§~M % TEu3 «afivkl F YING % OF ” a,Sg R,-M Q N Preachcdbefore %E§ A Who flm/Z aflrend into the bill aft/2e Lam’? and ‘wba A ‘E: He that hath clean band: and 4 pure heart. ta %,..4 V Co M Mons. ~ g,;;2,9. % 63 $33- LVNCLEAN HE AR T S i Vand%%Hands= M fl *'" 0 .15? ED A «.2 %' J24? ta“ W; the}-Ionourablcfloufcof COMM MONS, __ ‘§*%{§ at their folemne Fa.{’c,,.?mmary 28. 1645.2 :3; 9 % V % in _M¢rgarc;: We/b%m'nfier. Eta? . in %s By Rzcumm V I as 2 s., one of the Affem- :'é3§ bly of Divines. _, *2?‘ AA ‘ A A A V A ¢ H % ‘PS A 1:. 24- 324'‘ t flmllfizmd in his holy place .9 ~23‘ « _ Pubmhed Order of the Houfc of ~ Lo.NDON,% 33%‘ 2.‘ "‘ " “ % _ V M wfcheSun%(&§a -53-«;2LP:;ngedby G.AM.for Aéel Re:-pe:r,at%thefigueoV “ , A ___f ; % againfl: S‘ Dvxmfimzs Church_1nFleetfh”~.$-er. I646. _€} _ V ‘K. 5” 3,, 3-4 ,_v';._ '1' .,_. A U? '3 ‘3.":"’ R ?J:i‘_' %%%%%fi§%%§§%fi%$§$$m W Zj\’/Iérczmji 2*’. jtdnuayy, 1645*; " by the Co~z;x?11fi*()}11s-A affembled in ’PA B1. {A M E N '17,, from this} Houfe give :11 toi t9etM.; Long and.M.H01Zand dogf Wrzesee for the great painsveheee tool: in the Serrrions- he p»feaehed‘«i this day, at‘ the intreatyof t}'l‘*l'S_5 Houfe, at S‘ argmfety We/£M~.. minfler, being the dhay of Pub-. A Aljlge Humiliation) and codefire» him to Brim his Sermon; And} it is Ordered;,4tha-t none Ihafl” ‘ Print his Sermoxybut who fhalli be liceniedx. under... his 11 andévwria .¢ Ilflg... 4 V }¥.3€%?nge, _C7ér.7’4rl".”D.Com»e ,, -__.....j ' < App0ix~1£;_/zéel Zinger to pa:int.t})is Sermon-.~.e-: 7 A. _ A “ J; _ A * e.}Z_zc*/;:,zrd >,Yme:,,e. 1;7.:$.fl,:, fig?» M :4‘ «$5358 m in \< 4.‘ M :5 . r‘ “ ‘ A I “ W ’ KIM-‘bi - ‘; Iv“ ,1 "“ I ’ '\ ‘. m»..* x»: w. ‘ 5‘ , “ *5’ % ‘ v ‘ ‘I W )h> ‘\:‘( H “I I q - ‘A ‘ ‘ ‘N ‘ A M‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ H W . ‘ 5 ' '.‘,- rv >2,‘ “ “ "" V I4 - .‘ ‘ gm . ‘ . . *1 4 El % 4» 2...; OVS A MMO N S 1'37. 7 ‘ " “ ‘ f-Mi‘ ‘ “ I?‘ “.1 ‘M’ ‘ M 3. 5;)‘ ‘ W‘ . »a I , . ‘ ‘w ‘ ' ‘,1’ V “ __y ‘W ‘A ; g ,3 ‘\ ;,‘ ‘\ 3. , .,,, ‘ mm. -v V " , W - % Vcb A2wdittm*~'sir/:9 will Vfutfcrx the Heb.x3.m. L “ A wbtdficifileixbagrtation .a::precez€b&4V u}>‘on.tme oftbe days: afyour folcmn approach “and drawingwnzfg/are God. 51: nvcmzo/eazfbn to».pre/ent)'0uV-wit/7 fan?- efics drcflgd ‘in. cobweb £;znm,A A 4%tévinV~notians clo;ztbedAwisbAA4 am, A 4 «Tbs fzfls dz'd_6'u¢ ebzzfzgq "-olid ymezzt into«~fr2§eet me‘At5*.4 "I’ZaeVfz¢£v4- ' jeff of tbefermon 235 clcanfing and purifying; which 452: W4»: neceflazr} by tbs lama, be are me% A gmcieanpsrfon méghtdraw «nigbu~lift Lxpthy face without» A I 590*»: '1*1]eEparti.eDeaicacory. % h I (‘Cr 9 :7. % ,h,eart4 fl1~a11:1'¢%¢“%4~ A ;fpo=. mu u“;a14=1s+Iv W 1il'¢réwi*v1°ivbMi- rnjflers claim wrung of?/9eir% ‘con¢m;"f:"ibn,L"‘to A fpeak, %;L[exho1:t,4 anzdrcbiuike wit‘h ;all% armhew % xicy, Tit;2.1I‘oz4dr/kit are tb; mt£'1¢2”f', as-~ % ' tram and 4fl'a—_:jté”ur5%%%0f jLiB;;AIibc§tie§,kidpé%% like yourj]él)ae.i=,¢?‘-1%“vountersmcirzg a*fi$en%bu?aging V tiazémlfo .' /oflallyou barre the minifiezy o tbg, ~ Ward * 4Z‘Wai6.; ré4ajvta%gbaq2yod;:%‘tQ£-eat 4;corruptiom;b1a3§k:”afi:;:b*le.w3., if [mt/9 2:/ac dug», am! 564%} cy:3:our/ackclot/zedajfesfin Tbs Lord who £24:/2 faid, Thafy the “pure in 7 M4tb,.5.8. Ami that db; tbm.1ljatIE2%cl~canhvfa‘nds, /bafl be fironger and :flr"anger,~ {ob 17.9.54 fir draw nzgb rayon in the ‘light .91‘ bis cauntenrmce , and flrangt/9 of his arm. 1:/Jacyou w/90 Mb: definded %ReIzgz'«on from Mug mmplad upon, may pr.e;f2r've itfram be.- ~»iawg»£arn inpieces, amiflee the ‘ goaaf of ]’cru:fa-5 lam ail 3/nea'a}as%ofyour:li*pa:. Sopmyes, A L — A ‘L1f‘awrfl:rwAntinGbrif} Iafiw, A R;ichatdV’in¢s{ SERMON PREACHED befc>retIr== cure ‘. ofACJo'MM oNs,f ’upon the%day, of ‘ the M0neth1y«-Fa.Pc, 7ammry2.8; I643. " M " ~ A —---—~——__. JAMES 4. Draw nigbto Godgand be we drawmy» £010?! : %CIeat1fc~5routhands»y¢finncrs,% and 9": j V;i£i¢'y0uVr hearcs,yc double}-minde;d.~_ % _ % A ' Y works at’ this time,.( by reemént) 0'0- ‘ .1thatitmay appear tb you in '9. full Ina» hi‘ 3°1f”}°“ ¢V . d . h f. A V . _upEmtt'.‘Ot‘~ dy5vyO11 rece1ve_ (1111; e ore-noon») me. Pm gg the invitation tovthac, which is not this rem ‘O1Ah1iy”t1ia,.1I1;a.in: duty, but alfothe chief3go9d%j%}c5f : 1nam,'*Twdr.w flig§r° to» God %% And you have ( ihupeé) A Ltafiedtz. «gthc: cccneflb of‘, %t11ia?t@ ‘ promife A Whidi .- *:;is‘to bringup th%eArere-0 uchistext, Sec M. 0‘w;vl __._-_-mu. . I -A! Plato in P which G651dbihtna.1;e.,or:héeficéri5ififiiéncwh§Efi ‘ -u.. hC,,giV€S CO fi.1C1]‘3 a’7‘d‘W the: ‘ LuE.1§'.zo. Prodigall {On arofe =rndcanie% to his fathe:r,‘ and his. V fa.the r ranandfelloiifhisineck and k§fIE;:dA.Vh’im,g:/,5. lo:'i‘o)g cumes,§:I;e ccwiymf fiéndte fiat/3&1? rzwx. ; an... fwershis pe:O.pIe%in a.=.wayA of retalic-1fion:if they, a raw .9: ‘A ‘AA nigh;;tJ0%V‘hjHn5., he: wi11draV:»vnig,1:;V%i;«;= ;-h'em_:- a.:1&’c1j_ig Eéifimuw%11draW'ing nigh 0fy<>u to God, of God‘ to you :,. andkhat-is, the pQ1I1}tiO;1 of your hagdgj. the uncleanneflfc-or co'rruptsié)n afyour hearts A 5 A4 for § Ines 4 Am.-i?£'eto¢coi1gh; thz.=t is,; to‘ErzgaveAfe141dwfl:ip;adr: %com- ‘ .Eg1igla¥;1z3t0,? Vbeiwii1:.hide,,;his;§yes.fr»o;fx::;imt;Iean' % j~T;§1%e reafm-4why,hede12ghte:h .*notd‘1n%:,4Aou:; I d1'3~W"’i.U.S"“i§*hI°.f $16 Ar\n;e~€§rer‘ ap- A A the Sun,which by his heat: and prolifi-% call 1n‘fluences,giVes hfe and beauty to thofe things . prdétit hes mo Viwindingflaaétdfthé winte1'1’how;~.