; V A 1% by 1. L.fmArhazWa 4 % dWAAA%A “V|:).“ A ‘W1 A u M 7/f”e°/imin/Em More AA the Hmmmxlmbla Hm.1fi: of Au _ ’ 3 mam, mAthe§Ma%m fmlammfiaik, A A Nammfin, yagq. A ‘ A A % 'wI.i%'~A 3’ j'mA:ia1}*ikm~§nga «rW¥rA=sWW?af G0a’§rfi%%}JVm* Buckfiwacfi A Q H q%’%%%AAA3?13fi;:5;: Wdm M£#}z§n9"af'tbw A‘fi§“w2W} Biwarmxm A A “$2” ww ‘ . _M, H V. \ ‘ % A fFub1uf11c&byA01mmAwM1w Md Hmufcr. A A ‘ $31. :f'§£ % AA % fl % % 4 A A «.4 A A 3' .5 ” ‘fl’? W. A W , A mzi Ag§c:>%.%g%-3% W «A A A A A Wm fart}? W Lam af boflmu: TbaA;£:i9zldrc7z .2'[§~;;:;£, mad aim :;Mdw2z2‘ qf j¥:¢sI:z?J apprcflcd togmiaar; awzdwtlxfzmt taufgmfwaem c.aptizA"::.a,-Mid zimmfwfi, myA «A ~« -.»«...,«.w-Aw... .... ’ I A A ‘Arafiefidw mzbam WA. A we mmmw agA/t«~amg,rzm4La ma :1)” me.» i;»£sz%Iame,W13a p;4gzA;5mg;zA»%w fF,,§§" ,'j;_ :i}rlA.«rwgd MW azxzwz, rim bc ?;w1ygz'*W%"efita rim med» mad: df£[gAmwA tfa:: x2z!m@=¢T'werz2zA;s;AA «:5» {A4 »,A- ,AgffigbJtgg;fi~V A % % U % AA; % ‘ % %W ééiré A4n-4l. , wfiéiw A A VA. urinal w .sAr»;;A%I»waauaAs»«»»»»e.tA/Azfi fiviiwwdim W: church~yard«A M4As»% % A A A A LM Em? m.;:AN‘g:,iA “ 4 “ V ‘r ? ‘L .« A W fig V. wk A‘ V,’ ‘V:‘J“‘ ‘ _,,. «A4;A;maAmaa¢»¢«»w»zAmA¢a»e%4A% A ‘Die Rdeted by the Cemmons Afiemhlede . «~ .- «w ,1, x ' ~ - , . “C “M ‘ »‘ 3:‘ ' : 3 ‘ ‘ ‘ u t V.‘ 1,, ‘ ‘ - ' . t ‘ “ -1 - n V ‘ L ;“ '.‘I ' “ ‘ ‘ 5;: 3‘; E? I ' L3‘ -' . . .3 ,,.‘u,, ’~ 1 . f_ aw‘ W-M, «A . o. ‘ ‘J. _p_._., H) ‘H,“«y_‘.n ‘ V . V. ;e . 3 "xi .. - a‘. “' \~ ( v j, '1 - ,~ » I. ‘ ., ,; , t , I _ 4‘ . ‘ = , ~ . W “ ‘ t t '* . ’ ' " “ «Li M Meeeurii 2.7; N0ven1A.h 15.4%.. in Parliament : ThattMaPcer Sella.- wy, mad h/13.fl:€!.’t Knightly, doe Etomthis I-Ioufegive thanks to’Mafl:erhPikering,é.nd Mafler Gz'pps,Forethe_ great paines they took inrthc Sermons they preached this day at the intreatie of this ‘Houfe , at Se Mara garets Weflminfler : It being the day. of Publiquegflumiliation 3 and to eefire them A Veto Printthcir Sermons; And it is Ordered: that none {hall prefumc to Print their or“ either oftheizr Sermons without L e tan»: ‘ der their on: either oftheit 1 » Ah .E2/~3mg€?ler."Ph4rl.D.Cef1s., v V ‘ Appoint £b£laHimS::pb:m‘, anti Jamaal §e!ii£vr.4nzt‘, A I A A ten print this Sefrmen. L A, J A V he~ ~tV eh 'BEN;PI$ERING. M T 0 TH E HO N 0 VR:A. A V BLE Houfzt of Cm’zm0?m‘,A Aflkmblcd in Par1'iam¢p1lt,; A A A Onoflraéla Senators, Tour patient attauti» i % dfi-?r'L3ing*p4i2::.r in ’”tl3‘2'3.r Karma» (MW am‘;- cerding to ]emr0rd:r printed,’ and in and Q3} lmmility pro.-fimted xmto you) embalokmnjme 1 ‘ mu Mi again: ta reinforce ?I4}V¢'.“I$']7t9'?’jta6tt$"0P.'¢ tbatfw ’ H A 6 wauldlvc ofgood cauwtga-‘,¢zuwlgaa; on ma» Gadgsf pwplc lmppy and éic_fl1-(1 inxordainirw pmce, perfifiing formxztiaxmnd warljng allyour warkewfagrjofi. A‘ " E 1\7arl:£ngzk fiv pr:i»£dici:;lJ' tagronar prgceedingx, nothing fly wmcIa,loz‘:m'cr.r gaadtbingwfrom mm Vmmarjgrimom provofixg _wfi2§»xp°.;“ias At/we , jHema-’ flit Nt]Mt?’a1v/am‘ pasmcmndfmsaa % A ¢i'€???3413’*’if/9 Trim/24 £1zp%r¢%r~iz} lmw éeencfiawin % in %.tawdrd‘m‘Am an Rfliru:r,t/ac Lardbatb camfedtbtm M Iordan“" 0 be afi*’i'z/en’ 6£¢ck;~% A 'twzra’.:i- t/as m;g/otfleembzltafia puff, ancltlm dd qf ‘thecgloriam A A Gafizcl witlapcac¢?jo2z%cart/aféemedtafjzrmdit I elf: over M5 3 _éwt* twang tfzc; j7mc{o2:;g.:.r7;.1r.s- pz_gaizzc'_V/irate/aed%}%*az4tgvfilack cloual:/aazgzg A i V arwr am‘ /1:43:11, flil2’¢tkr¢4tcnir:g%a d4fa}Fddr@we_[]E flndgliamiu ¢ ~ ”m'_fl'Z-.%~ < M M; j The prcfitfitfifflg n§§ 3i'.fji#qarr::gZblene_(]} cf tine: multitfld: zla- ; clm Vt/Mt3#¢*‘v1r¢ri}?¢fivr44i:adg 6 A3 7 [ flan mm, mud!/aamkgfztll ncceptanccqfmjxm-* }.mfl}JM; vgLr2l{t39£tl9 aoi§.:m§t£ll /at éwi pleafi-d}'a maflz-_you% a»a’nE« went, iiidifjmfcd Md mtfitfiir job 30. V Jet. 6. Grcg;Momz. ‘ ‘go 2100 ( A ¢ fiamafm“ 79z&.rig7.2tiwzna!, and t1/am exppzgnd if: Facj1t'3a%t,a“n;in’ ” ' 1udi¢iQ»;«fup.cr1ores ?habs§at=rpam’:cs ha raazfijmwirj tbtjyfhw‘ V A téaniggbfi ,, la;wg:.;ai.¢__[é%A Iwfl11;a:.Vdi;l‘ A natsqarefu/afjvavér/Ea m:dm»:~. V %% ‘ % % A pl¢agw4~%vev1M 4TheEpaa1eDedicatory. % # uuua h§éfrfé5}V’4%M §%1é:aé.r£;./}¢'e:2:“e rarer fiécé rim /Zmpp} éegiyzniwg of A % _yom"[itti1£gte;gdéring;t/9£mfé¥l‘zf£!« xmtfa im ATM‘ -muggy pf 1%/9,13 Kiag4amea%a;%»reJ‘~I1ydwempweon rm W?@01v’W4?3fick~Md rb¢wba1¢£aar:&f§£mr: fimf»/z%dz/;t¢mpaa:x%2mm the dgp. fézlmiwz bf;/be Vwlhzvlaéadjf ‘:1 % Tkerxgfare tfiirazag/9 the Wffltbflftbfi Larafof 1310/ink £56: Lam! dxrkq*i¢c'd,‘. and the paopfe mvaf M _fwl fIar'fig¢a ,M fmzd At/9313? Mcozrfgafliar ‘lye %tar;rw“i32 the midfi fifth: . V .IW#*=fi¢?fi/I r1vév%&»? 4?¢gW?lw3'f Wwmfimy, W é:¢3%bm' J??T#‘£§*35€H;é5#1‘fl545!£}’< *, ,4 ‘W7 7. —% % % . " C értmkrz/j it W5/156'” ficcepméle i0%Gm', azvaiilaéle w the F.2mZ~:- §?z(gJafz}2e. »%n}{redt¢c.€m‘gA Aziw to w fit'I:fej]§’fo"r _ Refirii2;§£i0fi5’V §f;1;lb:w cazald,“ jrazflyzwe t’2.egrm~; f=t mp ca f.¢zii‘%/af;2el!4. Miwéflery, and q/ifizélzfla iudgamcmt amp! imfiiw. in rice Qatar. 1 ifldgamaact % had izarfiae caxirfwirz Citie and Camitgfe _," tbejcogérfi afGad.s' ‘ iudgemcnts Wwmla‘ yam“ "fmmlw fair, the Lard éx«.tm.-25 and tkzlv émrmfimg which Awe Lard /MM /(éndlwl Womb! hi qawzcaécd. %P~hin:@bas/foam? flip azzadxexemredimzgcmwtflnd the £,iié’~f,.?*'??i% 3/7¢J?W?W fvf B.¢1ial”j?vgy;_”7l7fI*1:2r?s-.:% is nolét W"At1t1W;§& J?3ezi t;%érg:q*gmt:V&a %mbmJtb¢:}m wmffm King %“VIFna¢I,; %m4na!m.L {rig «w4&—;a;~igb;‘A;£mA% ?,~/.719 4a%;avfvm“9iaya: :‘ let.“ téwm /gnaw rim; »J(i.ngZ] p:mv¢r%?wrcjides in his High Cazmr Tmliam m.r,vzg:.4$% Lctj/aw‘ tawiqmr éé‘ an .4211;/Jae xwialagd :3 firing we w/{sale 4Wmdefi9!W%¥LP1&va¢Vd¢a 1gz:Va;l(aa3?Ve4z%§{fi"y"~tIoe ~£wflzc.:% -31 zzfiawi Méifipar ~%"r‘a§bz*;rIi%far:fpbivia7& fi,9’az:~2%zi*.£-;**1f' imiqziizia wére pmrgéd and. t/aw Awickgd ‘ tabkaww.:a)r,~ _(/”o k:l72aA“v;0z¢1rtA'm. ed : ;¢zq;w6flpoMfaKmedngaixfljtapx flazildpréfigm." * %*% i T ,Zi§~'q£ryr/zggaaavmu fz'1w%e%fitfi5.