fernbled in ‘}’ar[imwmzt,That ~ ‘S17fWcz/tar6’arZe,Qapt%a‘in 5@fli?€f ‘ and S_i1° I/V1’!/idm ...LS‘tric&—[mzd do fr'om% ‘W this Home give ":'I"l1z’.4z1I*«:.*esto*M-;.“‘ % %‘T 431107‘ and M‘ Styfickfcmd F01‘ the great painc-S they took; in the S61‘-»~ 1n0ns they preached thus day at the int:*ea.tAie ofthis Houfe at S‘ Margamf V retsl/Veflmiyzfler, it beingtihedayof PL1bli ue HL1rniIiati0n, and to de- ‘1 . fire them to» print their S2;-;=r.m0r1s., And they are to have the priviw» lege in plinting of them, as otliers in the like kind hzwc ufually had . Henry E[fy22geC1er- Pm, D. cm, A AA . I db appwinp Hcjmy Owrtarz ta’; print this Sermon... V «5'1?'N§ €5T?73_{.‘%7’i‘*;14i¥¥-3‘?-135.2 @@@@@@@@@$ -. “' ‘ é ‘fa . , . -*9‘. ‘ . “ ‘ v" ' . ’ ‘ ‘ . . an ’ . . « ‘ ,9 - ‘ . V n M aw, .-4‘ fr, “ . g ‘ _~‘ ‘I ‘ “H V .;.'.f‘ - ‘ M ‘ 3-,, -in’; _ . - ' ‘ 3- ' ¢ " ' '5'. ‘ \ I _ . « . ‘ W_’- RejdyCin_g‘a:gainfl %.}u|GEMEN [ 5% u. ,_,..:;j *~:~:.%;;2:*.; illfrfé * &ié1« W %%&@%@@@$@wi 4? gé #()R;A _ A % 3% God Wa1%tmg t0 be g1~a;:1.ous toga: «W? W ' % % W linfuli NAfir1C>N. »% $3 V \ -H \ Wcsié fig‘ ~' of Commons in cflfargrtreff Weflmifijfler, upon. fig the folemne day of their publique Hi1mili:.- §~“ A "* atioun and moncthly Falh A 4 Ofiaé. 29. 1645.. FL 5:‘ M atfeterx Poor, Lozidnrz, and a Member of. A th_c~:AHcn1b3y of Divines. A4 3: . ‘:9-i¥“‘*§—." ;g.»';*r‘s=.=~,“§ Micah 7.. I3~ "-u. I 9:‘ ' ~=r.:‘ lVlJo23s'*a: Gc:cZ1i/zgzarztotlree, tinztp.-zr.c;lo;zet/5» irziguigz, and p:mh[E¢Lb’lgy V % I136 tr;zq/grnflefon aft/ye remmrzt of 12229 l7e2'it.zge .9 " He retainer/J .»;r2o.t: AA ".3; §.,“=.,§;..: - 33$?)-.« * A4 arzgé?r_f?2r ez2er5!;ve::.nr;zrfe be deligbtel /9 in mergv... I -"91. I ‘ J - 3&3 3 R -g I I 1 f§€‘,_..‘§v ‘fl T I I ' V‘ 5-e~‘—"' -L an ;:«a- ‘ '_ ._. .4.» ._ ¢m£ fold tat his.fl1op:in PVop;:5-head Alley, A I 643.% '1.” @@%%%@%%@@%@%@%@@@@%x~ { {flea “ Sermon preached before the honorable Houfe. ? ah‘ ‘ v afié By fllxn St2x'icHai2a’, B“. D". Pa{‘:or’ofthe Church at» » n j V 'Edmm‘2fl.rin t;he»Citi¢ of New Sarzzm, now Preacher. A E7 ‘ :. mPu5[z[/:edby Om/er»of72:F2e.{Jo;;fi'%%af'Com.mam,W A 1:.0.z~m02\I, , Printed by Zbfgfitly. Si’m>n592z.r,%f7;)zf Herzry Oavek~Vton,a13d "are to be“ £3 . , Mu» M fig‘ ; A “ I .,, * F; .;:a 94% : ~ ~. ‘. .‘ I ' . thimnorable Home %».m1nsaffcxnblcdiwn Parlitamcnt. A ?H<>.norab:1é andAW0r¥?¥¥AGent1em+cns% 4 u H 8 7‘L}‘0?¢ ‘W79 afbiamzztfy met» éej‘ore “G ad,AA1£'& momma 0'U6'r3:om* fii2$,~zt mm mjdut-y tgfjw. 11237, “mlaar [A could‘, we , me»’1ti-Izg jaw 4“ be.-ma,4tf2at you Vnzggbt =p,ow’r¢ th%memwgu,ta bef0re;the,~L0rci. ;.I knew rrzar A éetter :m~...; A gmnnzeni for fmla at ptfrpqfé, tbgmé tafet é29fore_y:a.a, Mme!- ~ting%?oruer_fiM%6N,«bmrepAentzxegsA kindled together, .md’* i=m%3iV,51aw4e-/5 tzir;J£¢*d}rir:Cri22 bim.f"ert/.74em : it mniswat 5:1; pram *~'vmza§le, up on a4fi2-"iiécqeflufiflfif fpzm r, azad make it mazztlwa after A the Law’. 1,11nc911t1rn%-p<:ndeVre¢«amorem, faltcm re-A wag, A ‘pe,ndat,'fai;=b afaztber. 1 A t”/we V vzxoyfce of Mercy;( dfter the xvizidei, aim! -e2uEtbgu4l~eAsV,azndfi're5 ofjudgernen tgtbat baw'eg‘o;ze-~éefm;~g5 ~andbwue.flml~e;¢ H23 »ma.w¢tazii2e5-, 47221 éyom tr./ya *75a2:£rsA; yin, pieces) 58 5541' :4 A/31-11 ffiw/1 'v0)Ice,M yet A it may 'pre*U2u'l A AA mam %t/ma; t/qafiggf God 535512 it; mm’ 1 laape be is‘ : Far, .5“ 1:. Vmiflmfizg mt, V rcy if we pwefmt saedeip t zsrhic/5 tA/.13 gmz‘t4 1’/9j_[it,i412~'l:zztE~prefcri5edw4ta%m¢ke upjt:/ae cure qfflcé Eng; 13 nd ,, Cd ('0m'iM«« élfifer £>laoVc!~~}?".»2ttz'~12_gr._,A and many éittewf if-ilfsgtbdt /.m‘c»‘e“ pu1'd/Mr dawn. . ‘god A13: zzsaw i pawrizzg out ‘Mamw%cy,;é/"temzwt/new upon %m,”aAnVdV(.4;. may fay). rufi-»~ Mflrkivg i 3; tbé oyle 0fjC1"‘C‘~ y,: tu rid’ efzzwaj :'tfie «cwr ]M.1~?”l?f*1-,. dmdgta m%a%Ll4a I/mewm*plt7aélg”;. fWiI?t’«Z‘ A $v?9~a‘i[:mg:u4g‘?=0fpm:z{r'o¥mte7a%e2ae£z¢,. mAz'gbAt%V4éé_:'_6cutbmo¢a m... A’ % 3 J’ %*t~'im/ate’ Q. fifl NF ‘fit 7792 Epzflie ?>edz'c4to7}..L j%t>£m1m qizdimprefiiweyvl have 57Wg7?f; Word, to fer haméupbizAflqgg/9e;zrt,G§1::{y an-,~,z; ,.],'fI;g,:¢f4ztibI2s, 9051 makes the daE?ri:¢é,?z7i”2preacIaz22‘g Mercy, and tbataiiz moffV7'e4[! 6*'%Z’,é??,’.{‘*”~"”%"”-7»??a’W7"‘ WwvamdWWkefwawpr/We+ ram 0f'Me*rc'§i*z¢;2t0“‘qz:r %g;e.4%~t;v,, ‘tl7:;t‘ éyjz.-my qf"”ztfle,”it”3722;g£r1: % agemg mta""rep:eii:2t.ee7zce*:;V mm.’teach“m=to“»’fcércstIae ~Lord““‘ V and hisgoodncife. rffeerns to 5.9 4 an Goa’ zzzauldfiin have m to learn at tbu" Mme, I /m*ueA»t/2e;fefTare m'lli22gl){ dea- liwewézi it~;it2¢ta§youfiro77¢»tl3‘e pa/pitfilaereyozz‘FJe4fi"6l’i1?;Wi¢h patieiatm ‘And likewife (zzryomf appointment} Imam day live? it tdi3t0}!0££ mzd the worlcffrom the PM witkz pmjfé e*at+:tl5.:zl:~ éy éot/7 or 292;r'tfJer' (bfdfiflf 077 reading)‘.%%;éV€m§'Fjy%;;f qfGnd:Vmay.éri22git z'22_,,w£tI;é 4 M"i;:zg, to ‘reach the /9847}; ~ A‘izdAi3b£7am,z5, it/5e2zVy0u Imdfeirzt up the 6'7)! of‘)/0:17 fau%l‘s¥?*_ zmto Gad*zzp1a1zj\tl7ef2zfli}2g d.4,_y, Ifmefekrtecl zmta your enrag- $15.8. my ofma:zzyt£2o3¢fag2alfaulyflm aft/ye Nortfi, wkreretkey we .