i 73ie enem 20"”, Feérzrmjy, 164.5. 1 this day Ortlered by the Lords in PARL—IAMENTi.AtH€II1blCCi, That M” Comfy! who % preached before the i‘ LOMSOFPARLIAMENT yeflrerdayt in Martin: Church in thefields, is hereby thanked for his great pains ta.» ken in the {aid Sermon, concerning * * the taking of the City ofC/nae/fer, by the forcesofthePARL1A M EN T;‘And the {aid M. C401 is hereby defired to Print and Publiih the {aid Sermon, which is to be done only by Authori» ty from hirnfelfuncler his own hand; j‘. C/37032271, Cler.‘PozrZ. Dfom. . _i.«.—av 61' H1011. I Appoint Iolin Retbnfel and Giles Calwrt to Print this s S ‘ fofép/1C4ryl. t ;‘§‘3;"‘§?‘W§“°%‘§§2§i°%§§%%i*2§§‘2s:%es§2s§2s§2s§‘2s=:2 . “E?” I O Y 5 r A W “Q4 t % -oYEDw I’ I O *3“ . . .“’ . . >-n gfo} m overcomzng evzl zrztsand evil men, "3' ’ e Overcome by etter o ; % , J @ SET FORTH IN A SERMON % ati)/.fartz2t¢):" In the fields, to theR1ght ,3,‘ 1 :3 IIa[;2(:::ltra C t 16 Lads “ambled in Par- "*3 A ‘_ 2 upon the day ofthenr Solemn Rc'o - "4 fig ung andpranfin G d E - ) y- ‘ Cu f /9 g 0 a 01‘ reducmg the ”§ Y_0 C eflerby the Forces of the P4,. A A lmigrezxfl, under the Cmnmand of ‘Q big“ . ILLIAM BRFRETON’ “£4 V Feérlmry 19. 1645_ ’ hfi ” we Byfafip/a Caryl Min'[t f h‘ ’ "* s~‘;§'g« .neer .lL0::z'¢:z Eridggrpel atMdgm“ _¢_~____ ' rue: _» L o N ‘*~---«~+..., "3" ma?” Pfmmd by G‘M° for M17’ R0!/m7elattI1c Sign: ofth S A 0 un 9%! and Fountain in Pd 1 Ch , . Vi?‘ at the Signe 0% the ]l3lIra?chk-}f,'a§'Ceie’t: IE1 G11“ Calm." “" Wei‘: end of Pauly’. PI 6 4.6 agle at the E .§.a ‘,5’ . ‘I .,_, ‘ w1&@®%®®%W%9LE. fié \ ~ 5 u A %T%heHoufe of P"; “E It A{I'emb1cd ., -2 I m ‘ ,5” 1' I1-E world; t;q4.:z4rro.n2]9r% ow? pa/520125 (37: mar H ,; ‘T fdefi oraéer-<0}! are aver-fafraw L/J: éeff ér III: mrfi W,” .' ;eff4te%wkz'.ck t%xrihxzfl‘_0rc1's-or can z'nflié_7)7 Wkafr .: ,,'~ ..,.»:'; _ ' ‘ .. . . . ' . * I w anA~tomc“t‘/ma :4 at to our zmderflandzngs .3 ' \T/2: .war(d :J.t_%tovz2_littlc 4144’ M0 low-grzfflqd fir ;;}p:g_§fize 2442, ¢:Amu;fim, gzxzepzzat/zmunder/z4»J.% iflg qf4~,m4n.' ; whit A -H0fhi-Qg ’¢b€’fl~I'._8"'l.t to ( 45 yours 4ré)L(-Exeat abnd,nQ,blc,mindes§: c./1nd’yctL(}u 5.736077‘/I‘/ffda. Me 442'; 13:) Me} x17l,za%£m;ee22ly%'-tbs worldto rejoy as in,‘ Jlfalis’ no; (jbortly) '/mtvc4A~marldto r?}'oyge in.‘ .; Eéefa.‘/7az o2_z ofit pa/3 fletb away daily, 4244 tlgg,27_9.4it-tar cfit zéy of2w;lqpg aomizitzzzntfi. T/2e écautyofit mwT.s‘?4ima’ ifiit: infancy, arzqf téefldme‘ of“ L it mufz‘ éz corzfiamea‘ wben it is xtfitv (wzéa /engage; ,/jaw ife.w).:. ye/2zrA_: elder. Tbixjboaldcali aw: tboz¢gét;firagp gagm. cart!» I} p:arfia't‘;,ww andpitcé térem upon 4,/¢ig,6er gnaw; ‘end uring fubflancc. i T /51': flmtld provoke as to pat Ike z*r=.0“On_ (41/iAT[ changeable cxcc11cncics_)mm’er ourfict, asadznakse M re/f.. leflé till we are cloatlrea’ mitb we Sun, rm etcrnall excellen- cy c’ '17’ Ma Ma dc:/igm aftbe enflzing Sermm, to éefi.r'e22d?“ fqul: witb fitcb 4 Mange o_fclo.¢téi;zg«»V : and «fa e.r2:'z'ce—.:r’2em inm- téejayafq name writtcninfipcavcn, t/2'4: t/167 fliigél not too mail: read or reiayct izmzzy, (no nott/761"-r own) an cam . 1. 2, Pr- -aun ~- - The Epifilfle Dedihcato%t}'r.hh 1?knafiv_thé;2ih?orih: andfacféflhs ofntjuff warn, endehzju naf-only:ta\Thanl'f?lfi85. 514! to 10}. ,‘ ‘Such «:>“7'h£2‘orie: are the cx'¢%67et§f1Ii%e;e.{h- 50?}! vfthe Wifdong Van}! phhwetfafsqd 3 G ad vi: calleda man ofwarrc’, hut nothing flyews him mo;-ca God .____.J ___an ' ‘then warrc. * V1 mi among all warm, a mrxe with fpirits-—, L (ahaugh hut with thefi2irit:h0fri2{n).fl;ew5 mafmfggd. .711; great promzfi qfh-"flaring Icrhtxfalcm is thm’prefa.a'd.~ h Thus (V V faith $135 L0’daW,h.§C.*h fi~¥€fC31€tH6ucthcgHeavens, and lay. -C111 the foundazionfiof the 'c31rth."and formcth the fpirit of man within him, (Zach.1 3, I .) All reforming ahazztfpirittu .th¢‘reducing (if thc Ci;y~of %- ‘ J. ‘|r- §_ I-1 ... c , ‘ 4 -\ ' * ~ ‘ ‘ 1 . 0 ‘ _ 5‘ , _ _ ‘ I’ 4 I \ A .. E‘ . . ‘ _ ..r-' !.;r 1’ .. . .. 7 _ ‘ — 0 "'1 ..‘- ._.-L ,, J .2. «I ‘J: ." ».‘ .‘ fJ..,s,:.',_1.‘-"-‘ “ r . . - . -- x . s ,. . . .% ,1. V. - 0 o % ~ \ -" ‘ » . ,7 TM , KM’? Wk” ‘K73: . ‘» ;‘ . I Notivitbflanding z'n t*bis .re j oice-hot; that tb:ejj2irz"t:are % Mi 6.6% new yoyf; W rqéber ~::e11°i¢e_ b:c49fi% “J03? % .;.:—~.