AV W i’¢”a:2;nizzg»piece Gififing noéticfi to every‘ oneto Was-tel)-,.an%d keap their Gmémezztx. Del%ivc.red€ kin % Preachzed» at Margaret: 6/Zmizczflér, b€f?)l1‘.(3 thé ; L A HQ11o~u1‘abIeHoufl:~0f' C 0 M M ON S, at 4 A % chevir1ate Solemn FaPc, 0c'z%. 3.0. 1.644. a ;By Fatzmcis I‘§"aoclca.cI{, 'Minifi:e1:' in L0}Z£ié,j£D_ and one 0% the‘,m..Af/jlwsézjy‘ of Dz’-wms. ‘:1;’z4Mz:/Men’ Ordero/’tbej?z27dI17ot§/73. T-...~_ the énmfe lmdfireomrz at what ward} :5: T/.»ccfwom?a'co77:¢ V he would /34.116 Wm/zed. A ' A I ~ 4 L.oNA=Do»N;.-M A « ‘ Printed by R. for Clariflap/tn.-r Meredith anal‘ 1';u@ Fmwae, and% M». *r.% 924. 4 g”, Bmt Marv‘ téwz'a°,é 212.4: if tl7e__rg'oorlmzm'of *1; aArc‘to be {old at their Shoj:§S,%_in Pvm_Zx‘ Céwirc/9-_yara1C..' 1~@Ms;. -W, (I ‘ ‘ . .5.’ _..u: “V-‘fl.-“:.J_‘_A " W ‘ '. ‘ ' V '.l ad ~e-'~' .. ,....m . 4’ @mmmw,mwmuy W*m“M‘“h' ° vvvvr‘ ed by the Commons AP ~ %Vfembied in Parliament; Tlaat Kym? IV?" LWA dofromthia Houfe giveThanksm M?%Woodcoca{, for the great pains he took in the Sermon he Preached A {his daygat the Intreaty of the faid miliatlon) % Print hls Sermon; Andlt 1sOrde--" C0mm0ns,at S. Margarety I1/ejfrnim fl62‘_.,(it being a day ofpublique Hu- ° and to defire him to 1‘ed,that none {halt prefume to A afrhe faid Mr Iraadcocge. " H.€tfinge,Cle~r.iZ’ar1.D.Com. 1 appgint gzmflapzm Mewza am: Lake Elmngto Print my Sermon. % Prim his Serm 0133 but whom {hall be Iicenfed under the hand writing \ F&A.Wc©Dc»ocKE; L ,and 1\/i"‘.LV/sealer, The Hc§nou19fi:b1 To -moms Aflénlbrled in-P R. L I A M £4»: T. Honoztr“z»tpo2z 13235 Mizzzflery, ’ g to. flzile tbeiiz bis peaplegv A VVatch-'m€n, mm! ~.l2i-5 own "3 at Re?m€41I1b‘ra11/2cztfiJe=z/erg:/Jar t%/Jizzg /J6»cAcW2A match’ you A 2'22 yet izztbis 275 ,cerz‘zzi2.zlj upozz» ext2*e?z:27zefrAclz'j5- A ac'!qm.%2tzige3 .45 neit/Jen I34?/iizg Re-:rne1nbrz3nc‘"crs A d1b1b0i7lt€6!fA0gi‘Z/6 the Low! A220 /Z, till $1.78 flizll A 72-ml;_e tlaeir Babylon a przzzfl: iv: tlye wide A e4;rt/;2;.- or Watchlnsn A/Eat zzpoiz fljemalllf ZLIJEIB--A of; %tbzz.t are able tofb2*e-fee: iii z~.:ée;%° :zp]9%}'0¢zc/;J~% J ézzg 7/zzfery, and 6/efblpziiozz. A A 4 A fliizoizg all 2?/Jej.’?: excellent 0223;: tlnzt lvzzcvzr A - 3 A 966332 c4l’d in 1/22; floleizm may to wet tjchyzziztl prayfiryozz, yam were pleg‘/Er! 2:»/Jetber bAem:.¢fE:_ A t/ye nzéyzber 27375145‘ [0222 wbiclz you lmclflézzteclyozzra “ fclave.r_1mta,‘or rz:EretVhe;*.Z>ec,m-zfe yaii-will [mew '. A atzzffe of erz/erAymmz,or that the verzeizzy iizigljt A fee the zazeazzeftr zzmorzg jazz, Aitmt altogeflaer: coiztemptible, arfor 229/mt otl9erA ca.tzfe Ilggzw? amt 5 lmt)‘/ozz. were filegzjécl ( I fay) riot: Zazzg % _/Zzzce to Cozmmzzzd meupoiz the. Serrzzicca; coztlqi mt Imt be corzfeiom‘ of «very great%%infitfi5éie72c}' 4 W he fuck azfaa-Re, an-cl yet itwaxf Religiwz ta % % mief,,4 mite dgfiztte ,‘_ much leflé, rfifitfe t/.-re; 502:2» _ A A % -A A A 42iz4AzV2£f3: % V '1 -weezec/I of tbafirto embem not eonelymy aim: % ruler, [mt er12e_pz¢bl«igzte it _,e is e{/Zafomwebe »- A 2e“22g4g?’cl., I refogl‘?/4e;r«r/' t.£2erefbre,‘jiJdl fl'ei72gA e anf!n'certaai.n .fou:nd, who {halt} Apref»a%re A fcif at-ma-c—..... nu». .. ‘M? E“ E P‘IS\T*1$_VE Dr: 171 CA Tax 2”. A ertzl eezzld 2‘zo‘tat~va)}d the fefwice; I%2rezZlel5e%fait}1~& fuHeiizMit,_ mm5_leol;_222/oat I wee]/Jort £22 other gtcevmp l,a_E/7:?me*72 eezezpeizfzztiozz e £1, 2592 it bat woulrl 1‘ ezzdezzrvoztrj‘ Accordizegly tlzerefiare, wlyeiz I flood Sc':“I1‘t’i-I ~ And now what zzrtlyer do I wgflfi cozzceerizizzge et, Wt I/Jet tie is f {£2126 Report 222/Jicb Vczme (be-e fidey my expefietioiz ) fa acceptable to your eares, I Iaopeyour hezzr?tJ'%4too)migbt now fizzkle ~ the li%1{3fa=v_o2-tr iii)/alt? eyes effe A.- aged tbet this é Ahrllm which teak/b well at the main Guard “ ’ ef tbs’: Kingdom the Pe:*1ia2z2ee2t I izzemzj swzay pczfle fi*omyez4,toMall tlmt are carzecrifcl, and be at féezferzeble 292.}zf}zi22gf toj 1‘/iéweivz 4%. A henflfozt you , analpeteeiwiizg elavzgezfi epprozza M 1 ,£‘iJl:2fl2ge1aa?‘I27d¢o22 t/fie“ Watch”, reliefé‘ alfx wmfiziyzgfi I filwff at praferzt. cezzfe i/2. Mi)?‘ % capacity t.a.dayo2tfizrtI3er f¢:Vrrz/icé””"‘i4_ yet in if/Jé~ atlzzer I /7941! Not flfizzll zzozficézzfe-to make mew-M-5 A A. tiara-of'ymA ire iizyyprayerfg: md"VtVI3az¢;gl3 I c;z22‘~ A beyanr %VVa%t.ch.e-ma11 I2m:.fi2r= =zzfe,¢fiazz,;yg{et flied! I. ézlwagyer 123' V » VA % A YQ%L1r:%Rme2;¢5rmzcer° ¢ai;_:~%t}1Te Throw % afcrace,%%fai:1;fu11i&%+demtedr A EA... 0 0D (3 Q. cflifizg V‘ ‘ ituref)jwaraf;40fdefire,% on Preaciied at the .,Ea.f’C,bcforérhei.H01mumbit":Hufeaf A A A C «Fol M M QN 0%<.:5¥@§@:.;0¢, E’5;,»H.»