% fife; f0‘)7i.§, 27$ e.%".’£r flit 3 for his great pain¢s.ra1;¢n gm hg3.% 3%“ A man preached yefierday,beforc their Lord - %chardMr. Hwjfiyf, is heseby,Vthanimo§% fhips,inthc Abfiey Chutch,W.»;flminfigr_ And, hcishcféby defircd , to}cau£eth?e fame mwv c Printéd and pmbliflxed , which is to be due enely. by.” authmityA% under hisowne ‘hand-. 7 %~:’ A. Browné Clericg farlimantmw vzw-»—¢-v~ , , . . an ..—-— , v_...r......._,v_ A A g~d"¥¢ apgqygut ]’vf:>hnASaywc1l Myriflt myfl.S'trmM.-“A W ifliflfifl Hfiflyg. " -£4 ‘ ,4V‘- ,.":~' H‘-Q ‘\___' S 1E0PLES _ . ' v Laid¢open ‘in aSermn; preached be?» _ fore the right Hnnomble Houfc of Peetcs, in the: Abbcy Church at Weflminflar, % mth‘eir Ham foicmna m0t*n:hlyL'4’Eafi, May 26.; -1 6 47. By W I LLI AM H u S SE Y, ”Mit:if’mc A "at~C’Iaefi'lbm;[l in Kent‘. V H M; 173.16.‘ Bat’ tadmgaod , _4M’to : camézanicate Afirgmwt, ”:w1t*b[m'6‘ 4 saarifim Gm’ med’ plmfld. PM byflmmm Harpm form: nyw¢#;a¢iw& are tdbé ¢ {old at A his Smp in aI.,ittl¢: »,Britainmatt;h¢:§3gt|I:T A Aof’“’the_‘Gra-yhnund, 54 4 I“ "7'. -- ..r “‘ v Q. » » I .‘.'.-V‘ _~ ‘ . I “ «Q ' . . ‘ ‘ ‘ , I . ,, H 5 L. , - - . u _ _, > -.. ,. : .. “ ',J" ‘ ' ‘ '1'’ ‘M ‘ - . A #~ ~ E?» ‘ ' .h 7 .. ' ‘T ' ' N r " ' _‘ . '_ . k . . . A A V; A ,~.e='a A .. . . 5» t 4- :‘ ;$ ~. ‘ .' * - \ v ‘ u ‘ . . V H " K,‘ ~ . ‘rt " I . .. A I , ,5 ‘ n -s ‘ y 1. , ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ TI1Te~ right‘ Honourab1‘e,: the Lorchéhi ‘théir pjapo/’cd.mdmvaur: 5} amyjplagvfuro, er hindartilhj‘ aflemblcd in the: high Court ofl Parlia’m.cnr.. ( h R'?TghC Hcmorablcs,‘ ‘ ‘ h ;. m A Hm Gad £46 plaafcdia‘doe~an}«JE’x'gu.3 mk; xsb.;h;ha¢h;«h‘ I1 A ; ~tion.r af Kin damn, or reflorahthaf: .1" L‘ 29¢ hthut are ./[mien to their integrity ' ~_, ‘ ,. h ":\!V_Y‘V‘V‘. h heflirmh up hcraickfpirit: to par»- - ‘A form it ; great workw mu]? he ef- % feilid hy powerful! cdufex ': ‘NQW 5“3’»2‘L tho]: that are of hc‘rai::kfp£rit.r,Ara A A L A led with mbmm d¢rjirt‘und[a*zJr sf [aims cxccflcnt and, and li'j't»up.thcir mind: tn the luff ahd hirhhiafa and, ‘man to Gad and holy th£ng.r,_V to the highq/I pitch Em’ ; ‘ \I »*¥‘'‘5 “ 4% Imfwarlza, either ta [4] thefmndm 5‘°“P~*34* qf ham,-fly ;‘ E that" [a theyhmightfl prcfcrre the pg:hliq:;agaaJ,K = hi.-fm the» private, 6] an hcertain: hzjgh '1rrara_gative .- when define is farms! in hcrviak mmm, mm wilsralkc with in-as = cwdihlw conflanc}, re 14! thdththq ‘cannot he: iuricad from EH P3574! v ‘ ‘ , A Th¢‘Ep:a1¢‘D¢a;.m,—. 1amyt2ras7:£’6la:r and _difiw1t£.9:. Neque carifcsbat _c;ivi§:ar:r:m Fae an --‘ ][IiM%.;:z:éi1*= ¢W”€.%%1iiiém ‘ fianti&us.1nx1ii?£>uAs rLzea~2t*ib1.1s 1n;:3ribi1j5%,_44% A:/an Cam. aiib-I~¢~ ss- if-§K‘;'gI_:_\’:.'-;»' 24:. - I 9. Acaalefirl repnxblica Dei vohsmtas V1e:cfl飒cgn; igpgy cam, mmwmlM,At{aa wiliof QM-'3 3/95‘-illtvfiw’fi§?§'#0'wbicb’a7lt/:6 -meméemaf Aa Cammamwmltb mwfi 60 mt,‘ ’U::e%x fonis harmmia 12:1 rm1fica,fic ex fmmmxs m,<2?‘11s 8»: *1mfin:'S‘ can-=» §;‘garx« w.m5!tbz?.¢¢ natbappy wlmafa mm'15i’-WW A. dfiflrbjed 1: In gm-dia in republiczz ,, A: lmrmmszy :7» J’?/I'm¢'a:%k§i4 mm of afimn =wrfl:%[o:4m1.r, /"0 fl A Comma»-wmltk% mawdevf HM cawcard of three flatfs .7 Time difergwces ziémz amf? bgtwecnc rim frfiwcg mad peapic wmsfi M Ear-awgiat tacwmcaraf N663 third; “1§I;rii%« m1~..s.:.;.n. azézd réwrefaw“ A?r1'fl0t1f34“ flvzitb, my ‘large xwmxzy [mm 2'3, [0 A ‘gas? <92‘ 9’-‘W lmrge -is friaasdfbfiipg mid Kekemnam , Amicitia fimpliciter ‘.Vci3”0"::;,, ‘f-rt‘! '2‘ua'af5'raV €s7— q:=miw.. zueceffaria _adpviver1dum, mm‘c.qm:az- live wirbom frimd-- /kip. Ie1‘;z9. 7.. "Same t/aw peace of M6 Cr‘ty,wb£rlm;-r 1 [mm fmt Aymcaptiw; Vpmy folrit, for in tlae pcace af itycafbafl .&:ck.1ib.‘x.c.3..~ I’amwp::zce;: And Pfa1me»I2:~.. 6. P%r*g%far the pawn: of flea mfalem, the} $411 pm/’per 1‘/Mt 2.,-mm: .2 and tin}: £4 2:/ac %oxd¢r%'t£m;,_ gad“la.»1tI9 [Min zmturegii/cam: Gad: .‘»;Z'mwc.:% ]7g4mM . £5 gtéwve a:f1 bum%a»e,$4’" TzE1o[e4t%jb.¢¢.¢%% akzrg pwélicfic «kw: prim 'z2.at.ej,‘it/Jmévwlaicla 40:1: fimpzy rqfpaé? t1mt‘wi9ick: écbancfl 55- fore!/35".’ fpméfickgaad :% Y :51: /:3 mm mu;/*2" prgferra :19»: pub» wjqajdéqflara t/an-prifvatq ‘ga;m;6ccmg/écwer} mam: awn pm». %£‘1"€M£t2§'~J.«}‘Ety it lapped «up 2'» the pix/éiiqm“ peam; % émifmm #1wfiwp%rf?r%eGM: W3 "W-” 0*” ’9W1fr»é¢fbr¢ ‘theirs/Elm -éivitt jafimqy /Ea Atémjr 2r‘éJr!12;t %wfi—w_r¢:¥£nary degree‘ af ;§77zbf1!H'2)grt#: , -téh #JgMr;3£'%\.m1 FJ:s*r&2ic*k mad :pzml:°gM& ..y7E{m':¢atmrm.4’Zy%wiam_ téc} imzvsf pmww~~&?jwkrr I/aravga/?:J¢*%§r ; $194: 252$ d%AdzTw£)aze and T,/.i.«:r;s:~ic;&_ r¢/azman, W53» my. that lar4'v».= puww izztbvirflamzdr, jj.?;.:a{!;wj’b A/zg£h%mad:2f'at iM,A mm“ :10 rgzéégvg A- qfiit fa tA79¢=ir;«v?%m¢'¢ and; if 0p?*»3flIr'o$z¢ ‘ii? }9z»iv;‘3a7:'a;y m~:{..d %é“2géPy&.Vp.m9t tl5;s? ‘9.*1m_;77:'v2e:a*zre‘ tf0¢£&“%Aa’%x~",.% mm» % M£n{}?" z‘E¢% wakfi 355 M 23 gmxd /.w.gmd ; fiat $5.4 aua££;.~.a.~%tb ham ” wiry rm,» jplécié ('7e2f¢S'11“t)f4;{%r*aev A fl.«»m?m"w-.3 ‘mt Cam"; diva’ pprm ffiifidf tl%&1tdlf..££:;'a?cr? VW Aim 112$ kmm i‘.”:~«»Wgh éndaed ¢ V Th‘e;Epifi1c~Dedhicato“ry. * A fam'le%a:1d /fcédy pragreflé and detarmimttimfiefore ham.“ A Intent fudge: . Am! 1 {nape the Army will 5:. content ta in... zfirme what they mn z':2 amjudiciafl. tam], againfi t£2:f: A/I:m%. «~aé:r.:%tl2e7 o«ampl¢me% ajjfi and war de[ircvt/a:¢t..Any judgement /ujfenfiaarar -atb:rm'{e,, may4«éce’p4_(]'ed wgninfl them , A4 -. withaut trjall : ATM; prafeflé them/elm: mag; 1’l;opg thbrfiora tbcir % demaitndxg ax flame»/Mt tfia more large for tbJut»t[:ayfa1§w%-no wayfiopenfar their tryall; and for that name Aglaaw yet been pflniflycd :% which the way were opened, nut ‘Mel; they would be content to walk: in«tl:cé common path, and ..atI1:r:.tb;¢t dqfar-me it, may ‘Ive pmzi//Bed 45 ml! tbs}; the ,_a.fil{m6:r.r tlqcmfclws made more w;vary,%t/1: people receive fittixfa Zliqgt , Md at lawigsg prom canfirmrd , «A Which. »Gad 3"“: Your Lor’fl1ips“Scrvaju, Amzaam Huflij. *3: ‘ m §#a’3£?u’sf:N2a o?'zaé'¢'7;‘Y ‘Md .%.r:W';¢<»'.~L":,'-‘%.% ‘1v:=*..&§:¢.':%%“24*.‘e9 fivg m;_~... ' WV-.~c;[m{&y +¢2ii@dl1;_f¢7¢ 5i'£?“'fl<'7a49“ 3(’.’:w$:+»*‘2M‘.*.s'% yert¢£s:z t,-‘Eva/’§es rfmalmc” * we '&CaI¢r¢ic7i:d£.dx'AperfW:m‘5* £9153‘ wré c’a?V|yA"t:&a“,~%-5'55. 3% é»az§1Id]47’?J£*JflI b£§f ('0m?¢£uMur: , aawrzi via? t?Z'»* g'_§*;*:: mgr} pizwld ; M pr”iw§la:r{g¢s‘¢tn%d lieécrifiws‘; xéa" ]%i:z%s2?L::§’ mg‘:z;§:.*‘}' t*«fZ~é:,*”}{» fwkid b_M*a é£é:~s'e‘ pwflififtvd; madwt*:%crcjV"5v&~u»:‘“(’.?r':;*:aU1%m.§‘%fi!anafl;% ”’j"¢vr mima , to .’eri£:z24~ /Mhjaffjfaa rim: it ~.mz'¢,«:z"~ 159$ ;%"aw.a§r- V W/bVaé~'y riafiuwe n~w]?“:d’t!:va'%£iva~rd wt or /27zr§r /5’?&;EF*2?£ir‘ .- ‘Wrf3e§£& ;rIsm%mmw ‘0p?"fl'§fiM psvfifled 1*/7:,“ flommaizx, *2”/mt z“£f:ey fowl gmttcm t£7a“"Sti3&Fra’ :v Aifzd m.-aw acigféziéiv it‘&‘;:ml*;!2;m’t/9A into‘ cmffi-%%% demeiawg ' % izvbc 53$?“ t's5€y»A were ‘ aw“; ‘aw???’ 13¢ Vkeaping .Kii}:g a:%¢d‘,Lardw fram p!awm“ng mir A figicfs £231 :3 Mpmmwlé 4m£frimd2jrwwj*.* ~ 7 A %‘ A 1 A I /mmély MM’ !:wt%:»~ti/;V% w£,%~i~-réar T2/W Hazaflmr wmlzi 501% A agree to [settle %z/ac paw? mid’ priwi/edge: af Pxzrlimmmt, im % [#0/ya f1“/-wind!) may dz! may (-‘0?’1d:Wg"¢' ta pew; , rim; w**pm~t might m»1;ezm«.- bf their pmer and iuterrfl of I/av}-2c*r1p/:23 ta gfliwme to them mam: time of right doth ~é:zmg ta Mam,‘ to ~ the prejudice of the ozlm paw} ; pvwr M {K mafl %%zmcarm£m:* fining; whmi: irnafrcgulatad 5} mifdamzmxd Lam; tlmt . fame wurfé may _£’: M/gen for :31: puzaiflérmm af mi’ de!;'éa- qmmt fialrjrllx , af w/mt mg: facwr; mad’ nzccordingly in mgfgb; égmggagggrlj m{min2ijlred%%: 4 camf/Y: is p!a£m',V zwhicb ' watjm Lard» m~aylM Apiinifbed 6}! way of i;wpmclame;:t.3 but 23!/Jiw wan] m ammamzr afrrimimzl/, is neat yr:-'3 claws, wlviab ’ Jam mnfidmr: Mtk given tbxls éealdwa-flu ta 1% .24»-my to ‘ érmk mat in t/at} axtfnardingzry"wnj. A And now Iflmalz’ vtxalgq the éaldnejfw M infarmt: jotcr Lordflaipx d war& or mm wm~b...v inf timflrmngmcczdent rim lamb lately imppem-d fmmt/5z.=A _Army,; Fir/hlkfay they ucrerharod offifod, w£2iabVz§“no«V% ; g;,_£;,—g ta :1»; jg/hkrc or zmjmflice of t/aeir prafieedingxm, undw x}:ait€;awfhrr:.m zl.m}_/Zoallda‘/fra, that cmrfl: may be taken A V Mutt r/:2: praaaednngx of Farliamant may he put 17» an {arm afm " jgflivr, ‘that wfiporddfizecdy ' try»/Z of j':4c_l:v /Mmiégr: ‘véf zivswfiw/« of Coww-rM~fiv«” he ??‘W.5”f'” » W?‘ "¥»*J’W~ ¢9f退e’e 3;" ‘ “ FL; ' ‘ .m—. \ “ w-unuum ~uM"M\> “ ‘ . i ‘L; AA’. . K‘ 2- 4 ' A ;;_~jc""\ -"*1! f‘\ «A m "A ..A-:*’~y‘r~‘ ‘n‘»='~° ‘#3.! ‘ 4-4 A w‘w.. cw ’ ' ':“-1-‘-5""*.‘."»&1J‘\’¢3u. -am. Pa MM E A~2.,.Am. B5 mfe WW §l1¢2w:»m‘£;Oye£ ICfm§;;A$ -, lw? fegaarfifigigg A jwfibafl frefigzlg-erA afziw Esmgfi :: A «am A M the Vlemi’ z’rzfé:are,% mm réjayw A % Awbim ‘W/9 mifiewwca. A ;,y,;;*;,MA Shall not tremble your Lordfhips ’ A - A" V wi:h.Aanyfp.1:‘thcrp1:éa1‘nb1fi then. A what wi1AAmakefor the argument ~ _ A ofthe Tezmwherixulfi1a11d¢:{i.1:c;;, .~ ‘ ~A ie 'A 7 §m;fuPtaine theA%pexfiJfl :- %«?«;r;d ¢ A the manifold g1faceAsAofAGod%;ciéa%% ¢ A*cla):1ng the minde of G‘Od,A1z;otA forms; the duty of :1 A StewAa{rii'1‘oAE; _A in Vthe intiCii“.u;' worAda ofjnaxas Wifqdoine A bin demmwfiratican oi%'tl1¢*f;3ifiti11%t1xt3 VV€3fdg§éA;,'_ nmlxke th‘@AAVScribAt:%s , but aA.:~: Aone ..Ath9.t Mr}: rAec:;+1vAc:d¢ Author rity :Ah*ornA ‘Gto‘cl*AA wifi{o1"m~Aéai1 {hint-.° thmllgh thc wrsakzc-f1;‘in?{3:rL11Ar1‘c:t1tsupon 51 bcelceviiag heart. A A % A A _ Ah A A 7% A V Tiais Pfsilrne maybe ciiviciad into 4 parts A; %a% Pr ;ph«'.