u 3; vr 3 ‘ A Scorrzfizll men érirzg 4 City into 4 fmzre , [mt mfie 711672.’ tzmze A n W Prixflj-zed by E. G’. for A. Rot/well, and afe to be fold at His ‘ ‘ ‘ . - A ‘ U ‘ . A ‘ ‘ ‘ J . 4 v ‘ A ‘ ‘ ‘ “ 3 A ‘A ‘w “ “ . 4 c: H 01 C E: are in Authority, Prefented in d S E R M 0 N before the Honourable Houfe of C O M M O N S at 4 Margaret: Wq/frizinfiemat their publique Faflr, bept¢mb.25.% I6 44. » A A A 4 By Lémarm Seaman, Pafiorrofthc Church of s A Ptefidemtfor KINGS ” an PRINCES, andallthat Chrift atAlhallowes-BreadPcreet~London. “LL Wclome 7'3‘ better than weapon: qf 2'm2~re_.,'Ecc1’ef: ‘9. I 8‘; ‘A awjz}wratb,Pr0V.2 9.8; tbefimh, PfaI£a.1o. A A, s_._ 1 ~LoN1J0N,. % One of the Affcmbly of Divincs... A % 1 Es xvi amowtberefivre%0 ye Kingr ,, be iizflrzfledye _°;‘ml_g'e.v of T ‘ W , fllop at thefigneof tha6Sun,in*:I"aul.r Church--yard. " V , 1* 4-4* -A A fl___A __.._ AL‘;-4_ ,___L 1.: no N u R A E I-Ioufe of C 0 M MON A in Par.liam%entA.ITemb1led A at egflminfier. Hoximxlrablegtnd Renowned Worthics, He fitlfjeéflv/7iclr;I4lm7;e trearearl an zvm well N mortlgy af your cares: Lwz‘ vex}! mm/ieemgy fin» my tO11g1I1¢3.. TM Eu3c.;_e poore England »(2é¢c-e more % V The Efoifilé .Dedic2:1-gry. . % wAMB.r%.E. A I§I~NG-DCJME VDIVIDED AGAINST“ I T S E E F E. T/ye Nofiorzy rozmal about 2/zrmig/at jufllj zsppxjl St.Pa11‘Is oreproofe of the Corinthians unto #1 with m , o ; cOI'u6u§:"'9' oer}; little oltem"t;io7z 9‘. A Ami how am we cldoofi: but apply ~]ufiitiae.c;zp.10. ~,§ Nicolio de Cle; itzoigto our folvex .5’ It 7724} be _/Zziol ofEng1ando’rzo‘;v mt "‘ one marzgii;.o dc gapfufivizetzweflzzdofFranCe, T H A '1" T H E R E I S M O R. E 59‘ ""P“”"°”“ ‘R I G H T E on SNAES s E IN H E L L _., '1‘!-I EN ,1 N T H I S K IN G D 0 M E. o For t/Jere norigéteow mm: is of fiixffed, nor any wicked ozoozpynfled zmriglateozgfljx .2‘ [wt [mom good om! evil! men are all izwolveofin common mfférier , and ofigfiér cit/bar rm the ozzeflde _., or on the or/oer ._., mad too often by lyotb. 4 Jfieaéo not t/373' eiflz‘/nor to Home God: rig/.1teowjz:o1,igc~o mom‘: , 0}‘_}’0fi!I‘ 7zecefl'zry dofizzoe ofyourfilvex , ahd anaem- womxr to fitpprefle the Force: rmffleol again jog; Em.‘ to re» pr-efém! the wofi‘ wzyéroble condition of this oliflreflzwl ‘, Hand " olréaaq/3-zztterly-dtg/'t’roje:i Kingdome. Ax toacbmgo outward mewze: to reolreflé 2/oefl: gr-7T'evz_z22ce: , our /iopex are in your wifdome, -w HO ARE MEN ATHAT HAVE. um-~ V @‘DEPLSTANDINGoOFVTHE "I‘;I%MES,’l"o KNOW s~ncm~o.m.3:.wH AT Isa A EL OUGHT To DOE 7*. AIzdfitp- pofé the Lord flrozxlzioe fogracious mzto M, tlmi we mz'gl5£ lame jzgfi occafion to beat:-2 our Swords into Plowfluaresc, <’“Micah 4,3. and our Speares into Pruningwhoookeso *5 A which 2': the am- flamed olejire of all the Well-afFe€i'ed5 t/acre 7'4‘ afrtrtber tomée V ‘to »tty~your Wifdome. A Fomvlnzt 73* it*~t/mt 23' expeoéfed _fi"0)‘}3 you as c/Jo/on inflnzzmmt: zmder God for lirir fimcizzll flerwoé in; t}.°€f5’ dais: 9° Surety 2zoz’r:flZ* , ( I 7214}! :47: that Scripture ; wfafifionthco pbrogfeo‘ prowréialbr , [owe oiozterprei it) 9‘ t/am anew“ AA Revelation. Heavens,and a new Earih, wherein dwe11eth”right;~eouF~ F 0 Roman C o M M o M--W EA L TR. A For t/éeone, 51176 meffe, :1‘/m::2r,A B..E FORMED Cnunc H_.,A o1u;«:-- I fiflve /Md theoonalflé 3 [mg W-7?¢€9((3.f_.VS3rdi3 /and mzmm to fame,"- A W %}T1{«.-VEpir£1eDedicacory.V~ A Waml Mzvm‘ dead1.){;Andfbr t/aet1;1ing,ivé bad ititn pariguow we :::vozsldla4z2e it intirely,andwithout mixture. The other, «viz. the Common--wealth mufl be jhteaéle to the fimem It’: ac/mrge /zzid upoz: Vtboflr Wortbie: who. laboured fir I:'e- my D,‘ AformationA in tlae clm£"e.r of Qu E E N E E L12 A B E T H M- w0.~F BLESSED MEMOPn,Y,; andlafifier, méf tfieywfiad wimlfid mi“ the corrzzptiorzx of the State zrbicb Wwere: éitnzzwa mzcl cerhzirze , atzdpretemled to firzgzzlar /3olmeflé% in the £z.fl—~ nefleof Religion 45 it fiflrifibr cor2f2'alere%oz7. It azzglbr tlverew fiwre to be the leflé qffénfiwe ift/as Watchmen of tbzlv prcflzvzt generation dofbmzd Meir Trmizpeh‘ leader than ZweremfI7re,m2d7 V \ cry out‘ in good ermzigfl for A B. E A L L R E F 0 R M A T I- “The fubflanwi 0 N, "‘ as among t/aemjfélver, and in thing: E cclg/iafiimll, fa of the Cow:- £72 your {elves li/{envy} _., and in all 4 wires and byfiizcgfiy “am” wl;m2*fo.»s2vz2er~.""" Be not deceived,God is not mocked. It will not £>em1<¢'7z at our band: that our A goodneflb be like thfi morning dew , or that wejlaozzlalzée like Ephraim , 21 Cake half}: baked. G ad require: more. He promzj/"eygmcefbr more. The Word, and t/he Rod 3 in both which Goolflrefcéer out 1373‘ /suzndandh/32}: , Behold rue, behold me, zmfl teacifr Mr to perfcfi: holineflé in the fcare ofGod.. The N 0 B L E S 50 F B 0 H E M I A in the preflzce I78fl71‘8' the‘ can ej/3022 of A their Faith rel3ezn;/E flame propheticall paflhges oft/Mir Mi- mfleryg andpartimlarly , t/38 wordy qf J 0 I-I N H u““S _., to i/572;‘ mfefiz v‘;wtm72% 1.2 3f,26‘,2'7.Rei»eI.’r*1 .t;~. Iftbe gugfiion ée , When {hall thefe things Be P‘ It mufi ‘weed: £22 mgf2:vereo1in%part»2x>it}a the word; ofcflrzfi ,, Iris": not}- for you tp %kr}0W the times and feafons which the Father §ff—A&;,:.,y; hath put 111 1113 owne power 9‘. Aizdyez?‘ iz“ mzfz‘ 4;/Io be ads» tied time the z‘i"mefi9r:M;.to ezzdeamozwr ii‘. is now,efven Whilé it; i"s»ea'I1Ved to day‘. For our part: zvilvb m~eMinifi'er‘s, we éézow izgzzfizzi flfjayzce 272.2‘: 4 it. Ch1'ifi: muf‘ti%11c:r%eafe,We mufi decreafe, 2; HI! the time come JT1ii‘at- the Moone flna1'1‘=bAe cc§nAf0unde% 5, and the“7 Sunne afhamed , when the Lord of Hoflrs {hall reigns in “W568 Cafwiiz on ~ ..° W +< .3raia1m;,.z3.. %1°”°“flV " Mount Sion , a11dim]e1'1.1fa1em. , and before his ancienm A: W yam ~ tlaézif are%4MagiPc1+*ate9 ,, V and 720232“/Etii72g im‘[7e.. Supreame judimtory oftfiislfiingdoxne, I lééféec/.24% you to» cozgflder 2v/Jzzt is‘ expefiezl fifj/01¢-5472:?! flaw: ymi. .S‘£mZ? 13/rayzizy/9 b;»j£;g;%nppre[/£mz*, partializfjg covefaigfizrafle e]Z:~;zpem2pzr7z:?fl:-ez;!,._ or rerfizaine zznrefirrmed arzgy mixer-é .9 Will Goal bzxmlrle IVIO-% gmrchy, am! de;fl'my arbitrary~% government evezy izfilvereg (45 certaismfiljl /Jr? D95 av-J “[613 i7Iff?7”?'6‘W' lwkzgi/Zmtex zzlege:/ze-~ A - mte'*i%m‘0* i‘/Jefizmefz"7¢r;e.r .9 M7ffiW/2‘e2%6ld]0#§ Min?)/i}'€I‘J be cggff mt as *o.:mf"avQ’u1*y Salt unto the dung-—hi1iw.,% mam;//cmda. law peoplelibflm ift/J63}! were’?-L‘a'.mlsy]e§%A% A A ‘ kgqizimonez-at » 4 A"11x/3:3 is bzztto pr’aife,""e% c01:trage,czmrl flrengtfieu you, iagamyéc. j,¢§§,§;%ymz*r 150?} pzwpafiw 472:! ref:lzzt2?a22.§_;, 2{atggitbjiLamc¥2‘n‘g 4t,l3e ~ 512* imlzjr qf the n"0rée in band, dflfll t/.7-3 m1ghty‘~m’*ountaines we opp-o%?ti0ne%‘w£ri¢*7j are mzfed in the way. IV/Tm‘ remainexa $141-5 r£1.aftJ;m; 12: really, refolutqy and exemplary in héeA?~"wm~l{e% ; gf ~ The lipifile Dedicatery. L» of refbrmation. Far Mm fkit}: the Lard. lfye thxéotzgglxly . amend your wales and yourdoings, if ethtoughly A cute judgement betweene a man an his neiglubourm, ” Then will I czmfe you to dwell in this place, in the l....mm:l A A that I gave to your fathers ,, For ever, and ever 4‘. we Lorolfitmif/Jyou with afl t/oe fiwit: of/via‘ Spirigw/5ereé;y y.g;~=,~,~g A 1‘ may be enabled ‘ /new-ezmto. A I _/Z141! not prefiame , ("teat 5:2 fizrre flaw; me) to aliretlf Smut wifdomes in any part oftbegrezzt we-rI{e wbfcfa is‘ be~ fbreyozt. Onebz tone/9z'ng the meme: sf attai/zirzg t/{mt wzf/1 dome wbicé I have fioken of; I beféec/lynx: cmftlclcr t+lmfé award: . q_f'Daw”d"‘. I have more underflanding then all my Team» '5" Pr-.=.1.1r9. 9% chers ,, for thy te llitenenies are In t meditation. I under» W‘ A flood more then my Ancients, ecaufe I kept thy pre-- V eepts. I /qzawuyour bufimjé is" great, and joméffmre /Jm,»~.»zs~: but a few. Tau camzat mm’ much , mr it may be pm} long, T at even in tbeeflampe Alexander would finds , time 290 read lHomer,%"‘ andfiom/aim/1e)mfiwgbt?fba:ze learn: ham to /Jzzaéaml N-Q.;,,m (my. time. "‘ ‘Nye boo/{ex ofsamuelgtlxe Klngsjand Chronicles are W‘- W properfbr _j/Wt’, and 21 key to the Prophets. T bare are many 3" , , 4 “ ‘ .pr.a;ycr.r eaitla jazz cued fbryou , Izutyortr cmme /ozmziligy andV[%"a§§3 A firzsenecjv m przmte will afibrcl you camfirrt. A And t/.9zz£*Bm:pzipov Iév- your pra-ftieall wifdome, according to the rule ofscri lmre °'l°a-Plum-11-.3-4» my befeene and read of all men in :21! your procee jflgla am 4 ble_[/Zngfiom Heaven upon them}! tmdflm/1 ever be fine yrajer afbim who is e ‘. A , Hmtzbly and afiéfliomtegy devoted ~ Wycwr jérvice €72 Cbfifl jgfm. Lezmuts SEAMAJ “ A Prc-:~fident for K1 was ,_,an P xzétfcgsé, and “all that amin Authority. ” AI 1 N G ¢hap.;.;; gverng. » 4 ‘~*'3”W 1W«i’?”f?.f‘[‘\c?7'c? t/{fly fl?7"7m:'Iz.£ av; zzizcrfeyflzzmrling /Je..rl2?0‘jzz.-:].g£; ‘ A MU’P"}’!t‘3i‘»5czt‘ I W12./9’ ;[;f;’Z‘er7ze lretzzveezzegooafl .m£b«zcl : fbr Afivlfiw fir 41/file tajztdge 2?/Mr tigyflagreazi zzpeaple 3* 9 V ” -mm n-mm _, 03: more orderlyentrance into th€~I'1-.1?nd- T;,e;nmm 1- A ling of thefewords, and the better Aunwder‘-4. mom ‘ ‘ L A Handing both 0fthem_and ofthe context, % V 4 th¢1Ae¢-We rim f1?m’a!1At/'ir2.zA-r which “ball A A commend unto your prefent obfervatlon K“i‘m: 0fthisCh;:{pter. 3 A . » ' A V I%.\”.%S’0l¢9772(»7}:£ lave t0God. A" A 1 A :2. Gm1.r.!oz2e: to Solomon. and A % 3.. ‘Mn: flzebixzll 7%: which Solbwow. mm A Q A Actim/1 Izmemzto hi;:«'2:;* ‘ A A A V 7 ¢'$’0Zr)2.2mz.r law to GM! is dcfcri *w::r{?:s;, xmd therein there 11176: thefe A articxllars confiderzm-+. 