A §~'.”é%ér‘*‘l;~2s:~.:,"«f;«r-32. l‘\\:‘g'_‘.,'j~L~v.n:.—.-it E i2 q i A "*" 1'7‘ ""” :~£'u W J“ M M ~— ‘~"*-«- * **a'f;.ura.b1e Houfé at L 0 R“ D s in thehbby-~Chm'ch at .Wc’_flfiaaimfl':;°r on Weo1m_={;w A £35“ a day May 28%.‘._being the day apnoimcd for folcmn‘ I .. 3 and publikc Huzmfiation. . M A ‘ A _ {(5. How t/12:3‘ Mpg may be :2’? c‘efi‘72ed.2vbzW it: :3,“ 42az5’%a£tt:1ifl€0»7;“:. -33 fianfiotaocgra. .., . ‘was r... ‘N. Byférenzéfls/5,~PV;Jim;{;ei“. . _—n "3? i "~<3’§.;1 5&3 ' -'”"¢'H?5“.A.,'/,‘r'S "‘ ff-K55, ;-W"-'3 »:»=*»;3— 'a¢'M'r§.ff-*g : rm‘ , A--«:a:.: » -:.;-.4: ‘ -3: 3:. ,. .—A.;A. , A— -2 *:os;2»~:.2 ‘w~2cJ1\:az;.u«;;2~:;xii:;"'m.?'3* ,.’1*‘” '1" v.;.iZfC‘§E7f{‘§‘;3,?:‘\{:,"f;§.*I"”.;v,.*~§,.=§- [;”;f"?‘¢‘;°:‘7c§A‘fjA9-g*’§§,*~§* h¢,\3f;~_"5V..4g..,. . -A *1” “M r*&1 1"$"*?=-;_&'.E*P-9.9?--,*—u*9A*fi.‘* ~==a;+A:.~ Ac-,%msx;,n;: ,_.,g~; Mfl $5., 2 . ‘M4: %Cbrz:'ff is the true Mefl” 1}:zb,4gdifl/3 fée -m.eéc£zwi;¢g~ $52223. tkigg,’ Q ‘ A. A A emftb,¢zgaim‘? the c4r:m(’z’,maarM[ir2g5. A 2; % A Pub1i{had« by. :Orciex~=~ ofthc: Houfe <>f:Pe¢rs.é '1, r. M M é ‘_‘«.2, V 5?‘ ;~. AL 0- N D a A7, , ;: Pxineedbyq.-xxqzzzwfar. 75992 331149»; aw théfiign ..;-,§‘::,g,¢. t;m% $01,, ;<;:Lkfi,A - .den-L1QnsAxn.£AOfnhillzmear xhe _3£.0"Iy;§Td9,E}§Chfl-flgflfi, 1 .;5V-$5, ms-‘";vA§3 1.“ ~ *6 N w T. '9 (V “X 94 J’ 11 “: ‘ w..~_.,..w mi‘. ‘, ‘. ‘- , ‘ 3‘ 4 ‘ , ‘ .4 5, "» ' 4 ‘, ‘ n v- ,‘.~. ‘ ‘ ‘ . A 3 . \ w _ ' ‘-"~“’ ;. .' ..' . rm .» "r ' W“-‘ . , q "A ;. ,_ . , a mu‘ ‘" M ‘I V .' ‘V '\ 3': , \ 4_,. ’ , ‘ ‘ -wt’ ‘V " ‘, ‘: 9'“ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ . Z.‘ x L ' J .- ~ ., C -9‘ ‘.24 " ‘ ' ‘ . V” I .. ‘ ‘J ' . \ x »r-* ., sf “ ' .» ,., 1 M.- s ‘ W , M , < :2. . . J‘ 2 ,..y. ‘ ‘-v " ' . ' - ‘N ‘ , »oz4r own ’Di]€'fi£fl€§ I “ ry ,.‘-«gm V‘, ‘ _ I . ‘ ' k‘ 0‘. - 4: . L‘ “Jr fly W’ ‘“ ' “ r ‘ xx‘ ' ~"‘I ‘ ‘ ML V ‘ ~ 39 :: ... . m H 3 ,‘ _ 1|; , ,, ‘- .‘ ‘ .4 _* 1 ‘ .» . ' " Ir “ "" M ‘, U, mm“ ‘ ,‘ _ ‘/I K. . . ab. ., 2 W. mug.‘ ' kw ,' - ‘. ‘ '7» 5 - *- " 9“Z"“ “‘ ‘ T ‘ ' ‘ 37‘ ‘*“~“3;“‘ 55% 5* M 1- 1 ya I ,“_‘ .-‘,4 M . ‘ “V V" ., :u‘+ ‘ “ W‘ 1. W ‘V » f' ~.-34;“ ‘ ,‘ .. ' “ us ', -9» ‘ ‘ “ .- -;a'«n»_ ‘ . I‘ p ‘ .- I ‘ I’ no 2' -9 ‘ ‘la. a T. 5 I 3 «-9 ‘ , ‘M > .. ' ‘ ' * “ , . ‘ " 1-‘ Y\ . « Vi: “ 1 av + ‘ W ~ . V‘ » , '*- «J Wk «K M? “ .‘.““«.; ‘ 3.9 '. :3»; ‘ ‘" ' V W ‘~ H ‘ » j W " .2. 9 «~ \ C3 -4 , . ‘ '* ‘ “ KI,‘ Wm. y u‘!!! \' ‘» ‘ W ‘ ‘ ‘ M. "‘,1‘, ‘ w " , .' ' « “ « " W ‘ \ ‘ , A ‘ $7“--*““‘""' . - é é .v . V é -~ k . . ‘ 2:: ».z m? , M; t “ w w «é . é .; , , 4‘ c A U ‘_ H ‘ . ‘z ‘ * - « "“ . . \ ~ . ‘ h ,. ‘ ‘r ,, ‘ 3 ‘ _‘ ‘ M . *’‘'H'‘ .. , ' V“ W "_ - ‘ _'t . ‘ ‘ ‘ n.‘ g ‘ \ .. \- -n -u _, ‘W « " ' , ‘ ~ \ ». » ‘ ' . ‘ ‘ _ W " _ _ ‘ . ‘ ‘ MW um _' ‘ J‘ ‘ . _ ‘ _ ‘. . W“ \ Ur \. ‘ ’ ‘ _. m ‘f ‘ i‘! ' ‘ -‘ \ ‘ rf. ‘ ". ’ ' ‘ w.‘ . ‘ r ‘ I ~ *‘ ‘MM If IV. " 1‘ ~ .. :~_ _ :4-M -‘ ~ 5 I ‘ _ ‘ 1 . . 1, we ;. ‘L ""‘~‘ . ‘ -- ‘M1 w - y, “ ‘ . 4:» ~ ‘ . » ‘ ' ‘ ; “W ' ' W. m p ‘M. ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ' “ ‘“ ' ." V H M 4» ‘v , ' an :1 u ‘. , Ml’ H. u . -V r V’. . ~ ‘. “ -w» " > ‘ ' ‘ ‘ s: ‘I L x . ‘\ ‘.4 >‘ M H, ‘ - ‘ ¢ ‘ awr, .‘ ‘ ‘ :- “.‘.¢.m "4 ‘ ‘ . .- “ ‘V » ‘ 4 "' ' ’ N ' ' “‘ " "‘ ”' A A me 0 u s :2 M ‘ \‘ H ' ; \ I . Rm ‘ * A ,. \ ‘ 3 W -. ‘ .‘ fix ‘ W‘ V ‘ -V " .‘ ,':L “J CR“ . ‘ v ' *1‘. . ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ '~ ,. .'- " ;‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘W ~ '._ hf‘ . "n I ‘ ‘ > -- V, \ ‘ ‘ ‘ m .. M . ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘>"‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘- \ v‘ - ‘ " ‘ “ ‘ W ‘n K. ‘ J m «, ‘ ‘ ~‘ ' ” ‘ v- “ . ‘. -9 «= - ' ' ‘ " ‘ ' ’ V “ “ ‘, . ,, . ‘ . “ .‘ ' M . It -an ‘ ‘ ; » » ._ " ‘ - - « ‘W ‘ f~ > ‘ "" :31‘-“ “ 3, "F ‘ w ‘ ‘ ‘ “ " ‘ ‘ ' ‘ iv ‘ \ +*-_ ‘ 4 ' _‘ a ..z ‘,,_ W M . ‘ ‘ I .‘ - . 1 4%‘ i‘ “ F ‘ V‘ .1 " . '¢,gx\?'7‘w A V r2Vz%‘%!egmr%%fin of: Isa Aw-arid; %a‘ogéa%«é%~ , ~ , r§r¢£:‘4anz0ng“‘ t/as I-"’aganS,AA .s7:;r;z"1:n5¢:}i¢:%;,p,g§I%N,;;.. I tW6<311fA1fhanS=‘W/6vPr0f3°Aethgy “ Gad; yze in hejS’m:2::r2%mw mat? mm}: ‘swim is tmrprofaflioze, jb aremomconaséwymw 5 1% Imam: Wiézic-:5‘ opivéigrgjs V$351?firék;f213,zf5f!A‘?éé;3éeVjfiméfice ; tljefé if grTmm=ilI 7mm the laefl a’p§nionsA5 and #21741: ‘ié (Wain. ¢‘33e:“‘3‘J*°‘?”3‘WV?’?"¢J?"”¢m3'?W4?¥5é4V%W?%?”9"?+-=" ‘*’7““"”5 €3437¢‘3?“'~*“0f1’3§?“.S§?/9&0i¥?1!f§¢l€¢iS,[3r£@bt,and N ~ % 3,; %~ %., . - W {W "‘397““ 3"‘ 7’W«C*?0" ’W MW our¢1Ig’mi6ar% 5” M G ‘W3 19' “K “’%°*’~”“i"’177’* W4? ?"’*?‘7%*:’V?f?*'?‘y4?‘¢*«Wk€3$ti>* fw 3/5:?‘/"6; whffltbé Go%t13;S; - i » cirnnw, cumrp/.2” % Emereiica pm. wmre M-:._-‘a- .*°3;%’I¥',z.’€ G-’u£*..l 33'. "’ Lcx b0?$fi,7'fx za- maria E/3‘ Clam}. X fiitvita «swam mm borm,m‘~.i23ai» L 4.; v The Epime Dcdicatorief‘ :i':akn{s.% It is Vnadwondsr, rm»: when amt %:Jmbele:jfe:%V qua-- ; (12ozas;~Iaedmy ofcwzsz , we wersg= of Scriptzireé, flags‘ %mo"rmIity of’Ttbafimle~ , aefidfia {bakes the pillars of Hm» mm ,V$bar the Lord kA/akztlo 4 firomgcafizirafifiezjfigzziit/1§@?§é%%§4 flake, and my be ou5%Vof‘orTd;'ér. A 1 The“ ‘my to cam-:3‘/as b1.¢edz7ng difizampers, of C Lfflflfiflu dame, zicflwczfi men: to endcawux to get: %i:a1wWardTp:gr[‘i:?;z - 'worI;éQ tam! zfaizgfezrb all 1:575 f0s¢é2§2’2zI3éom af the MM to ¢j§ons4:y’m“~rzz:5Zeta their outward pmfeiiions 5;; f&§*%as tbefémainpri§zfc{ple;;z:*a*mare 02* 151]? z9eZ¢w,m’5 fe355‘tVbe 123% vfm.wbetseraar my/6 owzerads I/Vbwt/fie» ” ;[0§zJZ‘»i3ko§§;e‘9L’4dg'5d;“ that Cafirgfl £3‘G'0c2’, %tlmtZ7e%’ #5‘: M46 , Atbat 5/zfre £5 V430:/23;; 1if?:bg§dest&. :3‘, ifiai tbafI;ard’C/Jrifi» is read}? to cm: to judgment, and‘ his #W%¢be1bai%&6g%?ns tv1?€k «WT , V iaéeréfiCbr2fl;?ofieefi~am.fiém$b"ta cwnm 413-, _f /3ape3 Hea_3¢w£, fwe are 0.33 agztftla : and ‘ ~ flit? gvppe, wbgsaa trz;Zy<;(rs€Mi.7@ea§%zv*arrie.s the/bzc1%fi4rre £V5z3§?:e%'t/Jgfil %%%Iifc5;zm’ Zrayom the feats of ~ &=atIw»dmak¢s fee 222% we/0 cnmforxaézms A4 that fzEfi3%4‘wb2b£1‘z559é+go§‘$];r??vicMI2i£.+ ‘ W éirth ( Ré.;gvfJ?m£¢’9*rv0.zt??abIe;);lzatbmadewmkove Qthérmefiatbis bbP§wiH%v4%W% aW,[>*wr~fei%ves=« and tbi? vowmunzzmwzw t5egrc~4?».Gad -wifi makeA ""3515 Wi?i¢fis ?*:0J%<*!ié%t%*@zre»ztz¢¢’f€‘e~ Tm; are V hig1i~%b%o_r:~a b §*W4;‘wbv#”b?)' 3r.°50rM§“f”0ftb$ méfl bighG%:0%d=-?§ A A are F/J6]-M5 Nobles z7m{;I gfmzr, 4, jgpiygn there; ::Ar;c....a— The~EpifiIéDedicétdri6§ %;g~%5we¢ fupérizaturaflprincqiles ;y’4r;sx;i;ua‘I1 _ % .% i "' v-I; “.' A "*g1~*eatne{fc..*.d Itst/aeo!]er'1vzzr:za:¢ofo:¢eUna meagamgzn) ‘ ””f’fi "‘ Epifi‘.4dM:.%Car£ A %*1W bézbflmres eféérsatm are . V, W W Av~:';12«‘"x”{;“ ». -A ‘ ' '1: ..v . , - 4 ' 2 wi,VL~Mf. ."'§§.;,1-1,.‘ ’Egi’)?; low; /we azfiandpmwiesaw beabfifflfi/76¢ W 4‘/5W3‘ T%%M7rwv? A : ‘ ~» V ,2 .. awgqwgggt mggrmmsfle; 'wbza:.2 of tvejé W1 jflflm ;tmy or “W 4; gm amt? 1'*’“*’M~""’°‘/5 ‘av ~1**4“'W‘i?i¢%”f%Pa‘m4r?e¢MW-2 ’ Lgfgigyé.,5g'$§}4p£3173élggggpégwgtbfig-,§;g;.§'y;;3;f4}»;;;[];? 1,»: is , .; :.=:.V.»:::; : I. V thing to he /azgbgy s.§}eem'd*af oztfiars, mriaer “fol minde wart/gy af efleem initfelfl W’ One mm tbz'i¢k..r day to fie clay, and defifiaj/3‘?/J z'.¢ ; msafibar n’fiéa;~%s'%clay to be gold, amdadmzws it: ‘wbicb oftbefe me is big!) E’ 1: it Mat be Ht/mt dgfpg’/ctb rapwflca afeartb? and who i.r+'vz'le and Mu jeffi , but be that Moresd peace of eartbfi mzdfpends bis./balm loaf! h‘Vir;1%f;éIf with thick clay E‘ that mam who I-lab, ms. in the beg?I5f?év}"0i:¢ wflrdgrezzcn%afle ¢acczm:m bimfalf’ but duff and ;z,«%e.;~,- bis‘ migcm 25 fufl 4ofz'mmzrd excellemfy: be Atbm? 421mi2‘es&%zd&zdores /Jimfiif, will not lock upon bim--, [élfcw gilded»c1ay,is0f4;¢ abjeff minde, and mm}: deiu- qiadint/as midfl ofail uwtwrd emiwzangy: to be: be iazgb A téauglqtg Atbiyngs ymvofl ; mam, mid mam 1:/aoagbtx of tbfngsémifi bzgbgifigfétzflzblyargzses tbemimfe to ire fuliqf A meggknqffe, others fzzy,,tob:*ful1 o&f4bafeneflfe. He fpazka ,, Cwfmg Iike4No51en2anirzdeed, t/Mtfdid, Let their honour ” ‘ ‘I and wcalthpcrifb, that thinks all grcatneffe ft: the woéldlikconc da$iesAcommunion with the great A Go. Q5154! up%Vd%tbajE»grcm= principles bzatiifbeentbe rzime of A % V M A N we}; % * Lair: I<>».a.:.c:a.;A 3 ‘Sam, 2.8, ' 754? WW5? 531-? [gir?i£»0Af%%u wléefjg ssbazrefamt/2w24¢ 2;; V; 1fi.h9a¥cn.4#4§Ai?W0% A - % ~ *GW27 V %%€remb h . '1‘ 4 ' “ ‘ M.’ ‘ I e. " _. _ /'*~ ‘?'.~ ‘A ' Ah -I'.~’*=”"‘ " 4i&‘~"‘: 7'--3 ‘ t 73.,» ‘ ‘ -' 1 I ‘ - A 4‘ W» \ . ""“v. :21 ( M at Aw far ‘g ‘.45 .5 ' g ’ ‘,2.-v ‘ “'9'”; ' mi‘: ’\ » ~;. .'-:~:-2»: . -mu ‘ 1. A . .1] ?/ v‘}'<‘“:"*'~i., . M--. ) .(.33-3.‘-V w~"~.~A-2=.A~.«.= A .- me "'A H on: 3: y“? -—- ‘ ‘i I ‘. ‘ - . 6 1» 1’ ,n _ A‘ »'_7‘_ ‘Ii-Xltxlla-I!" _(. \‘l "1 u°-‘ " I I " ::";&i'~’ .— :._ = ' _,.. 1”‘ _.V , \ _ " ,‘ 2}‘ ‘; ff __ v 1 ' ‘ ~ V walk . F ‘ ‘ I .. I’?-7'./1’. "2: ,‘_;___,.-4"‘ " ....—. __ 2 '\ {W ._M'_' ’??$(g:‘:;,, :,_».e- fa; ._ "R ' 0 '¢;3“,;.".\,~{,>«‘e , . E, ‘iv 5‘ h A s ERMON Preach eda?eeeah1aceAFae; before-the Righcfionourahhle thefiioufe h ofPE1=.Rs.a fi Con. 15. 19.4? j’ " V ‘W egfinhhtééf lzfi Aarely 2136‘ km}: hope in hclyrzfi, znrafeqfa/l.m£fl sM‘.’ e —mijer4é»lc:_2-. r A “ _RighcHohoura§:1ceandefieloved, . AA ‘ ‘A ~ ; M. ; F e y A “Ow D hath raifed.m'ahy’o'f you up cofbe higher them _\ ‘ A your brethren, as Sam! was higher then thehepeople \ AA from the fhoulders upward, and {er you as Cedars ‘in eLebanon_.,hand Oaks in Bafhan , and caufed the A mchmnmimfta‘ pom‘ dawn fatnefl}: ‘ztpazrzja.-wganfl h h A the la£ll.s$:r~ie;er: ofojrl ; and thcugh you couldnot but come into the world as oche-m,A clothed with common Ahumane frailty, yenthe Lord hath laid a foundation eofgreatnefle for you in wthe Ahwomhe, lend prepared hhnours far you from the brefie: he hath placed you ein‘eE_dée the garden of the Lord, and hath mad‘: e-- A were precious: -flame to évecamggrozzr comjrimg,tbe c5Mz.,Diamand, Emkagag ;Ber]l,02z}.,a:h»wd the }.1.z§j5er, A mad yaw are 44: the eazoi.-«sthwl AC.‘/mwfi he :5 that coueretlaewhat evezgfiod hath been to others, certainly he hath beenno hard Mafcergunte you, he hath caufed, you tcrbe hthehhead of A the FAeh1i1ies,h;,chaeyeue" might; be the {lay of'»th7eAz:ribes the1jeh”f,;‘thaAt yoamight be the repairers of breaches, and the reflcorershf Waite places to dwe1i.n.N;ow he ‘that; hath done: theie great thingsAfor.you, expeareth great things from you. A It xsA a .cer:aine.princig;e,noc one.- - -:7 2; Luk»;m.a,, 3 ghran 3 22 W AC H E. E ii i‘ 6/M Mefliafl ly in ScripEu:.‘c,E=£t.according to chclighc ofvnvat§1I’€;77I94.ttQ wém with .*”f #196?” mwgé reqztiwds ar;d.i:hough%':;his be fo cqua11%‘ tha”ti:if1€§r;%é caii d€xfii;2* itgyet the ~he&rt%‘ibPm~an%i% fo étarh1pt,thac» A fe.*~‘v%wa1in from the dead ,againsfi: that wicked opinion of the Sadaim-e:,ss amongfi the ?ewex, WbaAazAz7d there were no refrerre Efimf, mr‘An-- . % gel, Mr ‘Spirit, AE£.2A3.8. arid againft the erroneous 2ffertionAA ADE ibme feduced C hrifiians, H ymeisms and Pisilemvs, who as cemcem-eA sing the tmrkerrecl, confefling a refurrefeion, but faying it was pe[fedaireedy,azndfc2i Aaezerthrawflse faith offense :5 which opinion i bega.n,iike an ulcerous Canker, to fpread it feifein the mindes of many, 2. Tim;2.‘A18.i The Apofltle that he might flzrangle thefemonw fiexs in the birth, proveth that there flmii bea reiurreflion , by A many unanfwerable Axfgumentsa A A A A A A” A Pirfi, mm the reiurreflion of C hriflc, If Chrifi the headAbe*e‘-Ari- fimup above the waters, then the members united to the head cm- - maperifh---ver.1Az.i A ; A ‘ T 3 A * " ASec0nd1y,.From the many Aabfurdities that Wiil follow, vziimf 'A1'hat< all that a‘1ieAAai1eep are Aperiflmed, «z)e::«~,1 8,19. and that ‘then there {heuA1dibeAmore venom in the firft ogfdam A to induce dam-u&i.. en, "thendvertue in the fecond e/Idem to produce reftauration, A mr,m,2. I ,2 2. is A , A AA Thirdly, He prov*ethAit from the perfefiion of Chrifis kingdome, A A Hefmufi: A[reignAe tiilhe have put all under his feet; The lafl: enemie V eha: {hall be fubdued, is death, wer,25,z6. ‘ Fourthly, From the prafiice otAChriPcians, who inbaptifingg A iprofefled Wi11ingnesAto die for Chrifi, ever. 29. A A A A Fifthly, Promiiiehe great fuiferings of the Apoflle in this life, in ~ jeopAiré?i&A?ever}»‘A/same, i::l)"i2{g_idail],sfi‘glatin_g* with 6m.3'mtEp19e- fm,erer.go,31,,32. AA A A , A A A Sixth1y,F *omfthe abfurd praétice of the Epicurcs of chofe times» which the light of nature cannot but condemne,who dr7own’d their 'fou1esinit~heir_ bedies, and their bodies in ‘Alufics, who wauld have no time to !ivieAselonger then they have time to fimae, and when there is ‘an end of finmizr. ;, wiih there mAighc be an end aflw-ing, i fayingA,,eiLet M we and rinke, far ltombrro~w»weJ’bm’1‘d£e, mr.3z;.i; Agmongfi =thefe Arguments «theewerdes ef my Text are one; pro:-A wing; there 4‘be el*rei‘urrer?ciiQns rfA1‘0*mwthe~ dead A: otixerwife It-he 'évt.%Aome1yA.asAa gram: King, but agagrmt G'oAd,f befdre.whom,.:he Kings and AAa11:Athe kingdomes of theAW-otld AareAAA 5:42: an/ate dtzfi f the lvpzlmzce, MJLAI‘-Isa [mall dro J‘ ofa émket, AheAA A §.§_§h§_Cg13rifl,Awhom the Prophets called Mafia _._ l.)4~.':¢“.9.‘Z¢’r'.2l§f+.~,. “""" 'A.'‘‘'''‘ l‘“‘‘''''''''“‘''‘'‘'’’‘'‘‘‘ """"“"' “""""“' "“""“"““' ""“"""““""’ ""“"‘ ‘ "”" ‘ '""' 2 . AA A A 'EAAhiArd1yA,the Extent of this hope, not enely. in this life, but in the TAhirdA1y,thofe that would have Atheit. hopesjn _Chrif’:, muff‘ he h" " €25; -lT»9¢=fié19 4!?-*—iI’r«in%§ fiaflfifi ' A % 17:04:; of, ;a1lVages,; _ V , l* .V _ M I _ A T were raifedjn :h¢1r;§%xpe&at1Qns&of hlmgfizmfimz Wanted for rice :.ax:~ ifi falzatiafi afJfmel;VL;§k,2.‘26. And %Anr¢a%_%I§:';*aEd, unamcne«gower {sf dSatari,.. le4dw_d&¢;3:£A;;"a R 345$ :‘«/.76 dd accardingté; .525; Will; S;‘r§’E£‘i{MiI‘|1‘:_ifl‘lCly' dmggeeg Lthfit if i3 .1 difpafagemeng ‘ Easfi ‘ .‘ to God the Father, _to1ooke' on*ChriPc as God’: but knowd thatizeis thedelight offiad thefiflthee, ‘that Chem ih{3uid~be knowne, not mnelyvto be 3 great. Kixzg,‘ but~te-be aegreaé: t-ehe deFa}fl1er;,cafleth A him‘ (is; thy 5/Orameadc?GM:35j’aE%**e1vee‘rmzal1eeIE§??; arid herei11istheF;w» A giorifie tide Som}e;e here are four argu-3 e‘ ther glorifidedgee that met: A _me“nts Iwill lay downe mfedr,tzfie.you againfiz thiseerrour. . A A The firfl Argument ns taken from zhepecuhar -names and d titiee » -that are appirodpriatedto Chrifi.f,°he is ca1ied*God,d I T im.%3.7I9.dGocR dmanifefiin theeflefh", and Vinche dz P}7il.5.‘thQl1gh hewerefound -ea}. d Exod..'7. I; P{al.83},6,t 3:501. Weci: ézsjze Jdnamini: ma/’e.. .,fia!a, at a pm'/’-- cii ”IuJcei.¢ pm amaze cpcar/2579) AA baberetur .