-VVhen‘"]Vwz/9 heard of aflood todrowne the world .. he_p_‘repé1recl*an Arkel prelently to ptel'erveh1111lelte and his family: when, you heare the Axe 18 la_id to the root of‘Kiugdoms and they be terribly fliakengiee you provide an eternallK1ngdon1e , for the fatety of your toules, efuud‘ thofe are yours. Chri-flsiliavght a Kingdome to beltow that is not to be hewen or fliaeléen bythe power of men or tdiveluget C hrift and thatK1ng*- dome is you: 3. They have in terefi: in Chrifl . are of the "Blood royalls. and Co~heires~ Witlihim. Ehrilt is the ' “rootetot left. ’R,aw.l I 5 .i 12; defire the eFath.er;to draw you and "to eingrafty you into that u root V that being: rooted} in ‘him as it is;g1;0l;ez. 7:‘ e i you mgty be r‘ outof all clan?- gen. for Roman: 8‘. 1?. There 1s“ no Co'ndemnation‘ to them that are 1n*Chrifi? : 3-Wéti xsrt7a&'xlpI;t=¢l§9‘" 39* m7aag;;',u moot one condemnation, neither the Divill nor theWorl‘d; nor their owne hearts,nor~God himfelf, flialli, or jean ~iufl:’y eonclemne b you with one condemnation. ‘A~n.d”i£’-M there bee no condemnation , there is no Axe; Kazan 3, A51. A Heat/mt% lvelxwrx in 172:6’, rm" keeper-myfaflugr, Cfirifl, . final! nwezfe: death; if then ou be not in Chriih ifyou bie.lChrifl*ianes~in name, ans] not in truth ,o Chrif’cians'in . no % t sffoeerzteélel Heel?’ ef‘ C 0 ,M;9N 8- l fin, .‘ ." '7 tl_l€>f()1:t1l1€3Cl:«’r1.nCl.1‘1QF_ll‘1J£h€‘l1CarC:1l'-YOU have the l'prink:.4 hog ot __\_,vatjer lnthe lace.» V and not that of tblood in the «I:.oI11.C1er4ceay0lJ flrcldtad men, I le1m5.t2.. ‘Heme: imik. tb_4:75"3‘nue /guild 'lt'_l",j‘as',,;:9:éi he the: (34:10 Iébt the .§’am:c, Ed!/Ina 1:]? if! /vim :_ It _1t be lo-yyotu are glead Trees and um’: he cut V downes and cafl: mm the fire, and therewillbe more-l medy, looke narrowly therefore to your’ interelt int Chr11"c, and txght to the Kingdom: of}-.'ea;ven;-feeing the" Kingdoms .OftlV1ct, "earth are loppinsgand cutting down the Axe_o_fG od;‘.And to help “you a little 111 this mainel point:wl11Ch way do the branches of your trees tencl?is it upa ards or c'lownyvards?tl1e branches are defldmrze oer ef. feci'm :are‘yourtdel1res and afl“e€tio11s to promot1'on.lpl“ea- l:ure,'proht.-, Cénttnt lop the cr.eatute,.and7upon ‘thinga be--' l _ low? then W111 you tall downward intofiille lake of fire,’ Wlten the Axe doth -his aofficefor the tree ever fals that Way; the ho. A hes and branches mofi incline.-but if your (ZlCfi.Ij,u‘35 and a ectioxms are after andupon the things above, Chril’£amd his Kingdom, the nches plealhres; honours and excellencies thcreofyou {hall not he cut down only be.tranlplax1ted, the Lord will take you out of his tlilte-‘ chiog, Garden and plant you infaradifeg by the Rx}- vers oat": lleaihlje at his right hand‘ for ever-more. ‘ Tlfir lye as thxscla 7 re uireth let us all‘ humble out fegves under the hamlet" t ed, is the Axe Iaiclat theroot ol'thesTree, and {ball we be inlenfihle oi"it .5” It was the Ordinance of this Honou_rahl.t E;o1fl”e.-texhorti1_1g to re» pentance. and deepe Hunnlxatxonie that flrongl y mclmedi n1e.'eofallupon,this Text : You fawstlmee Kingdomezinl _ emit1entclange_r gl without repentanccaande llke to periih. whfae you have ca1’d for . azgd my Text points at, let us reach alter. and pra&1ceth1s clay. 1t’sa day for 1nc_>u1‘--j ning and affliétingof ourfpirits ,, Lem-“£1t6.2l9. 3:’. ‘and Chapt. 23 39. 1f they be not affliétedswce and the King; domemay he A_ cut off together. The foule mofl: .afl%¢ted vvlxththc time, and molt affliéted for the finngs %pft:h’cm;w1lIdoe the~Kingdomen1oPcfcrv1ce. There 13 lfe: * ‘ ‘t 4 to tnnel E2 “*3 I1 93.7 .: 28 'P-~nIuu..« ' A S E K M 0 N prtarbédllbgfare the M E;z;a_°i.'7. 2% 5. “1”‘l.7I.)§.”T“:l il£‘1‘F1‘l‘17.'l'.l..3“l Quonimz ed :£7?2»£i'i£.’«£z/2720931 remit 23:5: 518-- mn [semi . 'L:.z¢[g. i like §eafis,; their Country and Land to-be laid defoleete finne and xiaiferie enough in the Land to brcalceaxldi ‘ humble us. Belides our deadnefle, rottennefle, barren:-A enelle; arewe not linfully fruicfulli? Have we not; Inch iiunes and finners among. us as bring defiruéiion unto Kingclomes ? Hath not the Lords day becne confiantly prophenedg? Hath not Idolatryfand Superficition bm entertaincl; Countenancfcl and pxac%i1’d?f_:;la1:h notjufhcc bin I1.lglCCi.’eCl? hath not blood, opprcision ;‘ drunken-.. nefle. iivearixzeg, i-lafphc1ny,g uncleannefle, contention‘ and lcof‘Emg at liolyixeife 6v erfpread “the Land P England is become like /freer lab Rebellious Houfe, the Heéhis,‘ a Eloufe ofbittemefle. or an imbittering Houfe ; finne is fiicbgall. fuch worm:-ewoocl, tl1atiti1I1b‘itt€Y34G0d8 Spirit againfi: aeliingdioincg Hpfm 1 2. I4. Ep/amim prawn £zg.«.a’ /aim W'”a:mgerz1yr7[}'l¢:lt!6?’_/)'311116 Word is, With;bitt_ernef{'e:* they tlm_1f’c Religion. Iuflice and God Himielfe out of place, they 12:: up idols, fox-lbolcc God, and opprefled the people, which things were very bitter. _ pmvocateion when they gave Chrifl: hanging on the Croile gall and vinegar to clrinlce. A land dothworfc when it finnes againft God infuch finnes as have bin mentloned ; they give him pure gall to ‘drinke , Lmmmimz, xi. :8. V V The Qrxginall runnes thus, the L O R D is rr'g1m-om‘, ._f”or N. 41:: iméirtared /32".: mm:/3; finnes 01’ A a Kixagdome and Families , imbitter the mou.z:h of G and 5 and the Lord pronounces wratb,curfles,, and juidgemenht againfl ybat Kifn gclome, that imbxttereth hishelart,l1is 1n<_:;uth,arid hiinfld he will come,clealei'e~ verely with that Kiiiagdoine ,4 and cut: itelclowne by the roots :4 Hal’, 1 3 . 16;. .:~’..1r;.mrm flmll lieuemu ab-folmc,ifar/Ba: /Mt/J reéellexz egeinfl /Jar God, first bath dealt 6zt'terb' with /Jeri Gad ; ar;xdVwbat‘tb‘en P they {hall fall bv the feizvorclwtbeir Iizfantis Ihalll be tla in ipieces , and 1: air Women with Childeiihalll be rip’: up This; We.