%fbrfoaaz’,颢tVt‘£7‘é:@¢v&*¢Zr iaA?w2e% to 67842? zmro them like é1‘r”’azz;:l¢ 0 ,; lz_7f£3,zz)'r2::i7 }*0“1«tiI~i5?i'//2‘}i7(Q[y,.bé‘»ZV»€"€’?2e6i7 gm/‘e me-f*/cfarvétb “#93 new my motion (M Nefgcnliah to Artaxcrxesij fi5r4 we 'plwaV’%&t}fi273zy*Wf2z~t/aers Sepu”/ckers,wfJic/9 lietémzfle. It 1&4 ;3vo;¢l’w‘;¢5y‘ZJb;/12;gb :»’§¢2}gafld?i2é“evMzd =z§2’z:fi’iculty, that J2o;¢éwd?*'é . wartvbystv 2t£?2*-K”! it £2z1zrz.ca’.’;.£va:;;L;h/;» Parliament, Izanemn‘ ‘firiizg 1 1&8‘/2:.E_’f;i"(tt??‘i5i’E’?' od)'éz4t}*éu, wba» Eire tlw repairers pf‘ ‘$517?’ Méac/9e;¢, meal we :-eft'0rea»~§ ofpazt/25 to dwell in. The A7205/2! arzzixmrrlvy gentlamm yaw? I9‘ammz!3le Cammitteq findingr;}*laé'i;z21fiers*~i&wt0 we .AiF07‘tIff6'i”'I2_uCQt2f1fiE5'5»I€§?£"0W§,,v V "that they fmrzie long (Sam :'2;zdz2r1’;2efle, VVerae22»2v£Ie:}2 t£7%a~1:;gbt% % aft/9e;G0fpVel.15vr;z¢'§*afbVi£7ig/oriazgfljlIrzgér all ‘other [m”7"ts‘ bf the JCii3z‘gc2’pma i?2+.f§?;r‘7fl£V« him as of‘ refbrmatiazé 'zzndjcjij5 :t£raug}?z:%tb¢£tv‘bama;g4j&,lr“i2(‘«&2¢§mitt¢V§ 4 /um}: ‘ézéf2*?zea“lam pz'&2s¢fly:g’ilig%e22¢§.in;£ne1tmfflyau ha-v‘e% cnmmitted lt-9* them; *(gn§>/2Nexeéy3tJaé}AE'a.7J“hf;jzrw.a7;zr.e¢l’af2%;1fe42}flame ,1m9oz4rers4[inta ‘ " “ A ’ zb@.:.;- .« H T....._.._— 73/96‘ 8;: Aifl/e fiedjgcataryth A v“ t» ;eV£22e_y»ara’sof Y0rk,,zmd Durcfrne,andN0rth~£I;I1~: hex‘-landjm 5; baPp}f%uif of T‘6jf07‘m417§-pifi %;[3p,'d- .(Z34rwl¢',z.. ‘ “ '~me)g;)fbmg aafz/aofedefb/azte ($.‘o.s,~:m?ze*,eV IEWUE fifitfb ’9"'c[iz»2arl::22¢"i utzzfiea’ yaw clmrit}/A%i,s2 t/yzk Maw; :0 &Map% we f%'w't» “" °””’3"”“”“ your réligimk 0r5fz';wm'e, zaaérexreiza jazz !.v22-‘wed 2rz.=t2s*‘t.4’9z'/yg2'1k?eg~ fviciea.’ the mzzzmtgmmce of fanzegadzfil /Vfzmfzlers there. « V ‘I be fczzrceizqfl e“cgf'L/'1/[z2zz{z’er5.,% we 're;«w0rem:,/]e qf zémfis A _ pzz7>ts5.‘tbe fm5:zl.frzg[]e qf Clmri/2-Zz'~zA2i;~2g%s I;J£’V€,fli1df/iégeize... W412 éapkmawdfiefsk an Mtrzz{3er'5.dro"goe4%i;2*ta%V:t!aafe-% max’ 1? ‘0s¢i¢4t1¢iE55riWe fariae 70f the chief}? 0:5’/iW4é¥i%w2'5.“'~ For tévefirfi, >1 dawétizot zézstyam" zz=ifi'z’0ms will ml ?oz::’t* :1 zémptezrj .d}3l'_i- dot; againfl tbefamtity of Lfl/Ziiflzfl 6}"5,t£7E'i2{zc”2e?‘{y» qfpra.» pI:zefyz€hg (:vb;Ecbfamep~le.heaF*e”£y clailzirm afA.p;reg22:m.t c‘fl¥‘?3’A>€J1T£t‘BSlfi< ié‘eg +:fiii(Jz>jg/qt up imz may ofl/e~_:zMing, ta imfomuege tlxeflady qf’ “a'i:‘i9zfIsé“i_tj;iI£ C0[lEg8.‘5 t0fl?1'.' 't£’cIZ',:SitFh01.cI}"$5zillwfiliilflt‘ ma loizg A ‘i’7iFel/owflJips~wben they 3;-rejz;ze.;.z’f40x~A %%‘t£2e jéy--vice cf t/jg ‘Cl§~m*.d9~ (according to the pmvzfaes that m mada:.almaz/y v_A?~tbt%fintut%es offeme College; 2351- Oxford ) .**yo,,;;»%;~ag%w:é5i. »(I.t'£1e_fe 4345! lzk£4.Jtkin}g5,% will éegetgreajt ’f/7a;>és‘"»i“of'ajfilevztzfzzl/.bmrvefl A ( e-um of l4é%azwers.4M) z_.:-2 ‘4tF5e i26x’t= e2z‘emtian.« Am! {#2 zréfeme;z12‘~tir72e”(m’“tame “ma: '0)” Miniflwerf ”tl.x’e* .‘l\2;nwr¢[2':}w4j:A<;{ew ; /}v7r:'z';gl;2*I.“~~«.-.9]}.*;i22 Ekg H 5“ §4~§a>*.t:'?fl’ ~z[i~]Fpo»fezZ;g.%»%t£io flaw ;-4z’.m;,‘ W my mmfiig ,.‘.~ "9. ‘ ‘ f . “ «V '3 ’_ 1‘ H » w ‘o ' ‘~ " ‘ ‘* ~~ V. ‘ W27%/Jamafig,ema#zent.>1tpArg372mf_Wewfi112Qx%ia%nd r:;.<,z.ml; C um.-3 * ; 1 1§'a2f‘tf2?3f2a"cffq’}§§i?;zi2aZ t£2ira_’:"mg2er1i2?7.e7z:5, I,ueecl”W£té’?Z A AberIand‘5 5} preach izzg .tbeVe,;wdtm'L‘e/Zikzg~a*ég:41t?w'o;:[gZ gig»?-~é§Z%eJtVlwigfiIA§,_[eiwer)' om Q/"tI5Je?y72fe~¢'¢:er;z[{y g;«;3;:,zgg§g:4;.¢;;p{V;}:i.;‘yg t ” ‘*£19e*Cazi;2t¢'ey. “ A WE; aw ":*A1{é7EApirt1e_Dcdmory. M-"1----—-annual j:o22e*: rh2ztA weir m;2 zV2:at%mA.mcAeA‘ kcza’ i¢em7£ a;A §a.f:m"a AM caztrage Mi}? ifiA€3"5, élgd ifiifi V£i%20'f€F18flAe A -AraAZa’x¢¢:1]7éM; the mza.z:ztrey,22v£vidar22.4)r éA&fuffAz'ciem’@{‘prow'4ZedAAA A may pfaadik Atézla‘ /zbomérméle H/'8, that t'i5J6AA ImpfapmA;gtz'oy; A mbicréiAM€fl‘!gw§flrez7,.::A22d the _[m:zA[l,C/9ur£b«Vl;'1;j;2g5%eAj;gA 5/gaff; A aA»:¢22ri;:5,¢<‘?.-L? .~rA'o.»'”le:AE.?e«;{ ma’ tArea;’2n"edAup z7i2AAf.ait£5fz:Z2%,;;;,¢{,-AA" W; we puéAlimé*floc£’foAr 2:/we mair3IeAmmt6 of fix/9 44 f2a:}A'tI'.7«AA Afu/Q’ [wear 1);: tbAeAl9M'*zJeflt£rere. Tom/9z'22gA tbeflzzckwgmf, A’ 72¢;/j'eA.off/I>Iz’m'fZers tAogoe;= into .tbofeA 6‘o.uz2tr£e5,fi;aA.¢e gfm;-A A ‘uzl~t/mt im-[£2235 t/as /Jemntw mm Ail AbA4.',tb' 586% AA ? A . I‘ A . 3 . A A:>A4”A“'A 54‘ mjpm_yer,Atbat goal wow/dflzr up ‘the 19e4rtsA 0fi]JI;_$‘fercz}_d;,t5 . to undertake f 0 gloriom 4 warigad the plantirzg qfzbg gofi A 411 ..aAt}Jer .A yau1mwA:igI9tyA~V ‘Vmzdertakz A (f7Aa‘:i1am0u7iz;»zve:zlt£7,t?fJat the éle_/fizzg “a fzehfiz t/3 of:-: hm-222 part 5-, wl7AeArei}2AA fomef2zAzAtbfzzfl AA&A1i;g;1fgg,¢3 bzzrue: informer .gmAA like MA; 6.2 wa.saJ’itppli, cl, L‘/..1A’e« «Ar: aabzfedétwg Agrgedx; oumell zloézt Kiirzgclarrga ufe their aufljarity (with 5022- A fleizt of tlrAeACburc/7) for I/Jafexzcling of Minzflerr qf’ 45:,"/it] twtA6efianvtbeir,gz'fi?s where mas-maftmeed. A1: A prejumemat hereéj -ta prefiden tyaWg0dlyA«Wz'fd0m@5 5 AAA ‘é§t£'_1:;i;z_-A 4A1IAAz&atA lWL‘eAAAfl1id,,Am} de/ire zlr toAV~pro¢Jo£'e;}/ourzear/twgxidndmature ¢-’0}2_[A£t}£z¢ti0i1S,§0_fiA72.5f0#1'% flame efl‘ieEfz:.:ell mt)’, foi'AAtbi9j'etti;;gA zap qf'¢gaa'{y A./M‘z'mffle"r;y in theA North : wherein, zz;A~a1j?JiIz~ AAA far: I/my-(‘bur&’@: A p V beam: ‘ may Avnadmw youxumfearied !:z.5og¢x5,z§ritb famejf,/oath 6’c‘an,iS,471dfl5AAAA*AA‘ A A 56-AtbVeiomjerafi_ AA A A A A A AFronAa~m3.rA1'ii1dy‘inA A A A AA 7% A A ‘ A AA 'AI‘heA'm§Aaflc&ofAthcm;thm;; A 3roadfirect,ANamA A ~ fcrvt ye>uAinAAth:% A ‘ A 123.9, ‘xggt,-AA — o£.:hc.:Gofix:1,'j A A A % 39:»; Stfickldzzd. V M BR CY R E J Y C I N -. . .. ...'