¢¢?éa”gz%;‘c W tag; 432; g»; 2%.: .,;a.;%;=¢», " 3? 1' am’? ; Die Mercury‘, 218. AMz¢zg2z§¥i.,,,. 1' 644.”, Rd:-fxjed by the Commons Afléxnblcd im.;. thé grc:~:at paines he make in the Sermon he A ~})r€€1Eh€d at the cntrcaty ofthisfloufe, atsaint Parliament, that Mafiel‘ Erie doe fromiflg this Houfe give t}1a.uks tVo-M%a_fier Key-rzer, for 4 Margarret.rgWe§?mi2z§?er ( it being the day of publiqueHumi1iation)and to defire him to Prim‘ his Se.rmon4 5 and it is Ordemd, them; none fl1aIlp1*Aefi1me to printhis Sermon; wiAth«-a ml; liqggnce 11n,de.r_ his hand¢~:vvriti1r1g,. H972. E[fyI2g- C7Zer.A.P4rl; V, Comé. a M Sm1;m>n~ IV ‘I: ;1Ppoi%nt%S.zmm.eZ E22cIerb‘y to p1fint~1ny_ William Reyz$azm,%w . ¢_ 4 ' 3 *%e:sa:~»:4e:o=;:s::e~:~»zsJ° r;«c:a:a:»%«:~9+m:a»zsé:.=%;+g;:sa:p'ersata W Awiw rs 71 L‘ “%;%¢%1“'4“'E"$"§’°§’9§“3%‘§‘%9Y99:"*‘;$§4%“§‘9TP%*2?P9§’§f5%£”¢£‘§?;i¢'§‘§~r=*t§»A%-t;‘j:§;«i3fi<=;;~§vt%3%i'a§$v~§%qfi!.'£I§'A 1) 1.,1i n 33 %%%%%%%¢¢%@%% « . N “ ' M _ A\ ' M 7 «$4»- Delrvered m a. S E R M 0 N before the ho-» iiijii nourable houfe of C o M Mp N s at Margzzrety I7/effriziizffer’, at tl-Ieir publigue Fell}, x!z»:gz:[f 28. ;¢4_4,, A A By VI/Villiaizz Rayner Pafcor of tI1e%C11111“cI1MofMf-$1 Chriffiat Eglranz in Surraf )1, and 21 Mam- bar of the Aflimnbly of I)ivines«. , -3-» ‘A W at the mdgementfhaxllfit, and tbgy fimxll takg away his Damimz‘... cmta ccmfwmc am! to defiroy it ware Z‘./M’ end. And r/as Ifmgdome in .*.. mic and Dawiniammzd the greatncfllwofflre Kan dame mzder the w/an/e % ’§“' heaven, [hall 56 given to the pcapld of the S .'zz.wt;‘¢~ af the mfi bzgb; nae . w/Jafi: kgmgdame 1'! arm cvarlfzflzng kjMgdam'e‘,.¢z;»zd all ¢$'{gj¢g‘j;gfg;¢_g'{/jflzl ' ‘$3 ferwe am! aécy him.» ““ % , % 1%‘ V 23% mm __ V. - L ONDONA: V% A N 6” ~ Printed by T.B. for Sxzmgiel Enderiy, and are m M {QM at [gm + A fieéa A figne of the Starr: 1n Papcm. md....,4llqy. 1; 6 4.4. A $6» % ‘W‘3“3“%*‘*"$“°W”¥9°1‘?%‘M?¢i*‘%*WE*°3”:d£*‘t*v“3*W~*-i*%-1*%*~$~*%%é“*?$*M~'~M*dM“%%~M* no . '~‘#_;-L» BABTLONS I ‘ ET, .-. R . '--...—I‘ To % :heHonoumb1:e, the Knights, Citia ''”‘'i' ‘ . .. ' ‘ ,, . «wt» ¢mmwm¢@ww,@mm cu zens and Burgefll-s Aifmnbled in ParIi-a-§--- A ment,;md,.n@vv fitting at We'f3'mz'm‘?38r...VA A HOno_uraBI«*;: Senators 4' . A=zJz’i2g bad for 4 [Mg time flroag zap-% . pre/Jeizflans out of the Wom’ of Gang. of V aziz appracbzbg _fi‘a7¢m.e upon t/:zeNatz'-- M » am of E'urope, for the M.4z7xz1'72g e 3]5en+ I in all kind affinfzzlézes Q6’. pfrop/mizeneflej é#~5*,CMEf0 2'32 ’z'zl0-- A ld~t7_y (7'fpér]Z°mt»z'0~i2M‘z';2 t£:eE.rclefi'4fliml, (9! tjzwuwy czml ' oppre/]Zo72 in tbt Civil! {fat 9,» am’ tlmt mzemm againfl am A gregzt a’eal%e%af’ l{gbt~ and ‘magma: Vtlaat ~ez’tIwr %tl2ejlm%c'Z ow} Amzgbt bmalmd. (Am! there is‘ amerrmzilmm mzzmrremfa - a1zalag”reeme72t%,3,.%L.éat/az'~a2 tbegenerall acommimztiozzy Ly" _té»e» - Wazndagaizg/t films: fa" -zggkgrawwtedéefides -tife ex zzmplexj“ A aizdiiz I/92]I47‘i‘:i0u1W«.P7"fi[I/9ec—ie.\'-zzml P7£ditqf0i2S*'QftbE~/dfl~ » t-27meS«, atlof‘ I/991724 pitching A poz2e.».t/via‘; as Mint per’z"o¢[ oz? 4 - mime wlmeimlbe Lordm’/z’ 7JifI7t'." The Bard’ if Eertzzinlyzr di<¢‘Ws» or: —?‘“«‘8?if‘*“.??v W1*e 502/9’ mercy 422:! jztfi: we 5 A o_;’%’ ,., rm!/y of Aictichrffs Ki?¢gc[ome W3... 1“ 7’; .tbougbt 1'-I-zzat zmweetfbr the tz'me.cg§=.; i I ~ «Auditors (bavingjaur bwmméle 54/13” :0 the Worée) to treat in your gzrefence upon fzw/9 Ta fwéje£?7.. . - TbeKingdom: (fir _{Z:zt»e5 of Eumpe aréfgrozcniz olz[._,@= 1:2 mm: ~ would tbinégverevcome even to t/je£r‘yea7*y, g;§e—_f;;.‘[[»7~i];e;2ey,7"g ¢ % ~’ ze*2'z—a7<*a:‘j.;«&;::;J.»~A ,..—....... mere} A t ~c‘"7'ier.'e) theirlHeMeile'ete'eee, Pmrgeez'ere5M Afrfi-rtehetz7a»tev 1.23.. teze»erez’5 be eeeeee (tleeegle ey e they of f’ezxer'e eerre: fbrmetiah, :16 eelezeeptioh fylbfifiy’ haeedegejgee at lefl, e.i2t‘l;1~e efiezeretieiz eiwlgreet er2lergeh2e;eto_f'th;e»Ch%ereh";- 0 jeefi“e'ee,L eegezfzzfl he}? z'1eeeerehleeeieeee2z'ets qf1eAz?j"er'ts eIie‘elfZ',z~e5,: Mite their perelitiezz, We meefizeotléhe heervea’ thett.ttheW’elrhLe l ‘ A fife. 48. I»o§' eefe leieg 2'92 fihz]hz'mg' emohg eex, heiezg he};/y ?Z0t- meeeh more then hegeie. There he raj/eefeelly 4; great eleele for 4 10955.. “ eligue eelemety, flill te elee (ale; tee meeeh) ire every (7o,;,»:,7.;2'... "try, City) Tezeeeej Perhzih, Ferrell)’, Perfeie 5"?7ZtZ/“fly hath per?» A few Mel things are yet (eel iteis-*~?tb* he ~fee"red)ehem=ehg the at Litigeats are hothfieles, time are to he remeeredleeeel fixed“, A ea’. Beffeles, the Lord ufeth taeleeleh-»z'th meheee mteh, the greet power of the zeieheeleeeereathy lheeeheme meeeeee (ml; ' "God it pleezfeelta zef e) hettfueldehly .e2zelAeezfz'ly hreheh,% I N either were the godly,’ whom the Lora’ will eat refiiee‘eze filwer, pztrgiieg out all their elrafl e ettehcej hefudelehly hem,.. eeeeredeeeeto 4 fefieieeet humiliation, refbrmeA1?z'a;23@;C.. BM "4 this elz"vz'iee ageiet rhaafeth tat I1?03"h"_6’u[)0i2 themeeeordiiee A to their receptivity. N eitherll let any ee A fcehelelized at 4‘ fame iieterraptioees and rehetee, es‘ 1 may fey, lie the Lwarele f Jzreeeetllrzgsa and at fizmefz;eee_[]°e5A new em! theregrzmteel to his Cheereheseahzxerferies 3 your fhellfirzel the lihe ire all the great effsoftcaelthet he qftheefemee ze.etm*e“:e~Beet eflthihgs ez‘re*eerrz'eel on hy the [teeth hmzd of the Almighty, he though A throeegh enemy 012120/3tz‘ae2s'3 repze/fesae t0i2fiZ2g’€iZ6i‘8S'3- £5»;-, fa... tmohg emezzjt ta eheirdefiqgnedrhehd and eppaihteel period; at. to efieehe qf’thAi.s', that hazelnut A the eieemiesfbme Aemgg- V regemehts, he the Lore): nvarhe‘evezelel herellyfi £1? there; he A -perfeétehdeizelfieeifheelupazz his omzee people, fir zeeitheer nvouléi “they” he herelzeeel to their emee defhruffierzt: If ph3m0fi_ A *hA.edheevere‘»heeh releefed afflhefirfl plegzetesi,-e hetweeelelfmree A ettheee WW "3.’ ....~ 4.4.‘ A of the Céiwc/9,V ziz /aexivramzfed fimare rsjformzztioig Ix/9i¢‘7J A‘ A .tz'm.e 3201414 izatflaeiz fzgfier me‘-~t«o £riz2g.-ii2 ~A1bd.'z/chem mM’€%éé1dé?i6_)@t'oV m:z’a’e;t/1:ehz’5 uvz‘t?l2o::t.f.2z/azfc *t‘l9¢ fbrmer Wald [Jame 56622 imfzerfefi; IA £I;z'z,*e;2zt»%y)o]'i’l')'.12§*et~e7’mitte&’ fbn2etbz'flg.€fzz£jeH to dcwét amZ~e.'>ccept%z'o?2 5 I bzzmély12re--A fem‘ Ad/1 to "your judiciom view, wko,72'2 Gad {mt/J t}Joug'lv‘t .A A worthy to make . /923' Iizflrzmzmts taéqgirz agaredt a Refer... matioiz-2'72 t-laefe sz’.\?’:zt‘z"0725, Awhfafa 2255/[(IVfEarmemt) Iazzrixe as good izzfgfiuence éydirvii2e=é°lefi’Zng, 2212072 arbeflrs‘ alfo aérozwl 5 bop'z'z:;g fi‘edfazf2,‘Zy, that tiyevfame God will tiaraug/9 /355' 235.... fi22%ir'e»mLer_cj/ 2'22 C/yri 3 your kzzizals z'I2z1z:e;time,' fiizifb rlae fame... 4 PI/521%: is‘ the defixel afldprgyer gf [aim 22122:: is“ ‘ ..¥I-1«uznbIycAIcxrot.ed to jtcjux A < fe'rviceinthe‘L‘oréI, % I L LI. .4, M R 31' N E 125.4 -"- vvwurvvrb W. IN fimwe in the See at lezfi‘ 1 /70126’ Q’; Will neither he. mzprafitehle my m2.eeee12eaehle,e.e:r.ae W.eteh«mmzJ to putyeue ~ l,;:o1eoeer.s3ei2e1*h;4/‘Jose, ot~h.hee5e iee. mmd of thef e things. 1 aloe weotelezey, heat»/z"e2 theheaurfe of humane hfiaires, there will he ereweies among eheiegfoe theeompafihg of, thhofeldz']fereez- ees that GM ee 5%‘: 2'22, to he the new/ion amimeezizes of‘ ex» A eeutizzg his decrees Tea, there mu[I'(eiiee1 fay fgmé ym. fizhelperhdwehtuee there ought-tho) he feeehl ;- Beet jhzzezav 1 efezzhe fa men teal wife to heleeevee that Gad’: ‘quarrels can hhentzzhen up hy lhzemmze teee.ctez°es"5 heat the)! will mithezet fézile eteeihe th.e+*lzL/jue Gael himfe~lfe hefbee prefixe~el;.ehel hy his‘ he “ Ward threezm-eelm2ei.}:eemzfea£e Ne‘ith“er doe 1 clozzht half that the Chzeaeeh fhazll lohtzzieee 4;‘ her elefieeelpezzee and refl £22 the em’, when Gael”: Werhe is?‘ A fiizijhea’, thazegh' he flzeh meme: were ufeel ht ell: ¢z;2elgz'rvee law to all her ezeemiesjg. Vtz'llz1°h2:'ch‘ time I loahe feevzeofovlzkl and elztmhle gueietrhtoeeheh hy fhefizeople eff A 6' 0:1 eiejoyeel 5 yea 3’, [am c0iifiele22ltzl])0i£«.' thefizz'thfi:llWom’ of’ Gael, that the - Seziizts [hall there eiejey thiiggg which would he hut hy ezfem evezz af’ thhemfelwes new clefiireelje and hy the ezelyerfe party nevlerjeeldeel. hThe~5Temple ef sa1Qmm1,zme hm'le 2'}: he s ; peeee.ehle,the lzz.tte;~ Temple 2'32 4 eteauhlefeme twee; em have though ‘there he geeee iea1{es‘«qf'Axe,f, Hammers heel toales of Iran, pewtlj ezheztt thcpre/mretieahfbr thenew huildzlggaeheut ehz'efhly dheur the ’ pulliigg clawieee of the old, | ‘ (which 12rthe4geeet:'eeerheiiee ewe; yeewheez the epp~oz'hee‘el A timeh of hzeilell/zg :3‘ come,» the Chzmrh may];-eemzfe were here fe'lff7'07?2lGocl5:e72el uieelazehteelly he;.~clz2e;,‘.?,.A.A, c?5A_'lc.A__ A mi/lfkgkg 411‘ N.im:anx$; h thi:,,Cc2t73%.foIaAtion in 2%h¢A{As3mgg1s,fdI1gw;ing,4 Aaimjf “tbfififlsofia dbufilcipmmifc : Fin}, Akiéfifiri >401‘? fim1_'£.r»*0>~':w : S¢c¢1Id1§'xn~ valvw?/1/1 W3‘ ~ EWA» ««2?i¢bA%>A£W::I‘: A%B;¢AtfiAAt.1i¢“3"Wffiffiili uy~moAcircumaanccs.» A I§j;A£i;4‘oA£th¢Ap¢;ifqAnA 1~fih‘a§fTai,fih?4t%h¢féa”%thi§:g$M3 f”emnd1y,ofA:he l'i377e°,~» ‘\ _ F;jiri’g.;_%d thdIpe:Riri;% Aitrhat é-?f5'313¥‘hii3 ?A§«1é*{r’" «dtliatfw % b1e%%ggmak¢A»géod;;whAa:hcfgizh,:I5%wp;;:bAA:1ae:Lm£gfflm-%; and . =2ain*ar2:<>:i %_sccond;I“sreA%=WFAWC rheA~¢IAf¢Ai%mfia1nce A ~ of cime; and‘"%zh.?{ni$ Fimf, Awgtigwa: Ahoww Oftfiffl‘; {h;av1liAA~rh1s4 A A v §c£m%%ch:§Ai&4y;icgmz mfwr. on¢¢;A%.%%sccona.1yi Qfizam. or 9_#4a!rm¢a7i;;i,;;.A wfh¢u.o"i‘ h:p;vyA“_1Apng;i;:,-fiigTbgfgggg _emit~bc' 1 ":#~*iAg1;}¥5*A‘%"A'";AI~r ;;1%a 33*I7vzAI/'25’ “ V’ "A - . "AA “ ‘ % W A“ "h"--%‘..9’ ;}}‘.v 3:.'.“.A“L ‘-=A"-"‘:r".A“"‘A~»«‘~';A‘~. ’ ‘ - ~ " A ‘ U ‘ ( “ 4 *1 ‘p A ‘, Hf V.‘ I “ 4'‘ ‘...,w .. .,V‘.. ‘ , ‘ 1&v..!,,i A A A ‘A m ‘It \'''A A A v- v I A A . .= \ ‘ ‘ ‘u éefw tM0#vWd*A’*W¢'e'f% 0vwm1vmsAua»A2 8 .¢:w4 0;‘, 1 J W? ofizge. km-zz.;. Théprbpam A1is~ivhg¢in—%%che*aangenc "régions an £c‘equem1y%;1r¢ A‘ " thr: phrafcAand£’cii%’c6f"th£: 4Eaf’téff1¢ Naiibrzg ; tfi__c§:y did nbft aIway%ess‘ tiip aplaine, downxrx ht rnénncr;jdccI‘a*re* things % as they be, {as we ‘=for%thc4ri1of’t pm doe”; ”5'ut:'did{Iafc rxlafnyhigh phrafess tropifimil " fp¢€¢H€$‘s an‘d€othet%figur2tiV¢ V¢=<'om%ati9ns2 t¥1anv€0vti‘nu=d m~'-'4-I % ‘ imphors or allcgbficfs; 21”1”igma’s' and '_;_'.lar};e_Vxi“cic11¢s”,hyperbo1¢e§,an&% 'wA«cx¢t{fiwe fpecches,~m'my emb1"cma‘tu:aAIAI and hieroglifigall 'éxp‘r%cf. M - Eons: thtfe puzzle us when we read ch¢rr3,bu:M 4vvAcrc% fgnqi1iar’ca _ ’ Vthcpi:opIc‘bFthdfé'timcs and plates; ” V Telcavefns were ufcdnot oncly fort:ht:‘coeI¢PcVia114bod3e§ abgvig, f’”bu*t Lf'd‘ii1'etim:;ésV ta’; *{cC."iAfo:;h,a St.ate%.(>F "digr3ity_ and Lpgp%1*Pcricy"L:’ *1- lfiatth 4&4 %fli¥4aét’c‘:' (sf zdzoeixfitj/M<’*‘Ii%¢;Il 7of"a5 iverficy. ‘ 1‘\gairV1e, T0Ji'i:~.:tix1*i%é:s hcav;éc‘n§ were ufed to fcétforth things appercginxng co thechurch, V or cce-lcfiafiick scare ; ean:h,thinvs appertaining tofithfi Cdmmop- Wgale. orcivill Scvatc, aywc Hual hears a§’:V¢iwrr}va:‘ds : 4Se%.:,;{,z2£d d.>_~"_;v% 'Lmd%makihgup th’evvhb1‘e71.jbe of’ch’(: u4niv¢rfc,$ aré 4pg::vco£‘m.. < ~:-prchgtifivcly and exmntivelya to fignifie chefcxccnc ofchis Vflaakirég, V {'0 as itflibmd Wbaor‘ all the: worldrbiinE1abq%uy:5Vas_ic is interprcma A A nrcvcn Vin ’th¢rnf<:x:VVo?1:ds, I 1mI1 [bake all Nlztiamf, Fe: furchcr, 1 “vc11:{'e* 22; ” V By {baking we are to um I appeares bj’y°th{c comexc; ’ ‘ % ’WhVat’werc*th¢ H¢évcfis4%2ind’:3taff}3f§ He%‘V§5xéItecIAh"ii11AI’c1 F” .MweThé gteai:‘icf’<=1t*i'S and Princcs‘dfth¢'.“world‘cdfnpanédthgré... we“ Whét@H=aVéi?T.washcFa11m‘&om‘%2**'Anfw4 ms h*i%gr:%s:o- V vcraigne DignarxA4£naMa;eay; fro; hen W % % %%dqwned2 ~4:2Ive~;:*I*o&mr confuztacnandruine;%ro:nm%xan "V'tV§‘ii$;_ 5:!4l hundfCfléighty'fivcs:hduI3:”1fi*6E Vhis A%m‘1y J W A V “ AV % % ‘Bin A 'Wéré%flaxng_§y A4 A the H ‘ J an-u.-..‘u erfland, the AraAiG‘ng"oFgc¢Aat$%i%irréé§farnv 1 " “theft Ni~ei§i0I3S among a11%cfl‘at‘es; whereby %gri2at"aIt¢ra°tioris flmbiild’ ’ A ‘fo1!ow;*:zzt14dA dcfolatioris; V Y ” A A A 4 N .,f _ . _ A That wfichya {cafe 1;; f1ot‘in(bIcht‘in'£he"Stripturiésa’ we may fee " "in an inihntc C; cJwo,ffiz.V‘I'4,1‘z;,:I"3,;I4, I 5. HazrAdrtVrB”ai¥j°al/ejéfiom ' Hem-n%, A O Lmriférg’ flimzaof ,t /J; mérnmg‘; ’*:’:*‘a«.,Ar1r‘/a;;;»;.effmot;.-Jr? 1 Azéiillyafbénd ii7t_?_2r Hm‘vm, I W1/I¢.1*;ii{'t m] Vtkrhna ;:z5a'IJ : ii)? 5 t:*:)17“i'£*.r% % affG'od_, C56‘. _7'¢t%tlva9:{ 5r&flgbt dawue %t_ o 73615 ' "Was ‘this: Lwzfer Akrrfw. ah"-.~‘r but the Kihg of§<§fljr;g;, as * ha ‘ a ‘ ‘ n .» . ‘ W3,‘ p;ae.¢;gI:¢d'%%;z}EA2h%e "zm ,;{a;%gz/a1n+;z/z H .. ~. A . F“ M a. V‘ ' .. *I':h4::Angc:1l of G-Odin one ‘n1ghVt,h:1m{Z=;1f'{§1ort1y% aft§r.k1I{ed by hm ” L ovv‘n¢_f_c§nncs in his Idols Temple, gnd~g;l1zv:‘1ci.vw,.rh1_1c aFt¢r.tl3is, hiw A vghple Kmgdorne brought. :9 gic£“;1;ru.fh_on,1.,an<;I_ the Sp;vm'a1gn£u:y tramferred no anbghcr Ea,-mgly, zziaz». .g;ha.: of é,J_\7c25;:c:)V52agd2z;=5.Az,,‘;.(z54,’ King 0fB¢35_7 lazy; atjdr-hat Kxngdqnqc an 1_CngthgIAI_'0 _1‘l1;1.n.¢,CJ. Leak upon. another inflapcg 3'61’; 4: ;g,.24,_jI 53/0e_£'d‘t‘/Je agr:/’*s;{;:%% % azg_241'%%a§;‘£io‘7¢£Lit WM‘ I-wit/1:02;‘ fa7‘(m', gzgzdt .fu_gyql,. iazmiffmvezm, ekztilg ¢?3¢2!5%zd4nai1I‘€”‘ %.=. I év»’vé:ld»rlw M¢wvt4{i2é:»%¢Wf0"A’Mtrvméévdéa an 1122/! we [51 _lggbt{}, CW‘.-V Dig} .t1h,e¢,Prop4heg: cram}. _ dcegl fee any finch thmg,:wasLhe Jcartlgfilxkc an gld cAonf”°uf¢cd Che»-y,’ ~os$ ,\‘zvit;hout all” Forrne ‘anii' voyd,;fag1s:%n%p Qnaffg nor .'I:rce.,dxd groggy»; . upongc 3; had [ht I-1cavens foIo,f{ zhcxr lxghc, as%rhac«nc1tf_1<;r, S;1%n_.,‘“ . ‘ ‘ ¢ LMCOAHQW4 tir%St:1§W1'§€§ di_d_[1ainc%? Did‘ %_7Am-my fee’: the I*IiIsL.to% skippg: apdlcap ;~A_;No%fi1;hinacc&dr4, f;_1r¢:Iy,;;Vbut this was all‘ the meaning; mhat, :hé:‘re’ was fa gi-Vcét Véonfufiorg [in thc;Lan;d gtmqng ali ’e{%atc:s~;_ A Both 'm;%<;hur%:*hMa;id%C€>ff1m<2n+W<*=a1¢~asaP[P¢arcs;i;3.rh;~*cr1'1?sefo1«a.V, lgwing, v’-ahich %;_e1l_ :is,;:hac the frui£fi1}1.places_ wen: ¢s*¢pA¢db¢c@mg;»J a~r»v;1.d<:r:;cI.1‘eq%‘ =hc..Ci£i<:§ brmccnjdwnwea::aA‘c:2e;»-zbo:cLand ac: i'61‘3t@~V5%. " ‘ % % ¢ta1sgocion_-in_vthpintgrprctatign-%;, ./4"7»'61.f'5-9’ 656/176 0~f:é*¥l1%%7\77%%* - A tiazgxfbmlcaync. Someundtwcand thisof Bclcwevcrsqzhc dc:-firablm ~p;co‘p1coFa1.IIfilatiorjsg cihéfas ofVoMt:her4 things; but no doubt _ is_ mc%g;}t:,,, q9ntcrning(;hriPcM byiai1:i<;%Mipa.§ioI1..Yvh0 wag, :9‘ L7,: a-At'x_.%'erV~g*‘ % A vagagflis ti~hCd§fi1'CQf:t,hC Nations.f ’ ' V] V % @5j;6,_&.__ , The wo‘zds»ari¢ro”bc'réad mus; Thcudfifizge 9£.aI1«~N%anic;nsthcy.£ W214 " ‘t fl1a11cpm$.(3NQt;ne ofi the fixagnlar-numberjoynecLto.aVcxb;oF . rmah the 'pIu?a1'I)?%1ndLh4¢%rr:§‘é3re x;heyA,c“anigot bcwmeant of%(3%1l1:ifk.-»1%‘,‘ «ri’*£fi*?f- 7‘ T %‘Th“c1¢atncdin E‘h,.¢XH€5¥¢W; éFrirm.¢ fixch %.3ynraxs’113:>t«;mb¢;.% M. A’ A ‘A "um-f;f1a11.among the Hébrcmfesfapd namely jv?i1cn.Lheyw1};tFQrth%,£ thedi%gi.1ityw_and.cxccl1cnay Qf a_pi:.