-nil bitter’ t:ohavetl%1eir Chiildrcn daflft in pieces, their“Yo1mg-Amentalfhllby the $WQrd,their' Womento bee flaughit»:;r’d and ri *t u A but It was a bitter ‘ w Hogaezxraéle Hmfe of C O M M DAWN but itfwas not 1' o bitter as mans clealiug iswith God; it is aegteater evill tor us to finnetit crofles the will of the blelled God it darkens his gleryftrikes at his life and be-4 l ing. ‘it murdered Ins Sonne ., vexes his; Spirit, defaces hts worltel, and preiles k__u'tn as a Can: it preilecl with fimeaves. and this is worle then any or all the Judge- ments: ef'Gocl upon us They are to purge us,to heale us, andto prevent: the greatefi: pumfhments in Hell.-; and this is not 10 bitter, but when we dealefq withjGed,.. as to darken his gun.-y. to flighthit love,to ctucxfie his Son. to grieve his Spiritnto undervalue the glonous excel» lencies in the Golpell. this * imbittereth_ the heart of Godmptd fhould imbittfit at1Hd‘affli¢‘tpure~, 4 There isle bifternef lnfin as ‘Welles ‘flA”rfins:nten may he humbled but not be humblegtat the 1‘?en1"e of Judgments moi’: are huntbletithere 13 the bitternefle for fin :* but at the fight of the great wrong to God , men are humble, there isthe‘bitter“nelleinfin. Let usthen confide: leria oufly of ourfinnes, and thtoughly View the enmitie that is in them to G ed. to‘ Chriflgand’ to hisHoly ‘ Spirit 5 let A “ us goe down: to the root er all,_even originall corrupti- ' ‘ em, and charge the enxmtxe whtch 13 in that fin to God, and’ in all thofe have fprung thence deeply upon our hearts,” that feeluig the wrong they have done to God, and the realllbitternefle is in lthefn; ” We may be ttuely, a;nd1:l1r_0u hly humble. If the bitternefle in finne wtlle nut do it.lg6t thou ghtsofjuclgement and bxtternefle for A "fihue he1pe,onW,llandeperfe;t?t the wforlce.” Cenfider,is there not an Axe‘ tih theI;anc_1 andlau‘ Axe af;W0rl(¢ P is not G ed hew~iug and lapping of us ? are not hundreds and theu.-V fanlcls cut of? Are not Townes, Cjeunties and the King. , domeuiotnnded F cloth not /re/mm’ lie bleeding to death 3 Is it hot dt«awing‘“its lafl breath _? Shall a Trlbte helefl in, N ‘‘ Ourlffmelandlive not belenfihle efit? Shall the Chri-’. ” lfitanworldbea‘fl1altin§.=r,. and cutting downe as it is at this time 3% antlfhall‘ We not lay itto heart? MA_reWe Chr1l’ci»-j atgs 2’ whereislthe Spiti1:oflCh,riPc 9 I-Iee wept over 1?» E %3A A e jrnfe-_. A 't 1: ‘ l 93,9 ; .4: , Q «" . "“""""""“""""' e 30 ._..__?., :SAEg3~ ;_M 0 N preaciiaediéeféretlae rnfnlem$(befe’te th..eAxe came, we weep__noi: cwiet Ireland; or Eegland new the Axeis. come. It we W111 be flight" a11d1{“Qi‘I11haH1*I‘1 out humihahtions, we provoke God to be" reall 3-‘in‘d Vfehvere inout%c1eftti.1c:tion5, fee 36. 18. Becaufe 4 there is vVréte?h, beware lefi: hee take thee away vvith his *1 ;.“;:e3;:='%‘s'g>.'.-:9 ~ w J w. ar,«3':uv# er; 5; gA57c5vatsct*. Cbryfifl‘: In iawmz. flroke his hand 18 lifted up and where his itroakesh .te11.*h§ they are deadly ; let us theretote humble out felves uxjt-g , der his tttighty hand that we may not be cut down. 9 e h_; When three h -a="?h-?c‘¢; 154 »zte,téhcw teeth 9 the, da11g.:rh“i‘s great, and” Repentance hneceflary; [ if teams flow not, the chips lliuflf flie}. the tree emufi ”dohvIvn‘e.n (a) «i.‘laqyflzfi+ama faith, the Tex txs con-apulforie. ja/2» con1’cr'ames them to repentancegtcan you endure to ice your wxvesh and Chflf; drenn cut down?yo1Jrh "habitatxons laid Waite? yolllff 161114 jpfe and worflzip defirtoyed? your Cityto beeburnt’? niofl: of your felves to be flaine ot,'enflav’d P the Axe 13 at. the motif you repentnot-thefe thin 5 you n1uPcfee and fee1e.Rtepent§nc:c nowniay prevent a 1.. ‘Smite uponeyoui.‘ breafcs andeiay woe is me its my fin hath provoked God to anger,-and brought the axe to the ergo: ofthe tree that hath endangered all. and nowtthrotlgh the helpe o’fGod I will doe what lyeth inmee to fave all. If we were hunt?» blag and brok‘en‘w.ith the bitternefle of fin‘; and weight “ohf’}'L~}dgen1ents,eW€eofhould find m ercieg 2 :€i”bron.1 5,5, 7; There was a g,tjeatfArr11yhcame up againfc lcrflfrfltm - 3196-» mm/: tells them, they had forfaken God . and therefore he hadleft them to the fpoile oftheir enemiesmpon this A the King Princes and people humble thcnmfelves and ac- ,knhWledgchthe riglmteouiheife of G ad; in hit Jud A enlentis A upon themaznd Whathfoilowedgprefently u A on t e1rh11é'" miliation con1esdeIivera11ce; God 1aw‘at~1 fent, he {aw ,then1 htxxnbleaand fent them mercy-and in /acdal» things Went ‘eve-:.“‘1Lo'0n«.I 2- 35 We would fhave things goe well in ; t‘heeParIiament.tweII1.nthehArtni'e, well in the King- domc‘tthen.mu&owehun1l:%Ieour felves and fmtablyfito A A Ont fins 2 C’/Jr”. 7« 14. If therebe through hutniliatiofl God will heate, helps, and heale our Ltand; if we.,hc4tru* ly .Han0tI_7‘a»_bl£ Host]? of‘ C 0 M 0 N 5‘ .._..__._.....--........—.—-....-r-- =py4humb1e Gods Axe fhallynot cut? us downs; buthis ' 7.hancifl1a11.1ift us up in due time, 1 Pet. 5. A6, a u A Fourthly, as there m of’: be hutniliatxone, to there nmit ‘be Refo.rmat.ion :. let us lay the Axeto the root of’ our? -finnes this day 5 if God lay it to_ the root ot Kingdoms, 1}ts titnetot us to lay it to the root of our fin§3¢’rae».28.1 3. 1t?s laid, /96“!/W wvfejjet/9 /mfinw, aedfarjalgszfayir flzalz /J4‘:/e ~??3era*}.e It‘s without quefcion we have oftentimes in publique confefled our finnes, but if heaven flmould mover demand ofus whether we have foriaken them P I feare there would be a generall filence. Its avaiuething to expeét mercy and live in finne: we do not tfforiake them they in defiruetion upon you. «us, all. Humxhation without .Reformat1'on ‘isa mocking ofGod. and provokes much. AI-ilathfinne brought us low, let the Axe of“ Reform anon- bringfinxtetlow this day, lay 1t tothe root of fimnczs and will {top the flutes of n1ercy,a.nde’ha1‘ten I! cut that down, Pja/. 1 I0. 