Iowa 27. 3‘>(:awm5. 1545‘; A in the Abbys Church We/Fmimfier béforc the Lords in Parliament, bcingthe day of the A h I’ub1ique Fafhis hereby thanked for the great» Pains hctook in the {aid Sermon 5 And defirc A to print and publifh the fame; which isonlym h r. c printed by Authority under hisawn hand; j'b."Brawne,hdCleric. A M‘?arlz'4mmtomm. A F I appoint jab» Rotbwel and Luke {mm to print this Scrmon,ar;@ no othegg That M . Wbira, who preached ycficrday fiiaiz White. . V In 3. Sermon M91’-2; ,% .. ‘ “Si? 3%.-,A;zd-at fbzall game to pafle 122 that day, "tint t/ye fight final! A But it flaw 53 one dafiwbicb flazzllzée léwanmto the Low/'_., zéo/: .1 -as '. gnfi t s§é§w§w§e?§* e§2@@«ma@@@%&%%%:e§a§§w§2 Fm‘-‘~::= 2 % THE 3 F :33 ’d*30u§?'-$5 :- Lg- a W. . . «,9 ' : as .: . - fii V \v- : RESTA UR ATION, W 7% A 0 R’ W %% %% V % 7796 C/mrcbes Rgformatiozz. 3% % «REPRESENTED V Weflmiixfier, %.Z\7‘o'Uemé. 25. I 6 4 5. Wm ]o H N VV’ H I T 2, Mafia: of Arts,and Kc6’cor‘ 523 A ‘of the Church of the Holy Trinity in 33:; ‘ Darcbejzfer 1n the Countyof -Dasvfim 3% 51 A051. 14. 6. 7.. A Azzot £33 clemre, nor darla. A “ A day mar m'g/at, éwt Lit flmllcamew pzzflé: that at eveming time it Umllée /zjgm. «gag “ Ag“ » ‘A Lowvom VJ " ¢ ‘ 1 . ‘ 543:3: ‘ Prmted by M.Szmmo7zs Forj"ob2zIaotl;127£/aflfld Lz:1gcFnm:.c:,and%:zr;:%co be fold at a-L‘? ‘Lffi 5&2 4. q their Shops in Paul: C}m.n:cl1»ym:d. I 64 “ ‘ ‘E 9 9 E" k.'voD ‘ ‘If ‘*5 35} .’. preached. before the Right H ono-- rable Houfé: of L 0 12. D 3, in the Abby Church . L % W By 9% E _ ‘Publz'flJcddCc0rdz7z_g to "Order. 9' _H _A _v if V.". T; TH A A A 1*heHoure o£PmEs,arIemb1ecz%% in PA-R L IA M E N..1“.[. ,'” aéesiience tjoyomv (’amm4za§JQ"s‘(f2{;’gI32:~~}i'b.f2a«- ¢-by” wzétle) I mfie éoléi ‘to prefem zmto you-7' wzemj » I/yeje ./I/I edz'tz;I:A£o12S, wbicla in glzzrff», I did’ am"? * %4 izzteizdeci full}, tdlm-five deli-veregi izwyom 632753 ‘ ' f“ » tZve».—a.’ay z:vl2e!reg.'n,,« .5} 3mm‘ -4?z‘{?3‘p”f01':i¢I'J77?-;€'i2‘:f';, "Ii«2sm'r"*~~ V A V M A * - : A % ~ml[§d~»tzJ:fto° -z‘f?’£fv[e7'12z7cé.% I wzzzyt-;r*z:={.}? tmdea.’ é't5ra~t}€7}9r tkiié-Ia performed if". Fdrtfie z‘bfe4,’£Mt ion‘: the-m4~. firlwes é.:ing_:or2ceivea3 (91-s wamerzs cbzizflren an-/*e,Gen. 3. I 6;.) W 27?: jowow and g7(!il?5 upon the ‘$529.7 -of’ la'~n‘gz4i393‘i;2g Ia/zeal/(’}z'{’/Jfl/e,% 1fl.7e2¢4tI.‘r.e)I were «me ta the é2';rftb,wa:«2t_ezi the I2ez‘p»qf:{ZVwengj%£/9‘t‘o»~ firing» v}:%.3;1v?5*av2%%A forth; [fair Ai2aaZe~'»ec{‘3{avVA‘mzw}2%, I miiz.’ ”2?ot {22_y fiv;~sv~a:v;,,% ézzet exfrewzitjafpainfiwbile I {Toad that £[.’L)[ égfareyom, Ltlmt‘ 1’ mm‘ enfizrcegi :29 pnwfemjaa‘ av:/y‘t.¥Je !:*e.zzd5,~ “fbr the mofi‘ part, of what ‘I‘VQ2r2tmdeV§ito I9%afVve«¢:’e/irveredfirbezz uzzrqyaaz, ;;'f'ré7‘e infir- mfij zlygn zwrz me had géw; b;';gzr!aw:¢c1»i:, T0133-7??_é}[/§’320Ffi ( zzikgb‘t~ I:1‘022aur¢2e5l€)*;f£*zz£‘We%:;szfiWa:'rié5«VqFti3é éoclybawe £2fl’3"'0-fig’ £12»- flmaizte upnrz Nae ja2w',;zr2dtbferefoe"e I} .rg_’[«2zre~7?2y _[e{,F)'ou- xvii’! ;420£~%~ empeff t¥7at%f%r*or2s—%a 7m'2¢a’e di/Zempererzz’ gm! dz"fl~J'mrzE{ecZ'éy tiJe.'~ fimjfseof path 4.zi2dgriefe,n:\l9ici)% mitagbtmée rezfzzzkeci ofw¢;am>a" enlarged fpirit:-. I 272.2/cMek12oA qwefiiaiz émt {brine may 25:: 2re;w§» ta 4“ I pafle zflmt ceizffire zaporr tbifrnqflage afmim? z:;2r0)'ou,wbicl2 0/cfi" ° Cato game were mafia an Erxzcéa ézarefezzt ézy the Romfin S‘.~:mzzre5- rn:£vm‘fwf‘:i~ ’ A I d" in ma N. A M _ ;e_;2r£:._.a{r22aaJ(];z am‘: one 2;: pm %2.,.;:: ,4 ax‘ gv‘ 1‘ H 1,’ '1 1 ‘“‘ "M, x.‘ ff ;. \ ‘ " __~x__ V flzm, 5} zw2s¢j¢a’5 7?ece£=z2eoi in the zvari; V”f}Jéy‘%f]”écbzfii M &% ]’e*eA:,t%£zertbj7'd dqf’85fiZfe'~iI3.5i5'~ii2P31[6'5?flaZ5) Eamv1€g2ti0- ‘ *:‘nem%’ncq; Claput, neq;,1Ped1es,t1eq; Cor Ilabergytbatfm-V «ézzflage;;( fizidbe) fmtla ;rg¢it&er_He4kd, izar Feet, 2207* Heart. .1 4" “ yafle mg: for fur/a,.%c;97:fi¢res,5 I a22{y.wc!efl7ie‘,tfJat ;z[t,f,Ioz;‘g]a.J;‘V19efg.V& . jkfeditmr-»z'ans'" &E.wA we %£¢«e%,af».zz2z i12fifi'21., Headu,m¢{,B%9a§v, mé~er2i%ta%?ée mgri+[fomn%ia%,¢fiwm dwmsa W +£bew z*'z‘Y::tfio;¢s%~ofzz deceivz’;2g P29*opI’9et5 that am: out, Iehave ~~+drea«med, TI have drcamed, ~35£zf.. 2 3»; 215 I571? WOWJS WM65 1 “Q3 fer éefairejomg are the mom’: of trazb, the Omcles qfgaal ; £2233 %zbqy*4ée jb gfiefemedéé Jlgyj, ma’ailt£3azz§‘;10s;£e;§tQeM%mxti2,I ,I7£_‘L’B1g A vvigywdefire, V J;;z#lZ<%:k§’Erzt;r:2e4éV g110%”y_§ V‘??? ¢r'?5¢f‘5V% éjeff ;t£{e 7Trou§l;eg;2z2I2£;qz;2}2ag:g ‘tl:I£‘C£)urc}J%eS.%R%ef£9r~ ' A %~2:¢.at:z‘a;2. nzzzm _P4t¢rt.,£..6“.g!4r’.G..0;J imtb e2zad€4%?r2_y wvré fititfiéfe =MbLz“sJoW7%% éaz:b_$fi»e refiériflgafilezufalemg a2261?”:¥%2!’!e:d4"t:z~« ~t£0izsvt£*I;€re:?pio»"¢ zveremfi £32119 times of;fro;:gé{g, zfp&iI:25dim’5 N H ¢'i2fi¢miti¢s~m¢jéa_fla\av;:azaz;¢eAd.= I22 rive cloféofrbis Sermazzg A ’ jaw; «fizz4ie:A4;:;22 buznéle for~25;£fi.¢riI7Ji2¢g%efp9arA «W’ 141% We]: of a%dyiz'22g;ma22,;“7My«a5 mtitfm ~M%'W42/92:zff,J W60 a6'Ba'%f’02¢ 15'-‘5 if leI¢0!it?»~22%at; Wb€?£»§°JJ0€! ??3§¢=j?7%..6*?‘.e:; A%A£i2gzzg€,‘V?2Aat mmgam: $58»L;0?61£?im]:9z/[f0_%m£$§’8g99d£'§«:5f *z“oyau, M3113-A m, I 1, 124. ra%#%[ope22 the xvi»: dams «of bw*ue22,422d.% % to pawre wporzyazz and the ‘1-'«:zzzs!,, 51:,/fimgs VA4mare« tFW3»aw.;csziz; % ~~re;::iz27e4, and tagreéméef the dewmter '.f07:,'=9'0uxf&_ik€$r:.5"‘.fb- t&g'fi a&;alZ Aria»: flagzil 0:321 yang 6z'efl"ed.~ Ybzzt» year mre #341 eizdeavamr may 493, 502?!) in this, and M otfaerferszxzkesfbah mg %C12un:'b,taV ‘ fuifilltira willy‘ tbe~L ard brifi, :md,ft£mt t/his may "59 yawrw Wwrd, :75, Mad f[bm£’Z£3e, t/:'re pm3/er of‘) A V’ Your Hqnoursfihhuniblefer'~v9a11.t V ‘ %& Vi in the Lord Chriflj % 30 23 N“ HAIT:E.V : «an sTi'Aiuam%Ag;%::;%o % W A 7," _ ‘A %Th?beCh~urches; % %VeVformat10m %w K W57.» ”i‘§..; The ;m~%er1Mz 6% ‘éufizz and rvh‘: W @3534 % a, ” ‘QR - vwa 7 7?‘? V y Y »‘ _ «: ‘ ‘ -V ‘-£7‘-w*““"‘.' ...... “M ' 7 ’ ‘> 4:3 ‘ ”%v$'I*1i»*f”f'*f5irE'iz”*>fi‘1¢s7tam+IT$- 4» %Thé‘VLfiW¢% fmf . <>fi;i1°: ~ } : T‘l*z.cfV%‘MPrQphecit:sA%fdt .. 5 "Vvo‘£;thaeir Accofixxypliihijmfgg ‘ inAa~n» A % » f%>~3e£a1>fe ’Efi*‘efits Theme 1; é*s;Lfor:‘»out ‘ ri.-i7é;p;d c0nf0fati‘o1f1« “VE'5€$yfr._z;~.; pm {at t*:a;..s~rii*c>;z:, of%Good for Ii11”if’22:_t'i:E$:g:i ,2; AgdgA: . .y’ K :, Nb ';t:Tr_ j -'.~~m A , . % W K’ fifogifflrececlents zmd 15a,trc:*rz§s‘ " W :2: r. '. W??? ‘l5i‘Adi€*r¢=ii i>5>'j’f1.1e %Wi.fd0tne %fffiiid de¥n?;é<>srfAV<3r%"a*¥ R I. Wu AW. »0titz1r¢,%t0 t2:;e%c1mrcz: $1226.; jjtfitqfi thfiik; 9-Pr0Ph_‘¢~¢Y0~f was fhortlv be fiéIfi11eéd;%but’ tons, b%¢ifl?; ‘ WKI f0§.*hiS P€§0P1%.%34fi<3.~ HOW} 3fl<1¥' _.‘. ‘ an 3. Typb“3 the rare ana conairim pztefenta both what it Is,___ and what God is about to doe 2.- mpngfl: 113, will eafily afg;PI3§f.Ji a¢,ill2r£é£§rn.ipIf.s.iij;f3s;’ u .5: ‘P~ , 3 4 ¢T13ird1sz:s%t1W ”1’0"*" daiffilly a7f1fc1T”:1ne5fP€s5f¢¢113rw 1591?ékéfi~§M4*~?%1i¢iA*%’£ffi4§¢nAe§offfxfiom ‘chm $1;'=";c‘I3SQf T thofe V. §w}e;'e i°cofr¢:1Zt<:2“, fC3«t¢’”Ii11da*:iori of fouezd D9~~€tri.41e, alféédx W1, by 1br<>s:c3?ifiL%‘_9~;ii+<fi1 éouiitené fiiflgélangiércfis E£¥9u¥s§i%?é£1ii: Her¢fi§%n%¢CQé3trarY% t11e:¢1I:1w, aAS%yQu:'a11k'EQ&vVA¢; ;, .. . M A. .» WV . V‘ .‘ _ it _ ‘ ,,. . Seventhly,thoigfl:;at%4h1;1;iered%4tI1e{ewes 1_n buxldmg thexr - Tetnpi '3 }v;:;re«I;h4ei1§, ;f°&dV€zjfa.1=ies 551;heTN3,f1<3:ns i;11a.t;;. cIwe1t: round about t_I1egn,A.;znda:p9ng'£7gt11ern~;i?iTe&z4?22 t”1:e% Changgiwr ” A 1artY7é:A1:11¢‘JC9%irt5»vT1vich_t.1:c;z..12p:m%2di;t%o~12x—rgder:this %1(o_~1fI?, %V;1%;eyVdid, éiu:"1:r,1g‘a1l” 1.11:5 migzne c£z%yz.w,; [ ezra %4;,«,-%. 7,8 ‘N"o=,ir tlm flL1L3fT\IaAtio11:37réu1id¢ zlbont us; 'Prie£_i€;,a fld AJw;ef!.1i%t«e:g_xvith a11W,t1gq;x:e¢i% ofifsize Agcxgasa % haw 6. ézéei? gzeat .b111dexers, of , 0ur;%‘A1vork 0?? fR¢cfor111a§1L0n‘, «tilt viv-orld. kxgowés .: a1i;%fiz£&%ff1:é Elaflcé1rQiI§95fi«f1§rSgél%ib.c§a.~W§IfI1 ‘their c_Q1n;c>a31i0i1s, h:1véh:1CI 3 cir2epe_l1an.‘ £11;-.rt1“ii;~:1n.itEhi%evQus"de~‘ ..v 1 « - fignev,,fu;ap0rtc;i.:’Aas y0?:1a11»M3€I~10W) bf? an 1iYF€*‘1; W1 ¢fi%'ag€C’¢ partgz in._.r_I*c CQL1r1;of‘o1zr7i?:iI1ces. f A ?>fL1iW?d.i_ag4off?:ez1: 7fa3m;;>IeV-V me: Athe filiing thé: 'P1'if;ccésV;%heads with jé2;11ou fie, that t.Tt~e Iekqm %~{WE?I»£‘_ aVda1*:.ger0us‘ people? and, if the Temfnieg 21ndACi%"*§c avers .b?..1?._{jc, zxpt tQ\%.1~£feAninRebei1i— Off; againfk-tlse Ii»Ti:?r.g»_., , xxrfiwlclz naigjizt tume rzi:t>31is§;;>"reat :da- narzgea Ez;m4,..1 231536. :1. ms! that LSatMa1~1.anc{11Ai;:;In{fru— rm i'.."1‘.%.E‘5? (' W311 formafr a.f2~jc%<, f°o‘2,t: gr.>rr;'-Tent) have 111336 .%l1f€ 05 titc fiarne poiicien if-O }“1i§1der QI.lf.WO1Tk_0f t%I*o1:r)11g7:» Fe? fc»A1‘1n:;a;$:on3,1sae c!ee:re;.2.° «th_c= Iigiivr. And I “VVifl1,;'tb3.t’ fear". 3§of1z2f'z7csvaerLe 1:113 :5 time 1‘ :3 tI:Io.ugh1y rc5.‘£10ve¢1~.0utQf mans 1}??‘_~d% 8 7 VA E%igj3%3F,I};§t1é <3; mylicie liffii By ::1~:e—1;i';%:-»':%~,~;u'A adx?€ffii%i€S:.fQr% -the" V Q71, Ib&.»C/9z¢2'cI5Je.r Reféyrmatiazz; t V 575 tl" ey milgllt l"10mO1‘€ ie;1re that tlte Reformation ofthe Cl:;uer?<:l*e3 according to the Pattfiifilfé laycl downe in worgla W I Prwovcg '1‘{_c£»u6»l7adz2ef; 23475 fl"A.0fl€)Da1f3.‘2“a' 27; altneaues to,b1*eal-cc all Other Kingcl<:»mes (tlmt is? as 1:00 many co:1Ceive)~;1ll lciwll (Power and Govermnent in pietes. 4 ll Nmtltlyg wl:zile'Mtl1et~building .t-‘the Temple was tlzms him-' 9 dared, the poore law: were in great reproach, :.1:d afiiliéti-‘ ona Nah. I . 3 . And we lmow cluritgtlzis long time oflainclea ring 0111‘ R€f01‘l1’13Ii01?, v110t lQ.1‘.i.Cl,y fuel: zwpleaded for it, ”but* as many. as were true Ifmelzresj ?.1I1Cl..lUOl‘iI'-‘L;‘.{l toward Ziofig‘ their -l-OL1l€SfillCCl"VV.l-tll tl3’ei?:eer11ing oftlnofe t;l1atwe1*e at eafe,a,nd with the coziatempt of the~Proud ms the A Pfalxniit 1}7€ak€S, J’ [41 . I42 3 .4. but were contixiuallyfolloxtw .éd5a4Mn;l VCXe<.?l.:l«V‘iE‘lll' flmrpe Petfeeutxonsj infoimteh tliat who» awe’: abtlt,ai.t;edl[‘frQm»l €\f1Vl.l'l'1]8.ClC'.l]1iT1l‘€ll' zilepreyj. as'tl1el Pt_0- p"l1etcomplain”esitw2L«S»m*ll1.1s.time) ifa. 5 9 .1 3 . Q A - Ten.tl1ly,,IlotmrltliflaxadeiztgllalltheMaliceb13ower;P(:l.iCie3 1 ea tand 1'€llZ.lC‘;‘ll:C‘-CI1(l€3}»’_O‘UES‘ otttlael ~Imes g.gl_»:;ctl‘ar1es‘ yet the Templztggtxfvafiflfinifl1ed,‘attd ‘i.'.l;‘°t:* ‘~Wztlls Streets. 0}‘ Iesmfw [em we1+ebt1ilt at llalt. Now l3ci'sw*f0ex*er we are tiot yet fully’ Paralleltto them in tltis Particular; yet feeingg the claiefellz. adve: farileseof this 1RCfO1‘l"fi~3.*E'lO11 are already taléent axvayjand A feeitrg the work by tl:e{11«igl1ty power of God hath bin thus; farrecarieczl on in your lzand 3 it gives us great ground of l102“=Ctl‘1at the fame God, will in his ownetime, ‘and way, perfeét the 'worl~: Wllicll he hath begun, anczl bring forth the hes.d:-{tone tl?C‘reOfWitl1 fhootim that wee may7c*ty Grace’; “C73 Grace; unto it, as“ he 1;;-trOs'11i{‘etl33Za6‘l9.4 7. ‘ V Lafitlyy, tl‘.-C-bllllcllllg: of tl:e»VV3ll of Ierzafizlema and the I I; Pereet tl*we1'eot“ fell out in trnulvlous times : I may {pare the L llabc.»u.rofla.yin.g out the Pai-allel of ‘our {tare to theirs in Il*1i'ii=?P3.ftiCI£llaI'3 ‘K65 5&1’?! laqwftttr, We (as you fee) j are for- Q35 **l0l~7!1ild with out Armes in our hands as they didm Nfih m.’ .. 4' . -v-nu.‘ .. “S A‘: M H fieiTrau5/er afjcrzgfa/emxReflmmtiara,i M A V The confiderationof rhefe Particulars, fettsirig before us a in the Rate of the Jews, % 4 briefly poixased at i;r1 thefewords, our own. Condrtron every way anivverable rlxefeuoro, as face A anfwers face in the rvater, as Salomaza fpeakeis , P 1*do'v;2i 7. 9 .is the Wonders of that great \f‘g"ork5 whereof God ingageth hirnfelf inrithis ow, as I1in1{°e,IfiraeX}+:;cf1‘e termesr affi r‘f1esA,jTer. I 6. I of great ufe unto us, both to~raife "up our hearts tomore heedfull attention toathofe things which .341; this portion of Scripture feerne ro:‘be{'poken to us in thfeir perfonsi, and r wirhali to move us to a more narrow fearch into the parri-~ A culars in thefe words layd beforo us as rrreerely concerriing %0Ur felves. or V ° A A AA " The truth is both upon 'tI1atground,af1d much more for- to the peArfo*rmanCe Promife whichwee have before us,it concernes us in ‘duty to-enquire throughly, i‘and”0bfervse3 and rfearchiirito eve1yci*rLjuxi::1fiAaI‘1t:e of this Way ‘of God, which when we have all done is yet farre aboveour “reach. I t: is oneend why_.'AG od hath made his Workes won- derfull th3.t..theyn1a,ybCAb0ChR€m€II1br€djand fought out, A of alhthat have pleafurethe‘re.i7n,” Pfa/.15 I r2”.4h..A AhA"ndAVthat iaccompted am ongfr Gods greatefi W onders , is evident A by the acrcompr that himfelf makes of it; firfl: byreprefenting it the Prophet E2396:/3l‘8131.I1 a vifion of a Field full of dryed bones fcatrered all abour,-every home our of his place, and fodainly, by a VVord ofrhe Prophets mouth, comming to-— gether, with a noife, and fhaking, every bone to his bore, and Cloathed as fodainly with "Sinevvesa fiefh, and skin 3 and “by another word of hismoufhpecciving breath and life, to that they flood on their feet an exceeding‘ great 2 rmysvvhich "Grod himfelftalls a re'fi11’re.9cion ‘out of the ‘Grave, Ezserb. 