-.— " _.nera1l of oudr_fa~1vatiQn _I,efia§%Cbrzj£, - ~h9-Ving C=*~11$i<1a %:A%c0mmiiT1.0nid.w¢ind; 3? A. A fent‘ out, tWf€1;V;¢L/1p0:‘?l,€.§«‘2S.§gr€a£ ‘ ' L: 1 3.5 Commander_s%.co fubdue,his%nat:i'v¢ . 7 Kingdom oflfraelto hhpfélf, atthe» ’ fl V‘ Q fixth Chapter of this G;.ofpJc1';_ A Hef af {r§:‘.f{;:«df t1ji§,.preparcf,thLa£nd fendeuh fo'rth=_;a.. band o%ffcruezz;ty Au;cz'.lia{rie:,Ato‘profecfiteand advance thg: fame defigne. After tizefe things, the Lorda}21aoint.cd.atlge:g; » 7 ;_ A . ~. A févenfy . '~' .HE K,ing oiFS”a’ints%,Vg.nd CaptainiGe@-‘ »*:\ 5,75, - _:__',.... -4.o>......¢..._.4._...... ,., Asermon preaclml before the Right Hoymmzéle Afemnty alfi, and fan! them two andtwa éefore /1:3 face, into t".L’£-V} City zrrzdpiace, whit/yer Ire //imwtmld cameo. V And} to flfiew that the weapons of their warfare were not carnrall;}_la_;ut ‘mighty through God,‘ fthel"e févezaty re- ttrrningvidtiors’, ’ report the fuccefle of their expedition, and fhew Chri-fl the Trophies of their conquefl, at the 17 V€rT¢s ,.4?ie’ 1.56 Jfmty -;.€t”r..7.7e[.z.( agate W?/vI‘07f4W§» f{bid,':even g/re gleam/5 qrefuéjéléi‘ zmtjo tlgrbuglz-t/2} Name. '_ -\ ._ - .__——oi Yea,faitl1‘Cy-hri{l,I know itto befo-,this is not a vain hoafl: l of valour, (like theirsfwho will vaunt they have kill’d the D€V.ll‘,3:flCl run Pcrange adventuites, when they fcarce dare look an rfinemy in ;the?fa,ce,). Is my {elf .can bear you wit- nefle, thaty0_L.1‘.haVCy ~faLi£h£Lglly and ei£Fe}<£’tuaslly_-afced your commiflion : 'th’e.ilfi1es“o‘E yourfervfitce have been glo- rious in mine eye’: Aim! 2%‘? fisiall unto them, ‘I éebcld Satan like lg,/ztnmg fall from Heaven, verf.18._ The _QO_W¢1‘_S of ‘clarkncife cannot ‘Rand before the Gfofpeloflight»: T55 Devil, the prime of t/Sfiyry “E51210 imrttl for C/an]? 5 no norfor :12; pgeamrfi oft,lzc;_:fi:rwm: afc/an/5‘, iv/Ja;gqfart:lJ._dr7¢zqAG17it/_)i_ llgisname 430:1 .om:r;r _. it . . l " ‘ 0 had managed their formet"’*comirrill1‘iUrii fo*'wvell§* ”the1‘e«- fore he islofar from calling itgin, that he iynlargetlrirt at. L I~hese'1‘57verfe«5sE”?/Evalafi‘ I give?-yarig ' power In trad ;;22dfcairgiso2¢,:,e ‘mallow/er 4/I tbepomfr qf;/2e,e;2:rz2y;,;.md}:aftl6ing- z2ze4im~17urr)r¢::?r;- ‘Forth Tagaifi in thisfirtn our ofpbwer Wrtl’rWehl'Cl’2“T lréwegirt yoga, and Itxzgatrra-at you fi27pidiifire{é;andfl5nyfiéb,.Azzotéing (either onteartli (5! iii hell), 4 flan/1 53' My meam? ( flrength or flratagem.) bzzrfyattg all " fh€.W01‘Y_cl be aygaih-fiyou, ‘Btfl 51 s amwith you, take eo_urage, rlbthmg" fha~ll‘hurt you :" thereFofe < on ?‘again‘ in th warfare, yOuhi_fl1aill(3;S go A forthf tafiqfacrzézg 4224* ?¢;c‘o;v:@e'r., . " -. N-01;} i And "b'écaL1fe' lfofqriikd that, tliefe fervtints of his C‘ C >3 ; ‘W I Q ’ \ 4,’ § we‘; .-_r’_- A..4é—-——-———-——..- A we Hau/it ciffPeér.s-. Pei): 1.9.‘ 1 I ~ ~Nc1>w,.wihbt awds able ;tO_"b‘€2Li:’i h i?:a.‘bui%cfe;urifi>fF7;}1onout from thefi: paft égnds prdmifed- *vi&eries~%wit11 ?ft'1c$jde’ré.?- tion’ r.’ How many by hearing*a report of their own con- qtueftsdve-1:7 other men, have been dvencéémewith thei‘i- own prijde‘! LIt>:i:’ an .ie;4fier' rwter; to~gaa{7u£»*c ~ eisF=i{;en4'ié bear Mew" wad: Chrifl: ( .—\iiho”e‘e«kn£¥§frse=‘th ‘3“*irie'a\{i;i7i=e ofevery fpitit) feems to fuggefl,tha‘t even th'eZg<5"o'd’fpi{- tits of his Difciples begain tbqver-aét _upcin theie v_i‘<.c1e.at‘parts?i;sit5 are ~;maaz’c]tz£jec7 tayou »] Angels are fpi- tFiF.5a:%1I1d. 9h.¢Ya5~f:r,cii£11é.r good or bad; ’ % That ttbeftfpirits we-xfohadfingflsa.-yve; have warrant at the: :7.\tt:tI¢, xTfl¢ 1)f'uZ[,g4,qr6’1;£5j££2€;4gzlt0; mt.» Thcfe were onéé . good A%ngel~s, A Nowthty arc; f;al.l§n 5 and by t_ht_teirtfa1l they llavetloft their % condition, but;,[1glg}:heierCOflRitu§:iOn3 theirhonour, but \. am theit natu»r¢,:;§11ey41'c fpiri-£S:f’ti1—l;. m?= /P:~ir'z't5.. 4V’€‘:Wfl4{€ . _:'.'«L;T3 Q:5::";: -(‘A 'I7‘'.=T : * ;_‘~; ‘ Sztéjefiian 55; t{:_vo—;£o£d: Either compul,-fory, or volun- tary; .T7hC= {‘t1b_]'C<.&i‘Qfl.,-‘hCr_€:lI1;C21‘flt, is acotnpulfive fubijigo étion :.1‘htey wage 51Qt,;fgb}c&tp yo~1§1.ota§.tothe tS:L§ntt5:tat€ £0. hliifh’ bY fiprofeffédifubajxtzéiionofithzeiit ~w-t;1;ls; :bu£i_~h.ey Ls‘ t “.3, tfUb)'€%&»(%St.a-.flave ;to:hiS~LOrd ). Whether»they.