ASermon’PrAeac11eAdbefore%the Ham. A ~rab-1¢H¢011f‘¢ of C\° MM [0 N A9 A‘: A:M:heir«Extraordi11ary day 67f Humziliatiozz} A 7 A %££al2erA =:2€:..~..A.¢ A%IA~644.A A A .......... . F A H 2 as R E W3 I All 7.9. ;F2zit}9N0a11 #£vEing1w4r7¢rz3laf4G0c:;’,oftbingiy rm?‘ _/fife}: M yet, mamm’ gvithfear, prepared .%fthew A % 4 Judgémdcfi:sAm3V.§cA regfiarihg by ‘ Gd3;“itfiAbw‘ghA‘ fbf th¢‘1>rAcf’¢‘iirAx1défl%A&s%bfihgrii?i?i5¢érAt0AtriémaA 2A;AwATI5eAA;4l34i*f»i7i) ,7‘.«il:E3z‘A: AV 'wIf14c1fc 2A1‘gAAa”i‘x1AB: Ff”:e1‘v‘¢:‘”.,A ’ * 1 A " A 1. 'rhe‘~* mr/6%‘ Ta1:ingAiu,jAA tN%b>ifiA3¢~ ca1*IeW ztjjiu/2 #22:»; ::Am,,vjA~ &f,g;»;nA Abz:¢%%génerAfitib:i§%dAA.%, Ggdéffir V A afé‘ fi‘rt’c“‘”;"‘1c;’Ac?‘1'tA1“aj1Am-e”c1%A~i Wiiih ‘ GAod‘§ Aint¢d“t?dfi‘§§”LfI?§’% % AA », A m:ts%(in this {cafe alfo)%4re mtb tl2:mt,lr4tf?a3*A‘A/yim%;”f } A A A A V B = A A z.~Tl;c A A .. ‘ mu ~ « AA;tie:'e wdfdsééntaifli*?fh€f534é"P51‘¢3A%-%AV A 4:. *f7::rve,”I. Th€ }24"f‘7A gwhfigit, AGM‘%;-[ 3:53 = A AIé.w7;5’rli:f Giféséti ‘ -5..‘ ..q. 1 2.: 4 ” 2.. The manner how hetookei1:A:~~ the Text faith} N _ ” A LA Byfaitiz .5Fai:h:.hhis;ithefir&[hand'tAo;t;ake aim§rciye;'j'_i andi-tllehhfirfheyeiiio difCOV€1‘:& udgement: iSenfe Ah ‘ _ may apprehend Dangers, when Aéting upon the . vifiiblefstage, but Faithoneiy efpiesrhem, When: a A A . .1,{He fetsupou the proper: Remedy : there was a deluge commiing, and flAO£h1_!?’Ig,A':.7ffisiféiv ' proper 3. fafety againfl a deluge of waters,~as a ishipw-A~“ A L/1:.$‘¢ern ?0n~«1)re4cI7td.5t¢J’¢’7€ t5€~=C9VIfiI%fi3¢f§o / A contriving uponthe private anAvi1e.oV, A A "2. 33; Fe4rA.-whenfaith {each a good Gog:i,iiithen ici A ca—ufe:h“joyV when irfeethan Angry God, tihem«gA it raifi:thrf'e'arAAA; i:.priopo'rtiio-ns Out all our aPfe<9ci— ons, as God isAApIeafed to proportion out himfelf: HI’ fee an inundation thz=eatned,and it WiI1certainlyA tome, faith Faith : O I; tremble at it, fai:11Feare, aindhow {hall we do to efcape it 2“ 3; T lie Alarzam Impra.A:;u4 % 1eA4A%F¢afx.A%V A A ;nmfl?i/?r4EiiozMr~‘4mz I ;;wh:ic%h *rout.sA~the'? foil}, a1nd.cru%fl;¢:h ah ixs faAcu_l‘ci4gs%,“ di£abAlAinAg th¢sir.4: eom;_nand.‘T‘dand«AAufc inmartcrs ci:hcxfpLir£wAall Aor';:ivia1‘11;‘ ‘av Ieafure)%was fbund out, f73oflm4 fto;1«¢$ihim_L % "to. dcatlyand thenall was well agair14., , ‘ 4.. 1 Aquic/e. mrezoz;fe~a~rz1»roper mM;zsV‘by‘whi‘ch may bepacified, % and judgementss 1‘?:;m0V5d Y0fux1c... V ver knew a man full of Fears,who'wa:s not alfo a man.» fullzof Cares‘: A Give me a_Chrifltian w11o~féars;,aIa:ouc, ' his etemall fa1v*ation,% this mm WiI1‘tAak;c&%%c:pre,ar;x%‘c1 4 VA all diligent: ta work Mt~/azkVfalwtio2¢,and to makelaklt ca/ling‘ _[m.- Give men gerfon who fears his c4orpor,aV1,1 fflffétyg, A % % V A V v “ mhié» A _ 375'. 1». A vxonah 3. ‘ 5?. (BEECH. 10030 . A ~ A: zf“Sefmn¥P?eacI)ed»"befcWet4be*A4%Gs#¥mamé,, tfiAisp‘cr{"o'n cé1hn°citA¢4’flAeepffoiwz-aré haw hfe %fha.1Ip1+e..;: fervor: and fecurg hixnfelf. A Grie€m4akefs men hce;iavie’,A A andP1cafu%re+mV:&kes menAcAare1Ae{re,Aand Defpair makeé. gnén u"feIAe{Te,aIid]?e:;1rmA%ake's men‘ carefi1A1l and Adm.» 1 gent. TheLord%thi'eatdns>l\?iz¢ervcf6v vvith‘c!af’crLic'ti{)n 5 A the h1Vim7'e«z2z’mAb4&;:1ieverh~i%s ,Aand Vfi-22zrA%: this fear com; A mands an in'1m<:dA:if.:=; 136‘ Fafifi’t3g%; andTA ~huAmb%1Ai*ng,Aand‘Cry1;' ing un;v;o* God, and “repen‘ting. _ A _ ‘A ‘ " $2i£:_./.7m}>lM_: app~rehVendsthe danger of Invafion,3And~ Atl1¢ Ttrz-it faitl1,Hefé4rm’; but“ thenit immcdiat‘eIy‘ {ub- &% oyns , Ami bimfcZf5 to flak we‘ Lmtl,‘ amdpzjufildinzed it Fast V fi¢n.