37.73 83 I 0,, I 3. And 'fecondly,,iby advancing it above the wonders vvh ich he wrought infbringing his people out of'§— 5. It {half this work, fer beforeus in this Prophecy, A may be worthily , ‘unil-V’ V .07, the Cfiflrcijw mwmjfl. A fli%LH%be.»110more {aid the Land livetb, rim: éroug/ax up we Qg»;‘Zd;.-3,, ;;f'1jr*Asl am‘ of Egypt, but #38 Lord livetb, tbax é%1taz¢g};%t Azgp I/74: Cbifdren flfffrdel out oft/99! Lwd oftke Norn?(. This was indeed 9. xvorkffo farrc-: above all p0{fibi1ity,in: ’ ‘ m7an5Aeye,t11attlxalewes themfelves concluded ,< OW‘ bwes ~ are Jrjgai ‘Up, 6347 /cage £3‘ /afime Ar: mt ojffbr our“p.w-£9,523 ark. 3 7.1.. A work in it 1' elf wonderfixll to Adm 1' ration, bin:-; ma,d%e»mon5: v.v:.ox1d@Ifu’~1 bytl1eTinae,wl1c1;in it w1s»xrrough‘1.g ; V‘.;~;.;-%;7fr§é§;.i~‘laz:a1ime_g,ffufficient to .hinder the mofi eafie anci‘ likely-work, much more to xnaké :1 work in it {elf fo Diffi-A-V ” cult andAimprobablcyaIt0get11erVImpoIIi7>Ie in r§:1a.nsi judge~ " M ment. To co%n1etherefOre tomheneerervE4x;.1min.ation ofthefe A words” we-A fhallfind in r11em;.threeMParticulars, lw orthy our £E:r’ious% confideration : Fi1‘fi3,_t?h€maI111Cr 0£Exp1f6ffi0n, inr- plying an xnfallibilitiy 5 Know (. faith the Lord to the Pro» P12e%t):and»?'*?4¢'fi#”d tiwisa bcfz1r]c~r>*f i4r,%andL:nake ac- *mnd_.p£ <5.f§it3;V";as of :1 t11ing;*certainc; that f‘r1a,11r1otfai1e_.,:md’ afferxizfifds : Tbs /Erect flaafife ézuilt agzzizzeand the wall, in A theVti1i1e4<éX}>;:cflE-3d, aftel‘ 7xveeks,«tI1atVAis (a,cC0mp_ti11g every dagyvVfQrA%a;year.qQA‘;1&e;j4.r§a;y¢ares i»fi2®mVt11e..goi11g our of the ;f:VSVeéLrd§:1dIy°.vvTe& have:re~pre1Z:.g1tedj4u11t0»us,:-t11e*Cond’i~m Qf%«t%h¢}_.Tin1e, wt1ien% itfflqall ibé--built 5; :3; ?*rows%é1amA$tima ‘” A(f“gi’i'.%1E1'1“x: Qfvt§3e.rime3% Athat it“ fhiall xbké zxccom- .—z_9;ft@,I_4 9'+y€3FC5;i '?F"1113:keS nOt:.%1nuc13Vto0ur%preiE-mt"““ -o<;eca;fio‘nV,%A_,un1q1fc it bjeygtofg g1vef:1rt»I2e1: ‘afi‘urance% to rice car-‘— thaté ~Gc'>~:1 =1iiT1*i:tS$¢it'fi% to "2. ¢pr£3c~2i?E “ 'n1§f1“fi?5C§: jof yeaxgesfi ~V$ ’__ hlch Home can-doe but Bee, wh‘;ich_ hzlflil "5 »th§_r_1_fi:11e~%s;and feafQI1s1n;1aisow%ne —hand)\Itr isacnough to our ‘tQJ;ook%»3§—%it~%%¢%a.g {a;Tragaé/am,%*.t,Zmre.~4 T114ird1y,‘4xvk:“ p*€rfOr111ed;T;t11e inuildingbf t A S§';r$z§r3.§{51d§W“x;§§.7:%¥1 emf2t!€?# ’1‘n11e%vaecompIifhm%ex1t% » =fliO1ild"l«5bé;~‘lm-‘"e'” ’ Qut oflthe hand of fucll 21 .mighty Nation, ‘thatliept théfif . % _. . , under ” “” -O2€,‘tJ5e(‘:'/.9317”:/3!?! Rqfizrmeme ‘ _‘ -7- : n ‘ V onderas their flavese, yet Godnot onely promifcth it, but bids a/Jéreia-axe; to make accognpt of it as of a.~certainc: fihigggékfiow ( faith Iju-:3) ofa fzerety that 225)! feedfloel/fie 4 flwwe... . ‘4. gee M L% lama.’ rim: is near theirs, meciebey _[Ia;:!1.r;_/j€z'&tI9e:7z4.c_;#@ yeerese;-‘2z1ef}erwzzrd tIee_;*flm!!eeame~~ozee zeitbgreatfaéjfeneeg Gaze. 15. I 3, I4... It was not more ferioufly promifed than reaIIy.performec1:, and~ethat in the pointof t1n1eli1n;tedAby th¢Lo1;d, Tbe?fe¢_’fe [game day it came tapafle , time «(Z the- Haflggfme Lew! went apjmet of the [and offigyptafisith M'afe‘£ Ex-‘ca’. I 2.41; It feernede fo im poflible 3. thing , that Aém-j mm fhould':1 Sonne by his wife Sarah, who had bin all her life barraingand was now 9‘yee-res old, and her huf-1 };;;md a11,hU.11drflC1f,‘ and both” their bodies dead as to the her" vix1gofoc1:1i1dfen,, 1:hatSmm£' 1a11.~ghs at the Pro1nife.AGe:e.§e 3. I 2 and yet fee how peretnptorily God promifeth it. I will germ-im’y eeturzee meta thee aeeordzeg to the time ggf’ Vlzfgg mm’ Zoe: Sar1h£.6}e~wi]‘E°[é1eefi/zazxe a Seems; rvesarxio. And,wve ‘know the Lord xnade it goodg God proznifeth to provide fiefhfor his peopoie _1:u;1e the VV1;{der11efi'e:, thilt they fhould eate their fill of 1:, for a111onetI1 long, Name”. I 1.193 20. The peoplet11ought41ewasmoxrethen God*eco;11e1 do as they efpaekeea Pfzzl. 78.193420. zmd tfifafer wasahnoik of then: V minclaas it eappeeare:-_se by his objecficion of the impoffibility of feedino‘ fix lauxxdredeetixoufiuld men befides women and . tr . . e , 3 , , . children, 111 3. barrame ‘W1§_dern.efi°e ‘chm: yee,~.oe,d no prom»-» % {ion foret‘:hc'fi1£1;1i1ii11g of mans life 2 Votwoe {so it made good in the evengby t11efE::11d§11§;»j of inmianer-.1b1emultitudee of QL1-M133 t1e1e111eo{1-.d:11:1ty of :11}. flefhe Nymé. 11.3 x..Ma- my 1norei:1&as1cesn1ight be ‘b1~o11gI1t, to evidence this truth3'~ but tllefe are fiificicllt. % cit: us fee W hat: Vgrounds We have foreit ein“Rea.fon. e e V * Fifft, that eGoc1Ime1~; fuPficie11t-grouncl ‘to fpeizk,perempfio-*7 * u. .._ ..-....“ .ee;:Ziyeo¢t_' thAings to gome 9 ewil lbs evident euntoe us 4 ifvve confi«‘-4 dexe -nu.-w V Trauwei z2fj’erufa1'em;R€fi4uf4Iiom3 fit.“ "“ “' _. 1-‘. W, 1%:/. 3:3! 1., VT'*.?01b-flfzl t§1efe‘grouhds% the*LO‘rd%ACo11c1ud‘€s ~ t§1;;§fi2fe:;Q;Ad1t;o;; K” de.rV,.4A7whfa.t1i1iwnders mm that they cannot1}7ea.kinti‘::at_man+' 95,155 o;;..wVVj4—_h—11,kg cfirt3_j_[1i‘y concernmg th€1_r AA0vvr;e% pL1rApoies 9. There he thrée thi11gsiA1‘;11‘1Cn that 1112;}? l1111dc,r the aCCOfl.‘1i=§ p1~i'1'i1rI~1e11t0f that which they intend. _ A A ‘ A * ~ Thcman maydicaand then a11I11sthoug3:ts a1A1dAcQn-g fequenmly h1's%rcfolutions and }m%pofe's pc-r.i{hxv1Atl112im,P{.a!,: 174 64.». NJow.AGd”we know lives for cveij, from €verIaflm- ing to? e;ve1{1afi£ng‘he%isAGod,V% ‘Tfaf; 9:5}. 2- T136 $?:1rt1%1‘xnay' A »fail‘e1M”,‘v A Aair1c‘1i'fl:!.;=.e A h»eavens% m:_1ybc roled up ass; garment: .,_ but G%0drVema.iues 3;!;1e£7.xmee“and‘ his yeerés Eiile r£otf_.,. 65. ,t;._ I I . Wlxencc the Apofiie drawes a {i:ron9.; ground of COn»’tVO}atJf$0l1 mus in [firffis mediation , that it {E111 be efi*'é&ua1l to 1135 A %c:c7‘a:ufe,wAh§«IiyesA%:for« Aevar.:~x}:v to‘m;1I<:é interceflicm {or usm H eé»; Tltmoughthe 1n9:n.rco11tin12e andlive yet In is mind aw purApofe‘maya1ter. Never: bade; mm more full cIOeaVnyA%tA13ing,t11cn Efm had to kill his Brother 14695», 6322, 277}:x'q;TI“%?.A:?’m‘d£it?his*'V'&Arefi0luzio11co1ntinuEdx:mt‘h him; 2:9 yeeresa r . 4i?vA4Etii1~€A I‘k=‘lr0V£iV:f:;*j*ouA1*n“edA Witt-31%LA.¢:5.a;n, "A33 is evAidentA‘iby h;is‘ga- A fl1'?ering-‘of {sure hundred menu; come Fagainfi i1im,.wl:en Ec. hea*”rd of %za¢raésVArct1mne homevva rds. ,, (“G'Aw2.; 2 .96 .. Quefiiom 161? GT0 d0V%€'%F17:3tAVVhA‘i§h I-M06 fe:111edA, with the {word t0cu‘t 1;-uim .?;IZCH1'i?"$:1‘€TiI1€ ‘3V : And *%yc‘r when t17cy'meet together ~Efam;a§:a{%cad cf Idling, to kiffimg, and exnbfr-acing, ;2‘n& ‘Weeping OvcirA his B1‘Gtl1er,G7'ei:%’». 3 37.4» fin this Ea/Mm *teIs% ‘ms%:Go’d"is%V :;r;:ot §_iI<:c:*ma.n,_, Nmmfgfv. 23 . ‘E 9% , God is not arsman tmr he _fl;nmM Zia; ~mz'££m~ we f2:.:«me afzmrjrz that Jéetflaozalcl re» pem.;tA11at is ‘he izeitiéereakes:thAA2.t w1u'c11hed%th fl0t’fflt€fld C33’ ,purp(Afi"~31n0r nu pofcth thatafr prxsrfems what bemezmes to a1rcr;ztftcrrxv;?r;3?; N0,w;G0d ~is*a=1w'ay’es of o11eA.Vn1ind54’]aé 23. and we Mama?-:35 of his beazrt flaw! térawgfbaat M‘! aggxg C. 11%iSP€0p1e; 1%? E??? séww W Che purpofe mz . _ Ifl€3.1IC§ % ‘ “ «awn---— Jurm et1iAeé;fieéf%4iieit11e.t%immature nOreV'inVpL1rpofe,I amen! %t11efa¥l1ee God and ot thefarnee "mm-.d) the.ref0_re yee tonnes of Jaafiaé A a§1:e%not confumed. Jiml, 3.6. V I " 3 . Men, who have no power 111 theirhandabtxt vvhatethey fifieceive from God , havememy timesby hin11i1eh»i:11pediw‘ memes ecaft in their way, as they are not able tdwremove confequently to <::ffe,€t AA W hat they xntendede, ‘:PI(9a3550¢3°f£7II1;1r3,§’» i*11his:0wn.e heart ~~ref0lve._, I zwfi puirfw, 1 mi./Jafzxejzv take, )1 xvii dz'w‘de t-bejgvaile, my lajtfiaail 5: fu;z’$fi9a’3#P0«?£ x;5e;e:gam*. 1 But God ; puts 3. c1oudbc:t»veene‘the Army eof the ,1]?-V-A melit esyand thefgiptiansaand takes oftheir .cI22cr'iot:‘s§sr11ee1<»:S,‘&e that they drive them wit 11 much adbe, {O that the‘ 1[‘me£1z'tee.r, recovered the fu:rtl1er~fl1ore, before their Ex1emies*co1,1§.d ow v%ertakeethe1n, who perifhed in 3;hexv:1te‘rs before t'nci.r eyes; Noifuch impfizdiments C€1I1ffia11cI in Gods way, who havieng all ipower in hisowne hand, doth wlmtfoever he pkjeafeth kin» Heaven and in Earth 5 A in the Seas and in all deeyie places» Tfal. 13%;. 6. And none can itayhis hand, Dam;4.3 57. No. 5e?S.ze:1‘L.etl3.e mawuiitaines {hall become plaines befote At;;;;15Z,%e;/av. . 3.7.. A eflenceeit lie, ~tI1a;t , fee;%11g Gods I purpofesand A&s&2!rc.» all oneghe may fpe:.1k»,ofewhat~he wi11eAdoeaeSeifit were jalrea.-_ dyz. dQI1§‘,fOr1;hiS will ~gives a bei11gt0et11efe tvhings¢1;hat ;c:Ig:>~;:1f1§)t2;e~ yei:*eee%%ft:i‘£i£’h -t 1: e85 Ethoolemem tgalle e; Vfllétflgflfifif ()_tfhEjM_‘«-':_$ Wirfee *Godeecau:fe they ha‘ve already 22; befng ineetI2%ez1:; h€3I1'55‘fQ¢«f4h3.C t12eym3;y‘eetreu1y fay this, hnrend or purApofe? ’i:7odc>e .5 but%,if~they f7peak»¢ of the.eve17_t ee0reef~I-‘e<£’c ,g they emufk: read'Set.eeA1m9mee11:5:e:limita.tion. Ifzhe yfiavzd nsiil, I.m.4.x4.\ ‘ "lflqgififél‘EI8j3't£’i9‘a0w~?20l'W5dtfl9et3l'1 56 2'29 rréttqieavfifrrgzzéme _ 2ez1v,e:eAs Gemrmav,fp¢2.keaCertai1fly and in£a1!jb1yA9fW11at~;e e A foeve71<*1*x¥iee mems Ito» £10, ~§I‘1oig9;h inappear3.nce,8>ze in_em,ree; ifoeimpwhabieevre imP0flYb1etm;ef0 C 3 A him A A % nIn.a_....._ 1' ‘MW **l..'- '_" /' L)‘ % we Tfqué/e_.§* gpyerafmyRefigm-W,%% 111111 tQ4‘%fpea~kefo,4in W's‘ faitll GQd3Ifd;4I.I85’i9. ) am! mmée the Wzla!e*V22e_/W ea % Smté éeepe iidtv:é4;:(3 Ifa. A »I11‘“i€fc$f.*3:vt:FusI.%"wgs%=~inL.'a% fdfrfi? «ne1eof the Prophet D‘4$zm2’3wh0 finding A tfae formwe: of death 5 fl2V.tbzz: %::be?' won bz'm",, azfl?"i20fi?le.¢z’geti'a.V that if1%?th3;t“}i>erp1é§éed‘concHt?i'oW he was ready :0‘ contludfi that zzll men were lyars1APfal;1 :64.‘- g . I er}. He n1%e‘ane”s perhaps the Propliéts‘ ‘B V: from? Godgj ©wnemouth"~ had aifured ‘him: of the Kingdoms.» And the ,_“ Pfa1mW*f¢?~7z«§%: 7:12 ;?XP1?€“-5 iemleéwquefiscnsav rm~;fi”é point of hO;1<:;u-1:; he 1i1i11"t %i%pea£< iike Godas» W'E3fl as doe likea God, I will apex: rzve2~rs“w /923%: plan-‘ fay mm A the Norzlsgiqg and w m V flgqfi perfivrmew 2:/I myplea--V There 15? no queflzion ‘butflthew yet; tI1é;t+:f0 we 1€riight:%i* promifes may be '£’caggered3 % 11-i1nfe1fe4i“4; compgflcd §§im% pat iflgs daf ly. % A093.‘ 5/32 C/§zz7'ci52e;'Rgfbfmazz'a:¢,A I 15’ ~ ‘I18? sthe mercies of 7God,but his proxnifesalfog Iris there¥- {gm ngceffary in refpcfi: of the weakucflie of our-Fa1itV11”i;1 Gods Pr0111if€.-S, and our proneneife to que{%io11 the truth W of thexnj th:a.t}tl1€‘}7 fhould Abezdelivered gby in Certgixlw a,nc1jfu11and~CI?ee11c eéiprefiions. A if 3:, ‘I, . r %A vp; 1.1; If jthen.Gods Pro1nifl:~:s4be {'0 cc31*tai11andinfi1Hi~: Able in themfelvesj-and {Q reprefcruted :.11“;d-%de.§iV€1fii‘dmuntO U8? byGod%himfelf; horévjis it that wee gi\74E'fi)g.3.‘1fLE1:_iIf3 credit to »them 9 That the words and enfiagemnents of txlel‘-gthat dfsv ‘”C€iVe and amdeceived , a&box~%',e;th€1T1.;R An ” Epigrammatifi of our 0wnc,A hadratl1er::taL:c»4VKingA 1q?$‘?€gf his word then St. Lamas t11e%Apoflz1?es.A~” V 4 pwetvitmrcipiet 4Iacobusa.»£'pafio!us ?if.>;q”%:;£t'” f‘; Q fija%cobu%s*V?*{,ex mibiAd£azr Mara. _ “ AL A A~ - &VVihether that wcrehis inte.ntioVnIA k11ov»r'not, but*I~*ani ‘ _ {fife V11e.’ithe4%c:*_expi'efl'6tLh,:...sndt only; his ~osvneE”§hQLw§g¢'11t§5buu =*tI1eV%opi*m’on»5 iflolf %r-£1211; in Vgenera11%. A For2wh”O~ wfeesfnotp bun % ‘that: tl1c>feiwhorw11l.bvcA contented to V truflc men :.1Ip.011, ttljeif bands; with hm_1dre”ds and th‘oufands‘ if need be a1‘é*Iik¢.i:he A Rulerz“, Lake AA 28.3z2:;2 ; \vh‘0,”whenr Chris? himfelftels him. ‘ thgtxf he v«,~';iH part with hi3 cflate, for the rel;iev,ing?of 111$ poor:-2 .fervs~.z1t"sfiie f3Ha11wh:§‘v‘e treafxlre in %HAeaven,as‘%1:e«t1aen fd mkem %Anm~ refufi: -Elie aflm-:1fiCe _., a.nd:deparb:#*?w::§ti1»fa& A countemntes‘. “ Theelébefia :1fl‘uranIce that c.:=anh}w%eVV4 rhe enjoying of the %Ma;inors» orT %L-ands ",4 wv!;tiC11a they‘ purl? d1:a.fe pf other mcnyis but an ewlclence under,,.th€:~.1?1é,;11ds»;,&fiV f?.