~ In ‘ v‘ . 4 ~n;~w .. .—~-----«-~»---.~..--..=m:;. “ =~ 2”....,.......m'-=-vvé-.3" _ ‘ . ~n ‘. V ‘ _ -mA«»...- "*3 fiaaamgs 2' om, wammg t0vdbaf3%$a§§f£;&c10L1s mas A finfull Namiw=m- g _ ~ A A Es‘A1AI-1 :::;mI?'3[- A 4 ‘And thesvjfom will we Lard matte that he may 5egmc'z'aM, %Aa;1zo1??tk*ere_;»"m"'c? WW t@eLow»é’ fie mrtzlteci, :;«‘m£* be may A Imve mewj* Azzpa.v2;yaz¢:_fbrt/o*e Lord is aged 0fj'mlg@"f mew; ‘B/qfléziwe all they that mizitefar Mm. ; E Nthis Chapter, Ifaiab prophefi- '""‘“ v ] eth againfl: the.finnes, 0Af}z;dab, T whichthey committed in the 4 A timeoft11eBaby1oni{‘hcaptivity, A afirzir the ~deat”h of .Gea'.ael2?zz£7 the ”’:?,~ Vfon Of,/,1l2£kam%,w}iomAA 7\Le£-mrIm..r.{- ‘A " 4 A v 72e.::‘a:mz::‘ King 0fBMelnlfmd made: - _ V - &‘Gove,m,(;ur*f over them jnizsdea. Forwhen as "the Loldhadr promifed t11emd:::1ive-- ran¢e a.t_.,? lengtI1,fr0mthe Clfldléfedflfa" if in themeamc time5theyw0u1dA lga,vc‘fit f’ci17intheix.‘*0Wn lémd undcr ghc {aid Govemour «,3 and wou1dAhavc providc:d;we1l4 ms: Ilr let. 41..m, e/I SermonAPre4tI:;ed Aathtbehtfl/Iaztetblyfafi A AW fot theit ftca1rity,anAdiAdhfiEet2¢é during their c§afA>- tivityt. fer. 42 . to. It. iffy: mil/ffill wide in té>z'5AA Lama’, t/Jazz will %I‘ém'ldyaz¢ a22a’i¢atpaéi}oaidan:n,4;zai A I wiflplantjou, anzlzzotpluckyaaz up. Ed mt afraid ¢af':be Kiiizg to/‘Babylon ¢0f'1z>f9am}0u gm affzéid, 55 not afmidtof A it A‘him,fa“£t/9A the Low’: far fzm with ya to fzweyou, and tar «stem: at dc/i-veryoztfrom lais%Im22;£:". Yet they,( tranf p ortedwith fBa1',»1€P£ the5'aa5jl0?25éWA¢5 fhould revenge upon them thewbloud of §edzzlim3,A, whomthey had treache-roufly flain) diftruft Gbds protnife, and Awilinéedsgomdozzm A into Egypt to flrmgt/Jen tbemfelves in the firengtb of Pharaoh, am1_AtoA tmfl in tbefl:mdazv of Egypt; V51-_ 2., V which their finthe Ptophcttamplifies, with «a dot-1-wt ‘Ear. 4t. 3.0. :0 ‘WW. 73! ‘ bile ‘aggravation, .Fir£’t, That they did carry it cum ningly, propriis canfl/ijs .m’d£5¥i, and in their carnall policie would have covered" it gpretendingflto aske COunf€.H~€.3f‘ theLprd.,,to colour their.de{ig_n, when they were altogether refolved upon their finfull courfe. Sothe Prophet tels them, fer. 4:. 20. re dzflérnélediin yourbearts when jaufent mettot/9e Lord. A ahd fo the Prophet, '0. I. They take ('ozmfeI,,éut not of A mee, they cover wit/M c01Iering,éut not afmy Spirit. 36- A eondly,they did it rebellioufl-y, For tbe Lord had tried’ remarking t/ais, Taurflrjengtbt ts tofitfiil! .3 ver. 7;. Yet whenthe prophet ]~eremiab* effefiually itaid the Lauri _to them in this point, and a-dmonifhed them to take A notice th‘ere0f;Faying,TI9e Lard batbfaid, Otjeremmmt A 112:4». ‘»'9« AA m>A*..,«3_.. 10.11; afjudamgbye not into E _ypt,know certainly that] have J A aadmonifkedjou this day. er.t42 . 19. Notwithflanding ghey would not beare Att/ae«L4m oftheLard but rather; A ‘ A 0"'pp0fed,it; fay;i~t1gA7 to the S eers,fce mt, xmd to tbe.1?ra§- ;2h£*'ts,_ P'raptbc:.3g“ not unto as right tbg'12g:.vcrJ. 9.A~1;os I I . A" +_ ‘. " ' " 4 it t .50 ll hefore the haieourahle Haufie Canemcme. ll 2 A l Wh- vvorfe l.1nl20l'.l1C Pmpher,Ier. 4. 3. 2 . Ier an 2.3. ‘A 3. Thad fpmhefl felfly , the Lord our Gad hath notfent “thee ltofay,nG'o noedowzz into Egypt to jojomrne there. But Baruch the famzeof Neriahfetteth thee omzgeimfi uggfbr A to ldelitzxer "wt into the hand of theChaldeans ;et/Mt the} A ‘ hziiht put meta death , azzdléarey mauve} Captives ihtae Ba. ylon, A F 4 Againfi: this their finne. thus aggravated,the_.Proe- phet fets himfelf to Denounce Godsjudgemelnty, wherin he cleclareth both what the juclgemerxt {hall be, and how it fhallbe infliélzed 5 the matter of the A Judgementlisg that God will make the brokenlreed of EgypMvll1&%eron theyle;1ned«_., to goeinto theirlhands l M and -pierce them, (as of Egyptelt is laid in another Storie I fa. 3 6. 6.) «T he firength of Pharaoh [hell he I111. 36.. 6. A your [hemmed the tmfl in the jhedaw if E lyptyolzzr comm ‘H fztfioie. «ver, 3. And“ for the manner, t e Judgment ""”"3“ {hall befall: hem unexpetftedly and on a fudden; M 4 V hieach fin” alhigh wall at gm inflazzt, againfi which therel canlbe made neither refifiance nor defence. «var, I 3. .,,,,._,3_ And it {hall fall upon them heavilyin Egypt,fo that they {hall be broken all to pieceé, lieetlzeéarflihgof a Potters 'Ucj]el1, that afiordr hot at [heard to tazhefirefram . the hearth, armzterlaut of thepit. Audit {hall fall u .. W ~14- upon them in away ofRetaliation,wherin.God wxll A make :l1e"fcvera1l;p‘arts of their fin tozjecoilel 1:: he on A _them, as lfeverall parts Of-their» ]ndgementn:t:1ey etnake Egypt their hope; G0dWVill make ‘Egypt their lfhame; they would flee from their enemies ; in can-A nall Polieie againfi Goes eommandewthey {hall ‘flee A bneforeltheir energies” foil th%eirnlnnDw1:1 1‘1e€e*l'fit?y::%t_h:ey l would be fvyift lton_efcapc their enemies, Godwill' A A 3 A V A make A A7 SiesWmP*r*e%arf9£fal~ ¢:&z&;z%ieA..»’I4?w2t/;w!AJvxz Fafl A H "4. ~w‘v¢m- makxc tiieir em;-zmies ‘fWi‘ft=tgj 40ver:ake¢themA: M tht; A -AwereAafra1d 0Ethe»BaeSyiwzzms without I k wbuld have had them to be fearleffeg but now *mr.16,I 7. A A¢2'1z;4;»¥‘:5q 22$ Ifézimz. % Di‘v»?fi:'o7z5. ‘they~fh«eal1have%cau{fe tofeair ganvd flee‘ from‘t’I1éiréue+ mi¢s*cAmdma»11p~ur«rueuhem,mz way '59 I4’: 45 zaemme ~ amzbe ofw flz{05fi)__1td1}i5 E'ven a"s.;one‘AA Sea-r~n.a~rk In the curing down ofa Forrefi, mm: M tree: left for a -Emfighe qr;a~rIai1l,¢;§;Aaforfaken Standard when all the m;ein‘A%thjat~*fé;u*gh?