$1’? Mercwrii 27¢ Iuiy‘. MA Ea W T is this day Or&ere& by the Hwufie of éommam now Aflhmhled in ‘Parlmw % mam, That Sir Clarifloper Tehaertm &oe returns thanks to M1‘. Hifl from this Houfc, fonthe great pains he took in his Scrmo11;,:is‘Day, Prcached at the Intrea.-« tie of this Houfca being the Day of Pub- lique Fafl: , at Saint Margaret: Wefimim- fier 5 And that he doc likcwifc intreat him from this Houfe to print his Sermon And that no man pre-fume to print it, till the Heufc’ flaall take A further Orilhcr , but Whom he {hall appoint. E1[mgeh€iher'. ’Pm'Z. Dom. Com} 1 E appoint MM Bellmm, P/éilemcm Step/hem, and? Rdlpé .S’:vm't/3, to Print my Sermon. -TE-101%/M s H ILL. h_¢mfl@“$@m@h@” h A h » Q; W’ h ‘w W *3 A ~ P IN A; M N PRE.A.CHEVU. to the H.OI1OUY3bi€[.HOUfiC;Of C 0 M M 0 N s , at their Solenme Fafi, Iwiy 27. 1 6 4,2;. By T H OHM A s‘ IL 11;, B. D. Pafior of the A Church at Tye‘/amerj7? in the Countic of Narrimmproné Publifhcdby Order ofr}1at&Houfca I01-xm»»I7.17. AV ‘ 1 SM flific them 1*/Errmg/% thy ATrm‘i3 5 2I9}7WaM£§ Twméh I 2 C 0 K. I 3. 8. Far We can dds nvthiflg again“/f‘ the Tm:l’b , . hit for Mac Twxtfbg. j ‘--—-‘——_ LO ND O‘N, v_ M Printed by 1.1;. for Ma» Beilméie, Piailemw aéftcgzbamy, V and Ralpl§’SmEm« 1’T6A&g;2-%§ j A TOTE-IE‘ O V R B L E O V S 0 I COMMq0NS,‘N’OVV ASSEBLELQ. . in APAARLIAMENLAA A ‘ AHM Ifirfl fdmrd that .3" mm az5;:flgg¢e5ffa2'°' rlmfa-é jfilemmefirwice , éeimg conffiiam cf my awn £mie L;.T fwficiencie ta Pzwtaifi ta [0 mm; W uflfiméty, Icawldmat entertxzim it Witijomfi firmmbflfi-; ye; . AA refolwa’ my/a Lu-ther,r,mber to uazdergw wéfivaars 1.22%-592,59; We mmfizres , than wfiée reprcnvexdfor Lmgadfiy Mama 5 £22: MM» J‘z%r~*:’7£?;-€*{4s «fie,» , mfmew when the lord fufiercth. flnfl axwwa E Wm? M ”f’_"”“"’ zmfizifilm“ rmflm to 59 fall of blufhings, to tfafinigg Ham" M1133 pfmiyxa iiiggiagjdoi-ggfzgkg vawrfejfiowldée expqfiui ta wow pzaélfigm view ;_ éz¢t%lb¢%r¢‘.5i¢%«I" Myjgitzai‘. Luth. ! raflgne up my ¢fi4fif0}’0i/IF" dzw‘/]7a/?:¢gx , my ‘W/bfam £"'a”We, E p. “ad Stamp» «'3: quad poffum , 85 *q:uo“Jd non Vpoflixm _, muciy were rim my H mmnene 1]} com pcérrfbwm. if V T1912‘ Serimm ,% f tic/5 433 am M it zk, I/smzméiy mz%¢W0}zmm4 Gmciam Acceptamz;"e', who‘ /Maze adaptedit ; Ipzmfzit intro yaww Harzamwélv Prbméfian , who have [flied it 3 I ca1imgefiaa’£t%ta1 A yam‘ Pmfiicaz/J aéfirwgriow, fiar Wlqom I z'w'cna[a.a1iz1;_ ‘zét5’¢'»E’»3“E“‘k§{y, szlsfirimvg god: Bleflhfg Mprm }aur_[}zirits int/bepe .mf£fZ 53‘; that you may rm,dmdm5E £t, taming words if; my works,.tke§£ yaw may zhepeate it over in fear Jim: , WV/Eirzfa 25 g£2¢V!zej23"e{v6£t$w zf-‘fimf ‘of Se7*m0m.