=i2$1:*—.=s o‘f7xnofi:aMmem,, 2;r:afi yet” upon fuch-\afl’urztr1<:’:em;jenviay Out__a11w:e:rece1ve eeenot ljais; Tefcimonye , {O17 WI?zat* 7beeIeeve‘nor5itWhat”5 in efi'eé’c,w:e cieny and by confequence gmke him 3;l‘l'y”a»r, x1To!i‘.;s. m. iB"e% that éel¢a:=vetb?wt Goa’ Fm?! made mm 4”.;2')i2¢"?‘ :Ai3,1s hei th21te4*'bei?.eev?ese on <3*C0111'rary,. fets tlhisé fea!eee‘:t!m:ti.eGo2’ $3? trim, 1305.113’; _3V~1~ee’eHer€111 WC C106 41:1 «eeffeét _eegorree gthe” gnaiee end for which wegeatme into the mild; c ~e .e ‘V mid underfianding above t111eb¢eaPss of the fieldg that being true of A every rnan,.whicI1 our Sav1o11r&afl1r1‘p;:s of luimielf 5 A for t/air cmfe came I z}2to I/7:: maria’, that ‘1 ]}Jaz¢£»:z'5eM£ wit-~’ .33e_/3‘? to we TmzbJ;.1a{9, 1 36.. D./ien%wi.1lV£%ndec-xi he apt 's:0’bi:-~ gu;1g::hemi'c1vesand%ot:I1ere=»t00, izljprofeflingtizat they ms-A ceivve AGo%iis tcPcimo11y i11a1lthat he fpcakes, but thfi Apo~—- file telsus 7t}Laa‘t the;-e 3 4dc4:.i3}1~in \*V’orkes,as w_¢1I as in \ZVords3 ‘Z'z't.x.%16. And to {‘;:m.1;etrL1t11 det1ia1.lin~4Dced-s%.i«s* A the Pcrongefi deniall, andVtn1;f;%iiE2fte_a.our affirmi11ginLmvords Ed be tneere Hypocrifict, 3;S»%f1‘€4V 1:’ lam?‘ iUfiifi€5“i¥ 3E3-iflfii % theIfrae1itesVi11t1:e Wilderneflé, t‘!1at%itI1ough4they rememv head t1m;G%a¢’ WM; I/aeir yogi’, and we bigfa gm 11/Jagir "Rea Li a7éem*‘er,yet. tlaeyfiawmred {aim win’? their memtbf and {yad zmta A Mm nfitlaA4tkex‘r‘?:?oA%.;»‘;:gz¢e. Pvflz/,, $5; ai1dA¢}‘I‘OvC;e:sbywt¥hei3.”' worke<:, becaui‘Ie they {til}! wantoninMtem‘::ri1:1gand prove»-% A A % king ~God,%m1d limiting the}-;Io}1yOmmfI:f1:ae§,'ver;4o.4:.' M T.h:,>.,At :m:e§1' t§.:c*AmAVmiféi%ing of fci much re1L1der4%refpc&to‘;us~ 2.” It is the grgreater wfrong'“difl1o;1rt>ur :0 G021 mt E6 receive his Teflzxznonjz. Firfi. bccaufe G01 11;: th {Q fzlftfrfi — cq<:>11dc3i3cende<:I to our we:.2.1meH'£3, toAAAengage hi1nf’elf'e~um:@4 -315 f0 nmny vv;:2yes ,3 bcing4z1otwi‘th fizamding debtor to no 4 mm A, ”be»Pc0*.~;i~I1g V'9'.§.13:ffOi3V/3-£’YI}?V€ give.-s.Vv%freeIy out of I'I]*t'3{ifq1‘§‘.’ . . Gr3uc¢~%% V176 account it aw-tong to wfriitnd ‘y:t‘Q requi1'[<=.~.a,% Esozad of I'ii;nfor%tI1e aifixringof 3 gift. ButGQdj hath ‘biz; cement t03,b:3.{e hi:nVi?-.3Ifc fC)§f:1r1‘rdA{ for whofc glory we are cxsestectl) is wronged by our unbcalircr fe in nopbrefiing upon his’ Promi- A V- {es 3*fo~it?*fa1sQut ( as ufualsly it doti1ins¢H1ike ca {as} that we-infiniselyfthcreby pre}7udisce»our {elves imny waycs. A A 71“; By tbis meanes we dcpr.ive “our Afblves of 21111 true ‘A gr0unds*~Qfco111forr, vs/*Abich might Afupportus in timeof ~trya117.It~xvas Gods ‘VV-ord which qtxickened D.wia’1’n time bfbis a»1%i<5i:i<)n;1’fae1s.z:%9.5ca. It was Gods K/Vcard on wldiclx A A he"ciepeb.ded, Pfzf. "13o,.b5..s Wlaenlze powreol out his com-- A . pleaint bef0reGod,out ofthe depths, that igin floods of dif-A m:eAfIE3s sth:?1t Qverwheimed him. For as for any other mean:-:~s wAbPs2Lb.7:ifl1?7I1eartsand bssaré upour {pit-its in times of A A inward difl?.reH_b”fs3b orMoutwba1‘d afi%&ions*, Wee {hall fird V A @112: {elves ,fo-iced to takeup Davin’: complaint I Iookedfbr I4 _. . , ._ fomfbtfi V litertiaziizlc lookiog for A AA Laftlyg in the meme Or, the ,€‘ltut;be.{ Rcfqrmatzox. " 1 o "W: iénzfbrzersléut jlfawza’ nozze,*i25f4/. 69.2 otand 1’f4l.i4.2 laahedaitmy right baizdazm’ there W14‘ "no man waaldlwonv me, lwfugefailteaf me. And asfor Gods protnifes, whence only it the ground ofttue comfort ariferh , withmhatrk3~373! I’... A H I; 2 9:14 f-We zvamg $2. ]*""_Ir; 2 9 .1 Thewcrgi Ofithe (7:Qd_;0£? truthl-vvrhocannotlye, 2. Word more firnne then r‘herrf011nda~h;~f .r-ion of the earth, fetled f0r«ever in 12eavte_n37?/25-Z. II 9 .-, 89,; We have great rea.fon rd be earnefi andr'»feriou;st- in 1:§.bO?.;1f7,r iii,g.g 3.11 ur~~;ver, to rain tI0r~trl117é.: rtnrilsffle ‘of Faith: not only», b5eca.nfe otlzerwifeertwfiedefhife tlarisugrreat zllercryegndz com~p;1fIion0fG0d towards: us,’ .» in —:co:1defce1;ding Atoi our» weaI¢1i€fi5Pt Was fir0nginFaitAh, Rpm :=;<;:.{; Irideed thére 15 ¥1Q« ;mOre% menticned ;iI1;that %%”_Iéice5%. Brit that" he &b‘e1ee'VEtd; »af11dt11ercby Séaléd go the A pg. werof'God9bei11gfu11yperfivaded that he which hadpr0~ mifed was ableto C106 if,”U??”-2 1-" But. Witllout belcfeving .4'Afaithfu1nefi"e azid truth With. 31v1.f1iT¢5ithe‘rV"l1aciwhee ‘afiy found comfort: , nor God his dtie h‘cmou.1‘~ ‘jbybej. lecving , whemfore it exprefly teftified dfj.S"’4m£2; that {He »béléev’ed‘that he was faithful} that had promiféd, 11:5,:-_x.-14x. fifif To us is'VFaith of"fi1Chr1ecefl°1ty.,th4at Wi’:hc’>Lit Mwgrxe cxllead fpirituallyfit is tI 1:1T_3,‘€VhiCh i1*nit¢-susuzzto Cjhtifi: T%:heVfotmtaine‘ofIif¢A;4%in.wi‘nc>m we~1iv‘e2zsA thmpfozile Sififli.- fié:11o£%h;g::{e1£ .-; ‘zliw (faithh?-3) Jet rwr I§‘éz2t%"é‘b%*z;fi ‘hi- fwgrb i22;772 é, and tfztlffé wbirbl now /z"U¢f in tbeflefli Q‘! “£22.: 5} F£zit'b of the some of’ God, G4/. 2 - ‘z o. .80 that wighou: VFa»it:h -We are-wvitholxr Chm‘: who is‘ Our. 1ife,C”aZ.%3 A-%~ ganin, it is ”Ff.1it:h that qu-ickens -aIlV'0u%r €11d€_3.VOU1‘S and; ”I_'V¢ee*= tens allour laboL‘w:si1a_G0ds f6‘rv1ce%, knowing tha_t”in‘due feafonwe {hall reape zfwe faint 7205, CW,6.9,. %ThirdI§rV14t F-aithby which both our perfons and fiervices are accepted? Bv Faith Aéel offered 4‘ more Mceptaéleflecrz:/ice‘:/9:74Cain, £yawf2z'ci2 Moétaizeed witmfle that be rm: 71:42)’/9Vteoz»1,‘Heé. 13.4.; Fourthly, it is Faith that holds up our fpirits in afl‘fi<9cions. I had fainted (faith David) mzlefie 1 {ml éeleeved to fee u6'e ‘qaa;?»:eJ[{'é of Goa’ in the [M51 of the Ii-ving-3 €Pf'a.l. 27. 13’. Whence heprof'eI1"eth that Gods word the ground of our Fzxith, was all the comfort vvhich he had in his afflifitions, ?['.sgl. 3; 9, 530. Fifthly, Faithonly e113.blcs11s to withfiagnél AgI1.%terrC»ursM. ‘V Faith tfikfaffis his parents feared _t10t the A And by thef£2.1nepO- ‘Kings %C%Omi1i駣1demenr3He:5. 1 I . 2 3 .. D21 #1. _ j T712 T1035/£3“ jferufa/em Befldumtzozzg 4.4+ .._—‘,w -v-I-raj ,r_.._._r rm wé1;ofPai;1_3,, A the three‘ Cluildggen feéréd neither Kifigifigf “ émégdzzezzarsangry cquntenancgnor his threa.tning»v§v‘c§rd’3,.% nor%hxsrpreparat1ons ofthe flames of fire to torment thems 0 not {me as to take time to confidetr xvhano anrwer info dangerous a cafe,‘ TDw.3 . 17. La.fl;1y,_i,t: is Faith that n A 'wfi1‘p§Iics'us with Pacpng confolzgtiogs, H95. .5 I 3.... So that; ‘ the Apqffle re1s"us_., that bang yufhficd b_y'Fa1::h as we havq _-_;~;egceAw1t%h%‘Goc:1s%; {O we’ not on1yAb'ear%tx1bu1at1ons patient», '13}, bqt in the midflz of irhem:—~.r:ja1c:i?_2j I/9:;ho}':¢yFf4zb§‘gIar} _ 7"gafG*aa’, “2{am.v 5. 3. Ln-— . diversr¢f;$e&s.. \ V % % M fjFOr, %&m,4:1aere 1svVn€1t2h&Lng ‘xn Narure_r;11atVA can help us ya.‘ .7. 3; ’ J_% fieicondly, as Faith of all Gljaces is mofiV'necefI‘:it3';and‘-: ?t?*1fc%fu‘11, fo,is itdof%:111%*<>thet:s the hardefi t%0»be.<>btain"ed, fand. t£o‘fhe”attajning @,f“FaFi4;;h. A Senfi.-;%% cannot“ help ‘us ,. for}; t1Ie, e:).bj~e€i:s of'\F3.ith am —things that are rzorfi-elxe ,_He6. I 1 . 1'. % ‘mt ...s»hingsth2.¢ ab“.; :1 fonnc ‘y Sara/J; fO1*.~th€_A“-. Vpofile tels us;_, that be confidcrcdzaot (that is, did not {O much L :ad1nit.into debatefigeafons drawn frentg t/Je7al:;z%di:efle’ofiyz3* Wan éoafiy ,md~qf Swab’? momé.e,‘R,om.. 4. No,_,_Senf6ai1& I Ffeafon are (0 fzirre fiom Ixclping Fiiitll , that they‘ are the « moil dangerousb ofall otlzcrtmeancg, toMhinderA it, ‘or over- V throwitwluere it is. ._ VVhen 9a2'v1"d judgedby:Senfe"of A AA Ends waycs and difpenfations 3 which reprefented _unm A "" §h<= ~P¥9fP‘?F‘?‘%%§9¥?F5%§£é“¥9.{! .tA##on—~- % ff" % '*“*_- -' --*--~ D A m -~~;- fl __ A‘ny’%_h¢lpffbA*F~aLit11;’~né;jrr1ther are the» fi»rongc:f’zV.A%meanes _tc» 4%ppofe§ axgcf hinder 11*": ~:_i'At muft needs be 3 ehfficult workc (ms Abcing ‘both ¢abovfc ~a11é1,c”c>11t*rary Vto'Nature ); toAobta1n1r. A fecond difAficu1ty‘in% ébraining Faith‘,%isV the confi- 3' " Ade1-;1tion"oft:hofe great :tndwond€:i5fu1fl1 mingsjwhich it ap- prehends“and’.be1eeves', “That t11£§H0lyALprd, who ibates all % ab: uéariwrs of izzigzczfii’ ‘a,_s Wavidtbfiifies ofhim,‘?f.-11.. 5...‘; . an{:1,Wi1_I 6; no memes pardon tbegzdlt}, as hixnfelfe profcfl j A fct11,A£,xAod. 34. 3.. fluoulfii notwit11Af£a11ding,“ fiiom all VEt¢r-- ni't‘y5 I%ookEfup%on men wI1oHy€wdefiIed svit1;‘fin>,AL with%V‘fDAA much M ~%m11de1'A11cfI'e%w4ofA compiflion as tO*C11ufcA %5<4>utA Of thA'c&nE1iA ap'eO—- A pk: forluimfclfigr--~V; and; out Qf I1isAotv%11e géodxzcflle, a11dursts.p€4?13aP$f1evgur¢Ad?by fi‘fhe’Si,".Qrx:V~fld” A % to ifiut A A baa-Its, or. c0nfu1Iied;.,intO a‘fh§5'iT§i4tLfiém€s of tAEte; 77re~neerIy; to AufeA:}111A,di1igcnce,M bQt;h 1 to z11re{Ii%on,At11at: 2‘1 a{_§hi(;Iwc; {hg1:11‘dA;é quencli ‘ffirégunkéffe: .Lpe.rIi;ip.S Elie ailufie to- the H eh;JfiW*‘:}¥3m§A¢. V i"'\3”$ 3;~fh‘ie1dLdnbuck1c:1*,¢c)1n1ning from 13%, ~w11ic11Vf§gnifiés toco01e.- % Sézlbmaifléxhorts us roger wrfdamewizfi all .%oz;r.m gettzmgg ~Prb§f; i¢:i3:;‘Jf?./AF¢'b fin? it M film :4 ;.4?.2d4A @546? tvf€:§fizzrVe',‘%Prov.. 322.. 4 W hen: fwe; T}:1a;;ve gotferggjétg j*z;2mf A :21 fa rg 6:74 it,Avz2az¢fbFfm€fe~z‘t, ‘Prov... ¢~:,u15*.. £16.. ‘ Now-VFZai“b11,is%not” t12e.1eaA{‘t~‘pé.rtoEE,t"ru%:: wifdbme, which makes us wife unto; S»a%1vati0n.M ~T;d.g€:t%a11dI1pId fafit11i4%sV_V13""ai1t.h,;¢,wc$ m,u%fiV%l1ay€§. an3¢fpe’::ia=MvVrég;a~1zti:untf;g3a:vyotlaings, 1“ .% * A » y , A Yv...h..i..c.;..'11 can be none whet€~ %f4i*9f?’1 v % L W374» 9:" My-on-I-n--Ila--U rem build W -...—.w- ' .“_n:' .4L‘h.L«.|.... r W‘ ‘ , MN &nn......._ word cf Gadaé as»thex~Ap0I’déicals ir_,fT:?t. 1. 9. efiaélfllyt §&.;:E % :4 " hi; mggzgg g;'j%a;,j;/e,,,;A*R;;;m;;g, geazmmlans,Pf4¢.l..1-19.940. llpon;-which Da:'z:ial‘buj1ds‘a11, AA 4 h.isHGpe5 4Pf4l.4;I 3’0..5:..w <;tevfbrr;:r/as4L»ard«(faith.b@)my { fiml: ’:;‘t‘6th mzéita 3 N azzdfll I£I:£:‘..r ward c1’7a:t:i1 ‘bog: :f And, ~j}:§ , A 1xl4.%,., T/10;: m~t:m_y l1;£di?{gp,l2zc.»gy:m?m’z7§y:“flJiflri : I fzopeirz wt/9). { A mm’. Novmhis Wo4rd,% mu1£‘3bb42lAAcIe@{r 'VVOrd,anda full . 3./Vord : It muft bee, Clea-rf.\’-Vlbrd, vir here rh%epromifeis%1aid AA n1_£i:, pa-rt Q£« lift: :.:md;;fa1fv:§t1%0nAby- A -%Ch‘r1Pc,“anddivers others-:A A.4Asi%fo;rfthofe thatatfe idC1iveredV - d0wx1 in plains and expreffc§rc;mews:,;-i: ;»{u;chpa5 are 3113 or the; in nlore darke and obfCL1:re«eXpr.cfl-‘i~ms, ; ~vandTfuCI1 as are C2: . pzibltz Qfdiversfionfi-1fué?:iOns, .%:I1ough"they maflaegofgoqd ~ ufe;,5—"yen%FaiAthhath no fi1*z1«1;e:ref{c?ir1g.«n==thjexx1,% unleffie they I ‘ be%c1e¢redm:o;xs *by4other Agalacésmhmt‘ aré::p1aine and eviw :A .c:iCnl‘~., And as it muftbe :1 clear Worawthat our Faith mufl: gcft 0115 I'0;n1uf£ itbca ffi1%lVV0;rd,tI1e pm11"1ife'%taken with all thecircuznflallccs and conclit1°or_1sznncxw to cafe %I1imA;{e1fe downeffromAtI1e~pinaszzlc V _ 105 this .T,C‘II"'ip1C‘ M15 not Chrii%sw:1y : St. }ol522AteIs1,2s, _If minfefle our flanker, /re 2'5‘ fditbfnfl and ‘eff to fwjgi’L'_e_ :23 emf‘? zigmés, t°.‘*Io5. 1;. 9. To makctluis aw ull Word? A we muft fir; sp“1j"rit with a»C1'J.11‘fe %out“OfPWVW. 23» I~I3A Ht .;riW %w carkftjfetb1awd'_;%rf'4£’efb bi; jinnz:r“f}.1.é/lt%%fi,&d merry: which mow many!‘ omitting and 1Ieglc.f_.%i11g ,“ fuisfie themfélvcs witix awbérc and pc1'fu11&o1'y c<9nf}:ffio11 of finnc ,. without“. any §_~11d'eAavour go fog-fa kc it: ,_, A or tonfubcmc jthcii‘ Corrupt V Iii££<3VTfi'0m%" wh€:I1c:e~ itfprixlgs,'fEi.iI undér _Vt§he " 0~ mirriorxw offinntz, r7ra.