~ gm? . ab ejm pro22z‘£ri,, atitme revergn. tie ezgd cm/iii mterwzr : 13° iegerwzz fro eo Adonaj. Glafij 'Ezro;m7aAag/Ea: WWO I 70 . ”3?3'?¥7‘3”Z 3*”-I'«33 55:- in.t5efar}713€0f.w“Se‘7‘7M7¢£';“y€‘KI"hfi thought it na'raré!2eerie to~-543' e¢jmzl1WithG0d. A V ‘V d A V e V 7 But the name ofGod is appropriated to creatures : God faith rd V ywafexg. /aavedmade else: at god to Pbama~I:,dVand%God faith of ' dPrindces7AandNob1t_es5 I,haveVfaidyefar€%g0ds.d V A V-4‘ “ To thisl anf er, that whenche name of'dGodis gifvendtci my « creature, tis either with A refcriflive-additions,d as God [aid to; Mom d.fea',E'.:ead.7.I . , Iehaveemade thee a god to Pharaoh, not a‘ God ta thy felfié, bL1tAtz>ee!7eei;zj}eazalof;:goc£' re ‘2°lJ.:zmab, mjlmm-T to e/foza .;.«-074, E:cod.4V.Ix6.”V' ‘Aizran /73:12 5:. to time rby m%om/o,~* and tlazmfiwzlt e ée “ta him 5:4 fim! of God ; or elfekkfis given With" Mrefirifiived dimi- mxtions, asPfi:1.32.*6. Ihave {aid ye are gods, buteye5ha11+Vdie like“ V ~ menibu: Whendflhrifiis deeded God, tis withbutd any exprefliom thatimp1yech_ the leafii Vdimimudciorgd but all additions 1f€3.'Vf3’{"‘(JT”3dm miraVtion7s?: he isealled ziot onely Gad; bucdfirfi,the grew Gad§[00&* sing for that $1..» fi' ed? hope, mad the gkiariome appearing vft/ae gm: Gm’, 2 T ir.1'3. not one1y°great,but fecondiy, mighty »Go;d,:Z/$1.9. 6; not onely mighty,~but third1y,almig/ai}* God, Re'z;e!.4; Sgcompated with Rem; .9 .A Yea fourchlyfiad :25 leedfor-ever; R a“m*«9.e5.d fifzhly, the Gad ‘afz‘rm:I’d, 'I.7o?).5.20. Yea that gear ritlefeba»a.g/:,~whieh 4 the jewes hold Ms not :0 be given to any "meere Vcreature, and whichzrheV~Scriprure fetteth downe, as the Vnameof God aioneg iE’fi’l.83.:x 8. is frequently given to Chrifk, ‘this is the name where-=-4 e by he {hail be Cal1ed"*,et/gee Lam’ “wr rigiateawfigrer, Meordeb ?e?:2oem}9 "aw rig/sitemjize-3:,V?e;*. 3:; .V 6. % jth>een titles Of Fatjherebeeegiven “E 7Ch1ri&,V tis no d'§m'idriurion of the Fathers glory, toeeaciéfioewiedge :Chrift >God¢qua3:1witi1thePather. e .. - . 7V & Secgndlyfi ‘A A ginkizvég, :£§3§§i1y.1@91§sA99A£!!§—i~?%I9§¥¢.§§A“9§?~§hzifia ?¥3§F1?§5¢P?§?V?4A3?i*¥’ c aim Magzzm. g SeconcI1y,c_on£ierAA%chc~actrihuA;£§s <~:2fC:h1:iAft, and you fl1a11*finde.Athca 0 Amcom ;"m;gicabieattribLitesA%of God, %Wl1i,chA\cannoceA.given %toAanyA méefecrcatursggwen:t0aChrzQ:A-: ; ‘ A 4 V ' A “ Eir«£hh¢AVxs céfierna éwefafe ‘ieraver the Earth Wm, before he prepared r.haAs2L?m1d-, _P,»g«y,8,z 2.. Surely none ~CaflV?.b&..£t.erna1i.:bVu£ igfiod frmén VeArzéAe:s~£.“‘.A comparéd w1th,9gr;g.23.%al1 aéts ofwor-5 ‘ aflxip ~tha‘tafc:’w.pAroper’%fro 1:Ah¢, 'Father,% are gxven A to * the Somme,‘ an‘d when heibringech his firiwegotten into the we-rld,A he biddeith all Arlee Angeli: xror]bip‘Tb£:m,%4 Heé.~I.:6. now, Worfhip is oncly proper to God %: We~1./>1~‘9§‘._.,.‘____<\‘ -‘if.a»s3«§%» C :m,Ag%_s “If; z3¢lM°M¢fiik:5. 9m’*Qu1'-2 h¥1;$;tO=:b¢ fifiabliillcd agairifit, gm gtaknowma‘ ;Wf=~o we V 75° %b¢1€¢éV¢“aJ xthar: he 3% thé fl1»%i<~:fl"iab,ri ab1¢At¢>¢fave = tog fthgis end ics:3’n£idA¢r%chcfeArg.um$cn%ts. % ‘ V ‘ » IV! 1’hfifi‘rPq%" A1‘%%4m¢%ntéis%~Ar;tr@m the tirne%tha%t{3.cIi1s’:%'Z?hri%l'§éAa:ne 4 in ¢Ah¢i«f1"¢i1h5»%¢itWas as=e<=e1:diz3g ti: all‘ :he~AprLbphecics.a %..¥‘).?@‘fli’='%l7i:‘t;,,'l+9¢:y| £¢a¢wr .4 nwfiféjiaftrdffgfirzgzggrzdé/Q5 when me. fix1»e&a:i,9.n of t.I:‘le..“y¢r‘W£iS:‘%faS‘m J raiffid ,.%,'win.Alpak£n‘g¢fc;%%r 21:16! rgdemmioxag, .cz:¢d.¢'aw2fa[¢5;_,io%2¢rVqimlfivml, in % ' ,th0fe%mbur11fu114¢>iW€sg%*¢her¢inV1i-Wei Was-WeepingV%%%forAher:chi1- dren, Aw fitvm; afmrzimt Emmi; W355 wmz‘, and%asVan,n:£fjengcrV went btfore Ahis"f2ice,i;: was after the dewfmination of the 7o,.We”eks,,w£§. ‘ the 4,39,; years .«dc:c:rmine+dugQn.th¢%p¢op1c,;il1thy: Mefiiah mould % ‘b¢Vfla%iE1e,%a11’thisprovcch thache camein cV£;iazm«qmegcJ% and junfigrq H A pf rims, _v§zhcrein; hcwas promiied by the»Pi:‘_ophE£S.-.. _ A " A _ V‘ M % Stcondly, Confider-the place, pf C %fh?riPC%S bir£h,1;?ez/alaéféveyva off»:-JA 57.; 1. compared With~4Mat.,2%6.. 6 théi‘ p11_ac¢vWhi]ther'the was %. 7 drivenmcrhis birth“ :0 Egypt; the place Wh€f€_h§’ fiW€1E~‘a‘££€r‘:‘,hiS , x Yreturne from Egyp:,a:: N:zz¢zrc..th, M’ml;,2..%z;2. the jcwes . rc~je:.°tcd : . fiim%,iJQon.%this%:wgrQund%, hecaufe he 1ivedi%:1%.w(z7aa!j,la;«j, Wthtcy£°aid,{11a1l A <31hri£tA,Aco:11cAA;a;1,:;of 'G4‘l-5.l5§?,?4bv7*-v4'§_»,‘3«.nd were :£:96nfidcm, that . ff1i1:1€y _bé1§;!,fI‘Viifa%1:2z§%z¢“;; _£e;arc1a%a;:%d ;oo1ce,A Aforgm ,;cf "G¢.ih'Zac ;m§/"aria \ 3¢}i,Pé3.oPfd?t, whet:-asc}:¢Acxpreffa_prop§1ecies).run,tha: by Vthe,way4m‘E ~ A % ,xh;e,1Séa l,)EyQr1‘d?0r'd:zs¢ in GaZ¢lee“ofch¢. ;ganz£{e%x, th4e4Vp%eopie.:tha;t A V ‘ walkédindafknes,hax§efeen'é1Vgrea;;&1ig;1t,,_Jfa.9..Igccmjgiared with M % V V L A ~ ’ “ “j 'Ii%ird1sA Cbn:id¢r¢:he4mannarefhis %con&¢:firng, ¢%heA}e,wem:% % § pEE%e_d‘§§aMe1'{§.ab,4:ha”t4 fhou1d_b;:a.g1_oxjiqu§ champion, wine by) fire aLmL..ifwcrdAAfi1o:11d% {ubdue Nations and Kzngdomcs .-:~ bucjyou may 71 obfimre tha mhis and all 0;hcE:'£'- %argume'nts,, whereby the jewes .ar,e m £59162! I0 derby him; .. are as r» firm/B fcundaciwn Fm: this Attach, and _ mt‘ %co;:fidcnLC¢;:. asks a jaw, doe yam not beleeve jcfas m r be, ;hAegv:e1Iiah%2 ,i::: it bgggufc ;1;p._ ;:%arI§Ve% nqc ;as,aL mVa;}%V%f0f”%Aw%ain§é;%%%? ; flio;1‘1dhe:}i¢r1.Abe nhePrijr2cem:_of'peace, [of it ?vvas.Afcz1fetold9 % {hall ?I1§€ifI.Cr}_(, ‘ W26 up his vz,roz]me'%, .zm» Mwfg it . raid’ :"a.v:'m°d the firéets? 1pz.4g“. 2,.,,&:;%Zecb.%9;%¢% G991 %p0i11te:§3.¢zhe Church there ’ LE0 $1? M¢fi"mhsB§b91d%4,%4:_hy kingcomech Aunts thee, meiék and 10W1Ya . V1?3L@§"in5gSal§Ia:;§on,ridilng%upor;m,a[f,e,and%;th€foalDivan“ afl%,c0mparec§% A . w§:h%Vfl/Int?’-?2:1ddeAyouAVVthpr¢fomtre§¢n"thim, becaaié he was pan 4 efwneureql ‘gfm§n9f‘&§h_c;efore% th».?%%r§§§§§ ;a;§gngy_1;_;1”¢dge'% gjxigfiu tube: the % _ '\ _. ,...-.. J W V Memfaiha . I of him: Arfitbs’ 7% fl % A Cm{1s.r 2:: mgwiefizab.‘ % A VA M-eFIiah,‘wlaaV£; defiifivdnnd mjeéfed afmm, for %nhus:L.faitI1'thRjeAI.ae>r'& whofizfq.-‘Ian zdefpifetlig unto him Wham t£wNat£a"nab,b9r#% if * Foz1rth1y,(:ézn1:‘ider» fhethings he fuVfFe?ce&. 'f1‘1ef]jV‘eW¢s argue; f he hm-he Mc£fis;h4t%hac was cendemned by thfi High '*Pri€i’€;" defer?-9 ‘ gedfiby *hi5é;m§mDifcip1es,; ~ha‘d%his garments‘ divided, had his body cmcified? iand:u%p@n«ch;s mifiake, the jcwes blafp heme dfxet n7am;e of th€“'LQrd 'f.6fl1S in their Synagogues, under the name ofone that is 3" hanged:and' this alfoi was the fiumbling bloc}? of meheachen: abut all thefe are Argur:1ents% to co‘nvi~nce us2,:;hat ha 13 the MeHia«hV,Ought %not¥Ch£i[kiAfir{'t‘ to fufier thefe things, «and than to enter into his glee‘-4 A ry ? was nox he the {hope which the {mild cars refufed? d1'd~no: God . foretellfus of-hi»m .>” I willfmite the fizapherd, and r:hef1oc~k‘1“hal1 be {cam-:red,A *an‘d‘~tha‘t the jfiewesjzanldfmire t/ac’ flzgdge of Jfiwl with A a, rod upan his Acheek, _/1«fic,§.:. déorhnot the Mefl1ia~hLfay,%A%I4 gavd my back’to gm->f£mi%Vters, anal! laid not Amyflfelfe frgxn {harm and +fpitti:1g."?4Ahave ye rcadf' that they pierced ~myplCafi1r6 ‘ofche Lord~flr1al%1‘ prfpcrr in» This V h3and,a~héfl1a*1I fizé the\.Ltrave1L .of=his%%.foule, and 7 A {hall be fatifyed. 5~Arg". I Eifthlyg Confidervhis Refugreékion, for he Wfasudeclared mightily tjobe the Song-e¢o.fGod4, by the re%furreé’ciéanAfr0m the dead,» Rm. 1.4. the jewes, ‘When %he.rhung% oinxhe cro£f:=:,ia«id,!et Mm ame : A dajavige fr~z1m_ Ame cra_g;"a,and7=We will b.eIecW¢hi%m, »tis£ 7mm: obfer. H ‘yvafion%:A"*iV%A%chi%sA promife cf Ltheirs was ‘f“mudulex;t,for Whéther was Li: A meme; tdcome downer fmm-thecroffe when he VWas»a1ive,% or to me from the gravewhen ”he7Wa3éde‘ad? «yet he~arc>fe and they beleeved him not, A and L%wE1?eqherWas%Ai%nA the ASepulchrc, they faid, This %dcecei~ vet faidwhe wéu%1d:“Vrife4573 bm:~ W5: A ws11maaHais adverfaries, {Pilaf- wha %condémned%h&m?, ‘c‘ou1d “n ot but acknowledge‘ ihefoundrxoa-" .thing»wozjchyflafdeatlxiI%“him;1’I~t was admirable when ailgfhlfcfiwitw» r — nefle Weré: =‘i:s?1mt!,; 7 mi! chepedprle {’c:irred” up with ind‘igna&tim§n,;*and” yet V the «tTha%t7 is Tdgawne to mndezmae h;in*x:,% c»u1d5 ‘*;10t ~ be; géragzgzae xga 4‘giw%e=any>ozher Arman AAaf'his..%c;@:adc1x§p5a§ion; V%che_:~f:1% >*.:*= “ 1: 92% - 11%; J W-#9« 73 4%‘ if F=7AA%“::?as A A V * .APari%I>uIn : afiixm £m*mijt§ Quid t‘fittd;cazfz£2;~ can/amwid. ”A;:1;1o b.1,:.; Ifa, 1. .Math.z6£4a.I 3* Fmuduienml promi_[i30,quM efl glm ,de “ cram adgbuc wivevztem Jen‘ _(cem1::re,am dc V ” fr 1% alder» mm- 11354772 rejurgaaz re 5’ Hifirom in Math 36. *’ N an poflam ‘ digzzé admirarfl pra zrei magnfig % §Z3:‘135’$‘9, '; %a*e:1empri:pm % riafaifir re/Zn’-A riamm papzam 12 ttretterirét tau’/5; mrflffflfafiil 3. jsmnifi gated Rex Iudeornm efiet. 122:‘ fax. flux’ i/Yadersm bocfeccrirzt,/ed Firms etiem ??“£l;£'Erzti'bJ¥é 3:3-~ t (pandetr, gang f‘“3Pfi’:fi "'5Pfi~ A "1-I1erc:e>_.,yeares”Vthey,ha,;ve._%beeen 3“fC3ttCr€d;;_P€Qp1C, God hath kept them at diftihft p”eop1:€,;..att1cl call. * ledthis peoplejby, another name :~in'tim‘CS Oftthcir‘tQ.£h¢1‘tt.iL1dg€II!€flt$§ A 99¢ gave Prophets, if/Iaftfdiin t£gyp;,\ Eeratttlvghewéiela; irtgthe (~§ap.ti,vit'ie.,:t but Emce-they have had no,.Prophet,no vifi;m,and 7 1 mereafofi ;xasthyt;tGodt;k;eep::tl1 them=at~di£tin6t~t;pe,op1e; fine: their diet M M timfiona whereasmher ‘natiensst whenttheye have;bee”n Afcatttered, A V — heytebteen [0 mixed‘, thatttzeirtoriginamehath, been fc;art<=s:*dii‘cingu.i-er A t £h,ab1e,.is, fltattttttasttetheir .Cl1?:jf.C‘3~1'1d1C0QfUfiOn¢3St!7€.m3Yk3b15'a e fo their ~ 99nYerfion.—m+ight%'b,e digtiilffififid.fidemtirfltblfi: v.vhen”the :Lo7rd7]efus. _E.a‘:'ke”_‘.E()‘::i;}i£_r1{€lf¢" his, :,gt€'aI; ,_p@W;e1,‘, enclt rule gletiouflyg Maude A “ ~ their-t ritagi%t:gjt1 will be fuc.h¢ea__tc1e_et At conviétion etc the Na_tto_nS:,t W A IV ‘V V gions are carry ed on Fbyjmft a“;m;et.pEt"tflefh,,» ;a::zd * policy :tbtu»l:~ V A A G.0Ci<~i1"1'3, the fpeeeadingthe 1GofpelI, jfet folly _totcot_1tendbWithtWif€— A ' ,. J ' th_att.they~ih@1l come into the brighE.nC3.-,Of.ChriPCS rifing. A. X, t #33;.?v?%7¢9~1~’5:*-?‘{’teII1€?‘«@~'5$a‘€*g?iI1f’cIM;mightifififlifipofitifln=t other e:Re.h-—t dgme,e and t sweakenes ~.With, Pttength, A t that the t,ex‘¢,e11ency‘ of the rewcr mtg?’ é€~bfiG‘.’d:: and not ..,ofm.:w, and.whcnt.a11:»tth¢ kings of: W Eertrhwould havecmfhed it in irstinfantcys»: and mangled it int [ thewep1be,thete being nuthfng fqr three hundred. yeares, but rack-‘ A @5353; ..:§9§§Ei§¢3a; éte alas! 535% 399 5&5 é!92.dt:zft,t!e§.4?!r*tr7~ 5!}? -iv’ 1 Imjght addin tilt fiighth p1ace,_t1;e ca%1:,rbying_ onthti G {Q_k41€'b§;:§?;-%§}iE17aV3I3§% :39 §.&‘..c:%:%remembranCe %M¢’ia/vi A use feed '0? iHa€'huf2Efh3§:a;nd. nfimm :hey%=w're'1art»’ 4 1% were? they WWA and~4:j~t«h‘m_:e _*;Wg;-:3 .%;1eHv’e;r AAA; mQ§re; glorious, Vsaintsj then A in» thofc tgh‘neS? 0FdAarmes%, ‘t0%VmakeiicV%a»pp;éarte, A than rhelfixngdoine ofChr1fl:% ' was AnotVcatf3’~. 5‘ 0“ .‘?3v’"i}+"«£"’*""”’»~§”"" £'7A‘M=Z§¥’%’ 7% 3/”fPm.%'t , ' ' % - H’ » V.f.Q;;‘.‘;:,~j": H ‘, -. -.. % ‘ W’ w" ” “ ' 70f ‘feifgg '{’c the: gf1‘e9.t:G00’ ;.then:.be. exharzcd firfi; m1.{!;u;d;r thégficéiicnciée of jefus cma, how tranfcendently aenm.-. tabla is Ht? {m,e“1y’ia1ithe Kings andAEingdomesA of the world Aafe to him but 4/5; the drcip afaz £z¢c,lQ,=r, andrbe A253? aft/ac éra:2:5.lmceV: d.“’1d~‘ youlbtit fce>the%%%Sun 0E’Righte4oufnf:{Te, no &arre;elfe would appears: i;..wou1d= be happy. ihmen % and ywomen that.‘ %pMrofe£=fe A Chrift, were drake-2-nv Wi4t%hTthe“ad mirzuion ofefus Chrift: sdid theyrbuc onmknow» what: Chrifitis, they Wouldcounc all lofle to.wi.nne him :th€‘1\?:’im fDfl.WhYA mmy4;;hi;)gs‘ fee1ne_fa%;gr‘mt tnour thoughts, is bgcaufc %_;(:_h;;fi;;fmn%e:i;£i«¢ti¢, if Chrxfi-vgxvergreally %a=pprehended ofus,» 22:4 Wm,-1dyf¢em%yafma11'chjzzgm ’l«."_”S.t0.b€.j.udg6d'0{‘ mam. .V * ; Sflcflhm, Be wm~ng. to ,c1ofe~ wz.ch%A ChriPc,~; m accepzos. him: sha11_§he;be willingitomme from Heavermo take yourmture upazaf himflandflare ye unwilling. 1:o¢;ogz;1e?ouc_of7fin‘a§1d I_-leiigvto partake Qghhdgyjfle ngmrfi ? ?t‘his:~.L1nWzllzngncgsvfvorj CI‘-mi’: :—1sL~it,:he_ gre§mcmn« demngggfin .9£.thewpr1d : nag. apy ofygu gni~wer;§he; fl1g£xt_mg~Arhe Iabrd ]::fus,that he fhould be w_111mg tmakevyour {hams on.hzm,an& younot Willing to parca kew0f;h1S grace1%ax1dwg1or,y and the ,¢g,m1a1l* Ch1:i{?ciénf7QrAa carnal! %cn%d,y%1th%a I.’-1 he :m%ig,ht%finT With imfinuflity, a,(:o;;n1I1i%tA~fin{% without” f,ear<:,*‘ and, tume thfi” grace. wk (gm; i;igg%%wa;n:onnes%bJ: ;.H:a1'.§1€hriH: come«tv:) de1iver4 you.. from the» as A Plum efiZ_r;£'-' mm-, queries“ metinmr. Tettul. Apal. Zs9.Ch.Afi>~6£L . {He 2 of"E1cF-g % hortation. 1fa.4a.. .x [ M’ P « The cw ::wc:ul-d‘ V 4 have a,Mefi;iah, f0r.t€;I1}P@r&1l encisg, to breake‘ the.R0manr:;power:: powfir; Qf 3a;ag,Ara;;d%,w§11 yam yet beunderche psowez: 01-" your owm‘ % 1a{’csP~V T A _ 4 A % 'Ehvirdiy,4I%f‘Chri£‘vbfe&.4thzs great,;Mefiiah;exa}Hum»,% V x , firfi,.1n%your_pp%i”nig>ns%0f him, ;h;aven0!:%w:meane.»c%hOugé1tsof£he A God%%of~G10ry, count himrgumexuts r/ac_~,/zfozzgejirghis precepts ‘:0 ha % V ;he,pureft,- his comfmts 7» E0 bathe fweetefizy 111$” «rewards to be we 4 ,nha%t%yo,u may be able no in» I ‘ mfie the WayeS;QfChrifi,%V=flaigainfl 3111 chuarguments oficorr;1p;::nga highcih hi5~pe_qp1e m be.the, %j%%happAiePc,. murc,‘%%»argdVtheVtemp‘t3§i9f3$9f’§i1i$,Ptfiffint evii world. Secondly, Eiialt him in your af’Fe&ions,;%1et the _(.a' defirescf your M ;1:agrze,m:ha:you . :maiy_.rf ' E.f.g8.n5a’ .;_Jcr.3§z 5. . A -‘*Rom;z 5.43 Na Tlaefi ¢,‘;3, %L%H“b:5~‘9e I 1.%‘ K 1 pr.-zm..* A £23.»-,,‘ {et‘hi‘m 'tj.3p:ais charcejmy a;£1dA::rejoy«ci%ng;ofyour hea"%fn:ts,.% ' mayfay, Onto 6%? will I gage?/en mam G’.otla‘%‘*;‘i:bé:'"g1azfime:% of -my % ' joy: iVmagdifia.i%n%VAAymir: hearts,i % A A Jziadyazm dé¢mal,% anV.d$*:iE~he; bu’: bt€+f§ %u1t A ‘cut % your ibulwbefere him,ax.=1d“fayl,,% [ God our hope: and this;‘laea4dech memthe‘f;:mnd;;Obfervati0n.-; A ‘ ” ' ‘V ” ~ w V g;A11.ahofe%:naA;wou1cL1me behefi:‘b3f]efus« %Chr2{t,%x:1uI%;Ab e9i:ni= ~ ted 'L1§‘.Ii5C1 him,“ and f6;t 1:heir*‘h%op_es upm hiim. % Ourvhopes ar:¢ ~no£’£n V our (elves, norit1i:%tAheV%crea :.Liré,& = in~~:,vaine* .is;fa1vaz_:'ion h0p’E~d._fo.i‘ff'&m* ¢£h%C:hiIl$,%‘4%zamlV from%r“F2:% mzzlrfitmie of%m%azmtm'm*:, %truI:j7*1‘t:h6; I.§;>rd ‘ ’ Godisour hope, Vandathe falvacion ofrfmezf, azgdqhappy ishe thin: % ; «ha,t;hLhe Gqddofifazcoé fcr:%hishe1pe, whofehmpe is: V GVOds;.Pfgl 1.*4s&.:5';,. -uthfl» ‘Doifhrine need;et:h pa: {in much ':Me:tp1;i¢ation ¢ to cleere the judgemen :3 ras application to %bem=;r our praflice; .. ;;.~ ; T A %Th¢*U17:‘.. cherefore is, firflzvttzwr i~r1:reate~ yauw make Chrifg your V * hope, this. is the ‘great%duty:»GodV i%=req;1irethi, .;=“one‘_great enVd.ofa1ir:t:h c; grcat:;::hingsA he hath done forgmuim his :Awar1@:; ~ tzhanyou migbtflet * yaw-V/aap£;: fzpazz bimgand of&wche4goCd things ?he%ha £?h pevealed to yam A in his word,2h:pt through t1ae”1«.;$'cripmre: ym ?§¢ig1at /$Pz¢v£’”'/:apag‘”afld not onely havcir, him: have irin a%bL1n3ance,T‘dth'atymx miglaméamzd % in/cope, tiqraugla the pazwr aft/ac’ Hal} glad/f: 1’ rshis %1.S%Eh&gll‘€3E priée rviledge God beflcovveth on tfiem that are good in his fight, r,1:ci,-mzaez: Amy hope in time day : aev£l»;V..¥er.I;7.I7}; thisr.:':% 331 the good A things of this w0~r1d,A b;eing:in% themf£21ves_incal*mp1eaz, carmever give to the ion-16 V fivflmpleqxifcantengment';% fori,no£h.€z::rg; can 2.15‘: abmre?i£scne {ph%eVr“¢; V m,&nA‘-reflc&c;h inwardiy, anci cox_nm_un§thwéLh his%oWne‘.b-eartw‘ Salomm when heretumed» :0 hrmfme, Judged Jche comforts» that M 'E.‘C%:CI€fi‘I3? :‘- a%_Seco;idky;S~upp9f&+thc*ccmdit:ii>nV 05: fume: Acne“ man u{- tens chow: (and,:o1b%e?fogaqdw,V a‘$,_w befrae frczxnartzy co~nfid:emh~1e1mi>:«r'mré o;fievi1;# yetL4xw~coL3di;tic:nJ Herc»yvbfi%L0wy,%;, but \is~ca\p,able of :2 magma... . ‘ , ‘J ‘ 7; nu: ma; fuli, tha.n:aLl ftz;1itic:n3A1nightA.be%heightenedby%‘t%:

a?t*‘%.'2atimns:;A . M ,bur.i*r;=.m4;g Ea "E.£zl'§» E‘ 30» 1 A :;zta,mg. l V $t¥r??£;tft€7l*l.i‘l9€“?ai§%’¢’.‘ A ll gm 1 3 ~11 fbauicibé (M ificljml 7 @1553 @«,,--.;m h than came :here allvcaicefrom H¢a;vcm,llayingw;:4Mykgla fiameklr‘dep:1r'ted»fr0.rI§ lt1J?c,.l 561:. :z_md when the rl<;h_ man" irmhc Gofpell began to feedl:i1pon_llenfc,W1tlmut hope, andia1d,vSoul;e:takc - thine cafe-L: he had‘ that {ad }anfwer lltezurned,fgala,w”'a£: vziglaffiall A l;r19jfbr¢!e Ewll%rWnfr0lvi%f’9¢#~l ‘ A ll V Secondly,l AConli£ler thclllleminenciebfl evil :befides:that thei‘é“*is *1 amixmre cfevil fhr the pre£ent,;lwithlallgood :. whereby itscemlé-V egh gs» pafle, % that all y§)u:‘%'¢0mf0rtSlaid,;in;tll1Clj$.la£lC€g can Imrcea " ly (squall your clifcgmforts gyetz. colnfiden, 4:212.’ tlaellllewil ya» fa&1lfor=l A ‘ gm P;»%:;,,~’ V fi noflg;‘:_V’;2gAt'a wbgtlylaztrgayfaarefiml llbefig:»#rgl54:.gm; A % 3; is A lgc;s3;;.fo%lil1 «=_tQld3y,1l. ¢bu;ll;it may’grQW‘I«WQ:rfe 1:0“ marmwll: {we ha& ‘need to remember‘ our rgawr in our belt .tilme_,l beforel rhé will daycs ¢:;me;inl.Whiclxwefhalll fayywe havexmpleafureitzchern, I ' andwhen after all Pcormes Aland tempefl Pcill, clams: 1&2:-’.! re-3 _ A ’fhirdly,Con{idem:helfadnges lofmefe clayés: the Lord ‘ she gl.Q1jy=_0_=f0m" ?aca£vtb£n,l Md t/1: farnelfl «sf bi: fl,-31% Ia V739.“ raanf-ii ‘VA andla great: fire is kindleclxmder all our glory. How are the eftaresl l ofmany great men empticdl? how many N élvwie! vutvfevéry COuz§trey,thac;fay.,CaasZZ. lllme wt :zam£,_‘%;l£*m: fi4{d7‘fi5=i’". »l;;;gwlllghlg: A l Vgrlealtnes ofmen‘:diminiflaeclL~9?l how areltheir hanours overclouéedl 3 A l Jslle clay ofzhe Lord of Hafi; 22¢: ¢sm2l)r::la:¢ the Brym~.w.mdL Ext;/Ber,l _ l . 55%; em all the Cedars} ofLe£mnar¢ I/d.~z_t;§;:re laigl/9 l.l»z:¢d'1§‘ied;.;;1:;gllmid; % ‘zap-emf all the 0.5:‘!/Q‘ of Bazf:’§;zzz,l zézplm all rtlaebig/all mlamétlaims, mgdl 1 x4}:w2..:zll :1ae1:zzz.::Im: are l£fl edz4p~; Goélcalleth upon all the faunas V of'men,l Enter intfilthe rock, and hide‘lyourlfelves%A ‘in the clull, for A f}feareof',th§_~llAL0rd, andthe glcaryl of his l\/lajelly, when helaréfeth talihake.~terriblyl thexhel Earth; whe had never more te-rrours néitiag % am, God raincth downeupon ;-usl feares and lfnaresfind anhmriblelj tempeil, and therefore We had uevermorcfl lneed oflhep@s.wik~I3in: ’ 3 T* M l g Secondly, lWi:;ho‘m: impel great : lmen llc_am1ot , livel u»fefu1ly,s!. as Magiflrates .-ywhen Gad hath? made any of the fonnemf:men lgm t,;= it islhaxd~n%ot_mbe greacin their owneeyesvz this aflureyour «$6156 of; tharlthough youlazc¢greate‘z',l yet yam cormptiam we mt rim-awn ~- A 531 fewer ;»Ofigir1all~ there are many flatter.ers, and but{few‘aclmoni{hers._ It was Salon‘ } mm, unhappines in the midil of all his glgry, Mat kefaxmd flare: J 3°53‘?-?al3' e We mafia“ t hm pt ” d fflf,],f;;1i;adde to this, thatjgmr engagement: A to God d7‘£grm't:rv; lyoutfellex if Tyoumiicarrieg’ «ma-rt example»-L 2-}; your ezccemn; unto the great God, more dreadful! ; ya» A/saw-A . Igeggwgg, fkirb Gad, aimw ;z!l_z1:ept-apt: ofthe Earth, rfaercfirc ya» wi/!IrmL€éfarW’”. . .t . . W ~ Thitdly,No man can hve £pmtually,as a C l‘l1‘lfil3fl,W1Eh0L!t hopet V " every Chriflian befides the combats he muff meet with, as man, hath other combatshe mull und ergqe, 45 4» (Clari§-2‘ian4 ; hih Iiplritu- % alleombatis ftronger, net onelytw1t~h ternptatxcms wx»thc_5ut, but F wftjh corruptions within : his thoughts are llighenhijsf feares are lam‘ l F get, his care is not onely how to be fecurew mmans day, but how . he may be delivered from finne-,andl death and hell, ‘ how he may. {land fat’: in t/cadet} bfwil. A What is it that can make a poor: fouls enter into this combat, continue in tlllst confiiét, defpife this world, deny himfelfe, runne thorow ‘allPtratts,~ trmmph over all difficul- ties,but onely hope? twhichlcatzfeth‘ us to fee, that the light afiiiffi- A in aftbiixtworld, which is bmfor A emtammt, llwarkezzlafar M as ferret? A. tt‘Seéotndly, Aé tiol man can lém ca.2m.-ntcdlyfo no man can die am: “ fart-M51; ‘wlthcut hope. Who can cxprefle the darkneffe of thatelfoul” more excellent-, and eternal! weight ofglgrf : % wbilfll we look: not on the ;tIain‘g: that mpg», ém on the thing: that gr: not flan .9“ far the thing: that arefc.-mare tempomll, éwt the thing: that are not fieengare etermzil, 2 C0114. I 7, I 8. ’ mmcan die A I thatliveth wirhamfmre‘, and dyetb wirloam hope 3‘ when all ioytis comfortably “darkened,” and allglory goeth elowne undera dark cloud, and all Wi*h°"‘thope5 comFertsJ.end in a itorme, which never bloweth over; when you ‘ muff leave the condition you know, , for 3. Contditfon which you Igcam H wxotrywhen you llmuPc leave atcermimy Forltogoe upon a contigems L :3 ; gwhen the poor Wandring trembling foul, ‘is unable to {lay in,‘ V and unwilling to gee out, when the fault: goethupon eternity, not l§flOWlng*._.WhithEr ; ‘when. the body mull got: to Iy under the flimiet valley,that befotelay upon bed: 0ft'I/fzloricganfl the eyes that fawfthce A gloryeofihie watldgtwmilfi: - never ieestlighn any mote ; and the; «ems; whichetbefore heard‘ delightfull mufique, "mt1l‘t=t nolwtbelforttevet {lop-tr’ V ' ‘ ' ‘ D ' . . ' Pgdg. Seccmdly; no % l®.’gl A. C Em! art the Cbrz‘flians%%l:epe. A . Pfid :=b,c&€1‘;:fl€v&r~vtO*ha¥e into:the&weAr1cI‘, thehfwgor: nut imf’ 5? WiF}%9fl€Vh0p€§3A: 1% R;am.»3n mayn‘die%pdtiently,ai%l_ lmridm éxixtiiaarr agaizafifarrqw ; éxuwamly 4 Chr£§Iian,tbra:xgh%la;spe,wm:z:laEet2§£?::22:x§ % 2 p/Jmxgt, Wjifig ~amfi,%OJn&{e;zt/:1vrl:k«reV_'z;< tiaj._fi‘£ng,& 0bgrm222.wb:m . C01‘~‘**f-W» ~ 7 % % Efwfld; 3* V M,;=ASegqnd1yV,;ea»s‘ ?Iir.e«:4man%can~1ivcV~or 4die.%wichou.cw% hope;~.md+ this. L eeh «he neceflitfgz of imo4 me ‘hope can fcarry‘ us%..thorow~a-1L ditfie culcirss, but hope in Chrifi :7-«th_ink6‘but or.1:%the4infuffici¢ncy.of-5 the . creature, the vanity of%%é1Lothar. %hopes :j without h0pe*t11:re%is~uz:T fm$f£fl;?xc:,%, a»nd%Wichout%% A;Ch1*i?{1:4;Ahope can-net facéfifi. “.iF“yGIi¥%..§ mufl: . hfipflpwhfité wi11VyonL:p1ace this hope 3%.: youAc.ann0:’ taticmally ffittle, this hapé, e'ither+xT.“>:— year-filflgflr inany driver z';*mt;£2*:%:_:%4:wtI% in ymr fi~lf;# fbpwha: is therein youxm felf, that can beiaw Arazionall fgmund 1:2? IXIDLPE n01:your«par;ts, though. never fa great;, they mayAb.afaa.:: £!l4_f££d,~ ar§;q£ten.gr:¢tl;V% a%yf;m:d,%;% and%% if; theyaAc.onA:in~u.e iragmgheizg % gr5vea;xe:Q; l4uL,P£:1?€a, ;thty%;;>%Jmay4V cf %c>verpow:?rd% 4: H»/M: fgacxh éagmadfl % 4¥¢14£t§}zb¢1;afl‘i.wd.flze*4wzz}+.: ‘find. fm-c%1y.; theiE;;»~% A * “ wipgswtrg Ancvcr ;lcm‘gcr‘,[ %‘non%A‘% pheirvfligwht f:ivif¢:erg.tI1cn,%iza Atheth; A g;p31,5,,m_A % iay¢s;':;,:_g;;;fi not in appreflfamgéecame é:¢At'%:?v.&in:£::A reEZv¢ri§f%L;1fficb«.... é % at; A im:'rmfe,,fez1: wt, ymrbearts V 7upon.].~t'b:»z ; %hap: wnét’ “7im5%}aur4[*» % name-x, they maybe overcloudeclf: «"_God4in%amoment%~cansftaine the; F A Qfall flfitfhgabhorre E‘:':1€_ excellency of, }gaafi,%_I1e‘leadeV{.«A §*aei':.n%.3§, ath, jcp;4nji',1;fi2z:rsvZ".;a2am} fi2o‘jvl,e4,% and ove‘rthr91weth.~th€ mxg’hty,hé:3 _ j takechiagwaythe undcrflandi'ng ohahe aged,Iaepmr.etla ccmtcmpr zip-an A 4;)Pzfiizc:£;vfl#d=33Vegkne»t}J t/mejizrmgtla aftbe wig/swat}: he £2:cre;sf£-:59» A ~ m J\{¢_;z5a:::,.% and Vdefhtoyeth them, .heA%e;11argc.:h« the nations~;a:nd~%J%%- ‘ figgimgjgh .;h¢m aga.jne,he takéth%awayw.the.hmm:.s.aaf?:filoa,chidfE.;£2£:»:~ . . I g;;1e§§cnpIé;eAA9f7¢£11¢Jiarch,;aad-caufethfiihémme ado:-%~in1a wi1.dex;nes:;w. white then: nacwayg. fo; :heyg..gr9p¢%Ain. the %dark~wi:homa1ight,_and; _ hc maketh themVV;:o1tagg}cr%likc addrumkcn. maanwzand as there 1is.:no%$ gmamndaf hopcin ;mirfi:51f, £oJth¢rc isvno;g;oqndQ%0P»§ 5*’ 19¢" 4 mature hath; mm; difaP®int€’d=¢‘m3fiY=<% 05w $50111‘. h°P€5~V 49¢ 3’*3€naI ram Ii =6.’ V é:4r£ai%4 _ Mame 1tAk?‘d???¢J%;»L 446 W¢+AW‘~iiiM ' ~_;_:':0}Mf§§r.~;fb£‘:3$’5fi”"ii e.éZinde{4mm;V" gfapfngv; fim b4d,y:g_£’_Tha!:,f¥§j’ A ‘use an-pp-0*" Ero.:“5.sg; V % C 33%! s '1' "the Céiriflions hope. have we on: ofi:e‘n~1ooked‘for faIvatioo,bu}: iris not-V? comma: the mind: *of*'-mm orom~;.w1e; we -change Ou1“C0l1onfol1s- asfick men‘ cfzhangeotheirbeds, Aimputinog all our di£appoiin»tnients,' rather to any» A " onethen to our felvos : and a~sVtheminde ofman is variable‘, foitiié‘ firengtb of cred-thrash exfugzzaéle, {O that the Whole Frame namrc is agbed too nartjowo or one o»t0_‘flwt6'Ia~oIsimfe{ft¢pan it, and 3 a'averizr4g:Iotooa mzrrawfar we to iwmp bzmfilfe m rt : all chmgs um? " oer th¢~fun‘are but vanity ; Md let not him tlmit is deceived rmfi ix vanity, W for Wdfiitf flail 549 13-5.: rccawpgwce ‘: W46 may flatter Oiif {elves to our tuine, under thefe feduced hopes ;, but all zhefe hopes in the oil-I-he will proveibut as afpid-em web,» “and as the giving up of%t13:~ AA ‘Ghafh. oaodooalfhumkane confidence will bring? the foule. to-tint £-jug aftgrraurrg A and What/nape can an hypocrite /awe, wbm%Godmk§tboV um; M19i;cfafil«:-~?;_ A o ‘“ ‘ The chirdV»Coofideracion to move. you to can your hopes on Coriflt,‘ létzi-t; be from th¢~oal;lfzi]ffici:n6] af%6'/Jrtfl; there is this vafl: difih-4% reo¢e%beot¢wixwthopeii1 Ghriflt, and hope in tho Creatureozfrom the you doe expefl : from Chrift you cannot: expeétfo much, but you Lhallreceizve mareothen you doe expeét : He is able to doe abun- A dm:tl},a£»oo-will ..t‘hoa~tiwe are 451:.-A to ark or think; all fpiriruall blef-» _ fit1gsaro.in o-fii‘mifilorao,4‘ ho it isalonco that can fay, I Wi1l‘m’ake A on freefrom yot1:r"1uAPcso and. tempta~tions,¥from»death and hell, he :- lone can fay; Iwill * pardon your iniquities, cure your difcafes, take ~ the Qohyo _heart outwof you , I Wi/iwrire my law inycm, and yeflmll ‘ o all to taawgbt affibd :. I will beftow my Heavenon you,my throne, my kingdome, am fuph joycs an: Eye lmtla not flan, ‘M,-«+ ,E.¢m. ’ V.hM‘rél,~nbr"%‘i';,m i1,iz*‘&e*wro .e'm:r‘””; into the boar? of mm» to canceiovc:., Iran '1vfi‘n~' ‘ ]ob.l‘§.3o.1._§’ Pfa1.3J4. 86- !-2.30. 5: :8. Canjfd. 3"} creatufizyou cannot expeéirfb littlh Wb“‘7)’0B fh~allfiv:d& leje then‘: A :39; V. EzeE.3.6.:.£.. ejrr-c.% I Cor, 1.94% Whemanadmirab1ééthing~ isiit, that a poor foulomay come and fay; T What-may fuoh gone as I am: he opardoned, that am ‘condemned 2‘ may my znrfitmoxty be cured,when the fears rmmetla and cmfet/5 mm? o ' A may this»1oath{omo leprofy be hcaledoPo wihat.a-comforc‘V'is it: boa‘- 3 poor foul, that be may oomei to Chrifi ‘as the; A A L0%rd,if-to‘/90:: \?0ilt,V'tba»o_cm¢fi make; me w/9014*; Befides in this W0rl’d5V _f}a: oalonekis 4616 Ho fupVp1y1allyour 1‘3m:r»=:z*».s-V, aopfwero a11*}0',m. ,,{0;,5,~,§,L {goiter %a1?1ypu: fmf-e.c and he[is~‘o‘ot oneloyo able, but hath oengoageet; oporoisnfxfegv £91341: t1m;=*:7ab~po in M /azirmercy 3;, He calleth »=‘t0;= you; ye:zrwfiaézfimaogoot¢o1ds,yao~przfimr:af.I.wp.o; he, bidg{Jeoha71‘. ‘ , M A o ‘D25 A ‘ A cafi poor leper, and *fay%,‘ Mazh.8.o... Z 3Ix.(:?J.9«,Ia,. i0 V . C H 1; isT'tba C/firifliam hope; o Pet. W, A all’-yourcaaée an him; f‘o_r he ca::eoch;fm-3 an ; and b€‘vfl0t_-fififllfviifjo A fifid; about thcfchings of :his,~liEe,_ as~jor.he_r oGen:i1¢=:s _chat_ knovv inot ‘Wt?!-5.3:. 69d». 07’ 70%?’ ‘J6’-Wcwly father kngwetbo whatyou éaoeozgrtd of; .o W111y,.ou trufi him, For you; ioufc-:'$,o_ and note for your, bodies ?_ Will Y?”.U Mm for Egernity, andnot fora moment 1’ willyou. Intuit _ ‘ A 1.11m,£0"-delxoveroyouofrom the rage of devi1s_ ? and not homo the rage ’ A A Ofmen? roll. your. foules ‘uponhim, andghe will carr.y..you_in4 his‘ ED501116: ; and though cloud: and darlqm be round 46onr.;Iaim,o ye: LV Y<2l1i11.a1l.f€€tha£orighteoufnes and judgement. mm: the Imbixzatim Qf/.Ji,r,t}3rane; your eyes §hal1fee’the in /six be-4:47.» thaott%%o_hc is V ” awdefender above all dafzfrajarx :yo%3,,f_l1a11 obeupon at K~Q6@«l13:g'bcg§ than vgajzzeq ,-,4 we rm: ex: here With great difficultiics, and thofc_c.auf<: gnea; feares, and grea; fcares had need ofgteat‘ hopes, and .tbb[e.a‘r¢ never great enough but in the gran: God.’ Chrift alone can ntfékc ‘ ufiabqye a#.r=o:of¢‘l.w:,_ above mm, above*change.r,o above th€oincqn— o flame-y of-this prefcm evil world : why, doth the ionic which .hope:-I1 5;“-Ch.~.1‘i& corIip1ain.thac_ the world changeth ? did ever oGodo;“_pr:q- mifisoz/mt i:_/Izmldmac 6’/m_71ge?~hath not God touldus expreifelg hair/apromaijfeotl thing: ateramll : and if _!;hQ,11 b€1eevc,Q_f mortal1,.;thou £9: -triumph over. iwha.:foever.is morLa11,%‘!oayoing as ho dido,Wcmld,vg3by dafz‘ zlaouf1¢me?—- what fwaAuldfl&t}aau do‘ z'f_'+t/am fbanldj} cantjrmc, fi proud when tbauoolm} ‘mi aobidin Pwhom wou1dftthou.;nopde;, V ccive ifxhou wrrtfiazfat,_oifthQL1ll@§ts_4€¢€igzzed“.1f9 many whim than * ; «iii éixrerof , :: «A ' A 7 A. g -1 V "’ » “ V g L = ,A oI=,<;om:: to theuothirdopam tr':v‘e~ax£‘ent~of7:';}9'zZ: loops; vim Lfiac duo, hop: of a Chrifiian is not confined to th1s‘1ife ; if we Imz q2_a,1_;'y[g'vp: 53; 215:; bf.-, mu Hcnce ariféth :he;..third DQ&1'i.D5s . 2u'~*~-- 17' bar t./sq: that wauldjfét zbair hope: arLC£7ri§i'«, mwfiéqperfwadtd» t/Mr: 31.4-%-. r.gat.}oea¢-. ::xot}3i:o1i;‘Eu; .znd;£o-n t}_a1;5,[#d’ it 13, tivair duty otaooogoffggyggj‘ #3:" boy: ooj§d,é:tz_{:r.oo; You read: in.!the‘SCripEm’¢ 110%,. 