., §'R:.€v¢L 6.. 13 .?Be‘¥3Joid I awize .cwai?£'2eefa- 2213] M @M 23.3 be that wzztcbezb, and lggeépatb 5921:" gm»; iqfi be wail: mkgda ¢z2zd¢1f%eyfee4§3é;a A% .4} A j%'.w2e. 7 ,2f;»*Zz’;‘f2'ae?.:W;»x7e5o_,:v”*” gmm pifizwrcy offiiwem A fromw1}‘eVn§¢,..Preaf;hersefpeciaily3m&ay( 3,; mks this 1nt1Am.atxon that they make * Achoife 0fj?¢fifl?fi451€w0rJ5, and fo much { M‘ . the mther bécaufc Salamm -himfeif A ‘Mm wasby %vmy%%ofAe.mix1mcie fi‘il<-id’“TbeJPread2er,did ffo in his Preaiching,,an%d [bzsg£2t%az8t (fiazyes i:he+S.c:rip- mm w-;3_-g fii_.:3;4z_,1,)% were fiwfwim-£e,wara¥s éilfo, % % @ié9mm:iéIs%4us,(La)*}I m_ar'd ‘fpéhm M’ g"%f5;vz (4) Pro-:35-1 2:; _% Erciefi‘. 3 2” 1; 9,, M - rawepwzéle fl5#rd.u;iW hi-Gh {Q0 q:u‘6~ 5 ‘W‘W"‘" A A _ fl Mrmaiz’ Predaijefiiitifii izwmretiiymji, iifw , ___,. ._.... _.....___ -—"-“nun This confi;deration- hagh pr-evailcfi with me, to put A iny'ha“ndAinto this (ifl mayfof ca1iit)divine flattery 4 V ©fiime,'I=‘mean iiiis book of fietusiiitiom; and g-out of it E0 dmw-thisi Tééxt, gwh-ich*‘WAiie:her it be 214'-iiaizieg or; mther fomethingihat may b'efe:z[i2méle,, whim i ham. . ciyaneaiit, 1 fl‘l3.1‘iiA€‘3.VC*it toymir Wifdbmmto jufigei. Anfi trueiy fuck is this Prophefie oitiw Re~z,ieZatiari§L _ man were WC but as weli sicii’d in this imzwniyii ice/3:3. ‘wtflianoiiieis 3.3?‘ fame priemnci they are in the éaaiwf /aewe;-2,, it} Mwloasm ~wo__uid°“not be difl‘i§tL1i: Emmi out Ofitg to fiamcan esi«~ -A A 35:‘ 'i's’i*aiiAcnd;emftiri1cs,and hence aAh*vays- m-be. able ti Aipeak fom~eth7ingth“at migiit be Féafénabié. ‘ But as concerning the feafonabiéneiié oimy Text; you may pieafe to undcrfianéi, the Holy 33-hoii doth who1yAi:ake”upithisA‘ fixtccnthi chapter, iviiirmin it isfi A iwichche ciéfcription».oi7thefirv~mz/£4115, fliiantai-ning..iIif t.h¢.m.thofc.;fevcn iaii plaguegw-§h"ich.arc dieiiginefi “the, wa;iiiin_»g,and A wineofi Am*.ichrifi,..~and his king»: 1 doimei: Wand havingin the feirmcr parmf the chapter‘ difpatchti five oFAth;em,,tOgcthcr~i’wif:ii the feve‘iiaiii‘fi:gm~i dualie mifeiries they bring upon the Antich‘i'iii=iarii .K‘iflgdOi'Ii@§ Em pmccedsiforwiardiin the wards more i inimciateely feregoing-._, witi1*i;hei»idc«fcripti@n of thcg ggiii fixch‘-, at the foo:-‘pf which dcfcripiion,i you havethe % ‘ 'WO1"»dS=0f my Text, fielvalé I came? watéeefi bltfifed ii; %e,-athat :W.4it6£L’i*»é5,*Afl7.3£ fieefetij M5 garmmis, &w‘.. A A Concerning~therei"-aréi this‘ Sim Kiall, becaufia. imiii‘ i 3fCC30lz1nt.Of it (asgmu eafiiy perceive) will letayoiiii imo tim-A~Vcry bofeme»:ofthe:- Text 5 yaw _mayii—m1kei~ i'i.Zj' i hvicfiygthusii Tii1c3_iim:h"Viaiiis-.powircd f0rthA;uIp@mf ih€:=~g1‘€fiE'RiV@?Y£7"4f€5 that i"anthI“OUgh "““F oflitgttidemjarn"pcz:k:é?.i;,Cjtzn awn‘ tin Hnnanrtéiai Pfanfé offlwjmnnnst igitbh 336; t A 1 V W Hat ttt%_t§',At$n “@f‘whicii“pin«= - ctuiinflit fcéielfirm" Bnbflont ftflmn - tht ttii'dT’ii of it, -whcréhy it being mm,“ W, d. W a B M 1,. . ,; t - u- ‘ 3- r motzgzt new tnadt gaiiahie tn thg Sotudxets , entt=cdi.W,g, mm W, pW,m3 fig, C,,,,,,,,q, a__ Kim Etty and- $0014; N3 and {Q the dry... ?'€%t_g{', qmmzprimmrz 3:; dzctmeb,-¢gdnt*»t% ° V t in ‘ t ca 3’ em nmgnd maria mm muitim ‘net ‘gérfztw thcn’ an ndbibita: filzfitrnmt ofiia tierfita azn:;::;:7t immediate ihtttttnntr of thc dtihw aperuit. H-ec;‘gm f21te?z«i7?2éfl5*!_;,a;j/tied; A V '4 B it A ii ntion ..... H“ ... .._,‘ .’7‘7' 4 1 A V eermm peeerfied aewszimasaet/Bfy eF;fi,ee5’efl:~e , .. V “L «V I . »..... '4 L‘ q :::.._ 7 " ~' %eae“m§m‘fa;j;:se rs?mnaBa2,e’¢z_“’9-A gztwem 1é’tienef‘etEenaeB”eey[a7s:inlikeemanneffiey » fiuvii per mam tena‘em- f2amiez*bzMt?n__ % e dr in’ U Of the EM ] f % fipermeebilfisf eff Mgfet, gfixenophe ) the y g P ]M M @y,_.0P_Hm,_ lib, 7._p¢ Wm here ‘mentioned? be it what it win be, A Qzodqwurrzit f”e51‘W' v/fer, Per/"oz mmwe an immediate fem runner M: gzmi rm’ faoc 1'2:/imz infimffi eremr, P91’ m'-- .1 , ‘ e F4 3. ' '4 " ‘_n ezezm u22r.’ej:‘Iz¢wiu5Eupbrate:~m6c.‘e51%;'a;_ Eng defi1u&1On of Bdflffgfl ‘€”“z ‘7/M3 g‘y2.P,.5.:°,507'z.{r;*1 fZ==2je finzorum ‘WWW fartimr 454.‘ % % Baéfianerzz :'ntrnjez'z~zr2t, Azfqzte itéepri- e is'b£.ing fa‘) flaw E33-‘Z—,;g'yflfem. 