‘., » _.w.W._..W., §EL F D .13 N I A L L = opened ma» Wed INA BEE om: Th; Rdévere%11¢3*vAifii%*fhb1y % IV i M “M at uh“ R ‘ V mé V a thejr P%’r1Vate”’“ A A H u M IL I A 1 N. E 1) WARD am I N 0 L (D 3, DD. Minifter of the Word of God at Brmnflon in % N ortbamtan/hire, and a Member of V % Tbat;A-SSEMBLY. A The Second Edition. ‘LoNnoN,% _..¢_. ' “'“ M % ”P‘1;inted by .. Maxey, fo r Robertfiajlaclq, at the figne of " ‘ ‘‘'‘‘.j*‘ «n ‘ . am. ‘ “ \ , V U M I . ‘ F “ ‘ ‘ 4 S < ‘. M1“ -—....~ the Kings Head in P.rml’.rfChurch-yaird. 1652. m .._.............. ‘ ‘ fig .é % A - ‘ -» ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ r I ,’:"M‘ — N Win-" . M . If I’ 3' _ ,., ’ 5"" A‘ ‘ / M ,wwv % - \ m“ - “ A :4 ,,,,.a y “JP .v ~ . . V ‘ 3,... ,m»n;_,,.._h w I H ‘ ‘ V‘ ' ‘ ‘ ,1" /,{f . i ._ ‘ "*- ‘x"i.‘: ‘ ' ‘ “ W M ’ ’ MW ~{,ef ”"T”‘”"’ f ‘ ' ‘ f _ - ff '1,’ .= N ,3!’ M ‘(iv X /gfilllagv, Wm, Va? cw, ‘*7 :V¢%¥%~y(-Iv F cf « N, '“m—, 9 _-eta dc: %’n‘.'n unto b b y I $$$u$$nmnee%e;e%n g.ay eeeeeeeeeeeeaeee 1 .A{r€I11blY of DIVINES. » Brethren andyF’cWh€1’5a b V ” Tbytbe publf/bing of it, tbat I mayreturn finne_*$ 1 ( i?§i§§e* To the Reverend . r I A tSermon W46 pr-yeacbed by V A Cu’. \ your command, and in your ‘ alone audience ,: nor bad it A gonefurtber tben tbzye wals,; . ,. bad not tbe importunity of an we 5 t\\\'." many Reverend Qretbren ta- A V‘ e The Argument of tbe “Sermon aataugelat me to lay "gr ‘boryjeeyonabletneflfle of ebb: aabbaion , feeing tbe judgments offln many (godly and learned Brethren concur forit. I have tbimatlvantacge and benefit [nalb tribute of tbanks for tbofe many ‘grave,’ fyzyudzczouo, and learned Debates, tbofe many cgra... mongfi your fielves urcgeol tbe Wublieanti-on of it.‘ A A 4% afide mine ownjudcgmenttoucbincg tbe expedien--‘L ) A A byeious’ and beavenely excercifizst , tbatfweet and? M A A A A 2 rno[£} The EpifileDediCato1*y. “' ' deltzg/atfulhl Society, whereof I have heen M A 4 made ctpmétakerhyfitting amozzgfl you ;_ which ttrulylaave madam} lzfe,: amid/£4 manycgreatlof- then even mheinett own judcgmerzt if-2 fitch fad and e cczlamitous timeshcouldetthotherxvfi,willhgbr lmze unto tlaiscontentiifjou /hall hetpleezféci to accept 1 0ft,)1"JP00t7‘1)c1}‘t ofmy ldb0fl7’S,[)F€dC]9ed in your hearing, and now fuhmitted tayour view; A ram“ him “, gvhofe heartse defire and prayereisi T/gatthe Lord‘ (whoflayoueare, and whom jaw flr~1>e)i'722‘ould profper all your Lahohur: for the Lgoadof"I2£5“Ch1trch; and make you Iyappy Inflru-- ‘ments eofthealintg‘ the Breaclaes I reconcilingthet ~Dzfl?2rences,hpreventin(g the C orgffuhfiansje end ad; Mzneirg the ‘Peaceof his Sion; . A A Your mofl: humblhcfi-rvante » A. fis arzdgreater infirmittes, more claeerfvtll com, e A allowed it to he; Yet it will he 4 farther accefiion , 1 +’3?R:eh ~ar4War~w~« s A of DIVINAE s. ; T661» fgnig A weak and poor, as other Infants, but ‘attended b ¢c1a.imiVnghim tothe Shepherds,_ and by a“fpecia11~ -". -:":- -"2 '=' z‘. b 0 ‘ ‘ ‘ «V . . - ‘, ;H e . , ,, . E I F-DE N I A I 3O’pehee1%ahd‘bAp'p1yedb a Sermon A before the Reverend Affernbly j V ‘ ’, ,¢ 9‘ A . _. . . _a ‘ - .; - - .' .1- : -' ; -I ‘ : ‘ n. : I.‘ 4. h 5 In. . 1|. 4. u: ’ o r . a c n - 0 a 1 n u I - . " . g. 0' ‘ ‘u I‘ ‘ ' . ‘ -. ‘u n. '0 4' ‘ ‘w 0' " Q I _.........._.a A 418/LA ~r 16F.bfl24._ etbmto .6135 eD'£fi.‘iples[, If e.mym4n will 9 e¢:ome14fter;me~,let /Jtmdcny /Jim/Elf, zmzzf M/cc up . A/7t2~‘jofro{fe,e zmdfa/lowmc. * " A N A A A A 4 A‘? ‘.\..,,\.,_§,_g~ E may obferve OFC H in s r, M b , A e peered in’ him any evidences” of bzmzzme frzziltie, left his I A A fervants fl1oL11d cbereac bee b *3‘ offended and f’cumAb1.e._, bee .11‘-g ’ ~&\~%‘\\\}\\\\§ was pleafed at the fame A tune to give fome notabie demonftration of his dmine Power: bee was born on by * a multitude of glorious Angels, p1‘0- V*£_.uk.2..I3,I4. (5: thatufuallywhen there .'1p- +4 5 V?’ A "5%.hSmm', leading the wifeemen~to worfhip him. .gMm_m_ a A 1““1€A b A $4.... if ; ‘‘Matr.14.rr ? AVi-ai. ufltbarutj’. gzizm, cpifi.15. " M“-’i"‘9 mediately did “A z Cor-13+ ing it up from ~~th~e roots.i ° w%as&:ruc4fied~(a«s tzhe gs; ~ A A Apofile tellerh us) iw ‘rvezz/einefl!-5AAA and yet wi.£hallA A V‘ ‘fl he did even then manifefl ‘hirnfe1f‘1"be Lm'dofglo- N i ‘* Ma“ *7~’>"» ry, by d?rCndingtl1e rocks, opening "the graves; A §»75-.- iv A 4 Spgdygobéglv E mariner honoured by God, he hath beenspleafed for-i % ‘ gfijifgfgyjgfii "no order it’, thaf fome intercurrent providence A ,:‘y,yAfig-;¢ay’]eg 37.4 or other fliould fall'out to bztmblei them, lefi l»e~i’V3rwvr°tei'‘~ Ai 5*‘ =53!’-1°-4 81* Hezekiah, after he had been raifedupcbya greater AA A deliverance froma potent enemy, and ~aifeintcn~ce«1" his A yurpofe V of =’ieadirLe; his people A iind echilé;i:reh;A ' 1fthleeAr‘h:ir1ds~.of*rhe King of il53zz*b9:!o72;, T Whir:hrreau»fer¢,A A is l1imto.hnmbieihimfelf for the meter or 7 So with 5‘ Pm, hcc hwags caught uAptoAth¢ ;,AcoA__,.,A_7_ ’ Heavens, 6 and heard‘ unfpcakablc words“, and farm A A 1 V itlarcmg/2 the aémndamfe af the rwelazhiom. And {o A confcifcd, amhc Learned expound itg, ~yAc,: §co,,;,m,,cc A * the Church is {aid to be btéilt wpxm tbefozmdartion of ~ gather haChunch-unto after hisfleiurreétiwh ‘ w A A ~--.»..“..uu.u-mu-»~..—. ‘ A ,Selfel-mial~l. vifionhs of the: AI.o»rdh bun withal1tha::¢,w-as given him a t}1WIXA’i*fl ~tbeflefl:"A.,. “t;6eA* (er of Swtw to AA brefet /aim, le/Y hbefhamld éeexalte faéwalrve mzdfime hicwas wzthmer hare in this _Chapt€1‘;,H€c mhadc agloriousconfcflionhof Chrih h’: the Mhci‘fih;1h, hifbam mhm. h’4rthhAfCbrzfl 'hti6eh.SoJi of f‘‘[.ihE'lz'1JhZ72'lgVG0'6£ :, V A amd* Chrifi 41 highly honoured him forir. -5% Am1.I alfo fit)! ma thee, Af:.uthA Chrift, T/ma art‘ Peter, Md zapan*hh t/2:2: wvcrf. 1 8. am 1; to: undcrflzand principally of thcfiock which {f3’;’“’;§:;;10[’;Af“'A’ ‘chcrc:ffiis [form-thing of ‘?“ fpc:cia11hh.h!onour the1'cin‘withI:M_fi- car-A: Ahpfiowedhhpon Pmrt. g hW¢ read in Scripture 05:1 5;‘ §§‘m § 1 two-4fo1d;fmxnda:tion hhofAhAhchehh Church =,A perfbmz/1 2..p.1g.So3G0.h ~ h j;A'auIaAa‘atvion;,hh*whichAhh“i$’ butihontrg fofhutiyexfarammiafl ‘” i”‘*“”’‘’' 5 cm! )¢0~m4‘iI’lay, Man that is laid, which 575 C/arzfl ifs» ' fw, 1 Car.3.-11. And a ‘D05«‘fifi4if0Mfld4ti0i’l:, for ‘ V A tlaz: Prophet: and A;/a]He:.,hE}2befi;2.hzo. and [0 we I read of Twelruefazmdatzowhs ihha the new JcrufizIem._,’ Ah RemJ.721.14;.» Nqw, amongfl; thcfe;,as1;Peter hadh : the precedence in faith, to make thcfii/fl‘A can/‘ef-1 fz'onofCh1;if’c;tobethe Meifiah h:, R) hfifi hhadmhc A ~ ~hoAnour t0:*BcvthcA of thofie tvvclveh .h F.oundati- :1 1 A Mg‘ A0113 ,: fcwhn fhould firft of a11x‘p“IZanth A:the Gorfpcl, and“ A oiy find: hcdid;, h2!h6¥shz.h In -which refpcét A 3‘; ‘ ‘ g‘ A ‘ 1 Rod/¢h‘AIhWiIl égozild my hcimrv/1 : Which ; 9*; though we *A.rIAg.vCI3ry)'bfi. V hagfiy it is§;Atha1;thc AG Aaflvel bfthe Cirmmczfizm isfihid : to vcAAbeenwmmitted temaz2. i bf Chrifiians .a1yvays, butmore particularly of thefe prefi-int times wherein we live, and of chofie A yfpieicyiai bufineffes ivvherewith we are intrufted : w whe'rein,ehaving:in two r three words confidered what is meant by De‘:¢ying,i and what by a imam . y yl’id.i Suid. in was S7rqJctipv;c7@'. ii Lcghz. D. de 9 ii; gm’ mm: zzr __fi__._ , _ Crexztiom, Otto his Tradwifiofig 01“'t0 his Rczzurvaztiw 77¢i'It7¢; 3 and fo yy»cbnhi’eqL1entlyn d'C1“fiti1nide, firfi , 3. mans ;&~:l]a:t,_ bfrancih 5 in the fir I fingyled qut the iAy1:gun1nenty'of Self-Deni: ii A 4l{,jtd fpeak of, in this “reverend and grave Audie enycye‘y,, as being very futeable to the fizate, notonly : felf, I Ihallbriefiy difpatch the Doéirinal part ac» ii cording toethofeprernifes‘. A i I A I A V For the fi1‘f’c, the yO1‘igina»l Word axiaraaguna-a£os~a>is Emphaticais has C/Wyfliflowé notes and fignifieth 4. notfimply fieg.4re,but permagare, Q1‘ iprmfw ixegzz-' V «re,tot:a11y, utterly to deny, not at al 4 regard, vékefau aigvnctv auyafvex, or1cac9"5?u-:, as Tbeap/ay« M 1462‘ andnysuidw : it importeth a pcrfecft or univeré fal Denial. It isrendred by Be{gz_., Aédicetflzzpfitm, A which is as muchas to rejeél and cafe off, as a man doth a gracelefs fon, whom he will not owne any " to [pare or ' A more for his, which is the fame thing in a Family W ; x”>vich‘tI1at which the Law calls yfgfiominioflr mTz‘]3-z‘o O In an Army..