‘ ‘ “ ‘ " ‘vi 1 ’ ‘ ‘ ‘I “ ‘ ‘~ < I . ‘ " 1 'r E mo ED 1 VAT Wes?’Min%sr¢myBEBORE V i 7M0fC0fl1m0fl3» y ”’W4m79’5d3€afOm"etim€S fellow 0FBmamZlC011%€dgeirxcamlzridge, ; arid fince. VMinifi€1‘A 4 Of .Gjr0ds;Wo:d; in N0 I C V A “ ameziedzqyorderofm 44‘ ' ., “ v‘ “ Wt“. ‘ ‘ w ‘ W, _ , ‘ , “ _ ,1» 9 yr,‘ ‘ _‘ , ‘ ‘ 3,. \‘ AV ._‘ “ . I ‘ ’ - bc%fo1d A % *v %%%,P~Z“‘?h¢:fi3“¢f9f5h¢ 4 » A G0odRAeade Vfif¢iI,%% % .m ‘ . " “ “ . E.“ :. , IL” J” 3;’ ‘fly ‘fr ,vIAgg- (V U» ~‘ . I V, H ,_ 5'1 ‘ AA ‘- A A g l ‘ I 1 ~ _ a All ‘ Q ‘ fimltj andpain: 17-bi.rfmafi’warxé ix brougbt ‘ ‘ L fl1?'tb,%%dnd%%delivereAd into the world; ‘ let . ' TA A ‘t/7c“dzffica!tjMofPrizz;é;24g Vqzaic;{eer2VtlaineAa_f;€'. ‘M »- 1.. . ..».-‘:3 A fifiéonin mdzézg. A; zbefa//afB4aby. ' Ion Vi! mm/9 expcffed, fo the rffirzg ofzbc' Clmrclaex irmmb A < dejired, VT/ay pm_yer.r, and our“ f‘p4i2ze:,zmty 6:/pfi2rmzrdf fiat/9} Wbercfor: they Imjz:gbt xi}; 5: mazzzizzgtp zbi’.rgreatM A flsrvice, I am willing tlmit tlrefe nAot£J' jbould walk 3570456; whit/aAI tbcmg/at ]79auIdn’?ver j2*e“z?10re.lz;gIatAt/:azA}zzv/oat: my): in at m_y_/{zadie windowex. Tloz°3_Sermm may prove til%[1AV»*]’{€ Legégiejwhicbjoui 4%friend[I94ll ¢5A'c'A.aHe tofie. ‘A .4 A: Av . “A V ' Ema (1 493524 gm) imrdwicla mt dg,€..A- A qtmztfa 'flflf0j0Atl; for} am nqnzrezz¢r'n:}z‘g ta gr/mi C/azkfcb ~ A Mdpéqélé t:f;G’od ,,'Vn*l.7ichu: /mt/Mommittcd rd A A A % %mg=,afzdaIher:. Arzqlzfizz this {voyage tIaeVLord fI9al!_,vmt% dag wzzzdég zmal $533322 Commiflimfor my death,’ Mde.-3” a:'aamuza Fix-P: *, ce1lcnc}Ar=.’%1?éut.33.29. «I W % V _ T hirdly-,V ATM falling BaEA>yA1orA1mzzy 49efzA:lAIe:;g32i;AAA A 4 % % %A i 2AM .’ ‘ _ N M ‘V 4‘ 1,» l M, I .; fbrgfive ; Aom?‘ aalvérflzriek (if it A A 6: ha:mz11).zIm:hmpu:a%; to thcfe extremitiex. A _ A ' A Secoi1dly,%Tlmt it may 5.9‘ everfaidoftbi: 114%, '45; AV ;A 1 A r was z'tA2m: faid of If"raAelA, j Happy artthoufi O»Ifr.:zt:l 2 Wh‘o*iAs~’1ikcAuntoth¢c,O people faved byflie Lofd,4i A thcflaicld efthine help, andthc fwordofthine emx-A ‘I g, ‘ ‘ S .A1 A ‘ 4 ‘ A ‘ ‘ ' ‘ $2“ 2;. ’,..w.‘v;A V“ v 7 ,.;f‘A' - ‘ ‘ W N A 5* '. _. ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ \ V ‘ V Y ‘ 4 A ' ‘ S.‘ V. V 0- H V 7' -1! 9 ‘r. ‘I! .-I Q. at .r. r , n ‘ , n 1‘ W ‘ wt AA A .. M, 3'» ‘ A‘ h . r . 1 K ‘ film «, filo w ‘ ‘ ‘ A ‘ Ar A A A A”! ‘ . : ‘ M ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ 7 ‘.g*:‘-‘KW, .3» . W ‘ ' - '7 F! ' Si rmlirzz was _r.ur animus ad ~ cefflmdum ‘ad % ’ defmndum var» ‘ Tbm efi«‘+o17=”W'~ 111 one am, fled _pe:f:-A % L?t>y1f Itored Chunks}. Vivzzt Chriftus moriatur Bzirmg. has,moriatur%Ant1chr1fitus.’ A ¢ Fafrhe wee lmvg gram? mzifsfta fbrgiz1cA,% fEeié2g' all J %% And mm _ their irzjuriey, are m2'.vzedwzto our éleffizrggx. fired: ]o-fephfaidto his éretlzrm that fold (aim imm flr4gzg§Ca:22zzry,% As for you,yc t11ouAgh{:hevi1'1'again{£ . me,_but{ God mc3;ntit1unto good‘, ‘Now thcVrc;fo'rc% {care no.r,&c. Tet we know2lmpz;&1i;g»AAdmiaiflmm ofjuflice is V pm ronzrzziy 20* perfézrza/1%fEIrgi'Uemé[]i9;;w% %*iWa:% % % mjt can-fe[]'e5 that the leaving ofow Mme dame 6'azmt1'j ‘ mu‘, gmdzx mqfl Vaffliéftve to A trouéle to [£4,726 am‘. ga%odf'rimd.’r, Cozzvmimt ho ufé-.r,% prezim léétrtiexgandfa fire,” Mme Athcrs caVu;zfi»ll 1': good; If theyVwil1{not. f'ufl’cr’ you fim nonffizngae W"h€I'C th(“."y have to CIOC , 1(:“t 1101? YOU!‘ II7IiI'Id€~ A % trouble-d t<>~‘%*ccaf'c fiomyouxj work ,, or difer1; y«our 4 office, but teach and’ 15cr{E:vercV,’$ if it bcnot lawfull“ A another. %ButA1.jh%0uV‘ ‘A wiltrfay“, VV%hatif'itb<é1z1wf'u1I in noiplaccg and th:zt ? ‘ pIace,it may bee in zzzcrandgtmzéz‘ dace8¢V??4»fl bc::eV€rY~ Wherecaf?c{om:%4in‘..¢th¢'Whole world 6 H bzaz2‘£"7i"b6’b‘:ls?co « fizlrem in alto. 7 ra!z‘ce.::t«, _{2*d- % in rota m;¢_uda,'% '0UC‘ rq/})a~;1det:Cl9rz3« . 4:£.2!.5: donck egg; ‘-_;.x,;~,g,§.«;;;%;V A: irmzm dim quirlnulfa _ % W a x=>I:1e:..A A For I/aewflrcorzd. Toad 1541;: flaeéze tvhét greatVtEim g~1¢ 1:55?" : Laird bizzhdozze fin‘ you. Belcevefl than %6ccaufe"Vofzb.«:fi-3 A . {luau [halt fee greater, ‘ Mel) let us finllamzlacVflarrevafbeg -vmZy,and divifleguflidancé) w/aitwzathlled m nloflg 2111 Afélzfijff ' while; andnatgaa he to %:onf:;‘[tz12i£I7zI9e s;r;;%5e;,%lm PM; 1'zfi’£.r oft/Je_ ;ii7':e:, withAt.l:efitlmtflzy.tbcjfdfe%_7é:rg:,»z' dad; W W; fa Iballour firm" W Svri;?Wé Ie4dw”2vor:,; A clearelyxo tbeiplace,%am.d hozzfe mlferé Ch'rz'fz‘ 1?; Ne2ther"A V % &eVzbou zzflaamed to receive, and onmazhe trut/9 ., mid ma}. \ %V 0fCbrjfl, » though it 56 defpifed. The ngi_fle men did sz-orjlizp A M A %C/mfflin a-manger. A A % ~4m*fi?rtb€tbi!“’> ¥1W4’?9tP*0r’Wvieif ffiv. The a fword 1': none; 2:Ii'eiizii¢;e,3i‘ whvfiimgréffballnot 56' pacified till A Babylon fie daum, and «Skin vfai:’d. . Tet zfzhaia [halt A me;Am':b 3§¢atbegg~fafl?:ri?1g§ Rm, In Patiimce pofltflé :19 1 flmle,I2z Paftli zhy God, In"L0ve‘tEy'?ieigb5a’ur.% And know . A that}; 2': Gad: ufuall" may ta érirzgaifis £2-efl fer'vmz:.rro.l2i; :% thayceblefiingx éjtcdiaux Bam:A,EXod;’%x3..I”8. A the % interim 06[ér'z:ealiligeaz‘t{A‘y‘nvlmt ‘God 5: nomdaing zmdbelp A A % 5 fprmzrdtbe wor£a'fG‘od whatyeu cam‘. Quad Dcfusfacit A pro Ainobis facit in n%obis...