Hénnm~§ablcA a A W we Ifmgs migm,,m¢d Primacy dgcreejwm/h’cem. ¢ rim Eh 1; 2;i*~d amd;~ to aha Axatichrifiimx Wflfflfig hm: mm firflan A A A ~MQnVCh1A‘iff$ cmltatifawm mm» m £€fing;+% A A azfiwmcs wftim AW?€i)E."E(§» ‘ A zaflérfimblecfi Em E’;Mi.;ax¢"m:eaN:3 ;.u:¢t'E‘m%m? Mm fb>}$’.«:émj3zm }fAafl',,JM;zy mm V1M.3.q;7;» A ~ A A A A 3}’ :G....H HG fifimgflgr mfi/fie Gojfeff % A 7‘ %Aim Plgzfimvztf/'a.; A * mam? ml! Houfe. P F... ow". 8. 15%. A W ~ W. M. A-Ea mm am, A » Hm fin‘ ” ‘~ ii: ’:'A hf}? joy m the Chu1‘chAOfAthe%SaimsA A4 = ‘ fit Wm Ki#a.e.'v1om.J?b%;421Ne¢/be Io/m fiat/awellaitfhe Sunrm and A 4 A AAkmzntaineiinPauI;Chux~ch4yapd‘. 36.4.7: A A Die Mercurii,ZL4azii 2.6. 16 7; from tIiisHAoufegive :11-ms to Mafker % HugIoe.r for the great paincs he tcgolie in the \ Sermon he preached %this dAay:atyfi th;e#;Mi«11trea ty of thi‘s‘H«oVufe at —SVt.M.«:w~garem Wéfiminfier A A beingtheday ofpubliqu-e E:_W. '4)’ I 5‘ "Ir~_“N I 1: ~ "f:i~“‘5F'JI‘{§{;‘:,m'1f3I)}fi4.;‘g*?/3 -39 ~ , . Hozfzfc of WC 0 M M 0 N 55 A. now Afl7embIed in A , A P AR LI AM ENT... Hmxoumblc and Renawned Patriots, AWM A4 pretty AA % 1 Afimirze of wardm , t/Jougly carce reafivzzzble Cmzzlqflfz M *5” P‘’"r‘“l0x’’m3’ ["3 W146) A A « A iwitbAMaMl2firor Diwihcm MW3W5WW- A % f A V% ~ m gffiflfmgflftfiffi ~2'iA¢uai'em}-»<-’A Is a Qenfirous and Noblefimxc. 1VK ‘ ' ' ‘V ,§E;§iW’A5W, wméezt zlm the iieiglwof zmtermlx W]JW:@~:A A I ‘,-4 ...._u.....:... ‘ V ~ “ I - “~ V4 c :2 A ‘E ;z£n:mt A W M,“ rheepimenedicatory. A M A Zeelefor G0eIem!)ron,ei2c1hi.e C lazerehg (zeeqfl “ ‘ Nehle. Worthie.r.)wil make his tfihyeeeekefieieeele V I reeckgvz little of their levee to keep you that ere V that upon better mettells and Treefoiz upon Gold aeelmfeee that upo2z‘BreflE'._. e A ehomgfheflip wee,fhe:41lciei7znoh[e.fime 5 Pal} h A he coizzege z4poI2Leed will he ate high Treafeze ,‘ A T In the Oracles efGo"d,_ where we have j \ tmthfizrre ahewe theeez , W/e‘arethm teught, Slips in highefi: things are ghe greatefi eeefamts, and a fall in Heaven fouler wicked- neITe‘than a {humbling on earth; Sin-me: word: net iezferiom? to? wear, but domeerzd } A %Geeetzeefle ofGed egeizgfh 2e>'hem,eznd the height ofplaee wherein they eretommitted. The .472». gel! which left their fitflfietiom, em! reeeezethet fimzed zzz Pczrzzrlzfig, haw/efeie the rm-efh of t/m- in Highefl phzceyflemfiech ljigh trehfigeeefieiz. in my greetefi defiree, to keepeyeiz thatere in chew the highefl aggrmzyetiezze flee}: the V A Byhthe grehcegiexen to ;e2e,2;2hen I was‘ celledhy ' A you tofjeeekfieozez Godto)/ou,@°j’ez%yezMo God, A A mine day efymerflmley efilzfiiozz, I heelthi: V A 4 higfheflVplaee; ,, and menzeeging the hgghefl, 4 . A M mmttere efGoa’.,A freIfl,./Eeezze egeizgfi hem. » I ' i‘i93I"€‘-- V fired zoufe all plaizzpeefle in fem'ng4om.~ the % - tqry with fzrlfe b/Jargex, or wtakc «.4 ParI’ia- \ ment ‘vile wrong:/Jepeaple (I have leazwzed , The E1§iflIeDedicatory. therefbfe (45 became at Miizgfier cf C brgfl ) de- § Kingdome of our Lord , unto n5/flick all States mufi [90:32 tlmt would be pr0fiverom',_ and in 4 painting fiat fuck fizzfisll irregularities which render God cm enemy~irreco2icil.ml>le, and fiaeb State: thereby eterizzzlly miferaéle. I22 all wlvicla tIJej%dge offfiz'ritJ lgzowf) izzterzded not eitlaerb )1 Matter’ or flnwz offpeec/9 to beflmtter fuch an Honourable _]udica- better of C brgfi‘ b )1? Gady grace my dime WM cmely to be at fézit/Jfizll Kemeaizbraizcer of you fiwm God, oft/Jefiztczll dzfémflam zvberenntofiwb ’ P0l«itiql1C Bodieswzaryfizbjeff, ‘int/aeir meml9er.s'5 1124: at 4 mre may be hard of L purging 3/!JMrfélrzzeJ,Wlezy’i‘cle¢zt/3wzfizze... 7- % A fiwb pl;zz'm2¢fl?a ,% as God would have tbe'm¢i7z4 AA V Ier0boam4¢ggainfI? I1omefi/sic/3 yo‘mr‘e.»:re.y lnmre tzgffred 5 I 13:24:/er made at at/rlitiorzy or'clm- . V rirzg jbzme paflfzgey whit/9fi1*¢1itJ.of time‘ tlaezzl A fl2zAzt am 5 I Aimpa 220123 will be laafér.s' by them. The };>‘e"iglJ1Z* of my cmzbition £5 , : V.tl;m't I9 rim *“c«:mzwt* {baa If flizmd zvordat fiomGAm:, fpolwn in 1.7735 Name 5 arrzot fO_bCareAt/352%.. cw ¢,r£*ea’2?- 2s,%i2;%t1}:zf,g a;zzfir;2.;'rA7G0d.m2z'I2zrZ in tkmm the doom El his fa M165 Ayiwill £‘[ea?~"Z/8 ta ti;ze;w..A’ The God ofgll grace lieejaé fl Afmb J emf? qflzz fiampa- ti€1‘atha1”d11€d fpirit f}0fix}30zs;,amc£giwe yo:-a ii2e‘AbZeflZ72g7 ofaba red 'earrgfl mm} l)efitlly exalted in tlaefir zmitecfl lifingrlazzzy «Mal reigzgtlmt the Clmrchem oftbe Szzizzty alf) " mayflrzg , landdlwaiey rejoyceirz their Lord, ? wlsofe tkefé Kiizgdomex are; and all in yaw inltbeflljzzizcl of 0111* Lord; By; wlaofi comI7¢zmvl A Your Honours moftlhunilble and } faithful! fervant in the V A Lliingdom ofChrii‘r3 A no 3.0 I-I uG.HlmL9.. """" --- ---I--4 --... mm“ .-m..... U51“ ..m.» ‘. ., _ Qmfiggmflmfimmmfim 4 ‘ .n... v «--up-aw ‘=»F 7i3%%%i%«’*éi 1 “WW W‘ % TRUMPET- “Revel, c.xI.v.15%. V hind we fezxmt/9 Angelfimrzdcd the 31" rumpct; and y there nzrcrg great~wz‘ce.r’ in%Hewve7z_,; flying , 31‘/ac %ICin,gd¢me;r;of» t/:r1'£r wbrld I are become the King» % domes afaurLard, mid of Ebrzj/fland bcjlmfl 4 _ reignefan ejuer arzdwer. A _ ‘V V A A ~, _. 5 He 'I”_uexE' is the‘G0_fi?Qll\;tf;_t;'€..fi7‘1_l‘,2i'(77.'€i7YgA604‘ ~ “ infl/arifi auenlze Iiingdamewofébé: wwx: _ afcenthe greatapoitacyafinifhed: Ti?-A {rhea . dings ,fit to be publifhedfio all States, A %' 3'” ’ that,[;h¢y1-may'heareandfgare, and 110-- A noLw~FheL%ord au;1_d;; his (3I1;r3.ii,:¢.‘%§tx~1d zxqt V «*Ap4c*r~ifhJ=i.n4¢he%«Vd%3w,fhi§-m1tétibn~ AHA fa{’¢iI1g$* Wi1l~,b¢;:as ,Agm;z..; hgmblings 1;mf:iI1,.this be Vdonwe.4 A ’ f Th'¢§titIé‘0F_’thiS 'Ifru1n}p¢i;1Een1sjcro[Té to the, natureuof vi « H L ' v-‘*4’ ‘ “‘ ‘,'.‘. ‘ 4, '4 .§‘¢d‘v3‘~.J..i‘b7vJ'‘,4'_ ; ‘ .7’ '14 'w.‘ “ ‘ = . ,. ._:‘,3gJ" ‘ A th¢.£V¢n%t here mfe11tig_)ne«g:lfll;I:t ;iS«-fi','Ilr5,‘ CAl"t2}“It?.' tb£rd.rm;-.‘1"rz:mpet _; §Re,.e1,,,_ W4 The cvcmzis Cfi£i;&sA¢»takin*gAAthc 'Kin%‘gJ§1pm§»0f.t&I1iéVwosrldg. T7V.I5,x6,;.7. A and%¢rh:%~§:tr?iurr:ph=u:w”flgyv5~.V W }..ag5*I‘¢€Ie,ziw'z;egz“;*a‘I‘e thftfmtiflhifiifiia:!11 =‘=‘W013Id 7 a~_nqi Jghe , J éGj~:{1m_ébM7§1arr;iFtL£1i‘£i°ti11g;.1ifl:r6d :by_€h€*“SVpiric._) There- ‘f :*fqre;@n imekifc omzly «is a1'1om:ed..thzx: WO~fi111ToL1z1d ‘snf this and the form”cr'Trun1pets: A M A ” % 2“. Chrifi and 11158 'ntsar&ac0”m:e1*ned in%theA.be‘fbe%\rcnt %% pf,1;his%f1"rL1,x:_n%pet;, :iqu_aI}t:11;i‘§ time pf foundiifxg woe: I u‘p%cs*:-i‘there-Aeari:1i1y}_crea~g:*u~resM62125:-i.£’cVA is pqfléfliagg tjht: %RC3{)d f'et \ thé Wtimcsamd Rates‘ of q2‘ea~tt1»VresV%%;;d-verfé each tn ¥:Qth€fif”§* xfildsfigbt-ifis: ~n‘tr¢“A%mC:41mxachesV Ad;gr%%';z«.eJ{];%%,- and %&_ A . Tap make 73% C16 Afjrct‘ fllige iééi t’:»fie*texi:7th-fieié i~M" % 3:[iTC‘) "1‘1:S" wfll be ufEfi1‘Il”;=” th7é?tiflré. Z{§*b1é&. % * the ma.ccer4AAof=cms4Truriapeg;mi£ré§I»g; 4w§»ich:Im;;jh IS’ I Kw ‘ ‘.- ‘~.-—‘- ‘o A i is not %a.gre,e.d' mm. by ix..n:m~pre~t:eIé$:5$ f::~:*nm?1~1;1ke ic¢oti{£:ei§11A:~{ A VA~p?cwarywith 1:I1e1a£’c da;y,, and fo%c~al1yi;c% %:Vh<* ,.Ia1.sET1,;xm11;:A5; rThe£4. 16, * domesfof this Wc$r1dfi~on2Lord to Lord, nqt the p,€.