%,-3.3. he fccaredhis brbther E./Cm; zfiw Alzim .( Faith gfiamé); fieAm7l[»came£a;;dfmz’te%me , mad M: ma’!/2er%Awitb ‘ the children. But this Fear fees on Prayer, and wiieft-A-a Thtcé ‘ Reafons. j2 ’; ¢B"‘cc2Iu£1°e&‘“GOfld4 I*xach‘broughiz’ thcf: dangegs to people ;' Awhic‘h*he** hatht11\;%emznVe*%d~gwitneffcthc o1dAyworltI;- amid ¢A the j]E?lqo‘g1‘5xvitne(Te Ifl«“2:el;%ar:ic:i Ih“@5Cfl}7tIVi'ty'; W1tné~{Tc¢ 1%ingA&vichG od gand bn%eAV’wVh'i1chAcM AprcflA’ech4God with -hifS’C'OI11V%111flf1d,A‘3nOth€1‘Whilefivith his Promifc , :m7d* atjilengtli f'o~clof¢th WithGOd,th£it he is rcfolved’ God :=fiia1l‘not4AgecVfrAec%of him, unleffe“AAhe%b1etTc him’. \ " ‘ A I fl1°”ou1%dfiowVgive“’yOut411e? Rféa fot1£,* wfiV}y we%fl10uI‘d Af‘é”a9i*‘whenVGd*d5ichi'§’at:ens:dzmgers : Aasrt. Becaufc our“ (5wti*fir‘mcs %c§"da1n4g‘é‘.r‘ us wi“th all’ d'angersV t1n‘eé;cned;A §??e‘%g7fi:Zém, anA’&Ade:ro1“ariAo%ng Aw;itVncfl‘_c England, and the Asfikrcmi tms d BcL*%afu~*fi: «the daAng¢~r5‘ A*W%i‘1.1rAbe“ “ tlfiffoonerg:mdAth:é%;gfc;t”t<:‘1fi‘, AafidA*‘zhéI"f4rer%A if~«weff‘earag » x*A‘1*’"cA:rrF:‘.A% A,‘:-AB3tie flifljl” z%’1[c‘“:t:‘4>z+ié~‘edto‘I demdn=flmt.eyrhé’ truth? # t‘"I‘'xVé_1AfI??i4%’c:‘>;fici%f«iit”‘i”t>”n*;A ii:7réthé‘f‘»‘¢3%I!s%.:for“AppliézitiongA A A 4 %[Fi”ffi*thén“;¢ IAf?;F¢a‘ff b«e~'r¢“qmi«fi;te ‘A’an*‘% n"ecc{fafy”.i‘n A Tifii*cs of A4da,n:g*e~r+~,5 V z%i»lfjf-‘fiwtirity which is« *opA-fl A ¢ pofite at 4» extidardimary Puff, 0 «Stab. :2": 1644 A Abafite thereto‘) is a moft evi1Cm_ality in evil AeTin1AesI A No judgefo unjufi as he, who faid 5 I fear neither. A‘ God my man : “ nor is anyfinner more efearfull , then he whofears um. ”1\Zzzz».i. , » ‘ «A ;g~I--\ A I M “. ".:r‘- “ 3;‘ - v ‘~W- .2’ 3 W . u... ‘ H ‘ ‘ " ‘.,._ ..H * ‘ ;‘ --::.: B5‘ cog ‘ V 4 3. "‘ ‘ - , = IT I : if n t~» anclfiifizce that you have twice 1 ‘V ' wt rtgfired the Aflizztzfly of Di-r % mine: to Important God . 'twAben2:AHma_7 acceptable ttlft/3125‘ A hath been mzto tlvlim, you luzrzze texperinzentdll foztrzd t-be newt. of our Brethren f-ttfprz'°z..z'77gt_ of Newcafile t/Jctlaffweefl) tmdyt/Je“Ctzflla. it f elf ( fizzce tlmtj ttrzd alfo by tI)8 “'72e1¢t9VJ“‘~0_f‘l0tt1f7~§t P); fuccttefléztpotz your Armz'e.r (near toNeW~’~? 4 bcry) t/:>iojweek,.-t It’: zimzot wain,- N-¢y'.ifi. vz/égygootltto draw? near to,God : [No one» praycrr A 4 that getr to bemzzezz it lofi : Somctimeur diwizze Wdqme.tdatb ‘takm rcjflvita, bztt at this time 0122. Wine gaodzzeflé Widde Zadfi : you had cttrcet bcgztm 4 W V . a }gazm;‘** r1im:. EPJSTLE4 DEDI CJTOKI . V %y'=ah%r‘pray¢w3 lwt God pre=z/ézztedymé wiit‘l: “wmtr V,G7¢rw0rlgloiz%email: clone l>efl,’n?2*bezz, mtr ’worl*&i;2%/oflezzrzxen is dam} 5% 3:02; pwZ¢zi72[yV % “ fiefbat Goclczziz and which may be .6422 P1:'0--M A ‘a’ia.’.efbr Iaixsozzaiz ‘glory, l3_i¢ciczll;* we iJ;‘ fin»:-&loz‘.r’ 4CI93tr€79, lei‘ )’V0I-{PI befir : For my A pgiri‘, {$.13} gregzt V ~ 4¢figfl'.’fl5@” 56, 112)! VowmASal'zratim , md the ChH,rCb4fl%.4’Kiflg'd0flzw'A fafity ;: V.FarA% ibe/Ewwe‘ A % %1.7re4cla¢,~4for4tbeflsvm}P?