A Serm01i1prcac11z:dJ before the 4 Right Honorable Houfé of Lordsyar a{,~Iratc~V fggfig % . A ‘ P;b/JkewzZa:ccardimgt‘o Om/erV.: G-‘a’-> ‘ » |.":’_ ‘V E D " a, 4 ’ . ‘ ‘F .7; »°%%?§e?§2 a»av§as-a‘“=%~e?§es§2%;§*s 3%? Vowes negleéted, ,. A A % AWV. 31% » The necefsme of 4 K.‘ (34 -. % ‘x. -1' 3%,. REFOR MATIOETN OR ~ .5 Em: ‘Ta is O .4 P5‘ 3'. ‘I’ « .’n-'.‘’ J % falcmne Fafl:-in the Abbcy ChL1rch4‘at«. f Wefimi22fier,,LflV[avy 2;‘. I;64.6. A rnldizagin Kama, anda ;Member:0f they -3 R” ‘ . '-\(.Q .3 V 8.?‘ :6 VJ .. 4 u % Divines. ' E‘ By RA NCIS AT¢A4‘Y‘L Ora B. in D4. Pafleorot" 2 gr 3* y;;% ‘ ‘ ’ P sAI_. so. r4A.w._ % %% A V A -pf;-:3 ;_wA%v‘7i3)"7‘wI:3‘7ttJ4~. Pa}-#tl9} V7a‘we5 zmtot/ac moff Hzgb;‘ §_Prim:c:d by M. S» far (960. WT/Ji2tir;gtm“%_.,arxd Np:z‘b.wBTOr,'1g€:’,~ ;h:¢.An.%;1~:§ % ” \ Vin QXn-hill", bcloyv the%Exchange.. 364 % _“ % er “ _ ‘ W" ‘ ha: ' ‘ ‘ ' gr‘ « t h _ ,,. J -,9 ‘ ‘ff " ‘‘l;‘ «, , ~-‘\,. g; .‘'‘l‘,_ ‘ “ -“ ..« ,‘~ ‘g I , ‘ ‘*1? ‘\ Q ‘ ‘~ vs‘ 'L ‘ ",2 y ‘ ‘ , “ , _‘~,:'.« M . . ‘t rr." ~ “ 5; v «M! M. * . or :« ."’fivg:.r \ l .4 m ‘. hm ._,,m:‘ W«.,*~ ,‘m.fi‘9j’;,"‘»a.-an .4. .., 2%, xx‘ 5%‘ ‘ ,;s~';, / ‘;, ‘ p‘«..,;vu*,,, ‘ ‘ hm “ ‘ ‘ I ~-' ‘. v‘Ww”'I‘ S» ‘ > 7:: “a t ‘ ' “ i -/»m gin H O N O URBLE*THE}o Mot1stE*OFt PEx.:m.=.s Tfl9{L[flzMh@” H Ight Hozzoumhle, thefe poim‘ mer_g”mz- dertohezt hy yottr command, andjour o V '4 A h 7 onaieriwm the Midwzfe tohring them h*'i)otoo‘tthe light. I hope my imperfeEti~ om jhoflfinde at ooruerztnder the voile of mar outhorzty. god hnowes my ‘ “hearts defire WM to mind you of your-” w 9 , folomzzo ho7.'moizth, ( which Lords he fzthfefi to at neg-~ /eE£ of as wofl at meaher mm) mm’ to fizrre you up too pri-‘vote ‘7{§f07'7?ZtZl‘Z‘0i1 , without which yea M22 looh for no h/e_/fI"‘z'22_g A upon your pohlith ezzdozwours. Endeavour I he--- % focohyou to oofieverj little moot out of_yoz)r omit eyes, 56-» m an fore you goes ahoztt to coft the great éeomes out of the N’ A . . . V . .. D "'7 ejetof the Church and State. *It1sa‘n aflhéted C1t1e,n»5]m? joy the j’eove;,who{‘co.Phyfitian bath the Gout. The com. r:I!"1.:"I1£-3 h “A A moo vote ofthe people null he, 5 Medics, cutfa feoipfttm. Vajikra A7{.at.o A ‘Thofegrwt things Joe expat? in Gods, doe ;'tb€m1‘flj0m' own {Aka 4 1 3 4 h h 3 "H ‘ oaflfesa A é.{lijpfi car-4 % The Epiflfe Ded’ic%atory*;«~, '5 051- 3.4. 3 f. . % 3 1 " er Noazfaltmi Honk: d0eI‘%er\:ze&£fi‘¢%§ *1¥01 3d-~"Ad 3”°.*<‘*‘* 'W¢SWl %)’W-’‘%” A P p lbs‘ will ée;éxamflrir},? f5’7;Vt?f?*"g7?4€€5f~ R6 wlzant ti? pm? ojbf 14:92: vi: io_/' 47 ;2z.,x7;ca1‘9 €5:’Z"”»"1 tgj)/,0_._“{,_T¢}ff ;¢g§—{q:¢ Z24i§ fsttle /duff cm? Stdfifi. A will eafily make an efcape. S0 will all font: of 1)elz';z— pl/tfqw’ cxr“ ‘£1.-W??t5% (‘W51 439"75>~ ‘f .7”“7' I*0MWP$%g0¢*fl0w!)' V59 ‘N _ e22:pZa}.eg»9.'M%¢; zsporfi? ._ I"t§€f"e%8C%3'7j7b&t’{f'2'r7‘"eA_y0_£(i‘fpi and (56 fbmmrd t0 . $‘i¢b M32»-1‘ ,29c.cm*’o ziagcmq C icetm dc’ % , H M ‘ L_eg.I. ;; your m-uemmt.» gzrug not z"£I,,e,~— peop le acmfion to fay, T/ye let ;jezt!g_2zre*ligiam‘ZJ1zfc,iplim G1bAds:%%Q¥9wrc¥J, ao'c'ara'z'n,g to V ty‘Difc.{pli2w» 1,5,”/aétc-zzz¢fe‘grezzt‘~mer: wanna: endure amtbrazzg/J--% .s;y-; reformation. The Laagd tbatA;gxl1eql;yaz; fa fur}: a pitbb afbov A Plan“? V 2:05:24, and height ofemfflojgnéhr, 2/ndleéyazar Lardfls ips xvortbyg. A agyzz prejenvfi in i3£’;&'£«‘§?I2. A Soprajetb M K fervant in;i7t:h\e““f% irzflr-Wm: cWrg1orxbere,;4mdfi”lW1with fiery in bi»%~ The Right Hono1*able.Hoi1fe % A L 0 R D sat a%{~Q1emncFa{’c- ; 1,GbENEs.3s%.. IA. % ./12:4aadfi¢;4a.;;¢o4j4:*o%a, ,,m“_ra, gampta% Metbez, mg; W811 t‘5~éV3;4}¢dm“k;F‘iw?fe‘ M Im,mra 9'aé’.~.~rb4t 41% V ptzzrgd Zara t‘/aedye, mfmz tbaz.efiea’de ff féfangt/a@ef4aeaffA€fm ‘u; 4-A "’ .» H E»VB07OE».VAV0f C? . ‘ .‘ V‘ " " ‘ ~»,,.. “ . ‘ ‘ , " ' . I .. ‘ V . ‘ , ‘ _ . :..1....- V. ,. .- , _ . « . - _ x; ‘ a .- 2 «w .9 ‘ ~ V‘ 1 ~ V“ I ‘ ,, A J”. . J l , r In 01,. W, _,»'| H n ‘V W _ ‘ . 4 \, . _ . v.7 ,1 “ xv‘ ‘ . _ m. r 4 ’ . “ , , _ . ‘ “‘ ‘. ‘V , . » ' . “ ‘ nu“ ‘ ,. "‘ mm , " ‘ "-., 4 -' ‘V “ W‘ ‘ ‘ u- . “ , “\ 'Q,,’‘. A 3 . ‘ "F" . 1 ‘. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ". I ‘ ‘ ‘ - , “ V . ,- ~ 1 ' 1 .. _ , ‘. 91 p ‘ -“ V , ‘_ . “ H , ‘ ‘ ‘ \ ‘ _‘ “,1 . ‘ ‘ v .‘ ‘_ I , , -- : -' ‘M a ‘ . m w M an ‘ - .. ‘ N ' « M" ’ " ‘ ' “ ‘ ‘:1 M "H ‘ 7 ‘ ‘ . _ ,, nl ‘ .‘ ~: “ “ q _.~ ‘ . . ' ‘ go ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ - 4 ‘ _ . “ \ -‘I _ ' . . , \ 7 .. “ , ‘ . “n ‘ . ‘ ‘ J _ x ‘ _ a -' « , J ' 9 '5" “ ‘ ‘ ' X -4 _ ‘ . , ‘ . ., \_ ‘- _ » _ H ‘ " ' " ‘ ' w ' . ‘ " w‘ H ‘ ‘ _ ,, -‘ ‘. . “VA - H 4 ‘ . Q Vy.V‘~“ ‘ ‘«..g “ " V 2- ‘ .‘ ‘ ' ‘_ ‘ _ ‘_‘ ‘- 4 _. ‘ , ‘ V 4‘ . o. “‘p “ .A. w ,1 . V “ « _, ,,,. . ‘ ’ u? < 4 I ‘ 1 .. , ‘ . ‘ 3 - - k N‘ \. - W ‘ ‘ . : .