5. it’Sy laid o,fChrii’ca In I/cede} .0_f‘t[3_] wra:/b-t/9’quj}m1tjrn:zc I/3:r”t2zz;_gI9 Kmgx. IS not this the day of you: wrath wxth your. home P. are you not angry A'With themt?-do you not hate‘ them P. if1't be to; fltew “ your felvesta Chriitiansn that y on have the Sp1rift of C/mfl“ in you. Smite through Koxng.-,,y__1 n'1ea_ne your kingly luitsy; There beyktngly 1‘eigx111'1g.11nnes }1n 111en,.1uPt8 that ,do commanda11d.in1bo11dagethe1t S p_1rits to bafe ‘things, coveteouine11e.p_r1de, uncieamaeflvggt A -V1ClV1flT't'11§‘31¥3> mcong- 1’caneie,tunfaithtulneflfles unbtliete carnal] teafonxngs, Tcéreat1;1refcarcesa and iuch l1_ke..w11..ieyh areepredoi11im:x1t. in theybtefcs of111en,and_1ncsanger tI1e1ttaeternaI1t;.oon- ditiom thefe we mufcy mortififi‘-eliliwe day forflit. and that eternally. Atom 87.13. Let thxstherefore be ;¢:;>oe ofour . great works to mot}: ifie our iinntes, and to deftroy them utterly. Many deale too kmdly with their fimtes, they do by them_as you do by lV1a1ignan':sin;ari€m_1. they V have the1rfr1en*c1s come to them, they have thexr wane, their feafis and what they will. onelv they are a little re-. eefirainedyofitheiry liberty: fo fome .3.'€1T1."fl.i11,;€ them oftllx-'.3t~ e M A. y t e u 3,. . V 3 11, _:,,—,-« 4 A h 33 PL Mo N ~prtecl§e¢ddh=-fate the luitsand tint Iv1at»tyrdotue aodormortifitatioo _ they have, their ientaiiesgifveé thtrn fitequexzt Viiitse mid -feait Vthemiwxth dtlighttuilr xuefiitationt, and 10‘1nii)&p ring of their luits they ruineh theniielvesg When. Jami? A went out againfl: «téjazam, what Lard ebeezd _, Dealegevtgr eh wmgzr tbejeweg mm for #l$_I}’fdé:,:rzfid tamer: that name term: bmz, W it tended to theru?1'ne.r of the K1‘ngdoxue.e And thus 13 1t h" when We comierout agaxnft mens Ahioloms, their luff, ~ have 2 Scam. 18%. 5.; .1 2.VHewou1dthave eéfilem {pared though they would have us deale gently vmth them, not touch them; efpecially not wound them, their Iufi: they would 1‘ sired, though aIK.inrgdom by them ttflwuld be rui-» ned. Igut you knew how 10%’ dealt with J3 I51’?/om, 22. 1 4. he thrufi him thrice through the heart while he: was alive in the niidfi: of the Oake, hee made lure work and prevented future t:ommotio~ns in the __Kingdome. You are caught in an Or-dxnance this dayoi: Prayer and Pairing 3 it's oureairne and defire to flrike through the heart of your lufls by the darts ofdivtne truth. thatfor the future there may he no com motions in your foules. A O fuffer us to doe ieand helpe on the Worke.for1'tlyeth mofi 111 your hands. Youfknow what Iufls are flrong and livmg in you; ‘iet upon thenuipare themnot. v It was an ‘ A Argument ofwickedneffe in SW4 that he feared —4gdg,of A righteoufnefle in Samuel in that he hewed hxrn to pieces 5- tifyou f pare your Iufts, your great and fat oncs,tit will be an Argument of your Wickcdnefliabutifyou hew them 'in pieces and make a generall {laughter of them it will be an Argunientof your righteouineoand may reduce ‘ A _ the good anti fafety ofthe whole Kingdo1nc.re I A efeech you therefore in the name: ofcérgffl‘, {pare not one Adm», J one luff, that one may bathe ruine ofalrl, one firmer deg- 'fl'royes much good: 5"‘[‘fl 9. 18 .t and any finne may hinder muche mercy, 151' I 3. _IO.. [Vow wt/Joe Axe. if lad‘ to 15*‘ Math afcwrj Tm-3 we rnufl therefore lay it to the-root ofeeveryttfinnes finnes ofcon‘.{h'tut.ion,:‘fitm/esofocufl ems. finnes ageinft heavensand earth, and man,tthe1eafl:., A A the «m~-v-xww--~-Ar----——--_~.«... ..,..............,_r....... A ,_ ll A Elaeoaraéa/e of Co M" N ONNV 9 or the greateitlet them all feele the fharpnefle and flrength pl oftne Axe. He that iparee any finne. doth whatlyeth inhnn to mine Parliaenxent, Army, Citiea Kingdonlea a King and all, fem 3. 8. 10. When every one turned from ~ his evill way . fo that there was no way of wickednefle lett Aunturn’cl from 9 then G0d"Aturn’d away his fierce A anger and ipared their Cities ifwe turne every man .t"r-oxn his evillwayesaand all thofe wayes, we may ‘cer. tainly and iuddexmly: expeét Gods turning from his fierce wratmand hrs walkzng in wayes of peace and mercy with Hus. Peace isadeiirable thing, yetpnot that peace will whet the Axe fharper, and make 11: out deeper; inch peace We dehre as pwillflkeep the God of peace with l1S5WC take the wrong courle for peace 1f we go on in our iginnes,-Hf. 57. 2:; . ‘If. 6 8. a1 . He that cries for peace with his lips, and : deftroyes it with his lite, he maintaines the Warrs, divides betweenethekling and Parliament, and wrdens the breacheskof the Kingdome. If we willofafl: and goe on in finfull wayes, we may have a dubiousllancl A dangerous peace with1nen.but it’s nnpoleible we ihould have anywith God. I ihall {hut up thrs pointwxth that of-Smmel tothe people, 1 Sam. 1: z.~a4, 25. Omly fear: the l Lord aazdfi-roe /my in mat/J with «.3 your hmmfar lac /amine ale» A V great thing: forjau, 5%; if yaatflmllflill do wickgllygee//9.41! fie canfaemml, 69:13 Jae andjour King : pragrefle inwicfiednqfle pro... ducazla no: peace.‘ The true procluflc of it is deftruélion to people, Parliament, King‘ and Kingdome. Ifwe would an t therefore have all fafe, peace be in our Borders, \ and the 6061 ;0f It 7 peace be propitious to us, let us depart front all iniqvuxttep. j ‘ _ A ‘ a. clehtherto I have fpoken to all, gxvepme leave now; at Honourable and Worthy Senatoprsato commend fame» ~- things to ~ your confiderations, My firflt andVapahu1nlg;le7a requeflzisa that the Axe of‘ your power may n<>AAt1yf’cil1aAA but that Jufcice may be done. 7 God 13 a God of?]uflice,j A h heafnakes hgknowne to all; the world 11¢ 135’ $3 h_1$AXCAt§>; l p the r0.0t~05the‘”Tr6”@ fl1eWY0Uf «felvcs a Parlmaacnt oft ‘N l Juf9i<—‘¢> Wjflfes dzlatme " probidenttva 34,‘ A “ f 9A: Ssififi M V01~JVp‘mz£*lmZ lrcffwe zlye . II“r::.5lin;qucénc14::. Ncglcéi of juflqsce, as you Izmrd before, izxdazagzersa Kingdqxxmfm IWWJ was layd wa1’cJ~ bgcaufi: thcrewas no Judgeemc-:nt éxeguttda E/. 