R. . .«— x. ‘;T dg:§tfi§r': .h;éL§%C"3";i2i’:aA‘i‘s,i1aagitg;ibn%:%~’ " D¢1;“v%e%gea: ii~i~»a*a”fis ti 4 1"%’argm*ets :;.x- of C ‘K/hi 533:: *9 3 M eélvwfday-%~‘mormng;««' 3. M MW ;* fig13c{,,.;w3&x3tgagix¢Aday%of Jung, 64.9, . . w -r' H “ 'x- «Uh " J‘ “‘ ‘” A fi.!‘:f:.'H.fl£ ,7‘ .’.’:’» " ~V=~~sa«. j : % % IA"-A-L‘ “" V Wefimznfier cFor”e“th;e Hqnoura e$«»»Hoy1vIc M M w hflmpbrey Hardwick, Minificr ofthé Word <**.%&:?+r¢~;m Hum Mmgém am whexfiw! c3f':mflvd; , C and pm: of 1.-hc%Aff::mblyo ,Djv;m$gs,”4~_iVv “ "mi ~ -‘ *5 1 w:~;.- ,»»- 4-2:» I . ~r , V N ‘W M . Aw 6? V ‘W :33; *2 V I A%WfLouncu; % T ¢¢1ac%a*¢ti§;1:ie%wv1iich their? friends Print¢.=?:d’by%. Afor bfiréflapber Meredith, atthefiénfof i thecrmein1’au1s’Church-wyard.1644.. j A @ —w~m~5..: ' ‘ ‘ *‘ % ?§“ “ ‘}§*" ya M V M ? ?"’3 ggfi Merct4rza4 36. 1111111. I 6;4..4*;.*“%‘ T is tfxis day Ordcfecl bythc CoLmmo1i.§ I Maficrnblcd in Parliament, Thfat_M§fiCf R0u:aVMaficrMS4lw¢§y; anfi Maflzcr N icalss <10 from this Houfe give thanks unto Maficr H m:c{wicI:5ai1d Ma&jcf1HicI§:, phcgreat 1);-zins they took‘ in thé Sermonsthcy prea- .» .4 >“ ‘r * $5 “ I 1- ‘ « 9‘ ‘4 H‘ ‘ 1 «chad this Adaywat the incrcaty of this I-Iotifcm Margarttswflwinfier, . C it bfiifig the day of ‘ pufiliquc Humi_1iation;} and; t‘o"cie~ fir: them toP:.-int _thcit Sermons. And it is ré¢1icfl that: non; fhalwl Pt€f|.1l'I"l¢ t06 %1i:encé under tlidfihand V I v 3 \, ‘Q. 57, ")4 ‘$5, ‘ea A'p§o&‘n; (:Vmw;:§:.-rdfiunxg,_1g1::s;nm:r%é”coprixn, m» .. ,. ‘ ,g . ‘-W °\ -* ‘ ‘ _‘ ‘rm .. u. M‘ ‘.“ A. ., J! gt‘ ‘ l ‘ 1: v V ‘ ‘ ‘ ._ . ‘ ._ ...1i I _ , ‘I ~ ' " ‘ 1* . . 5. “4 39 ‘ \~ +" ‘ 1 » «r +fix”‘*v"~: N ».:«w jWW”'Khwy a». bf“ . ‘ ,, .. ‘ . “ a ‘ _ ‘ , . g H :0» . . ‘.,,.,,, ‘u hfn ~ '. 1- ' ‘w . *, vt I‘ er .1 v , ‘ m ,, « ‘Ir 3 » M ,, .6‘ Tc. .1 . “ ‘Nb. 1‘ V, ,_ _ ,1. A” % A Hum» mum Annvvx ex. air", 3' W ‘ Houre of Commcgm afl"en11W3led1‘ ¥“~.’V°*‘:‘7’}".“:’%"%"%">“’A;E_?’;‘>’7’3"?."M"%’V:'%* nu ‘ *3 " ' ‘ :1 . - ~- n - M‘ ' .: ".:“ n‘ t "J W ‘ ‘ New I «a “ I. “ - *q1vtmvag¢mt*v'ts»4sra4¢em:AtW vz.m.fzr M ..éc1vrta.déw¢c4é?J‘or4e .fwbA4»‘MA~ditvrYs:;vr M». «H , srcpmq up earéeéz:/trmrtna were éee»%:%:emmeaz4 %afmu+ all Iilzadzziaavyv:ér%~Il€4div;z Ifv#»d‘a¢vPre~ fi‘de‘¢¢ié2~"”Ti=?25~ ’Ynj4nfl‘io5?‘“i?2ergA}2§ade’§{ké‘t&Vgt# "M441:/:;,2‘é"gvme. ~ Awbicb;.éIowA; /.unm§‘lei"&ér%”é:’ yaz3§?*[A“1"%iM§22igc«5 *’*“&é§d”iii'£it£erA’%‘ fl10!4Idtbe_l450IIrJ of rbxlk kizzdc mm: M fiat to that lronomam gr4cia;u‘»appéitnmjwe:L*fi% a :1 vi 4 A \ ~ Ifwiflinfiri’ A2:z*a¢»3,1j2appofi=,/aatb more caujéftaée large in L4: pelagic fbzm I, having lo» finca had my p‘MreALiéra— V ry taraflypAlmdere£j, %a12a’z:;a::_y”«fe§f1¢¢oI/41514:’ 3." ufque hunc diem , to My ambaqkof cazxj/ideraéle mlrttr Bffidet, f?‘0M-~ tht4lr'§g"i%r ?” #“¥J3'$i¥»V4»VW;iJntz’/I tbelafl‘ mm etla , inter AA A 4 A A 2 A arma ""“ ‘ W4 H m ‘ -mu £1 a '* .. “ ‘K ‘ ‘My ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘; ' ‘ ‘ . '3‘ .‘ ‘,3. l .3‘ L “ ‘V, ,; . W , V ‘ ‘it ‘ “' ‘M 31 ‘ ‘ h; *~ fimtgdtaflfzqpa Ike‘ 4W»: a %m“ blag; v;:???"9tb¢ faumaim oftbcfle % % mg;-4 , ' V‘; The z:p:rtx¢%1:e%aicae;ry;% W J arma ubifilentlitexfae verfatus. But tlzefé thing: I .40» A ‘ titre ondy_fd£’fire5 t/mi W/acnce it way‘ 229: E: ' 1'50“ 6, At"/.751‘ Ttflfidflf’ grmmga . zgg43>‘¢:fi4"€4€WI?*!~M4’£"”’ W44’ inwwvbnarbing mixed at t;%€é'5&;b;A4%%TFxt‘;.#0? 42¢}Af%§AAlx4W'W% A-736'-¢~56ffi'wz/ficgll wk :2; ml! Seldome,‘ , lmtévtivere 29cm ofered V A zayorsriéarfids fin:/.2 4 i3zaa1epiga?“bf%a[1 /Jame-j]m}~ane témtg/1:55 m"uert%l2elefle, tlaey éreatbfiigg A: fence of tb A.:*%1jj»U;‘m»“ gpg... .yz't;., W_I“;frz=;_/5 flu/Z finds aacéniafikewit/2‘yoz¢rgaadmffl2*; mm’ £5“ ii/ac” J‘. W r4”5:*}f ff?» '*f£§F§M’”PP€W”W3*WW1/’P4%4~ mhwérl ptirgrdzzt migt/9 M, 155: m,iZ:g;z4nt§ “ar ~ ‘ g. ..u fa» m, «. m. ,. M .4. 3.1,. 53 {, my . , , -M3,. ‘ ‘ \ ‘ .Ta enco:¢r4gg3»;éggg{ weflfiaf .?9;~4é(l72_ef{g“£’ifi4"fi'4';I8rt:‘IIV2?,“I we zgiwzwawg % A I’ ‘L \ _ ,‘ “M T 1“. "" ‘*3 ‘W A. Q’ “«,__ medféry not/birggin m§"”Ef'i/F76, #326 1*» Sfiermcla to war ‘ pwmfif ..t6¢$%B%9irV»»%: <1/M fifmaflefl . €#wt’7!?+~fivfl36ievt to wiézeiv flzmkei »i@%.%é§54.€«4fid¥¢W”L€*éA r«’;fid.ewL,irzyv#r~*% ( ~,w‘a < ' é 2*‘£@’e%“sa»2m 44% M1: » ;_,» .4 .4m_ , A_,, AW1A*M. ;;e;'-~._~_A-L‘ v H % W £444-taifvgfi <31’-"=5.Wy9e»:‘.%}72at4Z474z2im?zae time wraw " "4 “M; *4» an. 3‘? ‘£1 4% H- ézx .z:&ézr£r #2’ 4$”~} ‘$fv\1xzcexéM> ” M 4¥9urs~t9b¢'.§Oi11Iiii?!;i1at§»<: “E 5&4 ~ A in all trua.0‘§bf§r"¥a§W€5§.«J~«; auwugyz} ~ oI?~i”/fig S R O P RE E . gheim-Faax, mom th 6 H0110” fable Houfef ‘Commons. . [ I 64 +~% % 4 A A 7,5 tlmpfaw in tearcx,‘/54/! reapin £03’. A He%t/mtgoeraéfartk % A ‘and wcnjvethgécaring premium fled; A‘ /3411! » cqm.,a‘gab¢~A}37itI}‘ ? V’ ¢ri»g£agbzsr%a«ve« with j % . p AA M V % % M ' " P %W*?3 1 mnfult the ‘b¢ginning44 bf this Pfalmwg "we may d.e.cm thcfs words a. flramge c0;1cIu110n.;Ipy Md’ fizrram, +5 jtheni' thm:¢ fu¢i~h4%*mgh4 ’e2§:preflic»ns of joyfti1n~efl'c:, lofirie firaifiesof exultw M“-L” are ~ M n:m3:hfi11edwTxv$ic1:A iaiugilzter and 5ti3eir~t<5ngu§3Wit'hV ‘fingingPi4Diaiff%”e heathen flay an19“n‘g%themfc4lves,Th%c » 4 Lord ha~t;h”dm1 e great things for them; andrhey rcuz , ply, fayirsg, -The Lord hath denegreat tl1ing4sfor.VtJ"3§ A ~ 4 . ‘ : wherwf ‘ um ' 5: fe1d‘a::vnj~§e ;1na§;e” ?‘«:,i£°1¢::=« t?u%ne.%A H0w%1Li3iAt$%J V A A M tioqfimpuld e1;3dwi%t119»item ofteares; ” A and weeping. is Sims captivitie turn:ed~A P; %Was t11ei:z.* W .,‘ m x._...-“£9 2A whereof We are ebjeéi: of former Aseremam 4: the mamtély F4/i, lune zA6;A1644.. h h ‘A glad? Can the flame matter be the $ A praife and future fupplica1:io'nA? Mi ht1they'n~fbl.eIre;§G‘Od for turning their captiVrijtife,hh Aanf Aieelihagaiathe fame" mercy? A A A breakifitojoy, andb11rft"i:ntot.e‘a,re_s ,; whhilft theyme-U A Aditatethe fame things 9 A This ambiguitie4iswquic;l-gly J Aclearede-{Wot wekno-W that ever fince Adams unhafj 4 A _ faI;I;AjahI1?huAm:1x2ee A0CCU1‘1‘"€n.ceAs arefubjeéi: c'oAmiez:t1ir«je. Could their heahrtsh .. mm and compofition: there is no pure joy to beAefmmd A under Aheaven. Thegreatefc rejoycings have forrows blendxed with them. It iseho einarvAelA1 then to meAet;.e A WitAh°aviAci1fi:ude‘bf thefe things in one Pfilm. Ahd A true itwas, {that Sihons Joyes xvere ix1teM’:vovenA.wi*r11 fears and grief. A — A A A A A A is . T heir captivitxe Wahs ihdeedtumg-d, in the grant of h Eibertie orlicence todepart by Cyraei there were 3114-» gmublesg, theirc wayw-15A hédgedwith thornefs, fo fame faire begim‘1ingSA,in»t;h,ACgiepartureof many, andthe forwardlineffe and aétiifihtie offome alrcadye gone tejerufalem : 1vYea,” theybeheld 2 fuhI1gdel”iv~er-- V ahceby faigheeinthc prorxiiifews}-, ‘A»fihdW ahIlAhthisAhapgening v ehyt-:he waters ofxB.abylonfi, Aeaufed them in an holy ra-- ‘ fuddenlyariduriexpeéfedljiwhilfi the Hebrewswere A vifiljemteobrezik hforthhhnd fay;When the Lord tu1f’n—-A A e.d~a.gain_flt.he Mciapthivifieeof Sion we were like umo them that dream. But alas , the cafe was noteefo with A aupidnexreofmeir» fa£.hcrs~hchje1dren,»and behold * fonnes anddaughters of SimAawereA willing; : ~toeo;mihue in bond-ag»e,A quite fanfeleflehoftheirown A *evi%1fl condition. j New to fee this A A ‘ thehifih frozen inea11.uncha~—-Z A A 1*R5b1€¢fir6l€fneseOf tlwirown or Sim-154 welfare, was 1iiAQ.fm.a1elefortow to the departed Ifraelifese. ThfOf&:_a-I; -A fo cha;:: were loofed from Babylon were not,freefi"mn M A befec A with» mP”" A A ; To Haflamfgzbie Hmfla oficmmam-ghee 91% L he ———uu.varu ‘ wi*th'difl‘icuI~t4ie.s: hhfew f:iends.they«had, but many « nemies , v_ery-malic;'01;s; very ad againfl: :hem,eahnd« A they not able §i~n;any :me.afure"htoeefha1‘l their nuzh A match their power,*orvie theirpolicie. AA A ‘ Befi-d'e§”allthis,hethe Work they > probable ihcumbrances and oppefition-5“, might fuifi:-w Acienizly difheahrteh : but the bufineffe to be perfermed A ‘appeared infinite -.;, rebuild again the citie,mAreedifie . the temple, to repaire the vfizals, to fettle the nation 5 todifiiuguiih the tribes,to” efiahlifh the throne, tore-r form the priefthood, to reftore dif;.ipline,. and laws, to confizitute rightly" the Whoie kingdeme », with a multitude hofhother things which} cannot me‘ntiqn_;, A Waéimpleyyment of unfpeakable hard{hip.