%A A A man beforg;-2 .1ay.g’dead ‘¢'lI1d~buYi€d,~fl]1;Q1gVde‘di.g£333 ;. Tghatpart of the Text; whi< :h .comes under» 11: y la: bedrtsge double 773i?¢d€d)"¢Qntainsjn if? méiérm ,%or%impedimem-f prohibiting " A no:v‘p1.0fi”1b1e4cAhere. fl10U1d‘b€..CQalitiQnJ 0,; mm- between G’<><'=1 and wicked nxéfi 5 ;:h1eré- *f0f6[1f.¢15‘ f%71*id’a+ “ Pf 4? 11 3&6 ; with tiiei %‘pm-e tEOL1;fi1Vfli: - - fliew s ' f€lf?é» pure, and Wibh ”§”th‘€ ‘ f7!.*k3‘W?£1‘drI1‘Qu faith hfi A 1? M»;aaca§55:3m9c;gd§‘%颢aa«m4e4.,; xthfifi‘ law-sof c0n“tf£i'i€.‘fiy' f0rb1dspu%~r:ztx§ ;;an¢§AVV;:;fi1chii.. wiltihewthy felfefroward : Elm fzmvthig truth} j1n.1;mi<:;nh, ¢i';gi8ég¢z4<;.m‘ ~£!‘67.?7:5O'.(:‘5€, a2z§;«:i.:‘%VA%2rq;;A:;%f‘l2g:%,;m~gg4,; %:t12wg, Cmm,6.;:x bG(}d .15: iQ1farAre‘fro‘m drawirzg »5f~’~F‘F1’c §acFifit¢S»‘%”33'hy iis abflmie ~ ~ £*%E59%~ hand %(C*/éaiaflzyourbiirialrg jé¢ flmiersg arzdfziré/feyo#rAL% , « E"iWHoafit0f'C0fiim0m cmmtlve Fafi, M I nation to him, "why herhateth our new Moons and Aa Pognggd feafts, why he Awi11n0t~hcar%»0ur multia ~. P ’ed prayers,is?thc:unc1eameffe ofour hands,1Tf:3 . fiomthe 1‘ I;t0‘tfie end of the I5t.;veri7e1;,ThoL;rartof purer eyesthen$tobehold:evi1,and canf’:~‘not1ookon see the WM \ ;n;qgjiy,,faith.the~Ptophet5H4$,1*«;i3.. that ‘is; thou” '-pg, e,,,;,;¢,,t. tcanfinotcountenance the violenpe and op rcflions red 1'I1hM.1tGa~ ofchypeople, the~gr1evance gndvexauon 0I_‘lC un-- "W" ‘?.“‘‘‘‘“*t AA % _ W V _, V_ At eclTrea:,-1['c, totthcmt, y mckedrnengmtuch}effe,gdraWtn1gh4:0 caxgcdgm mcnbffuchunc1ean‘1hands‘.1AE ~ 9’9°7'b’41fi4*’ A 2:; The rémoizezéyprohibemt, or rhetremovall of ' A that »imped'i'ment, and that 15, c'lcamfing~afbzmd:,a1‘idt 1>zm?fi»ingofyourT=hcatts,for faith the Prophct, A A V ” aflwtgfiw @336‘VeaWputéaway»the:¢viLAofA yourvdoingsfrom bAef0“r‘e2m1%nte eyesgt - l;;’oldoe;7 evil, learntto doc well, feeke yudgement , ‘relieve ._ 't;hc0pp1‘€fl”/8d,. yudgetkhc fathetrleffe, plead 1 far the w;idpwA‘r (‘Anéhhen it ‘fcl>Il<‘)79vs) Cam: namand let» mt reafan tag-etlgergflzigla t«bet:Loxd. <0 u'r diifimilitude and A A Vu%n1ikc£ne»I1"e.to Godg i“s*afA barretto this fnutufill ’a.c:—-9 ‘ quaintance and communion, for; a“ man tunklikc ‘ta A ' God, fcanmotttbtucdiflwikehimT. whi'tMe‘ttis‘?t‘t1?o morc contrary to b1ack,t‘hen black to whxte: {'0 Godsho-4% liimife is no m0'reAcont»i:ary to» cm r«~AwiJc:4kednefTe; that: our Wickednes A15 to hzs hp11n§S:and therefore there; A can be nottdrawmg n1gh‘tttogethex',un1es eztfier God % ,recede7fro1ri" histh0t1titnV_cS.(W1aiChtcarinor: bejdr we be <;1eanfed"an”d.purified 0i1r;uric1eaziéffgM which thgonely. way‘ tq *makeiA”this comnuuniont dlofc, fweet, and firm. * 1 % ~ Hal T7hé.tittie Text is protpexfiandv fcafonablc rfort this A day of ourzfiumiliationi ;i_Jsp1ai1;,; notuogly *by£ha£.t 24 t which ~a45€’WM:2f‘4f5e# éefore ta6e~H¢wa§I*€4éIé fi."._._.W_ foiloiiiffigsiifi and 1 A ‘ve AB? sflifieds .47i:d W 0i'#%-: 74%’ map *: "£7l4€:77?3éf[3;_7Wl-I"'. _r£l’£_/65 in t/aefig/2: oft/16 florid.” A m;%iby the ,.T¢Xt_ it felf; iifior Wihatixsii tiheifiémi, i the miaiinvirbeufiines ;«:>£a;: A . butE0f%arC.h:fQrTt°11£TLofd~with:all ou7r:hcart,.i §Qi~1"3:fiTWit:3:ff€f,13imii, £0:draVV‘n;i’gh‘UHt0:) anidmecc7 ii Qufrf t’ and iwhiat is the vga ‘.é2=;p_:r,» or main bTu£?mes; » A ofthemthatfafi, bu,t;to., brin’g"V‘ifoirth zthei wick'edi-, . coniuné‘tion. ;I1§€§iE113»t'iSiii1i*£h€;’17r r,and~ ~uh.espretiorxiina:nz:7 Cr»; ~ ruptions that “are in their~;ih€Earts,,i" and atsj wxitnefegé, A A {E5 agaiflft tihfimi, «:0 ga1?caiu:pon;; theim the A figngof‘-1. I ¢X:€Cl1Ci0I1 th?5‘th€Y:maYi“»di€. EA Fafi i~is’notmeer;-.~ A ly~a“I¢E::~1jz1ao;1;=andia«prayer; §i;1.{°-:I,'€i is a propriety'.~in” fl‘1's1[€i Otdiiflflfice or duty. 17h¢f¢1‘mon fliould fpread youiri finneisbefme and your Conffiflionaanda Irerayeriflwuldifpreamm before: 7 The 1?€rmU1’fli'flgi gflrmmts, ’1:i‘1'1fxZ§7*iC}Q_lJA repr _;;;. mid humiliation. A A I wifh our Fafis may nof-laofe»theig~ property, like phy-fick, which by.iofftaent«a,=.. I iiing, 1>¢CQm€$:at1”€n~gth 3-",dZ.€’¢,,1?di€I' then 2; 1?¢£::*y riiime. i There assumewoiiasizripzmiaimiaiisméééiiigi .»*.‘=-‘.:— $392: .G..::':, B7 Sinners and 4 »~‘d0ub1¢'minded A Iihan firfi break theifl1ell;‘,iby expfi¢:ation.ofthe i The wordi[¢fmm.~ae2i] fizmm, iasi: ~figm'fie_si in ‘S C‘. r: gie;nerai1an_y[£mner, in eppofitin “I013 irightegzis ma”: 0' W ~ . . AA :1 BI-Iatidsi Purifier L M Hams. _ i WH%wf<0fCvmWfl:é”%fb3“fi»Ianu%r¥-:23~164é:-% ‘ % % rfiafi‘; Tam; 5:59-f“ 49$ byone A Vmans ’dif0b€dience;T * "7 many w%erenVma‘“»% 4[o:M¢ma2]ifimersA“, fo By mg 0; 4 . bediencc oftjne,_fha.1l many [ team‘ .-f inAL%fp&ci:LI1%it1a«1fo%_fighifies ?;:ivvj‘:cI§¢g1%‘rnag;fV4 & Y o“n"eT figlfioufi 1:96; ‘a;fifm€‘r.W‘ ‘fP~1¢¥°?5'40°i‘¢ ,» its ‘often {did [#1. ham we ;£.u.ae;=vt=»2».«>:]< pabzzmi ’;"?2}- % rzergand Lfi;k;7; 3. woman‘ “in t‘iia"t E which‘ % \Ai;;S[7_«{;ua:g;;n}?\§s:1Aaffi22;§'gr, Wchatbisgan 4VA”add:L11;*¢1*¢iT~e,«A ma; :1‘ ‘. 1;;;1~s j‘ej§‘§pouxidéd 54 and? if 1: m.ir1‘ot;,.%22sL:% n azrveythe ‘Afé/ginniz1g%[ Qft.hi$ ‘chfiPt€1‘a‘ ‘Wait braW41~ ~ open *afr1d ings, ehvyizigs,$’VV%1ufls, felfi-feeking;“did"raighe:a,~ A mqngfi this “pegp1c,f»M ,W§ A 1113.11 fge good ~ reafon cotakei ch.,e1wor%d‘z1§?i%‘%f;vi,j'""f§%,g:5IficI1’Vas:didAliemmore. % » .m. ‘L W: a1w§:~Tfi“*§%s;%y‘mdeh* of cieaw ‘ M‘ U.‘ . - my - u ~ . * ‘wv I n,._ ». .