%V% u!.nd,%A<£)i9t§W04t¥l¢3 7‘?~‘-W45 42234 A A M A fludyfimze abqyce éooke toga: lemz"in‘g,fia read, azttendgand A " A _flIa45feverj page, line, ma’ letter afrhi: great volume oftbc A A Lord: worltrmbicbé‘ nfiwexmzt, éein mmmam with the ‘ " £»ordxpev;»l¢<.d%}.:VThex~mzk§9£%.ch¢% Lo¥La.£¢%f9¥¥g,*3t A 3 A am: ‘nu 1-.h raw % tbeéfffilwéfl. I-‘I'M!/y, good: Readgfl prayfor m, A tFmt4w¢%e Wzayflaflfl cmpleat imzfltbewi1Jof%God 5» and tbaughthe g¢.»zz’z'cc of A A H fame Men Whzztlifiéene f0grezzlt‘,¢;; boimfizz. ~‘2éza7e5 , %a;gai;m:£om;. %R<3vcl.. I-7;. 15. ~ % Tfidént, exceedirggdeliczzte-, and verywanton , cal; ling he-:‘r_ felfe a Lad_3:fi1rever.If.4.7. 7.8*._’Il111s Anti- f ” ‘ch»ri%&iax1Ba6_:,;lo¢z fits alfo; Revel. 18%. 7. Sims Ibatia g10!fz:f£‘€6Uj€7'f€f£’5 zz22ailz'vedrdé1icfa~z.fly: for floeefaith 13 he?‘ b¢Wt,.l and 2366236, Md.¢m no l’Vidda-w and ]7ozw’5_'~' fWof’frW- A % Sorcc-igrcrrs 3.113 Soutfiiayerj -. VIf.A,-'7'. i2, 1 3: Stand zzawwitlr thine Enchantment: , mad with rléve 2¢2%z2ltz’t'am"£ of-Vtby Sow"eries~.,% ,;:ht.’r‘eirzH tho»; Imfi 1aéq»gredf}a;zz% z%2y ¢ A‘ _3»_:m:b,e’9’c*. ;‘ Théreforewe read _th3t' in Damielxtime ~they carhe befdre the King to tell himthe meaning ofhis-dre;-I1meV,, but». cbuld not}. * 7'80 itiswitla ourlate Baby“[o;2,w'herein ‘are %many S'drccricswanziA Sorcerc-rs: ”.K’evel.9;2‘1;.Revel.18.23;.. : A4 A A Hcath*e.nifl1%B%:z&y!a2é waVsr.%excc‘cdAing ._Jfiill" o?f17+I_gI;_oI”§; } A and Vil¢.Id01at€1'S5 %t‘he‘:nothc1**oTthe’"rfi, :-1ndth€r'c«-} _ fore w€e.1'ca.d", that-the t~hree:~’chi1drenWe1j'c :cC-m-% ‘manded to f;'v'»O1“fl1ipth€: Kings Ido‘1',~D‘;zg2.g~:% Anfwcr. my it is faid o“four1:2.te Ba153»1o2z,;g;batA‘fl1eAdoth make agihmziogzs drzmk with zigw nfimé.ofI2erJ%;fzgim;é92¢.%R.,<:’V¢L;.. f d1.7a2&'~ ' _ As ancient Ba5j=l;iz;1VVas full of 13301135 a1’:d7grofl°é A ‘ldolaters, Tfo-alfo it A%+cxcc¢ding- mc1'1IcI_I‘to the C%hurch,~and pc-o_pLeJ@fGod‘A; ?1’i*E1II’I"'3#7:xTBythe2f£.:% 1 % agar: affiaéylfonzlyere we:_flrzraZozv22ag 335 time wept, gym wee . ‘A 2'emem!2rcd%:Sj&2:,(§r’c.. Vvho =hat%hn-'31:‘ read ofthe B34 - bylonifll%captivity_,.therfiery'%f7ofn;1cc, and theixf drennr: ofVLV0ns;.A:Anfwc1'ab}.y*.i%n‘this I9;~t:~ B4§2ylon.w i$fi0#§@ . 2333 Head afirogfaezsg a2¢d.0fS/133555 an-2’ of 4254' WI ~Bzz6y‘1or2 Qfold was :1 proud*geop1c,and vc.1‘y% cO1'h‘- W This waxatcing anA4d.'deIAicate4piace~'o1”?o1&I was £1111 A 5kfl$' ¢ .$%«‘?v’¢.a£7vla22}_Vt.i7ow?2~ ; that Aiévere flair}: zapazz tfie cart/1. ReV¢I. 9I8. 22;": k A A A_ Thee defiruéi1OfiA‘i of *anCi€f1tF AB4»’5,j!10iz»",v?as ,_$great,, % 31'1dVf.?1‘Y dreadfull. For,% A A _ I It was un;i%fi€:7fal1:;.-~yIfi47-;;.IrATfmej72aflr2o:“ 6:: ag ¢44fe+w warm¢M,%A%&narfixezofirvr9rf?2re. And 14,22 For I miflrzfi up againfl zhe{2i,fa;fI9 tkeLord pfbojfeJ,m2d¥ V ’ A “nit off-‘ram B:zéjla;»zzbE,mz;.72e,”'zz;¢»:lre-¢:i¢7zzz;¢t,mzzr¢bi fl97me,, A A - ‘:.£‘x."l.,&&J‘..a!§l‘.1.:’f€‘I-If.£3£‘y9V:9.‘(‘ffl.4 moment, iw ame,day4:¢t!:e»!a' 2% xezzgsrzrzd wédd0zvbd00d~%: they 17244’ ' 2- .11: .W35 3-5?!" gofrzeypazz tIqegi;zpe;af1?££g'p¢zA.%~%A “ A A -L 3. Itfwas ir1‘c~voc‘abl.e.Akrésyr: 6354} Amz’it!7m!! ALr5*e1i1/zaézzt./.1au 4 W46 arzA¢r16%’:0f.7W!é1?gV4¢I:i: %£om(_7e',%tl2;zr‘ A flmugflazzlt éimfia aflarzg: zo , gwaz.’ cgafi fimoi the zm'aflo‘f"A EwpI4_ratef.. A A’/m.'z}Joz;fBal1§fzz_y5 - Thus Afhafl Baéylanfiizke, " mza.’fl.m&’ no2: riféfrom 2%he:ctFvz'Vll _zk4t.I will bring zapom (bar. “ A‘ - It {hall ~bAeA:u1iix.>cr£1’I1; Revel. V1 8. ~29» , Wye [fight ofw‘ A ‘A7nfwr¢fah1§z. ‘tlfe-« ‘cieflrmition 95%‘ om: latcj flan Mfldléflaallflaéfie 22o%m0reat%al,lLin_tkee.« V A “ i ,It;fl1a11¢befud&dainr1nesAAA% are or K1ngdAn:1¢s5.44ve.r. 1. A2. wmc -1: IS; mp1r‘c':w 1 Areakixato. Now» though * i AfomveAthi1‘;A1}_.‘ hand fherefore gth.?..t, andthat alone isetruly Baz’53zlcm,that is, our late 4 ,Ba53*i07z.» ereupon hhcmrnelim & l;zpide,h’C0nfid‘er1ng A a1ffo~AVh0w.h';Ire:2wu.s*, Ld:5fdfitiu.r9;Ier0mE,and othei'An-7 eciefitse,fp_eaAk fully‘ th<’)_Aour purpofe , profefles that he wi%11%-not%tergz"ver[}zri 5 but gxanteth , that by*Baéylcm is meant: Rome. ‘\ » A ‘ ~ ~ 2 e~ A - if foe fiwhat ifl ofi3ce‘*l1é§re they done to the A Ch4gr_c:h;esA,‘AAa1;dpeople of God 5 that obtrudeet11is‘ pa mien '1,1p0n,huS.h%T/wt»‘zrlaeéiiawcio of‘ »1€ox%zehh;:i.r\<:,:1 AAT?f7"u¢? Cimrclage B at was Babjrlon a* true»Cl1urch was So- dome :2 tme.Chu1'ch;-1'wa.s.Eg3gvtaht1*uehChu1‘ch_:: . A hhRm¢eishSo.4oAme, Egypr,and.t1*u1yBazéjslozz. Oh What A abundance ofhurt, »andhhmifch'iefe hath thish:hd':3;nge~ roA_1'1s phofieionhdonejh that the A C 1‘1t1rc11 AofR-ojmeqisha A htrue C ltmlfclu ‘I a my felfe haveesknowne fomejthat had*re11nqui{htA.the Church of Rama ," and writtenh againfH1e1' , who againe fiaggegd in xheir faith, «I wifh (I might‘ not: fay they were revolced) when they {luv this opi.n'io;n countenaneed, and pL1b1ifl1;ed V by greathautljomy. And w11arfay.the hhPapi“RsV€ Q . Your A asuéyzom _:Domzf4zz. Your'ownc men, faythcy, hold that: the Church A ofkameiszttue Church andthat falvatiouis tobc , hadein he-r,as f or the Chulch o~fEng1andrtt1*s a Schif- ma,t1call,t hereticall Church, wherein no lalvation is to be had. “ Theeelfafefl way therefoteis tojfoynet wit,h_”us,Whete , e;accorcling to all men, both ours] zincl yoursyoumay be lure of your falvation.A And ’ indeed the arau1nex;1t’were ,; very mans, and hbmfi, But when it fhall ap» he if the premilgs were true. M peare by Scripture, that Simis called Baéylozgand. ’ Baégirm called Sim ,tthen , and not till then will I A beleeve that Romeisaltrfiue Church.