r %@%%§%®%%a@%%Q3°a@9%9%@@*%%a@%@$®$t%6a%& k -E 4 - I I '§- _ . 2. A 0% The Root of Apofiacyi E ~ g r L j AND A E; 3% Fountam of true F O1‘titudC. gs { «w: r .. .. r .35.} qg. Dehvered In a A r «ma h r. -as - A 3* '°3‘ S E R M O N g; Before the Honourable /'47[ri»é‘:jy *3’ 3‘ -3 r /6’4«4-~». -gg; 9 "’3‘["'IOU{ {av .9} C’. 0 ommonsg @ K :33‘! On their later Day of Tlmnlgxgiwriézg for ‘ '§'- thé G-féat vi&ory given to-Sir Wi.Iliam W zzller ‘ } T and the Forces With him,.againfi the Army T % VA of Sir Ralf}: Hopton; ‘ lg‘ Y By Thomas Cafi, Preacher, at Mz'lk—flic*et', London, Aug!‘ 4% % one of the Affcmbly 0f‘Divincs. ,@. r ¢ 3 Pfal. 9. IO. T/9:37 that know thy Name will pm their trzgfi in twlaéc, for E / ' gm tho» Lordnewrfzzzlcfi-them t/mtfiek thee. r ‘ 3 Lam/rm, Printed by R.‘ for Luhz Fmame,’and arc’ to he {old at his Shop mfamlx Clmrcl.=;ard,at the figne of the Parrot. I 644. ’ wwwmwwwwwwrww wwvvrr-3: T I ., . ;_' -3’ Law ii ‘ » DieiM4rti4,o9.nAprz'l, 1644.. i T is this day Ordered, by the Comniionsi. i Aflembled in.Parliament, that Sir Wz°llz'-.— ‘ am Breretozz, do give thanks from the Houfe, to Mr.Tb:omao* Cafe, for the great painshee took in the Sermon he preached thié day, at S‘. Mzzrgaret: W eflmiizfler, at the intrea ty 09 the Houfe;_ It being atday'-of publiqueih ‘ Thankfgiving, for the great Visftory the Forces under the Command of Sir William Waller, and Sir William Bzzlfore had, againfl: the Forcesjunder the Commaindof Sir Ralph‘ I-Iopton 5“ Aindihee is to define him from this Ho1ife,to Print hisaFSe11%non. And it is Orde-t red, that no man flmaletletprefuine to Printhisg % Sermon ,. v7vi’thout beingauthorized under. I .hisahtand-writing. V L V. it El/jrlzge, Cler. Pzzacl..Co2~:z—.. c... flutboriqfe Luke Fawne, to §Prin_:a am} Se_rmazza.a ; . ,4 . ,_"»L.. ‘ iv‘: ‘; _ 5 3 "Q. _‘ e ‘ .‘ '- ) I‘ 4 Th cm" t . " Do " 3 Co-. ' ’ 4‘. TOTI-IEHONORABLE and his highly Honour’d~i Friend , Sir William Waller Knight, Commander in Chief; of the Parliament: Force: , i iii the If/efi. ~_No5le Sir, A whom more properly ( under M " ° ; .- ithztt i Giwzcl Comical! of”thfe— Kin g- dome, iwhcreoof you are a»Mem4- ber doth the Dedication of I enthofights belong, then to your tiie fud» % : Wor—th3r~felf;f Who wrought with God onothat day, the Salvation whereof; 'the1’epo'foirla- bours, together wit‘ha;tmore‘ sikilfullhand, were caliedi intoceIebr"ate’ in the V (grcati C0724- gregzztiibiz .9 i . ii " Sir, I may;trulyifay,you:mad'ie* agoreat part of my sermon’, anditvheibieittbr piairtitoofls F01‘ ' 4 ~ ;i . j} A while ‘ THE EPISTLE. «While thoiuifanida there are of all files, whofifhe tpegclzerom dealing in the ~Co«vemmt of God, i Comes into bear fad witnefle to the former ‘part of my Text and Sermon; F ree-grace‘ laanth fo iookt upon you,that you ‘fiand in the firfi divifion of thofe W ortbier, to w/hofe fi- delity G o D hath given ample .te~fi/imony, W What exploit; a people Canada, that know flaei-r God: for Certainly, either you know God; or elfeawe kniov'v‘no't_you. i — _D.czrz'm.once openinga pomgraizate,and being -askt by .a Ptanderby, of what he would defire to have fo many, as there were kernels in the pomgmmzte, anfizvered , S9 many Zopyru_[]Z2.r. Zopyrm was that valiant Knight and Come mander, who to‘ get the City of Babylon, Iicxflieftyiby the;;AfljIriam, and befieged by his a Mr. Darim, caufed his own nofe, ears, ‘and a lips, troy bee cut.o_fl’, and his whole face and body fo wounded, a and mangledall (over, t that ru~n.ning to the enemies , and makin thembeleerve hee was fo ufed by Darim, for A y rp.erfwading’ him tog raife his Siege, and re- move” his Army. They “eafily giving -credit F to a reilationy tha-tgfeemed to {peak truthit withfo many m0yu_thes,a_astheyfaw wounds, admitted {T HE i P Is TL E. 7‘ admitted him into the City, and made him their Gwvemonr, by means whereof, hee got opportunity ‘to deliver it” and them, up to his Mafier. ; V e . Sir, If inthe behalf of this poor bleed- ,ing:‘Ks:.ingdom,i I might havemyvvilh, I {would sturnDarz71«shiss choice, into many, ,Wallery : You having run many, as defpe-= rate, though. more innocenthazzards, for e therefcue of: the. Safety and Liberties there- : of, now. captived by ez/ile perfom : And this hath.,.b'een your Honor, God hath been with W, and with thofe gallant " Commanders, * Noble Sir ' - . i » . W'il/iam Ba!- and Souldiers that have accompanied you _£f6’1,Iwortll1y o onel in this Service 5 to whole F iclelity and Kefo- 3,0,,’ 3,,” W lutiom , Parliament and Kingdome fiand much indebted. The Lord be with you fiill, & make you profperous whitherfoeveryou i turngand caufe his dread to fall upon his and your enemies, that they may not be able to Ftand before you: And when you have done your {hare in this great Service of God, and the Kingdom, He bring you back into the embraces of your Friends, crown’d with Ho- - mmr and Vicffory. Interim, if your grand employments allow you not time, to read a -s e A 2 , period «THE E row TL E. A A period or ‘ twonf-of this poor. Sermon, fame. tirn-e‘, lmtt; cafl: your ey;est5.e.I;‘be{eech'.yo1g upon L1:£2ef2Tcbrt,,; an d; when you go forth, to encounter the enemy, lay it z2ext'5za?tzr’bezart;, ‘Idaire fay',~i7_ . 4. The _/?4ccef]'e,,iS the Fourth and lafi thing in the divifion and that wasyou fee anfwetable to the perfons he dealt with up . all,/E : ‘ With proplmne and Rotten fpirits who had no principle of Grace, and therefore made no confcience oflieligion-, nor of the folernne Comments, whereby they had again and again bound themfelues to the maintainance and obfervation there- " of; ‘Ilaefi: Artifice; took; they fall offlike leaves in. Autumn ; He dieleermpt them, or eriée them by Platteties ; Such. were Simon, fafl-m,,Zllenel-ezzes, Alcimm, 6-j~e. But another fortthere were ofa-nother Temper , that Were- asfar above theferpoorand bafe Artifices, as the Sun is above. the Witch-craft of the Sub-lunary creatures;,,they were fixed in. an higher 0rbe,,where they beheld the Face of God 5; were ac-- quainted with him, andiconverfa‘. with him, who therefore. (‘ while others Fell like falfe, Iwzndri,-eg Smrre: ) rem.ain’d as unbiafi as the Sunin his courfe : As it was {aid of Iuda/1 at ano-~ Hoféa I 13- 11- ther time, Ephraim cempeiffetb me déoeit with lie: , and the henfl-..... “of 1/Mel. with eieeeite, ézet gfudez/;v yet rule:/2 with Gael, and it fezith; a ffllliwitbht/J6’ .S‘eint.c.Tbe people. tbezt-lqzew their Gee! were [it-orig t_o'=~ Itefifl: ang fcoréne thefe Fletbterzee, and to do explcliiets :. E xplazr: IS not int cHe rew‘-T.Ext,, ut is put in totna up the fence, ..n:';lEi317c which would not elfe be fo full,& Einphaticalli in our L_4othe1'=-he .vv°i.d;sl1fcd 'I§ongue,, as in the I-Ieérew ':-The word fignifying fometime not :1, sgm. ’:n.6. onely to do but to=clo , Wonderfully. The Faithfullr party were The-Lord ad-. Pcrengthened to do-.-. gallant and famous things: as the Mac» .i fix cgbees, 8;c.”f'l‘h1s1s,the divifion and: meaning of the words in. o 5 e ‘ ~. .. . t ell‘ item ence. , e iilfilir-i12,{i—1;::id:aif‘. flln theintypicall fenC€,tl1@.pm&'iee andfueeefle be the fame,but:: 1 .quif€c1't for- the perfan pm&‘_iz.ing, is, Aim'.elmff, or any» of his :Pa&ors and i titWWmP€"=~- Agents ;,and~;the,. perfom whom he praétifes upon-,1._are Clmfiz'- Mo eb. - “ - W’-'“’" I am‘; upon whom asgthey are either Rotten or S1ncere,the fuc-- cefle of the temptation isvarious, ut./24p. The words thus divided’«~ and ‘opened, I» come to raife fuch : obfervatIio}1s,as dofiatutally OffCFti1€mf€i"5VCSt-O. use. ‘ e e are vi 1 etc every eye., Def?rine.r.- s Aureligious Qovenant is {o proper for thofe that » n e ~ ' A - e e,.. z X i r f- :15} Etta: Apaffhfie. feffiesthemfelves Gods people, that Religion itfell’ is-" called ii the Name of a Covenant. rflgozinfl the Covenant. t “ Secondly. No bonds or cords of Gaths, .i and Covenants, “be they never to Religious and Sacred’, are [lrongenough to binde a people, or perfon , whofe heart isnot upright with God, to walk up with their Engagements ;+ T lacy will-do Wicked/j a- ainfl theCo*z/etmntr - J ‘ ‘.7’/az'rdly. It is the policy of Tyrants and Opprellours, that whatthey cannotraccomplifli by force,.they labour to compaffe by fraudeasnd flatteries, Or, ‘ _ l - Flatteriesare onegreat'Engine which Tyrants u{e,.to bring about their own defignes. He {hall corrupt éy Flmericr; Fcmrtkly, There be in allltates and 50Ci€‘ti€9a CV63 in fhfi Church it {ell',.{ome that will be caught and corruped by thefe Frauds and Platteries- ' He [641] ‘cor-mpt. . Fifi/sly. They that are unfound in their profeflion, and un- ‘faithfull to their Covenants made with God in that profeflion, thele be the perfons who will be eafily fetched offiancl cor-~ i rupted by Platteries... Sm}: M e do Wicked!]'again_/3‘ the Ca- '2/want. ~ Sixtlaly. God hatha people , in all ages and fucceliions of ‘theChurch,p,that are above all the Flatteries and Enchant-e ments of wily Seducers.. There is a people that areflrong to do .Ep1oz'm.r ’ e i semmlaly. -It is the true faving Knowledge ofGod,that--keeps Chriftians true and faithfullto God and his cau{'e.. The People tiacttknow their Goa’. e ‘ “ Y.ou fee all thefe flow naturally from the Words : :butI mull: not follow them all, Irlhalll contract what I have to {ay,inro> thefe two mainvazzrzm, which ly in the Face of the Text , lea- ving you to improve the other in your own private thoughts. Doét. I“. Theta people“ or pcrflm,.W1aa avert/aqy ée tlmt-~[iz,ve and allow tbcmfelve: in any kérawn. wiekednejfé again]? tkefr-30.- litmme C ovenmtry made’ with Gadbwill mfily ée fizlxzccd ‘and corrupted eéy Flatterim, to defirt. find betray both C’/mrch and-l mzdfiate. e r thus morcsbriefly‘ : B3: PVi€km’~E. rm‘ ‘:5 Q I31 I4 Pfa‘l.7 8 \-9; Reafimt. ' ' I . foul ? I know in point of honour, A Roman Caevenante Wzfleeilnefjé‘, Ilficlgedneflé againfl the C67/emmt, will upon ftttahle tctnptati, om‘, end in Apajhzcit from the Cowrmnt“ : Or yet fl1orter.. 4 ‘ ”Cotmmnt hretzch, is the root of A’p’afl'4cy,p V‘ . 1 ‘D083. 1. The trtac faving kgto1»2’[ea'ge -of God, :25 thefluntain and fpring of all true gtzlltzrztncffe of _/jvirit and hcmatetrahlc At-' i e chit’:/rmmtt. *»-For the fir/%,( whereinl ~rha11 be the brief'er,that I may have the more time to enlarge my {elf in the latter. ) The Epitome whereof is = C:0‘?J6’716t7~’It'=)J9i€k§’6l'n€J/fa :2: the root of Apaflazcie. You remember what treachery, or cowardize ( I know not whether“) there was in a Battell or two, or more, what laying down of weapons,what running away,what a difhonourable Compofitionand Articles ; I remember not the day of the Ma- neth it war, not year of our Lord, but I can [hew you upon i Record, Pjhl. 78. 9. The children of Ephraim heing armed, and p carrying Bower, turned their hack in thcday cf Battc/1' .- V/Vhat was the matter ? Truly you cannot mifle of it,it [lands on both” lides the Text : They were 4 g"”"*'4tion thfii‘ fet not their ‘heart tzright, and zrhafi jjfirit mu not fl'cq'f'tzfl with God’, [0 verfe 8.i that were enough, but the no. ~verfe is more exprefle; ‘They lqept not the Caz/emmt of T God, and rcfttfed to Walk; in hit} Sm- tutes. p t ‘ ~S.e'c, Covenant-wicIgc»dncfiE was at the bottom: of this bafe ’ élefertion and Apollacy. I mult not [land to multiply Inllanccs; you can tell where to fin-nifh your {elves with enough; How can it bee other-e wire? ' ” For fi1fl,.H0»W lhfii-ll they be faitlhffl/Z'W1‘th mm, that are not faithful! with God ? Will not he break with men, that firli took the boldnelle to break with God ? Will hee think you, value 0- ther mém hadfe: , and ellates, that puts no price upon his own irit may go far, and do gallant fervice, But I mull tell you this withall, I do verily think fuch a fpirit was eaficr Found inRam..-,then in Chri- jiendamc ; my reafon‘is,,becaufe the principles of Chriltianitye being purer, and more aéiive, they will either huild, or blafi .- "' t the Root vf~Apofo’acy. ~ * 7 _ whatttherefore fuch {pirits do, that love not, and liye not up , _, with thefe principles, ( For the molt p,_art)Vitis but to long as r their own ends, and the fervicemay Pcand together : But. bring 2 _them to a turning, where they mult part ; «or bait {uch an_.one with at fuitable temptation’: To which purpofe, feducers have 4 learned of their father the Devill,ethat great feducer, to obferve the compl<°xim:_, and di/fzofiriom of men, andto {nit the flatter}, tO'thC nfirefiion. A ' T .Be it Lufl, bait it With Bwzmy. "Be it Cot/etaufize/]-1’, with Go/J. Améitfon, with Prefcrmmtt. . Timaroozfizqfle, With T/areoztnings, . L V Priolr, with Pmife, &c. . And. éoyle up..«.the temptation /oig/a enough: ; put ingrcdzkhts enough into the golden Cup_.of' Flatter} ;..letitfparl<1e in the Zglaffe, letit be as vigorous and rich, as the mans fpiritis, and it is not one.of'.tcn thoulland, but >o( with :k‘ilf'u/1]?)/Zicitzition; obferving ofzoppartmziticr , and a little patience, efpeciallyp if there appear ad-vantage on the anemia: /Zola, and fair proéoz6il;'- ' tic: of polfelfing the golden apple of temptation) will bee wrought off to bafe and treacherous compliance: with the am- mic: of .Religion,~and civill Liberties» All", the while the man is /oiglyer then the Temptation, he Pcands, and doth you, it may be, as good feI'vi.ce, as the mom after Gaol: own heart; butlet the Teniptation be ozlaozze him, flatter him big/9-c-riot/zg/9, afld up- ‘ on 3. dzliéerozte m3? of fiaolgcment, he {hall éctmy allthe tmff that Church or Stozzo hath committed to him. I fay, for the mofl: i part,you {hall find it fo. - . _ ‘ For fix-omz’/Jz, How..fl1.ould he be able toflamd at {rich :1 time, ',_ fince hewantsa éottom. Our Saviour hath exptelt it undera ‘ double Metaphor got‘, a...Root, Martin. 13. 6. of a Foundation, /I/{oztt/J. 7,25 ; 26.. He is not well mrt/o’r; he mull needs wither, when the boom: of temptation do fcorch ,- hee is builtupon the find of his own Rcfalutiom‘, or I mimtion ofothers,or Selfiendr, .whcn flprm: lzeozt, and .Wi; I 7 How G0d57¢fly&.’5€'5nb:vn.?