~Will:0r no,b_ytaI1tim1:1Qfed:{ubj€é}i,on;- ~ ~Good‘ttAng.els «faithfully feiyej the ;S;aint5; ; and evil .Angc.Is:Aaret made. fubjcél t0~ tlimla :Th‘€=;f9fI116I ate! aiimfifréflg fii7!Zfl§£;fi?Z?f~.014£ej;<(i1’.tl‘r,9€-'1‘ good bf tbofe méo are 1/7: beir: of/alwtizm ’l€1t’er are ktptby thé power 9fLCbf.ifl§ oahd the miniffry of his rer— vants,from doing hurt; to ~,t_h $11611: a]"fizlrv4tio22. , '1ZO_b?e eniar .a,b1¢d.f9t’.tvbés=.is.tto .3‘. grsat }2;tixti1¢,Ki22g.1‘g.35. Can flefllandr blood, can gates ofbraffe and walls of {tone Brand out, when fpirits themfelvesj yeeld 6' Every creature hath‘ its firengt-h in its fpirits; There are corporal! fpirits, as well as fpirituall _fpi-tits. There are fpirits. of the body,‘ producedout of the matter,‘being the finer, purer and more fuhlimate parts ofit: fpirits animall inthe brain, , vital} in the heart, and naturall in the liver/, thefe are the hfirengtheofourbodies.' And there are fpirits in things without life, Thefe fpiritsare :th;€i1.' flzren-gthxaixfg; _t1‘-,;.e_‘ fpirit of~wine~.is%_the_{’trength1Qfthe Wine, [0 bfany ‘other; liqueur. » Spirits.iextra<§ted arei-thefirength fofany fu3b7,- } . fiance contraéied into a--narrow room.j There rs acfph-it ofa fpirit. T/zc/jririt offlée mime,’ Ephef.4..2; , Be ,»¢-m-e ed in trbefpirit ofjojm’ mim¥'6.3:- Thxs afpitit 0f£he—minde is , the Ptrengtrh of the minde. To‘ fpend Ipirits is to {pend éh'eng§h, agdto get[;7piri§1s¢i;to glee £lr'eng{:C!i-1,{1})]oth- or ;bo- y arr min e. L W ent e rop net wou L ew that the horfes of thejfigyptiari-s_were weak, he faith, T/aeir borfis arefle/12 and 770rtf‘1?Z#’_‘Z'f,(.I{‘3..3 I . 3* .) and the A pofile to {hewhow firong Devil-s are,tEplacflé.I2.rfaith,'We wre. fr»/mot zz_.z.zz';~2fl ~(g1‘ofi’ethings)fle‘(?: and Mood, but.~againfl:~ prificipalities kmdpoavcrs, agazimflp t/7’-3 7'§4lc,m ofthe.dar-kizefle of 2731'; world, ‘ag4iim“;‘;{lrz7ritza 1!! 22226/eedrzes 271. /Jag/1}?Z4;c_,__1 Spi; \ rituallr wickednes i§; wicked ‘ fpirits : and hbecaufe they‘ are griritx, *th€re{'-of-E.Eheypa7c_g>0wcr5a. In evail fpirits the-re \ is \ s‘~iW Q5’ tlie;i1;fl:rbfPeer:, Peb.I9. 1645. is power, much more in good fpirits, and mofl of all in tire éqifidrit the Holy Ghofl: ye flm/l receive power, 4]?- tcr the Holy G/ya/Z is come uparzyou, _ACt.1.8. wherefoever fpirit is, there is power. The fpirit of a man is of fuch T firength that it is able to beare his I infirmity , our infir- mities are our heavieft part. Nothing call: for moreflrmgtk than the bearing afour onm infirmities, or the infirmztiesr afo- tber men. Yet while a man can hold up his fpirit and maintain that, he may beare (and rejoyce in) the heav-ieft burthen of his own outward infirmities. A flrong fpiri-ti Pcrengthens the weakefi, and a weak {pirit weakens the flrongell body or minde. . - The fum of all is this , fpirits are flrong, and evil {pi- rits are flronger then all flelh, yetthefe are lubjeé} to the power of Chrift-, then never fear flefh and 3—.blood, fire and fword,when youheare fpirits muft fubmit. b When Chrifi wouldsafliure the.Church that it lhould Ptithd a- gainffall oppofition, hcrpromifes the gatcxofbeflflmll not prewzl again}? it, Matth 16. 1 8. that is, the power of evil fpirits lhallnot; and if the gates ofhell cannot, furely gates of earth {hall never prevail. We may be confident iffpirits cannot, flelh and blood {hall not doe usany hurt, while Chrilt is with us. This leads us to the fecond Obfervation. t 4 It 1': matter ofjay to éring /jtirits, evil /jzirits z°ntofu6jeé7i- en. The Dlfciples pallion was not without reafon,when' they rejoyced to fee fpirits flzoop : it is no fmall priviledge to make evil afpirits (loop, Whether they be evil fpirits tempting and troubling without , or moving within us. T It is matter of joy to fubdue any reall enemy, but chief- ly thofe,Fir{t,who are mofi for number : Seconéllythofe, who are mightiefl: in Ptrength; Thirdly thofe, who are C a highefl: 9 ..u’.-o-—-~ gé $:;‘r";ii2éAci;z%=i,—i:rezicb;-cZ_£;é‘f§a}¥eiibegiziégéiétiifiézéxiégé 12 ' higheft in place ; JEo'uTrthiy..th0fe,. who: projei&ixngi_-,fFi»&hly t:-hiofe, vitho are_I"m»oPcie ma1i:Ci.QUS,’iafic1 b1‘o:ody,in execixtino. 