301::-2., Pi}:/in tlyefi’;,,{cg3»i;:y’0‘;f 251‘. M S£:?[.'(7!W3£:'j/5 1t'1J€"2‘7?3fl‘7"77Z25i‘ji1‘l9I’JwZ'6I?;3 alirzl r‘l£'é'a2”iil’7.4l‘7’{1 it. Theft: are hid downe togve-therinr m1.rMdverre4,V z1ndtlJi"rdZ,v5 ~&zmi;g]i‘Amzce"toprp-as601119 *ir1¢1:i1:e . _ . % A V, A adx A \ iflthe thitfl and T11§_5=I*i% 2; A pen: a, V 1 ,2 $ 4;AAg¢,.,.,,AA,m l,,;;3d;;§;c,g;¢;;¢, 1;. W M fi_m,mmz,,rj, Fflflk I ' , 31:40:!-'9‘: T af‘ ./J73‘ 10-223 235* cmzz%:z:z?rrzco1 m trfigf E- 2wr~z1_r~ .* A’-2z;<[ 5’o!¢2w;7%zz !a'%f1zf2£%.a*./..A&%zf‘/J%£?..~L9>~c;Z_, 22¢zz:’&;_i7z;q in 4S’ta:.f'zz~z?e.r D.»:zw'(J /’§is"5 V Vfizi'/.162"; Thfl.t_i':av,}AiAt1At}1eAfft111e Sfatutas which Draw.-fizz’ his 53% “Ages 3 iiivgs that Walked i;171%“’*’.A %I11-awhicth Words there is both!“ rzcr»’2’rec'1‘ I. zvirfcfi 4fl?~}m‘re;Z 31 A HE IrV.=,1H:€c1i=nthae E+3tatut.cs of Da~z2z'aI his hV“I“*'!w Our, .13.”;/L” .5093 ifizeg/5g§’ejb.e lfifjl CZw2x1.I:zsA;z¢zce.’s.*.»vzerz2£r.¢ .»z[/'ért§02t:gH€%1v0v€dA~theLnrdg mzda: 51:5’/?;72twg[1«zr¢zt:ia9}rz$0fA 1*/32¢ a w A f'§3t4h~e1*. V This;a%gVreesWeIIWit11 thofe W01‘dS.0f0Au1“SaVi- _ The .?..7;;:;€?’«”f*.fq7?:I¢T‘-A71'7j4.,Z1!3'i}*{}*2'.»'3;Z.:7. ciéal‘ 124615’-’4¢f2.4“.3?2!}7.’.?'1:€j!gI"3i$‘ love, 2?: e.:cp;;~.-flaft‘ ii»: l95:»:2 ¢mm!:4A.- 4-zzzéljf»/.1e_Af2zcri]€'(réoi7,‘M lZsAJ‘ZzfZbI71‘;;}¢I£‘VF'?.‘V72?C€'/1;'..z;ff.3' ill the /323%? pfzamef. 1I)_:3_ rIjYi£Ié[g;l ,1?/mrm/J?:%d:1ught€r is no« A ffiwtrfgzuamlwc Where iAm_pAi1fe€13L171d%tbMhiv1n f<“)“1*% 2‘1“{i%i'1n*e‘4, N 4) becaL1fé itis m2nz'2'1e in ’{dz:7‘i£ ** ‘ ,,«m,-4 rfprebenw 1"upMp%ofed fl1eWasAb.efo1te 1:h.e%marriag:e co:1vertedA to the dixu.»-.AM.macbim tam: Religion. _ h.e A Pgf a.‘ ].V1;I1.;C:?,‘ makes = this 11ID1°€Ath€‘I13 A 5” ‘M probable; SaAc1*ifici?ng in high plabes fémnes tcybe ex'cufédin the :- V (I7) Qtanzo fizd fecondvverfe. vet not Wh011y;jbut in part. (b) The LaWAA ma Mora, % 3hfércnces« A a.£cod$ ;%fori31.crificmg%im* o1}‘e% p1ac:eone1y4w11ich G062 A fl1A.ouId%chfe,* is‘ vbry:e-X;p1*e;i}e.. La/r?t;VAI‘7’» %em*.A.1: 2. 1 3:. Find‘ therefore w:ha~tfoeve4r 1nighfiA be pleaded ffom ex“- . (5)«Nm omgy amwples ofoId,theAAc'.u Home of the tim'esA ,, or the eafe and Cajetaw on the benefit of the people, it was 21? fignne either to'11f3 ,, or- place, bgur Tm» mlm and ya” fi1fiter other places them that one for facvlfice. Yettas the %n5u,.-%cg¢u(e 54, people in the ifecoxidw ‘verféd for theAKi'ng, in this thir& W307¢*~.h A1‘-A . ~ ~ A * 1." ha. .hdlyale:V:h;’ fiaewer M126 7eprelvem[cd In that regqxd 0:) Yet; uc gwned judge_ an~i'fl§irmi;ty'as this might: Wellconfifl wit*h’finceryi~ty5 for we read” thea1ikAe%»ofA'/22; ‘I/Be /Jig-/.2 plgzcemwere not rem..o«-% % ' 3 Ki" BSIW4-V wed; %i% mbertbelgflé rmmjéerféifiif. mzéls‘/J*t£vewL.;ord 41$‘ A/a7k%dm7e:.A A I ft-rvations: , A‘ :: 2% ;By“theWaAy4uS:here take inthéfe&'fo1Iowing Ob‘-=+ 4 W W M rm Am em; mtreri zmmalatiwza % This was the TbriLghytef‘t Dia.demA"“ in%3olomaz2;:Cr6W13B.%A’ V Them W, ........ .mAmw lzefirre t/sue“ honourable l.ro'uAfla AAAA A-I.A,5.z,r.43%&4 A AA %. atldfiill doe Wait‘? 3 W0‘11d..f00n€'b€ turned iritodaiesof‘ A thaxxkefgivixxg,‘according to that p1~0n1ifeinz,gc1;,,W)A AchapA.8%. V(:‘1’_£' I 9- *fl"Z3w f}zz'2‘/s¢~1l'/33 Lord of bzflx , 111? Pa of" A 2*£u.éfi9zzri'/cu mozzet/3 ,,% 42251 the F zgfloft/Je ffft/5, am] t}_Ar (3« gf . 2?/55 Aféfimtla ,% I m2'c1AAZ‘l3e% Fafl of t.6Aé t£’f12f/.}fl}’r£// be to the fmwfc qf % Ajzzgizzbjaj¢1rzA_v;f‘{3.jf/z;:]72,'c3;fl?3 , mzzsz’ wfieerfiz/J F£?r{flJ‘. But: ala 3,526.. ..v3;~z:52’2?m2 upm-2 .2.’eg/i2~z2é2f2'ozz- i5.r.*riec!, Me zvbole Lmm’ is‘ fl>oi--V 4 ¢ !eaT"‘.A And What 3 the caufe of all this evil} ? EAVenAthat * ]er¢m,4.m,1 % Awh‘ichfoI*loWes intheA2A2 verfe of that Chapter. Forzzyz V pe0pA;’e 735* fc?£;U'z_'//AJ“,t'/.1«e;y /.Awm3% 7201* !6\z¢.»:;=2An.:;2e ??Z€,?"/.78} /Jame #20 2zm:..7er-% flai+2*dz'ng'-:. t/mgyzire my}: to aloe ezgilla but 110 daegaogl t/.153}; l_;,wg z.ar?A(’2?-ozvlewefigve. '- A A. A A A A . A A A Ifit*beAdc:=:ma11ded, what 1"em¢dj;r? theA21nfweri‘s*out of the Words 0fthe4TeXt-_,Gi-vczzzeto tlrg/fi’rzmzt ,zIA7Azz;2;.'!z':2:fzAf.rds we l1ave‘th1u::e things%1A:0Ac:0nfi.der of; A A A A 1.. SA01a7ffifz??1A$€Z705C€5,0I’ c1efz're- A A A A .. A A T A A‘ AA2;.% f.Z?l1egr~azz;2:lm~2;.z:1reexgflrztqfjbzzt choice. I 1 -W. A1-Ai{~?é",7J*lA€6ZA}Z0.f2?«U5i(?r(?.AA£3f?3'tQ:‘l'I{)2"0¢zi'T.'Zi;72?§fL Himde/“£1-einAA g€11€1’31l is an11nd.er{tanding he-mtg am A 14., more efp%ecial1’y ,A’ zmtlnderfianding heart to judge Gods people, andto difce1‘nebetW1xtA good and bad. * A A V That is.,abiIiAty andAfai*tAhfi1lnefl§e to p*e1*fdrmethe%of%Hce~AAA anclduty of a-Kingtowardstheepeople4ofIAfra‘eE,,AagrEe2tA~ ~ b1ytothAeAwi1A1~0AfG0d:A T» :A A AA A ‘ 2 A AA A A , A A hagrozu2r71A¢mr91r8a§/3vnAqfdew-eAiAs pz;rt1Ay the Fc9nf'e of g,,, his owne Weakneflie ang1ihf1iflicAiAency, which is :iVnt?A.imat‘ed A he1+éAfin‘thatA exclamation at theclofe, For who iraéleto A judge il)73:»"At}.yI Vfbgreata-people .3 and mflrefiilly exprefléd’ in the feventh Verfe; I lmt c2"l.ZA1_5fl§’ child .: I kgzaw rzmf bow mgoe «mt, 02» come in 5 and partly alfo fromA‘the%confidAe1ja~ I:ionAofthe people; Gjver whom God hadfét him*_.,and.'tAhat‘ A V 7m two particulars-A: Becauf_eAthey w.cre~GodsA peAop1/3e.A‘A I A V Q iA r Me*’lafl“#§anetM1'iFa]E_ . A A . .,,.M....u an-luflamum h~&va;mu:n..v‘¢«.q1r- *:z“‘/.3» }JA:3r3}5*h;*. A <2 . ii iii‘ c;:*ef::m ii’: ti1.c~}*Wiere a.;:1*<:Aa2t.'zi1ici n1i,li1’iC’.‘I?'()L1$»“ }»eoplew?’£m2rt/§yiL[/*2; grm-:2 p.mp!e~. Hathti1€f'(;*1?'e21ii}~ns::a1*@ more fully laid dmme in the eighth verfe imiiiediateiy i_f0r<:ga'0ii1g : for in thefe word 9‘ 5'z%f[07}Z0f.’?’ {hams up £lI1(.i. C011" i.c11ee‘theiirengt}1 ofall Wfhigh he had faid before. Amri thy hfi:mz;«zm in 2/36 7;2i51:l;j25 I’/3} people 3 i2.v£r2"cZv flew /94/3 c*.!3eg[E7z3a_gre.ztj1eap/6,ifiwtf c.zgeflv2/Jéitime; 47251 z%Ae?fé«4_/fb¢zr ;: A « 13121 re;r;?zof~z.~‘e.%*I(i7ég.rgm2c1 3 9xm._,;..zx5 jéttaz/6 gpi-i1€i;i:zg:.Id”ipartimlariwereadofiNcab2mZvm*{¢,zezz,ar;i He 5éféréatZ)e /ooyrzauaable/’mujEA ofCa};2}é¢0}2:., Sep #32 €51 62A}4.A A A y;’A'9 A A AnAm*A4‘ fi?0"m» fin ofmezz 7"""A"f" ti/Z, 3/{re égrzezv téwzttlw A ma-rg/it /gig/J G M’ rzdcd Air; t11eyKinga10me 0752672 , 47242;’ ytbat /aye at/7* (5) A “ Dfimf. po;?;g.iv:::l over it? wbomgfbeper be 27192.3]/(I2)... And 1110136 gcneralw 1% the P"f3lAm1i‘t fpee.kmg0FGOd fa.1th,,Heflml/ czxtcyf‘ the AA i;A'i1.' oiFPjmf'22.ce.r A be is" te;~ri.AMa* to -Me Kirzgr Qft/56 em"!/J A Cc) P£'ad.g_v61, 12. Therefore aybfolute power ,A and to be the fonsof men are abfolutdy incompatible, even in thofe who aye cab- \ led Gods. A _d y A72: y rzizdeiflazzziiyzg iéearfl This"€Xpr€m0n am), favors Qf ;a great dealeof hurmbty. Cord0cile,y fo theyulgar '* Latinfig ya teat‘/.vaé2/e /.pezz.»~t., C0g~mm'zem,"~fo .4;~iasAn1mzza;zw, 915.310 A a bem::i;2,gr /3eari_‘. He prefinnes that‘G0d would be Willing A to teach him A. by his SApiAritA 3; but is affraid lei} through cm‘ru~pt~i0n he fl:ou1d”turne,th_<: déafe care. God oijfers _;yl1i111'félfe a teacher to A many, but they are not willingto A 163 me Qfhim. '-Depart‘ flow zAr,‘flr2vek1€fz'feyyrzotyyAtI5e uézzown job ax. W Ie::z'geafi'/.1)? mzies. Yet We maybnot A be too curious about the phrafiahereg, it’s plaine enough What Solomon meant, . both by Gods anfwer, at the I I . and I 2. v'erfes, eompa-~ red. Bmznfe t/am /mgflr (raked t,/.223‘ £627.12 g,4~--uzzclepflaizdimg M A dzfremze juct’gemem‘.. Re/mid _., I /mvve 610726 ...czccj0rdz7/zg to My wvord.-10,!-/5A;we,qiz;eiztbee 4 mi/é and 472! 7mde2~fl‘4zIzding heart. And by that'other relationA which the holy Ghofl: makes". A in 2 Chr0n.I .10. Giwje wenazv rvzfolorzze and l{gz02rolec1ge,,t£vat I rimy got? az1tAd and come £22 before tlwrér 1>eaple,€§‘*c; , V7 A! ItfoblIoAwyes in the Text,tojzza{gre] Thisygone word com» prifes all the" duty of a King , either for peace» or warre._,;' at home , or abroad 3 upon ordinary, or extraordinary ‘ occafions. As in thatyother place, Makem 21K ing%btyay*j1£d(_g'e~y(d) rA Sain.;‘8.%., A 314+‘, like all tlA7e,Natio2z.r"(d).'Th€1“€ be:feVeraAl1;waies‘oAf§°j;;*fi*='§¢f= judging which yourdfelves areexpe1y‘Ai:nentally.aacq A P d‘ 5" tedAAwith. I’1eyyiayynothing of the payr~ticuAla_r“kindys.;A ‘ my yAhexe?d iAnc1i.1ded and» ind*a11,Aeveny "in. thcy;yy1ox£;Bfi»3bem-um * aput 774178, inxpermg‘ Ad A ggubcrnzzrevzzim fBartbo1AAd WE-flm y A T A to (wam.a.:c,»«.§,e '¥t:r7t:S. R.¢rpe.‘:‘ti‘mu& fbr-goverzzjzgq rrftbemiwiz‘/3 be had mfiaims‘ as Svcinffi: *Rev*¢: S. 34 4 and .geneiraIeIt Providence ' Gods: A ‘feIIors,t-herefore they For who 72: able tojzzdge this? t/ayfbgrezzti at people:-U A gmt~ cnavzteafiuar mmzlired far wztlfitzmle. As- in the latter end of the’ eiglith Verfe. salituwrz 2dl"mi-res tithe» SuI9j”ec'i?rs.., They were /.r73' glm:yC2z)tTin one»: A are aifoiiiiis féare andeare, and make hiS~__;;" A Hefejemes defpziire in_himfe1fe_.,; 4 ' i t«3Psor~w9 . 0 A fisnife, Eat they 4 ; 4 A Serbia)!» predcliéd t/aelagfl rIia;zetlv{;rP’4[t' * ‘i L J about fmalleeft matters - thetfee need of tWi'fdom«e.