~ For the fecond, ‘c/‘mm is taken mofl ordinarily three wayes in Scripture, either in refpeéi: to his 3* 02%; “the Nzmmzl mm, the A011‘? Mia, and the New by a mam Iii,-1:31- V fizzfuil i( “to put A y _ f’typ1aC€ f01;.i:md'e1* imetrhiod of A yp’1*OC€€d5Dg.‘) Whichtihe A Apnfiie 4 ca1*i's the old i if ' Ep.1Jf—f.'41.ii22;e Ti1€'EflW'bly'fldtZ.%’_’,1y:iCgr,A1”5'y.y V A if 4%7s.48- The W13! i 0;‘ iD~WkaR0mv-"7.i24.‘ The J d* Edfkal Miflt}'[£::R(lifi. 8.-97. “Ol1«rEm‘t/aly memdersaj A reg:-:Lrd_ ofBez'7¢g and fubfiance, and fo it; improrts A fenfles, flethly members. dz. In regard of Well» be \ brother, friend gatnde friend,8cc. 2. Special eazfis " or any other .-abielities of miimzl or body. 3;. Com» A A der three Heads, of Profit, Pleafure, andflo-— A nourg, tlaedlufi: er) t/ae 3 es, I/ac‘ [za]z‘.s”‘ofz*/ye flcjfla, am! A b {A e I ab. 2,. Id6.d Hdgufesg, Lands, e A j "natura1,,funnatura11, artificial dfiigbts: Liberey, 4 L or fatisfaéfion in order to hixnfelf. A _ T hirdly, W :1 Mans dmearall , vertucus , Rammed Cnl.3r. 5. Jim \VhiCh fenfei to Deny ea d mzm.rfe{f, is the; Apofcles phrafe , .t:o Deny m:g0dlimcff_§~ aw! worldlylwfls,dTit;2.m2'., d AA A ” Second1y,,“A ‘mans mztuml:b andthat 1. iri ‘our life A, bdwlaicb isfche continuance and prefer.» dvation of Being: Add the fizculties and b'powers A of nature,‘ our Lx*ndderPu::nding, will, appetites, beifl" —, or the outward Ortiamerxts and Com-— forts inf life , which may all be reduced unto“ dd three ‘headsz, I. bexte.rmzel .Relm'om , as‘ ibetweerm husbandd and wife, parent and childe, dbrother and and endowments, 211$ Lea1*n:ing,W.1fdo:n, Power; } monflnvlw, which naturallymen pmfie and feel; zifter, :md:1re all by the Apbft:l~cd‘compri:zed un- dmthe pride of«lz' A, Lordfhipsd, great pofl’e'ffions :mflefh1y,._, worldly, fix. Praife, Favour-, Ap 1aufe,ePreferment zany thin from which a man V oth drawany kind of Ccivlltctffi‘ Ag, fora-S Imflsv are the members of the Old ° A man, {'0 waves are the members ofthc Newman :_», V and Ad 35' web zddzzm begets use a_1~‘te4«d/a;lv‘z'rM .5-.»d :1 Fe». 5. 13 foethe Jm-and Adam; regevnerates ‘L115; j: 4 B2 . ‘ sez;re—7>eniazz. t , 1/»;-rma t ding unto this threefold Self, there are three a branches of this duty of Self-Denial .- For fome thingsare to be deniedfitnply and abfoluteiyg \ fome things C,Onditi9n£111y' and uponfuppofition; and fome things comparatively and in cer-taine ‘ pi tifie and fubdue. to crucifie and=re'vengegthe K to much altered and abated for the ttipme, will‘ 1 From the one we receive..Luft for .1-uf’t, and from ” ther Grace for Grace. , ‘J r N ow thefe things being thus prermfed-, accor- e krefreécs. j his finfull feg’,T_and that two wayes ; firft, Gem=:- i rally, as it importeth the whole, Body of Corrup-_ t tion and Concupifcence, which we are to mor- 3, Col. 3.4.1 o. A "1 Corg.15t,49.i‘Ro'm. 8. 29. ii‘ . /.l.bfolutely and Simply, {'0 a man to Deny“ n ~ Blood of Chrifl: againflzit, Colof.3. 5. Rm‘ 8. I 3. u whereunto is : required a formal and perpetual endeavour by aéiual exerctfe of grace, becaufe J things Natural (as Lufi is) though they he never « yet ex fe, return and reduce th€1nfC1\’”f:S‘t0uth€i1‘u 4. worn out 5 andwater will reduce it {elf-unto its a natural co1dnefs.,~_if fire~5be-n.;... .._~ Saul, the churliflmefs of llwzlml, the amlbition : of A/ibfolom, the intemperance of Felix, the for; ; every of Simon Magm, févc. V Thug pan-A;cu1ar A perfons have their more faro_p_c:;:; fins , Wl1i¢?j1‘€bY t ex hV%1avei mofi of all difhgmgred God, with»- flood his Sgirit, ne let‘.°ced and refined his Grace; and defiledw their own Con cjgnces; 7ancLthe1*e~ fore in Converfation, ithougih Repentance, as an "H_(__)__L_»1__1“_‘__l(.il, Elrive the Whole}-Ierd bf finllbefgheiit; yetthe clear: of the Wordl flicks intoft in tl_1_i§__;_fin} M whicli is thereby fingled Out for :2 lmorefpstrticular A T ‘ ‘ . ‘ _ ‘ ...............,.,... ‘ d c ‘ (;:,‘;]m>[¢:’? , :M:7_ ,«J'~4.' am, '"_~g.n' ‘ ‘,”.£._;‘_‘¢W_‘ ‘W ‘K, E, ! . I‘ \ V Condition/ly, and uponfuppofition of Gods fpleciall Call, and in that fenfe We are to j Dwyi mi’ fl4W’4,1 Which We are the rather ~ :10 C10‘; fiffi, bfliallf‘-‘ G0d~ iTC£i1ls no rriantol deny Eartleiis the fame: and m€1lZte1"Of all kinds of’ l of the Sozéeams and Caldekms, §3z2liI. 15.17.. And ‘ A ,.~__.. ihisl ilfllflhl . i ...'*-i .l~ T E fupeirftitiotts Selfl-«Denial, fueh as is that of: the . Watrfa1'e. .~ ~i sez}Fe«oe}}za1z. pygto promote by all means our own failvation, A to feek our {eggs out of our fe1’\_re§, in Chrifi’ agd ir.1.h~i‘s‘Kz’;:'ii1teoL1fnefs; ‘Secondly, becaufe‘ he never V ;c§1"E usfunto any‘eiti1et morofe anderuel, or icovetous worldling, who when he wanteth no; thing; that he ciefites, wzmtetii power and an 'heaft 110463;: thereof, anci be1*eaveti1iI1i1p{’e1fof it good, though the thing which God gives, he ~ gives them unto us to enjoy,.Ec'cZefi4.. 8. 5:6. 2,. 1 T z'm.e6. x7. ores tint of B4415 Priefts, and A the ‘Seét of the Flage/Mates; A who cut and iwhip’di themf'c1ves iotheir frantick devotions, has Saire‘ the Cafuift telleth us of Frweiri and Bemedifi, ii 1 two Fouridets of the regular Devotions or Su- ‘perfiition. in the Church Ofiflome, that they ewiete wont to cafc tluemfelvesiinakedintoSnow,. and ainongfi Tho-mes to vex their bodies. A notable Relation of which kinde of %SeIf3—1)em*- all (I know not whether more nafl.-ie o1¢fi1per— fiiittiouts ) lezmaedt and grave Divine “of ~ou1‘s Vhftth ielaxgggeiyocolltefized out of '“C'[i771.!«1l7Z¢5 and tLt::nm o£-iGrzznadw, in the fourth pztrt of his Chrifcizlm But we are theri mlledby God «to Deny oer """'.' Ifl1 mi hiswhole ifelf, and wholly‘ to all purpofes, hat 5; any time or in anycafe. Heeallowgs us, y'eaA,l1e A requires usto feek the goodof our‘ fouls, to? feek 1 any thing without the which We cannot be hap~ A 7fel=z2cs,oiL1t RCELFOII,VViidO1fl,P‘(l1‘tS5LC&1]'1’ing.,Ez1f€5” A -iWeaith,Latnds,Hot1fes, I-I‘onou1',"iF:1»vou1*, Credit, A Applaufe, Father, Mother,. Wife, Child ten, Life, V . II- Vid. Hofpimkm ‘ dc‘ Orig; M 0- V mcb. z»6-q- 3°- («7 defcfim zib. 2..cap.; o.‘ Clwuis Reg. S.¢¢;erri.lz'b.8. it 7 -i04P-7- §-5- Dowrtlmm N?’ 11- A 4- Z ib..1v.caP-4'- j §~.4- A 4 _ ._—}~\-st‘: 59:11‘ — 5‘ ,.__.,_,_...-—.