“ I know what A fome urge, namely, that Antichrilt, that man of A A l v fitinel,‘ isto fit in the houfe of God , , and thletrefore, ('*;,,M_) 95 Pffrui that the Church of Ramelis the houfe, and Church. l of God; [Butlifwe confultwith the originall, wee {hall findethat the Words are not A Ev -rtirxgva in the houl'e‘5 but .22 'n:‘:_IaeaI,__Up§3Q ,Aoriagaihft_tl1ehoufe of God 5 Ifo Auflén,and 913he1'5 tu%rm:it. Warn, notingl his.ty.traimie and ufurped; government, fothet cohe- rent Words alfo give it , ‘Hge fballfit exalting bimfelfe " aéo-are 4/lzlmtlix called God. Thewholfi swords being ncthilig tile; but 3- défcription :05 uhislpttolllg°V¢m* IfAntichriflian andfiomuh about. -Imeane notin Way of warlikehhofcilityg, (O that all your {words were turned 7 intoplow-lharesu) saejzanbeuuxy Ba- we 2. e I éflqn, then‘ let: yourf elves in array againft her round e my exhortation islno other thenthat of the Pro; V phat jeremie,concern1ng old lB4Eylm,; Chap.3¢c>.t.ut1%,4,.t ». Put yaurfieltzexiuarrajagainff Balglpn, foundafatttila./1 yea that écrzaltbe 6owe,[laao_.t AN???‘ 3 {We 5'10. ldr7‘0W!5fit”‘: ~~ C » e A‘ A eel ,._ V M . V Téggbjlqions Vfloizaizfail. fi.1»Ee*lEzai£3%j'-fvzrxéuimgzzirk/1 "théf Zord.‘ It is t11e‘vifiTéd'omJé’%‘ W-\,, 'Vv 4,3m of*A%ev.cryTman,. tc)‘ob:fc-irvc “what é1cfigneGod hyath% M W’ ‘*‘’;z» N ¢ 9 up’0i1=tAhcVw.o1*1d, ‘a Kingdcpme, or pIace,$af1d tobce izmur ca11imgsifcryicCabIc4% , V4 gm hélp-full toAA'Goc:%s’ dcfignes. «G:0d"w111hcI%p"us51;fwe‘he1p~him4. Wee iove: to begnrth:-': fl:1‘0ngePc fid:-,‘'Ii thatvlove tlue Lord , help the Lord, downt: With’ ,- downc w;ith them eventd zzhej groumnd; A q But; , rail Wéedpetdhelp fo%1~m;3dV %:.§.1ef'al§~ A A ofBm5ylo;¢?%A A ~ m ~ Either you are oflplgblick place M, ‘%of#privatc ftitilv an. f If you of aLp:ivate-fiatione , yet you ought §0Vbe%dfa=+pu_biicIgfpixzit. yoube ofpublick pI.?ace,{ V give“ m'ce”1<-zavé~totc1“1””you‘ quté o%f’A"%Go'dsV jvvord what: to doc, and «yeti wfll not4Afo much dzrcéc you to M whatyou arc‘notdom«o* as encourage you»from; M . n ”' in ‘ ‘ M M ,0» , S'cr1pturem+ w%hat.y;ou%are doing. V A 1%;-1% _thcrefore A*V'%e«4Womhaes ofoufim»-gel 2:1 as . V3 M, ,‘ M M 1’ ' .' é um ,_ 3 . yr youupon’%o»fcarch~o12t, and _<~;-nq1m*e after thxs Ba» “ bylonifh compgmy, and to rppay them¢according‘4VtoJ A Vtlmcirdcmcrits. 32122 eye fi2r:m £ye,1 maath for atoazfg Euming_j%r £urrzfatg,‘4 earefar“e:tre,uV liéertyfbr liéérzy, mg _ éloqél; VVce*%fi1nde *t'h?c .% oIde4 4Tef’caVment, that ifthcre iévcré a noyfc; and rcport4 of Idolatry in; the land;, th eMagi{trate~w'as not bar'eJIyVto%1:akc in,- A A.%£Q%:mat;on%,#AVib?ut_ to make diligent fcarch. D'em.7 I 35.: % ‘ % war; I 2 J10 I Ift£umf7aa}lt Iamreflzy imrze ofzfgy ‘\C'.z'tz'e'.r I nfhicir rive; Lord 4 $17} ‘G104. fmk givfig (ha: {cg rfygell "rk erejay; V eaagazans eirjouirrafvag e fizg. Certaize mm of -the dizildrenofi’ ma: 4?: éoae “@2515 from amozggyou ,; V and hm ivizhziwzrme the inkalvitanti of 4 their Citie, flying ," % Let go: flndfmve f‘7otbergoa(r_ am’: sick ‘ you bay}: mt knowize. j Ylmz [lam than e;:%:qz:irgeJA mjdma fie Cflvzzrcb, arzdmk dz1igmtly_,e§’c. And i—n3the~Veffes fore, you may fee their punifl11nemt§ zier. 6. 8, 9, t0." ~ ‘ And who knowes not that ‘oftheP1‘£zImi£% Pfmx . . 8,9. 0 daughter ofBaéy/om, wlamrr web: deffroyed :’lm'p..e A 7 pie fladll bee fie zimt rerwzr%dezl2etla~ee.;a»5% am bdffferwd gm . Harry M5 e e’ 5ee«t&ateeet4%ezb, “zz72_'zai c='iafIaetl.r thjliézlé bee} ‘ag¢i¢zjft«hei fiakzer. Though as Iittileenes they calf; forpitety,‘ yevtas’ Babylonirfla little ones they call for » 'jc:ftice5~even re :b‘I:~..” Y_;ou ema-y chm}; it jeruelg but t'here'is nothing c-rqell wfhieh God“comma'.ndsi Inciieed efathere La:imerine~:h1s eSe:*mon before.King “ Ed:mrdt«hefixt—h, is exceeding earnefi , that Popifh Prela-ts might be made =Qz_w;zdzmz.r, asfltaiet 11 Vhe)A&z'j-« atbm*;the.hig.h Priegfe was 3 becaufehee labourede to A 4 keeps I£?ingSa1o¢nau4f1€o;mI*ties t~hrone?.' Aind%behoIde§' a greater then“3S’zz!oz22o;z , Cehrifi Jefus in’ the govern‘-' ment of his Church is here. And the1'eeis,anotab1e Scripture forthis Ez«e1é.4;4~e frcjinx wr.ro;1to ‘I 5". A..abd_ thee‘eLeveite:-rim:mgéna eazmyfiarréfmm W.-¢ Ifmg? A ‘went afimy frm me after -their Ialvbgthej flag]! ezJ:vé 5ezz re ' their iniquity. vem 3 . T19 ey [hall not camera-‘ere fiI1?IA0 ”¢.€g A‘ z*aedae”the«—~office ofzz Prie[fzin;a met ,A me“ to amze 72.36% M may ofmy bag» fd7iz2‘g,e.in tbfmb placejéfc. henee appearefs ?, ~thatWthoef'ee “Which ivere-unfaithful}, fué perfl:itions,f0l1ow‘i'ng InnoVzierionseWhen% Ifiael Wen; afiray, and followed ~’~Id<;)‘1s,~ wcxfe to be t11mfl:.f§Qm A their ep1aececsA%e, andtoe,bé‘é«em‘a&1eAé62_§ez2¢l2z:za!Li4fQi' ever; ¥This.now%:he Magiftrateemzzy ‘feeviflto, ’Iprefe nbe FC e _ ._ '%a;2°e e A A @abjl6}z:'flownf?zll. nor, Iéleavcfwith you this ~Gene”raI1. It is yoizr dur3A ty to f'earc:h, andwenquxre after theie per1ons,;andAcoAAA punifllthemaccordingeto theirrdefer-vings." A A Second1yA.,_it isin you alfo to c:11ieforAdayes<>i". ' A A publick huxniliation, fiafiing, A prayer,‘andfiauleeaf. A, fiifiion; It willbee faid this hath ebeene.