*%é$%%%%%%¢%%%%¢%§%é%%%%%%%%%%%%%¢%%%%é%&%%¢ ¢%%&¢«?a$%%%&%¢%%%%%» _._§ as .-'‘‘‘aw -‘W L .5. N J I»v‘."|‘ ,‘,é‘!!'n I -‘f“.4 < *4? °?:% 6 . Opene~d m 3; , %i » % %Be-rorwe 0 V .3 E; M 1 Q1 M M 0 NS ; Affitmbled in Parlia%me%[m:, uipori. the folemn day of Monethly Fafg ‘ Mm:/7 M. :£§%A,;g. A ‘T By IOAHAN AR 3 Minificr of the A Gofpel in Ipfwiciz, and a Member of tha vlflembly af D I V 1 NE S.‘ V Ffai. zmzfl. ‘The IC£ngdomV;;2stl:eLarJ:,a»zdiM £3 Gwemwsr awmwxg the Nafiom; A 1’ ub1iflie¢1“by0ifd¢Tf %:'9;i%FiMt»H%0uF€~ -.-....-...- a—u—w-u K; W in? Z, fit. U W; 3 A0“ N; i I Wanted by L L. For Cbxsfiopiaerfllewdzrb at the Cram in mm Klhurch-yard. I 6 4. ya &%%%%%%%%®%%%¢%%%®%%%$$@%¢%@%® @Eww %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%®%%%%%¢% %%%%%%%%é%%%%% * A < V ; _ K: ...;,v..-....a _-:.;-.>-::.a=-,»-ea-,-act»-a~ms.a.»=:-s. 4-r--.z. ( A. , s< '1 »_«;,.<-A — ~ o--‘ -«"~ ~ A A 4‘ “ {H » & Mr 9 ~ ., 5 A Rdcred by the Commons affcmblcdiii Parliament, That 5 i1.‘ R0367’ N0rtI'9aan& Cagg doe give thanVkcs%_t,9 M”G‘0ode Aa 4 A the Sermons th ey preached this day_,at the in... creAatywofMthe of~A Commons, at S‘ May... gavéetrs Wcfl:miVnf%er, (it being the day ‘of Pub» gliq d Vbto print M‘ eir §ii;5?"37§§{Q5‘.7“¢r"’ % h at 303% fhall prfifumefto print their Sermmis Without Licence undar their handsbwriting. V W’ “Z’e2‘*N. T::t1+*1. . “ Cofi: 3. A fi"P*v%aMWk'tbwt° Print my Scfmnaandnoman fife» i A " o_ H N W A n no u» -‘ , ‘» . , . ,2 ‘ v 9 ; _ ‘ ‘ , '79”! “ . n - ‘ . " '1'» «’‘’u nu», ; ‘ ,- P y w. ,4. 4,‘ ‘ ‘ .. oxflxe if<2A01< in rcarcexymhe ' M‘ H ON V RA B L Houfeof COMM on s h eAhfl-embledh in Pézrhliazrnent. = =.,” Tjour Command this Set" ’ A man was Preachedfby Printed, and now its humbly offered to your - 4 bands, and under your Ir-Ionourable Patronage h_madePublqu‘je to the View ofthe world. I know well that the fame Sermon to the life of it, is % gameintherbmrizzg,and_im;he reading 3 that e;.z”q§;ahpm£iQ£_: A it found when it came h%f”i:{8” ' A 2, A- me '1‘, Q’ ' n'«.. your Order it hath been i 1%/M-Epifize.¢ meh-—opcthatLit‘vvillnotfiecafiafidé, difitélifhing % or unprofitable; novv flicks comhfitom the ‘Profit. '1:h¢Lord1cmn«~ mand a blefsing aloxigx 1th it unto you; and Fmakc “gm andjbur unwcaricd lau- boursaaflblefisihg to the Church and King- domc. A A A A ' So prays Your m oft unwortzhy fcrvam: in the wqxk ofthe Minifieriea A ’1;maN mm. * Eératag A Plé: gjifi; 1!. read P.x;innes.P:inces.. p. 13.1.4. 2'. part: 06%; gslgn ._p. 1 5.1. 3.. for _ cu nthe.‘1.%t*r.d¢Iircda,p;%r 6.1. :I;.r.in che%lin'3.-.. 1. a,6.for'I‘rin'i % rmrmficcss F-J 731.4 t.r,wi,thin th _A ,1 :%;.]_&3 +3 Jhawceh. % 341.1%:-r.fl:on:for%fl1or¢ p.18. i l”.5.r.V line For m¢1furi::n;3px.'.li‘1"y9‘.i'. ‘l;‘il5:hs.&naxj.i::.3y.l.4gr.tI&cy h0p£.§!.3V§g«5h;.ru% % §?fifii”£:P-%§~15fi;,r~&rm:g to dw- s E R MON P R E ACE-I ED before the I‘ Honorabla 1~IOufc comm, at} their% late folemnc A [mbncAthly*’I‘a&‘, Mm~cb*z6. T u " r: rug: 22.1: A He jadgezb among the Gm’.‘s'.:.* Herb gxecds no ;.Ape1ogy‘for thé7%¢:hog&§ of th1sV “I1:-xt¢at t'l1"h’1'st~i’1a\j7x<:,A* widen thofg who are: ca1led< @:ci1n;£1r;?‘éri*evsfif¢t.{%£§‘;fith7s§ V .,~'».%’5?.‘f., é .. , I M , ‘ ) _ _ é , é V W V ’ foicmn afiwwlr to Wff¢'“?“‘T“1V°“ . % * Vbcforc: him”! My 4' daxly m tha « % «mm»! «M» wzbv aw saw-*6 ~ " ififiwrcs as littfké lafim-W‘ r ‘4 o§t,";th§M:‘ontcxt*A“ahd ‘ 4s:rcnc«V: inf gHe*%wa§d~§g%;; X xkfxm .éh:¢ .”'v&r3Fthré1Tzb1d or bf“*-%h&‘*3P!&1mw**fi¥§di[t%?% a,a,_‘_w A "'3" "" “‘N''‘ ‘ '“ B “""*""" L. ‘ "‘ ‘f """‘ """ "4 Vfizm r«5*maw:ay;v,41%xaria§gmma-”nao¢:¢o%s*éinmie fgggighbourhu “ Qféim .;Ii; 2 ‘-3: 3 ( » ' 5...»! ‘-—---~ ll \ A 5‘Wérmgn%a; t/ye mam:/aly I-'4/i, March §;6A.A 164;. ._....._._ MW.‘ wwhithar thegw, anawmt as ~ a*reV4:hrc4eMyfiari::V~fs1d::d ‘cage? A M §~:‘l¢§13M§fm'3‘9i‘£1/5'v§€1;‘.I¢mf:ad‘ in v%£¢kfiamba~% £9 11¢ M ’ .311: thgcir {cops : and th%::rcina1fo% {P3253 {0‘5¥1¢thifl§ that Wi1l%rC fi~ dc.rVborh {arable tit: the %= ' W T Mnfiarc ¢ipi駢V; C 5 ;Aati0fi" dcgiphcrfijléim qwivlt p g 15¢ 115*’?! A¢7i'v3‘??jéi» 9 4. .f;&%§¢ *3‘; j : 3 12%; Q‘. _, Tw‘ \ L.‘ ~ L ; I ‘"0’: y M M v A4 % . man hath a tboughgwthat;mhisms4;meV1awmnd Am. . A maamuM ' ’;mii:i‘wbi-d of V Ff; .. _.. W the Hanawruéle Harifi of Comment. A A ta hm m~enti¢:ned Him lsyfcnmé them earéeillent Names «mi» gtmiws Attributes let him thirsfim thi‘s% mtbera thaw fiftha AA A Holy Ghofl: moved holy memo 1["peaketfhus% homely of tin! A __ .Lora’cf.gIarj,1lJ:Gad ofgiaij; it may w¢l_lbcfecmc thofa f,]3“‘”'~3'-*,°#‘ who are but called God: to account 1!: no dafparagcmc-nt, xi ~ may bcrcithcrfpxoken to, 6:: fpokcn off, though ¢vcry~ mac:-. be not Iarded with the rcpmition ofwtlcsa A A Sgcondly, who 272:} are. The: Gods are All that dcaia inthe managing %ofpub1iqfluc Affiirs; as they fiand, {Tome of them atlcaft) ranked in their mdcr,and difiinguxfhcdby their ixnployment, Pra¢z2.8g15.16. ICi#g:, Priu¢m,No&le:, amid}? the fwdge: oftlne mrtlmvcn will, whcthcrfiqara or ' fubordinatc, from ‘the Hand cf Go1dt‘othcféeta£‘Jrou and clay 3 for fo the Pfalmifi cxpounds bimfclfssi in t c“ followv . A 3'33“; ‘ Pr9,_3. x ggxfig Eng part Aofthc Pfalme ;,and our Saviour confirmcs and warm gghgxgw, rants tbcintcrpretation. A,A AiAAfIhirdly;.AwhatAiAcA' which ‘He d’ozbmaugt §}aw:A H: inai -- fetb : that is, Rulctb, or=Rcigncth 5 for the word not " be rcflraincd==as_ fgmctimcs in Scripture‘ (for if is varioufiy» ufcd) to the gxvxpg of fcntcincc, pr timing of guflicc accura- dmg to a prcfcrxpt law 5 but mufi be amended to an thafi - Bcloixgs m qominion, or Agpxfcrnmcnt Ag; ggad compr¢hc_m;{5 % V a11»that:pertamcs1,:othc ordarnmg, Aupholding,dim.%ing, and A difpofing of Maglfitacicg and ordering, or moderating 03 bumam Aaflfaircathercby. A A A ‘Tl”*h:c Hcbrcw Tcxthfatb it Ainfithe Future iTcnfc;, {er fig»; A We 7ficontir1x;,=ati;0tiA;g-vf Athigfifli _amm=g¢4thcm gthrobgfiffifl L ~ fuAeceflioas““ and in «all »goy1nits ~: of ~ A time; »amI~'igAAa;Ac_c¢;§ding1y ‘rendered by_{cvcraEl1_nt;rp}rcters, He hatb,~Hedoth,Hc will A v '{1‘he“rcA:sAyatargotbcrwbrdrmthe "Tcfizt, and A we jcannét A w¢11fi~P3fT=~:":?¢flV€!1l*=wég!1 I01? 3%; 24:26; * _ Having thus magic out_th;:cxpofitionAV$of ~tbewcrds, and. amfal. id.’ Reg. 19. I6. Eccfefi 5%.V85...% ' Jude 4.. 1 Tim. 6.13. V Pfd1.8g.x_8._ I I . I 7.; r 3 I60 3:9? ‘-¥‘!”’-I?:& ‘‘ '4 .-u..:_. : .takc outwkaima-Vand%makc our obfcr_vaticins; A . A Ser¥rMfl4;H17¢Wfiétlréyfiaffgmarch26. mg. “ H in. S0mcjj”cJ)bf¢tvingti1a.t is %m1n_y timcé 'appIic§1—to ‘¢ he:-art and A-cntrailcs, bvzcaufev in thern1ddcPc ofthc body,{ and % rnctaphoricarly transferred to. the thoughts of the: mindc, Pfi¢l.64.6. (ficcaufe nothing is more inward ghcn the agix-” ration of a matter In the tl11oug_hts:oFthe%hcart) doc thcpcg fqrc cmccxve that the PIa1m1Pt mtcndcd hereby,-"an influk once of i;;§od»up:m thcir very th_%oughts,~ and the prcparati-t ans ufthd hm. .0thcrs exppund it openly, and read it thus; Itlaqwill iuclgt? W‘ 9% épml} ; as parallel Awithw that A of iibm M *;V4-16- He fi”'ket5 W '”*Z’’’)'*‘‘ A“’5¢E?d % 211.»: open figln: of at/yer-f; Or place cifbaholdcrs- N ow thaznugh 1 know not whcthcr, W; may rc1c&£h,c other two ; A the rag” t1fhc;r’bc:_caufg we may oficn obft-rvc‘: thc Hbly Ghaoft Achoofing w§ordst1.ot‘of ambiguous, b7utofVmT_aniFold fignification to makethc {cafe not mare doubtfixll, but more comprchenws fi.ve:* Yet I choofc to embrace the firflc, becagfcit {scales to Abs: ,tbc: mofl: «natural! and Gra%mmat:.icall, as the mofi ob-g _ViOtJS and familiar faénfc. A A ‘ thércby thc intAcrpretat%ion o“f_th‘c Text; W: may the Better The: three; %par;ts pf‘ theAText _( For [0 it naturally itfclfc) 77*” "*’5"’#ffirag1~V.4;ggaxsgVzr/auras, AAafi"oz:d usthrec pointsofdo&wrine.% A A V W ~ V 1. Thefirft is this, ig :hc gram chicre; the" A om-ly univcnfall Judge, and abfolutc Monarcha, He is ‘FT/at gad G¢g4:,%;bgH fag afKi;ng-J; A the LardafLord:, Iflgber 26:» :19; H4354}, #5: may Lard, :5: 102361}! Por.mmr¢~; amely tbéMafiHiglw#- % + and b: is .with -1” th: iudgcment9r.as&Mic“is inP7flI. gang #5: fixation}, 4 V * %218A- V321» Etngflvma lard: =4«w4 Kwgawrwlz as; 3-» . ‘v"'..5 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘V " (L, .,‘ -:, ‘ ‘ cw *‘-um“ r dividcifxf V I ; A 2. Thcfccondis%thi's, ffigemcntii » ~-’-* ~%“:.2* % » , ‘t [ f_f“21:: % fl 4 A this; ‘rhat,:'.'tEi;;;£;:...perfons have%.atbc% * 15!9¥!9.E!!,§9 Eats sé=2o_vv.¢ss9 !