7 A111chie'fe meet in:.evi1 '.fp~;ints;;T:hey e are many’, fmigbty, ‘liigb,:.iafi1btiIé':"ran'd'”; Ii‘I1€l.-1’iCZ,i<3l1_Si.‘:é'f1-7?-4'3’. airs“;-,z(t/:itolr272e‘l,A D063-‘A341/14i]"0)"23,-'d'Z'.’i¢.63};$’i€’»’ 1. It is'a glorious _v_i&0ry—Lo overcome a. temp‘tation2m> finne; 'EV€ry’I2%1»m6W€L'dO€’-f0," we ov'e—rc01'm=. a:..Devi1i: .1224};/2:.¢ /eqi071"’/Jj-72A772e,ii4>Pri7éce=£»y; place-ii; 2:1 §fhe:Apofike Meet: encourages: us, Refifl‘ the 'Der&.i.£,~:'.4maf _ iia willfleefiom yozz .- that is, he will be fubjefi to ‘ 0u'1‘.'. You -drive awaythe Devili every time you! fianéd iti(%>1=1I;i { atem tati;0na~ndfla*i1\d fafh * - . f ,1: s 3; gge-at .v1'6t9i'y.t0 overgome:rhe:fninefulJ3c&>mi‘[5ti—e ons t«h’a't>*are in o1:<1':ec>wn i?1'€@.r§S3;I T6. av=er¢oine!pafiion:a‘nd» I 1 ii" .t ~ .4) co.1treuip£ion‘Vviithin,: is like the ove1‘co.mingi§fé.5te irnptatieiwg. — ficbim ~.with;out~: T be evil fpirity is van’qui‘fl1ed;in.bptl1 The; smdcéarés dényed £9.11 pi (=d3£3‘.f2e 8:.*.):aé11sd .bnhm‘sfJh1S.?7€: aifiimégf, ;.that*g‘o~qciiameI ev.i.1ffpi_rics:’ are:ciii‘e1;;t:gsd<5ax{3"&xr§.es~; S’/ilemotions WiLhin.L13S...‘- if aii)“oiI712ina1te‘.=‘r£11’ve.%ex*iimri3ai\"d.‘ yet: the re is 3'truth:fomewhat1like ‘if; ’ Good ;-0_ 1:. eV?if‘lt*=15notioi1§ within us--,ai'e'~i(i;n»e a fenfe) gaod; o~m.evi:1;.f iéirits 2']-Bore: a»s:~t1:1a::,;r ',W.i?LiZihi_~‘~’i$ borne af“t1§i‘e vgocod ;-fp‘iricie-fpii_rice(3mbs g3.z§r;S0::ii : that whichiis barneof -the.e"v’ii Ipii1‘it:is3fpii:iL t'o'0*..' I E.-Vet‘-y= eavi-limction in us is borne of the Devil -,w110i:‘chD%ugi;iei.11e.i b<€:;'i.1.cg7t etheiim meme ‘paren t Qfa11'~ fUC"i1:‘I13i'OIiOfi$5»<‘?y.@C'i he I53/l‘5rf£'i16:i;[}1.£I1(§'(Zi.ia't€ ipmient oft~ha:.'e"oriqup_1ii§)n i?2‘om> W 11 emcee} m.oy:npns are‘We’.er:e c.,zai%I’lec‘ie .10 bl’e-‘fie God for taking a'eCit;y this day‘ :..if7we overcome 4 our feI\3'.es,and rtileoeur own fpir.iIs’,c'hisiissa more homer- able ‘caniquefl, ‘then. fthags weeebkffe God for ci'ay;:t11e_ takingof 21 City, He, that er‘¢az'et;/§e.1a=z’rs’ fiiritg: 523%.-eéetiter Men "= lye Mat taketb A Guy. I bkefeech y0u,faithe 1:fie« Apofiéle Pelee, 1 E_p£zef.2 . I I . A5 pi1grims"zmdftranger:$. 4£».f?4’in Ju£2‘:., whit;/9 mam": agazfifl T/ac 7[o;il.T ‘elm’-z‘.§ ‘a.fe‘.efpit‘i;11-, a1.l:» ehemies';". bflazézizégfrbfiq rtizéflegis fvicfiorjr over ;7 ewekill them by fleeing ftomgthem. This 7is the greatefli warx‘-e,= at1dthejfl’ues ofit*a.re'0fgreatePc confequence. I It is more no"b1e»to fi.1bdue1ufi,s1within* us, then‘ _ Armies wit1nourfis;§»~\And it is ~adVa‘nta‘gee*to*us‘" to 7’C’:Onqueef, lurfls’ iil‘1en.to—"con.quer% the world; ‘Better ée 22*’-Pam‘/,-.zbe~2i sFu.n:her;‘ Iris matgter of J V i A o£,men}m~e«r0Ve€rconie-; is the -.harcieéffT¢pa_ft-"of7 ‘our wa:rre:Wi»t‘h5meh';aend thcibéfh % Barrels h.re“but e 1?’1a'lf:Won“ when:.o.ne'1y the“bedd:ies oftrienfare 'wonne;fthen it isea‘ aehofow . viéiory when we are viétours over *£h»ei;1‘ {pi- rits-. TI’.‘ A mic: 5 W:hi1e;nothin,g% is conquered but ithe bodies of %men and eCities,: you are but ‘upon the beord.ers* of vic$to“r-y;.=.a _ « A ~ ; e ~ here isira‘ doub':1eI%c0nque& over fpirits, » one is ‘the’ dlyaizzing of (]7z'2*z't: .- the 0the1‘,"is tbeVc!utng2/fig ojfziritfz thi§_ later isa b1‘efl”ed7 c0nque‘Pe,- not onely E0 4thO{€ W110 ecor,1"- . .4 A 2 great jey whentheievil {§i_rits' Plufarfie. query A Sermon preoehed before the Rigbtrflonvuréeéle 7? quer, but to thofe whoare overcome. The: Parliament hath caufe this day to ble~lI'eGod for fubjeéling evil fpi:- rits to them 5 but 1 may lay, ’without a figure or the leaft firain to truth), molt of thofe {pirits are fubjeét tothem but as the Dtivels were fubj‘e&- to the Difciples 5 ’tis but a: » forced and aconllrained fubjeétion, achain issput upon their fpirits, their fpirits are not changed: they are fuhé ie&,becaufe they-; cannot. longer prevail. and have their wills. We have caufe (I fay).to blefle God for this. T he Prophet foretelleth what fubjeétion {hall be made at lafl: to the Church, (1/22.50.14) T be flmne: alfo of them that of- fliéfedt/oeet, /be/[come oefiding unto tizee, and all tb.