~rCoAn:~;. £0 4t:hgc ,v\r¢ gmytakevic A cfiué; Chrir-E cloaghed with a1,1_his Exgéllcncies, :A.ttri¢b‘?gte‘s1’ : AQIPH.-A ._ . ti‘: and M9t:it§i+fl3a11Acorfi¢‘-A A'Nc;ith¢f dd’: 1'e:c;_w.hyy thisflmuwIdVbc' , mprgi: abfund7thA.e.@ Ih¢: joyning 0f?“.2§«.N0uncAV rhcg, 1=:71umVI1r numbgzr A ed awA%vcrb¢offthé%% fihgdlér; we &AHxad»“amm."r%;.f‘x fr»?t/v*av‘ée;g2m$zg.A”%‘ ~ A %GM-:‘..77‘“5‘de§V7§rd forfo;-;r&>‘ wGL"?d‘§ »w55'“””“‘t ‘h$e:' & \ V Tfrifiity of ‘"bI;1‘¢', V; ,%pg-ffpné? ,;iim:hc God-ghcad,,] and I;h<=:$p11v:'1‘ty_;% * axfisrstcritwa-I11» ' ‘A AtbeAA}jAd;2puMéle Alacmfé of Cbmm om,?g,g 3 , 1 A54 , V 5+ uo..-.....-7. ~--,-,. — mm... ..,......_..,m Aging of 51;; and gofilci, nor with a ccrcmoniall AgiIory,*fuchV as the A Arkc, which was callcdth_cg1ory oflfracl, 1 Sam. 4.2:. 22, Pfizl.A.A A A 73,51.which was now qume. taken awayJcrr.2.1 6-.(f‘orGod would A I now [—c3»ch §‘,[1¢;EI‘l to ~t:ak§:&theiz:»h¢arAts.;. qt1it:c:— cJfi7’“fi‘om< cgrcmnnies, A A and to look‘ %d1%re£t%lyV for the-Mefiiah) but he would HA1”! 1: with the“ glqrians prefcnc: oFClari:{-L4 who had the: glory of the enely b“‘Ae.~ -A % got-‘ten gonna of God, ]o1Jr.zIg!4. who :3“ the Lam! of G/or)»;-W A 733,354; ¢_,,_%-:1, AM the _trtw¥GlorfAaf‘ I/hzél, Lméue 2.32,» flxegwes his ‘pcop;_1c..the. way». ‘and is».himfc~%f’ethc-nndonbAted.m'é:anw % » ofglorsh % ” % ” % _ _, Now fr-omV the Word?’ thus unzslcrfioodf we. may :0{,fér,,%c thefé % *A?-AAAtv'-Amgcnera11Doé?cr1ncs; one from the: cornmxnauon,»%s:1r1c~o:%1v;c-my v fmm thC:f.‘QnAfA013ti0Uo...~£..;.» V A A FAirfi,'Athat«g§catéoncuflidflfi,fl"1%1A1€AingsAan&é2I€crations‘A+:>f§Sfat€s='DV0_gz~W,,, A3nd NaAc1ons great warrcs, and fgmetxmes dcfo1ar.xonsAA:~hoth of‘ _ * Vcivinand ecclcfiafhcail Scare, doe.-1mh%ccour{eoF Goe:1sadmini;.A..% (‘station ofien times gQe:V.bcfore¢gx:ca:&si and» notable: re(%auxations~aa and R.CFOflUAflIiOfl$:Of.re?‘?:0i&% ;=:titW thrcatnt:dAAAb:-.For:2;aA.Lhc Rcfbrmatidn‘ of :cA¥1c~(£?.:kau:*Ach.% wh“crcinA t}‘AA?'t?A‘,*A'A..A* A Lord intends mm-.;~,m -min-c the Church aw wm~Arawa%pt mt imagiAnc~),‘ but to reffmc anch'eforrncAAi1:A. S~cc:fms.—:his,:A.AEmah~ 9,." 8 Vim EAe/aaldAr*l:: c:)~c'A.:a‘f t/2qfLAoAr&[ are .%1aAAepan=+¢lae: Afinfzfll K i3§gul¢)nm~4"w»gmg1j'A2 w‘j11;.d'e§?ra}$itfraw ofi‘7,£*/3:fA¢cc ”1»£.?6€.c8V«T/9; f2z47/2sr»2g'*r/.72v27Z‘if 2v1€Z:”A“fi2AA;9z~~A. wte_r[yA daffrzyr the £03 Aof _'fa‘Cdbs—fazt£'z‘A :*z*£mA L‘ard,~Aifdw2‘aj;-A: fl‘afi5i'ZZ cbmwmzd; .“fig&V‘AT";(, Law;/1 ”f1A_}'A"AtrAAA~t/9t'A lraatrtif.-10 7:/3*;zeg’r22izwzo;r‘g‘$ax‘1 c*rziA'‘2?-;*;*A,.‘‘.A:A‘A " i A ‘" ;tA&|§;flrag:diA'-:wbJ:#kJ fit}: AA;rI”F.ze.a[;é*:.zal1fl¢¢¢£Z::Avt4.a%z:a~r:;1@“ aw J A ~3.A A §:f¢az»'¢r..2;@A.-‘:: I A A TI.aii.e‘._r 7_"14€!'rf1¥tA.'_».!', and ;%_IAi1?b?il;l51a¢i1jd%i=it tax»; the Jaye: 5% Actofiinga Aanciicuc off the:cmormo:Aus train fgrcfibrs amxongh ‘and than wI:mn.%th*;s 13 ’done.*'hc *w1141f'che-?_=Icwes‘ were unciar all chef’: Mo.- narchies-,,Aa'nd*hcId their gddm “in vaflalage ofthezmand as Atxzi- M bucarics to them, and'tthcr_efo:ic mufihecdsparrakc bfthcir com» » :mot;ions, as»indeed?thcy‘£i1d«, for th-ereswerc great»-alterations in ch-c A 2 . Jewifkx Stare; both in Common-weal»: and:G hunch. % V For‘ the -'}Ci_.VA.iH1 State. » LheimwneA%Nation. fothetimes un;d¢_r:a fdrreigncfidvcrnour _,~; as A Pzlatexhe Roman Deputy was over jfrflfiléms and theprincipall A ‘: .parA: ofwzhac Coun_rryAin the time “of our Savicaur: A_S‘omAet"imcs V "thc5Hvere u‘ndcrAPrinees'of'thc~ houfiwof “Davids as Z eraam,-z . ‘aznjd othcrs 2» %Som6t%imcstheirfPrince*sA Awerc*%o7FAanotbcrATribc, fats mhc Maccbdfias, whd a”+i:c Vfaidtosbe of.Zgmf‘by&thc% Fathers AA fidA¢.. am. A ._ _ % % % ''‘-°'0'[5{3 - % 3:! "I ; phq Lard wi;I1A«-;firfld“¢;I-’r.ro2y!:I:hcr»fimfi2l1Kingdomc%(thot;gh%not: they » A whole Nation; forA~thofe%are two things.) A % A A amaf, "as we Afce it ‘expom-:-A ~ pnare; of fuch.mig7hcy.1 A V A earth--quakes in the courfc ofGods“ providence gcfing, before ht ta-% 9 "bl: Rcfbrmations~ of the Chum: archhzs in thC"WOrl’d“'th c Ba... and the .Rom”anA Monarcbics. % fomctimes theywcrc“nndcra Prince 6'?’ A % % flu. 2‘/52* ]\7At.gom, c§’o; A” 7e;«:,,Ae %z1sebo%2zm-»eé:2ei2‘éa¢fgafic.mZmgAug.23. z 644. a'ndA‘or;heT:ibe §~£}?ud;¢;;byi£h'e1Mbche:,"cmacicngéta Hmd” % J V the Iduma;-an tyrant, by the‘ A favow: ofi the Roman Emperours u» A A furpcd r;hc Kazagdomeamw HzimamrAhmKAing;bisFather-in—1aw. togcthcfi wichAA t=nsA.AqwneW1.fcA andA%S%onn¢s,b:ing.a11 ofthe BI%oodv- aroyall aAnd11nc»ofD:wr‘d,.,many d«f7«;£hc7NOb1€5“of[fia'z!5e—thcA \v%ho1j¢»; A A S-aAnl1edrim%,Aor Councell oAff‘EIdemi3 A \ V A . And. ib&tA11aEPv<§}?h€JfiC of I¢¢M5‘.1wafi‘.’ fu1I:}%AAaccompI»ifivxed;: Gem. A % 4,gA,%_1c§+A 'T£L=.'A Sceptar [/7A~/lma#T¢éJMfl*;fia&mAfiud3h, 12:07‘ at %L;xw«-gmczvf flaw 5et\17¢:¢'nAb:£rA :mtzllAS‘/)ilo~/J calm’; ”mE€1’ningAChrifl. Somg-3.. times theh-AAiGov.ernoux Ahadthc title of aA:‘APr~inc,e”.Avi"ometimesm? as: A King; they were now under a King, than Aundcr a,Q:;vf:AAmTaWr =1n1g,hty;;-fiircesAanal‘: A ;d*AifmaAl1AAb%atte1s.A . A There Aware f'emAb“Iab1iyr—greatVch angcs-«in %tAI=ze-Vet:c:Icz'A'1%afA“:ii.:‘~21A}y1 S‘ate%,~: ~ it {cams AtI'zey%%.badAIi1ndry High-—})fI_.‘7@fl5 rogetf)crA ibznetixnesg am A LAa¢!q;’- 3., 2%. AA'.-.u>;.Aza and Cmfgp/5.¢w'AA;AA lbme~ti m“:AsAAA*f’.’5:-s .AV AuAponvtl«m~ law L VTh"‘::y A PcoodHxfH:5Iy f'o>r~ the: ccremonigfl IaA-JNAAAA as ','a¥.thing--\£h‘Jt'Tw'a;§ to beApcrpecuaA11;Aas+ap«A pearesAAA by aim Saviourmclling mhem, zlmz %H&AAcwm¢ mvtfio 3-’z‘rqy ;;z1*,Aé!4t °twf].54AI_’fiZ1 ztu; MA. 5'; -_IA7%.~A by thCTi~rAfloni11gA» QAFA-fltapiaém Allflfin f'aUA"€31a3C€ui3”t‘ti0fl$ ~<1é?.6 3A~.A 14 zm Yea; the conv%ex«Accc14 AjswesAwetcAAv¢ny,Acenacious of? %uz?ge_d Afdmc part A,oA€ was ‘circumcifiqn, Afiz. zr.zo.-A'1jhe2AF;1AAI1hApo{’r1c:s.vA= ~ "A8m:.,A Mugon‘ Ar;~I.2e Cf1‘u*1?chfis.AAo~€7 ‘A it,_% ihé G¢=Antile;A%»A AA5?-A 15- 1*»; :%:I1§l€£:;T3IlTi1“C{%1‘ as» thcmtard at Ie”i'Axg£h= ai1a1;esa~ * downr:,Tcmp1c.uPAricflAs {e,r,vi<:A attndalmofiA.theAAAwholc:;Na.ucm, I antiquAatA_ingA,theAA%% aid; ‘ 2:34;-%-;..Hfa. pf ;:,,c%ercrtioni«»aA11 goAvcrnmcm~ &H‘d7al_"l. ‘and"»~Achm~*‘W330=ChriA{%AAAmada‘:£limmf.¢l A’adminiflranion~~ cimhgrha AAf%1»¢Aapp15s this am§5?§i;A~.~fi9tfn;gw;¢&Wag:42z2m2é;cwZ:;1Z«z.;m€;;~;{;;:;s»r.;ar.é«;é:«2eAAam¥;;%2A A £e‘rm¢oEA~w@rfli;Aip ;. % A s 7 m. A r , A Ch‘-34$‘? 1;" V U’, A be A A Sermon pram:/aedldzzttbetllhtezhontbblhhafl' W jnrlyi, ht: 4/‘/3 them» .~W:“1ndt/254' wm!,l % t/J: remawug oft/hafé thing; tbat.?aref7Mk:=-n, at of ~t'1‘~2z7¢_g£r that are made (thatis left the eeremaniall vOx.-dingnees and Lctwj that t/oofle l 1 % t/szngtt/mt Mime: £7: fhaken mzgNrzmh:na,4tl1aL isthe Ordinances of * “iChril’c, as the Word-andllhales otfithci Word tinder the»GofpelJ.,~ « ‘I A fecond inliancc we have irxfthe planting the people of Iliéel — in the Ianld bfCw;m4n~:' In «*2/‘£g_7pr they were undetz great oppref... lion, and ii its «feems “ «had no publiquev fervice‘ of God, for when l they dcfire leave of P/aanm/9 to goe out bfthelétnd, they told him ' =» they mufi ifervethe Lord, ashe lhould command them, E.t‘,.’8.'27. i amdthey knew nothow that met’: bett~i1.l.they.veame-thithet where » i he appointed them, Eerod. ‘*ro..'2’6. A A Thelord therefore “would have themimxt of c%.E;_g]pr into Cite. .» n¢mn,~»lbut..beforc thathc was forced HIP; to make e/Egypt terribly with many {ore plagues, and atflafl whcnit wouId"not otherwife - " ébe, he tumbledflaéwaa/azand all his Atmy” into the“ imidfl of the Sea, he deflroyed fix 'ehundtedthoutfand Tfraelircs in liiurty years i if pace in thelvvilderneflie, “lahd after that twenty or thirty King;... ~ domes of the Canaanites, and then plants in hhhpceplc, and fete % ; «rep his Tabetnac1e*andGlory in the middefl: ofthem. A thirdlinflgnce we have in thepeoplebf thejewes flier the ta tivityof aw 'lan,;'sbefote,lRe1i ion was comteto-a‘.low ebbe, P I .. V V "the land wa§~fu1~l ofprophanenefieti and his Word; 2iC~/arm. 36. I4, I'5',’I6.. E mii-’(_. 22. _7e~r.«*6. ‘to. The ‘ ‘Lord uhere Foredoth as a men ufeth to doewith an old ‘honfe that - hi it is too bad to patch and\%repaire,hevpuls' it Ldbwne’ that he may build «it fairerifromrhcgtound : Thus did the ‘Lord, he puls down: all i it the“Ecclefia£ii‘k3tcivil1Stateltbmdefiroyes‘theTemple,Prielis;Sa.. crificesnthe Princes and Nobles bf the L’and.-carries the Kings one afterlanotherinto Bzzéylomful-ihrs 1Ve‘é7¢cb4dn&z;z,ar‘to put out the eyes of Z'edaki4b,“ "having5firl’c Tlaine his Children before his face, A and then brings ~ back‘ ltheixieaptivity, A land 011-7 flidd/J, refiores hisglory ‘test them; V A ingdownward;-land~»br-ing f'ortl1i3f':xait’1_:gpy~vard‘.5 , «that that might be the Iali fightthatleverlhe might fee, ( z.K 131.24. ‘ M 3: 2;.» 2'6/Jrmj. g6."'j'zr. g9.)captivat‘?e$ the*‘peopleall'o, and be-» flavcs thcrnsdto the Chaldeans for the fpaee‘of1?:vent-y years; when lthofe were over, wholy ovcrthrowes the BabyloniaVnlKingdome, fetrles them again: in the jet once more, figngfeiza A olatry, andwicontebmpt of Grid . ll akes thcmltzkc ro’o1:..,t M be A " A"77Aéefmég» we39a2zla;»xr;4é1¢l'/vaflsFe.l,qf’éfiug-ilgllih A&£{4.l u-—w-.... .—r,_ .. "-' -um~ W we ‘, ..V :' ’ r Ag; 2 E 1' *3 AA :11 I.ctAu;looke~intothe}Chfifid§hléhurch5.luh§éx&%the Anew”; §Té[la.l" A‘ *7 fsmcmz, ahdAA:hc7rc“w€ flIAa1lfind:predi&ions‘A.of V£'uc:h'l }:ar:h-%Ac;}.::'E.:hI«l<és A Ame isAAa;llready*~pai’csla*nOtherhis AI:get*her; the: Sunne is darknccLr;lA1c Moorris LulrnédAini'olh « bloated; thé Starz‘és:f‘a1i..~'8«c<:. WTliChl5 A iW7‘~°-’YPr€:l‘€ClL afzerwlardsf, V:h::_,=:~ Kinghqf the; Earth, Achl¢A,chi;*=: £C~.(-:aP£3.h:2E3 rhbc-.-_ great men,1~&:c. "'dl¢>Iéf tall tolrdcks and 'mAozmtAa’inizs ‘to fall upon‘ them, ‘landl hiwde” " '7 fm_mAthc=facc~oF:%hé Eamh {who now7iAA3 lilic a_ Lion_,) Rev-2». ZSLI i7:._,,. '1 &c. lthehftneanihglis, chel1c:athc1:iE:n}:>§:rours,, when God'{’}i;*«A g-eju Canflmztine chlcA~grcat.who‘ wa3;:;h_e Churclués firfl mafculinhc-2 child,? to undertakg the; quarrcll ’jo1f”l CAh;iilland of l'1i.wAChurch'@g1;. ~ ; _;ga”in{iAthlcm, “éAnc{hléin"g"*Aovétcomplllih many cli1mallA_bartéls. l hwegjlez ‘fo amézedhnd cbnfEmndeel,togethcrVh with :h<.j:irNgrc_a_t Captains anél A ‘Cornm'arsde‘l's;%A as that divemof them ‘cont"c:l17cd Chrillh had oven ” came them, "as Gfl£!3r;£;’.%J’: fl/IA:.x'z'mz:¢2¢:,l Ltciizma ; h’ap§jyW.vas:l1}c' that could firfi make an end of himfclfm V A A z f 5 _ ‘k; l f . Afl/Ia.-xemmla cruell enemy of ChriPc,af'c‘ér he h3clh’iri bvéféoxhle A in fight was dfoésmcd; or‘ dzd drown hlimfel-F in Yfljcr ; Dyan/e/34;: l ‘ls {aid to have poyfoncd himfclfc, i_l/’*{4gV;'m,{f2:gi{2z14& tcg hézvc lzéfill .%himfelFc," or to have Ab‘een firangled by Comfla;m:ine”;c9fmr1§a’n ,l,[a'§ wahs afrerWérdA*AL‘ficz7mzz.r; Ma.x~£mz3:u:l havingin Aa ragcAlflain7many ' hf ‘ l1isAIdol- pricfis than flirted him up tollsgvarrc ’ a;gaiM;1Pcjthe ’C1l‘I15i-.~h ' "‘f’A.:ian§,and rlevoked his decrees, beingfodainly lfltickehA:_vk4%ig;h"’C3ovds ‘hand, Was; eaten awiiy pc~:';ce.m cafe, and folhis ayes hAl&:a ping _onAt of his head, he Breached Quthis crue11AGh;>Illl:,i,. {fzzlemz-5 wzhismizcn up A “ with vclrmine, and r0ttCd*2_lbOVC gibuncl : ,A1Ioftlh¢mllAextrcm1ly‘ lfrightcdwith Chrxfis viétorics b‘v.le1f'Althe,rh.. in fem: ‘Ahnd tbrmlcfiflrl. (together with llmlulfitudcs ofthehgsouldiers) enaed their daye§. Vifhétl was thiAsll:>"tiz_x; ‘ A~2f*ocl2\.r tgiiitfmoiflgzfpftizal f41{ (4124:; mg. and laid: 153-‘ ""J‘9¢’7“‘¥ téwprcfenca afééeflwmél? : Ahfccrfollawed peace amlxbcxtfy A ECOPWOF V l “ “ .1 A AA A h l A A ' “ ' « A ”Thé”f¢ W %:‘rL:eV£‘éV*s~;nd many%.1:fiér¢~igrcaI%ré*£iyfp;&4 ma ”a‘gz5he*; ;%;hémAis%one% 4 * A tasartiaéqtiakewto com‘¢,that4isthe greatefl~thatev«etwasVin ‘the Jv.vor1d.~ - ‘ and {hall bc_fo1Iow~cd Ayvith“’£%i*)~e*_rfr3ié“£9cd ‘?nbVEabi¢ ;%Re!formAat10%n»;m:€"the: _ . 4.13 0.713%. :3 innuumuuuuuwuuvwwu. Cfifirch :ha:%ev%e:was_ ch afgr‘c-acefichat:%¢vret-"was«;.¢4.beeaWu re ~ rch§Te‘xAt'5c2inIs§itf'0,_kRé:*z?.jr6;41_8-jjand iaisvet*y=%‘proba%b1¢;Dmz.wZ.' A m%e,janes$ ghe famAe;mA*D1¢;.;:, %jx¢; ; yvh“éFe ifxé fpea1{g::;fAaz*%tmze%af txaaéla I‘ ‘ Arm, {%#_ld‘5e,%fi:c‘!?2 r¢‘e*a»w::V4.2mAfl?eb‘«? ii-7.‘7r°3”,57;-w7*.‘~"§';19_3._;*.7\7"‘5“?';j‘5’*’;";if???‘ M V ‘time. * fpokgfi itjfij RM; 51: 75 8, my §fartb%quVakc~cao_me§ ugon m';:m:i=V.bc>th, {Rév.1’:c.x:-3".)andjuttctzfly ruin%e%s%tl'~1‘femA (f'oI'%this fa143Q§I{t.%$.a§:vthc enflf - oE,thtProp'het’s prophecying ~in*{§ck-c1oath% (mm. 7~.).amd¢_,confe... V qzgcntljxat gzhe enci o‘r'mc: MB'».afls tgi_gnc)‘and‘;11e rcjmhpart»%'@ft%h¢w_V;%.%,,4 C1t:yfaIs;%‘;4Ab3? xvliich WC" mayWi1;ndVer{’ra‘nd7t“h::4,CiI:y Lflrame that a1Qw'*is;%Tbéiif;gbw;tl*1E tc2*x;th$"par*c of :haV'tv%}gvhich%it twas,-Awhcmia. Was. In its glory; and 1:1 we ’£::arth+qiJakc,(nlot In z:I'rc:fa1l,of. thaflity, % for the eafi:hi—quakae»~Vvi5.to4M {1iak¢&dowAn =t:h?:=:L +%who1c Ki ngdomc M the % B£:a{’c% threughout the ’wo*r1d)in the earthquaké I fay) nzmg /fZpz.vz¢4?‘ qf~’2%¢‘e%é fem¢2zz~;£~w.g/;z;ad;~vcha: isi,¥?.itQ1;1Ou[ahndsup;9nt11ou£&*ng3s,A nndjfb I - gL3p,ffif~Piopi~411gclaiatry .':a§3d;%%Turk1fl1pguelcy, A 1533;]. ficond xiraa, mad pA:jfErlJ:m5;zj,v§r;§‘1 AA , “ A % %* Now ir-nng1,e;;1;'iVatc’I upo~n.this“th¢ A fcjzcnth Angel] foL1n;1s,,_a ]u’31-_-M 3c <':L.,.f_, and tbcnjthercbe great; mc;1am2u:zons.a(nd %acg:1amaAt1ons 1;; A H¢§*régi;"thai zbe;’K%ingalam*:.%o:~Vriza‘Wgr/d"(indefirnim.ly«fer dowmav , ‘ ‘F ¢d, f‘;1owjV«€»”i’57‘i’_/35 take} t%a‘bimf&[J"ci '/J1: .gnm_fr¢pv‘_;a2c2* and reignax 3 for whiiih %:AhéLWho%I¢**%Chfir:ch (under1.the;,W%P.¢ of AV4z4m;~E%1w%d4ef$) Pflaiffi himfi A r"12‘3i#;_ga‘7'9 '2‘/9-5" #ti*tt27~7?-3* Wrt¢¢gr)'; *':as?:"they:~¢,y:er%%4«Aax%¢’1f wh¢n%«Chr%%i£% -putaffdrth" his ,,'1’:5':,' ».I_'y,_?* 1.3 was ‘mi. 1 mrd;z;ma%hz;p;m;z;; the ‘1?raplaa;;:,: ;I’3‘c'¥~. wzalh:o{4°-*1‘r:v)rex N5a’»zz¢ that degmad.z£;eA“i:;g4:~:igA,;s;AAit.ghacis, nuimfifigtbg wickcdand adolatrous % %2_'J§ra1:i‘<:>it'.rs._.;:':-f Anrich~riP:,4 {vb1%!§vLaPr¢df‘hisIC%humh" Ab€‘Fo%re.MzW 8.- fig“?-“fi’”?%V¢?e."39a%‘E53? QW %<.' Itfizej‘ Beea{’aha:%h' 1ang;perfecute.dl% ; azhr; Prophets; Wat laf’c,_ (bcfidesl many Formgr) he got an unexgcfied V vi:5i0ry?0‘v”e"_rchm1, tfiunsgp-I1ec'iV over ~the,m for three daygs and an "A1 ha1"f'9c%A; %butfnoxvin the: middefl of his jo;II,ir_yv.,%a%r1d»Vhis whores~.aIfo:,A » I1i‘a'it;5is"%AéT1 tbé‘3Kingdbme”s}) gr: "z‘§“.;con§e'C£1‘Vi§?’4"1Cing'dame£@: and .e whereas b_€:Fot‘c thc*DiveII,Dra gonfieafl *&.his harms havc:rcagn- M axi4;z%%: i;:.aaw,¢p‘M¢d Ha?mm;4¢dA"%z&q%34«;ga;g@-pfym:z7¢».._ Arke) .4. ;5”;,ra,»ezI:e wégamztzg.h»aapA:tafAhmmtam,Amt;igtdi544,_ t 11; M V .vI* *h_: ",c1carAlytArha:niFcPted: ;,‘h”*bcrfone,.,::Athat;hs:v iaked genétationffhad fqrbiddah ‘ t ,.nmm :eadhththetS'ctiptntesh, thadkept them §uattnkhownetttong4;e§;* ' had ihVé41v.ed;the myfizaticgs ofi‘ in*Mafihm3hc3'?t*tutdef%h&ézA1i>shf A ‘tzothéttft1petPtiti‘onAs arid c**etémdflie~sj+;‘t.buc tthoS&~ih‘etan¢fha+11tAtth ‘n. a % tsitezxizeilh _ 1giij€i“E'.S'fl1a11tb& Fuily”tnaAnifc'PthcdtU‘oLthc:hNations. V _ “ Aw ~ The‘ oth‘et‘;p1haccAi§,:skmk.: £6. ‘?1”"7.'