‘1"iOd: 7‘ at the great; day of judg€me11t the.y {hall all expire an be * “ ?1:h€iF.haI1dS3bL1t fuch reliques {hall um; be when theend cpff 5 abs;‘o11+1e;pitcI1cth it upml the%—L1tterf2iI‘1%of'%tl1eWeP:emeA A n;ymca11V Ba!7eI1., andthc co1~mming.of the.Kings of the 7% %i*$.a“fai're;g‘l:iwf!Fc5¢%nFIat7fI1‘0n1M1:lwtakjttg 0fth€*%4firfi Kingdom A ,m7xhiS,WDI?1d%.:dL1t3A Vm;: ef 3: This V Trumpet» doubtleflé feglndetzli. 1%’-noe;l5lP0114tIie A. % earth, and that of no fmall *coi1tii1ua11ca , whiczh after the 1 * iallthings is come. V ' laPci-udgcn1e11t Camxuot be. Thefé and Qtl1e1*c011{id'ex;%ati~4$ 5 i; ans” may den1or1fi1*ate%that this cannot be clue lat”: Tmnaefi ; pet; -yet by the events §:xprefl7::d inV1:he fucceflive degmes; this £3:-venth Trumpet reachcth fonmthing tiecrfiftc-J that of theX1afi iudgcnien . ’ % A * ‘ A A;. A ' 1 2. Others conceive more rig11tIy%thac?che found of this % Trumpet §:Q11cei‘ns.H e;:zz/era Lxpanr E.4m*lo,=' :that: is the {hate of‘ A theVC,hi1rch belpwvw; onelythe diff:rénccA%is4,, 4 about the; pgizlt of time for the beginning of"thefe cvqntsbfpowken A Eafl, wI1.iVch¢thsoxugh?it.n1-u.VcAb¢;;undc1';h,i51?3ve11th Tram» pet , .ymr:A41s~.wer over his ex1e.111ic1s»;i1_ere beneath bef‘Q1*e,ti1f3 iaiivjudgfinietat. A : 1 $0!‘ utah¢;_(é€}Q§1:3dP‘., 1 I11? ‘right fiiifiiflg rhi§«ic11angf=»i5iI10t ‘ Oiffnzall 'inai0111eI=1t»:3:.ifq£‘ii Whriiichi ..p:1x‘pi0f¢itl1ef?'=‘ prirciertllars mufi beiideclamed, 1': . Ii;¢_fce1‘nas4 of; Jifi" , ,2.,_TI7l1e. xiatrgpc of it. 3 _TIie time of it. 4.The exerczlc of1r..i r {The fizxbihay of Aiigaxvlacxx .iom:e;;1:li1ie L0_1‘CU;13th fl?@Ci€iiiC- V I‘ 1.. Evexfy c;11&1ug€9r1?i M%1§110ti0Tli:fi1PP0i73th‘I1¢C€H5*F3~1Ym ‘W0 L £e,¢m¢3ii;;ii Que i;tx?QimiiWh§m,F.€ the ‘changei bcgiiim~I1e.tl1» thee 0- '~igbe1*~Wi1ercu11t0 it is Inside : In the Text but one of V tiizfife is named and that the iafl: , tbé Lord, mzdbix Cbri ye; A ti1€i0ti1€1‘l"l1L1ii needs be implied outof whofi: hands and ' power itheiisz n1L1fix11uFtbeta.kex1. Firfl ti’1‘¢I1',. the Lords H oiV:61*A ithfifci;.Ki11gdon1¢8% Ofi11h¢i iWOI‘1d.>i A .beafi5 3 gthiieR0in3ifh..A11tich1*ifiiinfpeciall, %Wi1.c);feiia%tc is: iihadowed by the whore who fate upon many ;wate11s, 1:11 at AA 333 mlvgd ove;~ma?nyipeoipIe¢ Th.efs'e0neIy gave, laws t;<;> ~ um :Sca§ce§ia11d%N_ati,qns Ofthfi worldguxdireqpxired t1*iibu?.te V‘fi.Q;mbQd1¢5A_gndfpiilpsiof inxenwzd .}wo,uId fiat tI1cir m:ar.ks5 fipouieve1fy%c.1'£a1;§11f€5‘ :Q;£‘fi_Ih Q’fi3”thi“t‘. “£0535 it-v ; A avhoflfiilfeifllliC~iF115*Y~B‘3iH°Fedai 4 ’ i R vel.r2.9- -tit.-vel..18« I 2;. i ‘Re-v::l.I3~3; I_“Thig.D,qVi1iWja§_§iJ,€.f%ChCFiO1‘al1EhOli1i0fiCiiIi'fi.II_1. \ O _]. 3,.Id.o1a;:ry;n7r0i‘¢ ¢iF1i.9¥13i+W?V%3i,1$i?§iO1?1€1§i;:tFib£1?£¢«F€?f-§i3€§.r} King» A . A .. A 4-Tfhe.-and 0:52:11thisg9vernt3mt:1s#%l1aitndipeirdxtzomii V i 2. Tyranny Qverbpdies aI}C}i~f0l1iCS§hCfQH31§71’111CiQf i mo V :,:;«."’.'_1-.“- A %%ChL11'ch%isVh2s5%by‘ cl:-:€ti0n4, by cv¢::;1t:ion, by pL1I‘cl1%2r17é%,«%1by A into the lake ovFfire,they anda11%~t;h@i:rIVa{ra1S are xhwr.owm A ~A%.Fv01ia‘t:1mcl7e%cmell :Lords% xamrmthfi ~fKingd_ome[s takfina ' A 5‘ I ~ 2..’The»tc rmc .u»m:o wh,i:.ch:th*is%%Acha1Aige is,n1ade¢is;%nan1acd '*:iArr:tIaIc Text: [W LAard,aazcl%§z2r% Clmffl_A]A ATW9 words Aamghere A3 «abT{b1Lz4te, Lm-d4a.m:d AC1ar!i 5 and two r¢I%ativeV&*4a% Gar: and A His, a1lW0LL1dA7be.ux1d¢rPm;>.od in chair pr0priety. % i‘mdeed”Athére is aALml A bmrzfze, ; %.andaAde€x1iw::d , :4 =.m¢cIia1%ti%1;1;.§ i Chm’: ;A*%%%bz1t:fie¢re it rnuthaégte that L(mZW:hici1faid to 19¢- wid: L0A1'd , Atlaozz on %m}%ri‘g£7t* lmzzrlgd-wvc. VG0d 4;;%.t%-he a,t'Ii(3r I whmt‘hc ever1a{‘tin:g‘GQ‘fpe1;I ;l1o1ds«oyL1:t%to be f€a~i”€d , t0 gbeg1’md"“ mat fim“p1:y or abftrae,Ai*?bzz.c co11c2r.eVtc;13r~%janf:l*Wne1%a:tiV€Iy*”?kI10WAI1~ :WViAth his‘ :_ Kingdomes %0;F?tI1%~e %wm*1d A Apeguv1i_ar* ones , rcafilunes %t[1.e{'eKi~ngd<3n1€s , and now ,.....w... ‘~Pfa1-110.1. A A ‘I COI‘aI3.3:.}u Revel 5'1: ;,5,7." ,s 8 I I A SersménlpiredcléedsIzefiaretbe Horeoumlzle fire xelsii. jg: 'Pfalr11 45.6. 18» Deutagezi-31. i A xrnan. ‘ iheweth hitnfialfe thus5to reigne-:. that is, God fb known, fo believed, {'0 worihipped ‘as lamonglhis chofirn and true God , dwelling with us , ‘ and worfhippcd by us ,A not as miihonceived by the worlds i For itmight be faid he ruled them) but iswitlGod, fo knownglfo believed on|,_ fo vvor-v . lhipped, as by the true Church. Who calsi himleours 5 ‘ The V Suune fheweth the contrary 3% ltis a falhfiedl, l corrupted, A misbelie-ved God , that Papifiseboali of. A In this concrete l _ fence Mofi: writes of God itriumphing over the Churches ~€nemi€ 5, Their rock; 17: inotm tom" rrzckg, it/aev enemies‘ tliemfelszer l lbeirz judger. Did uotmauy oflfraeb-enemies know and congefle the fame Rock or God for eflence as Ifi-ael did? Yea (3lOUi_)_h§;l€flf:3,i)L1t they turned the glory of the incorrupe tible God into Images 3 and bat}: refeniblanccs , and (0 i _ made him afiock difiitmét frorn Ijiaelr by lfalfeiworfllipa r luwhich rcfpeéi 4Mejérfings,God with usyandworfhippedt » ~ by us , is farre above yours ,i he that hath ruled and ~de-~ liroyed yourAAAAGods and you _., as your {elves can witnefle. 0 how {west a thought is this,tl1eAL0rd_.,I1O way but as the Churches Lord, knowxiii, and ferved bythem takes poi-3 e - fellloniofthciiingdomes ‘bf the World}! .Th€ Saints can- uot be low, if as theirs ouely"God be thus exalted. i 3. The next terno abfolute which denotes the'Sove-7 raigne power to which thefe Kingdomes aredelivered, is imcarriedo. i A A it _ ‘ The per are here intended. is the Sonxie of God In an~i~» feeds the Kingdomes aresbecome the Lords , as he is our A i in the times ofAnti”ehriPrs reigne , and that the worfhipr A A A pets of Antichrifl did and doe acknowledge God . and Cliriiia ( as fome lukewarme advocates will plead for l fefred in thrfilfieibfififlfi-Wh0n1 it is faid, €179} ‘I/Jrane, 0 God, A far star and em gt re tlfzit it is oneGod iln'both~ex;preflions ~ i that takes unto him this power, yet {"0 interpreted, God f i in the Mediator, God truely, God fwectly, God futablyl ' held outfor ruling lthrefe Kiugdomcs. evenorGodl‘glandA¥ l A-it 2.The r C/orifl 5 liuiwhich notionthe perfoiz and A the uiziiion Amuilt ii 5 \ A A Hozjé ofCo7me:(mr -we thin: Fjz%afl,May 26. 1647. A l ‘ 2. VThe‘T/mfiion of this Aperlbn is that vehich the name‘ peculiarly ‘holds Forth,Aa'nd withran eonphahs in this place; i the ground of thisiirnameis A the AA annoihting whieh!hA¢ res l cezivecli above léirfizllows foit is faid,Goddidan_nAzyv72t fife; of Nzaa~zretAb with the Ho.