¢todefpz',— fed tl2ee_,flm[l lvowebemfelruer down at t/7efole:.oftbyfeet*,‘ .5 ace. It is a mercy when menare madetobow 5. butit will be our glory,when all {hall willingly bow to the throne 0}? truth and holinelfe, to the Scepter: of judgement and righteouihes. It is well for us when fire andifworxd makes enemies fubmit 5 but it will be befi with all, when repentp: ance and foerow for finne, when honefly and grace makes men fubmit; When men fubmit from a change or their , princigles, not from a change only ofprovidencestrr: from a change wrought their hearts, not from a change wrouglit-in their Rates. God hath fulfilled that prayer of the Pfal~mi{’r,(Pfizl.68.3c.)in our dayes.He hath rebuked t/zeeomporzy ofspezm-men, or (as t-heletter of the Hebrew givesit.)t12e 5811/l.$‘.0’fI£l€ reeds‘, _ OfWl‘llC.l1il‘p€aI‘C$'_- were ancia ently made,and towhich they are (in fafhion) like. Thefe bealls of the reeds«.God hath rebuked, as alfo t/,-er‘mm’n'- trade oft/oe 13:s!;?(boil?ter0us men) one/Ibe tower of five people (fimple men) till many of them bovefoémitted tlzemfelerer with poem of /2'17/er (E0 make their compofitions, and barb flattered:/ye people who deiig/seed 2'24 umrro,.- that is, fuch as would not fubtnit. A This the Lord hath done already. Now 5 <&__...._ ____: -—-.—..-:‘,,_—,~.—-- ..._..— . iMtl2eiHoufi’ofPec,r:. Feb-.19..-‘1645. Now let this be a word to you, Rig/,5: Hoimtméle, who are fo highlyi-nterefled in the publique afiaires, let your defigne be efpecially to make fpirits fubjecft to youby a willing fubjeétion. Endeavour that in the day of your power as it is in the day of Chrifts power (Pfila Io.) the people maybe not only fubje&,but willing 5 That their fubjeétionto the Parliament. may be (in its fphear) like that ofthe Corint/aiami to the Gofpel,(z Cor.9.1,3r-.—) apro- feffea’ [z;éje6fz'o»_,2zot atforcedfitéjeiiion. The greateft part of your warre is with the fpiritsof men 3 it is {aid ofS.ml, \ (1 Sam 16.14.) Tim»: the Writ of tire Lard defartedfram him, and an evil /]2irit:fram t/ye Lam’ trouéled Mm , that evil fpirit was it which encreafed his envy, and ,continue~d the warre againfl D4=u,z'a'. The * Pharifees faideof Chriil, (79%;-. io.2o. He but/2 aiDz'vuel,and zk mad: every man (as the i learned M’Mede obferveth in one of his Diatriées) was thought to havea Di-vel in thofetimes,who did things fu. rioufly and madly. Many fuch furious ones are amongfi us, ofwhomwe may well fay, itbey have 4 Devil, for they 4re,m.m’; they would UCVC1“~1‘L1fl'fi1Chk[l'lad.»C0l1rfCS, did not an.evi1ipiritenrage and hurry them. . j I_ might defcribetmanye-of‘the-fe evil‘ fpirits, I will namca f€W- . A ' . t F-ll‘flZ,th€ evil fpirit-s of12xz'rde.4nd.cantcntion. Thefe are the caufe ofwars and troubles in all nations. Becaufi of pride commetlz commtz'an.~ Natural fpirits‘ do not generate,- but-thefe fpiritsdoe. The fpirit of pride procreates the fpiritiofpcontention. .Were we more humble, we might bg moyc.qul€t—-, and the reafon ‘Why.-fo few havegtheier defines, is,,becaufe. fo many : refolve. to ~ha-vetheir Wills- , a ‘r . Secondly,the evil fpirits‘ of envy and malice, Many are‘- ficktof other mensthealch,'a,nd poor with other mens rich» » C 3 “ es, —— . -4-u.gu.¢-—__ ,_ ‘T A1S;er?i7éo}2‘]2rez3r19ka'46e];or:a' M76 Rz;éZr'fiHo£surA£?¢ ‘ é esfg,‘ e.ax1d‘-deifap-p<‘;inué\«;1'f=bygheimeeieghboucséfuazeelflé f:V i»:i1p&>;. 4v:e,nt em/5y .\;Eehti'S‘sf0tti1§1g?thef b.<_>'nes-, 'brl'e:e_'ds .ta'ncofeifrt)us em a; V e1-ice imthe hea’x:t,;j émdaboth break-out to-tfhe deanger ofzhe v -wlmolebqdy. :COk1]'.dL¥sE€ beat the good 9fqLhe~;s;1c;woulvd ‘. .b¢h€E£€I§fDii‘.E)i¢1hF.f€1M¢S.i .. > L’ ;'l"?11i_rdly,tI1e e'xzi1’“Fpir1ts’eeof¢2rramf:4;¢zi:*fnflibizazif uémtjuiet - ..o1»1r?' times. * hatea;ca1e1nnes2-eWo:u1d' follow thefe-= Werce ca{’c.0'ut ofe1v;er.y hea!rt.._ P; fpiritofg.er1%our-deferves: every ma-1_as4ab1:hQ17t_et&cd.- : though '3 9?‘?-591% 5.51‘-fi'f§’,‘e~!*13~’=1f¢ ellmllenege .Qu:r.”f;'i1tie11<§e;e“‘ hi3:fpi‘i‘it bf err30urtis% extream bad‘ : but ‘a fpirit ioffalfeehaood is1.farre;w_o}rfei. Al.1:‘ag_re.e, tlsxefwm a"y be fomcwhat. ' borne with who» erre econfcieheciotxflyé (whrichgis '4 v;my.po1m;1e)ee B*u‘tjtfiey:a1*<:f infi:uf€¢r?able;' Whii eaéf‘riunCe.®nfCid11ab1yz, w‘hich'i"s: vfef§i‘ufi3aH;;. v T‘ 3 ;-. . %‘.2';'.; <..].3~Q.:LJ,It’h‘ly,th‘.€ ev '11 fpirits (4)Fj£.a:iéufie_d72dj%Mt'aréé.b — “I pug ._k£1:1€f.