gm my .‘&.,T_ 3'4 ‘*T«=’%z*”‘“«:_£“‘%§*"‘\i,4"%* .:’“-ar% *2» A %%§,§%;é W %3»+‘§”mA3~€»i,{E}@sa,fi&.s>xf;,%J.&;aa,,;‘\. ‘.3’ »;,,m;; ¢,,,m,;9,, ;Q‘g;,,J’:f‘:,,}¢fmJ§‘u.,Q&;M‘?'K¢f.'§9;£;t$‘&ya\n}!g,J?sg§l€m.:fwi“‘r3:I'an u.;m..»*;',.~.; aam,:;~:,q,, a“,,;p.‘§{;L¢_&.fi1m*? " ‘ «:3» & ‘ ‘i % “$£.-‘-’y my. . F 5,‘, ,3 3-. I k -r 1 ~ 1: -' M‘ “$5 ‘Vii’ iflf. ‘W5 ‘fitg '=53g w ‘W ”Ib.'$°« Wfi‘ W W ~’ .“?=$*w:aa:~L~%“?*~:="'% ~» .v*wx:z"**d:=‘,=‘*xE»v*:v F75’ ‘ an" M" ,5 V. 5, 557 ‘.4! J? w: my mfg, S’ a I 3 ek. ‘E ‘er. 3 :1 1.,‘ - ~ £51‘; :“‘.; 2552:. .239. F 1. £2‘: ‘*3? ‘£59’ +91 f“ :’K§.= ..,.'§*»é€a=fik~; . *2, A —f‘~. e‘ _‘ 14»,- gég, ée. gen. 29;: '1, i $22: 9!; 3;. * 3% A ‘ \ V. ._ % Wffk Upmm Mm %%:V3g€>£e®?L»L;‘,«§fi~«$A§31»@ mSW«W“»; £§“£W€f§W”£jVf??§§??ff€Vfi h@§:Vmgth¢:: day @£;’pu§f'mE,¥~:',.@ A We Thmkfgzvmng far thfi great Vwfioxy mbmimd againfi Prinm fl,:rW;*»°fi~ mad: the fEm“§@ 0? Newcgg/£le$L4 A Fumes meme TQRKE “ :32. 51. 5:3: .§ 32- !‘ ° gag; re >3 mama...-/“" $37 % 7 “WY 3 ;"?1 “3%'€A ByR§mmwD W§NE$g§»flm§%fif §Gsmd~s~ 55*“ gig, ; W A Awordat Weddzfigtw in fhcaC0umy A mink, M53 a iwifinaber Qflihfi Affembiy ‘*2 § ‘ LL :, 1%.. fiw dam Of D xwr E N ‘E 5% A»: W? % & L h ~ r Puh§1flm»g:e::,M§.«0K ’?.‘:"*=-‘«- ‘~-~“V.A'¢~:-.—:***‘~*‘«"\ fig?! 24* ' .32‘: 1% "..~»== ~ M *3‘ ‘ A fig‘ Y‘ * 1 .A: M ‘ ‘ M ‘ ‘ ‘ ME“ ‘ ' Mm; Primiad by Gag”?/f; itm: Abe’! .-R0133? aczhe figwe Of the fh.%1nm:%~ may agaizafi S‘ Dzmfivzwx E:hL1mh an Eic:*e=*;:-»f;t1L*:::%t%3"::9 A ‘E; 6744;“ ;J’§*»« -aw» gm. mp. .43. W. .53., ;fl;..~ %m W. W. .53.. rgmyggé; ;5;3g:. W3, W, fig} 5 .‘ ‘("44 -«W, ‘ ‘Eh Afl%“Vn1bledAi13 A 1?. L: A are N T; M RightHanourabl-candN0§f»1c‘Sh§n&ht0u:3, WA AA .' ‘“ A Ttirifiiméitix claere day, wen z‘[9eir.eyc.s‘,; nz/2;/é amaai/ling» ‘ ‘ %m?j]e m 56166126 53 madezfagmg ‘”"’ m/2?/iLm!,2;re% "nodavézimken 5 to fie t}9:;ét'(j70'6/ ciidirzdéééfpzzz ;nm%r ‘oft/mn@~— wing éiézfi mo~%%om /band: mm m amber Tadgfgazfijolemn a dam maljto/uppo2~t ?’é1D:‘%ta¥3l"07’1ZrZ’3t/(79 me: Of the w0m"a7,; z'm0% ieflé z/:érm« to+M¢m%*1r0%nY u '-.r‘ zzpon C] 0 D‘. ‘F/9%ah@:§%i'yfng £3 I/aereply‘ we znalfie ta §O@3fai1fwér ofowrprayerg W/50m V if‘“r»e‘1ém!&e~¢1920r'z*/9JI,%£26 WEE! /Zzrely make A migefyazdfiz" 0:,M2a?yp znercim T/magi: are A__ The Epifilfe Dedicatorie. A i garmezatsgzmljimetimex Ware fficfic/of/E2. Tbefiflrdfit0%'5*6W~f5”‘W, *1’/9'W!wr° ~ z;a%%:LaChir.'+y'mx 09* HaI 1€1t3ja13 Bc»w4re;%A oft;/fm&t rocfiwéécb t/§eUra.e}i res ffoilfaufe % é412oni%int/fieir Wilderneflé condition, wbére é:ei22g& M Cjods mare Z‘mi776‘dZ'd!f&..»,». fizm§'rzg,and bazviizg all Meir» enterminnzem“ fiiam Heawfin, tbfiymofl ofzrzll did:/nan” % zméitter GOD 5;: z*Zv7eiré7zu~rmmir.g:.4» % f gaiflflWtemfiwofisa/»/vim;Tbfgowdi‘ Lam’ command I/9ePVef/he 9/cards/wee£%~* ‘afgaele the Nortfi bat/Jdonemmflzfi» /azlromzawrlke, tlmt unto ’Henric%usA- ¢ Rcifas, V Eciclefigsb arfolus; Sapmyer/3, % % fl QLu~redu11Wortih%y fer Vanrtj j forChr»iff, A % A R1cH%ARD:*%VI;$1M~.% h 5,90; ewlacobus, nmmmedg K _ _ » “ ; q ‘ s E mu N%1APRE4A*CH.~E 13% Before thfi RightA%HVonouraB1ethe 555 L 0 R D 8 and C oM.M;o ms affembled in % Pa4rlz'amem‘,‘& upqr17 t_hAe;'%z8$1?i~%da:yA0f Mfufy, Ié4.4., V» it being the daycaf Thankefgiving for thegreaa , % , ‘V A A i mercy of God in thexhappy fucccflb 05 " . “ A . A A * %d1e%Fot¢cs6fb;oth Kixigdomés againit ;. A % ‘ thcfincmies of I‘:;"”g‘§94f-“i1’e?‘?'“ ‘{ A ~ , _ are mypeMapza,c aura» am wélliizatlia .: SoAbetva45*4V*4~tb:ir Sa’t?iot4r.‘.w r 3 ‘Q; sé (‘".*'? ‘ 11-‘lat ”the4Hifiorian faith {sf that day’, “ A, }wherein4 Scipio “ and gammléalf difputed ‘ N Ak%‘.A.L 1 that‘lofl3A d6Pending CRUI-€’3"~“'”{3CtWC€n6' ‘A A " t ‘ ‘ Non fuitmajov r mam dies, &c. ‘‘ %&.Ramzme Empire LC until}? that timc) hr ‘\ “ «.‘ L.'.;If'.' A r The %fw;.mer may AiIf%}uf’c1y1.fayfiggsjefibje . . 6’ 9 Mt flem;7T;M'V;q: é-rent%er ‘day. gssfthc occafion F pf this our meeting“: Nor We % A * B “ fathers” ‘§‘ §. 1?mze and Carthage "inopen fieldi %Tl9e%A/Wmperiamfi not our pumice jemmlea V V fa.:i1ers%it1% this Kingdomc s:0n,£idfering, ghe numbers onbcith fides, :he%I:iu_ereP:s4V:1m1aya.:.$1°,%,4z1:em1«» neflé of the .vi<9cor , ;thev;hopefu11 con1'éqg1encVe»ofit3V Imve: had m01‘e, caufqto {in ,_A__‘.T/'1ey cam1o2;[fl;%4{.4 ma aémt % like Ec¢:%:4‘Vtbex: are qmsbm’firaéftémcx.%V::;V«Afi»rin tlz%e~N4zfiéo~‘V;‘%; 3,/ya«La:-ddwiFf£[deflfibjtbemg, Ail’/;a;¢%:l.黫zL%'*’2§:.%t/22%/2,‘ '_ fire 452213 :64: I mjgér far]! 