=;7.sc=€¢.;:1._f<§~ Aéushenm améngfi A mm, at: grcatctimiigntitic and I1.CC1‘Cfg=tO _;C3odi injctmia. u. i néncicthcn other moms 3 A The fccond ohmic three, that is dtawnifiem that golden; -tacbc which couples the two cxtrcamejsioftiic propofition, V bath in it the marrow ofall the Text, and is the life of the Lawiin~thi:«iwho1c Pfalme-, Fotfo our isaviouricalsit, when A kc cites a parfOfitt,?o/1:19.34. angl .thc.tcfort: I (hall p1tch%_Q]0h,,¢,3"+; om-lyiupon that at this time. A A I ptopoundcd it In the words of the Scripture, and may . thercforefpate the: labioutof citing thofc places fot’proofc. In othct tcrm~.::s takc itthus. In the delcgating of power, _ and ftibflfttuting of men ta be-are rule amcmgft men, He nei- thtgi: dcviefis himfclfc ofanypicce of his Soveraigne Autho-s ritit ; not after the manner of Kings In their Kingdomes. appoints the office, affigncs the honour, limits the 3'rutii'di~- ‘ of thc lat}: iflhcs and events therc::_of. i ftiun, ptciiztibes the rulcygives the counte'nancc,concurs fonictimcs to helps, and iomiictirms calsto account, and otherwiifci withdraw himfclfe from the works , and take: i this pleafure giant is animmediatc; Agcntin the iudgemcnt i allalongg from the fitft ordaining the power through the ‘ordcring of every matter, to the overt rulingand difpofing mu }:}Thctfc’fTi$ thcfamc influmcctof Gad%intt>Governmcrnt, ‘“at=id all that beater mic, or fervc in it ; and that which is done; -by them. theugh they got: by thcimwnc principles to their ~owncittcnds, thatthcrc is i.n7,thc;Mgeneral1tadminifiztation of ipr0;Yif1,¢nC$= t-hI9U§h, *h¢‘W0F1daitth€; various o_c:currhcn71ces therelhs‘ and the motlflfls 0F;¥hQf6 .inat;itmatciandirrationall A t catures araafled V and evct rulcd to] their ends by a Job’? tifxiél V Powgr without thcmfslves thfo-as it maybctmly {aid ofthyc §3“”“”“. 0i‘d¢1‘1figi0Fth€ cotnccmmcntsiof tnfcn, by thclord ; and W efi’imm”‘“ di1£.1?f‘&¢*#i“ 4 th¢fim¢iii¢nf¢‘as.9uvi‘$aviont fpakc. by the: utnhfiidingiiofai tznmi « , 5 ;thcr[things by thcwotdof histPo worth; Father net {at I data hm: iJfivitber:n,avd1wwke,;m,~ tworkcth. in the inonrmaéiéés ct Witiv M0 . 9 fht m3tt¢.!:,;3U3 bctngtiofthings: forbythe continual! so w» ““""""“”‘ ‘5 cadem comindfl-§~ &3£'!¢; E9W'7fT‘uP9W *h<‘-H1 vzhich gavcithfim mamigiuat, A * chair 9% 3+ 4 in the Haaawr4éleV£:m¢j'Z: afcozmwm.‘ ~ V A 5* A A ;;s A Sermarmt téemanet/ff} F4fl,~M*arch 25. '1 64 ,-f ;..__...__ A , tb"eirVfir& ¢xifIcnce.thcy‘c0htinuallyreceive theirfhbhfieng . fifé-34%? as bya mntinuatinrn ofcreation 2 Isis» mgzkgfé ar&’:!.r£.9g.r,,Ia?a * flretcfaegla fbrté.‘ zééekamrvns, %%H:m_@r:'mf:ta%* aérand the earth Y He Wdrketh in the holding up oftiac flame ofheaxren earth, and all things’ in them forthcy abide not‘ togcthcras - a building compaxfi by; ioynts and ‘ bands 5 but as a chaine at-“ rings by th¢”vcrtucV ofthe Loadflonc, as many pieces Airrthe A % hbllowofa mans hand, A which if drawne away they fallin i€°1°ff "17’ fundbr. thing: conjzfl in him. V % A A ” A A AA: A A V&d.Pfa1'x¢4: =_ I-Ig:»Vwor_kcthin the movings of allAth‘eA'creatures,a'ccot<3 3: Hof. 2.; drug to that naturcs_s,A and the ordcrfor. thcm in the begin-6 V 2 1, 2. 2.. ' ning : AH: éringetb mrtbeir Abefi 5; dumkar, be callctb than M A ‘I”*‘”55“’"‘” m$’£}Am»1élr,A6}A%t1aa great»; a of I252: might, for that He A aqum'zzm.ac acmDi.e c. AA % .% _ A A A. igfé-gm eff, “J: uflrfwg mP9.W'3mt anafazlct/9. Every Wbcclc In the. great A1‘ur;g,(g’c, A %Eng.mc ofC}rcation, tumeth at the voyce and by the Spirit E24735 Dewscm“ c3ffl*nmAthat was above upon the: Throne. A A A A ”"“*~’*‘“““"” In Eikc manner God is operative in the bringing in pf mmguzzm defi~ A ,5,’ 5150 pmegaa di”*fpPxcin‘g% _6f Perfws 3“ “7thcA"inc1inin"‘g ofthgéir {pirits tha compellcm 2):. dating; or conjfounding4oF_thcir counf€¢¢Utl‘= l his )udg::%li1crlt$.; A an thclzlfcm‘ l thcilr Aowncififisls as fiwelfbal and 'r’é/ma: «m_i;ggail“~lPc his Wgrd ,; 39-l~AHA*"'l*"’A‘.’€i§‘~'1d :AP;‘14?¢‘a Aandl.thle, Géfltiléi A and the ?eWe-la -/15%’: 4- 27:18» lWith.lhéiFAlWick¢A§ Vlilfillsthcsl his good will, as rthofe thatlcruciElcdlt‘he Igéfus V ' Qhrifl, A52; l;;;,. 2 8,. Him éeing lldtlizlereofélyi the determinate 4 ~ .;Va;»wfi;¢[Z_4z:d fire@lawla§{g€ Pf Gqd}: Imftle mm, andéjwickgai ' 4. ‘ A£aMafivAlwIwcrv¢€fieé’¥Wfi¢iv¢- A :.Fi:f.h':l’ thatllhc lclftheg!‘I5il5ifs%§>f311;fl<'=1?h flIO:"';" onleals thlisAtrtlth rcV;¢.nlt9bic5*i0n8 lW¢ 111i-Iménfiws A ‘I4 A 51‘!;1PA9.l:1 I ughplfpirits o_fmél1hoth%im;er:¢iwéb'a Without cryatilzmg aslthc f0u1a&S‘ifl‘thC body :- or as the light entrcth thcgailieg "fl¥th@‘.Lfl?3d9WE§flAhth on -‘=h¢A =d¥%11 wilthc2Aut anvnoifles and li5€1:illa llazfilav #=9r1gru0fi5 tfitirlnaturea Without an? ?€li£?1€fl§5;°u.tA° €h?¢1ib¢F¢Y of the Win in anyl>articu1araé’fionoi: (;¢1c.éi..Ai..'Dn; Aasa Awifc man can make the Winds which filwwfi‘-Ath A.tlB'F€2nvEcy fl‘i~P: grind¢ COMP iJ9'L' #§1;{¢llA‘.f;Ah,}¢ f.‘3g99AitfY‘A‘lQfi.§hPA_:~dQg tbfcék -h,fl"'h,Lath'mPdlfi‘$‘L°’r fatclé ;h.¢~,t!3%§11:'6?31§ “J And this ”i$ ‘the ¢x%9¢l1é;n;;l=Ayi9;f.§f§ Vwgfdlom, A “‘ ‘ j 5 l l A l l Anllllfmqllfidct lhillfi-lid~an“dimari ,qon~ barre in thc n::inEl¢rhiS hb1in¢fi‘ahall¢“.?§1~ '2 il°‘?Wfl1iE”W§9mf. l.iF~Wi91€§€1%1¢fi§e§°§f&f§¢i*i§93u&i§¢ %b¢;¢:A:cu* “ l‘§flt*Rti:@.9iP;95J§n ”l '¥Pl1Al5=Al¢?=a11AA¢r1dsA~lc,a§El l\J “. W‘ -1 .'<\‘:.,, at aqy‘IilItlfAA?Ain§‘§lxllflyAmggs ¢fiz'Ad _ A A §?§m» A ll A ; Idem A :3 ififl-fl’mJ¢j.V:i$k. ?’f“*¢A~9lr ¢.. duo ffciungéxql ll 16;}: F A A l‘ic$aV1'*t’;;IP?tit“{aE5§fi‘i:V‘:§”:i§¢i‘liglMi‘:t«a;ndl5ri'r§3‘tc5iudg;:méntwhatisia Rém. 1.5.12} '28. 4 2. Thef.;.xo§‘ % 1 LI}: zxzcqcvvimtcx A A gguzor ullacw. mam orflefipg w e!l*w§7é£Vthcy ?a E31: ‘$5 in; the hat:f:‘1i‘z:g”aé§ Pharaoh; héart hf: ofl'E:3:‘éth occafiohéwhich maymas‘ wemm faker; by thy: right; at as tbs Ijdzft ; withh01dethwthe£ grace: iwhigh‘ h¢%is}not bound to give. cxcitgs aft1dconfirm s’fghht mi; mbfity which is natural! , " %givcS‘%thc"m%up;t’oa~ mind: mid iudgcmcnt ,_ to do*t.hing$which*ar«’o um convenient, A _wh[a have pleafuxfe unrightcdufnmithatthéy may be fiIk:d% with .thc fruit]of:theircwxx dbings, wbichis*$juQ,H& altthis wme, asghriff ‘faith by thyfdcvils “whcmbdy féacék aalie7; fa ittfiizfiz Ca?idTV"o'fthc chiIdr cr1;fof wickcdncsw %enthcy*dowickcd—; ly,TIogy do it czftbéir ’mn. A V ” ’ V " ‘ V % VA A His wpnkingisnot confoundcdwith Atbeirsgand therefore % his pgtjitynot_blendcd‘with thcir ung<;dlm&c~{I'c,nor thciruné figgg. 3 zazg. 5'; HA. A évcn thcfc difordcrs in govcrmcnt like fem? 5w¢r¢‘iFV wereinrb=i%i9dgément+%%4 26*)! Acontrati ‘would be 6qnf¢IIcdAif cith3‘i we did "not ofxgfiorancc _fighVtébtifn¢fT*:£b1ahi:hVed'byhisiufliécgmoxie t~hc‘n aéhc beams { ofthc {mine and the ffcamc %a‘n‘d‘Ptinch%of»thcV dunghi1l‘in¢ thé bxhziriatidizfi. ‘B’VL‘i§}ork°13 }wrfc~‘5Z,‘ for 143 I723" wajes are 'Igdg¢.. % ‘want, A Gas! qftrmb and wit/yam inia7u§t],£:¢fl andrigbtig 1:3, VyT{75~']1?sW¢ cw rraupml thomfllwx. ‘ And ?t*hi»sisthcA glcyry gf:;:.L1hi3A% h‘o1if:¢£T¢_~‘ ‘V T A V *= And inthis cafe the manncrand coutffe ofgoqjctnnjgntiin the kinlgdomcs bf t%hc%"Earth?m%ay not unfit1y%AbcMc"ompa’r¢d$tb the; rnjixfick ofan Qi?g an; ‘Wh:re%thc *mcnA1ik¢ the pipcsyccgd the: found, tAheinfpi;ati¢n oil-"theA1mighty,1ikcVthéAw§ndc;‘in the%{ound4boaifd_,g‘ivcs tbc_lifé:%,or%thc a&ivVity,and the: my or thc. beauty 9f'thc order is by 11is d'l1"p6fing,? A and ifthere be a falfc or an har{hw¢notc , the fault is in the pipcgand no*t.irz him who fats and playcs. 1; ‘ w A 1' ‘ .. w ‘ fm;x;;ifick.am “by ‘nim'ordctcd w:ll,a%pd'fOt%4g°°d- * ‘A fihopgljiWfifomctimcsimag136~that thin" sw¢uxa'e;e skiEfulnc‘iI¢' mifiake cvil'fozfgood; a:sa1goadrortevu,~yv; asi- 4 lywcigh at tbe‘.c'omnic1n*bca“rnV ofo15ii?:ibn‘;ati&IféiaViA¢‘ ; 1 _" pr ,fle.fl1 as mfanf¢:ctb,‘* wjactfiasif wenwt%-into’tl¥"éf"V” . lgeage that4eve1_*y thin ‘in pmvidencawera Vgaw: 3" and1;g;. 34 f. {as . ‘. » »%m i1a:_:auraMe#Hau_/Eafc'm.mm».¥ 3 %~»~§: fléad<~*oF Vquarreiling and mrnplainin xw wculd ackrxmvese .§iii:%4;‘g 4; thinggould be batter, ut: what_faew:r_ VGbd.c}bth is bcfl. : W 1 “ V_ W _ 17 fccondlyfifwc had the patlchcctfayvalte tbs: en§i.ovftI7c: A‘ V 3:45‘ ’ I;brd‘,;or tarry till t-fie fift/15 anda Scene at tvqo gaffe 1"n tbzit,' i wii;rher_1‘"things begun to conccntcr towards then: Muss; would A m:3Vt;%ye condemn:-himoffolly that upon the firfl Amotiém—aEaA bufineffc, or catching at fom¢—p;afl"agc.in a debate; M flafauld go’ away,and ccnjfi1re%your prqcccdgngsbcforfz %th%e%;ma1ter wcm ripe for the qucfliop, Why -Zrfo 13 he. that judggth b{cfQ*['c:. t‘h@ t;m%{.e.:% . A . % 4 M’ « _ - Surclyif’ ‘we%undcrPcood.thc purpofc of thconclywifm % God 5 or could behald ’thing.siVn‘thcir t.Cl'1(I!7§'E'1C}7»»tE;"liIh.(3I'.‘£»".”“7a1-‘uh. ' Whereas? noxv in our bafl: We arcapt to cbargciéGod” with fol-1.” ywifdom‘, and thofc wayes that Wc arc; not?ab‘c%:wAt0 coma; lfygiiibd fay to him 9; What docfi thou 5.’ wc%Wcxuld;c%ondcmn a‘tirVfé1vc%s” %ofb1*m:ifhfoolifl1ncflE.