— , sezfemenzazzt if Cotnfcience of ourigduty to”God. And thus ‘( to inftance onely in our own profeflion ) Paul Tre--‘ ~ gardeth neither Liberty, not Life, in cor11pari—- fon of the Gofpel of Grace, andtof the Name of the Lord Iefuswélffs 20.2.4. .462‘: 2 I .1 3. Not 'Mz'cat'.th t-his fafety or reputation in/lhahs Court, 1 1 Reg.2z,14. iNor”Letvi his father or mother, A or brethren, or children in the zeal of Gods ho- nour, Dent. 33.9- Nor Ezekiel his dear wife, the delight of his eyes, when God took her i away with a Ptroke, and forbad him to mourn for her, E§(ek.'2.4. 16,17, 18. Nor Matthew his receipt of Cuftome ,~ Luke V27. Nor 51742126: and fohh the1rNets, their Ships, their}? a-4 ther, when they were calledto follow Chrift , _Matth.4.-21,22. t A In this cafe thingseare to be denied two man-= hcretljafizyijtgs Let wgo .unty3*véf”‘éE‘éi5‘”i'?3*€1 III. C’om)».zr;iti?‘z)’iély,é"ndiin‘Tofiieiirel’pet‘Itfo“We"i1re to deny our Renewed felf; our very vertues and graces... In the nature and notion ofdmes, lo we ;1reb.oundlt_9feek, to gray for, to rafticegto im- prove, . to'”t17E‘zH‘L1reL1p,“ancl excec in i A to Véilue Em: but if17§7Ez77bn'unto rzgb » o‘F‘5f:.~=1 Covenant oflife and falvation, and inclam-4 p.zriflwofCl11'ifl, fo We mull elleem 4/! thing: lofll: if»; our :1 far it/lee exoeilemy oft/96’ ‘lembwleag ofclzrzfi Lam’, -i II. Asl“oblat.ion and facrzficesg/vhenfoever* Chnltilnt A calls us to dedicate them unto him :when A12;-Mam A was called from his country“ into a land fojoum... . teredcgallour veifels, all our merchandize mull be ' I 4.33.18. Zea/J.x4.2o,2I. l «H1613 If«z.6o.9. it All we are, or have, we have it on .. it dgvvm .%unmto thewhogour of our Mailer, from ix‘ ~ I the place oflegall obedienuce unto the purpofe of lLord,iP/2z'l.i.3 .8,9,to.It___is a dangerous thing to hang i teach,that Faith,or any other eva y affié-dis-‘«*-«alfl i l is) to convey y out of, and belongeth untoanother body, and Selj'Te'~7)ez2in=ll. i the weigltggf a foul dpofiény thiiig iiihiéh hgph 31... cordzlei difcuti/at cam. It is 9. dangetousthingto A naelical vertue,as it 15 a work done by us, doth jufitife, or fucceecl in life. ytlilihete is nothiggiyto be called oytliltttightmllfl‘ neo1lssl>s3s.e 3.«§,t13aith iuflifiesl i \i" W9 ,§;IJ.1.ig,ih.F§i3ts.becattggit as tyheiiwnwdggzsg 1' id W A .. ~ , n-tuaazitt :-r %\ KT)‘, and tranfmit that light which arifeth not unto it-, therefore it doth notjuitific /nzbztzmlllyg as a thing fixed in us .-, but inflrumentally, as that which reggmsiy and lets in the tighteoufnefs of C./_2_f_z'[é,‘h u gmnw us 5 as the Cup feeds by the Wm W ic conveys ; as the Looking» glafs mrtketh the wall to gliftet, by refleéting the beam ofthe Sun from it mfclf upon it. e The fum of all in one'worc_l,is this We all profefs ll our felves to be Dxfiiples of C htifi:,and Candidates ni im erfeétioifnor corru ti- on11t,a* pure and bell oi all our duties ‘ave. J9 ’ V"7iE"t‘ie'2"}niilkzd§t7*da"fi2li '2'/iiae /ibmimmi, fi A rerifité m;f.?,‘.. ; ieh HQe9~§heh«R»§1Kt§gQt£:t.El1Q...flClT11.6t},;};i;,'5i“l" i V 15 i i ui closet in opera: confidcrc, *5 flcgat mafi- tum 6e"rc.e Fcrus in A496. I 5. Afiugufla. Wiriglfif of glory and immortality by him,- and we have all protnifed to follow him Whitherfoever he leads us, Now whofoever willbc in truth,,what he is in pro» mifeyaghdm rolfeflion,lmu{ty;mc;£”;ytiw1‘ ggisyfinndamtentally ’du;y,«to_o£ny_/1z’mfqlfl. . virialling y and gbediently to“_ forfake’allii'IZi3,to fubdue allgeneml eonenypifeengc, r exception. i To folutg1y,without any limitation o v-—_———— with hisovvnptopcr and pcrfamzl cortuptions, ab» A A calf ‘-161 ‘< A 1 ca{teawayand’Vforinl§e, ~4lw4zye.c, in preparaition Bf A hci,a;fit;N4%:i%nd aimzzlly, whic;ihfoeverVwChr1fi;%igills; there. I A er:§gfiotl1er« fin :£o?runco~ theee£o.rmaTify of every ‘ "Selfii>:~§TDen;i2z~ll. .4 4.-. "' ‘M befl: of 31111153-racesin refpeéi: of the rig hceoufnefs Qf (jhrifi, and murder to jzwflfficatian in the fight graces, as matters of no rate or efiimaitiqngvhen learned Auditory with thingsfo fully known. unto them before. I now proceed to Application. A It is faid when Qhriffc preached thigpoarine, iithatd he called the peop1euntohim%wit~h” hisMDii7- are the people. of Chrifi, the other} asrwe are his 'Dzfi:z'pler, and Mingflerg. A As the people of Chrift, let us be exhorted, ; I. To take heed of that {in whichis-formaI1y* oppofiee un:o»;se1f.—dr-ml, as a {in molt pernicious _ASel}‘?-AAlo’zIé,A: diaymofii=:;cio-mpreheim iifiivefandA.fem1n :21 i nchaliees raattchie ~rooto~o£ A fin-belongerh an inordinateiconverfion of a Wcrea"-— jrure A unto” feif, A and therefore ;fet~;"by;;;ghe.r ‘ ...,.,_ -cip1es,Mar.8.34.My Exhortarcion proportionahly “ unto you and my [elf {hall be double. One as we 4 1‘ unto, iwlmtfl2e-drier is neeror dear wlierifow ‘ever”if»,become§"‘eii€ih‘ér a fnare tdiiE"onfEiice,Ai§§ ai ‘ ‘ézaiiéunE6”;i6~r‘f7Wii‘Bf “i"a"ic’””"1‘ifi5”e untio E’})3’;_, 7 A as matter Of duty : to undervalue and difefteem the in of God : looking onAg[g‘1_ghing,bgi_gg,we1lbeing, V 4 ou1;w:1rden1'0y1If1entS ,, rnx b_rl1txes, veggies, Cwfiiifiwand the ceonfc_iewnc.e of dugg Tfandethin ; c¢6"FnWpetition wi_t_h ;h_e_rr1 no * 'T'havcd*one.qv‘vith the Doéirinal part of this A‘ ‘A pointgandi an: forry to have fo long deraineda ~ and~obfh:ué?rive to fa1vation,_which is the finof A _ A APo€1£;ld e .153 things of fjfefw C/mfl,P/7il.2..z I Like the Pro-- .q; §§~ xi“ wuQ011 a wifi Nomhzs 1dmz1.. .A oflfileas Commander in chief in the head of a I w 101:: Regiment offins, 2 T im. 3.1 ,5 .11: branches i it fclfintotwo great fins, S%el}4-»fl:ek£ng, -iasan end, and Self-depending , as ameans unto that end, (for he that worketh for himfelf, will work from himfelf too. ') V . e _ ' A V Self-feeleifig, when men nexther regard the Willi but are wholly taken up in ferving - wills and defires, dSq¢/eing their own things, and mt phetsi ‘empt ‘Vim, bringing fruit onclyto them-~d felves, Ho .1o.1A. Obeyingtheir own wills againfl Gods, 33er.18.1 2. 4.4.1 7.. giving earito the temp-: tarioin of their own lufis, gfiafihes I . I4.making their own eyes Judges of right and wrpng, §'°ualg,1 7. 6%. whence arife proud reafonings andcontendings againft the Truth; fqti < eC9Wyenant; falling oflr rom his Service‘.-,1'eaning the ehgxehaiiefi;mSe1fa-hatred thapfic4an be. :‘W[gg]bcmer« willfawe 5:’: 7éfee/W zorm, /2155 lifefor myfalze , flmllfifindit, V‘. 2. 5 . Our_ low‘ and our lzfeiflaould ftill go ,t0gt‘.thC1‘._, aiifonda11~things~ } I :%ire*10Védif1?0+1‘d'er?t0life; That onely m1ay:ebc«iethe} ' A t“c>24min2z3'e of iourd love‘; which is the fountae1ni.;"of .. our1if'e. Ifany” man” have his life from hixnfelffl fzbi mm tibi-,nz'-_— 11 eds qgonmmdur own’ wifdbm; with many *difiE:fnmpe« red and froward paflion_§_ wh1cLLufua1lV attend ithat mans love may reftin himfelf. Nowi the A; V p*c72Pt'Le wi11‘;te11-usv thaitc/arijf :13 our Cbii; 234:. A G4 ,, A17 A Memo Deodif-1 e and Call of God, nor the need and good of man, mi Ti'lCi1‘LOWfl dc mifi:r.Ham. “ Qqi cg: ml: /12! qfc itzcipit inter omnia, I dcm.Ser. 2.0, in Cmztic, 4; _.;m_x- _ 18 Selfe-§Deniall. ®a€m’l@‘ 'a'€srw ti Jivdb gaff. ‘:0 E548; ’ gun: .:£$'cctJ'g>c'a3- Ignat. epifl. ad Rom. -,x?'3.;1 - 4 Mrs . t . V . lo*vetoo~ (as Igmztm»: called htm.) H1Send,yhis fllegesst " Th own §1.1JIi¢.5. s I iI°- 3 yhtherjhwgjirqill and ubl1c"li:i“““l’ié*i1c“l”§i‘l lGod being ‘('0 greatly provoked , might jufily -l fly to finde mercy in him. It is a fin very injurious ttofthe Love; Power; Wifdome, Mercy, Truth realm and martem) A and therefore hemuft be our willyhis vvifclome muff be ours. i As all Rivers run into the Sea, and do not {lay within themfelves, of them, or benefit by them =.' Goclhath made all things in fucha fweet fubordingltion, that each one ferving thatwh1ch1s above 1tfClf, 1nantmateani- l mate, andsboth man, and manGod 5 all the fer-— t vices of all thetcteatures fhould finally meet and ’ run into God, who alone is worthy of all fervice and obedience. A l | Selfldependingis, when we put confidence (for Spiritmzll ends, which refpeéi: righteoufneife and £3emaz2. A pcaxmux more unto the praélilfe of li OW the lfihfe‘ necell"a.rylitis, and fu.n<:lamenta~lur1tofallvatiéifil: A for‘ W_hich purpofe let us learn and put in ufel lthefelfew brief, but excellen_tRules. 