23:0 eapzmafi Babiloizg Ham. 1. I an e 1 being dryed up 9j and fee the ‘Rami/7:1” e BeéyZ.w2hafiing4 amein towards its finefl ruine, in tiiése defperate~leov§mefi"e of things, for now indeed tis Dqfeemm aw/is p.4}nz2‘z-1/5°-e, the Ronlifh Antichrifizs {ends ab“e0a& his E1niHa1‘§e$ umoethe Kmgs ant? Princes ,o1”‘eehe earth, to fohmce thfim‘ L1Vtte1“In0feafifl1—~~ fiance to his fifiking and defperateafiiiresg and ‘while ehefe Emiffaries are nowegne abroad, to draw in am ehet poflibl y they can to their party; the Text fifi;rH{€?S« in mofi oppartuneley, Be/mid I name we ax eséveef, Hefléef is. 7 A flu” efirzzt mzte£wetI)v*’a:edkeeper}: /§isg4zém_mt5, @594 As if the He1y‘G‘no?cin other words had f'a.id.; Now that the A?nti%bel1rifiia%n Emiifafies, are fem ab1'o:::.ci , to fedueeg zmddmvw Wham they mm to Aaiififi them deeming fa<5%;i;on,.iet everyjeme Tbewetee he_. be me firawn aw‘ayA and feduged. V A , ~ And fe amneee mu ‘haveeee bmef eeeeum both 05 2 zfigattfh Vieflmin ehe feeegemg‘ wcntcfsfi and mi’ my Text: ~ alfo,_andeby‘ehis time you perceive, ffimffiatnotm whether afl ehisep11t together may an alt}: rehee unto» -1: Cr,’ ‘:3 e”7L1rtimres, and fo confe uemziy whether yea oérn0,_ae mey,beai1ya.Whit _/Ea/em‘ is‘. A we moecontend thefe are the» timeSAe»W§1ere§x1this»: Prphefie doe~s¢a*ecenve1tsm0fl fifll and eminent ae-wt A ’C'QmPh{hm€flt5 fupgefe zhey lbfi». mt, ye: eieenet thie _ ” A A A A VA myaleee ; fire Zamaaraéls Haazfiwféammmf. 5tC»§7;3a‘J*7; 3 5’4;;;: --‘*-v .-— nu--v---an ..........,.. u-W... Whichfbc Texcwamcfs us, can come unto om? mtim* A was foomand fovmmay have ma much time befom hand? to provideour fehres agairafi:..ii:. Ewe §“*aAd:.:§c fur»:- alizer, theugh this flwuici amt be them fmine{ai7e efzizmem 3/’<"éc€ acemainiy its very" meme in, (no qmaefflony bm: wmtis mow 3 doing amangfi am, is gm leaf: Wayeg ;,;:;>s"€z'1¢cs7éz.¢2?9, or ‘AK”a’£€-em£1Sl{€AlmtOiE» And in as much A A we Iiaaxra fa-emn our wimes aha Rmmifh Antichrifir: Em has declmmg «zondm-on, fmdmg abroaci‘ hxs Emmi ;?i'am=s to~mhe_P1*incesof the earth, and to the Nations V mfetch {hem in to his fizccour ;Vmofl' mnfidént I am ificzzm Ema E10 zs;afls’;zfbwEZgm@niti@m m 135.) flf1::~.t_we am { Md iaevvam Hi we fufier our falvcsm "be mifled anti» feduxced by them.. A % The Tam than (thatIn~1ay dire&!yfa.fl7up0nit)“; ‘is Clbrz'j’t‘.s m2’m'2'~=3gpiem, and EMS‘ let 0% for mm pL1K‘”«~*~ pofssw , A ‘ ' v . . 0 fa . ,, 9 ‘., E .- Tmsadverme 11.25% that when vm fee Antacéarafl his declining conflition, f7czidin?g forthAAfed;Lacing%fpiA- » ms to Kings and P&:iAnces’,‘ toincite thiemk t0Ata£{c up‘; ~ Afmesin his uarz*¢11.mfl1cm fig Ehxifi a maE4:ms=' xeafl D far his fecond comming. ; That in confiderationA of the n:eer"appAx*0ad1 Chrifis comming,; as alfo the gazing awoad of thew A fcflucing fpiritsg we be perfwaded to watch, and take" A V hem? We be%n0tunhappi1y, mifled byemy Qf <¢hcf7e V A Seducers. “ A A A ~ A The mterv:{or&*s40ft%1e* AText may feem oaneiytw Efiavie an afpeé‘tuponthefmfmar, as m?houghM thiercfarc malyflwe wem bidm watch» bccauib of the mw : % “ BzA3,i;_= « m@x&£C‘tw‘'‘. ‘ A_ mnAai?ur*had me m_,,Wfl~,~ he confideredfinatfltheygoing f’rth- of thefe Pdpifh gwgimg _ .. . » o A o " - "0 s _. Emufarzcgéand Chrzfi%s-preparmg m~h+1sL~fec:oAnd a':om=- W? mmg had been ,/jmwamféxam things contempo~rary.~., ;_3,¢;c1g_c4p,Bc°.z::v,.. itwouid have eafily takcn goffxhat wvondarmento An-d Annomd 1;». % E-hat‘:-hay. are%Acomem;pora1=y,A and vwthall that th1sA gcomming omm-m here mentioned is» no Analogige em rflembiancc oncly-:o_f hrs comming (as many Dr» macs contend ) bun Chrifis 1%-condV~‘c0mming. iTndccd%:, " Va;pp¢ams»by.,thefe.evidenccsw . » A 3 m Bc£aufe;.C~hA °fi“‘him4fe14£ isiin perfon infli’is~g%rea£=V' Ebat:e_i19_ whicfi their Emiifaricsarc-fen: to gather tha Popiihly affefied Kings and peopleunto: So%we~rea% . gexpre flyinthe I 9.... C/mp. of this Proph—c'fie,¢ I‘-9g.w%3 2L1,rvcrfes,which verfcs amnoching'cife(i:-1 the judgew . mam of~beflinterp1fcters) Athma defcripcion of mm ~ fame bamtemwhich hemfim mm: was p1‘;epaxat§T.mm.is~ making toWax:d@.%. L ~ A“ ~ A 2;. Ihnthxsibacceikkntichrifl"receiveshisHnalrlmm' A ir?recoveraYb1c?' ovcrthréw, For inVic,(z1) Maw ém'f¢i$‘é¢fii$LP. 24:. is M23-ifi aa. ma.1~xpoint,andwi:hwhich Jihad difmiftic, ha’#3n0tthi$ A M A 1,117:-;of it iggeen nmde w my hand: That therefore ; €;€fl«1**'=¢ W ( 3)??? 