‘ .w,g1M nwfhf 1 ‘ x.. “” ‘ '~ u, vi‘ haéds:* %¢ « w»%~ ‘ . ‘ , :7 - . _ — The \RT0&‘d4yg,L:;;.9;,cZ0;z:2le~2'72z7m'm’, 15 once xbefore~~» ufed ig’;1_1i§,‘I§.pi{¥1€,1c?5gpQ:Q8. and~1i'gfii“fies men as_ déd h"e:-mg, " it VarifWérsA c“hé“*"% H‘Vé'brew” expreffion 2; h‘a€?eVdo_4i;b*1é§f(Qr3Ls"§h€“4S}€1‘iac‘kAe:zxp%refl‘et'hitj 7d«ivi-7' - V . % * ~ A ~ A :51 3*? 4. /year: wdgz lzeartg 7wh.i.C'h4 thé fegtuggint doe; im:er4- ¢ 3% *;£&§“*‘Jf&:{” and 15' ymaw mP3fal.l3..t.. ‘ '1 cbm% (xvhE>;rr‘i";5c‘W§4.A, .2 ?éé“cII~s> gW»¢as%;re4hae;»4s if, n“AV;¢a.2¢z»:»:;.;*4 fhail beI?c% 3 ¢ underfiand, the ienfeA”oftfie‘ Wo1*d_._,w by %c6‘mp&1*ing—-M‘ it with the oppofite theref{;h3tQ, and that is u*mZ»r::¢ W? % »<~%e='>’«s, EWI-6-S M CM SiwPli¢é3r»$—% vrfizezlenes ‘ ofbeartgit %iSi a— g‘faC¢i€¢0#mtii€I1d¢ H 1 A A A A to férvants, = Mfingleneiofheart M ;:§22t9.v’Cfiri'f2“§?,“}’¢at with eye-- air-A «A widen; zmta z22ez¢;And,again1cs%Afa1d; In fizsglezaer A % ofljeartfedrizhg 6041 :M daing w/mtfl2q»vei'4you due fram~ A ‘ yomflifidrtg t/ggzord, ‘mm’ mm ‘to ma» 5 A where A youh'a.3ieV:Vfi%ig%;1entzmgiwt,% toV.1nt;zrpr¢tsr}}e Hebreyvy vv‘orqLs ~ that fignifia to cleaxfle and A p::rzfi1’;and there“ 13 iii Icheie’ VA i+.v%01;ds%an»a1lL1fio'n to 1ega1l'unc1ean1;1efies, and the pmifying qfthemhg for as m uI_1e IaW,~be§- fin-gr a~,~1*< u.m;1ea’n perfon“ xfnxght dra.W‘n1ghI:o God, 3-mjfm1fi;b‘gé'purified« from his 'u1'1c1eanenefi‘e~: {:1 ntahofe thaE will” draw nigh E0 God, or “r¢u1d%_1-mjg God Agdraw. nigh tam them , mufl: A c;».1e%anfept1rifi¢ heaxjts. “T113 £'aJfzvatum;'z:t “ Heathens» had If-’1€1t ceremonxous waflnngs :, and /Wifiwma W W . , % M3, - % “A-_ % % larvabom rem Punf-7y1flg5,3 35; ‘P1T€p&13.t1\€ E0 [h€11‘ f3.LI'1'fiC€S and a-,'.m-ngfmiam: P-,¢3~,y¢1~A3,.5 gmdtclaisheart-pu1'i~Fyimg,...-and 11and~c1eaz1~ P1.‘«.ut.inauIul.:.. % +~\ ‘N. ,’'''.-17 .. «-.@r \L'.—@' fing, 1s.tbatpzxrgm*my chorow \ VhIC1‘£\ we mufi go, "‘ W" we-?§=ct‘;_ :g_q:,E__./ % V. . . M ' ' ' v i '7' - ~ ‘ y I * V zfwe W111 draw mgh to God m V» Qrf'n1-pwana com-- gas; 5ar~f36¢/017..-‘V T n]uniQn.._«5 A Godwillbe ferved Width c1casae¢Vcrca;+ ‘=W°”«W'« Piuaargh, fag Efl1‘CS-A M$rzg2‘?. 3,§ Hdntk 4am‘ img;r;*:.4;‘TV1w‘3eihea_z't‘ Ais*étHe% Wambf, Wlxére1u{1:1i§vvarm»e=d~ and% C01’1C€1‘€€d 3 the fl1'g:>p;., whegé the forge , an?-Jill“, b;e1‘iowe§ ,% V4 fi1:e* aresfor t*h€fO1‘mingVQf1ufi, and tr1akm;g0fA 1‘3~';I'533dY- Thc h,ma5.4a;~g; put» forthe ;i¢x§¢ut1v@V’ar;d xmfinumgntaffi p{)VgIye1'3,"%§;.7£}Z1‘2tt« bring it~;forth t0”‘hght5 and aft 1:; «;.;;3,,,.,j\¢»,,g;;,L;,,¢, r;?;1’¢;€‘(,;,&.g77'c‘{,N~,V ~ Rom; A 13. the Jvveapons of .unrighteou{h.e__flE unto fin; V In {hort,che outward and inward manbeing filthy and unclean, mgfk v be?purified..fro4m4 Corruption 95 A heart and life. 1 Em: he*,chac« hatla Q1633: hands: ware hem?» * -"?ff‘5f.~ \ J2 . A .S6r7fzanpre2z;éed éafmt/9:. Hézzazzz:4élg;:l_ ll . _1 am! rig/ateaafiwsfiram t/9:: Goldofézsfl;Z@4fim;3“§lo ; o A , . pr [ ,Ifhall now come tofche :z,1:'.tV:;ehrAoE zhggjaxgl xwlnzlaélloltwo parts otnt ldxlhnétly. Aclemxa your har1_dso,;o%*purifie your hearts. A 2;.lAs%tl2efo two parts are Connexion one with the other: cleanfc yomfihartds, and purifix Tyou1‘—hearts.»l . ~ 3 f A 3.,» lAs=they&and both‘ together, in refegence so our ldrawing nigh to God, and hisdrawing nigh to us. Draw nigho to God, and hevvill draw nigh to you. ’.llCll€3.fll“€yC)U1;ha.lT)ClS,é‘C.l You may eafilyofee that hereis verylllllittle, fpocu... iative, or notior1a.ll»matter, but prafiicall, and fuch as will fallmoft properly income, and {mo amacterol of application; oWe ‘have nowlfto deal W ‘with your hearts and hands, and not your brain, ‘ Hem vvillbe no fine ltéiza mafiars Whicgh Will “melt V 7 upon your tongue, and vanilla ina little fwéetnes ; I and yet fuch novelties and running banquets ~are“’ allfor the palate ofoth;lef'equea—fycixncs; élfiltlzgimz howart thoumrned into a. kindeofPhilofoph;y of A J opinionsf, in danger to be,alomeelrloofi:ep;io111c,l1a'i‘g*V: the iyhliyzxfgxgeggg; V.;‘fipri1iI<2lingtai+2:?-u}fi>on’;nlzw §i1’u1x:l«aa»t1~'“~:A arid ;'uh1'“s is ith‘@‘i gmac;,;4m.y-i}:ery‘.ofIhe Gofpel, that he Whofe; biood eléanfeuh fi+.<1mA4'a;11A :finn{e,: 130/1» 1%,. 7; ~ -and 5#i%m5 mithogm5.Lb“cing ta: pgisfczxrx is no h1l?nfn*e“,*: y:!ftz:b;e';.a:nad;e;"Ai: fimm for *2; mg =7m.1d*% for:»du.r ~&1+vea‘t1%fi-+ fing. ‘ ”A.7M1i4tVv£fe1»fi,*“Nzamimig. sr2‘,%;8a2;o. Vw?1:*b”efc?2iu%{e:~cf%i a1-0§fl~d?b€i11g“ikfiplahythe tiioth i Iééeigi « hfimfelf; zasiif nsra:a,t-ix»2»z,»si1s,. A t = E3 :1 3 j;Sinn'ers: fare jftoliii cléanfé ‘I£Ili?‘,;...;:54fldf but ‘ Wh;%«:@im:thO[§ fiunes E they M i_are::g'enerti.iliIy more :‘O1‘~ t:wa1‘esbmffi~*;w1“ckéc:iticHé_; where; _i fiflffi mam 4‘ <96: : arici:‘i zde %:;i4i(‘éiCnifi)F‘ii1';?;;§' K-‘i°""§'%7*7.'?s““t‘9¢»,f a; fimfen vdeegeifidié bgflinmb A i fir fp€'Ci’;l11*"WC finde fomev’ inoteti i;emidently:tcal+v Kffiéii of it*heiiiha11;ci~s,§tI;"é.s‘i ..oppreflion and Iqmfz 8 g.. biflddfilfil. If-§..;;~ ma. , h 3:35s;iKSu ’_{'¥‘fl)u'filCC5 L26; ;7 as +ar&;' tfg * @Ff£~fit1fi6$;iear+sfinnes.,:ttomguc—finneis,?t:~ig&‘£. WV. V .,,‘" -A ’ist icleanfitagi ijthe hands gtt1:rgf}*1t1:gAofi*itiEhs:’,hca{rttt’h: .f§)1‘i;t-‘hei. ruIc_1s,' make the tree ighwéfwitzgoodtzimi{vain,~;-doe :§§a;b«ethg%Aoe:.t fiiJ§JL1EZ;fl0 ifim-eccKu'.:the‘+ £h:eram,' when the V t A ~ A i fountaxm W. )u‘.lm 1,1011]? of.Cammom cm the FA.r'i‘,_Ianuary.2 8 .1‘;-5:”, i “ I 3 ,, ‘fountain fiill feuds forth bitter water 2’ To thiS:~.rM Q Iianfwcr, that though it be but a. folliqitous trifling, tovezét every. ii prim and poi?erim~which,' we meet with in Scripture, and is, but a} curiofity, to take painsto flay nothing, lei}. we might feem to leave any thing un_faid,_ yet there may forne account be given of this tranfpoIi~ . tion : 35.1. The Scripture fometimes putsthat firfi, ‘which, is vifibly firfi, the figne before the caufe, as when it is faid, Calling and Elcfiian. 