and% Coleman} fer flhc great " pain may tookin the Sermqms they preach4--- ed this day». at the “ intrgcaty 0f this % Ho ufg, at Sr c7\4“argaret£ Weffmin W {it be-ingthe day of P ublike Humilia.» ” tion} and to defire thcmto Print their Sermons.) And-A they are to have the A as otmrs in thé like I;i~r1c13e..“ufuaI’i ‘A d“§s%Sermm.a £_m.,-tzzyg Waadcyfia *4 4 H116 pré~v>ilcd.geA in printingpf them 3 M A bleé in P A R L M M E. N ‘Kg, that Ni... fiondand fa/fin WM}, &0 give ‘ Eh anlisfiom t“h1=S Houfe to‘ M..iWbm75'ac; yhaw * ékfirzge, €f§n?4rZ.._. D.jC‘a2m. ___..___..,, 3» atppohm C5rifi‘ag%er~.M&rtdi:E;% or his Aifignsa m A V Everyman in hisown %‘ K B,5r, Enamels Wooncocx, Miniflcratolaves ~ Printeaby G. M; for Cbrifiopber Mar-r’a’i£b..Va!.A&':'he~ __.._.._..._ . - .5 _ - 4* ‘Infl- Lex Taiionisz M i 1 13:3 YI O Y N: HELD FORTH ‘IN SERMON PREACTHED ‘ at M fgcrzrets W efZmin§1‘é2’;befomcA the Honourable Houf: of . COMMON$ On their fqlcmn Fifi, incl} 30”‘, 1‘-figs. c-_r— ““““““ Sautbwark, one dfthc Affcmbly ofbivincs. ‘ PuUifl1cd byOrde;of that Houfc. "W" I; L ONVDON, “ma- -» ___.—r~ Crfanc in»Pmsl: Church;-Xard;164,6a,, . v-._.._. ‘—“" u 32' 4.1t/b4z’220°4fc?5%z41c[A4 ‘ fedw Zoo/ifiom2:/aem,~saaberebymv:&%é leajiiz: .~ . ..--en.-.—-rv A 1—1*o%No v %‘B;A B L ;E 4 ov Sr; 0 :6 % C 0 WE‘ M0 N 5 afltmb1ed- in PAR L I 4% M“ ET'N #1‘; -. ...... ..:-..._...,. ......._.. ......, ‘ .. . -.. _.......,.‘_........_,_____W, ___________h_ \.‘_,n.w.,, W H He 'occz_z;’z‘o;zj iofrinz Sermomj ; “‘;.S'$' “‘ '4‘: Pmg1fi~omt/ye Sé:?*m“o7z pram 57:2 fame day, lvartbrfiohz %tZ§;zz4V¢w;/oic/:5“ mam Prwt/5t on we dMWe= W Collegue pfirmcéf on t/J'eflmzec1’4t_)1,°/:Izzvz7]£3 mafia no‘w1vAinit; re;ic/Bit Fa/i ~ z*'’“3~‘I“M »« " . ., V ,4am.'.‘ ¢.+-wk-,_; .~'\"'|“3:“ ‘W "“"5-7‘ ‘ W‘ .l'rM.‘F ‘ ,_’ M we coming fmla (z%/W” Inzay. % W3’ wan dvcowm/U101” mm» % mm’; wide‘ éeén a!2g2’d* ‘no Amy 3 132224, "n2‘0“u 1'26 jzoucé/Ez‘» °’?”‘W3‘ C!’50’*;s‘£‘/930 m»%£?: ' %M/W0>W>%PW%%i%eveU amérextfprww :.;0n,.I/I/Zvezzlun derfiood ir%,¢.I‘mz.itec!A,‘or izf/55:4 % forth to 3“,/576’ in.tezzz%t~z;3—;r:_“Z’%r$ _/%,iVay/a%!;J‘z%¢%éz‘; V _ . A The Epifile Dedicatoric‘, c€lQyj*0Ju,w/éatever tbé T1/Jpit /Md Joizefiim % _/iaiée/igpibreji mine 5 Mt /gearing rzotbing of z°t,'4f2*er~l0n wditing,Itf/tzen re/5:/wed upogz g2rinting,,t Mz:ztbér,%»Ie§Z‘¢}“c)r5e‘aznmce,; A n”f2z'g/at% [ye inter1i>retea’*3n§g1ecti;,-%4a a//?2,tb4t m extfo eiréify way K4pp(yz%e gndcancerningfi A */1790M/c/not want 4 means wléerééfv it 3" éejimeiimex reme;n hted.% t/adercflre Ce ‘ mmée Q5173 Vworeyoufm’Mofcsfimétimegifi Marelrraexy 1/g T L; ,61l:£’Z?3l’5;b,f;A?w€V/fi7?§.,7 “ nd.cmflgag;;/édmeand Z7"0-as if//%i%c/wft/9 rfiflwofl/@0214 W71 n?0tl’¢r€%P€%?4Waitéeiflg W Mn?” eff :t/96%‘ %01Z0Wi“”g&5€Won- tire re/lama" ozzzypwgzzawtrzaaz an % .Zum([,}:))/aiz;i_b%/Mt/9%iaiié/7ért0~'lézzéz’j3oz2in my - % [a Yz:fé,Hefl]//zhngg/9072~0ur,*1a202z]cflnmae7é5611964- Qgiflf ”%6"”?V/985’ P41/m "i~%!127*di€§"«§7€ tbépmg/era 4 ,y‘:o;cégm'nae,#gm1/§eepyoz/zzraibemgmzg» L’ iwgMM1‘bt?5¢r%i?v»aiex vfliffvf/90%,?‘/94:10“ nmxaazi 4.- ffit*%~/’0?6J0“?tf¢%i**2&i 4 arawéfizrzsfi/zy .mia.~;«w Serwzéxig % A &FMN~f L4 COMMONS w_ A A % I5A'M.V1..3Q. A * Fortbcm that honour me I will honour; and:/um that dejjazfe: me/baa bezzgbcbae/zgemgd. A ? A V ofrcward to them that kccpit,and tothem _ -9 that doe%&n0t hath thrcatncd punifhmcnt. And Abecauie allmcn arenot aéted by the fame motive, and that,m5gvhichA‘ pre\faiIswitl1 one, doth not take ‘upon 1- A An0thé7?at%a1lAAth,ei=e%f0r;avre&%therc xzariecyvof rewards ‘and OD Thaving laid a. law upon us all to do our uttcrmoft to advance his honour 3:0 make punifhments propotxnded’, and {o to none occafion given t-O fleight thAeMduti_;:,becaufehcwanrsa fu;ab1c.motivc co .-%4~:;A:mor;1g»a1l % argumcntSAfd;;;h%zrhis pnrpofe,%%I findc none mrc=p0t§nt‘up9I1iI18¢1111<7?%%;?1,dg¢§TP{rits,,;hcn be}? it the better 0bIc.rv’d,% hath made promifc" ,f . -a V I ll 2; Sperrmahlgreacbed at theManetk[yFafl,Iul;§o.164.5. Qffiaiwaar, nothihg lfo pewetfully dflfwading the contrary, as fiawj/frame‘ .~ Yea almofl among? all men, What is there ’ in the-ifr feverallbulfineffes ainfillunciertaklings more regard- fully looked upon then /ham: and bmonr ,9 foethatpl helincve this dayto urge v.ritl1 all my might. the Imzaurigzg #60’ ',,. and being to preacth to y‘ou,“to you, mofl: horiou red Why- thies, no doubt 2. company offree and noble fpirits, What: more {usable Scripture could I pitch upon, whereon to founcl my dil”courfe, then What I havellhnow reach, where» in God ,hir_nfelf is h1el’d W out unto yen, calling for, and% urging his honour, by bojththe former "Arguments :' for afeffifi me /1241! 64’ lzgjbrly q/feemed. A A I am glad I have no; the like fad occafion to preach up»- on thefe words, as the man F God had that firft preaCh’”tl" 1 lb the Text,Tbem that laozmurl we I A will k.émnr,4:td' I/new time- A it-hem-. The occafion was briefly this‘. The [macs afElz’ the P:iell,were alfo famizesag‘ Belial, andin ,t;he,e:xccut1on. o£= . eheir Paieflly A flfiee,’ coxnmizted llu:1fi1fferable , **urlhear-&: ofhirfolencies : tl1eirindulgen: lF2aft;herEI¢ letslthem-al‘cme: yea, although he was Judge in Ifhzel at that time, end fo ll hedlpawerfh flficlemzl in hislha3nd;t“ol‘have l'e{lg,ain”’d A ,thetx;1 ‘Nherepma, Godlm-k_esltl1efin1 of the f@.n1¢ey,l ,andl~t.hef!7¢a'm'-'4 germ ofelwe Ftétfizérlfol h em on fl y, l he A phezita hfwith rrleflizlge, p rxiighénbe’ £0! p l emrm Gus wiekeclneffes, therefore the Igorcl was purrpoffedl feverelylzo he lavengfd, alnduxjvemldl call: «them ouptl‘ A from wl ehathonour of Prieflhoqd, which thcy,while{enjo‘y’ld hack A lleflreheel mania meat. A h0rho.nom'. A » A zfiheferc We flhtmxrrhczlzle H0fl_f£;fifACrflAl9*?.fii&fi.