€‘EQg;et'h€”Ff, :becaufe: ' un-groixndedzjealoufie3‘vé3fe(§thei?é % ';co\mm;(jnly—. ] act :in@‘rdeinafei !1(§\3€,‘ f€1%V.’€S;‘. «_f;':*[‘i:: r : 5" 93 E" 5‘? Eh‘ ' " ’ — «.- A «T-h~e_ @,i2sit~fQf}°'ezzlzIztfjr=(ff5.»2‘,;~ -frI7e7llg/1117.6 mmm M 1%! X 1,‘ 1-,,» ‘ .-, Q,-. .1 e 1:. }.«.'[H.3.v .5771}, . ;— J.-...... .. » mrhav:Ibufi‘iaflPéo5r:,: =:<>31$fet»>-;iv}-2,-a».m§sz;’5Z‘of ti‘i1Ihia§néd tlpfiighthesog. ‘ o of; felf-de.nquc£ts?nveujm”en-mH7noJ:;gi5:e;us:rc£%i. 1. .AJxi;d;rho.ugh 7. ;.vo§I1vci«r1uu;.z13e‘{§e1r:the mhvcfésidfi 163906 §‘;‘»6§i5€V§iaH§*) at':hi3- ‘-4 L aims wolirfn We 1:7o.1~Iie:toakr1'.e% 1ni¢:i1'<£otEfo"gm aca; m1e1:cy=,,as¢‘o » we tab is day coirnmémomtar i!'§I6t:.]3r1(fJéy.;;’l19T-$13.13‘-_1:1¢2'§;rts“a1‘m3)flC“5 can we haivé t:obo.leffc1 Godgfor .1}.}!<‘.i‘i‘gE‘:l11‘§l1fg"E'£f?ii‘11f ghisl Pma‘i::fas~ T o / Ems ifi1bduing3I)odiies,»o <':1§o1vns*sa'x1azfl:(%Z’itie;s;:v:zh‘§I.e{1eg%an3f:oF ‘ cvx’Hpir‘ior:sifidataap in‘:fo.?v‘%.t'1‘rm'~ii1yi §>facc;s,?.oa11dt.2qfia2rt‘eneion -for mzmy h'ea’rts;: A’oc0nq;iePcooV’er ~fp1rits~,_.'is.t1ie':g71ofy:of all» o-urother con quefls. o "o T htere fo.ré'(_‘R ight Hon-oura'Hl;éi:;.‘ I six‘ a"g3.;§n;o:: lat? theo * fhteff miof yoL1~r;.counf6}oso::a%md é§Eii1gr1£sé‘c'. t ' ‘ J ' ‘ ’ L _._ All icreaturcs and ‘comforts on earth,: fhouldr be but as foils to Tet off the glovy ’of..HeaVen.. How gooid**is grace and glory; if there hefo muohgood in natureffz? It ‘W2iS.C’hriffS art to do thus,‘ «when he came t~o.itheo'we11, ‘{’al2.4. and wasth.irf’cy,_ heirifeth from that water"and‘the th,_irf’cthe had to it, to tell theworrlan of another water, —w‘*hich.- if {he could ‘once d~rmk,: {he rfl1'o'u1__d'=neverethi-rfi. “And 70/w.6;az7L when he {aw-hisfoilowersfo hung4'yja£- ' rter loavesvofbread, which his perifl1ing7me‘at;*’ He ‘took -ran occafion to exhort them toilaéour for the meat that pert’?- flzétlz mt, éut endures to evcrla/ling life; at It is fafefl forms -(aswell as our“dutye)~to}befiow“the ftrenrgthjéofiour=:for- rovfves upon "our fir1nes,and the firength aofourjoyes upon . Chrifl. _ ' r I V t ; There is at double ground or réaFon,why we {hould thus in our receits of temporal! rnércies,:get:.our hearts .05, orget our heartsabovehthem. . ' i r ~ Firfi, fpirituall mercies are thcbbeft mercies. hey « are f A>t5’ei~hzon preached hefore the Right Hammrah lc ‘ arelbeft in their nature, and they are bell: in their enjoys- ment; they are lalting mercies. The joy of the hypo.-. crite, all his joy is but for a moment : and the worldly joy of the fiI1CCI’C is but fora moment. That cannot lafi long whofe bottomand foundation cannot laft long; the W0i"ld:_pd[r€t:}J~4W~ay,4fldtb€fil’zJi0fl ofit -, therefore the joy. that arilethrout of the world and the goodly fafhions of it, mufl needspaffe away too. When one of the Ancients fioodby Cwfizrs tomh, who had the honour (while he li- v,ed),of{o many viétories and triumphs 5 hecrjes out, 0 Gaefl¢r,mhere :35. new thy magnificence ? where are thy Armies? mherearc thy Trophies .? where-Lszre the. Town: and Czties which that: ha]! avmzome .3 They are all pafttaway. We may fay as much ofall our viaories and deliverances,r of heat.- ing the enemy in the field, of beating him out of Ptrong ' holds; in a Few yeerswhat will become of all thefe ‘thing: , _ and of theworldly irflhesof them 6 A Time will eat out. the remembrance» of this glory. Solomzmfdoth not fo much quef’cion,as chide, (Prao.23.r5.) H71-ltitboll [ct thine heart upomhazr which :2: not .3 Can aman be in dangeruof fetting his heart upon that,which e hath: now. being .«.'r_- ,Cre4turr: hmvefo littlehcing, that they arefzzid to ha we no he-; fag, amljo have all creamrc’-comfort: .- wilt than fat I/72.215: heart upon that wbichiutot? How long willthe comfort, of conquePcs- and viétories lafl, that we fhould rejooyce. 1 nnelygor much in them 2' e t fScconcl~ly, if we confine our joycs to thefe, we are in » i douhledanger. In a dange-r,Fir{t ofg-rowing proud of} y and C0nfi-dentiupon Our Via/0TlCS; nothing keeps the heart low. but Ijoyin the higheti things. I‘oy in low things maltesthe heart .’finfully)high, andjoy in high things makes theheartfgnracioufly 1ow.That’s the,i*ea{5*;w:hy.; the KEIQII of the.:WorId bQ3~I’c themfelves in their riches, ho.