-done alas 1‘ead'y’.V True,;it hath beenee done , ‘and much good‘ bath beeneedonfi thfffiby in heaven ;;but Whena; L mz7.n layese hi_se eareseA;to the Afeverall" Cbfilmitteesgg and heares ‘what a worldzof evill is difcmrered in each Committee; what filthinVe1Te,A 2.I1d1C_WdflCfl1C. offilthinefle in this and that Priefl, in this,eand thzw Oificer ,5 3 how can”. a_ m:2nbL1t—b’reak'fo1=th, {and féyg A ' V or rather WfQb,W Good l;or-:1 5%, «whaAt« a_ lamentable econditicin was this :wp:aAoreA Landin 2’ AO,*that= the 1 ofheartgand fadneITe offygirit, to make a chalengea 1 I’ waight of our finnes fhould net: break-.thc axefl-trAee of God s pati&ence.e _ O thatjvec are M 21 nafion ito Athis A day; And thenis there mt ye: 1;:-eAd of mere tearcis, hutmhation, and fouIe:--afii<§‘cfions :’ Of aA1wltehe1‘c:esA M A formedfilhurches inthe world, Englmgd hathbom 4 the“.n.ame, and worne V themcrowne e.fo'r the life, and power;eo£godh'nefTee5 yet giVe,AmC1ea1ve-with griefe VVhat¢reformedC_hm‘-ch is there in all the world, A t+hfAatecve1?41Awherhcn mane evels f'1'orn one end ofthe Aheaveneto the OIIIGY3’ schou didft‘ everf fee ro manyfilerrced Minifters ‘as thou Whaffdonehere. And is therenot-theil-need ofmore A A .. A humiIiation_.,_more felting, and pmyer, mo_refe1fe—-. 4 afii&io"t1s,},:.1nd moAretear.es«:i A I will lead youbut to i one Scrip_tu1'e,J.gnd leave itewith you. Eg.:k..4 3 .;;1 or, , * A A LI“ at-by tra-ee ll freed frommixtures, A l abylonf‘ flawrgfall; .; *4 A 39.1 .Tl:h:oul;lS0nneafma7i,[la£we the laaufc to 256503;]? of '21, film: Illa) may éezaflaamed ozlyeir irzz'g'5¢§zz'er;" mm [er zlaemj meafure tlaejmrtemc. Awd iftlaey Ea aflmmed, of allflmr lzfiloejlmvs dame 5. {law them tlaefarme ofzlae l9a:lfe,h and time fajlazm tlaereaf, the going: out zbereofi fifflél tlée cemmzng.t' in tlacreofjagzd all zherordirzmce: do ereoficmd all :hefam”:: thereof, .¢rzdA alltbe lame: atlaereofigév. AI know not finch anothertextlleein all the Bib1e,asth.i.s isforthis pur:pofe.. ’.‘ Gne man;:fayes,r the"govemmer1.tAof‘the Churcehrl0fEnglandr1s «the lbdt.-, anc'>therT , thatAthe— Scoztiflv golvermnentlis thCbCPC;‘3.'£l’1il‘(fl3'-tl1‘€it a third“ V is“beft; another,’ Othat I knew wbatvee:AeAA1he«go4ll ' A ve;mmentAand forme: of Gods houfe," prefcribed by God hlimfe1fe.A Well. WouldfE.A ‘rhoueeknowéere If A r . 3032.5: aflaamedofyom: on2nAein»igaitie5, G0d11l?lllfl76‘w)‘0il~' V I thefimnelofhiir l:IOIIf£’.;m ; A . A _ ThirdIy,lIt isvvith you alfo(right:wvorrhy &‘be10«'§ ved)t0 feethat all the erdinances of]efusChri'Pc,be rendred to the Churches in their native beauty,and that all the reliques , landr remaines of Blz%6}la;z bee quite removed. »0pm?m.armoreum allario mm indéget; A True marbleneeds no pa1nt.ing. And Gods‘ ordi-= A *nanceirsa;al1n1a1=ble, enorchalkn T fuerbeautv needs». no colouring-,-L and the .1I1‘0fi deformed ef'Go.9js or»- V dinances toragracious eye,istruIybeautifi111. Great» A: is the pomp of Gods ordinances, when freed from fa A pomp-, _ greatais their glory when freed frém omm Every ordinance is then rrbeft adminifired 5“ whenier is moft efi'e.8cual1,L and are thingismofc fL11l”ofefEC:i- cie, W hen itnisplemmfifm’, émmixtumalieni; As Winffa - or water which F doth »me£% coole , A. or c1enfelw:11ere kg: 4 W th~e*erdin:£nees_ofe;God, Mime m;zfa»aze¢ he primitive: timese‘ when the heathen wouxa pet the Cihrifiians to acruell death , -they tyed a,11_.e ving man toadead mfang, that {oz by the filthy fa- 4 vour, and {tench oftheedead carkaife; 5 they might poyfon the living man to % death; this they counted. the w0r.{’c ofd_eat;h the death ofdeaths. so when? the dead ordinancesof*‘mansIm*entins, flxetli bee tyed to thceliving o.~redman<;ees of eGod*s—appoint— nzemz. e What is ~t‘hiS,; but as *much asexm us Iyes to Vpoyfen1:he;:1iVin'o*%WithAtheee.edead 1:“ But I piraytefll fine, what L1nkinc3§:eiTe4Lh;§th tfiehgood o1*dinance»of' Cehrif"CdOnE—etO1{1S._, thatwee:fhou1d putitto foffad Ia death. And aseC hrifi faid to V the }ewes,I eelmze dares mmy good work; ;mezzgflyoue~, for whidéafalltbefeedoe _ ymrakeupflonexagainfiemef {(1) may theeordinrmceseof eCh,1.‘i£’c fay, O y mfanyof you by prea“ching';to “you gel have healed many ofyou, that were fofre brui=1’ed 5 I have ‘come. e fogmed many of you that Werefore troubled for. A which of:al1e~thefeee4doe yoeuvufeme ._t1h\uS%L1flk”iflCHye; A e n forkvl1ic11e>fTa1I"thef: doe yo'uethus:tye I‘ and .;li;nkeA A A 1 A Ameto that V,” xvhieeh ne5Ve‘r en-tred inm ftfheehea~rt0fe D God to march meewith. What Lurker faves eco1=1.:.