~;andA‘adorcr'thu‘fieA "tbs ofthav PM 73' *7‘ Rom.1x.33.,, rcbend. ~ : “* ’()r«third1y,4 if'%h2hsd thVclargci1cfl'§‘df heattfki - 3 6%: VvVic%nvit11c w%ho1éfyftcm&e of7g<1vernm7'cnt,oriflilgelutim His‘%A,J¢4ro'mex£ppm.wc coulchigct on high and;_havcs{a_ pro-as fpcfl ofthc whole {cries of order all together; poffibly new. ibxiié one particular man*nr.fifome>one% . A c’371i‘fe;”'éT1CH‘dm~é"f@W,pI'03IifiCBC€2S abcut thofe, .;aI‘tr":.4Eted;m:t~ ¢:m'ziVd¢d fi.*éx:r_17t%h¢ refigwc may think it were Abéttcr fom”heAVm: ifit iw¢rc'~é:th.c}rw1fcfw.1tb.them,4% vbut..]1f\vc;lry‘off Heaveni fliad7o‘w*cd: ‘the: f¢Ar¢n§,py of «gythcw gppzr region of the: Air; f‘and;.if men» had continued in their, ‘ lnnccency, thcrc would have been inéall the World as there ‘ A , ‘ ?Fwas* in«Paradi{c, a*vcry heaven upon earth; but nowfincc, th~°=cnrfe*, thewwholucceatianbcing: A travauili-ng in pain tc$gctbct,tillAit be delivered from A V age 105 éorfuptimailaswbndcrw if Mac 511 With’?m¢n,and'1thcy‘béL A m=adc?toVgmane.%und*erAmucfrmiféry, %whc:n;’alI thc:diA{ord::r: tbat%:?is;inl:ithc»%Wot1:dis for thiif finfnc . and Jortlaair iudgévg Nfiflifii 2«3.2f. ' ; Againc, G'ad&eIaala£mainiqgnit%£a:;iz1:~4*LeW!a.Lflfifmfi» J vwfixi-fife imzpeapla ; 2 that is;; tmApubliqucVId»o1atry. fl0fl13i“¢x. vcrfafly aver-'-@rcad‘i%ng% p'n1luVtian, no: ’fpcc;ia1ly~ pro;vokir':g, tmnfgrcflions ; there mayrzhc:n.A%bs%~pcacc an;d;faf¢tic,and;1li-L V J V‘ bcttim: and awry‘ma.n‘mayxfit%%qu%ic%tly mldcr his Vinc4ax1;l _% :: Maud the3z:~may%‘.w Vcali Arm anothm: -1: bun. A A “ xwx:rzb:&*J:al} Spiri¢;vM4«b¢V»éea,am tbeiré V ~ ##6##}; whnflmilr bW:fi'hcmd*ad;A¥% If:*“H'€c bFG§‘kCi‘t;hC‘Tflbl’33;r3? * move the Glory,Vcaflitbam?farjch*taAludgcmcntsandgpmthfi:1 Stafic, or the Sword of bin indignation intL~M:.he. hamdmfi many audigivru ; to %do.:=4mc§:u‘ti0fl:‘m ‘ A A " w v...ow., V j E To I/aeflomkraélz HMflM”y"Camméb:. A V w, r,»...;,.,.‘ M. u “ , »._‘g;.g_flf.jé;[R!Qfld;, waliewn in darkncflc ,hhfefieEanmatbé, ~ ;l d mri-fe‘ to Judge the carth,an& A at -things ¢wi;th~;g00d insfiicc an his part be: ranged pg: -of Evsrfmmongfl men, ‘when ‘a Kingdonae gs éxvxflcd xi %withinjit fcifé by tha wkkcdracflbm" evil! Comfdififsa SM h tehsiadrmifr: of adificmpcrcd» pee,pic;;‘?.ah ’Pal"1i§m¢fl§:,~ma] - VA éocmany things inmaintaining a warre,impofing‘bftaxes;;.~ mxprifoning ofpcrforzs, .ia§d4A{c,qucfling of cflatcs , .~t7h~s,th junéfurchof time excufablc, nay juflifiable, by the fupreama Law, which at another htilme all; the world, cvcin them- -fe1vcs‘wou1d*condicmnc ashhmoft vunfufl. Doc "but itakc this - imo~% hiding the infirmitic ofnaturcg. undcrAVth¢ fantafic and pompc? of Staten. A ,$tQry hiath made: Xcrxex famkous fbr‘bAutHifiinguiihingthc parfqns, and caifing by thcir;x1arr;c.=:.sAtbc fevers}! {oldie-rs in his vafit Army‘; andpefazr for hisbcmg ably to‘d1&at;c tofivc % or fix: Scrit;¢sA Kd1vex_:s tnattctfs at; thc:’?fame stxmc : m: Mwhat. ' V % ?admifa(tit«:p)nvs;ou11dht‘f:»l1rE-,)y hazfehazg the p:rfc:l>§l1'of:‘that Mm-=% 1" A ‘ march 1' an A um a ‘sen’ oun .%th‘at cou com ‘rrzhéind vmrgzviggifitfi in bis.undcrfianding, carrylcvell in his~ memory‘, 2.l£:Ic‘.' di-rc-. fl"“7”"""=i~"' éfions by hi5 cémmand but (6 every offic¢~r c-:6ccrn‘iA ‘ «fiver A vgfguzdeabezzal ~ 1- ~ ‘ V 1 -% ‘Y firm“, é-,,,P0,.__ Aaffnrc ofS£atc ? N_cla»1v: g? ‘WCal1Pby:VV3lY ogcm1n<:_nc1c, and mizxfizpmm mi this}/Very t~ing_W1 « Ac‘ out) not one y ‘t e pcrcétion of gfj? opcrim @ods.1Afu¢h%a~rc7 . . faduccd by ‘thcircvi1l:ccu%nfels, or . over-rcachcd iiby %Athcir% Wiles fo "thatjno-thing is doné % but be rcflraines¢ it within‘ T. A certain: bouhds, and rcduccth it to his cndséaccord-ing to ‘ his moftfufl and holy Will; But there needs no Paraphraf:,. _. the words fpaake thcir ovvnc mcaningplainly. II A 3. It‘":xsAV4all%~gathercd togcthcr4‘:and abridged info aVfl1brt ‘ 4| fum'rnc,7Prfazx.8,.-t5,146.$ Zi'}‘m: K it 4' rr.-ign:,d Prism a“':cr¢.-a_ A ix/lice ; 6} in Princasksle, aud1\[o lax, circa Al? the Judges‘ A of a greater thVcnSol_m,o». A If!/76 M1*tIJ. Theydarcthc words h -.1. Y T ‘ I t'$ C3 P1336-_ -8-‘ gm! A ‘M , 2 ‘ mAs;5,, gax;%{and cw law fem: 44aais4.vvm:mh; 2 ‘ % 3353: great men ofthc'¢a;‘thdocflain2%in beam.csA0f his aim-1 lpfiig of all cxcrcifc aéifhmiticg . A _af§pafi9 ‘ give advice 5 fucél fiaswhawe aeflme Rathfi @a-gwpowcr, makc S_tat1_ztes and %0r%din5mces i:0.£3§r;cnicP3t F0? 91133;? occafiensg%M;11tar:c%%Am€n:manaiga th¢M1ht1aA; the Nobi-~ (333391 3 Iitic and Gcntrie ar¢¢}minci1tA and %Aufefaa11%in a Kingdomc; ,3-1;: s;g,;m; aggd all that have my hand in the diffribuging t§f~»ji2f3:icc,~ex; V , % execution €9f_the1axV.b0th are and-fcrvc in tl§¢*iy‘pia€¢.5.’mi: and by h1:m%:; Wh¢%Athe§r the law; : ‘ Jab 37.1; 3 mercy, as Eliéxiifpeékes of the ra;'u1c,%IaéL37s:%1%3.5. > A V _ Bflét I+flxa1l%;vproducanQ*rgtefii*mon&cs«af Scriptufég D t13cA‘%ra;th¢a°; 3;be¢a;ufg% 4;myficr1c;is not among t’hofc% deepe W Jthings whichamhid and ~c‘annOt«:bc “difcwcrcd % Rm»:-I9.‘ f%cum;m:ic»oF .itAtbrough ,,thcA world fhcwcth” fomcthing more than {Gods Image and fupcafétsigfitinn upon it frsr" rhcxugh pgaflibwvthc : Abafencffc A fvfowgzcmpceple may ha”-va« givcny occafirzm to form: A perfons A m put ,a yoaka: «u%:\Ath§:m:%; ‘ouiambAitiqq Ifomcii Nimrod m»a»y’-ha»{ree;incit>:d hiimi%At@AA12fut%pc AAuthAorA1twm*tct Aothcrsg; tAh¢ % artsAiandAAinfinuations ‘of crafty menm«ayhavcimmduccd.ic A in foma=pIaccs g : thie»ip@mpa4éndsAV1ufi:c»o€ Amagiftraaicfl» may: haw; f:1:A4it;up in: Aothetrg%:Aar1ttAA4the-benefit thw¢o4f& by» as A b‘enign:cAand.prud§nt%»admin4i&irat§¢nVdfvit, may havo %mada‘ A many A wi!1ing4V»ro ;be*arc% the; burt?bens;o“f it’ ;% yet confidcfings ?hu%moAunV-Aof l;ib€rticA and IAt1dcp’endcncic ;4VwhatAAAau: itch%ofb¢ir;gAGodsV;to,thcmf:Tves1*uns;inthcA cort!.upt‘blowi of%a1»Imén~kind;eby nAa=turc iAt"Ai«s impoifiblcato imagine that A a1I 'Na«ticms fvom=t;hc«bcginning A;~nay!ca1l, mm irm“lIA:t«heir?g¢-% ” nt*:raVt~i§bhs 'i1ieu1xi9fjtham{e1vcs~ i3coop“£:A to¥g§5vc1‘Ii¢mentg‘ ands % yceld ~it'Af“ I and: .fubje&ion¥~,~ Aunlcffc A-‘God were itrzthfi j'g1'dg¢*;mc nt. -It is. :m.ArgumemAlik%c that‘_o,ft11c< Ap tA w<:,;1”orr* greatneflk the zcriva ;c3fA:iA3é¢?%»r5,Mag»t;£évav¢g , -rim ~15 WM»: covtrvverfiv. or by uni*?Ae1%éfi%e¥>Hfi¢nfi»&c~A M < Aw ' " bf A: Eh-‘d1yA,‘?¢that.divcvfe ":1" ’A3o*wde1g1%enA€‘hpmuutwhich waits upon*%4men*in authority;”A %1ee<>rd%in,Ag’aas:.&c~hey ufe%%icL;weli3 or ill‘,fp eak:s fomething M»-this purpofcg; Honour %ec,ft_fi"a__!g-»» waye*s~*a1tsng%Vwith%AW£isr; jwst1aMhwwA%f9i4?owct A ay, up-4 ev"1?mcmA phatJtran{gt‘éfl’¢%»in?tha?f€1d§im1émf,»rccé*ivé’i(: ‘ AA AA c‘mpwrHatr¢d ;aor,fiaf¢%*fcTar;‘«‘ai*flattcryd,,% .. ...n..., )1 ser;;sa>«$J4:;m»a»c:/5;;Ma VM%a£:¢h 26. i64A§s'-% % z_Sam.m.6. _& ‘ A anointed to be King «; n *4 H §ii“ci‘\¥}itli1}i£{EHdii21inution,butfuchasarc gaocgfafndvhdm g7od&‘: have it caftiupqn tl::err1_‘witb lrm-._au_d rcvarcnce-and a%buné: dance ofaficéirom Awxckcdmaglfitatcs and corrupt Officew awworflmippéd ,'; as tfjc ;{cx;_il*by; the prgmr Afwdifiw; ;tbfit%the{Q. ‘ ~4 may no;~dae,t,b‘¢m. ~mxfch1¢i" ; A-butstha A ,mRandgad}y%m£7fl;a ** IL‘ tcrGodsown:hAcart%,arc-Aiclcithéd.upon with fomVeef"the iaics of Gods own Ma )7‘ cfly. Certainly the fhcarts of men Wéuw never aftct this rnann¢rW he Fdrawnc fto'orj from 'th6mn_tbat igudgcinftbc earth.As;:un1_effe he%that;%fittcthJi-nthc Heavens did? iudgéV:amTong&%?;th§m.¢ mur¢;th¢~nthc%;n€dd1¢4:3n the cxampaflb w1ould*iutnt0A:or frqm a pieca;ofIrp,n;.‘A int d,id‘n0t 3'&:bY”t~h(:f * vcrtucofthc'Lcsadfkonethat;badmuch:1r. A% A % % “Pourtbly, thisis yet madcmorekmanifcfi C as theiheat-of; the Sum in this rcflcfiion) by xhp diffl're%ncc of thcfpirits as ; jaubliquc pcrfonsgand;privatw¢;%m§m: in the iémc meé 1 imthe p1ac;4ofPawcrrandAout of tba_trc1a_tiotz- Pr"iv;~t”c, p¢rfons.a.rcs fe1lfccntc_red 1ikcfC1odS_Df the earth , and the-ir providenccis like~thatQfthegPifmirc,awifc andizrduflriozxs creaturcf0%'31:4 ’ % fa-If, but many tim cs mifcbicvcus tothc gardcnpr;mfchaxfd_ ¢t£z¢2:%iiitm=a11d* haveVapubliquc-fpitit, asr£S‘«#1,$vhe‘nV A ‘and the feventy Elders %c%a1lc‘d %to«é%fii{’e ..§lq[&.r mthe govcrnmmt. appfial,“t%o~%your%fclv¢s , bad fuch thoughts, fuchjcarcs, fuch desfigncs. your mindcg fqinn s1inemd,4foVrcifo1veAd,fo pn:c‘parc5:?.f<2 fiAx¢d '1'-3*'~”«“.'f‘-“.31"3.'}’!I'~31'7i wcmchav £ms:o»%be Txnflwafor yox:rVCou;1trie9,% as-fincjegyciu :ca1m,~«~t<1 fit ir_rParIiamcmt?I dor1o;t:f"aycv«:ryfVrhan'is thus afi”eV&ed;#V ‘jthm more is the pity, bur4%tI;1is4Ifay, éccmmonly and For :%h.e mare; fl, part there; is an.aEc&ion fi1tal¢:tO;tb§ rclationffind Vthisfaliaéfii A “fhcwcth yamong£&xhcAm. W } ’:‘;;. 7Fifthly~.:~ éthésiraifingor finkir1g :7 ;..tVI1 i¢§iz51ai:giré%gV:iit?V %fh%it? :*axng«0fthc1rh¢a::tsgccoArdmgAto%the wark —AGo.dvin.kA héflév‘ or abo_.ntdtoVb9%~d¢negdo:h as manifefi1yAa§gu¢,tba wofkiwqf God m t’ham.