“ooooeoeoeeeeoooeeoeeoeoooooeeoeeoeoee DieMercurii, 28.]unii, 1648. Parliament , That Popham doe Rolered hy the Coiemzom ezflezezhl.-eel i‘iee fi‘0?i¢ 179%‘ H0“/9.3533. Tbfiflkge mztov Mr. Vines and Mr. Manton, for the great poim they took in their Semzom‘ preached A on this day at Margarets VVePcminfier, hoforei A the Houfla of Common: : And that they &e,‘defired:: to Print their Sermons, wherein theygore to have A the like prizaileolge ofPriming of it, old’ other v*zj;o_;. h like kinole ufelly have had. A4 Elfynge, CIer.,ParI _Cohm,A Illa ‘ w’ I my. . ' l Ioeappoim: :7'ohzzClm?IQ: junior to priflnti ‘. "i h e my Sermon: ~TH,0._ MA.:~I+roN.. A ~ weoweeeeeeeeeee:eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee+eee %&%§‘ - 5- ¢%¢¢¢¢%¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢%¢¢%¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢§¢¢ a,%4é:3é?Iéé&%a2~az~eieareer¢w-e§2gz=stea:>ézemz=az=amaate A “ ENGLAN s V Spirituéll Languifhingg L‘% TWITHVW The Caufcsand Cure: A A Difcovered in a A Preched befoe thé Honorable I-Ioufe A op %_ COM MON 5,, ‘On. their Solemn Day “OF F A 31*, at A *Mczrg4ret.r I/I/Q/iminfler,-june 28. I 64${l.A _.4 -—.— qr T HOM A s B 1?/IAN T ON, “ - A A Jdifli/?¢r4. of Stake-NewiggrtVon.' A j . A “u‘lVt\‘ Av‘ ..--—...._..-.— ,——~ é%¢%%%%¢¢¢¢ Lg’ N London, Printed ‘by R; Cétea for _flb72V Clark; at the%IoWefA$“éfiVAof A %% Cheapfide_-,itith= entrance to Acrcers-chappcl;164.33. A ~ 4%, °%~ »%e «$3 «% ~% ».%a «as *3! »% wee % % 9% ¢¢¢¢&%%§¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢%%¢§¢¢@¢§¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢%%1 .1 %¢%%¢¢¢%%¢¢£¢¢¢¢ .\\V%. ‘‘‘d’‘ *1. TO T ~H0N%RAA%aL E. H V s E jjizmbléd in Parli:*4ment.V “'*\-\‘*:~§>.x‘~> to 721 were‘ plegfm’ in rréqm:iwz?y ,Q,=‘;3L.V vice an yfifitfiflzttti‘ »aCzy W” "1-"}z:f,{3 5 ‘¢ ‘ 4 <1‘ Mycm bad dam am Vi/yafiflzrzzé 55:4.“ - *9...“ ."\.W[>' “ ‘ ‘u H‘ V”, W n _ ‘ M‘ W , _ A ‘N M . . 3 kg ; jwfl (L T1v;: 172_e~';=1gy;~a.ez'}3 :65... \\i: \ W f07fe‘.*y[;d£:’flmm’ ?t0fl7€af;*“1f,g;lf(j.;: § % ~*-~ b’! 1 ¢z~ 2 - .54 Qmxwwfl 113% y tqen .427 T nVox&_, tam. A17‘/Eu. '~”“@“\\\\\\\;\~.. L ardrdzracfffcd my tbazzgérts. .z=./;}g,~¢_ ~ M T N: W’-]€570f pcpsrce, 024»? dif’cra~ z$t1Q.nAs—‘w‘efle gmz¢«;‘ flflZ7l"«?1022?V'4":l'0"3f?'C’df.,Hf“Zfifi'.?l1'.,%V0ZM/({€"‘ firuétxon (i27e;fe4r) drziw%eft6_ 7¢z'g/7} HT two f/éizzzgfi may —m{lljhmd taget/yer, Love ma’ %Zc:-Val‘.-,A and mm mere.. wiffi 1:» 7*t6afif11it}@f “righ4teo5ufnéfs mzlg-/.2: "éue fawn; 1a.mm_L_¢W Vy A3 W 4 4 1n“. ' I , 0 I I “ V The Ep1fi:1e Dedteatory. gntmggg; ¢:a:zz;i fimé mncaard ge I4e£?rd‘IIéetmmgIVE;-gtfimna 1 Iméerem Bc1'ig;i0n»,IIma¢y.I rm? émm ’t&7ez*e:;are two Parties that wiI¥fie¢2I¢x M accgznrefcdi ,3 fcwd*II- AII;,Vthc ,Ii‘“Wom:-m ,. zrrzd thfifeed %e:>fJ:I?1c; jfi %I4f%¥&Aw£1’£f5€ I. 1 Cor. 6'. 5. Ie1¢mity:BuIt%is 1‘iotIthe1‘e.a* wifcmagm:m0n& *1‘ A I “that {hall be able to judge between Bret rent’ I ezzk 3 cm pacem ' not tlazis 20”‘ flatter w;ir£vngenera110I{*Fer5 I have alwzzyes _t;.—agsc;.cnom~_e: _ -g Ii ihizectivésa zm}zflErrour zmdo all §§?§i§§3a??x?§i3s:1(}s 3 ; 4 I Wane? §:3§é:£:;.;::iS P‘f0IpOf§15 f’JV‘§afPu“L-‘if’ {.?3§?*?T@”3~«?0 ¢4?nz~r1I1:c&;II2:atz6erI f*micqfimzqui_ tréem things 3 ‘M; A to fttducc {bats Soul ‘min am he ‘:2 of F3t¢comP°”i" tlmt , w/flab 25 fazrre e22o:wg;9 “from éemg zzccamp rflved. Neitber dam I fjzeak it to cool my mm: zeal, the? drzfl bf this Sqrmon fa. kimdlwitg 5433;-aqy fie zvitéuwt amholy 1162.45‘: t/Tvoffw/nzt fi%1fi'“erIimdeificxfecutionj will contend agzzirg/f dbiitxfibn 3% At/mt’: émt av. duty; mm’ ’z‘wereIt0 Ea wz‘/bed it.~IwercI,_r:1Qr,c done, dmI,.I;¥1;;10rc regu- _4 larly .- CaftIa}“2a1VjiT f*f6r1‘1f59I:5.zwI 5eer¢*~*r*o‘o filéezif iwbiles the truths of W W M’? We .Y'p‘1?d4*"52" Ifigfigg.-adfico fxtr7"fi"0m:e: afz‘va’ez9¢»2gz;;ggIIIam3gfucl2 Izz:am:4;afVtjI g M refimt ErmIm.": V‘ I I o;2e~@v mam: an z§IIII,;*I.»m;a;w;¢;znefl}.0mq1f % modcr%:m in v “i’P"*?*I my ~defiresIzz:¢d h0pes.I I E V I orwep__;gefl*:¢rIIDifc0I:urfe,. I:c:oxfgj4’I)+~;5; A Mg tugbida and ‘hot: mwc[z~éf inaculcationf in: Q: fi_t_far the Prefs , and “tbere_fore'I* I I j7m.-mid bmveI 4;»!-1 .jjfldg3d it t'ci7E:3}r gompmy f2mL¢lZ&fl*;_neg£e’o‘fed Pzzpg_g_~:I; Bmg___z{@§ in 01;:>__»e_§}__i_«;~;nc:e:~z“v yotmflgdcr, anfcfbne de1?:enfion to t£z2:A1;equ2:_f_ts offlam__.oy,:g g3£;.;a':‘*:’ Sm mimic Evfwfiuuarz mvu_ TheE1f’c1icechcatoty. 12% tlv‘%g:»%AI , =rfc»by Mr. the morning. jffma 4 dzfcoruery, tbazatqh they Izvozsld flj/1 flit/e 022 : BM Ru:/Jam’ Vizzes in .-or t/ye enemifis, 8 Nu1l51m: habcnt Vitizzt’ immo alia. hand 8 BMW fortaflie minom : are tbeyfo innocent 4»: to 6.9 zwfvlc to 9 c21{‘c 9 Jnbn s 2‘/aefl‘oJ¢.Mt M? /bat,/.1 tiny i/ma‘ ézzrve Wounds, T. , ,, % V . 7 A- . i, “ W 1!. :.'.U/»(9.'.'z'do E was '7’ _ ‘:9 Itliaéyflld if/51“37Zfb SICQIS .2 flfifli 356} if/I711; halt (¢w'A0~m'mgq3:5ye:d}’favn3f)5; A - " - - ~ m.'p:;.cac1u cT‘1aa'v'gov71c:5} ml m~'v’:'-‘ downrxght-3 Marge zmvzt/.52 trxppmg 5’ or Me My Wmmg 6‘ §v.q.3€J {30P€°P€° _Ev)(. , .~:~;«'».s;-'- '22. '9 “=‘%- '2?‘ ‘€‘§u**i‘ “* « fig <. W',_&:‘M «, ;‘,-'g,]",..“.‘f'#';,‘,-?’a‘.’I' . nwfi - ' W‘ . kw 4* W .2 “_.’_§':V%;::‘-5...,én,,\,‘.£jg1*'_,hflh‘.;;§.“,¥8% ‘ J I‘ .~ 1, _ ‘*~f«*‘:«ca&=z;:«a>~«j% .-%....».-.,.;.f ]WITH AA 8 S %w . ', A A ‘ . ' “ {ch ‘ , ‘ "1"; ‘ H'1:’r’3#' W» 4 H ,‘\.3‘ r a . "“ . ,"g‘1 Wu The vCaufesar1d Cure of it, Adiflzovered “in a":S'erm.0n Prmclued at Magarem Wejlmifl» M V fler] beforcthe Honorable Houfe 0f M " &Comm0Ans on this Solemn Day ‘ r of Rafi, Izme28. 164,8. A A Q ; A Revel. 24. 3. ‘ H Bee 1v:Zf61:*f}&‘/Itlflfilfllrefigt/9672’ we 1!‘b.?'i¢g51»1?i€V;’.£/57’£3’f'9¢/tléifi that W‘ W11 My ‘Y KN Scr iptur.c:s% wherein the expfefiion "is any . iuxL1rianr:a;;¢W1‘y on;¢takim;a41iberty% to 35“ :~ A :5xe;hid5oWnA¢%,i%I1Af%dt:h¢*¢»dWlmthfi We and ' genuine 1'c:nfe is not To obvious and eafilf; A terpretations may bce aflerted Aw itEhV eguall prolgxability, thflSCri_ptm‘€$, ;hay§fuH”cred as an uwsnficaine ruleg 6', ”f0r IA/Jaws “gzatfaza;¢d My warkes perfe4c'iz;‘~‘“ ‘A tzhizzag nlore diH5<:Lx1t;, wit52;1'e;moi’c mnkc ma. ,% % found out and beam-xiiatwn or t%hr¢e fame in--- mfi: oi Waxe,~ ( “sis x?r€%bzva#{ah@fi3Y%%of t§mPapin3)%%# whim ¢au&m=.~ a;ndu.p}ya;b1e «£0; , cyc1*y,%far£py %4purl{5L§{‘ef. }Tl?5 e trijtiig M573; weiz, V i AA A -}zf.S’é’i’?*/‘$021Pifé/!£5£’I51r*5£§f07‘€‘t;f6_H0fl0FflM6VV I A . A Weearé more happy irxwdiflqawering falj?:aod,« "then irrcléarrizzg tmtiy, andtfaofewhich came a&er%cax=f more ewafily ciifcezfn Qvhgrcin o-4 A Achérs i1avs«ha.ImAd_a.ndare defefixva-,t;hVen reach the tz~a2Vt§rt%h¢m. fejlves: I hal.vieAaI'WAayes lo%0”ked%upQ11that%as af VgI‘aVVe%A%C2bfe::*vatiA~ V‘ fa)0£vfi.=mzt;mz* on,(A;«z}Faci1imefiAaliommVcor:melleArefi22zerzti.:v5 %q§:1amfiq£'z'1£rWeprapri.. %f“"P’.“" ‘°’ W“”‘d"' :zm,Mc=n a we ia1wayesAbetter at cazzfmmg then comjirm£ng.1!1+WhichV j lino in lib. de ,1, ,3 10_ téxoughl am ifrengthened bythre ‘cénfurc offliewm on Laé?.amzimr, %(b)Lzz£?m2:im‘ (~&)whd obféirved that his arguments were more valid and fircmg gm]? quidarrz'% which he: bmught aggainfi falfe worfhips than thofe Lather by A fl“”i‘“ T””i“"“““Vwhich he &011firm§tVd?Athé t:"Aue;3ifid%('é)TMlb« WEfl§ed"‘hecou1fi‘~asV%eaw ‘fizog/mm.£’“Ii“ E1 57 find§az£t tioe ime God as7d;ifpro%@e tfl/se f1Zfi'.W hath shit be“ through mm mm noflm pgmjfl7g2 cow». that natural! defire that is in us, to blemifb others, orfgmm mare ymczmfz- ti1e£;Ve%aknc{E and ianpezgfi-:&i%on Aofoqr a pprehenfions, or fmm, *5 15' “:”W “'5” an oBfiis;A$atep~rcjAudicé again DiviAne TrI'1ths," or'fl*om4Gods%hi~ fE§fii;,.mz;mdins a=»d.refe:vi:2g many; things :3“ ‘-'5‘? age “F3.” vthm iaccmw 1,5; dc W, dgg. pliihmem, I will not now difpute: I onely hlntiit, to [haw that mzgz. Izhczrefiare itis why men have difputed (0 fitmhappily, ancg with “ fuch varietyabo51;t¢ fame di;,fficuIt, pIac¢s$Qf Scripmre, alwaies ac» qxiitcing themfelvcs with mr%e.%d%vh0n;oam.% i§1cc:cfl72,:.2nd fati$fa&i- an in dfl1"0’lJi2:r‘gAth€_ Gpi"niQz1' Gfat:‘ie3*33i,tfiAB1ii‘h 7)ii2dic.¢tir2g%and clean- % ing their.\az.w2. . V % 3.3 this hath been the Fa*Wte”o7f other Scriptunes, fo efiyecially A A Anf t:hig BmQ!-as of theFwveIa§i0n,W¢l1:me‘inAA thcr.sz'»ax*¢ fags many {TgI)~*.!2yQt «mew, as wazmfljgzand a1.lm»atter§(%a.S imuflxail in Pr*Qphefic§ ) %toIa»S'ezrr:zrnAw~. vaiiefi 71m&3e i“ wexwprefficzis which die or: myfiick f‘c91:i{Iefand intferw %’4'H"”””§” pmtation; ~ Above afl other parts of the Bookc‘tI1eA%‘three%fi}v&» WMfimBjb’V Chapters a;re %m0{i: plain and eafie to bee itmderfioocfi, though A here éIfo.% Hifficultéz-ies Want not : for my part I»A%A{ha1A%~nm: trolxble ycu tIm fi:A\*(eraI"l thoughts of Vmenrfiabom; }1thefeQChaptcr¢$,%5.. tThe3nUifE“Of Axe arid“ Hzzzmmer [bbiJldA't17mt ‘E56 h&ard%A%jn,%th;:A A théfe ti*’iAi’c;1fiA°1ons7 ‘better Vbfiecome ihe, ¢~8mdyV»%th‘en‘ thefzal-2 ,A V. ~ % % - ‘l p < - » ; « _ A 75”;A'I;et*4if-fuffice%to¢notethat the main £:Aorm-mm iofthena; are, few-~ rallfint from Jefus Cqhriflby john to.thc5 flzwfen Churh ¢!