- The poor: remnant daughter cafe Sion, but nelwly freed fromhthe A yokeeoftheproud infu1tingChald_ees, being to un-« dertake this task, camragmtes, had needwto repaire to“ h their God,faying,. TumoqrCapeivitiheoh‘ALord ! riot . his inmarvell, that theholy Prophet {eeingf;a1lthefe andmuch emote nhenelhcan poffiblyiconceive,‘ doth in j V this Pfalm , ~ poiht: them as Weflh to grief as to“ mirth : thew them’ joyful! things whereof they mighthhe n glad ,; has A intimate aheavie prefihres «anAc1»oppofi1:ions,A A 7whichhmthhey muff: firive and flzrugglcwizzh , even to teazfes, teareslvfay, not like thofe ofhchehThe%fl'a$”1oni;£g ans-fortheir deéid, without hope ; but fuch as {hould A he put into Gods ebcntitle, andwwiped awayin the end vyirh hhcohmfort andrejoycing. A SofaithmyText: They I/mtfaw 1'25 teajres, Sac. A A ’ ” A A AA The Words ‘you fee are mehaphoricall , alluding fro. ere to undereake‘ M feemed iniuperable , beyond Vtheir flrength ,% above ‘" their hopes: the veryjourneye confidered withVh_the A the-bufinefl‘e gram fie1d::'7 We mafia liettIe~hdiveAi1mf3 H . A B 2 the .V. nm_..._.. 4. A AA$er”maM;¢%tbe .mme:Iély Juixezc; A W % preféntsvthe:Ahushar§flmanscafe,:iqtimes"qfi,grgacfizaijwt cgitieénci clearch, v;firhcn~ he hathno ft ;e:n'cjugAi1%t"AoV¢4£?.ea;tiVs‘fie“ his Want and {ow hm landfi Hishungry family graves ithe me-taphdrt. to fixldafoilt1t,he:i1:+'meani:.ig~.;'7t:hi;§ _foi‘Abre?adw taothe fi:1H~,. *;whi‘E:h if‘ he give; hAi§“Aland%W.¥:.M has U»Z1f03V;c33d, to tHe’ir fur?th.eer %p1*E:j;udice; an'd‘a?hemfaA:-é hie‘ h%athA%:A%;~tE‘n0gugh1:~s mf denia11,A » 'i:mt%'th1€n Arthae-I “ A warm: fpéaks much 5AAfad%AcciL1nteLZances , :AE@‘m»r~r.: c-Ea.e'dw,j % make bclixes , become .ppw,erfa.zH m'amu%rs to re-4 Easting heart of the‘ father of the family. V M Fuii _€a:i.:.m W wwuld he f1ipp1f}rt.Lh%ei,r préfem; nyeed 5 bqg%che %a§_:ag~x;~ ’ henfion 30f probzfloleapproching famine d:jth%.demr%m; 3:: would be b=u;t; “V a1‘E“ conzxfort to eat um/VA :0 the fulfi and theyary Ilext ycar‘jr:,t0 facrifice th7eir1ikre%s 1:0 hum- A A A gar. Afterthe rcvolultions ofnmiany th0t1;;;htsv»Q;.17i;3c£fl1 fiaes A the war fee-dfman refo1Aves to denw ihimfeit and : % Y %Y% % family f”or%theVprefent ,% tqccammit Vhiggipreciwcnus feed V to the breeding wombe‘ of the Athankfnilleajrth. ?~B4u:t being new on his waytqothe field, the cache Aof chil-» dram nCC€fiiti~€?f0uhds in his earééz ,;“EhBf'BI1_fi’5‘"O£:? their great want affiifia :f4hi§. foul A Befides, it i'“své%.¢l“oI_1gt:i%me: moharvcfhand Amamy¢A.<’:afuafltie-sz’thefe thouglits renew fl {orrqw inhis .bI’*ea fl:7 , Whi%chbxeaks fbrEl1‘int70waep:_$ A - ’i:Dg%byt:h%e W3Y_;3:3diWhi1fi h¢‘%,f0We.thihisfeed§1=xe.dmpAs A I{1istearcs. AB7uE.:‘0bfc;rv:e what tbllowsi Lbereapy zf,~2 jéyg , '- he comcg again» tcjoycingr, ; firixgiég Ms‘ ~[brc21s;2e;g.:mzt.I5 A him; my‘1itfi&e,r§:ading acidfmall cfipari¢£:ncm,Iha*v@ founfltfixat cgrtitfawen indear jrears,.amd~ini'mcs7 u£ffca1;"~ % V%Cifi‘-3: hath y€¢1.¥d¢.dV much mam c mcreéfé ‘tihjan 312:: zfimif times *a..~:f0%4;fh3E:Wr:efcI1tly .»af?I:er A%muAc:h»%wVamm;? the re ‘hsilth fcjllowed gfeat plenciem of gra7in%7evcbeyEmdL A fiatioll. ‘f Ndw fincé-% have%cQnfidAeréd\1:h_is‘ P~fé;{”in , V Ame 5 chinks :1 ap»p“rc:he4nd 4of1eA4A 'fk5éV¢4ia1l.A ::cafornI*i.om ‘ A AA A M “ %w A * A V‘ Ag;hm2,_V fm;,;gg;.eiriyfi . “ .Be?fides %the I i x.2:2Apx:w¢mentAA%A 'o_f.met1s --r———--...—. Jff =11‘ a “flee .Ha:%a££r4&1q. Heme/2? wfflamfizansa r 5-, % A A * xi ‘ "" ——r—-n-mgr aims and circmnfpe6’ciQt1 Ufhamifl fimh ti¥mes_., Alynotgc AA. thaf %i4i‘iéyAih'éAn mm it‘: pr:a~yc3r"s augl tearesg and th‘is,doth , A furclyj inzcreayfe AVthc:ir fcmras: .th115 ffirficrtalm was the A- cafgin?mAy Text.’ A . N53-W_gh3 fpgl-jtfof “God appA~§Iy@sA this t07¥:IE3§ magma mg.ém'iE nitAmf :*hQfe that %iabAmAurAi11%£h€: ;Wm*k gm taming = Si£m1s;Vcaptivit?ie 2 they that’fW¢3at ifl this bufimeflb mufl; ‘ A take Vnétice Atha£AA chm conditiém A is liikc the cafe; mf? fi1c¢han;husbandmat1, firfi: i%I1'the iaflc, theng.7;u glue ifliie. 4 Amdéfef ti1ef¢AtAhemiAs i11t%i{1;tatA¢;g:1 a ai{oure:fo1V4€iAm;mr¢:r~e~:; H rghaflgcftfl iii may ”AI,‘em:. A Fif£‘t,%A{sfmvin"g agiid regpfmg. “.“S‘.‘@hw'. cc:nwd;1y_,j‘: mares and joy; Thirdly ;.A1n%0u,4r;1iug on ‘and renxr;n~mg~: backe; : % Four!t%hly,A¢;b_e.ar;invg % P.1‘t:=cim1s feed:,~: ‘ w¢ep§;ngA,%~A.Aa!ri;d zbxmging {“l~;cavcz;s; x2szxci§14g1;a¢i,£§fr:{Te4. 5; Sm h@1:q§,%zI:i,_‘,7 Brethren; mVaz1Vito}vd Ia.b40l!fi1I3d§@,d.‘:€ ;.;3i61:;tA:I1A;LiCsnAt3a%% A in vaizfix eachhathA an anfwverabldrficozfigeficcuf re... _ ward:aa:tendimAgit~:4 fowmg xvxth %rc~:gap1r;gAA;VAatearswircI1* joy? 5,5fac§* traV¢;ll.it1igAWi*th {ween r€.tIA’I“I1i:13g;;:bcaritlg a»;-A way pr_<:f§ci0§15 fe¢.sdA:A; mf :fl1€§aV:€S.«is; :fc'”-:31}; ‘A sanded and 9* reAWAardcd* A. A- :W.lm;~»c;a;§;a A(,.iI1@vQf@g,?»:;»s3,,;;1£fi;ZM a M mfichtrayiflning A clcgaxgcy in t l»:.a ti;g1!;ag.q“ of.§fi¥h¢%’:Spi~V~ tit in connparifonwhAt:rc:d~f tlm Itugfmgflv :1’£f;2,1i1msAof- pr:@116xAhetoricia:n;«:.ari£ A1tz2xt%b:a.%ri2£?;nMé¢ee. .?I§I3I;3~1W@‘;fflR tar % ; moi’: part; vies AA=A?f<::4>: mfi?-;:n Vr::.r.‘-:z§;«=;7x::~z“n -W»§£ § {W A:£11@AAAti‘%m¢#%a.iue ] on the, Ai7amfie.a::pd: dp~hraf¢ AéJi§;4Vth*~:A :A$ec;ript1%’r¢i' A Tz*uIy,b,_ ” A A A A A Sermaféxmt Mefi#anetE1yi='4§fl;AIenneem;.¢§eA more offuch obfervation , I dnely hint izby and pr7m;eed¢' A C! ~ ‘ A A A TheASpiritinpeAnning down‘thisepaeft oftheAiPfi; A d0theAec‘al1 theIf“rae1“i1testW0**a fermus confiderationoyf A AA their {’tateim'heAtime‘ mf turning their captiAvitie._IcA wmxldstmot for the preferxvt be',better'e tehenkbefiare-5 :yAea. itmight fe.enA:1to be much worfe. elaaaés ‘feed in ‘Egypt under-went Amore heavie~_é‘"ndi1rancAes AA afrerthe Deli- V verexf was cmne Ather; beforeA. I 11 theAAAafitio“n meueft“ they ‘run; part they muftewim A their‘eafeA‘an»dVf:1fetie, vvifth their Comforts andwofeld-A lycQntentements.3 “ Thefe an as precjéna feed ufl: be “ A e laji*dei?ntAheAt£ita~nd_di¢,iAt11hope of future fpringg; A ArAhe~A‘i5{TIi@$1IT ASionsdeIive rance‘A. and reftauratia A V A onei5‘Zfm;ablewfifihthe.m€taphQr',f01‘WhCnAth§ weeks“ A andafipointedetimeiscomegynhee lab»o1irefs Sions Vhu sbandry fiuallt r_7e“apA:§1ccordi_n A . the-fly h:iveAAAfowed, 61- fparinglyprplentifullyz year :5; V {ha A M M AA 1Aallreé:p joy, eandt:heiri0yA fl1a11bAeas‘1:eh*c;joyee"e‘ * A “Of” hayrvcft.-AA7YVhenothersefhail perifh afind“ ‘cometora feaerfullendeg when their name A fliall vamifhand go out in nafi,inefl‘éfj;;ei \eAxi,fhei1”ethcir,place fhalll. knoWi5thCm no A '1 mAoreA:‘AA t:l1?et1Afh:i*lAI €"éhVe.ejufl 1'eturn,with‘c:re ; '1: and ejcom...1eAA A % fortfl1aIelethey§i*etei1rnto their own land, fdr themeek “ A ihallflinherittheea13th',AfaitAh Chrifizeyetmore, their 1 ' cup {hall QverfloW,fér~AT1éYe‘bfi11 ¢01j’-B6 again 1VVithi0Y, _ .;4fld§‘rt'flg tlweirfbeawts wiIb?'ibem.e . A ........ 5:: hcmeangng £4 theA1AT6.:Kt thus maAmif¢fh‘=_¢3;%JFW¢ may A o:9b‘f§grv~e$:.é:~t:r‘ca;bI-e 7VA¢1fnL‘ieit1;the%WA.oArdV§ ; A-r.$IT~hje fqrceof j_nfiAm6tio:m$ Agiving, the Ifrae:lAit~e:$ :i.aI1Ad.A: all Gods people to unclA£3xf%ftand how pairlfilll antifwrrowfull the worlge and timées¢wiiAl%‘be , A Whe ti 4cheA:V%ChuAArch is; in travailewof de1ix7»e‘r;?a§hd”§e;%4ir wo,xd{s hme the %.f<:>;:ce ofgxg «:-~ 1m\ptac;iAQAV~n*4;§5;a:t1cé1i~Ii§n fl;5‘fl“%;%%{QfiflE%s%%A% and daugh C315 8 ,all the I fri'en.ds‘A‘%dF:.SAi‘on‘ tp ,?:b$3,5.