’ ‘ ~’R::z’etecZ by the Comitztmt Aflémlrled tn _ F‘; Wzzriitzmezztatlcat Sir Wa}ter ErIe,Ca.P., " » ;~ "min Skinner, ‘ mzaf'Sir William Strick- ~, "V 4 landjdoe fiom t/9123' Hottfegiwe tlodztlq ta Mr. Tayler, ar2dMr.Str1ck1andfi2r tloegmzt paizm they tobk 1'22 the tSerm0:t.c' they Prettc/oat! tiatk day at the izztretzty oftlais Hcmje at Margaretta A Wefiminn Pier, ( it éeing t/ae dayofpublick /mmiliatiem) and to de/ire them tbPrint t/aez'r.S‘ermmr. Amt they are to Iaczrzze the like priwileclge in Printing of them at atléertt zlntke l£I2@‘k_i2ed¢ttfuaVlly I94-rye ' H. E1rynge,c1er. Parzmcom. I doe appoint Scephen*BowteI§, and none other, Ed .P1‘im: my VSermon.. % R.f-KNV G I“ S T A. Y I. 0 Rs. AA a§%%§%%%%&&a¢%%%%%%%%%%%%% ‘.3 u‘ ‘_i.4". -. F ' . ,,;.:V. 1"‘ .,.~ ,3. , u_o- ..'f:- v s . ~ ‘ Churches o Plea . Asermon Preacheoibefore the “'7; Honorable Houfi: of C OMMONS A ata late Solemn Faft, in 'M4rgarets ; E A M K Church at Weflmin/%er,0é2*'ol2.29.11645. ~jo~;«% By rancis Taylor‘ Bin Pafiour of Tatlaling in ~ ' Kent, and a Member of the Affenably of Divincs. ~ A PSHAI. M.89. 34...» .n.1 W. ‘ , ., V.‘ V .. A h. , ., ,A,:;.=— ~ ~« - A ~' M 1*?‘ "5. " ‘.v - C -‘*'~.‘K'v- ., " ‘ Cr '9" I. V‘-, ‘.“'." g‘ ‘ -In ‘ t’ ‘ W 1' I’ .~. ; , . A " '5-1*‘ ' ‘ ; “‘ ' ,. ~ -- _ _ v I A A‘ . A -.1 A '_.-..‘~ ‘ I» ~ (*1;-. -!"- " I .';'-‘A W,‘ V .. 33‘. V ‘ ‘A ' ‘ ,_ ‘ _ ~ ‘ 9 -. av. Q‘. I'_ W . A . ‘ 2* “ . u .- “ , A H’ % ¢mq$mi$» » . .., m AA A .,A ‘ LA-‘<1; vs -‘ . .A ‘ . ‘ A, ‘ ‘I 3“ A ‘ ‘ ‘ " 1'. ’ “ '.,""'” The Honourab1teI¥1b1i1‘e of % V ‘ ‘ ‘ «. ‘ ‘ p ' v _ . "-. . A ‘ ' -A ‘ ‘ ‘ U. k .A A 4“ ‘ . ‘. AAflémblcd'inParl.ia.ment... mm“ 4~do~t¢5‘le% friviledge Mitt GM £8; _\ Aflowedmwn Dm/id,tA At/Mt izcejbanldfigért A.‘ . jvtbe Lard: imttelx, and ‘ am/ea large prepm... ' ration: for we Lords Temple. AA BM we hwzour no info} 4 peamzble Garuemmmt, V and-‘ta finifb the Tcm_p[e, Gad reflr;~vm!4. \ ‘ for Solomon his fim. God 64:17 /70mm.- redyouiwitb Davids portiwa, Honwérafle: A Seminars, drjd wortlry Patriots. Tee have fought the Lard:A lattcllmwitlagoadfuccfi, am’maa’.e great Apreparatiaxsfiwtlm 4 % éuildirzg af Goa’: Téwyle. ‘I l1—e.L.-prd V Adda Sdlom (ms part 1172-. #0 you; that yes may /mm tlzewmfiwrt ta:/2a[a1;yZ.m firm P54/jg ' in tin: Ct’-vii! State, and tire. /aommr tafaztle due order m $196 A Low’: Howféj; Ti)? flrwardfieflfi aftlr: Workflatmld ‘fillyom wt‘-tivne ‘courage 4“g'21ifl_/£411 dzfioaragements. A fl"/Ev: 7”aZmaa’z‘/t.r [mm 4;. AA Provqré, ’* When our fhooes are on, tread down the :~2‘7"‘1Jt>“t‘1II*J V Ttaogns. Ga 9:: mt %wlour._, I ;. lzefeec:/2 yorgto pull dawn all im» D‘??? 1531: pedimem t/mt /ainder‘truc Religian ar 4 faltdpeace. Ta incom *‘W‘3Ha1kut- awgg yam.‘ Homw: Ia fegmt 4 I/Vark, w.4i«.r the; Aféapc of Maj}: :';{fef,!°"‘79 A ~ A A A <../I-~% 3 A Mm';m..' The Epifflc ®ed»icatory. J 57 a.~t‘7’°WI "‘ P*¢fiWf#tW.f€5W6s%W””?