«i A Tfy/ifiople] Solamorz feezmgesto be much afifleéiediwith *1 this eoné’ideraitionA,% and therefore We fljoufd take the more notice Oflitu : A/Z‘ peepfe are Goglr peaple byC.reation, t_.,3 but Ifrael Were his pemlzkzrt we zmto /aim 450 we all pe0ple---A peop legti Yea, apeezifimr treat Kmgdmze qfP.m‘q/fir, 42244 I501} Nafiazz (5). The more 34 int: 5 itlierefiare tlvemfi are 2'22 (1 Kingdam-e, 2‘/38 wo;"e~c¢zre /ye tzzkefz Chrifi his glory to beeffizzg afsuzirzty *5 audit is the glory‘ qf -a1i’Ki’ngdomes”to have Saints for’ Subjeflcs. To be King of”Me¢z is fomething; To be Ki'ngoff gtiom is grea- ter, To be King oft’/érg/Zimz: is theheight of'”aI1‘.i This. V thereforeweidoth fadlyejaggravatethe finnes of ‘many'Go'-« *ve1*nours in thefe lattertages , 4 tliat all the injuries which they doe u_nto their fubjeéts, are done to Chri mans, towi- % _A People , by '(:3h,r1{hans. A _ Tlwzt I 2¢z.ay»d23fc'erne*bLetnbeene!i gvarlaml 6441 This reiiltesr W 50th to perflvzx, and tlviiqgr. ‘ rent perfons,requi1*e difl’erent*aidminifira tions. ‘ There is A an appearance of evil}? ii-nt thetgreatefi good’. Prim-ce;ri,t and all thatiare in authow Diflerent things’, and difi'e-7 a ihew of Wi-{dome in fQI1“‘y'~, and ~ri;t;y— , are toibe haunted with flatterers , I‘ aridevilf--coun-9% have need of 3. d;i=;fce1fning fpirit. peaple, that icannwr be multitude efhié burth_en the heaviier. _ %as.ive1I:heimiigh_t _., ‘ atthte‘greatnefl‘e~~of~fiiS iebarge; Nowwe . ‘ iatd“a1€§Sg*thceG2§e;<;f.0rzte.r of A A A have refieéf unfov-it/Beir Sainzj//hip. It's“ V fi"1ch.%as profefle themfelves to be» » 1135)’ W‘’"¢.1'” 1 iftgfbretlfiélwanouraléle /5>Va¢24[éVofGommm:,,,S'ept.e25‘. 164.4. V: 3?" have fi1bjes’f75fSV_€§10t1g’hVuflleflzi they could co11q;uer4a1ltiie w, Wbrld , ’ yea a1lW01“ideS.Ve M fllexamder wept fobéxzre qfmara A -‘t,’;m;m;2e.); [)”E.’Cz'i7/.5, be /Ja;7!€z~zote 4:: yet cwzgzzeered me. - A5 Ome mm j()yenehQL1'fC.tQ’h()‘l1f€ffO;dOC others joyne K.img-- edometo K'mgdome. :1”/.76 Catbolieée Keiyzg zvmlzl :.f2zine éemz A ‘CK!-t/J0[Z'¢S‘4!36 2\’3'v’?73?17‘*5§- But 3 01073013! eh€3ft‘*5a.ekeSV »’Withinee : him V ea cohfideer the greatnefl7ee ofone Nation , whic:h,,as it was A J b t./LIQA/%x;tL7c§'fI3V(2?c;l/'1’ i?£‘!9,17le ihttlae /2egi;¢72:'7zg‘;Cb), ['0 It W;1sfleve1°(b)Dcut.7.y§‘ V A to be“e3;eceoumed§e of in Compareifon with thofe who were gndeeerjone eofthfie foure Mollarchies. A72 lwzzmblebeart mépr a tame {=_fi‘izmzte ofdzflicultiey 2.‘/Jay are, and fiich a he2trtG0d. iE1a d ijacioufly given unt0%Salo;;m2.A7zd tbwfizr oft,/.73 ex--« ,pre]fmz.r and their gnzljfcaérzcjg w/Jéc/.1 fall mm the firfl V V O1’2]?3rz,hz£‘iwz. % A V , ‘ A V \ V ‘ V A % V ‘T/;7ej2:co7z.e:10Lférzu:zrion is t}3135* Soimzovz dzf/fiufex» I£~0t;2¢p07£ 3«.0H'i:rv'atioH§ ‘Wee petiit, neg the wordr ofGo.cl,, 7*‘ either. on the meaning of them , «or of . . V V _ ;. V e . V % V. . fl expcflzwzt de[t..V the feclfiet mtenuon 0 God.,Wh~et_her 11: was to try h1m,_o1: 1,¢r,,,,,t;;m,,-,,,,,., mherwifeg m4L;u:helefl"e OfG0e1S'Tp0W€r9 or faitlzfiflneffe 2 Pm Mar. ‘ hit in {hall afimmzce offizitb" he clofes Wxththepromife A implied m the comma*nd,,and1meeproVees the hberty which *G<;$dehad 9;ra’nted him with all lmlj 50lo;{r2r:‘ :3. » Ohthat we were Iikekminded in reference togall the great and preciw aw 'pr0w2ffé.r which are ffread before us in the Scripture. ’ A A Open t/.1e_‘y"2ir~;zo¢zt/J »zvide,(fai V ,¢-gmgmg m;yfl}jz‘.r_., and daugbter: , command 5/eA#4ee(d). Caafl ggpyyz we in the day 0f}tJ‘07tbt{35 elwiil deliver t/.2ee(e). AA 9 (d) ~Il'a+.w-{.2 1. ’ h God) and Inn’!/fi11'it;V(c). cw (.,;x»r.z.~e.;m; e(¢)1'fal;‘5'o. 15'; V TA tfvirdoit/érvatim. Sofamam beartetmm fécretly gui¢led3.0b£3rv;riong} % V - n. .5} God A M as lag wzfdowe;.V H Isfs a fkfiznfi-3.11 favour from God, V L toeV have A-grace whereby we may beable to aike things A A I ‘Which are meet for us,an-rl thmgs agreeable to /air Vwifl (f). (f)xeJohng;:4;" " There are ‘fame ’t‘oo~m~a“ny) who 21>/.nfl>er imp théeare: of"‘v@’ “‘.f". . , * ‘ -. V V . A ‘ -k e ‘ % ‘ ‘ *0” ‘i’“.”?[“?‘ God fi;cb.db ‘WW5’--~ xfme %?22=}29p.ra;v zzzzfo /Biwi (L?) C‘1*~as%t}51A0f %(e)1=~ra1.ue».r. ?i9??*f(9}‘iM~ A ; V ‘C’ A A A 2 A A ._ A A A 4.Ob*‘cxvacion " TI/5efé9m~t,6 .75‘ fbzr; PM‘ :~*'c2.c/zze.=r/I5 fi'v0Az¢'m'~“of’A mmml Aexcel/Ae;zi*A _ A. Ao.A. % % ' -' ' A lflfffiji‘ lvgzoiiv./.fAZ" 215’£!2?c'.ti:2'3/Lifflflfi oz4.g_g§/_;;z:‘e3,l% zfadgaa f¢g7{t£?"i3"§zéz‘§_( +So‘1nEi:AimA.@~ W-Inna-an-u‘ uni A 7% ‘ ;“I'f2= '( 7 A V ..dT£"<,S'e~2+I%~:o2z préncfiedrézt we /a_é/i5};;zorzeZ'l5y1}/ V A (75/‘lanzes Mv #jz.mrZz{fl1r,.i"2it’h St%f;~A:_7.«z2,v2;?;r G(:)C'Ils CI1i1“d1‘é11 a1‘ei11Aa%d011~* “ hie refpe&~ *beIioIAdi11gu;1t0 God in po§nt‘ofprayer%, U teacrhang of them to pr2n,r,as W€HaS~ fo1'%}3ea1*ing _pray‘e%rs:‘. ~The IM.O‘1jdin"rne1+cy Vo11(5h:fafeusMtI1is Ag1*:1c»e[=, on this oizgv «of p.:~aj?a;~ ,, A and then We=fl::a1_I= 11a%w'?Ve1g;0.r fpea.ls:es»fi*eque11t1y , :,mc1*Vvith ftrong‘ ‘ A V 4 jafieveration to this p11rpofe. It‘ it .422 gzliomizzzztinzzfo Kmg: pmv.:6.xi:»- A to cammzit zviclgezlize £3 fer I‘/3'6 T/xvzrzze is‘ t€"[£tfl[)[7_.//365215‘)/”7'I.g/;lI7t?“ i A _ .azgfmflé.T/.26 I{i22(gt*t/'3xztf22il*/3jzlfi/g_ei'/5 t/aepzxare,/.wzk T /Jrcwe NCWP-‘9~’r%~i‘*~= _flJ"Aa'.[Z‘[)€ -e_fl2z/212'/Z2ed ~ for ez.re2~.n A A * “ ~ A A t‘ ; Butwhere is the xnzm of 'any‘ra11ke or q_u‘aI.i;ty3 4 who I 4 j makes matter of duty his xnziine care? And if ittbe a 1‘ f;1L11t,as qL1efl;ionlefleit ies,in the Hz'g'l7c:/i‘07z‘E,,z1"!'/.7;,t0feekfit teethemfelvesypr to ifancl too muCh"up:0n the.ierh011t*m1r*3a11d» '.~p;a:r1;icular intere (133 What ifhallh we £1yorhthinkfehofth0f*¢' 4 ' 1. who are of inferiour 1'ankte~and quality‘, not fit tube nah»- ~ “ .med vvh‘enKingS, are fpokext of; and yet ar"e;g11i1ty in this ‘ % gkind? he glory of God , the ferVi:ce caftheistate , and VA thegbod ‘Q fthe whole Kih’gdO11ie‘,5W0u1d.ttbetm.11ch?“rfiU1'é” A ..}f,1:o1?;‘flt‘ih>1ZECI‘t}1‘E:.I1iitiS , “ were it not forthbfe fl1tafiIefi111~tatndt‘e ». .ix;exeeufah1~e contef?ration‘se whichcare -betweene thhofe " *?st~e“whbh,eare 0th"er‘wifet mofi: Hazzazxrzzlalqand zzéeilvdeférviizga , A ,9 ,0fl10I1;0u1?%,,a;1d 4 byrrefpe7'éfsu~ i . At A. n AA AA Sérmorz Apreaéfaedat tlrélqjl iizozzgt/Jlymzflj A 6.‘0bFcrW‘3°“' " “ ‘.1"l1e.Axt 0-./2jer*zm.ty.%;<»rzV. T56 KA2?7zg‘ /Jere mo q:¢t;flio2zAé7¢i‘ Goal ;’Mz~:!gArazce m.-:1 zvAi,f21::~;z=:9 e;wzz«:3'1w i7ar.fl0w*, M erzéz/xle /Jim fw % /Jir» Kz'7zgl)/ Ofice .5‘ tlvAzzt :’9e‘r;2i_glat brirzg glakyto Gad, azzdbezg % Hdflrzg to .{,«’m:.el 77:2 fire c;z’:yI:-/3:zz;ge agfit. A A ‘ And. therefore Ki1.{Q[}/gozxéimizzerzt isA not fimpIy,andAAfoft A it felfe to be excAepted;Iagai1ifi. 7/3.9 cqgaezze of Slash’: Aim?‘ % Yference was Very good,» ~Eeca¢:f3A7t/Be L mi lover! Jfi~a;eZ Afar‘-" war , tlrez~efé7*e zmzie /we tlwee Kmg ,% inf» 6L,06_jI£61:.qf3«772€72f‘ zz;zdj2¢~¥4 A (,3, Kings mflice (4). It was prazrt of the_,f/’2ec§zzlZ éleflévlnqflé vpromifh-dA~ ;unt»0 Abznzéwiz, ‘I/.Auzt Kié¢g.rwAzlc;;’ came out qfzéim; to - ".S’m~zzz'._.-Tezz I will E»/ejé her; % df?15£7_fl?£?_//Mflz [M11 moféver q;“”N.»zti~ (5) Gendy. 6. pm: Kingxr afperzpleflmll /55 of/Ever Chrifi rej0yceAs%inAitAA 16., A A AA A AA (c) Prov-8.A:g. ~c!ec‘rcejuflice(c). He hixxnfelfe was a K i?72::_2._Aanc:1 ,Ahath% there: A by fanftified that calling and ei {are A T he benefit ofthis A kiizai ofgovernmzent is as fully Aa€7"erAt€d in the ;S’crz'p:“‘m~e as of any other. A Kfng t/mt fitter/5 in t/Sm ‘I/3 ;;wze o?"j'm/zfeirrzent as part of his glory ,, that 53/ Gina: Kr’;z,q.r reiqz2e,4rm’.7*»~irzce4° AA A (:1)i3roVfA.3o.3+f2'a71‘i'81‘€'M7 away ax//Aeviil 2293/: /3721? eyey And in the farne A Chapter 5 A wgfl? K%ingfl7atr%ere3‘la the n*icA'°éd3477dd:"iz:e‘/f)% 2'-/53 wlweele aver them}/VhA2A1t {hall we {lay to thofe moPrconfide~ rzible places in j’erm':y., wherein God feemes to feet out all the dim enfions of his love toward his people the jewex £3 .A}za’it_/Em‘/Z come tapzgfléi, fye di/igentfiibearégn mzto 7zAze.3flzif/J 3;” wjw 17.343 £:gALarz:l,to £>r'f:¥.z_g' in no Aéum’erz tbrwggb Atlre gate; (ff city A ‘V A 2.5’. am tl1Ae“.S’a[2b¢zt£» zlozfibut /5411021: the .S’zzAM¢ztlr day_,z‘:;i doe no work A A A fl’r;erein;."1'f1e;2_f%»altbereeizfer into the gate: aft/ffir City If i'A1A7gJ‘A$ A A A @~Prri72z*e.r__fi'.ttz'ng upont/ye ‘M rm ofD.4m’d, riding in C'£rm~e2!;r, A,’ Now A @442. (e). It{7ee1nes%Athereforiethz1t profamtion~ofthAc’ ASa b-— A A ‘bath is very pr‘;=:judi%ciallVu11‘m’ Kingfs,-and~Athe;tr4uAe1%znt‘3*'iA’fie-e j >ers.of:it :1 re their friends. It ,fo1vlowfsV:im:h~4e. fvhmwe “book, wfkitb t£reL0rd5gE zfiecuteg/aatjudgwent amp! 1*ightAwh_!/izqfl’, A ..;z12lizg¢r tibejjmriled mfA;ofAtf.ze hand 0» Me Awpm-t3fl»rA: A¢zma'daafi~naA AV}V~qt53g~ong , doe~rzo zzi0lxe(zcer;¢rztp_t;lv»e Vmmgergvétbzefttfiéerl, am? 1.66 A lzefirre t’/as éenowaéle /.vzm_‘/‘é efVC'emme2ze_,Sept.q5. I A e 1.3.1.” .5: « flee widdaw, neie/J—er_/Zdedh innocent Head in t/.rz2r plezee. For 2‘ ..(=‘}I‘eru2*£'4f" ye aloe tlvie t/Ji7eg’i1z.deed., e tlaenflmll tlaere enter in by téegateye I efflwfif /’;Ie2.fl:, Ki7zg.r_ /ietizeg repent the Throne o_fDzz2'2ieJ, reeling in Cbaretx, mind we 120%.», [we em! /313? firy/mix, am!/51}; _peg.-.. ple Ce). By all which ~ it's more then manifefl, that as it was never Worfe with that people, then whet‘: there was ' no K freq 7'72 Jfi~.zel ,‘ fo it hfhould never be better then. few. 1} , w.henGod be (‘towed a King on thern,as the fruit and. re-= ha. ’ gw compenee of their obedience. Among the g.’0‘i*i0zI4‘ 1‘/Ji7gq.s* .whiCh are prance"/eel mate the Church efGed‘, to be enjoyed’ ire the latter age r of the worlds, this is (me, and a principal} me-anes which is Ordained towards the compleating of her happi‘11e1Te, ttlmt K2'.72g.