5. 6 7. $ufi“er not a Kirigdomc to pieriflx upon tt1Aat[g~rm;nd. IE1; brings your ;AuthC§’1‘ityV5I1t0 cc:m:en;a:pt.,» and firarzders you c:!eipiVcabIc in7t11e%¢yesofmany%: wvhereaqif jufiice wfczsre cifignxnc. Au: thority would be 211 are dr¢aci£ul.La11}c§ your p::~:;:'ions 111cm Honourable, “[1 %%%Iz«uflg.% ‘ £n%'1audtr¢n1"ble? did not itjmake 111anyfeare__.z§nd flie 5 '50" ""””’~ ]u1A1cefecur=es a Klilbddlllfi _«.».~but* neglefit-of mt nukes M a2:m-z zttzdazcne flmzmx 1)‘gIa'~ Vin. Courts co11te1n;pt:ib1cJaLnd{TI§iaagdo1nes hazardable. A f;A;s;ai1ne, t11eV?za¢g1e{§l:'%‘:oVf ]Iu1m‘fh»cc eVz1boldens men ‘togoe 6 W, ,3 mm. wickzi-dVLp$rai£ies; a~.‘w1zafi.,8,;? ,becaM*fc %fen«~t~enc*e::-V rem fl am A 3* % aini9c_ an..cvjll A worke is »1wt%excc1:zt»ed4 %eed1Iv~;,V there». P} ’g A . M “ _ _ ~m.m;zL, guilt tfll Juflicc he dozur. % W’ {»’iz¢t;rau. Laifly, want of juflim increafcs the number of Dc- ’~”‘é=P“~'* Mnquezxts.-. Igmlg. 1 7, 6 . there was no ]'L1Pcic,c , and n<_:>W ;‘:§f"‘?* 3 J1, thiiywem audclmquezats , every man did what: h.c1.1fi. /};‘7:’”f,l;?_iJ"” T116£VOfdSflT6p.fl?+€:i'¢ was no King in ffme/,». and .61: they /gm ,.§:_..",:W; wema1lKéngs%in 1f*4<«°/. Thzzy 11€1d110t than izad Vania? /m:y§}‘.nz..' Kin sin a“firic:.kt 1?:11c§.]udgcs werc‘t»l7miz‘ GovAer%z1o13r§i 'tz~a.».~i}§’s';:. Ziziu, émdi iecauih thay did rule and ;6}£€CL1_t.€} ]1.1flice,.thcy are 4. gleam‘. failed Ki~11gs;%a~nd now tlwy had no J udg»; no King , and W» WP» 42 afitheywareall]11dgc:s,al1K.i11gs.at.11eirlufls were fthcsir 3 ff’ 10* iawcss and " ¢V¢ry111ai1 did wimt was right inhis owm: M ?.’//"‘”""m aycs. 1s;Ja*tL1rcisAAcaArrup%t,xmtluing ifiveétsir to it th@I1lig-.4- M A i>er%tyaand%wh§r¢ JUPCi€C,iS fufp_cndcd = tluzre isa ° 66% 3fiu9£?‘}g51?g‘fI'Z7i Vmzfiiamto be W1cIs;ed,, but where 13 1noi’c]L1i’c1Céf,» there are fig’-;};?gi;};1{)g;~p¢fq % $6?«fC fit tshf p1‘€*i7311”t%A; Agflfiézmdx «fingers Va1?.€£manya?{lfliffefitfzis '1 W i:.£’€r€i&2'11;61A;A W6 havfi: mmiglaty finn :33 anci 111,fzghtyiinn‘crs fcwtfi H M€t1un,d inDciii1qvumt3 a11d%da11Vgersm» its <:m__r W A Emg!»z22dr.D::1iI2quen2 are not afcw and its not l.i1?%’W“ ¢.,,,,¢,,1.,»,;(,, ,.,,.__ ,.,§%,,_,dA,*,,%;;%,e¢¢, 4:: i%rmna¢AAa£4 Juflicca” 3;¢aa111igI1ty fi3.Tf¢3fl1¢1s W, W M A V ‘.2. tlmt may 4°A%rumm: c’10iWm %am@’»‘A~«*3fl11¢ QM‘ “‘I"*¢ 39"1’«}f319£;rz%'at €'af1=Q. V . A % gm I - """""“"Y'r-79!-'----o-v-_q--a-..,.,5, 36b ‘A S E O N77;"eurbed£'efQre‘zke be purged.-a.norour Land iecured- You are the Supreme Court of Juilfice, let the Sunne be Clarke and the Sea dry before your itreams doe eeale flowing. In U’!/iofw dayes ~ A 11161} wondreal. at the drynefie of the Red Sea. In Cfm;,/f: : dayesthey‘wondrcd at the darkning of the Sunne , but let none wonder for want of jufliice. Open your Sluces; and let the floods ofjuflice carry down thefloods of Ig- A BéiiaLwill»noe be takeniarway, our guilt andfpot will not ' 3' flmmllseaf niquity. f Lemur one of the Kings of France having fpa- i'7’°‘t“*’““."’ "{~"=“l; red upon intreatya man ’"deferved death, and reading 5)’ Jileptdf 7’? that in the 1 06, I’fa¢.'me 3. Bfejjad are the] time keep fudge... m‘mm’5' mam‘, and be that doth rzgbteazrfizefle at all time:-, this domg righteouiirefletat all times, io wrought upon him, that prefently he re verfedi what he had granted, and fardg Hr: n z/mt but/9 pawcrltapzuijkfin and cleric ft? not , lweammerfa 4 Pete. % tree of it, and 22: M gmitj éeforel Gad I M if bimfelfe had new; mtktedir; and that‘ its Piety not Cruelty to execute~]u.- flice. If the fpirit of this Prince were in all the Prime- ces andMagii’trates of the Chrrflian world , whata iud~- den change fl10Ul,Cl we ieee The Lenitie many propound and plead for, proves cruel: to particulars; to whole-E--»' . l flates : i It made 3 Cara fay t at thofe powers did not pun to niih Delinquents, were not onely to be rejeéted , but to be f’ton’d , leaf’: their indulgence might damnifie the en Eos Zixiflzgzn fiwms mi domes; and woe fee, therwant of it hinders I11UCh1il.: not W ,,mk,/3-M PM_ ‘all our good If peak not this from mine own .head, but W W, m,,.__ % I“ will give you the warrant of a Prophet for it Imam 6» c,,% ,:_.,m ;,.3,,_ by. ‘I be founder mclu in"-name , for that wicked are not pluck; an em, mufe. my»: Mrnrflers are Founders , they are to melt, make . State. He £7.-avvinegleét of Jufliice did prejudice King» at m~m’r»s /M ‘menfit for afpirituall e-flare; you are Founders are i l;zpz'.v[i[2;45 olmwrztlas, e ejje, 722 ex melting and making 5 men fit for a Politi uc ‘ condition, but both you and we melt in varne, and t e 1'63-f0I11Sl 1-- % Pm“ mm ven, the marked are not plucky. away , while they Rand , t e Wt‘?/;,1§;m_ labour 18111 vame: and what can an Army do, if Juihce "$7213.: tC}ztmz.. ,-/;i,,M;;,,,,3 13,98, march not with thern?;Ael:.«m will fooner overthrowlfi fim: elm in me! then take % Aw‘: but when Juftice was executed and. he {ton *d, fieazeurahleflozafe of C O M M 0 N Sf. -~..s...... fionltls cl/1 i was ealie to take , God was then with A/fiwl and-ffld them with fpirit to do exploits; Its thought by a men of wildorne that if your power had aéted more and penleiles wehad hin ina tater condinon, and God more proptttous. J ufttce paclhes wrath. xx hen negleét there» otprovokesxt. Some tear executnon ot jultzee will km.- 37 ,_ .,.,___,,.‘... ..-.-~*nt.'“""""” dleafire, and make fhrres in Kingdornes: but Fm: J»:-. \ _/hm, cf!‘ rm; mmmm, Gods way Will never deltroyGods W0rl(C5 let]uf’c1cebed“one_, and God willlookc to the World,and and Law,zm:m18 not written over any Gates, do what lies in yen to keepw oflfizclz :1 miflgthiefe. If Gad flxould depam:/gggd diiénull 1 ¢ his Covemnt with us, moft drcadfuil ;thi1.::gs wmuld hem tide "113, 1%/CA9. 