-" fincehe-1s’faidtoo dwell in an; main thing in the,T‘ext, and comes now to be handled. - Blot. the L pa-op1cith2z1:1{z4é1zi’thoir'Gvd [hall hcflrozzg and do gfxplaiz: ,~ ficom ¢‘whenCe;_ i 1‘ 1 ' 1 o i ‘ A .Tho_/gkcond D offrine :2‘, D033 2;. The fight Qzowledgo ofGod,i: thefjyrihg mzdfaztflmih , - of all two‘ Gredtrsojfe, and honourohlé Worthy oztchicmemontx. V God himfclfhath fealed this truth with his own mouth,whil'e he hath made this Qzowledg of hz'mfi’l,f,thegroundworl<,or foun- dation of all Glorying and rejoyoingflhm./Ezith the Lord,iLot not the wi/E mom glory in his Wt/Edomcweithor let the mz'ghty.. mom glory in hzly might, Let not the richmam glory in his richer. , éflltlc-"t./71.776 that gloricth, glory in thzly, that he amdef/faandeth and knowcth me, that I aim the'Lora',, which exerczfl: loving kfndnefl},jud(gcment, and rightoo#J/'ncf]’é,in the earth : for in theft? thingo 1‘d‘cl'z:ght-, faith the T Lord : fa/huh and.'Gi'dgon,_B‘amch5; Sampfonjgptozh azndibmzid al«fo,Smmzel= and al1theP‘rophets,with all the worthies ofGod.,., W bctf’ore,}‘and fince.TChrz]z‘,'.wiIltcome in like at clouds ofwitneffcs to give in teCi‘imony;to this Truth, who. by their knowledg of God, Suhdmd Kingdoznes, wrought R ighteoztfioefllt at ohtained promij?x,.floppcd theiflflootthox‘-rof Liom,.. qtzmched the. 7/iolome of fire~,o_cfc_apcd:.th_e ee1:qe.,;ofthcf\17ora’,'out of Weufitoflo were made ' firong, wnxool valiant in fight, Put, to fiightrhc Armies. of tho’ Aliem. l ‘ “L ' But beforé.I:ca'n dietfioonllrate thiéatrutih un«toiy.ou,.finth¢.i'e§zs-» , cleer myjvva by. fatisfyingi _the‘f;ei A ' fans of_'it:; Iirnull .of7;neC€fl»ity ,- Ia‘. -inacceflfa-ble light '23 Whoa: hyowledgelit zlxtfiatiwill heighten ‘a.pt:o§lE tiotfugh, i ' . -»a‘tChl€‘V£m€11tS ;>? to V o A - ‘ A ; Ferthc Hrfi ;Y:ouméty remember. whait Gods5a'11fwef‘ way, _!:o.M.a/2=:.his importunatc defire,.,tha.t God would /bci9oi‘him -ho}. " 75 G'lor_y.: e .:mnL_t‘but touch thefethingsin tranfitxz, Tl}: of ma: Farfimde. ,_I3r G for] :Name1y,this,‘ ‘T/mu ccmfi‘ notfic myfzcebfor rberejht/l'na mamfic me aged [Z2/c, «Thou. "Ca1'1ftlt1'<’)t‘fis’e% my fmfie :1 What,‘i‘Sf that ? Why the fame, you know, is the clmrefl Jgfcoucry We can tal:ocl.33._18;.'. ,‘,, Z14. - 9--~-1 5 K . . a. «.4 if ffamcs 2.9. p-;Z'v;'TZ_*"--~ ._._ . a > I . L: 2'._..;‘-:¢-z.. '.:..x":“ _ _4. .. :__. ..:_ __'.._ l.:’l'al.4.8. 8. «flaw-2? if KnowledgetfGod, - L i ‘N¢m€fo - iNoW thisiknow-ledge of-God-in his Attvwzter. L Relation: : -Is- threefold. - * *Fit&,Nm°onal!,or H£fior%icaIil-onely, which confifis onely in e a bare intelleétuall notion of a God, whereby a man is able to difcourfe of-t fuch a Being as God is, even no otherwile then of any other Being in the world,ea1though perhaps it have no ex- iltence in remm mzmm ; asa Golden mountain, or Elylium Fields,i8(c. . Secondly, There is a credm-tiazll#knowledge ; ‘( pardon the word, ‘I ufe it becaufe a fitter offers not it felt) 4 lveleeoing alqwwledge, and‘/‘o. the Dim]: below: and trcméle. Third/y, There is an Experimental! knowledge of God‘,fuch ‘ as you {aw defcribed, jet. 9. 23. When a mango: he hath beard, fa ( in a proportion ) he hath fl.-cjn ; what he hath heard and be- leeved of God, that he hath Found by fweet and bleffed experi- ence to be in God, namely, that god is that glariam being, and S averaign Lard, unfpeakably full of Power, W’i/Edome,Holz'mfl2*, fuflicé, Faitbfulnejfci Goadmfl}, évc. A Paithfull Creator, an t unfailing Friend, 21 tender-hearted Father, a never dying Ha/1 boma/,this isfcienti4zzfi'c~£Ziva,as the Schools call it an heart-ufih‘?-_; ing knowledge. a NOW for the fecond _Qg.zre : It mull be a knowledge that hath all thefl: heights and Grradati-i xonsin it that mufizltrengthen a people to do exploits ,' Hiflo- a rim]! or National! knowledge onely will not doiit, it is but A paimedfire, it hath no warmth or life in it. ‘Credential! knowledge if it be but meerly an Hijforicall éclicf, will indeed do {omewhat it will dare a man much,{uch an; one will be afraid of doing azgainfi‘ Goa’. A ‘ L But it is the.Experimmtall knowledge, that will make a man 9. daring mom, to do great things for God ; and this is the know- i ; ledge in the Text, The people that Qedw their God,know him,and know him in hi; Relation: : know him and know him to be their God in C /art:/7'. They {hall é:flro}:g,omd do exploits. Not that at man cannot attain fuch an Heroicknefie offpirit without: plcripborie, or fall qffumttct of gods love Such at s ' 4 ' _ . ” " " , ii ‘ knowledge 4.}. The Fezmtain oftrtte Fortitude. 1 ~ Lit! ‘V »linowled'gei-ndeecl is'o:'m'oipoto;ot :.but that even .where the foul ‘hath-Mfled tmelfleen how good the Lord to in fuch adegtee,that it ‘ Pet'V’3'_f 7’: ~-hath cloafm G'od,,and hath tog»-God For its portion, as the \ * Church fiiith ;‘~‘T/so Ijerd :5‘ my -partial”,/hit}: myfotxl: He fees-{uch L“m’3£'i"4“l e things in God aswill. raife him above the ‘flatteries and witch- crafts ofa lying? World and carry it outtnot only toAttempt but: . to A‘-rte/aieve great things for God (when it.feejs.its call) beyond it felfl See D"emia"going out ‘againlli Golia/1} ‘ ./3/}zb*Wit'h a {mall inconfiderable patty , againfl Zero}: the Ethiopian; and his army confifling of a Million of men, 4 thou- fend tlooufomo’, 2‘ Chron.-14. 10.11; g V Aéijala againfi a double proportion of ferolaoam, ~ Chap. I 3.. ‘?e/Jo/7otzp.’oozt againll: a vaft innumerable hofi of"!/Ioozéitox, and &:{mmom'teo,and others’, Chap. 20.1, 2. 13. And all of them a returning with the.Crown of Viélory ; upon their heads by ver- me of this lqtewledge oft/icir Gad.‘ , The reafons of th' ableffed truth are briefly thefe. . o T Rea/om. i . A Firfl, T/9:2: koowloolg of Gadget/e.r oz meme: éottome to fidfidflpv Reofikt: « t T on ;a Roelqfa Rackthat will [land when the earth 133 removed, and TPFEI-45-~11?--l - —-h the mazintaim he carried into the mid/t eftke Jen : when t/aefotmi H“'’'6' 4*‘ 1 elation‘: of Heaven and eezrtbdaflnk, tender tbetwozicgbtt T/ae Rec/{of ' ages. Ages -paife awayv,.,onc after altothergbut the Rock rem ainst and therfore Der?/1'4’ .defires no more but this, in the greateft inundations of fears and dangers, .vihen his»hea"tt was moo- 1”!"-°+1‘~5»I-23 (Whelmed, Dead me to the Rackt/Jtzt "higher than I : I {aid he de-* fires no more, and yet I impft recall my {elf ; 4 when he comes to i the rock, he hath another petition, and he isvery. confident of Ipeeding ;'laefbezllfletxtne-repentt/aeroek: V Pfal. 2.73‘- Firfig Lord lead me to the Rock ;I cannot finde the way my s felfgt ‘and then,[et me up gbttiy neighbour cannot fet me up. : zno p;31_49._l7_, mam com redeem his érotheof ,-I Cannot»-fet"upa myxfelf‘, if ‘Rmfon or, ;,Sence give me their hand, " they‘. will iptoll me down ;— God: mu/$3 . e and God /bozllltake metby. main l’ct’ength5ancl_/2.-2 weapon the Rook .1/Mt iH9t'g1oe’r then I. ; .--. .. i e ~ ' A ’ .05: s. Jeeondly, This:'k'nowl=édge;_/22>: erioxqthin God te~'mz[7\3ee_—t 05-, -Kg,,/;,‘,, 23“ zefiivm y9u~¢ann9! fancxthat 9bi£¢¥i9n>‘W§i$133!13¢ klsswlédee i 7 he Kni11zilecIge¢y‘¢aai, T L H ‘ Ifa..3$.2..§, 'oFGo’d:cannotanfwer. . The enemies m{glaty,bu‘t God Almigh. ‘ it} ; they fnéti/1 and politiqm, yet bee pzlfla 125 wife, zmdwi/Z éring evil! upon them, emdwilltnat ml! heck 1:225 jwordr, hut wil Wife 4- egdinfl theibau/E of the will daerr, and ozgazizafl the kelp oftbem tbézt -work iniquity ; they cannot out-wit God ; they trmc/aeram, but ‘ fhe fézir/aflz/I, fit in cier. i . ;’Brezthr_en, ( in a word) you cannot dare 4 7mm that knows“: God, with any objeétion, when he fie: £123 cah’, becaufe he fees i enough in God to éack him ; He will Pay, as onCe.Lht/oer to Me- Ilanchtonf when hee began to create objcflions ) I f the warkfaee Reazf5n.