&% , fine %z~laefi¢Vwe4%Lem’,4 A finr4tbej"eAwf!Licz2¢,fb1* t/Jefe zveADye the God . + iqfall mer_ci6J‘ H641 the-fa, zz;zclSettle tloefe, 412514 ‘e!z!er3AVAg1;i£igE; r tilaagaodof tI9MeJ%@,,A Tbifflwllbé the cofifimztprgyerofbim,’ 2tvl1ode-- and b=@€b*tbeJk; ‘ " 7 N % fi;re.rVt.o §li§ae;na«A.% lozzger tbe7z‘=. be_i.r ca. jéremzzzp Ara \7 A—w§¢5;. 5 % f V AA'_,4._3gmg¢:;:iPrcuz;{:fiea!A‘£z.ej‘i:r£“WeA Commwmj . Engthexn~{?c)Az3t:ecrjv,«=a- ;ingAoL1c¢5 %Thr;=%:. S~word~%, th€‘5W"(‘91‘d ;«£§'1‘<:)iJgh the pangs of‘, death he upor1m:rAfE:A1ve];sf: L thouglia Gods? ,(uf”ually‘) % A 4lafi]ud~gement be upon us (r.h.e*Swm‘d4) %at1din~]the4' quickefi xvz1yA'AA0f d:;~:[:i*mé%im-n an Inzefcine VVM) and? A Vfielped cm byinHnite~Divifi<>11s=: yet 1*n<:-n §;ez:{e1fal*£y: ‘ Aim;et1Ad tVheLi~Ar own A,'n., their own ways, zhcii; AptvZ*1r ends 3, as i:f..‘zm . Aangry‘ Gad «memo: 1rii}é:n%1:p:§;o km .:zL-xi; vengecl ofa finfull Nation. A 7‘ A ‘ ; .A A g .; 3 A genera//nqglnfr’ ta raw‘; pmzce~:aai2*£iA.Gv.zi.4 I'£’*:we— A idi.dfi:211‘:his, would we not feekwlaisfifienadflnip A _&m,4_ 1 ,_ Bacdswfé will do firm Wm tbécgtéere are prrjmre ta meet My A mad, 0 Ifi*exc1%.A "6oc!- is 3éh:*:z1l1y4 doimg, c1%~0§rm5g;A11ié flsrasnge work amongfl us, and yet we prepare mm to’ A mcem him : You 1'e2.d«:5,tI"a:1ttI1“ofe' of Tyre and Swan, 1 wvh%en.Herm’;was highIy-difpl-eafedAwit%1_thém ,*%thf&:y~ A ~wizI1‘Aoneaccrd uf: :I1ebeA1Tfnf1ezzAns4%to make their A A W3;ap§acexvithl1iAniA, étcwfiz {fiat ‘C’02:W£tA2'”£’y mm maw:zfl:ed%’ ivy? , “A "’ A'“’‘‘‘ 1522:: Cozmtrtjy Thefe W111 ‘flffi m }udgA_ement'aga1x1fl§zs-3.» V aM:¢»ex"tr4aréliz¢4ry¢F4f£,0 5’gtob,.V};z__ 4‘; A 1 :31; I " fhey t11ieI1'1b1c-Sat man, Awetremblenotzeia Gad; they ]_ I I ‘ haftcn to pacific zm 3,ngryVman_, and we all [MS whi1»<.:-; come not in to z1‘m,2§:e pcacewithan angry God : they fleck for peace bee-aufe their Counmey d%epcndedV C333 ' Hmzd -,» and xve%V'%f::.mfiVnot%f"or peace, _:E1»o11gh our eternity - depend" up«:m}God : ‘WE: {hand oL1t:ag;ai4nfi :1 thlT‘€3.Ef1ifig'_ God, and ag;Vai21,fia de"1”ct'oying God. ‘We may W613 L 1 take up that ssaf‘ the Propilcz -.;, The my 4;‘ pm-eVt/wry kz4£3m.m_ W mt, ma! tI3w*ezk‘majz¢dgemem in tbaixr dw':»ag.c. Belove , 2 fim-e ;,;.;,1-g two ways xvherein perljmps theLmid may yea; _ m€€3t{‘ES wi=:.:h m<:fs+«a::y {one is, Smfam mmzzmxm 5; the ofitheris, Re.»,-xii‘ Reflarmzztim. Baelieve rue, Prmgings will notAd::»i:.;,~TE.*1i7tizao‘s xvii! nacdo ic,W.%Dc:clarations axid A Pr?0fi3ifi0Ans WM n0td0&it.,,Ccwen;mtiz2gs"wi1l not dc» if, C¢tnp1ViVI}'1*a zzmd hmwmm W'€L*;f’ I-leis above an the xvifdome 0:5 :s:m:n, and atnovegill t%hVeirmdigniVci«:as Agmd power‘? : I"“1€i.”V’__‘, can 1i.Fr;,upthe zni ._g.1‘1ty* z11~o1; by his; voycé, adds zre:1ciunderh§sfset :.1H% the Sc’epters=on e-a1<4c11VzitI"xi:'s7~r §;>.!ea.fi1re : Ede can t111‘@fl]«t}1.1€ N.:arti0n%s to d11ff,«g;2;x1d dif» i7o1wmhe Pmgcnmms ism) morh.ing2; : 0 ‘fz;-at him whw can deal} !:=§‘iz1th€fpCakS~.; as~"e:1fi'13z.n1;a.Zze the worker A A 1.1 his’ wilhaind none can rifi=: upm ft or hindgcnihim : Fezarrw E32511‘: x.vfA1oic»an*d&:flmmy ?L%ac,»av'Zis:s ::m.d itt;51..EW mo: fear l1im*«- xivI1ofeAdi{;oIm1f:~;.m'£1%o«:)ksh.:w’e 1*r1z~zd.