~e e » Cérning‘ preaching, that meay,eIefay,;coneefnimgea£I‘I eetha: axe Mminifiexfi Qfaitzh V bee) think to t:ike*eour‘pedpI?eee with o*u%r .expreffions, and if'"we light upon an exp1‘e?ffidn‘ethi;1tepleafeth us A -well, A weethinkhthatfit Vfhould convert Tieverye one that he:11‘cs:1tfr0m us =_,buz: eehene the e~Aud1"t0r comes % hommm a\lete_,_,eeel1eee::fn?1eei;s man ~in::hige eggpl-@{fi%Qn.3 -t_urnes hxsback upon it , and the WhoVlee‘1vanifl1“eth., and H peqple of E:¢glam’,eIVeheav*e done L! A many good workesamong "yoiue; 7' Ihave ceogzavertted fiabyfioézisf. ih.ahd“:c”o3:ne§ .to=eno£hhing;‘e:%.ThfiT¢c'2§p1ic3.ti'0fl iS"phla3fie; andeafie, « e - A _ ‘ *Wherefore, Ihefeechyou‘, ir;Chrift’s fiead,th:2t are the headshof Tribes that nothing be ob; «$55 ‘A traded. eupcm-he ;Churches czfczmmcg but What A may cleahreiy, andplainely have jfus divimtm writu tenvand engraven upon it. . Yourwifedomes cam- not but obfervethe feverallo difcraéfions that are both in ,Churchi,; and Common-Wealth. ' If you Anali-ze the difiraéi-io‘ns._ of the Common~wealthh,* you may 4 finde flaereboy What is the A hea& of o;u1{di« flraéfionsin. the Church alfo. And in the Com- mon-Wealththis is that which troubles ,‘ that pro;-» ceedings are fo illegzrllfg 0 {ayes one, though it cofi me never fo much, yet if it were according to Iaw,I would yeeld unto it; This is that whichcuts fo deepe, fayes another, there is no law -for tluefe-,4 and the!" e courfese: rfo intheh Churc_h,Im1o_t yeeld to this, and that cufioeme, this‘ adethat Innovhiztion, forrhere is no law for it. VI “A “ A A A « But if?! thing beindifferent, ea zmnd it, then 3“: dimum is writften upon it. V A It;?5is1tohe W‘ifedome‘fl authority to pr"efe,_rve 4:113 Churches in thatiiberty, whereinh hrifchath left. them, for Authority is Tafialzzmm cuflog mm um- Ifa thing be indifferent in its owne nateure , and mi authority com- n the doing thereof offenfive to :3; Weake brother,Au- “thority cannot writefw dévinwmv upon it 5 for to‘ of» ‘fend a weak brother, 15 to defiroy him, 1Czm8h'. II .. Ofijeif. fig A;zfiv.I.; AM And‘ the deFtrur5’tio11*'h of :11 we:9J.d’:;mge‘r ,1: much _finart.,V but no danger. So inrrcgard cf th€“ChAurch 3t1d*Cosn»A mVoAn—.w.eaIrh., though the putfling oL1toff ome ram t£n%=*&m4em:bersA«m:1y Acaufe bl-c:édin.gA5 frn aka tl;Q=l1MA.§:’,,;-j‘ Varmd fume dI%{};m:bzmce,Mycpglxerc13 no danger, fpmc-2 ache,A41':.m:VVno4dangewr; 0 2:. Many 1:1‘1ings‘fcemAe tome d%ang-erousat zzdi-A A fiance, ‘tha.mArenotfo 3t"h~11flL;:‘§*’,,_ Vxfhcn 1l_A47afe1'rc>lc3.“ A was at 3 difcancc-"fro I11: AhimA, ‘itgwas turned to‘ a Wf-1%» .1 A p£:m.,. ‘and* he: fled frbm‘ it A; 4‘ bu*rVw“«henI1eeAtooke ir.byAthc t&fl€A?£t’1G§AAC0%AtI§11T€l’DdNV,'-V it wars hji"s.fr{> ‘Vin hVi‘sA Hflndagain@.A A Prifons, bA:zniAfl:unems, xniféi--— ries, atladifiancc are férpents to us A; when we comic A A xotha=:rri,are.cxcccVding com-fortable, "and our * r@Ad"AsAA A in.oA1;r’h‘ands;» A: A _ AA A V A A r 3? Suppofc thrrré were danger-.~in-a; 1'eforznationCA9"‘ H 311 g ' hand extirpation of all that’s‘Ba£}l¢m:, yet:4there’”s t more dtapger -in ‘want ef rcformatgon.‘ Vomiting Phyfickts ‘very troublefome, but dxfeafe more-%. He» that ventures againft 345910»; at ethe =tvot£tcan Ibllt; V lofehis1ife,which may bee 'taIten “aw-aybytthe @1105 fame tylef, or the turnittg f’ fome humour tn our body 3 but hee’ .t1'I73.C“P3.1‘E31{E‘S with Baéylm in therfinne, {hall pa‘-rtakc wiitrtfll-'.“‘&-IE1: in her plagues and pun1fl1m.e*nts to 1311’ ‘etemity.t ~VVh:=.tatrouh1tet did Achgm caufe, yet ‘hee was but one eman,his»;16t one, ’ and thetaBaby1eoni1‘h garment but one. 0 what trouble then will it be to fuffermany Ac/mm“, hand A “ that continually *3 Awgufiine fayes,%that whenthe A 4% V V Jeweswouldnot acknowledge Chrifi, leftthetttRca¥- A "~mans fl1ou1dcome,:a7nd take their placegin pre- he venting loffe, they loPcmoPc. They would not lofe their hearth_, and they Loft their hea.ven,, they would not'teIohfe‘»theit tp1:1ce,antd they 1oftthe_irGod;h W ta” 4. But fuppofethat there were the ~n1fo“ft ?dEm- gerin the heft rehforrntation , A is there’ not CflOL1g.11 in heaven to pay fotall *3 Nay, my he1oved,,.eVenott tthis fidethemren,” there “is? no Ion": by Chtifc in5'jlG— tfing fortCl1L‘ifi: 37210?! laaéwdo lm£2-e2i:m,It1not h:»t'ving?', wee have. I hremembctt is tvritteneett ofhforzés‘ Zz'j'm5 and (as rnyiAuth0t f:t_Ves)tw1fitten‘i1ponhi;s tomb if! his Epitaph, thus,,*E1even times in 5 wyning Av ba1tte1‘1 , I went view: out oft clue field , Ihfeemed. whorthily to.1mve defended the caurc ‘of the mife-- ‘ tab1e4 and htmgty , A againfl: ‘ethe delicate ,' fat,‘ and . g1uttdnousPtief’cs ., and’“fdrtttthat c:tu{"e:to].ha.vetire‘; ceived he‘1patthe hand of God. {VH1-‘lc theemphau . fis;,itlyes"thete, Amlforzlqarmufé. But yeeI1;we::nh 3 exampieic hhpzirticular *:‘-i A A h h _ A In rhhiszhcafe, It-':thi”m' ptxt hhimfclfe upon the exera .;c1fc h07fh1'“s.authdfrhityh in the execution hofluhftice. For fBé:l9_);la213' fionmfall. e:‘x«a'm"pie of _7ehafl:mpbat,Which his exccheding F L11} ,ahcé1 A much enc_ouraging, 2 Clara. I7. 3.: And-<1-T/96 Lordmm with febofbaybgt, ibgcdufshee walked tn the firfl ways: of btlrfczther Dzwédh. He broug11t up reformation to the A firfi infiitution, and bee was fu11ltherc:in=, forinis ‘faid, he Walked in the may.e:,not in the lafi ,of his father Dzzzzzdg . and ; foughtnot-wto 3441517’ 1, ‘ N01’ after‘ A the doing: oflfidel, ver; 4.; And fee what follmved. V W Therefore the Lord%eftzz.61i!7aed the Kz'ngdomei2z bit band, and al/judab 5iaugbt‘zo ycbofigmplmt pre cm.r,ar:d be had .9ficbé:, and honour in aéuudance, Z281'.