2- Becaufe conviétion begins at fome groffer ” finne,‘ there the confizience, begins‘ to take fire:. ~§1nd,,,GQ§ivVho hath the ordering of fin,,.m,akes.. fome greatfin very ferviceable~and ufefull, to. be, asit. vvere,‘ an entring wedge-to. break. the, knottyhearte all to pieces. 13;... Becaufe grace. having ,,Ql1C~_¢, get; footing, in the h&a.1't, prefently. entersthe fieidtagitinfiithisrkinde of fins, as :ha-«T Ming greater guiit, and by, their bulk; mztkirrge the greateft interce,p,tion,;rof the._;light.,; of Gods.. ¢0,un§¢n«%nce,ir,rtiend~r nlourevreconfifimtivvithaflare; 9fr,;fa1&tat10n.» thtnemthofe and .I,rws1ef’c~- in: corruptionst vvhicihr vvithin. reafon ofthf‘ ~. p,3tnt,,, rtflmt Re.gfa}r;.. dram zzigbarta God,’ mu.&‘., c.{e4n_f¢..tbe«§'ri @i.‘z,i¢ial.’s‘i.. , A I A {M11 0ff¢e0e¢.1Yi;i1:is» ifies of eu»r~ ha:nd”33~‘ do keep «us at~ difienee God: G0 at’ difiancet _ from us . ,‘»','7I3,1,.x’.q.-.I,6Z.tZ.t?.s'.r,..,A£2‘l2'¢"l{_,_éji flrpqwed twee M444 your God» taflym he b{l'£IE‘17jd Iazkfifaae fiwaz yam, Ifats 2.-,_ ,This is W913‘ efieéi: and fruit Qf.f,3.1‘.5i,:,th.3*F‘i zit r»iseriVe'-iv¢i;- 0§£..iotuVr.iurti.on wth, a.r1di:f’ruit_io,ixe, of epeg it r 03. I4 1 ASerm0fl191;rzt/iedbofwe tootrzonooraoloo 3 1 fig" td“*‘I‘ti4§';h%be*Pt .l§§~l©vc*d,l{ift#S.. :5 port me, is as terrible a word“ as; oiverlofizoo _ fire:-,’ It is 7 5_ Za'oo: is a'9ra'*z's:. Jude jg; we Em-kooeflo ofa’ar1eemffe,'~t11te Iufiings of corruption‘ which are in the regenerate, are(:as I may calelthem )tr'ah‘f--’ ‘parent-fins, they obfiruét not our commtmiano with God 3 likethe motes which are infinite, but hinder not the fims‘ bright beamstfrtom US;bwZ tlxefhehoand-fins or Wickedneffe ofliefe, are opacous, handwput; us into7the~fl1adhe, by their interpofition _i between God and us‘, t and doouobtlefle while we are in Iovewithfin, Godtis CIS‘.I11‘1p1‘63.fi'!~'1g*t0 ouhs‘5ota's we are'unp1eafingto him, norwould We“ajn~y‘«=more A dtrawfh night to then hero us. Give meleave thus to convey the notion that I have upon this point, Commerce; is one thing, Communion; is ame- ther: Asa‘ man willloaveocommeooe or tta'd:ewith an enemy, af get; my boa y‘, to trade ithhim ‘ fore prefit, éturd totogztin fome commodity hwhich he bath in his hands; butC’ommunIofi,which~ is ii1'way of loVe‘_,h friendfhip acquaintétnceg he cams not fQr,,n0tA4 owooutd my 4 emeans admit of; ft)? a ma«n,Wjhpfe*-handé’ ; ag1d“7‘l~-1fe* are full e"fofih.,; Ajo and his heart f"iffi‘I17*~d’E yet * have fo1neetom‘mm;~ce.owrth Godflxxtduttes or ‘or- dittantes, to ’ferVefhi$tutne~u1;on A God, , A poor z.gt~fl':ogt:‘tor;f;77:tuoodo>, aMndi;to~— ma+ke~u1E:‘_o1?LIu;m fr’ ihis 3.sh~1_tsohfatd;»oer.4o; woo * 1?, rim; yooomoy *3“ 5 ., ~ t 5 , i’tl’fi3~€‘_‘ ooptgfimryvfioofr foo/$5 gtblit eomtnuntttehe in ~way~ of M _% league and" fttetttfihwp; G ed, and fruitton of him way Tp'et§ieIllgvve4;t'nedh‘ f’t1V"our’,ro«4he"neithere" mnjhavegntrr Wtfig extegtgohe ali~’ooo‘g1€i‘e e;-1“i5f11‘ ofdié a 4.5 ........~. < V IA” fl Houfeafcammasvanetée Faf£,]anuaty. 118 .1645. _ .4 ‘ ,, .-.: Point.:~:5zou ;, the ellie t~is; in" the text, Q1£a2gj§¢;yaara.vt :;}ramis,t ygitf finrzem v?I:£’s .unacce;ptab1e to? vhesfeta upon, for a finner to cleanfe and putifie; and to cleanfe hishhands tO0,vvhich are full A oftprofitable fins, Turmje wary one flow your ¢‘Z.J!'[;;1l"1i’_wy‘..,A:. tmd; ‘flaw t/Je. rvzgiaamae M 1/94: 215 in; yozgry A M114Im’S,f;»}071‘zz/aI,3.3.t It is aewonder that Vfihhe {hip wherein we are, efo laden with fins of all rankes and fubordinations of men, King, Princes, Jud- ges, ‘Lawyers, Gentryz 'Minifiers, people (ef- pecially in fuch grownieas as We have been in )_ fl1:ould:1ti*ve~vtn: this day; s for you know we en-— terd into this wilderneffe, wherein we yet wan- der, with our former»Egypt-fins*upon~our backs,__, and we alas did not firfcmake even before we Went upon a pneavvre fcore.-, we fafi, we pray, we Ctovenant, and" yet we are asdméle minded, A as . flml /waded as before; ungodlineffe, unri~ghteou{-- neffe, felfifeekvings, hypocrifie, religioufncfle - forojur ends abound a’mon;5Pc~us,and contempt of the Minifierye more then ‘ever, efo that preach- ing of thevvord by the Minif~ters of this King‘-~ dom, which for foundnefl-"e, fpiritu°1lnefI’e and fucceffe, hath notbeen(I was g‘<)ing.t0 fay) paw-» ra1elled,s(Iv_may;tru1y Fay )eexce1d-«in anyapatt of the -worldg‘ isby very many now judged ma. shavetbeen aMompoly,v and fir among other Mo-.--V» noolies tot~go«doevr1.anc_1tto bemade avcomtmo-na Noe many years ago._,. V when it vvas; both; ‘fiidadgveies ahc1_?d1fgra4:e\t0' holdfetth the pEf0fCfli011; :of.r;the;snan1e"of Chrifl: tn truth, What appetites’ .9 A 1.5. ' I Temnea -noaw;tn vamake appiication; of. this. Gcncmlurc ‘ 4-~—».........t.....,‘c .u..w..',,,,.. I 6. l 14 Sermmefrezc l/acid égfere I/.18 Honoaraéleeli i had Chrifiians to the {incere docStrineofChri{i, audit of regeneration 3,fld__ITl01‘l.'