1 3. Wamfa téam wives: I depgzrtfiqm t/ge$;g,_au_% The fcconé is, that the Axe caffiod being laydtdtlme cvifls prefcntly flap, crgud in upen 21 pcopls heft g::»f'~GMed;.,.A 1 A than publiisqga entcrpriies 4profpz:r mt, a infirvpw. 24,v.m..24m the11AC0un:i<3l£%f"ai_l€5, Si Sam. 3-8;; 13,. "‘f'hm _p%1*otc;S?cicm ends .6'fz._5@. 3. Tim: pcagm loving, kin&nefl~e at-z1ClI1m~«! ‘ gt gag, fercw» :2: 5. yeAxmdiuchj1'£c3§;cn1ct1ts are as4t4.:~‘1=kiz1.c;»j_' it aéffiunzze c>u_te:fthc firz1‘.E$£111CX1$t» and the 301116 mat Ef A the Bodye P pcfry is $112: tgfiuirgg ;groducetI.1fi,2cln cfi3}:¢*%s,, E.M_@ So ita5yI}:k§E.:~;;e1-Lgaglj (;J1e1_x1x:1{:a:t~.st111J, Q: abhmngzmtioxxs.» and S” % hath trmtszmhgtuty m 11: M130 mgxvc God fwm 1:1,i.sm,a.., i Msi.N’ex%'»_p1c. Yaw havebm vp1“cfl:mt}m ‘ mftii“pat:ic>n of 3'.,tCh~.a;3§? <3=3{¥}?3-= ?'3”° ti“10ugY1t§ to <::fi7ecC’€ it .V1§fgc~:*.: theam mm difl in ygzvu bug: cemm ’ to pagrfeézizims azgdi iizgagz:-ans yet ;im,aV211om_f§z~z;%1e~ Cave,» é “ ”n:::~1t,t:§,~:»4 thezta Lozm L"1‘ia1t'W'@ ~11*1aflyfm=Vcversbmmr LO,i‘d-S;é’im¢;i_w ' “‘”§“% the Lcmi %mm: as a2c:rs';c:urdx.z.1g,3 me what yam ~1'1c:+arci;aut 0%: R. ~1~_.=-M %;W3si1eswr., 35;; W ‘ A “ A :2. Lomke, .iit1Lr"lCLC 1'Vm. pcvwcar :. xmttImt.bLc»refl*eei Cmfi €3i:‘v:y’€Z1l1i‘§'”1fi,I1dS».~: *“3/OW? ~<'Zfi'aa'%gm,rz C354-??m, :€.’h.€t Rwrifiéam 3'55!» 5~’e:rU£"PWWw4v#? !'*=**€*W'ed,§{¢-*.; What l1a*vcfb.i;xamk¢n»~ fifmgu Vat; .r6e:f%a§$?§,*r, ~V$:’I'1€§t };13‘V6~l'£1ycI1 dwrmam and tmd w ;;_m?;»I;¢:;Vuc2 A;g@¢:»<.;1rev*Aixre ,; what a"b~trufi0t..«1;ur E“1s1me35:» lcit Vth$:1m0tA.i1:%ff'c&#: ."Fhe;:4 ijsizag A u...“ ‘us 1 Tiéatt £5}: afwill W161 TjTmxm)' are .rb£tWgWfdé£itI£7:?e‘I'q if, A h:c:av~tet1 andreamsih for the fafcty mum...‘ . Honwtrablc Houjéé af't.C O M M 0 NS.j.. L vuIU—'—*""" .9 “:3 ". r‘ 3 ' if I 8 .....,~.,...'«—--qua-on~....»—n NI‘ p.-«ow -moo-nu.“ , ........,,... being and lively-hood of tht K.ingdon‘1edtpt1‘1dsntuclt t11ereon~.Lcge:tatm £2?’ .Smt:m .%;c°g!:»‘3, are the tiinczvx/Q5 anti. B01‘-1.‘.8 ofthe body politichwouzad them and the King... dmne bleeds, looie thorn and the life tof1t’s game. Atrbi-A trary Gove2:'m11entis a dangetoustthxng ; a Comctthat threattnstdtfiruétion to the Country,«1t’s over: you tail» , , 1 fiDcz'l'.mzf1m Au_<_:r,. 3. that fifiylfltf Pmrlwmmt mar Ifihgdome mm A!-efizfe mm’: :92‘ :— Let I 6 I ' % 4:,“ your ccmvtétions caufe prevtntmn, im prove your pow-- er; let n0t~Emg:beco111e a houit of bondage a 2“. x£‘g;p.t.,.. A 3. I.tt Religion and truth be pretiotz:-3 in y01Kr'.C)’,€'S; ' they ate of “‘ itxch COI11Cql1€11Ct‘,aS that without thgm is: m 15;; ‘litttlcpeatze or {afety 1:9 Kxngdontcst Tlhaflt flare pTf1€rVCiS W,,¢,- .1;,[,;,;,,-Q truth, w‘1lIthe God of truth preicrvc. When ttfcraétatm /2'(1€5E*7‘.’.¢j?z/-45 gave, way to tplaufible i1nvAent1ons, ht: laydtlt1efot1ndati— fiat‘;-omm in %«ah‘f01'&1iis O%:V~I1 fifffxlizfillflgiflgdoilfilffi mine, 1111'? mg’ I4..'07J12*11H£'vzm:m2.z At; mutt: 1 0 N «méfpbtstti M at at 17 eciatt care of "W W €41?‘ Ggds wm%c1t,ttt!€t~zu 3 . r: c». and found the f1‘u§t ofitg becauic “.5 ‘W ‘W./’~<’--A thtoutlmtt ktpt the wordof‘ 111}; patience, not cmely in - . M « ° ,_ ' — t If at ° ‘ I l:~ht’:1t1‘11t;_ax‘t8_. xn thcxr p,raCt1fe, '.bL]‘t alfo btcauf; “theyhad N f M U tz':zr’zyui[;’z'm¢: k€,pt‘1tf1‘01Ilb€1I1§; taken away, «Horn cmrrutptmn t11erc~-t,,{7-u/Em, ,.eM: tbtctfiod would keeps them H0111 thcthoure -of tempta- 3'p,,,f,,m, /. I t.ion..:Gods WtO1?d1’SiI'~1 dam get oft by I-ilatreilitcs, S€?hif1",11.€S3. de repu£~?'[,”' Pterfccutitons ,, tf we will ingags cur tfé:lvcsA for A it ,12a!¢yj_ 1, 6; G «Os D2-will itxgage himftlfct for 15189»-'b11t if we dc-‘-A 5. 5-" {art the trut11t,l>m:h God and truth will be tagaittit us. *~ *‘Z)«xm£]J: A Pttlats sitotod not tbtj tpute Religiom trlmitfly sf0rtt?hattwat:t;11c1'r town. and t1wrcfb1'c"tWert <;:11t~tcastLtt.3.t>y*i:’t1'tr~1cc and people titnrtthc ytartc, I 537. ma r.ii7E::t31n his ttuthtat a high «rate, he Witl.1»deI’croy Nia'ti~0nts W ,,,_,,.,. for thetfltftty ofthit ‘people. 'Ef.4\-3" g. and he will .nIc1’troyt w f2,yW.~,,,5 % *0fh:iS truth, V Mwft.'%5; 1 C/,1r0;1_ Sax 13;. that he Magntfics above an 1'1tiS?né1111€¥a ‘?fi*1- I434» This» » Wh0letCreatitor1, this vtfible némm of G OD it littlemvt his ctc1fnal.1Tttuths. Let truth thcrethrc .et «rac‘£'7z-.‘ til B629. K772» t 1' ]0h»_s.:r8~. ‘ M 'Tl'7§E?;? 1.!" ta’ . s . 1 ,_., - ‘V "l u-... .. A11 " .. .. H ..u u. live’ SE. mile preaeijed E2efo7*en M W“ ..-.—-4-——.--«---*0 “you by the witch: of men; to buy the Trtith and not to“ A 16111:, ‘Praverés 23. 2 3. it”S worth all mens llaboutrs,l1ber« ties and l.1V€3-,-ilI'CanI10t be over boughtglloole Religi- A on and frnthsand we have left all thajtis conlideralble ; where thele ge,the Blellsing goes,/er, 3 I .z3l."Ii/acute 514;; T V r/:we"O /Jpzétitarzon elf luflree, and ~'J3'feu7m1meA-ef Hagrnej/&_e Where the Laws are executed, and pure Religion its maintainecl; there is a habitation ot‘];,1ltice, a Mountain ofl’-zlolyneilnand the blelsrng of God upon them both.- lfyou love blelsings and would avoyd cuties, keep Re... ligion 1nit’s own luffcre, and rather let Men and King- domes, thenTruth tallto the Earth; yet the way to make earthly Kingdoms happie; 13 to uphold the l<.ing- dom of heaven. . . s ‘ l A ‘ ‘ * Fourthly, The godly in the Kingdome,Magifirates, M1nifl:ers, and people, let them be prelerved , V they are the root of a Kingdome: it was lcfep/or preierved Egypt-,f % and the Kingdorne of the Egygtiem: when the /fmclztcs were driven out of Egypt, the Egyptian: were quielgly cle- ftroyecl, and their Klngdome 1‘U1flCCl : for Pam}: lake all . the loules in the Ship were kept alive, A52‘. 27. Maje: .l{€plI Gods hand in Heaven that he didtlnotdelltroy his people on earth, at-ad. 32. x 9- A go__dly_ man is of great worth, Elijah slid more good by his raitmg. and Prayer, - by oppofing Aime, and deflroying Baal: Priefls, then the Chariots and Horfernen of ffme/.. The godly are the Ports and Maeazines of a Kingdorne : It was Lor upheld a Sadvme, whenhe was gone . the br1n11lonecan1e and the A City was turned-into afhes, the place 18 very remarkable , A Gen. 19. 