=§‘. .. 1°“ I V‘ 3.? .t.Q arm: houA_fe an cverlafiing P1-is fiflmohash A L mm Pgpphcc A,i.nfinu.ates_4,that mdhced the unenour Ofithflt {arm A hphromifc rw.tas§only,qmwm'1flf€««56’fl€_g€fV€riW;hupoh;;:hc,irgood ;hchm'iour on1y,,.ha.hnd urges thl1e%fupr<:;:3jc1aw,Aa<:c»ordjng Q _-£0 —which all infcriour g.tants are LC) he in-thrmethed , V in the wards h of the T ext , 7h'e/M-’*¢h~1*»W ~/WM‘ AM I witfhw mmfi 36¢. A A A _ 7 h “ A, V 1% ‘I 'I“aking,schhchreforcthfi ,.W0I‘dS M1 htheir hconhtexnurc with ;the .-fmzmeer, and fa they;a.1*cp1a.ini5u:i1c rcafong Why, n,@a:- wyithflzandinflgvthe promifc ofthhc Continuance Ofthc Pfiefl- A lyh dignity to 4A4ramj, and few. Elie: houfe, God was now A A «intended;,lhI m that gflranp, and dcprlvfi hthcsm of it. A Sig you hhervgc the occa fion. A AA Butxmlzchthem now abfoluccly, and in~:h‘e1nfe1ves cc>n~ ~fi<:I.ered, under which nopisqn I intend cfpecialhrto handle them, arid thenthey are the fiprcme mic, according to which Godhis:p'1eafchd to di.fpence«honours;u1~d diflaonours unto men: Orfiif you hadratherflhey are the rategccord. , V ing to whiclihevcry man may%urcha1"c to himfelf fhame, h The -di_vifionA ofthe words will notat allfliay you, they fa1ih%of_rhcmfe1vAe«s into Lw Pmpofinions. V . Tbrm that honour hm? I wifl héeanoar. A A 2%. Tliem that dz;{]2zfE meflm/Z he Jig”/§t[jI‘£Fi6em£d. Ineach Of£h€Af€On"1y5 as we paffe along, obfiarve the ' changes. I15; the fo,rmet*,yoL1 have, hfi1'fi:,G0dh£1a.a¢azsr:a’,”and mm !;.a«A;¢aw}°ng-.3 and then, Mm lm2.«mred', and GM Iganpzm. In thfihhlater, fi1'f»’c,Gr9d [z;g/9¢ZyAq,@eez22ez1, ' and xszzma lggbg“.-... A h iy e§fe.emi/Kg .a.nd fihen, ;l{gb;1y «efieemmg and and 1?zéng.h Iz14hbQIfi1iSh€"1¥iTA0iihE ttzhattequall law of Zzgbdyaeh i*eci*ib_u:i:oI:x%,Jhax:id ea-1TL1ranhc:¢hgivex1, that God—w;I1~payhheV¢,WA hishhhowh coyn. +7545 59W“? :1’-‘$33 The Word hw:@m€3;fi%’mi, h h -Baa. 4 AA "ma 4. A iS.»:rmcm Presto/aeinjzt maize:/Jly iFafli,1uTy .3‘ @5164 5. it V ‘T3-‘awhich egnaaegfira Eto be heavy] men [ta-;,sa.m-ije n'1*‘heeApofile joyns both together, 2‘Cor; 4.‘-I-7.; imakinig f mention there offa wzig/7:‘: afglary] ~ and the reafén «Why “ the word [to honour] proceeds from futh an Original), is A . this, becauf: whom we honour A we do not account cheap ‘ is diverfly rendered‘ by erlight 5 but on the contrary, havcweighty thoughtsgand adueefieemof. % A e A i J C A2251‘:/ae7?2i‘.“t/Bztde/}»:fi‘nze]V’73”.‘1~ Thetoot ofthis Word V is, 7773, which fignifies [to a’ej}zfi',7zegleo'f, aéamimtej And the Septuagint’, fometimes by hi _',;cazvAi§w.[tQ€fl€€FI11ighI1y:] fornetimes by whee [to_de'- V 1—'ide'_} fometirnes they ufe the wordi[di{h*onouring]fome~ times the word [making nothing of 31:0 cxprefle it By. Tis -hereoppofed to the former exprefli on of [honodring] and therefore [todefpife God] muPc needs iignifie [to IE: 4 V him aenoughgor [to make Light of'jhirn.] A A jml! éa lightly effeemcd ] "73’. It is derived from 7753’, er '73, which fignifies, to cfccem lightly, to makeiighit 65: It fignifies alfb to [ra4§?]_mbc“caufc ‘roafied or burnt things have much of their weight drawn out by the fire. F {To be defpifcd] is oppoied to that [beinghonoured of A God] mentioned before. i The fumme of all thismnch. SM/9 nzit/J mow, t}2e“4ut}writy afGooz‘cm'rie: weigh , 2419022. ° finch Goa’ willpzat weig/at ami efleem; butfitcb gs amtcmn Goa’, fl;.z:[[41_' at flung/at, 4:441‘ mad’: light of 6): /aim .~ or as the Scriptu re {peaks other Wi1€rC,‘bea;CCOur1tCd fight mm! wk: peéffizvttx. A s ’ ~ ~ The words bemgt~hus= opened,I now proceed” to A ntake W Qbfierivativonst upon them-:4 And firfi, in that we iiee God “A A eiifpencing honours for diflaonours to men-,acc:ording has nheyregardi, O1‘ difregard his honour; I obfet’vethi$,; God év @6534/1]‘ re‘g'ara_!fiz/Inf, dfiJdl50“Zl€d/I tbing; tender of ew2@a;:a;1r.i.n_ ’Tis~za clear'cafe,t.Goci ~wouid= not~ have oéwefore five HenoJra6leHwfi ofcomsasansl ~ hi i 5 the efieem of men he meafured by that refpec‘.t, wh it-11 themfelves have to lG,od*s 'hox_)our, if above all things God had not regard to hisiown honour. . V % ' Secondly? In that it is faid, He mi/I£umaur,ar1'd Hewill V zalq/}75z'fe, meaning God :a next Obfervation may be this, i L001: w/mt reproach erilxmorar /mppem to an}, it :25 Gad r/mt :3‘ t/aegmzt and cbicfdzflrofer ofit. I will honour. _ l Thirdly, From the manner of Gods diifpenéing re- proach and honour. a * S R i Aacordingm may endeavour t/5e //ommr , or dz/7;gmW» of 05fiW_3_ 60¢ ’ [9 l /7241! they *6: ‘bommred’, or made 1235; 6,]: 5y. A , him. ‘ . A A I begin with the fitfii ofthefe, 'z2i?{a., God is eflbecialiy re- gardfull of, and zzéove all tfiizggs tender of /7:3 mam /janotzr; V . A ' S He is fo, fo the Scripture {peaks him,,Ifa’.42.8. I am the Lord, rim is my Nzzme,_ 422d‘m3gg[ar_)g wiflfl notgive mzto mine; i flier; God willgive azvayany thing but his gjlaryyrlbut biy ~ no means will he part with that ; n0thing”_elfe‘" fo ("dear fig, him,which he will not-give away -.;, he’“1l part with his ohly begotten fon; ihe’l1.give his holy Spirit, his grace he’ll. give away ; hewill part with heaven and happiuefie gyeam h’e’1l give away bimfétf-.. but yet he will not give ‘away . his «rim . s ‘ i tliis con-fideration it is, he is called a jmlm God, he is-jealgws of/ii: 50.40151’; llelbves his creature,,I,obut he is ea.