¢5~fl)’(1// be /oer 7?1£.’f,{Z.7zg fizz‘/)er.r_., me! A 1 /verb nzzgffmg Iizetbere Cc). '1'/.1ezt't/.ref'o;‘:mey qf_flm;zgg,.,- _Cc)Ife;ge.:3.; fie]! lmzléi up /Jer mall: , mzdtlveir K izzge _[/ml! mimfler meta} t b b 662(6). .-When the N ew~‘7e.vzz’2zlewfl1aIl come djowne from (3) .c;,,5.,_,m, God , Iiigtgs lhall be no hinderance , ulmtt flmll bring 2‘/.7./fir ‘ b e Iacmz~ aeze.’g~'m:7 irzte 2‘fCf ' And therefbree the nnoft exaét ‘ Cf) 1?:¢Vmag,:. ‘tr e reformation in tF1eeVC[izere[7 may well conift vvithw this rliignd of government in the State , and the folly ‘of that _ Proverbe will in duetimc appeare to all the World , Ne A .B.;3fl:ep, no King. A . ” We haveetherefore the more ca»ufe.to be humbled this specialffimee. day for aflfthe evil] which befals usetmder fix ch 3 governe °“.1“*§1i1i?*bi°"~'e zment. Theecry offuch as are .ro,b’d, end. 1:poi1’d}, or im--£7 poverifh ed}, is loud"; “the cry of the Widdowsgand father» leffe is farre Tgrea,t;e1‘:. e There is abundance of innocent‘ blood ihed in the Land; T/Je.gree7zttree ml I/Jeelry are bet/5 A Ce;/Z izzfe tlre-_fi're.e T/ee rirelemezfeel and fleeeéreumeifiedtereeevifie . A ted in lflzge ms~mne?r. tWe mufif neestake that %in";v:ekieZ'" tint éu.rVfe1Ves.Bel2&*?él I ameggain t7.»iee,eeed‘n*;ill drewfiqgzfl» my Spaerd ent~qflé flveath,an_c1 wifl em! ejfflozex thee /Igbefiglré . senate .ez2e’?tbe.;vic/{§7d(g); That judggmem Whi§}Xi3thF€37;_(g)E3e§.z;;§3s;. G Zach 31.5.. —.—.-—-u» g‘: A A (% _ Ser#20}2VVpreacZwed_attbeizgfl moézetlvljl A V. nfed in Azeclmry lies; ehea‘{ryuep0n¢;th'is Kirigd<")me.e's11f mills mg aware pitzfy t/3e ii:/Jabjtzzizty oftbe Lezrzefljzzit/31f;6eLo2"ol;‘ L111‘-leg,“ 122:2’?! a"ez’i7;er the merz,e-very me irzta /sis 7Z€?5g‘l1b0Ix'7"J‘ barzafi and s wet oft5ei9~lnz‘7zoI I nvizii ne“z“deli‘z2er t/new God _eshalfhse~Cut!»s % inte 12751;’ £3c‘l?Z&d0_f‘/;Psi3" eKz'¢zg,. «:rz2;:! t'l:ey/‘[1741,/W/‘;¢z:ite it/Je Lend; sw rifle’! ; A afunder his fiafie, Beaztfj , by tvifhd1'awit:g ‘11i%sw0nted e ” Providence toward us; and his fiaf'fe,Bezz.-:z.’«:;by bsrea1: img:.. «% W %.v:~t'he b1‘0therh00d As betwiTxt011e~sspart of the people and‘ 7 a1i0the1*¢.e ‘eIrflu.z.r:«*zexe7;aze teflezzke qftfrefla t/M129‘: wit‘/amt i'em"es‘ ofeezm1.e 7’ Beiitvwhest 1_11ightbe:the caufe ofall this evil}? V "A In the Inaime ‘qu‘e.r~1‘e1I,». I am confidentwe may plead 7 0u1'im‘10Cency5 and ‘faywith ’D.e'z2iaf in the cafe b€tWC€I'1C’7‘ ~ him; and Szml. --jzzeige we, 0 Lordyszecorclirztg to my ri2'bfeouf~ i =§_g)p;a1;7_§;_ 72eflEr,m2d.«zccor:1z';2g fa rzzirze izztegfizjy ts/mt ismire W But; . Pfal. 84; 13,14, A A 1'5. A fixrely the finsof ‘theone’ spartys ._.,* .arer:z0‘te the adequatse caufe of the judgement on both;. What fay’s God? oh» that? 223/ people Mr! /aearflveeel meta z;ee5 and t/Tm}! I/Mel /Mm’ 2v;tl--Q” A /{ed 222"} mzier... _I‘fl}61£lr2': flaoize bavefizbdzzed t/Jeir ‘ezzemieee, anal-tzzivzeel /Jezrzd zzgez2'n_/is t}:'2ez"r_m1.77Je1jfizr"2?e.r. f1Tl1es/mz‘er.r: ef A W tbevLcrs:1fl.2o;¢Id" f§£57;r'2ft‘l‘_6¢‘l' t”/oeweje-léxex ¢mto~/aim --And _ppo-v.x6‘.7. Seloizzerzg, 1/7/3672 4 mm; mzier splezg/E 2,‘£)%L07'61_,£7€ vzaéetb e .e;zezm'e.r ta beat’ peace mite: lziw. We mufi needs conclude - ’ th€I‘CfO1’C3th21f our fwaieflsare finfullg crooked, zv.:zz"e..r time are ¢zotA geoelaef feexngvfoseman swhdsvverees ourfriends are ‘ HM.m.‘3; ‘I become our enermes. An we alfoemayfay, We ~/uweeee - u no eKi&7g beedzzf: we fietreel not tbelom’ 1;, what st/Jen flmzzlal at r A x Sam n 1:‘ K2’-erg daeefow.3A7zc1I'fzve% fbkzll fiilldoewickedl Q A co22fizz2zed,bot£r zve,em1om~Ki¢zg. “ A _ . es A .,,,,Qb;e,m;o,§, ‘YetsoneObfervat1onmore to comfort us ‘as-littIe.u~ .S'e-. A A Aoiifwrz irvery confident At/Mt” lrezzrt Save: ~z’7z.G’eocl§r's_e bd7zd.r.; Eiether tow b1ind,or” inlighte-n, to tnc'>IIifie,or to harden, to» “M mak€I}‘iema_bIefling tosI~fi'aeI,or ggjudgement. ~sslgs€t~n,t us »thereforeeed§fpa'rcgeithérin rega,1‘d?_f 2 our ’ % ” V ‘ «elves,» bf dear King. I-I‘e-A “etflatemadc ‘Eflzaée-5 ~ and Laémr.-L grelent to- Gcncfiam. befl)re tbe honourable fimfé afcoqemow, sep 1". 2 5. A 1 64.4. i wards jdcoé That«*cauf'ed ' Sable to acknowledge unto 3"‘9‘ ;D~.-wz'd,Tkm: méte2;:o%re rigbteow tbzm: I .- A for than ‘bafl rcwarv A dad we .qoac1,zr/Jeremy I /Jame renmrdeol t/Bee evifl; And gavfi x Sam-$14.17 A C_. A~.Dam'el fo large a roonie_ inthc afiefiioxxs ofDarir/2:,‘ no‘~1;- _ e ewithflanding the confpzracy of Tevill-coun feuorswagain 1} ‘hixn. And /Be z‘lmtge4'z:eI/xi: people fawzzr in the eeje: 0 t/Jqfé Dan.¢-‘om,’ Amfm carrfedtbem mptiz/es, evenethatgreat /5reart-cowemnder epmom 4 6 , fiSi_3.b1‘e to fer us all right in the apprehenfioné and afFe&i- Aons o3fHim who isnow too many waies at diflrance from 'us.* We have a divine tefiimony to build our faith upon. Tbeekirzgy‘ bear! izrirz the [wand of t46eLoz~d , 4: the rfzxery of agar be mmetbit whither/Beyer be will. AncI1nanyiri~ Prov.zx.r.§ " Frances to flrengthen our faith by. Almoflr all the Per/‘fém . Ifivzgy. Before them the Bafiilonimz Mortar/{'_, C that head N " cf gold, and V/Jeazrz‘ afft'oI2e_,) to fayrlofhing of }_’_%bzzra0/3 4e efiigbteow lip; are the delight of K fag: , and I’/.163}/[0710 Zrirfzee the Egyptian. HOW wonderfixll is that pafllft e %concer—- 11ing,Ampbiloc/5iw‘of Iconium,“'Whu change ‘the Hrriau Erzzperorx heart _., . by denying that reverence to his fame which 1 heeexpefled fhould be given him P But confide: wr Tbeoddretzw A Whzmethee Scripture fays filrther .: ; zzm “ , , A * N . that /firm/{er/.2 riglbt. Prov. I 6. I "* . AA A A A 4 He 2?/3;ztAI*o»2::etb pureneflé of/Jeazrt, fbr the gMceA of A5721" lip; .f:=T‘t[7€ Kiz¢¢§'J7mHbe bzB‘,fi‘ie1id. Pr‘ov..2t2‘; I I 5 A A % A A {hall not need to fpeakeofmefe by way of a.pplica~ catien. By this timcthere is7 fufficient light given _, e as I hopemeven tothc infide of the ~Text.~ But” a maine part of the ‘worke is yetbehincfiwhich is to faife fome eDe;a6lrivze;¢3f and give in the ‘ZJ/‘ex ofthem; JAI {hall but name the pointse andAopeAn them aIitt1e,and though theybe f everall,app1yA t-hem al1»a?es one. :~: ‘, A A * A A _ A ~ '7 +A. ~ flflive. mndfihtbvaf Gowékfidflrfi * ’ J: A, ....u_....‘«._.. - Mm ‘ ‘ A “ ‘ M. 13 f A u %” '¢4Sér22zo}z&1%27;e4c»6ed=at ‘tr/.78 fl A19 judge the people mmmitted :10 ta/Jeiriféc/J.zzr;qeg, 2mdA ‘to ‘ , dzfrernefietwem gomi azndlwmr/.*:> AAT?hat’s the fifft. A L .2‘; The {econdt will that 5em~e_fi;vb*0fi?be Awe fiecizzll p zzeedofwgfilowe. ; A _ ‘ A A AV%AWi,’Ez?o;vze ta Zve de/Wed 7"I£t/§L”}_’, 2£u~;z44;z_;» mt-. A; 7 J‘ am;-d 12lejfi'7zg,:5nrt ’efl>,ecia-.7/'y ivzjfdame fbr gmerzzxzzezzfi A ' AA 2'72 G-0'7J6}"7?49J!)”J'. 7% A A % A A _ ATTIC fourth and liafiis %thiS:'O"2zefi=ecizzfi7 %2;mm'.z26; ta z:ztt;¢2?7:<é‘ % z:;zrmr.v;fi!w;ze z'}rpm}»e1~. ~ A ” % ’% %IAAflV1a1l.—notAneed to pro4fecuteWa;nyAoAf A::hef2;- poiemssat <‘=.‘ 4'jl"arge.,A it-A.wi1‘1 fufliceto fpeake fometiiififg 0 Acvery one of izhemmixtly , rather to 22a0r1;{_e‘ mm min rim z6em~t by Form ’ quickning expI1cation,thenby1'eafbns and de1nonfiee2zegqoza.*1A and £22251’. that People. 'Iftheqm;flz'o:«: be ,1, what it 1:~:Arthat fuch as are in authority IL M h,aV¢to? time 3 hereis the drfméw; +:AAANrjt:to wzardfeqn ar-- ‘ Abit:rLa;ry power over%mvens‘“goods’,:1and.~ _perVfans,efia:es ém& A A lives. Nor to gather up abundance oftre-afure for thema- felves and their po f'cerity,,and much leffiato opp1'eHTe and IA: “ rannizét. I t was an expreflé::L:z1WoffiodA*AA,concerni11 mm 1“ 7. jajKi%11:gsJufIfi+aeI#; . T542 tloey‘ ”/Maid nargrmrly multipyr to % '71ePri71c1'piA. A ' tlaéwfélzvex Silver Gala}. ; %;VVhi1c:h€ was-not intended A cmeIyAa9%a%reafon why thgcgy might ~not choofe ac flrangcr Pm”, c,em_ tpib,e Kmgas Plrila the fuppofE¢but rather as w hwmHiuy,amdAmoé¢xatkom.T/Mtzv5e;r% vex.-I. 20- A/Janna am l7}"fl‘e*d— up abaw weir £13~:e«t/.We%7a. ‘ yam! ,fEan'-s-x9- fpeakingvfmcéflclmdmzxmr faywf 'A W150»: lie‘ wmld A A~ Mm 5310;, 1‘€1:ét€'SWIl0tj2'Id‘ reggr but )‘.Ed?zwz.A.Nog_- kwflhgt w39A&9n¢ 35A M AL » T j wbm~ficwmld4be k2pt‘wh‘w,@‘*a;Ve“A Em the:-em he . Idle; i -bem 1644- .. 12% ;m5 per memmu]i‘_ £eMcy&.r in the £422: izneaking to :j?7ra2d~ 3 531“ 33-3e Aw’ f3a§’§9T;’&"A”’£”?’0}.’ 7ra{;o%£et£>er~jw flmrltt omfbliom. Alto” Bcu:.zs.m o A ‘étheAr ]uf7c cfxpgfioifsmw ) zz _ ice jzz ice.The doublingofthe A- A . » §gro1»d far more vehegnencya. The meaning is, all man-- §§i”§72“£§f°“ nor of )t1f‘f1ce,aod nothing but juflice, exaftly, carefizlly, * A * ” and contmually» D A i A o 2 The fpecxall thmgs which belong to Rulers in Way of judging are thefe,_and fu ch Alike. V A A 1 .A To provgxde good and wholfomcf Lawcsfor them~ {elves and then‘ people to walker by. God dothnot judge A gmeo , but by and according untoa Law; M We luzoea Law; 311*; ‘9- we and b}g.om~ Lam }"3eoaz¢gl2t toa£ie—~.Dof/st our Lanfjucgremjoigm 1' "W ~ A ~£efore gt bears [mix ,, 422:1 krmm 2.12/Mt /.36‘ 510156 .3 wsiifgfffiboxg. {laaozzre fa judge me aficr the Law, mid ~cor;1m.azmlg/Z fi1e-i:f0o5e>:- fzzzitren can.m;1r}z ta t/.;eAL.,.m:» .3 Affs 23.3». oWe fee: good m=¢n« plead the Lamand Evxcked men pmtmdto 1t.Bothfuppo«fc it as aneccfl3ary’1*uooe.A A A A 4 N .}é%w[§Wéf}2ozzrémHe l3ouf73 ofCorzzf«2on.r, Sept; 2 5. ‘Q. To appointinfefio1' Officers» and ]‘udgesoin all phr- oes,aA.nd forall kinds ofbufineffe. judge; airdflfliéerxflyalt Dcum 6.19. ‘ o V tlmu #1445 $19.23 in z:111'/6} gate~.r,mlzic£a- rive ALor:d*t/,}r Gadgiwet/5 tfieewtbrétqqbant t/By T awilzewmxd if/01;)!