342%: head, imfl? at my time «Mr mm ée aver my.» ged Wm‘) fismfeirimg mm? ;Jrz4e;N§;’e;«s;«2a7;j/E2, mm” Mm mr'.95 af iivfa“ £'z'fcf‘,4;¢dfa V tifszt .5147 came xfipfinats mmava*rc“.5. And thegirzfigw M m Mfit. than-,(f) Farzfzbeevififirwwrtflvgzflfiz ;, my ‘L9rddefi»°y‘» 43= 49» W“ mzifir /ii: azzmmimgfi mm”/X23312’ Evegiys M fimirw £325 fa/lbw {Er- , 0 0 ,- ' _ ‘WW1, 42953’ tamwmm’ k£r2i:«¢£’m:iz‘/E 2'/73»: a'>fi"§'W/E’€?3; Me Law! A Q 3 %#/hat,/.e’r»zmzt4w/$3.42;/Z aamejn at e¥4y"f$E'l'éi‘f? a-7..a ahagaaawaaa aaa aarfag Wham aha a'ama H 4:-%é_a3;a§§aaa aaa aaa $0 be aiaajaam aata aaflaag aaafaiaafiafa’ :3 am Eaiafiafaaiaaffa aa mama, and Ma caufafi heiag aa Eaafi:«avpaaa of ahaa ‘fiaa Emma Wharawiah they aaa aiaaaafiraaafia q A A a % ‘ A ‘I a $E’aaaaMmM ia §’Eafasaacaa«aoa longer, aha Vdaapaera ana 8a vaafafi pasta afl mm ofaquefiiamama a_s:-is as eaprcfly, the fine linnenahe fame wizhahcx agarm aaaaaaa abaua which we mw cmcmiraa it is é‘\z:gga’oMa away Ma aigaaaaafiaafies afMa‘a'az’aaa : aa vahy aag§a»»» aaaafnaflesmand 'whygarmants,«botla in aha aha-“am A number as Why if Bccaufe there’s mare ahmwna kind. 03$ xighteotafncifea Chrifiiaa Wearesfi Aami fa Acaafam I‘ qaaaaaygaaaaaa manta man was garmeaa: Theafia a maagfiaaeaafaeifa ampuaadaa which may vary ma ha _ am agarrmem, iamafaauah as wheathisis put upaa ’ L aaam am’ Juflification, than is God {aid to "‘ Carma afl a @511“ gm 1.; x A a,«aa aaa aga aaaé agmmm. Eafidea ahisfi ahaaa a a a§gh~ mm Siamifiea teoufnieffaiahcaana, «avaaa aflia am: an/fialy ia aeaaaaw W ‘‘°‘’“' W!‘ §b1e"d_m *agarmem:, the févcraliparcs whereof ,: aa memwgag aaamalya humility, covers the nakedm-:fl"a of-apridca Bwaras V aarE.££aaame, ma aakadaafla aa Way; pataenc‘e., the A a aaaadaefle Qf froavardneffas, aad am an Mia-aaaaaaa A aha aak.admfi”e afafiother KaflsaVaaa%1id ~aa&‘aaaa7aradg, My aha garments af aha oppafita gram ana righra~ v A aaffaefiaa J To aha faimaaa ( as fame Wall abferva )?aV;thea~§aEa 4" A. ~ ' ‘ 2, a A ?;:f$¢j2’;;:'*)**,.€,\5<‘Jr;a$:=‘ as with agar-«I a % V }fiVSe§fimafi pwcZ-Mat tflémafietlkiy .F”a/ f.,§vej’:3'W ‘ and? fence the bow "'~-n gwwjoéy is fined, tis a pure garment this-, %w%h*ere§n»* ‘vim " zsppeare :0 God, withmzt 1"p_ot‘“ or wrinckie 4"?I’40e the €~3UCi€1'&nf1>Vm‘S§‘.h€”?£ME?s.c2L;mrpc:z«g whic*n though mm fQ%{ _ ‘gmzxvz asfim: fmmerg yet tis 2%. {wig/ét gmmem 9 Ja.m7i "V, émiezes am‘ eamrcrfatiou exceedimg*fl:im%2g, 3;.nc§,_ % is-mrciyiiathe eyztsof. men. The garmmt 0f imputmi A yEg%m:e0ufnefi”e,;coverjs Qur na%kedncfi:’e {mm mm fifpgha M’ Gad: the garment of inherem r§ghce0u£E~aiefie,,g TE;aic:§@v$ away aux‘ Jnafiszednefik from the eyes of “mama, 4 SW1» .that 300%: as garmems~co:.;er the nakedneflb Oftlhfi Mdy, foVdothe%{3:the.gfia2,,xd’c") chefs ‘(heifer amé ibeure tbs:-2 foul : 4 f"mm Ciarifiians Rig{iieaza[me{fi)5.%+%:¢w&s 3; Chrifiians G4 a°A—~.A4 5m.2“~3£*..su ‘ L A %‘ A A A An.d¢bavingfoun&m1s what t¥~i‘ef'e g‘armenm?a1'e, % a1{o%ahe~ki:nAds ofthem, vrzmv to brxng afi-” home to th:;3 'gmoi%mt in h:md1.‘I C01‘lCEiV€ nhereforc%,becaufe the Tam m;:gA.:~.>2*€:i;’i15§r% 2:1:°w:~n2£4@nsHa0fe Gaz:mem—-5 L~mri%£Ac§1 dajhifie- mvfzézy :ar maikedn.cffe from men, %wjh~ich%t«he%garment<3 A A Inhemnzz righteoufnc<5on1yV dw ~: therefmre the gar--‘ A gamma af ':.§'n;h’e4rent righteoufnefic are fpccialiy imam ~ ;Em‘i':*€: Tmt : &ndimeg%1'ity',finnos:en4cy', faith, fulneflb; , :3/?;«.*.*;:12 ‘r..~::u§aii5 magma a g@e»d’.'confciem~ce:‘ zhefle V 2mzi1Va g.£m~wmta#_t:b%aia—A do fit ~Aour p;~e£*“en%a AA purpofe ~-and? aZ05'flTfiq&'€flt§y; wfh»e1*e'as we fay, that when the Pew E‘*2nuL«uvnnu.'>--—°---A-., smmeag asm drawA0H' many from their integm°y,and :C1§:bfu1ncfi7f‘e,v;0 fwv+0ur%:-heir pamyA§ -and bscaufc of A weir Eam.p€1'§ng‘, M W231 be 21 hzufimamcr in th0i"¢ A M-mes m §«:.ectpc Faith and 22 gotmi Canfcimma Ba we h=.~Wedifpa€d1tt}1€ firfl enquiricvzm ‘wisza. ‘W Z1;.:.és.: zzkmfe garznwts arm which we finde £0 ha Imzegmyfi 71"“ Hagizfimfztalneiffig and4fi1chEAike;Mand;?Q m Ede flmfiffi armemfs, is to kafe ?. mans Fmmulmefie and Entegrb which I £h6i'€:2f01'E again mmmsn, becaufe our WW eaxcaédingj much fightm ;«:37:;Vem*mfi"e in {M85 Wm giw afl thm fofiawcss af'm°.~ V gwr a:rii’e~s~,;4 and of this you ’;havc K .A The fate of thefem timfifi which in S'c:a~ifpm-re are Afmmmld to be Apofizatizing, QM dedining times. .550 we mad in that 2 .QfTz'm.; 3 . beginning, faith we g'2:2m;2u:;“.»+‘mmr *“:?cm.7€ dc) mm 4:: M0 atlmt are _ Md, rm:-L» 7 9 ,/A . 3 _. A mm, ¢,~.-~g:°.; “E0 Mae gpurpmfe as 24¢ 05 MM. E0, “M5 z;.*z§ A V yzflxéwm ‘faith Ch’rifi,*f*peaking profcffédly O‘f‘Ei1‘,¢'i'fl& A tirnaes ) flm/Z mmny fie afiéarzded, maid éetéray M wmfiér, aw}? _£3a;3‘e wxgws¢as?i9e’V; m¢2m%cm:4f§* Vfgsigmity flmfi mémAzmd3«:.t!ve fame wfwgarayw. j?2.».:a1Z gram mT2:27 A * 0 % ; 2.,‘ f2.”T.imn3<. K3 337*‘-2-° 4 ’ Apofl1e,Iz2 2/be Lg/% dzzywyeri/Zow% timv;-.c J,/54%;? caméz, ‘ ;’?mf!