% ~17" WV 7. V — + ; %A __;.~i, : 1;.jt£*. ' prefix: é2%mf;iae:,%' M11; fizz: mg ;.amtriéz¢t§m"_ f§?.flf'flA.fi’,fli£iw‘:y' »,,._._... ‘; ~ ' M...“ q,,,,,,y-‘g, “:z,,"“:;‘=» A gjgg’ F72 1 / ._,M"‘ Q ..- ow ‘ Efyn -4%: go Jflifgo E10» 1 319. m , fbr the répairina qf Maw; 5242? iwzzcb 3% maps 5z7‘eafY_f§fcr~m you, who aremlled to {we pséliqzw Cazmfellam, and téareéy aé» z’z;,q;d‘ta sxprefle as puéliqweframa affi2z'r£t (whici) £5 the éem... sic and firengtb of a Great Com/zcsll), fwallawing mp}ram== };r£¢wte'i2¢tercj%:,in the pméliqm Welfizw. Nat Witld Baruch, fccking great things for your fclves,wlaiola 233 mafi izxcoiegrzzm mg; to Storm} times, éw mlm r«efi'm5ZiwzgMclan&h0n, nabs grofieflivd, 3/gang/a be had many Dorncfficall troubless yet the publiquc wounds of the Church moft deeply affliétcd him. . » , England 2'2: more éemsaned , :15}! m¢z7a_y with that language airs Auflin awer%flJeposr'a mam. Quomodo huc Cecidifii? Alas bow came]? thaw into zrlaefle diflrafiions ?’ S/as may mzfwgr as the poozre man there, /hzndixg in more need of wlicfiz rims di ms ‘ somfeo Obfccro cogita quomodé hinc Inc; liberes. Yiainkg km? 1 may be mjiwed out of thafé trofizélesf. Towards this é/eJ{]2=a’ Works,‘ I bmsre ca]? 2'22 my two mites , moving is t/km prope*_rfl2lace~re of a Dirzzim, M an Agentflr the Tmt/J ', per- fwadimgjoy, Maoare éetmfiedéj at/Jar: , and lame fézrre eras» gagedjoarfilves iswlae Resfcarmmtion of Rcligian, t/a»zt.'t:?«?Mra A ~ Ed/1] om migbnjm Wowlapframate The Trade of” Truth. Efi‘ 9'.‘ ‘go- E5 2. 2.» mam. 4;. 2. m, :.m. H: is not for me to fuggeft a Methods imvtbe excmtian of your counfslsfic whefe mzme 2;: founfilloar guide yougyet: 3 fhall [fill pray that in your Intention, the purging , the test» ling, the advancingrof True Religion may be moi“: Dear um» toysu. It is one-maincbcnd, and a pretious firuit of govern-=~ ment, that was may lead: peaccablc and quiet’ lives in .412 Godlineflk ami honcfiic. This is well worth peoples WW1]?-« ling pm er: , and your mofi: aéiivebenglmvvowrs. The flaw billity 0 ” allsour blcflings muff comc by the ‘Trm Religiw W, Gods prbefénce is the bcPc fecurity, who is mofl: spowcr» finfly prefcnt where there is moi’; power and“ purity of Re» ligion. Would you have a flour»-;{bi:»:gg Kingdame, advance the Kingdoms of Claw-i/E in it. Let the State xnaintaiinc Religim, saadikcligion will bleflb the State , could you: fcttlc alt otir Stat:-liberties, yet if the Arke sofTruth bee stakes from us, 4 01”" givryzk dtpdrtedgwe may write tbefc mourning chats».