-sfie “ A A B A ’ 52:}-m .43 A * A Tbzhlagiflrahtex A A ._..4—_. t that Nations and Kingdomes fl'Axa11A‘fet thetnfelves agait;i'tA God and ChAri{’t in the three fitfi verfes:.A A A ’ I 1:3. Agconfolation te the Saintstagamft the fury offhem thatgoe about At0‘0V~e1'tht‘0VV' the Kmgdeme of Chrjfi,‘ beginning; tag theA fimtth verfe ,AA unto the words of‘ 1-ny,TAex:t. e 9 A A A __ » A A 3; A’ charge given to the Kmgs and A" Judges of'th'e earth ,AA how they fhould behave tlaemfelves in the words. Qf1ny;Text in the A 1 ; verfe, and beghmmg ofthe I 2. A Lafily , an Argm:nent_to petfwade Kitngs-and Judges of the earth to loeke to the charge. A . A A t A DAivers Intetptetersdoeuplwld the literall fence of Da- vid and hisifiingclomeg but fo many great things are (pg... ken of this Kingdoxne that is fer: uptm the holy. hill of 51;. on ,3 that they are ‘inforced tc» acknowledge that the prin... '7 A Ac.ips;1H'cope of the Words are verified in the? Kingdome_ of . (Z~Zl:irift,,whereof’Davids Kingdome watsta Type. A A In the firft part the P_rophet« fetteth downe the am‘:-, rim: King: Md Ruler: tBtearc~dg4i#fl Ch.ri_/¥ ,, their confula tdtian 13'-tafiake afi’/9133~Do_mi3iqn.AA A AA A, Note egrthty minded Rulers: ctmnot eafily b‘eare the} I3’Omi11i0n.of’ChtifAt;\A ; M f A AA t A In the legend psgrt ,t_G0'tE1 will ltwgb t/Mm tafcomc, tiff-. appoint duet fmfirate their cnnfultatiam, break: tlmn um; tiered afinm,uqutdajk~;hcmAimpi¢m: ‘15&4!W‘7’vtttr: Avtfléfl. ’ A A Note“theAvenity’of$thehEAA‘. cotntfultation , .A andApeArj%11 of theirperfemls. . A In InyhAText.yeehhave ,A wifi may 1 fitelamcucdyeejthat b¢~?u3dge:AqftAtAh:tE47rtb.t. t 4 Niece that wifedofne bf Kings, and 1eaArningcf't1dgeh~ ts-Athemeanes to Adelwer Aa Kitfigdomte from d€fli1_'lJla7iQfl._' V " L Inthelaihthe inevitable danger thafflaall fall an; them i that ufe not thiAS‘1'€1Il<‘;‘dy,A ifhis ‘wrath be kindledtbut a lit«-- .. tie‘, _. Athey_A_mu{’e'needsh at fad cenciition ,, t1A0_;yvay t0C‘f-fr A. capebnt-bytttuing_tinhimt.tT A ‘ A Net»: h lb: Pexzplqs fivfét_y..Lv 7‘Note,h11oApower~Aof7man can Awithfiand his éiifpleafure. The words ma adxnit afai gcneral1hdiVifionAAA-into thrcé vparts,circu1nfla11c§s,perfa>ns,charge.. A ” A ‘A ' A I - The ha“w:az9;r‘fi;zop:€A' 1-were: words‘ that fignifie with cy- Arthcrs, ahdhthefe are three. A A ' A A A The two firfcin this one word am». A The latter in thefc twowords 0 yeg. A A Theb~wo1rf1 nowf nmxmdoch not only fignifie the time A, u: a 0 min efence or réafon - 11oWis’hash*‘11auc11 as re fay feeing it is fo as it is , facing tI;ere,is fixch power in Chriffas there: is to; dafi: yaw in pieces, letichisbe a fixative, be wife therefore, afltli doe hot ansrer Vh'_1'~4AfI*l, this iS»p1aincly hf:-“:e1~1~in that fpccch of'Godhto‘Mo es repeateAd by SA:c:phen, I /saw-ftaxe the afiliflian of mi] peaplé , and/a}¢w Immi thigh I grazing, and men come down: to deliver them, and now come and I wifl/and tlm , that is therefzrc I will fém1AAt‘bae at Atlazic tim: : the Tranflamrs therefore have well‘ tranflahted hhhitgww Lorin. gwuchhaétfi mm! 3' [lam rzra, tlwrcfora, Wlmrein are conhtained the circumPcance of tixncg‘ A and the rcafon. M The third circumflance is the exclamation, 0 1:: A A A 2.. The hperfons are King, and fudge: of tin earth; 3. ‘The charge itfi-:1fe,h and that is, firft fingly to Kings; 5: wifc, 2. Smgly to fndgzs , :5: Alearzmi. 3. Joyntlycg them both , farm‘ the Lord imfédre , rrjajce to him with r:2zn*:nca,IAfl1a11hhand1e the perfons, diflcinftlyf, and inrerweave the circ1”1mPcances«as they {hall make for the fence of the words. A A A and pa.rtA ofthe charge’ Theperfoxus are Kin_g:,8c fudge.-5, when are here charged with the reparaticm & avoyding the dangcr‘thaz may fall npmAthe1ntI2at.confult againfi-God anclChrifl:. In the bee ginning of A the Pfalme tbejtlaat hcoyn/rel: againfl (bra:/3 are fmh ‘Parliament axcjlu/a afar»; nay many Parliamentsgma-A-I A my Natioru; . .beCa11femanyKi11gsh. : now no Nationgn lmve an.y_1nQre%then gonéAAKing,, by theunity hgofwhéfe phét-f Afar: W1 I "mes; did provide aga-iAn{°cA fa&’_iA<>n;h and divxfions A .‘. a iwhifih » F A? ‘A’ ’ ‘ | , »Iuiig€s.,.V 1‘ ttieim 5&1? £§’T:se'.:,t, £?;:1fi”i§ mid L1p0i1%A?K5”£f5€‘”?1 fidgfi-5’-A j A V V .1“flia11v‘firPt.exp1aVne"A1:he%%Word8,;;then pmve the Dofihtine, %a11%d’f"1iift:1y Appiicetiazl. ci‘ *14whe%ther%:his4be. afigu~re ca:-M Hana» ffiififé f3€31’€AP¢?‘fifs?31AN9r filiiifiéfi Eff‘ flit‘ ‘dome ;;1ive;f§ app%611at1V@84,z fgggne pmzfons may be Kings % % _ $1iFlit5,.zz Vlfizégg tajudg:.t}.mm , mutt’ -1t&é”zc.§2r f?at%;‘{erA»A3 VM,Vi1;I1gg:gE‘z efpecmlly in h_eredita1fy Ixixug. dpggga , ___L;-1_‘W§_§‘1_1g‘V'fij p1“OV1d€_d*]L“£G{gcf%$%_tOV%judgf for A them, 7*iiz::"Li"i’:1‘§dfi:i‘tif”iiEi1t§,I\l‘‘1‘<5l1c:§}1“‘x<::u1jV;f%u_1c{ frate emoy the pleafure , .2md_t1nder« «gg:eiLt7heV%,I:;urthei:1of Govcwnznmt ; and in w‘artI1ey.p_1fo~ _m5_«g‘¢;A%%G~é%;jera11stkoefcigew the fxazard zmdw danger 1‘ J theif AA pQt£t3ié‘sV.;A ?;h7<:? mdgcmezuts pfpeace,?a11d:Ieading *"i'nwar fii‘;I&:x,c;ifi3”"€+*l‘<5~11ég,j,tThci»,t:Ii"¢§: d1‘3‘L;;yV,x:>fa liixxg; ; , ‘far thbptféfcrvarion of ‘hi ‘%{&f3t‘11‘1V“t“1‘t%jfA“,%% géaoéi of his ,S1ib j ?cé%'s% %, :az1*1cl.AtI1er6Efe:>re “1~Ci&1fi‘*gs midijudgcs Tii*fi2wyApo1'iEb1y be the {.1-me: perfons; M H ;.}i;i;13Atgs suldpdges 1m}r4 j fevrimfl ,p¢rfons:of féve» “?a:&i1 1c;rncms wm:L:e,!1is buile ;?f”9’:;M d.i11gs aridprovificmsforehisAfhoufe‘thefe zzremlled “AA” A 22.; A M.'3~?’Afl’ which in thefecAo1*~;dverfe c'>f‘t’i*nis P1231 .me,:m:= ,Pfl,_¢n,,,z_ e tranflated Rube-r‘s,fi1ch as had. the next degree to the Kixngs AA A cI1eif'efCounce1lours of Statefomztex Imperié Zmseaney, La. ford: Témme.m1en~ of velour and judgement , Piklers of the Crowne , whofe duty W215 to prefirve the Ki11g bpth in peace and war, f*rom1*nifcariages, and di1homourebyApuni~ flhing them Lqficmdgexnelnt that f1<‘1aX.1 mifguide the Ki11E%a% 03: 3&1‘ any tlxixxigagaixmfilaiv, by any furreptitious WaAmmts (‘fl“%C0111mimV0nS from his Mvzjefiy 3 or _tramfgrefTe their 1:Mvfi1HCom111iffio1‘1$ to the wrong,-g and injury 05 the pee-—-[ V A pl:-3 *7» thefe eixzada principell hand in the xnaking of LaVt,*e;'34;£4 S V thctesmxexa that were mentio11ed in the ferA:«:fmd verfe , but in 'e;*:;':m.;'m the wmds qfaxly Text they are ca11edm'$hiD2Z‘.TL9}’waigex,md °VI"«3"§A7%7"i‘ V A A thereejfforeh it may be doubtfull whether they bethe fame men which did confult in the fecoml verfe, which are here charged in the xvim-is ofmy Text ;A but I econceiiife they were the fmine for t7mefe‘reafo11s.eA A . g L A V A \‘ 5~:..e EecaufeAA‘:;A::::;e,71zg:§§~{g-3 -Many be afcribed ta theAhig§ehee£eAAA fiidges; in the Work‘: no ztbfehlté PriAs3ces,Ato Mofes; 3 8» I6; , ta God hiégnfelfe, Gen. I 8.z5~4;a11d K,i1€1tis;m1Aecus.A AA A B 3 * AV } A4 eunderfiaaxui qfiylmewlfiingx rdigng ,,mac£ Prime: decree fufiaicc , th¢=fe7m~¢ P2.0A,,Vm A _ i._._.“.... ‘ lfblél 114?“;/Irtttts lcbarige, A A tmtlerltaticl that thefe chiefe Rulers that confitlted with the Kings had a piece ofjudicature,that it any thing efcape them inlconfulmtxcan, that might be mended in judicamm AA 2. Thofe Rulers that were mentioned in. the fecond vérfe ”, were guilty of the crime which is here charged’ cc; be mnentled; and therefore it is moi’: rationall; they flmuld -be called to repentance. A t it 3., Iftiings, Rulers, anti People fhould once jlaynet0~ getherlancl make a Law algaidnllz: Goad; and Chrilhit were an A hard matter for an itiferiour Judge to amend? it. I: is {rugg- they may fudge againft it ,Il but it: woulclbe carried on by the appeale, unlelle it be refotmecl in the fupreame Court, where the errour firft began, and fo the Wrath of Gael re. mainetttiappealhd. Thusyou fee who theft: Kings and Judges werein all probability , they were fe;veral1AKings' offeverall Nationsl , confilltingwith their owtjie Nobllesj. A and People agaitaft God and Chtifcf, that are here calletl [Iv A lptm; to: rA<3ptntA of their wicked Decrees , and Lawes»=thaAt \ they had made againlt hin31,fo that my Do6’crine dothAnotxf lappeare under this forme ofwcnrds. If any thing doth flip in confultation with tmblique confentlof Kings, Nobles , and People againlt God and Chrift , the charge doth lie upon I{ings and ]t1dges:t;to»e.« mend it. ‘A A Butthfirc arif: three fcruples come to A paffe thatAwhen Kings , ‘Rulers, ‘arid People were guilty, ‘the Kings , and Rulers are called tolirepentaince 9 iancl the A people leftlout , what will God belcontentllttefpare aNa- All:illAinAtheir iniquity. A A AA 9 A mfitzere i11A,tCfpe&@fAtempi13rall punifhrnent : It may be fometimes he will : if GtaclAAAl%WQuld {Rare Sods;>meAlFot , tenA .; whytamey he ne-t {pare a people for their; Kings and AA Rulers If he willgpleguelfrael for Davids numhtingthe“ A A not fave it lpeopleiasfltcAAA‘ididl A “ 1§gIole"s A pseraple why may A tion iflcings. a1I):Cl*RL1l(i‘l'S repent ,‘ thoflghltllfi people go on A A‘ ll Pm: me Pta;lc:[Pzfet].. A l 7 Moles fake E‘ but alwaies he dothit not; AlThetreformation “ of Kings and Nobles is 9. great meants to tefotme the pew» le ; but iftuotxvithficttadimtg their R<:fntmationtl1epeo— ' ple remaine wilfitll , their jfidgetnezut doth mften fall the . more heavy even in thxs ltfe as may appeate. jofiah gttan, 33,35 we » amofi ptous and holy Ptmce , yet God refervecl evill to A . bring upon the jewels for that they did not refotme. A The Prophet rendteth 3 teafim. Her mwzclmv,-ram [gear “‘’*3“‘''' D fndab slid mat mm: to me wzitla all liter /2mrr,&z:tfm'nt°dl}.]o— fiah caufecl them to tame in {hew , but it was in hypocrb V fie, thouglm their hypoct ifie was none ofjofiahs fizttlt, hit: their owne. A e ‘ 1. But here atifeth yet a fecond fcruple,how it fhoulcl be in the power of Ifinggs and Nobles to amend that *Lvlhicl1is done axnifll: by Kingzgs, Nobles, and people, is E: in their power not to put thztt in ertecution whichtis made: into a Law E‘ Yes ifagainfc God and Chrifl, if agaittfi the Law of God, Gods Lewes have the force of an tmivetfitll ' Law unto which humane pofitive L:2.We-s mult give Way, lcx pmétiwlaarzéx credit tmiwr/Ali , mans Law is ‘Void , {fa-_. I)0€lo1*.-and sc;z..AA. gainfi Gocls Law. h em. V ~ A 3. But here will be abreach betweene thefe that {hall ‘0l:je,&..a fejudge‘ the King, and Nobles, and the people, ifthat be adjudged againft the Law of God , which is newly reeei- ‘Ved felt an humane Law A; and therefore this doth put Kings and Nobles itatofcreights ; Tl1is11m{tmt~be carry- .. ,4,,/; V ed withan higagh hand as an aft oflpower , but prudently A as an aét efwilelome, fan as God may not be pmvoltedgtnel dafh you all in peeces,nc.~t the people neglefled in the pyar-A=a ticulat COVC;‘I‘m11.'.21‘1iC1Clt‘3‘Wltl1 them. A M e They mutt wifely ufe meanes to revoke fuch Eéwes . as A ate~hlntaclelagai11{ttGto::l aml.leCIari£l :: Yetlhy their wife and, learned carriage give the peeplefatisfitfltien. Th'_is.chargc he ofbeatingthe La wee ; , the yoke , and bonds of laytl on Kinjgslandjudges Afogtfeure reafo11s.A. h " V A T/fr: Mzgzflratrséc/agrge, 4....