“"fi‘,'.-II‘. [whetehAnt1chtifl§hh§*ihg ttbythist5hhifl3tics~(that‘.*is; :*£h¢,7,jl1nC1«”63n€Y fptttts ltke Frog¢s):t:dtawt:1t: A w:hcKings:o€ '!hfhc*fearEhhhfhit1ito :at_;F§'bhz9zzz:g1aa£ha£9;z~,;i.,e;hi:rito"a¢cuL:f6&hhd 'Cz1;3V‘;4f'¢“~3:.?:3’i°t“a7.¢'i:“,; A At = V ”cmf'ty*w3§rre (for‘herein I affent to G‘mf-.§;At*m')t{bda,i1*:lv~3tt§1i2Angeli07'?!’-*J’h=’641’¢?i’r%¢«f?~% fi_nthngthemtn thaE.fl:atE_tpQWrs._0Ut the {ev.e.nthVta,1l upon them. ‘_' ppgjn whifchtfollotw ;ft2hi:z23{rifigx,‘h [£;g?.£7t)?:flg£,‘ zttvzzifizt ¢ozr:;54tqzsakg5,t ,mr,55mm % i"A‘~;[p;cl{)V;£f»17Vt$5 math firm: m.(:2¢ Wflrffllbafiz mrtlhfa gist} ¥"3?1A»”€fi3.5fI'b«qM(3k‘P3 , I “ grim! g"T5#Z?fT‘.§. ;it"is"trhc‘9.I1ed htthhct;;-fgteamfl azattht-«qt:;_ak§:~nhha_: Ever; AtJsr[a:s4j, haplyin tegardof the fodgtnneffe at\1ci~.x.tttzt:.g»1ft.tz_1<;"e‘ _O\[‘T‘.i1Cy“OI<”€‘1t1£1.€if' fi ‘A 311.33: ArinA=rsgatd“0F the heAxttent‘“m‘hasftbttttrggt toVfl}aA1tc ’ all the: ’ A % L T "i§‘efF¢&g ,-_h:h_‘:*e,% that g-rc£«'zt.¢’12‘}°.‘z¢‘ dz*g:z'zi£;'d;i72t0 thaw gmgzftx, By? '30 which u1~13ctf’cand. probably, -“that: the ‘K11’-lg§[O7t-flt?: at the: Beait {h‘a«I1't ‘V-he3:en:~<‘in p“e’t:ccsbyhhf'raA5ttions; andfttdev1*fions,h wk; 19; . A L 2t.*vThe Citm of the I\7xmam(ot Gehti1es)f}21[ 5 by ’w1:ich”m ’“,-;;",:..w doubt went: to uhtierfland; the falfe Chtifiians that filled the vi- 7 fible Ch1:tr'c3h_a1l ¢fLn't1chri{’cs rexg,t1c,% that !$,_ Petptfis hand: Falie pzjof fCfi~0L‘$;«f0.I' “It 15 faldfl that theft: Gcnt.t1es(orN attonsfor 1thc=wot_<;1 1:1 the fame)[k.m1d tmzd dawn the laatfy’I‘zty,thttt'is,tl3e.zr;fZz5lg~ Ch:¢rt%b,‘$ T RCV.“I!;. z. Péradventet thcfe two e&'c5’c-s'oF the €3»If£h'-q’!1ak«(2xaY‘$ ’“mw‘hin fi11H11inga'W~ 19- h A “ V‘ V 4 V , g ’ kg, _ flnta great Baéylamflha cup of Godit wruritlh :;~gzm, c§“c. mw ’fliCB':fl1aubCfflffltC:”Ilbf€d and dcfiroyetd. A , j A ‘ _ ~ 7 4.. Yca_.,a1l pa.ttsoFAntxcht:1{’cg mpnatchyhfl1:I1fal1.O5j¢&.Someh‘ Kingdqmes arc fltong2md* 1nv1nc1hI_c_11kc mtghty agmountainet, H they wtll Grand ; t_>t:.hct:;hr§ remqte 111-{¥.::Ehc Iflandsi: 3 ‘they: cannot be come at, they wtll contttme: WNQ fatth tht: I'I:e»xt;, Iflmzdt "fledaw_cz},mdt/93 mnzmtatimi3?£’re.72otfa;1tzd,’ver.1o;no;hing'fg,g¢_jA A A 4' E11016a5Ath€I1a1Ids!30t‘h1Dg{O tmghtyias thetttnoutiminscouldfland. ‘ And becaufe £h1SflJi\D’§VQf°FhCB('3<flS \Kingdomehish_dnc “A of the g ’greatcf’c th1Dg'Sth&t;C‘b’_'€5I.' dtd; bttevcr fhallfall but in the h*"i"wt>r1d,tA A h Vane! {hall have the Pcranaeflt confeq.uen::§t-A '¥t;h'eI1jefore ‘:;hg:Ahtto1A; “ Gho_P:A tsAp1ca1_"cd af'te1f a‘de£-crlpxfl-O1?xQf A;h.¢B¢aQ,- -andghg Awfigm-¢$A V t. A ‘ . C 2 % ; blmp. V142,” as. 3,} ll *:‘;S£::2qr12,q3zpr£,¢cFM”£i”?;gt”i1xi):xTlI;t»l fionéfol" Smtesauld ’N1niOri‘s;”if:;.here2~w‘eta‘ a Church lrhere :1 Why» slid thelorrsi fol_te:ribly{h1ke gypt, _b13xtlfthathc:ll.migl1.t plague: me oppfefilngg .ligypti:ms,..and”cnl.a;'gVe his perféc::tcdlAA peapllc mil lIl7-Av l | ? vfifidf a.~.~ ff: y'l715:z£7f;.=~Zo?Zs but that lhgamight deflmy Llhcl Bab'yloni--A W tymm3_gA;amj d@1i;v;¢r'C;1pfiVfiiCdEIML1/7E3 :bing";‘Arll:eA‘lLdrél5l lxntcnded .wfi:e11l ‘hie l::jZzlx'm'cl-»che;Diugll:t_’}-4 plmdéx tlhmx »cz;z:»zf'él; ' M»-at A be majxggg-;g§lA;fa¢_@ lta»l;lz:%f£’&:l;£‘Lfm4{ gmgd dzfqmiet £57; lazhééfiifaxtx of 13’.a:é}Joz2r.* lfizlarkle l;;lie::'l<~:,,l ;God;s ~;pAe0';:>l”el‘ swérie :o:ppr€£‘Ec~d»: their *enenfics.l>hcl&:. ~ zjggm’4h:;r:d;l-l.%aé-.;3gz'er,. EIilndi'lt?1g;;2L0ICEthcm“.g€3€.aI3d‘*G5lEliAVfir,llthaémal. A A ~ (n%0.mQ;e dig zhgenerpigs Wof.;,G‘éd’§l Churchvzlow) wéll; who. cam 7% I“ in «$55.3. hc]P"1;¢?.§hey havai, no {uch along a“flil€la1zc“c~~!;pvbac%l: (fgr lb }.méDeAd. be» Qm%ha;hllwgiac;exa~;: ) ‘;l"‘cs_(fézlir;h the .Pl‘10Pht’:t).[hfly haw: A aflmng fif>_!"?h55 335:0 NRe&c:mEf5whflE"/jmay his bc?tf5elLarafafiHwfl3 _:;r_i5§irl:fi}2ma ~_- l 1~.fm‘ha£Amrill he ;dQ§f0I.A1 Hf: will téarwglfiézrififidr@£2rlcavJw.l A A vreffimztah them ;eh(;)veWi11 he cine that 9 6} ae’{:"gr‘mzezzng.e t/we We tpemazzwaaze Iooureeqr*comsmm~,Aueg.2 8.1544; 1,, , I3¢ba6£tan::1.af Batéjlon ghithis a-*§uIr»w‘¢5 he will difqqiet, t11at’is, be‘ e e wi11”de(%roy::hemeh0bfcrve*ic; where&w.je‘e—wou~1d‘cI1e Lordhhringa, finch a1"‘d”evhae(:’cacion upon" aéjelaz, ehm;-1 &tha1I:~.*» he ~mhi~ghr. reedeeerhe his» .he 9eQp1e7~~byeop.prefl§ng-thexr Ophprcfforse? h 7- “ “ A W A “That: hemay take awaythe impeclhimentsgo-Fe‘ehhis€hurr:hes§ re-«:e1agM];,, 2; fl-auhration. audname"1yth«e£e threem e , That he may take awagr thehi'canoJ“a“l1 ofigreaterfinneée sh Thee V§‘.i71E1u‘3**.5i¥¢13'e'e?l;.3;.¢\ ; Ghureh is like »a{d_raW—' Iiemhat-c_akes~1n Fifhesgood ahd bad , in fh'oh« f;,3‘,.15 gm. gE‘:.en tmae§:,.h th3.t« eh1s~Chu:rch A 1s.«51Ied1~hw1ch- groeffe Sf-i1jig;r.=._ comrmtt-ed and permmzedywxrlx hla(pherny..e-fwearmg, ‘curfing;4»3y-:, ingflealing. prophanaeion oET.Gqds ()*njzr3anc:e§ angmflahha-tins, pervI~EoeféM.h;:2;g,.:g;¢.;: . ; fccuticms of t11ee“goc1i»yF,. andall kxnzlmt _1xcent1ou1nefl‘er, i0p'e11’iiiPfl5‘ .. agginflethe veryh lehtmfhr ofche ‘Law..;..h and -htheufie lived i2*s¥again{%teI1eh..; expxeflhhhdo .9::me~whh1ch the commuters 0fihhcl1em'1cno»veh aa1d*pr0;,a: figfik; ‘Nawe f_°o:wchefe.i’innesh the name of the Imrchyes u«ndesfwi much A polluchipaa» and~h1¢edhi1hs0nour .; Heazhenss»-axed Turks can puih hh@.h,_-'1man§:eby zhe»fl‘eeve«a~nd aceu=fe,:hem foe~nhemh.hami'»v0nde£‘h * why, they doe things fo comrary to their proFe!IEon:A ’man=~.ewou}d;-4‘ A ezegtainly think thatwicked men had-a difipenfatioia Far thefh finer, me eA;;-1;: God himfelfe daidenoc much diflike them, and woufd rfucw " A hv.:rhpuniTh"hnhem2 Wail, thefiord w»il«1nm*a%1wayes ihhfh-:r~thia mach. thoughéhe-_ forhearee longzfime; »no(nor nevc«2r«di<:MIs=zaeye~s. ~ afrsy Nagion) he wiil xmke blaiphemers-know at length‘-that‘ hgpwill n0t.ho1dthcmaguiIL1<3t’ih what cake hi§«fl1I1'lE¢hi'Y2 *VEii‘I‘l€5 ainc;§e_:~;w_ fofbr the tePc.e The Land {h.a1"1.mourne-f'orthefe-thzmgeatelaiiwV Ho«{':4. 3. IA;-Ie%wi11hhha_ve 1:: appears: that he allowes nanvhis. toecomea. g n mic 1’ ach_fix'1Ln¢§ :5 ,.t;hhe?Lprd_,~.Wi11. haw; the 1'a:anda11.of finme;;~rakem..ehh awaY- A Now the fcan-da11h:=or~ geeath~ .{»mmhes 1s—~=hm he "re:-rmvecii fame ‘of? i A theft: tVVO'Wa,VC§;.h~§:1E{}€£ byhthe Delinquents ~pE:n@t€11E confe1fim3~.4e andhereformatiohgueiec';o1j1d1y, by a i7pe<:1al1Ivindicanian;~,A -s A « 7 1 . Sometimesh.ir+i1s taken away Byjthfli offemden h§m:t‘eIhFe;whem~» he humbly weonfeffethehisfinne and r‘ef2:;rmes,‘e(.i.§’.} he °c2:m:ihFeI1e’.an<:I notfilffakéa ht C104’-h. mt-«#~-r¢fI10V*¢,but encreafiehhche fcat:d"a1’f1)For“ A then heeakes theLh1qme:fii:Gm~bfE§he pro.fe{I?:rm2and:ia3yee»":heitrh*u§:arm E“.d1s;;}e1;g;l€€dif0%h:fi.fl5"{'0;€fanigrefl'¢;“e Iudxd hie Fpheme eorrn7;~zi;~ear§.;g; A W ‘ % A ‘Q;«-1fi3;'.§;": . ~ ,‘,....A J . ',\ H "-1:‘; _/ 1.”!- j Q4 t«;ge,»;mh pyettmt:~h¢te 1areAma;2zMhAAFa,tA _ A ; 'dta1tetyA,8zc.hbuthihthhraéhmyc:0rrupti~t1madeAmetot1oeeit;na'$[§3;gftA ' ht ReligiAo[n,itAAis uttetlymntrary Ato=Ath<: dpéttinc I hwe re‘ceivcdk_ agnddce prof'e'fl'e,2wh1chAvAAutterIy"tf0rB1dsfi;z¢h fitgxtmsg a,=11d‘:AtthAreatA€h:;AA j Aetcrnall tdgamngtiorn t0'th'cfinnL§r; I am theartilyA1?:wrffy for myfin, , _ A ' doc catneflly hegpardon fottit: of God the Father through (A‘.hri~£A’r, A _atn_J by diVifljC'“gra;CC'lAn him doc fully purpofié and wAiA1Al;A‘endgavf‘jhf a thorough Refbrmation: thiswnovwdifchargeth>the:,pre£Jg{fionA of a1IjblamAeAat1dA laytAes"itAup0nA the perfonA. A A » , A <_ A l _ BuA:TbecaAufc thisW-i6Af‘5}dQmh€*V["£’__)'/V'?,A?h"l5’g$’25~','&' é‘q'uit.y cm-mat em. : tar, mm’ he that refiwixcx fi*om* will 77¢&31f:’L€I /5532 _(?:‘2'fE .a'”p:fz:° , that Air is lawful! to be any thing but goo*d(asAAwc have *£7ccAnh"in out times) when he Icoks about htm and fees that there 13 no man, and won» W <3€1'$’thatA thtjft is n0t1ntCI”'CcH'OL‘3 Athatis, he wonders Ahthm-Ac'isAna Waody will appear’ettot:xe;utf:: judgement far hxtn; ~tf._hAE:nat: length } lgzmfelfe put: on rz'g%1areaz2_/?2a]]2* /55‘ ax érrefl.pl.a2t, be putt Lon t/aa ggzr... ' .AAumcm: '0f:2J_¢’fl‘g'€flflC&f07'6']0fltl7tI¢g’-,A mend "ix clad with :e:..Mlc* M with tr. ~Aq[at1k¢ ; Mcarding to t/.wir»‘o{:ed:,Awzccordinglywillber.:p;51fmr]faA% A A 7WJz'.r gzéiz/6AFf¢17¢f€JA_CfafECa11dA'"'IlC€I'C)§3"2IA6WAt0 the Iflaiaédx will rcpay ” A recompense, 5”9A.? Ii4,AA 15,: t 6,‘ 17. and 1'0 he will take awayt that A Afcandall finne and firmcrs, permittcrs and ct-mjrnittcts altogether. A V A ASJeeAan inflancc : The peophleyof Ifrael had idivters-Evtimes mar. -muted'andttcmptehél God;AthcyAdoAc E-t"A§a*f.r]cl{1~‘1.. when thA€:fPY¢5 came‘ V *A_hhhom¢. and brought ill newes of the Land of G'.»,z22fzang thetLor&”' A t_tt1;cré:;ponthreat.»,:&s;«t“o Ad¢I’troyAtthetzatal1;~A ]AM0fk&.‘1nt€tCed¢5l for A - Q A * Atmcm .. éefbrétl7é%f2q1¢ouraéleha{.¢feofCommom,Aug.28.1 6 44) I 1'5 * % {Qt-1ém a.f1dg5revai1es for%rheMprefeht; but wi.—&1Wa1l‘4 thcLord\fay<:s, AA aiw;1**~bind%s itwihthan cam? chat furely and astruly as He lzfwvlg He 'iw‘:»z!d fill *m7rt/dwzti; v/'o:sg.!o»r)r, mm’ not one aft/owe nmrrmm"-a ' W3 f/aouldfée’tke”pram.{fl:*d”L mud,_%N:mb.*1~4. 9.1., 22, 1:. .A'ndfo ix: 4came.te.-Vpaflb, —f0f_‘Eh.€y.‘WCI'-6 fall ‘roared out in the; Wxldfzrncfli-3, they had'~madc all the earth ring of his-A»%d%ifl1onour% II! 4 them mur—- A i“muring, and he would¢mak<:%itreibusnduhis honour.M.agaimc¢ in his~~ ~ " A gauxafifhing0ft'U€mwa~4w A A “ “ A ' E::tau{?.é% E.{y;r’: fonnes-.1:-ranfizcnflentIy4 I-in‘ned* ant}:-he& beifig=5thcir* ¢ A Parent and judge didjnot punifh them as-he ought.», thereforethe Lord threatcnsra firing fw/0 a punzjkmemr upon!/aim and bi: 'bo.z¢fc*,,, $234; who _fawer_[/‘W410! lomre of it éoz‘/9 bi: Jmrxsf fhduidringfeg ‘I’ Saw, . f 3.~ I 1 .~ and 59 he did,»clmp;~4. Both hisw fonnesnwene flaine in one day, himfewlfe periflaed-mifcrablyv, afrcrwardssmzl new (though M unjuPc1y)8;:%:«of% his 1?oflerirya::~onctime, and x1«.‘3z'a:!oer w.as.af-A me,-xwardsA-for tzddng part with ride.-w',"nh, mfi out~of mh«e¢priePc..hocc1 A 7 by 5a/amaze, and {'0 his »%wh01c%~,po»Pccrity broAugh: to beggery 5. hereby wasthe word ofghe L0rA<:Hu1fiAl1ed; 1 Km. 2... ;-,,—;,~»~ » % 7 As dean: as Dmvid x;vas%Vto%Goci; ycr when by hiz;murs:hcr%a‘z:c1‘**4%A % yaduhiery hehad‘opancd the momhcs of God”s— enemies tob1af4- pheme his N:3.m1e,thp_ugh .upo~m‘l1is repem:anZ:e= theLo2:d didrpardon = : %' E ‘ him, yet he. would I301: remit the zzemporall AtpLxniF}zmé2nta' but the A’ M‘ c:hi.1%d.borne in aciulcery fluoulcl dycythc {word (h’oVu4l=d& mver dcpixit " ?fi+am his hjoufc, he woi;21draifc;up evil! againfi him out $5-his own: V. ;‘boweIs,Va“s.hcadid\i?n«thc=rebellion~of'Aéflalém, 23am. acz. Io;-113:, A V;x4.%And this Iu;ake:AtoVwhe.%.cm,efpcciall reafon, whyArhc~+Lo"fdae 131% «.ihath% Vdcfiroygd &'U;TChC i’S".ta£fi‘5. and Kingdom es “of” the world that Me» 7 ~.Aver;Y'¢E have bcen,‘;*-kgécau Fe that whereas they 1'hou}d-havcrexeeu... ~ tcd.%.judgc1nent forv'Vhtm$, they have nxccmzcd yjudgcmcnrwv againft“ - “~ him ; w/m-em~t1a:y < f/mxld /am»: fieén 4 terrntxr ta «e-2zill~w”o‘r@~;, ‘kmaf . 3 *4 9 -fartkespmifé‘ aftrlltm ti/fiett‘ (106 Well; Mrbgy bnwegemrazl/y% [wan w.';:‘»m'%*._’,.«:~.%$.%.«.,;;:... *9”§g#2", M good Wofkgf,-fiftfld f“o}*[.’t/It pmzj? bft/Mm rf?Jat‘21éa~}*yii’[.. V The fccondimpidcmentpfi RcFoirm%ac1on is~%-great: a1?xd<%cn%@r"+ .. mausVfinmm;;% :-theft-:,~t:hc‘L0:rd nfetbuto fwe;epa‘,wa.y iby«%thc'4C31:‘ !h¢.: , ¢_ quake 5 they are of dxvcm forts, as: - % 1. The“fcof’F¢r3~A‘7faI:-»R¢1A"%giAop;Vch: bb1d:?afFrgmécrs,qf~i—fcéve~nthat SW3‘ E 4 ‘ ’ fiiwnzhc chayrc :95 ~1‘-he:4 Yc0r1‘wr,~ -thcfc f?:amAneic:ae:-God not :«de... A AV§In%l;%;;~;s1_=zey; . :‘=.h*:..‘-‘£35 -Ihfs thlmtirlingajé p_f_':«G Qdfg,“ “iEhcy.A 4fezy.%.»;;%tf3Gfie 4 .~ * .... » ,. .. .... . %P5"~%=a-e ~?’-+~«=V"»«* ~ I6 ll ..--wan-an‘ _ .,g5W2*,,».€;m¢;,meWmamsml—m ‘ .=;gr3"f "'30, M . ‘ _Yv,---aw .11,l?rapbc’f.r wards {lull 6w»'ame: vggd, _7e2r.~ 75+ 1 3%. They threaten clxe Prophct~s that threaten “them 3;.‘ the Prophsmll .4 _ '*.':;.tcl1then1) ltIZ>qy%Ma;’£ dycéj ward md‘“fami;zé,w.1%2.-9} fa] térmr [hall 11:: 5.9 dome meta nélem, zéwi.- We lwill.:malke’:hemr'«dye finiolrd and famine; law: Saviourl~cal§t:«lacfeldogsxha: "batik at; 3: bite them than » call: pcarlcs to them. Suchwcrcchefez l!f»1.;.- :2.:~.;.4 1 2. 13., who whcgn lvzhciozld callttdsfio Wcépmgldéf 3*77’9’4.7777'l';5¢’:,7‘:i-M:/’~’*£55’.{3‘¢’~Z15£ tiwe ._;7é37 .4! % gfazdncfa wztls Z/3;-mvz, Qllzxg -Hf l0x:.*;¢ I-IlF£’£{,w_/2.51:/')r'2'32‘._;5; cf '5beVe'p-;_. l'll€'£W-4' A an mm’ drizrzlege (fay (hey, f"£ipéa‘lxt%:2s‘f}f!'l./6:1‘,”mchning':Afhe Church 1; bps; .l he will firfblznock chem dbwne : Multitucfes of limb were ::emo.- ' wved in the cal ti~Vity"—l0f .5’-‘aéjldzz, ‘l3eVfc*>’rc"* the Lord» ccflorcd l his ~Church in fit 5. A l ;'5Th€ fecond~ fort"a;rcltll¢ldBfli21atc rlélifieré ‘of Gdgls lVf;$i:l:ic, *~VingWi£‘b them in the uleliofhxs Ordinancgsland rtieanesfiolfgtfkegcél. l. I l gfirirjhll :wm[z»wt}aJ/?r2*é/A: with #1:}: in va’me,‘as.wé. V _ .. A ,_ ‘ . .4 _ AV - Al f:%,€ ets lcomminatlions ‘then, Xi‘; itemsAttléthonauraélei120246 of CvmW‘és,Aug;*ei£8;e:5;¢4. :7 ‘ I ‘ « A ‘ _ A) — ‘~ ' _ vs.-»=A .§e¢ i_GmA,r.6, 3.); When the I:ord f1%3foi*cedttbAfay_pfi;ii: A AA A .teew[10mi.h€: hath affordedqll h1sOtditAaant:es for a king tithe; :;g‘H¢t “doth,;ofhisVtneyatd,wh1ch he hadcho-tcely planted and dre{’g3te. I! If“; -5,4,, ’W/mt amid 1 /mm fiance maréta t/m people, they r/mt I lmwlanei; meaning in an otdtqety vgzy of memes Ietlcd by him» A Afclfe éandi God ufcth not ito-fave Nations (though pcrfohse forfie.» V A times) by aptcrogative) why then it that’: beiexpeifted hteiwili deal: with that people as "he did with his Fruitiefii: Vineyrardihtealc do»-‘methe hedge-about them with has owm Whamci ; Yet the wiidé beafis rufh and 1*‘-tinne in arid depopiflate a1I‘.__, This was. one icaufe -.0f‘1.Fhe.;.7;;;pt'iV~ity""oF B215}/on‘. T/9:, Lord rbfifi up cezfly and fit}-iv! i A % 191;,-‘frgijlggétflonfcqjv beforcplagucs came, llfltfi/J67 mocked /J13‘ Maf. V fingers, Adeffiifivd /J5: Wofds, and mzflufitd /3.1.: Prop/95:5, m»z,*1'][ ff}? 1' Wm,/_; of God mfg gggpzzyz./E my people. tmrzll there may ézoi 'rcymga[fv~; iwhilfli men are without mcanes, there is hope they diighfibefic. A farmed; if thieyvhad meataes, but whénmthey h’avc'forealo"fig timeiptdpheneti ~a11imeanes}their eefe grpvfes hopelefle ;_therefqr¢ AA'n0w xlye Lord ézfoflig/at “pan them’ the It zng of the C /;;mIde:.r zvfiv ‘ mieflrajed all, 2 ("I22*on.;6. I5. 16. I7. 