1. Tom. Aalt the Word and Cmmfel of God in ourjmige- ments.“ In matters of.Faith, Worlhip, and-A Obedi-~ A ence, lct“us fetch(AJur light from him, and not A lean‘ on our own wzfclom, nar be wife in our own eyes; Prov. 2 3 .4..l Ifai,.,5_, 2 If . Q91: fuffer natural. and carr1alreaf'onings to elude and fhifc off any Di-1‘ vine truth, whereby luft fhould be reflzrained, and tonfcience guided. 2. To exaltlthe authority ofeeggg in our mills, to fay as Pm! did, Lord rvbzzte _ wilt tboul5”§2“&?”23'ee;:::f7;&1;;m§oA do This is the great peint umzzlxzlieiecha11dutye.hahAeS- Thc E51"i“CiP31”Pl3l“t in differenE“§mA3E?wxir“e”EfiAAAA"A{}Ahd‘“ a1’rcl“*'fi“n'11c*meeis, whofe Will {hall Rand, his or thAéllASiW“t"éfl’ePWwlu%W2W‘pro - qAu_e_1.‘ Will, andjou V cc>nq‘g_emg_l_-__I__<__:_ll. 3.. Tloe-§2'1Tt A the /5oz¢oAAw"of Gffd Tn all our aimesl. Let: us be alccorldingas the one A e other ,doth mofi make for Gods‘ glory, and forlthe advancing of his N ame, to fayas David, I;/bal1firm’lf4wu.rMlz'n tbee er 0f’tbe Lam’, be will bring me? 4g4z'n,m¢djb.en3 35’-f, em] (geeks; mm /74]; zzfiflz map, mdmjzw A by lifehar évy deat/a,hPh/ail; 1..2 0; It is fitter that he fhould M A It may be our prayegthat heawould glofifie himfclf ‘ b in our dclivcrancc.-, but 1t mufi be our o*baice,rathe1: 4 not to be de1ivcrcd,thcn that he fhould not bc"To— r1 e ; t ~»ouw.i1t(Lor3)Ee glorxfiea by ou”r;dchli-Ah acknowlcdg thy r ¢nt in prgcec- ‘ding,Wagai1j1fi:us.‘L§ 1y, To ctup thelavvehof Chrift and his .Church‘ 4 uppcrmoftb in our hem‘: 44.- A be~ofFer’edh up in the ublick fervice :‘ tofay {vith ~ __.f07"A1'byf€[]('."/‘6€l'€ them not, f]3er.45.4,5. Certainly, ‘ ,chat man cannot Without great repcntancch and V ' ~refiitutionAbcxpe&mercy from Chrifl, who,fo he _ ,§¢b’e«-fI3e7ziall. 21 \;l1en he givetll, his Nam}. To fay hwfihh ; A PdW.,Le-t Cbrzflbe znagnzfied in my éo.;ly,wbet/yer itée” have,bhiskanhowr,then am we fhould have our eqfi; v'Ef§ncc, we fhalladmirc andflmagnifieh%thyhm¢rqy 5 But if thou wilt be glorficd by our dcflruéfion, we muff need-sadorc thy dommxon over us, and this love willbcmjlmin M, and make us hwilling, to yfomb, ‘caji me. into t a feed," fo the tcmpéfi may be fii1|cd"r"h"tofi1y\vith Efllac'r,I If'}>erifb,Iperz;/b.+ to fay A with Paul, I mil verygladly {pend &+befivent,t/an g/2 the more alvundaiitly I lorue,,,.t/ye lefs I be loved: andgme are glad when we are wegzk, and you areffrmzg. This blick A Love will cry down all private intercfi, and =ma*lrito‘i trahfmitf them to thCi‘K‘pflfI‘ityWitl1~ he 4 €)il~.1;*21,C3.n1{€rand-~Cu~fff3.i T/aeeroééarye aft£ze7i1t?it/ted; A I/lmlmeflmy tfl2tm;Pr.a..2 i ii ~ ” A A ~i v « ‘ciaresi not how‘ he defraud, fpoile," devours, fuck . . gardsnfit which way the Chureheorthe-State fall, i downififty for an hundred; ansdilike aiFly5 fuck of the mines and cialamiitiesiioffdtherimen... Surely, W Now%‘t A meekly5wij__ljgg1y.,obediene1y t=oA accept, andfigar‘ A 1e"T§ We value our fel:fiE,t11e. better able we be a H A Selfi2~—-Demdll. A: e A N owxhen for the quiclming of us to this neeef-a fary duty, there are tvvofjnotable '€nC’0utagAcfme.nAcs; in the text." It‘enaAb1eth uSt.0hz/w¢t[)AMr c,rAofi,; 'wE§tf0ever a‘iH&éeionA A0 a a3; upon Alas. 4 The 1;o~digefl:Aany troubles‘ that befall us. We arenot A own ey es,the more unmov-ed we final be when any bruize er breach is A1~n:1dAAe,:Auponus*.Wh:o amIA,t__b§te Hhould fi'fit:‘ag ”aiznfl: Grad, oticaveilld at e 7 e we A his 'roviH7enc“eA 3 that Ifhou A A A A A the W111 E hisy”Al13;ndsA lilzczyoe tender to dmthe; Wcxrk wlnichhis M:a‘f{erm1sAe Diei wCh1*Ai{?cj:3ea1* :3. croffe eo flf;yg;§;_me 2' and fhal Anon: AIAde the iEiAmeTo.A [ewe him 4? A {did he bwr .H.x:,i tAAeA * heavxe et‘ ' -it doth greatly affefie »1z1S’:Athf: more vile we are in AouArAA eneuo“. to tea.c:h, or areal: eneo - T , Maflzer‘ .? why fltxould the £'ea:vAantAe« (c090 dell.ca?Ateeteo bear theburden”, ox ‘[1'C€:mA his e "l.e:1fed to bear5andV to do before himc’ » A 4 * AA A - n 1: ever A‘ Aay;-on t%he-fhouldersofi a xnasn 3:; and 111311 not Iiibemr: %vm'¢w,,[, whicla ‘"116 b- his ln,at*laV maele -ffo 1ie*i1te;azfide’.1fiee:’%$’ S"u1"clye, "if we coiuld hAavA.e%; fpiritual appre L.‘ en Icms of things as Aec11eAyeeane in the, be efieeeme %move‘d8 "clucleland prefcinde all fel]‘»r‘e{pe6?:in every thing J It ‘i V C _ in The morelifruly Sc: lbiritually noble any man is,the V more public}: fpiritecffor Gods honour, sa;nEl_:_1;_l1e. = l A preyandravine onely for thernfelves -.5 they plow p notyour land,ca1'ry not your burdens, fubrmt not to your CO1111Tlan(lS:, this IS tllexrwzldiaeffe. But * lick good, and the more large their fphe-re, the ivvhowould have dilivvaded him lromgoing upon A be proud and hereticall:-“ upon Wii1l,Ato be Pcub—‘ i [porn andfroward : upon Palace, to be diforder- ly and violent : upon Power, to be infolent and i §1n]L11‘1OL1S : A crooked: upon;Learning, to beflatulenit and a'e'-A A ry: upontWeal:‘h3:to beluxurious‘: upon Great-i ' amboughtwithaAprice,and hisI am whoiiifo dear? ly~bou"g”’ht me. 9?H¢ denyAedAhirnfelf to purchafei i i A A A me, i -S‘e{fér§De22i;zZl. dz; their éafleneffe. Lions,Wolves, Lieiopards, Tigers,” the nobleft c_recatures_;, as Sun, Moon3Stars,_7have fpheres of a&1v1ty,Where1n they work for the pub» more noble their nature. God hathhplanted a kind of mtumlfelf-dmial in all c;reatures.i Light things a As will move downward", and heavie things will move upward, to preferve the compages of nature from a rupture. Andhe hath planted a kind of Moral! Self-dezziall in very Heathen men, Where- by they preferre the publick fafety and interelt a-— bove themfelves. fits Pompey anfwered the man a publick, but dangerous Expedition, N ecaflé eff :42.‘ mm, mm at wioam. But we are never enough out of our felves, nil Chnfi have taken the fpoils ofus, A and divided all that is in us unto hirnlelf and his‘ A. Church; and enabled us, when Satan calls upon Wit, tobe wanton orfcurrilous‘ : upon Reafon,to uponwifdorneg, to be cunning and neffe .o£1mnde , to be ambitious, orthe like: to anfwer,’ Iarn neither Tours, not mine onme-.;, I —-—--n ‘ A Selfe—-fieniall. A A "- u_........_ gw be AtAl7olumvt e as gglble my Aloulcbyheing run- than A orét tefavlltng 0f,it-lot to foArfe1‘tChri : A ducge the ten tribes 3110 ”the.. houfe raf Alpavzmg ai'nA;. A It IC'i¢’1’.llIl1°2.?.