*PW§"‘W”- i __‘_"i'7"g§ jbfily, ‘[13! we ‘Rf45é12¢5u,i; ” mazffgm “the lC€!.i*?! t£7m’ar4d‘t}3e clash," &;7_?;‘_ “gm Wéereéy 2:557 fF3t3.??2d1'8 fiflfflfiffi‘ p_£;:!34t gsaddz@aJ€:zom are <34:/555%’): T 33;;-1:33 wrazagét wpw: fly zz zyfiaaleff aisfii moderate zv'ay%A::f {gas/dang. F ‘ “*‘~3»”M’f‘W# W W9fn?’4 4% ”?‘?’~’£~f? W WW?‘ %&*fiW /5* Wé** W " ~ gr-we m«J@wZ[z‘5§¢m. swam *$:k3€fg?f€5. 1%: 352%}: afa cfiifiiazflerg 3'9 ;‘i2f@E&lz%»¢‘§$:‘.!7;§/«;$* 211:;-'22§s~~—%;f:7;it cmacéwaa’ zafieg mafl-zggfifa/I far % yew re &§<:;;4:'~', é§::*m?&.ta 23fefié9v3i*w.%».s=§'m¢y gam’ 4 44 :s:§m£ éy my fame: :9 S345 C{t'7j5%:*£{7 ,9 I five 6£ififf][j_§:€.2?3f?’££%7;$?fi', I33 the ?'5Eé‘:I!’.£ li9f_;;I éwyaisr yrasmemérwcer, ‘war’ érisszg Mat gféam M yaw mema:»=*ée.s', z2>:*;‘vi5.+% Mag ps$aféVza;Ae2?l4*t@L€3»q;ff; §’mz5P£:.£v:.;. ta}, ma» ' -ff In \ fa z:AaA iseterfwpt “ jizfig fra}za % .w;di=a2%+V ,y[mxV#;,; ¢mrfa.wr3‘%‘%:M&z’; 3‘ J .cos25lud'e%azadV*mw2afiz:% ” T" W «mu. m. %‘%AtV w;rw1*‘= grfimndLir::g’fé1{v‘§}mA H x M . . N U,’ . «V V‘ W _ ‘ ‘ ‘ y‘-“M ‘ 4_ W ' , ‘ ‘ ~. ‘ ' ~ ‘ ‘M’ ‘V ‘W ‘ ‘"""' W ‘ “ « ‘X "" . “*4 - in 0*“ « 4 11 A M. C i A i 2% *3: :* (rm ma ” » -; ‘V “.35 ‘ I .‘u ‘ " 7 ' V’-I “ 1 .. LJ‘. ‘*’§& :17: -0 W "0 ‘ V»: ‘"“"“" T M if ‘A Sermon Preached before the Honourable Houfe of Commons V at a late Solcmne Fafi. P3ALo 740 20. A Have rtfiaeé? mm M: Cmzmmt : Far the dark place: of tbs A At Emb, arcflr/Y of tie: bdditlfiflflifijfi.-Tfleltj. .,-— 5 A His Pfalme containcsafid deféription of the" forrowfull times the Church of God indw- ’.j A red, when by the cruelty of their adtverfiaries ‘. ,_ ' theyirvcre deprived of the liberty of Gods A _ houfés, and of their own. The name of A- ‘ _/hp’), in the beginning ofit, puts the; Com- men ters to fame trouble. For ifit were that Afr;/2,that lived in David: time,it mufl: needs \ thee ahProph”édticaI1 rediétion of the future troubles of the Church. For Dated: glorious Reign afforded no océafions offuch fad corm- fplaints. , Kt feemcs rather to beta fénfiblc relation of prelent tro£_1--d blast“, as3many_ other Pfialmes are; As Pficl. '52. when Doug com» pIai’nc.s ofDawid to Salli-uh Pj3zl.'54.. when the Zipbiml complain of him, Pjal.36.A when the Pbz'lz'flz"ne._r tookhirhin Gml:,Pflzl.57.when thee was in the Cave, Pfal. 5 9. when they watched the home to kill him, Pfal. I 37. when the people were captives in labile». Ifit bee RG8 "Q “ A AV%Serma2é Pregkhcd éefare tim Efwwrééife AM %n”é;t'aAProp%h“efie,%buta relation, kthen either i:"‘mn{i: beeAcampof"e&’ 1 bya later fljhpb, wha was an %e$ye~wi::nc{¥'e of tbafetreub~2es 3-,%o:-. elf: is put farthe fans o£A;¢p@,% to whofé care the finging of \ W37’ H95’ and (E) Dzrvicifox Rebaéaam his%grand~chi1de9. f A .4 * A V 4 - ~ L AA 4 (;;0fKing_m Buta%notherfcrz1;pIe y-at ren§a2ne§ to unfold , what%fl1ouId bee ”, _ that troublefonxe tune, wherem thus Piizlmawascbnapofi-2d. some 0%) I €hI=°f!- this Pfalma was cammittcd, as Aartmis put for the (us) Agran;‘.m§% T ~ take it to becin the time of the Babylcnian captivity; Otzhersin A the dayes ofdntiaohzw Epipévmgex. The former plead the-burning of V the Sfa.p&uary,var. 7.. % which w_*a.s:d0 1;: at the taking of _}Ie.r!