{yAGbefi and with poweréiwhich \ i UncA‘.’cior_1 noteshis fitting apart 9 and enabling for the A V workeoffevera1lOffices, towards Athe"Kiugdomes of his A, pofl?2ilAiAoAn. Thefe were}; A A V A i 1A.PrieAfily, whih asAerp¢cia11y:¢ reconcile foules to againfl God-A A ~ A A AA A - I V 2 . Propheticall , wherein he was to reveale Gods will . Rega1l_.;_ whereby he was to give laws to thelé regai- sued Pnlitier, and {kt his order among’ them, which before Afalih PropheetAAt’cJide{iru£’tion. l A A A were ruled by the beafi to miiierable confixfion. All thefe make upthat:C3hri{’r_., whoife Kingdomes thefe are madeat A this time 5 A and the exerciT€lliofAtheirAofhces rntiifilbe during“ A c A the Churches imperfefitionin this life. A A 4. Therelativetcrm fpecifyin g this Chrifl is[Hz'4']that is, 5'9/90224173, the Lard: iChrz'fi, the C /ari ff of God. A It is his r ACl1.I‘i‘BI,,AI1O3:%0L1F_S3 eminently declaring the Authour of;th~is Allnfiicm 3; this note may perfwade not to readALom' and i Clyrifil by appofition , as if it were the 'LnrdC/yrifis but as nour untol Chrifl. niflrations 5. f0 that none may mifcrufi him. i dillixmét things Allriited, and terms differentlyfignifying in A this place. rNevertheleH?: this relative adclition gives ho- A A All I. N otihghis Authority or Soveraigmzy; Now thAa't'is. ‘ Godsfiehovahowns ithisiCl1ri.i{’c; ‘that r1oAneAdefpiI'e hi17‘11..AAA V 9; A 2.‘Tea,ehiAng his truth and i.hfaIlibi1ityAA;in all his admi- A ___A_ 9- r —.———u-—v Afis Ie.38.' A A A A tPfa1m1AIo.4,A . A God; and fothefe Kingclomes weretaken undersea recrm-= tiling “head 3 which were before commanded to Alenimlity Dcut.A18.1y’. A fi1lAly and fiwingly, and to th-efe Kingclomes were to come -A under ja"l-Caving TeaAcl1cr5 W110 Abefore were féduced by the 2 lP{a.lm 1.6. it V in own: Luke 2.2.6. Luke 9.30» . :-L; A , * ; 5 < , *-~—-» * 2 1 — ~ “' « ‘ . -r.as.=v—~t-r=< . .,_.%A?__;_( ~ : 4 2-rgysuravczz . . A 2- _, : A ‘A .. , “E .A s»; .4 « 7 A 3. Shewing his irrefillability in regardof all thelPoten-- All A grates in the wo*rIdA,A that none might can tend: with} hirni ~ ‘i {This relation onely A gives wan-rim; unto l ’poiiore*AA-foLilesi*A tb ‘ c ~ .i C A res , >..a...n.-rm. I-‘- A Acreatmfe[sh%%; andAbe'mghis,n%1s1{}notbe1re1'if’ced. ‘ A Arethere hthen two heads”"conforted‘ inAthe4h‘tnanfla s so 'A"ci_o;; of ,tTheiTe Kix1gdon1es,becaufe God and his Chrih: are coupled-3 s M A % s A .’ h 21.“ N 1: fo,bu;t one head onelyfpecihfitfd in this con effion-3 the Lord and his Chrfii‘ here,iAs as much as the Lomd : in his C:hrii%,oribyahisfihrifhsts71iingArwshin1;Ath;issPew A unlefie he be Gods Chrifl, he n11.\1ih7zAA not be in1brac.~:dWhy 5 A :jnakes%n<)%__1: two hLm1& cbrri22cig_l:,but one gracioufly difpo{EdA john 5' 2:. A j to rule Kingdornes unto hie ;_ therefore the _]udgeme11t; ‘John, _(IzA-49,$Av Law; ancglfiule of c,heFather and Some is ptmémally fiaid ache om-V‘v’ehavcAf%cfi th¢“f¢Pm$‘0fthi$hchans<=- 3' ? To the iecond, the natuhre of_AthisAehange,I h;wetern1edA :5-zemsthat was not beforcés for ihhfhtheywere the Lords be- be fitidhnhow to bemade or become h.,is.A I A How"? A A A tight; fia?tiI]”g A of theprefimt change, carried in th at terme &:‘vA‘u. A.§eheA wife is faid to be made her bmlwzdw ; the wasbefoxre in 1, A A A Ah.$erm%onpre4cbed lzeflire t/03 Honmmzblesh A W I ‘.1’. ‘ref: Whollyupon. this Annointed 5, becaufe h;i¥sGo<:Tsm:h A jun- 7 overSte§tes to mak€'thesIj1Chf“i§”‘3ji3fn4* God inuthe Mediator V A %; J I i it $1 Ref()rmatio72-change ,h hand I confrcflre properly in that M Afijxévnlzfffls V there Kingdomes are iaxd to become out. Lgrdg 5 New this g ‘ A A theme: WOI'Ad 7* 249193?” to “be made sL1o0tes,f'ome change dc. new ’ fore in the fiance here fiieatlt , they could not; reafonably ¢ gllfiut were n0_t all duck KingdA h1AeshhtheLords that :2 made them _., and {eat the bOt.(1lndS‘Dt‘th€$m from the firif of A A ,chM{-ggi‘f_AAbeingr A? show then can theysbe sfaxd to be made his Qmgely this Aqfuefiion hcah be fitisfied onelyhbyssthe A made t;11eALorAds, Now this in its ufe hath adouble ac» cepfiihm A h { I—,;',,m K; gyg, I} Sometinihhssit notes ell} fimplexgthefimple n1aAkix1g or §,;.,a, ,§beipgofach1nAg whxch before was not, as 111 the creation §Gen. 1.3;, :,~GQd ‘fi1i‘d,LetA1bez'sr be slig/at, and it was made 5, I'11_thj.WS fence A 4 egjcgcangmt here be n1eanE,fort:hefe Kingdomes were made 3 gag ::befo~A.~:~e ofGod,4.and 1'0 Wcrahts Works. A A j A is 4 h I Frmam 11.5 M _g..So_met1meshs1c notes efle relzzmmm, aAh'reIat1ve bemg, as s;;R.esm.-M. 7 A;th__e being ofawoman, but not ofi wife; 1;: chetahingas Q?» A “ h domes f7} vu- ,. Hozzfi: af%Cm!r/aom on the Fafl,May :15A=f."%'»sll Ie64.7.* A domeswere made before thebeafi mad falfe Prophet’ did ’ ulilrpe then) , but then one-Aly were they mladeA~fAx1tiehAx:*i~ A lflianls now thisA7i2a1{i'2zgAiA11lthE‘TeXt isthe changeof that A relation? °of7 Athe{é‘KingdoAmes from: thatAn~tlichAr«ifcAiauAu'+- lhrpatioxa and lcyr-an nyg, unto the governme.z~1t m€the7 Lard A and his Chrifig To that:A=1'A10w they are made theALCsrdAsA by Rafimmationgwhichwere his by creation befo1A~e.A AAndchis’ new worke is doneby God in Clarifi, thefi: waies. V I .,%co4d refufeeptirmem Patezztioe, by refixlfning the power into his hand, which he feemed to have laycl alide, when he fuffered Satan in Amzichrill to Adominleer over there KingdoAmes,andAArule them unto perAdition;e fo it is (‘aid in A the ChL1rchAes fang , Tim: baZ_fl' taken to thee 1*/J} greatpower, l and bzzfi raigned; that is 3. % now_ he did maniFeliAAhinifl’:lf'e, Athai: in What lthofe Loralr‘ had dealt proudly, he waslabolve 1 them _.,A and his permiflilonelAwas noapprobation of them in % A A their‘ tyranicall ul'u1*parions.. 2. .%£a.zd vindicim juriy , A thefi: Kingdomes, which the Devill in Alnt:ichAri’All [fl ad de- nied,according co: hisold vaunt, All tl1ef3:lare‘mine“,,and A A tcb whomliwillll giver-.hem; j That horrible praéitice of the A A Pope in ufurping Crowns , A and takingupon him to dill ‘ pole them at his pIeafi1re,is a full proof of this; N ow God A A at this time breaks out the Lyons tee1:h,makes the Nations A. angry, and taketh ethefe Kingdomes as afpoyle Afovlfihlfiifl, A to wh”bn1AA:rtAAfi'rfi God heel given them. ’lAdeuble "right is A theaitwhich God nowivindicates_.,whereby‘tAhcleKingdoms Y are called his. 1.1m patcmiflatiiga right of paternity cm» _ Acerninge all them, Athat: hehad given unto (Zhrili, which e A W6l"C(‘l]iS*: feedlindeed, and Whom ashe’hAad1~edecmed ,;A F) A new hAcLcallet:h totheparticipationioflife ix1AAC3‘hril’c;This; A "right: ispect1liarAAt50=1A fo'n?1e“ onely in Atheile Kingdames. A A '2A.7m Dami}2iiAi,iAl .arijght:of~Lordfl1ilp»which is his due, as A ?well"Aover flaves as ~c11i1:;:.~en; A Sothoughli Iilelccnvercihot § fhvinglyeall thele flat:es,yel:»he n1akesAthemA I:a’ke—l1i_e;lLéw‘é;A A fijrvegliié icilengfet up;A~hi>sAiOrdinAance$3an’d”w‘opke his Willa‘ i *At4l1(::zt1ih’inJ:li1i£1ét?itj7"pléfllfmpstl1eylAmf:ah=n0tif§“§ lNAb1ve‘:t‘hAi_é“ A : vr by vindicating hie1*ightAéo i ‘W... . ,. v V. -mu ’A""“ 1'1 A nerum Azzi ewe; p0zefiete?fi;’i}j7‘m2:- 5 mix" diabali, we mirzifiraz-we ejws en*pta.Baz. 7 "Or: ei'2u¢ea¢g A 7£o&‘Jkw’aqwive*uA A . ‘ axe» Revel. I 1.17., Lu&c4;6. 1;-so . F434 [112A~ztei,'rJAe;— 1 A Pi..3iq2ot9a- M s -1Z.ev.1i9-I628!