.ifiC3.ClOn\t‘0f‘j_;fin~:? How did they,‘ in their‘ private mectings‘,li,ley “fiegei to. the throne of grace with i.‘united firength, and antidote themfclves againfl: the" in- fectious air of thofe times 1? whole :eye,s':were thought too dear forthofe faithfull.mefl'engers i of God at Whole feet they fate‘! what contend- . ing was there for the faith once delivered to the Sairitsf what burning love had they each to 0- . that 3 what onenes of heart and minde~+.:';1§c1>w alas, form: of thole good ears ofcorine are _iI-' i Cl€3WCl,3.+I'lCl manyrun all up into £’traw,and do not eat fo well .3, _‘Religion vapours it {elf out into notions and ydifputes of no value, ‘breaks intoparties, and . , . is «broken in peeces L by mutuall enimofities; fo xmmzaru: Gm.“ de W der the perfecuting.Empcrours, pofll Conflantzmm ,MmE,l_lg,._,_ dice-.is obfervedi thlatl that Iincere and true godlinefle :1 de Con/34% which eflourilht and was Warme in Chriliians un fig’ 3 ,_,~m,,,a;;, ,, cwpit re/i'"z'g.ef.cere, after Conflantzkre, when 1:: yvvas ~z‘nim'rt'0» both fafe and honom-ab1e,it began to cool, and A it r . to ibreailc out into ambition,‘ pr-ide,contention,évc.e If you -will not ownyour fins, we that are Mini- fiersrnuft cry aloud, U7¢.58.I. Cry alarm’, flare nary, i_up rkyfookct leke.-at éruzzp/it, jml f/l:;m :21] gear- 1 let ctr‘ mm re m2.r,l42z t c on e or am ‘it eir Pans andobf§rtre,I pray you, to Whoitnthe Pro- phet his icommandedto cry aloud, namely,t0 fucrh as fought the Lord? daily,and delighted to know .hisiwa.yes, as anation thatd1:drighteoul7nes, and .. _..,,.,v»,». .....m.‘ “V ‘ l~ie7rfook: not fthelrordinanciei " oftheir God filchj as A vdid .aske:lofl-Godfithey cordinemcesil of jtr.[i=ice, and A took‘ Houfiz of;Commw¢.s* a.vzllt/_aelF)élj‘1},l_lhaluua.r.y.2 8:245 . i 7% in approaclhiug 3:0 (3;9c:l, tlla: lfallted A and alfiiéted cheir».£ouls,;';,-var,2,3. fuch,.as made re. l,igiouS.duticsl oolcheo: Pit~I1oC1¢1*?Shl IQ l_l3l1€l1j_lUf_lSl,A” alnkzl jzhe "cover-t of zcheir ‘AAi‘nju{li_ce and l%oppreflion, hiding their filthy lforeslunder “<1,vrai;lo'mep yvith g:hei1*po$*a11;y, A u‘h¢f1 ureprove othomu ; for A; §;»l1’_eir .f:iu’s.lp ll You l.:knOW A thiatzx Phyzficians, ‘‘ C-.hyruArg,ian$ l(,a,,r1d foMinifl:érsl)l are fqmecimes all:0A.Wlfv‘,$:l.‘§0:.?be crue1I[;lanfdthc truth; .15 ,[ I4 fear wc have lap: up the pillsof 1'epfo0”f .3I‘~l1ll fo, muclfpap and fugar, A”tl)3.1_: lgyrallalyiug :hé%bi:gAo ualrncffell» we -have A fI"ll1fi*1jW€t,_’tCC,l_ the lloperationl. »_V A oh that you were all of you toogAene'rous to lie flat- A nerd, andltlmt you would fearch out particularly‘ your ownl perfonall andl~l;bo}fouuc. fins, 4 fivéétringa A clruunl~;euuoH‘e,. uA.whox.odome, inj.ufligo; opp1~e{.1Iion“ 21; for whiles wefifpeak _ generals, no rn.9.u tlxizlké that the.: Cock crows to bun, and fo goes not forth to weep bitterly; upon A21 gcnejrall i11dilte1nento'f”a; A man ;to be ‘:1 f;2lG4‘£1_‘lQILlfl}i§”_fwfl, gau “b.c}*no p:—o- cecal-ingu.eolfen;eg1ce, loxgoepc phe; ~fa.&; xu pfiaf1*t"icAu..2u: l A be ex~pr.ef’c&;, fo while you 1é.yllk5l;1Ayigigenerallgwe _ are fanncrs, ar1<_l7;;doA pot.’ axfraign %yo»ur lE;lves upon Particularsfiyinoga Tlfhifais éfliWfl7a3*lou can me» Volrzjuuge and coud&m1uo %_u+r f£*ilV§sV';sn\s:l.;,rpuAouglit. Solh1uéhf0r'theAg~6n¢f3l1eI, ll ; of. “A 4‘ l ‘lI=:7§low;,pa1‘tic11l.a.rlyloco youfl-I§3nofur¢Elé»az1d wow. {articular Life; j u “A " l A AA ‘Ath_,y,) %18 "-9-cw-av “A 3ézémVan pmem.§¢-Q’ éefgéc we Hénoambie A A “ % thy )ft:ha.t are M“em¢1aers4o£1cheHonourablefloufe ef%Commons,.w: you afe‘ fing£ef2er[ém,i*feeirchVyOu1:V felv..cs,_confid‘ef your wa:yes% 3* Isfithere any Athing‘ in yéur hands to be cleanfed :1 Youare to purge the corruptleaveri out of houfes, your félvesgyour families, yourplaccs «bf office and ti-ufi ‘are chefiproperfphere f ‘of ydur afiivityt; ‘ycu are for Etclefi-afiicallreformation, arid the {weeps V ing outof cotruptions out of the houfie of God: 4 E11: are;you4 ajsincent upon perfonall‘ reformation @f A your own waiizs dbyofir [own h0u(es4:\ly;e~ dean 4 have ydu re’o.l1*prir.1cip1es of %gdlincs¢% in your own hearts or are you ta£ricd%A met-:rly*’ by the Parliamentary g-mim or £’cr§a.m .,_ by- 9. xra cjmoicion .5’ In oacwbrd: are ym1*%inot afraid éfiidliiiés Tfiefé aré Athiiigs A fadlfy ‘t'o b_e com‘. A &éTtéd:Ai‘T~’6~r$éat1‘ ybu thiz'd{J%Atha1; ‘in good ear-“ rzefi ' bm: black-mor%e4 fhcbuldw gee €t'b0ut4 to :W&'fl]-:— » ang>r=h%:er:.' would you noafay,,‘Why dthtnot he rrueke Ahimfelfdwhite, %mac:4he» Dthcff m%ay éhgreby be pérfwaded’ he can fnakeA%h1%m»foVtoo:?“ 1*e‘£an3‘r of you dfiaould wliejn known “finnes or inns, can you comfortably, confcientioufly, and? .zi%;a"1% oufl4y H “"contribut,e 90¢ the ‘A reformation ‘of. .. t7s!~se‘risA;-?§yfi<3u%.may indeed-Ado: thatbwhiclfil i‘srigih£‘ fir; the fig?ht* God", iibtw v“vh§: re your » fort; if ditbe njor done witVfi»13a:?p”erfe6eLAAhe'arz¢«f+ I-'Ie«~mufi needs be afraid :o1)ed%ge1n the Sacra- meng, “afndkm male: it*Amaceifib41¢ 20A the fc%and%a;.~.. and prépfiéneg orig‘; [»‘17etfc1e faizhfull andi {earching migifieryh in thie*}*>1é1C&e:%1”1e "l1ve5‘m,_l:bat” krnowfisvhe fliéglw E’fit‘.:1=1ercby'makea"rod for him 7 ”~1f...