‘ : ;. ‘‘'“‘ ~‘ *1 ' '. V ; J ‘_ = » ‘ -. - I -J . . - . "9 v‘ 9 “ ‘ “ M ‘ ' r- " " 0. .. ‘ ‘ ‘ . V ‘ 1 ‘- w \ - . A 0= * V I I W ‘ n ‘ ‘ ‘ - ’ 4% Jm0i’r rét¥2a]£kab%1@% rieé Vaie % 5; 2.8.1 o,&c. .. ¢‘Tc2s%"9eaEm V42» ' 7 ~ A 9.-»£“S‘er'ma22preacbed”é¢f0re'tbe Hcmfe affieers-Q % We find himinafmi.pofinre.his%daughmr defiicda the "”C1W¢P~ 34-: S?Jf Cf2¢r?2 £té$.{13in}by‘hi4$Af{i}§A,;t‘11<:*%i:% VCiti::: f"pc‘)yle»d,‘ him‘- 3@' A 7 fCIfCa‘f'réfi%d%’4%lCfi t%l?.e,C0%umrcy 1'ifi*:upagai1:£1% 1:im,a;:d ' " % dmrgy baoth him%and%.his;.»In this h.£?3\iifi‘ condxrion God appears unr0%11im..'1‘11c'1‘ t:xt doth not cxprcfsly W fer dowmvhén%thisappari-tionxvas, butthc conrlexian A» offit to tliefprmeffiory, am} the great need facaé had 9f Gods appearing I;her_1, and ‘’ Gmodvs ufuallw manner of ~ making the Saints»I1ece[ffitiAe4$ his Qppwortunities, per- fwade theInterpreters'to‘br:1eeve, that it”“wa%s prc:i'2::,z1t-3 ‘ly afftgjr t{‘I1%e;fl»3,ught ei()f tfific I-"kn thci V1111- gar réadswir, I721: ere;1,JIn the mam wyllile. A Vkfhile ,"r_’:ezmz,’v was mufif1gvs’ha t Acourflcto take to avoid’ CW9: rage of :1 1c neighbourinVgLCanaanitcgs 5; Gpd ap%peam:s¢ to-. him for b‘G€fi. 3?«fb O3‘! t"x4.I his comfort. Neither is it; fez: down w'~hat nzénmar» of‘- a..p7pa ricion this was, w i~1et~-her in 3 vifion by d‘ay_.;,.'%0*r ma dream by night. SLJIC it Wis, nogfa umeflagc {cut by a-- ny Prophet to j'zzco”6 zandcertain it gs, was x1QVtA%A%%r2m;4 app:4rAitiq,A-Va dumb‘ fhewg-, But dA.to6;§1‘L;2d A Gods p~1"e~.% famce aa£:eNE‘g mzum, tsdcén miotzt an‘ AA dcjmftcd -fpfiits,’ {in he had alf 0-A‘13i5s. *?W0ij-d‘ rm’ ‘ d2'%ig‘én’a’um5 to dircfl: his wandring thoughts what fafe courfe %%vthé‘}f”rfiigl3t RE’-=-Ch upon-M Ga0#1zzr~fe. of 3 pparittia-A ,A .._ ;,_,u,.. W ,‘*»-i', M .~ M -M 2 5 ~,g5,,,.,,,_ on swe— mufi not expeflc mgvyg I~t:»1 s fi{fiijcxex‘:t~%t11at%%¢ God . _ ?;iu:§e3: W33: 11al;1;1’4‘** tvx=it~*EeVn ¥t7é')’ usthegréat:'tvh1fl g$;fof'I1i.sj.1aw fm"()uAs V '=v9£"W‘- “direé3in;a;§;dit is i~01tr*{1'4ng rfwv%c co{mtVt!ien1 as‘a* fl‘r2§;"!_;]crc M aHOM- ‘cu ‘ ‘M “ , M, ~ M «Q - 6 H”. . , L ' C4.-‘ ‘. , i M‘ ‘M ""1 “, *3 Hay ,~~ é 3f9f“f » fl ] . rh1ng,a,nd In a4fter~=a¢ppm:1t%135,35 zifwvcc >wcr¢'A4fi1%lft1n A ghainfancyothe,.£3hu1=r:I1.m. V '1‘ ‘Im. ’.S‘eé”r792ho72 p:Vedr.'Bed.;25efore tl9e.I3JoufeiqfPeé’rSp;. . p‘ 3 A ‘ ?gm‘undofobferva~tion:is expelipeatipehegwhereine he A themporeh pains is: to be takene,hbecau1e our I mrer pmers A trbuble us with many Topogréphiléallfcruplesge and; Metaphyficallfpecqlations. he A; A M A A A ehw?;SQme conceive ’that:».:God~ hath,.refp1e€i eeténhrehe fkureeofjacpés body,wh0~hrIii%gI1teeneowheelaid in his bed.‘ Others, that vGiod ~10-oks at the ifadxueffe doefuhis .l1eart=',; A which wascafl: down withi-ne him. The r former ‘\ thinke that: ~}z'zco<é is called O'l1t of: h;is~ bed ;]:»the 0tI*1e‘r‘ ;fu,ppofe7 he is called out of his dumps. The treutrh isgthe Hee; « brew word in the Scripture ufe ofit} doth not neceH‘a-- e 1-ilyimply either; it rathercalls; upon men to prepare V themfelvesh togoe about fheewrork whiclmcod enjoyns V A “.hthem.fJ Sohwhen? Godh bids ‘iElz'jala to“ wife hgfidgae dump a , mg; m 4-to mee:..Ab4é : and alfoi to”? mrifew mdgoe zapto meet the ;3~ ‘ mqfléia me of ,4/m~.«,—;¢a/7 5 he infends no more then that he zK'"g‘”' ghoul ifet himfelfe abourethpat Work. ~Neicherdo:::h it appearegthagfit. i6g’li:zIJ:hwasfeat thattime either Ilaideehin bodyg ' A “ =nF9;:- =Goeup.. V ' V T r“ * 2 . Neither dotllphis word arguegthatB~etlIelew:1sehig.l1er abf .:fi?t”11:tti0n,éeit1:iC1:1 .henihem= fm%.].;:ehin [L[‘p{5hcer”ipt1L1:ehe ph~1:afe _Mb6th2fi¥;y*Tht0,goe _.za12~,ghaendh «"17? M gas A d0Wf»?5‘ ai‘eeeofte11"h flied finely f0rgOing.0n., m*,;f0r.Wahr_cl,weith0ut re fp"e& htothe various fituatiotis ofrthe places mentioned, higher or lower. * «S0 A Ghogfaithgfi 0 ,4 Tyru4,j,,1 .;miflfc/tztfe maenypeimsztiw A ff ‘h="d ‘W3’ 353 ‘on the Seas %; and we read thatmen '1 go donmh to tlaef gm, the/m.-,ezezc, K And Seeflna6[7ay*.i5'King jQf ~ 7:4/]¢)hWizt, is. {aid to g‘‘ Acumen}; page *7‘ - 4 4 “ . M ‘ waw - ~ ~ 1| .15 A. gamfi allthe defenced Lxtpxes of judafz, y€C;1tM_dOth'jflt :2 1g:_31:_7,C, A W appears that’ ,Af/jaw vvhsehh e10vIL!:ei:e+it1fituatiomtheti the A566 etheeelikc ;v1and,ofejpzacla(2, And orfltheoggher fide,‘7epbtb4«.5,,da11gh*;~ ‘A a‘ ‘w “ ’ h met In the heart paf A .m4m&7§%4praacl2ed éqfire we HawfieV%af'PA:eiisf=.’ 1} Iuag,.x;:37. ter%.dé1?rcs“tiQp gm: up andVdmvn Jupvonthie montaines M A 31:0 1:92-w'3i1eh;erv§r.g;i1“2.ityfar%a time%*: that j n0'A‘sAm*0r§;; , then 116 ?fr0m*one place to ano’tAhe;r on ”%t4he‘%h4il1s.