“ A A dit-uifibilemin I de farmandatwc. i % Brightman in Tffxiio AA A "If! é A Pfalm 149.8» I I I 2ifaeAflz1A1em red. ipfi: regibm cor- Ifay $30133‘ 4' Revd.1o..z.. ,/ 5%#av7o§‘ "_2fze2;2;4r,Darim,ie5yc. of whom yet itAcannot be {aid th’ey~ ~and we may exApe€’t. I A i Tot Aethirdgwhich is the time of this change,the vdyces {Z f {beak as of the time pal’: ,; flying, they are or wereAbeco'me the Lot‘ds,Athc time is expfeffiad in thisirerb ailsior, But now ~ A where" to fiate this time isthe didifiicul-tyre, mens thoughts A rtmningi divers V,_vaies..Iit hath been d‘eterminedtA0 be,While“ [ « tinjieithe méafureiof the creatures in their cha;ngesA-Iafieth, 4 Vi -blitl-the fpeciaI1point‘iof that time,_iisA-now diefired ;% when 2 thofc Kingdonm begin to be theiI.AA”‘£A‘z7:zgetis* gmza’mziI~, and’ is’ car- A AA of the.fitf§«;Kingdon1tAtothefinifhing o_:f:thAéA n’z}fle:gy7afAGk2d; “ A A to AjAThat:Athe m‘e®,niJmg1§gf‘th1fl$‘Trumpet*fo“l1&-’fl10u1&\beagra$) AA * duaIlAfufE:e ttionioffiods power to ‘reign,I*am erfwaded 5 -n—..._...._ - ‘ I , __,___ ‘ bettors, andmurning others to he erviceable unto Chrifi. A n 4__.. ;oMbe1ieveAAA”rom thepcourfifl of thewentsstwc flee On'1:.:2 KiAng— A, d€fi»VQI.';,€d5 but note all A yet, Awhichp ate“ expe&ed- to be A. A A AA tefim1edA by f1‘OmAAAthat~ Rom3ne‘AApoiiate; " Now-as A * M ' Cflfliol--3."- ‘ it."-wan»-4.._ «in A Sermon jyreaeq/3ed'tlre]‘bre the Hairzbézméile V “ !Dub.% Rcucla 0.7;. A ' T3 pvsfliptav t 31? I Tim.3ux6. it A Eph.5.§. R.0I'nnIIo1.f3i-6 n ieeitng h?im~come5and fulfiliingiwhat V738 writtenoflzimj Kingdoms areehfiill finder vaflhllageieto V lafl , which We fee is partly done in many States, ahd in ” greater part yet to be accomplifhed. “ “ One word yet feemsto crofie this inter eretation ofthe = A mufi be Wholy to come. i A V 3912 % tcommunicable to histcreatu res ,. ' them, "and five them; A it called the ttmyfierie» of God;_,of the Father andwofcbriti. God performs his propheciesfo are we to ;underiia'nd his meaning in them; and itvis the be-Pr help We have rightly to conceivethe Prophets“fpeaki»n'gt of Chriift totcome ," be 1" take it, the fianxe help is to made ufe of tsonceming the prophehes of thefe time-s,and thofe to come,ofWhich the j ‘ V i book ofth-e K32-1e‘Zati0'7zJi$'f‘L1H. A So thzmifwe fee the Lord hath taken Kingdomcs of the world from Antichrifi, we have the truth of this TrAuInpet~ foun A; and if yet more % him_.,this found die- clares Woe unto them abiding in that flavery , but good tidings to Gods hidden ones there, that the Lord will in his timetake the ray out of theDragons mouthfind rule A himfelfe.And if Ogthffl it nidfi be a gradual! iehtangefrom the taking of the firfi Kingdome to the refuming of the time 5’ it is faidr,» Intttfbe itdaie: the ‘voice of? eéfévézztb Angel, when he [ball begin tojimnd the Trumpet _., ’ even tbenyfleiy God flmll befinifhed, ('§"c; And if in the» beginning of his found all Kingdoms are changed together,'and Gods my- i’rerie finifllt-.’d,then it cannot bathe time mentioned, but it i To fix 'sfie this fcmplei, two expreflions here muflbe it opened. 1; The my/ierie afCEod,which notion is ofjvarious A ufZ=:.;. fometimesit notes the Tecret way of God by mani... fe[iation.oif his Sonne in the fieih, 8:3. to make hinjflrlfé 1'0 to bfiefi godlinéfie in - Th_is,is1thie general! ufe of it , » fo is Sometimes iris ‘of fpcdiall fignification , it and that: two waits : I . It notes this iecret good will of God toward all the Gen ti1es,to bring them into fellowfhipiwithihimfcelfe, A from the firii preaching of the Gofiyelb to them by the" Apo,fi1es,toitheA1afi by any Miniflry. A 2.. It di£’catesthisA17e-; cret grace of God unto AbrabemJ*1eed,the]ewes5etforethe it it h_tingin§_A A l * Ifmfé Cmtetmenx on t:'oe{~Fafi, May 26. I ~ bringing ~gr.~af'ting.. :»fl-‘Gain! bqgm £0 found, thus this 71'-11 Yei11iwt:iS}'pt:1t‘ii2Oli:~"l1l‘Jl€fi'7AI1g€i*,lSiOiklth concerning them in after their long abdication, to an in- into Cl1ti'I’r.A In this left fence it is finely taken, and yet I thinlt not excluding the other fpeciztll iignificas 4 tion, not "the genetall both, llhedinthefe. A ’ i A A V A A A A 2%. W/aevz;/a..e fimll begin eafiyund, is the pafiage that begets '; the doubt,lth*ereFm‘~e the right reaAd'ing of it moi‘: be inqui- rrecl; “ and fixrely it is not necefihry {To to read it , when be but Vety “properly, wloen beflxzllfiund; and? {oh is itread by good Interpreters as oneword in”‘the future tense; which if allowable (as there is no doubt) the fernple is gone 5 for then the ienee is,that in the daies of this Angels foundirigniot in the iberginninggbuts Within the compafie of them , the myllery or God {hall-be fulfil» leAd,twhich is included in the former flate of this tir1»1e.t _Or ifyou‘rlcadit,.: “mm be flaall begin to , We know that exprefllon doth A not a1waies~.noAtevthe entpaiitce of fat State,A but the~eontinu‘a£nce 05' it, with the Angels fo‘un«d—- iof ”:%»t‘he itmyi.terieoftiGodl ' The Angeli that flood ling, feems‘ t~eal"one«l:r%le itvis thus A, ting ieneniies; fthe Saints, Belt in we daie: qfrlae mitten nf “rice fit/ezzrb A72;.j{el,n"bm /at [$12.11 /amt the Trztnz/12et,and the myfierie aféiad be fini/had, thenititne {hall be tltatis, the time of C:‘l1I‘illrlS_t2r.‘l£l?‘-‘v"][Z)l'l;,€£1"l‘L‘l his Snixits p:tofperity and ioyaflo that the not l)€lI]:@A:aIiCAl’ the beingtof t:i%n'1eAA=,1. though the latiteft be However a Afi1fi‘ieitent*‘tep~lyA is II12'td"§‘3-~ltO the it d7()TL1’l.)Eti1‘:‘i the foirmetj interp:1+eltation.., it for as much as that isefini-- VOWA HM» lot'm'Me~: as beginning to reignewith om , l‘1}2ngzte,i-stlitfloireigne in the Hel2rm2.Tl1ere is yet another rea-i- A e fding of tthi-srixwilthithee :co%nteXt;_,' which _fi1on~x :1 cioinnxmfiion iutpon ‘theSea and Earth,Fwoi*etry hirn that livetih for ever ; and evergthat Tiimei 2!! [ye no more 5 that is, thfl‘ time of the Rapallfhmichrieiiiiin l\/l<.:n‘i;1rchy_.;n1cl of the for1neripetfeeu~ Aj,ni0rts ex"pte{iIediinA§ 7t“h”~Vl:'l7'fi3§ yeti’ i-tA'1s*an l liipl’isd on defefi A .;not unu.fua*IliA;i;;in Aa eonitiiittL1Aet;i'ifjaeetflt, tl1‘lS' being to taken. A A_ this reiingxAbttiioitwtallowed V Tl1l_S compleating o-t~Gods gmjzii:eniH’is‘;e;npettto belitxpefiedr ' A o'ctA7n'Ze-w. "' i l 9 Omar a‘at7wrcm es in (‘nth like wtftzmces. l}l’V‘&a$’5L_I. ‘ l§Apec.f.x9. éégte’-Sui. ,1 will £'pue7thee out, not onely ,begin to do it. 1' Klflgsu 4.‘: ‘$2.59 i j'Omu amp A a”d.hWiz:fl If lg 'z1Aea$>ii:rlay.u~ A I czlpiav 1:3?’ 3%. . fnMo‘3"»'a-time. Ed.(gompi!ur.lt‘t — l ‘A Bey i j 1ts‘ ‘u’ A iflllililfilflllié-f1t.A.Oil::'lblffglillllfig.Ellllfii the daitéspf “A .0‘ 16 a Bofi-'{.a‘7)L%,a'€Ah A ’EVA 7&3 7z'aI9:au' : M”. “ . . M.ic.f« 2. Marth.1;6.':'*' ‘ V Revel.xz.A. 5’- ]er.g.1 5'. ’Ex# 73:5 Reaga- ‘ ;A-3z'zfeTv. . _ I{&i_-33‘.p21- ‘ L M M . M M M 1 ' A 7 ~ ‘ the Lord i4iom~Ki2zgs,A be milljizwe Theyacknowledgc; A A and'h'e doth it; He gives’ Laws holyand good_.,ever‘1 all the A cl . %‘AEsv -I45‘ Stanfi- V rm. w._n..._._ Jet. 2.3 .4,5,5. -e » Refermaziozz after thefé Kingdomesare become theliiords A and his Chriiis, (Hefkall reig72e,ar Ring in) The Lord in A A his Chriii deems it not enough to be a King _., but to a5’: 4 the King in the Dominions which ‘he takes as hisiown. its . ‘ , the b]L1rre oforeeaturcs%to be Kings inpIace~an_d f_h€W,« andi i A I yet not to King itgnovr be ab1ei:oia8c aright 5. Chrifi King: V .icAi'nflt:)t”L1th where he hath the Throne. A n i A LA 7 A A Two Cgieries will he putin : :25‘? ‘ ' 1‘ is icwpronnifed to be the acclamationsof Kingdomes made « 9* ~ '4 ~~To‘the‘ firfi. He‘a&s theniPaPtor or t:hAegooAAd Shepheard {in feeding, providing good pafiure for the Kingdomes“ people dwell fafelya H\e,fl=:acters not hisiflock , A niori