‘;ée imam tlvemj/élves,strz£ceA-érea/.*er5,f:z.Q*7¢ msmc/{rm A M AATh;e‘1+e is fc;A—.=.rce a~%ny~enme11t Periofl bf Times ,A; ?:3'u4%t5’4A é ma» ha :3 ma 7?:E~‘;;;::tfe of zhafe ’1‘imes .-yfuxch fl0ua?sw'11ereAbf%xW.reA fmanyv;hLe:»rcby carried 4-.~~. M A fizhfmxne Fate m‘ otim hanging ovAe1*it.: Fer Erf3w;~ ] mum 5 « Thi-‘I firfi Ageswere Timcmf‘ Purity 3 this was afimr Fate , and by this they are Emown irQ4ms fthofa mat fiyfiow afLe1‘¢«a..'1"h%;e “Times next fucéieding A 4 vmrc Times 09 Erirour and Herefie ;yAr9~iam{{"m¢V was Rev; 11 W; A 1 35%/'4 3, % -0"’ A tit t VA_ __f%:°Qt.§?tttttttt'ptttt%t5fttt§tt Mttttt?tfytttFtfl»59j%”’5 M/V337,» that than it wttttm tviztft Wit iridz_'a’wowder to [At A fJt3'*“~fi’lf+ Mame‘ t flN‘§ttt;. Tttafe that fC?H0‘\.VEd‘3 tvtm 1‘ - . E::,z;ttt‘tt.:tttttt»e,9;ttd this {at gtttt at Dt.t“£;ttt£“§”t.§ tbmtt thtttsdit gtptfi, ttsthtt t‘tEith€t‘tE..t;9tt“a 'Emd'w'?;§fi; §’tti‘1;._._‘«";"I‘i0t‘%1"’§fi'tt«“*3Ey.,,3.’!’:it7.[1M7Z,”.,tf(3j’@ft“a®t#$,§*5£.,i?“ pitcttz flmdftitw z?’t1_f’E:°Zz'.t: e.r.’.ir*.z f’vocSew»zIwr2 err» ~t:t& not tbtozzd 3.2.” tttttsttttttt: we h-;’W’€ fcattce tb mttttt o "':"‘“"‘fl‘"""”“"”"‘;"‘“"j” tmmtttis fitgt :3 tttttm uS§.tEWt" was ; Agt Kttttirtvmzio :2’-- _ _ % _ ,, .' . t‘ ttatéi-234 gigs ttttlm ttrttiy Wfiflgfigfiw Mat fit“ fifiizéwe flat flfiigitiflga “Hm W “«"7'*3W'fi‘9"'” Times £'t1cc~ee«:§§ttg ttttfitg, t§tatt5⁢t0 Ligtttand? Rift a’z;gtzm mc?j?!0f.M £$.0jff€riM,£_$«gg__ ‘fiOt"m:“tttm1;”1W'hiCth%R€fGrt‘n3.¥£i0fi5Wh€t10flC€it'i$ at ‘A flztrt2ff:._Gttttb. its height ,. it thttt dttitttes"; 3_ndthfif1§ Apmfiacity “WM” ' fgtadzmrm t‘€m];7t”.’t“ tfztt §tt§*Em*t~) ésthtx Watt at Mafiictt it t?:1et.:tfitirttfes, which fofittw attet. €80 thzttimfit tt conczei-vtAd "by ' form to rtprew % Ptttity is the Fate 0ft,Primatti‘=m times, Hertfie 07f:'* L - tcm‘.«.t.ett:ue the ncztt, Ignorance mfthe next gflefotmatimtt 0%" A “E ‘fie 395%?” theft that fuctttdcfio in mm mzttmtt (wititfit ts tztzteew 1 tvhxciz txnmt-- 7’ ‘ M23}, goesgm, flag mngtttmts) Apoftacit %€€0m‘mS tht Ffitfi M? fottflhrifizs theft that draw neetefifitto the em 5 am asttghetimtt imam ciqmin alfog " t AA A " Attd fwlttttufethtttg §§&”TFat€‘hfit"tg$ mitt thtft Etttt. times, difpmfing m1?£t“E® §€C§§.;t"t@$ and mm WE thtit . deciim-,tt'fofhaflthe manners o?fAtho.rfe times dtciint ; Garments -54 hence ittisi, that thenttfo many atkcin datum t get Q55 maggot tttemm ‘ Thisafirft .fir@u'mfi‘w ttcamdfi it fmttt thtgtrtttftty at tlmft Emifftg ” ttttt, which abyotxtthisftime are fem abmadmto piltage _ ’ A men of their garments: andhert is,_, ‘Mt dtmgétg for A A though when nigittdraws on, and ‘many are‘ fleepit, ytt they ihoufid not hfi1‘°€HpO3=t tofet their garments; Atttt it tjt xfitc1t_at£‘e2.£'on thtevtt mmt in L1;p0if1t§§3@m fl thttt 3,3333 haw can it ta Z-tvoydtid sf Ntitther will ymt A Atttfl W”©%fI:t&etf, that people; when theft art a§:~oad~ A I , A “ V 7‘ Ouid 2V%£2£%V‘£wi2@£a?'.»:éffle%H:§z¢fv&@f £.7mA»"»i.a.»:~,‘:.awa::‘rr%1;v:»*f.1‘».+t=V;~e“3%«iMR®b”?g@; . 6440 AA W-—-r ' mmwarmhear garmantsa, he chwtcfl 55 ¢x1ez£mm A wgxétyfiifywu wifl pleaflem flay and {aka a Chamékmfi mmo mf mhcie fame Emifl”ar;i~ems3,V which are fenma ’ ‘En-and topmage mm ofthem. A \ H%‘fi,t§‘.l€.m the;-Sam you2:AE*Em3 ininubimunweariefl , aflive thfinga :: they arc: fipims 2 and are ggotgyour Pmfis and jefufxs fizchffizma mtzhLsChara€:er meflgpat and appofite upan thfim-<71’ .........m .9 A ptumcafls diam: [,79z’rir5 Spimlmw Ix mafifimfldfi ;0ft§'m%: fiuflfihcemc metmmhat we are; neg A is azlmre any...t§1ing mam unw-earieciy mm: waive when 7 may’ .9 Can my Spirits tmns§brme« themfelves iamlrzfs more flzsapees than they 5,’ Souldiers, Merchan:s,%Phy.. fizians, fia11ants,«DJ1vmes~, what nqt «*3 Arethereany fiuarés them {Emits czmnm paffe 6 Es thefe any piiacm my Pa&’£a£ 3;:?.‘:mf@ -czranmm: cnm3.”;“ ESthfi1'e~:any*‘ Qazlzpanyfi Cmmceiis, thefe Acammt infirmatea imam ym zhaugiga moi’: fccremfea though Caham Comer;-ls, cannot thefe %A §{¢fi:iticfi}1Spirits W0'rL:~&h¢.mf@iVes imofizhcmi 1.’ And new 'W’E7g~f3> fay m ffrimd anmflanac theyhavc dang fihef: an in aim mem pfiam ffifl whmw they came.) and fimh ma Taxi} ¢.¢5}e{y pwceede am 011’ M»? mmtfiy of we .Dmgm, mpaftiée mmlmfzbe B(?a:i.s"z"‘,,.‘.,x.€:4':£Mz»s.t3 of timmamwfi wf z‘fiiv..a2j:..‘.:zZ;’5c3 1’rgw;’2¢z .: A Out «of the. mouz'.