“ and; doing, to iibe iaétive to “ thf;irAu[termofl in 17161.‘ ‘ % 3 _Th£:“:y have the forcVeAA*0f1noti~ire o1fVA_iNnAd%Auc,cn1é:n§t;to be A flill aéfive and w’aicingmjti1l%Sions ‘Ad‘e1ive¢ranC;e”b6 cfl"eétAed.. A A The firft fentencn;-tlaen ofiAh% 1y»d0<‘1rine whichl “ V propommdf, "is.fmrn the jwczrtdsj as they declare the condi.tionof:G“ods people in tzhe times ofrcflauration: and deli'§rera11ce,]:and" fqAAchAey*A Acleatfly imgimacc this; Vemphh rd .audAA;m:AJ:rcn1eI'y% difl‘iACuIt:~ is the Wbrk,aud DMZ‘. fad »vi1I%n*11e ti1nes‘be,When the h4urchAis in travails of deliverance. A L : . ~ A A g A, A ' Husbandry is, the hardcfi refileflk kinda Qflabour, and 1::ha!?: Lfpeak :0? is Iikeploughin and -fowing in — tearsl” ID~.OthI10t« Scripture: in e:r&pr&>1i"e 4 ;%%;_tc:rtn¢%sA A call A _the"‘raeftoringVof*Ifrae"l Gdds greaty, “ G~od.sAflrange' works Pf Anowthat proves it robe difiicsulv; in an high. f 2 uh-@TAti,m'e* ofthe IudgeAs4, whefia fithp ?fiur;c Aqffl ¢;AQ1-;... rupt and¢‘tux:urious priflt-:I’t$;was grNow;Iit4tmAtAhe height, and nmde t7ahAeAAi"erAvicc4s of‘~s:h;e L<:::rdA a rAepro;Icl1.g, %%a%ngc~=.:rV kindled in, the‘Abma1't¢of the Almighty, and he will 4 fivenge fhivrnfe1foi1:thmfn,;af11Id on Atiw;Nation the rather A far ‘thcirA'i'fa;kes :3: rlt;1i:is% ‘ you; know he71Adid;¢ Am, {:3 (l1aiv«p<-3 , A .. forterr‘i‘b1“cxan1axmer;,, asgnighc&caL1fc EIAM-:Acaresof"l1ijm 4 4 that “ heard to tin.g1Ve.' » Ifiiael Awas dAifc0r11fit:ed be:--~ f0.re tl1a i%PIi‘iIi~B:i aces, Vfttm ofG0Ad WfiS%;€?A4ken the *5? % A A M A V A nevsm. A M A ‘;AATat/2eH4m{9ur45le Héflfe afCammbn:.% A7 A 'J~Mr\‘ 1 A germ». at t%l2e'"iakm,e:l:igr:1‘~‘2rf%,Vdjufiew§6ra~AAx;54.\4%,“wW¢ '- 1?‘-=W5 §i1¢w«Ei?Vd€¢ad»bT»i fi§sTVhis {mi dmghtmrin Haw (gAomg1; ~~VV©§‘¥;1a§l*r}l137l13mA;m€'§Iy‘it?;'aVfiiL3fid*i1fi£A her3Vfiofi§: :?g1ori%es 4%‘AAdepart1xagA? frnnb.-.A igfm hm: beam.-~= L0. 4 no « A _ exeea hofe. pmpi "?fawl‘E:E‘Mm“ Alfltlf the depth«§"«Q f‘mif¢ryA gf Es: thgy. Wégc funk 7i'n,to d'€g_1‘ee3=; 0f~%’fiutM1e~~§é.:n$c1A» mvlm "a Vwotk W:as'it;Atozfrefiwarfi9:a”11;d;“'3mf¢§rm.; their !apf‘ed%co,_iidiitic}ng E” Albeit“fth“€L ordifgmfi 1m}q£hfae~§ ¢ fed p§Aous:m'fiead Aofp'ropham¢M;jiP1~iefl 3;. %facfrif'iAcas’rz.*>Abé‘AA A right~ly4q;.+d‘éx:¢§JAAA, and jufiic A on im ¢xVecu;.ed.i;: in the, M land ififiia“ leanAwhileVAAbochri‘fuperfi'iticmA andldou‘ fat ryj qoa1t§«nm:.§d—4in tlf2‘eAlaa:1:d5,:Atrfi1:t!§W1*lc5?aiifi§CaAlamjiti‘6$ in A M . ché~*S2éa‘t"e?:{iiz*3iNacs%WéllA: f*EeApt?‘i11A2:?oDAd«ntm%'. %gei;gnee”‘¢b¢¢£;mc th-a Ark ww:.is,*“jorj couV1d?~be fev*1edimitAAsi;oWne p!ac6f.“An-- ot’ri?erxiti‘fl”aI3ce:%wc:hi1yeiin..thef§:copd of7C;/.rra;2io‘le:;5af7A,;‘ gar gzamo;§,4 i1i,‘=mAdb;e f“'o%re flak time ,A the people were? 7-f'z‘z§-Eimi to mzmyyfgrperf3iit=iom:s‘,;nndA.=much j*c9rrup.. me; d‘i‘dV54a*4b?05ux3aci m‘:“Church and Staté Athey A7wém“fof§T a. {mag Ci!31€3,,_‘VVith Oi1t Aa tea_chi~ng APricPc, and wit-hm’: tht Law 4rAAa7n1dAi~.nA.t1r1m:‘e da§Z;ieAé %;:h4e”:;.-Ave‘ was zi}c:”5 péacb; ta hm: t1rh”at%4V”A%w3m::»A:AV *;(QuAt:f Q Jim V t~mA.A§mfim L :»:ih7atL cafné; i%n;; bu§[ A At heV‘L4o‘r*%d ‘did véxLe r~;1mm?with ;aXlm”WriitAifes,;1;,%2 ‘C:£’,7.'flfia‘ 3 L : A "NOW wimfl W%mrmdan*d mnfcimf the fii0ry;w¢_ V A finds what at workjit nvasm rem: that Statc -.;?; a «Pm? A ¢ plmtia extrgcrdinariiy mfed 5, and w$onderfu1ly~efn- d0*\%xrc;=Ad;n:»é fc:a‘M f~‘tA13e2AApecap§.eiAtQ : ‘fE {;et'3§;10r:l11at‘iD;2;2;!AF~ Fm:th;er,A A ‘ th§;%yr;:iaPm°?aw(3bvenaAnt,. Aandv Acblige all%~~up@;n paimwof d&a:th5_,111;aVm;wé:)manv-aAmd:chi1dei“wrake“ Athe Ccmcnan‘t¢ 2;, yemfvser aL1Itl1i"s thctwork flicks‘, and genes ::dncsl* l can liveghereby" didfihespiritfignifie it as difficulta l thing to refliore Mel ‘and: rludzz/a A, as to make there Aldgic bon“esAtoA1ive;’“Ez.ck. 3:7,. . In the AAApoM2';«ps . we finds thedelAiverancé. of the Chlriflzflan 5Ch.uArw&1‘hes rmgn byawhijcg V Vit:’shardltoclin1be;,l vjw g;h‘e curled flower and po11urioxl~$‘of Ahtifihrifi tA‘0"b‘w Tet Qut Ey the refcuingof a wcxhiati V,» lrgewlygdeliifleu rcdofl a’“%‘ ~m£=m-chilcle _, from A the ‘m'uelllMlr~§df Dragdh; it’s eafia togread,an‘e'xht%1ni*tiéaQf»:Aldi;lficiultie A aAn‘d7alpp”aTr‘ei;1;; ldlan‘ge1j'inA Af ulch*:alm.i1l23‘?d:ert;al:fi1J'ig. ‘Mdrclevidem: yet: A will thlismpiearerlbylarguant: . Firth from the natuérc olfthilsA“\xi6 A :. Athe’w7a"y toréflofa A and reformila lapféd nation,is alllvkilpshillgvcrgugg “u1:i”i:"y;. pietie l0d%geiin:‘Athe”lheiA“ th‘eAa‘l'l;crags*lmfmlheas ‘o*5Cl<%*a.; A gen it’ls‘:6aficli.;ti:{ ldcfcéndl;-?,A be» ficles, la Naticmis a vafiébodiegand itis mofidiifilcult l A tomove fuch thirigsl that way :A the lAm'ait1c ‘A”bt°:AI1t“and flreamlof na‘t.io‘n sir Afrunnes id ownwlard Alto: «Aim fans next;-. the gcnerall defigfeis andEt1dcav.;m1zs;ofAIJ:i"cn larebtending to loofncffe : A 1101?‘. ulnilzléiiinnfidl wdeffhip‘inl3tHa Chur'ch,flfor im.pa*rtAialjluRic¢A in.cIimm6wMealthA,wo11ld they havcstholc .thercfolre.;that at;cmpt“rbformat;l» , ‘ _ A A C A A A_ AO¢ % W A ll To 2% Hamxréélé-‘Hoz¢j?: of "Commnfi _ A A _“ V ~.—‘_..—..-.-.... M A S%er4mmaimz72a%mm}:/oly*F,,.afi,41umnz6} dd iaxorléagain £’c.th<-f:« graifisfaw 3 gaifl1’C EH67 fir¢ad1,aFd . A ‘V fliallfindifiztheWorktcd10flMsand dicult. A ~ V 4 .LSus;Ahintén«dfi1cntAs%ancfideavcmrsfiudemanyene4e miegéand ‘great oypcfi»tiC>,,I1.~ I»fZfl?‘v¥,e§£ talk ofgofiing Gilt “ Egyfi tofeirve‘ God Abetmur V‘ , ;M.;tzaa£2 will £:eAfiiArrc=j: hi mu felfmsd h»i~s; i:*:flru?1nent s%,t:.~0;ffin.k% %t$'2e1I1im: a‘dcepez:,de«-L grab wfbo7ndage.'1fh’a’1:& :?£z%4:gsr:ab4; 1;:iTV;¢:Sfifi§1j_‘n thief: i¥%°‘i;ji?z'}3g:i:a jA A -of darVknefl?:—5 , mud whé:n;.cvi¢r«t~h@17e4’;s*;%any; .fE5€~€Ch‘/Qf ' Weakninghisf:Kin;gJ0Vm,~by1‘eduC;in aw pgcple frbin. fgpeffliticnrs:vm1ities”‘;'{?¢sC0ri1upt and polluted courfes, A A be playestheAA*De“vi11*i11d%ccd ..,..fiIm m QI1s a§llV~theVF‘z41ries, ken;s:a:t11”birac‘iiviti“«‘e,jIharpens their%wir”, whetstheir‘ ixrzrventidxasa, wed geth- malice“, heighithens their V luftcjrs hi s;blackFoZr£:e 3,A{et%s on his Infi;,rumen5s,qui¢¥- m1ge;r,4i&;f5b'lows up theirr-%age , bmwes etheirim pudency, Amakéé in7fi€n&te rheimcI11c1cy.‘A»4%4 He1:ic:Ac A 3.11 the blqlidjg A Cmim, ,, ti1e::i2:ofing;AVAI/111214915,théfprofa«ueEfw’:~*V;% the; A caliéfick ;{1aJbig}apb¢l:%, the%%railingQJigz£j}Ja1kx?lw:%,A thewrld. 4 ~Qfu1;1g~gd1y petfons6A. bAct:omc en;-mies%Van~dopP0f€xs:A fiwkifizgs wajfjt»/xi: ££$1’I &fl4?ld mp, mdtbe Raglan ‘:4/gg fiowfiféli toget/yer. ,fi:&M,2Vam% Ammm,4 and uzmmlfié, “ ‘£0111-2 plat: 32tx:1£%1.;_c%“arn[fi)i§:m.;, to A4rom:%out ilfiéacel; AddeAAto’1:hcjfe, _ A4 a11%Awfa=1fe.;!mjfigi53V,,:;a11.&.1dwlatrmus and fiIp&: 1‘fiiti©"fl‘$ 5j:anc$ie'nt5v®'e;re;1}on¢i"es , , mid:fI‘radjxiiuns:gof%%pufi. Fathcr%swwAA41’m-m?dA No%w%thi3?‘j .dm:h"d“rag%ge t:he‘"bu‘s- ,;~;fincife,tmIh down praceedingsmogrcfiathétm game: would A imagitzm: :Gm:fi&:fIfiimfeifcnuLd& 1:xg;f~dc)B IgrieTat<%Wo1*la’s A ; %becan1"e:oFmeVt;is urmelicf, uch more‘sma?y4%theA~*befl: dotheixt endrzavour ,1,_; uypt‘ bring: dmhe wo4rk>b1it ~flowIy;,i_ifat a1l,:.bcéaufc ofitxnbialiefi a * A A A ;; Vge:neralIunwi1l‘imgni2fl"e4d£cl:wapge» anflfifugmau mom ,dath-ufua1Iy; ;‘abuund~m fuahAa:4At%imé&‘3 fizwhegnhe IfraeliteshVadV41i.cenfcrgr.anAucdHyabyyfimt~'i§cu*t:nvIfmm 3 A Bdéylafl “,-A thefe¢»wera:~wVi:%mani'7y ofth¢m¢¢’f6 A A gonflc; 5,? ~a;nd= change thB£r'%¥ftatimn,%% 3”-s“ th‘w0:Hur¢h*.@»% A - V‘ AVVCES, tczé at . ‘hr, 1 «fig. % ,2 A serm~Am mm/azy rafi, mag. 1644. -ter" praifes for iA.d::1ivera;ncc%, was» forced «t"o:fo1licite V the Lord df;.¢me*_x;cy%:¥a€refl1 co turnechei'r4captiAkritie;.