°red‘ dmangfl" p’r,é'§i‘ié:z?e¢YfL 2zw?W?€{’3a?d:éjwyamwillv J»: myowm Vandyméizzgiwa zbae£~zzemé'¢ adz{nz)gmg¢¢«:4 T/mmefbreflwma ~t/:vim;@ I/mt V.9a»2m”}¢:Z{: %f3Mta?‘ air: Eczf1ma?s rightbmud;%%.amffi :f7/axér fiwm r¢gfarmer.a~;A aa: £:::;. Algawxmtlzgiaz , »m:¢n~*=Vmamlal’fl'€ reéwlqcd, rbamamiex mzflwww - A wifzg ac¢wflatiam‘azmdtI2emfi+re4. rma bm»='dfar» I;[;%gyr‘afLlozic) Cmrimw in your intcgrifia, and the ‘ Laid néiil A V .%,1_ 10 5, , 4,, - c'arztinflWIS#nM: andfbieldraym 5 he willfarjaurfltkrrx rei-fink; Trifle: ; A be will reéztke Satan {and M1 /3125 malig-mnt% Inflrxc. m:1:t:,I”tI9mttI:¢y_[7mll5e 3:; [H11 M a flan: : Al:/cough Sagan £19 at JW,»~.,a; hp Aibmdnfi,-areVuat,filoswgmrmrV/14’edi.qzt:am~fiwIdt 14 1-193 right izwd cf Gad .: fé'aranot,i;7f'}am (wit/9%Ioi11ua‘)aflanA AA “&¢:fg7~g mg V-{age} cf the *Ca'vc=:‘4mat :V~ca}2t§n.ace ta flmnd éafire A },;mM-imp Mgfler jcvlaafi-Awarke yaw ar¢%aéi§aptWt, expefiizfg what? [9, Wm’ Pmfcribe, ar eaaiayae. C:‘antia¢m._£22%,/az'£: work, that jam 1.9%] bcfomzdfo daing ;» fir "ézcqr»1ztfl ¢ yam? felwx, t/mt ~ /22 mayfaj, Wei! damegaad.¢nd_faitbft¢l1fl9rvm2tx, )0»: have éema fazitirfit/Z v% - in 442 my laowfi, enter izitajow Mafier: £0}. Stzmd éefare tldis _,ggge14a%yo:¢rVIad_ge, M wbam in all year bzfl pracc'eding.c}0m A man} Appeal: and have raliefi-%.—~—wSzjmzd éwfiwre him 44 your «(ids- wmte, who bat/:2 undertaken the ‘Yfntranag: of yaw rigfwfam V cxmfi-, and thepromating afjmr pzamr mrdertafizzgx in /amra/an % witbim Fat/aver it/bare bcjfiealzgesgaod ; t/mrabe plmdxfarjou :4 mm’ ;be Lord WM mafwer him witbgood words, and camfmfim- 1:]: word: concerning jam! 3., and concqrning/wk Ic1fufalcm.%.4 Ta A I312 pawerfit/I Pmramge, canffmt cure, andgmciam gaidmm-,V 15;; and .311 your Weiglotie Aflfoziras arccammcrzdwl in we eslaig frayer: af Your ma unwmthy,bm~aith; ru11ang:.hLimbxe£¢;va;m V A _ B ‘s.&N." P I K E :a. mIf’ SERMON PREACHED AT Margaret: Weflminfier, before the A Honourable HoufeofCo;MMoNS, V at . their late Solemn Fafl, N awmé. 17. I 6 4 4,. Zéch.3. latter part verfi 2.. 1: mt tbzk at érmzdplrackt out qf t/aefirv 3? T is the Lordfi plcafurc that the: cdndiw ' '~‘.§'1’A"5' ’ é Y,‘ . J, M I I ‘ ~ A tion of his Church many times flwuld A A bar: A Afuch, as the‘ Prophet expreffzth : ., I fie/geld the: earth, audio, it Was mark» I“, 4%. ~ A out form: and mid .- and A the ha-mrcm‘ A A ~.: :’.L";' A had no. lz:g}:t.~ Thus it was with (§qd§ pcoplc In thc; Babylonnwflmapu A A " t1vA1mA:: Heaven andAEarth , Church » \. add ComAmon+wcalth,wcrcA ma confufion. 4 A A ‘ It isL.thc‘LordsgoodncflE: ¢ to have rcfpcét to his people m fuch‘cxtrcam1tics,and when all i§ in a Chaos, to flirrc up helps and waycs “ («O AaA new Acreatxon ofthis heavcnfand *carth.. ’ AA A J A A iii; A *TlA1”c?‘ God %o‘?'f'» thc7 fpirits of all flail), for this end Afiifé tap? tb¢fpirituf(jm:, to git: Wfiyaandofzarnwnéal; A Emr4§,_ A % Ezra 5. m 4 4 Sermon at tlaemmetlzly AF zg,/f,N ovem. 2 7. 1544. A“ W A A A " Earn; Nebemfqb, t§31‘CV3‘{fitl1’3fiZOn3S’OUC0}C‘th€,.ruhn ’ bimtMZK11Edthm% Cam: and Tcmpia, and to E3; u.p_ch;%mm ' wczarfhip and pure ;ordiAnaine»::saf Ga-dg‘ A A _ It is obfm: v-able, that“ bc€h.1n:3crtakin.gS%, mafiwiah gréatcf%A d1£E:oqrag¢m%cntsA :A thcfl: Builders and Reform?- . érrsddiclg: “ : ‘’ fmm the Kings C‘3i3r£ir::rsj‘and Malignant m:ibomjfs« , flir1.‘cdL1p‘bythcD:+vfll: Thcrcfora lei} they £110 u1*d‘fainfi and be: "weary, lei} their fpirits ihould fEgil,=;~.,{ thg Lam! f<:x1dsAcncouragc rnants by his Prophets, Haggai, and Mzaacbarj. The like oppo{itions( much Honourcd) you have: had, and fuch cncouragcmants the Lord hath not bzcn wantingir; toyou, A N %% %% ‘ A V M f T This Emyhct ZMM7 :7 Firfiz, tcxgficand difpmfc the pan»- plg for mcxcy, cxhorcqthtuAI:Qpez1tam:e,:V Thusis a pwpl: % prcparcdfibr the&L6:‘«;f.% Scco:1%d%A[5IaAA by Afcvcralf vifioné , this Lord firPc A{AheWcth—'ht>w he has! Ad“cé1$:'A with them, that is, with modera.ti0m; n0t*acc0rd?iz1gA to their daeicrts, butin %mcafurc and much imcuA'cy%»;A_ Chap. I. & 2. Sccondlv, for their ccmforr, he dcclareth how he would dealcfiwith A them, flaapy thamig, deals gracioufly with the akmyvaw;mqldm:t_;agrnaLt hi,m,;an,c£b,ui1Ad his Tc1n- 1 pk; , and ct up his worflixp ‘and ordinances in their pu- ' A A % In this third Ckapfier a« is fat dmrn; the: fé1ur£h«aVvifihm.' * W 1h¢Lg,h7 ‘~’IAogr toicxplainc and prove witll thcifamé r Firfi, H<:rcisAiz1'A1plyccl, that calainitics by thcéncmyis A ’aburninAg: as 3AA~lf0x, c,4'mo.r'4. It. So this pe<3~ple1findcAit, andlfolcxpreffcitl Prom above hath be {aware inm my A bonesand it pmvailcth againffthcni : hc hath burned a»- % Lam. I.AIg. 3 Chap.z.3. A I 254}; A Jciel z. 3.; 7; E;ék.jw.4.7- A :a‘:’§zi:i:.Drufim. gainfl: Iacoé, like a flaming fire which devourcth round ’ a-bout.ii L . _ l A A Firfi, If fire have the inaflery it is raging, davouring arid walling zl firclancl water have no! mercy. we fay of them ,lthcyi an: goodAAfcrvAa*nts,Abut ill maficrs : “in if ‘Atlas cm-AA all enemy get the maiiary he ruincs all; and laycs all waiie: Afim devolureth bcfarc: them 3 and behind thcma flame j burnctb; Thcland is asthc garilea or Eden lzscforc them, andlbchindi-thcmia lclcfolate Awi tlerneiis ,‘ yea agndfnothihgi {hall efcapc them.» Wham thmugh the Lords angcfthis fin: ig kindled, it devout'§AthA every A fircenc tree with every &ry tract, that is, both the good W ich farm as the greens tree; having fame fap of grace,ancli‘h::_wiclccd which area the %dtyllAitrc¢, Afitl far nothing but fucllg. and A allvfaces ftiomfithc Northto the: Smith {hall bs: Abumt tiicrcin xi Thcylpitic not i_ the young, not rcgardithc pcrf0niAo§.tl1c QM: cven as the: _ devils malice and {pits ccafcth“ not , notwithliancling . that Iajbam and ihe <1 cm Wercl but newly come out 9f the _ A firAc“,aslit:iAWJerc‘bran&S halFcAburrm. T “ AA §g_eandly;,57 bumirag is a gqrmcnting , Apainfull: pnnifla» AA A :1. A V ‘ mcntli; ‘ A A A A A Sermazz am‘/J1: rimmt/7!