0n1y_;pf7 At/1'12: Woorldabug .OfEh_e Waztlé to some : Chljifi: Efillfith 11$ .offi7a.r that {ball not tn: forgivcnfioeither in,thz'c _l:'fi~,nor in ;l:: lifi ;a £70 zm,M.at.th,. I 2,; 3—,%:;_o%,And ,Chrif_’c faidtoabe farr: :xa»lr:dga£zoore a/1p»rinb‘.ip41i;i_:r that If%he%Hmwn.r wax, old at a garment and as avefture, flmallooo be change them,o..,:¢md the]; 15411 £c_,»c.bangeal,; he that is»,~ct:z.:nall,T {halt beomadeimmor; 11: émdinu the hoges.ofoimm0rE31iIy, may;-o hex, andppxwtrzxmnotonlyimthfiwarld, bI4r._i,Uvft]9flAtj.TPhi6'b1%-to"-C0793; 3’; oo"“""o‘-"4 §».nd.:tha::o world is, £0.f3Ft€’23b9V§.oth1S.W9f1d;,.Fh1t_.t§€ th0ught$_o£~ etemity. ‘in.-c cal e judgement of man: day : A h J Cbrifiian: laofpa is not mnfinedtothis Ii “-53. ed» tbeewtpazaiarttof the hvorldsto came, and do..=over3Z “power all; the tthiogs of *th’IS=W0-1‘lfi.— We readeeof. ?'#dgemen't«to came; Pzmlfsermon -before the great k:‘o‘ve1-hour was of this fubjefi, and . it made"/aim-t~ta t»r-eméle, and= that jndgemcntis-f'arre above the h h We reade of Wm:/J~t=a coma, and: all the 7wrath that is prefenn is nothing to the A4} of W‘f‘Atl93 and the rave; F; lgfigfi af the'rigbte0h"m ]«udgemant4afG'ad': the Sad'duc€S"Who~~Wer&. 74 V inane 05*--the-befi: ofmen, but a generation of vipers, yet were fore- " twatneds to fiecffiom-the wmtlaza game : and thegreat triumph of ~"th'c, Apofile was, that God had d»e1tverted«tthem from Wmt/9 tajcome. reade oFtanot~her—1ife tovcomtf, andntha to is the great ptfiviledge of fgodiinefleg that it hath not only the promifestof nhzhlifig hm» afrlma A‘ ‘which mfg come : andthe greattwork of grace upon}-he heart,“ is. to take us off from lookmg‘ after zkzwgq tempera/1, and to make us" 21 ~ Hem. ,-.‘ A&.§4. 2 5; 1 C0134. 3. Roma. 5. 3. 7,‘. an Thef;x.._t,o. look after tlaidgs ettermzll, zACor.4t.%16. It was the Apofileslife ;— ; em . Men are never Chriitiansiin.goodxearoe{t,ti11 they be~per{Wa» .~. V ‘tied fully 61* the thingshofetemityt ; 2.od~.t*hat~. tpoorfeduced fotilltfhat tzefolveth never to beperfwadcod,V hath no ground to think that e4- veeithflxall be ‘converted. t Divc:—begg’hdtoth~at one might. go fifiom #1: dead _ to‘te-ll: 193;; brat/arm an tlaqgenrtb, laff»-tly ey alfi //mzdtcoma fiimréai" 4:19;» pzm place cftormmt ;: int1mating' the Icaufe of his own°fin« attt7i*‘etetrna1lmii’ery; intitnatiog thache was n0t?pt:rfWadedi<0f'£:hi§~ place oftormeot in his life; and therefore came down to t‘hi~sp1aee o”f‘ttorment“at;his death.» God hath made the vifion herein fo plain, A ' that every‘ onetethat" orunneth may read~emfl5t and he that hargdneth his liearE¥_1‘agai1}R:i2l4afl&)zr2dthetPr*opbaz‘.r, is Left inexcufable, and is , irrecoverabte, andzewould nothe perfwaded. IhCughta#efizauldar.{[i:' 4! fhpnitt/_9ed:?azd.t'5~T.hC!.U[€0fE»h1SpOint is, “ ~ . V * M A to he - "theyvlooked not on things that Arefecfl, but on things that are not _ h[h.uk.v16. 1 83:. tt.ver.3‘t".’ A: % Fit-rfE,lf there he aootherolife» hefides this lifiathenletusf..behun1*..;‘ A bljed for allfltha-t= worldof un.be11ef that is incur nature; thatoéns \ perfmfia2::tabout.the things of eternity are [5 mhe,» twheh Gods :2 5;;-19r:flIq.¢a:'are fofiroxg. .am£.c!mr 5 ‘that twee.cai=t1 beleeve vthethingsi . , (_;§.fi=;zj2»;.atnd.wi11enot beleeve the thing5~offa1}t19 ;. that t we entertain ghg: reports-‘of men,and =I’€}'€dZ_. the reports ofGod .:- Surely if we A-we-,- baitze the Witme afmen, :5 —nat-the Witn:flI:,..afgad=grenter ?“ this malignityd: When; Chnifh D. -nu- ‘a ...»«- intendettgo I ]4")I1*35'.9‘a‘V., “A g, uqbe1ief"Wa$,the~fi’tfl: fin,an,dt is~.~the lafi: fin ; to the. cauietttcaf our firfl: an.‘ V e ‘anti ground; Pfl-m~1t.cqntinue§1th~ o I my aaa.w,:¢-lyre dfiéf-tbfi 123% is amt, A j V*%}.1?n.€¢tidAechAco; canvaert asfcml untohimfcif; ‘this is the%gr€a.tVfinwhege; 30hé§5§95V‘ 4‘ 3, gm Spirit Gaf Qlarift corrwiraceth the final; %:and cheaSpirit dn¢verA.pm;- iretgh ;amfim}~ar,bLig%%Wb€:re hejis 21 Aaamsi2:‘c:r.% ;.,anAd the firfi; _work,iija " g:nnv£~.%r{i<3;1;is laid in} an ac} of canamfiziaza, M and £113: con%vi“fI,‘%e%%h1‘s own A ',§1pp¢nite, take up Chrifis croffe, to afihrc to himielf a. prqppiecy pg; theie zhings,Wh€re,in%A:he be1eevet%h;there~is noreéility P ,cheVAfé;a1Am-gfi ' firffbe1eev¢_]:he% .ex.ce11=%ncy. of the things in V zh¢m£e1vesg;befo;fé‘i: : Mmakeit its¢grcacdefign to getjan interefi inxtheriz : if t*hén,things<§”f' 735 Pet}. ‘ Ia ‘ V. five Afis ::.;.8.w ‘ 1 3. _aP‘et.3«3,4. % §t_€mity Werefully be1eeved,%what~9manner Qfgverfii 12: waxggld was izce, ¢ i:=£AVA~=11/valivaefl? of ¢a:rwerfit;ion .5’ and did you»,rea11y4look on {get} things, #it%W;0u1:d make_youVMdiligem cQ.égfifiud afbim w*i:Algimt .:sa2d,é~1»zzm2Ze[e. In thfi next placm _' V , . H‘ . “4 é The firfi: is of the gram!’ z1tbe»§/E: %h0WL manyvarfi there that Iaaird £.'h§.f'¢,1C€€)fChfifliiiiflfibllt £,h‘eir hearts arehear;heni{lzP who rcfolve % A 4;herefaWi:h% into meet r_eaAfan,. and their hopesmhucq fig-hi3; ‘Sughw %x>gr§e;-g A the%Sad;du¢esA in Chrifis tim)e,wfib denied. mrngg/:,A mzd§2i?i::,%»an4 ‘ % the refinrrafiian .- fuch were before Chrifi: ar3;x0’ng;th¢ Prqphqts, as } thofi-:%Epicmfcs, who’when the Lord called fir \Wf;9pifig and ?2Qn;4ré? rsings. édsoldjay andgla1dria£f¢a«%%flajing af axe22.avaE:1a‘l!i:.agaffr5¢c%p.; A V A «;4ri;sgVflcfé,mzd d,:%§:a}q§22g~1?vi:z¢s, iizying, 12$. :m.¢r.vzs~;a;::a{:;f>zi¢zk,4farrm % -morraw%we‘Aflml1 em: fizch werc=:fozI11eafter Chrifc ¢U:1e, wrflgflz. 0f‘this Chapter V: P ate? pmphfififitht‘%Eh§%%~£%th€rQ T flwuld be finch to the end» ofzhe world, Lwickedf profane .m§%§n;‘ {CQ£¥ers,W/so jlwmld Wnlkaftcif their gm: (#5:; , fiyz'z:tg,W/am? ;}.L1: t%o;aVbhQrreT%a11 thnfeopinicms “that mayany‘, Wa~ies wcaken this getfwafion ;hat€ tabe um: ah¢p.awer%;>£ghem, 4 andwhe:-nV‘~the% yam»: of them is broken; ‘refill: Iihfi rcm.a;iI3‘d¢'r$; Athat A Sa%tan4may% gs: no zzdzramzagé agaizzflyw 5 efpecially forcifie1yo;m; {¢1s'es with wrong :a.rgu;mcncswagain.& rhefc cwo %mpiniQns,whi9h <:ar- Jgy away %e1f;gr;eac part’ <3:f;; the men‘ of chr:_.w0rid_ c=~1pEiY.e%4i$a9f‘ _ ihégrefl‘ ~°»? ‘(ft/aéiflafiiihfi: 0%chcr,0fA the Sem£..Mbe13?»%%MI ff ~ “ A Pirfis SW-‘1Y 1h*‘3*7’¢‘- is ‘“~’°“5 ” . V M A ~c,*:mZ,m;:£ tbcfirmttmantjbewet/vfirth lm bm¢cZ}wur1e:€:Vh€ry creature hpejmeth «;hus.tohhche;Cr€atour,h and /at t}::ztAZwle*‘e?z)a‘t'l9 not; :2: c’o2m'em- . WialQ£'4mfl}.i 4 ~ ” FY % V V A “4* VA . . 6Z/9riflr§1941n:fifi:din’»~tbefieflz5-a nayfiery fr.) much mimzred /Iyfrh/ae ‘f the; Lifbgiconfihder A hetihcanfiéphwhich is riwqarrwfifélvieg.sxnd7flhdefi{ed;, A mm-4y,- »~..-.»,a:;-ml: lJ6c’hl§£gb¢=fi"/aea4vé%'3 firtbém m5 h p§gW:r*7}af‘God¢htbrahugéfgitk {Vita *;vhh;>z5p"esin'h the Cdhntell bf Eiafii, -A A h , .1] f hf id b forédaveérs that werewasno fuch thing as gtleartnffl-lhlaifecg ta¢rI31hda1r?¢zin}:h‘thetE:i'rd is: reported to havehfaihdh, when he; %wa§,dyjng‘.f; now he Ihould know th’ree things, % V whethehr the hfoxijslh was,imm.or£a~11‘,' Whether therejwas a hell, Wheth§r there was a God :-v if all 'th?efe.a1thheifi:ical1‘gpiniianshhw«:z:r:fbu%r1ed‘h1n he1l,hyet Sa- tans_AAcempmiom3,h and the hellhifh cormpuons of our own hearts; A wouldiraife‘ them up again 5% and thé;efbre— ‘(is good tb be cftabliu fifhed,-VA, that We may {Hand fafi in rim» mil day, and-havmg done*a‘1I, tafhmd .- Againfl this.athei{’cica11 opinion,1ay this dawn for afure fgumd.a:tion,‘. iurelhyf there A is méo.tl9er’ l{fE héufi/id:s”h 53 and $9 fifengthen youhthereimconfider theie Ahrgu‘mmts:.; A A h T "' /we heavens’ dec ,q”,§g,of 755% and slag}; art q[rf;%;£na.wcw[& H650 h mhm h : “V n0._W‘if théré a (Sod, there mu[’cne¢ds be anohther11fc,vvhere1n‘hGod wdl u_1fiL1 tlaegaad /ae~b.t,la:e m}fi‘e:éjV4 af gozi1i7z¢%J07},\ Q. ¢_s,,z{p}bfil¢5,atda.;~’dJ &y4%%.A::‘gJe1:;6:lee-Lita’ n¢~9mEZ.i' :‘“.ifycherc be no 9-.- FirP:,._h;Whaf: wasihthe en;&h._~ZofChri{’cs inhcar-nation P‘-”whygdidhGod bccomeahmabglfinfldhhhethat vizashv théh%hm£rr&u}r‘ of Hngelx? béegogne the Mpraacla’ afmm ? Wassit noth%¢*t?h%a‘C he mi‘~'”ghtf"lj)rinQg m¢a_i"i¢y"[5nh5¢mhh‘ Mai‘ ckugbter: zmta gin?) 5’ _and" that; gIé3ry,I1:0t?ij1‘ :hi,s‘l.nfe5, “ for when he V app,c:ar:nh:;in another life, Ihmfare the Saginhcs tQ»;zppmr wjzlo /Jim in g4;!a1:'y_.:‘ b»?.C3Irht,. he p<_3Qr,; but.» that-‘WC téfrozggb T bx}; p.em.=>r_t M535’? :5’: muzda:ri7c»’2; and! obtain thé hricheé cf -the gm:-y of thcj; Md ziahg ;mhf]}:fffi_¢;‘hn%aht‘ Ira» arh?’.pu‘t «amend thathe mightbecome It/Jet «arbour Iahejjbim. H V 9 ‘ i V _ At . V b . -5; h % “thirdly, _What was the end of his rcflzirrefiiarzj, but that his Saints might .thto;agh the.refurte€c.ion dfjefus Chriit from the dead? A i f "Fourthl,y,Wha.t was the end of Chriflsafc.-mfian, but to i.preparc yiobgt «Q3, b '7. 2. 5.” _ that b1af'phemy,as once to imagine, that this gm: myflery iafpierfl A ilhould be a mjffery afim'qm't}.'if there were no other life expeéted I ‘ rtfin, Io may I fay then, Claraiji is neithet.5arnPIti@r I1-'Ieb.lo.2.~8,,z9. 34 vine» i e /3 Beck. 19. ‘. Pf‘.‘!'~’3*i“'*‘ V « aeplace for his,,peo"ple.? and if I go ancipreparea place for” you,t1i1ith iiChrifi:, I wifl come again andreceivejofl; A eyemaybeal{o- ‘ » i it e A ‘ V e % Fifthly, What is theend of his ‘intzrceflian, bdt thatthemay bg 9 tab'le~tofam: them to the at 2920]}, I/mt mama unto; Goal;/Jrax¢g/9 biim? A and how are they faved by him to the utmofi, if there be not ano- i their life after this life? A in this lift the Asaintse arcjilain A -the long, ’afi!d!.‘0#I1ted44_‘ fheep xmta tke_tfl,.«.mg/ater: therefore iabhorre then this, theneas Stlhmlh faith of the refurre&ior_1,W_Cl:rif;‘ :3 not ed," not is he afcended, not fitteth on the right hand of the Majcfl an [:15 gb fixer uni/bment;/frail be 17: t/dang/fit wart/:21, ,~w./aa fimi It 4‘ 4! -1 his feet M an amt; thing, and doth defpite to the fpirit of grace? ~ Thitdly, Ccinfidér the .Caw:m‘nt ofjefus Chtift : We ham‘: afitre ward afpfapbtqr, to twhich W‘; t,d0CWClI to take; heed, 4_:.to a fig/5: 2 andbe deceived,3 M w the fl‘awcr“: t/9: :.;r:Ia, hutthough men die,‘ #2: Ward hftb:_Lard ~liwatba'ndeenb£- that fbtinet/2 tiattatdhrkplace ; menemay deceive, dilfl:/5 1;-grafl'a_I, ~ and t;he"igoedlines ~th€1’cofli@- /‘ _ dab ydid he be guicknediflp together wit/at/.u'm, andmade tafi: 5);. ~he4tx:nl} 'plazce.t together with him, and fo obtain alively -hope, that where I am, there 3 hath he fuffer-u A .- defpife not this glorious tnyitety through unbeléife : for if 7 he that deip1'{ed§ Mofi: hi; lamj dyed wit/aautmtrcy, aflaawnnmcb -i h V % treddfltbi wmfer .9 San ofabd, ’ andtreade.th the bloodiof the Covenant under Ahifbere. ishAm2tlaerAlz}’eha;%er this fife is mded. :de”fib arwafgh a&z1dAhthou"ghhH¢avenhA andhfiarrkpmfei 9:V§Fa§‘{,Vyet- 240% “due jaw or hAtitl1'e‘of this ivar§ifFm!2 hpgfl} away 2 HOW If you_be1ieve A not than ;here ishanotherh hfe, than you make the Ward of Godm be a reftfge aflies, and the holy Scripture is looked upon by you, as fem: 5:22;: Ayouimagine1:hathhisA Con*1mAandAements are itrationafl ? A - Firft‘, Confidex: ‘hi his Commandements, =zr£2;.L say not zap flaw-yaw A filve: warm: an Earthwhich the moth corruptethfind zahceves A break thorow and fieale :. laéwamr mt far the mm: that perij/Ewtb, A[am~far—»tbzzt wbimh e:m’m*at£; rah etemzzil léfe : ffiirve to ems:-h in 4!.‘ tfaaffrait g4zAte“A:A1andA canAth€f€AAAhdiraé?ihm of the Lord. of glory,‘ be {fihought by hybuhfto be del#fi<:n.r? V X ‘ h ‘4 h .; t V Secondiy, Confider the tfarmtsf of yhe Covenant, doe you think them to be vaine affrightmentfi‘ Chrifi: faith,WAha:hiha11it profit a : mL9_n% begging the wbole-warld,amd lo/.‘s»~£vi.: anmfiml ,3! now ifchg * feulc bechecemAper Adf chcsbodyh, and if there ha no life but this, thenAAh-hthefoule is loft for ever A for every one mufl lay downe : his life, there is nb man living tlmtflmfl :«zor_/E’: death 4 Chrifi: biddeth A M as fcare him tlmt lgélletla body mardflml 5 why doe all the Scripturcs :h;¢:1lh us 0)c‘AdE?f0flTi7lgfi?'63, evcrlafiing bisrningx, that Tophen .93- Ah *p;>ap4rcc£'afw!d;hh the pile thereof in much Tweed; ~.tAhe.A bre;athhof“hnh:: Lidrd kindlfithvit,” the wormahmver dyethg‘ Lami-Ila: fire xewcrgaetb A ” ;m:,5;_;t tbafmalqe aftbetormmt afcemlatlafor ever and e'z)er?doe 4 Aygu, "or dare any h one of .you,.. when you heart‘: the words of thishcurf:é,.b1*effe yur fckvés in the imagination ofyouf heart, ' and A Afay;Z%1j,{b;4Il I:iawé‘péade5,,h t/cough Imlde drzz;wkesmeMz;zta tfairfi ? be furs though youdefpife this ‘Word oftthe Lord, yet this Word {hall %‘th.¢¢l@ kbldafjam, and aflthe caries ofthjs bookflmll lie upm you, hand the Lord fhallhblot out: your name from undcx: I-It-2avezaw.: A ‘ \4l 3; Mmh;s§£s. ofl'mr'.e,'f and read ‘over the parts Of the Covenant, and date A Math.6.:tgA. ‘A JOh:u6nz'7g,h Luk. I 3; Math.x6.z6. A Ira‘§3*.A1%4-3' “P? 30*? 33"! D::uht,a9.19.h nZ1Cho3h5, V H M ‘Th;~rd1y,.A LookA:uni: the promzfix of this Covenant :and can any h A *6? yciuhhthihk ’thofe_ Apromifm which GodxAcounteth to be mofl: hpreciptisg to belies mofl pernicious? doth A Chrifi ufe Stratagems x:o‘Aove;rreachhhis peeplé can you thinkh ::heGod of Attack will de-A-A 7% AihceiV{é;AAA1hih:;WhQ Awill not ‘filffer miy mam ~_goeA écyoml, horhdugfrfifld 32:26‘ ‘ 1é‘r;0:t1a‘£';*«*;,;i:£»z:z'[1 £2: mfhavhangtr offnclarhrhimgxh .7 how :ofren. doth " “%‘€Shhti{}:*he”r~1AgV2_rgch himfcI€byh_hi$ 4 promifc; ,:. that no ::ma1j»h.:ztb~rlbjEAfo¢— ~tloler;0z~‘A};¢étl9ie'm;..hhAIaozzfef: or Jmzdr fwlmj mme_flz‘ké,Ahbut{hall‘r€~ A ‘A §§§_V_{c}fha':r;1_€:1;_I:;if'A0_ldintM/oi: life; and hifih Ilsa; life tat“ co7Ar'£f€AAA1 #:3232341! l:ffl~A? 119?? A i t-54.6, Macth.x9§ag;§ A-V Mafia. ~;'.1:,2,s g, .% A? E 3-». phcf; 3., 32.9.. _ M A A2?/mi £5: #AfiflM6? «tla7z“~s« ¢ai3+=.Mded. j%;33£r.%?£¢?g.£!£f 4£¥6i}%%‘p@rf}t:z4m.t/aa:h§2V, ~;:Ag1n'd Ifiiéldé Eh Ch§m%-T€iQ§EC€g ;&3$4:£!‘a 1).: Aftzh ;a.xF day 9 Af r%.:nh;0ugh .fi;11€:=5..3.‘.7E.73.T;C?}-lbllffi; b;£A‘g:£aAt, ygb £h¢::i;rArc:}饻”;as::dA;i11::=.llhzzxgreaéter ia.~._w-M, = » 1 A A: V ‘ ‘ ‘ . M .r na_nt,% Vsiirn:;c§1;ar:::»;Lhc:frwm- f}f»’::;a:[;2ir£:%, Aa;s?.lO *~{;.s‘:,4 i£?§{,5;;Af}€@Q§3 If — ii:-ii$fE}7€".°$gQi‘9TUuf:L1€1%.dt:rR:andiflg‘=5;e.‘oP,:m'.z?d M k§:.0m2a?&59fl,t~iS ;h@;‘£;op‘c r2fA am my _ amdA{therichr:s. ofi the? Ag~19;i:y» Q£§‘«;lm 13.24;»-’:2:;x7<:?~::m;.c%g.e. Mir}: % #53:; ._S‘A4i=:.»m. in-. ~1~if@.,. you ‘ cannot bu: ’ co1if7c::fl:i?,%% 'fiha£$« t:h%.€;A Q§k§$LQf 2swaxfiamv%A1sVg:r€a%ter;Jt%%hen;nheaworkei~o£ Girm-;¢zTm mei fzha kd:i:;g;AM~g:§;a%:%nes .C2£f:hAis power AAné3»vartis;AA%Lhe%mA;:1aa;;%.Vb:1§e¥§; is: 3£“§@£§«‘ mg to the mzgbty. working of/951A ;_mn;;.e2<,T w.b:ia£2~;AZae; , A C%Jr;ifi3'; ,whm:11eAra1fed "him, from the"de~ad~ :,%.d%am,y0u4 W-i=£hQ_L;;I:;;% ab- “ Mhmrergcxz amt neluflancc ,4” entertain;-‘:A an Athpughc,% I/w~.A%Aa%ha;:A-%m;{l :7-;;g2g¢a;c%,c*,;:4af~%,;G;oa'»= are but A:the:meamam..f&n.c£m .amsm% 3*. E_11¢:c;_;is I{:-..,5.m,A K 1.8.) ‘ A— R.0I11;‘}_._3nm _"I_;i:;m 3. E.,uk.:.x8, Reva rmz. " A i~Ieb.:z am5;x*;?