%» '5‘ Y=»*d~.;- =63 "- And ‘*1 three thoufand men of judaaé are faidin A t;he4o+ Sate the lxke V 28am 3 3.6: rigiszzzli to ,g0€ do‘-..v'nA Ato the if mp 0F‘&:he %rOék*E'mm, %. A J A 2. Smn. 2.2.2: svh“VV:ic§:1the‘T"a+a;1“¥{1atofs+.h2vc carefi11w1VyAr”eTndr§mi wm:t.£A;?5o A K3“? 13 ~‘9- th:2tr:13r12ef0rmer*w0“?rdRifwrctquim-dfr 42} prép%a:i-axWim} J¢:.‘I“.!3'.»—. ‘_ . I ‘ ‘ .. ‘ V _ 1 and Am. r. for the‘}~0u‘rrney«,% fo tins ‘WOTd ~G’z:e z.—:p,A ;mq'u;1Ares Ag Aro.» gum fife in it *ti1l i1e‘C0rn»£éAthczrewP38 muff ncithe,;,_b&Adif3:A cm: 3721 g¢ed‘ffr0m u4ndcrt4ak$im’g ir,»n0Vr gijazé A: itA;oxr%et"4:AA fora he }.1avVeLfiVmi§hedi%*t. ” A a r A A . A I A 2 But are by is facabcommiznded mgoc to ez;f2 el§;A(}sec§V A m:ecd’s not ~givc%any4reaf0n of InsA=?com%m;smds.:.4hiswA::iIAIis*' A to ‘us a rule; Yet the equity 10.51 this ,f;antAo prctffi: z,;,,,, W.,,,,,, this piacfito thajtt : find; ilef£*»W4c‘ ‘dfoc::jas we»aV;lc"l ¢bi1:ix?1%dcrs~:i; AA fizliér r:»prm"~ “ * f¥Iay4fo infirm aA4A%fouAnd?a.tion,4:ha::*f'tihe u“1hlAd3 mdplaey flgafu Ae4epi::hheAvscay 0f»rheALar<2?,A,rhLu:%;A W3 maAAy:b1-ing Au«pbnAA% ~;A bmfmm that which he Ahgii.-I1 A A‘A"3f=n- I 8. I 4.. fp;o%:eAn;»Q£? h»imA.gAAgndf J7s"—2z;:3eA tfizizzg moi bardfarAtlae”[LAaavd.§A am % .24 M . = ;. ‘ " . " % . * ‘ ~ M AI G;O’d.,1'ST?B'0 momittted A§ra<§§3Q‘%I1t Of h11SV*AW40rd»s5-4 t%:¥:zmm :his%a:€t—aians-AA:A~He,may fp.«¢ak% of hiznfelfem hg A p1.~ea‘£s"erh£r ‘x5e::¥.IA~~d%otib:A hot but many réafons of this, Aphrafa may he ;give;!v,Aw.hich mm }Y€§€1d~P1'0*fit-»«untoAus. A As4Afir‘fl, God m4ayAMAfpe%ak “thus f¢1f¢,A for taA~in%ty ‘fakfii, at ;d:1r4§0&mig11tv»kn0W svhoi :fP3;}<~¢ ~11 im,;,, ahd to whom he was to build an’ iA1t4ar.44; AAAA£hé.th§eT;need) aAas9. ,-. Anotfay wic1mm1,c Lam’, wb0i?V1é rim,‘ z;mz.a Norma A h;5am..3_43,; .$W2mel“ArunEOa5'l£i‘wfihen G,0d_uCa“1Ll‘ed% hAim.%.;Se”condly, for M%a4je%&y (ma: ib t12¢~%thi4td %%C%oxn;mandm~enra = Q0d,,g10£hAAn0t-fay; Thu~~:fl1a1]t~~zé0tA take Name .i3_n‘ “ vain:abut,thou‘{h«a.lAt-not take theNameof, tb;eLardtb} [; God jnvam.A A;nd*i%n the fou%rth;,ThefeventhV day iéithek %% Sabbathof £5314 am? thykfg It wa1sA 2 jfi;1:e%qn§A% argV1menAt4 ~ to diifwadéfthem fr-tam di%Afi1onomr_ingG9&s Nfinzamsqand: perfw%adcV::Ijra1.z7.*m. God is like a! faithfu1ll”fri;endAl, AAl_VVh0'eflazids “ 419268 at tank me “P " l weniant ad “to:his,,ewherlAtl1éy,lAlhla:v§~mOfi;Afl¢€‘4»l05 hill‘ Neg‘ AA1-ik.'1‘lA‘*5> armada:-efiaA~ A Courtiers‘,wholf0lAlowtheSlAun of mens p1‘Ofp€rlt1es‘ca!umb;e. A. A ~ 7‘ ‘e " “.4c72.rt‘ (35219 ggeons fly topew whxted 11ouAfes)A4nAdfo1l11ke t hem Wfljgfmdida , ow;r1=an;a; A Ainthe dai*kAAfhad0WOft1’1€i17A9»dV‘3ffitiC1A5~ll A A rWiamr»,.ll»A‘ .! AlAFramtbéfizca. “ I.EIeg.8.. _ Mensillaffefltion towards others appears in: their " lcles.l Solldid L.mmapPearrol iwoé <~t- l Am’ faroéefie seen-sAx.Aa;A £73142’ the cazzzatezmme of IL aAé£in3AA.M222’ ‘ée/9o!«:l:A:, eitl wmezzm: Am- ~wm~d bimasiléeforeg A Hence A; it. A thafl’:we are — afmidl to _ W l abide in t’l1eprcfence of fuI;Ah.Aas. h3«t€AUS:AAbelcau~fcWe exe 4 gpeamaraxziefgaamscomzacmg max; 1 sermaxzpreachéd l§¢af"nrétbeHou}a.q;~lrgem A vcnt by flying out of their __figl1mSu7ch cotmffttll Ry»- Vw Gcngimsa 31520 A mix c11c€:anaaln“i:»ss to 1' poylél him inofwn lvficta gives to 11¢: foam: 34606 to gavel ~t0A,‘.,l1a»r lvbrol-Q‘ they Ijlatéztiifl, 3*‘ till? Efmqs fu1Ajywc1'ec Dlvfirallndthcn hé migljrrk:tt1rnlin l’af::‘;ty;. - l A { A l % l=~;a;v~;.§.; ‘lmjpg (.'3j'”8:f:$AAi£ te’5jI.A 5r‘e:’.7ti‘?'AA9is?~2’A)*‘..ll A jaraé m-i,gl1t well think that that Gdd whicll W’.0L1lld~ mt fuflhr aj br1:r:>tler.er t0=l'1m.'~~t mm W thcml,~lwm1ldlvnot pe;_-..'- The fummc ofall is, as if Cock fhould A jacaé, I lGocl" .h1m felfe. V A A A x A lSec0ndly,ltfiéltlllitll1is' lofgétfulnefle arl AA occafioll Aof _ lmanyandlglreattrublesto theme [ l 'Thirdly_.;that Gocl wiwllzitl length rub up their me» A‘ or1cs,andput‘tl;eminmindofthehfvowles. ’ have fiid to ‘Out of which worllé thus 'l‘.t!ilfl‘f3l«ll'“€*"l.'lé,‘ afife nac;1ea1;,; A Fourtlllsz, ll vlflérmahprmcized éefare:be‘Hmfea,vpeer:.‘ 9 V Fouhrthly, that in hperformance eof vhowgs, and in 0éfer?»v.4§ h tini6sh*0f Réfrmation, hG*1" hmivowed obedience - L; 74136 paffeth thisfentence on him, that bee flmuld olz'a z";2;ti.;e" ohm! cf‘ that King‘ W{9Qf£‘ %c0‘L’e/mnt be /Md érialeeni. A VVHIA God be thus fcvére forxb reach ofax/ow’. made to a mom A t.:tl1man,and an hrs.