22» Halt thee, efcaped to Zaar , I cannot d_oe’a-‘ ny thing tlll. thou comet’: thither ; what lthetrighteouf-s nefle of‘ one Let to preponderate the Iniquilties of all 59d0m=, where were thoufancls?O Wonder! 0 theweight‘ of one Saint I away l«etsefcape,ttlo Sam, I cannot doe any -~ thing till thou conreit thither: but.Were not theirfins‘ great and manyll? be it for yet I cannot doe any thine till ~ thou comefl: thither: but were note their a fins full“? X ,_,e3si,"f r they ... .~Ax.““---.“n¢:“W ......._......- w éhleurobfe Hoof? afl(3 0 M N O N 5 .~ A *0vI-HIM-nix» AM u they sevem yes: I earmo1:lAAdoe any thing till thou eomelfo ' Zmf. VIA hue Lord art thou not come dowoe to execute l A J _ucIge1A‘.x;1e1.1At without: mAerc:y~ : Its truth yet! cannot do 11‘: till T£;hQU come to Zmgmy hands are tyeddirc and brim. fione .will.;1ot come downe from Heaven while Law in Thou art the man that hinders all , Bee goo e. to Z Mr . but Lat lingers and Wlll not make hall, then I111ufl:l1nger alfo faith G od, if he flick my Judge... ’ Aments znull &icl ghoicel Prophecy in x Z»u:'b:. m. 5. the_.GAqvemoursA of lamb fliall my in their AAhearts. the Inahabironxs of Maria»: hm my firength in. the Lord of I-lofts = their God J’ they wesje newly come out of £n®zlen,_ their einemxes that op--» poled ‘them in the vyofke of the Temple. and Reformae tion were many, theA1mmber of’ the godly was few, Ay_.e.t; their eyes: were upon therm Tl1eGoverx1ourSaoAf llflgwb {aid in their heart , thomliabitants ot JAemlale1n , .1A,11y flrength in thelord of Hoflrs their G och. every Govet» nour looked at all the godly in Iemflfllm :-._ A élfld A acr- count of thaem as his flren gthin gartxicular :9 and 11163? 1ook’t 11.0113 at the godly in tliez1=1i"e1vesaeA poore few,hxveAake* and defpieable but theylookedofi them iixe~itheA I.d_~o"t Hofm; their God. They lh\v‘.that tlwleperfonshacl in.- terefi in 1:1-1c:I_-ord,oAf Hfoflzts 14‘ that. he WW3}-,3ft171Q‘i1'fi,re1};%t11 and" defence : Whercu»pon,x th c5?iiown?‘d lthem», clofd with tl1em.A:and:co11ntenanc°dAi‘a‘:’; _I,Wi1l eafemeepof nlfiné adY¢1”fi%rieS . pdoeh the‘? e1‘1h,ind§i1 3 {op needfhlla rib gootd; ,ibgrea.t”arid ihgl e_riozt:,s ah}Qi'.ke;;; W111€a’{ban}ye101f¢_hF?1c* i!?—1;ch** advef1h%ijrie‘s.h; a‘rLd ififiehh A 2 * figs; 5;.’ 44 E R M o N preached won notdo the evorke niy haedjhall do it and do it,threu‘gh: ly. It's mans wifdexxxe to do that aforehand which God“ will dpe by his judge-me11ts.In this{ 3 bf Adagio 1:...“ Chrjfl; is preiented \Vitt1l1iS_;Fa131n1e in ms hand‘, and reiblutioh to purge it ::e purpioie. 4 fhe J ewes would net part witli‘ their IV'1o1.%1icafl Worflzip. they fiuekte the Ceremoniee e;nd‘Ri‘tes%et”thc Temple, but becaufe they w quid net purge out_:.he corrupeions crept in, not part Vvxth the Ihaddow for the ihbttaxxce now come, th ereforc Chrift fann’d theme A ya terrible je d”g‘n1ex1t deih-oy'd,them,theii* Templemjnd all the Forxuxamiesofiuecting up pure and Spirituell Worflaip, xvhmix had V they admitted,htheirede-—A flruéltion might have bin prevented, Luge i 3. :3. 34. e What: corruptions are got iI1"tOFthi“: worihip of Goths 1fot_%unknowhe to you, the Worthies of our Ifl-ml, fume perfcription. is adulterate , he will” flecewne nor bleffe its 1»; ez'd'*z“Jir1;gfifi, isfhis flarnpe, and what harhthaf: Chrifl will owhe. O fuffer nothing fie be in his He>u1"e,h whiéh hath not a divine ‘impreieien upon it, "which is not eafther Clmriflzfl-‘él.z 8 and for the future let nothingbe brouoht A in which isafiicr men and not after Chr1’17t,;1et no wofid. 1y rudiments approach his prefence , when Meade and .amb», brouglmt ftrange fire mm the worihip of God, A fire Went'outfrO111thc A 0rd and made them {-1 Sacrifice; there was nothing againfl: their firegbut this was it, they‘ bad no Warrant for it, God cqt11tn*anCied itnot, Lazar. 1 o. 1,2. Let fume fiery law go forth frozix yeuev.-hat jmay e fcorch all fuel»: as {hell l1ereafi:et dare to jeine their pofts with Gods , and mingle their chaff}: wxth his Wheates and let notany Iawesbe offorce, that may countenance fuch evills, uphold fufpefied things , or prejudxceethe e Liberty ‘of’ tender eonfiziences , yea wayes of worihip which may prove fnaresto yeu,or your Poflefify ;put >t11éjf: Agxc of your power unthothemfind hew than dO$K_/I131; A A A e . . ~ érc yoAL1rhahd‘u enx1s'and~pure1e purge out all the droflfee : 1; there_. It 1: ”1ni7S benot evi’ e em: to ypu , make anexaah icrut1.t11c,af1d whatever you findewnhout Chrifis fu- flu: q. .._..q .. mu-r-w lffanoflrable Hazzfe of. C 0 MMO S. A M 4,_5m \- ;~ ,,_..‘ .. . ‘..,_ ___,.... _.......a-1‘ “V A There is &I10'fhCf_ thing yet: , ::‘uf1d‘v‘ery de1i:ab1e..u (you have been faithfull to t'heKingdon1ehithetto, go on llill to be faitht"ull; you are Ainbafladours of the greét+ ef’cKing, the great things of heaven and earth are luconlj-‘ mittficl to your care ; L tilt‘: glory ‘Of I:/.m/41:‘, the Goipcl or Chrift the we_1farc of Churches. the good of King; dome; ; and in lame refpeét of the whole Chrzfiialni world is in your hands; (')l.i,ves and Eiggetrees will not let go their fatxzelfe and fsyeetneflie , do not you let gee your*fm"tl1fullnefle : put forth your felves, and do what you can for the glory of God;-he Gofpel,the Churches; the Kingdomethe world. _ l_ i N All thefe Waite and expeel much at your hands,.Pm».. 