§ rrderwit aye cutA"0fi’~.v W “I 6; I:7“;Bu£ While“ %th<1§VALofd was Agrjing Cm fa fiercely to judge; mcnt agai~n&;t’hem, ‘be A flayes~h1"s- hand and forbearsg AA .::E'.:ef&:~A -.r¢bc§1”l%i:5)us7]emés,~z1%egre~ about .2A;'eavom tom bmzween M 5°.Y€ars»“%% 1 intoa capacity of mercy , Amz'Zizbe:yL~ardmA£te that i:em;z5;%£q¢(gra;m‘azz;5 mm 3;‘: Sermon: %w1af;:1'ein thje Prophet giwes%»thc%§Vcwc%s :&t1‘i:§lC--A * t1=u§a.< though they w are cvcn f ripe for Judge-_A u ‘mam. In this fScrmon_‘ We havc %fétw_befqx¢ us,‘ A thé jufN:incativ1é’i1ts3*8?c% 1* Fr~aPér=iesz4w%=oF;AAdaA~5W:- « man..72iz_. VAA x‘ A ' I +1. wefirazm»; F 1,. A 'Do&r‘in5. :rheLoro! main} «to 755* grxzczbm” A A H ‘A A A ” r;H=ewiIlbeexa;I; ;:tAed in %hisAtnercy§.“' ;dfiI: 2'.’-..~.,.{w'.z‘».'.. A ‘ A [A becaufe A * Wgfifilfilite a . W WM?/:é5%Jt5%? caufewhm V «r edncme, fédréaizéarmr Ange. i_saGodo£ as appIicgtibn1"AA%or7-uwfc-:A‘ofthé AA re. éqfaretbe konamvééle Hnofiaof ('am2rr2oz:Aa5. \ A ‘5 ___,,_.........__.._ -A:AAI~ioere“you fee my Sermon cut outgbothoin parts and’ A A mcthodozofire WA: come to handle the Docftr in(w‘hich The mrair is the firfc branch)the words thereofare who explaia 01?W"'A~ nedagc among them parricula -mom efi omittmda fizritll o J~?arer£m,the firfl: Word [therefore] is to be well -?ob"~— Tberfirej fegrvédg This Relative and Iflarive pa*rit.cIe,; Mdos Us ‘ look for premiffcs whereon to inferr thetext; but thedifliculty of finding anyohath troubled exApofi- A tors. Some do ;nmkeo the inferencefrom the {in of the op’eopIe,in refufing toxvaite upon theLord when A‘. he calléd upon th-em{é.y1ng,,v.I 5.16.122 zvetamiizg g§= wr._ 15'. m", 7r:ef£]}J4l!.ye §efzl‘D€d,ii2 qzzietws‘ £6’ cmfideme flan! éeyaurt [ _ 1"‘3}¢g't]7,fl?36[)73 would 22oz%,émfzid.r2o5 as ifthe: I’r0pl1eot A ihould -have faid,there msufl Iofneceflity baa waiting; the vifion is for an appointed time‘, and feein you will not Waite upon, and obeoobecimnt toI1im,bchoIc%l (anclbe afkonifhed) T/mgfore the Lam’ will waits t/mt lac“ may ,ée A‘gwzcim.rA.m2ta J/om. This inference holds oout the ofrconeffaand riches ofdivine good,neffi=:, becau Fe? A God is graciQus,t:he,re'forc hewill wvairc than: he may by‘: gracious; 4 Szoomo do makotolne inforenqc ofromgtlue A Iudgmér denounceclagainft ot:he’AYfim oofithc jewe5,t:4:mt¢ Afince God had determi1md.ooto ringiiéviill l.1ApOf1.th('3l“I‘1;A if they repeontednoot,o(fc)_r oomzcry tlnreatniogcaorries in ita e6tl1im) the my om; forthe difpenfation of his jullice and mercy. there is alfo a way of Prerogative (as I may call it)where-~ in God may and fometimes doth difpenfe his men: ‘ A cy, in referved cafes, above theiAcQmm0n rule,he V5def#i‘m5=~ fompimesl repeats ofpunifhing la people, A before they repent offfinning agajnfi hims ESVYOII havelieaagd l.ire,T11codo, ig the pmofegaof ‘thlellepomtg and wfhen he_vva1ks;1n Su¢Pfius- fucheAAum;rodden AApaths,God is finguelarlylexaltedainl his meréyllthefefourfi Wilics-A ll l ' 0 How God is exalted in his Fir ll, In the ~prmciple of me rcy,I mean thegee cl- mmy by {M A V nelfe of his nature, wAl1ereby‘Ahe.js fo fl21‘0ng1}!,,AAAfO:ifl~"difgcxafatiozm A vincibly inclinfd to mercy, he will nomreizlaixic anger; he will ndt bep1'dV0kAA¢d .£lmtime$:tlh0t{»gh‘I1.c‘ A be provoked by thefins of his people, and Atluslf.et:s him up foincomparablelhighlin the ac_lmirationA.o£ his people, cflrfim; 7. 1:3‘; ; Wlrzal .2fS:A;;AA4 90dA1t£’?¢4flt9A: bf/¢e;All that pardoned) inliqulitjé, and p4fl.1;t/9 ~55! the tmzzfgi/;7¢_fi;’insA» MM 7 is A qftbe remmmt afhis heritage? In eletainetbl ?20tlb1*$‘f‘4fle*' " ' "l gerfor erver, éelcazafe be delig ~ I 81?’? in Wiewjo Actording 4 A to what Athe Lord; decla red 0*fehi—m‘feIfto 0f¢~‘¢3Wh‘}€II' he made his gleryeto pallfe bclfeveAhim.l:A:EAxael. The Lord God ,merczfuZl xma'gmciam,.!a12gfuffqrimg 4md~ExoA.z4.€.l aéaundmt ingQadmg[]&:what’ oodnesis it that God will forbeare to {frikelin t e midli of pf0VO4Ca't.i-*. A ens? The ‘Prophet vvlmlly alfcribes th~¢Alplralif¢A; clmur l masfaize not.‘ Whargoodnes tha,:t.l1eAgres.u GA<::AdconAA; non defiruéfion 4 to that,Ldml.:3 .22 It i5‘of«tbele:e lLarjcl5'"‘5l an - I . M " M I‘ L nee-ti merm.-stlm-I meme not cazzfumed, éecanfeelgzsAa§amp¢flu-; am 3 W whom a1%1At~he.Ameafnres eaven earth: fhu AAA , “ Vl waitemmouldwaine onhisspoore«creatulrele ,.! A l a “ l V AllSec0ndly,by~ ~fucl1 »extraordinaryA difpelnfationel " A C2 ‘ God ‘'nw'fi''Dwu-—.m.‘. “ « 1: E1129; I3. ‘V ‘ V ’ Ezck. 36.11, WWA * - my‘ Sermcm PW;e.c£cked zzttbét/'1/Z'a1;*etbl}f:_Vfz’{£ *- éizalted inrT4£he¢¢?fi*i;:enefl?2.of “his meréy: nifl1Aing.