‘ flnzl{jmz1ge t/iepeople wit!» jzzdgeiézeza t.:: 0f7ebaj‘3pbaf,it is thus mcomdod ,, And he ='- Chm-‘l 9 5,9. fit j’2mf_Qe.r in tlie Lam! t/Jroitgfaotlt 4!! tbefizmezl Citiex of A alal.2,‘_C2'~2§y 5_»}1voC”.z;‘71'g:;ko Andwmatoufihing the: right mgmneor of A A ' , ; judg1'ng4,A H4: AM4rg¢§lVt/oem,fa3riug, Timnm/12.411 ye doe 2% fiat: qgbe LmA~d_;,4¢Adwi~t/J 4 pewfm beam ‘ A ~ v£1?r%A z~:z7«fi¢»:mawo ma Iwgiwwo Mm» A A 3. V o fheoo that be done to evexty perfmm , A (even :0 tf.heor<;.{k and meancfc, thae widd;ow,o fiztherk~fl?:,amd firanger _ in everycaufe , without mrtialtity and by- V rcf.’peA~A‘.,7rs._,aso Gods: pnefence, A ma Aimumds flfeadg, afD4z'£:i41,1I='/;v:m'j}zitb the Lard, Exemirejudgemwfoiwtbeor:z*o9-~1¢rem.1-Q25‘ V V wing; ,. _ cieliogr l1;im»t;%to 221 fiqyled agffiuée-bamai tfies f .6-‘mt W :2 Q M A Scrkizmz A pflrmc/Jed 4f the lafl moncibly F ° aw gwzmzc/.7 it A, becazgfié of tlwe‘ ez;il1 ~ qf déikgx. ‘% 'I7o*eneou1'age the 'good‘:, and tC‘I‘1‘1fi’C the Wic“kea., 4 13 3% % % F 01* Ba ’e'r.r are ;'2z7tAzz%terror to good w;~r1{ex,(i-'4'e.~ougIit not t0 7 **:;Tinr;2“3io “ an A A A _ be)z’mt toibe evil}; This Was>D.czvic!3~refo1i1tibnAas‘aKing, ‘1’:fa1~%!0!-4,8¢€« /4 fifawgrd /Jeazrtflm1Z‘cv1e]mrt fivm ;v2e,I 219}//‘izsit lvkrzazvyrz 2memegWd Md ad ( 52).‘ The phrafeso the Original? L ms? am Lax3guage.~Lax:¢nm altoggther thcfame in ‘I’¢x.t#(l:),,; % a.ndI.% *-A:4nAngeZ1.. ofG0t1, flu 73' Lord we Kin todfseme be-‘-= ~ __..._nuI éefbre zlae bqnour451e*b.mj2afcmmm, Sept; 2 5. I‘! 644. A 3; and the place li1,fi’cited‘(c)5t but thefenfe f'eemAes to be ‘Am ,5, A D onei11b‘oth;andP]-alnery t0iirIip1yg, tl1i1‘fAAE1iS’Iil'l Chriflifinei ‘ . pyfiiij’ in matters of fitith and Religion lhould labourto have A their fie};/ii: exercj/ed _to a’z';,’2~e:~2z:3 bot/J good .¢r72.."1 will _.,i as in the » phrafe of the New Tefiramentz fo all that are in 3§fE'§é,‘4' ‘V 3-uthorityi fhouldendeavour the it likel in matters A of go~m1en rial: ;:;,'i vernment. Which is the more nAeceHE1ry in Athefe regards. H”?-eeifia m‘§~ A V 17. Fort/.ve2m;fl2l7Je:,i that they may know What‘ they have M to doe upon all occafionsfi zzmlolzjifirzgxzzfla lictzveerzet/.1: rigbtl ‘A ' ~\ ' /1mm! and t/oe left, to fecure their owne inward. peace, and thatioutwardt refpe<9Q,rcverence,ancl obedience, which is 4 neceflTa1' from ‘others. V Nothing doth fo muchlaffeit the heart og infcriours as to fee a dizzitze Spirit in thofe who are over them. When salmon had A given A proofe in one ? A fpeciall infiance ofhisnbility this Wiay ,,~ theATcxt f:-.1,vAs;, All J[/Fuel beard qft/aejtmfgemeizt rvlnr/.7 tlretfffrzg /.7zzc1_jrza:qi2::!, A V rmdt/Jeyféizred t/.ve‘King,fbr 1*/lJl3_')’j Z2222 tJmti‘~"f/.1ew{fd9m3 of God‘ (83 , Iging-S 3; mom in /aimito aloejtmflgevzent Ce)‘. A :3. E’ 4 A 2A. F0rnt.lJe.:*r;Cl1at they may give fiwmz cziique, every one A that which is their due. Praife and encotrmgement unto . fuch as. deferve ‘itig; 42251 bring the miracle zzpozz the rvic/(ed. Their" frownes andfmiles,their eare, and eye-,,their feve- rity and clemency mufl: beldillributed and apglied to r "eachperfori according to their demerit. ‘That rule of ‘thee Apoflvle may be of great uafe here. xfml qffiwze lmm“-( f) 3-rudg z,_,,;; W comprafliawz , making zznolz’fi%re:zce 7”); How miferably the. A _ judgements-offome are blind , their afl"ec‘3tions mif la.-~ 4 A ced,their waies; andidoings corrupted for want of a.bility» way, poore fubjeéis havetool much feene and felt; Hazmrn is preferred iatiCourt:, when the Tree isifitter for» him.-3, rand“. Mordecai is forgotten till it was almoli too late» .l to remember him... There Wasa: great deale of zeale :L~»»~ A gamache poore.llG4ibeonite:. “and none aigainll: the.xm;4Iew». i l A A 113353;; V (&9”£:1c=sv¢&Afisrskmdboth ( 7; I 7- .5. ‘ gran.-you-.. -. % J :9?! premwzgzé ma/2 mmaréwiymfi M *‘ <4}I*aI1v~¢9v*4“ [kefaa cgthéixghtheredwgis acmm»: ¢ " ' LAT .-.:$@‘.‘!", ,.. . ‘ to psererv¢%tha1mra; €63‘ ‘5‘*'‘‘‘‘ 5'3“ Otghmfi. :Chr;i{‘t xjn11f’c;I;:»e <:%1*3,1cified,~8c‘l>’:zr.;aé,bm* :eIVeaf¢d.Th¢ Now %% A Kings ofthe %€;€iI‘.Ath 4%‘ 7”‘*‘+’w‘»’;._ and give t/.1eiz*.IfiIzg.¢10fi22.w am the» ‘ ; . (d);B1;t when,theI{1ngd:oms ofthxs Wrld fhould bar-'% gener;zz11”C5?)a,I;d as fp«e}r:;ial1;“L«r2s2w:’(o)::c2 derfkroy the A come the Kingdomes oFo;1rV%Lord,and Qfhis Vchrifh, Tim (Lc)Ch.xAL-I3- 1‘\’fz1'.f=V2‘:Q1;?J”_?7!.5’.?'/I;/AIIJE tIflgi»“,1*‘.C€“)_ A . Good 15!I1fd'€vill jdoefoznetimes change appareI1,'az1df y % evaill is alwaiesbold to, thrufiineven among Governours~— without afliingleave, and éxaltsit; felfe inAthAe Aof‘ Iicclcfg-26.. them-4‘%I f~&§vI:72i¢t'6a*t£2eVSItr¢m$ $156 plate «9§f;i#dgemem:4_. I/5zat~ ‘ A Aznjcxépgrlééqfle zms 1‘l7€7"鑧 zzmltlaes place wi(gubteazg[32?fléA,3 t/mi’ iur'grz:é.fyw4£ fliers‘. If it W656 110E f0,’r:h€*K E1 Wflglfldj bfi no cgzuf for the Lord to threaten inuhw: maVnne;.»r he dpmh 3.5‘-‘°- 1? by Jfl¢ia/sr- -9-Weave 7:72téAt£rPI11A timvfi A aI~eW6* ‘mmnigézaiem a§?éme,..r§5* . ' t/Mt" myfire grfe'-5;./.‘z.~s Gzefi , A 2.vz2;6~z‘m€z.1?l2e'}/.I:azrz,1¢;-+ prQf;~rgFI;ed,;= AWhat is it th@1'ef0reAtImt G0ve»rn~ours ,¢ ¢«fpeeia;l;1y Mm»; _giver.r have to doe, but to divfcern A and %p€1?fin.:13 {<1 1ili¢:«wif’9e betweene Loawiand: Law f I; fol- ‘ gM;cah,¢.x a. loW€;s11m:,4beoa1;tfe ibis a4 La.*W,.. the1:eA%fo,m*i:t;i..sjf11fk?= 3 Lan,d,{ mun-h1efl1*~: is that 21 §_2§(?C(§.f%€Ql1f€Q‘fl€nC@a“ Such 01¢ filch have a power to m21ke%%E.4aw”s 3 rhwrefare tzhist (hall: Law A difceming faculfrs mxxfk b¢:i;mpmvcc1%bvth%ew~ay. Ami 1‘/2*?‘-*‘flI41/fitflf-‘~ 0ns%,>to the pmjtrdice of ' pub1iq‘ué good. Dmzmi mzxkes a fad Complaint to Abzflai, Be/sold myhfbizzze nv/Ufa‘/5 cf.zr21e_vf&rt/5 W L. ---p—... 0f 501381.? #1}? And f0O Offén V'€’1"1-- 3 f5._zm- 16.1 3:. fi'ed':it10the1‘s. A Among enexnxcs wc:- 1=’r1av“ We171d1-c"ek<)z1 fiat» ‘’ ’‘-’f“‘ M ““‘”‘~i tiercrsg&hypo’crite9,Fa%lfagfrien>5, ns‘WeH“as‘t’h0~f‘e vvho are A6’ ‘A faéfious, feditimmg, r4‘r:AbAer1IVi'o""1,1z9,a, tmziterazxag /Jea:rly., af2:1[7ig’lI+ miflded,and: it vVi'J:l»«1feq.*u12%*c no fi*na'I1‘%% meafi:11*e“d M‘ xfiipnage‘ to d.ea1'e With: :;t1:1Jth=efcM tc§!~:m~v.:r11»ta:Agc‘.. A The truéfk Wliiéh is” repofc fuprea A Mégi:fi‘tates~ is '%gredfii~.~ 7 ’Thé%’p‘@fl?§n$ they have my g"overm:axé numbe‘r, ('Sfd1=f'~5 ferentc:0nd‘iti0n“§5d‘ifp0‘{iti€5ns, 0p~'mi0n9_., in whoxn thew’ A is 232 mixture mfx aalili érm%tra1fiefiies£.‘% % AThva1f p"‘1é2ife§~A A fm%e,pthers4#a ’ . mane; rife ‘is, a»mfiHm:e r.,uine;, \ At Q4, ~ truine.e e Tlxe endewhich fhould be Jprutfectited are high A “ and noble. The meanes not eafie to be determined, and 4 ti-l1Ch as often mifcarty. The fubjeétfito be“Wrou“ghtt’u~pAm1 is ill afleéted, and fo are the in5Ptreum.ents. AT“hew‘aAntVof Aa little wifdomee doth often ; proveita great" prejudice 5” A not , “ wzaeiflacg oc°z'J}z.’ve Sam..3~36. A Nets. Ooyxfl Sermon. p.xedcbéd‘dt the l.c_tfimanetblyA t A em onely to. AA the credit of fuch astare in authority (';z)Abut" :0 -the fuccefle of their affaires.t A ” A A A A A ‘A A A Befides all thefe genera1s,Idefire thefe fewtparticularsb J —11q;tybetakenintoconfideration.A . At A = A '_fidjteé}'to a great deale af A IA. A wet: t/Je Ive]? ozzertzmhrxare “" ~99»? WA5 teen z”r-z't oftbe Lara! trey. m,.;~ refit upozz /aim , t/Jefizlril‘ qfzezfilazme M25! mzclmflzzzzdirzg, t/53 . AA fl>ir:?tA0fc.omJé£7 .4225! wig/at, t/zieflyirit 0fl:gza2%vIe*clge_¢,t.ze;2d of f 1‘/3e féz:-are aft,/36 Lord .5’ ' l A V I A But will any kind of Wifdome fufllee Gove1'110111*s? N0. lt mull be zxuffdwze fir goz1er72me»t.Ca) Awifdome (*?)'~§‘dpi'en!£”cz'7.?B_{- ‘A m dl1*eé’t them how to gen? izvzlmrll am‘, How to order all I :tl1eir aflhlres, and each part of their Office upon all m:czt~ W call: inmllln A fiolns; to tight ends , I by a [trait m1e,,:'u1 due feafon 5 A with §0%71{#f€t~N-’l3‘_ifl ~*.f it to all lcircumflances A that Whatis clone ma he “°e”“’.{"d”°““‘ fie PE 3’ Y qzzaexzdtex .. v jufl,hoxtottrablefieemely, arid molt gracefull, :lAw.ife~dm-fail,“ ll :W¢m‘z.f? /mart dzjflrertzetrfie [Jot/5 timetmcl judgemerzt. ECCl.8.5';. ’3’€;f“?‘7”*;l'f€*§_ 1 And the 2l:«>.rjdw;¢e tg-ft/Je Vpmdeiet it to zmdmflmrl r2573‘ my --... ,I3’.1:0V.I4..8A.l ~~..Déz'vi£:[ Wasihort of Solman irip0AintAof"Wif-- EM. l— ?~.;;t:;;: dome, and yet fim goverzwzmt as wellas in olthertlrefpeéts 7aeqaM:t' we want ngfier Gad: game /heart _.,A: Axaitudl ‘Merei¢z»;a:1jrpexa *6’/.v2<_:j/i A who is often called Daeid byedzeitrop/my. A somia ll . ' l A I - ll E «:3? gram? --—.-—n-cum Q A 8e.*.:'-mm preaclvedat tile laifZf,;_,,:¥anétf5ly Fa;/Z A A j M T lgrmt Ewizperours were no Sc/.ml1er.r“ Without‘ anyg1*eat‘p1‘e‘*- ejoudice to their . goodllgovernment. There is thereforela l ;>wifdomeWhe1‘ein Rulers may be Wanting.lt’s no_defeL3: V in ltheleare thatit eam1‘otfee,,nor in the eye that if Czinnolt vhearel. Exit 1’-"orlav Ruler’ tolhlalve like ltlhe‘ cm.~m /mag ‘Which had ertfx mzzlfzzivz, fear/E/».r zziiai/, ‘:1 great de-ale of 4 {kill in fame .l{i1.‘iCl , andyetlno uocle1*fl;2nding‘i.o matters of peculiar concemment , is not onely d.ille:ono'urable to Prov.lz8;x.6, ‘ thats too often Verifieély T/33 Primel f/%3.».zzl‘ zw:fizfet.6 mzziere j7la72e’izzg , 73” .