- % to [am ofhis houour,the Pcrongefi paflion of all other is con-—-i so vexiant about his honour. . ‘ And no marvell, for this honour andsglorieiofhis, is of o " a-wllthings that arethemoflt excellent-, 15112: Name zzlimc ta exalt Wee/lent, mi gléry zzéqéve the ear!/jam} l/moan, P fal. :1 48...: *~15.. V Putheaven and earth With all the glories of them in A ii ’ thebalance ., and let Gods glory only beweighed iagaihiiée \ A tliem, and"tl1ati weight tqfglory pertainin-g;_to% Goth, wiliE7 B » g_x.1ic1:l.};,¢?"‘ A 4.3-2»: ‘ff: AAA Si-.A're2bn Preacimdoatei/3~€o !v1We$5£¥Fdfl,1«ue1yJ3e:;5A4§« -n-nu»-n..u.4‘. ' quicffly flzew the glory of all the creatme to be oliglae Vane: vjanzty. A A A Befides, this honour of God is t%heeg1'eat e :d of 3.11 r.hings. It was forthe xmnifefcatiora',, was he made the world 3. To that ofit God xnay -fay, like as-once Jvcéttc/74~51;¢e»'{}?;4r,I5 mt r/vi: fl)!!!’ great world 2*/mt I/2AAycImnce ma as A not: d7i{h0%nom~,{’0 nor Wdotwh honour fpring fromthe du{%ne§tI1er%A :and though ’tis true the S%c1*ip1;ureT~ fl")ine':§%n1e14menti0ns the2.1z_y‘n_g our /jrtmoufifi 1f23a’wfi,‘, in no»;..1‘F3l cm». xKii1e1*ef2Liesit firfl:-4r.z:fl=:r.-outofit... A A V " % A ' ” %‘ . A “Tis then the fa1ne_grea.t».Pattcr,tlaatformeth tzrcffilsfi‘ Aqfao~n.9.u.[%.,A ééyrzazzr 4:4d;dz/71 ammr for the f'w.'u1"e 1‘ife,;iivhO:a1f0‘ :*xi?2;I%§ias4% the ‘ V i‘[]5e~Z: ofbanomr a.:Mdi]Eor2aurA of”rhe~p1'c{"ent ;}if‘e.. Hé chat. "d;>ti11theone, doth thebthar alfi:-.;.§ A A V‘ A I “ 7 Ant! ch'ere7»s.good‘1*eafQ11h€1h<~3uIdA:"~~ Vid any e1fe:%cIi_—-~ ‘(SE ‘%O§~%l1o4n0ur and d'iH1€3n%0.‘u;r¢ 5L’Di’r_' fonun%e,,; askzhkey ca;x1 it,“diTpf0f€ :he,at1,;,.iemvaxzldimabxiude cIifpo’fa1‘1}.. if} dCCd'.».5£"¢': -at $3948.54; " a 0,?‘ » «to be advanced to higheft h V V _ A ter much amended , were they at the difpoie and A arbitri~ A Sermon Preucbeduzr the rhenerb9Fafl,KhuI V rye day ofc/mmar A A through fear of {heme will be ...._~_..,..¢...‘...,, u.-.1-.‘—r..... -__,________:._‘_“ indeed h: we then flxorxidlee that done eve which fecal: once drd purpofeiy, and ofrc/naive, ‘T/as veg/1: lmmlprrt upon tijryaenger, the left hand an the Elder 5 wt.» » [baur’dma/ifamiliarlyéfée jérerurzgs an /;.arfl2:,.e;m’ Princes nmlk-«,4 reg mrferryzmts éy rbemand So what encouragement would there be ofany to welldoingg, iffhame and honour hap- pened to us ofchance, who would in hope of honour be r moved to xfertuoueaétion , when fuch edition is as like- lyto be rewarded Wxth fhame, as honour <.' Or, who wh en that,n0twith‘ftandinv 5 I165 every way as fair as any onotxrsge Nor were the mat»! ment of mane: jitwould then be carried with {o much partialnefle, fo httle regard of‘ worth, and fo nxuchregarzit of friends and rntereftsg, befidesoffo uncertaina tenure Wou1dVthat honourbe that depends upon the fancie and . humoufohnan, that to wantit onfuchrtc M V rrnesrnay {tern as greater heppzneffe as to enjoy it. \ e A But now that God fluouldhavc the ordering ofgthem, ; what nxoreequall to W/ho more rrteet to difpofe of re- ‘ wardand pun1fhment‘( which honbur A ‘ and difl1onou1‘ are) then he that makes the law, upon the brealting or keep--J ing whereof, reward M or punifhment “are to be difpenced‘ 2' Befidegwdho fo meetto.haveche rt. ' A M award of thefe to man, as God, who as he heft underfiands th nine of each mans aétions :, fb alfo is n1ofl:ju&,w to give to e- very mam-tccording torhis w¢or1fifl1alin0tfziiIAco fwim in hapw A wpinefl‘ea.nd%h'urcom23,%w<: fl1a%11‘1moVwwhdm 9:6 mm k* V X :4pA«a:2%e,Awdfc:%/5ft1é6!e}a?I? Mew:/Ber- V A 4Be1ie?v€this fayznca let evary ofus refolve upon it, it is ;% A was*Citeci {am :“t£5€1‘z*€Pfl4[?7¢ be"f:0rie,G‘ the ?¢§dge,be{léfierb A Pf"1‘7.5*6f° h = 321:. ’ fi:%li*::ict §.(if¢f0VrLw%e1i_d0ing our Vriames ,a.ra %Ali£ 'hh‘u_;1._ manna llllfsmp: 1 73 ‘ L =nwtwlinulzflandéngvallnh¢;rlveps1*unnil1gintohgisncvertlzel A A A’ l A A Tea-ddetbenanyrhing,ofidignity to Gqodgthlslis m:~ N $«}1eA. Scriptures meaning ,.jl when fpcalzsy-of‘;honouring 'God.A.;. It’A'lS§:n0t_ {Tl§;}7) to béftowlfozne wortlmn Gail "sarhi_gk%2 hchééd mm befm, bmraahe; £0 mks nozlicelogfgzrrflei: A A A - a.,<;lnAAofthe‘_x2%rord mentioned bcF0i‘e,can begmzinan A. 54‘ M Q elfe, then to give‘ God that weight and value whibh is due unto him .ItistoAweighthe Lard in Athb balance cvfstlhei and lvailuethat appercain to .hI1'm;ll - lfMiItalaZla.«r1c:e%.f.heAig;.=feveralllglories, they all cage;-l-AW A zher cquld nest adde ul-mi.‘AA:it the leaf? ‘~.gAr’ai*n ofglory :‘ all their glory inthls call: is no~rnore_then what the Praphem A faith tbémfilvzs atlglwhen pu,tinAc0unLerpC>yrf'clwit_l1 «God, V‘ aftbe é4_[dme,W ym,e:cma:z:e4’ leffizih ll tléw 2m¥}l7:sjg,ja3mlrw22ity. -WeAincleedmu V be lbelh<>lde"zi1 ls:-cw. l fellowllcreatulres tb honour‘us,A €llé‘\*;{_ € get none; but. ’r:is.A: " ; not {O with AG0cl ,fl he being equally glorious befom he made any creature , as he is at this day : Sclmhar, A whiz) are-:Ab at as tbefmafldw u mhougb Sun negand Mama, 2:‘ ml fifSmrrs,, Angels and A mam A A y_ea.’, allmthelhoifs o£'‘e'GW;’ -' ~A!1d;Wh€m. ~Peter', up- :0n4L11€%c»a1i Qd:,{ iszwimwxg £0 fi4]j[;3!f~"({¢'»<§§;l?:}1:;££Ell?