% iwribefeech you there fore tohfitarcli your feives, that V Houjé tfcommomw the Fafi, Janiiaz-3r: A in ii '19 youimay not be Carpenters tobuilde an Ark for others, andyour {elves be loft. It is a gfeat ho- noiir to be a. Member of this Parliament, but ‘it «£5 as great a burthen too, has ever Englifh men underwent: and I" i {hall crave ‘leave to. tell you further, that you may become be the gremfi /59... mm in the world by it, for now the: finnes of the Kingdom may becomei« yours -,-,»the Here- fies, blafphemies , and sorying wickedneffesof oppreffion and injufiice may become YOAI.1l‘S»;ii they are othermens fins by coemmiflion , A they are your at/arr mm: [max by" your Aomiffion of that iopportunity, and duty: of your place to provide for remediess preventive and eremoveht of them, foe farre as they may come within : yrourii ' knowledge, andithe;xeachhofeyourepowen. Tehaci‘ which Scripture calls eipartakingein atsber Imam fimi, addes‘ more guilt ztomenof all forts, efpecially imiflers and M‘1gi:fh‘atcs., i’th“6n‘i!"?s iiigenemllyf ‘ehougiht of}: Take’: hes OE making: feW'e‘§‘ Wrtuker: be of ;"t‘hGfC ;firmes ‘aI'1‘d”_3L: om-ienarions-,7 which you hate the thought ofandethe‘ Lord ‘keep "alive your zeal by this quickeningv aging...‘ «deration. A A V A A 3:. So. muchieiibeingxfpoken to anyi; of ryoui re-e £7?p'e&ive1y,e as ivfinglemembersi: ‘Give me ‘leave ’EQaC3.d$if€fi~C my; a. .word or :two— gftzo you '-she?‘Honouirabilie, and for ever to be » irenowned». éedy." :71 Is; there .:m:y §1l‘h‘iI_1g in your ih‘and«s:‘,; oleari-“flag away whereiof 4 may eaixfe you ixtojgheiwfiuiii nigheriio eiGod;, emG,od;coi drawineererito. you A e * D '2 A you \|%‘7 you have’ h11ad.a; mih1*€tCL1IOUS'f,.h.aI1d with you‘ thié lafl: year 5 _az‘1df htlzncms »;is,»r with “yhou as 9.: ‘taken Gods dra'vvir1gt.nigh. 7‘to ‘jrough fiuch ‘ah’ aénzifl t of‘~ph¢t i:‘hav;= pneft‘ uh;pQ,11;h‘ ufiroursgfas «feafonableh argument, , ~,th&tf' hrookl may much; With” them, A and twrqught tthern ‘, Tin-- ‘ to; 3. 1nore;»cq_uaI*I":temper, audit W:ist«th‘hihs,”»2;G/arom* 1:: 3;}.h1 Q_:JI t“&r€h.:tht»Méze z_7at;:wii‘/1 3*’a}1;h em» mitfis h':yai&;} . fz}2fl5fh?4§di9zf{a_t%e‘ Laird jzaurh?‘ God’ ? ‘SUV fay=;<:.~. XQ£I€lh4.a1’3:_:iCh€1‘C nhth T”'fiI]‘fi€S-. witrh you, e«venv~’%ttwizfba I jjiW?:f. refleéir-< upbn, anfd ..e xa.:rf1i.t:thet your 4 Ie1ve’s..;! '13"-1¢1‘ew-A. agffih ‘Ve-ryt Tzmanyh tlmfd c.».zfé..:::; inthef Kingdom; Iham ~no”tf‘o out hof my {elf as to lay nhc1h:hh7~m }.:Q1;1r: ~ ‘doom, you are = éifiadjt gfbéca uhfesy indeed " X:"C‘3UflO§j& Q3; and yet,“ if "I tcoL1~Ed,t,fi-"I dunfi:7~dd;é;.it**%5- buttt I theft; humbly give-W caution to -.i..y®u, w/mg «aw z>lae,fl2i:l.:{.g:? t/at /9m£er.r..’.t, 'I’+here.;are- manyfore-V Leta andtdte fplatek *»perfoq§«5é 3: t”ha,t* ;ttfolsl-om: yd u with crycs “ for I” Eheth fitrice than-Lt hutsbjands T and ' hfa~h--;~~t~ K=*1:1;urn hands froInb~ritbhes ther boribesnsby Pré/Wash Isirztedtg fific ntlsnflusi favour, onettt—tput$0htL1ttthe eye xvel1;?as &flQ§ihCF§' andtheremaysbe quidproqzza b.;jibe.s,‘.,w11en 9. nuzm-A will lend; his vote, toone , to A %11;aye«.eittt7 paid him as anscwfie =v~ri«11« ealltfnr its find 409%? ”i0*;arzfic4tian of the Sdnfiwdry. ~10 A And fol paffe on E0 the {econd particular in” the Text, Pzwific your bezgrts, yeah douélc minded ; whence Iuutake up thefeutwopoints» i A A A Loub1e‘minded’_menuhave corrupt heartsyf A 2. This double mindednes hinders both em- drmving nigh to God 3 and he /mi: drawing nigh “ Double minded ”mehn“" haveécorruhpt means: for its faid, purifyyaur b:m:,ye double minded. Doub1em~indedne_s 'i’suae djvifion of beam: _between God aud fume olzher p1*eponduer1tii1g lL1R,’u or hfelfu imzerefi s,‘ A “and R) where ~utAherehe fl1”ou~Iifl’ ‘be at) 4 divifi.* omu but fifig1e~nes~2an duh incegxfiy, echefueeish—dhivifiohg*’ uEFo»ra11*cheehheart, a.I1_chie 1m1inde,* a11:he~ureu1,eana A a‘i1:1';. the f’cren“’g;h 57 5hi*§ that uewhicuh *5 God: _calls for.” Therearfeffeme haveumv Imsrau ;they have at) ‘thoughts of Go%df,% en~rxre~%'~i§1=& ?rxoeuh»byg7fTe to‘...;1° wards him: itfiwaseaee A faefifiees; qua». can Wvfleajéofcommaar 1fl5‘i4_flh,_]E:lz1t1ary. 23 . 1645 . ----nnI£"" camber no expefiation of any returne of heartlee prayer, heartles performanee ofitduties 5 and this is the common pofiurefof fpiritiof the ignorant, A and fecurc worldlings; There are fame that have double hearts, they pretend to have at zeal of God, , andthey profeffe the name of Chrifi, and hang outtheChrifiian colours: but through hypocri- T "and partiaiity to their own ends,“ and felf-re- fpedis they halt between God and B441, or en- A deavour to comply with two mlfters, or they part their friendihip andlove between Godiand the ’W01'1d, as ver.4. Ye aduiterers and adglterefies, know ye not that the friendfhip of the world is I enmity with God 2’ There are fame that have» A one heart, and this is that which God promifeth to his “Covenant-people, and wherein he cielights, when ceehear: is laemagmeum, W Whole and undivided from hi:m,i-then‘ is it_ at perfect hea.rt,and.; oft; iiapipy temper or confhtutron, beingof chafiz: love, afféfizion and faithfulnesto God, 11‘0t“Vi£ia*‘m t‘ed0r,i deflqwredbytcarnall eopulatton wixtihotheri A h5.fe‘1infts’orendsi5 d0j'bl1fC*‘f€,I'\‘?C" our Savitnut thatiitying ofhts, Mat—bL6;z 2,2 2.