._v_ ‘fir ¢¢¢+¢¢¢¢¢¢+¢¢¢¢¢¢+&¢¢¢¢e¢¢¢¢e¢¢¢e¢¢ee*+¢¢+z+¢¢ .§'f'~%v?:*9?e-M°1v9$==£r«%'4.’»~XveYo=1v§$°4vei0=§vé?o=$v-i $°19*¥r4"°1°¢°1"°§‘=i’r9‘£"%$~*3";3°§99W'5%?e‘%TP& +~ » “it :§:MODER A TIO § IVSTIFIED, AND g \THEeLoRDs1MnNG E AT HAND EMPROVED, f. '8' VVESTIC/ITINSTER§Eg§ BEFORE THE PIONO_.$ 05 D RABLEV HOVSE 01: COM- 5%’; MONS Aflembled in Parliament: % Prcachcd at the late folcmne Fafl, Deceméer :5. I644. ’ vs re ] Thdmas Tboro\;good B:fD . R2-War of Gri mfi;17;t?a:M Comet} of : One of the Aflemé-1} of Di'Ui7m- Publifhed by Order from that Houfc. Matth. lo. 16. ~--— Be wife nu Serpents, and lmrmelefl? 44 ‘Dvaziee. Menfimz cmuenit, ne amt nimid remi za reddetur aut nimiaz féverim. Ambrof. Offic,lib.;. 1cap.2.z. A Si quid corrigendum efi, adbibeatur ea odmtia, qua: cbrifiienos de- ' ce4t,(9’c. Erafm. Epifi. 1. z2...p. 91 V . L % - I . ., % » % LONDON, ‘ Pri'nted1by'I.'L. For Cbrijfaplserllleredit/1 at the Crane in Paul: Church-yard, and fbr Thoma: Slater at the Swan in Duck-Lane. 1 64 5. ¢¢¢e%¢¢¢¢¢¢¢%¢%¢¢%+e%¢¢%¢¢%¢¢¢+%¢¢¢¢¢%%~ az~:wz~aweawLsazwzwz=«:wze»:««z~%azao:~a:~azsez«~:oezau:««%»a:»az=az~az-M~ [ IN « 3 SERMON? eneneneaeneneni Die eflifemzrii 2.5. Decemb. 1644., . g" ‘ ._.v-( ’--‘;fQ'_- I i i T is this day Ordered by the Commons ' Houie of Parliament, rThat Mailer He? veningbam, and Ma{’ter Lifle, doe from‘i‘ this I-Ioufe give thanks toMaPter T/Jorowgoad, and Mafier Lflflgléya for the great pains they tookin the Sermons they Preached this day t \‘ at the A intreaty of this Houfe, at S. iM.4rgaret.t Weflminfier : (It being the day of Publique Humiliation ) And to defire them to Print their Sermons. And it is Orderedg that none 1 fl1all,prefi1me to Printtheir, or either of their % Sermons withoutfirft obtaining libertie‘un- rs der their hand-writing, . i H. Egryng. cm.#:w.p.com; \T 1 h A _ T V ,I’_ T J " " V . V ’ IDoc appoint ('/rri/z‘o.}i2/aaiF».illie}_*ea’it/5, and Mafia” i i T slategto Print this Sermon. i r ’ 1 T_~éxoMrLs rfaonovvqoongg //1"’ 9 7/7? .'\_ ' V , ‘ y////’& K r(_ 4 ' , r:,{", '- 4:? F!!! , 'TO THE HONORABLE W Houfe of Commons, Affembled in Parliament at Weflminfierg ‘ ~«-€53 1 Hat/yang/at ofcoming into t/mt Pulpit 1 " mu dreadful! to me, and I did me- ; “”"%’~ % fainedly decline it; as Saul, I would 1sam_!°_5§w wiflihgljr have hid my felfc among the Pcufi"e,a)2y where mtbert/2en am- %, ,V_ «g, _ _;’_ - .a’ertak2 t/as mske. Igugdnnenfem Pziluitxuxanwtfs I Rhetor diéturus ad aram, Did An’- gz: Zf1f:m‘““‘? vacate: -change colour pleading 4€.t/Mt. Barre"? Andflmald E; *7‘ * I Ijxwe noféarc being.to]}vealeez'n furl} aprcfimce, .wbere fa &"We7ml- «W-6? may afyo?» mere; . zmd.ezz‘c‘/zgom xeflemlrled thic:chi1d‘ren oi aKing, as the Kings ofMidian%%fzzia*a‘t’bGideon, in re- Judg,g_,gé jjmffof/in’: bretéren -, yea upm mbofe watts and a’eter.’mz'm- téom, depends ti;-ewelfare~oftkr—ee g%lariowKiugdq_m;.? But beihgr umgmmed to+tl.2¢ fér71z'Tcfe;- it: man my Ldtzty» ta rzmm awn’ pr-efaré fiayfiéfle, «ézzxd :1 fozmd preflmtlj my lat aw ca/3; ‘upon that wry ddy,w/Jic/7 the praw‘«a’eme of heaven /ma{de_{z'gned % L L A 2 ta f Epifilc Dedicatory . "'_,é,—-*? . ‘ ‘. V- p. 2.06. 1 I 011.4-3- ‘ A&.z2i.'4. i a De Ittearnat. prafat. Pro taptu Leétoris habent flta fltatibelii. ;, Praefat.Htjfl‘. V Gem'il¢t.Ex4m. to fall on Chri/Imarjay, (do it 13‘ named yet) A rite Me- ti-opolitanc of all the Feftivitiees , fit Gafpar Ferrandi called it in the Councel of Trent, It wan tztnefor me then hy oonfideration, reeolleéiion, and other thoughts to cafl out feare ; and for my anintation,the al/ttflon ofhin; to ,Caéfar happily ooettrred, as they that dare confidently fleahg in-your jnditione and forntidahle Aflimhlze, tonflder-my; out/ya_t Conitellations you are, nor of what Magnitude; fivthof .1», that defltondingly he afraid, are ignorant ofyottr henigne -Afpeéts, and graeione Influences. The eieotien of a Theme, andthe manner of handling it mat in tea} ~ power, and hy Divine guidance I thofe Moderation,not , heeattf e you wanted it, hat for that forne fofnppofed, and I few, men that Chriitian grace, we/1 nnderjioiod would jag flzfie your proceedings .- Tour eares entertained the Diftotnfl: with _/]>ontaneooo.c attention , with the uertne of the 7’ ext, which Tertullus heg’d of Felix, vii é7i_:cmiza- you have now required it to the other fiznfiz, to another eenfitre, in publi- cumformidandumquejudicium at Cafliane faid open ht}: Ii/ee flfldfioflg and fitr nty part, though the ftthjeé? mat- ter,l know, wt’/ltneet with fatal! judging: , and my weake- tnefle: aifo he ever hefore me, yet 1/m«ocate,~ea,,,,,, cam- ntandt,andwith the exoptation of Orofius to Aufiin, Uti- nam tam eflicaciter quam libenter : for, now, at Dedi- cations have heene made to yon ofleale, Righteoufneffe, Magnanimitie, Perfeverance, &c. fin the world /1241! fee you Patrons of Moderation alfo , notwithstanding the unpolitique, Antichriftiau, and Tyrannicall endwottrt ofyonrOppofites, /"ome tfw/tith lahonredfo mnehfome yeamfinte to emhroy ie the Nation again/iscotland, in ir- reeoneiliahle and into/line oonthnfliom, the perfitzft uniting ofwhontto E N G L AN 13 mat the zealon: indttflrie of the Wfifl The Epifllg Dcdicatory. mfeft Patriots in/firmer timer, at our chronicle; re. late,and who ncwa [2»,hy fttpernatttrall providence, in Co- -venant, and many other ohltgationt, are contrived into 4 more firme accord then ever. T hoflt other horrid Mxfere- t ant; of Ireland have raked H.611 and Rome for the inven- tions, and exerctfe: of [itch crttel harharities open our mifi:— \ rahle hrethren, that no Chrifiian care can heate yvith- Kin Charlu_ out horrour, not Story parallel, as hxs Majefcxe did D°C=”3"- “"'5h . . h d ’ of declare agamffthofe barbarous Rebels. I wt/b that,13,,:i:c ‘ Remonflrance of our C lergie there were commanded to he Counfcil-» in every Parzfl: of,E N G L A N D, and the additionall de- pofitions hajiened to the Prefle, that all the good people of the Land might lenowvtheir good meaning to them .- And in this Kingdenze there wae a generation of New Refor- mers that paved the way to Popery, and under the colour of a good worke in hand,aud the pietie of the times were Hob’ T3213; bufied in taking the out—workes, and that being done .nfi‘:ge’; ,_ they would have a bout with the Fort it felfe: It is the p. 19a: 2. 