~aS.t;hc: ua1evé'né:“fTe:‘..c>f~a&iW¢3%~§:fii¥h:€‘Ji'mh$.;%‘5l ' 4» pto;vc%§hw¢:anniti}.at?i;:ggapdgthV¢movi@g .9£tfw;b@dYVby3t319‘;f? mh¢«!ncquakts2¢;c:;fi;:.v&a1our an d: ,i_}r"csagtla;1nAa9b4mim.* “ ,,:- tatl,ve'B’¢mq1_:ra£»le Hmfla ofdammmx. A V A A 17 ELM» and cam.-the Iuéiges and Worthies bf old did dc- darc that the ~sS‘pirz't of Gadcarinc 31202! I/tam _., and did mom them at %ti:m;r., A A A A “ Sixt ly; thereis’ fomc furthcrgcvidcncc and dcmonfirati. ‘ my “of;tb"is_¢in the; libcrtic, the confidcncc, AA {be peace, thc tri--% -umph,thchca’vcn onthc one hand,an”d agaxn on the othcrgphc pcAndul’oufnefiE:, thc:AAfcars',thc jcalouficsa the very hell that is in mans confcicnccs a ‘ 1 hey leffc or mere confcicncioufly pr as Imay Io fpcak, wit “the mindq: that is in Qod, fcrvc their gencratiormor do fmor againfi him,or the: dflates of his d e» -V M puty with » them ,1 Th: rigbtc-om :3 5421:! M114: Liam, [mt tht wickgd fink: when no manpur/wax. But IAfha1lAnot need to al-M lcadgc Scripture or give an inflancc for this,'fizl:en war] A an: Rom_;J $- %cmjr:z'.mce harm witneflis to £t,tlm?r thought: mcnfing er exm-_ fig om: anther; A f A ~ A 4 A A Scvcnth1y,:.It%maybc:. perceived by the flumberingvor an A wakcnin”:A0Fan;_cAx; étatlonin%mcnrAgencra1ly.andchicfly by the inclinationAorA difpofition of the hearts of ;thc .; ,Lcrdsrc- A membranccrs towards God in praycr,according~asany great change is :9 be made in thq kingdomesofthcpworld. A %_ ».::A;:Whcn thmgs ‘am to contnnue in one flay , there: isnot per-e, %c_ajivabAl*c any;unufaal1fiirrihg"in'mcns fpirits»5_but whcxfithc Lbrdis afnout to tgke up a controvcrfic, and pntcrinto fudge»- mcnt wxtha Natlomthen mans hearts bcgm ta» fax! them for fcarc, and%thc1r%fp1rits fh(1nkA up and {tart back with mAi{gi— ? vfiggswand prcfagings ofcvil “to command if the time of déliéi-% vcranccibcnot yet, A gtherg iszan indifpofitian to, and h<:art‘1ct7- ncffc inVpra1yer:.anCl cvcn fuchas Wait for the x?i'fion%withho1d A praycn mt 0fhY.poc:i{ic~or fcIf1guiltinefl’c,4as Eliphaz. char» jab 1'3‘, 4; gcd fahbut as bya rcfiraint upon their fpirits by fomcthing =fi*om'Iwithout, as; the I.ordAwcre% forbidding than: to; pmray. But ifthc;%fa1vatViondAbc drawing nigh, though thcm be $10; _apA- pearancc rofit , tl0.1‘;AC3n one difccrn 3fl5'?.PF°b3bi1itY of fi1cVha% Vthingin the figncs G)f¢t11c%%4§i%111j: €V$,%% yct:thcr~qis a,fpi1:it.pfgracc M F and fupplicationpourcdout upon them, and thciryfoulcs arc V Arawnc forth” as,tp meet Athq Lord. and%fg1qtq, ancgmv 1;‘ A ' A D " ‘V “A A" A A racc 13% % I65 36,- ~ to m¢n1c4wi¢ A A V V %’Taot; havcvobfcrved the alterations in aflfiirsto havM'n- ~ fwtcrrzdivcry apparently this difpofitxonof heart towards ~ PEEEQQQE9fP!9!idE§99?3%iV§*£:s§!ai§§9§a$45@:€§A4£:@€@2‘them» A Sermmz attimmmet/aly w..——-.-.n, ‘;*Matc1a 26 .164 y. brace their mercies; andthey mach fcsrth their hcartsein+an earncflé7expe&ati%on,ffemc4 good; nmfl fimkgon: to matharga; A And ifflsod be carrying 9:} a workcin favqur of his; Chmzhy thousg{1m%any creflh provI&%¢nccs;4 ?.imcrvc‘n%¢gA they fend up.farwnt= efivffuall praycrgg; cry] prdycrs: as th:=:‘« flasks crow thick‘ t0~Wa~r¢Is¢hc%.fn;ortSiz:ig. wanfifthey f‘eHoW{ % A an "fcck the Lord, gnferm no 21:1’: rm hchcare them ‘a-§‘We%%Arc“a4dA: in~the\ftu‘r»icAs?*oF %Dania4*qnd‘ Emrgx , A and Na.- bauigth. A I1 "doubtmmbut many of us can rem cmbcrfl fame: ycafcs finc‘c,when4 mcn bare rule over us at_thcirVp1ca{urcfs;:&* énd~t'hc meafixre afithcir ~iniquivty%*w%as x=1ty“etfu1!, and 4 “ - judgement wasflilli in~breWi1ng;‘ ‘With Afinim pa‘-~ A tienm. We bore » ail %opprcflions, and couched: downe- like: A IflRs¢~bar%betwVcen%4c%"th¢A A burdanm and thugh-t that refit was: A % good,and had my heart to lift up a prayer :-but‘: a%l”ittlcbefcgre:'% "" thé~L Wheels began to turnc, and (inc: the Lordremcmber- cd mercy in wrath, and revived his workc, and made, us {see our tokens again 3» who hath mét - found himfclf as going f by p;'aycrV‘and;"fupplicaitiomii.lAVLa‘rict4> J J (Figs! 3‘ Nbw‘ what %e\"z¢r othér. mm think of :«thcfs things, it plalnlyfi.-ems to me, that as thc fiyingofthc fo%~%w1c:, and thé goigagof the: cactcll into their Ihclt cr.s before :1 {forms ,* and « A~ M thexr coming forth again about thcbrcaking ufit away, dark flaw cozscemingtfie vapour; fo this difiérent frame and tem-* percfffpiritin men aboutiizchfclafons, andin fuchénurturcs . o£A;imcsd,Jdo:h4dec1arc concerning that Divine influence ?cofwcm=cnow~1i2caking.4 A V AA % A W Exghtlju aéanfnot makc obférvation afthctime and or »@ods iflapfe and ahciraaions yet ==thcm is fo’ri1ethingAob1E:rvabI¢" in fthei thanrmr ofthcbringiug; “A imnd carryixiig ouof thingsthat I-Iacw an%hi%gher*1h%an:d4&tl1§n mansw m‘ tha work; « mcaéngha many variqus accidcn;aHVd1f- thag llhn-‘I-—'v9¢ Toi t/be Hmiatiméle Hoéife af Cqmmazsig H . Wfiiwmi fiiiat create fcafmas apci advantages F91: fevcrali purpnfcsiaind iiart eccaiionsxmdm1m{‘ter&opportun1t1esifor “counfclls, mu i gather with the admirable ballancing ofa fiiaircs , cafizing 96 the fcalesmow on this fiéegthcn on thaqfomctimcs interrupn ting, confounding, prevcnting,d_ifappointing, ané tumbling @fiCnun{clls headlong; at ether itimcs,rcvivingv,% admin» icing: itacoutaging and prfifpcring of particaanci caufcsthat anyman may fee it is done on purpofe , thatntherc may bc time andgpiacc far finch judgamcnts as none but God am clog that he may get him a Name. New though we doc’ not much mark thefc things in the infiamt nftimc whé they hap-= pcn,y¢t if We caii our thoughts backer , and bring times pafi inm obfcrvation,we muii nccds make this judgement, that the things which Goci firii caufcth to come to paffe, do ofilsi: the thoughts, and what in the devices, and icaci on tbs con». trivangcs of imcnaillaiomgin all their windings from that be- gitming tn thccneiixigafanci confcqucntly bc ccmvinccd EOE}-' cairningmia as was Wh¢fl;;itb¢ ~1igfl¢$’ih3P' i pencd to him ,whercof the Seer had foretold him,Tlmt God i Sam. w.6,7. WM wizk him, and the Spirit of Goa/Wm éome M12022 him, and direfiedéiinzoidaeawtbc acmfianfervefla H A g . A ifiinthly , This irwifié/e Wfifiig Mr and; Gadimwi J » 4.94 23.: Mazda war} «mi/E£~lr,and~ maybic: clearly iflzcniu th¢ii4ifi‘u;e$ A and events of mans cnunfciis and aétionsg compare .."'thflm with ftizicitfncxt gcaufcs , the inftrumcntsand mcane:-:3 appcaw ring iii; the wor;ke,andithcy will be found many times: fa diife A ,4 thc:;im. zfo iuttcrlyiuinlikc 2 {.0 férrrc bwondifofmnxcizrbefidb riiicvmtrary to thaintcntionsifif? afiionsa aixdiithsiaxzzeftatirari ofiialliimcn a~m311Y%”fth‘3m firth i A marvcilousiwgirksg fa“fiearefallyandwondarfulq dam, as it iis i varyhard 1.49 diiifcernc wh¢;n;:¢§?‘thcy shrofc, oriihqwi tiney came to paiifcg We cmmptithink fcirioufly of’fomc ofthfim With: V outad.iifl§1iirat50F1:s as P¢0Pi§:W11cni the captivity of Pia . I m‘,:§;: was turnfledis antithgjffifyCmmififigalffi%fQ3fl¢tim¢3 f0m:d~t0: lt:onfefi?z:asiax;bc hgfigficigns whetizthc dufi: of theiiiiand became; V 105» T 2% A figmf Ga i sandthc EgyptiansW1?mExod.s.i9; iilfiltihuiic was troubled at the Red (ca; Tb: Lard fig/mt}: Emd.;4. A i — D 3 V for .- v...,.__. A A _ ho ' lflsiermwz attkgmanet/71] flzfl, March 26. 1645; Béfi; §.§._a: Eefima M» A V fir thew. Might I but have the libmie to ptcachtahthe Pro-L” A A hcts;eliclA of old,or to make a rehsatfall ofthc gteat‘worlm did before the people» * Nothing wen? mow eafiathen to line this as all the ?rclt~ of the ohfcrvatmns ba; fore“ mentioned with examples out of Your owns Starla)‘ ‘ When thc Service hookah was firfl: impofcd upon our ncigh... bout Church of.S‘catl4r:d,,and thc fitlt reading thctsof was In violently oppdfed by tha ru-dc mtultitufle ; it did: elthcr panic" fo much asiffintcfce or forethinke , What hath follow;-d upon ittCVClI' fincc? Who put it into the minds ofthofc Souldierg when Wet: firlt réifcd for the North , at the fame‘ time in every corner of the Land to makc an attempt , andgivh that firfl: overture ofa Rcfdrmation? How came the Whcclc ’ i _ tube turned in this Kingdoms; as intht: beginning of this Parliament, when no one man was rctnovedout of placcl or f'avout_?i when tho Kingsfilouncelladvifcd him to calla Parliament, had they contrived the tcmccly of [0 many ii gtiezvanccs, the m3kingAA°£ [U95 AiA&StaflidA0Fdifl3F1C¢8al the L ' qt?darkencffwthe‘pmznpyingafia Hkqformamtiou thus far, with many other happybitths of‘ the“ ‘pré{etit‘%Ptitliamcn’t. Which ‘thcycourafcld him tocomc into i tr: Houfmandidcmandthc HonourablciMcmberS of it , té i i M flat up his iStan”clard and l<:vie_: wiatrc a-igeaAin%lt hisiown p::oplc,AA : and to puhlifh- fuch Dczclatattonsdas have hccttfent abroad in ; i the world, did thcyipurpofc the fccurity 0? the Parliament, the‘ alicna ting ofthc ‘hcattshf the ‘people from‘ their ~fé&ion;,A i ‘t3ht:‘lof~i"c of the lives of f0 mianyligtcztt perfons ofithcit ownc A patties the ingaging of thctwoK1ngclomcss in atlhlcmnt: I Ecaguc and Cevcnm-1t,the ptovokingand incoutagihg ofthcil City‘o£:Loudo;z, and other aflbciatcd Counties tdtmitc a. 1 _ mongfl: thcmfelvcsfotf. thcimwne lZt§éty«and the rclicf'e af . i others , h2cl“thc}7 plotted altnctll: any othét = dqucnccgof thofc deafpcratc counfcls. V’$’hcttlPr_inc¢ went ti) Tsorkandi thatched out again téq fl4drfla»~fi(W;fidt\q t fi=39in*s£3c¥ith¢..Iiout1ngAandifimnmgofb1sown“Am:yva"ant thofh A tfitbt? Hanmraéle f!enj?pfC'm§amm:.A A . V 21’ _.