~z‘/3 Dlt-;52‘z~i¢ze in-- V firuélslus. “ % 4 g A A A‘ f e A ~ 0zze_f];epi¢[l1r~zem2e.r,to attnirze zmtalm2fc10r;2e52’d‘ prayer.» Wee need no more proofe then thofe words of the Apofile flame: 5 Jfmgy l9_j';‘"}!csz Lzcége wz_'/Eio/229 let [aim 45 46 God timt A g A gioet/J ta .1//7.72612 /ibem/zjy ,, anclezxpbmérletb mt mzcl itflzafl 6:: give}; mzto /357; . l ‘Ufa " and weyzaqy, though very C0111‘? 4. '.lDaEIr%.: Jamfs 1' 0 5" x..cgp.s;, V prehenfive, yet: are too lnarrow to conclude all necefi21_1*y > r~ L meanee. Good bookes , good parts ,_ good counfell_., Good exam ple, and Gods Word,and the oaily Rudy and s¢:r2p::zr;«4 3 :9’ clutse :m11c:h t~O_:g€C3.I1dVP€I‘f€a.' wmifdome , Ed mmmdem. med“/{z¢ow1édge:ta% At/oer}: ‘ flaat /gfzgnrv endezflandin (£»_).l eY0ur '£:§)Dean»iV,z:. great Eo0lé_-722622 are not alwaxes the able& fitate/‘wen. Much ;learni.r;1g hath made fome mad, and much bufinefle” doth , 4 ~1ittl"e.:1e1’fe.l Palrtsf witbloute’ grace are like to af cm b-floclcc A “ V A that himfelfcgbut pernlcioL1s to his peoplewin regarcl whereof A , )fima M W meditation th-erjeof (4) doe joyntly and feverally com ’ ‘*4 A _ 4 w A A A but all1n"Vaine " nyzdbglrefizpien wlthout prayer.l.It’.reGe:rl sulfa: egioetb zvzfdarzrzfe zmfb the z1r:'2_!'fl3 S .t2';1.“. term. ep. W befiore tZrcb¢maurd5,le% /aoalvfé qfC'ommm.:-; 5. =1 VA 7 29 N l \ .... ~l thzlf was llievfiergrafied On. Re/Jalaloa/25 had good Colin- . ce11ors;_,b1it he knew not how to makelufe oflfthem. A The V 1-ulelof Machiavell ._, t/mt Prince: mufl /lam-e their com-e1~ lorgbzzz‘ be led by their armze diéhte r, Aperverts many, and is“ A perverted by them.A Nothingis fi:0rn’d {'0 much as good . made men both fooles and Ac0W*arcl.s.But who dares fpeakl example. Great ones doe not love to be prefidentetl. As‘ for the Sctipture,,that is xnoft of all defpifed; As the Fm W ztzilzjix lj-6511*? £1tSCriptu1fe-learning under pretence otfthe Spirits eteachingall things, ‘We doe fome amtijix in A their *I‘hc Prcaphe. afihites , as if Relligienit felfe which is llearnecl ftom it l"i‘°f’-"“’« ‘PW l l of love_.,byH.N_ t.xga71nf‘c ozmzi potemf }>r;z_}»er.$° "’If all the ref’: afvaile aI_1y thing, %Luzl7g,~3 phage this much more. For A f ~ Q A A A A 1.; Pray/e7~ alwzle can promre direéfirmfizr, ma’ bleflitzg Izporz, g/igg true and é:i7z«:1l}/ 4/2* of 1:1/!0i‘l?£’7" wezzzzen Even diligence and induflry are finnetimes curfed_., lbecaufe GodA,and his ordinance of prayer z11'e negleflred. z/menm ‘wlczzlcl L-e 2vf3Cc),but God will not fuller it,Wlm reufflyltbe prozwlflnd gizzex grace to i‘/;)’6_b1tI72Ht3‘C6l’>§ V A A A A 2.. A he[9le_[[3¢2g\ fail? 1.‘Zwz";;z gm 22:»/jvrgtfiremr nlepmclx on prayer. A There is an event, and fame iflixeof all that is faid or‘ done:, but W-holcantake aAny%comfo1*t thotxgh his bufi-=- nefle prof per if he fought not unto God P Or who xnuft have the blame but out {elves if any thif1g mifcarry, when we reAflraine”d prayer .:!.*fbrehand?Al Strong ref‘ol‘util*- ons, vigorous enldeavours, a prudent choice of fit inflru--‘ ments;, the nicke of time _., all: poflible care come to no-es thing if God oppofe , gay doe” net gracioufly in- terpofel. A Ancifwhenthegélllumblyafoulght xitito” inllpIta.yAgy;3_ wcgf eed as? 1E;lfilt?.2f;67"\i11‘,h1S undertgakinlg» -to providea wife-Gems‘; M 5, for yzm, £1sli;f”t:4l"1e~thifnlgs which Wekilefire ranlon*wheel“es* ‘Q tow_2ird_us:‘ “ V 4 ’* l A ll A 'j£_‘_l A AA f A ‘ l A A A. e A .3;AVll”?AlP~r}zjet7 a a a.Zl?A,&*t/;w2?ze:zne5 r72’:gfl*A’¢.«wiom;A God‘ 3:311 V A . A A _ Ga. (c‘)]ob I 1,! 2,. (d/"James 4.6-tr A 2:0 A file~S'¢rriza72%13~z*?4€v5§é12zfeft5?3A;€4%§fl??{&é%ret.’5颫 Frzfi: i Q '?’*Dan. 9 Mt): e3;.z.cm1':p:=.rcc'. ~ , »--n........_...,_ ‘,_,_,,, “ d eeithearre:u:A rmeeeehu %1" he ‘W1 1Wi.d.,0‘f3;«: Semi 3w>t~hceI“eecmfi0n»e New upon the "wife :5‘ai;3/;,f%?~%4«'!¢t17%1€57zz£ itrizzzy AWzt»5e2~:!)e b2mle&1,$'% ac:-— cordingyafi the Epi/‘He’ fin Hm Hee’)re2:w doth perfwade : And . MTbf:g?':’Ué :~,+;.:.g2;~2%e z;j>fi%~m:*e 5 izfejit/yer far the je2x~ex_.%, ;;¢_§9r% to the (.a)Heb.zz- X 33755 Gfifafi-r[6$ , %m2;~i ‘fa "t£)eT(§”/qzxrcli qfGooZ,,‘ 2:vl;ic.l;> Si. Pam? “giwx £72 C/iAzzrj§1e4% E‘ut:iWQE~uflt0‘l1§, -h‘iec2.1L1fi°2 of QfTemC€s«g1K7f.3n, (E5): Cor.. ?o‘.;;g~ and m¢¢1Iefly% i*€£¢3iV;E7d; j’ vAA**UfF;ences%4 '*aVg.:,11r1fi God ,, Vagainfls we Vveggkie ,5 and;t%h,c: rfi%1‘fOI1g',», .;xfh0fet"hat%a1‘eA Within , Wanfl A thoffe that -€IF%r€»~ gainfi (mea;10t4her,,:1n4dA;1ga1nfE mar ene111ies, who are not :1 little fi'1‘e119;t11em:c1 a11d’hard-- ” V4;3A_efd£%%13y m1;rfQ1,1y;1~ A»I);~iL:’L‘R?:i“‘;!;"?z.1¢:.es .A¢E‘i‘t.11.€:‘31‘bC”pI‘€WfC1‘lt€C1 % fir leflgfilgdh Elliédifid ‘.!Cbm3*h»*‘t%h€fiI1i‘T'H€'1‘ W T¢&hc,g11ea;e;~ :e1‘I4cncés7)ifWcwhad mare V‘vifd’01ncL ' .Fami- ;_ Ch;;1~Vch,@g1fgd E34C€?5O.111‘:f(“;‘.lVt2S§,‘ and,p"0RLc1fity»; V z1%re all ‘ Awazaeaw/mmb.ais a:Vas«Ai1:a¢1ee%c1 (5); *¢;2em': 5%:*’l»:ZM£Ir*; M?§I%A :» %2rrma1ti2i=P/M‘¢4*‘? dalvfie‘ f1nu:{% m5edsabea1~e (c)Prov-M. :9; : ~o°L’1r»fl1,a1‘€‘ tVhat\r6P1*Q3¢h 9* f0Fz?'hAith@1‘At*04 W@*h3W d0fl“—‘ little €~1fe.,Wh>i€;h way —f<§=eV~e.r_~we app%IVy{:.t*1.méWt§:1*tls;;~’= ~ L M j ‘ ‘ AV ‘ A ‘ V ' At Théficond , _ W - % branch ofthc %Vwéim§n:ay;px:a¢z¢%Vm ,a11d.humgemmFvw»1tA ,2 w:mW»¢11%‘f01‘ th€~€X'~ gencmll c:3chor§ E?“-'i0flg “ may Poand%uAs~:if1 1f1)$o1T"€:AA17rem:1. theria gmat dezlle ofmengthg . Awitneflffi ,;1’rmrz/>l€ rA[Hifim%s '”fibfiWh€th61‘ 150 % ~ca11%it5;Vafz/*2;liw£mm;x;42¢4;%¢m.megzin 2n;%Am£vMwm=i—4é?§véé*€d 1,} [@ve»z=t! iaéww£m»:5JC£02;2 5 “ nu/Jz'z:r5 42:’.-Q/om“ zm’»z,!e;j,/m~ic.r fluzll not be gels to g°.czi;zflgy,orfi2~efl{/¥ A For matters of ‘govemment, C"rDLuK{fl 3 M S e there is that in Tfaiah ,, --I will .41/‘Z: zmzlze 2-ffwvy Ofiicer: peace, 5, K. mm? flsirze e;mé70m* 2~i,q/at-mt zzejé ( Which i111}31ies,th21t (mfaiahfia W " when God blefles Cl5m-c£ao1uS’t°ate he will provide govem--E IIOLUFS forthem that H1213} be wzf: as VV€11£lSj7zj]?:L3 .2-md {O A order things t11ata1I~m:1yeelead .21 quiet and a peaceable A e life in 4[!eg0dli11efie and hcinefl'y(d); But iris as hard 21 W ‘T. 3 M, 111Zttt€1't0 obey well, as torule vvellg, the .mt11e1~becau{'e 1m‘ ‘M the ePo2ver.r zvlzziclr be are fometimes d§_vid.ed againfl: God; and .:z.1no11g themfelves. In the=H§‘;wetWee1*1e (Sod. 21114;? man its clearely refolved in the Sc1’”i_pture. That quefiion puts it outof quefiion , Wbctbef it l»~eV2~i(g~/at in 1‘/Jeflg/at of God? to /.2ezzr!{e;z zmfoj/on were t/M22 zmto God? _jzzc{g’e ye (e). ‘ A A ‘Whenthe pawem on earth are dividefi amon WA them felves @A&5 W?“ t~hereeis a great‘ deale of difiiculty pretendef, A andevyree: if men wereetoirefolve this cafe blirxdfold, AI xneme ;:2:bfi:1*a~A ~ éfively from by-~refpe€’rs and partiality? the1‘e:i,s1t10t one 1 A of :1 thoufiqend who confuletingewith athe fiigh‘t of m;7mw.°e3 or S cript1.1re‘;,,‘ EV‘-r)u'I<-(if n0t.refo'l:ve fmé e l.”efie pmvefr i1*1%‘;3;' jufi: eaufeeag2m1f’t the greg; rem, WhenWthee1*e1s nothuag Imte greatnefle to f up port 1t.‘ T he cord teac:h‘”us all ‘ toleeme ‘ A thiseele{Tonwe_perfe»fi:lywh.i~ehhath«cc>W11sfo ‘deea.1'e.. ‘%""et We A fllalldoe Well in thefetimee 1'§O'.[flk‘€.'in‘%”Jt‘h0fe ’W01T‘dS'Of A e we e'__D,;»yj;;I:f ~ “(a)Pfa1.I 39.24 in 2‘A!€'..2‘2?4:j.1 e'zrerfafiiz}gg % wtelafl mmgg, me Tfi_ .Dkmi::a’,3M 31 22:52:? <:?%.éz"fz‘[I%e}?9e be azrz}!~ ‘4fiog£?_‘)(5]1‘££[fi{£5£ we ,« A fourth Ei\cz;,:~z;/;7!f2z:,, 1e1;usinlm‘ge%zmd~b%0und ou1*deEr@Asab011@' branch riafthe‘ Wifdgmg as We ought to doe. _ I f we need 4;: zzzmzzffblcl 2:r;>iF~~ §:g;§_“°‘l‘°”” a;’¢w;.re;, let us nut f.~=:az'e toafke 11: ,f fer G’.a»¢J“wg'2*-zaexlirétzmfiy. liug: wejmull I1-awe refpeft u1‘1toA our rar1«1~:"c~:_., and f3:“zati,0n. Se:c1*ett:hings3I1igI1things, other mans nzatrers, needlefl}-:% L _ things, and curxofities muia‘ be let alcme. The» onely wif- (b)Prov.9.~i 29 dome is for everry oneto be_w1fefirMa-*«gQ?»{,”;(b)To“lteczgf3- (e)Ch.I6.1 net: tberqfi Taflwc 0.zzrflwIJ~, t[wo2g;g,{2M12ve hf}? flu’: zwrla/.(e) To git‘; femvc W/J0 /J;,zVtv5 pozwr tg.‘c(iY'..\“f X, ayleamciémtig/‘ iizta %./J@ll,(f ' W Hag, 1.4. 72511?» zflie opjzrcf/‘flora. (g)T0é¢zé/alfloidr /;vr~z{fig._4xz5[2zot am" Wye (5)9131-“"* ' A In 3. W01‘ C1; 1‘ 6? /«’:7_fle t/Jefmvze /;}i:* this 4211.2‘ 0226/} 51:; flr:,_q'2ze ,, z%u;;:2,f aazvfzet/5e;:»* me [me :72-~% 51292 me 722.4}: be WK m M 8 t/;:e Lor~c1x,(é}and wh*enA(?h1=i»f1: feifilfs fha1««m1nethe~fecoz1&”‘ » .9 a72gr:y,Cé)and to make time We xznaybe found in tzhanumber of theft? on the; right hand , AA Whom he will Welcome to Ii1imf':lfe,fi1yi11g, cfiwzze ye /51:’?/j?.5r1e9f7;2}/flat/;3e;é , z“77Zwc=m?t* Me Ifixzggrclairze pr-e{pa:rea§% {,),,m_,;,34. ]’cIr;j»*0I{, flaw tx.’*ea fosmdatimz pftZ:m2>m¢Z;J hYet*fthe tixxws, » % AA v .md:_o1,1rAc@;nd1t1on« m thaw call for»mm~erhana11rhiAs. ?xay we t%he,refaretl1at%4the Lord would teach4 us how‘ rm» fir¢ng%thenA our fri~end$5t0 gai~ne our enemist-s,ifi:t bE P‘0f;‘ fible. ‘ 111: :1b,ov»e all, how we army g1o1*ifieGod.,b mt fuaifexing in thfi mjidfi Vcaf glzlf fcandztlfs and ph e.mies,, whereby hczis clifh 0nc:m1='@d.;, aw tio: ufe his ordinanccsse. ..arig;ht.~. To try the fpi1*i*t$»_., and to ~ 1=;xiow% trueminig»-~ fiexts froltn the meflfen,-gers:of Shatfaxll. A tI;1em,felV¢szin:t04 Angels of lightly W60 lmtlaé Fwce:.s,~,tlie littlév y d0i—;1g** A4 , who btransformet _ 5 1‘?aw.7ce“Jy,t/Ecatoiieftbg Fim6!m4?fid;4t£W7t.4 GMpm~,amdmlza1** Q3“?-21 2‘ A A " ~ A A M 176122» N »1Cem j fir: M be done, mi’! ci;»*c2z;.*:.rfl«z;~2a:'e..r c's9¢.gfl,=7:s!e~;~e;l_, mam’ are im'..7i2zé2cz' ta «’}5fw~e t1§e.»