} Fafl,Nmicm.27. 1 5+4» Mwwhich cdticcrnlcth his Chcifcn: AA Thusrimy tli6AI.t5rdA§t:i1c>iTr:Ai'As A ; A inlirumcntsi and fervants be encouraged and thus the max- Alignant cncmy make off. i ‘ A A ltyug Etfomthe malignant new combined togcth‘c:t' ; Mi- chael and has Angels, agaxnfk the Dragon and his angcfis. -.._ ; 7 T0‘MI€hH0fl"£3ji&mé.1€Hfihféflflttémmfitflit : htiéttt to is this 'tfheLotdts angry am mattttuthmgn A A hclpe forward the afflttfittoh at and ttfs'trtorc7fmtattmg*bh- t mute it’s by their hand 3 twhen the» Wtckc&‘bdevhuréthh‘tthh .htm~ht1$b3tiS‘tm0E@Fhghthduhthftfllhfio " I t ? M t Th§njty,tfi«re”t_t urtfatmblc; It mahqt no grad Motzbttrtaxng h {at lo?vng~fias* I1 theté» is anyt ihittg ’-‘CC1;1‘l’i=bumb1*§“i 7I?h?t;th7 étthjtha Hath. to Enemics, and the mtfltitttdd ofthofc tha‘t”,Ch"fil1’be‘fl'c7‘ tltrth» ‘ A t!h fitla-mg they are cvenpas a dream ofa night vifion, as wheat a hungry man drcamcth, and behold ha eatctihgfthutthc at- Wakctthhnd his {cute is empty 2» or as when a thitfly mat-t dtcam«eth,hand‘ hchoidhc driflhfithtlgh but ha awaketh, and behold he is taintmtnd his fottih hath appetite: aithough they low themfehnm with phtndetanci fpoyfic , and glut; httti make thcmfclvcs «drunk with hloudg yet they ate nh moth fatisfied than thtaught‘ they thad,on¢tlyt%d-teamed of finch thi gs: they are as onetttoftthtt: thinga that nmrerfaiy» Ittlt enfugh :% Their tagciendthttotwith thh lijfebf that like 29¢?» gt: gmdlyy” but it extends it faith even to thait afhcs -5 as Wah S A t {cane tinhWick1i 5 Bz¢t:et3.'a~ttd 1‘3°bpg£m..» s Fmzt-thiy,Fit'eis h1putging:ittrit:th:t'i“t {eparhtcs,& dividct things Hctemgmeah zas thcdrotfc them thaiiivert to this will is ta ‘finds pcopla as aflcfincrs fire ; it purgcth them ham thcir hypocrifim,Watldlywmindcdncflh, and t fem;-.1gv~a-,t&‘c. Alto it fciparathzsd thc Wicked of thctcarth as dthffc from the godly, asitt this {eaten gthc truly zcaw Sccondly, here isimpliatd; that Gods pcopic arch:-{mt in this burning, andr that tt_a;foTn1t: hxtmmitic, and fat can--» ‘ V tinuance, the Lord Eats thcmhct m ttlt they appmhcnd the miblvcs cvmconfumctl as a brand ~in'I‘:bt': Lfirm V A“ Petr firth: we arc? not immediately tpurgcd a the hcfi-5» A 9 iowes are A bmfnt, th‘ct%1mdis[ confumcd out of thc ffit'c:,,thm A Founder mcltmn Vanna; thc wicked: not war. wicktsdncti-'é t {gs are mt ttsokh away 2 asit is mw I«{h¢fl€!5= ttiotwithfténhr t_ jag we are inthc buzfni_ng5 ')v'GtBm11‘.‘ diffcntitms andfifithséfié 3 Iwngii t Revci. 12.. 2. Jfircmifit ' A _“A Sexmm%.mt£xe% zééqzgmtfi/y bVenL‘£7 . 164;: ., W. 2 ‘PIP!’ . . v W" W .“.‘,. W I why‘ «H A ma1isg{Iiti¢x: tht §mcmy,:ti1l hc_ bccozm prodigiou=AA:in A ~ mu¢Jm,m, biafphemxcsmd nnfolencmi ; and fill up afuHmca+_ ~ & waswith rt»? km they: wcm %nmmA%¢toAbc@ Vrconfumcd by the ha!‘ ssyéaaynmm zczwusma thc: H # A fimflf v*ciI1g¢as3ccA.fs=»r % ;I£zx.63;. 3'; %R-ave}. 145» A % ]udg.5'.xg. .i:2%gwitdt.ca by rim a‘ , % ‘ A i .% ar¢a_t§~l},@1ght asvhm thmwaarc Abrwght tQ“A§:Homa. pita: ‘M dcfiruficzoq, as%71fi'acl;, cmmtcs wet: at the waters cvffflfh 4 gfim ; ’ A T Q g % % ccrtamly-b¢AA%pxfiV;VdA%a1u*,; Aa:sV;:N%ml: was and sand? t‘_h¢v I-f9{d8 weer :13” theft msanifcfl, ~ ,»Wh§flW¢~a1'cat%thc cxtftmmtxc efmxfcrxcawhenwc think; ~ahd fay: Weave cut 0117561: our parts, Eweleg 37. A 7\( MA&1d'Vf¢¢®nd1y,&wh¢“;§h.¢enemies are atgthc ticightwof A ‘sthciii &1iaIic¢,a&3d fixtrcmitm Qfcrucfltzb-,:%L when the Pop; A ,Wasathis haigbetathanwrithethcrs aboutthattimn" gave _a deadly : and -Wfhern !§x.€o £Eg7pr‘F£*em theIri1:1V%fz2aanacc.AV%¢a&’3dv; OW 05555 A M V table captivitie in Balylmz, where §b¢y"%indzar¢,5dfhisbam-94 ing ham ma-ntiomrdA :: firfis. tbw "arc;iflh3V1?Fd WW/EC?‘ tainlyfrcviéiuezd : rm» cnemiefm‘; ‘ 1 ml!» pflrfma I wi11a'wra-. "’ IVM az;aea;a1e*we.fivqyte :; mytujf limit we f4r:ifi¢d Haw kbam .1 mfi draw rm} Nardg IMWJ fiéll Jeflkg %tb:m.T/sou a’z'dfl' éléiw with thy wind, the Saw éawred tfiemu” rhgyf %1:z:d £291:/J: Wawrs. Then, LQr%d,$ my My mm] ha]? A soA:hcyAfcemc to beinAthcir~gravcs WIficnr%%inV%»f154é}lm, but t;he*L0rd that quickncthathe dead. tclmhem, Tia} deafd mm /be/1 live, the dead bodicsjflnall" arifc ts ’dw4k% Mdfing Iaerfi-er; ~: H «Firft5§, thus: {him fzrrfth We”£éy,0ux bong: is ; Wc»ard%cut_a&7fmr% camrparm. ° Sm:.m:zz:1é1.y,§$ than he vI.o1fd ‘ is: fough mg :_m V, and dncdaand :mm‘fh%1e>pc Exec}. 1 5'.9:.,xo: I 3 .. lad farm the people Vwbm l‘}J0‘38{b¢!fl’:7_‘«£'i- If;l.2.6- 19. la: V the Lwdxfdavmr the of Ezek.3-1.11. mm afi- fli&im*1yrhcy will fmék am early) mflcdx lJ]5Q!1T, wkm we knmw gm what tron dm ;. Awhm A mfkgga f°?a§l5cth,:md mm cwnethfwr out~£m1le:si::~And% -tb¢nVw‘:ibg;,;;“12enrdrwiikwcvmilazwwcs us we foiffikc us ha will that failm '1 ; :~ . A » %%Thirdly,;?rV‘Gods*1aov§:.:is:%immutablm,; mom Acemffarm thc 1.x_A10thc:rs:love$% “Mtex. hm: fuckimg;4 ‘cbifid ANa‘%d¢wat£$ra mm qu‘-mafia It ithc coae1c"a;Athcre;‘c:tAare::; cmlcgwf fitmwhalda : a vchsmcnt warm 4 lovcsfizcu In Awratli hm, rs;-mmhmsn: ~m~::§cy;.. ma wit; unit A f‘7m1:‘3¢ve13 lefiitba fpirziti: bcfamrhim thc:fwIwtha!: he: ham made; T:he%vMA.L@¥df¢Wil1irq{ocmmh@mw A ME: for his fc-r.vari,£s%;.. finthv is 4 and 4 A thbrcs Tim mmd flfifitf‘ Mp; Mir ms... % V3.49. A ‘Cant.8. A Ifa.5~,-. 15. in-aflamie“ 3:2. 36;. ‘ Thc+ tcmdcc mncicm of the Wicked rcmgmbcrs mercy’: LWhcn hia*%pWmplmIarm¢%4 his %ds~?=m3»ac+ V %__kn9wg,, Va "~'-'--94$ ‘ . ~——-—-nu-my A lm3'43'19:3°:l ~ » 2.1. A ‘M A 3‘ A 113.40.-.~.. A ; Dzifilum in ' Cbrifia. Iuniusf,’ L jg gem atwemanemzymfi;Novem;2A7.1¢44.A k§a‘:x>zcag¢:h ~that" ;.arafie.a-ng hath, fecgivédduublc at his l hands forau fithleirffinncs. W l l A fang ro~l¢neaddcsanArgqmen:bgfiaécsmgrexaaveree gltiyqnaout2pftlie_fe’lwards, which maiyfilcncc the Dcvfll "9 a‘t1éilé~lllllm3‘;5l5ac£ihlc cncmi(:s_ : “Thlgs; T7a£:4»pea}>le zkfmjficientfy Sanfiim. Beat. 3 1. 