13,17, A wicked meflimgcrfalletb into mtfe/pief, 53; afeitbfull 11 rbfiaflzdoitr it 5641559 , Meellengers o-fa State l1aVe power lo doegreac tlhlings _-. l ifmen will be byafled _vs%ritl1_fea1fe:., profniles axxeilelviflil lref eels, import‘11pxticsof friends, and the likegthey ihall fa l into mifchiet : God hath faid _ it, ahd well it {hall not be with them , i but; a faithfull *5“ “‘ ?57€i‘°e’0*"1‘ _ A111b£11Tario11rh&:i$,he.3l~tl3,l1ealthto h1soxx§nl"cignfcj*en_ee, M"-Y1 ¢'“L;¥“" 35 he "is? 11ealch“to :41 Kingclome; iih'cal;l1"f;to the Cliturcliefi: health to all‘. God calls ro’y~o“u to hell p Him awzgaf-“tin/‘f t/2;: Sépgmgi “S miglarf ; the Churches call to you to l1€lpthCl'l1 againfc mar mlcch corruptions, Innovations, imp’ofitions; this Kingdonie, :2 Z(_i7zg,a71d J Irazm cryefsito youforilieli A againll diflraélions. opp:‘elf,-' /22 mm: in, fiofisybloud, ruine :§now iliew .your lelves"o%iHe1%wwere.:gmci Rex audax He;-filers. In Prev. 23.: 2. it’S létistl. Afesrbfall Ami: lager re; incidit ma- mfrajkezla {he faule of them that [end 1:22»: .- I1:’s nil): the head, 1E1¥J]‘/‘_,'\ but the foulea the lleatt IS relrelhed by fuch a man ,-.. the ’L";,J 1[‘;”" Hebrew is; He e.emfi¢IJtl/.1ejfewZee_fi /91': Lard to remme,.g ~[ " ‘ o wlelnay truly fay to your comfort audhonour, Ltlmt tilie foule Religioti andwthe K.ll1gLlQIn-'3 hatlnyou have-caurea it uindex‘ God to retume. We were dying, Religion and five /:.z'm,, Kingdome were dying . and you have given us la‘ little if-evivmg,the Lord reward you fu.lLljy for it :’ifgo};A'on_a,n4d ifliew your faithlullnelie. bring it to perfe8:ion. 11 :5- " feithfullnefle is the golden girdle of Chrift. G 3 Some: A SE; RM 0;}: }>reecl1ee‘!yéefe;ecjz/2e "R V y Sorne Exgofitorsn underfiahvdwhh;{.mrighteoyufnt'fl'ef; $H&~ _fai[thtuflnefi‘e,. righteous and taithtull men‘; whtech ate» asyneare and dear: to Chrtft as his girdle; tau great"andu . . glorious ornament untohim. There is niu'ch oxfference betwcenthoie are forj;Chr1ilL[h’az1d thoie are“ new tetsf or; algaintflhimy: 1n the I 7 :f&,w.when the Krngt or the eattjhr‘ flaallgive their po’We'r'to'theBeafi; andfrnake Vvarreuéwithh the Lamb, thc‘v1&ory 13 the Lambs 5- and they that are with himare ca/l’dgvmfi='~ and fizz!”/cfmll, 4 (Let not a neu-.m rtalizina 0t“<>pPr¢»<fine1P1rit. btfeund‘ amonefiayeu =n ew your ielves All now to‘be“w1th andtorf th;e’La1nub. A His cau1e,H1$ Churches,‘ I-5{istPeic5p1euand yrou:i’_haI1ha;Ve— that honour as to be flil’d c.¢l!’d,ci3a_/7m,_fazti.y all. It’s good being with the Lamb when .ythe»A xeis at the root ,‘ and having honour from AChrift when contempt is L’ owring down upon the heads ofothere;._ Faithfull men A avethe blesfings, when others have blowes and cuties, Pm». 28%. go. Afaitbfallman aéaxmdr with élefle [3, his blesfings are without number; he flzallhave the b esfings of the pre- y fen_tpeop1e;thebIesflngs of Generationsto come, the blefsings of‘ heaven, the great God will powre forth his ublefiings upon fuch. and lay to themas to faithfull Abr-4.;. barn, Gen. I 2, 2,. [will 6/cf! Jot! keen‘ me A V mrdjota [hell [we 4 éleflirg, dfid‘t£70fi.’ t/out ‘éle_fl}}aufl:al/5: élefl. fin’ : the great God will powre forth great blefsings up. on you, and mens cuties {hall never come neerey'ou ; If 4 ” r V emetgents of time fhould prove‘ fuehas that you‘ flaould aydtottl ~ed~on“‘1eiabounds ‘withall; and A hath brought out not accomplifh what you intend, heart are the wajehf ad, a at e b There is another obfervationtot all, in whfchl Will obc briefs ,1't’.s this; That the any in flm: ct dying ‘Kiaga'o1m‘e r omfumt, :3‘ 67 bringing fortb.garm’fim't : Now the Axe u ' 1e root of the Tree, every Tree that bringeth not forth good fruity is hewen dovvne and cat’: into the fire. There is fruit unto; Death, Ram.7.5. tbishthe King- tinder; a ‘Ienfiettce kc yournamergreatg, ~ _ yet you {hall not goe h wjthgut ayblcisjngfiu Pfal 84. 5'. B/..-fled 1.3‘ the mm in w/rm-”_{Ie ~wbillities‘be they never fogreat andoeexchellent. it is. not i Morall principles and vertues which will fuffice : It a Honourable Hoafle of C 0 M‘ M or N 5 ,~ “ 47 A fentence of death.» There is fruit unto i I:-I"oIynefl~e, Row. 6 Q. 22. and fruit unto God: Raw. 7;. 2,rtI1efel,afl:n groi the fruits we muff beare ; If our fruit be unto holyneflcq it’stfruit: unto God. and will reprive us from death; ;But, to bearefuch fruit more then nature is requifite. Semen; iuazrure mm canfnrgztie flufium " ,G?’fl!‘I':fl, It is not natura11a— man have not alzgmd amp/WI, all 13 nothing, hisfrurt is " fowre, Raw. 9. 7. the vvifdome of the fleih is enmity againfi God. If you would bring forth fruit to fave your foules and a Kingdome alfo, you rnufl: get into Chrifolv/M I 5 . 4. Labour A to be rooted inhim.‘ ml. 2.7. who is the root» of Iefli-,1t’oav:.1.5 .1 2. you tnufi have divine faculties , I 106» 5.~“2o.divine 113_iJitS,Ep]9.1.8.diVifl61110tie- one and operations, ‘I?bz.l.2.'1tg.andtafi:er..a1l«thisyottrntifi: ?a<9t;by a» divine rule, and for a diV;1I”1C end ,;and then your fruit is goodt. éven fuch asowill keep the Treetfrofr_1wcut¢ -ting down. Thereis great difference in trees and truits, A there tits’ a Vine of £905!‘ meas well as of5iiIw3¢r’4s oDc°tt;., 3 2. 32.. Efét 1 6 8.ib‘oth are:Vine:s,havne ntheiirleayenst _;_1nd olufia » ~ervs:,obut iniirthe on e is aiaibieflingo ,. A on the other is afleno rf 4 eVQdi\dlifl‘.ai’nd:2:1é‘:1‘giQ€::fbn§t1iy.t,0 SacriHce,~ the one is_tacgep~ ted; the other deipiied, ; the P/aargfec goes to: Prayer with it the oP:;bImw, the ‘oneis qufiifiediin, other otherconclernnedi: ‘The Egjpmmx Went thehtieme maywieh the /fi’M1.¥€?’a bllt T they were drown"dwher’eolieaflfmléécrn mdreE£asfs{ed.,1ooke e * narrowly to ‘your ieivos ‘ t~hereforo‘ei:WIa1at*;« etzrees you are, A‘ What Fruit you beare-- I There will he ‘dtfffmélarm j mficmm-. L and the wares teem ri he in, a mansown eyes‘i'may,‘protv4e death; ~Pr_1o':'2.‘ 1 4. ‘1 2. for nrostfflatterres, and vaine preten- Zuignizs 9%? Vees uizrdoeyoui:whatiE»you%It1§av:ethecn b&§pti1?:dn.,?2$'@; iiazm 3, I 1, 1 I M'£rgm*.VVh¢1tiffVy0rur1eeCpEi'}1&5? ~rrrSoodidfho;{€Wf~¥~ ii"/1 15¢. 