‘ how he oppom ii-zth unto a fingle eye, an c=vil’:e’o72ei;, 1?, faith he,,... T/zine eye befingle, and then when youwould have. A expeéted that double tfliduld have beer: oppofeei‘: tofingle, he faith, Butif thy eyebe emf,‘ thereby fignitytng,thatifeitabe notfingie, it is -naughtanci’ — €3Vi1;'3.fldWh€fC&S one xmghsthmk, th€lC"3.”dO‘1l¢-9:1 V bleeyhe hath more light thena fingle : our Savisé i9iu;r‘_te1§eius%the piain contrary, that e. finglegeye ~ A rnakes the »bodyi,fui1._of }ight,i_Jhuit».a. ..d oub1e...eve : {gar “ Sermgmprceclzedéeforethe Honaiméle .y A 'h1xsi:£u11o5dm~kne§; Its t1‘u__e,there is y'1nyy>.;y‘doub1e minded e1nan,h {ome eyehtoy God, that is, A fo faisy to. Lgfe his name to ferve efe,1E-endsg, or :9 ‘colour’ me ~ ~ cover his finifier aimsand im:entionS.y’y ia hhair$-; 7 lot wlaofe yheart goes-A =af:ex5 unchafi loves, will yet-have 9. husband £05,), A (th1at__ise) 1:0‘ c01our_and' hide her lewdnes fixcharethefeewyvhirch are_dV,oyu+y hie hearted they haveaS.abba£h for Gédh, fand, fix dayes forytheir lufis : theyhflretain to God, and” wear his cloth , and fometimcis wait ;and att:»n.d5 "butthey are their own men fer theyn1of’cpa‘.:1}t, A . and workefor them {elves -, yRel1g1ony11;1;e%tghetn ;is? A butythe fialkinghorfe, under the {ides whereof ‘ ‘they creep, to get a {hoot at their {own game} how often doth God in SCriptu1'e findefault with this kinde ofyyprofeffoqrs <=:‘ ywl;£zzyq.hf4/leaQ'faith~ he, Zeo—£r.7.5. edigd yledt 4/1 félff mztoyymcg, M e:mm:¢ro ems? and againe, when they l1o_Wlefld upon ,h.their beds, y they have not cryed unto me wwxth then? I1ea.rr,” they aflenmbie themfelves eajnyd hwiyi1e,y- and Izheyrehell a;ga1nf%me,,H:9fi7."x4._ An mac- JzfreethatisylVvic11051yy;egu.1Ie,thatyhath ybunmone hearg A isarare n1€if1,;N‘3-fiCZIW<0rthy oefean%1¥?:fcc.yy‘* ”Bé/2old,,in- , ‘ dmz’ anlfmefite. M “ A h ;;:s Idtelmempexniyxag o“f‘nhishepoint,h I {hall follow they A th'r7eede:o§ ;~i1ateexpyIieac~i9npf this word‘ ( 'mirzde}:1,).e w’hi,cl1 I; gave in the,beg-inningu" ;_,., h'i;$ydouubIer n)ir;de‘dnes%yisany uncertainty of y W thEhhEi‘3;.i‘tyI‘VV1thG0d‘ae»flQtEAfiXCd eupomn .aflcenter,. but A T effandson, ~as,times,, Qcgafior;§,.a:md1n;eyrefts doe lead :on, 1O1‘,df.'r3:.W‘Q£~E-3.; 1&0 A ef9e1'rC,you‘3:VyiY1hhh gee Vvith . _ :eSod._..,J asyom1' way and A his doe fall‘ buii tb._h:)‘1dh ye together: ’ -« ";Haa];é;?6ommofis an-tgé a;1uary.:>.8.'I4'<15§%4,'”5<é.- T A 23" A ~ pull down fieraéag M5‘2i+F41*¥T’€§% 145.» W.¢11¢. 445A[5;5 §4.:¢,l,~ and then M yo”u part with him wlienit comes to fuch a pixichg v“fd L ‘a;fo‘;nw¢ advférfity pr géfflifiion; we ”rn‘a"ke.V nzmmn; ;{ag4,_;.;pa;;.imers%T ‘vows; (as they. ‘d oein a {form} L -: “V 241101135 and‘ F Elfafldéd 011! Of :;hs we @ made sbefoin; (vs-A Q ,; ’,3t~I{&{{/gear bfiflflw i;é?l3?7,’,:fb8'}S¢”312“/;1£’3.7:{0.!.4gzl7‘t1' /22‘ * and % cnqrtiétea’ my iflfiea» Gm azzdt;/§;a‘y«rememZ7jqdj?;at%Gadw 1737.17/-iififfl-?.'T[\.7’l5"l1',(', % 4/~zm’._ A the», ‘ ,A_ 1z“i_«_<*,"béGmréL+4AA.4t/aeiz: R¢a1eefW_r.~ Nwrrtficlésg’ rmdzd ' Afi4,t;erV:a7gdlyc mztp /amgz, -zlyeifr; :IJeVa1rt;ww: zdati rz;g*bt4:: =m'tIé agar; were 5V%tfl.€j»¢_%«[t‘c’d”faI? +in«LV2.a7;:f ~6a¥ae2z4zzt;;; ‘If th€f"hea.rt vfras righciwith {Gofd yitti woxild be: Mcer-.1 tainAan%d& ~:fi.e%dfaft Wiffl h»irnA;¢ : *-=rConfiancy%u‘is buc- ~the dangghmét :05 'fincerity.. {:25 9. Mhatefull’ thing vm fill-J%. 1fail;£92;;¢iI¢ ‘:i!::D4ei:s%%3Iidu:t rfihangc “C«010U1‘ [0 A p9 _fa_fl:¢; liyfid .£O,gGQd intthic ltempef}, ih¢;1_‘W¢§a!p":bc 1c;)ofen;~:d‘i~n; the calm ; %=:B«e wkczt yam % mag; V «$27232 1:, your ‘I affl-i£}~ica%”n you will’ Fe:fP‘§‘F¥fi§{.A:%:eWi.§hQMkiCking,z;§ andfiare Va-e-s: under«»«~r¢pro:@£,s:4but ;when you are Iifiedl liP%vDd~9~.Y§ '41: fl1017§.s ;+tO; put yV0u*@t1.,mindeM of y%ou:t7;v3Qwe:s and C-ZQvcnants%in ~th§eIdaywof~4y0m: :gquh1e,is egg an%%4uq~p1éa+fing,a.4 Vthing; v*has tQf‘:Pu‘£ a M§£iH¢r, at=flaore in.Vamindeo£his ALvawesor% pm; made at Itsno great da11:gep.-to :5-...A hr p'“ove inen fluai-ply when1:hey- are1ow,%anyAAcovvu.: A %rsi*firik9a rnan that is d0Wn»% but (behave 1;)» yv§1cnVm«}enza1:e%fl’aloft; %.and~ hxgh, and may 4 mo:*‘c*~ (fif.¢1Y.°é¥ W‘-‘.~_s:IeaA1g wxrhafl by V fi‘r0a»kzng, then by‘: % E "A A Mach: 15; ‘ A A ‘\ A" egmugfiigaééédfiffle t%/It: *f1v720ti’fl5ie=Vr¢% fl can ;:':he fpurm ;%7%:;ch;4m;; it‘ :isa‘4f”om’ev-finati to amme:‘nig A —..---n--——.. phas lmis b=f7»ftr;;ith%§, 3% j41j1a3'yV:hap1yA%t1‘ri1£e’%Araueh { A4 ~ 2 .x*:1?his¢;30ubIcmifide§1n1éffew 3,.éfi.vifik)n -F heart-4% from}; .' 1 —’It diW:Ied% A the ig1*QmiFes;,ev bf 4:Gdd,A and !a*ifli%u1m‘&s .AWh‘en~Vr4"ae*ma1Ii% laies h.is:ifi€4:a<:¥ ,b'Gd5?Am§hd‘i‘»i‘th‘é“5>’5*€%駥d“ wombo£5wm¢in«thAe Skalts figs;%£gain&;;*.Az;3b#p‘%&n&&Ié% Q5“ haVing»~Ifl1-IQ is iE:n‘I§:+ fighting €1gEih‘fl"5*fa“ich-;.:~ '1 '. A ~ 2; =Be:wc7en.. A'ticonfcien”ce yandw%% VV*1*u1§'iA’c, ~con_f<:icnée M N M V W A g :,;i_ «stares; byaa%s,V:ehxe inY%fi09fi*uP 1 niicsf aga.infi>=the’;fup AM Hi.“ , . i;:y :; gnd A4thAe1i’—“ Religion! — y%wa:h tween-~Rie!igion 3nd‘ 901 c4omm’£>n1y':gis thfe‘ s:;0£Ifmw;&"cb »€‘ ~ fhi_p..u 4... B‘erwec41i4:GAodea~4n[d the”wo1‘ldrf;~.¢-% or~,é3c’>&: and our*ow"n§ndS,as:-they f§e1ieihtheT§3kt 4: when_ V we ma-kc: .a;x:ne’er=-tf¢rv.:a"nt "tj.U>‘tir:1r ’i1'ef1yrc‘s; ‘ali“1‘d"% move. upma pgfévate center qf’61.if¥éw‘r17~.: * 'i$4cuni1i:ng”md{fubt§1eAt2€ax3er%;t'E:1s.i¥?3$’7b‘n5m+ en'dsr:w fiiii fw i;1l‘ M befom , G;<)é= we ;f€t§I€; ouanf elves : Alf“ j th1[ei4 p1aneesAin 77thcir3idai!y4. otiogr-.from V.E;::;;It.. to 5? A‘*fh@v%$¥ gs; fAfi3;¢¢3:¢»; i’e,am‘es; ‘ théeys have anethzen ,:meuion *£1’:¢i3:3- o,\;>v»n5% ”w;hi§:his’3Cre'epii1'gIyg«E)y* ¢7fi‘«g’r¢;, % unper;:eivaibIethen% tha ether. ' H M ‘N ‘ FcJ”>r.th§ are otgthis poin:,.1e:@ euriie%:¢heve.» n3ng;W%ha:i? rea}:Ii..imp;ediments *:;are;* d0r.h~ net Wi:hi’nr g:4;11,$21;fiA:I$a‘f0fi iscwhegfamg, g;1a;¢1m;of%edche;¢oi1=xm;@rf@;fare ;Q£‘.