%Alcfl'e At111&r1?f§w*e¢¥ 4%~é!eferve,is Con fcffedlymercy. .Ez.m.A I 3; pardohing fully where ptrnifhmenc is d.eferve1d is gz€ ;IZV mo.Tre,bu1: lmvv is ercy exaItca%A;wt1*IeV.:n* bleifih are.gi4verf1a infkead ”o:f4*puni‘fl1mentAs?l~say‘: mm pwemer mewfz:z;m,but ma7t:é;z%ma¢¥itam2 when t11erc’is‘noa only Anotifingi at all finth’é pcopTIetol1elp% f0rw”a4rd,, but; almoitévery thing fin V them4 thatAmighg11inder tI‘ieH6‘~¥£érci1f%ey :f;f§:+rcyLg* vv:he11%, afl tE1;ear4gumén~?tsémd‘ rpotives to mercy, mu ‘b7e‘Vdra:w°n%’To1it of AGo‘d“3 gm 1; bbvvre1«s;*GodLm.uft nE:d, ti‘: no#;Aa1ittIc*mer« ,. c;m;fi3:11dAI7i¢nii cfie bljezzgh. Ifmel‘ ' fi;.1%x v@%r§4far*p§1mucaIr~ 1:“ :1:he%Lo1'd,;‘ff@:rhm:* he fgIakc3Gf7“”pjfg¢;Q‘u%i?a*:g% tbem,Mof&§iFw§y$%; wax; :7; Tba*1;,§>fhe Liawd:%%«;2forzmj 5egm%t[inA para : V ‘ A A d-onmg, A W M H _ A A V _A ¢ he prej €t;l1:.jA..44 tn“ t:fifi~k*é:l moafiima 2 t he do i.thc£e‘tVhi~ngs»4% \ -'__n éefiare the /aaizammél/e Han]: of‘['ammrms.% A M L A13 = ll %do»ning‘an~lc1thathesvill pardon according ltaétbegreatgrl m;[]eof'btrmercie:the Lords great wrath walswlcindled, tl1erefore«l1is power had need begrcat to keep itin. M Whenla man is thoroughly moved with anger,,tl1em ismuch adore keep in his pafilonl that itbreak not out; now nothing can befo provoking to lllrup our A angczzgas finis to ll-irrc up Gods difpleafure agaizmc _a people; how great is that mercy than tl1atC:m~l<)%*vcn?antwij:ll1l1lis*7; ' A A la V ith0Ugh.fi*¢V* 5? fiimlfull l tislllhifi ‘ lace lalézdetlaf’.&z:tIafz¢l1l3§2:. Wm; A ifthcy tfilrn lzifille , ~'1:1m,z..13eg 3, V l V Into) ‘ ‘._..._.-..‘ 1:4. Ie«4SerrAW‘P“rW’J¢d4¢W uweréav Part ‘ into fpiritxiéll tvhofedomepandA ands;ZI1' A onough ‘icicfervc a bill of’divorcep)‘AAl1-epwiflnot cat’: A them off but recowgcr ~tI1em by repentance , pand {how . A merpcpyountpopthcicmaccordingtohis promifepwhven he Km?» 3*W15'~ wmarried them11g1to;phipmf<:l,f}.I8r+ 3» I4.1A5A. Tzmze 0 éack/Z1di:2g cio:'t.'dre12,faz't/9 t/ape,L c2ra’,_7‘ar A I am may riedzzzé.-.. A In }*0u,amz/p(thOAUAgl1 you have broken Covenantpwith me, I will make good my promife unto you) I will t2.v..keAA you ._,A amdgiveyou «Pagffpors accordirzg pro £,»g«,;;;»;,4p_ How glorious is the? exercife of mercy xvlfzenirhié A A his faithfulnesptakesp hold of the AAlmigl1ty§ ifhis A people provoke him, how is_Arncrcy exaltcdin the A A confliazs that are between juflxce arA1dmerc?I ? in the .g¢£ : 1. 3.9.5 turningof dlvmc bowels? Ho. 1 1 .8. 9.H0n?_/.74!/givve tlaeeup Ephraim? haw flmlll deliver thee Ifraelfiém A A flmll I make time .¢zspAd1Anah ? lJawAf/ml! Ifet t/see as 2.3.. ‘A boim? miizelaeartir tamed within me,ppm}{prcpAe;2tz'.n.gs , are ki2zdledAtagether : I will mat péxemte tbefiercemfle of A mine anger, I will not retzmz tadeflray Ephraim, fm" I ' A A A am Godmzd not mum ~, the bofy Omp in the miaff aft‘be'e. A Tlxepofecond Rcafon fhovires ayoup why god zmitszep-» A 1: an...» provoking people and doth not cut rhemoffin his A A Jufiice,-, [bccaufe the ALom’1Lm 9 ad of judgement] I. Sometakc fadgemem for ]ufiiceVhere,Aand pm: the Emphafis upon the word [ God] the God of mm” in Judgment; [juclirii Dom'iim4] faith A’/rUmre25,bepAAmay A fimnm. p A ;r.Aeafon, and fpare the guilty iffhe pleafc without offgnceto any. Volzmtas djpvimpfupremap1ex,The Judg ofau the earthpppcamloat but do rihtghe is judz'w'z' ‘Da- m'mo.«A,th:AGad 0}’ 3Apmi’gem¢zzt;<‘ p-whereas ifa man Judge 1 A AA A11;Aou1dacquitAth§guiIty andictthempa"{I'éunpunpi{h~ A A pp A A A ., ‘ A e remit the punflhment poffinne. withoutfhowinga A ée/‘ore the bazzomrfaéle Haufe -of (‘am*ma2zl*~.» .._._........._.. ed, hefhoulcl firlne agaiufc the Com mean-wealtlmnd --''--~»- -1. 4 g-Iv‘-‘p"lr'rU «runw- 4,_____,,‘__,..;.. iIii'5?i3 violatelhilseown duitylr; gain new eff ]wdiw'zi- Dfim-131%? ll A fédlnlamilmi vicarim. A 2. Some take~}u4gemmz here for moderation, infi punifhingoffinners in a way ofoppofition to feve- rity arid wra-tl1,as.Ier. I 05.; 4.. 0 13 mi correfii‘ mafia: with judgement, not £22‘ t/aim: anger , [eff tbawérizeg me to 220»- tbizag: Goal therefore wai-teth upon fin-ners not on-~ let. us. 2.4;. ly becaufe he is {low to atiger_.,but alhhemoclerates A the execution of his Judgements; I will carrefi t/3.65 £22 meaafare, and millzzat /ewe thee altogether uzzpmeifhed faith VG-ode to Iacaé, jar. go. I 1. that his not~be»confumedl under his corrzelél-ing hand . people may 1'¢r.30aHa‘ ll 3. Some take J:-ixdgemeset here for~vvilf‘cl01:ne or f Godsllwifdorr irituall A prudence and difcretien in God, he waits up,-. on” a lprovolcingl pCOpl’.3.*'*{Oln¢tlII1.€S , becaulfe he lcnowes.—when to apply mercy, and howto improve all : opportunities to the lbelladvantage ofhis lowne glory_.,i’nl his admlinillzrations to —a linfull and provo-at J kingpeopl;we.;‘l V A l Firllcy AH-'ee can nitent: finners gthe deceitf’ul‘l hea.rt,thougl1it be dew fperatly wicked fh-all not-deceivelhimfiut/ael w£°llg£=Ue dl'ee-rne vvhen a. people are fit for A lmercygalnel .dirfl;in’guilfh between. penieenr and impea- I-‘0 ‘impmve his waiting upon 8. fillfufl ; ‘PIC. it lalihrvewy mm: zz-omrxdtbag fta: bi: Awaits; V jar. 10 9 .1 22:: . Like let. «:7; 9;;»xog awife Phy {ieilane -he lknows wrlfen to purges, ficlvvhen to give Cordials 5”fo¥1:hat,"as“in mercy he looketh ‘ for an opportunity that he 111:3? ttoiimlce it and when; an Al do godgfo he kniowsl how, . henceit: is, that femetimes he vlmitls :: very long, itfillif :1 pie‘oplelbroug‘hti iintel A ‘ defperate firaits, and out ofall lxopeseremhe deliver *l1§¢msbe¢_:%ufelthe~Chue¢h eesvrzloiél iwne fox mercy e till»; :6 \I A a/I SemzonAp"rVeucbed at the flalazzetblj Pin]? V’ an... 8,9: V till then he waits. If». 