%«;~: the £me[t.and{t1'o»n«+AA:A gzefi o£1:isAfervm.s 1:0 c;ry0u_1:§;V~:*(:>;:1V‘r,; wimfc: 1i»tt1e= fifiger made B.ag7b,*5’i:Z*i2¢zorefé :'g‘,z'z7fi_ quad Dew-. Feare h( fomeref) icod hirnfelfg” this though Imayfafe1yifay,Thar Eeare doth AC as fano-» ther hatizvit ) deifimzre Dmmi »iIt‘iSfth3.t Whichiudpth fer up, and“ e%&:&Iail*tfthe?TrL1eGod‘; j1'eaee(butcakie§neca:nd;d- fly ;)* it maekes men fb”mewhacil1kie God, efpecaahlily than been-he which ox-1e_ ipeakes, Q42 Deum Tz'met_,em¢¢ ommI4 timcm‘; All thinggs Rand in aweofhim, whey. {lands in ii awe oifhis God ;, ~»A{fi1reciliy ycm;ihallafinde an awefiilli ii fem falling upon them who are under you, ifyour,SL1+: perlzuzive Feare be of him whoisabove you; A W‘ A T£22zare;7ahPra~vi:9lea2ti;e: Apriovidem: Feam Bela-4 vr;-zdi! as Faith makes us todepend upon G'oVds% Pr‘omii'e, Io. Feare makes us to ferve GodsPirovic!ence:That Fear -4 which makes us over--feare, on ovcr- negligent , which {hrivells up all endeavour,ora'1l'”‘carc -; I cannot thinke _ but it is either difpairegor folly, 0rTireacher.y :_ Give me . i that Feaie which is aiervant to Faith,a; G3.letoPrayer,; a, Spur to Repentance, and an edge to Prudiience :which can judge ofevxlls, and hafteu Remedies 5 which can " »-fore-feeDangcrs, and be prepared with Antidotes : wihieh rnakesthfl Eye iopen,the Head Seriousthe Heart 'fait~hfi11i,ithC hand qu’ici< 5 and it:he\.Wm*1 doemake an flfirkg ofktheir oWn.eAMe~rics. ( which i A Q Re//grmine dV:£r"es%1"1o1_;h think: fafe and fume ).anAd- of the Inter¢ciTiOrI5 Of 59«intSMd€par£,jcd *3; yNay,.4 they make an» A V [I V ,A1~keAofwafcr "(their iHoly~Awater") and a.:wooden« A;*ke= too of Images and CroflE:s,,;Arkcs; in tha iAfy‘n=: , vtainc ArIr‘ayers%,A.s:4c.%:<5 Fave our Afijulcs 2: ”2vcié"l?-A-= « 1 {mg pw,‘;P4zal fpeaxm, mdw Alldz'lz'gem'e,as I’cvtm A fpeakesg‘ it is notian eafieworkcfi tovbeholy here 5 or %,happy"here*:£ftm~.4_ A AA Aié 7 NM}: m’a.défthe Arke-A,;A t1aT0:zgh be "met witlrmrwlm oppafitian, %zflclmz;g_y 4ifwfieA:'T11.eAyA wI1o‘»AAinten‘dA to be A ‘ iafe,muI’cAAho1dito}thcirfavingxvo1*kAe, againft all the? jeares andA reproachcs of ménwhq age ’AlAof£ .A- A V ‘A Laffl .,mbichfiwedAwm:Aft17nt. wlriclJ Gad %xz.i“lziza2Afn’,' Gui/mt hAeA~e2AatAreAd {mo All? Y mezms mufc be ufed,§bAut none can be ~f21fc:t~y , Aunleffé‘-A f Godluimfplfmakeus.{‘a.f'e.;A AA A * Secondly inVpa.rticu1a.r.. Ahd‘m3wA IAb<:{AZeéc#ti*«ybtu*AAl1 A‘A }:i‘74£rie:i"vT’here%:ire five; ‘ things whicl‘[1 will ceArt3;in1y)bé a%;n4 Ark-cVAA?of%%SA"afecyA V Am» a; P%e1'fon or» 1*N.ati0An- , ,:whenfQever* dangers A break A (mt;IikcAad;eluge;»A% A A A A A * A A G:od.reconAciAled”»5A:w AH;‘«zppyA mag. f;2eaJalveAA.‘,r:;r1d1rh:itA man; who /mtb~~tI2e”LardAto bk /azlsr Goal IetaIl‘t11e flbodsu in the 4world. bu1'f’cAforth, and» rage, and fiircll, and. threaten, yetif Godbe-our God, m If wee 1ie_«Ain the Armesxofhis favour, If‘he4-hath pardonqi wo11t;v{i]nhes,*,.A. Ifyenminy 4be2flainae:,, :»If”1:ii:s igodéi ‘W111’b’e%towa~rds;i1»s, if he faith, I%.;army0Aur God, , J‘_v§?11IA_1zpl1;old 5 you, I Mhavc. Mound out. your iAniq6uitAie 3;; 73101‘: _€irfd~I «m V friends; will cover fyVp11 .Aw1zhA»:z1)VcA wof fm V h3_.ned% 4:.()',.W.t1;1aaA$..1s an i;a7rk:e.ea mced waaistfijas~a~A»sA:1s:e1”a%»w V“."!VV ~ , G§£dz 4: V2%xmgr4;n¢ry%-WW, cam, gsw % 2: A a~Ré%fdgefro¢m{ ~ A11—fufiicTi%:r1t%Ba'nnér Szifiity; A A 1 f‘Etjt‘iFA GWod4 be hot“Rec M‘5£"'*dtfi€4’£c?117}._t;‘.‘I‘f.