‘ 6,.iz7l,lzl :AIt~tWAa‘s pmvateme *made A Term an enemy, an_§lf6ruinemyfe1£ Illzwe” 1 Peoplelolffihrillz A:-Anal C®1‘i1‘£ En the left place to the jnifters'.m¢ » e A » A ~ 4 A It confifteth oftwo branches. I .That We Would“ llzzleny m him : l I “willtnot l A "‘* ‘"‘'--z:) W .. . V ‘ . ,=,dcme AV,P'itl1l‘tl1l‘2~C?(l1l()ft3.l2elO11VVl‘l1Cl‘1 teffieéts us as the A 0tl1er»whfiehe‘0ta.eetns us as his Difciple; and Mi- pray for, 2. That we would «pt-a&ice this excellent { eluty.Fot motives unto both whxch let usfetioufly } confider, A % I ;That nothingin the world is mlote dangerous ,: to the epubliek welfare of States or Churches ,7. then private felf~fce-1zmg.. One falfe tooth -or note h j mina wheele will fpoile the motionlof an exquie-3 lfite infhumcmt. A One Pcting in 3. Lutewhich 1 hathpa private tune ofits own, ‘ diflonant and 'l.1’«f:l-'5 " Mufick: A one I7e1f-Jfeelcet who wou1dAA:Abe “baitelel? : .l1ad almoft bvoughtAmifcl1icf upon the camp of 3? lick duties 2:. lwhat fl3‘Kt”“:1 do for the bwmirled Ta-+ llcm‘s?~ willbe a {thong objeétion lagaimfila m;ecee;{3- fzztry reéfolutioen; It was private interefi made; P/mg mob oppreffe I frael, that they might not‘; grow mo; 2 flrcmg and «potent :1 Apeoc let, ExoA..1AA.lAm;..Itlwas prAi»r- f A I vate integral’: ma-delgflzro om {ct up the Cams at A Allium and1B£tJ9el, leaft unity 0-fwmrfhipfhllcl the-"-l l harmonious to all the reili, Wil1%AcQttupAt the Whole l Axmtlh awedge of golchand a Balvyltmifh garmenlt, t Ifiqaell _.P;rivzmt»,e Imrergfl Willever obfituélz pub- A publick fame and expeftafion of a "great Prineeee to "d pry up Dz’am,and cry down theGo~fpe1,AEZ,-.1 9_M»_,,d 44 mp, 4, 1 table preparation unto great ferVices:thee ore low A nation,he hath nohearntoefuch prefermerrtfiuis ma- A» “ portion allottede for hdmfelf til the publick was fer»-T \ Wheenthc pepole ofGod were adfflicftedein Nelwemzuzbs ‘ ighisown right, and refufedcto cat“ the bread oft/we G0--A {A A thefifcmv erucific Loedfoef glory, .lfn)e1et thzlqtd i mm .4[am,‘z;[ae Razmm: ml, come arm’ deflray our place _0ndNaetiM,33o/1.d_I 1, (fordindecedvtheredwas :1 A A A _ 'Pmcrebuemt :5 . goriente t to d-—-[ d anfe outoffudea, who was to rule over all: thtflzme av ‘Zn/if; worI'd,whdich theRomm: blindly believe was made "PW" CI]? in V‘ twitt- good,whendIf‘eflv4fim,who had been the Pmfeflm ]j,,:,,:§:,d:fg . ’ 7- — d > ' e V 3. .e , __ mircntur. dSuet.“; Vance Lntercff made Demetrzwtand the cxaftsemen in Vefpafianofi A 27. Aselittle daietchespjoyned to the fides of a great Ewen, will draw 11:. away frame we own channellg, for“ as a Wcn,or fome 0ther‘unnamral excrefcencywil" 4 fuck away tmtoxt felfnourifhmeent from the whole 2.011 the other: hand,That denial is an: adxnei-— ‘and ufelefgwe azre in 0u[9WnecyQS,tl € are V t6‘f>‘E’fin"p1oied“b God,wFq_p‘ow'reth the o3;1_ofdhis ‘ dgraecezrz wt Pd c5trz'm,im:o~ broié veffe1s.VVhenG<_;d of-TredMofd. to de{tr0yIflwze'l,.8c1nakde of him a great d_ gifirate affefiién to the people of God fwd1*1ow’d. up ; his family a‘fl7eé‘:i0n~,e 8: all regard to a1?l“d0mc‘fciCad1 inz:crefl:s,.Ex. 3 2 .1o'.u. So loflvzm his; fuccdeffor divided A tI=I1e‘l.:md of Cmzzzm amor1gf’cetheTribes, 8: lmdeermo _e ved,a-nd that by the care oflzhe pe0p1e,55ofl1.9.4.8e. A . %time,~he was fo far frpdme adding therunto by any azét of opprefiion or violence, that he remmted much of k 1&’7"7¢07‘) d Se!/6-~1>em2zzz. d 27f of tha;t‘]?rov1ednce, Carrie rodtthe Empire.)It was pri- {fem rcrzmz pa. v i A Selfe..Denirill. “'1? __... A rL78?‘7’109"3Ne«/7.5‘ . 14. Salomon pr:-.1ys_inot for ricl1es,re-F AV M M tvenge,,or any matter of private advantage,b11t fora A publick gr:—tce,the fpirit 0fw’ifclo1nAfO1‘ government "V I I<.z';¢. 3 .9.He had the éweartraf 4 Governor before,& V that taught him to pray for the law; of aiGaaz2azz. y 29 theirynaturallhardneflh tili by they heat of fire ‘ they“be‘rnade diffolvabie, and fo fity‘%toy temper: 7.. ii ‘1L1xury,prQdigality,+ je,xce{1’e,‘nma1icye, contentions 5 y i E V V fotne i '9‘ i Sothe, A Lord’ieh.umblerh»and adrawethout}~fe1Fe-- ’ thoughts; felfefap, felfaindifpofiationsgany things which tnightcahfeflurinking or warping, before he intrufts h1SfC1‘V&ntS_W1Ei1 great imployments. Richeflze. Treafure is drawne outof the lowefi; a high dignity was it’t0 “the Virgin Marygzo bee the Mothernof God .9 She wil tell us whats foun:-‘ dation God laid in her for this dignity‘: 1 He /and ? refpefi‘ totihe lowed aterofbfis,7m72dmaid,Lu/er 1.48. V What graces dot 1 Chrift honotxr to besthe Keyes r ofete mall iifC.bl1tfi’lf-denying Gmceskz‘ Faith and Regentance. By the one wherofwe are taught to go out ofour felves," by fC1.Vf3S-;N/I’!/"¢/'57 a -r 1; ., a - _, e 3.; Confider again{,;Tl1at theireare no condi- tions oflife which are not excecdingfubjeéi: unto the temptation of felf-feeking. Some men gaine corn ofed, and a happysendput to theifeca1.ani1i- ties,tii ments wouldacxpire 3, they rnuPt then {brink back “into theirfwonted lower condition again. Others _»gaine{byy the crimes of men, n bytheir feniuality, r a High buildings have deep foundations, ; tall Ce.» a dam deep, roor:s,: qmznwmoertice, as tfzmmme radiceg, mines : : God i layes the foundation of great works in defpifed and fe1fe—-defpifing inftruments, in on: day affmal things, as it were, in a gmine of wafhzrd _ a feed, that he may have the greater ~honour.y What the other to abhor our r by ‘thepiublicktroubles.-, ytifdifiierencesa :fhou1d.;be I s eh: offices,commands,advantages, emip1‘oy-- i i e Qgzad fupcrefii giterumcinnamc y Tonfor cris. Martial. 1 god Criminibu: do- bcnr lbortos,pwe-~ toria, mcnflu 2 J uvenal . ’1nity~wlheret»mno we belon. ,fr0m former flm:-.pe, belforre became ; Ad § an:Ifimelim.d TheDaughter'of .I%ztma/7: is nofit V “ = wi e foe Salbmm, t:,,lzllA:s A A a17rJdaher" f:m1shAessA l1oufe«,Pfalm‘45.d 1.10;; A ""1 V eSelf:--fDmiall. A A "A fomeby one finne, others lbyanother. A If there M (hould be altoiof firx&Reformat1on, and ammad~ ~ lverfionf over theAExorb1tanc1esof ellmen, A there ,would much lefle watelrrdeive thveAir.; Mil .-, and as" $017» Baptzfl, fol in this refpeéhmightdl they fay of .plrofeflion have our temptationAs t0O_A If lb much a duty be rcquiredA,fo muchpreachi.r1g,humiliation,' l thankfgiving, admonition, fuperinter1dency5eAfo A ;frequentA Ireturnaes and vi:c:iflf'mtude.s offerviceda at- f ltend our office, wee muff then flaalce for V ‘gelver wxth allour outward cafe and lquxrler, and re«-- Efolvc never more to have thew power Aalndl poi?- lfeflion of our felves. We might inflrance end. leffely in things of thlisenature, from the Throne A to the Plow. A A A A ‘ Lord; remem£>nmcer:,to pray earnefily un to him Chri{’c;, /ye increafegaze mufl decrcajér; Weinour d ~ Now then it much behooveth us whoAarc"the A for a large fpirit of fclf-dem'zzl upon all in ub...» 3 lick fervice, both others and our felvesl_, ’}I)‘ha1: God: would prefervezus all from this dzm erousl gtemptation, That he would take out Q us all four own fap and lufls, wh*atever.would make ruse warp, and flurinkl and crack, and bee L1nfer‘- fviceable to the State, the Church, theCommu..... ASl:A1e~ who was to A m:a1<‘ryA anJ'fi44slz'IAe, beingher felf an Allende,‘ was"; IO‘ be lfhalvetxl and pared, rand» tal;:er1‘as.l it wexze I e fm:getA ; here owns. eopfc ‘ —.. s 1 and work for‘Gocl, and from God, are like the A ftreams oia fpring 5 their fweetnefi, and purenefis running outeofthetfplrings and fountains of Sim, ‘ rnakethem fit for tlielirtivlaliers ufe, and preparedl A W A 8elj'e-DeLniall. Q “ ‘A A bgliin, fljrre, Et/Aéinpin, Pbilzflia ., Inuit *1‘6i'rj0l.1nC€ t their igenealo y .from .Zio”2:«_;, biefore thejr lean bei A ufefnll untot lefervice and glory of God : Aillmyl fpringr (faith he, {peaking ofsim) arein tber,l ' rPfizlm87. Arman whoworks all for, and out OF A hirnfelf, islike 3. fiandinor Lake, which harhoursl A Toads rind Vermine, or very little Life, of no pureufe at all; but theywho ~cleny thernlelves , unto every good work. publick imployinent, That God would give them publick fpirits. —~ A A heart with this excellent grace, and with the love of the common welfare above all other refpeéts or Interefcs, That he may bewail his poor people , as David did, What be-vie t»/aefl.’