33 . 8. 19.Tlje fiigb waieslie waft‘, the wajfarizgg mm z:eafetf2 , we ‘earth moumetb ,Leba. mm is af}:.:amed._, azndhmen arm; : S haron iK?‘l£&€ m;z.._ akzmes‘, aw. A and than will he % be graciszus, Aver." 1;<:>\..% New will I ri_,~’"e,.f<::z'tl2 the Lara’, new will I ée exalteag é A mm;/11 lzft up my (elf. And yet he is not like Czmlm A2» Chm» 33» 1&0 J P13i§1Cd0é5t}3C;ir*«CCJrLt15{maCy,tfhatthcy w»ere:un~«tra&~?ca+ law. :34. King of Siciij and jemfalem, who was furnzgmed A Cméhztar,becaufe%hc was WO}.‘1ttO {tay ti} opp0rt;u"n‘i-.. ty was loft; but rather like Pmévms Cuz2Emtor,f0Ca’11ed; becaufe he %ww._.1%d a1waiesA Stay t1lI.opportunity,“a11d V thczn would be f‘u"r‘e‘ to take» it. %'2‘Y,Hc, waits, btcaufe he knowshow to %té1ke4hig times, $4 feaions to prevaxlc upon,-andbringi*:u are? +A%bf<:1lious% Apeo 12 toward rnercy, who yet: are very far . fr0m,and um ":1 far it; A manswifdom ihowes it {elf mu£IL1*in difcerning Afea{”0ns 3 The Lord fpake unto rm-wmjfeis ,bu.t AAheA‘Awou1d;w;.1ot hear ._, and therefore he svaites,”becau%fe he knew there would comean Op- portunity when Lflrranajjéb would hear, and hearken after thc Lord, in afiiftions. 2 Clara..% 33.. lo. 152» arid he Awaited not in vaine, for {O $9 Wlfxexl the Lord hadwto dowith Ifrwel,Ahc$cmg- b1e,li£-e mwild the Wilaiemejfé, #24,: fxzufietb up tlaewiazd at her pleafure.‘Ier. 2 .% 2.4.. Izzfier 0a“cafI‘0fl who M73? ta:-nAbez‘ dim} afas good {wk to take a bare ‘\W'ith 2. 31344 *L(va~swfi"A commniy ii flay) yet. the Lord ‘knows A103? t.mve€:;t;A hf @;r5%!:h0ugh7%f0Vr %th‘eT pre fe rxtaflirtlazzt A A A_('ee.€" her,iw'fll mt weary‘ Wtjfnmjieltues: i7iber'*Vmanct{2 may % 44!! V fiagcg bgr, wh9n;;‘t_s4 C1‘lC&§HI€*fiM 1I,%b€g17C3.£With A 4 young it to pafe; A Wlqen;/J6 was in afflifiiiam Ere éefm bulge Lérdfiis gang zmdbifieméled fiémfelfgrearly before téa ad of/91': Fat/vars. * , V ;u-au-nu-.-— ~ 4 ‘éefure4t/aé/aazzowméleffwufé cy’CA-imaraxozzs; V 17 I not able thus to run ‘abqm; ,,ii:1; ti11»ciw?i~41ai¢r_nc1T::3 {hen a man may talke with; her; fo when Ifiwe!‘11atl1 made up their: iniquity a full burden, AA and that Jud» - mrxmnt begins 3:0 rm hold of’ %them;AV Vthenintlzerr nioheth '”GCid:Wil1fin%€lEh€-‘I1: an*d:a«sAG0d. _knows his fea'fons%,A fo he 1; nows by what meam to prcva~il,e, by judgemcn.ts orby mercies; fomé muft bebroughc “feafi1y~[by"3 f%iI1mice«f A A A ' A A A ‘Thirdlyafle waits be-ca.--ufe he=is a~:G0d»~of udgce 'ment,t0 know when thegiving in of mercies wiI.1 "b;ing ‘Go§.i%m}o£’c hoxxour, and when Gods‘ha.nd will "t?:;;“fi1pfi.fi‘;E1~<=:{a¢r1‘yfecnmto giveain mercies, ‘V {[0 that they 'nja§fA=AAbé3" convincing ‘mercies 5 thus he waitedon-A his fi,i&T-necked,pmp1e,t11at‘ he might be Amercifull to “€’hem,evcnt,i1l sAnt.iaclam~h.ac_1 -brokcna.l1‘tl1cir;spbw+er, in , by an. earth» quakgothers wilL4bLc% Vbrou-ght in as ..%4f0W;§th,at t11¢"rc.Was nohluélp robe expefied '5 favndthen L0rd.V},caMrhe in“ with Michael: de1ivcéranc§:, Dam. V 1‘z.%I..* 7.‘ A I}!/bezz be flm/I have accamplifbedtafmtter the pm; 1057‘; ;12“o%zaver of tbelaoly people 5 for then they qould [66 that A A-their hc.lpMmi§A-»f1E@13"*493'0§L,AA~AThu3 hc Wautteduponthe 'Wa’fitful‘P.r5w‘ igalltili he had 1' pens; a11,fo that he fmufl eidfhcyr “ have # God: or nothing, L145 15 ‘V and th€n‘t:he* Fatlaers imbraces are fweet and welC0m¢_- 4 ‘ “ A I‘“k"“ jBL%]§fT()re'I.Acome to the, ure ofthe Prophets ;<1m’Strme "g:?;1!jV,i;;¢g;;%;:;ié «t¢x%t'pr¢{c:nWt¢s: you ., Alct‘ U,3.CQ11fid€:‘rA W116» A t¢1§}i,$‘*»a gs he go‘; 0?‘? Q3 tl1cfc[(0m£fiLmE s]w*her~e. “is ¢;;,Gr;Weaa:derfiw/41%Iwfiwdxfw3#4gme%wn4A2Wfi5 A " “ %.V‘W???Ae Wyée %?%crczf;2%l1%ta~t&er:2. %"i‘v::”;‘ net at d 1i1, 19k%eupmA2thwTv4»~0f § C3 % aw ¥‘\ =§ '8 73. 3* I ; I , ‘ - ‘ i , ‘ H; J O E’ S‘ ta ‘ =v"“% 3,.» A 3,» ‘ W 4: 2.». ‘W M. ’ alwv A , « ,' 451‘?-.’4W10A?»"~» A3A’*7’.A5.””~Wg;% ’§:$hV5§¢0Vh3é};‘t 51% ‘J%¥.:~@g;5 *rm¢fim%flVv=‘” A=*~AA{A"*“ "“; A " x AA ‘¢£ M. w ‘M ‘ "2: '_; ‘, 3*‘ 7 ‘ . :3 A Ssmsww Preached at the Mnntbtly Fuji? i A A — i V . ienhise acigbteoufnesgdoing terrible things%that;.w<‘:«1ooki.-Ii "ed not for, whereby the mozitaxnes (even the moan... mains of enernies and oppofition) dofiow down and—=n_ tremble at his pte fenceghe that hath formerly drawn». outthe fwqrd and ‘bent his howmand like an enem ‘fought agatnft us,g1v1ng 14505 to t that our fog. A lfemn afis the fail: f the 4”‘ monetlgand the fall of A the 5* and the 73*‘ stand the 1 om-month fhould be tux... . ihned into folemne feafiis of joy andtgladnes?tliatAou1- thank {giving day_c:s,fhould over number ourédayggof humiliation? Yet am 1 f0 flaw from the opinion of laying afide omen» humi1iations,i—n thefe times infre- joycing, ( as it7 they were- inconfifleati without A joyfullfeafisg) that Icotncei-we the duties ofehumi; Jliation and rejtsycing fpipitually performed’, [W931-Y _% "helpfull one to: another, and to fpititualize one a—_ nother; blcflings “obtained by prayer and faifiini ,em.; 4 nnt but affeétthe foul and rai-feiit iunta‘ greiatem? pitch of fpigrituallthankfulneflia ;'ahd when éitcieis ’ is have made the foulc to rcjoyce in God,it cannot.