True Spiritual Tém2}%f:¢lne j]é.
A Delivered in a %
efhe nurale on
A ‘7Upo¢n%their %day of T H A;_N”K so I ‘V1 N G,
being7[.hur[day, Feb. 1 9. 4~164_5.,'for the
A A» great Mc~:rcy~«of:God 5 in the .$mrre,~mder offhc
WV Citie of _vC/aeffer iritet) thehands of the
‘ Parliament: Farm: in C. mm 8 H251 ‘R E, % “
under the Ctwmtnmmfi 0% Sit:
~ Wxx.Lm.M ‘BRE1§E'rON‘.
By 0. “ 4C 11%;‘ s-LE 3 Preacher in %Milkfi1*€ét Lwdw, " r
and one ofWth~:~‘: Affemxbly of4Divi:1es. 1 A A
‘ ‘-[V5 fl jI ;25 ..3‘. fEr«a}g ?;;m:aple glariflwt ta/M’; fie oitia qf ‘ %
3/08 tz’rri!:l@!t$¢¢:£ flallfemv time.
I '5 Am 26. 2. Open ya the gates, that the figlateaua Nation i 4
. 't5Pbic'k I(:.~“¢p¢°z‘b the Truth, may enter in.
74 Lamina, Printed by Rmfla Rawmb , for Lake Fawm, at the A
figne of the Farm in Paws Church-yarcl. I646»
4iP-Liz~vzi¢w,. 2 3 ebrzmrii 3“ 64g .. A M
R&e~1*ed by the Commmas aifembleccl
in~Par1iam~r:nt, That Mafier Rom d@
A give;Thanks to Mafier Ca3,I%;¢il»=an&A‘4Mafim:
3/Vowicoclg for the great pains they wok in
the Sermonscthey preached at‘theimrcatié
y”%5‘o"?f ibis Hmzfefi on95T*hur{da‘y 1afi:‘;( Béing a
& dgy fét‘%,:~apai°t~f‘ 0»1‘Aa.‘?&2i§»*hf pubIil:eThankf«.
4 giying fiat the taking QfACI:iés7er) ahd to dca.
*figéthem.ta}p;;i‘n:Vchfeir Sermons. And it
A» ‘m3r3dEi‘iéVd 5 ‘that none Ai}1aIIV”prii1M.h‘é%if Scr-vi
;mcnsV.”Wit4h,0uit.; licénfe under m:heirV hands;
" H;’%Eljjz22ge, CZek.Pmql.D~.Cam. ’
_,,_ V.’ ~-~—.—-..----p.
”. E g‘p1;vqi7zt.Luk€§' avmc $9 print my1,Sermma*
V M M A Tam CA%sE.;; -
___........-n: .
A will appear very rich and glerious.
anme ;1w»2%er.«;z;L~e;r* ::;:ez*zazm cam mfseir ;:e2s2;3~jzé;«.s4»+4%r?v¢zr
‘ .-«.....a-‘
Ta*?‘bé‘Homz4ra6le Hmfg of Wifimoui ii: ' Ema
N liamem new aflémblm”.
"’fi0'B Ln S'ENA:1'(')fR‘S, A _ A ‘ % k V
A furthe late meréiy of God, in putting €Iac§7£a2i
inwymurpaflgfan 3 give me have fmm ghee
A A M ¢ FA Pxfefiie to preiént um» your View what might
V’ I have been burdenfcam from the ‘Pulpit ; a
z fhortiriffi or am!» am mt‘ fame emincm
Emvidences, wherawitlmhef mercy 3% the day being clathed,
«~ 1.. Azzdfirfi, jmmay pzmp to%_ioA2!'ervs , !9tF2:zt~ I50‘ my Iengthning of "tin
Siege, was the advance_ of the DE . gne ;,. while in we ijfue it xzppemw. bwc
I2ec7z12W2z7Z?,§61]E: but an ambufhmcm: bf Provident: laid of purpafé to draw
azftlbe enemy to tbeir own delirufiiozz .2 Surely % -their pride zzzzd power bcwc mt
met with ¢ mm A burdenfome fauna in all their bold amd cozzjfdent Ari-uen~
mres, tbczz the Siege of Chefier 3 upm which God Fm}: broken the»: with
breach" upon brcach , mi blqfifyou with viétbry upon vifiory wart}: many
Chefiers 5 and when be bad done, cafi that am: izzjbr an xadvmztage. Tbm
mmzy timer da we mfg upon difappointments % of our bopcsi , M froWns~af'
difpleafure, which agfierward: wefifide ,tol2eP1ots bf‘ Mercy“ W720 would
mmaiz: upon rim: God. .1 hobo if Vbewirfybold 4 mercy for 4 rivbila, pay: in»
;¢;=.-1‘tfos~‘ wgforbearancc , of more wort?) many time: rlaezz’ tbeprincipalia.
C’ —. ~ ‘ ” ~ + M
3. Tim; in three Storms oftbe grmtcfi cli/Zxdwrmzgc that bcigbt of walls,’
dew: of trenthcs ,' imjwegzidblerrejjé of Parts , and multimdesof enemies
(t§o‘,m;z2z) in tbacity Myazmfizz‘ the A cctzédi wander, we Force: were com
3%/i ilzytbe enemy to have dozzizlmorc executwn t/2é2E¢I:myret¢i:z1c§.i, either in ‘tbcir :
afiizultfl arf_x e%trca,tA :: ~ where-in o7zepzzrrz'cul;zr1 rp_1;ovidcnce"mz4/i zeotbe filcrzfci %
“" "227: acme caammanaer mm wmfour iimempbmbe wmr ‘A; -mu“! tbbzaglr; wig?) 1“ ‘
tbrozggb theEtnexpefiedAifizdv:¢7:mgc.r of rbeidafigzzc, not/&co1zd¢d$ acco1jdi2zeKj.§’ W” 5
e::¢pe§Z§¢z:zo_2z;,ycr%waoj brought of ha.rmIe{fe5 [we cmcly aflight wqg """~ «
»¢r2zz:‘.‘:Av;,?2zvzd¢bim%7§vhat%a:m ;?TI?;.m4w tg¢r*m44¢I:is refcuc, ; mfliifl 1'
Jzz‘t‘&?rz“izl2%Tz4 %,%:sal1*% at A A “ A‘ V
%% , V 6 . 355 Mac.» ,6 meager Z2_4th_ma: . mcmg HCMPW
A 2. n mmg
7 ". ‘ W nl ‘
«'9 ref *‘ ‘:1 :. ,4-‘ ' ,
>3 ‘.~ "' r r
A agugyglzcgurn
A "7195 Epifilé .DediMMry. %
. , .
fail“ i''''''''' Y
. ‘ V . or
1- w-‘
»'4'2$am.z3.1 5.
24¢ 114., %
mm‘-9 " ‘ ‘ '
.33.. 64-
“ ‘Q
fdwgnmm 43;? re...
fiimolsfum pro
‘Ming t/ééir hatidétifjerz id tingtheir bells, £vciszg% gzlmzzyy fifiit‘ /Game sswitfy méaré A:
Mame; tber: % they gave;
_ 74.. VT/:r&t"our AEn§irzer’duri2zg%'r}3e ;$’iegé Imvzae aézzfhzmly «dam mm execurfozx -
V with%o%ut,% tb_a;cg£v*~
2¢pozz tfsgwezzemy wit in ,1 ibczz tlzciaésf laayev done zzparz our men
w”.E%‘é"bz2'fle5 Aafzzll ofiezafiye mad defenfivc mivmmzges were 07: their fide 5 w/9ere«
£2} G mi wqz:l;2' 27z.z:1zffc*_[Z; ;:.:f7¢%a’2:{fZwerzpe,»%4%between bzzgviwg Wagllwn
33:TV9x?§»0Ii5:i3Z7!zZF/‘M0522 " ~Sa1~‘v4atio._r1 or Walls “zzrzrl *bu§w:1v:}<:s .%
., 5 «-
:1 hulwarksfiar ?
§.. W"2
e_gan.; jAtefii2;zo2zy o;:zV?af4?‘zb¢:jwzozz2b%%of,&zz *d{L?iver~%
;4_f0z;b”le%?73“a2:0i4r“.$ ‘ ‘
Of”wI2;zt Coxziéquence zbéf Suc&cefl'<3'Q"f:_; 3‘ let Che3flérs%%¢Mcx;b eé?%azi*z'{)22 .?
"9r}e1.'-.md;,;z:zd tbefdrepamtiafis of the I1jifl1 Ci1‘t-thrioats fb$z:%V.Cfii’-fier.%%tbe I{ey- »
Z"/Q73 mm C, . .
- b .~tron
you}! Nqrthe/§‘7}z1“1el‘§;9 0mwg‘SL ‘
re'f;;g;‘1om5 x!;»_g REP: of rbar 1200:?" fainting Cnumrygg zine t";°‘e772£2lz:2zg of "
* A I—§o1dsz‘gwaie» 5 mad wcfeczzrzrrg
A ~ ‘- ‘ Wztier {$19773-tb.e.*W?7d¢5bf.9f. 42? €22-émzfi A%%.%t?2e~;%‘é’23¢’*‘‘’’?£‘; 9?” W“
wwf 17"” J‘ & "”"e"“’*V‘*~'+.?.wndmnV;¢:z:I .‘%¢7f7sr:.{.c*:i%;2;+¢%1*$la".;:;$A Ai?!éi€%:;:1£élZ2izzgri?z.§12i§4z¢€ 0f
* Z‘?-£1135. I
9‘ ‘
: M Lu. .. u" —
-.._g - -.—_ .,_
The Epéflie Dwliwory.
Encemias Defi'gne.r,,w}7o 10, mm fmfirzizvzg new ta t/at Infallible relief of their
Garzjbm in Chefhire and Lancafhire 5 tbs reciucing of the Ijorth, the 453..
faint: Conquefi of Scotland, and tlmz baa}; agzzin to the iharmg of A E:vg-
lami : for all this, 427:1 more too ( SiAféra.lzke ) they lmdazot or-zely defigned,
Mt difpatcht in their‘ mzirz Corzfidczzm :. The £h‘engthning the hands of
mu‘ Frien;"!:'t/Ebrbw yfvewbole I{i72gdom,% who flagzll bear ml rejajceg‘ the weak»
Ming oftbe Enewmfwbo flmll /Jezzr; and their bczzrtflmll melt for fear. Let t/ycfisg,
:,rfz_"y.,,mzd% ”7éz;é:iz,«z other Improvergxepwts (toe; mzmyfor 4:21 Epifile , A but not tam
9}:-szzzy for our THa'z3kfu1ncITe to efzgziirc into) _ let zbcfi Speak;
10; And all r/212, whether it have not been the cheapefl Purchafe #53 Pm:
Iizzmcvzr biirb made , fiazce it WM cozrflmizzad fa mdeérni 1/ais’;asn3' fold Nation
wit/'2 Iwloney mAwl'B1oAod, I Aizfipeal to §,3wuu2;%Seh;cs% ,% and M % that exhaufied»A"
aflE:gge: to Awhichyma h:aAvc”al‘rcady Further Vida p¢1;::qAg»;g j
dxfcovcwrs, and may fi__nde morefimold forth rmzr:/'2 ?fC{9d 5 ljlis Wifi*dem, bi:‘»andTreaties (if
this %‘y%§3fi_.m;z;_«r» obfe:r'_vc-,asA%th*9ef 3*¥:fult~’o3f fail} ‘A l It 2‘jz;’e£:’g Gpd‘p2*(fiéA7fxA~7:1nd:mkj,-ha 0?:
G-70W”§‘”’ffifllAhA1s ~~‘SAe1'<1m:4e.* A NHAEWA %th:i*!: ¥'G*®d ”W3h<:fi'h3aArh% tjmzidé yam -"1‘sLti1'£1’ z:$*_f?1ftlJ-4~’' (; f;gfi}y~_.,
Srrengtb;hisflfli::e,% hisAAMer;~:y.3: getirriing fertlrin the LAig;f:t;o£%' Achig day; And. the siege gm-i
A "?‘;J994gwiak§yiq2.*z'ejr4::i'yfifty?-mdréAAhhd ore fiifizs’ to-A *fiv;rrizj®(fl$ ;, % + -:;h ;£c A211»?-l*2A'§=Lti7% 3, ;_ .
% W35-fl0f1': -Hanour,;andAH‘1”sAAAtaaowhey l‘g'M0fi§Nflmd"y‘.3urAvfi07‘d"At:%}¢:L(}rd I? 111$,
mfxjibe theiParli;m;1ent Of t§'."ngf!cz4nc£’é5:‘enow%‘n‘ ta all Gc:~2zké;-.+x:i$ons , T/59} were “
fa<1!bfi¢1jt7a% t/5aAMp}>ai'?:t€a’*r}9‘c*7n’A’i‘?2‘a.ll bia"H@f:;jE-‘., in dain;_g‘AaAI!A2hi:rg:méormng m b M W
?Ab*A"‘"“P“W?3A_§ * j-WhichAas% it wafi the travelfAeEth‘ts (Jq;t{ion21fr;V, i1o:V1fIc¢uf§:r¥2A:§: S';:r~=%~ He ‘3’°“A‘V°
mm ¢(AmWtTn: ffi¢and:tim‘mjw‘aié£iag upan%Atyc‘usA*2c«3&:mam; A)‘ ~=ruA A;,A=a~Ara&%IV%bcA A
%heAV;éja=A1‘3zpraycr * f¥k*i‘Ik3imai‘é,m¢re om-;re:gLusA to live», A
e A ghemgfl , ‘ %
T1~1o.~CA.s~13.~~ Téw" A
A %ZJoh.§z-s'-
‘" 1Ba1-air.
50 13¢
V Agrippiamo
% % New.‘
04 -
fa ska zm.-Z; News Sir WilliszmBrereton,1Baramt, Commnnaé-r
1'3 C/a£c_~f' of .t12:*Parl£ammrsFarce! in {.‘he{hirc:~ 5% and ta‘ «E
tbafawarzézy Gamwma’e:rx am‘ Gmtfeswem , Wsam Gad lamb Altma-
mmrad with the 49
9f the W'ark_¢':z Chfifllirfia
V Honrabfe '¢7zd=ever to be bénmred Gem
mu. «r..h 3‘;
~ Hat Emamizzm the Apofile give th€’Ah€1OV€d'DifCi”153c5 I ho a
* % the world wil. give me leave an befiow%uponyoxb;, without tge
4‘ ‘ the lcafi inf ition of . Flatcerys Tan dafaizbfitllfisvfmrfiawer you
‘ ; 7 you1ook‘uponi_t as Gods honouring of you, more than your
‘ using of God : a heart: to%be;f&it1nfial, I and lgappineffe tea bc fi1€Ce‘_fl3fid
.111 God: defigncs, is :1 double evgagement : »whichl heartily defiirc may net
lift: up yew: hearts,unlas1Te it be in the ways of G:c;&_ 0 ?oflz£a'iv? new
1733124;-;&‘m};_ef;~¢3}1;1+§.g,V m;;;;:;%;tix;,g af’ iizaalapgug/73ir:g% pswp!“!e“;r;wr5.* zéreeré yaur; amm-
.in:er-efifahd g,rdvanta,ge,*%wi1lrsna’ar,yeaA—more aw; éwzaazerme risen. M mar ‘I/z’E;¥eu%
A W % 73%
cgimiwg,~mamMag£ug,ana! new lsmppiéz fimifiligig .