_/irafp dame, that in a difference of mine they lhiould fuifer fuch bitteArA things *3 That ‘God wouldrnercifully preferve him from joyning with the Enemies of pure Re- ptel’erve. A eir naturall a>nc;l Gemiliti-anhonours, and derive‘ Let us therefore, I fay, pray for all who are in A For the Kings Majefiy,That God would fill his 1 ligion (to the enclangerino" thereof) —forthe~opro- A mrotingoffuchends, iaseltr ole Enemies ofGociA; it A even according to the principles and praéicicesiof V their Religion, are muchimore likely in the Arcon» A iclufion to betray and deftroy , then‘ promote or A V 4' E A “P011 For the Parliament, rhacecoci would dame A _ 31 y H A 3? A .sezfe-oen2azz. ' mountainous difiicuitiesi to xiindiciate publie4(Ti- nojealou tes may ever breakeafuneier, but that piety and wifdom may mofl: fweetly knit ‘toge- ther the Civill and the‘ Ecclefiafiicalli Dif- penfations in things pertaining to God andhis I-Ioufe. i A _ J A “ A A .i For the Armies : That God would pour out up- on them“ the noble fpirit offelfc-deniallz, and carry. the fworidofwar. duty?_%and fcrvice deny our felvcs. It is ' fingular of his Church, as that the reverence of the pet» a fonsand funéiiion,of his 4 Miniflers fhou1d.i“beas.¢it A4 were complicated hand linked uptogetheerxirvitzh themby his power and ~b1efIi-ng with unwearieid‘ refolbutions to the fervicesvathey are intrufled with» ~ A al1.That nothing lwt t/ae alone deflre: afan/nappy and V ‘ A Well grounded peace may put fpirits and vigoriinto i upohthem theispirit‘ of Sel]’e—Dmi4Il ;, 1 that as the-yt»4have dented themfeltvesi, their eafe, plea-— 1 fures,eftates,and have tndetfatigably wra£’c1edwitI_1~‘ a hearty arid reformation :’ fo God would keep it * alwayes in the imaginations and tefolutions of i ' V theirtheartsgto feek the wealith of the people 5% and J‘ i asMorrlec4i;did,tafiomk peace ¢tflt0fflI877i‘2.,tillm' that/yeir 4 feedfifler I0. 3. That Godwould caufi: them {till i itofpeak camfortablymzto it/2e;Le'w'te:,wbo teach the A good knowledge of the Lorglgand to command them. to carry fort/9 all‘filt/aineffei out oft/ye holy place ,e~ as e good H€§{£/€i4}}‘diC1,2 chm. 29‘.5.&3o.ta2. That 7 _ F0r0U1‘f€1VCS, Thatwce may in an mattersof nmrey of Chrifi W170 us, to to order she bttiineffe. — WOW“ h0n0ur§1Ccordi'ng asI-lc\2ha£h««faid".He.ib4tl-E W A4 lilci-laf3er~den¥:ing'hearts, that God wouldAienable: us A to p.-aflc t A ‘ Se'lj(e_@e;u-all. A i“" A A as thAe‘rewithallA reverence us, A and efieem the feet tem tuous~undervaluingA of the Minifiersof the Go pe-1. A gelof God, yea,,asAChrif’chimfelf, and would have plucked out their ownA"”eyes to have given them unto him :A Butitholiigflh ‘Cl1rifi:‘A hath joyned ~ thefe thiiigstogethegyetit is our duty in all out A aimesi andclefires to abftraél: and prefcinde our Maftersintereft from our own reward 5 l to feek A Chrifts honor alone,aAnd to leave unto him the care A ofours.~ AA l AA in l A I dare not think or fufpeét that inanyof our humble advices and petitions t0” the ‘lhonourable Houfes of Parliament,vve have at all purfued any s not be fox and let us pray Alford‘ humble Aand rough evill report, and through. good A :rep~o,rt-5 and wouldAfu~rni{h usgWith.A’{‘uch~1fpiritnall; of thofe"‘beAautifull, who clifcover fuch glad ty- '\ " dings untothem. And it is but a counterfeit and hypocriticall pretence of zeal fdr piety, which is accompanied with any -low tho"ughts,A ot*}con—- The Galatlaizms received Paul as an An- private Intereft of our ovvn,but only tAhat‘ ferlvicAe i whichvvee areiperfwaded Chrifi liathentrufted A his Minifters withallg i which I A amf fully i aITureAd A hath been the only {cope we have aimed at : 4 yet A \ becaufeloine are jealousv with a jealoufieiof z'tz'a’n,>—that it is fog A Letusour {elves alfo be A jea- A ‘ ‘‘l)oL1§with'ajealoufieAAof Tfearf and:czmtion;:Athac'.1't .A bggetbiyatghearetb me; -4725! l:'2eAtb;z_; clefjfiifét/J A defpi etb ‘me; whofoever entertaine Ahonoura ex thoughtsof Chriftbyour Minifiry‘, cannot but A ‘%— ‘ ‘ A our felvesor Mr anm I/aiflgs, A 614: the thing: of ,§Fc-: t 33cfM5j?4M/ee. A 3 on, to fl:ir us up in behalf ofour _felves and others, « rotpray unto God to befcow thts excellent grace ‘ of us in our Minif’cry,to preffe and urge the pra- rnee1eniall- « liéimtellethtis, iwerewont “to amufe the people in other Countreys. And many fuchare it likely e--o iwhichi to fhape firfia Sceptick, and after that an lHeretz'c.k, andatlafi an Atizemi-._», ifuch were the Ancient I‘I€1‘CLlCl(S of old, i. Valeatinmi, Bagfilz'de.c,i Montanm, Marrm, and therefc, who as Eufiu to with ftrange Words,and unintelligible expreiiions, A the ‘better to draw themefirftinto ad mirafims and r by thatintoi belief -, and ifuch were tin our 1ater;i age of the Church,‘ Fauflw Socinm, and Gunm- dmiVorflz'as,e and divers others, whofc corrupt and bo1d:do€trines._,~ have fprcadi like a gangrene, and mifcrably‘ pinfefled the iChu1-ches of Chriit nough to arife and multiply in thefe Kingdoms ( heretofore famous for unity in Doétrine) if the fancies ofNcw Light, and Liberty of Canfirience (falfely focalled) fhouldigoronand prevail f: one a fad example whereof wee have already in the prodigious and moft execrable blafphernies of a Sociniarzfleretick, to fay nothing of any other di- fletnpers. - i . g is l p . ‘ i f i I do not doubt, but when the prophecies of Scripture, touching the affairesrof the Church * which are yet future A (of which I beleevethere ,. arezinany) {hall be fulfilled, there will by that A meanes bee much more light in ggunderftandingil fuicehiprediiétions, then aitais poffihle yetto have r s___ ref’: expofitions Oftfhem.) But in things eDaEz‘rie . mall, and Evmgelimll, in matters ofFaith,Duty, I ofithe-m‘Wl1ile they are unfulfilled ( fortheai:-9' pi cornpliflimentofpropheci esarethe beft and fu-l i a«ndiGod1i»ne1I‘e (wihicb,I am;fure,oughtto_be the * _hcadsi “"'"v----............ ’ rim afncwfinfls; and meand;ng's%A%”<>f~:_Sc;ripturca 1:10 A A indulging libcrtgyta our «in-Wn%; d:w11;s kai1c¥*?%fa;1¢1c§;g;V ; .t0’.BiC.k.« ;cxc:cpL1£>ns,.A :41: pfitisfim and::fohd:«;;cvxpo%+ 1-. 1 .‘ ..._- . - ‘ A 5elf¢+73ev¢id~ll-‘“ A Egzds of 011:. preaching ) ro* «fry up Ne:véLz‘g?qt:, andr toI%amuzeathc « people -with Meta hyfiicall fancie%s;"and‘Qhimicalle:£t1‘a£tiio*ns4,aséiFt &cy*5wcré A W deep andhe‘a’iienfI§5s5r;iyRc1‘i”é's 5 and V‘ in ithé .t’“11c-aha time *to neg1efl:AthcA'Vpfcéching Aofiduty ,* and the V favorjr a.ndxfavingprinc%ip1csoE"R¢penta*nccV am new.“ Obedience ,.