5 Mt tf2L{Lora%elpea’ we : The Lord :2: my .Ffrez2~gt}2’4n..4fbng,; __ andfi. £v.emmeL my fizlmtiw. Tl1£._’£f0i(«T€ ofrejayjcing_4nd{ala:Mtim :2»: in tlaé taéermmle; af ‘ rigé;e.ms_, ‘t/J6: rzgéi fwd qf('fi€“L191’r5[d6iZ?."Uz£V[iti79F{Vu , V Téefig/rt Zmizzal cf the £49m’, 25 e mired -» ribs rigét bémd of é 3’ . tire L.aroz’.Aclo;5 mrzzliezntlym P1311. 11918;: 2., I 3;, I 4,15 ,I»6,(fi;‘c¢w for-F thou~gh_‘ God have,%c1ea?reIy‘ attefied his Vpkreferrce 1 xvith%.;1s,4y_ m:=.ny~viféil_)1_<:} 7toI 3-:fu£.1cfI%erA t§hae_tex2.f-m-en gfthg: =3,=_=,Ih71§:“: C,hap;t,¢1‘g Axhe h¢g~ m1ng f J93 AtakenV%up; in a ,;di‘a1ogucBetw€en the Cl1‘L11‘ChaflL:t1lik%e%zfiwzclaro [ma 522/1 mic! [86 26/56 fiz[vmzii0n%0ft}2£? Lam’;i ’&nd‘%V?é.it¢1‘__v.?fz1rds t flag and A £o11owA the L0VrdS hand with :a;cc19.1n4at5i®ns%; the1tefo1‘e {he breakes Vf0rthVA+A.verf.;7._ &int0‘A4the{e%Vwxirds5 & A N?QY§f:t§%V:a.W.g0Qd”.aH,ifl;OI?§af’t(10311.‘i1.Qt4A.I7Cht6~.m‘€er€“.and% ‘x1aA.I<;¢<:1;LA».matm:s;«offa6°g 1:»t;1t:%%»t;1:u:‘:¢; reafqnsja.ndA}: confidera"- B '2. ‘£10113 Exofi. £4.13; ‘-with cap» 5;“ ‘war. 1.85:» 4" ,} .§grym preaflmd 934A-flue 44, afpslme Txmnkjgjmg" +.tiO21éA moving lb or fQ,Witl1 the effééts and refltnltancgégl l V 4 vlbrlzhe Cliiurch‘ furvayinfg lltheA1oving_klindz1efl%_s offthel Mer=:mr. in ~ lGe1'3.:'.z.,3,3. I.o1:d,lA even from théltiA1Iiesl0‘fA Egypt anal oftzhle wil’der~ nefle (whzch was the greatllettcr wherein theAA1pha~... be: of his remarkable mercxes to that Nationc_Iid bee gin,-,) fuggefcsinl th¢woi:d$‘ofn1ysex:t, eheconfid¢..l ’ A l;ra£iQ11s"=lup0n bl whiéh God A p1"o§:eecl'ed to be t:hei‘rSa~ viour :‘ Far ‘fie z'a’,fi:re1y they are mypeopl¢,vbildren tlw ’mifl¢zotlz'e.-fl? be was their Saviour, A A l « V ' A Thewvords h[a.ve7no greatknotin them Ag, that ex» e?pr€fliAn, Cl:él:[7;e}2A ~z:/22¢ will not 1.z'e*;,l requires a little- *light, memiri Heéraicé c‘;fi7‘~ 6° dzfii év faéifii A The He»- *br'ewesf call. lying not only ir1.xvords,, but deeds‘ ; vera- \ 'ball’lyingllI fhal=l notlinfi-R upon, l for tluoflugh the Papifi vu'z1der2-prop, his Religion :as.ahc‘e’Anemy:doth his caufé 7With_legends of thefepimrfiawdax,’ ‘yet llyingls a» tradé that will bg1*eal;eV%botht'he fi7rll:'111e1fcl1ant thereof, "and the broke13andlthl¢:»cr“edulous buyer. or reeicewerg they cannot keep open‘ flaop Iong,1Ayi;-mg B'on'efires vlvillnotv blaze long, lying-~Bells‘will« be prefently in thcl than-» gas; 4 tluough truth $1-ofeg;roulnAd aa-tl1e.{tam:,» yet it ever\v1»n.saA.ulal?oz: v A I‘ A A A A‘ A l T he " text fPe3l““1‘S;Al"‘-C lying EFI-,&3€"»€&l0rfaé;f§' lwhénai Imazfl cl0tl1~f.£/Zerefideflm atmmgbgreakel hi5fiCOveI1ant,<:lcal‘er perfidiouflylwith God, fox: that is the z*opemotion’ W oflyifngirnfaéh, to b1=eal:e through:mdlviol*ateingagei- mentsmf bélunfiiiahfull, to Adeale falfisly -.3. Aft) the word islufedj esw A2 S:r;9e2zr€”l£°l0%'*?f}3, rmlxm wilrmt lie or acflealefaéfaelyl‘ Pf3.~l;44. . T flit’ 7 iii»? 15 ‘camel wparzlllluy, yea: Ewe we norfirgattesw wee, zwitber /lwve we lyed lar deal: A‘ faffilylin thy r22«vc§mnt,.Pfal‘.8‘9.3l3. Im-iii m£f£5fr’er(faitl1 ) lm_y.fait12fi¢!fi{[J'€ iasliei? arf4syZe,; myulw-iuAm42¢t m'!M ’ A I: l A ‘ A flag J’ ‘fartfévzgreat ‘Vifiory ofiiaifiealméere Yorke‘. . ~ ‘ 5 V 9;»: gmsg, W elm tlaeet/zing rim £3 game can afmy tip : j ufed; Dezmg 3 .29.' s'1‘l9z';2ese:7er7zze.; /724‘/1 lzefozmd lyars am- A his carriages eTto.x've.erdss me unduti.£"u11,y,bsuts he snowsrsng ‘audio you fl-1a.11«fir1d’* (‘thosugh the Word in the fouyn-«s ta;i;-'1e:beys nos; “}IT>’1‘&’%%a;SsiEiSi=I1 theetexg) Pjala 8.47. that feigned fubj-*e&ionsor obedience5to God ormeneis cal»-» ‘ \ led lying.-, The flrangers flmll lieszmtoeme, or d’i-{Temble EH2; Is 6% their fubmifliong in which notion the word is alfo gfiffgfifi PM time, that is, they {hell not dare but to be fubjeflg, though their heaxxzsbe rotten 5» and to conclude, H453. 3. :7. {flag lzzézmr of the alive flu:/Zlie, that is; faile or ,fx.‘uff1'at:e« expe-Station :, to that it ycsmnot 1'ePc in. doubt what fl1ould’be meant by children tbat,wz'lZ mt liéc, that is, they are‘ my people that wiltinotz fhrinke ( as one of H. our Ezaglifb tmnflationsydothwell came the La.tine,filgv naneyfiegantes they wilfl keep touch with meg andIw11'L ' anfwertheircovenantze-mgagemenss.’ so ; A A W‘ The wordsxhold forth» unto you three things 2; A That God, in the cxperience,., and by the confeffion E-, A of his people Wags theirs Saviour :4 «He wax their Szzvviozm A A The con{i:d‘eration.whic11hehad, and the account 3,, ' which he gave t0»lIiinf"eIf'e ofnhem‘ 3,} Hefazid they m any e geofalac/aieldren tbdtw;/lfl0to“li€.;;:..V‘s “ < s ~ < A v: ' Thecomex.ioneofthe1”e-two together; foehe faid 3,. , of them, and {o be was $0 them 5 So. he was t'~l2ez'2* Sm-3 ~‘Fo.:—; the .1‘igh:app1*ehenfi;one~s of the efenfee ofthe A .words,%syoL1s‘az'e tostekethem as a‘s‘prc1fl2pape:Ie, ,.con- -eeiyedwin; way .of7i1nica.tion~ of mm,-, vI1ae's—e}s%: a. ‘fit;-'San£}iL:s.