%,1ie£;"Av;:o” ;;’Bu«t‘;heifaia'd.oubt[=a£i‘i(‘etVh3,V ’3why%~a.CathoIiqucpro- va"t;37§,:¢%,A%"£’uch‘..&$as is €:flt:hlated' ‘fc5ii3%th;e*OAhuArch iin,gién‘era11,%.and ally . Offtgfhd ulitl *l5eg’%“iAr;mza'ithA:E§:5i4f£Ies*;to thef7e1'A1'5rAa1giczJIar Aehcgg, whatmay bee the,rea.fonA offthis 2» 4 Anfwcr, Ms ('0 partly, % %% V‘ ~ ‘ I A b.e_caufc1 Haz;f¢ah%v;fthefipeopIc; Iafnwmcithenh ‘becauié theyh were n0toi*iiau‘fly h:hAgui1tyGfT thw:ffences’ch*arg‘1ed, _ am ongthe p€OP1€501‘thI'0llgh4gfCitanCy, an and {'c)hy example propag: ted =’*i:he7i‘r Own t‘air.it=8c prophaneneflé .~careIcfnié!Te~fii&‘er“¢h€ A gconrgzmiom Ah V armo;»zPre£wi§ed5efare tMH§2;¢a;u2!:£4c*~ mptions to creép inupozl otjherépr elf: becagfe afl dif pen {én:i¢m3 A fro.m.C.hrifi were to-pafi?.~: throughtheir hands to :h‘jeCI1urcAh,, ‘&..!1C§\f}J the regular way Ofcranfmin:ing« nheié EpiAfiI:es4 ,; was meansof theflngel {:sr Eyld€:{hi.p;A. 1 % % ‘ V M W M A” V A Other;g¢z1eMraI1Qbfc7a1*i:aAtiQI1SAihfilfe arse, but I quit thaw-!_., Ade... firingto fall upon the} Epifllé we"hafve in hand.Thc "fext is}: para ufthd Epiiflc toAth¢Chzirc%1f~of5ardé5, which was a fiourifhing and rich. City, ,theH'Scate Aeir’ the Kings Lydia; in it; yam ;haAve.~ ‘ ' ‘ A E, % A171 infiription, Toiés A7zge*!:y"2ba Cfizxrcii cy’7Sa3fziir5 “1<})?'.3z' tig“j_,:* % ygu {E-tee "his izzfizribed as all !;h§ Arcfiaremaythe Aragell afzw Cbwtb, that is,to the Minifi%eryAA%:V who, becanfe oftheir ;fub1§=rviency4 to “the falvation of the elcéh andtihatg-eié,mbIax1ceVthat is bf-Wveezx thei9rAfun&iw am’theAtnge1.3055-9¢a4re€XpreAfi%dA%y :11a:V;rem~.i; and%chougI:%they wcim n1an3W:etAAth6y arfi ¢:>=prE«ffed:in«;t%:eiffinAgu. 4Ia15"nLm1be%b xfizzégeag td ndte their Union A and ;combix1atiemi Enxa bcady anclfjciety. H To this Angel wrjie ,, in AwhichLwo;;;1 whee produceth his %wa%rrAaAnt and-authority. A Wee ca1m0t%threat~en (f)Seei:)IA»:.%;*e- Chu1jChcAs in om*oWne%% 11aAme ,, Chriii‘ Awmui-i fi;fi‘c5fayA,f write =5 gthe flaw‘ Serlmn On 1?r5efi;undm~ ‘that: Law AwVere4 ti) l1av¢e7f_1:%heLirV sates_t'ipped*fWithw ‘W’ A”3e1w°{% A 5Zéad,Exad.29;2§ Gbrifc n&1ui’c.§.‘.OminwanAd% anti ‘infpirci as he_Adoth~ the ChuM10f ‘j0é,z‘1.l€E’.e¥w,,.z‘te » » % V . 3 % ~« - ‘Eri%£z_. .. 3 , _ I % __ _— A A } %££*r"vqgi A deflcrz; nan ofVCAh%r1~fl: the AuthoAr=:of th‘is";Ep1£’§Ie_,{ Tiyejé §?A’fii%2g‘Il5zi*45’A"-7'36 ‘ At/mt 54:12 fbefiwa 5Pi*fi#’6fW=’ #7243 :t!wfi:ve2z A5.'t&3r.r; we teven%sps:ias,A%thAacas3ther;IAQ1y GhoPt,,who$is=&ca}l6d ‘=i.:‘a0f;»AA Abeé- afaufe of t%h~.:% p1iem:y,pe:~fe&ionAAvAand Avariet;fy,0f»»h%is gmc%icofus o%pe+* rations; a1id%inH'ueAnces ,3, and therefore in the old Hynzne ‘of jzhg ChtI1*¢h,, “Irma-sfaid mthe Holy Ghofi, ?"'mfépfl%rm23¢ mmzereagnd Ms i‘aid- Cl1;z7&i{’c loath thefé {Even Spixfits, tha_z5s_.,A hath power Ara fahdéthc Holy Ghofhwho a1Awayesa8cc~th“as Chri&sSp$Virit*wit:h it-fcrence to his ’n1Aerit and intcmcefficm, Athe_1‘efcrIje ,"’ti‘s %faid, IaI;. I4; %IA5+%'wHgefb4l1tu/<3 cg‘ mine “and féené jfgm, Cfibrifl Ataketh%%t hisA t'itIi.:" upbrx .»h'i{:uA how to {haw tha t hevhad pirit ew2ozzg€23to%Aqu%icAf:c%n d3dd‘.Sard£:‘, fsven fpirits, AAAwhen her: ‘ W:im:hA ,t~Q a,Ia%ngu‘i;flai21§g A I The rmxcTpfia,::c% 3:1"? £113 dgfcription is~?:g fiwfien :ar;,the{ea:e;expounded,Ai{ew1.4L1. 20, Am’ the - j"eve1§A_%r~«5'§ar: mg An£geIxwaf#kefflwé72V"”Cbfizfcbaz, 1'0 tzbatthe. .fiars‘*note;:he fHb0I°di:u§ :»;1%v:1fi:=c:%A§» Mini iiaricég AlW”hich% Chrifi .is{ai‘clA m have, bacaugfiwhec _ap¢s- §4'J-intfiflfih 4‘ VH0/g./"3 ajifcéfizmvfims sit‘ ti/3~eirAJi4lci;2ez>»%:Ag’3’¢y/1‘; A A pA<:>in~tc:tht;h£m, gifceth t§1’W‘x2,, afl1f%sthemin4 their oflrirsezgmd fAu:1»~A \ A A &:AiA(}lA'l3¢ A AAThe occaficn of thefipifile, which is takez1£-bomth4e{%ata » A of the Church, wh:ic§1 was Well eamaxgixkx10wne,Wt@A~¢.AGod 3% A and%tberefore°tis prefaced thug, Ifigow 2?/9} r:.ro;+-Q3, aAphm&” tA§‘:*A.at as ufed to all the ref’: of the ChurcAh7es,§3ut is mofi propwro Sarw A cZ}‘?:,AWh0fe crime objefied is Hypacrifie and‘; ;2rererzca.'Oh how fAh0LfiC3 it ifirtle I'I}pocr,z’z‘e:' to hear: God “fay I lggzuzw r!.3y.n*ar vex .’ Aitixz-,2;-r s MpA1Aj,3eth CE1riflsflri&an:iiAevcrc 0biAAez'vat§0n of W2'm.t.% is dum:_a—-- An:+LAo4ng his people, his eyesa re ever y whexmybut hex: 0§§fE;'rK'g3[§3 22343:: C.hLm:h, Cam. 6. II. A Here goctlr czbrwze into the Gamiem tg 2.19:: % fimitx oft/ye wllfemafée wbeziaertbe Virze; _fiA:925/'1AIk€sdJ».’Z77d 31:29 Pomegrw A mate: lwddecl A; ph;:":.$.'7e:3 which impiy a narrow iz1f'peL’?ci.Aon, The fiateAaft hz-2 flhuficfii, is de1?:r_ibe&two4wayes,3 A_ By its: repute%and.xenoWn%e amongother Chu1‘ches,f;héydi1iA ~ iudgc and {peak Well of 11¢-§Ar5 Thaw buff an rztmze that t/3.-m Ii?/e?flA,AC fz" thou art reputed to bee erninem for Faith,Piet}’, and the pa Wen pf‘ godlinefle, and gAoe&fm1 an excellent Church in mine owma IcA:once'1'tA and cheopinion of others; aChurchAi':s than {Laid to Jim. Awhenyit receiVethAthegrAace and c-2xpr,veflActh {be Zajféu g;~,zc¢5% and, name is taken for reputeA and renown. A A A By thbitgzdgmezlc ofjefusAChriPr, “But an!’ dead, my: cond? (ion is not 'corre{‘pondenAt to the report that goech oi’ ti-16:: 3 the Churches that judge well of thee are deceived, for though thmg beAAmuch prbfizfliarz , yet very little of;I1cpa.mer ofcz‘,utl1a%:1dAgogiea line!Tc_i»s fbtmd inAthec_.,% whichis here expreflé-d by gleazzfifi A A The next: thing obfcrvabIe~isAcl1e Cornwall of AChr‘i{‘c,% A and A;diAr'c*&ion to thislanguifbing Churclyand that isin the Avertfz A read. A Be waicéfull andflw'engtl9e23tbé tbing: 2&2: are read} t.9%zAAz'_ye=_,e,_’*,»“A°Ac:,,,A _ In whim ACounfeI1Ao?§ Cihriff to his Chaxx-‘dz yeti mayA,4ob-A-- fizrve, A A A A A A * AA A A A A AA A 1 Am excitmcion, Bela rm7tcbfull.AA A A A 2 'Q‘ A dire Etio n,,S'rreng_zben the rising: which remairgwéie-1; are rwn7y « A A'Am§m».A 3. A cméwi€ti~oz1tofét onbo,th thAAe,FoArxmr;parts5 Vofléavemot ‘ Affizzzffd Axis} mm 3523 Effiefire Gaei A A4 Thfi \0 U Q A u.u:d.atyA1s Ifl tt1eVvmidd1::,;ti”ie}firAf;frA par§béiAng IaViA¢:1.lAdom1ziz1%“ ~ A by Awayj0fAA3preQaratiAvc“to it AAa2A1cithet:h'if*dby_way;oAf1'eafo§z 4 A A A A? AAAA AA AA%?%i5 -A A V A A A Aaz1d‘i Lisenmanzfifeaclbealéefore we rzozmzwe A «a wife fccnzent A: 'themfore thdugh I fhalfexplainé the m>'h()I:.=; verié, ycciflmli {angle out Ehc middiAe c1.mfc,A for_1aArgcrVam§ .£A'mA{)1“fifPfCi&”dAifl;‘{1fl‘1()fl, % % A % % “ ‘ V . V % % * Albagihwifh tjhAe cxcitationmhich (A331 {aid )Was§aid%d1cmm A byvvay of preparationfor the Qt‘h§’A‘.AI‘ duty. % Be nuztcIE:]z¢lI,(i.e.‘} A Eeoke wit, Ree whewwnta thefe thinAgAs will grow; fuch 'fadb¢.. «gi*:mingsA, ‘fhcmid make you confide: and obi"c_rveyAouAr Games, and provide againft ynuriudfgements 5 A hoIy*I74atchfALfinefTc and 0bi‘em'acio%nAis xhe firfl flap to amesndzne-Ant, and whenptfopie beau AA A gin to undexjfiand the approaches df wxlathg they are in a Fair: y way to prevemzthem, v;herecaz:motbe1uch agray baire, or a fad... A , der intimation offwiftéefirtzfition, then an {acute and ca;-¢1¢fiTg ¢ A 113 advem':ncy;thc firfi thing prefléd is, be Watchful}. You may look: upomthe c*0nvi&iongA which is brA0ught%.a3 A A a reaftm why they ihould watch or recover their former ‘height %i“n?godli13efi7e, furl have 7z0tAAfmnd %tb]"»n2arl{g:% pevflfi befin Gad: AL whatever men thinke of them, they are not fez» holy and Aintire as to beaéble to ind ure my‘tryaH 5, things in a Scripture fenfg are {kid to bee mwflnewfiva fztll aAndApewy‘?fiA_;,“Wf3Bn they are fimerd and A fizzmd, wit how: 11yp0t:bif"§e‘ and guile; A’aA;Ai'1d therefore 641:5: integ» A» hgrityis exprcffed by fa:I_fiA!lz'nAg Aafler-A God, or flrlloming qfGo;1fa:i[)-A, A A M ANumb. 14324.. he undcrfiandeth fucha perfefi and full gcowthg, ' as kecpeth things from languifhing er” dying away. vb Themxt thing now is the direfiion , % or ‘main duty prefiéda A Strengthen the rlviflgfil r19dt“?rem¢zi71AeA W/dick areivfady 90 die gghm [were ire-3 xomi flame {E31-rAy remames ofPmliggi0rm:1dgod1i::;efl7a,to A quicken or flrcngthcn; by which he aAddetAh a zfcafqn at‘ ;.;e'.~m Km-312-3 M“: which fhalldieg, the fame kind Qf¢’G,reck expreflio 11 is Aufed ¢ . ccmcemingthe Cemzurions fcrvant , when he was at I the point of dearth, Awhicfifiis exprefléd by §.wm.s re‘.*~.i§I‘zA'é#-AAAAAV Lufiz 7. 