- nours, f ‘ T" ‘H W'"’':'"' ‘_.' W a doe Hoof: of Boers. «Feb. 19: 1*64;;.. noursfl-'o. the reafon Ifay, why they gro-“W proud thefe things, is becaufe they have nothing '=elfe to re- joyccin._ T g ,' Secondly Nbyjoying much in the creature, we are in . danger to fur-feit upon the -creature, or to grow wanton with it. «Whenthe minde is fleeped in our fenafes, we can hardly" get the tafle off again.We follow the world fo much,becaufe it gives us fo little: we arewxnceffant ‘in purfuing earthly contents, becaufe we Pcill hope for more, and are unfatisfied with what we have. heart once tafles of fpirituall dainties,it findes iatisfaétion», and being fatisfied, clefires to talle them ltill: fulnes and hunger, fatisfaétionand appetite being perpetually inter- changeable. The talle of heavenly things is {o high and quick, that all befides tailes flat and dreggilh. No man (faith -Chrilt)a’e/iret/2 nervlwine, /owing drunk t/oer old, for b,_efxit/2.t/zeolol irbettcrg Earthly 1 comforts will not hold fo fair a proportion to heavenly, as new wine doth to old. They differ not in degree onely, but in kinde. The creature hath alwaies an unfatisfyingneflie in it, and at the lafl: it will haveabitternes. Prov.2s.27. To cot moo/a /10- my 22: notgood, (if a man eat honey long or often, it T will not be honey to him) fio for men tofmrob Meir own glo- ry énotglory, thus we tranflateit-, but the text is well rendred, and clofer to the Originall thus, . To multiply to eat honey, or to eat much honey :3 not good, out the lafl of glory zésglory. The Saints fhallfeed to eternity upon glov- ry, and that willbe alwaies glory: but honey,—the bell: pl of worldly comforts will be gall,if you feed much ‘upon them. Therefore correét your appetites after the crea- ture; make your joy in worldly things an occafion and a Ftepto fpirituall-, doing fo, three erfeéts will flow from fuchjoy. . _ _o D 2. T Firlt, But when the g {man i V i Afgsgrmyflfi’-e~d£/564’ bej’0}*e- t_lz;":1‘?qa'Elkt'oHbne3traéJe Fietiii, fuch joys will ‘make (is vetv holy. J_Io*yWih‘ worldly things alone,e~leaves_ us has worldly as itfindes us :' but ifwe mix it with fpirituall, holines will mingle with ,. our fpirits.' it Tia"?*L9rc£pi'o7;¢%:‘~tagi've' M53 }9»eopZefbea'utyl "fort gzflaes, ;t/ie‘ vyl afjayfor mourning-,i= f/Jé gafmimt ofpr-zzife _ flycfpirit of /aemmfie, (I{a..61-3.i.)i here .15 the Lords )oy: we have the effecit of thisin the next words}: '1' but they 5,; calledgtreese ofrigbteoufizes, tlve % pl4ntii¢g«_‘aft./ye Lam’, t_/mt he mrayilreglarified; ‘If werejoyce in the Lord, We {hall rejoyce to the gloryof the Lord T.ree:eiafo"r’z'géteaz;/ne: igwe-to/aeix wit-"in bolines. Itiis alad thing to fee what fruitthe joy :of moft brings forth, intemperance, drun- . kennelle, fe_nfualit.y,t=efecu‘rity, lI1j'uP(lC'€‘," fi't}*its‘of uhrigh-9 tceoufnes all. . Secondly, Ioy thus’ teinper’d makes its ilrohg to -1" eii/6 i to-he Lord 3-‘ joy in the Lord careryes us to the Lord ,.\J§’e}4.E?.i 1fo.)qfI j-ayfpftbz Lardis aurfixehgtk. - ’];oy in i the World weakens and flats our fpirits..:.joyr1n the Lordg Pc1*§r’~1gvt'*l1-l~ V ens as wellats purifies, ‘atncl-rt1a.ke~s us at once holy and n a-zaive. _ _ ~ . J ‘. _ A Tliirdly ,1 Such-joy-makes us» more the.n-'i%rong:,exceed- lI£1g_Z€%.l0l1S-fol‘ lthehoatid .\ :‘After-. thegpeoplé it-1 "He{eikie4%5%« time had feafiéd feven dayes, the fiory faith ( 12 Claroh. go." 2 3-.) The wirbvle at/5'emz5l'y 1‘-an/e tau-nfel talker}: other [even d4y5,.* a1;adtlaey caft out by {word -and Ffire : Bun chief] y by .th~o‘fe better a weapons of prayer and fafling. C.hrifi faid ofthe -P-ha-.4 rifees, Tong areofyomrfdt/70* I/9? Deruz}; (]’Oh.8.44.) 'An«d Paolycaxp in the Church fiory, called Mzrczazz, tl1e_fi'?”flz=-r -,.T_.-,_. 44 2: A Sermon preached before the Right Honourable éomc. oft/ye Devil: All ungodly men are of the famelin-e and race. There is very little difference between the De. viland a wicked man, butflefh and bones; Hence in " {common fpeech we call very wicked menDwil: incarnate; *Ima.y.fay Lwithout Tbreach~oFcharity) Devil: incarmife are_inade'fulije€t:eat.thisnd§.y, and their fubjeérion isthe fubjec?to.fthis,daysrejoycmg. e ‘ Notmiitbifandmg iutbis rejoyce nor, tlmt tlyefefpirirs are D ‘\ .ub}'eéf1§ayoz{‘;i—:r:2j0yCe notamuch in this. Chrift (Mat.7. :3.) {peaks offome who had the power and priviledge, to make Devilsiin '-kinde fubjeé} to them, many (faith he) D flaallcbm to. we in that d4y,and f£1_y,L0rd,Lord,vv: /mweprapbco fled in tlzye-rzame‘, andm it/ay name we /am caji ant De-w'l:,zmd zvelycwe done many wanderfulle works-, yet thefe wonder.