§' .' The Prophet Haggai is moft exprcflh, andbids them coxnputég hwhc?thCr that from thcvcry day th:-uzthfiy Ict: tzheir handsm thc-2-hhuilding qfthc Temple, God di.dhnoVt Q ‘build.-t11cmupin outward memes. Certainly-,_ my A ~b}e1ovcd,,, the oncly Way to gainc , is to loft: for ‘V hGod.; A Ithis ;a “greater mercy to have ‘,V hthzitlmay Iof:-: for God, then that], may keepe formygpoe flérity. “ ‘A h V » - ‘ \\ V A Ah But] fuppoféthatra rn=an~be in-place of‘auth0r1t—y, and finde thathis hsartfhisexccéding d*U1l53:fld"_'d€3d', .:md~~..bahckWard to this Work ofhrefohmnattohn“, What Ah I-hduid’ has does that- may give wings ht0hi_s affecfti- ons,that:may mews and*quickcn.~.up.hi—s f.3iri1;;,«in thxs. itis hwiththc Mag-xfiracic herei-n5 as-with the Mini- fierie, the Way-tO prcach,,is to preach 5 the way to _ A rayer,*is:Ahpra;y¢r. Im: adgmtiam gfl gratin, The A way to grace 1s grace. God is pleafed fomctimcs “ A to come in with frefh ftrcngth, hand to give new =af~h A 9 — h A fifiancc: Babylans .’Dow'2y'aZZ; ‘ fifiaticeeinttlle heatofpteaching; V80" in-‘the= iaéis of A Ma A D A Oifiracie, God Comes in alfo inthe difpenfateion thetcof.’iW“ at it _‘ 2. VII].i= that cafe", iptefetit your fdules A with ‘ that J great ttttft that is cémittc-.d C0”iYOU,‘ 8: putupon you; ‘ IFaAM1n1£’tet when. he 13 banding away his pretious houresi betweene this, and that p1ay..book; or when he is moft prodigallt of his peoplestime (for it-is theirs not his ) ifthenl fay when het: is theft idle, A and indifpofed.toitlio-feigteat fervices, he could but realize Congtegaticn, and Vptefent before him the many foules that depentiiupon hith , and as it were i heare“ them calling iou"t.tunto»hirin'-, OiSir, fttztiyg fiudy fottoutfouies ,}.ftudy for our eternity C6135”-‘ 4 tainiy this would awaken, move, and put life into him. So ifthofe that ate_in~authotity, and ‘place of “ Magifiracie , would but prefentthemfeives with thofe many thoufands that have entrufied them with theithbetttes, eftates, lives; I almoft {aid A c0ni{'ciences,i and eternitiest, ifurely ittwould be ex«_- ceeding quickning, and helipfull. A 4.. ‘n Confidet yeur prefent opottunityt OpOfti’H Amity 0I1uCClOflZ,’,i is never -recovered.» My woilfdsflzmllr know mt“) flattery 5:; never did England ,fee a Parlia-V merit more fitted forthe fervice and work of God, tthen this now is. A quivet~fo~»fu11 «of chofen and "4 ‘poiifhed fhafts for the Liotdtsiiwottk; I have often thought that God Woulddeale by our ptefent Pat» 7 liamentary afiembly“, as Sampflvn did deale with _ the Jaw-bone, wherewith hee had flaitte heaps-of the Philiftines , WhiiCh,4.W‘i‘)€fl’i1C?:i‘1?.d"(iQ}fl=€~, "hee V i ‘ threw it awayt 5 but.aftCr;WatdS~th1rPc1flg}..3fld b€{fl=Sa ~fl.«.zbylan:‘f13own/lzll. W meta dye for want of water,‘ God I°en~thi~m hach m his Jaw-bone a?gaine,a nd tells: him that he Wou1& T ciezwe that, and -open a Fountame of wateretoh him {mm thence. So harsh God uf'ed%t"his greatePar:1ia« 4 menmry ordinance far theeflaying of many AI-’hi1i'_- 1‘%.in‘esA; but, in thefe latter htimes , tlais jzwv-bone of esurs hath ebeene,tl1rowne mvay, edefpifed in the eyes df th_eworId 5' and itmaybeeheinow God}: will open a fountaxfxe of water *fi*om hence , the:-I: 1' iweemayall‘ be revived,and live thereby. _Where. ‘ fore then let al1'thofethat are of this honourable affembly, think ;It maybe Godhath raifed mee up to thishtime e_., 311 thehwhile I was at theU.niv'er{i~ ty,eG0d wzzslaying eif1*ofab1l1t1es;mvmmeeducation foremis wbccafidn 5 angl flmllllofehthis 0portuni- 'ty , 4 Oportunitm indimtw virum, oportunityi fhewes V the mran, A and makes the man, andhfomerimeshath the cafiinhg voycehforhmans eternxty. X A " A h 4. 4 onfider this alfo, that iefref'o1°m:3tion* be not .11oW wrought, ourfinneh and ghuj1t—willbhcgrea:tex' h then ever it Was. Th1sParhamem:,”t1mc 15 aeCom- . mencerhenttime fare good or “_€'ViHi,’; A take a good *w*ork,’andhthough itwere never fo p'rivate,and per-9 11 fonall , yet if it pafib in this houfe , it does com-I menhce nationalle“: fotakean_ev1Il,h_ and thmighit were nevey {'0 private before, hyethifitepafle here,ei1: A A wie:1h1‘t.:ikeah higher d'eg’ree,and commence nationall W‘ickedi1efl'e; this is a f'ea1'efi1ll evill , and very A M dreadful}, that a perfonall finne fhould become ‘ma-— tiotmll. ‘Ieknhow you are unwillingthar. any finne fhou1dI’ceaIeit’s degree 5 as therefore you doe dc... fire that no hperfonall‘ finne “ifhould become~hnaetio— e A W A A nail; ‘$4-'1 M x, ‘ ‘ V ¢ . pl m_,Azm,_¢22a..¢A;9;.:.n.. . mifig Ibcfeechyou.‘inChriARs -ffcead ,4 IetAfl?1eArefoAe~ 7 mation be full and perfeét , and let" everyman fay5 » "Bkzégzlm fljall fall, I 31AfdAWiAlA1Ae e‘iea:avea. twee ine it, and {he alder at D:mm“cwit{a2't, damn; wi‘:hefi,7wPh:AxaAA:be -» 2 And eifyou be a Minifier a your :1 my A-._;~, one1ye(as Lather phxfafes ite);e:1efiA?4'y‘o‘;ir;kngwledge " be i.nca1mte into godly; pteaétiiie e;%e*good weeks are faith incarnate, knvowledge in7Aczirnate;‘.e§;Now vou " A feed }’i1]72M 533:I_?3«,_I'§ ,1:-7L,%_vA1f17—haAtwheh itliechieidreh 05 e met wen}: ‘t11l:3«:owAloA7?4i2z)z”, th ofe P riefiéthat bare V the Arkofthc fierI’rt<>e eentcrepon the Weatee1‘se,~%& ts_0_thc enidfl ofthem Atil11»a»l1e "Ifrael % A paft over. The; Water defths‘ no»teafi3Ei6tionA,thc feetjof thofevt11at~b:zre*t~he Aifk,afie.etoe~be firf’c iAhA'danger,anAd V there to Pca‘n,dAti11a1l‘be over.»,AI“n‘ the place before _ ‘ A mentioned, ‘Em_k.544.., :_ o4,eIe1,:»2 .