2.; they are evenIa%nguii~h'ingand expiring, un1eiTe%you ifrengthen and -repairs them, they areuctkerly loft and gone: ‘theword t%bat:ex- ;preflE;z;h Atheif duty isA¢,gg,g.. féiifliéor efiabIifh* them; whichimplyu .eth,notonIy_acgretp kefgfip them from expiracdi‘o,n,but toirecover A ' them to tIA1ei‘r fmtncr hE1ght%_anAdVradianc:y4; f and therefore ‘a like ‘ matter is expreflAed Eijthe Apoflfc Paw? in an0t11eArwordk ._~, forhe b:'i;dd~ethT&ima2bfiau£uWM‘v‘Afiirre V01‘ bAl0W up the giftof Godfgn 4 A .f§)im§2fim; 1‘6,'* ‘ V ‘ v ‘ ‘A A % A fIThe;c HwgfécfCammam::tAtEe2?r.?1a'a;zet/a@IV;P‘:zft‘., L 7'7 _ There isnothing of dififictxlzyintheclatifé, oniyit dozhnaw A A A £2) eafily appear ( fince they are not {pacified inthe Text) W-Shaw: ' are thofew? Mmi flag/§rernair2e:AA of Religion,whic11 heurgeth flmnzi ’ J to firengtbem. A % % . % V % V % % % A % How {hall we know what they are?Azzfzv. It cannot bdnaeanrs of pcrjam,asfom¢AVwou1d have ir,1mdcrftand2wng‘it—of theweak Off the flockg, for “tie 6"? ’~°W°F :b%£ng:,notpe:vfi2n:;and mcnlyit mufcf be fomcthing concerningthe vimlix officligiongflxth which ifrevi-=» A V;§d§;WOH]d make them live and flourifh again in the fight 0155053 ¢ahd;:Aa0f the Churchefigflow Do€2"7rz'7MI.s' it czmnm befifor the rcafow H fénd red in the latter part of théé T€3{tg_{bTI {mm mt fismzd fly} 1’«7:7“:7?'[{£ ~ peififi Iiefare G5d,V it is {Gum decay in jmzé3icali.r, thy workeg: -my:p;a,%andif they had decayed in Dofisrinalls , they coufld mm," A have for much as a name that they lived. And then meere dijiziw piirze, it cannot be,for howfocver that be a great prefervatian Am . godlineffe, and a confiderable {take in ReligionsAhedga_.,yean A thecorruption orintcrmifiion of diflsipline, Cannot foprroperiy J A A be termed thedeath of the Church, ’c'is I rcme'n1Abcr(iA&(g)Fon1-c (g) B;~ig£?J2%m;m=i expound the place right ) called the {leap of the ChurcAh.Cm2:.6. 7" “'13- ‘ 2.’ Iflcep but my beam‘ mzlggztb. Brigbtmmz applyeth it to thg . A Church about the third century, which Wwwmcbfn ’1 over~dag~ ffrinefithe lawrt A 239.-z1Q?6l', but carelefly digeficd the cmrmptiormiand v degeneration of dgfizipline, and therefore {he is {aid to Heep, but A "cis.no whcre calla:-d dearh;,aAnd it cannot be meer d.3'fi:ipli22e,thaugh . {tame regard may bchad thereunto. And therefore principally ?tisAmeant,(b) of fame flaw paw/‘ reliclge: ef la22guifbing.gadZir2ej]'e5liiier» EfJ);C1§€fi¢2¢r;:{rI ’J' I mar Aw “ 1 {parkes undanthe afhes whinh needed blowing up; “ tlrm mm mm mnqumm W 1 cf’ all is, Ihope you will be fiirred up by this admonition to 7pre- QM. ;,, .L~%,A,,‘,;,;,‘% A A vent your death , and u:tcr%1az1gui1himg in RcAligion,,tl1at drcayed efrixir Q9 pm A ?a»ns,I“confc{Te tis applyed tomhem%byAmAoPr,, ~becm.1fi:jit yeeldeth A ~ha:11d1c it(ig1-apqblick regahrck A A A gad1i~nelTe%may have its formc:rA power, eflic‘acy,,arxd» gIo1*'y.; I look 4"! fxtizzflfa ’ 1uAp:oz1A the Tcxt“as a Cou%nfcll m a Chtnycmnuc m priva1:c%QhAriPci~ ‘L-£;m_{“"* R‘*"fA’?” cancepz‘m*A pmdicaZvz',~’e.r asthey call them _., much pxeachingmattet A mmcerning thelanguifhingAandVdecayof AAgr%ac;eA in; Chrifiiwans. % A A V A "I can%nm:fay thisis excludrfl ,. %bccAaufe the part foI1Aow::th~4‘thAe~ A A Asreafon of1:hewAho1eg‘.. bucI.:*aAtAherlmkeupQréic andAAfimfl3a11,%1 A ~ ’ A “rm % AAA.er}Ar“neVq;¢i flfa-: “gifiram .com2i- 3 %AA%se%é¢énm%%t?:>em¥eM:r’mr/zeI2¢Ivz¢ar:zMe°%‘ A A A T*heP»3int%4is§ ' ed} meérzcgir z."5;:= 3‘e;;;zi;-‘iijgg <’ifc£€€g1_}’€dAAG§6[l}'?2?fl;’} L AFTEQ Gizzificaunfrfl to 3.-zm'23a', lei’: has fléaifidrame mporzriseirm ;«z5A 4: 1’{:r"ié:j[;€hE£EiS5,bTi§?g a fimdaineazad u:1th0a‘ght%Aofdeflrzafiionz give%zm leave m%p.mt~:!i1e§l it ‘outwith ~0nepL2c€., and t%?v.1r2.~:1 E ihali pr:3~cVe{d to the xAms"«".»>%ns~._; ?iiS‘fi3"36'€OUE1f€AH to Epi;refi:af, zi¢w¢zz§V*zv;;%ig:;‘ %%A.$*aetlg:I%fir[Z* war-A vex, ~ W‘ all/E2 I miii some 30 Mesa qzzifgy mad rgni'é2*z2e3:‘;:£'@z 50945?-L, % Tim: at fgbecixll zwy tofwe/wC;é:x::rcZa and people fizam immzimrzt M253 €“.22;*z:1!‘€;{f"im{: 5, c?9y.;.z*ecAoV'ex~ing Religion :0 its former? height is maiae ~ 3: néeamrs of prevemzing Gpds comming in juflgenmmrg and ‘:15 A ti1e:*cexV%preiT:ai gby fir/5 n~avr1*g{., becaufi: Religion at%the firfi com- A using is erscetvtafined with more genuine fim;pf}i'city, and zealous eaz'nAeiA’rne%% J3 (225 ff; uafies in their fi%rif’c¢‘rxmk&ng aré‘ 1'frongIy wmught) A4 % ancfis fu1lpIc~to EW£.)___l_1__Ch-.0nt’.'iilflaT1CflAWh€'I'1 ever they 10?: bfic. Im; 2, 5. +Wbdt iuicjwigy Im;e_yav1r fatlsremfomzd mee»? and Verfe I3; A O we GcneratioAn,have~I been a‘-WiI:dcr::EAfl?:o1~%aland‘ OE darken A ncjffiecczyou? Did ever godlineffe doe you hurt-P W-31011 ca=m,do‘c- I but produce czme«Mcxperimce. If yoqmvgjjl beligvc Pa[ycgg~p upaen ‘ his“ own tryall, and lg; rgge tgll yoggee waggn egg .J__;_{_g_mfi:22,and A 3 had AAmuch tryall of God; hggjle infggnm yg_u,V 5W‘''’‘'"“ ‘S3 “5 ‘“‘'’'' (b)E”fi‘b~5g‘ (N 7\iU'Wa WW Wa':J‘:':onarar.:..@'.c- pant “£1363 can‘ :16]: IE; I} '12 jg’ [peak of yccm, Ihave been his farvam I75 1t0r§7g,%and» be An even‘ P‘ 4'” did meeha-rm. And tmely(n-otwithfianding the prejudices that am abroad) We»: may come-in With: the Ifiiieattafiation, God-lyw ncffi: m:verAdidA no harm, whcnit: nbrAis.'edand~ wawigomus, - wee “ '-:thrived,* and iénfibly felt» therrbcnefits of the power of ‘it. See how GodAa,ppealethsAco men in this matter , Micaba. 7. AA Are % alfpefi’ £2.52: daifigimae not mymrd: doe good to [aim arlaat walI(gtkAuprigbtAly? fee the meaning of that place a little~; are tlacfe biidoingm? fpeakw ; ing oftl1cx:roubles,« idmyottthink chef}; are the fruits ofReIig-”i—-- A on 3’ Opofycmr ix1dcavouA;*a for» the advancemeznt ofit 2 Nmyour «IAQWAH fiballaa know that my words*»haveAdonc ywu good, yeelded xycmmucnh Cflnilfolft; and dcliwerance, A you were happy as long as A you ktgpt iM_hat* ;Way..0 Andwth-erefore new if 4 you would take a- way th ¢:rx:aa.;{éA <;y,fruin¢,8c redx:afl?aVtheA diforders ofihe Commom ~xvweavl.Mcb,1;epair the demyessnffieligion, ' doe;what_ you can. no we fiprV¢t1g;;p%AcQ itafopmcr pow%¢n;andAVeflicacy»... 4 A % A ,A A _Bf.c.caufc _ by“ outward" fwéeflé”, - vWriI’IA rs§‘iI3b‘IyA Afdeézlarae *2. hisf A ,dc:1iAghaA in A‘fucAl1:mii‘he%n;t workes as thcié arc: _.," andmhérew A forefmtlv 551 bwttamo-blcflé and profpcp_{uch'a= pmpk: wfaa fat A xlacir /mart: 1:0 rcpaire dgcayad KcI'12gic:-11": V,~anr”i% God .dc;ntl1'}ic7the 4?-‘h4¢.T 5 P,“"T¢% =%be:cau1’c‘%of?uheiprciudice that’ as q~pon*'AgodlirmHe;, Wjmeq cafi Amqfiugbqnonr upon g;'hg1i;;i~tx mafi¢:¢amm%me{y,%; for Adatli AGM % mpfi bleflirzg and wmfortupon :2 defiaifiedgracgmcn accufé it A: the oliely %n‘1akc~bate,dnd in the ,wAorId£Ae7ye%’tis the caufé of Wantfamgi A Awitneflctzlaé W * A svarmamifirmfiwéefaraéatfimffwéaratfla wiamffifith fI0rifl3¢av¢ntha:.’ti$ thc~..0mly piwge of mA.£:A1efiA§mg,AA ‘ A we; mmmA A&vc¢Am.~c§Ag;z;g.».§g;diced?,kV we ma:weAim:;1,s Gad %im:EmAm3r§n,g 7i.&%;;V;A%V;andA plqxrmiy. bammfeyof his awne &,a:1*?A’igE1‘t iwis, A "MA Im%_gmmA A .g.Emt;.. E0 God,‘ and thera-fare Gad dam am f«3rA%a,; hm A 1 V 1d ealzeafia *az;,vitEE1 it Am Caicmxrxith his dea=.r"cA&:~i;ugbmf Acjw, Em g'I:wt§§' fflghué 3%‘ ,,,9._‘_ mi‘ fiae awpflr awmchhe metflerjprézfgxg &h‘e%*bIf::fiing<$‘V0§A t%§‘E5E‘§§”§aaxa9£§‘i‘ A 3 V:r&m..x;.%;8.. gr.ha;,t u0AAcome5fm“ as all we r21~oaAmnsa.nd tcn%+:§-mares us?‘ gemiflxmwfiw ¢ mfle tcrxmaitz Céazxdg fa ail Gad: aAinfze:s an& A difpenfmwrm are WA wax.-'=*¢1.t go::E:§i£m£Te,[ amdrAAtherAt:$7ora is it that wee dm f«w;AAai‘“t:s:m haw fa b.i~eAfi3~ng upoan all A1mdeavaurAs5{7efpeciAaH &Y5.‘32;€'fi"E:E1‘§§?;‘k€fEfW arndV'pgz%biA1ckm)€;Aha£I*~::>oke.tha%t way .3 ea E*}5«zgg&*15 £21.. I 9. flram #£:Aa%R~AA ¢ M £zgyVVAférwwr¢»w££l 1 bzyfiyfifiy thaw is, firam atfiw dAaay" chm? may gawk I % ware o.£tfche§lv'eaw%v}1!fie_.5, God wzmxld ~haveAA>%tEwm 0Mé:A“m*¢ i¥§"”'Aaz“l'%§r31g5y,uw* A ? “smd,Ahap§uiAne.f¥E &idAnm4thrive from that day faaA»z*§2;*aw§‘;AS«o» 2 Gisraap {mg z*I2A.wm:~%"¢eA AinmAASwIomm2As A&em‘9 #49’ Awwke. «EM Mar «mm WafiA mmd7:A£3MfovMfé afwéze Lfird laeaprq?/}7erwgfi;* emfiéffieda %T§?$0-fé Attfiww warm abrivgthe 7'r:u;%tt:<:::' fox’ mm mariner 3* the Eozfd; i§ni~wf& Amww pmipcr: the; bmerAi;1bu2ildi=z1g Mmzimmg, for Gvszyd Aw z.*ei?%:Aaw£mageA§y% mas. aggtd, mo:fle:h::he??‘WQr£d;kmow W fi1a!3@ bm:&3@m% m*AtAA¥1aAm g:-am cmwé m_ whAimEw!mm?%:=;iE,EAVmamm.mw fins Em: 1;/:‘ia::.4:..4-‘a Wpwéimlae Agrmg :3’bera;,l1&Aa~l1—§dAr ~ M H 9 with w dmfinmé ,:; by? tfié» g»¢’uz;vi:a meaz1t%~the.CAhAuxah A~#Arefwrmc~r& ms; mmé A A=n10»“»f.,fl kaniyg; flak" mhaxis me efxzceflcncyr a;ndAgIory- A; Gf*o;1d7m{‘nd%§ AA -hiweapie heirzg nb0?E§Rg£v0r£9fl¢'Vi?1éb69££W€flE$ AAAA<1:mw,upmV1 th{isW%gI‘oAry £6 5 ‘.9 2 y In ¢ fl1é1*e%A:flwiIJ§~:V ;bmAae :cmm+in.§g;;i..mn~A7IdeAFmAfiv%*: fhaIter;Aia3A %t’?'xmxA*-fi‘%?Afw:*'..a?‘ 015 A. §EadAvg¢m 311% nfmmwa the: g‘i%£;;iry;m4f“ tim«";7Ai“" ab;éra-'xacla1.7~ 7 A , my 2 A Bfimsaufé 1~;hi‘s*i$Athc: ££.mazi;g*;rxt;:3i‘:wz3flAAA.r:1fiflireflfway fiafafvbbfifsim A A ’ Va}; othm:.;pcsAxCiic:7'm: ahm-mg graat ax-uaAx3}§r+A fe§f~pezV2ti:ic windinga”a‘n& 5 ‘&z3£r.ic:miac§3,¢A;,vw§h»uraebyrA mm W_eAmivz,immotAAA‘:ha1fA¢‘ Afafurc and mafis_.,AAf :fix’a.—A V flefpemm cafva ’a:i3 beii*j£m;2A£akwé.tmdmddy-wa;3#5;Ishatiai, thw V maapairirig $09?’ ;A ”i1:'i.~3$M?Wh¢n;RnJz;g£nnvAi?s~4%ba;w~p&I§% bits ‘gig’ ‘aaAAi~f:sfl1As*:m§Q§ beragWhen§m2;m*§pol§cvAAis ‘Eta;-:§l*i‘gioni;AA At:’7ho4ug.h t1ae?AtramA A ’€:»€!.es;amv£2;w magz5_ ya: oiw.Waa~r1~z flmgeh. n0t'..ib much» ye Awa.%mmnAAawAA-A * Aw2iA¢£eAGad,AA Wm; heginme anache riVgiz.§sAAm1d,when vpee~Abegi‘nnew§tVh% - jfizim, 3;; fm» ammking “’Gm‘&-; a‘ fria%ndA~ yw may rm: 4 hm.-rAA -‘A égfléfi.-'14 .,W&iih: ?zm;m. .. “Ta *£A?m5en VAthA‘is rcafmny .ta-{tee A-7a,, Vifirw £Gfifiderm..: . A A A A “ AA A * A ~A ~‘W§AthAaam mmA.&:mAAdA0ay0u nméAgmdA,,&cp¢-ndanca mi; Athgaw A max :Ahm~Ab¢£tAf¢ccu:tA§tyx, fin tfaige fiamfi miimy Amzruflwing ~GédA A I A AA A ‘ A ¢ ' 7" ‘ V & 3fmhAm“ A 1 ,4 A‘; . p :F-'‘-L§ ; A 3.5 A7,!‘ . -«man timt ‘mm fix and n1akeW[“;e%m £":?.m~,, '1tA§1e%time is fpe.-ciszfly mtézd, aj}e%~#s’Vi’£fé4» M T ,. +»'-- 4 - -'~ 1 es, _ «";*;,_, ‘.;2 % M" % y.,;-~ warren)’; firzatt 1s_.,afitm* :Heme£=gwm»mri m;.;ab1xi4a%.@d. the wrfigp Qf ~@¢;;d5= *~(;;:«1:;”ich*cit-c:;1¢m{’caa11ce is m‘M:mV‘%:i®mr$a;'3 cmafiy to zmt%n Him Am,-~ §c5?‘i{Tc"mu~;agex11t2’a*at_:s4% 017 the” ci*e%awt«Aar31*j%eA%‘*cAt:»§“:m'.~ {mm " .;;5%;;,¢:;;.zPv;:>,z ;i:»fi:~.,»:,¢2i~«eA,%;tr:3: ‘1nt%:rei}1m;”G0d5A = and njwmgt A_ wfwf wmmanka%t1Eeir)wawe:£z5::4z=‘yt. 4 A ¢ ratHaerV£hen4.m¢c»x1, Hwy are wmke Amid faaithflhflé 5 fan& ifo “mm A fa;iic you when thmse is mafi med, am. peaple arc gmrzfimirle as wam-.r,x %mnd’tl_m%i1* refgesfics arefiifpemfed _wi=:h much unc7ertaint*!y, today % thfiifiy wry wpyaflfi to marrow {7t5E1a’:y% C23}! dawn izhmgsgto fgcurfi Aghgm... % fi7e1#es%%tA§*tey will de£77&rAtithemm%t%h‘a%t §1.mrc flwna étherfe mini} Vgoadf: as me KVei!27te$wem’mady"to g-ism a.1piD.%:zw§d after: bee haci dam,-mg mezira, afiaom aa3%%S’¢z:¢£' had my in-3"ce an Iymez, ’1 S;:'m2.. :23.» ‘:1; 3. if krzep trm.~,*th@ir §pc‘.">“W§c:r to he1p%maym:a:wg%om,%VGMQ, fizggjyzdlerfe e::aa::~:a=g::e and» qm:;v2e}&e:;’9 ‘ i5C :fl’t...pI€:.$flMré3E}'?_«€ I 4.. . Ti’Jt_:;f}’7 43,'5'.c?¢"2’;'4£”£’>,l::3§Z"~I£7*‘i:’fi we 37~:*w’mpM» M m%;:a3;€~;eka wii’ mmfy, KW mmegamlv M 1122 lmvxmilag, fm" rm wmxis is %:¢pm M1 fiwmziaitwcfi-2 tiaemf.-, the re xmem greafl; pm'sapm;“atiq«;“ns3bue 1'‘ sum» thm"x:‘"fruZy there is amt%h‘én ,2; .g;:3*:;::iw.:*&**m3>‘;i#1 Smm A fa. K 0v@*r*tiiae @543-m %mra%t%h§%2'w§7»; w°hic3;z: ._ . ,, _ “ .1 ‘ V _ 1"‘ W 4“ d_‘ A -q M 0 v, WW.§‘A 1‘. 1.“, f£J‘{§~ {"3-u_,§.':r_;‘I’.‘-‘ff; ‘ ;m§,';¥w;,7..‘gg*d hated; E0 2.aK7'.‘.'&.a&...zI" W3 ‘i.E”M.a.. b&.}s.-,wI'L“.".t> *3.-'*J'%zI.5".”1'~ Q L m1r%Vi~m*m«1am 3 d}i£§a%ci%van%£a»fg,a-W zmm;?a:a:%%:?mr am: in Gmihzz h~an;:%@; ME mmzward {h~m"s;g°;t¢i1 mp - mi 13$:-ztia in {he ammveaiviaa Y 4 . % and , 5'7 ‘_ M , §»«»v.f:f}p;2.~&%3 wf time pmplc, ‘ for {Q ma a:hse:m£?2i%v3a,’ms%(;mcl mzacw "I (‘ll 3. ‘»“5w’i#;i1 Gm! men cm doe yam ‘ma :%.w::;a, Ema za“~m~.&; flmma '£§’Wzi q we %«::;j;az*%s:jffé;a“Ei5,m0 2:i’tabli{h¢ax1&;fm mp “rniaa mv%wrfi*m;w and than th¢ay'mm;§ ¢~V;;g;otVc7a1+:e“Ax.1vh«miareaaga%in‘f?c¢h@m3 iE.=ne’w.J%yran. 3%. ‘ m~;em;~;_%a §:fi'm~y M’ "3€47zf2;2c§?é‘ri%.r cgngming up againfiz Iwzaj§2fe:vm, Sm mhlcfirfl €7w'.§c,, .m2;d fie efimgéiijkéwamt w M iv- ® E1 E3 Jx §a?i’i0n ”b4f' l“;fe2:é-{ink} cm-zafidwzaacej forfim haw me difivaflxma Mm Uaiméi ,w,3h?;i5%a% With ‘him imzra wfT}%c»jl1, £2-w£%?'wAVé;~£vAw»$ we V1§_Md5r£r%Ga;rZ.4‘% V‘Jh,¥3n year: are: this §‘UrG~;t>d%, A w1%?Ml%%f§:m% V«"’7.i.fl“3. w§;;‘z~_)z;g, and then, whmf?«:’5 alzzfi :0 the m=i=m::I2~ +3 B‘15~‘:’j*!x»“§’a?”’4i3'EflZ?¢€i2’»£';n,%,97f'?,"g7.I ?.‘.~£::a;az ?.%"¢I;.'g7‘,':;!;aVr*,§;r‘v“Lg$< %?>m‘2zi#wg;§’ ,% AHA Ax‘zntM £i~.2{‘§:*2 m We Ai7..,m~d ffl‘L!1‘“‘GCafl? %* .;:."%:.1.3. ;;a.s when D'a”5:'igl}% A ofmen, thebefi wayjs‘ to get itfi-with God, L-pPrb2z. V A 4 mam waje-.5‘ plea}? tlaa La«rd,~’ A (924 enemiwflaall [we at 3’p. eace with ‘him greaccfi lofflfi Hv»1é=ww€%¢vWmmbeirmonefibrafl-A h'%1dVFa1néVtfcandalouflyVin-thematter «of Uriah, his adverfaricsv boaited ,% snow there i5§"nabelpafi2r4%./ziin in.GcH,A ‘S?lab.’P fit}; A3_.'.2 .;a%Mi1d”% this Went to_hisfouIc,fo fiill our {E:andaliJus~«A Vmifbarriaagqsagiv3é..$A the advcrfariesghopn than-out fha,d0W*i's1gone,%3iG.« ‘A A , % A»; In having God; you have memzoom hcc Cain preferve“‘fviénci9;_’. omwa enemies, andthe1:efor¢“~fli*l‘l I fay no gains: fhé refpefis’ 1 6,’ lien, .30- rgtmember Gods powerfovg: thcfpiiits of men3«44 and than yang. will-. {cw thairy(1ur maine4worke l‘y;¢th,ié:7"ith him; facobi ‘ ha rdefl taske was with G0d,be n=r\e§E/é#5'With§$G0d ind ffihdeth Eisvzééizcieie. * * from Efamrcconcile your (elves to fl;rAemg1thJ, Gbdcan recover. Grid, and ts~.keAlio1d~ of his. A and"then bee can takg away .I:!=§e annuity of the creat um:-5 ' Vlofi heartsg pr¢f’e;r3ve'ci1e%ziefpcé3cs of ,fixb'jeE’ts in»-g mine to r,he“fuprear1;1e%powe:s5ftisV‘ u'§rcé;;yw%notal%;_lef that «inV‘thcf'g4-Gen. A‘ ~ the go. verfé,compared% with 35 1.» r %%Whcti‘ t:~hé‘ mi{t:atix*ia‘g;:é I’ ‘an ‘n ' . ma, . firigfiirizarz gm A;;fiac.m;%2._v-g- ~ ff3’+»V%‘¢i>iIi.ee’%i14@%;#‘t0&p”p1V‘—‘~?hi1{h1:;2g,~%%e_£:gm23, ggsngd ‘vcpgzrfigag flaw m$=w . emagd .c2§'Vgax:i&EineiT:eg ‘£3113; fpéciaif mreemeat%ofp1*e‘iE;=z'vatiDn» V ” A %«~_-fitigjgjut z:i y %ré;€%*ei*?cm§é“ff fatid% ,»§‘.?9I;§e:4~ fgaéeaiv Ag ~*5King‘7 ' a§f»é:zg5z“§§ezu:¢1;eAmj w=~z:5E:« ¢5?”“c.r"a1;~:§z3i> ms1$*"m'bré ‘cm 'Pit'inée‘a mfthmmfeivasg fiim r:§1”s-‘;5£:t?af‘ziaii’1E«:§§?f‘i;i?*f‘é415Eb}w§iE,fs;3‘f*t}:e3?erfihmzh 50f:a’zM%q¥"2mH ‘ 7% m1%ty3.% %:rm .,. “ I d‘g;1L2fif‘§r%§%E§4YéfEa¢‘t G% §tfiE.5 ’“0%v% ”I*r§.2%§*§‘%i"2*g;%; fpwfif ELK‘ Vgodgtfié % £1 1-:2 ,- ~' 11 an .\ ‘- poxm, *mxreéA-b”avé‘fmu%nd ;«2‘e;~':~.%§.~rzg %_ w_g“&5 !_ifi&i‘}i%hisf$vfi% ‘I1f£~fi£:?"tiOz*iVz1p0n0wr%fé§;%rL=2m,$fia"e :a%1“WE’c»::xVmteVf'fi%z>:d,-figfltfg‘ E22gZm2djherA::%tof0‘re 1‘w:a‘%s A, cqmp m& m ALW-& mew Em .?s3l+@r:2as~~;y:rfie‘ 22:, ic~n1ayVbcc%c0fi1paaz*ad £0 5‘f'»as2‘~d2’.:s' !43”§””:fi°§?=§° M A" M % ? A A j%’§7’”}e {We at rmme :1: fizwm we l;'m,%0ur rwcxmwné 57$ gmwim:~m ail? j7;m:s:a:fl'r3§ é fmwgzay‘ mid f;ffi"E;“‘£¢,§I1' I;'1~ym:zfI9:r,but égias b!iI“(7r0w§2e ‘£8 *1 E40 ‘Eéfé vmI@z’%fr§i§m4‘AuS5' :¢nd4}bur*g1ary-la,yedixavfixe Nw”w_,I%A2A%«R»e1.~ggmm£A§.a::e féemmiiz Etc) hé.$?e”E0fi an fife“ mdjfiirutg and! grwctI7:’7z'W«e“_fis"-‘ W ?.‘&'??fK‘a§fi& . ggggm ac.;;ldf:3rm5 rim ~0m'ir2:2m&e4,§* tE‘1at% eff’: mrfiiiiw %*v’m*~:%2 at W sgpwz 1 " 5reuke3Zasar4:;;r uh 1'OllghTith“8;'31b.flfidEEHCW ‘Wm 33; [.th;g~m¢‘f¢e%me i3¥:xf£3v t?o%‘ have Iofi 3’&3.1Hf*.“h&i*1‘ a~;~a:*«zv*ava~*#*%:E+é°23g%pxa—$'.§*sg:*;>f 4;, ( H :~2‘«-’ ;f;f7w?#;:r2'»;,# ‘fl:fgi;T:Ec1.%.mf'$;’i’?i.& N1 :¢i°mc;ifi efl %fl~“L3‘mr~:;s£g;?»2z cm 3;:me féfmii7mcb1afi%!:mien“t.anfl‘:t*fiz;fi:1matafl~$": i7eea*a~n mk=; m _ our Cmagregatia mg m» fes}? it-*e:é’rfi%‘are*‘5r®kerWW * l1 Qbmziiemsz-2 0fthe‘£r§zfl1.ThaEwzg2i'~x§,(b»&7fir'm;iw;»2e: 3} $5 W A A ii%mgMz;e;‘~f;re“x%«§s;é2-:§ic*‘;Ae;fg7’ "‘w27*~1*a¢A*%‘ée.*‘:a3 mm» *’fi:*‘W%,s:‘ zxmm fa?’ ‘M56176’ c&6m.%*£}f£W{mtfiimi;;* vmtgm fixdirwxhengm ?;;;y~;::*§;::c:;»a‘ *’2m”;d :a~;aAe.~a;*;f?z?m;4zag~ f;Reli7- % 1 ‘V .cm3pw1aAiziia7;g";”t§%iee~,tx%4mt‘!fiimk:‘E’u1i::gcm;;i W111 m3;wm3m::%+*bee.:»%wm¢ A %- Wmp}iqg,c1mfb¢wgerA‘:é£m&a:, 1 a”‘*?n~d a;~:c:mfi."mg mw,s often gik:.>iu=$0tV";i1: n1‘W:fi'fi3?. %?'...{«‘}W TW3 .}W7i0fi *—.«m4%é_ mzm:&%.*’%a4%m‘mwg *a=;ximc>“f.ay cgpmf; am: gm; %£mef§’e3;~1md~t»?;>*~3fl:cz7m.¢V:**%~aa a§§a1mT~;s3.%“im m.m»mgwLh1ch F .4 . §fg1iéé;bffCb§‘g§¢;“z:i;£““ga; eé&‘v"i‘f§i %?%9~:.m7f§@Ar&*‘;%?91:wé,%¥»'<~:w‘W~AW fi£¢0.,}?f3eMiz;‘& m?.*mirVway3h;‘;the ifcafmijiw Sim; =i%1?3§£ini:33 smdi ff?-’r£ i%xuhat.wr£;e V ma? £phwm5x'¢%Athatei:mr9%per$;to ycrm ‘ ‘A ~ My.,52ri% wu;fk.«i$ £dflk€wVti1atJg0C3fi.{iQ€%%’¢€éa::ay¢c£,aL;wd % v C u *§.2‘;a5I fhaii dpc tfh;2;3'c*‘1t%iw £“'a:th€3r,j1.~;3r#/y‘th23£ in mi; laeip as m pm; ov.:»:;~ mmumes in ;€Aiwdu£f%AAAw¢ “ mci%4ta%1y@ §0W4Ai%% t%.¥1¢.%'"«3«xmffi M wAwx°fnL“iwaw¢ ms ,ciIm.y par&§v1,Em;a¢:i’%:%;W;¢ ?&&1§%t@.w»§?§f*:;*z%t%§‘;MiZ::%;*'??3 £W3¢i~ ‘ ;mfl’&g_,, awgyd pm:ty41ik;é thw::f[W ;;V.:K¢1,§:§%¢53;1§=»&s‘x.r Mi fi1é.§a‘§%3:10%;g%1¥”<% it 66 Lha::“21feE.v"mg; ¢:é§0a*V_;my mat ~I4?10mke’.mpQn: 1:116 §*a%ig5hefl: j’;:7ag.c;2";_i;f'wns§d3'g»£? az1d§VApazem;i]Ev'$ we: immhc Wanldfor magma d_g;1e4;fi1, m A meafmm ;R,e£igim by 2: hair ¢mw¢4&marefl.md mama, vmy mhwi mm 0:" 1e.€¥%ix:;t%hw »2wux1dg:rfw?iudgmr csr3%?w;:;%¢:»f;A theréfina ;.f&iu.(T»§?£11fi*'31gg:ifW:‘: .P*"4iv~Wcwm$;tdgg»dd,m%mt~d¢::£?r:s;vm £?mA~g¢4rivM%ww¢mem a~nd%¢h:¢M£r h¢_riS%:>fi"A Wx7ge:%aa% ¢:wmmmmch~¢nAL.m<él:m «§;wa;?5°fiaiad.0r With?“ «WW m>»nss37:e¢Z azxdfmwfia aia”aa @7695‘??? M12 flaw “Ia VmiAi%«~2flwf?3f*1#w % .~fiwr;www,a.ndd@u;;af atblinderiwaw»ra;mm:W#: ezzizrivwhfimk * T Ehvifl:itaxzdfifi1wrV:.fa11¢thL.wi$H% W‘; p.riva:tmg4”#%@ma@.§%é:n&nV$i A W * we ‘wa%!5uAnva»m:funxVPtnn§Aamr*wgaMVa§n”N$fl¢r§W:.ewwe- 10if:'v¢ra’v mm wife;hm:ven,«mnd;&zi;&Qgy%folavifhly1;o4Ibevdrg§W;;bjg4Ehsnpmrgu “ "“’"""“'*’“‘W” A “ 4 if: hc%won;1dVm%aa h;cufu.gge1’§;4ed»;aglgcrmfiara to‘prg2aszgm:¢:7e1lJ,i1;ias1~¢niaI1 5”” V93” ’"“’” A A * ... 4‘ A 4' am cialmfifié xawwmhe%fufpxtxqrm€w%nys fuchA&dr4m1Q§aIfiat§d*fl1VcWp£g-afffl WA” » V wh?min%4th¢«v¢2w¢v:of,gcrdlinafilmfoi¥i1d;t0%dm}*anbkfiiamuiih mrx. mnm;dmbaA. IA.A;w¢anae;£iW A lin¢afl’¢:~ :w$ii¢.‘f1;; §*i64%‘§9=n3;m¢W9* W W irmw wmrflaarafl 1%. mxhe A$1%w-my WE? :a%n;awm~%r»wfa£3»V A féiomtbe gafpin%gAu;fM#may{Wai¢8%‘Yd'i£?z0vr:rad;bu$;£f¥Wi4a33§W?' “ ..,flhe{°g:£:h'i,;g;3,H» % “ * J " ‘ 7 V * ‘A % e um ~ %a%4i$aw@mh:fm l”;.fii7¥7*‘+'.:xi"é.hi*»y%“~ wwfaaraé; M~mr- kiwagmf. ax: V«wf£5~rW»a\1a3gA Amowham fiupidneflémadswwibf §=§M»§!f"wW!4im’- ” A Wiigimwmwe weIszhaughfG94b:gi£hamg,9c;d¢m;b%v:o4lamm W; V 11:‘ 77“: M ~ éqfofe 2ze~J%¢Ho;m¢r.we “’t”he~Sablv::tb prophaned, yetjmen are neigher ho; normld“, ’Rezv;, 5 3 .15. we content our {Elves with *Aa'1qkewarmnefle and mam... .ImdE’g. Non mrmt, qui 2zom’ZeZm.A14g. % w:—i‘«’Jim‘cz. Ad!-- _ «X 33 makeus wt»-fa; V ‘and every c,-zzrzm show are men djfizouragedl it"{hAou'?d%1no1t4b%e'fo, 1 when the‘wicfked I V. ””0?2’bViJ’_}3l746:l)f? _V % % _ me grace‘ &tn*d**tr‘u*e’ zéale‘ an M imegvpafe W’ 'ub1—i=ng ¢;f ~p:fofefliop, midling it bexwgegn chrifiand~ah'e World, neither Afujferingg not daizzg azgyj fugtber the: n;,wiI%1 £13 téwith figm- intereflx, as, if in hazardous ¢a{3s%%wé fhou?d5”levolQz'arz %ri4.ther%*‘thm far rm faith cf the Saint: ? the gIJ0ry$ of ?% Athatimind R Eli-= on for Rfiligionsfake? if we haci; more iovyegfweé would" have *:s'1101*::%zea1e‘,4 %ifr the~*i1eért were gva-fin%ed "tQ,AR‘a_l2';gio§i; we *w‘ou1d”have ‘t11Or”e‘£*eat%‘ andV~’pawe‘r, and not give up our {elves to fach a fflésxfe ofl2z'£a72::yA % I 3 . Agodly manfhciuld be%likefl2m2ta£ne water,‘ boi- iefl: in coldcft‘ weather 5 A-dear! fiH14esmay~fW§~n1me ~With the flreafiiifl ll heart=wa1£:¢_accbrdix5=g toi‘I:h“4’é;’i’rd5le bf Ifr-%.«:e4l:in Fdefiervcth no’thanke{s%t"o Beéahxaefi Vin“‘du:ies1,wh¢eh t‘heréis noV%dp« V-gofition again’-fl thém” but alas, f*.aS;f0Gn?¢ 5-ais Cbmmeth, prevaile, ifs faiddf ~'1:he‘g0dIy% 11;an;,*j'ob 17.9.’ that bee ;flaaéll};aZd A M *iAn:§pesAi&gfi§::ia~Vb£fiw%in-Achewar]; A‘*t‘%fr‘ries; m;Ait?s: bnherwifdwith*m,~“*’f{31*=49ur’MagUfrdteJ, foiheg A df » ~‘t*l'z;;~m5 Whfenfifhe day (ff %%'God”is prbphaned, his name%difhono4fi~ A hig trm§h%q%uefiiOi1ed‘g.are like carelefleGallida’~:,trouvbled with ‘ Rhone of %thef'e,\%t13iI1g§,d%Q}‘e.‘m‘3,t% éfOf1j1"eW‘forth*‘jt;Q €h锓1hé{pe A N far m:z4a£l:I'ixz;»vi11¢ry,%*%;4» xi:“a:""ny~a_@c«m:w‘ furtlwer<‘AAhtE1‘en~they4are “Hzcawraged, _ V ._:a‘n’d pint”‘b1g'%AB§f&4fin qzéiivviriqltpokvér, * :‘and” Wil A % f , pzxltiex befi1~&%riemmd%by«amculaxarmewg 7‘ fit hers¥l,eaveA %them{Ielv:-3% 1* fio§‘in§:igé”fiIl alI3 dz;fii- A A i%at~a;1oofé:1ihc1;ty‘andindifFerency’to cémfily Wii:h%a1I parfiies,a;fid ~ __ fijaunch ‘forith no f11'rt41;ct5thVcn§t“hViéywg§ayvgetA‘tb?‘Vfh%oreA !a~gflai’fi if ~31 A Agfingdomeof» (3QcI»;§ Whatazealé ag}ain£’¢éAy_the~1i:tIe i?%"azi+;e;%‘“iii?a5tr“i%T1m‘5{E:*tlA¥e;d hefitatgitm readwtéco‘ draw bIe,,§;1cadi“r:g?%fm~thqymnpm %qf*Dagbn5 arid ‘revdlcizfg i¢i1tti’e”ir4%hearts ep~¢cheo1dwayn:and truly as yetthc evill ‘flayes are notfu1ly'ictm‘1é, ’~f0‘that thisgréaiieis ndt thorowly e in» A erpifcd, however a,;y:0‘ld indrfifayeng in fugzh Atingss, :vi‘1»l vtimes be ajzm: /1}aaf¥afi_.€.3* t:e”rVta£in1y%tI)»'i‘sT:is t:11s:Mi=£ralready,44 that we are mu;*:l1.g,oz1‘¢’O“fF*from» firji ~%AVlave2Am;heafirfi A bredkmgozst of Refbrmatioflng What 1iea:%aAnd violence‘ was%%?thcre4%0fi5:réd :39 the :efi2:>:£.r;‘?%;, every ” % .:m0.d£‘.3i V:Mzm;~ari1é;m1e%peapze --MI" 'W‘hcré a1"€thOf.e 1:hatLdo*c%;wu;m£?r£v9% coniaréd "e.~:vr?2_efl§: :h%e£2zz‘q:4it} of the: times fhou ld;puL f:‘ us-fifmwdrdf, _fi0t : ‘ uqrzd ism that M r:%Av§igbzeam A grow fiiugggq *Aa'n4fi;~;3ugf*gg% 3. will in fvexfy 3- L H 91% af Cammmv sat their M'me2‘M)rFzzfi. % x I7 xmQt§e{’cappearz1n~ce of ar*;rour?wmt an hely f0vrwardnefl‘cM?\w!aere~ {W’"*W'“'" 9/3 ..pafl§:*"- as mw wesm aftafiamd, the old World C l,ike Md man} every ’"1"’fl"""% % _, ‘ . % % zmiz mate V day Rofiug wmmeof ms%I‘1mt;andfervour5 flfelaazfibonx ,pI‘0phfi-- Ziggy Em g,._ W is aflmcw: verified, far he C though he were a fober and meek m-em gmflam.» man, . and irxa.§a§}_i hi§«mz§g_ggi%c m’~'«;§§%g,qVAg;mg};;1~g;,§3atmngjycnaeg fowgby Eggs m_r7I_e*fl'é’»Wfl'gmt% ‘filergge Cgzg/§¢bfi§_;@_§a:*io2z prcV_@_§Ecd ) was fa fenfible emf the: decay "if-”’fi”_‘ 3”?" Q? ma! in his time, that he fear-ad the warld w.;):;m came ;0acmV~f{;::;”:a:;;‘z::: count. Pwfifigiorz 21 xixmmr C)f1k0thir1g,OL‘a wot*d~Pcrifc not womghy mg.mf;,3Me;eM, n:am%sA regard and ez1g;:a.‘gm:m:‘$3t,and txuiy ifls evcn brought tn aha: dé 533:; A’ ~ i % C..;?7'z‘ I} ‘ $ A Bythe: §:«'afi;25ai fmm!i§;i< and cimd bmrsedvefife, that is found ie-e 2. very where, we axe. wichaut life in the wayes of"God,1ic*c¥c b¢;"2m=- ' ty of hQ’Yin:flEr, little circumfpsfiion and {’tri&neITe in life and ,convm'{“ati0z1: Re!igfj:)n:iS likeéiriimr ,% itlmfethin fl?‘j£$&;;.tf9T.fi1*ha~.£ it gettef‘m inébread¢b,nm1v many come in , to prok-fi7e,% théir: Wab- kingsare amt: fa awFul1and%{¢vere5 wE1eniu?s%ajZmme non ta Emvc fame formein Rcfigzon, nmny haw but a forzne, and also dabufé the: holy profeflion, byjminglingit witlx their pride, lufland a.»- zsvarice-,Fo that it.”S not {cw dawwing m:1dl1ath%nofi.zchMajcsflywiszh »%i;%a3fQrmex*ly it had ;. wa fmlv godly mm ism be the} w0rluia% worz»-» der, the Wmlds zwpiréffiyflz, I; he WQ;‘1(:§3 couwiffiww, the worlds mam. (Ian 1 Put. 444.. they wiaizzmw flrangeflécyou are £0 h0!.d%%fQrtf1{ucefia .mor;§fica:ian and /Ey«"e~demiaU, that the world may wondnr;yu1)%%am to wq¢.:a,nc your (elves, and bind up ’:7,?OlI1'fv‘5R.fXCC8Ci1..M’lS fmm IL§a€’I1 Qb-- 358:5 as do fopieafamly and poWeL‘fi1*l1yinf;inL§atc with %thé~na,,and Araviih their afi‘6&Aion3; hefhould bc C002‘ the Worlds mpm9fr:,Hab.,% In . 7,. by building an Arke NW9 e:.x:>ndmmncdV the wcxrl-du ,* mu 4 A (hould be Mirromx cc kill Efifilifkgfg amd-in xzhaiuzmaaxzcgy ofyour A flivea, {haw them ram Qwne filzlmzesin flimt, y«:m~:~ limsfhotxld ;1Ahe.AaWreall wpmofe and upbra‘id,ing r.m:hcm4 5% and than th,%%e' Wqrlmf %z:on&z:i£fiaa2,A 1 Car. 14, 2.~5.ymnfhpe:sMé?a"ce;v 05 A §£ght_1!“ti%s ahlcjfing we knowby tilmrwam of=ir;wh§:rrwc4~cah1e;%r1.awI‘y but of7éia\r‘kne$s, ~‘Whxo{'e heart did _t10b fay within E1ir11r,;,,’;,.'2,»a‘ «Tr. Welcome {ween ligh‘“t ?' when it was a new thing‘, h‘0vJ7:(tr§nngeI»y did it affsfius? butfizis the unhappy fate of the Word ato ba difpifed upon» aci- =qua§n.m11c¢:, falmzé. 33A.~ Teerqjgrced in hz3.rv1ig};:, w~paV;;.s'gm. {cm A a~.jfe~a£'o,21§T0m7¢«{ina:1ltimeg; v Whey: firfl hee began to {bind in itheib ;Abc:m.:ié1'A:s.-;%,1ra?a%gmc§om vzye trmhsbed 1s"c¢Z:.mzze.rgreea2,, as frefh a”n& vfi were foe a lufizious wanton kind of preaching; -truly‘ wecannedc A abfelurefiy determine wlmatwill become of ue, onlyiwe have came A V dmfear that fiomfiientiam Sermazzgas mulch defpifed as they are, “ maybe a eemmodigywdeare enough in Englawd ere long, and V i- I 33"“ §-—-4; flan: may be Iefle open, thatthey may be themme precious. A ‘ Plains Apofiafieaand turning rotmd to thofe ehinggswhich We ’ 4... A h£:lt€difl.0th€l"S’b€fOl'€'; as far infiance, to drmizzim, d22tfl‘a~I>loat.z»- L eiazz daéE‘rineJ,8cc.whic:h heretofore were made the ciuawfiereifcick E note to diffinguiflw gobd perfume and bad_:, Iwould not be under- men, oppofition of image»-worfhip , wasdnever the Worfe, be- “C°"‘“~ caufe the .Mnzz.azbelz're.rfir{’ce flirredin it, nor is the croffé e the more hub becaufe the Ac/aflaliazexedefpifed it, neither is every thingevill ’ becaufi: tzaughwz by p"erfi:>.ns whom>Religioenmaket:h iufily odious; V I onlyefpeake now, asfuppofing other grounds , by way bf age gravaticm, V A and to fhewd haw inexcufable it is far us to judge 0- A therefor the fame things whiczhwe now doe our felveey Roma. ’ flood, as if I did thinke a thing fimply evilhbecaufe held b fuch See Paul»: Di‘: ed \ 3. And truly ”ti3 obfervable, that many, when thefe mrruptionee A were fat on byvioience, did fmbbornelyenoxggh bear up againft thefiheat of odppofitiomwhereas now by crrcmeous ‘infinuations, their revolt is made facile, {'0 as they may come off from truth A A with theleife flmme and regret, and therefmze doe now allow; A V in themfelvee ethdfe erroursawbieh eformerly~widc1 fodnmehheat 1’ and ibarpm-£Te.ethev oppofed in oLhers.eeeDeut¢;.12%*.d Agaeg, 30.. eyoueed {hall gee theregaefe a1l:fin1nesth‘e levees were to bewarefl. of the way d of tfiefleathens, whom Ged had eafi éutbefore thcnaghear the A4 d A Worde, W”7ben the Lord 2%} Godflaall out Qftbe rmtianxfirom bejfire thee, ' and etlacmgoefi and dweilcfl in weir Ierzdgd wk»; heedtbou: lac fiotdtflfmred b_y;fol~£u;wi:2g zbem afler tlaeyd lveddeflrqrfid tbee.T1=*uly A We have Athfe fame enat¢¢rée.ax1d:havingd the fame pefleflianw, may be eafiiyd tempted A to thefamefixmexg as pride, Iooieneifa ea;fE:,anderrour,8Lc.Y0u ed thatdfee vzhafis brought as a zgreataggravation, 2 King: dI7d.3=.'i£2a}ed j v walked hztfae wayef ddiloed dH'eatbe7z, whom ¢l9£»d,Lorde is-ad qafle; .e 0%! éezfiare‘ them; thefizeopdinions and prafididfee havepmvcd Men» fiivedcemthersgandchejr willdbe fair.-all I:0~u5”t0;05 defuei1eAp,dfia.u* , ~ fie 33 a=fiflB<3-Odf a double dye, 2 as beingegainitfiwfmerexgvcricrzcc Qf: " Gede A A 32. A45Varmw;a:weaw%e£&aforemyHmméze Gcs"&s%iudgmenm~om.ziher~s5, %al¢z1dA the fwmer j2m{gmmt'%of but ow%n*aGo:1fciamces, wh3;"R.veAr& am (70 kwn a7g;ain£% Ihat izi" them, AA t0w5~;i:chV%Wearen.ovMw03tedm3ri"e1vm?=~ ‘ A 5;; % % BjzbemmrcliRciiggiozxmth 1*cc%eived\A:ém£7e kozvfz of l7Br__frieg;zd.r, A m%any¢1ha1rw.€’céd mi‘ Eats under thc mAm=9'*eA'ae andmcolt-.rz¢r uf Religian,“ as':i‘f chfiy went on pu;:‘ppiE :0 make grdfiineflé adimx, and Reiigiwi m1j7fi?2:’e\g‘irm the Izmd, enga g§2;gthem£”’cives in all ixwwarrantals~!e% praéficesg .» Gd_§0U$ and gmfi"e heimfiesg ‘ profiituiizug r/aexlaagy profefi fiu%i2*%t0=aIEkis1d¥0f impurities aWndt'm§u1#ies3,w»herebywe mouth M itiiqmitgw isopened5 .3;he~iuatred M mxemiezsjaxiiifiedgthefirhépraauAL chses made gamed 5 and a» great u<:cafi0n%amd advantage given to V wicked men to fpeake evil! 0“? this Way; ’twas the glory of A 7'!"-118 T€?'fR51-Mflhrifiianity h7eretoforc-: to be hated uxe.}ui’rly,atati tha£~o*n1y oft!1e4 %.Apol.I21li d::c1’z'- Vr;zz%orc- d:;mnati- mi»: nofiwe glo- Worfi men_.,which was a;A,p argument of the guodnefié and purity % Ariazrmratjui enim Urfly fault that comldbe Chargséa upon the primitive C§'*r‘i§fl€i"M3$, A Ne2'or2¢m [cit wasthezr Chrifiianity, they weregufl: and boncfl, good fubjefis %“;"*""Wg*”"" 1’ " ’ and Agcmd In-':ighbours{ faith Pm} the y%ounger5) onlywthey had“ I V‘ ‘ 2 J 0 “ u 0 a . o Ag‘-:{fn’:gb:’;f;!n Q Lhexr bymzzojx .e4:r2telm:moJ than mornmg 1:m:emAngsAto pranfe thew L _§§\7gj*¢:ne ;1,,,,;m- God; and Termllian faith,t*heHeath£ns were we at to Fay Cajzxmi L%ri. ' Sejm’ wir launm m1:[ig:¢0dkGbrifl£amm,Caj5m Sejmwas a goadmahy % A Vi?“ i"°""' all his fault was, that he was a Chrifiizm : you {Ea flifi their F ' . .. a F "" ‘ A‘ "‘ -I . i . ‘ ‘ ‘ In ‘ %’ “""f‘Z‘P *7 pmj?e-fjwm was Ihfill‘ only crzzm.Nay,to come nearer home, the Bzw-A V Ari ibidenz. g Djfilind prov}. Bf aAli_fi‘7ain the Councefl of 'Tre1zt,c0—n5EfTed that we had ” denm Aeff£:c‘Ez4m ambadmax Izmw.:, buts beerericam’fia’em,A a gym! 1:? :2 but a bad éeliefég, 14* 51W"/W W “ a‘z1d‘j‘t;:t1Iy this was our»Ag¥ovy»4%w4hmi no evil! cmuIdJAbe cm~geaup.. J" R”’g“’ ‘°'‘ 5“? on us,bm ourprivate npimio;-mud pmfwjjicm :,but alas new "ciao-»’ beret leg as , jut M5,, .w',.mg,g;m ‘tharwifé, n1%any4€§f%Athca{">e that p-rafefl%:.Re£'£g£an”, AAha:w: dcme that A in}‘Ienfi;.Q';rtf. W wAh»icb a marqli Heaibemwauid fcarccd%4oe,»~A oh WhAat a% diihonormr towGhrifiis%this, thatthdfethaat pret'end‘mVhim ihmxldgbe ‘leflhw , »c&vi¥,3u“fi,difbrect.&c lob haw is that: ’hoT1y profezffionv expmAiI:='d:to the § fhame: and reproach wof t h&"”a‘y&v?¢f‘fafi'i‘€yS*§ i Ahmw it Cahrifc arwtcifiaui (»“3““F‘“i‘“?*53(A‘and” pmmfbamea‘gai'n4in your fifdndwm hcwwiil the Clmmx of.» the world laughto difcover_th%isAnaAkedneflé_1.* Agthusit hathfbem T%7'°«*“*"*? ’“W~~*W!-'5'v. of oldg, theflpofiie ‘Pet»er:f§3cakcth of f0me.émpure Adeceiwerm, by» .?;-mI$‘=%-wmr» % % W % % A A A“‘7f[.AA“’%"“;?°° *4“ »h~a£&:;f0£AA«}:h€“I£e::*exiaI{gJf;fakt:;y‘bamflfcmf theVrAGm¢;(Zgc1q2_:A%.nheyvvere I of A it. That which Nm4:aa,mch%%n1u& needs be exc¢1le:1t,'a‘nd%%:thc V ,f:'.7§°1’f,3L",L‘,«:§“ whom :Ahe«wggg_aftmrb mm W2lfi?0kgn:@f;,z PatA.2.:w..thrus%tlme azwzemz 1 m W~ere%loaded*T W-i«th;}ari1V1jkin d3of ('m1'nmd:.:o"ntc”mpt,a%m A Calltfd rflrmfe zfcammam attéafr Mazzetwyflg/Z.‘ ‘V 4 4 2.1 ciafled Izzminum%extiz2&'orex putters out of" the cafidles, arid dam‘ (5) T€’f'??*«’ +1: 7* A %‘ A bf %ob£Z:ezm thinges in the dark.Tim-tlnclcan C0!1vez‘fiti0r-3 mfzhe “1"‘”* Prifciflimziflimade Pagzzrzx dietefl all Chrifiiam} and by the rag»: of % ' % Maxirrsm thfiy fared ail alike ., malice wil1%k:10w*mo d\ij7"ir25fio?2,.3' Alas, whata fiad thing is this,that Refigions omne frierzdy would betray her, that you that arecailed Chrif%ian.s,%fh0uld callcsd 5.I,m,;,,.mm fa to the difgrace of Iefus Chrifi, that you iihould give occaficm C/s;rifli.% ‘to them that defire occafion, and make good all thyfir rcpz“+:3:a.~n «sheaf. M A A By Pz.e?ig'zons~~being made the*Pta.ll=;ing horfe to every {’eIfe~*fZ:w2w 6‘. king defigmmnany heldit forth oniy outof a defim to advatzm [)4 ‘ A fume p£‘iV,;s.Ea:eI1dS, to gust prefermerzt and ixonour in the "woxid or fame opportunity to inrich themfelves with the publickrz ga”:zrzu'q;{g 1,5,5" fp.0?i1es: and truly thiafw very fad, that every maliaiaus , cove» A/ofiipbi nofim: was or at-nbircious proiuefl, fhmuld be cloathed Wiih tlm; gioxiuus -“'3” ’2”‘“”’ “*9” A % _ AA % ,, , * ~ ~ mm‘ rzmd a./2‘? pretemsc . thus the Apofile Pam fpeakcth of {mm In has A dztyes, W 3]” M’?-_ that abufizd their profeffi omby making it a aloakg of wzwlicfiozagfm es, m,;g.,,,,5 c0,,.Uc,,,;,_. - M,;t»Pe¢.2.6.AnVd Laéfarztiw obfiarvcth the fame alfo of many in his 'vz'7Jm2r, Q/9‘ z/£2221 time,w=ho Wounded the Chrifiian name am? hommr by ufing it W “75”““’” "9" as a cover to their Jflnfixl and cwrrupc }2“ca&ices": and othcrs {haw '£;?}i‘,§§[§:f’0}fi _ whats: prejudice wag dune to Ptcligionflfiy the pride, dsfifire oi-‘fiajg 431154;, ;,:,;:..% ‘afourout of fame private aimes; t.hAusVa1foAZgzmt£g(ga fpeakech of %grcatnefT.=:J anti mntentinn, that was bmvcen the Paflors and tie. Profzzflburs ofica infwmuch that Diva-iefian thought that Cl:u*ifi~i~ C “)5”/5‘5~ 1’w£"" anity was nothing am: but a. wretched device of wicked men , A fat 3‘ 1" “ , ‘ fame that were 9 A9o£'*9"’M'°* ‘°¢”’M'5‘ ~?c‘i‘W°'-’*'°<’fi~‘> not Cbrifliémx ibmuch as (ff g,,,,,.E1,,-jg”. < ‘Cbrifi~fi*£ler:,1ike»j’mdm th at f0iIowed C%hri,fi:dx1Iy Atwn1ake%.g:aine ad I7'a1l; A « A of :him. {have broughtwmfe in£’mnVccsg, becaufe they due but 4 give us the defizriptionuf many imam? age, who n1akeGod in ~ 1 fimre with wheirfimnem, and godlineflc to bx: cmly the fpecioue campw 15*» “+5” 3+» " A A fide cwf every umciean imam, and wm~1diyA defigne ;: tltms mom P».cIigir:mA that delightcth m brca,tl1in theaim offlzlf~a'ez2i.a1tis“ ~ madethc ufimll (’mIe%'to;fié{{e~{éekz}:g 5 and godliucflfi A that Gbeakgtlz 3 A A carnal} projeflsjby a vile fubmiffion is fmced to feinvfi; them. a ~ By the want ofcndeavdnrs to propagate Pmligiongand to diff-F A 7.” A‘ %% Q’ jfuf: itVAamdngff‘0thers.,. %txuegodlinefl‘e,whm*eit is poWerfi.1}], is A_ of a ciiffufive andsfpz~i-:ndi11g nmzureglikc l.eaven,i;i11‘it:.:hathp1er'ced% %¢ mhe whole lump5*e3no“w what; haav¢VW¢:£’: CkJ11¢3%i«fl%~£11:1$3-% i%itl1‘@1?Q.h;fi3:” f - A M % “ 13:3 i;< “ % A A’ M£’ti*ans1w,_, I A ; Smizon Prezic/5:5! iefm A tie oifmxrwlg * A iiiam aziaoiig their neighbours? ii\/iagiflrates in the Kingciomflor %£\/iaifiera initheir Families? foriprivate Chri{ii_Aans,they {pend the heat arié firengciz of theirfpirits in Ieflér matters, and let the weixghtier igoeg, through divifion and i3;rife,,for{£‘3°:t cd.2fication,ma- my renmmcc ailcarc of tbemiwitlaomgf and Wifhfirfas Eiwyimighz A have iirengthetned the hamis of their brethren , {hair have afied A ieyned as far as their private principies wcuici give i€aV€.9cIi’d€'&“"‘[; vmmzd to bring the Kingdome onward to the way and will of iiziia publickei Pxcformation, what have they done? have they Cahriiii Pmé men for Magifiraresi, haves they been {'0 zealous as they ifhouici baa :0 propagate a religious Miniiiery throughaut the Kin’gdome,to iniighten darkc corners ? there is not a better (g)Aug.[2?b.nw. A. de Ci‘c'itzII5' def. workemor more for your féifety. Cg) iflzzflin obferved that the Chriiiians ta Fred the vioimce of the Goifim and Vam!all;r,Foritha.t: they wereinot careful to bring oflkhe Heathens from their idoiaw A try: Such endeavours wouid bee your defence, and inthe bu- fineiié of Religion nothing conccrneth you more than “this, but V my chief aifne under this headi is to {peak of the raegleél‘ of Family A dmiex, which is the: great; reafon Why Religion isAdecayedia-- M-i:'.‘.j-7. W AA A(I3_;).2§af'r!u:12cz.f12 ‘ i % 41,; T0772, iiapar.‘ Lm/car;-F. broad, chefs are thefibringfr and fomzmine: 0ftheC olmtry, Clam- ic9e.rwc1'€ fiifi inf:tmil:'e:_, Where the maffer of the houfc was the iPrz'efi, and the beauty and pawer of Rciigicm is fiill preferved ii th=m=,a.*nd thei~efore next to flhurches they require a chief care 5, Oh how excellent is it,» when Clyztrcfaeliiare like to 1764271972,‘ the, Afiimblj laélozv like the great Cmgregqtion above, and famz’lie.rjIii~:e Cfizmvlaeq for their Religion, order and comaiincfléi You rcafi of a Clmrb/9*in Pl7i1emo.r2.rlm¢fe, P/Jil. 1.. varié. (/9)A».5/Ielazzcrémrz fakidiiof iGeor-gs Prince of Arzlmlt, Cubicmlum atemplzsm,zicaderr2ia,Czzria: ithathi”s chamber was an 7/niverfity, a Court, and a C lmrc/J 5 the, iatter becaufé ofithe infimfitions, Prayer and Worfhip that was tiierexfleligion firfi decayeth in F amiliey bcfqre in C},vz¢rcbe:,there- fore when the order ofhioiifés is fubverted,,d’uties negicéh-:d there, how {ban doth gdd7iinAe{i7e decay‘ ab‘road 2; I doc not know any one thing ifhat God expefiethxmore from _a religious Ah 0ufhol— iider,Imeanc,in that capacity and relation; then the efiabiifhmenc N i }ofRc1igi?on in hisiliamily, A Cr'erz.I8..~1 9. I know Abmlmmitbat he‘ -wiillcammandbzk cbildrm and Iaitbaztfbblsz’ afier /aim to lgep the way‘ ;#ba,7Lard. Mark, Godi.reckoneth upon it asua dg1tyVthat,the go?» A K zmfeof Common: at t5ei;~Mo:zet/5'11} F4/5. warfi Awxatiom. V "By oppofition and fimVrI»in‘gat piety and purify, as thepméiagy V A v§i1I pérfQrm, I Iqzow, @*c.. = and rc1I1¢mber."d£fapain2é¢2e22¢ is tha A W . 8;. % Refojrmatigmmen are afraid to bee too heavenly, and mjefi Goa wr22rne22t,{ %becau(~e it would croffe their ££Cem#i(‘%fnEflé5 and fo the pm‘z'zy thatfl~1'1nethforth in thelifes of Godsfarvants, (1; ) yam 0,9 mmnmw ham godly" fiergiicfaargi W meg} under fume other mmzegand how men that have but a Fdrm); Virzemf the ” Land indeed the Apofiie Pam’ ob-;-.4 Affcxnbljl. V heard in the morninghow apt an Emgli/7: Spirit is to are wont to fnarle at timpower, {7:;m. A Mynext bufinefle is to {haw you the 0ecafi.on.{and mafe;,ho»WlwAe l A cameAthus to Ianguifb and deareafé, that {Q c_Al1AeA guilt may lie agtbe l'lrig£wtda0r'e5and trulylwce need notlcontend about that,“ bucmay every pnewof usfmitmajim the thigh: ,, and Abcare -the flmme ofimzr ll*own~1nA:quity.A A « A A Briefly then, A A" A A? the occafioAnAs,:tl1»e lmiowledge ofthcm mayferve tolhame ‘A A A AA A A A us’ , W Wmdvw ”I*Z'¢ir.W¢ré!¢d « lisgixvitfiour unthanlifillnefle, fl1£y'-ar£tW§). “ A A _ _ é “ M0116 is the late pmfperity which God of his mercy had» given lg-:9 hi$ people, the Church ,,(m)w hois the Heirc of the Crude, is; (:iz‘)'E;e1afi1z fgldoniae able to «manage ii and wield an Qutwlard happy cQndi[j....ji=lm;:r': cxrciux. on, 7I remember, (22) Waasianzen obfervieth that it hath evcrliwitlltxfli” 3“. J""";. ‘m»"9u'}4.xv EH3,-x.e¢ v nxore bmurlendnredilniiifeiry thet1iwiL4hfiarf2:yV impf0?J=«‘dhfiPPlfl€S and A zoo-,..m,;,, M, _ 0'05 .1'ucce{l3e, that maketb us afilwayes degenerate or divide; fometimes “:3” L1 3.4 ‘W 3 o . , 0 a " . ‘K , ~ ‘ ; I IO, H 0 l , V . degenem;e,when Conflanttzne favoured PL€l1gl0n,p0_/fmzwas fgwen de };m_ in the Clugmzh,» Qhrifcians bagan to 1006: their ancient fiaverity, qmd to looks after cafe and honAoL1imand plcafimas in the W'C»rld.Al llwnen We have any tlling 5!! the WOW; We mfzglcfiaur big/2 Alaoloa-i, and Foby little: and little holinefi decayeth ax1ididegea3era.t¢tfi V i-into a mere preternlce, whichis anely iretainield, Vt!‘-lei beam to cfolldur over fomc carxmllpurfuizs zmdA prpieéls _, wlim-as_itho1E Chriiiiiansithati unset ‘Wltll n0tAlf1_mgi but bxrd rbir;g1 inltlm worm, and from the Wmiid,arc mo re lipavexil y aind;hollyi:i7or tlicinwaxed iexercifés flffllartificzatforz are fguch advalzitaged ,by;hAei;1- Qutwa”1~d- condition, and the worldlbeing crucified to them,tl1cy are the .rI4 better crucified to the worldi, aslPzml fpcaketh,Ga1. 5. lG”.(i. 9.) NM ibitiem ; it rmcither /miter}; upon them nor they upon in .;i “and as iuccafle U, Qmm n_ zjnakethus to degenerate, f to dzxztde, ¢9°‘3‘“’7“ °“i"WW*?'%A as heeféid, p0i'Ia1fl?'nt W1- alloone as the Church grcevprgfverom it grew fi4&’iom5 like timber 46'”? 66?‘0naAr.n fl’ in the funfhinc wee are apt to. warps and divide fiiomgone an other; §e;fli:zfl7.=:ln_: in i a 8/71 In mg’ or ./llikfie (J) Eleplaafztrrcturning from thcbeatofche batjtaile, A wee mm eflpmm. tread dpwne our 0Wn1i‘00p€J'5pr0fi?21‘l1] begets Wau;q:«meflé,and zlamrzlleii E/ep/mm ax, tonzrefléz n_oz;ie1tie.r,8c (0 time people offiodi comflito bee;/E:atterez:l,,am:1 /Ja_/zliI5H5,c0n.. tovgoe intdiiliiiinftlzeardx anddivifion:, an evillAAAeV¢t*fi2t§alfiitb?ARic? "9 ’/3 17 vntrivif ligicm, and yet it féeimetli amzmzturczll the Apofiles thcnifelves, at 3 though Oracle: imfiaflible, could not Wholly prevent it i,_utl1 .1‘ Lu:/JeraQ’9-jm-.. A dayes.-, outward profpfiritylthen was a AAlgre;amccaifion. A A I lmzctbane. Another may bee opemzefllz afmfianr, Camalln ;hca;,i‘t$ are Afodne 1. .¢'Iqyed;_;I”(Ia1I‘notilitCll how Aitxcommicch to pafllmbiut 1'0 it ’is,chgziI?FarzZ: j hath leflé power‘whcn openly preached , a, Gofi2elI~ lmml fldtimchji doth often force God to provide flxavperenuciilisieswithgr tome great eastward millamaccompanied with the wam and falmim cf the Word_.,and~thenany‘1im;Ic ihingis prptioiusigaxsfze cwlepiacésg ii A one is lzeab. 7.7..” Teeflwmld have bearlgeued to the vfbrtrm I’ra}2b¢t.tg_;,A !w¥ben'Ierajalem was‘ inhibited and in P7'£fp£T;iU7g A 41131‘ 173:? Citirl tkcreoé" 1 A kéb§:?3§éV~P}é»écbeal éefore on amaze round abom her,*and'mFe1%1 inhabited it be 3am oftbe plgin; Ma rk; Ififirfi is th%ei1=%fn”[! carzdi~tz'z2n”défcribed, thé Temple fi0‘Q3',thé City ‘fit-;>uri_{;hcd,%the Su’bm~bés waés gxjv:-.=a1:;.,* *.bz.zt wthcn theyV;he.a1*keneci%no%t,’ ”:b1;t: d¢‘{7p'ii5&d i%1*1;_eJ7’0fz73ér‘P§*OpévetJ5th$at igthe PmphAets% €fi*2).t prqpilgiiggui, A $;.cye“d “b§e“fcim tfiecaptivity, %but%%now*1ooke upon them in their gm» p:‘i:2q{]?:3 the ’o:hez*pI*acAe,for arm. asam 9. Amzmz» 1/aa2tl§eVLD,»d ._13.zfl*J_]7§eWed grace To give W at rmile in t/9}: §Jul)IpZabe,’€§‘c.‘%Marké; hqw "weIcom.e everyA1ittIe thing _is to them%thc_n, a”r2ay1ei"im the boy }91:;r:z%"~4'.‘€L%_i,:£S_f~’\~3‘zC_%h% a mercy, that %i'ob-we the“fievcraH g:4srwthatv;€3‘dd I‘ M‘ ‘Vet A batP1pt1*t?éi1";)dI1 imam t6 keep him from33finne% (12) prone :ireWe'¢ “‘ to*it:) there are inward,gg:ard:, %Spirit;,, Word-4% and'=‘Confci¢cncV'o;. \ z:h‘e.frc~ Aar¢~outwardgmrd:,- the Minifiery , tha”Chm'ch, and the I A Mégifiiaté 5’ "all w-hicvh are as A his ~fieadIt:0=beei%anVqwe,tO‘:fi11é» zierAsg”h1dre1eTpccia1lyicié{§zid*~of~ithe Magiftrate thac*i-ahee is ulna ~ Illlinflief 'afGodto bet a’ter¥avt:‘Wa e7J‘i£l*‘daeN ,% Km. 1 Z%."j,’-‘4. 1 NW whVen" x;h¢irfword¢isVfheathed up, and nething is fet1ed,:1wicke‘d vm“cnA’%1c)fia all aweand jre&ra=int,% 1 and deer what: isi “rigbz;.%Vtiu:rbeir . o-mfl"€Jfé!;7kdge: 2 L23. as"ti~s faijd there they did, “when I:hei:é.% *maar A n&'Kin§in$~5;Urael, that is,* "no%‘exérci[?c;o‘f Gc>verflment% t6“ 7i~cfl.min A public edVi{'orde%rs,A (fqr asyet their»Govcrnment: wafiinot V narclyiczzllfi than Mallgoeth toWrack,'iniquitygr(3Weth‘in1pudént , im’rxe 0t;h&.ti:«; inzlijiinél @am§r.{dgé& ddthbut difpflgfé té~.£?‘r0f% orluefianflg Serbian /352251;, ax: hint here , and an /aim the1‘e,(§ oth not fo much,good,fyjr' nvfen of weakar concéics %c%ann.0tVfo eafil ydAifi;c1'ne how one trutzhisfinu fcrgcdgfronmn ochs=Ar,A gand Ai.w,h&t: ariaIogyAaandA.propmrgion are bgpwegn them; zmdfo; arceafily ovenccmé Vb§*&:§t21i0re%Ail7t1E5t"fi;':. and _:f’gIj£1I§g§;*~,Wit§;:0m:Lfé:nk@AtdifccArniz1g that AfE1irefcomAp1y_a'ncé thatA. A A , A jg Mbc;tween%%%pz-éa&icalat1sdcomfortable tziumsygrbwflloofa: certainw g,iq11Aw{ou1d; bc ,I1.10I‘e,; prbpaga ted this exercife were: Area *9; Wsdhfifitfifigfii, ~7!3fldA;f#!2:W.—»5]“¢,<%:A It-am. 1 L 124.. * a¢nd"Chri;i£}; A ;1;41j1,a,:}bxa“§;e{$4g'?§;egar%feédA '!?e179‘f?°9V.Bim;J€Z’8¢;igbade¢ Ah i'u1A.;a~ifo"'.%f%:ed%€*3P?f‘f%,: bit " hyzb€AJaf§9l&72*:2’-MIV5,~.I;é$705!“? ‘W3 !1;r%I;ar4ne Rreligi-%~ Every mbrgfiim :{be,uId4 be the?Gi6fpe1Vs'oVmz颣i2*#,:;és~+dif4 Pifimcrite ié the” Gafpe1s‘difgr4az:e, it; 24.: 1‘o»ada_rné irbg zié<5?ri7i12q,~'C43vd‘dbzr.:S”:z¢)ig’«“»» - am: let the world know there 1sim%0re%ianR'eli%giontbetxprctsencé and pglicygwhilczdhypocrites‘ and fuck a:s%1{€€?k th‘émFe1ve's betray the honour [of Religiong V 5d oery0t_;1 §tdvaLg15ce’»ir,,V4V 1:ec1:h»e'n%x_ fce‘ther’e are tr'u‘e]?:am2:&% a7srvve1I as glafri%ng«, awn??? lives%A{h~ou1;:1?»z;zak;é: God g1o.ri:ou’§, 1 Pet. :2». 9. Vhold9£<:m:%h%tl1e pram.'c4*t=3¢ A»AA‘«*r*z§3s‘1‘Aqf’ 15in: ibatlaatb called jungle: them 1:*ead1Go‘d‘in §mu:0Lf a i I:-rut~h"," and bgk % not di¢fiimguifhéd.fomuchV- byqajmrt} and pr-ofefian as bybqwlinefe, Termlliarz féxith of the ancient Ohrifiians}; Nan alizznde;%nofi.ijbiléf;r m T zmma tie rekme nda}ia}2e%.?2'2it%i0ru13z5”’= théirdifliaéfivn ways; th ¢_7iIfim‘§bdeng{. hen di%versV»Li%bcrwtir1:e«s had&%VAdifl1on*o:umcd Réligidngandiwalkcd unwVor_tl1il*yin their re1agcibnsg,=% fl’-eterpreifethsthe ttjueflihzfifiiané to good confciencaand more bond’: walking, x Pat, 2.! 2.*%ax‘1c'{ A gt "Pm ‘I 6 .»indec’d both.th%'oiTerC{Abap§ers<%‘are td~this pt14%r~pofe3fthis will: .; béra mar mall: G0.Jnfutati0£1‘»5i 7: iffm Gm w"i»la1=='giV e"%“V3§I”"ci>"’t1 praifle in the land of yowr {ha%me5 haire cut wi11grow%aga;i'ga?;-iif the m;c)Vts réma‘§n,anéi~§;houigh Mile 4trazm>: afdfinfure hath bfmufighn A baldfmfie and reproach upon the head of H.cIigion,yet its g~c§)’d na,mg% wilI4grow and%floux:i{h agair1,and7thcy izvilbeafhaniedifliat “ A fa:[[l}:%;a'cwtféMyour gbdbl conzzérjkttfiavzz. V gbméth fan ai: f&:i‘€.f“h} timmé. % iieswith Limb x:fieWc2I~I?e.!»;:i%t“s ‘%{ aifmflm qauéflion ’N€¥aeu%;5¥~- ¢ {V % “V figlét ‘yet not Mta&xa9a11z_\qi22’ ¢~be~sfzave«*bf ndziuf ?[7é‘mz4fi%ofi£be fiéprqacb T a,cy%’u:t‘T£veA Heathen, é9u,r»4dve1§/Ewen? vwhényauMivi:s?arc1:h‘u9 fléélgfiiad Y ?“inlf.1l0 C.§3n£5744V¢& thi:;S“dirt“}-“V311 %1*i0t.~%i’cick.‘*%V%~ we fl % :;,;S£jrr;e Au%p(y.c>ur (elves;'V?.»apd‘~'prtxvok'ennewa1ii)pher;.wé~n§Ure?fo'r4- U A ¥W@~:dn~¢flé2in.d¢ac!4:V%niiiies;~3wc: fhmiddtrisre44whJaflasm;&::;iJ§-a*fi?’*f>%%h”d A wagedsin%V:wgmdiimcfIc5A~;iyon rh:ai:‘izroa;¢”1:i=A.j51aAc:e5l £4, » _ %¢0n];3kie:* 073$“fiflfl1%€,r”;t$"p?0Z#Q%’\§ vtrzfq 1:gye:Zafig:§fl“g”!aaéI‘ hifiééis % % ,a??4§*{7;#”¢** in holjcontenmjidtii, when wecontmd who;:fl1a11fb§ - A A ‘ % wmo 3‘ . 9 ‘g‘ I.£M;fléjwf0&miexan;¢‘?g:£ 3*/ééfr ManAetbly.I74fi. A M mci~fi%fbfward%‘in we matters 0f A Gad; ‘ we ofm: provoke oiled A xmtherto camall Ptrife, ' to exceflé in vanity; oh whan doe weé Sharpen and whet each others graces? the I.-»:2rme,r; ofma coa/‘e,l1ow dam may inkirz%dle%¢oTne% anot‘h’er,é:ndA~ firengthen_cach int hersAAhanid$ ~ in%=wick1e‘d;neflé ?, ; [ee:;hc~:;w,. xthq IEdq1Aa:Vc'crAs~;ane dzfcribed, ffm [ 4 6, :5 T/0592 zfaeljbrbi ever}! we f2i4:véeAigbb}§%a£’r,Véweograrze 'fA1‘idia‘;.;‘é5’&r0‘t‘bErg Bé of gfaod &aurage.’; V30'.tbe,Carpmte>r% Encouraged jibe G0ldfi7gizé;_,, % Md bag :Zm;j;59saa:l9e#1a with the’ lrmmmerjbim 154:: fmizerb aisube Anvil/,e’9c,%1thg% pi‘-;Or,p_h\et fpeafikéth of tlie tinae, whet) thg GoFpAc2Ifwa;s fen: m.thrfi ~33]?/Ze;:, fiver.» I. lthat:1i$, ago 1:he;E2«:ropeaa2 C.am2trcy:;which» ar¢;z;afa.naE+e“' 1{y*i€:3§pVrefTcd by ilfletx yin :If2y;;:;.?;%N:QfiM as ~f:>’on a~snhey;Lii1i1ed;:0 this A D:;u<‘3’c::me, dc1wneAwenftthe~ pi€’u.z:*cs andthe jfnageé, Abiut thézre» }baing%%foAme:h:01pe mffe»red~ of;their re~~cre€f-ion , they come and fire12gi%t11cn%bne a1*:others§1,;anc1<,~‘ [Be good caurage, theyhopedjto bring, ‘ up; their cM1"af:i21A%AaAn%iiiWayf:a?g@‘in with3ApQmpei%§md triumph.-g Oh when gl:.c3x.;fireng~Eithcnc;m'e a;<:zw,E1efira:i?$?i:,141 i10.!t:;5(ot;? (a)N.W1*‘ cz7mLe%Ar2 was Wfdm: m ca;Il*th€%e11&mies bf. t:Vhz3;Cht;1r%c%hM¢W==*3$ '>°¥°W-°i’WF‘=: Caycmry J12‘ :’?§:. ‘m 158 Common %rec0rzc%ilerJ; baecaufe; when thfiyi Eljflité fi1F3P0T?.0flem W M‘ WW7?“ ~ ’ % _ , _ % 4‘ _ ) _ _ _ M03? J‘tc=cM azaothex aga;1nfi.the.(4hux'c§‘:«,. 11: dotl1;»b;uc4 11sx§r1t;g:%;th;s'wgpsaple of J‘um.owmt 75‘ Grad to%avemc:>ra:*a..cluflxunxvongandfiffieC0i?1ml1W0f?‘W%1d};;9.Pfi;?§¥%9¢* 5“ 33 “WW ~r2£"ro pcpeefézoffia ' thergr c1f1Q_im‘xwnr\m«=zaljdfit13Qe*;.aAia»r;x<;gllcm§»xm£;y gg p,x;pvredt1§:V4;;,hp}dcp§1y§$, Nag. om. 1:3,. A ' , _% ;; - . " pon thepow mt %n1in_f1fcery oféhe ward, & 4,. ‘Ike prop/vet: propbafie lz'e.r5m2d té2:%%peapl¢~;:ZgzIg2{taAl2agJe,i;dfiJg_,,l€r,$,3 I.A v_aim-2% A p;apze« do ;bw;%w.immuerage,A;%avain; :11<é@?2Ar‘5J3‘9%¢*j}¥g!3p¢ n.A_(_J_7§dGl;ig,h§_ A A ' ¥henin:t%h1a%nke the fpider ,and if prcciam ligmar befoWrec!,5: ”“t‘is" becaul'e*0_:fvth1euncleamze_fl?2 :05 the vefi2=.lV.IMujc:i}’m in one of A &i*i$?~b«0okes had fai‘dgi, That no placeya wen foAsprdphanea at-xdf Ai:'re1iwg?iO11$,a1«.s‘ choféé-w%here4the Gofpal Ahad been prca‘ched;“dc _;,da,,,, came” wards to that ci’fe&.AndfCom:z-,2» ajefuitecrieth out upon this, in Mam. 24. -5,, Hifmt E7gangetz'ci Do¢‘3are:5{ee%Lt heM&uit%A<3f Pfaxeflmztifm and Gqfpel-h preaching! Many are of his fpirit, malignfe and flaunder at Gofpel- AAdifpex1fa-cion;’V;Alas, we are not in via; p1acgqfU€rod,to%prevenu 3 tnlfif-25' appreAhenfions; it is! our; duty At'oLV~keep¢ :.1:h“is :mu;h% frcfhin the t_houhg‘h;s,to offerAi§___§__wm bundle-cf /kfiarjria to the Spoufes A bogrme. A‘ % — T - V % AA um. "HM]€ vaj‘Gowmw3A »>i¢"AAflf2v?«ii¢~A.Zi;!%:w¢A¢%r%t«fy} LEW; ¢ , Hzmnbling do&:ine3AMAAmuPcb:; duly prefiE.:d,j‘vlaz2VB,-xpmifl Zawlleal % A . mmawnmaixm, andin his c1ayr:sm.uch wiafmzca was ~o&"emci‘ toxins‘ , 31 aw.%:mA .A andifl§C§€€dgfiiU 0£??:?~mu£’:goc bcfqre A }e[m51i%zeth¢%d~ay~fiaAr before th;’fun,% ox:hers‘you may notbe cafiawmyex : How tan mAct§.x_thixikfYQuAareAgfii:ccr6 in e1’caI:1i(}1i11Aot Pxeligion, A if it hath ma%dc:An<)_,in:pr£fl3b%nA‘onyourowjtx heafl5$"?i“ScandAaIous M“;'i-~% Aniifiers and w”iAcAkedMa7Agi(%rates doelbutpull d0Wn,with%qmAhand A What they fctup wi:_hcheAo;Ixer.A A A A A A A 1 A If fiVA;oz§;Ae “Am owmM£%wtrmazrM2?}Wé@:FAT‘? 1 V I W HydAuWAiA7o11ici1'§paire Religion andpramota godlynefieg give AA “ Am fixncouragienxenttoa godly Mifii“1‘3’a You {Ere “whmA'2 Chit-ii’: wriéi-= A§:eti1%to:heCI1urcAht%0 re§::Aw'e g0dli:1e£’fe,~hcdire&cch%- itm ¢Jh¢ 4 _ A * Aragellg h‘let:tl1ereA“bee an Angel! in every Ehurch ,, jCh1rifl@ Afl:rcngt:hiye£h%inhis mauth, I/a.49.2a Ti1aL’s the Svmrdy A which bee overcometh théwmrld. “$33 the weapon has ufeth 3... A _ gainfltflntichrifc, theA5'pm2t of/'92»: womb, M Gzdeorz overcame the 2‘ flef 1” X»; A AAA%AAVfl;»ael£tes by James in pirciaem, fo doth Chrifl by lampw am! pit» A ,qi:e.r;, anci tharefare the A"p0fl‘Ie cafleth in light, or treafure in am Aegzrtiim vejjélg, Oh azhen maamtame the Iampc than they may bee -a A -earti!yefiab§i_[l_}g_nI1o1yGovcmment in the Chg-rah, aflér Jaw ’ Amcanesin the: hand (if God 01’ mzainteaining gocilyneflé in the AKing&0mc¢, let there bee (as I {said} an Aflngeli in every Church ., -A a ljigiat inevery fl2cket,aflarrein every Urbe, if you looke abroad you A will find many continued through favor 8: mediation offriends, Brfgfigmgnigg fix’ rziéaii babenfi in vim Arzgelfczxrm cwztiza daffrina Ewangelicmn,t‘hat .E;3?€« have nothing Azzgelicafl if: their lifi-:0: Evangclieafl in their do-» flxiinea A A A A and difghiplgge is chefegge offigfigian, and a ChuAFEAh Wei! governed is terrible as ms: Army with Barmew, Gmzt. 6. 4.‘t:hat isfull of beam... my and fircngth, Arnmiés ordered are comely and in a capacity to 4 fightgzhe preféznt decaye: are by con ufiorz, ’tis faid 17231.68. 35.TlamA 7 mtterribie om aftby bol] place: _.,A in a;hAe.oi‘cler and beauty of the Church God is moi’: terrible, when woribip is pure and ragw- law it imprefléth adread anfl a reverence upon men. V A _ A Cmuntenance godly perfons, they are 3 Kingdomes befi fécuw A * A A AA rityA,’Zecb.12~‘=5. amdthe Governours of facial: {hall fay in their hcar£S,The i*nhabiEt.mts 0f Imfalem are my (‘men gth in the Lord ( df H0913 their God.Mark, V%yma {houki call mhem your firengthg. A A fieaceablelifi in all god-limflé mad banefly, IA Timm. 4... ‘Oh lookto » they ingage ablefiinggwhen Lot was in Sadame , Sadanze was in fiagthis is caneof your chief Adiuticsa to fee, that godlineffe Iiv§e peaceably, were are bouncl to pray %for you upon this ground, aPr@vfortbemtb:':t are in flzrziwlzoriy , that wee may leade a quiet an?! it then,a:hat religion may have a quiet abo‘de,Aor elfiymu wil not; J‘ Humour Vand fwcmn Pu::ligioAn Aby; fa rrgerclea ft: of thépeoples 4 J5, 2* burdens, Bally argtimelxts docAAwm*kc much upon them, Ier.44. A A AA 17. Wee will £w1?fnir_a{ce2zj’§2,;_of!ae .9322; ey‘beazm:,%%fsfr1ben‘%wgg bad A plemt} % A *.4*sé;é>2éo;z-Iérezisizméefare the Ha;¢ora51.g3%.aj%s;;A % ‘ piem;$of mzez.mzz;,amz werem4ym4fim noew;n.T:W meme jg. '1 ‘Religion bythcir outward concernments, A and judge of wa - . 4 4 A ~ - ye. bylihell‘ bx-1.rdeI_1s$and troubles. The opprerfifion af fume Prom: Nftantbprinceys infiermmzy wasa fcan%d:gIl ta the: Beformaiziomno-. thing Pcirretgh up vulgar hatredand infrofluccth violent changes fo much as this 2 the people are like the reed of E3791 3% if Wm % %4 lean too hard they do: notfzzppprt but pierce and -{T %- like animn it: the fire, °cWi11ém~>e their fingeis thaffxlznii 1; cfior-zfefiiz this is fonuewhat cut of my way; therefore I was thé more loath to fpeakiu igbm: it being for Religions fakwg, I mpg A A you will pardon anmhumble motion. % A Ifhall but hinttwo Motives to {Ewan all and concmde,’ ‘% Is that in the 3. verfe ofthis Chapter, left} come ax: a:,b;cf3 ofi confidcrChri{t may fieale upon you ,. when hes: t3,ke1-,hgfi“ hi; A 5rc[’:raint from a people, anfl they break d~ut%i11toV mzamZr:,'cis 3 ' fllzrejwd fig:-=zé,you know what faftxon was mined“ by zunmlcs, ‘£13 an Vunhappy %prefage.4 % The next i3 taken from the 4.. verfé, 71502; baa‘? afiw yzamej glmg A have not dtafilezl their Garmemr. God taketh notice ofthofia Afes;§5- narncsthat arezealous for him in dead timex , th m'.i.a'dé%t1ie4% ad"-w Avancement ofp“iety “whilf’e others debaié ir,j rhgy =~fl3g1} ¢“;;¢ ,,,,,-,;, ‘mate in white’; either God? will pmvide an Aries oFfa‘fety for you fcgitlmc prffifltagr giV€ YOU! heaven-,wh”ich fhafl ‘make amendg £0; a o % ' % - « % T I V