17. r and ’5?et~norefaPc unto rGo‘ti;t, If3YQ1fltiihearb; the Wort! 5.4.1:, 1 gladly, and reforme'in maniyrthin gs “ fo did; Hefgfd .ir ginou ~<’~‘{{3 "1. 3- 21 . pray, tfi/L;zrt1.;.;7.e 21% .t «Its not ; every otnve_it§;1atfaith_ Lord, Lord, flmallenteg~into:the«Kingdozne»oféfleaveng g’eit3oere A 13. 1 48 e l SElPtMJ(l§ ‘l1l2:lrcache;1&efo_r:zI3e 1sn+‘ore* then all the.le.lt~o be looked lalllzer, youfi;;1u:l’c Chr~£fi:s,lrl‘not§l1aAve a name r.o:be1'r1 him a but 56¢; to it in A I V Ntruthlthat you be in him: The greatworkelts to mam M T outthat you are in Chrifc , moi“: prehzngewand are L3.n~.-V AW, 1; We CL done by A it_:_A.AA A Gods Juclgemem: and nxaus dxfler 1}}u.Ch£,a£1d"‘ W {pg ,5‘/,;m you w1lleA~‘l1x1deAA1t when you come toclxe, l1r_sth;o.ught;s a_re'*— judimmz me. got ours. :Many that thtxxket.-ljre111_1elves hgqreee wrll mirzis.‘ to found brambles , and the frun: of many trees will-beg l AA A A foundina.ugh_;t,wh§ch hath now an excellencje up.o31riat,.if A you walke after flefh aneloot after thelpirie, you; are hot; in Chrlfi,» aocl« that team is motin Cl1ri;1?§ A,¢_.i.g; xiréar damaa6fi7££it-«AAa tee rf'ort.l1e_l1ro- ;:A * ~. rm A A ’ I filuould now exhort all to loco £Am‘x"\L.l:i1.|t«:£'ul1;/,«‘ Eitne permits it not. Iwill onely turne rny fpelech fl:IL“£t\‘r‘,1¢ unto you, ‘ O Noble Senators; feeing bearing of good fruit: iswa 1 ei-all rneanes to love akmgdomes laboumto elyotzndln 3.... very good word or and :vworke« 5.. roxlaearze m,ucAl1lru1t ,; A and fruitlanlfweraljle to front opportunifiies.God- hath’ elm- teal you in this Par lament to bearer f:).1n_C choice ~Truit.A. It any fhould aske what doe you here 3‘ Let your anfwer ‘be; We are zealous for t:heJI.orcl of Hlfoflt. When Eflber was advanced the would not loofe her opporeuniAties. She will in to the King . although eontrary t—oAaI.aw. the will have the liberty of her people, and Hemans“ head V "off, andventure Her life to accomplifh in If I perifla, Iperifln 054?? 4- I 5- hfida Htofifiablg tzooke their opportu- nities and‘-maltea thorough reformation in; 714445 you know what great thitzgslfiléab did im}!;mn:: @' rein Ehnte "reget 1 Kirzgx 1 8. Nehemiah and Ezra; for all the enemies fcofllln "A lcunoing complyancesto build with tl1€n‘1;tal5.f-- ing up Vrmes to finbdue them, they tookac their tinres, A iniprowd their opportuniitiesl. and brought forth fruit anfw eréble to the ex eétation ofheavsen and‘eatth, th ey built up “ the Temp e and Walls of. Imuflalm. to It" was e/1645: finne, he lolt his opportunity, in letting 3“- lmdad go a man that God? had appointee} untofideath-and A A V feared itcofl his life’ for.Alllit;;1§ Ki!l:.:zz.A 31%. y'y‘ A g A A A i A m I-I 4' ~ ?in;am«RziI«1VIAtime' b¢caM£e;rhcyaAkmow n¢Ax;«¢h;éi.m;~§im§;A!?i £5-» -23‘ xam3’a‘«- 39.‘.17.3.Yfihi??n13y1hf}3sf£11I1:;#£Cf1I‘¢\§§f~S Am. As"-.u’o;«’]a5. 7 ’ rich¢fi:'b4pportuniVt1c§Aut:h:a$::c\!§‘i: ~had;are;myggr 4 rhandsgob " = we menu and fa3:mhV¢:+1;Q.7*Ad t1§¢ms %:I£?§ gm fruit for as13‘arijan1cnb:to;:£Ac::At:"iJ;pAaAi?4ithfL1l1c§>nf9i§1%§,ig9us <~AA1s»1ziniitxy_1;a1%lVs rfihc’AAVKingdmmemycra et,9.A~%A3:xay.cVa:;;,£;§srI¢«Agf .«..2§,~II A :3 H *«séhm>*1es oti*parn.1ng,tha=ta I}0;qQ1zrupt.9pAifli©1}§§ orA@A§é¢%i~ fl {es 1.36 there :11t’s‘gwd%A:"ftmict %1:osaa¥br(‘2?gaE£:% i”1A]-’ zL3AAW§;* £9 ific M «wto«executi“ot1.,ot“thoic are good‘, 110 fca11V for an qxaéter M 'j§?f;.j§m.{1;i;t1o13. ofHo1§f S criptu;Ae.; .““‘:It‘0.“ 171621 £5.63 AIrcl§§1si§.;4 $703 173- '«—-N qtyrrc a.fXcri;anvzt1;_'c<:.>}1n.t c1ggn,gc.A;;thc G9 }1£msn1m§1I§ mfjfihrlfi A *A;mg-,iVr~¢11A:Ir:%wAo_1c» P’aI't1CU1&'IS,;y"Glfl!h;aa\?G?bIX1A’P17€fl’M1MAQ&Tby; thqfc you have" /Aca1°d *1.tc3 prqach 'A:bf¢fo?;m»j’m1«4.'wgnt AAt::hA*¢1é~. da A ... :A;AHa;v'er on not found At‘l1Aean1atcnal1s _o£ our; ]¢fu1ai:n1 Er'6°."‘ g‘ ¢ 54-01 LI 3“ .. A» 2 A M trubbi iIrIo11{*and~‘brafle,* now :;giv.e_‘ 'goldx;fiqr; ” '.'.L5fi1~V€‘%‘5f01‘?ifQfl?a>A.aaTlfl«pI‘Btiz®U3Afl1C§1?l€S f01‘ my A ~th?e+dFélun&atiadns%thcr.éb~fVwith’;%S*1a’f>hirfiafiimakfiatc ; Bowie» *3‘ I 1 * ‘ d*ov‘Jk@s “17£sA2%gaT¢;:s,VA;~tha Gami of'?iEaragbum V" s,;*AAa1ad§V€£liA2tAh;_e A xBoféic+‘rs’»of %p1eaTamt 1?c"oncsA~ EV thyn ~fhal1.yrou ¢{e%:;u:£1¢:;A: xiii»- “ mrsvcjf lxqpc liberty; ‘T‘hC?'££‘g3A.:A.ar€AAlfbx:FQ d», in A .twl1‘ein¢tin1¢jAarc:.«tb; A be fulfil ’d ,9 «.am?d,' wc dfifirfi gyouraharnds inaylihéfpe m1..iA”d great Aglbriomia Aw anlcbg. ;sTb3:; “ 3;;-, fig”?! , . C1;4ea,_t£x;inA gr<:;a:ih,ers3sca3 A.he. *d§livé1fcd;frg§i1 t.=h=e* ~b‘m1dégg?gt ~ ’%?c“oxrrup4;'1o+n,%and we groan to bcA%d¢l1veredfavon1%fizch hm- ‘;da%g c4:v. Isfym4fha.l1de4lixécr anxiikt 71;1s;Ain:f1;1nh¥a;;emdjg;j, If{7,¥§7j(")‘1a§q17£l11*’W136 as 644: untp g_.1s.-)zo;Am:: fWha1l~c §.'()l}32',;v[A9,/79;IA;;§éM_¢£, ¢;t~.hm$gd11?Iflo%4‘oh;; 2‘;z:r[_;£fi7Ir.'.§;$n1:iPnr.:t:;2ecxEA:C)l:§n1m:€EiQ$;A:liYz¢AS. ,§;%:I§ig1;g¢‘}o111;M_R*«§:1;i3giomL¢"AI1.innc1y;nntxifqfir S‘;th‘cm, (w1ner—_x’1 he hiadga;gr<:a»t_,oep4portum4it5g Amarcslci itps sum-,0 zflrxfe :wraich;ot7a¢;p£m1voleed V;%VK1ngg*m1»d4 W74. 1; Y§IC%I%»~1*’3 -§3I?+Ee%«p1;rt:n‘Qoa*:ia§r2n1m;12e.m£his~.:A * A 0 . V %::ln?1tA%w*il1 flchgadflgvypfiimdssr fay.;:.hiad3did1t~mo%t ;§“th<®U; r"-S § EL 0 9-: r-z~ ¢iRvream:eZ~"tm:=r1‘*’2:a- Ifizdfiéand Ifr4M1:{AW§b1eri mh0ui:to.o"kcfiV%th££‘m~hind: that -Se'edmo::c%.tmy+. pcéaplexlandupromiibdff than mo ifibe; ad? xaiadg :5 mAmraigmc.~, ; that thou woul% multipalisc «:h‘fi1»ya;idz:4v§srilt ouVanoW9dbf%rQy%t%hem proviéle. for. thy -?I;Name1g 4-nuhmé . (Oath; ”; enplc. *-whatma%s“the3ifl7u4e‘.’? i.ord:;,4azepe*ntade o ~th$e in-2» I:tei1ded.~*andi atcd1:h»é: apeop1e._M You zthamrze thg z£e:afihat“r1ic¢atmt% A E Scernwand .kno:w:aI*1 ¢pa1Ia4gA,e»1f ~A =a Am 1:9 Iya0g1€VL1carts*.br:for:¢ r:Ware*s%%AA“;'%1jayers'm_aay<";mr1jovc %,the%:%;m_c;c uiqcufc A?:I:~ ~:~I§ingdmfiiTc, pxeflc him%wT‘1t‘h:Maf%:.«h1s14Argumcxitsy;~;afid .:~you_may_;I%.31a?ve his %A1;fw:¢r,%:and make us 4§x11:h3PPY:=-by prayers and cndmayomts. gzmzav va