-’ % Men are naturally weAdd*edV izo‘ what they 4h;;we%ha%d_;~ -and albeit‘; the‘yv khoxfiir things were not fo well as theyA oughTt~ahd might b‘é,%y_§:117Iac/var-+1ike,. they had rather ftodp to theMw;uj§then; 7then=mbe; aft paizlsxro puii:fitA off} flaviflnljy ‘t:hc~':y‘1:hink itwaawell ‘enough, may‘+Vferv¢ mm, and vyhat will Corns of chgngeis Jt:*221<:eAzttai*n.4;...;.....g; % S041'1i%&£%gypta't7%thev4 Br‘icke§Kil£1€’ss7A 1:~‘r1é>ugh*,~;j1;i,_I1 %Mofe;crc”ame ;AA and iffiheref.qretheyV: couldiimake ian3I.V‘a"c‘Co1:tj1mmdati~ onwith PM-an/9:, ‘VA’ theywould trouble themfelvés 1:16 % A furtl3er5:1’ ~This';unwil1ing11eITe1 mad? them fi:icke%fo A A lmng in _gypAt;;:and m*0fi:c;crtain1y ~£h;is%retard%ed their “A jraurriey,i11thcawildemcffe.for£:y,yean‘¢:s..:,yea more; 4 niadc the «Lm-,d; to fweami ix; A. hisi Twrgth44%«that L they *fl1Ao~ul'd um enterintofihis rcflgy A TheI.o.rd' isjuft!y.floxv A 30 help an un.wi11im~g people .7; “ a nd ,hcn~c§ fewnother 4 ;reaIbn is fo;~extremE::fy4di£ficuh:'.,r 5' A A natiqfi Qrap¢jé:rpl§fare?fV§?iVth:1mfichfiddbrougfit ltclfé ‘ *‘%uc}apaiI£i£si¢» ; %;§;Qr+41‘E?;.nd§rcd: fit '*t:o 5 be :dw'1z]vered andf;j1’ta# _ rblilhcfd ;h?m;wontR"e‘f'oranati0nV iris like anVeAw;p.iE¢%c = ;Ia‘iostVfiAt‘z;oAA;74 qwmdsin an old garm::c*r1u!:ari.d E“here47neerd‘s A *VhAlA¢Z1‘,fl€W:,»fif£;m6 offpiri; in Athe»Alén?d?b:éAfm21?él§?G;od s&"greaA:: :;;A.«,i'1*;;cM.an;hc:£E¥x:t:1ctd and pl:3ce?4in§iVt;: "Further At0‘iHuf~-A %.:ffi,fiafey;4Lchi.s;;;giMve;¢»‘m4elegve to point outAfoureVthiings A which by confu1fing%%the. flzcred Volume ,.I f find ‘1e‘~‘- , .¢Vquiiwifie,:tx:iVb§~; my ~ maple bcVf¢src%1:hey"arecapablefifde-’ , ~_lme~ra1:1 an orma_ti~o*n.4 4 % d4iE.ir&,;§%élaey?mu1t be truly A :wfthrcmgvhoutlyjVf<:nfib1e*ofthgirbondagca¢nd’5miIe=- ~;1'y’:i,. 3l1dk1f¢fiAA1‘1yAA' br0LughtoflF confid,e_nce- in A thc;arm¢e of’ A j.V;ficflmA sf ;W.3hv.:a Ehfi dglivcmr *ioam€:%AatAA firli t0-1?ifi.t6 %hw&;sL A _ brethifin, 7”» ti}: £;anaurab.le Haz¢fie4ofC'o;¢1}z7):én:. A ; l;:cthren,they. put ‘him "away, Taying,% WhVc3mA.gde% A thgg a,}udg¢;‘?AandA4wh$ygwaTs thxs P becaufe they Wérfd notyet Afen4fib;leM cifizheir ownwan t , A found not them-V A % A {elves to’ need a deliverer; by which it was evident A t”he,ywere not fit, moms yen-capable offuch a%%mex:cy;, bu¥:after4wfome mo1*eryears,"when‘an0the%r Kmg arofe which knewnoat Mféplr, am began :01 make heavimf 1:he'irb0ndage, then the?'Heb1*ews grow fully fenfi» Able“, and“VGod%A1”3ith , 7“/5ve* crieé aftbe Children offfifdel I A4 came zip ta Mae 3» some now técrcfire 422411 will ji';jdz)6ec;._,. 1/ygnégau mmf/Z érizzg mm am‘ , 4 Exod,;V3%.9,1;Q.AA%andwe may fee by thisiwhen Aa peoplexfs fitpfor d€liVf:IfaI_JC5f3.AA“ . The Prophet Hofeqlikewife acquiants us,"tha't when A 1- Epbmimfirfi faiiv his wound,‘ hcwem: tothe Aflyri-«-’ ans, andfent: to King Idre&,H,s3fl 5;. A 13,. ; and Awhilcfl; A A Vghusgcwwagwit.hAxthe1u;~th‘ey were unfit, u_[:lcapa,bIe9f_ Gods c“:ure.%%,-and fo’:Lvc0AntAA1uue,-umlllthgy fee their ezjg rout“ , return totbe: I".ord,anAdFtake with Wche 111 words, fayi1:rgV , A We wzfl 120:: rzde z4.12a;g}2ar_[e.: ,_ JA]/mr/bqll rm flwe I-mil I4. t4,:A2,V3i: :.:r d{;iwhéi*tTnhcy:da111§to*h¢lp themfclves ;., to” carry on the work tr; t}‘1"<‘JM11tt€_1‘I1_Z_l§)fi-_ Iftha C3hiI~d5renrof1fm;l begin 1;obfe:{ 'afraidAjot7 "the: ;Giant5»+;.s.: mld d«:~:c1ar_e- tMhfemf%@%l1res [ unWi’llmg, and 1%oa1::h mfight w%ithtl1¢fLip15ofiedt:§Arria- A A4 b.lé+mét°tie it1habiAtax;1ts oft«heA1aVnd oYGmman, =tEl“1ey_d(5 ~t:hMc%reb cIearI)f—difcovcrw themfelvg-:stoAbe unfit car uncagia leoffuchga mercyas fgenxed in, pmba1ai1iAAcie:; ‘ W tci Abc1,1iA_car umzo thfim: Godfhereupbn comAim1c::d Vrheir % Pilgi-ima ge>in Vthe %,w'il%derii.6fl’ci:‘ fimfty .yyea.r_s% A,, ‘umqiflil an were dead%that7iw€re mu slorath to dti Vxzhat: they could A~ fohelpthcmf¢l~Y6%S.%wA Afhfir thisjzhempeopkewg-row tog; A A V fit:;:;tcmper,;~amd»bcc0m¢.Afiapagbie, of c1z;xa:ri.11gAAthe4L_ancI C 3” 4 « “ ofi A¢fi@the“fiprcpe itieAia.%f'0f4ap¢op1c 4t£5Ab¢;Wi11Ai;1-igfé A % A Sérmmézttbe mmerbly I-'afl,It‘1ne.};6. 164.4: offiromife, afidfeeirvhat their difpQfi:ion%was,%Ié/Ir‘. A I. 16%. A A[1»tlmt§4b.,m cam-m:mdeflrAza' memll doe, g;;s,;i«%,;;:/yj. A téerfizemrer wéawféndefl am we W211 gee; The peoplcfbeingz thu.sVjread%y“to do what they could, are now capablé cf Amercy. ’ A " A A A A third pro-pertic requifite is, a w.i.Iliingnefl‘"c to re... move and part with allthings which may hinder pep. ‘ feta: refox-mation. In the tenth ofladgas we finds that * the Pbilz;/fines and the Amarites did grievoufly op- pxeffc J15-ael, who »in their mifery rcpaire unto God for 'fucc»'oL1r , aeknowledging theirAfim1Aes,= imploring = his %helpe: 5 but the Lord returns anfwer , M I ma 43., . livveiéqwzmo more .: AA firangc I?6.pl.11f<‘-‘ by a merciful! A ~ Fathergiven! And if you skauthe bufineife,Awyoufl1al]_ fi+1id¥fe,AV~it was fie:-‘r Athat IfraclAkept%fti1l amongfi them the ti;-inAgs which did and mightihindet G.odVsAhelping;+ and Ade1ive4riug~ofthem;t%o Wit,Atheir‘£'tr-any gods.But A whenthefhad ccmfidc-:AredA and fbund oucthat tbbc‘ the cauf:-,they put:them&%away,and prefently they were" holpen W; “yeagmorc , the Text faith, Gods Afaul was grieved ~?7foArAAfithe miferif; S7 oflmelé :.- lo Ah0w%%&ggz'mgv;ing A % the jt;hings4w"hich may hinder did alter ~the.cafe; mrfiAx3V,aud mt * A 4 * A ~‘mPc}1y,aipeople are néat fit foi: help anddelivcrmcc; ,till my be freely content: ta Abeat aha charge” of it-.~.a A 4 ~ WhenaEp/:m"m is an en1ptievinctoGc:ad,fparin%g,nig4» - 1ga1=d1y%inhis Afervice%,A ruine, notreformactien isl,ike.-to i’uc¢ccd,Hgfl=m Ae. And confdh: the AStory of Kings % Cf ~I#ddl1AA,4AAAyA0u Afha1l;findc&but~»AOnc' thorowout Réforas \ mation, 'an’dthisWasAinA[ t:hewdAayeaofIofi'4Ia 2;; _and' how % _A~l~ibfe1*all&werc the ‘h’anAdsL of the peoplein chefs dayes? »they?Abroug*ht in mAoey:;t~o the: work, my wcightand W meafurcu ~'EEh§c va!ue**t"~4thi2g0;ldAand f1lver»a0frhe.n1oIA..% A 4 ten . . rrciofcly ute11fils,‘whiaC: A n.Athe bu@n@1Te4f.(h0u1d go on '%witAh afaire Ag 1% ‘ ‘ R . g wk ,9 Me Honour4éleVH§uj?e 0fG'am:wam . f N éenxmages wasnotrcgardcd, norfaved om cifan hint?- Abandly thI:if‘C;in'e-Keg, but they fiaimped it and all other hwere fupe—r&itiou{1y*implgygd, into piefces, and znade dufi of mend} And gave in of 1:h'eir own morgthen fufxcientz thisbountie and free» mafia-mf fpirit, arg;:1ed_1:hem*%to; be truly fit and capable ofgreater;Ref017mati0n%th%en any waswroughc before them;% ‘Now c*9nfidmfmy Brc:th1;@nV by thefe notes; how hard:a thxing._., has-vi? much ado it wililbe before: a .% uatiatm or people will he bmught to fuck qualificatiu % “ 01135..thae~re=1m1firb6p3O11%ghiDg,fowingA, planting and V 9 A fupplantingin amnion or kingdoma, ere aworke bf" fu11Refnrm4ati¢nwil1bebroxgghtabour. A A ;My fix.t~ Rcafonofthis paint, is from the prov-in %%7dm1g:eVaofG‘od:w,¢A WhOWil;1* h_av.e the, bufineffe I fpeak ~uf}m§batiiuAs ,for the “fli,fcoireAry of unfound and uqfig .;:{i:ic1ereinftruments', and to take away the glory of his Chizrches delivaranca from them. Iris the mofl: noble and greatefii h0nQu4r that exrc;:~can&come fo» a artafl men on «e.a%rA%th_A%,_ robe inPcru.ments of publique ” ~goc‘zdr to;ra.%natio11 cfpE;ci»a1Aly to Gqds Church and A;§:;.people%,A1;1c’yftly in the czmfe. of rcfiauration aqd Re- f'rmatior1..VNdW this being fci fpecious andwdefircablc athing ,.;a114forts.A, gwod :;n;ad4b.'ad , pimustand grofane, i'areV ambitrious of ‘mpp:iz4%zeffeA ofgt. 1.. Iftherefore ' A W A aéle and wflmving tide accotxxpfaxxied £’r.'i.11withVlikelihood’*of V .fa¢:c;ciT@, andevidtfiflfilif:«ofcredibiliticg hmv mauy.w VV!e:%g-likcwozzldfay, Comm fccmy zeal? How 1n;,;a_11y* aofAtVheLfc1dIi3:ae,1it€S;% whichcame out ofEg*ypti, ;:a,p~ proved x;.l1eVg01d.é2i1iCa1fe,a11d hankercd aftenfupssrith A A I 5, tgioizs v;1.n«itiée%shadcarried-~aWay thahonour cf brin‘g-p % ” ,@ngzhAe g1xi1d1*enVo;fV»l{:'me1A imd Canaan, had not thy ' V. I I 6 . _ W. V. .\ ,‘ ., W ,_ ». ..u_.. .___m. u Amman a;:bemmmzyp;jz,jE:i'e26. 