#, the. ¢G:ma-‘ fpci; fi1Ch% an Obfidifince Lincedwhg;:is;a,c.cka:unged:a‘;g-larws Ioh.z1§,zg. izggar boncmrimg-Gad. A H VYA_ou fee what 1: :5 ’co‘hon0u~r7G.od, we nextenquitta % AA is to&vAa?'i/Izoflmtr /?ifi@.~ ;AI.1.d £his»is not:to.Ad,ecra6t an}: A Wag:et:fub%fiant4¢a11 vwrth fr=0m G9d* it “is % Impabla <:vfn04add-1tzQr.a,w(A as, Avwe faW=ere~Whx1e%)' fa %nc:it‘hcx ‘L { V- Tcanritin the leaf: be impaired but rather, WJ1_”1€I1GQd is iwflzgbéfi’fflW9414336c,dndfi?awd( as Qncc Be1j7mQ{'_¢»rwas) A % W!ig19tAIICi%wve‘conccive mean &:unde:rva1;iing thoughts pf ,h)i;n",%,g£nnow wife comming supamt.hatcxde11ency of hAis,w11;»icheverywhere filmcs forth : and%fu.I:cher,Wl1em wefpea.1; fleightmgly ofhm, as alfo Amake; light” of “his _g;:QAx7:1iI1?.pd§v,VV4thi$ifiwithfluralipfiréidventurctodifhonoux ri F 4% A Q »«<::~1_‘&..V; , £116 :+Hea?«i?:x&n; am fa. lbw; in: thAeir % 4;}; A ,g;h_;~s¥._, a,s,tc'ai cncéijfa the V ;(3 ogd-head‘-,=1i'ke .unt0 = {ilver avnd%go:1d., anal God h1mfe1fhkeAunw;0» a_ bird ,% a beafi, a . » %&A%crc#epiing thing, and infuchA1ikeneflesworfl1ip him %;A this Am 74,: 9; V %P«:réi:%-ac;¢ounc%is»co dzyiaazw Asvvwa Likewi£é;%whe%n= we fj"¥‘~*~ W % ' C2.“ —fg§ ' %% ‘ \ pa... _‘ ‘ ..’w.A _,,~.. . .,w—m—-—-ww-v 3Zm=nV..:‘;,.~..;.3, ;j:Deq1z;r.3%4. 69 3,}3’fa\i.~;8. , ‘ 1 5. 2 14 Sa2‘mo:n~Prefifiémziflt‘t}be"man;¢béy.F;fi,IuIy %~?,m afivw, fa» 2e2»1o;zzs:pi§¢acher pf ;:11e1a: mg %?:i‘_‘i€1»’fi1f2"?g .‘§€?%§'tIV'V1. Tail‘ iv’ sgwgifgifitan d[*bL‘1i+‘"eK:u4 on-chther-s,*%"y‘§et»% “af'x6fi¢j'i pga§%:§~¢‘g fi°r159:.I€i«r1g,32iiVig?h'r«'e«‘13_§i)fii£§iEI1«é?h;yh7i%mVfeif3¢::V t1‘a'e*j"'afri 12: A:;F,c_;fi4,1¢§ @315 VA A m; m;6&tf”’:;’5mg,’a éreakiyg» :19»: man: s, 1 ;S®‘A:%=Ei£1*.1iVie43Mifwcfiéw :ch§‘V+‘Vfoa*m1:Er%V' T 1'=f»A fair t1;3éAia¢2e1*r,;-4 }%Imean, ~pbi4nt {sf {eg:;~e;,..’ gllqhac w~’1.j=i%~s 1 »~nec° 33250 u%in’ltoijj~f%m1g a’fii?@ao‘€i:»»+:: »iy*:::d~ ‘«0:ix4t:mi:Ig~fit§*by V ‘M353; W hm: *pé{0p1e ‘fd 5 A=1‘5.*ea;e‘?%a:*1d% whacgs thgj rgafom _ *1 M ‘~naiy, mm f§*xé'.i1‘ii3;~3»l£’t}i‘E%‘%2Véflcli Gbti: W 1 honouredby him. Mufcs 2;. man great r A “am” cz’z:fl:a2m¢x=~ ~byié“rh;is4!z%i‘:f’zae=; ddfi“‘;y:5h? ;;{eLe._i ‘Eh-3 “*:9;g»;fa 53.5%: HO;-;0fu"r _gg3d%;; §‘@fP«,i.fé gj1@{fe*?4A~‘fi,:§“ <§ni1y?;1et me p%é#f¢:=:‘t" ~§zAm:¥e;;;£‘:;%§ ew:=infiances.« A 51% ‘fl1é.1H:3é”7 of rfi11c>~w1;ed V and A «famxeéus asfitfxegv % % W W ._ ** ~§§:g§m?;§pein§ %3'15”é5i§3l§§‘{'35§7él*‘2!5E)’C}7*»1*'€’:9;IMthfi j‘~'Wéi‘i§:I s~2_e?E A % timaxzxzngsod and avvas h«e:n_a‘: »:accmn;ag1y: 2a:o2a£:;;:§ed- .55’: mm «r A was at 7&’(g'?£_§f§i$“f”'§? €372e§3%ffiii794 %£&n»d‘:did l*§1§C§£'}"he tixbirghtstofliiri1.%t2p”mn2t‘%:%é.c% pfwpi , ~2‘im5 t11qE4’%IN"~“h¢n*h£ dfiéd 'G0£1.Wa§sf2:£~1‘i{ Us} by th£%_V:£34fiC5§I7(§S ;idolzizi”ng of it», ~ ;:h§A‘r:1*mcnrc;“;d4iflaE>»z1a::»mI1:;%.:::eéi::;,g:*g’¢:arzZ3 A -L#:ié51é«nL3tfi mam wh’d1iiVVy%“VAtf‘evoze%i% to mh0nl<>:ur4 V b}und'a.m:»1y h"imf*H?e xliwj 4 .A5%¢£1£?1?‘*:,t%C:.l‘a§l;$Ta*:}7:ex,€?1'o'm;f:bI:}Owviifig mlmhe 1:énoWned&.=‘en*§.>%iie :Vi:2i§%%”iWb zwh~mJ‘gh t£2e,mpf0§fAh.0i1ém&r{am &~ha»n*;a1*e%2rdVa.nced m it! dcré n A ;?’i:{.a?Z ékiflg‘ aéffi V,%';*»<7:’m;:r‘i: aé;«EaE.» A ’7p‘”.a fly ‘ jmg‘, ;‘-yét=* heéaufé Did n;<3:1: :i;G;0d:;fi%t &h:i?m%:;a 31?rin-Cc0WerV§iis?5ip‘¢©wp~Ie ”( ~‘fb3r i7'¢I.%::4 :;*:¢ _§‘zfi‘{p?1'&7fl7é~fuElif’ iai=«§§ /Erfwéfw b?i5;5oa’jr, «fieflz the t1*~2ight-V Qdflfi A ‘«:3~id'AA fi§~:‘+z1V;A"‘i1.i~:wx:§§‘;o;i2: e~1‘%'—§t1fl3:z*2¢§ée1;%» _ W A ic%I4n»:f;r;>z Gézad s»-pzzkitn A % M from a.< 851C€€:€fi‘fi1gj;1J?£‘;2:5$4Q;f¥fl*§Ad-~‘a.I1é§ L m%si‘=~ a‘ I'>‘-' !' i §%"t'f2é’11§ro=iJi;¢_Ag'qft}5epoim‘.~% aé4?I£}iippe¢:§fi'p¥a;ée*; :ei’f1jd'th 0§f‘. otV:EC_smgj keep t11e1’r¢ fiasadmg, M ‘¢*§;;k;;cé.§:§i1:h.o::mr«sA%B;cAd o§i~‘zo::>t1ie%‘iéfi-¢@§:tin;1e§«*to»hmom* fyfldafbbnozkfg He{:~kz‘:a;% 11a&‘%-h0nj;CJVur€d“G@"c3 inhis 1.2‘ fie, gm 1; .%€rirtae“ss;r.e»xf_,;;1*c1*:ft;afi me«%mAa; % Ihe, .'}'¢Er...w‘ mt;/9 wK¢Izs'-'§Edw4ayrd :3 (lead, ‘gizmd Jg’g;;é;:, ..,;;;; .f‘g7 3?E f.a92&?r'7i5 :2. ya, #25 ;22d:*:!¢ri&¢5-12:6»?iéiebélzfiozze ?Z:'“.Z'Y6"i"-'*2*?'i""W13.'A"%??"»%'<4'¢’ £z;»;u«,»z:— % gm. *4-.‘Ar1<:i. 0 f%«(}g§e4en;.E£zL{fza9e;*4f9? st ; ’7* co huh‘? * fay, %A.'i*aw~but EWG in aHAat11e %wOr1d4=;that wenéfft for Rufe, ;§th€%3:ew;a:rE%:~*thofé g;;n:i0:ng u7s“f of it p3ref1emV'~=geV:1e1 noéimsd,» whilewe are at Naticm AA , A‘ “ A A \ And on ti1€%i,c0ntm ry, That”~i:hofe that I1:ém:'3di , m‘:4%_God ,5&1a7v&;%4beEz1.was>% gmzxciui ‘c?ix’1;-1‘mA1{>Mtz:z*”c2c*'r~said fleigffiitcd V V 4 $.63 Harsdzwaévle Houfl of C ogmémzrs‘. 5 3 * AHB.;f¢}§s.&%cl€%"er an§C}imci0udVe,d,4 3 ffor, faW§'es"V~the ihAo1_y"\ # M .?Ghoft;<)f.i".him, H:.”?”zz’2e"aa’z'i‘¢ 4‘gwad'aldzga, fie/I _¢a’zzz', Amgmf A ‘* E'Er0.2g.g % ( {flies thfi '1A’6,xt)« my ?4""77"J”*""5"9"’ W94’?-‘dr’«’5‘ czzmzs to aloe him f7:2- 3 wfi0m'5 M mm‘ at /1:15 d'mr“b.. % ‘O niemflcance morg, ans? ins of our Szwiw our%Ahimf&%iif, all Whyofe--%h0ugh't,, Thfé, b?L27fin{c-fie at ~:>«.,r;,1A5~,A1«1m;. A h0*nom* Aazid!v;msfit n«€5treq‘L1’itcLi5 7W;¥-1”e«n~ L God gixAm~.s‘ a%2¢zz222aa&5~oruecz2er)¢[ mm .9 &nd?»thE:Ai*efbre :5 am;é2ir&”’a[F I>h£1V.:.,.;».% j.zt2{g*em€a%t‘t0 /’2‘~i;r:rz,? to :he~1ntent,z,l;mz M ,§*:f7i£’;;:? mzigfizi.‘ Z:«&:ébz;.r we 105 §. H'- Saizxzcfisr t£1cjf«V£vaz7vz¢r»t4beF;¢t/fiver, M V “ “ A . ‘ . 7 dde its 0fi5é1‘n}i:nPta 75 M‘ A . hcAés~é3F*%Ptiri4_ Mc”es.,; ‘SA‘6u1diier5,.«ScA’h01%i.:rs ," vvi%10%by uaeés saw;-dVs, am; ~tings5 'iive'$,‘W ha,veJ?