-do in the Pu like Trufi cemmittedwo you : and I befccch V
% of 12% wil-1i§1gf°aith- N
4 Ta SirWiHiam Brenton, éfls‘. .
7;;-;» aggbring the bleg/jing af perz'fia?ng fii;n;7ig: npor: yam fznd your p:2fiera?1[y._ Ta
z}mend,imita;te rberme gallantry of Nehtézmahz read (my Cbapierflfweczally
__.-_...._..J.‘ ..__.....nfl._.
' u-tr",
‘M. .._.....
V firgm mg .1 4_.rz;~gr[é to #36 and 5 at-ad the Lardgraznt ycm may get it by heart. Then
fhall theyzhac are delivered from the noife 0f the archers in. the places of Judg. SAIL; ‘A
drawing water, rehearfe the righteous 'a(.='ts of thc Lord, even the righteous
afis towards the inhabitants of thevillagcs in Gbe_[?2éI~'e 5 then {hall the peas-A
pl; of the Lordgo down 1:0 thf: gages. ' % . %
5 . Srzytdie 3e1~f-wnquefcs, Sin-v1&_0ry. Hetha: 15 Howe to anger zs bet- pm“ 163 3 1;
A _% 1 mt than the migm-y,.and he that rulc-ch his fgirit, than he that takaicth a City. F W,-0, efl qua/k:,,.
‘ ff afterye bwue conquered the Lufl: of m€n_.,yw are mnquared Ky your own Luff; 3 WM 9“; Jcbrfly; %
zafteryau have led your enemies ‘c-agtive, .57arancmx cake ymt captive: at his fima ,0,-mt
wiil 3 you are undanefiz‘ ever. .The Lord nmkeyau , every way 3 more than Vmwm-£1.
‘ W \ “ l mum‘
, .-‘ -4.» M.“ f:
. ‘ . M
. W ' I ‘ V - 53.“. by
WI ' » ‘
r7crG‘E ‘Vi - -
H ' I
§:'~3““”C1“‘3m35= @’5‘° ‘ % . % % ‘ 2. Ti:-11.2. :’,C~'..;..% V
. 5,_,Lgfl1_y, rezrzegrzber 229514: Gvanenalfioab dzcf amen be had zaf;en12_abbah of ztflza Ram. 8»; _ Y‘ A V
Ammonices, and,doye1il@wif.'e» newye haw taken zlah Ghe {hirc:~ R zbbah 5 find . 3'
jar-King David ; ye4z,fendfiJv' that [(_z'ng who is Dxvidh; {on and Dwids bird, .-
Ki%n‘g IE5 as 5“ give IJimpWfljflion, .:mdfi't the Crown of glcsry upwz bi; Head,
bqwz'ng} A
Ck¢§¥:rg, Grim with» Pace bah mJu1tip1i¢da » 3 4
¢ V Rigiitwdrfléipfuland Belfivcdg
Dgfirg ta reja_y¢e4wirh you and {car vou5'in'ti:i¢ great mercy~af‘*Gad ,; in reflaé; 7
ring you toyauri Habit¢rim:,’,rj'Tram%psbicb flame of you have beenfb long divorred 5'
9» hr wywtr Liberties, in tbefl urprifi: wbereof‘yuu'5a*ue .“beea‘1naébe2ter than pr:ij’&¥"'
um injour um Houfes: Whirl: 2&1: firm; be 4 mercy inked, give me leavesw.»
we :&4t’fove:~3.u, as cmmmd 511521073;/an a few Eamians. " - % % %
1.: Sfake h:c:d,Yl hefcccb yaumow cbaars you am.rcturncc§ w your. nId?AHau+-
fl-'4'.» YW dv>'m>tmm1‘n:tmayc$nr :aldfiwx.?¢§ nmw-_yaii;'are r<~.*fl:ora'rd= ti: vmur Civuif
% -1’-i5'€:‘”l1"£IV, you £10 331% b2§¢kfli&c M) ycmr fctarmerfinfidl I_.»ibe‘m”e: 7: What rhcay -\ '
Wye ,%Mgs%aube_fi kndw give me leaavma mimic you what ymur%Chrifiian _
€e=...@§:s;a§ £@c% aer§¢.mf %rxs%’he¥!%iW $.13 M2 Pm? "
~ W"
Wham. v~ __ .....
‘"1"’ 9 £58 Iwxiwéitmzsts af" Cheszfier. ‘I1
« . inyour'¢pgarel,fi:mpruanfi’2eflZ= in your boufe: , exarfive delicacie on your Tablexg,
Gm1.4,I6.% "
Ierug. 2&9
% »Prov..é.;.2.3.
Malm IO. ,4
..‘}ob.42. I 2..
.2 %Tim_.3 5'. AA
% €"‘eut:.28.4.7,
% «Marsh. wait.
3:35izdg,. 9. is.
V linefle, anti arhc.-*: l.ike.
(whasie {ins thde: wart, E{ek.1<5".49 wxll tell ycm) prcfizmtion af Sdbbaxbr, %
cmrempz of I/Jéf fifzlrfiel zmgfiery ofzlze .WIora’, camp!iam«*ewit/J Epiflopal Super.
ffiticm,.~j‘5rmalz‘ty it: E €11;-iarz, aimwfinrn af 2°/38 gas!/},,m and of tlaepazger of Goo?»
fltr of Chrifi: and a?f'r£r:z1_d cc» ddrnom‘ % .:)'m 5% and lhope K fhall {we become
your enemy becaujé I relljau rive rrutb. lie aifgre you, »Ei‘i€Iit'1S,}l€)EhEY€-‘€55
much caufc zzok-cap é«2.y.-3% of Humiliation in c}Je;fx‘e“r for your aid fin: , as days
of Thu.-nkrgiving for your new Marries. A wice was heard upon the high pl}:-A
cey, weeping an.-ffizpplicmion of we c'bi.!drez_z of Ifmz-:1 ; fir tkey lsaz/e;>ervugrzea?\v%
zbdr wa_y,andfaam=_f'a7-gotten t/)8 Ilordrbeir Gad. This was the pcy?m'e% of If. ‘
me! remmz'r:g om af mpxivziry, and I wiflx from my foul it may be Tours
2. Engmre the way ta Sion wztbyazgr face: tbitberwgrd 5 vftmi to Ihit €n&,
' purchafe to yum {elves an irzwarzi,/fiiritualépowerfizl Miwfier)Qwhatcver% it coi'%
you. Say not you are poor; or 15 yam do.,know that this is the next my to
recruit mare ates: tht: Gwf elnever comes em r -handed ma ca 1.25 it
Vbearsim own charges with advamaigc : 0 then, {my tbe mztf: ar:df£°)Ii.a not §
buyi: atmay prz'ce,%1"<'*:llic at naprice. Prove God hcrerwich, I befeech yougaxid
fee if he do not open the windcaws of heaven and pour out ¢ blaflfng uponjow,
. anfizmake your {after encz'»s.=i:!~. 3'05) more profpérwua than your beginai:sg.. _
3. Labour ta be C‘}Jrij?:'an.r ingood earnqfi: “A form of godlinefle will not -%
fetve the tum{ir: is a motb that wéil infenfibly .2212: on: the ~beam:y"&'. Pcrength
of a. cimrciv orpeaplegj Srudie Ilse power of it. ‘Yet: have new m1_de.:m' E%xpe'—
riment , ‘Awhofi: f~;:rv:ce is better ,, Gods oryour Emrmics. I f God be God
(wi€b‘1'%y0u‘now)4 j?3}1ze him, and Carve him like 1-lirxxfeifas Brperfzfi anew
bezzwnly Father 1'4 pe-rfi?ff : if after all this yau dalbr with G0'd,and ferric: up»
on ycxur lee: again, I mufi: % rophefie: to you in the Mme of t:hc%Lord ; The
troubles you:hav8’fu%f’fered ewe beerrbu: the beginning:~of_you2'fbrrom. %
, 4.‘ «From henceforth know ymu’rf3‘iend.r from your foe: 5 learn to difiinm
guiih between Gamplemem: and Reaiftie: ; The Bmnzb1efEzic!_rm‘i:ezrewflame
Adndpzttyamé rruflfunder my/imdomk I JTrL2i9c‘%VBramb1eano"'fn ., 4 ‘N ‘
a .
\ r ‘ ‘ .- ‘ ‘ I \~
‘ a_,‘L,__,. _ ‘ J. .,. ‘ \ Va, ..“ -
-,u , Q .
. ., _' W M
W‘ J ‘ I
? ‘J
t’ I ll
If’ ..
-«fl§}*’ {§‘‘**“5°5’\
”’ »r"‘* Km’/«V
AAMode1 of true
4 %e1iVered1n a Sermon before the
“ Hcinourable I-Ioufe of C 0 M M 9 N 35
Upon their day of . Thanfgivmg (belng
Wzurfday the I9 of Feér. I464.3._).fo1' the great
% Mercy of God in the Surrenderof theCity
of CHESTER into the hands of the A l
Parliaments Parces in Clog/J:£re%under the
%Conamand~wof:Sir.Wi1/inm Braretan, A
- PsAL.1:o7. 30,31.
Then mtlaeyglad beam/'e they l,zeVqAméet : Sa /Eeln-ingcrb
” them into me de"‘z%red hive». A
0 fbdtm W1dP?4if¢tb¢»Lara!J€ér 5:? éadvwat Wlfér ~
I M5 wonderful work: to i/Je ddildwczaa- mm Al
* the vtwfio ,former‘I’faJlvms , fhe I1~pIyh ¢
' -' ;¢€1:éb.1‘a¥¢= the»m£gkMtyA&: oF%MGhchmin:th¢Vb¢giming0f‘
B be
I‘ anccM and :pr;efervatior1 9fG§113r¢hm§;*In pthiéfi A
A9» A ¢ A Model of truespiritzml *1" /mazkfialgzweflé.
the Pfialmfimfihed the mermon of 1113 mercy and 1ovmg'kind-
mif: to his Redeem-cd,~ in the eight firfi: V;rfi:$ . he defcends gtiib
take notice What Gad doth V‘ “ % %_ V “
For the‘Ht¢-ngry',Va;‘:r£' , A L
~ j for the difiranjizlaxte &Dd.z:£fii!:E3£a'5 Vk;3rf.%1%o5 r»i:_,r 2%,13%,14.,.° * " A [
Forthe-fia11and4!a»guz;%wg4, VfirflI‘7',I3,I9,2o.' ..L 3% 2
A FurSm-mmandfuch%as%travc1upon the waters ;, fromthe
zgrm m5:Text. A A’ A4 ~ A A ' V ~ V ~ ~
He taxes notice what he dothin the Agteag tam: of Pram‘-n f '
dance, turning plmty *1_'5fltt'l?f¢mi#ti’},_" wharexxz hifs1f’»:§2‘iceis magni.-"
fie.-id, V..:rf. 33,, 34.
Aild (sack again)_fAmine into plenty; Whereinfihis;/l4'eri9£a"’ i$-%~
advanced, Verf35_.,36,g7% 38. A
A % ‘What he doth in breakingthe power of mighty *Pr.inces
turned 0pp%r4ejf[22r.r and ‘1'y¢~.émt.rf, in making them aantampxiélag.
and Ggingelike, Vagaé_pn‘&i} ca wander up a-nd:d:ox«vn<~i17n;~deii=:rt and?
hungry pl‘:-xcesg Vcrf. 40'. ‘
AndinA1Z.ft%ingvup the heads and .1‘cHZ0l'iflgth€ h3I§itationsLof% % %
their poor opp1:c:£T£:d% ‘Su !:s1':&sjandA Peoplc, Vert’.4-:1 .
W Upon',¢ac1jof_;hefe adiinifablc T#rn:_V0£,MProm_:'dw£e the ‘
Pfaliznifc fetsfla C'¢‘am;Vof' gloryf, V‘br”eathin'g outuhis enlarged‘ and A
as-peated défifes, that whenmmhVave%thecomfiw , G»i.od might" M
A have the graft Aof’~a1l_hiaA wondersyof ~Providence; ~ “Ola tlaa-at mm
Waxldpraifé the Lerdfbr E23‘ gbadneflgs 353. It iSi"thC éiérdm Of;
the Sang; Olatémi‘. mm wou141{>r:¢z'fé%t196 Lam’ 3.:
V M y-Text is the Fourth repetition of this gracious bréathifig, V.
pouredoutuovcr tha Fourth vaork and wonder of Provxdcncc ;~
namely _, ‘Nae admzrab1e_Vand‘r"even; fipupergdious % dclw-eranses
Whfith C93 Voachiéfifs .=ir9?¢:g.¢:r;r¢a1nd,Sef4-6:12:92 In §naay._aA
Admdfal. furima ‘Z33’/"?i’?"4¢33vz"\fi%W<-'-and gcfiégtfl 3; éxgréfi *0;
we life in the x;,'a4,25,g6;27,‘23;29”VérfE:S.;:A V « " A ‘ *
I £11111 not m¢ad1c’VW1tn%%thc%D zeli :):r*anb*;-A‘ it "{e1F*, VV though; if E
A mould, it would he n‘eitheriVmpertinent no: im ptppenfot the-»
?"vvork> of»Vthi’9? Wday A “ ;jf'm;f “cer’ta1f "iv-rnan‘ 1?’z1i;glf1t“€a{i15%wV run a
~pgra1l§+lybct'w3?een: ghééfiatc th“eT‘M§rin‘e1'* imhe fh~:£rzx3,;jand*tl}§
~*7con”ditiona=of V :t.his“p?o%or “and‘»yc:; b'1e::din%g Ghurch aTnd‘State. A %
% In »l’relundwax1&*‘
A We that have gone down Ainto t%heV‘Sea”,this RV:d-fl*a of Mead,
__ and ; have _ had our bufinefI:now.:for thefepfour: or fiveyeers in: .-
E“"5-’A"’.‘i"“ A % V A the§c.
{sate ‘ rznswsté-T: 'osc;s;z&fn‘? 7;} {uni} we fiv;'Aye,',{eer1‘tbe M.»
A Made! cf Vim: Spiritual i”1'lJ:wIe_,FaInefl?,-. fl M 3 M
. grit
afzrhe ‘1g'fl0r1{_.f aft/ae~Lord,% and Aha? Wkfixders in the deep : Ifever npco-"=~ Vflffi M-
.pLe fawsthcworkx , the wander: of the Workings of febawb, N
we 11*“ vs. A s h _. ‘ ‘ 1; "
. AW: have lived ( I think I may fafcly {peak it )‘ in the grcatefi;
Age of wander: that ever th: Church knew. A
s lift! to fayfiJT/Iimcler are cm]? A; but truely , if was
. have ceaférd tn do jklimclet, God hath not ; and yet he hath
done them by men too, in this Deep of Englmzdxs and Scatlandx, A
s and Ireland: trméle: and afiifliafit.
‘A Far ha cammandetlmnd roagfetbflp Ilse/$07271} Winds, w§£ob liwtv Verfs :54
s axis 1: the wave: t./zereofi Surcly all the [forms and tampefis that
have beaten upon theft three Isingdoms , have‘ not come by
chance and fortune ; this affixflzxon hath not rxfen oat of the .
Adm? ..- but as it was with Salaman , afrer his heart began to de-
part from God , it is {aid , TI” 5'7"" /Hrrvd up flm_f1d'vcrfszry n‘K'—“$9 "J4"
ztmta .S'olamm,%Hadad the Edamite, 8£C. And {Vnrfl 23%.) God
fiirred him up auatker ddmrflzry, Rmins r/nafian of Elindaia. " Ad»-
xrerfary after Adverfary,and allftrirredup £7 God. So hath it
been and is yet with us; Storm after Storm, Tempe/E‘ afiter Tmz- _
pcfl ;% one clam’ of élaad and wrath aftaianothtir ,, ( The clamd: Ecclefa 2.2.‘
have retflrnsféd afmirain ) and all mifid up by God, in his srigh... '
teens judgcment upon thefc finful backfliding Nations. We
have (as it followcth) £4-an smamztedap to heaven , and then
hur1’d dawn againintotbe dept/9.1‘. A
\ Oh the various changes that have been; uponus I Snmtimes
up, and fomtimcs dorm; fomtimes mifed up as high as heaven,
' by whonderfnlADe1iveran<:cs and glorxous Viflories , anon cafi:
dnwnevc sslwe ‘he11,b fadb ‘ f A ‘. dASiMhc
nloffenof out; f1$'tr::¢£‘1aao:air- Y A mglqflg: 0 our "am an w“&a KI?“-,.
A SUI? ly %az::rflml.t {mm been mi-[ted éeoaztfi: mmble. Out‘ kept:
hfiwebcen melted, and our /mart: have sheen snmelted. Oh how‘
of: have ‘I fisen paleneffe in mans faces , the very fhadow of
desth upnn mens countenances 1 how oft have 1- {can men
W1th that hands upon their loyns, " while fear hath takenjhold
;lJpQn%themIn,sAand{straw ;,,.as pain upon av woman in travel P
Have we not been in the day 4 of {adntidings frwomsnthe Weif, and
pther placss in the Kingdnm, zzndmxgm am full of the finy V643 W
*8“ AnsB2%"s V
F 4 A‘ MaJe'l~%4%Avf rmé Spiritual T)9473éf#lflejTé;.A
ta? tI;»3 I.mA'~d,A amt Eebuekesi of: l oar“God, reclifig A w muiifra in wt‘
{pit-its, zndflaggering 1:1 om-Counce1s% ;, gt om: win and Par.
liamant at their wits end , and Girie atthexr Wxts end , "and Ar-
C.'Jl"V.'J','!3:_? % Amie: at their Wits end ;% All their wifdam/imllawcd up , as the ,
\ Hebrew figfnifiés; nonpluh‘. and 193:”, not knowing what to do- -
next; unleflé it were, witV%hthe%Marin€:rAs in my“'I‘ext «( F51: the
“"53 *8’ 6 mofi part the ptof“aneflc vofmemto go and cmaead in am‘ tram» ‘
A _ file betake our .{e1veAs to ourfffiing and prayer: ; when God;
.3 K"‘g‘’'°‘ ”‘ hat}: fliapwed himfclf eafie to be mtreatee!‘ , very gracimxs at the
voxce mf our cry , 4nd_19azz=FJ»£'9r6:4g/at as am‘ of tlzefg diflrcfl»; and
vwfé :5 A 7 {trains where1iAnA"Were, «rézfming rlaefim-m}, and fiiizing we waver,
farz.-Aes. A A
Thus hath the Lord done, as often.heretofore,fo now Won.
. a dae'rfull%y~éaf :1Aate»at D%Avzrtmautfi'1A and~Plymoh{t/1 , at H erefbrd _, at
Belwyré, and at Céafier, the Wonder 0% mercy which we this
day cc1raI.xog.;*fx; ‘
eyful in glea-“ye 5 let them dlafid apex their Pf&I.I4-\f,>i.V‘5,£5A‘:_V
Pfahlfg 2%. %
M fa; 3054.29.
I’faI.9,;a., %
Pfalg 2.x 2.
3* Mich.7.9.
A o foo Cor.-,r.9.
‘*2; Pet-M4 A
V ;
AA Modelvf tmc Sfiiri555aleT/fixxrikfhlflefltf.
Righmm one-132,, the weight ; the Sazinrx, in Wvhofebofoms this
grace dwellsgaod whoean manage he this Spiritual fervfce an-&
duty of rejaycing and preifing the Lmlin a right manner. ” A
Indeed% the holy Pfalmifchdozh of-ten hexprefle the Workings 0E
his heart uponéthef receipt of great hdeliverances and mercies,
h under the notion of gladwejc, an over the Pfalme; but you are V
to take has a Symon mom , or father expreflion of thankful» A
$cej]"ef~; not a meet: xrrmg of natural joy and complacency in A
andhfor deliverances and mercies ; but the Spiritual movings
and fparkling of his affiflion toWardsflGod ; in Witnefle
whereof, you {hallo never finde that notion {land fieglc , but
(like the " Spirit ofthe holy man himfelf joyncd amt; the Lord,
eitherhas the ..»4utlaar or as theoéjeéfof hiSAGIa‘dnefl‘e. ‘
I will beglad dud rcjaycc in thee. And “ . h
Be glad ix the Lard,‘ ye orighteam. And
That: Lard kw? mode and glad through thy W0rk,rf§"€. hto fhew
e ‘that his gladueffl.‘ was fanéhfied and fpiritualized into thegmce h
h of Tkenkfalnefl}. ' e
And: indeed Grace is nothing elfe but the naturgl afi‘e&ion
énptimd ( asI may [0 fay) and regenerated by the holy’ go/29.55
_ andothe [dad of C’/arifi‘, fflC€fl"‘and’.p0£I¢t9d upon Godas its pro.
per and highefi oéjeff. Set yam of: £750» on rising: 4502:: ,,V not on
thin :‘an“t]aemrt1a.‘ Set, and Set note: the ajfi.-em is not chanu ‘
ged 1n the matter of it, but in the aé-ja&‘.e
So natural fizrrongandogri.-af, jpiricualieed and let: upon the h
right haéjeff , faupon an * wafinded God, is thegrace of *‘;Repm- he
mace. And Anger farzfiified and faced uponoGod5edifhonour" ,
is Zeal. And” Lwefiml Withafiam: from Cht'iQ:,:md carried up .
e in that flame ta Cbrifi‘, is no longer the afIe&ion , but the grace! e
of Law ; (fir .lC1:t£\6':8t'. And thus natural jay and glednefle hea-
venlized and at upon God,h is the grace of Tlmnlgfalm-fa. A
A And thish-ishtheofirit ediflerencee : eGladnefTehor joy ishut o e
natural affiflion Common htogood and bad, to man and beafi ;
but Thazxkiezminefie is that affeflzion fprinkled With the Blood of
1 Chrift , proper onely to the Saints, beeaufe (likethe Sam: A o_
himfe1f)hit ishmede pnzrmksrof the divine Nmm-. % A
M Secondly, theydifler in their Rwor Grey-MI. h
A he 4 A h T e
r Jgadel of Ws,m;.4zr;,4,a/ef,;m,;e. ‘ A
Tm; Rxfe or Ground of G r'ladm-)7‘: (asic is 2 Ameer natural a£f:- Setbnwd d\{f?€¥-¢’V
fliocrs) is mecrly the: pafifion offlwmefumélg: defiraéle Cfaad Whzclq '铧“= dmf‘ °”
come: in, whether N miaml , or D ameflic/Q”, or Per_/Iamzl 5 togc- r “n "
that with thofe natural fruits and ‘improvementsgwhich arife
and grow upon it . .A As here in the Text , Tgéen are they glad V A
What is the ARM: ? Becxmfi’ they be qmfet : they aronow out of.
A A thofe fears and dangers which made their hearts work as Cfim?
pefiuouffy as the Sea it felf. Sqfffy and rc-.5?’ aro theooground of
Atheiroojoy : glad, the (‘norm is over and thfiyflftfif m the I-_.Ia.vcn.o A
A And (0 you‘ may proportion it inoyoujrthoughts m oot,h:2r«
‘delivcrances and mercies National or Private. A * ~o V
Gladwzqfe rifeth not higher than the bulk and body of the
Good it {elf ; as the rich Fool in the Ciofpel look: upon his
imp of wealth, and laid: hisfou1_init, and in the advantages ho
promifeth hirnfelf fxgomit :
o thing: ; footthcykin him 3?
Soul, bare aregaad: laid up for many years 3. E16 H1311 o neéd ‘to AA Luke 12.19“.
take no more care orothoughtas long as hehvea ; new .1“/aim A
gmflé, t.'At,%drz°;2{m4—a’ Ea mgrricu AV ‘ "
” But nowfltho _G.;raum{:~and-R%Aowf Tkaa%fz;Zne]]L}itheyare of The Gr0I1nds'
of Thankful»
a more generous and divine Nature ;»fucha&~; theio ‘ - mm:
PirPc,aA Spiritual and Diwizza Ricgbroto mercies»; aSc2?iptm;e'»o A S - .
A title. What is that ? Why the Saints have ‘A §'~;,1e_ Pmtm
Fig Hz, a Right of Sanjbip. The wicked have a Right to
yvhg,t,_they have, not onely Ma 6513:?! o right b€foremm,V but a dijzzirze
right .bcforo'God but it is but 2; R ight of Crctttiaaig they oohavc
a_right ‘1A‘a ot{se€rm§t29!re:,_ but iris bota right of tine ACg~mmre:4 %: .
But no W the Saimts‘ha‘ve a right of Saxzflaip ; obildrw , thin RQm_8, I7;
ézeirx of ~Ga:I,;.msg1jaymtA=~/aeir: with Cétrifi‘. . Whatever. mcrcyi CI‘
dolxveraoceotfihoyhave, it-is partooof Ath_-sir ckilde: portion : though
thcyo are not j9yn;.-épzww;/Mfi’r:, yet they arejoym-/J4-“ir: with jefus
Chfifio: they have allbyoilihcritance mas ChriPc*,iS .Heir of all H¢b_,‘.,_.;o
fill M yams, andya:g:Aar£AC1ar£f}g5 m¢%zV:IC/2r£.s‘? 33 Gait. ; A xCor.g.;-,1-,,o g3. o
” A ‘ _AAnd thus;beingCl1i1drenand. Heirs, thtzyohavea A
Second Right” , and thavis a Right of Pro;-mfi oi: Comm»: ~; A
and. thereforefielxeversoarc ca11’d ‘T/an cb:‘1a’rcn ofApmm;‘/33 becaufiz Rom. 9.8;
they beboth ‘=1 éegattm and ‘’ m.z£nmin’al by promzfflc : whatever “ ‘I P?!-I-4-7 A
thEy_ have, thcyhave bywpromifc oz Gadline 1]? I2: profityzéle for all 6 1§T‘m'*‘$°’
A % ‘ ‘ % A‘ ‘ thingy” ._A %
l V ‘ A Medal of me Sp£ri:n4lTlm21kfulncflk; A
;l;ng},%/a:zvz'ng t/3: promfifc of the [17fl"Wt'£wtt new 224', mm’ 15;: evbich
to same. Others are fed oat (Bf the Comment émket of Prarzyi-v
dance ;they arefed out ef the Arkyf the C'awndm'«,~Whi€h is the
great L£f2‘- 0]" the pramlifir. Every childe of God, be he never for
poor", is ferved in Plate : The Word: cf we Lam’ are pure wordy,
4 1’l'a1.I“2.6.
H er‘e”.4.7.
£hines*o‘f' hieface andlFavour,asVer£7A.
V A Whathe hath, he hath not onely by Gadsileaw ,
’ pl A e you llaallfinde the Church glorying in th
Hal .1 e 5'. 7..
Pfala xx. 53
y Elven: Charger ofhthfi Cawrmxet.
we Silmwtriad an at frmwwe of earth. He {peaks of the ward
of lpramzf/E. So that it b€bt1tlrre.w1,and Water , yet it fer-l
ved in to la childe of God in-(the
‘heap of mercies anacemtortswhich tAl1eyA' do poll?-fie, Aorethat
Worldlings do peflefie. A A A A A A l A A A
1 Titan put ‘fiearbglgdneffe into my ézeert they zfiflie time '
that ltluir com and their wineenerea m’.
Haw .? Why A,
by the
Thisis the Rite of a gracious ]dyandAThaenl§Fuleell‘e', That
low; not by Creatmefiip onely, but by Sanfiip ;
widence onely, but by pryamifl'.y With
the Prz"2¢cipazlliSA more thewthe Intern‘?
not by pro-
the men of the world,
1 .- but every childe of
God alccouhts his Jan-rafi more then thePrim*ip.e/. A Therefore
yliverances and mercies are Gwenant-merciex. If Gody dellroy
her enemies, {he looks upon it as a fruit of the C’a»vem?m~.l
l VH3 :5: the Lard1ai£relGed 3135.5‘ judgement: are in ml! the World.
‘She Atreiuenphs in the execution of Geds m:g/ateam jmlgemexzx
Ezpon the enemies of the Church ; but upenewhat ground E‘ It
follows, 4 A Q l A A _
e He hath re meméredfitk Gowmwt far e'z;er,7&C. I t was at 41635-
mwmce of Pmmifiras Wellasof Prawidezace ;- Covenmmmera e
«tie ; in t/mellhe rejoyceth : yea, lifeit be but
I {aid before, the looks in what iris ferved; V V
He lmt/agizzczx meat to t/acm zémtfimr /aim -' Why A?
He will’ 5:’ war minafut ef /9:7: Covenant.
Her meat ( how ceurfe (never) was ferved in in the great
And this was the rife of
'I‘hankf'ulne{l'e in the Chut'Ch€S.G'nzce ; q. d. Blejfid éa god that
hath fled me ':w2'tla érmd of promz:/E’, that laws}: commpzndaii’ 1519: Cam-
mmt to érring me inprawf/Fen.
bread and Water, as
V fllzrer ayndgeldm VE{rt?lSA0fth6 ~ A
Prdmij7:':A : And this-alfe&s them more then all thebulk and l
but with god: ”
is», That‘ all her de---? A
And N w
«4VrmMWQ’%spi+2%¢:2:t%%rban£fl:2n%%§ 1 % 9
V A And fuaFo1;r her, delivefan+cves*a‘nd% réd‘etrrpqt“ibnwFirom'eiiezIiies
« rtemporal and eternal, ‘A Mflefifmz Rgdemptiqg to ink pebple,‘ he imfa Verfc 9; A
~ commmdedflhix aveamfflif‘ %vI:3aljr‘“air§‘af‘r¢'verenci :3‘. bzk.N4m#o
ItT+{‘i;i.9ézsV?‘~»Aa L:,¢£’a*z»an*aur-‘m'éZarie* and ,xe4e»a;pm%. ;’ »a1j1tltAfc5r""fhis%fha
» bows her head, and adore: the Zvnmeb V the Ldrcl.‘ ' ' A * % ’ “ j
-New carnal pgoplenever look 2 get thjefc ‘things. , they ha A = A
=d‘ry_andIemptynotignsm them 5-,? givetlgiezn mam, 3170* it‘ be free %
and dainty ; give, them ID,eliverahcEs’*é;i1%éi ViVg‘3:m‘iesf {ea they be”
and "g’d11a at be bY’pra7jé%'Abf”p26a4aia{aga¢; éoéfié they it; by
finfiipr ‘arcrwazm/a;;sf; be it the Cbz:m2z%a:é«4that helps’ them ;. ‘mi
1~'%‘armm,% it is a~I1*enc°:, they know no dififirrewnce %; and therefore‘
rife no higher, intheir jay and g}_.jagI'n‘efl‘e than }the;poff&fli9n of
theirmzfiraablé «fithjnga This‘i'$*the fiffl: :Rife.‘4‘ I %‘ K 3 F 1 M ‘
. L Se¢Irnde;R»i*£§¢id‘f Théhléffilnéflié is; The Rétirrzéi‘ of P¥rk1jrd5*‘;,; i§{$econ&
The childrenwof Gyochwhcn they have.wpray’d, do nbtfoirgeffiroufld 9 %Re..:;*
their praiyersg as carnal people do »: but when they have pgaycd, V‘“"‘ °f P‘“Y‘“'°~
they 10614 after theix:4Prs£yers. Iwi/I hgarlflefl what Gad doe Lar%d. Pfal..8g.8;.
W1’/i.@a¢z&,“VV‘;6%Cc.«whenWe‘*haci3d0Vr§_epr4'ying, he%begins_I5kar&n£ng.;%% % A T I M
5.“ if 97 % 1”5»:f*7r1fi§‘7’;i?5§}?‘g; "I my par;;ya?'"tmta thee,‘ Pfal‘ 5
Am MI w£!J!aak;m«p. “ fA: cHi1de% ¢‘oF‘%%GdA?d‘%4%l'3oks% afterhis prayerfi , %
and he knows them when hefeeathetn again, andfays ._. V“ %g9_IgA
_ “ 1uere‘%conrfies"rf3e~ aiwfwér qf fits/in prajcf,tIacVi*ér3M§4of% flip}: .;;;.J,,{’
‘*3 cf%HumfKi.m'on*: am! this a&'e&shis;I1ea>rt, arf;d?this% rai{cthA up.
hiSiV"fQuI~i:n§4‘fiI§-grggyzqw pi*ét£fE':Vdf"Eod;V. I {file fard, éeé*§:&Mé,%A A ‘»
a:%bg;»magaimj wba£m*c~a7id wj‘fi§;ip?£c.&t£an; ma, ma Pot‘*€fi§§‘hé ‘fi‘°‘a‘°“5“'
ca1l‘sMii1*he1pto tliisgreatz Wdrk‘ of praifimg Gdd-(ad th;éfCTifcipi%es4
beckoned to their fellows to command help them When""they* ‘.
hadiakén fuck 1 grwt A draught tiff fl/hrs, that their {hip begantto
~ % 15% -£1 ‘gu2';ck¢3Z“’d;m‘M_gh;._Adiflmcrg§e_;¥:;
.wafiichA:e"vcm%%‘j"”z;m’lér % i«A*thé“weighi: 6? fthem, calfs iii
the Saints ms 1‘;i9~Mt1eI¢P.: wcoana 2:335»; all%yié’§hatfe4r4‘Ga:i, anzil w;xz[m1.sa. :5.
W: W W%5fiW°1”b4tbd0rirjWwz~]3ul. Why, wmwasi: 2 He f %
te1isyouA =: f Ivriéiwvra ‘Aéimavirh wrAw_wi2. «whew»: 4xt’ahl¢k1:V‘“£' 1% 4
wilt? wr=tvvgvq+'&‘fpe¢dfe‘retumAbf*Pirayfivs: ézgd-””I»ik€.Pt.4! am cf
V";-r. gm ' % ‘ A j A 3/ejfad '52 6'52 :Im¢‘1m1;‘ parAi);+»:3”22‘;5;aj. 2;; p:§ xjér,33r« 14:2 flitfwf
..tual'a.dvan-. %
% fiiéfiéwwwe h
» thé recomfl
. {rem meet natural %G1ad»¢fl- 15» I A _ %
Gr°und’SE1d’ A ‘ ;;S’pirima; %Ad'z2m2ta‘ge.r. A _ M
cages. Q4 7 If Niti‘on°a14i%and 4Pu‘bL1ike Merci ape! D;-liverances , the
Saihfs éxé%**!i?%4+5‘r€i???'5*"i?é****i§F.thfimté A i .‘ 2
E?£#'a1.;8:5_¢9a. A‘ .Sm=ly‘ /“elm; H I9 1, . - mg/g u;ztqzVt/:t?71%,WA?J’3='flf him; fiiWhen
‘ were nigh tfoAp:3?if/§3?f_,§.VC5U15_(3'C>d wasmnigh fofifim 5 m fave‘ us
ij:1_f1';ch a .3fi4t‘z_r”e{ and In a%dangyez+;_ to5g1ire%up fuch and fuck
a.firéng-£olJ¢ut.of‘% wh1chthe‘enem1esdid' vex. and plaguens,
Grcjuridjof Tbfifléfftfiifltflk %%
becélife he ‘h:id% a pcévple .l1S;tha'{:_.fl5.ared Abé-JNam:;A'A 1 I,2;btlt;
, A A: 1 now__thc;.:c waffl 3APii‘ifL1ia1}wPfl1?tVi¥? . ?;$hiSV DelivcMra“nccLA, and? that
» A %% A‘ 1 r .4 “ , '
AT/mt gléry Away dw_e£T m L;md:% What 18 the glory 651*
‘pebp1e,but thej%Ord~ina"nce£.‘0f' God T/%;%:v glory z2rdep4rt:a’= A
H, sa 1£_4‘~z5_ * fin» 1fi».:el,A%.¢ried%‘*Athat dying Saint. when , "rkfi Ar&.4afA.% Gad wgus
taken wlqyiéz nowhthechurch I60ké.upon.the /Em-in’; and».
u W-%ia_np‘ra'vtm:nt oi;*the*OtflinanG€5 °f‘GQd,;:.‘~_k3S the fruit of .:thi' s=.
dé1iv%erandc,».gnd.that is.the%gtoundb£ her triumph. A
gAnd'foi if they be pt-rfiznal.v:.nerci<=;s a‘qd~«.de1ivcranccs,tbe people-A
Qfj‘ Godenquire whgt p ort1pn W111 fallgto thcfim’: jlmrq," what‘
A impxoyemexgt fol; grqaf they can findein thmzti mercicsg, The.
31-a_38:_i 9“-3% '4 1*'51£*zz£z'g,g¢l92:'l:}'*;f?;ag[LaI1pr§;% IA/J6t,4: ‘I dqtlqérdaygfo fingSH:zeI(§n/7;
3531.9. 13, ,
flgfir, 3£.c;, If ; 11
%’H;wé%%w;er_cie I:!p¢an3m§' ¢ Lflfd ; A1: Fmfider trattfilc which {I ~
34,. ' ‘ A ~17’ Isa: J ma}/Zéwfivrflfi 4}? puff? tI9e_gA1;c;¢A.A§1f4%tl.v: aI4il‘g }Iter"°4
4 af“.S’£ManV;»f0'127=73)’3 D W?/54'. : both,.,fing1«§ ¢Nt%th€ +$';vz'rimal%pamI
6f the Deliverance : in fthc.mo1a1EI§g5
;it,,thcy findcA“Afaa2jdAfdr% the = 44
M *1 fl graw¢._:¢% ;Jf:T11iankwf't11nCfTc4to feedbnu jg majflew fortéft/9];
';g§wj/2:: ; and thaithey makg the rounder; rat; ‘oft-hair rejoy-4
ci1::g.' Yet}, the Prophet Dam‘ is fointcnt upon thcmatter,
that Whfiffifl ifh C:3rflfi1%%h€M‘t$rt/56 1:421 {§'1.?2€. camp the fat , the =
wgrzlglj p,ir:'AoFa‘mwerc3g devoursA%%the,lame:,ml; ilndfi2iritMal;With~
thfig manfdf't’c:r Giods’oWn"hear%: "{an&dAVifev¢p he .was«{o,it wasin‘
this ) the./ggirimal part defiant: and fwrallows upthc e.mInly,, ‘
M°a1..g,2. 3; gghcyc hccloth; czgcouragc his {aux Hag: them}: God 3_.far I _
Tn A ‘V “ A fiwi
”” Mode! of mm 5P"""’??"iA 7'l*4”*f’ve??i¢I}%« 1
from c perfecutiems of 6loadyA.$‘mgl, and he hAAathf9rgAo't ma
(of? hot Air and laimfirlf in the Iammly-/bx1.pm~: of etheerncrcyg: ~
he“ {aw it would be face! For the grace of love and tbaaafifulnejfiv,
and Athatfc takes up aftllthis thoughts , that he can {peak néthiqg
Clfc but prazfe, prazfi: : not, I {hall yet be delivered : but, 1AjEm’Afl
jet pmife him, &cA. Oh happic Loffe indeed 1 to loft: Earthtin
fbaI£.A4}e&praifi7a;'m, &Ae.°.e HeAA Awas Waiting for ai‘ADAéAl£wr4m.'e
A Heaven 1 4 to lqfe the Creature in»God Al lofe the tnercyAof' God
in the God of mercy I Surely he that {o lofeth a mercy, Afindes
it with infinite advantage. ’ e . A
V C hIt might infiance in. more particular graces ; but I muft
leave much re your own enlargement. it A AA e L . A
But thereis yet an higher Rife than all thefe pf the Saints A A A AA
_ i Thankfulnelfefor*Mercies and Deliveranees; and that A A
_ _ Fourth1y,~ist, that Gedn} exalted; AA A rm 5
J Thuseif ydu Will perufl‘: that flmg of Mafér, Exqd. I 5", from Rife, (3049
A A the firfl Vcrfe and fofforward, you {hall finde that which moi}: °"31““i°'A‘°
affefis him and the childreukof Jfi-aeé’, in the drcpwning Aef
A ;P/anew/at randfhe rEgyptz'an.r in the Red.j%¢z;% was not fo much A A
Athfiil‘ being Freed from the {carer the Egypzinxx purfuigas that A ‘A A
thereby God was exalted: I will flog unto the Lord ' 5 far He v¢,r_,;
r bat/9 trz’mAnp/rlcdglorimfly. A *
T5: Lyra’ ‘gm’ flrengthdnd 7mAyfimg,my fatherm» Gadgamdl WM Verfc z.‘
Prdi/3Abim.e e-rte»AB!a;:raa1a’s* chariots Aandr This hulk hath He cafl ?in;tesA
the Sea : not {oA much that it ewe; done; is that god did it.A.i*
_ 77:} right hand, 0.Lom',z3~rbecmi2e;glorim£3Ain5pawcrA .- tbyhlg/at‘ Vex-1’. 6. A
kind, 0 Lerd; barb dafbedtlae cnamicrinpiecex. ~ X he he t * A A
And in tbegrcatnéflé qf thin: ea;-cc1¥oncyA/than Imff afwrthrmn verge
t-htm that yo]? agaifafl thge. . A 2, he 1 r H W .5 'A
AT/55514]? of naflril.r,$£c. e A 'v¢§f¢ Ag_
Tfirmdidfl £10»: with thy W£ade5AA&C.A ii A‘ A t . A AVerfef1o.
A /a_qezlr;lik: mm: t/ace, 0gLard_., ozmmgAth:gad.¢A! And Tb:ALard;vc,5._. ,g_
flaErcz:gnfarewerbmdw:r.A he he the A V 1A ~ \ A
T11l1$thc3( lift; Auptt-Gadxbecaufe he h_atAh? léfted up ht'mfEZf.~r A~AndA~
fix the ainfs in the Rmeldtiax, when they repeat this Song ‘(fem-'
15 13“ 53151:; he T/neffizn ' tbejfaxg of Mafi: t/at ScrfaAmAnt\ ofA*tbe Lord) R6?-I5-S-A A
A €115? 5¢rp~.upon:this« ring, Gran and marweliom are‘ tiny wor‘k3;AAy%ve,f¢ 4“ V
Lafd Gad Almzglaq : who jhall natfmr thee, 0 Lord, analcglofifis-**
fl9jNaa.:rie.? ‘ A A e C 2 A In
The feur2hAAAA A
E!od.x5.. *-
A ' A ¢%.ImLword, yqujhave t~hI‘§¢-,:Pfa1msAWalmofftogether ; «.P/aim‘
hat?t11.€,.§,l%’!’&9xf1c:>*A‘andVi I7)g§hV§t'§n‘(;5§ .wr:;1*e:, TI
gicagqat ggll «a.;‘bur»»th1§ .mnm:phA‘A%md:a11=:s..‘:~271ae4ALam'
arm .wf1v»f-zg A =
“~and.;Px:aif~e , ‘ 1Th’atfiod»_{éts% him{e1fup~above h-is enemies: That-"
W W25 geVts+g16rV% and 3%tnI:ffr: tc; his own Name .-.~. 5
Pfa1.2 1.-I flgdirlaast 1€~?¢i3.[ti’d;; 1?? ~L‘qwl,.zz¢_t/emf: ammflrewgr/4 so wTJ11V*w:fi:w}g
l'}wipre=é/’édd'%1a2* Pmvrs ;
W z‘aa%mi2£%eI.i;;gae&Ry;brarrzganxgruinecarc
I_c4omgqoWm_t9 tIée.thir'd di&E-1-ftenée betWeén%t§3Vl:idnefl‘g and
Thankfiilneifeg which ishthisy; A
I‘ M
A _ Th§rd~‘4Di9'6i “ 4}kk%VThey;»?»d%i&'crin th€ir‘D¥mztz'a7«g
5°31? ~ -
Wm-m 'm'olen.-'- ,
’°“‘¢=% D**"“‘i"T§A% G'l¢?i”9I}'3';:f01fth€m09Cj’p2:rti$ but~‘apre[&nr impetus of fiviritg,
A . a ffiddemimpféflién upon the V5153: VA~a1‘Ari‘val*%of;un»exps&ed%M, or
1V % ‘ 1ang.expa;&;d dafim, overfpreads the hr.-art ; .but Rays“ no lozagcr
then the {cafe of the gpod-rcjoyced in“ {is.fre[h4 upon the.
AS on tha cpnt1'aI'Y?., you {Ce there be fame (udder: A and :
% 33;’: }.'«”F€’P”‘“" ‘i;€§*uptions9f~;.grief which likfi :a~1mzd- flaw! lay-as all: under wa-é_.
.A tc;',Abuf.g.re»quick1y‘ gofic. r , 4% [ L
M ‘Menzies and_Deliverances =to_% acarnal “hear: ’:me=likefimer.s~
A __ that _upor.,x,tIa,¢in-fir£t““‘cun¢1ng.fm¢ll-veryafweet,» and theyarefput
33¢? ‘iifl V:?*(tf1€?*s. b.@.farn%: 3,41% e.;r;li»,l:_Rn"qA'1y 'V‘n.Vq‘ yl \. 915‘! ' ’\‘vI ' " 1 “ " ‘
":a'."’? 3? I
a‘1")a pr(rV§dA.f:‘f‘I;:(»~ ;A'A §“£m:r%?J4A{%3gf"'£g;% '“wA*rA.g£1y ‘§3’€V311t-8:3; A % ‘ %
V 7 38?}j£reinj7r;’9s4eA wiay Al ;tagfe‘~;faAw‘At zgf _m~‘~:~~.: ix A?»
W a_Agn;.Aa_t w,()rl{#tc£E'I§.tai&'?,l‘.y>':.J WAS 7it"§A$‘§t¢Q x':*A:;V!G»t;*' A‘t1‘}a.ti'*:.§A‘=‘v‘.* m
A rEznembr:r'a11‘1the wa}r‘Vwhe%r[Ein t!1e‘i;.,.drd‘!*§::ir'i’1 lad. as ‘taHt‘{:?? {aw
yeer.€75 what i‘sAV%>iét: té remernber’ the 2ner’cicSA :3? fwzie ygw..*~;+A;r A! %
yet as "great as it i§%,; as Gad doth charge1tup<.:>nh1s p:=mp1>.;' ,,A Afr.» A
Dlgmidghargctihhim?1%~lf withAi;:%: A ” A A“ N ‘ A ; L _ A
L01"d,"[)r§$y¢[;§fi",~.dI2KI’fi3?"gE‘t‘£flf3tA _ f V pfa].1g3, 2;
gAO,n;e Aingnc:di'ent A inim Ti1an}~:i31V A ~ 9 AA A
God hwlsile flaw? my M-£rfig: Ahisfv'~Th%a:AAA1k‘fi:f’tiEfTe is as 1L:A11g‘1‘ivcd Pfa1.r:o4.gg;' V
asQ%himfc‘:Alf, it knew no other termination their: life: it; $721? :; ye{1,
fife mufi: not bound “his praifc; A I AVMIJ pwzifié the: far‘ m~.« ; that "pf;-1, s.,”9_
N; A
is his engagement to ikmcig and if 1‘:AhaMtAbeAtoo narrpwg A figvxllffi %
put an ez'1e9~*A3.t the topaf ‘fhfit x:*"£"!2ér" ‘g‘ " "WM élfifll? N.£mé wvpfal. I ha
Amer .mdem-:7 ‘;A? “na::sthi7ng Vfhmt c33{'*A ctexfnity ’ aliftcrrniV's*1a1fe%_}xi‘§ AA , V A V _
°1";hankfuA1n<:{I:;; :~°theA R'eafox:: isgbécaufzfi (as ydu hav¢#AfeEn)T%4hainfli<~ A A ‘ A i
fulnefle tal{es%it‘s R:/‘e f7rc9mA¢!13raHa and mnahaaméaa ’gmuancz"s“;A %
the%Cavsn.:mt :35 §3od,;gmd‘his glafygwiiisshlikchiinfelf a’re%é;;r—
H A amhand '& »He:" lmzrlei éw2f;2_dnt°ft$r%'¢jir£?:‘
A 'AAT1%ue1y §?sVth‘e“Rye;"Idthed ‘cipemaimaFAAtneer‘~carhaI%jay and
he!) and ivarzaéxefid ‘£3’-bi! 42731226,” f¢f§c*ii€'fQF6’§3f'i§;*lff‘iS,V
‘This fluail fufficefor the "third 7AIAc?0m¢‘Atci‘the fourth Difé A A
ference. A * ~:; A A A’ ~A A % AA
‘ 7* They difi'erAiAnAtht:iirA0Vp&wtior§:4 pf‘Rgg2::rgz:.‘A * %%
yiadwejfmre low, éarrlaly gflvkafaé-ml ;A 1;IikE' cufifiaty fire or fmnke, gem, _
{2vhichfeemAst@'afpire and %afcen8A31p%?to%laea:-m:(,; dr,%theAdemcmr
vf fiwAs but gets not above thcfirfz‘ rcgiwz cf the air 4.», ; onlike a "
laiie thick fqgga which ific iapwtard 3<fi:td$;a.<.if£a;1IM5 we-~
{€i‘itlyfAl“d%é:iWn1AA:FgaiifiA’ wan Aweig.g::A:p”;§er‘eA4M; ‘
Whsnceit arofm ‘So is WiAt\Ii“hVatiifa1$j;:3jr¢and*AF¢5r,‘ E A
AFir(’cA“, A either. it, is ¢%boundedAf and % fdrtia,ifia7ted %w:ithipi;Afe1f; %Carna1§my- A
.W~hi3;€9€ Dpsbn ghe coming in of 1omc:d:t:fir“cdA% or defimile gazed, f‘§3§;
’ “Fourth Di-&'c+
AA A F Zech.y.;{
_ % W14. » A AT W M e % A Model of
I; 1,6", A. A V. V it i:!_oth hugg M215, enei blefli: it felf: 1;/mzficcga ‘to its awn_ net,,—
%‘ and burns incmfé ta z't.r’am¢.drngg;z'.:. afcribfcs to its own power,
and po1§cy,and w1fedom,what is done,1ike the Babylonian Ty-e
rant ;‘ By the multitude of A my
31' the mountain: , and tkefide: of his Carmel, 8£C.e land I have
igged and drunk Vvater, and with tbefble: of my feet have 1 dried
up elft/ac River: af t/ac ée/iagedw places. Here is nothing to be
A _ heard bug], and mm 5|‘ andefe a11theeRexumeare dedicated to
e félf.-% puton fine apparel, diteffe as érgygeegzee the ..S'm¢ , cat the Fat,
drink wine in bowls, dance to theinfirumemsof Mufick , fer?
open “the Cellar-doors , drink fo many long:-kead:,empty ,‘ and
V their own fr:/I this is an Oxford-day o % V
I would fuck days ewereionely kept there A
orzelythe Tbwnkygiving of C;'gzvazlicrr.e \ \' , M . ‘A .. 4 ..A.
gotlmfirumen-t5_ But fecondly yifa carnal” jheart go out of it felf, it is ncié
‘ A W upward ; it is but forward totbe Cremm .: ’it1o'oks no high-
" Q V. er then the _/Econd caafi: ; it eyes the Inftruments, and cries up
‘ ‘ Commander: and Sauldierx, and puts the Zmymnd garland upon
4 A etheite heads 1;
4 tbmfim’;r;I God hath litt e bx: na {hare in thetriu
3; Refis indu- Or thirdly, if carnal
‘“‘-'3' very ;PhiliRi.nes did ('0 m V
fin, was {urrendred up into their hands, and .o]j":red .4 great 84-
3aag_ 15, ,3. erifice ‘ta}D ago» t1:wi77 g0d» «Sac. K I iE1y_, I f Ca-rnal joy go into the A
A e V Temple, bmr Ser.m.3m.r, fingv Pf}:/m.v,l1ft up the voice in Than leg-
gzvagein all thefeit gétsno higher then the dutie. The due-tie LA
lacks upon G0d,,t;b€ /mart doth not : or if;‘God be propaundca’,
* , A *:jdid}:% new-.cit%taeya;1rfi+lvex, and drink toyaur/élzreg A? A I I1 faifiing
and fm.Ft'z'rzg,Vthat is, in daysof Humiliation and in da 5 of A
‘Thanksgiving, they refiedethe in duty A: filf was uppermofi in
both: God was the aévjsfi ofthe duty indeed, but filf was the A v_
and .- 721 did mat and dr£nkta.ya:;rfilm:. ,
n zfl_Vp€0pI€ but the holding darazmia %t¥ac*/mad li/{gene éalrzt/Zvfar 4.
rc:dfo1f9.day.— A AA _ \ 4
A demand t'heirThan1<{givings‘arcbut the baldidg up the headlizkefi 4
"Chmfvtx aw Icaim up teeth: height
Joy keep a day or T banlgggi-zzingw as the ”
uch, when thatRrongAGari{on, e.~S‘am-
f%Tév:mkmgiving, and
5% I would thiswwere‘
Sam! /oat/a, aha hi; tlaaufimdx , and David kid mm W
Goa is not exalted : W/elm yefafied, &c. did ya at a/ifaffzmta %% "'
me, wen mstp :* ~.42zd when. ya did eat ,, Aéind when ya did drz'n/(_g ; A
’ And V A hex; thedtizie is dozie,$a!{.iSidoneAA : Atwhe Petting e%f°vc4'at'-% A
.4 Model of mu Spiritual Tmléfgznqpg. h
"4, Nathiflg outlives the ‘day or the dxztie; h Puhlike°Djutir:s are
gfithg and of the carnal? manshrcjoyci A »s:wthey are? b!Jjt%‘thC* ;/146% ~~
dam 1¢:;f'«thhe"},ho1y mans rej'oycin’g., thath¥fem)es h to.ad.vvanceh him-
I But
..~ v, v
,..q.—----—-- u
,‘ '_ ,, ...-,‘m ‘
‘ fqr?hfur;t:h¢;‘,hhaz§d ~f:zigk;z5 hRetI4m..n ..
V Springs,_ wwe fay , will rife as high hshthheyfallh ; anti {:3 doth" %
the saints ‘_2':/9'az;héfp,I,l71c‘E;;’ ‘; {as 'it?isa*grace which camfxhdawnfram Tme Than km
.¢«zW; .£9~;t2 IS =1 $396 that hhiafi¢?14~'Wh+#P ba¢kh38{31I1‘?’W?‘”:”ru1nerre works
find carrieth tip the {Saul with it thither‘: and that 4 1 Iv ~‘ M ‘~ M21»; 0%
I. In high adrnirationsandjexé-1tat.iomsh?oFGod‘.I 7é‘Mz§!%:xzfo1 I.i;h'In:txa1'ting7~
time, 9 ‘?Lard;L; for than hat}? Zéfted rm : : ‘thchuhafl fifiefd me up, G°d° h *
and thereforel will 1:‘ trim up; ‘ahndheh ~ 1l»s;1n.otherhh‘~htoh help Pf“'3°"'
him in this great work 3 0 magmfie t/:Ia\Lo?"d with mg, and {at PfaL34. 3,
m m1:,(a;a Iwme togetlg:r.h‘ V‘ And zthisuis A the cjuty: .t:hehh{Pi"alm1ft ‘
here commends to the fans of :xr':hen”. 0 that men“
«. ......o --'~-'’
A :“’Ml3""d*‘-’3."1l'l””""’*5'J"‘%f;’l"”‘l“’ ‘-T”“?"'*’J""’l’l"',”1fi" M‘ l
gavethem to be mm ; not fwd lbrlitbfi-it éadic: ,l Fbutfaozl fqr
ltheirfaitla ; that as longas they flmuld travel in thewildet-»
nelfe , where they féhmuld ~~mee£ Willi innumerable multitudes
of nanplrvflfieg bppofiticms and dmgers, they might remember
the Drdgom and the Levimlam ( as D m;%d* after did the Lima
and {:6 Bear) and their faith might befirevgtbmd when it had
fed well rm the remembrance of tlfigat wander of fallvation.
And fo it was for tha prefc:11t ; .l_;’3»~m=rl_,£*’£:.~;za> rim grmt warkwlaécla
the Lord didlwrpfofiz My Egypt izmx ; and #92] Zwliewmltlae Lam? amd
l 1523.: fewmat MW’: : a blélllfd frame af heart andfmilt of Tiaxmkw
Numb.14.. I 1.
fmlmz-jfl’, would it have held : ‘mu’: there was their fall}: and ma-
tbfigankfulwefa l;% they would nmtfelid upon this experimcel, and.
it became their j£nandthe1=r rmm in the Wilde-rneffe. ‘How A
Ionglwifi ‘£1954 peaple provoke we ? haw lo:-::g Wilfit 19¢’ are they 5;."-
lic-wm; fvwzllltlae figxcxlwlaich I lamref/Izcwcd. r/aemfin the. Wifazlerf
M wage‘? ~
Vcsf. 33a
~ Sexfenthly, in
erdering the 1
V ' converfanion.
A 1?‘-’£a.l..55o. lllluin
l In tbzéf ‘Wilderncflé they/Ml! Wander, mmltlvere they /Zvtzll. die.
l M But to proaeed.
A Seventh» operation of Thankfulndle is , A well.orderin+gA
of the Converfation : He tézttt ofaretb me prméfl-, glcprifierb we :-
bwtwa him tlm:t‘arderet1a hi; canwerfatian‘ azriglat , 35¢‘. , It is 3.-
“ kindeof honour done to God ,’ to keep a day of Tlmn/(:giw£r:g,.
to‘b:m*twa ;S'ew¢sa:2:,i~ltofz'ng Pfizlmx, to pray andprazfi, 35:, but
the main work is the ordering of the Converfatien, or, as the
Eiglathly, in
defstes that
others would
Hebrew-fignifies, difiyofing of 0fi€J‘WéZ}’3I'lglll'.m179az%:g‘_f#l lips‘ Clo
‘W611, but xfmrxéféfitl lives» do batter. 44 dayjaf t{9aa¢1{._rgirz/i-:¢gli8.
fa mrwhat, but dlfifc a‘ vtbanéxgéving is all.‘ %
“ Elgthyi, *a~t~l1anl< ulheart is fill‘?! Witl1_enlazrged*d¢:fz're!Matt'-
l7oilEer:,ltb¢zt all Wcmld he thanéfwl. The holy Pfalrillll: here cries-
out to.all"that receive mercies , that they would return pmgféx,
ace; He 9obferveth haw much mentake in from God», and»
how little men lay am: for God, and in troubled arit. Ha cries
out as aman impain and grief of fpirit , 9% rismr men would
‘pm;/2= tbe Lord 1» He would not willingly have God be a lol'er-
‘ by anywf the Wondarslha doth‘l’orthc‘cl3.ildwn~of men as and
"lurelylthis.an»high;mprelTmn4of Thmkfulneffe, Wli€I].tll€l1€a1‘t' V
ltravclslwitlrholyldefimslthatall the warld migfit come in and
m ssflbfilary §9“§h§ s1oryl;°.f 99¢ it is: the dafisneof tab;
1 _ » .14:
A‘M0&’eZ erftme Spiritual Tbaméfafnefle. V H I9 ‘
Pfelmf thorowoafthe thafxVa1fthistday,It»vi1l not Rand to analyfe thismercigntprtttwake
in pieces this Work. of God , tiwxfurrender of that {tron xmas
~ pregnable Hold of Céefiar, though vcry grearg, antdiiwort ta
fDet._{»£w{.g/51: amt Kay £5./[tt'»l'd£.”??3’€l0£t take. plesfztwt in the wm:iGod this day ; comcon, fctup tfiézzmals,
ant! placecasa/tiexce thereont astan impartialfizdge , to keep a
Zittlettday af flwdgamentin gzourttbofoms this day’ :; Wt mm‘? 4155
appsart éefon‘ ~thet?wdgamm't-fiat of C‘/svrifi‘ one day? ; lifld? how
foot}, the Lord oneily. knows: Cbme‘, "(flirt not back ” beftertt
judge om-filives thent be judged of the Lard: If we carmtott Randi’
befbre our own Ccwfi-ism-x, how (hall be able to Pcandft
before the: t‘ 211443: what islgrezmr t/award?‘ /::2zrt*;t amd*k*tz0Wbt_H3
1Amdtherefet'E I (aid, when Iheardtlt was defignedto the {er-J» T
allthingst ;; the grmtféegrzrmmger‘ , fand??"~the~= ‘gras¢t~»laewirr-fétzrett =
t Come
"L__ .
A Model of truespiritimlt /m2kkful72£ffe;t A ‘ 2
.WCom'e on then, I fay , and {E6 xvh;:ther in this tonettérmicb “Of
Thankfulnefle we can approt-2: azdrfieltzex to God tobe a thank-_~ 7
‘_ ful peaple. V t
Iwitl not ravel into your bofoms to enquire with what
dzfi sjiziam of fpirit, upon What grounds and inzcreff: ; to What
and: and reference: you cfntred into the Salamn League and Ca-
-zzemnt ; thoughl with with all my heart thatym would 3 per-«
tt hztpfiyou wouid find»: a pazd in the flmw ; in year entrance into t
this tlovenant , pofli sly you may difcover mf/Em’ in opp0fi~
tyi.0ntoj¢:dgamcmr ;_ /aypofirifla, in oppofition to truth and fix.-as-t
my ;_f it may be, 5438?, lame, mrmzl em’: and aims, ‘in Qppofition
to Rigbzaazzfnefle , which are the fluwlificatiaats of a re1igiouSr _
Cavcmmzter ; perhaps fuch workings of heart as fometimest 3""? 4‘ 1'»
brought the Sickamirex into Covenant with the Ions of jhzca/7 5» Gen.34.23?‘_
Shall meet their ,6‘dtt£’[,t47441’/fl¢‘£7‘_/‘$55/?'o9Z3¢6't$’, and every 594]?‘ of tbairtxt
5:9 Mr: 3 &t‘. A perhaps thegaintingof fucb an ofiica , fecuring
theyefiatet, the keeping of fuch 3 Living, was in the eye,a5»r.':Oh.
let the K imgdam: enquire into this, and let every man lookinto
hxsown heartzfot ifit were fo, know oFa«cettin,thatt this was
firlt .faurce‘:yyand fountaiti of all thatyfin andyttmifchtief which?
hathbroken in upon us lines the day of our Cavenanting wirhé
Gad and with one anot,h::r. But this I leave :. the thing that
I weuld cleft upon with your onfciences,tis«this :.‘How /my:
ymexkept your Cawmzm: \1°itlayGodt?
Men and yBrethren, thaws: ye paidymr «vow: mm tin: Law}, ,tha«
Vows which ye utttered:inthi.~:s place inthfiday wherein you;
léfttd up your band: ta t7ae,yma:f,‘ high Gad ? “ . ~
If you flaallfay , Y,t~:a,‘we have paid our Vt:~~w's,taWnd ( with
84%!) We have obeyed tt/as wrist of riot» Lord; .‘l{j't:t1’i'1Hfj dam and»,
with Samuel , W124; mew: flaw the lawizzg of the oxen, mad t£ve~=-
éleatingof tty/ac‘/Beepytttin mime ear: ? What means that éimtif/3,
Mid émfily gnoife 0f*H-sre/56,. andfSc/az'fm , and»Prqflm£ne(fa in:
mine years 3 ‘ A A A -A "
Did yenot indeed «Covenant with God '3‘ the “pr¢’f2'M:mti0n rif-
““ Rfiligiofi i1¢"t}J€"C/dflfcéiflf Scotland, &C. and thfz] Refarmarian-N
“of Raligiam ixttlaa Kiwgalam: of tlikzgland and Ireland, in Dam
“ &',rim,t Warfiaip, Difiipline and tGa72¢'rnmmt , according to the
W074 af tGad3.yy tmdr/at amzmple 0f I79: 56}? Rqfiarmad Cbmc/Vow ? A
A A A by
an...» —
Hr»gg.[z 921$
AMMelaf tme Spirétml T/Lzankfislneflér.
T” w
Oh what is the reafcn then that to this day , the H 0%/é of Gog
ligzh mafia .? in fame places there being no Minifiery For want
of Ordémztian ; imat»&1er%s,_indc:¢din allplaces, there being mm A
Difcipline or Gog-wmmmt for Want of aa R:¢Ze%accnra’z'ng«:ra:técA
Wum‘ : no Difcip1ine,,'I‘fay, um1¢£TeitVbe amangft thofe Whofe
impatient zea1fufF<:rsthem*‘n0ttm Wait for your ciwii .$"smEZ~i=-«
M; 2 V/Vili ye fay ‘Ike time 235 not come: ; the time fa? éza_z'Za.’z'wg_' z*‘l.2.~z=~
Lardx .Hozg,/E is mt some 5 I cannot give yea the Prophets am-%
flwer ; I muft confcffe you have not {pent youaj timfi m buzldmg
your own 1913'”,/rr.?S ,2 and ceiling mm ; nay, fame of your houfes %
have been pu1£’ddow'n to the gmund, and the cezllfing defltroyed
wirla axe»: and fmmmerx, in the Pfalmifis language : But this I
pray with all myfoul , that you have not {aid fa, long ; Tb;
time :35 mar came, the zimc 22:. not mm, we are not yet in afittizvzg pa»
?§m'c*, (_ Oh, my foul trem bl:-:3 ta {peak it ,3. till God fay The
time fa M52 , %T»’ae time ispazfi‘ : Bfmmfé I W%an[d.1azz+a:e‘%p-mgeaig .
and téw: Em]? mar purged ; than f/Emit rm 5:: purged ; than ,/Zwzlr
mt fie pwrgcdfmm t/5] filtbimcfla my mare , til! I have mm/Fed my
fm*y%to Mi? upm tiara. Oh , if the Lord flmuld {peak finch 3;
Word againfi: us , 1:’ figlrzwl is undone for ever. I; am much
afraid,;;it you time it out a little longer , youjwiell have no mm.
rial: tobuild the Lqm’: Iaaufe withal , uxxlefle you will build“ it
with the j/Ezracéx and tlaarm of the wilderm:£fe.% .% \
But further, how comes it to paifea I befeech you, lines you
aireunderythe Covenant go? God , to rrzfi::rm* according to the
V Word , and example of £193 éw‘? Rafarmcd C/mrclm , that fame
are {'0 Bwrtled at the very ment%ionA of fuch a Glaufc , A According
“ta #9; Ward of God, and example 0f the 5.-L5? Rcfbrmcd Clsurclaex,
as if they {aw a mmffer, fame hideous dfpflyritian which had in
it the face of Tr»-mfbn and Blafplcwzia? A ‘ . Aw A
‘ But I muflc proceed. Haveyou net Covenanted to extir-
pate AS:-q;er{?it£om Here/Se,“ Saki/'m, Prafammeé]]7:', am? wbazflmmer
V » flmll éefozssnd contrary ta found Eaé"r'rim' and the pawer of Gadliw
meg}: Sac. P How comes it to paffc than that the]? abound more A
then ever they did, and that under your Nofes ?. while there is T
fuck a numerous encreafa czf“ Erraur: and Here/Eu, asl blufih .’
V to repeat what {came have afiirmsd _; namely, thattbere be no T
. life than One hundred gnu} eighty fcveral Herefies propagates
w an
A Madei af mm Spérirml Tlmfiéfwimfle.
55¢ fprczard in this neig,hbou—ring mm», wmm i“gitE“:.frto ham bee
[3 ;F3;gnom‘s f0r_/%wmdm~jf£ of Daffrima arid $3745 pm.:w,=r of gwsfizwejff :
3.215% Emmy of them iaifd 05 {Masha ;z.:zt;a<:»::* 3 M Imgy €"wy_,_
é»’m'rz:z'n”s fiamgmge , The Er;-mm J2a;Az%avz,*;ezze22~:; u§fc§er_&v!2z{:&n
‘WW {O much gtmmed af 13363‘ yeasw, ~».é’a‘5§‘a~:~‘ ?£3i.‘&‘§;’ ;*:;v,~?¢:’¢*,4:2:1vz£'¢c*.9 zzm£p3‘zo‘:3
t¢,=;!_m_~:;;_*:ie_t1-ifias, cixiécircns picaj; ,%mm1;:azr==dxa=::%2a zfitmfle damn-aw
bk De:>@:.rines , Dae“’E»;--max“ of ;3}:=rs..n«:‘z’: Apo£%:Li.' M333 fizz: J». :2
Pylyggmy, x1~’?n%é7£7'»1r;§ .l?,Mz20:::?:!,.a”§«f:s£*',t¢a*!tz?)r 0;’ rise £5.-'£::!, ..7\£az: xwwfiizmszé»
Afiargwgwma C¥9zwrc:$k.=.c, l"»..?'@ 0;-pzyzayzazszcmg Em» ~.§’5:vJ~zE;t‘.we' ; yea , Em‘?
Bézamézy af ‘mE:rz‘§.E”~'~ faafyflfjezff qazwiasxeda 2::-3; fmnxaeganemzw
£2233 Em; mhers : Ami flue w;:2:?;;..v faumdmlm M7335. E§’1m;’asE mi in {ugh a
._£~?'c.»’:.»z:."zz~*fi GE‘ éwmarflc-re Zaéwmty cf Cgrg,/Eéwazmz Vim. .E3’£fi4fi?;I£ ‘s5w'mm'
;=a.:m Wiif, ma~'m’pm«;.«c'.c"%2 Ways: yew z"3a£'25as*w 3 and fimgffx [.»;:w;t’§{g;«:” Jfqmzmm
tic}; of c,é;gmV!a.;=;»; and 3&1 thefe mm onsiy awghzipefreci 13 m:1'nersg,r
but ‘preach: on the mp , yea , pu_b§:{h::‘cl an Paw: m:f<;mz
yam faces with fa; tnu£;§1*u'iru1e&m§r :;mc§ zmpudiencve , that Z View
‘ r§Ey?b6§iWe n0_AgE fimze ting Agiaiilfia =:imc‘:“S corfld every pa-==
=raHs.i;%% A A % A A . . \
Faaimerfi and BmE:=r«m,$hoW‘ WM 399:: EMS %I{mp£a:g of C’a- Mia 18.:*%
vz:é.s«mm whiz Gm’-.9 H:zdW'e ’§73“ar?;i23:3':<.%r*zt mi" ,«4,z:»a.s“fm:c- fnlirmx, A,,g,,fl‘EP_7-,g¢
of vmam it is r::=pm'tt3d, that an varhat mime he opaned the Tam-4 155. ¢A ‘
pie; af’ #26 Hmféwfiriflz gods , he‘: fifit 0%pE£'3j thf: C!:2~i§?i¢n Ckwarclaasg
ca.11’d% home an :22»: Chrifiéans whom he ad baniihz, both Or»-
‘ thcdmx aw Herétiackfi and g;r.'v:=: themgm We ca-J1 it ,% Liéerty af
cm: aims - bu%t"=asAAss$2%£m :no1*<::tm::} Eilfflffith it , %L2'£9€?M%em 7
_ 2 ./
pazmfiitiafiazk , laééérty M r5[:‘:j7'5’l9y‘¥'§:135’?53'j,?z'?/fi‘5. 5 §€;)1‘ t§'m:W.~VaS his po-‘ E0 M040 PVWI‘
Iisimnd‘ efnd,na‘me13z.. ,% by liémy of £11 Rcvligiamr to deficroy the; 5b"’fl’“"”m ”_~”_“"
zs-um and the p~rafe‘flbrs thereaf mo : or had we a Parliament ’3::‘e,f,:£]&8f::” 5
ef mmqz G¢:z£:’io’J, we flu amid not ‘wonder : but for 3; 7Parc11a.—- A ’
ment :3? €:°}Jri§7f‘i»azr2: ,¢ Pi‘m‘a37z‘m¢r.v, Prwefifar: , thfl*ChC1'~ifr.& ,, the
maf? wzwa that cnuld be cu§1’d out of a Ghriftim State , the
li.§~’- thfi ./father‘ ofthis Service; it is 3. part Qfafliwime PVa:r,!%ip.‘Tirmy:
féualtfem t!:2cLam’ thy Gad, mm’_/?s~;~z»'r3 him , ¢md[x;’mZt_/iveaf éy {ozk A
Name ; anci by the alfijefl-DI‘ W'i£m[]‘e' ;ef the Govcmant :% as God
A is the ..«1jmem, {'0 he is wimga _; than {halt {wear 6;: mg: Name :
A - Godiscalfd in, ass: rig!atcawA fudge to take V-«.:~A:fig"eancc on thfl‘ A
Verf. :9; party that: £11311 premrécm in bath which rcfpefis Gad calls
it lazér Omté : Sm:-Ky mim?0az:!a which be mm 41?,/jptfféd ,, and my
36:34.18. ¢ }€v‘r3'=5’¢’a~¢m4i'%'t3t7I'5.é'.c‘«’;a .é2::}mr:éa éroilzcrz. % % A
I M As a1fo,iti$ aggravated m bath places, from thcfalmsaiz-y of
W _ .1" that making ef the Cmwnant ; asin that piamin f‘m-mxkzéa :
" % They have met patrformied the Wofds of the Covenant which
“ % they%hadAn1arie befare me, ‘&.v1:wz»:key'wr réw cmff ix: taming Asmé’
"wjfrad Zvrtwewz z“34&’, was ibfifegfi And {:12 again, vfirf. I 9. T55
peagle (af #2:: lmwrl Waive? p;aIJT:*d“ 54-wweeza we parts 53;’ at/ae gaff‘ :
_% a _ . A 4% which kinds: mf Cczremorsy orAS!mr?cian, was taken from Gods
:%fl$§?’WA%V“ oyvn cammand to xfbralmzm when he maxim a Covenant vxrith
$.,Wm, $9 m.~g him, %G'm.%Iy..%1c3w ; ‘frgm whence alfo even the Galdean: " and Rq-%
fi,,.mg,W fmgg, »gAmge:A%%borrowed IE‘, amheyhad other parts and parcels oFRcl1%-_—
33 ‘mm. gydza 5}” by wbichACeremony they did as it were filently imprem
A care this ]uclgement- upon t:hemfe1v_es,~rZma they might éefi; dim’;
%~ dvdm We mi?-»' fiievreaif E116? did. 3fi9lat:c.£hei; §9!§9§9,t § from
mg-.5 A‘
4VL2‘.éa§LeZ{.@a%,.¢° wgm Spirizzmi T 1aw..1¢ fi4[.é:egIe. 29 ‘
this fcxlemnity, as fmm the ethar in E-=:::~#i£e!V; fa. giwémg we mm; %W.ek.Ey,z§:
041' aS§W1t?:1 us , lgfting up we ls-mad M htéae ‘mafi iség1:% Gad A , floth
. Gad agaravate thfiizf Cawgzidn;-gxéaldtéax ; ‘when {@3156 éadgivew _
Ma: fismzai : * Gad {peaks-Viiith%imdignatien, as sf an eminemg am
remarkabiétreachfiry’ atrd perfidioufnefit: 3"Wm3 la {£25 é4.:5gim£~
And for this indeed new tizeybegin to fuéga themfcives : Va.»
lsmw ?m.Ki.<»eg mm/‘a We‘-f‘m?~ed am jtime Law! 5 that is, becaufe
was have ma: fa-gmd the Oath yaf am ,L9;f'd ; but have dealVtf.wlfly4_
arid Azm:c‘£;wf%¢;~¢fly Vixikfcléiia Cmrenaéht : it is jufi w'*i§hI(3o"d%W6
£1-mm have rm Kimg{,t§z:§tvoiur King*Fn;m§ci imirak Cxwmam
with magma: ha.ve’Bmken Gavenzmt with em" Gmfi : yea, may
‘, jiwige themflves natomzly Fm‘ wlm: £5 paw’ , bat zxflawartiay 2:0
finflée mEr}ty%V’for*t§:e téma: am coma ;%r%mt meiy We fzmm W Ifimgg A
l b£3*‘s‘.'$ i;F%%3£? #59593 }%..:z!! at %K§’9?.£" 930 M £’;:!&" .?5 §'.'Va": d¢fr:°rwc° :ss:z:??Um~* M
fa sréefssrs af my 1csmg.m*“;;£m~«e? btztto be%1&E°z‘: m pi*:r}{hin our
Confa2fian53a_A:1d D1vificns,% Wh11e« every mizmdicath what is gmai
~ in big mvszz eye : or if’ om: King flmuid some back outofl Ca»
pti*m3a,¢AA‘ iwm-‘r jz»'ozs£d4/as a:?ax%sa was 3'‘ flan We expzzjfl a*K%z2g
ihcm§.d :%a%i»m;r~an§« gaiivfig fivhiifi my Gun! :32 angry with us for mu‘
Qwwzamrwzviciz:~aZmJ!]’Z*1”? No; if hefl1‘c§u1dco%m@A out af $25“ -r
Im»mg.+a£w, God mig£::t%%m&kahim 9. cswfe“ in Read of 9. éiafiggg, a
p!xzgM.and}AaVfw25w to d1§E:d¢fl¥#E%iax. % % ¢ V
Men and. Brethren this I take tea%A%VbcV%Vvthe {safe of the glaceg
a‘n*&YAE a1*eed{i2y‘n0 ziximréa xsuifefiyyeveryoraeof ymxvhcrs before
od@,4A have with tram bling hams ‘prevemsd me in the Apyléa %
mt£d‘n.:*V%% <:>1*zeiy let :1§*;e%ad&e this; : God were fo angry «,~ ansi
~t’E'arem:e3ms fo fmioufly the%brmch of ajCovenant mafia v. rit§1 an
Hm;§3ani;f§ Tymw£%, an‘1m»1az(wi:hAwhaAm tl:a«o1‘la..er %Baéy2ws',
..¢e*’$;’;g,{3£mlV Eazéylaés ,;E¥&=:avch:3t§': 9279 f££té’:3‘L1'&‘"*t‘£3 5:2 1€~?pt ) becuufii‘ 31%
was Assmdtfi é=ej’em Gem‘, and éy 2Im‘Z\".m:s¢ af Gad ; flaai be pra;+1%erV§’
;$’;»2-2!! heA§fi:*apé%r#Jazt;?dax/afazdsflsi:rsg: 3' a3v'fim1lbcérm:sl: the Gwe.» .Ter;§§,1;;n §;§3&
zgzagcmt and $5 defizzemd V ? A’: I live, mfim: 062:5: (Wt fie i5.»rr£t35 Ag/jiaiw -
3 and M}! aawnm that behwtla brafmrs , wen itwifi I ma...
Véampmce apart: iaz2M:v.a:a&%I§ma’, 85¢. Oh how’ {hall {he efcape?
% yca,eF hmv much fc3rcjrpun£f§i%mVent%fl1a1Iwebs thought ‘wot...
thygif ‘Wt: befound»gui1ty’0f fa high; aperjzwy in ém.I«;in‘5»f ancfl
dc/?pifi2:g&} a G¢3V€i'1am' mad: c>~m~:1y’% Esfarefiadg $316 Name
- A . % E 3 .% .. gf
Verf. 7.
A Mm,»£‘af mm $}irtto,A;t 7at;of»z;;.,{p.». ‘A
{Gad , butgizh God hxmtkelfi Ainflfo iflolemo and {acted a‘
manner, with Fofiing, and Prayer, and Sermeoxgtand lifting gp
o-or in-weir tatoe moflfnigb Gm’. " A to L A
Ootnat as we have finned With this people, ;aoe_i be-Ayondi,in.§. W A
L finitely beyond theline and meafinre of their tran{grefl‘i>n§‘; fa» A
We would judge out Iicives with them, in the bitternefle of our ’
fpirits 5 We have no King, éemnfé Wefeored not the Lord; [indulg-
ziog ‘Wardxl/'weart'og feifly in mokiog gCa*zrez:aot 3‘ and woe: them i
f90!¢M44*oICiwg 4102 mm 5’ V ‘ . L ; A t;t t 7.
We hope an end {hall be put fhorrly to thefifflwdy deflate.
ting War: ; and We cry to the Sword, .019 than Sword of 1:5,:
Lord, how long mil it ea are they «be quiet 3' pm up 311; /Elf into
tésyjlcvzééard, refl mm’ éeffifl : but the Sword will not aéey our
wise 5 amino wonder ; for we have not aéeyedtke ~zm£c¢-% of the-"
Swan! 5 we have not heard the "Swot-dA,aod who had appointed
it : and therefore methinks I" heat-the Sword replying , Hm
arm 1 ea quiet, fine‘: toe Lard batlagioen me or ‘charge agoiofl Eng»
land 3 Yea, methinks I bear Godot renewing the Commiffion
of the Sword in the words of that tkreotning .- ‘ I will évrizsg
ofward aspen ya.» that }%a/Zwvengc the qmsrrelaf my Cam=2mm:'.%
We keep now at day of Thanksgiving e the fixrremler Q-fta
firang Hfiltj in the Kiiégdom , and‘ God hath {em us in the glad
riding of a great Vifiory in the Wei}, to fill up our joy, and to
befpeak more days of Rejoycing and Thankfultneflisgbut for my
part, I fear that for thefe things the Sword hath yeta Commifi
(ion: to come upvto Loudcm, topéffe thorow the Kmmdom gamed
that we fitall hear ere long, as fafl: of Lofing Cities, and Comes,
and the firoog Garifons of the Kingdom , as now of gaining
them ; and read our Catalogue of Deliverances and Viéiorxes ’
backward with {Tad hearts .1’ Claefler loft, Harcfardolofl, Dim-3
mam/a loffific in mt. “ ' t V
IV A A If you would prevent fofad a turn of things, give me leave
humbly to commend to you thefe two fhort Advices.
It. Prarleeim, I befeech you, a folemn Fafbwhercintwe may V
profi.‘fl'cdIylmmAlr and afiiifz‘ our fouls for our Co*Ue:mmt~ m'a[oz-
V new, ‘whereby God is 1'0 decplyo provoked ; and wherein (if V
it might {eem good to your wifdoms) the Cavemmt might 124-
:-emmd m a more folemn at-1d {cnous magnet with our God 2.
A 4 that
¢ they Mtaaylgbald on them azxazagefaaage : Aincgl therefore our way
A Model of tme Spizfitzml T lumlzfz¢lnefl'é. ' 4%
thatas Samar! walled the Pfflplfl ta Gilgal to renew Ztlae Kingiam
upon Sam! ;» [0 you that are England's Samuel: ,% might Call the
people together to this Gzlggl (Where the Lord firfl rolled away
am» repramh, by bringing us xnmxthe bond of the Covenant)m
mm» the K ingdém upun our Lord fefw , Whom God hath ap-
pointed to ha King in 131}: (ml)! Hill of Siam ._
Fur think nor,Brethren, I befeech you , that becaufa we have
; bmken our Covenant with (‘Bad , therefore We are dzfiéligad
from our Covenant : that were an cafie way to get; loofe in-
d:;e:d,iE" when we are Weary of our Vows, it were but ta go
and fin agm/i zk¢m.w, and then we are difengaged : But
it is with the Covenant as it is withrhe Law ;% there is 2. two-
% fgld obligation M; % the gone to dmty , Wthe ether to a mrfé ; and if
welrreakthe onc, the other will btéld us fag enwgfa. Did Mat-‘
my mom’: take /amldnpm year fiat/aerf 5’ How P Surely not in
the commanding power cf them, but am the exsczztiw-sazry power
is t bringpur ;%V{eIVeS,”aga%in under the cmmmzding power , that
we may not lie ilndq the czmdemzziflg mvrfing power of the G0-
venant. I ndccd‘ the Covenant is than broken , and am fully
fill them , when a people will not own: their Caveman: with
uuluufln ‘mun-III‘-mu-Inna-an-unIu_§
I Sam.%u. :4.
God : and therefore Oh that the Lord would help us in this '
our day to csmfider the thing: that éclomg meta mt peace; émforc
tlasfé-e Iaidfim Mr eycjx. AA N % A %
¢ 1%. TD&that End, fl;udie rm! T/mnkfulfieffle :3 To yaw that/it
at thé Stem, guid'ing*the Ship of_ this Church andstate in this
tAra};él¢fame Sea 3“ let me gtgammend 'u me you but this piece of
TbaéK°fz4Zn&]]2 Set up Gem’ ; Exgxzlt him in tin: aangregsztion of
tlaepgaaplhv by _fE%tti1‘!g up théflfiiimiflrry 0f the Ward : Let this be
your wifedcm and h;()n011I‘7, that when God hath given upthey
% firwang Hbldi of the Kingdom to you , ypu, would render flifim‘
Verfe 2;;
Rphtclg again toffiad % by p1acingableand'faithfu1Miniflersin ‘
thof: efrzinentplaccs of the Kingdom, that may undeaeive the
poor mifled people, andto fgawfon them with Principles of Raw
ligiw find Loyatziaz, no which they have been fo long Rrangerso
A Tothaft end; haPcé-n;,I V'be{eech‘y<:u your Ordinance fm‘ Ordi-
A mgiam it wcrea fad thing that the ftrongficalds of the King.