-aLhc_n Klnfg, what will he-:Ndo” mthcho for W breach ofvowsomadeountohimfclf?V * AI: is time to coméro reafonVs forrhc prooféofthee A point; wherein I (ha! defire to be f0mxvh"at1.1rge,ihre« ’ gard of rhe‘~weigh.t. of the mattcnand tfie:prefex1t*rme*ci.;o 3“’*?J3ia I FirPc,God is%deép1y~offi':nded M’ fuch asperfo1?m not theirovows. And when God isjangryg what car}; his%chiI- drcn look for from him, butmthcblows 8: {tripes ofau aug; ry faothéré P «That A (3 od «is much d%ifp'1cafed with -{uch " Eéclcf 5.4, 1.6. V . \ A God gxves. no day.;~He that makes a vow, mufionoor dc- ferrethe payment of in Sec”ond7l.y, God calls t.hc‘mA AA ; pc%rfor1s5a'ppe3rcs by many‘ argurnéntfis that omaybc ta-o ken out of the fifth chapter of Scclefiafles‘. " For ‘ firm fooles that doe dc-ferore~.thAe payment of *‘vo¢ves, Apndo who doubts tut parents: are angry when tI1éy*give.; A {och terms tothcir chi1dren..?o TI1ird1y,he¢mféith,:Gad; barb c-/I ~Serm:m ygreacbea’ /3e_/Ere the Howflaaf’ ‘Peers. 4 _ T A 1; (24:12 lhopledfurel fig them ::tl1atis,llce is very azxgryg as in» tyhfrltl-1-irczl lconimandcnrxentfi ad nah’! not {wold b2:'7ngzltz‘l.; /e‘_/ii‘ A that tl¢.4~*e;tl; My mzmeiéa ‘vgtifl zxliargéss, bee will .l10l';Cl him! vcrlyllglltziltyl. And in Elie; reproofof luigfgns,“ 1:5’ is :20 H mm M‘ r§ooc[2(e2po;rz‘,w{‘21i-tll .l'1C,ltb41§' 1l’3‘ezz:«‘e :: tliatyis, it 13 21 S’C1‘y bad 0nc;F0r they ywcreyno‘ {mall {'1ns,t:l19;tgwercmportyccl of l tyl1nm',2;s*robbi11g God ofthc faclofy his 0_fl’erings,and 3‘ I Saw} 14; lyingwitht.l1ewomcnattlledoore ofjzhtt llflnernaclc 3'3"‘ ofths Cong-egation;l' So on the contrary,nwhcn the ‘ 42-, I .Plfallmi1Haith, £l1aEY God mil 7.401: defpzfle za awrrite amla 2+-Hal 51.11, A .ézraAée«2¢l«!:ea2~t:, he means“, Gocl‘:wil.l acéount highly of it, and 1.2.1 rgcly rr;*warcl it. FoL1rthly,l1c 12:11:11, I: M éetrer A mg: to (vow at 4/13 tbwz zzatltlo pa_y._ ‘V.\fll0lC1lO‘L1l csbut 3 man 4% isangry vvhen. he heares~‘l1iznlcl1iding nri::l1l his nnigh- V bour,-and laying ;, I had raltlmr youfnevm-y had promi... fed meyfnlclx agood o..tfi<:c, than to faxl when I Jookedl M f0rlit.>lFiftlily,l1e calls itfimze in plain tc1‘ms‘Sz:;j]'er mat -t/rglmous/3 to mufle trfiyjlefla ta .And is not God angry ag:l1i11 Ply Six1;l1;ly,itvis {nch 9, {inne :as.Gocl wxll not have c*ov€rllcdxvit,yl3 the Vail ofalnlcrror. Nair/Jern fay 117015 56- _{b;+-elrba -z’1"2F1g‘€Z5 tfmtlét um azzerror. Scaventluly, hce pro-« fcfl”cc,l1 expréfs_yly,~ltha.t God is angry atyit; Wham;/bra flaouZdGooZ ée diflg?’}’ mt thy 'U0_yce..3 Eig.hvtl1ly,lzcc gives a l realldemonyflration o:fGods anger, Why fbouldvee de- fin):/a_e 2z=ar£?~0.Ftl;2ybéuzdsl3. Isnot God angx-y’xvl1_e*11 hee laycs fnares for men as we ndocfor wild beafls to carch anddlefisroy them are 11:1}; :2 /mm: (faith Salamoirz) ltd tfr.-:4 zI>m.zo.:»;g.y mm 22:2/ya dewaurctbtbat wiaici-Ivy 2'5 lzally , zii16z":’l;]€t€7{” .'1?Q2WS_ to m¢l’eneynqu£ry.\ Ask”Dzwz'dl wl10_ rains {nares upon nn- godly mlennand11mvilltclly0u,itis the -Lord; “§£;2an‘1’fa1-1I-é‘- - tl2¢~lmi¢%='eld£7efhal/ min fimres. ll Ask Ezlléki 81 who l brings ccjvenént-l:>reaké1§s;~im:olnares, and he wml tell lyo11,l it 1/s.G’(‘J'd;: wi[;!fpréam(fim_y mety up on /9z'nz,; maafgz fwflazzll ée ta» h 131.6;-1<.17,g_; l l A Cl 2 " ‘ 4" lean V; V M M '4A=V~SewnampAreacb.edZqfareAtlJ»eHcméfe ofz»em~.AA ; k;zz,iIzA mypme. I s’ not God very angry wiA§I1“V.g1-{§f:A wm.x;x4. wI1o4:mAhc.curfat11? ‘We: read in <.7£rI;éAi:zc{22€, °»(’uArfm’Aéee. ‘#1 Ihagisgg A'“tbeAdéceimr which bdtbsép./aisfia:£r.,,a ‘3 =ma1a._,:wd rz2”c2zA:22j:a2?bAAz:zr2‘oi’ A A A: foufldmflc-A fzzqrifiretb unto me Lard 4 .rormpAt tbi22g.wAn_d aA..fir0n~g .15-:{[ez'[2{I':*oA€x:he ‘A E: ;._. 1~« A _ rea‘fon,yea d0ub1c0ne_is add¢d- Eirfi,beca~ufe God%isa A ,P1m=aasI . .3 . . A A A AA 195 14-8 Woolf, gt-eatixxrmandmllnot beAdaI11ed,w1£h by.Ah1s fu+bj&Aé’cs.A, {QT ?117t§3}£'t?A. M .WwAa..nAAAAAI And £'ec§o}'§*diyM, e.caufe%l1is4 Name is dr<=:z.«:dfuI~A1_. amon“ . ;,%4.AAg,-am. tVl1cl1iear11c‘n,and theArcfo1;e,f11al1Anot be di{honore%dby;1‘ :3:/$03 A his zvfl people. Gad keeps Ac0venantA faiI;iifuIly.A,'hAin1-Q W-I-,,1_1,A,,AA%,A_ fclf. '‘‘He will ewr £53 2-22.imA1’jzaZl ofi}JAi$< co-7.)emzAzzt. &G'0ds co-L-3 .% Venant i$ .CaIlCdLMrzV sizzerlaflimg go-*zJem1Ai:2t A, _:z1.!:~?MV*.«f1% & cAa*zAgg22;z22r%~—AAA of [4115 2 Ac'i2raz2..Az 3‘ 5 . And as..me;1wi10 flriétly keegday thewmfe1veAs',atc foAone:flancr1~.y with {web ‘as;doéA_: not: fa A ‘ A Gods caAre of kcep_ing~, wifi nuakchim r;%A..fl13FprCV€11g(:r»A ?A'%-‘E2-:;!:«3AA7-s“9.A ofbreachof covcznam: in others. F—ATfil€jV€fi’?C3 was _{aitv‘J; ‘ tbev LAMZIA ad, A9 I lz'12_ei,fz.Me{y.17¢izze. oat}?-triad: be imt/JA 11:»,- V A j_ivz'feai_A./zizd zm cawizazzr t(m.tA/2A.e!mt/9 .6r.QkA£11,,__ei1€?1 it Will? J’ A A 7‘g:.'?~0772P_.efil.5€ won /mum imzd. 7' V4 .RAmfa;zA2. A : SecoAnd1Vy,G0dfw:wiAlIbri1:1gmAan.y.tr0ubIe:s t1pcm,ncgA-3 ‘V 1: (Stars of ,v0wes,,beca_u.fc Ahis.C hAurc:.I1 ..2Amd. Apcoplc vv4&a*@A ‘n are-near and deer u n_1'.QIhim, Atnay both be '0Ff‘¢Anci€d Aandw hurtthercby. No do£1btAA-it.svas _a,grea1:~gricfe tAQ David ‘$312. Satx‘i[2.x.I.. a.:Ar_;d0tAhAer g,Qd1%y.mA<:n,7tha£ $ 15%;! shad =bmkAen. %%thAcAvow.A j’ % "' A Amadc to the (E/”?