~ .;n.i<:i;d; iEcim‘?£io:n~b:tween good and qv.i1,A,bet.wix£ 1ig;h‘t;T'al¥i;d‘.: ;,,c1..fi§1&<.~§74¢.$%;:.~'7" ,A_a%nd;;1nmL~veV%Ayjcur; £e1w2sT1r;.:I:~ac woe, was 12¢ %;m¢x:,9 %%t12»,¢::az;:;»t/mta%A€e'4él ;azi:z:.s€A(__rg;;%a,0fl,$A4A,zz2é%zi :o%a.od w.i_Z A A A V A ' A» A % A‘ ; 2 fi;a1§"2hi}z,A doeyou Athin—k_e_ of a,;11*’ th;e;c«awfv“m%.s: e£’ghis=GQY§3 ~13 A.?.g ~£‘*£aie‘AJ'oyA%AoE.g0dsAchofen,fumuch ézeggcd é»+yw.;Z)ma%:?;r.«;i2‘l%~,; IQ adrfiinad: by t.Ahr:: ApaPc1e, .tIm:. bekjxcving, able}; Sa£rz,z‘:.r.%z‘*A:*L,1T§;‘zy\c= ghcig lflflfldig."*_f97Tlf1fii€i?f.'WX6’d£fl&Pti&fi tiam.a’mm’tlJ.%m*;¢zr«s*;7% A A VA AASix£h1Ay,What doe you think of the C’laiZa1rm;of_%'~4thiS %.CA0Ven%2,nt;? ‘ the holy:Pmphe:s and Apoflzles, and: Saimzs ‘anal: I MAa;r:yr3,Vi%whp {wed not xzia aimliuax :¢':¢«ra%;!ae&.wdem%la,A~butwkepnthc.Wdrd;:g£_Q13;i&s . mi’cim0niae.;.. Mafey wa.*s.lea~rncd. yin a1L..c11eAWifdam¢ .9£;£h€e.nEgY'g1«’ 6 ‘dang, be.mfuy7s’d VA'taV,;:he ; cafled tbs: j?a'z¢Iz¢%%\::iA§g ' 1.5.9; Blqgrggbg .dzi1¢‘g?izten,%;;Aa:sd fxlaafe wLtla::r?taf.a]f:'rj 4fiiiEliV&.e_¢ miriaj t12;w.€A1é%i1fl7;‘e1z A ; » jflod, At/am”. ta ¢ex.j¢yM the pimfares of‘/Ezzzxzzfzzrfi mamafifs “ .b&Cagf€ hfi 3 I; ha%d:%Arefpc&A;runtQA the ramm,!2m_e‘¢:AA» ofrawaxflai .% 1?m;1:brohug«btA;A'«up;%a_t %%tl1,f:.if.¢s:£ af Gnmulial, %;mz;7z.§:e.£?h A nat:.fqis~A léfg : duaraaifmmtg; ffiéfit A M-Am‘a;fim'jZ» aamjé-T w£t1a&jay,AAAand efthau olqud oi Awizrgaficfisl M §1;qyg,g3any_qf §h§;_§§eyg'ev_-g*eV4racaI;e4l;i~; A tam”,-ed,m'zd Azgccaprgd“Ama.dalifi- Efitéawé 9:1 oft$ndce:sth.4"he: Apizontlinfirzxze ms»: Difciples sbléfigt Wham £11 Lima ‘ §33§l;§!,.;~%Mi‘1:1i1.d§£Jé».;3lQ!.iihinke c)'.f;:tla$?“.g":#.#4,fifie£v_:£g;£i5‘ A A lfl?%&3raAV7f£;%£:¢0tfier: 4;%5ri$£?zf"g;lz}% ‘if Himwa TéeirJr:n~.qej,r1:»t: t>%vy:;zm°g!mt ~s:a»5\ra*éne‘ap 6‘m‘t“¢*s~ .:;&«‘e}?’;;~z:tr?£~é2“im '5D”ai'é Wu ,m,ndene -We zgtmvwmriowaftfie r;gfi;~w¢§m~, v‘a*nbi~ @1163; ifif’ ifiiéfe a£z’a~Zga »me:s~%.;;;t%»a§t;;a;:r*cv- new Inside perfcfic ?xfryo’u% 1?m§2*g~me VAtE~1e‘r‘e“1i‘s‘;tiT*u . o1r,he_rV~};ifie;b‘£;£i'&es%.Khisg Lthen%3mu*cond6mn€5n0t o*rg::=i»y thé-zi~3z‘]~’f«:.§i“{ov‘f menV%,a§fW «;b'u“t“th<: ?comfom,%Aa’n%d’.% th‘e:gr2-:»Zcés,1a:n¢1*” £'E1b7‘ t?h1*ea régéhfi Hem «Irv :;thr:,~p“rmnni%1%é§s;.;mdme pmmmhnwissg =“az2d?sdire&}o*r13é?ofVG*ozi,‘ :ot“&“aia—. ‘ «=mnoid~:.A that :Mh;eii’cic%ziwi fmzia than dsiresi ixri-wine rfhé-2 Gdfl‘ ~'d£- n‘ ‘ , . ‘ o ‘\Ov, ~¢’- , 1,} --«~ etru%th‘;mx~;e Lym-5Aihai;1"finde that Gad A=1+m2gh~ty*“‘Wfll ‘gfl/E’ hnnéj hm jlpmftiaih ££mrs,. and mzévzeiwersfor «erzgazk; ix": the ~l:|;«::.{e 1-that ~L&:¢’5vi¢%et.¢3» iwiizyééfirewd1é§r~£m]$‘ama3 V A % A .;»Fourfih1y.,:&4;G0mfi'dTe.’r ‘ the gloriam Angc‘a"-V; yoizimve ‘read "(if t.£1‘ei??fi‘azte and conx:Eiz:ion[, Athatithey are 91:25} Angels; of zheirmme Mar, thate :heyLa+rem%a:ny legiom, and an? 5-Wfif%!"fi‘?‘£VAé[£"C07?¢]‘9a?fi_}" of sflngalxg A Haw whey : (hail appeare 'Wi%c1h*£?hrifi: athis commmg in %flm gteéu: ”“day*;~uvh*en Vim £hallmweL%‘witb¢k‘iis 7¢zigb:2:j wngeix, and how the happinwes pf the Saints after death Vis,to be Mazda ;1g‘&z4"‘ z~!5*& Maya vf‘-G.a.dérmW=‘cwenfid;w what is the grea%t%imp1~oym€:itdf'the yAnge1s,’*]m’e gr-e‘at;in power; ‘ti13.=Eh%at: great day come’? doth "ntit .the.Scri4pzi}neL%t¢1l:us= that they Wait over us? th at they are Ami» _flring:Spir¢3:::'; far tbeigéad aft/am; wb~aA,m1z &e }a%fir¢x“c§f Saiifixatidn dflé not: p:t‘¥"£’/‘9_‘t!7&§7‘ mm: aé?o‘¢{t' M .3‘ ' “Quit hbflVE%ffi0fi§'21§£:3é;2*§lE2§"-évzaforejay-~‘ 'b&az*Ueim‘fi#o¢2g the 1Ii§ge[x‘bf far~tbe.cém%w%rfim¢~§ of we 1‘? mwr,;c9'*' c_‘m?tm’i they %éeIaala’%.jr/¢ef;zbeL“bfG'“od form», 3Hd.Why.iSfai3l51this‘?"1:ft’[9§’?j6'13¢:??'§"$0 otl;‘e%r*f:f2*, “the’n"i.“h*e joy f‘the5wAng£*ls Ihnuid *beAf’011nded qpfon» «f‘;1ncie§,‘4’% aridffi1i£‘éi:1l€€‘s;:' and V mfiair»comfwlationiéflmuid bwmeer A delufidn‘ *; t‘here"isT%f1i£.1e%:>g,»2z]‘?a:»rs. m Vaccui-"3 the Iréfivdfw ;men“~Ac0c%harg¢*;h*e‘ e1e&:A%nge1s%“wi:hifoliy. A = “ M _ 4 % A wA13if«.;h1y5 Cox§fidVm%1VriIfieAn’ature a%z%1cft«h'etexiri1:51oy~:i1“entof’tIit:>fi:.i‘dA£ifi1A-:9 mcdfpirits, 4Bee1y.aex:;b% tké=bI’é1=z““réé!* D'%agawahd”Se%pe’a;i, failed,’ the Dwiz» ‘:“a:naZ%*;S'»zzm“aé,~%" WM decewerb jri._§L* mirid, V HéVe%y5L1‘:nc%§%‘ t€adV0F:;h'€irCO£1‘difi0n5:”hdW‘Gbd&% Ahath‘ Abdund ”fhEm°W’it%h 'c*»’<:“§é3ifi¢e :‘ afa{az2r;£»;ne:;~ aim'4./ma ‘rej2;mr"éé£ :4Ioem—fér ‘jmigamm: ‘ ?‘ If ft); ‘thief! t:%1T€1' €*%7%I’1135*§$19i3‘j :3T3b&tT1‘ét*~i;§I§5r1é35$%a%t 1;éafE- rqrhedm‘ “arid iffo ¢1:m.;rh¢:u? tar a;f¢3§:if?G<§c1f[p2¢”r’E'd$; noftmfe ‘%3mi”g’é*ls ‘théfé finh*‘e&,$* bu? £32111?‘ Tdmzaftv :H§¥z;::eHa%:»whereévefthey4:gde£1;ay~wm-_,%~;z:a;raw tJ§a4ir~fa?e!j!u~1a2‘Lé‘tI5'-tlyeyéz A ifu’;ff‘e137% Wkhbwétfi : réfexL‘#}J¢V the x:njw§%fir:zba*V%d;4;».of}’3a£geum:g c1m;fiyA?a%a]2‘" arm mf11{,‘.u&'j‘3-“’ A A V ' ; E 3, "" ‘ men of amid»:-.r* 3 but is * m‘aLdnes*i1: A i”e1f'e,% for Rev}: ‘ %% .J47"g'.44¢ 3 1m. 5.; £3 M3thw2.5.5g,,, M H: b. 1 212.3. Math. 5.31 Mach.32.; 0. H:eB.x.}I.42-A l~TaL;4“,'7 Lulu: 5.703 M.mh.x8.m-5 “‘ Revel .1z.9§ 3» 5 ts Ijwfig Qaacumgue wdzmt gebemw zmmfimm par, » mm‘. flq. xx. % q. 64. art.4. Tormenmflfi-5 mammfecum % fernrazgénfirw fefirisitantika V M ” #6? guiarjilafiffi ‘ }3m»},=~u:- %« x PCfa:‘5Val$'cV ' ‘ \ % as clmmeia pom- mr,fer'vk2rem wimre rum pa- . re/A Efiuis, lib. 3 v di'_:[,3liP3.6e 33. Basia in Iacob. z. 5 3 Pet, 2.9333. &2‘i2ere; z'n2Vnotberlz’]%af3tert/ii: Izfiwficended. V agar 315:: fiejI6‘,”-fflaaakgng ~e'z:£l ’fld£iégJ?b£‘]k¢V0W130f§: J?207’1‘;flg u them/Zhrja: zwit,/9 their own dccaiwingg ting]? mgmflwxll mwrly Jpé... ,1fi_'/’}_vi11V_zzf/:I%6’iv,r_‘ own canfrttptians. Have yet not " heard of the harrour that overwheimeth rhem,tha:: they are forced , zhoughxhcy re/ifi A- “God, to “be1¢éve;Jthat: which they qpprmzrc not, andtq Ireméle um... ;_derA;heWrath they @%‘can%noc avoid? Bur: efpecially thinke A of their ‘A A 1mpLoyment,how they Walks tbaraw airie%plmre:, fretting and vex»; a $31. jug themfelves, running too and Pro, and compaflfig the .Ed:Vt}6; P\.iat!':};.? :i..»g,g‘.””, Job. 1.7. 1.11 gt «gr ” Afifl 5¢i.§,’0\ 4 ‘. “ ‘ .. s; w ‘ 4 ‘ _ ( ‘ _ ‘ 1, . grga. 2 Sax~v1.tz3-‘*3. zcflihggté 3f.tf$..‘“ ,3‘ h‘ m“ ' gm;.v9~'f ‘ . B2-um. a 8; i 0, % 1 I. réhow Sagané entrcdfim that {smart Aoffirdaa to Vbetray his AMa"ficr, filled é/fnanigzs and Saplyimz re 11; «azggiwfifthc Holy G??hOfc;:i _WI;aaz _~ V;paines %the«yx:ake to ,1eadcaway é:"ne, foules ofpocmmén and‘ women Vawcaptivfe? A If the_rc were not another Zgfe» befide: rm; A andif the V foule were not Limgmorcall, why is ‘it*%chat%~thofe fpirits Aggoweyabout _,qpnti:g%zMl1yfe£r’gi;¢g 4w»’2¢2m~ they may de,z{~om;e,*‘.and neverjceafe. to s %é.“cc'uf¢+»GQd~4tQ us; dfidfilflj jazzdnigkt, taj acfmfiv _tl:a;1$'4iflI:Vzmto “fc:¢;z2[ f sa:;:h1y;%Addecaaxxthere,cxgeccmfideracicn éf aa;;cz,;mg»»a;; imgzregls ;yo1,1 haué heard, A hciw Smzl, foughttq that wircbjaf Emdor, w_hQ'W.t”hat 11zitcl3,b4;£f¢m£££;.:_r fpim'z:m* her cammnntiy %%rh0W:,Mm 4-’ V?f2z72.::;:f.r gmjfe 3/barow we fiffia i1¢*¢b21z':'t7}za)zt3',,.: M 41231; ‘§\3f;it.}.7;fa;}ar:i§§i.[i¢z9* fpir£r:AAand~j%dWimr4.s_, how this finne did~7a:. b”o4und_;;m“ong(E the Canaanices of o1d,,‘h0wi{h:i&1y,God forbad the pecip1eof'Ifi-ad, thatxhere flaould notbe amQng&;them\any_% but: that :z_/Ed div ifi;»tt50_i1,07f»&Zi1 i2m’a;zi¢tcr,%qir;az ;a%it(:1_a;ar; 4 c/azzztmer, » .”;fca}:fz£lt§234r fwigh f4???f'1ifiF:f,3}§i?‘£fJ, M or at Hza:iz,a;r”d, ;;Q1f.a_ Necro-i-.~ ?‘fqvrV}2?Zht/é4t'wdqa t/zef¢% tla£n;gxarA¢ ms 4%£‘o4m£Mtim tzftiaa AA % A‘ Lard, andfor all thefe afiboxninations did the Lam! drirue them out " fr%am“l:éf&rVa‘ ram. How did S Satan deceive tha Na~cionsby the M Oracle of‘ Dpflp/90.: .3 m%how&’ha_t¥hj this finne xaigned in. all ages in an in ongfi At11;¢f Ca1dc:a:)é;L thc: jevgzes, sand %C}enp§1¢s- P which things gr: {"0 évident, ésn%o;1eg:a;14% dcpy chgm : apdmcan any onc§Vimagine% that %Sa;tanAwoi:dd be fbfallicitam 4:o,feduce,24ea,d} ti: c*;zp'tivzmte;fA fo abfiqgzqm for a timé toL bc-:co1wne_a% d%rudgeianda»%vaffa1l; to the «poor- éfl offxnen; Wand fl/lief} of wQ”men,; %%thaf;,h¢ may,_;wix3n¢%theiriou1e's, if x:h_e.re were no fonhér ’Iif'é1;hén this '1%{6~_¢" :_T_0 this _ adinyne, she. ate. +¢ifC<5n1'urings ?\vhi¢h‘:hofigb%abdminablabeyoéd expreffions yet ijtwis (oAnotor1ousina11A laccé, afjnd” in all ages, that it isbeyondtha %.de:u:a11ofany.whoha&no: funk¢him"i¢1f¢M.§§19w hisflwcie:.wf<;£ % % . 2 % A % % C i. 1.; ‘ There is masfixerlgfi xzfltfr tbisllzfeislendeds . 4 t 29 ellefl l25sAlull:?ilxouldA§be éi{quietcd,and his {ouAl:tlo1mchtAcdl belbre khisltiinea hathfolcl himfelfemzer to bela {lave to ux1beleife,ancl~is ’ Arefolvcd to am: hAisAAeyesagainft Athe light of Scripture, andagainfl: tlxelight of Nature, and to ~clo{Ae his cares againit all the loud cla- " ~mours of the heart vvAitl1in,an».d ucperiencfsl Awixhcut : and what at-» A gumentsacan convince thacAlm;le,~AWhich hazhemlade afovenanc Afiwigh degph, pg;-.2-:2 :2-mgr Agreement W571‘/9 Hc*I1,1 ‘that is refolved, ‘ ‘~ yleyeris laid r.c,perfws.de lfzim, ye: hellA.Wi11n0tb¢p€rfWad€dP Wad Amhough one, or ten thoufand fhould rife from thedead, that foulc _ Awil.l. not be perfwiaolxgd, llifl. Il33CAhlS~ lufls fl1Ao"l1ld bAeAmo_l;fled. lf 3. ; ' ;;-4€ {|ii1 “g Confiderlvtlhe naturallr lccA>ni‘cienAcfe that Ais1'n_ all men : ',4yg,y,‘ ‘A ‘__flaeeirA zIaci.»zgl;wt.: av¢e.;Wk:ile accwfixgé cxcAe:_/z3'4g,What inward gripes :;.fiA;ndlr fec1'e:"terrouz's,;A: Hill poor macl A Awretches fuflFerA.theAmlE lvcs to j’;bAe‘l:fG"baPd€dAln3lnd maflefigl AAwith-their lulls, that at 1eng:h__tAAhey% joyn V-ts§g‘ith~etl~.;eirA:lufts,coA:i:p_;§EZe and getrlxe v:&ory:m'er their ownelcon-A ~f¢3mc6s;~l«~that beifig P4fllf€¢1iW§=—»¥’?r3'm-er €6wmiltfie~WW ;<;1W~ when w dz7ne;AlAA:: ye~t-~when~tliey have done ‘all, Atl}ey;finde‘i_tdifficulcxo Alkeégfi we ’ W‘ ;down»»thefe {pm-l«:s,.andlA to {uppAArA-5 lTe1he{e7flafl1e$ that ajmever xfifing‘ up. . If this be l:r3lghtllyA: Aweighed, it may be reputecl oneeArgument, that the thoughts 0f:Aanm:her li%e,:~’of .Aar7AmAhAe»r:A» clay of account, are ,wria{2enA;o~n;;theAAA; hea”rts~eaf*1allAmen,* al3:d..A:hat the_5;i1naAginz~u;ion em fiche e Ac0ntl‘2.15y7," is .m.therA ah 'c:}l>~>z‘f¢m**liha’v“e;*t‘hey c2Z1i:ed.4 Eh@it~‘?7>1'find 1 agftw A fin:-ire quicn f_"$’:°‘”-‘5’4* wztbiefig qwsvw apmm-4@_; nisvobfgrxged bye cm: Awarsf an.honot_1rtp me ;;,,,g,¢; a;efW_, t~;I§:x%b;i13:=;gf*,A:haet E W-nrm*~ h1?7qafe1ft:ea?tVures Vhavgeherc ‘their home; :have siheiir 1ninde7fat«isfied%‘A; bu:t_;“the wmzkings df*the.which%%it .hach~:fQught~im whim-gm paflgandtevjer W.as= difappoin. tted now; .the =0p&tations‘ of an creéccuresiV Follow theiari: u- ei%I'enc€ ; A ;t.hi‘s. tendency of :he.*:riinde~:0 the %Afi1;tuxr¢, arguech thefifoule to=bes‘”;a fitmnfim, in the way, andnsor. in .i:s;ov_vp cousggreyg and ;5ha1:A;we .-mi «no: ye;4z;;:hamt,‘:hat zchislife isbut Aa Vpaf{ageA.toAM.an0tj1e%r.; ; f c: A L Eourthly, Conficiet the'confefliens'aofadwerfariesa%t weir death, virho have denyed ‘:thistr’uth im:1a.:;;» life. " Belfiazmar in the height: 4 «qfhis jo11ity,,whenthehand-awtitinggapeared on nhc?wal1,% his cam.» ttmmce was cIa»zzzgcd,4Lnd% his thought: trawh/'ed,J. that thef jainm afwiiiflaynex Warm dofi'.;l,amUai.r }qnea:fmat~ez4b%1é?agm’n_/} ;t/aerbtkaer, A. nmm. A » ’_',f,.g..,3“ % A ¢»Eight~ly,, Io thismight be added «the providence of God’ : aifwe Phil, Mom; b_e1eeve Rlumrck and:other ~hcathen aurhourjs, :his*%;d:ifpu&te is need» p.29. 1; ' -—iefl’e,{ for Gods providence anddzhe foules fimmortality are to: united « together, 1:.ha.t»hctha”tdeniesmhe%Aomeaéflieiiroyethg:%he4other=¢; ' ¢ A A did Godaxriakethis wx5r1dV%fc»:fu11 nfbeautgi ,<»but_t7hat.Ioemewflapuld behold the Creatour. in in? why fhwould man contemp1atc»1:he%~Cw‘- atom? inthe vC'1~mtt£re5 but toradore ¢ him P v"whyfhw1d:man above all fublunaty creatures A/adore hirmif man above the; refi~.of;the crcfa-r {sures had no hope in him ? Heb. I 1.6;; 'he”chau:< aommet%:+.'m =azizzr::Z God, ma &etaé¢:e x*1m7t%i“Gdal gm-eIw~:#m:;m;he :2» rewxrdgtt affihftm V A «game ;ls4im§.; thofméwards ;am noc;di1penfed~here;uhere&b1:e4 axe gefgrrwcd V£or»»a»£§fe =lm*:zftcr_:~ : why «h9g;h*Ggd gzvacnfg,,mg,ny;g1fts f" W“ A “*1_gjj "' f" L ' ‘ “ A % gntg_ %;e;:¢.ca £90 “étiA7a.nAs.;mth€Ac<2n£ra§y:w TI9ef;{e;1‘;'&'-fi4;1%0$*&'6?’*A7§if€Aaffififitbis IzféAimmded~a iugmman,whiqI;:pe.r1w51s:; him‘ ai£3%A t2’?ig£ ;?‘ andfi11s~:.hisA(mir;dmi*;h ¢¥.(i'§§Liic;t.;nseI§ts«s:¥1%?~$£ Aflhgl-AV Eh?-\b'U;1.;f.i.€h C,i§€;A3£fatLI:rsA€f-3%‘a&r:¢2 -f.i”1e.txx a;zm%;nmeA .beAa£iis..;A4 Land- Whffin h€M~1?i@siA d1’3«;W,I1; any o£;;:th¢;. f@nnk5AcfAA~m¢:i% im t’MflM#g«A~ 935* furditys .Fé¢4%;Vd41;fP¥:1V:€;:: t§1Aci£:1~£e41vc€+sa;nu;:% o.fi2h.:c;% th§Dughts~~ oE~§hc&n:;awn immatcalitya. h§~;h§;: £0 €%;1:.t¢;..:*‘pW.teya;i1ed ‘mg Ab1inae;:e:manymf;them5 . thatAaft¢rchey=Aha;v¢: afiirmefiszhe Izafimegqfanhe1n1m9r~ta1t;£@ule;to be mormi1~,-they have ’Agon;3{£b@u<&£”‘®.=M:.~. pfq>2§z:.Ac~t1cr.z«%.n¢%anurm «9£Lbeafis, AAV.”!?3?5€’9AV'4 ?!b:3V‘%A A AA A A A.;1n'im;¢ i;4x.y'&A:i A 8/f-¢Wi4’=*€!!?éT; A gia;.Aug34fi-A ’de’:atizi:5:A;%;5g£ AA dendi c,7J. A‘Un;- V dejgam otim mg ter pbit¢fi-p£w::A%%% A ijdem gmmm. 33 AA :1/Jkafbgf 5': dgflinffifim £333 5o;1y.., % % rstwanamfia. tb be led away vgaza alf cortuVption.AA Ifyou 591:-iv.;-‘zA?3Ot ‘vvthis;A yam fi‘~"‘.~"”-’*’3*‘a W 7 caqgnever 6; efhzélijbrd, ‘therefore be not faivthleife, bu:%beler:« A ammar ma:m- V - .. V‘-I . ‘ ' (es azxerzmr. mg’ ggm,3_’,__,M§,3za A * Second1y,Therais afe+:om‘{ etrofir ofthe Semiam-1aeifl:,xvhacom 4;, _ fem: than-theAreis#a%day “of 7j°L1dgemen%cA am_i Aajwfurrefiien ;bL::*«;iV:A;-EA. 11‘-1-7:-4:» ’:r3y‘%that the:Scrip*tm:'és;ho1d~A%out, tb a!t't5J£’ few! :2: dz.-fz‘z'w:EE~ ffv-am Agigg A 34 E“'0i1F éaafy, or that tbafaflf imztéz my abiding after the éadj :2: difalwed, comma’ éwtfiaepx tiilrfis edgy‘-* éf5~refm2_freA6}£arg; I could be Willing to bury thisermur in everV1afi:ing Git-nc«.é, but that fame have lraifed it from ‘_t'heembeVrs,*«‘ant&L%~ii;I ::hefe“tiAm'es %wAiAths ;a.nf»jjPam51e 5ol;1:sa3';; VumA_{4er mg‘ Aumm ,sh.1‘*notion of-inewligf1c,“have{a!heredvin tI1ji§i‘;An~p ofiiarknes. Igxfs V bfirflcg V ; errour began to vent :1: iclfcby the heathen, afterwards to Apozicn Hm g,.,.