—...._ y 4 theft: that hchéddrawxie forth to joyhne withhimh, that rheA City of Ta-rk: mightbeAthAe” fooner furrendyed , and New mfile reduced}. handjthe firength of the King be broken in’ I thofe Northerneparts for Io much advantagefto the Parliau xnentfz‘ Deubtlefieyour thoughtsgcgnnotehut outrun‘ megandh prevent‘-‘me the naming of a werld bfothetflth’ings5 tihat have happened both A in counfell afid m warre , both Ahhwxthinh your owne wallesg and in every corner of the Kingdome, which A ifthey he laycl by their octafions , or by the men and means whereby they hggeebeene done V, Willfeither be fuch as they that had to doe agent them 5 willbeeunwilling to beam 9? them; afhamed to own them, or elf: toohgrcat , too high to be afcribed to the policy or the power of men. Nowefuch A A A I occurrences asthefeg are ériglat brawn: out of lot}: fraud’, bi-4 Hat). 3. '.¢;_'.* alingsh af/::2vpamr,A the {parklings and fhinings forth of the Majeft’cy,efh‘eGed:yyaccommodated to our capacity , that by oceafion of»! fuch unlikely and Lznleoked for events, eur eyes Ah*may’bedréwnehpewardstotekeA~‘neticeihA‘y*oF hisgloryinethe governing of the World; They are like to wonders and Amie-AA‘ A A , Aracles in other ProvidencAes,end have the fame ufe. We may read it‘, If1At'._4.Ig IA 8,~!‘9,2o. I will open river: 3:1 l:u'gbep1dce,r,. Ifai.4x. :8. :93 AA nndfintmimcx it,1x.‘t‘ke-x micfl? of we mflcyx. ~ I 73?A1'£l'r21(tke’t is bardcr than V%w*heAn‘ olnewalkesonll the beaches by thc; {cafidpto finale, the Palm?‘ “ " I-I: imdget/wzmong t.’9£iG£7tif.'.'ll l wlf ¢{ Why thc‘“I.ord fhouldrlulc in and bjrmcn , rather thcnp-rc- ” A pawprin;God;.lasin7.lPrinccs;*bu A lolf“his‘ll~wil_;l5 the fupcrabundance - atacllcondclccnfion to man. Eiiéscl. 1.93 6. N ” D_gu§,l5..24.z 5. V and I212: grmtnafi , gar: his own throne and A judge in his own Majeflic aloncby imfclf, like thatMiracle OFN Iron wherewith it is armed , than by its own body withgut it»; Thercafon is, not any rgieccflityof Naturjc, orld%c£é&l&Agf fimtfirlylthlfi g°:ndPle%aft1I‘§ If God {honld 1’ udgc immediately,‘ be more clrcadfull and tcrrible,l we cauld notbaar the glory, We fhould be fwallowcdup of:hcMajefly :‘ Wcl may gfucffs as much by fomc paffagcs in Rory sf old , when God kept the mattér ofgovcrnmcnt more in his ownlhand thcnnnow, particularly bytbat which Wcrcad in the Igofflxodw, and 5 of Dam. -when He gave the Law bu mount Siam’ , uefl'e.',; and :19: iw/bola mum: did qtmlzg audémm with fire, >ixfil~ amt:/2 4:; tévtpabpla treméledmmd the Elaicrx draw near to Meal’ L3 M l M14 tbxkgmkzt fire Wflmxfitme 2:; If%w:gb%Mrl «A A ‘ ' " J tbl: wajce affix Lord Mr Gadmu} mara,tkw./E411 we dim:A";fAm;1 ‘ ‘¥;i9Bf- xi-ii-V fl-.r,m.~d iflebald, tbcl Lai*d‘wrlGod Iaaztbficwed m i in’: fiv: Iérxiéfe W £.9Ffi£”’=”{V‘1F’?fl‘5flé7fl”€k? Wflffejwoxgg W fhfirc. » “”I"_;1lfe: allorlany %oFl§mm,axf1d fhcrc: is lcnoughmtol’ convincclan Arlaas/2,: not toncly that therc1s a God, but that V yemw rcquirclllthé ‘ground ofthis difplcnfationl, A-viz. : aturc which doth more by the A A ’ uflflhié goodnaflc in fiiveurl A thc fudgcmmt would V A that: wcrel tkumfiingx dndligbtniug: , and a thick cloud and dark‘. A ll hlfithc pomp of the promulgation of the Law was To dread. l l the mutuall fubmifiion, dependance , and care ofeaeh ano-> A? l to I/re Hmoaralvle H rm]? of Comrrzam. 1,»- v ‘full , (‘and le-{Te it could not beconfideriug the Maiefly of the K ixg, that Law-giver and the $343: ) what may we think wouldhe the terrours of the jflijar and Sc-_JIonr,'while A God {houid frequently arife to iudgcmentranrd execution? r ‘ ‘ fIFGod_fl1ould not judge by men , there ‘could not be ex- peéted that connivence and moderation in the 1'ndgement,r i that now is by the indulgence of men of like pafiions and i eompaflions towards one another; and I think the Scrip... tore {peaks fomething to this purpofe in that paiiage in Exadarr 3 3-. 3 . - I ‘Will/excl an Angel éefore rim, but I will not a go up in the mid}? aft/ace, for their art 4 mclqrdpeoplc, 1:}? I aéflra} thee. . — ., Certainly the Government thus” carried is much more convenient and accotnmodcd to our {arcfent condition and in relations at we could not meet, and vclofe, and paffe, and part , 0 l on alloccafions withfelittle difadvantage to our nature and V fociety 3‘ if they thatiboarrule, and they that are in ffubjefliu on were not all of a le.kef.as with Iflml in the wilderneffeg, preparing amercy~ for pofieritieafter us, the meme while refolved tofiflall the earth with Lahis gloxyin the defiruéfion cf the prefene ~; ~ gei1eratiTen.tbat4fee his wonders,yet"tempt l'1imrdaiAly; mun» ' mute egainfi him , grieve his V Spirit, and harden their - A A ‘heartsethrough unbclief; or whether he wil’ yet have mercy" upW*% fuch wdrcames flwuld come in anymam ~hc,ad;~ what Lill dint. hath been fo blaficds asflto have.v1ce&%itsvet%tuc»%or ne‘c“cffitAie.;«P or upon what: prctcnc*c_ can aqy am%or«1g&'us% imagine them-M flisivcs mt be: thought by athsrs {do formidable, 0:10 confidéng as they mufi therefore: for t-fmfake cflibtzrtic of canfcicncc» A A A 1 be lcf3:Vat:1a'rAge,&:vr«be%-1-mfcdfi'om.im’ if there be a realitieins fueha Fannie,» Lpvrdéwwa meimy was aw : how » {hall ;.,:;h‘e per- ibnsis guxlty?efvL{uch:»:levitie «avers gafwcr it @od orfinsz warm, or ~the1r awmz giszmffcmnécs or the parms who have heme aErcaVdy*yoéked by it? one thing I amA1be;‘Godo forit)nTinfomcrefpcfls it hathihardthé advantagoofothcr A A Parliaments , and the Lord hath honoured it algsovo them all, by putting into its hand a grcatcrwork to doc For himfclfc ‘d andn*"hisnChurch, andopcncd to it a wider doro and more cf- fc&ua11,.though~there be ddmdariy addcrfarics ,¥>and crowned it withmorcddadmirablcliicccffcs and providence-s,and brought it on and followed it with more dofircs and prayers, then over anydParlinamont had before-it: yet in fomo other to- ngarnds, it licthunder a c1ouda..and‘:fiis:dmor¢ (hakcn. :,Tho autho- F ritic of itisnqn"cItion“ed,quarrel:lod dcsnicd and oppofod, the V power of it Pcraitned and bonnded tbatjt canndotnrcach all the Kingdomsthrough,proclaimed Robctsat homo, dc{<:t- V ted by manynofyour owns, and Whatyon fufliar abroad God _ - known-tho: the whceles have'movedTflow1yand"drivandhcau vily, not without difiurbancc. and di{’cra&ion_,d your Ordinary- ccsd and Orders are not Io chcarfully and univcrfally rccciivod and obeyed as haply ye thinks. ‘ A A ’ ’ I but ofi’cr thcfo things under 7the:7 notion andrcfpcflofd A a judgement of God upon authoritio , and thofc that deals innit. thaty cc may take noticeeof the handoftho I.ord , and be awakened otoj 1' ndgc your sfclvcs and finnc‘ no more , 1:6: .3 Worfothingyot ddbofallwxs : ‘fbfiyfifi cannotbut judgethis,tha't +(thcd‘idc1ouddd>being baflanced A by the hand of the Lord) where -Jthodint of the {iorme falis mofl , thence arofo much ‘ofthc: vapounaud than: the tcdmpcfi will be mofi vioIcnt&dcLflrn4-~ &§Y¢a.if it bé s:atpr9v¢nt9d by tiarsely Q !c§i9u$rcP¢“‘“’W* Féotsblys n-A neon-o£:;i2ar1iamxénts'1aav_o:hocnrgimodiwinhra»5gird1o,"andoit ‘ j izi§;’§"e7ta%&§;‘b§a"£th\6jE'0l§ m-==: A the %puni{1i%ih‘e5:1!3%oftheir fi'nne.r" No 4 5% t/as Hozmméle Hvéafimfcarxsmafls. A :j:?g§,;fghiy,and'IwiIl-‘addc no %rimr¢;iSomuI:hiz§g may ba;r¢?avcfr; % mtfiis purpofé;in%thc ixianragar way dfthajbridgiizg m=s,m7&;'iTv ggggutimg of» MtIhis~a}»11;dgcfm4c$nt».;V*.; xfiyc :hayc.ob£~’mv;cd;*1;t;1thath’: b~5mVbficvwe.d, “?mdf’Wrc>ught, *»%~‘and:tunned,aad btfoachcdand .w 7» . dra, Wu by »t?h¢l’itw~"ciiii1iie Ean& Gentry c':m1‘zply;t-“-F ing«an"d fubfcrving. And: Hewitt walks abréad? through the Landby v:hcfan'1s;:Amcanes by whichit hath come thusfar 5, A 3;; »H.=.~i that imlgezk amangjaaa cithmf hidcsaway Wifdomc, or ‘ wcakpatb ypfmg ¢MhaEadVs,ion.t:aut5im%*th your Clounfalls, ‘or obs» W {tm’fl:éi'b«%>yofir¢¢Wéygrxf1%tMh¢4i*€Ti's;‘n"05fcmédysbut” that ‘divifiw s~énd=Ath:-2: m?i¢[cbic£:=5-ét7fla‘emV~3:ontinucsand~confumr:;***gnd’ devour us daily» A N M ‘ ¢ A " v I = L M let §cidé¢ rig/2t;.va.a.