£?e. eh’erih;ebete“ewit‘hi:1 11.i.rri{E~:1Fe~Ws11a&: he fli1ox;1‘d“doe Wwfle A A concerning ma; lewde sand sdiafobedient‘ foo, fi3.eith,“hi'S * eourfesya.rey.1oofe and vici-0:15;, his difpofition i«‘1'li*l)‘era;71l*, B34 as 6 A A A Sermon preached antbe dayofpfiwékf l at my feet,Iaments l11iAsAexlrbit:m’cies, llobliglevshirhfélfc £0 returns MA éafiaimfizs lam;WlhayfllallxIAlconc1Aude L why; notwithfianding-Aal~ A ::I11‘s;j11lel,i~s; my ¢hild,AAll-pzreratey zailflamfilerm dafi/yhlhewillnowlkeep promli;f~*°i‘,_I will A be a.fatl1ex*t0=11iin 350 God is cenctivcd this text.,: as being in cofrfultatian lwifih-llhliAmf€lf€l3b011E QC l we! 3 I and the Axv01‘dlfwél_3; l 01‘ natwitfifidgézimg, ,im’pli€s ‘L ' Atlfzlalt he could lay muclu rebellion, many.relapfe’s as their cha.rge,3.nd yet on the other {idle confiers, They ' ; ewazle their evillwayfes, l t“he._V71‘eneW that covenants A AA:witl1A‘ me‘, they pAu:~up_on tl1~em{E:Ivesl‘1fmv ingagemencs to be mine-yllc t1*i1ft"tl1"eml,lfin;ély,they will not lie, nor '1hrin1vz~o.6ji43zt»:..a I to all; thei;‘z- formgeifl‘ptov<9c:atians l‘and-inliqniitiesg Vénd cafts fh€S:k€tl€$ Withll1«imilto be thcirll Saviour. Cl"/Bey ' mill mt [ie.~“Sa [vex-aw tl/3cz'2* Szzwozml A A A - The OhfI@¥V3J§il1SA'\thfi§.lfllasn;l3fi.kfi'.1lP“flt.ltlTl'SlElIl'1¢3 lfOH'01‘V’1TflT t.heil1*‘llox'le';l«r:r: ' L s V «gmé/larva. I . ‘God amid have zfra2v;¢elzz1v]iza*b la charge dgttiiffl },rz3.r]),ea;:- pie to av/7”£?i?¢.:£«‘.’3‘17i.?¢d'rzZ Sambriow, A mxllmzgkt /yam juffiifim’ l./9?z'm ' $0 411 tl2a_marl;[,zf[m fuzz! raj/mfidt/écl A I ga.tl3er’thisfi‘0rn A , ,.t116;lfir:{:,h Wdfcls hffiftid «.5, He fizia’,fi:%eZy, A or (laslit elfc:- wh e_relis‘t1*anfla;tedj rzatzvizl‘/a.éM;2dz:¢g.~ lwhen one .begins a fp~s‘egaC"“lmviAml1 zaorzviz/fifmdimg, he leaves it“tO“A your VAconc¢ptio11Amimagine allthat ‘W35 in ;hism:in'd;? which _.Ar:;er..~%erbr0ln's o~of?’thexr re». boelflion’,a,p.o&afie,_unworth1~neITe, fw'hen? hofaid, 1-S mly rbéy ztremy Jp_eoPlef.- and the like forms of fpeéch *‘ca1-.:. , yies the fame oiioplicoatiop, Mmttlm; In .3 Lafl sf A All, /73 few were t/am bzsféngfiayzpg, AT£2eyow2[£orewerm’ce myjma, _ as £»£_he11a,d.faid,‘wThoyo» h3.V€; hitherto killedvmy fsrw v9;n7i1:‘s one after, oanothéxgbut theyV wi11A’71‘everence my font Obfervothe connexion ofthea formerverfe with my text, I will mention Me [wing leizacizarfles 6f the Lord, z1zéA2rM'1?5vfWoLW:=fi?/Wwzyet they W m‘yoPé01>Ze.o. chat is,when hexmght have find fo"muchA agaoinfi them. T V as to have deierted them,an’d gxven them. up to def’cru:- A fiign; t11e_rf' he} faid, yet“n6’ey¢re my pqople. It’s good for us to jervfle. What:“. God ; mighot‘lay.-ino.cha.rge a-- o g_£.1infi:“u u$,eVen;then. Wher1.h€‘.Cr0WneS as wit11ohis‘fa«- o vour, orwe pg-oclaimeo his prayfes : ; for nothing gives 3_,;better foyle to mercy, nothxng fets fuch an edge up» onthallkfgivings, nothing fe§s the firings iufweeter who for pra1fes,.than for us to confider and "coompgue, ourrem0tencflTe from expe&ation.o of anySa.1Vation, M41556 4 mm Eaméle, Md yam. makefatmo t/mzkfzs/Z. Ho th-atfirfl:.ocanju{1_ifieGodjwilltho more eafily and _ fr¢€1yg10Yifiehim..‘ Weo%findAon%ot in tho; “Phs.rifee his» dad I t/yewe,a.nyfe1o{‘3condemning~ or“ A God- j ufii-~ fying exp;-effions: Our Saviour obferveso thamzhat 1;¢p‘e1‘Vv11o%(of¢te~n ,he:~2.1ed) came onely .bac1<:,; to AA give ”g1o§ym ;(3od5was, Va. A Sama.ritane.*V‘1”/M % /hamger, faith A 11e,oz.:»Ieeo7«. I 6;, Let us fet our nati0na;11ifi‘nnésbefi)re _ L o11ro;.ey¢sAthiso day 3 VVh€I_1'.WV§i_COIfl€\:'W1th%0uE,p€a.C€-%*0f*- %feriri‘g“s for poxxblikeognorciesg. t-hefe- fowre herbeso will ‘ quoickVe11 oVurpaIit‘ev to we rciiflzofthis Paf1‘eover,foor it. 7' A ierzyzowrgacbedon the day fiffizéHi1?€.T£?:¢ifl1€{_§i*vi.;?E”W ihg Angelito-paife (W€1‘~Eh€110uf6S of AA his peeple, azxdf led; the flrakecofind out them. that would keepusi Frill * in Egypt.,after God cals us out; And, ti) let‘ paffe all ehofe provocat_ions of Godeby this nation for {'0 ma-» my yeares of reflz. Letus but looiae upmi the facee of ptlrwildeizneffe firmes(as Mlimayf call t;hem) and what = ~we1'eeIfrae1s xvildeijneffei-fixes 6, murzhuring againif ~God, complaining of his ~deaimg” with them 3 diflike bf his Covenant, comzempt ofi1isiPm»1'nifes 3., rhezzur-5 % ring in heart intg Egypt... 