‘E1On0u»red Gad, :.mdk19.vev%acco1'dingly .bee%n;honAom'ed”by:'him : Take but%~awpai"r of Ainfian‘-«s cm‘ 305 T <>}.;1;‘% :z)wn‘N 315.391‘! 5. n1ea~n: that bvlz-3fi?:ciA };mf % VA 1:h‘e‘f:{ixt11;,wa:1 hm»i1i%erVA()11e«e;1%Afilzzfzéefb furely %Gt*70&* had '1x§L1¢13Ih0no%u:r“i1ion*i%them both 5 arm was it %%%n0t*:1§ * amp1y;repay*d& -2*‘ "Asi;%)r ham, xvha -V}mt.I1%AfoL1nd 9; m0r<:‘: : 11onomj3;b1e_? mention in the xwgcczrds:<>ffstz~1;e4~tI1en 5h*e-%iiath -:.’9*A * Car’cI;ar.m£e:.« ~’f;:::,—?2zm’2z;¢.AVa‘ fira‘nger5 and of ‘ia ~%c§r’£feri:1gRe1ig;i3on:, 2%e2u1*14‘%ou r 0xvn*£."‘:z2¢¢&z!e;a gfse W has they?’ fiwof hfi1':~’: whefi gers.mris'. _ {$0355 4 ELiV&‘i1‘(§¥ ill: /azm"3’:' Ree: qua Maa éc?(c§:3re we/z, aw,-'0! z2’(Jtfi‘ ‘2;*!)T€?5 V‘ }3‘l‘"£}V.£.’I’c‘Z:’.£3M £lt'£1§; % {bathe ,:~r;'z.z..;’e.«:«,:s'zrc,-2<_:3,*;v2_%.,,;;V uarqtzma 'Q§(1(?‘3 W _ % .W % _ A * _ . % % W35: zvlaztyrfi, :3;,;nd fmth Wh0m:h¢e:coa.;ld cc>nfinMz1 W€1ght'ymajgtggygaflmr. * mezmitzg I:?€;rg.;r7Kiz1 g OF .?~Jizsv::r,a.nd Qggéciii ;’.:1‘V,,/'?%z'«"{'Jx~3:J5§:"'e’.!;9"5&*z“s:?:"s:x:i ::j"“"“ '@-9" j 9 H A _ “flt1‘0fi’§"‘hC“§“;3~z; 27§i[j£.S: ;’Lvh.0fe-’ :1:-mo:-res (I? dC%L1%bt‘:1<}‘£~),1'h2?;11% bf: fi*2€:&»- hedéesPe:ex_Mmyr:1eave%s»this of him to p:~>Pce;‘-icy; {ages 3‘»..; V n » w %{hé:m«:3izrA % A w-jv £4 ’ A A Sermon Preacbed at the Morse?/l1‘l):F*P‘¢:zf£.,Iu1y 3 o.1§;;?.. A by him: Nebuckddfieffigr is a famous inftance, whoe_n« ,g;2a.:4;z4. deavourin-g :0 {W611 into an elquaEicy’%wit%h ‘God; «(I AVmi{1, ‘ - faies he, Jae l:%lcet1ae7mfl19:g/.r, Iwé[1%%exto[[Vaa2y aévlzw Itlae /Em: afaad ) is tI1rown,down_im:oaxi e”PcateAbe1ovs} “the — "mecmefi cpfmen -, and mofi meet it was, that he, who was flan. 4.3 ;. not cc»ncenc,to bcVman,{hou1c1: be dqposfl (as he ‘W8g'S;f)iU..- - ’ coche condition 0-fa. vex'y[b€a;fi. ,I~c0u1d~m:Ide«S.:»‘afcorn"to a,l1pQ&eri:y%. A 7 M V ¥ A V 1- ‘MbAnd.;here’~sgood«re%afoniforthismamner ofdeaiingzfor A A fiivhat‘ more fixtabk-: to that cxcel1entm‘1t12re that is in Gad, " %thex1t.o repay» honour to th0{é,%from whom hinxfelfrea «;;:s%od.zs.g. c¢"iv}:s~A11Qnour.%%AThe “Scriptuxfe,fii1esAthe Loyd, mmmzmf " AA %‘21.{g:i}g~7+e;,t11aMy%I*n0tfay"‘a1f0’,_ l1ei»5a}VJm:n4‘ af £zamz§rV.?4.a:1d7i‘f A fa,‘ _w11crein%4can A4%itA.@%b;2t;ce1*¢Lappegir, azhen in befizowihg homxir” on %t11ofeAfrom"” {who:fi.h,ee hath it what -to'u1«i% Gad doe leiIé%i;2‘poi§z¢t Aaj hfimawr %,“,V?z;?1m% to {:5 re-- »»»» M f ri th€”70'-"whfilf 11?-11CL»[ hs:0~W‘ tqzglail aaihirzg it~,.£3“)‘aM=hOfB I ;thaz:Wfle_ight4% az1A;I%c1i_fl10n0i1r Goa", flacuidgbyw him%_a1f0b«3 rfleighted and difl1onou1'edf% :’ti_s~ that paying AA men. 'inA A their ‘lgwn cgygj A $116 juPce{HaWQfret1__*ibuci0n that canVbe.; Me ;:r§hin4ks the1fe’s nochir;g,moreL equal} them if xfhe Mom, ‘ f““~*‘; _ (which A lltheilr fezealization go: about to A .l the vets oflolw defcerit, andmean beginnings, oh-we yet Var? eminencxes m then‘ ltfeetime, and dying; ~ 1eha:l:%ee: hag§aenedlto.~the1nloflelzence ;,fbz;1t.§tl1isl A -_ _.._ ..m —-w.....-.—- bgwffioeetbeofiionourableflaxtfiz of Cammomu. » ” Isl Sunne oulde fometime withdraw , and leave her oa- ver to herrowncl da.rkne£I'e.l And 4 that thofe vapours, whichbleingliftedeup “froln the low earth, lhould upon A A darken and -allasylchat heat, andilight thétl‘ fitfi » rais’d them , ffhould‘ there» [fore be ”difl‘0lv’d into {howres , and left to fall down ‘again, unto the; low_ places from whence they eweee ll exhaled; : “ A A A ere I..h.ave edone ‘clearing the point , Inow proceed to Application,‘ intending to apply hothW,thelb~ra.ncl1es fiverally. l ', A A l ‘ L l A and we'll Gad banner them that Imrwer iii»: .3 A This nclifcovers to us, Whenceit has come twolpaffe that (_li~r.* rived A to greatefl _ A bevel‘ left: fuch precious memories behincle them : It learns uslwlhence «fefepb, the moi‘: clefpilecjl ofell his brethren, is yet adva~nc’d%fo farre above them vwhenee David, the“ eyoungefl, and leaf’: promifing of*a1lillthe Ions of gage; his yet ‘preferfcl to the throne“, his other brethren being rejee» lbme of Herdfmeng have been advanced he eo Prophets -, fofFifhe:-mlen and Tentz*"=%f=~‘ir<3§'~fiw‘adaie”s :; ‘ This is the Way to .ptocure_ ;Ti-:~ A % ‘€159 3 -3~1.1thi°S VV,hi1€%£he "Only Vv'av3r to true, honour, is tO”‘hO-v V This @116. an:zmt1wwn:¢: C if imifiakcwhat ) *had~f0me fenfeof, a.nd.che‘reforemader11e way, t0\_%Hon‘0urs: Tam» ple thorowche Temple [of Vcrtue , meaning héreby, %A;t;&11ereAxrvasnoA%vvay £0vVh%0n0ur‘, Abutw byhvertue. 4_Anvd%I ' AV A ,_d'ou‘m¬}3rov’d itAby,eXp;erience, V ; thaty0uha.d%nevera1:ri%v"d unto that jLzV{?eva1u¢,and eficem » W-V'V.hie%~hn0W YOU 11?-V6‘, had you I‘10tbf.*€i1 reg-fardfi1l1V above a11thingsofGods honour.» ll 7 1 %% As :ev~er»~»therefore AW;eA Avvou1d,%c011Lfi-11: ouf honour, ‘ inanlej ei’:ima.t%iAon, arr .. es? in!» O God. Mé~chin2.' be 2??’ _f,;mm~.f_ Fair l*1'OnOUl‘ the : 3b%ull~de:erfig.l1ts gm ltl‘1t1l’f'£t‘.C“€’iO{: W/W.” ,W_m“' de*a;h5‘ lgges on I u.[pl011_ the moauth olithe Cannon Like iszlm. Plan /ea, him in the Hifior1an,l WhOn0t fpurrd on by anger, but *3?“- V _ . . V l‘ l % _ Gzcaria msztzmx glm-Y,1‘u{hed 111320 the tluckeft ofthc enemy, and all, be- mgrwzar. gm, caufe'lhe'counts ita rgallanlt A tl1ing;~,,to «be =1 beheld! from thee in media: W as ‘ 7 VI . e 9 , 1‘ A ' * ‘f V ,j'!?‘3'l!¢é7£ quad ‘v wales Offl1e_ne1gl]l30U1I Cztyyfighgtxngl an the 1muc:1ei7ce£l:;u;,j2T;,m33mm the‘n¥,_ e;l And 7’ illlrlalllfbi eiisldleoe {O 7 net uratliye tl1irPc7 after h czwo pug- nour, let no oneirefufetlllethe eafie lte9;rmslon whfclu it is*2i“””‘?W' -"~”‘~*“"°‘ j}’cfi_.