THE Benefit and Excel/may 0 F I : E “irfi. Briefly Opened and Appiied. ON Preached to the Company of IN THE 1 CITY of CANTERBURY) ON THEIR Annual Feat’:-~Day. ‘By Geo. Sendeli, a fincere Lover of Peace, Love, and ‘ epriendflqipt, amongfl: all that bears the Image of ' Chrift, and truly fearc God. % % Pfalm 133.1: Behold,‘ how good, arzci bow pleafarzt, at ' *.“e 1 for Bretbrerz to drivel!‘ together in ‘Unity. % » 1 john 4. 16. ———--—--~ Goa’ 2'5 Love, and be that dmellctb in ' _« L07/e, dmelletb in God, am! God in him. A . t J’ L jvm ,7_1;fl;en.t Dci C/Mrinzrmvz, qm'Ec‘c1eflze r2022 dilzgunr Unita- f~‘.’?7}. PLug- ‘ " A N L 0 N D 0 N .- Printed for the Author, and Sold by C/W2;/Xian Love and U7/my, Will. Zlfarflmll at the Bible in Newgate«Street. -——u-f . ,-cw‘ . V L e T H E '."“"..‘ WU“: / hfilgpifile Dedicatory. % longed /for, the Church, or Flock of Jefus Chrifipin Cazzterlmry, overwhich / the Holy Ghofi hath made me (tho’ mofi unworthy) an Overfeerh, and who upon that account,are the more peculi- at Objeéts of 1ny C£}l‘€, Love and La- D n‘ hours) he Grace,J‘Mercye, and Peace, from God our Father, and the Lord / Jefus Chrifi, To dearly’ beloved, and t t \ T My much efteemed Brethren and Friends, ‘- O U cannot but éeferzflkle, 2'22 flmze ‘Mezz- fzzre, that t/Jere are mmzy trfiiizgx, 229.5z'c[7 4 ; call alaztdfior Lcwzezztatiorz at t/J73: day, in t/'36 mz’olefl ofw, even in this Land of Ligzht, and , 9 mile}: of Vzjion, tlio’ mzcler zz Glariow Goffiel Dzfl rh penfatiozz. Homflzd 2': it to conflder, that the whole ‘World ihould he in Wickednefs, _‘}‘o/m 5. 19. Anal- ' tbzzt rzliizofl all plzzce: flmztld /96 filfd wit/J Pr0p/.mI2c- A A rzzzfigaml all Hand: of’wickea'm2fi.F0r mazzy/730222 their i ‘ S22: 45 Sodom, 4126! hid it not”, which plczizzly difcoverx 1 " pybo’/e they are, mzdh zv/Jere 15118}! are goiyzgfi zmdh to whom they do belong, for the Tree is known by it’s Fruit, L ' Luke 6. s 5"71*;:,~’¥:,',>;'«”#,‘3:_? & xi tlaofe tbat /Jatve, or may lsave tbe Mean; of Liglat, . no favour. * i all)» ‘elij:qni/z'ngtl5eJnfelve.r, zvitla a Z5/Iiaxlet of H3/poorz3 l .TheEpiItle Dedicatory. “ ‘ ] 21y. If it not al/o eazzfls of Woneler.3 (2! well as Lanzentation and Sorrow, to flee, anel eon/ieler tlne Ignorance, Darkntfi and Spiritual Blintlnefi of, zvorfe tbe} are ( for tlJe ino/r’ part) contented!)/fo. A: ‘ if tlteir Ignorance eozzlel exeofe tbenz for not doing rvolaat tlJe Lord require; of tbenz. Let fizela Perfonx , _/eriotfly Read mi Confleler, If.1.27.I I. --~FOr or be- ‘I cazrfe they are a People of no underfianding,thcre- fore, he that made them will have no Mercy on 4 them, and he that formed them will thew them 2 anolbDi7Jine'K.noxoleelge. A/eel t/{vat zvltiela is }IetH gly. Howfaelalfois ittojee Amficz- L fie, ranolt/Jereby eleeeivitzg botl» tlaenzfelzxex and o-_ . finners in Zion are afraid, fearfulnéfs hath fur- ‘l tlverx, Tbere will be znanya Hjpoeritefozmel at lafl even in Sion, (we have reafon to fear) for a day will come, tbat tbe Sbeeps Coat f/aall be talsen ojffroin tlae Goat: back, anal every one [ball tben appear to be zvlaat be really ix 5' Surely tberefore it belJo72e.v every \' one ferioufljx toeexfaznine intollais own Heart anal ; Life, leat‘/Je [bozzlel pzttan everlafiing cbeat 2/pon bi: own Sonl. Anal tlyat all may A be §?ir’d inp to t/22'3" neeelfizl ditty Read, Ila. 3;. I4. The i prifed the Hypocrites, flab}! wlaatfx t/Je nzatter? I * A Anftoer, who atnongft us can dwell withdevour. ingFire, or in and with everlafting bulfhings? ,0/J! tbat tbe ferion: confideration of tbix, nziglat put you all upon /eaflmable Self-examination, and: i ‘ Try» . V J The Epiftle Dedicatory. ? _ Tryal, that fo none of you might ever knotohy Eo;perz'- 'ence, what thisfad Condition nzean:. For €472 mtlyfaygvoithoutdflfiznulation, that any Heart: de- . fire and Prayer to God for you all, t‘: that you may he . faced, and faved in the Lord with an everlafting , Salvation. , “ 4th1y. But once more, whatfhall we thinkofthofe Dzjbrdem, Contentz'on:, and Dim/t'on:, that are al- nzoft in all place:, Churche: and Societiex, at thi: Day, whichfizenz: to threaten Ruin, and Defolation, , to th% Land: in general, and to Churche: in Par- ticular. Wherefore} earnestly heg of you my Belo- ved Brethren, to do what you can, to prevent thofe Defolation: and judgtnent: that feetn to hangover in: at thia day, hoth a: to Church and State, hecaufe of thofe Divijion: that are among u:, and want of one and Union. And Oh! that I might prevail with you in this‘ matter to he Sen“/ihl , Serioufly and Duely afieéfed with it, from the Con/t'deratz'on of the \ heneflt: that willflowfionz, and come hy it. IPC. A: to Inftruétion. 21y. Con/hlation. The People of God are Taught and Inftruoted hy ‘V A the good Example: of thofe that keep clofe to the Lord: Cotnrnand: and Ordinance:. The Apoftle St. g Paul, ‘tell: the Church of the Thetialonians, that they were enfamples to all that did believe in Macedonia, and Achaia, I They]? 1.7. If you a:l{Ine what they were enfainple: of? I Anfiver of Faith Love and Holinefi. Firfi, Of Faith, for in ver. 8. he tell: them that in every place their Faith God-ward was fpread i A abroad: A Head." : ' bred without ceafing their Work of Faith and La- “ jefus Chrif’t, €96. Notviif'oor light ofLo2j;e, Pence, , A . ver to imitzzte it he Chrzft iiztiimzter, Mat. 5. I6. x. , . -'-A-——4 -- The Epifile Dediecatoryh. abroad, irz_‘/ohmchthezit neither? he nor hi: Brethren ; the Apoftler needed not to fay any thing upon that W’ . 21y. Of Love, for flzith the Apoflle, to their 13- verlezftizzg Prazfla,fi~oriz you founded forth the Word of \ the Lord, 80:. In which their love ezppemar, Firfi, To 4 jeftxy-hri-3? their Saviour. Anal 21y, To M412 their Eellonr:—Creeztm~e, they ale/ireel that Gael might he glori- fied zmcl that Simzer: might be Co/zizzerted ezzzol Saved. e Thirdly, Of true holizzefi, for ver. 3. the .4_po- V file: tell: them that he Mel the other Apoftler remem- hour of Love and Patience of hope in our Lord emcl Frinoljhijiflarizze hefore Men why other: fleeing of ‘it, will glorifie God upon that account and eizelezz-, A Secondly, Thir ie Matter of Coizfhldtion to all that tml}rfezz’r God, and love Chrfl izzh Sizzceri-— tyre hear of, or to fee Brethren dwelling together :1 in Unityy I have no greater joy, (faid St. John in hie thml Epiflle and 4th Ver.) then to hear that my.Chi1:iren walk in truth. So zzlfliflzyr 4 gmciow 1 fez;/Ehle Soul, I have not grezzterfjoy theiz to hezzr e that the PeopleofGoel do agree in love, and live in , Peace one with (mother. Wherefiore we are com- immeleel to pray for the Peace of Jerufalem, Pfezlm A 122. 6. Becaute they (hall profper thatlove her. Th.i5"/haw; 1%‘ how much we ‘ought to 2292:/h for, endea- vozzr of er, delight camel rejoyce in the Unit} of the Chz»::'~c.'5, and the flourifhiizg of Love, Peace and Frietnclfhipt ezmozzgjt the Saint: mid People of God.’ A Se- fr The Epiftle Dedicatory. A Secondly, Anal more particularly, great oenefit will follow to you as a C/Jarclv of C1571:/l_ from» Love, E Peace and Frieizolflyip among your _/elvelx, as F irfi, Mutual Comfort and Eclificatioiz, ~ Ron1.eIp4.¢19. . Let us follow the things that make for Peace, and what will t/oat flgizifie fay yoa .3 Izlgzfaoer mutual may eelifle an.otlJer,l mutual Ealifioation 72atarall}fol- low: Love, Peace azzol Univ”, 46 A615 9. 3 I. Y/5erz > /aaol tlae C/marches refl tbrougboat all Judea and Gas- Anfmar, Eolifcation and Divine Cozzfolatiozz, for tlneymoere eolifiecl and voalleeel in tbe Co/oafortx of tlae :Cbur‘C.lJ-in projper more than Love and Union, for 7 Eéiificgtioyz, for be aolols, and thing: zvlvere wit/.2 one ‘V ‘1i1ee,l anal Samaria. But what fiollozveol tlzisé’ I Hal}: Gboftaanol were maltiplieol, not/Jing caafe: a l ,Di-zfifiom poitlaiiz are more prejudicial to the Clmrcb per/ize it. prazfe-oftlve Holy Spirit, t/ae creolit ofReligio7z, and _ upon t/ae Love, Peace and Zlizity oft/ae Clmrcla. " "ofonr Being a7zolAé7iio2z: as 1 Cor. 10.3 I. Mat.5.I6;. I Pet. 2. I 2. Tlae Name of God may Blaflo/{vex/‘reel of * I the jews, Rom. 2. 24. /llfo it waxjaiel tlre/e are tbe J \ Secondly, '1/Je Honour of Cbrzfl, who comzoarzol: ' m to learn of lrim who is week and lowly, , Mat. I I. 29:For Cbrifi oi: the Prince of Peace,Ifa.9.6.A:zol this be like lvime... ' . y ; it/mz Perfeoutiom zoitlroat, tbereforc fiel Peace aazdl In 4 voorol, tlwe Gzm ofGool, Hmur ofc/myz, tlte l rm enlargement ofClJrifls Kingdom depend: We Firflt, tr/.»e elm», ofGool no/5z'cl.2 2; use ultimate eml People of tlae Lorcl,z';z_ a way of reproaolr, E2619; 6.20. - 1, is lJi.r Glory that be i.rfo,l and Mat /Ii: People fbozzlzl l A. V , « Thirdg. ' Law, p.27.l.13.r.are duties, p.28.\-7.b10t out firfi in, p.32.1.14.r.So- The, Elfiifile Dedicatory. ‘ Thirdly, T176 Credit of Religion depend: nzuclv. upon tlae Love anal Union of tbofiz tlaat profief: it, the want of w/aicl: barolenet/Jfmze in Sin, dzfoourag- etb otlaersfionz Duty, and fill: many wit/9 rage a- gainfl, and di/like of Religion it: l/Vl.1erea: Love Zlzzion and Peace putxaluflre upon flu: way: - of God, anal inane: it lovely and deflrable, even in t/Je Eye: of ilrofe that now olefpifia it. Tberefore aolorn . the Doéfrine of Goal our Saviour, ax you are corn- nzanalecl, Tit. 2. I0. l\/Tow wlvat aolorm t/Je Doélrine .-« of t/9e Go/j>el more tlaen Love, Peace, and ‘Union, A zvlaiela encouraget/J orber: to joyn tl7en2felve.r to it, anol i to make Profejfion of it. i T61’; alfo will very rnuela furt/aer tlJe De/ign of t/Je; G'of[)el, and allure, and win t/ae World over to 7e um’ Cbrifl, bi: Way: and Orclinanoex. 7722': will {lop tlre Mozztlvx of tlae Wiclgecl, ancl caufiz fnzall T/Bing: to _- lzeoozne great, wliereay Contention, anol Diviflon of- a ten rnalee: great Tlaing; fnzall, ax fad Experiences /Jatlv taugbt u: to unclerflancl. Tberefore live in Love, and be at Peace ainongyourfelvex, ltloat tlae Prefence _ of God Inigbt always be wftlayou, and bi: Covenant 9. Blef’/Eng; may liejnultiplieol upon you; for fo prayefla \; your Unwo2°tb} Brother in tlae Gofpel, ; ‘ And Servant for Chrifls fake, G. S. ‘ l ERRATA. G Age 2. Line 22. Read are for is, p.7. l.6.r.a£;a56:r,, p. 12. I.uIz.r.j_ P 14. p.20. 1.14.1‘. fiir up, p.24.1.17.r.folIows.p.26. l.ult.r.@,~al cieties and Families, l.18.r.v.31. a1fo1.3o.r.46. p.38. 1.24.1‘. Sinner, p.39.l.25.r.are, p.4o.1.5.r.z'ncenfed, andi1.36.r.1z'etb, p.41.1.ult.r.z's, , p.42. Lame penult xajield, and 1.9. blot out of, 1.17-r.zmd for but,1).7‘fwur5’d, p.47.l.28.r.tbe_y, p. 1 L T-;———-_ T H 14: Benefit and Excellemy {OF C..6Vzflz°amz Love and iUm6zjI; 2 Cor. Claufe of the nth Verfe.j e==--t---i-‘- Live Peace, mm.’ it:/5e, Goal of Love zizzci . ‘ Peace flmll be with you; Eihg t1f1eXpe€ie‘dly cziiled to perform fo difiifléilit and great a Work this day, I concluded with _ my feif, that a Subjeét of this kind could not; be unfeafonable in its felf, nor wouid it be u'nac_cep’tab1ef Unto you (Worthy Sirs I )‘ in anfwer to whofe Defiré {and Requeit, the foilowitig Dii°courfe‘ is p"repar"d :‘ Ef-' pecialiy in fuch a day as this is, wherein (with Grief and Sorrow of Heart it may be fpoken) that Love and Peace is alrrloft taken from the Earth. Alas ! how dotii Strife, DifI'e‘ntior’1_,’o‘fity and Contention abound; almoit every where, and among all Orders, Ranks and Degrees of Merr,_to the great diihjonour ofour Lord, gefus Chriif, difparagemefit of Religion, and grief of rich as are moft eminently gracioué'2m'1ofig u’s“., ,iA,r'i A Evii ‘Which, oug,ht_ to“ ’ llanwenfed a°nd: b‘e’wail_ed\bY,al_1 _i_'enfib1§ Ferrous, a,sbeing bOCI1‘b‘fi°§nfi'v‘e‘ :6’ G‘od; peffiié’ crow 2 The Berzqft mid Excel/may of cious and deltrufiive to the children of Men, as will further appear in our Dlfcourfe. ~ _ Whereas on the contrary, Love and Peace, Unity and Concord among Chriftians and Chriltian Societies, are things God is well pleafed with, and honoured by, and therefore delights very much in them.And as to Man,thefe Graces,or(as fome call them)Virtues,are Self-evident,and do lhine in their own 1ight,com mending themfelves to the Confciences of all confiderate and ferious Speéiators, as Pfalm 13 3. I. Behold how good, and how pleafant it 135, for Brethren to dfill together in ‘Unity. Some things are good, but not pleafhnt, as fatherly Chaftifements and Corre- élions, 14:12. 12.1 1. No chafiening (or affiiélion) for the pre/éfiffeemeth to be joyous, but grievous, nezzerthele/E af. terward it yieldeth the peaceable fruits of righteoizfizefs zmto e them which are exercifiad thereby. On the other hand, Some things are pleafant but not good -, as the pleafiim of fin which are but for ez feafon, which Men roll as t a fvveet Morfel under their Tongues, but in the end, it becomes as bitter as Death it felf, I€om.6.23. for the ma- ges of fin is death. But Peace, Love and Friendfhip a- mong Chriltian Brethren, is both good and profitable, yea,pleafant and delightful to and in the eyes and elleem of all that truly feariGod, and love the Lord Jefusr inifincerity. For, as one Star differeth from another in Glory, fo one Grace differeth from another in Excellen- cy.‘ And of all other Graces, Love is accounted the inoll: excellent, for without it, all other Virtues are in- fig‘nificant, and of no value, as appears at large, 1 Cor. I 3th chap. throughout, for if I have not charity. all avail- eth me nothing. So that it is evident, and undoubtedly true, that Love amonglt Chriftians is both illultrious, excellent and glorious in its felf 5 for all the People of God do ‘agree in this, (however othervvife difléring in fome other circumltantialimiatters) with the ‘Prophet’ David, that it is good and pleafant, nay, belt, and mo’1t’i .Thfs delightful, for brcglgrgtgfgg dw,el1.togerhle{ir; _’U{_Iity,. ‘ l 35 ‘ Chrzffizzrz Love and Zlrzitj. . The great Apofile, 5t. Paul, the Pen-man of our Text, is both in this and the foregoing Epiftle, lharply reproving and rebuking the Carmthitms of divers Mill carriages which were committed amonglt them, and above all other Failings, he infifteth molt upon, and blamesthem moft for thofe Divifions and Contentions which arofe daily among themfelves, thereby intimat- ing, that of all other Diforders and lnfirmities, this is the greateflz, and therefore the People of God, and Churches of Jefus Chrifl: ought to be molt diligent in avoiding all things of this kind in an efpecial manner, for many reafons which we lhall lay down’ hereafter. Oh! how earneltly and paflionately doth he exhort them to beware of this, 1 Cor. 1. IO. Now I hefeeeh you, Brethren, by the Name of our Lord ‘je/Ge: Chrifl, that ye all fpeah the fame thing, and that there he fl0 eh’?/zfiozzs agrnung‘ you, but that you he perfeétly jeinedl together in the mind, and in the fame judgment, for it hath heen told me ofyort, my hrethrezz, that there are conterztiorzslamong you, i &C. Alfo chap, 3. 3,4. For whereas there is among you envyihg: emdflrife and di7Ji/ions, are ye not carnal,’ and weak as men. Read alfo at your leifure, 1 Cor.1.1.1e8. 12. 2 . n In Ehe twolalt Verfes of the foregoing Chapter, you find this faithful Apoftle, {till infifting upon the fame Theme, telling them his Fears of them, upon this ac‘- count, affuring them, that if he found them fuch as he would not, they fhould find him fuch as they would not-, that is, if he found them finning, they fhould find him cenfuring: For in the beginning of this Chapter he acquaints them with his Defign and Refolution, which was, great feverity in punilhing the guilty among them‘, in cafe their Sins were not repented of, and forfaken, I willlnot fpareyort, '22. 2. Wherefore he exhorts them to examine and try themfelves, =0. 5. ‘that {'0 they re- turning to,and performing of their Duty to Jefus Chrift, and to one anOtll€.‘:‘.-”,'tl1€ threatned s B‘2 Pref’ feverity might be e Apr-evented, the Apof’cle’s ]oy contimfd, and increas’d The Benefit and Excefienry of’ and that his Apofcolical Power might be exercis’d in, and tend to their Comfort and Edification, and not to their Sorrow, Shame and Correétion, much lefs to their Deftruéiion, tire. to the lotb ‘yer/E2. ' ' Thus the Apoftle, being about to conclude his Epi- ftle, changes his Stile from frowning Rebukes, into fa- therly Exhortations, loving and feafonable Adrnot1iti— ons. Whence by the way we ‘ may obferve, Timt then Reproofis mofl likely to prove ejfec‘Znal, when it is mixt with, and ends z'n'manifef£atz’ons‘ of 10716 to the perfims reproved; for Love is of a conflraining nature. 2 Cat‘. 3,. 14. ‘ Tberefiyre finally Bret/oren farewell, be perfeé}. That is, in Love and Unity, the Greek word ww9'I5§9°3‘?» fignifies to be comp-aét, or united in Love as Members of thefame Body‘, or parts of the fame Building, or Children of the fame Family, (70. See Pool’s Annotéztions on the Text; ,This isa Perfeélion of Afl"eé’cio"n, and not of ,_S;an€tification-, fuch a perfeétion as naturally follows its proper caufe. g be perfefi, or fit up again, re—edifiea', namely, unto Union game with another :, the Perfeétion of a Church orChri- ftian Society lying much in the Unity ofit, and is that which the Apoftle feemeth to drive at in this his EX- hortation: -For Union and mutual Love one towards 3; ~3WI©s-emu-uric-I-H-Cu-'~ v¢O.Dr¢':.=1v‘%» aw-um.‘-ac-us ma 1 The”D1>ttcb Annotations read it thus, another is that which renders Churches and Chriltian, jg jsocieties ‘truly amiable, "lovely and delirable. In a Word, that which the Apoftle ishere prefiing upon them, is, that whereas the Church of Chrift having {hf- fered much damage in time‘ pail, by reafou of their Divifions, Difcords, and Contentions that «arofe daily among t-hemfelyes, many of whom upon this account, being withdrawn from her Communion}, therefore he with great earneftnefs prelles them to a hearty recon- ici1iatio,n one to another, that fo its feparated Members A iriight be again rel’tored:, therefore fayshe, be ye com- jzatfil, united, re—edz'f2ed, as above, -that is, beye per,/e{}I)""§ie— gpnciled one to egnotlger. r * ~ l ‘ fie V « and Peace upon them. _)_4_,,.-4,.....«. .,,- .., Cbriflizm Love and Zinizjr: O, 5 Beofone mind That is, In the Matters of Religion ~ (if poflible) be of one and the fame jndgment and Opi- nion, as to the Word, Ways and Ordinances of jefus Chrift, at lealt as far as may pe. But however, if in all particular Circumftances you cannot be of one and the iame Opinion, yet I have one Word more to add, and that isthis, tho’ you cannot agree fo far as in all things to be of one Opinion, however he fure look well to this, that ye be one in true affeition, Live in Peace, and tbeGod of Peace _/ball be with you. In the Words are Two general Parts. . I. An Eminent Chriliian Duty commanded, Live in Peace. C II. A Heart—afFeé’cing,Sonl»qnickening Motive added, a and tbe God of Love and Peace _//ml! be with you. I. As to the Duty commanded, Live in Peace. The Apoftle by fad Experience, as well as by Divine Reve- lation,lknew well what the difmal effeéis, and fatal confeqnences of Strife, Difcord and Contention amongil‘. the People of God, and Churches of jefus Chrilt would, be, if continued in, without Repentance and Refor- mation-, and therefore in our Text, and elfewhere, with searnefinefs he prefles this great Duty of Love He again exprefly nrgesthis Duty in Heb. I3. I. Let brotherly love contimze: T hat is, perfevere therein, as you have well begun, becanfe this is that fruit of Faith which God requires his People ‘fhonld always bring forth, viz. T/mt they live in Love, and be at Pearce aznorzcgfi tbemfeltlex. They. who have been taught experimeiitally to know and underftand the ls/iiferies of VVar, will’ highly e- {teem and value the Bleiii-ngs of Peace: 80 they who experimentally hnovv the fatal Confeqnences of Con- tention and D..ivilio,n,A will prize and pnrfue Love, Peace and Union. But alas! there are others, who Sm’m,mm- " i i def C 6 TZ76'B€IZ(_1’]7tdfld Excellency of der like, canlive in the Flames or Fire of COl1l?€I'ltlOl'l:. and feem as tho’ they delighted to breath in that Air. , We have a Proverb to this purpofe, Dulce helium inex- pertis, War is jiveet to the emsleilfal and mzexperzlmced. There are too many :=.7:z.:h unsl all oth“er.thi,in’gs;. like_n3;ar”m;an_ ’-from the Fountain,that God is and will b?e,v;/here he this» 7 1 3 T he Benefit zmd Excel/em} of Chriflz, who is the hrightnefs of the Father’: Glory, and the exprefs image of his perjim, (I-Jeh.I. 3.) and who’slove is laid to pafi knowledge, Eph 3.19. Ohfizrlzze, God in Chrilt may be faid to be Love in a Threefold Senfe : 1]}. God is the onlyiadequate Ob- jeét of Love, he is altogether deleélable and lovely, there is nothing in God but what is truly lovely and delightful to a believing Perfon. zdly, God is Love effeétively,-, if there be any thing in Man that is love- ly, it is from him, if there be any Love in us, it is from him, We love him, becaufi he fir/I loved as, &c. 3011}, God is laid to be Love fubjeétively-, he is the sub. jet} of Love, full of Grace, Goodnefs and Mercy, Love; and Cornpaffion. God is Love in ahflrafio, Love, it is the Divine Eflence of God himfelf. The Love of all Men in the World is nothing to that everlaflting Ocean of Love that dwells in God. So that you fee, where true Love is, there God is, as being the Author, Om- ginal and Subje€t of it. Now he is the God of Peace, in the fame fenfe as he is the God of Love. He is tbg God of Order and Peace, and not of Ptrife and confufion, as 1 Com 4.33; So on the contrary, as God is, and dwells where Loveis-, fo the Devil is, and dwells where Ha- tred, Strife and Contentions are, as being the Author " m di/-cordice 13‘ cohtentiomes, illic Diaholum ‘ of it. Uhi em regnare cermm efl. Cal"?/in on our Text. For Where Dif- cords and Contentions are, there the Devil certainly reigns; Vvemay be fure of the Prefence of God with Love and Peace; and we {hall not mifs of the undefira- ble company of the Devil if We livein Envy and Strife. D God is the Author of one, but the,Devi1 of the other. Hc,fays Cazltoimtneaning St.Paul, calls him the God 0fLo*ye and Peace, who hath commended love and peace to us, and 1; ho Z0’:/esethem himfelf, and who is the author of them. There. s fore, feeingGod is the Author of,and hath. fo frequently commended them to us, and who loves andidelights in ' them, then it will follow, that where thefe are God is, mid always” will be. — 5;. I C/mfiian Love and Unity. 19 Secondty, We have various Inftancesin holy Scrip- l ture which will corroborate and ftrengthen the fore- going Argument, making the Point yet more clear and evident, Pfalm 133.3. There the Lord commandeth the blefling, even lzfe for erzermore. If any ask where this is? V Ianfwer, it is where Brethren dwell together in Unity, as in the firfl: Verfe. Now God in Chrilt being the Ori—- inal, and Fountain of Life and Love, therefore he is, and will be among thofe that live in love, and are at peace . among themfelves. The Saints are {aid to be made par- takers of the divine natare, 2 Pet.1.4. Now there is no- , thing wherein the Divine Nature in Man, appears “ more vifible than in the Principles and Practices of i Love andPeac.e, He that dwells in love, dwells in Goa’, end God in him, 1 ‘foh. 4. 16. The Believer dwells in God by Faith, and God dwells in the-— Believer by his bleffed Spirit 3 this is a plain and full Text, in my Opinion, to O the purpofe in hand. Love and Peace are things {'0 de- " lightful, and well-pleafing unto God, that where thefe are, there he will be , Li-1/ein peace, and the God of love and peace [hall be with yon. Thirdly, There are fome abfolute, great and precious Promifes in Holy»Writ, that do alfo confirm this Do-_ ,"_ étrine. God promifed to his People Ifrael of old, Exoa’. 20.24. that wherefoerzer he recorded his name, he would come and ble/3 them. So alfo in Gofpel-days, jefus Chriil: hath, prornifed his people, that in the obfervation of his Com- mands, he tvoald be with them always to the end of the world," Zi4at.9.8.2o. Love and Chriftian Concord is one of the; great Commands of jefus Chriit, as appears, [Mark of 50. and have peace one with another. flgain, a new Com-. mandment [give 1/mto yon, that you love one another, for 1:} this all rnenflaall know that yon are my di/‘ciples yon low. oneanother, :70/972 I 334,33. As if jefus Chriit, shad faid, As Love and Peace declares to the World wiiellepyotu are, and towhom you belong, pfo {hall it,beian,,undou‘Dt— edrevideince of my being with, and dwell»ing’arn,ongft ‘ A i D 2 ‘ you A, - — -r--emu->» go The Benefit aad Excellency of you always to the end of the World. ]efus Chrilt left Peace with his Apoftles, 3‘oha 14.27., Peace 1 leave with ~ withyoa, my peace I give aate yoa,&c. Again, As he {peaks Peace at his leaving of ‘them, {'0 he begins his firlt Words afterhis Refurreflion with Peace, §’ohr: 20. I 9. fiefasflaivzcling in the mia'fl,faz‘d, Peace he tcyoa. NOW“ this fhews us, that }el'us Chrifl: requires that his Follow-T ers ought to live in love, andto be at Peace among themfelves. And then there is our Text, the Apollle ‘doth not fay, it may be, or peradventure, or perhaps. God may be with you-, no, he lays it down in the aflir- imative, the God of Peace and Love/hall he zvz'th_yoa., If is A a bleffed and gracious Prornife, brought in by way of l Motive, to ftir, and incourage the Corinthians to the‘ conltant exercife of that excellent Grace ofiloove. God is with, and among all Men as the God of Wifdom, Power, juftice and ]udgm‘ent, for he fills both Heaven and Earth, [7‘er,. 23. 24. Buthe is with, and dwells‘ a—_ , mongli thofe only, as the Godof Love and Peace, who labour to‘ live in love, and to he at peace amozzgfi ‘them-—; felves. I A Third!)/, What doth the Prefeace of God with a Society, of Chrifiiam, as the God of Love azzcl Peace imply? I anfwer, Fir/t, It implys thus much, that God “thereby ownshimfelf to be the God of thofe perfons (ainongft whom he thus dwells) in aCoVenant-way through the Lord jefus Chrill. Now‘ for‘iGod to ‘ own bimfelf to be the”’God of a Eeople-,f Church,’or Chriliian Society,‘ l is a*‘icomprehen‘five Blelhiig, and implys much, more thanis exprelt. This will plainly appear, if we con- fider the Nature ofa Covenant-Relation to Godthrough jefus Chrift. For when God ‘fays to a“’Church or Chri-A’ iliim Societyc, I arh“yoer God inCovte‘r1ant, this is as if he ifhoul_d fay,"I, aria yours, and what I am, I amifor‘ jrou, what lhave.,} itigiss for your cgood“here“,cl and Leveri- iafiiugildappinefs» liei"eafter,i ‘what I can do, I will foryou,for ycizrs,beca:§,’£»,}%c.nzare ‘mice, at ‘Cor,3;32: *V':~.»: t 4_.- ,. .,—.,_ ?;, _; ~ €_: - {___£ l l 7 many, t‘heiriefore' ‘you iihall be happy. C/mflimz Love and Unit}: 21 My Power, that is infinite, {hall be imployed in pre- ferving and defending you. My Wifdorn that is fun:-' parallel, {hall providefor, and difpofe of you. ,My Grace, that is unfearchable, is‘ given to you, and fhall’ be fufiicient for you, to bear you up here, and to make you eternally happy hereafter. My Love, e~ that is ever- lafting and unchangable, isfixt upon, and {hall «never be taken -away from you, Jffezlm 89. 34., 33. My Good; nefs, that is inconceivable, is made over to you, in and through my beloved Son the Lord ]efus.i ‘ My llndeita Itanding, that is infinite,‘ hath been c“ontiriv’ini‘g a way how to make you happy from before the lfouniclation of the Wor'Id. Ihave been in the idepthsofniy infinite Wifdorn, .1ayingthe Scene ‘of a ftupendious Eeliveré ance from Death and ‘Damnation, Hell and=De{tru-r élion. My dear Son wasgiven for you, to diea curfedi Death on Earth, that you might live a glorious Life in“ Heaven. My exceeding great and precious Piro‘r"nifes,, Which are many, are given “as Pledgesofi‘ my»Lov'ei to comfort and‘ incourage you in this World to hold on, and to hold out to the end in a way of nevvobedience, and powerful-igocllinefs, that you might be faved. e'F0r , I will be rirereiflzpl to your tmri,gbteonfi7'efs, and your fin: and iniqaities I ‘will remember no more, H6b.8.I2'. Nay in a ' Word, I will bepyoar God, (ma. your guide ewmmto deaHe,_ emdyorzr,exkfeedingigrekzt reward in eternity. isiholy, th'erefor’e you fnall be holy. My Nature My Mercies are My eRighteo"uf- nefs is everlaftyishg, thereforeryou {hall be made"r‘ighteous in it. pal wi,ll:’ll3e,graciou's in pardoning your fins, and I will be ‘ready and neiarto help you in all Itraits. I will be both a {hitable ,anid*ap feafonable good to you‘-, for I will be/I’crength,,inweaknefs, comfort in trouble, fafety inldaniger, inay, I"‘vvfill be Life in Death-, and my WonderfulGralc‘ef'hier€,‘ fhall ‘make you meet for Glorfy hereafter-,1 wiribe all iri"ael1t‘o you,for where,or to whom féev‘er1’ama'oou1 will be an everlalling good. a And {Ea Flush taayfstts in eensral-s St- .tor, a them good, I will come and blefs you. 2 2 The Benefit and Excellency of 3 -Secondly, and more particularly, The Lord’s Prefence with his People, as their God in Covenant, alfo implys prefent help and fuccour in all ,dlllZI‘€lT€S and troubles, P/Zzlm 4.6. I. ‘T be Lord 15 a_ very prefent help in trouble, to comfort, help and alliit them, both as to Soul and Body. The Hebrew Word fignifies, that God is owerfully,fufliciently,eflicacioufly,much,nay,very much found in the time of trouble, danger and diftrefs. Or, as fome read it, eafily found, or findable, z’. e. ready at hand,or ready and apt and willing to help. God will be to us a hopeful fhelter,and a ftrength, ahelp in diftrelles, we ihall find very "great-, Ainjivortb on the Text. The Lord ftands not among his People, as an idle Spe&a- but as an all-fuflicient and able Actor, upon all oc- cafions, for their good and his own Glory. He comes not empty-handed amonglt his Churches and People, where has Name is recorded, as before -, No, but he comes on purpofe, and with a defign to blefs them, and to do Nay, and not on- ly blefs you with the leaft, but with the greateft blefl iings,viL.Etermzl Life,P[1 3 3.3. This Blefling of the Lord makes truly and fpiritually rich, Prev.1o.22. God will difcover himfelf as a prefent help in extremity, Pfczlm l I8. 6. In my diffre/E I cried unto the Lord, and be heard _ me, and delivered me, {aid holy David. , Tbirdly, The Prefence of God with sa_People as their , God in Covenant, implys Succefs and.P'roi'perity in their lawful llndertakings and Imployments. It is our Duty A to labour, but fuccefs thereunto is the Gift of God. What our Apoftle fays, as tothe Work of the Mi- niftry .( I Car. 3. 6, 7. I have planted, and flpollos wa- tered, but God gave the irzereaje. So again, ’tis true, Paul preached, but the Lordvoperzed t/oe beer; of Lydia, .452: I6.I4,.) We may fay, upon good grounds, of all Trades, Bulinelles and Works in the-W.orld, Man may‘, and ought tolabour, and that with dilig.ence, but God only can give fuccefs, and make his labour profperous. * 3 r. The Chrifliarz Love and 'Um'ty,. Q3 The Holy Ghoft tells us plainly, that the Race 5; my to the fwift, 7707’ the Battle to the /trong, neither yet Bread to the Wife’, nor Riches to Men of Uaderjlaadiag. Which plainly fignifies this much _to us, that good Succefs,evcn to and in our fecular Affairs, or worldly Bufinefs, de- pends principally upon the Bleffing of God. Where 1 the Prefeuce of God is, all is well, and they need not fear Succefs, with whom the Lord dwells. Therefore it is {aid of ‘jofeph (tho’ Sold as a Slave into Egypt) that he was a fuccefsful, and profperous Man, my what ever he took in Hand pro/pered, and the Reafon is pre- * fently added, and that is, becaufe the Lord was with him, Gea.39.2,3. Nay, tho’ he be wrongfully com-A mitted to Prifon, the Lord was with him there, {how- ing Mercy to him, giving him Favour in the fight of the Keeper, making whatfoever he did to prof- per, '2/er. 21 , 22, 23. It is a great Mercy to have the Pre- lence of God with you, in your Meetings together, and in your Undertakings in the World, for the Lord hath promifed, to thole that delight in his Law, and walk in his ways, that whatfoever they do {hall profper, Pfalm I. 3. As long as Iflael of Old, had the Prefence of God with them, they were {'0 profperous and fuc- cefsful, that no Enemy could {land before them, but when God was gone, they became a Prey to thofe that hated them. What Natio72,fo great, Deut. 4‘. 7. and that hath Godfo nigh them, &c. This made them great, and profperous,honourable, and renowned. So on the o- ther Hand, Mans labour is infignificant, nay, to no Purpofe, and in vain, without the Blefling of God, as as is evident, Pflzlm 127. 1,2. Except the Lord haild the Hoa/e, the} labour in ‘vain, that build it, except the Lord keep the City the Watchman watches hat in vain, it is vain A foryoa to rifiz up early, to fit gap late, to eat the Bread of Sorrow:,&c. lt’s in vain to watch, it’s in vain to work, it’s in vain to wake, and wait; nay, all that Man can do is in vain, an.d‘to no purpofe y\'ithout_ the Erefence, and T The Beziefltfaiial Excellency cf * and blefling ofthe Lord our God. Read alfo at your leifure, Hag. 1. 6, to 13. verfe, where the Lord tells them, T hat they looked for much, but it came to little, and ‘ when ye brought it home I -did blow upon it. What was the Reafon of that? Might fome fay, I Anfwer, be- caaje my Hozifiz lieth xvafle, &c. That is, becaufe by Sin, they had driven the Lord from them, and there- fore it is faid, aflbon as they had laid the Foundation of his Houfe the Lord was ‘with them, from that very Day, as you may fee if you read on. So alfo might you expeét the Prefence of God with you, and his Blefling upon you and yours from this very Day-, if — you do but take at the Advice of St. Paul in our Text, Live in Peace, and the God of Love, and Peace /hall he with you. It is {aid of David when made King, 1 C hroiz. 1 1. 9. That he waxed greater and greater, and the Rea- fon follow, for the Lord of Hojls was with him. The Prefence of God, makes great, profperous, and fuc- cefsful in all we do. The Argument that iofloaa and Caleb made ufe of to incourage the Children of I/rael ~not to fear their Enemies, was Their Defeace is depart- eel from them, and the Lord is with as, Numb. I4... 9.: Oh! therefore live in Peace, and the God of Love, and Peace [hall be with yea, and then you need not fear who are, " ‘or who can‘ be againil: you. Foiirthly The Lords Prefence with his People, as their God in Covenant, implies alfo, prefent Confo1a- tion, and fpiritual Joy. They cannot be without Light who are near.-the Sun, {'0 they, that are near to God, i in Chriit, cannot be without fpiritual Confblations. _Iii thy Light, lays the Prophet, we fhall fee Light, Pfalm‘ 36. 9. Andsfo having thy Prefence, we cannot but feel ,‘Confolations. Lord, lift zip the Light of thy Ccimteaaace “upon as. lWhy/? I Anfvver, becaufe that will pm more .30} and Glaclizefs into om’ Hearts, then great iiicrea/is of Corn and Wine, Pfalm 4. 6, 7. Hovvfu-llof carnal joy :1- a are the Men of this World, when their Barns are‘ full, ' and 2 Chriftiazz Love and Zhzitjr; 9' I and their Prelfes do overflow ? howtmu-th tnore’_ doth the Prefence of jefus‘ Chrift fill the Souls of his People with fpiritual Confolation? 'I?_heitLo.rd is raid. to he a Sim to enlighten dfid‘ comfort the Saints, ds‘zlvel1ta.{* a jhield to defend them, Pfalm 84,. I It: to Solomon faith, It is ap1ea{'a‘nt thing to behold the Sun, Eec1.~ *7. T ml)» the light is fweet,“andt aiplecyant thing it 1'5-for.t:he eyes to behold the Stm. But th‘e~fI¥1'gl*1t:of ‘thigh World is not fol fweet tothe Body, a.sth“e-:Li.ght of God?s;ocm-icenance is to the Soul. eNeither~isith‘e beeholNd~infg..of,the Sun in the Finuament fo pleafant: to the eyecttofn-Seinfe; as the Sun of Righteoufnefs is touthe‘ eye of‘Faith. ; ‘If there be fozhzefsiofjqy in his 1prlo[enée‘t above, t-hexiei mutt needs be fo_mewhat of joy and‘lConfolationtinwthe Prefenece of God‘”he‘re below; Tho’ I walk throughethetmllciy of the flmdotveof death I wiflfeat no evil, for thou art tmi-th me, thy rod ar‘2d'thy ftafi they comfort the; The Prefence of God, you fee, affords Com-fort everyway to his Peon-_ ple, thwart with me, there is that which phtslacfpecial Accent upon the Senfe of the Prophet,‘ vvhenrhe {peaks as tho’ Déath it felf w0:—tld~not-., could notfnakec him afra~id; So thatiits evident from hence, that the Perefenceof om‘? Lord, tho’ intaffliétion, works in beIiev~inggSio.uls Di-5 vine Comfort and Spiritual Confolaftion,>4for thy rod and thy theyficomfort mo. His blefl‘ed;_and Soule comforting‘fPrefencehcaufes lieglit to ariife1'~ien defrknefs,‘ and often turns the fl'la‘dow of death into’ the morning; for faid t?h;e; Church of old ———-J/Vheh: ,1 fit}?! dafknefi the Lordifhollibelia lightitmtojme, Micah 7.81.: . ’Fifthl},1 God’s b‘eingweaith,.teand dwelling atflongif Chriftian Societies, leivi"n~g>in Peace, alfocitnpliesta/Sari defence, fhfeguard and prbteition for the Lordcfetsi an invifible Gtlatd roundabout them tha‘.tTt1jnly fear him. See Zech.2. I will be‘7the‘GIory the _m1'-‘o?fl‘0f,1 azgéla ipall of fire romidv about her, tneani~ng: his glhurch. That i§,:- 1 will foivdefend and ptoteé-‘t fth?eth, t';hat?thei.r* enemies {hall not be able to wound, rnnch lefs todjelflhéoyt thetm 3 Nay; 1* l : .qrtevaongeirca1l:Love. , e: 95; h The rBen-fefit ¢¢rd,.Excel/erzcy of Nay,athol'e‘thacprefumeito come, near toahurt them, _l {hall be dellt’-royed and confumedas with fire. Wall of fire is lioth iolfenfive and defenlive, its terrible to r the ‘wicked, but itslvery comfortable, and for a defence to the Peo’pl€l-of God: As ethe_~~P1llar of Fire you read of Exod.14.24. itfvvas for a defence to the [children of ‘ I/hzel,‘ but for 5:21 terrour: anddread to the Egyptians. The Prefenicelof God is as Armour Of Pf00f to defend his peopwfrom ‘ball Dangers and ‘De[lru&ions,and out of all their afl‘1i€tio“ns, as Pfalm?34-19+ A5 the M0””t4i”5 475' round aboutfierufalem, fiw irs-:tlae;-Lord I’QW7.d 450".’ 3537” that fear him bcnchforfla? and for -ever;,: Pfalm 12;. 2. And as before if the Lord is notonly a Sun to enlighten, and cgmfoirc -3; butzheyis alfoia Shie1d_tod_efend, and be as a fafeguarfdnntorthem that truft in h1_m. a God being inthe Camp oflfrael, and commanding his Blefling on them,w,ag.,the only reafon that wicked Balaam_cou1d not prevail aggirnlt them, Nunzb. 23.2o,26; This was God’si Promifefto "Abrzzbam, Gen. I 5. I. I am tby /bield, Andas the Prophet Ifaiab. hath it, 26. 1. vsalrvation i God appoint’ for walls and bulmarks. As longas God was with Szzmpfon, all the power and pol1_cy of gthe Pbi-r liffines could not hurt him,. but he c'arr_1edall before him, but whenthe ‘Lord was; departed from, him, he {hon be,can'1e°*aiPre’y unto them that hated him, f7ztdges 16. 2o..51*ni>ili»(faid he) go outmzd /halzac, my "fiilf as at \ other times L; bucthe Text [€‘.1]S,_';.Ygll., be rvzfihnot that the Lord Wd5'.‘_'dgP;1ft6d2 from Ioz'm.f;‘ If God_,be_ VV.:l_t,h and for ué, whoican be agaeinfi: us, orahurt 118?. butjlf thfi eL0I‘Cl: leave ugrwho can preferveand deliver us? therefore raid God we-,1/min, We ,toy0a.mbw I departfmyvtta Hofl 19:12.44 When’ the Lord departs, all true fpiritual com- lfartfi alnd‘; confolation, afuccefifanod pI'€>§E€‘3:i°D dF"P3T§3 :'w:ich,,him..;L.,?T.h1]s you hav»e‘r;hea.rd What ,3 M€;rcy,it is to have,Godiviiith,:‘and to dW.e11:aII.101lg Your:-~5=9T...Wh,3.t, their. , ?Pmtion is‘,::..wlro.él”eav.ea to *and;+pUrli1e aft¢F?_the. Royal, And And fo much may ferve for —theDo&rin.alpa1‘tl : \7Ve .l tf Terms’ and thankfuliyts 3°CeP‘ his ‘-'°‘1*a Secondly, Confider with 'thY‘ffe1.f, ‘Oh’ I as then? canft not refifl: him, fo neither art .thOu"{able to fie¢.f1~o,'n_ him 3% f°m€'3i.111€S 311191184; M‘~.‘-‘I1; $110’; We canhnot We-gef W31" Wi¥ha..Y€'3 We 1T33tY..1113k‘€e Our Efcape fi'Oln- thhofe that are our enemies. Bat mhitherfhallelfieeeframtlay pxe; it fence, faidhthe Prophet, Pfalm: 139, 7,8: ; It 4[mm'_.,;p. mto hea'ven,* thou art there,‘ vi7..%by., and in thy;Z Dignity-, if I maize my Bed; in,Hell thoaa art there; “aifof in and by th»y:]uI’tice andeafiurrye ; If 1~taI§e the mings[ofI ‘W’ m0V”i”£a 47.16? dwell it! fi?.6~’;tI4a,t1«‘§i,7’77?«‘0,{*' part; of the.;Sea,hewea~ L/yereflaallt th)g hand leaclj me, and thy m',(g;,t%ee;,,‘,,,da /541;. hoid; ‘me; the.a'arlvne./E hideth. 7102; fromethee, for bathe lzghtehahmiy darlzaefs isaalike with thee, ,Va_~I_2.—_ compare tlfis with c7e,,_'" 23.24. Amq; 9.2. 3,4, thte1§efone‘efeeing1,you_ Cann_o1:e.fleeu from him,‘then it; is both y'0UfW=ifc1gm,. and D__uty hum,e ’ bly to fubmit u11tohim,eas before, _. ; . » 4 L f L 1. Third’; ,;‘ There is n9 ~ be/ari,I1g'“his Indtignatihqn: a l Wrath and tDif'p1eafure,, fee-h Nqbgm, _;._e 5. ;»;:z;,5 (W; "'/147291 b6’f0i’6f his fadigaationai am! W1'90..-Cd?/1-abide‘'€’eftefi5~ of ht: anger .? hzsfmy 1: pomted qatli/ee fircgfi; th-g¢,¢bgV Racks; are thrown down by him, ver.8;; and\darkflcfi.e_flaall_1;m;fi,eet hi; 7 Enemies. V - II} fO11OW ~th€I1‘l to Dea[;h,; Judgmen-teand.-‘i-h Hell it felf, The Fire of Divine Anger ~w.isl1~ bum ~to1the‘ «10_W€ft Hell, Deut.;32.- 22.‘ If you'r.:Pea:c.€:x.he:1':otltfiadet mth God through hxs dear SOD3' ‘Caa thy Hffizt mdgre :, ~ 992 - 40 The Benefit and Excel/each} of or can thy Hands be flrong iii the day: that I /ball deal with t thee, faith the "Lord, Ezck. 22. 14.. Why then do you provoke the Lord to Anger and jealoufieg are you {tron- ger thanhe? do you know what it IS to fall into 2 the hands of his offended and incenced jnliice, are you acquainted with the power of his Anger, Wrath and Indignation? if thou art unacquainted with thefe things then let me prevail withthee, Oh! miferable Sinner, totake hold of Chriil: ]efus by Faith, that fo thy Peace may be made with God. How fad was the condition of fferafalem becaufe they knew not the time of their Vi- fitation, or thethings that did concern their eternal V Peace, Luke‘ 19.42, 4,4. How much better is your State A and Condition,gif your Peace be not made with God through Chri[l:. Laitly, Conlider how willing, ready, nay defirous God is to make Peace with Sinners, he ‘is {fill upon the Mercies Seat, thy day is not yet quite gone, Mercy may be had, and Peace obtained. Oh! there- * fore fubmit to the terms of God, embrace his Son and yield Obedience to his command, for in yourfo doing God for ever will be reconciled to you and at Peace with you,fot this is his own bleII'ed and gracious Promife to encourage you thereunto, let him take hold of ' my itrength and he (hall make Peace with me. 1/22. 27. 3, [need not at this time lay any thing to the fecond Branch, (2ziz..) Peace of Confcience, for if you once obtain Peace with God through jefus Chrift, Peace of Confcience will pfoon follow thereupon, ~c-——confider‘ ‘ him the Apoftle and High Prieflr of our Profefhon Chriit efns, for this Confideration bath a direct tendency to A‘ fill the believingsoul with Divine Confolation, as the Prophet intimates, Pfaml. 104. 34. My meditation of tbeeflmli be /iveet I will be glad in the Lord. The Reafon he lays down in the 94.19. s Th} comforts delight my 50,41, « Tbirdly, Strive after Peace with Man thy fellow Crea. 2 ture, if itmay be, and as much as in you liveth, live peaceably with all men, Rom. 12. :8. Be not you the 2 c » caufe Live in peace, (Te. J( i 1 I C/.irz'§Yz'a;z Love and Uzzity. caufefiof, or Inftruments by which Variance, Strife, and Contention, may be promoted. Give no iuft caufe of offence to jam nor G'€7Itil€, nor to the Church of God, Live peaceably with all men, thatis, do you What you can to prevent Ftife and variancie, difcord and quar- rels, difconteiit and uneaiinefs in and among all with whom you have to do. Do all you can to_ make, and keep Peace with all men, that is as far as is confiltent wichttta good Corifcience. That Man buys Peace cheap, who buys it Without finnirig, as a gr€at Man Words 1!}, I told youibefore, fuch is ‘the nnreafonablenefs and wickednefs of fome, that it is hard to keep Peace with them, but we ought to do what we can towards it. The Apoftle himfelf prays for De- liverance from wicked and unreafonable Men, 2 Thefig. 2. And there are fuch in the World full, for God hath put anirreconcileable Enrnity between the Seed of the Woman, and the Seed of the Serpent, Gen. 3.215. But more particularly, Labour to remove the Caufes of Con- tentions and Divifions. For in taking awaythe Caa/E: " the Efefi is taken away, or as we fay, take away the Caafiz, and the Efiefi‘ will ceafe. Nowthe Caufes of_Con- tention arnongfl: Chriftians for the moft Part: Are either, Eirfls, Carnal Lafls, and inbred orraptzom of the Heart : Thereis in all Men, innate Principles of Liifts and Core ruptions, nay, even in the Saints themfelves, as Fame: 4. I . lVhem:e comes Wars and Fightings, or as the Greek Word fignifieg byamlings (1?720}7g_)/014, ‘come they not hence, out of, or from your lafts that war agate]? the feel. I beflzech your to ahflain from fiefhly lafls which war again/l the jhal, fays St. Peter, 1 Pet. 2. 1.1. This is one great caufe of th.o_fe Btawlings and Contentions that are at this day in Churches, Societies and Families, (7/iz..) carnal, unruly, and flefhly lults that lodge within perfons. Therefore beware of the Caaaa-aites, thofe erzemies of your fimls, and deftroyers of Peace among Chriftians. The Spirit that in in as lajleth to eaqv, ‘James 4,. 5., Some think that St. A ,_‘7ame;’, 41, i I 42 i The Benefit and Excellency of jams: hath refpeét to Gen. 6. 5. And Godfaw that the wig- rkedneji of man was great in the earth, and that every Imagig. ‘nation of the Thoughts of his Heart was only e7/iI.contt'n»14czl1y. Now this isthe difpofition and frame of Man’s heart by nature, for the flelh will be lajling again]? the Spirit - even after a Man hath received Grace, Gal. 5. 17. But thisvve taught to watch againlt, if we would live in Peace, ac- cording to our Text. i — P - ~ . Secondly, Of Pride and Self-conceit, is another Caufe of Contention, only by pride comes contention, lays the Wife Man, Pro'o.r3.1o. that is, as the Hebrew word fig- nifies, and asfome read it, pride occafions, . or giveth no- thing bnt brawling-, the meaning is, that Pridegis good for nothing but to caufe firife and contention , a proud man ‘will not yield a jot to any, he through the Pride of his Heart relies upon his own Wifdom, Knowledge, and llnderllranding, but will not fuffer himfelf to be’cru€t- ed, and perfw»aded, counfelled, and advifed by thofe that are wifer than himfelf, but his own way he will take whatever comes of it, tire. Only by pride comer contention, that is,Pride only caufes Contention, Pride blows up the Goals which other Lulls do kindle in Mens Hearts. Not but that fometimes, Pride alone, is the ecaufe of Strife, for a proud ‘Man, who is iobftinate in his Refolutions, and conceited of his own Opinions,-and impatient of any Op- pofition, "being governed by his Lufls and Paflions, will not hearken to the wifelt Counfels, but their own Ways fnch Men will have, vvhichoften times blows up the hot- eft Contention amongft Chriliians. Only by Pride comes ” Contention,that is as forne expound it,wherefoever Con- tention is, thereis Pride, at lealt more or lefs in one if not in both‘ of the contending Parties. Pride-make Men "Froward, Obllinate, and Selfvwill’d, Cruel -and Unjuft, Pallionate and Impatient. Therefore beware of that Enemy to Peace, this deltroyer of Souls, I mean Pride. A proud Man will yeald to nothing that is con- trary to hisown Opinion, and that cxrolfesihisflumour, ‘ what- ..CZ1f{fl7'dIZ Love anti 2)ait}.. whatever the confequences thereof be. But with the advifed there is.Wi,fdon1 fa_ys Solomon, that isa Wife Man will not make his Luft, Pride and Paflion, the only rule of his Words and Actions as the proud Man doth, but the wife, or advifed Man will fuffer himfelf to be in- flzruéted, perfwaded, counfelled and advifed by others, by which means Strife and Contention is prevented, nay often fuppreffed and removed, and L0276 and Peace maintained and promotedamongft Chriftians. So that you fee that Iride is a Sin in it felf, and the caufe of other Sins -, therefore beware of Pride, for Pride is the greatefl: enemy to Love and Peace. The proud Man 3 L {wells with Se1f»Conceit and Admiration of his own Excelleneies-, this was the Devil’s Sin, Pride izzfeéfed the Angelic]: Nature, making Of glorious Angels, deformed Devils, therefore avoid Pride as you would avoid Hell it felf, becaufe it hath broug-_ht many to Hell, as well Men as Angel: in all Ages of. the World. . " Thirdl}, Beware of ignorance ofi and mi,/takes in thojé things that are matters of coiztrozzer/ie: among yea. Men do often diflzurbetheiroiwn peace, and the peace of others, . for want of knowledge in the matters before them, to be .difcourfi: of, or 1oo1<’d into : Be well inltruéted before you contend, remember as before, with the swell-adlzzzfled there is wzfdom. It is great Wifdom to be Well-adVis?d{, to get aclear and difiinfi knowledge in all that is like to be a controverted matter among you : And labour to walk in the plain way-, for they that difler from 0-‘- thers in their Opi-nionsand Practices, ought to be well-, -advifedyin what they do, and they ought alfo to -be Imm- b1e, and to pray often and eairneflly to God, i that they be not led into temptation, according to our Lord’s dire«£’ci— on, Mateh. 6. I Lead as not into temptation, ehrc. We are very apt to fall into, and very unable to [land before .l2€.m.pC3IiO1;l§ ;, therefor-e let us pray againltthem, and not rumour,felates,»unadYifed,ly into them, but to do what in -11Sll_€,l‘.vhe-t}6)~;aV@ldafldilhllfl them to the uttermoltt of i r . « Foarthly, '44. W The Benefit and Exec//mo} of y . Pottrthly, Beware of bu/2e Cttriofity. If you would live in Peace, be Inotjrtedling with other men: matters that con- . cern you not. Take the Apoltle’s advice, jttzdy to be qttiet,—and to do your omrzhtr/ihefi, 1 Thr]]'.4.I 1. Every bo- by {hall have enough to do if he knows and does his own Bufinefs , but forne _Men Ptudy to be vexatious, trouble- fome,.and contentious, difturbmg their own and the Peace of others. Not conlidering that A meal: amt qtttfit fjairit is in thefight ofG0d of great price, and well becomes Chriltians, this is a beautiful ornament, and it is of great value in God’s account, 1 Pet.3.4.. You ought to be quiet, and to do nothing ralh1y.Novv St.Ptml rebukes Bttfi6—boo.’ic5 and Tattlers, that went from houfe to houfe in his time, fpeczhirzg things n?hic‘h they ought not. There are too many fuch at this day,w ho are guided and led by bufie-Curiofi- ty,therefore avoid this alfo if you would live in peace.Cu- riofity is a turbulent eoil,it makes people reftlefs in them- felves, {till inquirin‘g after other mens bufineffes, that lit- tle or nothing concerns them, and therefore avoid it, and ftand at the greateft difltance from it. K . ~Fz'fthly, Labour to take away outward Caufes of Con- tentions, and Divifions, as yfirlt contentious Words. The Language of fome is fo provoking, that it ftirs up the greatelt Contention atnongft Men. St. fame: , faith, that the Tongue is an unrulely Member-, nay, adeadly Evil fet on Fire withthe Fire of Hell, read ffizmes the Third at your leifure. Solomon tells us, That the Power of Life and Death is in the Power of the ongue, I Prov. I8. 21. The Tongue is but a little Member, buta -powerful lnflrument of much good, or of great harm. The Tong/to of the ihjt is as choice Silver, Prov. .10. 2.0. And in roerfi: 31. The Mouth of the fujt hringeth forth I/Vtfdom, but the froumrd ‘Tongue [hall be out out. If 1 you would live in Peace, ufe good Words to all Men, : nothing prevails more then good Words, at courteous -Carriage is of great ufe to prevent Strife, Prov. I 5. I. A foft Anfmer tnrneth away Wrath, but grievous Words i. jtir up Strife, or Anger. What Heats, andPaflions, a what it Chrzflz'a72Love aizd Unity.‘ , A A 4; twhatlstrifes, and Contentions, even to the lofs of Life -it felf, doth fometimes follow contentious Words? Many this way come to untimely Ends, by Duels fol- lowing bitter, or grievous Words. Therefore fet a Watch before the Door of your Lips, thatyou offend not with your Tongue, as Pfalm 39. 1. The Wife Man fayg, Pro?/i. 25. I 5. fl /Bft Tongue brealeeth thefione. The meaning is, good Words will prevail with the hardelt Heart, and at length caufe it to yield. This is fo prevailing, that it will pacifie the greateft Difplea- ‘ fure, for Wrath is the higheft Degree of Anger, and as before, A [oft Anfwer tarneth away Wrath, bat grie- was Words fiir up Anger, or Strife-, that is, caufe it where before it was not. If Rachel fpeaks but abfurdly, or unadvifedly, f7acohs Anger is kindled, Gen. 3o. 2. How? Much more would his Anger have kindled a- gainft her, had fhefpoken wickedly, perverfly, abufivee ly, as many do in our Days. Therefore "beware of contentious Words, andiof hard Speeches-, fee ffade I 5. Chrift will convince Sinners of their hard Speeches, (Tc. There is nothing that colts fo little, and gains {'0 much,as good Words affable,and courteous Carriages one to another, therefore be fure to obferve and Praftice this. i Sixthly, Keep ata Diflzance from, and have as little to do as you can, with contentious Perfons. Now I hefiaech you Brethren, mark them that caafe Divifions a- mong yea, and avoid them; that is, {land at a diltance from them, and have as little to do with them as polli- ble-, Ram. 16. 17. Such Perfons ought to be rejected, and difcovered to the World; what, and who they are, that they might be alhamed of themfelves, and fo forfake that Wicked Practice of cauling Divifions, which caufes them to appear too much like the great Enemy of Peace and Love, I mean the Devil, whofe Children that Praéiice of their’s {hows themto be. , Semathly, Beware of Vain-glory, which is a great "Caufe of Strife and Contention, ‘Phil. 2. 2, 3. Let ‘nothing he donethroagh Strife and Vain-glory. How many vain- glox 4.6 The Benefit and Excellency of glorious Aétions are there to be found daily among& us, which is a caufe of Strife and Contention among Chri- flians, iWhen a Perfon lhall defpife others, and what \- they do, and date upon himfelf, and {hall do this or that, (I forbear being to Particular) becaufe he thinks he can, or has out—done others, this is Vain-glory, and this begets Divilions and Alienation of Affeéiion, which too often Ends in Divifions as to daily Converfation. There- : fore, letthofe who defire to live in Peace, take heed of Vain«glory. Seelt thoua Man wife in his own Eyes,there P is more hopes of a Fool then of fuch an one, Pro=u.26.1 2. Eighthhi, If you defire to live in Peace, and to en- joy the blefled Prefence of God with you, have a great Care ofunjuft Dealings one with another. This is that which often deftroies mutual Love, and difturbs the Quiet, and breaks the Peace of Chrillian Societies, Churches, or Families. Oh! that Men would but "mind that golden Rule, .Met. 7. 12. Whatever yozewoeld ‘that Aden. /hoeld. do unto you, do ye er/en fii to them,ifor ‘this is the Law and the Prophets. That is, the Siumm of the Law interpreted by the Prophets. This Precept contains in it, the Subftance of all that is found in the Books of the Law, and the Writings of the Prophets. Therefore, they that have no regard to this, do cait the Law of God behind their Backs. There is no Man, but desires that otherslhould deal honeitly, juftly and truly with him in all things which concerns his Body and this World ( tho’ this will not hold good as to Soul Concerns and the World to come) Ifa,..3o.Io. fosme de- fire to be "led in ignorance and blindnefs, faying, Pro- yhefie not em-to 115 right things, fjaeah unto 115 [month things, Proflaefie deceit: .- Oh! what wonderful Madnefs, and amazing Folly is this ! and yet this is really the Cafe with fome, and I fear with many. But as tothe Con- cerns of this Life, all men delireiuft Dealing, and if they flood in need of it, would gladly receive the gcharity of others, and a cha.rita‘ble._refmiflion ofa Debt, and for»- W P e ‘$31-Vgnifi ygivenetfs of OTfi‘ences,t'9’c.i' Now fayse jefus Chriift, Dot 9,0,; even /2; to ztbem, as you wouloi tbeyflormld do t‘0_.}/mt, were i you in their Cafe, -and they in yours. ThI1s1ndeed,is _.but a Confirmation of the Light of Nature,‘ for fame, even by this, vm';z.. the 1.igh=t of Natune, have gone ithus _t far, Rom.2.15. Therefor what a ihame is it, that thofe who are cafled Chrifii’a:ns Ihould come flaott in this, which Heathens fo caerexfully obferved. Let thy Profef- fion be what it wiI1,if thy Priaétice (in fame good mea- fure) be not anfwetable, ttbykeligian isrmzirz. Some there are who are very itriét for outward Ceremonies, [About they negleit -and d~i'frega*.rd the weig3hti’e:r matters — of the Law, as Love, Faith in Jesfias wchrifft, Mercy to thofe in want, and to t-hofe who are under them,-asSer- A vants, The-nants, om. Mattb.:2'3.2:3. Diwer: Weigibts, and divers ll/Ihazjitrcs rare Km abomination totbe Lord, Prov. 20, I'o,i9.3. Micah 6. I 1. Let no man go.bcyond, or which is ‘the fame, omir-reach his brother in any thing, bacmzfi: the Lord ixytbe avenger of all firth. I Tbef]f4.6. com.par>eth1is’ i with L6*U.I 9.1 3. .Mal.3..*g. take notice “of theft: places; for ‘brevity fake .1 do not *en:large upon them. i ; Ni77.‘tbl}I, 102718 and efloem all fiber (.‘hrli]l‘icms, tbohdifiier-to A hing from your jéikves in't19ings that are ibmr cz7rcumflmz- ~tialvzzt mofl. The :Pr‘afiaio<:e of fame Mien dooes declare that they look upon themfelves as infa~l1lib1~e as ‘the?:P_o‘pe. If fuch would but ‘consfider, that they mightbe ‘t “condemn Imyfelf, abezzatufe if I 7don’t ‘know »that 11* am 48 T176 Berzefit and ‘Excel/em} of ii‘am out of the way, but fl:ill, becaufe I am not .fu[‘e' S‘ ‘ that I am right, and all others are wrong, therefore I . ‘ will walk humbly, I will love and elteem thofe that dif- ‘ fer from me- There are many Pretenders to this no. t ble Grace, or temper of Mind, or excellent Chrillian Duty, that 15 of loving all tbat ‘heme t/oe«,Image of _(II9rijl upon them, loving Saints as Saints, tho not of their O~ , S pinion in all things. I Wllh I had no caufe to fay Pre- tenders, but Oh! tlhat %l:ldWf€TCbIi€a]l)P€fiOYm€YS of this molt excel ent an mo e ira e uty. e 1 P * But Alas! with Grief it may be raid, that the Dai- ly Praétices of many amongft us, are fufficient Proofs‘ of this, that they are but pretenders to this Love in‘ : General to, aiidiamong the Saints and People of God as A fuch. Indeed, many do approve of, and in Words de- l ~ clare their delire of its taking Peace among us at this Day, but their Actions do plainly contradict their Ex- 7 prellions, and lhovv, that their Words are no better“i E then verbal Pretences, and empty Sounds. Would to ' God! Thatl had much caufe of complaint for my own part in this Particular; but whocan forbear fpeak- ‘ ing, of, and lamenting over fuch Things as thefe are; having found and felt by woful Experience {'0 much of u it- And Oh !rThat God would in Mercy at lalt, con. ~ vince all whofe Cafe this is,of their Folly in this their 11n- chriflzian like Practices, and {how them how unlike they are to him, who is the God of Love and Peace; Would , fuch Perfons but conlider with themfelves, that the All; feeing Eye of God is over them, and fees into the Se- 1 crets of all Hearts, and into all Defigns and Purpofes i what-tfoever, as Heb. 4. 13. And by whom Aétions are weighed, who pondereth all Mens goings, and who at lafl: will render to all according to their doings.‘ This ' might caufe them to be more Circumfpefi in the due Difcharge » of this great Duty one towards another, and fo bring more Glory to our Lord Jefus Chriil, and good i to their own, and to the Souls. of Others- But Alas I" a . - Many ’ Ciiriffizzn Love and Ziziify. 4.9 Many mind not what the end will be, oftheir Studying -. Politicks more then Piety, and feeking their own more ‘then the Interelt of our Lord ]efus Chnlt, his Church and People, It were well if all vvhofe Cohfcienees Con- demn them as Guilty herein, would fay with Holy 70%’, ‘w herein I have done Iniquity, I will do r2‘o more, job, 34;, I32. And that their Goodnefs were extended to -the ‘Saints, and to the Excellent ones of the Earth, making ‘{‘m;h their Delight as the Prophet D./mid did, Pfalm 16. P‘ 3. Ele does not fay, if they are all of my Mind, no, . it Mgark thetérfeé} mafz, and behdéti the iépright, far but if Saints, then he Delights in them, whether of this or that Perfwafion in lefler and Circumftantial Matters, for Pfzlm I I 9. 63. he tells the World, that he is a C'o77“z_- ; anion to all them that fear God. HOW Happy would it be? if all profefling Chriftianity amongfl: us” at this .1 Day, were of David: Mind in this of promoting L072}: and Peace amongft the Lords People, tho’ difiering from them in fmall and leffer Matters, therefore let us all Pray for it heartily, defire it earneltly, and do what we can to promote it in all things wherein we have to do. Now, to enforce this sExhordtation, take thefe follow‘- ing Motives : And the firft {hall be drawn from the Nature of Love and Peace it felf. Concord and Agree- ment, Love, Peace and Friendihip, why they are things very excellent in their own Nature, and truly delirable for themfelves, as being the mofi: eomprehenfive B1ef_- fings that we are capable of injoying in this World, ‘as appears from Chrif’t’s own Words and Carriage to his Difciples, Peace I leave with yotz, tn} Peace I give mtto yozzl, not cw the itbrldgibeth, ('70. This was but a little ~b8fo.ré his Death and Paflion, and then foon after his Refur- reétion the hill: Word is, Peach be to yoh, as before, When the fjrems vitilhed well to any one of their friends for relations, their exprefiion Was, Peaks be to you.’ Pagé cfl gm, omhes wlicitatés parts: habetinfé, Calvin. Peace‘, faid C czlt/in,‘ is that which hath all the parts of felicity ,3”, tbg that for ever. ~ .50 77.16 Benefit and Excel/em} 13f he Happ-i. the end of that man 135 peace, Pfalm 37. 37. ,, nefs of Heaven is fet forth by this Word peace and joy. Ifa.;7.2. they /hall enteit into peeice;r79’c. Alfo M4t_ .;'5_ 22’ 93. Well done tboez good andfaitbfzzl fervent, enter H9014 into the joy of thy Lard. Secondly, We ought alfo to Itrive to take the Exhor. , I tation in the Text, becaufe a fpirit _of love and peace, is that which of all other things lll(€n-S a Perfon, or People molt to the Image of God, and Society 0fH€a- _ ven, God is Love, as we have fllewed once and again... God is the Original and Fountain of Love and Peace. A’ meek and quiet, or peaceable jfiirit is. in the fight of Godiaf i great price. Now the Lord lets a high value upon fuch a Spirit becaufe it is {'0 a.greeab‘le tofhis own _W ill and ‘Spirit. As a contentious:, ‘proud and I‘fl':/1l7lClOlJ‘S. Spirit -likens as man to the Devil‘, fo does Love, Humility and -rPeace liaken a Man to God, eveho delights to be called the God of Love and Peace, and i-s without the leaft Mixture or Tinfiure of Variance, or ,.Dif'cord, or Alienation, and: Therefore, if we defire Heaven hereaf. ter, why do we not defire that which rs {'0 much like-tori Heavena here. The Lord jefus Chrilt hath left us an ex» ample in this, as well as in other things, that we H101-llcl‘ 1 follow his fteps, 1 Pet.,2.2i. ‘W/00 when he mas~:re'viled,e be reviled‘ not agaifl, but committed him/elf to him that jpzdgetb rzgbteonfl}, vetfe 24,. -L€m’72 of me, Matth. 1 1. 29, the reafonis, for I am meek and lately, and you /Iaall final‘ Vefl to yozerjimls. God is the Author of Love and Peace, he commands it, and commends, and loves it in his Children and People-, -therefore we ought toedo what: we can to get, promote and keep it continually. g Tbirdly, This will difcover to your felvesand others, thatthe love of-God is given i_s‘o you, and,lhed‘aebroad in youfi'_hearts by the Blefled Spirit, Rom.;.5l They have notthe love of God," who delight n_ot inthe ellnirtys and Peace of the Church, Aug. A Spirit of Love and Peace is a great Prefervative of the unity and Profperity ref‘ . t" P Chrflian Love and Unify. i 51 the Church ; therefore thefe Per{'ons.may' believe that the love of God IS in tnem, whofe hearts are drawn A forthwith an earnefc delire, backt witha univerfal and_ eonltant endeavour to promote Love and Peace amongfb all that truly fear God, and love the Lora’ fefits Chrift in " Siecerity. For if they have not the love of God in them, i that defire not, nor delight in the unity of his Church, how a dark does this look upon many among us? i ‘ Fourthly, A /pirit of love and peace is a certain fig” and evidence of a right Go/(Eel, Evangelical State aha’ 'C0fl6liti07?, , or if you will, of a failing interefi in the Lord “j'ejz7z'5 Chrifi. v The Tree is known by its fruits, for our Lord himfelf -~. told his Followers in days paft, that by this lhould all men know that they were his difciples, zfthe} loved one aao‘-. . ther, 3’obn13.3s. This is the molt convincing ‘Argument that can be given to the World, that a People who live in love, and are at peace amongfi: themfelves, are_ certainly the People of God, no “ greater prodf can be 1" given to men than this; furely this is in it felf a pre- vailing Motive; therefore let itbe fo to you. I doubt not but that you think your felves the People of God; the true followers of ]efus Chrift, and would be ac- counted Chriltiansindeed: 0 therefore! ftrive to be of one mind, live inlove, and be at peace’, and the God of ' love and peace [hall be with you. Who would not d_o what he can to prove himfelf a Child of God, a"DiFci- ple of jefus Chrift, that fo he might have the God of" Love and Peace to be with him ? Fifthly, There is nothing more ftri&ly commanded, K 1 §‘ohn 4. 21. And this Commandment have we firom him, ;»,that he who lot/ct-h God, /hoala’./or/e his Brother a/[2, Heb, A 12/. 14.’. Ram. 12.. I8._ 14. 19,. and alfo our Text. Sixthly, There is nothing more highly eomniended, -1_?j2zylm 133, 1,2, 3. 15‘eho}al* hon; good, and have pleaflzat i it is for brethrez2atoi»dweAl1togetheerie ‘Unity. T - .‘ L " Seoeethbt, There is nothing. more fignally €IlCOU§l‘3-e P P ” ' H ;z_ gods .52 T58 Benefit and Excel/me} of 5 god, and eminently rewarded, than love and peace amonglt Chriitians. I need go no further than my . Text for the confirmation of the Truth of this, the ' God, of Love kmd Peace [hall be with you -, now where the gracious, Soul-comforting and quiekening Prefence of God is offered to aPerfon or People here, everlafting Life, Happinefs and Salvation will undoubtedly follow hereafter. Compare our Text with Pfalm 133. 3, gel The Text faith, t!9at.tbe God of 10716 and peace /brill be it/itlo you, what greater reward can you expeét or enjoy . whileft keeping his Commands in this World, for ifyou have God you have all, as ']ac0b {aid to his Brother Efrm in another cafe. Secondly, The Pfalmifi faith, there (or upon them, viz. that dwell together in unity) he " commandetb the ble/fing, even life ferevermore. What can youdefire that is better than life, efpecially Life in Bea-T ven, free‘ bo_th'fron1 fin and forrow, which confilteth in ‘the; scimmedieate inioyment of God in and through our Lord jefus Chrilt. ” And then, you cannot wifh ‘- for, or‘ defire-a longer Date," it is for evermore; for there be commarzdetb the blejfing, er:/en life for evermore. Oh! Wonderfn1erewar'd.’- this his asMotive worth the taking notice of, by all that heard or [hall read this Set- mon. The great End ofya-ll Rfil«igion"is Eternal Life, why this God giveth to them,t'ha't li‘.'e=‘in‘ love," (Tc. ' ,Eigl9tbl),/, As Love.’ a;nd"Peace‘ amongii Chrifiians is seminently rewarded,“ fo -Diicordr and Contention is often feverely punilhed.“ As’ the Prophet’ told Afar, W 2 Chron. 1-5.‘ 2.‘ "T be Lord: £5 nvitilo you rvbile you are wztlo him, bat, zf)/on forfzlze laim be will ~forfa.7ze you, a’27'd tbatnl/Z1‘ for ever. 9 And ~Wo be itxemto you faid God to Jfiraeli) -27: M the day that I depart from,}cm, I-10/224 9." 12'." “Whe’nT the Lord. forfakes a Perfon or ‘People in judgment, and d.e~parts,- all true joy =and"fpiritua1 Comfort and Safety is» gone; : for if God be for us, who can be ‘againfi us? hutif God be difpleafed with us, who ihall, or can intreat. -for ‘us? You .may~remember*foniething hath I C/arzfiimz Love and Unit}. 53 been laid before of the many Mercies, and Blellings, thofe were blefl: with, who enjoyed the Prefence of the God of Love, and Peace with and among them; how that God would own them for his, and himfelf to be theirs; that is, their God and Father in Chrift, and that he would blefs them with all needful Good, allift, ptrofper, protect, and defend them, and deliver them from all hurtful, evil, and Enemies; caufing the Light of his Countenance, as a Sun to ihine upon them, comforting and quickening of them in all their . a, ways. But on the other Hand, where God is either kept out, or driven away by Divifions, Strife, and Contentions, there the Devilin that Soul, Family, or Society, does molt certainly reign, rule and rage, for ’ he is that wicked Spirit, that is faid to work in the Chil- dren of Eifobedience, Epb. 2. 2. Nintbly, Divilion is the high Road to Defolation, as our Lord and Saviour ]efus Chrilt hath {bowed us, Mat. 12. 2;. Every Kingdom or Houfe divided againft it’s Self is brought to Defolation, and whatfoever Ci- ty, or Society that is vexed and diftraéied with Difcords and Contentions, it cannot [land long. I have reada Story (but have forgotten my Author ) of a Diffe- rence that once happened, between the Duke of Sax- 077}, and the Biihop of Magdenbzzrg, infomuch, that the faid Duke hereupon makes great Preparations for War, the Bilhop in the mean time hafiens home, and with all pofiible Speed, and Diligence, begins to re- form all that was amifs in the Church, labouring to the utterrnoli of his Power to reconcile all Differen- ces among his People, perfvvading them all to live ‘ in Love, and to be at Peace amongfl: themfelves, keeping clofe to, the Ways and Ordinances of the Lord jefus Chriflt, (Tc. The Dukes Spies obferving the Bilhops Method (who made no other Preparati- on for War againlt the Duke, but a making Peace and reconciling Differences amongfl; his own People » or F 54. ' The Benefit and Excellezzcj of or Church) came to him, and asked him, if he heard‘ ; nothing of the great Preparationsthat the Duke their - C MaI’cer‘Was making to come againft him in a way or ' War; yea, {aid the Bifhop, I do hear. of it, but fays ' he, Ego mrabo Ecclefiam meam, <59’ Dem pro mic pug- nabit. I will take Care of my Church, and God will fight for me-, which Anfwer the Spies tfoon conveyed to the Duke their Maflzer, who wheniher heard it, pre- fently Disbanded his Army, faying, I count not my felf a fit Match for them, who ingage God on their fide againft me, There is nothing in the World, that ruins Churches and States, and brings to Defo1ati- on Families, Societies, Cities, and Nations, morethan this of Divifions, and want of Love and union among tyhemfelves. What fad, difmal, heart—afl"e&ing Stories docs 7ofeplm.s tells us, upon this Account concerning the Divifions that happened among the few: in 76m. A falem, when Titus C Va/iiatian came againit them. Had A it not been for Divifions, they had remained uncon- querable in all probability, having both great Strength, Fortifications, and Provifions for fome Years. But by Reafon of their Divilions they foon were brought to; Defolation, and that in a molt miferable Manner. How many “Nations, Cities, Churches, Societies, and Families, have come to Defolation and Ruine this Way? and we have great Reafon to wonder, that it hath not brought Mifery, and Deliruéiion upon us of thefe Nations long ago, conlidering what fad Divifions there hath been and {till are amongft us, both» in Church and State; the good Lord haften to“ take all things of this kind from the midft of us, and to pour down a Spirit of Love and union upon ‘us; I remember another Story in e/£fi2p?s Fables, of an Old Man who had many Sons, but they were often at Va-A riance one with another, and daily contending amongfl; themfelvesz, which the good Old Father with Sorrow and Grief obferving, called them to him, and deliver— ed. h Clrrzflirzrz Love and s A 53 to t ed to one of them asheaf of Arrows, or Bundle of ‘ Rods, commanding him to break it but he couid inot, whereupon he commanded the refl:, but they e‘Wer:e all i too weak, and their Endeavours finefieclual to break ; u the Bundle, the Old Man feeing this untied. the Bun- dle, and delivered a fingle Arrow or Rod to each of them, commanding them to break that,vvhich they then 1 could do, and th2C"With the greatefc Eafe. Even fo faid P the Father, as long as you live in Love and be at Peace among your felves, none can hurt you, but if you con- tend thus one with, and againfl: another, you Ihallefoon i become a Prey to them that hate you. Now thislis .‘ yourCafe this Day, if you live in Love and be at Peace among your felves who can hurt you? but if not, you P mull expect that Defolation, and Diftrefs will overtake ‘ you. W hen Chrillsian Chu-rchesor Societies are arPeace among themfelvest, and do hold «together andnlive in g, Love, they appear formidable, nay terrible to all that: hatethem-, but when jarring one with another they en- courage themthathope for, an.dafeek;their Ruine. n Tentbl .,Confiderhow muchG.1oryoyou might bring to at God, and Good to tthofe who are concerned awith»you,*bey i a Spirit of Love and Peace. But by .Difcordeand Conten- _ tion among Clerifiiazzs God is Di{honaourred,mainy aeweaek, though otherwife, well difpofede Chriflsian ;difcouraged, and othershardned in Sin and ~Wickednefs. Oh I There- fore Labour to promo.te Lo.~ve.and Peace amongft your .felves, that the God of ,Lo2/e and Peace might be swim; you. Keeping the Unity ofstbe Spirit vein the Bond tof,Peaee, ; as Saint Paul Exhorts too, ;Eph. 4.. 3. And let the Peace \ofGod Rule in}/01¢?’ Hearts, Col. 3. 1.5. Godrcomrma-nded his People Ifirael, even when in Captivity, to feek the , Peace of the Places where from s time to time they fhould be led,’ and the Reafon is becaufe in ~thei:r Peace you {hall have Peace, §’er. 29. 7. Therefore feel: and Pray for the Peace and Profperity of the Churches , of Chrift, for fuch/hell Profper in the Profperity of them, Pfizim I22. 6, Oh! i all his People. 56 The Benefit and Excellent} of T Oh! Confider a little, how the Churches and Inte- terefl: of jefus Chrift flourilhed in the Primitive Times, 4‘ I when the People of God were all of one Heart and one i Sonl, as appears, A€’cs4. 32.9.31. T hey walked into the 70),, of the Holy Ghoft ons were to the Church daily. as to Opinion or }udgment, of true Love and Afieéiion. And we have Reafon to believe that it {hall be {'0 again before the end, for Zech. 14. 9. there {hall be one Lord, and his zvrmg om ]efus Chrilt {hall be more Generally Owned, Profeiled Served, Honoured, Beloved and Glorified in [hé World than hitherto he hath been, he {hall be Wor; {hipped in the fame Way, ’ Oh! Therefore let me lntreat you all to do what you can, to begin and carry on this mofl: defirable Work of Love and Peace, and Concord amongfl: all who Profefs jefus. Blejfed is the Peace maker, therefore follow the T hings that make for Peace, and Edification one of another. The Coming of the Lord draws near. O therefore ! Labour to be found of him in Peace, for happy is that Servant whom his Lord when he cometh {hall find fiy doing, Mat. 24. 46. The 1 whatjhewer onr Hands find to do, we fhonld do it with alt onr might, and the Reafon, is becaufe, there is no Work, nor Wzfdom, nor Device, nor Knowledge of God in the They were of one Heart Grave whether we go, Eccl. 9. I Ibefeech you all to confider ferioufly of what hath been faid, that {'0 what hath been amifs in time pafi, may be, ‘ amended for time to come among you all, now that it‘“i may be Io, aslibegun, fO{ha11!¢I< end, he of one /l/Iind; and were Comforted, and great ,4dd,';,'_ ' and of one Soul in Point , and by the fame Spirit of , Obedience to the Name of)‘; Advice of the Wife Man is, that. '0; Therefore once more’. ; Live in Peace, and the God of Love and Peace [hall he , with you. Per NIS, ,. -. I i E. S. 4%: V ‘gig: . T A Cutalogite of B 0 OK 3 ofetfuzt Rcverezzaf Divine ~ Dr. ]0hn Owen. 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