'Andi’a:teenot 5ou;'” carcaffes as worthyto fall in the wilderneffei as theirs did if for it was not for their Egypt;-finnes ,4 but fork the 1wi1dernefi'ehfin;nesv,when they were in paffageito 2 the promifed Land,»that God him:-e‘ inlhis Wrath i§.~Ic7£».9.xa,x:.: againfl ,-thern.,_tha1:V ghey rifhoiuld not enterinto his reft. Have we not cemfe to %:remh1e1e{i; Gad fhould I enter the méfiueat Qf fuch aneoathi againfi us for the fins Awe are,gui1ty ofiuthis Qur?pa£fege. hat biitter com-” piaints ofiand murmurings at, “Gods dealing Withuse V Wehat mutinies againft owurleegdersé.’ what evil1reportsJ are brought up ofche Reformation intended? what lu}-A fling after. the forrner flefh-pore are What cea.11i11giifor Captaines to lead usaeliggainiixltdiebfindaige 5' Win: dancing before the go1den”t:a1ves'ofhewiopinions and evayes of our owne ereéiion :5 and ye; God is our i.Sswiouriwith a. non aéfhzrzte to every ofthefe mifcar+- " riages: Lem; rejoyce grit/2 treméling, and be brpkefniug to thankfgivings. In our receiving of fizchhigh grace» and fa.vou—r., we mufit look to two things 2 V L e'I‘hei~e1'e1_i{.-hiof the mercy befiowed, whieh 1;;-; I quickned by fenmfe of'oi.1r‘ unworthineiiie; A = ‘ i 2. The difggefiion. of it ” into tha;nki‘givinVgs,h‘L;5raifes_.’, and ohedienéei ‘ ” ‘ . in ' A for tbegreaz Vifiory oémifledneert Yorkegt W 9; t. In,Vr€11f}11ng0E‘fa~m€rCy a~ m?atnegther.1o0kes‘upontt vasom-...— . it asa 5e22efit,a._r1d fqhe tives1tha3,nkesttoG"od‘ ast-they t5e:a.afz6Eo.wr ; for asfittis a._; ruitofprayer, andttaswtie iscthe Wotlmzanflaip of God m Whtch he ts teen m wtfdome,~ tgowett, prefence, geodneffe, and‘! fo he p1.':a1fesAGtod 33 the awrkmm : for that is the ‘difierence betvveene?: t-hainkfgiving ma praife, the one» Kooks at the ‘ benefit, the other at the worktnatntfhizp 0f“«G0d in it. If One‘ give you at\VatC1h or curious piece,thebenVe£aéto5ur hath t the thanks?,the wotkmetn hath the p”1'aife.There a.t‘euntf:: ’ thazzkfgiv-ers, than Lpraifets of God, tebecaufet tthough: many*tafie the benefit, yet Few tafie or fee God iztit. t And for the digefi-ion of .214 tmerey tbeftotved-5 it is much “according to the frelifh of it. He thattreliihes. ' tmetiy,hi*s~0w13etinterefi or goo .in»1t, tumes:t1t.often3-«Vt times itnto matter‘ of felt?-g1ory.,t» feturity, «Sic but he that fees ~Go‘din it, Tbejay oft/)6-Lard a /azltfhezzgt/1; to mate teturne efpraifeendt fetvicet to God again; .. ‘ 7 Gadstpéepieéwi/J .re02f=~‘127ei‘sir~flté27e:Godtofbit expeéhtioisi a5fi’rrv.2§4 mix ” ii*’Ia2?zti2 $;é:m'¢1.«is~' T&1e;?.“T:e4xt putév thefe two as‘ '27oA‘uvse_p"z'Z’t=-res, one and the fame, Tlaey aremy people, Clxil-we drenthzt mi! ;~2_0t’[i€;- tG.odt faithlttoffihimfelfe that'»»he, ~ cannot Me‘: of his people that they w.i1l.not;t‘te. The »‘1'e%;a<.«:'--“A: font isv,becVaufet}1eyFolloweind adheret tbhim and his’ Caufe upon ttue«,px~;nc'a331es, and not ielfe intetefts and mcls 3; tie tjtaatt may advance very farre and dee valiant»-r Iy upon.*pt1vate'mtetefif 3;n*di»e?ttds;‘ He‘ may rut1.fwiftly and;fn1ooth1=y,bt1tl1e alwayestfalsttotmrds and refisti ‘ t upon his byes. Theetmitwimultitude that gee out with; Ef'rae1Wi11t"eL11»t4;Q luflitagiwciihave féen*tl1e iendtofuch‘ Mazingand fa11ingfmt1*res,nvho aftetttheytthave dtecei-s» A fired us aWhi1ehat*e beenzt tefolved ei‘n”to53their:e1eme}nts A C A of ‘_m,__ ,__,,.., ., . E’ Q .‘_ -.-W ‘n , ... H pteacéedaratéwidy vfprzéiiée ram&;gm_;“ df»7¢arthAand f'c1fef:'efpeé2s -.;.s butaa rr:1¢i11'.«Ehatf Garrieci bytrue Pri‘nciplcs:t:h0%ugh the compafl7eV may through‘ A A " infirmitie or te1n«ptm:ion fometinics; admit variation-or, Qéferv. VI 1;‘. :10 pltira1I~num£::er in an univo i714lf’h4’??;K.;'??f3.G0d £W;»773E;'a fix r»,v.€r§:<9'4¢4 .:£ ~~?Z%.~.S¢11e'I.50t£?" , &efide5« A ‘wavering, yet: A it .rec011eé3:S i£*Af€11°€: and WiI%v1pc—>im.' tax. nhe%tnueAp01fe,whazwaves or Wi£1ds,foever}bea.c aagainfti %ti1e,fl3iJpVxxr11ere§m he}-5. A V % a he Chklrch gxyeswwunto GodAa-Lone the title ofazg Savicmr, He nszw mefx.ASW2%az4r-A. ;”But=are there not. favi-gs Gursbefides 11im€.%S¢z%«vonVAmowmtSjo#%.4 ta..jadgeAtba:mar4m, wf E/‘ms, §OV‘b;1d.q2er. alt. AWlae;¢ '1‘/J6)?" crygdzmzaytézee, t/30:4 .g.w£:‘"z‘ t/2emfiwiaz¢r5,w.%fl:ved‘ti:ew-= az3tA%oft12eA*%I’&;zrz_da_/F’ t15w7r%Veflemias, Ne1gem.g,27, As the, Scrip;ure_flca1s:Magiflrams Gm’:‘,,%.:1731t .%Ca1S Vtl—1e.A%%fv1i1¢dice5 A ?0rL_I udgeswhich h¢fm1fed%%u*p t:oIfi:ael,< Saviours: but; 1 as‘thofea”areMbut dii 7fiifiRrumgen£ium,» Gsby partici-» A. Q‘ A p.._a.t:iondffome {parka ofhis image and} Vauthoritzy : f'o«%« ;h¢%?fiVhw£fw5fwlmsmflrum¢n!=%1l 3a¢f.