};f;.. Pf3.l~.9. Io. ‘ PI-‘a.1.3. 2. Ver. 3 . Rea/on 4. _ Nehemr 8. 10. .of‘-Gad, W/mt flyottld we feazr? if not,1ct m lay it down’. ’:A T/Jirdlj, This knowledge begetr frufl : T/aey that know thy zzmc, will. put it/aeir trufl in thee, for than never farfizlqfl them =HJ¢ztfeck ‘thee. There were many that {aid of David: foul, or to L X D Mia’: foul (for that is the malitious plot of wicked men and devils to drive the people of God to def pair of Gods help)they ‘faid to his foul ( when hee was flying before Abfizlom ) there is i no help for him fr} God : But D47/id would not fay {O himfelf; wbe knew God, and therefore .hee would tmfl /aim; B at thou, 0 Lord, aft zzjliieldfor me ; mytgldry and the lifter up ofmy hem’. Foxtrtblf, It may well beget truft, for it éqgetxflrengtb ; Oh ‘ it is a jayom ek~noW'l.edge,A and the joy. o_f‘the’Lard zltyohr jlrengtla, ‘faid holy Ne/aaiieirt/a,.a'»tid fo faith rny.Text .; The people that know their ‘ Gad, fhallf .:bee flroizg; Chit is it fireng.M¥t-cammnnica-fiflg "/gnowledgc. i ~- .70} is to the fln';iit,tha'tizvhichemarraziriis tothe 501-tea‘: bones i fall of marranycannor eafily be ,5ro!{e'n_; and a fpirit full afjaf, i cannot eafily bee canquwjcd .- the joy of thefpitrit works over _ Pfa1.4iii;. _ Pfala 18.1.6. i e «. a‘nian *tr(=as:.onc»on‘ct..tgalve the Charafler of agallantiisouldier, e Tflrengthqinto the body. ; t A They got not the Land in .pofTei7i?ion=::by their own ~fword:, ii ‘neither did their own arm fave fhems; What then 3 ;why, It/iy ‘ ,' - 7”ligbt‘_iJ&Z7'JEZ‘d71d‘t].1ii¢E'1&lI'7}i5i'dI¢6liflJ€‘gig/J?Of “thy cozxmtenézncc, The t Jiglst of Gash‘ éfnyntennnce; is 'thJ€1I‘ig}Jt_- band, and arm of the moft -High; and therilg/at hymdvf it/as Lord (fiiufl med: )«'o[0 wiliomtl]; Ike right lmml of tbe.Lnr4'&rin g:—'migb:; thing: tojpazfi}. . r. T ‘Truly, the’lmfl'glimpfé of Gods favour in Ch‘ '[’c, will make :'§!he iofuyou 3 I0 livcilzkgaa Saint, mzdprdy N weer" ’ “—*"" '—1. The Fountain o f "true Fortitude. e 717 like an Angel,’ and fight like a Devill; or to ufe that‘ better lan- guage of Scripture, He that is wealeg, to he as David, and he that 13'»: David, to he like em Angel of Goa’. l \ I 9 Fofthly, yea in the fifth place ; It gives not onely firength, Rmfiu 5.‘ but ‘ltfe ; A life ahove mortality, Thi: :3: life etertzall, to kgtow thee J01“ _ Q the onely true God, and fefm Chrifl whom thotthajl-fimt, - ’ 7 3°‘ There is indeed, no knowing efG’oa' ( after this manner in the " \ Text ) but in }efzo:.Chri[t ; and this knowledge is eternal! life; That man hath begun his Heaven upon earth, that thus knows God. . " ‘ i * And this lqtowletlge of p Goa’, mull needs heighten a ‘people; or perfon to do great t-hingszfor it is all that the glorified Saiatt, and hol] Angel: have to live upon in Heaven, and it is enough,-,‘ forfiofarre as any one know} God, to Far he live: in Goa}, yea ( in fame fence I may fay ) fo Far, ~ he lives the life which God himfilf lives‘. He is clothed with 1he Sam, and hath the [Moon antler ht} _ feet, the Churches Hieroglyphick, ‘Revel. 1 2. I. Hee is clothed with Chrift, andtramples upon the World; above fears, and above hopes ; above threatnings, and above flatteries ; above 3 death,‘ and above life ;‘ I had almoft ford, above hell, and above a heaven : thereforegflahalgloahwill not fear, thottghthe fig-tree H,;',_3_,‘7,,3_ rloeoot hlofome, neither fruit he in the vine, the lahottr of the Olive ‘ ‘ fail, and the field: yeeld no meat, the «flock he out offrom the fold, and there hoe no herd in the [tall ; Why" ? Hee knewthough there ihould be a famine in earth, there wasnone in heaven ; he knew God, and had learn’d to live he God, and therefore will rejoyoe in the Lord, emdjoy in the God of his falvation-, 6%. He lives an 14m‘hemgetlh1e_ life, who lives in the omohaageahle God. Hee that lives in the dying creature, dies r a thoufand deaths; as oftas the A creature dies, or changes, he dies, his hope dies, his heart hi dies within him, like the heart of N aha]. Zech.t2..8. p P0rt,tl1lS blelled truth ; and thaf is this, This knowledge ofG'ool‘ haththepromw of God: prtfince, and Goa’: aflzfiamoe : This is a I’ promife in the Text,‘ The people that /{now their God, fhall he: ' firong, they J’-ha/I do Exploits. ‘ r r And there is a gracious promife in the Pfalmr, that yvillhoth ifecond, and Earaphrafe it.‘ v « e e 5 W‘ H‘ Q ‘Bemtg/E 3 o i Sixtly, Give me leave but to adde one reafon more, to {up Rea‘/imp. 5, ‘ ‘ is 3? Pl';sl.91.:4,1y. i xf ‘The Kz2owlezlge)ofGoo', Beoamfl? be both fiat? /2155 love ozpon me, therefore I will deliver /airie, I will him on high, becem/E’ he hath /Qoown my N dme : I'Iee_/7751'/5 _ call upon me, and I will eznfwer him, 1 will lie with him izoétfozeéleg fzsgejlian. It; 2.. 2123/'nver.Io. Q4»/‘wer. 2. Iffaiah 49. 1,2» 1 will olelit/-er him, e"z'noMo72oz¢r /aim. ,1 V a No wonder, the knowledge of God doth enable :1 people to do wonders, fince by vertue of promi{e( upon which a man may let heaven and earth, and it will bearthem up )1 thy, fince by Vertue of promife, it hing: in the tvonder-Worfinrg God to the; b.ufinefle. The knowledge of God,hrings in God into the (Zoom- fle/! .- It brings in God into the F_z"elol, and then what {hall bee impofliéle, or dzfileull ? T * Thus I have lhewen fed truthis fupported». t i There is a Qgeltione, that would be refolved on both fidox; before we can freely proceed to improve this truth i; It is this: Firllz, may nota people, or perfon; yea, have not . fomedoroe gollontvly, that netier“hem' this knowledge of God E‘: e V ' ' you the Pillars, upon which this bl;efa* , ~ Secondly,have not many tlaathowe /Qzovwz Goo/, come off with flmme and lo 11?, andldo-new exploits ?' I- - To ‘thefitlt, I Anlwer ; Providence works for the carrying jonof Gods defignes, ozmontgfi" and 57 the boo’, and as well as the good’. What Wicked men ClQ',flT3E\kf20W not God, they do byiPre»=-~ *'Uz'olem‘e"; what they do, that know Goo’, they doby Promife; and. let me tell ‘you thus much’, They that\*lmoW«God,..Woulcl'not {ell this diilinftion, for athoufand worlds... s — i To the fecontl, I- Anfwer; 'r-. They that knoW'G'od, may pollibly lay oé/Zméliom in their own way.’ \ a The Lord: loezrzd zS5jnor._/loortzoed, émtyourtimiquities ljavejeparda tedlzetween }'0!4,¢ZiId}!0%7" God :- Some ooom-fled thing in the Camp; ' fome Aelaom-; and if fojbuob fhould have refufed to have calt him out, this mull needs have eltranged God from the Army. Secondly: a people, or- per{on,may know God,and yet {omen , times not A55 their knowledge, their knowledge is out of the W4] ; i they may know God loooitmz/ly,a but notnelqeowledge him ’ ozfhzo/Z7, to «fliveupon him, and a&’ in him, but go out ( it may bee )_ in their own /lrengtb, and in their own voi/‘dome, eo’~e. and: Zhen no wonder if Godido /lrrin/qt up their [z'mw.r,M andthey go yolrtiog. , , ~ 7’? fl?hirdl:y{ , ra people may know God,_and yet God miiyitempt A 3, l dividpepthemfelves, and your contemplation, ‘into his Works The Fountain qf true Fortitude. 