1544. A news of A the Spies rendered the worke dificult 31;! dangeroLis,impriobabIe an7dimpofIibi1eP The %L*o-rd iu*.hisefecr*etewifdome {aw oniely Caleb and Ia/Imai fit: A to Carry awayeethatfame : - and therefore f.1fi'e-red the .“dif::overy of unfincere Ifraelites,‘ and preventing A _ them of undue honour. Nowtheihme reafon ofpro- ‘unlikely to come to paffe , thhatun . an and eItab_1iihmer;.t ofourChu1jeh,n0w(by the bleif- A ~ {jug ofGc5d) in agitation :: theenormities ofthisdkind , ' are A fecret, but {ore eviléf under the S1113]. " The Lord” chi‘ God is deingusgood, hehathiraifedvinflrumeuits, ~ ' 1 *and;ihiseinfl:rumentsi; giveout ieviIoufehseirVventde— " N we fpairihgfpeebhes? Suppofe the proceedings %o not on " fmoothly, «Em fo prefperoufly as men expeét, ut meet bufineffe to appear fa unilikely and hazardous, for the Liridence cgncinuethfiill, the Lord therefore doth 11- fually ebferve the fame Way ofproceedingsgthe tum. ing“ of isions ciaptivitie muflnthen be very hard and difcevered to thveirfhame. A A » he . V _ V 4 The reefleiseof this truth upon our feIves,doth blame the harbouring ef evillfurmifes,the entertainment of hard thoughts , the d efpifin 2 ofthe pfioceedings and {defpairing-of fuciceflein the.bufinefl"e of Reformati-» and is aeiin g his great work: ‘Why efhould men thinke evil i§heir‘he’arts‘, ex; entertain hard .thoug,hts ofGog with maeyrubsgbe often ataloiie. Admit aighere be . % ci7ookedhefl‘e and flumbling in the pregreffeof a:£ A A fairs {hall We prefently furmife that neitherGod~nior ilnatii intendeus peace and deliverance? A {ball vgeifay A with thegrumblingIfraelites, iilthétdebecn better for , L ‘usm ferve the Egyptians , and Would” we had died in Egyptwhen we did car. to theifull? Think myBre—~ A _ thren; what an hainious4 fin thatiwas in 1: hem, how &e..X~ fotznd imenmaiy be g , X « .‘ "fititiffibzzouraéla_Ha:sj%f%Cmmam. V 17» A zremeiy did“ igprovpke the Laird ta anger. Search the 1 Scripwturgé is hznxow, If ;evc4r_§rcz1.“1 can fi.ud.e ting haiyfioncfsw ofIfi~aeE:1_"§¢ak~with more indignation agmnffk any fence that ever was committed by_ his pmple: yet this fihne I fuppofe is comn1itted%abu¢n&am1y by many “ inthefc times A, and that witlmut fears , and Witlmut fading. ‘Became men want that peace andfeci1ritie, thag eaife and piemzie : becaufe %% they meet with char; gesand tmutbles more then f:>rmexfIy,;thcy gm? theme 4 eivés ta thinks evillin their hearts 5‘ and oh the hard A thoughts which they furmxfe of the vmrk and iz1Pcru~»‘ meats af Reformatiéml Many whet“ theirmngues, nmkereadytlmirbows, and (boot out the:-1r arrows, exfen bitCf.’rWD.1‘dS; feeixag tha warm camtinueas , the work.isfl4ow£:d,litt1edone:, (as they fay) rrxen.sex..~ A p_reé?cati0ns-frufirated, things fi1l1ou~t crofi‘c, V110 likefiiw mod of a iimedy mind , nor any Vcertzaimzy rwhap‘AAwri41:IA~ come of it : ample for the mofi part take Iiberpie to defpife ~aH that hitllerto hath been aéted as«thAe,daZ of ed A fp1al14g‘§hings,and are readyto cry out with the Wit; 4A in_thé4"P{a.l,WhAowi»lIfl1evvJAus any good PALW %Whathaflh the %Pa~4r1Viame&n%t 1? V What have the Armies What have the Aifambly done P Vilde an d“ung;~atefuIlqueres are §%h,¢«f¢4:i Imafy fay joffimjh pcrfczm s,xas%o1;;ce Mafcf:»in,«1&il-w ' ~ V. c“afe;th'3s:§r%’&l1ave cornfipted thefelvecsgt-heirfpot'iS~4rmt V ghexfpt fGx:m1s !Chi1drenA_,<, my, area pc‘rverfe;&atnd Acazcmked generatian%v: Do ye‘: thus rrequite the Lord, Ohayfifblifli tp¥eQple a4ndA 1uA11wiIeA:A:’ Hakim Vthefiovd h¢aV¢2nA;Am«oxe ~vifib1y appeareVd~%.for;hies%littlé Vflnek,the1fi A §V€.;13 “ ’t£orm1n%ttfi<5iim1*&1 j verflowmgs and b%;rea”l§;it1g‘S?i;nA«af:I’o_ ErVy-and;1:yran?’nj5 4.? A H%at%h.he“v¢i%thhis 4oi»vx;h1ea‘cd4%hm ~Ia3}dVt>héfcuVna%AA A ti;m2:;:;w:,£"3~ ,a54¢gf1ori1;;s4vAM?o;:mauiA_;:?&V x"1I~1E[aflhT ; % V 18 d f fic infl:”rumem:s,& when we the god: filenced Miniflers, A as Elijd/10f old, thought there were mane left which had not boWedtheAAknee?' havedthcfe infirumentso With fingular freeoeffziri ofdminde fat upon the -férviceoof. Godddand the Kingdonm? have diey now for divers yearsfpmt their own means , choir time n1orepr¢ci.. ous tdhon their means Their health, their d£;treng;th, ‘\ their fife thafgdy have Wafiod : Eyed themfelvos to mdi«- V ousattendanm day &' night. They have laboured, and firovo continually With almofi infilperable difictil-L A fies ,‘ and heévic loads ofinfupporcablediuconveni— encas. dDc2privr3;d they have Wbaenof the com-fortsof A thfiinproper habitatioxgs and dcloyfcred as it were in hired chambers or borrowed roomes; Wife,ohildreE, friends,a11dgainfulliznploynlentshave many ofthrzm 1 left, and firrrendred themfitlves Wh olly to the fervicfe; A ,of%chePu‘blique. By Gods bleffingahlfo they have ‘wrought hapy beginnings, and made anddhopefull A dprogrefl"e , much conducing to the commonbenofico A and publique good. Who can tell the g1eanings;,,oo"r* gumbo: the fourth partof the glory which hath reu. dounded to dG0ddin his Churchesfimd the good which hath a1:1dTA is like to accrue tojtzhisf kingdomo byAtdh'eird ' endeavours P It were too long but tojrecapidtulamtethed happyfreedoms ;,d andthe poficive advantageédwhich theyghavewrought for Ghurch and Commonwealth. A As thy: th¢A¥mi§s;I may jufily fay they have been go- A nerally faithfull, ‘and have done and fufléred foo much A A V Iasiuhat few Stories:ye‘e1d like precedents info {horn a ti111e,Ad i;1fo;pI€n4tifull oaf‘dc035i1trey. A For the Affembly, A Fthedirdlaboursd,travellings, watc-hi~ngds;theirdzeal to the A d canfedof andwork of Reformation, is notun-A-A A «knownto con£idez=ing.meno.d dB1?xWt%a1as,;ioth1lngiso:g,e»~ :13 d W dS.ermanat7/Ewe flkéhctfly F4fz‘,ft1riehc§; 1’62[4.' T very guilrie ofthishorriblecringe. f ll ll? tbetflaiwmfaélcflmfi of'C'ammm.r. A tcafie,'then to détraél from publil§e‘pcrform:mA:Iccs}; No dtncitfidnlis fooner beleevéd thin that lwhiish zicquziints. 19” the plledple, publi llue afihires arcnot fotwell ordered; L asthcy fhouldan lmight be. Whoitsignlorafnt howj much .;a£ew faire fpeeches of «c»y1-mouthed Abf 331022‘. 1 A to that clfecil: prevailed againfl Dm2id3fid“h;is W01» thies? lBu%tfl1ould thepeople of Ezaglam! th§1sr'equitc A the Lord atidl his inllruments of Refarmation 9: Or is ita fmall matter thus to call foule of uxxthankfulneffe l as it llvete intothe face ofGod,whilltl1eiS tumira to .tIS;llil§1l0V€? Conficl-er my Br§_thret1l,«l1aththe aim ; A morning of ourhéopes baien clouded}? Have our cue» mics prevailed , to put a lcmg day to our troubles"? Doth the bufinefle yeftgo on {lowly and untowardly? A A _Sure we maythank our own grumbling, otzrtthinkin g ‘ ' elvilinlour hearts, out rafh tmgratefullcenfuring,VQur, A ilefpifing the” day of fmall thifxgs , our defpming thoughts, much to A A truth in hand. ~ Words , -afiions , all juflily met with , and , M A VFro1‘n hence is mitiifired fhgrpc and’ xzebylxc mall »fuclilalsl’“"”<:sb{l“1*uc5‘!:'lthe‘work, hinder ai:1d;make more dill- V ficultthe progreffe of Siam delivery. " It is a grievoqs thing to adds to the heavie béurthen Oranhard task; in fuchfcafc how bitterly a‘n'dj*ul.’l:ly Willltheh cipprelfcd ” céplain? l%%Mucl:1 morc hainousgis it to adds: totthelaflli- aiotxs ofwhc:-leV Kingdoms ancl”Churches;l To make .Si-on fowl in tea4re¢sotneyear“e , f one moneth , one day ‘A longer for‘us‘, jisafinn‘e that no Chriflziauwould h&a.%Vef V hisf0Iillgui1tié2of,A who rightly ondersl“ thetruenau ” tare andheavie lconfelqucncelo this {ions 5 yet I fear l7‘?