‘Eg_¢"i¢g* fro-v::fz"cw'for.'fiu,tof:.r!fi1l ttjbb Iaflr‘ V ' _{fitrvcy§ 53 no (7%, tb‘e‘iCI9Zt7’c‘;J€.P Refiormtiafi; ‘ A V % fl’ };meo;; living inAa11Ama:mo£1en{ua11cy,and mindmgearth~ A -1;; thingggso the1"canda1loAof Religion, and (svit1Axouer1‘j}>eedy- .mepentance)- theodefirufti of their own foules. M ._ A A ‘% Secondly, our care Inuit be to keepe out'_'FaitIa in cor_xti-~ nuaIl~ eXer<:ife,; not on11y«'in;timesoftemptation, but in times A vofpeace,as fouldiers.AeXercife their AI1n‘3S,‘,b€fGf€ theycome .i§;O encoum*er~theeiroenemies. It is recorded ‘of A that greae f(j_ommg;~,der PM/apaemafij that as he we1kAedoeithero alone; -with his friends , heeufied to VIEW’ one confidere the gxsounéi a through which he pa ffedfi what advanxa‘geAs,__oo1~edifadxaagetages A it might miniflzer to him-eor his enemiesjfhejfhoulcf BeVrtl‘f€m A fodainly afléiled , Ifo that having confidered before how he mighgt heft either fi*ee~himTe1for annoy the aiTai1a.nts,heo was eafi1y;eabIe‘~to avoyd tlzedaxzgerwhen it came. Let uslearne 1 infthis point wxfdome ofthe childrenof this wof1d,our ene- mies are more fuhtile, more powerfu11,n1,ore vigilant, their furprifes more zfodaine and more dangerous, oBtfbé*e7f,£~e vvi- gildrzt, 5;-caufc yam» czdverféary the Dew’/I as 4 raazrizxg Lym- mlés‘ aéout, fleeing mfiom be may awaura whom refijl [wife]? in tée Faith, ore Pet. 5 . 8}. 9. The nieqneé whicht-11eeApofl;1e % Vprefcribeth aegainfiz this powerfull and dangerous =enemy_., if-;t thefkeclfa{’a_‘nefi'e of our Faith, whic’I1 we mufk not onlyhaveg but have alwayes about us, laying upthe Prozni{'es~a1Waiee: A o in ourhearts‘, andby meditation““fi2tpp0fi11gedangers and o esemptatz-om, ebeforee they com e, to confider AhoWA- th;eyA may be appIyed,and"made"ufe ofias thefevera1IAemergentAoecafi- one fhallereqtzire. The want: of this prOVfdeflC€“‘ifl St.Pcte_r Eef‘thimin3.Af‘fi the mofft ef;xn1ous;*4’"an‘de ‘efnjnegze —3F_ate§ who had fer up the Kingdomeeof Cums: ambngfi them - A tliztgreat works. _ . A ,V‘f0r, rig; Cburq/76¢ Rqfizrmtion. .4 . ihavgé iéfé ~%5§1jiitpA:r1:’em at;t:h‘i's da;ythe::fm:n1e for face sofa C hutch. In th&bei1o1ci1ng.of fuch fad Vfpeew . A mcles m1¢:t my befO.1‘€: fué that Pnopbet'ica1I’%PrOmifg A .D;;i2, 2:5;-4—*4=o ;:ThaA: KfIigdOfl1€~W111§h _:Gadfl:14l(%fet;upi_ ‘ f A 7 ghfilll, Vand ‘fu-11A’ afrflrfiificfi 011‘? 0£031? SaviMour‘s ’ Owne moucb5~that%tb: gate: of :’ae;’lfI94fl not preVvaz7!¢ 4g4iii.&' it, wfatly. 1,6 . ;1 8 Q‘ - That-~:ratI:er ‘t he%nrf1iI’e the -Woman (the. Church mfzanesj 4 [M1 ./m»’e. twig: go 4ca;y_£éhér Aut of, gghc D.1~gAgonsA»r&ach, Ewe]. I 2'. 1 3,1 4‘. _ha‘t thé%%%WildMi'-: 3:.fiej;’é4l/Vrxoariflfi /931‘, for ,4 time, times, 4I1}HJ£[f’e fa t:_}2ze,»tImt if the 3€1:pentCa%fEAA0utAfla“ad:¢ ‘AwarEr',;4flerA% iferg fa (;;_r}V/7£:r%’~z¢zvzt )¢, tbé, e4g2?rfb%[ ;f,(ii2zz/Ion": %up m-‘tbh‘.;flao;d$ ‘ver;f.;§iv_%5:L*;*V;1¢6%;%Iii br’ieNf7,gtA11;14t God A1vi11.::arme4. §1nd* 11-fife‘ gfl _the,.CreaAturesir1 heaven and carwth £or"4tI:c“dcfence o;f:his C:;h.urCh.4 Adda Aufzto t:.,l1c:1H'c-,:'t:I':«’;_a54 Decrge p_ror1Aog111crA:-d g_:;;ii1fLh. cliff Be4fi,,;.dWAd ~trhe ; fzz.lj'e:A *‘1I’q: I A " ‘\ Q ; ;_ SECODCRYS»: althughipatticuia P%ei*fo1fis,¢ and V max: mmed», “yet ithfi‘-y.3I'£%»i fntludedf, viri Lthofe Promzfcés &%1:*g.,L;i<,%&1?1t<;5.At;I1:e% Church in.gencr"a.1f1;, Jor toA the Jews in paw ' iii; &&:.V€£Qnfider€das% 9. Church) Efxve anfwer»theA Corr-1“ éifiéifi, Aiii§&er+Which,:,h£% Pséomife is nmadjé; Ifwe‘ 7!: m‘?t~:=*7L A4 3§Cflt07Gfl,51anC§wVaIkB -i13AV:f1is*w:iyés,4xvehave “ gmu§;d%;itQ afi§u_re;VvAaL1rAfe1ves ofJVtheAVfiflfi1Iingaofthbié A MW: mrfimmivs faédyedwemd 2:59 ~ Qwriaed t zggai&*§l‘A o w‘*e» Miv xfaritg1?w‘{a‘I%.8xg;%&I L351 %%z he holy ‘bath; {gmd 'fk££m’*it§f§Qi11‘Pi“§~ % Ph3I§?;t;x.g:*>n «(the 1:02? 1lmcIer‘€me ficiafl dm:y~° of A % % . A Law A $034, tbé C‘burc/ml‘ R{fEar292cztio§2_ 29 M ” intludes allvthel reft) we1naywart:mt , as aflured by V .t.h»e word of God , the fulfilling ‘of all thofe gracious Pr.oini{es recorded,.;'7'er. K 7 . 2 4,2 33 26. For the things written afore-time, were written for us, that we through comfort of the Scriptures miglut lawvc hope. Not to hold ioyonlong ,_ look welllupon your Covenant by S-Vhififh you ‘h3.~v:c? in--as folemne a. manner as may be; Qlaliged your felves, byrliftillgfilp your hands to them0lH'11;gh God, in theprefence ofmen a.nc1Angc1s‘ ( which if you brea.k,God~ A lcertaxnly rec_:ompence it on your heads, as l1e”tl1rea:~ tens to doe In al:l1kecafe,l,E:6¢c/9. I 7.19 .) lconfider 1!: well, and make good your folemne engogexnentsboth for Pub- «lenge Godto.~makelgood unto you l, any Promifewhich hehath made vnto ‘h1sChL1r<:h 111 ms Word, in any age M l lique and private Reformation, and you may boldly chala » palff, Labour fgf. Zaruééaée/5 in carrying OD. [113 Lords work,“a.ndlyo);1 mayaffiirc your {elves of Z élrulaéa-«X ~ his f11CCeH'e,l:and the great Mountains that {land in y01Ir_="' way-A [ball éecameplwines éeforeyau, Zach 4. 7. I adde further »that. ifany thing may be concludéd out ofthe courfethat: lGodlhatl1 hé,-Id with us l1it:h’ert:o,l1e ‘hath « fo fkrzmgely ioterpofcd hilnfelf, :a.nd”coni’;:1ntlyl Rep: in bétwcene us and our utter ruinqat M Keimtéfl, at Bminfbra15 _ A at Nexvéerj, at Tlzvrlq at Cbcritwz, at Yflafééyj whenwc 7 may truly iffy wvith Dl4WI‘al,'I Sam. 2 o. 3. Therewasmobut 4 fit? éetn-Acme» woo éMd;de,atb“ or utterldefiruaion ) bath {'0 ditionlbeyond vour hopes am?! expeéfatioln, that we have A compaflionatcly 1a.amr gkpm ml in A our [2929 eflnte , as»thc V ~ Pfalmzfircrmes it,P[‘4I.. I‘ 36. 2 3 and raifcd us up to a jcon—- ” great reaofon "tO'_hOP(?., that he . whilch both begun _wil1" V i make an lend, as himfqlfffieakes in another czafegt 52118:. I2;;.Indecd;olb_oth'4llcfl!ofi.g‘Exod.'3fl2, :r,2 . and 1ofl3u4,c:a.*p..7.. A V7.-9. ;pre1Te_lGodfwirl:l re{'}w‘e€%.‘ to his 0W11e..h0nOu1fi., wh§<:l1 A ° A l A would“ A A ~:=:j3*0» AT 31: Tffozéésiei’.t9f‘_;I€7"§tJ(d/8%!'R€_fld!Z£3‘;.§1‘fé$’9 wéuid have beAen much blexnifhed ?if God; xAv!:oy% Md?-16 fl:r;ii1s>;e1y br0L1g11t his childmn out of Sggprn and ovcAr1cw..~A AM 514??-~».h.thoL11d13av¢{Auf’fi:§r::.-d tl;em to 1:et1fl15A-~e1t:fi1:er in the -i\1Ad»e§rncH‘e or-in the Land—o»E.C4:z.z-.-1{2..% ~13 fixucg I grzzntg thatwhen God hath called usto-V3; Wm-'AAk »0fth0r0ug'h‘ Rae fcmnatzoxx, ‘if we mm. our camall policies 3% with his Couufels, and diriveon dur-ovvne ends, with more zeale than his: As God may , a.nd-*xv1Il‘ca11tI:cm to accompt: thatdoehisworkeNeg1igent1y5 or’ur;fa1r1:fuIly , '1' 0 he juf’sly1nay, not onely deny them the 4hor.o171rVQfpcrfor- xnwingj A arrclaccorppliihing th is fervice to him and"toAA 1: is Churcix but may put off the perfeflting of this glorious A work of thorough Refo;-mation Vforxhe pm.-fent, andtmii lfhc: accomplifhixig thereof 5 ’*andt_hc refiorxngfok Ajou-3: pea'ce~x‘vith more bitterneflefitenw.e:;1:3ve yet tafled., And part1ct’11a‘rIy,%I “boldly affilrm thzzt everv Qncgvvhofe " A Confcience w'it11e1"fetI1’untohim , ‘that inefinglenefil: of h¢2Lrthe112;th put to his hand: f0”r'*‘c1':*"¢:”:f‘A;1ttheri;§g and car?- rying O__n*AthisJw01jke ®'fRefor4mat%iQr1“, cut of ti-1;e4ze:1le~ we Gods honour , %:mdt12e.g;<3od df11i5iChurc12,%may affure_ i:»».5::i‘ri1'eI%f; Athiat rbough 1]'}~aa1ée ma; gar}: am? , “ jet 1:: I111’? Ea ;.a?_Aj3fi3f"é3z(;5 1'12” the eyes ay‘, £12 a L?arrbZ§,%« aizdbzér >‘G 04411133 ‘Ac’ £123‘ ji?eAi.;g:!a , ;1s%cx»~;;s °fpeak’es 4 a£A»1::m:%1»£,gg49.. 3. A.S1'_f«s:§ A % d3e3.ItMxw'irh Dmd, Wizohi though fife % rd ::h0‘ug:_ht%'1:ot “ flt‘t()"A{f_1I1:L7lOj/j invthrtr buihdixzg of his Tcmpkgyct his defifc‘ :m“dpu1“]:0fef1:o haave dezge ix‘; ;:b1:.t;ci:zntly~rew:..n:=dcd,z SaAm!."?7.I A1:’.'I 2. 1,Ae;;: Tm zh-erefi;;- e ::p’am‘a?e déz‘k;%g,3&ndA1’ctAfdr» ‘‘ ward foArthAe r2i§*fii£g'0:1%6fAt_i11s‘ grchtg9o*r1~:,xv1z1::£cfo1ut:— or1Aas7being afihred ‘both 0fAth¢fu7‘Ccc*{%"c :1nd4per'fe‘8cAi11g A thereof at the Mk, Aas1d«~Qf:t};e a<:¢eptaric_e 0f"Our1abAO11fs A the-rei-fit, and ofour reward ‘4i1eVreaftc%y:,A AWh3_t%%tf6ub_’1€S. foe- verf we Inset" wit'iA1ir:1 tilt: yvayg of-»V;hiChA aL£"E1“"’t%AO:ffEa71<-A in we next pA1a«;"<;~:~a A -A A A 7 V A 4 ‘W A This 0 ‘Oh, Clatcrciiw Rgféfmatzam. AA 3,; ” .4» A'1lhis great Worke §"_\"F§‘1«i-(ZE1 m tE2e4§.=ms.miewhx<:h%we have .be£§b1:..e us, ,A__ G 01 engagetix himfe1fc:'to perfornue -for. he cafieth mm tchci‘ unfitrtezfi , and izi %mai:1s V hldgement the rnoft ~L1n!ik€ly 05311 Times, into Tim:-:s" ef t;:oub1e,,3 AA t:1:crea:fonxw11e1*eo fu*«:: Hui}. co:1fid<31*‘b},r aAnd _. by, In the meme while we any take 110tiC€§ th-at i1:.isu~‘ his Cizurcha _ {hall with (361 tojtltkernuixc ‘i‘or r1e bittcrn.cflE wit%hAI}is fweetcftVxncrCies;;‘Thé Pfiifeover it felfmufibc eatVe1xwit11% bitter herbesa Ex-ad. I 2.8. A’Morc partic::uIarIv,, Godufix-—,= ailymixeth tI1QubICSfiJ.I1d aH*AIi€c.ii::>nsxw.rit:’h tlic Churches. o . Reibrmation 3 that;’weA may 1ay“4this bcforni us as 3 gee: ncral ruic. A ‘W H V ; 1‘ fa‘ uflgnfl z:g:ii“f1 Gad tq arr; 022 the mm('e~of r;}}j§'r2g ma!’ reflorzkg b'z'a' Cfaznw} ix: timexof Troméle. D~w£dv‘tr:oub1ef0me Reigne to the dayesdf Solomon, Va.“ zmn ofvPeace ( as his name imports) or of.K effas Go&A tcrmcs hxm-,1 (Wars. 2 2 ,9. in w—‘:Of3 txme God promxfeth A m gitre his people Peace» gem’ Qaietneflé : But that is an“ “ ‘eanpara-ilefe-ifixample, as itmay be eafily made“ good by» iz.1]{’c:mces ofsdl times ancient and moder11..> %".flv::’ time of delivering Ijmel 0ut,Oi:. £5310: was%Anot only :1 time ofhea.-» % ¢ viz: bondage, *bL1it as Uifofcs lmftened on that work;,_% Chiitt y.o!<.-:.: was m1’:Iehci?.vicr upon t11é:m5 in {'0 much, tharaitor .";z.‘r‘2g.-1,/»*‘-‘fl? ‘$ff‘?2%!'V7i*,~ zwfxd Ltmel if-0*:-‘a’.«1‘ge . f'.hi?:y' had; no Aminfl, 2:9 11eark~Cnto Gods meffage by « Lfidafls 0f;t11‘«3ijr~c1e1i\rt3r3r Afimwd. 6; 9“ V/Vh%en%GOd badiiy Pcrmig hand brought t:i:r;m»~out o‘ft!:e:Land bf ‘fffgjvgat,’ I':»e{i<;?e2: mar flurry ‘_VC‘C‘1‘(3S M fibcifiubiefome rmvé.-ilcin the W"3i!.cic~rr1:+1“£1§,‘ M Kfvf hat troubles {fon1ca:1d;<§;a!j,9.;e*rous ~wiar%ges~ tfiev were c3rzcumbr:1'ednw*1;thzm1 The%buiw1dingoftbe Temple was indeed put offfromi-4 ‘§&’1;l"h{? L'm;:E «if a;4m,i;z their %’fet¢ti4ng; and plLfantig1g;Athc=re5 A . .1}isA:{’r~‘ large _recor3-ed in the ‘woke 0 f 10fl%¢s’€. I W ..__ '.. A 3:; M ~ RT%. T517115/8.!‘ feru_faZ:e*z;eJ‘ %eflen;a}2’afi3 fin iIn»tehe- planting of‘the ChurcI1..x;Bder ms Gofpel, botle the hiféory of the Apoflles Aflcs .5 and tIx.erecords of the flare of the Church .3 for the firfi three hundred yeezfes % afte;'~eCrm s ~ratefHfyAtO the-W"or1d:, what: bitter Perfecu~ tions it indurecgto the eifufion of the blood ofmany bun» dreds ofthoufands ofMen, VVomen, and Childrenjn all piacevs where“ the Gofpel was planted.._ Yea,the maflet- _Fbuildeest1*2ez“n{'e1ves , drunk as ‘deep , eordeeper, of that bitrerecup ofAfHi&ions, asanyofehereft,‘ as St. Pm! tefiifies ofhimfelfe at large, 2 ‘ Cor. i I .e.2 334,2 and is as fullyewjtnefied ofthe ref: 3 in HiPtor«ies~of undoubted verity. V . V V To come neerer t0.'tI1etT1n1eS', of’thse Wsldezafes, j who neere% goo yeeres paft heldfoutthe light of the Gofjael in A thofe dajres‘ ofpalpable daxkenefe, which had% overfpread I elmoilc the face of the whole earth, when they ‘began once to encreafe to 3 confiderab1enumber*( 33% indeed in the {page oofae feweyeeretg A t11ere—wereoteckonedeneere Bight A hundred thoufahd?, A ethatembraced their Doétrirze ) the Records of rhofe times, ehowfoevermuchAcorrupcedbyA‘ ;13e»a&verf1ries,tefi:ify, svhatebloody VVa1'swere 1-aifed' up .3gairnft_eothe1n'byktI1e Pope, ecoiztirxuing neere one hundred L jveeres, and ending almofi in tfize utter eextirparion ofthat lioly feed. V A ; , ’ To {peak nothing ofthofefozrg and bioody »varre;;g,_mi— £ed7by the*Emperour Sxggzfizzaxgzf thorough t11einfiié;ati~:- V on of tehzzte {ameeo»ema11offim1e , againfi the Reformefsioof the Churcheso in Eobem 5.4: max: continued all the dayes oftixat worthy Commander lab»? Z xfczgand divers yeeres after 'ehis~ deceafe, and to draxv neerer to our own times 2 We kxmofiég rbatvvhenLzméarebega11theRef'ormation of V o the Church ., the Popezndehig depelldzmtsnevet left rai--W 1 {Eng of troubles againftj him and his followers 3. tillvato % . V . .. . .. -. gength A .. .. -ab 124.. ...w. _.._ 4.. ~1*;;;gEhi ti: had engaged thti G-‘«’f'7?1.:4i¢ Empetour%‘C%nJm%Lg$%V~ the; in a_ Acruell w a1~1f¢L,aga;nfl; IE6‘ Duke Q;£awafi£%§5V%A%; agd-his ;a,rWry%Vs;s;rI1pflz -m€fl?k:I10'vVk "3:;And,« W120 f}3€%ake% vt.!f1:‘§i?i3I~<,,7'.% tha‘t SW ord, WhiChW3.S"thC1fl drawnémtihat-hfbVee11Vhaxjd1y mm-»fincc fhea,thcd, but to this ?;dayTin~qne”.V;pan: off E«.u~. ;»gp%e}_“Qt;11er~3 gg{;s;j_*§>,f1&i b21th,ing, ifia f§1;£:i_;‘1; A A WIith,;h;ow,\ml1Ch it V; 1 A .4 w“ our neighbours, ifeclc to this; day toOut1:fmart'. 3 N % I” There-are Infkancqs of Troubles Jiaiféd by Szathan aid»: “ his infiruments agaigifii the C?h11fCh..II2y .»