80, becaufe our Savitiut i “ would have gathered to him the Jewes by his word, as the mm ‘ -leer C1215-hem under her wmgx, afrzci t_/My woxgld not ,r/.ve;*cfarcti‘I3:~:r i V M l3,4&1fi.1tiaz¢_[I70uld~l¢eleft zmto them de_/Tb/airs,’ 21401:. 23.. 3A—/flag‘ E VSAOW t,_;0~ 1 V "A third fort, are the cruell perfécutors of his people ; perf'ecuti-- A A A ten ever goes along with prophanation and cofatcmptbfthg means A to better Husband-men that will yeeld him his fruits in their feae ofgrac-efpoken of before :WhenMthe I-Iushandgmcn reviled bed: and {ionedtthc‘fers.’iants whom the lord had feintto demand rent [and Fruitstofthe Vintyetd ,-, he at lafi in Fury {Ends out his men of" V -:warrc,afld‘ki'is thofe'Husband~meta,énd then lets out his Vineyatti Tfon, Mar. 2; 32» 34”3:c-A A _ " w H A Sarrflkifl A ~ 1 W A Fourth fortoFentotmeuiittanfgrtffors,4whom the Lordtakes A in a. publtimc alatmty ate the great 1m pcdtmcnts ef Reformatt. t mm are,‘ the proud, Ptrong. find otherwifc 4 invincible ruppmcm of‘ ‘falfe wotfh'tp,ertors,Mhaerefie.Idolatry,prophanenefi‘e as thePopi{h A A was Hietatchieall gcn‘etation,hoth of the eccIeliaPt1caIl“and civil! ec- efizate. Tthus—the“'>Lurd defitqycd the High»-p%ricfls.and othettfupp?;§r— A . i 4 it tiers tzifiildoiittry in the captivity of Bazéjlan, 2.Km.l1g. 19,“§Ao,’zA:.0 A A Clmm. 36. And {'0 the Scribes and Pharifces, and the whore __ J ii ‘:19 <,: ‘ »- ‘ er; flahéd at hhrzaezm 7nAmtA/51A,» A1-"gaff: % A '3¢9Y1‘hAfiA971h° !I5At1i¢A1éfl=‘h§A?Ii¢(*rt1#§9c!0nh 0-F.5’¢hV”fiW”&1h:Aa:Ddthis ‘is; to brfié - on: ;:e£F*¢5§ of A__thAe‘%h,¢érth}§ gum: *_#hcfqfc the;-AC.hur¢hes future ;A_; " :‘c:A5€';9rmari}ox1;A%m;g.._wAord,. zh,’e:f,I;ordw1Il pavkeM3wayh jwhac{o¢ve1{ in Church hc§r,CommhQi1-wfiale 1sh~u4nre¢o1';cx‘Iab‘1c “unto his’S0n;_nes.h Sc§pre§s'A with Kingéfé-tnesTéh_c§A7311»; 1fcA§3 .D2z;a; h2.>?34»;_ -35;. 45. the: AAt5efiiVA:h:I§£:ég§ A(fApéaking4of-h.~{”thhc,Iafi.:—ti’m~esg V-ha_m_;¢IAoE;hhe % ,_AA!. Kihgdofiiés Aihéf iH’uéYc)ut of the fee‘: of Athrz: Ifi1a;ge,or,h£h¢'irmg,x.AA V Empire %oFthe F§omans,, 3/z;n:_ 2:5: I{ihgdhdmes Qiffiiwopé) [hall 553%» Ggid affIem>w’*fet tip hAd_I€z2¢gT'~.t,{a?9¢A,e tégfzr Afls‘-.*«'.#l,[ zzefogr 53 dc;/1‘ro].g_A:.{,, m».'!A-A‘gr1‘jAAL‘4‘»5¢%AA,° fC2r2go{9m.2? ‘[717,-z/I Aizlét AA£7eA‘[efl AMA Acgt/5:7‘ AA;t2_;:’{9p.2_'g’:?', éAz¢rA’2Az‘A A(l:wfi5 T‘ gi:r.z~ péere:hh}4A[l“z‘I9a_fi:fv .7(;.i¢=:g_‘dome,h ;zmlz:}%41hzzjE¢md:,for; VeA’a¢e:r‘;, -mg‘ 4:4. tfiir imt:?'1W.hrzztiw5z_~i:r*fm’.;V wk; 45%,, fee for»&:his.aI*'fo Jaw; _ . A n=9..;I7, 18, S€c;h A AAS}haI1aI1AbAFAé1¥I1 theféfortsbs: taken ?o£"fAin 2; puhiique gglamity‘ 9~AAA A xffifizv. Q 5 A A-sh,r‘nahy jas..hnheccifityh~h_cnfoxgceth forh Freeing Gods: way i1n_cha_ h wvcgfkfl 0fh.!R‘¢£brmh3EAi0ni- :%j God, hiifua:1:;1‘yh talms .<>fi‘A rhfe tops, priflcrt-A pa1sIAaAnd‘ring+Ieadfe‘rs of all clzefé kin ds, he felshrhe hgreag Cedars f'orh;?_%_ A clearincr théground [vvhhhem vCiz:y my bchhuih-11;’ ant} fiahd, whofzx ‘D4 mrfichxsh, the Low! :.r_r}_’w~.-22.. ,Qg.ecft?.‘ . A VJ’hyhhafAehthhAefe ki?QJdSr_CH1A0V¢dA? x A h Fifi’: Ahccaufgzthcy have highly andin {E9 extraox*d§mry.Aahxamggaahe‘-x:.h» . proyo“kcdG¢d‘,that wfchhpara11eIii:ng,ht_hfcm wnch hfi-achthin ho:%h~c1h'Sr:-mp-. Q tarts, rziayA j2;:hf’;yw,fisT”pcr.G§>d’sT building, they wo11AIdAAf]h“. A- " ncxier I_yc_cven.nor kccpc a chxe ~p:oport1ofh;—vvict1 the foundathxona ' .. and théreffgqgf thct! God-h :,hath4pnycdh thg:ni*Afufl§cicn:rtyh% AA -A 4% h th¢¥?wm114AiAfR9¥‘1¢ 6'-11.»ah<§.¢2sd?svhaIIthv~=fix fmné A 7;: A A ‘laklred lthoufand murmurlersl had C.Qm€intQ»tl1_éL:aIldC)f‘P1fOmlf€a A £eA’Bre t;5eA5oi2aura»€Iel/obzlfe offiA'éfl2mé325,Aug~.2 1 A A AAA wolildthcy have hinclred the ad=vancementAof Gdcls Kin'g- “Adam: worllaip, they being folmurccl to Idolatry, murmuring,&co - Wand fo hardnecl therein uch wofild be like the enemies ofrhe ,}*Jem2s, Ezm 4. 2. lzhey would~vneedsVa{fill the J ewes in building A '~—'!:h€ Temp1e,"bur: they would have Vmarrfdvall:heAwerll (might fame man V ffay) :lxey’ghaLefcap’ed wege asbad as Athofe aha: pcrifhed ;l' wl:Ay9 v-‘Fatal: ow; lseavtcpur, far the flag: f,Az@‘l./.wfi« ’da}:5jZ7a:1[‘&gf;'g¢r;- ‘ . l A ll 2 l 2 l 1 . ._.....___ A A : V Q47~iLS’¢rmi‘g)ztlTp7eaq/éed at tlJe‘l.¢te maizt/afyF}zf£ ‘i ‘ .._._. -———.., w. (,__ lbyentcene Ahundred, or two thou (arid yeeremfter .: «And co thge famefenfe are rthole words; tIfa,‘65l.~ 8«»‘ A At the 92013?-%Vi22r€.~.;t3' faxmdr ed, 2; re. for theiEre»£’cs fake that are to come..of them (it may be) m ,zb5Az'/z_¢fz‘r*r3.;¢;ra.' o72c‘j2zz't/9 a’:_/}r»c7)c_..zr;12¢ot, f ar .2 élrflizrg éfjig 4;-:—,;[{-1&5 M is,“ let it grow till the viutagoand there'..will.be.—able{iing4 'zI.ézj...;? goodi wine in it 5]?» will I d‘0¢>f01'-hem] f3’7”“’-‘Wm fiikfia» 1' biif Irfimy Adefrirqyt/new .411; that is...IA.wotx1d dellroy all this finfull generari- ‘onrfivere l:h_€rC. not a,mblefii‘qg in them ; namely, were it not for _ A .~ ~ mineteleétlerlvéntsifakes thanareitotprocecdifrom them. ‘"“ A .l~?gAurthAly; haply fornc may be faved out ofa.gencI_7'aU delugcjn it ”foir;oe;r‘ela.rion or irelfpeél to others of Gotis people“ tQ:,:.:whOmAe they Eaelong, as_b’a»qi_chA1ldren for the godiy.Parents l.lake;;.r eAndjback¢ aggine, wigfked-"Barenr.s that they may nrrrfe uprehildrcn athar‘ are - l'el5_:¢‘tt 5 th_Aei:c_:A deliverance: are i)1CHiD.g5;.I.10.C..f0 mm;Ab.to the wigkgdr A M the-mfelves, 335130 the godly to. whom £~hCy'~~rl7ei-3'L"‘@i~=»* They ::iIn-;-"T‘tf:;c‘A- ,A {hip were fiived For Paul: fallen, AE?xirr2r7~.~r24.j44.;_r that»-they miglm of fame life to his pcrfonplandr A their delivlerancze fomehgnou; A t'fi."|‘hiS ofiice. .RC.‘pf_Qb3‘I¢5 thus Javed flllxallbe as:;rhe« §3...ibcorA1i_tcs,A * hewers ofiwoodseand drawersiof water; tothe people oFC3odr-,,thcy' flzailli doe7forrz;le, baffqr ldriidgcries For them; fludytAer”ts and Scielnacr; fo~r_ theem_.,A[as the heeitheh Philofophers did -.=;s:G.r>d takizgg. from him i thért—'hath not giving unto hjirnxhvat hathala-'eF6z7cd" ‘ A the Churches refi.a.ur~ation,hl1s -...t:haI:, chc.Samt:s‘ may be prepared and qualified forlr.-he'ryight ml? 95 finch ad.-Pcacc‘ and condition of hzl—1£z:,,of" ch: Kingyoyff I3»¢[{y/aw, thoughy the Lord: would l1ave.;hald:tll1lcIns¢lpxgcarrrifitngezhcm "Em fo.do1ng {afmy andlrzs hlelfihng.; nmxyrtyf them would ‘z1eeds“intso*'E‘_£i;ylp-£, ** andwvhcmlchey «fly. _ ‘came them wauld wjorfhxp the Chicane of hgeaven, th<:lSunn'9i;zr1: po‘wr.:*'& out /22’: indigna- ism rayon the reéelliom Nafzoszxl, be away the remnant to him A! k e people of A pure lamgwzge, that they majtallcall uponlJixilNnme,axtl “A l _/Ier-we km; with we aanfint : ‘Yea, he makes them ‘bring ‘(Oi him gacceptablc QfFrings,Eiclivets them firotn their fhamcfulll Idolatries proud hypbcrifies. “In like fort, Zea. 13- 859.‘ Gadfmmld mt lqtwo tbirdpzzrts in all tkc Lend, itzbelidtlvef thzrdfkafld 5e*lef't A V Al-'~¢zlz've,;z;:zd /9: wauld bring that” Wzrd l part it/araiargib the _ifir£{,T dfiitl % ;m”mld refine them 4;filv:r%l£:A~refin¢m’, and tgylltbcm mfgold fix: iryam l .f“Nowe-whcnlthis is done, rm; (faith :the Lord) the} {hall ml! upaltlf‘ %A _ %% _ ll‘ . % A . A . ,> A ,,,h ;;h,.¢;h=7;,,v¢;::.“;z;rz5h[' fwzlllmzret/aamh; »1 wall fajfltz: ;z¢}peop!e;hA;zéaal:’[’ ggfwg the bohmaumélerhozsfe afCqmmo22.s‘,Aug.28. I 64.? A 2 3 r v-v. \ 14 e]{7a;zl!f;z ,ht:/av Lard 2‘: my God. Thus we fee tha!:_th¢ Lord by V thgfc gm_t]3am;h;quakesmakcs his people humble, hungry and holy ha*ndTl-0 fitforhreflcauration :; Gad may now trufl them, it is ¢¢:.;aing:;no~.<; they will be thahnkful-[hand obe.d%em,h‘ ofwhich c-hem‘ " _ aovrld be—.no%afl'urar:cc beforhe..% Andxchcfe are z:he~.~ fruits hCrod hem». pefisfrom his Churchm a Hate ofreflauration and rcfurmathiom. flI;;yemaincth;hnow Ehatl fhould gurc fome ‘Sxgnes and Imdiccs h whereby‘ the approachzng of 3 pub1iquc’.Ean:h—quake ‘ may be d,ii1- ’ accrued--~h ~h M M v ._ A When gNhati'~'o_n or Pt.-3hp1cdohc~ reva-ve— rhe1_L* 1«‘<>re.1"2:cIf:cr<;'hoI'ci,h svg-m» and(asImayCa‘11thcm)0bf0Iete finncs; whzch had (as n: were) infome forthberzene la.y°d afide. cfpecxally Ehfilr 01.4. xdolatrzcs aI‘}~.’£~- M p.erfecut-i“ms,h.h.Thish-~hcv~idcn<:x: ofa judgementhtocomeihs made the 7 A Pfixonghcr, when all forhtsh.%hco.mm1t«allgohthcr 1{?z’ndhes~o£fiuneshmwich an h~§§hhamd;¢,agaE5nPc light, mcanes; ihEf?cx'.p1a»gues {'0 as) m zlmjr ..ei.eAf§7‘efl"e t/Jay rrr€5'fi»'zflZ'.//i mow’ zzgmxz/t" t/J6 Lbrdg. as branded ;z€£’:h;%z«?I‘.." did, 2, Cbro;4.:2B,.-2'e....an_c3 as finch Nstions as Fall to i.5!oIapry and pcr»-A fecution everhuibco doc, Rewl. .1 6h.9h,~x 1.. This ::e\’iving mf tI‘}0£%vW‘ great finnes uflefih-'C*0 be the «vctymickc an'CL~‘pflri0d‘0Ftim‘c, when h » M ’ smhazh continued a Fpache,cha:%hthc L‘<:>rd‘:akcs to hrmg zmevillu up- an a people. For now the wmméehr ofrlm 5;zz';72“x hrhzt me M M» ;”’~»\h,3[;,=. A My gro‘2=ms':h to 59 fix./filled, Rev. 6. I I . mm 113:? gmphar 0f the cz;zr*tb~ grow to he f;¢l./fy ripe, and rbérefire fiiizlliwaw he m W30/¢ c/r»t..«: . flé2d'.:';»22‘o 2:736 wzne..prrflE>' cg Godrrwmr/7, 1'sZe"£I.;’¢r'-«:}.;I 831 c_).,.N0,W- WiC1~;'.;;hhh: gd.,gne”sd'[-mp: tfiehhmtrgfwre‘ a]':‘t}3L::'irh_’fL1t/Jew‘, aztxja, 1: . 3 2,, V The pcaplc ofthc jam had been exceeding idolarrczm anc? cm-* - ellinthze time of /7/f.a=¢.»zffEala,“':~. Clmm.:e;. chef.-: finnes had becneh A hinhrehrmirted and broken ofi’ itiwth-3 migme: at-7 ]a_/Z457-a who hzzd:-1 whropghr arwondé:rfi1»i1~ refbrmmzion 3* but wer;:..rcnc-wcdh againwhy his Smzmesg, hand und‘cr*r:hcir ra1gnes~;jer.2.m 7-» 2 (”/m.'26. whiah - . made t£‘§.1rI”%~0fJ9VflfflZé”3,‘it0Wafiflf, ¢‘-.e._ro come fuzfcienlyg fo shat: mmxg flag [Md made /écr c:!.«,g;icx ta’ drmvh'neere,% mm! mm cmze 37:2.-m um. = to barjearex ;A that is, to her yccres ofpuhnifhhmcnti for {"0 fpc*a}:cseh~ * Eazsekiel ' chashliyedhh at that very fame ~tirx:1~E'.'j<; A ~13-wlchziu 3h;4.hw1aich;%% A vimmediately came npomthcm.“ash«we;fce»2 Nara-i36h.I7»hI8;&c. A ;p;:1%e.cuci9ns.h;h.m¢ read.ofnofirophetzahhor hhelymen Raine of-$s:h~:*m» ~~ The James befbrch-h our Sahvioursh time had"g1"vcn‘onc thfi?i1'CrI1f‘c'H~‘7 4 5 Wu.‘ ‘ .7..3:§..74"$7,£'r!“. ‘ ,.—- p 2 4 ‘ ‘V V SermonVpre;zcbea’VatttI9e»1gztema22t[2b' Fafi, *VmV T.‘ —m.—... Afotdivets ages~~bel‘ore'l; hutin out Saviouts dayes they-VtcVyiveVde-lvl 3 thC7Ct‘u€:_hlty ‘of the1t+t'ore~fathers ; they ptetended~othAe~tw1fe,- tAha‘t4 V had theylivedi-in their Father dayes, theyw-would not have’ been pattakets with them in the bloodof the Prophets ;*-até:‘dj therefore — they built the Prophets cofily Team-hes (as their fut:E:elTors out po- A V l A V V ilhl-IiAetatehillst doe make Images to the old""Saintsan‘d Martyrs) 7 "V gut for thetnfelves, they would killuo Prophets, that-*‘they would not ; nt%:~,take heed off‘ them V’: *0;h -ye~‘Set-pent: (faith out Saviour) .ye.geueratiun of V ipets, Ath~tfbwltcenl:: youefcape the damnationfif .. V hell I you tell me you will kill no Ptophers 3* Beholdgl I lendl tmtsu A l A you Prophets and Wife...meln,~-and’ Scribes, and fume of £hCm‘VVVYE l {hall killésc crucifieaude fomelofi-them ye {hall fcoutge your Sy-4 magogues and periecute thetrtfitam City to City V; For all that they A ~Vwould~ltva time, were mall voilently renewed étbove all that had A V been ~belVore;-in'the ‘reign: 0F'iD‘z'ad/effdn,Z1/f4x:1¢21¢ti.rzJ¢,C§5"£A.a little: it hefoteethe Vfallzhdtuine of the heztheuifimtpire. V ‘ ‘ V l Thus the Antiehtillianhlterarchicatll -htdoli have in out timcltte-Tl wived allutheir Fore—fathers idolatries, ahd perlecutions alibi. to at v V gteatVan,hV1ght ofcxttemity as pofsibly they could reach, mt tzlurlt ,-:pt0CCeC{* For it was not want of malice (wherein they got: be-.-— yond.»~*all:Vtheir fore-fathers)‘ that “kcpt: themftom blood (which 4” éthey did a‘llb’l'hctl'l*in part, and we fee vvhatthey doenow.) A A _ VBut~*beCaulV‘e they dutll not; it is (IV!:ak€."it) agreeable ~eto*the word, it lihuuldwbe fo; befides, there was a fatall eoncutrenee wol fubordiuateetcaufzs to hinder-themméhetefote wondet«not'tif'you A gm -3‘ «lee -an earth-tquakehegtn upon it. ' V lwhle Churchtogether to mine It :' Itis with the Church has with When theeenemies of Religiontnake an attempt“upon—theV A "great City gr-it» -is very moleligious. to havean Euemy..King lye: A A ~-21007:‘: l A :?»£;,f~?§ive’lrnr’9Aé lzoézalgméle /9ez.‘tf'&..afe—Comm0fls‘gAug.;2,*8;LI 544.. l A2“~=3 llool"'e ell‘ §lrirh' a A rnigncy Armywn; h_~inder allrgade andtraflique, l _ W '“andlro’ l:a#;chlV;npA a,ncl' kill now‘ one ClE1Z'€l.‘l, than another ;,nb.u?tl”lfA he hath once 'begirt itwith a flrnng fiegc, lrnadejmanv lgmalA 5:"%‘i'€aCflll’€$ 3: threatens to lull man, woman and clulcl, xfche Krng, to whom that City belongs, intend to lave lc, he mnfi new appeare ' to their relcne : Even in the Lo1:cl.ean endure the enerme_s:,= and U A pexfetznrors of his people for 3 ‘long; cimeto dell;-o§.—r;~;ow« 03.3, I men another-of his S;~*;Er:Es3; (E.f10l1gl1~E‘:?l€ly”’fi‘llll axclfillueare nlflliin. A A for it} but when nn=ee"tll1ey der_em}c:$ A Tbs: advé‘rfaric’.sAc;»F Rc1igion%:%"fia.vc2f1ow of .__I2zm,made1;Adg:fperatc, &?:£empts~ up'on%tl2e whole Church, ploztcd the; ruins cgfii: every", whierc; and h'ad"as ..A:hcy imagined}: coxnplcaq: viéiorx, L_.b;og.hAAAhcm..A _ H aA11_d e1fc-whéx.ie_; Athcy rode triumph .2, % The gym; V‘§2‘§Th,ors:;beganA%AA [Q fing"and;tp} fay [bee was hbw as Qtzeen Ag‘ai‘.':72fl, Wasm: wiv:[azz-.-Q3_nA‘dé ring}, /:ga€?fe72:.}gg:,z2n£5 zm eartlv-qA.<;=zl;¢ faflffiaéffigfllx A2‘-with Tr:¢?2.z’;:§az';v. _A ».“Em22aci Aa defiance a0ain‘&;thcA.Wo:1d,A and: ur»onAthacf%031}%%Qw& faureu, plggims that: utterly ruin_e‘Athc Rbmgn Empire. ’ No‘w%_w,jGod»1s:r;fcn upo13%t_bepra;j¢r; 32‘I._£I‘ g:coa111%ng,_un-Jczj the“) i1atoI1crabIc ._opp_refl"mns_oF HI«eAra=rchyA,_. Pr_m;- 3k'.=mc['s_, HighVec.~if1imi{Ii&m,A.3ic~;§(who Lyfirdczti Ai.t OV61‘ am.-ix. fafifh anci cqnfcicncéfi and ‘ryranh.iz.cd’ovcr their bodies a_z1dAeflates)’8a'grying -1 A % uuzfihixndafand xaight for hcipe. For I 'amconfidcm:A there was: §Aca;r7r‘;5§:_evcr%:he 1ikA¢Aicr;rihg.of that na.;Aurc;iza_; :hc;¢vorId,_ as~.i6F I2a.t&3!"‘:_;*‘; ycarés thercAha}t_h'AAbe¢i1%:AAinA Ekglpznd 3, {}:xou1d " fig: .nA oA:,fl‘iIlA. be momfmmd Ih:cILé2rdéI:e:q:forebcin A«;z;;a:,, yyiVu1;9z+:~fipVA4downc aw-AA. gainé.%,:i11,A%Vhc h,ave.Adm2'1e: hisgworke, 432 /Jaz‘Eimaa'a"1a;-ixmgem'mz‘c§:~ lm _ teafésvi~~of“his peopleg. V A _ _V mwIJ4§5’%5?’?«35% /97i.A.r: pazéfifex faar§?5@alezA And ‘whereaxs the (Enemies doc” ; .4 @onf¥21:.~vwi£§1M1»diggingdésrea:1d~ifiifih¢.¢azk:; (fer.§3oiisp=0«%4 A p,¢@»=..4A... ‘.1 v,. .‘ f , (Y o :v_W":";;. $e,”0>*€ the I503?€5i¢?”45t+5;1¢.'5?‘fi 9f C0??"”’»'?M$,Avg?z 8.‘: 644,. A 2 \ .... ‘V I‘ ,Mvf‘."IP1e”ifl thefezquatrels do: ‘not wréff/e mizlafiafk and ké/ml om={y,é:¢t’ t“t»w:'t/atprz'm'i1:az.{it2'cs and pozaéart, "Md .