2.6, 2.7. Jofhew APfal.io1..;v A 1?£'al.138.8. A }Av¢#‘I:43il5I§ia:¢t;4 A A A l mcrcylhi: 5*? ~ ‘therefor: ~G:aaj’ 21.; ‘A5:wz'”z‘oTb: »#rga§17tp Add: to their A Woultthlys the my {munota1waacsA btarphgme"; me hard wan flop. the '«mcugh; oflllin;iqgitlic,.’hc will mm mm cncmyg_ndt4 avcngerah the Lord wauld have fcllattc-reel the A R;Ij;'aéli;ak into cclrncrsgy and cafufl-:5dA the ram cmbrancc of ~'t5eAaway :. :ATheLord will appearcto your joy wimcn may xhaube asfhamc‘-:d.A _ AThird1iy, Gudss cmflzant A; to is his lcisvc andAremmim ‘Numag. :9. A Ma!.3.6. 1 Sam.I2..2.z. '' £mi°ihthAcamir:gs tl1is‘Aday¢AA~‘1~<ficAmi*a*t-u‘AAaxt{'xzmt* A A Hma§wAAcns%WcaryA4?: rfhzalhrha A Ka.66.9. ‘ k ’ Populi taufim Dc,-us [émcl m- acproin qua cfl goufiantid an. -. «A4-...... .... fo do:::!.m igmda ha is Anni as, th: fmm: of Amara mat hm- mpcnt: hi: xv “ d and Achamgcth: mt): The Lord win A'hotAAforfakc*his p.::oplcA *f:$rvbAis%grAcat Names fake; b.::«~" A mufe it hath plcafml rim Lord to make yam his panplea Therefore when the Lord beg£nnL:s.hcAgocthmn as Now» I mi {aid of 300% The :man will gnnavt be Aiu.rc£tunti1l44hcw A A A A A A A A rdiffceumgadjz, Awm<':yAAg*%mfAtbsCré:m:or.ofA9!tha“ omhc Antichriftian party :9 The LordGnd of tA¢c0mpcnccs~hath Abcgqn togivcburning F:5r'burning. Let A A allgiva glory to the Lord Fm‘ {tirringu p the fpirits ofoulf A Worthies to hate the Whore, to make her dciolate, to eat her fi::fh,and4burnc bar with fim Aoglorific ycthc Lord A A V inAtAhc_ tnidfl: ofthc fires;.wAT% AA A A A AA AA AA . AA A Thirdly,’ lefus not thinkiour felvéts excmptN:#AAth‘c Lord gathgarought this fireupon all his people, and {hall we be rcc .. A «AA 4 A A A A Fir{t,A7AthAcr‘cforcV1hakc ofi" fecuritig, and baffirre your fevlvcstdprcvent andkccpe our fclvcs out ; we havarbacn aA$~;‘brAzAmdsA«‘it1 é&hA¢V“fifc 'I_’AhcburnAt child dmads the. firm. Our neighbours houfé is on fire, we cannm but be Aconccr,nAcdA in%thi$;A:AIAAAwill7Vnot meddleiniPé«litiqu¢s,oncIy advifc thus; Thflrfif-0I'fl,ffit‘Pc,A ki7ndlcA mt thAcALords icaloufic byfupcrd flitienscaftAnotAAAad:Afavmurablei eyg toward th¢;iWh¢rc0€< A A Rqiafe glcavc notara;1?h“o01f¢ of thc“BAca{’c’ in E.rz.glAit«if A A? ;A A’ z ’ I +~.. V ‘A as »_ A A sébondly,teh:ptrfierGodr:A comhplainebnot oFh1'eAwi{e A V‘TatéeyflomézmzéleAflawfltfihhbammonk. b *A I A 13% Aadminiftratic-n: thinker not, faynot as*_I/2-ael:iCanGod % _ doe this P canhe pcrfecft Reformation E‘ can he gm» pure } V A Ordinances P be can he {ubdue fuch a people as weare to his y Scepter ? can he ordaxne ” Peace? can he vvorke-‘ 'all;our worlces‘Af"or us?‘1When the Lord heard this he was wrath, A A {sea firer'wahsekindled againfi: Iacoé, andangcr alfo came up PM-79-Aé« A ' yagairafl: Ifmcl. A A A Thirdly, purge out every curfedrfinbne by ‘repentance : A letthis beA'manifcPccd in a holy indignatien againfi; all re» A A. maindersrof Idolatry and Superi‘riti0nA, as you have read- lofufly begun": make they_fioners_mF theAItarsAAyyash’Cha1ke~ n~,_,A_yz7., by Runes, beat them ropieces :y Every finne makes us’asrAea~% die to take fire, Acver; asGun-powder : let us therefore have grace whereby‘ we may rem God acceptably with reverence and-godlyfeare : forfirfl, Our God isAeaco1'§fuTé~ mingsfire: and fccondly, this fire of theEnemyisedread~ A Tull: A fire devoureth before them, and behinde theme flame burneth: 'all»thaé is dcfire-able will be confirmed by them :2 Gods Sanfluary {hall be laid wafie, his Worfhip, his Ordinances polluted, we {hall lofe communion of Saintsuhe excellencie of your fh‘ength,Athfe defire of our eyes“; ne fire makes fuchrabdefblzirion asth~is‘: Anldblaw Ltreus Army isthe abominationAofdcfolation. A A A r Elm”; A \AAAndhif' the Lord have ftretched out his hand fo that we . cannotput it back but that this fire; doe kindyleuponuhu, I by fl1al:1prefA:ribethe fame cour{e;TL1rn-to himthatfiniterhr: ~ take “away the Ring from thefiery Serpentsrrr : that is; our finnes“: A A N The {ring of death and every deadly evilly is finne : finne is as fire! and bellowes, both incrcafing the flame, and A either wrath offibd as aflreame efBrir:h&onerrIA:A 21 f wemuld have broken hearts, thc3Lord would binrde up? our broken A Stategour broken Church. If we be not Found in. ourfins, pm, 33., I r ; muteraliticglukewarmenefier A jthye fire” can haveybne power A over? us ysatany fhgllyynotrhegbat om-.1-ightyhandroamprevaue. Burl ifAAWAe*Aebntinu¢;in my A hear Ce 3 V ward. A by I‘ _ A Sermon at the mmatbiy Fa/l.,.Novem.l27. l164.; . «h 14. E231?" 3*‘ l A L be added the burning bf‘ will confcicncc, a tcrrihlc dz:-2 %_ vouring fire : A and thus the fire will be as .N:17fl€}»mdnem'.ar:m “ furnacmfizvcnntimes hottcn ll 4 A I-Ieh. m. A Jctafi» ward anothcr, in lcovcltoufncll'c,lpride.iniullicellunthahlln; V fulncffegll clcipifing thc_ day of {mall things 5 and contempt ,ofthcGafp¢I, grmving Gods holy Spirit; by which he llill V hhlihfiveth with»us;thcI.ord wil be: turned to he our cnemic : haw than can ourhheiarts enldnrc. or our hands he, llzrong in thcklay that tha Lord {hall deals with us ?< hereunto will Be inllruéledlllelhhc Larcls foul: depart from you ,-, let this; fire-W that the Lord; hath kindled he afllcfinerslfire, lcflc A A theLord come fmm his placc asaccnfumingfircg and:- verlafling burnings. = A l0lur God hath heencl tryihgl to purge.-us a long tiihc; he hath {mitten us with lPcl}ilcncc aftcr the manner pf " _,Eg]pt, but we have not turned to him ; he hath now clrawna out his lwordnto avenge the quarréll of his Cave. nant, and the fire of his anger bufncs; but he may com...