{25; A ’Pe"rfon*, gwho,v1;xa;h% * Chrim my "be upon Ihariy w&rers~,&A¢b1iV%t he%¥fliaIV1%M‘rieV" V61‘b€*linCtetf"§11é°Vs";it€f$ be t,ofi"ed%_,” }3‘:"m:A-it ;fl1a1l‘ne ve-r%1 be dm_wne¢‘1 ‘ :5 f it may‘ “be itr7oub:1e4d*;.14% butzffill f"tis A faf: : iC1’11“i~Pc isan, Atkq,* ch‘at7can‘fa,v_a‘arm ,4 pinch, and “that can fave Vtot'.h1e uttefrm%o&.%.A4 A A ‘ ~ A V A 3;. A c‘wfcie22cc puzgzd :iA’%purgcd {of ’d“ead“& AWo14I§¢s>,V4 and pugrged of’d¢'”a;d1 workes: A11;1i;~;;okcg;a&,,%;~*caVnn;s: " m~owne:amip,-wanes Witliout‘ .1‘wf‘r;i;f-” ‘ M ‘ '; u..m M theflfip, then fea,x:e “%%¢f+t1‘ifo»vni:2%=iIf twse epmgcd f‘1‘0‘I¥F‘h€; lové the offins $;f‘*1r.bé Impr: foundx §hzgi1c‘. why‘ it. §hisf»i«ivi~11 Abé“2§pQfffi17e t‘é1I;§ ’i1s; A‘A1&7VI*£t2'.AA 3 23. A 3 % «D; 3% 4 ~M_ Noam: AA 233 A /I trfmm pmcbed éefirctbzoflflmmdmvfi ~ it Willrbe. c8;n 5~d¢ uous, and.fafcty.u,£o :o~OAfi‘E:indsl I A wee hafifue Enemy like finne: Ail ourdan erslie‘ in our ownegfinnes: ATheu ,drowning éleluge orcakes out of 3. damni+ng'u‘d“éoluge, Iiliijneans-gut <>f:.ouruuu f:flfu¢ ” f.O13flta;inCou0_ffiF1I'i&Cuu ; Tuherefore; ifowycu 7 ulovefyfdurfifefies,’ ifyoulovc your lives, Tifyou love y0&ur‘fouIcs,if you love yourfélvcs, if you 4 love the Land,” Away with fitme: Ift/am let tbéc m2mgz,=:, than 491 nflato (Z4:flzr:o~.frz'.:’:2A’,u faid they ofm-1&5 but I fay’. If‘ , yoju ’1et:yiour~ {iuues ,goe';uuc§L1cifi'§:d, youakrew not v‘G.¢0dS Fr1cnd,L nor your owns fnend“, ‘Nor the Kingdoms '41 V Sinccrity mflntaineds you may read in 4 E f :1". 333. 16-44 "fhatu P113 11P1"igh~t perfonu Jwcflsuonuhzgé (above. cjlwej 4 - regions ofdanger, above the rezich ofa deluge) Am! /11}: defame ix t/7.: mzmitiomu of Rock: If bee {hould he whercofd’2u1gers are, ye: he [H11 is where defences A arc and no udocfenccS”are like thé munitions of Rocks, ;whicuh‘doneca‘n W611 a§fI‘aile,'orV%under1:r1iucu5 f In A% com. ’€fS,ifEhC'L‘01“d_tdak€S carcfor any peffon in cheworl ,u1t1s forocheuprxghtuparfbn : Noah svasuan upright parfon, and here is an Ark: fo1"hi:1m:,Aévralmm 4” was ant1PrightuP¢rf0n.. ti-ad God ‘V3.5 auflaield A to him; Lofwasooan upright perI'ouo:u1du ZOA7‘{i’S1T€fi':1‘VCd as a fecuficy for him 5 David was an upright perfon, and ht‘: had an Arkc which preferved him fafc from fir!-E gqggaghrouguha.11cmub1csu and dangers, A ‘ - \Tv:%"fi’\§~n.V‘:(\‘;1\i»$rfi#fi;iV\v5E1€d, dadudefemd. 1% Truth Iafich cci a ~’uouu95ti0ur1;i‘ua$SLfi‘¢ .tb.‘rh.i..S.' *BL!€u1%1ér C» Eféwimvdfl it was Dfififid *6so4??41Wt”¢14f€??“"’»'3ekceputhatfafe, and " thatowtll kw? W4 ‘?*f¢ '.“ "B*g§43{/}i&.u,t.b79(;”4 Mf.: Wu Wilafii‘ *”JP:4W4?€s‘a‘WWW ’l¢King.... d%dme.y " A 4 A A WA nd»n0W9( 1;-zglat Hanmzzg 1 ) Giv¢%m’c%favo;urco " b1*irgg4th1s Tex”z:‘in‘%Vfc>r‘raje nearer; appj1iCa.tion tb Aybug fe1V?cs#: I look upon Ayou as the N045: of our Age, A and I look upon the condition of our times, asvcj;-w1n;uch 4 reAIEmb1ing{that4 flare xvhere¢1nANaaIah%ved :~It1?his ~tim¢ ’ the finnings of ‘me world grew common and high -;g,{ A doc: they not doe {o in our” time 2* In histime the fpirk of Godwarhcd thcmofan_Ainfi1ing~dcftru&ion ;;fHath~ no*t~Godfgivei1“us many waLmings;,vvoca;1land‘ real1k."A' Ii‘1A°‘h’i"s* tzi»me, the Spirit Aofi G—od*did fbrivc With? th€m'*toV draw them from their fihFul'l7 cdurf<:s4w‘ ,AV and t?orepe1_1t 5?‘ Hath notthe fame Spirit fl~'rivcn~ ’and"wr;£’c'1cd with this ’~TLd‘r71d for‘ that pL1rpofe*."