, '-=7»-~ ‘§%§3’“WF?"*m Lair I”, "C I i ‘I-lfirg ' - VA!" WV’ 7, * 1 — aiAl::fita8: ofrho C H .4 R TE R Grolzrodhj H25 ‘lot./2 Ii/Iczjoflj King CH A RI. E S H. (of ever Blefled Memory) i for Erofling zz Corporationgfor ‘iiolzofof Poor Wu/om: mm’ Children of Clergy-men: Dorm’ July I, I 678. I S» 17:‘-id late M A] E 3T Y i‘-3'95-'13 lake“ "0556 I That €iiV€I'S Ciiafiffzlbie Perfons had appeared very forward in Contribu'tii~.g totheRelief rof fuch of the Widows and Cliildreri of Loyal and Orthodox Clergy-men as were Pooix and of the good Eliefi; the fame had ; and taking into his Princel y Conlideration, the Great Stifferings of many of the"Clergy in 13 NG I-A ND {OF tilt‘? L0."3iil' ; Was, GI'3Ei0l1g,V E iegtfdg by, H!” HA R i§,i§)R6bUnderthe Great Seal of ENG L A N D, to Ordain. Coniiitute, and'G-mutt , That the Perfons therein named, ard their Succeiiors to e e- e as istierein expre e fg mtg ’}5i:iDp ffloiitick arm Qrugtiagnte, b the siiame of €12 ®3iJ9'I7ill3 . DUDE Qbbfltitl} fag13slirfuf1;>oug,m}..ZWifliioge = . mad -Lamc1r Sitzzote, and heizzg in " ~ ' - t . .32‘. V ’ ~—r i 5 .31" he. Names of the .G0:V.Ct‘nQr.S of thef horit y, for the Relief of Poor I/Vio’oiis and C hilt/r672 oflerg y-men chcfen the Ninth clay of November 1599. ovhe iadded to the L I S T o;iGoVernors fcirometljr Eltiifeoi. C ‘i In B? F‘ ‘ i V. e I V r C flliver Whitby, Gent. Lexander Baxter, Gmt. iRobert*-Fides, Gem. _ fiche;-c Ham-is G 1., A . g e, ’ - I A Richard Baxter. Gent. James Ford, Gent. i in . The’ Vernon’ Gem’ , at Z. C. _ G. - ZS. , :_ R W“. W. f _ArthutZouch, Heart. ‘7RiCha1‘d Curtis, cm. Arthur Candy. Gem. James stiiiingaeet, .4. M. ‘ °ge". C’ ‘ams’ Gm" jfhe Names of the Members of the Courtof Afliliants , of the {aid Co1'porati~on, choferz on:/ogreed uyorz on Thzcerficfaiy the Ninth day i of November , 16 9 9 , for the fear €I2fi¢i77g_ 3 V Sir Thomas Meres , Knight , E-dW3l’1iF'l111€1‘ , Setetifmcm. '* Thai Mofi Reverend Father iin God, TH OMAS Lord Arch-Biflrop , , 1, M D G ~ ,_ ‘f Canterbury 2 P"‘fl“i"”"‘ E I/imiirefldeflfi I]