%is the next: way, to .introduc:e% ‘S.tcpcicifin.:4ii1tcSvth¢ Gl1urch,s--;'man‘d {as farm %Aread:ier7 W mczirisafi fmakTc::::% ‘}11fiCfl;q11CflCi0Ii=Q'EhC *TAtrus.'h:of:wa11 A that they. 1carne'c1%bAcfo1r‘e , thch, ever to attaiti any certain knowlcdgc of _ the things which are A yf1cwly% , caught them. ;, thi$A?ATV%,thAcr¢fQr4c ;1ét:, mii1ift?%et1allr* _ _ iprudcncc mid ~zcValc:;:%;£QrL,Athe.;;=fdulsé of hcaxrers5 A .. { and-for:%thcspeatcbfrthc hurch%*tbachius*m" zienyf I ~, ” all pride and awantonneffe, of wit ,.*~whic;I14A.w(5u1d A C)fFcr« to tempt T:1r1d%tranfpo1jt,;us into lzyiéway em fa ndV ‘A make Lisgbu fi¢;Ql11}f¢].Yg§$ ~:inA;id4;finC!:ing;m1t A { wefic: pafl"ag’e ( may:fo:?fp”¢a1g)A1m:ssscasteqigzbut let us contcnt%«c5ur fc:1vcsrwi%th ~«=»thc wordsbf A marl: V I mdfabcmcf/ft’, with the: wévolefimfle 'f0rme;“offlmnrl murals, ,that: wr: may be j wAarkmm mIJaneed..r3¢o4tA%12,a afhzzmwl, rig/atly d2¢2idmgAthe:Aivordtgwrwand A is ¢mAanif%é£t;:?%;hc Aéwilk%6£’;;Qod%%V; :d_ti§H¢ 3£;c:.ora—-+ :. w-,, fcicncés of.«.cmr;;hca-reré.:; by mtio;?;:~:§Vo%ftlae /jzirit Amdqof pomam:ha£:th%¢y being t0fi¢£ifl68d,'}wd we-_ [carers 9;f§th€§-K‘.;l1é47i"..t5 A dz‘ 1 ¢o«9erM,:%m%4 Mali dammi V % 4n14'1:mar;l7é?¢i:;z,»Q odggznd.49l‘ 1 . 549»)! E vI$'v.::- L & ~ 4,” 4.. .<___ ‘ 37 §§g;§sg;’gf;§;; of Cabkrlifmes in many Rabbinacaxxaétors, hath 4 : Au£~‘*W"‘“" l‘10*w {mall finne in the Apoffle Pctaerx .judge..» Eo'c£cf.~cap. I6. “ ‘ » vmw ."‘ HT ‘fitionSQf0t;hcr1e2£r%ned rnen. AWec knew h§wAA A 13ff€fl39iQn_ cf Allegorie: and forced al.1ufi«_::m.s in ; €m'gm.andfome other Ancmntfs, A afl'cé’t"ation Ff‘ fit.“ A . pgtgfuuy wrcficd and abufedthehqIyTcxt-5 Wh5ich"r» manta 236:; 3, 126. Die‘ atbi £’Il»bA'é“[.i12 meridie,you;;; know W hat; a Wilde. and proud fenlizrthe onatifls ‘ 4 put: upcim that piade to mmntaine the1r;A.fmcan 1 S”c.hifmc};. Bur: a$ §1mt£1M1'faid%Of€hiIdrcI1,MAxi+~ T tihel‘: fénfiz of the~ *ho1y«Scripturcs, that was owe 3 4 j dcbemm quam A ;,nuch%:revcrence%am& vcn~ération'Vumo rh¢m,4 and; ; aim dcoeo agiw H Sm NM we7.maynatwithoIucmu¢h modctty,and'gravity, 5 117‘. r " ‘ V‘ part of Scri tum, = though uno B%ur.%I Jdifli=Iezé the ~z1:fi"e¢53°4tiafl of finding" fomerlrfim‘ . my gzwd%flrmg'ein lever t‘hingwc’ read, Izhaug ' .3 ‘plaimc, cafic, and by or AAé:xrs: litemally and efearly % madeéetm puert”s*Frc~zze1renw?/1, Iimay fay in Aanoe , qu.Iib.7.cx A-. and ft‘! OH!’ f€h75$ .i6XP0flfldi1'lg_ ;, A % ,:ifl;otcLc. of them.‘ Ixdo not deny (it were injurious to the A 7% A giftsA%add.gxtacesVo£aGods Spirit, ibcfiowcd diffc» randy them; ‘fa to doe )% but thaiiwc ma»y“? é:{E1ivcr<.0cur% own private comtegtions upon any 4 A-ferved byothers . ? bcfowcus (t = aAtn1ay”berevca%1cd to anothcrwhich A fitmzth “by, whiclw Fé3rmcVr%‘h%ad not ¢difmvcmd; ) ex'po~u’m“d»ed_9 «a,» «coming With%prcju&imea,A In % AfozneAA. Seas 4: ‘;: and winds,_1;he j1\ A A maincAfai1cA.mAayw bcAhai’fi=:dup;; A inA,oxhners,A:hcAV,1¢{fe A jbyoour humility, A1nceknAc.{§, innoAcency;> wifdome, H A A 2; The wéakncflés of A dionvers men,xWho are V ' A you fPrc3;dfXthe. fwiftex you move. -Arm! had Afiggng —r ‘ ‘ A ‘ ', .‘ . . \ r flu, i» I, ............~..» w‘A~***,""' ‘A A. ‘ A n I . A A A ‘ “ \ ‘ ““ w ..'...,..,_ '1 ._...--:2 V ’sezfe*7)em'azz. hi drgumepntsl whenthe difputecl with the »Philofo—- pl1ersatl.L/Ithehsg and eafielowl exhortations? s When“ he linitruétede the fervnnts and echildren at Ephefm. A 3, The ipride,frowardn,efl"‘c, and hurnours"'of ’ men will many times minde us of this duty.".1fua1-— A ly men will expcét to be lpleafed and flattered, A when indeed theyiought to be rep‘rovediby% us. i Our relations unto them, our dependencies upon LL Al ge ou1s of .n men A by our 1 ayle ._, then by our felt; by our praifesghen by our reproofs. them , will temptusl to fothare unwelcome truths, left we forfeit our reputation with them, our fuppliesftom them‘. In this cafe wee muff refolve to denyour relations, our dependencies, A to"preferrethetruth of God, and the confcience ‘of duty beforethe favours of men, though the momma larve,the weihc lwved. Cowardize in ‘at A M'inifie_1_'_is baferthen in at Souldier, by how much 1‘5E>fe will get more love and honour at the lafl, then a fi_g_f_t_11ill and fawnin dif§imul:.1tion;- Though V Paul reprovedthe difsimulution of Peter‘ 5,‘ yet P::-— > “ nter praifeth the wifdome of Paul. Pefrimwm im‘... A micorum gemt: lzmdamen worfemenemy in the world th grand A A faffinin Mimiter, fl1aI_;_ dares not deale plhtinely \ M » in i ..-W» A it‘.---(«ms/‘ ' Vt ‘1''~"‘”“V--''‘ . i . ' ii ‘ ‘Q13? 1 ‘ hr" \ wn: A is<«con cience; «L» We arein much more dan- ou"f"w_zg1;ta"fe is more honourahle. A fault u re» ‘ to Lafily‘, the A fad . conditicm l of the‘ ilChurchof God inthefe, times of .dif’ctaétion and 7 diifitefsi dothmainly c2ili1iupon«us‘fornthis‘ ’duty:.o£ Sal)‘-—-zie— new,.nlil;tha;nw¢e would femur zfelves moreto feel»; 'UI-—- ~ ». A the 1 14. }'cr.I.t7,18. Ev/{.z.6. 2/élmos 7.12., 14,15. Z1arl(o6. x8. l -431 4- 33-5- 2.9. :.%Gor.1z.x5. Gal.4.16. A man» can have no I I(z'7zg.2.z§.13, i all} all‘ . E I , I .A 1 Av?-5"""'§ 4; set/‘e-:z>em¢zzz. t iflohhoi 9:" @2- fcteoxnia e.c;*e4J‘bLu e- at-azzx/2i’a'm 39"‘ Eigaw 7 3€x9gow Svwif‘ ‘flepéxree Betw- ?Zia,v fegioaeg Aeirae erawtzv W’ ";yacAa:,(A6’aivov- 74;. Plut.zrcl:v.in ' -lib dc pmccpt. t i ireip..gcrC_nd. ‘ e ‘ ‘ gxtg vrpeo“ ' r Eeiaw it egwifl“ thefad b1‘e‘:tcl1eSiifhateare amongft us, then how 1 to advance ourowne ends felves. And in thiscafe there are two things Wee ihould learn to deny; i V V A A 1 ._ Our renowned intercity in comparifon common fafety; Let itnevertenter into the de- fires of any of us to wifh, or be Acontentedthat the troubles: continue, that the breaches and diffe-» A rences be kept ftillopen till parties be balance d _., till Wee can by. time Work out more probable meanes to advancetour owne interefcs. A Oh that thought on amongft Brethren, Wllcll Churches private differences between themfelves, yet being M at any time joyned in Commiflionr Vnpon publicek ‘fervice, j‘ either military or civil, for the good of their Countrey, they were wont to leave their envs mity and ac cord upon the common affaiire. It is an te~xcellen~t example, and worthy the imitation of Chriftiensv. A A A j oz. Our private judgements and ofrinionr, fo fart it forth as» not to widen the wounds and encreafe :thee»ditv1fionsiof ha. B1e.eding Church, by an iiunfeax-A ¢ .nab1e Venting and contending for them, they. being nit themfeliveis matters ofi faith and of p1*ivtaeeperfwa:£ion, wh*eerreiiin_g;odly' menimgy be ~i W h difFe-- V Fa1'1;d’I-Keygri rbtttimilttiers meerly probiematieiail and 7 the weliarewofthciwlioie, and the clofing up ,r or to advantage out i of the id fuch a thing as {ides and parties A fhould bee ever A V and Kingdomes are in a flame .! You remember A tehci itory in Plzttarrhof T/aemzfz‘ocles' and 21 rzflidem «two great Commanders, who though tI1ei‘e‘Weréf. r rnitiee attthe gates. of the City,” and go on with are 1 g r A, I .v‘ t that a=divAided Minifiry in this [formifis andNon-confo—rmifts Atwasfc-§menteAd by A an.Epifcopall Vintcrefl -5 that form e%~b-eing T on the A one fide, and others on the other, A they might never want matter fortheitzpovwer, .having objeéts both their Afrownest »ttndA ‘for Atheit fa?