‘Towards them God éxsrci fcd“a. longlpcuicfinoe or fu{fe%ringa gwaited‘ . upon tfiena an Hundred and Atwcntvyw ‘yeeres Hath not» the ‘Lord borne »and"fo_rb01'n 11s~a1rr1c-ft asmmy years 5' Bu7t+a&erAalI%rhefe ca111»ngs,;._warnings,ftrivmgsj , long~[ . fufferings -5 Godftill law t!}at"t11c \§'ickedne‘f{‘c,4of44m_a;n~ was ’g*rea.t% upon the earth and»that:T€vAery«1mag1nati- on of the thoughts qf his&h€:artgiwasonc1y"’evi1lVcb1‘r‘- fin%ua11y,‘t%h¢y grew 1mpudcnt%iandnncorrtgxblm--0‘*-that \, i:~‘g;o4u1d riot be fq afl"1rmed Lof thisland» inf gcncrall: Hereupcon: G%odreVfo%lvcs%At0+%fdArbearcA«%noVI“bngcr _( Hera: ‘ % v A ’ A wilV1. .AiI:havea;b11¢ thrcc ching$4Mtopaa:~4y0L1 rninde c>fl¢thisA~~ 4 ';v9f;y1L1tiVo:1,h¢¢;thin!ut§:L?c41u_e. Taeflahtg %::ul3r.¢iftb¢~i#sAHox1fe 4 ié£Oni%s,ATfi4!#gdemes 4;AHet1-ye ;=: % ofaP4rli4mz25‘%, it:isi:rhe’A4 grcas:Ht.>11€¢r of;V;1a1i#%‘ tfiefi % dome ,;i1 1 WhAi'ChareM1aiw.:%1P;allAAth€i'r "Li%b%g‘_:Mrtiesj,a.l?1their A Saféties, E&atés%,Refug§s,4 Reliéfés and’ %Lif_¢s»~ 4:fiAn4d ». V 71 k€P£.;i%c=f¢§»V: WQV139117._ff~’€4 A k %1fl . ._ i‘jAi.:f ‘$9.; - foul 15 an ho,t1f3i’a_ ; yo:u.rLB1f3i%Wil1*fl10ri1y*%B¢wt : As you Mex» Y A peak a blelfed ccernity,Vlookgc well to the {wing ofthis A rous ; to A t;hiefi1fe1vt:s ; Aiand‘ 16 A (1131 ifindci ~it,notwithPcand1ng alltheut Poiitiquc con» V world againc asthefe,"thcr§*fQre- . df;.4_I1 .Ex:mardinxiry F4j£,;og“7aZ>J %%1644.” A A in England, thaiican orflaallbc fafci If thisi;houfi: be fuffered to fall, ‘wee fl1a1la11havci,caui'eitio fay, i mar tfae fszfl af»tI2gzt‘ /Janfei-P: ~Thc:iifa1l gfg, mefit, ( W311 A be .£h;¢ iieatfifi ’f.alAl"7 Wifhffii ,¢V€itii,;E.I?ig ; h géxfthe fall of mofi the; Churches offii Criftp ‘ V i 4 T he third is; aadsamim thig is‘ ainiiHqu£;:i:ob;¢ i look’: unto bef'or<é___‘ :ind‘abbve itliibtiieiri liéuifési déi Aizacm" had 9. care of his hoflflaold god: ., before ht: cdokc came “of his houfholdgaoafi :1’ rinces iofoldi did ( yea.,they too 'who fight to pull downgthis figure) V N as of irhat; Houfe in Math. :7; .TbeiVr4inE % I fcemlcd ‘, i ind it/at ifldadsf mm: ., and /93 ibléw, ‘if . faml éveateiupoéz rim. /waft, 47:51’ it fi:ll,i7And.g:’m_.i; ~ i Mi heard °f=i I ”‘:c:i(i)Vl:lfi(ie.n'tM“,f3‘**~"‘7it i thefal1ofA%Vthe Three;7Kingdt:>meisi;faiidi fl fcarexc would endar-1 fixive tmoyne rhcirPa11aceisi n<*=1. the i”TcmpIés»iii 3: fat; the Tcmplcisabovc their own Pajllacesi Gods How:-“tf1u& be lookcdunto, before any of ourown; hgufcs .: They in Haggai foundit by wofull ex - richqc, that their neglcétof Gcbdsfloufc in thc; rft i any ’s:ac¢fmen 5 ceitsi: I doe not know three fuch Hotifes the havé a. fingiulartarcioftlicm; ', . A ‘r W H1ggai.x.:.4g ‘ 6:» 855 iitbchoovesiiyougtoii Bu: then the next placcgitimunce11you, A that there areDclugcs;, many Delugesi, notonely prob ably, but alfonétually b,rea%,Iging%:ioucA_ no endan~4 A A , .4 P‘ , 4% iigar chcVdrownin~g i of‘ an nhef¢i4:i igr clrié ffiffi Hotife ; ' A AA ‘ "’~(0"ur'i, A *5’ »’fSe'rv"’r2$1!rt Vbefiretbc Conérztoiérf cur sv¢-,1;1¢s¥ ) =0 %re.ama11%1{1ns% bi:=.=::ike % fifth, how ‘many W0: Iufis AA breakew forth %t"Aa<%%$”Vfi& :11? %1“0l?1¢%(‘aS Mthge !“¥P0"i1'~i' fP€ak¢t114> in for z the ParIAsa.~ % a.'fijM‘ini1fidatfi0t1V°of':41*iki'¢dW.1? "b€€%=1¢4v‘% :2-mg; 4our:;to.%o‘vcrwh4c1rnv Vqnd fwa1:Io»v+;:p '.}t‘h3't } fijfgfg % Hfiufe V;.Arid for“:he:th:rd" o"ufi=;‘.wha:% fiooids»a:'e \Arminia.