2043. language and fentence of him that here may well he credi- ted, and oar eye: /"aw then, the Innovation: fo nttmerons, that with a little time and ohfltrvation it might he demon- jlrated,‘ the lawlefle Mutation even then wad greater from the rules, and received praéiif e, then it is like to he hy the Direétory fo much expefied , which hefide Parliament Anthoritie, will have the Scriptures, and the example of Reformed Churches to give it countenance -, I thought in thee E ptfllel might make fame farther mentioning, hot I ma/Z renzemher that ofAuItin to Macedonius, Negotio- fil-limos in Republica viros, 8: non fuis, fed aliorum E1“ 54~1"i‘“ utilitatibus attentiflimos non debemus occupare pro- oemio: I will tum-one therefore my prefacing, into praying, that our God onely Wife, wottldfifl every one of you with R999. 16.21.} ‘ wifdome, The EpiPc1c,Dcdic°atory. » V 3.17.} 34995 4-113? ,I.C_a.58.1zJ. e wifedome, even that wifdome which is from above, and is firfi pure, then peaceable, gentle, iaraemic, the grace of the Text, Moderate, andfull of good fruits, téat gajfing Ireland may be recovered by you, and M you bmue done Worthily for Scotland, you may .€»e famous in E N G L A N D ,4-mi regaining the Kings royal! Pcrfon and favour, you may make /grim gloriom alfi, and raife up in 51;: Daminiom the foundations for many generations, and . ' be Called the Repairers of the breaches, the Reftorers - of the paths to dwellin. I /lm/1 waits? I/éecomplemmt Zach; 4. 7: 12911-9454 ofG'0d: gaodpravideme in you, aazdéaj you, that in bi: due feafimwuery mountains of oppofition may be aplaine, and t/zefe troublous times may determine in the mza.’wnce- meat, and firme eflaélzjbing of Rigbteaufneflé am’ Peace, thong/1 your band: 51.3/rich :19, and /bafl be in the dayl}! de- votion of Your c_onfl:ant Oratour at the Throne of Grace, L Tii(§MAS '_THoRovvGoop, 7‘? I {cut refolution , but inolujz‘-vé, there is no Chrifiian grace, I . j._ _ 4 "'7"--'. I.,,_- t'» 5.‘ ?”"I:.?—'_“::'j—§'=; ,-H‘ ”. - 1' --.\< ~' . I’ I I :l\‘ \ 1 K V '1 I 5 ‘ _ 4 .-«, Q.’-‘F_",'_.. P ' ‘ - x A F I I g Sermon preached before the Honourable Houfe of .C o M M o N s, at the Monethl_yFafi, December 2 y. I 6 4. 4. I Phil. 4. vcrf. 5. T3 Emmi; t3,uo7v‘g,Va:o'31i7w v;r3Eow aZv9pc57ro1;, 5 u.u'pt@~ iyyéc. Let jam‘ moderation 5e known auto}!!! mm. , the Lord is at /mm’. . ' 22' ; , ‘.-’’4‘.’i%'//'/’’* is Gods word that I have read , let no ' ' ' 1 ” e " I manszealc be hot againftit, or me; and how meet it is for this time , this very time, 1' udge not till you have heard: my % t / X52 thoughts were not faflened here With- ’ , «/roe out fome dtfficultte, I confidered again , and again , and as often prayed , that I might fpeake a Word in feafon; it muff be affirmed, there is all the reafon in the world, you be even now alfo incited to zeale, wifdome, magnanimitie, and pre- 7/”: know, but you would be acquainted with it, and grow up m- Ep[,,'4_, to [ lorijz‘ in all things, omolée ejfaolijbealin ever} goon’ wordmtd 2 The{f.z._ ' 73 I worke. But that .1 may in time take off all prejudice, I fhall, not fpeake of Moderation in theienfe of Polititians and the world, butas it is a Chriflian grace, and not mconfifient with g holy zea1,they were bothin our Ma(terChrifi.z Com o.1.we _- read, Job; 2» 1 7.‘ Evrtemsiott. Dofirik 1. 2; ___j idiiermon hefore the Honorable Hoof? of Commom, i M i '1;¢a;i.it,gentIcncfl2» Chrtfl, and my Philippiom: had to doe with dog:,e7Ji/1War/Qer'.I,olamgc’rom menof the cohcijioh, Chap. 3. verf. 2. yea, verf. I 8, 19. With wicked Walherx, of whom he cortlol notflrmkc without Weeping, ehemir: of the ore 1]": of Chrifl, _ he/I} -godr, pm:?ck;worme:‘,' minding earthly thing: , lively cha- racters , of a great part of your oppofites : and if Saint’ Pool then, furely,I may fay now, Lotjotzr moderation he known mt- too?/1.79700, the Lord :3 at homo/. _ ' ' L . If yet to any apprehenfion the litft claufe feeme apcooler, the fecond Willfhew, it feernes fo onely, and my Moderati- on doth not make a medley of Religion, nor complyes with i any tranfgreflion, but it is a,blefled,' and a watchfull vertue, living alwayes in Gods light, and in expeflation of judge- ment to come; it quencheth nomans zeale , onely It makes it burnr:.faire,and fhine more clcare; it isen 1' oyned in the lid’: ' claufe of the Text, and the reafon thereof is in the latter, the Lord 1': at hrmtl. . . I Inthc former we have thefe foure things. I. The grace required, zloloohraztion- - .’_, ; ‘ / 2. Theleat or fubjeft of it, four, of joto. . 3. Its declaration and difcovery , lot iqhe known. I 4. The ampliation and extent, to all men. n The fecond elaufe {hall be touched upon a; a reafon, but my purpofe is, God willing, to handle both in that metho_d,which our dayes have found lo happy , by Doctrine and Vfe, yet in the explication, and application, I {hall pafie thorough each particular. Let this then be the firit Dofirine , Modcrotioh 13‘ oz ootho. Ziqm grace of tmizm-r_f:z.(l prmilifi: h} 411 mm to allmoo : and the . Application will fall into five particulars, word: of Comploim‘, _ Limitation, fohfutotion, In’/}r:tEZion,‘and E xhortotion. . The fecond Doctrine of the Lord: heing on: hand, will from the Scriptures hold forth unto us thefe {even Ieafonabl.-e cone rfidcrations, fitted for our'prefentnpra’ul'ly dens.-rt‘, ¢and»oppofe them, asifome have done; Qgli filvi uqmaui him a? it is {elf-injury and iniquitie to be injurious tothem. a - y .1‘. _—.--sans.-.7.-r _-.~..;s_a.t.-:*ou—o—a-n-Q,.u.u..s.'4~a2;\r:-,-:5‘. ' I: ‘.4. .ib8“H(iif_P6rd_5/‘C l‘1.o#f 5 0faC0?”’”0”-B ——.r~~—§ .1 ‘v , - Religion, King, -and .K.iflgCi0[nCu, - e . Secondly , Thea t1?arliameuta;isr §thc,fiiPreameeMagifir.acy ofthc Kingclome , and it isalaw in the Oldlfeflamcnt , not repealed in the New, but tcinf‘orc;ed,e Excel. zz. 3 8. Tlnauflyézlt not vjwilc‘ the Godi, ..thati.is, the Indge-4 and Gamma?! 133 the word is in the pteqeding: ..Cb.¢pter,: 21 .. 6. and f.o:.it‘is.i. 461- 13;. 5; T/M1541! not garage willaaof tlacfilinleyr of»p:'ople‘._ 7‘ 1 Thitclly , They have fiudyed to brealte of i every heavy Wife, and deliver you from that vallallage was brought upon you by the tyranny o f evill eounfelleursrl; Qonfider well, Old lfmclfelt their litw: bitter éy tlzcire cruel! égandgagecg .in1,.E gypt, Exod. I .14.. Andie- cmfi ‘of it, the}~be4r/{emdnot to U1/[o[a:,=:-Exod. 6. 9; Such ’-a {pirit of bondage was upon you, you cryed for 2 Parliament. God’ heard you, and will you now murmure againfi .Cfl*f0fe:,. and fight againfl: ‘ your Deliverers 5;‘ e - Fourthly; All the evi—ll:that is came upon 5161.1 ya and the king- dome, isfrom yourfelves, in tliisycry particular, fame groan: un- der burdenous taxations, in other places the warre and plunder- ing dcvoure all in a grievous and bloody manner; the former would not have been, the other could not have been done, if you hadrbeenyttue to your fclves, and your moderdtimlewwn, and fhown to this All men , and in them to your own peace and hap.-, inefliei y - g e r . Fifthly, And yet let it be fo manifefled, becaufe the odium, en- ‘ lvyandadaugere, that is upon them «from their oppofites, is for en- deavouringlyouragood; let them therefore: have —,your prayers, your purfes, your perfons, your power, ‘becaufe their perill isxfronii their Moderation ; they would confine and regulate the evillcoun— fels~t the King iufieligious and Civillaffaires, this is, and bath becn thcirregreat offisncei wb,ic.h is indeed; their praife , and I {hall fpeake to-them :',:fH5I fay.i.t of‘t-hem“; 'C1fcWhere', they are ready-to embrace hey Moder.-fiiw . ' that is ,eonFxi1ent~ wzith zthe fafctie of And BOW; Worthyfienatctsa I bofeecb you, fuffet ye alfoa ward 0f.'Ex‘hortat¥ien_; :G:ods.:t.ruthss you knowagatel above,-beyond mans gamer. one.N?at1on prefiames rem. t9%iY§;1fiW:es-toanothefi, if allthe Nationssin the world were :rc.cam'e§ued{it1aa? - ecu... menicall Allemblyy, fh¢Y.lheuld_ have £90 Authexitie :t_omo§%‘rate any one Doflrine of the molt High ;- there be fome circum ai)-L ~' ‘ - t ' tia s, - **v— 7 i__ l « ..,_‘ 1 ,)1t;iZlctm9netb[]gE4fl,December gay. I—§l44. l‘ 15' cu... .¢—uav Ow»--"'-‘:-9--:-~—.-—-. :--r.a_.—_._—.f.y-- -- tia i, cdm3_etning¢~Wh,iCb my Tcxtifpeaks to your ; Ltfjaflfg MM-i ration 5:; knawfilthta n/Irma. ' ' ~ i’ sf . . ' Firfl, In the manner of enforcing them; fierce and furious t'aro- Madras regeridi. feeution even of agood caufe, is rather prejudice , then ‘progmoti- V ongbut Eckim» told Melanfihqn as itwas , that his Méderation, TuaPbz'1ippe and the faire language 0if;i:l’ont4n:4{, did exceedingly further them; iwtélwétoa, when I4mc:_;ax_1d Ia/an {aw the Sa-maritans would not receive 0‘ P°""‘§"' Chrill; the} ffiid . Lard wilt than that we command fire to come J)\)l_7ne “} ._y ‘ pl «L L __ p c.>..w1{ to- rafvvam; fem’: rebws, mm For I halten to make _mcnt.1onof thatyvhlch I. know every one ob-'- voluptatibm (_9’ fervcsj that the provtdencei ofheav'ems»herebccomea ‘Moderator, W€"iW‘ d“"’.- ’a%p“peinting'the hioh<‘:'(’t’FelIivit_ie of’. a.ll.the;.ycete“,« to meet with ;"°z:n'c-0‘;;;$fzP;{" our monthly Pafi?and1befuhdued‘by it u: for ca»,/aflm doth wen P_ 9 .' call the day of Chrtlts Natrvxtxe the Metrapelu.I’a_nd. chicrc of an Q06 B. Philagou. ‘other feflivalls; for Indeed afrofm this arofe alltbe other dedicati- s s t on: uq1.a—.4-\:..-4- At the monetlaly I~'4fi>,’Decemb. 2;’. "1644. T V 17 Fons in the name of Chrifi and l!lJpofllts,‘vullqioh‘e]s‘hgd~ msebeen “lmgwnc in the world, thofe be the ‘children foffthati rt:-o~:thjc%r?,’{at’:d Whois not abundantly fatisfied with the hand‘ of God upon them altogether, which hath, as Ag/Hn'l"a‘id of the Ie mics fynagogue,‘gi- v_entheman honourable buriall? but to thofe that are not thus fa- tisfied. I have three other things to fay. » r -.5 _ a :9 3 ' _— “ ' ‘ Firfi, Tis probable enough,we never yet keptright the day of Chrills Nativitie, I d-oinot meanein refpeft of the manner,but the WOW? T-P-35 Is time s, ‘ learned men fuppofing it very unlikely that -ifuch an generall taxation {hould be made through the peaceable world iii the depth of winter, [0 unfeafonable atime for allto travel! into their onme Citie: to 17: Marco! , 45, in Luke 2.1..c§-ca. not to mention their other conjectures. ~ . ' a i ' g i e > Secondly, Clemens’/Ilexczndrfima about 14oo. yeeres fince de- Stygm,1p,[, ,, m, clares,that fome thought the day of.Chril'ls birth was in the month 1:. 98. of L}!/[a],and‘others in Ianmzrj , others yet in ripri/1; there were yet further furmifings; but obferve, if there was fo little certainty in thefe dayes; {o neer the times of'the*Apol’tles,there mutt needs be much more uncertainty now. e ; . Thirdly, It was Gregorie: counfell, that the Pagan feafts fhould Efifi-5-9» 71-. g ibydegreesbe changed into Chrifiian Holy-dayes,that they might the moreeafily be drawne to Cthri(tianitie;and forne writetexprefi ly, that our Chrillmas Feflivities, in refpeét of time‘ andtmanerof' celebration, came from the Saturnals of the Gentiles; Thefe were 1,,‘ B,;e,.;,_'c woo #- alfo obferved 1n the month of Dccemfier, They had their liberall Haflvin. dc F:«-‘ Feaflingsand Inv_itations:,? *Se‘tv.aim:s;among ;tlie'_tn alfo atthat time F773 C”T"Ji"“"ii’7-V’ were Maftetly and followed theirrownc affairs f,e They had a Will1lCP"‘ ‘ " ‘ CCl'ClI'lOI'ty:;' like tothe Lord of Mifrule in fome places,Ne w-yeers gifts were alfo fent abroad,which Hieromc calls Samrmzlimgzfimr-e M144. ‘ Brute it twill be faiti; thisisxhard docftrine for fervantfis whofe condition I".nall’be W.0Ift:t.then*beaPts,i«f~1hiey havfeno re€‘t;ntir'relaat= ation ,e «and {ball thofeiabufesnquite abolifh the memony3of’§Ch’rifl's \ Birth and Nativitie, and that among Chrifhans? I 5 this» your Md; demtidn 5’ thisrelifheth furely of extrearne éitceffe rather.’? I‘ have It, ‘til’-ll‘.C'¢,tel}ll1gi'S'1ZD‘3t{PC"3i{C againfi; this pretence, not dou‘btsing:§’é:iJt'iihati’ \'il:\;‘0. H23; fervam sfhall have.tiniet allotted theui for itheir‘-reiré fiiing; and 511:: Goclnot-. robbed of histhonour, care heinngftaken ithat the-.itIpb1-eh . «r .;*e;.«; .m'£~.:?-1 benot fin.ful1,northey in them; .and if anyesermon or Leautew - -.*~ « ' ‘:<' « .. V D occafionally n Objcfl. _ ,.,,_ 7.14,“- ‘C;-‘tn. 7 9. A S Hamrdflfi Haufe of Cammom, .—..-—ou——-¢- ...— —..-nu.-p —.u i he‘-in.the on hf ltheiraretiefliings, that they repairethitheralfoa-foreven the Canons of 1 6 o 4. reqr-tired Schoolemalters to bring their Schollers tothe Sermons , lee them quiotlyand civilly behave.thetnfel.ves there; and examine them at times, convenient what .they'have learned by fuch eomming, Yea their condition then :both inwardly and routwyairdly will -beemuch hettered. «And to the other part of " the Objefiion y firctchathem outta the ponre- 1 i, PirPc.lI with on mine owne behalfe and others, that thofe hea- thenilh,mad, and riotous ufages had never been kno woe among Gl1r_i{iians.y andrthat‘ now they-Imigh-t beqnite abandoned for ever; but let,-the neighbour-ahood ,4 and ‘icharity of-rhofe it-i mes at lealt in fome time of the yeere be continued ; fnre i I am , that fame who had withered hands all the yeere befide, did at that feafon t Secondly. ,;' Thoughthis day of; Chrilisi Birth be thus overcontc by ourmonethly Falt . yet our Saviours Nativitie hath , andlhall have its , Commemoration , not onely in the Day {olemnizedfor his Refurreétion , in which is involved all the Complement and t Confummation of Chrifis doing and fntfering, and Exaltation; but further; the Lords Day is thought to be thevery determinate Day of the weeke when Chrilt was borne; for thofe that mention the Priviledges of thatelder Brother , the firft Day of the wcel it was not onelythe firlt Day of the world , no night went before it, but it fhallbe the lafi day , and no night lhal-lcome after it, and ='_‘I‘.i'l.‘lt. itwasthe very Dayof. Chrifisfiirth and Baptifrne,&c. " ” ,,ZTbindly,If;the«.ferions difquifistion of Hiliorianaand Mathemati- cians, {hall calculate and defigne the moneth &:.the day, I fhalinot vote agaihlt the Chriftiancelebration therof, but as at Berne,when ghefioliael was firlt reintroduced, they fet their prifoners at liberal tie; andttroelvaimedfreedome ;_, and webbferve a Dayin’ memory ofiqttnllelivorancc fryémstHat'Hcllilla,tzRomith Powder Plot ; {o,if A God -pleafc todelivcr us from the Diabolicall defignes of thefe fffiuuia. fit.P:rt. pm. 2.". P! 3592 4 .3 - times. [hope you will appoint a Day in Commemoration thereof. _t r I‘ifthly,; Andfor Falth1gDayes , yourf_Chrifl:ian- Monhratiou is already gnad-62 Luann. flhttwiue-or thrice ’in.tbe weekcl-,wihich'they flidtcf old‘-.nmight1iIrmur?ot' vain—glo1thut 1rejZzin?iviHa 10I_fll‘1_!:'dé7','i86C'3~ 4. 9. butler not the feare of Sword , or Famine icare you into any other Peace then that which is the‘ Peace of Gocimade in Chtilh ioyned with truth, e1fea'gre'ater rnifehioie‘ vVili"ft‘fii ant % on theNat-ion githen warre or hunger g‘ No: afizmiéde ofi‘hrMzi,f7‘ air ’ 4 t/9irfl'for water, hit :17" hearing the ward of Gad, haze‘. Am: *8; "1712 a Great caufe have wetherefore now to cry mightiiyzmtoifizod, and [Edge of a rigbtiway far as, omdfartmr [V1.25/6AbfitI,~dHdf97'r‘fll[ fitb/£4fiQl', E%7'."8. 21.; I t: ' :15 L. :'‘’.-'‘‘’}‘‘-;'i. ‘.-is Cit’; tSec,ondly,- Theigreat dIange‘fin.E€defid[i3i€ais,’th:itisétfih ”' ; fuddeinlyin the of:=wo:t1:ipana»4:5ovem5- ment-, mayrwell~dowble‘ou=rdevotionsin thisiverytiniegffiékonié P,.,,,,g_ 55 "vVrit‘es,that when Cerirztbm, E.6i¢m,anci other hescn.qges.denyed Matti-. Cixifiseoomingin tiiefleifii thehoiy men of thoféititfies 'tiei'ttEd i saimi1.ba.:hqenvange1iito,:»m writc:his;Gbfg"a’ei’itiIt11eir“¢oiif'xifliti3; on ; whibh he theiriundietttaking -‘t’o'*FaIi:‘, for Gods biefling 2 -d'0|'lE, Saint‘ X1915», he faici, wasofun of tiiii holy Ghoii, and wrote at; In the éagimirfig the Wad; * ," i it. it find ‘“grc‘atn‘et1”e*’of titist!‘t1erk<':’i‘s; r ‘t ed :";.-'3 2 . gaff .'££'i‘:I51 J _ j..,_.—~—.-,7.‘-1-f-,-7-r"* ""“ “ . ;_ ,./1 7 I Eaclefiafiiti. fofepb. de B. 55. 7. 1213. 6. I3. Mycozt. Vit. Hcterodoxi. . ‘ ...~o- -.- -o-¢§ rm "‘ upon , witlrthe multitude oF ‘oppofers , there is great reafon we _,_,. _ _,... “.5”. -1 .41: A Se,-”}g}§.£efb?"? t6e.;%tHw21#riiélcaa.Haufeyffamm am, i -f nall part of the propinquitie ofout Lords coming to judgement ,; I {hall Lfhew firlt, the parallel Scriptures ; and iecondly, the pro—'i bahle reafons thence; and then the Application will be infuch pra&ical1 ufesa as you {hall fee Gods Wordhold fo'r'th vilibly in thoie placeswher: the Text, otthe fenfe"of'iét,fis mentioned. ' Firfl, It is very confiderable that the Apofiles all F9 fpeake, as .593’ i Chrili, the Lord, would in theirdayes come to judgenien‘t,'fo ’ manylhundred years agoe. V Thus I Car. to. I 1. We am the} ups»: e whom the and: ofth: World are e'omc”.So‘ H4.-h.i1o. 37.2%: 2: li-titlo’whiI:,f’ . ; it i ii ympbu 3"g°o;2 a’g'gy,~ yet 4 72:7] -var] little ‘While, ' and be thcfi jhyhzll-conic, wiflcome, andivillnat tarry. And Saint Lame: Behold, 'the“Ind be, _/bmdeth hefore the doon,;.9. And Saint~Pet:r,‘The and ofrz‘/[things :3 at hand: And thus Saint Iohh,It :21 the lafl time, 1 Ioh. 2. I 8. And fo Saint Iudc,1‘8. And if fo then a thoufand years agoe, it is the a D3 miraclc _ Hicrozz. in 2? it p. 107. K. Lac"t':m.7.19. , Matth. 2.5. Augufl. de A ‘T. I 54. 2 ; I . - De V71. Eccl. ‘p.3ot. l\;‘Rcajo;¢:. A"“‘?7P"°5l- ” flziall Otbesare not as theyattiwcrce the Sunne not -fo diftant frqm . us as at the firlt, but nearerjby; many r;Gerxnanetmiles;~to{é.y L nothing of the lp.1ot6.* Epifi. _'fUDI C I ‘UM mzmerum mi. _ rturi cirzitffiet: ' orbia. Problem. p. I 0 57. Eva: Span/I wt. ,4 »s_mm_n Mbgflrcltlae Honorable Hauf: of CIWWM,’ miracle of miracles, that yet the Lord is notcome rto judgement _: ‘rhe~fucceeding Ages after the Apoltles were of the fame mine, ’;,md they watched on Ballet Even by ancient tradition, as if their Mallet Chrillz. [would in one of theft: Vigils come .to; judge the world; i7z_fimili:#dinem Q/£g]ptiitcmpor13,%faith Termllgkwa A: ?°lmrazak the King rofi: up in tke night, amdall 12:3 ferment: , and :t19e_re.w.u A great or} in E gypt, (five. Exod. { 2.30. And in Cyprian: all things were accemplifhed, as he thought, that were fe_re.rur_min.g tokensof-the worlds end. It were eafie to heape up the con 1' eétures of afeverall Centuries; butwe malt all acquiefoe in the determinationoFour»MaPcer who {hall he the Iudge, Matt. ‘ 2.4. Of:/amt dd} amlboure lgnowetb no mam, no not the Angel: if beazzm , é£1ttfb¢,Fat_lJc7‘ anal}. But that I may prepare my felfe and you to theferious and _pra&ieallcenfideration of the fore-mew tioned Vfes :, obferye thefe Scripture arguments. , i ~ i Pitt}, be vi,/M/I be figue: in the Same , and the Maouei éc‘, LItk.a1.25. ‘Andi? Mathematicians, maybe credited, the cele- prodigiout fights and noifes feene and heard in our dayesr ~ . \ . Secondly; Men: bearttfaile them, for fl.-are, d'c._ Luk. 21. 26; 4j\sl_ight_n—it_1g_is_ firtlt; (cane; 4 then thunder heard ; {mo-ke precedes ~firefi,V the [ear gfwels befejre afierrme ;a-fiithe-tbule ofman,‘-. that .3a§' Zcwépyae, a’§ Sjneflzaa, calls it, clroops before danger,-trembles be? fore itjs hurt,1and by its inward timoroufnefle foretels evils to come; andthat appeares by the feverall prefagingsl of men that difcover their Eearcsby their conjeétures: That famous Greérter found out the yegre pfthe ‘worlds end by the word 1w1i6i#m,: eve-.a my letter thereof being numerall; but we have already outlived thgt Fannie abovethirty years. Aretiw byfotne Chrqnogramma- ticall expreflicns Qf Sctipmma propofed this next to be the lafl: werld. .Do&“ere Alaéqffarxeeneeitl out qf:-thofetwo cisf”tsAéa7n<.i. r.rzeyfavenref;faacyt.and. (care. .1. ._ ~I.hirdly'i, Rcligien and hlolinelfe, the twosipfllars-‘gf. Heaven and E5:th,_a2:e ftb much decayed and di{c0untenaBcc€_Las.Wc fleedne ther dc_tn9nPqratienzhat'ibg{¢il,¢fz‘ atdpcrifiomaeetimer are come, that fpaltc efibzfiw. 3.1,. Ferasethe aldiagepf main, q_ ,... ._.. At the mamthly F4/2, Dieceitnher} 2:;-.. 18:4.” . _ 3-3 the lefTetworld,is flail’ of corporafliinfirmities ;» fo the greater world inits declining -eftate abounds with manifold abominati- ons : read at leafure the two next verfes, and fee how un- happily the-{e clayes comment upon them; if you thinke on any ogeofthofe (innes , the fame ‘thought will tell you where to find t em- e W . i Fonrthly, The unnaturall diviiions that are up in the world, are undenyable . prefages that the Lord :3" at hamd : for when the ' Difcipl-es privately demanded of their Matter, whatihould be the fignes of his coming to judgement; among others this is recor- deal by the three Evangelifis : -The hra‘ther_fh/zl1"h:tr4y the brother to death, mzdthafazhrr thc=fi2mre,@~c. Man: 3. 1 2. Matth. 24. to. LmQ.zr.16. And We need not enquire‘ among icwes, Turkes; and other Nations for the accompliihment hereof; but as Chriil; a in another cafe, Lula. 4.. 21. I-may fay, Tbia da} zévthzls Scripmre fu{fil1cd injourmrer, 0 England: never fince thou wert a Na-- tion didit thou fee thy {elfe Io miferably tome, and rent with fuch civill, uncivill, unnatural], and bloudy difirafiions : I F it had beene {aid to any of thy people, {cure or five yeares fince,7that they ihould doe fuch things, as are now done in themidftof thee ; they would have replied with the indignation oFH:¢zael, a -King. 8. I3. Are we dagger, 'deftitutc'of all humanity , to do: this .?_ and yet, wretched things are done by men; Chriitian men, Englifhmen a- gainfl: Englijhmen, ptofefiing the fame Religion, proteiting the fame Caufe,and End of their quarrell : O that thou couldfi: yet dif- cerne thofe formidable clouds of blond in their fcattering :. but alafle, they threaten worfer evils, even to make thee afullfea-of a blond Within, as thou art Without {urroundccl by water: For the Wofull divifions of England there be great thoughts of heart: I will not fay, as Ieremic. 2. I 1. Be]: aflani/had, 0 heazwm, at thzlvg. Nor, he a/hamedje Hmhamdmemloel 1.1 I . iBut let iallthofe be afhamed and altoniihed, Prophets and people, that have not help- ed to quench, but kindle this fire : Tim isindeeda lazmenmtia'n,and’ /5411 éefar 4 lamnmia», Ezek.» 19. 14. But to returne from this fad-complaintuponronr'moPc miferahle diifenfions, aedolefhilpmi fage that the L0rd"r3~d£haxd,_7 the = pro iofthe wbrld decays; ‘- prou Iligious fights portend as much, and t e » fainting of mens: hearts fore-bodethe fame :1 amnot ignorant , ‘thatafafi>me4icuiwinefledtby . . : ' ~ ' tong .Vr—-—-u:-vac. l..'.4L.a-—-..,aI-40-.- “ 4‘ 4 -- lid _ &-‘J . . 24 e/1 Scrmozrbefbre tbe Horzaurable Houfi: of Cbmmon: -.«.—-...q..—.— —.'&u.._- C»-— nu ’..—n-..; a. .- gash- Repentance. nu’-rt Ana e+_-yarns firong evidence of .Chri{ls_',reigning here upon earth 3. before that time, underfiand all thefe places of that comingoFChrill ; and my purpofe is not at all to pry into thofe hard and hidden moments of Gods ownelconcealing : and furekl am. thofe that wade this way meet with deepe dilficultieseg as how ? e ” . Firll . all the fnre—named Scriptures Ihould he fo applied, I Col‘. 1 0. ['13 Ybe end: of ‘the world are com: .-"and it is not 3mg- yémas, the Romane world ,or Empire. 35 L"k° 2-t. And Saint Peter is yet more univerfallyexprelie; T 11: em’ qfalltkingxzk at hand, 1 Pet.4.7. A e t e 3; Sccondly, theday ofiudgement is called, dgreat and notable» day, 216?. 2'. to. Mn appointed day, 17- 3-1. Yet itismore then one , oneqf the dayex of :19: Some: afmma,Lul<. I7. 2 2.26. ~ t .\ - Thirdly, Who can determine the finals of the Beal’ts~p'ower, unlefie the Originals were manifefl?Rw. 1g.$.8cc. g » . . Imight fay much of Ancient and Moderne confidences {this p way, but my purpofe is to improve the remaining time allotted, in the ferious confideration of what God himfel-fe t_els,,. we ought all prafiically learnt: from the Lord: hing at band, and the judgc-. ‘meats now in the land may,and ought to hallen thefc. truths home to our foules. ' : y e ~ » Pirft, Speedy Repentance from dead workes: reade -A&'. 17. 30,31. -——- Now he commanded: all man ever} when to repent, éecamfi he hath appointed 4 day in which be Will iudgé the world,c§~c. Many things are here. obletvable, shut the . 76- mix», the Now, dig that I defire to Falien upon you,and my felFe;‘ for if in Saint Paul: . daycs it was an argument of, and to Repentance; it fhould much more accelerate us thereuntc, upon whom the. Lord’ is nearer now by": fixteene hundred yeeres. Conlider with thy felfe then, 0 my foule, and fa p"po‘fe,., thou: wert here" guilty IVOE’ fome ' capitall crime, for-which the Iudge werereadytn"‘r‘eckon~~With thee, and paiiefentence of death, or delive_rance,‘as he finds thee; Couldcfl: ‘thou fleepe or be fecure‘ Pg or‘ won1d‘e{l‘thon trifle away thy rim: 3 rwbul-d notall thy care be by t» {ome meanesor other to gaine favour from the Iudge? Be thou afli1_rc:d',,l~_Qlny.fQ§.;l_ll€,' Iéznt t/zeagngazlly [ball aotfiandin the «_it¢dgemém;,- [-?{al. I .{5.~7 .‘ iconfaicncgt A knows what-aload offinne lies upon thee , wen oi féurdcn too »/mam’: tbce{t¢t5?€aé'e, Pftal-313-=4-e. Qh why doll thou. not hafh;n_ :o,¢_a{‘¢_¢b‘y - {elfe *__.i A; the mgnethly Fafl, Decemb. 2 ;. ~I64.4.. a 2; felfe of this weight by unfained repentance, before the Iudge i come, and pronounce the irrevocable fentencei‘ Read, and re-, member to doe as /1fl.3. 19. Repentje, andhe converted, thatjottr _/Fmse: am} he hlot-tedettt, when the time: afrefre/hingfha/lcamefrom tbeprefenee of the Lord. I nfinit is the matter ofour Humiliation, in refpeét of nature, perfons, and nation; of pal}, and refent times :but this day, and thofe next it, have been: hereto ore the onely merry feafon of the yeare, and the Devill hath beene fervedl , better on thofe Twelve dayes, then on all the twelve moneths be- fide; and our Mafter Chrifi hath molt unchrillia-nly by many been i difhonoured,°even in thofe dayes {aid to be devoted to his glory .-“ And I may borrow here the words of Nit-bola: de Clemangtlr, touching his Popilh Fellivities; What heathen man, if he had come into thofe fealts, feene and heard our Chriflzmas Gamboles, would not have taken them rather to be the Floralia of V:-r7 am, or the Orgia ofBacc/me, then Chrifiian holy dayes ? and who can lay his hand upon his heart, and fay, he is innocent as touching this in all refpefis? Great caufe therefore had your Ordinance to amt,-,wi,“* command this day to he kept with more folemne httmiliationrhecaufe ° it ma} call to rememhremce our finnex, and thefitvtne: of our fare- as. then, who have mrned thzéfiafl, pretending the humor} of Chrtff, into an extreme fargetfulnefl} of him, h git/z'ng lihertie toearmtll andfenftmll deli ghtx, heing contmrjto t e life which C hrij} him/elfie led here upon earth : Thole dayes were profefledsly dedicated to, extraordinary tnirth,and re joycing : we read no fuch thing of our Mallet Chrift at any time, but be wept often, and ofieredup man} prayers, mgdfupplication: with _/{rang crying and teares, I-leb.s.7. Our Malter Chrill was never idle; but went about doinggoad, Aft. ., 1o. 38. and elfewhere, every where in the Gofpel ;, but among nsit wasaccounted almollca crime, for men, or their {ervants to a doe any labour on any ofthofe dayes: praétifes, as your Ordinance {aid truly,contr4r] to the fiairitmzli ltfeaf Chrift in our fimles, for — thefanfiffjing andftzviagg nghereaf (‘hrijt rm pleezfed hath ta_mge.- , an humatzefiflt, jetgteal to alg}j_t;dawne,dg¢5ne : but the extreme, £01.‘! j getfulneffe of Chrilt in thofedayes of Chrilt, the extreme, excelfe r M4? 143%" a ofcarnallkandifenlnalldelights were molt extremely diPrantfro.m~ that fpirituall lifefhonld be in Chriltians, who wéar/(gout their fil- -nation with feezre and tre7t2hli,,ng,, Phil. 2. 1 2, not in feeure, hea- " ‘ E thenilh, ’ Human!)- mindednefi’. T thinke how ‘unfit we * l befarlé t/2e lianorable Houfl‘ of-‘e Commons, l --—-r-'--:':_1—_ ._—Ia..~_..‘—.— tfififihégfidspofaherlmgfimefiu; Thejpajfiy the time ofltbeir‘ fé: iaurning her: in ‘fear;-,. .1 .PetLi.I' '7. Not onely becaule he that /mtb‘ ;t'a1lcdm’5A: Ed}, ‘and Md; #5 to-J1: fa‘ -/ik§"Wlf6,>VCrf7; 1'5. 16. but be-‘A caufe, efoararedcmptta» 5"} ’f;VJ?*p;rec'iIom" églo2g‘da‘f Ngri/?;(rg"é. iverf. 1‘ 8,; zy.~ therelhie wet1aau1.:hp_uffao»2r iimiih f:are—;l*z10t‘in¢_wn‘nfDn,' wild',e impi6us'ipa£limtéssi wl*aichid0e'pi1t- merfin_t0' a pomxte altogether unmeet for the 1%_l‘\(lC€ of Chrifl, or care of”ouH"ou1es’:l had chc'Nation'nolother Gnnes‘ to anf wet for, flxrely without the blond bl:-‘Chfif_h whom: men ha-VG-fOumucl1.dilhonQL§rcd to his face,- we iii a» moth ‘c$e1‘perat'e* c‘en’cii£ie)jn“: l ‘Goc_h_-snce iherc-4 fbre and mminer and; bewaile; and confidier, Gods providence; hath made this day, this very day, -the head of all that fecundity, a day of Humiliation 3 dfloee not mifcall it, let it be {o to every one of ‘ us, for out owpe,“ theeeNéit-ionall» tfrar‘1.5grefl‘1or:seit- hath beéne; for- méily fguflty éfin théfe dayes {and if the Lord, wk? 15.: at km/, hall called any of‘ ttsiéutl or the woflii; when fvvelwere bufie in thofe % f'ooli{h‘,lvaine’, and unchrillian ufégcs; we may now tremble to in~thecloudsv I ~ - _‘ , .—-Selccmdly , «Lee--usiwxfely l wean: ‘eurfifelvcs from the ‘world, arid this we learn: from the very next words after the Text. The‘ Lord £4 at lazma’,-V In .natbz'ng =ée‘ careful! : -Yea; out lLo.*d~ himfclfe‘ l gives us the fatnelcounfefl,‘ ‘in-theevery fafnefwetds,-Late.-V21. 34.- Takgtlaecd t/.iazt'.lj"0W‘r 7aed.§‘t.I¢ 5é!hai2’§- a(¢%‘¥‘{dnj* ‘ti:3¢e'_o*lv'i"fL'anh‘é‘~Wz'?'I2l‘ -271:‘ cdtiéfaftbzk lgf‘e.,».e'21nd t/74i:;iaj".i¢ofi¢;§jwhiunawarés‘: 5 There ‘ baa feafon flit‘ bttiee thiagég but n“ane~f{Fpr' Ceh’rifl:ia1js—et‘d be foHi‘<':it‘ous~ for earthly kthings: Our: 1I’a2z‘l9lL-‘i-liileierz hemuen , /0 we ftty, fa ”2‘z>é‘j praf; hug/at ‘mar ~5Go(Mt(e}¢;5fi7l-Waprofeflk, -Heb-.; ;-i.; 416; Why-’ dge was man; digge {@fa¢5p*e:§£i¥he‘£éa‘£rh,.ifi-d‘defiée tc":‘loa”'cl?;lotir'*~ fen/esawirfi nhiek ec1ayee;=_»;*IheiA}s5{1{1e,Y¢a1‘§Béé ‘myi Teéltghgirt-i éxsprefli-ens‘ t,fiatetna'y‘ loath anyem§h‘fHcre6Fg1"wh¢yFe ¢n215 z3¢=.p(il:‘fa”0*-J?I‘¢‘?'ia’;‘g.l dfifil.‘ tkeiwglqrj in‘ *)fie;ir iébb‘ "vfiind l [ez2'r’t}1l]l tbi .¢,=Phil;3.Ig.f. Da&fihét_iéfi~is‘d?éfi-‘ejnd*"énd‘\2i%hyf-‘fhoulfl H bsitheir portidnsflwhii‘c§fé‘i‘k€it“f61‘§I&l¢h§xzeh??;I3Ln?tEfhey A are thétbuxwerfien oFthi%3wBr1d&t£tb6>méaaé>ti‘rgr¢.j:li‘N6fuéfilizhattcig:. :Iaaz»+3*g:z.;~r;la;«zn theiflffwa-xi! geheywwlanaw inigtéémrg witli rwiae;* tfiatf miglhe'have'edFxvex-fécrlviteh?Saints who are'rho_fe dam-l zipdi mgwaeus: men:-?, ‘r_l a2~;Aawia>a3.z* «ppaa>a'2ia‘e.r,x '1i'i’e”n'-‘dun’ .«g’«r'i"' ',_:if','.‘»' , ' '1’ I afg d becnei to meet the Lord Iefuscoming - 2‘.=am:':~’ _,-. __:.';;.'aVc_as._:’»§\..--. - '.~_-Ayn: _ __' . _ tbe gnanet/zly Fajl, I:)ecemb.2;-.. 1-644. %.-are wife for the World; ~:Iw mind cartltl} ’t’3!;4!gS's,? \Nhat_fl)2ll_ I L-fay more, what can I add: better, then that ofuthcApo[}lc-, 1 (or. .37. 29, go, 3 I. Tbzés I/oi)’ érctlorm, ‘tke time 1'4//Bart, it ramaimtbttlmt _&atjI: the} wim .l:m-z2e~1?vi'a+e.r,ée :14 tInmgIo‘tl9:‘y ' andtbejithp wecpe, as tlmigh t/:5} wept not; and they that reiojce ,4: tbaugh thaajreieajceofjnjot; dhdrfhej that én}5.a:’fbau‘gb-‘pp_;Te:(}'rdn'ot; L2 7 ' Andthe] tbét ujé ‘thtét world, at though tbé] u_/Edit not; for :5: ‘ .fl.tia:§»,oftki5'w9rldpa_[fktb awq: *T.h§'dchortatioII isnvcr.yTfull and gxcjmpbaticall ;; but tha‘t‘.which:I: cfptciailyf abferv.c<;in,i.t is,i:l1ac\it.is tcempaIT¢d* -in, anfis about; ‘fiat the beginning; T and in that find; ziwifh the“ argument of my Tcits, left 'uufl1eart§;.’that'11ankcrrd'n.uI1uch % ’world-ward,t{hould~any7way gctout,aftzr.it.t.:,,_,~ 1- -; 0 - “ T.hirdly",¢z3a¢%bana4' *,5th'ércFcrc£ot\f’tant1Y'15erfevcré Perfevetfitcei. .in -hishoryxmaumnd thi=s%Vf§}.is hcliigoqftpus by~t~1vJ~isthé»1Bivw‘tig?o-, .3lef]3’d in /5: that; rmdrtb; -’,~ andtbey rbarJa5~ép:the‘«mQrtd:k‘éf ’ tphefie :§ fir ,t,31e-time is at hand, Rcvel;\1\:t';;’Yca and -S.P.zi4l,%aflbn7n:as «he had mentioned this doftrine, 1.002210. -1 1; «makéa thisvetysutfn and application 5 tW77erfore let him that tlainkgtb keflandezbgagtéag 1:;/i /1gfi1Il,'vcr.. 12}, He rim is kznxflécmmiaeomifdht -fl;an.d’s:‘in'flippcry p1aces,nayh<=:. flandetb ngtgsonciy Iziettbfibgtlmr/gait A beflwdctbgthztfiie let him take hgqd: lefi bafnll:and£:aution f5t“pa\3- t fcverancc" is not onely futablc to my-text, but the times;-thefic-ftti- faring timcs ; wherei-n men are. mofi: apt to recidivatcsp atgtdfail -a‘Wa;»'.aS;~tlie4a_atable*:'of thc~:fi:ed"m2d .fimve_r: .maQ2'rvia@gtt’;‘Ji{utIbi :13. 2:1 ‘:3 and the: other Apofiles ptomifcd.’ €air.1y::to' s them» Iclvcs;and their Maftcr in the Calmef, “Though we tfloulsfldkfiniab. vtlseggjet will We not flan} tb%e:,fa/Ezid all the -Difiiplegj; iz‘6;<3i§-e Yet in the &orm,nay before the {tonne cami: atthcttt; they rtihtié away; fo1:.fearq;th6Y 93% ~16 fltelter;-indeed fisamt-{heité1's“h1¢t'éN=£b L »from-Ghnflb;-fba} u1tfarfaqke"hhn,a»dfi1éeL—vrxf+’s 6.-= ‘ji5hu“s~=@@‘on» ;cntanglé"d‘with the 1ovc‘0f egttthly things", A d::.‘fct!'ts% +:::§n§lfhi‘§ » Apofslle; emémcetk t/ac rrcfimt wtirld, and depklrtrta *.‘I"iJ?]}"Ja‘la1ai£n; 2;. T5m§i4a 120.. whetsc hesis -a‘k'cepe’t~:ohth’c :Pagatér I:d61a§3;5éls fomefifitlwu Jkxttcianr hats: twerdcd; isrfor ,'::- let MaIE:r¢Cbt§kbe~exuat‘itti311r*eafs, aivvayksvitt Du‘1‘rhc§at@s‘,E¥'I‘Q!‘2~§g-. He that dew'£t/1v éwxsfitfirft h-'~d:n'};ed fiefdre ¢bé’~A¢gW:q’ God, and if Chrifi tum¢2hist~"acc from th€e'~.fi1°thab dBy‘?‘?§t$UCiIbI5’fi\ shy dgomegéwho :wt11,=~who’c-an; twhotdaze tfpeikezfdwlrégifithine E 2 L % owns ' Dorotb. Symfl, % 53:. 1;: -*:I ; ; . _ .._-3... .__.,_..‘.-—._g .. --—-«-——~__—-..~-.~..—-- -———--p.ré" u._..-.—§ j-—-final” 28 flnelfi. vv .4.—~..A_; ex! Sermon hefore the Honourable Houfe of Commons, t owns Advocate be {ilennand indeed it is molt juft they be Io dealt with, that Apollatize from the truths of Chrill; it is full, Ifay, a Leg: taliamk, even by the Law ofretaliatiomfor that’s the fentence of the holy Gholl , If we den} hm: , he wt/l tzlfo den} 1;“ -_-. '[1'm_ 2. I 2. ».f V ‘ , Fourthly, Zealous endeavours after holineffe : and thus 8.’ Patel having fpoken of the Judgement to com . 3 Car. 5. t o. he adds prcfcntly, emf I 1. K nomn g therefore the terroar of the Lord, we. perfmtle men, to what ? but the righteous aéhons of godlinelle and Chrillianity: and. upon this very foundation 8. Peter builds a flrong argument to ho11ne{Te; for having lpoken at large doclrinally of the day of the Lord , as alfo concerning the formidable manner of his coming, 2 Pet. 3. I 1. Seeing the» that all thefe thing: my]? 5; J17 flblzml, what manner of perjbm ought]: to he in all hol] eon?/erfiz. tion andgodliheflt‘ ? he interrogates, but anfwersi not ,_ not bccaufc the holy Gbofl was at a Non plea, and couldanot expreffeit; but be-‘ caufe he would have us enquire , examine . and increafe in every good word and worke in ourovvn perfons, and asvfarre as ever our relations doe , and can reach private men in their intere lls; ub- lique perfons in their engagements, according to that of the holy Prophet-,e which concerns every one p 95 us, Let iudgemn; 71”; down: do water:, and righteottfnefle M 4 mightjflream, Ame: 5 . 1 2'. It mull be done lpeedily, delayed no longer, let it rem down: , "and it mufi be performed i m partzallymm down 45 Watemwhich favour none. drench all that be neer them, yea and powerfullyalfo, do‘ 4 mightiejlreem, that will fu ffer no obflrwfhons, but beares all oppo- litions before it‘; and that of the author to the Hebrew: is pertinent to this purpofe alfo, Let It»: confiahr one another to provoke unto low, mdeo go ad woriv, uorfbrfizkéxg the aflemhliug of our felt/e: together to the fatsamter of flame :9, hut exhorting one another, ttmljé much the more, heme/ejefie the do} approaching, Heh.to.2 2 5 . a Scripture otherwife remarkable in thefe times , wherein men confider one another,and provoke not to love , but to f chif me, good works,but their owne fancies, tofeparatiomand firfiking the aflemhliet : but there the =ApolHe layes the force , and to would I , in the eaoém ‘ulimer , fa much the more provoke one another to good works , hee4m_/e]efee the dajftpproachttsg. . ~ Pifthly, Chrifiian Patience in trabulatlon, is the next thmlg to b; ' a cam: ,, and fiGling,not to - .._—-«.¢.-s...--— —ea—a-....— .. ._.... . _g¢/ ‘ _,.....‘........_s....- \——‘, .c__._ ,,- At the momstth/y Fofl, Decemb. 2 y-. 1644. i i :9 learned from this doétrine of the Lord: heing at h4nd;an hard leflbn ' 1 wnfeflc, and they are out. of the Forme , and Schoole of mm;-¢ that have learned it , for it is an herbe of Grace, and grows not in mans garden, we are all by nozmro children of Wrath, Eph. 2.3, not onely paflimlj, fubjeét to fufler the wrath of God becaufe of our finnes, but afiiwclj alfo, we are hot, fiery, and impatient, and upon cvery occafion doe difcover our diftemper; Luther {pake obferva- hly, becaufe his own heart, God hath given us, faith he, many blef- fings, health, quietnelie, wife, children, and which is above all, the word of his Patience , and yet one fit of the Stone beatsout the memory of all thefe benefits ; Vno maloplm mowmur quam mill: 3. 59. 5. 8 z, homéc, Though we have had twentie yeers offelicitie, if one day of fortow come, all the former calm uefleise Forgotten, clouds of in- dignation gather, and breake out into Ftreames of impatience; nay, if one tooth doe but ake , that Center or point of paine darkens all the Sphere and circumference of Gods mercies ; It were eafie to abound in complaining, but farre more comfortable to Falien pupona remedy, and that is not farre of; becaufe the Lordzlt at; hand ; and what fenfe Ioever is put upon the words , they breath upon us abundant matter of patience. “ Firll , The Lord isfo nigh, that no fuffering can befall us with— l out his appointment , and if we remember it is his hand, we will not utter to much as one word of impatience; as-Daoidprofelfed, He was ohmzhe and opened not his mouth , hocamfe tho Lorddid it, ’1’f4l-39-9- “ a e Secondly , The Lords example is neere , {hould alwayes be at hand for our animation and encouragement; It is enough for the difciple to he 46' his Mafler,and the format as his Lord, Matth. I O. 2 5. an expreflion that may make us not onely patient, but joy full. yea triumphant in mifery. C hrifiians to be as their Ma-Pcer Chrili, it i is en‘ough,and they thatconfider it well,need no other confolation. Thirdly, The Scriptures of Chrifl; are Written for our comfort, Row. 1 5. 4. and in them the Lord is at hand ; For the word it more the, even in thy. momhmzdin th} heart,Rom.lo.8. and for this, in i this; thou mayelt be patient; 1 viii rciqjle in him ybecaufe of his Word, in the Lord I will rainy‘: becaufe of his word, Pfal. 56. 10. _ i Fourthly, Yea the Lord isat hand , toput a period to all out p \ a E 3 preilittes ; :-..o ¢v ...,. . N on "UZ'i'l4r5' we A gamma befare the «Hmeméle Haztfe of C ommom, \ -.... . —-s mg,’ gLhake ., It , our /Jedd:,7'fo'r thesdet] cf em‘ re- -gkmguion;dre2eetb”i:ig7a,- Ink. 28, fo lam; 597,8.’ Bejpetteflt ggiygrefivre brethren , Imto the comikgof the Lore! ; Beha/d,\zhg Hm- xhmdmaw wgitet/2.. fat tJse;'..preci3m- fmit of the earth ., ez;_/eel bath long ]mti't2teeg€m'it; tiillveireeeiwthégetzrly. and letter reinegéa ymzfig patient ,‘-flaéliflr _Jaz'ei:e:'Ieee1;°t:',(fi2ratt/yea; coming ‘a the »Lore’ia’r"awe?ti/a -wIg}1';..Itisn¢‘grcaf matter that the husbandtnan exfpeéls; flute éfiiriaerezrtlg , "7et'Iaeeba.tb greet patience; we have much more in -liyph,-t*,:i~xeaverilyat1d.eternail things: and therefore We fhould be rexhuchzmere in=;pa=cieno‘e§‘=a-nd"‘swe iméye-nohte’Aa-lie the teafon of the ~ aText;*h:gitas:mv6'mds, éompaffetheabout this ieflbn of patienée; initip 7.“,.t2erflr:fi". 8; Yea inthis , and fforithis, heare thefiludge — himflclf, ulna zimt lama’, Lu2k;z 1 . 19.‘ B} ymr Pfltifflfie-130]]-e 1]} your faxdes, a.+dire_&i¢n‘tbr etimesilikeoutrsa fuffcring times, jtrfihzllaée /14. 91:11’ afi éallsnimfar my ~n2merf;t{c', F-V'?e“r1‘t.«‘ 17.: ‘and if ethey%'{ay;?Mgfi¢1-, ;.i’n’that depiorabd-e.-iiconditiod, Whereiho‘;manVW*iii appearesiforeus, ‘ what fhall we do} hisanfweris,a be not foiicitous for year houfes, flW»"0”14“d"ae9t.1ands, or reputation, or body, but féreyoutfitules; pa]]"efl"e them 2207: luxztriat. - Augufi. Faith. 6;zp4tz'e;xte;. . .. 4 . , ‘ Sixthly, Faith in the Lord fefu‘s"Chnifi>éis'alfo cemeimcndeetoeus, efio'mthisDo&rin of-A the'L‘ard: being at heme! , 'for when the Apo- sfiik: had faid, Heir. re. 37.‘ Tet at very little while , emdbe theztflmll .eai?ne_,. m'11eame,and;wi_/I not tarry; evetyonethat heares this, and beliievese ii, iwould ‘prefently~ ‘make enquiry, Is the ludge pom. ing, foicertainly, foLfpeedi1y,fo fuddenly? and is he indccde fa ‘wxigi/1 at Iatmd ‘.? Alas, what {hall We t7hen"doe, what courfe ihaileiwe ‘fake, 1w'here,iasorhowifh‘alis’weappeare S‘ The anfwer is ready, moi’: ex- cellent and ninuthe ‘verynext words . Verfi 38; Now 1:‘-are égcfaitb ; x_Nmv,at;that ‘verytimes in tiheiiiniicantidf uc‘igin0‘thé Wor.lda,T faith lfhail {uppbtt a[],d'}3l}5i‘i€i;ii1i7il11 that dcpexhdupona od :;A man indebted, ‘that hathhét Wherewith "to fatisfieiris Crediwr»; dares ndt looke him in the face; but if his ‘fimeeiéhtaker out the; B08015:-arii is wel‘l," and he is fafe : We are 211 i'atTrea!'eist agaififii God by our finnesfigthd acahrémotiitufaver me.Mft'vg*.oftu! tbattfimzl-,"« Io'é‘9.';-“. :n(_)t'fhc«Iefa‘& ‘ pactzof one oiffimany thfmfands, whatfliail We then doe‘ ? Li‘ve'by faith,‘aand our :in,te1‘efi in the price of Chtifls blood, payaall the debtf <~ 2- flttthe mmethly .Ft:z/Z, December 2-;.~ 4.544; 31 of out tmgodlineife , that great and fuperabu-ndant' 'e:ep'iatio;1 is made over to us by honly belecving; for he was nototxely our Sam tie, Heh.7. 2 2. but be lastly hlotted okzt‘ the hand-Writing that mu re-i ‘gaizin/1‘ m,and*tztkm it‘oIlt"af1thJ way, &c“.}(’al.., 2. 14. It "is Written» of Tilhte, that being calm to Rome befete the Em~petour,:o giire M_ ;;/«cg, M A; acebuntbf fame Mal-adminifltatiqn, and triifgovernment, he{put4 38, ~ . on the feamlefie Coat of Chriflz, and'alltl1c‘titne he Ware that gat- ment, Cafazr: furywas abated,=to his own, and others admiration; That mayibe a::Pable: but fure l atfi",‘ if wethave the Robes of C.hr‘iPcs Righteotifneffe upon usrbya lively faith ,, we {ball then have no caufe of feare, in that we have not onely am Advocate with the Fath:r,t1 Iah. 7. 2. but Chrill the I udge, for our defence J and deliverance ; It is a terrible queiliomthat of Ioh, but very pto— ‘ * i fitablee; andléhmy fiiuleifleepndt this night, not any other. tillctbou L hail put it-home to'thy~ fe'l’fe'; F01/‘t/Ia fLar2slz2s nthmzd; the.:cfuefi7iotI is , Whaztfhall I side, When God iifeth :41), amdwhen he wfiteth’, where, 17:41! I hr/fwer him? Iah 31.» 14. To which no other anfwer,e -no better anfwei‘ can be given , then that cf Saint ‘Paul. Ram, 13. I 4;, P»; on the Lord Iefmachréff, mdmoa/qr notprapifianfar zhefl.ef;9,i flat/fi/Z the 132]}: therebf. 7 . a Q. ‘ L y " ' 2* Seventbly, The lafl‘ Praétieall confideration held forth from this ‘ Doflrine of the ‘Lord:"heinghighnt hdnd,.is fobet Watcllfiilneiie unto prayenandgthisis the veryu‘V_{e,« in tet-mes , Saint ‘Peter iwils us to make thereof, ’ who «haying ifa'id'-;} The end‘ of arhirlglrfl at hand; ad detb this iimmediate, ‘inFere‘nce‘: Be jmitherefore fairer, andwmch mzto prayer, I Pet.4.7. Yea,our Lord himfelfe, who‘~z3.at T h;md,fpeal'n‘c'll}I' , The Evangelifis generally, for the famer_e_af_o1? ‘ekf hurt to Witching, Mntth. 24.42. M4r!Q,13.*;3. anetttiey iibé. _ ameang fa m_uch:ab€t-incdce from fleep,‘btit frqm:‘,fin:ie,4‘aficPMtcls§ iihzg’-;!5éf~3fOEéWO7fldlin€_fli6, but §orrpt2yei‘L77 V‘ ‘ ‘ - *3 *'~»‘i ‘<’3="v' W" It ,]fhirtflyg.Sb;* saw [H363 ‘ iWattch]ei‘hé}iEforé,i’ a»zi1§rez}