<‘fz'rzt.»:m1l 22256/q;w’22¢fl2—*s,) 3753? "thud whereas the.y'dot: with forct!" and" fury’: with fire and {word got: about to ptoptagnc their idolattiesjand petfectitions, aztd ta) *withf’can:1 Ehf: Lord comminv with wet for the Vi'1*idiCati0nof' T fhis inhgtritance :_ th%efyi11hfo oing." at nothing elfeg but accetf: A ~~ané draw ”downe‘“upon»themfelvts, hthetnotc ccrcaine, ufttfilfgthiiftjti «A imcovcttblttsh déftrzflctoza; even as the C‘az;m.¢;:z::»a;. 05 old tsrvehm A i h=attit1cd~hitith"cirhearts oftzhc ‘Lord rt: some aghinfl —I1”ta;t:“I tllbfitia [6-u'x'_[hat tl1ey‘mighthha*fe no E-zvt)ur,"b*'!22t be dtrfhfoyed’ uzcerzy; f_"-;§of.;*x',;éta. For the “Lord will nothhbe alwaycs bcatrded, and (mt-. ‘braved bV‘man',7~'but W'EH'€%?6:'af_fl'?'t1[{4,9' trhrmg/J htICztr2_g_': in the t?:z}I*’hj3 A. M: wrath 3 ‘ }Jajh.zl[ /'z¢dgt' pt7?¢;m;g' t*[2e7;hei¢3tf0e;«2 5 */Je_/b;z[[fi!l t/J3 [‘.J’[.o’t.‘*' ct: w**1t.h rlyadmd é_a.k[m; ,ha f/:'7.'zs‘l_[,k_1:r7::v!4:r:z.tt”‘z“/.?c?7§7:s*4¢!.A7../4' a var ?g7~m.‘«}}¢ 'Cow:z.£ _ trim; /9ehfl7,z[a’ drifika afzj/ctefiroalqr m tbeywtty (like "a Chéfcdhfiqnu querour purfuing hiéflyitig enemy tmtot pérdition) t/aer’e'»far"e f/mili V be left up (34; fi3aazd,.Pf;zl. I’I”c::>.gJ6,7,.%h twahm ‘Goal cmtféit/.v ;'zzt{ganzcrét ta 5.: lwmrrlfram beam, he make: the mm‘/J fmre il?1'dWét5'j‘ ffzhl/'4 , ,Awt5m bearzfet/J to f:radge:mmt”to]Ez*w all 1723‘ 7'J'¢t*2:}’Qs' Axgvzi? hc2t$?th-sh V 5 if,-.;re{y th/Jegvrarb ofmktza [bah/I pfkzifl: /Jim ; t/7t’ rwitzirzdtr ¢-{hf wrgztlh ” jhzll /76' re§’£“mzne,Pfaz.76.’8g 9,I”r:>. Ifthh‘: unjufhjtzdgc that- nt:i» ‘ that feared God hot man, would avéngcthe Wihddow &ecw‘¢j?:- he 4_ bar zfram'a./cfizme inzpoftzmzty (andour Saviout bids /jJt’ztr)fie'7z avhht \ the mt/':«tfi" fudge fazét/J) /an-w mm/2 morehffaal/4'!;ht{hL‘ahrz{ twinge . bu ‘mam: clef? upon their d,t:fpcrat‘¢ cncn1i¢s’,.'ancT that “fpccdiIy' ,: h'h‘:FJi.c= pzéaplc gzving /aim ha refl, éwtciyigg dzgy [mad gzjght meta _.6im,Lt=z:Q 1‘3.5',6T?’*7j, 8. Surcjly the Lord will“ at‘1a{*} procure ;tc:i'1,to himfelfe 'fi:omt his peczmlcs complaints; and ‘unto his; peep-lei: from chair’ £212:- H- a * mics tyrannicsa in their en,m’mcs“cIcflt"u.E’cié5n, A A The great Eartht-quake"whcrcby thc%TKingd'otnEs oftthie ’gra%‘hnd'Sigs:t* .4; §Ant:'i:‘:h1‘1{’c. with his whore of Bitzflflon, ‘and all their fugpdttcrst fliallbe utterlyfuhvcrted infill Natietgs, dra»wj‘s metre, if xt he, mt A already éntcrctd. ‘I may ‘well pqt an If roar, it his fo prébable. In " “may pofiiblyhtf: vfith izsyfas it wits “With thtf people /of thc ‘few’: ~ iwhfifn our tSavic)urCht1f’r came in the Hath,‘ or with'“the Churchlxéh ‘of tthc(3cnti1'es,,wh¢n Antichtifit cams; om Savicjttt vtash both itttome atd gonefieforedfe M’-r generally twomhknow ehittgfiéjr 't‘~thc Mei; :..«z!5t;'t=ta11‘d tAfl‘tichrif’r was gtownc to his tttztm ta hi§__@gi*1 A T . A 7 % % . A Sexmzifiz premhed m$tl;e1‘zte rzzom/92;: 1!‘-iafl 4' 4-... ‘I 33¢.-Aand £’caturtF:, before the world torakc any not1ce_oVf:h1m ml the % Z’1"‘f'..zz.’.::l::2z«zfé:.s' apjd glféégeézfex, nC€r€‘%5oo..yfi’%a;1‘¢AS agme, began a. little % . t.QdiTfcc1'he: hi*m. %I%rnuchf'u£j" :28‘: ch;-. 1a£‘:,:6..Hycarcs~, ¢2v46r.fin,¢ae V A tfg9ctmub«Ie‘s baggatq infla/ztgmzfi, Av"3":'0 ‘A553-_ TA'fl%BCl;i~m0F€»fii!Fpe€’€: the 13?: {,'«:v¢n or e-ig,{34t.yeares, Aever fimrzc the fcirxjcs began in SW». l.»mj;;z;2Z_;fi but moi’: of al1,the'fe:1aPz fzznszrcs: yecms-, .€Ve:r» fince, thacby .V the endca.vcsu;r_s of this ;1ob1efiPar1i'zurm:nt. .1n,., Era.g‘!m:d, % the ;Pm-4 phct’sare.b::gur; to {aa.raVifed, asgit were from thef dead, the enc...; % %mf1:zs (Q be xmghtily oppofcd; thezrmumph A»‘o§.mr £he.P£‘ophgt5,._,_ % h€}’L"€3 gnded, their pom: alfo. bcginningm be._.bro1«;en and ruins. M Rafidcs, fince~c11amjmc thevflonnc.1wzEuflyw_%.ceiefxatcdA by !1cath=:.5n»vr:r<2rs, A A “10‘t‘ ‘be rg the Pxpoflic writhis Razz:/,,m'm,. Their name'swm‘e _ %A:1-zefk-,%;the Pat/Azztimfnth%Ca‘!;J!Fo[if9«ze, the flvmtirze, t:lwT%%Ef2}m'[Aine, % {ht ;mg[;', the V17»:-.zzr2*.:z//,aHt1Ac} the j':z:-'zzc"z,zz",z3* hils. .. W The heads«did*a1fofignificicven Kings; théltis, fevengfbvcrall ~ W fclifieme formesA‘ofG0vernm¢nc4 that have harem: inkmg : wixich‘ : . A i2a9.kc‘:sJ DV,m,:'e1Awhien he defcribes the ‘fourc Monarchies “ campae « ring tham to four: Bcafii fay, that .a:hi5~- was:diw*crs« from all the A %i3-,¢{hDV,;;g,7.8. Thc {'e».r.¢:mi'cvcra11.regE.1*m2nts are theft: ; firPc.I{ing.«;; %;A fecondiyég, Txibuncs~; :hird1y,Dz=:cemv1:s ;.—fourtVh13*%.D:€°cat(3rs‘;«fif%;.. 13;; Cgnmls ;A.fix:viy,Em4pero1gAArs 5 (all theicz are cn*;r:rne:*aAze.:1 by.«?' :23‘... A; _ _ . _ .~- . a.r~;,2tA;—,a5 in tin: btgznnzzag of bus Hxflory) 1m'c;nzh.1j,'-»F’0p<:s%. « % Ofthefc, Fm wVcmfaI1cnWham::hr:.Ar:m{%»1«e: recexvcd the Rt:-A Wlation ,; cEm:_Ais, I§ings;;1Tr-ibLznes,Dccc:n virs D“i5“:a:ors. Ccxnfuisv. : Gem :3‘ ; that i'3';1'.hE Emperomza Sou:'c§ic:rc‘m::: 25:11 -For ycihc mOHp1:‘t ;: by«-Mrhf: Arx"n~ia9~ A-M! Ar!’»>s=*,atI’*3WA%zA* i29r3;V»:"t.% mmae.-VI~r§:‘:‘“%c:}«.:*zc‘i'1 norfay r A ’ 111-,c i1=:vench,. but rb:«oArA/E~»;é2~ ; ‘POiI1EiI1§_ff10‘ dnu‘:n:~ at }x:h~<=:.-» mighty W%arres;%Aa;j.,a’1nH: rchc great, fromtfiaoat. xfl r: 316- 0:‘ ?.j»z»:). umiil 39 .3. « the &he::.thcn* Emverours) [arm the end %’cxfx;hc rfignc £c>£«'I‘/am£o~,'Zm Igfgllowcsin the next: vcrfc, t/ae émfl z%b.¢m=v.w. m2a.’~r';.r—:»mt,~”wevxm? be ,2’: téw egg/ark, mml.zlr.~mf%::f¢'é1;é-;¢%¢%.«T153 éflfifl-§vI$:7*s20‘3v...;£J, 7)iz‘.,% ‘the V13:aApa11Vf}arsc was in rcfpcfi ofthe bu%1%ke of zhe Empm-:, whmzcof he}; 3 hem},-_ &,;..~.:1.' z'.r not that is, hazh»np.sAVa11y%prcfizrmexifierzczs 1;; ghc.ApC?fi:1%cS~EifinCAs;fl3T§h£:.{€!Z£nthhta-:l'fO1"Rth.£:1~iiirfi': t;a-E_;v£%E1:a»ris%: ;. Am): yet come. EAwz¢wl:rm'.r.tlw»cgg/atb, and Air «cf z‘f3.¢%f?z*.*z2e:2z-IJ ; 'rha,c A mhe is the eighth, if y%ou.mak¢‘ IAh‘t:* Chrifiijan’ Empcfour~m=.:e ; ~ AbLa»;,is‘.in,.:1eg_d ch: ifcvmchs _ forithcrc%bc1butfcve“n hcafds,,.~.a,nd¢; 2 A he?‘ -—-----.'.._..._. A h52'_SteV7:§2aJ2jxtfitttbedaz tfM'feteAw2wzt£2[_y Fzzff Ah ‘VI A ‘ J .-—-———q~a-v waunnunulunuu-mg ’ V is but the feveznth difiihfi fottneof~AGoveti1tm:11t;as was‘()b;:Crh1«'" Aetihefote. A ‘ A A A AA A A A A A Nowhere Iyest"heAAAAatgument. 'It=isttweI1 ttowatdsAtAthe and .5; the I:z6c;uyC€r€S fince the Pope became the iaeézd 0‘f‘«theRom,;m A Ktnédome : ~ergaA, the*earth..quake that 'mu£’c 1 ruins 'him‘” and A“h‘i-s 231 Kingdome d-raweth met. To make this appears, we are to know} there were (as tame have ohfetved) diners dheggrets of the Fall! ¢c‘§.f'A “ that tvaPc body of the Kama» .“Em:Pirci‘A ‘One aftetvthe death ofjfer. [.m:»: the Ap?t2i°catAe, Aabesut gag. forthet: tthettbaxharous N3t'1ons»in...A. vaded, and‘mach=-. huge hagvoeke in the Ptovihcttshohhehh Empi~:9¢=>V A fecond was about A;w.r4to. whefi%‘A‘E’tat>i:t it fcife was fac!:"t{’%b5; _/ilaricw the (;0tAr€?, 2'tA1dAA~the Empire: diiimetnbred. A third a... bout. .r172.4.A5' 3. when ten Kings were ’tif:.n~up initead of the A >*E.mp;te. A | A AA AAA. A ‘ ’lI.et me take the Aholdneife tointetpéfe one notable one (fame. "'t~i1nesfuggefled*out of’ a learned manu‘f2:r1'pt}abouc Afln, 395; 4 at V‘-Eht’: death- of A?“/aedcia/z‘zMh‘A‘thegreat': The barbarbus Nations hhtéli «made many attemptqbefote, but were 'fto‘m timeto time;tfpecE..; ally by this evalczxut. repelled; but upon h is death they bra i‘i‘(’.”3It1;IAiI(~Cf ‘T .2. huge inundation, bate‘down‘etheAEmpite‘AhteFmr‘e them, f}i’iver¢2:‘§;§ I ..A.A3tt into an hundred pieczcs, fo=A*Aas i‘tA never recovered any mor¢.A A A This greatt earthyquake was at léaftfixty ycAatesinA‘d'oin,czitAs AA A . A ="WAO3.’AkC for tfo great ta‘ bodyflas theEmpire could not byACI'eatE:'d "htzmatae mteanes bC“‘rI11Ar1B&":In a fhomttme. And it is very ltcmgpk, able, both becaufe it made {'0 great a”" change in the Kingdomes of A I A _“"§EttrapeandAj§']j"7'1'c»E,, planting thema°1mOI’tuhni»'ctfa1lywith new ' t"Nat1ons~andAnames ; and in:fpe"ciaIl,”becaufeAthat Pcotme brought; ‘ A A ~”0u!.‘ fore» fathers into this land, Mfetling here arnew ’NaEiont~~.]3fitfi ~‘~}anguage;"It is thirdly alfo Obferva“b}e;2bcC£tufe in itthc fixthhcad A=Ao’E the Roman Monarchy theh‘EmpetAom3vvent c§‘PEand-Ache fcvemh the Pope came on ; oncly the ~queflion‘is, about whichA’0FA theib A~times-and z;..1%ikc the narursall 7 head, of whhzh z;hhm‘e can! he but one am- €r>z<2c,c,.11*3.o::<: makcs .ahmo13£:h2s: :A anAci:itAru3y this «E‘c~a:i’c is a mwniim“. Befidés, the Imperiall and Papaiih lfzczad did not foAthwartan«3§A""$ crcffiahoxae another at firfi, as afterwards they did, fmhat it: might ' he with them, »&5AL0gz'c'nzJ¢.f {by of mntraryh qualimsh, A they Amway» ~ A ponfifi together in the {amt {'1-J»bh‘jec.»"f’c,h gfmdzélw-fémiiflifv, am: i.«-.rrezz~ A A [233 .x:hc:y might both Q5 mam have _ _%th@irpowmwa~11d Tyct mm inw - manch upon each othe:..A A‘ A ' _Pop¢As ahr,_Afir~f’:hh mcdled "ma manner hmnefiywiria mam:-em o£Arhc2;A=A.;~~~A» (*3h*urc1.1,A..,as b‘CiUgUdt3lriI'0USE0.fCCf1f:h£hCiI'JC’CC1CH3fliCa31311£'h0.Z’?1I}75‘‘'_ & A andphe Empheroumpn thwather fidc, a1n1o{‘thwh.o1ly« hhficd ti"3er1:w( " Tclvcshabouc the£:ivih1.1St:atcA;togovern: andhdefand Arhefimpircw A And yet further (whi-chumay hlttflénmhe abfurdhity) bcForc7thar:; 2 ~ A A youfhould havchhmthch1?.omAAam«vA9pvyeArm&~nt fomcrimesh as it we1'Ae,AAA~ % ' l‘t’\WEO“A}I»_egag_ds‘at‘0jr!‘C'£?w‘5;fi as Con{‘u!(g;h.h»A;w11b A~hA—»vera+ »forh'thh~iArh yeza1:c,; and7a‘h~AAAA- Difiatohr, chofcn may~{:1mfbxA chrAeeAAmwm:hs;. othfixhh months, uporw A fome;exxhra9rdiAnary egzihgcnces and nzccfficics of the State, whca . %wash.ifo‘r:A_ch‘e t;imAc:. fuprcme. A andhnamelyy inAhhmamrs<=of A warm,» a:hc.ACcmfn!§vmcrcI1i1px.2c::11c.for4os;hcrciviuafl’mcs,,h-A,.. . A A A “ hh 4:1’ a§'.€i‘m0i2, Z2rc:whez!.;zt the 1m monrlfib Fzzff '1' he earth-qu:ake whereby Amichrifcs Kingdoms‘ is to be ruinéd ‘h a;;~.uprmaci1es, or ishalready entered; H as m;_ y apmaz.-ch by this feccmdh%Ah Ihdice or evidence : hficscahufe it is almofi 1:260. years fincc the tan Tfih A Bizjgs heganJandt%1c’Be=.=.£’c‘began with them, as mayhh«appearc,Ram 3 y. 1 :2... ‘L! /9.9 rm éaorrzw w/azmh mm fiz.*.~zee:»_{’}, we tm I-C::wg.s',~hhh19*;’:7zcI;a hbhve received no ICz'¢2g.nf'uf' , and na4wondcr,41'7c1r theft: A wcretifnesofmoflfirangetonfufion. ~ - * five Benji‘ :2: [$225! to évegzm wiizrérrm mane (we! t/7:! };3o.we,% ~;u.‘au‘a35w, mt asthc word may be 1n:érprcnec}.thc firfl houxc; the V-wordin chcffireckc t€Xt~that fignifics m:sc~(-as all that haw: any {muttering in chatlmguagc know) Fswgnifics alfo, firfl; anfifay-Wit % ma'y bcimzcrpreccd, ‘tfiatf (ht Bcafl began to rife the very firfi: 'hoTurc4:hcVKihgs began to L r?ifcA; raches: than h the firfl hourc afizck‘ “they mt: ri{1:n",%f'or chcrcinh a ?difEc:rmcc of manyycercs. in Abc- "ing aknofi fixtygreeres ‘from ‘ithic firfl breaking of the Empxc, before tcnAKingdomcswe1-cfet up in it. That: the: word: that is her: tranflated one, is uf.-za’ alib go fignifie firfhwc may fee in ma; my inflanccs, as in tharfor one, Lmég 24 .14. M J8 (M: rPfiJ°.duC€ciW3, which is word For word. one day ofthe Sabbathwr week: A_; but A ’is general1y‘rcndcred%(anVd {'0 ch: mcaning is)‘t/ye firfz‘ day of'fi5e week: the womm maza to rise Swpkzlrbcr. % Now ¢ the King; and '*_v_.-he BcaPcbcgan~I;hcir reignc rogech.erwft> Iona fincc, as abovt Am... 7400. plm mix»; ; theinis rhécgcarth quake cVg‘ztis'»;;aco?ruine him, A 718,19. cfrr:.)%nccr at_har«d. % "and than 'a%1foifVthcy pcrfifl in his fervicc,-,(Dan.z.44 4;. Razz %19».; V“ Q». Whatreafon?havewe4r@ chinkcthas: thfi Popcabotitihai Qm::,if'7fl,, firm: began to bezhc great A'ntichriPr. A ‘ V A A p ' 7 M” % A ./Slnf. For anfwcr": W: are to know that chdre mo partzi... ziwfzm. hula: charaélcrs of the Beat}, as fame Divincs haw: obfizrvcd out A V oFthc text; the formcrethe can fa oFthc1atcr,% w'z}. 1;.: I3’/.4§}%em}r%; A "£01? 50% 13”!’ Of WWFhim,Dmz.7.g; A V. l H: fi’:~w/l ,grcm:,A warmly gzgafzfl the m0fiAAb’gfi"'-fidfldrfiimhg €fA'AN:la77,g:«?*¥f1??5%i’f ml/ml 5 that be {hall arrgaggre power to hxmlelfc _A to change %Gc:ds 1awes,gs in coylnlimg ana"‘a1:eri,ng_ .Al.‘tAXC1C$~0f.» Faith; apoli11z:it:gAAvs}‘orfl1ip% for God,ll.'€R1‘c.. f:rz'glJA wordy, gm-.az.t2arar.-fly. . ag.<;:'lq? God {'0 the Apofllc, 2. T/Fmf. 2%. 4. He saw‘ Gad" /?lt*‘;r~:r2 z/tr» , .. Tmap/3 %o.Ga.c{, fkewizag I7'J2?2;-'_/‘:3’t:}"¢:*l,;r;5.nazzfi',1.5'l:-A35 Gad. AHOWA does he l .,. that ?,'?'1-A’?-Aw! by Lordin lit QVCI‘ thé confcienlceslof (3odsl.p¢o'ple_a:s , A,‘ if he were Coal, and I erebyAA, lrm dapfirivlea Chrifwf one of” the A .. pr_incipclllFlowA¢rsof his: Crowa, wlaicllx is re havelclomizno-la over zh;j:";t«‘ai‘r;hA: fc§c2A f0lr1';hllA§ls. Raw. zl;l._;3_.l 6; A71‘ 53 l;f5...% .« l Sec¢on3«1Y¢the'grqgr Anticlm:ifi we to e_3zzc;22'cllt'l1is pmwrcrl at leallg - prl:l}1mptAivc;ly and lagrenticzgnalljlyl xvlhlAerc;hc' car-maul cAloc.,im.‘5il;za:Ily crow‘ ail. Ki¢zdx:¢L¢,l wTéngJ»::: gazgadgflmzziom, f}.?,,_A@I'4A 1 g‘~7“ A a an " ‘"- 1 It is A11:ichy‘ill’ci;3n.tolclalme fucb auzh’oricy,rl';cu;;h but over: are %ma;n, gr»ox3cA~Churcl1»;l It islmcre Amiclariflilan ro»cl;:2.imc fuchllama , xhoricy’over mg:a;1yl¢Chlurchcm;a;4sl the: I-;l&*cil*arr;h_i_;call Ei1l~.<>p}§ul7e;~hlra» . fix ismgc mm": Amt‘:;;hriGiai3~;;> clai Am:v:E,l1iA$~:fil;1£ll‘101‘lty cpwmx vallola-A» ,. K Prdxglincéa avstzhh Y‘fi€I.3Af€i-1iCa:{l’.P5:f€~hbiflTUp Hf€I!1}{@~(§Q3~lC lJA_l$f'§’.CfE Pail moxeAmLliehiilliaI1l%Atgo cIain1_i~z:o*:er P»rmlincc:sl.€~zl K1mg;doms,‘l mdghclflierarcitzicalll.Pa,rri2ir<:hl ufe;h_ roldofinsmyct la-u_.Ih€lfi3 «in not 3:" A m:o“’§_cmrl no plw: gz*a;:,d;&nticé_1ri£%,w.hy9bccaulm.h£rcnrgaybcalgrearefig A ‘ fitlg-nAow ilhalLclaims,lliz;¢l1lfovcraignw 0Y?~tf‘:fiM"El1€‘ChW€l?;€9OF ':'*l‘:3“l;1.;?’~r3f:,~aw%LDi’@i§ni05IalA.as*Ch1*'il‘cll*la:l:z;:_Em. Fdcml1.;%rmt* oAtze1y~ ‘I arrogasze A Q ‘*1 wt; ‘W. L l ,. ~=. . ..rt*'.,, % , .~:.«-. .. ._-L ’ .l - ~ . l l . ‘ l mhg world’ slczlm grag;adAn:icilrll§ ixxclcad’§<£'C2r._Atl1,cr:l can; l§a~:Am_Mg:€aME.=~, : I l l£I¥"i.l$lE%"AlAll‘?A ,Pn~pel de)rl1;l yea, that hcl«mayAl5¢~-fine wclualllcngés “ll .4“ = f A4a;,dz~m W ~han0u?a1»1¢750wf8 of CammW,Augda3 8. I £544..‘ . d:.;:-mdfl€11ordityhd‘"bT*Ef?51F;hc mrldh, but arm in h¢aven‘ahddhe1Idwhc_rc '”"ChF1& hi%5hr‘P0«WfiY, Ya» d¢hVdw“’5m ‘purgatory where Chrxfl hath no- owes. . IV V A A d I N ‘ 9 He that {hall hut;’1oé$3fd;hc:, “Synod i.ndeed”€héi1rcjc&¢d; and the ’dprctendedCmbnfd§ii1dfib ' "be: forged mid Fphr”io:*1s*: Ye: I.-5? this as ‘a «right,‘*1bythe77 ___,_,_....... Q4 Sermaza preached at £119 l.¢i‘enW2‘¢N§f-7;“/9/y*'1b‘,;"z'Wf;'mW”"”""" Aw ‘. f ex ~._-M-""" than cballengéd. I nevcx: think: upon thcfe 1;,i[A1ina~A~:~'*"1'?‘7}’T1’€tI’1xDRE. A -I {E3-:;:% the grand Antichrifl, A as ag;A;arJ>5_;‘71‘5?1’f"'5_’°=*A "1W€11Ing% i1‘5"Ch»'~2% % '5vomf3e, .ready‘ to come fQrx;hA:“‘ or rather, 31.3: a c1‘uldA1atcIy bum: 13;? -V A H lag in b§5.