§fhiQf§".WjfiiC,h%af.~¢’. without, I101€ii1?3V»='&f¢§%th@"f€dA«€.h$1:t4%a3t"¢'Ayi1’eiz:r:2iimp%mit~h§rx%%: the bowels 0-ft‘h@_C11urcAb5 by »fat1{<:'%%"BrerIar<:f1$ who: _/jiealvizzg perrverfe II}in<«§rs%, to draw D{fc2;;zie5d‘afier them. (a5%J§h¢%;.APOfi1€f¢1S us‘ they fha1IdQ:e,+4Ef.V:z ¢.3.o.) mike % at th¢4ve:ryf:_>ur:d.aitAi0n5:911 W*hi<:11 +;Cl11:;r;c;h ::is:;;;.Abui1§, thevery r‘doétrix1‘e~0f Truth» héfsu%‘”éiix%ifioIis.4A weré m::.-~ ‘dzygg divers '0f~;th€1ir%Epi{{1es‘ciQe fi1i’ficie11tIy ieclarg, and chat S:1t1:+:3.n_‘,*Co11ti1f1uc:C1 by .1116; .%faA:nt3j:po1i¢4<::31, to vicie the CAhurc11wiI1g fix-nde; andw themby:~tIc:> xuim. itfA(a$:: our Savioua-»tc%1sLus;;J. ;Tha;t; .;A%Ki11gdoin:;3%; of ”hQL1fcE'divir«V sled c211no:;~V7f?gangI,*‘ Lé‘3gf2¢tb~.é I 2 .)5;"‘i‘«§h.e réicérds :30f "%ffl1ei; Prim—it.i»:eerin;¢5 w»f§ttingA"%4befor€% aus ‘:thie..:Pas£*«iQné. ;i»n.~%v fe€%ed%£I2¢f"€3”lwur¢ia in E11O fi?“3%€55 amwzhe Excdiximfluniei cations": "Bani;{hmc11t»$4, and ‘other %P~erfecVut~i;or1s, . c111hed%thcrcLIfipon},; n1":1;ke-igt” {3'§z_i.d'£:nt; ‘enough to '"3.1i7‘ that Wm I;;§;1«:<3Ai¢%V‘;;;:1i1-*gL*:s;»:;<>; loxfok <:”»_xm»Q A. the H1fio1*1es%#0fF»; « jitlles. W A V j Neitfhét C ‘the?’ tmlibml haw f|OC*VEi4 32 ; th c* ‘ }7sra®K:3 of_'~Sat—haI23 fall‘ upQ;1‘thc "Clam-hA, vvithout Fo:e~know1cdge5% and bor11A%Permifiic>n, and dire&=ion., sea Iraéimafelf i ,0;i;é; aviour ;A.te1s I-ms Di%fcipIes='A ain Em-& A §2r+:ff1‘eAjt¢rms::s3:t_hat¢heicamg not to ifi11¥ié:P€ade 0l1‘*éai'fh5‘.j . ‘ ‘ \ _. I M “ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ’ x * - "‘ ‘ b ‘ ‘ .... ......‘ V“ -..,... ‘ -0.,» . ~mu-‘-.‘- arm 1- ‘.,...“ " ' '3w.:‘“~- V“‘-I/phfl‘ Mu. r M! WM» “W ~‘*~ I‘ *‘ '-"‘R"'"~*"’ '""' "“" . or ' “V ‘ ‘, " ‘ ‘ ’ A rt ‘V re ea‘ » 2 or mnw V ‘ % ~ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ _ ‘ » . u ‘ . I ‘ ., H‘ “.5 » ‘ W N‘ R ‘W ‘ ‘ “ ‘ “ p - ‘ ‘ , ' ‘ ‘ J" . I . ....... ..n"' ‘ :: .3! ~ P . H! V’ "‘ “ ‘ y - ,~ ‘«~ , 3‘ *v-,.. « ., ‘ ‘, . 1 V. m M -:.‘«,mqfu- M-‘ ,,.m““I‘ 1 ,. U . ups, .« -3» m.‘ .,.;.f ‘a ' »‘y‘n'¢- ‘ W63 _‘ ‘v_g ‘W 4:‘ -,. M» ‘ V‘. “..‘,‘_ , V‘ \ m mi ‘ u ‘ . W ' . > »- 8*“ ' »-~*'‘'‘‘‘'’ ‘ ,. V .1. ‘ 1:.-:3;-«M « .. . . . . ‘ * ' ...., ‘ , -~~ ~ .~ ‘ - - y. _ 1;? J‘. ,,._w. v . ‘ V A V >_ -‘ , « . ‘ .- ‘ Q“ ‘ I ‘ 0 ‘. Q" T, 7 I > ‘ W 1; «Wm» W ,1,» H “ ‘, ‘V _ H h . an ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ » ‘ ' *2‘ \ * ' ‘ ‘ r ' ‘ A .. R, ' , 9*’. , V % 5 M e ~ N X.‘ i wflh ‘ ‘ ‘mi . “mt. ... .r-J gm ' 3 3 A hu%;i:t 634i; %?N01:1thadt,*t1*x 1sA~1s gs: éffeflg “ {;i*?§}g*smgfl‘3g'e A qfi‘ .=?MVé:a_,;MR gm gr 5% ‘ffiutnis df’ 1%_g'¢e ?b;ajre;]%hj 3n&‘.&&7’:fii§XW fig isr1;;:*z1qItI1a;ngei*thciz« Nature. For *(~"Bé=:~ % W 4 M M N .__ gar §éeTha;:"Ié£e;3 I3*Mir ;;‘i‘2“ égnd ‘”’tst:$ i1*ti~a-e“% *z'ms:st 1 Mfflmiqg‘ mf‘? ~ irz5fés3fii‘:dg%7domLei;1 the ChurcI33T[ is fi'fl?t‘§3&5€vS§V§I’i;§‘:iU1:W3;7$fiA€3f3fii??é§ Ki.;;gd>cme ‘in %t‘hE+jgfVor1&; 3% £riany%4‘fm*¥§§e&Eé ‘:2. z駧:fi%?f ‘gainés, gfo may fine ; iéei A %§:éfEth;. 4&¢uriS$;v»iz§t§1ir ‘t':*:+1s”iIs5 L4z.~s£—e mg z8;¥?V'1’hat§m?Iim fI5*m1 739%£w%#%V‘*§fW?A ~ No n1ewai1e.%~%t]he13 if an 4 Kim: W {$316 MSJA -owfine K§11g‘ciQ1ne3»..1ab0ur 93; E;£nd¢‘f~?7‘§?§e*% V P3§1‘m.*E§Afi;s§‘;_fiofgthbf~'€§1urch=$}“and%:3;s{1§t'éIs:,* naervafieé if _ . fl"e£w‘2i3:.1tsv féyne with him ktLhe:f‘ei:i ;g,3% for ’ Qthezf“ ‘mg%‘I7of1,3_”‘ A fa efpeéia1’Zy,.I%&:zL:f¢ the3Go ffieflrfévv wHigh%m:}2¢' A Cfififéfig’ ~ A icm%m1adef£1 dééf :31} ”V§tLhéi§wgfjés; J’ ti;e%%c;Iai1d;~e::A‘e:»£? ey.;nu&%.> Liiefieroy C»11AeA gnoizher) Ifz%i‘c:*?c’é£7t3.?¥?“ ~ ‘pal! %::;~¢3c2~mg3 it Fbroughs cimvne 53:53:; 01%‘ ‘ rfie ...n..4_ .... r.‘ __._‘ ‘A- €%mc%e; fbrmt£m;%L%? A ""T"'-H gene-i.£1*gst}1®:11»=tc:> he-1Zt.,iA‘wm be? made” ;th'e‘ f fi”;ab;j,eg€3;-;s;f§' V A Wrat11%t6aa11Eternity*.V V , A :VB1i_tAVit" yeelds E’ tie comfort tao_§:11c;Gg:>;d1y30+»: Hmnmmfi 2:0 ' to 100%: upon the Churches t1~og;b1es ,. as Elle feéka o£S;ata.i1s ~and° his cI1i;ldm1is4 m"3.aT..icé ,% m1xé1cf§'e.%.i§m% tmiéfe upougr. tlaoughtsl1igi:aer,t0Aiookegnot may 1zp.Gh 7the~ mi but w ithall on him.%tl3at I5”M‘£r%: 4pp9ymt&:!g§,Mic11. 6 Ta I€.0n1'id€r. hrisa ¢ffaith,fu1neffé in mifing :'m0uh1es~:5ax1d @."fl‘Lisf7%:i~ 02155; .j‘whiChWnwi1§éted .?flAr»fUi¢i5:.%iarzzazv-1:52.:Tf2zi.‘i1’xA44w9”‘~.’7gay”; ;?* +zgm* .$"£mt I/fox zfa2f;zMi*:£gf’wl»%,efi’cA. :;Zmj%1gfiZi3ea' ma. : ‘His compzmion": mm‘ tails}?3:15.?“,£fl‘§tJ@tb:.g:«fri£f;TL’afn.3.3.2fa:hiS‘ wondcrfuligwmfdprneand Pmwscr *.1L:.:1—bcin§§;. 7&»:7oo:o1unt.;o thafm tfiafilawe iAi1A4imA%0m"tA~M0f ekviig; Kama 82.4“: mt thec€o?11~“% fid“er:.Mi;on Of G0ds%1-igl1té0hfi1eflE 13117311‘hié.W2;y,e:sg «Amre tfmy gathévr_scr3n1frttm mur'xfelves4% " ih‘A&thm§r“oi1b1e%s‘;Araifed A up agai.r1PcG7ods: A Clmrch vv iVc1:ednm9 vm mmiiifk A figrflf thfiireforet feétire this p.oimom4.A firm'1.y“inr our%AV:hea:t%:wE§ %.t11a;t. % the Div cl‘ and; “his in’&ru111c21ts~3'1"6 1:Lut'w*;3flE1,1‘s ta m:—.cum W‘hat he h:zthud:3.c‘rs2Ic<:1.tCi be ‘done 1. “as St. 9.3%‘ f€fi51.ifl€?SA Concernmg Ckwxfis ;fi1fi€1*111gs ,{ ti1;zrV%i1e'“w:a.@A deli.W§:ed.a1~i z‘h0ug1:‘rby:4rhc t;éch:;rsry%A%of zw¢m5:arye§»w%i:1aaM£ «éy ‘7e‘!9;e m’a£m- 'a$ie£fi¢.g,t:¢A cgz.zwx:te!l .:ima{«fbxeH%i?aw%ledge4.%offGn2z'; A*&‘.,i72 $2 -aIlth cAbbfl?les w%imé£{e tI1:itAFferbczQVPVi1azr$ £51136 g:m::*1e;m; andpeop};3bffl5*§e1»v}3icl1w:c:~1:e*g2:2;1tzk31<¢c:IV‘togetIf1m;=4:3.g:1i:':afi; M %A . c.62rz_..s°f;,; wiicte hut: G:*m:&s 54;c?3£‘x1tioI1étrs*e2-.a?a~a 'm*£u:“>:fb .e?z;‘eM:z4*%%A_? 1lzn22aI%m2’ulA*=i§z2%~Cvzgzarwé ‘imi éiéxerm ia;2=m"*m* fie a.:’a;»2e, Aéh; :33“; Now” V;.*e-‘C 3<11%0a;;r»oh;1t G«Oc‘Z(w3: 0 is ?\z-;,gism i:m‘!1~4;&;g;~. _ mzyes mu! {Joly in aii Eniy 3%70?"I('£f.§'3 ‘§>»1'{1}_ 145,” 17 ) Of(_‘:{¢"3_v(-<_.'_;:4.:1IH:L. th zlngs ffivr hi.€mW11%:;xwrI3 ig:;h *;:=zr'7<:~A.«=~*»h.‘i¢;".o$vz1*lgIt>r37;af11ci ('i:I§:.1t A vizhiczh is életreggr“fcv§e1t&2dV”’frfii:m%Vi%t‘V%‘-37:???G1od”{§%7 is“ zéédfl ‘ Lha ;~ 1:,At§m47t41gen[;‘¢ifaxv the "R¥‘e“:e fcivifié “?"’?bf ’t1‘jz&‘f%V7‘1'fi «7 xw;'!iic¢I%3‘We 7 F:.:.% ve~be?”aor<% usifrém the rélarria :%:A1aé%zya:;%:71ea if-A if feca A 27”%2a:.;.;z¢.¢%af;mf,.:mggamms __.... wamvm-»«m.-M ’ méuié be wnc1;,1dcd,4 tha.tA1mlae{2zl%m Max: af mm dmfgtk . V |\ My {adv éf'g:ii%I3_fh >th‘e;.?f#G11ur<:I-1~Tinvtlxd ti1n{4:"0f A*t11<:".pi2§Im:§ng ‘ or ' Reforming thereof, have unto thofa tsvo%1nts.Ai11e «ends “at w‘*hichG;€@dprin<;ipi2;1IyVaym zshiss OVSFH g10rya.i:_1CU1iMSCA11ur~. _ % ?~And*fix”ft.*%G0i§ hci1:our:is;%Amu%c11advmcecl by the Hes mifed by Sétan an<.iihisA Agents to hindcxr the Cimx;--s aims Rfiformation, three wayes; . ‘ A ‘ A * ' n 0 A * Ir} ‘$63-oi ’“1S.17fiilC’i?I“,‘hQ{I1O}*L‘ €zéw rby;.an1;xkimg it“ Vcfividerzt we €"'>c:‘; Vtl1é,;~§;V0rld§ the; W0‘rAk@‘AW*§el.‘tfie.%AA Chm rchtsi R6250 F-" m3;fi011A»is h.vZs‘owne AAS zbfepli makesjy.h1sAb"n3:hren.% A undmrfiarzd that‘ ., in felling hifn‘ to the idimzites, rhey4 were:bm:»”Gc2dsA inPcrL1ments izobring him! in“toEg £13: becmfd t1Q:1éffii‘C;i”Ti1€75 {O7 much gQo,ci. out, of ~.t:h£a;t whe1'em. they intended 'n0f;hing‘buVt evil. 66%‘. 4T5.:.4~% and fyo. am: Axid ~Da5?'z)£d foreteIli119,. that great: wforke of zngkizzg flfirifithcaheady flone ofkthe corner, proves it to be Gods ding a«jw?ork of,:2.dmirati0n, bectaufe the btii-1dex:s'had c:a,fi;= afidé; AV ‘2'*‘fal;7A I18 . A 2. 31.’, 24. ;A1‘lAef'fcéts%;7mu£’e Wlaarm fame ca.u1'c,. by the powcrancl Vertuc: whereof théy a r<: §arodL.1ceci;, vmherefore when there appeares no .fecoAnci? ;wfe‘winr7th¢;e‘v;imaging;fgthof *.§,11y;Meffe«.5%3 % it; n1u‘ft* be“aii‘-an mbefi i:0~1umithat2"vvorkc:s3smthut,7or above, orkagainfi " 3.31 mufes ,, :13 .p1eéfétI1..hi:mfe1f; ~ het1.the Wildcrnefe { Mmicfh by nature ;brings forth xlothing; but bufhes a;n£i; fiarubhs .) is fiox‘?ad%‘with {pIr:;afant' Fruitful} and%~u”fcfuII A ’ plénfs iv; 1?: t:£9.ezt_-~my e2: Lma}%j?e and iiiawy a1aai4:w‘/gzlerflanai I J£“~agetl2ez°% timt»tfJ”e A, L am?’ bathdane tl3£1,% I121, 4.x; 185 V1595- 3% A" /. A 45%c>A».v%11m7 mien ( by ‘ whofb councels a-n& ezzdmours @r&’inariIy:thi11gs A are ;:3f’fe&ed vintcnd agny thing 5 ~ anfi __ mhC_m=c;=:=11t f33;11sA out “ comm-y to vvfhaa:%th%cy:purp0{edV»r 3 ' if V In-utfifu -.»..v : Or, the €7J:2u2*c_i'be.r Rqf?2f¢m’rzm.‘ A ‘ !§w;‘T5:;;af,z)r, yet .;.¢~*13‘~@ad t5atdz‘reHct{3 /9254‘ [M353 Prov. Thus that it may appears: the refiorixg ofthe Church A is Gods own V\7orZ<, he fuffiars Satan and his wicked in- fl:rum,;:nts,£ ta 0ppofe~3x:1d.i1111der 1: what 1: hey Acim that the O ~2.15'% [As thevcarryulg on of the b,Im3lI‘3SR¢?f0f11i&fi<3>i?% % inT1‘cmbiou'~; tunes difcovemit: to he '§}QisjVV4g>r¢}r:e3 fa it:ti1'a£nife{§s’.it%to be me ;;VVo1§L:aQ~f Ilia Ah11ighAty poxverj when his eneI'11ies lmving §%3.r2ne~;i9 tI1emf’ClV€SVagain£k him A L effefking .t11aty;Wk¢4wit11oL1t_;a;1& agaixllfmezxs in-e j , tenijions may be afcrzbedto God;*aiOne.A ‘ witi1A:Aa.IIAtheir firength aretovemn .1f3:~er;edby ~hixvz1.. A%?(ow I A /jezzéw C flithletbm ) that the Lora.’ g)'Ae;g;te K%~t;'9e.f2$A %_m§Z' GodS%j%rir'¢fl3€ f7M7?g.QwF1erez°i2tbey% daye-It [7{"O6!£1’Z)‘ w/.1;a n2,a: Va» 59-w.-: tbmz. Exod. I8. 1 r. VVhe11 Ngéacbadaezar {aw ' thatwit11 all his power, ‘and with the help of’ his fiery fi1L‘fl%2C&311e W215 not abIcA;to¥.1urt {O mucil a;s,:m heirc of the-hea.c1-s of the tlareecllildxma 5 it movedhun not%011iy= 3:0 Afto1‘1~i{‘nnm311t at the prefe11t D but xvithali to p3;fi‘E;*»;%.. V decree: for the Ixonourizxg oftlmt Alzxxigghry God, Whom thofc mmfervcci. A Ncitther d0th?‘tl11s~W;2.y ofGooIs, m new- f’cori11gl1is ChLircl1ii1*T1:oub10us times more lllaxlifefia his pom:.m\t&I1e11it%: .dml1 his goainema in drawing Gooai out of Evil, and hisvviifdoma in fewing I1imfeIfeAoft1‘m.A 7C0ut1c:"e1S’z~mdendea.véurs of his E11emics,.and turning iflltheir A tro{‘{'c”%waAyesto mceniza the fpzrthering of his}- ovvna ends ha-Adid ”S;3,ta%ns% pra3:.icc in crucifyiflfzj our Saviour, to the accompii~fhingA~oftI1e ’W'orke of im.11s~ Salvation; which Satan I-abourecl to overthrow. A Thirdly , Gosl is higlxiy honoured by the Chu1'chc:3v ‘tmubfes 3 . Evhtfii his ch1Id1*en%thercbyA% difczover their.{in-« care luvem Cfiarzfl and histruth , when they ezhoofe him. in E316 middcfi 0? am outvmd%cii-fcouragements.A7 VVIIEH» V 3 “I95 :4“: L; It ‘A. ,,.»- L..n. ah 1. ... A V léé Vfraxééleyagf; Refiaurntion, )?»£'a].?r.='5 .cI7mfl=§%‘»::j}i’t'£¥i‘gz2§ mftrfi IV/23¢ paap£é4%af%5_ G7ac1ra1:.b6?” » ifijgz 4 the hoa¢{§szr%ta* éé’%fl£'6‘a9?3f3[71""€4ifL'IT£*‘(31 §$'m cfPh2ra01f1s diwgktera‘ he ref-fifiedy that he .'ej?¢,éfmiM’ if? e” Reprarmb ,af C~~hriftgrggmw ‘ _ zéz-=f Atbw frlm Trmfmres bf Egypt. AI::1éb. 1 245 2% 5,¢:‘a+4c$:.¢W And. ‘sw-hen 1oés"i’i%nceA1-izywbeing quéfiioned by L4AVS2ttanX%,;; GodA deli»vc:regi him ‘ovr:rt0b‘¢ exorc.ifc_c1 by-%thc;Divc1 ‘Lune day {Q many bittAe‘r“AVA"a£Hic9:1o11S , the mxddcfiz Wlueresaf 3:1 is M heart~4fI_’ci«i1 rem d114VG0d4;,~-"fixluom h<3%A%r.e{:'®1v€"éi In “ xrzgfi ;Zjf**§fb:a;=zag.E7*b@ fhaaidflqyt “£ri2ii2;"I'”~ 51 3 ., Thbfc?afflEc~;; figflg ;:’0f§1iswV Vvf2:41*eb«I:!t:%A as 10 %*manywind1ow es :( as an am_~_g;..A «cut F2therw‘ca11s9 tléetn )* t1:yyougl1%ww11i£hA the W0ri&% m.ig1at: lQ0;1_<§v~i%r1t<:j> tjjheupriglamefiér Q_fhis~I1eart and true * W lfixvp u~11t®G'<§d%,‘§:V fi'r:>4fri vv.I::ic<1*1 zaoazfiiéfioxué couldmdvefi % ".1:i‘1nw.‘ %AI‘t w:1s%an1':;bno*umb:?’e tcfi;imo11y‘r;g;iw'cn ofC111*i&~' 2?:-y“ 1oI;2:siLa.=¢z=éerz thzzt ho1yAI\«1arty'gas cine Aumgo Chriflr, A Awizcn in the zniddeflz of the flames of fire he ~lift@d“ | and‘ ; %C1ap;5img<%fI3em %t1égcthera~m’cr his :i1eaci3 mad *C%7y€’¢i3‘Cflt’?xi*;»itfi&1€)1i’id*%vOy€E5'3%.VNafic¢Vén¢~’ cbr§fi,«%%"N,ameéu=x4 * A ?,f *% %VHm;v4.d%zAe!b1cs w.*vhi<:'h acc—0i‘npa‘ny‘tI1eiChurches °m§£‘€urx11s;:%ifor1 , [ewe V: ‘to Eris” Ci:u%x1::.%%,‘ by t1:efe%~Tro11bles $’V'h1.&C§'l fl1U.ir1.with~ AL “mfg; fif;{til?1"21'¥1t111g ‘0rVRefor1n1n9; of the C hurch, AGVGCRV ;;;*éapI::§%‘:aAre?% Vp':*c:~}j>:117écI"t‘c_>" "wdmzw Ewa’-Wfl’V'e$ 4 km gabdA~j‘wr1a’i~:A ~ma_f I*a%:A<.;*?vAs 7CP§tfs*1'w3 which ‘St.AAA‘§%ml in the perfon Cf ‘1‘ifi70tb’yfifE‘KWh()1‘~tS u uz::t05z ‘T:'r?z%. 2. It as Atrzzcée ~th.::rt4 mr.2~.t'r1i1‘z:g{.2;é. lvcfr3z‘af:~i?j; a.u:c§.t;a1=c: ofufe to .;=rep;=zm: n1::n,fOr V’fi1fi‘?:~ :r'i:1gs;‘fO vs‘1:Li£},1« pg-z°;a,Q:?i7c.A%:7uV1‘v.S*¢a§«%iQt11r%eXho1%i:év;hi‘s. fallow-4 %t:‘T1"5;5 m mée W 1% Ttfrvfleg I*6.'34i.;1%11Ci4St. Pzzzd 4 ozagb ‘Waking nfil 239223‘ §‘,“sFfis-r~_?