_pEAcE¢;§t5rRvsALEM,‘ »r /,;I;_e Iéozvill .710W_,_[‘.¢y:, 41’¢_'_aceb be within . ( . .. - o 3 - -vb P:sAbL. 1o2’b7.b. _6,7,8o,o9. V A profperf tba; love thee. A Peace be within with} wallogdnd proffe r‘ibt-y yviibin thy pa- laces. For my brethren and companion: ”' ‘thee’, Bocaicflz of tbe bboufeoftbei-Lorbd oar God 5 TI’wil1fecbqbygood; ‘ A Q/He whole wotldis divided into ’* two dm.,,;,‘,, De,-: . 4 Malignant under Satan then‘ Head, '35“; ~ add the Cltyof God, under clzrifi Retta8'. lz'b.2. , ', I their Head: The general unioverfm “P743~D_‘C"’- 1 ‘ lit; ofmtural men defccndipgfrom_ D‘”""“‘ i thc firfl' Ad%4_/nfiond the bfpccial »m'~vcrjali2yofbe- ca-1.1;): Gm. in Pfalzéj. in glezlisfpcciahsggaébdlnicenjtttir (I_nivcrfi:as,utdéz::o mundu: hbmtm. (9-ex ommbm bommzbm omnct bemme: mdtantur aflumptz. Profp. ‘ dc vocac. G;-I2. ‘ub.1.cap.3. - _ V '1 I *3 A ‘ ....~.‘‘ ~.. .. -,--—~ Pmyfipf tbepeace of 7cmfafilem»:.tbe)/baI_1* J6? J3 1 Ciuitsimun - /. o Congregation: of men, the Clzgmb 1UaRcg¢.Dia- _ '!.I4',c.I.l.|5, :. —————_j_ ___..,__.......J._, ib " . B f.. b licbverbs Vid. Torn. Auna’.An.mun' di294o-er.. >: Tarnov.t'xe"rc‘zt'. B15. _ ._ l_ievers defcetiding from the fauna’ Adam. This 3 City of God Wia5i'co1le&éd at fir]! itfthe peéple o 1 ' Ifr4el,therefore called ythcfirfl‘ 6am,Exad 4,22.and‘ /ml} to God 3sth‘e.fiffl bornyfer. 2.3. I J ~’_ . ‘ ‘That which they were called from therefl of. yth‘: world unto,was to bin}, to f erruegand to mjoyii "'!‘Gods hprefenee amongQ:th€~peoplgplacedA firm 3 v .__.___.__._ _ 0 Wt... Ilzalieieeé.2f-J€wfa1'=m- Gdd: Know him they could not,‘ but as. he had; revealed; [ewe him they may not, but as he had; injoyned. ‘Gods fetvice was pr efetibed both qufoaat. madam, and quad locum, the memzer how, the‘ place where he wotild be Werillipped gi the manner? delivered’ to Mofes from Sim}, the place promifed ‘to be in due time revealed, '1)evt.1._2..1 1,14. T 3 $ 3 p . a i l } ‘t »The Tabernacle w»as'the «vlfibfie eividencelofii Sbilo/2, atoflr. 18.1. ‘and’ there contiajucd till th 7 dayes of Eli, all which\'time the people went u I [thither to factifiece, 154m. 1.3. Then.the.Lord‘ being ptovoikedlfotfook Sbila, ‘and gave his Glory, 78‘.59,6o.67.1Szm2.4;i1.The Philiflimshy plagues, Wetefercedte bring i_t to¥Betb/bemeflz, I’ S4m._6. tied it into thefi'eld,I Sm. I4”1_8—. Thtis we fee that. J {tom the lm:aking .9? the Aik. fiillits» placing in? éfsbzf/o/2 ( where it continued about gsoeiyears )g j and from the times of its captivitytill David? Brought it into Sim, which was about fifty ye4r:,: . it was tmfetlee/-and itinerant. But after it was fixeclé the ¢_/Jr/e, intothe-handséfthe Philiftims, Pfal. . fro. the Il‘_l€I:l.C.§1_€1‘€.1_)€T_i.{l,g..[)1.£1.g11€Cl”f0l‘ loo_king...iiito; e . ix.,<*;4.cc£2rd.in;gi¥.0 tb€.th¥€3¢‘fli0§.N m??«4‘10-l- '9‘?-T ‘A » 'fwaded‘£hC§¢7‘Of -Kitiatlsraiearim to fetch it,Whit‘:3h - accotdinglywas dotre, ’1.S4m.7.1«.... afjer, Seulemi I by ‘} ‘ff __'Ihef1'?¢¢cg of-to -_.]‘er«t§{‘t{Iet_1%1%:t~Li:% : byte h=DMd:ine the Cieyt o£=t¢1a;aiid;t g3an}f§zé¢i;~§ éizfites, 2 Sam; 37,9. ( though it :‘weréVrema*v’ed from pagtot the City to Mount Moriala, {ome- Ttmple ); .ilh€_E1Ai£.WaS’§i1‘ the7City‘ 4whhi'c;h“ ~ God had > cho1”et_tto place his name in, e from whence, it was} t {not to be” by them Icmoved ,. though God] « thteflatnede t:o,do_ to ; that place asto S-itilolz, ~=§'ér. 7' I 33 I 4" I I Taéaemacle which be hadmadc for it in the City of tGo}vernmentth’et'Je fet!::d:—.:.-, Andhthe ufe’ af it was?’ thcy‘wc_t_1tup folemnly .. unto 3-‘erufalcm according th*at_Iih“¢ Ar}: was ~fI'xed,.=iIIe‘(‘$l'|‘c' certamplaee,1 e and‘ the Kingdom in one certain family ( as vifible te- ¢he.es'otmh of th‘eCity,gwhich "he*wa‘t1 from the yin gnorg l§lO1jl—,hWatde," Avhere iSol¢»nt;z_7bhuilt1thé t ‘§':Iihi__S pratmtreemgctt-tbthavebeea eompitat Fhy t D47;/ia! upon octafioneeofthisfetling the Ar/e_in* the V t—D§,_'v1"'d,h:. .gfte’r ethefeéxfittrsi }w_ere:;%ej€&ed, ?thc’Wall ; bfiilvt, the placeffohtified; tbe..'pa1aC€» and pblifical‘ ' ( as it ‘may feem ) to be fung by the people when to tO.t_he Law, :Ex¢.¢.»2,g;-19r.‘zasan..=expfef5ion offjoj’ or fiimonies of God: prefmce, and of the‘ promifed Me]3iab,)' has 3fl‘:;‘£XC1£4t1023:' mm Prayer for the ‘» :contLint;anpe‘o£hfo« gteatamercy, and unto ‘all pi- C has cndeaveurs to 1 promote the vvelfare of that City.