-n 7"“"***="’%€*?’?'?*‘t='*~ 1; Bmaufetmy offaflmeti are -mo£?c4%:Ain%clinabIe ta ; tic .'Z£:;p7ec;r'Apm m. cg/,r.2m gm g_ma';¢: mm uflme yoke of Chrift ; W great ones never think: E3" 4”°“-‘W’-' W" t§~;em4f@1ws great enough unleffr: they be abfoiutc ,.* jun- I*J0r:v.znAe.s' ;Ae:9¢:9:a.=9t __ A ~{ sh h d 1- w . fl0nAja;':!efijuAga1€Afi:'$‘ they may a«S’c_ o as 2 ey a m Auperxomn to AA;-""9-”f4";A"""f'}J"’“’cf‘J*'£*”‘.‘;,“. whom t‘heymu[% gwa anaccounm That exhormmn ages 2: r‘ mi N ' . -% %% v A A-»% ‘ ,» :»;.m= g«,m»:y¢{. émth pmmpally belcmgto aha-;'AAm that are m Aughorxfgr, :.jf,‘;f"jf gfgfgfzi becaufc thffiy do mt eafiiy fubmn: to the yoke 0% Chmit, “,’,,;,fA,,,;,;r;z-‘Z1’,-,;¢~,,-‘§,;,;%.‘I may am unwilling to haw; any Lrawes gwfitfa themggmd é=*»_0z;“’A;‘5 Wi‘=“ the other Author Pride will not fuffarz mam m mcawe , :2 2» 242* .. - , - r ». 23:2; 0AAAAAAA€A_§A;AA%:_ any 1Anm,u§{»wn__, b{~:S:3!.»1fG may will notflamge tp bay; m~:nz¢:%g4z~er;se;~2zi:a'Aé’i1'wflfikflffln&S'N)mflfifi&%lfl&YU&-iflfl , eheytmnrze anyang ;§,’“—’:§;:fgfff,‘;§§§;'§§‘;;} formmon-a fiaipe mo}:h_eu~ Authomy. AA A AA “ i:.zm,+mz.;:z:z=r. A Such oppofitmn agamfi God and Chmft hath beam fcmxud in sail Ages from gmat on7cs.% HE’~ff;r‘3 5 1“ ‘‘P£mra.ab,; who /13: tI'oa. Larb1*tf:;zt I f7a§z:¢ld lomre hale‘ «u.¢m.22'.,».. 3 hmg'8 53% ‘fififi/J€7‘££’ , bath may of ad: sftéze ;7\Q'ztiam' daliwerad bia- m.,Aj,‘3. %pwp!eAawt my /awed: fwac m Lara’.;;', we wiflcamc no mm? A ’ m?zta.t1ac'c'.V % A 4 A Tmrefcre dorhth¢LéJrc§ cwnaztzapon Iiingais 5 and ~ 17~*%::i%z.*2c¢:As,‘ am juaigcfi of t br”marth, rim: tbeyfiamld have j]>ecm’1Ac4ra tafwémit to 26: G'az:tr»7;2A:r:r af”?C'l”9rajff :” L lax}- claznatfimss m ufczd in plaine Wmatfers ,, mdmatgcrs A of gmm: Weight : It is no {mall matter Poi‘ Ki%ng£5*aArA:£3d ,,.,,AW;,, A A,,k,,£-_.g,,; Nmhfixmtn flmiae: oflItheAA bonvfis «:2f'_.i'z,1§_:».f¢.*:«flir3%x*x“ to “God amt: W-W ami Chzrifiz 1ofoke‘r;aa it VKi:ngs;,"%*and Nwiwgliingsg am r 1'25? c:-;V[z:.p,:m'awh Am ,g.,.~,.-_,, ,_;,.V J,e:;,;:,.,V;%]e.12:!gcs*,$?£*za*.#c2 amma cifyauévr cmrgaar, mt" yaw: wifl< rim bAr«_u-‘"3 mm. ~ ken inAp}eeca“;-_sr,»~yce will provaflvitfi the Low to%angergafiV am ;mur pL12gA:: greatzuwfle ;"~ ther¢fam I ctmrge you w %be§i&W’a*w‘; A A } A “ A A" A 2y».7YRc3a4fo“i*3.A,§§.»s3~»»;§Af9a.%*:§1:cafsmmiittmi Sthé mare csflais pea-A r pk;‘f?—1tVt2-’.‘t'fiAA§1?.%.Ah;i|2‘1 f§1fl$‘£hfi'A?5§” flmusaja f¢::£s{ai:: ahcir gz;m';i*%,*%tnai.s af:;i1:e. R.orn'§.} 3.4;’ :.e~::£%.n:4:'r.éL.ah‘t'$i;o£?;£:¥cid %fear my ifigm Vdi;£;1\fE3.'1A' nc»a.~1cAA» rm: Kisaggfi zzmd E%*‘ir1%§€$?;UV€tiIhi&pmzipififiawcaihéifwf?har aam % of ”"“Ear,ft£%£pzaplcsflfigy. 4 _ amcaxcmwmimreafa :4 mm‘ he mmgteeta his pebple to» thaw 3 £49 tha&Vhe1mk€mmthe‘m hfimfelfm ‘A’; be givctfn fiihcm tiiexrehargea MM mkem accoum bi’ them b‘@:c"a€fam t'.E'atéi:'«ir1§ericaurs cmnmztvneflit fo eafily; God ”dmh £‘§1é.§*ge the King- hirbfeliffi ‘Mm flmwe 4 care was /we w:*£te Deue.z<1y.z3*: A ¢ Vfcima wake wfrémfiww. mkicczhi mcccsum nf théti Win-.‘ _ ms af t/be wrmsg dazsd to Ms pmpic. The Lard mi! enter 5%» E€’aY-3”~W€sY&%; {; frtjfi: {Ia fitdgpremem min the flm:imt.: , Md Primcgsfarfiwa wramg A dam? ta£u1.'5 paqpie, faryw-éuszw mm: up the Viueyamréazawd _t‘l.m- ggayze fitbepwrfi 22 £1: ymr Iémfcx. What mama yaw t/ms I1 gm [mete my maple to ;pemre.s',mdgrz’ndc Mae jam‘ affive pmre, ‘ %dae_y ore: I/kink: I fimifl mégwa acaamt avftb;£.¢,; Awiliym fie hm- &1,m%'£m,%¢p¢ecex-withthe érmfrad P It'%b(9I05ngcm”to Gad as fupmame"to rearéfifm an rim abufw cazfi H36 mofk abfaoluw Pksinces and M~agii.'Emtes on ma march. Appeaies comes an him iike the9cry:'that came fmm Sodama, my mi'fcar-9 riages flmll effcapb fiim; TE: eye: affine Lord rm: "ma anti 3». cron.z5,m jaw, Am€»ror4‘gF:éwtVt£ra whole mrtfi , ra%flaeAwbim/cgfeflrawg in 55¢ éeltmlfa aflsimgmlaafé heart 22' pnfifi tawardx /aim : And therefore doth the Pmphet David dppeawto Gbd... As A r?;’&,)[40 (fad, mdjudge than At/acvmm‘/9,ifmcn-wi1lnot,m¢ 73'“ $3-3a % %Lar]d”+Ipf ~Hdafis Will. his Hoafls -fluall. 3. End dothefp‘ecia%l1y,chVargc: Princes with "their duty offqbiefiion, bcmufe they have a great influan”c«c A upm:hcpeop1e.erpecimyw mm ferabmm Nae" ;§'az‘; sf ,,‘;;j;;,,.*gj_,,%.a:‘§%,¢;A;‘“= N¢5+4#mM’¢%1ff#¢1?fl%fi”§ if Princes, Kings,«and]tidges “Av 7 % Em _wic_kcd.,fihcy fhallmt want infhumcntsw forward A their w1cked‘nefl'e : A f David M11 haw the peppla uuzézg %, ¢;,on;,,,‘3,m, ‘[7046 mm? at? it rbvugla aguinfl mmfcizmcc, he fa~id,uW:} 4- wifl zIae'?K£.arg 5:: It mfufie aftreifaffk , and in 6 Jvérfc , the Kingxiward am uflaizmimaéla ta §‘aa5 5‘ yflt in 5, varfe, flag. %%Ki#g.f isvarHprewa£lvd with 'fad17. If Nciucbddnmzdfi/&t%1 up mgéldcu Imam ,, mm: nrafomd ‘t/mt witlaflpmd 5, ‘"“'3' ~ 2.. ‘ ‘ ¢-3 %laadn¢cb, Mcfiach, Jami ofléednega, tine lmdmf sf #51:? pém 3£2['ay.9. my A .Iplmmf¢ rm to ':rn* . % arm! they that m lad tbamare ale» A Q % flrv=¢% % ....~,,\,», . .-1---vw #04 IO”- . 3 '2 “ V A AV Magiflrates; Charge», ,,g_. 5. ‘ .: ‘ M N..Imbes3-33-%. ; _i‘fi1 1'c57_3£,. ¢ 1 j AA %:E.::_Qc3‘.*: =3 mja 5d§:firing;)llyqwcriqto thcir czwnc‘ handé mam; Athem-: fi;ra;gd¢ Thar;-far4a Cmgdchargc:h Kings:with thieir dmy r‘or,:b:fa£cr%y»ofhis p.eo:p1e«. ~ % 4,‘ If firssvbe C.Ofl'3IIH.{t'Cd,35-:IQUg%33 Kin gmand P'rin.. V‘ cm exgcate jgdgemcntg the: wrath“ of God is appgafcd t 0?Wil‘d tbatNe'1tim1 : . BJa'0dd:fi[etE/M79~LaMd',.m:d i&“‘c4;¢... ‘ ma; 5; ]m;2.<$g:d met 5] ;b:.baxdgqfbim~tbarfl»z‘w. ' I’VbiuaImJ,_I:az:b mrmdm} wratbnwdy few #3:» [bildrm wfA1fi+a¢l; ;_ tines: ffoadnp.‘P/siraelmt.andsx:catedj:;a;g;mam mdfo.z he pilaggue VcMfi:d.«.¢j Infmzmwatican that K not charge Kins alone» but Kings andludges. Kings- a,ndNoblcS,t.he bufincfla of Govememcnt is to weigh- tytobe undcrgon by one man atone ::-There are two .§9¢%¢i;11\¢u:%ie%s‘qf a Ki:-1g," the dmyofwar. and thedu-; cy 'ofpcace«;¥in both which he muft ncceffarily have the A af?1iftanca o£'Nob1»es. Ljet ae11:'H-i&~:I:mpI)$ir:g that A thefe that {at in’ thi§ high Couiflfili _ nit, Maftcrs ofMyour,fJud$gcs. "ftohc;*l1per_Mo{es ‘agai'nfl: thc'*commotions of the pcoplfi 5 amufibe bigh~int1;e pgoples cflimation, and mutt ham ffiéithe puwar of.the~(word‘intb¢ir owne*handsAAA, ‘-in they: ‘w"’{§y%eral1 Tribes whereby"thcyJmightrsxtrcutc them! ",j'u4ti%:gcm%cnt%s =md«~'by théirituthority flop the: rage ohm A people.’ < V ‘ “ ‘ * A‘ Withwt power ilkjudgemcnts wcrcifruitleffc and -m,,;,;, ,,,.,‘»,,,,,< ward. to whatwd were j'udgcmentvs~iftbe_Judgés=1114%‘i‘g*¢”P-g%‘-A A Am}:-.pa¢r to pur’t§heirAj udgment iflto Aexecuti (7% A? ;a_:n ;dy4V7” ”' ”"’ w“"""’“ fimmu wim- %__X,t.ht?:I'e¢[4 m4%t’his‘Ki*hgdomc4 h‘ad~Eavrl:s xhb M Do“ V; “ to'm:*ke=_t‘b&cmVhi:gAh;in t_t1_¢'¢ycIbAt:thc “ *~ " 3* ‘ 6 tl¢oEaflco_J J ..-’ =~t¢J'?4I€~:W‘t4!t#£z¢Et»» % 1; --—.—-—. “ The M4gz’]¥rAtes¥ Cimrge, 3'‘9‘a ‘ V%P%¢¢%?p1%e;gh¢y Wm great Co.mmande::s, c¢:mm,and cmzice nu. ,3,~,,,-% Wm.-gxacéives, cvctjr: Coumyhazd an Eezrlye and-no 7 n-gm-e,a‘nd Barons had their Baronies, *hozmra’b1c- revcg %nu\e and c‘ommand,wbcm by. they might aflift tl'1eK'mg, dgfend their CVountry, and doe the peopie jufiice .: ho-‘~ mom: Wathouc “command. in warA , and iiudiczuurc in peace is ufclefle, and a (come, whereas man whofe fa»- cés are lifted upabove the people ,4 are as neccflhryfar a.COmmonwe-aith as bread and wa;ter.Honorabla men mjto wiitcem the ggcopie may Vlaavu rcmuri«:inaafa% of an imminent danger tn be a flay mam ttmm, who meeting in a publiquae; C ourgfcfl may ca.rry‘al1 things far the publiquc good .: ye: may (cc: what. {en-vi_«_ce Daviddidxm Siaml againfi thePhilifl1nes . & wAhatAh1s%Worthies did A fms himgwinhiswqr4saggainft%%:ha lttoufq: ofS;ml.:,ycc%may i ‘ f&eVW1:%mt powerL%thié‘D;3‘a;zI;al%cHs ha.dimhc Adayes %of:*Z:."de~ kiah unto whomthc I{ing%did4confcflE* the King mt live I. t/34wt¢4ndaeAn]%A,t%?Ji1£g witltrmt yaw. ~ . % _ If ; ‘ * 'i“.p,%makca‘%xna%ngr_c!atinWary that is not grVeatIin% p£ace,=,'s dangex-0us,,1~1nl c‘ flEvirt.ua fWay,he will lovelha gtjeaxms ofghis ccpndition too well As. hcmat is as great iii pea ct: as in ~W3-*1‘ ,f_wi11cafiwly changc his troublcfoma andwiangerous cflatcfbr ran: and {afc-:ty.;. % 7 ,3 1 A v V .§Exhorta;»ti0n,%V h;.:Ath€ King and%%LorHs&-would" jayne togcther f9bmi.t%to %h¢gbiVpr£:m%cnt ofchrifi Y0“ mr,c«”;;:qquir¢d‘ 1:14 to Jayne with the King in A 7t‘his~duryA not to be inflmmcma ohhc VK.ings wiui,1m;you *'fl1;a11fl~ifew your fqlvcsfctvants to the King VA; but» not: ?'udgc:mfth’c§¢ %e’arth 5‘ his Majcfiies vvifdome ,% and your *eai-nAing fhc3uId% joynm together to put on the yoke; of l ,§Jjl::“rifi_ My fave yum {elves , and ypurwpemplc from‘b‘r,ea~ kingwith the; iron rod in the; hand: of A€l:zrn'fl:,*;that‘Ais as : haveintpimatgd from Civillwarafmmfuch defimymg Gi*Vii1%VV if dd/byaxix all t&z:’;:::r.w:;;A, V Lmsl wilting #9? »f 3%: 2-» §%§x§w§§a£%A%h¢.§&¢b my hiaflfles A wE.{%Y2 M xéfm Vmfiefiulex /W7; Ef§ay.47-. 4... 1..~mw e.wrvititm mafia ti-fl};tI1.agi*€:fa%£ 23 22mm ofGod,afl Hui}; arc_b1s rpd, w_xckcd’ ones %.fho-iiiy mes, juft or €ur:J1:sPc3 forramie, ‘anmfizmc, 1;egail%0m.*abeKl1ous~a. . % they are allhisug he puniflaethofl-Enflers 293: 2hem4%Aa§l;, what power wee hmfe that waft @’0me4ivta%~>'wr farfeityi, that pwz~ty~thatcomce1ve‘thcy have tAh¢ pm.-xrer of mm W £Wqgrd,m%engxh in their own: hands, tmsymhinkethey‘ my doc What they will ,. but they are mightily dgccia wed $ may that harm all pawer t?o‘~da;y , may haw new to marrow; the Law} 2;: the Lam’ afHafl;: air/inefaapignziax cf} /32‘ Ax;/;‘r;sxc‘3i'zm¢«, force without wiidVom?é.will dcflroy it AA felfc. Thet‘ef,or Rabfakeh A joyne;hc0unfé:ll. and” firengch together, and Arwtotle wifdome, rich»es~ and pow'er, “and dcfcanteth thus upon tEé”1n*;"? menithinka chasncvcr enougmwhereas mo much either ofrimhcs wet wwminkc wee have wee cannot c1aimm‘~as%4c1urv owns, it is God%sVr1%ght,i’cr‘c:ngth as in the: Heft. wAherebE“ fl...