- gfisrsbbngoqallour Comtbrts, I an zmof D, mbm imlbv glarjfi‘ 7. T A % my his too ihigb-5 eafiyzpiamkt in the my flomfieg 7a; WERE 903%, M fommander, who often {aid , that he wowlaf wszzmgzj lie gm 7: fi;z;en}'eereJ in .-Heflfo 2‘/Mr Callice were in the 120 fleflom oftlée m I I-7rc2»2c/mcgazizve. Wceblcflcegod for that real! felfc-denya11 arid aftivity ye have exprefled, abating fo many perfonall and em milyecontentments, in your long attendance upon publike A afihires. Be mt weer} ofwell daimg, in dmj£=.efa:e}e 1%:/1 rmzye 5 am” W gfjamfaint not. V e , M i A A J L Never hadany PA R L 1 A M 2 N T more Work to do; from land Pail} bleeds, the afléures thereof find unhappy obflcrufii- on-s. To fubdue Rebeilxone, to plant Reiigion there, are great mattCrS- M Efiglami is very much out of frame. The gmrc/g cals for Truth; the State’ cryes for Peace, they who {owed in hope , reapein foam 2 our fickles are turning into fwo;-Ads. NOW to C5565’: an happy correflvomknce betwixt our.Sooeraigne and his people, a bleffed compliance betwixt England and Reiigion, heres work forotbe firongefic flnouldw ere. A ‘ A Neverhad any P A R I. I A M E N 1: greater oppofition. As ' Nal&em,4.~. I 7. our builders work; with om loam! , and holda weapon not/a.tl£2e or/aer. Aclaétopbelx plot, .Rn¢éfEa¢k_4/7.5 mile 5 ,S'am&a:/14:; mocke. Yea fince counsels oFReforma'tion;there is a more malignant antipathy appears agaiofit truth in many places. As 2 Tim, 3'» I 3. evil! men mdfcélocer: w-axe worfé and vvarfé, deceiving madéeimg deceived. Yet be encouraged eworthy Sits. Never had any P A R L I A M EN '1‘ fo many Y’/mndrinflg Legiam: of praying Ckrbfliflns, to aflifl: thelno when others infolt éano blafpheme , Iazcoér: poiierity are 1 wrefiling with God for you, refolving not to let /bimgoe am aye é~lej]%_ym. And whilft you are purfuing peace, aliow this plaine Sermon that humble boldnefieasetowhiiper you in the cearefiaefeeching you fiilf to maintain your fofmer zeake in the eaofe of Truthwhen did your couniels profper mom, them when you were mofk a<§’cive about religion. When . you were building the Lord: Hmfi, For bee buildfidyfluffi as Hag. «$2.. 1 flow tlvzérdbrj will élefij-aw. A Bopleafcd therfore more and more to engage your (eh;-s Of _____ ‘.. 1{ji‘:“_;f§.:67 5 3: $4: 2:: ”Pe51‘£*3.4aE9». x Ni’/‘2.5:.m..u F0? thé Truthfo flzaai you engage Gdti Afar yoitgiéf V612? ‘céL2f"e be Hz}; W9 then his! ,42m~zém5— will be yt>L1rs,hisprawia[m~;g» will Workfor you, hisfiirit wil work in yet: 5 tfiyerewi/1 7-W fmwe m'areVm'ti9yaz¢ rém agaimfijom, though the Dc fill amfl thePope combine. Do your.