drives .1 j ftheni awaygnri h“uri~ics*th‘cm,:1%or huxitsgnlimn with dogs,as A A its duration ,’ the end whereof will accompiiih aI1*t‘hAe A wi11ot"..G~od.concerning his Churches amongjewes and - Gerntiies‘h%e‘1fle oniEa~rth¢ ‘W on A To the Afourchiparciculétr, which is the exexfczifénof this 2»-‘ i A 1. What is his a€’ci.ng as King ? A which he rules,-Inch Kings‘ God promifed his peopleiwheri ~ he would doe themgood 5 but above all, this Ki2zg,to rule gtheiliig I izzp~]hepf9éAard:oueie$fiAibemflyzzllféed ylggm, in o ”!Aa22& timfivffballfidreina mm,‘ noribedifmayred,neir/aaijfill tbgyf ‘ .i __ ‘be lazclii72_;_?g,fiIf-itla the Lord. Behold the dais! ‘c0mé,fEzz°t/9 the Lord, i A I willeraife zinto David 4 rigbteow brmecl:,e9~c. . This is the KingChriPc who {hall fiwc hisiiingdomes, A and make his ' Ad Ajohfi m9_ A former Lords did,but aéis the g00d~ATihEAph€A€ii‘.d,flI1d‘thflyfgcf: » in and?ouAt by his voyce, and finglé pafitire. \ A 2 . He Aéis theLawgizmr, this is the Work ofa King 5 A {'0 AtehneA Lords, «The Lord in amludge, itIwe:.Lm:l ier mriLawgz'7Jer,A righteous cor-nmands of his gFather concerning mans way toeternall life; no um-igh teous*decrees,nor bitter grievan- which thiieyVin:a‘yiA1ive. Thus he Kingsiiitiej fweetlyé ‘ :- ces nor opprcfling edsiiéisn, but Statutes andOrdinance‘s, in A A 3; 3; A3‘.‘iHe Aaéis theIudge inAaIIA thefeiDomin%ioAns,and divideth;AAA A A eqilaiiy A Sermm piredclaed .l:efl:22~e l"A/J6 Plonaumérle * I ~ AA W l 3Ck[40.W1C(llgfZ£ill belrarc, AA _?e/ai.amla- £5 mrl_'7’zm{ge;and4thus A Hmgfir wf’Cammam mt/2eFnfl,M;;y 26, 1647.4 A equally to all accordingto their wayes : HeAconde:nn<~:s' the Lie and jufiifieth thei‘Trzw-l; ; He ccrmlnenclatil the A good and fimiteth the evill doe: ; Heifudgeth righteou£- A ly Iiemvem 2:/PM fiat and-the [mm Cxzttcll ;, ‘hrleell breaks ‘ the opprAe1Tor,iandfaves the innioiccm ones. Thus‘ hee lwas A A it is prophelied of him, He {hall axaczste jfidgement and ward, ne1nhcrlAcmndm-lanesthe,Arighteous. W;.~z~/a ‘ rz;gI’:re~ repofléflisd Kingdomes. A i A Pied in thAeflc£h,orj in and by l77uc;hipAcrions whom he may ufe fornthislwoerk 3 I cmiicelveizmnt his.ilviFrble,A~but.l£pi~ V A A 1.AAlTAh~m-eis no twcefficy of uiAndAc:tffi:z'1n<;lin5.A>;tA1—1is.A:*<:»1a;-Q 'A rive ( ‘He )“ cor1cemiAng- his ownfiperfon Aviifiolyi confide-~ A To the ieconcl, How bee Aéis thus in his regaAin€cl lkimgdoxms, Whethergin his own pertain fagaine rImz’zil'e-- lgiriuallprefenceg this is moft llikely to be done iir1fuch' Vicewgerents as he lhal makelchoice eh I propoiiz thefe A confidcrations to be weighed; V A A AA red ; fin: Uod himIl'elt'c:* hat1n*rbaex*1 faidto rieigxmin his Minilhting Rulers, and their Kingdomcs have been A iPci-I My it i If the {band of _jz.¢fi2='c:ej in the earth. V He calleth notii/rgbt darlcneilg nor: A darlcneflie light ; Hcc jufizifieth not the wickedl fcgr re- A i’o.v:fnc:fl3’_f77a1Z /aejmicgeme poarr,.;:md 7*e'pro*WAm't/a1 gqazrfi A _for the meek of. t/ac Mr:/a,c3'r'c. Thus Ahcc ireignes in A his: A Z l Obad.v'.2.!. led Gods,{o long as his leave ‘hath been upon thc3xn_.,_and= A A his "LaW‘rulVed in ‘thfiln. i 50 .A«mw'm anti A5'olammyll<:ing— 3 A dmne was the ‘Lords, and hes: -Areignedlim:lhm.1mA:.:and by A theixm This hath been lthm‘Languat?ge of}€Emd?Ii,‘.AAto;f¢iwnc A ‘ the kingdomcs of his Iervants, and their govémment as y A direfled by him ;,N:1y fometinies to migne , wla€:nijhis ‘ enemies are upon the Throne: why it 11-mould ino:;AilAb?e& here, Iltfl”nd€nAo faifiin r6af0i1.?m»Gbd needsmomobbbetufpeaccd : Alon-d,eminem‘,b W V 1 N... W _ b fona'b1«:2creéxtpresvconcgezmingthetruthof this event, if A 7 ipoken by God 3 It 32? He rim: :3‘ ,‘4m+l~bHee z/mt am, now, or if he ihould notlbc to betmaity, juPc caufe tbherm ’ was ta make allthings that have been ,b‘ and‘bifbhe:-V bee btomakcbthings that afdg and if hce fl;1a.1l bee to xlxakéf V 1 AA ballthings to“cbi?meb~imb‘*his oWnAetim:e,Vth~ere{cafn beans ground of fuipcfliargg him.‘ Thus thbe‘Church»1ooketh b A -“Gt on-;~.vit1ue theib -..D~¢?[Pbick..:;()Tra¢lC.,‘;_§' but this is.his% Mftrong feafon to be believ-e‘d as_.God, bHawa2:,zmd‘and aling this is not defpicable, it In N atnyrgas a minifitrivng ; ‘ V one1y~inOffice, bandbrhenb V: W a%*M¢£1§,‘ba fpecia1blMefl"enger, or Miniflter expreffed in’ . §o~f‘7aLdoubcful1ca11,vbb thathfiéifl'1Ql11dbt?e_fufp4e&ed ;; by; A 0/on it % i§““é=bme to {us he adi:A%3'fi:om‘Chrifi this % the Rewalatjan :addrsb.mom ftrcngth tier» *it:s“* certaiwmy :, It corms. not like a.w1ai£'pecing b,; on I gmuitgexing of ~iedg.1cinbg i'pirirs«out ofthc: earth, but ioune- ; A ?d,edb‘vyith a Trampe»twfi$oméh&1avenvgwand G»od:s;M b’ffbrumpm;": " giwfiltthfqfely aw d1f’€i‘fifi‘;f0t1L1d5.£th*attbb:W€‘emnay =u1ndc:r{f’tamd‘? ’ [Jimde%c1arir;g»Wrath and .w%abrre ag‘ainf’:bfiz1ntjrs,M thatjmey % might bAé:*1eev@wandbitrbeznblmband rcmrne alfob in If:-V-M ' A A mmnabb 4 '-5 ‘T A difi*erentiacc€Pti°n$:»~ Flrmfle ofcammami an the Fa/i,Maiy. 2 5, x 54.7% dimna dmmveay dfoth God inake of thefe vii-"ioris,that as _kn9wheaudi received by his Church; A .4. Thefwect gr.-atulations and? doxoiogy of the ;Church they arefurei inthemielves, fo they might bee iureiyi ii r_eCo1'da~d in the_contc*xAt, moi’: conclude the cextainty of A is incrfedibie that God would give a vifion? i of praifeito mack hxmfelfe withail, a11dwt:hat\ hee fhouid the: event :. It’ receive bieflimg fbr thatiwhich is notgnor was fun? ever A to be 2 The certainty of pmife argueth undienyahiyh the cemainty of this gracious egexit. NI‘ ready delivered from the yoke of .é‘:ntich:'iit, 7ane1 iretur-- med froth that great ~ApoPca{ie to entertain the true Go-~ fpczllof Gods Song, may periwadeghat the refidue ofthe proirnife to be performed is as iuré Aasithat part alrczidyh iaiccomplifhcdini thcici: we iyeares paft , which wee ice: A A V ‘withAA;c>ur eyes. 4 Experience therefore: {hoziid iiiffiiigthfifl faith, and breed an aflhred hppe in Gods people of Thai“ Lords more g1orious‘ap»pearmg,to take xmrts: Kingdoms of theworld into his power 5% that they may mightily {Hive to it,and patiently ‘wait for it. T his hope {hall not A Q 5%. The experxenceof‘ to many Kingdoms ahdistates a1» A V make us afi1amed.'I‘hus the doétrihe is .eper;ed,a,nd«ce>n~:A ifirmcdi : The Ufa fol1oWes.. _ 1 1 . To infcxrxn us in foine truths depending iimries déze iifihefrwuqi the fc-Juhd of this Trumpcrt opened untousi, A i A » -* MIA. If Kingd mating:-clmng egas to be taken from Antichriiific iubdutzd to ourrlord and his ChriPc’,theh it rnuéfi fuilow,Kz'ngdam:. may e9eA'“,;«md are the S u1>‘j:5Az‘;r~ ofkcforimrztiom ‘ tiaang/J mt rim m'leqms¢ti‘i _/A‘m9jeEz‘.r:a ft7‘##' Cmwtrflon. A A A ii1"gioithetrué[f’ca"te 0 .'Refarmm'2'a.n,aS we-ll asitheflvitible iitatfl‘ of -K2‘ zagdafm-e».r , n i freequently uredby ii iii; ’R’ef07'“m¢zt%r'aniiisia«tt3I”I‘I1e.