---w 4.» E(ay.x§é: . gm f phcy have quickl_y.wifdome enough, but xpawer and ri-A _ mqmwer is troublefame, or at ic~a{’c%%=%unprofitab1e~: But aman C-a‘n'never have toe: nmchjI'W1fdo1ne;. Th:1t%p%m- Emyflsgufiw ‘W God is the Lord, In the multitude of pcaplwér t/a:'M£ng:%l:o~ pmmw, . mm‘ 5 [rm tbammt bftbg: Vpeaplfi the dcflm EHO»? of tbs‘ Erin;-a-T 3 9 iti-s%r~he%Lor d tb**a m3ha%th~hcarts o~£pe:op1c»in his h“and%;,A1”’heA makécth than fab aft (0% t4h%cir%4Gav“m~nours,Va §‘ld~ gn'ofWe~th them again:-afl; their Rulers , he uxfaitetthafmd ’dA:i-* vidérh‘“‘thc%m in %Cour_t. in Counccll ,% in ficfidz whe“n9he'3' hhth m purpofe »ta~dn)$“tbam one agaiwjf another A , he doth divide them A; I wifl all the In/gaéitanu wft5a~=Land;5Icr. 3%: Nigtgfi: that fii Wm» D»2-Md: Tl2ramr,_¢md the Prir:j’lJ%%d~% fla¢»PropI:M’’r: ,, ” and «.0 the Imhdfiitafits of7rruf4lcW%wiN:4 drunkcrtnrfli. M A And I “ ww ddjb t/mm an:~n“g4i:¢_/i"o1na:her, ~ V we» the 17utbcr.mndWtbe éoxmm toga-tlaer ,r faith the Lard; a* Inn’/I-not pity mm “3fag*¢3 nalrlmw mbraj-n‘kfirayr_ _¢¢_fi He gcan zmkc inch divifians 'rhat%no uniry':¢;i§_$$ii*zwe*g»%‘%%: ggfl,»ofl%*«af0r1d1t1onA,§i“4 of affinltyy 01* coxnfangmtyV§:m%i1:>Al=c-~~* A " A % A % ventrg I3-xgima “.\ It "W ____.—-W Iééuqggtmxzxctarge, ‘ vent. he can divide Kings and Subeflh Stubcéts subj¢&s,Kit=sgs and Lords ,KingsendeCtommotns,Lords and Commons, Lords and Lords,Commons and Coa- mqns,_ Father and Son, Bmther aqd In-ether .- where‘ 4 {till note that the nearer the comunfltent the m are dengcrotaset the difi:o.r%d. That tome difiezcnces. mould ae- rife among the pceplc,is ‘nottwonderfull , the Ordinary courfe ofjuflice doth heale them , that fame greivam A cesfimuld agile betweene the King and the Commons not Pcrange , it is the bufinefleof e-ePet'-liament tee re-~ drefl”e them at. ‘I hen my Lords had you a call from God by the duties of your pIa,ce‘s , to have been tf1eit1ftm- mentggfttunity , "then {hould you have made ufe of your Iteertnting to have recenciled them, tbentyott had ufe for Diytinity, Law; Poilicy, Iut&ice.t Pawer, at tlitttleofall thefefit’1 your head: would have let all things right , ce and the King had then became tyed together with 1 tb6,b§Ofl-ds of Cbtift , yce might have ruled him ,_ Land” contented the people. A But mfteed of reconcilttitmgthte difference betweene“ thetng t yeealfo %fck,Ii atteddsemong V. your fewest Parliamem$ dee cxpefi fomeedtifferencc, the Erik worker the Caflamotns ufe to doe is to r¢p,l.‘g¢-W A {ant their greiwmces unto your Lord {b.ips,.fi-om, A by tbevery intendfmcnt of the Lew _ they~§ttdt;e~e”expee£t;* A retdtteffm 4 Ymz bsrytotut to the Kingg, an5Hudg£s;fttt«net‘petop!a having peo.wetgteeotvet;A bOtW'h.aIUu1d‘:"h'flVe aflcdt the parts ofigaod re~eo”neil=etsg, [A but t ttérentttud of Cgods dgifptleafutée feel on y¢5ua1[o,thq} V wry .~Pftifit"i'Q:n4%A!:tad get»; the plague. Yomiiktewtiletwmewg A, tdivieledt tamtat~ngy:.ctttr feltrcfs 1«blfl:m‘¢fl:y“gl1‘nflm;J::‘rMvfi$rbflr_‘: pity yam “ potwtergwasbtakcn by tfietincrqachntt mctzttzf fmtmfit Pirinces . V011 were defirauded 9f*<}1:.0lW; leamiwnegvhemrequited'?.: by €:{i_ICOflttlk7:UanAC6~t efi Em-11;ae ”m‘5nt5§y9m§'”¢.dH9‘3§5:i5n fir honpur amengtmattéoplc by? (stqmmotashaw ' ‘HF"‘*'—*”*‘""“"' ‘ v----1* Pm» me Pclapltxfafitl; A %% 155 med togetherAm,.bw&%a:$€€%thAe powcr oAf%Lord%s—4‘.,% mid now A meyfali out, the ‘Lads have not power to he?.pa:::At:h.cm;; % Arid saw I aake up $336 o’uw:g.m;flp.9v'pé£'¥w £39 my ‘Far: as appiicable to this purpafc, wbarel crave leave to (peak: to your Lsordrthippes in the language of myj ‘ Text. A ‘A . \ It had beencverygoodh ,% that the King , am your Lordlhips hadjalwaies beam Wife: and1%1eaArned enough P5,, mfifim M ' mbavc beene alwaics under the yoke of 4C%hri(t, nave‘: to 155 ¢ = M have confultcd anything againfi God and Chrifl, ,;,,,,,,,,;,.,‘,,,,.f,1,,,{g_rL: neverto have d%iepartAcdVany_t+hing fmmthc wayes of 36m Go“idéwnd%%A‘Chrifl.A the wayem£ju:dgem,antanc§’j,aV1ticc,I A A meane4wbich~are hisiwayes. That Tu%rki{h,AcurI§ifd:i{l1rA diffinfiion faund in Ma:chia,vi1. Ofcivilzk;&-[0[MM‘P~2,£6’n- V aufa which is power above Law , and by Law, hAad7not A been mifconftrucdgfind madet uietof upon all flccagfiians . inthe Kings namc: at Court in firmer times .- ,1’. wxfhit had been the manner of our Kings alwaies to have ru--A led by {the pofitivc Lawes‘a”s faras the juflice ofghcmg. . Wowd any wages extend ,, and _w:~hm% tl;’x:in-g ofunw iufiiice did fall tslpcn the lettar qfthe pofitive Law that fhbxzxldvbe refcvmgd by nhc;La.w f'God . and ‘ the uni-- A ve”r{allAL:w %o£ natumthat hadgnot been dune. by :1 A ca» bins: Councekhlma Councell «af Scam: in Parliament: but athat t_im.ci«s page :many things have beene done by‘: ” pr§crogativc¢ above: Laawm wi1Ln~pmfayA anything .hatb , beene. confulwd by King%sVL0rds;ani:§ Commons gainfl: ' Ghrift 5, I fearc loma things%havctpcmeAdonc with withoutpnbliquc content that {h nld mom I jlxdgcjby thcievcnt ag. every: good Chrifliizantizx-ould wha.cn_God.im? A Adifpleaiizd Yfit mw if King aaqaiéfiqrdr wamldhriywrfimmzd A 1mirmd,f.~yecmighmume awayVVfthc§matbVofIGad 3.: V=md;A: ficcjepinlg ofl';th:e: iranmd 1a»:4I££n.épc:::¢:;5%,A% A if % mc,it is AcoAb;e femd ,thm‘rm»ra4ié; in tba fir; ch, mkuia ¢:rh%s.k% iK:=:wh.4rd;aing¢; A A ‘we Mggzflratcs c’£4rgc._, W A ATh%¢4AAd5f3vifiba that ambem bithcx:m,A {hath an bum; A paxtshecn .grmxndm& mnwemm and *uerifim£la*,tlm‘King mama one%.pa}rr,mc F’ar1iamc~ntA on fhe other 3. mm fog’ premgativc; the athevr Em right and interefl, both pl*ea'm aging A Law :% ‘the K-ingpretcndingall ought to»«foimW, him, gm Parliament them, and all by Lawemake head? of 2. fmgdivifion among yeur . when: no party doth or Y can pretend Law ,A far by “the fame reafon God ‘may jufily bring a fubdivifion%—Lamong~yoLA1 , until! yae comm to utter defirufliom % L fr :let “any iwiftmmm confider when warsIwi1l~AAcea‘£c;g iftthe viétorious party fhallfaa up new Principles, and make new Cmarrellsayou h”aw2 fought for liberty and commczm fight according tome Lawcs ofthc. Kingdoms, if your viflories fer you upon higher p=oints,%'and;yce%wi11 AhaV”6Aa1itIw_Law-as ofthé: V KingdomaLal%tered praImp{ria%‘, while thaiword isiri y~oux hAM1d,'thiSiS certainly anew Acaufegand ifAit'1h.oA\fld A hreedVa SF‘ Ms, W ' « 4 ‘." T puazxqme mzazgafia ;z='»€.-3 g. flmy may mam: mam 6 ' I - _ “J 'je:~,§,r@e2Vz1 and‘ A0155’ their CCm..t‘.ZL? mt ‘a»’®‘:‘"‘* mm ta ammzfizéw timing to 111J0r;*@w, xs :2; ~« :'v.~:~:'-§j;;?.L*:;:;".»:*'2»;‘:W. mi‘ V*'e7°£’1k€”"&C‘fl€3 in she vmzlci ; 3:3: if titan"-: '%’%’€‘£~?$:{PmCS we 5.3 ximfls ye :m::m«:§9d L W-§€7ex' 9 be L-er ‘a:'M::e Wi§E:= 9 " ?.;“.‘“§?.f“.““?. _r2::‘~"r5::' :. ?*7W§§.1 V Ray me fiappnfitimm @*fm§,r ”'IL71:u:v: azpczt. ~37: W: fhiws‘ ~= ‘if a . "- ’ ' V ‘ .. \ It % fay yea have ma ma _ , . _ « msrma 9;: gmf,-'».'«;.:rfa2* will zamm '2 . r'''-'....',* r rm. “?*"...‘: ' nv: .0-‘ -M"M"'~" , 1”‘ 3,1 W, "H .‘)'V.’u’-'-"7'7'" l‘"""‘ J‘?-"“fi7"" LU. m,s.T1r" Lu‘: .?1“7"f33.E.LE;m ‘ aw .~ 6 ‘M v s...» G C but M1»; m:m{7efl~ mfzny Tam, I xwyili, by-3,31 2:115; m t_mW®;a_g :m:*c.,«"a'me'::«::mn;f ,1»; agffiaérifiisw mi flaséwfmlm ; 9‘ Itffiiizzgs am », 2.1 ‘§«;‘.-2+’; m'§tE1e “?.‘f’l7;f’7f,,ff" ,":”“Wf-‘I: 4 mrvsh r:w.'W t§.me§1za*v'a3 mném airy ~G:r.:s;:¥‘ :a§T:§‘3}L.;§Ze§3 V.;;;2L'xd..€._"Z1»..:?L':Z*.‘5."vé:3%t.i*1r§:f37 wwm th& M-4 " IT - V ' ' I‘ ‘*1 " w - -.«. - “f - 2'v.'W?£ mama?" we! ‘ “v' ' ‘ :3 xii?‘ 5]..“ . '- .\ ‘ '7" 143‘ 1 .2 '1-‘ _ Jr V éeparm, _ 1I“OJfIdf:hbCfaE1ri'L fl0..m..M...1"5‘;a..1C}>7.ai?£’3“s.W".1‘€'4Lfi’~i'..."A’7.?1. m pmn Wm ,,m,,,,, M,- (Z; ~%terg11€s is to vcmi one thing, and aim: or $0 be 1m~«- ;>wI»ez':1a%v.A:~:»:n:~mm—~ Ira J~f’Im;::m';.cz :w2_f"r.-E» confcant in your vcvatgss 7, b£:cm§Z:- the Pf:fi.z"z1ii‘c doth CE:-:3:E.‘g:L3 M,-;,, WE, %Kim_g3 Am 7ms’ge.r ta fie wsf/79 , mm? afzgjfkm txéfy {am murws’ am rfl?'v;?"5 .;‘2hr:~‘»‘»=”: cm; mm; Kiwggw, Naélw ,% mm7‘Pca;>la* mm m:Z?£rm*cd. My Tam: afiordeth no fmrther warrant. % far fixacmgc , f Ei>L1t"f;-;w' «fa» when yea: E*:a'v<~;- voted againfc God and ‘CEa::.z1fi , ;hez1Aind¥:et§ high12§.l1”1€ to unvotc that 5 the Holy AGEzo£14«;~imZv A ‘ ff!’ W‘ A JJVHFE-Vflmg Ir‘A‘°; ryoaa ‘ H “L ,1‘? flu ..m,,»_3. g ¢9I;»~w.m m:‘"m.;rt.s;%:£% f -w-aw Rfiwvrfiyaifla _,..-.-so-an ma-" ”""" A % ‘T4555 Mag}flr;zte:,CbM.¢rge%, cafleupoh Mthem‘aFter,corrfu1r,ation M. £3, mi,/£2 VVitf';eut e<.mfe,and £70 I came m the feeergd ecireumPcamceA’~.» %theref7c>re x:e%rta»Ime1y it ifsan Lmwife thing tdecléflngge a‘ vote. ‘Withwit. caufe , my Text which is the jCexIzmiflic>n by which I; preach at this time,doz:h require yomo be wife: z2€te1~ com.‘ figjmfign ,. bgwbaw ;.«m $*a've.ec"0:4fwlted? may t./aim! ageiiy? Zvrifffi ‘ therefore beczzufe it is eageixafi Chréflgie 1113}? have othe1"ezu.1- fee to al ter 21 vote fo1neti1=r2e, but I §“:ave.eCo1*1‘;1rfifi‘°1c:n from Gm toeeclzarge yen with aheratzon 111 [I113 ca{'e.Az:zd let me tell you to sdte-2* any thinggis a weakeezzeife “either in the«ac‘Z*: efzdteraeicm, aria‘: the tliing that is amended 5 eeifnvitlwut cm:,a: is f~:>fly,eif far‘ a%V1vieEs;.ec{ capfe ,1’: isj§bo111i11ab1e ; If yeimvee at any Mme m_i:ee1 any tR*:zp_g foe Lxods glory , and publique ¢good,to alwger that for a fr1end,1s abonnnable. *3 e .%%IV*hr.we yet; 311-cmher uf: ezfinform;;etic:z1‘fQr yew? A I;.c)1f¢,*{ ;[})1'psAfi’ A whi~’=‘Ms.perfenfi“Y fiqtherfore belongmg to thispoint.That" even Kings 8: Pria1cee,Ki11gsAe 3: “Judges 0f the earth,in the ;p1acéf:S 1 of Kings &}L1dgcs efthe earth muPcbe tmc1erflr;hc:% beumis anderules of Chrifls _KiI§1gd01fI1€; opotherwifet why M A fheule the Pfalmifl: lzevelan efpeciall eye Qntlaé: in the efta-« bliflaing of Chrifis Kingd om ; you fee God doth call upnn’ Kings and]L1::1ges of the €aI‘th,@.nd'th3t becaufe he hath far up the Kiragd ome of‘eC11riPc.npon Mount Sion : fame refee1:i¢ all this honour required to the Kingdo1nevofChriPc5 unto 1e times af:erethe' calling cf I:I'1"e_e.e Jewes. ‘.11 willingly gram; that theglory idi ‘Chrifisi Kingdome {hall be more, cezufpieueéus afffer that then before 5 aifwfive fa/I qfr/new éaf _ e rim rficées oftlsc warM_.,e ami l’}.9£’_d#!fl$$“?2ifli2$‘g' aft/.wm be I/at’ Arie: e 6:99: ajfrba Gmtilm, l;m‘“w meals more ;f.541ltfJ¢ir_f1asl#:fl}ev .9 Bug, God hezfigivem Chrif’c afipewe-'1’ 54¢/Ii” W-Wen mad Earth a:11‘eadyf, ever; over am the Kitigdoxiaes c>:£:I1e earth , even» A fijorm 4tZ1eti me% emf his z'efi1rreé‘tio:1, Wflam iaemijisd /simfirm” rise dame, msdfat Hm M £11’: mama rvgkt band in iwnmnly fla- A an, f5er_»¢5wa All Triwifmlliry, wndpawar, _u1‘1‘1_'()'tficen;;{ 05'? ran, verieaehereefere deth God Ia_crewcm»11na:1deAK1ngs to Q32 1 . A J“ I] "X M , ab“ = L m:sm<+.[zz:a:zs 2‘ W offubjcfiiéa to am Sun cfC$-adj ‘ Tar rim raw; figfézy; ‘ 3:9 t§fir%%e%3::m zhem*wimthe ire» rad, %charg'e than with _% A mm not to azffi-mad &=‘a_is Son ; %i'£King$ had nu:3:s.i:7g‘m -due inme Church of God 5 «they might piead agsainfk this charge 3 were kncawe =wce are thy Crcazum ,, and theaf;::E‘r..'}w4 Mme are fiubf to thsza as Gad ,‘ and the {cm as aha fiiaeond Pezyfomn the Tmmy, but as them hafk ~£m him wan we hunky hiil 0-fsion , as 2:33:23 thehead of flaw CE1m:ch_J:74w h%s imam red is nmshingelie but the cm» '%mm mm Cézzurch 5 Wm may give‘ foma refpefi tofiié aa Ehzifiians , but as Kings W".:.’€3 {MM be bow to tail ghiezninwquefticn tmmfeir , if {my bx mo mm with .A%gaine,itVmay' be wfiioixdrecl anwhy when thfififingé dome of Chrifi‘ was fet rap , tize Prophet did % give no ~charget0tm‘~%Bi&1mps or Pmsbyters , that he had not iaici be‘wi£I;~: fi:0W'0 yea Biihops, 0 ya i~'rcwyters,az:=.:& ~»Eidar$ mfgrhez Church, but Kixgg: awed fmgqex oftfae mzétlj, ~ pmting no difiarence betweenfi m;;:.» C&mrch% , and me »+Aeamx .; csrtainely our Expofitors did fiadethis want, 1 %Aand %thereforeABremius faith, %you“fee by thefe vex-£553, % ,4, ie: amtem “éx f % A -‘that itkis notonly the duty of Eiflxopmbut alfo of Kings rm vs:_',€.~’c.m{t_'r W and Pnnccs , that they %know mm Dofirim In the "“"“’” “’n"’/‘W’ Y?d7¥5!;f'd er.-mm ra- "Church mfflmit , and have amw rm only that they _g:.mze£~pri«"ea#;v:¢m %ptiiw¢teIyMfoll0W4,piciy . but mm am: pmpée mo was-r-A ’ iflnp God ar1ght.;v; you fee hqbrzngetb infB2fl10ps;, not 'Dab7ri‘2uwEcc1¢- A fiigium ejfias ugh- by we Authority of this '§.'ext,yct by the Tax: he: is im- ”“'s "“’~fl"»<"-"”’“ “" rent at tanmm; % %farced to charge‘ the care of theD0flri.flfiQft}:1€i*pwi~wram:gjH2ie-* o r;.%:/cm; :22‘ ‘win, *Cl1urch;upon“Kingsand judgeszafml tbs‘: Dwwxy Ancfites ’‘‘’’‘”’"F’‘‘‘’’*’‘‘’ '» [Ed «rim: xzrpa;m.% (On thifi 3.736 E0 [mt D:u,>m-cfie cm. %‘il§now,thati:*is thfi duty ofiiings to defend theChumh‘“" _a.; iVqfE}Haretiques% 3, and after it is thefpmpcrty of A« ‘V Ap£Fa;te"s%,to favour Heéretiques ;, tanourifh difl’qntion.A_ over:hrow%thehChurch : Note chmifbing‘Hfarcfia N¢1s‘tAn%_jA.£m1ntazne dzfception , that is aplguponma ‘chem “ ADUW23711'‘U!¢5a '% “ —w--u----.—~‘ gm: % V, % J .M&gfl.}’i;7‘d:£5“Lu‘EM“g';3!, ~—-—vc. chum Wm 0Ver:h»mw4z§¢$;A.e Chu amiss t%mCmmmonm .w"e;m-h lc,$.ti‘2kii‘fi0 fixer few: 3 is fhzmnnt wlmoliycfmpe. Rm 1 ,~;-,%g_;g’t .{:sa,ga;_ Ag_5i»,w-: yew; a t.::a{%.t::f M23 point; if I ( [1-wuld snm‘r%er imtm she: pmiemiméwl part M is, I {h»: ulddg... V V fi.wd_yQu of mg engage, V,’{;$'§1i£h is the fubflamce n% we T;c§°{,$_;‘ X mmmzhcrefom :0; Wm charge, which 53 , firfi, _ W I(:'wg.¢, gég mi/'e,« fmondimm ?m:z'ge:*.r,,é.e /MWM. , A A , %..»9M3,cx’ffi“z‘i‘t ¢;;:»Eo:%_é”m: ahewgcé to Kmgsm z'm*eilrgiw , mot A [apiw ,» mww thins imtafiigire iS.uM£;'§‘&m<§Principfimfs, % 7* . A issr, M-mnces-tma: afiamn ( basing. pmpmaed ) wgsufid m;n£efm,z«.:a, and imbmmm ifnmt b3/Mm by lath: % A bm;&r:E1i3ma§y'fe¢sLa'3c3t0%3 mmraii , mtzd rsmtztmy moral! wmw, mm pmpefly’ am xzmaim: 9% ma m%;*mrawsimn;mcn ‘Vdmz mm ufécx M3 amrga.‘-'3 mm to ha taaflmar immmihll , Vm: ' Wng. but vaiimt, and vexstuous, Whwh imvr: Im~;¢fluaeAnce 3, m;§;un aha Wm. "Ema ma Emarnad Momiiffis chm max &c- imrmgne, imam know and €:m;afm1t4 £0 Afucb trmh afi mén by natum ‘cax1.¢m’iiy—4grmz , $35 No ve:mm , but to, Eazmw mm; fa as toadhmm ?to%ttiem Witfwutfeara a.‘- al: fupiaifiicatioms, and t"e1I1*eptati0tm,timt can be bgfuuglair to we mmmry 5 firm: m a vcemzmf? whm by me ‘a‘i°tu.2~.l1uncEerfianding oi"km:sma tmmm, the minda of »V V m5. is: csaufed no adhemr fia~z.m’%y to indamonf‘h:adtaIe%pf*i;1-‘ c;p1es,fueh;as n;o;rmcma§l man can dmzyin matu%ra,n’7¢;: Chrifcim in _Ch1ifii4a%nity ,a1::zdthu3 much Pagrzin doth affirnae‘ of%thaf Original! Word m:x'2fl;:Med we Vinwteflim A‘ gita , fimjmly mfihem'e_mo ukrmwA PritIc§p1asof”j'%uRica mid ‘tmm {um a caxmge as this in alfingis enough fm: e&mdueym‘a%1cing m enable him bytlm tmfipmof his Lords so mdmflia all f'm*mer* mifcarriages ;. foas the A Ixswds be {mm M they, flmuid bcfl :& Kixagswyecé {we at; ta-, qugred zo*tamd;gmf%:md}»;. amt mung»: be mam oftbia IlM'u«.- V Miipowertq umdexcflfand ,.. a man mmyknuw his Mag ” A flhfsm Wm: %andn,otdueir,t;his msageth mm thfi %wc;>rfeg % §h§;A;b,§9§9z%%é9;a9a W V ‘ W-v...o ‘:t{L 4 , Ffiflfie I*cépZes%f;gfi»:_y. itirrmfl m»;‘V*;%dair€%wod ofthe itatellafitflfi W3'zi.c§1%§s an me»- raii ¢fi:;*%;m::~ly H?) adéiaeam m kmwnt: ma-.d agtwrd on :f:.%s'uA;¥:.‘3:cs _, to love armh becaum trumv, and flamd ~fi::1ma»tr.*» that wm§mmm;~£pc:?& 0f pmfans ," at A to titmir owmr hmscmurs 9 thus yen the genfimii rm» A tare mmmz immfiiefli h-are ,{pc»ia’.«€m mi" .-A --KM $3 It 15 1'8“ 0 :1 ' ~ ' “' wt» «#1 re ‘ -e + 4%" vw-- “ . rm. Kfiiagfi, zanfi a$s,1:W..a*md:a M aiiwfi 1% ;g-;'~$iLM'y:;'.§fi1_"_3,9;_“3 fig - - u. w was/é 2aa%m*£2srs.éf;zw%0yecIfiswgx , ~be¢g,*;mf..v,g Gm ;;_;?mm {at M5; upon his hmfiy Hifiof Ssion 5* %:£?:»Wz=v:.M~::»;A;'e:"2uea 1% M afimz? pawmr shame ma»: mfé mil NM %7\Qm'mv.zx aj~'t£w Fo’;;9W‘z59 M pm~rw.r WW: a wad afir-ma V,~ Wham fig digzyglmggg %wim we‘? gmmrfwre fie w«§_f.-_,.w§“§ich 5:55 am ssmmf hm‘: a.*gm.§m:w% fiand; 3*tTZMfZIj‘ WNW enndltlmfl In refmancc £0 Cimrzflcgygm mm’: take ymur Mvcm mi?‘ km flsmr-r:.~: , a.s3.tmum£ mm mm A» coAt£d5,‘A%Wh1¢h§$:44me d¢£7cz"ipzEm:zm 9?‘? ea fl_2m:z,%m he *e*r¢%§‘mZ5.oI§y at am ‘Wm am pieaimwz mi mzjm~m;vr,mo& in amyfnm cm» A dition , «M ii" a.m tia'ing; cit’ your mwrm win me liberty ; might cmma-xx’ in the things wf @e.":d , they anmfiz izzmw Mm Chsrfifizisthair Mafia" 5 and t’h}'m:~.‘~:y muik fiffialkfii ix mg and mfmil t.5wii“(:3rw”W*'W.‘1In€%‘1t ‘,~ to mrvwr cmfitaf ail rmeivsjWcamfultations‘ ,% to p.I@afm.him , dam t'.i§.“I’~;:M whim may advmw hi5 1*Cingdmi'm 3 mm wide: am my wing 0%‘ their mwneto the iflrvim of , mt feeka their wane afivanccmantzmy Rezfigiioxwm 5 but I 4Clm&sA. Wad th1s:7MtEmp?w:«.mfcEy mpgmamrfi an bat $.£’-1M:.* A fence at’ the.*words 1:1 thw Argum$m.A Fm Him 4, Hmxy Ghofi:$ dc~;th'lay dczwrm misin the prmniiiatx that King: , and mzgww , am1%Pm;»p.€¢ mm-mi! in at raga; they c%¢mceived[ mat Gad Maui Cm:-ifik difij ~-l'E.[h‘&iflfl” them of thgsir Xibertiesv, mks mmy tin: hmmun niche: Kingfi ipuwwer . _c>Mm Nobms privilrzdge, afttm V‘ PGQM6 fin r.hm»t«1my xmghtz not have ¢:he%Afec‘tlmamt «mg { thmirfiE&a¥i:g;;iumV:m they plmfed fm: GM MM CE1a+ri[’cAI but thesywczmid bmfmszfiiu them up . A and“ re€tmi:r1MlxA¢;émfrom-: IWV§‘i‘3£*’%L1“W@$“-gaiflfitSham5 h¢.¥§.i.;“§‘1l1§?¥§31Pi‘kFd*’ A A 1 L D Wm, _ m....... L. ‘.._v-..‘w ] 3511063. A A2: .5. 4 Tb: 314‘gg‘/pirate: fiféarge, ‘I‘hon=.as Aquin. I 3I"4.7,‘6c .F.¢'r~2rk]'2"/Jazfiet in 9.. iirifictptflfil in .§5.:.. ctalarivti. wggaam and cm-itt ._w2me;n Gfoegl tefleth mm haw they are tike to fpetgdc 1f they 100% not t_o'it, Ghrifl is their King, my ha 1sGods Kxngmnd then: Maflcmhcy are not hisSubj&&sV’onIy,f2:_.1thisfervams .- Armycfom» {wing the pews: cf Chrific is {o abfolutc over the Sam’ ofmm , the advice to Kings is to urlderftand that owne comd;ition‘in%reEerence to ‘Chrift 3 Ifany flrivm % y to be Kings, with Chriit for prewgativeA:. it is like! many Kings have ufurped fuck power mmr thepeoplez offiad asis due onIymChri[k ; nay few men omn- wmr have rightly Imdetftowd their wwne; condition in reference ta Ch9rif’cA , ‘ which thin Kings, R639: 3&3} 5: éraken in pcww. u A V Tha:KingsandalHi1ch assaflzfas Kings in the cm»- «W cutionof *umane Law .j muflc underftand mm their owne conditimn is in tefpcfl: of Chrifl , and a& accor- ding to that undezflanfiing 4: That i A %~adhtearc tothfs as azjxfuncieniacbf Inuit rcceiva thyfi Gofpcl as the -%cc:»mrnands of M C brim; fa as cmm doth require them without any limitmw Aoms,re{’crain&s,or citcuaxufiamces arifin wills. ples of Chriftimity are ~cox=mined in ma %;of*€37¢?:d by Which,Wwcc,m4u{t§ 1:r:g;m:ilat41m%'a‘1i ourknowledge a$ it is A fpaculative" ,% whatPr'inciple:s was mm mm: Llndczflmditmg that czughtm be cur and in €pra&icc?%;fc: was muff m*a'kd“ = zwrdéwar sflwrit the end of all our acflricms to; walks’ by Primciplas ccmtaimed A in the ward ()fC30d;Whjatt gis gr_ou,t:v&cd%ar.a% the fworc! ofA@od«, that wee mufi firmél A tnatms of Re1%%igianwc%mufi take all argummems that areiagainfk Sufi pram fr cam nature, éwmm puflicum, ad- vanccrmentfithe G;ent_ry,freedamc mfzfiw V A , A prlmogmve of tha »King, M: be the y W 1-mm‘ cf the Lcrsrds f0phiflicatio%ns?I¢? A toldy yea *icf , .-agaimfl: which 4Ki,ng&/ g is herexcquircd uf %s,c.hay mmfi firmly c'prim:ip1c: , % that ti-my A g from their own ~ Now for the rule ofaur undcrftanding.. theprinciu A y adhezxra m;in« A pught A ought to conf'irxn§::a.- Aahcmfafivefia by cony*imua11meditati~“ " "Vt. Fair I/2e4P:ople:i/?zj'e'ty. » A N A ’ ,3 * .022 on t1i3e.wnr;d M Gad; amt} aiafluafl mnfidm“~a‘tio.n of ofzmsir mime mndiaion in refpatfi of C§2.ri£{=. A V Ré$aaV1‘o:as , “" why Kings andfuchas aéiby» fiipsreama my uttzmfi lmmv rim Chrifi is their Iféing ,; as in» A d€‘.?.“€s;Aif has iA$—fi~’7lfwg «#15 m_g.r, aztmd Lfrd af ‘L%am’$, assfid ac? WA , —p,-m;6 ,5. A has Sui‘?-y::A&f% ; Nay m«s:.*2r , aajxafiAt§1.»‘;y i:z“za;afi abey M3 mmm%;=ma:"és ass A¢:w;:sm';«,s:*x:i:'§g fssom Etzaig wifl wfiixwt any ;cmaeur§w*:wnc¢: wear Wiifiis, :-W61: mrm. _ 1?M?r3 aha cummamfiss o§AC£arfi?.-: fimva £h¢A%fa:..m&im er pemiey ofateacmfl cszmaemmsion m'mr:x:.*::& to them that flmfil Eve i::i:fl:<.‘i*«ed nu ma mm€gm'~fl‘s,;rs Winch rm power tan earth can :jc:~{ift,;the power and firerwgzh afa- nAy_%%AWux:hm'iAty is in the fmzzfiion Wherag mm cgsm ‘ratifie V commandfi with {mail pmmlties the tmxzfgteflion is I-efl¢Atcrrib1e:, and cm mmmandiefl?c%abfo1u:e 5 t’m‘~;r€:e- ‘A {ore is ma pmwer <:Jr‘aKing me:-thiragin mmparrifon of F AA ‘ Chrifis. Fm:-oi net /aim that cm: @513’ the éady,am£ after that :,aa1:.z.-M; IJm.‘Iw¢a more that he can do: ; but Cmifi Caifl dime mom, A» _ he c.-an render vangmwca inflnmingfire cm 2'/Jam tmti lqtam ,~1-gm fhg‘ ,, amt Gad, andaéry matrix: G’a3”fic-1 af fcfm Cbréfi, *w£;o flwli 5; pibéi/bed with werlmfliug dcfim fixrm flaw the pm/knee af 5rl:u:.Lora.l 7:. See: men mutt obey the G"«3fpe.1%oi L?3od , or fuffar ete:rnalipLmifi1ments,‘arxd this rcaagmeth to Kings ‘as Well asothers .;, this Gofp&»1lrnu£’: be mbmyed , . it is the cummand?A Q&»;;w(3h~rifi:% , %gW MW’? W"WflWs:*9' 1 command Mums mg? .: V \Secm:a&1y , . Kings muft-knew%Athcm{e1ves% abfo1uteIy% undgr {ha Commands of Chri{}3beg:,auf¢‘lm can ¢:xecut¢:~ his fimwm: Lawes by hi$owna pm we: , if.hc%coL:1d%%xaot ex¢c.ut_e%A:his Lawes ‘wittmut the cmnfémt pfK§ngs,th::rnA A Athair confén-t\w%cre$ neccfiary 5, but hfi dOtI'J£}0t gm-% warm; as the Kings‘ of tt1Veearthdcse%‘ confenzing; ._ APmr‘g£1e“-Q4“Ah:1‘v1ng! um maturrall ,:butmera1l pagvezfVov:’&p : A ~ .w1*;~@ J sh¢ii== wills Va.%thcy canVim=1in¢them W afis 9fA10W~‘='f‘**‘ 24 ar- y %%Ef’ay?»4o%. x oés V M ’M E{§r3?.ip.7.'% % ....._w__ .,...»r vw@__.. flac M Aggfirdtex Cfi3Wge,,% with ma help: of ma confemimg p~a"”i't5é mum tlm M7:-A fencing by afis of terromr : Janka mxxltimdw afwe peapfer A A 22: we King: ézmonr , ~ his power is mammfily reiidem in their perf<:ns,poEit§que1y’ in their mrzimra is kepit and preierved byLaWes , pzndaamiaiixy hy his vimmus aim. A hearingand afling by mofe Eaww. % mm Wrmri % MM cmm that fitteth atthe right mm M fifiwd , z'uF;m:h his ofizne power , as in ma fame mgummm: it dam A pearé : the Pfahnifi doth mtfay ha Wm {wring Amgda from Hea van , though Mew ofthem Wmfld qwifiaifi the power yon-fiearth .; "but the San flmfleuma Mwimfmlfe mrh the m: afirm in his Mme hand, a;;'2z‘.vfi'.at1I*‘2e.”% Mapmt tdleth as Mr aw;-5: dram fiwfi mfg far flfizuim. ; C:-Emi em V wujrke upomcha haarts of mm a ~pfi2yj~wg1mam@aé%aa»tely ’ ‘upon thawill , and make them mm: Wmke demitfully dam <1ais»Warke;t!:I_¢ythat-due me warm af@m:§ dacwitu Vfulfiygflaall mm a cum Ear theiflabnura muttm worke A A f‘ha1l%b%e donc thwgh may thinkfi -not in , God makmh Athemwafl What they meazm mt, yea, cnntrary t«o%theirM mwaniamj. ‘T V A ~ A ~ “ A A mm mm’: emzm imo , much leflb {way weir a&ions_of Rfiijégimng if thgy doc fwaytheirRt:ligi@n;by%th£i11.« %A4mWae~wi1lsL 5 their‘ifialigimmhanisnmhitag wife but Cy" 5 mawréflrian 4Principle$ , the ends mf all their afiions,-may %mui¥; ggwrcwfeflm Religion ta hmwurCh¢i+iPc,ar2dmot tflfimu % fumes, m dmz ithea mimic “ (WC Ez:.ri£%,éamcfi new @#mir%ownMe‘* Wilisig it E plaism ,iii‘ ozjice Princes; mfg Rcligimnm Q.. fi1::;‘:§i' m~.%:.~:3,$,, h‘::"n"t£m gfieary (3% God, flzwy u‘nden*flami not mm: Rc1igiamAi§;¢,, what cmm is, wfim they W, and mezjz a;_i:2e%y._may«quicmyAange§ATh:%m,:, .a;;d4 mine» tmmw % §a:::iYt'§?§; < Thircfly, Kings mum wnderflam theirowne.concTi-‘ 4 Mma in remi an to Chrifi, that naming oftmir owng A A " H : std tha*t'1j*Wlifl‘ tiiafkierfiod angry’ , lwfigk Mom to » fcarne, c.fz';’£fappm'azt riasér pwpezyésavnnd éro-¢ak.e4;:1E25:_%¢.«z in pegmyg « Ia*:a;>M you fiaefmre mat Cfhgriihan Praéhce rximfiz make ‘ h This WaS]€mbOa1I1S"Rt?Itigi0t1 "Wh«'i‘1“1 he was z1cW1.ytn*ade“ < 3 W A Fat réepthplhs "]?g,*E*!_y . A A A 9;;-3». §t*lves;Hc”hz£mt‘fz’nn:kh qgnimfi Gad W.?'99§g£‘t]0'4’:°Z9:f hwm/2%.? . Pro 9 3a. King over t~er1f"1‘ribc2s by revolt from ‘RI1chol1o’;ttn. It “ K‘“'g"‘”7e ‘ was in cammmsé ‘ficwwm , ‘For the PuE‘3'}.§.q‘i'_1€3 _£_3;(?>0d”0f his Kingdvmt, that his peoplt ‘fhoulcl be kept from going up to Ierufalemtot\;=t¢m‘h£11tip;wht~rt:~Rhehohtmm their farther Lcard (‘ from whom they had 1?i‘‘'V01t(;‘d ) tcigncdr ]t:t0bc:-- azm, {aid they, will kill t1ne,'md‘tett1rne to their :Mai1tC"I‘5- all the worhiwtsuld have jttdgcd this at xvii}: ac‘? in’]embo:»2‘m; , but by this meanrss-s he cfihaanged thehfacrifice , and the “Prihfthood;wh%.chh’was his ruint.-. Vjerohoanuwouhihtnahe " Religion ftoope to his horzourb and fafi":ty.t , and by ittd‘if~ plealbd God, for which histhI’t>ftetity was rooted c5t1t.*This A was Abfalcms Religion , he mtffant tofgethhthfi Kirigdoxtte 2 mnmIhs'th"zz'- A froth his Father ; but axlwd lm‘ Father {mm ta‘ pay lax): -mew t which W7/acid vowed to that Lora? in Hclwron. Yum fee Abfae ion fought to tpromcate himftslfirundcer the p1‘€t€flC€:“0f Religion , and profpetfid accottlinglyg but i. come to tha_ A Appltication. Ufa of inflammation , that hKin‘gs that tttnhéierfiismd not tht~‘mfi=;1Vts the f€i"_??'V:Ii.I1fS€)f:ChI'ifiC~, are hiniftaken in their A iflt€11E&,tk?bl1f§;h, in ref’pr:t‘t of the ggoodneffc: and kmdnefie ofGod, *sK7"C:t3£1t.‘€ brethren toChrif’t is friends, and all fit-h-A "§f(_Z)L1I‘IS¢I20Iii1f(i*rrCd_ on us ; yet‘ muft the gI‘t":1tt”:*fiI of the ‘Princtfs ofylzhc tiarth Aacimuwvltdgc tfm3:1‘m7:1VC‘S futmder % 1zim, that his xvmh kindled a.gait1{t thE'hI11;Wi11 be’ their dyes- ffimcffioxx 5 that ~tht’*1I‘ viuty 1510 1‘c‘fpt:‘.'& and hontzut Chrtft, ‘am mdcavotzt fa to recttivre zttmd cttibrztce the govcrttament oj‘t";ChtifEt,*~ has t0f!‘zi17i'.'1:1f the hearts of their Afiubfttfis to the A khciwletrige anti. dhcvdiwce of the Gofptei of Chrifc; M re/3? A A _p:I2Z»:wz~qfl;’_;e.!ixtm&£ regit P/silu/‘hpiyism , faith the Phiiofou ‘In A pher; ‘ifiaat tKimg;dcm am?’ Nation um avail! Mat/er--zwtbw,‘ nray;6a.r::~;;hh (f.1i:‘h‘th¢ PYGp§ti€t_)/5&5? ptriilv. V A *it ’«Exhartatiott tOKing$ 7%,, tandtthohfe that by thfiflutyfi? h M their placcsmught to advife thé‘King Fm: his htanourg W 33°" ‘haht -. ii if7“Z%etteiMegiflr.rzte:,Clmfgff -nu. _ “now an -#‘.,,,,.—..ug.npn&u4I§ICIllI‘°""—" . .. - i "' I‘ I tbourtthat his Maitfiy xintzytaft according to .tI:ei?:,=A princiw pies , that he might convert thofe Lttzdeniabie mzchs oft (;;;,¢1's word whichwthey cannot deny, unto the ends of_1-1;‘; aétions ‘; wee ought -411: of us t0_i,0Qk€*O1‘3~ the publicguce A aétions ofjthe Kin g,::’s inch, in which all out good is" much A eoitcertted; arid iieerel {hell crave leave to involveithe ac~- ' ceptcttiono ofiand poiitiqtte uietitat was tt1:~de;oFCI1rifiian Religion i~nlater timejs ,, w1thm thet1mfca—r1ages of the o Kizngs andetPti-taeee,and flmevtr that the tcontempt that Court and C<)L1i”itI‘E‘-yl «had of Reiigzen , a13d.e“CI1rii’t, was the cauf: of this in» nod that‘ is heete esnong us, that in confidenti- onttthiereof the like may be evoy ded for the time to comei" <'I‘he rife aitti iottnteine of all hypoetifie is, when Prim-t-t tf:ip1::s_o:f ,Cifn:ifi;ian Reiigiontttte pretended‘ , but they are t““1ot“111a.deitheee,ndsoftheir_a“1%V:(i§;;;1_{.,g‘; t€)]W.:“fi1it3‘fb§C0mm6m”S on the %Sjcrip mres, V359 2s.11}a§m§ 11"1:1&“T:y :'f:®0d- thmgfs wfzereby rhrsi fwgeten the ir z..';.1=;..ifi<:*I*::g1e"~2ft<:,'a.'r«,=a‘;+%.“c=w all occaficzns to iuppfianrg the ‘truth, But «Sid thofe Eiflmps adva1'2ceA learning and fludy of f?3CI‘ipi:L1!"€:“S*? 1 ~know Ifhall be cryed dawns, thcy did,2md oL1:f:~2 cre“carc=* mbc ra1:€<31‘3 {OX1 lea.mm&g% fecxmg no vbet--% ter f.I1(;‘.CC'fi-€'($f it’ ; Eur Bavocke mayjuffly besmdca ofallf the provifion that%ou3:4 Ancefiors havcfmdé to encourage Minifig-.*%L“*s. tor.» fa11%owJtheir baokcs ;, this is the <:c:n*:+:1mn cry “of the xrruititzacic , _}7€f€ may ff-‘E 1*~*?iaf §md:+1c*aI'ni1}g: did in the Biflmps _t:ime , W66: 211nfl.1wev¢r1co}£efor bertfir from it ‘thercfcare downe 'wi%thiz:%; Vyc:*t1;3?:zsIfayxrlmtifthe vszfme cafbut ome“Bifl1[o»pricke were bsflzcwed can feavcn 1-mnefi and able D“/ines that xnight 1n%aix1r:zVixi:e a%sch.;_~3o1c_~ o‘f'D_ivinwity , , and the Scriptures in t<3'rp1‘(:'t¢':d by them ac»- cording tn; the be-aPc%i111p1fow:ms:nt%of huximme skill , fuch fatisfaftion xvmz11d.begivf'tI1é“*%‘I{fr3gdQ}11.€.7i4I}€=‘!e”Wg1l 1:h¢ forces and ppwer of thC?* fword. V % 1 ‘ M % ‘ % V ;.;f;f11¢X(;x:;»fAVc;1were received by the State,‘ fa as “they %Bu;x; 1et it Futthér. bé cécaminéd, whcther ever Miniflfls * wgréifentfl mm Chrifi ‘,~[ whether UoppQ1“tl1fl1:ty wgregiverx~ Axhem**o‘f Tégmecting, and co1nmunica%tir‘;gg11eir‘dotfh:incc. mflhtaanothcr,,??%4#that gbegfioflrizué was zzgvecdrg H H6 N . ‘- '. ‘ ‘-‘sh *- "I" ‘::.‘w~4'«"m--a 3- ‘mm-J u‘ 1:4, \. ‘ « av‘ \‘K7{I:f‘T&i’::’ ({*;‘_T'!{;:‘;‘+‘l_c;;?2a_i:'.F r; v 1=e*?..(..‘?=4._é.ws..m :1 .¢e+;:i;" ,,x._.Le.. " M: ‘ ¢i H v-. , r 3 Q at a - M 'r"‘~-,‘: ,, A .. WM. V . W ,, , 4 , ‘- . erg‘. , e. _ 3 3’ .-‘r, . »a..~';,_~:.*e, ‘i..<...;~ ’y.‘>.m‘E‘'m'I'‘\,'¢uaun ». ' ,.«-vs, “,'I».‘ flu " ' -A - .. r. "~ w I w, this bad "t§';:.;<‘;: .f::;w* fa: 43;?-aw In...» -"' '\ 1 N“ " ‘V I ‘ I,"-N ,u"' "5 1’ " S‘ .' j, “.2 -‘ ;"’~. .j"§"“',, gt‘, 3*‘; p; ,7‘. _ -;N‘._« w,‘ E.» “4.-4;! ‘GM 2» I1 , ,. “ V.“ ‘..‘., '«.‘,_,|u.m,' :4 J, g‘ {L .1 !.x\«\‘ .1, v: ‘..mf'u-"" ‘i»,‘.»‘«!- \ 4 A: at ‘ ‘f, v"W »' 5 1 -X , t: n ,4‘): ,a-~. ., V“, . -V, 5 n J v. . (‘cw ‘ ";‘_H‘u*'~ En}, nu‘ 0,-4 W, P.‘ n, u ., ‘a 22-3, €.>».*.. :g..:..w ' "' Aw, ‘.,,.p,--.‘. " ‘urra ‘vt',‘Iwr“:". r~) (» vi CO1T'.U1£nM1uC"E.2 ‘3'|"yw"U{‘:£. 7\;‘.i.19L r ‘J “ .- .4-rt; ‘. .¢ 55?; ’-:*:M:* 0uE\Vi€hf"1{3“?10‘wJi":e-'3:11t3;14f>‘:‘iEf«,‘ ; *.==*.*=;::<:“e.=*: » xred,i£e:t"m§e1£sf$:ate {£3~5:C3mfl‘3.§fi§::?;sE[',:»:fi‘”‘E«3 to mezaeiz tize (33011 L”"‘°"6’ A e1g('>u§;§ht%? 51:: e e1a}=r.e{Mi:>*e:: 0fhi§i.1;§fi3;;f?'Sfl§)tT&i3€Ef&fCf'§:\-“Ed as *A‘mbaffadm*s fiem a 1<§.ing_,?; to his owmee s>,.::‘:.:»;:f::&s.> were not V ‘theofe Eifhops r”h:1ee‘wer,e‘Emzaemredby 1:11:73 State , firfl {E- zed to the Prii*necshL1i*m:-t1=: , and good experience had 0%» their fervile mmdiéticm , than fem: eam te: flop the mcmethese ofall that were met fitted to the f:~zme left. , not with the commiffion of C km} :0 preach what he commanded; but; with a new Coxmnifiiem ‘C0 pregcfiwhate the Prince , and his Coxmnifiioners fh:;:u'id. a11ow% : and was all this done with intelligence according to Px*i11cip'§e-s ofChriPrian Re-“ lizgion? or have no-t~a11 this firivimg to keepe the Minifieers cfthe Gofpel L1nder,;c0me from 2 xncare corrupt Faun mine that they might not be bold to preach ag-.m*zi’c tlaejr C01‘--_ Tuptinims , -orlay on the yoke of Chrifi zooeheaevily on the necks oféKings , x Princes% , and Peciaple? em E1atI37‘ not this been the corxfultatiesn fpmken of in the beginning ofthe Pfalmc 2%. let thefe words air the Pfahniff . Let :4; V ‘ értmkg" their Wad: a/"mzrdzr , wind c.aflaw.¢¢7 their cor5dr%f.?ramI 4 3;. receive a poflible fence, Cameras faith, Wqfe émmdk 45*; e A tbefiandx af /9:3 M'mf[l&r::€5'MartieniL1sfE.xirF':,£t:k Camma: 55.4%. A hard mszmW%;far mm to ftlfimit‘ rim‘/.;-zm to be taxggbr 1*“ ¢’? Mm-'.Ifi’w* tbem awm~4.w&:am mm ca;aea‘ei'aIe’.tlaer1z*/21,7/as ta éww jmwcrn; Mminiu: d;fi'z‘.c:'z: A Let I?I«7?ee4Da;1?H:-lie Kingsa ofitht earth be fe:3{ibI.ee>f"az1y:eyti%!«:e 3"” bfChr‘ifl, butby the preaching of tI1ee’G<7fpe1‘ ; haw cam m54{epr.ep.m:;u;e they Aca{’t%%ofl’mI1e yoke %of_C.Ihri&,ee but byfayimg to thefeers ‘““‘”" e f fitef net? but by dfepifing the MinAifierse-ofthe Gwfpel, amdetaking order than none flmoulci; preach , . .b3u*.: {ache as; , pleafc, them, and M fuck manner as» they pieafe, "was % ' edem £6 adyamcc; Chrifi that preachethby his Miniieeiifiro E ¥<¢e9‘¢..e w.__.w‘. l l = l A ‘.13’ he Magtflrate: fiéwge, mincle oftChrifi,% t not cmmnunicate their Doftrine accen- ding to theirlComm1flion. A k¢e§€£EéE under , that they may not lmlclly fpeakethe Let it be confidered whether Miniflers ever had incou-4 I fragelment to preach-the Gogael w1’thont the fear: of men : far though it be the duty to a geoclMm1Pcer to preach the r word notwithflandin, any feare yet itlis the duty of thofe that receive the gofpel to fee that the Minifters be Without feare; If 7' {math} tromtfie that be may he nvitéraxw ¢m_;w mi A flare, for be warktb t/2:‘ werke ef'tl1: Laird; ever; nae * e " Biflaops nnrfedl up to lceepe the Mfmifiers of the A Gofpel from fpeaking boldly In the name of Chrifiz wee " A not this their ffile: no“B1'{hop, no Kittg ? A I never hearclltw e Bifhop, no Chrifli ; but had they relyeel on Chrifi: , we I he heard Chtift f'ree1y,fpealv&u.--u AW charge their duties in the name:ufChtifi: itf‘11etetof'toretyc Mk roam I1;we- ufitd any meanes ta Pcoptthtrir" mcmczhts 3, :9 keepe : thcmttutuder, either by making them dependant GI‘ other-» % wife 1, new yet at laift while there retmine_an,y part of V hopes, hoI}§)§1t5£','and perform ttnbmkemfet your hearts to = €‘.’f1COl115.ag€ Miniftets in their duties , God wi11not‘Ie:*iave.”aj a Ptophettwhat ynu dcse-,*do~,it to them. in the name tof'Pre- t ph'CI3:l‘1%E in the name of servzm«ts,‘F1atterers, Supporters ofyeur States; God hath begun now to {hew hit? difpleg-2 ft1%:‘e?,;thereh:.s e::mfetthetefote,yeu fhtmld new ut‘1derfi:etndte 4 that is, adhere tothe Principles of*Chti‘ftiara Reli ion M1 Eh?-‘I21 advlfe, wtth .yQ1'.!:I.“.‘C(9’L1i1C€110i11‘S the Judgese t-Jugges, ‘ t he 7 X A 95 '1 cup ofcmldwater untewatded,t§'zat is given inthe of he 1,. . I» . 3 2 I - "“-. - zsam. 16.2.3. Pm-35-z2._ A7. F 1."1 "'~..."3'!5"I ~oi' }u;:1g€s_oF film? e%arth%1%,% ’t.heg'mvefi: , the 113017: inte1‘refl€c¥3 «aVa1di112:2~ufiec% Cczuunczali _., iIh(:‘]Eldg€“S1F1}‘OL1I'Parllfllfififlfi. % ‘Woe M V-.;g:‘flr;m".s' Céarge, _....Lnfi Lzét your mzds be right, groundc:d= on pri1'1%.Cip1«;$ that Lnake far thehon.oL1r or Cnr;f’r, otlwrwxfe your bet’: a, gmcem in 'thc:~ n:u:ur<-2 r:>FCoL1n.ct:H, is wed’: in its xngwall conficieratiu on. %AcI:1topheEs coL1mfi:11 that was as from the ‘()rac1e of ‘ God, was morally no better then that an ambiztious ami mraytemus Sonfh_oz.11ei kill a Roya11‘King%, ; . nd levingya... -them neavcarwz hxfc that for ::hc-rend ofyour fixomsy‘ tEmt%i$ rc3pr<:’:fE.?I1tcd to your ur1Lic?rPca11e1i11g :1s‘ax1%undr;*niablecrmthg and then mice aszivice of ymur gr€a$t<:f’c and vwifarfi Counfell, I 14' 3/are mist ititnrdr \0fCfl£fi%’fi’/30?! =.*?év.~>:w: z3%4,&¢féty.1£7Rhe§1obmam had followrsd this acivice , his Kizzgdoine had mt flméunkc from twezlw Tribes E0 two as it did ; and now my Text doth charge the King to cmne tr.) his Pa.r1iament,and with them to fubmit to the yoke cf Chrifi ; as a Mimifier of C§1I"ifi,I»OL1ghE ta deciarc-#3 a'I:‘V:»;:;« minde oFChri{‘t;as :1 Stxbjefl to his ‘Ma jcfty ,1 Qughr 1:0 fl;~2~:i<.<*: his ac1v::mc«::~1n«.2m, he flmll thereby obtaine thti: priv1‘s,c*dg»:: (5% fuzzh Kings as are Kings his in the”CE.1ui‘ch of God 55371515 was Davids Aprivilfidge that ‘his I{in4gd@1n¢?was11pon Siomand h»-.:Areby God znade him éarm than the Ifimgx qftéw earth 5 It is a pre... ferm@nt%t@;1%%King to be :1 fe:'vant~ to Clirifl , and his ~0jr*1fIj,7 fafrty againfi ‘the difitxppaintrnexjxtof hiSa£9?i0113 :' and“*!:hc Peri11of'hiSP*&‘rfcm4f V = A V A I befeeth y::u~ [:m‘dfl1ips to I*ac.=m-3&6 are thcaféz-cond chzsgrga % ofimy tex%,whicI1 is your p::1‘ti<:111ar pm"tE<7§,6a* iagflmwtleedjc fualg.-.e.r% aftFJ£"eurt1o,‘tht? charzge thatlyrsth upon youis m be V iinfirufied ;% the 'w'card gnifiéth ¢vwj§4f§%wt, to h'i1%1Cl«A . i!":«fh.*t1f1', cwmpell, correcfk; 1vE3i:;':i’1 di‘{mCif§9H.i§1§?, Lmrvc-;-3, hc>sm:?a.s;, ‘pug . Anifhlnenz:-:3, ymxr fE:}%vc~s , that you w..xI:.u1v;:¥m* mxrr, :a.x%u:HiVeaf» “ter your cw‘x=w.2«:.“,!%.~a.7zf:;::~v,% ,% t§'s:s:* \'."'.i&;iZ;'ij.;>1i;+;¢:» ;m«=:E% z;::;am-f:c:”%f‘c>’z.<: yea V Qught to Are‘{’cr;m;:r:= your i"&*h/;~'4:*..+3: 1.¢*Ji*a:;’:1”2:.E.‘;‘:,cza1;§“;;;i2r:% 319% .9w'cigh’t g. \ W my ‘ ‘ ~‘ I ma“ . . I -‘ <"\\i1 fray rim X»-~, «:53?! M3 ?;’n;*- ‘i .*M''‘ “ ~“I- ‘ “‘l :1.‘ If‘! ‘ ‘ ‘ i p "‘ v9“J(' ""‘ ht: M ”?..’1ff‘I“ 3.1.. H) M";_11Lh%é.‘.‘2:«a m ;,f-v-A .' fmi- s..:.m.: j:»C:£:I‘s. «xv , int’ mac ;;~:-.>"=,*.%?,«,?.,.»‘«;::+v;‘7 15,}. :j.”..*» f‘;-r“’.7i‘*3;“f’ 37:3: 1’L'§;% .”£isC;“":@*.s.‘?“;3‘v%'We‘lt;3'%%~-.«5¢’**.,i-‘b esailifillffifl {£0173 Chg W‘ V ‘W’7OI’9.i A A W‘ fiwamgtiriag fhgffi .... ’ A 3 Wmfl mgflfifl , w=?:ji'ci#£ 2ra3¢.».#;2r3Z*e;2VfEw9z£ %»wm?:£; ‘;Dw£'%’fi%2%za Cafifimaata ‘mi-t yourfsives to the repr€'i1e1“1fion ~*cn’{’-21%;: AWGM of G»0L”L» Frmn this fiicond pan: tvflhe chéwgc:= ;% rim: ifmny thing “flfifio %Beconfu1t:ed anci agreed an a.gai*n%{% God and C!2:7ii7r,%’thc Ncgbles and }uugL=es of cm: ea.rchV mm”: receive in{‘m1sF%:io:7m A A refcmne 9 and anwnfl th<21mfc-bras , and tcsasgetiaer WM: the M King fubimr. :20 the gowrnmmt oE.%C‘.hri{’1:; im: the charge ~ lyeth upon yorgr‘fe1ves 1n this dc: xfc,though the cc;mfocia.-- tion with tiaemzher claufe require your COIf’a}.!.‘i1‘I»&iO£‘£‘" ; but lam now’ mxne to;/our duty as it Fzzzimrtlm, fingly $11 this p:1‘i:‘t0{' t?i1€: chazrge. ~ A A ~ ?‘1”<:’c=: {cc my Lords, more is required at your hands, chm mi? zthcp Kizigs in poitac nF‘.~fo€vc:*r :1.re‘iga“aorsmt',ye muffi el know%ing,* though cormpzqicm of timcs may lmd i”om'<: mhers inm fxvearinggj, lying, VA Ch‘L1I)1,{.(i‘1’1I'i5<’f‘{Tt.:‘,;" ilzmcleaznxucfle, profaxazueffe ; yet same dfall tlwfe thingjs fhould be f0L1I1d_ in you. Ia: is 2: fl'1am<:% that a €.LhriPci:u1 Lard flmuld not be A e‘minent1”yA above umchrifiian zmd hc:mhe11%ifi1-vices , Herbs rfi [iwprx arriggem lcgem lmmmmm, mm'e%vmuoL1s than any ~ humane Law C£1f1«1‘€qL1i1“¢E’ A:” how fl1axn<:*fi.111Vi3 it that rhfiyf '_ V flax? It is firzficient for a King to und 61'Pm“1d and wa1ke'b},~!~ mom be znqre vitious then any Ixeathen Law “flacauld fi_1f-'-" 5.1!- Vprinc-igplesgfuch as no man can deny to be tru!:hT§ to; II‘1fl*1*~‘—’?l ‘“ we M4gzfir4;e:¢mg;;’ hgm toAthC n1eaz1esAwhich is Aghe :18: 0fC@unce1I9__wh¢n thick end 15 agreed on , Counccll Inuit finds out the mcancs A A to o!§;tainc,t%he end, nnd:zhat.isApx:opcr1y Awéflome, leagu- fling , M and prudence, tlzcfiame word is.mnfla;tcd,A be; lgagncd and amend y;.'S'Al.%1t.‘.% ft‘:‘lVéfS& ,, l_'ea1:ning»Ais a‘g%rcaa:;.- mcancsto am‘end% a%man 5 %aga1nc_1tfigmfiethcarrcfi ; ar Apunifh. your Afcilves", _noéh_ing,_iAsA{o reakgly a way to._a... mend a man as punifh men: ,. bccaufe pmrAdén¢%i4 maralzk % A ‘Afifirgr/atur circa ajfiflgx, mm all wxfdmne as AAcanyA¢r£ant as A bout aflg:A<.°c1ons , winch amnot ml‘i"-0V€d With any man _ fan ,but much with firips, fiAibilfuafiMfh_i: plmrimflm M’ % ‘ principlesi Vxhc End of his aflions , §,*ou.%V‘:’i1infic Ahfilpgf ' Kgrak,_-.fzs Morakifls all agrcc, and thcrcforc~is.it that lath " by re,a;f0n.; but;£hripcsA onlyt.A, I f11aIldi&inAguifl1 the ra- quifits of: judge into 1cAA_a.ming and honePcy.boAm con... !t:Au&ionA threats either aétive Or;P&fliV3AA'A . Agasine the learning that is r.cquAired;to Judgés imay A ba,A»difl;inAguifl1n.€1into the learning ¢2fiAAnfer1o;uAr and AA {us-% .: A c{re;t’uAres‘asarAc on1y~{c:nfitivcVaxgbnot Wrought upon .A AA mincd in the original! word whiqacommeth fmm -m».. _ ; 1mnAcAc -may difclplinc or correfiion by learning Aprcame I“ud 1g,$;:‘afl:A’-3 honcfiy Aough: to be common to all jqd gcs,as likeywiig tbatjczarning Agf their ow_aeA coAndAi«3,A _tion in rcf'crcncet*o Chriih. W fl Them arnmg >§;fAanA,i.nfaxi0%1 03-‘A Afu‘b;or,i!inwate' ]Vudg%e.AA A. pgpablc §fAncwinfit'u&ions.A_ A A , H A 4 AA Hishabituam leaAr_n;ing mufi bathe knowledge ofttm; 4 muii be ¢iAch:::r hakbAitual‘LAor upon all e_me:rAAgcn: occafions AAp:m”.AiAtAive Laws and cuitomcmfzhe AKiaragdom>a ¢o,;_ntai~-A‘ . ning thmright of tha King and Su§;=jt:_&.%. 1,0 as thtry aA1‘fl:=A.Aq applicablazAoAcontinua11prafiim e,» ha m;:x£tAlikewAit¢ . . knowthfiAAru1es4ofmorallPbilcafcphy 2,, a {lady Amuch ‘ fl8g16&¢::d:iAn thi$AAKiz3gAdom¢ . _the_A Lawyars AmAtherA Ago:-i . flag by partitulax prAaAfidcnz,ghaAn rum V 3$A¥ésshcx AfimP9?§F*1$;§§W|%~!Ffi¥fl¢d)§4§df¥9m*P“"i€l&lar* ' g. , L‘ Amg. A % hr t/2’: Pwjélcs fezferj. ‘ A_ A 33 V y preiidic nt ga’ther an":anive2rfar11Aru1c, W bich is too much xmfed for Lawyers" Logick, when" they are pleated ta: make ufe ofwit , but . thAey-=»ca_n foriake it for a friend at ;:Ap§eafqAre, which miaketh the"LaWea otfingland‘ fa‘ Iya-4» ebiatoabufm. and lea'.vt5,;ths Judges me great a latitude ‘to due; amiffe and yet excufc thcmfe1v:::s,ifthey waike 4 mm prefident they are e1xcufedw,ifth~ey defert their pra- sfidcnt, and make new (as in foam cafes they may and A Ought) theWeakcnefl'e of this colleflion it was d}one7;, . M A ~ml1erc*Eore well done . itflwas thc opinion Qfthhfc jud- ~~ges, therefore right, may well excufe them, whereby ‘the]7udges'have a latitude to+A’f:.—xd"g-.2 , which way they "pleads without=%bl‘amc%; becaufc the‘: Rudy of tlm law is.mt‘hcr by induflionthendem‘bn{Eration,r1ther by the wi1Iof~fox“m~erA.]udgcs , than rules of Ajuftica ‘which arcto be found ix; me learned» skill of moral! ' I ‘*PhiIofophy '’ and oughtaimong us C~hr‘i&ianswbAc raga?» whted by ‘S%criptures, with which in%maAtters4Aof juPcic@ ~theA1ightofnaturc dothagrce; thcfe: Rulars of juflicc ’ ought to be " the my guide to judges in matwrxs cit ud=gmment;,«tAo‘ Parlixgmen-ts in~miaking Lférwcs ;thcrc for: in mm SAcripj3:ures% isjuiticc anntxed to judement.'7ml«- A :ge.r mm’ Ofiversjer jlmfl clmfe, cud tbe7fib4fl’1'ndge the pea» Dem-.1*€.x€s. pin with rigimasx judgement. LetVitf:i_fl§r:a 0 yet: Prim’: E,.”