¢5,‘wd mzm:y¢ mam m/inmer ; rham hem «c0mVmonly» faid,«£f1%1‘d%%f%h¥3raa is.:aaarrLith&in i«t,¢=¢1ZT/a&wZ~€”'$%':¢gic.¢i:;§a dare ‘mzwrmg : V ‘it isncxt fgmmcf to? Atcflyb7wthc% m"ea“ni1:1gL”of?‘ yaugivc us the proverb andzfira in t‘c.r:pre:tation thémof,I ha--T fecch youmake the application of it alfo :* Confidcr with Ayouirfclves . would ma God of arcfer thus tumble all things hcadlongmzrn cveryithingupfidc»»down, or fufibr this confu3€rI* WdrfinEmiggihtiiyt:pxzox;§0i;crftaitE;It;is€hi;srfiram2gc~ wqrk.-. he deIight1e’6h~~%’rm t 5W3: havcV‘7'%giVcn‘ the caufczg onfit %d&e&?rurality‘of his Law difproved and dccgicd f, and his Sabbaths 'cven_pr‘ofl:itut¢d aoproph%azmion; é Agar-3 a fart mmar;dcd go beviolatéd. Iudge ye yamfowxa E539; §*?”=_% Wgififflfi hmhf*er%hIs PWk¢Pt'*b9*hh0r _ A .._.. M A. A A ‘it ct "'3". x V ura * D .._,,‘._.¢...me-u.» «W4» . .. ‘ ., ~wwl‘ ..g~...‘-.n....w_ ‘x-.»w....-»..‘.....- n¢~~~ ._.. .. ‘ ‘ % fa z&e%Hanoara.6l¢Heafi~vf If .'...m..m...‘. A done W«c«“;43l}d fqrlgchjcf¢trGt§f¢Vi1*d0?f§§$ifld% M.” W 7 ,V « :i£crTw..ith or:hewh¢1eLand. %I:tmay bk; thG:¥=3%h‘§@¥¢,3¢:QK“f‘*’74»§£?¥*aI«!2€ ‘:~. t '. Co.urtsand Wzfc armies-» And 1V§<>Ii£¢£Tré”Vif# iisisivifhn A%Atp.b¢,,Amad;cs as <1;%dSém+A1:A+AA»1trW¢%t¢%:mtA;bard&:_§9agufiflfifl AA wt‘ < th%:Alotvw<»u1Tdfa1!;~butiif39I-91%L7-Mr»-whomightmt Q» _ %%Gp¢Aycc Anc%crcAryho13i4c,+C0!1fidcr yqu;r:%{q1vc%s;thp% A{fc:_g:x;- .b1y.of the ‘Mighticya %V«gcncra11¥4m «body » V».ParficuV1ar1y%cVvcty “mania his, ;r=1$:tiQ1';1 I0 -tAhat~ 4Y¢Pf€{¢%flFfa§‘M&¢' ~.% we the ¢pu11ing%down¢Vofvth¢OrdcmmdGov&cmmnW; .~_Church, the fupprefling of Se 613» and ‘ Hcr:;fic;s: ‘ (which am ,t:h¢.,.bm¢,Qf the gChurch)as simhe motingout é)fEpifcQpacic? Vqaswtalous in the: kciepingaas WAWCKG ;iMhci%.maki%ng of -;£?0vm6nt?4JEi%Wffiithfs%11yea!!din~bb$¢Ema-aqf Wi¢h,a V *:33h}d Comrmandmcnts Stem: ahd%Iudg¢&me6t.t‘wvfcir:nc9=;[. and oncmm T¢J%s=Tmig»bt var:xcu1,arxzc:V%xnt«his:2@*c4at;.and - wt A;;u;n¢;9v¢:r%ing&h;in4ak:%d»:2s=fif¢v:ofimgmga- mien; ;. i;;m_ight:¢m;ou¢V4:%y wem-V far Ayuémgsiiaayg ?w;h;¢n:as¢noVw oI3615i”bumbly%;e:;fi;%ér mew ;:xmm's*;,i!e”;’si;;. 2153 sL¢ad—mmr;t:hAoughtsm €4.9;{53£1t1¢:0{h¢r:1:zavtic1;l:ar.1 W1: ma A Ac %lfis§§3:,§¢9QI3;ll§¢§13i‘5i‘§§§§1a*:31." dmgfii , 1-. :.Vb..¢£¢, W ,; :feivc§;:f@2irxapr§am.M;aFnr % :yggVaygbm:fa::.a%:fig~::1r;ca.da5wmdzixcapcahegmtgimeprimm, as in putiliqucg, in yourfam H; u . 7 ..‘ ’ E13 _ . J‘. . ~ a....,. W ‘ V ‘ x. u w .y-,~, 3' 2",. ‘ .‘;_..‘ hwy \ ‘t I; , .9“ NA «-31: ‘aw: .3: M, _‘ "Wu: ‘ ‘ \ ' “,1 ‘q,¢'~u-la‘ V.“ 9; 4 s ‘U: "A n» m '1' ‘V J » ‘ M’: x H V *1? “I x \ {I " . a ‘W I ‘ ‘g ,, é, » 1:’ wt ~ fkan? _ V ‘ J .- mm. .‘.a- wmuqp... ‘ . Emu carcfullA mbcV:as quick»@fid;Afcw¢nt%%in the!-au*iIg3iqg;:np,5ggs ‘T W I ‘:z "W -A . -.— “ mwwnvtua-n.m-pug." \m,~~v4;,..,_._,,-,_ “ -w-a.m.~. ... " 4 ,,M“.‘H.:_v‘»v‘v';:-g\yfl:§§;lIAU{M)"0U‘flI1l§F"”7‘V€'I «‘—"~§~ J'am.”4;9,1o. Efai.6.2.§‘ ..._.....,.. ._ . mm-»-vwv é ‘ - v w VA ; k ‘ ‘ H, _‘ , ‘ ‘ W mam, mm H ‘wk 49‘-1,‘. A -I 5. o us ‘ . J". . *< '-- "In »-va-om-,.A_ «.w-‘Inga’ ‘ 1‘ A A z:%tI9e4é¢38a”iiiets12_2jr=“ 1645'. the Laughs m byrcafon‘thr‘rE:éf;m your 0‘ -mac E§VehVi1lfé.§i;1iiAi4in. §t”i‘:!t§t:iic:‘Bf’é:*lI4Witli”’c5 peapw a£V*:He%4Lana.44a¢4f ‘” «co rfiyzayv yaw flip; ¥'Let?hi.3:?'r1'~nb€?~fiibn¢‘~ti1=l rum: h*im%fe1€e’A%£o bcanWtéd~;HaIJ we: mm Let nfit A {be i3s‘*yec,#om~a« Wp’cFWfth M A éti%;xi1*i~"c§g‘I8z~iwlittxe%q“im~rcr%s%oFché i?ifs“a*Ageca: “grigfc a&1%V“grdd1yn1en;:o~{ee haw%rseg1igen%1y‘chc-‘wméke 1 Vtha: %¢npt»xxghaflygami4t¢cd’*, wh‘il‘¢“ "« :2: E} 2 C1- ". y g i .9‘ fqretsrgéaésmpemheéanwfl1ingv=;ocome; in "wider scstzajezipessaA1tie;em¢a% tfirc:"a¥tiiFtI1”§§f_1‘c;é;irx‘z9c pfchéi: 3 wiecéb 3i"6u'J’th5fEfGr¢§ r¢y1xk¢§% W fiox;?E$l*¢f§?afifiF€§ai?é"'Foi‘*’ffic A Mfiaitédléxpfiditfic “~f%?:'&*fo¢ l25&1g?i¢3:‘;5”étff2:d%;3*§xid~fd3:rti‘nth“lb€zgé"flit Andgbeeaufc fcejfmany {cck was rntcrj:i*¢Ata&- wns:as%cA*in1arg¢5m¢iiar:*s?£~i«aa*;%*’ :~t»h6ir?5"e3éj;’*e*?1’ai:-c: mhcrs in%chwcaaamwg;*1 —* 41*&lu_Vc £¢Av&rén&éi%p:'h¢!.cab- ’?{¢}z:.v;ation;*’of.thav*gr¢atAingagevm eziftgstbé with p’£‘“®¢o3;and kc: ‘istflcrgr-be:-"¢arem‘aLecn*4that'¢haTNémbfLf-WVelm ’Ijt§ird5»%6tir”'@Ud1i)c ' u-«W, . A "9 E. v V A %J VA . ,% By: not up mflancqany A % j 4 2 :irtxséIi‘lac1:‘;*“§tI1¢§&f;m;_z’x1?_2:: :dalil3tl1Is.é?;5:;Iitlfulfimamfpfl:~bytth€'I§ght=Uf7 ttlfiw ff _; c “ ' mhummxhex ‘ g,-wbtswkchiihwéinéJ:ijfbrmhé»EordjizvilI$[116t.ffo1&hiiIi»f§IIiltlcfl7: ?f*3Wi&Y~&¢}§”fi”.“’;H%méféjai:r_/}lw¢.r¢ w‘ \th?_figb.f0f t [1'e\ Lard; duafljdfc »afi'3riras;amorig&mfénwiésordfiffid 1 A ‘M _ “ . ‘ w I“ wv~«?‘,u‘m-n.Ao.+ N.“ e... .‘ .‘ ,. . .,, _. M‘ K ‘ _ _ ‘ ‘Web 1‘ I I _ __ W’ .. ‘...% M4ma«tbea££0n9ar24£le~«I£wawfkaofi€am A ~ “ r % % 3. 4,- 94 ' ‘Pm my ' ’ ‘ ' ‘ “ . “ '~-~ ‘ u my .,‘ . ‘.“,,,‘¢ ' ' 4 '1 ' ‘ ' ,“__)‘m"'_} . “ V 7 Mdstmsmanatasband of? .C3.od:t.;;;é';f'c)i%Vea6w thcrcA is int: CV11! 1:: a Kmgg-% - doma.but;by hisz¢xpre£imi:udg¢m:ent:;A:ad uqdgzliand A the ffanfe c-r,fcQpeoft;h_c ProphatsM:;Scn:mons;%in:1ik¢1cafis. or V thcix: dafivinc b::::nur«.infitu&,io%n ;: 4;wr)K¢t11%. #9 Zach *7‘ " erée4%A+an4th¢»m4v%9j? #4wq;sH¢afg;}a .;-3;”;-.37; t/2: rm’, and who /mtb appointed it. Or as 1m:,;,AV:i ;¢gd¢g_-,,j;;- .3-Vjw “N.” % tbj» Mvia;«JZaflj&a~ 3=:,9.1‘?§I‘*.:‘?‘i?b.‘..¢:‘7’?*A.;3:4“:X-7§(‘.3fld? when-:::tbc, treading mi.«,ah.3.9. ‘*m:.intc:prcta;1on1s.var1ouss«tolcompmhand tljgtp is the La- fefii: )»£l?he-Lord;cny%cthas w§l1’+»:_by;hi,sjudgemgntsfias ;by.h§s % \;A1~/Iiniflqrs; ;AHis~g1orif God. . iV¢aurm: ma feiré J.fl§gF‘¢:9f;= ~andrécaz¢41pw;andrepe::t; »W*b}&t <:‘V¢r~b¢«the:,f<311ies¥oFmgn; mufi bcgacknoW1cdgcd:r3fld_ ji1&ifi¢d- :57???‘ ¢"»'4( ,’75g”,F£-‘:- m :5, Jmigmgm.ALWL:M2&sLG9;1sq9n;tr:9,vcr£i§;:hc %}is.p1eading.wich l3‘is%19q:§J}210s€ agtimefpcqieléfi of . ~thafé who:a1§e? Ectswéeijcg mm %and%e §:1:1<“.=> Qfigglq »§hl;n_g Magifirabid as:«i:;;:,Vthc:Minii1etic tr t.n;%.£?;ep§qgt4p¢h§glq;aggthc .23 ‘h :; I: .§ gj «braach , zand makc ythfifir atoi3jC€f:I%1¢n3$Ig« %I7h@m.»%;;r;:¢*¢_d~‘ nu, otbgr 'flw9rds% to bc f?cmght"".0u%t by the 2 Pr~cac;h;cr%v as gqaglg aw fér thé“*fa&ningaa£;a1&xchi4s but thofwf tb:c Pr9P!m4M!ma::% ~ :‘::i*6’&#»4"£ird_f§§fl§tp@ys;l2¢mr$’z . %%v~kwpimfitur=kfmm%tAh4~mxt’a»/24% Am?’ 3*‘ "" ' nfifidfi §sh4a;kamaamzzm-J ‘S54;/1337‘?"$€£"?J*¢¢rb§&lqzézrzmir!;,fi!0€%§§€*§%2;'»4» rJ£1zv?Pe4P€emt»%‘r?.4 do»i«gi::?;i *Ib;;lian*b;¢£5s.m4r€d.W19 W,i[l *”at_f'eflre£€ The L4?! A ”‘ ‘ ¥ % ‘{3}’ N fl _ L H 4 A V M = 4 93V% “’ Ba $“ 55.‘ )tTSermb¥Iw£;.‘t;35?7}ia}1£z£?19!;F4fl, Marchza. x 6@[ »¢*g§g: ai;»litf.1e Ion“ Ear, (énd:imdced%yse.®~thcare) §u»ufiwt.he Fflrther app V V ¢ A A icatiorx of it, in when WinP‘g‘g%é‘s“%i%c F;«2ré1y“1nta;th2ns uutpgmdcannot wc.‘~llbc*baul~ 31% g§*;i=”Wit%‘w%»a~‘wm6mg:bh taoyou the: Tcatt.. I;w1,llbu7t A ‘oi-i‘13:H5'? 6%“? ‘them Virfa xxfdrd or two 0€cxhortation,and leave,- "fthehj»tz1aonycmhands;Vo1jyput?hcafts~gathepMfor—me&ditarion ~:and?pr§&if¢%.‘ * Efai. 4.2.. 2.9. Pfal. 8:. 5:. A565 17. Pf31.zo,4§. . “:1-Hr-« U V" I . Ken-.5'.m.' Efflig, so I 30 E) £:&lo9‘;6." .- Vvzru g¢nera11y‘,4 coc¢:§aia§§ché~wox1&Q£coawhich wee 'may bé5l}oldf;in the ~g»oVcrning=of t;ha:;:Nations , M: going: qf A !~Gad’~am»ofiz4g éithaf” King} md%Frific::,% Primwuuxd Noivile: ginda/I '3: ‘£12: :1»; gait vfizlac~m7jt!::‘.~ ’3m0fi;‘§;"fhifG0d98 , R % A" 5 + % M % L Shéli AI%7f2iy?’* 1 ¢xa«'mihe’ our7<#{e1vc§:whcther we have ‘duely7~her®ibF@ré u~1*idei?I’tbbd "a:n*¢!Ai1rcVgatded this thing, heard =1§iS"‘=~#voicé iw‘m~1n am&ing».9t2iken r;o~r:i'c«eF his Spirit mming,as %%wc11 the l~ivia_1*1 gscre at?‘ut=c:??é as *t‘h¢“«w hwlcs. Have Wweikno wn, have Wca¢Akné>~wlVedgéd%7“ infl§:g!fc‘a‘tAcon:empt%fidfGody'and :h‘is:p'rovide;m:ie:: .TlMmic'i+- he?juA;an::i:bla‘fphés- ‘1‘1?"1*‘i<‘f>”.:.’**t"‘ % gj”%al£&*f/:¢*flavd«and%% % ‘f2zf;it:wwp::'¥:aa.~*;It7%1s5a% ma*mi67 "id finne mat and waggravarians ;w*V’a'migh:ic% ~p”m“v¢arca%t>~i<'3ti";j ‘i?5’1:§'y«v*¢gxr~3'$:fit=§herwvnéd?@f¢41¢:?I§igrd,.uam923— t # A :b&»apeg§:t:§£ifii4bfi ib3t‘Z:*1::;~tf:ar2far;?A;g:Iaay$aa:+:€g~;;a:;;.; . v, "V g ‘ '5 V—',‘ “T * ” 3 -ya‘ ‘ ‘«“:; at 4'; rm !s".. , an ., M», m ;w “_'\«vr«”!,”‘a»w, 1"“-"‘;‘ ~ ‘-‘u ,» . ~., 1 war‘ M... -. .4., 1.» Ma as .17ot2l7%eHw‘éoarnéle4_ Haufivaf’Vc'amv;2mx. J 49. K‘ . '¥‘A "H .”"VV4‘ 1 ~ my ....~.. ,. w 5m5W5b““‘€9*':‘*‘i?: :‘V4V°aM¢=«1GAW%W¥%—Wm€Y'¢¢W§$§J ::hisg¢néncVmtTw1m'mr~ Aa'”n;%:;AAtMr%;J:«:»:i>r.z“3.““**mxéé if %pra1._.,A,,m,‘, ,%_% gum his way: ,%A at to fmmrar in Mr Wrath that tlnyji; ll wt 1 water imta 1223.1; rafi ?: T’ I 1: isa {ore and hcavyjudgcmcnt to have feet: the grcét fignétaand Vwonflcm of ff, Amid sto Amam an heart; ta pmjcciw, eye 3 (‘=0 ifcc, «anni Ac’axtc.3“AtoL%AAh£:a1*c as this day-. D..=.'911t-A29-4.