‘l~lblamed from thc lconfideration of the AA thercl_are¢ many Samba/lzm‘ andifoéiabs amongfi: A ~ m....... J I A Sefmmz Mt/Je mmetlzly Fafl, }une2.6. I644. j%As firfi,that fort of men which byae ti1eiri‘endea~i ii vours with re1£gdefign ,i and profecute God and the M’ Kingdoms Caufe eatneitiy , Vfofmtre as it conidueethi itotheirownends; but where it rmmesi not parallel with them , they flack with few, and thrive to bend the gublike Cgmfe tqtheie itzémv. A Wehat fizraegee aiiegau ii tions i,i glofles and pretenees do they frame to maize Ihew (Si feifving the State, 0 when indeed they ferve themfeives? Think what Ta nefatxcms crime at is in men, that are truitediwith the adngiiniflratgon Qfpub- . like aEairs,t0 carry private fgiiritsi*‘ix1thei4r*i bofomes, A A feeking to ferveetlnernfelves, not the State? ‘Hcwv ill A ~i ‘ dethit befeem ea Chriflzian to follow National! imm ;t13tegoo§1toifaVourthie‘ibafl. Sihouldfl thou ihelp t pleyments, L with ambitious longing after theirf «awn hm’3ourandadvancen1eint5 or With an ur1eomfi.:ic2*m- blemnquencheable thirftafter gain?Thefe men make heavie the eommonyoke, adde to the preflhres of the times, and fhould fufiqr a word of niotwithfianidingie “ What t:hemfelve‘s“ and ioher5'eeeiimay thinke , God knowes they deferve iii. A ' A The fame alfo may-fijudge ofthofe men amongiicii us *, ii wha are evermitigatingi the evil! efour advewrfam rias fir0cfiedir1gsi'a ewillingro fpealcvvell or at Ieaflé flee iii ofwhat they do 5 when asit_:hefy are ever ready ~ F miconfirue inthe ‘W01‘fiI fenfeaflthat' is? faid", or dens .wiithzea1again& them. Thefe meneprefcribeibounds émilimics crf f;pppfedV moderation to A their proiczeed--‘ fiieeeiaeaiflfiiithe‘ Cemmon enemy s and whaffoeveri A «exf<*;:fee*u;1*se‘th‘e{fee‘,i tiheyi cenfure a s indifcreet forwairdl-ii-é ma}: ‘vwiriteidovvn as errors on our fide in greaitleisters : ii i this, mybiethren; is aekinde of unhappy moderation, J ammge wide ofché,ritie‘;ixvhicn don dame: mam um 5 W I Whéffifl my V‘bi1»fin€fi‘e §%‘Ii¢r’ai i Tam: Ha2mr,a&1e4 Haw/'8’ afaammaws; jg; .23 fifigadjy ,%iAm1 love :he;mc4Vhatham the~Lora:;~ :ms4 owe the .fpeech~ of é ho1ya:I?’mphet m: an em'inen*t par--T {cm ,‘ 2, C‘/Jra12;“<;t%9~.:m;:%;:; L-and hfi“préfi»;his‘ repmbf h0I’11B; A faying \,; ‘T/ymefm , Lam’. A A AA “ A third fart :of'm“ei1. which I Aflmllf 1‘fibU£kiE: hence; perfume Wi?1Ei;11g tw: t:mmr: arid pI:gC§¢diBfi§§I5A$ 1:0 A A gfi "0 “e . ~,%1?s;* propciuzzdieid +.thwhavefi:flldovibt4s* 1:0 furrgifc , ’d€--‘A lafyes V‘1:b! xnake, *i'n*con.ve:menccs*4 to alleadge ; and fiec-i"m% witagreat‘c.oVnm1endation 150;: thei;rAwi‘t.;, iftghe n ‘can: by4a:~‘g::i"ng puzzzimhézmat1:e:r;;%a§nd"div«aru» thee ‘bu 1.2. _V m:1Te.% A SaJim«tAP4zd1'm>Id the Acarinththat:he.d‘idA_he'ar there*weredivifi“cms anmng them, anddid gairtlybeu leem“ it >,; S/mi/2’%Z prdzfé you mi tbzk P m(faithhe.)*‘ p}-aéfé A ywm~4m:<.;A%1:AAw&Agdnd %gme2e%y%mam1eava t. Vpmff'adydu:AwichA ::::_he A Wmfds: o”f*’otrrrSavit5ur; ;. Ngecvflawy riiwk rim” Wage; jlmkld camaj , Aém wé Aka-eA wbigw by w[zmA tbeojfezace ggzygggfvbrha A ~ .1 % g % sic‘, A " %‘ ' ‘ .v; A hirc§iVnfe4re11c6 With3'wAhikch I Wil2»I* cm1c:‘lL1d‘e4 t&h‘“is A in m~a;tterAAAvcaf AAaddx;xmiiticm A%Sin*¢eV dgn:hiAf ’ cleai-Iyappeéar 4 that A th1*oughoutRefm'matfom; 4and tfiewell %efi¢abli:flai1ne:nt%ofSionLisavvoérk fo"ext;;femeIy A Imrd , A and brought ab0m:‘wi<%thAfo~ A;111g1c:h*di:fl5cultie,AA we fhauldtgg a1lp@rfwaAcI¢dA flfofxfvait %xrfexir*“f7ix«wiAtli patiéficedAam"d¢cExea:rfui:ie£3“é‘;I?h«t>ix/«fie fill 0‘lJ;'"t5rufi: Ain‘tEieL«‘mrd«A,“ a1nd’* be [d;s;i:4nggcmd,fir$fid he xvxrill %bri;ngr i‘tAf.;m~ pm. AAOu1«rA%e;:&treizne 10mg;mg§*tb Ifxaxie end¥r4tl*g%%v§ mcme;1mhisye.ar3 ’tshat:‘$um Ib7e-leevg, i~fci?°p.¢l‘¢‘éA€)*ui? df%fu¢h»d%ia&iV : V V A A mid ‘did *askdAtI~m1¢AI;oré Chm’: as/yawmb;3j%2§md4r%:y?are zbeufimgdaam’ wIf:I~.2te1:j* bug m;;w;A;cA our%Sgviwvg5»mfW¢r%V%; In 61;: mm: firm-aai z*oA+Ie»2o1:2a;z*br3‘ A _ A % A4ianM‘A: ‘- S’1;i*'c‘:Fi%,Ai"444ififii#é“&¥:Efi%e§,_:md férecafiimg %D3_ I 22}; A Sm-mwm we néamrlzly zamzuma. xomaa Av 0f=G0§dsti.mBs', kdo mugh tretmhon the priwgi1%edge%s%o%i:A‘ %A heavenProp%he;ttels\uAs ,1 That: he v5IhichAbe—_A I,ceveswi1lAnotm%al<:e hafle: and tlruely it is ‘a fymp-E tome of muchwegknefl‘<:in‘ourfa1th, to be thus in-- ceflEmt+V%-i%nAdefireso%f afortlawith difpéxtch of»Godsi A xvLor:k.A %Nothing b.ec:omes Chrifiians Abetter then a patient waiting on Chrifc” their King , whofe Officc it is to brimg down the proud enemies of his Church, and in ducstvitne totramplethemuiaderhisfect; We xvil1mgllojW.a,.fetvant much timeto eflhfia tedioéus bu- A fitleifég A Wewills ive .a.friend[m.orc~time ‘\td‘:W"@jrk'0ur' grefermen1:,~%Aan; Ahfluallwe not a‘1_l‘ow‘our God ' *time:to AA :wdrk4tl1eA‘dAeliverancc’and advanccmét: ofhis Church 2* ~!Amy,bfethrc11;., let ourfonls fay With%I’49é, 4/rm; A4 A 473165iofmyzxzppaintédtim£3i2i£t’I%#4it%tilY»my clntrige came. ~AndAAip fuch our patient waitingof7the Lords leifure, take we heed ofprefcribing to God time, Or me‘an»ers, er vVI"1atini’trumenAts he fhallufeg it was the fitme of Ifri‘4zel.,-~ tzowlimit {the holy One oflfmél. A ’For#A~Ch%r1jfl;s Mi‘-‘3A%A,, ;~ letAn;.0ti us b¢«guiitieofitA, fay we not {no much M as in 'Ql11‘.h€aIjt$ ", thm: the work {hall be done by fuck 9- ,‘,‘.t‘.i‘,l11je by fczhmen or fuch meanes, for this Wou1dAb¢ pmfumptvous”Aprefcribing t:oGod. Lame A a1fia»;iz:~ «ourwaiting intrcat: 4yduAt;o'A*tak¢. jh¢,edV0fafcri~A A ; %~A»AAl13iI3g4V;Ato men.» %Note wel1AwhatAthie AAp0Ft1cwW:riAt‘"<:th, C£2r.&3 . mu. Tb: Lardknawezb the tlamg/Jtwftlre w;'fi',V A €1?4€:.¢75€yV,4rc émt rzmitseg tézcrefarc mm mmglwy in me». ‘ iwfifilflflldflotfiwfiai»0111: %deIivera11C€l4 ;.fi‘Om Vf1AChAifl-I fi¥U1nenrsi;%A7andyloughtfmmothersA:;«AAbutVAwe lhoizld. ‘AA F‘T?1fl‘GQdWithal¢lJMthe‘ inflrU1i3¢m15%A4Which4 his good pgmvideuceihath imp"~oye'd%,in his? workV,;and %wa%itAA on bimalcflc f0tf1¢°€11f¢A~i1I‘d“C“im¢- 1501" dfitia A ‘émd C3131 wewanrindur:Aem¢nts~t9fuch%a%we11-Plcafing, %15weet,%Chrifi%ian -;iik:e v{raitifiAg»u£>on God.§:TQncI A \‘ ~ A confi,d{raticmis ‘ ;. AA A ATatbeAHa:¢ow3?4lvleHaufl3%of'Ca2}é2fiéM5.VA A A AcA:§:sfiAA{iderati.i:»::1s will I A prcpolmd V 3A theAfQmIA16:r fhat A — Abftlle Pfalinift, ‘T be patient abiding aftiée 2neekA_/M1! é£z‘M‘ almy es ,5: fiwgmen ;, ozar_f4tZzversr’§a;ed mm twafiediié Gad, ,’wsm"w?eré mm? ajlmmw/. You camiot produceva mam in wk! the Scripture Smry, wxm was met azzfweafcd in what he faiAchfi.i1Iy degmmded c»nGa::d for., *We,n1ay therefdre Well be%iAz1cVc-i'r'i'a7ge<;i 17 :3 mn- pmf73I:a;'c dc:-rpm-« davnccj‘ AThe 0tAh1erc«:»nfid;erario11 is; t}mtA‘t)faI1?the:W% blc:~fEfings4WhiAch ever“Gc~d»b@fimwcd an 1nen,~thoTc:‘: % A vvex'AeA At;he"beA£?t bleffings which have bcrmm longeft prayed :a_z1dv.7ai%md 532*. A eéimlzam 11211:‘: diivcrsf o;11Vx1e.s{,A_ but none fbgood as-that: he ‘w;a:ite:;i Kb long] for A: and what an happy Childe did Hazzmb obtain by prayer, a11dI0ngwaiting? How fruirf7uIl was t‘he.pron1ifed Land, which c%am_eV afier fa many Aagcs cxpeéfcance B ’. Tis41noPC’cert&in ,"I:I1;1t the Amorye weVpra’y% , A and "theA“ ¢Im1g%rAwe wait‘ for our de1i’verahce and eftablifli. mentgthcmore joyous and exccilenft will it be when it comm; fo it;-aver hath , foit: ever willbe with Gods peoplc%4;’4 fortécy téatfiam in tc4r.r,jIg1allrc4;* w7vr»é*v¢ . .A . A f-::condvertue% Whxchthxs py{ benefit ; by"1:h<=;- Afi-ee%~ dome andhappine1Te wh:IMvch comes to my part P gYea* pofleritie a1;idragest’o come a‘re.i'harers in‘ Sion‘sdeIi~.-“V vjerancmg Havenm:vs1}febei=enVmuch.the becterfcyr “...; Liverance and ,M.Ref0i'fi:iVatiézi4wVonch fafed in“ the+d"ayey§"‘ of mm gzzzmérd, and Q1_e:e~n Elizwet/5;? ViTh%u’s miax.1”y, ~ A andmany are parties conc:~em¢d3ywe%a more, gG0d‘him-1-— felf; his Able fféd Somme: , H and’4holy_ Spirit are» inté:9refl"ed§y, it’; or much h"o'noured <:’rifhf_;;x:1t'.)?_I:§radfby~ _If’a“I‘1y”% 'v§fiilVl'obj.e<5t Q.’ Fthat be Gods'bi§1finefl%:, he '1"0oli77* A4 wit hi~mFe1f,*a.hd we needimt tlmnbe fo carefull,7fi[or~ ~ %a€tive.Ia%11fwer,‘ time: the Lo-rd hath committed his A céiff¢7ii1p,ért”£o hgs *”pevb1:§1’eA%tdQ4maApa:mg¢ ;, Fm: I1¢{is>thatw»A E:Or%d9fh%ét%pifié4 €h*his%7vi;1e4y’m’*d¢A‘tb hu.sbax1Wd1:vI1€t1w;’ja‘Iid*' 1}) he? pu‘ts fhis V}C%a”tExfe%~it1Vt<3 t:jI”1"«.’