§2u.::s fa,r11e.;:" as they“ai:eaéiEéd§%Vby Gods»? ma.deLic, Or uféth in; G.i;er&AJ-taxe1sA.Vexre5 for th€;'c: he; 1-band hi1n% % at~Sy2¢aTmfl!TWr§ite¢n,- 9'jcvf3‘3gc;:¢, a ;{a.v.iour. Has? g¢¢z:2¢zm2¢ q;[f;;.£é;ichiI1e,t*I1i%s is {Q} great 9;-{E116 jczaxanc be e,,Xpre%fl: mane ~;:;h§iWi‘d?j Saviour » hath; ail fen f¢.H‘ojI 1~;d.4.T»’:'m A I%’Awi11~:m% hc_o;nmoh~pI@¢¢::thi.s,p¢int.% f tcVKt~eno;ug»h{4tQ patovelt-he.«,m1c~kz 0512.» Letusmake Apara ticu%1ar4&ufc,2h¢r¢%¢f. A I. To~acl.1:edm1nA is 1:70: the workiman that: aw W ’ran¢ea.nd vi<9:ry;A.;:VA}¢T; A % % tée gm: Viéfozguofitdizfiedneére Yorke; A -« ‘ea a;£;4m%¢r_at1ier wasfmade bare in this bufi¢ne{fe.'T V Remave she thick Wood Qf meg? the To; many%i:houfa}nds4q§.1t of ‘ gyreur eyea tmgcyou; may 166 God 3; I: kncm{:we=have% (asv he {aid} pradzgmweffi“ r?¢1racwl417um¢m, prodxgzcs ¢3f*Amcz3 far valqur pave have %feene the chiefe C0[mmandc-:3: in » fighgto b*e“(as Was faidof cm») médimi inter £m;2e?4§- xoremév mildew, gbetwefinaeag; wmnwander and:a~.c0me-» mofi fou1die.A ‘But whoL tea;c~hi<:s*[vtheir hands. ;w»arr¢ and fingers to fight 2’ AT1i1e mm of God xve%Af§;efizg% I ~———._..... :shem,tl1e 41efl"c%;ciftherrx% let: us fee in themfe1ve9;’And§ A V I bewcaufethc Word.S4«vw:sr¢:vsri1'1.%4ca.rry* :ic%bo1:};1 ;tO«C{€1iXre« 1. Let us fee Godir1% he&e1ivemce.wha:migh§ we hésve 1o{’tbyti1isbatt:§i1 3;‘ Migmnot 1: ha Religion, A i.ib;en:i::syfiappzneife” r.1:fA twf0,Km%gdomes i”h3.Ve beam {if yet4chm:e‘ be atiydégrées i:?fafctei1t‘1eft)unto fuc;h~in-s A faiency and crue1ty;,.‘th:itas Vvasfiid of Tarqzzimrcl gm- “ mfimmmfazigagér, heVW0u1d‘havéV tyred»outAc7rue17 & V ;,cieVic {elf «:3 TAWou1:d itnot ham: 1ge¢n& shegreatcfimimg mhave£beenM"fgofl&y 5’; %%{Ix0uId%VAVn0teveryxirg/iéaigs fhasm Aimfied% oftgheir o{’cmCifme,at the leafhfor n0Aothe4r reag- faz1%thanqz:2m mkrweizam jzzfms, E-IeV1s too good andif . V any have m0r&.Lcauf€ t0V%C0nfi»der:this, ; ha.;n 0thers,;th%ey are Athofc: théu; hm Amdré A of C::hr1f£ 1 1:1 th, €.1T;1..a vA'.Y€;1‘i€l¥1 ¢<::thc°1's 2, to Whom EnglamdandScvtlama’..b,(:$t11might ~ Eavie been an<3t11erI;eelM’36i. I cannot expr€flEJt11emcon«A f .v}ieq4:rsei1cc£;V Gorad’ de:E1yed~*£he premifcs #0ranteced%%cn;.§ ~ Wh;%OAAis%m1r Der:5i1iéerdta2*:, He hath«c1;€li.vLfcred,A Hie ’V"d©t11 +4 V*de1iver,and“ We m1{£a.1f0»tha.t he %wi11”Ade1iver :, H6 Aha-th delivered {mm p1%mts,, {man firatagems c§%f”‘di1:a£ory an deA1L;f0rypeac~¢gA £'i§3..‘dQ§h. dA§1:iVeV2f%Af;jcxtn% §1¥$‘fVVQfC%§»05%% » I V % A A fux‘1m[":$: C II 1.52 ram, 13 in ' A ’ swim preached‘ anmé. ddyaf pu‘15til:e‘*Tb&flle[gi;uiwg? Vfurious enemy: 57 andwe pray that He Wi 11 deliver the %; King unto hisicryzfltlli Parliamentand people. A T 2~;’L*et us“ %ackn1ow1edge- God‘%it1thevLié’cory. How 1or1gVdid.We 1i¢:Va.gain{’Ea. flrong City,unti1l‘God.i?emaL ;grTee.ca1*my% to furmnder at 1zp%meo our-ha.nds. It was reieeved that m mrght be erupt-yed; rhea: fark might: be Vcar~ried%0u*cV into the field, and taken there. Wéafé» 23 & Vrwzfl-aw wi/fA‘oé[£:r~0e¢t/2%oJ;’e ~3i5.'/3!:”J¢g*.$',' mvezzA t/96y flm/1 under» ' ;3"f4;2d’;ti;e%lavmg kizsediccfler vftbe L&rd,PfaL 107.43. Did ¢ not theenemy fleflmvithth‘at“fucceffe follow us,,andA- Afeeke us A out 5 for {O God will have it. A}; Edge»/#11, Jvewécry andfar/ea We fl1a11~ be defc-;xn%da.ntg: was not fihete fo1ne i¥nC1inat4i01i'O1*t‘h4e‘bai:t1evat the firfl: againfi: A us,%az1d fame trepidation in divers oi our-men 6* Is this , ‘ to be afcribed to the.Adubioufi1efTe» and uncertainty of %W'aff C*." f01‘~ [O 0M€?~‘Cfi1S"'MdVJ;% %;:’iJ\a dfgeacemév 4}? dfifi:/A dci'mne,Aor-rathe.r%did not ‘God%%take~o&'fome of ezdmm fo1i1die1‘s?.’:; crlaey Eire tao’mzxIzys(fait11~?he)% fir *me%-ta give the ~'M2dmm'te:Ainta their /£~4m’s,V_Fudg...7.§. . We have a;Iwaie5 hithertoj foundit?§niexpe1‘ience~— in L all our battles that God 1'-emcives mer1L fromflanding in his Light, and ob»- fr:u‘resusthc more to flzcwzhimfelfes doe We need this art of God to take offdizr pride and,fe1E~c%0nfidence :3‘ "or3~c>t»h>G0d in goodneife mus delight mfWees:m our vi€c'o“zies,becauf:é gotten by rhisown luandgznd WM not due us I?) much hurt«, asto let us “bevmur own;fa.vioui's«:’ fame ufe tliére is to be-%made ofimhat Gadrin no bat:-=~ te1I,asA»y¢t, w0u1d.fufir”er mén'to~hi¥ci;e him from us:a~n& b1efi7E=:&:1 be his:N:ame: ‘far the fighvof himiri aVvi&ory,. dbth US mo:*e goad than thee: vi€t0ry- it feife ;, And yet fdrtlner E13‘, Winde; up the firingswaf. your p1'ai{?2s,fee tbs?» J fpirits iofihe enemy WI1iChA God hath give,n£.nto your L ‘~ r ‘ V V " N 1‘ Tim i fer t/regret: i/‘iéiforypaéminedfieere Yerke. it it hands; and *G.od hath ihowen you their fpirits in 4 their cbiloeurs. There is 3; fword reacht from a cloud A with Fiflfjfi/f2fiz¢.5 its Well no higher hand reach: out A that {word unto them. The 0ra~c1ewi_th1W~hi-ch he ” ttenfulted that dextiied that motto, ~iFz’zitjziEfz'tm, was 4 i too cunning for him A; as it was for Cm/its when it {aid} i.