{ §:‘<:ire~i':E*1~s;.?a.€:s;é‘t.‘§%;a.§."‘§t‘b@y~mfz.ifl 2% V My 0 At:i:e’aHdvamages :of0d%s Eh onou-E’) we % haw: eene :. V‘.*7~1e‘?fl1:3.5li~ findf them ‘no *leflE<>£7a:.v;.4::”~1a:=~ 2f'e*:c1~av2zrd, Whe1,1 ~‘£?.‘1‘e3%* zihould M E V .1 ‘L A ' A M ‘ -" W M find.tI1eco}1rf_eof 2. A Lrxfixmx life, £1111” offfxou tales and ‘P:rfecut1on.., fa farrae uxaanfiwremblc "to that ‘Wh1c§1 t’khem* Peaceafle entra;1cefi m taki11gup% the fmkie Oi ;‘E3;%;2‘=r zt;m,rr,:T;.feem=éd to ’pro:11if<;-5 T;=zppe:.2rs:;::~ta ;b0i:11;by.V%"[t1m ?fi11iingaW;1y',0f fmcAh~: ms‘ ::1‘;:..*~: rmemblepl by the Stony *g1'o1ind5wmrfm«13m 2<*v2;% And by David? danger of com- A'7g.;1g*,rxV%A,A.A '80] 7tIh:3.t; rmubkéibmezz bg2_gjinni11gs 0315”; :.t1~1e ChurchesRefomnationa ‘am :2: Agra-mt memes of pmferw vingj men from A%;::oi%afieaftcm%ar«is .,, or %:1t&1ee.{% from ‘great difc:om:agements;% in the ccmrfe of 3, ~ C3.?.=“:ifi;ia11 S.E€0fl&§Iy9 the tm1x'b3&:=:fi)zne4.fetIyin,gj of the C’hurcb; ‘ Waxning merxig e:ijge..ff; tx;f0ub§es &ftC$‘.“V£%1‘C3.S3 makss them ..v :ca11£b tVl1¢y%;V£3.W%::Wa forum’ awr~»;B@ar¢£;y,, flzhjat is51v;Vi10§Q;1nw2:& ” vPc»im:e4or £‘:1aicyV);M: t‘1;z%w,,,»l{7«1.»%%5 A23 ;z:i1ie;h~r.<:>u:r3, }ti-mt paifgifizd A :12:-m very4;AfpoI£1es 1 t%he1nf:*.~h%:.esV £1’) ;: fam-2. ;_; fiilatw £bzm7es;®f’7’Ze5.e‘d'+:e4~ {Lied for pfgzces 0fh0;11our:;¢-—A Pfai, A % 2% % ‘ z" \ ' 5 .1. ,‘ . W V .. ,,.‘ _..... 5 2:.-.;; , :13’: E’ .c‘!i.."4 ad.‘ “‘ u-"'. «I 1 1 ® 4mme,;;ahic11:?:::mich abams: tljige f&are"of them 4»vh=en L*97%;11aV.k4%1f;¢Z2.‘m Cuefzzr iV1i”7hi“s 3:x:.ar1*es in iAF_'wm7r€ ,, %3s7'{f:1sAvyiQ¢£2;t ‘| 21:0 t:'c11hisJ~%Sou1diers,Perange t.I11ngs:ofvt1Zcg-teat Powor Aw whercv:fi1't11‘tI2e Enemycame ag’ai,n‘{k them, whereoftlzcy 3-%h:aving knowledgé befOreh9;1*1d,and,yv hén-thsyficame to t1r:*+e —@»nc=o%umt€r, finding theirforcesA*4nd%AA‘m%o1r§ (or U_f113HyV"fg1‘1‘7fi ‘A Vieflé) than ‘they;cxpe6ted,they4%defp§fed%fthew%danger; and gfoughtvvith inc~redibIé rcfolurion; 7’ Tliroubles agd aFHi<:->- A Mti<9ns.3.1‘€ formidable to men"¢?. farre VQfi5«t11»em01je%Vwxvee are wtcqu-aiilfzed ‘With th€m.,* Athe ‘Ie{Te‘Ca7ufe" we ’fe<%;t0*fe2re A them. So th3;tv the acquaiI1ting%~‘of%theA*Cfihm-cVh with ._ I 4 Troublesin t11e'begi“11ning;ann£Sthegadly with rc:fo1'u"+-= -~tii:>11iag:1infi %them;;1aafl€L% eXpc€’cation~n1§akes thémA fa~~ ‘ miliaf.Vu11to;thc1nV, that ~t11eywbe;11'e ‘them with% V~it1crécIWi~ "t%1f‘3"P3~fi€flC€3VVhfi‘I1hth€‘yCOI1;lC.~ St.Pmd, warned by t"h%%c~: vHo1yG»hO.£t, thatVheewi1s4to cxpeéiz ~Bmrs M: az’4..afi'%7ié?'.£- : 353 T hirdlva fuciiTroub1es3V%aV1th*oughtIzey_areA%unpIc:¥fa11t Va2.zs.1%i;z%*e1,-ery City, , grdwes ‘f0 %ref@1utc ,”th at he defpifeth A A 21:o’th<-:- @111, are very available to “put thWe’._ Spirit ina righfi_‘fifame3"‘moxving us‘ to rm<:tir_e..ne_c:rc‘: 'to'G(jd_3 to 41'1i“d‘c minder ‘tl:ALe‘VVAf1i1i3*dQx?§r:trofrhis mags as+1n%<%a’pIacc of fec1mt_x,r, 2Pfiz[.'[9 1 fig; 37’, jD2z*a£ds:V.%afi”fiuf?tions evéry. momi11g,. madvé A him {~1’nd;' ‘Emit 12': ma gaadfbr {aim to draw A?ze;esfeA;::z¢ta f.?5~.rJ5 Iz?;f;;1,“7rg,28 WV Againe it makes us A to Io0ke.mor7e “ c;i1%efi:1%1y4%tV :;gsA%D.m:§'c{;srofcI1”<3thA& h<2“:2:- cfidi‘) to our. way ycsg J?f»zZ.:u: 1 9"; 57; B%e_fm ‘zzm afilifiede: zrémt ‘£1’-fi’7":.;l}”"f%,‘”é}¥'$' mz2r‘I\V1m*L‘4e4 .f'£"8[7'25 If/-y2:ro¢a?)*aswél1=: t!:A%at”weeAmaycut ‘ofi’ tomifioxi °fi+0m%V%"t11(3fe »that. watch ‘for "out! ha¢Iting3 ;"~:St.h21t wee may fa1‘1"herz2r3.terei‘s God in our“'Pr'o—.- rcfiion. 3 :wfd% I£3.‘{%.13r,%if¢x%;*ee Vfuf§'er'3 % n1ayw:i1a;.=e {the c0'm-~ .: . gt: m m;é1m;,?%;7ei;¢}“a)e}aa: R;flg;m;:m*,i by ;thz9:t.:§X1:§35’c§;.ti011 %l"acqu:iintc& mitla‘ Evils before ‘they. forrithsuf W<':je fz;_f§7er¢2’é:#%f,~A;;=.g[Z: éaifigi _IPet~.3. I7; Agaigligg , * T 2g;(M-‘Off’.-I4. 1-3 6, I7. “ “»%“?0a~, 2%beChurches Rgflnrmatiaej the more in fave, and communion, and fe11Qwfhip%one~ew1th another; as the Shepheards Dog ee driveseethefcattered fheepgtogether. VVhen tee éeeds cf the we-mg lam’ raééed David, in the next verfe fa,-ve one, he joyns to we company oftizofe te/mtfeared Gad, Pfal. 1 I 9 , 5 L _e'e 3., It awekenes faith,quic‘kens to Prayer, Pfal. I 1 5.‘ 3, 4.%:eexen:ifeith patience, and Iaifeth up our hearts to M 100}; _.afte1':e;-e’thofe things that are fpirimall and et?eme“al1,w '» V W:Am_wfourt11 Ybene A A { ing the C_hu3:ehes_. reformat1on bung unto ~ the godly; .isLtIfie ceftimonyeof theifriconfcience, that they cleave mwC1M11jift in fincerity and tmth, and fubmit m him fer no,o1itward‘refpe6’cs. As 1t proved joés fincerityg, fit; wheicin %tAhe tro1i%b1es accompany» 1 when he eprofeiffed his tefelution to depend on God; e ?.50?4g5%79e;'1N“{e5 killbima Job 13- I 5- and Comforts himw felf with the; hope Ofa glorious refur1fe6tion,wherein he. fhould fee the face of God with joy,wh.:ztf'oever bece, ’ of him and his outwarfi canfiition at prefem, fimp. K 9., 2,6, £27. A The very light efirgeeure taught Heathen meme ‘ that the efe reveiees which theyggperformed et0,~th€i*rg0&S:a v:vAit§he;«:perie1Ae1andeI;x;;zardeto themfeivfise.-.e were befi acc:epte& df them : The.‘Family. ofthe Paéii had a folemn ueneiver» fary’ faec1rifice;to beeofi°¢rcd,bye.0ne~0f§hat eFamily,0n the hill Called Qgiriealis. ‘NOW, when 12113 ‘féflls efacked and bHrntRvme,»andeecfie '3d«th§;‘,C:4P?e.”!a f0 et:i1mheere vm iiocomirig to that ‘hi 1, but by meechiaagtinrou hthe e11Aemieseecampe,;0ne Cams Faéizm flarfa amre as 32; P1.-iefi, A with his fiacx.-ifice,4 and; other neceffzrxes in his hand, marchethjghrough the midfft ofthe enemies,“ afizo-a eiflxed at his refolution, ofers tjhe facirifice,an&return_e in faffity, fatisfiaerams (faith the Hzftarimz) prapitias qfle dens gzaqrmm mltam 22¢ mortis guidem mefugrohiéitm mterw gniflfleta 4% ma’. ‘ m ymwmofjeruxazcms 2Wm,~,,,;.;, mijifiz. K Tlmt sxrhich he iaopedguwpon uncev171:%;xinA falfefii grc>i1nds,w“e:V11iav»_2 maafbn N) beizevegufpon u*nd»1A“aflii~é’tedA icofnditicim of A 15% ChAurch.,, when it appears‘ that thoife troubles are not {ca much the"Aei&ie&As oflthe malice of Satan and his infima ments,as theA 3&3 and decrees of the Lord?AAhimAfelrf, to . M, whom»;iAy¢%h0 dA:2A1*A(:-V A fay, A Wimt doeff ittihoizi .3 VD‘.1hi. 4. W3 . -30 g §AiVl"~«i$7at»§Hz£19ai§5dfi¢a§0péi¢ed not bx: moutb,£emz4fe~~bed'idit, PfaAI.3A9.9. 'A1idiwithaA11,iit is-the decree OAfthatGod, who, as be~:‘mam’e we bemzem 6} wifaiame, fo he orders hie. wayes t0WAaiAr<‘:is m¢n»inwifdome,as tile Heathen Poet ac-- k~n0WI%¢dge‘-t11=: 1J1‘ojzmum'z'5 aptzjfinzw gsugg; olméuaqt Dii, who in7Aiii»i»§“AA~wAif&Aon1egives not {'0 much Iea“fant,A%asfit things,t'hat may rather do us go0d,then delight as 5 yeia, ofthatgood G-Dd, Vvhoqkgaad, med daetb good, Pfal. 11?. A , w6?8iwWAh0A1ovesAusAbettepthflen we love our felvcsg as tA~he fame<~VPoet agkmowiedgétafig ii" Ehzrior eff ipjis iAba2v7¢'o igzmm I555 HAow’a*€are men“ "t0iqimAr1'E1lat their cftatesg Wh€1*1 ' Ga _ “they Or, MtbeACAhurchesQiwrniazzm. A 1,44 ‘ The Traa,lé!c3f €ru@1.¢}§1;SfiR¢flaarai}on, M d at:o;9kd,himd»f€>E Wa.*;£).d)(v‘3"é2\1'?h.r}ee;,‘thin “_ A zthinks WC.110f'thB: Churches caufe,-, dnotwithflandingthe V troub1es”1‘n“c1dcnt the_re1mto:aF1rfi, thatdthofe troubles ' --——-—.-an-..... they fuit noI;;widthdthei“r cdarnaldl humours. The Prophet ' Dwvidgives himfedlf for .inftan<:e,% acknowledging, that; when he {aw him [61 f A plagued every mari2z'_ng,dPfa1. 7 3.2 14.: his dheartdd Was fu:H; of €22-vie at wicked W?95~pmfper;'rj,‘ by. wdffich he gained nothing, but thfigrievixg of his A fie.azrr,: .?w.dprz’r%i22g of his reimsxverf. 2 I . and fl1fi‘fl‘l3II}iflg ‘of A ‘ him {elf fer hxs faitfy and zgmmzzcej, vverf. «$2., ~1ndeed,;by. ;:he{‘c' mmimurzings ofoursgvwcd both difquiéitt Qur hams A in v.ain,§andTwrdon God hiri1fed1f§asdiftherewantedwif--d ,d0m;e, or comps. M 1011, Or. dfaithfu1ne{I’cin_d.his difpenfazzi-5 ons towards his pcoplea v ’ “Secondly, fuch meditdationfs help us from cbndemgad g of the can fe m vmzchwcfiand When D avid ldokedé? upon«his‘chafii?fements, he was ready to“ condemn fiis ownwwayg, P1273. I 3 and when the Baréariaizs few the V1"-u Pm upgn ‘Pam’: hand, they judged him 3 murtherc’r,d;x1£?9: ;8... 4. but when thcdyhfoundidlze had noharm by igthcy’ gs £11ou1dm:0vedduSddto are ordered by God, not out ofhatred, butout ofvlovc and favithfulneifevfordthed Ch-urchcsxgood faitfivfzall are ;be~~ waiazzds ofid#,¥Lover._; P1-ov.,2.7.dddA1dndddddDdaruidfi.ndéé A M Gods faitléfulmejfe in his afi3i"6t£ons,‘" Tfazl. I 9 . 7 5.... “Se- condly, it hath began the Churches portion in an ages, the“E1Qt0f. thePatrw.rchs, do, P [M73 . I4. Thirdly, the iffue ofthofe trofiblas ap-. pearing to be the good of the Church, as the Apoffle mfirms, ‘J{9m~d3-%» 23; dth0'“ghit»Ib0l11ddnQtm0ve USJCO A think them gods: With the d§E€?5€@muns,:;;;y¢t fit,‘,;ma"y"Waf% “ant us toconcIude9‘dt11at.~thc ca.ufe~isd Gods, andithggi d 61.16113.‘ 3 Prophets, Apofflcsddg yea, of Chrii’: himfcd1£Wh0_m?ve flmulddcondemn,in;;§ondemn:-5 ~ihgtheCauf6iII‘Wh1Ch they flood, whiC7h 7D4*l2¥'?’1»rféars to ’ L A fmggstoberfuc/sing cbilde, 'be”fo're han_d,asobol:h S‘ . A fhallmeet Witfhfirong ' fiecseedl by God, whofe comafels Pfsl; 33.11. Tau: flallfm l j‘ A Q?-, lids Chi1iche§s71.?«zf?rrmat:an.% eizentlts th“eefi‘eé’cs, not 0 Thefe confiderations» as su.d1fucceffe,’atlt=he left, inst flhre us ofia comfortable iffue he caufe wherein we {’cand,d<:-- on the Almighty ~pO’fwe_I 0ffG0daWh0 dam W/74¢’-~ {om-Jew‘ lisp [eafetb in lawyer: and ii; eartb, Pfal. on 3 6. 5. an& onhisgooodnefi‘e,whi<:h,ssl it extends to azl1'Iaz>.v worles,P fax}. 145 .9. f A is itin a moreeefpeciaflmainne: manifefted to hies:solJ{%ael,Pfal. 7 3 . E. And lafily, on his dfaithfulnefle, which tjwztiiilzses to all g therefore he mufi make good his word, that the gates of €57, Mat. I69 I 3. and bell [ball mat prevail agairzfi 1191': Chair that he will not forget his people 5 Ifai.4.9.1s.l s so the confidering of the Churches t1'ou"oles, foxgand arm our felves againfi them .Paul, Eph.l6.,.1 3. I 2. and 8*. Pg... 18. _ exhort us, both to be armed, and to sd, upon‘ that ground, becaufe we encoum‘.ers.VVe had indeefi new so be fiirredupto make fuch provifion. I As . Becaufe the Churches troubles are certain, as not’ only rsifedby men, who may fail intheir intentionsgbue (lama? throughout all ages, eve affliflions in the world, faith Tlaes king of Syria. will come A winfitlése, at tberetwmqf the year, Gaflrezzgtlaen tlJy.f.elF, mdfeclwbat tbau.daeff,faith the Prophet to Hééfié, 1 King. go. 22. ' " ' V Secondly, are, as the Apofile 2 "Clot. 4. 17. yet to for tb~eprefeint,Heba-1.2 . xx . as t Fburthlys warns jus tolprepare tar; x»EpNi,'&..l. ftand upon our gas. our Saviour“, job. 15. 33. though in 3 true eficimation, thcfe troeblles terms them, but ligglaz efilifiisns, flefhé andsblooid iithey feeomgrrievom he Prophet “D swlals bitter fore fickneffes §;~Pj.}z/. 38 Q 697, A bus, comp1ain§s,not1o:fl§; in 45 fflhiis wrath, but of his love. s ovpfi, 3; l enewwioivzg ‘N31. 1719. M99’ and V V though at wamajz flaoulol l W.» s“ 46 ? A "T/zerfrobthflefirléévf wtuféleth s%=~hRa/wcrarim W7" A but befidesfizr the perfecutions of his_eoemies,lPf4l. t ...—.—r~ 3 . fufl‘iciently' te ltlfic.>_ When nature is L {'0 Ienfible ol‘ amiaionsgand by the fenfe of themmahes»l‘o~fl:rongim-—* preffions upon’ thel»fpirit,tsjv:hen'twe feelilo m‘m:h‘lfrr1arrttby*ll rhefe, altlmuglt but outward‘ troubles, it concerns usti’ nearly to be well "proviéed of frtch firong helps asrmay? A A fupportour fpiritsw in inch trialls. M 4 mafiere he Third lygtiit conecetrns us the more to preparefor l'uel1*? trouhles,als».s; Ch’rifl‘ian tprofefiiton brings‘ wirhr itgbecau fee‘ they ‘notonlytaflliét us at prefent, thévery foundation ofotzr faith often times,as the Pfal~ mifl acknowledgeth, thatin his-prelentdiflrelles he wals A moved to queltion, both Gods U%~fer.«:£e, «am;lolt.h‘e Bramzfir , ll themfelves,‘IPfa!. 77; 7, 8, 9. Now, if faith fhouldl fall 1135. we are left cleyfiitute of all com fort at preferngand of" all hope hereafter; it mull therefore “heour care robe well pre ared for that confliélr, wherein, ifjwe flrouldobe» dP:we are lofi forever.