‘ V plains as of'old,nThc Founder melts in vainc 5. our wicked-3 A nail‘: is not make away by rcgcntancc: 'thc~wickcd are not make away by ;;_tl}f€ hand of Juflice Or ~as‘E—u-k,‘ 22. 1 8. Thelnhonfc of 13/5-ml is hecoma.drofl‘c: all they are hraffc," and iron, and cinnc, and lead, in thc mam ofthn furnace ; they arc cvennthc dmllboffilver. . A ‘ V A» Bcholdll:nthc*rcfntc;‘§?l (Otrcmhlcat this) will gather V yonvinto thr: mldll of Icrafakwl in: mine anger, and in my fhry, and I will leave you them and mfltyflll; yea I will AA A gathcr you and blow upon you in the: fire of my wrath,&c. and ye lhall know that I the Lard have polwrccl out my fizryw upon “y0ufl‘ 0 than hear: the rod and who hathvap-— pointed it : itsis an illlignc when wen are fat onfircroundl ~ ahmtnngll lay itnot ta hmartnni: Amll nfignclwhcn We are: Wiflhlthtnloltl l.andnSm’om¢ facureh; we "Pm‘;va§. wayfitlw evlll daygmd think whcnthc overflowing fizourgc a that flaallnnt chmc ’§lus.%.,‘ This 1 emu thelncaulldraml iiwcamthc hafgh « V A ’ A had),% comcthintathc Land. A A ings of this Spi t Wasqucmchcd; 7 1 A ll ‘Mutable Wotthics) :if you pvctfcvcte 2 A ~ I A 13.91-tiAs wtarktyyou fitlallabjc ll A "A 1h ymcanttuttllmvtthcptcf A A ‘tlye Hommraéle Ho'ufi"bfCommo}:.r... A m?akn %thcAALordt:omplaine. as Afwv-Mg I J Yttwcrc tasal ‘ A fircbrand pluckt out of the lbum_m_g; ‘y¢At yclgavc IlOtf;['fim A A ‘tutfm:dAl to ma : and 4 whtn lutnfrmtfullt, notwtthltancling Sums and mine, like that lcutf:dAcattht= outtcnd iislto be Abumt:tl.A : Secondly,‘ wh ct} vtrearc in the burning look up tow A Chrifi, “ (as , the Ififaulitcs being hit w.iAt-h ific.-ry Setpmts A lodktlaup tn the lbrazcn fictpcnt) thus we lhall have heal» ing: by Faith we may qutnch the trio-lcmccsgof flames. In Chrifi we {hall have fafetic. This man fl1allAtbclthc%pcacc" when thc e/ffyrimn (the Thirdly, labour for the Spiritafcomfert ; Thdréfilcalha thcfpcmt fault. A Fottrthly , that thc Lord would mitigate the A ll flames hm >d‘id=lAfurthofc=thrcc, D~W.4. and forlfomc A Mat*tyt‘3A .1 p my :and."Adtawtl..mtAt water as in;‘buckcts, Aand 1:: it out tbtfbrc the: Lard: It will be Aatfurctmcancslof quenching : whcn Mg/5’: praycd,AchcAbuming at Taéem tlt::m=c,§and whcrc Satantdwcllcd A: doe likcwife : you haw covenantccl with God: dealt: mt fa1flytin:bis’lCovcnat1t‘: letttnot your {taps dcclitac wt of the way though tfhc: Lord fhauld {mitt ymtinto tbs: place of Dtagonmand Acavczr you A with the fltadow of death :. Afar your Mcncomagtmnht lttatltcneta Lord tat I-lofts, Zmh.l3.7A«. l If yet: will wallm " inmy twayes, and keep charagu, ~th1cn- {hall Aalfo A judge fhoufc, and keep: my Courts, A;-and I willgiw « tbemplacesto walk: Aamdng thc that llatltl =Al:y.. t tlmhmfan-mm A17 Ptant; hmld thk: Name 0fChrillt 4 tthfi Clturcb ioffergmux is a .pattt:rttc to us: held fall A « anAd‘clcnicd notAth: faith‘ Whfl“nt..A1ntip4J:fufFOfCd martyr»-A Nam}: i. Hgba‘. 1. atcfl ActA1cAuty that ever Ifraal AA tit, astliving watar, will cool: the heat of % Pfa_,1.44,.% = Atha l ‘M Revel. 3.‘ A If;i§49..18.ll A AlAASe§«mmdtltlgteiizlazfietblyFafl;l.\T«i)i?€xi'l.27..I644.¢ A the Lord is with AA AlyA=AKing, jreilfimlall b“eAl~lWltl1 thc‘llglotiouslAAfi£Ahg:%lsAA*fi:3ndwing befi§rc:~At7h¢Afacé dfth.7;fKingIlAof heaven. A A l ‘ ?A ‘ A A v AThilAsl Mmayj begabundantl «comfort unto Ayou (much Ha-A-' ncured)landA mall Gods pcopAlc:Wc arc: inlthc fire but AfiT&‘; Y J Y’ r A»: » *A A ~St:c*otidly5 yea étjc: l‘Inl’trl';1A1fr1.ct1t~sl,l: f3ddA§'f:leopl£éAA A , A A atfi;-;A?Alai=sAcl1ofelt1l; lchoIccl‘gold]‘W1ll»lcnclurcAltl1c fire; and -the, 3 Lord will nQt~;cal?t away his people Whom he hath chofcnA: lMal. 3. A Imrcjmtimzem A ~ tztdm comm tel "ldirigrzt. Dion. filarthui. ;AwhAcn the houfclis on ifircl we talm bare afar our. Treafuirc ; “cmréhoyce vcflelsa OHAI‘ féwcls as we:-A»are ll.nm; fa folicitoufi A A for lumbar 3 {'0 that Lord careth forfyou and all his ; yoq are his choycc‘ Vejflels, and peculiar Trcafurcf, l and his Icw cls varyllprccious in the Lords ey¢Asj.l A A A " Thirdly, Clxrifithc Sorinc ofGocl inf¢fCedcsAf'0r you, and that a&‘ec WithlSatanand:all;his inPcrumcntsAA:aslNaImm.~ «L4-A — A = Fcmrthly, let the gtfacious llnc Iuzurdll hath made ltaclafurc plcdlglc unto you that he: will finifh : be bold toplead with Gad : VL®rd<-xcthou woulclcll not that wscllflmould undertakeablzildingandnotAfinifl1it, than hat’: undertakmtobuilld thyiloufc lh»crc*’,.\A: um 1zhyAf_c-lfclasfi V thourwotjldcfllnnt that We *Afild:bc»« A -A A “ V A Pifthlyfihe Lord hath prolmifcdxgrcat things, » A of lglorious .ldaycsAA whichnow hallcn cgnccrninghis Alia; A1 _ A Churc:l1A:A‘l‘l‘cAIelaawi./aA§in:giving a% lacing mbis W0tdA5AA %AH¢A4AWi11&AAbA¢ with yAou,~A,Af:ar<%:,AAnm~:A: Ha _,.;,_A H _ Though ye haw bqcne amo i1gtAhc‘ pc.:»Ats,g::A acftivqand zealous 3:? {Qt WarwdAaAnti;' haafic3n.;A. ‘ pc:rfc:‘&A dclivcranccmoffiqds C hqrch,,gmd$thej parfcflc -AAbui‘Kdimg,«:4andAA furtiiiliing of .; I 2.. g pl % wou1adfwa1lowAthcm up This ié the firafon not for {brink-s igggibut fm zcalc ;thcA Lordzhath grief out bcforc‘ yaw, andr IV brnkbl; if) .;u’péon;‘thc; “enemies .;a7sV:~t:{§x:¢brea;4king lira: of mm V watcrd; %mam£arz:%*no w]*bc&:rmr yawn? Thoic of Ifllwimr“ V arc .co:mméncIec%.b¢cai1fc:_thcy had knowledge: and unéckw“ aanding of thc “Times, and A knew what: Ijfmel ought to :: Thisuwill be yeuuwifdomcb to‘ taka noticdtthat the: A ' hnxard shat Sfibriflzs kit:.g.domiii‘sV inrby “Encimifcs abrméxdfind Schifmwanél Dh«c~ hath ‘d@n4:*:« m yam. In %tE;'is%i"£:afwn‘ we; fil'C‘;iE'l3f112f$§t~§3~‘a$"»Wh¢fl4.