-but-we ietmournc V ovenfinne more ingenuoufly then before i4If«mercies will not vvork with a‘ people this way,;_ .A iwhen>God gives them in,after judgements, they will?“ I be, but lucid» intewvalla, prefagés ofgreatcr judgg... .. Sim-. im§t§tsf9!»1i!£_ss¥3e§!1§1flxi£!sbs-tweentwo drew u...... ..«--._n n-n_....._........- ..,,,,. 1 _ ‘-~__ ‘I flv -.::.,, More the ba’n¢a;gezei;a’uje¢a; icmmonss.l V -an-u—-----r lliilormes 5 or rather like airevivingfbetwecntslvle if M A-fires «ef a. sfeaver,when the pat1erft tliem,)%%»i;1~tI1c:i fight 7 of our ; hearts mgether 5??‘ With’ @_urmerpj%@é.; %Dwvid~I0kAsA11%conV b0thA‘+t0getA11Aer«5;. while {pom his V mercies he rcflgfig upon “ hir‘nfcIf,A 4 when ‘his people ofikred fo wi1wIingIyltAo.w;1rdb*11:iAl&l-4? ing tl‘1€;,Tem pic-,1 ('r'aA. 29-. I"4.W/an .amAA"J§dI9diw[a4t 572}, pgop Ie 3 c,:>;vv.ee vvhilfii we“ lqwk u {was the merck-‘:sA tha God hachlmfa pad gm us,7mayx~fit‘% down A'3Pconi~fl1ed;., 1853* fay,WI1o%&A%arc%Awc find wh‘at%ris.Aour people ?are4Awe’nAotv V 3;; Ag oflatiming nationPiWe%we1sefa1’leA%nf Emm om fix-3 Amitive Wrefo rm&aticm,&Mhere Ii 3 y'etAAa~£p”i&ritL$VAo fx.vhore#-%A dam in the midfk of us to» Apoferefogrmatialto%%4thi”~3+ daya LA€4WsV10ok }1p<3riJe;r—i¢f:zié?95z§ 1,14oEwVs¢;Jfe"vere1 «Hm Lord dealt witIr~*fi1ie11 for Q fififigg ‘lbw; vmdytu {iii mainggafide to £p,;xi;L1%a1l% f@nn;mti@n.; wa hawadémia A “ ‘ ” ' " A Em C) 2:‘ .2! Sermm‘1°;rcacb:datWtbeV<}3?[oz2etb5i Fafik A A 55;‘-1;-x 3.56.’ 4a._ ‘m. .I~f1*!r- 134» ‘fie 3-Qé to ‘ V-:.§‘;z;g.k. 38. 4o. 1W§bz'[! A 3¢.o;. I .v._ ewe fubjefiz Religion, and 3 «ters ~o~f eonfcience and 'hi~g‘heft judge {bee ( {nth God ).«.u womeiz ténzt break med/oak M2d]b»ea’é/and eréjzzdgedg .¢,zm? J 2w’-l!gz'.~ve thee elaudeisafury mafvjea/crzzfie. VVe are a1-[0 a C0vemnt~breake=i~ng.peopIe,a-mil bar. o-wing taken the name of God‘ in .vaine,h0w ‘fl1071;1I'd"tIm§ Lord holdus guiltleffe? this brought wvrath upon me! and Jada/9 runavoiciably; the houfe «Of 1 fivzél and -'Judab‘I1ave brokene my Covoenant, fer. I ‘E . 1 1.. jflmvg... A flare I will firing ;e=w'!1 upon them, 2:vI:'rz'c/9 t/ae_yef»Im‘;.’1l;;ap 5;,- «aéle to efmpe. We have been andare apt to fay 4a~Con;. kdcracey , to fuch as -God wroeuldv not :.Con federac-yroo 5% zmdito cover with g«cover:ing,"bu,1: ~not"o of Gods Soopii-itg, as our“~Prophet compAAIgin%s,1fz,; A z A the things or God; «to ~c.axna11 enxds., being led_ by carnall policie, in mat» »concernmem: , me A A~e-m=uCfi.'Vcraify[ing einrhaf ”f"ld;; Aafzzterj pepeer¢'t!fl¢4m,‘oe4e? E¢KI! 70 ,1 VA '*;E’£?‘sg 7 3» "babiIities, do ebb orfiowi ; ” fil-[no demzom-w't emarrem; “ Policy hath alvvaies been a eclog-to Religion , and would never fufferformer ea-"5 o.§‘es‘t‘oadven=tu.re upon aetrhrough reform‘ati'on 5"t1;e eord -keep our generation that we dafh notagaim’: thcfamerock*! 4 A A AA e M “ ”‘ Though -the Lord hath ronounced them mfeaz t/Mttmfiizz omzuz, am! make their arm: ,Ier. I 7 . 5. we are fulleoifcarnzrll confidence, lifted up, or caft downgaccording as outward means ando humane ro- A 1ikc1Afi"de/,we fcneke V 0:! Whenowe need him, in alw condition, and when we afiree delivmedeeeweeforgeet him‘; Pfel. 78; ~ A ~ * » be are,; guilty t ;‘felf~»feekion‘g,; emy man. looks for hisugzaine from thisequarter, (as Pagtl comopliaincdg all men .fTtheir'»OfWm;\';n®ne the things oégefus have .-us fay 3.’ e rifles . ‘V V, éefizire t/as /..v0;2aklm4£¥!el"Haufe of (bmmoizs. e :2 3, Chrifitl Tobe aébed by. a plrivareeSp.irit in publikee undex‘taki:ngs., doth not only blemirlln the b‘eauty, ‘but alters the nature of the under=taking,and makes that finfull, which if aétedlvvith a publique Spirit, had A been commendable andagllorieous. flebu in curing of? ‘”' King‘ ‘WV phi: houfeie Ofoefbaé, did~accordi.ng to the worddofthe 3° Lord 5 but becaulee l he had*eI~1ds‘ of his own indoin . . it, the blond of «/1645 is put upon his account. A A ‘.'1°":"f‘*””9 I A lWe fuffer G:od’slHou~={’e to lye wafiwhileewe dwell in felled-houfesg by divifiem and errorse, tmth i's«fal—-~ len in the fireet"-~ andd confufioe hafieth ,. and yet look onand lay it lnotlto hearet. We turn headagainfi jefus Chrifl, like~tli*of'eltlmt: ‘ break his bands * andrafi away his? cords fromfl..tI1emu;1 ~ P‘.‘‘’‘’'‘'’’’ M V w».e=refu=fe his eafie yolre,an\d caI’sl1is light burden: . as ifwewere o~flc*hei?» §c{%W¢?:J?efizfie~¢g4wfi W; ‘ * ‘ tcwkupfin%.fuc1:ab;DW~¢1s*9 % 24- Serwmfz ;77'e‘:zri9e5{ at 5% 21/1 o.22et,€v!y-- Fzlfi A A «--u.uuuuu—..-....J A ,,Amaners in~.thé: vvilyifirnes 4.9 yearshbut» whats that ta V A fou;rfc0re..yeaz¢s patience whercm he {mt}: born with figzglmzzi .>{ %;md A 3.111 4 ti}efa:-. yfiafes, w'§;z;;t wide, and CO11t€{1}}Jt%;'~‘#‘”11Z£E abmnmatzfins fl.P:EI‘l Afiod put up at ~fi.:c12ar1d[s of:—.fr~£@o2z,fl'1 N;1mif weconfidcr 110W GQdI]3[hIQUEV-gQ§C5Ii-ayifl0t on; de_fcrt,butwc+s [.v4¢;gou3:fai:h, our prayers,‘ and e)<:‘pe<€’cat10ns in the A7 reatneffe 8: multitude of his ble%fIings,giVing them Aim moi’: féafonably, wllenwae were upon the brizfivkof wing, ljisyown l1and,fQ~t&I1afltsve may fay, if zt bad 7zAaAtfA 23m At.£2‘AeAA L ofd who Mwmt‘ "012 6*!