‘ns. ti11é’HAo4fife%AA0&f Gdd? de1L1gc“t>Vfer1'oz's;, a%dc:%!ug¢Ao€“ ‘°*“"*"°*P‘“°‘5-*4 BVIaf.'phcmi:;s,_4&La, dclugc of Sc¥1i,fincs, aV dweluga of Brownifls. . ; _ 5» , , _ " A H AA A ~ . . Antznomianm Q§1,7d¢’0P3?1j¥0115a d¢¢!&1,~;e of d*ff¢m1<>nS,A9-H3? die-A Libertines. ~v * V A ~ “ AA A . ‘thc%St0rm<= :0 Chrifla ‘M4/1‘6'*5 /9w‘? ww‘%6Z/94‘ meg; }’???i/7’ yam Afwlcs cry 9t1r,»%‘b%favc ”usAl% vandi tbé“ . A’cries om; 0‘ ravyws ;th> Qh%i1:x:*ct1%=A 0%fG%od‘cries out. 0”~PitrYand~fav¢ * 1 ; M J.“ Thefafcxi¢ofa,11AwhiCh%con{fi‘f’cs I?invmaki'ng”éf; ~ ‘m1VA1'§;¢%%bAo:h‘propcrand.,feaf0nab41c :VMfor%t%4cVb¢‘ gm?” riiiivixaigfifixvhercof if flwflda 1.iFt31¢%miff¢ ~rub:1‘ec?uen9; yet f1%:a;V1:1*‘n~:>‘r iaife inwm %an;ddcfi1%v tint: may be f;7.ved;T&11usVthcnA,. “ "E 4 1e§AVA(t13¢%A%fi1*ft‘A ‘, %%H013 F e I A,1?3ien~tio%~+ A A ’For'yo4ur on med) thingsércally gm: & esA.%Wfl1 f i«Ziired3yfa?Y6t1?¢m*ja‘fi€Pwt-W64swdfffiw= A :.‘;1,3 c>r the ‘db’rnes4 A Houfc (9th.e“iécond{char"I; A \ A df'i.1A:;;_e‘td”Iike 93¢ ferval3:iljc>z;;»; famxllmfi i-so Mariaimviidi “cl<%:lIlr1;;- fiixrelmasgoi 11116 £0=yQur*"mindesll~’““a.n tongues, Dividé T A L-»§« impem,rentl;hel11; and ruxne tzhem gandf yctthcrc, isnoca more fad lp:€tac.1e coll-S , who {land below 2 - up»- ,7 i " l=.h¢‘flaT-fc§Y': Sermon Breached before the Cfammzom V upon the ea'x1;h,th¢n to heelre ofithofe rents and di;. 'vifions1ntha.c .uppet Reg1onel‘wl11::l1 is above us 3.“ 4 D1v1fionsmCou~nfellls, d1vxfions1nArmies, clilvim {ions in allzl confeifc that divifilon once mmlc a A :712werafB46el,,bL1t itnevermaclc a fwmg Area ; A I V cn‘ceIWi{l1cd»( when I preached5 before you) that the Parliament lmgd no friend ( you remembert_he Fenf: wherein I fpake it A) And now I Wifh that the Part 1 liamenzhad butane mzmlefc init -.-Nay , ‘doe not, W0I1d€1‘ 31? th¢expre{fi0n,, "there-is no hurtyatlall .311; n:,,: I fay, but one man : Nothmgbut Llnirygneo die» vifion» at all : that all of you might be me am: mm, of onehea1t~:~,of7one mxncle, ofonelendeavour to me c;mAdliV€ii'i.€dl.and pcrifluing Kingdome; “ I v‘me4l)~Sr¢;flie.r ~Be1ovedy.! _tlhere‘4are¥tll1ree Afefcer-ggame.s, which every Jendacxous ma=n~ ao- ‘couentsvery1llVand;{ad:,'l*'x:f’c is for a mm: A N4??3€13‘_Th¢f€COfldt1S.f01‘-fllmaffir lséggglcewl, And:%l.;h’3 theird ‘Sc:fareellfiiwgderflwlSafW:% how hear: hash arkiflm A thell~n’egl*c&1ng7 of our law A'~rmy? ; in the W-2’/3 _;:.!» A God knows-wherel the fziule relfls: every eye waeslopcn to fee ouxfoppdrmnity both all midullllo :eLct,me:llfi‘cle.l:g lcelllllc-helm (lwho ¢;V§1* la.tlllver:cZgtii1:Ty;*o£ elayilng’ rhlei r A helpe ; Théit a few” more fuch omiffions will {bake Ihgughts indfleartslldfclhepeople, if not alfo‘ of Whbleelfingdomee: unleflé any 3». it m:m;:m{clvaes":he l"Pa?w“eyi mg; l,‘ ?Ef~jra.lf€ f Vfwhen: T—hrleel l or Fours dayesf dead 3? M I befeeeh you", ~.and_l.="‘ag-avifie 1“ A lanefeech you,.let_no,more leafons be loll"; Bum vhacv YlW‘"= .~2M.'r3 Exrraordimry I-‘afi, Oéioégzz 164.44” T ." 3,: youidoe, éiocinv time : ‘for r,;ou,ghc ydu. knowg, r die A Kingdome mighthave been fct1ed.,; if timely fujc‘-.