§‘awi me Dara-» « gonjxhafi mm ccmmiaad aha’ Devim. and fimifi perhaps is zfome prapkzm aieéamifxr Writ, fuck a one avg V 3:.-aads eh: C:w3;ii&:1*s,Va Spirit which $5 mm‘e.fpficia1ly§ fimjployed we adwzme Sathangg V e;vwz'mg Kingdameg Amozhm? o1%hcf@ proceeds out 01;? me mamh affizw Beaflfi $E.1at§.s(_£Z1yVD.ix='ine5) me &cu3::»a.%r fiknticézrifi 3, 4 aim E-Z‘?.m2;f@ mffflwflria, :»u:.;'di the Sjmmiazwig arndi this Spa»! rim.§rva32};’33.§’fl3; m0rEdis‘e¢%1y inmnds %th%e%ASpa$w§j7:%%f4c'¥é%a¢s; a.z:1_df 4t%E1c.az§.f~ma':a.»rg:e:1z1£»a1;t @§a.:.§1:?.:: g», ‘&fld.3:5J1©.E..m!.1C-h unlike: * A A .v M A Ehat ». ’— w—~‘..- no-:*-' ‘ B, M:*r[: av a._ , i‘?"c;»‘fi KBQ A and whore, andfight.,tnd fwear, and» damn, and fa Sm it wt V‘ tfltttrtntnti , ._M tw.<;Wii tmctet"itite,iti A i .»u.Eii&t‘.Spii-fifwhigih otrtt-tuics out Etttmits Ctmtttttiit ttthis “day: “Hie third proceeds mitt of tht mhttth hi“ theft!/'£tPrap5tt, that isa tht Poptgtttfl ptthtpt " fitthifhtfg, Mitt W cnvmaaaaziaz-.a flfia-nu this fpititit mhtt tfptcitiiy ta tticitavmwthe pm» trmtitig Qf Religion, i mean the i3’0piih Reiigiam ttttt mttchutzlike thathpaitjtt which t“W’W“ adtyettphil ‘ ~i‘€fi‘€S tht: 0:‘t.‘:f$?Yd“Ci€i‘gi<‘3.» But ytt: Witi*m.iiCOI1fidCi“i3 in tcgatd thtft Slpiititt am Compttthi iit.”1tFt'flgg£3VJiiiC—i1 yctuitnmv ate utmpbiéit, can iivt iti htatii Eiettittittgv we tttttft not» conceive them to he litt1i‘tecif:0 ta theit tcfpegftive imp1oymtms,hutithat the Spirit which fi5fS"~iOiii‘ the Ch8.iI”&.'fi‘!3,€&K't 36% ibt the State; thttt tthith it:-ties; fat Popttya can fitttre the Spdfiif/F3 iafitthti, tm fo wmm, andhoth t:hefe,it neede‘ be, can titttziti, tan tuft the Dtviiis ptophane {pitits tiiht ’V t A 3 . Yet ftlfthfihtakfi notice what theyttt ‘iietttthwtttg A tmdfi faith the Text) it is totttfltdzm the Kings tf tht L‘ ‘em/é, mt’ ta drtw them In hmeil: Ancivnow mtthinit “ii i hea.rcthci'e croakin,g'Froggs, and what they huzzt into the years of theft fame Ptincestme thittitt i heat them thus t ttmttiittg Ptiptty to them: “That flnflififiti; tl1ttCath-oiikc~ Religigtt, that {West and eafiieway of A ‘fetvmg Gad , that wayof foimuchlicemzt and pita» fute,+and thisin dtngctto ht "‘ txtiagpattdfitiovtd P0» A pery txtitpattd, and no man moved at it it u‘ “ That way which furcly Monarchgand their MWE i lefi'e,arbittary Ruie,-have not» found their gttatefl: emit» V my5nzty,{'uch t‘ftieVnd5fo great fuppott unto thermthat H when it fa1s,thc*y cannot hope to hoidf mttiorig %atttti “":‘ Btiidts ( fay they ) do but appear, your pempit ttti A §f0‘Qt’1 httfhtg thtir confcicncts {good tame things t Wiii Vehey be {'0 hardy, - eauie thefe aexree 4 famds ofnheir people, tifaznew caufeprelfe refpefis to ,And‘now put all together, 3.=1‘¢5pi1‘it$5 and‘Sepi1"~itsethaer come from the Beaefit, [J efalfefl Prophet 3 and that old crafty Serpent; for thefe Froggs, thefe: % Me im;mamHcz:rm;_,/6.’: oyeeammags, each. 3o,."544:: Eli neveelez them fight agvairifitheiné King; orflfhoiulde yeu’Wi1lprevaiIe. Ga mp (fay they) we pref}-er, Ga z;p_a;é:Iepr{iy}:'er (as Once thofelying 4 Spirits exited a_,§£:z:é,~and unto which icvis net L‘1m'i»I-’:e-.e Eeytiyhere allexfled )'Or fl1ou1d you not ptevaif, ydu eeaean come in at pleafure, and after all attempts of Need and vio1ence,,’twill “be a drawn match, you ~ A eezm aeeommodatewhcn you will. Thus can. eheefe ~.evifl Spirits excite thefe eeaifieefiin gs to take up "Arms ‘ in their quarrell. 4 * ‘ 3 Nor is the peoples danger ever a w'hit»th‘e 1ef‘{'e,be« {Said to gganéi esedmcc the A King: of the em-tie, no emencioen man being made of their pee_ep1_e;» A1as,whQ knows n0t,they being drawn away, zho~u-~ eaeher through refpeéis to the the me,wi11 folloxvafreref and are fen: forth abmad onepurpofe to deceive, no marvefl -rehat 1nanyr(when thefe are abroad ) flaalxl be deceived, and fouelofc their? Garments. Thais afeeond Ground; AA And is this fol’ ‘When therefore now thefe fpiztiagse A Tare gone; abroad , Oh be1ieve'there”s danger , if We 5 V edonottake heed ,1 we may Iofe oureGarmcms_. -Ifg e any makeequefiioneavhcthere thefeefeducingefpitites are; . % eye: abroad‘ Orx’ nou -5'1 do befeech finche advifedlytee confider 5 Why I A isit notethe evening of the world, doth it: not growlateger andis nomzhis nhenthje timei creaking creatures corccrme A not feenrP operfy of Ieat?e~rA % years:-._a.~c a great E.bbe,¢anS the zfza]z‘r£a222,anc1*4Spazaij7¢e A abribad -2’ Be?fides,~haveewee and if thefc 'EmifI'a.1:ies A 7 3‘? ._._¢...- Vs’?