QWI W-val?! 93 wk” fer W’. and kept feathe. Dwil» fer Wang,
'- A Mgazfgf qf5_a?M~.«:e .§:p§?’§fzi:sl W
‘ of .§%.*;;’2E‘e~r: v‘§4£‘£?(5‘:'*5;.’:§i‘§g‘ “so mm iszwa £V mam’ aim: mgayfegrwi 2‘?é9s:rm:.a
. —*.': -‘W-: m ‘,2: 3:. V 1 ‘H’ Vv ‘. 3'5;-*,-‘V M ‘ ‘ ‘A ' 'A «
figrénwfifi M ‘$55.9 »<.»war;§’e’a’e$: 52.;-zid zxfidgwfiafzaw by %g% _ q_
-M 5 W S6.‘£0nd.5.gg 1» vfyaw-‘=»x¢g19vrz 1w'«2w .%«§'fi§’”.a».-93*:-?¢L,w..y Wye Elwrx, by ficrmrsg
1:229 €.“$2vr~:rc.'2a~f3’oz;er;%:;»m‘¢:r.aa+‘ fict£arm.‘3§ t<3V?;5%‘a@raur‘%«£7¢mreu¢;:t; "wvsm
it §s$ E need not mlfi 3;«:m5 finougix fiath bum faiéabmut this mate 7%
am 5 and 3mm aaree ‘M;’?*.A \ A A
I will not ,« I med [iwr mi»; Wm ; 4V"j€«’§mthcr gmmmemcé 2;'e::s;§Ey
Am:-0?: ~EflfCfi£a3,l§’ Em gym ab;3ufE§:a§s'\/Varrié , i“&iau.z2:Vgé».a»;w:@$‘“‘r,:é§;»£’2._‘v»*hszgfaw'
Wifgia God and‘ tfie i27:u?r3’ :3-z1:rru%T9c+cd5y5c">§.*2’i%: yup:
c:“e£2ggrena:£ it‘ ;» la'n‘& i£"‘3ie:r‘2.;i?'d::}55,;~ V’VZ33;v%not %w%iiEfi t§aeALorfd
‘Emth £70 m1iracu1o1zf§y1é;-alv\..e*§¢ 2:15: pmwr af rfa‘a‘2é~s%ms:rIe,, and (in fa
great a me;‘-z-zfure) A fmédmed iii: ICz'a¢gdam érfirayam; aswif; ‘Gad af
purpmfic Md ar¢~.mdAyg;~.u :m°‘<;pportunityftogive fitmonilmtion
22:0 téae W%o*;71c§ , maxi:‘?y%.mz"m~&‘?i22r good mw2.§fl.i7 0m:«zy let me flay
thus nmch to 3: an ‘,3 ‘in ~7i:fiat"pA» %iennr:fi% yougive the Mixxifiers ~ of
the Gofpel heave t0—ufe: ~ ~
jétfm Cfigurift "W§l£%n%mt+ always Wait uppn States ami King-»
dams; §fa'€WillnotVa1Wa5r3%¢omea?beggirig;fas¥i*t were, to Par‘-
mum 1,9, I 4” lia.'ment~dgbrs. . 'Hfi"tE1at‘ b%d‘§‘IiiS.5£§rvé!f4n§$/Ezézkpajj" the 9
rio.+:~£a~feet, m cafe of“ rafxgfazl c:‘f~ «ths1tmefl'age,knows how to an
M31.” 3,“ it hinufeif, fhoulci he%\L‘be$~w22g.gr:d mt’ agfiazk pa;f£enc:.%» VTimeis%
mming%‘tw*henI{iaggm% and Kingdom: would be-ms glad of Chfiff,
as he would be«now afirhem-a When in their fi=ar:and&dm2gem,
w~'vhe:s.u; emmm; be upon them," and ruinefarid defo latic>n"at"th_eir
gafes, t§1€l1,‘_fJ/?z£m’o, [aft zkp‘ nprayer ;‘ H16?! ,”fe(2d fimfzf Lmb to“%a’%»fe
wl:=r,Wit%h fuplicaitions 5 %‘ Lml fkfm r:Vam¢%tbawiaMdm1¢§b§2£%
aw : But as the 5'.c‘%atcVb-mhmg fiiid ‘A the Ez={ql:;}9igVAw.¥am5
x “‘I£I=3pi:imis,=I lwgmmtk myfiml ta Gm’, 659. I b;u”t,“{aid‘£1e,
£:ertaLlg7’r ?r;«aWz,.? W11 Iaem at .9 Io may I que£%ion"‘co%ncerninw
futfh_%tenders; *%T!§m§ae:%%?and Afiimggdwmx , *3WiI1 Chrifi mkye t§§em5-
wiiIih¢‘A¢cEep‘r af:9i}5é@VV—”‘?i%i when% h'a7%p1§r%;hey' be‘i’u'r’r%efit¥red§
upon no better térms%j:~’he%a 9. dfifpegagte; wkgiqld deliver ufi
his’; Cm wn % togmy >*zf% 39zE?‘1.Z\-.7¢igl9%z¢r;r5‘ Even cg "a: Strange; that
would ems and>5he1p% himagainflc §1§$‘p?gi(‘4£li2¢g’”eMem£g‘$3; Awhzm
A wChriPc»wou1d=d‘Qjii1f{u«:.°h? a%%?ca%1E:,:*jii3deV%* A £h;crefggré%Ohi
‘%.1.:,.»m.»,., WE? W503-3*/3 9?94¢'%W‘§*rsV¥A“5“’ 79P””fl”f?"i???’!”’ M)’. -f JWW
Wrath :2: kindled t5$:ti'%‘#§l’it%l¢;i V§'..{é’[fi'd gzré (kl! pm’ .t13e}'r .-:rz;cfl
in 4 Jaime, * I-Iappie ~ P3a”r{z?am:;:%t~%, ’“ * haptpic" Sam 5 happiey wplfg
§“”mf:2ger , 86¢.
hat-W y»
——~a ,¢,~,v,,%,g,,;m;e, 33
W4’! vf W W???” ‘KM
h'a.pp“ic4 Perflm,f that makes Ghrift thfilr aiaazfaf , and not thaw-' W‘:
é ‘ 4 . J V M ‘ V
% I ha =veddsm”c“: Onely {gaffer me one W6-.}I’_d more; A A %
Take heedgl humbly befeech you,oHI:tt1I}g yourfizjivcs down
at the gap er and 0f C/:zrz'f:,‘: Hrmfi’ and Taélej, and‘ of {EIfi'r':r1n¢g
4 Bi»? :9" é'tfi1ruflddoW‘n ta fer%veas'an aamderling atthe lower mad»
td have :10‘ mm thenthe zgm af fame , mid the kzzmaw"-V and
fancfgs of others, can {pare him. % But yam hozzre ftvffii lgfirfitfdy
Cévr-‘£5? ;; and th‘erefor’e4, to all yau thatifiand ba:fi:-ms Gad this
day"; and to as many as dcfire to be at thankful people ; «Let me
adde a Wot to clofia up all. Here is a Madci,‘ lat it be your
wifdom and honour to mmZ:1afldfarm%.yOut Tgaaazkfulncffe for-
this days,and for all your mercies, upon in
I; Give all diligence ‘to poifcfll-: your {fives of thfigrace of
T!mnl§_f»:lm;_/]%= , as well as of the &zf:°c°i‘:'ai¢ of fay and Gz’a‘:ix:c_[fe :
no that end , pl; the T hz-one oEGmce, and plane’ the accompiifir M A
ment of that promiié 7. A new £imr.tWil! I we yaw , dwda new E3610-3- -35»
fiiriz will I put gum ym : That is done‘ when all the mammal ggfl ‘
fefiianx have” :1 divine ,, ffriritnal imprcfi? Hampt upon them _;
when as they have b0rn%t1he£m4g: of we mrt/91;’ , {ca now they
bear the image of the heavenly. %
: >2. Studie, I befeech you, Spiritwl Gr-amm’: and Ri/E’: from
A which your Thankfulncflé may take flightheavenward 5 as,
N Firfit, Scsripture-intéreff ; Pcudie rather azgaad Title,t{1cngr:¢¢t
Paf]':;,77m: 5 namely, to enjoy what you have, by sanfiip as well A %
as Crmtmwe/fiip ; by co-inheritance withjcfus Chrifl ; byprau-A a
mgr; as well as prawidzncag with God: law, as well as by God:
imw. Sfudie the Covenant well ; and then countthy interefi ~
better then the p7'iacj;'p.:z!. I tell thee for thy comfort _., if thou
carnfi dgrfa 5.1.1? Scripture-imercii‘ can bring in more content
a‘nd~Iatw1sfa&1ontb*t:hy foul, then all ezzrtlaly paffiou: 5‘if N Cimvfif-'
émaar;-.r£zzf«.~ cam éraw out and endear thyheart to Gud,more then
ad the deliverances and provifions cafi in bypram'dmce ; £2.-ar
Imt», th0u”~att‘at*61ail:a'e of ptromifisf, A % % % %
Secpgadly, qb{erve.%the*§Rmgr;a; P;+;g,»‘g;A‘ jf4fh;m'fia{.t Been“ .
3 Praying human ai1lt§:is;timwf Eézghnd: trouble , and art
fuck 3 0135-‘ #5 1f5€9¥¢¢93%fii&¢’?:“t1’i“¢9W1?.§Pi5ayet$; kfioweh them «
Whfifl theft: feeftvagbtm %,‘«if ‘t}ie:11‘ca‘rin‘fg”bF thy prayer can
A A F 4 endear
i’fal ;o3,2a
m 4 PEL65. 2”.
1: Com wilt.
5;; Ifaa 457-. 39.
Mécfelaf. tme spozrimz Tbazgléfulm/]"e. A
L'V:‘%'Mei§3'ca%r%tY1y heart to God {knots then tho bixlk of “thymercy,
Wham vet iris ( of thefcvifiblefiréafures) I pronounce thee a
man or woman that hait more caufe to rejoyce then if God
had given thee H955 day: fvrrmdmthc City ofCh:.&’:r, folely and
entirely tothine own (hare. A A y A '
Thirdly, be critical to {pie O'i'.1§.'ft‘9.$l-5.261‘?/tl29'l’¢:tg6'.f,*d.1V€ Spiritmzf A
part of every mercy; and Wear them as the richcft piece of all
thy poF§‘cflions.V L
Fourrhly, eye the Emlmticm: and liflingx up of God’ in all his
‘works, efpecially fuch as this day brings m to us, and let‘ them
ii: neenfi thy heart; they will kcrep it wzarm with an heavenly
influence. % o A
3. Be careful to maintain a faithful Rmzeméranca of the
mcércies of%yf$£od in your heady, and afctled Gawfldfit frame of
Tkfifiéfltinoflé? upon your /mm: .- for know this, The mercic: of
God cannot pariflz ozone , but thou {halt perifh with thcm .-. if
thou forget them ( that ix, with a carelcflé graceleffe Forge:.fi.1l-
neflc) God wili forget thee: if ‘thou cat} the mercies of God
‘ out to the dung-hill, God wili throw thee after them. 0 be oh
tencharging thy foul, with David ; Bleffa the Lard,0 my/Emkl,
dndfkrrgct not all law}: évemfifiw.‘ , ’ y “
4.Da:figne out for God the c/abzfgfl‘ and maj} fiirimal Rktmw;
fuch asyou have beheld. ‘
Fijrft, 1%: up God in your thazzgbt.r,€xa1t him in your admiring
facuitiri :» Sway mama Gad , How terrilrle art thou in thy Work: !
Vtéaroxigk réegreétnofa oftfay panréerflyafit/sine anemia: /kémit tlieme
filmy mate nine. V V y A
S¢oc:>;iodIy , engage your Elves and others in Prayer ta gag! A ::
Hay , 0 they that hmreff Prayer , to thee /Ml! aflflc//a came.‘ : Be
flodfafl and unmovea‘ole,y always abounding 1n this work of
1 tohc:%Lord,o“Foraf1nuchas youfce your labour {hall not be in vain
iii the Lord : Ha ntverfimid to the find of focal! , Seakyc me £19
Wm. - A
Tnirdly, let your‘ Thankfulnclfe Work it felt" into pure flames
of Law to GM, and cxprcflé it by labouring A
A j A‘ _: M KIIUW1-more of God. A A
“j ” V To Enjoy more Communion with God. o
A 4 _ gfioafl agd giorymgra in
A - o Eomthlyg
_ Made! egg .5212: Spirifiaal T72.:m£'fxlnc[cf. A M 3
Iimfimy , Eudieysez .221?:;4z ;. let there béfiut one will.-be--
“tween God and was , and ligtggzéar wizz be Gwlr; He is =1 thank-
fuljhyman indeed, that in doinghhgcsl fuffering can fa-yfifather, ms»
my ‘will, 5:4’: thine [we done. _ y
’ Fifihly, pay your1Vows : If ever England, or thou. prufpm
ft mufi be by keeping of ‘ Covenant,Ez.e1g..17.z4. Be often mil»-
mg, that In thy faul : Thy mm: are atpam me _; 1 Wu? reader pew»! Pm..§6_y.1 2°
fix unto rim. »
’ Sixthly, Give glory to Gad by éeliwingy : by all-the wonders
that God hath done, learn to tmft‘ /aim in z.£zwc~xrfimz't ; if faith
have not pmduced thcfl; Duliverances , let theft: Daliverances
produce faith. : Tfhrs ie they tfwzt haw zcatfiw, and yet 6611?-
WA’; whatfim11"becemeof them that have /Em, and yet Im-
‘lfem not 3" A‘ V A ' .y i
Seventh1y,Iook to the ordering of your ca¢¢=ver/'azt.~'o7z,t!ae a'£/jam.
{Eng of your waxy am-'.gbt : The thanéfmlneflc of the lzfi’, is the ma
1‘)! life of Tkawkfzlneffe. h h ' A
Eighthly , Widen your hearts in enlarged dafirax than others
may pmife Gad : gaa begging from door to dour thorow the
Whole Creation for praiies for thy God.
Ninthlya to that end ,a’ec!are- armor: the people hi; doing: : Sing pm,9.¢ K,
forth the hangar of lais'yName’, makg ixprrzi ey loriam. It were Pfal.66.z,
a gonad éecaming Salemnitie onthefé days ofgThank{'giving, if
Chriflzians in their” ‘rivate meetings together to fmff and re-
jcyce before the Lotti would make it a Law , that every one in
their turn fhould remember and repeat fame fpecial eminent»
Vzflory or Deliwmncc wrought by God either for the Nation‘
in general, efpecially fince the coming together of this lmppia
Parliamazm, and the beginning of thefe um/a.e:pp£.¢ War: ; or for
themfi-Ive: in particular. Such confercncéa as this weuld keep
out vain and unprofitable difceurfe , prefierve the memorial of
Godmavingkindaeffes, exceediingly honour God , and adorn
your Chrifiiah mhéetingshtogether: furely fucgh prhxifi: were camefy
fart!» upri hr. “ChriPcians*, take all the Ways you Cm. that
Gods prai 6 may live when you Are dead. %
Tcnthly ,, be continually Ea:-mtlaing after baa-am: . where the
prgefifém as well as thefpirm of jut} men, are made par-fefi ~ 1117:
Afifiin: “fiéntemplation with a little variation :. 0 Lardg, fitys
” ' E 2 he»
2 Kings 4.“ 34° A
Rfal. so.
A MMel% afAL"irz2ee.S1?3rét#%4l Wmkfnlvefle.
he, W nammfiaé 1:19; A fake mt tire»; raw 2;»: me dag , wazzmay
iénpvfacg; Say thEiU,0 Lard,mgzA:g;g'r;a,1xp‘r.4£;?2% the mtdlfiwc 3" than V
% let me a'ie;té:mr I may [5219 M rim £22391” ’ %
A;ndI:%t me {peak t”h-ismzae Word to?’ tfh ¢ qor;nfbrtA of a1l_yca
who can fprgeadgofr ( 23th:: H::brewA figfiifies ) Vmreaafm-3 your
Thaxikfalncffe updn this Medal‘, as E.’gab"fprTéa6A himfiélf upépén _
the Shxnemite: dead fommawtfg to mom;*éa ,ey”%e: gym e}re:,%and 19.334
xaspon {mad ; limb up0nV1im»b,%and pm UPC“ P31‘ ‘:5 573: that d“
%m3ke.it Ma biifintffi: fo to do: yéyg ?9;ra‘em/.*§{h¢(;{¢t1z‘}v¢§:=.¢r§%?je°zsz/(321 an 'exa’rt}:;_“
diewhen you v€fi.Il%, you nriay change you‘r0 défffiiémy ;, b ut"n0t
your War/(E you have began an everlafiing day afTéank:g£vi)¢g; L
you have the Word of God For it;
W110 170 ofizrret/3 pra-3/E, tglarzfhtis me ; Md ta him that‘ b:N2*61erc;t;£*
/aid camverflztiorz Wig/at, will 1 flew tbafilramian of God.
)1.‘ AA A) J.