19 them, and try them, that they may know him better, and that He: may know them better. 301' 1’ ather that they may /{now themfelw: better, and the World may know them better, that God and man may fee, they are a people that will pray, and wait, and tmfi in — their God ( with foh ) although he kill them. e 1 l i All the '0/e that I will make of this precious truth, I will 7//9* reduce to theft two Heads in one Word of Exhortettiart. * '_ Is the knowledge of Goclthefotmtotitt of all trttefidelit], _got/lomt- Exhortettiottg neflh of fhirit, and heraick atchievement: ? ’ ‘ — Then firfi, if you would be Pcrong and do Exploits, Lohour 1» fo know God. . t c u ‘ Secondly, when you have been Ptrong and done Exploits, 2; sorry yottr film: M or people that do know their God. Lend me af little of your patience to {peak fomewhat to either ofthefe. v _ Fitfi, if you would be ltrong and do..Exploits, Lohoozr to '1, lgzow God; Ptudy God more,and tl_1Cfi’007m' Cezufhtilejfhg beleeve it, you will finde life and fl7‘_€rtgtl9 in it: And here, I befeech you, follow me with your patience, and yet truely I {hall not need (do notmifconfirue this confidence of mine, if I fay 1 [hell not need ) to beg your patience, I {hall lead you a long they indeed, but it Will be through green pot/hm-er, by the river: of living Wei-i ten’; I {hall lead you, as it were, through the milkie Way aflym. ‘am, where you {hall behold vifiom of 1' life as you go, and look into the flore—hoet/E: of heaven, where are laid up the tree;/itre: of itrength, and of all holy courage and refolution, while I ihallinvite you to find}. God. a l e T t , I.Wark:. , I h. t 2.}Zard. '_ . t n 18 3.Notme:, etml Jttrihtttet. 4.Releztian.r. ‘ ma, Rudy God (1 befeech you ) in to Worhy, which Creation. of Providence. ., 1 Redemption. Q ~ ‘ it Fir/i,ThereFore fiudy,God in his Works of Creation, and there you lhallfinde him bringing light out of tldrkgtefl}; this - 2‘ P W heomtzfttll ..-,'-- 3 \_'/ .__. i,2o A I A ..§’he Knowledge of God, hmutifullftru.£fure of heaven and earth, out of a canfu/éel Ghaax, and that Chem out ofnathing, Chtiltians when you fee feconcl cyaufes at a dead-low-water,’ and your Creature-hopes ready to a give up the Gholt, if you would, but remember the Creeztian, it *2 would put life into you, heark how God chides becaufe you i do not ; Who art thou, that armfraéd of as man that [hall die,arrd (E: fargettefl the Larelthy Maw, Who art thou? Art thou a fim of ,5 ’ Amzom acana thou call yma Father, 2 They would have {corn’d to have dealtfo with me; to be afraid of a dyingman, W a ' and forget that ‘I am thethe living God, thy Ma@r , and the worlds Maker, whaflretched out the heaven: , and laid thefom:~==- drztiom of the earth, and hezfl feared continually, 6%. See Chrifti-~ ans,’ the very remembrance and contemplation of God in the wbrlq of Creation, would have cured them of their fmr.r,. while theymight have reafoned themfelves thus into an. holy {€Curlty;::‘ - He that made the World, is not he able to conquer an '/lfrmie ?r He that made his Enemies Of"720tkz'7’2g’. is not he able as eafl y to real dame them into their fir/} nothing again ?4‘ ea»/it irz melt... ‘, Secondly, Smaly God in his Ordimtry , « I i hi i .’ Work: of'pra'm'a’er2ce,, ’ _Extre.Ioxdz'mzry.. "1 'j A Study God in his-ordinary Works of Providence, in the Ge-=3» -bernment of the Whvle world, and there contemplate {ome {uch ! u~.pfa1_I.4sr_'15, things as thefe. What an Harafl: Goa’ I(eep.r;;hOW many *“'mauthe:~ T'B[.1l.I47.4. God, hath to feed everyday 3. How many * Stem in the Heaven,., , y W and yet he call: them all 5} their N amt: !".hoW many; mm in the ~ 1 world, and infinitely how many more hezire: upon every one of: ,1; j*Ma:th..t.o. 39,, their heads,..a‘nd yet * all thefe. men,,.y‘ea an-:thC{C haires» rmmhredg. F What antipathy andfightirzgr” between the Greatures of all E rancks and;c1aI’les,from x1}2gel.§,-dOWn to warmes, and yet the. L ‘ world kept in Order. ‘ 1 Cor. .4. 6. Ifa.y1.t2,I3. , What Combat between the E lemma, and yet the Creation note: fer all intoa. Cemhrfiiare l*iiWhat Cm-trariety in the Seafom and C amplexriom ofthe yeer ; Summer, W1'rrter,Hot, Cold, WTs?t,Dri.-3, '@’‘-c. and yet all..thefe,'{weetly and harmonioully Coordinated to A the {etvice of man, and producing the fame hezrvefl : In a word, .. If you would in yourvgreatefl dangers,but get fo much leave and v time, of your Fears and Difiraflions-W, as.‘ to read over» thefe ., 5 ' ‘ y3gi_fa1rnes,.the 104, the 14t,6,.y1A}7,. ,and-hear;-}$fhaF1 fiories of .PjI0°'; [~ ,_ ' — W . I . yide-nce..: “"*"fir ‘-'v d.-\ 18 I . ......a..,»_<~-A- The Foimtoin of mi: Fortitude. zit” vidence are told there, to Wonder and delight,andthen fit dovvn s and Work thecfonfideration of them upon your hearts; Surely, T" in fpight of all the ods and ldifadvantageis,yoi1 meet with in the i wor1d,and in your work and way,ewhet'het publike, or perfo- nall ; you might be able to come off i with e the Gallant Pfalmiflz i Q (pardon the Epethife ) Theglory of tlae'L,ara' /boa/1.’ mo/ooro for over, p[a1.,o4_3 ,_e doe Lord flmll rejoyco in /92} Works, and not only, God will rojoyco; i . but, I willfing omtot/so L'ord, no long do I live, 1 2271'/lfing prozifi to my God while] have my éoing. My meditation of him /ball ’ée Vern g’3_ fwoet ; I Will éeglotd in the Loroz',@~c. And again, The Lord /541! ~Pfal.x46~.1o. reigrtfor cvcr,.e'0m t/)y~God 0 Szjon omto ozllgener4tz'om,.. pr¢2ifi= ye i the Lora’. Itzis a very taking confiderat1on,,to obferve,how‘in the midft "offiraits, wherein the Church, or the Pfalmilt him- {elf was, at the times of penning thefe Pfalms ; He d0tha'z'f-I co/tijfla himfelfihto F air/9, from the verymifieries of prooidonoo. . L 2. But then contemplate God in his oxLtmordZrmry work: of" providence towards his Clmrcl: and people‘, and from thence you might colleétthefe {ix Oéfirvationt. i T . . F irfl, .. That :11: C /mrcbe: do/jzoiring time: have how Glad: /9elp- 01/{mt ‘J I” T177261’... g.S’e'cona'ly, I That God ‘carries on his defignes not onely. agozinfl‘ 0%,’, 2 j but éy the oppo/Ztion and conflvémcio: ofbi: -ooorflol Enemies.‘ . ° ° \ T/jirdly‘ , % That the nomio: film?/e been nec’rc_'/1‘?'tl'3:irj dawnfotfl, 05/2,}, 3 when they have held ozptbozénlaoodx high:/f. ; j ' ' Fowtkl}, ', That you 116’:/E7‘ imzrol God complaining of too f.-w, 05/Er. o,.i you .-have heard him fometirnescomplainig of too immj. _ i F£_ftl2l}'_,_.That every tame-éozc/e in a de1iverance,is not the [offs of the Dcflgno ; Ifrael had manysa tum-lmclg in Egypt, and. in - the Wildomoffo,a‘nd yet their deliverance was carried on. t Six:/J1}, That even in thefe paflizges of Providence, wherein Oéfiro 6’ . Gods/E’emi.r~to fight again]?-his people, he is fighting for them; and PM '1. 2: z I while» he feems to rcjefl their pmier: he is anfnaering them ; q "3 ’ Honoured Wortbie:,and ‘5elo'zaodClJrifli.4m,what Rrength would 5 thefei ( and the like J canfidemtinx,‘ well wrought in, by medi-- tation, ..contrib.ute. toyoux: men/Q/Jandti-‘and feeble lgyoa: ?: But. % aboveall :; ‘ it . i T ‘ T/sirdlyt, If youwould Rudy to know God ‘in the glorious 33‘ ‘ ; Judges 7. 