‘if(.:,“?‘¢Z;zf{g'??3l?7¢ii10£’7""U€7"z°6‘l' totem vim) that he fhould over-» throw aworidof wealth, for it was indeeti his owne the loft, and {o it plea-fed God the tablesihould be tut» tied endthemotto fltoui-d become ours, and that it ihould be fent up to you to whom it-belongs, ash me- morandum, ‘Fiat jefiitia. The Crowne. and Miter under it, ihewes alfo that they hold the old princip-1e,. N0 Bi1hop,no King, that is the Ioweft interpretation: it can beare : It is to be feared thatthe Miter might in A A . time. have crept higher, for it is an afpiringthing, and the motto ieemes. to joyne the Crowne and Miter in equipage, Nalite tangere Clirzfios mm 3,» As for the V ;Ctfo_wne let mercy and truth be the fupporters of it for .tetrer, A Prev. 20.28,. but for Mitets (if Hifiories lie ;nc’3t)wemey fayiofthem, as it is {aid of fomettees that i i H i grow not kindly in vicinity to each ..0Eh|E‘1":, the Crown es hath never flouriflaed that hath grovme too~neere the» ~eMit¢%~1':iieThC1‘CiS a fwotd alfo in one 'h:~mdthi‘eatens to; ttrhty a. knot in an other -, haply theyimeaee the C0- venant of the Kingdomes : but that which is more .f’t11a.i1ge is, thetthis knot did L1ngi1‘titE'h£1t fword: Ami “fitia.1iy4 that they may fhew their virie eiieeme ofyoru ;- they Ca“ fame ofyou, ina; pitfture, Doggs barking at 3;-. A ‘. Lion, and in the motto they caiiyou Catilines, for" tilat is thel’-in glifh Oftjiititfif mzdtm izétttirepariezitizz mm A firs, which rx1igiit‘11ev'e heenta proper device; ifin the i i V C, 3 A i i I,,.i.ohs: All 52. 4,.- A Commander ‘hecrl not taken u that Fvveet ward which Ce‘ er feme*-- A. ‘ A P . . , A , , J Aexmes ufed,1Mz'££Aczwém, {pare the delluueei coemtrey- men. A AA A ll A A A A A ‘vi!/%’£M e dextre; ” Afiril f 1 ../;¢é;¢ preached are teeldlzzgmziaffuélleelfbamkfgivingf A Lions place at which we bamlee not,tl:1eyhad fetehe A ‘E02,: or the Wolfe and haelowned their own» Adler; And is this tl1elfef’clVity of the11' Wit or the rage of their fplrlts 2-‘ wlzatfoeurer it be, God hath gAi_vc.h the1m':hecl<:~;;, fortl1ougl1Aupe~n confideneelof fuccefle they did aneedate allele bells and boneefiregyet in 3. fevv A hmvrees there was noelrzing ofthem left in the field, but leg and’ baggage, ammunition, =AOrdna11ce5prilbnAe‘rs, dead cai‘ee{l"es=, _wlm:h had. been n'1oAre,ifa'r‘1oblle thehonour of the field hetreadsupofi, To rejoyce in the Lerd the for: they make the deepefl: Wounels, altefédeet Civiiifi. A A A haply you willfay, tl1atI4;«me- : ‘temple iser1eeAyetl{l1ut,tl1e fword is flill lWaken,a21dAiVe knew not for how longatime the c0m“mifl”1ontha*t God liatllw given toe’: isyet inforce’,~, we want Que D4»- «A-uza’ all?) to enclite longs to the cl3.ieAfer1'1u{itians, and it « vmuflz be confelled, that i:l1ez'e yetremaines thatwhich e flames our~;oy;endbreakes a.*»viI1g fitt~h3.titCanAl:3ut flutter A and me fly A A h1:g‘l'1l:A we 1ml«.eaAw not how many heads of tlus Hydra w1llAyetre-pwullulateg whenwa;r1‘e is once let loole, it is like theeewinds ewluicll Poets feigne tlxat one had 121 a bagge,the 1n0lw:l1lwhe1+eofbe« =inglopez1ed, mm ezgsrefijz xvzetzpfg. rezmt, A they rulht éilfl forth and could neverlbegotee111nto the bagge againeel but God is the God of Halls, and the battell is not yours but? Gods, and if he give Mafia; and Ifluzel a. fang, let them ling theuglml they l‘z.:§weA yet :2. greatanld terrible V A A A A ~ . wildemefle « Goclof our falvetion; The Rammgs allowed no £1'1U1T1pl1S to civill ‘£«‘V‘C1AI‘I‘€§,., M 1* fer tlfie great AViA5i‘19i*‘_y aétaifiedmere Yorke. \ wilderne«flfeltaf*» pe£3A€lIhroug’h5 wheie if wel.caA.x1 lharelly m'e2£d~Abeficle ferpents that fling mortally, giml A yes alfo we} have 3. cloud, that coversllué, an Angell of Goda prefence that faves us, a rock that gives us Water, lane which is a,bove all,a Tabernacle ofhis worihip: there--. A fore let us rejoyceeven in this our wildernefl"e. A If there be yeta.ny"tl1at think we difguife and lie oueeAA {elves into finfilll and blafphemous tluankfgivin s,__ El fbrthe oxford bells {fill ring infome mens eares ) ED; AA A A them lconfider what a. remarkable poilfisript God l hath added for confirmation of this viétory in the fur-a» rehdry of T arlee ;. and ifthey beA no: lo Afaxfre OL]t.A0ftaflaw A as tc)_a.ccoAu::1te:it a judgement and a milfery, let them al.