~ A A xtvbuti twice, and mgtwo (i3flT'Tr§11‘Ai3tO1'S 71 reAmeA1fnbCr - . “AAA gtheir Coro-— ~ \ mm om world rhaiiihaveiruana zagfm The lmdéri-iand-i- A « A which already arebecome. the W V Loz:ds,wi1ifutiicimtIy clears (hi8 inference. A A ii1i.1i-§.sA. T 21 Re-v.Ir.I6,x7 fife I. ‘W, . on; ‘ I. Rcformati. ; V 21 A,‘ i"§ele.9.t,to. i I», —;lu;;;p:' :ggqg3‘u J)a,a9.wa an is ‘ Hel:v.to.t.l “wafer c£3,ac9m"‘u «Emu» €ma'v::., Kflflif vi 3l.lir1gLtie:‘:§ l jg’:- , , ,4 Serewase prmeéeal écfere the Hameeraéle A Mr. As refpeétlng the z1iatter'Wet «mice ebfieutwhieli “A Reformation is ; Anal in this fenfeAmeinJely is the Ward tranlla-ted from the Apolllee exprefiion to be under» Pcootl , as»rheAcenfideraticm eel: the context w1ll‘malr:ht:r for reachizwghis awne glary ;, A A And Sitain in this as other things was Gods Ape ta 1 A m&kE'L1f3_®f them, but his enemy ,A to mrrupt Prmces Aand gm‘-rat men of thcaearthto mcrea.fe.h1sownAeK1ng~ drum: 3 therefwre periwaded he menu to give their pow- §:1‘td by his truth 2' Sllall not 7 Godlllaulghthcml to fcornc, and they perifh in hi§‘wrath~ 5 lac-=:cau{eA they did not? I believe they will havegno ad- ; vocazre forthem. Iffofihenllet Chrlllians argue dejmre, A _ A A lw-hat Rulers ought ta -—un—u1..._ A A Sermonpreac/zedblsfiaretée Elrazaaziraéfe I, A have ldone then; ‘not do fm?a, Awhat they did; and if 1: were the Magillrates dutie‘ ’th¢n__ tmlzlelmen to God m Cl:n:1l’c, it islno lei-Te now; 3. If this Trumpet ml the grcétetl rm-‘upAona11 l Kingdomes under A llgreatcllc 30} to the Kingdomes under Gad and Chrilh A ‘Within the creatures Sphealrc E the cvilli and Axltichrill . andtlhc lthisls rightlylinférred " T55’ éefl Crifis orjmdgemlllntafA mr tilem. I F Satan, if Antighrillglif wicked Lords, cur-—l {ad is that State ; If God, ll” Chrill, if holy Princes and Govemours, bleffcd is that Kingdoms; O the wicked-« 1.-her inhearts of Subjecfls, &c. And fuppofc allthele keptlat anyltimcmr poffible to be kept , have they leew- yet are We leeking lfbr Kingclomes fafetie yChril?c our King , were a profpering and {ecuring wile- And llnfulfil; prafliceljs nalgoodl prcficlent againll Divine I l .K¢'ng.;£om:.r ‘Weak or Wat, in‘); like Lard I/aatllfivayiet/:«al..‘ A Al nelle of Machiavill-ian I O lthf: Folly of humanepolicy ill ~ ;Gmrmamy hath its ilnterelh and pmml 5 and ‘Prmzcfia , and A ‘ , Englmsdthcirs, one in alias , another in trcafuresl, lano- rcdany Iiingdmne, or canthey ,*that it {hall not peril}: i A at thelbreath of Gods mouth 5’ A Ho»-W hath» £3061 befoon ; l l¢1d¢n{..thAc counlells of the wilell Policitianls in all ages, and A r and glory l To have one Lord in; dowel beyond, all undeltthe Sunne. Didlever a King-- '** ll \ domekeepling itselntcrcfl inGd pmlh? Obcdiencetto“ A l A J the Lordaand his Chrjll in all his ldilcovlleries , is‘ the la-vi l A we people W/Jqfle Gaalzk lt/9a Lard! %Whatthoug.hMo-‘ l§‘Mn2z¢..g¢t2s;cll la_fl_rh.ell1Zl{oane , lflsl/alwl oft/{gel " 5:4,-gm 5 ving-Interell ofany Common-—VVc=alth; V Girleffimlarel A l narchsof the Earth writellthemlelves Brotlmvof the A "heaArevyha~[At the lnloll, high l‘a;;n‘h5{) Lntbzflyr , /an”; oftfifi ;; ~mgm:'r.g,l émw 4rfA;Maz: cm‘ dawne 5' And,» thong}: t/a‘m"_/$2.: ~ A :63} l .. Tm mw,-‘.«\ ‘- ll A Hatgflfaft Gammon: on tl1eeAFaj$,tMa'y 3 5“, 154% ji; A A H;/Iyxefi dmang the S mrrex,t/a:m'ewil/ I émzgt/see dam}; What can a menu: to thessttarrest helpe po‘¢z>t=e,creat.t'1r=es,*, eitihep the breath of the Lorcl bleweththem downe an t gains? One true interefl:.in*outt Lord tande hise(3l1tj~il«t,e l would profpet~andA perpetuate a»KinAgclfomAe, and honour highlay , A me: are? AGad: and Samm of rlaeemafi big/95 ot inch Kingdomest no end flmuldibe but of%%perEel{e,:refil3tl j _4 V” A V\ .thCll‘LOl'd,pr0V0lttl to King it over them, A . as theyoncetefufed, gm Aflyrian Lord, a¢dteadfia_l1 Opt-A pre£forA,the.Rod.oftAGs2mgct.“A~maty havee’commifli0nfAA M to patffethetow,sat1d*goet tweet, tandvftteteyehlhis lwingstbi e A the bteatlth of toutAA~tLat1AId Aw,-"t~tT1171is*wi1l be gtievougwhen A t ‘ — E at the tlfie 2; A R¢V¢j1.18.1e. f L Is=I‘~3I-w- 7. Ifeyus . I 8. -"-w{n:._ A (‘west the Governmental A Chrifl: was, Whichzwee have A defpifed, M; , A A A A AA " A A A M Symptoms Of this wofullfound atethe graduilll-Ada A 4 Thatlthe people, have gone a Whoring from God , by“ A A . Qiirituall and corporall Auncleanneffe, and Athclittle caufe v A By M. 2: ca]? 4 V on Holly. 1; . Ifhouldhave wondred at fuchl fevere prophefyinga- l A gainft t/922:“ kfztd offiltlainegfl-, ~what& the reaion of it 1 A A might be; but thatl fecfd manyAchara&ers of uncleane informed of met}: abominable AIr:c_ej}.r4Vin"feverall parts cf‘ M A V the Kingdom: . and‘ dpecially in the Countie of Kent * ‘Si 1_ Axmam. not farm rcmpotc , %Aw%l,;cr¢»tIg: fame /mt/9 married bi: Pa-— plaincd of 1:. they: lwifgand as is belceved, A AA A “ while 19:‘; father livid; "Th: S A AA nerall State,» mylabour is fa_Aved4e‘by the mornings worke. : I Illlflockk upQnAyou§1s ajSt3lIAeA alnd~‘chiefe Powcrlof ..ChriFt in AA rules in you , {£0 AmuchAg:au;fe;lw.ve his pleopleleto rejoylce; 18 nu.-I Serémonprcached éafiwretbe Hflheflfdé/e‘ AA- AA the iron Scepter of Wicked Tyrants Gull teach us how ll cliflacions of a people or State firom the Lords Rule. A ll of England: rejoycing in it , Yfihavel heard fuficiently A A declared in the morning for our l-aumiliatioln. I confefllz, 1 hearts vifible an their bodies,’ A and have _A beenelcertaginly A A ((77: mm: with child 6} /dim, A A e are Aevillslntolerablc in A e the Rates of moral! Pagans , much more incon~fi&eu“tA‘A with that Kingdome ‘where the Lord rules. lwillyef‘ A be pleafed this day‘ to be humbled for thefe ‘abominatb A ops , andput out the power which _Ch‘riAfl hath given A llyeutp clfjeanle the Land from thlefe and fuch*liAkAe abomi- nations .?\ AWc fhalljthen hope ant LordA will not refute , A 2 toowne us; butlloeherwife , thatlhe fhould dealt:Awith~' Ezeah..:3.as. A t11eI.andAasAwith anfiwhorifh woman, flit: her mic, and A AAW {trip her naked , ancHpitAin her face , andegive her to A death, is7al1,chat can be expeéted. No more lof this Age-A A .5 A.l Ifiwu1dAratherlAjcr_a_ve lcavetefifchargethe glutielofga. A A A f3ithffi31MiDi.A&€:r of Chrii?t.untoyou,.being new..c:alled;Al A thislfingdome ;_f1o fa;gas,yz>u are for thclLord ,ga.nd he _ V aqd 1:5 fem: Was,anyl defeétion ,agpeares;l Afron;-Authau: Lawg r giver. f0 m.l1¢h[V Vveis pronounced upon you 6 A and A A 0;; the Land. _ Tee faddefit Aorzmx is ..AwhenA1n Hcadanjd AA A A M % ll J l;- '- r Ar Ha:;fl:yqfCo_mmom omée Fa/?,M2tAyh_65I647.. ’ Rulers Chrift ‘Kings’ it not. I am notcome withCri4 ; y animations upon our Tmely VVor:lam, the fearchfltt 7 A t A of hcarts knowes, V Iydefire nothirig buttrue Honour _y from God upon you, and that muftbec: by his fuling in you , apdtyour ruling by and for him: ‘Onely de- ‘ - viations from thisproclaime raw ; and it wilt be faith- * Fulneflle to let you heart: the generall voices ofthe Land about you, to vindicatc your Honour where iris canto? . L lefely Paairied, andto he humbled for Cuhriitin thhftatettappearing. t ~ ~ 1. ItA31amentab1e‘witha flate‘, ‘When fooiiA1]1,chil- V difh ,; wicket}, and-«ungodly Stctrefi-meAnAfit at the Helm A tc-iiway it. As Wifc a King and Statefeman as the gene- any defeétion ficmnt ~ A rations of men knew , by the wifcdome of God gave A _mg{c'diA&atcS , yWyoe to time 3 LAnd,tAwI2en tin} K zzgg :3; ‘ a child; undhtb};Prinb'::A:urA: in AtAIae~’ m‘értzing.y, .tBlefl2~d A arr; tbm, A0 LanAd,wberz.t/J} Kiflgsés tIaeAS're M that yce are profixie in giving to the full foule , while floured and beloved ) be miftaken 5 deithgr I ncyr any ho- %1:he5fa;m%c with a1lthofe1wor:hy1ou1s,w1m defire to con- } Lcurrewith God." Let the hungry bcc: Fed, ar.1»~.:{A;:+.