{fi2l&m A by the Balylozzianx, V whereas Amiscbm on-ely dcefivled it by commmjw Q) g:M3c_5_ 3, ding it;*?tg';»4~btcc: cal:1¢d"ch‘e'(c)Ter1i’ pie qffupitér Ozjzmpimfind by bx-ing...4% d) Enfeb. ” ing hislmagé into it, as (ti) Em?-zlaim affirmes. ‘ The 1aterpfcad~the‘ W %_ onicg_L2- want ofProphet:st;oL foretelljzha end of theirtmubles; whereas H‘“°“«1“ 33"’-""~1x1 the Babylanzan captmty jererme was alive, who told the Jews 1’€9?3::?e_¥..1;1.§:33g«_ l.QW§Ah¢i£MAown%land, that the term: of their captivity A Q, 3 J5“ 5.1,, ihbuld. ace iéventy years. This Daniel knew (f) by book: Iéft Rs. 8: 29.26;, on Record; And other7g7odIyje“wsE knew thefg) 1%: time oftheir V Q‘) Dan. 9-M , del‘1very,; And E::e;z'e1 foretels the (£2) rebuilding ofth%e_ City anfié % gs) P‘a’m- Tdznplm 1:qv:1z¢mcAt:k¢ upoimee: t;o“decverr;:inciE>great a comm». .3’ " " . . .n. 7. W V‘ " O ‘ ' V ‘ a an {.},}gz¢kL49, verfic... But: under‘ cm~re&1on% of~bet:ter yudgements, Iconcezve :1: A was Writen in the time of Am-iocbmg and the burning of the Tam». gig formctljzgrécapitulated to aggravate their prefent forrowsmhcza ‘I had; their Tempie fa defiledy mam, that thcy cauId‘Vrmt with any % %ce1fortufeit, kxmiwvnot when their miferics would -end, as £:he}eW$Adidui1derehe captivity. % —»_.%.%The%%PfaImifi wrefdcswich in prayergby firong argua A meats-for‘ the frceéiomedf Godé peopIe%Ifrom theirheavy troubles» X Hue £c1s.&V0f-the cruehfya of the adverfaries, noc*~deubti2'~1gé but that‘ ~ fr) tenderly; afiéficcd to his pcople, A that hee would not {afar Atbcm £0 bee: mined by cheirfocs. But if God fhould {'0 farm %~fm'getiVhi§%vpéop1e,~ as to: flight Acheir calamities, yet he: knew Gods glory was deare unta him, am! therefore prayes to God to avenge ~ A onhis pimples cnemics, aflthe biafphemics may daily uttered a.«.. gainff God—.:himfeI£“, & Hes menti=ons‘th¢ miracles Goa! had done for M.2§%§.$ peopIe;—former}y, 'in;.opc%ning a 'pa:fl'age th rough the Sea. to dc» % gfilivcr them» fully from thc Egjptiamg and drowning thofe cmcli ‘ ’ :~Di‘%agm:1s,-, Péarabkx Princeg Iandgiving Pbmgqlés mm Qargaflé, that :' j % % ‘great: A ymfi gf Cljcmlnm-153 at A latejhlemne Fafil. l . 7 " A A A heheafls forfood and opening anotherin 1 great Ipewathan * I10 I n A_ a 4, J W W” A the River Jordan, to letthcm tnto thepolléflion. of the Land of C“ “W A l Canaan. And is Gods power or mercy fhortned, (42) that he: can- raonis ejmfirfi L p _ _ cjefium _d_c If not or will notdehver hzspeople now 2' Hen foretels the {hams that dtwanmfum~w-‘ would fall upon Gods people, if they lhould bee difappointzed of 1W?'i5M€’§‘fi’5‘. theithope ofdelivery.Hee fhews the caufé 0 {their troubles Though "P§i’.:‘ff£; their fins gave God caulk. enough to aflliét them more heavily, yet E,ck_29_5. 