-1nt2«8;m; en __ V _ e rregiurrz 11:363- be*lpeEfWa}£:led’e‘toi regard hxs. holmolur. ' Oh .tlalerefore‘~let 111e%ar- Liv- prellel this .,{a,n?l1el indifieregltly updn us all:,h0i1o:ur;4 A Be vg‘;e‘* ‘perfivadecil ~eve1'y_l one <05. use ab; eorlcexvel. :h1gl*£l ghomghts of A God, fubrmt;l wxthom murmurmg Aancl. «d1:-‘ fputeco thelceoznrpands 0fGocl, ufge reverentlyl she mules m1dfthlingl’Sl‘o~f (God; partlc~L1larly;=mllsthy lelfupon. lG0d by believing, and lb lh'@:*nQi1r# God : afé Az’2mb.i:iiux‘e*3 Fear God, l‘)€.:»Z€3.lOUS‘;f01?l(}OCl5 a11LIll‘l.OJ:l1$l)110L1fml1llT"l.7 And if'th(ju.(jlOf1'lefl';\?Vl[l'l afiyblack gulltibefore the Lord fthis ‘A ‘ day, confellelg reps;-y;,( as ?a]7;;»;.«: {peaks to Acbzm) andjé glmfielaad. Andnyfiw. :in_ the prefenc5cl.iflFe1'ences of the - Kin“gel.0:n, wherleixelllllllthee l1:onoL1r.dl lGQd; isffollrfz ucb con;-3» eem’d ': Vlfhich of 'us+b+uteha.thl fame talelncé “or: ;other;, Whiclg, if em;ploy’:d,e1111ghI: brlragmfome Lhonourx unm fi A D God e . ......,..—.._ «1~8A #%Av.ASemz0nPreac5adA4t fianea»%2Fafl,iuIy g<;m64§o {Gc>“d-'.A'A Ifthou haft Aa Sword, maifi fight: for. it 5f'_3.fl cs», fia:e,_VmVaifilayAicAhu: ifori: 5% agood Apex}, writc‘f0r it 5;. Méady tongue, fpiak for it A 5 o:rA=fa11hAisA gAA’Io1‘iousAwo'rks Ar.’ 13 not thus the great end 0 f all aurlives, wh%ywebreathe,0r a.nyAthing,wthAAat We Alnighz A A A 1 1*:A0m~p1e~ give hAimA none ti1e'ifheS~'r A Yt-rag, agndw11:n.rhq,g1oArious Lo1:d;A%fl1a_.1i:.c0n§i€fc¢:1diqfarrcg A[ars % A ._...——-—_._ " “ . &efore‘tbé Honéurublegfeufe bfCommonr,% W to indent with them that are his: vaifals, and upromife uor; robe wanting to honour us,if we fhal: be Pcudious r of iris §1orrour,* and flrull not all this together prrevaii with usreo honourGod'.' r% r A But I mufibringthis nemser yet, and endeavour to perm» ‘V ’ fwade . *%Withr " you; the Vvorthies of youerj Couf1r1‘e§y,r to makeit your bufinefle, yea,*yourParliamentrbvrxafineffey A to ht;1‘no:urr- G0%’d;.r I have urg’dryouhe1‘eunto, as’Cl1‘riPti- ansalready : now, as you zure Members ofrhre fupreme £;e Kingdome, .:rgIve me leauero prezffes you, irrthi*sreapaerritie: 5, t_0 rmalze on your burfi*r1erefl°e to honour God; y r or V " A Sureiiy there are not greater mattersecommittedto men, or whereinrbe honour of Godis more deeply con» . M-cerrxedri than thoferrthat you are ‘dériiy«::rXoru have before ‘you thewarre, the peace, Chfi‘. comimon.‘ fi.ice5 {thee Reformatieono 5.: :ir'1 fhorr, {the CI:1ureh;., the State afluirs of three §§rngdo1ns,per11aps on you dependa ‘ the welfare ofallthe %%ChriPcianr‘vvor1d. M In whrch, ifyou flielA1*.fl)erw£he=utCerm0~fbrof your *VVi*fdon1e._'.,“ Goodneffe, r Zeal, “iligence, a”nd..uFairhfu1m‘‘eiTe5 : A ;wIhacr2£nfinc;orIie*of:" honour wi11‘frori1’a11eea"ceruet:o God 4:’ Hath now rhe%Lord honoured you With foernoble employment" {A Oh be not you xva.nrir1gtol1is honourriu theV1nanaging of it: Oh for th€.hOH0qffO’f.«-G06,’ rrbe you fai.t11fu1l,r diligent, uwprighg; zealom; rLerreve.rry.mbtizm ;maode arriong you; ,krioWr nor other termes from ‘WVh”iCh",?flfld umzo which it tends; but ‘ Gods hono”ur.r .Oh ,1err11ofeproceec:Iings of your Houfee A be only, ro‘2th.ee0rIa'r4r:e of_it,.vvl1’ice1%1r fl]31ld%ifC5.fl Lai171‘lVat A xfiocis honour; *=iLet:;G~ods;honour bf.:a1‘1'1011g fa; , -. {up/9WriflP}.wzra0§r3110ufe, alone difpofingand- orcferingall ‘W r .X k ‘A r-rhinrgsrrzryeaxandmore abiblute r3;1en_~he,, Let22a22er2§ve.;u have reafon th»L1‘sAtobei’cudious of Code ehonoure, beieech youconfider, Did not God advance A you tothe humour of Members inthisprefitne P%ar1ia- men: 5'? And when you We?re£ittle,i2zAyazar awe eycr, ming-=A» Iedxvirhthe refi of your brethren; and but level! with ehem, was it-not God enc1in’d the hearts ofthe people to chufeeyoutomis Cfiggnitygto be the repairer: of breacézersg 433tlre,E2%?re;r.§"e;?~12z2;z#}5 malwelzm Youhmighet... have Ieivfd '3iflfdfTd;;£€§dr3."QbfCU1'E35 hawieege hadieno, eminent afiroke A in ~.a1l~: £hefeA.A_<_;:1é'eatee{%j44f@f bxifinee «es; hac;1not’"G;od adopted yo:uAm chis ixohourg a.nc3a1easyeseAthis.n0 en:gagemente;on youm ho~—- nouzfG,od«:’~Tee A Q _ e: A" : ’ A \ A V But further,“ as ‘.G,;1dee;-hathArhonoured eachefyou in “A eeleieingee muifinto this A%PzL<.r1i2imeent.e; A. {O 1fiz1C€ your .comming %t3Og‘€t.l-1€A‘I.A3“i:1at.¥.”1= ever God i1on0uredA anyAAPaelir.imenrg nay; Ajl Eet me fey, any fociety of men, as? he hat-hedone you Haveewaenyconflified wzth 10 Arnany difficulriesfind over» c0me't;1Axe;;1;:iAe:HaveAé'ny madefuch»ar.temA”Apts againfi Po» periefiyranenie~,APxfelecy,end profpered in them}: A.E(aveeeAa.s:‘vbattles,andwoneAcheml’ *3 ‘ Any been endangeredby-fo maenyicurfed defignes and pL0tse._, eand fc;ap’d t~hemm;A God fomeeime;greaz13iséhenoureed an Eng; Ii/lg Pm2?"[!.43*?W€7_75Ai‘,“ in delivering theeem.AAfmm;;a pvmdcx-zrmfbn‘, E-hougeh~bu1: once 5” ytm are del".ive'reAdefron‘1*A a=.paw¢1er¥zre4«. » every day, yea,,zhoug‘h .th¢1"t? are eAm1oy’d;j notonefig -" bfifiigz ‘to put a flwrt (though much defited) cm’ W :55 perfzemzz/Z“ Imrliamem. t " A A «A » A éefbre the Homlztmé1e‘lHrmjé 0fC0§izma:z:£;. but Armies of Fazmjesto give fire to it. And notxvleha ll fizmdilng’ all .atte1n_pts«of force and l*~'t*alu~l:l , that on are, you live, 31'“?