~1a%1e withaKihgdosne. %whef¥:Aiu%sige-‘A % much Woe. ‘mm. rncnt by Bribéry%or t«otherw‘i'fe‘ becomes vetidiblmand A A ju€t£cef”i.s bought _3I}§l_fb1d- So _7ere.wfai.’o thought,"fe» A Micdfi :fi1‘6iCh€d%, ‘Tl?!-' hektdtt jitdgc for rt’)-i?¢z%7“:7»’-,¢€§“c*.. ‘ % Hr/aeprcfore flm/!%?Zion 5:”?/aiwdjzi 4 Out Lord takes \ ' no rewatdinjudgement ,; neither mu{’t_ the Stewnemis . that atft for him -5 Inch‘ as doc he curiteth. The voice of people tis,ttfirdteA is fuch ét.‘f7a'u1tamo13gyou. I ccn-;f""c:t1"r:t%it is 7 1‘"I%1c‘r€dibIe%tOVfi1€e.,%tha3:tffiicha jzzdge asta Pa'r!im72m7r—,. t tconfiilingtof 10 tnatiuytheadts gar: bet: thfi fab) ezft of Inch ' cotrt:ption,at1d I am c%onhtient the body is free in judging t But it is replyed ,. though the judgement at laii Come fi'ee,yetmot1ons many.t1“mt8 C09: men deare, I manor chargeit upcinany, -and I with tltattheywho cotnphtine ,Lfwou1d ttffiifie to the faces ot" the guilty ‘:1ttyt>ttttj‘owne1:'-awtre4. lam confident the juflchands a- “ mongyouwouldbeagaitaiiz;fi1cham%“~I0 thlflfi hill’: out‘%of‘%jfyour' %Afl'etmb1’y. tt‘Bt‘1t yet renowned tPat3riot3; " 1jt:£o!<'ir1to this matter ;And“ to confute the world , evcry [one of youthat defirt: toaft for God in your ¢a%drnmi--A {ttations ,; take the: ju(tcén1p1aintsqot’tl_1&e poorand oppre{f:d,c@’fnmutdicateto your body‘, andptofecute . rightecnt-t;xs%catift:s freely as ynutnwne. Th1S_W1}1b& a 2 ;Cl1ara£tt=:t at" the Lord upon the Thronta. TheVn‘“eg1t-“fit win pmve '9. déviattiatta from ChriPc," and brctfd ‘£09 A 4- It's latittchtabie For that Stat;-:, wfivhsere Jpfticat isdelayed. OuryLo1'Ad% ownes not this ;“}-Iis comu1az1d V iSt.fOt:hc houfet of David, txeafltc jmigémcnt m flaw 3&1‘. 21-W marxmg ; new that W111 pat: away quickiy , thct“t:fbt*t;~ = juftice tnufttipeedtilybet dtme, It is atryed truth in an gas, .'zj1]';¢/2-”_f'é1¢tcn6£dcl;a'}ao:’lJmb7J2&rcflépp7:d_fl?9d, tlétw’ cum k:fi1'.{,_g'btcoflJ‘ Ji3f4tcb:6‘ rm1aIVb%a2!c. doézéu ‘They that haugg abOutyOm;'%\.dOO1k’€S,;_ and (“itch as have waitedtlohg for fentence , enemits and friendsi fay, it is this with you. I knowgreat afiaires and difficttk thayct bsfén and are upon y”qur hands that may hilidéfrt A mi great" Btidies can move buft flow y; ,“ arid it may“ taraiwmz . A I ‘ ‘ ‘*“'~~ A...‘ ,, ,, ‘.,,,, ‘—‘k‘ l m ‘ \‘ V‘ up-w mu ‘ ( Ham 0fCW”“”'°”WFé/E-Mzéy 269164-73 ; # at : %fn3K« Ucmzm. 27%, M ' *¢l=:f difpatchcslk t Mic-:.3..t1_.,m_~ %% Neh.9.3t.. i .Déut. 4933‘. 23‘ so Ifai. u. ;. Hag-x*4'35J&C.. V Hag.1. 3. i Chriflc Weat't:3, Rigbreaufiseflé :3" t/agsvgirdile pf /.71:£"'léyI!¢‘J', I was Rulers , fwofe tcg them arid their Kingdcmje, God w1l1ca£t:_him{e1fe of {rich advariaries , and avenge him I of {uchAenemies; A AA ~i AA A AA A . p “K, gt, i A Sgrmzmpreaméed befargt.z9EHé#aufiz6[e Mtiiiii A Aflwct much for you. ‘But ( yceRulcfs or Grad ) ha 4 a6i:i'vt:,feek no delgyes, Judge while itismorning; If? A yee: dcaenot , [0 Farm yeetienywthe goyegngncnmf the Lord, and thiswiil bc lad.‘ " A 5*. Iisglarnentabie ftaraliirigéiomc td hate perfidious " P A and Covenant-breaking guides .-. ‘Our Lord is not 10,‘ nor invecd may his deputies {M-:eA1o. Hat: is a God hi»:- 1p:7z‘g‘-Cat/.9:2;a¢zt,Faithfullanditruei; andhee1eavesAthe A I €h3Fgf~up0nAaIlhis to dioe1:0-‘=ihY¢tit is‘Ptinte'd to the A ,4 world, That yet are al1per)ur"dhper{ons, a.A_ndA Covenaut-- ti breakers: I like not teproaching oft Rulers, WPa".ul‘ ac. i VA knowledgeci it Gods Words, ‘Tim: flmlt not;/flank cm?! A i 0f 5/it’ Kim’? 0f W5] P6’?!/#5 He that dothi'hail1u£fer from the Lord : Yet yea Ck-n'i?cian_ iS_cniaitors,i it conctrnes you 3 namely to be humbled for hllflips of infirmity about the Covenant «of your God ( from which what A-Ficfh can kc ep free? ) and vindicate your {elves from groflér evills by a true juftification , or the in allthe Countrigs it Hwy get a commonfaitih; _Wearei4‘h;rhes;gi:dle which andfmthfmlfiajfi téagitrdle of reine: ; Let it be yours too, and yea {hall proip er , but uniaithfhll and treache- This is woftlil; A % 6. It's lamentable with a State, to be remiflfz and care- leffe of Gods affaires in reforming his}-Iouiia 5 and feta A ling his Ordinances, and giving upthetKingdmne to our A Lord anfl hiswill revealed , yet to be aétive and minib- V fullahout their owne trmtters; A The Loyd-made: the re:-«A, taming; State of thejewes {mart for this; and hc 1 points at the matter :. i I: it um: far you’ ta dwellm yaztrhi fluted Efmjéxr, and .1“/M‘: ban]? 1}: wafle .1" Confid crgthis is ~ the thatch, yet: flaw muchmid bring in littl~::,8£c;AA Woe 4 A was ilpon them , for they did notmindc to ‘exalt the; _ A Lord ahmve themfelves. And theAad'Viia to A:.‘€:1n_OV6 .tt_, i A is to failAAAab9ut the wotke. (gods RA:fbrzmrian..war£:5%‘ ml?“ " A me éxiii 51-‘ his calling ygmgogeeheg, mqyeu; A laid to heart} ‘:a.nc£A4is% it%.com*end¢‘d_ for -‘as §A,A70urg1ory ? 13; 13: hamc”is% to this warm %rn;Ai waAitW70ri§ing’%in my place, V 1 1, mi, A ‘ grgjat Kcmomcs kcctk baa $ repmve A .1113 Kingfldbmé toletateébntjm %nadxni1fidn* QAF Axiom-in’: ‘ :thm%i34od’4wéfi1dfbavfiW Win A “%A‘-‘Win thééwml § §¥1¢t¢f?3¥¢115fi’h 31' WW» AA.%%£2a.to[ez?atcalz'i£!c% :29 dzA)?7;*%réflé‘¢J“;AA A LA A % A ' A f A '?AmA2't bca'fi¢fi'e;v'ed, who Kim M‘,-?- § ‘ 1ofi%cofV¢-i<$dAa.I%1d "flifi “ , - . » A ' T 2"z‘z‘“:w2“ af a?f1’”tb‘z'ng: rmgff lzFwy’éofACaz::mo2¢:oia mm, May 2 5;, 1547.; A“ 3 3 I . ~......_.._._ t1ati\_rAe_ in the prc»1pVerity'ef his A ; *fo‘r *1‘ur"e arms = matters gomg wel1A make the Kingdome glorious this doth Q0tmA8.A1$€ ¢IA1;at;; Let not (3o’dJ1efe the glory of the {man bA¢g‘§.:tnAi;¥igA§§vifiblejt;oward am vmtk «.~. mm i'“s*ah'is iome, that y.e.c n"cv’e't peforme up to7 Gods“ AWord5"thoL;”gt; ytfe bee ‘inggge:g[;;y Gmvemnt”to 610$ fo. A A I. dare not believe this *,i > I_ H :1 tihé fitengthning of . W ht t,l!¢*¢;%i~Ve heifiié arid“‘=?‘t"t¢'V1&i“c ;%r‘e<=€ivmn0re jr from’yu,,:for tlafé gaggingdo€%ACex;gregat'&a‘ns ,1 ‘?~*ai1;d‘~ kee:-. A V pingVcheho1y"things%0f bod Aftcm being defiled; ‘ jYe‘t“ A ' AA A A A kth(:Fabtick, Camall a%ndAAA%‘3pi- *r4it T%I1‘wifck¢.¢nefiEssK~ though im tolerated‘ by at Law; yet A Q30dA4%W9B1d hAaV<=vth*=i¥1sA A A Ut:$’&¥1";1”I1i5;S ag;aint”t £e”t¢:*1:x1:i11fSm5f-*A{1§i1:**‘g'3f' the A Mediator’ ; Y A LAA1b1ilhed;,A fiand a{Terfi0n“s ‘agaitifl. :hem;;:«;:*¢., th‘e“j2'1fe-4- cx¢4:&zz;g%c£A Sc1fiptA1§it;f“ 1?x1aintainsed;A% the very prime ex:- r9ur+A%tze«ac wbzougm‘in*":ne..grea= Apo&4acy- our Lord "aiidfiis%%Cfi:;&’,ha;t¢ fti?cfia%4’A#l1i11g$~=as4~"nh?feL%§ mm. Lawcs A ' ‘¢1‘i&ics::s4:¢%i%A:Vo ‘hi§”“"o@vg:4eA=be»* A;ing%;,hisA%primc Mitiificcrs want A A A A fim_4:o1ucn as mote": Yet the_ Wfirld ,kno‘wes’, With ;whatA:A ardénCy*i:hc Atolemtion ofi t1A.1Ai:2A£r.: and (,'A)AtAAh§'.'AAAAl‘.'AAA H§r§A:-»_ %fi:s~as~ba7d are 1’cri-Yen f0r«A 4’~tifl1¢1YT;‘6‘3Wi11%3*i?