(w~rzar£,mzMe»é.9::.A/7? qffiawwzazzw, Se_pl. A 164.4... V W M o¢z£_/feg)fizw*£%:m*. Lefs p1‘a«5’£if€, -EX e~1"Cif€;*.,, a11chn3;11i“ ‘V’“h *"’i“““i‘ —§:3::flV0111‘Wi{d0mc in all :1’fi‘%ai1*e%s¢, ar:&11p0maflsocczzxfions. W hm our Saviour faysz, Be zzvflé -9e3*1b8.r:t.r9x57M£7 imzmezzfi V .45 %Doz»c.r Oz’) , he memes it of 21 p1‘a€:icai1 vvifdome... C<13M~it~I°.‘¥7~%A There is :1 p1‘u=d€11C€ which fame Mm-21%‘: call pmdciztizz ’ wadficepi-afiiczat "3 which is of 2.l10therkin&s the moflc Pwvozziuxs in E... ~€Xce1I€.51“1t.. £22 azl)z'2’2*'1.'y aft/fie xv¢.z'.w.zd zvlaereééy we ?§;z2avrr'z> 2221mi‘f 5-if $503» d5‘?“"‘» dce aAccm~»divigZy.. If .things ‘Were f0 and. 0 9 as f0meti;m as we fim*cyAaa1dfdefi1*e , Wec01.1.1dflte1l1 What to» flora: ,, but as gzhey ans, we are at our Wits «and. Our duty is to take the Worfh, and 1An'ak»'e t11e4befi~of it. e's 21 fkfilfulfl Piiot that 1m7oWs how to ordeAr*the {hip in 21 ftormefo as to prevent ” ihip S/V1“~3.=Ckt3. ‘ A ' A M A V I ‘la «c%onclude | this generall part of I'tl1°c:~:e:x*11orTt:1It«i0n with ‘that »ofSt. }‘zz.mzz3.r3 W/no £1‘ a =j;t7?za7%e#2;5.’ztee:3 % tvifir [{m,2m;’e;;:qe (zz,-wrzg yo}: .3 {at /Jim _//Jew mt ¢zgo0dc07z*verjZ£- A @012 zwvov-£gera1>i.t‘/5 wcelyzefl’ ofmifdwz 52:). And with St. (5)I;4m*eS %;mg& Pm]: charge, See tbat_ye.rv;z1l;¢ ci2~c-zu;zf}>e€zF{y, (or accurate- ’ __ A ?1y”") not_mfi;al¢;r,!&ut my Eeclvemimg t/ae tiwzefibecaufi t/Je ;)?;‘5g?“f‘1f‘ %dm7er~areevi1l(c). . A »_ % ,5, P as ' 1' As touching =the‘fe-sand part of the exhAort:1tion , to Tlmfmian fin?/J :24‘ we in 4:zzzt}mrz'fy,an«:1 erztrzzflm’ wit/.:~ 1'/36 pz£12.7z'qh!e 22964.38, cxhortation ow; ofthe »d£epth ofafgfiion which I beare them,andx'tI‘ge §‘;;‘:f°V‘”‘ rz“ghmw~ Wherem they aere engaged ;_., I dcfire with " all due rev€~mnce.,humility,.arxd fubjieétion, to fpreadbe-. f0reAth:e1n.t:?he, f@1I%0wing.cw;z/Zz:1e¢~ezr;i[cv7z;r _., that their Wit. may be like:t}5e pat“/5 égfztlxejzgfll, iwhich 73‘ mi fiJez’7zi;zgIigJMf 35%“? -éweija¥.v' m2§m~Té¢m::dw2areA\aw2$0 ibeéfper day r “ T»1me;fizj/3IconfidAcfaflon Ais_ “1:his.." Tlrefivzre of "rise Ions! 7?; Eh“ 5‘gt{P€Ci* tube%:l>egimm7azz{*qfwfl'dame This 3iVsiTo~1nu,dht}1e%morc to :;,,,;.m7 ‘ Agra‘ "be 116?; V i1'1“d‘€fd;,T becaufe isgfb oftcnVr¢peatedTbMy‘the Holy (e)Pfov.I -7..- ;4i~n.ScxVipm1TeLt’hereW8r;e Vmorezbum Selfish S73) Eé":§“°*" ‘ '4 -2 ' ‘ n % in Pf.1L,I1.l.!o,.. (cl) Pzsov.4.:8. -V e&W M A A ~5'W."’m6’7Z preééiredat the laflvmvnet/91}/Fqfi‘ fl . A ‘in the clofe, there flioL11d be the more diligent attemzion o to it:,}bu.t being»fb oft inculcatedxin the fame b%ook,and by “ feveml men offzod 590111‘ heartes flmuld be d€éf)1}* affedfied 4 T "xvith it. -Men that have no feare ofGod*Vb E’fore theifweyes are feldoxtne oF_Gods counfell. ~f1'Z~:.»:;;y VpZrm,.q‘;S2zat'2vi1-/a’Z2z3+ ' /m']T2§~. - I nmzme ,* theyconflalt not~-with his Spirit in the T Word, ¢z0».2w72de;~i;’t/3:3} 7°eaz;:i:zat~Zwio" 2~ia%llé:. _'AII»hise CO-111'l“"e fels are to therrl like the writizeg oize Me 2254/] to Be/fiaizzfzri. A ,1” ea, tbeyz /have rejerffed the 2Wm’*o:f"tbe L62-Afizvivzzt wgfdéme d ,4 mm 8 _ 2'7:r‘Ae9*;~ .6432 .222 Airiwzmf 51):? T/3eflm;~e¢ ciffzfbe Lo~}*ai72r 292% t/Jegyz %,))]1$efaL;5;?¢_, 2*'1m::f'fia‘a2~e/Eriw, and be 229217! flaew tlrew »/5:7»: ‘eflovemzezt Ce‘); A53 ’ or the Wicked, ‘tie A with them as VVith‘j‘cm 2:-fem; :rX;e (f)LHk¢I9~4*~ 2.‘/Margy 2v/M016 mzzale for /Ber pmce2.1r.-we bid fiwzz /362* e_;/eJ‘e J oL::bo11rothe1*efIoreeto be reallygodly , that you‘ maybe otrueIy.Wif€, H2az:3"rr%fieé75 who all only Comwa¢zdewe;zt:,ytb_4t ’ wpm I x 9 6 ye Mzizajzezat r5e"afif2zzz;2ed Le-t /923;? fqflifizvnie: :’3%2}'0z:7~délig'/333 (h)V¢rf.2.ag... xz7zc1c0z:;;y%’é~/Jar; _ ' ‘ . . A3-héftcofldo A 36€0zzo1[}',,T here Isawafdom whxch God ecurfes,beWa1*‘e mnfiderarimu; t;z~t§_ez‘r’J;*¢l2ei~s2i;z9:éfee»A2‘¢ztfieir crzz_;].‘i“2'r'mfl2*.L “J? 4"’ A gziine, T£!6.L./W51 ;§_.1zr)"2vetz7got/36 bézéozzg/Jty‘Vo_f'$t}Je 2‘/Jzzt 1‘/3”£y £5)! »g¢3,,§,.;A9, mje 7Jzz2‘7ze(2;’). Thofe Words of the Prophet Jflria/3 are very zoo dreadfilll. Bel2olo1,'In>i/I epreweetl-' tafldoe 4 rmzrzxe/[oz/J worke « A azwozz 1'/9:1}/.1‘ peop/43621672» 4 77zawz2el10w'.n90r/16,4725! 4«wa71a'c=:r.'flIr' ,"_gv:_‘“ . tbewwgfilafize of 1*/.'*re2‘:zr eikzenflrallpergflvg. !t'bt‘.?.f1I7‘Z:"7i?£’?:'ffc7.72A5{" €k3;¥In.2»§.-I4» ‘hzgoezgffijéizéprzzdemt wen _flm[/211:6 £72731 ‘The Caufes‘ aflig- med ofthis I o fearef'1i11;~w— a A judgement» which the Prophet {thpughmoft eloquent) Wantedwords to expreffegwere HypVocrg7fierA ;g.ndASuperflitim in Re1i"gion:..'y " They ethatare not wife according tonthe Word foi‘ }1eI‘igion {hall ‘hot . A A VA bjewife for the.good”ofthe St13§t€"f‘,~f£lf‘1E£1'fi7-”1Ih€i1; Wifdome A V 4 iha1*hav_e no good fI1CC€fl€aP/‘}!z3?fa£:¥i!.l.?J‘ Wifdom was to keep £i);E§9d:‘e1P-Jflael under 1) but thereby lieuvmultiiplyede Pcrangé A phI;eug‘uoeso him{fixffi..‘aA1'd.‘ ~'peog1e;.,, and ‘ Waseuttfirilw AA *0.‘,V€1‘:-;'? W before t/ae¥nl)072o1:bz%2;.rzé‘le /.n:mf& qrcammmn grgpgg I 544“: i A A AA mrerthrowne in the red Seal, he and‘a11 his c A _ W Bzzlzzzzim‘ wifdome was to cqfl as flmwbliizgiblocke beflrrei A ‘i Me 1:/;vilaIrerz' qfljiwzel Ca) , to make them eate things facriir , i 1 Aficed unto Idols, and U0 commit fornicatilon. by this waelichxl” meanes he thouglitAtoA havie broughtth em unldec1*Aaeclu*rfe, i i but it lighted (in Z2iz;gj'élj’é'(Z2). And one the ]lif(7dxé'.?.l“8.fAZll'lCl,i([73Nu1%n,H3I.8. ll A123z;zc1zit'e.r,l>:?"’l.wa were e7;'erz{fl.er M /26 Io:5uQe«:17¢po)zl bgezflzzrclm, and flriifoitf fifgée C0zzgre‘g'zztiwz tgflfivzelizzizfo H58 fem‘/.1 gem--. ; V rzztiovz fir iemr Ac/3it0j2/.7315‘ wifdome Was to make the (03D€“”-‘Si-2:3 i difference Abetvveene David and Algflsalm li‘rreccmci1eable»5 ’ A butG0cl tmned itlnfCO”fi)Olill3I1:-:‘iAAlii'i‘ (cl). jero/Mu.-ziizs Wif- (d)zSam.x6.gx dmnewwas to rmtake Religion ferve theiState , but W-l1llCji" lielaboured toAfl::.1bliil”h llimfelfe by this I'I1E‘31'l€'S,' lie':rAoci§t-e , A ed out both ‘his family D‘: and the Kingdome it felfe (8) 1 King”? The 7emr._«:~ were Kfo Wifeas to re-je&AChri{‘t f01“fea1‘elePc 2‘ ’7 ‘ “A J - A We R¢m2m.a~ ilicmld take'away.them,, and their N-ation"< .‘ 4 we E M, ,; 43u_A;_. T he“eviAll Wl1lCAl1f tliey. fearediczame upon them, the mezmsi ii ‘ which they Iifedto prevent a iudg1nent,b1*ought it upcma»: ?.'l1ei:I1AWitl1 expediti0n."i‘he»1*efprelet tlierelble no oppref--- lion neither of people;.,n0r of~l\/linii'iA‘e1*s.A Religioninufi be ‘A ure, and finciere. 'I‘l1ey~ ‘Who c?cm~f'ult otlier liimem" ’ r -mi chiefe, {ball procure their 0”Wr1Ae‘; N0iApeA1‘p.etu.:rll war» . but with the divell and finne. et ;ou'1“' Kitigdom as be the» Lordsand his Chriflls in the fir fl: pliace_ienti1i‘ely“,l.efl We be n¢;moi*éiia“people.e- be nottheiCo_1*ne1‘r~{l0neA«oftl1e \ ‘wh.0le building l50tl1ifI~C'l?I£r~'C].? aI1cl;S'fzzte,,z1ll wil prove buA2< ] a Babeljand end accordingly. ; A A . Tbirdly; confider this‘ *VVifd0m~e fancl-iAuthorityia1*e.»T,1:e:13ira can»: . notlalwaies inta1l’d..Th6 Scribexand Pbar§fi3Aex fatei1n«Mo~A—fid°‘”‘6“' 4 A flalrihism chaire , andiyetl-were, blind leaders of ~tl1e“l')l«1n(l.”. Irisone_ofSolamomiobfervatioils) too” ofteneverifiecl. Folly jétin great gligniiy 7° But jobfpeakes more fully of U‘) 5c¢1.1S,.¢: .~ V the wayA_AofA Gods» iuclgementse in lthisiiilzix-id. e leadetb» i_i: V ii% " ” V cam, '\11:"*‘l|W'|vV —.-m. %4§e‘m2am prmrt£rw1A.u¢M rflmiafl :#!fi!fl?4t3{$.'[y A 7 Vg‘,;;.,*:,.,,....w; Cozz;g,’%Z'Zi;rJ rz.zmgrf€~w?fze.¢Z , ~ mm! z’V1%‘Z'«{\’?t;.’..t'«£}£' :‘;]5sec1f@2356_:1’s.m,~!a-;%{ ”fh'e mi:ne=m&nth Ch~apterraftl1e .Prop;hefiae ifr.2"m5 is full ~Aof "m:p1~:éfli%oia.s to this puripofcg. At the third mic , &I*£~ze V my :fl.reV~c.c%z¢A2sv%‘ % [writ 2;_»;”E g yptfi 2221 fimfzfie W mfzgzfl 1‘/::Prz?ggf",.vzz}2’&i I mzz ;q.'e+ ’ P%2*-2‘m:~e.st »0f*%m72 z"z?*efl9e7§5’e:s3*2‘a"3c mu;.;,r.éI.1 af ‘I:/az.2“wgj/E’ergzmcai/mu? c»,fP~/,7zz.m.<;..’§y if .2’mwf;we :l>7'I¢2‘i).’b. And in the t‘h4ir=tecnfl‘=l.3 Z1253». A *“lvz:‘zve»2z1fZ>fév?z;¢ce5! Egypt , %“e@wz t/31?.J1/‘t/.mtz:r=’3i'£:e flay offive 2?yA~££>ef¢%bey~eaf A We ‘31'€3 apt to-defire ~1nm:eA and mam power “D but w°h:a1: gmznée -w*eAA %b;rth“a*t Wxtrhom: wifdomeé : %.G’W:2z‘t Vh-ad need t0"b'e of ail ‘0th*e1*z.mfl“ irmvzfivle. And >F.TIie fourt}‘i A ’ ’peci;_1H c0ni7i~ i%erar%i:.7"n. $;[daa in I537» (22 exazdioflrixannifl more care mufi: be t'<.*2.!~,:'e.11 to know how 1:0 "goverinmthtn A "to be zible =*td'c01nrna?11d.. E fifhis were 1'1*0=t an fhmnsbling day. I flziznuld n otstourch on fhis >particulm*».. A V4 = “ etgive me%le2me.;tvm3r'awa%«1ir2'=le name?-. '5‘ pe;;f2ri»z3~ *aia>it%mv;33«rwz , and the rlwifigr »12i~r~,5=.er7*2:,‘“2=rz you have to fid.‘0‘€..% fo.1“*y01"11“e’s, I,1‘1eed 12 at you Vbewafe of them I; 11om*bo inig~uifl1 aoff j yo111*-friefnds. ifpeake of;-he *p%%e07p1:ege11ETa3H7y*. A f:A'1”I11"C>*1’!"g Ufthel‘ obfervaticms towc11&ng' tfhrzir Adifpofition , t:’1+;1ere’rs one snaotewcl by Acfildm >of;o1c1, thnttlxey d‘efi1*:e wzvi mliqfliid mdi2~e,to'%hEare orf‘fi)"me*n“e*w. Wa“i6‘es ‘Heme it is that We7hr:1"ve had iifmnany changes‘ :1mb’"1Tg!u“s , A ~=e17p“ecia'11yVinfiéligim. Imwzr awe mufz‘ 7 be mt V ./fiwkaiato tfiepevplebw ’toAjzi1oeVVi¢_7faé7;2gca22ra ?. 2r1*cw*ery§ greedy aof ‘thmgs, 2-and fais foimfeweary off?