£é‘eo22it4es aAnd.,iAtA a%pp€.8drCS &~ri4t;AAbr0I3ght A much nfouble to Vlfraé/,;ev£:,n a V. famine" of fibres} Aycare-5.. o.ne:fu%cceedi-mg anmlmr. ‘ 4 I Rxeaflyzz 3, Thirdly,G-Aod raifueth'uAp encm§ix':sto._ thafa tlietiz; §‘f~1udg~ _x‘ 6.2 Q. neg1cé’c~w.thei.r v02v*es,aAs% the “AP .’aA2!ifZim;sa1;ai.:A1fl; dA7?Z,$?AfiIta?§e. A 30 here }acoAavas%afraid lei}: Grad wouliiI13,vedoAx:1etI1seAA: A b ’ 1.i~ké.to1)im,asA.appcarcs inthefjend ofthe A-CAha;p+«. met. And theft“: czmcmiqs God makcsto doc “his work; w.hcmhe vrhink ?;*l3cydAthcir own. The I§‘ingA-of%1?aéya " lg; th0!3g{’h§C;W®n‘tA%0&1ilyVEQAA11(f§Vfin.g@ hiqwn A'qua1:re1:cAjAm ,A. V .11 AA A A AA A . EAAAQAA -H‘$er1mazépmcbédégfogae2%Houje%4wf ,J’Ws % V A A ”th’e’King’ of %1zm’.a!25yer11e%bri;ngs Ilimé i%mEtro&G'o»d~s m:‘t%fOr iEihk»«.7V7.w« i’. *a_ puV1ji:{hm em:0f;l1is pC:rjurt1*11y“,'beoaufc tA°hre.rie.is a.rIl‘mf:s= In. ;5::‘;;#m9;%7:a;;;;i5Arc¢1i1%=w:c:m‘flaiste cum. not ‘per gram} A A*bo”th"%t!:se ing "313 ::l? £11 %f3iéi’Vd¢ifl‘§~5 M‘ fe"—’V‘%’*E5f‘7:W §§0f‘i};$hE .».nzra* iHum . thrgfcfief t«’h‘<§%Comp4%Z2aAz*fi2t ‘elf Hr¢v;agg.awy.¢, ;1fi £n:H'£-’,%. in ¥;,?J.+,’_ét§:*1‘:- f¢?.I‘§l.!;fl’&m*: mu . V % . _ _ _ V ‘: (V .. :ofdc:72, mg Itf'.IV~-- 720137 H3 ._.,£1fld 9 ti}? 1,’ (Q 1%! «L7 C’ :7 5‘i«‘2;?2 33 £301" 3;” d’“W54’5?"5’ ”f4t1'.j£7 +wzti9~%bere4t£a£v>eafi. %¢jV«:-.»::z,, tih m fin vm~s :;?.mus M .e,+. 713571 :2: vs» f:7:9::fr¢rif$:[::::57¢. , 1-y hegxthen 5 P hé4n.Vm..‘1ue.VVCLaa»r:{s:¢zg¢9w¢iaz»7.2z5%««u?L».a .l%<%;‘..~2*M »&;fi¢»$e "" 1 “ “-*“ %vg-qg;:»:A%E4mba A 4 A pgamg;:»,fl A ., A A A .. VMl0:%adf¢Affirc%"~%*d0nc31t10n3%-'4 Ofmka 1ibw3‘c>_.. ‘ Q‘ II<::’l«~;rc..fi2 ' % 2'cdr1:7d»flTer,. ~ % T G7‘.ecz3' "mfiriv V .1/e[liflm‘a;,%_ A XcnogI1§:J4.‘;; ~ pefircqzzétzgrgg 6 W';£»"I..rw% 3/1/19 ~~9‘>2v'¢z’izvr7‘2 2;/(‘If " <1!» ' ". ' to ‘ ' {?c:«‘j.trri0 %I)e*a_%5 : fihi fig/6'/3115“ vita: Agcfil. 3‘ I «r-zrfitnti-'jz21"/*zz2’;£ F . fi*:!fi'li:z 72w¢2§- ‘ 72,5: expat": Y‘ wmczzpcclii, mwzzzzwzgtw ;- »- cc{crr‘im2z, fin’ A’ tamm znjzm 'm2'z.4m dim; fz‘i7'pc';¢;fiz7zz[£-‘- Zm omizem i2.2*.I:jZ*m71.‘. NBC. V ChV1'°fl~% Imp" Manuel-iv ~Cm:n_ of their_vQw¢s,w Iiad ‘£111o.rnA4~1tii1a?:r~.ii:1*"that Fh*ory.ft~ime1h:: w_OuI;Vd p4r%€T)curc 1i—g bc:\rty forczhe Gmcian Cztxcs 1n.¢1_/zzz ;.Vbut0%_c_'om:r,ar%yA to“ v ‘ * .§‘er2*,2a”22”pretzitl2ézléMa7?e'tI2éHoufc,cy’Pe%ef5§ A A A A peacqkonfc ~fVI.tl1e?VfS:ci};a%1=Qrs 4dfi‘c'rxdr.f<%:1+‘%at.-Ltheirj¥A,~fQ;;mcp~ A Pm-‘iU1‘Y> demaflds 53’ "‘Vh3"~“G0d they W0U%1:d%fiVa¢a%raf%f0r 4 ” . i'“hey‘I“1addcCcived ‘t 110 F6 gbds by whom) "they ; had "jfdr~ $132:-1:;/~fw'c>rr:}.4;/afiwéalazzfWe1*s5bythe fame ;Gods 2113: V ficio I1<:;:.~¢:k~:h‘%u*"A‘%on r,hc:m;tAha1: break <:ovcz'1anté:“ VV I155 53 % _ . ?”::f/]?azir2laV%eri¢e.s'%V i13.d:,;0bt.3inf::cI :2 1:; Um: frO%.4z5£?:’A‘} gefi'l4m,%»»%a1;d his» oath ‘g?a1=l1cred "fou1dieArsAAtVo fight agaifrnfc him: Ageg. _/il;;rzz¢-.ik1€*%pt:~% the rim C6113: i:*.¥::%lET*r;I*1‘§i r=irz1cAc=:xpi;:c;ci5 and t%I1,§3n*V{¢~:at a‘ me**fl"a.g#d C3f4th;a:L‘x1cs‘V“:tt) .iT1‘Z]Z3?['?(9\@,?:77 85- "359 $1113? b yfi his perjquy ryrhechad ri1::ade*the Gtads ::his1.enerriics, and engaged them roxa,fi'i& the -greci:zi2A1"$’.1".CI1}".iI1 £116 W&1‘- A ‘“ \/Ve read alfo tl1at;o{1*eE12ic:£diaZ¢s,' going _t.oA._c11quirc%: at » t11eMA4Q,ga.+ : ck: bf ‘D elplsrax, received an ‘ anfwcér ._,h_ _T!mj1: pgrjwy %z2z¢rj2:e$aV2é§.zz22‘* ti/1 itfmd rootedfomt all /M5‘.~‘1)0jz‘eV_z'z‘_)%.: S0 adj, A Tour; was t%hi.s°fin to men altogethcrignorancof tluetrmuc G%od.And‘d0wemarxre11then—,that G”‘odfcnds p1.a‘g\;;_e_o,? A 4 upon fiis%:~peoplc for negleéfc ofvows nzédg-3 ZO¢13li(13fE;,l%f‘f.§' V A It is -n0vW£”higl~I time t"0C0mc to thfi*'thi,‘f,d» Obifervatigg cm, which is this : . G &v%iAIl5§tlé'wn%r:‘ub up the rié 3 %fer-3 A w*Goc:‘I*% d~<5t‘l1 ntAfl'raightWay‘d€‘=1iV6f L.'7'rw05d men M S armors prenawecz a:eforelnwelf1~azqe , of _.M'er,:. ‘ A 1-]. God rubs their mem0ries,firPc,b‘ytroubles’, cala- lmities,Fc-rarolwars:Sohe deals here wi"tl13aco£». lBje11;4\ A I \ Dei_f[age/la, wars are Gods‘fcourges., And parents, of?» tentimes maketheir child ren callto mind their faults, ky:takllingl?aw}va4y tllleiirlvié3cuals,andlvvl1ipping them» V g :_S £condl1:y,if the: heartsof Godschildren Abe nlqtyet {O intelligent as to u11derf’cand Gods meaning byllhis blowsghe will open their cares, and tell it them in his :17 A I . Meanml 2 .M’e.»m:. A Word ; Sophe dotllwluere to ]:m6,l1etels him his fault, ‘ A l but verygent7ly,hedothfnot uplbraidn him w'ith>perju+.