{ Gods threatningAi1s . A very+~teAriiib1e,%As if»‘he¢— fl1‘o?u1AdA*f'ay, EérA thefe Lea vites t1m;fiAgoeAeAa.&ray when?Ifi-ael*gAoeesza;{tray , A and doe admit the“ufiAc‘ircAumeCifed in eheartm: myn_eho‘ly “ theings~,thAAoughthey be-fiifi"e1*ediz1Amine hAoufe , yet th7ey~vfl~1 :11 but do the out-works thAereo£,Aas;ffor thof e e inwa1~d;thinAgseif mine h,Mo»ufe,. 'aIAndfeLf"A‘e 7, -they final} not beuadmittcd m telieni 3 410:5 tAhemA:. Tlwough they mgiy preach fomeoutward truthes; A sw?11AAici1:11eyeeAmay read of in bo01c*s:,% 5retfort’n 40feein4 % Ward fecret h@‘art»thvingeS of theA Covenant ,1 will never trufi them Vviph them they {h 3.11‘ A not deraw nettre id me; OVtheAref"o re‘A7bAe1oved,, that wee ecoulede denieeeoure own9knA0Aw ledge, wifediomes ,; pa1‘ts,A gifts, 1ibcrties,;}and Aa1—I.that’s ours -inethisgreat fe1+vice.; V V V But ifa mans condition 3 . a nd'fi?;te bee‘privAatee, Quefl. % A 15.7113: Qrnfw. I. 1 71 emf: the people were :29: prepare a) abyion: .flomnfi:l2'§ , A iwhat m.ufi:., hee doe, to heipforward thefall ofmé . « 5 !om"— - Take hee,d:t.hat thou do .:ugthigi_g to hinder Gods i publikedefigneq by your priva'Ee,,pra6fiEes, put a_-» way the evill of all your doings, Iefi; your private . wickedneffe dOgP0fle7C oéicemto Gods proceedings; ’ V, ,AcI'7cm14iwicked' neiie was committediu the dart]-:, A, and -with, muchprivacie, i yet what influence had it AifltC5pL1b1ik,Cr.fnii‘€‘1'y » Mzriam and Aaronmurmured againftiflafofir, and " envied at him, for »whicHTHEE was ftricken withle- profie, whereby the whole congregation was flay- ‘cd, and their match hiz,1dered.,It,is faid 2 Cbrorz. _,2o.v. ‘ 3 3. that the hi hi iI'ace,s‘weret1ot ulled downe,6e. caufe,the ?Prm.v:e_iwas not prepared,; or the grant one: not,prepared,. but becaufetheptaple were not prepa- red. It is in regardi of truth , as -in regard of er- ‘ \ ror in- this particular, though the Baker may have , falfeto it1icon,,ar1d_ made it ready, yet asthe Proophei {in ca, peaks, and as 2421612 intocrpiréts the placqhe Fetsfnoftini tillothc epeople }_yar--. med, and prepared yfofiffiy So for a truth a116,. ‘or 9.. kneaded his douvh, that is, his Oven eat, that is the heart oft publike mercy, and deliverance, though God have i provided it forapeople ,, _i_ yet: , it is ,no:t handed to L them, and fey; in._.ti1l their heargg bexvarmed i & pre- w parcd foriif You." may obi'e_r”{7é th_erf'ore,ethat.when A A peuitentiall Pfalm for his own after much fuppliczztion forthe par; 7 Davzd had made his finue, Pp]. 5 I . don ofhisiowne evill, and for grace, and comfort he comes atlaft in the :8. 1/,8-r._tQ,t,h,iS‘pCfitioIr1; A Déé c i i i i A good V for: eLard; not be-_-_ I A B?‘£:9?l9’35‘j)9W”fi1ll#h: A gem in thy goad; pleafure mate S ion, Plbgv comes y that in here: Yes,y when a man -hath OI_:1:CC1“€pC£’1tC.C{ of his qwnc firme, andcIea1rc~d that%.reckh<:ming,thcn he is fittcl’: to ask mercy f5?EhFC‘hurc:h , andhtilyt, than unfi‘_t..y T hercfore though in A regard of your ownc foglgg, your owgg ctcrnitic,yo.u will not part wigh your ofinc hhnes , yet xfyyou havcany pitty, any comaifion, any bowclls towards youruownc Countr or Churches of God:_., put awaythe cvilly hfal your mugs. A k A " . . A M 2. Though your coradi«tio.n~ bC“HCV_C1‘»fO privatc, you maydifcovcrythc‘ waycs of Bméylcm, thcworks, and Cnmplotmhcnts of the Babylonifl1partyy:andy "the difcovcry of cvhi11.is.»ha1fc it“’s: mine, as the Apo- A fl1cf‘pc::aks,2 Tim. 3y.yg. yfbejfljall proccedmrhfurrber, I for thezrfblfiv [ball lienmde mafzzfefl :0 M’; “ »1 AA A A 3. You may éeleeve downe the wa11syo~fBa5ylam ‘ Fajth removes mouyntaincs, though ; it becfbuty a grain: 5 By it the w_yas1=Isf0f }éki¢ba¢fc1hl1,,,in'ythe‘hlyohwa A mg ofthofc poorc Ramm'cs_hornes. And the‘: walls ofiaricba wcrc- bziiltupto heaven , furely then the A walls yof"Ba5jlo;z cannot“ bee higher; W'hercforc fcekc ~ourhthfcpmmi17cs, andthrhatnimgs, fat your heart towards tfiem, bears your fclves up-tmythe m,7 A‘ . urge, and.prefI'cGod by vchrtuc ofthcm , anhdfayr, .h though it be vcry unlikely that Bsaéylazz ihouldfall, yetGod hath thus , and thus Apromifcd , thus and thusythrcatknhcd,’ and he-is faithfu1I,. _herc I will flay, A4 and hcrcI*1c wait. j ‘ I‘ A I . ~ 4 y A A 4. Ycpu mayfpread the hlafphemies of thcWB_3.- hylonifh faétionin; the eyes of h§':2.vcnh, Thushyyy dxdy Hez»?kzLa«,fg 26: . A eurfe. A» A» e t A A6. T'l1ough your condition 5% and Rattan be ne- A A vet foprtvate you may aceordmg to yom'p1ace,«% Eabylens .fiow7gfali.