$,g,,., .Ta:z‘:msm after the time Offwfiigze A[M,¢n7;~, and; afterhimfl {om-z: Mahornét z',~:"é- other Chrifiians inTz1mé£.:a; yecm ‘Achafe dayes chxs errour~%wa.*s» fa J W?! in fiw-4!- fifulficiently refijted, _thacit: fcexnéd fm: inmy ages dead AandVburied4, A cbfargaza, J05 51:31! Mabamat that fidfc PropheVc,Who“h1ving a carnal! mizade; and :32; f;::;§9' =faVouringnoching of chefpirxt, dreamed or1Iy‘%ofco-rpoAra1i painefs. m.gEx,,~gm,,_,.m and pleaiures that men mould have after the refurreéhon; and _A jzaa1iaz'um;re. A %amo_ng Chrifiians it appeared lifiacle, till Satan,itob1e:mifhtHatg10— A iiéwttlgjmféirtfa %;;;Vi~%&iTo%this% endAconfid::r-thef¢tWo po[it:ions%=v:AH W ’ ~ ° N % WW N“ %Fir£%:;1.That rhzzzscripnure clearly ho1det‘h%A Vout,W%tb;zt M A ygqmusiziqteé dffl-infi fmm t/2:£v&a'}'.';J.%?%I%p1H'6.;.0V¢r the arguments thatAle,zrm+d fW*‘W‘W'3- vtious reformation, in the dayes iofr: %Lzm2.-«er, «mired up forrxe Amw- 1ii%iu5l=4«¢=5z—3~ b1p:iffS»inAPalom'.z, and fince,the Socinians andLibercAines,to re‘- ‘A’1?:£‘W§’ % A vive. this morfib:-r.4 I have not Lime‘ chorowly to difgover the root T£;¢_;fé' 5;” ofchis poifon :only give me leave E.0_1€'3d€*y0L1 by Vthcfhandtlo «um impz{e_fl"M {oma foveraignc A',«m'dota:,a}s Pcrong prefi-rwgriwrs againfk this in- Ap23~Po£on£:Im‘A fe&in, Q .% ‘ ‘ “A “A % « ~ A % gaarayaapri-;; A : mfawz as AMWIW? maze-r der what the GodLofmF2th hath re%vea1ed, vazldyou (hall findewthzi: gdi -ah; Scripture %rel1ex:h.us *cleerly,r fjxa\t%th¢ugh?%V:hefou1~i2;em§:y.-2:1tq 3&;n&%£:omVt¢hé *‘;’€5'”‘?7¥Y‘3‘%i‘5i5."W’”&f"”””b‘1""b' ' A AA A A A “A body. ¢ ;% ~11-fl,in i:s’r£fi~,G»:_fi.2s7gWC have had the fdtlzerk 00:57‘ flef/3_, rzgfl J7"’iVd.Aqu-in.-, 314%’: 5:22: aéediefit M H them; hOW much7A mo1'e to t/aefazf/9&9?" sazfifrdgefif-If‘? fp£r£t:,i4ndl£ve?thoaghfiod flame our éaditry ¢‘zmj?«-A ?mAi*%f éarfégt £1‘ “:7” A tagrawiin %a#r%=/Wdtlarw wamée, téskq m -m”of aa{2A?*YWétbgr:‘5ef{ £;1;E_?fi'5., A } ye: heufeth our nAatural1parents“as Amftmmenrs of our Vbodygbuz: 1: A 2rg1,;a 9, A is Gofisgreat prerogatiécé E0; 12¢ §h9—i§%rR;¢d§a.refa§ber of W fPi~ .€*f?:1f4~A57+;3§9. S€°°fl¢*$1>'= msimm M? mm bring from che lightVof nature to confute this crrotizr. Confi- J K L 1~wce=Aa2;*erA£'roA;z«.e% Tlaé @252 me 591% % «:':"i:o7i‘1~"d -A Ha‘ mz~»j,f}r: Whéfi film? és:a¢z;y“=%V‘gg~r¢‘aa»;»“‘ 15* zm§%V": A thermfie-L91-ifiinfi—pe):i’og‘sA oféi cimagw:bgyos5ci=A~~¢v:;ic&x"ia13¢ ~i~f1ipo‘17fible toj:».1‘d=i§:éi‘t§1‘er=%a4~cubi%§§-70: a" h&iir35s%:Abt“ea*d'€h fie‘ c:fmj’.s* bt71z:”tE51"'e A.i‘ou3,e ‘is ‘em;r“grpiWi11g~«fb%r%Ar%ar&V Tm t$*4A,ri&g;>;»jf¢fhEE gm ’;"d%i’i?‘h£7‘..u,t5!.J‘5¢ am of :9": e;¢a*1¢5E:t§Ai0ugt§t%Eafi.%i;$A;a$§% v¢eaikzass,VAV y-m~o:*1mg«-;«;z% g£‘;2';tfe$+ §eragr;ia:¢;?V'=w.4%» ~ “ A ~ “ 3; 3-fi%~‘iv“."€?.1‘23“3§}“7,"*,3"wI‘“§1<3«‘f”Q'Z«3»i~I3tZ‘. is%ofze%nfl2~n%%zg'“a_fl%‘wfién?E3O§y¥é§ ?w‘e:s«;’{:;fl, dyin%§C§rzri$?tians Eiagve manifefied the%hVigi1€:1?; .«,=~.~ct:¢rz1{.«sw:ry;.* arms; éa“. »~.¢z‘sa'l};' i;rz_;’~;'.:«’=::~',-::«,:.‘¢~I¢.§..m-‘:A x:v§*nenVth;21v; hathVbeen.tim%1?ev.a'{%: of‘;Zm~Zz;fi:» agf m£-- “M>r‘c:vi,;af‘£';;:.?::éta*:*: ‘Mich been: ‘zl:m:‘>‘..‘:‘f'§;: z:r3:%x1’fca::n%<,.ié:*2%t‘: g1o»2‘=i:0u‘s% *e;§AprefiE~or2zs*A z::~f“»t;h‘e V ~=-iijfe *m,§£gs»g'a:¢g:tsAiVai~§i:1& ~é=ar“:§1is,4V¢a1:€ér.:he3v by; expem z“-911i"-ir7:?"8??£A’z‘2e*.z.*.2~9z:ii.%,1:§u*.aa*’:9z% ?;a£g;+.:~,¢g,;v M, ‘t£#e:'ir15 :§3¢7%i§71Ia3*’zi? =':»mm my rexaawad-=Am+ £11! afizy; T L N % H % ‘ ; 14__[_*' 'f§‘z.§rc%i}gT1»1e'£be;§€ not the zegmgsr ofthe b<>d§,*,Ab£*cau{e«if:7ffuie3 ‘Athe¢Ate1;ap6m,ian’d‘7di&1%g3;mjp&%r3%~aé§:7i3<:d*yl...; A?% A A A A 7 71 7‘T51i§é'dly§A.5= t'URZ7iE‘;‘-LC’:‘C'ifijC%£}i5t‘5'&f3I¥¢¢%’,i‘!¢i'rz?.\Zl da;ej7@lz'£t§a}§.4:}74‘iz'{f‘39i}(§L’1 a1;1;?by %:4£fi1?*é3bE5&i§;V%%f77I1a‘EK1$'biérfni fd;.=1i“kn:*d,$i the lfi1p€ri'sa’tu1‘ar111$%Tjoyés1bf Lthe'f$u1e~’hawébeoss-xi »enLa-rged ;: ‘vJhen flit? bodies of ‘Ma1jtyr$~%ihzwe bt’.-‘flew §)nflI}fE raak, L1+3i‘d€r_;t0r;L1rii1gS5 §zoAw havevdneir % foules béh‘-:11 HE.» 71e’dm with inWdfd‘j%A‘tiiua1jp fixings,» ;e”mis>m;ci1agtl*:e bzgrmincg-fi;ames4%%1ike +ihaAve_;:¢¢2:;d«:;r:::dia§.1mmd;md£u11A~:Ahings¢thafcmen could infl‘i& ,_ tafitéfie i=.»¢cl«rr1irazfiiozarc$ftl3’Eai‘rAI ”c:?i14%ai13~.ies‘, and:~theconvi~L- &io;:‘z ;of‘many *9? fnheér beho1Idi.:3rs;%$? aa fufizlm A{;:5r1,jr,N :mdo:~hers. A 1; ‘ :A.Fou1:2'.i;1y;»i¥17hey‘gaa'er;;ii{’c‘£%r3ci—’% in their: wggmzzza}f!£"?';%[[“:y0Il¢#'ti0fisI,Eh€t'E AAa'reAA*%i%£_:m*ia’;ia;11 m«;%'jxrzz::iiga-:iz;‘i:k:.«?Az,w aswwell bcmulyw, and Wig bi“«:i-7t0*C1°é%Air1i?t;%3é11z.‘A7?7€'.'@§Va=£:§$ ??fi'i57i2‘: li.«;:L{£.ji.’.#3;£;iz%e]]?s>A:o gm §~£$f§,*midi‘Ed"abffaéiiiigE}’%»*'0;?é§$»‘;¢W 1732f?-xgfizviivffcfj zmrre‘ again t/em I %1}7i§€‘e:h1y#,<%~ They m'£:=A¥di;n? *;—;:;eg3;rd of» ‘z~.§fze3- jz"rz¥ e:I;~:.»a'z~zIe.s* requi- risdg €l*~i*5~"I1i*1F25%i*i§$1%i‘fz§j "5 fiizii-{ci$%f<: i‘%£:’{fir "£:l?:£E:"L:"33‘x‘»C:§g},: ~ anaa m £212? J!‘-;Ir!£Zlé"I hi fiflf ;Eé:i1:im:1déii‘ ‘LES ii‘-’~-:4 d*£»fy~a¢2g-ézyfiar“ W zé’71a’,:¢f;3”:‘§A;>=.Z*dii C3; id A §1ek‘:f3i?374’§31&f‘A"§':30*‘“i‘*i’1“fI'£§r3.°:;‘3'¢l‘i us to f*£=:ii{£3”‘i1=:s :Ai1oL1‘gfiat Afé«ArVti1eim11;e%? ?;3Ja‘eAAt1m:%his C{l3l'1“;lM&:,Li‘~%6Qfl"1':‘L";23€lA‘A}“’,7'z!23>'a.‘ Move .r;!.+:’ -ziyiwgy AZ 901%? M : a:%9'*isi={q3§7£*:{9‘Vz,9l9)‘' 1‘;ézw 3g£1xé’ an 'éiil.§;§"—ca:»¢c'e:’vts:v%li7'24:.l<{§'%$ yam‘ i;z2f2'{5§r3:g' ¢%.%2§*:l-<éZefza:s«2¢,*" :“*xz2¢alT&iz7£ir~.’q‘oz:t yAAam~fafzz;¢;£zAa;¢ »v~i;+;'$;€me A 4i4%;%‘xa:¢;3i§€“(}'c34d 'flfiéq€1ifiE;§’hO:?€ ajfl"s to be fgerfiidrjfnecl to A fbLi1efi*!c:5?a‘1‘i the bady; ~ ~ 4 2hé“f6i11é§5=i%vP;i@fr?%;»%2rre%$* ab1%_§§s1teLyVv? i£ormad::a+ xio the body 4t§1€j.f_n * the « I A »i!:»*.r.«a &“£’;__;_§E€ &79;"jDP°33','1":, 2'50 r‘-M‘-'Ar‘:!:~,aw* "w;.;; Gem. 1? 5'-J .33: *1’ 3%'‘35 M /frgn 4. 'f“".u -B -n. (‘H- .4. 4-;,,.1~.H.c?': afikfiezcuzm 3.. A-""g~s» AA F‘! 3 3’ W Jr; 333:?» «W 3- jar T‘, am“ ‘'1 JL,J',_ 1,.--.::.1.,.‘I:.:" A. '4' 'L.“ -‘:0. 9.;-‘. 4'; :3" L:_‘£y*Sl-mg H12 - }!%-7vz:1z=.3.%.:EM.:.. % " ‘ A Mr-&§243« sae A:&.'3,7;\A§ «'55 V and gigs... 2*ba;rauzi:»a'z;[ziva5tj we éoabv; Sixfi1lAa; Theymzcdifiinétat.rim:timwf-di;H’aZm:iv»s,»fwhen they ‘ part: one; ram-. t%h¢J».QmheIi, W:h'erI the, Servants of 3Q¢'n3%Y€ fem. Mmefided their 4b0dies~% rot.heground,% how havetheir £ou1es~reioy- geqlga Tgoe, put4 of this J>17?a‘bernac1_¢“ ? as Hilm-~£an%and 15';ol';¢.~‘-.¢:;p.- t€15£'§'$%.Wh€n7 his bgdy Vwasfioncd ,feeth.. H€;¢‘<'¢ez¢x qp:m:3,andfc‘r}_ed, Lard fq/“mmeckivvgz my%_/p£:ri;3%%: :hqf<>u1e. f11;»erefo:§¢ vbe ;diR:iné’c H fro}‘I_I,1 the body,%in ‘C13£4.?5f€§in-Eh€..& awibrking ,»£n it: ca‘nfélat£am, in it: d :zti¢,'.cj,? in its Ap0f[fi ¢tié?fl.f,=, 44-2zd4’in~%tIae~fifate ~aft~cr~«deat!a, then» to- » “ ;y6afi?f?x::arc£‘the»fou1¢wit.h:£hewbody ..;':'iS as great an errou1f,%~as to ::m- Sdul isgnfgmtoro ”%~v\.2a11:;and"c}..5t‘h not Heep tiilv % the day ofthe: réfurreéiicn. ..Arg.I. 3,, V $en.z§.g, ~ - - I 3 _?§rc33'i 6: Luk. :_:»,.,M,, Chrifl anfw,ere:h xha éjefireof the mo: y;enitenn,;nhic_fc5«{_l1i$. §€€1%1_€{‘= _t:70i¢‘?¢4lAl€”fe‘Wit!2%~dmtb,and: light, iwi:hAVAAAdarknes.{ But Azefpecially A V §9Vnfid%er Fh3§;9onthQf€‘;ar-guI£1Cn_tS than pram: ~Athe4:fcm1c4to»ex%ft fe- “ «pagatc ?rdmtheAbody, doe “am-W€‘fl'a.b1Y ~confi1,;!;e t~£_xatj%«%—;Errr,; that “ the foule is bmrrlar temper afjitlae éady,_the;efore confider the Fe---_ K %Pofi:;z.% - co::9-I%;1?;efitif<>n.. The scripcure exprexrely telach~eth%us,,§ha::he {mule ncgeicinely-V ;di&yi:z€t[from the- body : b:;:t» that thé foule livethy Wheri fa . Zairatcd; A *fro;;1 %§:{2%¢‘bod)z,“a1:zd»that §tgeni;;orsibeing bi1ri€:d_in~ “Gizaof£h¢"‘C1m1a’ee.s3bu: 11‘- térfimbdmx bo”‘Ts:i}z; was ‘iI1I€;‘l‘£'€d in the ca‘ve ‘ _ of», Ma€19prlab% ~&:far_e i5_{mim:,¥%in the lamdV%ofCa§1amf.&% day_£ha1tAthf>u be.-.“2aéi~;la we in Baradf/‘e, thfirf: are fomefm 3»-A void this Scriprure;rA;wcu1‘d“dividethcwords thus: I fayéunrathee fhis %d}ay,a;1& makea Rep‘; there; feferring the Werd,thi$d:WctO~tke4 % {yer/'o“2zLprpw;%r , and not tothc bleflisag A pramifid tqv-‘«§’}§?l‘1i€11~I fl :;f%nfWer,;hatf’Afir ,t0 a1it¢t“wmmaf°sL 8c%~,{’cops,againi’cA.a11?:€C€W€d C0“ n pai¢s, a. high pgefumptigp, 241which;@iF: tolerated“: 11°F‘! W311~*%%¥h¢= “ ienfe¢%i.+9£s¢rip::are beJs7vr¢fi¢d:b¥;f%:wam:on wars t»cr%tbf9?="%’*??3%*F”‘?’>4>"“4'% Semndl .,C)I-: promifed the poor Apenitééut thiefe on tf1ecmfl'e,_v we. _s¢gena1y, ;h¢,Con;¢;g;A fuffiqienrly 'confuc:::th; zhis%a:.:;Vg1dHe,.% . -A» ‘Y 1”befoulAAz3' immortal! and dark notfleepé 3?; is, Lord,r:21‘u$m%6qr. mg when tlaakt com&j£{£n ;{rtl:; Kingdam: : but Chrifi immediately that day enrredinto his kingdome ;‘ now ‘in Chrifh»anfwcr,nonekcanimagine the wmrdsto lire adenyall .2 and: if tI=ierebe~a granting his petition, than to interpret the wbrds,‘ Vtliaii fame thqufancl yeares AAaFter,A~z2i;o. at Ehed:.1y of the r‘efurréc°c“io_::; A the thiefe fl 1qx:11cI?b%c remembred 3-, is to abufefichéz-£'aith%oftfis goat penitent, to Pcraiten C~h_ri{’cs%b ounfcy‘,andwt_‘.:%arf:e’£z¢;;n¢ hang .:b§¢;sv£n;ea,%% av; The xmaraailg 4m‘a’a¢ia aréozéflfleepaig. 5.§§“’i?=A¢¥1€Y€fi10Ef1d'i?‘0‘£ We d=..£aid:,wmn this. »%~.r»::z¢ dii-Z~’r9«1t6;:‘+f»*4?«i'=-"%;%d12:!;I*; tléis b0df§{‘";:‘S;":?f‘3¢.'!:‘/"‘?“d5.i [this ~~tabe4rnac1e1r¢fZ*md *Wh6n:§h¢y dfififi? Partici: we bodyaazhis weream o%+.i0ve t9vt~h£irA%f0u1€9, n9%?J0P4Vt %0é"'~«?Ws 9%‘ 1o%ve% :o;4%~;h:eir»bodiesV; 1 for PM 6-.0@31dk¢hav¢ ¢Wi+- flied ?W?*@‘~;%{5f’}i‘¢“‘; W? &:af;.éé;f“e»% CM-) «fléxfiarr AZ55:d§55flfi%%§%t}1%3‘+fi€¢.: i§3;?«nv+2r$a¥14«i’0?-€165» + 1 y'Six’thiy," 7I‘ii;§ cripcmge;§"pce%aké::§:*; ¢;;x;pm;{1f2.-3A;;;2, ail }:?}?é;*£»z:2?é l T*~:he;}Sfi3i£?%t3‘fW’¢ %3*4:i%;i*» %€?%s2‘iii%;w1=%le;rake in A a tbfi‘. 545% £5 rm:-V s:éem9ar‘iioaTa:%' trfw~tV«rI6:¢if11¢SP1r?7@rGf¢;3c¢ ?1%*§0«§§1fi1?'*5»~§*3"ii3’%F31?‘§§"%‘~i?§’ fltwaliizaaziwyia:‘;:17%rl9§3? % ;. §7Pé%k¢4‘ti% ;;£;hi$L :€9§4:¥fil’¢fifl ?3%§tj:_¥¥§f0WiF§; t?J#¥=? % %;zzr¢?_3¢%_;4”% 1999335; :§;*«;%~- t 13.5 éady,~_ b‘s=‘e% were ggéfimt ifxom tlm%Lo;?a' : .-agfifii” WE éte confidéfiit anidifiziilifi 3ratm¢$Laé~b<=!abf¢n‘t;Ft°i1ith€2b<=-- V =3» A ~ »A¢~t»‘~"‘*>"='=3*"*‘A*‘A*'-%"»m»;i‘*“V=: C.*<%Vfl5®€¢¥% W-§‘%AthAe~V1=:3ifiPat%t¥49f% §1‘Gmé173~‘~¢ ; A iti Vis'fp{zrfe45Zé2i,M*f.énd ‘ A s*a2:§:scz.epg‘:1>;e0:~ms z;a=e,,«u—c b3}:E*;éL‘fid1y:Gimfic%f{‘i§i1%e¢£i4fiéf5}}2;} . éfjzéfl :23 mad: P¢:?rfe+ am Athisjl i11i§33t»&&d;»déV mai1b’Vv:m9re;— ar§;u— tn€¢r$s3S,.fh3t*th§ ;@P.Péw£:r_cv.,1"tv4*««" %49‘¢imr-v;i?l,ii¢¢V%W %e%:aaz;m2+:;ra, fiéfflfiii ; W? “Z3-.;?§.,a'??:§;§.;‘3eY”KA:;1’€§‘VQ":3’§'€i§c%1;. ~§(3!?*rif£‘%‘;i$:%-2%’ % fiiéélé §§Y7*5m5—'i§5€?:§“05‘¥’KffA,‘?f€§ a[w5I%?¢%%A%§1‘$a1§~:ii¢p&t?»f€ ftoiifisi 19% 9f;%ii"5?1r§‘1* ?%fW2~ M76 2%‘: wffilrié157%iW'{397§Ea¥e?*5W3§ 2é":=.~~5A%-%%4-Vi&!5«éé<=:.A4V%- c;i1:a.: ib:u§¢$~.ui191€? 1-‘lite’ =;t14t:':1r={4 v’érf%:ér2‘¢*E;5i'7£?§.w2 efr«’-w=.«~’%«2a?,va« .::thatA?zh¢ §9»'<»*«r;»a’?¢, 0f'Chti£¥%’té1%iS:‘hea3r¢?é 032553 fix-:3‘? mamfians .~-‘E;'r”'.$-!;I'S7Z'a1;Kw6 . %b::%u:ii *:z“.h:«;“.*fe::» :hina$gV«&ai1e%.uS‘ at me. da: M an. _ “ .1 A. ". V] A. A ‘A an .% , A % 9§7d@aAth»4AVA ‘mt ,d a:«1:¢ir. *TVmAz1*s1::Ae is $0 be r¢c:@.aw§-: anw . “A . « sq‘ V.“ \ . _ ' % CV§3rgwf&,is?g_m@.jf10;3S 5 ; ' . . % . mm-f W16 truth; .€?id4€n¢€d‘ifi5A-mFh¢ . ' A " AA % W “ A %©{§”VC§é;afix flaw t 2za‘§:é3«;{ ,a_ ,,,‘”n.\v.iu: - wm, en}, “‘:“I‘VV*V‘“I‘/7’«)\..‘ . ‘V~" N‘ Ejnrfi, That tlwsszyg e .4: div-vex "w 1 H 1 . ‘ a V 0 IF‘. «A .5] g "*2 Q ._ J ‘V . A V ‘ ,, W .. us.» ._.\ as E0 rfwi2~“tw»?*z:}§14&eT;d?<=t7$i$fai¢‘i £iy%rra%vfgrefliazz+: ztmv ti1Aa:%2r%ac§;%iAsi*n0t%.thegrave;sfmA»Vth€' 53% Mic»Vvh¢ré%vaiitm§§r iaifs 91a¢¢&~waa :§’c?~t;€ and cic-‘area C7ft%0I1*I1&¢53.§*a~ eahacA%his..finne»%a:1dAGfad: ‘as. iflfilfljfiiflfidzjuxil . me, A. % % AA V ‘A A 1‘ I V ‘ " ‘" . ¢'»"~%?:‘»;4iC§‘.l‘W£' in zitae dag/*hc;:5Acif'i"2£’ou¢k,b}* Ms cftfixxzali fpirétg 'pr€:2.=;chjVJ?”¢'?f:3wiMl%A «A A-mgmggyf",§j,§’;::;3z mt: 531$? 10 _1;‘»E::m t;Im place o_,1FtaMéWs;g:zf Divas} «whc X1’; E:::7.s:abcc§3= %w';:e:s ‘}:.urz'«: C3, 15 md to have hzs fouls x11%t01‘na%c31‘;m%t3ci . I06 bfiajgfith 0:“ f2N:».-:,.j res my .érez.12rcs§%*',t»5J.2.z' tl'.s=~.ey caflzizzwzawm % %z:_fiu'..:~ was .3.=ff;rcz»*.3%;'-:a:»zr .- xrmzzy igxoye this .Sc:r1p::ure to bcghxftmczzflig u~i:°fL1}‘2§-(J{~a'"2i*£ inp;%:2ra z<>»p.;~2rab1e, as{o111eéxprc-fiiong :«j:reg.ran~Li.» * t_t3c';.by, ail 120- httgrzirziéraziawfls :38 E_hc‘;‘~.,tOD8,L1t‘ 0f .DV2i€.i‘,aI1Cl 4th¢.':‘T in-3 . H . . ‘W . . . . get <:g‘£' L;Lzz.n2-m~,; 3c:n<:iz;s;%P»arab1e nmfi: bc*a¢reien1biance;of fomaa ;;;1;;g~_h;, \7§EE3i£§1 is ix‘: ::r':'m:w2 ;m:r;zr_z&, A. and;L xnufi: ~;inVti1x2:=,te% ?jfc-z11ething pafig not future %Vai*'zc;+rit1’m::“%re::iu1'rc:=€hon,as i%W:.=.s \prm.*cd‘.4f0r~ jmer1”y.~»; I . .‘ _i V L5; . W . % 4§*7ecriuArt5tsl}t,% .Tis;faid ‘of the; %So%damVz?rc7s,V fizzu tE:.cy_ AAz:@w;M{uflEr W 4. rz.&e%%;:«:‘_...,~3_)rmz~;t.ze:x;;afez2~c%:é;¢3%zAl! firéugf‘it%:,%ca$n1wz:.b€ n1e%atm"0if ;h¢3i1f‘bV(>dii,t§*aat xxzzzacimzii i12?;€:‘%I;1h.a E611 L%}3013'ti1<";‘ir(§:Vi{§ES, for um. many agfis” i7€z:ce% ‘was qL2c=néb<:d ;:bl1’..'..Of :};eir%1£¢u1agr,v.vA.§zic§.:%a1'euzxefia-;:»r‘%.ths:fcm-;:zmE%f‘: ‘W1A*::.‘th”c;f: aimd, xWhc1*§;%.L11a» A Wfirnifi ifgfifféfcir $z.§€£{$5'. f4z:ad=z2:vf:=:rc;- Vz%1.7:zf'»‘*‘i';je7 23' :f:?c”’ZJ}¢?':i‘*q7Vlt3‘$2’€I5J1£’c‘J;£J 1; 5"3?’=’£é§«e£,4-- j fiderdwh’at.:He$2:r*iptur::£*:mh6f E§fI:¢§i‘_fi5?2‘2’!;'='.:“;f*“r3’j'7x:£fl’ Aar«2e2é.z":2sg;ié*::e*ra:zI’!,;V * A A m1Leg»_33%.e; or’ L11‘:jufi:%,%wlzemer M they ("care %Ggad;Qr;fi%t;arev~him A é RIDE» _ “ V 1 V ‘7 i’ j ‘J’ " if 1 f’ .; . ;m% f‘f*%:a:VcE1e%% E-Kati: fi»*2*i’£‘i%.s*;'Qfl%%€3.ii1 A *~‘ ‘ aha: §§¢;,+~;:§1% C":0‘7§f’T1fiT$Y;?‘.f;a§i?‘:;§ gmml timflnirizt mm a*—.~'3.-v«zt‘_ge2;;'.='z:.t':r[ ;,:pw.e:~7a£' ?j; £'3C¢}¢f..V iv? ‘ Af 3,35: though11?1:3.i"‘.M;i0€ja'2§)£hCOi“§fi§E€Efit,‘ «.':»i‘3:ra.:a;i*1%%;z«£ié::A;:*:eti1% ir,; V % _ 3vW§.".J€fi;?¢:-13.1;‘i1»»a,:t‘B.:(i’a1;.£‘.‘«E'.§.‘51, 1'.h€-in: $7113.11 the <:%L*.€.7‘§a: sr:3”s*;::;*m¢e: t‘:2‘a%i3se Em"a'/’c: m‘ ‘Via, k E9531“;-_i3'-$é»-‘.%} ‘WM, ¢f:::51m?z~£*- .s“f)'.~ir;.r',;r? to-.a.f’:’.:2.:i~zfb.~:;t';;:§1ra*2»¢:* is", % * ’: ~ ~ 9 % Efifirdlyg l.fvtheh{0tde;‘,;fl10@2i£i.fi4aep *:‘A~at¢i~a:r:;*»a~zf’c$021,? %?;’:xxs,ri':«£ixseV:: fQu1:«.fk:1Qu1daAé%e- 3*-'y5‘;7?fi0*T.fc2v':{.aS_,fi!:'1fl body, nVo:.=p‘raiE~f1‘t*:w 3’ r’~?"?"‘"A:5“*¢‘xi»*‘~"W W5” &y%cii{{b1vedinto 3. ’?’+’C?K«’i »3r»zz?3z'7ra}%V2t*a: TP«fl‘£i’T"C?4 ifirogn z:”AE1'@TIceuVI%;“:ata*Ji€i%A. 51., QM W GA is? 'z;i1e"0dciy ns,A,‘ as to a2_g?:r: I/stir %:rmmr.