— A ry, not <:alIhi»ma v&o;v~bre%ak_eIr; naylnotn fo muchas names lhrs vow,,hut 1r1fimJates*1tr2ther,that4Iaca£ might A fce,G0d fought not to fl1amehim_.~, but to amend him. ‘We mm not 1001; for fuch revelations noyv: but ‘God oftcnmeetsx-v1th‘us tn t~hc»m1m{lery of lus hWord, and V malt;z'ey$~. This was thé -met 1md«w¢oE tihsc zmmant; ‘1?¢2mMzs5as~s .D:£+;4a%z¢yfz:zM AHalVicam.4W[. M 6 few; rep o~:r»vst;z"£¢n ;, i‘e<é,'0nd;3j;~y_'%, , Womb”: we ;tem;pem1:Acc and 1r;1.(’:%»41c.e,mA, pcgcc;A AAth1rd1y,» of m1.1~1tm*y agJ‘z:zewwvW; difciplinevin waif. The Rmafzswere carcfull of :1'7e1Wi%g.«§»-~ VA on: in ache; fix: pléa c@,;*m p r;m?1de.d 7176 m}p1e“‘s Aliza rs « A vmuvzilmv '”2"iP~Wv?@M5¥€ . 7.; W . M . - . . 3,;,m,5.m-,u.,% ; form t hem: «Cums; ‘ar1«;‘l t1uVs~:.stI:scy~c0;1 caved .120: =.bmv%-a;;ma4nn ~33 'i=‘°?W‘"' ‘E36 rrsafon of?-the Mtge» ?eAxtét:t%~o;fI;heir VEmp%im;. ‘ S01c2ma}2 ‘~w'rp5vo:azv% V 9219;‘ 7'03 «$522: Aernflacatymp. 15956 WEAM-,2 am _,more wcxrthy tabs» rVegard.,edi#tl1en 0uAt~fe:1ves : Ttherfo ire dgxav awasA:1ong¢e}r%~infbui~1din*g ms: «rm/27f hon Fe :3" bu ,he4buiIded . -_ . .»a,@xm‘az'a’»» Ggzlshoufefi?rfi3as:i§zz;p$rpears5Ir§’(z'fig%7};fI..% _2;?A(7”'0??%«34»4~§%I§ r ”’F*01‘ the re‘afon4s*4b'rieLfiy»&% T*“1+‘}3:fi:ri327§:i,3 5:be'Can{6_G is ‘V’ Vthe 1 A [ fi,$&€¥‘?}§a}z]2f&2g§&t2ié&;fEir¢Atbeflaufe af.¢‘?eté:?'s“2.; 1i9 A the? ioimf Godw if”$.‘C;9;1lICdA37:’;‘717i6‘£ firffi &ia:m'great ¢?ammazxd_m-=:ex Ma...-. 2.‘ 3y, n¢%e%i2?t.%~:AM%.aVndrwerare ~*<”:0Arf1an;dr:d ta !a~veAM%VGbd with VA M Ao;z“m 33»? 9! A A /flezamfaule,“ and g2zind,bu~t our [elves and ouraneighbours in a lower degree oflove like wthe7f0rmeAr,buttn0t equal to "ift..,; ~ From -Godwe have; all that ‘we AthaV'e=Ii¢rc3 “on M hopeAAfr herczafter,-,—a1A1d%thefountain muflzbc 4prefe‘rxed4' A J before the ftreams, the {ca before the;-ivers4~.; V' A h»eif=:c“ond is, becaufe that is our. cam proper!-y,L.5‘a Rezzfan 2 Igazgozmaad; It is Gods care to. Aprovidefor our fouls 8:‘ bodiesmoftibut that we rriay ufethe Arneans for thegood: 4 ofeither;,V1ookAing~ forgblcffing A frfom God 5 but A%notjn,= ‘ tiieA%A‘fir{tV'pAlaCe : our prune care mufl; be for god: gtagy. VV~hcnhc;{hpuId cakc . gate ~;oA£h1sA:“work , rand }}e.a:\,7 c thccarc OE p1TOV1fiOflTSE to ma ma‘fter‘SO;i&0t.h"LG‘Oci look A for thelike atour hands. Firft obedicnccto God-,thenA faith ‘in God. A I have fione witli thg: ;;Do&'rinaII‘ part,7 and came to this Praéhcalla A A ‘ A Av Here is} firPc.o:fa1l,a ileffon of Humiliation "fit foltthe’ fife I - 4 daygto b[éwaiil»a.m0ng our;other;fi~ns,,ourAfluggifh nes,in not remcmbting~thofe%things— which concern our own A iéfety. Aam afraid;,1ePc”wcbe in _7emfaYem; cafe,t:han in y Luke 19.41. nhAis%guridayVwc kr1ovvnot5thethings thatbelong to bub pcéCc7« rAnd3~‘- maywe nbt than cxpc46tA*j’e”rufaIems enA%d= 9 Our ¢foAx= %AottenAvbWcs:,fl1ould_fetch G has from out-.» * g A hearts,a~nd t%:caj’rs”‘Vfmm~oureyes this day. Many of us( If dguc ~vmay,w11:h I?;£rarm1!2Vs%44B4ucI;e r, cry‘%out,?I do remem- wc;¢n.42:.'g:;?¢:V~} é4rAmjfai;Alt:‘“tbfl?dag’; ‘~ANecp, I«:befcecI1you,thatA refer-i-.A atAi€m'*foAl0ngfinrte vweAd,gocsnofafier on; It is av» I fi nmhé Abody .15 mutfh out ofAA~Ordcr, when 1' f0 Pcrong 3 ; surge am 3N:at:Ainna%l~ vow and A: AAAAovcnant%*works nA”o bet»: 4 gandlet:thetriAWé:cApinnzfltwhoardigrcate Maud nxcea reA1?é%to¢God, and fa mOIfl:vcmcer.r71cd in it. Lordly”t:ea.rs V ma.yibcc9meA'th1ss»dayAas Aiwell as comonones. We;VareA W4 M D Amer .m1I%m AA AA forthisyven§\,let:ds;Ar10%t'tni"fI7eA I A A A ; » labour of ibis daywill lit. 4 I *d0t1bt7":nOt: %but”evaAry A A A ne ufus,evcn‘thc gyeateffand the be fir,may% find foemcA- “ Deu%t.4.9.. I 0, 20. 3’ PIELI2 4. A I332§° . fljfg “A9? A z~vha%; ,i:1sAourA.fe‘;1ves;, that may hinder our vowed rcfor-1 A _ ma%tim.An,‘i£w;zc:wbul»d f,e:$t6kAA*we1l4,«iAnm our (own fm1ils.~ The; Lord; {haw :i:t5’ us; wzmitt ear: r it bét, anAd.Agivc" 115; grace; ;to M repent ofit’; A ' ' A % A 4 itfe>2;. ; y S.ec0ndly,hcvre"1s é%lefl‘0r%1i (A35 Meditation. Think Of? 4 ten o1fy0u"r'vo«.v§ ma c::ow::nan%wt;forA the reafon why men, A efpccially good men, heglégft it, isg becaufe.:t:l;;cy Vtyljinkz»? not oftena.r1d»A1'c:tiau.fly of it. 0:13 nsaviour =AChriftA *poi‘m:e%d the BrcadA:md\/Vine min the Sacrament ofrhe. Lords Supper, F to be the fignes' an rememra nccs of hisA.d’eath Ato“ us; thing {"0 hem: ficia'lfl.%i%:txjrA11s:.m3Ac t;Ah,inA1"c ‘{hé>t1IdVAneedho4rcmemb ra1nAce, but»fl1ou1d;a1ways?* beA“Afrc.f?z: in our minds; «So .fhou1»d%0Aur; cCweria47r1r,?tha1:.} hath provfédfind islike to prove f0 béneficia.1'1}T4t0reiéA Kingdoms 5 yetwe had need o‘fte*n ‘-to" 96311: it at@«»A-mAinad>.