- fa. re)oyce wxth us -,e:"fmt lA10wldoth.heldifFer that is V A hardneicl under ten mercies, from him thatW9.slhard».4 A “need under ten plagues»: A A Let, us all thinkel ofrexidring imto God: every man‘ aslromfe: M /azmfélfe M41: My paofle wilmbt "/7:riwm{'c M {imam [aim or dm[e,f.¢[[2Zy zvitfi T/aim. Sm /ice V225 A1532’? S4-viaur A for he fpeakes more A/msmflo, fi11‘€Iy; they iare c11~i1di'es1 that will not lie, and fo he is their Sa- ’ ‘ A A « fiumme “of that which GAodéAAAex.peé’cs’Ain this % A flying“, '1' key Am/1 fiat 1;;-r'cz.‘.;,%is. J x A : .% % A A : L A L f They wiflnot violate the§rACovenan2;,A or play fafi ‘ and1oOfewW4%ithAA:i'ie, \theyAWil1AA n0tAhe1*eafter fay Iwas forced 130A in, the-Pcorme drove me untoit as Aa;:1har- hour %: I€x'at¢3r’d itAwith=afide~—jwindAWiA1lA%and,% afléé?..i~;3~.n.w There is no doubt but the p1‘0fpc3r0i.'es”‘fi.1(:<:€fi’E:.0f om: Arzxaies will make many Samgflrms :0 belewes, and. A many will? {hand under thcf: trrea AAfor:fl1a1ter in; a {£0 rr1aej,;A ‘who would Wi1Iing1yaft”erwzu*d cu§:A1tA dvsmeA; A if .y.ouf'3:f .hear1:AA be Anot ‘right with God y011wifl‘ne.ve1“ be fifeduw fafc in;hisA_cov&n:a.nt,._P[al.78.%3—7, T116 flame of wiry meffe which.%wefet up in thisA,p1aceAwvi11bé A0ui+accuf‘:r:% A 4 forever: If wveAApreyariz.:ate Vvith«G0d’ by eluding the} aovenant which we fivorc in the hearing thereefi % A If % firtflegréat rgzzzarymmzyaedmre Yorke“; % aw ‘ _‘ % That theymvifl 110$ a.dLi1t:ec1'ate*his"worfl1ip,i111>vhichA 22¢ €G0_d}~F«is# pfun~f3:ua11% and €T<;3.&;;: for“ if th.}e:Ark;e be but ' % .,{:-t.z uspon :3. %C%a;rtgwhich flu:-Auld be carfieolzby the Priefisg izhcmtis abreachg b4e;ca,ufc:Athe dué Qrder ismockept :; Jijtfsfii vczfy da.nge;rQu_s 1:;iiidw0f:1ying-: w vipiate thc war-» 2 € ‘ bf QC},-~ ~1w1“%:i;Ch;; fI0;17T tfhfi ,:-eflfé nt'ia?Is«aV&th-creof Vcom» A §4$f2a'de~;(Aw faith E15: 3 ;2a=rdz'22zz'2z£/2:, A It is obférved aim even fizlaexi the Mora.11LaW wézs cotnming %do;wneL to. Ifi 1‘?-Md-3% thicy itI1Pé?‘§:y :%::heV%gg1aen gganfficslm, ;{osVA.-£51 211:?-A-;bégianAing «@f;4:rhc,:Priefis;4a;dm£:¢ -:"Li7£?fra.t_iOn, they tmnfgreffad Vin‘? 0fi"€ring,% f‘cra11gefire J; .. . . . V . % M [v€'«’«‘3~"??e-W ‘L ccorrupmons may grow up xn‘ £1II1€,bu':: letus*noI.‘ LIKE Ms ‘ = == 5 W%.*¢*4?3/7 “Willi 310$ b;-e%1i¢;: V%thw€*i1‘*p1‘ofci1i0x'i; M4 3 ..5 59:36: i; with ‘the power% ofgodhlincffe, : how unfixitable is it, :9 be a _mfo.rmed;ChL1rch”and remainc dcforra 3:33:59: *2’ ,~ 7G!+';.>d§ M€;»~ipZ€é?;SV”:V:a?.%#mf0rma:!:i40tnA “u§r P1§*V§E;€11;£5.3;T§d> T€€11t.6;~r£&i1;I€I:I1lxeIi.£;Qf .gbdIinefiTe14 int», our i1£Rrts;, §g;;‘;1§;*HE may be like theV’f/}4:/grey, ghat‘ Hm :.=;H things»; according to ~!:h§: patterns, t11cm{5eIv¢sAbe«. flag fiuhfigrdzh€3ff€d~1'eb¢l1i*®;1s;pe0pi«:.; ifl :$hiS‘= particular P1i?*A§*;§;‘¢¢ai%1%;AgfldliagmfifesI humb1¥:€0mfl1€nd town fihe Naéélity Md Gmrry, f0r;0i11‘RefQrmatiOnffllould begiqé mzja2fitz2r'{asi1e faid,,) %bring=theIaélikaATfrd??kfgiwii¢g .fi‘‘ ‘ ' ‘- a . .‘ ~ gffpfifm as} a;y*ha.~nz'ef%.in4 Eh3.Et..kifld sf come inthis land asyipa any athar 5-e.1c1.;bL1t. E pt1t.t”fa~i31’eV but-fiand am pregtiable The wayA that Lmvzls tha eicvemth toqke, "W:.;=2:s‘~ to», fi:1s& €49” WW7 th€P*5i*6r€:isb§,r"gi:{*?§“va:i1d““i11éf{t11gefi1':é§,%that he; . I3;”a‘aigI*1':t:%;A”%(% as Caxzzmmes faith)t11e»eafi1i€r doe What h.e¥ Woubii‘ Ltihé" 1afl»‘ei~AAI-Afl11'hubs, t£ze‘LFL z:ammw":,% Mam % by I%:«h2cz.7AA1Iz.1e2cxics% h'€{f*Ifi1Ed?i* 011% ’::his4f1A1i!i¢ét§} 7ia§*‘%AhimfeI‘fEAA> eaxprefi £13? *The?4 idelivéred;m'he£m¢cbi-Iiings from th7eir- %'%%ardfhiAp:: you have réad What “ Gjod ‘ofi“?er”d 4Mofé5; Egxod; 32>. . 1.0;. ‘L¢.a:'*me' zzlme tlzztr I may ramfizma zflzemr, and, 5i16W,%z}€*€ r2?2‘aEf3ki%gzre4;;'3a4;id2¢,’v§7h§’$Ch }cOnd{itiOn;M'0je5 ac» A cvepzeci new ,he«'wou1cm0tAbe 1m'ceivfO‘1*Aja.p1'iv3t¢iinggrefit E310df:fE’iT!3IhiSP1E;C€:at1d~dL2t)7;,?. .‘ ‘V * 4‘ If fuch.A3u;*revo1L1tim; 05 things fl1§ouM"be=, a.Ls-V that aha ¢m:m.:y %whQm G*1@«4::fp"‘ -hath <1: fliighted 1_:vl»1i3A'4:%*‘day#,V, flxauldukmg Ah~zs¥-V*‘p%a;{f1:3~; é0g@tAher—A+;«aga%ix§eV, ¢r‘*e1r:if'o'rCc 'himf‘:ife % pxiaf mmye ifit {Em ;m*s~ bf’ rams City"? a=r1d A ::ake<: Ifmzmfum %(%a s I~:my fay ) %;wou1 d~ fy;m.1:;;%§t*:ec:s:;1iie%%;;,.:>nm% farm your ingagemenvs mar cfr’yp;A1{£-%~. v. »no;*g:b1é$fe%§ro Ii £ra.1i:§;%¢ %% ,m;~A¢1::% an inftwkimp1iaAn€ withTf;<:>111%c:po1vi;cic1< confide; A AWN: fikgraat rzc?qryae:a¢;¢ed;:m Yprfié. VV n- was! 1:9 mlity If fucceffg flzinetupnnyoiz, and -the ~Lord:._g0eye:t Eaei-“ore you, until} he bring you out ofthis wiltiernf.