¢ : .01? .c’ife vthexrgubjszéhonshand fecm1ng.argu~~ A 39 tmcnt$,::arc tahcnfkomhmifiaken Scripture :~1::havc {C-aI'GChly_Iti31C§i9 J4 relatcthem, much 1eflZ:to~rcfuthch them. Olzjcfi. Somcobjc&*and1ay', Did ~not:«Gc»d thrcatcnhAdam,In}A rise day than mtcfl tEcreoAf',tlavz;jImlthh:dicgand if he died; hen the: whole manudid dhic,hfIor,:thhc bcdyis not théA man withoutthchfoul, and Athcnfzforc rcafon,that immortal} Adam_,mufi be mad: mcsrtallh “ 4 S61.‘ To this I anfwcr; I~«.That the dcath which God did" thrszaten, was not oniy natural}, but ifirittm/5 and tttrisall; hand‘ fpirituall and eternal} death maybe upon the 1E;>u1,»;whcn the body ‘perifhct h : the Angels; that fell fzfc mh their arm Pc2ndimg,arc rmder dear/9, A. yet t;bcirh .hcing" is met ;flé0[ij%ed‘; and after the day. of judgement, ~hthc,~w:ick¢c:!L {half hc,ca.& into hell, the fccondr death, ycczhey :{hA§1In.ncvcr.‘;bc reduced £0: a zmnwritie, rfor. thcfmoakc of A §'tbg_:g:r1:arment‘a‘f3?ez:a’ci£vfbr.wen M I E any: :fay_.,W by i s the.whoIch".mhan hAAAAA1A3Aid midis, hifamhchh £0131 : Iiv~c:hA whcnh the body :is.dc{‘tAroycd? :Ian-- A I A fwcr,“?T‘hathw"hatfc1cvcrhelangcthlto any part oihhanyawhole, may beitrulyh aflhfibcd to the wholcgaccording to-that part. Man fccth, yctthc whralc body is not an c3re,.for than * where was tHh‘a"‘carL;C? but‘ thcwwh1e:h1£glath.qftJ9e éody the eye. Chriflt Wa5hhbo?rn,hh:h.pAut;h.t0A dcath,buried,and this i as {aid ofwholc: Chrifighuht this is on.lys.i"nrAc- fcrencc to the lemma: ;n::ture,h E3: the God-hcadmis immortal}, h.;and thcreforchc was phxzrhm Vdcath in the E-zzfh only. ~ A ‘A oéjcft’.‘Butthey:fay;When.m::n are dcad,thc.Scripmrccxpfidl A h1yd'airb,th:at they A cannarpxaifie. god, Pfal. 6,. 5. and 8 8:..9.rffa..~3 8.;8,9.. A A 591. Iaanfwcr 3; mhc dea<:1,.g::.4’iJ.ra1::,fc> farm ashthcy.h.arc' de2d,can- raotpraffc God; the body that licth inhthehgrave hhraflctlafiamhizs» -laéo:¢r,*hjh*:5zhcth~athisT hdhothe-nothhhhcxclndc hthfifntalityhhof thc aft,» bfiutx .7tm A manner of -the hperformauncc ; and {:3 faith Hewhlgiab, thcy {hall not . V raifc th‘cc*as , I-Frrcizrx this day, éthe fatlm~;.ta}z./anhhholzildnmh 15411 hh,mnkg- A grown Gad:~tmz‘/2.‘ I. Thaouhghthey hcannoth.do:im‘~arhanothchrams-V Gcn. 2. W; h Revfizé. 10,143 ‘N P! Re v.x4.1 z. Quicquid con» . ':.'em‘t%par:i,qM parigcawenit Ion’ flzcqndum iflam pemem. z,_p¢t.3;. 18:; Rev. 1 4. 35 Ifa-.3%_8-193.. merfionyymct they can do it for thcimanm narafizlntio.-:hh%;»~:[hh a,r;'.:dh_thofc fouls thath:ahr€A“=Withthti Lard, uztézeyfallow t/ad. Ltiifialr Wlaérehczzezz ga 5‘ x pmifirzg h AA¢t[a,1:and bavththilfiyit‘ lmllalujaiaxwgontkinuaMyin thleir 4«1;1@;1th,;R4aga.J5:h«;gh..; ‘ ~ and blcflird‘-"be tbeygtlaat dwe1£imh*hGv.Tadx¢prq,€%ng:,v» nae; wjZ[A6_g:'gJ;3mig;.‘; ..PM.}3M’i 30$) Egg; X A 1;» [(331 7 ‘:3 I3 F1’ LDoé$._’4?.. IF‘? A Tbwfh pdart V AA 25:55 day af$!53?qfi¢rraEEi0nVg AA‘ ._ Sat-'.A. Gmd;AaZ:3zjA“c iseim martaZi,,/fimrte mm, froziu all amrnity ; he; -~aIo-rm is ir“1dV:;5éncl»m':: § 3,35 m-nthafzgsabiy, V iflfifli’dyA'?’i£n§,1'iQW‘E3.A§A§ '3 A i‘ m... A pafliblc 3:13 for any ca.-wzatur-:;,:3r¢ 3:12:22 cra:=32:urmm mzéiaifaza g=m’A;~ 3:13 am czafie thing: w'it?A1 GL“EdA to ani§%;E§.a.'é.~A;r my mf his cm:amrm,- ha: 1 Q3033 i;*;~t£1a 43.!»2:.£w;sz:r «>3 ’¢fl!6'«9}'¢i':'£/7?3W£’a'“i-i?f?23.9.7$.1E'3:PV¢#3fi[)7; 5.1:: A A1 :3’? :;,A:m% nag; 5 n zthfis pm-';m.~ mvzfuma in sfmtazw 3ré:t.=u .::my }iaL>"1g:=.;.* ;A 7w*3;3.%t Ae;~;zv:.=:r: 2:134 ;m«.:i blmz-;% zn13:Ai1:_gg::i%:5, my m%rn.a§.iA:'a:~*:ua:i.:*ft:=:.5:A A ble, and one of the greatefi: reznsd fies azg.rai.*az.-FE all fimzre f¢‘511‘SAy rami praj%m*AAmz”fi,~2~im-, that tiaougia death dePcroyA your b0die ,i:.yiEt%:3zeu3f hopeemay bein. the rod: ofeternity, that you may fay, as $.36 APO-e A file doth ht-trey Ifwcz had baggy am’; in: flyrifi‘ ml $.12:-}»‘] viera of all mafit mz§fls*m&!«r. *1 A q . AA A ' A A A A ‘ As you have heard %ti1<;:~Me*:scz:%entAof' xthis hop~3,€o confider tizegrazmd 4 qf .1:/axis mtrmt, here exprc3Pcb57'ci1e ApofHe,drawn fmzn an abfm‘« d.£ty,A:that aha bafl: cf men otherwiie flxagld be rm:>{"t:A¢::« WhichisAAAan £bfi1‘rdAzty {cm %gmf{«;:~: wi1ich;AtheA.A11gh:: of Ar-:A:::cLm=:_ zwhhorre ;A-and cherfifore %P,;mz' counts it11eedlefi"eA:o mi}: W o:..i*m: M arguments to :refz.1teA:&1Aence obferve, A ‘ . If ali thegaad that the ma expeéirffom C’/apifi f?"a.¢x:Zs?f£v.;? % Alz3;:z§:7:~ ed M #1953 Ii than Trice £m§? C briffianx fbazmv.’ AAEM méflémézf A4 A1%3;nd7iEf<>,A%Vx;h:::Ii%God;%tE1e be:Pc%.:n_:s.&er _{11ou1dA,be%’%AAALfi:-.* »;wm:i?;c_ ;‘* ‘a.A=.f;2'i almchildrcn of wifdmne flm;1'1dA;be the Ibsfss o.5f011y~~;A». t.§m&"1:VA might the Egimre andAcheifi: biefle themfelvasin tAheirjoWm;1u{3:s, §:;&i§. the pfamf /snappy, and fay, itis in wzaiéz tai feww tlye %..a‘..’7o:~d, swan} Wfiac%‘pfGfi%tisi%t,;% Lr,h:15t may have lgept.7253-%brr1£;m2¢g‘:%.sA,%,Am:::E wA,¢%J£~gd 'mmrm;€JZy before tbeALordAAoAffibfts.?"A4 M A s - ,A *1 A4 ” 3:; A ‘0a’.'7j. Why? may faxne iéyg if there be-‘an end. ofa11gwoVd~$_Ma%fidA,%e-» W{ilA_t0AAai1men emhe %endA..;@f,ti1£s%;1i€'e,Aye};wherein an‘: ciw“3j%Saints% Axarmié Ixerem z:rEa1%;11§s:: , A»+::am:a0x: % 1 gehdneffe, lelthentgtzodlnefie it lfellf? @“.c. ‘ .: I :e“'1‘he comforts fcf Cl1ri{’ciet:A1ls,l; tasthey are Chrilliatis, in A t this Ame? .AGod-of let putpafe calls that heartst off fi*orhA A ‘thelcreallturel;commands them to forfake Father and Mother; Hape‘xaf= Heafrén «:;thzz’rz::tlz1e; i2ereantrtfiqflia; ,W‘o1-£’etthenxorhetshllslnotttheircdnditiermrt1m]22w;m.~z1l to the“con=- edition ‘ofA0ther“lmelnrePt though there llwuldebe no . heaven to crown the.righte"o:us,iarzcl no hell to terment the wicked, yetis it‘ not an L Excellency init: fell’ to choofe good; and refufe evil 2‘; *Should net: > vettue be lcwed ferric {elf Pfzéan there be any greater: reward re fA:afw.~ Iamfwer, however it be a plea eftbe Rimes af Gadxplex/frrer, mfled .€']2dt“Z‘aé?3«.".rv.Lt??d2Ef‘ graciaimg made their 90.423? ®fGod, and t.r£tJmpbrd in z.l:e1.wp:“:of_1;he7gl,ory :Ol’I’.Ch17ifl:,“‘*“th€rl‘f0r the leull tciegoe ui*1derltalcla~rl< .cl-duel, and A everla- ..fijng1ye'e:alrlb¢,cut t> fi~' from thoferavifluing enjoyments : this fwouldllmake t‘he? Saeidtzse in many refpefts mere” miferableethen :Am;her:;men_ l t * e ~ V A ~ l , things Of I9a3¥f3mi§dllazi¢‘d,fir bz§s*N:ttm /;ié_e,*"l bids them deny t*1aemf_2'Z‘n:tlof‘Z’1gazmol9:Atdrm;ql:ter : The Difciplesljlealve all to rfollow Chrifi; and they are prornifid, that when the {on of lma n {hall fit in the throne aft/9:3‘ glarj, rim: than the} alfo fhallfit spa’; tl.7ronex,judging the twelve Tribes of Ifrael. I V I V A ll ; A e The difcomtorts and afi‘-li&iotl1s that the Saints emzlure for Chrifl: [ -31-§h¢a;:;er,er: far hi$tr.fake5It theytareplutzdteelofttheir e£’tates, and A fi?1H'-‘Srfheffigfiiliitgbft/Jcirfgaodrwit/9 jay, perfwading tkemflslws that in heaven they have a hatter mid more mdmning fliéfimzce : for Chriflrse fake they are reproaehed in ttheit names, “ta this very? hcisur, faith ‘P4141; A 'f»f*;et/azimgerandtblirfh ‘ml a:re.;¢4I{§d; '£'£5:5d"=»A$¢7‘£‘ V 1;»-jfétad,t? azrnd/mtczmflna eertninldwe/ling plaice; rt-Brviletl, perfecuted, A A fant thing“ 1l'nitlfellV’,:ltlto * A waaife the Lard with jlayfikzl Zipx, yet after that the foul hath drzm K Pl7al.,g6.3.g rt Pem.A;., _ Re5}A’.’§I.’ A H0s§7l 'M3rl§ Sag-4}: Gen.m.s.l A Helm 3.2.4,. Matt 59.2.3. l Reffitz. Hel>.x<:>.gA4..l x Cor.4.:r;x_;¢ defamed, Welanr-a~ ‘medalrbefiiré aftbewarld and the off’-feéwringg he (Ilfdfl t/oingxll: For Cl1ril)(S’iak€,in‘t/7357' bodies they are itnprifoned e as ‘lmzzlrand saw; banilhecl from their deareft relations, driven froth their V. fweeteflc comforter :. How were the Martyrs ftoried, firvnAdflmder, With the Stwrti .3 HOW were they forced {'8 Wander in‘ fAl1eep~skinS,mrdg:mt»skins,indefirtr and in monmmim‘, A Heb. K Z‘-'.'«vA’§ 7:33 in denseandin tlaecmzexaf the earth , deflitfite , mfiifled ,-. tAar- I? wanted? and yet were theygin their generations, Amen mere preci-» A A ‘I 4. A A _ G .._ ms ‘I 7: g.‘ 4;; TH?fi:W flfl~”3$tflifid9l€fl67§6;;i0Hf?i”Ei¢Mh§AA 0u&:Eh¢nAAthe gm afvbir, of W1mnri;AthzeA: ~AWQr1dé:A WmaAAAm.atAaA?moAmti1y. , . A Imw did: the modernMa1:tyrs;fingjn:tlxe~A%fiamfim Atriumphing %.arn.8.§,6. 345,3, ‘ TiEtzu( 6- L Ba-"ut.3 2;". H€ba‘.5%4¢z“ % A Ep31eNz'e 5. %" 1 icor.;V3.vu~. am CAAhri£’c;.? ~f0rrA1:hy Name flak e m~.e.AAmgfliain_4l1:it.be day 9_1‘Qng.,A.A‘"&1_23d'.’T Am _ AAa.r-6 Qafmtabl M jZre.rAp:Atia :2/9A: flmsghre-r. A x A; Asiwéir wmfcnfts are .fewcr,; Atheir difcomforts .h:@3iV;3i€l3,.~V i this life , {:3 that in regard ofthe thinggaftlm. lfl, t£:eyAAnr;e fiymom. Ecrable :A 80 confidenthem in reference tn the life‘ tamme, andhyou gm11.find¢. that the great: work of grace is tc72_ta.ke up tAheirA fpirits #14; gram Gad. Hence it is chit; “EirFc,. Tah 7r appre/am/iam of:?hex.arve?¢A are [fiWg?7- f;iA’..‘Ch.ri& ~ §1aA!;hAca;1<.<:n«up their fouls unto the tops of Pifga, arm ha;h~%di/TcAqe% A Vf¢?'§:3:'¢d;AVt;AQ- tlagm zf%ioc%1.'A;zmlAof C’;m.cm:¢,A and hanhgivetl them;m9rVe%then A others to-tafte the powers of the world to come, andnq Ii; lggng5%i;n%'lggww&;_zg:A plaza.-:A:A, and though tAheyA fee but~::1iAtAt°1c;.$;aAI1dA;i“'%-that 1;i.££:£l,1_E:? d"aArk1y%,; as in §a.gl4fl"e:, whilfl: they are imzhcir Way, Atqfwhai ;heyai5hal%lfcc,A whmthey areintheir Countrcy, %AwhAeAnA ¢keyV%j_zmg % fee Gfad*fdcq tAa%faccA;A mac! know him, pu‘Vth:yAAare hnamnAVafAVhim.~¢5 I-131.31g, 2. A V” ;j ¥¢At*‘;t1§§Y“V[9§:;:{Q,mi;1Ch,;A3.8 they cannotM;but~_ Aadmim, 0 ham; g9‘wtt%< 1;: A g;ag“4£;gg{[g,§_ 0hiSg10ri0u$ 59537: = fQrAthis may [ ‘T bdufiééfifd fxfifetV1;4 this is that fcgsrwhich a1i%the%‘daies of. ithv:-:i1.? AAiP31gt‘i=e . _ mags, fince their comrerfion, they have beentradirzg and traffickw " I ‘% mg for when ;heyh’a~ve1_aid outall A they m,4anc1% all they ‘ §,A32-im%‘iVt9r*£he%,P9§chafiflAg t*?i8V:P€ar1,A» i*ia£A:theAend%4ofzizair *'j1i.£§'3 they - < ‘ J4 ’ i§5ed*£>f4:1assA L;rchaAfed19¢2fT€i‘fiCm, .‘£hifi mufl: needs V 1 A jgmke%%A;h¢m mo:5inii;rera51‘e. A The310.A V %Vettialttghey,beax: t,orAChrif’tian,muft :ChriI’c L "arflizay _r5.«:1s“z‘p;4;¢¢n’ow”e Gad forbiqi. frhge ;{im;3’.W3S:I?d,id§,fiG§t‘%k‘?ZOW >“'him1:‘: noxwlangmrsr A!‘#iA1fI1:AAA Whenghe thoughrsgof ' (,_:..hr-ifig ware not A % Mhéaft, i;hen;5tq }}_av%e* been A fevered from 7*GhIii’c AWA0u1dvhaYe% A4 ..%%A#?P€a¥€d*°*m%t®%¥¢§¢¢nz1¢>g~r¢atmiferyA; burrnow-Wh€nAV:%mY on . 759331 1_i3'F‘31§’?’”’?’?‘A,hi;“1.a%:‘F’A¥mf11€¥ :‘:k!I4?.d;.}?”‘v}0f§hi7}LJ3‘ vawhen "‘* “9 if fsi2?‘l71ir¥r§>4:iéae;; lfi§1'. §Z}__u§; zowénds ¢hr;i£_1A:;, m..5.. I4 A A % % "“ “TAwm»msze Q 3 1 2- 1. F mar‘ ;W;A5AA Ruth -;5.,: 6.; ,. 4 5. Roma. {gm ‘ h 50:18!) Heb.1m: 3:. hi: ,, . 1 I-‘ct. 3-4.: h z P<:t.1.3. Job 6-19,10. _..;g;;>\. ‘ ' V ]c1‘.¥§$§» % I in vs-1'17. s.§ A6,. _ mars.~;iwmg:ed,hcd:¢hehhgrcahféfi -Vofa thefehj evils fl:‘°i~1*AJ’éf§c'p'r§?i‘}:ld'l°; ‘ ‘h F57‘ 5% A V % % V. 1 ~h J ‘L Whfifea-;. J HbjiehafHemvetI dttmifiabls Zieré ah W mifi=m»5le, therefore the poem; foulhcljgav-es:‘ 5:0 if3hri{%,;.hsi_s,~1{7’é‘z};"h’%§t"a Whcréfieverhhh thou goefi:~~1¢et me gee; hfoulhhhmaybc alfo. M . A A F A ; % %5.;7- Confidet thatthe expeffaztiomh of t/at Saiiatt. fir? firmer; A It is thhehopew ofhehaven, that makes rhénih paffe tbaro2g»"%~ga¢m{ h?‘.é’Pb7j£h -“Arz;J=é4:za!_repa;é%hr, thegladnefle of their héargtsis not the jay ‘of fenfé, hvbuhhc theihrejoycing in tkefizope afrlae gzaryh af Gad“; and this hope « hho1dsi”::hemVha?bove all hears, mthis hope they fleeghash to fit‘ flock; af" ‘ refigie fétbcfohre them: and for this caufcthey "faint 110;, and; all 't19h.efl:*-‘»’lig19twfiZz'£i‘iom,W/cic'/J are bat fir amommt, V they ¢oL:1jt 5-h5>W®_r't3hy~t0—bE;ififimparéd _z*ha the glory which fag/1 :5¢f‘VArefaéh2zl:4J’h‘tO A chem, Wi11ingthey‘areto cjoum: A themfélwes Pil‘grim: and firm. that Where * thou art"{th‘e’i'6'V my gar: z1pon*eazrt¥;,h flaking t/71:25 /2?c'm2e24l;r-hhCountrey,Vthis hhbufé not: ' e1arth,in Compariformzci one dai~esA9¢:@1I1mm5ion,wiih t§11;f&r%gr~eAaWc Gycgd 3? ‘%% Befidesythe m”0‘re yaw enjoy in your iifli, zghe mor¢‘:4 you. am as Aj.r%,afe- m.:dZezruaI.».zt ya”I;fi? Vt-iczathx; 1‘ and is'“i:: A-not a:@mi{»l3:y invhdgath to %b{:,;ftr§p,«m 7 pad afall i€ beggars in. unwj11iz1g3y:pu,tA.% oft theixi WSQSS: ¥19W:R.fl* A Pf&,3aE.Z9 ».5,:5,. AA willing ‘arm’ riidces%%:t0rVbe;p¥uckw:ki ;aW3§Z ;fr0z1m;~%%t=l;1§:t§«,r:¢ gighe ° fans dfNoble's afio gomdpwn fimtlxo the: gtaw~,~ a_E3’€i[?$ith¢1;¢e%I;Q ;zI;1aMll§c%i%u£;,¢ir e bed in the id arke ¢ wh‘an.,greacer Az¢n12.z;;pim> isg,t%i1%eg§&g;}¢%gf;igq__fq.gg, I have bcen‘ happy ”bi1t~; now I‘ 1ImP£.bC:§3iund{r“£;ci[ aOj§%%t%%£.‘%-$2 FQ? fifilly in RI! medwaa caxditiom nctyer;12¢4;£;@t:§i£epi€&iu§%€:7%£¥§€ - ‘W jOh;\i4.1~,"3 I4‘ % ;:n11eremnonfiidgbfihpnmaiymm ¢9if':a:¥;1.'*:fi71I1}Z2§i1%ff.3€>l}i7a:;~:“3‘3?3fé*'€%°???‘:°;‘f§§’.2 awafie Wewvd myvfwméfr un.cl€rg~:h¢ Sum tL/a;z::i:..L\;zv2?w75:¢.@é.k*£s%?§€$¥€*?}: ~:}’.‘£i§h W A “A W my ‘hand '?;;_1‘h;_;s wk; z8*1'[5?:¢?€‘J«11,” ahat,%in;;Vza!Z1Ws?g2;.g,;~g.wg “'.{ ga §§§3§3'fi;L€’._d}' Ecciefi m @..a 3 AA % ’ VA (3 3,. . % V Pfl11.f4.. 6, A we Exam. Fqr filiéfii1'j’E‘i5*?;r?%*y .-4 V ifiapwfflan§am:m:mimE~leAbarezrmEmir. A«3fp3I%ika}fgrw:%; A; wherfexhetsrifeZiszwlaig/m:§E, AA+tha:A:dOwnfa11 :4isAA=grwe%ate'Pc, Atandwere no dO&*?*n.:fé1l'Iiglnear 2120 death, axadfheir dai«f:sAA tothe d:ePcroyérsT? A there, are7AoAz:;hers Afaifo, A A A?whofeAcon%dir:icm»i3yeAcv.m0reAdreadFu1%1,A Achat not Aofily n%egAli& this 2 Pct.g.4. hope;in~Athe‘mfekves,V ibut deride it in others, A that Awa1k_A%a€cer%- their A *0WnA~vA1u,?c,.;A :ifayAingz,i; Where is):/0A6 Prvmife afA/azés can-mg Whbf atéxa f4gen¢mtion éofimén, that need raVt‘herfAto AbcA:jA1amentE:d; than ’tA0AAibe~ c-oln- Efuted ; they f11ameAtAhc*coL1L1fel1~ofVtlaepaar, v6ec.‘¢zx4flrA he'7n:flé§'*.fAAA.~-ftfie ~Lard!2£:l:opAe.“A A A A A A A A’ - A Ufi: 2. 9 AV iOn1y A1etrneintrea%t youto enquire APcrij&ly,A ~Wh€?:h€r ?Chrif’c ha ch W AA % Awmugfit this hopéin yqu 5 the times.whercin~We1i;vc are gloomy daies, We may be fuddenly, we muft be fl:1orv;l5y~ca11’d. out to a fic- A tick triall; ‘1‘Aet:noz: AthenAour:AAevidences"be:to feek, when ;th»€y” {h01;ld beufed: Athis4lea&.iAs expiring, audit therebc no poflAibili4ty,tore- ” A»n*r:wir,A:Ai: is t.iLmAet@ providAeAelfeWhereAAEor fome perAc*ai;ii;y ,:.i 1‘c%is% ‘ P“*i"°- Azotit dugrto w?7fi¢tt1Qé;a1£rrd/lingggndaleéfiowfiire, %and.AAbl<;ff:dAbaA;G4o%d V thk§i?eIii§iAAaAA poflibilityréfox:A.thAe—Amaim;o;;be aHured,A when ;a11;othe;Ar A ,. ‘ ‘3thiflgs?