*:Ai A % A 4 1 s: V A ~ 3 ' A: _ A A Let us awake at Icn§.r,th,and bc aAfhamcd,and tum afidmand ~ fat: what God doth-. fame 4m3flee5 co-ms: mméebald the wor@' P{a1.x x 3.»: af the-Lord. T/ac WorI{.cA of:/9: Lard «me gremt fax.-tgbt out afall 01' 39 it my 5'3; {mm rim: bavepleafuratherein: andmruly thcrcis a myne cir’§:§§3ts. of plcafurc, and profit tcxjé 5 Lin the cantcxnplation of the: ...s.m¢] M works of crcatiomand common providcnce; there is much Dnmm Divinity to be read in thofc books of nature, the Holy Ghoft A rcadcs us many Leflurcs out of them , and holy man havc not thought avcn thofc unworthy their mofl: fcrious medie- tation;butthcmifianmorc in thefpcc'ial1 pmvidcncc 9'? God about cngthc Hmoderat ing 1 ordcringmfhumanc aflEairs=Adccayeéit%~“fight~‘; :nhe=i0‘1d flrorir.-3;: k "wmughtagvei*%aim:,’thcsPmmifcsfalfiilcd, thc.Praph¢ci¢5 ;:rweiv:ing.—;thcin.ac¢qmpliPnm=cnt3.. a revcIa‘tion% ef‘ thc71?czrc- gmJ#%#azta M Amm £'bi”g$:W&f;.ky$.0”"1dfam£ ta%;p4fiT‘:; : v_an mterprc ration :05" ofthc yifiong whgch wet? {cm qfq!d,a Key to apex} the dark and h=:ard‘th:ngs an forme'r;prazd1&1ons,thc unélafpzng ofzhc VA {salad ~Bookc:g»that; c:vent:bo:y:that~cann0t read, may yet fee ‘ wand%ccmfi&cr and mndctfland; tog%cths;2t3;:4,A that.tbc,hand.ofthc ' r i 4' Lord hath doriball %tfl1§s.%¢ :A~ .px=.;=‘-z1ude:o1'«a prznfagca: rathcraoftha gr7¢at~day af=1:hc¢%%%Lord%,andi’tl1s:.* »+judgcm%en*t:t0.%c0mc. . ~ ~ 2 W M I-Ic«.+that Pcaqdsywith the wifcman in the 7windoWe ofhis 4 obfcrvation,.may.fc%c prcparing:Vffis:thmnc far thc‘judg- A ing~of:«thcs%grcatzwhorszyabriragiragwfiaéjlau into mmcm» bramc ,~:~ca1ling.his2~pcoplcMoutHem thcncm r_dclivcsing the cup oftncambhngfinto; trhc hands_ of? thc. NafAtions.&.c.? »Or as 351.2:/&.:"vVhenr%hc::Was«;pn1t%,in the clcfiof the Rock,may-behold the «glc1éy«o£a!&G.ods goodn::f:fc%madg:%;o pafl‘c%%befOzc.11im',;in 3. F medcration of iudgcgmsnsswfmbcarancc. :;t3nl<.;¢d ms. May aobfizrvc the bright 2. Cfirfi 36¢? ' fliwv Mdfmelbggrghihwifisivfiaw for dclivcrafiéc,fu“dda:man&d% unexpeétcdrcfcuing from the praecipicc andgfirinkofminc. A -L _\ % A ; n . A ~ 5 ; . , May pfirccive vthcrowling : and ycamings of~his bowels Aandte cofn.pafl'ions toward hisupéor affliéfcd people, thatgprayr. May fee: him triumphing glorioufly , A in that grcatncflé of his cxcicllency} ;:li£t§ng up; -;himfclfab9v\c his a\dvcrfax:icsL in the zhings.wWhcreii1«_thcy.d¢:alc;proudIy :,;,, raifing «thc;Trophic§$go£ his Glory: eutof~-bppafitions, contradi&ions4&%and; _i 211 poflibilia ' Ihir-1i,ng forthjoff ;his~manifm1d wifdomc «in out-Wit_ting can 4' g men; tuszning Acraftynw faflsinto%f001i11mc£1‘c.f§txl1rating ghcgtokcnsoElya4rs.azad~wma-2 king»diMincrs=mad.4MayV takt: notic.:many,cvidcnt dfc many! fi1‘?3f.50n&pf.~ his f3itf1fi1lfl.Cfl‘rj@2‘,a«a.iH--._3'CInCmbTjUg l3is<%pro:n%i;fs?:a'>‘aA. hcafiflg P?&¥crs.;%andiibcwing. himI;el£%r2igh»mt9%4;hi$ A inal1Athac:h¢y gqaliupcana h.imforL mA%¥:fm V124: ndp:-.inTt¢dinailatt¢r‘tbat [A % 4%%.VHma%%A Mell.*:':fif an I: ’t55§ tl7€flFI0?13“t2r‘:}35liemHafG'aa5g;;m,,53;%~‘. W. V ‘tlaa-“m‘% 7wba'fi I5:uft:.&f:*taW4rU;“£iigI,i Witflh ggmaffiflg Aicflzimoniw bf iUfiiG‘¢*Q5fi4? iudgémAénr$; "and :c:‘:tccuti<:‘m4s A jd‘otie"i:%pon fif°s%éric:mics .».~.and%mayA_rccciv¢«abunbIancc pf‘ ihf A % . I , I We-*.¢t~'mv f¢1f,andtyn.'c,out your patxcncc-.AA .ThcrcAfore M ; » A \ A Rruaion, Aand1"earn“eAmuth righ:eou{neIf¢;‘ ~B1i£I A WAN: and A Secondly , andmorc particularly to} A A fun, tbxhcdgefir géd, éalovéd ;,'yét aia”“é)t%hcr WordVoF cxhortati amflza Gadissdgetb. * A 4 A A van, Hana ... ‘ For God. W Th of“:/.m Kimg,arVKiugdvme; the cam iivhércdf 'r1hi1Bc beupon ybu as well as up‘on‘us.H:fs4 Clmrob,his I{ingdomc,his$%Citty,, .._..j&"" »wu..»~ ».$Im"u vmr. " AV3;:§=.:: A -o W” A I“ -v'w v'.‘u«« ‘» "_&I e VY')\1 mu‘ L ‘WI ere arcmatrerx of Gad,as well as pvkatln-r3.“ % M ’ Q3 E ‘A _ » I;;;; Hmfi',his Pcpp1;:,hisSpoufc,his Childrcmhis ‘Body ; * ye, A as nutfin*gfathcr.s%,’ Amu>cndcrwthe4good', andwclfarcoé \ " theti1.t11atAthcy may find harbour mad protcflion, injoy their jufi; Priviicdgcs, and Liberties, wlaermirb Cbrzffl hath made them fiwg: : ' rgpt finch licmtiamfitefe .4; :2 abufidfir 4 g-[gage gf wnugbzixafifiig Ye: ‘mufl: ff:-c my:Qrderand unitybambngfi them; that‘A¢«t"héVre be! 110 rents‘ and:Sch1fmcs;“ futélyV%‘qur§ Saviotirftléét 'afc"cndcd‘”into I-Icaven,;and gave‘ gifts to mcnforric %.ApoQ1c-Vs,‘ . ~&c.fiMt we might all mm’: 5211’)? wnify ofFm'tb ; an”duhat%h diam A vets] times , and aftcrfundry manncrsmgivcn thatvary‘ thing % in‘-chargc"t9his‘minifb:rs,wou1dnothave the magi(h'at;c.lc:-fir “ acf?1a¢gcV“from%pr6iriiling , " and A cndcavquridg, that _/jgc.-a@e;g; % of fbllam'ngAtl.1: trutlq in [aw ,: Wuitay grow yap, I'm.a1(_£;;g 513;: grgfifi £2] edifjfing amffclmgr and one a11f0f‘}J¢f'.. in Law. Ye Ada th'at,; whxch we: are. to pAra‘y% that ye may do : ,viz.% Takeaif % courfcjthat Chrifiiatwas may live .4 p¢..-malala sandy qmiat[ in "gadlincf ya and boucjiymat in and co»mm'on.v \ , V Ephe.4,§ *%%i‘4s?2Ehere&ismm;Hx&*Nama. Itmaygnot bcblafphemcd, difi % h7brféut*c~ddn}, iitiérinufi Vb;-'w%‘{Z1ntEiifi¢d» ;“Ragu¢:mb,;Aer thmkeep" hay the .Sq£;éazl:rA;;t£za*ka&¢4ndt2'gy x:s2{a;3tua‘tbaflz'h}x_AgfarA my :;m;:7az;:_;;a,; gzficw. =&Rcn1’cfI1bcAr A Na}éE"érné’ab:%;*AZcal , f rand % doeiika%Wim ; « z » % A A A A Ye;-have. aAu‘thdrity,..andit,is ypurdgtidta prmridc% that ;1tI:bT;:,“- pncac.;hcd.fo;as;th¢ .s§cc¢fl¢nci¢‘V7fqrf:t1ae méwlercfgd thcrcfiofivdy :~ A I 9 kn: '_n~ 'A w- '~ A v M,-L1,. & A Sa?mm.4Mbe tzmzct/ély Rafi, March 26. I 641'-’ W Match}; 5.92 1 C_or. 9.9. 3 Tun. 5.17. Naréb-9i}é%% I ;!&2§-zzoi-6-» :5» {ahg£~i~§_ Ab: :e»z;%ma: n+o_cVbicnda:‘:xi1£¢.vA«aau1»tscz1a:tcM<": !": A madc¢A;z_mtb:iflGafi9¢l. wérjfiip gilt mufi: natibfi .¢Q3iE.l1‘9tc "‘ Ey;Id01a;CEy5Sup;1,:rflitim33)flln®Vati1on_$, l'¢~fl.'; A6045; war/bifpcd‘ ~§min¢ wlaila: tlzcy tmbfatr daflsrémextbc wmmndmnmaf ziwn.Hi3 min.£j?cria‘; % and um hcf purggdaplanmdgkigtgas {snapin-evar32boAwlc;4 mi. tI17:crV(£mx:IrLc%i‘tic:%ia;; inmuragcd,Vznain—“ Nehem.10- 3. 5- caincdgandaheatcd.m;:hm!mrk%.m,fti1c, Lw'w,hat a brand Vfifclsk; to Atbis‘~day%up- A an Gaflip (thoughmflcathcp Magifl rat: ) thathécaicd nbt for th¢=<.vf tbcjlawmd Wwtmip _4#§¢ording toths: “*=**-!*~3‘°~ I»aw.wAbcn qucfiion%wasbr@Hghts n¢>».thG1z.ghathérs:? were iri‘-= furrcflions-md tu.mult_s»upon tbat%cccafion : .f:mc}i ;fér;Gdmz- Iieli counfcli: %%5fl6fi~4ipfram %th¢yT:imtn,axd%lat I’l2am4ialoxa4:fir, 1 or .- » o 0 ‘ "" ‘ ‘ 18.0 cu‘ l_f‘;l‘VhM€a(!pfEA11%Qrt£*:4 Wnrk, hfcsfmeri, rt ml! cametauazjglat: 8 5 3 3'9 ' < ~ #4! %'r12¢vf Q4474 W730‘ ‘$531?/J?:0VV 55: ltfl lM1?b'je*&'e ward _¢‘_‘ Z7£fi ;jagI9: again/f«Gad. Though u1:t b¢%_fQux;d‘ within: thc Bi- §21e_,; ygt it. is not oflika amhoritic with oq¢.pf;fo,/9mct¢:'p§¢;- « Averbs or vmaximcs of %PolfcysA Ait-hia;th»%no Qt.hC f;WifCMth¢ ap- probation ofGod for gpQd,sthcn thc defignc 6fP}:arnaI:, or Exod_,_,;@; % A the crafiy counfcll of ufhitap/yell, which arcalfo r_ccordcdin z‘$a;:t}gx.7.;. the Scripture,it will not confifiwith other rules of thc word, ' , «audit hath bccnAcondwcmnM§:d as_unfound,an__d lflflffiffi, by many godly wife mcnswt m0m;fur,¢ words?of»5;9riPAtvrc» Aout ¢ A A ofwhich wg draw the dcxfirine of the Magiflr,a%tr:s ;30'Wcr“& , «duty in the matters of God at rcligion,the‘n the lcofeifpccch of fuch a””Neutralift ahnd%timc-fctving Pohtician as Gamdliel ’rwas.Go4onthcrefcsrculbcflccchycugas ye: began; takc; us the A ¢tbcAinfo1cnci¢;OfI.;iBcrtiniff!1€73Si ;¢f1i4tt1<.*4A F@X¢s &$;,;WcAla1¢gs4thc%:rav: ni A olygs ,3 prqvidcf égainft ¢ , ‘ ¢tyrar?13y4af;EPifcoPa‘cic= ; ye havc done fomcthlng agamft Idalatmfwcarwg,m¢4;S'alv- éaub. ércxzkifig; ( happy were it if there wcnc lifa put into A them by%another0rdinancc‘,fo:: the execution of thcmjwhat 4J=ets:ha:¢yc4fhould d’ee4th+c like againft 1Errfam.._ ;Hm--, 4 V fi¢m,mnd,Ycb:fm:.r .?%W”hy4l11’ouldthc?fi;P9Co;n1rmndcmcmbc AV , ~ ; ; ~ 3 Mkfmnutof’protc&im;1mO!¢c thcja «_th<;«oth:;;tf1r¢$e DY j Table 9 A A = 5€CONl» i,¥taifldge~4:.g’adVinvlgetitltoci1:c1'aI:ihaut11orit"ir: a~s*‘God.:dot% ' , with the mind: t1ha,t;%is,in Gad, in pr — acmrding tothc r;ulc‘y~0Ihis~wrd,and»un§p%his .e§nd;.sg‘“ .: . A ‘ ‘ n .. , * Eirfhwit ;thclAmind“cv%that4%%i;s¢in=@£>draw» ,hcnt.VVq5fi¢«3¥‘i3‘ . ; W , 4 % ‘turce.u~f..a ~pr§mtc fpirit,with%;i'ucurr:uptacfl7c¢,gggatitimfinccxiw _‘ tic, iufily, auprighidy. iaithfully at with m1;;;*£:¢.;v;pnb1j%ruc 'H1_ A A’ . tm.;bfr.§1c;d, n¢mrt¢uw-w-nuu-v~4«- “ -I’ ‘* ‘?““ ""‘ r-nu awmlauvii ». . _ A »£m--Glmméw. V P _ A .S't‘r3fir&Ia¥2:.fA‘t%#§2¢b#eAtf2l_1fiflg.March£6. 1645'. % A _ ‘—§3nbyafc3,unp;¢)ud:c‘cd fp1rxt,fuchl1_bé£*txc anamurage -from " " *bPR‘Wh5nAi* i.~‘€1*~==*‘‘Ab1md¢dA£W?