=%;V Aha*z12‘:i‘s of Ssionsfri‘end§,w3*’ to foliciwaVnd~'pr0féCL1te it. And therefore it flaould r:§bt~take GE, lbullfquicken their afiivitie»; finc“e‘4 God; émd*"11ié“1‘.i,~¢n‘a ti4ns*a:::d people ,% A prafent iandg after ‘iage % VA : “ 3; In fuchMa“t*in:1 e-,4 clgleré is much‘work4Vto beidon‘e;*- A‘ Many grievous :finsi%3I:o,bAe rafed out of the VRegi£te1.°.i1-¥% gqinfl: us , thexje are manyjperfonalr Kil1'iqui_ti€S“,; anyv ;:a:igsna%1~1Vofl“enc”esfi T tI:_1e*fin mes af ours f7at‘hcr$to«bie put A m;1teEremembraxac¢.%Norisic anca£i‘¢4thingmto,¢%bloc .r' "%___u A A aH0??Té0f'CvmwM%» 4 ' =:nut‘x:ranfigre{‘fions, Sgcancell thé hand-xvvriping Whig-3h igagaitlfi curfew 6331161 §h€;13I-1_dg- Love indeed »isfajid. ~: I mcover a muItm~1de:0f fins, and there %muPt \ be much L 4 cxpr§:f{i0n4of greatzeal and love which will (306 this work; Siecond~tothis,*z:he juftly provokcdqire of the .‘ AIm‘ightic“isVto be. pacified, thathisfull difpléafhre fall not uponusa his C%0*-W €'313?mC§€_a his i0YfU“C0fm-; rename is tob¢fm:-1g'hr- Many m@:*cies ,‘ ma;r1yIkin“ds[ of»great»m*ercies axjeto be mbtained ;Men are in fi:t_ch% Fl! times to make the Lord amcnds ( as I may fofpcake A wiuh.A hoIy~ re’verenceA)A for fi>Fm¢rd;»f3i1ingS a:fi1d~m.gwA%% Iefidsef *AndAto;a1I# thi~s«¢0l3jfid6rt%hatV§im1szfifiélidswé-%;A ~genterth«e‘[“lahdAMéf Canagn. Co%nIi<.i!crlike\Kiife,~~ , h0w%Ga'M6ial, Amman, and Afiialelé, withthe refl did confpire, combineuzomplot, andpconfult tocutpffi‘ Gvdsdpfioplfi from Aiming anymorfi nation, ancita. 1;5*u«t the AVname'of I¢f;x?a.[e«l_duc ofreAmen1b41fai3ce. As thus it five; was , _1bit ever will be ,‘ with thepmfane of tha“ W ’ worldfihe ferpe_ntfeed. Isit not reafon then, thatthe . “A womans feed;£_bouldA~bcaé‘ti_ve ip their zeal? othe-rjwifc . ifi%Vmightbe‘juf’t withGod., L3 pérmit th¢iI1&rUmV€.flt$ of his caufi-:t%o ‘failwe, win‘ regareithicy fufl“é1'%themfelve&MsA to be ont--done , A and ouc;a&cd‘by the devils inflru-~ V meats. ~ A : 2 7 A A A “ A A ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ - ‘ v . ‘~< 4;,‘ , ‘ .‘ ‘. V“ \ up 11.5: 7 I H “W.” I W ‘WW. ‘ ‘ N A £831 A sermzm: :1»-éém:ézbzy4 %]-me 2V6g~A¢="%1rs44. A L "-——-mum.-r~ ~~r ‘ -n...__ ~ «Ibis doétine thus cleargd, do"% A V gfirflz jufiifie allvthofe g.<)od«v #A1_Z’erz2été2;.aé-5!: 4¢oF’0ur~éim‘eg,*: Wh have'putfi7f~he"mfeEvie”s forth? AA~in= cm?» Ca_u%fe".;~,V _':br'e‘cflcif A muc.handaé?cive i'nfaith§‘i1l?I en?‘d'e;avours for the inatfhe‘ reflex of'i.t,» iérvacion and I:-formation cf thi’5’Church janfd ~Kingw~ % "dome. _ It Iikcwifc 3% I0 jufiifieth Ia1l*01~.1'rVVh1imi%1iaftio13s$,[_ publike and private; a1lb+u’1‘f dayes“of—t;hankfuIlm¢~fm»—% 1*ig7ll, I.Taw?s*,7 0re§ina%nccs%:~”, find njuinins ; truly tended co prficqrethe fun deliver;-xncez ‘-arnd ef’ca blifl1~» me7nt%of0u1‘ rs:-;l_ifgi(mA'“ and 'juEt4li5ertie:s .%I;fall the friendSF A 0f S ié>A;n7 Vo7i iglht i*n*&V‘Ch’:,t:éf¢s_A»{toé d»djq”s? *yo11%A:»»ba”v;e~V%lwézrd,” cm,-flour WorAth;i”e *1:ifa4'~‘s/*‘”c—r:—'&c‘;i£;:"iz:r”x=:# %_t1b mo»r’e'Wt%h4éniiidw*3»l54c-1 come Athéih‘ ,A;%n:5%;%¢na¢re* t‘h&;-:nVA w,-asA:heir1g;1u%cie A4tjc1_¥‘f 663;? Search throu th”e5~Vh6lyB%0'0k',j and V::c1IAme*W_he+;‘ thcgr anyfimen a1'é;:f:;1‘P1‘6Ci*QflS._iI§i‘ +th!c c§yesAof—heaven‘,i; and*t”hc4 accouut‘A<&:f‘Gbd%AA h”fi1ifEl?f ; ‘aAs Tthofe that ha”v*cj* beene zealous A for the 1:eform,afi—i0Tn?&of&hiS~ 3Chu;-;;h~!,L“ A “ the czaurrying on of his Chufc »teh’¢‘VlieIp¢wcifhisfpey ple againfi the wicked and profane% oppofers of them. Hcifw h‘igh1y_were:C2r1e& and Iaflm4%L e“fieemed‘i?~of ‘V M £071‘%bei"ng"cof:i:égi§;u'%s§‘whéfiothers flagg3’d=m¢ the bufif neifeg and 3.ft $V ""‘ _1:ydinigj's 9‘ Had I.1otP11z;ae£w ‘“ we%ronnneofEze;;;w 9;*'*Covenan:tT“’ofA peace made to md ;%hAi*S*%AA‘ poflierifie -2 for be;i1s1g"~~ zealolis G.od7se '1 .flaureamongrhe?pe¢p1¢.4%;4 w*ny rhou1dA14V:e11flyo1;of G?fié’em,’and *B’am£=,A‘ ” ?and»smf2m , j‘V:ifid the ; I=e¥fl;qA%? 4%»I%¢V‘£; A Word, ‘men of this fpiriz are the onelymen 111 A Gods» BM-[ Bu%c%on;erhingJwhich is r%ecord¢d%°fam10Vus twoman~*AI ~.cann¢ro‘mit Bl?d~a6a~v “WWW/1m/H361 V A mam:n4'2:§VherV fb*eAprar%/.zie:2 b.«::;zd~:Va ¢$eAmfz;4nd her rigbit 35455-Jig wemrem4»m4mzer.- jbefn2ateSif¢ra;]7?€f’“tr'W V V % £113 Eiead, jud‘g.% ;.z4,,;A6. 4_.L0gn1Y_b‘1‘3t,hrena What 311 V high. a % Vin we Haiwar4b1ef‘.¢Ho:4/E aft-’rm :mm.r.% 11;, 19”“ \ V . % H ~ . W V W W . . highittrajgnfcendent applaufe 13 %g wm}M tcm:’h1sAwoman by A the month.oftl}e S13irit~0f%GVad.f: heliker ph&mf;aAi;s lbmyin one {placielmore r?o~::~b:.=:: foua,x1d:xnJ3ic>1:y Writ,and thererifis given t:0‘thcf thiswomang, by W31iC3-1Wi%tBthefb4rme«r m- . W " fi'ancesw%e% may c;lear1yNfeeha0~w nmch true A zeale ifi fuch.kLiT1;de “fa<‘fi:.ion s:fi.dVt3t,%§1;s%p1ca?f;3 ‘§.:.‘h€.i:;i bf; gl?m~y*. And%.al:4l7t’AI ~mk¢!fltioni, -“lmttm flattef ~a%r"p.»mu u§:Laz}1y heart A,%' but bf}? Away czfjuft Vvindicatima and approbas. W tibd’“bf‘a1l.that have :%Ab’ec:ne fmwaimfor Godin om‘ jufl gaufe, for‘ tg,h§ir3f'uturmeA rahI:§\C0A;.1r3gamentA; and mum « not‘!A.g.pod‘re‘af;m!fom%"do.in thef%ai:iin1es when men A of 2&3‘! méjjct with To many%difl1eart%m1in gs and difcmus. V ragements P T mly its fo-me” uilhappixmffa to be gecsd ai<¢:sngflus§, efpeciafly to beziealousr in it :. for befidess t:;hc‘troubIe§»%apdma%ny inc¢3nv¢+ni’en ccs which accom-- péniié fuc;»h« uridertakings tha pmfoms of'men5x:ruly zea.-e 10115. for Gqds Caufc: a mong the peoplefire obvious to fqple‘ cenfufc, aft doe they game re-preach ;% and AV findeV4,:znnl1ankfull% dafcaiinfg from (many of our owmicr fi,de.%51 cixfvapt; b:i?i';e‘!7 ~W¢j 1:0 b;*:dmwM our~be{tfriends*; mzdv A t‘£)r§equitc4 i£1¥~"fi3‘fVh0ffiA’W‘h¢o%firive =m0fi f0rA‘the:‘p'u”b1ike A4 A L goo”d%.? Did:nC:£ canfciwufinefik ofdmzie to Gad , and thefitrue wmth and excellency of the i'mVployu:uE:nt ' % 3”:}earA ‘up (;Tiirifli;*mg 7 fmarcsé and pubiikde fpifits ,}.man'y* A g0od‘~inB:rumc*11ts*T§nthisiflatifm had long ago been ifu--7 . A tm»s-to4G90d andgman, tohave quit themoftheir imw AN % ploymemzs... I have ca;_ufc~Vt%heref'0re lighting csnthis~ fiJbje;,_§&, to fp€a1{.?’th7[lS}(11UCh in feafon , for theirjuftifi-— cat%ibn'~and’ in"Courag@7mmt. Hereby ja.-lfzr our pious A acifions fore; men;ioned,are to be approved; for Awhy, were are a generation who muflitate againfi ‘ them, A whfifpe-as ancifay, Bywfhat authkoritiedoe wfeczthefe %_ A mhfingg fume Vare» ready Am fay,‘ as: VI/wl44"ofthc M-aw 4 A 4 E 5» A Abaflmr ,4... , V J :g]§n<~ A Sarmwz :4t;.t‘.£Vé.=m§nefiw1jr*Fg¢fl%,II;:1‘:1ej:«:£6L.,“"%;x46 A V-A .....__. . ow IVc*0u%="1d‘quic=ki3z fay,ct1mugh: ta chefs, 1n.e%11A.;A%;;4but% %b3fi6r%BOX Of 11t_"_rx1e11t‘,%“ Whereto“_;1;s”A th1s;wafl{e~e;~ ’b7Iie:fl;"e¢Ed >,Go"df’.,4 expc:~i‘iVe nee ; ha&*1T£ftiA~ffig::i,en ;1ymgg1;tiA ‘us, thafthefe pious c’"11*d=eav%ou1y4- -m;Aent‘5.=A to Ipen%dt%heir time'w’ in doingAt1othing A,;A or no- tA.V11Ai.z1:g;M:to the purpofe,and leave ~Gods bufifleffaa to God himielfland ;oth'ers c-:*a?ré’f;:»r; I am um: Wignoramyq W ?tVhat:manA;A#of Aizhis make,» “liavezztifaizy éiflcfifws wplead : but7alas,AtheygmZfi;g¢}'l%Vés which vvili A;f1otc;ov‘erAAtlaeir nakewdneffe ; °:7andA Vthmi ghr1:h“e; World a_za1d”r.-‘bxemfialves. %wer¢,£0«:!;a"Iu'ded ,as 7110:: no fee VVéhei~%r=eguAiItifi;és, yet: fuclw: Mmen :v1t,1A:d.«::m¢-1y Aanfw at it beforié4G“md;; To do‘i";irm:;M%-A th[,in”g,4% c»::izxs:g+abdivas mw;Hi‘n gy,;L%i.r.Ax #c11eI Cdufefaf ';.Go:f»;sfo%AVLgre%a‘c ~good,as1nayA.cometothe Chursith and %AVState.A Many? of you 3§ife,.LaIl %ofny0u may b€,ufldeIi' God ,* thfiwcaufe "of n'_;~A{_}ch gag! to many gen;erati,ons: Be therefore, of S. A .1a4,,g5-migd4e,fufi'cr notwhxng to&¢:pr1ve you £:3f3;heg1g... A . _ ry of fuck rejgyciflgaf Elfld t1?33t€fii‘m%0ny 0f aigood confizience.