/7’ 3:4,“ A IPUWW . A i 4 Ser72¢ai1P f‘po\ve19 greatly abated; and is it not then hi iiieacézdiat‘ £52 iézoiéethiy .F“lafl;,, éefiree W ..nI thefe Spirits be fen: . abroad‘, to 2 caileini ail“ th.eie fiiends, to help their ifiniéing caufeand * par”ey‘::’~ Deth any yet make Q;.i_efiionc' pray’ read their C-ommiiiion, fee, are they not diireéiedto the King: of 272: Earzflé .83.: ' A and beloved I appeal etoiyfoug areienoe thcfe Spirits 41;” J;.4’miZz'ar-in.Court at this day, may at-e thereeany more familiar .?—- Hath not a Popifh Spirit poflefi: their Dia V daymore and more 6 ~ ma.nji,-cihoufandes iother A mics, had notthiofe deceivin A and Feduced them =3 A . : eizgehave been believ Meméers, ~cha:~i are a _ go ofi"“1‘r0m y ~mem: againfti vines; aSpani{h, their Councells; and their Souh diery,with others,aSpirit~iof7 odious .debauehtneiTe:,;; " and propha’ncnefi7e:* ' Again,iare.their .in'f’cru with peaice, and juflt %LiBertie?s 2, I had not the God of~thisewor1d fen: thefe s A :';:z'ri_1':~ta élind t/fem 'z£tfc’reIy,473d ta$gz'*ve*tbem aver taflmng «eZxafi'om,;§ éeleewe lieee ~ e r 4 M ~ A And efu1:£he1* do ewe yetequeffion ‘whether d*1efe* gagmxyent-takers have beenamong us :3’ Whencc men is “it;FBe‘feech you, that-t’his man ‘hath 10?; his int'e-- gricy, tis gone; e-thacman his Cgmggc, and Sgéggitgettis _ game 1:’ that man his forwa1*dnef1‘é"forGod end his ~ V Go?un:ery,et—is~gone~:' nay, every one of us., may be, . 4 Ihathbfi fomcwhat, and =perhaps” fame cf us have loft all: allow: garmentsgone, zmle/]”e( itmay be} % ‘ May éaezelcfl are A cloak, to hide Mrprcfémf diflembling. 7 Ye: oncemorc, . d;o we‘do%ubt whether thefe eSpiri:s after they had drawn OFF from us whom. :hc.yj<:0uld ; which ofthe neigboux-%'Nat:i%ons have they :30: V‘ cndea-» but God hath madetheme faithful}, and theeir tam"-pe«ef ring L there hath.'be.eneeinvagine. _ The maze hath been D[z :4’ A mic abroadtil befeechyou ~look‘ab«roa¥d then,and {€63 V vouredee to draw up‘onus.e emu fee what hath been Car~-~ \ Q ~ teemptedineeJrelmd, but-that God hath fenn;hat cureit generacion,eas thcircurfl Cowes, {hora hornes. Sm». elwi hath been tampered Withbinot .onc:e, 1101‘ twiCfi3.* A gcrco beinfefiede * A2 A ‘I Sexmw3‘P?eaa;%ea!.}rtLt£emmiiéiy Faj§,éeifbre-%.w A v.,-‘= w W!" \-. :3‘; 33:T33é;'é’:i5,;v3’v“3~’é'-v7€l53;¢?; ‘QITHI —-an ‘by them,Ab%x1c”thatxfvh:iIe theywefc a preparing. "to “p»u':; u~swtinto co~1nbu“!h0ns, they were hA;:sppé.i3‘73 cafied awvay» to qtcnch their mm. Thkéy have EC» fayed4the—..1M*e2£2?fZa¢zds¢~, God’-d§i,re:f3:“here3fter~ A to pay us in orur'o%wr1Aco€yn»eM, an air we »1e‘n?dUs fin», n.=sai1.i~V fuel! to encrtafé oiur bzirn&in:gfs‘;, that 11~at;*‘e 14611: thfimm (I fagmocfcmL1~ch.1wm~)¢ BSLN: of 0Lzr‘br3‘ve’£% Ezjzgw 11]?) Mani 1:0 qumch. AVcAheir‘s.~ .‘ The-rfe umlmm ASpirz"t‘s"~ 4 have: once m‘re c-mfiéd thee‘ Seas :6 try I~"~r.wceg,; amfé pra*y Gad cAh:enVeVz:ét$pxvinLg._a”o I101: €%<*1**«Vs:4s.vsrv us how my moApme~n~::.they have bcrcn,,in% that Kingd»om=c; andt what fwe benoc more unhappy‘ in their retum fi‘onta thc“:nAc‘e,A then» mmg. Andt:»o"w:~1$y r;h=is¢ 1:i"me~ I“"¥.i4o“pe4@ therfis none rha+:=a‘~ “ §a-rr;Z1r:r cgsuefgimas, but that thcfe“«Sp*irits* are come :15» .- and zh‘in‘k»We“ {To i:.n.dc‘cid 6’? Oh I chm ' ’33~e;3eeve WE: are” fallen u4p“::)n danigermIs4t%imes;%beieevey b1i‘0aé,.a3:2d‘ walktn thacgzmw twE<1efe%€;?p&ri*z:s Mvaszt us, there isdar2gcr,if we ~tak"e_n~m'%hsee.d,, Wcfl1aiA1 10 {cf 0:u;r Gzzmnems. A T2h*Aazfet£ore in Eh€'fl61Ifiitp‘1a‘C6, be‘Ca.ufe‘ the da%r“zg'ar b0u~z.”1dan>t can!-’e‘:*‘ gw»xv~la~tec’ it not a fl7ee.i.. ‘ §a.y.1:"i:nc7 awd m&In.3t“f;2¢/law :g;r*‘Zaep4 2* ‘y’-‘E3 do not thc I"e Spin .?.«;*~i‘%’v:S«127a~“M7»tZ“ :i1"6' moi: Eh:2»“§47c€ muq§pn*§...fi.@;rg§Ze‘1*‘s ab1*O93 d, tmd % A memg.am;=2ii-i<:»~¢dé3;§,1§;si0.aa~«in% ztzzi owe‘ wd=2t«‘r‘1ge%r4 zticzr be plimdiredf 0&3 th"einv:j%”%Gnad3 t!.“If1a.<éir1%0: tihefxf _5'°'t?:?}f»’I}3'£f',’]d:£;"‘;' a1I‘n~d1 no l=eff“e‘;’} " , ~::.*a:,ufe.~~ ta. £%ca,;:e%:t1a*’e%%Ar:i-fli-.*~1Ag"of'mwVHMr$;r, then0;é%»G»4u3.** r A A z£e§egM%% W farmcxilye A viva; W-“61‘CCby zh*eiw2%v I/Lee "]%“"Aof 153% 2,.5.,_&,A_.ergéfi*erz:%v%¢? will you riot: rbe pierfwfided [0 watch :r:‘“ B‘£1~m~‘ I ‘n1%ufiA‘ ccme £1’ Mrtl e*nearer.