2; Oh/or. 3. ,avor/{end--mo],i:rie offiedemption by C/ariff, there you ihallv. l J 935 ‘ i " findfi-l _. -finde thefe’Heart-flrengithenirog , :S’orcl«’-rezyifing Wo'nder.r.e t ‘ -‘ 4 ._1_3irli:, T he g7'Mtcfl' enemies that ever the Gh1erch’hezol‘conguetjed: p T ' 7‘1”he Knowledge ofbod, T « é_¢.¢ {A8, I. "A MoIz;gnanteWorld. .2. An Enraged Detzillt i -- 3- Aviolate Lem. v " V ‘ I . A4. The violencedfiu/‘Eice ofGon', and . ii” » Lafily, mrm himfelf ; afraid ofnothing fo mutih as ofhis oWnT*Salvation‘: All-thefetaken oh‘ and conquefd. . e ’Se'Condly, The hezrclefi dificultie: that ever were heard of; re. corrciled ; fc : how fr/xfficc and Mercy might be both fetiffied in. men: recovery, how the crerfe might be both removed and execu-_ red. A Mother and yet a Virgin, Goa.’ and yet die. ’ Thirdly, God rztrhe greezt'efl'- charge; that ever was heard of to‘ fhringpthi: ahozet,” it Colt him the thought: of hzk heart from all Eternit..y,hcfore time, andtthe helozzeol Son out of his ‘hofomeg and Him the dearelt hloaa’ out of his heart in the fulnelfe of timefiall thefe were laidout upon this purchafe. ' i ' e Lhriltians confider, Hath the Church yet fueh Encmiecta l hp t coreqezerr? hath God yet fuchdifiicylties to reconcile ? Willit (off Luke 1.9.27- Verl'.e14;' ‘ Ifct. 7. 2. IV1l.,Cb.. God fo much now to redeem his Church 8.: people from death 81 the ‘wrath of mm, asdidfrom Hell,and t.he‘wrath‘of Goa?And yet iifit“{hould, I am perfwaded God would not {tick at it, to doit tlfie fecond~time,rather then his=Church and people lhould pe- ‘rilh : Butrit needs not ,’ the price of all the Churches delive- irances was paidin at the fixftpurchafe, then it Colt him the hlood ofhis heloz/edSen ; NOW it ‘Will but col’: him the h/ood his curfedfinemiec : upon Whom the fentence is already pal}, Thofél mine enemie: theztwould not have mereign’ over them, hrine them hither and /lay them ‘fhefore me. The confideration of this work of God is of fuch a cordial‘! Influence ,i that God lizopt the moutlzes, and quieted the hearts of his people with the men- tion ofit, even when their heart: home heerli moved ( Withfeczr) * as the tree: of the wood are moved with the arindeg even With this Word.-, Behold A Virgin jhrzll conceive emd- hareia Sore , anti} ft)’ again,\Thxl.t mew fhrzll be peace, when the Affyri'em'come into the land, (fie. would it put into at languifhing Spirit well cliafed in by’ miedi-'4 ration, ‘ And all this while this word was but ‘yet in the e ‘ promi/‘ea fer ofifia Miffer], a Ric1dle‘;Oh what life and ltrength The -fatmitatini ofmtt Fortitude. { - ‘:2 ration, * whereby the soul‘ come rd it fc1Fag¢in»t~might réfolvf *Now we fee with the Apofile; be that fptzred*'not bi.r=own Son 5#t'gd'Ue btm tip itin__. the full for W.’ hm‘,/54;! be ',,,0t.,§,;,;a bim am fr-€gZj'gI-We 14?: all thing; ? acc_o'mplz'y%mcnr\. Surl , he that Spared not his Son? for the Chutches 36- R°F“'8'i3"' derrfp}tion,will not now flick to ray, 1 wzzzgz'«»e Wnfof :ty—1:f¢, ‘ W34‘ tmdpcoplc for thy rtmfomc, fort certainly all other tlelxueranccs . are not worthy to be mentioned on the fame day with this Dt—. Iiwromoe of Deliwrtmcet. Secondly, Asyou ihould Rudy Godf, in his Works,‘ to {Indy , SI. Truth.‘ A_ . 2. Commtmol; _ H18 Word of 3. Tkredtniflg? e ~ 2 i Promtfi. _ - ' ~ I ]~‘t'r/2, The Wort~fioFTrZt—l:; aid t'h;17i-y?L1;fl'la11gfld€ a1I'Notz'; Ifa.4o. 1 5. om‘ do the drop office But at out the tt 0 ti: Bot omcc. ‘ it Alias, what is lefl'e confiderable then a-drop ofa Bttcket P For whagig the Bucket to they.%l/,andX\vhat is the to the Buck- ot B behold, the Well 18 neither ft:/lcr nor empttor For the éttolqet, not 8.',h€t‘Bflc‘@?t for the drop ;, Or what of lefie moment then the do/t .? the [mall daft of the Ballancetew hich tumes the bal- lance, neithet this way not that way.» ;~ which is blown ofl‘; with the leafl: breath? Nowifall Nations be no more, Then what is one Notion ?. What is a wretched partie ,4 or a Fofifion in a Nation, in an houfe? Surely, not at drop ofia-drop, notthe leaifimaginableypartofa {mall duPc'. . V a L e Secondly, Know God in the Word of Commttttol ; the~fum'- 2,‘ whereof is, éeitboxtfoit/afttll to the detttk;; Sits, Gvoddefites no (Rev-e1.z«.;6.-. more o£you, but fidelity, look to-duty ,. and leave fI«t6‘?6f_[]i.°' to’ . 7‘/a£ro’ly,'.EIfE: heat the word of T breotnittg, and behold it is ,5’};5 Is: on with a Cm]e‘,.hear'it,«0h ye people, a C'urfe not from the mouth ofa paflionatetRreacher5 but at-i Angelifrom heaven, the‘ Angel of”thC C at/ezmnt. Cttrfé ye /!>12'roz.,”faid the Angel of the _]udg¢5,5,,_i3;, Lord, Cttrfle /aim éitterly, étcoufls be came not forth to £196’ help: a the Lordagainfl the mighty ; And’ hear it 011 ye N 0516: 5 and! -5-':Mtor:,;.andicommtmdort, and tsouldiers,-Cm-fi=d< be be t/Jot:-do‘tb" the zavarlqzj of the Larddatitfulg, Thatprcttnds one.thing,and ‘in-r . A. - A _. i e i L tends)‘ __:- . __.»..... ._ _ mozeage _ ;~t;_e;e}gz':‘anothei; Thatpretends for Chrzfl, and intendsfor Anti? . """1f 1 313- fi‘iluLl?iI:C d9'proijcere. r .1 King. 2.o.4o_. I utter deflwt Elion. 4. Jofh. 1.5’. Heb. 13.5. Revel. 2. 1 o. 3. l&i.49.I y. i in chrifli; Thatpretends for G o o and hirpeoplo, but intends For sjtheir enemie: ; or that doth the work of the _* Lam’ negligently»; e-Ih3't doth it by halflfis ,, and ‘piece-meals, that turns it off, as if he cared not which end wentforward : \And carfid hee he: the; Wit_hh_ol,4leth».h1$:‘. [word from hloud; that ffiarer when God faith, fl‘ri/(3,; tllatlfufliers thofe toefiape, whom God hath appointed to Behold, this may flozrtle. t . , o_ _ But then on the other fide, , , Fourthly, jhedy G 0 D in the word of Promi/E, the fumme of all which you {hall findein that word God fpakelto fojbmzh: Fear not, I 7villne'z2_er'1em~/e thee, nor for/‘eke thee : Andhoe thee; fezithfull to the death, and I Will give thee the crown of There ‘ 13 your promifl: for the}: lzfe, I will he with thee; and your proe mile for the life to/zamc, I will i give thee the.Crow‘n, cévc. ‘God with you here, and you with God hereafter .- Chriftians, what wouldyou have more? Fidelity {hall wear the Crown. This may ftrengthen. , ; , 1 _ ~ Thirdly, Rudy *0 know~G0_d mhis N max, and inhis /It-=3’ trihaeex, and there, if you be week, you {hall findeflrength ; »5 e If N onplv/he Wifdamez , If hefetj with:Tr6vzchery, Faithfulnefl} ; Wranged, fee.//lieeyyg Q , L e ‘ If under 1 oppre/flan, gaodneje, loving-kz'zodne_/fe, tan; der merciee. ~ . . In a Word, if you have nothing, bee nothing, there you {hall finde all thing:-. ‘ , . I am Gaol Alfitflicient, Walk hefore me, and hee than perfeélg Gen.t17. I. You {hall fiynele ell in G L Efpecially if you will Rudy God. In the fourth place, in his R_e-lati_om', look upon him as Me-A ear, Friend, Father, H:¢ehemd,_e§'e. Youknow of what obli. . gation and influence thefe are among men ( cema Woman forget e \ her, fading child: of how much infinitely more,with God i Oh flzudy your,E.w‘olenoo:, for intereft in thefe Relations, I tell you nehle Patrion, andf hpnoufdt Chrifliam, the time iscome minge, and is, whfifl 0116- Evidence Well cleer’d, will bee 3 thcgter fertsrinto you» ‘:1¥¢¥1?t.Mi.m°¥1°f érméd m¢n.theI}11a{‘ ' u l A W 0 9 pd, and all this, yourxg , e E ’ alfo as itthere follows, L-_ard,'tkou Wilt ordain peezcefar m,7(’§"(. ’ i I ‘ __. x 1 r—‘—? - avsw ..