‘ thc children are: mine has thc: birfla r and then: is noflrcngth ta bring Forth 3% Is it not tizznc gm: A ¢ aim} extend us then ‘ to ‘flirt: in theft: iiraiits; fl:a*ivc,% W A £7-.:lvm;3 to gut Gods chiidrm, andthe: Lwrrds workc” dra vv_'m:~ mutaofghc A wc:gII;bc$ :. fllct notf A that A yowfpotfwhich was ehc? {mac 1 éaffipfirdiw in the%%i1ika’A ca fa 5-,~‘thc {mroV~2vvs‘ ofa t:rave1lingMWomanareAuponhim2 He is ‘an unwifc fonncg, ~ for heefhould nqtfizay longain the placc: ofthc brcaking forth ufchildrcn. . ,a ; ANmw;wcace in%A£E¢Vifir¢, lee: ypur ma1¢1hi:tidc«bcjr:t1kin dw ltédfzé: gmfkc fire thisfitéi‘ :1 Evcr7y“tri‘anA;9 efpccially ¢ formfcrsgfificpaircrs, Dclivcrcrs mull be faltcd with firs, as mrezry facrificc was Tzafoncd with “fair; bc ya therefore: thusfcafonad with this hqavcnly. fire of male , witht;ut% whichal1VAwi1V1>be4unfit"vomrié:,iktli;it;you" —fi1ay~goc on in pro»-;~ manmgw‘ the: 'gmatxwo1s1‘ou,~ I Aaddefomc farther inccqtivcrs. V Firfi. ffarve that the builders and rcforrnem hadas many“ dg.» rag;¢”n:1;*ntsas%arqA new ~*th:':fy ;had— ~af :gr¢.-av‘ — mmkcLfigfare.m¢m;;:many»A¢namicis-eaucthcmu KW Aunhor1*%¢A%4*nd «x9rcii“momman&+ yet agaitlfiflthcm 24% they wentpn and dpt<>;f¢red?.d;;dd fhcf§’d*1i?cf¢¢r> V fo many things in vaine? . ix A *Tbéf6eHondz£r4£Ze’H'c7ufl* offiamwmau M M _ . , A m§~i¢w§s before tAh»cm,butdGodAmadca1l; plam camldii pflovidcncc ; Notby Army ,nor~PJow¢r.~dbut by :.my Spirit, fa7, ththe Lord : will dad dthcl17kc~f5o}r you»- Qntlymit ‘zach.4.-,+,ds,g. is raid to Iofitm, Ba of gmdddddourage d'l?h‘c Lord A V‘ make tbemddas (fill as 3}&0Hé. A A , Sccmndlyg Ifyc flint and grdwdc¢id,yddlddzraildicbat gone befbrc at (ya: Wcirthics) ya have done mduclit in puls- ling downs Popcric , a TyrannousdHicraxchi¢,anAd dthc flrcngth qfflaéylom Armi¢s;: have ,bcgun a gldriopg Rcformaticm, and your Zealc hathffct ;zou;dupofidhigh an-V dcrtaficings, and effcfieddfuch things aswc,thmugh~our bafcnd{TcA_o.f;£pirit,ncithcti looked not hoped fbr z ydau dfuf-d dferedfis much as did ever any Parliament ; hazarding, your Pcrfons, ~Efiatcs, and Fadmilies; indurcd much comradi» éhon offinncrs, and many rcproachcs; yehavc ha‘dgmany_ I acknowledgements and thankcfgivings from Citieand Countreyr, Othcndlofc not alhhat hat?) gDnc~bc,Fe>rd;;~ let your lafi: bcmore thcnidtbcd firfi 3 ; ill ye do: dWilly¢:*fi;1flEfEd dd Thirdly, Ycfworkc with A A A with yeu 5 Iris anddhenourdddtoddddthcdtzoblczfl dtjogputr‘ their xjceks; totlgisworkc-A: The Sdonncdof%God appaarcthdd’duponja~"Rcd% A Horfm. goingoutdin at ficry appearancc: againfi fab‘: c;kI1C1*I1:i3“?v‘L‘ :. Hg isaznczngdtihc Myrtle tmesf ; that is, if]? thdc: ,:2m;idPcof;hi»"sdA A d=peop1a, who«damhis delight; gd andvwith himd«thm:e njfl”T3“;R;Cd'A'. I-1or{::s- alfo : A Jlaliclmel ha;hi‘bis‘dAng¢lsAto~ A take: ve"n;canca, on _t11::gDragon and; his aflgfilsi; 3d1f0d~d.th:€r6 dddatfa» f ¢d<51‘hbAhétfi‘L zcalozisfcsci ‘ \?you**-: and“1Wiei:i*fi1liW1:c7mbtii:€§ that: your bppégfition is from AdeViIi{11% Wand n:ia1ignantA fpirits ;_ASa t‘an a‘rid—¢his lnfitmlmcnté A >.«A . .‘.‘ w ‘ ~ddi‘nf'g;‘; .”Tgbsv7Abn;44Vybur?{;auA{:: pannot" but b¢ good;.,% ~ A :whoAA§&and at %Ai%y§ogzr»‘right hands A Ate; refiflzs: Thcn hp and be A Ag; %;co;1ramu1aA% not ya-¢1d,A4 (but‘1¢tAA com: onhim %whaét{0¢»Avcr it Was) % becaufc hc fearcdtlo bd fcomedaud m0 ckcd: A A%ndAccan{idcr, AI bcfctfch ydfi, mt;hat% ‘wchdvt-2 made4our*baafi —%AoFJGbd,4 and gloried inAiAfi'3ch in--A fiitummts 54 *Ic:t nottiaur c0nfidcnt..Tboafii11g makc “’u3=AAAa-37 fhamcd. A A ~ A A ~ “ ‘ “ AA ‘V Sixth1y,ThusiFydtigoc on,yo1j an& we masrleava i pincffc tgour poficrifzic zifthrough out 3 flackneffc and pun fillanimincwth c%AcAneAmic prcvailc; W539 fhallhavc m:::hingAlc=ft~A to bequeath but«Sla}:cry and Popery.A°A: ‘A A A + A Sev¢nthly, ‘A V. A A ll g A A A ALctall malignant {piAfitsAArnarkcA : let this confideratioza take them “of? Ram their malice in oppofing; %AlmfilaA£tb* is the title offome Pfalmcs : Dellroy nor, as a caution and‘ acbnfiélentcxprcffion of the holdnhfie, inallicc;-,, and defi-” i(A;.‘lA€‘AlTA'lA%A'.‘.lAl{‘:?«A()fATl']¢ lcnemic. "Let the gold _and filver veffels, Sac; he AAcVeryAon‘ei1A1 his p1acc,as it is by Darim Decree "fccon; ding Cjrm : Now thazrcfore Tatnmi and Sheila»?-Bazmi, and ‘fURe'I'71«£m thc ‘Chancellour, and A.S’bim/Km‘ thp Scrihc and fuch companions mull be farre fiom thé€nce.**l A * ~ l WA:41Arrc now) to bring fuch wrctchcs toj7uclge1n7enténdiA" V Iudghplulsg ‘Ufa 6. fthou oppofc thcipcacc: ofGods pczfioplcz, Aaz1cl»thc:-build-A‘ A A ing nfthe Lordslhotrfmit is in vaine ; than wilt he found ta ; fight againft God ;‘ It’ is hard; for lth:e'i to kick againft the: A A pficks :. A thcréforc mcddlc not to thyhurt -; the‘ Lord will A fi?nilh“in dcfpight ofthce ::_Thc: Dcvil and his infitrumems could d0¢ nothing when Ifiwl was in jclmldm dcprell and D 3 when . buried ; how much lcfli: mw when they are dclivcrccll A lift up to Hi-;aven,A brought to Iemjhlcm ancllthe Tdrnlplc? 3 A foithe olicie and powcmfthc cncmyqeuld ‘due Anothing, A enthralled under th¢ Himjarchis,” nu-..—....._ W N H when theyhada11AAadyanaages§: hewAhmuch1eAh{fe now,hwh;Q4 the Lend.ehath:;too,ke ofithofe yekes, A and advanced his fer.” vaxats ashthc ficm-reshinteAth%e.eight hand ef Chrifi?Kw,z. VA f .A h But: t_he‘~«~Devi1s malice is fuch,thata1ehoughhe know, e that his ev£mehprAa&ife‘s{ha11 mine hhis oawhne kingdeme, yet he AAWHI lA1c)tA-QT’ he ,c;aAnnaOt dqefifi from mifchiefe : for ma.» \ .. Zenak;deem;z1eeA; angclzk. V lice isnafura1lA to the I‘3evil,azid"theArefereehe A a is h peceflaeily malicious, as the fire as Vxaaturafly and fo nece ffarzly he: hominiémlhmahfla therAeF0re.as men aim death are either A pertinacieuily eh-Avill, or cenflantly gored 5} {o are the Devils,. af'terAtheir fall pertinacieufly Wicked and malicious :. “and” fa it is with Gods enemies in whom the devilwerkes wiAthAAcfficac“ie : they are not onely devilifh, but even %equaA~e ‘iize1;hed’ev‘ill in malice and mifcAhiefeA; Iadeawas evena c;Zevil,Iaén 6.; = A V ’ The enemies know and A Parliament, Withhis Armies, yet they geen ; the devil A drives them and thruPcsAthem on as the Turkifim horfemen A doe