-11565.. Mfilji you notAVendc&v7our tggae Iefié than you bad;A11Aim ml firfl Tjamczi be-i?ng[+1andAed orz.xh.eAfl1ore, forgVétxv!w€Ag!: you {aid A an the sfiorme ‘lake themA*ofw‘hom ;icféiAd:3 P172£I211;78. 3}4.A A W/Jm 1n;’flém't/Jmz, At/den tbeyfirwgbt Mm, Md way} remfzaéd and z':~2qn:z'red~ early qfler Gad; mid If/Ezey wamémxémdtkaz.Gaa’mm:,t/Jeir roak,Azmd t.5ém1az ghGad‘M¢2g- »redéé7)éerAA ANefz)am9ele]]Ts; t/key a’z'dfl:t¢t£r; Jam wzwz7m~ mazithznéey lied z'mta7¢z‘mA with their tmgwes. \ ¢ M A %AKft11eAAxvay of God flmuldg upcm difcovery_,p;r0Vé rations, ‘intéxkfis, endsf}"Wmu1ad:V ym; then l1*.e:AW§AiA; aakfid. pa.1'e~ the Wd0dAt0fth€1‘u1e‘,* :01: tAheAAru1e to the ‘W004, V. 0:“ make abaéementlon_m.%bc)th° fifigcéf Idoe but prom H pound to you -f0rAfe~1fc ‘exam1nat1own,i.% for I ,ha.xze‘ n déubt butA“that:%A4ifth~e&gate%a.snow1%t 15 be toalittleto take in the :Awh<:>1e truth 5 you will rzuzher breake downe a pA1ec:e.of the wall then leave out any part thereof 3 you know tha1:AIeraécmms xnterweavmg tow J Amm:h*po_1icie‘into' his confiitution proved fatall to‘ his King*domeA. A A ‘ . A — If when the Lxons skmne W111 not ferve, the Foxes ‘skinne bataken, and there be {at onfoiot fomefaire overtures of fweetqgeace, ; ( tof:vhofe.Temp1e. We 4 dc- =fi1fe*"to goe thrcmghtht‘; Temple‘: of Tmth)Awhich -you M might purchafie upon rAeb:.—1te,*2 will you be like ichfe ~p1$aineLAc0untrym;an reafoning" witlma-Sop11iPEcr;, who ‘€:a;:iii?1c3%_t: be ‘taken in =23. A%%fa;I13.C1e by h1m,;b‘ecaufe 5165 aéalir “D 22 f ‘:5’/be yéfid mahgnity, vbe¢aL1f”e%by;th¢im:L4 y1.uA;a,fe .’I:eC{)11o:» , ' ;:ever be‘ ymfi: Sa;v~i'0vur:; A vfie-é<22zo2¢%‘~preacbe¢[.ge z‘}2::e*aVe.ay% ej} pwiékéigjkaxkjgrivifiag fi eiflw camlzxfiaen, eemhe ;jS‘C*i'n;011ersfpre:*.z'1i1;”ee<_;; be a.r£1cuIa.r§ eurnefupon an axeltree w11ic11~ehat§1 tzhefe EWQ:§DO1€S5, jaeeligia mam : e§°'zm4, and falzmpajwli f:¢pr67??e~’£:!ax[.e~ iS.ince1*ei:ty is-%‘"~thee~e mothere; of ectznfiancy, mgwmeruyp; We die worfc byamhate can He infmen ofpubiikepizice 3 private ends .—n1uf’c ofnecefl3.! you ameoxag your {e1ye*s3;1'etm:d the common. worke e11ae;tsur1,der your handg, 1 Ldii-‘11oneo.u_r ~"y®‘u<"v both beefore . :GOd ,-and men? "Audio for you that are Officers and ~.C‘0emnwnder:-s this wane, carry you no primteaixnes ma {ewe up» eneheepublxekeaxzrnes.5, It rs no mmem feeke vmeyards g .ra.nd«5o1i*{?e~yardsg' blow not‘ me; Qcoaies ta k€~:€Pe‘VV3.I'K"@ eliveeforeeatrade‘e to gretbve, was not he 3. femom D114- eeM::02r.* 0%: Jfeme that«wes'fetc11t fmmthe plow, mueeci’. the enemy, and remmed to hxs pl-ow a.gam.e&:" E ;*f?.:%.:a.,r.e,e mamywokfeoursa;*e;nomf§f1istempen « e T e§»;e.E:aee::%.1eV£%;fucceiTebreed diifee;-i"ejseee in yd-u~,V that in great C0mnw.nde1°sjwhofe hand was in the ehievement, Es pride and £elfe«1q1-ory,.“which ism-,c;o2.~«~ rzieption we A haediy put Ofig e11z1tiI1w?v'e§PUti€:*I‘i:0ur wink» ding» 7fl1E:®‘~.f{;. 5 me otvheezfes _eha.:e had e:1o‘;vflw:eeineh»e aa- aifiziqrz, it is zemuiaeion ’Aande ermie-~, yeae{t;l‘i0.eugh , bath did ve:}+ia.ntiy5: yeeif Semi be but Ibis tE1Quf'ands'ean& ;mw4~his ten thqufahds, ethereeegeowes aecsee uppn«ie:-- Re makes =ma.n;,:A;?z.n irfigdzfieflfi‘ ‘fgiirift *iF;1fl§31;_ whee EQUEQQS‘; ....4. 44 V l for réegreefi ilfiary éeétgioefloeere YOYl(€¢ A :3; 1 loolzes upon emiotherl mans trophie or memo). The ‘- Lord lay this evllllfpirit: when lt‘£¥.l‘1ll-.€El‘1 :, doe we con» quer for our {elves or for the publilkeé.’ mull no llarre ‘ flame beeficles our {elves 6 Let God have all the glory from you all, and then you will have nothing, to we-» A mulate in one 3.U0£l’1€1‘;3.f1vCllt_e is Worthy our ackooww ledgement unto God, who lets not loofe Ellis evlll fpiri: betweene the two Nations, but that they are equally eamefl to heaps all the glory upon Goo’; whichis the only Way to kill aemulations and .ploim:s— of honour, which would fooner untle thf:*l{I10tt'l1a!1; A Ehe enemies fworcli. Finally, Let all men fortifle l‘ll€l':l‘ hearts egolnllt A the evillsl that follow good. fuccelfe, that wee be not made more loofein our Covenant than before, A forwe "have reafon to account chisday to bethe fi'L1lli A of our entrln and holding fail unto $1135: May this: day which ‘lC'Vv"€S you the two Nations fonnerly ma, mow “meclelone in? aCovenant, in the field toge-~. . ther,l in 3. vicflory together, and in a pulpit together? paying unto God his pmifes, and To lee-tlhem be for Imleelxyet ruling with Ged,md_:fa£tbfwZl mt/blxlzeoz» Hfilofhl-fig W U S41”?-5"». pr‘! 3?“ W3) gill’ A «.3. l 939.‘: " " "‘ ‘M “ ell" l l3 l M - ‘ ‘ . ‘_ I 9. 1.1-: ‘p.’ I‘: "”77”rt‘r« .' l A ' Q. * t ' N " ,' . ‘L4.