-.v-4r.-—.-+""-'~ ’ ‘ ' ' i The Fezmtelez oftrz4e;1’.~ertz'tzm'e. 25- whole Nat/y ; fuch ‘as {hall enable you to elezreall the powers‘ of _ tlifi enemy, Inwill not bee afraid of ten t/Jo“zefeznel:'afpeople,;lJezt i/get?/e Pfalz flea tlaemfelvex ezgezinfl me rowed ezéoezt ; Odds enough,one.:,w,Quld think, ten tboufemd to one, and to that one, no ,way.,left—jFo'r an efcape; befet round about with Hoalts, and Myriadesof ene- mies. Why will hee not fear? hear him, hee will tell you ; Arefe 0 Lara’, Save me, oh my Gad .- I there it ié. , Hee that can PM 6,!~ fay ( and {ayit upongood grounds my Gad, may fay,)4rzfe 0 ' ' Lord ; anclif God arife, Hi: anemic: /7711/! be flattered, they that P[a1"8"°’** 194;: /9im,_f6al1flie lzefere him, let them bee never fo many thou. fands; One éeleever, and hie God, is good enough for all the world: If God be thine,hist Wifdoane is thine-,his Power is thine, his faithfulnefle thine, his mercy, and loving-kinduiefjle thine ;.,All hee herb, and all he is, is thine, Oh ftudy God in his Releztlmir, and Ptudy his Relations in E videnee; .- Youharve taken up.God upon tmfl, too long already, and thats the reafon, you dare not ‘ - tmfz‘;him'; now lludyh intereft, Rudy evidences? Give all elili- 2 P“"°’o" gence re make your calling ewe! cleflim fare. ; Andjlet me tell you The pmdy,-fig thus much for yourlcomjfort ,j Not only Evidences,but the very of Evidences, fimlyleeg ofyoelr E 7/ielencer, will minifler an holyllwtfet boldnefs 135 e3”EVid¢flC¢- in theday of trouble,‘ and hour of a temptation; when the foul _ {hall be able to lay; With-myfiul lJezM72rerI_faugl1tr_t_/aeein the ;¢z'g/at,’ H3“ 15-9‘ l yea Wit}: my /jzirit wiy-tbiee me, will I flak tbeeearly. You may fay V f ' ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ " CI-X2. See Honourable and beloved, inallthefe here lisboth engege. _fi$c’nt, and encoflrezgemerxt ; E4-ngezgemenf, F0 Clo fdr God what1o— ever ie in the power of creatures; Enéaurezgemem, to expeét from God, Whatfoeveris within the power ofia Godfyou may PM-{H-XS’-i ; 4 be {ure of it; Ble[fl:’d are the people, that are in flee‘/9 4-cafe, yeez élglfed are the people‘ t/Mt-t/am lemon: and have #16 Lord for their God. And thus much for't_he firlt branch of theyfvfi .- _ . L I come nowtothe fecond. r r ~ e e. ~ ~ e ~ f In all the /eonoezrezélepmzel wart/ay exploit: tlxettetrer am, _fermez_.y 5 dB . be done, let #4 fludy to ycezirry ezer file/er ea; 4 P'€‘0P‘le-_:.tb~'4F [gnaw their of‘I§’,’§hm‘;9;’f§,, 0 0 '~ ‘_ And indeed ( Honourable and Beloved) Expldlts than/¢_e been done, both in Scetlemez’, and in England, in thelelater dayes, ever any fince the beginning of thgworld. Time flml: rez2ee22z- r_ * er ~ 4 ll _..-_ ._ 2 67- ; ‘—“**-Ur Deut.8.z.< - .4.‘ ,. . “fiEas—I¢.. A . "ti1'iren*of'f _.’S’carlémd,7 in refufingte§3uC'0n1;fibi1ete a.1T31r-§‘hi'hg'to\vt§ha§~ e ujnnaeurall wa'rre,‘notW-ith€tand1n‘g alt themhreaétis-, andiflatte-. .3’ .‘x\. ' 2 even ~ T_ , ~— . 4. e be Jmawlzdgt 9fGzm', : 56%, fayd God'to I-fraek, the wry wkléerv-in 1%14m ledglece ¢ famiy ym‘r..c.. ;A1as,I ljawe notumeto remember to you the -* eway ewheeein fithere e hath led us the-fe five or fixeyem ; Ag ‘your le-ziffure perufefiyour §4o#m4/13,: and yen fimdve the ‘way xfaéll of Wbfidtfl, kalxnmfi miméeuiam, wrhich7Ge;d;ha;t;;dQ,ne fore gaml 4%} a £905: pezzqéble that l72z've”@mW;¢ ‘their Gad. Iii: l‘%“$,'¢~o;..4',~1;;-egg A ..' ., “ e e V §.STé’«r‘@ive«#ooYQ,. -7 The Ca"Q”“’€«°“t Ofthfu ‘P°P‘fl1 ‘ ‘and P7-z~laszc*)-e. Their firfi and- ]E'cond~un’él'a1»td‘y ‘v'ii&m:ie‘s_,. “over thefe ifomneideag ‘ble’ preparationsfor warre, which were bro~ught to their very ?borders, to have fbrc~ede%thc yoke of zlzzztb upon their necks, ;7‘b2z‘r ybke ‘iivb’z'c’la eneitlber they:-rnor t}Jc'i’i‘ fa2’ber;_r. iwerwg‘!H:' tewbear, f@h‘What"exfp'1oits were thefltsi‘ e e L They ‘Will ‘tell yjeau more. L ,. ‘ In England, for I mufl; touch but £3132-off1te.n,_'of":a?n hune ‘L A L area. ‘” e ’ Thatlittle ,_Pz2rlidme}ft.t gm: :fi'éleli?j',.. ‘.t40God"aind"t~heir brea- ‘fies ‘I’-1f‘é’cl'jto~ have 'cvrrupzed=Wrn ‘-treaty =i-t whs«‘un*-mploix, full bf efdmtrch power eeandergoodinefieeof Ge5d,:as.rt‘hat i‘t’turned;t’hat:.~ eAz£ifl»BI;ztiz:n,,w%hieche fonmerly h‘ad*been-.1a« pelagm, into one of jthe grealnefi jrmrcie.«“thatever Ezzglandxeceived e;,e'IZ,he ;fence‘whereo£,M_ ‘While fdtherse Wemmourning ‘for tih§t‘up1iti1I1ieIy ‘éreacla, filfd m ie: ‘with foimfuech“jby,,;a«s-that ’( I profefle )1 felt not (j-that day ), jehe ground I went on,’_ while ~I=¢o’uld blefie“ God’,-‘am! blelfe than: 'Pfa'r1i2éInent, wft'h‘teh‘e wordsdfi P‘19i‘n'c’;u_,. téhe'f‘o‘necof ‘—E’lmzar‘tha.~ Priefi, to ‘tshejtwo ‘i‘Jribe‘ssaend anha1f;;; Tbzkvduj Wbeparceive rim-t.~ “tlfe Imrzzl nemoagft m,_<*émmf:* you bmzeirzotecammitted efikis ‘trefl-W , V A€lgi!ai§1:.fl;:'.t”he Lord: now yge laa*ye+delivrred't1:ieec‘biL&lren* , » sgiifibly' and._trieu’m‘phaht1y5ieupbn theiiWhee1s'o.€’pEay§.r ; §;;E¢- ‘ ‘$- may fing of prayer, andthe [mrd,»,in this day ofiour rejoycitgg,‘ a5 theiyidid of Sax}! ‘an’d‘eADm}id'i1ft,théirt tr"iL_1mp»hs 4: _17“/ac‘ fwbrcl I3, :5 [lain its Thozzfizndr, but prayer its an tbazzfzndx; : 7_gFoxzrjl:ly,U"That in all that hath beendone, both iniyour 1 Parliamehtary and.Martia11, exploits, t/;2ere_/Jiozizjh £v:¢;aTna[eJ/]'e rim; at miramlam ifdzifingt up bfthefjiififiof 71%;? ‘aé2_g2t}: t1a'éz'r‘aW7¢ mm. -2~7.«»zl!e‘pr7¢2"j5a'rr£a;2,* fo that as it was with the Worthies, whofe Mo-L numetits ftand in Scripture unto this day ;..f1'h_e Spirit ofzlaa Lord came upon Samfon, and the Spz'-ri_t oft/98 Lard. t'c.2_me upon Jephta, vm21’David,C&?c. ‘Sothath 1t;been' our confzhéts, the Spin’: bf the " Lartllwtt“-h"come‘:¢poh..imr'Na,l2le. .(z'é'.nt‘m/1, C omrmznders, The Spi-f Z;acij;4. 62 ‘ rit. ofthe Lor7d_ hath Come upon our Ga/[ant Gentlemen", _To;m men faithfzzll’ Cozmtrey n'¢m,’ Renowned Citizmx, fothat he t/7.2't~ W44 wcalgazmiong t1bem~i;:¢:» David, and be that was as David, /mtla 550}: L1»i.t19&:11W;¢fvl.'bf‘.tl:ie Lam’. tEi;ver1then;when ou'r‘Ar‘mies-ihave been wearyjand t-yred, feeble, and ifaint, as once Dd'z)ia'xhimefci1f" was ; Some. have rtfre2It‘ed,0th€rS'ft may bgfled,‘ and the {late of " '-the Battell every. éioubtfiill and dangerous; yet cfzxén then hathithe T Spirit ofGod«co'tI'1e."upontthem 7; In all ~Which«that Word hath been madégood‘ ~;NatA éy"mig.ht bar‘ pozazk‘r‘éut‘—éy my‘ S piritfaitls the Lord. ~ -- i e e ‘ T’ I 1?zfrJa1y., That whereas the.cot1nfe1Isiofthe7Enemy run; all in . one:chann‘e1I,:with ianefrecdnd mmnimom Vote, againft Chriih, and hi'S.1.p'__€_Op‘i-€.;i’Y‘oiua hazz¢e=jf,rug'lcjd‘i(,and I wifh I might fayonely . yeubmze ) not only againft aitorrmt of oppafition Fromethe opent profqfed E'nerhy~;_,but, twirl: ti/ycfi;-cret itide: and flreams. of crbfe Malignant Gamicellx, dndpfojtcftx among your _/?