‘ own: Work 3 trufi God with his; dutyfis mars, Eventsflucceffe are his. fommfir r/9c» keeping wfyoiwfamfmyofiiafi Chute, ofthe Pcatcgto h1.mA in wail dam éngw mam gzfait/qfzzllcreazxar. Truth will yet Triumph, _5?m;, .€}lo:»zVand%aMher 5CrutchesAmuf% "downs; the fight affair]; is we gaodfightgbecatxfc fuch fauldiers are film of the: vifiory, . The kingdmxme ofChri"2».c‘ié;z_:/Te» if SQ; wezmgwilfing to feH.it‘,;m’¢ jm A mm Hwéwd { no pb'iyga¥§ny:in the fecomd marriage that $3 mzgbtwrefemt Mam M a.:}ja_/fa «virgin zww Clarzfig This he en*dAeavoumd“ by pure Goifpel nitneans, and b. pmfwadingu w; puritie: andMfi;1g1.encff'e]+of lmartin the aft oftimfe mean.’-ac A The evflfisvas bu%fieV%»rv érfl 3,} m Corrupt peoplas” minds fifam z”Zve’fimyZi.a'z‘tie At/m*% 'z3"z°m Cbrzfia‘ 5 wen knowing the fimglicitie thatiswiu -"*6 is the befiRu1e for the Churches conformitie ,3 m this we may fubfcribc witheut any checke of com Qaar jigpevergm maxim: ex 40- win:am¢.‘ingejzéa {menace , “ V r M ~ /A -. V‘ And gndeed, what areficlfe Rel: gxon s , but Htimame gziamesgxmomzt. Kamjfflfitsam. The Alcorrmcompounds M4/mam foind ms diflmbaizzF:d€V1C€SW1th$fflfl}€..fi'ag1]36Ht9 of ands‘ word; A ;‘:ff3“5;<2iv¢’i’ii:% ¢ W?“ ?f%“A?°;i‘*:di«r *Wz*€e” Twizriéfis M .,;;o,.,W Jrazmm fumptuum . ‘fig-£0‘ yzsmzptmra ;.»:yeg,.,1t 1-ah;eg~uuP4E{e~a;_ afzfiézmeyazz. «.m{v« theniih Wcv:z&0n1e*s » rev;iv“es¢= old kwifh “ Ceremonies A Ep.Ps*o£,_mm .TM,&,§ {,9 which aremow mamm év amrtifem dead amideadly ~ 7 Wm M»-wz;z‘eé/2 £ampma2m’mgz:;h’en1 w%ath:I1ezmflzmtzan.tof GM V ;‘2‘:*.§,s>rr~<9’w‘* W-~ \ ‘ You may dfifcernav fuch; m:iXtures%i%n;mamy arr-'fm‘“s$ “ 5!é;*j0j2}='ia1;.i¢ g , % M M V 7 u _. WNW Pm,” abmzt the great myftencs mf the Gofpel, even lfl evtef-==» flmbea mrzm» ryimgke mfthe gal-“fen chains ofSalvation, Ramsfi. 3 mg %:f:£“fi3"”‘*» xfrmifiigns in the Decree of E{eé?iaz¢ compmmd fore- " {fiance faith? with the Soveraigntie of Gw‘ds~,« Wm, ~ m «vm:“;zm.m?*,.f0Compmmding mans Freveé-win “with Gmas: Free Gram , them with them in thfi 26% of converfim préma cargféz epends upm1“[..»:w§m’m, the pgwmv 0;fGmj.g grace m.ufi.wayte ugcm ahewmcumcmm mf am good matum A . " Pafijfi éefare we Hwmwmfie f1My?“¢?fC0mw1mwm 7, .4 empifis Doé"cox~s flue f‘§ra711g6iy ~comp¢oundVA waéiw withfaétb in theafi of jwfiifimtiam, and ;im‘glaréfi’m.. mm , fo compound the merits ofthe Sazimmwitih the meritts of cm}? ,% that by a gandlgmtie they bficzome «e:ri«mrmn3 Uuf ctemaiHife A; Vk-‘:VtA xghe D,e:z2z'/if aifeét wine mmpmfitions axthc where of Baéylammufcpaimt her wrimkicd face with fame bmrmwad émmmie , _ to waver hcrmward demrmmes; Chrxfianduhis Truth, % - will glory in noV€;'¢114iih fo much as native firmphcitie and%pm°iv:ie. ; .A % % 