¢4gi“€fis A A *c{evi1iflifzmddc£%royinAg the A * his A 8011116, is Am cmiflxon of I would not; be feverer it any that ‘pretend Con-- %ic‘icnce.;in% -%c1rcumifant,ia11.ajmd that dividfimt A A A 11ot“cry,‘?*/.74: not/ding but t:A11is‘Chri[& faith, faivit1g,mvAelaAti0n wf V§3dd‘iE§ A 7(Ih1:iAltA,~a,11d £0 Athc: lofie 9!’ mm. A ms:%»zaewmw_Js£:zabe1w»J . couldjilot1vc~ntAwo:1k=:lies) under lcfle ApAzArx1Aw“t1xcnAj £hCA_A j ‘ M Chri1%,and,cEAc,A1:mn€?¢5f Churches "'1 d smcit‘ v¢ucn1a£bAa%Aam— , M, V m H % ' -A- ah - An.~1¢1Amu£% ray %, Acxm cm: A 1 N9U'PHu~.w W A 0./ti" 3 . _..._.._ 1 ‘ '9 _._......-.p . M So;/.. 7 E£c_lcs.9.I. I 4 3 G'fllsSa20..z.I." “M1 King.1:.*.._.2.5,' ‘ % 1K‘mg»_x3.34_. Qai um ‘UN-‘m_.‘ peccmjt cum . patc13:juéw. ,*;,[Scn. ‘ M 5% defirfiffiw PrWP’¢' #”.€45°° ~5"W¢ 9?’ “"°?W"* **’14¢r¢~5 .a?za¢§éir& §&e%a1!awcd;V A Experience hath flaewcdf us use leflfe A | in Kingdomcs and €hu¥§h¢5.¢a‘3€dbY @045 Name- 'I;’hc:i*e% air": only iuggeftcd, which nc*cd_._a' larger Treatifg 4 xangdome¢fm“s4chrm A Sgrmanprcac/zgciéefargthe I}I§a:‘aW¢%a.e'4m5/Age V ‘ to’State%Fu11y.Ycfiervantsofchtifia take hcéé “I118 to pretenses °£C0nfc1cnce» rim Déiiril :. and for Chr.i& 1;a,th4%his. thcrq 3 And no}&:ojn;g%5g. V %-holci or him than ATCgg}1c1encc 1f Elm ance mice; ait. Chri&Wi11Anotfuif1'¢r 4:t“_°‘%.i1re1t§€We. th€re5f:“Wy¢ av not, much as in 1Y§.‘?{h as If W M», {thsjlérés T mmpct fmundsmfiiupan Wis Dpc: not other States, as Ic>mc of the umfi’tVe5c1%Pfi‘évTi1i~ ccs, tolerate a1l%thefe'H7erciics 5 ind ptdteél: ghexgg 3, and ,, ‘ yetthcyptiofpér?Who:i1bre"V? , 4 ; ¢h’bthczSrat;s, un1effe‘IVmight% I d efire not to dcale ‘Wit 5 {doe them goodggl Mam n0{2(t,Cin;;¢ly%7¢%al;1f”¢d ta ‘ .aMthe%rs Ejeing made: ex¢:mpIary,- a, wéxjd i“t;i1f¢§%bicrfléIIé ’ai1d3 on ‘hm Fm? éutwfirédpré ’* 1 “ , % . 1:9; /am’ qr /aggtrcd pf Gadfigraqgljléwt is ééfflirfigbiifl”; “ ‘ ‘ as carniillfi Ar; peri‘tie.* Na mamu.ran‘*k,:7ma:» 73. A H tl:i pd % adé ari gélfifyet of viLfir;in% Natic;rns¥for; tram mam: orrcnd- I £us+géftont!?=hefe % '« Can any: manfa¥»th%wf0fPcr§*191WignP.¢¢u1i?.t:: j unto Truth P Then 1'etRaW-“cozne “nu” grxV&'£'i)fea}z*4:§;4fVii1jf¢)A.kf£:jj"j A VArAe not Ldpi§iEué11.Wi$kjédh¢ff5‘3. edidfié ifiG¢d%f 4 91 4 A aren¢t4tfisf¢wH.crA¢fi"¢sfuck whi¢hGa3% csmdemnéssas’»wo;tk¢$i0fdAthA¢7'fiéfi 11?F7‘?13fi9‘¢nt wxth tbs? werqa better tune to urgfi wthifiexamplc” thannowy *I*- preflltd in ipizfit to"fa3?§’ ‘Q0?! "fh1t‘h notfparéd “ftxch “State-" 4 ‘ \ -c3oc1%anc1 his Arruch. %\% p1‘a;y God’ the évin may npt ov”crthak4e1thofe fstdtem-*3 f '“.1¢39‘5C1L°”Td%?€3?1f7¢AA $11? 3“? 5? Tiffimbliflg *0 "P“‘7€*bY ” A thfm 2 3;”d.4ViP”WT§.‘-‘A ‘Heir i"i¢‘1‘3i¢’i’é?3[i»P¢AaC€ ‘*b1Y sB11t1“79m%f‘ r 1>¢1;c1es;wni ch havb ibuwmtheir awn rifc“by the ruim of A A itncil}: jérofioaw t%Ahe%‘r£e‘nnc of“ . Ne1mt,AwhamadAeIfrae1tofihne _.-. Aiid#h5e bids {inner than .doth4not hindéritjwhen he can. fears theiriorr; A s A I %rovm4Vi “ ’ HéWf%V€vmmv»:v*%W Wfis%%May 26. r y as ~ ?.s*p'di;:e{ ABM G‘od’S Truth, ** txiybeloved“, ahd%A*not mans A A . r ¢ Law» fame? tfififits thew-vj wrée 3. % ]Tc“es t-hencEm?1fing54 as‘flE1eyiILpéak’é”esia1mtm::x‘umu our % 4 % rajay6’: ‘"trefiEI:ng"f;~ fit? W126 V‘ ’“and‘“:" 7 ‘ tharifli bei§mgin4g “mud t:b’inb*ii‘1ii-zg’ai;ga%tii1{i‘f”V1iis‘~%Aixinciintédi“ ; fiin4gdwme§ Wm M bvP¢I% ¢Hévvwi14 piietwl With‘ an 'Ro“‘d*df Ifbn‘ d”aflrxthcrxiA1n4p1‘eccs“ A ~ hath,x3e£”cued;4i “tout amhat[%{1av¢:~yi.% a1dd”madeAthes;;A1;3A¢ A A A " «rm. _. WP. ..,.,.....m.,,.‘W » A rowés 7' fiegkin Iifi§the‘LdAay'6f’H1Ei’i'L cc5n%Fe£:i%VéAraAt:y 5 exaAmp1eanu&»be the ru1e.af*riiV¢ ‘?P*°t11¢P¢Yfl’-'5*i0“ of 160$. If nm1e~Aofi1%thefe 1yc’s7mufl:*bcV‘:in Heaven git ‘i‘sfmzins~ A dsuriéenbtwzglldwtherrigm*¢mih.~ I H¢E£:Fx*é% yet‘ A A bmlct lmutirfiwbr whac*wb%éafnnut‘~hVe1pe ;fIt is a. Vficrablc newflitvie Awhexmot %all6w£edj ; itwili be re)'0y¥% smingih Ainiquitie‘, ~"cithc§r For"%StéEt%é‘ cu.‘ Chfirch wilfl1l*l‘y tof 1mleratie~%; AAnd%~?thénAbeWar&§, V th?e t1’Ai:t‘cAAi%%aAr'3d Wpffl cafyéurqex ' Af‘ j,'A,« ‘,;-3 ,,« .. «. ’..v.', ‘ "I ‘s ,,’ ‘ {Lard and his Chrifiz, fm“"fi1olefl’e’dutie apd cjoi1‘h{e"1l to the States and Powt'::rs«f t‘-he Wc>rldi" “ “ M 4‘ “ % “ * ;f »I;%AA%.Io~Afn1i¢Ahi'as** wtciAn4«"‘vaflXlry4$td*%h7é *VV1’3ievi%1"£"’tidA ;%£nti’«7 ; A fchrift ,- that are: Vitill ra*gifig:_ andi V Iv g1A;¢<3PfPi¥3°Y%% the Lard anemia‘:Chr%%‘if%:g'Fhé'PIa’hfix1F§=Védun1e11A?is*{;§:afo~» FA A 4 A A Mable for them; AEa.-w7zfl-‘O ,%7’fbe%%%inflév%i6fed w;6‘ : Pfal. mm II» A { ffldgrx of :12: ,Eart/:4; .S‘crwe;;b;%Lvrd;6avitIa«Af:§.=mf ,%Jamé£A M. 5 "7 _ ,, 32'. »,. A, L Gc3diwill.lau'gb at‘theii“}$lbfs;.ah:d 11aVC'thémin deri-4*‘ " ¢m%agaan& mg. rneaetbxgting fhdl1*”=i11hp§‘o;i wan»: Alika Va A Potters Vc~t¥”eI1..’; It”Ais%firtr1t:1y~jv§rrittcrxin* thc’ReA[-A A { cows of ‘(LEM , %IThé% %*1V}mfan and Kits‘ dame“ that will any Ifaia 60, M. jiwi‘.%%“4 icim t~.his?Ttft:m1pdtM" Iitfitilifriyn the c’axes%.6f‘ VI ma"1’e“=I{in ~an‘emido¢ri1eéi't*-Aa;t~3ye:‘g1vcWcheirpovs}er4:o . f A A V 3;. To thofe States Wham our Lord andhis cm~m * bma4,*imsmavayaesm ~ 4 i V 4 A x~I:51etfs=z% ‘ vommi-'\,r1dVly,%aSVth1t:th€;¥ i~h.a'd noiheimz to b1¢fT¢ the Lard A k that many to one haw‘ bin repinihg at it.Yet let. now his ‘ tibhrifis rL1;i%n‘s“:S,%%%4%Lf:t usbe humbledfgr fbVrme%rA Failmgs, A I-%:’1‘i.*.V.A=11¥1t71 513 % .¢hyi&. 1€?..i!i1nd”3JGI%¢th’&n.At0A apkacle thAAa¥ A Y F c&uf¢"<>}f h13‘F31‘:*¥¢*7fll1; Scr‘éantS»« 11¢ will A p “ J A ‘ Ehine forth as the Sixnnein brighmefleaut pfthfedarkefl: _ ; 2A GiveummurrexvesscJkn«g4om$.AAtL‘t*.iAA§}’:t1;-’l¥iSAAAI:ifAlA'1A€ of @«ad, and warke \ with Providence , snowA you have a feafomo helpe‘upA _ Gods holy mountaine,wAn5:rc no hurtmg norfld¢L’cruc"At1¢'>fl% 4 A A A asmazs and.Antichr1£’c.s pq’w"ér,,a;;t1d.«Af9rA$9Ayeares hath been our? A AA A V A Ifaflvzé. £3. . ‘;4,.‘..3y,z‘..,...‘ ‘. 3.... $3-7— % » A Sermwfwreaafiedécflrc weaansmwa Peoplc but the Saimsa Now thAueLairdAo£f'§’Ag1l4Lmds‘, that A King nternali through~ tiia GhrifbgiveAwymzAtheAipiritA A ;: of Wiiflbnacg Truth", Unity, and z?ea1¢_gq«*rwm-k4;-mghti-4 A A fjly forourGod,.and‘finifi:n hisAWiI11n4%Vrhefc Kingw M vdemcsg that tit-x{t@A’11ii°né3’ iriA‘Aal1t‘heA‘Churches ’ ' I A of the Saintsmay b;e?giv m1praife ggd “ A A “A “ ‘777Thi4s‘A wbrkei ohhciko rd%a‘ndV&*h%is Cmi¢[E{kra11Anatgo A A A backward any ‘more in’ the wha+1a. VAAI*h#egm»:Apoitar-ie A V A ?isp?afl:,‘andAnéow Kin1gdcf»me£.4mul1‘beAgfiv¢nt God, and g ' ~R&%form’aiti(m by_d¢greesfl:al‘lbeEriiflxedmppdfitionsof A Awickedfhagil "b‘eeAbut Ajfirng galesof ~Windw% mmple uponj. his anemics, and nnakc them his M ; . VF amt-»£t001e.+bu& ghéifhail put the cmwne upmme heads ‘T l A of hfiszfiaintm Lem yam‘ hearts than bemmfizsrtedanfi * A “ your hands Pcx:engt‘hncd,4y$e m¢n'ofi‘"I God? ; t oy* t1a?¢‘ARef‘m-~? "1 A mm£am»»-2wrkatAthis* my Make” ’E1¢gI»tnd ’i‘li1ip?r<%c”fl1¥é%% Lords A \ A :, than ever ,A by the power hehath? given you‘: £9 yemm A ; the people of this Land by? {e1a:pyca'imac Wiflmake athc ; % C1iurch¢A3canféflibngoud;0 flaw amV‘GfM,arberAlLnxdx'% I 5¢fi'de.rt}.1L'¢l)#W£% b»AAAdam¢a¢m wt‘ was 1%’ 6; #7??? arm’)! V m*lIw“eAmI:_e mention affb} .mm.A Ym.1t‘A icrywillbceg A Lard reign: than "over us , im King but Cm-ifi mt'Am5na~* A %