-A 7 vqurs to A wotkc ttpon._» A VVhen(;t;:epttatdvent1j.tret it E genettrallyto be digefled, eth“¢pratSitiCéofe others, 2 and emote offcnfive, began ttobe;‘Aienttodu rput vipersand flcflthinto veffcls of wine, that by “csaufc now btg, that wee muft flill“ have :1 divided A Vikcfetrm Altxandflnm, and ‘A Cfl/fdltfim‘, (as We find the R0» in E pipbmim) id 1-- : vide aafundAe1»’ upon lflffel‘ dif ctcnces, L antlrmake than the Who: aretenemies uutothem both = 1:: A A «AFot—. t A A ttoritaeke ’dteedgte*?o£_ Aprej1adice*».AaifiCf~ebiifttt~ * cliffetc-:_ntIy mi_nt1wed,h without breach of.lotre,: or ha«- 1A " AzardAAoffa1vation; ~ Ihavelonghad this opinion ,2 ‘ Kinegde0m,oftCton-2-v thzealous ’ was, that when former Ccremanies grew more’ A to» f A by Athat:‘me:1nAt$' A . tab: the fame: ~of Epifcopall. :pow;cr.et As than rfceding on them it may be prefe1*ved'~frp*m weak» ‘h ‘ ning it fclf; But what, or whence flaoulde the V Minifiry 2* e That Xhey whow;crcfjfcmncr1yunitcdA h F; infuffering, fhoult 1 ffeCeffi.ohs‘ me :fm:anotherttTt‘e t Whofe inttreflé ‘ hereby f0myOtCd “ hwhot artztheytbat are ‘moiflt A . 4 ,“p1'e:1{'ccI ythefeedivifions tr Aregany more':1ikely * to make A advantage by the tdivifionst ofbtethrenA A; A ._.......;,,A f "_‘ h V"“':#£.A -nu-nun: ‘ ‘ j --3.-.¢r Latds fake,I‘c1:us:laytkithtuethtattg. J A , A f 4 2 V: A‘tht.r1to-rewet fee thecogpmgntnemy t_gr&Eifl€tti“bjytt he A h'it,'t'2tnd* gIory'tngA in it, the-temore ketus be*gri'eveA' A AA A , for it, and aflha med ‘igt and altlt etmtltam A 1=.pipban.zzb. ; he ‘Hatref.6*8-. ' oncffee. Wheh;fheep puflu and run headshahgainff 1 Were1w'ortl1Andtconely our fafiing andh p1‘3ying,bu'c+ our ftudying, OllI?sf\V¢A3tiflg,V our b1eec:Ing,A AA ourdyh.-A Lingo, to recover peace : to the Church , and unity amongfl“Brethren againe. A Why fhould not the worldtfay of:usninoew,A as theywere wont to A fay of Chrifti;=ins~heretfoforef, Vide utjei:lz'1igzmt?» Surely, one another A,r iAt:Ais a nforetoken of ill weather. It 4 biting, .devQuring,A ;cen.furing,~ ‘ counter-workingo fpendingthe edge of prejudice, policies, and paf-3 hu1n.une.~weakneIFe zunongft good men , but I am furAeitisA; thetI1qrh and prickle , air is not thefrofe orwflower wI1iela:mgrowesupon that tree. I {hall add but one word more unto thispoint, and fo A VP" «SW0-n= 1 e._xfl7ciés‘fi(v4rifilet5f6’d qyaudflaciemti expedit; No 4 pcrfonsAAApr1v;;1te xntereft, bug phe common advan- \ A {rage of then ~fQc:e1:’y 15 to be attcnded.A; AndAagaine;,, no ; M3 _ I,_ ' cm, ;; Irzme qnmmimie eizema Jtire;q:t&t6‘qt?:1mfxzcimltcro z'72I?vz'-—~ co nclude it; 4 and it is this,Th:1t no man ought to prejudice ah publikeand generall Rightby any pri-A- ' feemto have an fprccence'of humility and fe1£e~”h‘ -denialljn them.ANo fingle perfon by any dif-o claimerh of his, may undertake to extinguiflu Aa ' commfon property.. In co.p;1.ru1ercy; orfellowflaip, A1;ag.6;.§.5.D. ireafonoisothis,‘ N M idooquad prirzmtim intercfl‘~u;¢iwh 9mu7zi dividcn-— to; Tnhefcfore the >Apoft1e, when upon great and d. . _ _ ‘V ‘ H % .‘ .. - ,. , I I?cm9_ xve;ght;y._reafons he_dec1m.ued xnhxs owne parucu-n fion againfi one another, well it may be through V 1 vateeu apprehenfionsof hisowne, though they.m.ay f thefyrule of the’ =C4ivill; Lilw grounded Auponicileare: A; 1arAA to neecive maint¢nAanccA.fr01n the A ChurcAhesEA of? ,__ ..._,__._ V?l'V&"‘Yh‘VVV‘~ ‘- . «40:9airt,;eehc;y¢tV§r7i:nh;t1I Wxitce awhole A Chapter 10“ A A A 4 A vmdicatc J i cé”(fity4,1tb _ 4 4 zflwthersgand I1adA }con‘_fi~dc~nce er'10AughV m va1uc?i‘t, + Aflénci>e;s,AAfand*forehead Aenough Atcaw undervalue the A ‘judg¢meg1t*0f all ~othcr god 1y%mépA cAbncern“ingA‘it :4 A cithc1*AmAb deftyor pietyA’Wm1‘ldAc0nfirainc s;z,we,,;#azz. ‘fieArsG01'pc1. ?Su‘re1y‘, ‘if I had a" ‘ finvulaii; ofinrdnéan ma‘Attc;1*sA n0t~:0f'~faithAo1- An.¢;,¢¢m;. A‘ a1vatigain,¥ difi'ermt‘Afrom4"the ;opinio=r%1‘of}{ and wit 1cnoL1*gh-toAp1cad for‘ it, and wgifcd o‘Am~cV enough to manage 1t unto plawfiblcbcorrcfpoxxuz mew Ieam offhé Apefflc 'coh:41vef§aA2:lm perfwa» A A fiénto my»:/Ielf, and no; byvan L1nfeaAF0naAb»lEobt;fl1~. dingw dFAit;§¢Aoifcnd my'brct%hrén;ahdt¢Atr0u?E;;le;sthg Ch,m.Ch A , A A wave but *th~:ecr Amt VTw01*d§‘ Ifnbre or Exh0r+A ; tationiunto %us,=W71th refpcéiz to our fcrvice in this; A‘ revercfid ATfemb1y,¢a»nd‘tlamAIfiaa1 ccmclude; and ¢ V the%yAAare, * that with vefpefit hgpieunto we would f ,lAc“.m%1"'toVDrny0m'fil-vex, ” Ii c«y¢s% ‘of ~&An4:‘%-iniés “Au'f3b*1A‘£*.ic¥if1“g ?an:i"A*‘:d£r1ié1iAng fl3owriAé7fI'aéA: i *éh%:'4§"eycs‘ 4AofAAothAer Ch§tirr£:hc$4»ai;broad5 A ?lA;5«cjk*i;1g a‘n%%a1s~ aé healer"; ,“ A and tepwite.rs of b~re‘.a- — % shes in théfe times A ~61’ ‘ mmubfieg divifimm 5+ ‘ A and lqnging to IE: tI»ré*AAA?'ff1fif§'s VoFb7m~1abcursJ‘* Ben AA VFirAfl,~In o}§1rA7%oWn% ri«vatvflfl’mr#:5timc%s, bcCa+% 7% fiAc3“nsA:, A that Awe won ‘d not {aim theft: any w ay ton‘ vrgtardg. or ~obH:1fuflt the~pub1it1;FeWi~Ce; Thccyes A A ‘3dffr;i¢nds~’at1’€ %L1ia0n%Us, eivp‘¢&i::gAip1gr.h?a£te%A::%:"%%»thAe % A x'r.iTdiAcatc‘:iAnd afl~'ert thejufi c1:~r~imAe of ithc‘MirfiA«Aw 46% 3 ‘D-t‘ Memlaus f —z§racu:¢z ,:' ebyh he how much the g;1.‘CatC1‘ mine own it1abi1.i,}-y'is:. of feud?-—‘ den. digeftingh or uttering,minehown» concepti- ons. Yet:-econfideringythe necefiity of haftning cfificeiveh YE werc'Hffé’r"e'to féak “» 4?” ill?’ ;1€e2etl)¢9 it cero; ceoncfife: arguments, then co eiousn 'O}iifK5fis In no man cf} mznfiamdi loom, qua mmpotcjl‘ l7mda-- . aPcA.y,~ in matters . rious af-Fairs , having muchofmifi and darkneffe in them. The more heaven-1 % the mind: is, the more calm: and hfehrcneafindir 16 1.€ff¢’t“1‘bid5bI7¢f?* riarafulminmt. It is "Hom;er.ycommend'ationWof the Eloquence of _Ml;vf]es, that it was a fhowrc of fnmv,W'11icI1fal1sfoft,. but foakes deep 3 where:-. as violent and hafly mine runs off W-‘ground: befoxzeeie. heater i11.1r:t0e:i:t-:.h EZ+°W5: ;.hf1_<,,°—‘1?’F:,? gCh’rifin flehpt.;_ While{h§h¢.fl1ip:Wfl$.1}I1F1€fe :1 F¢mP¢f¥~ is I 1QV¢h»e n0:n~eAhllegy0fi€S, ntyet h:”‘gi-ve leave ‘to make this; allllfion from it ; A011: PropjhetieallgourChgfiftxanf t€ne£np.ereiS;net0.Q*mU¢h; .3 flC¢PW11¢1}W°:,§3¥¢ 7‘: '51‘ oubledghe j A ofdzfierenee, if at. :titr1_e” 1' fuch ihalloccurreg, let us chiefly to deny A A our (elves. M Pafsions are fcldom frien 3; unto fe-- V -wuY ‘\ m‘ H .e.s~1,~ L I Selfef-1)eniall.h A A A fl eonclude all inhthe words of the Apof’c1e,Loa/e athers. Let the f ame hzind he in wt which was alfo in Chrifl 3?efm,who heihg in the fhrm of G adghaughtit narohhery to he equal with Goa’, and yet he humhled hirryelffind emptyed hz'mfeZf,and made hz'mfe{fqfno A regmtationgand took upon him the form of 4 jervwmt: . And being Lord of4ll,became ahedient :, and Lord A i of Lifgobedienteunto Death; and Lord ofGlary,d obedient to the death of the Craffe. If our Lord , and Mafter did fod deeply deny himfclf to fave and 3 A "redeem his Church:Letitnot be orie ousimto as h A to denfi our {elves t9____ ferve and to e‘ 1 c t 31’ C urc o ,:2:§«r 3 x -=e*¢"’3 W " 3:) h g we 6 :»~ We * « ‘. av" -"ht 4." V. A .,_J- J1 I‘ MWmwce/ v ._g I E 4 ‘ ,4‘) ‘g,...v"6"“"""$. cfS"“”'” .¢fl\w17C.. .‘¢’“."' " W V __.___ V, M /fl/ah mt every mm on his own thz'ng:,hm on thethings of ’f 4% ~ .c:?.n:/4»h(.’»'<:_.<':.q:‘/"Z(»i?53»t»: 47 . »»»»»»» K t V M“ FINI&* ¢T 9 /1’ '1 "k ¢',1,u .m:J‘?“,A”” ' C? “ Wu‘ 55".