-Pflll a l3»ax~lla.rhent ,.,l and nowhere’ Kill acknowledged fo 5 and all endeavaursfhouldlfail, y L t ‘ ‘liingsletcete. Anldisthis5allthat~G0d will doc Foryou 1’ and laatlr F hetalteady emptted onyou all his {lore of honour :,'~ 0:’ rather, if you goe onto honour him , and make it your’ bufinellélto doe fo, 0 theydeliverzmces, filcceifes, lblell " fings, that he will yet heap upon you! What you have already will be but eaerneil of what {hall follow 11l'lI€‘l‘... For your felves, you will hellfonlet-hirlglilte it won-- derv,ythe.b1eIfing~ of thi-s,the admiration o.fall*{t1c- ceeding ages. ~ And makeyyyaccouynt, that as each of yen" have been teminentm promoting Gods honour, accord;-7 inglywiltlGod»£*‘et eminent and lafling lmal-lgsy ofehoitour on you. A M A A W V V A ~ Once“mtoz‘e=_,Wil:lGod honour tl:err1-that-honourlhimc“Vf E ,3, , Oh -be pextfwacled to imitated God, and doe you foalfo. 6' x '23)’ See you a manlthgtlm;a.kel5~itVtllis btllinefie to hdnotlr God-,. 3% 0~hfetal»p1*iceon fuchlantmeg let filth anyone he tliéel mm" whom the ParZz5m9ze.vt7m// hammer. Good men will doef A it is the Cha1*a5tet oftlme goolcl man in the IS.PflI[.‘4.l £6; laolnour fut hg God him fel f will h0noL11*llfizcn*, and call‘ ybtt.» p0{lih1yll.wrlteafter«ahettercopy t’ V‘ A. ‘l V l Q} A \ ’Yea=, and hcmourl men, becaufe God honours tlleml; Surely God lam exceedingly honoured forne tnen"olf’l late, hathljbleflaedt them wQ:1’detfull—y, hatl1h given them. atlmirablel celled; ,” :a_n d~ ~t-he enemy ham me ll dam m5igh»_t1ly.lbefore them 3” God * in all this» hath eminently lhgmouredthleam -5 new let“no man~thi=nke~muchlt0 lhonout A D 3 “ A il;'1C.(If:l:::. 22 emfrid. ' V K A 3! ‘:4 A Sermcw\ePreaéZ7‘eaf at the MonetbZyFafl,EduIy;;waE-E; them alfb. Let nomanfay, as that Biflmp did of La; At/Ber: Ref01'1nation,'He did not much diflfked the thing? bm: that nonebuta bafe ,4 obfcure Monk] flwuld be the eehiesee pr<>1mdter0fit, thishe could not thinke ofwith any p3.tience.} Beloved, God will takeit well that thofe ee‘ea.t‘ hie fdvourites fhould be Qurs too, and when he fees r ijxizmelf to A honour any , it will“ be ;our wife» domed not to; {hew ou1'fe1ves«backwa.m;A_ to ‘honomj them alfo. A A A A A Ileave the fdrxnerdbranch, a wordortwo oi-‘the ether, zmdl heme done. ~ V A ~ d A Will God a_.£fi11fe‘d1},rdca;{3:d c0nee1ddpt and ihameoxm tho Fe ' phat {hail adventure tOdifl10I1Q;L'1r~ him At’ & Behold then nhisi myth made gcsod in your eyes thjse day !. Behold ( Iddfay ) perfcms Ofthéw highefl ranke‘ amongfl: us deeply difho--A ;1%ou1~izzg*’GQd,dag1d AG0d.,AA£011ow§ng£them with greaceeft 4 diflaoenours. Ad g*'17ime%W3.s;t11¢ir pdfilflbns, -eenames, authority? how cheap aretheyr A A eg1'o»vn,.h0Wn-eglefiedf Solong indeed asicwas pofliblej -weife {acted among us, now alas, mean s?w.asd usfdete hide their fhame, and much adoe there e iwagki beene”, I§ye_(Atu,rning over thcb¢lame%e:ofeea1lounmife-r 1*1esAAup0;%nevi1IC0eunfeflours, Incendxanes, and theeleiliesgto A edifcharge them 0fit5bL1t all in vain,it can be 1ii4dnolon‘ge- Cr, for noxvhave We 1 weorie thmgs, and morce ed1fhon0u1'a-- mos Letters: ownAe11a;1d,a,sAt;heei1‘AA own 3.V.,O'~W€dE aufis, A “then : ‘° * ganyiwe havedformerlgz fathe1‘:?A;.;,1rs.A . A{1d7V~Ihat other reafdn hereof can we aifigrybut this,Gods homuz‘ hath fu’Efex'ed execeedingly by chengand §heAref01‘e&e¢;je gzhey fkllegx under 311 this difl1o11ourj..~ A A ‘V A A \ , A A Again, vAAreA~anyddo4Pym;1‘ ~fi”:d1»%.res eund_er.a cloud es’ A re you fpefieda’ I);o:y0ueeper*c:eixze ywfr {elves leffe in the efieem good mevmzhem *11eee:efQre, and are th.e;‘~efoA1‘e penfive V A ‘ ‘ A “ ‘ ‘ and A ‘"3 win‘ A Aéefore the Homazsmble Hazy}: Q_f'\C0mmgyg_gx” 2,; ._,.......-‘.-....— andyydejeéied 1’ yConyfid,ery then, have you not abatedltmto = o J * A A God fomewhmeofthac h‘OflOL11‘7y0Llha.VC formerly given him. 2’ Icharge noman .-, only minke with your fe1ves,are you notdeparted fiom what, you fometimes were? Are 4 you notcaken off from that forwardneffe for God5 ands A that feichfulneffe to your Count:-ey you have f'ormer1y(at le afiwaies) made agfhew oft‘ It ywil1be:wort:AhA your ' while tot.ry~: For commonly Goo dothnot cafe any of us um‘--J A der fharne, but having been himfelf before by 1.1%} diflxou I101-Ired. e 1 7 . . — y y . A » y .Purther,Itfl ewstheefollyof“them.thatAfl1al1once hope A t;oA hideftheiyr own fiaame, by attempting any thing to Gods di'{hoynour.y Dwiddid fo, who tocover the {heme V ofhisadultery, firfhnakes Vrzl:/1 drunk, and whenvychat» defign fails, eaftcerward rnmthers him gbm: what go: he by it, ‘7b!.1t a-worm of ‘ more difhonour =3 It is 1mnytin1esa.y.Are+ A ' medy worfe then the diieafe ma fares R*Ji£7hfi1.Ch- as Wi-‘eh 9. man flipt into St bogg or ,quaLgmire._,y who endeavouring;A with one foocto help the ot.*l1er.y,fi1cl;s'yythat deeper a.s1dyfafl-—~ A *er.then the other. his fin that firfi br§ngs~fhaemye.uypon fusg V and fhzillwebe fo'foo1i£hVasy y Aaizlding to fin y_to hope to _ ,+c0'V.erit;»;’e : ‘\ \‘ A A A V A ~ . oi x * Once II1A01‘€,. Will God pour flmmeon them that doe 7”f‘~’A~4°-¥ ydifhoo.oL1r him 3°: Doe you {o~z:oo, and when you fee any fetting God hzs waxeseat noughglet finch em one be *{”eA:'. oz» nooghcbyTAyou a1fo..Asoy’tis the good mans cha.m<.9£ex~£oA ‘ A4 heoonourtihyem that fear the Lord (asywe fay before) Fo.iike1- A. A A7 Wife (faies the fame.PfahniPc) is it to def"pii!f‘e fuch vi.7.§e per?