‘CE3dlCAA 5 4 fa thatjit 13 proba_b~1c;A1f notmorc than p;-oba. A " A ‘ A blag ‘that. bc:we:’eAnA ggogand 429.. An§rc{}r1fi bcgan. AA , A A A My efi’. ; 13a;m~l {peaking of chefs horns, A1m.1maces- chag :hc,11:dc hcimc‘ “ % Ancichxifh that Agnew foAg:ca;£, fhould com-flu? fifitfif F316 r¢G;ADtm;,~. 7%» 24». He fpeakesas itwasin hispei-c§ption.vand o_bfcrvacion,¢13;= /‘1i”}’¢A/¢‘:A'--~ % 7% lmrm» mfé’ with the rcfl, but he did Anotdifccmc it, umi‘!1hc~ ca_»efide:~ed r1;Ie'»’:}o29:7e5.‘ asit were men a prymgeyc, "rfer. 8. and as A it was imzhe Vifion, fo icwasin we accoz*_np§iEhment.in.:‘zc¢‘d; he V rofe imperceptibly,‘ bcgazgfc the .wor1dAm1fiook:A what ma:1n. _ A,thC:A number ofnhetn fl10fi1&bc.,£h€\‘m¢a& fa1{ficicnt numben, asAi£.weréAbu:tw0; nomore alien.-might rncercly fufficc to holcl A on; Go&s,.¢:ruzh a Alicclc to zhAc‘w0r1c't :A fo.¢Afcvw,AA thaI;A__tI1cmAg%h haply A % you might hcarein a Countreycgafifomc Afcw thac.rcje.&cd tbs’ zcncmsj 2SA0E,ltJ{)(iAfiCati0I3A- .b.y.AWorkes,, the pmpitiam-.. a:5M-acrificc _nFA£heAM:£Tc,A8zc.74 ye; yQu‘fl1ou1d..fe:arc_e1came how to? ‘A ~A.A:AAr2u;gan¢AAa£A¢hcm~ a...i£A:hsy%app¢ar;d;eh¢4B§afi and his a can A A. A A A. A. A A A A A ‘A A A %- AA AA;AA;:;A,1~ccz:1;AI§;»_AAAAAAAAAA¢ A %pW::Wéfént1y%VM1:fi;p’d them up; therefor: the woman audher childmn; éefbre t/at laazzozmzéle/aoz;c[‘e* qf‘C0f7~7?7£H:'I2.S, Aug, 2 3 ,1 A A . Lived in thc Wiidamtffc 11I%Antich rif’rs rcignc,Rew.1 2.. 6.14; mm! A % r£mPrap;’.*ze-tr Praplaacxcdnzn fl'aclgc.la¢zrz6,Rw;,,xA%%%t .3, % % « A Wowardsthc end c>FAmIchriPcs reigns, th¢cvEr1af’:ing; Gca£”paH4 going forth-Jhould being agreat harveil to God, and mightfiy R.cv.I¢.6.‘I§'...; 4‘ cncreafe tlucnumbcr of'chc— wimc{fes.. The: term: and duration of their wirncfi'e-bcaringro the I:%ruth«% 1, , % mufi be ofas long csntinuancc, as Anmzhrifis oppafing it; 'zwz‘2:,., W ~ 3* 3 9,50. idaycs m'.ycarcs%;. and th*ci:cf'orc thtfc wicni-zflbsjcmnot bcun-», % dcPco“0dofany two» ixadividuall pcrform , 1 I affi:ntwAto%tl1e:n chat: undcrfland the {laughter ofzzhe witxlcjffiés ’ 4%. . g:ivi11y,I:hac is_,cheyare::o be fl1in;%.-.as PrVophc::z;s.v2z;.; put out oi‘-' V their d1rc.‘;‘t wayof wxtncflxng, as .{upp«efi—: by» Preaching, Prim; ting, Sec. but not alwaycs asA.mcn, that isro-be put to d:.mth,A as law: In a‘jud1mr5T!.way of proccedxng; Ctorzhcay are cc» be ‘kilied, butnc:atbm;:cd..) Rw.n.%9A.V The erxamzcs have given ovemhac ‘vmy ofperfscuting the Prophets gencrallyjor a good rpm 21 mar» A A met 0? (my or Lcvexu-ty yearcs, you {In 111 not (I be.lee:v:3) finds ma... my examples: within that {pace of Gods fervants called be:-bra [Kim bunals. accmcd‘fbr their. d£>&rime‘an&W0ffhi.p, .t_'orma,11y Seaman»- Accd unto death, anti the frzntcncc execured,‘whic—h wenthc ad» uerfarigs g¢ncrall way Aofpraceediug in fornncr times; haply fci-me few examples may be F:mnd,l1kca few drops of mine falling air; tax: a grca4t%flmm.'~c.Thcy havcforboxtnc azhis courfc, not out ofangg V loge mcompaffion unroAthc«%pcopIe o£G&od, bur. m:erely\bccaufe~ - may durfi not, as hath bccnc {aid befom; and alib bccamfc they . A found by proofs, cha.t% this courfci Aprzsjndiced their caufc, flzfigmlr. « Martyramtfirmen Ec%cl¢fi4 : [‘h‘c..fb100dV0f\‘£be Martyrs. being thc % qf¢,;:1off the.Ch?urch.Nou:o fgcakc: ofchimhat mh:.P;ophctsh:m. . by imzhe cncmicsf4intention,vvcrc Amorc expoiled to contempt? uzhrzir bodies lyin_g«~dcad in chcflrcct, Rm 1 1,8. likcdcfp%ife4d$bro«.V ken ido§s, in whom there was4nrw%p1cafhrc. I“ . A H M‘! ‘ Thtjfc thinAgsbcmgVt%Qprg;m1.1cd I‘com;e.to,.an1'wcr ia&ion~ _ It isprob-abIeat1‘ea.(?cw,thg.t this;%laRv"'%flafigY1ttr..§f_ Lhgpraphczsa Aqfiéi; V mjzi the Bsafcwxth hisfiemiles?triumphing~o\mr far was Adawyes and a half: , by which (according to A thn%foMr%mer cxpo£§ci- @1119 avg; may 3mdex_1f’ran%d three wares and a half: is -.a1rcadyw_. pzfii V f \ A A-joycxngs. A *%§i'ifi§’,domes and ‘nohdoubtwill*ptoc‘ccd further. A % §"I$3!eittlier~'Itct any man dxfgufe thts, for "3"fl1;iBA€a”fl$ ttiumphibt H e j/'!*”.S'her772~=a72 preacihedat the late mom}:/y Fafl . ——‘-.-u‘—un|-nun-finch:-0-If A and gone,%~th'ou“gh but Iate1y.”BecauFe that of late yearesxrhcrte hath been: fuch 3 flaughtet of the Prophets, throughout”~a!mc3fi all the Natiom-o~f*"Et:mpe,andfuch ahttttearmet=tt>Fh Afntichtifihs tt‘i.... tvmph ., _ * , In the ycarie 1618. began the devafiatton of the Chtmzhcs in Bahama, the fame fire ptefently takes hold upon the Ptottvitrctes _'-efljcfeofi, Moravia, Sz'lefl.¢,‘L'uf4tm; pttedstto Jfufirzdth and I:B.e:»{gaz7'i;z, fiieswovct--a7Ifo*‘t‘o the P4/marinate; and Co by degrcesé waites all the Provinces ofihroad and wide Gerwm=sy,,k"i11ing the ttwitnefles generally infthcm all. A t _ hArz. 162:. the Pcotme afiéyles the Churches of Fw:;srte,~7at9;:—0§ “though by t:ettainet—tintetvaIs and {paces betwecmovercomhes them tandthe Witneifes in them; Arid though "by the 1 Provideree ”oF ‘God they have fotne, yet (I take itybut a very precatiall liberty, mnto thirvcrydaya very «I-atelythc W~1tneH'es havebcene ovetcgme and flaineira "'I’ez'a:¢z'a$, fo theta? very fizw yearestagoeg A the G0-fpell was preach» ted publiqucly b“nt’orne1y~ti:n cm %p1aces*'in allvthofet vaPc"Bomi- "nions. nd Ire/«zed, and (’3,$WllI is proba- "*‘hIt:) W3; h'tou‘ghttto its period and pettfcélion, when the three pre~ ; V A A tciot1hhswitncf1t'es'of’hChti{’c were To ohutragioufly fentenced, haw \ *=the'u: cares cut off, and wetehaftetwards mofltunjufl-ly and Grange» t 1y exiled. The enemies then accounted themfelves to have oh-A - W-tatinecfatcompleat victory.’ and lb begantheir Stag of triumph. "For«Id0ubt’not; but thiiv. fat} of theirswas in the_enem’ies fent:e4,; ,.an univetfall fignahto a1 the Popifl-1 worId‘that'i'the‘&ay wasthcirs, and a tpetfcét viétory gettcn; e»ve~ry. place was {ate with their tea. Nolmatftetthatthree«:tiaye*s~7at1tf an"haIf'e ; that :is{ juPc three. years: andttat.-. halfe. intta manne tafitornt the f1aughter‘oF~thofe three V witnetfies, were pafig; V A y~’the"Wmeancs ofthi-s happy‘ Parliament, at V4 by a itoyce from heaven, jjhthe Prophets begin" to exile againe as A from“ the dead, and among them thofe three ictvants of“God.tan’d earthquake begins to {bake the enernzcsm allttthefe three V 9* A 7 "7tht‘E"€ Lafi of-ail, "CarrieintheTiaughtet*of“thehW’itncffes’i111‘tfi3t , ‘Churches of Eflglafld, Scotland at 72- Wéefhre ho'}2.ev7l&tr¢1Eil'le cg of'iCammam‘5A‘l1$§.2 3. I 6 44: A V 43 9 A three dayés and.~:a»ha,lFe: xvhhenfoeverhit comes, is neccffilrily to he cqmputed and 2e£?t1macccl; not from the end of *tl-1€‘fl3ughI er in all ' A 1 A the Churchcsbut from the {laughter that {hall be in that Church, l wherein the Prczphctsfhall be lafih flaine. which very probably: ; 7 l A was ourlChurch. Neihthcr canwc imagine it_tOb€.0Eb¢1'WiA1~€: um. A 1efi‘e we lhould furmifc the {laughter ofitahe l>rophc:s=lro gndl in all-ll». N ;%;the‘Churc.hes%at once A; which cozzfidehringwhe wmlkellis robe hclml+ze;l- A: ‘A in {'0 many iéverall States and Nlatio’ns., is hardly §f3o{lible.Bc{ides,-ll‘ l A mh¢Bcafi hath irilultcd 1onger’thcn three yearcsaatudhan-halfclowll. vcr the W itnafihs aha»: wcmfirill ilaine inlogher-Chia.:rches;. bug; the Text fpealcemiz his g¢:1eral1.tr1um}ah, WhiGE:]:‘CO.131dl"'nOE bc-3...»: lumzill he had overcome.hisl-adverfarics in all the Churcl1es.g:~na« rally :-land Chit Prophhcts rcl'i1rre&ion is hm: yet. as in were in its» 3 very be;-manning; for lzhezylflllllllye fl&iZn€.111A.‘m®"{%Cyfthc C‘l?mrche%s. A The wxtnefieslloflomc Churcllfishamrele-Amped ‘‘z;’_-I'af‘s.1’.Of::C‘)V‘[r£’rz;z(15A- ’ % S1v%iz‘z.er/;z;'zd,.Ci7z::2c*wz,Q5‘'%c:;~;l-% % 4 % A They havcbecnellnne a1.lover»chc g::ealtel’c,vla1'ge{%M»and mc3l1’c~vx£fxfi:r." A _‘ lhmalus Clmr.chca.hasslm.h bec.nc»~d*eclar€:clli‘ A A ‘ ' AAAA ll V .-Icis unlmcpwnc to nmhoxv the Prophcfs«»~havc heme lllxljftcl :- ma -My whale. Churchf”r;s..atjlea{% in ;.1 ggeatpart thouglml lw many thoufands, ca ._,_...—._ .a—-an».-— ‘ :44 rS€rmon 'phrem‘/am’ at the late mtzm‘/25')’ FM} A _..—,.—-up O 51* A _—u. )VVhC:lZh€1‘ this flaughtct his part or togmc, tettainé it is Text; that the Prophets ihallprophtcy inAt1Aack~c1toath, Aaf'tcr‘itb1': both come: and gone, even untzll the Beam dying day; fothhc and - they are contemporanyes, A as hath been rnerttianed b-cforeg thc'1rA A prophccyingin1'ack-death and his reigns, as they began together, A 1'o,they“mu£’c and together : ‘So lotw as he litres he will A pttfln with thc horns. and {paths with the hacclc, ahndwot: to that)‘ that Rand near:-3 htm : By the tncrcjr of G0dandti1cmtans of’ thrs Parliament, the PtAo;ghctsA here are a httie itaggefid npupmmheit After, but one of‘ the Btzaflts fillips wouldtthtoev them downc agalin; Ah ACQuId*7bu£ he reach. them Eitbcf with oncof his armed homes -or hi€rR1‘ChiCE£Afl_ heelts, which he mainlyendeavours, they wttt Agent. ” A A _ \ rAA_ A A miflake concctning ‘the two’Wttncfl'cs, may pcradventnrc ‘ A Armakc us looks for the _t'a,tth..quakc that {ball t 4 Kingdom: as a th ihg a farm: off} A A Athe middefl of "it; A ruins the Beafih The fifth Viall is not powrcd, for that is "to Be upon the [am of the BA6’££fi", that is Roma,‘ whereby his Kmgdamc becomes full of A:c!m—@;»zcfl%, that is, Ram: is dcflroyed, Rev. 16. 10. therefore it is Air: vain: to think upontheeatth..~AquaItc that is to ruins the Beafi’s Kingdp-me, which comes not Atzll th; I'e:vAt:nth Vial! Abetpgwmd tohe the feat offthe Beat?-,’ millions be there that deny her robe the miitrtfié of the‘Faith and the mother of all Churches ? that account her the mothcr of hIa.rIotrA? that contemnh hcrAdcc:rees, 81¢ 3 Is not H166 darkncd in that rcvennuc—s,‘tA:w‘he‘n as ('0 many Nations have withdtraghehc their fupplics f'romhet,which were Aformcrlyfwailowcd tzpirx hart as —iLla‘d€CpgHV¢?.A“ A J 4 ‘ A ~ h ' A‘%*IfA‘ARam¢AA be 1? dcflroyed 1-mécrh the fifth Vialh thfsdifficnftytot % ahfutduywillfollow; % A - r:tmdertthe?fcvtntth Via11sAARw.,tA6.tz;7. whttteas W5)'i<=W tht gffiafih than have yet Bzgéjlm thegrtitat to defiroy 1&3 when ya: out {clues maybcin A » ~'v--‘~——-v-~--w-wu-—-.4»-w‘ .7.~ua_——w—nqmn.gna-wIbuvn9I!~mu'!NlnIvvI—«-.-ran-......-W»- a». u-.. —...,_..—‘ fiflefbréltke Ia&72ir:;zgf/‘:15/e -£2031]? af‘ Cammo;2s,Aug, 2.3 , I 54 A AA I *?m~%a1l %o:tmr;p1aef::csofthcbcmke of the Reve41aLi0m,‘is conl‘tV§9L3nt41y A f"1“;-.<,1_Af'1;":(.'31‘..».“‘:~’»’&;_I;?;»'1;'::*.‘.9_ ’ _ _ %V — ‘_ V _ % A L % 7 ' % ; The six; ‘mall is not poured‘u‘pon the fiver Er4p[w'r'm"?J', wh'icEfa‘ O.6jeE’i‘.% A 111% be: before ‘:hc'carL};..quakv'v'.:-:aIi'0r» _ wl‘kill_che'enemytHat lflandslla {am off} Pfizl.*1:49;-<6,7;:8;9l ant ~l : ~«l:‘x-Q: zq hcw,:dqw'ne,, Hafekgé. flsl»/1?./:::.,l3. >10. 34, win:-~c%up_.“of Fury“ 7 . ;r:Mn£l1>4.llr:;. Thiwfiery l wnfgpon oE:hcllWorc§.; i§;so1;1c~ofI "thof¢5§W€rewithl»’th¢«§‘po0re féck—. madcfEnded~‘¢l;emfét.vesaagail3lltfiauuiehrifi an& I ,4 ,, ‘ «L l l ‘ ,. . l 1., l T" ‘ 1, . ‘J ' l «I? _ '»~‘.n_ . X 4 iéfére tbeboi2our4i1€i’70=¢feofcomvhaiifig-28-1,644 4_,,,._ .4,._4.......-»fi....\ . 4 J_....‘.L...' '" _- g. ‘P’? '”'v- vu-mat“! '»‘ iv‘ ‘in -- f* cicdAche;z1,Rew.ei;11:5’-, and :;h¢,r¢fo1:‘¢ Hill propcx: to béngfmi i him ti-1”t:~'grcat 'wildBca{’c ;' forifiréf thieyifayi is the beftwcaponmzd V of mofi‘cXce1Iént“i1ie“againflc w«i1de,Bcafls : 'Brcathc,ciu; therefore..- ‘ I this fire“'ofj thc Wiorfd ifl°to’ihi'éir faces“; “fun with "thefe"flamTmg~ ’ t torchesmncl thifufl chfim into iheidry thatch of An'tichrifi‘s houfe i A ' “that will fez: ai11:i~on a”11gI1t‘i'fircA;iit hath"dQ1_‘I€itiiin'2Z'greafm‘é3f3tc; “already; "the'encmiies fétlc the heat thereqf "tow che:ri.gr‘-M; p-‘aim-,-, ~ Rezv. 16., 2. ii9,,I,ica,n .f T hey"caPc on;a11 the: cold water than helicésn 4 “a€For‘d chi-rm to quench itgas crueltiés treathcries, but every"thing Vprovcfioyle’td'czicrcafethe"’fiame 3‘ thisiword at‘Iifiiiwi1I prcamc ‘ unto them ur:-qucncihablc fireucterly ti)‘ 'confarne“'thara. « Shakc"i‘th¢ifB¢afis King‘dpme“byipr'ay¢: ; David (11001; SW: and; fly; «fig ‘ "all his encmiiies dpwnc by"tI“iii:s_n1¢ati‘€5.i ‘A fee 'P1_flzl,. 18. 6; 7, 8. gem, “‘ f “pared with thc”tiC1¢i0f£h'¢i Pf“/”“¢sWhiCh DWI?‘ C0*I1po1'ed'WiI€fI V the Load had ‘delivered him“fromiiit.hc_ hand 093,11 his enm§ics,a%n%d ‘ ffbm thg: hiand of Say! 5 In d:§'£-rié=_[]?: (faith he) I cazlleol :5/zwt " ii the Librd-1 Mid xkito my /9§"°be';t?‘1_{[ 't'29'}ceiq$ti“"afZ72'»3'/a'q~ “ {y i rem}:/a,‘m'22l vg;z.’cgry cazzixé béfimre lrz‘2g1{cIw¢:¢i"i2;:a /Jz3'“:*}m':. The}; ‘i '”rha amt}; (790013aim!‘tre)v;5lc%;sl,”it/ac-fomzdpztianx affraf the [nix ‘_ W‘ mpwdi azzidn?¢rc~‘fI722ke¢z,;i‘i’£vcc.vzx¢]?: i he wg; wrdtb. God updn D49 V ‘‘ «ml: cry laid abbiat him, énd”ovcrthrcw'a1I‘his'Edvcrfari¢s ;Afo;: ’ the moré"thci”Sam1:s pray, the more they'ac‘cc1era’tac plagues up. ' tfiis Key; open iGods’Armoiy.. ;éin_décr from 1.-hcncefthg b¢fl~:g;ydé$ " on their wxckcd enemies, which is often the imeancs of the Saints ‘ i'dc1iveréxi1ce. ; L _ _ A‘ . __ _ By this the”two'VVit:nefl'es did [but the iimwremiagainft the Antfii ‘ ‘chrifiian brood, Ramix 1i.6.Andithcr§'ore our fight: being withiitheir a1:rnic’s, ‘wear: to be iniiant in prayer againfi 'ith¢!nii,. thag is g " weapon cheyhave, no“ski11”a1:_;if%‘thcy can bld('ph¢me“indi iéurfc;’8cc- but notprayu ‘Mafi*:“i“and Elmla ‘(to whoin [Hat text alludes) by this weaporfand the_Word. ovdfcamc whole Nations ‘aloha. A-fa... -‘fix dici bfi; fpta kc to (Sod, fprcading (jut his hands, and then is 3 God ¢o'u1d*m11 P/imw/J,i that a plaguc would i come. to marrow {hall be fuch a pl2gue_\or toimorrbw {hall fi:é:h"a ‘piagucbe rertrovg. ‘ ed. Elm,/a"7cou1d burpray to the Lord, that it might noI:rainc,a.t3d “than confidently tell ximbmitbac there fhould be no -rains bur; ~ac:- A ‘ cordingfo his W()rd.'I IiKz'ng.1i7f.‘zt. , , i A A 6. A y A Open ichéreforc (0 you fcrvanfsf ‘of’ the: ‘I.o1i€I)theiiA'hcéé17vcii§Eiiijr 9 u A - rat; 5 V V;-3' 1.,-.;_,, *4 ,a—... ...p. A4%4.W ' .§;¢‘?‘i€?7?0?§?1J5’€dc5€t2.7 awtrtf/9e»1dtémo72t/aly:f'zi:fEVA M % Forthc Ch‘urch,t;hc he1pe;gf3AGoVd’thc'Fachcr;$ thfi‘ Mcdi%at'wn-.pf3 me‘ Senna‘; thé Spiricof flré-ngth, the; ‘aqfiflaréce 0F Arfg§1s,A_ bscagl riwfcrss wvAiride§,¢?¢c; gex: fiom thence vyifdomer, éouragqliratagcms, frécceflé ;A‘flAmt Athc',%"hea'vcn‘§~ againfl th*c enei;a§e§V,%A‘% t~i51§!2 they may notget one good lnokc f1*bm_ thence 3120: {:2 much as.one:A mo we but if they have any p1'ot'in hand, gtztthg heavcjns o”pen for wifcm domem di'1”c;ovc§rAit_;_ if'any@cnt‘crpAriz1e,A ge§.*f%orn t5'2€Ar*»'c:§:pOWcr- todeféétit; f1ia1*_E'&iC72p‘pv2_aL'§ :07 the Acxtx-:;1’1ic§_s¢ that. 604'; pcopfa A havepower wi;ah'C3od;xAA "A A ‘A A A ‘ A‘ A‘ ‘ A A A 3* , L B1x.ec11te judgeArnen:'f°c5°rL God; every one _a*s-AAFarrA~e«as I1is:Apowc«1aA wi11{h~eAtch';. FirPc, doc judgement updxithixfse‘ owns fctlfit For thy» finfxes, in all wayes ofgodly rev enge; as by Fafiing 3z_e, Sins: mar- 31’i1éi«’_f'#'o‘lg‘¢’I’?