tlfeir foot to their manifefi inevitahleeruirw-A When life. 2.6.1 1. _ A _ ~ ‘ an Antichriftiane fpirit, robe hardened againfi Gods A waies anddealings, as R'ewl,1 6. I t is noted that Anotwithftand»-A ingfethae powrizage mm of the vials¢the.yewereV¢.xed and pained» and. Aenawed their tonau¢saaAyetth¢¥hraecntcd’A ' not : and tlaay. rcpeiatedmmh 0 let this take thee mhevhenzzue Lords hand a h A M iifted ‘up to deliver his people, or judge the enemies e Thoz3:w1iltnotef‘ee, but thou {halt fee to thy w‘eeA,if them A gpefcon ‘to opgofe theeLord,_ A It is uAfua£1yasktA.: Is the ms we adco , ‘ A A’ A V pofzfier fiegia “ hemif whagdevilthen fhallaweethinke is inthefe that will flztmza wire: , u: mzllum poficzz religuum fiwrit A impmmmtm. £elfe,asAthus : :;d4oe{~’c. thot1;no;t¢feeAthatthe LeradAhathahpi1Id‘ Z:g1_g3ch.i¢n lee. 533P€0P1€W¢'95th¢Ahfif€ 3 he thinks they bWAb¢rnt10ne °“?“5h; ‘ burning 2 and asf Zamzb. ffaith, id in awgelfik efl mfm qarqd ' fee that the Lerdia with his A thyhand is liftetzl. upn.-hey»~wi11nt5t fee. It is an evidence of A H WASerma2aaaeHh/7Je Mensa/3lyFajf,T‘IOV6hm.hej?. 16;; V ¥ cievillin fi1chAaAAene; whom we,f£:emadanaihmalieieufljl‘ yet in rx1alignitieAAof fpirit oppefeAthemfelve$s P “*'1‘hi$*hre-we’ ah preAhenfienAAA for oVugAhx:A wee }gnpAwAAAAetook off thexdezvil hxm-¢— A : 2 7 A A ~t T011353 Hatnaumélcl Haufe aftCnmmw;¢5,AA ‘ V ~ enough ; hrclhyath begun tlmzit d¢livcrancc.land’foA isingagc: A :19 pctlefi it t tthcn. why wilt than lofl"eArAA to bc an advtfté ~ ifary ?_ how tranfitcndcntly A ‘ mircslof all picticl A *‘ mdc rflandingmnr counfcll againfl: tbc Lord 3 and A ycttthtiy 4 wiflttcentinné lobftinatc in their umlicc. dcvililh then are thofc y"cx‘1¢A~ 5’: -they yfcc that them is no wifdomc, nor The ”I.otd rcbulté Athemtvhc iotdthat hathchnfizn Igmfalcg» rcbukc them :- 0 wconfidmtyc that forget God. whom you have to dealt; A y wlthallt Remember the Battle and aloe no mom. I Aacldctn this an admonition to every one. ldttttsltnkc lizctcd of hind cring the good of Chriftst Church md {En '.'.l Know I b<:fecc~h you, that it is not Aonely hinldlcrcd by t ”Malignitic anclNcutralitic 7:. but even the belt have a hand Lin flopping-God, twbiphcaufcth him after! he hath bcAAgnnl AA Jfntn pafufcand tnlbe‘>atfa~lland : How? V ~ A l *3 A Firfh‘by‘out Infidclitic :t Thus wctfcl and all liracl kept nut nf Canaan after their deliverance out Mgr.-:Aand Jam; of Egypt : TbcLotcl cannot do many mot: mightic works fetus , becaufc of our nnbclicfe ; Thus lwhczn things are adverfc, We give out {elves for 1°0ftAt,“out hop: is cut off; as though Gad wcre not all»fuffic_icnt t when things are pro- Job ...;.s. ‘Ufl*,7- ‘ I .35". fpnrbus We cio nothintgylicffc‘ thcfmqefimon God ,* we lfcanc on t l anarme of ‘tflcfh; :w'e*hlavc alpruclcnt Parliament; Va lpntcntl A Army ,~ wc éhavc: ”caunfl::4ll‘l and {ttcngth “for warm tfn then“ “ LnrE:l’i’s deprcfitand thclfc exalted, which provokes ’t:“thlc;Lotdl to let us fecllthcttvnnitie of thcfc without: his hclpinghalndt, A and may provoke him tote 1' cét out confidcnccstand {wears A in his‘ wrath that W; fhonl;d never profper in them. . * V Secondly, there hathtbccn but bad‘ ufe made ofGocls bey- ginnings. Fi*i:fit,l WC.‘ havetdelfpifedthc:td‘ayof fmall.thingst=:: Thankfixlncffc would make us account {mall bcginnin s, ,gtcatA favours: yet what the Lord . A : lrhnuld not fccmc Afmall in our eyes: ” lord hath~tlpuI1‘Td;doWn, and ” y A 1'lnthp1ucktyupl,%andlwlaat he “ A A ~ maltcrs wt: are delivcted flcom,Aand what blaflhdftcadamc hath alraady wrong t ~ ~-hat _hc»istfettingyyups~Whatlho“ conficlcring what that t is abaut~ tolp1‘ant:,:WhIat;l.'asll- A 1% 3 WC! » Judg- 9- % " Iuzc ¢'njoj§J$MuccciT¢sy “haw: ’mad¢J» us A mom VinfL1Iaing,%~ti1en A T thankful!,“‘AandTtookc&u4sofi” fi*o1n~(>L_1r depcndancc on Gm V /1:3 e{rbm)2;£”%"zzi;;3em%oim4/aly :1? 4/?,Nc>vem.27. 1644; «wh%oWrougi1tfi3ru3. v ” A Secondly, we are a*[1ubbom%pé:0plc; now that\Cbril% ’wouldi'cigncm amongfiz u3,~:w;cVfay T'hiS4;maflA{_}~1‘k!.nflOt1‘C"igm: *4 o\icii‘7Vus’: new Ch:ifi.is coming".toWard us, wevbid himVde--A part out ofcfmr U)? ;fh%.t1c~. wifiouc0u1drcpairca11Vthcf¢breachcs.andéompcfcthinw :f0, that'%brr;thrcn ‘might ,w;ith :pQ£‘;CC;;‘0fj(;Dn{(;i€_I}C.CA divcllm ztdgetbergn unitie.th¢n%v«r%c §110l1,1d;f¢¢;th&3¥ thé;Lo¥dW¢#%5¥34. «gdiclight fivléartua%to:do¢gr¢§tthingafw? ;(%shc grac¢s‘«2E§3¢du%wou1d¢;4thcn=Ihinéin rh4iMcr¥afm$ “thcy Wof1_ld%§i' inxthcs fpirit _oF%t:1;c,ekg;3xcw{fc ‘f 9&6 .to*a§0e t A narbenahéfltééte nouflofcamm.-t.t 2; that for t{‘Jattttl‘l,Cl”.l1lfil'ti¢ oftthel fpirit mightlbc tkcffit in the bond of peace :* This onclyl 1 «adtl¢7;_t If .yc_;.bito * and Ada. ‘ hours one anothctl, take ‘hood that ye holoo‘notlcon1iztttt:d $3313» 64 one ofanothct-. . A 3 ~ A A ” l l l ” «Poutthly, when wo,hdatrc had rnorcics fhowtingrdotrvn 1 from heaven, A we have flacltt our hands tn prayer} whcnlr -Mafia: hands fell downs, Aémalek, gtcvailcd ; and_ffn through our llaclmes 6: coldncflo in this dutio land“?-oth§:ts, d ntmotclt. than through the llackneflb of ourfirflmics; the os- notnies who were not long lfincc tevflon prayed ‘downc, have Pttengthcned thcmfelves toiout reproach andtdanger; V lFifthly,Sclfc-lovc, which fcts us upon flelfo-fccking, and iolfc-ends, is In predominant, that tho publiquo cone» cctnmlentsate not to promoted :, Ifwo had publiquc» fpi- t tits, our endovours would have had a futthcttnflucnce it!