[5CQr ‘p1g,.2ra*g’%ai'nfi¥% :inc1ofureis~in\. formfe"r,t1m¢$:; If 'cv¢~rg mans owne'fl1ou1& be incV1ofcd,£hey fllould Vlefc 1:heir%freAcdam oVfcomm.tm,«» ;;and:tha1::: 7. 7§Et)Zr!_h¢y§%:u'-E? fu,~p§¢i%w;;11;[é&h¢ '{:Cas0t,h€E$V%. Tf.[6p..¢);s that V alfmr; ‘."\if€:h@“£;{€:g flamed mound a»whRi1¢,l~:V; ¢ a§ap1yfrQturneto‘tH‘Ve flame p($fifu*f._C4 %:W¢A.W¢3j€ ;iIj1* fore, and havingloflz 0uA1'VW3.%Y1“ ‘11°1111:fi5.¥i1§){ xcafrfze Back again fo, the 4fatn:cvAplaCcv%; swhencc; We fer but atafiz-ft.;§ A Jifucyggr,‘ (£%y%;.;athers;—)_ let; »=;i; _b§;«¢ =Gearge’onrv‘1 rhfikirfz-éaaie ‘that-':.fi§i!'ld51t‘ an dam; .»,q%oodénA%da.gge4r,‘»buI Ic€apsL_ .flO'afi.1€:.’§1t 4.fiF.t_h¢ I and . {M 114 V magywbe Vrhe_Lw%am:.%:;10f~vgmfy‘a§ 1:t~;; rnazyg fiéfld much°to the deranca of t_~11fe_V3r.'4:.;£Ix‘r111V¢a.%; j:'..1:‘+]'.9:.f‘é.17%' ;ggfgr5_.afl£5féy¢th€f Mi/7ftrt7i71&’=a1;7;; "'W£.3.h%Y:€:.:~89.fl,1°Qf§ ~a,5::.we*l"I as ‘fi1‘1£;;Erub.+m&Ana ? f;@y:..% L- fa Ffiflbuféafcommons ox t./lé .l1'7z'¢jf.,‘, \ 'f{:)long,tl1at now we cannot goe {trait laced, ,I_ts, l ’ irkfome to Wilde birds to be lcoopt-~up.I inagcage um derdifciplinc. A z “ l A ‘ “ . Thlofc«: that have belenl fuchl profirltiekfizs’ ltlic fchqol of libexty lina few years,%~*asl to com-menace §1'¢5n.3_q.L_I';c'{'s4;a:"1(l’»-pI'V€8.Cl}CI‘S of the Word, or have g1eo:pjvn;,tQ‘b”CfuCl17i/lflmifintex,‘ as cheylaprecend, will mofe;rcjo ce in, (or a_ccep:»of;alGovernmen: Whiah may egrade t—hcm,<. -or‘ re_fo1v~e them into firfi? matter ‘or '*"elemer2.~tsl ;of7*thei~r éompofition, chelnllsmldiegsloffirtme gas theyare called) canlna-> jqyce in a peage concluded and fiétled. wlTh«ere mfgtlbe x'1a:m‘ed“lmai1y “other; fufch IllkC= ends Wand ,, iz'1’céreft«s_;* lwlhich: carxyl ‘ firokellwith men,_lllandV%j4%ara the caufies ofour dllflfi0flS5 iwhichwouldlin lgrcargl £’a'1‘”*t V b“éq:;cn’clhéd,; .:if_.the~game was plaid em“ all afid§,Tlllsb§z.*coa1fcienct:llan£l..finglen¢s- as ahearn :. 5 1:1,; lfi% t3ll€r’ef®”‘r% {ca-r:l(:=l“‘1 oumth ofcl.»lf€1f—refpe;6?ts.~ which 1ic”‘c*l0fi: in us, than we maxwfindeithevhelad of thae-A I1y‘z'1w.l which thus-« : ovcrflowes the A h_anks,.,,l; Than flak}'6le~222indedne: which keeps uszyat -'Td_ifia.»fn..C§73'fI'QH'1 ’(3~od:,*~doth ‘alfé akeépl 3:154 at diffance afroma.on€-Mans): chef; and theréfolre thatlcwel may bew;_«u',m,L;;;§,;;, pbiig a.2.l.T0fo22e accord; I‘loloele-fern my own part ~”é:©;Ar;s.;.-<-:4» rg:eix§e&:.muchl; conducinggthatwhatfoeyeg iirigchefettlcmenroflthe:lC;hurth,.;fl1al1Vpa£f¢%;lyqq; A jh~an‘ds*;may (=lin'l:he‘ main parts tl1€IT€0f”7)lA‘g1%3i€afQftl;a into the world, I feconclcd 7 with the ;_g§a~£bhsl and ‘.graundsl0Mf:t-: lfordolfbtlfis, the reaéfofi Wluch lins- A ~€llJCC'€;lly’0l.1.['CQ.fCt».«Ch€'.P(3¥lnP of ~au1El%1Q1ri§y% uplonw _it~, 0 L ‘Wu§i1ll‘;'€aVafl'XnlJ'Ch_ to.lmake*1t paffe cu_rr¢ntly with Q.- ’ l l ‘ ' ' , E3 «. '- ‘ ,y; H? .. A ~ v~'u.:‘k “ A z%9 % 34° _ §4‘%SermonJo_reac£ed,éefire tin-Honaurable i 5 W A t——-...: the:-s; V 9 knofiv, flie Gargam headWhichflx'uc_I“: all‘ men .dumb_V i1_1for1ner‘Atimcs...: f T/MC/mrcly, tie C‘/mro‘/1, isnot hkely ‘to have the fame operation .t1owi;,: thisifeeing ai1d~ %f'earc_hing Vagc :& though men willwillingly Al2:e]i¢£»je3?s toflyam.’ tut/york}, ye: a1£o,as they are men, A. they will be flaw: % ta" ruflm. » There. is*1n:your%%V;handsf already Renownedaatld I-Ion'ourab1cA)» Afomething Awhiclm :W3;8“p1jint¢d your _appointment, fox: your fa;tisfaéiion ,{ in one; ma“in‘pfo“pAoVfitibn; “**which* ific‘Lmighc4_M:&%£é¢:;h§puiya fight «W amAm3n like light, H; might 1.5 givfm jyeftzin fa cloud0=rm¢mj:&. T“ V“S0much1forth1s point. ~ I! H A .\¢Ad0ub1%¢g-miaded%mnn A A.é1f7his‘IhE5€t”rc,* Akeepé at ?dii°caz1ceA,Afrom;:.;G‘dd , G<$d’;keeps“.& at diffance ?‘fi'0m;% him; 1: ,;;ha;_<; is *byafl"ed with fome. Vvpredaminaht"1*uft,f% §c:ann,Q§ clofef with "fincercly, “univcrfally, neithtm %wil1‘¥iG0d i71fripa4"r%t~ ‘Fhi%mfi*.1¥ no finch. 'a % 5» ' la; ji gm 4:114? Amm ~:bink A that /Ml “Arec¢iw;V 311% %.tl}i5ag ¢beA wI.a:,~*d;‘i :%’.l'.dm€.$' r.,‘:%7g_Vi ‘would any ofyou \ tfiacde an =—:acqu*a.mtam4cc frtendflnp , with a sknowg VLertumnw%<4A , A :£hat’_“;Wi~u be a,; parafiite: “at H ”{)né"cime' ,: 7a=rid .3... Iud.¢$-7at§~ a:.uT’0‘tbcr% 2 :':»Gad \ 12¢“ Choice A {of $213+ fliezéds “, he owns “not; fuchfi ass: fmvc % ?1u&s;%and.are in heart mdivided :fi‘om,A him. A ,1 have ndtime left ‘zmcfor this point; : " as neither ;,for the .ct>nfidcra~tion ofboth.4parts;o£ this Text Ln aconncxipn ¢co_gethcr =:j clean lzmdx, ami~;>:iré% /2:m:;:, nor here I _arifing from thefé words :Pzmfir your /2:a¢rfJ:)'¢% ‘éle-minded. that A V V4 "mfganfzof Common: an the F4fi,]anua1'y.28.I:5:;5 A 3 I A E6F1aa1y, for the confideration Efthem both, with reference to our drawing nigh to God, and 1113 drawing nigh to us; wherein I might A have fhewen you how communion with God, and the power of godlines are linked together; .Draw nigh to God, and be will draw nigh to on .- cleanfe your band: 3: fizmm, 4 d ‘ V ?l:ve4rt:,ye dauéle-mindeai. V _ ‘ 3’ Pmfy jam i tE1J(IS;i