-4’’¢5,, *0 "’)‘V1”:4*€’A“i1’}. asLI}w'Uid, FflI.1AoI. DOCAILEY befls» that judgemem;..AA;;l1at hath bcenexurncd into \2$,’ormei1gg¢2od am: HcmIocke,'ma_y ri§:n,}c3o§mg_c1ike_AAa mighzyflreamc, in piibEiqL1Ag: and wbcrcfthy hahdW%cannotAr.cac;:h filflow. or~cafi: afione at an ideal: V . 3avt‘er,bI2ifph¢m4er, Vcr1I':chrof,8zc.“ lciz a:hAy%1-_eart1Aat’lcrafldtfie it. Fo1_~_if'~a mans con eating tb,,Aor4 approvingWVof7 at31~'=a& of ."iI1j!._1X{"cC)€:4» mqyinguiit him, as Imay faygin it; as u: was with the _7aAwej;sg w1Tio1'i§fl*?a»t"c v-ira;sA’1'uihraec{*ForA kilfingChrifl and the Prophets,ti3oughp- 4 men pits; of chem had? hcver? Fed:-ism-AAhny Agt)f"the&m,2l4’a:.;A;%. 3-7.. why ,V may not a “mans exehhting jm.dgéme1§mlwit__l1_ his beam when he» can ‘proceed jmo fqr'rhAer, be‘ a§:cAe,-pmd, in rcipcfi of him, for an ac“: ofjufiice, by him that is pleafcd both in good and c’vi1I;ar5?ioz7s,[aA- aAé:cAept the will {bf the djmsi A A A AA ‘ A ’ _ This duty is prin»;ipaIIy‘incw1itfibenVu 1;ponA:i3cAAMagiflrat%o. WIIQ» is to execute the judgement ofthe Lords not arbirraril as him..; _ tkiftglwfech; but according to thcruir: of the Word, {Orb for: V matter ahdmmancr. “ A A A A A A -«A A Fat‘ gzhc MatterI:-idm;hatAh«po.,mrra«x;t either to leave groffc '21n& . A 4' horrid finncs x1npuni,11mc3 in the ccmfini;Ace_m ofthcm ; A flush as avg; A A the ring";lc;aders_ In icfolatry and perfc'cuLiQi1; am yet to commute or ch_ange the maxgzire ofAd1A:“puniIhmcm:. M As (bythe way) I qua... A fiiozfi, whether 3. pecuniary mmléf, cfpeczally if be alone,‘ be», am, A * wptopcrjpztanxilzzazemt fi;tim ifvczearfir, or blai7¥phm*ncr.; .bm::. in rathcipa A mgght to be: perfonall. And hereaI'cannotr,cP1oo{?a' !mtAwith'gricfc em; 1ooticeof' 91. mAzi’créhlé Failing inromzfirfls-A AR¢f'arma*ni@n,_ that 7‘§h§3‘_£§_4 {3xfi?7' prie11swsxe1‘iu£iF"e:ed ML! :9 contJ7m1cVV in Athgir p1aAci?;.g W ,-_ .‘-A, ‘h .‘ A‘ ‘ -’ ‘T. ‘_ .fl‘ ' .< ‘ ‘ " 4’ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ "' ' ' wtafkl ' 2&lqfl§r'e the /aazzozéméle /am]?! qf Cafmfizaiés, A;3gM,;g 3 .1544; A A fgl: _l1e~ théghadlfalid or l"ulég.l:’la€l'c‘tl1¢ lall?c Lords gm: ilfibic weli: o a Preacher hadl Prcaclwedlfénrl he vlwmzld but lcaké: Elm; flaw Oaixzla of Supmm2cyr‘ag1«:l mail t:hg=El9crvic:::e‘z3ur:;olluntr:_d 3ll‘L1fhi3*£€l.‘;£'lf€fO1‘I'I‘l‘illf;ElE.ld ad~mim=:d to tha Mia mllry; So that of csvencyzrchwiamd l3‘m“lax:lesL and Pgictls at ieall in .E2zg/«;zvw£an4d Irel,,z..».wl,lll«vel1:~y fizvv were: cafl. out ~«;af~ c‘m::ir pla*cc:s,. ~ A . and fcarce any, 0F‘.tl'fCIfl~'('llJ.flli$flC -it Wmtcl Basie}-‘)‘lbrl'&my.~ thing; . ; they had done. Oh wofulll(f~lll—*eon¥ell2:l I zhénlmlche Siam dill. ; A then wancduc mformanon m charpoim. Buwhishazh béw-one.» thin that hath. undone the Church. *z/:"z,.choi"e that laavelail afom A M and; 0 llill infcfl the Clmrch Imean aha wiclwd and fi::per{lii‘inus Clcr lC;b€lt1g»[l1£lf11&EL1l’&l—l<,gCR‘1ul*I3€.:aI3Cl_-[?E.”€)}3E‘l"l?>féfI9§~egtl;‘e‘lJ“o220zzr¢zéle kaufe of Commo72s3Aug_‘ §;3‘.§644}.'§ 47o Ehcyftcmed Ato"puni{“'li;T€ I Kzx.1'5.g.4.A 2 Kiz2.1o¢2.9:+For[[3g;: ft. gi:£%ra£e»or.¥IIIan~ckran lives openly in then firm: he puni'Fheth?in a- n“othcr;‘ camionadoc it asoan 215% of ;j;;E:icc,A~% and fo doth notoplcoaib A God {not otofpeakcof this; that he that pnmfneth one fiAnnc4 ‘as_ fuppofc: chcfiybrscaufeo G:od:.wnu-Id havevit puniflucd, and~1'o»doth it as aattafi“ of: j11fiicAe-5 wi1I"la»lfo for the.~vcryo.o;famc reafono pmniflu anon thcr Fmne as‘muchA or:AmorcAM:odiAous~co Gad,-= asoAo-blafphcmyg 3 {vv.=c.a-.--~ ritizg, idolatry; if 2 hisarme bcafirong enough! and:=*A1ong~ enouglm, .. . reach _che:;OffE:ndcrs A;-gwhich ; ve;y- ch;ngamay.o put:AA(I‘ofeare)f fame A fufpicionfomc£imts«upoonA—~our publi l1C'.‘f‘j'!.3|fiKCIC‘,;in"I‘IT:{[.f¢£' of ' t:h;cFt.;8cc.; and omaokr:sA~i: quc{11oo,nab~1oe;Aw::eth‘er it be doncouc of?” “ right principles, as bjecaufe it is finnAc-againfii-God:Aoandvpunifluablc by his Wordjmr onely becaufc: man is»:-rcfiaafiicd; or F103;, which if A 1: he fol-;o ‘C1716iV¢1T)F=A12W€S-.h€I’€1n;«:fl11ghIt1E0 bc»*AroA&ormcd-.~: 1': ~ I will not inf-ifi upon this; that judgcmc-nc otfrghtrto pr: Vexefcuted 5* roancgfly and ‘fpecdio1y.s( though_oprous-afiing 0? it often takes 01”? A L part Ofthto edgéoof 37:-Qffiat zhrc mannero,befo_rc fpoken. ‘\ 7 AGiv3:“nn‘e forvaw cor1cIu{'1on. of this‘ po_im*, to*a1 A (5 Thiswexecutxon of judgement 13% onAv:AAofuthc be!-1 mrsah¢:s»«oin the ’ . wo1ldco'expiat.{e, ifl mayoofo f'ay,_the_o1d ~finncs=0E a Na”tionAA ;A as Jufiicc : )}but- I 1'xrg;;§;;Vchc*doing;: of ii; in 9+ namely, the o1d.idoIa’tricsoand pérfccutions,-in=wohichAAki'x1di:s om: A A ' filzand is infinAit¢I’yAgui1ty’.w-A For befivdcsunivcrfallfirange andfrlongg « o‘cont:ir1u:d‘ oidolmies; cheré iosfearteoo my oNj1toioon~Aundcr~‘thc same, 1 . . I if any“ at :a11',1thac.A caho;- cqualb ours in thcoflat:’ghtcrAA.of fonranyo-A ~ 4 Saincsoim. forma1I;_judi<~:iary way; Now iffo-ovbcA~A~Ayou would twice‘ A +A Atho~guil‘caof'thoferamys.from~cheNation.-oAAasA»therc~A%ough1:~ro‘~Abc; a Nitxonallbonfc{I§ot1*an:iA%rcfommtiohA;oF ;g;". gg 5/93» _. gazze A; it may 15,: Ms Lam’ ml! 5: gcwi A no ft“/9.9 Ammsmzzt af jofcph, ;xi.wa;,c 5. 3.»,-. A’l‘his~doth -(as it ~were)AmaVke L!-we Aga_mAAAupA¢agaim% Quads wmth : Lecjwdgemezrt tAfo¢wfam~ mm aaw.=»,uam w.4zt€?'».r, mus! rzgfitea ‘w.{/'a::¢A_fl'Tsr am a mzg/2:} /twzzme, Amer 5.24%.. If ymz V’V_CWid ncmhggig God execute judgement upon us all {for when tum Faiflle c0Ad(}"e it, God at lat} will doe ix) u1en%d~r;>c: you wx¢:cutc:<.%;‘u€.3g;:z1'x::nx;% : £01- rAfihc'”Lox‘d« % A A A A There be other was no be maid: ciffhis‘~do5}i*§nc. thaf>cm"':c%érhc mot faves", +~thar* we may ha fxrzcdand prepared to: fuch a £%orrr'ie; O and earth-quake, andfind mercy in it :~as, A « . AGodhav1ng.ravca1edAand thrcafitnedic we tzyiufib£1Aee%ve’it;”"I fay bclczevcit, I fay‘agai,nc curdiallybezicwc it. This I connwa ‘point ot’hzghc£’tAimporta\ncc.~,-,-therrucAandAA’diiAigcnt aft of all 0.. ‘Ft!;‘3r‘:r mctancs-—dep@=ndi-mg chcrenwpon. This faith wi1‘1'breed&fcare A for as faxdr m a. pmmucfwsllbrccdlconhdénce, A1ofa1thin'4«a r Athrcatnixag will ‘breed fearc)A**anAd »Af'c&rcMwVi11%put«aAmarsAu_pon the flrong ufc ofa§1Ameandsofprevention of a plague, or ‘ofprovifion Aagainfi 1:. A The true rcafan why vvrckcdAmcn do: not Heart divirfe " t~coAmminations, andfo why tbcy fbrifake not firms, embrace not Aflhriih nor ufia other mcancs of egfbapim, becaufi: they belcmvc “I hem not :* For were theymordially per wa7dtdof"~thc C€1‘t€1ii3ty ‘of tha ch1‘eatsiAoAfl;hcA Wcvrdzthcy durflnor contmuc ‘in finzic, ‘and at... * from; Heaven as they doe: And t:hcrca1i:»n -why” Aéhcy‘bcIccvcno: 4. the threats of’-::hAc Word, is thc"Atheifmc ot chcmhcarts, * making Athmn deny Gods halineflc. *j‘uPcie:<~:~, arc. r'0Ffinnc,and ofT“:!mA AW'ord forbidding and thrcafnéing finnc ; they «will bclcczvc its rhrcatnings when they Ice-them, Iflz. T;.1«g. «as m:A :»h’ca1:dbcFore. ‘ . A A ‘i A __ ~ A ‘ A w A 1:-had once thought: to have paffed by this point, I bccaufe that A ‘ .1 W1"-‘=¥¢asrh¢1?rM€m'What1319ns»ago=%f<>re%‘ccnctheM 6 in to make a flight matter V flung A ._..L_é 4. ......—-no-.._ _“={iI1l‘1E€d€lCfViflg,iH~lE-hfi Word denouncing it, and otherwife ; “the: (Poole nowbegins cores in. But I revoked my fel Fe,» and new P?-If illhiflllhfihe fi'ohtol”rlhefe duties, confidering chm: ehe‘fha’s Faith mmmmg by figlfiiazld fenfe, il’:"the~eh<~: mo rzzoreaslglecl to it, me--» ls er ClOlZl"l any g?oT:3dl.Nm/2 heleexled won l‘l_€’2£;i‘l'l‘.-‘cg and feared 2:a1n-gs J of"wlriel'il eherewas nollightltlu behacl as yet, and {Q ‘ufing means ’ el’?:a%gecl, H 619- I I .7-l"yvhereas% the uhheleevizzg world pe:xil1ed,Ge:z.. ‘ . the like we wmaylfee in Lot his fcmnes i1u'law‘a:adthe Sale...» A ’ mites, Gemt 9..t‘9*e!,’;9.z.ez.er was fo fatre'fi'om“lheleevin;g the threats ' o£‘:lwlC%o‘d of Ifrael againfi Brzliflwz, anal his promil’es.f7or clelive.. ring'l1is people by &$:;:rz4»5 out of the Babylohmns lmidsa; W-l'2ic"h lprcmill-:5 he 1me‘W'had encouraged (.‘_;v?‘»"¢5,as that he did of'purpo1’e make an impious leaf’: when hls City was bexieged, i3.‘2C£')1'itf:‘l'1'?p€ OF Gold "profaned the Vellels brougllz fiem evwteflsfem, pm§§,'ed eh e‘ Goals of filver land gcalcl, woetcl aind PcTc>he.;" ajbove the true Gail of Ifiaelf (as Dmzicf aceufeth him,) asene “WllO could not lave his lowne Temple and Vellels aural’ his G~ra.hd-l'ather A735/46./Mc=.9tc.e,. 4-2,424’: hézthldsl; but whilllhe was in the middfell of‘ his prophane jollity, fufldenly appcaresthe h:lnkl-writing upon the wall againfl %h'x7m.1thé2t put himinto 2 defperate Feare, that fiigllt was he lleine, "hisClry taken, his’*l3mpire clellzjoyed anclendedo . V V Behold here the terrible elfefis of this Atheillieall rmhelliefe Rand contempt ofmhe denunciations of “the Word. Beleeve We ‘cherelore the threats of the Word: To lpeake zzhetrutha this ‘a.‘:'.l: of faith in beleevihg‘th‘reats goeabelrbre, anclthat notolrzefll lllyeininatlure, but in time hallo, the acél of A beleevmg pmmi-=- les. He:-: that {lights firmc, W111 flight Chmll; he time a.pp*c::~ fhends not tl1efeveri:.:"ol~' God aga‘ini.l fmne, let dOX“Jn€l;Y.l the V prohibiticms‘ and l.cemmirr"arions elf the law. will‘ harclly ever, ch: ' not at all heartily emblraeel’Chl“ifi fe:fbI£l1inthepr0mifes of the ‘Golpell. 0 - Be luprA1ght;“‘in thy geherétfoh, and wallm with Gtfi , thee clzd — 052/: and lb efcapcdthe Hdlild, Gen’. 5- 9. 35 7- AI. ‘Q’?/Jase final: me- eta:-r z'ntot%Je,.Ar/‘q:({Z1iEl1 God) f6hrz"I3ce'lnz*aw I fc*em;*“rz;g23trow {va- fare me 2'72 rlazév ge7:crm.‘z'a.M. Whengxeat (lormes were cr:nrm:hiz*l;; ‘upon the ‘world, and all the fourewinds wereready E0 hrealsze ~eu:£or the-mline ufalllll _; chclord gives fpcciall charge to xhe 1%,. A gels A éefbre the lzaizopmzéle lzoufe qflCam%;2oz2s,Aun. 3 8,; 5X4: A A lb. 20 .-who ‘ In....__.___ .139 “% ’ ‘V"'A%?gg;:ls5"%théi’E"hédiLiE*:Mé co'§;%Ai*ii*$%%&Vazad c:t“""1;i’2c windVsQ"tt”za:§% théyi di:e_;:'16t Its; ‘one pufire or breath Ligoc ow: to doe: the leaf} hurt; ,till. the. {érvants ofGod were {ruled in their tore-he:.3,ds,. _Kcéfv. 7. I 3 :a._;;.. 8:32. God __ w;mem{v}:.=m%z¢bem wI'am 15¢ makg: up by }cwcl.r;,,m2d ml! ifaref Mew M 44',‘ at fl¢”\££?z; }fi;*£__“*"6v’;.?A /A354‘ _["o'x-533: ‘ t/.n%1t_%%_['%%r~'z»*z:t1'5« /:Izm.4,F_A IV 411 ~. 16317, Timoum zhé :EibuIa.r;irmbc névex; (19 «Meat, ~~ . .. A . CI \ yet r/of pgople flM! Z dalawmrd, iiéaizh the Lord ED Dafifiifilg 606% e"1c. 91%? I.{%“?l».;.,fQr*£bQ§§‘§-w‘@$Q :j51”'z’e”“”f’** ” tf2r¢W:.;%}eV. " Faith, pure: warfhip ¢g_md;waycs: againfl t%he»wm*Id.A% He Athac is far in mime air’ publique-dcfgfijoqgé ,God”,w 11l_r bqfor him in , _ ‘N w .. K‘ .a- . ."‘ smartly... léefbre tlbé‘°l:022”az:ra2éle~l2;o’zzfe of Comman5,Aug';,:2” 54¢» l . V0!-Inuuuuenamunuv ;;.;”'t‘.QfiV ziawm 133$: 2%!r;¢rJ,_/110:-zjtltl lbzix Pf0_1ll5&f;fl”lE)Y heafeslafid fig. drezds“: ~"now;: “did this awake mm comply with them and fall intol l the {lri-:a!'me? No: he wasthereflbrc thcfifnore zeialaus Fm: Golda, _a.1lFull‘off'ur'ylamf1‘zcalclbr Gad‘, 1: K:°;zg.1’9;;o; Well, what be; L ‘ cam: Gfihils .5/zwh.ifwelllclloellbuc read 2‘ICm';z. we {hall finde,$l—m‘t:‘ ll when ...;:af"£w.«:z9 1M9‘ lflainelmfad H15 Axlifiy" dfillroycd, he Waé {wt for :4; ,9 ‘:2’ ,€w{y I’mr:art’2¢i:~s:“a /Euawan. A 1 A , Iwewy w'asjaxné%ntl1ac llsrmeflfor Gdclin ‘hirtirric agszlnfll an ‘Amen, againlltlhc Kings, l’rlfiC*it$. Pfiells. Proplnéls. and pcogiie of Igdxlx chm; mightily op;:»o{'c:d%,‘and ma~licli0ullvlp¢:rfecntc'ol ; he was: g,§'y¢;f"% wériarlr of his"lll'c; they reviled flandszrecl him; V‘ W Wliippccl , l.}(.)€1{a‘I:i“'- imprifoned‘him, laid him in ferterslzind almoll; lhxrvcd lfiim; he: w’aSl}rou‘g?:l: to that €'Xtr'cmit)’-,» "thy: lomctimés l l he Wtlhcd be bid in"'l£ha': Willdcrncflbl, '4 Carn%ge"f¢¢* way- fig.’ “ring mam that he: might: lnc:verl~tomeamong them, that his l'l1ea“d went a fbumaim: of ‘teaércs, that he might whcpc abundant, fly for their pridc%5l'"3€'e:. "Sometimes, than he had nave:-"lb¢e;:c Thorn: ; lhwcryes our thféit hc was de:c“¢ivcd.."and tliat God hélil ”*l"d'ec£e1v¢d%bim ; for whim he was lam: to them armhd with Gods cdmmi.{fio'n, he thoixghr-levcry om: would have Pumped "to his Mcflérgc, ' but he found all cbmrarv; (God ofiztn malces A lufe of his Scrvantsl ”l=l1nd Mlhillels [0 fuel: p"u:*p0fes as they ” think: not of‘) but yet: he conflamly held "in our for God. fa Tithe end, as his Hillary flxcweth. “What was the ifllaea At ahoytc wlzeubcr ht: wbbld gm Ea 3&6}/ow, Wllhl plibxmifh oflalll %‘lafil,. when L131: Cityl Ms tal<¢:‘n,l"lall th: gréagPrince$&nclPriel% 4 llflainel andthc Ngt1ox§_‘l‘.¢ap:1vfi;tcd, tl1CK1.ng;6f‘3zz£j_y[a72J chicle “ Captaxnc taki".'s'h1*m out of prlfcwn, knoekcs off his fifttcrs tlm: Lhejclweslnad put uponhim, fcfzs lllmlalt liberty; offim-s ilum lily M 1 lkind ulagcg rhcrcgfifir iilaylin the Land of _5;':m'Ea/r?l tells him the “whole Land was lacfm hima am _h_im"a rewaxgiand folglill 'lf2r§j.{l’eth him. “Now who but ‘ crew’? haw gladwnu?d Zede. _:k1.:»*£b the Kifig have B¢tn¢““‘ ‘if lnnthéalfe tlujrsc klludnélle laaxl “lméng: o£l’crécll‘tb “him”? Well , All-eclusll:ramerz*lb.;;*r to pfaél-ice ’"~:Lh’is duty. l l V V‘ X _ ~ " A . l Mav“hbn Bygndlvmanbc taken away in ap12l1ll_qfiE'C3l.3m_it}* :3‘ Qffflaa _ A qf ';;..h¢ 4.»z{la~a Flfhé ‘t’r3uginc thing cl1e"’Lordlaymesét, is lthe.lptel&iVaL1on H 2. ’lfb‘;uldy 1.1.‘ wag...” S"-:7» h-Qdy owfhthe Chuh“:.§h,A Han hgl; feed. . 6...tIh: 3- . hand «he,ehhw~zTi:;; ' Ah {them that fl1?d_l efcape downe in his bookez D»~w.., I2. x..Bor how... A A Semzm hprezni/éezl at the [are 7970223793}? Fafl ever the Church confifis OF individuals, yet thiixor chat, ormany D ferved. ‘ Eiitfy Chrihfiizm {hall hepneferveduntiI1e~he hath‘Enifh‘ed the, worke the Lord hath given h1m_to doe; hm: when than as done,‘ ’ God may take him’ off from hxs fiatmn In fuch a way as he may hefl glo.-:ifieGodw_; yer £0‘eas»;genc:aIeIy there is hhfomernarke of mercy upon hzm, ashhe is _e1:her_ta1 git.’/55' who ;z.c..ca:/mt of 15;; ;[.,~,",a;,rg~;,%% jab 33.1" 2, 1 a. Vvould it not be:: a brme A£'3.ght.\m1f'¢¢ mm,“M fitting upond“2c‘B=c21ch aw}:-1—dga, and God ii1:nz'rm11:t3d to iiand atft.he BM-{rte as a .D.~':AIinqucm ¢ ho.Iding_ up hiswhapd, and {man rm pafie ceniurc and ientencc upon hxs a5hons,.oL1zot hm ‘owns {Ema}- Law 'CO1'l(:E‘P[i,Q,1"39a and irregular éfFed?cic2ns 9. A Tim: God°s mm is E§1*E‘.1‘jJ1C 01:..'__}§7u,_Pc,iCi:;it§s%.Eh€r€f0i'€i‘juA9cAbficamizifl he wzls it; and does it. 1 % E~1cm..~.hat:‘:.1 m;:.jay ~ reafons~Ain t!'1{§:borzom‘ne{7§E';- Abyfi7cAof' ‘h?S"". ‘%Counc~::1s that we. vice mm, W: are not abI<21tm(o1.1a I10 aim bag. mme of. it,‘ nor to fadomc hxs4c{o1n._;gs 5A¢and‘1omea:imcs the-:y am A- fi:;cA!1Aas:;1g;3$%noL ,5: for uAsg;o km>*vv.g.. *l“hza£7finm{: fiéfiérwzch \ni0rfe% theta any plague or V%caz'th~quak%c Gael. : V feftfsds 1;p¢:>n the wor1d,jEz-.m_9.13.