‘ - celebrated, _«-uerf. I ,2 . The tts of the Pfalm at: Three. t hFirfl‘, I.xpre]?:¢an,.qf D14-z2z'a.1.t;-joy fozi the: Houfet of -t God , 4 the refort of the Pcop1c,ch_e publtcltfwotfliip there _ 5?-C00dlY 2 A ,Comme.:1'dat;a:h of fertttfalém. I. From the;-:I2‘zity of it, .before—it’was«-a City M v -—r ......~»-: ~ B 2 I _ ditzirledfl 7_ ..._..t_,,,,_ _ .. =; 1 .- A I . " .8 ~* ‘- ,1 . 'di'z}1d:a",1 for the e£r:fiz'te.t dwelt with? the Childrett ‘ yet notwithllanding that /eiparation, the City is t in giudca, or inthe world, to place hisname there,“ “""" R The Peace‘ jerufalem, of fudabr theretill David: time, A9‘:/72.15.63. 3'-fudg.r.zt. That part of it which was called the City of Druid, was divided from the other part ofthe City, untillwolamom time, I Reg.1I_27; here faid to be cornpafled in one, becaufe the 5‘:-' bufiter being calf out, though the building: were 4 divided , yet the a]fé’é?io775WcrC~unit€d, and that’ made themabeautilul City. ' t A 2. Fromthe felcmnworjbip of God, when the Tribes came up thither thrice a year,’rver 4.,an ho- nour which Godgave tb.¢t‘C'1ty above any other ,1. Reg.-1.4.2.-I forbidding them to reek to any other“ place, Bttlzel, Gilgal, "oi=‘£1.er,/7»:64, "Hz/I *1 5." gflmfll 5.5. .. " . T ‘ ‘ 3.. From the Civil Government there fctled. which from thence derived vvelfare~into ail‘partsf of the Kingdom. < Wh<.re»there ~’is'th‘e ,Sano%i4rjj; and eprefence of God for Religi,or':, ‘T/zromr off Jufiice for Go»v:mmmt,. no yebufitesito diflurb' the one orthe other, ‘but an =:>m.mimom and /We?! mzfen: of _t~he-whole people in both‘, tiii,s muff’ -needs be 3 Cityof praife,wherein- good ‘men ‘could’ not butrejoyce. i %_ A ‘ ‘ ' F‘ Thirdly, .../In zsxbmma», thatinafmuchas. fuch A glorious things; belong t;o‘~'this‘LCity ‘of God,‘ i "thereforeimennwould pray for1Zh*e peace and proflfi fit} thereof,-eterflézge t ‘ v o \ The -w.ords‘have'noidiflitulty. PM} for, or 224/: , "rafter. 'Itextendeth~ not ‘onelygto the Du'ty“of L . -I’r4»ycr~ L -... a—.. . A. The Peaee of Jerufalem. rendring it;@£ eis dad eiprirmv. ’ of Happi}ze[.t,- and flveclally for all £48373:/} and freedom from enemies. a . i not enough to have outward Fortification: and walls againft enemies, except there be Peace wit/yin the walls, and amongfi the people. Palaces] ‘which David built, '2 Sam. .5. 9- 1 2. i‘Peac€ Withinithy rvafls, amongfi thy people 5 and within thy. Fdlacei, amongit the Prince: and Peers. i By his Bret/Jren he meaneth the people all -the Triées, who were greatly concerned in the pro» fperity of that City, wherein were their faanda. tions, P[al.87.r._l_It__migh)t. feem no wonder if Davldpray for thgpeace of that place where his own Palace and Throne was ‘: " But‘ he doth it not had placed his nameand prefence there,) would he fcek the good thereof; ' ‘ Now indeed the Church hath not a 1 certain feat as then it had, but Every-City 13’ a §l'~n.f4zm,« and every Izoafe a Temple, and in all placesmen may lift up ppre hands, Ifa. i9.~,19,.Ma1. 1 . I 1;. 3395.4. 2 Is- Bugwherefoever God dothipplaccahise . Cand[eflz'gk,~ and give evidence of his.prefem',e, there evetyman ‘ought I0 recotmt fueh mercieswith tha,nkfulncl's ..and.by prapr, and all real mdearuanr: to: labour ttbiit Peace may be taken both generallyforall kind‘ Witlain I/.1] W4//st] Ramparts, orForts. It is r for his own but his people: fake,‘ whofe welfare was bound up‘ in the peace of that place:‘Nor fo 1 much for his sum./aoafe, as for G011: /waft, (who : _ “ l . Prayer for Peace, but of Coafaltatiots after thcl , waysand meansrtmto it; '.whichthe Greekimplies i l 9 is t 3 \ .'( J . .. 1] -~»..$Lu V 1:+h’:ttrhe‘pea:‘e7«eand bappinefs _ ‘V _ ‘ . pm/£tyof'heaven1y Dotbjiné therem taught, and of p‘ /piritmtl War/hip therein ufedp, may be conferved .: v "table two general parts. A: rgfimefif-I to? C0“ Argurhents are? our gm good, ‘Verf. 6. e‘_ Tbe1’eaceof jeru-falemh. e h A [ ‘‘:of=the Clmrdb,'rtr the ‘ ind fcpntinucd‘ elweys. "1-1{”“ch¢rh‘v¢¢rdsar’econfide- r Duty. A Q force it. In thetlixhotetion tvtro D£r:Etz’an,v.6,7. rhings,ThePr6phets§Ex4mple, v.8,9'.\ “In the Direétione a- Matte‘r,Peace. gatnetwo thmgsthc Ro’ot=Lo-ye. drawn from three war Brjcfl2re7z:'gaod, Verf.8. Confiderations. p:‘1'l2e ‘ Hbufefaf Gad, _Verf 9. I ’ That it is the duty of all that love 1/73 Church of God earnejlly, topray for, and to feektlje peace and profperity tlzereq‘. The Jews were to praytforthe peaceof Baby- they are taught to turf: it, .Pfal. 137.e8,9. much more ought they -to ‘pray for the place where j the Lord had caufed his name ta rejt. As we muff more for the boa/twldhof faith, G4l.6. I0. I Tim. .»- it ‘.An‘E:}-lrarmiatt at 3 1 1? The principal Doéirine ef the Text is this ,i la», while they were intit,5l»'er.29.7a though after do good to afl,h {owe muff préxj for ‘all, but much ' A 2.1. Samxetdares not fin againfi God‘ ceafing ? _ _,“.1.)‘, .‘....q«¢;... .,._:P_... . . c - . .. I __, . -.4; ll gororzfmgasm.12.23. ~The*:fLord would i V he Peace ]e1il"al{emT# ‘ he i not have us hold our ‘peace for gfcru/Idem: fake-, nori ‘give himiany 1-cit,’ till he make it a praife inthe : ea;-:h,I]a.6z-.6,?’7. and cloth greatly complain when‘ l ' there »wam:‘ed men to fiandt in? tl’lC gap: and to make a ,l up the hedge, E{gk.I3.5. ’2z.3o,3I. c _ " ‘ T; eYou fee the ,’precept5 you have italfo in -the gprafflce ofgoclly men in all ages ; “Mofe.c,y Samuel, Elia, Noah, 33055 Daniel famous foréit, ‘}'er.j15.-Ii. E(g7c;I4.I4.. 7iam.5.17,18. Howwas dl/Iafe: and :-——-— Howtewas Ifaiab affeéted’withfthecalamiriesofthe a Church when he laid up prayers‘ in {tore afbovze an hundred years for itbefore thofe calamities did happen .9” I fa.64.94-- 12. Howwere Hqekiafiand. Ne/amid: difireiled with theafflifiions of 51-'er’aj§_z,—..» law,’ when‘ they poured out their -fouls fo’r'>‘'ti1’é‘r'cyr ' - for it -3 [[4, 37. 14,15. 1y\7ell2‘em.I.'3’,34,"1 I‘. ‘How i dgththe Angel pathetically complain to God of the long and fore capzivity of the Church in Bab]: a la» *3 Zac‘/1.1.12. We have l?Ialm:safull—oFholy~im4 a portulnity to this prirapofe,lPfal;7l4,'7958e;26:1 diff: - forget I/need, 0 ]ert'1l"ale'tn,e let my right-band forget ‘her cunningié-r. Pllalwl 3*7.c5-“,6. It was the fruit of David’: and Peter: repentance, to pray for Sin», ., V and to xfirengthen their brethren, Pf.:l.$'1.1'8. Luk.‘*:_ 22.32. I conclude the General with that fervcne ; and paxhetical prayer of D2miel,chap;9'.16. 0aLard 3 according to all 112] iigbteoufnefi let. thine emger“ {gmdtlay fury be mmedaxvajfrom My City efiufa-r ‘ “ « t A r em, .Pa»l affeeted, when for I fmelsfalre they were con'- 13:‘,-coB,,“"°',°{"{;;_ tented to be blmedwt of Gods hook, and to, bmic. p.l078 ' an Amt/nma? .Exoa';3z.3I,32. Rom,9.3, » 90 (c) Volumm ~. pacem ,jed igno- ramlu abfque . cbmtate pa- ccm. Hieron. I Epifl. Den: pacem fuam pofuitin medium nufiiw rack. Luther. I ‘ . The '‘ Peace of law falem; lem, thy /2e,ly»motmt4t'n,t éecemf e for our fin: and for (4 peapleare become 4 reproach to all t/mt are about rue. Now more particularly let us conficler firfl, The V Sttéjeb? topbeprayed for, femfalewi; though that whole land he called the Lord: Land, yet that City was more peculiarly efleemed /tely, as being and prefence, towards that place they were to ypray , Dan.6.xo. In: that place theywere to fa- orifice, Deut, 12. 6. fromthence the oracle: of God were (cut forth not onely into that land, but into all the W0rld',Pfal.I1o.2. If4.z.2. Lu/e.24.49. For fuch places then, where the axle and the feats of gfudgement are. we ought fpecially to pray /wcewith his people, hive a defence, and fprcad aeoguerzag upon all his glar].— That he would pro- fper ftmdatmetttal Law, the beauty and ftability of religious Government; that he would keep outBlal'phemies,Herefies,Schil'ms,Idolatry,Super- ’ (lion, Pollution, Prophanenefs out of his Cltztre/1-, Oppreff_i0f3,,V\_iolence,'_Inju{lice, Diforder, Amr- chy,Confi1fion outof the State. Thatthe Taber. amcle, and the '17ri£2rt;¢al:,1{eli_gt'an and Policy may ioyntly flourlflr, they being the fouadizions Of. publick happinefs, and which ufually {bud and fan tlze iniquitie: of our'Fatl2er:,a Jerufalem and :6} the feat of Religion, the place of Gods Sanéfturj ’ that the Lord would proteét his Ordinances, mam- . rtain /Ii6.trntlz,_ continue his glorious and holy pre-9 togethc r. for, There is a fiaful peace; ° which we are not to feel: aftcr. Daw'dwas~a man of peace,yct a great -2-} Nextlet us conlider what Peace we are toiprayt : Warri4r_-,_ The Peace of Jerkulfalem. Warrior. Solomon 3 King of peace, yet made Tar- get: for War; gum/aim avifion of,-peace , yet therein were jbeild: and bucklers. Clare]? 3 Prince of peace, 1/4. 9. 6. yet a Certain, a Leader, ‘a new of W4r,.1with afwerdgirc on him, and a Bare in his hand. The Church mull fo pray for peace,’ as to remember Pcill, that {he :8 ‘Militant, and hath have peace. We mull contend earnejlly for the , faith, glad. verfigs There mufl ée no agreement 6:- tween the ‘Temple and Idols, 2 C0136. 16. No fel- Iawfln wit]: the renfrnitful work: of darlenefi , .Ephe|{s. 1 I . no reconciliation between Dagan and (be Arie. As Chrifl is King of Salem, {'0 of rig}:- teeufnef: too, Heb. 7.2. therefore peace and beli- nefi mutt go together, Heé. 12.14. ¥4rn.3.r 7. ~I/raelim and Canaanite: mult not agree,Dent.7. 2. g 3 Ian! and, Barnabee, peaceable and holy men, had i no final] difienfion and dz’/pumien with Pharifaical and Jtidaizing Chriiiians. The peace which conlifis with bollne/} is three- fold. I. Heaivenlj with God. 2. Internal be- tween the members of the Church within them. felves. 3. External in civil converfation with ’ all men. Thefe we are to pray for, and to‘ pre- »-ferve. r Firfl, Heavenly, to enjoy the fever of God, ~ and robe in Covenant with him. For if he be our Enemy, all the Creature: are his souldiers, he can , let in order the Stars, Hf: tothe Fly, mullet up Cmrpifler: and Canker-worms, am Frogs, eni- mte Dllfl,tl._ltn the hands of his enemies to deflroy , I C «flillyieéufiter to confliét withal. Here we may not , one Na. 5;. 4. E!-(od,| 5.3. Plal:45.g. Rev.6.2. '1‘HE Peace ofjerufalems % Preached in the , P/1WeL]flM89\{T HOUSE, 7 §‘zm,9, 16-;6.i % Being a Day of/Private Humiliation kept by the Members thereof, » ¢——t$'h&-4-4 By Edward ‘Reynolds, I). Wu- London Printed by T/:o.%Ne:_vcamI.2, for George Tbamafan, and are to be fold at his {hop atithefign of the’ Rofe and Crown in St. mt: Church- p _ .___<_~ v ~yard,i .1 6 57. i SE-MON A . C 5 .—"; 5 = ‘ -K I X \ ‘ . ' . 1;"! ‘ "*1" 3". ' 5' * 5 -3 . ' I x H ' 5%..’ 18' 0 ‘" ' ‘F J 5 _,.. j—————7 2 1 ' W I I :_.?.j"? Hohoratimmis,AmpliHimis, Confultiflimis, D.D. Mag- ma Britannia: & E-libernix cilio Ardua Reipub. negotia afliduo & indefeflb Ptudio crafllantibus, Concie- nem hanc, dc paceélicclcfiaa Alteram, Coram ipfis in vfolenni jejurniomm die privatim liabitam, ‘-ipforumq; juflil jam publicivjaris fa&am, ~ - In Honoris C5" humil- limi objeqnii Tefli- momum-, 19.1), c, . E. K; Sénatoribus, in Mpagno Con-_ -—-— ——;—‘ ,._-—__ . .* eoaaoeeoaeoeett Ann Advertifement to the Reader. Good Reader , o my loving Friend the S tatiotzer, in whofe hand this Sermon woo’ , to’t4lir, aiedtlreyf at -deflifi: me jB21'?lZiel5z'g/My e]Zee»:ffal,“1 'Sah‘f.é;:‘;o. Tl1eL"ord _ mrrm this Church £or‘ever;rIof.'2.1 '9. but When (he committed adulter , he gave her a BM of ; divorce, 3‘-‘er. 3.8. He "aid he Wouldtlwell in his ?fezz2p.Iefor eiver, rfaln 33.1. It.‘ yet the threatntd to a lfo’rl’a‘l<8e’it_, ?er.'6.'8'. and atC'brdingly tlclidlfo. '?:'(;‘k. V‘ ‘bu’ _ p -. 1 ,r . y . p .. We 'fl1‘o"ulc'l confid‘er’this :m'd'trcmble at it,-as Zzdid, 1:11 our m'i‘g‘hjty’fifi~s,* unt’hanl:fult1efs,urr- keepj peace with God 5 for if he be not "with'u‘s,, it,the gm. of lIcflllIflll'I:lO£ prevail againft it,MmI:. . fruitfulnefs, ‘l ,_ - Secon IV- The Pea}: of Jet-ufaliem fruitfulnefs, antmofities, herefics, blafphemies, contempt of the Lords Melfengers (the {in for A which the Lord departed from giudab, when there was 7;. remedyazc/17027.36.16.)ihould provoke him to depart-~frer_n tee, to take away /913‘ peace, 35 he face, 1er.18, I 7. And what a cafe is Gods own he- ritage in, when he forfakes and hates it:.’= 550- 12.7,8. If theavay, and the joy, and the mm: of the Lord be the flrength of his people; what fir-mg:/.2 is left to them, when thcyare gone out of his way, and deprived themfelves of his jay, and cannot lay hold or leanupon his name: As there- fore when men fee the wallsofi their honfes crack and.open,; they haflen to rcpairthem, and fet up Props and Buttrelies to fupport them; {'0 when we fee fuch viciflitudes of difltra6tions,war 5} Land, and then war at Sea;again war at Se.e,_and we know notbow foon by Land again; (halting, fhivering, convullion fits in the Churchof God, many a breach and blame in the walls thercof,Tmeb corrup- ted,um't,y dilTo1ved,the foundation: out of courfe,it is high time to think of making up breaebegrepair-a, of David, to beg of God that he will lay ur foun- a'at1an:,and make ourm':zdo2v:,and {ct up’our gates, remove our fearsyrebuke our enemies, calm our temp:/is, that after to many fhakings and concn_fli- on's, the Lord may at lalt be plcafed to {peak in a [fife flill wyce unto us. t , dly, We are to prayfor Brotherly peace threatned, Ier. 1 6. 5. to thew us the back and not the ' ing the wafic places, and mifing up the T emacle ‘ l.’ in the C,/mrclr amongft the members thereof, that C2 T‘, asl _ II Prov. ro.29. , Nehcm. 8.10.’ Prov. |§.lo. v y The Peace ofjcrufalem, ‘ (d)I'n the cafe of Religion e- _r‘1:VCfy fUbdiVi- * {ion is a {hang weapon in. the hand of a con- . trary party. 9117. of-the Count. affren. . ’ Vtd. Calm-Opxf ' ‘dc ftandalit. {__- ,(e) Difsidiat in- ter Cirifliarta: fave: yuliamu. —< &..4 35 Chrijl is one, fa they may he one, ]'oh.1‘7.' 2’?- knit by Faith to him, and by Love to one another, as the iCnrtajm of the Tabernacle were by loops and taches, that as we are one Czty, Honjhald, Fami- l‘y,,/Jffemhly, Ephef.z.19. 3»,15. Heh.12.22. Io we may have one heart and we f&ml,f Aé't.4. 32. In the had} the head hath not one Heart, and the hand another; the eye hath not one Soul, and the foot another -, but one Heart doth warm the whole, and one Soul doth. quicken the whole .- So {hould it be in the Church of God, we {houldhave an: hear!‘ and one way, Jena,‘ 2. 39. walk by the fame r_nle,and‘ -mind the fame thing, Phil. 3. 15. gather upthe fiones, remove every thing that olfendeth, I/a. >-62‘ 1/0. not prcferenal: or intere/ls above the pnh-t lick Peace of the Church of God, apply our felves in all fweet waysof Chrifiian corrcfpondente and mutual condefcenfianto make up the breathes, and to pour oyl into the wand: of the Church of Chrifl: It “ cannot but be a joy to our adverfaries, a blemifh to our profcflion, a grief to good men; a {bumbling block to evil men, to fee hrethren fall antin the may , to fee the Church‘ crumbled into hath the itch, to fee one member tear and fcratch, and rub and gaul the tell, and muft needs give unr-* fpeakable advantage to our fubtle and vigilant‘ ad- verfaries both to reproach and to undermine us; - Barot1.Anc;‘_6/1. {e& n85, 'D'i{:idiembit pafsim abjictunt poatificii. Barclaii paraanef. ply‘!-C-S955 P1tfiflf_.3Tmnn0m. l._l.<{.5;6s7- Bteerby Apolog. p.6'79.- Stap!erott~To.2-' 9.4? 9,. §:e_Wbate.t'co_n‘cr¢nco Wlrll Fz[f2c.r,'p,58 ;, Va, 34;“, A,,,4‘.i3.,.{¢a,74_ - / ;»_Phtl.Camem Med2r.~-firth parr.3‘p'.2l‘.’~0fdt.H. Zlncla. opet: no.8.’ par t- pellet p~a42. Crackemborpzcontrspalat;cap:43... l . Téhirdly, divlfions and fubdivifions; and like a body whichl-t ' F _ would Pcill the raging of tize Sect , rebuke the ' enemy and the avenger, the multitude of the Bulls , sit with much mercy. If our eyes had feen the l l V , no Haaéimdto the Wife, no Money to the rich, no _.._.n.... '1 be Peace of Jiervufalent. A --.4‘ mitb all men, which as much as in us lies we are to follow, walking wifely, meekly, humbly, charita--3 T bly, obligeingly towards every one. And in— as t much as the Church is as the Ark on the waters, waves and windes ready (till to beat upon it, we {hould pray for it that it maybe delivered from the hands of {image children, and that the,Lord with the Calm: ofithe people, and {carter thofe that delight in war. We havetafted of War both dome/lick and farain, but the Lordthath mingled fruits thereo‘, as other people have felt-, Cities burned with fire, Children wallowing in‘ blood, Virgin: perifhing under‘ the: luff of villains, W13 ‘ dam‘ mourning for their dead, as and dying for dare- ing to mourn ; Team: turned intoheaps, a ‘garden oflidenintoa wildernefs, ‘now-cattle in the field, no ‘Flor/:5 in the Fold, 11:) Heard in the fialls, no Inlyaéttant in the City, no Child to the Father, Cleatéing to the delicate,_ no Mercysin theenemy, no Liberty in the miferable to bewail his mifery ; Ia _ t Thirdly—. we are ‘to pray for external peace‘. ROM-1218. L Col '9. Pail, 144,7. . , Pfal. 8.2, P1'al'68x3o. children howling for bread, the honourable im-- bracing dunghils, death creeping in at windows, ov-ertal #041 Stat: hath need as wellfof 2. Rod as of a jpirtt \ of medmefs, I Car.4.2.I. ° ' ' e e W ' 5. Iris prophecied of the f time: of the Go/jzel, that King: jhottld he mtrfitzg Father: unto the Cl.arch,ifa.49 23; And of them the Apoflle faith, that they are for 4 terror um wt’! diver: , am’ 4 W e . pI'gt_if€ to tho]: that do well, Rom.I3.3,4. which! Pct-2.14-i words are c'omprchenfive,refpeé’cing good and evil as well in the firfl Table as in the fecond. Again the Apoflle cxhbrterh that prayer: he made for Kings, and all in g/Iuthorit], that under them we may lead quiet and peacezzhle live: in 43‘ car prayer, is likewife the end of their punter and government; and if It betheir duty to pt0- (1) ‘cod.defum. Vida for quiet) P6,/1(._‘€, honejly, It IS alfo to provide Trm- (afici- for godlinefs too,‘ 1 ‘1‘mt.2.1,2. And accordingly ,,C,,’Mdm,,m, dofiua-3 Valmtimhn, fttflittlan and otheriChri_{ti- :p3;':f¢_3‘lg::;l.. an Emperofs in making Echfis, ,call1_ng _C011n_C€1s, cap. 14.19. ca:be1.de Hm.‘ A we find the great ‘ care of Con/lamina, Theo- 7ua'«ei:.Pagam'.».' 5 E 2 inhibiting i . __ w*§ -3.}. » . _. . ‘ i:(m)?.]eai»el: de- T fence, p 549 ~- - 610. Pet. Martyr. "loctorn. Claf. 4. c,I3. (66. 31, 323% ~ Bp. Andrew: Tartan Toni , p. 364-7; 8 2.. Dr. Ralnold confc";'i!ich Hart. Bilfan of Cbri--= '/Han fubjefiion. 7 Davenant. de fed. 0* N mm. ifidei.cap,16.p.V ’ :9"94 ‘ . . r ? Carleton of furijdiliion. Rivet explicate decal-og, p. 2-58 -268, (I!) Bgl[afm.d€ pontif. 3‘ Korn.l.;_.c..7r. £.‘ib._d?I‘a1'tt':- c.‘ 17339.. Baron An-9a8.ic&~o7,,536¢ {c&u'e 7. 538.! --net. , :3|‘5'45-R3‘-A3»549é{¢@:*§=z . {M The Peace of Jerufialemi. their ‘times. i . \ ‘ % 6. Whatever things areperfe, fuéverfive and dangerous to the pro/parity of Stem and Nations, come under the proper (og1_ai£{wce of thecimfl 'M4giflrate to prevent; but H'erefie.t, ' Bhfphe. mics, Idolatries, Impietm againfi God, doas well endanger the proipcrity ‘of States as fins againfi the fecond Table. _I. Becaufe “God we marl: able that thegreat fin mentioned in the cafe ofthe captivity of ?t4dZ_ilb7 , was their defpifing ofthe Meffetzgers of God, 26/Jron. 36.16. 2..'Becaufe inch fins do more exceedingly divide and unty the bonds of love and. amity which Chiriifcian truth doth preferve, then other more civil .cdeifYerences, and fo loofen the hearts of men from one another. Laflly, Thi"s‘Do'&rine hath been me by our learned‘ Writers maintained againft the “ Doéfiors of the Romanclmrcbg for are the men, who to maintain Papal Supremacy, and to keep all Ec- clefiaflical Power within themfelves, have {hut out the civil Ma.g'ri’t’rate from it; which I onely name that you may confider what bands they are that no doubt to makenfe of a boundlefs licence, to mfiill corrupt doéirines into as many as they find’ charge doth evideniy; lye ‘upon Magzfirates to ujfe their gamer for. the pheace and profierity of the inhibiting Herefies, as we read infithe Hiftories of pravvolzedi by the Me 4:: the ‘other, and it is rem'ark- \ fow ifuch D‘oé’crines amongfi us, with a purpofe . fit tinder to catch that fire. Since therefore fucha e ‘ Church % ___A L U22 i’eacer«vf‘Je3ufe1¢tr*1: ‘W hutch, the Lord doth acCordingiyc$'q7eo5t'frt>m thfimthe difclmrge thereofil eWhere he gives ta- lent: be will calltor accompt, e But it may be abjeflezl, AIS not this to abridge and annuiiethatliberfy which ought to be ’ihdu-lged to the cdnfciences of merit’, L A . I anfw er Pirft in general,& byway of conceiflion, e God forbid that any fhouici aflhme _dmir;jon over‘ the confcicnces of men.ThetApofll‘e himfelf '[’ai,d,We‘ arena: Lora’: over your faith, we are bit: beélpei: of ’yot1rjq7,,2COr.I.24.ItWOuid be a bigkafid withai‘a= win attempt. «in bigbammpr-,for no man can give Law further then he can reward, and ;rzmz']’3:, accufi and convince. But no man can either fedrcb, or ‘re; ‘ward, or prmijbthe Confcienre; therefore no man can give Law unto it.“ And upon the fa'm’e‘reafo‘n‘it would be a vain attempt, for nonebut a divine eye 64» fee the confcience, therefore none but a di- vine Law can bind it, A ffuch‘lmm’: or‘ fuchfiritfe 3 mg: be blafphemoius‘ and fi1btVerjfivettOeCIit1t?cfh or“, State, or both, and higtily derogatory to the ho- nourof Chrifi, civil r‘efl‘ra‘int can reach them; But‘ th‘ough't_s it‘ cannocreach 5 they are jmtfearchableg, by an huemarieeye, and t"‘nerefo‘re finreciucible to 2 humane power. Anddgaing God forbid We fliouidi ' ffraighten any Marty which Chrifl’ i‘i3til purchafed it for us. Let’ every .m£1;n ]?;{1i‘m7jfz3,’3 i:fl‘‘77€ 5153”) wkercwizfiv : C571]? b‘a‘t12’_ inziéiif ‘V/Mfi #33; Whoznfg {hall go about rtbeintangle him Inf/1‘?-I1)’ filG-hifikei of bondage as is coritrar_yt‘othat freiedarfz ’ J Secondly, In.parcica1ar we ray, 1.: VS here men K = J . . 1 agree -cu~v-‘- ‘era-r-vs‘ Chrifi 'h‘dth ma'de%f}u,l'i‘c_€1iri’eE1 be ‘that man "Wm I —_—.._ -»—-4-—o~.. 99%;. 313°!- (4a)/id.Tbuani ._E}-aiflolam dd H,_-mic,4.GaH1:az R;-gem Hiflorm [uaz praefixam. -7 The Peqte of Iethfaletn, L 1 agree in the, main fu;éa'4ment(41DoEirin,e:__ of tauth an.d%godline[§, inthe fwéfldntialx of .Fa1't/7, War- 152;; and 06cdien:e,f"there ought to be a rrgugtual lo«ve,».toleratiou and forbearance of one another in A V dz’/jterences which are not juéverfive unto faith andgodlincfs. ‘So long as we wall: by the fun: rule and--mind the /Ezmetbingr, wherein in other things we differ, we are to wait uphn God to reveal even the fameunto us, P/n'li.3.15. 3, We fay 'Chrifi”did never either purchafe or permit to.an'y man, profefling himfelf a Chriflian, ea liberty to fubvert, or endeavour co fu')ver_t, by blafpbemaza, ;6eret1cal,z'dol4trouc,or irrelg-glans and ingpiam Doéfritics, the foundation: of Faith, War; /54; and lyal; tobm'ience,wthich he hath. laid in his Church, '01‘ to remwe, if I may fo fpeak, the an- tient Land-mark: of Chriftiari Religion. The greatfrut/J: of God,, the great in-terefis of the GofpelVou_e_gh.t "to be dearer to us thenthe liéerty of any blafphemous or impious tongueeor pen. diflzinguiih between weak bret/yrezz, and wicked ma- licious dzfixzréers of the doétrines of falvation and peace of the Church,as the Apofile doth between the éewitc/yedG4la‘ti4m-, and more that éetmitcbed them, concerning whom he faTth, I would may ziwere even cut .017” timt‘ troxzéle you, G3l;.5,'12, which imprecation he would not fare have uttered againfl them, if in {owing t:h;L:ir>fa1{‘e»’_ doé?ctiFn'es‘4t.heny had. t onely "made ufe of ayl;1»vs}ft_1_1_ libfierty; 1 4. With theworft, fuch °lem'ty:and‘tnéodem. % {tier} istobc ufed as‘fii*B: to rcprtarzge‘, rebuke, exhart ; t A _ ‘ ‘ h ’ I tbfm 3. Magifirates arc wifely and cautcloufly to ’lbe I-’_ea;ce,of jerufalem. i 1;?» with al1lengo;{ufi"ering and de5?r}ne,. 2 4.2. to admonijb them.once.and again;‘a=nd when‘ Tit. 3. 1 o. I *5 . We are to diflinguifh between the canfcienc theytare found unreclaimable, then to rejeft’ them, oft/1e Seducer, and the [preading and infezfhon of ‘ his Daffrine. P It belongeth unto the care of the Magifirate to endeavour the com/ertz'ng andre- claiming of him, which though it cannot be ef- feet-.-d, yet further and principal care mufi be ufed to prevent the /freztding of infefiion. This was ', done in the Apofiles time by rejerfiietg an heretick, refufing to have brotherly communion and focicty with him. So an_efl'e&ual means may be ufedto keep the lewm from the lamp, ufe what mercy and lenity you judge mofl confonant unto Chri- {lian meeknefs, towards the perfons themfelves -; but above all things be {calorie for the Purity and peaeeeof the Clmre/2, wherein divifions and fab- divifions exceedingly t':nd' to weaken, to diflraét, to betray it=.‘We have to do with wife and vigilant, W,;th¥ fabric and fedulo-M enemies, who formerly were, and no doubt f-lill are intent upon-«their de- fign to {bake this Nationirom the true Prote]l4\nt Religion, wherein aszthe Duke of Ram gravely obfetved thefinterefl thereof did fi3nd.>. And I be-leeve if the new things wh‘ch are broached we re duly e:.amined,you;.would find in mofl: of them, if not legible cImmé?er:.(as;in the doétrines w_hichede- ny or diminiih original /z'ze,»and ‘aflirm free Wz'li)yet , a fecret afpeé’tandjtendency tow.:rds Remer They‘ ‘ cry down ourMimflm‘ as no Miniftersn of Chrifi, ail l l l l (P) Upto equi arm urfifierzpw A tefi,nemo defra tfibm pereat; S1 tamer; quof- damfcbifmzmtm Durex, (y dif. , fen1ioni:Au£}o- ’ re: non potucrit , ad falutis viam ; confilium falu.‘ "Q. ‘ bre revocare, cazreri tamen ‘vet _fim}>licitatc- L, f‘ap!1,velerro-re '_ lfldufii, vel ali- qua fallentie ' dfiutiae calIid1'- V. tare decepti, :5 l fzlldcite yo: [¢. quei: folvite, 176- Cypndc and L unirat. Ecclcf. , ,..- Dcmaflene. L be Peeceef J ermaifmq ' down lLe4miz2g, and School: of Propben; and what gteatetadvantage can a learned Papifi have , then to have none but unleatned Adverfltties to" l they dare notlimit Cbrifh body to Heaven, and Plutarcb. in and foeeditd£‘b471zp:iey and K :42’ fim, and the Roma- nifls heretofore. They a cry down our ordinance! aspolluted, and impure, and not to be joynedin; and {on the Pope forbad the Einglifh Papifts in Ckxeefn Elzxabetbse time to. joyn in the fame Wor- fhip and Ordinances with Ptote{’tants., They cry difputeewithalf They teach Adoration of Cbziff imz jizeful mm at his feet, ‘aplain, manuduftion lto adorationof Chrifl: in an heafi. They tell you handfoameiilep towards corpml prefeme in the Sa- crament by"Trauf»la/iantiatian. T hey prefs to fol- lonta lligét wit/din, £ecretl.y:intimat_in*g imperfe-J; ll mands. of that light, a flttewd preparation to any ‘ defperate attempt when feafonand advantage calls for it. The Lord‘ give you wifedom to forefee I ‘evils, they are better prevented then fupprcffed. And for that pntpofe be pleafed ' c‘?ian,.r in the Sctipteurcmnto which, why may notas , well Ecclefiafiical Traditions. be added, as an ima-d ginary light 2’ They. fay we mufl follow the come-_ f e ‘To encourage Orrthociox, godly, and: learned and protedt them from reproach and contempt. When t/ilexcmder the Great ‘fen: Antbaflitdotsi unto Atlrengrequiring them to. deliver up their Otatots. into hishands; Deme_/2‘/2em::, in his Ora- Mizzifiers, and the Sc/1491305 leaxaning, vindicate e tion thereupon to the people, tells: them afable ;outofE[op,, that the Wolves. being at war with ‘ . the ._ 1% 6 ‘pofed to mine. . r Miniflry an_d:difpenfat1on‘of‘the:GoCpel,‘that they r l anoth‘er,bui ioyin name inrthan ‘elf agaihifi the dangers, 'IbeI’eaee of Jerulialem. ‘the Sheep {em a Meflage unto them, that if they would live at quietnefs, and have a firm peace * concluded, they {hould yeeld up their Dogs UIIIO; them: which as foon asthey had done they were.d'e’-5* voured by the Wolves. The like Artifice ufe our ' Adverfaties now 3 That they may make a prey of‘ T? i ‘ the*people,their principal care is to pull down our Minifiry, and‘ Schools of Learning, that fo tht Watchmen being removed, the Shcepmiy be ex} . To take care that all who own cmiman Reli- gion amongil us be required to attend upon the may not_prefumptuofly exemptiand deprive them- felvesiof the means of ‘ grace’ falvation, as of V my knowledg fome do,who‘hav_e wilfullyfor thefe many years withdrawnthemfelves from any Chri- ftiany Atfemblies where‘ G;od=’is;wor(l1ipped, by lorihis .s name madesknown. ‘ r 1; ; if-'5‘ i To! endeavour to heal andelofeeup breathe: a- fbip‘ and;0'6edicm'¢,may be no longer mange to one which are threatned from a €eS3mrhotie3A€h_Ie€faiy—, who at thofe unhappy breaches hath_ let 1!] thefe little enemies to open the door unto him. - To fecure and fetid mounds about femndamem tal Doéirines , and for that ypurpofe to take care for public/e and private Catechiling. be Ortbodox in the great and weighty Camraver- ;fie: between us and Rome, that WOIVC5 ma)’ “‘}‘7?}' L F I \ pnvlsy V.‘- problematir. , pm. ;. problg} mongfi Brethren, that men» A M Faiit/1,», War. . To provide that e.Mim'/fer! may be kfl0WD't0 ’ 33 Vid. Aug Ex’; 48 .50. Aling. tbeolag. 7 I9. ._ co . The Peace ofjerulzalemy ~. . l-...--.~r—I plrrlvlily creep inl1ndcr.I11eeps cloathingl. e . Q To hinder the printing and /]2rc4dz'ng of dange- {pus and infeétiousyc Books. eitt_zer from Ports or Prefles, or any other wayof dlffufing leaven into the people. ‘ c I conclude with this plrofefliony tlollatl I have not to the {’cra'ttni_n°g or A grieving of any who love ‘our Lo.rd:Jefas in finccricy. ell know the belt men know but in pm, ‘and mutt mutually bear with, and pray for one another,. that wherein they dl£Fer;God. will reveal himfelf ounto;tl‘1€m. My aim cand:defire‘h3;h been to preferve‘_tl7Icfogmd4tio7::,to keep Prmjhm % Religion from fuch incrQacbinents.- as may infenfi- l ‘ebly make way {or_th’:;cndangering’ of it. Wefee yWh3.t- we could -hfifdly have belecV”ecl,» -*how facile ‘and flexible the mgnds of many people are to be fe. ; duced a'nd~s;agirl:sl .1nt9:oPiItions,. .whifch;Iome years ;fi'nce they would as hardlybavebeen perfwaded to lbeleeve that they {h_cu_ld live toimbrace,—as Hazacl was tb3t‘lh,el.fl1ould r—1p_:up womenywitheehild’; c .; W lam: agéiflilf his En¢m.i_ ' ' _ . .- _ ~ K ' I . :3 . V. , ‘ _ ~_ '5 P’. _., , ,; ;. "‘ ~-(' \ L‘...-. J: .; I‘. 5 , rx ~v- -a. . av’ «. - .) . .4 _‘.,' ‘ F I ‘I S . l I ."'r--. ~. _ _' ,. ‘ -L . ’ la; -, _, J -" l l . . ‘. 1‘! . ’ 5. BV 4270 . R42 .P4 jfl-C1111! autumn our ELL SPC RRE RARE BV4270.R42 P4 lllllllllllllllllllllll O1 0-0058601 79