*l'z2c.r, almofigin all your M9tioh:.' and Preparation: throughout the Kingdome», which when It17erioufIyficon{id:e‘r:.in ;1ny,i‘Aeprivfé1te thougihts «I :: wtonde'rinot:1(;as’1—°ome-do fithatimoreis-inot don;;But:‘am‘i filkd izathcff Withewibnder ‘a-nd' a£’conifhJ.1eIient-,,'thatfoi m‘ml;' ;isidofie, as is done;1and in uflmeeds- break out 'w1th the Churches . admira- tion and acknowledgment-;. I£"'I;$‘ t‘/ac Lbrd: ..me'rtz'€.r We m.;m:_ I;.;9,m.3_.z2,2g-g. cgzafinned éecamfetlné:;campajfi'omfdil,.ndt :;—: Z7/acyLa7;ei.rei:2tWad7e:22er7 morning, greatid tkjfait/afulnejfe ’ .’ iv e * 7 ‘ H—ad7.I not mm.edfth1‘§- laft, »o.f‘ crbe Couhfclr, ‘]i”cto_t31ild3‘ha'vcj Jhewedgygon all thfife '; i72iprc_fl70'fiJ: of God, upon the Deliverance, _ andi ' T/ae«ihFai_zzntzzi)2 of mu: Fortitude; T 7 » 2.9 tinti'.vi6'?a;7,"Whiéh wemis day celiebme; ’ ~ .'=;Foi','-firfl,» Was it notinfour oz’?/]miring?ti7.i2’bf,' when out hands I. were Weak, and our knees feeble? -t — . T ~ -— Oh, the opportunity Qf this mercy , how feafonably it came in to refrefh and revive outedrooping fpiritsgaftersthat fad blow inthe North,1whei'ein;t'he hémd ofonr God . was Rretched out! againPcj«us «!‘.ho“Wfe_afoné1b1y I fay , to flop the-mouth of repmzcb and élafipbmtie, in our infnlting adverfaries;-whom if God had fuffered to have feconded their formerfucceffe, with this dayes" V‘ic°corie alfc‘), fure1}?th_eea'rth‘hé1d not been able td have borne their words; ;/1: with 2 .fwo29dvz)4 our “Bowel: , they would it havedoubled and"heightn‘_edeetheirvreproachessiwlmt 2': éecome of Pf31~4Z-1°-A your fizffingx andpmjerx, yea, wlsere= ésjaxr God 3'' e : Yea, Oh the patience and free-gmcaof‘ our God, which hath e t.-riumphed'in_this deliverian/ce;! who when he faw us in our dc-» flandencie: and de/pairings, and might have defiroyed us for our 7mtrm't:g'e'afid?nfiHcl1})".('aS=h€ did,§the Ifra‘el‘it:‘es.>) hath not only . l_ook’t‘ upon ’ou'rvaflii&ion,{.b'ut pit-icfd and help’: am‘ wzéelicifbyk {oh i t — 3eca;adZy, Look1up'o'n-it“_under» anot~hei:advantage ofithe I-63-=. 2.=- w.on'derfulliand"unexpe&ed "a reviving IL: ‘ I efcin, na‘mely,as' treading up;on.theihee1s ofénr ‘humz'£iation.5 and" {'0 you may-behold’”it a double mercy, A 'vié?ory ; and the return} i i of pr4yer.; whichiweimayTcelebrate-in Dmvidxrapture. J flzid Pfa1.gI.=2.z.7.. in my lmffe,_1 am cm of from befqré thine e}«cq-L‘, nevertheilelfe tlaau heazrdejf the voice of my /application , when I cried zmto thee. _Oh‘ Vcrfizge « j’ letus felloew ‘item’ with hisgaglavqe’ ti/:a'Lig2rd l fO'.I‘€tlJlTD€ and refi[’c the rage"i‘"?:é1‘t.1ed fury‘ of the E;nemie,iand...to ,p.ur>.{ue it -‘t9'a,gr:azt.]l2z;zglater, and a taMl1_tro:4 ting- a‘ 332 and». ' .230 9:- T-wv ~~v— T Kno:1jlééige:(y‘7G=rii’,.l and dif2'amfimre»of that prauddaring A:-mie .9 Well We may con-3 elude, That Godgwas in»that dayes worke of a certain, and -wroughtzwonderfully , andxmmediately for the ifalvation of his people} a ' T A Surely fo great a victoryi with fo cheap: aeloffe, was .mop¢* then Gods finger, it was his Arm, his right-band that turnd the rqueltion of that day , and_thef=are: ofhis ,people into incon- .qx.eméle coamtge, and thelr mourning in-to triumph and res jpajfiin I. ' F p All thatul have to do now, isto befpeak you, Honourable. and Beloved, that, under this and other Deliverances and’Vi&ories we have, and hope for, as they were wrought by the knowledge of God, Io we would 55-‘ ‘have mrfiluu at not people that Qww our Godglet us wear »ou»rddeliverances as a people that are acquainted with Go.__, i. ..n 1 Sam“ 2; -17, i ‘In the firlt place therefore, let us "carry it tbanlégfxllyg let us _2.8,z9,3o. do with Chm:/I‘, as, fometime 7045 did with Dun’:/id», vvho,when he had taken Raébah, feat for Dmaid , lel’c the City {hould have been cafled after fo;z6:N:zme; and/it the King: C2-own‘: ( Very weighty ‘and rich with precious Prone; ) upcmrke bead bf D avid; let us us this day bring in our Lord fwu Chrzj}, and let not victory be called after -our mm, but let His tName be let upon it, The Lord emf Right:aufnefl'c., firehgtb 3 and the Creme: upon ea ma. , “Ihave readofa Kiizgugoing-lby»water,who looking overtthe bardge, his Crown fell into the water; one of the Waterman leapes in, dives, takes up the 1Crowne,t and when he comes up above water, puts the Crowne upon his head, that he ‘might- ufe 'bo'th'handsito expedite -his return: to the Boat. The Vp-ro‘portions+his rewardzthus; forjkvigg his C row», he allowesr him a Talent, but becaufe be put it on, he takes ofl'-‘I111: -bcad(think€- I ing that head not fit to [land upon its fhoulders, that prefumed to weare t-hat—Crown, which was made lonely For the head ofa King) my Paolitiques, are not fuficient to Critick upon the juftice eofifuch a cenfure : Sure I ram,,it will‘be.>the biglaeyt afi.‘ of _ Traafon in '05., if wefhill put this Crown of viélary upon our own eheadmpon the head ofour 'ow-enflnhgtb wi/‘dome, — , ;:_;' ::' ;‘“ “- T L * Tho Fountaizoloftraé Tortftudégo ' 351! * —~—__.é —v — 7 ",7 WV _ __.j___,_..___7, __ Which asolilt was wrought: onelfy by the ¥:'4m{,.\. as l it" was made: cmely for the head of/aim who ‘is the King 7ofS.oz'm-:,' and Lord of Hoff; A-n_d the Ioighefimfi flufiioo in-‘him, ._i-'f:he_takVc% awaygtmti l the C~roum?lone1y‘fro-miout be.ioE'~(in=1f¢Ourfi°lfoe:*tothe:Devill. Jnfidezi: difim-» » ltliem ;—,,"~779o» Heott}9_cn»:tzzlke:i¢ tlawfecitla, floor tbo'f1éwd‘Clm'- *a,,,,,.a fldema.) 1 3h _ o , T he ‘Knowleelge.ef.G0.d, , . either havethe better, it is thelleathen Without doubt : Let me. invert’ ita .«l_it_tle thus ;‘3The wretched Cnwzliem, they fgvenr a-2 gainff Chrzflt; The unholy Pnrlinrnent-Prat:/fnnt live: againfl; Chrilli; they hlnfl1he2neChrili: inftheir monthet, thefe hlnfizheme Chrifl, in their live: : And tell mee Chrifiians, which diflxo-T l nours God mofl, their zzerhnll, or our real! blafphemies? and what do you think? were it not better God fhould be di{ho§ by noured by a people that profefle open enmity and warre againl-ti Chriil and his Government, then by a people that makes feeh Amos size tion: of the enrthf therefore-will 1 pnni/h yanfor all your iniqnitiex. Surely, our fecree nhoneinntiom-, are more hatefull to God then their open wjchedrze/]"e:, which they commit in the Face ofthé _ ‘sun: And better cruely were it for us to perilh by the ln/2: oF our enemies, then to perifh by our ownlnjfx; The lults of our " enemies can kjll us but once 5 our own lulis, Will /gill us to the ficoofel death» a ‘ - _. _ i ll ‘p A _ Chriltians, our Goddoth not onelyefieah peace, and {peak pf_,g.u9.63’:3;' mercies, but he give: peace, and dothgooe/, T hon one good, nnd than do]? good. a _ I; ‘In ourjreturns of pra‘if_e,_letpus be likeour God, and not con?-‘ tent our felvesto enk our thankfulnefle, and fing our'thanl<- fulnefl'e,»~ but let us live our thankfulnefle, and do our thankful- ;ne‘{Te, and he our thankfulneffeg Let us take all from finne, and felfi and give all to ]efus Chrilt. , ; T 1 s s ' If thisbe our thankfulnefle, I dare’ promife you in the Name of my God, this fhall not be the lalt Viflory God willlgive us, for fo the Pfalmilt hath yet toitell you; To him that order: he: 2-Cont/perféztion nright, I will jhew. the fnlwztion of Goo! : You {hall have yet more fnlwztionx, even on this {ialc enerlnjlingfelontion. s Brethren,»_=lool