¢€7",fi0[4?,V~ we % had A 5891? f mafia A A‘I7£}z;aAez{\iz;a1)§. A (106 all.-vthe fc ‘after fa _'m1,j1ch patien awn‘ hgreixm he; hath~man’yA a ~t1me.turned* ibis‘vkrrathaw'%210rv»%it%11fiandiagourmany and pro- ‘%~*?0ki?1§ 53$ f1€;~ew~i2&¥1—%:wwhave prefléd [ the}. era "VaCan;i~s«p::§:fl§ég;#hér,V1s»ft3A11 of fl3€«’:1V53:: in that he 3hét?Hgroauedu%14d*fi¢r 2ms%.C&ASV%$Air W€‘1‘,¢)fi.f1d.A: c0m:p1a1neei ‘bf 6i1rA”1inkiDA€fi%¢fT€:QA VP€0P¢%1€~~' .I.W¢ WU? A*dvrw.nta , @ . ofe-Qyssawoflfl 4r;1%nA;A%@:»§;¢r4g4E1".looking».u§o}g1 % % 1:-oe A“ '3"-' ‘Au us 129- mi A £3.22:tbyAAiGadcai2tinunl@Iw.%T A M A A A , _ 2 A24AThe;c muP;Abeadi—ili« attctpdanceu on;God% E 3 2'5«2fi9reA4 the /JoigazfiaévleHoaifie?of%AV»Commd;m'.AAw P aAI1; 1"-d;ngto%11is%» wwilL.~ ‘Y W I . » A AAIt:;_" ,made\up o~f~5f0u‘re%V‘ir&gfed&'aeVr:ts,, ~1.<*=0Af *Repc1:i*~a gcconfiacax A ‘fiance; {inning iscontrarym wait-ing,a’nd‘thVcrtzfbrc‘“ ‘“’hi“%$*= ‘E;’e;e;'muft=A%AfirPc be a turning, Hof. 12‘. A6.» Tum thou Ara HUM 1'1; 6,‘ Ggd,( féithhefl to 8‘phrazm)*keep m;my: and]m{gme,2‘zt,A J T “F? E31- ~ ' H2‘: .p€féi“th,9.,;hec*fi;AfuA1l obfervanCe‘0f‘hi'sw:zyes,“fiich%“ asizhe Ar , - = “ J‘ h?e.117;'CA1:1”“iiptfe%4f7[étl3’,v9’f¢_;z 23%‘.2:/15\iA’w~'qyes%offerm2zts P%fa1-123.2; * ;»Zaok_;g2gt;q¢;V¢Iae«bg;¢;2asl ofi *t*hgwia¢; gmxifiem, AAAw;”m.dw. M ~fAwAe ‘Z}e§,"A0f;A§L A A 4 ‘us. I E ' M V «maiden 3 Ram}. 11. _ .. --m- "‘r~"“4'_ WE jgg; 97. mm. 5'-« T 9 Pralgga 70 h?hI§37€7u ‘ ‘ 51$1h3-:.1Wt>«3‘'’ A A A h‘ bqvehneekdafphatiefzce, that afzterjee/nerve done the will A A ;g£qd,3l¢’_&.’wAj,lT£C¢1W£1f}J€_pj/'0m1f€,».falth the Appflle hvidence for Siam enlargement, the L .;1 Sermon Prewcfahecl attbe.-"11/Iantbly Fuji “ M h maiden A to the band 0fb¢T.7flI:flV£fl?ig,f0‘0”r eyes with hiya‘); the L.amlhoar 9'e0d. ‘L V A A - A 3 It muft be in the vvayes of obedience : —wait’inh ~i~s notan iciile‘ p0{ture,but imports t~he"‘"di1igencc-o~f’ah Sentinell 1' if we wait for Ialvation and icleliverance, térhere mufl: b€‘;3& ivity a‘n<:l‘d‘ie1igence to ferve Pro... A _ A n W 0rd cxpefizetfi help agazzzjl the mzgbty, though he needs it now; h 74. There had hneedwto bee Faith (with; he,- daughcers, Hmpe and Patience) to make u A-andhcane. A my on ehishhIefI'ed;wh0rhk ofvvairingéfor Go :>=—we mufl: wait-41:3 the Hwézmd"-*-mm‘ for the pretiam fimits hearth, Ims . 7. There mufi be a {pace betwee ing and reapein time 1‘: ifwe fow in tcares, reaphin joy. e Jflesllfzfl witw upon memaiwl firming armeflizzzf they tmfl,faith G@d,.Ijh¢. $"r’."v1‘ 5; vv¢¢*?,nufl enoetetrufi in our‘B=ow Qr*S’word rcreaturheconfiflexnce of the n“ fow... cannot Rand with a right vvaitihg up_on GQd,.;%*h;-am than tbzmfrveji mfrom; our efiflémiésg, ‘1°f4/“.’~ 44;, hAnd*; where~ourwa1t*1ng1s,thereis our ho ” 3; 278. If we limp afar that wefiee not, than dye with patieishce ”zam'tf'orhit'; 2 Amd fo weehare re quired;,R efl iaatbe Lam’ and waif A ,z... e tieiztlyfar /7i7”sPf4/'7’ 37-7» Hbwevertheh Lordpleafé - _ to difpofe Ofthings thili his promife be A . " 3C”h’==1'=3~= ‘ A want for God fitength, to got: on without fainting through all opt-A A l thi5 duty‘, is tl'l€l 3t[CIl];C:l”Sl {hall bfibkfw file:/Jeld are all they t/mt mzi*ty‘br him. AA A . A A A fcd4way'_;=:s.AA , A 1. They {hall be-lenablledby the Lords everlafling Heb-‘°"3‘“A.;a 1 Milo-U_A J pofiuon and di-.Ffillculties,'inl tlmgway of their: hopes, V jfa. 49. 31. ‘They that malt upon me Lord,flaa.ll renew Tfa--40-=3AnA..'A.. tbeirfirev22Cgtb,téey fljazllmzz and not ée meaty, they flm/Z to A A mllfarzd mt fai.»-;t.y It is a yfealonable incouragemel-13$‘ A A unto you (honorable 8: beloved) to wait uponf Cody that he may carry you through the wveightyyaffairesm. of Church and State, A that will reqmlre renevvedé ftrength. A A ‘ A A A 2. They {hall be blezffhd wltli comf'ort~and‘pcace:~ 3?‘ in their owne foules for the prefent, though their" L hopes fhould be cloferr€:d,Ifa. 2 6. 3A,. Thou wzfillaeep him 15%’ 261$: i;zperfe§?peace,2rbof22 mind 13‘ jlaied an thee. Therc’s»a; A A fweetneffe in the very duty of waiting on God... 3. Theivhopes» fl1all'be accomplifhed, they {hal'I~:" 3.~%?::~ H fee the fruit ofthcir waiting-. as appeares by ‘2'.mrzJz'als~~» AA A 4 e9cperience,‘Pf.¢l.4o. t_,.2,,3. I waited patieiztlj fbr I;.73'*"PfaIA."_4o...1,354 _ Lard, am/bee zmlmedmzto me-mm.’ hemrdmy cry, hee=~~3~-« 7% érozaglvtme up am“ of}: howiélcpz't,-. and he hath ‘put 4 rrzem A A fang in my-mmatb, even pmife zmto our God. They fhall=V A nevcrbe afhamed, lbut {hall fay as Ifzz. 2 5 La tbrlr ;;M,_9_,,L our god , we have waited for him, by»ou1_- muItvi'p]‘ie'd.V. A AA mercies in the fucceffia oufour A-*rmies,GoclA hath out-«A pcned aldoore of hope for uslinlthe valley of Acfzm. y V; 4. They {hall be bleflcd evetlallihgly gfthough Athey {hould never live to fee the accomplifhment ‘of=>- A Afl Gods ptolmife s of rem porall..falvatlon,.wl1ich they 4 A ~ « V4 l y Waltz: -nu-A--u-—— Q 3 V 5%é5a;@:#b}§¢%1*re%a:c?:¢éZ 2z%7%'tbéL:«iz;as2ew5r'a{£ .. ...._ ....—-u-. A A‘ gfecciivétize wa;_iting;f@rAva421ts bhgffi fig of (§L*:8:~rin.g*:int j the jay Ufaphem" Lard, and man ‘fay by experience, AM"/Jed are 433 W19!“ z‘«*’-I'M’ Imzit-',fm«~ m».»%. A A F 1 Jam M2. M 5 A%vqa,it.Afor, “yet «t'I1cy%%fha1»1 l1%axzc“;aA day W hserefin they