‘ And ngmvin fpcciaIl.ma15g_ner, Idafire to co2nmamdV fours thmgs , as paAr_: ofthe pxous endea- vcmrs, xvhxch ihmlldflhififly be@Ia1d*4%wn as precious feedfitobVfi13g~0VflMt»hcvhappie Worgkifl hand.~ a. % A The mi-tof chere,1s an holy, ¢onrcionab1e,fi¢c&em ~obf3rva1:xceg;>f chefs day infwr-192 day, was to b6 Vfmm W614, knew» 2; .A 29. to be qm:lAy cuflomary afld f0rma_ll~1n tihef33WhiCh flmuld be oufmofiz pl-mi‘ dfivfltions, wis, aifinne of more _ perf-firmance 9%? them:A;eheiuold,yé:$ha»veVfiunedagainit . fenib1e%WithourGod 1II:1;Fa£.’cmg grievqus ACOI9f6q11¢13C;3 thfifl Wcmfcwawarcof Ata Bray A A A U E? w ‘ ’ 2 S‘; 5: i £:aré.fuA1l and aon£c"?ior;ab1e.;;in r7¢Apari-i1gy?ou.r fo?ui‘st+Ao meet thc Lardin.the»dayes0f?atonemcnt5 be jreho- ¥y_,;h3maV€_I11Y3‘fdiChfl1n,<fiflCC1"C and entire with 4God:im chefscxtraordinamflwnzvicest:cLetitbe ~yo1:wwm:ke‘0;i Qhgfe dayes «to “fi1iiVe.t%oam9rtific youIfifins,;and fanétifiei‘ your fouls, to bcwaile the iniqqities ofAAthe;¢1ag;d_4,48z%fox? the: divifions of~Reub4e» let_thereVbaw:grea.tthfiwughgs pf hgam ‘ \ - hig‘lf:P£Afervig “ c;e ggh 3a1;szg“e~ a:’m14dQ, M ,_for: Gad , "f(;7.'!11§If.,i fe Ives, :;:or the kin dome; :a1:#dV:you bciu~g4&our»AWo%i'th»ias ,.fl1ouId gobefare ‘ End cxgcecd Othfirs i.~nAt‘ lIh€3;IZ£lAA,.; Atherctbre4{ jyou will not A 0. fo ;, ha I: ;efufeapd,fl§:ight;; »c:aT;r::A=be: fuperficifll in the A the: I.o rd,a11d‘ befira "fm:feE?Ayourfmi1aé~¢fl1al1<find%e yo‘uo7m7. A ' I"he‘ _ _ % of humiliation. By Mafia: A A "law , the mVanAwho, .d_id np,t,ht;;mb1e&ax:1d*afiiét his foul of .4:l1_D&rra ~1,;c&i11311>i¢t,i€ far Gflqis fakc théréforehe @ M M ‘ 4i:rs;mi'i”c’r3g 41%Atilm:r£‘p€a;<»iy ;Aj@l.;i:1:a,‘1:i<:r%Ax,::.A in :;s;VA:a:;p1':ic+;ptm:a;«1 4.5, _ . d__ % mvghamtfaia i§*3r'1;=§%¥31g m:#:n,@m»§:fl'§" J"1‘1» tym smmahm A ¢ zWhi?lW. mflHgfiB$1'.!3$::.2h. “ " =:§Q@f0n3;e;$ ,£i;;::/::y3b1§@maL?z:.:.:;:,:afi3 « we AWmtwtkhataefmax3mfl%m%i5h5fi1¥f§§piI»1mifi1.+a!%@¥A, I } . “Em xu ‘ . Ty“, :%;*:Y,‘[3..!1‘ W _ . . fab?-ggfiaaélfi % ; uickly,and €Ku¢.:€L1§i;fl¢gj;l31’€3G¢;?éi?’i§.» &E’?9;J"?%1?;t~;15£ ; 32¢ plague :‘ when aAsV‘:t11:¢;fl0VVWg €1tf%‘d«3%;‘?*g‘£¢“s;¢§.t;3'\¢'»gV~C?., W *»;:oncinued%4 the plague 1~;e*reAaft'c:1: hm in z»Q¢~b£it: 1 am-1% 1I";i\i\’@7‘xQfi"«s:@$ h L A £5 hafihgsaxafé dflillfififlfiir‘ fiwgrnfimlwfimawftl ‘Q, "4"? 1 M. .1. An‘V~»»{9;!3..$11i13.’Wz‘ykQ11.1ishwflfllzflWI9iflh;A§1*%§7$41% £3 £:2‘;;) W mf:;r=;*;s %* ~« I?§1§13}31&@zf9mi3:1«§§’gg3gf@§ ;5€‘~V+E»A -=-":;:=%:?;,]F% _A A J zisgdmu Mfl§'iv’fl*f%§M@fl9é~;¥!1@r%%F%Q" .ma1m»%.flam;a nb&ag:p£¢afi9§£WOMI@@tabA€ Vhe .kingd¢£me¢ss; «hywmahidhrghgmfiaimpm;;r?e:11;cet3ghQgés .63; my :5 3:3 -% ‘£3 ‘I M «hfsmi gm 6 33‘_ja‘" 4 "nu- Vaflmurifibwmwmg _ ‘ V xezassmaaasfimae upafitbdxflemp. E-= A ' V1336" d;#«:aami:h;£: ‘ * \ ‘ . w 4 ", m, 3.33‘ ‘ M, w-....v’i.,4..‘a«.'»- 3 fm §sIa:@:i_;na@§2%2-::;a=sll~a3a3i§i~ « mm may b.¢‘:-,~. ghn 1-Inf; t.9gfl;c% A ~ 1% ampgsaahflmygé fl T *Qi3«”Q§§1fi§d§;'%i'Li§§&J fiE¥«;‘Q.§§fl3évP* %, gfi <“:E3;hJ $*z1S:1@¥Jtfx:«€:fl£@::s:a3&9§ .14 4 .V ' ' “ Q ‘N M; “ "-4' '«_4-1.» I""‘l'.V xv-ctr ~"V % M Ase?" Fafl;IuhcVz6. 164;. M ‘be the waym k-fl”e;n vhcnvlqur "midi, Mauthorftifc: offife HighC0urt:xof ParI1a_%mhent4} 5 and l»th'e~i1‘ Ordinances. motthis¢41ikeWifeCau~fe thb ”co‘mmo*n fort tofdeern % on ‘2«%:»z:ez»»» 156* 7themf¢IvVevs}vittlei bo1J#n~dV%~vAAinA 4%confc:"i-ence to keep: the .V CAt$”v;etiaf;i1't,W11én they fe“eo;cherstiot»bom3d to-take it? A magi“: jt_;l?1is?T:?7r%‘"Vé"x;1"(;Ij"er%%% zealous ad~Vocaitc~':s M for’:”th”@ Ezweang ti‘em”fp§£iz频rsf,%;; ad “give Ajdmsw ”refufa*rs;j “cé.fic'~;n tQ;tr1%utn=ph 40‘z:i:¢é;e*i*“Vt:(1fs,<7~%'a §§V%,‘4~rrxe oAf1arge~cor;~1i‘ciet1%=- , V ‘Aces to do-’Vaf1~,;3~?>i~th@‘r‘1:;g;*Ftfhhtfiflidll required ,. Vlikc Bi~.. fl19g§ Ac;reg1t5i 1;r¢~§34i§£IiVd¥'=fihV¢? A4fupe;f&icLiQus co;§fo4rrr;i7fis of hi é‘? an %'IAhefe‘~’a%ii-i6’=bu‘t A few»: tzsfman glgm p{5',I:_a’hin‘;_ J,¢Frl11e"§'Aifz‘1c:<ésri‘vefiiéjnceé ~4W:h-hzhh" 1*-rgayf happen :;~r«fV.1V4pardb?éi&_ V %me~th'c-r1;imb4é‘iti7 %Abo1d7VtbAApoinrtu gut tVhe:»prefIlmg ané * profc‘t:*%£;12id::§Ab”{*»f 1;e% Qove_Vnant ‘as one kinda %of“p ’recyiV- A*c5usfé*e’d4Eb Bééfowéfi a%4mj@r1g£t ’“et;he;rs<:ix1S.i.onsbehmfi ' w :‘i%%I*fea%*.*éaa:mc:rhi _ A:aA¢t&§e§p%@b1iq “ p*rwéwimg&wy fufl’ag% _ *é%m_~n..¢fi,»d% F’ A 4164 Ihaill ; ‘ jrcjur Ex 19.. *1 ans confidetation;,whoj§i14iét ~dtf:ithmfi?@ e“*i?n,i!s. a fipecgialel ‘care tu“&eVk°iV "a‘§t1’id prefwg“n=5 ghei iififléudli lova;‘£4hbg%nour~;: anfijeflcc In each of Qt”he«1—‘4§.&%»«% 0* 4% fffifi @£:m‘~¢A 4 am’8fi3”Se~ % §_b1=;;é t?6?é11!@§h‘ti“67f§;§i5§i‘"é§i(;éi:*théuffh£mffeMi.. ‘ 0h§%Ax5¢~1aafi‘cfirglrgz & ffirggghiiam; and::;fe.l'1ow-mg. rim’: *&§£'p¢;t:izil*4i§z‘im.i‘.:1 thafawshb ¢xx:"¢Mgai%#1;1i4iréAr» A%Ai:Vtfie:§~i§22l!;:?;’fi9udr:sféit~h. V .; Jsufefr .;§%1~_‘ ii “'5 , A ~ % A féimxtiitig fw?&§z1w:: A 2: ‘ ;ah‘Ié3'fb1;~:muAA 4)‘ “.5 Mat id1i“'é:un£é"“he%;13:s5Ii5j3r%y,A%énd%by:wMhi¢h % % 1‘é”1"?efb“1*t:* Vauaaprayw is;«uha:1::~t:Be:Gcsd 3;;+%o£p‘éa2ceLandtcdnfqi:tidn vmu1d*:mak<é4you lI1k.e“;1iiimq1~ A A 7* ed»wune t{JWé“rc1'§‘ 5an&éVthc*. r%; « fe*ek£tv%11“eée§?§,e% A A ::~s. ‘.1 ” % ' chaps iiwtv'ei~4A %‘a”1a;§;;»<‘a~ ’A% A abova .__' simian Saint imflt *%VV-mlflda fol-‘¢1;y,@rA¢ovbpH1s:0Wn*fa=I3;f Tmd‘ giieemg * ¥care‘«hbW‘«?1'*W3tHcii'épute= A “ Ms r-éy@;“V‘F‘1"figh4ém&cAe A d 1*::«Is¢:cf“”i%%«3vsfv;.i11lTingf‘i1:w%Ve1‘iy AA W A 1 Toetlve Hzmaumlrle Ifiauflz qfcommmso AA A gave all to forward and" advance tAhe"NacionaiIlY find AcommcmCaufe. s A AA ” A A A 35' ~ 1 A ‘Lb-th‘efe are 1:h“e.;fc§urthings «which outof d‘urtiAe te ’ C011,? [Acme zeal to :‘Sion , and due reverencem mg Worthies, Atowhom Ifpealt, I humblyedefire may be thought upon and A praétifed to the glory ofour Gad, A and rremq!umeAAnt of his Church.‘ A1:1dAAf:he eebetter —m — preva’i>E:%in:ti1ié:Amy fi1ic;I {hall apply the third Vértuem e fore/e,whic:h !:yeth‘in the words of my Text, A as rpm... aII~argu'mencs of indi1cen1eAnetto per1wadeeet;hereunto?.. .ee+e;;;A:?»C.@Zmfi~der [hei'1‘fi.g'fl;b? I befecehA:.%yeoru',ethat thefe en:A« A :;d“ea;r&sm€I<% wi ch Mt hat4A‘aA£t‘iviryeI {peak c§f;_ea;ree by the Si... Arit mf in my 'l'I'ext“ , fignifie de ta be as fruitfu11pre- gieeldimcreafe; And this; me thinks , is aboundantly §I;*ebL13I»d%a‘;1:zf*e anAy?hAuAsbandAmanA that every graéinc cf A A rft1chx:kim:Ie-Ar*oF?feed Afhould Alive, and notwone corne 4. pexéiih ;; neede fizynoemore to move him to jndufiry; V ;;»i:él«‘“1Wsptentifuflweuldhebe inefowingP how free in Wceltazid p£in1S%mfifiki'i1 eg 9’ iBu§ new ,_pa£’c all peradxrenen A‘Aitu“re ,; A I may‘ aifurc thefeeds-sman ofsiunse «Caufe,tha4t AAi_his%‘endeavours are fuch prcciousfecd , as that no one ‘ ;fl1a1l'qe Ice bu“: ip1"i%ngup:eagei§11etoA"yee1d him A A “enAcreafe.;»It is’li;ke:an>eatrnefiVlgidAAgdown forjoymrhich % A A fl1aflcerrainl4y be paid:%Y«tju may be a;1lthertbre hence {ui’uehinAcourage,d‘. A A “ ‘ ' A ' _ ’S'ecr.3n2:iIxy~I§1aote;that ha2rdnesénddi~fl‘ii*ulty inzfow- A in gis nc;s.,Aw.a*y1c::i.i>i‘rri p .:1rzl%;leAe'exro the Afweetnefle and cam--e f¢:A>i+i.:1:I:1 reaping; fr--hfl1‘C‘?s.I10€()IHp£u‘l3, meA thinks, be- A Rational! and Aw6rds4ofexpreifien fee'&r1tisA‘A”ifc5;e import. 0 * V AA A A confidefing, F2.‘ ci9us1"eed,'wvhiAch»die§ notiAn;;the earth, but A lives to ; Auéfieeieent tejii1i;niteeAxie1jr man ~ tdafi fxis u‘t3t*e1f1it:1ofh If VA “ A tween me tea_rs,and thejoyiu the Text ;: t;hefe’farz'eA A . Afurmounc a‘ndexceed»etheLn, as the metaphor and .364 /1 SexwfiflwttMtA£vBmWtAM$?‘?42flg..A]t1ne’2%6;'.,A%%z 644. ’ co:dfide4ring4i1ien therefoVrer{hould’:4bw§ iufily;p4mV;oked wmh this eomfideratioxa. Didnot M;f:3:‘=>ak¢;h¢ ‘heft A.Ac;ho1ife»4%'upoh"thi4s ; gmund }:Do\th mt: Saint %P4z:.l “encourage tcfiwffi-:rings»Aupon like reafcm P“ Razfiéffl; And c¢:rt;a;‘in1§r%this we11w‘eig11ed,"may prevail with L, ‘% ‘ ' % _i V , . % ab *§Ch:irdly, %.mi”nd WmthVe4~11ndaub,ted%c+e,rcainty*:of%