4 , . V Thimfily, 7';-«~:¢zé mufl be p%mrchaf°ed>as well inrhe 3- Power of pawmas in th’:?.; libeirtie and puricie mfitu. Therefhouid b1;':;i:tm“fi b“ befiuch afl:«"€an.ee asmms purely wizhom: mud, and that 5 ~ in afl3rmgz.amm". E-Ijpocraices w:~zMwarve11nh¢4e hi’: aggcé whenfmofl Gui pe§—V1%ight_breaI§s 4Jom,§m*any pz1int- M profeflions will borrow fame lame from it 5 This Rm! foretels , 2 Tim. ‘ 3. 35-; In the Kai’: dayes together with naany flreames 0%" wickedneffa 3 therewifl be a gcncratiI10f,m%®:a;»&Metiwg‘;«:r»¢xffifmagnfwGadligwyfi“ , but H,,omy; gfl derzying we pmzwr affi 3 m gomd ¢.‘§ziefm*ipti<0n of laypacriw figmzm _/irze jg» fife Em the Lord E3fif§?fi3Jis2S pmgmrsr 9 ‘bath in the diif» “W penfing and %:?:m garwfibfliaag mi: ‘Z%?+;."°m”ufiha Fmfl defirefi to preach m-Azv/#5 dw:w..m;'fz”r:zzx‘25ewz .tf}cé_ ,§>¢.1"ri£‘9 mm’ afpmwrm AIA Car. 2. 4,. a:s,»wc%,1l» knmwingrhat Adm flimgdame af Gm’ $3? arm M ward, &:¢z‘:I.z*z1,z'}ar37er%3 2: mm .44.” mm M is mm mm. mg, mt wm*&’¢)=2g Mve pmm that WiE;7é evidence m fpéam km“ m‘ hearers, that they arefm«é]'ao?sin thekimgdomc bf Gmmamd fimres £0 thekimgd0me%1®f‘glarg:. This Mmlmafle an argument mf azhmir c:>ie:«5%:§u:.w.m y: Tfiizqffi x 5% that We Gajfiei £’;.a?-W6 flew Z30 Mega M axworaiasszfyfif {kw M WWW Maw” 21:: E;-My G/Emfi; much power appearing in M5 d.fienfat~ioaa of it‘, and «~rh;<:: Téeflalvnims .I3m.mAfm fuliy yoflhlfed w¢ithuhepowe«r 0f the Tm/9, that their car.» nalfi \ fiéfi zfit) 3 A A flsermfirz p,rwW5ezmw‘3aF¢fl$ '4 mfl Aprimcipiess w&:r5~v*tCm‘;£713=ted3‘ thfiir paflE%0flA§ nmd7ei=£;§-3 ted _, th¢irIufis]m0mified; and theim{Mf~en&sA mam fmmded. W~ : ,A % A - M % ~ 1 A Mafia men afi?-:6Ft in_Rei;égim9 mithmc 3. am’ mwaiffiflfifififig m°~aém~ w;«A3fideVw>mp£, $%Mh73@namiesw‘£: the Wmb; Mmmzaéz diath be&%tm:Am what things, than in flm pméfife 0f’ fielxgim 3 where there mmmtbm mfimmm. Gmkequirés mmm aw-and mime m*':lz’.rJ5, mhfi whTdie.1;ear£%% 3,,‘ jam the m%tasfiiitiew emf. in thatlwe fhould low him with ME My Emmmt, with afiiomt f0uAl;a7mdws'1Eh our fire%n>g&.a,$A.ZIz¢!e.‘“:I mg A27; ‘ Imdeefl A%m0&era_t”io§n Ahath F-,,m;W q2,g,;W,; its féafon, but with Ca£'w'22:cami3mm {I mafeflé { faith madémawi _1f- he)Atéere»A awgbm M M maderzzmm , yet 3%" I aofiflxmtfy‘ afi ;§:fi;~rme5 V azzre rmfi Em/349?; fifiaf imzyaiear pkéfieyzgevwfmafiyazwazjfmm » Wiwg ,,0WA_ ; ‘ Neithegmuflt wé {io'afec‘?th:e amtvf4Mp¢{wWafReZi~ W gw5qzmm A gz‘fifl3 afisf to wgleéi‘ thde~}>gzvwAe;j«~o}’m zlary h1,sA- cmmfeflfi R; , was gmod V, whw writing agaanf%A,_4mawziz¢_5AEz]?1VA@ p f,.9fim,m 1%,, Aim-we, 4com*pIa;ined~t‘hat the flrmn faéhon rizrad ;Qn..: mz~a.e;v.PW~ fundedall, and therefore admomfiaefl ail“ mm m fif"f:;mS' Wm ta}.