3 God to arlfe, and plead his own caulmflfisod in the Text hee urgcth s it was not thatthc enemies looked at, but their Religion. They .s'z'e Papuli-van could Well ‘ have been content, Gods people {hould have been fin-. “fiU‘P=¢W.?rnV-=. ners, to they. had not been Saints. And this makes him callupon giggzgfégm , . pcehsargv w God with the Covenant. A {lrong argument; There was no power 5,, in the people to helpAthem(A7elves. They had. no merits for the ggzp&;"v,l~d‘i£Ié¢j¥e e Pfalmil’: to plead in theig behalfi. There was power and mercy full °1”f5—‘W¢’ E“““’°‘ h'clAent in God for delivctance : but what right have they to lt,who are A notin league with lum A? Nothing can bmde God, but hls own ,:;,,,,, 353%? 2 ‘l A Covenant. I-lee might {haw Forth his mercy and power to reliznc ow» »,»ras7g,ng{c:s,= thets, though-A thefe had pep,-rifhed. o Hee could have made of Mzfix Pifcat.f.§~;m a (£2) great Nation , though all the other I_fi'.4elite.}' had been confib ff“? ‘ca. med in his anger. And thus much for cloherence. \~ ‘ I3’u3:f,},,‘-95;“ The Minifiers of God are (c) Gods builders. They mull lay a canjmgg Mm, fore foundation by a right Aexplication of the words, * lefilall the, (.1) to; 1951. A building fall of it felf. They molt raife up flrong walls, by ohferv (5) 3104*“? ‘ vations naturally flowing from the Text, left the "winds of fall’: Item} “m teachers blow itdown. Theylmufl lay on a firm roofe by folld ap- 4: F-,md,,,,3,},,,,, plioation, lei’: the fiormes of mans Inns mine it. s F or. the words, debilefallitapm Have rgffieéf. l l l 4 ' Q The word in the original! fignification of it,‘ imports a.faflning . ofthe eyes upon tome objeét, that aman defires to look into. Hence byametaphor, it is transferred to the eyes of thellminde, J o and fignifies ad {erions weighing, and confidcration of a thing,God is {aid to (d) wink at the times ofti lpnotjance, for not to rcgardlt. (60 A&:‘7‘3® Gods;people‘he1‘e look at God, r as it heerdid Wink at his Covenant, [met " *‘ l _ _s , _ ,, . pookin ores‘ and nettherlook at 1:, nor thcmA1n then‘ tmllztzes. The Pfilmxfi A *3 Q defiresphixn that hce would bee mindefull of it for hisppcoplcs de~ liverance.jA ‘ A ‘A A‘ j ‘ A A . t ‘ = A _ __3'A‘)A'I'1.‘.'15”, , ~ p 7/72130 the Covenant. . A A ~ on The Whis derived frompflfin to chufc. The parties that enter V A» l l “ B 2 l l into -;-a ,4 h 4., “ . A Ahsermarwreaehedhefbre the Hmwrahle L ii:-to Covenant ehuféhonee another, and chufe their termes. SoG;od (4) P!a1.3 g .1 2. chuiéth hispcople; (#3) Bltfléd is the Z’\i'..ztz'az2 whcjé God is the LDi‘d,aNd \ the people wham hge hath chofim fin‘ his onm inheritance. So here Chg. @,n—.-ur.4.s7A. feth their feed afteg theme, as fl/Iofs: teflifyetha (h) And hecaujé bee " lewd thy Fathers, therefiare ehee ehafi their fiedafier them. So Gods fhuahfaid mm the peafle, Tee are witneflx again}? Jami fielveg 3}.7:1tj'gg, have chafsiiz the Lorditu jerve him. Azzdthgv fizid, We are witnefleeo The B_abbinsA obfcrve the d«emo“n&rative particle included in fg)]¢g;5.,4'25 people chufc God for their God, as fofiaah affirmes. ‘ (.2) Amijom . .1 ‘ 15» i « ~ hf 3 “fig: n1'1:$'7,to pom: outa partxcalar Covenant. *-‘Thatfizmm czmezmm ‘ F-717-3‘ 77‘ which thou madefi with er2i!:e‘fl‘i%“fi9er1. Some apply it to that eminent? W?’