- workers had little caufe to rejoyce. It is poflible for a. manner only to fubdue the evil {pirits ofmen. but to {ub- dueevil fpirits themfelves, (take them in their naturalil. . notion) and yetttohave no caufe of rejoycmg -, I am fure they had not“; becaufe. while theyhacl power overDe- vils, themfelves wereunder thepower of the Devil. The Devils were fubieét to them, yet they were the Devils fervants. ..Chrlit difcards them under that relation,» wr.24. Depart from me, ; ye‘:/mtflwork iniquity ; and whole . wor—'k~is that .9 Iknow none who put: inen to thatimploy... ment,or drudgery rather,but only Satan, 11¢: [ewice 2': H98 work of iniquity-, fome m1y cat’: out Devils who take in -the work of the Devil. Hence, they who have cat’: out Devils, may be cafl: tothe Devil. Had we this power o -to cal’: out Devilsin kinde, our joy would quickly over- joy it, unleffe we have learned to out—joy it. To further. which defigne upon theferworldly joyes, Iwould {peak .a*»few,words. ‘ ’ F.irfi, tothofe who have more to rejoyce in then v-is . =6’tories \ bu- 1-—-—u—g._ k\ tlae Haaf: ofPeer:, Feb: 9. I 645; as . F Ctorieseovcr men and cities. Secondly,to thof'e.who,upr- on atrue account,have no more to rejoyce in . To the former my motion is. Make the mC1?C1CS of this day anoccafion to act your )oy upon reternall mercies. It is poflible fora godly man to" fufferthe ftreameofihisg. joy to run more then is meet in a worldly chanell. The; heft have reafon enough to be jealous ‘over their own hearts. l You arecallecl to rejoyce, and Lam nota fo.rbidder,.I would be a helpetrof your joytjoy is cornely5 and the gar-t ments ofpraife in fafhion thisday. Thereforefay to your fouls, Let ust.rejoyce,andi let all that is within us bleffe the holy namcfof:God for the great thingshe hath’ done for ,us-, when you have donethis, fpeak‘aga'in to your fouls in the language of the text-,0 our fouls, rejoyce in better things then the{e,Let us rejoyce that our names are written in Heaven. Drink not too large draughtsof thofe worldly comforts, go to that which is better and r.icher~ewine, take your fill inthe confolationisof God. e e To quicken this,I might {hew you many moft defirablc: o‘ojeéts.I will only hint a few:rejoyce thatfcfiuc/zrifl hatha; made a pcrfeét conquefiet for you over fpirituall enemies, , rejoyce that Chrilt hath fpoilcd principalitiesia nd powers,_ and dragged the Devil at his chariot of triumph,. when he afcended up to heaven : rejeoyccthat Chtift: hath over- come. death and fubdued the graves: rejoyce thateChrifl: l died to free you from death,and «hathbrought life and im-2 mortality to light through the- G ofpe1:‘rejoycethat Ch rili: - hath Ftrengthned you to withfiand temptations, and gi.-ts ven you power to conquer»pafiion: rejoyce,that'Chri£§. by accompliflting. the worle of redemption, hath"pur.- ichafed the pardoneoif fin, peacewith God,.and an izuherss Ea.nce.‘»vhicl1fatleth not: away--,. refoyce thathehath pro- videcl;-I ‘7 J i / w ii Aflaimaméle vided:'.ae'C'ity £oryiou,.whi;ch no;Arh1i_es {hall lay fiege. m{. to, or {hoot~i~ana.rrow: againft: rejoyce that he hath -provided an efl:a.—rt§e ‘for you that 15113.11 never be (pent, and a. t;,.Kingdom‘f .:wl*r'rol1~_flmll ne_ver,s ‘ bejrfhstketa. ~sWhen ‘you ‘shearxmeo; are m‘zde*fubjeé‘t to meu‘,« .rrej.oyc'e ethétt Chrill: l.1‘ made you fu’loj;e€t-.to him {elf :.. when you hear (tron g Iholds9.;:e"ttarken;tejo)}ce{chat the {lrong holds of {in are bat-g tteredl down and takemthat there is not an evil imagination ?iii;1;}'rou;buIii£i1:£tir?,s‘ ry.osu*haye'a:WeaponL rea=dines,to re- venge‘ thatdfr[jE)'bed»ience.sWhen you he-areho-vv they who A shave foughtaxgainflzs Chrifi are _br0ught~.s‘1ow, rejovce .:that you aite fighting againfl: Chxsilh :-that you are g not °:t.1:ampl1ngiptectgousblood under. ;*you‘r"f‘eet, that you Hell .htsno‘t3iu}that,by