‘hA"?9Y‘’““A9TPa“30nA%>Frhén.§ ‘ 1r;nity rm»?-»=A = ~ ~ « » ~~ “ A A.%’3~PYi‘?¢il?"1¢AWW“ » “°‘_”? P°PE'1_a‘ ‘“'.'€.“me“‘3 fmff! A -*Autho‘r4itic% is aray or b€3[I!_Cj of d1—v1ncLMa1cIhc,Vand flfixlcs thé A‘channVcI:s j. the v=*pipeA§+A thbrow A '%&vhich:iA: % A “sgcandly;ackmrdingto his wb1?d.'HislaW«is‘a gLIa{f¢%i:nito ‘is’ {bad the [image or fpccics“ ~05 « his 3 rightcozsfnefiéé, i;Vmita blcIaAndpraéticablcs “as'Wc]Iby”Rulersi’n their Spheres, A A V 7‘ as ’otb%c’r p”c_op1;:' intheirs. Ifyck bake into! that gla{%Tc,ycfm‘ay “ fcéhdw t'o*d*r :‘:ffc y9;1§:Afc1vcs,”ahd how ye; 0_ughctq%V%be,mdAAd0 an i;1§c¢fagia4iéxércifefcfpowerg unify goes not a way and Lima. "‘_g¢é‘%firaigfi_twaycs‘4 what zgiaqncr perfqns ye armor ihpuld 7% be,‘4but%%wVcc5ntimic the ~1ncd1fatton1a‘n ’pravcd todocthat cxtraorw . dinarie piece of % ,‘ufi%'c¢‘on 2 ‘my? ~ and Ca/$5 , by which the " wrath;ufGod%was%appc.afc d,and himfclfbecamc Ltcnowncd, fiifc %whyVflxould xha Holy Gbofl di:s cs& the Pfalrnifh. records ing that Heraick, A&,to chnofic a word that fignifies aswell to pry,‘ as buds: ix/five 3’ T lam fiend xp Ploinchms, amiprajecf (faithoncVAtranflat&ion ) and cxemtcd £na’g:fi5-ma ( faith and- that; ¢udtb#fl1€tgfla:W4ifi“}5”l and that ‘ Wm? cazmed A to bimfar rigbteoxaftgtflk 3nt4oVA.’(g¢um¢;4tégumfiri: e~vmv;ora.;~% , % ; ‘\ Thireily ,. undertake and do 311 £11 in Comm-fell and " War 522 I343: mm:-, as D..w£d when he: Went out againfl "galiah , in rclilatzce iipenhim , %.%+as,4fa4j whcn.~hc~fi3ught:.agaiz1ltthc.hugc 150%: 0f the Ethiopia»: and ‘L1l!?5??5.5»g an hcxfic cxfa thoufand ‘ %thm1fand,andthrcc%-hundmd Cbariéts: %He1pm, %%LOFdpM? God,far We raflfipw film-,%and in tia}%N¢me W: 9 4gaiujt‘;rIa:2£ Y‘ migititmdcmndtizc vLg2rd deliwred rim.-ii: £521‘: £13 and, éecdujé Iiearclied on the Lardy For it is God that giirdcthfi with « A Pcrengtb, and mak¢th5mur~way pcrfbfi ;, ha giv¢thy6u?t”hG« A A flaicld of fa1vration,bi:sA right hand hath;;h1ald¢ny¢auup»; @134 his F gs:*ntlc"m“¢£ hath mm you great: Ihcrcforfi 38 the Wifcxllm c6u:1fclicth,rTrxfi in the Law!’ 2:55:19 all thine lmaiet, . ,a»dlM_#;¢ ‘.Deiw3d,Sa[omon,&c. and thergrcas things for which they arc % fa famqus, Wctc obtained by prayer. Its very like that Pbine-» Numb. my; 5:59. , P£a1.m6..3oa. ‘ $75’-1. :2. Chro.I4. Ir, 2. Ch2'o.x6.8,4 Pr6;3.5.§. mt an thin: aiw»e.nfid5rj?4;&diu‘g,;i§i:xl3 tb}..wWn}¢5%‘mi:k&¢awl¢dg: A 1 %Em‘%+motives and incitcmanmwcg _ A out:.b£;m;c «compaflia o€'Vthc= 1>ra1mc%m:yfmdc ‘them :; % A‘ .4 A A A M o¢wg’ {hall :1x$t n£:€:ds ‘ 5~5f A Sernmn‘ut’tléemnn:!b!;F4fl,Mgirchzé; 154;? » -#8 intbe Aflirrriély oft!» b;igb;ié.V‘g:rily;Gad fa gmangjoflgtheré‘ {'n::c_dianbit Fanicmptyi‘ feat; be‘ placed in; the mid-ii if your _ A “ Houfe; wghcrainyp mayimvagincp §=3od to fit. ‘Hwimdget/éim‘ ~ '~‘ 4 ti»-ii‘mid/}"iof }m.i ‘Hep’doth‘ii;notfi;and bearkening attiac dangerous doors 9” or bchindc the hangings, or afarrc yofi; hearing and facing imperfctflly at a difigacé , nor recei- i W i ivcth information by his «Sipici; ‘iairxdiiiilntelliigcncer with-4 V V in you%, though fuch an one thcarci :‘rofy=iri V‘ ‘V . 1“ 1 t9 tildifiagmgatraaéleHmIfi°6‘fCwfimamV‘, A 43,7 & %%?"W%I~:th » " ‘ " Pro. 19.21; wartbeleflb the cemnfleii aftbe .Lor¢:l,t1amt fiaz.¥fl4m'!.Ifany% " ‘of men,c0nfu1t “or gm againfl Gocihis Churchhis Caufe, his *w7ay,his W0rd,his Ends, theyiimaginae min thing, difquiet PM z~ 7th“e”m‘f;':I%v€$ in Va?i"&??‘a***+T/ac%#re&;,£§!-950% JWzfda;m‘,@1ar:mndarjfanding pm: ,; , 3 @, nor carmfill againfi it/M Lara, fipawpagw ~:érVj%%rme-daguinfi ‘ % =bzm“ar /52‘; ,“+ j»»1zprafl;er.% Thcyconfult flfamctbthcmfblvcs. Eh 54-17- g A and finnc againfltheir mwne fou1si[~:. Lord :2: lqsowzze 5] .p{31¢ 945; Atfiaé iaafgemmfx 1291355}: be exemietb ,% the wickedkis fimred in we War7l{of'lm ¢W.v£.e lagzirdr; r Lat‘ ‘thém‘;m«u1tiplyV tb7cir%party, joyneheads an?d%ha:5;is;A::hc neafcr ;' fiainte yozwjél-vet, 0}epaa};le,4rg¢{y1aj%J/i“”éebrokenin pies»; E9? 19- I 1: yqurjélves , andye [M11 6;? £r}'aé:‘(t%%£&z piece: ”; tafijcaxmfc-I1 j°r'8f 8' fagé}/vér,a:&d£t féazll tomato rzat;:glt7t,% fitaktbe warafland it f/ml! flu?‘ %GAbg£'z2¢%witb The} ‘IVI"a§;;hia"v~i11ian is the moft in,’th&"Wb!.f§‘3*,’aq él~7* fomifi %mke%ca»2rzfeiIg%:§t A bf ; ’?%~iré3t%af/2:’: ;$'pirit:;"}§r awmemesg "6”ecTa33fE]t7a4;g)‘“ 5:325, ‘ éacmfi~Frbe; "a reflraug5{zz¢dZaoke not to £71? Hzély One bfrml; :¢ei¢berfeE"k 45.; 4 ? A %:bw%La;+aM:b.mzfi:»%a5 and W3%[*§ri;¢g wit; amrwz;gwq: cgzgi £wza%é Lugs wards‘; Lot than ?:try the con¢§gfi0njwheri$th4é‘y A M ipxcare M W W=v»rw%«”/fwwa. Wm: God) Aga§nc, iifye concizrre with %(%*x;l «i'g1Ahii?§~Way%,,‘ am in E33 V:En,dAAs,wh¢ /baa lmrmyom 9% %1fGod‘V2éaia:vz&b.yo2:;v amr (ea/we 10%»? ‘1’i&5v‘i$fthc ljrizfti pa1§§ay~%é; tii‘é§:‘%91”arc‘tyn% t"he"%L?%fuifi”d}: ,3: m 3; M ;, m¢gan»d have mbfc‘ rim: winds: afid’£*id&:’~§{5£t1g‘*-WViriL:{3%iid"?‘f§n% ‘A ~:Sunn?c:, tha%t~have God onthci: fid¢;%[?4,$ %*" ;*~‘% ; k W ‘flcceiveit, IAb6feech you,dasAani‘= 9..cnt1ra “ ‘men: to £o11ow~ feékeénd Afcwe the LO1jdifl‘th€W'£)t‘k bf LRe£armatLiafi, what t"edéIs4«t04?it,th¢Wdtk i"s.%4t10t”if“ci mach A yoursas Gods,. V‘ and» is%carri+::d ‘on5iVn0t%»}‘}a¢.éw might :»1W pmfcr, éut A . V W”! E ; “ A ofizizmirtlr j%;zItwi&emi»xa‘:y»Jai:gemA zgruewaz (the za;i,;;*W“+;"A4 ‘A »ag¢ncA.Vwhqm ~C3od%*ts b:x«’war£:¢“/pail éwfigaf ~ £%Vf@‘§j;IiB!y=~y6Lir*4fiandmfis*thavb=iasd H-a‘é‘?*:’a”:az1é9 I aim Efay 31.2.1293." .18 ‘ % 4 4,1,4 sgrmaasaimt/yemonet/2%1y F4]},%;MaArch 26. 1 6 5"... i Wda. . % V-A ~— VA V ‘f % ‘ . I E.’§'hird§3f,‘§:’@5 mammrned in the: Aflinvermmme , and »%tha’ mazjmct of A the Vcarrxaga thereof by A men 1'4‘/'/mt :3: dang; ,5} V. +A VA gticcz2g¢mafi;g:.-?39;7?0m/95» iwfget/2.%;%z3tfi§%tI3: wg1ar‘y~a2rV difiranaurpf ’ 5 ‘fmothcrcdAorfdivertcd, fithc%Wcighty%and «1:1i’:cefi"aryA concerns ~I9i:~nms "eV[wf§a Vimdggt/2 ameg¢g;r&¢n§.I%EgQ0d ‘m:0tions% {humid bfl .mem;s ofthcVVChurgh—.;er;£hcComfljon-Wealth b3 flfiglfiéfcd, car rctarflcdi: mattsfmam uc1¢bat_eca{rx::“d party and affcflzon, ,:+:>c =1 udge men: and rcafon, conzp1a1nt.%and mjyxofthc poorcéhould %natb,e¢hcard; ,.iFjL1&icc flldfild not bg V A done , or thercVbc~Lmrightc0u”{ncfl?: in*thc~non-difcharging ~ 3 Vofdcbts, Am: unfaitbfu1Ane{1"c{in?vthc‘deceiving%of%truffi»ar any ’.fi1cb1i1<®.4 which Gg:r2d»forbid, ‘V mddaznagcirflccdgwili be zfo ;§th-6 Publima tor t0t§1!s”f:r4Ath3t si mi th¢r*finnc is agaihfic , H 5§,‘3§§d;and%his Name is pqllutcd thereby :% ghc rcproachcs that L fall anthem that doc fuch rhings,FaI2a1fo upon him,in whafc 3 19.60 ‘fig 'fi‘.?'1’.‘§ -4' Reacii and place: th¢y_ are wbich‘docthc:m% : through he 5" fir ; {“ %Po%u;rhlya,Aa TTh_%%%re~;is&ano:hcr$argumcntj may b;¢ found in the various feadingofthc Text; He will iudge.zba Goa’: open- L y.Thcrc ig One ipgfiuthority mrcr thc~m,%% %that.arc%in authorii 3 Sam. 2.30.’ .my¢.z9. :2... 3939; a I-14$ N typvc:.;9th§rs5a~,md ~.thcy;.which.iudg;c, Aotheifis 3 mufi bqc «iudgcd thcmf.¢1v«@f$:s«d andm know WW» h¢c~*%fait%= 3 ~?1‘7I‘9¢w at/mt lacwomd 2rza,. Fywi4i';/aarzaztgr ‘and they that me, figfiéa A Qliglatl}? cjiecmed. Many times God %pc=,Arf‘orms it in this World, oureycs haw; fccnit; Behold, t/as ri /Jteqiiaf/54!! fie recamu pwfii t14€~€4rfi1 ; ybm march wa?_'«=.:tl’,¢' wi¢kF‘.{“”4?b¢fi2#fl¢r? l1 |‘u:‘,‘;t““t ¢wr‘€\ViSv'\¥1 *:¢ i "t fi ‘iudgcxnent «F04 came 9 Wthe timjc %cc§?mcth Q thc»day»is ’appointc;d,%A swhcrcin he will fudgfi World inrighteoufnesa I/aefma/l.émdVt/aegreat mxafi. flmzd éqfgre 9'04 and éaitydged «(carding to «tlaeir warkg. Foxmfbcsx .th¢:¢iEn:c, “and con§der4thVc terr9‘ur.c2E;tha:d%ay~mbAifike .;g§;2§A(;b[1ough,t~s*_\\ bmadAin:thee*artb; yet zveciughtffi A 9 lmveflrakgn, mad I will if I ‘*?ii”fl2ir:a? 4» f 5} the Hayfiqf‘1fi~aze~lwaléyFr’}far*t%2bavi;* Befhc méttttr never fo pgrplgzmd 5 grit!» {seemingly irnpofliblcg ;Praycr~is an Ear- ginccan he:pa:4%’dca%a1m; 3~~Pr'aycr' mu drwdowm mm %hé2‘¢éhA%’th£:‘ “infii1‘énccV cf C§ed~ upon‘5Par1iérme"nf; Affiiiibly, Gait: mitees5Armics, Names, and ;alI”thaf~fcr*ve in them;é*.fi‘d is dam: by them, that they may%do¢:thet7ixrbfk bfGod*', and = péfofpér. A If ‘a mafiv-fl1ouId_Ei:1{i€.*§Ahimfclf ¢imm.~‘n§ngA the. Icffzr wheexcsaf: is how mg andrww Véi?£:h1y~%'fl1ib‘u1d;‘héA~mak¢fit goc P but kt hm’ the== ‘fpringand it will keep its courié, and meafurethei time cxw L acffly”. Neglcfl: this arsd Wjc Iébour in”vaVinc‘,o'ifrwéonfidences will d%ifl;r<:“fs as anci not half? Us butif pace W59‘ cam” prc vaile with ?;4td;1§I%§!_k i‘%t1§:rf?fifiv¢ ‘aga“i;"afl:* % thofc%who:%%ar¢ the infi:u%%mVcnA%§”a”Vf the prcfitvation of the Earzdmndthc Rqfarmatim-cf the Ghm-ch A, that which ~th-3y_ advifw and do: 5 Will be: the ‘Arrow A the Lordfit; drlivérancegf .‘ jII3g%¥i&fciudgézi1j&tIt§a~eA % Lms[p:ay%, » .