% A A u" ‘ V ‘That finnc 1: f'e1Fe1s¢cl1c worfi of all élggggsg Lalhd fa; to be cam” r. . A E If the heart: Be; .thorQW1y humbled f‘c>r%V{3xjn;:,. it will faac;cpcAc:»f any‘ outward puntfhment‘; {aw Lmut. 26- f4I.., and .13p»;m.’=..- e;~;g,_; amp1€3«A’Wh0 me—eAk1%y _fubm;ttcd co.4A»rl1e curfing of Vsbzimez; 9 2 sag A 1.5, 170 K .1 1,, ‘I z. hc.bei1n;gthcn in the .vc__ry% a-fieofrepentancxg Fog-his ‘ great; fins caFm11rdcr: and Aadulgery,~:A.v-rh1c:bAAG-od. was even then~AaA11”;gi~. .. a..$?cua11y% vaiwfiting upon him m. the unxaamrall1iebycl1i:on,‘of?A'éfo..' lam, according as hghad tbrfiainflriw A?» z5'xz2:gz.~I.2.¢ .1 z,eAA¢Tl1c‘4Mm»an% that... y is them Nly griflvfld «iafbr thc.?-ido1a:..!,‘y;?sA1'1Efflfitwprophaneneife,A; am} 1ukg,wa.x:muefi'e of ou:~cimes.,%\AwiVI1Achinkeény o”w:ward4c..A1.V viii cafier thcmthcaf: finncsg: and will bc:fc£>.11tcntcd:'o fubrnir tmm V fwQyd,- or.-‘any other p1afg,uAc_._.evcmrmzheburying of a gz'eatfpar_: , 4 gficm N;.1;ic;n.&undy.€f.V% :hc,;:ar.t;h,. pt(;\ziVd:ci4Liha4:t11cyw'q1ayb¢rcw...A moved.» ", 1 That all Vouztward evils 1fl1fa;iIA trxrnd ~:othcVChi1:‘=¢hes‘Aand" Saizits-~% . ée:/we the /JA0(g20z¢r.széAZe boufe 0]‘ C ammcng Auga Ag _ I 6 44 _ 1» / iimfighfi WKF P?3¥3’*5»- A AA ggod in the cud, Rama. 8, g3.‘1,,_A'r£hiflgAEh3.£.lV§€flOWA€QII3©£0”{hcW., % % AA rl ‘ ‘Mummy-— -r 5.44 A % »~_";;_f.g:»zefli-.. % M .4» m. {fin ”.:':".:3 . -t, ‘ A’”"Sermzm prearbad at iii: [are r;x0?2‘rk[y %%.Fxzfl w__ ximm 9.,m,1 z. Aft;-tr the Lmrd‘had=’%madAc’La great dc:f%ru~.’.fiiora in V the Nation amonwchcjfinnersaas we f?=:¢“in>~the verfc Ab.e:f'or.e,-, In that day, that islnfrcr rlmr, figitb n’o.e'Lard,*' I ml! rmfi up the tw» ” éermzc'le‘af Dmmai, ivk'ic*26wlvfa[!en,-C?5*co fee-alfo Z.¢}*‘i3.g,35 ,,r¢, % 4:11 12.Z:§’£5;I;»8c~. ‘ AA A ~ “ It was 22:» in chczjianazl of (*azM.«.mm,~*£fccr‘i ‘the flormcs so? r-.-mad the W1i::%crnc%fi“e; and in }'r4d%4/2:%afttr the C8.;:£iVit.}?0f‘_,1f-Q15)- M 1% the Lord mac1c»hi%s pcopic tak\;7‘oaz‘i.‘»2g dawnwwzrds, azizd ém‘e§ A * fort]: fmit upwards; it wilibc lb. and that more ;thc;':rs_ aver, %Vw;«;m A the "carthvqua-kc Quail have fiaakcn downs: AmichrifisA Kizzg... v “dome. . % . Al . ' V % ; _ A % ‘ ” _A Wherein {hull this gm-mt: rcPrauratirm“andT * rcfoVrm“aIt;u4iomA* o*F this '(3hs:1rch comm’: P In thwfruition *andV¢njoym‘cxit of certainc priviilcdgcs, ‘“i‘m£h aathe Church A hath .not%ac»ot;hc:r=;imm,-:"at71caif: t;<);%«%zn-{Whig lilac‘ dégrtca % T he Privilcd (:3 are ofcwo forts ;'P4fivativ“e grSd'V%Pc>w147xtive..» ” A The Church all be freed from the inundation of prophame- mcffc; with which in bath bcene mifcrably annoyed, lrsavcned tin Feékad béforcfw S‘uch"f1nall be (hr: piecy~~ariAd1’-trVi;3itncfl%: 0 {the go... V‘:-rmmcnt Ecezltzfiaflicall‘and"Civi11;chac’thcrc {hall not enter in... 4 M the C“fimrb'b 2;: 47¢] wife’, any r/Jmgtlmt dcfilerlaJRe2z.21 37' V She fhalrba purged “fi'otr1_ ¢r‘1*0rs,, fupcrflixriong, idolatry, falfc “and Formall wort}-xip. Iris“ {‘ufi%c1ent“tomh chcfe . things,.{hallA the Church than be head; , ‘ She Mf-hall ham; ‘ exemption h«h-.f:om oppreflion : anhdfi perfc::11tion Civfll and IE;:,g;1c§Aiaf’ti_cal-15 ‘Gad /M1 wzpe ;zwa:mll htmra: h farm the S mmti hcjw. a2¢dh.t.5ere_,[I9a!!.h5:hhMo more dazzz‘/9, ';2c2:l:verfar.. h A m‘hh::v,narc1jing, <.’9"c';.h Rw..2I.4.. That mu! V needs hAchA%;-mcmof ther- Church inthiswor1d:;~ashappcarcs hbys the cor. ma:-xt; , Than {hall I/9c9A:~ V % LjanMd;b,¢;;Lamé: l)rc'%dowm'A.=zmi fired to_gc'r£ver,m¢d the Y'}g}zr- h éccomgfhtbzmah, t/9chh(:7‘la§l&[a[baz%l!, plcgyA.w.i.tbt£2e=_zi"5jt5ernmih:Coc@~ztrzté, h[“[_.?~z.%,1 1%.6_,37, 65.-2 .Rev;7V.16. . ‘ ‘ . ‘ A There be -_two regions of pheib privativeh.privi;&cdgesA..: \ Thfiv€a.£Eh-qU.3.k€1gO.;.flg--bCf0Y€;,I113” {bake downs ‘ thefc jeviisr -A and all their fupporta:rs.,,as«we haveheard ; u the B'*thmorc. that ‘$11 Eht1'_fi3.d;I!g'f1iti¢$?h%1EAh-avétib def“ ». pcggtcly eppofcdthc Sccpm 0fhChr1f%, {hall be: takenggm Huff-g.:D,£fiQ 2;hh§.g;A‘-51. 44. Kcfvqg. figom, vcr..IA'_7.;.£oAthehcm}oA "Ni.nhPl11'.£“_@A‘i‘,t'-““’ om xctjels, .Ez.A:;-@353. ;8.::ha: atlafi notieflnall -dare-lb-much» Ssh :. tolhfpcahc for faA1{E:worf11ip,. forma1l'wor!'hip. $zc.;;-~hThen (anti I A doubt) not till thcm, will a!l.£h¢f¢ Scfits A an&~~D.1vifions«h have an and ma-fiyinHamcita~.f~ W A V V 4 The pofirzvepnv11r:c3gc§;o¥'~charArcfc>1%%hc&Sta,z:e~aAre zrlhicrs. A j A hTh;%,.hfigfi .cQ:;i3.flhs inmch pu.ri£y apd;.p£cnty :2!£T;h..chc O:x~dinanc»:h h A h ’ ‘ Samham lhall than be Bound wad chained ~—-up, Ax:-hat~=~-hheh hA.{hhaI‘I_~ not. fcdncc the Nations to idolatry and perfccu:hiom:»as he hath A-al.» I A Awayesbcfbrc dzznnch-,_Rw.2o.2«. He haizhbccne calf down: V bazfore, as%.,Reh~zz.x 2,9. but mcvcr—boundha hm: {hall chill rhfinniehrxflfi fill}; .. V A And (30 this ptevcnrsxhaz whi<:h- might ‘ :% ~-though the .: hhwiékcd be mkgn away hwith the Earch»quai:£r:.;;;Ayvet Exnnc-A «mu Area» A. viv.c,aga1nc¢..&_ An]’v.A' N6‘ 5‘. Asa:-ham flianllhhe tytC§"W§J- hvfiom-Ahfcduufi Ciriga thmhc cannot play fucgh teak win that wor1d'ash;A*ih:2Forc,mams m;;uption~mnting §r.hQ_fi; b¢llpwq$hA»£Qb10wWi£ .ll§3..whiCh“‘.€fid~-f0E»a-» Id‘, 9: . $2.»: ‘| .;:u- SM 6. ‘Q1-UVH'Vwunw}o|Iv$9FIl'I9-wt ...._....... .... S€.'W?30.'(Z psweazbedatvzfizel/atelmwztézzfil Fzzfl pf Lfi», c‘lc',.r2rr;' 22151 c/Bsyflfall prmr'Ma{z‘;z ~ ‘SyG‘0d’5 and memes of‘ gr2ce:which rgacfahurcla fhgll enjoy. Tlfizs I65:-41 I, z 9. filler the mim of the Beafls Kingdomcmée Tkzéern Mmig» Of ”fen7}3}e of J,’.%Tm'Z!:fv:,é e,»'I:,L‘»$’.?M£-'é! 2':-2 .H'm'3.w;»;2 imzhc Elhurch, ., ;.e.r:2.;-ail zn*’.w* fl hf A A ’lCl3rll"i‘§.“a3‘}51'fil3:13-tifltl lay ‘£l"l=r._‘2 .Arl~;<=:! was beltslrze l~:éptll1i:...l; 3.-:::dl‘lfacTee2npllel lllmcg trlzcprmclzwing l~f23:‘bid.:len,; mm wzzfiie‘moitl'l2u::quai“11t»:"cl lw:ijfi*z“tball"‘lm‘tu‘res %%»Llar§‘cl ‘I Wofilccs <>r‘«::_::m{- lb; {Earth by the Karlie; as z:owzl1ejy'lfl1'allllwe;l tl"* .3 wozud mi’ Elie: ml«;l:,a type of Chrills buma2¢emture,l that gold . mm-iayizaggg ix: *«vlli.olly,«a ’£jl;}*eof’ aim divim ;m wl<2r'e::la the lmmafnc A wms l1ypolla:.?call3»: uzzmicl,» ’f§”1B'F:§;blfl‘$Dl“---“E326 law ‘in she m-.l«:e [git-» A ti2‘.3g lbmh the lallfilizag ofcbc law inChril’c,l ‘anal imhei Saims by «amicm withhim an;l‘lpmvcr {mm him ; the Mercy- {bar 401' com: A of the A,:1fl<.:: reprel“ez2£img; Chtrills rigluccoulifzellfie lcovezrzng -the {Suns 0£fl."1ElH,'2md the Tables of t¢l9lim?0Ir3y*whe51'cin the cm-fa was contalxnecl, f '3 as no curfc could be fcfzemr This: purity ofthc »-lmeancs is imtemlcdl in thofe :xprc'{’{ions, Remzx.‘ than -G0d_r’T';;a. ammzcie 2': WM? meJ¢;vcr. 1;. a/zezv jflvrzzfalem !J'm»’:v ti; 3 glar] af Goa’, l W212. 130, I I .P10l,7é“??fipZ¢5' t;’aerc't'72‘,.v€r.22.Tl1clreis no neredofany ftlith ffiifid" W P1366 25“* Eh? ~ Old lT€m§§l€: vvzls, but eve-ry where his people fhould have cc+mrnun1‘on wxth hm 12:: ms Ord—1ns.nces, fa/3. 4. 21*. they {Mall lllaillcg“ s»:om*ml of 1.1.7:? l.‘S';rrze=;:2;:r mr flfaaizc’, C51-. mar. 23». l~meanmg.the fgiriruall light and glory {ha} I Farrel cxccfed all cxfcr... mall 5 and pimp. 22. L 2- they “fl'1'a‘ll enjoy '1: pzwre River of uwztfif gr am” ¢;>f’t13w 77"1rame.afGo6i 1.. - . mm’ cf Vt‘..’;=£' Lrmisfi, r/no-‘ l%%z'ra’e of /zfcf 942;:/fin 2vil'/m€?z'x z*2vcZ'w wmmer cif I fi;z,«z€g l l V ” l l l “ The fcconfl lprivilctigc ‘conilflws in the rmilcimdcsof-‘converts ;' min Alz~2gicl1rifl’s time buta fcw W1mcflE:s,two ; But an A hundred _ fourty fcsurc thoufand fimlcd ones; Jerman fluouldlnolcnecdlanyl A , greatarz: of Arithmecickctolcqzmtzvthcm gflbut now a”grca't mul- . ‘ titfldtt than no mancorzld .m:m‘1bcr‘,l Rev. 7. 9. than (hall thlolfc l.promil'csin:heirheight be fulfilled, t/MC/Evm*cl2~l fhzll wanderldt l finar own: fiwztfmfwflé, and zzviaaéagazt kw‘ ltl/.mfi'Cf2i[drefl,fec'- V sing {he had loll’: {'0 many, being {cf} a2[H0fr2o”",‘ “that is, 4W;a'ow, with» out any earthly proteélor, [_/21.41.69.I8,,'I9,l2’O,.?..Is3CC¢ “Yea; her A children {hall asks: hgr more mama to dwcld m_.,zéml. Shea is hidden to lengthen andlcnlarge the placeqf he-rftcnr, land_promi}i;ecl V A _ at ~. ~ évefwre t/we hoizouméle laoufe of Commam, 3, I 54 that fl1EE.tl10E30h:1 Widowtfhai L A A hildren proceeding :‘v:c.F:; pégmd ‘with the%£imes4'w4hi%ch were befbrc the D¢vi11waAsboufio1. W A W L A L A V‘ 4 ’ * In the ci:cc1Iez2"cy‘"e»F thcfic is, Rev. 21 . 3. 22;. A in this and other1'et’p€:&s it is named; the £gaé*'zvf ix r.5acre,fEz.sl;1, ~48. 35‘. the peopfe of if _/7242}! be wall rigafwieazg, ffig, ~¢<~6o.4 21% . Wihat“ am admimblc: Rcf‘m:‘ma‘tiom was that which foliowz. ed the flofmein aha Wilderncffe;‘.wl";e2aVa1%IIfrael,%b‘ozh the tézh Tribes, ant? the twdbf Grzdand R24»/zezz, ahdthc ha1F:~':Tribe cof Mamafleb abh0rrcd%rhe thoughts of idolatry, Iofh 12.. the “Gad of Gadr, #56 Law! Goa’ of Gadr, 12.»? Vqmoivaxg mm.’ lfivwl inéfkfll V lggaw (fay the two Tribes and an halfe no the ten, being abcixf/Edi A VA ,1-,f' an Hintegggtign £0 YEVOIC. from (:?rOd_) zf it [96 23a réée/3:027, 07' 2f _z'.7«,2 % gygwfgkeflarz zzg‘rs£;:vfl the Lmi (f:z'zJa'Am mt tin: that am ‘I€".:’£’E.':‘=“21” bkilt {M an fllmr fa z‘m*;»::e flow: foz’l.:'m7i;zg t/ye Em”t{,,C9‘“’c, la‘ t/M Lard /Jt?72fl:’Zfe regtziw’ aft, V10/77.%_z'2,. 7.2, 23. Much more fhallthc Reformation be exccllcntin she leaf’: ages, wherein it is promifrzbi that there [hall be new /zmzzzwzx mad m='W cart!) C-mew Clm1‘ch.afid ncwZCommot1-Wcaitth) 'Wb£TEifl rz;gét:mm=]]2- flmll dwell, *2, PM 3' 13' , In the am¢p1itu'de and Exteni ‘of’ the Church, ‘1eFc}*”r};r ‘it: W39 7 A A _I"brca1‘ [.¢gf'/5: af’ _._...g fametimes. containcd %wi:;h’ir:2 the narrow bounds of jury, afterm A % Wgmdsthxf: Nations ofchc Gentiles had it fuccefiively; i‘Zi'=1%,>"s;hc;:~ A%—ér:af+etrne Naxions. {jthenthe wcfierneflc. But now fhiejchurch A {ball be generally, if not ufiiveirfally fprbad qvcr all the wm.-13. Tire I€zn§dame: af’ tbe world (that is, all the Iéihgdomcs ofghc wmld) {Emil é.emwzeVtbc I('zngdo;*m: of aw Lard , mm/%af_!m C/érifi, % Revel. 11. I-5. A And {'0 wlam H33 ]'wdg6m6f~Wg *5»3fé5%_f»W€a rzrzszéi tiaéz Baafii I<'zz:zgt!a4m:.* it ca;¢fwme'd wt/be and ;_tfJc:z,,q:Zis{f.ré‘¢ ' A W M €‘J"'0‘:""6’ M r « -g‘~;m;j_:_; ‘,-:‘3;_i;_:& _§ ; ‘ '-"*r ""'"'_» % % % ' 'A I % - I b 358 % " ' 62172022 [Jrezzc/bed 4; the-[ate moizztkfy Fzz/Z ' * bgfarp t/.7*eh*,%""‘tlae Kzngdam:,4V‘I3amz2zzan,V and the g_2f:mt;¢eflé‘af rim’ , _K.fngdama z4g%.dcr* the w/Ogle /J.6'él‘ZJB3¢,__ ( is; f¢g£1:'nc$_{o pakgp with... out all hypférbolc) [hall fie-._,gz'7;er2 to i“/Ewjbéaple of the Sa:‘;zt.c uf ;tkL¢,%%.w*off~~/3%z;g;b, Dan}. 7. 26. 27a,._. Wioen r/’;»¢fiaw; that is, ¢;he.Kimg4, dam: of Cbfiiih /24:/o%fm£ttg2z the %[mngei wipe}; ‘the fiéetgt and éro-W-P VA % tben:z;;a%%.~pieaaf,g, z't.j2=!fej%z!Z éaqame 4 great .Ma:;mr4:g; pz;v,7J W50]: c=aszjt4b;,=_%D~a1‘J. 2. ‘£5. ‘Then_fl.1_:;I1 All _N;a?tza;z&.—z$zf‘jc2J}z;;'er»«j;a . Clmfl‘, P'{3I..,~ 67.; 2,45 4., t/Jw, rs grmlt mz?;lt_gm:16_ (not10%:f%a;_%VfE:~W% 1 but) ofirtfl Natzanr, mad; Kzigdredx, and Peapfgxy mad To:4gz4w.,, fhrzfl: ‘ _{3:z;2ga1 13:. 1am:':«abe T{ora;¢a,m¢d éqfare tbs; La»1.5e,.pr»zz'fl;2g.G@a£_ Raw, 7. 9.- Ngtiafm: fligzlfhs iéa;'f.Igt.?_ 212, g c£a‘:y3,.‘IAfa.A4¢56‘.”[_8, /4/[:.:JVp5;tzfamf]7,,1j[ *3 fi¢‘_7m:_/3;m.,Dgn.7;;fl z.-¢;1t.., % V% V“ " W ‘ In :he exg:e11e,m:yof§ :he..gpvcrnment,,¢ C/Brzji fIm;!lg.i§e;;ra.fg:; zto. §:imfé'+~lfe.I’q:::;graazt PlW6*?'“- reggae, Rev, II‘/.17.. and the Saints. ; wider him : Téva Sazimhr af tkq. Jnofl bzg/:1» [hall még t/:Ie~_ICz';¢ga’cm,::;%‘;_ fll3"Fjn’5:;_P0fi_‘4?'fl:t;'r it f§r%1%e¢z2cr, gmqn for em-g_7f andewerv aygg ‘a‘fe:¢,;;,Aag%cf7c1);z:%% , 1’A»w~7-4I«8- 27- .%«:7=fba1!r¢rgve»«wt/vmmfi; Rev» V m. :zcn._4.j thoufatflyaaresa .,W77~’¢p' 1794!! 4 tshcm ‘indeed 5: rise: R ;:»’9md, L¢a;:z»5!~z:la;~:»'::z«z7icégzx£ t:éat«<:.z[¢. I.'vIafiy.&EoLzgh+andm.Vt€d1ou%sx..difpur=33~ _ abGu§govJernmen:,AV which;cxcmifc4:h_c_Chu1'¢:h now_., 1 haply. A bcpfi {mall u{bf'ixa«r;ha%t RcFQrm%api%on.. A‘ A % * v -. 1 % & Itzinzo ¢o12:fi~f’e4in %;he¢afluc:1a_c¢4 and confluencc; bath fpiritu- A aH*%afld%~cxtei‘na1l5_pr@fpcritE.y~; fiér r;hc,I.c$1'dw havixgglhumbltd’and;-» brokqnhis by, me. carphquakc, may new tru£bnhqr,n.¢:A The E;h;arctn hath bccmbeiforc like an homely, hizfwifs or 1i3_a'»;eA £L._pOOl‘;!£.‘. vmm an: M living in -ya cave.-.L A having fc,arc;:C:_;1dragg§ tzcarcovgir} hVc:g.ma~k£dn£fi'c,.A4 and; ; V brin?_g.i'§»1g\_ up ,h;cr[L %CI1ildre1aA4 ycryh A ha.rd1y«;;; wh:A6.£eas;, £mt.ichrhifi‘s:.. Sz1~u.mpe:in iha meancwhile xha.rh.,‘,bcen.;:.do1:gcoufly% attirECTJ- m.Px«:rpf:, wirb gpld» m¢dA prec“1am....§"z'*a2aé:.¢, «#4? pmr1a..;.»; Jbml: now, zh.e%”Church_£_haI1 be 1ik€'@v.;{Zfli5[6-fldyaflizgflffhf Em;r.bmén3d,Rcv.2%I .125. ,4 flfaw £narpmcejé:pz![%I9e as;%tlJe Ri1zmr.r,. the %Kz:—2g.c. qf z‘l;1:‘%em¢tfi _{%/9.42%/:3 , r» 4'5-2:i:_;j;rbc£r'glaay4mdJ£»ahaur _ra..}3t:r,‘ Rev.Vz1...424;f.26»~ 4 %" A V m;«_% _ Wait» fprirand~haflcn icbyifaithand prayer, i:nB:eIicfcAAdocba.~4%.; "' wor1dp:E'mifchicfc: 4O4ur;3Aa;viaurA cpuld mpdoe 4mar_1y,mig£3£ry:~ wor1z'%r;t-« hand unto the gmlly. ‘ A ~ l A _ Illallly, blelaelve anal wait., and Athwuglall EAl3Ot1AAt’I"11lllE.’_’Elfl§? pain: A m the ne~wlIsa;—;¢JflzZc.s:¢z hemllonl earth, lyes: {halt clwu cmain... 1;? be: a. Shar-tr in clam: Jerzffifi/filmll:-wlunch is msrarnall in the: I-l;e.'.~\:.v. zv Vfl’l.7'35a M I N I wrrzvla-»»z~raram;.»'*~*z'"?°~: 2‘ v" ..»-;-.~ ~ }§‘.'.p%’:*%‘ r »@>§fae%s:2?“s@l§E-:’s*ca*‘«2>’$:2¢,”@~§l;*.:§;;.‘:’*.?3?5 V A ‘ A A7p.:r.=]f2.zge artwa» prezrarmtwd, 7 A A ‘E The weflcrme Roman Empire was the T5 :@7~.~§A’;;Lc-,A«;, Qrghgg '2» which did 16!: the appearing or lflntichrill, which when it was tam l km away then was the man of finnc rcvca*.led,2 Thai". 2.6,7,8.This «”‘ll:»é.-longs to the llfirfillxadice, fpoken can the fourth Signs, :2... Thctwo ‘K/Vitnefles include all tlaofe that did fizflaincthct? * Camfc of Chrifi agaz-nl’rAlm:ichriPc and hisGet2tilcs;f.-;r thcText di- A vides all withxn the vzfible Church during Ancxchriffs rcigneginto t:W'O_ ranks and no morc:,w'»'o.two Wirneiles or Prophctsfific fame A are called Worlhippers) and Gem;-ilas, ‘Rev; 11. I, 2, 1. A 3. The x 260» daycs oi-‘the WitncfFcs,and the 42. mamlzg ofche rill fhozjlld have none are for him«bm: the Wiclzcflés) Befides, the Church was to be all ~ that time in the lWi1clemcfle_.,fo£ which pmviiion is-madc=Rcv.x 2. 60 AA ~ ' l A _I~’.zgc I~. lll!;?A:2.«2 9.. renal mnnc. Am. r..lmufi:s, ;2.:a.. AM: A.~..AA VA. }.zw: 3.]?-l3.l.7.m 3 05,09 P03 6&1» -7'0 p._4,I 1.6. 7*.1c:u'nl::cl. Czzrtcouslicadcr 3, iflthcrc bc :mAy1nor:.=: verballnr li—- lr:c:r:¢l.1 lnificaltcs (:23 VI doI1lJM‘.l“IC31'C'. Marc iI11my)p£Ird0n 1:11‘-2 P1‘im:crs 0V'€33ll'.ffl“$",'}1'l’§,;l 61l’i&‘l£A£DA1‘.1'€(5l:XZlls€i'I1\VlEl1tlfly P022; ~ A4 ~I’°«';