*t'h’.Em. Wfitmifght =*wvéa A r%3.l1:a"t~carxa«cz;1a4‘i%c1<:t1*yV1me4a;%’eo.r:ve*c@v"er?flae heft” mfrwthwm. A T”b‘&Wri’t?t1en ‘i:iv:‘”cr ms, ‘vnflméle «water. A f]Aittli*c ‘flzrckning ' the olden m*i11es"hath+maVde*too_fi311:adif1t*ove*ry%“0f % 1%; B1111: Tycm %:ha~ve thr?eze%K‘rnoAm';es to Woke T»IaA1~%eekfi”i¥"cre7ch»tré~a*r»:s"mines jdwgreat:;ncidi*ma1198~cc,(£) whacked ‘ argues thri-ii*ettt"is 1-——— 40 ~ A Samar: Préacbedtiwt-theltzfl wmetwyrafl V W" _.._..un -*f£M’IlEi*3 neg1e€9E‘towardshim,,”'"a11d yet Weknow fubjecffion to him and fatthm him} have beene pretended f0t1‘,n1any generations. ‘Em? we ’ frame zzo.tZ;*»zr2zeé.1C;5‘rifl mtiveauéglrt ta doe. Ifw-‘e fha11ttit11Mi':u1I1b1e at this fioneawe f}1a11betbrc»§-A dd lienatthelaft. ~ M d The fifth fpeci- A 2252 _fi11?‘i’/:78)’. Com pare your AW Ofléétwith SOI.t»'2iza}2:5thc' :‘§;1‘°“fi5°‘da' ag§rz44:72rzzL_qe.:,and dijS’:arr1{z;zzz2l‘azge;s.3 how fi1I'I"@.f01‘...th it is‘t¢z,’i£v¢3 1ofir._ 2:/zlflqe. It"sa1iI«:e in th,€'f€eddt’thi1'l‘gS..t A . Meihad the Igmgg M, dfonnesyef .Z9M1"j'Z)i;;z/5 asja fpe”ciatl1_ehar_g«e they weretoo K 3?‘-A V fitonge for Dmzd hts fathe1*t3"tbut1t was expeéted atthis hands th:aetI1ei.fi20u1d fee juftice executed on th.em.. IE3 lookt for at your hzmdsi that eneinies to the Stated ,, and grand td€'liI1q11tE;1T1tS»— fl":.ou1d be etb1*ou'gh'tL111tot tctmdigne punifllmfint impartially 5, tfet‘ Wherefole telfett uhiiith the Kingdome engaged themfelves tp live and die with you? 2» T}.1ereiw::1s Temple t(_) be bu.~iIt in his: dgaieg, A A mi A A V now. :13 the jtttnee that God ml! m.zfE: up the Teberizfzcle (o)I\‘1~icai29.!IA. D6?-’?JZd tflnrzt €72,,_42‘flrI1 0-XWHPL, I/96't'7It‘€ac‘/.?_£:?*.r Maren , am! V ;éa7ffi=: zzp/aid‘ rzzirzex 5 ;zj2z¢*1_1>zzifdt itm 7.7213/J6? clzziex of old Q). d 3.} He had the government ofGo;1r people, and fo’tis now; The people of this Ki11gd01‘I1Ca1‘€ in covenant with A God. Yetthecafetdiffe “s jVe1'y% much. 1. He had peace" V mund , ,abp11t~5 , We ate in the midfi ofwarreg ta. “ He was, elfe A But the fupply of our Kings failings are A Note. A t¢;;pe<§t,ed at yeur hands. Let none ofthofe evils be found % 614,0 I)/aizn Cgmwitteex,Whichyourfélvex have complai- “ ‘ 11¢d=0£in 11i3“\Ce in 1n%attV:erA:c)f« ?R:(i‘,:' V A li’gi0i1ga;nd to“bix1d your felves fin-:1n efve:1*'mecI1ingi11 f'u¢?l1 ,:e’a;;.{ ;1:;,,,; 5155. ;ma~tters h e1'%eafte1*;A% One of thofa Vboukes £‘i":i~’i‘S %re:p0.1‘t:ed:t’c_) dy in-near. -be %b111*~nt,v1’2y~0rder-. W TAhe;fhe1l is fi3me“t‘i%me%s%{thr0;Wneinto .5the%fi1~e: ,V when the ~ke'rme"1;i givs %e:mem;1As...;a ~fweet:rmorfe.I71j; » am; A waded ‘b€»l‘!76r Ji/.ri7:g.r 0fL_ymz*‘:;, "t/3ozzg~1.v I 57¢‘/¢e.A I vbefeech you“feetheLa*W offiG0«d{r«igl~=n:ed. Nit?- A A -vcrfitliink-e thofe men wi7I1%maken1ans~Law a ru?1:e*1:o w2£1;l§ ‘4by,A§Wi1a~tfo*eVer theypretemd, dAifClaime‘“%Godst~ow;;n§ .:LaW’in4-f11atr€f5p:eé°c.V A * ' * 4 " : §'~1"he ‘fevcnth . ~Co2zfldI€r.aL?7lfZ> wéval“/aélpeJ;*%G40fl *'/:hli‘f5 graciozg/Zyprozwiivled flrr ¥¢0nfid‘“'“‘%i°“* gazzzrtr ewzraltzwfuctge/?1éIz$t, :»and*t}§ge*émr7-ez¢‘ng« af ;}ncrnrM%w{/'do~zzze,»and ' ~ improve At’/yam. Ycm :h2;vvéA7t'h;e %;pmye1‘%s of {gym any:;faithfm;1 am‘d3naw. :e5been ?p1*7cachf unto;wybn%r- enresg, §andvprinted foryfllijr sA%eyeVs5the11 for any onePa1‘1_1fa~1nnent;yca+tihen forjall thcP:ar~ ‘Iiam ents that ha'vc-;f been before you.There are fompdaily confulting b your AufhoVri1:yVwhat Aadvricc to give you lnfmatters 0' Religion. 'T*hey~"haveVno1:<fi1cih~tifIes among them as Arc/5~Bg'/]mp3~,BafflJap:r, Dezme;r,2sl’rcb-Deztcarzx ,, an “it rqay bethey are not ’IookeduprJ 'asJequa1fl1 learned, I lhoxpe A will fapprove» 'thramfe1mes«« c and % x"~fail::I1'f?1..1L1..% - ”Ta_§1*e lfhcy .‘]n¢\7V¢AfiV 1 AA } A % w":Cw€1‘~\e1y‘._- AV” V 5f’_€§IC‘- 4 it%withiih;em'*‘ r ” A ’ V V*%?’?Zi@h%A3,?’iMid’17 ;» ’W‘ith~‘1i?§r53t%iL’%‘Ieof AA Ac’ %' ~*e::Nm:g as ¢ (;z}]cw,2i§,6. Ei3é1‘s “andA :ficopIe’;La‘a?ff iheflawesfwifih 1 .5. , ml“ st ,, ~ ‘ ; . V‘ “I ‘ “ K-uh“ -I , ‘ ‘ yfl I M ‘ ‘ W ,5-2: ‘ .r__, -:‘‘m " ‘aw gm; 0]’ gbgay % M2 17:a:77tfé—b0fCa1)2z2}9n:,Vflepi,2'5’, 1 64,‘ i V 5;; 2. cordi2zg% tci all ilvirzrgx ; fbr t/ac mxgiclw Vt:9eVLo:¢d , 2%)}; and fézzd t/nee tam, twfiet/yer it &egai2.:l,, or zao/net/qewr iii; fie will 5 » 1W*e mvillolvcy t/vewce oft/as wjdwr God M mfwujfwzd t/see, 1/Mt it 7:24} be well with M‘ when ma obey #59 mice oftbe Lord oar God. %% But when it ca me to trial! , this_Was%%t1ie cam-zu- %flw2, Ch.44:, I 6,17. A" 4AJ'fl9rLtl2e worqltlmrt 2‘/502: ;6z5fl,fl>d to in tlremzwe oft/Je Larél, we will flat Zmrkezzizdizfa 2.‘/Jeeg, Bzzt . we will certainel} a’o?é 1239342:/2*ev6r t/Jirzg ~g0ez‘/Jfart/'3 0:17? of am‘ A H onme wazzit/3, .€‘§“c. A % AA _ >’V N01‘ as Hevzml M73 ef,q£)t»6 L ‘with the ;;zzz.;fler:a_f%’t/3e leg};-" Sfiéthfprcfafc A .72zn;{ (as the HIP: endea'vou:rs fm: Refor1nat1on were ca1~»Cf.§?};,,lco:;P.‘ lied) to have their c(m~fenth that E,ccIefi afiiACVa11%»B.e4ve- fa rguion ofum ,m1€ 1ni%gI'11;f be alienated ”fi‘T<‘)1’1’%1 Ecclefiaflicall ujfeg andlie gétfen V°”i7“ .,di‘fp0fed of'Vbyg_Him a1"bitrarily, ‘wI1’ic,-ha they 0ppqfe{d_.,% ' %mdA th¢I*m1>0n% llevmade Whip~wirhj%fi2c%%% fi~1*ing*’s»to . ,féou1*ge-A %then41“withaII , Imeanet}ie;fixx;m:i;¢le.c , _ [4 ~ 4dreWvQu=t:the*‘hea$1‘t blood of*1nany*of them. B‘ut:‘aS.,,£3oi*+-"3" % 7zelix}4'Vf4a:13d hiié friénds with Peter, M --We 4:2"-85:11]; /Jere» pr¢fe:ztA izefbfe to /Jezzre all i‘lii2z‘g:ytln%24t are corimzazzded %At’?}3;'2'c% of ‘7 7 V; 5" . Gad (19) k (306 »0nz,ts you»hav¢v:begun;,;and; ry.:ev_erence z;heir~(‘b) A W O . adViC¢~ Thé4F3fh¢? Qflighfé m£1k€.A'h'i§d~oWfl€ Waiés%:pl.ain ~b0Ath$bef01‘e-th¢ma%Aan%dYou: *0 W31k¢1fl'«;. Theyconfiflt , ...th € goodofthfe Kingdome, butfliev alfo’ Ftajnd in need of M y0¢ur%%wifd;om6 3nd%4authO.fi:ty‘a for tHei4t %v;indicat%ion ‘ unreafon:§1;bI€~P€£ii§ipns, ,”thO}3'(~gh ,fiLprefermc1 A hié A U . 3 C V¢%Vf35)0Inun5yuf?9+fP¢rfiI1ss;fi?%:a1f0 f¢?Vkn€CefTarY%VfuP?1Vi@9~ uphold _th'e7m~Ain the-i1* xvorke. “ M M :* ’f ~L * AA Tet agairze fo2fyaw~fi:lz2e:.% ~_CQfl:fid:"-‘T 1theuf”pecia114t:h’ings The eigh.i§§»4':r$%_ wherein i.solgwo;z:j 4 4 1wViefdpme idixd Ta'pp¢aA1*e ,, », ‘a | ~ foil; .?9‘?fi4‘.”“‘*9?? Q clbfe 39 y»0uVWcA%o ccafion» p,%er¢e%mptori1y«de-i » motfxéag %'his§W.lm?It:;/.Ierr bfghalfe V %V%¢e;£”c@?s?¢r¢.. fjudgemcnt againfl%%A4don&wo%4fr% pine ggifggmaggsf - I“- _ ‘ '9 ct» ’ w. :: M» » M I n. \\ '4 ‘v. )1? Ome Wthrf I’ ,(c)t~Kings M; V World, I part, . G:?2s:« “ A A 111S‘*b:§3Fh:F. ‘We- M _,4.‘ ‘ ————¢In V Sermazz preached .cz£'tZve‘AI;gf:' r;:a;;et£:!yMF{2"[5AAA A A .hiVs‘jWifdome in réfufing to »grf111jt&&himV‘H¢zggi't$6,‘ He that “ b1ameVs %theif« one jgives“ flrV1*ong reafonfior tHe»0’t}ier;%A% j % You .%have.;mu1titude of Petitions before you , :mdVmayh$ave " mcbreg I~1nake‘ ; no qu<~f:fiion‘b11t you Wi1A1di[Afingu,ifl:of A “them. v%%O4t?1e%ly 1‘eme1Iiber; delays zircv:%de‘n%ia1S, Ait's4as g‘reat ‘ anifzimfy motto heare andgrant {Q1116 _.,w as it would b%eAt‘0 (8) .AJ"W;; A ye¢1d5‘ux1tQg;Il§e).V He toqke thge fir}? opp<§Art1.1Anit§_r“% : f: we 4:0 execute jufhce on gr-and de11nquents , jaab , “S/Bzmez, "“"“3"”>’”“"‘” Abiat/nzrgfiiq. and WO‘u1C{I10t %1eaAv;e them to offend a;f'e-A-_ 5 7mL5_v‘rt,ZV!afc. . L_,1;¢;0,;g,¢,;;5,:;9,; L{:o:A1d*itim4é..> M<=:1“cyis%fo good, * it"s athéuflmd pittiesit % : *fl‘I0u“Id%beA”117iifplac°d. 3.; He" judged? herto beno true: A m£A;q;ng$;~L;;-7motherwhowould have the%l:ivingAchi1d devided (f1).' k .A1)d certainly they 31':-2 Without tiatura1Al aflccfifion who _ ‘ 4c1Ve>fir€: td have the -Kingdom fflill divided,8< tom ake Wars A (ax M S 6Ve11dV1jefl"e%.“ fet4hii’”rnfi?:-lfe toAV4bt1i1d4the”T”enip1efor the 1 g % 3~3_¢omp3,¢d7’~L0i'd» b€f01”€Ab€*built hisAoWne houfe that we V w.th 7. xA. - %hA;1d',,"f011ght$G4odixi duIe‘%orT1é1*¢in this refpefi. A Let us 156-~ ' £55). ‘ Kings W"f*1'1t711€ fl7e‘iI:r»:§M9thfit?1"gS' 3 '0 % ‘ % deemerthe-tin1e:. g.Therew,as V6rC1’e13*beauty,awnd com- V. and %“bea»uit%y‘ thdend which you aime it ,A_, A haflzén, toit A Japace,-%AandleI: not all runneinto confixfion. 6. The .be-- V giA1aning ofhxs reigne was in blood, onely for execution ¢i0fis:ifi§£¢t¢f5H13”Kingd°m¢C/aD‘.0rd€r » AA ::vofACjAufi-Vice; hislgxtter e11d%~was»’%p'§aceabIe,’AAandAthatpeadé mft~g310Ari0us.«fA* Your begi“nni%ng“S4were*the f3\1ne;1etAi”t%Vfldt %repent@‘you',% “ A be‘ truetoyour princi151e’s,}1nd We {hall fee . g1OI‘101_1S~1fl~11e. ) ” % % % % % % % % % % TAh¢;.Vni%m%h% A fiz»z'/zT%g;r,d;z:l£§a«:v¢reoftbem.VI, AH*ehadV E6‘h‘fidet£iti:3n§ Wvivesa, *’evsenféverflJund:kedWitg¢x _., 1’ri}z¢e* *e:rA,wAzm"d ‘ (2,) , K mg; , If tr5re«_2 fiundigd%c{;2a¢c:2bi2zeJj"Czj.%%?% ALetvpm3 i1sA‘i’IA1;m=5 ;is1niA:£njy~ »ReI1g1ons...¢ 1: Therdsfome analogy between the one and A A -»:theVother. 2;. Th'erewas‘inhisfdaies firPc,}1 cqnnivanceat Idb*1a“try%V,T Vthe_n pen to1eration,;V and Witha?Il&.%Apofla;cy. m2r¢~sAng;2ve: turmd My ioemsa dt/3 r?‘god.r_,;v"crfl4.2 >11}: befbre t/ael.r'oz;?e%ouratA/ale ‘/AoAAo:r%.efle‘ Aafcomékquy, .S’.ept.275’.{ A 164.4. ' "Edit am 55315 pl.:z£~,e;A Agzl;:ar;2%m;ag;*izs:A1?iAAofAMM, At zmd fin» Molecb‘ tbe+abm.vzm_;tio;2%‘ Atj»_3eA: bfiildfefi Am?2:on.A%A4 Ayn! ¥lzT£;A§zvz]E" did /3e A fa,» 4l2‘l:i«.Pr A {5r¢zngeAfi7iz2e:_,,”*th fides fettle withe you at lafh Your . feares f'a1I‘f*0fF as leaves in Winter. Your hopes doe yet fiourifh and Waexe gxteene. OW often haththee enemy- e11Vax1ged'%p1ace, 1ikeTw~;md1*i~ng Stars? you are yet fixed in... your .0rb.e, =eand-m: iteft like the Cfimzer. . All thefe ' the fruifis r~0ff(3.$. Wi'fd0I.i1.€ b€.[7fWf€d“e0n:yOu.i. Be, thank- . flfl, may glrzz”¢zl ‘ » pg ‘ ‘ I X , “‘ n V: ‘ 1,,