-Z1 covenant made wich.Npah (f) when the-Aearth was filled with-vi‘o.. 2-r‘;f’;.n Icnce as 'now,and: the old world drowned for it. To wit, (gjthag; m,;,_m. base would no more drown the earth for mans fin.A This covenm _-If ‘m_-33 -mm his alfo mentionedby the PropAhet.=.(h) F or this 33' 44' the meter: affloah 53.5.35”; NFL,’ to wee: fhr .45eIA hazzefmom, the: the water: of Noah fhmla’ no more gas she], 34;», 5,,’ ozrer%theear2h’;Afl1dhsec Ifworn, that I would not hue wrath with wee; 3531- ‘ e nor-rehfihke" t/gees... Butethe:Covenant here intendedisthat folemn one; e 09Gcnh-e1Ir« made with Aergm, (2) that heewould bee his Godgeandeethe %)Gm’9'12'God of his feed. Repeated byhthe Pfalmifi, (k)W"hich covenant ~ 1;a_,).4A.9ee_ has made with Abraham, and “him esth unto Ifaac, and cwzfirmed the (:;,Gcxa,A17.7=. fame untaq]ac0bA for a Law, wzdito AIfi'aeI for an emrIafl'ir2g‘cam.. (k)iP.fa_1-.Io5_.. mmt- Herebyehe Pfalmiflce conceives thee God-was now ingaged-A ”“’%~e A co-deem hispeople. {_ _A A“ A " This inhcIudesa.motive to move God ‘to deliver his people cute? (I) .Gen.42, 13 their miferics : So }0féphevu{'ethAit, This doe and lizre : for I “fem: ” 1 Gail; Thoughyeerrray feare Wrong in‘an idolatrous Country, yen. Iwilldoe you none,*bec-m1feeI‘am no Idolater: but fearethe e true God, as yee doe. So here, Doe thou,O Lord, help thy people’ for others hurcthem. A ‘ ‘ V A ~ - ' A V A "M A , ‘A h M 'ID‘€1'J*."rD*< The darkplaaera 1 he he ' I A he An allufion, as Comeinterpreters conceive, to the deans of wildeh £,,,)m3,1, 10% beafis, wherein (am )they hide thcmfélves to take advantage to feize e2I,z:.>.. A upon a prey.‘ To thefi: cruel! men are compared. Hee fifieth U1) APAFRIA-I 93,9 in the lurI@::'g place: of the ‘village: %: Win the fécret place: doth he: A h ther the innocent. %Hee {yeth in white fécretlj 44* azL‘"z'o71i7z his‘ den, heebet/3 e 5?? 2.?-léaite:;tv.ccztchzhe poem Such .pIa;ceshopprefl"orsA and robbers e A A 4 h he he ed A Achuie... Hmfeaf Com‘ 1-nons,_4t’a¢ tm filemné. Pzyt. .5 cl1ul'e..Sucl-1 are out Forts held‘ by Malignants, thatlivc on fpoile. ' Others takeit for an allufion to prifons and dark» dungeons void mlrmmh M . of light. As ‘the Prophet defcribes a prifon. ($3) To bring the pri- fimer: flom the prifm, and them t/outfit in darlqzeflé, am of the prifatzv baujé. so srqublein Scrlpturcis compared to darkneflle, and prow ll fpericyotolight, bccaufé darkncflé is irkfome, and light; comfor- M % A table. ‘T.l2e’"'p:ople that wallzgd in dzrlquzflle, bawjéerz agree: fig/at. (5) !fa.9-9o And Tim wallqgtb in dgfiréneflé, 4725!» Earl: no light» Aifldltllfn the all H‘”"5°° W“ forry hiding places, whither Gods people Went to hide them- \ A ~' felves, archers meant. Yet could they not shore boo quiet, ‘but V were purified, found out, and fpoyled by their aclverfaries. O- Khers take darktplaces For obfcurc and mean places, as dark mm, _ A A in the originall are called mean mm in your tranflation. And (00 l-l"°"~'”" than it mayjeinher fignific that the mcancll men ‘did oppreflé Gods 29‘ people: to or,-(chat the poorcfiand meanell of Gods people were not l ~ fpared. Such ufage have wee found inour time, Wl1enpoorccot- tagcs of our foes have (‘cutout pillagcrs, and no cottages of ours A haveefcapedfpoyling in divers places. A A Of tl7e=eczrtb. l 80 the Word is uféd, Gen. I4; I. In the beginning God created the Heaven, and the Earth. " And thence comes out Englifh wordg, Earth... But fometimcs it is tranflated, Tb: Lewd. As, _7er. Id; 4.“ Hana langrjlm-ll"tlae Land mourn? And {'0 it {hould be: here. For V doubtlellc Gods people di-d not dwell all the earth over, to bee _ _ oppreffed every where. But if the place bee interprcted of the Babyloniarzw captivity, hercbytis ndeant—the Land of the Cbaldeamg if of Antioebm his time, thelLa1'1dofC:ma.m is intended. A A l " ‘ll~il7U ..«4T€fflll - It notes out abundance. Many fuchtdensof robbers there were l l A ltl’1en,las now with us. A ' _ 2113-: ~ l 7 0f‘ the lazzlvittzt-iaz2.r. l ~ l [soothe primary fignification it imports Shepherds tcntsg, or bota- tagcs, fonthé land had great Pcorc of lheep. fa eph: brethren were ” "‘ M (8) Shepherds. So 'Was(. f )Dtmid,—.bcfore bee was a King... And (5 G‘”‘47'3‘ from thence itwas taken for-all manner of dwellings,‘ as here is is 5 as the * HCl)1‘€W'.WI‘_ltEIfS' obfinfive. A _ +"""|l3'Ia.lll3"" V __ t fin Of Cruelty. A % . °1?h¢yd1-dnotufe fécretfraud lonely, bus opgn “violence. The‘ %( ,;l1,’5a1-73-7o;, . « ‘ » .S’},~e‘%z,‘l[,;r.in te;a:.t..:. 5" l A ’ ‘ J*Sem_ma Pre4;:.§.-:d"‘e5};-fire we 19‘ aemmérg Af'o'xAis gone, thcwolfe appearcs. It is the cufiome of thfiecnew l l .2: =3: fuliana mics of the Church, when thexare weake, to we glorious 9;-¢:en« A ‘°“"*"?*-t ces to cover their cruell lI1tt3£1t10l'1.S, anal when they are gmwnc §;:l§g;:’%w_ firong, to pull * offthe vxzaed, and fall to chrefl: plundering. l ,,.a,,,{;a,h M5,, The fumme of all 1s,as1fthePfalm1ft lhould have finial; Lord, ,‘g,W,,,, Page“ 1 have many argtxments to u.rge-, to Vperfwadethee to deliver sh flit 5 am people out ofthezrgreatafllxcfizonsz But cfpeclally I Aentréat thggg ’ e-mam aim: . to «looks ‘upon thy Covenatzlt made with our Fathers and accor... ,ffj§ dingly todcliver the1rPofier1cy. This I urge the nlore, becaufig as M-a.-,,g.;.'¢, ' thy people are throughout the Land opprcfled grzevoufly by thine guguréfm rarer and their enemxes. ~ . awmv, Hi M A Qutofthe words thus cleared, eafily arti {E thefe font‘: Obfizrvaiw I‘ 3'01?’ 15' A tionsufefull for thefe times , and fit forthis occafion“; Ofiermt, I. A Firfi, That Gad»? in Cayman: witbbir people ; Elle would they not A prefle it, and God might eafily rejeft their plea. L ‘ Obfir, at A A Secondly, That Goa! fame: to bzitpecyyle to rzegleéf I223 Covenant, when they areapprfid £9! mgoflly mm 5 Elle would they not have called up- en God to have refpeéiunto his Covenant : and in the firPcAverIe_.‘, God is charged to have call them offfor ever._ A L A 05/3,. 3_ VA The Cavemzntzlv the Céwrfibelfltrxfl plea 5 Thcreforeis here, and _ often in other placjstzrgeg. d C . A A i .» A Wee have mafi nee wpleal 9'0 J‘ otverzarzt in time: grantee mmbles Ob’/Er 4" " So Gods Servants doe here. A A fl A V‘ A lv lFox*theFiri'l: D65}. L GM 2?; in Commtxzt with /925: jfieaple. A I might bring many Texts out of the Old anel Newlfellament to prdveit,ifit:AWerc not notoriaufly known. Al few places there- W (42) 1>'r;..t. gag. fore may ferve: (ct) G.-zthernzy Swim: together mzta mgg, fifth God by Afajgb, they‘? that have Amade a Comment 22921/3AA mes bj tSm:'rz'fice. And by , ('b)Ezcl<.I6.3- the Prophet Ezekiel I fware unto “tbeeé, and wired into 4 ‘Coven want with thee, /Tzitlo the ”LordGod, and 21192; fieczzmaflv ‘mine, ‘As much is Cald for eChr‘ifiia.ns‘tin the N ew Tefia mcnt, A» as for ye-was in the l(c')Mat.26.z.8 old,l‘(c)Thi-Mirtbejbleadqf the New Tefhstme:-2!, [faitht our bleffcd m A ” Saviour, or of the,lNewAlCaz2emzm. For cDm&w'x'n i‘n~tl1e‘NeW Tefla-l A meal: anfwersflto n'i'1:; in the Old; as the learned knew. And (0 A it is tranflated in the Epifile to the Hebrews; and the pointl likes V Awlfe proved, where Chr'i‘fiis{eid"toWbce *(d)’zz Mediaxeur of‘ a be:-V (-9) flab» 3- 3» tar Cotiww; And God is flzicl (e) {tomake 4 new lCezzem7ztwirZ7 m A A I 931°" which is there {ct out at large. e 31024]? of Commons, 4': A lartfbicmn Fifi’. A 7 I {half endeavour to confirmeit by Arguments : A " A For firfl,itisa formal] Cvenam: under hand and féale, and Rmfm 1.7 A 1 who then can doubt of the truth of it? A( f ) The fealeof A(f)Rm1w‘M.x1;a Circumcifion is put to it to confirm it, Gm.17.A7. The Go. venant is (‘en dgwzae, That God will bee VAbrabam: God, and the Godof his (bed. And at the eleventh verfe Circumeifion is reu- quihred-asa token of the Covenant betweene God and them. The bPaf£=:-over is added as another Seal: of the Covenant, Ex» mi. 12. :3. where under that one promife of defivering their :.fhi1-- dram, whcnthe firfi borne of the Egyptians flbopld bee defiroy-_ M ed, all other benefits of the Covenant made in Chrift are {bad ow- ed out. Thereforeis Chrifi caged ourj,.Pafieover.(‘g)E'or Cbrifi az:r.(£)¥‘39f'?%’¢*;ry Pafléever is facrificea-’fE:rA mt, faith the Apofile. In the New Te- )" fiamentéchis Covenant is declared, Matt/J. 2.3. 20. We rnufl do aiid :_h_atChri{’: commands, and hee will bee with us to theend of the worlduia ‘And Eaptifmeis added as a fe ale of this Covenant, in - the verie beforezv TheLords Supper is added as a further confin- mation of this-Acovetiant, 1 Cw-.oxI. 25, This car; 22¢ 1/ye ANew~*Te- fiamerzt, or Cawmmtin my blood : That isto fayg it is the {cafe of it. What Covenant can be more full and formal] then this between 7 God, and his peopIe,Which is {'0 plainly declared, and plentifully fizaled? . A A A A A A A V A A A V Secondly, tHAisCovenantisacknowledged on both hands; A It Afieafie 2. V V is, owned by both parties. d And no rnatteriwhether others_., “ that have no (bare in it, willtake notice of it or no. God con- A ’fefiet_h=himfelfe to bee ours, and ownes us for his. (52) Tee fi;az1