é‘fe3EndangerEdA:A Ymx are¢Aéamnd%A to give w}fzfm{5Amof tAlae§«1a¢pe I 1”~‘=t~3=I-A5? A7timt z'nvyou¢,w£:b+n:eekgaaj]"e mxdwitb fé.»3;r : andAAifAAyou% owe} this ducyunge others, yen owe it muitflmore unto your.oWn% Af0uiS;~; ~if A *Ayk§u dété mm Aféritaufly comsmunegwich yourAown Ahrzafcs in the day of 31aég;ee?;\fV»*‘wTr1tffhalkyoflf clue in ?daypAfv:;roubie;: h:L1d*~i11 A»E:h;e; A 7f1a‘v§=l- A A¢,t1£i»¥xg:4»Abf 7%-d.¢zn“ 9 I any 4ask‘,,; may ; irthi-S£i‘:h;:‘B 'P: e.;:r.b_er I%:aAq~ VA fwer,thouAgh*this~hope in fame A be retail; and radian;/l,_ Fwhere in Hans , 'nci2t:Am'jEt5Tl’:, «A: -yei: it‘-is~pAoHib1eAM.to bedifcvrm-d where-AA1tA1s,4%:«;nd»2:6‘w1# % 4 .:.i;’::xxxhereti¢s is‘,AA“A:i:a'isArmry€£hci;gfi31l;Accscfinfidfir: f7Mt‘tl@C . A it : ma, *3. effeA@¢s%A«t4‘raI=*A“wa:wA%~ic«A %%PrefuIIfW§l° A ‘ A I 4 A an e A 4 chefs: orifuchwpart»im1§hx$3.?* A '1 M Hope» offleavmwvéaa am? ‘ handle the two farmer; %gix(@«m<:i!”1eave»:% iinfiftr ~fipméh4 t;hee~~1?a%t! tbr ; C0/nfider»c1he;”%€ff€c?€s*G13l§dpeii*§a 2;, £mu::%~fo1ci« d%é.méanxe1’mr%QtE the {m1l* A » towards bAopm‘~mf, tvoasmralir iGad~t4l9ie mhmr and abja.&A‘a£ i‘::,AA:o;»% W31‘§3 Ehgé wW0;r1d, ‘or+~Eihe%%\’\’o1’e:I"Aof5 God, we gAmund% of ho7p't;'-.. A A A ‘F1ffi7«‘.~~ Thew.c”a?m‘i€=*8e of the foul tqxvagdsw ho~pe7it fem] apgears» 12., '}'fhat= 1:~hes«{i:A3AAu1% aim‘ f~WchA” 7aAop‘é a'n*:-‘l:.u::m>ga‘;4 vr§a¢xtai76;;?s‘ zib mmm“ ca::2fE;w~~rr6éi~ la‘Aoj;e §roAc‘;»¢AaA~;~£v};; but prairas with :the:4’PIa1mifl,*AAh»- liver me? from the wii';?(ed,']'7‘Aofl¢ Au‘ae.V% 7:-Aafii-thzk Aw.ort'a.';, Azijk‘ag“A lmm their portion in t1sm_'£,‘E .9 When ~Chr~i£E ‘difcvaeredi-Anhdad condition of the VPh«.a}=ifc:?~€~s; he‘A1’?'aAA%i5d,,] ~W§)e' i1Ari‘t.r.»:éi4i T TayVi3IfiEAQwyqu,» fan19Amv’}5ny«.s¥z¢r%$*Aed9f>zz~7‘¢t!“E7 Why‘; tAib€_}2i i§\We»;.a¥m‘ 111*? fi11'%€r$<.>f it, and% a little in—«héndsiAS bA¢:5@’v~»thEi1 mi1c‘Ii'in»? ‘t:*5;;p€&a,;_g- txon, what everyouiin¢agir$t3§t%his~1s~' Acenakin, Athena can» be «no t,¢ateAr mifery Ath§n»t~cM>~have yAaur; rwraird; Athis - life, whereV&:¥‘°“ A A 1a:1AsteAsb:1;x:* :; ;i?2indA‘V%;na liavejno:rewa.rd.,«in. azxnothj-;+13 Awzm-re V yo1;~are%:o+2h‘a.xrez‘y<$ut«‘ 1; t§he;®7Jin%«’ VA/o;z:z::ml:; ,jbua; in AV 1:‘c>pé,A -confii{’s-i»ng%i;a—th~ii3,»~Ié%/z%z¢z%:iVié:E%Iaa:m J‘‘1.:Wz1a<.[7;9lie»~z;ed ;; +WiraA:1»}'z%.'Cuch A’ high;t~Ifa oug—h»rsAwhAzwe :A,h€#Sé,mints Of? this hop.a,A‘_ that "’jta k~(§tEhs> Apoorz-:f?t foui, that “hawrhimanyfl doxzbtsgénd‘fTEAa%$»,:i—fi»d~A zeAm'p:'at;iensA; ‘dc£.é~r;- I.%Signe. A The cfitfi GE hope_ig1«.%,the;% ' c%arriage:.of the foul towards hope...‘f; ml. 1 7., I 4. }.‘V'13Y-J6“. Lfik:5.- 24.“ E: 2 A€t.:m.a~,c,;;..‘% 2» Vritjm; mg; tio»ns,t=hatAm:Av&Ar~aAfitV:ained any ~t:&r~tA._a;:i;1ty71:;:“§r7$hope : ask {hag foul, am- about pan with a %p&a1bi12%::vy:cm hemfen P wxa3;4.dqm.nhpq%d: m;n&?my las¢g¢a~ ? t-hat fbu’1if0xiAAAa}%1.wthI£ World-» WQ~1.‘xl5.:’mo':«paAt:fiW;itl1%.%a. _ l~:'ty bflamvm V in raw my/£r;%::,?at»o%%0btai%n t?he¢~xK3i3olCy% ca%;:Znh.;.in’Jb fi~am _; wflhereasv the ?ca»A%malH%1earvt A aimi grouV1adiV3€{1yT. con ems, %.vv&11 e'a§‘-ifiyVV pa%rtxvitAhAh_:is fee-m+iA:Angwdcmainzy of?hc:'a~w:¥n, for thi:Q_:1§aft.”Mpro. b"abiii%f:yA of'm~mrl..a.,i “and ‘is"a.9.pr@f1a$ne.»Efimu ‘wiics flaw! LL,4’4£v,i'4.;£’?’1:fl"t.:_'.J{‘;t.'-*:',?!'.{$’£I9'I‘ fm-Apr fife» éfpa«tta?gé;i3L1i't« the Saimsx pxtize:umzpyeakafilyamaxjeva mm: A poffibiiitb’.-. then; a.%‘ca*ma1l hem: doth:aU;i3iis*,%f*éc«xniAng%A%‘q ar.r;zi2zg:A,. if % I ‘I ‘Inw--K. Heb, a :3; ztiey.-, % % Pfa1.;6. 5“. H::bv.6.u.. c.2m...3..zc.‘+ f 35311?‘ "r'. V Luk. 10.37;, A % .~ v-mzo, Hopa offleammwwbamztminadberekonEézrz$‘iI.*d 4 A : Thitdlyig T.hé&§fou1efo p%rizet:‘h:t;his;hope, ChflC4iC‘fi3+':%7¢».,¢-M€?_ A :c:o;9itmt} _: w1thau‘t 1t,fu1L of d.Q.L1bts, . uxiwilling, tc>%;bj6VAA%<1B__4c;<:iarc:%&s¢:~una;bIe‘co be . he1;d,in iufp‘er1f:=, mquifitive into« his owmi c0’nE'17i:ion;,A giving'a11"di— ligence ;a;m-wmime tb3f#[['_¢jfzw~r4m‘¢f;~0f -laapa “tQ:.t}Je Vé:w%,5:ti1i’S the .51’ grie-fh;th»a‘tA;poor Saints moume under, the gce;i}:A_ Weight that they < ca.nno:“beare, crying out asxhe Church fai:_h1_.I:[“f¢,c1k him W:aAmim} t/?aw£e'1é2:?m-.t=/1;. Ifaek;/aifi¢,!rrg:t'Ifi»¢als41a£r:zmm: Em: Pcilxl “enquiring, 011 cell mmedwhereithoulodgeii, thou «whom my fouls: lovethg and I charge you , Ob ya dz.zr;g19tca»r: cf }z;:mfa!am,iC4 you meet ‘him who:’n~my%fou1e1Aoves,,te1lhi.m&;ha:I aznjicigafiaye; 7 & A ,§._;_V:+_:‘F;ouz;c§n1y, The -Saints fo p;1tiz,e~f;hiS- hope, :ha;t_ Wham‘: :2:i?vztTm£;§-e P! A ‘ ,-. ez11*;,";Eh'Ey' coun; «this hepew tv/ae£rVc}:p°~z:1"¢% cazzgmtmmt. TWh§r fey of 'HIb.3;6J _th€;Saints~ Confifis inholdingi fafi the "6‘as£fids°fl(.‘£'mm’ rcjojcizzg of % fibrin, /?h0}‘fi’f1’1?‘5‘~1¢W0,.t»’96'*€;¢d ;% well may the Pfalmiit (ay,}v“l§;¢e:% ' _ Marafallen in agaad %p!:é6?;t/9e«%%Lord £4 t/76’ P0?5t5é>,?§ afmy mp. M When A the fevcnty; :D1i"cip1€s %t‘6;£;t1rned:4 Wi ch joy,::c~;-Igling Chxgifh, :i1at;;;h%eVd'eé{ W%vils%%»are[j3z*‘é2jef&‘ mew m through thy name, .?Chri{‘t,a%nfwi:'Vrs,In tb,v':~ }?76jdy.€€‘fi0.'5a‘ths%“l;:1‘106‘$/})irif5iZf'€'ffiéjfg zmtowyazaz .- Awhagnot imhis? to heale all difeafes, to ca& out Dc-:vi1sN:ifd17isbe not a‘ *cziuf¢*of1'oy, whacis? or wha%:can be 3 Chrift a_,nfy.ve.r55,r§:j_ayc;e in ” this rather; tb.czr}-Aom* Azzzzmas are ;:ar£t»tca¢ 2;“/9&9 fiaaok pfb_'fe»;%% jathis PhiL;4-V . I I-5 '3‘ it ‘I Tim.4.8.. Job.z.m4.% ' Phil. “ 1426:! 5’ 8 A6t.$.i4,I%i ¢ 3' E-Ieb.Io.3 3.. % cl-Ie.b-u-37¢ d~Heb.u.3s. C0114: :8. ~»hope‘V1nadfle P 4.1%] fay}, I have learned in 1;-very %¢fi:,czw$ %.t{azrWew£;%k_ ta [we c6i&'temE,'and hath made all Saints i-rmll ages at) be confident, ‘ atbatgaallims is profitable for all thingy, whe1;ea3;¢arna11me;14have undervaluedthca wayes ofG<9dA, ancl;;have.becne4v%er queftiog1ipg5 Whatgpfiflfit/hall we }J:¢'U§’;2Z]C73’€__p?’Aa#:}*,\${i{¢'fQ .<" [ % ~ _j 2 , ,,mFif;th1y, When this hope is_%atta“ined,a the {pale will nay? ad-van- 't;¢re"-tlae*lofl"e of it, for t/ae¥zzttai5ma£:¢t of the flve§Z' t¢r’2£g2‘g-:%‘ir1 t/aewfiartle, é:wt»coum°.r all thing; M19 ff : and dang, i;4Lrefi.:*Ei‘ of % tbzlv; chafing mt/oer tafmffer .:zfi‘Zi£Z£on;; wit/9 At/aapeap/eé_af .'GaJ_.,,4 wherrta mjay r/Jvékplaafptres of /53,, 1;/am: ;4z¢_re £2t4t"f0:r ya ‘a_%nd% liking this choice fo Well, that: no %arg"ur1:1errt$V»canachzawmhem from in ;% A whitherfémld aw go: .3 .L07*dtlom. lm§?tA6evword:A of A Fr"- termzll 1g.'}"e;A Km nor will the Saints adventure this Ahcpe, for tho avoiding oft/we war]? canditiw, for this hopes fa}' _ Vfifafi 70 6 g«{{ * :3"i‘5mingiia the cainmirggiiaffltiie LML‘ ~ 3 "‘'‘‘°5 5'4‘ ‘ i crying outi,B/eflhdzbitbe mm Wham t f God hath counted“ ‘ényj‘oFtho fonncs ofmcn meet “to 59 Pgrzukgr, ,9: 11:1: iaalaeriizmcé with t/a‘£=~ .S«’m‘nt7.t in I :'g/9:, and boggcth fbrothcrs; that ‘wards this iworld. Tho hope ofHcavcn,. Hope afflaéwn attained may Bambi 2 Sixtly, This hop: admire:/a the 194;}?! 7t!" 6 i ff 1;}? flfifii‘ or: is! C/mi/i, M0 W agwmgt anksthat -th=s=.:i;r eyes may be opcnod to’f:e whzztiiis we hespai afthzla mlZiaz_g.;; V. The third cfE:& of‘ this hope, afbpcarcth in us dcmcanour to- V Firfig Weokgn: our cfleem of things below; clfiabiing the foul count it a final! thing to éo-jgxdgcd in mm45"d.¢y! ; whom we are rifcn i . 4 ‘With Chriifhithcniwc bcginto fct our afliaflzons on» t/sing: aéaw, and not an thing: éolaw. StcoIidly,?2'1.:z3' lefi»: ourexpefiatian ff-om thing: é:law,'11j¢w¢th us the vanity of all earthly comforts, in their nature, in their con-» t1'nuanco,in their ufc,_that mam lifidat/J not caufxfl in the a§g;«.-;1,;,,¢, of tfdcfé tkiflgx. i h I . % f o om i h Thirdly, This hope keepcth thcfbztle fromfwelling, whéh out-9 owardocomfortsdoe abound, ifmfclm incrmfe,-fl-t% xatyqflrfaeartx mitlaem.,7 . A M Pourthhy, This hope prefzrmtla the fimlefram j£nH'ngi,o iwhm A difcomforrs flow in to overwhelm: it; calleth upon the foule, ob} gar: tlmmdi/‘quieted in me P hope thaw in God‘: thatch is more Tgloodi to he received by hope, then we have lafi‘, than we ¢a1z'lo‘f'gh:-djaic hope that bringechithe foule to the good tlmtix ¢term;ll;' onélyii can fuftaine the {oule from {inking under mil iempamll, A 1f 1 The fourth Effsfl of this hope is in its carfiagb towards theword A of ‘God: as hope hoideth up thefiulefram flw¢Iq'n‘g',i fo the word A of God holdeth upfaithfromfainting ; therefore all the children i of hopearc much afl-'e&ed with the word, upon which~.God mu- fletla /oi:/Errmmrx:oiipx¢r-~tl:.eir trufi :~feTc- what highexpreflions there are ufod in we Pfalim,‘ by him»: that was :1 mm Agfméo Good: em: bmrt.‘ iFirft,is your eftcem of the word, ifuch as you can ‘fay wirhhirn in truth, the Law of thy moxd“l: is hatter than tbaazfemds of Gait’? 4»m1Sili:rcr4: and that you have 'rej_i7ef1‘ unto all ‘Gadxvcam-uh maudemeiztxo : thy tofiimonies are my d":ZigI:2t,and my icaunféllemrx: andithy fiatutes loam linen myfimg,:”n the houfie ofm] Piiégrimage .? Secondly, That your foules love this Word, and can fay, I low tin} V , mmwzmdamtntx alrawoG’oId, yvcaaéfaot mnckfine Gold’: andkonv i " ' ‘ o 7 fmet h V 4 ‘ Hope ojfleazwm attained lm'eo'nEdrtb; [met My Weed mark my :2z§?e>? yea f may than :19: laomy,a}:d -helm "I-’57"3]'f50?P$’飒. Thirdly, fAreeyouro'defir.es to after this Word, that you 1a:}a’ez't 2'» your hearts, make it your meditation, “ claime it 45 year iaalaerinxascefar we? : that your heart fiondcrb in awe of/2:3: ‘Weed, that you have slaajm the fmayvvoof/aid prfeccptk: than yourefoules can no more {obfifie wo1m¢rm~ Ward of God, then your bodyes‘w£rlaautfaad, and therefore your foule breaketh for the elonging ét I24:/:2 to Goa’: frecept at all time: : that you define h . “five Word 4; new éorxe 645:3 the brefcs, and long forhit, do much: A 4;: far ycmr dppairzttdfoozi I’ this is a Pcronge argument, your hope is grounded upon the Word of God, when the Word dark rzomnifé it: VICE‘: 1 2,0 ‘vet, 103. ".‘é‘.~z V0’: ‘:0 over. I 49; VET» 1-1 L V W ver.I61-A ve7r.z*o.. ~ I 3‘ all 1 3 .13»-'. _ ‘this word weakneth the hope of Hypocrites, difcovereth the %”ro{:;- -* e‘x_y; the Lord. createth t}J_6’]C?‘,Vfi£1-t_bff]C'€ 1: ‘tonnes of their vain confidence ;- but tis othorwfie With the Soainets, . though their fouleshave many doubts, whenehey confultwim hu- manereafon, yet when they cometa theelmv, msdra the teflimo-4» ‘ prta £05 p-.*.~m:‘e, and when then" 1:? gig: :1: cleerefl their hope flroirgzfl. A ' A A" e Let this Doét ‘ne make your foules in love ‘Wi.th this hope,which will be an orig: to preferve you when others are drowned, 3% City Ifa-sréxga. we of refztge to fecure you, when others fallinto the hand ‘oifthat a- ‘ veoger ofblood that doth purine them : If any aske,how ihall We e attame this frame of fpirit,to let our hopes on God ?. I.a.nfWer;,zi11d 1 {o conclude. Take thefe direétionse : Firfh Pcrive to Ap;*re}9e'5¢doz:o&£ meéi; mte upon the great bleffiog of jefosiihriflc. ; let the thoughts of en- be dejirad, nor really exp: fled; ~ ‘ A ‘vfis 44%. ‘v:,t_—ernit dwello on our hearts«- “chines now ?u’qended»Can never e~ . 1 ea P V Seoondlyflhat you may apprehend thefe riches of Chrifis glory, Ieeleeére the excellmcie: revealedin the eeGofpeE:tehe objefl of hope is things ienvifiblegand faith moi’; be the ground of [win things ‘leaped for, and the onely evidence Wee’ mn.%*4*z'2e for thafe tbiazgx time are mstfleeza : if any prophane perfon re{o1ve, I will not be- e‘E-IeeE.~..1.1t.s'..«£v,\,e~ . e fleeve that there isa Heaven or a Hu’1,nor the powers ofohe world to com e,» tiI1I fee them ; Coofider (poore ioule) when zhefe truths .e are the objeét of thyfiglot, they cannot be the objefi ofthy laope:_.,.4 W . A % _ ‘ % Rom.8”: --. yet hope for P beleeve therefore the excellencies of ]e{use Choriihe. V 4 otgherwife thomvilt never be at the paints to cleare :19} iflterefl in. :. A A " A" ~ L hzh.em,h. for hope that :1: jaw is mi-ht loops, for “what a man feeth, May dot}: he e H 1»- 52 Hope 0fHM'}?en when attained here an Eairthé Tsthem, and if Hea~ven~~be not iitfhmadei thfi Obiefi ofthy /cape,‘ A it i] wit cah nevetbe made .itheiobje& of thyfigiat: e.-ept-EZ.«m'm Inuit pref.- Fiafet e/3 ima- mrwn return 65?‘ bonarum, were have are. Md(»£?§I’f£3" Z9’ ma. 1:3 2'9‘f%}1JOEfi. dc Emmi non m.2'a’i— we. 1.0-"nbatd.£.5._' diz t-tar, 13i31,.4.;,4. Gant.8.6. PICVJ 3. I19 ephet:.x9; ’ I Pct.x.z 1. 195,14.-I 4.. . i -cedfifimlrizm. 1 A i e 1 iThird1y,Lave tfseeexm-!le;zcie:pofthe Lord ]e{'uS_p Chrifizt many things may be beieeved as time, and yet not loved as gm! .- fiziitgir r -may he good, wbmrbe aéjaii afiu’: evil, for We are boundito be- -iieeve every truthwhich God teveaieth, the evigi of tin, has “truly as the goodneiie ofgtace :. but nothing is the obie& ofhope, but what the {Joule is really perfw-aided is trt¢Iyg”ae'd : where [mm is Weake, L the mindiis cateieife, and hope cannot be flrang: and that which -—i-snot eatneitiy defited, is never greediiy expeéted : but when A the 4dt.':fir6S of out foule are eameitly cartyed out after Chrifl.-, iwheny we fet up Chrifl: in our hearts as the glad» es of our j 0], then we begin to long afterihim, then love andi hope ptovefl.»-mg 4: death, and A mpg deferredma/(_et/9 the {mart flak: but this is the great privi-3 pledge of this hope, though in all other things you may meet with difappointments, yet God will fulfill the ale-fire; of them that fear: him, and the expeétation of poore fouies in Chriit A 177.21! :2:-» ” -‘vfirgoe amt] a/btmed, and wheat this hope is gtanteii, it will be -we tree o_flz:fe.* ' t t t pp ‘ ~‘Fourch1y, In the ufe of all memes that God hath appointed, beg imporcunately tbefiririt of grace which Godyhath promé/ed freely ; tis beyond the ability of mans will, above the iirength of ordinances, above the reach ofanyy created power, to Worke this i hope : txk eafy to pm-fem.-i.-, but to beleeve and hope: in God that wufi-tb up the d:a:i,iS an aft oftraizflreaacdent c1£fi'im.!:£e,y For a poote fouie under the fenfe of Gone, and God-swpyrath, and fight of Hell, to roll it felfe upon the rich mercy Of_Cht‘ifl:, to have all; this guilt H {'05 great to be pardoned, and all the Iuiisthayt are Pttong to be fub- ~dued,y this is oneiy the gift of G adand therefore pray that the eyes Ofycmr umierflanding may 5: opened, and that your hearts and tyonfciencesymay experimentally feeie that exzeeding Working of 5Jh:'w power, which he Wrought in iC'bi‘rifli, when he m'ifF.wl him from rt/at dead, that your fairly and /nape‘-» may be in God 2:. and that your foules maybe foy in iovewith Heaven, anti your perfwzfions there» of foweii grounded, that you _m1y be above the {we qftf9tk1ife,i ted times; you in my he imitirx till yemr cbenge cam.-... . W*i « £1N1& “ and above the fame ofde3t.5q~,and tint all the dayes of yout.;zpp.ain~tp*