‘ V r , r- = ‘V To makeprovifion for the futpportingroflour {elves under fuch troubles as A attend theChurch,8c “everymernm her ofit, under Chrifts governmetxt, oultcare mufk be 2: t V Firfi, to take off our hearts from the wo1‘lcl,as we are advifed to do,lilughtit,VL71/!a t.i143.46; A V . ‘I % ThirdIly,we mu4i9e::ake upand exercifc our Vfelves in the ufe of that fpirituallarmourrecommendedunto us, Ep'h.'w$,1$A3r;AtV4,vI 35%‘. above a1.l,1:heAf11ie1d of faith,'veri".16. of ¢7Aw?e f§v¢m boAfomes»:&%;V‘v’atcl1 the world, our‘ W P-59‘ 4:1; axhpariy, ~Qr-?AéfiyV t'e+mpratiox:r thy: iAmay{a*fi"ai1..ussfmm wfithioiéxt Ddr”vid;vva;s*4 OM11 ‘things A mdfi care§:u¢I! ofhm A Company, joyvningmrith thofethat feared the Lord, P fat’. I I 9. 63. and commanding the wicked outof his fight, zyerfi I 13$.‘ fibév4e‘Vja1%l,A%'watchV S2;Ea~*»113, ft "PAfm.‘.AA;5w 8.: and? be ndt: z‘gn0r:z2¢t‘7’q‘f’ FJ z'~:# de*«vifI2'$, =33; that i£’£p0f11e calls them, 2 cw. 2 . N? A. tc>Avbe: t11»c%bettefrtarmcd again‘ f’c7a‘Htl1.cfe, kce the heart am with huly thoughtsfiizsle the law there, Pfa . I x9. I I .9 that ‘it may= aim‘ mealitatim a/ltlae day, 3:_;e4:;f.»97« .4 " I 1 % A" Fiftly, cofnfiderg %amr beif tfirou the natdre cofthofetmubles, wlaic my acquainted with the worldfeares F07 A M much,that: they reach not to more things t:hatmofi con-~ ~ Acem us,; they corrupt not our hearts, unlefih It be our } f”aults,,% that ;»A;Vh;cy,are but momemany, andx bringus . moreuac1"va%htagc-5% % (as» mam; than thcydo in-_ coznbrancésq Eaffly, 4» 43 % Ia; %eru&1a"ms~Rgflaumzam, V W" Liiffly, 100}: at thétar-:a_rd‘:thattfoflowsg ias%;our 01113 faratfie joy that msf.etAéef9re;»i!2&£nz5: ¢2za?zare%d t~b‘Wa%Q[f%~, ;m§.. fpzflizgtbe fl9;«:z27:;e;‘ A;%fl§i*sé"ci7()n s%».a¢§re Whiié W566? io0k¢A at the things which are gtcrnafl,‘ 2 ‘Cf@9‘a‘43 *3 the 6'?j_??02»2?fl‘l_" gr évigléteaufzzejfe‘ which GA9dLV‘.tl2¢f‘%z'z?g/gzteam:g:jzedggg£wy%[A:bof4 timtfiglat the gaadfightg. VT¢im. 4__;8 A ; ; A * V ~ -¥.. «T F? The hit co%n{id€{1fab1e4 circumf%aAri%;c:e? matterpr thing pmm’1fed,4Athcbmldxng ofrhe W.31i§i'Ié1jd.? fireets of_7cmf»z!em,thfcwa1Is forfififfiflceaand Afha éfizreéts, 5% rb >4 ax :0 reduce it @in"t0an-%0;rder1y4 form. ThatL t’cémate1“?ia.ll* ’7erzzfa1emist0be lokedon asa>*typ_e0f :%heChurC;h5 is-” evident by S9. 3019225rd§fcriptiQn‘of$he nevxa:«V%}7e7¢z¢::«Ia:/322:, I Reva 1 . 2 . x 0.1n3‘.by»-th<3y;£ypCS% ofth; wa,£ls,gates,f()un’d4a;e& tions, and circuitofi that old Jemfale.m,;.'A and the reiéni-. ” blance ofthe.-'Chu‘rch figured by the..T¢mpIe in azekiels M vifion, €&:tp..4.I . and 4. 2 -_':3O%'~‘h3t 311 thii PYOMIT6 befbre» ms, we havereprefentcd tous,~; how¢—= Gcadwiilvllaxae h%is,_ Church ordered for time to; :C0i’§.'i€;~ he: will” mm “on! have aapeop1c~frced.%'%fr<:;mj Sata:1s;@bonda ,e,, as the T_7em;~y from the Méy!an~£]bcaptivi3:y, but will ave a. jemfalagm bail ti, a peop1m’“Inited~ iI1.t0_ a. body, af m_gu1ajz: bcdy,g:pm~%, paffed with wafls of government, fOr§pr.Oteé’£i€m; '&n»d;% digefied into an f orderly form, as cities are by {treats g 4 ‘£0; chatwemay hencn A W M & ma”; C£vzzz?cf5 mziffée zwitea’ mm a we!/;ampaE?Méa‘;§$Jg§;[y;fu%"w§¥ V %% %;-mijbed mitfa medfi¢ll fietjos, Véotbfbr flafety ma! order. . K That the bufldfin %ofcities aims both at fafety and c%>.r."-1 fiefly gave m manta fiflwmn, Gm. 4... M» :7» And Sg[ama72,%tQ expreffe what concaivegrannbt be denied. The figif‘ Emflder ofa cityfieft upon record,was Ca£n,as isfuppow ‘fefiy fmhis own fecmrity, being cafl out of Gods pm» cnfidence W Or, the Churches,Refarmatizm. e AA account it their flvraizg rcirie, Prov. I o. 15. Implying that Cdities are accounted places of great ftrength and ,fecu~-c , rity. Secondly, it is evident, both by reafon and expe- rience, that Bodiesneerly cornpaéted, are more eafily and better governed and kept in order, then A apeople o rfcattered and difperfed abroad. Now that the Lord A hirnfelfeghad, rhefe ends before hirn, in uniting his Church into a body, is cleare enough to rhofe that will underfland. Wlaen hee plantshisevineyard (the Houfe hof Ifrael he means,Ifai. 5. 7;) the firfiathing which hee doth, islthe fencing of Anicguerf. ,2.» AndC'zmtz'c.4.; 12:.‘ Thenchvurch is therefore refembled by ‘a Garden. inela- M2. orberred, (asit is inrhe original) that his , &:rongl§; ,fortified,A~»!;o"keep out all that might break in to fpoyle or defiroy. This wall of the Churches defence, is the A A rpower of,,theMa iflrate for vvAhoAm we are topray, that .Azmde.~»- him we may % V, A eadapelueaéle lzfe in all g-ad/i1:r2e[{e my bahefiy, 1 Tima .2. that is,that being by his power prea- nferved in peace, we may ferve the Lord without diflur- , , hence in holineffeg the fword being fl:rates: hand for the terror aftbe wicleed,aml_for the pm£ .tbemAtb4t daewellfiom. 13.3. 4. uW'herefore the L._ord p{.'0mi{ec‘., that in the erefling of Chriftsn Kingdomcegé Princes fhallrbe, unto his Church, 4 hiding place fivomb ibe mind, am! 42 hcovertfiromtbe Atempefl, I fa... 32 . 2 . vfo that name fballiburt er déjffrojiflz his boljmomztain, lfa. 6- 5+ 2 5-«There is hefides the*Magi4h-acres fvvord, an inner wall, nEh.ccleefi=~ afiicafldifcipline, by which the little Faxes, (as they are! A termed, Cant. 1.1 5-.)zzre ta:imz,or kept our: fuch as fpeakif * pemerfe things ta draw Difciples after rim gofwhom the A home gives the Elders ofl-Ipbe“fm 9; fpeciall: charge A to take, care, 945: 2.0.3 0,3 I . And commends ,Titm to pro---; or H. A ‘A iceed put intothe Magi»? , r . Vi” . V1 _ .4 ‘ confidence worldhngs put in theirarfli-cwhes,” tells us they "W. ‘W .'.‘,' m,.. .. In... so V mg?z~,mz¢:v.a,cjea-;11a1e;nsRgpamm, ceaaagainacxlem9Ecc1caamca:1J*ce¢rure, Aflmanitiozz j£l1"'2C'v'€'~ iégejcfiiafi, T;i€.3. 101.3 And "by7'the farm: Difcipline A Cllrifis Ord1m.nccs :arepm'::ferved pure, as (Vitha: ‘Temple was prcfervcd from pollution by the VPrie: 11:3, wba;w&'r*¢ ta : ~1€j4cbAt'£2;é% an /em (Z13%i:7’em'c%éem*ee22t1ive'mimmma’ 534%‘-le.4’§2::M 5. F P , ' a m;,;1t«_ogi=':/e jz¢dgeWzentaccardz'ngzjI, .M...; 2 3, 2 4..~"The{e are indeed the rm cc’ Rails about me Lc>:~dsg§7’abIe,:o keep ¢:iu’t Dogges and Swine (as CI1rii% terms a:I%2<=.-m, C/”1/!. find Am V g*gde1jIy m‘arinAer diwided'im;d Afiremss nor«congregations, according to Gnds :gpp0int£neni:.“‘W’h.y God wil1”hav‘Ae it ft), there may be given thefc reafon .: A A A A . Fiztfi, Gdd is Onc.,anAd his Nama; nc,AwhAere'foreA%tI1c 45. pefilc frzttiarx gm: tWhe§i1nity1? 4<:1’f:rAh::;eA%.,5*ca:_. 61}; 3.iuM Spiréiy Q2231: a?*‘z¥1,.0J2i? FAm'z'f15 %a*2ée!'Ba;7tz'fmx’,* fi;i‘11:ts.‘u:p» a1%l;it1ai2Q;AG%ad;,%AwdFwtlaer bf7.£l£, » E . 4,4, 5 ,6» imp1—!yinMg, thatjAAthi§. unit}? (if the Churcluflbwes “him4 who is neg: ;: %,r1:w¢m¢v":a;1fo%é:)uAr S4a1viour.;pra;3ieAsAfomhé hu réhg t;hat~ thé Amcmbm: the rmf:m4y ‘Ea: ;,}lAa;vt$e*5“ M be -a52d‘»flJe“F£¢‘é& I173?" %im am, 39512 !:7*A;.A- 2I~,:i2.% AAAncHnde”ed ’7thv6” A Church ish 1mireAdtp Chrift, as the Head f::herie“0F,§t.m134f’£: A -A .Iawe.¢Vds bcqmne Bod.y_.._.: Nowmfromb t_hi§ Afpiriwa1lA%1:mAiOn%~ of thg AAIf11?;i‘r‘.ta11A bodyfmf theV-C.h4umh,arAif@Vth a1‘AA1:i..n¢3r:» ‘£35 A‘ 1: g1ty”f M uniting the memA:mso£"~:11e C hgmfh >v_ifib7Ic,. as muphas may A A “ A Secondly, this unxtybfthe Cwh¢ufch9*andGi¢4der:fiherEt-5 A % % A A2 A AA A =bV:. $.33 ‘Wee ......y e'ru1"alcmhsA Re/Zmgratian, A‘ Ulnlunvannnnumnuug by, cgredits Religion, It’ at a goat? and ‘delzgbtfull; thing for e6rer£1rme,htadme%1togetherin m2z'Aty,‘Pfa.AI 3 3A. 1 Qllnity begets A Order (WhiCh*ehproceeds 345- um: ,and diverts Add mmm) Aafld Qrderfcllmvs Decency, ‘which moies the ~A*po-{He A _tojoyn them together, I Cor; 14.40. Both thefe, Uni“- ty, and ‘Order thereby, {'0 grace and commend the AChurAchA,~1:hat many are thereby moved? to Ajoyn unto that Society. Wbeifi the ;Cfmrcb wa5AAmdgmfiev{ af~rbt2~ people” manymzrejoyneci meta i+t,’A&s 511 3521 A 4 A ” ‘A Athird reiaion of the neceffity of the Churches 'uni-- tyand order, is her prefervation: AA Kiflgdamm :ACz'tie,:m AIIo_'.afej, a'i*videAdagai22fi;i£ felfe, mzznohtfiand,‘ faith .Aour sax A ~ viourh, :11/tat2tI2r.i1 2 5, 26. “A This care of 1:heAAAAChm-chehs prefe rviateion is the more needfuI,becaufe it is but a little HA.z-1ac;», Lake 12. 32,. And which is more dangerous, 3. flock hofsltreep amazzgffawalves, Matti). I0. 16. which A moves Saint Paul Atowarn the Elders of .Ep/aefm tolook tatbemfislrves:am£AtbeirPlockgbecaufegriervam wolves flmll , enter in amangffthemzzf'tgreAhi:.~Adep4rture, 20.29. = V A Thellfe of this poynit being manifold, A(thatI may not hold you ohver-long) « I fl1a.‘L1,-forA the prcfem apply itonelye b.y.vvayuhof Exh0rt“ationAA“to thatfduty 5 in the A A performance whereof Gods honour and the Chur-« V ches; God arefo much interefled: wherein ifwee have E hitherto (as it appeares wee have too much let‘ A A our ~A0vmhea:ts fmite us in fecret, 82: having in birternes of lpirit bevvailedh bwefohrehh 7GodAAhrour former negleé’c$,~ engage our felves by renewed promifes, flzrengthened with fiArmeAArefo1uti0ns (afterA”hDhzfzrz2z'aA{c examplee P_/2z»lm~ failee I 32 3,4.) to make hthis great ewAorkA whiche‘G;r‘>d§‘ hath called ush‘untAo,‘, our Afi~rfiA and schiefefi‘ care-,'e which "wee would certainly doe, if the ma lqf Gad: baufehe I544 eaten m upwigh D4wfd,P[al.69.9. \ " A A ~ A h ~ V 'iFhath w—u--.__._ A ‘ That the fencing ant} ordering of the Czmchg isA’af¢ Wojrkithat MoGodwi1lobring to paffe, 1 have {hevv”ejd a'l;:'e;a*-a dyh: AnNd’£hatooit is out dutie to‘j0y[rMvithKh1im“therein; . r1‘om’ar‘1 ,w4il1 deny, Iefithecurfe of tflféroa fallupon ass judg... 5.721 3.” oThi1-dly, that the greatefiweighot of this’ work liesoupon the hands ofthc Princes and Rulers ape» pears by Gods meflh sf: femuntoo Zeraeééaéelg Haggol .2“. =gy‘o+zm«;;ialsocharg¢ to oisffonoS:é3omz::¢,,andaol1the Princesjo oofiifiwzel, 1 Cbrorz.‘ 22,. 65 ‘I 7, ” 18;‘ 1?9;;.%,~o4ai1d3by thi'?.' ego ‘ angles of fehafapfmr, 2 Chron; zoo 8,, 9, Hezekiah 2 % hron. 2o3,‘4.o5. 711, and ‘_’7'efia@;: Chron.34. _ A commended, ,andA fet%obefor4e” us as pattéornsgo for; :heir zeale in‘efiab1ifh‘i:;"g arid reforoming~ootohe oCh1irch of Aridlafily, tha'tthis is theotime wherein you are called 11 on, ~toobrin' ‘fortll the oheadooooitoneoof this mug, as . t 3 your {elves cannot deny; fo‘G_od~ felof“ makoeszitevié A dent‘, by thco cou1rfeV4ofoh’is'di{‘;:2%enfmiioi1§”*»~fD%ra;r£;i§; fog the farther we proceed in this swirméko, the%%nee:mr ado drawcs unto us imvayes of -mercy, {catteringour eno-4% " mies,and crowning us W ith {ugh%f1;ccciTes5;;as exceed? 7013;: I 4; >oLet.omeo*th6r-{fore fpeakj unto‘y§f5u Vownqhopcs andoexpefiatinoso; ‘-1’ ‘. W hisofon Sai/omm, 21 bro, :2 .; I‘ 6, 'rz.'feo (Right :Hoi1otié;[ table) zmclféeo dqing, and tbei Lord éezzfitbypg; :.- or;;;§&lit:tp1eT more ”full»yin: Noblcf s“rvf§“ords¢;tooo-4? ;:choaip,:~i‘2a%; a Ari_[e,:for rotfiis“md?t:tIe§‘o:2zppe;er%§zoi:§2§Fi rbyv?az._p?e:a!fa rxziflii ééffi&£tbi3 jam, 5.: of good cau~mge,‘?m2d “da oN*ofi only the Minifl'e‘or§5V%‘ ‘ and people ofthe‘ L and,,, »but‘”§of allvthieo refom1ed‘Chour~<; chcsabroad ama you with their.‘p:a}{ejr§, ‘a°s-. Mafe:,Aarc_;;p¢oo and tmdid 3 bflmzil, fightLing fw tthe‘;::i24jr2z2z£eoa€*ozTte.5, I’ ;.o‘ow,“~:r-2.. till this‘*wo2i-E: obieoocaorfiiéciroono-to pierofc&io’fxV,»B%:+%i o {E368 ot’heoo11onou"rab1eVrmmc oowhich you fha;11I<23;véAbeL‘3xixi_¢1}i A y@uo't()ooaf1‘lo%p9m“Pgie*§a?ity, to {wetRegiqvir§er5o.@Ftégeoo£=:;jag " A ;‘ ~95’-.5 chm-ems» Re/firwazim; o ‘ '5? Tbs métléx %%I¢§11.@1§m .%R:flmvr4tiars, W ——-—--p—.u-was ¢f'm',a2iri ARkflare%r:Mafpat£?5 ta mi; iboux: willnot %beinV}vaia1in thcmrd, Car. 1 S~,53~%and ] %;5¢~up%on%ycmr accmmtatt¢he1ai‘tday. * ta: W £3$?fi1?¢nd%;0 Eh? p@arr2c1ular%s Qf§1e%du§¢y7f rfiquiredovf -dxis grgeatv Vwork» of the Churches rcfqrtnatiofig. :L::t;1As {Z bc;f€fcCh% you) havefi.t%heI1»e1p’ofthat power that God .1‘%ath pF0f€éf‘us;ti1at.%W aaxnr L 012..-‘£5? xmfifi We !6%ée:ez’f.? fr1*Ae{flW 46-.- .m that §;I~'1i0?»ifig‘W%%é.¢%’fi??¢%.0f«{? an- %d2]p%.y%%ou,% owrfmis may fie ?W’€€??3€¢3 from a?e¢¢ifiV:d?2a’=vi@lez2ae, O V . 7 2 .7, .2 4.'%W1iucl; mug be done, cighepby ;wtr£mg afi 9V§;fif‘%?73%%~"°(?’? ¢r€§}:;@‘ i?5~;93?~’«§:P 1311+?! Jab ;:.~_9 m;,A % 01;": T9 di{c0uV+r:t¢nan~¢i_ng I-hjéix myes, that A %zhcy&4ma»ybeathefcornyofthe?’Wo;1‘1d5,and may p3r~.rasf—‘- :t‘§i¢t£?>z.'ex%’e',~.»