=1 _ And firfi for you of the Nobility ,, atndA Ge=ntry: Nfj‘>1‘=~'r my of your own Tribes’ already, and are §n"a&ifingt~ %%~a%tt11is day”1W~ith’EhC fame, if not fizier Arts',to take. @195 3rou~-.4‘, ands. doth it *ho.tA:A-,mnVccrn' ymrto look about ytnuf May you-be fate, i:f7pmn1ifing you a%Mahometsa~ Plaradifi-'1? among them, alhhe fenfuall" 3037;, and pleag» fare im:2giAnab4iie:, or Aelfc ftzggefiingt0A'y0u ,‘Why :1; Mrs‘ is;~~rn<::t‘hi*n%g% V%ir%nwr1.d*ei“d" but “ Parhy - Nobles and-fiA= PVLe{a»4nts‘~fia=a3‘I‘ABe%allféHo‘w‘es:Omhat t1‘ic%Refm*ma‘tii‘on'" 3. AnewinA11;md,wi%1%1cerminly be fuch ayjom%,% a9s*neith%er Filfiflfillfifluuuuuuluuannnn‘, and; have you f/‘tier: tlifife faducing Spirits fetch oflfifo ma‘-» €’“‘.“’y' y@u~,,.nor«yOu1* fore~f2zther%3c~0u1dever bear; Ia" thtzfe, V H v orany0:h‘er'A1*ts, xnoVre~:fl§£in’g yaur c~*e»*ndi:jpfn,‘ or A me‘mpe r»?wilV1 .Aci3cfls~t you4‘vJ‘-isi-1i"Vb@ 4 :taI:e:n c>FE§‘=4%'anc1“*~*cic>t¢hw it '~‘ :1: mt behovcAymaito 1Aooke?%abvUu‘t yous" A ~ A A ’ And fort%1ieSou1'&iery?;A do theynosz lay am‘mx{h- sou1a;z¢;:.g u A A ments for you, what clfe-are chefs fug@gefi:i'cms; ‘ ‘Why I t:h§ P“ar1i.amem; hm:11noh0n.oAur'to «:‘m1:feAr%»*up%.~; A % ‘A m you do tfhicfxrifa r1>6‘v9m‘ great fef¥rice‘;4%Vt%-he§rcV%2innrtéxfi reward you or if vshey ccmld ,. yet ccrminly they will not fp:are~it f1fo4m% th"-V A finch as wcre”defe'rving might have attained the dew»-»AA‘ . J ble honourof *dignity and maimnmw 5 now bath“: ar'eA ta~k~ez1; away 2% ~ and if 1; Aware ¥era5a?22ms,fau1£«w% .9]? 25¢ fpeaple;Pr£e]?5, thefeWiAl1~certa7inl;y ~ 1 King; 1;,.3. mm/éePriefl.ct/2e Iowa;/3 of me people... A 1 AM V A hey come as iow as, A, them, and with Domitian wiHVV4rat‘her catch ~fly»esl than fuck as hath%mem&m indeed, -Eyes, but fee not-, Ems, but hears not iufi fuch anmiher as aha max: is dcfcrim bed: And dorhit notthem beh‘oov;e-ybu S'ou1dier=s “tobeupon your guard,3;ndWatché»~« ~ Nextforkthe Minifirymnd do I not” f0me;‘Wh’y I do thefeAncWReformers intend anything maize the law I Andvchcn for the peepic, H for t 129: be employed : andwhat firange wiles have my % jmade ufe %ofto deceive the people : Are there foma, that will not fight for Popery, prvperlyjb mlied 2? why ‘ ‘ 4 “then the quarrefiflmil be the Protcfiant Religion; 1 ~ gfiheytellwthe people all aha: e:vc@ r :;~h%¢y d~o,.is”%in defence \ X of that... Arethere otfhersthatwillnoc ;fig-ht forflrs ‘ bitrarygovernmAcnt~, and Tyranny <3 Then thequarwa A re-:11 fl1a11Abct~heA maintenance of ’Privilcdg?es,and Lia be’:-tics ~ofthep¢op1e, chmfé onely fluall jbe pretendgd. V gD_{0 we fight; for Protcfiant Religion 5.’ f0 d9-they: 2 ’; pub1ikcVLibertic$i' fo €10 they:-;Havcwe4a’P}ar1ia- ment:’( they precendatieafi wayes‘)-£0 have they: T %canh2mmwimeirce do shay: ‘ do We? do we appeal 4 I20 God A conc%emingT% our imcgrity,-a~nd “‘““'am==-==-wk‘-Kawnmum ‘Z: hcmflthem fay: afifs’ fo» » d;0 A am they :? ac» we; givekthanks for fucccifes rode ” fig. ?2a;¢a;;r4f£Z:' 53:42‘ a;ca,.m..;; each 64%; % 3 ‘ 1 _._._..u.... _...n """ V T .. an whey :: an flmrtgthey hava=~dre&‘ their‘ csaufe‘ on pm?-y ‘ po fee To iike ours; .that t1ioAfe EWO S0ciTa°3° were no: more xniflcaken in the ”“A Camedie%,than thefe two Caufes are ?,,m__V ( % at this day by the vulgar %pei0pIeI. They have a wosrid mffuathlifige W-aycs%w take the people bygm but I for- bear ; anddothit HOE“ menbehaveyeu :0 watch :3 ” A‘nd4%Yn0w‘wfor yeu(mo/i'Hwmred4Wbrtéies)have you Par1§i¢m¢n& 3 V feen»fo many of your own members drawn aWay,and{% ’ doth It not concern you 2:03 1oo1‘<;‘abom:' you 2’ What. V ‘t*hLou-glm you have 'per¥"1aps repuife-dthefc Spirits%once-, afcconds a+t's3irMdtim_e., i:‘Amay be they have but left V you as the%%~fatI’m* af them (Sathan Imean.)%AAlcft our 9 ‘.5”~:m:y~mm. ‘.M?.t. 24343» A MeiTe,_ Q1 Sermmj pmztfiwi M film Eyfaifieilbzfv FAfl,;§¢,y%re WWW fm°«z' mima. Keey but zhefe ‘Garments, hoid mm mm ithé mfi, mt moved either bynoife of mm» peft, 0rby‘Cy?”m5 Cfmrmes, amfi befiflcs that you may have the honour t0 fbaerc this finficing Church , aw Stage mm fafc harbour , yam“ feive 5 mm be “M glib hmom: efmcnt, the giory and mp of ail the Efigfz;/72% .N3.tion: ‘£.“‘.’€ thaclévc among you flmfl Hag? yam; The: Churches, yea and after ages {ham mfg upmnd mil yaw Jlqfea’. ‘ And when the time Q1313 cioathed upon.,, with immarmlityyandgin:/mfo€11cTcxr3 Zcflkzi 1:57‘ fie Must waft/fiefiifi Md kcepwié My Gnrmwm ib in A cifieét had our Saviour {kid before, "3 N:;[]Efw;Iz3r rm? Sm 5 ‘TEWWI WW3 «Mm 151’: maflcr mm flmllffmiefo daimga .ma§E:e yam gm l@flT.%,<)r Mwemhen upen goad advice yam have &0nef0m1eriy."” Sad fergiw, fire cmtrzzm:A2«% A and Natians round aboutzyoufhafl. N came that you muff put A . 01% the Garmttm aftézk’ amt}? y Taéermmlc‘, yen {hail bx: