1. , . $.16 .9 v.‘ .(wfi‘ 1mm... a, I. ’eeeeoeeeeeeeeee Die Mercurii ultimo Martii. 164.7. .Mered h} the lComnzont nflimhled in ‘Parlinment: That 5' Henry Mildmay, do from thie Hone give them/g unto M Iohnfon, for t e great pain: he took, in the Sermon he Trench; ed on this day at Margarets VVcfl» minfier, hefore the Hon/e of Common: C it hein a day of ‘Puhlick Humiliatia on) nnfthnt he do ole/ire him to Print his Sermon. W herein he is to have the like Triviledge in printing thereof it: other: in like kinde nflmilj have had. H. Elfynge, .Cler,‘Parl. ‘D, Com. %®%¥I%M%%%%ir Mvfia‘i’sfit‘fi‘i’fifii’é L D X (9“ LE X, OR THE egLIGHT ANDF THE LAVV IacobsO Houfe: HELD FORTH IN ASERMONEE; Before the Honourable Houfe of: C o M M o N s at S‘ Margarets WcflminRCt it. WWQSW‘M‘; publike Humiliation. 39 ——-—- -- m «=‘t'o By ROBtRT JOHNSON w, J One of the Afl'cmbl-y of Divincs. WW I s A x A H 8 20. To the Low am] to the Teflimmy, r; they final; not according to 11m word it £6 to bum} a then: u no light m the»: '3.“ a P 1-: r 1-: a I 1,. We have alfim more [are worJ a} pmpbe cit, wlmeunto ya do we! that ye fié take bed an auto 4 Itgbt that jbin 1b in a dark place. ()9 pig 3m 42 <13} ”111.; M741!“ xagzwyi'm nuts:- 9% aw'yat'rQ' ”£59901 g5 (1.9;,sz n can atom: 1617:1104584'47 n' 7: st}, )5: ouuatm. L‘hlyfofi LON‘DON, Printed by 21.11150", for Phi/man Stephen, at the Sign: of the Gilded Lion in Tax]: Church-yard.1647. gag 182mg: cassygctm mmmfi fiWW %W%$#%%%$M%&W$§W MW M.rch 31. 1647. being the day of £6. HOVSE OF COMMONS .Aflcmbled 1n P A a LIA M a N r. Mofl Noble Sénatours, ~ ,, ,. 4 5 ball I) u m é 1)] crave leave to M151 h‘u’fqlldm placait wiquam Preface to you with holy Au,- WWW" 6* tame quanta a 11111.93?! neither confidence figjgfijg",u. qffifffficiengl, nor amt’rta fiféfflififigm dam non tam tiom dcflre to appear in [o Honourahlc “We, flflemhl}: Eat your Honour; command; 333$}? - not to he reflfled, have drawn forth the {Zuxrfiflhfif ter tau/Eu qua! home-[y clifeour/e to the puhli/(e view, in nunmimm. r 'dt‘i n" whzch l/pare to apologize with the Ora; 1;:5ae155 ’5: tor. True!) I ma )1 [a y of it as that father ”fa,” 3393;: 01:71 hh/onneAdeodatus, nihil Agn ofco me $239353: um mfi Mpeccatum The hezwht ofm} am- ff: gag; hition u to pro/eat your eyes mth what wax ‘di/Zilledtojour earl, concerning the high 11 3 prm. 3M5§7¢ The Epii’cle 4 priviledge: of 13:6 bsfiirituafl boa/bold, and to draw from you ( in the/é bum" Ming timer) expre/Jiom, of [arrow mo/l fatal/e to t/ao/e wloo walk /0 unflitaol} to Jermgae.’ celefliollfalfouro; (aiaajpriding t/oem- £33233? flehmm anzmagmar} title to the bene‘.‘ 2’32"; £315.?“ ficium of the family, 329/90 are woolly ceremonies - quafaam obfer- negleflive of the officium ) t/Jiséeingof um, mac am- am um we- concemment to all Clori iam ( to Mom 72, quam'vzk ip- fl :3. [mm are al/o fome direfiioni hinted) [o chiefly I prefiafl'e perc- gnu-01W i" to goveraour: and all (IQ/formats that 1.5- : Tim.g.zz. m»: Why, the} partake 110: If) Other mens fins. dpaeriauc ak- may; M [bare endeavoured toincitejou who are Iinfifiif‘iiifi. Mafiers in our Ifrael, to improve your 31;.” m“ diligence in tloe di/E/oarge oft/oat fluff and mm 30. office in elm family, wherewit/a abort: othersyoa are boaouredé} ~ 052')- 112/70 loa‘ wing manifefiea’ bi: bountj to t/Jia 120%» 33:17.32. loolal no le/Ze, if not mucl) more then to 1:31.332}. tlyo/e our forg‘at/oers, m voueblzzfing light to 11.4,, when otlaer: cf our e/fllzesflt in DediéatorYi ~ A in darknefle Hacker t/aen'Egyptian, it. Plea/ed to direEZ m to our worfi and walk by a pillar at no: man cnar ex, balding fort/o tow... a light ]o mac/2 to e more" nee ' 54/201); laowmnela the’Princes oF‘tliis mom... world, who know not t/ae go/fel, cruci‘ fie to themlelvcé the Lord of glory : find a: too/e "venemma firpentt in Sérdi’ fiiiilp'w' nia, .. mentioned m than, either bate ana’_ figgjfiggg‘g flie t/oe light, orilz/(et/yo/e‘in Tertullians 22135333.??? - mm teflimnia time, bear alantborn’lzrofieflion wit/goat mama. ' Text. Ape! lo. light, one? another'fo‘rtibyanignis fatua [gm fm. qui [equwlmr us, are led, into dangerOWP‘reClPlcefand in acid abdu. . . . . ,cmtur (9' in bawazet, ana’ tint/9 Ix10n zn t/oe Toot, £3,333” embrace a clona’for tne trae Iuno, M4, we}; mm - 9» y/t-“Jfi dam tn the room ofort/aoa’ox andfitéflan’ "“- tiall trait/93. 779e'fcope of all 1;: to uncle» wine you in pointing to that only light of Wat/9 w/n'c/o 123 aéle to leaa’yoa to eternal!" light, and in t/oe interim to afora’ a’p region in managing t/oe whole éa/z’nefle of that The Epifllc,(y‘c. tbzk houfé, 19} which all other lights are ”1“"? “ to be examined, wherein if diflzgreeing, it :hgfofi? {a becaufe there is noiight in. them. Cm" flccordin to whit/9. t’lmt you may 43 to the bow/iv way-are, (jog; glory; and r tberein ”your Mblepredecefimrx, 41;» Fear Doétum, Pium 6C bencdiétum Parliamentum, and’nat atbermfe; ta your own coMf-ort in tbet mat d5}, 337/7611 ' the great Bifll'op‘dnjaf ‘ing bf/om’pm and (MN/J flmlldppear clot/96d wit/7 tbg - robe: of glows #8 in} the. WWW, [a the. prayer of ' ' Your}. “ ~ . Ruben Iohgfon. Lax «wwwwwwzwwgm Emu. Me page delc Maia. page I. line 9. delc what. ibid line 34. for (in. ' ncrs read: flown. page Chrifl 601.11). 1-; 3- prefix 4. 11.1 364-. blukc. 9.7. 1.1. I. that-flaw, was. p. I 1.1. I 2.. I'. on him. 112.1. I 3. r. prouife. ib.l. 3:.prcfix ;. ib. in .1.7.I.Iam. p.I 1.147.111 marg.r.popum.zb.1. I 6. I. ipfi., 5. l'. I}: Prop Ct. ib.1.6. pIefix (hm. 113.1.33. r. Ifliab 3 refer. net. 949.1.» I. of Men. p.I6.1.8.I_.in. bath. ib.1.36,r. Ifaiab here. pa 7.1. I4. prefix 3. p.u.1.z. pufix 3. ib-J.4'..I. In]! endeavour. ib 1.10. prefix 4.. 11:130.er walking. p.I4.1.9.I-.canldnoc. ib.1.36.pr¢fix 4- PJ‘JII marg. .‘J.Banbl.ib.1. I w.631.6. p. 3 I. Chub or common wealth p 33. in mail. I6.r.4“of. ib.l. II .Iaum. ib.1-.n.r. cute. 9. z 6-1.5.r.bh mu co». me ihLIoa. mm It: {mg what. 1b. 34. dd: Dig!!!» 9.37. 1.1.3.. I. .{fi'f‘h‘o ' r——---'-‘(..) )1} -,_, V“ if” ;,‘ - _ )1 " . :‘e\ : Iz®>fl~m\ . . Lax (5* LfLex, " ORTHE LIGHT AND THE LAVV 'v. OF fdcoéy Houfe. 76% \t’ —_ ISAIAH 2.6. alum/e of 74605, Come ye and let 1/»: walkin #7: 12gb: of the Lord. . " + , HilfiI reade this Scripture, I cannot forget " to remembei that of divine vim/fin in _ one of thofe Sermons dc tempera, which :- goe under his name (though indeed the ,: authouris doubtfull, ) who {peaking of _ 74cm: halting, underi‘tands by his feet two forts of. people among the Jews. ‘ By his halting, the unbeleevers, who in faith did not receive Chrii‘t. By his going upright, he conceives Pet enim file 1» qua c’du lira- bat. M. 140: qui in Chi/lam mm credidETw": fi‘ gurabah 1' '1e 1}:- ya qt“ "fauna fe' manfir, illurum typunrgefli q!“ C b rt]? rm 7):)- »? Tram recipe- rant. In .0 quad vincir lamb, Inigo: C b ifluw perfecuruvoyfignifi chat.- in ea «7qu bend more») retrb agilum papu'lum figur 16 at qui in elm/hm: ‘Domiwm creditor 0 er I! Serm 8 0 dc Temp _ is meant thofewhichbeleeved in him. 7nd overcoming (faith he) fignifies the Jews who prevailed againfi Chrifiin putting him to death. In being blefl'ed, he {heweth thofe w ‘o wor- fhiped him, and were of him blefl'ed. We will not contend with Auflin (or who ever is the authour) for the propriety of the allufion, the truth of this afl'ertion is clearly manifefi. B 74:06: Prophets igi- mr 'uere‘ regiia ex regio m ple- rigf veterum eradidemnt g8 acre ar-‘undur, (9’6 JEp Nun earned H M08. Cam. in [I (9' Hieron. Aug. confefl‘. 30:13.9. 3. Matthsamz'. Mitcz'os‘ a; "I A Serene» Preacher! at 4 late Fry?» 745054.54913Yhad anemia: hatersin in. Thefcwlwcme of .400": Joins were foul}! tainted; w: over-grown wannabe- liefiWthhrift c'amethey did not ii‘e‘e'eiv‘e him';-.H350wn ho'ufe— holid,‘ Face: pollerity, did not aekfibwledgc him. A They put- tingfa vation’a‘way‘f‘ro'ni'theml‘elve's; he turnes to the Gentiles, who embrace him. The fewsjec‘glar oftqrityfor along time of blindenefl'efiand bwk thr‘oughiuhb ief; *- . This our Prophet 1/52“th flobh mns fonne,extraordmarily 'raifed to reform the houl'e Of God, doth oberve what lhould come to pafl'e in .thefe latter Ming the Gofpel, when god: Mountm'nfihe Church,was to be advanced in the top of mountaim, and all Nationaeven the Gentile9‘(heret’ofore an abjeét peep}e )-. ( the partition Wall eating falleddjamq‘llfiaald fleck were it. This he mentions as at {irong' argument to perfwade the Jews Abra- bane: feed, l/aack: pol’cerity, 74rd: houfe, to come in and re- ceive Chrilt. Which ( faith he,) {hall the Lord: Mommin 5e advanced in the top of .vpggtgtat'mt? {hell yuan} Nation; flock ”mg i .9 flull it. repent them of their rigor_againfl: Gods People 9 t at they flail break their fward: into plowf/‘mree, and flu”, into pruning hooks; if {hangers be {0 inclinable to conformity, {rarely children of the family fhould mgnifefi themlelves in afi'nonsof fohigh concernment math more-z.ea.lous. The Pro- phet feems tobewail theIews,as-MMM her fonnq Auflip be— fore his convcrfion with “many“ teams :- or 'as the Apofile Paul his countrey-men and kindred after the fle/b, who remained in naturall impiety and obfiinacy; or as our Saviour Chrifi his auditors, that Tamaw and Harlot: {hould re eivé rise W— dme. and the children of the honfeg hold be flfiut‘éfigfloflfi 9f 4:05.. - 'I. '“ Here, is a holy Apgfltophes He turn? himfclf t0” the JCW'§, who were (netwithfianding what ever plenty of ordinances God vouchfafed them )’ obfiinate and reoellious, though 7a- me; houfe. Nor is than-meant onlylof thole in afmragegwhen Chrift Came in the fielh: The particular applications mentio- nedrthe kindcsof finners reprehended, the nature of duties whereto they are eghorted, manifefi his {copeis totcachthc’ peOple.o£ his'own tim_e,- . . _ j . .. 41-4 ,‘ In theiworda‘wu myn‘ote three magnate: -; 1. The before tlze HMmaélthfinf; W923; March 3 I. ' ' " I'. The perfons concerned-fin the f duty'reqmcddviz. 1'6: boufiof7aeab. - ‘ - C '_ ' 2. The nature of the' office’from them expefied, which is 'pnefaccd, (may; let uh. ’Exprefled5walg i t .. _ x i .. . - 3. The certainty of that direé’tom Wherebyevefy thing is to bemanaged. Tbelt'gétofw: Lent; . ‘ > From which he draweth three: arguments-of-perfmfion to godlinefle. - - " . - - '. , I. A-fintiéw hmfli. You are-thehoyafcnhd familyof-father gazed, who prophesied of Chriflis manifdfiatioflingthe Heflnbf whofe line he was to come ; you: have been educated-:43 immé mm; in the laws and fiamtcs of—‘theLord ; “Shall you filffer SentileSto go—bcfore you, 0 bonfio 'facob -? ' > ' - 2.’ A6 inbamfia. {How unfeem y-and bafeis it, that: others\ "who are Mangers to Sod-end ChrifhWithqut knowieflgcfiozpc; 3‘" “mm mm“ “We: W‘Ya"va,ndxy0ugfiai-nd' wan/1M I » ‘ ‘ 103g ? 0 cm In m.‘ . , . 3. Ab occafiarie facili. You have now a moire-fair- opportu- nity of Reformation then ever. You cannOt. pretené-_-igno- ,3 _ T head-Snepf. in locum. fame, thiOflngim df'meam mimrumw.’ mmanfl‘ .. . ny’wtthe Lord hathikindeiy invitedayou with-‘teaderw'of iMmfelf and falvation. You cannot-alledge that youare firangersand in darknefle : Here is a light of truth; a [1' ~é»: (if Scripture mani; feiht’ion,‘a light of (3012a revei§don’ént and pfet'gpbx‘g‘gd himfelf, that Ligbk 9911:; 4rd. “IQ"? f ‘ fie" ,1 “1f, ’ j ‘ ' bah)” of fat-66.7 Why‘hoéife 2‘ "Why ho‘u‘fe of fat-{)5 ’2“ It. were too tedion's' ‘apd-haflppiiji n8: .c" imxmgir the charge and laho'ut‘, to tear up a large ' rufiure’.‘ 0f.the various fignifications'ahd ac-i ceptions of the word, Haifa; In Scripture language ’tis awo’rK petfefledéal‘ready. y our; Divides; Li‘n their ‘WritiDgVS-g you may 11%: 9mm nbtixflahefi; how,_1t’§'f hated to our“prEfe:1t Eurpofe'. That 'the"Chi’1rch‘ of ‘Go "is often dec'iphetléd . y this name, is no: unknown‘to’thofe who, are'tompcmuti‘y verfed in facred writ; :which, hecauik‘qfed‘bqth matetiflgf'md formally, be tpleafedto (member ,ttiet‘iik taken ‘fpecig‘ yfot (on; or a pofiefityfof‘th‘ofe WhoerGodwouidfmakeh‘a‘ppy with fuck a‘biei'fi‘ng. AsWhen Gb‘d‘iffaid robe Favourable to the-Egyptian Midwives, their. 1:: M‘tfimabwfc, concerning ”' ‘B a which: Flac. Iliricu, in verbo aim. Exodam.‘ 173-335 Ibbanetb. Imajfir edifi- caborex ea. Favtajfit libero! tonfequarcx ca. Jtt I ['9 l Com 9. Heb.1.6. ' g4 Sermon Preacher! a: 4 late Fafl,‘ which, though in feverall gloiTes there be variety of opinions; occafioned by the changing of the gender mafculine for femi- nine, and feminine for mafculine. A‘s alfo that fome of the Hebrew rDoflm conceive it meant of their prefervation from “‘ the rage of Pbamah; Others with Toflatm take it for her in- corporating into the Nation and Commonwealth of [fine], as Rabat, though its not improbable they were Hebrew women. Others with Hierom and Raperrra, think it meant of the Hea- venly manfions in future glory. And fome with Theodore: and Augufline. apply it to thofe houfes of wealth andrichesthe Lord for that fervice gave them. In this variety we may not eitcluda that fence which the foregoing yvords do reade, of a numerous family and pofierity whereWith God blcifed them, nOtWithRanding Pharaoh: rage very great againft them. To the like pnrpofeisthat phrafieyinfgw. 165‘. in the Rory of Sarah when {he- gave Hagar; to Ahab“; :i may (faith fhe) 5: fiat/dad 6] bar. 80 Rachel and Lee}; are {aid to éuilrl-tbc Arm/e eflfrael, Ruth 4.1 I. And in David: Rory you have that, 2 Sam. 7.11,:7. and in other places. The reafon- whereof is manifefi by the :Etym’OIOgie. TheHebrew .wordiq figmfymg a fonne tomes 0f the word? 73.1.3 flank, and 'is of the Tame root with l5»: 550! a ROM, and“; Berk a hOufe, that as one {tone built .on anOther, arifethu , to a houfé or building,th of one {on-Be or childe (‘by'theblc mgo’f God on the parents) afamily ari- feth. Neither hit to, be remained to this pofierity as fuch on- 1y : He mentionsthe'm as afe'lefl houfe,a chofen people amongfl whom: God had fet his name and worlhip, as the Church of God is fet forth often‘in’the new (imam, Heé. 3-16- ,_ ~ Bl!‘ 17.5} facaé: ban/e .9, Yatt‘knpw (beloved) that Mem- ‘4‘?» hadbut'one fonne byrfa'nJu (1/944; indeed had two (0115, but one of them Was rejected an ‘ca'fi'otit of thelfamily. B_ut 34:06 was honoured with c‘welvefonnes; all v'vhich as they were members, fo were they lharers in the heirflaip and benefits of the temporall and fpirituallfamily, and did Joyn in Cnlarging his houfe: whenée,rt.is'.lth‘at‘:Aérabdm’ and [Ink are. filenced: and fo often mention is' m‘ade' of fdcob 'or Ifm/r pofterity, doubtleffe they did much glory in this prerogative :' the prO' phet therefore being to deal with them takes his rife hence to perfwade them to duty. ' J heforethc Hohmrahle Hon/E of Common: . ,March. 3 t . g. A prim'ledgrd people [Amid Walk ['mahle tothofe priviledge: 'g‘od D 453,. vouch/hf}: them. . To which purpofe its obl‘ervable in Scripture how frequently we are exhorted to [Walk Worth} ofthe Lori : which fllcweth, that when God hath made large manifeflations of favour to his Church, it ought to correfpond in behaviour to thofe be- nefits. Hence are thofe connexions, Deut.6.to,tt,t 2. And it fhallhe Wheat the Lord thy God hath brought thee into the [and which he [ware “moth; fathert, to Ahmham to [fine and to 24- eoh, tegive thee great and good!) oitier Which thou éfiildeéqz not, mtdhoufet [12.7 of a” goat! thing: Which that: fi/Iedjl not, and We]: digged Which thou diggedfi not: Vineyard: and olioetree: Which thou plantedfl not: When that! fhalt have cams and he fill, then beware lefl that! firget the Lord Which hrottght thee forth outof the land of 89;» flew the haufe of hondageXOu fee their priviledges are many : And the lalt wherein he inl’tanceth, is deliverance from E gypt, of which the Jews made year]; mention, when they prefented their firft fruits unto God: the intent of all which is to endear then, that feeing the hearts of men are {0 corrupt, as eafily to abtife Gods bounty to wantonnefle, that they would be {0 much more heedfull (being apriviledged peo— ple) that they forgetnot the. fervice of the Lord, his worlhip and Religion: thats his meaning furely, for in Scripture men are {aid to finger the Lord, when they corrupt Religion, or fuflcer it to be corrupted alfo, in 1 Sam! 2.29. out]; [Ear the Lordand ferve him in truth Wit/toll, your heart, for confide? how great thingthehmh 49216 for jail. He might have faid as the men of our times. God hath done great things for uggreat delive- rances, great prelervations, he will not now fail us, though we be not f0 holy. 0h ,faithhe, this priviledge mull binde you to duty,_.emfuletvwhathehath done for you. This is the conflant language of the Scriptures.; But Ineed net compafle this truth Wt‘th a greater cloud of Witnefi,v. _ You will fay,what were the priviledges of 74605: houl'e, that he infifls {0 much upon them ? Truly they were great and many,b0th to.Church and (late, and in them as inamappe we may beholdmur own spriviledges reprcfcntcd,as S‘ Ali/fin ~faies,_priare:. about. exotquot fiden . B 3 ‘ hahttemnt Cal no. I Thef. 2..l'z. Dent H.536. Deut 3:43,”, ‘ 3" 6° Judge 7.... ~ PM 4451‘." PC106.zo,u. J‘t r. ‘."o Jtt. 18.:g. Exong 4,5. Heb.|3. t. Ohjefl. R 4/0]. A “g; . 6 i J Sermon Pinched dt 4 late F4fl,’ -- babuematcfirifliani diaandi [13m iIfraelit‘es were Ch'rifiians (it! his fence) Chrillians Ifraelites. ' , . . 3 a I.‘ They came of "hedé eternally famous for his great firength fever in law manifelled in his wrafiling by faith, with Chrili, and overcom- wzbmmemfed in'grhim, as Hilar].notes;hrfor his familiarity with God, mlka f’ '3 “55 5.9"”0- ing‘ with bimfac'e to face, Gengzqo: That,.he was to God a {ffw‘fé/fiii’ifif confilz‘yr, andlofig before the inca‘marionzofIChrili revealed to 8;,“ng him that miltery. Nor do we come lbort in this favour, we 3, l 2. have by Chrifi 46661]? to the (firm: of grace, we have power With 3654- t 6. vChriPr-,and by our faith conqae‘r the Warld, and are of Gods counc ' Contult. fell, knowin the uinde of 'C/nrifl. ‘ ’ y 2. God‘d' ‘feparate 7aeobrfamily as a peculiar people to him- Exodu 9 {_ ‘felf, fiat» afi the natiam of the earth, on When he Would cbtffé Emu” gm. y to jet bu law and do them good, Deut.7.6. they were a peculiar m in (own, as trealiire of Jewels, in which God took pleafure. Inthis hap- {bga Galilee; f'pinclle are we alfo {haters as children of the fpirituall family : ”(mesa twho knoWs not that we were a wilde :and barbarous people, 81“" who painted and fialhed our flelh ?~ God vouchfafed at that : time to fend his word amongfi us to reclaim us of that barba- rouspagaaifme, after that we fell to popery and {uperfiitiom - the Lord was pleafedby affurther manifel’rarion of his fon Chriflt Tim“; i 1' ‘ fflefus toea’lltts £6 himfelf; that-we lhoulid be a pamliarpaaple to ' - ' l' blm,zealom quoadWorlq. ‘ 3.. Of 74cc!” family Chrifl came as the Ayofile witnefleth, R” 9.5. It was no fmall honour to than home, from'which the Lord Jefus as man defcende‘d. Is no: Chrill‘ our kinfma'n, Heb 2. '6 our cld‘erbrother? .is henOt fielh 050w flelh, b0"? ‘-j°£“.‘;"’” “Chg” ; ‘ 7' bone"? did hetakc the namre'af Angel:- on him! No,he 13 018?: Mg.“ 131: .‘ W; to us in all things, fume onely exec tent... Icamwtbut With 16,17, " divm’e Aaflin admire the in’comprehe‘nhble-love of iGod to us in this, of clorhin'g his divine nature withithe'rags \of 0111‘ ha- sgzane Hell), when he came to make; himfélfrh; {artificiafidr mne. - ‘ ~- ‘ A . meow,“ fir It'was agreat privilcdge .Of this family that God com’mir- Senatorij ordi. ted to them, only the keeping of his and“, as the Apol’tle mi Area. in, ,fpeaketh, Rm.3.a; if itwett an honour'tO‘TbrapMm,-th0ugh Aim. a=Sentwur,asalearned Divine do‘thfiileuhim, that M85 the authors: of "the holy {tory' containing the birth; preachiiifg. l' e, éefore tbeHmwraéle Hmfe efCommw. March 3 I .' WC, and deathof Chriftin the Gofpel of. Lake and the Afis of Apofiks, after Chrifls departure to heaven, was dedicated to him,.that he fhould faithfully preferve it for the Church of Gods ufe and, benefit: how greatafavour was it to the Jews, 31.4505: houfe,to have the fitted Rory, myl’terious books of the Prophets in their keeping? Nor are Chrifiians behinde in this mercy, and we of this Land being a part of the family, have ex- perienced this bounty in a very great mealure. Time was, when our conditiOn refembled theirs in Samuel: daies; that the Word of god W44 exceeding preview: Time was, when we had {mall vifion and the Made lead the Made, and through lack of it, people were in a perifliing condition: Time was, when to have an Englifh bible, .or any part of old or new Teliament in our own language without licence was capitall. But God of his infinite mercy hath for many years fliewed us in this parti- cular the light of his countenance : We have the. {acred Ora/e: ( norwithfianding the projeéts and plots of all Athe‘ifiicall‘and p0pifh. men) in a large and lentifull meafure. We have Mafia: and the Prophets, Chril- and his Apol’tles, holding out the dofirine of the covenant in the Lord JCfilS for the foundation of our faith, direétion of our manners; if by our unworthinefl'e we provoke him not to depriveus of them. . . ' — _ 5'; Thisfamily had. the Lord his fpeciall prmeétion againlt forr'eign and domel’tick enemies, he did éear them on Eagle: Wingt. he cover d and defended them under the fiat/m: of. hisprovidence, e fiefli‘ndm man ta datbmi Wrong: lam refra- ved King; fit their flak”; though asit feems, they were in at low condition, having {even mighty Rates to deal withall. Beloved we are equally partakers (as members of the family) iii this favour. God hath been a firm: to us, inlightning our underliandings with the knowledge of himfelf, a jbz’eld, apro— tec‘tion to us againfi the molt nefarious and bloudy aflhnlts of homebred and forreign enemies: How hath he turned the cum/ell: of crafty Abimpke/r into ‘fio/i/bmjfe ? How hath hC' lhattered the forces of. bloudy Efaw ? HOW hath he difeom- fired yea routed the “Armies, of proud Phililiines..,and confoun- dedfwelling‘l’bamab: in the (£4,414 3 He hath drake» their how. and. 7., '31; lege was; geléum {nun 1‘1):an humus rat Lama m 11". deliter eja (:3. flaJiaafiafcipi- 'q 4!. Calvin lac. ‘ 1 Sam 3 x. Serm (that): fuerar rams re mporibm Min Tremel. (54 Jun Heb prefi- o/zu. Nam omne return (I? :m It. See lab» Altoeb his fiary in. a AU. and MM. of the Church: 938' '94 '- Exod 19.4. rfaLgne}. P 11140544“ Deut.7.r7. Jericho :85 I 3“ “3.16.19. Phi-.8412; Sol quz‘ retreat“ p50: barefzcijt {umur [01 plan- raa (f ammav lie. [:10 calare («7’ flatsndme: {cum J: n‘ofi’zuw, id c/Z, quad deg. fendit nosmcm- pe mo (3’ Cumio mum mew». l’ilcat. we... . . f;fl.”*fi;m‘m" if i / A Sermon Preached at e-late Fafl, ' . and knapt their {fear ii: "fteneler, and hunt their chariot: in the fire: He hath raifed up the Herorck fpirits 0f thofe worthies ( not as the heathen fain by tranfmigration of fouls) but by re- . doubling the fame fpirit on them more powerfull thena drum Heb.1',34 3 5 Quanta: vile mm bumit’ia'or [ed mu bu miter 6cm ‘ “t 4.3a 5de.3 8. D.ut.8.7,8’9 Deu: tl.ll.lz. E1 1:. o_6 («lledjehcwfl's land, Hofg.) and the holy I'nd,21c.z 12.. the land 0‘ I nmm.rel, that us, of Chriflflfa 8 8 a figure of an h :avwly er tun. trey, Metal 1. of dead Z ifeee: skin : on one he hath put Stamp/on: {PMS on another, David: fpirit, on another Sammie fpirit: He bath for us men and our fafety,’ ftihdteed K ingdorm, Wrought righte- otgfizefi,performed pram/er, flopped the mouth: of Liam, qttenched the z'iolence of fire, made us efcape the edge of the fword: of weakneflEmadeus firong, we have Waxed validativfight; hath turned to flight the Amie: of the Aliem, both in this and in Other Kingdoms. Ipray God, our private differences (after the influence of fo-great mercies) which hath in fevcrall ages of Saxam‘, Daeer,Narm4n:, been fatall to this Nation, prove not a fad 0mm to us, who live no better, if not worfe then for- merly; in blafphemies, in contempt of ordinances, and aha— minahle idalxtrier, as if with Thematine: in the Rory, we judge our {elves refetved to fome further evil of mifery, by our trading in that of (in. 6. God feated faeoh: family on a moft fertile foil. The ground fometimes is of much advantage tothat people, which doth inhabit fucha peece of earth: ’Tis obferved by our lear— . ned hil‘torian Mr Camden, that the Religious houfes fo called ( built by our predeoefl'ours, iii the founders intentions,nurferies of learning and piety) were placed in the molt fruitfull parts of the countrey : And may not Chrifiians, and more particu- larly we of this Nation, fay as the Pfalmifi, 7’fi1.16.6. The line: are fallen to us in a pleafimt place, or 15th? Greek, 517076 :14,- 17.§cte,in optima fig Pm/hmiffim‘3- We hat/ea good]; heritage; or, asis fair for me,or unto me, it plea/ah me Well, fuch an he- ritage as isa little paradife on earth,to the admiration of our friends and emulation of our enemies. 9 to beings er u-atrey in Afia the ltllcx rnfl'clled by Canaan the pm of Cam the (on of Noah, and his fans, but for their wxzkednefle the Land was to (put them out, Lev. 18.;5, 0:13.114. Worthy patriors, you have heard the hemfia‘uw and privi-' ledge of fleah: flmIIIC; having been fomewhat large in it, I thallnowbrtefly'lhew the ofitt‘um or duty on our part, cor- refpondent W.— before the Honouraéle Hauflafc‘ommom.-March 31 . refpondent to f0 high a favour. In opening whereof I tremble to tell you ; I may fay indeed, 90x fauciéw 54m!