% 1 by Mdfei often Ca’H’Vs%"uVpOi3:%th*e*7IfrMlite§Vin ma %%WiI- Adernwesg to remember *7tVhe Athings which they hzidi» feed; and mm: to fbrget: thegreat things GAfoAdA%AVhad;dn»«e for ; ‘tlwm. Sure1’y,we»hadAnced? ofm-,n-toArAgéAl1"nponAAdL1»1fi,vymA; fouils, t D.. “tA1i1imFA*k‘: of om} jkiot-h:$A A:Am*aAzc:§‘?&'AAf mrmro ; 1-'b§ym‘igA4 LA . A God; wAe:Tw0Ulc¥ b1*:.;i0Ma%t1Mfb2tt%’ f}G@d> ‘*ffiwu‘ld >fm:gs=:t‘7.» covenant toA..AuAsA, 3? Our Aezzs~zme«sA wazzld t‘ben,fa%w‘""%AV4,m4!Mw:Vm A .V\7hy dc) wAe$.then forget our pmfv04fVt1m=mvenam4 9 A he%"reis~Aa%le{Tn~ QF’;JwAk:nafi&¢’ei:{§emgm;tQ.te§éLfi-A u3:Art:t‘%:4 i=n1mitc anycmmzinuanr;€VbAF“”ourA*Atmijbks ;.tc3;,V»m~0mT=i‘* neg’i_Ieé’c an ffou“r%‘cov'en:mtAA 2, very few havej‘meh%“*A dii félvtrsg few at 1: hm 1:; flies , and '5fewe?fl “:i10*f = all 1115313 a v ‘A deamured: tb*‘AameAn«thk ’pubtiA and dfl“ rr«=Afifw~7-{tori W . V ‘ r aé ‘ILO fan celmi fig. med; feckaandnotfinda knock, andfino I11 nwx pen I f 1 . _ Frudj:ai.ii;vIna rev A f cjuatcnam: w 10 e :33 evvcrc: exp:- pm 1"» « w'»A to you. Had any 0 y guem pergfdiu 49%- md his rent not paid, the hflffl run to ryuim: ; ihhee gm';,xam,«m m. A, A % AA _ dt 'fm" Es” Ould fugifox 3.; new leafs:,W01llAcl y¢e,n01: af1_fWA'e;Vr,A Ray ‘'°”‘ “W c./amjkm muemn. A A a V f At! AA Htalk W““”“"‘* ‘- A V4%AyA0u;,;o1¢i%%Aren: firPc,andr¢pa1rthehou e, A1enAAAvv1l gmmttr pal er dr- *th you ‘Qf a ‘new leafe-P Such an anfvver may y~ce~ look r»pp!icer,vrWM- vuacum mm me for ‘fa Oda yec‘ your A _COV€fl3.“F.)C wt“ crepatimc race-‘ vAa*r~e your v0m‘tA0G0d5 Whi¢11VY¢e*‘m3k9 “%i“%”5’°”‘5’1‘3f,:' §fi’'3‘g-';;:? “:3 ,A,fii¢gfi0ngp?HAat1aGodany A need gf A ahefifieiggi ~‘§,;‘;,,o§ in 1,233 ] ”‘ % ’ . ' "AM A A- ‘ » d “ ' drum’ at W. !Ag0Odby&%t1-mm; Thygxfms rgqtilre 0, :-A A A P - mx'm‘:- 06' be: :3 A V _ ' 2.5, ,. ‘ A-ti1Elt.JAt%h0U bfi re mmmvmmu ma 1’: fh1mAA1~nthYg0 a A .. A _, AA.-t:hY1J{i;Lvm“ 1?h3Fth0“ mayf¥Lb¢eflad0Wd: with “hY:0"‘m ?£?2i““' ”‘ ’”“ 4.: ma aura, . _ . . M A1; ; h " %t % ' ._ }?f tuouirew C'1Ogthe«dV1n hing ‘ " I ‘ argeruta. Mfi rm‘: % ' I’ mo/'1-:'ca ‘vafiiaré Tm’: dom'a«rmm mu’! 13¢iI1‘-4’351'!l**"”“1"”}"”+"'~A‘3"3A‘:"'”’*’i“""’ ‘“" -/7"f"”“"'~' ‘M’ _ ten 11 % % A - ~ I -A _ ‘ 1 5§:1?$:e:$?:-:.£ag;;,¢, my [uxr¢r$'ac.'vifI0¥4£1‘WW“m* V31¢"3“'F”‘ A A. ” A * aodAV W» _ . .A . - ‘V - 0f 91.6.” . I vidéd that he; 1-epaud M: at his day; fo m1ghth€ bfi 501d :rfu_;':cu/fiemtle“ A Q “s s'“m»waanpr&&cbedMweMw:“eHwweof*mm; ’ A A ‘T~Wm11d%lmvE%thyefmz¢1A*£7et«.;31.1‘a5Arizléi-;Afwith fh*§”"‘ gfiff§4.' A” it is Ae:@*Vtrxa¢?p4‘a.‘en*l”°w'imiiLpn§idc', : Mék cd[n:éfl7e___ “W % r*covVc%'to,bfnefl‘c50%:‘lux}i?VryA.A% ht «téhdfligln our difchaxge Vfour v»owesA ge1m*c%VuEs free acccflb to God m an out um. .¢“mW"“°‘ ‘?1A%“%?*95% ‘( & .. whaen. the reck.@n:.1;ng«1s~«ca{?c up, Qwc 1.fhwa1I« hind A~tVAhv.4am w‘rem. k A »che?c%mende1ivm~ed b God,hawc'.notw ith the A 1 P] $429612 upfikeVLfapwA%VA?af‘f¢{*vamin bu t”?bt7o£2f£¢3io;2;%‘f,Gd’ '”gi.V?'g ‘W7 i gxa ceito ear {rm «ulr tmows betm and! t_ d:net1m»em.be4i~ ;9_:-hatftThe;LK5;'1"5I§j&1lis5 Q .1n*V£imeV%da7€r¢oizéle,4u«tam; m time: 3‘@‘W3‘mi’*‘*‘ f.B.fib9s£”&« .' _ ‘ty,as to vmvin adVvemfij;~y. « A A. m.m God, "btit a1iAgo0d¢co% us; »xe_@vV;£rmtian,$a«a;/fig §nd“?be%21‘s%f0rW%aV?r:d t$ pA"ay;:A %pm%fpg;:i_ A _A ,¢:%é5M_M ; I=§;f~;1113i;ihr:re i»‘s‘ar1eff0~n$o,f Gmtalatizm; ?Let:usprai:{eV " 7 *Gj'od4 t“h'3:t.vV*il1n’Otv‘i£e:r u§_pe;i¥h£§y"%a32eg1cg€1ing¢mmhéombr 4 ” V *him‘%by—pe*1uVr ’ forgerf i21ne+fl’e and uni» m4hank~fu1neflbmrou1du11"*1eave to'Ad{peakhoAme%.‘ ‘I ‘have: I0n'e%npetitir"1i t0 1 Putu‘p~t":o»y0ur L¢»rdthips5ifAyVo*u d cif1~“§rwi*t¥me",a1‘Iflialélxfie AA~%m:eve4rA?phe w®rfé»g%1%f:y~‘Bfg&*‘@nt it me._;you{hwa11_be_vmuchthe A \be#I:.te~1'. 55:.-ififl litiis” fihisg, t:ha‘t¢fVyc begin pA:ti'tiVcti"*IarA‘a»nd pexrfonfifll, and fitfld wiiha g£:x1e1?2li anjd V 'rEff0»fmVa7tfi0An. A g~od»sl“y: fr ‘time to 7co‘%me{ in 4~Cat~n’¢flg‘and%?bflenE)twmnteAnt with fhewes bf “gQdlz‘in~¢£T':, A mmore thEn«i%ye;are~4wiAth “th¢%{heAvys‘of honor. Ifnitafii A fi*grw£w~«h!are,wbci'E31g4caIz1:ed‘%tp’4fmf¢rm,V%%h~Ae not-on:I;y memds. l hiefm-xiv mIu=~r»r~iFAhé 'vir::$%admOni{hcd.;,bi1t 9;IforefOrti1s4 his A AmgfamiA1y,:AVAm&k¢sVthéAmApW8W~y‘thgitfMots; “nail; Va A AA A f £13; nA[¢AA mg,-m fflAws5andA*chani“glA%:*?:itlwexi%r Agziiirm dfifagw hit: %wAc V‘ Agn ~ A.qx!_»S’erma2:prMc£reu?