._,. ~of1frael¢3,r:ma-are mialcncc and {fie} le,axecutcIZjudgcm:nt and jgflisz-% , take nwajwyanrcxallians fi-om my puny]: , kxecsté W‘-M53-" judgdment 4md%jn[t'icd.. juftice is“thC rule: 3 udgcment is N the ' applicamm of it to time and plant. ::.Thr:rc mufl be a learning that ought alwaiesto Bein fléri uponA‘e%mergent occa;(ionsA,» that is. «at d‘ilig"‘c.-m cam . Am finds Vow: rim {aft , rbm‘ mfi which I ”km'1v wt 1 Iob;:A9. %[9#ght 01! d51ig¢#t“17',~A ihis4 wastAglo2:y~ of summon ‘ inc‘:s«fuAoAf%tt1Ac%AHAan1oVts as and%thismti{’c‘bein alljudgay A 3. fEhe§;c‘%»gzu(tub¢AV3-fésgaciszy ar~quickne£fg~inAgAAA3udg , * ‘ a= A2 * ‘thigh oclovflr. V G n ma in-3...; fiiX‘K4IIIu-—-‘" ‘ 7 35 A % % . * ;Wag:?fi‘raa'¢e5 efllmgfi, gamaium application ofitfixc Lawm thmcafb in Elanfig ibis isthe pxincipall , if notfihe {mic cfuty ufa Magi- mam to execmctba Lawes , to&fee»A_t1m aflmenthat fggke jufiicg may h-await tt.fitbgut«part1a3ity%~ 5? this}be-- lomgmh E0 '3 M-agifirate cAflent1al3y% , an¢cmn;ot be [Eta-9 kenafmm him whilehc fema.in€t;h%a Vmagiflrate, fxaiafim " ‘7';'a1.ict. A daéei lméerepotqflmtem Lm-ri:ntamVfdrmnm vim, aha: isa he 1-cr»§,%'.,33 ‘ ' n'1u§?cma%vmu:;:m:%{;:y , truth, aneifmmeLbefIo~re, andin V judgfimfim”, arid fierce fc«llo%Win*g fit to put itimiicxecu-. Man. . ~ A H % . V ‘Ihercawfons why: ]lIdg~€$ mJght- to have fuch learn- ning, am, Afiufi,‘ ’beca,u17mm sfiaon can be razxomxllthat V iSV»n'ot%gmunde:-rd on fume Wxnexplc of humane: under-. fianding 5 God hath given man~L~undmi’wndmg {.0 rule I all other facruli. ies of thmfc3u1¢:;if1nafzA~{ha:~1‘1 aft any thing that is not fivsfl wclldxgefted fir): me: an. -*c:r,fia‘ndixiag;that %vis%br¢uzi*%f1'),a,nd therein mm a& mm“?! as men,~but as terafis, and therefc>rc%the. Scrip: um «in: h reiembimb 01¢: afiimis" of .meLU, wherein :1:.uy:m+aMgrc{1c~rm-:jLaw%of God,zmd 'PW“" AA W" % Ear/a «ma Mule, wéic/it have we m2dqrflmza’£n_g, 7/av}! are as right reéafmn vmmthe aflimis Mem‘c.-fully ‘and pmiamly miiivia» 4 Md; ehings%ma&y~ba i?.~:-m dawns ass cleereiy in mm rm Aaf I.a=W,>:»zsin M13; th“ing:LwJes are net Acsonvefiam about : . .m*:'knmwne‘mmTmm «.;s§’?f.ms ma Spheasnes , mm in me Mathcmmiatzaiifpe£uiaaz«§Lwz1;mew CQlT’ll"HOTl€I'S: Secrera- A rules’ flf States tofficersof his Ma jefiies houlhold, firchas he A A r flwuld choofe, which aetothefecuritylof the Kingdomcl‘ were as good as none , or the Earles and Bamns of the _Kingclo1ne,or what pewer they had in:this«rgrea;t bulfimelfe l A thejlearning of the Law did not determine;the“praflice;0E the times did carry all by the will of the ~King>, whereby _ Patliamentsrwerelrendred ufeleffeato the Subjeélt, "randthe 1 , whole Kingclome lay epen to any; fuch violence. as evillrff 5 A celinfellafllfiuld amnylhtime leadrhe King into-V. Thewantlll hefelcarnfiing it-mjthis rpcginttlwaethe firlllcaufe ofthisdflfifin V lF¥:°’} % 4;.» w W V Z3~}%%%Ar.ae _uxii:*erf:iaf£a11;, / wdemrmination ofthcgfwmd. A A A . A A A V 2. When Par1iam€:nt‘s were cafied 5% what power ffm “ King had, *wha%t%_A thif: L@rd~s, what the ppecple or Co11:1ncmfi wha%r%3oy%nt1y,What feverszligz, was-nA0tVc1ec~re}y renougiz d-e— terxnimsd in the Law, and therefore left to the%dece;1n%.:na-A tiozmf‘th»e {wardi;"“‘1earhi11g¢VvaLs Wamtizag ,Aand tiwrefcrc Cred brouglzc in his 1mm rod; V , A In matters ofjuftice What aughtm be :.~2djL1«igedA'treafon; A what not ; hmv thofe treafons'1newx1t-xonad an tht‘ dszatute, and rafetred to» the Palxmlent to be a:%eter111m<.*~cl%$ ought to A be:judget§,‘amI by Whonmiue learning ofthw? Law d§,—_mA(5;~_ .m cleerely de~I:ermi11e,a11d the-reforfi left to the Lietcrmixzati-A an of the fword. A A . “ V ;_ The 1earning»ofthr;: Law d1d71ever yet C1€cfil'1}7 ans! Vpub-J A 1ique1y*etertnine between Plea and Plaza, in: th€fi;% tabjeékie mas fb110Wi11Vg,tI1at1mne Aought to”ba 216% judgeswi bzi: by pm fitive Law”; Secotmdlyy that 9,1-1" Lsrwes ought to h~a%v::7%:pmb1i~e ~ .cation,r1em~3 ought to fixffisr fer any zatt€1'fq)t3€NC§?§‘)E againfk we Kings Perfon,W~hich ob; ec":’fi1ons womd eaafily hiwff bin v Aanfwered , if the imdy TofAmo1‘a11 Ph11-ofo13E1 74 J. L~aWfis,»1mte L111%iV(€If£J.1%. A A ‘;_' % f V A A A ea. T511Qt1ghfL1Hb0¥dIn1~t€ I-ucigesmay not , yer them»-E pAre2§mA@ Indge may fldgé mg unis.'erA'fa11 Law, film gaaégr pwlvfrypvrwwimw f AA f '. Attmgptsagaizafi @116 Kings Perfign Aarb oraly « crimA§;.,= . .fl§111»by‘Agp0fitiVE‘%L3W,b11t th€11C:‘*the~ ENE‘: 13 11ke=wife= EI’€‘&f0I"I,§, hm wh4eVrcg;thr: AA{“a§f't;Aca1ra;1ov;;bc:44 pL‘mifl_‘1Li’d, the A atwmpt "‘m%u& tfi m-‘imgg ieaming -‘C-sDfifl;L‘§ mt 5. " it Awvas pat m A V A y Exzzd b ~ well takm into the Brady ofthe com mon Law. A A A A A Iflrmll only acquaimyou with fame few rules af mils concerxuixaggthefe paint-3, 313-ir{1r,'ig71ar¢1!¢4rt‘*$'a jz¢r4£'x% :»;;»;,..; wr,’klzérmw taiiit pec¢4¢W~¢;%;%that 1aecda%1:oVp1:b1ic;zrimMae; ‘b;o37,to% the;;améheryand;:c1r'aI.en*d to undeffiand, it is mo hard A ' “tow be a rule for‘fi1en to walk: by. It ‘is fufficient for a Lorti‘ tdknow unfufticcg when it is fo obvious that it is become W e ahpubliquegricvance , ~ to keep: the Jud csfmm bribery ~ he and flfgttcyy afthe King, or opprcflien bl‘; '1jxqthingebe doheeby vieajlcnee without iudgemerit», or in = hxlifpite o‘fPa'r1ihaments. ’ ' A ‘ I X 4 V‘ ‘ 4 ‘ . : IVfyour’Lord1‘hips* ceuld havebut kindred the gathering e = J? manage and poundage , taxation eoffhipmony, raggng oFmonopolies=‘, “ufed meanes to have Par1iam‘ents arderly‘ ~«¢:21l1cd‘; h‘hto1di‘x;,he King; his dntie, *pun’ifhed his infirumenthse. “ V when m1iu&,‘fdhf;xr as they appeared to publique viejw,-ad-~ ifiiefedethe King to fafirheare any‘eilIe‘ga11, " ower over his Pfflsf: " "pie , Wpuniflx fuck“ as fhmgfld advifehim to any qnlavyfuhi ixthing, when;pr9ovedh,« aridplainely appcaringtQ‘yotfr,aIt1)d he the people, that I ‘,u‘‘ . ;jf4e.‘ M 7%: ’M4gi/?r;=m Cémrgg, A bywyottr power fupprcffcd all pow.-E1‘ Taiftd =agaAi1-ifi .173‘% . This,&had,been fufticient , to have pz_'efr:1'vt«..-3 the Kingdome from» mjne,t[¢’ditia non arimr 16.1” -46 Cuita;/’u1!.' Tho: which is ptincipaliy tee-‘ttirred ofyour_Lordfl7ips in point of tkxfiovont - ledge, is toreceive i1“:fi_I1I.*(qZ1_0I'1§ yee cannot want l~:noW— ledge eenough i’fyee will receive it to deliver‘ the King»- dome Frotnothee Pcroke of Gods wrath .5 the diffemion of A t.h€VfP¢0%P1€v A ‘ . A L I cannot but:confefl'e thefe times have involved your . Lordflaips in very great difficulties 5 but the greatdt diffie . cultie is to amend your {elves ;, ifyottcould but give. tefti-.- many to the world, that you fee your {elves pgrttlyby the . f.a%,t11t% of'youi* AocePcors,and partly by your.ow.ne,difatb1r:d from domg your Country that {ervice,w4hich the duties A ofyour. places doe reqttireg and that yoi1~tear11c:fi1yedefire a roforinatioo of your felt/cs gifyoutcould but u1jde1'taketthtc ptfincipall duty of your places ,Fto,be reconcilers7of%‘ «tho King andpeople , and propofefuchtear1n6sVofa4greement as may befit for Prince and people to 1‘-(?“(I€’:1'$/6,. odwould, L ce_tttaineIy affifc you. A A11Gover_n1T1Cflt.seare 4{P~:'.l,’:-'1t'.r nmit§c§i+§f“ , Atigch, kinds offriendfluip , the difFe‘r€11ce,s that are at thisi time betweene the.I{;'1}g 5 A and his people are very great:4;.t you_.1ny Lords ought to Life all meanes to fet them t at ONE; you are the §Jn_-1p%ier”s of the , S tare, yt<>u.'r., yvifdeoxxues t«tcughn n.;§O;“'V§‘tQ{e‘RP¢I"uef?’ ttsht t=2:1m1¢P1a1ne1¥“*1th Kino axjgd p§op1e,txihore;}7o£ifindevthe fault lay‘ the b1ame,Vproe{fe. the I{°in’g fo his ‘diitjnf and the people to etheirs _’1€I_‘y0uE_ Pzopofitions b;olega1},trc,afona,h1e,~:a1‘1d1wholefome foii the’ Suite; God;"aod.goodA1iien will not leaivefuch indeavours, ~ wisqhottt ‘cmnforc fuccefi7e,yoL1 ought £1.01: to -joyne twithf :1;;e1 ~; the endethat V ;ou9;ht to be before your eyes to bring the government, t /fi§_/fiecir amicinle , that you cannot endeavour umzill yen kieepe and Vprefetve unity among your {elves , you cannot I feeke unity ‘between the King and his people , unti11*you* feeke it firfl among yaut%£e1ves.g ' A A V t v 3 Yea muflc looke to this charge of my Text ; remen‘x- V I her what yee are in reference to C vantsgyee muft take his advice , callfuchéns can fhew you A hrift , vyee are hisfer- the minde of ‘Chttifl, to your afliitancte,-,yee muitteceive in- Ftruétion fmm him as he ispleafed to give it by the Mint-A fiers of the word;Luk.1o.t 6 ‘. He that rccmzet/a yam Wm‘- V wtbme, that as-fiii/ctla yam, dasjfiifetla me ; yee fee Chrift A doth owne t%hema_s his Deputic§ ,. if ee receive theminto ur Counfells, yee receive 11 yee caft themout of yemt Counfe1ls,*yee caft‘ Chtific out ofyoutfiounfells; if any fuch thing havebeen done in hight ofoppofition , be _ I learned, receiveinfirufition, and learne to amend *; A ;Nati-- horas rnufi: hcarken to the commands ofChtif’c Parliamentsm ‘that aflast Na7tion,smuf’c dtae. it 3. qrelfe they willdifpleafe Chrifi; v_ « 2. Let nothinebe carnyedvtwithea {trbng hahd,til1 they" b¢peg.ceah1ye‘iefcidecl inn ftiégdly andPar1iamcntaryw%y“ A, . v t v ~ ‘ 23 %.h. V % t v v C’; » I .~. nun-cu ."... cmge, ‘ .%ghc%.Mpr§rogat)ive of the Crown_e.thc right of yards. the ho- nour of the Mafiéngers ef Chnfi , the Pr;v.~.1cd’g<:~s ofchc pcop}e _,; let no ‘particsprcfume by power of the {word ' m vovcrbeatc another. 3 . ec my Lords ought tcgprcfirvc the' dign_'ity éfyoui} A T publiquc places: it may Auntie cf’ceemed an get of htunilie zy in ya %Maje{h‘a;te%or:aMiniPcer to 1012': the right that be«-- longcrhto their publique places ‘, that is breach of cruflg: Y and ncglefla of duty; therefore ought Majeftrates ,, :9. maintains the honour efrheitjplaccs, and aft by-them for the good and peace «of their Ccmnstryes , «and honour=cf' Chrifc. Athatyfo they may trfcape the anger _oflGod,and¢nhci :r1”cmake% of_Chri£ts iran ma» " ‘ ‘ “ V‘ I A 4 ~ .3‘T%’_3;?{;1‘§E~: %