- . com’ had beenforwarded. A “ r A * A r 4. four mm? prepared Propafitiqm-' affeg-cg‘ r_~VATvh¢’"r Scriptures tell us; Th‘atmte muftfal{bw Pg-ac, Afyea}, though it be flying from us: AndrPcaccWithall . men, much more amongft ourfelves; Nowr then, 4 if your Termes of Pcaccbc fuch ( as Iprcfqmqrvghqy T are ),A That Pcace”and Chrift drab‘ mce;r:og¢:13er—; nh_atrPeac7erandrr FIo1ineffe«d"oe ~tro“ge:he:; Ehac Pemté and.Truthd’0c’“m“ect‘r together”, r Th"at'P‘cace ‘ and Reforlnatidn rmeemt; together“, A That Pcacc and Jjuftice meet gogetrher Ag, rr~TharrP‘ca.jcrc:;11g§;l; msfzetrrhtrorgietaher , ‘A? I"W~if11 %bc’?b”o1d- iéow "“Te"rmcs of Peacewwill fpeakerArfOry%ou‘rbéfQ@?ré Gbd; and will_a}Cql;1“ia: yrou“ b“e}fo‘rc 4all‘ "the &TWorld 5’ hey ‘wilrrl berour qzrmfortir, if*o‘bteined,4 I:!o\w;r"év¢rJ,‘,"r% * 733 A L'aPc1y1; ”}'+'or¥ Hair (“ iché"othér V rnentioncd )1 Irhumbly cronceive, That nh£:;Ark;%vr4cA9% f!L‘Ve;it, mayrrgbe’”(;"as Timeéare "nmv wi‘thW.usf);. ~ r x. one is, ryotrrxflb/¢orri»gof*rbe:zée2zriv?=ii#g.g;ré»éi % ~~ rxfr4tf2¢r'*rrz2cr} trbaugbtx-0f”7Tolk’r4ting% (all ofiuibflfi iii VVC’/aardlsrg This Wercffilcha,>rmonfir0usrPrordigic !7 fuch zr1n"Ir1r£J1 I‘cr1abli:« {way ofCox;fufidn 4 mocking: of the"ipaop1fc‘r;{c> ‘(”3'j@”i:!I~??!’%‘ 8;mf’e For wt (Right Honourw I_’y)j,If71_God_.thinkes fit , I /7101414! Mr.«.zt/;er;n2/_'/72 M A | 2_2‘z)r%Gr;;rz»;fe5,, than live tqée/7qld~% fiwfi 4122 inw/I» ‘ 5€£4éZ¢‘wZWcMtiw.[‘“ «» ‘ A iéhgieé 4Wi1.dn efib 951 are,I‘ ha;‘vc£o;1nd«herenofora L1—fedVby onc,-‘ «wh»o £h1edAhim~ _ f¢1feAA~AM4rtfmw:% Beliius, ;2z, fiiiendw to » that gmorlfirotts 57:; Viiftzfiii 4,4'1rzxz'fi M4g{flr4:uJpan2¢Wh£ A 7% “ ‘ ’ »;\ V¢%t¢t;id£S¢I<¢'ft:?£e§s[a11 Whi;9:l1%are Arclmd and cbnfu- 4 Th? Vfégond i§ 5“ C4/l~&z.§}>ap%VATtbef 4/]f2*m6‘l\y in ibeif ‘Aw»\W0f£*¢m (gift? ywéifi ywozl 1, A/mm%A%%; _; fumma;2’d Gflvfimmeuht ,.%~j\’s{;1gIi]ach W11”1Afl§"fim”s¢%'%%hav¢?‘%{wed win the ChwEu:ch4 of %Cht'ifl: :4 AIf I mifiakc ’ not , A you ma %Hndc*“mQfl: of ch;-"~Principa.11s -agreed uhpon,~ A as’¥orthe fillings up, let chr;:mV(; gime;fiapp1y;% 4 §“’may%% lie in at11e*WiITys4 % an)? party mareconfid¢ra,b1e’”then another», Ufa your Au- thoritvV,., ;th;s.:%%_chey % may %c1Ae:edyand fully 1*cpre-4-« fibfié“ %Sgcgipvure$’f”4g ‘f.W%11éTC‘i_£ in Am: indure Vmdfimde approbation, wee wflg A * A Erwi: V W wn: Lei§mm:¢4;.And::cm: n_G’[ A;1norc... at an Extraordinary F4/I, 0506.4 242.4% I644. H with all our hea.rts embracc it; llfnor, then nei- A tl"i€1"thCV fhould, nor we, nor any cllé countenance C or fubmit unto it. And tl')USAh.’-.lV€ I ( ail trull) faithfully dif?» charged my duty unto youthis Day: If God will A lmplcafedto incline your Hearts to regard what H hath been Paid, I {hall not doubt, but that an Arkc of Safety will attend you , and all of us , nctwitho \ fianding all the dangerous Deluges which A mow threaten us. ‘ 1? IN 15:. Die Martis zz. 0ftoI§.1644». Ordered 5y t/aecolmmom ajfémélwl an Parliameiét .- ‘17)2ztlMr.lAfl1urll: and Mr. Gourdon, doe firom At/2:2: Hwfc give Tlazznksl to. Mr. Obadiah Seclgwick,‘ for l 1“/9e great pzzims /fa took in the Sermon /dc Preacbedtbzl: A Izzy artbc immztie of this H01! fie, at St. Margarets Wefiminfler, it éeigzg 4 Day ejjmczfally afmrttfbr 4 Pzaéliqm Humilitatim :, and to dcfire lame to Print“ by}; Sermon : Arm’ it is ordered, that mm: flmllfzrefume ta. Prim bu" Sermon wit/smtrleaeve zmder I/2': Zumd m~;2... tz'M.., A l' ’ 4 “J A E1l'yn»g Clger. * A A A Parle D'..C0m; A ‘ T’ appaim: S21}s~a:ael‘Gellz'b’rancil‘to-Prim; ihis SE R M B .A:,D I..}.l'5I-3 SE El'GY~V;AI-- C1lX;», . V '-