é.ef07‘éF5?Héfifi a A A ‘A y 4-, A 92 fi»rfi.z1(£rzgjig2,an dprdrtiug oz: rigbteazwfrget. A AAn7:AAi:1firumm3t;sdatiA ¢ A war make gAood:AmTv?iick an c:sci*1Aer*s,tAi§ %irAAbe4puAninAA mne it tam! Anbvrr «look mi {as any man a ‘mhmugh-» refb rrmgng AtAh’wAt.eiAs.A’n0t a godly man. ia‘AwiVcke&m,tn;,AWilsmvA¢Ar bet a£r_:AIA'idA of fatimnht'wo2?kAmAf' A AA-A,«g{m;mAAA;mig§1mgfivm-,3;A1a.fh ~1;;iAnmA-Alf (jg h§g;:;1::mAA aA*gc1Ad1yAmam had im- Lhér Apurgé away his oyvn: {'ianSA5thE'II1A‘(§:.thACWr n:IAeAm{« Lik;-aCHAafiita§lc A A ‘ * .p;hyficiar1;that:is wfilmg w*hca=leAAihr$ pUAm-e nctg1wb%ma4rs5Vbut .wé‘A=A11l fia:i1:h*réaAla:‘3hig§1fc1fJeaMA LhisA£am'i§3r. A CtraxAAity;A: It hc5z:f1y,;A "Ab figqinwt AA1~mmE:A.AA: Hr:sw.,gahr w'cj;th:mk zymkr:AT;AoArdA{:l1iq9mave:chainiany mo hjesal A AA A A that mc*nsfau1s,i£AyeAhave m:xAncAAi tAym:£AAA1ciAveAs;A cw: ;yaum;;E Haonouiv A A A I yam! pIaces’m0 rgtflin srmrn:ApI?ac3é§+<:an ihdndutymw. AB-gemmfirbcpr that Ta!mz:%iim1f5.2yiug;Ar17¢ myAg,A,gm; aiggfmy mama; in m_rn!l9s7?A gar"... * V mmtAflm!lcrea1i:m¢.Aw" *AC;oum“Apicty ,yqm-A.5g riehtéii rAAis';iAg Maw find A ’ Mm;:mxh1ay%wEEl.,h2mm* as EA§uAh§;~S¢iéuQhb‘0m6F A ArEAAi.v;fi:.§n0i$ieA;m;m NHZS in%th::.K1t::gEla"ru,‘AiA«???V;€er£& z22si~a*i:rxa;h;'1i%a¢.flGA?Ii1*t’c A v;AAéw.rmlcies;Ai:nm filwfi AA? * AA A no Gi'adiA5anc}tbringAsA:Achmm naéfisfi my AHM1 Arfléwhic gtemcm: pr¢:f?'Em- Shah» F0154» I tmemrcajufi rzhis A7:w‘oml& afforéfgm Afih.x%c Awuich its to cum"An_G;;eaci5(3M.?hza‘ uha6m*§1f%edA you: with “tEtsA.gmAsm& A;AaI¢ms;mndAiA'mxpcEc‘s em greaté&AAwccdunrr%frb&n iyAouA;A Vflwmr and " Luke;-1Az_»48‘.A A "AA‘“59?wmi“!gpa‘A*u0gmh)¢ri'Th§A’£aAirER5$t&ed)mu1%’filflwréfi‘hig.‘Sa‘d€tk€§‘*Em’ 'G""”‘“”‘ ”"“A A 2zar,fie:J.grzme Ahuhéimr Tllillflfi {mar irwbm rflw. mm 11? re“ wAf2%[3i4*:tfg_m:s:c»:F£:uv*c Pmm Wm V ‘ A =m*an5Axh;;gAm1fia5ur:w«¢%:§1*m1:"fl~t1en£é*a?’£i;tz3ums?@fl¢éfhmimrgaafme 3/; ;,,,,m-,.,AA ’nf«hpmqimt1giIEr§'£:rv%.%i9rm.%A$Y’¢1§uAAld;d>1@ A Grcgdn E« A m'tco;%vanRpfiaauc$@%ds;5loofl?1fbflAm1J£wfrpxfiIA§1dfl;i¢bawmI:Mhm:e£ Axis v:!1g-H°m- w langwgr fiwwrdév AfindAem;h‘AfAAwhAAi.gMfl Agarwmmg ‘ ' A met: aha: li5‘ghAAA§mc1»ti@ mm fifiieki vhbAarasaxn__tA?esAA:ALe;t A A..ncatrthaA®nnimTi"in%Eu?t+'guets &fi:3:baypm¢¢e§naméABm- norabl 6 than yom‘iw§hemfliL9£§7§@!TwM§§AM"JMw vwai ;AinA ?f43T 3 M"~A* rcgardV‘oFyAAour power, give us c'auicAto {my (0 too in regard of ~ Ayour ho7.im:fl'c. I bcfeAc.cn you rakc away from us all bccafians of Court-idolatry. Teach us in you to honour men more for their A A worth then for their AA cdgncfi I .5: c$":0;_AL.AAinoAc how 5‘ cordiafly to “P M-1-AT-+e"% Abonour a. proud Ha“’:mfi?n,a“‘“A1o AA An 5;; &°AAvetous Nabal. But we A A AA ran Izzy oar heads dov» n at Lhfi feat of religious Lords to doe thhm A . A A A A A A good. ; #33 rpm 3+"-?!5~’m?33""3 pr ma W ...‘.««:.:p:,~..nv.".:~::z'.‘mrSY«""“m" ‘V “ )“nV‘)‘\§v"“ ‘ “mm ya:«‘” e”2z cH£d£ef0réAt&bé.%Houfe$ "cf e}m.»_ flmnmur S4!.q:‘fi:m“ rucpicy.4%d Jéw:e;a~%~Td*e{ fiody :w; M %1fdb*ing;rT‘h¢yf:ri%w %Ai%s"vM*“5:ke a%wV%hmufe'?Awithmu:mfmznd a.»,_ Axiom. Garry yanir ial%ves19«, that Lcrfis onlearth gm=ay{be1VS%amg;sin heaveh. “fhat h“n5n:011r~w2%l1%lafl whmyaur Lordfl1'ips arg;:gunAc, and mrhcir kimyial ties-A x:«hat..:m”a~dc. ym; Laxdsa. ‘' Pr0m7t%his;pqerfi:>mll Arefarw ’%mzMi0a1‘prdce€%C%'With:%»t:Qtfifom:~mt1d%~é:Qura%g.cz% té’ the: pubflick. We ~a me%;%meVc.:n‘QWAf£bé humblaiburfbules befom ftihczifitpream Ldrdiofheaa 7,yg‘n :% ;a;g;“fi~;Vgarth, tic pray ~ twolhxgnto‘c¢af'c~;a11 four troubles, and to j;:m]kgaw5ay*%%t;he:% igreat. gc:a1oufics%[ anfing between thE:” tW0 King... A kdamesj A;17Ltbaf%tbn~plors: of thofc that:wouldV {ct ~ ustogether the mggsafandg ;mfa:§;,e*::uur%.warms;.worfc than :ever;~ yen ::heyA WEi."e,t may ‘ %buiIA$d an:A1tar to me. Why fufier you (om: tombum»y~.deer<:ft Soz1,an$dvybfur oncly Saviomaof his Deity, and “ . 3 ‘any ;0fV0;11u ’ fcmramzs, giver A xo:wmng om:;ahbthcrA;A :. A gycfur faccgéxailer upbnY!0~u.Ind; “ «:mmyw;&thou warm npuni{h.c di? :W:hy ,V4y_e; om-:rs\‘in*%* V prim: to rob me of {:3 faAndwyt:.a15r:~s:,%oE ma*ifm,; fliould have in %hvcav;n; ;s*b:y%*iay»1-:- _ xlwrfiriE3.&mF3%u5?krm&I17m'3d’€..1$cr%f¢& %aflcepAA“E1‘fl1 thg_in;~V§t3odi:sA till the day at fudge macmz P {uffcr ye ache1:s~icoA countenance haflimihnnctf’ bf1znc1eannefl'¢and% pcllutions of marriage-by ;.maiCn«« Vrtainin:g’3%;la wAfu1ncflé.ofputAtingaway mans wives, an?<;ltaking=d%- :th~m£1:::xr 1icaufc*:s:;which%I&‘n'¢vcr%;$allnwed F: Whyvflsaer ya bdoks »b¢«pIpin;ec1 urgdmz c;g1ou&r,~ofmaintainifig »11ib%errEy; o’f”Acon-fcicric£+”~' for the mleration of a1l«iort;s ofihcréfies andb1afphcmc5us%re1igimiz°sg. that may in izmyown ; :u1d*%be~,m§mfe j%ealoéus%of haaurV;:th€g1::;thev}z2?¢“;.; A fikcfiepas~%S.céwVamd~:hat flwu1d;“dea1e%faichIdlly»»‘%wi~:hwan: »mh:zi:4y:e1ho _ embe4.'§§fe ;yo‘ur< g»c>uc$s%?%V'%~%£3c5nfider’ ofrhefcsmhingsg and tha Lprfirumfikfi Wu=@ub1i¢k*Rfiformrrsfhem m§nd;«gior4i0us#V%a1ike J “.4 ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ._ I ; ‘ .. ‘ ‘ an J’ »_ _ ‘W ...x N — “' ‘ M‘ ‘ \- “ ‘ 1‘ “ ‘ laVnd!ab¢VbjlVafph»¢mcdthe mywfaceVbyV