- I {hall rather ( fuch is our ingratefull behaviour) point at the unworthy carriage of this generation to 'our heavenly father (as 709/7“;er {aid} that ever hath followed vs with good, never did us evil. Mayl nor take up Ifiiab: complaint, he hath mural/bed up children, and they have rebelled againfl him .? mayI not too truly lament our times, in the language 0f Ezekiel, that We are a reéelliom boufi? may him as Alafes, complain of this family in that fad expreffion, 0h fioIi/b nation and unwi/i}, doe We tbm regatta the Lord ? He {harpens his fpeech with an InterrOgation,to {hew the grievouf- neire of their offence, that it might work in them a deeper impreflion : And in the Hebrew he ufeth the word Naéal, lig— nifying a fool that hath his judgement and underfianding faded from him, whereupon he, becomes wilde and wicked, nor- withfiandmg the riches of his heavenly fathers bounty to- wards him: Such Nabalx, fuch arrant fools, are we of this 74609: houfe ; as may be manifefied,’ if we make an impartiall fcmtiny. 1. How do children of this houfe undervalue the benefits . conferred onthem? Ar how low and mean a rate doe they fet them? how vilely do molt men efieem them ? Ashe in the Proverbs, it’: “night, if: mug/at, fiitb the buyer. It’s mean, it’s not of that worth, faith a carnall heart, there is nor that ex- cellencie in the favours that men talk of. If aman {hould fet a [3001' rate on a Shop commodity, how would the owners frown at him? Think you when God hath bef’cowed all his cofi and labour on us, his enemies by nature, he will take it well we {0 underprize his bounty, and yet of his family? 0 that any could {0 value the Lord and his goodnefle, as they ought to do! But as thofe in the Gofpel, being invited to the feall (faith the ten) the] mad: light of it, and We»! their We] : the Greek {ignifies a difdainfull neglefl, as fome bafe thing not worth. the while, and therefore beltow themfelves orherwife: So do we difefiecm (chiefly) fpirituall favours: the people of God may by experience fmde it in themfelves too true, that of the two,their hearts are moll- inclined to beat down the C price a 9 Accipiendii be- neficijs indigent r]? qui [uerzt dc arceprn pigm- :wi Bernstrm.” 4 in Phil. 90a Ila.i.v.z. Ezekdd. eut.3l..5. Prov to :4. Peflzmum efl Trem. (9’. lull. March. a z . g,‘ 05 J‘e‘ Junta- car?“ aEm'AQor, illi tero bee ”a curmm: dif’antg IO , '1in , bahbzbut', " ’ropter ampli- tadinem maxi 2 ma'nmelamplb -' tudinemmdgni. ; radiumG-cniti 1m cdjuafli. Pil‘cat. it! lac. Rom. x :34. Roll 3. 6. Pfal 7;.31. nquiemm efl cor ‘Domine do. sec in te requi- efcat Aug. Speed in Hens a. Story of Rofamnd. Gengmo. A Smart Prtaclxad 4t 4 late Fafi, priceyof foul-mercies, whereas God looks we {hould prilc . mercy to its Worth. Hence, antl. 150.2. praifc him according t0 be excellent gnamejfe, as he rifeth tons in favours, our hearts {hould be raifed to him in Magnificates. I may nor unfitlyin in this cafe phrafe it with Mafia, Numb.16.9. Sterner/9 it a fun]! tbiflg match )0», that the god of [free] bat/J fépttrated Jot! flow the congregation of 1fmel,ta hing you near to bimfclf, to do the firwice of the Tabernacle of the Lord, andto flaud defer: the congregation to miaifler tmto them ? His intent is to {hew the LeVites their finne in undervaluing the kindenefl‘e of God in the funétion he had put them. As Ifrael was feparated from all Other people to be the Lords peculiar, Leviticus zo.26. I’King.8.3;,34,36. So were the Levites feparated from the fons of Ifrael to be the Lords, as, Numb. 8.19 hereupon the Scripture {peaks of them'as dil‘tinét from the Ifraelites, 1 Claret. 9.2. Pfal.135.19,2o, And this was their finne, that they bore fo mean thonghts of it: So God having taken us Gentiles, “tilde Olive: 5] nature, put us into the (me Olive, called us to himfelf, and of allpeople, us of this nation, by feverall remar- kable aé’cs,’ of providence, hath he fevercd to be his peculiar portion. Shall we fuffer our hearts now to be low in regard of him P this is the way to forfeit all : Oh take heed of a {come full undervaluing Gods mercies. 2. How isit that our aflfeétions are not drawn to God by his- favours? We love and rejoyce in him norhing the more (inc: we received them. Thefe would (if our [pirits were rightly tempered) be as a load-fiche to draw us to God the donor of them, as it was with ‘David. We": have 1"" Zezmlffhtgh and in cart/imam: in com .0” ”f‘ ea: As St i” ..5 rt could nor be quiet, bum all occafions of Gods dIl'penling his bounties mounts up to heaven. Were our fouls in right frame, thefe bounds of God would be to us as that clew or thred (pardon the exprcflion) to carry us thorough all mazes and labyrinths to finde out the Lord. So were they to 74:05 in altraight: he called to minde the promife, that God had paR his word to him, he would do him good, he with that [as before his eyes his own unworthineli'e of the leafl of all. 904‘ : armies, he confiders how God brought him new ford» 2:1}; 1 before the Howrahle wae of Commons. March 31; ' I x fluff: only, he remembers alfo, how great the gOO'dnefié of God had made him, having now two compleat hermit, and like Waffls looks on him that: inwifihle, through all thefe perfpe— Heb.“ 17.5 flives, and fo gathers affirrance of Gods aflifianee againl't the' 70'? )4; 5'3: rage of his mercileffe brother E [314, who is read} to [la] the ma. 7,” M 9960” their upon the childe: So the Apollzle in that place to the He- 2456:5231? brews, where he fetteth down the goodnelfe of God to our ' fathers, befides other things, in making the promife to them ( faith) the} emhraced the promi/EJ', the Originall word fignifies , , as much, as they faluted the promifes, n0t in a vain frothy :g‘rm“ ' complement, as gallants of the times, butin earnel‘r, heartily, Huang, drawn in aflefiion to him,and affiance for him that made the promifes. Its an evil verily to be lamented, that this goodnefl'e of our heavenly fatheris no more prevalent to allure our hearts to Godwards: this being one fpeciall meansto ingage God, asin $6th cafe. God is by 7mm; fetting forth the return of the Ifraelites from Captivity, $030.2. See how he dath it, in the 10th verfe you read, flair not 0 my firvant 7acoh, faith the Lord. In the 18‘hverfe, Behold I will hing again the captivity of 3400‘: 3M". and have me] on 618 dwelling-places, and their ”6!“ fit” 60 cf the'mfilzm (firangers {hall not be their ma-' flers) e/{ud their got/amour: [hall proceed flew the mid]? of the»), and I Willamfe him to draw war and he [hall Approach 1mm me, fir Whoéthia that exgagedhér heart to appraachmm w, fiirh the Lord. It’s an heart-engagement, not tongue only; when Penicietve' the very foul of a man is devored to the Lord. Iknow {omen J‘Vmb" “' take it to be meant of Chrifl, but it mufi be extended alfo to fuw" '“ me“ his members, the fpirituall pofierity of inch, as the (cape of WWW”. the words lhew. 0 if we could ingage our hearts to God 0/54,"; (9' Va, ' an mercies received, he would count no favour too dear “b.1731“: - [BS- , Why doe we not imploy and improve our time and abilities to the benefit and advantage of the family? Isany man born Cicero; for hiinfelf? D0 WC injoy guifts of nature, learning or for— “WWI"! 10-, tune (as I-may f0 call them) for our calemonour, wealth on- "“m'lm' ly? The heathen will, if we lookinto their writings, teach us ”affizzz’gf number lefl'on: A good man, faith our Englilh Seneca, {hould finmmo, ‘ be acouunon fountain, at which all “an freely. come to receive Gerrqn, ‘ a water [Paper perficiat l i 631.6.I00 , (3211.42.35- 030047- ”2:31 33,14. ; Ambr. invite l Theodof 1'2 Seneca Ahud agere, tale agate. Ma’biav. it ia/ttlutaone principle. 91’ [no Hadria the Emperout tired to fay, Nan mibi {ed popl’o pm ct, mmqud at de {ubiim are] cainequaquaa : fed at iii/e. 42 re Bend: cwftd. ' (.3. 1* PM. so 6.7 I Sam 15 3?: 16,:7,1’- than) 15-39 glingtmfl 7— man. .7- :3: " _ ’V* VI; ‘ I A Sermon Hacked at a late Fafl, water of comfort and aflifianee: thofe who are in a family . {hould be inflrumentallto ’the advantage of all, chiefly of the family and baa/$0161 of faith, as 70/426 in Pharaoh: houfe. What 2 world of good did he upon every occafion to thofe who flood in need of his help? what an admirable tel’timony is it which Amérofl- gives of T halide/Fm the Emperour, who to his 1th was folicitous for the publike with neglect of his own private interelts? God hath put (Noble Senators) fut-h a priceinta Jam Immir, hath given you fo many, fo great opportunities. ( befides the deliverances vouchfafed beyond expreflion) for railing and making happy Church and Rate, as never to any , Parliament under the cope of heaven. He looks for more- (without doubt) from you then others: It will not fatisfie him in the great Aflife, that any of you have been quiet and fOrborn to meddle much, as the heathen complained of forne ; Nor that Others of you have been doing fome orher‘ work then family bufinelfe; Leafl of all that any of you fliould doe evil? offices though never [0 clofely to this family: As if you accor‘ ding to that opinion of the Florentine, fhould imagine, that great perfons were‘made for their pleafures only. He hath be— trufled you with his knife, be nOt deceived, no pretenceswill f itisfie him when he calls his Rewards to an after reckoning. Saul you know was taken of God and implbyed about this houfe,-but came {hort in his improvement. He perhaps prided himfelf in his greatneffe, and thought In; * mannmiu, like {Du— 'L‘id fometimes, (Eflrong a; never to 5: moved: made light of admonitions, fieighted opportunities, loft advantages," plealéd himfclf, but provoked god to dye coufifiox of him/61f. and ""45”,! of the K ingdome fiom him : yea though, perhaps if‘ gendernelrc or policy, he 17mm! Aging and the fat cattell (it being con- trary to the word of the Lord) God makes Samuel his execu— tioner to do his pleafure on him in (ii/gal: that a as [word load made man] mother: child/4ft, fo‘jbauld In?! mother be Mild/oft. 7:12» you. know (honourable and beloved) was‘advanced to govern the family, he hada price put into by band}, and did fomething in the Lords caufe : He'fet on a parcell Reformation, and God therefore alfures him the kingdome to a fOurth gene— ration. He went {0 fat. as by~ends and {elf principles would carry, ‘ hfbretbe Honourable Houfi?’ ofCommom. March. 3 I: ' carry him, but he did not all that the neceflities of Gods fa- mily, and the high calling he was honoured with, challenged at his hands: felon took no heed ( faith the holy Gholt) to Walk in alt/9: Law of the Lord God aflflael, as Hezekiah did with all his heart (it was but in a corner of his heart) fir be deported mt firm the fine: of 700604»), Wkicb wade l/rael flame : and therefore you read in Hafm of him (though it may be at firfi light you would take him to be a true Ifraelite of the family in whom is no guile) how Godis refolved to repay his partia- lit-y and infincerity in that very ferrite, the matter of which f0 far as he went, God approves; fir yore/ml: whiz: ( faith he) and I Will avenge tkeélood of focreelxpox the boufeof 7:193, and Willcaufle to coo/o the kingdom: of to: boufeqf [fiat]. Think with your {elves (beloved) what a terrible curfe it is that lieth on (axial: a lira/{en dcjfifed mfifl Wheres): God takes no pied/14‘". fuch was his difrefpet‘t of Gods houi‘e in which he lived: the Prophet 7am" opensit fully, time flit/J :17: Lord, write v98 man child/ego, a man that flu/l not pro/for in bi: Jain, fir no man of [no fwd/3411 pro or fitting upon to: tlyromof ‘David and ruling on, more is 71: ab. You know that,ut crofamt do“, [ic- ere/m»: Juarm ration", where the Lord bellows great giftshe will call for a proportiona-ble account, and will exafi it in one kind: or anOther, he looks we lhould walk futable to favours; if we doe nor,Hear what he faith by his mefl'engers : may”, of focal 13406: made this. Hear 7am»), I Will “16 aim] the feed of 74605 3 Hear Amos, ‘1': Will make god author do: excel/excl: of 74:06; yea further 5: Will 6am againfl face} like flamixg fire, Which fidlole‘vur re and 450m. . . Surely we dclirc am that 71605: box/e fiat/d 5: War» thin, that it h an]? of, or the excellencie abhorrcd and burnt rand I"?! Wfifirt from God, W50 (being aggr’) 1'; no [em thtfl a COH- {ummg fire ; .911 then how are we concerned to be carefull, being thus RUVIICdng (as we have heard) that the houfe of 4:05 walk In the light of the Lord. . L6! us now confide: the nature of the duty thats prefented ‘13 2 Chromgr. 3i. HOLIO‘. let. a 3&4. 1 8. “1'74. 161332. Amos 5.8; L1ment.z.3~ Heb." an. « t0 USN/Rh its introduétion and defcription, the former in, (an f - 7c, the latter in the woods, Lot in Walk. ' Some perhaps conceive this {poken by the Jews mutually _ C 3 aborting 1:4- . Stalmm efet 7 imperare ant faadcre agera premm ei qui non bake! arbi— :rij libertatem, fld Dem impe- rat. Bellarm. dc gm. (9' lib. $51.5.“ .io. Calv inflit,l.3. cape. Juflin. )ofh 24.1}. 05/"90 Matth 8. o. Facere r98: ci. 1m fuss pin. up: optimufg. cicada dour. Paterculus, ,. J Sermon Preacher! at a late Fajh * 'exhortingone another as the Gentiles who were without the ~ Church, doe in the precedent verfes perfwade their fellows _ to goe up to the mount of the Lord. No. they are Within the Temples View, they want hearts to go, rather then an opportu‘ nity. I fuppofe their Prophet Gods Vicegerent would mould into a better form. . . The Papifis and Arminians abufe this and the like places to e- {tablifh the power of free will ; but who knows nor the feverall ends God hath in expreflions of this nature, as I . To fhew what is our duty, rather then our natural! ability to perform. . . 2. To humble men in confideration of their prefent condi— tion of oppofing and fianding out againf’r the Lord. 3. That fuch as are eleé’c (the holy Ghof’t fettmg on the ex- hortation) may by grace perform what is required of them'in , nature. ‘ 4. That all excufe may be taken away from profane perfons, who cannot deny but a Prophet hath hem among]? them, and bath invited them to return. 5. Hereby God would fhew that we are not moved as {locks and fiones; but as fuch who work ex confilimby confent of will: God having made us ca: nalentihm wimtes. Is it not remarkable, think you, that I fay a reformer of the Church and Bate, fetting to the work, calls on himfelf as on them ? he doth not as the Scribes and Pharifees binde heavy burdens on Other mens (boulders, himfelf not touch them with one of his fingers: he is not as thofe fea Marks pointing a pal; fage to Marriners, and themfelves move not : he, as a good Ge- nerall,faith in eEefi to them, you are not toga one 500‘ £3“th then your leader .lhall break the way before you: He puts on the fame refolution in 74:06: houfe, as folth/a did in W 0W": I and any has]: Mllfer'ue the Lord. ‘ Teaching ya, that thof: who are refirmer: qf others, "We not exam t them/Elem flow Refirmatim ; it’s not enough that you c finch as the Centurion to thofe under him, flying . 8" "4530‘“, cvmandhecovuth, doc the and/ac doth it. You! thould as Admirals in afleet be as examples in the voyagfs 3‘ oncfaith, teaching Others to do right by your own examplhicst . W C 5:19}: :5: Howard]: Hoof: ofCommm. March 3 I; which clearly is the reafon why God would have us punfiualli in the choice of reflors, Exad the 18.21 . Moreover than M provide‘out of all the feaPIe, 4&1; item/rich a flaw God, men of "’“bsbfiiflg “flaw/Mfrs. The Hebrews defcribe them in this manner, Men of ability and fuch as be mighty in the command- ments, exaé’tly look to themfelves, and fubdue their affeéiions, fo that there be no dilhonell or contemptible thing in. them. And generally able men are fuch as have a firong (or coura- gious) heart to deliver the apprelfed out of the opprellours hands; as it is laid of Wafer, be flood up and definded ‘7 flawed 1’1””. To the fame purpofe is that charge, in Nflmb-I 1-17- Gar/oer unto me ( faith God ) furor] Elders, and I Willumke the fin’rit Whit/no upon Megan! Will not it upon them : thereby God lheweth that none without the guifts of the fpirit, are fit for government, as is frequently taught in Gods hook: By the fpirit here is meant {pirituall guifts, as in Scripture. language frequently, neither was Mofi: his fpirit hereby diminifhed. Mil/e: in that hour waslike unto the lamp left (burning) on the candlefiick in the Sanétuary, from which all the Other lamps were lighted, yet the light thereof was n0t leflEned any whit. Alike place you have, in 2 Sam.23.;o. He that ruletla over was muflée jufl,ruling in the fiar of God; he mul‘r have jufiice borh of the firfi and fecond table,that his Aétions may read a leéture of both to the people; and may in fincerity with comfort give the like charge which the Apoftle doth to his Philippians ; tbofi thing: that .101! 64w learncdand [Em in one, doc, and (be (jod ofpuce [54116: With an. Give me leave (honourable Sena- tours )' ( being oneo your remembrancers from the Lord this day) to fiirreup your pure mindes, though happily you have been taught in the prefent truth; Ifaiab wasaNoble perfon and Prophet of Gods fending, he was not alhamed to inte- reffe himfelf in the work of Reformation: ’tis your duties (as Aéimlecb did in another cafe) ( that I may ufe the holy Ghofls Words). to invite the people, propounding your {elves apat- tern, a you have flex #4 doe, fo do: you. as we have done. I tuft confeffe that naturall abilities are of great advantage in SORmment and Rate- licie, and where men are defeflive in Chcmsxhey arc expofe to contempt and hazard; Learningis ‘. u fixed. 2. 1 7'. Dent 1.1;. zKing.z.vg. 2 Cor l4 12.51. Joh 7.39. Aa.lg.l.6. Phils4- 9." Jadgo 90 Q... of y L 1.6 283' psrfidi . Ion: inflt’n‘fir“ principals) file- 14’! {it no» 90f jam. Confirm" op Zogom l- t. capo. See Nation-Ill Covenant. A Sermon Praia/7rd at 4 late PM, of great worth, and Without it, counfells are (in fome fort) eminently? what truf’t can we repofe in fuch? If there be not up‘ right lives,integrity, godlinefle, we may truly fay of fuch men, as 'Of him in the Ptdry ; PIC-hath navim 507mm, guéermztorem ram/um, agood fliip, but an evil pilot, and on the other hand, prob} dafha 9/} qm‘ probm cf}, he is intirely learned, who to his learning hath added integrity. . Oh that all the Magiflrares, Committees, Commiflio- ners, Benches of initice, which are under you, were of this conlhtutione how well {hould it be then with Gods people! thisis no more then what we have covenanted in the very {ct- tingon the work of Reformation, and yet its firange to fee and hear in all places, pretenders to the fettlement of the common wealth, flicklers ( as they would perfwade us) for regularity and government in the Church, Antagonil’rs of He- reticks,Se&aries, and Scifmaticks, zealous againfi Malignants,‘ as the Covenant obliges them: Yet how few are there that confcientioufly make ufe of that other branch, touching Refor- mation of our own waies, without which what is the belt even in ' Reformers but meet hypocrifle? . ~Worthy Senatours, let this fink into your hearts, as men by imploiment in Reformation, and obligemen‘t in covenants draw neerer to God then Others ; {o fliould they manifefi more holi? nelfe in their converfation to God and his people. 1. Reformer: (fuch as Ifay here) do (land in a neerer re- lation to the work, it being the fruit of their own womb: that it be not defective orill {hapenz ’tis very requifite themlelves ‘ beof an handfome and comer feature, when parents are de- formed, children oftimes refemble them 5 if Reformers be li- centious and loofe, the produé} of their endeavours will be a loofe Reformation. ' 2. Reformation takes beft with the people, when thofe who commend it to them are themfelves aftive in what is good, common people look mach ”into the lives of their rulers, how they move, what courfe they Rear, and are not perfwadcd that you arein earnefl,if your {elves aétnOt: Andindced if we in- 'tendaReformation to the purpofc, it mull be laid in the great blinde and lame. But what if we have abilities of both very . ~ ones, 1 before the flammable Hoafi of Commons. ' March 3!. t7 ones. that are or {hou-ld be the Reformers of Ili'ael: 'when in the Counfell of Cwflance, there wasa fpeech had concerning Reformation, fome laying, gated apartea: incipere 4 minority, . the Reformation mull begin at the Friers, no faith Sty/mend, thc counccllof' N0? 4 M 550'51’13'. [514 Majorinb incipiewda efl Refirmatio, fig— Con/2m, 4"” nifying that the Reformation {hould firfi begin with the Pope, "W Cardinalls and Bifilops, and {o defcend to inferiours: and in- deed mmuro namine, dc nob»), change bat the name and it's a good hiflory, {hewing us a rule of our Reformation, as he in the comedy faid, Lequere (It vidun, fo {peak as [may fee it abroad, f0 exprefle in words, that our tonverfation give not a lie to our language, leaft we be nOt unjultly taxed, as thofe who fay and do nOt. , The Lords expeé’cations are higher and greater from Refor- mers then others. Where God gives much of power, honour, biannual/a- eflate, opportunities, of them he requires the more duty, dim, quid it. R 00.2.: I . Thou that [iiefl a 1mm [mu/J not final, day? thou 1“”‘fi'VW‘P° fleal? that! Who profiffl'efl to aébar [#011, Joe]? (605 Minn}: fag 5::1‘32 0.3. criledgef Thou who r M For ill/2.05 amefl to the Nation 1 Covenant, for pre- mm qua/a. fearing Gods worfhip in purity, fetling the Church in a doarine’ m‘a ufim gel and difcipline agreeable to the word, reforming thy dwn‘ 2M mflimn waies, doelt thou by {tarting afide, throwing it behinde thy bl? jufi vet back, as an obfolete ceremony, or ufing itras an engine fora £322”! (3"- gamma largitiane win“ (9‘ Jewmmefl‘. Ob eemg' can/4m 5mm out [ablatim 4m (tig- iuuinuriofcailegfi airline lament. DWI-NJ “a“: i 3- - , .- H e: cannula am omnibu- [unlit abriuir, mm ex on»! manna anagram magi: guy?“ (I? queue bu uoftvo (an mfcliczfuulo, in qua plerig' mm "010 alibi! largtuuur fed «1..., gm. adpofum, dent opera»: in ex ilo aliquu re/mn! (9’ “"040“. 1““ 6 I“ “41'9“!!!“ when SDti (9' [cbohmm (9' paupemm [aflemationm coldtum elf. txagreremr bac [calm ape! Prophet. MaL3.8,9. got but inflation to» ram um. Quip} Dr 0 fans efle quanta. . a - ledfiillb mama: (9' parasitic/unfit pf 51': bode [incur-r, quidtlh fin gum. AV“: rituranruauminifirifueruu,qut1pfinu(lm ind: fiuflzm penepmm, (9' q“: 5. (an pad: Jetucep: con/queue a! 1m {margin/n pertufli fun. M Cart. on Pronaoug. , particular project, to advance the defignes of aleaitfiflbun, Jena-84? not to make thee more humble, holy, or watchful! in thy walk, Jenlzo. . before God and man, «Ii/Sucre]! than the Lord? ,O-u‘ll it»: in twin». .' 04:6, pub/:75 it not w the flint: of labia», Let not the Philié ‘ ' Mittiumph: All Chriflials (Ham) are bound-to Walkgrt‘h’ D o I i a8 ' . : ~ASqmfinuMd‘44ng-Vflx G-Od. you more “being Refowters of Church and hate. lfa'ozb is agood pattern, who yrefcribes to others what hunfelf ‘ is read to erform, requiring not profeflion only but «$011. 0 120.8 .c of 4005 (faith he) cm: 1:, [at ((4 walk in tbeligb: ofdrc Lord'- And {a I paffe to the next wordgfetting forththe nature of the dutymralk y. .~ , _. ‘ ' There are two forts of walkers our law mentioneth. LNight Walkers, And {hole the Scripture nameth fuchas walk in the flefh, Rom.8.z. and in “darknefle, 1'7' lief 5.3. 2.Day Walkers, Ad ‘Deum am who move ‘0 GOdWerd after the elireétion of the werd,and “mm, mm, (Excugth of grace received from Chrnfl, the Some of God,and bmcorporalibm light of the world, of fuck the Prophet here fpeaketh. He any abiq’, fir, perfwadeth not the Jews to fpeculation, painted profeflion, I“ “fl” 15‘“ Vainvglorious, empty ofientation: reality and alive walking in team : (9" co. ' - ~ . . (an ”3, a .. G°d5 WW5: Is that to which they are luvltcd. . , ea 1-,“, (9' [3 any?" (a) turf»: fizb fimili'udim [satin not. W Mitadem afi- fium Ihowqu'm 9412:] I ‘1”? . '. ' - 0w. R0!” ill l f l I in 43308, ”a! 0 ~tall at] , The 'Ipltffl.‘o quflle prcfcflbiag rules to Tenants, gfqhey {blould at 1‘ ' Outfit?!“ behave themfehes to their; Maficrs, faith; , it‘mufl: ,. V mtbuw‘ktkyd‘ufl'vflenicc to the eye. - If men will .hot'a'ccept’ 39¢“me performance, much-lefle can we expeét that God' take {imh feigned helinefl'e well at our hands, it being jinx/4m CW" 3”“ 4‘ fanflmu and {0 d8 [ex 131' ' 'h' ‘ ‘ ° “am“ . , . JD limb“, w lChpLCahOUFd Czprum to me gut: 31:51:02" «53 weréu profirr: ‘wrltatflfl. @- fat?“ dtflflh but" M are (Mama 3 To hold out this tmthmore fully it is that the “we. g: holy Ghofl: makes Me of fuch phrafes as require a moff induflri- W46 ' ousand felicitous behaviour to Godward ; (him ta amine! 'rm' 91m zu- (be flmi: gate; {ometime, Work out your own filvglionwb mm.“ flan: dud treméling; fometime,/o 7x4 that)“ In} “Hill:- a”. “(4‘ Ali which do fixmthe emefinefl'eof endeavour .sfter thatgodli- ' 33"“ W Itii‘ whnchflwufé be ina“ Chrifiizms. ' It? not cnmtgh that we air a»; 'fi be as there S" 7596:: mentioneth, who ha've a name to live and in 111604 W‘- truth at: dead; Nous be}: 5.1%».- remembreth, .fio/Irfi- 53'?" CWWJW: war the rim! of Chiba“, mu maxi a". ' . departments» towards Church mum, mu: asiGelntiks; xCVCL3-‘o M as *8. 1341311 68‘": in P‘mfi'g ham ”‘argc 35' ' met. “It “unifies“: ‘ - U y” ,:,‘ . n . . I‘ i before the nemmwe anafoomm. March 3 x; :9“ K 0H0aombkand.bcloved, confide: chm muflbe min in oucgoéliacflhvubzllflxcwsare‘ not fifficient : My rcqnc to {web-9- you is 4 that with Irma-"certainty and comfort you may Waik‘ ‘ in this way of thc'Loui ) the ordinary ma, the temp»! 4 $4, and term ad qmm (bcingpszed by,) frequent at our Viang treatmg on this fubjcét, you would givc‘ me’ {dam to pro: pound to you fomc obicéts, on whi‘éh‘in this Wafka-H‘Gdd‘s ' -‘ pk mafl fix their eyes; withinf Whid} limit” my“ bout! my dtfwutfe ; Take them in theft fincdinél' Foilowiflg 7t’01ffid€= canons: ‘ . I. Let your aim be in new undertaking to honour your heavcnly father, Whofi: win. is that We {horrid 'm chef: SUE: a a sure revelations of duty, glorific him; And whiff? I'fa'y‘ ; tzkc notice, (banana-ham God for himfeif’: We may not feel: him for bafa cndsa; We. would {cc an excellenciem hnn,zbovc all perfonmnd things clfc, {o as We cm raft fitisfie’cf . wichGod alone, yew with outward 61:05:: and‘t-rodbles': In ‘ , » _ " aworflommgfimmusthofil, who? hairy, 2111c! foflowr ' cd chu’s,inducc thercrqby merehwry e,- a ' t 66160! , g . loaves and fifhes and pcrifln’ng‘ things; “(116'le {31%,fi‘e- 31‘; 2.7;; ,o, robin fifim fail)” mp!” fefiw. ' . m. 2. In on: walk we mufl: propomd to our fcifivcsMsis-mtcwife; cohelp forward the: falmionof our brethren, byexaonntion; example», or. what way providence ofl‘erem; afiertheéflpoflle PM prcfid'c‘nu. It’s: Vainimgimlionof thofe' Who conceive n Congas." _ sham mufizmalfi only to: WOW? ends and Emerefls, wont own honour, vain picafure, obfcrvancc of carnallfricfidg'wfih ma '05 d": Saints, Sand {their (Worcmfe :-‘ Wo’c be to belt mum, when his Matter comm, and. Fh‘zfl finds [rim fii walking. his; one of (be faddefi' fipcéhcm oar'timcs‘prcfenw “mu-wad mnmmman andmydmw éownagrcat‘er judgemurtnheu "we are“ 21% of, : than! mewwfl! nae-wan: W'flfitreoncfom ( be? the‘afl'air ofinflc’r'fii grwmdrcm no dice Wives) unlcm: the gate» WP Mbefore mm." It . . haercad‘. of ablatda-fi‘ormwhteh having an excdlcnriw quf: '1 mhbhfl the Imtkw ray; it Wane or my met-29s 95:11.50. “him“; 'if not? fat in: alt-wavered over mummy we! have too may [who-Mama ”await?” filmedgfywm ' ‘ "A , D 2 be 39 l P‘:".“. Match. ”.30- Ibibfipfia cl? Pbilqopbisé i 1'!" xiii vi- Wu :fl. .. NJ. 1 ‘0 Gen {.04. with Heb."- ,0 . . ~Avam flatbed a! a [are Fir/h .~ be poorly helped, perhaps rather mifchieved by them. ~ . A Anorher objecl in our walk, we are to look. on; 15 God: likenel'l'e, that we may come as fullyupto it, as pollinle. .We are children of a be!) and heavenly father, an endeavour to bear hisimage; that as when the qaeflion was, who]: 13 #713 image and aperfcriprin, they anl'wer, (Be/2n; [0, when one {hall fay, whole is fuch a llates-man, fucha Divine, fucha Ma- iftrate, fuch a Councellor? it may be anfwered, ht hath ods image in all his deportments, he walks up- to GOd, he breaths out piety in all his enterprifes and imploiments. But alas that evil which a father complain'd of in his time, is too rife among us, 0mm M Dean, pure-i poj} ‘Dm in volume, All men would go to God that they may receive glory, few would go after him in a holy and divine imitation. Letus that have given our names to Chgill ruminate on this: Aswe are called to a {late of grace, let us walk anfwerably. The Philo- {opers ul'ed to fay, if thou beefia. Philofopher, thou. mull live as fuel: an one; So], if thou beell a Saint, walk upro Gods image and likeneffe, {bew what thou art. There is anathet mark on which we mull fet our eies, in this walk, via, to aloertain our {Elves that we are in Chrifl, and {0 Hull withhim partake of future glory; which is that very let:- fon the Apollle ‘Pmr {o plainly teacheththe Saints. Although (as the learned Zuc/n'mcbferves) holinefle and good works are n0t re uilite ad promo-dun, that we can by them merit everlal‘tin ppinelfe, yet 44 pofidmdaa manner“. they are nece ary. . S- The increale of grace received sin this walls we now treatof) is alfo carefully to be looke unto; ”d 5'”? “d that “l our chnly made we mull aim at. Yonknow 4|"ch If“! “and”: bymoderate walking do get firength: rife hands (inlay) andhave hands; itsavety ufefnll leflim that of im- ployin graces, philofo icall habits are augmented by Pmmg them otth Into exerci , and the fpiritnall endowments God vouchfafeth us, if we fuller not, what we have received,.to ink pair b difufe, will receive much advantage ; if we would learn with clock. to Walk ,Wr‘rb godJ doubt n0t but- we fliould gain. mhmength by that divine excreife of fpirituallwalkingt . ' .. 6. B ' J— before t1]: Honoaméle ganja efcpmmd. . March 3 r . 2 t 1' ,- 5" Brieflythismufl be ourfcope and -delireto plea’fe‘ ”God; in which as we areftol, imitatethe Lord Jefils ; {01705 .0“- parts to draw POWFF from Chril},&rengthening us-tp waik aecep'ta; bly before him; that of nsit may he {aid truly-Lin fome fort, as he of himfelf, 3706 8.29. I doe all thing: that play”: him ; and in- . deed OEthWIkto What purpol'e is our walk? God hath coup- l.cd,welk, and pleafing him together, 1 Thane t.»-bm J91! ought. '0 Wk» “'4 Plufi goal; If: poflible to walk and net to pleafe hirn; manvaalk and are enemies to Chrifi, but then we are not in Chrifl: or walk not with God holilv and in faith; With 1 Then... an W556}: it’s impel/7‘61: to pleafe God. It. was 8:»: his care in his walk to pleafe God, and {hould be ours alfo; he Rom 8.8. behaved himfelf “in-Gods fight, had aregard. to the rule,, WM n. that all performances were warranted by ir,-and withthe eye 3‘2" 1“ of faith looked on Chril}, who was to come, his defires were c 4"” to advance the Lord in every thing ; whom that we may pleafe, take heed of, 1. Plealing our felvesinfatisfying our own cormpthumours: Col . a: {Yuri}? pleafid no: Inimfilf m his walk, Otherwife then might C013,: Rand with Gods pleafurc: So neither may we as Emma and Romasé. Cafim, wedded to our own wills and corrupt lufis. 2. Of pleafing men, to whole vain fancy it is a {in—for us to eomply. When God ealleth. us to him ;,if lo, we are no: the . fawn“ of [bri/i. T his of pleafing God in our walk, is botha GaLr. In. duty and a fpeciall prerogative of Gods people, that WM“ "0‘ I TM 3 4.. . godly naturall men with the richeli habilimenrs, and {weeteflvx ‘ accommodations nature can afford. them, are dil’tafifull, yea odious, to God; yet the upright (their actions being died in 2"“‘9‘ the blond of'Chril't ). being asked by. Gods own fpirit, their. works are Godsin them, their walking in aholy lhtablenell’e to pm... . :4 his word, intending fincerely hisglory, their per-ions being in l]oh. 3.1;. Chrifi, their performances pleafe him; mifiake me not,asif in every thinga childe of God, pleafed, God; though his perfon be accepted,yet DOt all his aflions, asin (David andl‘Patm cafe, though the perft'm as in Chrifl be well pleafing, yet nut as in a ‘ ; "1d: of fin; for Wh!€h God dorh. juftly correft {itch With the s-Samquagg. "‘“f "(is from whom he taketh not his men} fins/er. “at “K may pleaie God input‘walk before himpbferve only there three titles: “‘ ' D 3 1., Walk ' Philg'4 r3; , I Cor.7.33. ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ 721912117st ' n ) agent». 22‘ 3mg“ borrl-‘ Jiu {trirmm'n Lurbemm 4““ jam}. Pbuv Melgnfib. 5? 1;)!th N' 1 Anna 1544- Fox Many!- ‘A‘ Semi!» Pratchett a: a. 1211‘? F413;. '1. Walk {0 avsto avoid-eve: extr‘eam, not to fall into one (mil .iwhilfl Wedecline anothe : 'aslome even tiff-he primitive Pallets-and Modem ' Divine; thmugh ifianimaiclVérrency in the" heat. of drifpn‘tatio'n have not avoided; 5’01” Wieklifi theugh‘ a goodancl learned man, feeing the abufeof Church goods to excelfe, riot, wantonnell'e, and Gods d‘il'bgnQerfcrieg down Church revenues, and opens unawa'res’a ggt'p thatheneve’tint tended, to factilegious piaflife‘s “elf? COVC'IOUS WOtldlfngs, W170, foonaftee-toolt the advantage ofhie errant to enrich them» felves, tothe difcouneenanemgol’ learning, and difcouragec' memo/E the Miniflyry, and their own wine; Others there have. '- been endeavouring tO-lhtm‘ the P1” MEWSOF , Ep’il't'opa fl tlfélffil'v - ----- ' givitg.too:mu¢h_the rains, tel-hovellfie’pmongreff concepts— 1 Cor. ".14. ofiamltr, :p. ' “0': Land. We’ll“. andinteirtfl’s, unaware; tun headlong into eonfafion and irreo" gularity. And fome there be whole highly advancing the love" and free-grate of God to man; Other? pletding Pctongl-y for Chrifiian liberty (forgetting the gqlden mean) treading the‘ mamtl law. under feat, 23 'an ulielél‘l‘e‘eeremony‘ after men are in'Chrifl', hurry themfelves' from'Chtifl‘ia‘n liberty into Anti- Chil‘h'an libertinifme. ' 2. Walk cautelouliy that we be not coufened with the falfit‘ies and checeits of the devil, ofientimes-ehqngi‘ ghimfe'lf intoan Angel of light, fophiflicating his! wares, 'amcl dying vice with names-colours, fil‘ggel‘cing under glorious fliews,‘ firth notibn‘é, ofwhmbwemzyfay, asofimder of the Germznlnterim, there Was plan wmi,more poyfon by many degrees then wholefa'nié nomiflumnt in dit. I ale-lire- no: to wife ol‘d errours from tit? dz ~ to anger: ct new ones; WW ' ' Hedi, eve ‘ 66 in London buy and fell them; {has wemay’l' 6P thr)’ gdé as. lbmetinet of Rm, ”050 “M4 Rant, “ 't'r’s not anp‘ld'. , lehionrbacitsnew drelfed'and‘fet tofale, not an ancient extant; Poles. 8. Had. Bu 2km - h .Anfliaorfipiplmmzhis-tiqe; which is norferforth as gain- Hlimzchzndifi: eveiy'tonmrcy,teWn almofl’ii'n the land,‘:i§ thereby Wafl'edw New would? The mil’cakm in thisjias if n'd diflinéh'on wetobemade'hetyvixt fnndamentall‘sand tun;- fibidamemfls, iftlnt'difl‘enence take not place, irmay' gt’e’: juditialltothcfomti'adowpbfiwfiitfiw all g’re’build’ d ' ' . .9. Walk patiently, firw Mme; ' ' g . . ,... ,, , l ‘ _:' Tbfi’gfitlc. 99,? 3'5.» have leforezbclfmwfleflwfi afComm.‘ March. 3t; ~ 23 have an chthind to difcern what may follow, ' how by {inch in enterprjzc much. good may be hindered, enemies of the mam “NY 81‘“ advantage, thou maiefi unwittingly play thine adver- fanes gains : there ts nine ( faith Solomon) fir w purpofu: Chap? 1“me did HOt‘many things which afterwards-he putin prat‘hfe, his hour w‘u mt Jet cam; [Mary wzs deceived, and ’01,. 1.4- for It with! by Chnfl blamed, in hafiing him to turn water into vyine before the time ; The Difciples. were in an errour, requi- {mg fl" Fm 5““? 4‘ Elia did, it was not time; The cares Lubg ,4 m the Gofpcll (faith he) are to be roared up,-buc nor. at all Matth.;3.;o; times, If more detriment come to the good com by taking them away ( though in themfelves unfufferable) then by their awhile (landing, let diam alone to a fit harm/7 ; All afiions are nOt fit N 6 ' for all times. wain Greek is tempm, andtmpm': (warm- “193,52“ .’ air“, time and the fqafiméfmcfle inf it :-' We mtlfi intour pr0+ 3mm. 0 (ceding look to hath {ignficuionsfif we. mean to be conformm ble to'the rule, or profitable to out felvesor others; Cyprian: advife is of good ufe here, who reprove‘d {ome Chnfiians that Would needs intempcflivé ptofelfe the faith, [arifircri not mini: (faith. he) neg? Cbréflwqquh prqfiaré: Let us (Rouble), in: this cafe walk .providemly, aim-the'Apofik hadrtiuxaflb, 5P5.” IS- imfia‘czwhich-thit we-nlay do, go to the light, for toWalk in darkneffe is dangerous; And the rather let us be induced here. to byiche tonfideratkm ofGods batmyim us, no ltlfc'thento . , out‘foocfzthm0iziatoéxhonfc, who&d.alight'fiery {villaino- dimfl them through: the wildecncfl‘c’itotCarm {:80 We 3mm ~ light here fen: )9» thefath'r‘ offiglm wit/swamu'a u maim 1mm “7. Hang: nor finial? of taming; it's the Lords 13113 ( faith the ten) 05 baafe of fataészaIer, ad let/m Walk in $6: hgbtof If): Lord, . :2"; ' ‘ Nymgmmhgrmmd tomvalkdve’syl {null {put needlefl'ely. why my 5215 ;odsyon,;in “avian of the vmous acceptatlons (him. of thiswotd Ugh: inholy writ, this ask having beenpfifon med frequently by the Learned; its obfemblc that the Hebrew . word Tm Ear light hereufed, is of near kin to tht‘mrd 737151 ‘ - ~ I - - My Heel/ting it lobes .mmm exptcfliwy in which Ihelmd wdufidlcclnmmf downwmans capacity. Nor need * ' hehmrioush this m'my difigniicwions whether to chufe, i the Ecclcf 3.1. ‘ PctO‘I‘g. Oecolampad. in lemon. Oéfer'a. Spaabem dab. 2 048g paneg. Jab amine 94 ‘ Tuly. Hal. 1 9 I). “flat. in Inc. I TittL3J6. M. Dow mm: warfarepan 4 lib.a.rap.4. 10b. 16;! ;. l’hil.3.l so ”do! hi”; Pifict. Puvgsm at an. mm in “tile. Eccltc r 1.7, ,«~.—~—-——~.rr :7. _,, v 'v ;' . 'A Sermon freaked at a late Fifi, . ' ' the ten Commandments delivered by Alla/2:, onfldfe‘JGofpel of Chrifl, br indeed the whole word of God. Neitheris this to be omitted, that the Prophet {peaking of the word, calleth it the Lords light. as the Hebrews ufed byway ofemphafis to en— title things of more then ordinary worth; or elfe as Ono/am- padim noteth, to lhew that there is one God of the Jews and Gentiles; Yet he faith nor your Lord, nor facoér Lord, nor 14:; Lord, as in fome Other Scriptures; but the Lard; haPlY for that they having forfaken him, would n0t With that allurancc and confidence of interefi'goe to him as their Lord. The In]; .Scripmm (this is that Ifiiab would teach them.) 2" a light to all god: people, and that it is {0, there are thefe evp ences. i. The Scripture is a full and perfefi light, there is no defefl: in it, no rules wanting, none infufficient, we cannot fay as of the. Oratours works tit/{mt mnamIIa, nor as the Schools, of P. Lombard,rbic Magi/fer mm "Item"; No, the law if the Lord. :2: perfifl, it’s flu vitio, it hath no fault in the leafi ' meafure. , g ' . i 2. It isaclear and lhining light, manifefling a fufficiency of infiruflion and direflion in all the waies of God, {0 as in: an» of godmy be made perfifl; As it hath light in itfelf ; So doth it convey the fame to others, making them Wife to file/aim; if you fay there be many in darknelfe andignorance to this very hour, who walk in -by—waies. Idefire-you to confider, that God is ,pleafed to clear to fuch as he-his people, all truths necellary to falvation; if any of his children 'be in an errour againft fundamentalls, God who hath promifed to lead his Saints into all truth. will difcover- this unto them-in due time. at As light is pure and clean, you cannot fallen any dirt or nncleannefl'e on it; So is the word of God, there is no drolfe in it, fo thorowly is it purged, faith a learned Divine. Men may call difgracefull fpeeches and afpertions ‘on it, as doe Papilb, Atheilts, and Enthulialls, but there you can fallen no evil. . The word, as the light,is a comfortable creature,bm plea/9n: isit,to..behold the light ( faith the wife man) the expreflions of Gods free-grace, . the promifes. of mercy, the-doctrine: - C _. -v 56f": the HMaimzble Hoafé of Commons. - M arch 3 I . the covenant in Chrifi made With Godspeople, the future glory and happine‘fl'e herein held forth, and referved to all Gods Clea. How dorh the hearing, reading, meditating of the fame, put life into the hearts of Gods children in the midi} of their hortelt affiié’rions: as “David ; I bzdfaixredz‘nmy trauélejm t6} Wordlmtk quicken! me. - Light is fmart and painfull to all blear—eyed perfons, 'who tannot endure the force and efficacieofit, which comes to paffe by reafon of the weaknelfe or imperfeflion of the eies: So the word of God (efpecially when powerfully preached) doth exafperate and enrage ungodly men, Ldelircus tofleep in the dark dungeon of hellilh fins, ~who like Cer‘crm Plum: dog drawn from hell, belch and vomit at the light; 80 were 1,25 Pa ' t 9' 30.950 M‘ttl) i; u. the Pharifees at Chrifis Sermon, The} were fiandalized s’azwa‘amim. 4: him. Laflly as the light hath its being and rife from the Same the fountain and originall of it (there is [we and lumen, as the Philofophers dil‘tinguilh, as caufe and effee’tz) So God who is light it felf and dwelleth in light, in whom is no darknelfe at all, the father and fountain of light, is the originall of this Scripture light, which is a ray or beam of his funne in heaven. 0d]. It is of his enfpiring: be!) men (faith the Apoftle ). flake, 45 ; PctJ‘109 warm“) the Spirit, the word is not iJiasc'mAdfiw' of their own interpretation ;.but as they were moved by the holy Gholl. Honourable and beloved, feeing it’s the light of the Lord that hath all this day, this day {aid I ? yea to many Sermon daies, yea {0 many {cores of years thined to this Nation: Letusto Whom of late 'more fully God hath vouchfafed fo imparallelld a mercy ( our forefathers, and many of our dear brethren in - Other countries, as thofe in Egyptian darknelfe, defiring to fee one of thefe daies of the fonne of man and cannot injoy them ) let us (Ifay) endeavour to walk- anfwerable to {0 high a fa- vour. Oh thatI were worthy to fallen on you the exhortation 0f the prophet lfaiab cap 60.1.2. wherinis a promife alfo and feemes in our times to be fullfilled.Arife,ihine,forthy lightis comghnd the'gloryof the Lord isrifeu upon thee;for. behold the darkne (ft: {hall cover the earth,and gFOiTC dafknclrc the [XO- PIC: but the Lord {hall arife upon thee, and his glory lhadlbe upon thee. E Take Ufi. Emd. 10.13; Gloria lebove . ofhiua evan- gelij per quail: glorifimtur 1:. tab. Pllcat. . 16 1 )0b. 3.3“ Some read it his Deutero- nomy. H Ainf worth. J'lm'ly Fa ma wamm can. laxity: ciw’ - lttfeqlmnmr ‘4'"qu dlfio. ' flmna- G C, 40“. Kai Zn: in" (a? M7“? "’39 M. -. 1m hm» Am 1“)?» Tube notice (More of theft mics. Bring 'our uétions to this fig» aadmketfidiwhcthf 0' no they L M6: in gull, both your private emplplmcn“ linen, and you: We undertakings in your tefpaéhvc fun. ions to Church and flats. 'Ihe King (:3 we mud, .in Damn-7. l 8,19.) When heft}! upon the #770” of H Kighfi, .WIS 1“ Writtbim dam of the Luv 5:“ 60k «11f that \Wndya $496" Ibffiicflub Lwim. and it was no he mum. mdhc W” ‘0 rmi zbmvi» a :5 an .fua lifi. m h "511» {m m I?" 4“ ll: Lord bi: (jvu’, 'to Q0, «J M: Ward: of did I“, mi tit/i fldmxto 4-: than; Yc'a «fay fame Hebrew Dofloa, he washcancfiafly toloak co thismlc, that if his fathcmhndlcfihimnom (u‘c no book ofhhc law ) orif that be iof’ghc is to write him two books of the law, the one he is to rcfcrve in his houfc, for {0 he iscomo mended,” every one of Ifracl : ch: 061ch not to depart fi'om befuc him; if he gawk out to warm, kgoech with him, "if .hcfiu'n judgemcngic is to be wichbim. They kncwof old this Manda principle (as Daub” cchthit) tint Gods word mil not «camper it [elf or condcfccnd to Prince: and Rates: but duty are to [fr-amt themfelves and imploimcnts unto it, £110th never f0 crofl'e to bhcér malignant widcormpma hu- mours: which gives me occafiOn c0 remember an: worthy fpccch of furious Qgccn Eknéab, when pal‘mgin liafluc 10.13“ 'cotomtiOn thmtgh {he‘flrects of mm, the Bible being prefented’to her,which with bath hands taking the kifl’t‘d, and laying tohct bvcafl, [he {aid that (he 1km: had'cvcrbcell her chécfefi delight, and {build be a min by whichv‘fhc meant to {mac her government. En this cifcit’struc whatCafififls {(1111 mmmflg 0156 Cannon Jaw, (hath neuriaadowJe/Iuw W. when the CM“ «Manta law difigrer, WC mufi be ordered by (new: Soif we could be willing ‘( when hws fright and 3PM“: one the Other) coflundmorhe deter- mination of G 5 Canon without prejudice or pareklitw [Editing our {elves to be direflc‘d by ch: light of ho! Scrip- tmt', it would £009 putt period to b: moi} 1m 1y .difi femurs. ' a.chm ofzhc pretended new lighu‘fomnch baghttafi‘cg befirc the Haw-461‘ Hgfufw. March 3 I; . 227:» £th dumber; our holy. ml for God is almfi mm When .. M5,. 6, God {ctsug 3.9th an ditcétioacohis 09k. he @Qfifi that no: {gnu}: 4mm}- or tambomman an 116:1“th folk» , w. yet ‘h .15 the mad inlhbflity of thcfc times that what ever prefents 1t fdf ncw to usis wckomc, tbwgh WW and rotten. God hath {hut up the Canon of Scripsure. you w Gala I. pcfiations debc fmfigatg ifyou lock for Wfiapgl. Thm may be new lights "gaffe 4am raw}, enlightmng bank the organ and the owed, but thcfe mutations «cam: m. “[12:84: «infirm rwzlam: this were to (c: up another Gofpcl the» W114: Jon have received; which whofocvcr fin“, pnefwm w hing. WC my 1101 (faith 7?sz 65415-05604 94‘“. leg-{Ewe 1053.36,!!- punk: of 513 mil ma. We. mull as 110“}!me {21.4 I); would do, if . any fpirit £13ch tousany oil-Wm. for Which h! hub not Scripture, {W in his face, ycai an Angelitom hcaw vca (aslhc Apofil; long fincc magma) would pagagh an; Gala.” ulnar gqfid (kc: hum pm: as much as lewdlofmwkghts) bcisacarfii. ‘ 3. Suffer no: men in theft: times of light, no walk Radarlsn “We. COMP‘U {him to com: in at lcafl to an ounwasd obfw 13ng “I. “I,“ vane: of ordinances. Same haw: doubted, Eheugh all“: not. 6W6 ~04. of thzt 091nm, whethcrthc ngslitingmaChtifiiancommmv 3.5”“ “W weakh, ought not to be. forced to an outward confmmiiy; fig???“ 5]“ that filth as are (:th by tofcflion “‘00“ ““15“!“ now: i c312? cwil‘ Magifiratc be brought to orgénanccs, foamed! tab: out wrunmpza ' of qupsion. .Imovc no: this as (uppofing an outward £05k iii/m" ”g"- plim; Mum: no the $9119le of 3 (mm which is 4" “minim done lathe wprk mg“: upan uh: heart, howcvcr when men $$"b” "" COmCIWMMC . m the reactxof the word Midi preach. .m. «Lthcy ate more bk: :0 be cnli btncd and converts; 3531 I‘m" “Cd ‘0 {aw-h: would we mcn come (och: Cbmh In an 3cm. :howgh to take a mph 1: ma}! bu: God wank-49k: chemmpping ,' who-knows‘GOd§ am}: 0 Wing fouls? Wt WA af 0m in M . “‘0“, N904)! Marian was, who whom the 1’an but a mi? ”it!” mag an Tcm&fircc; in 1.0an .sohczraScmmmin 0‘ m’ ""’M Purpofc £01m: mfwncdzthc perfacming Bithop Barm ' aura-chm a. 1% mm aw MMfiegm «Miami. and wane qfimcm. A04 Wigwam, what 99A»? st: 1 t Gag _ ,,, 7, A _______—-_ 28‘ 2 Chron. 37 9. : Chromiyat. Pill. I" 3 lo Speed in the fucecflion 'ot Saxon Mo- narks. libJ. can it. 8:12 bid Angl.lib.3. “9.3. J 3mm» Practical a: a late 154/1, . _ though'kmen' come to his word out of bie refpcels ?’ We have ma? ny good and-wholefome laws made by, former Parliaments to thisavery purpofe; it were much to be wifhed, they were revi- ved and put in execution, that thofe mulels and punifliments in them were infliél-ed: that {o ungodly men might not dare with that fre uency and audacioufnefle to disfrequent the publick placeso Gods worlhip (where the lightis fet up) under fpeci- ous and coloured pretences, when perhaps much worfe im- ploied to the corrupting their weak mindes by feducers, whole labour and ambition is to draw difciples after them and fubve rt unfiable’fouls. . , 4. Let it be your chief care ( ever Honoured Senators) to fet up and maintain this'light of the Lord in all places of the Kingdomsthere being thoufands of Parifhes in England and Wain, which are miferably del‘titute of this light, wanting a- ble Preachers to hold it Out to them; as Cunéerland, Nortbum. krlud, 'Weflmarlamt the Bilhopriclt, yea and a very great part Of Tarke/éin’ who like Pagans fcarfe know whether there be a God, a Chrill, a holy Ghol't or no. Take therefore good King fake/sepia“ for an example, who (cut Priefi: and Lemm in great plenty throughout all "fade/2, and the; bad the Lap of the Lord with rim, and went about throagbau: the Cum 0f 7‘445. and taught the people. He was carefull to ad- vance the light of the Lord, that his fubjefls might not remain indarknel'fe; and you fee in the following part of the Rory,- how the Lord remembred him for it,'and ( faith he) the fear of the Lord fell upon all the Kingdomes of the land that were YOU-“d about 7M“, {0 that they made'no warre againfi'fll‘g/lfd- p’w. And verely had more care' (fince all‘ the opportunities of advancing light from the beginning of thefe difiraficé times, ti“ DOW) been taken, had the people been-taught bY. Learned, Orthodox, Godly, difeteet,‘ painfull Divines, in thc dark corners of this nation, wheraivery little or no lightflhl' neth; by Gods blelling we thould me have 10% by that-charges what ever covetous {elf-ended perfons ( who leek their owns not God or his people) may fuggefl to thee'omrary.‘ Famous Ofivdd King of Nortbumfierlad ' Ye" t'lcfliifi'ofiyof’hi"! zeal for Gods glory, and love to hispe‘o ' in'thefamefons by—kttizg éefor: the Honourable Hoafé-sfcmam- March 3 r . up a' light of truth in thol'eirery darktimes, he~fent for ”one: Aide» a. Scottifh Biflaop*( faitthda), to infirué’t-his people, who not well underltanding nor pronouncing our language, was nor fo intelligible to the hearers, the King himfelt therefore ufed to interpret his Sermons as the Bifhop pr‘eached. But it’s noc {aid that the King prefumed to take on him the Preachers office, he did n0t preach, only ( which indeed was an excellen- cy in him) he interpreted to them the Preachers Sermons. He well apprehended how much it concerned himfelf- and King- dome to advance the light oflife, without which they fliould; all remain in darknefl‘eand «irregularity. Which light of the Lord, that it maybe fet up and become ufefull,‘ I commend to; your confideration four {hort directions. . I. Be regardfull of the nurferies of good learning, that'by. the means of them filch findentsas {hall dc fiaura be fent ac. thad, may be compleated: With knowledge in languages, Skil‘. fullneife of atts‘and‘fciences, well read in fiory politrcgllandx ecclcfiaflicall, and .. indeed 'accompliflit in all good literature requifite to {0 high an imploiment, that be. may [bow lain/elfa Workman Which need: nub: .a/bzmed; Let thefe-Schools of the Prophets receive their due 'revenues,-‘and other incoutagements which their PiOUSfOUDdCI‘Saudabenefa'étourslvouchfafed them : Let no man have jul’t caufe to divert hischildes {ludiesto fecular imploiments, either for want of means, conveniences or ho‘ nour by whichthe mindesof men are. much invitedto Rudy.- Let that other filler/which hath nO-breahs be timely remembred, of whichI may fay,1 as King firmer faid in the'flarre-chamber to thc Judges, ‘in that of Paul; fiee‘ple, :thattin time may be done at a. lelie, Which afterwards cannot be at a greater charge. - ‘ ‘ . . 2. See that-the places-of Gods worlhip -;be-maintained=;-rthc neglect of. whtch. as-fitigives occalion to oh'r Rbmahe --advertaries to fpcak evil, {0 dathitnot palTe' without {ui‘pition amongl'i the vulgarfort, as if. with the outward fabrick and firuéture your intention Was to .dcmolifli worlhipand Religion it felf. Truth W. complaint now isno- lefl‘e- iufi ( and I hope free from Ro- niflttinflure) then it was in King Aland his daies, when in M places. they were exceedingly gun-to wrack ;- I am czufiv - E 3 cut 29‘.- Ifa.49 2;; 2. Tim. 1°13. Si r Hen.9pcl. Tom I. Candi. Brita». I Tnn.‘ 17 J‘twhi's' 7:005: istéfiwiaw. Kinglame: “‘ his {perch in- Bar-chamber. RiJIqhis view. of the civil lump. 1’].- 30 A Sm Puccini! at A late Rafi; ‘ dent you. coaceiveme no: to perfwa‘dc to a” pupil}: fizpelfiitiou Tb. Aquila. H35. ' 090 1 To this DUI- ‘ pole M. Than. } cutbmrggbt in ‘ his cont. with ArchB. Wbit- ‘ ‘ift, ‘ lcclei'q. y. Dt‘lltjzfide gamiihing of Charting, wahs, not of a foolifh opinion that prayers are heard proper faaflimmu loci. which yet was the fancy of fame Schooimen: but only that firth places llaould be conveniently repaired, and where they want, more built . for receiving the people of God to worlhxp him, for neglofl: of which we are jtflly culpable, as they who did no: build the Temple of fem/31:1», a type of the ChurchGoisiptopie. So. is it time for as to mend our own books demoiiflaed by—war,and {hall thefc houfes lye wafi? ' 3. Let the Difcipline of the Church, according nothe word ngod, bcl’c reformed Churches and fundamentalls of our own Nation be el‘tablilhed ; it will be anomble means to pre- ferve the iight, and to kcepaf firth ”endeavour ( iike as they did that candle, Lat/10', in the beginning of the German Refor- mation lighted) to blow it out. The goodnefie ofGod ( (aid; om ' his book where-in this controvedie of Difciplineispur. pail; and largely difcufl'ed.) hath provided in his word a Dilbipiiue for his Church, whichif hehd net done, he thou-id have been lefl'e careful] of it then of the commonwealth, of which in that regard he 'isnot unmindfnii. Neithcrisdtitany other then yo: have cove-named. and was there entrant-lia- men: at of move prayers, fafiings, preaching, deliuet‘aaoee, vifloriea, fo of more vows. covenants. leagues, and folemn pmtdhtinmwith eyeshamls and all hit up to heaven, then this is : Well,of all fins, to falfifie Covenant. is one of the greatefl, betternowromife, then having vowedmot perform. ’ . Inymr firft Declaration there is thismtmahic paflagc. it ifarfwin our purpofc or defire toletloofe thegolden reinsof Difcipliae and government in the Church,,to leave private per. fight or Particular congregations, makeup Wharton: of di- vine {come they pdeafi; Soc we hold. I it mnfite that there “would be though (hermit mlmacmfnrmicy tom: order whichthe lawsenioyn according to thcmrd of God. 0 that we had no: (breed {ride from thisuheadcceitflafl bow, that [body had we wounded the 1:3in {Cfipofmy Chnodietw nits. that hntalt the hood; “under and «Renewals aivay 80m theta, 10th:: the aluminum budmcfiepmhe'em could 5eflm the Hhifimfle Hmfi 'bfmmr. March. 3 r . could not with that admntagehave fmfim.~mytares oier- tours in Gods fieldt O that this guard 'vvere fetfo the foxes'migh‘t taken, even thofe little foxes which do fpoii the vines that are full of grapes. . - 4. Take order that fueh Divines asin fevers“ parts of the Kingdmne have or (had! confiiombly hold forth thislightof truth in their charges refpeflively to the edifieation of their peo- Ple and nortoyeurs or the Commdnweaiths difadvanta , be 'plentifuliy pmvide-d of comfortable mamtemnee and ac ea- touragemen't; elfe how can you expefl an exaét performance Of that trait of bearing the light you require from them, you May not ml: the Ox: flatmadnb out the w". '7th fit Worthy of bait him. He that is infirlfled mi’t make him that mfirufie‘th him, partaker of a” good thingl. Our forefathers brought honour to God, happineffe to the Church, to them- {Ch/es a glorious name by their foundatitms and contributions to the maintenance of hishght. 0h let noe usgmdge that the 0Y1 beflowed at their charge, fhouid run iathe fimepipcto- keep in his lamp and not into Our private cmfes. You (Honou- rable) are the repairers of our breaches in Church and Rate; You are the Phyfitians oft-he body politiek and ecclefiafiiok. We dare not prejudgc you. Of all injufiiee its‘thc worfl whenmen take wrongfully from “N pnblike charge oftommonwealth, and that wrong done F0 the Church is afianc gamer then that which is agamfl the FOmIttonwe'aMi, the Church of the two fianth'ng in a nearer «mm to (305, 3nd to injure the ChirChfihowghit be every great fintméerthe 13W, as may appear lay-the expreflion in Ala- "#71. ”7‘71“ 9"” '05 094 3 3’: have roékdm, rum duh WM: ”Way: We: is it more heinous, ifeommitted ia't'he fight of the 8'0n0fls Gofpcl, by how much the GMpek Miniftry ismore :XCCHent then that of the iaw: wh‘idvis the reafon'why fame timed and EOd‘Y Dim have 'conchréed itu'niawfhfl'te ali- . .th .tht revenue "9f Gods‘warfhip, though given/in fitperfi‘i- g2“ tm mudrpf 1T: and haply t9 fome liipefil-itiohs' ufes, Wrath“ comfiit "It ought to be imployed Itoehefewice {If . 'mragmg Ofkumnganégodhnefigwfiichwzszt’he man but“ of the donoursflmgh diame‘of them'might faith?!“- ueu at, 31 I Cough. 6311.5. Sit 54'. Cook in {econd .pxtt , of Infi on Megan than. I. Pat-3,4. 50 m the fiery of Lariat, Edel- berl : Egbert. Al fie/l Elbe/woke. Eigar. Edward the confcflmrt with-divers o- thers more in Old Hiflm’ics. Numb.4.lq. Maize ; 8 ,6, 23cm 5151's. . Cbzi/IJ 7. c I 9 Primer): jaw rm pone/f re: {anagy bond tufts! diw'vm mlm in genera lcfliwm aim ca will! {uprflin’ofo what in «- {upmfanum rrmrfnwe. teat 5,711.1)». (.1..an 3!. fit ‘ pain. in 6‘an. (g- in Dun 5.- 4, 5. Ifarw‘t-r :2; ‘2; -..V 1: sis-L4 eo- _ il 32 , , , A Sermon Breached 4t. 4 late Fri/[,1 (moms. Circa fundamentall tenets. .B'ut certainly it muff needs heighten theffin‘ne-fof- thofe; who-:detain the revenue of the Church, under the fpecious fliew of lay-ten’ementan the mean while there is none to bear the light of truth before the people, none to infirufi them; die kg of knowledge, being wholy taken 'awav, fome agmb gag is {etovcr die flock of Chrifl: fora mean .{alary, whereas theygl‘hould bit: inflfllafid by 0'19 39 [/3545 faith .dmr barb thetongue' aftbe learned._ And to deprive the people of fuch tongues that wevmay enrich our {elves with the revenue , that lhould maintain them, is: Glam. leiTc,if not much more, 4Q." “"3"? culpable then that. ofeflcbamwlleflol'lwd 6’ 0f 3‘ “"3 HC‘ mm d t tp- .9 , . i . . , I" dam”, brew hath it,.a tongue .ofgald,=but in the en paid a rate dear .1 mfe otdmr enough for‘it, asmany gof his fucceiTou‘rs have {ince done, and 10,-" Pb “34¢, more ( if timely repentance and rcflitution prevent net) may “'7' “1““ buy the gold of the Temple atahigh price, It leems the ve— ry heathen, who had no other ilot then natures law, flood in fear to wane this hazard, of . plitting themfelves on this rOCk Genamt. offaeriledge, and {0 make {hipwrack of a good confcience to .Pukbe'yim the loil'e of the foul, the moR precious lading, which if once ‘3‘“7" "“4 gone, is irrecoverable. Doe we not read of ‘I’laarao/z King of cf; ‘ m "m _1;‘ gm, in that great famine mentioned by Wafer, how that quimur up , . “mum,“ i. when all the people were neceifitated to fell their lands to Gemenigg-c make‘provifion for themfelves and families that they-periflied Pbara bRex e, nor in the dearth, that he provided a portion for the Prieflr, 8’3",.‘9"/ur£" that ('0 their land: might be preferved to the ufes they were de- 1-2;“;"522 dicated? He might withas much cafe, as little charge, have mm,“ (9. entered on the Prielis poffeffion, asthe whole .land,.and“fo mag/ham; have been {ole Lord, that no man (as our great land-Lords 50mm. ufe to fay) ihould have a f00t within his territories. No, he P2:"’"“ 9““ durfl not euterprifc it, ”’kerefire t/x Priefl: [and dream: not :0,€(:':Z:f'a. ‘Pbaraalnr: He does not drive them (as {ome have done) to 4“,, 0, “mi“. an exrgent that he might gainthe more by them, he prowdcse it a in": n to prevent that mifchief, portiom, at his own charges {or thofc ma cum ee/a- who are difabled by the penury of the times, to make prowfion 21‘1“; mm- for themfelves. Andin that general! {eifure of all charts [11th "22":‘73‘ is this claufe of exception in the deed; concerning the Prielfc-‘a 2"?!0'87" to except before excepted, the [dfldacfgbe PM]?! 91"}, ““1“ Luth. ' [item not Pharaoh. I knowrhat {QWEdO “433W“ ‘0 CV33; . , . t hfm 3‘: Honourable mafia} cmmm. March 3 t . this place alledgeing the Hebrew word, fab 1005!” ngifieth a Prince, and fo take it of the chief officers about the King; but , the 'word fignifies both Pricft and Prince, and‘becaufea-in one. perfon it fets forth both,haply by one word,and the circumfian- ces {hewa difiinfiion betwixt them and the reft of the land, which occafions the Learned generally to read it as our Tranfia— tours have done. So the Cbaldee,th€ Septuagint,To/}atm, Pere- rim, Cornelius a Lupidc, Mara-rm, [4112173, Mujcnlw, And all our Engliih Tranflatours I‘have met with. Noble Senatours, let it be your honour ( as he faid) to leave the Church in a richer condition then you found it, yea though in molt places it complains of poverty (it being torn and beg- gerly) endeavour to rei‘tore it; it will be your comfort when you lye on your lai’c pillow, if in this cafe you can fmcerely fay to God, as Auguflm of Rome repaired. by him, invenilamiri- an, reliqni mmamm. Remember that this light, the Word, held forth to the people is not maintained (fince that extraor- dinary apofiolicall gifts are ceafed) without val‘t expence; thofe who are in this imploiment (that their office may be more acceptable, gracefull and profitable) have feverall lights, none of them to be quered to die, which they muff maintain at great expence. ’ ‘ I. A light of knowledge in the Rudy by books of all kindcs 0f learning, that fo they may 6: 461: Minifiers rig/st]; dividing 57¢ Ward in truth; this (blelTed be God) is one caufe why the Divmes of this land have been fo famous to the admira- tion of forrei nets: whereas if this light be extinfi, there .Will be a want of the other fight in knowledge and doctrine {9; as one,a great Schollar,long fince obfervedzpoor beggerly maintenance will have but a poor contemptible Miniftry; Scan- dalous maintenance, fcandalous Miniftry. m; A .light in the family : he mufl maintain thofe whofe fub— ifhecc is from himt which fometimcs are exceeding many; “Wild b¢ dCfiCICnt- in rovidin‘g for them, you would condemn him worfe then an nfidel: It isatpreity obfervation .‘h‘F 9m hath, 77" 7"“? affix» bread (faith he) was fet in . the mldfl of 1h? Temple to fignifi‘c thus much, ‘ 02:94 Samdate: . 1'7"” [Q’mfl'mahTtynplo @551»: 5460': 406:”. IS . . . P . much tt not. , 33 Hieronymus. G biyfb/Iomur, Scb Mun/fer. Ar. Montanar. H ; I’ctabluso Ant, Honcala. Leon Marius. .S‘elneccerur. Stefla. M. waemr. Lac. Oficnder. lob. Beam“. Dav. Parent- H. din/north. 'Doway 811;. 3019.0 £0071. 8 Tim a. I g. F lore uijim Anglia, coda: ills ecclrfi m petulium rent/3' mi gala". Deodstus. Ex tenuimu beneficiarum necefarii ‘ {e- qumr ignoran- tm [eta-detail. Pammt. ”it": . . 30 -'1WMM#IM£¢,0.- Manda efl‘ much to he hemmed dunkyote that'the indnefirfimllno fl" {W_ tm ofrit appointed to grelbrve llght to Go speopkm powred; afim“ out mother ,purpofcs. *atfomemmeshvc (Wm‘loh‘h pubs, [tide ecclrfi‘a Mm. Auger. {em 1011 - '- * Ye that are Lord: and Burgefl’ta of rhePatlt' meat We, Inquire char in the name of all my poor brethren that are Engliflt men and We of (bulls body. that yeeonli- der well (as ye will anl‘wer before the face of Almighty Godin the day of judgement) this abcfe, and fee-it amended. When as amichml 0: Rome dunll ogwly wnnout any Va; tat-d, walk-twp and down thorowout England, he h :d l'o great favour there, and his children had fueh crafty wits (for the ehtldren ofthis world She ’Mfer in their generation thank ehildnen of light ) tint they had not bndy alm‘ofi‘gbne'h all the bell lands 0‘ England mto their hatter, but alfo the mall parent all the bull benefit“, both ration igeund Vicarage», whteh were for the moflpart all impropred onto them. And what they had the‘ilte ofan; not impropercd, lhty gave them onto their friends, of the which ‘alyva‘ies route were leat- ned,fa" tltemonk‘s fouod of their friends children at'fthbol'. And though they Were mat hurled, yet they kept hofpitflity, and helped their poor Meade. find if the perm were impropt'ated, the monks Mte bound to deal alum tulle poor, and mkep'ireffitao lity, as the writings of the gifts offuoh patron :35 and leads do plinl' declin- ain chic words, in puma deemfium. And at touching the almet that they dealt andalae h’ofpinliq that they kept. every man knoweth that many thonI'ands were well behest-d Of them, and might have been better, if th‘ ' had nor had fo many ‘gl'eat‘thens harfetto Feed, and had not been overcharged Withfn'ch agegentlemen, as wet;- neverwt of the alibey‘s. M. if they had any Vicarage in their hank, bhey’fet in Maine Tout. (diluent vicar (dab-13$ a: m but {eldome ) to preach and notewh. ht now that flab: abbcyswith their hangout andimprogrt‘ated petfonages be in temporall men: hands, I doe not here t& that {me halfepenny wart!) of almes, or an other,profit eorneth unto. the: pegédeofjth ' atilhes‘. Tame! patting dbvin lghl’e‘s, Wanbarfieofl mm attr' t: int'hm. twat far imifl'eehnt a greatpart of $61de of the ashes (‘whiflt Were” «given e'o'ibrihgup” learn“ ten, the might be Frames :0th holfitality, «dengue dmesgeehetpur) Mldh fiat-at upon ‘a hwfiprrlh’u‘ouamorflra, which (new lfoutty wound in slam, when they Rtonllbav'e given twohmdrod, It wuamia'e that the-monks mould rve parloques g9 their handgun! deal but the twent'gthpart them; to the goat; and armament: I! a ram them that pm the tithes 701' the.“ Ranges; 1: my mat that titty' «mud. nongtwenrytetuot'one‘fum‘ieutfleateo ‘ flhafie‘imqh‘CMtw'M; But“ now, how it that“ name, .3: W {fatal} 113,3.ubytpem. . trims-dd m atbe devilamended his dame: legge ( as iris in Cup“) wheahc ;W.‘§"¢ “I. 5‘ tight, he brake it quite'in . T he moms“ too; little 31%,314 {ct -ttn ghlghptflons manydmeu'n their bene cea. But now ‘wheee twentfi‘pdttnd was Teen 1?“? ‘9 ,, e . . it more then in a hundred pl'a’rea In ‘ ,‘tt noemc'mem mgfi‘gifl‘bfi ,n'!) ‘35? amendment. Where theyhad m o or.oih%tffiifi,%aflfi?he€ynafid&mdfi: to preach, now it there novlea't adj, Mahefmifi'flttfl“ anio- , I 1‘ onely an old cafiawiy monk 014"} «Ethan {card} 97““?‘93‘!’ W 9". .H’ ., or thirty Wm mflwkt We be that M wwm 11mm 55‘ an“! ea. . ,. -~ ' “ "' lm‘dw, and not} alone, 'but’ than?! 1110013133 ‘maefihfiv’m WNW; hfm t5! $10de waeoch1.March 3 I . 3 g p ‘ wages ind pufflflegfirllfilwtll»wgofpelly'l'crnfl; “krill! new Gofpelof Englafid' ‘ And if a man fay to the farmers, why have the people no preachers? feeing ye have the cube: and offerings ye fltould fipde preacher“ Theywill anfwer, we have hired the per- onages of this or that Lord, a’ndhe’ or he is ‘parfon or vicar, We pay (or the either. and of- fitting: to the Lord that is perfon.Well then,1 3y unto the: my L0rd,parl'on, and vicar,th0tt Joel! wrong, to have perfonage‘o‘ and vicatages,t0 have the ‘5.th pig, the tenth lamb, goof?a fleece, and (o oi all Other thlflgfi, (citing; that thou art no Mimller not no prielt of Chrifis: Cbntth ; teacbglor do any officeof a patron or of a wear, but polle and pille. What canfl- hou fay ofthy ltlf my Lord milbn and vicar ? thou wrltfay piradtenture, the King gave me the abbey and all that belorr_;e‘th there'w,’which had then given him by the Parliament, Therefore if thou {peak againll my being perfon and wear though I neither preach no: Ouch, not yet procure none to do itf’or me, thou art attarrour, for this the thirteenth 3mm of our erred added of late, that whatloevtr the Parliament dotb’, mull needs be well dom,and the Parliament, orany proclamation out of the Parliament time, cannot errc. Bu; to you my Lord parl'ons, how can ye defend your {elves if a man would bring this argument again& you, and prove ybu all the theeves, that have perfonages and Vng. rages in your binds, and eannor preach. Chrilt faith [obit IO be tint entretb not into tbg {beepfotd by the door, but ctlmhtb inc» «Der uqy b a thief and 4 nurtberrr, but ye eon-(d i. an och“ way, wherefore ye are theeves and murthems. That yon tome nor in by the door, Iwill prove it thus, Chrill is the door, but by Cbrill ye came not into the .fllCCPfOld, that is to be parlour and vicars, for ye grant that ye came in by Cl" 33 0f PJrllament, and the a of parliament is not Chrilt, for it is not confirmed by Chrifls word, therefore ye came nor by thrill, and lo be ye theeves and murthrtcrr, as your works proved of late, in fig-d. din; of the blond offo many true preacher: and flnpheards, which [pent their lives for their iherp. If this argument be not lit-orig enoubb, whatl'ay you by this? Al 1110 that am: “fugue ( faith C brill) are they“ and robbers, ye come into the meepfold, before Cbrill, ergo ye be theeves and robbers. To come in before Chr’ifl,ts to be a parl'on or a vicar before Curifi fend him, and ye came in before Chrill fear you, for he {endeth none to be (beep. bends, but {uch as he knowctb to be able to feed his flock, ergo be ncutfcntyou, for he knoweth you enable to do that office. And thus to conclude, ye 5‘ thew“ 30d mbbefl, f0: ‘ atheist cometh not bat-to flea! and to kill. Wherefore give over year patronage: to learned Inc“. 904 enter not into Other men: vocatit ns,to rob the Minillers bath of their office and ’ at their living,that ye be nor punilhed of God. But if ye will need: be parfons and vicar; iltll, and have all the profits of the parfonages and will have all, even to the tithe egge of a poor Woman that bath but 'tm hens, ye mail-rave the pains that belonp to fueh perform as you b3. Hear what Almighty God faith unto you,my Lords. which wt 1 be palms and ~ pillars, Etekji' f I {by mm 15¢ ”midday/belt die the habfi'd'boup‘di "0‘ “’0 b“. to kc: the embed fiom bit my, the wit 1 bit om [elf jbal dye in bi: wickdufi, but Mr Food M I requrre of thy bond. Mark wellleord parfon, for this is laid to all them that are parl'ons, and take wtgu,and|iying of ([1: people, as tithes and oEerings, for feeding of them With God: Word, or elfe by what title eanli thou challenge the “the! 9 look well “9”" “1“ mm": and build thy confcience upon God: word. The complaint of Roderick Mar: to the Parliament“, 33,5. time. of men,yea the worll hills of the work men that are enemies to 00d tad the Church. In clement-time thofc and their polltgg; F a _ i i 36, ' '. " 13nmrreacbedflat. ”estate. Inf, K who attend on his light, whilll Others have-find “9ng and t fpare, are in hazard to peri/B With hunger, ‘ - - 3. _A light in the town‘and c'ountrey where they live: itsa light of good works,in {hewing mercy to thepoor, being help- ' Ioh isms. fall to the needy, as 796 faith of himfelf, he W45 eye: to the l Iob 3 1.10 Hinde, fleet to the lame; this would have covered them,to the cre. dit Of Religion, inciting Others to the like,he did nOt put his lag/9: under a bu/bell, SO (praifed be God) in this nation, where the revenues of the Church were great ( though fome did {pend much in vanity and excellive courfes asthe profufe vulgar) all did not fo: much hath been given by Divines to Colledges, “Wit", the Hofpitalls, Libraries and Other pious works. And indeed end of his i Quffir. SChollars bell knowing to let a price on learning,haV€ bCCH mot} beneficiall this way. _ t Thug.“ The Apoflles exhortation to Minifiers is that #267 begimn to hafiimh‘i}. Surely then they mul‘t have ability elfe they fliould fiand in need of Other mens hofpitality, be fitter to receive then give, as God knows it is the cafe Of many a learned, god- ”will“ ly and painfull Divine at this day ( as {ometimes it was the con- "Lyra/1‘". dition of learned men, beware the fears where Church reve- Aniefia. nues are devoured) who have great charges of children and H. din/worth. nothing wherewith to bring them up, or dplace them out, while 105" Km- the ancient Church-revenue is in the ban 5 of many that worfe 4% 3471:. defcrve it. This made the mighty godly Divine Of Scotland Tl“ mighty ( asI am informed) lying on his death bed (and the words of I hit of com - . - r . . ‘5,“ mm“: dying men {hould makca deeper impreflion) {O earnel‘tin his .04 COMO“, exhortatory letter writ from 8‘ Andrew: to the Allembly at remain with Sterling. There are two branches of his exhortation, one to 7°“ D33! brc keep outof the Church fcandalous Minifters, the Other to pre- We", i‘ am“- vent a fcandalous maintenance. ty of body would have luEered, l (bod-d 'lUl have tr..u.led you with this my indiflmcnt. [have not forgotthat W38 bid to my charge by famous libeis the hi! Ammbly, which Ipray you patiently to hear, and )iidge of me .is you will anfwer to God; for unto you that hear I fubmit my fell, being straw d that I neither ofiended God nor good men in any thing that hithertohath been laid to my charge. And now, brethren, becaul'c the daily decay of M- tural! flrtngth threatens unto me certain and ludilcn departing from the miiety of this Me, of love and confcience l exhort yon,vea in the fear of God I chargc and command you, that ye take heed to your Ielves and to the flock over the which God huh placed you l’aflotm. To difeoarte ol the behaviour of your felrestl may nor, but to command you to be faithiull to ~W“_' --, | before, the Homdleflqxfe ameimom. March 3 r: 37. ‘ ‘° “1‘ fl JCl‘ [dare “0' 701'th ll nfaithfull and traitouts to the {lock-[hall you be before the L0“ lefus, if that With your eo’nfent, direaly or indiredly ye IuEer unworthy men to be thrull into the .Minilhyof the Church,_undcr what ptetcn e that ever it he. Remember the lulu: before whom‘you mull make an account; and refill that tyranny as yOu Would avord hellfire; this battell I grim will be hard, but the fecmid part Will be harder, that is, that With!h€llk€ltPl’«l§h"flgfl-C and Rrength-in God, ye gain-Rand the mercilefie devour-er: of the patrimony ofthe Church: ifmen will fpo.il,let them due it at their own psi-ill and Condemnation,butcommunicate not‘yje'w’ith' their fins 0f whatfoever efiate they be, nei- ther by confcnt, nor yet by filence; but with pnblilte‘prOtel'lation, make this known to the World, that ye are innocent offiuch robberies, which-will,ere it be loag,provolte Gods ven- geance upon the committers thereof, whereof you will feel: redrefl'e of God and mm Go! giVe you wifedome,flrength and courage in {0 julia caufr, and me a happy end. Of bf Andrews, Aug 3-1573; fie /ubfi;riiiitur; Your brother in Chrifllefus,.1. Knox. Noble Patriots, as it belonged to 81542.” to provide oyl for Into. 13- the lights of the Temple, f0 to you it appertains,.as nurferers “5’8? "8‘ 4‘ of the Church, to fee that thefe lights of the Church have oyl 7',""P“b ’3” fedthem H, 'alod' . t, i "5"”. C "‘ t0_ C as zit/Q , id, a C remgl 4.. I can, prefer-it you fl, ”gm/‘5. Wltll no arguments more conflringent then thofe in the text- term, [ed 6 before you. ' V . ' - ' , (ism [Mullaief 1. You have many priviledges, Godtexpca‘s this as atefli- 1"“ ‘°"’“""’"" f h kf - ail engender: mony o. t an ulneil‘e. Thofe who gain by {ea-trade are ,4, land“ not unWilling to beat the charge of land-light. The children Cw”,- Barf/i, of ligét fliould be as Wife as the men of the world. an in {e pairs. 2. You are reformers in Ifrael, this is one fpeciall point of ‘9! 0‘ "4'07“ 3'01" work, [0 {Ce that Gods houfebenot as a darkroom, the ‘lf’lpl‘flmm' linht removed. . ' U ‘.”"°" . .L b . . , , . . . Abtlcf l't‘peuu; a. You know that Religion is not in fliew,but in deed, it s “on of the not fuffiCIfint [Gray aSthofe 8‘7”»: mentioneth, go: and be heads or the. warmedmnleiTC alfo you make provifion for them. 3mm"- 4- Its theLords‘ light thataffords direction to your fouls 5m“ “5' for the obtaining eternall light, which by how much the more excellent it is then that under the law, {0 much the more lioerall we {liould be in providing for it, .as thatfa— mous fervant of God long {ince taught us, with Whofe words léBabhgmo. Iihall crave leave to clofe this imploiment. “ixzhzimd Had the wells 0f the law the tenth. part, and flu" not of the pad“. ll“: Minillers .Of a better tellament have any part? Such (agate. maintenance W‘” havefuch Minil‘ters in time out of quellion, ‘0 the. "Ft“ decay 0f learning piety and Religion, and to the inflame Of all barbarifme and errour as Satan wiflieth. F 3 Worthy .38? NehemJyreg. ~ ?- 5 £4 emmm» i=M-Tafl, aéc: ‘» A - ‘ Wrath)? is‘thc Betrayerzwbmiga touehingthi'smarterfeveré‘ falling remembrance and imitation of . them‘tbat havehke authority and fear God; he finding that the. Priefi Eda/5th (who had the overfightof what belonged to the maintenance of IN! PrieflS, being joynednin affinity with Toéiab the yin;- ' ambitite, an enemy of {he je’wsi‘ghc portidn‘s'of the Levites were not given them, but every man was fled to fhif't for him. {elf amongli: his friends) moi}; zealoufly reformed it as you may fee; threw out Tabs)“ vcfl'els, thmfi out Eliaféié, and placed them-that Were accounted faithful-l, and brought the tithes of corn 'a’nd’wine and oyl into the battle Of the L0“! 1 : again mark the {late (flour times and {6'6 if fllfh 705544 be noryet. amongfi 119,1 and fuch Eda/lib, who'dea’ling in all uni uighteoufnefl'e, convey the portions of- the Levitt: by little and little from the Church that all may come to mine and utter confufibn in time.‘ They muflhave the tithe. corn and gleah ; land, peradventure the houfe alfo for a dairy, and then cofen Eliafiié the Minifier {hall have the tithe geefe, and the egges 'j at Eafler: But {hall not God vifit this great impiety? OLord, 0 Lord, in mercy forgive the finnes 0f the land, and the ini- quity of thy people deferving' juflly the loITeof thy word and {weer liberty of their confciences, and yet, yet fhewfavour, for thy mercy raife up men that are able to—feed thy people as they ought, and either convert or confound Churchrobbers that favour nOthing but their own gain, that take thus daily away the reward of knowledge, endeavour the death of thou- fand thoufands of fouls, which thou halt created. Stirre up Nahum/a thy faithfull femnt to redrefle this (in, hind to fcttlc thin s carnall as (hallbe fit for, them that fow fprrrtuall, that Gocfbc no: mocked: So we that be thy people and the {beep of thy pafiute, {hall givethce praife for ever, for fo great a mercy. 91574», W’ mom-m ELLSPCRRERME llllliviiiiislllll 010005859699