* % Hezekiah when ekaéjbméeh b1afp~hem4ed,V and Wee know how itprevailed. GYC3f,.3fld~ grievous have the b1afphemies5beene Wherewith the men of Be. " fiylm have blafphemedthe Saints 4 of’ God , andtt the 1 footfiepsfof his AAnnotym:e.dt,* which God,~t:1kesas% ’ done agaitxfi himfelfe, andfo repayes them, £ztz£.t - 3e5'.q..12. compared’ with the I3": verfe. In the I 2 \| ‘o verfe.iti:s f3;id<;, ‘I havehezzrd «Wthy élaffzbemiexzvhécb A gboalmfl fiapéén aga1Iw2fl"zba rizomtaiaex of l_'f27‘ziE11,:~f@yv'z'fl(g', they are lay! dejbiam, they aragiwen M! to czmfigme : LB or W A in the I 3 tverfe thcfe Words are changed Upan them, ’ as if theywere fpoken againfl: God hiznfelfea 7’/mi” withyzmr mouth: Lyon {mm éaafiedtagainff mefi , ma’ me mwrzflyedyourewerds czgazinflme. ThC1‘€f‘O1'eC?;t the 14.; ovettfefollotwes the pu‘nifl1ment. The fpreadtingof‘ ' their hellifh blafphemies ,7" is exceeding prevalent F Wi,ihGo"d, and V61‘? Potent. V A V '-, 5 . You may ufe a1?Ithe.‘I7nte1'eflt. you have immea- ven, and Whatfoever credit you have there , im- proveitgvvhich weebefeech youdoe nowjri this particular. , curfe 3 the prafiices and complotmentstofall the I enemies.t Doth not Ia‘c95 feemefito A pro-neounce at "curfe upon the praétigsesotftsimemgand Lwi,tho::1gh‘ “ hisowne child'ren5 Gm. 49.7; Cuffed; 55 their wrath fin‘ it mm‘ _a:Vue.l!,é)’.r:. for 22.4. their anger tfieyflezw a man) and in tiaeér jéyzg wiZI'rI9 ey ¢i;'gg’d% dowmf at wafl.- hat A gt-Sth_€"€11d€3VOMtI'70f the Babylonians, but to d'igge~ A d’o*wne~ tYourtpfl1*ayers tputsu them under Gods $a15_yZo'n.;_73o;:2?_1fi¢al?’. ciowne the Walls‘ of Ierufalemfind ofour ptoteéfion. O my foule tomenot thou iIltOt.vthC'i'1‘_~:fCC1‘€f. God V e,hathicom1nan:iCd_ thatTr.fl«!e2’ofla mould’ bee cutfeci, A lafldfurfede bitterly; vbecaiufe they went not forth. . to help .the,Lordsagainft the mighty. How biitter-* ljr ther1a1‘e they to be curfed,that goe f‘o1'th to help” ti1emighty againft theLord; i A o It was :1 Statute,» 3: a Law in Ifr.4eI,ti1at if atiyite-» A I tnoved the ancieentland—mati1*e FA cor;"e4.5% our nmmeifl of fpeak~ pr 1;“ A * ,.§_«.,1.go;,o “If: any fio;r:1ie orfire uAb1e* ari.-Fe upon the Ohm A 4 I A A ; ehesaj A 34?a,CW' _ A A V A A A A A A A J ehes, weeasre ready to break forth inta difpozqdcm % . c_onclufi0ns,fay_ing', God is.now_g’one,mercy:r A gone,1A.:he ordinanres gone, weewerein-good h.Qpe A -Jto have feene goodrdayes , the mine of 7t11ej{Cl-1ur;- 9 I ‘ Oéjeff. % Avie- Yfe 2;." A. " fiabylazzr ’13a;r2nf4ll.. At %{ cjhes et~1eniiVes'-, r but rheydoer fo prevai1e,jas that. ‘- wee hsiveno hope atall in this particu1ar., But: though the«exttrernity of the Church bee never F9 tgreat, and thcAenemies ‘never {'0 flourifhing, wee A A oughtto fay, __AThey arefal.leii, they are fallen. ’ But how can wee Afpeake thus when an utter) im robability, and unIike1iho%odAAdWel1suponthe“ rburncffer M V T _ WA A M Yes. For wh‘enGod defiroyeshisencmies, he: either takes} them. away by :1. we-ake hand‘ ,§as _7e~r.e V50. Tlieleafi afthefiacke jball draw them our; 015 A they {hall perifh by theirowne hands, as P_[2zlnz.9.. t A 1 6. A The wicked irfrmred in the mark ofbi: om Mad: 3 Or theyfhall be deflroyed without hands,Asjo5 34. A 20. The mzgbty. [ball Eeettakcn away without _b4rzd.rA.t And is this true may the foule fay , that the ene- mies ofthe Ctheurch fhall pcrifhrby 2% Weak: hand,; A or bysthcir owner h'anAdf, twithjout hands _; * then will I never fin.ke,and defpaireiu my heart,or give‘. I A till language to Gods faithfulnefle, thought_he“con-r V A _dition»pf Gods AC.hurcAhesLbeneverAf'olomthought ‘ A r theCoAndition of the c_nemiAes"_beneverfo highs‘ t A 4 ~ e IfwAeer%are to Af'peake"of this worke ”, asif it were done a1ready,»~ when it is not done indeed; A then how contrary are thofeto Gods word,'Awho4! A fayit is met done When}: is done indeed. That W ' A willmnot acknowledge Gods Worke, that fay on A A the t L ‘/99. 9024: 0fh£¢ve%zr5"~inot_~re;?miv51tg A A .I5g.IQgII.. ‘ut-t I.h0prQt.1§€tEiC17».ttH;ifl.g3A0'f Yfiiug ant! _ A A fuchAAasacceAmpany falxvafion. One1yAA11owifthe1‘e 4 A bee .ahy here , that h.*1.AVeAA‘givenany affifiance ‘ta.-- A Bnbylazt-ffabytpen, tongue,A. or hand,;,. let: them re--A; ' pent. O Cvtryrone, repent. you of your fupclfti-A A t1'orA1_.,rep‘ent, repent yAoxj:ttttt,_.,_:%AI"“‘eAAAA£’r ’tyoq;partake with E4... . 6}/Ion in all ther-p1agues,.zind' ’to‘iA‘rnet1ts to a1lAeterni- tt tie.‘ Alldremember that fpeech of Godte: C. ‘ “ “ “ I I x, ‘ ‘ > 1" >1‘: r ‘ «,4» “ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1!‘; I ‘W umlm. ‘4"» ‘ W-‘flu ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I -.r ‘~w“~m . ¢ at w ‘ , W «. % p;e.m~¢;:.s;Apr.:s4:.% M % A ;7Ata«Co,mmittcc;o“f the Commonsfioufc oFPat11a;n;nr, «A for%1§c:nc:ng%ofBor;~1§§g ’ ~ % ~ ~ * NW4‘ M, ‘ ii‘ It i §c%arcI¢ircdwAtVV1:1ft"t? ;h'is;Ssrt1ioh ¢FM.‘3r5d£,€€%bé; P&'1.E>m’1*'-‘Ad ' : VA ; i[{ x‘51ight=ar1d Baronet» 3” W _....1.a...__. »zvazow~a11»:I:azvowe:,anA we % V , L W ‘ " .. . . , ' ‘ ‘ H ‘ H V , ‘ ‘. I H V ‘ ‘ I v-,,, ‘ ‘ ‘. ‘ , \- ‘ a W L: ‘ ‘ 4! fium, “ ‘ 4 .‘ W '- ‘ ~‘ Hi .1 ‘ . « - W 7.‘ ,1 “A. U" T \ ‘ ~“ ~— « - - . u.. ~ ‘ . .. W: ‘ 9 ‘ _ ‘ A ‘ 3 ‘ “ v ‘ ‘ 15} ‘ ‘A - ‘ F" V“ "' ‘)3, ‘ 17 ‘ . u R, M. ,w. 4. x ' M,‘ T» .4 I * ' ' m: , MN I » . ,‘ ‘ u .,.; " M “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ,-"<‘ ‘u, ' ,1 yt "‘ .- ..' :\ .“ . ‘ <.