-a~eheVe;d,Ah0wtE1ey fuffered themfeiv«es%m be Eefij A§ax}u:um,._ with omward appeamnc;es:. fwiy wt wefl ( faith E‘ze)A££2=za-15% ~‘:’ff53’ ’§"’f ymV..»;2m Mme mm WW5? w3§;z.tyw.m eflmw Me m%vzm;'/$7 Em reffiefiof rfvamfis Md émzMwg.r§ Md M, Wad made? Miefe wag 2;: gems fe’s and 4p,9mmzm.c pretend Md mge tlée mama afpmwm I; tr’§A6rem}":y dazéétqfflnriogmfifls %fittmg' M ~zi.’M_fé pfww This unites‘ PmjpewyA finch La; ~ReMgmn as pieafas mam éwzgqafizwvg mjé ayagg and humours when m~es,rat11m' th ma 1°ie8’cify£heir mézmyw, zmfi beak their aéegzrtx, becaufa they {cake not fomimhtome/mf%zWW"a«wWWWfM;aW« Aflmzing A-:iayedA Open befom yautahe wmmwd£tée,it« §.'cA§f mba pnrchafad 5 AffmM%1?‘m the££é€rtée;pmwie,andA' A mama? émfiézie zlbe Hmawraéfe Hmfeaf Cammmsii § Wear efie 5; its necfeiiazy fimher ed enquimin-v en the nature of we parcézafe, with izxprice. A s all other markets, ordinarily Véegizp at Mme; puwflfi We fa indeed our traciing fer ?'mefm,1v he;fpirinii‘ofTmzb. _ _ God, havingeomiinced thegheart, i1owf‘ar1;eitwii_s‘* Big” ‘“ wmejwre ef I/Jegiorjy af God éyfiza *, Ram. 3.2 anfi {Emits am that men are aléexmedfiam me life of Gm’, Mrawgfi, i we igeorwnae MM :55 2'22 t/gem, Ep/Jefl4.. x8. withafl, giving the [hale an hint and tafle of the ;ex‘cel1em;- cie andifweetmeife cf Dieting Trni/5' ,:. thfifioniy 30: Sciemtizz w}'?¢$ , mrazgne mew; of its recweryf, itigroanes” mofi few and gxfm ~ rioufly , and pants moi’: affefiionately after lac»; quaintance with the tmt/a and poflizflion yO"£"T'T"i't9 Adena. ‘ H may fucke the fweetnefle of TI3L1Eh,,W}'?i5'b zifmm And that not‘ oniyiby fame‘ cold <2/el1ez't2ie,i byiifowmej dun wifluing and wouidingg but by a yeremptme M2. 5? 5». ft!‘ £12025: 5% not by wmdring amdflaz/by , but czmjlant ’-3’*”€~ ‘3- *- 7° mm’fixez{defz’re:5 not by Iazie and fiothfizil , but Wi2'6°I5' operative and bufie defires 5 Truth 1 wouldhave, yea Truth 1 mufic have, {:15 I am everlaiiingly um; i Afiefiionate defires , as they iive amfli» mam 3, pmmomgg in oapinions 5 {'0 they profluce a&ions , incliniieng by Diligence; use to take "pains for ‘ the oibtaining of that we A would ipolfefle.“ They addeiewings to thsnfouie, making us to flie like bufie Bees fromflowier to flower, from ordinance to ordinance , xhatijwe my wee honey , mde tine droppmgs Tcy’lraZ1_£2! *;€?1m5Z3.i P‘W"9‘W“ The purchafe of Truth , is carryed on byefuchan aéfcive difpofititmi ; as the Spmnfi in the {ACd3?5tIfl5l€5 ‘had to enjoy her Beloved 3 I wi/lirzfemw Amiga: "“’”"~ 3 W 32503: tbeffreets, andin we émad w.