- ‘ Afonsas doe difhonourehimsy And flmould you .doe-other4- waies, aoeiheap yyoxir honours om:h.e.m fromxvhom Goo heth none,11aveyou:noc caufe tohfeary 1:: ay be told you? I A .o;i:ce in was untoV2gi2a]ba_p/éar,S1rao{;z]%yywooiyyoomooréethe-rm- £:”~0.y‘5’Jz+yyAA Q M. A Sermon Plleacbed at tllfizl/l0fi8fll4§' Fq,’?,l‘oly ;o.16 45; “*3 h1’°17*~ $9-M Img“05[lTy,and‘low t/ism $541‘ £2.¢t€t;‘5ve Law’ .5” tlvergfare 1/5 wrath = minifl-e1'y do it,thinl< but what became of tho ;’é¥-"$:‘JsEr1:§!§ «.«i~.—.w »God,,'you will be laid a{ide,you will die~ingl.orio:l1s,if dilhonour God.,Me thinks this fhould take with gene upom‘lJeefi~om émre t/ye Lard; God takes it Well from you , when you honour. them that lmonour him», laeutl :wl1e.n you countenance and? favourthofe who clefpife the Lord,whac greater aflFront can be done to him 5.’ e‘ And will Gddlindcedpourll1.amelon thofe el d:lfl1QflOLlf cf‘ Oll1,l'et it prevail with a would not conlulc pe.rpetuallrep1"oach unto our felves ano naxnes,a_t no hand to diflwnour God4.‘Let no man that an whit regardshis Fame and eilimacion do it. if we of the fe thatlwlent mt do him loefore us 3 whamribe ofrnen, (notwith greacnelfe) are more low and abjeél then“ the Prelzttes, and tl1eire(/y~c.a.rezu: this days’ They were not lo highl'ereA- while, but now they are asfvile and contemptible e: and? °§l%vha€:~lwas;it:l1aclofl the houie of 71:12’ me Prieflly"d£gn;la:y, but: their diflionouring God .9 1 4 ~ l : ~ l " = ~ A‘ A Ifyou ofthefouldiery doit, who profelfe’ yourfelves 2]a.ejerrwzm‘s afbamwr more then any, rou will zniffe ofit: e:~:pe1*ience fhews men bla-fled andlinfamous that difhonor you tons T pi1‘its,1For who lsthere of that number had r1ot,'1er die, then live with inf'a;myV 2’ Vin: (fie fizrm Pxlri PW: wzézilayzt. V Nay fizisllworfe then dea.tl1 towmany :. divers have chofe ED lay violentllaandls upon tluernfelvesgwarud fodeflroy body and foul together, rather then live toleel.tll1em.felves infa- m0US- Afld theffrtlfarziil have read Jeézceeclingly‘wondered A at the Spam’/72 General lofthe A'r.:-my/0 in 88...?that being To foyldghe did not makeehirnflelFaway:theye wondexjed much ho W: he could overlive foemuch ~ldi,ll3onom“. l fl1ell.'zoottl1£*s prevail on youimolll honoured W7or-«— l. Ana: z A Ehlfis) ll of us, as everfiwe fia.Lic:llng.zl1ei}:late* . 'fi21ies)Oh. «gmcmg ywnmm Aeradrmimrda m fwmrera an un~cle5anv1~li» mm mm Adifhiomur Godflh N them mm an» mflexg as fcormr cf the Waits mi ['6’W0#&}fi' O:&‘ ~"fucVhr A-like pmgw fame and We perfim: efpec%ia11y,easA.yimzare Mem.bers :m7*;i:’ gm great m1-d.mb1c?body54be.itfarm from any Vof yarn in be %a}&m7,e§t‘her by bad at privamendsa A no ébea {cam-ing ifriendfi. {caret enemy, and one t1m.,m1ght.b-etempted rm betray’ 9:11£nwtheMha.ndsAAVo“Eblondand vio1ence;NS%%h¢Aou1d%a« ’ my ofyou be“fu»ch,you wifl be difcovcred;,icarry it never fw Wari‘Ey,and4befafl'ured your heads fl1a1l.r:cVe1*Abe laidin tlm Agmve with ‘Ewno.un Bumborve a1l,a.s a »1’ArlMmezzt do not :di=£h0nour»GAo&. V Mznow mt that yccyau haw, Igbefcech ,yuy.atsn0 :h:a;nt:l begimmw Wm: M-11 «:30 £03 fifyau Efl21§.)iifh ,:Wi“akedn4cs“by%;a.'iaw : God ’s:v1fl be diflaonour°wd, ifaifi :th.ingsVbe%rcarxied among you by xnmefi:s%an& M fidings. R; mmhefo,*iFyou:re~£ufe% xxxen mmrnon A jufiice, and 4gim mhemcagmfe to wiflm-the%:fm1*merzimes.again. ’Itw.i}l»%jbc.fo5i%E zmegleét Relxgxona and» after ywu'vhwe~fe1“%vid+V yam: m m V_gfa§%g.x3a,nd -itfs %m@fl;£7mcc1*e%.pmfc(?€zu%1‘s,{hall‘{hmc'nd=eavour \ A ¢~fa;’ir~§.~yfm;d.ifc:hax~geyurfc1¢.ztesofbm4b‘.4 YouAVw,iIl%Adofo,,if .«dw;js;fl13;1.1:bg;.flung ;0p5;n,“v.&*:fonI,,:pwfane,unwafl5en ones; have leavefiags wfvell as any,to {hgre';th*e*ho1y things“ 9% G0d., It wiiilbe Aio,~4:xf ukgon‘ anypmcencc you;ifl“:a11give up our 4 flaresandlibcnztics(Whercwith yqu are muficd) intmzheiz ‘,pgga;gr5.from;wI140m afiate years ‘gt hath cofi 19.;-e:s3g;nd vfo uch bland mrecovcrxhem» xi 5 fa many 0 K 4" 011~._!d@4no'toyou%d1fl1onouVr God zghc ch~iefcftA among us .havc~a*1otA«%{cap*ed =c0nmm~ptand.xr1.fam1¢,'§h£y prefuming fw defpife d-afhonour b0d+.I:a.ppca;1~to yoL1VA(HQn0urabf&3 A Be1'0ved)whef1 t:heCa”binet-cauncel was made pubiikcgfor - not of the C¢aéz‘mt-co:mce1?(‘Ixfayylappealm you, was Ma?» W” no-W uwponithe reading wfthe Ca‘b~'net1e'tcers,=who of us is *Wim=s fiat: bim'ctLe:cce%ra were rcada: it félf * on that day afivrwghing among the Pwpieu mg mama c: ;A+ Syermfiw ,;v;~~m%m A-fije yaM&;2st!d§yyF c. ' 0M"afi1e13 the highefl‘ among tfieingdaring~m difimnour G0d;W“hat iwnmzr 0-fwm;d3o,r a&ilon3or perfcm 33 now My Mum; zh::a*n.;y 8 A Bcj1m:*ed:,y0u~haye ikemwhien ofyour. mm %}z'=7mm7bm¢ '3 party foxfaking ~y.hcC%rtru{’t, and bmding zhems. fshrcs againfit you, beficles M the fmmby usycafl upon .mhem3fora~rmyard aifafl theh3;zard3tra;veE3i0fl"e they have £'u{’d9y axle wanted? even “ by « him Mm fix-1% _imp§oygd ahm-.n_,;a :.M’*Vl\?y’G;y R ‘M: ;1>A R L m°ME N 2”. M And} therefmcmy &mw m 3; c0ncELx£%<3n:W0u§& you not lbfi the fmmofmmy apubmceiinfamyg far Gmiycan p0m: ymntcamptam M:'Z.i:zmz.’;22M, as WC“ as Prince: 5’ 0h dc» not yhenJy:3iiy{h0m0L:.r Goa?» not as Chriflians,not-yas‘P?ar§iamenm .'*f‘:£1€fl‘_;'.V’Ut&bOV’€ @113 mm: as ayPa.r1iamé-nu di{hoz1our<.God?;. A Bummhe comrayyg make mt his hmmur your burfineffeg iicmhis only comfienitmm be amamg yam whm ihafl bring ,QyQc§ ,mofl;: yyhyoanyeomgx am fo exggéi Am-are h_0noz::r_,m0ne no-=. M .@eflesygxre*ater and grncatery g10rzetosbye‘d‘a;'l.y awed m yaw; ‘V expeémhat whemhe names ofmhem that have b<::my’c-Ey <£i1e&r