- « A A. to the publiqucgoodthcn yet they have had. V I t. And many provocattons there arch atnongfl us to the»:- wailcl; many Aclmzs amongPc- us, many cutfcd things, not oncly hid‘ in the tents; lbut brought forthin the light of tho Sunnc; they dcclaro “their finnc as Sadorm-,tl_andlhido it not : much canfoof humiliation thefo are unto us all this day .1: and who molt not look: to {co Gods work pctfctflted “‘ltil1woA$l1 moutno and repent for tho many evils in tho tnidfi ofldus: Hovvlongt fhalll fee tho Standard, and hoatc Jew“; the; found of tho TtutnpctP It tistnanfwclrcdl in tho ncxt words by the Ptfophct; My people: is Foolifh, &c. funim _rca».dshit,.S’ohdla:2‘g M my people is foolzfb amIfiviti_//at and wifi; _ to doe will, And (Honoured Worthics) I befooch you to admittofmc thattltmoay uio boldncffct Thisbutdon (I035 éétns tall, and cals upon all {it is for admonition to all, that _cfpccia1lynoYou: when )_'fi«m-llhad provoked the Lord by A their {poll and dbodilyztmclcannoffc , tho people were =p1aguedinafeatefizllmanncrg thoto foil in one day fonts: Nmn"i§$l;J A d A nod. twenty thoufandt.-.; fllqfluf wasnot.hlamcd,hut lthc to ‘ zfletds ofthc p=ot>1e=Hta_ng up thchcads “?fth3ltP§°P.15lll:3lt¢ lthet fic“'rce awn-r ofrhc Lord may be.turned_ awayafmm ‘‘..‘...._‘...H.;_ ._ * ‘ . , I -.----.---—w‘ M .4 germ 2:» mmzwazy Fafl.,Nmvém.a7». I544, ‘betm: ‘ta theVpAwp1z: in g:«:w&ming,;fo=: to ‘pmvenriin ; Jjirwaz ihe bf thiz inéopléé-;~ ié _They mama have . A A nrwtha-yeflaould have: b:_:¢ni»e mote fWi§t»‘ m exakzute A judge}. .. 4. mcngwbcn thgy {(711 mm finne; It 15-: not m33ughflthaty%ou . gmifa 9fi4:m:z;“t‘*!'s%, 'ft«i?1at, yam %m m fommdg. mg as atshemf are? in we mzdfi 13? Citreama Kxngd«a:ne;W¢h A when ybur Power allfd mcheth, mamyfibomxnatiam ’thc,@re» E:zcl.2.z.l' A ~as»E2wid&lfpaakes, in time; in ti-we cixceifs, many *m”fanati%ans?-, him-ible ui=:t:1~%ca'nnc(¥m {I fspaakc what I wager againfl: ybu%; and there is no cmrfe for medmfz, none tojpunlfh or fpu¢=théVm m Fnamve»: ~tbe~re= is in the miidfi ofm dpprefflcm md ~?c£~u4;=:.~itic*, “time wt‘ in the " Mévcn4‘Aébam”inat}1‘a hqwne&y aflrmd at ¢¢w1ce,1m~f‘ an to wthc }<*a'¥aE %p§r:o‘[va”éte:%c"iaTn:a n»Wf"Gmds A midfiof 11% many %?1§txnéic;éwft§ Awhcdéz fac::’s are ~jg£mun£~°l»«. ma % their bones cruA{htA:a”nd briokc-Q «mafi %x*n3uriou[71;y ; they cry ~ for rclicfgthcy (Watch (mt their ‘harm to iybu for 'hci%pc* : A ‘Orc,1cé:vc%th-3 oppre17f¢~d,Vandiudgé:¥»1‘hc%caufc rstf th°c~hc1p- 1cfl"¢a’lc& the Lord ‘hear: their cry aémfi it Abc4fi9tmc“unto ym» < A ,DsIay nut, make {peed to fmkc iudgem-cm; »to bring me ”Whc"e1i: ;!ragc;9Fc“a$ve%*i1t2t; faintmt; if «Chrift had! ~*faintt:d inAti1c*workc nfaur Rt» dcmption,what had gbccomc ofus? hcfamtcd neat, was difcouragcd till he fet: j'uc‘igc: mam in;thcFEax?th ; do ye liktwife. V ’_ A = 9 ~ ’{ A 1% H A Obfervc%.%;h‘0w “the Lord ‘dcTd*ri116cthAth"c Horfs. 1216 ‘A139. His ne¢kAisL¢l“oathwd wicgh thunder, he paw:-th Aimthc Win A %ey.‘and‘Arcicayc¢th~»-in his flttcngth ; he gocth aut4’to»maet the armed man,the=qmivcr ‘mt‘t:leth‘at?him. the ¢glittcfi¢ng 4 ipaarc Md fl1Md- 54 he faith the 'I‘ru’t11é1>cts,A“d?1&z %l;Af‘ ¢i9¥12’”“§;"9_‘¢"¢?!'¢'9. f"?hox%s?rg1°fifi5W W " AA. A indlearnecourage irftomihim ; break A ning : es in hatura~A1lAAAArrtertion*, fo the A; but haven where A yet: Would be ,1eit:yeht:motierifhe N After The LordsibeginningsenagehIm;tofiriifl1;fAyeee A ateAQgds,- as ‘Pfixlm Follow I;iathA I A beette “esxgxzeaious ieriyou andA“ue,..takeiA«iE1etz3ldn* “ A V in W3 bfiafieleabeur to*Aha[’ccn% Refmatienimthé (3htzATrch,* A thatitmayAAbc“‘\‘=:Aeg1~adncH7ca£.Gods people to geeAAAte the A A be2il1fiCeAof fhe1im‘fi'e , that theATribeAs may gee up_{tothe AA Teftimeny ‘W of Ifi~xrl‘;AAA*2ndt for the Ahettet igeivermingt Com mot:-Wealth, ‘let ‘thmrws-AofmA~j£tdgement. A in all places :’€iS'APfzl.I32.A “ Aév“ »= A And to cohjeiude; eLetiJ1saiI1)utrAt»o eurheipirgg hands, arrr1es,put‘fes;A eounfeiig enceuragemientf0FA‘A*t1*¢ help: of A the Lord again‘itt;thiem‘Aightiee=; of Chrifl: A A be carefull to maintafineirnitie Chriftians to g peace; to unite a;gaini’tetheiirc;:AimmefiiAEnemie: on fame. have compaffion, making: aehffierence ; and others-I5we:. withterrour, pulling them out of the fire. 0 let all be 7 ’ A humbled before our.God this day, and put out tnouthcs in the d‘u[A’t ; and then our prayers will be very prevalent with A God; our legions would be thundering legions . as Chri-t r {tiara Aarmiesi of old; dtcadfilllrto the enemies” .16-.th usA all: A A hclpe with our conftant fgrayers , be the Lords reme m-- A hbrancers, give him gm tiilhe rte-fine his church, and A pull it out ofthe fire: heA-that hath neither purfanorrwea-'~ A pun, rfthands, nor cauufell to help: , bath a heartA; O poureitout “in prayeregive got over till the Lord hath ‘made Ieruflzlem a praife in the earth, It is ufuall to put trwotdsrintoa De1AinqueAnAts mouth whereby he is delivered \ A A from death. The Lord deales thus with us 5. he bids us take A words; and he alib fuggefis words whereby we may be - delivered fiéominiquity. 8: received gracieufly, Hofl 14.2.; ~ So In-..3_.r9. He devifetha?way for ushow We {hould ob- farihce thcA1engthening:qf our tranquillitice Iris theAI2A.ord. A’ W hheAH9vwrw51e tfléfifii offliwwmam.’ A AA A A A AA ; ‘v‘:rp4,$m ~ . n v ‘ : mAS.ermbni_ba »m»wz,p4;z,i~xuve.;.. tha‘t,;;;q»uc&%ip"nAA *I« put thfififi among ther%childrcns;and give the: a. plaafantland 5 even agoodly heritage Vctxf"1;h¢:hofv‘.cis of nations? Andi fa;id,thoL1%fl1Aa”l‘f A cal1me;MyiPa:h::r,and {halt mt ‘turn: away {mm mea “Ibis the:t;5aMis,t:i?!a%c Ljtftarda wayV;;;that hmkwaulda have L1s%Vtak¢x'f”5 & t;?i?}’.%lF,"at!1m?§rflhibmfiathfilfampgay1,, tmdcvpté ou:r,;*”’” 768 N3! Gmhg;and:nwér;%Am;4turnef%Afi'om¢him: No%V’peo2%*-’L¢Ww;¢W3-‘ had» A morccncouragcmcnts, ammore ncyeds th~3:n%W¢%havc ta Wrafilw withfiod 2 [f0 A %Wra£H,a‘Mwith$ @.0ds\1¢3_V'¢ him tide: till h¢wb1cfl.€,ii$ giV€§lim‘n0t?’micrtiJi Pl‘€Vail-c: whcti we 12r¢Yai1¢rs*with God: ihéffihafl WE: {$6 Mercyand Tmiflfméétifigl ?Rightcou(?» nefi;E‘j,,;and Peaccxkifling,.thén wduld the 4 Lord be? with us in thefe fires, or pull us as brand$.0utoF firc ; andthcn; A %mWmmmmm% prevailcrs over mam ” ( ‘* m “'2