% Job f"' ’R1iae may4*A5&ef%ab1ti4;m;ed- ~ A 4 ‘ Firfi,that Dogs and §, .mphatie%ApLeryfQm%m&ay%no 1an9-1:;pellute.££2eV:-E19%y+vth%Aingsnf "what vvant: {W V " I¢&1’€$:.L?744fgz-z . ft 1.1 F0r%thfe%:r¢mQvir1g of £113.: b1€»ck%4% 9;: @;fEem;;,e;r§.; f;om%1fuch, as u that; pI5fi’4t€I1G€§§f€§P»3rwaE€s T §;h§VQm”1£‘$fii§§’QaVw fYcmbl‘ies-,_ as‘ pa1A1uited4by%;t_he: {em *zgs»§2g;%€a§‘s%%A£¥1éw;w*pe§fi;la¢e~fmsirgI” Cor; s.a:6 f')'Efi1Ch‘, unclcan» » wha;:bein~gf mixfiiwxxh us5ancI*a:,d by u%s,noQ Lzflujfiafvc afléidi w %. ~thia£.iW_3y? isgrfliart %yfc:>1r;;a.;y4gcio,ax1«& .I.Th0pa;ALthe4L0rd?v€Pi bl Tfiimrp-;ymu:: 4 {pi fits to do; yet xmzch mot-e.% A Pcrhapxfcgcaxf mm A mitt »C002"f;1UCh?’POW€1‘ "t0 Mi%ni&ersx¢il§& AAthem<;i:i;fcr¢c;n?;~L ‘ wvxth 3:11-‘blfifpgg;'5»1..-gmfiaflgthgfiE,CQIQ@3£hCa1l.,.‘.lfCi!*V ¢ w;¢~d:d=t£ng garrnc-;nts%;,‘j»;‘Ar_né.};%bekept:out from thé: L01-ds?% A fe%rva11t‘s,;gl»!a~t.A 25. 24 2-. 3;. .4 V AA ‘ ‘H”‘i§ 1*/‘.2? «Churches Rofbrmatiom. it, ~liberty~:1 tmy:-xhereby fuf%7bn’*prejL1d:icc§.{5: L.g.;';: zm: an1w'etjvVit11 t11e7VVApm% Xe, ; I (‘am ; 2.; I f rim zvarld {ball I 233 edéyjgaw, gzregiou rznzérwtbj to jmlgé the fimllcfi‘ matreis —§ " “If Chrific %Ahaw2 co?mm.itted to the :Min;i{%c.rA aiozfzé, Athc highefi power of the keys, t;0.~%bind*0Vervf0me to wratll an%d&judgn*a;cn1*,;and t’0.looi’Tcé otVhers,andVacquitth‘cm fr om tl3atdrc:adfu1lfemzencegin the ciifpenfation of th@W0rd,~ (as yau muff needs acknow1edge)pr0mifi;ng to mtifie fig A Vgbewuwen wimttirey daj cm emrtfJ,Mar. I6. ‘:9. D%O}7Ou‘thii1k« it much to commit unto them’, aflified vvith the vvhoie Pr.c:,sbytcric,Amé1tteVrs offar leflé mdmenmlic fttfpendingf A Ofinen for awhile from the ufe of fome 0u?twardA ordif- ' names But my. hope 1:5, you purpoi”eto try: them imja. lA4if1:«t%1..;:t'. firfi5w.l3'ich if they manage,yrju ime;-9 idAto’tru{7i :hc~m’wx:1a more hereafterz as the%Ma&er4%dea~1t with his 1 A ‘: Smcondly, for the prevcntingmr repr¢fiing bf{u’v€‘ (1’1"Za'fi:fZ*0I3$’ amorxg 5% Mr, Ham. v I 6.; % ~11 {peak irmj, and? ‘teaching perwrfe things‘, ~t«5 draw difciples after them; Aéis 20. go. That divifions and drawing i;1topartics_,f arethe mofkdcfiruétive W73 23 to Clgrifliapx .f0cietii'%ii:'s Of the wA;é¥5,‘"ani‘d%th€i«1' "own A Epif’£1fiS"tC-ffififig‘ The M like pra€;’tice hgz Mulled in 131! ~ fut‘- V Vceedi%ng times, as is w%itnefl"ed by all Ecclefia:Pcv%ical‘1‘Re» Vcords. ‘ And, in this lafl: age , x{v’hcr1 Lwzltl-.7£'7' E)€g2lfl *th»c;=: a.wQ4r‘k40f Reformation,th::§»rai{e;d iip,*‘fi*r%fiA4the xlmqé-apn % ti[1‘S,i4nVVgre3t mu-xmudesinfis Ge1**mzmy,to di11iurb« the? p‘, mind to hinder the gr0w*th'0f1:i*1c C hurcI“11,. and afterwards I A 4 ¢ ' A by -w . L x n. _ n ‘_ .1‘ .‘,..“rA um‘ i 5 ..e.._.._ dedtouso by’ the Apofile, fbif. 4.2. 3. kg. which L T1251" rottélesoj‘ Ieruliiextis Rgflaqrdtion, i W __....vi_. by dividing the Lott/Jcmns from the (?4l«‘Ui.rz:'J(Zsi, hath madethat widebreach between the Reformiflzs, that will hardly be clofecl up, and in the mean time, gives daily» infinite advantages to that man of Sin, to work‘ ;theChurches utter ruirxeo ANO marvell thenthat the A poftle adjures the Corie- 33.55;;/‘ZS’, 1 Cor. 1. 15. é_y the name of our Lord jefw ('/zrxff, goo ée peofiéiljw joymol together in the fame miizde, and the \ jzoozfgemezzth: And”e"a%fterwards ooufeitlx that vehement t".5obteflatioon,T 2]’/?'.’l.l.‘2i. o12.u‘iIf we" bd“ZJi€h§u432j.h6’0?2_fb[dl'IA.C3fl in ti‘/orifl, zmj comfort of love, any féllomfliip of the Spirz"t,ai2j A éozoels and mercy, to he of one Moore’, and of one minde: Thatin all things, men fhould beofoine mindehgiwe mufl efupop0fekvt»hem.oet0 beoue main ;w*hiIewe areo?d’i~ x='e‘rso meta, we {hall havie divers mindes in manythings, which yet need not hinder us from walking 5} the flzme rzo/e, andwminoling the fame thing in our aim and V ggfcope, houGodsh honour. , and it our gfalvation by Chrifl; whoereuonto,o»ifwe be guided by “thee fame rule, the ‘Law and VVOI‘dOf'C70d,I‘i1C“e/1:g’IJt10 carpet/35', .fPfaL 119. to 5. differences in judgement, in‘mattersofleffe7mo;- ment: ( grounded commonly rather upon inferences out of Scripture, than upon the cleereilettet of the Text) neither ought to’ ofettle our mindes upon an 1 infallibility of [what wee emaintain, (V-confidering that the more ufe there iseof humane. teafon, by drawing out co'ne1ufious,:by way of inference ,~vthe Iefl"e~ce1j;- tainty there is? in tlieiconcluiifiotis fo‘*‘deducedt) ;no?Lg much ieife caufcidivifions between thofe, wh0,embra- ting the uizitj Offaitla, may hold it ii: the éonoiosofpeooe, and would fo do, L if there were amongfl: *usthatlooo!£- zoefie, meo.éne3[fe5 A om! /Oizgwfflfirefiflg, which johiscommenu WC "3...-_—.-W i:mght~earncfl1y to 53:3? forj, and Iabciux no Waflc :thr0ugh1yint0«oiuir hesrarts. 3 A A " i ii.No fuch wdiffe' ences of 'ndg£:imém; (as _fuppofe;2i~ . M bout. iforims i of EcclWefia~fiicaIieI§)ifci p1ine)ethoughthey V may for" a; time diflurb, yerthey deflroy: not the Chuxéheg, aisL1ong°iase We? accord in the fundamenralls ” .11‘p0Ii;WhiChiitxis built.- .;The divifions againfl which we crave the help 0531} power, Civil1,anei Eccleefi-— ‘a{iiCail,«i are fuch as are occafionedi bythe revivin of fuch dangerous Hercfies, as firike*at%the founda- ticn of faith, andpower of god1inefl‘e,i~4taIcenupby mofi: of our iztiimzesixzm, oi 7’}v_?21:3?2I..¢li¢5,i”ei"/I 2z«4é;4}2;:v£fis:a,i A.‘ Seekers, and many the like; fame of ‘ them fetti2zg_ii« 4 tbeiriemautbs againji ’fJea've22 (.asSZ)wic1 zine» «other cafe, afifal. 7 3. 9 .)denying the Deity of Chrifia, >andithe‘i Ho1yGhQfi, e‘uttering utxlieard of blaipehei miiese ieagainfiii the {acted Trinity,.efiab1i(hing"free-miII:,, A '%againPc-the free grace of Chriii 5 1 others crying down “ all endeavours: of mortxficatrion, cxercife of reperiu J mice, zconfeffionefifin, humiliation forit, and pre; yers for pardon, eithewrias. legall ixf1junéiion.s,or3 deroga» A i;tOry to *C.hirifl:s“ fatisfaétion. 2 The ch araéter and C611-_ ‘ .{ur¢ of fuchiiperfons, you may 1‘,}z;de 8 .. r052‘, 13. I6. Thefe taking advantage ofouxj prefente-un- gfettled con‘dition5 b0thrr€8,0 , iizztp /5aztfé5,,*’~azi2ci lemirmpm . ti'Ue~]iI{y mm, laden 1vi;£r«ji.v,i 2Tirri. 3;‘ 6. and bold- Iy aflieimbleee in congregations, poifoning the hearts ofthe unftable with their pcrniciousidoecrine. ainfi thefe, when wee crave the help of the :Magi-- cxes w..a churches _Raf”’*w?¢fl#o:ieTi. “ A fig-ates fwordfitis anfwered, Thatti1ereist1&>ei’cia,blifh:~ cd law ~that warransts them to proceedla ain{t.:et1:_em.e methegeforehumbly bcI1"eech you,; 3; the mere-.. ' " . {Z ‘I“&\ww gv ‘ >4 R l "*9 v- dr A 49 % ~o[‘f5Cr%-Llfilvetils efimrdtion, ----n-.........__, ci;a§*o'EC'hrifi;andA in his Name, fromwh0mVy%ou re» Vcéivc your power, to haficn fo;<‘ne ”p2'Cd‘y“r€mCdy'fOr Vthe%fcV~¢vils,%:1efi the b1o‘0d,.of the Afoulers that perifh byXtI1efcfeduccrs,?bc Iiiut upon N y_out*accoun't at the lafi day ; V which, I affurc my {elf you would rnoi: défcr-- ¢ aa ngome_nr, ifI:i10fe compia1nts,; ofwh1c.h‘a1l~1‘n¢ns% * mouths areA full, Vwmxght bc-: tru1y%reprefcntedV unto Myuu. * ’ . In thenextmialagc, I1té~VHot1§‘«c3i1rAz1b1c}F,),€b:§~pIe;ifedV "( I%*b’efc;echyou) ' to‘*’take ca”i°e.ofthe:flrc€ts of our je-% nifalm, the divifions of our C ongrE:gations, thgf ,cqua}itie .w‘hereof, both takesaway mug:h»from:Ath’e 4 beaucy‘ofoi1r%Cihurclyand befides hin%ders thegrgjmh. % of it.inknow%1edge..and,fgracc. have Parochial, ,Congrega~ti0ns,‘in which oncVM;ni11er takes charge A f of ten th'oufa~nd fou1§:s,V_and‘ many4othe_rs,_~th'at‘have fc%arce%. twenty to r make Zup a COngregariof1~.i T ‘In ~th(‘g re-cdifyiug of K.ome,_fwh”en t.hc.TVCj~m/_.:&.%ihad% wbug-n1: j¢;,4 ‘'.f§1CI1 : 11aPze wlas aide in J%ibui11d’ingtA :( f'o1:the%V.AwAho1e«city § . Axvas built in one ~;yc"c:ré)§ trhai Vazhe H1’(&érian.te11$a.A J u‘s?’,,,k A _ Afeflintafiia azolerrzii mm‘ 'L'i:({;§§zl;£xz:gei2fa’1r';5 I1-ha; ~C.i_ty iwas m;4gi:‘V bzzéizdtzz , Vgi1:zm1;~.div1f£I£fimiIm5V n;_;cj”;-e. “1ike:a~city* inhabited, thczn Orderly, div;_i‘dc‘d..‘I «VVhata,, ipcver the caufc Ixzith Abeen; Fllamafure it is ..Lfo with «Qur «Church. .1 bcfeech ~y.~ou, A let «nollthc rednefliiia 3.. e1Ié?¢iVt~i§. .di’f01*Adcr. be theA1c_z1fl: part of your ‘Ca-aI'C~;-jll’ can H A a§::1ong:..wr.k, ‘andn-qu,ires ea“ more ‘Ifex:=t1efi*»~ conditidn, »m._hen yet we: h”av..e, attained lihtfl, to%r;cd§1»ce fa! X‘. théa 139a?‘-A rVxihes44 of: thew.“ %K1£1gd_m-fa. to -{uahsm1A%~equa»1i,t3y; 'WthV‘1-.l:_~Vf":'* c;a"¢h%idVI1n1fier .;.:~may hasvie i..a:?r‘4f1:rfl3‘é:ien&t2i Charge: 4ii?"fi*H : {his hand," han%d5‘n.ot"%w>f@%< g»r«eia‘Vr,'*»;as‘ tobrgja 1: big" ibfmlé. .; 3de_fire,;o’nIy; thatgj ys?ha§.;Vmay be; idonfc‘ Wat, 4préfenr; %ma§r~ A 1 Out)‘ _.n..... u—---- befpheédii-Iy l;a~k em if! .hand .57 ave in L omio I>§’e[L‘;-4; W V’ an J “-7 % M «L. L1 3,“ '; f V “(A %m?3?,1 1??‘ "' a_L,w.:'=‘:~1zqaVr%r1e4 ‘_:>t:a!;)uAr:m,~ an xeazwrv c.t:‘11(-”.ii?‘”'.;;'1: "a°"**~‘*"1t1~1A?1n :I:ezrc1rcv¥WWt?T0WI1¢i%:o tY.‘€hQiif3%nd"%%f!:>ui~sf.; Thefe *:V:p1aée§%* ‘art: *'th*cT“Vfl1c1te'rf‘S for Papiim seasieg Acmas , mow ne~¢r1c ,‘ mu1:::u«4as.. *.13l<“=m: fea,uAme1 ’assA not fubje1fl::t'C5‘7“0Vbfe rymon: iii ¢ It.¢¢i11Vbe4obA5»e%&ea; hat $wan:¢«M4i"1a3nersA {(52 'ffipp»1~y of t‘h0fe:~7"Pafi:?oral1C114atgeVs~w~hib1irifle hi1x';eV'%a2g ready, whereflxeri Afhall we VAfi%1d"+%M‘in4iB:efs* %t‘<)°f1irri%ifli: th<:fe“1ifi,virVdi~\t¥i»fi0n:s ?} ~To that ét‘nfiiv*'£:_i: tW.0VtHings . ’ _ ~:are‘ \m'ithins:the;C itVi‘e‘?? diyc%;1‘sL P;iri'ihe%s , W hé‘té§i I «- of »tw ur;ite'dwtogethei1<. vci111T‘*b”e;é ;bi17t AA _a cgjmpctcnt .chargc‘7 fcbr om Pafioi-;% Afo thatithe Mjinifters%»vhicI1.A may bee fparcd upon fuch ta uwnion?f;34ma‘jzwe1I~nigI1 'f9P%P1Yzr*§i??fihafgés4>Wh.iW"Wfl**¢Tbw iii*i‘1*i%P1ié<1 5y%t’hat%, s :1 \_ Minificrs, here an’d‘throVughou1:4:* the KiAqg"do'itié,jA were nfleewds:;rp¢cdi1y%»f6me %pr0vi%i0i1~L by W %vmad¢s“*for \ . ;urf€r?¥10fYG“’fl%”‘Y*€%‘53‘%‘.5%Ab€¢ dra%~vhe-A% and {$11};bad3~ 35 ?OC€afi0fi‘* 31311 "‘1"3‘1‘?j11T€‘s11?”’PI3"l[ 1'3ifi'I}g.E:;0;f§fl ces unfdrniflxed of fit%%4Pafl:0+tA$£ V3/cVkno*av4Wej%havc out 11jn‘iverfiVt‘ieS*%€1I‘€éwd %’foA1*»th%at=~purp<“3 re; I <:Qn-‘V V ‘feflé: werha;ve«’%c4a1*wfe bitztci'ri‘Iy1 *tdf5‘béfWé:i?1e4AthcV ‘V%condit*Vi~ 4 Ion of ‘V.ApnE~Of:th¢m~%; upon ~fa11en the‘ menti*p::onoun4cé dg Znda‘: 1 1'44.‘ 1 mm! ‘ z3°.?zzp‘%é7;tld34” ari22Ve,Af:Wz22dg;_.;z¢p(19z:tfJjeyrigbt eye, ~»t[zz“‘d#'mé 'C[€'t?Z??.' (l'i‘1’.‘.?‘ZL7l13£[7A, % ai2dtI:e%;gr~i*gbMp«A;eye%*utter{y dmr~ker2e'é:l.A‘ But for the other,; ith"em‘:is that :impe£u11~~sp;;"ng:%o$ godly, II %we11:¢;0wundecl« y0i;1thsA 1e;m1~iti5g%, 7 1;fi”al§ if ‘ to AA10ok+»up0¥n.:,i1: as-% an“e"v”idEnCe ‘OF ~ GiodspurAp‘Vofé"toAA A I 2 make J ‘%‘S¢tond1y I:éd§ie,- cha~c%f}$#§ ; fiipply 5f the want E05 2. T%ox;*zbechmh%es Rw~mnma.~* ’- Wt I)» W ‘. . Ix ‘MAJ I“ V ‘ 1 F‘ I: 1- a _—u-lug.‘ " " i H T/:3 Iiraufilcs’ ofcrufélycmsy Iiefldflrdfiafiz i make his Chuich amohgifiy usiglorious andygflouyriflw iixg ix1”f'ut\u15 e*«""‘e"“"h eaxeihe‘ not wiafifiijg to ax: WA fi;ie‘f;’}i&:”§fi1hi§é§rithiform; compietent;i.fupply,‘ téhag: ‘they: may beeiiriabled to continuevthexr‘ fiudxes there, I111 A _ theybee fit‘ forthe'Churches fervice: abroad; Be. fides,in the ‘VV efierpe pj'art~si ( I fpeakeupqniiicertainei knowledge there are very marzy y0LJ€h3 WC“_ g1’OUI‘27_4‘-‘i dedi in Grammar-]earnia;agy,: :=,;2tfi7'i of i“god4ly_«.d1Ipofi ti-3 ons,(;+ipe for thei..L'1nive1-fiti‘es , if them friends ..were ableto maintaine them there, which for the prefent V they want means ytoydoe, being ‘cal’: out of;and robbed of theixé whole eflatesgieas gtxilofl of? you~know.“ And dpubtfleiie there may;i~bice : found in many other places?‘ of this Kingdome,diver:s hopeful! youths who zireixi” ‘ the like hchondition. 'y_ Give me the~1fefor_e lfeawvei; (;Ibe{eecI1yyouieright H0337 11”Oi1rab1e'i) to preient my humble re<1ue"gtpntoVy‘oiy3j*;‘? A e iandthatbywthememiese osf~:*C:h*r1fl5 asvyou tendei‘ ;the y_ good of his yChiurch‘*, and dams the ihaidvancing <5? A his Gofpelhand grhe faivationofmensr fQu"Isy~therehy, t(_) think upon. fame fpeedyway eforitihe yweheiifsiiin ‘ 5’ of tho fe tender and hopefuilei ; planté, that §he3fjRanxre' A at.iiwere_»theai-ée _y pounds yearly (of moreiifrieeei require) hyytaken outof” the lands bf ..Bi(hQps,andCa--‘ye; .£hed;ai§;otfO1ne»oth‘eyr«§fuch means i~ is your